A new, practical and easy method of learning the Portuguese language

By F. Ahn

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Title: A New, Practical and Easy Method of Learning the Portuguese Language

Author: Franz Ahn

Release date: October 11, 2024 [eBook #74563]

Language: English

Original publication: London: Franz Thimm

Credits: The Online Distributed Proofreading Team at https://www.pgdp.net (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive)


Transcriber’s Notes:

  Underscores “_” before and after a word or phrase indicate _italics_
    in the original text.
  Equal signs “=” before and after a word or phrase indicate =bold=
    in the original text.
  Small capitals have been converted to SOLID capitals.
  Old or antiquated spellings have been preserved.
  Typographical and punctuation errors have been silently corrected.

                                 A NEW
                       PRACTICAL AND EASY METHOD
                              OF LEARNING
                       THE PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE.

                           AFTER THE SYSTEM
                                F. AHN,

                       AT THE COLLEGE OF NEUSS.


                             FRANZ THIMM,
                          FOREIGN PUBLISHER,
                            3 BROOK STREET,
                         GROSVENOR SQUARE. W.



“_Learn a foreign language as you learned your mother-tongue._” It is
the way that nature herself follows, it is the same which the mother
points out in speaking to her child, repeating to it a hundred times
the same words, combining them imperceptibly and succeeding in this
way in making it speak the same language she speaks. To learn in this
manner is no longer a study, it is an amusement. This is in a few
words the Method which Prof. =Ahn= has so successfully adopted in his
continental Grammars.

The Editor of this Grammar has followed the rational System, which has
already procured for Prof. =Ahn= a European reputation, and he has
adopted it for the Study of the Portuguese Language. He is greatly
indebted to the excellent Grammars by =Bösche=, =Müller=, etc., which
he has used for the ground work of this Grammar and it is hoped that
its simplicity and utility will procure for it that favour, which the
German, French, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Danish, Dutch and Latin
Grammars of Prof. =Ahn= have already found in the Colleges and Schools
of England.

                                                     =The Editor.=

The Copyright for England, France and Germany is secured.


                          FIRST COURSE.
    The Pronunciation                                      1

                           PART I.

    Declension of the definite Article                     7
    Declension of the indefinite Article                   8
    Contractions of the Article with the Prepositions      9

    =On the Gender=                                       10
      Masculine                                           10
      Feminine Substantive                                11
      Formation of the Plural                             14
      Declension of Substantives                          18

    =The Adjective=                                       20
      The Plural of Adjectives                            21
      The Comparison of Adjectives                        23
      Irregular Comparisons                               24
      Declension of the Adjective                         24

    =The Numbers=                                         26
      1. The Cardinal Numbers                             26
      2. The Ordinal Numbers                              27
      3. Fractional Numbers                               27
      4. Proportional Numbers                             28
      5. Collective Numbers                               28

    =Pronouns=                                            30
      1. Personal Pronouns                                30
      2. Conjunctive Pronouns                             31
      3. Mixed Pronouns                                   31
      4. Possessive Pronouns                              33
      5. Demonstrative Pronouns                           34
      6. Relative Pronouns                                35
      7. Interrogative Pronouns                           36
      8. Indefinite Pronouns                              37

                           PART II.

    =Collection of Words=                                 41
    =Easy Dialogues=                                      47

                      SECOND COURSE.

    =Verbs=                                               58
      The Auxiliary Verbs                                 58
      The Regular Verbs                                   69
          Active Verbs                                    69
          The Passive Verbs                               79
          The Neuter Verbs                                79
          The Reflective Verbs                            80
      Irregular Verbs                                     84
      Impersonal Verbs                                   107

    =Adverbs=                                            108
      1. Adverbs of Time                                 108
      2. Adverbs of Place                                108
      3. Adverbs of Number and Comparison                108
      4. Adverbs of Manner and Kind                      109
      5. Adverbs of Affirmation and Negation             109

    =Prepositions=                                       111
    =Conjunctions=                                       113
    =Interjections=                                      114
    =Reading Lessons=                                    115
    =Idiomatic Expressions=
          with Verbs, Adverbs, Prepositions etc.         121


The Pronunciation.

=1. The Alphabet.=

The Portuguese Alphabet is composed of the 25 following letters:

        pronounced    |        pronounced
    _a_   ah          |    _n_   ennay
    _b_   bay         |    _o_   o
    _c_   say         |    _p_   pay
    _d_   day         |    _q_   kay
    _e_   ai          |    _r_   erray
    _f_   effay       |    _s_   essay
    _g_   jay         |    _t_   tay
    _h_   aghah       |    _u_   oo
    _i_   ee          |    _v_   vay
    _j_   dshod       |    _x_   shees
    _k_   kah         |    _y_   ypsilon
    _l_   ellay       |    _z_   zea.
    _m_   emmay       |

There are six vowels: _a_, _e_, _i_, _o_, _u_ and _y_, the rest are

=2. The Accent.=

The Portuguese language has several accents:

    the ʹ acute accent,
    the ^ circumflex accent,
    the ~ hyphen, called _til_, is set over some letters
          as a substitute for _m_, as:
              _lã_ for _lam_
              _bẽ_ for _bem_
              _huã_ for _huam_.

=3. The Vowels.=

    =A= 1. is pronounced like the _a_ in the English word
                 =path=, when it has the acute accent ´:
                   _chá_, tea
                   _dá_,  he gives
                   _lá_,  there.

    2. is it pronounced short and clear like the _a_ in
               _capitão_, the captain (first a),
       or if found before the double consonants:
           _cc_, _ll_, _mm_, _nn_, _pp_, _ss_, _tt_, as:
                   _acclamar_, to call out
                   _annullar_, to annull
                   _alludir_,  to allude
                   _appellar_, to appeal.

    3. it has a soft and aspirated sound at the end of words if not
       accentuated: _vergonha_, the shame. If the hyphen ~ _til_
       stands over the _a_ it takes a nasal sound:

                   _irmãa_ (pr. irmāng), the sister
                   _lã_    (pr. lāng), the world.

    =E= has three sounds:
    1. open but short like _ai_ in the English word =hail=,
       when with the acute accent ´ as:
                   _pé_, foot
                   _fé_, belief

       or in:
                   _mel_, honey
                   _he_, he is
                   _quero_ (pr. kayro), I will,

       or in those verbs ending in _er_:
                   _conhecer_, to know
                   _receber_, to receive.

    2. long, when with the circumflex ^ over it, as:
                   _lê_, he reads
                   _vê_, he sees
                   _rêde_, the net.

    3. It is almost mute at the end of words without the accent, as:
                   _liberdade_, liberty
                   _amizade_, friendship.

    =I= is pronounced like _e_ in the English word =me=, and it
           is only the accent that determines the pronunciation, as:

    =O= has three sounds:

    1. clear and strong in:

    2. soft and long in:
                   _bôlo_, cake
                   _gôrdo_, fat
                   _rapôsa_, the fox (fem.).

    3. quite short, almost like _oo_ in:
                   _poder_, to be able
                   _molho_, a bundle almost pronounced like

    =U= is pronounced like the _oo_ in the word =wood=, but the
             pronunciation depends much upon the length of the
             syllables, f. i. in _túmulo_, the grave, the first _u_
             is long, the second is short. If provided with the _til_
             ~ and before _m_ and _n_ it takes the nasal sound.

    If it follows after _g_ and _q_, it is either aspirated,
             or it is quite mute, as:
                   _guerra_ (gerrah), war
                   _quero_  (kayro), I will
                   _quieto_ (key-eh-to), quite.

    In _qual_, it is slightly sounded to distinguish it from the
        Noun _cal_, the chalk.

    =Y= is pronounced like the vowel _I_.

=4. The Consonants.=

    =B= is pronounced like the English _B_.

    =C= before _a_, _o_, _u_, _l_ and _r_ is pronounced like _k_, as:
                   _cavallo_ (kahvallo), the horse
                   _cravo_   (krahvo), the pink
                   _cuidado_ (kooeedado), the care.

             Before _e_ and _i_ it sounds like _s_, as:
                   _ceo_     (sayo), heaven
                   _cigarro_ (seegarro), cigar.

              If the _c_ before _a_, _o_, _u_ has a cedille (_ç_)
                 it sounds like _s_, as:
                   _caça_   (kassah), chase
                   _aço_    (asso), the steel
                   _açucar_ (assookar), sugar.

              The double _c_, is distinctly heard only before _e_ and
                _i_, the first sounds like _k_, the second like _s_, as:
                   _accidente_ (akseedente), the accident.

    =D= is pronounced like the English.

    =F=        do.               do.

    =G= before _a_, _o_ and a consonant is pronounced
             like the English _g_, as:
                   _gordo_, fat
                   _gravo_, grave.

             _g_ before _e_ and _i_ sounds like the
             _j_ in the English word =joy=, as:

             _gua_ almost sounds like the English _wa_, as:
                   _guarda_, pr. gwarda.

    =H= is only softly aspirated in few words, as:
              otherwise it is mute, as:
                   _homem_ (omem), man
                   _hora_ (ora), hour.
               Many writers drop the _h_ at the beginning and write
                    _um_, _uma_, instead of: _hum_, _huma_.

    =J= is pronounced like the English _j_.

    =K= only occurs in foreign words and is pronounced like the
             English _K._

    =L= is pronounced like the English _L._

    =M= at the beginning of words, or between two vowels when it belongs
         to the second syllable, is pronounced like the English _m_, as:
                   _menino_, child
                   _amar_, to love.
          It takes a nasal sound at the end of words, or when it follows
           after _a, e, i, o_ or _u_ which cannot well be described, as:
                   _condição_,   condition
                   _bem_ (bang), well
                   _bom_ (bong), good.

    =N= is pronounced like the English _n_, but has the same
             peculiarities as _m._

    =P= is pronounced as in English.

    =Q= sounds like _k_, as:
             _quero_ (kayro), I will.

    =R= is pronounced as in English.

    =S= is pronounced as in English; between two vowels it sounds
             like _z._

    =T= is pronounced like the English.

    =V=        do.               do.

    =X= has three sounds.
        1. It sounds generally like _sh_, as:
                   _xarope_ (sharope), syrup
                   _enxaqueca_ (anshakeykah), headake.
        2. After _e_ it is pronounced like _ks_, as:
        3. Between two vowels it is pronounced like _gz_, as:
            except in:
                   and some other words, where it sounds like _sh._
            The _x_ must be pronounced so softly that it is
                 scarcely audible.

    =Z= sounds like the English, as:
             At the end of words it sounds like _s_, as:

=5. Double Consonants.=

The Portuguese language has the following double consonants:

    =Ch= 1. is pronounced like the English _ch_, as:

    2. it is pronounced like _k_ in words derived from Latin or
       Greek, as:

    =Lh= is pronounced like the _ll_ in the English word “billiards”
            or in the French words “fille, bouilli”, as:
                   _mulher_, woman
                   _mólho_, the bundle.

    =Nh= is pronounced like the French _gn_ in “espagne, peigner”, as:
                   _ganho_, I win
                   _banho_, bath
                   _manha_, trick.

    =Ph= is pronounced like _f_, as:

    =Rh= and =Th= are pronounced like _r_ and _t_.

    6. The Diphthongs.

    The Portuguese language has two kinds of diphthongs: the =pure=,
    those which are distinctly pronounced, and the =nasal= diphthongs,
    pronounced with a nasal sound.

                   =Pure Diphthongs.=
    =ae=, as:

    =ai=  (the _a_ and _i_ do not blend), as:
               _pai_ (pa-i),
               _ai_ (a-i).
    =ao=, as:
               _páo_ (pa-o),
               _máo_ (ma-o).
    =au=, as:
    =ei=, =ey=, as:
    =éi=, as:
    =eo=, as:
    =éo=, as:
    =eu=, as:
    =io=, as:
    =oa=, as:
    =oe=, as:
    =oi=, as:
    =ôo=, =oo=, as:
    =ou=, as:
    =ui=, =uy=, as:

             In the above the first vowel is preeminent, in the
                following the second vowel has most emphasis.
    =ea=, as:
    =eo=, as:
    =ia=, as:
    =oa= (pron. _oâ_ and _oá_), as:
    =ui= (pron. _ui_), as:
    =uo= (pron. _uó_), as:
    =uu= (pron. _uú_), as:

                   =Nasal Diphthongs.=

    =ãa= (bad orthography _am_ or _an_), as:
               _maçãa_ (mas-sang), apple,
               _irmãa_ (ir-mang), sister.

    =ãe=  (bad _aem_, _aen_), as:
               _capitães_ (kapeeta-engs), captains,
               _cães_     (ka-engs), dogs.
    =am=, as:
               _amparo_ (ang-paro), protection.
    =an=, as:
               _andar_ (ang-dar), to go.
    =ão= (bad orthogr. _aõ_, _am_, _an_), as:
               _captião_, captain.
    =em=, =ẽe=, =ẽem=, as:
               _lem_ or _lẽem_ (lay-eng), they read,
               _bem_, good.
    =im=, as:
               _fim_ (fing), the end.
    =õe= (_oem_, _oen_), as:
               _põe_ (pong-eng),
               _nações_ (nahs-so-engs).
    =om=, as:
               _bom_ (bong), good.
    =um=, =un=, as:
               _mundo_ (moong-do), the world.
    The Portuguese have also syllables of three vowels such, as:
               _eia_,    hallo!
               _meia_,   half
               _ideia_,  idea
               _rodeão_, they surround
               _vivião_, they lived.


    _o_, the (masc.)             |   _irmão_, brother
    _a_, the (fem.)              |   _irmãa_, sister
    _pai_, father                |   _e_, and
    _mãi_, mother                |   _he_, is
    _bom_ (m.), _boa_ (f.), good |


O pai. A mãi. O irmão. A irmãa. O pai he bom, e a mãi he boa. O bom
pai, a boa mãi. O bom irmão, a boa irmãa. O irmão he bom, a irmãa he

    _meu_, _minha_, my
    _alto_,    great
    _pequeno_, little.

The sister is good. The father and the good brother. The good mother
and the little sister. The great brother. My brother is little. My
little brother. My mother and my good sister. My father and my mother.
My good mother and my little sister.

    =Declension of the definite Article.=

       Singular.               Plural.
    Nom. _o_,  the       |   _os_
    Gen. _do_, of the    |   _dos_
    Dat. _ao_, to the    |   _aos_
    Acc. _o_,  the       |   _os_
    Abl. _do_, from the. |   _dos_.

       Singular.               Plural.
    Nom. _a_,  the       |   _as_
    Gen. _da_, of the    |   _das_
    Dat. _á_,  to the    |   _ás_
    Acc. _a_,  the       |   _as_
    Abl. _da_, from the. |   _das_.

    =Declension of the indefinite Article.=

       =Masculine.            Feminine.=
    Nom. _um_,    a      |   _uma_
    Gen. _de um_, of a   |   _de uma_
    Dat. _á um_,  to a   |   _á uma_
    Acc. _um_,    a      |   _uma_
    Abl. _de um_, from a |   _de uma_.


    _moça_, girl
    _bonito_, pretty
    _cavallo_, horse
    _agulha_, needle
    _faca_, knife
    _leão_, lion
    _tigre_, tiger
    _leopardo_, leopard
    _são_, are (from _ser_)
    _animal_, _aes_, animal
    _feroz_, wild
    _estado_, situation
    _no_ (_em o_), in, Dat.
    _miseravel_, miserable
    _em_, in
    _que_, which
    _elle_, he
    _está_, is (from _estar_)
    _ella_, she
    _na_ (_em a_), in the
    _rua_, street
    _garfo_, fork
    _estão_, are (from _estar_)
    _nas_ (_em as_), in, Acc.
    _gaveta_, drawer
    _tenho_, I have
    _lido_, read
    _isso_, this
    _nos_ (_em os_), in, Acc.
    _livro_, book
    _passeio_, I go
    _pelo_ (_por o_), through the
    _entrou_, he came
    _pela_ (_por a_), through
    _porta_, gate
    _boi_, ox
    _vaca_, cow.


O pai he alto. A mãi he pequena. A moça he bonita. O cavallo do pai.
A agulha da irmãa. A faca do irmão. O leão, o tigre e o leopardo são
animaes ferozes. No estado miseravel em que elle está. Ella está na
rua. Os garfos estão nas gavetas. Tenho lido isso nos livros do C.
Passeio pelo campo. Elle entrou pela porta. Um boi. Uma vaca.


    _noticia_, the news
    _muíto_, very
    _nobre_, noble
    _cão_, dog
    _labrão_, bark
    _rosa_, rose
    _mais bello_, more beautiful
    _do que_, than
    _tulipa_, tulip
    _verão_, summer
    _quente_, hot
    _inverno_, winter
    _rigoroso_, severe
    _passaro_, bird
    _cantão_, sing
    _aguia_, eagle
    _açor_, hawk
    _ave de rapina_, bird of prey
    _ignorancia_, ignorance
    _erro_, error
    _superstição_, superstition
    _deixei_, I left behind
    _tia_, aunt
    _cama_, bed
    _menino_, _criança_, child, baby
    _o braço_, the arm
    _carta_, letter
    _mão_, hand
    _secretario_, secretary
    _saltar_, to jump
    _janella_, window.

The news is good. The horse is a very noble animal. The dogs bark.
The roses are more beautiful than the tulips. The summers are hot and
the winters severe. The birds sing. The eagle and the hawk are birds
of prey. Ignorance is the mother of error, of superstition, and of
prejudice. I left my hat in the carriage. The aunt is in bed. She
had her child in her arms. He gave the letter into the hands of the
secretary. He jumped out of (_pela_) the window. I see a man and a
woman. A garden and a house.

    =Contractions of the Article with the Prepositions.=

    The Portuguese contract the Article and Preposition in the following

    from _de o_  is formed _do_  | from _em o_   is formed _no_
      -  _de a_   -    -   _da_  |   -  _em a_    -    -   _na_
      -  _de os_  -    -   _dos_ |   -  _em os_   -    -   _nos_
      -  _de as_  -    -   _das_ |   -  _em as_   -    -   _nas_
      -  _a o_    -    -   _ao_  |   -  _por o_   -    -   _pelo_
      -  _a a_    -    -   _á_   |   -  _por a_   -    -   _pela_
      -  _a os_   -    -   _aos_ |   -  _por os_  -    -   _pelos_
      -  _a as_   -    -   _ás_  |   -  _por as_  -    -   _pelas_.


=On the Gender.=


The names of all masculine persons, animals, and the occupations of men.


    _Imperador_, emperor
    _foi_, was (from _ser_)
    _morto_, killed
    _Rei_, king
    _chegou_, he arrived
    _hontem_, yesterday
    _jesuita_, the Jesuit
    _forão_, they were
    _expulsado_, expelled
    _homem_, man
    _não ama senão_, only loves
    _a si mesmo_, himself
    _Carlos_, Charles
    _foi_, was
    _Frederico_, Frederick
    _ambicioso_, ambitious
    _ferreiro_, the smith
    _diligente_, diligent
    _alfaiate_, tailor
    _preguiçoso_, lazy
    _gordo_, fat
    _gallo_, the cock
    _mais forte_, stronger
    _de que_, than
    _gallinha_, hen.

O Imperador Paulo foi morto. El-Rei chegou hontem. Os jesuitas forão
expulsados. O homem não ama senão a si mesmo. Carlos foi grande e
Frederico ambicioso. O ferreiro he diligente e o alfaiate preguiçoso. O
boi he muito gordo. O leão he muito feroz. O gallo he mais forte do que
a gallinha.



    _duque_, duke
    _proclamado_, proclaimed
    _principe herdeiro_, hereditary prince
    _morreo_, died
    _marcineiro_, the joiner
    _carpinteiro_, the carpenter
    _trabalhão_, they work
    _Luiz_, Lewis
    _Henrique_, Henry
    _poderoso_, powerful
    _touro_, the bull
    _matado_, killed
    _vigilante_, watchful
    _bello_, _formoso_, beautiful
    _sanguinario_     }
    _sanguinoso_      } bloodthirsty
    _sanguinolento_   }
    _marido_    }
    _esposo_    } husband
    _doente_, ill
    _tio_, uncle
    _sahio_ (_sahir_), went out
    _avô_, grandfather
    _primo_, cousin
    _filho_, son
    _dão_, they take
    _passeio_, walk.

The Duke of Bragança was proclaimed king. The hereditary prince died.
The joiner and the carpenter work. Lewis was brave, and Henry powerful.
The bull was killed. The watchful dog. The beautiful horse. The tiger
is very bloodthirsty. The husband of this woman is very ill. The uncle
went out. The grandfather, the father, the cousin and the son took a


=Feminine Substantive.=

The names of all feminine persons, animals and the occupations of women
are feminine.


    _Imperatriz_, empress
    _Rainha_, queen
    _estavão_, they were
    _igreja_, church
    _duqueza_, duchess
    _banho_, bath
    _alfaiata_, sempstress
    _concerta_, mends
    _vestido_, dress
    _filha_, daughter
    _tia_, aunt
    _avó_, grandmother
    _neta_, granddaughter
    _jardim_, garden
    _rapariga_, little girl
    _feia_, ugly
    _mulher_, woman
    _obsequioso_, good
    _vaca_, cow
    _dá_, gives
    _leite_, milk
    _chocando_, hatching.

A Imperatriz e a Rainha estavão na igreja. A duqueza está no banho. A
alfaiata concerta um vestido. A mãi e a filha, a tia e a prima, a avó
e a neta estão no jardim. A rapariga não he feia. A mulher he muito
obsequiosa. A vaca dá leite. A gallinha está chocando.



    _abbadessa_, abbess
    _fallou_, spoke
    _freira_            }
    _religiosa_         } nun
    _sór_               }
    _mosteiro_      }
    _convento_      } convent
    _princeza_, princess
    _estar para_, was on the point
    _partir_, to depart
    _condeça_, the countess
    _casa_, house
    _costureira_, needlewoman
    _pespontar_, hems
    _lenço de pescoço_, neckhandkerchief
    _esposa_, the wife
    _negociante_, merchant
    _muitas vezes_, frequently
    _caprichoso_, capricious
    _criada_, the servant
    _varre_, sweeps
    _cozinha_, kitchen
    _cabra_, goat
    _animal domestico_, domestic animal
    _gata_, cat
    _está brincando_, plays
    _com_, with
    _cachorra_, young dog
    _minha_, my, fem.
    _prima_, cousin, fem.
    _irmãa_, sister
    _theatro_, theatre
    _leoa_, lioness
    _juba_, the mane
    _esta_, this
    _egoa_, mare
    _mais bello_, more beautiful
    _cavallo capado_, the stallion
    _Maria_, Mary
    _não he tão_, is not so
    _come_, as
    _Marianna_, Maryanne
    _Inglaterra_, England
    _sabio_, wise
    _soberana_, sovereign
    _cozinheira_, cook
    _mercado_, market
    _diligente_, diligent.

