Quotes and Images From The Works of George Meredith

By George Meredith

The Project Gutenberg EBook of Quotes and Images From The Works of George
Meredith, by George Meredith, Edited and Arranged by David Widger

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Title: Quotes and Images From The Works of George Meredith

Author: George Meredith
        Edited and Arranged by David Widger

Release Date: August 29, 2004 [EBook #7550]
[Last updated on February 19, 2007]

Language: English


Produced by David Widger





George Meredith in 1893

The Sitting Room, Flint Cottage--May 18th 1909

Age 35

Age 68

Age 69

Age 72

Age 80

A lover must have his delusions, just
as a man must have a skin

A madman gets madder when you talk
reason to him

A night that had shivered repose

A dash of conventionalism makes the
whole civilized world kin

A string of pearls: a woman who goes
beyond that's in danger

A wound of the same kind that we are

A tear would have overcome him--She had
not wept

A tragic comedian: that is, a grand
pretender, a self-deceiver

A fleet of South-westerly rain-clouds
had been met in mid-sky

A bone in a boy's mind for him to gnaw
and worry

A kind of anchorage in case of

A cloud of millinery shoots me off a
mile from a woman

A woman's at the core of every plot man

A witty woman is a treasure; a witty
Beauty is a power

A high wind will make a dead leaf fly
like a bird

A kindly sense of superiority

A young philosopher's an old fool!

A bird that won't roast or boil or stew

A woman, and would therefore listen to

A male devotee is within an inch of a

A great oration may be a sedative

A very doubtful benefit

A generous enemy is a friend on the
wrong side

A woman is hurt if you do not confide
to her your plans

A woman who has mastered sauces sits on
the apex of civilization

A style of affable omnipotence about
the wise youth

A maker of Proverbs--what is he but a
narrow mind wit

A fortress face; strong and massive,
and honourable in ruin

A dumb tongue can be a heavy liar

A common age once, when he married her;
now she had grown old

A share of pity for the objects she

A woman rises to her husband.  But a
man is what he is

A stew's a stew, and not a boiling to

A marriage without love is dishonour

A plunge into the deep is of little

A sixpence kindly meant is worth any
crown-piece that's grudged

A man to be trusted with the keys of

A free-thinker startles him as a kind
of demon

A female free-thinker is one of Satan's

A wise man will not squander his
laughter if he can help it

A man who rejected medicine in

A lady's company-smile

A country of compromise goes to pieces
at the first cannon-shot

A youth who is engaged in the
occupation of eating his heart

A whisper of cajolery in season is
often the secret

A superior position was offered her by
her being silent

A contented Irishman scarcely seems my

Abject sense of the lack of a

Above all things I detest the writing
for money

Above Nature, I tell him, or, we shall
be very much below

Absolute freedom could be the worst of

Accidents are the specific for averting
the maladies of age

Accounting his tight blue tail coat and
brass buttons a victory

Accounting for it, is not the same as

Accustomed to be paid for by his

Acting is not of the high class which
conceals the art

Active despair is a passion that must
be superseded

Add on a tired pipe after dark, and a
sound sleep to follow

Adept in the lie implied

Admirable scruples of an inveterate

Admiration of an enemy or oppressor
doing great deeds

Admires a girl when there's no married
woman or widow in sight

Adversary at once offensive and
helpless provokes brutality

Advised not to push at a shut gate

Affected misapprehensions

Affectedly gentle and unusually
roundabout opening

After forty, men have married their

After five years of marriage, and
twelve of friendship

After a big blow, a very little one
scarcely counts

Agostino was enjoying the smoke of
paper cigarettes

Ah! how sweet to waltz through life
with the right partner

Ah!  we're in the enemy's country now

Ah! we fall into their fictions

Aimlessness of a woman's curiosity

Alike believe that Providence is for

All of us an ermined owl within us to
sit in judgement

All concessions to the people have been
won from fear

All passed too swift for happiness

All women are the same--Know one, know

All that Matey and Browny were
forbidden to write they looked

All are friends who sit at table

All flattery is at somebody's expense

Allowed silly sensitiveness to prevent
the repair

Although it blew hard when Caesar
crossed the Rubicon

Always the shout for more produced it

Am I ill?  I must be hungry!

Am I thy master, or thou mine?

Americans forgivingly remember, without

Amiable mirror as being wilfully
ruffled to confuse

Among boys there are laws of honour and
chivalrous codes

Amused after their tiresome work of

An edge to his smile that cuts much
like a sneer

An obedient creature enough where he
must be

An angry woman will think the worst

An incomprehensible world indeed at the
bottom and at the top

An instinct labouring to supply the
deficiencies of stupidity

An old spoiler of women is worse than
one spoiled by them!

And now came war, the purifier and the

And so Farewell my young Ambition! and
with it farewell all true

And he passed along the road, adds the

And, ladies, if you will consent to be
likened to a fruit

And her voice, against herself, was for

And one gets the worst of it (in any

And it's one family where the dog is
pulled by the collar

And not any of your grand ladies can
match my wife at home

And to these instructions he gave an
aim: "First be virtuous"

And not be beaten by an acknowledged

And never did a stroke of work in my

And life said, Do it, and death said,
To what end?

Anecdotist to slaughter families for
the amusement

Anguish to think of having bent the
knee for nothing

Anticipate opposition by initiating

Any man is in love with any woman

Any excess pushes to craziness

Appealed to reason in them; he would
not hear of convictions

Appetite to flourish at the cost of the

Arch-devourer Time

Are we practical?' penetrates the bosom
of an English audience

Aristocratic assumption of licence

Arm'd with Fear the Foe finds passage
to the vital part

Arrest the enemy by vociferations of
persistent prayer

Art of despising what he coveted

Art of speaking on politics tersely

As when nations are secretly preparing
for war

As to wit, the sneer is the cloak of

As secretive as they are sensitive

As the Lord decided, so it would end!
"Oh, delicious creed!"

As well ask (women) how a battle-field
concerns them!

As faith comes--no saying how; one
swears by them

As if she had never heard him
previously enunciate the formula

As little trouble as the heath when the
woods are swept

As if the age were the injury!

As for titles, the way to defend them
is to be worthy of them

As fair play as a woman's lord could
give her

As for comparisons, they are flowers
thrown into the fire

As in all great oratory!  The key of it
is the pathos

As becomes them, they do not look ahead

Ashamed of letting his ears be filled
with secret talk

Ask not why, where reason never was

Ask pardon of you, without excusing

Assist in our small sphere; not come
mouthing to the footlights

At the age of forty, men that love love

At war with ourselves, means the best
happiness we can have

Attacked my conscience on the cowardly

Automatic creature is subject to the
laws of its construction

Avoid the position that enforces

Back from the altar to discover that
she has chained herself

Bad laws are best broken

Bad luck's not repeated every day Keep
heart for the good

Bade his audience to beware of princes

Bandied the weariful shuttlecock of

Barriers are for those who cannot fly

Be philosophical, but accept your
personal dues

Be politic and give her elbow-room for
her natural angles

Be what you seem, my little one

Be on your guard the next two minutes
he gets you alone

Be good and dull, and please everybody

Be the woman and have the last word!

Bear in mind that we are
sentimentalists--The eye is our servant

Beauchamp's career

Beautiful servicelessness

Beautiful women in her position provoke
an intemperateness

Beautiful women may believe themselves

Beauty is rare; luckily is it rare

Because you loved something better than

Because he stood so high with her now
he feared the fall

Because men can't abide praise of
another man

Becoming air of appropriation that made
it family history

Bed was a rock of refuge and fortified

Began the game of Pull

Beginning to have a movement to kiss
the whip

Behold the hero embarked in the
redemption of an erring beauty

Being heard at night, in the nineteenth

Being in heart and mind the brother to
the sister with women

Belief in the narrative by promoting
nausea in the audience

Believed in her love, and judged it by
the strength of his own

Bent double to gather things we have
tossed away

Better for men of extremely opposite
opinions not to meet

Between love grown old and indifference
ageing to love

Beware the silent one of an assembly!

Beyond a plot of flowers, a gold-green
meadow dipped to a ridge

Bitten hard at experience, and know the
value of a tooth

Borrower to be dancing on Fortune's
tight-rope above the old abyss

Botched mendings will only make them

Bound to assure everybody at table he
was perfectly happy

Bounds of his intelligence closed their
four walls

Boys, of course--but men, too!