The abbess spoke with the nuns of the convent. The princess was on the
point of departing. The countess was not at home. The needlewoman hems
my pockethandkerchief. The wife of the merchant. The women are often
very capricious. The servant sweeps the kitchen. The goat is a domestic
animal. The cat plays with the young female dog. My cousin (_fem._) and
my sister were at the theatre. The lioness has no mane. This mare is
more beautiful than that stallion. Mary is not so diligent as Maryanne.
Elisabeth of England was a wise sovereign. The cook went to market.

In Portuguese some of the names of animals are occasionally masculine
and feminine; to denote the gender the words _macho_, male, or _femea_,
female, are used, as:

    _elephante macho_, the male elephant,
    _elephante femea_, the female elephant.

Those Substantives ending in _a_ and _ãa_ are feminine.



Esta casa[1] tem uma boa[2] apparencia[3]. A rosa[4] he muito bella.
A boca[5], a orelha[6], a cabeça[7], a testa[8] e a barba[9] são
partes[10] do corpo[11] humano[12]. A janella[13] está aberta[14].
Esta agulha[15] he fina de mais[16]. Esta tinta não presta para
nada. Quero aparar[17] uma penna[18]. Tenho[19] que escrever[20]
uma carta[21]. Faça-me o favor[22] de-me emprestar[23] una folha
de papel[24]. A garrafa[25] está na mesa[26]. Esta cerejeira[27]
carrega[28] muito. Esta uva[29] está madura[30]. Esta vinha[31] está em
optima[32] exposição[33].

[1] house.

[2] good.

[3] appearance.

[4] rose.

[5] mouth.

[6] ear.

[7] head.

[8] forehead.

[9] chin.

[10] part.

[11] body.

[12] human.

[13] window.

[14] open.

[15] needle.

[16] is too fine.

[17] mend.

[18] pen.

[19] I have.

[20] to write.

[21] letter.

[22] do me the favour.

[23] lend.

[24] sheet of paper.

[25] bottle.

[26] table.

[27] cherry tree.

[28] bears.

[29] grape.

[30] ripe.

[31] vine.

[32] the best.

[33] situation.


The butter[34] is fresh[35]. With your permission[36]. The cup[37] is
not washed[38]. I have the honour[39]. The beer[40] is excellent[41].
The oyster[42] is fresh. Bring me[43] a wafer[44].—We have a
beautiful[45] morning[46]. The door[47] is locked[48]. Spring[49] is
the most agreeable[50] time of the year[51]. The harvest[52] will
be[53] abundant[54].

[34] manteiga.

[35] fresco.

[36] licença.

[37] chicara.

[38] levado.

[39] honra.

[40] cerveja.

[41] excellente.

[42] ostra.

[43] traga me.

[44] obrea.

[45] lindo.

[46] manhãa.

[47] porta.

[48] fechado.

[49] primavera.

[50] a mais agradavel.

[51] estação.

[52] colheita.

[53] ha de ser.

[54] abundante.



The following Substantives ending in _a_ are masculine:

    _o aroma_, the aroma      | _o drama_, the drama
    _o axioma_, the principle | _o mappa_, the map
    _o chá_, the tea          | _o idioma_, the idiom
    _o clima_, the climate    | _o planeta_, the planet
    _o cometa_, the comet     | _o poema_, the poem
    _o dia_, the day          | _o thema_, the theme.
    _o diadema_, the diadem   |

Those Nouns ending in _e_, are generally =masculine=, except:

    1. those ending in _ade_, as:
              _verdade_, truth, etc.,
    2. those ending in _ie_ or _ice_, as:
              _a velhice_, the age,
    3. those ending in accented _é_, as:
              _a cheminé_, a chimney.

Nouns ending in _i_, _y_, _o_, _u_ as well as those ending in _l_, _m_,
_r_, _s_ and _z_ are with few exceptions all masculine.

Those ending in _ão_, are both masculine and feminine.


=Formation of the Plural=.

Nouns ending in _a_, _e_, _i_, _y_, _o_, _u_ and _ãa_ form their plural
by adding an _s_ to the singular. As:

    _a rosa_,  _as rosas_;
    _a arte_,  _as artes_;
    _o filho_, _os filhos_.


As rosas são mais bellas que as tulipas. Os rios correm[55] por terras
despovoadas[56]. As arvores são muito frondosas[57]. As villas são
ornadas[58] de duas igrejas. Eu não vi os pentes[59]. Os habitantes[60]
destas comarcas[61] são Indios[62]. Elles tem maçãas. Novos reis, novas
leis. Deixei os bahús nos coches. Os ribeiros[63], algumas lagôas[64] e
mesmo certos rios ficão em secco[65].

[55] flow.

[56] depopulated.

[57] leaved.

[58] ornamented.

[59] comb.

[60] inhabitants.

[61] district.

[62] Indian.

[63] brook.

[64] lake.

[65] dry out.


These houses please me more than those edifices[66]. The villages[67]
and towns in this district[68] are not very numerous[69]. The oxen[70],
cows, goats, sheep[71] and cats[72] are domestic animals. There are[73]
many wild boars[74], deer[75] and hares[76] in these forests[77]. The
cranes[78] and storks[79] are birds of passage[80]. The huts[81] are
made[82] of the trunks of trees[83].

[66] edificio.

[67] aldêa.

[68] região.

[69] numeroso.

[70] boi.

[71] ovelha.

[72] gato.

[73] ha.

[74] javali.

[75] veado.

[76] lebre.

[77] bosque.

[78] grou.

[79] cegonha.

[80] ave de arribação.

[81] barraca.

[82] feito.

[83] tronco d’arvore.


=Substantives= ending in _ão_, form their plural in _ões_, as:

    _a condição_, condition, _as condições_.

=Exceptions= are:

    _Allemão_, the German, _Allemães_
    _Catalão_, the Catalonian, _Catalães_
    _cão_, dog, _cães_
    _pão_, bread, _pães_
    _capitão_, captain, _capitães_
    _tabellião_, notary, _tabelliães_.

The following only add an _s_ in the Plural:

    _aldeão_, the peasant     |  _irmão_, the brother
    _anão_, the dwarf         |  _mão_, the hand
    _ancião_, the age         |  _orfão_, the orphan
    _a benção_, the blessing  |  _orgão_, the organ
    _christão_, Christ        |  _pagão_, the heathen
    _cortezão_, the courtier  |  _rabão_, the radish
    _grão_, the corn          |  _villão_, the villain.



Elle abrio[84] communições entre as cidades e os sertões[85]. Os
serões[86] são cumpridos. O districto he proprio[87] para todas as
producções agricolas[88]. As terras são plantadas[89] e semeadas[90] de
feijões[91] e melões[92]. Os Allemães fizerão[93] muitas invenções[94]
uteis[95]. Os capitães não querem obedecer[96] ao general. Aqui[97]
estão tres pães[98]. Os Cortezãos lisonjão[99] ao principe[100]. Os
primeiros orgãos forão construidos[101] por um Allemão em 1312. Eis
aqui[102] os dous[103] villãos. As casas são ornadas de balcões[104] de
ferro. Aos orphãos mandase[105] aprender[106] um officio[107].

[84] open.

[85] the interior of the country.

[86] evening.

[87] is suitable.

[88] agricultural produce.

[89] planted.

[90] sowed.

[91] black bean.

[92] melon.

[93] make.

[94] invention.

[95] useful.

[96] obey.

[97] here.

[98] bread.

[99] flatter.

[100] the prince.

[101] constructed.

[102] here are.

[103] two.

[104] balcony.

[105] one lets.

[106] learn.

[107] a handicraft.


The passions[108] of women are often very violent[109]. The
navigation[110] extended[111], at the beginning[112], only along the
coast. Many revolutions[113] have broken out[114] in Europe in recent
times[115]. The conditions[116] were rejected[117]. These places[118]
are situated in the interior of the country[119]. The hunters[120]
took[121] the dogs to the chase[122]. The Catalonians inhabit an
important[123] province of Spain[124]. The notaries[125] protest[126]
the bills of exchange[127]. His brothers were not at home[128]. The
first Christians were much persecuted[129]. The heathens are still very
numerous[130]. The radishes are very dear.

[108] paixão.

[109] violento.

[110] navegação.

[111] estender.

[112] no principio.

[113] revolução.

[114] rebentar.

[115] no ultimo tempo.

[116] condição.

[117] rejeitar.

[118] povoação.

[119] no interior do paiz.

[120] caçador.

[121] levar.

[122] caça.

[123] consideravel.

[124] Hespanha.

[125] tabellião.

[126] protestar.

[127] lettra de cambio.

[128] em casa.

[129] perseguir.

[130] numeróso.


=Substantives= ending in:

    _al_, _ol_, _ul_ change _l_ into _es_, as:
        _a sinal_, _as sinaes_

    _el_ change _l_ into _is_, as:
        _annel_, _anneis_

    _il_ change _l_ into _s_, as:
        _o funil_, _os funis_.


    _conter_, contain      |  _muitas vezes_, frequently
    _sal_, salt            |  _o funil_, the funnel
    _mandar_, to order     |  _ao pé_, with
    _furriel_, lieutenant  |  _barril_, the barrel
    _amizade_, friendship  |  _mandou_, had (let)
    _encontrar_, to meet   |  _pôr_, erect
    _primavera_, spring    |  _pharol_, lighthouse.
    _terrestre_, earthly   |

As aguas contem differentes saes. Os animaes domesticos. Os generaes
mandavão aos furrieis. Os coroneis estavão no conselho de guerra. Os
varios sinaes de sua amizade. Não se encontra muitos caracoes nesta
primavera. Os males terrestres são muitas vezes quasi insupportaveis.
Os papeis estão na mesa. Os funis estão ao pé dos barris. O imperador
mandou pôr pharoes.


The poignards[131] are ground[132]. These fishing rods[133] are
good for nothing[134]. The goldsmith brought the rings[135]. The
painter[136] has many brushes. Three consuls governed[137] France in
1803. The barrels[138] are full[139]. The officers[140] were very much
dissatisfied[141]. There are[142] different chalks[143]. I like[144]
pies[145].—They will discover[146] your tricks[147].

[131] punhal.

[132] amolar.

[133] oanzol.

[134] não valem nada.

[135] annel.

[136] pintor.

[137] governar.

[138] barril.

[139] cheio.

[140] official.

[141] descontente.

[142] ha.

[143] cal.

[144] eu gosto.

[145] pastel.

[146] descubrir.

[147] ardil.


Substantives ending in _m_, change their plural into _ns_, as:

    _bem_, the treasure, _bens_
    _viagem_, the journey, _viagens._

Those ending in _r, s_ and _z_, add _es_ to the singular, as:

       _a colher_, the spoon, _as colheres_
       _ar_, the air, _ares_
       _deos_, a God, _deoses_
       _perdiz_, the partridge, _perdizes_;

       _ourives_, the goldsmith, _ourives_
       _caliz_, the chalice, _calices_
       _alferes_, the ensign, _alferes._


As margens[148] verdejão[149] com a relva[150] dos prados[151]. Elle
fez[152] muitas viagens. Elle possue[153] muitos bens de raiz[154] na
cidade e fóra della[155]. Todos os homens são mortaes[156]. Os sons dos
instrumentos musicos. Os jejuns[157] não engordão[158]. O ceo[159] se
cobre[160] de nuvens[161]. Os moradores[162] commercião[163] em[164]
madeiras de construcção[165]. Comprei[166] duas colheres de prata. As
Imperatrizes de Russia e d’Austria chegárão[167]. Atire[168] a esse
bando[169] de perdizes. Os Deoses se ajuntão[170] no Olympo. Quasi[171]
todos os freguezes[172] são Indios. Ha quatro calices na igreja. Os
piratas[173] infestavão os mares.

[148] bank.

[149] green.

[150] turf.

[151] meadow.

[152] made.

[153] possess.

[154] (landed) property.

[155] out of it.

[156] mortal.

[157] fasting.

[158] to make fat.

[159] sky.

[160] covered.

[161] cloud.

[162] inhabitants.

[163] deal.

[164] with.

[165] timber.

[166] to buy.

[167] to arrive.

[168] short.

[169] flock.

[170] assemble.

[171] almost.

[172] customer.

[173] pirates.


I hear[174] sounds[175]. The sun[176] hides[177] itself behind[178]
thick[179] clouds[180]. We have four ducks[181]. The passages[182]
are locked[183]. The pictures[184] of Saints in this church are very
numerous. Our baggage[185] is still in the vessel. I offer[186] you my
congratulations[187]. The air (_pl._) is always[188] pure[189] in this
Country. I have eaten[190] four[191] quails[192]. He showed[193] me
the scars[194] of his wounds[195]. In a battalion[196] there are eight
ensigns. The goldsmiths came together. The chalices of the flowers. I
was many times[197] in your house. The belligerent[198] powers.

[174] ouvir.

[175] tom.

[176] sol.

[177] esconder.

[178] de.

[179] grosso.

[180] nuvem.

[181] pato.

[182] passagem.

[183] fechar.

[184] imagem.

[185] bagagem.

[186] dar.

[187] parabem.

[188] sempre.

[189] puro.

[190] comido.

[191] quatro.

[192] codorniz.

[193] mostrar.

[194] cicatriz.

[195] ferida.

[196] batalhão.

[197] vez.

[198] belligerante.


=Declension of Substantives.=


          Masculine.                        Feminine.
    Nom. _o homem_,  the man       | _a mulher_,  the woman
    Gen. _do homem_, of the man    | _da mulher_, of the woman
    Dat. _ao homem_, to the man    | _á mulher_,  to the woman
    Acc. _o homem_,  the man       | _a mulher_,  the woman
    Abl. _do homem_, from the man. | _da mulher_, from the woman.


    Nom. _os homens_,  the men       | _as mulheres_,  the women
    Gen. _dos homens_, of the men    | _das mulheres_, of the women
    Dat. _aos homens_, to the men    | _ás mulheres_,  to the women
    Acc. _os homens_,  the men       | _as mulheres_,  the women
    Abl. _dos homens_, from the men. | _das mulheres_, from the women.

    Nom. _Deos_,       God       | _Deoses_,       Gods
    Gen. _de Deos_,    of God    | _de Deoses_,    of Gods
    Dat. _a Deos_,     to God    | _a Deoses_,     to Gods
    Acc. (_a_) _Deos_, God       | (_a_) _Deoses_, Gods
    Abl. _de Deos_,    from God. | _de Deoses_,    from Gods.



    _chapéo_, the hat
    _offerecer_, to offer
    _batalha_, the battle
    _inimigo_, enemy
    _jardim_, garden
    _luva_, glove
    _conde_, count
    _deixar_, to leave
    _mordomo_, steward
    _adular_, to flatter
    _lisongeiro_, the flatterer
    _de sorte_, in such a manner
    _igualar_, to compare
    _deo_, gave (from _dar_)
    _grande_, sound, great
    _bofetada_, box on the ear
    _calçado_, paved
    _fizerão_, they made
    _cruel_, cruel
    _guerra_, war
    _comprar_, to buy
    _livro_, book
    _livreiro_, bookseller
    _rancor_, the rancor, enmity.

O pai não está em casa. O chapéo do irmão. O general offereceo batalha
ao inimigo. A mai ama a seu filho. A irmãa está no jardim. As luvas
da mãi. O conde nada deixou ao seu mordomo. Adulando um lisongeiro ao
Imperador Sigismundo, de sorte que o igualava a Deos, o Imperador deo
ao lisongeiro uma grande bofetada. As ruas são calçadas. Os Portuguezes
fizerão cruel guerra aos Indios. A mulher comprou o livro do livreiro.
O rancor dos Francezes contra os Inglezes.



The father loves[199] his daughter[200]. Mary loves her friend[201]
(_fem._). The eyes of Caroline equal[202] two[203] stars[204]. He
gave the money to the woman, and paid the tailor[205] at the same
time[206]. Two streams[207] of the province are designated[208] by this
name[209]. Various estates[210] are touched[211] by this river. These
offers[212] have been made to the Colonists[213]. He delivered[214]
the letter[215] to the secretary[216]. The Madeira is the most
important[217] tributary[218] of the Amazon river[219]. The name of the
Islands. The town is situated[220] on the left bank[221] of the river.
The harbour[222] of Rio de Janeiro is the most beautiful ornament[223]
of the city.

[199] amar.

[200] filha.

[201] amiga.

[202] igualar.

[203] dous (_fem._ duas).

[204] estrella.

[205] alfaiate.

[206] ao mesmo tempo.

[207] ribeiro.

[208] assignar.

[209] nome.

[210] fazenda.

[211] regar.

[212] offerecimento.

[213] colono.

[214] entregar.

[215] carta.

[216] secretario.

[217] cabal, importante.

[218] tributario.

[219] rio do Amazonas.

[220] jazer.

[221] na margem esquerda.

[222] porto.

[223] ornato.


=On the Augmentatives and Diminutives.=

The Portuguese language has the peculiarity of the Italian and Spanish
languages in making Substantives and Adjectives, by the addition of a
syllable augmentative or diminutive.

I. =Augmentativos.=

    _homem_, a man
    _homemzarão_, a large, powerful man
    _tolo_, a fool
    _toleirão_, a great fool
    _mulher_, the woman
    _mulherona_, a large masculine woman
    _tola_, the foolish woman
    _toleirona_, a very foolish woman.

II. =Diminutivos=

are formed by changing the final vowel into “_inho_”:

    _casa_, the house
    _casinha_, a pretty little house
    _homem_, a man
    _homemzinho_, a little man
    _bicho_, a worm
    _bichinho_, a little worm
    _coitado_, a poor man
    _coitadinho_, a poor little fellow
    _bonito_, pretty
    _bonitinho_, rather pretty;

others are formed by adding: _zinho_, _zinha_ or _sinho_, _inha_, as:

    _coração_, the heart
    _coraçãozinho_, dear little heart
    _cão_, the dog
    _cãozinho_, pretty little dog
    _irmão_, the brother
    _irmãozinho_, dear little brother
    _cabeça_, the head
    _cabeçinha_, pretty little head
    _mão_, the hand
    _mãozinha_, pretty little hand.


=The Adjective.=

The Adjectives in Portuguese agree with the Substantives in gender and

1. Adjectives ending in _e_, _l_ and _z_, remain unchanged in the
feminine, as:

    _forte_,  strong;
    _grande_, great;
    _cruel_,  cruel;
    _amavel_, amiable.

2. Adjectives ending in _o_ change the feminine into _a_, as:

    _o bonito_, the pretty, _a bonita_.

3. Those ending in _ú_, _m_ and _r_, add an _a_ in the feminine, as:

    _crú_, raw, _crúa_
    _nú_, nude, _núa_
    _um_, a, _uma_
    _nenhum_, none, _nenhuma_
    _traidor_, traitorous, _traidora_
    _protector_, _protectora_.

4. Adjectives ending in _ão_ change to _ãa_ in the feminine, as:

    _lução_, brilliant, _luçãa_
    _são_,   healthy,   _sàa_.


=The Plurals of Adjectives=

are formed in the same manner as the plural of Nouns, as:

                =Singular.=                       =Plural.=
       Masc.                  Fem.       |   Masc.           Fem.
    _forte_,     strong,    _forte_      | _fortes_,      _fortes_
    _gordo_,     fat,       _gorda_      | _gordos_,      _gordas_
    _crú_,       raw,       _crua_       | _crús_,        _cruas_
    _são_,       healthy,   _sãa_        | _sãos_,        _sãas_
    _igual_,     equal,     _igual_      | _iguaes_,      _iguaes_
    _amavel_,    amiable,   _amavel_     | _amaveis_,     _amaveis_
    _civil_,     civil,     _civil_      | _civis_,       _civis_
    _algum_,     any one,   _alguma_     | _alguns_,      _algumas_
    _protector_, protected, _protectora_ | _protectores_, _protectoras_
    _capaz_,     capable,   _capaz_      | _capazes_,     _capazes_.


1. The following add _s_ to the plural:

    _meão_, mediocre
    _temporão_, timely
    _são_, healthy
    _villão_, bad.

2. The following change _il_ into _eis_ in the plural, as:

    _agil_, swift
    _aquatil_, aquatic
    _debil_, weak
    _difficil_, difficult
    _docil_, docile
    _ductil_, pliant
    _esteril_, sterile
    _facil_, easy
    _fertil_, fertile
    _fossil_, fossil
    _fragil_, fragile
    _futil_, futile
    _habil_, clever
    _ignobil_, disgraceful
    _immobil_, immoveable
    _indocil_, stupid
    _inhabil_, awkward
    _inutil_, useless
    _inverosimil_, unlikely
    _portatil_, portable
    _reptil_, reptile
    _util_, useful
    _verosimil_, probable
    _versatil_, changeable
    _volatil_, volatile
    _volubil_, voluble.

3. _Simplez_, single, forms its plural in _simplez_ and _simplices_.



A rua principal. As ruas principaes são calçadas. A igreja nova.
A nova igreja. O homem velho[224]. A mulher velha. Os Indios
atemorisados[225]. As mulheres Indias. A bella e grande cidade. O
sobrinho[226] moribundo[227]. A victoria gloriosa. Este homem he
mui villão e aquella mulher mui villãa. As mulheres são amaveis, os
homens mui crueis. Um moço nú e uma criança nua. O homem he affavel
e a mulher he tambem affavel. O genio contraditor e a observação
contraditora. A filha he gorda e o filho he gordo. Os homens estão
sãos e as mulheres sãas. O povo tranquillo e soffredor[228]. A sombria
raiva[229] do Philippe. Os velhos bandos hespanhões[230]. Algumas[231]
embarcações[232] que tinhão servido de piquetes[233]. Uma satisfacção
inexplicavel. A igreja he uma das mais bellas do reino[234]. As aguas
mineraes. O termino he fertil. O filho unico. A religão christãa. Um
cavalheiro[235] christão[236]. A igreja de Santo Antonio he dedicada
ao santo do seu nome. A margem[237] direita. A guarda[238] nacional. O
sobredito[239] districto. As grandes plantações[240] de cannas[241]. A
pequena[242] aldèa[243]. Santos he uma cidade maritima a mercantil. As
autoridades militares e civis. O rio aurifero.

[224] old.

[225] frightened.

[226] nephew.

[227] dying.

[228] suffering.

[229] hatred.

[230] Spanish.

[231] some.

[232] vessel.

[233] watch.

[234] reign.

[235] knight.

[236] Christian.

[237] shore.

[238] the guard.

[239] above named.

[240] plantations.

[241] sugar.

[242] little.

[243] village.