Boys are unjust

Boys who can appreciate brave deeds are
capable of doing them

Braggadocioing in deeds is only next
bad to mouthing it

Brains will beat Grim Death if we have
enough of them

Brief negatives are not re-assuring to
a lover's uneasy mind

British hunger for news; second only to
that for beef

Brittle is foredoomed

Brotherhood among the select who wear
masks instead of faces

But I leave it to you

But a woman must now and then
ingratiate herself

But great, powerful London--the new
universe to her spirit

But to strangle craving is indeed to go
through a death

But the flower is a thing of the
season; the flower drops off

But you must be beautiful to please
some men

But they were a hopeless couple, they
were so friendly

But the key to young men is the
ambition, or, in the place of it.....

But love for a parent is not merely

But a great success is full of

But what is it we do (excepting
cricket, of course)

But is there such a thing as happiness

But had sunk to climb on a firmer

By our manner of loving we are known

By forbearance, put it in the wrong

By resisting, I made him a tyrant

By nature incapable of asking pardon

Cajoled like a twenty-year-old yahoo at

Call of the great world's appetite for
more (Invented news)

Calm fanaticism of the passion of love

Can you not be told you are perfect
without seeking to improve

Can believe a woman to be any age when
her cheeks are tinted

Can a man go farther than his nature?

Cannot be any goodness unless it is a
practiced goodness

Canvassing means intimidation or

Capacity for thinking should precede
the act of writing

Capricious potentate whom they worship

Careful not to smell of his office

Carry explosives and must particularly
guard against sparks

Carry a scene through in virtue's name
and vice's mask

Causes him to be popularly weighed

Centres of polished barbarism known as
aristocratic societies

Challenged him to lead up to her
desired stormy scene

Charges of cynicism are common against
all satirists

Charitable mercifulness; better than
sentimental ointment

Charity that supplied the place of
justice was not thanked

Chaste are wattled in formalism and
throned in sourness

Cheerful martyr

Childish faith in the beneficence of
the unseen Powers who feed us

Chose to conceive that he thought

Circumstances may combine to make a
whisper as deadly as a blow

Civil tongue and rosy smiles sweeten
even sour wine

Claim for equality puts an end to the
priceless privileges

Clotilde fenced, which is half a

Cock-sure has crowed low by sunset

Cold curiosity

Cold charity to all

Come prepared to be not very well
satisfied with anything

Comfortable have to pay in occasional
panics for the serenity

Command of countenance the Countess

Commencement of a speech proves that
you have made the plunge

Common voice of praise in the mouths of
his creditors

Common sense is the secret of every
successful civil agitation

Compared the governing of the Irish to
the management of a horse

Comparisons will thrust themselves on
minds disordered

Compassionate sentiments veered round
to irate amazement

Complacent languor of the wise youth

Compliment of being outwitted by their
own offspring

Compromise is virtual death

Conduct is never a straight index where
the heart's involved

Confess no more than is necessary, but
do everything you can

Confident serenity inspired by evil

Consciousness of some guilt when vowing
itself innocent

Consent to take life as it is

Consent of circumstances

Conservative, whose astounded state
paralyzes his wrath

Consign discussion to silence with the
cynical closure

Constitutionally discontented

Consult the family means--waste your

Contempt of military weapons and
ridicule of the art of war

Contemptuous exclusiveness could not go

Continued trust in the man--is the
alternative of despair

Convict it by instinct without the
ceremony of a jury

Convictions we store--wherewith to
shape our destinies

Convictions are generally first

Convincing themselves that they
impersonate sagacity

Cordiality of an extreme relief in

Could we--we might be friends

Could peruse platitudes upon that theme
with enthusiasm

Could not understand enthusiasm for the
schoolmaster's career

Could the best of men be simply--a
woman's friend?

Could have designed this gabbler for
the mate

Could affect me then, without being
flung at me

Country can go on very well without so
much speech-making

Country enclosed us to make us feel
snug in our own importance

Country prizing ornaments higher than

Courage to grapple with his pride and
open his heart was wanting

Cover of action as an escape from

Cowardice is even worse for nations
than for individual men

Crazy zigzag of policy in almost every
stroke (of history)

Creatures that wait for circumstances
to bring the change

Critical fashion of intimates who know
as well as hear

Critical in their first glance at a
prima donna

Cupid clipped of wing is a destructive

Curious thing would be if curious
things should fail to happen

Dahlia, the perplexity to her sister's
heart, lay stretched....

Damsel who has lost the third volume of
an exciting novel

Dangerous things are uttered after the
third glass

Dark-eyed Renee was not beauty but

Days when you lay on your back and the
sky rained apples

Dead Britons are all Britons, but live
Britons are not quite brothers

Death is always next door

Death within which welcomed a death

Death is only the other side of the

Death is our common cloak; but Calamity

Debit was eloquent, he was unanswerable

Decency's a dirty petticoat in the
Garden of Innocence

Decent insincerity

Decline to practise hypocrisy

Dedicated to the putrid of the upper

Deeds only are the title

Deep as a mother's, pure as a virgin's,
fiery as a saint's

Defiance of foes and (what was harder
to brave) of friends

Delay in thine undertaking Is disaster
of thy own making

Depending for dialogue upon perpetual
fresh supplies of scandal

Depreciating it after the fashion of
chartered hypocrites.

Desire of it destroyed it

Despises hostile elements and goes

Despises the pomades and curling-irons
of modern romance

Determine that the future is in our
debt, and draw on it

Detestable feminine storms enveloping
men weak enough

Detested titles, invented by the

Developing stiff, solid, unobtrusive
men, and very personable women

Dialectical stiffness

Dialogue between  Nature and

Did not know the nature of an oath, and
was dismissed

Didn't say a word  No use in talking
about feelings

Dignitary, and he passed under the
bondage of that position

Dignity of sulking so seductive to the
wounded spirit of man

Discover the writers in a day when all
are writing!

Discreet play with her eyelids in our

Disqualification of constantly
offending prejudices

Dissent rings out finely, and approval
is a feeble murmur

Distaste for all exercise once

Distinguished by his not allowing
himself to be provoked

Distrust us, and it is a declaration of

Dithyrambic inebriety of narration

Divided lovers in presence

Do I serve my hand? or, Do I serve my

Do you judge of heroes as of lesser

Dogmatic arrogance of a just but
ignorant man

Dogs die more decently than we men

Dogs' eyes have such a sick look of

Dose he had taken was not of the

Drank to show his disdain of its powers

Dreaded as a scourge, hailed as a
refreshment (Scandal-sheet)

Dreads our climate and coffee too much
to attempt the voyage

Drink is their death's river, rolling
them on helpless

Dudley was not gifted to read behind
words and looks

Earl of Cressett fell from his coach-box
in a fit

Eating, like scratching, only wants a

Eccentric behaviour in trifles

Effort to be reticent concerning Nevil,
and communicative

Efforts to weary him out of his project
were unsuccessful

Elderly martyr for the advancement of
his juniors

Embarrassments of an uncongenial

Emilia alone of the party was as a blot
to her

Eminently servile is the tolerated

Empanelled to deliver verdicts upon the
ways of women

Empty stomachs are foul counsellors

Empty magnanimity which his uncle
presented to him

Enamoured young men have these notions

Enemy's laugh is a bugle blown in the

Energy to something, that was not to be
had in a market

England's the foremost country of the

English antipathy to babblers

English maids are domesticated savage

Enjoys his luxuries and is ashamed of
his laziness

Enthusiasm struck and tightened the
loose chord of scepticism

Enthusiasm has the privilege of not
knowing monotony

Enthusiast, when not lyrical, is
perilously near to boring

Envy of the man of positive knowledge

Equally acceptable salted when it
cannot be had fresh

Everlastingly in this life the better
pays for the worse

Every failure is a step advanced

Every woman that's married isn't in
love with her husband

Every church of the city lent its iron
tongue to the peal

Everywhere the badge of subjection is a
poor stomach

Exceeding variety and quantity of
things money can buy

Excellent is pride; but oh! be sure of
its foundations

Excess of a merit is a capital offence
in morality

Excited, glad of catastrophe if it but
killed monotony

Expectations dupe us, not trust

Explaining of things to a dull head

Externally soft and polished,
internally hard and relentless

Exuberant anticipatory trustfulness

Exult in imagination of an escape up to
the moment of capture

Eyes of a lover are not his own; but
his hands and lips are

Face betokening the perpetual smack of

Failures oft are but advising friends

Faith works miracles.  At least it
allows time for them


Far higher quality is the will that can
subdue itself to wait

Fast growing to be an eccentric by

Fatal habit of superiority stopped his

Father and she were aware of one
another without conversing

Father used to say, four hours for a
man, six for a woman

Favour can't help coming by rotation

Fear nought so much as Fear itself

Feel no shame that I do not feel!

Feel they are not up to the people they
are mixing with

Feeling, nothing beyond a lively
interest in her well-being

Feigned utter condemnation to make
partial comfort acceptable

Fell to chatting upon the nothings
agreeably and seriously

Feminine pity, which is nearer to
contempt than to tenderness

Feminine; coming when she willed and
flying when wanted

Festive board provided for them by the
valour of their fathers

Few feelings are single on this globe

Few men can forbear to tell a spicy
story of their friends

Fiddle harmonics on the sensual strings

Fine eye for celestially directed
consequences is ever haunted

Fine Shades were still too dominant at

Finishing touches to the negligence

Fire smoothes the creases

Fires in the grates went through the
ceremony of warming nobody

Fit of Republicanism in the nursery

Flashes bits of speech that catch men
in their unguarded corner

Flung him, pitied him, and passed on

Foamy top is offered and gulped as
equivalent to an idea

Foe can spoil my face; he beats me if
he spoils my temper

Foist on you their idea of your idea at
the moment

Fond, as they say, of his glass and his

Foolish trick of thinking for herself

For 'tis Ireland gives England her
soldiers, her generals too

Forewarn readers of this history that
there is no plot in it

Forgetfulness is like a closing sea

Fortitude leaned so much upon the irony

Forty seconds too fast, as if it were a
capital offence

Found by the side of the bed,
inanimate, and pale as a sister of

Found it difficult to forgive her his
own folly

Found that he 'cursed better upon

Fourth of the Georges

Frankness as an armour over wariness

Fretted by his relatives he cannot be
much of a giant

Friend he would not shake off, but
could not well link with

Friendship, I fancy, means one heart
between two

From head to foot nothing better than a
moan made visible

Frozen vanity called pride, which does
not seek to be revenged

Full-o'-Beer's a hasty chap

Fun, at any cost, is the one object
worth a shot

Further she read, "Which is the coward
among us?"

Generally he noticed nothing

Gentlefolks like straight-forwardness
in their inferiors

Gentleman who does so much 'cause he
says so little

Gentleman in a good state of

Get back  what we give

Giant Vanity urged Giant Energy to make
use of Giant Duplicity

Give our courage as hostage for the
fulfilment of what we hope

Give our consciences to the keeping of
the parsons

Given up his brains for a lodging to a
single idea

Glimpse of her whole life in the horrid
tomb of his embrace

Gone to pieces with an injured lover's

Good and evil work together in this

Good nature, and means no more harm
than he can help

Good nerve to face the scene which he
is certain will be enacted

Good-bye to sorrow for a while--Keep
your tears for the living

Good maxim for the wrathful--speak not
at all

Good jokes are not always good policy

Goodish sort of fellow; good horseman,
good shot, good character

Gossip always has some solid
foundation, however small

Government of brain; not sufficient
Insurrection of heart

Gradations appear to be unknown to you

Graduated naturally enough the finer
stages of self-deception

Grand air of pitying sadness

Gratitude never was a woman's gift

Gratuitous insult

Gravely reproaching the tobacconist for
the growing costliness of cigars

Greater our successes, the greater the
slaves we become

Greatest of men; who have to learn from
the loss of the woman

Grief of an ill-fortuned passion of his

Grimaces at a government long-nosed to
no purpose

Grossly unlike in likeness (portraits)

Habit had legalized his union with her

Habit of antedating his sagacity

Habit, what a sacred and admirable
thing it is

Had got  the trick of lying, through
fear of telling the truth

Had come to be her lover through being
her husband

Had Shakespeare's grandmother three
Christian names?

Had taken refuge in their opera-glasses

Half-truth that we may put on the mask
of the whole

Half a dozen dozen left

Half designingly permitted her trouble
to be seen

Happiness in love is a match between
ecstasy and compliance

Happy the woman who has not more to

Happy in privation and suffering if
simply we can accept beauty

Hard to bear, at times unbearable

Hard enough for a man to be married to
a fool

Hard men have sometimes a warm
affection for dogs

Haremed opinion of the unfitness of

Hated one thing alone--which was

Hated tears, considering them a clog to
all useful machinery

Hates a compromise

Haunted many pillows

Have her profile very frequently while
I am conversing with her

Having contracted the fatal habit of

He was not alive for his own pleasure

He, by insisting, made me a rebel

He bowed to facts

He grunted that a lying clock was
hateful to him

He has been tolerably honest, Tom, for
a man and a lover

He kept saying to himself, 'to-morrow I
will tell'

He postponed it to the next minute and
the next

He prattled, in the happy ignorance of

He was in love, and subtle love will
not be shamed and smothered

He thinks that the country must be
saved by its women as well

He is in the season of faults

He had his character to maintain

He squandered the guineas, she
patiently picked up the pence

He neared her, wooing her; and she

He judged of others by himself

He is inexorable, being the guilty one
of the two

He had to shake up wrath over his

He had gone, and the day lived again
for both of them

He gave a slight sign of restiveness,
and was allowed to go

He loathed a skulker

He clearly could not learn from

He thinks or he chews

He would neither retort nor defend

He whipped himself up to one of his
oratorical frenzies

He put no question to anybody

He took small account of the operations
of the feelings

He began ambitiously--It's the way at
the beginning

He never explained

He never acknowledged a trouble, he
dispersed it

He was the prisoner of his word

He wants the whip; ought to have had it

He had wealth for a likeness of

He was a figure on a horse, and naught
when off it

He did not vastly respect beautiful

He sinks terribly when he sinks at all

He was not a weaver of phrases in

He lies as naturally as an infant sucks

He tried to gather his ideas, but the
effort was like that of a light dreamer

He runs too much from first principles
to extremes

He gained much by claiming little

He had by nature a tarnishing eye that
cast discolouration

He was too much on fire to know the
taste of absurdity

He smoked,  Lord Avonley said of the
second departure

He had no recollection of having ever
dined without drinking wine

He stormed her and consented to be

He will be a part of every history (the

He was the maddest of tyrants--a weak

He had to go, he must, he has to be
always going

He never calculated on the happening of
mortal accidents

He had expected romance, and had met

He condensed a paragraph into a line

He lost the art of observing himself

He had neat phrases, opinions in

He's good from end to end, and beats a
Christian hollow (a hog)

Hear victorious lawlessness appealing
solemnly to God the law

Heart to keep guard and bury the bones
you tossed him

Heartily she thanked the girl for the
excuse to cry

Hearts that make one soul do not
separately count their gifts

Heathen vindictiveness declaring itself

Heights of humour beyond laughter

Her intimacy with a man old enough to
be her grandfather

Her vehement fighting against facts

Her peculiar tenacity of the sense of

Her feelings--trustier guides than her
judgement in this crisis

Her final impression likened him to a
house locked up and empty

Her aspect suggested the repose of a
winter landscape

Her singing struck a note of grateful
remembered delight

Her duel with Time

Here, where he both wished and wished
not to be

Here and there a plain good soul to
whom he was affectionate

Hermits enamoured of wind and rain

Hero embarked in the redemption of an
erring beautiful woman

Heroine, in common with the hero, has
her ambition to be of use

Herself, content to be dull if he might

Hesitating strangeness that sometimes
gathers during absences

Himself in the worn old surplice of the
converted rake

His aim to win the woman acknowledged
no obstacle in the means

His idea of marriage is, the taking of
the woman into custody

His gaze and one of his ears, if not
the pair, were given

His ridiculous equanimity

His alien ideas were not unimpressed by
the picture

His restored sense of possession

His wife alone, had, as they termed it,
kept him together

His equanimity was fictitious

His fancy performed miraculous feats

His violent earnestness, his imperial

His apparent cynicism is sheer

Holding to the refusal, for the sake of

Holding to his work after the strain's
over--That tells the man

Holy images, and other miraculous
objects are sold

Honest creatures who will not accept a
lift from fiction

Hope which lies in giving men a dose of

Hopeless task of defending a woman from
a woman

Hopes of a coming disillusion that
would restore him

Hosts of men are of the simple order of
the comic

How angry I should be with you if you
were not so beautiful!

How Success derides Ambition!

How many degrees from love gratitude
may be

How immensely nature seems to prefer
men to women!

How little a thing serves Fortune's

How to compromise the matter for the
sake of peace?