The rich[244] man and the poor[245] woman. The pretty house. The
large church[246]. The fertile fields[247]. The shoemaker is very
industrious. The leafy[248] trees[249]. The wounded[250] soldier[251].
The beautiful bridges[252]. The numerous[253] products. The old
uncle[254] and the fat aunt[255]. The horses are very handsome.
The day is very bright[256]. The climate is very agreeable[257].
The winter[258] in Siberia[259] is very rigorous[260]. The
geographical[261] and historical[262] Institute[263]. The tall man
and the little woman. The above named[264] royal decree[265]. The
generous[266] feelings[267]. The enormous[268] forests[269]. Some[270]
sombre and broad[271] rivers. The only[272] ornament. The warlike[273]
Indians. The preceding[274] article[275]. The sea is very rough[276].
The following[277] day. The following days. He is silent[278] and
grave[279]. The deep[280] love[281].

[244] rico.

[245] pobre.

[246] igreja.

[247] campo.

[248] frondoso.

[249] arvore.

[250] ferido.

[251] soldado.

[252] ponte.

[253] numeroso.

[254] tio.

[255] tia.

[256] claro.

[257] agradavel.

[258] inverno.

[259] Sibiria.

[260] rigoroso.

[261] geographico.

[262] historico.

[263] instituto.

[264] mencionado.

[265] alvará.

[266] generoso.

[267] sentimento.

[268] immenso.

[269] selva (silva).

[270] uns, umas.

[271] largo.

[272] unico.

[273] bellicoso.

[274] precedente.

[275] artigo.

[276] agitado.

[277] seguinte.

[278] silencioso.

[279] grave.

[280] profundo.

[281] amor.


=The Comparison of Adjectives=.

The =Comparative= is formed by placing _mais_ (more) or _menos_ (less)
before the Positive, as:

    _bello_, beautiful,
    _mais bello_, more beautiful.

=Obs.= “Than” following the Comparative is rendered by _que_, _como_,
or: _tão_—_como_, as—as; _não tão_—_como_, not so—as; before the
particle _que_ the word _do_ is often prefixed, as:

    _he mais prudente do que parece_,
     he is wiser than it appears.

The =Superlative= is formed

1. by placing the article before the Comparative, as:

    _o mais douto_, the most learned
    _o mais bello_, the most beautiful;

2. by adding to the Positive _issimo_ (masc.) and _issima_ (fem.), as:

    _bello_, beautiful, _bellissimo_, _bellissima_.

=Exceptions are=:

        _acre_, harsh, _acerrimo_
        _amigo_, friendly, _amicissimo_
        _antigo_, old, _antiquissimo_
        _aspero_, rough, _asperrimo_
        _bom_, good, _bonissimo_
        _capaz_, capable, _capacissimo_
        _celebre_, celebrated, _celeberrimo_
        _chão_, flat, _chanissimo_
        _feliz_, happy, _felicissimo_
        _fiel_, faithful, _fidelissimo_
        _frio_, cold, _frigidissimo_
        _humilde_, humble, _humilissimo_, _humillimo_
        _máo_, bad, _malissimo_
        _nobre_, noble, _nobilissimo_
        _prospero_, prosperous, _prosperrimo_
        _rico_, rich, _riquissimo_
        _sabio_, wise, _sapientissimo_
        _sagrado_, sacred, _sacratissimo_
        _salubre_, salutary, _saluberrimo_
        _simples_, simple, _simplicissimo_
        _valente_, brave, _valentissimo_.


                      =Irregular Comparisons=.

        Positive.         Comparative.         Superlative.

    _bom_,     good,    _melhor_, better,   _optimo_,  the best
    _máo_,     bad,     _peior_,  worse,    _pessimo_, the worst
    _grande_,  great,   _maior_,  greater,  _maximo_,  the greatest
    _pequeno_, little,  _menor_,  less,     _minimo_,  the least.

=Obs.= The Positive and Comparative can be strengthened by placing
before it:

    _muito_, very
    _assaz_, enough
    _demasiado_, too, too much.


Declension of the Adjective.

            Singular.                          Plural.
    Nom. _o homem diligente_  }       | _os homens diligentes_  }
    Gen. _do homem diligente_ }the    | _dos homens diligentes_ }the
    Dat. _ao homem diligente_ }indust-| _aos homens diligentes_ }indust-
    Acc. _o homem diligente_  } rious | _os homens diligentes_  } rious.
    Abl. _do homem diligente_ }man.   | _dos homens diligentes_ }men.

             Singular.                         Plural.
    Nom. _a mulher gorda_  }         | _as mulheres gordas_  }
    Gen. _da mulher gorda_ }         | _das mulheres gordas_ }
    Dat. _á mulher gorda_  }the      | _ás mulheres gordas_  } the
    Acc. _a mulher gorda_  }corpulent| _as mulheres gordas_  } corpulent
    Abl. _da mulher gorda_ }woman.   | _das mulheres gordas_ } women.



A Asia he mais grande que a Europa. A Africa he menos povoado[282] que
a Europa. A rosa he mais bella que a viola. A viola[283] he menos bella
que a rosa. Pedro he mais feliz do que João. O filho não he tão liberal
como seu pai. A historia he tão util como agradavel. O dia he mais
agradavel que a noite[284]. O seu amante he mais bello, mais moço[285]
e mais rico que ella. Eu acho-o agora menos lindo[286] do que quando
o comprei[287]. O meu livro he tão barato[288] como o vosso. Elle he
muito mais grande. Ella he pouco mais grande. Caesar he muito mais
estimado[289] que Pompeo. Pompeo foi muito menos feliz que Caesar. Elle
he o mais douto[290] dos homens. Elle he o menos douto dos homens. Ella
he a mais bella das mulheres. Ella he muito amavel. Estas cadeiras[291]
são feitas[292] de optima madeira[293]. Esta mulher he boa, o marido
he melhor e o filho he o optimo. Elle he o felicissimo dos mortaes. O
clima he saluberrimo. He homem valentissimo. O filho he rico, o pai he
riquissimo. O neto[294] he máo, o primo[295] he ainda peior e o tio he
o pessimo. Na margem do rio ha optimos pastos[296].

[282] populated.

[283] violet.

[284] night.

[285] young.

[286] pretty.

[287] to buy.

[288] cheap.

[289] esteemed.

[290] learned.

[291] chair.

[292] made.

[293] wood.

[294] grandson.

[295] cousin.

[296] pasture.



Mariana is more industrious[297] than her sister[298]. Europe is not
so large as America. The wife is handsomer than her husband[299]. This
horse is very beautiful, more beautiful than yours. The most fertile
fields. His cousin is very rich, his uncle is still richer, and his
father is the richest. The man is very bad[300], the woman is worse,
and the son is the worst. This wine is good, but that one is better.
She is much taller than her friend[301]. The tulip[302] is not so
beautiful as the rose. The son is little, but the daughter is very
little indeed (_pequenissimo_). Our house is not so large as yours.
Amelia is smaller than her brother. The best ship[303]. The worst man.
The bravest knight. The simplest[304] man in the world[305]. This[306]
man is very wise, and that[307] one is the wisest of all. The climate
of Siberia is very cold. The summer[308] is in that country hotter and
the winter[309] more rigid[310]. A great part[311] and the greater
part. The turf[312] is very green[313], but the trees[314] are still
greener. I do not write so well as he. This man speaks[315] as well as
Cicero[316]. The English[317] horses are better than the French. Arabia
has the best horses. It is commendable[318] to recommend virtue[319],
but it is better to practise[320] it.

[297] diligente.

[298] irmãa.

[299] marido.

[300] máo.

[301] amiga.

[302] tulipa.

[303] navio.

[304] simples.

[305] no mundo.

[306] este.

[307] aquelle.

[308] verão.

[309] inverno.

[310] rigoroso.

[311] parte.

[312] relva.

[313] verde.

[314] arvore.

[315] fallar.

[316] um Cicero.

[317] inglez.

[318] louvavel.

[319] virtude.

[320] praticar.


-The Numbers (Vos Numeral).-

=1. The Cardinal Numbers (Numerales cardinaes)=.

    _um_, fem. _uma_               1
    _dois_, _dous_, fem. _duas_    2
    _tres_                         3
    _quatro_                       4
    _cinco_                        5
    _seis_                         6
    _sete_                         7
    _oito_                         8
    _nove_                         9
    _dez_                         10
    _onze_                        11
    _doze_                        12
    _treze_                       13
    _quatorze_                    14
    _quinze_                      15
    _dezeseis_                    16
    _dezesete_                    17
    _dezoito_                     18
    _dez e nove_                  19
    _vinte_                       20
    _vinte e um_                  21
    _vinte e dois_                22
    _vinte e tres_                23
    _vinte e quatro_              24
    _vinte e cinco_               25
    _vinte e seis_                26
    _vinte e sete_                27
    _vinte e oito_                28
    _vinte e nove_                29
    _trinta_                      30
    _trinta e um_                 31
    _quarenta_                    40
    _quarenta e um_               41
    _cincoenta_                   50
    _sessenta_                    60
    _setenta_                     70
    _oitenta_                     80
    _noventa_                     90
    _cem_, _cento_               100
    _cento e um_                 101
    _duzentos_, fem. -_as_       200
    _duzentos e um_              201
    _trezentos_, -_as_           300
    _quatrocentos_, -_as_        400
    _quinhentos_                 500
    _seiscentos_                 600
    _setecentos_                 700
    _oitocentos_                 800
    _novecentos_                 900
    _mil_                      1,000
    _mil e cento_              1,100
    _mil e duzentos_           1,200
    _dois mil_                 2,000
    _cem mil_                100,000
    _milhão_               a million
    _bilhão_               a billion.

=Obs.= Before a Noun “_cem_” is used, before a number “_cento_”, as:
_cem soldados_, hundred soldiers; _cento e um_, a hundred and one. The
Portuguese use the Cardinal Numbers to express the date, as: _chegou a
quatro de Maio_, he arrived on the fourth of May.


=2. The Ordinal Numbers.=

    _primeiro_                      the  1ˢᵗ
    _segundo_                       the  2ⁿͩ
    _terceiro_                      the  3ʳͩ
    _quarto_                        the  4ᵗʰ
    _quinto_                        the  5ᵗʰ
    _sexto_                         the  6ᵗʰ
    _setimo_                        the  7ᵗʰ
    _oitavo_                        the  8ᵗʰ
    _nono_                          the  9ᵗʰ
    _decimo_                        the 10ᵗʰ
    _undecimo_, _onzeno_            the 11ᵗʰ
    _duodecimo_                     the 12ᵗʰ
    _decimo terceiro_               the 13ᵗʰ
    _decimo quarto_                 the 14ᵗʰ
    _decimo quinto_                 the 15ᵗʰ
    _decimo sexto_                  the 16ᵗʰ
    _decimo setimo_                 the 17ᵗʰ
    _decimo oitavo_                 the 18ᵗʰ
    _decimo nono_                   the 19ᵗʰ
    _vigesimo_                      the 20ᵗʰ
    _vigesimo-primeiro_             the 21ˢᵗ
    _vigesimo-segundo_              the 22ⁿͩ
    _trigesimo_                     the 30ᵗʰ
    _quadragesimo_, _quarentesimo_  the 40ᵗʰ
    _quinquagesimo_                 the 50ᵗʰ
    _sexagesimo_                    the 60ᵗʰ
    _septuagesimo_                  the 70ᵗʰ
    _octogesimo_                    the 80ᵗʰ
    _nonagesimo_                    the 90ᵗʰ
    _centesimo_                    the 100ᵗʰ
    _millesimo_                  the 1,000ᵗʰ
    _ultimo_                        the last.


=3. Fractional Numbers.=

    _a metade_, half
    _o terço_, the third
    _a terça parte_, the third part
    _o quarto_         } the fourth part
    _a quarta parte_   }
    _o quinto_, the fifth
    _a quinta parte_, the fifth part
    _a sexta parte_, the sixth part
    _a setima parte_, the seventh part
    _um oitavo_, an eighth
    _uma oitava_, an eighth part
    _tres oitavos_, three eighths
    _uma novena_, a ninth
    _uma nona parte_, a ninth part
    _uma decima parte_, a tenth part
    _um e meio_, one and a half
    _dous e meia_, two and a half
    _tres e meia_, three and a half.


=4. Proportional Numbers.=

    _simples_, simple
    _duplice_   } double
    _duplicado_ }
    _triple_      } triple
    _triplice_    }
    _quadruplo_, fourfold
    _quintuplo_, fivefold
    _uma vez_, once
    _duas vezes_, twice
    _tres vezes_, thrice
    _sextuplo_, sixfold
    _septuplo_, sevenfold
    _octuplo_, eightfold
    _nonuplo_, ninefold
    _decuplo_, tenfold
    _centuplo_, a hundredfold
    _a primeira vez_, the first time.


=5. Collective Numbers.=

    _um par_, a pair
    _ambos_, _ambas_, both
    _um terno_, a number of 3
    _um quaterno_, a number of 4
    _uma dezena_, a number of 10
    _uma duzia_, a dozen
    _uma quinzena_, fifteen
    _uma sessenta_, sixty
    _uma centena_, a hundred
    _uma vintena_, twenty
    _um milhar_, a thousand
    _quintal_, a hundred weight
    _uma quarta do arratel_, a quarter of a pound.

    _todo_, _toda_, _tudo_, all, every one;
        =plur.= _todos_, _todas_.
    _muito_, many;
    _tanto_, so many.
    _pouco_, few.



Elle viveo[321] noventa annos[322]. Ella tem vinto e cinco annos
de idade[323]. O exercito[324] he composto[325] de noventa mil e
seiscentos homens. Dous mil cincocentos e trinta e quatro homens
forão mortos[326] neste encontro[327]. Cem homens ficarão[328]
prisioneiros[329]. Ha nesta povoação[330] mil e setecentas almas[331].
Ha mil quinhentas casas na nossa freguezia[332]. A sua carta[333] he
datada[334] de vinte e dous de Abril de mil oitocentos e cincoenta
e sete. Nosso tio ha de chegar[335] a treze do mez que vem. O
comprimento[336] desta rua tem o dobro do da outra. Eu fiz duas vezes a
volta[337] da villa a cavallo. Um terremoto[338] destruio[339] a metade
da cidade. Este theatro foi queimado[340] tres vezes. Se cultivar a sua
herdade[341], ella se elevará[342] em valor ao centuplo.

[321] live.

[322] year.

[323] age.

[324] army.

[325] consists of.

[326] killed.

[327] battle.

[328] remained.

[329] prisoners.

[330] population.

[331] souls.

[332] parish.

[333] letter.

[334] dated.

[335] arrive.

[336] length.

[337] the round.

[338] earthquake.

[339] destroy.

[340] burnt down.

[341] inheritance.

[342] to raise.



The company[343] consists of one hundred men and the regiment[344]
has six thousand men. There were collected[345] two hundred men and
nearly[346] seventy women. He was the first who arrived[347]. The
second was thy brother. The third man I have not seen. The French army
consists of 600,000 men. Within[348] eight days. He had one sister and
two cousins[349] with him. This house would be worth a hundred times
more. Once I have told him, but twice he has forgotten it. The first
time that I had the knife ground[350]. A thousand men were killed in
this battle[351]. The first day of the year[352]. To-day is the first,
the second, the third, the fourth of the month[353]. Twenty eggs[354].
He arrived on the fifth of July. The nineteenth century[355]. The year
has 365 days. He has three sons[356] and five daughters[357].

[343] companhia.

[344] regimento.

[345] ajuntado.

[346] quasi.

[347] chegar.

[348] dentro.

[349] prima.

[350] amolar.

[351] batalha.

[352] anno.

[353] mez.

[354] ovo.

[355] seculo.

[356] filho.

[357] filha.



1. Personal Pronouns.

             1ˢᵗ Person.         2ⁿͩ Person.
    N.   _eu_,       I     | _tu_,         thou
    G.   _de mim_,   of me | _de ti_,      of thee
    D.   _a mim_,    to me | _a ti_,       to thee
    Acc. _me_,       me    | _te_, _a ti_, thee
    Abl. _de mim_  } from  | _de ti_  }    from
         _por mim_ } me    | _por ti_ }    thee

                         3ʳͩ Person.
               Masc.                     Fem.
     _elle_,          he     | _ella_,           she
     _d’elle_,        of him | _d’ella_,         of her
     _a elle_, _lhe_, to him | _a ella_,         to her
     _elle_,          him    | _ella_, _a ella_, her
     _d’elle_   }     from   | _d’ella_,   }     from
     _por elle_ }     him    | _por ella_, }     her.

             1ˢᵗ Person.         2ⁿͩ Person.
    N.   _nós_,          we    | _vós_,          you
    G.   _de nos_,       of us | _de vos_,       of you
    D.   _a nos_,        to us | _a vós_,        to you
    Acc. _nos_, _a nos_, us    | _a vos_, _vos_, you
    Abl. _de nos_  }     from  | _de vós_,       from you
         _por nos_ }     us    |

                         3ʳͩ Person.
               Masc.                     Fem.
     _elles_,            they      | _ellas_,    they
     _d’elles_,          of them   | _d’ellas_,  of them
     _a elles_, _lhes_,  to them   | _a ellas_,  to them
     _elles_, _a elles_, them      | _ellas_,    them
     _d’elles_,          from them | _d’ellas_,  from
                                   |             them

=Obs.= If the Pronouns _mim_, _ti_, _si_, _nós_, _vós_, are accompanied
by the Preposition _com_, they are contracted thus:

    _com mim_ into _commigo_, with me
    _com ti_   —  _comtigo_,  with thee
    _com si_   —  _comsigo_,  with him
    _com nós_  —  _comnosco_, with us
    _com vós_  —  _comvosco_, with you.

=Me= is generally translated by _me_, as:

    speak to me, _fallai-me_
    he told me,  _elle disse-me_
    tell me,     _dizei-me_
    write me,    _escrevei-me_.

=The reflective Pronoun= “_si_”.

    Nom. _si_,               one’s self
    Gen. _de si_,            of one’s self
    Dat. _a si_,             to one’s self
    Acc. _si_, _a si_,       one’s self
    Abl. _de si_, _por si_,  from one’s self.

It is generally united to the Pronoun: _mesmo_ or _mesma_, as:

    _de si mesmo_, of one’s self:
    _o homem não ama senão a si mesmo_,
          the man loves only himself.

The Portuguese also join _mesmo_, to the personal Pronouns, as:

    _eu mesmo_, I myself             | _nós mesmos_,     we ourselves
    _tu mesmo_, thou thyself         | _vós mesmos_,     you yourselves
    _elle mesmo_, he himself         | _elles mesmos_, } they themselves
    _ella mesma_, she herself        | _ellas mesmas_, }
    _o homem mesmo_, the man himself.| _a virtude mesma_, virtue itself.


=2. Conjunctive Pronouns.=

The following are always used in connexion with Verbs:

    _me_,  me        — _nos_,  us
    _te_,  thee      — _vos_,  you
    _se_,  it        — _lhes_, them
    _lhe_, him, her.

    _isto me agrada_    —  it pleases me
    _he-me necessario_  —  I want it (have it necessary)
    _deos te ve_        —  God sees thee
    _ella se louva_     —  she praises herself
    _eu lhe direi_      —  I shall tell him or her
    _eu lhes prometti_  —  I have promised them.


=3. Mixed Pronouns.=

are composed of personal and conjunctive Pronouns, by changing the
letter _e_ of the conjunctive Pronoun into _o_ and _a_, as:

    instead of _me o_   — say: _mo_
       ”    ”  _me a_   —  ”   _ma_
       ”    ”  _lhe o_  —  ”   _lho_
       ”    ”  _lhe a_  —  ”   _lha_
       ”    ”  _me os_  —  ”   _mos_
       ”    ”  _me as_  —  ”   _mas_
       ”    ”  _lhe os_ —  ”   _lhos_
       ”    ”  _lhe as_ —  ”   _lhas_
       ”    ”  _te o_   —  ”   _to_
       ”    ”  _te a_   —  ”   _ta_
       ”    ”  _te os_  —  ”   _tos_
       ”    ”  _te as_  —  ”   _tas_.

    _dai-mo_, give me (_livro_, the book)
    _dai-mo_, give me (_cão_, the dog)
    _dai-ma_, give me (_penna_, the pen).

    _entrego-to_, I give it thee (_livro_)
    _darei-ta_, I shall give it thee (_casa_)
    _entrego-tos_, I give them to thee (_chapéos_, pl.)
    _darei-tas_, I shall give them to thee (_peras_, pl.).

    _se o_,   changes into _selo_
    _se a_,      ”     ”   _sela_
    _se os_,     ”     ”   _selos_
    _se as_,     ”     ”   _selas_
    _nos o_,     ”     ”   _nolo_
    _nos a_,     ”     ”   _nola_
    _nos os_,    ”     ”   _nolos_
    _nos as_,    ”     ”   _nolas_
    _vos o_,     ”     ”   _volo_
    _vos a_,     ”     ”   _vola_
    _vos os_,    ”     ”   _volos_
    _vos as_,    ”     ”   _volas_.


    _para dar-lho_,       for the purpose of giving it to him
    _dai-mo_,             give it me
    _eu to darei_,        I shall give it to thee
    _entrego-to_,         I hand it over to thee
    _dize-lho_,           they told it him or her
    _entrega-lhos_,       give them (she) to him
    _elle nolo disse_,    he told it us
    _eu volos mandarei_,  I shall send them to you.


=4. Possessive Pronouns.=

            =Masculine.=                 =Feminine.=
      Singular.     Plural.   |   Singular.      Plural.
    _meu_,   mine   _meus_    | _minha_, mine   _minhas_
    _teu_,   thine  _teus_    | _tua_,   thine  _tuas_
    _seu_,   his    _seus_    | _sua_,   hers   _suas_
    _nosso_, ours   _nossos_  | _nossa_, ours   _nossas_
    _vosso_, yours  _vossos_. | _vossa_, yours  _vossas_.

The Pronouns are declined with the definite article, as:

            Singular.           |       Plural.
            my book.            |      my books.
    N.   _o meu livro_          | _os meus livros_
    G.   _do meu livro_         | _dos meus livros_
    D.   _ao meu livro_         | _aos meus livros_
    Acc. _meu livro_            | _meus livros_
    Abl. _do (pelo) meu livro_. | _dos (pelos) meus livros_.

             Singular.           |       Plural.
             my house.           |      my houses.
    N.   _a minha casa_          | _as minhas casas_
    G.   _da minha casa_         | _das minhas casas_
    D.   _á minha casa_          | _ás minhas casas_
    Acc. _minha casa_            | _minhas casas_
    Abl. _da (pela) minha casa_. | _das (pelas) minhas casas_.


The Portuguese say:

    the father loves: _a seu filho_, his son
    the mother loves: _a seu filho_, her son
    the father loves his daughter: _o pai ama á sua filha_
    the mother loves her daughter: _a mai ama á sua filha_
    it is mine:  _he meu_
    it is thine: _he teu_.