How many instruments cannot clever
women play upon

How little we mean to do harm when we
do an injury

Hug the hatred they packed up among
their bundles

Human nature to feel an interest in the
dog that has bitten you

Humour preserved her from excesses of

Huntress with few scruples and the game

Hushing together, they agreed that it
had been a false move

I do not defend myself ever

I have learnt as much from light
literature as from heavy

I have and hold--you shall hunger and

I cannot get on with Gibbon

I could be in love with her cruelty, if
only I had her near me

I married a cook  She expects a big

I want no more, except to be taught to

I detest anything that has to do with

I know nothing of imagination

I haven't got the pluck of a flea

I hate old age  It changes you so

I would cut my tongue out, if it did
you a service

I can't think brisk out of my breeches

I look on the back of life

I never pay compliments to transparent

I always respected her; I never liked

I give my self, I do not sell

I cannot live a life of deceit.  A life
of misery--not deceit

I was discontented, and could not speak
my discontent

I laughed louder than was necessary

I had to cross the park to give a

I cannot delay; but I request you, that
are here privileged

I ain't a speeder of matrimony

I beg of my husband, and all kind
people who may have the care

I rather like to hear a woman swear.
It embellishes her!

I can confess my sight to be imperfect:
but will you ever do so?

I do not think Frenchmen comparable to
the women of France

I take off my hat, Nan, when I see a
cobbler's stall

I would wait till he flung you off, and
kneel to you

I had to make my father and mother live
on potatoes

I am not ashamed

I hope I am not too hungry to

I cannot say less, and will say no more

I wanted a hero

I do not see it, because I will not see

I can pay clever gentlemen for doing
Greek for me

I never saw out of a doll-shop, and
never saw there

I 'm the warming pan, as legitimately I
should be

I detest enthusiasm

I baint done yet

I know that your father has been
hearing tales told of me

I never knew till this morning the
force of No in earnest

I hate sleep: I hate anything that robs
me of my will

I have all the luxuries--enough to
loathe them

I who respect the state of marriage by

I make a point of never recommending my
own house

I like him, I like him, of course, but
I want to breathe

I am a discordant instrument  I do not
readily vibrate

I don't count them against women

I 'm a bachelor, and a person--you're
married, and an object

I did, replied Evan.  'I told a lie.'

I never see anything, my dear

I always wait for a thing to happen

I'll come as straight as I can

I'm for a rational Deity

I'm in love with everything she wishes!
I've got the habit

Idea is the only vital breath

Ideas in gestation are the dullest
matter you can have

If we are really for Nature, we are not

If there's no doubt about it, how is it
I have a doubt about it?

If you kneel down, who will decline to
put a foot on you?

If I love you, need you care what
anybody else thinks

If we are to please you rightly, always
allow us to play First

If he had valued you half a grain less,
he might have won you

If the world is hostile we are not to
blame it

If we are robbed, we ask, How came we
by the goods?

If thou wouldst fix remembrance--

If I'm struck, I strike back

If only been intellectually a little
flexible in his morality

If you have this creative soul, be the
slave of your creature

If I do not speak of payment

Ignorance roaring behind a mask of

Imagination she has, for a source of
strength in the future days

Immense wealth and native obtuseness
combine to disfigure us

Imparting the usual chorus of yesses to
his own mind

Impossible for him to think that women

Impossible for us women to comprehend
love without folly in man

Impudent boy's fling at superiority
over the superior

In the pay of our doctors

In every difficulty, patience is a

In India they sacrifice the widows, in
France the virgins

In bottle if not on draught (oratory)

In our House, my son, there is peculiar
blood.  We go to wreck!

In Sir Austin's Note-book was written:
"Between Simple Boyhood..."

In Italy, a husband away, ze friend
takes title

In truth she sighed to feel as he did,
above everybody

Incapable of putting the screw upon
weak excited nature

Incessantly speaking of the necessity
we granted it unknowingly

Inclined to act hesitation in accepting
the aid she sought

Increase of dissatisfaction with the
more she got

Indirect communication with heaven

Inducement to act the hypocrite before
the hypocrite world

Indulged in their privilege of thinking
what they liked

Infallibility of our august mother

Infants are said to have their ideas,
and why not young ladies?

Infatuated men argue likewise, and
scandal does not move them

Inferences are like shadows on the wall

Inflicted no foretaste of her coming
subjection to him

Informed him that he never played jokes
with money, or on men

Injury forbids us to be friends again

Innocence and uncleanness may go

Insistency upon there being two sides
to a case--to every case

Intellectual contempt of easy dupes

Intensely communicative, but

Intentions are really rich possessions

Intimations of cowardice menacing a
paralysis of the will

Intrusion of the spontaneous on the
stereotyped would clash

Intrusion of hard material statements,

Invite indecision to exhaust their

Ireland 's the sore place of England

Irishman there is a barrow trolling a
load of grievances

Irishmen will never be quite sincere

Ironical fortitude

Irony in him is only eulogy standing on
its head

Irony that seemed to spring from

Irony instead of eloquence

Irony provoked his laughter more than

Irritability at the intrusion of past

Is he jealous?  'Only when I make him,
he is.'

Is not one month of brightness as much
as we can ask for?

Is it any waste of time to write of

It 's us hard ones that get on best in
the world

It was harder to be near and not close

It is not high flying, which usually
ends in heavy falling

It is no insignificant contest when
love has to crush self-love

It would be hard!  ay, then we do it

It was as if she had been eyeing a
golden door shut fast

It is the best of signs when women take
to her

It was his ill luck to have strong
appetites and a weak stomach

It rarely astonishes our ears  It
illumines our souls

It goes at the lifting of the
bridegroom's little finger

It was an honest buss, but dear at ten

It is well to learn manners without
having them imposed on us

It was in a time before our joyful era
of universal equality

It is the devil's masterstroke to get
us to accuse him

It was her prayer to heaven that she
might save a doctor's bill

It is better for us both, of course

It was now, as Sir Austin had written
it down, The Magnetic Age

It is no use trying to conceal anything
from him

It's a fool that hopes for peace

It's no use trying to be a gentleman if
you can't pay for it

Italians were like women, and wanted--a
real beating

Its glee at a catastrophe; its poor
stock of mercy

January was watering and freezing old
earth by turns

Judging of the destiny of man by the
fate of individuals

Just bad inquirin' too close among men

Keep passion sober, a trotter in

Kelts, as they are called, can't and
won't forgive injuries

Kindness is kindness, all over the

Knew my friend to be one of the most
absent-minded of men

Lack of precise words admonished him of
the virtue of silence

Land and beasts!  They sound like
blessed things

Lawyers hold the keys of the great

Lay no petty traps for opportunity

Laying of ghosts is a public duty

Leader accustomed to count ahead upon
vapourish abstractions

Learn all about them afterwards, ay,
and make the best of them

Learn--principally not to be afraid of

Led him to impress his unchangeableness
upon her

Lend him your own generosity

Lengthened term of peace bred maggots
in the heads of the people

Lest thou commence to lie--be dumb!

Let but the throb be kept for others--
That is the one secret

Let never Necessity draw the bow of our

Let none of us be so exalted above the
wit of daily life

Levelling a finger at the taxpayer

Lies are usurers' coin we pay for ten
thousand per cent

Life is the burlesque of young dreams

Like a woman, who would and would not,
and wanted a master

Like an ill-reared fruit, first at the
core it rotteth

Limit was two bottles of port wine at a

Listened to one another, and blinded
the world

Literature is a good stick and a bad

Little boy named Tommy Wedger said he
saw a dead body go by

Littlenesses of which women are accused

Loathing of artifice to raise emotion

Loathing for speculation

Longing for love and dependence

Look within, and avoid lying

Look well behind

Look backward only to correct an error
of conduct in future

Looked as proud as if he had just
clapped down the full amount

Looking on him was listening

Loudness of the interrogation precluded
thought of an answer

Love, with his accustomed cunning

Love the poor devil

Love dies like natural decay

Love the children of Erin, when not
fretted by them

Love of men and women as a toy that I
have played with

Love of pleasure keeps us blind

Love and war have been compared--Both
require strategy

Love that shrieks at a mortal wound,
and bleeds humanly

Love discerns unerringly what is and
what is not duty

Love must needs be an egoism

Love is a contagious disease

Love the difficulty better than the

Love, that has risen above emotion,
quite independent of craving

Love's a selfish business one has work
in hand

Loves his poets, can almost understand
what poetry means

Loving in this land: they all go mad,
straight off

Lucky accidents are anticipated only by

Made of his creed a strait-jacket for

Madness that sane men enamoured can be
struck by

Magnificent in generosity; he had
little humaneness

Magnify an offence in the ratio of our

Make no effort to amuse him.  He is
always occupied

Make a girl  drink her tears, if they
ain't to be let fall

Making too much of it--a trick of the

Man with a material object in aim, is
the man of his object

Man who beats his wife my first
question is, 'Do he take his tea?'

Man owes a duty to his class

Man who helps me to read the world and
men as they are

Man without a penny in his pocket, and
a gizzard full of pride

Mankind is offended by heterodoxy in
mean attire

Mare would do, and better than a dozen

Mark of a fool to take everybody for a
bigger fool than himself

Marriage is an awful thing, where
there's no love

Married at forty, and I had to take her
shaped as she was

Married a wealthy manufacturer--
bartered her blood for his money

Martyrs of love or religion are madmen

Material good reverses its benefits the
more nearly we clasp it

Matter that is not nourishing to brains

Maxims of her own on the subject of
rising and getting the worm

May lull themselves with their

May not one love, not craving to be

Meant to vanquish her with the
dominating patience

Meditations upon the errors of the
general man, as a cover

Memory inspired by the sensations

Men overweeningly in love with their

Men do not play truant from home at
sixty years of age

Men they regard as their natural prey

Men bore the blame, though the women
were rightly punished

Men must fight: the law is only a
quieter field for them

Men in love are children with their

Men love to boast of things nobody else
has seen

Men who believe that there is a virtue
in imprecations

Men had not pleased him of late

Mental and moral neuters

Metaphysician's treatise on Nature: a
torch to see the sunrise

Mighty Highnesses who had only smelt
the outside edge of battle

Mika!  you did it in cold blood?

Mindless, he says, and arrogant

Minutes taken up by the grey puffs from
their mouths

Mistake of the world is to think
happiness possible to the sense

Mistaking of her desires for her

Modest are the most easily intoxicated
when they sip at vanity

Money is of course a rough test of

Money's a chain-cable for holding men
to their senses

Moral indignation is ever consolatory

Morales, madame, suit ze sun

More argument I cannot bear

More culpable the sparer than the

Most youths are like Pope's women; they
have no character

Mrs. Fleming, of Queen Anne's Farm, was
the wife of a yeoman

Music was resumed to confuse the
hearing of the eavesdroppers

Music in Italy?  Amorous and martial,
brainless and monotonous

Must be the moralist in the satirist if
satire is to strike

Mutual deference

My engagement to Mr. Pericles is that I
am not to write

My mistress!  My glorious stolen fruit!
My dark angel of love

My plain story is of two Kentish

My first girl--she's brought disgrace
on this house

My belief is, you do it on purpose.
Can't be such rank idiots

My voice! I have my voice!  Emilia had
cried it out to herself

Naked original ideas, are acceptable at
no time

Napoleon's treatment of women is
excellent example

Nation's half made-up of the idle and
the servants of the idle

Nations at war are wild beasts

Naturally as deceived as he wished to

Nature and Law never agreed

Nature is not of necessity always

Nature could at a push be eloquent to
defend the guilty

Nature's logic, Nature's voice, for

Naughtily Australian and kangarooly

Necessary for him to denounce somebody

Necessity's offspring

Needed support of facts, and feared

Never reckon on womankind for a wise

Never, never love a married woman

Never intended that we should play with
flesh and blood

Never forget that old Ireland is

Never forgave an injury without a
return blow for it

Never to despise the good opinion of
the nonentities

Never nurse an injury, great or small

Never was a word fitter for a quack's
mouth than "humanity"

Never fell far short of outstripping
the sturdy pedestrian Time

Never pretend to know a girl by her

Nevertheless, inclinations are an

Next door to the Last Trump

Night has little mercy for the

No nose to the hero, no moral to the

No runner can outstrip his fate

No companionship save with the wound
they nurse

No Act to compel a man to deny what
appears in the papers

No great harm done when you're silent

No heart to dare is no heart to love!

No stopping the Press while the people
have an appetite for it

No word is more lightly spoken than

No flattery for me at the expense of my

No man has a firm foothold who pretends
to it

No enemy's shot is equal to a weak
heart in the act

No man can hear the words which prove
him a prophet (quietly)

No conversation coming of it, her
curiosity was violent

No intoxication of hot blood to cheer
those who sat at home

No case is hopeless till a man consents
to think it is

No love can be without jealousy

No! Gentlemen don't fling stones; leave
that to the blackguards

None but fanatics, cowards,
white-eyeballed dogmatists

Nor can a protest against coarseness be
sweepingly interpreted

Not every chapter can be sunshine

Not afford to lose, and a disposition
free of the craving to win

Not men of brains, but the men of

Not the indignant and the frozen, but
the genially indifferent

Not daring risk of office by offending
the taxpayer

Not in love--She was only not unwilling
to be in love

Not a page of his books reveals
malevolence or a sneer

Not always the right thing to do the
right thing

Not to do things wholly is worse than
not to do things at all

Not to be feared more than are the
general race of bunglers

Not much esteem for non-professional

Not in a situation that could bear of
her blaming herself

Not so much read a print as read the
imprinting on themselves

Not to go hunting and fawning for

Not to bother your wits, but leave the
puzzle to the priest

Not to be the idol, to have an aim of
our own

Not the great creatures we assume
ourselves to be

Not likely to be far behind curates in
besieging an heiress

Nothing is a secret that has been

Nothing desirable will you have which
is not coveted

Nothing the body suffers that the soul
may not profit by

Notoriously been above the honours of

Nought credit but what outward orbs

Now far from him under the failure of
an effort to come near

Nursing of a military invalid awakens
tenderer anxieties

O for yesterday!

O self! self! self!

O heaven! of what avail is human

Obedience oils necessity

Obeseness is the most sensitive of our

Objects elevated even by a decayed
world have their magnetism

Observation is the most, enduring of
the pleasures of life

Occasional instalments--just to freshen
the account

Official wrath at sound of footfall or
a fancied one

Oggler's genial piety made him shrink
with nausea

Oh! beastly bathos

Oh!  I can't bear that class of people

Old houses are doomed to burnings

Old age is a prison wall between us and
young people

Omnipotence, which is in the image of

On a morning when day and night were
made one by fog

On the threshold of Puberty, there is
one Unselfish Hour

On which does the eye linger longest--
which draws the heart?

On a wild April morning

Once my love? said he.  Not now?--does
it mean, not now?

Once out of the rutted line, you are
food for lion and jackal

Once called her beautiful; his praise
had given her beauty

One wants a little animation in a

One who studies is not being a fool

One is a fish to her hook; another a
moth to her light

One might build up a respectable figure
in negatives

One in a temper at a time I'm sure 's

One night, and her character's gone

One learns to have compassion for
fools, by studying them

One has to feel strong in a delicate

One of those men whose characters are
read off at a glance

One seed of a piece of folly will lurk
and sprout to confound us

One idea is a bullet

One fool makes many, and so, no doubt,
does one goose

Only to be described in the tongue of

Only true race, properly so called, out
of India--German

Opened a wider view of the world to
him, and a colder

Openly treated; all had an air of being
on the surface

Optional marriages, broken or renewed
every seven years

Or where you will, so that's in Ireland

Oratory will not work against the
stream, or on languid tides

Orderliness, from which men are
privately exempt

Our most diligent pupil learns not so
much as an earnest teacher

Our weakness is the swiftest dog to
hunt us

Our partner is our master

Our comedies are frequently youth's

Our life is but a little holding, lent
To do a mighty labour

Our bravest, our best, have an impulse
to run

Our lawyers have us inside out, like
our physicians

Our love and labour are constantly on

Owner of such a woman, and to lose her!

Pact between cowardice and comfort
under the title of expediency

Pain is a cloak that wraps you about

Paint themselves pure white, to the
obliteration of minor spots

Parliament,  is the best of occupations
for idle men

Partake of a morning draught

Passion, he says, is noble strength on

Passion is not invariably love

Passion added to a bowl of reason makes
a sophist's mess

Passion does not inspire dark appetite--
Dainty innocence does

Past, future, and present, the three
weights upon humanity

Past fairness, vaguely like a snow
landscape in the thaw

Patience is the pestilence

Patronizing woman

Paying compliments and spoiling a game!