=5. Demonstrative Pronouns.=

_Este_, denotes a person or thing in our immediate neighbourhood.

_Esse_, denotes a person or thing a little more distant from us.

_Aquelle_, one still farther distant.

             Masculine.           Feminine.        Neuter.
    N.   _este_,   this          | _esta_       | _isto_
    G.   _d’este_, of this       | _d’esta_     | _d’isto_
    D.   _a este_, to this       | _a esta_     | _a isto_
    Acc. _este_,   this          | _esta_       | _isto_
    Abl. _d’este_, from this.    | _d’esta_.    | _d’isto_.

    N.   _estes_,   these        | _estas_      |
    G.   _d’estes_, of these     | _d’estas_    |
    D.   _a estes_, to these     | _a estas_    | wanting.
    Acc. _estes_,   these        | _estas_      |
    Abl. _d’estes_, from these.  | _d’estas_.   |

    N.   _esse_,   this one      | _essa_       | _isso_
    G.   _d’esse_, of this one   | _d’éssa_     | _d’isso_
    D.   _a esse_, to this one   | _a essa_     | _a isso_
    Acc. _esse_,   this one      | _éssa_       | _isso_
    Abl. _d’esse_, from this one.| _d’essa_.    | _d’isso_.

    N.   _esses_,   these        | _essas_      |
    G.   _d’esses_, of these     | _d’essas_    |
    D.   _a esses_, to these     | _a essas_    | wanting.
    Acc. _esses_,   these        | _essas_      |
    Abl. _d’esses_, from these.  | _d’essas_.   |

    N.   _aquelle_,   that       | _aquella_     | _aquillo_
    G.   _d’aquelle_, of that    | _d’aquella_   | _d’aquillo_
    D.   _áquelle_,   to that    | _áquella_     | _áquillo_
    Acc. _aquelle_,   that       | _aquella_     | _aquillo_
    Abl. _d’aquelle_, from that. | _d’aquella_.  | _d’aquillo_.

    N.   _aquelles_,   those      | _aquellas_   |
    G.   _d’aquelles_, of those   | _d’aquellas_ |
    D.   _áquelles_,   to those   | _áquellas_   | wanting.
    Acc. _aquelles_,   those      | _aquellas_   |
    Abl. _d’aquelles_, from those.| _d’aquellas_.|


=6. Relative Pronouns.=

    a) _Qual_, which, declined with the article _o_ and _a_:
              _o qual_, _a qual_; plural: _os quaes_, _as quaes_.

    b) _Que_, which, is used of persons and things, as:
              _o livro que_, the book which
              _a arvore que_, the tree which
              _os livros que_, the books which
              _o mestre que ensina_, the teacher who instructs
              _a mulher que tenho_, the woman whom I have
              _o homem que eu amo_, the man whom I love.

                  =It is declined=:
             N.    _que_,    who, which, what
             G.    _de que_, of whom
             D.    _á que_,  to whom
             Acc.  _que_,    whom
             Abl.  _de que_, from whom.

    c) _Quem_, is only used of persons.

                 =Singular and Plural.=
             N.    _quem_,    who
             G.    _de quem_, of whom
             D.    _á quem_,  to whom
             Acc.  _quem_,    whom
             Abl.  _de quem_, from whom.

    d) _Cujo_, _cuja_, whose.

                     Masculine.           Feminine.
             N.        —               |     —
             G.    _de cujo_, of whose | _de cuja_
             D.    _a cujo_,  to whose | _a cuja_
             Acc.  _cujo_,    whose    | _cuja_
             Abl.  _de cujo_, whose.   | _de cuja_.


    _a pessoa cuja reputação vós admirais._
              The person whose reputation you admire.
    _o ceo cujo soccorro nunca falta._
              The heaven whose assistance never fails.
    _a mulher cuja bella cara._
              The woman whose beautiful face.
    _cujas bellezas._
              Whose beauties.
    _a cujo pai._
              To whose father.


=7. Interrogative Pronouns.=

_Quem_, _qual_, _que_, who, which, what?

                  =Singular and Plural.=
          Masc. and Fem.           Masc. and Fem.
    N.   _quem_,    who?     | _que_    }
    G.   _de quem_, of whom? | _de que_ }
    D.   _á quem_,  to whom? | _á que_  } what? which?
    Acc. _quem_,    whom?    | _que_    }
    Abl. _de quem_, whom?    | _de que_ }

         =Singular.=                =Plural.=
                       Masculine and Feminine.
    N.   _qual_,    which?      | _quaes_    }
    G.   _de qual_, of which?   | _de quaes_ }
    D.   _á qual_,  to which?   | _á quaes_  } which?
    Acc. _qual_,    which?      | _quaes_    }
    Abl. _de qual_, from which? | _de quaes_ }


    _Quem he?_                Who is it?
    _Quem vos disse isso?_    Who told that to you?
    _Que quereis?_            What do you want?
    _Com que se sustenta?_    What does he live upon?
    _Que estais fazendo?_     What are you doing?
    _De que se faz isto?_     What is this made of?
    _Que livro he este?_      What book is this?
    _Que negocios tendes?_    What business have you?
    _Que casa he?_            What sort of a house is it?
    _De qual fallais vós?_    Of whom do you speak?
    _Qual delles?_            Which of them?
    _Quem or qual dos dous?_  Which of the two?


=8. Indefinite Pronouns.=

    _um_, _una_, a,  one
    _uns_, _umas_, some
    _algum_, _alguma_, somebody
    _alguns_, _algumas_, some
    _nenhum_, _nenhuma_, no one
    _nenhuns_, _nenhumas_, none
    _cada_, each
    _cada um_, _cada uma_, everyone
    _outro_, _outra_, other
    _outros_, _outras_, others
    _se_, one, some one
    _todo_, _toda_, all, everyone
    _todos_, _todas_, all
    _tudo_, everything
    _tal_   }
    _tales_ } such
    _qualquer_  } who ever
    _quaesquer_ } some one
    _quemquer_, any one
    _alguem_, some one
    _ninguem_, no one
    _outrem_, another, some one else
    _muitos_, _muitas_, many.

    _certo_, _certa_, a certain one
    _um e outro_  }  the one and the other
    _uma e outra_ }
    _um ou outro_    }
    _uns ou outros_  } the one or the other
    _uma ou outra_   }
    _umas ou outras_ }
    _nenhum nem outro_    }
    _nenhuns nem outros_  }  neither the one nor the other.
    _nenhuma nem outra_   }
    _nenhumas nem outras_ }



Eu sou pobre[358] e tu es rico. Eu amo[359] e tu amas tambem, elle
ama, elles amão. Ella nunca[360] traz[361] dinheiro comsigo. Isto me
agrada[362]. Ella se louva[363]. Eu lhe direi[364]. Cortailhe[365]
as azas[366]. Comprei o cavallo e montei-o[367]. Louvavel[368] he
aconselhar[369] a virtude, mas melhor he pratica-la[370]. Assenta no
que lhe digo. A sua perda[371]. Este vento[372] he favoravel[373].
Louva-se lhe a generosidade[374]. Esta flor[375] não he do meu jardim,
he do teu. O que lhe digo he verdade. O ceo cujo soccorro nunca
falta. Carlos foi grande, Frederico ambicioso, este valente[376],
aquelle poderoso[377]. Aquelles que desprezão[378] a sciencia[379]
não conhecem[380] o valor d’ella. A providencia não abençoa[381]
o trabalho[382] d’aquelles que desprezão os seus melhores amigos.
Aquelles taes que não amão a virtude, não a conhecem. O homem que eu
amo. O meu livro está na mesa. De todas as obras de engenho, nenhuma
ha que não tenha o seu defeito[383]. A pessoa cuja reputação[384]
vós admirais[385]. Um tal velhaco[386] deve[387] ser castigado[388].
Aprendem-se[389] com mais facilidade[390] as cousas que se
comprehendem, do que as que se não comprehendem.

[358] poor.

[359] love.

[360] never.

[361] _trazer_, to carry.

[362] _agradar_, to please.

[363] praise.

[364] _dizer_, to say.

[365] to cut, to trim.

[366] the wing.

[367] to mount.

[368] praiseworthy.

[369] to advise.

[370] to practice.

[371] the loss.

[372] the wind.

[373] favorable.

[374] generosity.

[375] flower.

[376] valiant.

[377] powerful.

[378] to despise.

[379] sciences.

[380] to know.

[381] to bless.

[382] labour.

[383] imperfection, fault.

[384] reputation.

[385] to admire.

[386] scoundrel.

[387] ought.

[388] to punish.

[389] _aprender_, to learn.

[390] facility.


Esta batalha[391] decidirá[392] a sorte[393] da campanha[394]. Este
homem he sabio[395], aquelle he valente. Esta arvore he nova[396], essa
velha, aquella foi desarraigada[397]. Este cavallo he arabe, est’outro
he andaluz, aquell’outro he inglez. O culto[398] dos idolos[399], o
qual he tão antigo como absurdo. As molestias[400] contra as quaes
a medicina he impotente. Qual he o caracter distinctivo dos templos
gothicos? O estado cujo governo, cujos habitantes, cuja religião,
cujas instituições nos parecem[401] preferiveis[402]. O marido, cuja
mulher, cujas filhas são virtuosas, deve reputar-se feliz. O amigo de
cuja casa venho. Quem descobrio a America? Quem fôrão os primeiros
habitantes da Grecia? Que homem he esse que vejo na estrada. Nenhum
homem he izento[403] de paixões[404]. Elle em generosidade não cede a
ninguem. Um morreo na India, o outro em França. Não faze a outrem o
que não quizeras te fizessem a ti. Em taes circumstancias. A conclusão
foi tal qual eu a esperava. Elle fallou[405] contra mim. Quaes são os
requisitos de um bom pintor?

[391] battle.

[392] to decide.

[393] the issue.

[394] the campaign.

[395] wise.

[396] young, now.

[397] uprooted.

[398] worshipping.

[399] idols.

[400] disease.

[401] appear.

[402] excellent.

[403] exempt.

[404] passion.

[405] _fallar_, to speak.



I have a dress[406]. He has stockings[407]. She has shoes[408]. We
have money[409]. You have houses. They have chairs[410]. He received
the money from thee. This horse is handsomer than that one. This is
white[411] and that is blue[412]. The wife of my uncle. The house of my
sister. The woman whose husband was killed[413]. The man whose wife is
so similar[414] to your sister. What are the requisites[415] to be a
great minister[416]? Who has told you this? Of whom did you learn this
news? What animals are there on this island[417]? The man who wishes to
be esteemed[418] must esteem himself. All men must[419] die[420]. Every
man and every woman received a present[421].

[406] vestido.

[407] meia.

[408] sapato.

[409] dinheiro.

[410] cadeira.

[411] branco.

[412] azul.

[413] morto, matado.

[414] igualar.

[415] requisito.

[416] ministro.

[417] ilha.

[418] estimar, respeitar.

[419] dever.

[420] morrer.

[421] dom, dativa.



I see nobody. Nobody answers me. The one lives in Holland[422] and the
other in Germany[423]. The one is an honest man[424] and the other
is a scoundrel[425]. Neither[5] the one nor[426] the other. This man
is a Spaniard[427], the other an Englishman[428], and that one a
German[429]. Everyone of these Indians. This is good[430] and that is
bad[431]. This man loves only himself[432]. Many authors maintain[433].
In certain seasons[434] and in certain times[435]. A certain man said.
A certain person. Such a man. The terror[436] was such that everyone
fled[437]. Any one of the conspirators[438].

[422] Hollanda.

[423] Allemanha.

[424] homem de bem.

[425] velhaco.

[426] _neither_—_nor_, nem—nem.

[427] Hespanhol.

[428] Inglez.

[429] Allemão.

[430] bom.

[431] máo.

[432] amar a si mesmo, _to love one’s self_.

[433] affirmar.

[434] estação.

[435] tempo.

[436] terror.

[437] fugir.

[438] conjurado.


=Collection of Words.=

=1. The Universe.=

    _Deos_, God
    _o creador_, the creator
    _o mundo_, the world
    _o firmamento_, the sky
    _um astro_, a star
    _o sol_, the sun
    _um raio de sol_, a sunbeam
    _a lua_, the moon
    _o luar_, the moonlight
    _uma nuvem_, a cloud
    _uma estrella_, a star
    _o céo_, _os céos_, the heaven
    _o nascer do sol_, sunrise
    _o pôr do sol_, sunset
    _um cometa_, a comet
    _o arco iris_, the rainbow
    _o trovão_, the thunder
    _o calor_, the heat
    _um relampago_, a lightning
    _o fogo_, the fire
    _o frio_, the cold
    _a geada_, the frost
    _o gelo_, the ice
    _a luz_, the light
    _a neve_, the snow
    _o obscuridade_, the darkness
    _uma trovoada_, a storm
    _a chuva_, the rain
    _o tempo_, the weather
    _o vento_, the wind.

=2. The Seasons.=

    _Primavera_, spring
    _estio_, _verão_, summer
    _outono_, autumn
    _inverno_, winter
    _Janeiro_, January
    _Fevereiro_, February
    _Março_, March
    _Abril_, April
    _Maio_, May
    _Junho_, June
    _Julho_, July
    _Agosto_, August
    _Septembro_, September
    _Outubro_, October
    _Novembro_, November
    _Dezembro_, December
    _Segunda feìra_, Monday
    _Terça feìra_, Tuesday
    _Quarta feìra_, Wednesday
    _Quinta feìra_, Thursday
    _Sexta feìra_, Friday
    _Sabbado_, Saturday
    _Domingo_, Sunday
    _um seculo_, a century
    _um anno_, a year
    _o anno passado_, the last year
    _o anno que vem_, the next year
    _um moz_, a month
    _uma semana_, a week
    _um dia_, a day
    _uma hora_, an hour
    _meia hora_, half an hour
    _hora e meia_, an hour and a half
    _um quarto d’hora_, a quarter of an hour
    _um minuto_, a minute
    _um segundo_, a second
    _o despontar do dia_, the daybreak
    _a madrugada_, the morning
    _a manhã_, the forenoon
    _meio-dia_, noon
    _a tarde_, the afternoon
    _o pôr do sol_, sunset
    _a entrada_, the evening
    _a noite_, the night
    _meia noite_, midnight
    _hoje_, to-day
    _hontem_, yesterday
    _antes d’hontem_, the day before yesterday
    _á manhã_, to-morrow
    _o fim_, the end, close.

=3. Water.=

    _Uma bahia_, a bay
    _agua corrente_, running water
    _agua enxarcada_, stagnant water
    _agua morta_, standing water
    _agua doce_, sweet water
    _agua do mar_, sea water
    _um lago_, a pond
    _um rio_, a river
    _um lago_, _uma lagoa_, a lake
    _um charco_, a pool
    _a maré_, the tide
    _maré alta_, high water
    _maré baixa_, low water
    _o mar_, the sea
    _mar perigoso_, a rough sea
    _as ondas_, the waves
    _um regato_, a brook
    _um nascente_, a spring
    _uma torrente_, a torrent
    _as ondas_, the billows
    _um barco de vapor_, a steamer
    _um brigue_, a brig
    _uma fragata_, a frigate
    _um navio mercante_, a merchant ship
    _um navio de guerra_, a man of war
    _uma ancora_, an anchor
    _a rabadilha_, the stern
    _a proa_, the head
    _um remo_, an oar
    _a cana do leme_, the helm
    _um masto_, a mast
    _a bandeira_, the flag
    _a tolda_, the deck
    _uma véla_, a sail
    _o velame_, the sails.

=4. Individuals and Relations.=

    _Um homem_, a man
    _uma mulher_, a woman
    _as mulheres_, women
    _uma mulher casada_, a wife
    _um menino_, a child
    _um moço_, a boy
    _uma rapariga_, a girl
    _um mancebo_, a young man
    _uma moça_, a young maid
    _um velho_, an old man
    _uma velha_, an old woman
    _o avô_, the grandfather
    _a avó_, the grandmother
    _o pai_, the father
    _a mai_, the mother
    _o filho_, the son
    _a filha_, the daughter
    _um irmão_, a brother
    _uma irmã_, a sister
    _um tio_, an uncle
    _uma tia_, an aunt
    _um sobrinho_, a nephew
    _uma sobrinha_, a niece
    _um primo_, a cousin
    _uma família_, a family
    _os parentes_, the parents
    _o marido_, the husband
    _a esposa_, the wife
    _o noivo_, the bridegroom
    _a noiva_, the bride
    _o sogro_, the father-in-law
    _a sogra_, the mother-in-law
    _o genro_, the son-in-law
    _a nóra_, the daughter-in-law
    _um cunhado_, a brother-in-law
    _uma cunhada_, a sister-in-law.

=5. The Human Body.=

    _A pelle_, the skin
    _a barba_, the beard
    _a boca_, the mouth
    _um braço_, an arm
    _um cabello_, a hair
    _o coração_, the heart
    _o pescoço_, the neck
    _um dente_, a tooth
    _um dedo_, a finger
    _a espalda_, the back
    _uma espadoa_, a shoulder
    _o estomago_, the stomach
    _a face_, the face
    _um joelho_, a knee
    _uma perna_, a leg
    _uma face_, a cheek
    _a língua_, the tongue
    _um beiço_, a lip
    _uma mão_, a hand
    _o nariz_, the nose
    _um olho_, an eye
    _uma orelha_, an ear
    _um pé_, a foot
    _o pulso_, the fist
    _a cabeça_, the head.

=6. The House and Furniture.=

    _Uma casa_, a house
    _um palacio_, a palace
    _uma quinta_, a country house
    _uma livraria_, a library
    _um quarto_, a room
    _um quarto de dormir_, a bedroom
    _a escada_, the staircase
    _uma janella_, a window
    _o tecto de estuque_, the ceiling
    _o solho_, the floor
    _uma porta_, a door
    _uma fechadura_, a lock
    _a chave_, the key
    _uma sala baixa_, a parlour
    _uma sala da jantar_, a dining room
    _uma sala_, a drawingroom
    _uma campaïnha_, the bell
    _uma mobilia_, furniture
    _uma cadeira_, a chair
    _um castiçal_, a candlestick
    _uma vella de sebo_, a candle
    _uma cheminé_, a chimney
    _uma comoda_, a chest of drawers
    _um espelho de sala_, a looking-glass
    _um candieiro_, a lamp
    _uma cama_, a bed
    _uma cortina_, a curtain
    _uma papeleira_, a writing-desk
    _um sofa_, a sofa
    _uma mesa_, a table
    _um quadro_, a picture
    _um tapete_, a carpet
    _as gavetas_, drawers
    _uma toalha de mesa_, a table cloth
    _uma colher_, a spoon
    _uma colherinha_, a tea spoon
    _um garfo_, a fork
    _uma faca_, a knife.

=7. Trees, Shrubs etc.=

    _Os cereaes_, corn
    _a aveia_, oats
    _o feno_, hay
    _o trigo candeal_, wheat
    _a herva_, grass
    _a batata_, potatoe
    _o arroz_, rice
    _uma bétula_, a birch
    _uma ceregeira_, a cherry tree
    _uma azinheira_, an oak
    _uma figueira_, a fig-tree
    _uma faia_, a beech
    _uma hera_, ivy
    _um olmo_, an elm
    _um chopo_, a poplar
    _um pinheiro_, a pine
    _um abeto_, a fir
    _um salgueiro_, a willow
    _um til_, a lime-tree.

=8. Fruits and Flowers.=

    _Um damasco_, an apricot
    _uma cereja_, a cherry
    _uma castanha_, a chestnut
    _um limão_, a lemon
    _um figo_, a fig
    _um morango_, a strawberry
    _uma groselha_, a currant
    _groselha de bagos grossos_, a gooseberry
    _uma noz_, a nut
    _uma pera_, a pear
    _uma maçã_, an apple
    _o lirio_, the lily
    _a margarita_, the daisy
    _o lirio dos valles_, the lily of the valley
    _o cravo_, the pink
    _a papoula_, the poppy
    _a primavera_, the primrose
    _a rosa_, the rose
    _a tulipa_, the tulip
    _a violeta_, the violet.

=9. Dress.=

    _Uma camiza_, a shirt
    _umas ceroulas_, drawers
    _uma camizola_, an underwaistcoat
    _uns calções_, breeches
    _um colete_, a waistcoat
    _uma casaca_, a coat
    _um capote_, a cloak
    _um chapéo_, a hat
    _uma bota_, a boot
    _uma anagoa_, a pellicoat
    _um vestido_, a gown
    _uma touca_, a bonnet
    _um veo_, a veil
    _um collar_, a necklace
    _um brinco_, an ear-ring
    _pulseiras_, bracelets
    _uma meia_, a stocking
    _um sapato_, a shoe
    _uma luva_, a glove
    _uma bolsa_, a purse
    _um annel_, a ring
    _pós_, powder
    _sabão_, soap
    _uma toalha de mãos_, a towel
    _um pente_, a comb
    _uma escova_, a brush
    _uma escova de dentes_, a toothbrush.

=10. Town and Country.=

    _Uma cidade_, a town
    _uma aldea_, a village
    _os arrabaldes_, the suburbs
    _um candieiro de gaz_, a gas lamp
    _a calçada_, the pavement
    _uma praça_, a square
    _uma ponte_, a bridge
    _um passeio_, a walk
    _um farol_, a lamp
    _uma rua_, a street
    _um bosquesinho_, a thicket
    _um campo_, a field
    _uma cavalhariça_, a stable
    _uma floresta_ }
    _uma selva_    } a forest
    _uma sebe_, a hedge
    _um jardim_, a garden
    _um almargeal_, a meadow
    _um vergel_, an orchard.

=11. Animals.=

    _Um cervo_, a stag
    _um crocodillo_, a crocodile
    _um elephante_, an elephant
    _um coelho_, a rabbit
    _uma lebre_, a hare
    _um lião_, a lion
    _um leopardo_, a leopard
    _um lobo_, a wolf
    _um urso_, a bear
    _uma panthera_, a panther
    _um rato_, a rat
    _uma raposa_, a fox
    _um mono_, a monkey
    _um tigre_, a tiger
    _um burro_, an ass
    _uma ovelha_, a sheep
    _um borrego_, a lamb
    _um gato_, a cat
    _um cão_, a dog
    _um cavallo_, a horse
    _um macho_, a mule
    _uma vaca_, a cow
    _um bezerro_, a calf
    _um boi_, an ox
    _um leitão_, a pig
    _o gado_, cattle
    _gado vacum_, herds
    _godo meudo_, flocks.