Payment is no more so than to restore
money held in trust

Peace-party which opposed was the
actual cause of the war

Peace, I do pray, for the
husband-haunted wife

Pebble may roll where it likes--not so
the costly jewel

Peculiar subdued form of laughter
through the nose

People of a provocative prosperity

People were virtuous in past days: they
counted their sinners

People with whom a mute conformity is
as good as worship

People who can lose themselves in a ray
of fancy at any season

People is one of your Radical big words
that burst at a query

Perhaps inspire him, if he would let
her breathe

Period of his life a man becomes too
voraciously constant

Persist, if thou wouldst truly reach
thine ends

Person in another world beyond this
world of blood

Perused it, and did not recognize
herself in her language

Pessimy is invulnerable

Petty concessions are signs of weakness
to the unsatisfied

Philip was a Spartan for keeping his
feelings under

Philosophy skimmed, and realistic
romances deep-sounded

Pitiful conceit in men

Planting the past in the present like a
perceptible ghost

Play the great game of blunders

Play second fiddle without looking

Pleasant companion, who did not play
the woman obtrusively among men

Please to be pathetic on that subject
after I am wrinkled

Pleasure-giving laws that make the
curves we recognize as beauty

Pleasure sat like an inextinguishable
light on her face

Poetic romance is delusion

Policy seems to petrify their minds

Polished barbarism

Politics as well as the other diseases

Poor mortals are not in the habit of
climbing Olympus to ask

Portrait of himself by the artist

Practical or not, the good people
affectingly wish to be

Practical for having an addiction to
the palpable

Prayer for an object is the cajolery of
an idol

Press, which had kindled, proceeded to

Presumptuous belief

Pride in being always myself

Pride is the God of Pagans

Primitive appetite for noise

Principle of examining your hypothesis
before you proceed to decide by it

Procrastination and excessive

Professional widows

Professional Puritans

Profound belief in her partiality for

Propitiate common sense on behalf of
what seems tolerably absurd

Protestant clergy the social police of
the English middle-class

Providence and her parents were not

Published Memoirs indicate the end of a
man's activity

Puns are the smallpox of the language

Push me to condense my thoughts to a
tight ball

Push indolent unreason to gain the
delusion of happiness

Put material aid at a lower mark than

Put into her woman's harness of the bit
and the blinkers

Puzzle to connect the foregoing and the

Question the gain of such an
expenditure of energy

Question with some whether idiots
should live

Quick to understand, she is in the
quick of understanding

Quixottry is agreeable reading, a silly

Rage of a conceited schemer tricked

Rapture of obliviousness

Rare as epic song is the man who is
thorough in what he does

Rare men of honour who can command
their passion

Rarely exacted obedience, and she was
spontaneously obeyed

Read deep and not be baffled by

Read with his eyes when you meet him
this morning

Read one another perfectly in their
mutual hypocrisies

Ready is the ardent mind to take
footing on the last thing done

Real happiness is a state of dulness

Rebellion against society and advocacy
of humanity run counter

Rebukes which give immeasurable

Recalling her to the subject-matter
with all the patience

Reflection upon a statement is its
lightning in advance

Refuge in the Castle of Negation
against the whole army of facts

Regularity of the grin of dentistry

Rejoicing they have in their common

Religion condones offences: Philosophy
has no forgiveness

Religion is the one refuge from women

Reluctant to take the life of flowers
for a whim

Remarked that the young men must fight
it out together

Repeatedly, in contempt of the disgust
of iteration

Reproof of such supererogatory counsel

Requiring natural services from her in
the button department

Respect one another's affectations

Respected the vegetable yet more than
he esteemed the flower

Revived for them so much of themselves

Rewards, together with the
expectations, of the virtuous

Rhoda will love you.  She is firm when
she loves

Rich and poor 's all right, if I'm rich
and you're poor

Ripe with oft telling and old is the

Rogue on the tremble of detection

Rose was much behind her age

Rose! what have I done?  'Nothing at
all,' she said

Rumour for the nonce had a stronger
spice of truth than usual

Said she was what she would have given
her hand not to be

Salt of earth, to whom their salt must
serve for nourishment

Satirist too devotedly loves his lash
to be a persuasive teacher

Satirist is an executioner by

Says you're so clever you ought to be a

Scorn titles which did not distinguish
practical offices

Scorned him for listening to the
hesitations (hers)

Scotchman's metaphysics; you know
nothing clear

Screams of an uninjured lady

Second fiddle; he could only mean what
she meant

Secret of the art was his meaning what
he said

Secrets throw on the outsiders the onus
of raising a scandal

Seed-Time passed thus smoothly, and
adolescence came on

Self-consoled when they are not

Self, was digging pits for comfort to
flow in


Self-worship, which is often

Self-deceiver may be a persuasive
deceiver of another

Selfishness  and icy inaccessibility to

Semblance of a tombstone lady beside
her lord

Sense, even if they can't understand
it, flatters them so

Sensitiveness to the sting, which is
not allowed to poison

Sentimentality puts up infant hands for

Serene presumption

Service of watering the dry and drying
the damp (Whiskey)

Seventy, when most men are reaping and
stacking their sins

Sham spiritualism

Share of foulness to them that are for
scouring the chamber

She marries, and it's the end of her

She seems honest, and that is the most
we can hope of girls

She had sunk her intelligence in her

She had a fatal attraction for antiques

She had great awe of the word

She ran through delusion and delusion,
exhausting each

She, not disinclined to dilute her

She was unworthy to be the wife of a

She did not detest the Countess because
she could not like her

She endured meekly, when there was no

She was perhaps a little the taller of
the two

She thought that friendship was sweeter
than love

She herself did not like to be seen
eating in public

She had a thirsting mind

She was sick of personal freedom

She believed friendship practicable
between men and women

She had to be the hypocrite or else--

She was at liberty to weep if she

She felt in him a maker of facts

She was not his match--To speak would
be to succumb

She disdained to question the mouth
which had bitten her

She had no longer anything to resent:
she was obliged to weep

She stood with a dignity that the word
did not express

She dealt in the flashes which connect

She began to feel that this was life in

She might turn out good, if well
guarded for a time

She sought, by looking hard, to
understand it better

She was thrust away because because he
had offended

She seemed really a soaring bird
brought down by the fowler

She can make puddens and pies

She was not, happily, one of the women
who betray strong feeling

Should we leave a good deed half done

Showery, replied the admiral, as his
cocked-hat was knocked off

Shun comparisons

Shuns the statuesque pathetic, or any
kind of posturing

Sign that the evil had reached from
pricks to pokes

Silence and such signs are like
revelations in black night

Silence was their only protection to
the Nice Feelings

Silence is commonly the slow poison
used by those who mean to murder love

Silence was doing the work of a scourge

Simple obstinacy of will sustained her

Simple affection must bear the strain
of friendship if it can

Simplicity is the keenest weapon

Sincere as far as she knew: as far as
one who loves may be

Sinners are not to repent only in words

Slap and pinch and starve our appetites

Slave of existing conventions

Slaves of the priests

Sleepless night

Slightest taste for comic analysis that
does not tumble to farce

Small beginnings, which are in reality
the mighty barriers

Small things producing great

Smallest of our gratifications in life
could give a happy tone

Smart remarks have their measured

Smile she had in reserve for
serviceable persons

Smoky receptacle cherishing millions

Smothered in its pudding-bed of the
grotesque (obesity)

Snatch her from a possessor who
forfeited by undervaluing her

Snuffle of hypocrisy in her prayer

So the frog telleth tadpoles

So it is when you play at Life!  When
you will not go straight

So long as we do not know that we are
performing any remarkable feat

So says the minute  Years are before

So indulgent when they drop their blot
on a lady's character

So much for morality in those days!

So are great deeds judged when the
danger's past (as easy)

Socially and politically mean one thing
in the end

Soft slumber of a strength never yet
called forth

Solitude is pasturage for a suspicion

Some so-called laws of honour

Something of the hare in us when the
hounds are full cry

Sort of religion with her to believe no
wrong of you

South-western Island has few
attractions to other than invalids

Spare me that word "female" as long as
you live

Speech that has to be hauled from the
depths usually betrays

Speech is poor where emotion is extreme

Speech was a scourge to her sense of

Spiritualism, and on the balm that it

Stand not in my way, nor follow me too

Startled by the criticism in laughter

State of feverish patriotism

Statesman who stooped to conquer fact
through fiction

Statistics are according to their

Steady shakes them

Story that she believed indeed, but had
not quite sensibly felt

Strain to see in the utter dark, and
nothing can come of that

Straining for common talk, and showing
the strain

Strength in love is the sole sincerity

Strengthening the backbone for a bend
of the knee in calamity

Stultification of one's feelings and

Style is the mantle of greatness

Style resembling either early
architecture or utter dilapidation

Subterranean recess for Nature against
the Institutions of Man

Such a man was banned by the world,
which was to be despised?

Suggestion of possible danger might
more dangerous than silence

Sunning itself in the glass of Envy

Suspects all young men and most young

Suspicion was her best witness

Sweet treasure before which lies a
dragon sleeping

Sweetest on earth to her was to be
prized by her brother

Swell and illuminate citizen prose to a
princely poetic

Sympathy is for proving, not prating

Taint of the hypocrisy which comes with

Take 'em somethin' like Providence--as
they come

Taking oath, as it were, by their lower

Tale, which leaves the man's mind at

Task of reclaiming a bad man is
extremely seductive to good women

Taste a wound from the lightest touch,
and they nurse the venom

Tears of such a man have more of blood
than of water in them

Tears are the way of women and their

Tears that dried as soon as they had
served their end

Tears of men sink plummet-deep

Telling her anything, she makes half a
face in anticipation

Tendency to polysyllabic phraseology

Tenderness which Mrs. Mel permitted
rather than encouraged

Tension of the old links keeping us

Terrible decree, that all must act who
would prevail

That which fine cookery does for the
cementing of couples

That beautiful trust which habit gives

That a mask is a concealment

That fiery dragon, a beautiful woman
with brains

That sort of progenitor is your
"permanent aristocracy"

That plain confession of a lack of wit;
he offered combat

That is life--when we dare death to

That pit of one of their dead silences

That's the natural shamrock, after the

The exhaustion ensuing we named

The most dangerous word of all--ja

The impalpable which has prevailing

The world is wise in its way

The danger of a little knowledge of
things is disputable

The infant candidate delights in his

The rider's too heavy for the horse in

The Pilgrim's Scrip remarks that: Young
men take joy in nothing

The tragedy of the mirror is one for a
woman to write

The worst of it is, that we remember

The old confession, that we cannot
cook (The English)

The sentimentalists are represented by
them among the civilized

The born preacher we feel instinctively
to be our foe

The face of a stopped watch

The banquet to be fervently remembered,
should smoke

The woman follows the man, and music
fits to verse,

The circle which the ladies of
Brookfield were designing

The majority, however, had been
snatched out of this bliss

The effects of the infinitely little

The way is clear: we have only to take
the step

The devil trusts nobody

The divine afflatus of enthusiasm
buoyed her no longer

The weighty and the trivial contended

The backstairs of history (Memoirs)

The defensive is perilous policy in war

The family view is everlastingly the

The unhappy, who do not wish to live,
and cannot die

The homage we pay him flatters us

The worst of omens is delay

The people always wait for the winner

The healthy only are fit to live

The defensive is perilous policy in war

The past is our mortal mother,  no dead

The wretch who fears death dies

The proper defence for a nation is its

The thought stood in her eyes

The love that survives has strangled

The grey furniture of Time for his
natural wear

The world without him would be heavy

The despot is alert at every issue, to
every chance

The spending, never harvesting, world

The shots hit us behind you

The terrible aggregate social woman

The next ten minutes will decide our

The woman side of him

The good life gone lives on in the mind

The beat of a heart with a dread like a
shot in it

The girl could not know her own mind,
for she suited him exactly

The critic that sneers

The blindness of Fortune is her one

The religion of this vast English

The slavery of the love of a woman

The idea of love upon the lips of
ordinary men, provoked Dahlia's irony

The brainless in Art and in Statecraft

The well of true wit is truth itself

The debts we owe ourselves are the
hardest to pay

The greed of gain is our volcano

The burlesque Irishman can't be

The man had to be endured, like other
doses in politics

The greater wounds do not immediately
convince us of our fate

The system is cursed by nature, and
that means by heaven

The turn will come to us as to others--
and go

The woman seeking for an anomaly wants
a master

The language of party is eloquent

The philosopher (I would keep him back
if I could)

The gallant cornet adored delicacy and
a gilded refinement

The sentimentalist goes on accumulating

The dismally-lighted city wore a look
of Judgement terrible to see

The kindest of men can be cruel

The night went past as a year

The social world he looked at did not
show him heroes

The overwise themselves hoodwink

The king without his crown hath a
forehead like the clown

The curse of sorrow is comparison!

The race is for domestic peace, my boy

The divinely damnable naked truth won't
wear ornaments

The idol of the hour is the mob's
wooden puppet

The embraced respected woman

The habit of the defensive paralyzes

The intricate, which she takes for the

The mildness of assured dictatorship

The alternative is, a garter and the

The ass eats at my table, and treats me
with contempt

The Countess dieted the vanity
according to the nationality

The letter had a smack of crabbed age
hardly counterfeit

The commonest things are the worst done

The thrust sinned in its shrewdness

The power to give and take flattery to
any amount

Their sneer withers

Their not caring to think at all

Their idol pitched before them on the

Their hearts are eaten up by property

Their way was down a green lane and
across long meadow-paths

Then for us the struggle, for him the

Then, if you will not tell me

There is little to be learnt when a
little is known

There is no history of events below the

There is no first claim

There is no step backward in life

There is more in men and women than the
stuff they utter

There is no driver like stomach

There were joy-bells for Robert and
Rhoda, but none for Dahlia

There is for the mind but one grasp of

There may be women who think as well as
feel; I don't know them

There are women who go through life not
knowing love

There's nothing like a metaphor for an

There's not an act of a man's life lies
dead behind him

There's ne'er a worse off but there's a
better off

They have no sensitiveness, we have too

They may know how to make themselves
happy in their climate

They dare not.  The more I dare, the
less dare they

They have not to speak to exhibit their

They had all noticed, seen, and

They seem to me to be educated to
conceal their education

They miss their pleasure in pursuing it

They could have pardoned her a younger

They take fever for strength, and
calmness for submission

They are little ironical laughter--

They have their thinking done for them

They laugh, but they laugh

They kissed coldly, pressed a hand,
said good night

They create by stoppage a volcano

They want you to show them what they 'd
like the world to be

They, meantime, who had a contempt for

They believe that the angels have been
busy about them

They helped her to feel at home with

They do not live; they are engines

They're always having to retire and
always hissing

Things are not equal

Things were lumpish and gloomy that day
of the week

Thirst for the haranguing of crowds

This was a totally different case from
the antecedent ones

This mania of young people for
pleasure, eternal pleasure

This love they rattle about and rave

This girl was pliable only to service,
not to grief

This female talk of the eternities

Those happy men who enjoy perceptions
without opinions

Those who know little and dread much

Those days of intellectual coxcombry

Those numerous women who always know
themselves to be right

Those whose humour consists of a
readiness to laugh

Those who have the careless chatter,
the ready laugh

Those who are rescued and made happy by

Thought of differences with him caused
frightful apprehensions

Threatened powerful drugs for weak

Threats of prayer, however, that harp
upon their sincerity

Thus does Love avenge himself on the
unsatisfactory Past

Thus are we stricken by the days of our

Tight grasps of the hand, in which
there was warmth and shyness

Tighter than ever I was tight I'll be

Time and strength run to waste in
retarding the inevitable

Time is due to us, and the minutes are
our gold slipping away

Time, whose trick is to turn corners of
unanticipated sharpness

Times when an example is needed by
brave men

Tis the fashion to have our tattle done
by machinery

Tis the first step that makes a path

Titles showered on the women who take
free breath of air

To be a really popular hero anywhere in
Britain (must be a drinker)

To hope, and not be impatient, is
really to believe

To males, all ideas are female until
they are made facts

To be both generally blamed, and
generally liked

To let people speak was a maxim of Mrs.
Mel's, and a wise one

To kill the deer and be sorry for the
suffering wretch is common

To be passive in calamity is the
province of no woman

To the rest of the world he was a
progressive comedy

To know how to take a licking, that
wins in the end

To have no sympathy with the playful
mind is not to have a mind

To time and a wife it is no disgrace
for a man to bend

To know that you are in England,
breathing the same air with me

To be her master, however, one must not
begin by writhing as her slave

To do nothing, is the wisdom of those
who have seen fools perish

To most men women are knaves or ninnies

To beg the vote and wink the bribe

Tongue flew, thought followed

Too well used to defeat to believe
readily in victory

Too prompt, too full of personal relish
of his point

Too many time-servers rot the State

Too weak to resist, to submit to an
outrage quietly

Too often hangs the house on one loose

Took care to be late, so that all eyes
beheld her

Tooth that received a stone when it
expected candy

Top and bottom sin is cowardice

Tossed him from repulsion to
incredulity, and so back

Touch him with my hand, before he
passed from our sight

Touch sin and you accommodate yourself
to its vileness

Touching a nerve

Toyed with little flowers of palest

Tradesman, and he never was known to
have sent in a bill

Trial of her beauty of a woman in a

Trick for killing time without hurting

Tried  to be honest, and was as much so
as his disease permitted

Troublesome appendages of success

True love excludes no natural duty

True enjoyment of the princely

Trust no man  Still, this man may be
better than that man

Truth is, they have taken a stain from
the life they lead

Twice a bad thing to turn sinners loose

Twisted by a nature that would not
allow of open eyes

Two wishes make a will

Two principal roads by which poor
sinners come to a conscience

Two people love, there is no such thing
as owing between them

Unaccustomed to have his will thwarted

Unanimous verdicts from a jury of
temporary impressions

Uncommon unprogressiveness

Unfeminine of any woman to speak
continuously anywhere

Universal censor's angry spite

Unseemly hour--unbetimes

Unshamed exuberant male has found the
sweet reverse in his mate

Use your religion like a drug

Utterance of generous and patriotic
cries is not sufficient

Vagrant compassionateness of

Vanity maketh the strongest most weak

Venerated by his followers, well hated
by his enemies

Venus of nature was melting into a
Venus of art

Very little parleying between
determined men

Vessel was conspiring to ruin our

Victims of the modern feminine 'ideal'