=12. Birds, Fishes and Insects.=

    _Um pata_, a duck
    _um gallo_, a cock
    _uma gallinha_, a hen
    _um ganso_, a goose
    _um pombo_, a pigeon
    _uma aguia_, an eagle
    _uma calhandra_, a lark
    _uma cegonha_, a stork
    _um corvo_, a raven
    _um cisne_, a swan
    _uma andorinha_, a swallow
    _um roussinol_, a nightingale
    _uma enguia_, an eel
    _uma carpa_, a carp
    _um harenque_, a herring
    _uma lagosta_, a lobster
    _uma ostra_, an oyster
    _uma sarda_, a mackerel
    _uma perca_, a perch
    _um salmão_, a salmon
    _um linguado_, a sole
    _uma truta_, a trout
    _um rodavalho_, a turbot
    _uma abelha_, a bee
    _uma aranha_, a spider
    _um sapo_, a toad
    _uma borboleta_, a butterfly
    _uma serpente_, a serpent
    _um escaravelho_, a beetle
    _uma formiga_, an ant
    _uma rã_, a frog
    _uma vespa_, a wasp
    _uma mosca_, a fly
    _um bicho_, a worm
    _uma vibora_, a viper.
    _uma cobra_, an adder.

Easy Dialogues.

=1. Eating and Drinking.=

    Are you hungry?                     _Vm. tem fome?_
    I have a good appetite.             _Tenho boa vontade de comer._
    I am very hungry.                   _Tenho bastante fome._
    Eat something.                      _Coma alguma cousa._
    What will you eat?                  _Que ha de Vm. comer?_
    What do you wish to eat?            _Que é o que tem vontade de_
    You do not eat.                     _O senhor naõ come._
    I beg your pardon, I eat very       _Com perdaõ de Vm., eu como_
      heartily.                                _muito bem._
    I have eaten very heartily.         _Tenho comido bastante._
    I have dined with a good appetite.  _Jantei de boa vontade._
    Eat another piece.                  _Coma ainda mais alguma cousa._
    I can eat no more.                  _Naõ comerei mais nada._
    Are you thirsty?                    _Tem Vm. sêde?_
    Are you not thirsty?                _Naõ tem Vm. sêde?_
    I am very thirsty.                  _Tenho bastante sêde._
    I am dying of thirst.               _Estou morrendo de sêde._
    Let us drink.                       _Toça a beber._
    Give me something to drink.         _De-me de beber._
    Will you drink a glass of wine?     _Quer Vm. beber um copo de_
    Drink a glass of beer.              _Tome um copo de cerveja._
    Drink another glass of wine.        _Beba mais esse copo de vinho._
    Sir, I drink to your health.        _Bebo a sua saude._
    I have the honour to drink          _Tenho a honra de beber á sua_
      your health.                             _saúde._

=2. Going and Coming.=

    Where are you going?                _Onde vai Vm.?_
    I am going home.                    _Vou para casa._
    I was going to your house.          _Hia á sua casa._
    From whence do you come?            _Donde vem Vm.?_
    I come from my brother’s.           _Venho de casa de meu irmão._
    I am coming from church.            _Venho da igreja._
    I have just left the school.        _Saio da escola._
    Will you go with me?                _Quer Vm. vir commigo?_
    Whither do you wish to go?          _Onde quer Vm. hir?_
    We will take a walk.                _Hiremos passeiar._
    We will take a walk.                _Hiremos fazer um passeio._
    With all my heart; most willingly.  _Quero, pois naõ. Com muito_
    Which way shall we go?              _Per onde iremos?_
    Any way you like.                   _Para aquella que quizer._
    Let us go into the park.            _Vamos a tapada._
    Let us take your brother in         _Vamos ter de caminho com seu_
        our way.                                 _irmão._
    As you please.                      _Como queira._
    Is Mr. B. at home?                  _O senhor B. está em casa?_
    He is gone out.                     _Está fóra._
    He is not at home.                  _Naõ está em casa._
    Can you tell us where he is         _Pode Vm. dizer-me para onde_
        gone?                                    _foi?_
    I cannot tell you precisely.       _Naõ saberei dizer-lhe ao certo._
    I think he is gone to see his      _Creio que foi ver a irmã._
    Do you know when he will           _Sabe Vm. quando ha de voltar?_
        come back?
    No, he said nothing of it when     _Naõ: partio sem m’odizer._
        he went out.
    Then we must go without him.       _Entaõ ir-nos hemos sem elle._

=3. Questions and Answers.=

    Come nearer; I have something   _Venha ca, tenho que lhe dizer_
        to tell you.                       _uma cousa._
    I have a word to say to you.    _Tenho que lhe dizer duas palavras._
    Listen to me.                   _Escute-me._
    I want to speak to you.         _Tenho desejo de lhe fallar._
    What is it you want?            _Que ha de novo para o seu_
    I am speaking to you.           _É com Vm. que fallo._
    I am not speaking to you.       _Naõ é com Vm. que eu fallo._
    What do you say?                _Que diz Vm.?_
    What did you say?               _Que disse Vm.?_
    I say nothing.                  _Naõ disse nada._
    Do you hear?                    _Entende?_
    Do you hear what I say?         _Entende Vm. o que digo?_
    Do you understand me?           _Entende-me Vm.?_
    Will you be so kind as to       _Quer Vm. repetil’o?_
    I understand you well.          _Eu bem o entendo._
    Why do you not answer me?       _Por que me naõ responde?_
    Do you not speak Portuguese?    _Vm. naõ falla portuguez?_
    Very little, Sir.               _Muito pouco, senhor._
    I understand it a little, but   _Entendo-o um pouco, porèm_
        I do not speak it.                    _naõ fallo._
    Speak louder.                   _Falle mais alto._
    Do not speak so loud.           _Naõ falle taõ alto._
    Do not make so much noise.      _Naõ faça tanta bulha._
    Hold your tongue.               _Calle-se._
    Did you not tell me that...?    _Naõ me disse Vm. que?_
    Who told you that?              _Quem lhe disse isto?_
    They told me so.                _Disseraõ-me._
    Somebody has told it me.        _Disse-m’o certa pessoa._
    I have heard it.                _Ouvi dizer._
    What do you wish to say?        _Que quer Vm. dizer?_
    What is that good for?          _Para que é bom isto?_
    What do you call that?          _Como chama Vm. a isto?_
    Do you know Mr. G.?             _Conhece Vm. o senhor G.?_
    I know him by sight.            _Conheço-o de vista._
    I know him by name.             _Conheço-o de nome._

=4. The Age.=

    How old are you?                 _Que idade tem Vm.?_
    How old is your brother?         _Que idade tem o senhor seu irmão._
    I am twelve years old.           _Tenho doze annos._
    I am ten years and six months    _Tenho dés annos e meio._
    Next month I shall be sixteen    _Hei de fazer desaseis annos no_
        years old.                          _mez que vem._
    I was thirteen years old last    _Fiz treze annos a semana passada._
    You do not look so old.            _Vm. naõ me parecia ter tanta_
    You look older.                    _Vm. parecia ter mais idade._
    I thought you were older.          _Cuidava que era mais velho._
    I did not think you were so old.   _Naõ cuidava que tivese tanta
    How old may your uncle be?         _Que idade tem seu tio?_
    He may be sixty years old.         _Poderá ter sessenta annos._
    He is about sixty years old.       _Tem obra de sessenta annos._
    He is more than fifty years old.   _Tem mais de cincoenta annos._
    He is a man of fifty and upwards.  _É um homem de cincoenta e_
                                              _tantos annos._
    He may be sixty or there abouts.   _Poderá ter cousa de sessenta_
    He is above eighty.                _Tem mais de oitenta annos._
    That is a great age.               _É uma idade assás adiantada._
    Is he so old?                      _É taõ idoso como isto?_
    He begins to grow old.             _Começa a fazer-se velho._

=5. The Time.=

    What o’clock is it?              _Que horas saõ?_
    Pray tell me what time it is?    _Tenha a bondade de dizer-me_
                                              _que horas saõ._
    It is one o’clock.               _É uma hora._
    It is past one.                  _É uma hora passada._
    It has struck one.               _É uma hora ja dada._
    It is a quarter past one.        _É uma hora e um quarto._
    It is half past one.             _É hora e meia._
    It wants ten minutes to two.     _Saõ duas horas menos dés minutos._
    It is not yet two o’clock.       _Ainda naõ deraõ duas horas._
    It is only twelve o’clock.       _Naõ é mais que meio-dia._
    It is almost three o’clock.      _Saõ perto de tres horas._
    It is on the stroke of three.    _Saõ tres horas em ponto._
    It is going to strike three.     _Está a dar tres horas._
    It is ten minutes past three.    _Saõ tres horas e dés minutos._
    The clock is going to strike.    _O relogio está para dar horas._
    There is the clock striking.     _O relogio está dando horas._
    It is not late.                  _Naõ é tarde._
    It is later than I thought.      _É mais tarde do que eu cuidava._
    I did not think it was so late.  _Naõ cuidava que fosse taõ tarde._

=6. The Weather.=

    What kind of weather is it?    _Que especie de tempo faz?_
    It is bad weather.             _Faz máo tempo._
    It is cloudy.                  _Faz um tempo escuro._
    It is dreadful weather.        _Faz um tempo horrivel._
    It is fine weather.            _Faz bom tempo._
    We are going to have a fine   _Havemos de ter um optimo dia._
    It is dewy.                    _Ha muito orvalho._
    It is foggy.                   _Faz nevoa._
    It is rainy weather.           _Faz um tempo chuvoso._
    It threatens to rain.          _O tempo está embrulhado._
    The sky becomes very cloudy.   _O céo se esconde._
    The sky is getting very dark.  _O céo se escurece._
    The sun is coming out.         _O sol começa a apparecer._
    The weather is clearing up     _O tempo principia a concertar-se._
    It is very warm.               _Faz bastante calma._
    It is sultry.                  _Faz uma calma que abafa._
    It is very mild.               _Faz um tempo bem brando._
    It is cold.                    _Faz frio._
    It is excessively cold.        _Faz um frio terrivel._
    It is raw weather.             _Faz um tempo frio e juntamente_
    It rains.                      _Chove._
    It has been raining.           _Choveo._
    It is going to rain.           _Está para chover._
    I feel some drops of rain.     _Sinto alguns choviscos._
    There are some drops of rain   _Caem algumas gotas d’agua._
    It hails.                      _Cae pedra._
    It snows; it is snowing.       _Neva. Está chovendo neve._
    It has been snowing.           _Cahio bastante neve._
    It snows in large flakes.      _Cahe neve em frocos._
    It freezes.                    _Géla._
    It has frozen.                 _Cahio geada._
    It begins to thaw.             _O tempo começa a abrandar-se._
    It thaws.                      _Ha degêlo._
    It is very windy.              _Faz bastante vento._
    The wind is very high.         _Faz uma grande ventania._
    There is no air stirring.      _Naõ ha viraçaõ._
    It lightens.                   _Está fazendo relampagos._
    It has lightened all night.    _Toda esta noite fez relampagos._
    It thunders.                   _Troveja._
    The thunder roars.             _Está trovejando._
    The thunderbolt has fallen.    _Cahio um raio._
    It is stormy weather.          _O tempo ameaça trovoada._
    We shall have a thunderstorm.  _Havemos de ter alguma trovoada._
    The sky begins to clear up.    _O céo começa a limpar-se._
    The weather is very unsettled. _O tempo está bem inconstante._
    It is very muddy.              _Faz bastante lama._
    It is very dusty.              _Ha muita poeira._
    It is very slippery.           _Escorrega muito._
    It is bad walking.             _Faz máo tempo para se sahir._
    It is day-light.               _Faz dia._
    It is dark.                    _Faz escuro._
    It is night.                   _Faz noite._
    It is moonlight.               _Faz luar._
    Do you think it will be fine   _Cuida Vm. que teremos bom tempo?_
    I do not think that it will    _Creio que não ha de chover._
    I am afraid it will rain.      _Tenho medo que chova._
    I fear so.                     _Eu assim o creio._

=7. Salutation.=

    Good morning, Sir.             _Bons dias senhor._
    I wish you good morning.       _Tenha Vm. bons dias._
    How do you do? }               _Como está Vm.?_
    How are you?   }
    Do you continue in good        _Está sempre de saúde?_
    Pretty good; and how are you?  _Muito bem, e Vm.?_
    Are you well?                  _Vm. está bem disposto?_
    Very well, and you?            _Muito bem, e Vm.?_
    I am perfectly well.           _Acho-me as mil maravilhas._
    And how is it with you?        _E Vm. como vai de saúde?_
    As usual.                      _Como do costume._
    Pretty well, thank God.        _Assas bem, graças a Deus._
    I am very happy to see you     _Estou encantado de o ver em_
        well.                               _perfeita saúde._

=8. The Visit.=

    There is a knock.              _Batem a porta._
    Somebody knocks.               _Alguem está batendo a porta._
    Go and see who it is.          _Vai ver quem é._
    Go and open the door.          _Vai abrir a porta._
    It is Mrs. B.                  _É a senhora B._
    I wish you good morning.       _Tenha Vm. muito bons dias._
    I am happy to see you.         _Estou encantado de a ver._
    I have not seen you this age.  _Ha um seculo que naõ a hei visto._
    It is a novelty to see you.    _É milagre vel’a._
    Pray, sit down.                _Queira assentar-se._
    Sit down if you please.        _Tenha a bondade de assentar-se._
    Take a seat.                   _Queira ter o incommodo de_
    Give a chair to the lady.      _Dê uma cadeira á senhora._
    Will you stay and take some    _Quer Vm. ficar para jantar_
      dinner with us?                    _comnosco._
    I cannot stay.                 _Naõ posso demorar-me._
    I only came in to see how      _Entrei sómente para saber da_
        you are.                         _sua saúde._
    I must go.                     _Naõ me posso demorar mais._
    You are in a great hurry.      _Vm. tem muita pressa._
    Why are you in such a hurry?   _Que pressa é esta?_
    I have a great many things     _Tenho muito que fazer._
        to do.
    Surely you can stay a little   _Vm. bem pode demorar-se mais
        longer.                          uma instante._
    I will stay longer another     _Em outra vez ficarei mais_
        time.                            _tempo._
    I thank you for your visit.    _Receba os meus agradecimentos_
                                         _pela visita._
    I hope to see you soon again.  _Espero de o ver bem cédo._

=9. Breakfast.=

    Have you breakfasted?            _Vm. já almoçou?_
    Not yet.                         _Ainda naõ._
    You have come just in time.      _Chega em boa occasiaõ._
    You will breakfast with us.      _Almoçará comnosco._
    Breakfast is ready.              _O almoço está prompto._
    Do you drink tea or coffee?      _Toma Vm. chá, ou café?_
    Would you prefer chocolate?      _Gosta talvez mais de chocolate?_
    I prefer coffee.                 _Prefiro o café._
    What can I offer you?            _Que lhe poderei offerecer?_
    Here are rolls and toast.        _Ahi tem paõ e fatias._
    What do you like best?           _De qual gosta mais?_
    I shall take a roll.             _Comerei um destes pãezinhos._
    How do you like the coffee?      _Como acha Vm. o café?_
    Is the coffee strong enough?     _Acha Vm. o café com bastante_
    It is excellent.                 _Acho-o excellente._
    Is there enough sugar in it?     _Tem assucar sufficiente?_
    If there is not, do not make     _Se não tem o que é mister, não_
        any ceremony.                     _faça ceremonias._
    Act as if you were at home.      _Faça como se estivesse em sua_

=10. Before Dinner.=

    At what time do we dine to-day?  _Á que horas jantamos hoje?_
    We shall dine at four o’clock.   _Devemos jantar ás quatro._
    We shall not dine before five    _Nem antes das cinco o faremos._
    Shall we have anybody to dinner  _Teremos hoje alguem de fóra?_
    Do you expect company?           _Espera Vm. gente?_
    I expect Mr. B.                  _Espero pelo senhor B._
    Mr. D. has promised to come      _O senhor por D. prometteo de
      if the weather permits.          vir, se o tempo permitisse._
    Have you given orders for        _Deo Vm. já os ordens para o_
        dinner?                           _jantar?_
    What have you ordered for        _Que encommendou Vm. para_
        dinner?                           _o jantar?_
    Have you sent for fish?          _Mandou Vm. vir peixe?_
    I could not get any fish.        _Naõ pude haver peixe._
    I fear we shall have a very      _Quer me parecer, que havemos_
        indifferent dinner.               _de ter um máo jantar._
    We must do as we can.            _Faremos como podermos._

=11. The Dinner.=

    To what shall I help you?             _Que quer que lhe sirva?_
    Will you take a little soup?          _Quer uma pouca de sopa?_
    I thank you. I will trouble           _Obrigado, aceitarei um pouco_
        you for a little beef.                 _de vaca._
    It looks so very nice.                _Tem mui boa apparencia._
    Which part do you like best?          _De que parte gosta mais?_
    I hope you like this piece.           _Espero que este bocado é a seu_
    Gentlemen, you have dishes            _Senhores, Vm. tem dous pratos_
        near you.                              _diante de si._
    Help yourselves.                      _Sirvaõ-se._
    Take without ceremony what            _Sirvaó-se sem ceremonia daquillo_
      you like best.                        _de que mais gostarem._
    Would you like a little of this       _Quer um pouco deste assado?_
    Will you have some fat?               _Gosta de gordura?_
    Give me some of this lean,            _Dê-me do que naõ tem gordura,_
        if you please.                       _por quem é._
    How do you like the roastmeat?        _Que tal acha o ássado?_
    It is excellent, delicious.           _Excellente._
    What will you take with your meat?    _Que quer Vm. comer com a_
    Shall I help you to some vegetables?  _Posso servir-lhe alguma_
    Will you take peas or cauliflower?    _Quer Vm. ervilhas ou couves_
    It is quite indifferent to me.        _Gosto tanto d’um, como_
    I shall send you a piece of           _Vou servir-lhe desta ave._
        this fowl.
    No, thank you, I can eat no more.     _Muito obrigado, tenho comido_
    You are a poor eater.                 _Vm. come mui pouco._
    You eat nothing.                      _Vm. naõ come nada._
    I beg your pardon, I do honour       _Pelo contrario como_
        to your dinner.                        _sufficiente._
    You may take away.                   _Podem tirar a mesa._

=12. Tea.=

    Have you carried in the tea-things?  _Trouxeste tudo quanto é mister_
                                              _para o chá?_
    Everything is on the table.          _Está tudo na mesa._
    Does the water boil?                 _A agua está a ferver?_
    Tea is ready.                        _O chá está prompto._
    They are waiting for you.            _Estamos á sua espera._
    Here I am.                           _Eis-me prompto._
    We have not cups enough.             _As chicaras naõ saõ_
    We want two more cups and saucers.   _É mister mais duas._
    Bring another tea-spoon and          _Falta tambem uma colher e_
        a saucer.                             _um pires._
    You have not brought in the          _Esqueces-te de trazer a tenaz_
        sugar-tongs.                          _do assucar._
    Do you take cream?                   _Toma Vm leite?_
    The tea is so strong.                _O chá está muito forte._
    I shall thank you for a little       _Pedir-lhe hei mais um pouco_
        more milk.                            _de leite._
    Here are cakes and muffins.          _Ahi tem bolos, e bolachas._
    Do you prefer some bread             _Tal vez queira antes fatias de_
        and butter?                           _paõ com manteiga?_
    I shall take a slice of bread        _Aceitarei uma fatia de paõ_
        and butter.                           _com manteiga._
    Pass the plate this way.             _Passe para cá o prato._
    Ring the bell, if you please.        _Toque a campainha._
    Will you kindly ring the bell?       _Tenha a bondade de tocar a_
    We want some more water.             _E nos mister mais agua._
    Bring it as quickly as possible.     _Traze-as o mais de pressa_
    Take the plate with you.             _Leva ao mesmo tempo este_
    Is your tea sweet enough?            _O seu chá tem o assucar_
    Have I put sugar enough in           _Naõ sei se deitei bastante_
         your tea?                            _assucar no seu chá?_
    It is excellent.                     _Está muy bem temperado._
    I do not like it quite so sweet.     _Naõ gosto delle muito doce._
    Your tea is very good.               _O seu chá é muito bom._
    Where do you buy it?                 _Onde o compra?_
    I buy it at...                       _Compro-o em casa de..._
    Have you already done?               _Vm. naõ quer mais chá?_
    You will take another cup.           _Vm. ha de tomar mais uma_
    I shall pour you out half a cup.     _Vou dar-lhe uma meia chicara._
    You will not refuse me.              _Espero qui naõ a ha de_
    I have already drunk three cups,     _Já tomei tres chicaras e nunca_
         and I never drink more.               _tomo mais._



=The Auxiliary Verbs.=


=Ter= and =Haver, to have=.

                    =Infinitive Mood.=
    _Present.        ter_           or _haver_,            to have.
    _Past.           ter tido_      —  _ter havido_,       to have had.
    _Gerund.         tendo_         —  _havendo_,          having.
    _Participles.   tido_, _tida_   —  _havido_, _havida_, had.

                   =Indicative Mood.=
    _eu tenho_              or  _hei_,               I have
    _tu tens_               —  _has_,                thou hast
    _elle_ or _ella tem_    —  _ha_,                 he or she has
    _nós temos_             —  _havemos_ or _hemos_, we have
    _vós tendes_            —  _haveis_,             you have
    _elles_ or _ellas tem_  —  _hão_,                they have.

    _tinha_     or _havia_,    I had
    _tinhas_    —  _havias_,   thou hadst
    _tinha_     —  _havia_,    he had
    _tinhamos_  —  _haviamos_, we had
    _tinheis_   —  _havieis_,  you had
    _tinhão_    —  _havião_,   they had.

                    _Past definite._
    _tive_      or _houve_,     I have had
    _tiveste_   —  _houveste_,  thou hast had
    _teve_      —  _houve_,     he has had
    _tivemos_   —  _houvemos_,  we have had
    _tivestes_  —  _houvestes_, you have had
    _tiverão_   —  _houverão_,  they have had.

                  _Past indefinite._
    _tenho tido_   or _tenho havido_, }
    _tens tido_    —  _tens havido_,  }
    _tem tido_     —  _tem havido_,   } I have had.
    _temos tido_   —  _temos havido_, }
    _tendes tido_  —  _tendes havido_,}
    _tem tido_     —  _tem havido_,   }

                   _Past anterior._
    _tivera_     or _houvera_,    I had had
    _tiveras_    —  _houveras_,   thou hadst had
    _tivera_     —  _houvera_,    he had had
    _tiveramos_  —  _houveramos_, we had had
    _tivereis_   —  _houvereis_,  you had had
    _tiverão_    —  _houverão_,   they had had.

    _tinha tido_     or _tinha havido_,    I had had
    _tinhas tido_    —  _tinhas havido_,   thou hadst had
    _tinha tido_     —  _tinha havido_,    he had had
    _tinhamos tido_  —  _tinhamos havido_, we had had
    _tinheis tido_   —  _tinheis havido_,  you had had
    _tinhão tido_    —  _tinhão havido_,   they had had.