Violent summons to accept, which is a
provocation to deny

Virtue of impatience

Virtuously zealous in an instant on
behalf of the lovely dame

Vowed never more to repeat that offence
to his patience

Vulgarity in others evoked vulgarity in

Wait till the day's ended before you
curse your luck

Waited serenely for the certain
disasters to enthrone her

Wakening to the claims of others--
Youth's infant conscience

Want of courage is want of sense

War is only an exaggerated form of

Warm, is hardly the word--Winter's warm
on skates

Was I true?  Not so very false, yet how
far from truth!

Was not one of the order whose Muse is
the Public Taste

Was born on a hired bed

Watch, and wait

We are, in short, a civilized people

We shall not be rich--nor poor

We could row and ride and fish and
shoot, and breed largely

We has long overshadowed "I"

We are good friends till we quarrel

We are chiefly led by hope

We have a system, not planned but grown

We can bear to fall; we cannot afford
to draw back

We can't hope to have what should be

We don't know we are in halves

We must fawn in society

We never see peace but in the features
of the dead

We live alone, and do not much feel it
till we are visited

We dare not be weak if we would

We do not see clearly when we are
trying to deceive

We women can read men by their power to

We were unarmed, and the spectacle was

We trust them or we crush them

We shall go together; we shall not have
to weep for one another

We make our taskmasters of those to
whom we have done a wrong

We cannot relinquish an idea that was

We deprive all renegades of their
spiritual titles

We like well whatso we have done good
work for

We grew accustomed to periods of Irish

We have come to think we have a claim
upon her gratitude

We must have some excuse, if we would
keep to life

We shall want a war to teach the
country the value of courage

We cannot, men or woman, control the
heart in sleep at night

We have now looked into the hazy
interior of their systems

We don't go together into a garden of

We're treated like old-fashioned

We're all of us hit at last, and
generally by our own weapon

We're a peaceful people, but 'ware who
touches us

We're smitten to-day in our hearts and
our pockets

We've all a parlous lot too much pulpit
in us

Weak stomach is certainly more carnally
virtuous than a full one

Weak reeds who are easily vanquished
and never overcome

Weak souls are much moved by having the
pathos on their side

Weather and women have some resemblance
they say

Weighty little word--woman's native
watchdog and guardian (No!)

Welcomed and lured on an adversary to
wild outhitting

Well, sir, we must sell our opium

Welsh blood is queer blood

Went into endless invalid's laughter

Were I chained, For liberty I would
sell liberty

What might have been

What the world says, is what the wind

What will be thought of me? not a small
matter to any of us

What he did, she took among other
inevitable matters

What a stock of axioms young people
have handy

What a woman thinks of women, is the
test of her nature

What else is so consolatory to a ruined

What was this tale of Emilia, that grew
more and more perplexing

What ninnies call Nature in books

What a man hates in adversity is to see

What's an eccentric?  a child grown

When you run away, you don't live to
fight another day

When we see our veterans tottering to
their fall

When to loquacious fools with patience
rare I listen

When testy old gentlemen could commit
slaughter with ecstasy

When he's a Christian instead of a

When Love is hurt, it is self-love that
requires the opiate

When duelling flourished on our land,
frail women powerful

When we despair or discolour things, it
is our senses in revolt

When you have done laughing with her,
you can laugh at her

Where fools are the fathers of every

Where one won't and can't, poor
t' other must

Where she appears, the first person
falls to second rank

Where heart weds mind, or nature joins

Where love exists there is goodness

Whimpering fits you said we enjoy and
must have in books

Who venerate when they love

Who cannot talk!--but who can?

Who rises from Prayer a better man, his
prayer is answered

Who beguiles so much as Self?

Who shrinks from an hour that is
suspended in doubt

Who in a labyrinth wandereth without

Who enjoyed simple things when
commanding the luxuries

Who can really think, and not think

Who cries, Come on, and prays his gods
you won't

Who so intoxicated as the convalescent
catching at health?

Who shuns true friends flies fortune in
the concrete

Who ever loved that loved not at first

Whole body of fanatics combined to
precipitate the devotion

Whose bounty was worse to him than his

Why should these men take so much

Why, he'll snap your head off for a

Why he enjoyed the privilege of seeing,
and was not beside her

Wife and no wife, a prisoner in liberty

Wilfrid perceived that he had become an
old man

Will not admit the existence of a
virtue in an opposite opinion

William John Fleming was simply a poor

Win you--temperately, let us hope; by
storm, if need be

Winds of panic are violently engaged in
occupying the vacuum

Wins everywhere back a reflection of
its own kindliness

Winter mornings are divine.  They move
on noiselessly

Wise in not seeking to be too wise

With that I sail into the dark

With good wine to wash it down, one can
swallow anything

With what little wisdom the world is

With death; we'd rather not, because of
a qualm

With one idea, we see nothing--nothing
but itself

With a frozen fish of admirable
principles for wife

With this money, said the demon,  you
might speculate

With a proud humility

Withdrew into the entrenchments of

Without a single intimation that he
loathed the task

Without those consolatory efforts,
useless between men

Wits, which are ordinarily less
productive than land

Wives are only an item in the list, and
not the most important

Woman descending from her ideal to the
gross reality of man

Woman will be the last thing civilized
by Man

Woman finds herself on board a
rudderless vessel

Woman's precious word No at the
sentinel's post, and alert

Women are wonderfully quick scholars
under ridicule

Women with brains, moreover, are all

Women are taken to be the second
thoughts of the Creator

Women don't care uncommonly for the men
who love them

Women must not be judging things out of
their sphere

Women and men are in two hostile camps

Women treat men as their tamed

Women are swift at coming to
conclusions in these matters

Women are happier enslaved

Won't do to be taking in reefs on a

Wonderment that one of her sex should
have ideas

Wooing her with dog's eyes instead of

Wooing a good man for his friendship

Work of extravagance upon perceptibly
plain matter

Work is medicine

World cannot pardon a breach of

World against us  It will not keep us
from trying to serve

World is ruthless, dear friends,
because the world is hypocrite

World prefers decorum to honesty

World voluntarily opens a path to those
who step determinedly

Would like to feel he was doing a bit
of good

Would he see what he aims at?  let him
ask his heels

Wrapped in the comfort of his cowardice

Writer society delights in, to show
what it is composed of

Yawns coming alarmingly fast, in the
place of ideas

Years are the teachers of the great
rocky natures

Yet, though Angels smile, shall not
Devils laugh

You accuse or you exonerate--Nobody can
be half guilty

You choose to give yourself to an
obscure dog

You rides when you can, and you walks
when you must

You talk your mother with a vengeance

You do want polish

You who may have cared for her through
her many tribulations, have no fear

You are entreated to repress alarm

You beat me with the fists, but my
spirit is towering

You can master pain, but not doubt

You are not married, you are simply

You have not to be told that I desire
your happiness above all

You are to imagine that they know

You may learn to know yourself through

You want me to flick your indecision

You saw nothing but handkerchiefs out
all over the theatre

You played for gain, and that was a
licenced thieving

You'll have to guess at half of
everything he tells you

You'll tell her you couldn't sit down
in her presence undressed

You're the puppet of your women!

You're talking to me, not to a gallery

You're a rank, right-down widow, and no

You're going to be men, meaning
something better than women

You've got no friend but your bed

Young as when she looked upon the
lovers in Paradise

Your devotion craves an enormous

Youth will not believe that stupidity
and beauty can go together

Youth is not alarmed by the sound of
big sums

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