    _terei_    or _haverei_,   I shall have
    _terás_    —  _haverás_,   thou shalt have
    _terá_     —  _haverá_,    he shall have
    _teremos_  —  _haveremos_, we shall have
    _tereis_   —  _havereis_,  you shall have
    _terão_    —  _haverão_,   they shall have.

         _Compound Future anterior._
    _hei de ter_      or _hei de haver_,    }
    _has de ter_      —  _has de haver_,    }
    _ha de ter_       —  _ha de haver_,     } I shall (must, will)
    _havemos de ter_  —  _havemos de haver_,}    have.
    _haveis de ter_   —  _haveis de haver_, }
    _hão de ter_      —  _hão de haver_,    }

                  _Future past._
    _terei tido_    or _terei havido_,   I shall have had
    _terás tido_    —  _terás havido_,   thou shalt have had
    _terá tido_     —  _terá havido_,    he shall have had
    _teremos tido_  —  _teremos havido_, we shall have had
    _tereis tido_   —  _tereis havido_,  you shall have had
    _terão tido_    —  _terão havido_,   they shall have had.


    _teria_     or _haveria_,    I should have
    _terias_    —  _haverias_,   thou shouldst have
    _teria_     —  _haveria_,    he should have
    _teriamos_  —  _haveriamos_, we should have
    _terieis_   —  _haverieis_,  you should have
    _terião_    —  _haverião_,   they should have.

                 =Conditional past.=

    _teria tido_     or _teria havido_,   }
    _terias tido_    —  _terias havido_,  }
    _teria tido_     —  _teria havido_,   } I should have had.
    _teriamos tido_  —  _teriamos havido_,}
    _terieis tido_   —  _terieis havido_, }
    _terião tido_    —  _terião havido_,   }

                =Subjunctive Mood.=
    _que tenha_     or _haja_,    that I may have
        _tenhas_    —  _hajas_,   that thou mayest have
        _tenha_     —  _haja_,    that he may have
        _tenhamos_  —  _hajamos_, that we may have
        _tenhais_   —  _hajais_,  that you may have
        _tenhão_    —  _hajão_,   that they may have.

    _que tivéra_     or _houvéra_,    that I might have
        _tivéras_    —  _houvéras_,   that thou mightst have
        _tivéra_     —  _houvéra_,    that he might have
        _tivéramos_  —  _houvéramos_, that we might have
        _tivéreis_   —  _houvéreis_,  that you might have
        _tivérão_    —  _houvérão_,   that they might have.

                 _Past definite._
    _que tivesse_     or _houvesse_,    that I may have had
        _tivesses_    —  _houvesses_,   that thou mayest have had
        _tivesse_     —  _houvesse_,    that he may have had
        _tivessemos_  —  _houvessemos_, that we may have had
        _tivesseis_   —  _houvesseis_,  that you may have had
        _tivessem_    —  _houvessem_,   that they may have had.

                _Past indefinite._
    _que tenha tido_     or _tenha havido_,    that I may have had
        _tenhas tido_    —  _tenhas havido_,   that thou mayest have had
        _tenha tido_     —  _tenha havido_,    that he may have had
        _tenhamos tido_  —  _tenhamos havido_, that we may have had
        _tenhais tido_   —  _tenhais havido_,  that you may have had
        _tenhão tido_    —  _tenhão havido_,   that they may have had.

    _que tivesse tido_     or _tivesse havido_,    that I might have had
        _tivesses tido_    —  _tivesses havido_,   that thou mightst have had
        _tivesse tido_     —  _tivesse havido_,    that he might have had
        _tivessemos tido_  —  _tivessemos havido_, that we might have had
        _tivesseis tido_   —  _tivesseis havido_,  that you might have had
        _tivessem tido_    —  _tivessem havido_,   that they might have had.

                 _Simple Future._
    _quando eu tiver_       or _eu houver_,      when I shall have
           _tu tiveres_     —  _tu houveres_,    when thou shalt have
           _elle tiver_     —  _elle houver_,    when he shall have
           _nos tivermos_   —  _nos houvermos_,  when we shall have
           _vos tiverdes_   —  _vos houverdes_,  when you shall have
           _elles tiverem_  —  _elles houverem_, when they shall have.

                 _Compound Future._
    _que haja de ter_     or _haja de haver_,    that I shall have
        _hajas de ter_    —  _hajas de haver_,   that thou shalt have
        _haja de ter_     —  _haja de haver_,    that he shall have
        _hajamos de ter_  —  _hajamos de haver_, that we shall have
        _hajais de ter_   —  _hajais de haver_,  that you shall have
        _hajão de ter_    —  _hajão de haver_,   that they shall have.

                               _Future past._
                  { _eu tiver tido_       or _tiver havido_,
                  {                            when I shall have had
                  { _tu tiveres tido_     —  _tiveres havido_,
                  {                            when thou shalt have had
    _quando (se)_ { _elle tiver tido_     —  _tiver havido_,
                  {                            when he shall have had
                  { _nos tivermos tido_   —  _tivermos havido_,
                  {                            when we shall have had
                  { _vos tiverdes tido_   —  _tiverdes havido_,
                  {                            when you shall have had
                  { _elles tiverem tido_  —  _tiverem havido_,
                                               when they shall have had.

    First Person: wanting.
    _tem tu_        or _hajas tu_,            have thou
    _tenha elle_    —  _haja elle (ella)_,    let him (her) have
    _tenhamos nós_  —  _hajamos nós_,         let us have
    _tende vós_     —  _havei vós_,           have ye
    _tenhão elles_  —  _hajão elles (ellas)_, let them have.

=Obs.= All Verbs composed of _ter_, are conjugated like it, as:
_conter_, _deter_, _manter_, _obter_, _reter_ etc.



Tenho pão[439]. Tens carne[440]. Elle tem vinho[441]. Tinhamos
ameixas[442]. Eu tive morangos[443]. Elle teve uma laranja[444].
Tivemos framboezas[445]. Elles tiverão figos[446]. Hei de ter
groselhas[447]. Meu irmão[448] ha de ter nozes[449]. Minhas irmãas[450]
hão de ter nesperas[451]. Eu teria vacca[452]. Meu amigo[453] teria
vitella[454]. Tereis assado[455]. Elles terião presunto[456]. Tenha
elle pastel[457]. Tenhão elles ovos[458]. Tenhamos bolo[459]. Tende vós
salada[460]. Que eu tivesse pimenta[461]. Que tu tivesses vinagre[462].
Que elle tivesse azeite[463]. Que nós tivessemos mostarda[464]. Que vós
tivesseis assucar[465]. Que elles tivessem especiarias[466].

[439] bread.

[440] meat.

[441] wine.

[442] plum.

[443] strawberries.

[444] orange.

[445] raspberry.

[446] fig.

[447] gooseberry.

[448] brother.

[449] nut.

[450] sister.

[451] medlar.

[452] beef.

[453] friend.

[454] veal.

[455] the roastmeat.

[456] ham.

[457] pie.

[458] egg.

[459] cake.

[460] salad.

[461] pepper.

[462] vinegar.

[463] oil.

[464] mustard.

[465] sugar.

[466] spice.



I have beer[467]. Thou hast fruit[468]. He has apples[469]. We have
a pear[470]. You have peaches[471]. They have cherries[472]. I had
grapes[473]. Thou hadst almonds[474]. He had mulberries[475]. We had
an apricot[476]. You had cheese[477]. They had milk[478]. I shall
have hazelnuts[479]. My brother will have butter[480]. We shall have
chestnuts[481]. You will have a lemon[482]. Our gardener[483] will have
celery[484]. I would have cake. Thou wouldst have salad. He would have
onions[485]. Our game keeper[486] would have venison[487]. We would
have sour cherries[488]. You would have raisins[489]. Our cooks[490]
would have olives[491]. That our friends[492] have a rosetree[493].
That we have a myrtle[494]. That you have an apricot-tree[495]. That
our sisters have a bouquet[496]. That I had cream[497]. That thou hadst
salt[498]. That he had coffee[499]. That we had tea[500]. That she had
chocolate[501]. Have courage[502]. He may have a book[503]. Let us have
patience[504]. Have a watermelon[505]. Let them have a melon[506].

[467] cerveja.

[468] fruta.

[469] maçãa.

[470] pera.

[471] pecego.

[472] cereja.

[473] uva.

[474] amendoa.

[475] amora.

[476] albricoque (damasco).

[477] queijo.

[478] leite.

[479] avelãa.

[480] manteiga.

[481] castanha.

[482] limão.

[483] jardineiro.

[484] aipo.

[485] cebola.

[486] caçador.

[487] caça.

[488] ginjas.

[489] passas, passas de uva.

[490] cozinheira.

[491] azeitona.

[492] amiga.

[493] roseira.

[494] murta.

[495] damasqueiro.

[496] ramalhete.

[497] nata.

[498] sal.

[499] café.

[500] chá.

[501] chocolate.

[502] corragem, animo.

[503] livro.

[504] paciencia.

[505] melancia, balancia.

[506] melão.



Tenho por ventura[507] uma faca[508]? Tens tu um garfo[509]?
Tendes vós guardanapos[510]? Tem elles uma toalha[511]? Tinha eu
um prato[512]? Tem ella um copo[513]? Temos nós copos? Tendes vós
ouro[514]? Tem elles prata[515]? Tinha eu uma colher[516]? Tinhamos nós
uma garrafa[517]? Tinhão elles ferro[518]? Tive eu aço[519]? Tivestes
vós chumbo[520]? Terei eu papel[521]? Terás tu pennas[522]? Vosso amigo
terá o seu canivete[523]? Teremos nós livros? Tereis vós tinta[524]?
Suas irmãas, terão uma casa[525]? Teria eu uma flor[526]? Tereis vós um

[507] by accident.

[508] knife.

[509] fork.

[510] table napkin.

[511] towel.

[512] plate.

[513] glass.

[514] gold.

[515] silver.

[516] spoon.

[517] decanter.

[518] iron.

[519] steel.

[520] lead.

[521] paper.

[522] pens.

[523] penknife.

[524] ink.

[525] house.

[526] flower.

[527] garden.



Have I by accident a chamber[528]? Hast thou a castle[529]? Has he
a tree[530]? Have we money[531]? Are you (have you) thirsty[532]?
Have thy friends a sword? Had I an opportunity[533]? Hadst thou a
razor[534]? Had you a horse[535]? Had you permission[536]? Would I have
a tankard[537]? Would she have a cat[538]? Would we have a goat[539]?
Would you have a cow[540]? Would they have an ox[541]? Would I have had
a mule[542]? Wouldst thou have had a dog[543]?

[528] quarto.

[529] castello.

[530] arvore.

[531] dinheiro.

[532] sede.

[533] occasião.

[534] navalha.

[535] cavallo.

[536] licença.

[537] cantaro.

[538] gato (gata).

[539] cabra.

[540] vacca.

[541] boi.

[542] burro.

[543] cão.


=Conjugation of the Verbs “ser” and “estar”, to be.=

                         =Infinitive Mood.=
    _=Present.=      ser_           or _estar_,            to be.
    _=Past.=         ter sido_      —  _ter estado_,       to have been.
    _=Gerund.=       sendo_         —  _estando_,          being.
    _=Participles.=  sido_, _sida_  —  _estado_, _estada_, been.

                    =Indicative Mood.=
    _eu sou_            or  _estou_,   I am
    _tu es_              —  _estás_,   thou art
    _elle (ella) he_     —  _está_,    he (she) is
    _nós somos_          —  _estamos_, we are
    _vós sois_           —  _estais_,  you are
    _elles (ellas) são_  —  _estão_,   they are.

    _era_     or _estava_,    I was
    _eras_    —  _estavas_,   thou wast
    _era_     —  _estava_,    he was
    _eramos_  —  _estavamos_, we were
    _ereis_   —  _estaveis_,  you were
    _erão_    —  _estavão_,   they were.

                    _Past definite._
    _fui_     or _estive_,     I have been
    _foste_   —  _estiveste_,  thou hast been
    _foi_     —  _esteve_,     he has been
    _fomos_   —  _estivemos_,  we have been
    _fostes_  —  _estivestes_, you have been
    _forão_   —  _estiverão_,  they have been.

                   _Past indefinite._
    _tenho sido_   or _tenho estado_,  I have been
    _tens sido_    —  _tens estado_,   thou hast been
    _tem sido_     —  _tem estado_,    he has been
    _temos sido_   —  _temos estado_,  we have been
    _tendes sido_  —  _tendes estado_, you have been
    _tem sido_     —  _tem estado_,    they have been.

                  _Past anterior._
    _fora_     or _estivera_,    I had been
    _foras_    —  _estiveras_,   thou hadst been
    _fora_     —  _estivera_,    he had been
    _foramos_  —  _estiveramos_, we had been
    _foreis_   —  _estivereis_,  you had been
    _forão_    —  _estiverão_,   they had been.

    _tinha sido_     or _tinha estado_,    I had been
    _tinhas sido_    —  _tinhas estado_,   thou hadst been
    _tinha sido_     —  _tinha estado_,    he had been
    _tinhamos sido_  —  _tinhamos estado_, we had been
    _tinheis sido_   —  _tinheis estado_,  you had been
    _tinhão sido_    —  _tinhão estado_,   they had been.

    _serei_    or _estarei_,   I shall be
    _serás_    —  _estarás_,   thou shalt be
    _será_     —  _estará_,    he shall be
    _seremos_  —  _estaremos_, we shall be
    _sereis_   —  _estareis_,  you shall be
    _serão_    —  _estarão_,   they shall be.

                 _Future anterior._
    _hei de ser_      or _hei de estar_,     I shall be
    _has de ser_      —  _has de estar_,     thou shalt be
    _ha de ser_       —  _ha de estar_,      he shall be
    _havemos de ser_  —  _havemos de estar_, we shall be
    _haveis de ser_   —  _haveis de estar_,  you shall be
    _hão de ser_      —  _hão de estar_,     they shall be.

                   _Future past._
    _terei sido_    or _terei estado_,   I shall have been
    _terás sido_    —  _terás estado_,   thou shalt have been
    _terá sido_     —  _terá estado_,    he shall have been
    _teremos sido_  —  _teremos estado_, we shall have been
    _tereis sido_   —  _tereis estado_,  you shall have been
    _terão sido_    —  _terão estado_,   they shall have been.

    _seria_     or _estaria_,    I should be
    _serias_    —  _estarias_,   thou shouldst be
    _seria_     —  _estaria_,    he should be
    _seriamos_  —  _estariamos_, we should be
    _serieis_   —  _estarieis_,  you should be
    _serião_    —  _estarião_,   they should be.

                      =Conditional past.=
    _teria sido_     or _teria estado_,    I should have been
    _terias sido_    —  _terias estado_,   thou shouldst have been
    _teria sido_     —  _teria estado_,    he should have been
    _teriamos sido_  —  _teriamos estado_, we should have been
    _terieis sido_   —  _terieis estado_,  you should have been
    _terião sido_    —  _terião estado_,   they should have been.

                        =Subjunctive Mood.=

      _que seja_     or _esteja_,    that I may be
          _sejas_    —  _estejas_,   that thou mayest be
          _seja_     —  _esteja_,    that he may be
          _sejamos_  —  _estejamos_, that we may be
          _sejais_   —  _estejais_,  that you may be
          _sejão_    —  _estejão_,   that they may be.

      _que fora_     or _estivera_,    that I might be
          _foras_    —  _estiveras_,   that thou mightst be
          _fora_     —  _estivera_,    that he might be
          _foramos_  —  _estiveramos_, that we might be
          _foreis_   —  _estivereis_,  that you might be
          _forão_    —  _estiverão_,   that they might be.

                       _Past definite._
      _que fosse_     or _estivesse_,    that I may have been
          _fosses_    —  _estivesses_,   that thou mayest have been
          _fosse_     —  _estivesse_,    that he may have been
          _fossemos_  —  _estivessemos_, that we may have been
          _fosseis_   —  _estivesseis_,  that you may have been
          _fossem_    —  _estivessem_,   that they may have been.

                       _Past indefinite._
      _que tenha sido_     or _tenha estado_,    that I may have been
          _tenhas sido_    —  _tenhas estado_,  that thou mayest have been
          _tenha sido_     —  _tenha estado_,    that he may have been
          _tenhamos sido_  —  _tenhamos estado_, that we may have been
          _tenhais sido_   —  _tenhais estado_,  that you may have been
          _tenhão sido_    —  _tenhão estado_,   that they may have been.

    _que tivesse sido_   or _tivesse estado_,   that I might have been
        _tivesses sido_   — _tivesses estado_,  that thou mightst have been
        _tivesse sido_    — _tivesse estado_,   that he might have been
        _tivessemos sido_ — _tivessemos estado_,that we might have been
        _tivesseis sido_  — _tivesseis estado_, that you might have been
        _tivessem sido_   — _tivessem estado_,  that they might have been.

                       _Simple Future._
      _que for_     or _estiver_,    that I shall be
          _fores_   —  _estiveres_,  that thou shalt be
          _for_     —  _estiver_,    that he shall be
          _formos_  —  _estivermos_, that we shall be
          _fordes_  —  _estiverdes_, that you shall be
          _forem_   —  _estiverem_,  that they shall be.

                      _Compound Future._
      _que haja de ser_     or _haja de estar_,   }
          _hajas de ser_    —  _hajas de estar_,  }
          _haja de ser_     —  _haja de estar_,   } that I shall be.
          _hajamos de ser_  —  _hajamos de estar_,}
          _hajais de ser_   —  _hajais de estar_, }
          _hajão de ser_    —  _hajão de estar_,  }

                       _Future past._
               { _tiver sido_     or _tiver estado_,
               {                           when I shall have been
               { _tiveres sido_   —  _tiveres estado_,
               {                           when thou shalt have been
               { _tiver sido_     —  _tiver estado_,
               {                           when he shall have been
      _quando_ { _tivermos sido_  —  _tivermos estado_,
               {                           when we shall have been
               { _tiverdes sido_  —  _tiverdes estado_,
               {                           when you shall have been
               { _tiverem sido_   —  _tiverem estado_,
                                          when they shall have been.


      _sê tu_        or _está tu_,       be thou
      _seja elle_    —  _esteja elle_,   let him be
      _sejamos nós_  —  _estejamos nós_, let us be
      _sede vós_     —  _estai vós_,     be ye
      _sejão elles_  —  _estejão elles_, let them be.


The Regular Verbs.

=Active Verbs.=

                  =FIRST CONJUGATION.=

                     =Amar, to love.=

                   =Infinitive Mood.=

    _Present._      _amar_, to love.
    _Perfect._      _ter amado_, to have loved.
    _Gerund._       _amando_, loving.
    _Participles._  _amado_, _amada_, loved.

    =Indicative Mood.=

    _amo_,    I love
    _amas_,   thou lovest
    _ama_,    he loves
    _amamos_, we love
    _amais_,  you love
    _amão_,   they love.

    _amava_,    I loved
    _amavas_,   thou lovest
    _amava_,    he loved
    _amávamos_, we loved
    _amaveis_,  you loved
    _amavão_,   they loved.

       _Past definite._
    _amei_,    I have loved
    _amaste_,  thou hast loved
    _amou_,    he has loved
    _amámos_,  we have loved
    _amastes_, you have loved
    _amárão_,  they have loved.

       _Past indefinite._
    _tenho amado_,  I have loved
    _tens amado_,   thou hast loved
    _tem amado_,    he has loved
    _temos amado_,  we have loved
    _tendes amado_, you have loved
    _tem amado_,    they have loved.

       _Past anterior._
    _amára_,    I had loved
    _amáras_,   thou hadst loved
    _amára_,    he had loved
    _amáramos_, we had loved
    _amáreis_,  you had loved
    _amárão_,   they had loved.

    _tinha amado_,    I had loved
    _tinhas amado_,   thou hadst loved
    _tinha amado_,    he had loved
    _tinhamos amado_, we had loved
    _tinheis amado_,  you have loved
    _tinhão amado_,   they have loved.

    _amarei_,   I shall love
    _amarás_,   thou shalt love
    _amará_,    he shall love
    _amaremos_, we shall love
    _amareis_,  you shall love
    _amarão_,   they shall love.

         _Future anterior._
    _hei de amar_,     I shall love
    _has de amar_,     thou shalt love
    _ha de amar_,      he shall love
    _havemos de amar_, we shall love
    _haveis de amar_,  you shall love
    _hão de amar_,     they shall love.

         _Future past._
    _terei amado_,   I shall have loved
    _terás amado_,   thou shalt have loved
    _terá amado_,    he shall have loved
    _teremos amado_, we shall have loved
    _tereis amado_,  you shall have loved
    _terão amado_,   they shall have loved.


    _amaria_,    I should love
    _amarias_,   thou shouldst love
    _amaria_,    he should love
    _amariamos_, we should love
    _amarieis_,  you should love
    _amarião_,   they should love.

            =Conditional past.=

    _teria amado_,    I should have loved
    _terias amado_,   thou shouldst have loved
    _teria amado_,    he should have loved
    _teriamos amado_, we should have loved
    _terieis amado_,  you should have loved
    _terião amado_,   they should have loved.

           =Subjunctive Mood.=

    _que ame_,  that I may love
      _ames_,   that thou mayest love
      _ame_,    that he may love
      _amemos_, that we may love
      _ameis_,  that you may love
      _amem_,   that they may love.

    _que amára_,  that I might love
      _amáras_,   that thou mightst love
      _amára_,    that he might love
      _amáramos_, that we might love
      _amáreis_,  that you might love
      _amárão_,   that they might love.

          _Past definite._
    _que amasse_,  that I may have loved
      _amasses_,   that thou mayest have loved
      _amasse_,    that he may have loved
      _amassemos_, that we may have loved
      _amasseis_,  that you may have loved
      _amassem_,   that they may have loved.

           _Past indefinite._
    _que tenha amado_,  that I may have loved
      _tenhas amado_,   that thou mayest have loved
      _tenha amado_,    that he may have loved
      _tenhamos amado_, that we may have loved
      _tenhais amado_,  that you may have loved
      _tenhão amado_,   that they may have loved.

    _que tivesse amado_,  that I might have loved
      _tivesses amado_,   that thou mightst have loved
      _tivesse amado_,    that he might have loved
      _tivessemos amado_, that we might have loved
      _tivesseis amado_,  that you might have loved
      _tivessem amado_,   that they might have loved.

    _que amar_,  when I shall love
      _amares_,  when thou shalt love
      _amar_,    when he shall love
      _amarmos_, when we shall love
      _amardes_, when you shall love
      _amarem_,  when they shall love.

          _Compound Future._
    _que haja de amar_,  that I shall love
      _hajas de amar_,   that thou shalt love
      _haja de amar_,    that he shall love
      _hajamos de amar_, that we shall love
      _hajais de amar_,  that you shall love
      _hajão de amar_,   that they shall love.

           _Future past._
    _que tiver amado_,  when I shall have loved
      _tiveres amado_,  when thou shalt have loved
      _tiver amado_,    when he shall have loved
      _tivermos amado_, when we shall have loved
      _tiverdes amado_, when you shall have loved
      _tiverem amado_,  when they shall have loved.


    _ama tu_,     love thou
    _ame elle_,   let him love
    _amemos nós_, let us love
    _amai vós_,   love ye
    _amem elles_, let them love.



=Receber=, to receive.

             =Infinitive Mood.=

        _Present._      _receber_, to receive.
        _Past._         _ter recebido_, to have received.
        _Gerund._       _recebendo_, receiving.
        _Participles._  _recebido_, -_a_, received.

          =Indicative Mood.=

        _eu recebo_,     I receive
        _tu recebes_,    thou receivest
        _elle recebe_,   he receives
        _nós recebemos_, we receive
        _vós recebeis_,  you receive
        _elles recebem_, they receive.

        _recebia_,    I received
        _recebias_,   thou receivedst
        _recebia_,    he received
        _recebiamos_, we received
        _recebieis_,  you received
        _recebião_,   they received.

            _Past definite._
        _recebi_,     I have received
        _recebeste_,  thou hast received
        _recebeo_,    he has received
        _recebémos_,  we have received
        _recebestes_, you have received
        _receberão_,  they have received.

            _Past indefinite._
        _tenho recebido_,  I have received
        _tens recebido_,   thou hast received
        _tem recebido_,    he has received
        _temos recebido_,  we have received
        _tendes recebido_, you have rec.
        _tem recebido_,    they have received.

            _Past anterior._
        _recebera_,    I had received
        _receberas_,   thou hadst received
        _recebera_,    he had received
        _receberamos_, we had received
        _recebereis_,  you had received
        _receberão_,   they had received.

        _tinha recebido_,    I had received
        _tinhas recebido_,   thou hadst rec.
        _tinha recebido_,    he had received
        _tinhamos recebido_, we had rec.
        _tinheis recebido_,  you had rec.
        _tinhão recebido_,   they had rec.

        _receberei_,   I shall receive
        _receberás_,   thou shalt receive
        _receberá_,    he shall receive
        _receberemos_, we shall receive
        _recebereis_,  you shall receive
        _receberão_,   they shall receive.

            _Future anterior._
        _hei de receber_,     I shall receive
        _has de receber_,     thou shall rec.
        _ha de receber_,      he shall rec.
        _havemos de receber_, we shall rec.
        _haveis de receber_,  you shall rec.
        _hão de receber_,     they shall rec.

            _Future past._
        _terei recebido_,   I shall have rec.
        _terás recebido_,   thou shalt have rec.
        _terá recebido_,    he shall have rec.
        _teremos recebido_, we shall have rec.
        _tereis recebido_,  you shall have rec.
        _terão recebido_,   they shall have rec.


        _receberia_,    I should receive
        _receberias_,   thou shouldst receive
        _receberia_,    he should receive
        _receberiamos_, we should receive
        _receberieis_,  you should receive
        _receberião_,   they should receive.

             =Conditional past.=

        _teria recebido_,    I should have received
        _terias recebido_,   thou shouldst have received
        _teria recebido_,    he should have received
        _teriamos recebido_, we should have received
        _terieis recebido_,  you should have received
        _terião recebido_,   they should have received.

            =Subjunctive Mood.=

        _que receba_,  that I may receive
          _recebas_,   that thou mayest receive
          _receba_,    that he may receive
          _recebamos_, that we may receive
          _recebais_,  that you may receive
          _recebão_,   that they may receive.

        _que recebéra_,  that I might receive
          _recebéras_,   that thou mightst receive
          _recebéra_,    that he might receive
          _recebéremos_, that we might receive
          _recebéreis_,  that you might receive
          _recebérão_,   that they might receive.

             _Past definite._
        _que recebesse_,  that I may have received
          _recebesses_,   that thou mayest have received
          _recebesse_,    that he may have received
          _recebessemos_, that we may have received
          _recebesseis_,  that you may have received
          _recebessem_,   that they may have received.

             _Past indefinite._
        _que tenha recebido_,  that I may have received
          _tenhas recebido_,   that thou mayest have received
          _tenha recebido_,    that he may have received
          _tenhamos recebido_, that we may have received
          _tenhais recebido_,  that you may have received
          _tenhão recebido_,   that they may have received.

        _que tivesse recebido_,  that I might have received
          _tivesses recebido_,   that thou mightst have received
          _tivesse recebido_,    that he might have received
          _tivessemos recebido_, that we might have received
          _tivesseis recebido_,  that you might have received
          _tivessem recebido_,   that they might have received.

        _quando receber_, when I shall receive
          _receberes_,    when thou shalt receive
          _receber_,      when he shall receive
          _recebermos_,   when we shall receive
          _receberdes_,   when you shall receive
          _receberem_,    when they shall receive.

                   _Compound Future._
        _que haja de receber_,  that I shall receive
          _hajas de receber_,   that thou shalt receive
          _haja de receber_,    that he shall receive
          _hajamos de receber_, that we shall receive
          _hajais de receber_,  that you shall receive
          _hajão de receber_,   that they shall receive.

                    _Future past._
        _quando tiver recebido_, when I shall have received
          _tiveres recebido_,    when thou shalt have received
          _tiver recebido_,      when he shall have received
          _tivermos recebido_,   when we shall have received
          _tiverdes recebido_,   when you shall have received
          _tiverem recebido_,    when they shall have received.

                =Imperative Mood.=

        _recebe tu_,     receive thou
        _receba elle_,   let him receive
        _recebamos nós_, let us receive
        _recebei vós_,   receive ye
        _recebão_,       let them receive.



=Partir, to divide.=

                 =Infinitive Mood.=

    _Present._      _partir_, to divide.
    _Past._         _ter partido_, to have divided.
    _Gerund._       _partindo_, dividing.
    _Participles._  _partido_, _partida_, divided.

                =Indicative Mood.=

    _parto_,    I divide
    _partes_,   thou dividest
    _parte_,    he divides
    _partimos_, we divide
    _partis_,   you divide
    _partem_,   they divide.

    _partia_,    I divided
    _partias_,   thou dividedst
    _partia_,    he divided
    _partiamos_, we divided
    _partieis_,  you divided
    _partião_,   they divided.

       _Past definite._
    _parti_,     I have divided
    _partiste_,  thou hast divided
    _partio_,    he has divided
    _partimos_,  we have divided
    _partistes_, you have divided
    _partirão_,  they have divided.

       _Past indefinite._
    _tenho partido_,  I have divided
    _tens partido_,   thou hast divided
    _tem partido_,    he has divided
    _temos partido_,  we have divided
    _tendes partido_, you have divided
    _tem partido_,    they have divided.

       _Past anterior._
    _partira_,    I had divided
    _partiras_,   thou hadst divided
    _partira_,    he had divided
    _partiramos_, we had divided
    _partireis_,  you had divided
    _partirão_,   they had divided.

    _tinha partido_,    I had divided
    _tinhas partido_,   thou hadst divided
    _tinha partido_,    he had divided
    _tinhamos partido_, we had divided
    _tinheis partido_,  you had divided
    _tinhão partido_,   they had divided.

    _partirei_,   I shall divide
    _partirás_,   thou shalt divide
    _partirá_,    he shall divide
    _partiremos_, we shall divide
    _partireis_,  you shall divide
    _partirão_,   they shall divide.

        _Future anterior._
    _hei de partir_,     I shall divide
    _has de partir_,     thou shalt divide
    _ha de partir_,      he shall divide
    _havemos de partir_, we shall divide
    _haveis de partir_,  you shall divide
    _hão de partir_,     they shall divide.

        _Future past._
    _terei partido_,   I shall have divided
    _terás partido_,   thou shalt have divided
    _terá partido_,    he shall have divided
    _teremos partido_, we shall have divided
    _tereis partido_,  you shall have divided
    _terão partido_,   they shall have divided.


    _partiria_,    I should divide
    _partirias_,   thou shouldst divide
    _partiria_,    he should divide
    _partiriamos_, we should divide
    _partirieis_,  you should divide
    _partirião_,   they should divide.

                  =Conditional past.=

    _teria partido_,    I should have divided
    _terias partido_,   thou shouldst have divided
    _teria partido_,    he should have divided
    _teriamos partido_, we should have divided
    _terieis partido_,  you should have divided
    _terião partido_,   they should have divided.

                  =Subjunctive Mood.=

    _que parta_,  that I may divide
      _partas_,   that thou mayest divide
      _parta_,    that he may divide
      _partamos_, that we may divide
      _partais_,  that you may divide
      _partão_,   that they may divide.

    _que partira_,  that I might divide
      _partiras_,   that thou mightst divide
      _partira_,    that he might divide
      _partiramos_, that we might divide
      _partireis_,  that you might divide
      _partirão_,   that they might divide.

        _Past definite._
    _que partisse_,  that I may have divided
      _partisses_,   that thou mayest have divided
      _partisse_,    that he may have divided
      _partissemos_, that we may have divided
      _partisseis_,  that you may have divided
      _partissem_,   that they may have divided.

        _Past indefinite._
    _que tenha partido_,  that I may have divided
      _tenhas partido_,   that thou mayest have divided
      _tenha partido_,    that he may have divided
      _tenhamos partido_, that we may have divided
      _tenhais partido_,  that you may have divided
      _tenhão partido_,   that they may have divided.

    _que tivesse partido_,  that I might have divided
      _tivesses partido_,   that thou mightst have divided
      _tivesse partido_,    that he might have divided
      _tivessemos partido_, that we might have divided
      _tivesseis partido_,  that you might have divided
      _tivessem partido_,   that they might have divided.

    _quando partir_, when I shall divide
      _partires_,    when thou shalt divide
      _partir_,      when he shall divide
      _partirmos_,   when we shall divide
      _partirdes_,   when you shall divide
      _partirem_,    when they shall divide.

           _Compound Future._
    _que haja de partir_,  that I shall divide
      _hajas de partir_,   that thou shalt divide
      _haja de partir_,    that he shall divide
      _hajamos de partir_, that we shall divide
      _hajais de partir_,  that you shall divide
      _hajão de partir_,   that they shall divide.

           _Future past._
    _quando tiver partido_, when I shall have divided
      _tiveres partido_,    when thou shalt have divided
      _tiver partido_,      when he shall have divided
      _tivermos partido_,   when we shall have divided
      _tiverdes partido_,   when you shall have divided
      _tiverem partido_,    when they shall have divided.

                   =Imperative Mood.=

    _parte tu_,     divide thou
    _parta elle_,   let him divide
    _partamos nós_, let us divide
    _parti vós_,    divide ye
    _partão elles_, let them divide.


=The Passive Verbs.=

The Passive Verb is conjugated in all its tenses by the Auxiliary Verb
“_ser_” to be, to become, to which is added the Participle of the
Passive Verb, as:

    _sou amado_       I am loved
    _tu es amado_     thou art loved
    _serei amado_     I shall be loved
    _eu seria amado_  I should be loved.


=The Neuter Verbs.=

are conjugated with the Auxiliary Verb “_ter_” to have, as:

    _tenho dormido_    — I have slept
    _tenho cahido_     — I have fallen
    _eu tenho chegado_ — I have arrived.

They are otherwise conjugated like the Active Verbs: _amar_, _receber_,


=The Reflective Verbs.=

are conjugated with “_ter_” and the Pronouns

    _me_,  me
    _te_,  thee
    _se_,  it
    _nos_, we
    _vos_, you.

=Lembrar-se=, to remember.

=Infinitive Mood.=

    _Present.     lembrar-se_, to remember.
    _Past.        ter-se lembrado_, to have remembered.
    _Gerund.      lembrando-se_, remembering.
    _Participle.  lembrado_, _lembrada_, remembered.

             =Indicative Mood.=

    _eu me lembro_,      I remember
    _tu te lembras_,     thou rememberst
    _elle se rembra_,    he remembers
    _nós nos lembramos_, we remember
    _vós vos lembrais_,  you remember
    _elles se lembrão_,  they remember.

    _eu me lembrava_,      I remembered
    _tu te lembravas_,     thou rememberedst
    _elle se lembrava_,    he remembered
    _nós nos lembravamos_, we remembered
    _vós vos lembraveis_,  you remembered
    _elles se lembravão_,  they remembered.

           _Past definite._
    _eu me lembrei_,      I have remembered
    _tu te lembraste_,    thou hast remembered
    _elle se lembrou_,    he has remembered
    _nós nos lembramos_,  we have remembered
    _vós vos lembrastes_, you have remembered
    _elles se lembrárão_, they have remembered.

           _Past indefinite._
    _eu me tenho lembrado_,    I have remembered
    _tu te tens lembrado_,     thou hast remembered
    _elle se tem lembrado_,    he has remembered
    _nós nos temos lembrado_,  we have remembered
    _vós vos tendes lembrado_, you have remembered
    _elles se tem lembrado_,   they have remembered.

            _Past anterior._
    _eu me lembrára_,      I had remembered
    _tu te lembráras_,     thou hadst remembered
    _elle se lembrára_,    he had remembered
    _nós nos lembráramos_, we had remembered
    _vós vos lembráreis_,  you had remembered
    _elles se lembrárão_,  they had remembered.

    _eu me tinha lembrado_,      I had remembered
    _tu te tinhas lembrado_,     thou hadst remembered
    _elle se tinha lembrado_,    he had remembered
    _nós nos tinhamos lembrado_, we had remembered
    _vós vos tinheis lembrado_,  you had remembered
    _elles se tinhão lembrado_,  they had remembered.

    _eu me lembrarei_,     I shall remember
    _tu te lembrarás_,     thou shalt remember
    _elle se lembrará_,    he shall remember
    _nós nos lembraremos_, we shall remember
    _vós vos lembrareis_,  you shall remember
    _elles se lembrarão_,  they shall remember.

            _Future anterior._
    _eu me hei de lembrar_,       I shall remember
    _tu te has de lembrar_,       thou shalt remember
    _elle se ha de lembrar_,      he shall remember
    _nós nos havemos de lembrar_, we shall remember
    _vós vos haveis de lembrar_,  you shall remember
    _elles se hão de lembrar_,    they shall remember.

              _Future past._
    _eu me terei lembrado_,     I shall have remembered
    _tu te terás lembrado_,     thou shalt have remembered
    _elle se terá lembrado_,    he shall have remembered
    _nós nos teremos lembrado_, we shall have remembered
    _vós vos tereis lembrado_,  you shall have remembered
    _elles se terão lembrado_,  they shall have remembered.


    _eu me lembraria_,      I should remember
    _tu te lembrarias_,     thou shouldst remember
    _elle se lembraria_,    he should remember
    _nós nos lembrariamos_, we should remember
    _vós vos lembrarieis_,  you should remember
    _elles se lembrarião_,  they should remember.

                  =Conditional past.=

    _eu me teria lembrado_,      I should have remembered
    _tu te terias lembrado_,     thou shouldst have remembered
    _elle se teria lembrado_,    he should have remembered
    _nós nos teriamos lembrado_, we should have remembered
    _vós vos terieis lembrado_,  you should have remembered
    _elles se terião lembrado_,  they should have remembered.

                =Subjunctive Mood.=

    _que eu me lembre_,    that I may remember
      _tu te lembres_,     that thou mayest remember
      _elle se lembre_,    that he may remember
      _nós nos lembremos_, that we may remember
      _vós vos lembreis_,  that you may remember
      _elles se lembrem_,  that they may remember.

    _que eu me lembrasse_,    that I might remember
      _tu te lembrasses_,     that thou mightst remember
      _elle se lembrasse_,    that he might remember
      _nós nos lembrassemos_, that we might remember
      _vós vos lembrasseis_,  that you might remember
      _elles se lembrassem_,  that they might remember.

              _Past indefinite._
    _que eu me tenha lembrado_    }
      _tu te tenhas lembrado_     }
      _elle se tenha lembrado_    } that I may have remembered.
      _nós nos tenhamos lembrado_ }
      _vós vos tenhais lembrado_  }
      _elles se tenhão lembrado_  }

    _que eu me tivesse lembrado_    }
      _tu te tivesses lembrado_     }
      _elle se tivesse lembrado_    } that I might have remembered.
      _nós nos tivessemos lembrado_ }
      _vós vos tivesseis lembrado_  }
      _elles se tivessem lembrado_  }

    _quando eu me lembrar_ }
      _tu te lembrares_    }
      _elle se lembrar_    }
      _nós nos lembrarmos_ } when I shall remember.
      _vós vos lembrardes_ }
      _elles se lembrarem_ }

              _Compound Future._
    _que eu me haja de lembrar_    }
      _tu te hajas de lembrar_     }
      _elle se haja de lembrar_    }
      _nós nos hajamos de lembrar_ } that I shall remember.
      _vós vos hajeis de lembrar_  }
      _elles se hajão de lembrar_  }

               _Future past._
    _quando eu me tiver lembrado_ }
      _tu te tiveres lembrado_    }
      _elle se tiver lembrado_    } when I shall have remembered.
      _nós nos tivermos lembrado_ }
      _vós vos tiverdes lembrado_ }
      _elles se tiverem lembrado_ }

               =Imperative Mood.=

    _lembra-te tu_,      remember thou
    _lembre-se elle_,    let him remember
    _lembremos-nos nós_, let us remember
    _lembrai-vos vós_,   remember ye
    _lembrem-se elles_,  let them remember.

=Observ.= In all the simple tenses of the Indicative Mood, is it
unimportant whether the Pronouns _me_, _te_, _se_, _nos_, _vos_ stand
before or after the Verb, and one may therefore say either: _eu me
lembro_, or _eu lembro-me_, _eu me lembrava_ and _eu lembrava-me_, but
in the compound tenses as well as in the Subjunctive and Imperative
Mood they must stand before the Verb, as: _eu me tenho lembrado_, _que
eu me lembre_, _que eu me lembrasse_.


=Irregular Verbs.=


1. =Dar, to give.=[544]

[544] Only the irregular tenses are given, the others are conjugated in
the regular manner.

           =Indicative Mood.=

    _eu dou_,    I give
    _tu dás_,    thou givest
    _elle dá_,   he gives
    _nós damos_, we give
    _vós dais_,  you give
    _elles dão_, they give.

         _Past definite._
    _eu dei_,      I have given
    _tu déste_,    thou hast given
    _elle deo_,    he has given
    _nós demos_,   we have given
    _vós déstes_,  you have given
    _elles dérão_, they have given.

         _Past anterior._
    _eu dera_,      I had given
    _tu deras_,    thou hadst given
    _elle dera_,   he had given
    _nós deramos_, we had given
    _vós dereis_,  you had given
    _elles derão_, they had given.

             =Subjunctive Mood.=

    _que eu dê_,   that I may give
      _tu dês_,    that thou mayest give
      _elle dê_,   that he may give
      _nós dêmos_, that we may give
      _vós deis_,  that you may give
      _elles dem_, that they may give.

    _que eu dera_,   that I might give
      _tu deras_,    that thou mightst give
      _elle dera_,   that he might give
      _nós deramos_, that we might give
      _vós dereis_,  that you might give
      _elles derão_, that they might give.

    _que eu désse_,   that I may have given
      _tu désses_,    that thou mayest have given
      _elle désse_,   that he may have given
      _nós dessemos_, that we may have given
      _vós desseis_,  that you may have given
      _elles dessem_, that they may have given.

    _quando eu der_, when I shall give
      _tu deres_,    when thou shalt give
      _elle der_,    when he shall give
      _nós dermos_,  when we shall give
      _vós derdes_,  when you shall give
      _elles derem_, when they shall give.

=2. The Verbs ending in “car”=

have no other irregularity than that they change the _c_ every time
into _qu_, if an _e_ follows in the conjugation, as:

    _ficar_, to remain,
    _fiquei_ (not _ficei_), I have remained,
    _que eu figue_ (not _fice_), that I may remain;

this irregularity is only maintained for the purpose of keeping the
same pronunciation for the Verb throughout, which would otherwise not
be the case.

=3. The Verbs ending in “gar”=

change the _g_, if followed by an _e_, into _gu_, for the sake of

=4. The Verbs ending in “iar”=

take an _e_ before _i_ in all persons of the Indicative Mood, as:

    _premiar_, to reward,
    _premeio_, _premeias_, _premeia_, _premeiamos_ etc.



=5. Dizer, to say.=

    =Indicative Mood.=

    _eu digo_,     I say
    _tu dizes_,    thou sayest
    _elle diz_,    he says
    _nós dizemos_, we say
    _vós dizeis_,  you say
    _elles dizem_, they say.

           _Past definite._
    _eu disse_,       I have said
    _tu disseste_,    thou hast said
    _elle disse_,     he has said
    _nós dissemos_,   we have said
    _vós dissestes_,  you have said
    _elles disserão_, they have said.

           _Past anterior._
    _eu dissera_,     I had said
    _tu disseras_,    thou hadst said
    _elle dissera_,   he had said
    _nós disseramos_, we had said
    _vós disserais_,  you had said
    _elles disserão_, they had said.

    _eu direi_,    I shall say
    _tu dirás_,    thou shalt say
    _elle dirá_,   he shall say
    _nós diremos_, we shall say
    _vós direis_,  you shall say
    _elles dirão_, they shall say.


    _eu diria_,     I would say
    _tu dirias_,    thou wouldst say
    _elle diria_,   he would say
    _nós diriamos_, we would say
    _vós dirieis_,  you would say
    _elles dirião_, they would say.

           =Subjunctive Mood.=

    _que eu diga_,   that I may say
      _tu digas_,    that thou mayest say
      _elle diga_,   that he may say
      _nós digamos_, that we may say
      _vós digais_,  that you may say
      _elles digão_, that they may say.

    _que eu dissera_,   that I might say
      _tu disseras_,    that thou mightst say
      _elle dissera_,   that he might say
      _nós disseramos_, that we might say
      _vós disserais_,  that you might say
      _elles disserão_, that they might say.

    _que eu dissesse_,   that I may have said
      _tu dissesses_,    that thou mayest have said
      _elle dissesse_,   that he may have said
      _nós dissessemos_, that we may have said
      _vós dissesseis_,  that you may have said
      _elles dissessem_, that they may have said.

    _quando eu disser_, when I shall say
      _tu disseres_,    when thou shalt say
      _elle disser_,    when he shall say
      _nós dissermos_,  when we shall say
      _vós disserdes_,  when you shall say
      _elles disserem_, when they shall say.

            =Imperative Mood.=

    _dize-tu_,     say thou
    _diga-elle_,   let him say
    _digamos-nós_, let us say
    _dizei-vós_,   say ye
    _digão-elles_, let them say.

=Participle=: _dito_, _dita_, said.

All Verbs composed of _dizer_ are conjugated in the same manner, as:
_contradizer_, _desdizer_, etc.

    6. =Fazer=, to do, to make.

       =Indicative Mood.=

    _eu faço_,     I do
    _tu fazes_,    thou doest
    _elle faz_,    he does
    _nós fazemos_, we do
    _vós fazeis_,  you do
    _elles fazem_, they do.

         _Past definite._
    _eu fiz_,        I have done
    _tu fizeste_,    thou hast done
    _elle fez_,      he has done
    _nós fizemos_,   we have done
    _vós fizestes_,  you have done
    _elles fizerão_, they have done.

    _eu fizera_,     I had done
    _tu fizeras_,    thou hadst done
    _elle fizera_,   he had done
    _nós fizeramos_, we had done
    _vós fizereis_,  you had done
    _elles fizerão_, they had done.

    _eu farei_,    I shall do
    _tu farás_,    thou shalt do
    _elle fará_,   he shall do
    _nós faremos_, we shall do
    _vós fareis_,  you shall do
    _elles farão_, they shall do.


    _eu faria_,     I would do
    _tu farias_,    thou wouldst do
    _elle faria_,   he would do
    _nós fariamos_, we would do
    _vós farieis_,  you would do
    _elles farião_, they would do.

          =Subjunctive Mood.=

    _que eu faça_,   that I may do
      _tu faças_,    that thou mayest do
      _elle faça_,   that he may do
      _nós façamos_, that we may do
      _vós façais_,  that you may do
      _elles fação_, that they may do.

    _que eu fizera_,   that I might do
      _tu fizeras_,    that thou mightst do
      _elle fizera_,   that he might do
      _nós fizeramos_, that we might do
      _vós fizerais_,  that you might do
      _elles fizerão_, that they might do.

    _que eu fizesse_,   that I may have done
      _tu fizesses_,    that thou mayest have done
      _elle fizesse_,   that he may have done
      _nós fizéssemos_, that we may have done
      _vós fizesseis_,  that you may have done
      _elles fizessem_, that they may have done.

    _quando eu fizer_, when I shall do
      _tu fizeres_,    when thou shalt do
      _elle fizer_,    when he shall do
      _nós fizermos_,  when we shall do
      _vós fizerdes_,  when you shall do
      _elles fizerem_, when they shall do.

            =Imperative Mood.=

    _faze-tu_,     do thou
    _faça elle_,   let him do
    _façamos-nós_, let us do
    _fazei-vós_,   do ye
    _fação elles_, let them do.

=Participle=: _feito_, _feita_, done.

    7. =Poder=, to be able to, can.

         =Indicative Mood.=

    _eu posso_,    I can
    _tu podes_,    thou canst
    _elle póde_,   he can
    _nós podemos_, we can
    _vós podeis_,  you can
    _elles podem_, they can.

    _eu pude_,       I have been able
    _tu pudeste_,    thou hast been able
    _elle pode_,     he has been able
    _nós pudemos_,   we have been able
    _vós pudestes_,  you have been able
    _elles puderão_, they have been able.

    _eu pudera_,     I had been able
    _tu puderas_,    thou hadst been able
    _elle pudera_,   he had been able
    _nós puderamos_, we have been able
    _vós pudereis_,  you had been able
    _elle puderão_,  they had been able.

                   =Subjunctive Mood.=

    _que eu possa_,   that I may be able
      _tu possas_,    that thou mayest be able
      _elle possa_,   that he may be able
      _nós possamos_, that we may be able
      _vós possais_,  that you may be able
      _elles possão_, that they may be able.

    _que eu pudera_,   that I might be able
      _tu puderas_,    that thou mightst be able
      _elle pudera_,   that he might be able
      _nós puderamos_, that we might be able
      _vós pudereis_,  that you might be able
      _elles puderão_, that they might be able.

    _que eu pudesse_,   that I may have been able
      _tu pudesses_,    that thou mayest have been able
      _elle pudesse_,   that he may have been able
      _nós pudessemos_, that we may have been able
      _vós pudesseis_,  that you may have been able
      _elles pudessem_, that they may have been able.

    _quando eu puder_, if I could be able
      _tu puderes_,    if thou couldst be able
      _elle puder_,    if he could be able
      _nós pudermos_,  if we could be able
      _vós puderdes_,  if you could be able
      _elles puderem_, if they could be able.

    8. =Querer=, to wish, to will.

       =Indicative Mood.=

    _eu quero_,     I wish
    _tu queres_,    thou wishest
    _elle quer_,    he wishes
    _nós queremos_, we wish
    _vós quereis_,  you wish
    _elles querem_, they wish.

    _eu quiz_,        I have wished
    _tu quizeste_,    thou hast wished
    _elle quiz_,      he has wished
    _nós quizemos_,   we have wished
    _vós quizestes_,  you have wished
    _elles quizerão_, they have wished.

    _eu quizera_,     I had wished
    _tu quizeras_,    thou hadst wished
    _elle quizera_,   he had wished
    _nós quizeramos_, we had wished
    _vós quizereis_,  you had wished
    _elles quizerão_, they had wished.

       =Subjunctive Mood.=

    _que eu queira_,   that I may wish
      _tu queiras_,    that thou mayest wish
      _elle queira_,   that he may wish
      _nós queiramos_, that we may wish
      _vós queirais_,  that you may wish
      _elles queirão_, that they may wish.

    _que eu quizera_,   that I might wish
      _tu quizeras_,    that thou mightst wish
      _elle quizera_,   that he might wish
      _nós quizeramos_, that we might wish
      _vós quizereis_,  that you might wish
      _elles quizerão_, that they might wish.

    _que eu quizesse_,   that I may have wished
      _tu quizesses_,    that thou mayest have wished
      _elle quizesse_,   that he may have wished
      _nós quizessemos_, that we may have wished
      _vós quizesseis_,  that you may have wished
      _elles quizessem_, that they may have wished.

    _quando eu quizer_, when I shall wish
      _tu quizeres_,    when thou shalt wish
      _elle quizer_,    when he shall wish
      _nós quizermos_,  when we shall wish
      _vós quizerdes_,  when you shall wish
      _elles quizerem_, when they shall wish.

          =Imperative Mood.=

    _queiras tu_,    wish thou
    _queira elle_,   let him wish
    _queiramos nós_, let us wish
    _queirais vós_,  wish ye
    _queirão elles_, let them wish.

    9. =Saber=, to know.

       =Indicative Mood.=

    _eu sei_,      I know
    _tu sabes_,    thou knowest
    _elle sabe_,   he knows
    _nós sabemos_, we know
    _vós sabeis_,  you know
    _elles sabem_, they know.

    _eu soube_,       I have known
    _tu soubeste_,    thou hast known
    _elle soube_,     he has known
    _nós soubemos_,   we have known
    _vós soubestes_,  you have known
    _elles souberão_, they have known.

    _eu soubera_,     I had known
    _tu souberas_,    thou hadst known
    _elle soubera_,   he had known
    _nós souberamos_, we had known
    _vós soubereis_,  you had known
    _elles souberão_, they had known.

       =Subjunctive Mood.=

    _que eu saiba_,   that I may know
      _tu saibas_,    that thou mayest know
      _elle saiba_,   that he may know
      _nós saibamos_, that we may know
      _vós saibais_,  that you may know
      _elles saibão_, that they may know.

    _que eu soubera_,   that I might know
      _tu souberas_,    that thou mightst know
      _elle soubera_,   that he might know
      _nós souberamos_, that we might know
      _vós soubereis_,  that you might know
      _elles souberão_, that they might know.

    _quando eu souber_, when I shall know
      _tu souberes_,    when thou shalt know
      _elle souber_,    when he shall know
      _nós soubermos_,  when we shall know
      _vós souberdes_,  when you shall know
      _elles souberem_, when they shall know.

        =Imperative Mood.=

    _sabe tu_,      know thou
    _saiba elle_,   let him know
    _saibamos nós_, let us know
    _saibei vós_,   know ye
    _saibão elles_, let them know.

    10. =Trazer=, to carry, to fetch.

     =Indicative Mood.=

    _eu trago_,     I carry
    _tu trazes_,    thou carriest
    _elle traz_,    he carries
    _nós trazemos_, we carry
    _vós trazeis_,  you carry
    _elles trazem_, they carry.

    _eu trouxe_,       I have carried
    _tu trouxeste_,    thou hast carried
    _elle trouxe_,     he has carried
    _nós trouxemos_,   we have carried
    _vós trouxestes_,  you have carried
    _elles trouxerão_, they have carried.

    _eu trouxera_,     I had carried
    _tu trouxeras_,    thou hadst carried
    _elle trouxera_,   he had carried
    _nós trouxeramos_, we had carried
    _vós trouxereis_,  you had carried
    _elles trouxerão_, they had carried.

    _eu trarei_,    I shall carry
    _tu trarás_,    thou shalt carry
    _elle trará_,   he shall carry
    _nós traremos_, we shall carry
    _vós trareis_,  you shall carry
    _elles trarão_, they shall carry.


    _eu traria_,     I should carry
    _tu trarias_,    thou shouldst carry
    _elle traria_,   he should carry
    _nós trariamos_, we should carry
    _vós trarieis_,  you should carry
    _elles trarião_, they should carry.

           =Subjunctive Mood.=

    _que eu traga_,   that I may carry
      _tu tragas_,    that thou mayest carry
      _elle traga_,   that he may carry
      _nós tragamos_, that we may carry
      _vós tragais_,  that you may carry
      _elles tragão_, that they may carry.

    _que eu trouxera_,   that I might carry
      _tu trouxeras_,    that thou mightst carry
      _elle trouxera_,   that he might carry
      _nós trouxeramos_, that we might carry
      _vós trouxereis_,  that you might carry
      _elles trouxerão_, that they might carry.

    _que eu trouxesse_,   that I may have carried
      _tu trouxesses_,    that thou mayest have carried
      _elle trouxesse_,   that he may have carried
      _nós trouxessemos_, that we may have carried
      _vós trouxesseis_,  that you may have carried
      _elles trouxessem_, that they may have carried.

    _quando eu trouxer_, when I shall carry
      _tu trouxeres_,    when thou shalt carry
      _elle trouxer_,    when he shall carry
      _nós trouxermos_,  when we shall carry
      _vós trouxerdes_,  when you shall carry
      _elles trouxerem_, when they shall carry.

              =Imperative Mood.=

    _traze tu_,     carry thou
    _traga elle_,   let him carry
    _tragamos_,     let us carry
    _trazei vós_,   carry ye
    _tragão elles_, let them carry.

    11. =Ver, to see.=

      =Indicative Mood.=

    _eu vejo_,   I see
    _tu vês_,    thou seest
    _elle vê_,   he sees
    _nós vemos_, we see
    _vós vedes_, you see
    _elles vêm_, they see.

    _eu vi_,       I have seen
    _tu viste_,    thou hast seen
    _elle vio_,    he has seen
    _nós vimos_,   we have seen
    _vós vistes_,  you have seen
    _elles virão_, they have seen.

    _eu vira_,     I had seen
    _tu viras_,    thou hadst seen
    _elle vira_,   he had seen
    _nós viramos_, we had seen
    _vós vireis_,  you had seen
    _elles virão_, they had seen.

        =Subjunctive Mood.=

    _que eu veja_,   that I may see
      _tu vejas_,    that thou mayest see
      _elle veja_,   that he may see
      _nós vejamos_, that we may see
      _vós vejais_,  that you may see
      _elles vejão_, that they may see.

    _que eu vira_,   that I might see
      _tu viras_,    that thou mightst see
      _elle vira_,   that he might see
      _nós viramos_, that we might see
      _vós virais_,  that you might see
      _elles virem_, that they might see.

    _que eu visse_,   that I may have seen
      _tu visses_,    that thou mayest have seen
      _elle visse_,   that he may have seen
      _nós vissemos_, that we may have seen
      _vós visseis_,  that you may have seen
      _elles vissem_, that they may have seen.

    _quando eu vir_, when I shall see
      _tu vires_,    when thou shalt see
      _elle vir_,    when he shall see
      _nós virmos_,  when we shall see
      _vós virdes_,  when you shall see
      _elles virem_, when they shall see.

       =Imperative Mood.=

    _vê tu_,       see thou
    _veja elle_,   let him see
    _vejamos nós_, let us see
    _vede vós_,    see ye
    _vejão elles_, let them see.

=Participle=: _visto_, _vista_, seen.

The Verbs composed of _ver_, are conjugated in the same manner, as:

_prever_, _rever_, _antever_.

    12. =Perder=, to lose.

    The irregularity of this Verb consists in the following tenses changing
    the _d_ into _c_.

         =Indicative Mood.=

    _perco_,    I lose
    _perdes_,   thou losest
    _perde_,    he loses
    _perdemos_, we lose
    _perdeis_,  you lose
    _perdem_,   they lose.

      =Subjunctive Mood.=

    _que eu perca_,   that I may lose
      _tu percas_,    that thou mayest lose
      _elle perca_,   that he may lose
      _nós percamos_, that we may lose
      _vós percais_,  that you may lose
      _elles percão_, that they may lose.

        =Imperative Mood.=

    _perde tu_,     lose thou
    _perca elle_,   let him lose
    _percamos nós_, let us lose
    _perdei vós_,   lose ye
    _percão elles_, let them lose.

    13. =Valer, to be worth,=

    changes _l_ into _lh_, in the following tenses.

        =Indicative Mood.=

    _eu valho_, I am worth
    _tu vales_       }
    _elle vale_      }
    _nós valemos_    } regular
    _vós valeis_     }
    _elles valem_    }

         =Subjunctive Mood.=

    _que eu valha_,   that I may be worth
      _tu valhas_,    that thou mayest be worth
      _elle valha_,   that he may be worth
      _nós valhamos_, that we may be worth
      _vós valhais_,  that you may be worth
      _elles valhão_, that they may be worth.

        =Imperative Mood.=

    _vale tu_,      be thou worth
    _valha elle_,   let him be worth
    _valhamos_,     let us be worth
    _valei vós_,    be ye worth
    _valhão elles_, let them be worth.

    14. =Ler, to read.=

      =Indicative Mood.=

    _eu leio_,   I read
    _tu lês_,    thou readest
    _elle lê_,   he reads
    _nós lemos_, we read
    _vós ledes_, you read
    _elles lêm_, they read.

       =Subjunctive Mood.=

    _que eu lêia_,   that I may read
      _tu lêias_,    that thou mayest read
      _elle lêia_,   that he may read
      _nós lêiamos_, that we may read
      _vós lêiais_,  that you may read
      _elles lêião_, that they may read.

       =Imperative Mood.=

    _lê tu_,       read thou
    _lêia elle_,   let him read
    _lêiamos_,     let us read
    _lede vós_,    read ye
    _lêião elles_, let them read.

The Verb “_crer_” to believe, is conjugated in the same manner.

=15. The Verbs ending in “ger”=

change _g_ into _j_ in all persons when it is followed by _o_ or _a_,
for the sake of pronunciation. As:

    _eleger_, to elect;
    _elejo_, _que eu eleja_, etc.


    =16. Ir, to go.=

     =Indicative Mood.=

    _eu vou_,    I go
    _tu vas_,    thou goest
    _elle vai_,  he goes
    _nós vamos_, we go
    _vós ides_,  you go
    _elles vão_, they go.

    _eu hia_,     I went
    _tu hias_,    thou wentest
    _elle hia_,   he went
    _nós hiamos_, we went
    _vós hieis_,  you went
    _elles hião_, they went.

     _eu fui_, I have gone
        (like the Perfect of “_ser_” to be).

    _eu fora_, I had gone
         (like the Pluperfect of “_ser_”).

      =Subjunctive Mood.=

    _que eu vá_,  that I may go
      _tu vás_,    that thou mayest go
      _elle vá_,   that he may go
      _nós vámos_, that we may go
      _vos vades_, that you may go
      _elles vão_, that they may go.

    _que eu fora_,   that I might go
      _tu foras_,    that thou mightst go
      _elle fora_,   that he might go
      _nós foramos_, that we might go
      _vós foreis_,  that you might go
      _elles forão_, that they might go.

    _que eu fosse_, that I may have gone
              (like “_ser_”).

    _quando eu for_, when I shall go
            (like “_ser_”).

          =Imperative Mood.=

    _vai tu_,    go thou
    _vá elle_,   let him go
    _vamos_,     let us go
    _ide vós_,   go ye
    _vão elles_, let them go.

    17. =Vir, to come.=

     =Indicative Mood.=

    _eu venho_,   I come
    _tu vens_,    thou comest
    _elle vem_,   he comes
    _nós vimos_,  we come
    _vós vindes_, you come
    _elles vem_,  they come.

    _eu vinha_,     I came
    _tu vinhas_,    thou camest
    _elle vinha_,   he came
    _nós vinhamos_, we came
    _vós vinheis_,  you came
    _elles vinhão_, they came.

    _eu vim_,       I have come
    _tu vieste_,    thou hast come
    _elle veio_,    he has come
    _nós viemos_,   we have come
    _vós viestes_,  you have come
    _elles vierão_, they have come.

    _eu viera_,     I had come
    _tu vieras_,    thou hadst come
    _elle viera_,   he had come
    _nós vieramos_, we had come
    _vós viereis_,  you had come
    _elles vierão_, they had come.

        =Subjunctive Mood.=

    _que eu venha_,   that I may come
      _tu venhas_,    that thou mayest come
      _elle venha_,   that he may come
      _nós venhamos_, that we may come
      _vós venhais_,  that you may come
      _elles venhão_, that they may come.

    _que eu viera_,   that I might come
      _tu vieras_,    that thou mightst come
      _elle viera_,   that he might come
      _nós vieramos_, that we might come
      _vós viereis_,  that you might come
      _elles vierão_, that they might come.

    _que eu viesse_,   that I may have come
      _tu viesses_,    that thou mayest have come
      _elle viesse_,   that he may have come
      _nós viessemos_, that we may have come
      _vós viesseis_,  that you may have come
      _elles viessem_, that they may have come.

    _quando eu vier_, when I shall come
      _tu vieres_,    when thou shalt come
      _elle vier_,    when he shall come
      _nós viermos_,  when we shall come
      _vós vierdes_,  when you shall come
      _elles vierem_, when they shall come.

         =Imperative Mood.=

    _vem tu_,       come thou
    _venha elle_,   let him come
    _venhamos_,     let us come
    _vinde vós_,    come ye
    _venhão elles_, let them come.

=Participle=: _vindo_, _vinda_, come.

    18. =Pedir=, to request,

    changes _d_ in _ç_ in the following persons.

       =Indicative Mood.=

    _eu peço_, I request (the other persons are regular:

    _pedes_, _pede_, etc.).

         =Subjunctive Mood.=

    _que eu peça_,   that I may request
      _tu peças_,    that thou mayest request
      _elle peça_,   that he may request
      _nós peçamos_, that we may request
      _vós peçais_,  that you may request
      _elles peção_, that they may request.

        =Imperative Mood.=

    _pede tu_,     request thou
    _peça elle_,   let him request
    _peçamos nós_, let us request
    _pedi vós_,    request ye
    _peção elles_, let them request.

“_Medir_” to measure, is conjugated in the same manner.

    19. =Rir, to laugh.=

      =Indicative Mood.=

    _eu rio_,    I laugh
    _tu ris_,    thou laughest
    _elle ri_,   he laughs
    _nós rimos_, we laugh
    _vós rides_, you laugh
    _elles rim_, they laugh.

      =Subjunctive Mood.=

    _que eu ria_,   that I may laugh
      _tu rias_,    that thou mayest laugh
      _elle ria_,   that he may laugh
      _nós riamos_, that we may laugh
      _vós riais_,  that you may laugh
      _elles rião_, that they may laugh.

       =Imperative Mood.=

    _ri tu_,      laugh thou
    _ria elle_,   let him laugh
    _riamos_,     let us laugh
    _ride vós_,   laugh ye
    _rião elles_, let them laugh.

    20. The Verbs ending in “=gir=”

    change the _g_ into _j_ in all persons where _g_ is followed by _o_
    or _a_.

    21. The Verbs ending in “=uzir=”

    drop the final _e_ in the third person Singular of the Present,
    as: _conduz_ (not _conduze_), _induz_ (not _induze_).

    22. The Verbs ending in “=hir=”

    change _hi_ into _i_ in the following persons.

        =Indicative Mood.=

    _eu saio_, I go out

    (the others are regular: _sahes_, _sahe_, _sahimos_, etc.).

         =Subjunctive Mood.=

    _que eu saia_,   that I may go out
      _tu saias_,    that thou mayest go out
      _elle saia_,   that he may go out
      _nós saiamos_, that we may go out
      _vós saiais_,  that you may go out
      _elles saião_, that they may go out.

         =Imperative Mood.=

    _sahe tu_,     go thou out
    _saia elle_,   let him go out
    _saiamos nós_, let us go out
    _sahi vós_,    go ye out
    _saião elles_, let them go out.

    23. =Subir, to mount,=

    changes _u_ into _o_, in the second person Singular, third person
    Singular and Plural of the Present, and in the second person of the
    Imperative, as:

    _sobe tu_.

    24. =Mentir, to lie,=

    changes _e_ into _i_ in the following persons.

      =Indicative Mood.=

    _eu minto_, I lie (_tu mentes_, _elle mente_).

       =Subjunctive Mood.=

    _que eu minta_,   that I may lie
      _tu mintas_,    that thou mayest lie
      _elle minta_,   that he may lie
      _nós mintamos_, that we may lie
      _vós mintais_,  that you may lie
      _elles mintão_, that they may lie.

        =Imperative Mood.=

    _mente tu_,     lie thou
    _minta elle_,   let him lie
    _mintamos nós_, let us lie
    _menti vós_,    lie ye
    _mintão elles_, let them lie.

    The same irregularities occur in
             _sentir_, to feel
             _servir_, to serve
             _ferir_,  to wound.

    25. =Dormir, to sleep.=

    This Verb changes _o_ into _u_ in all persons, in which _mentir_
    changes the _e_ into _i_, as:


    26. =Ouvir, to hear.=

    This Verb changes _uvi_ into _uç_ in all persons in which _mentir_
    changes _e_ into _i_, as:

    _eu ouço_,     I hear
    _que eu ouça_, that I may hear.

        =Imperative Mood.=

    _ouve tu_,     hear thou
    _ouça elle_,   let him hear
    _ouçamos nós_, let us hear
    _ouvi vós_,    hear ye
    _oução elles_, let them hear.

    Some writers change _u_ into _i_, as:

    27. =Pôr, to place, to put.=

       =Indicative Mood.=

    _eu ponho_,   I place
    _tu pões_,    thou placest
    _elle poem_,  he places
    _nós pômos_,  we place
    _vós pondes_, you place
    _elles poem_, they place.

    _eu punha_,     I placed
    _tu punhas_,    thou placedst
    _elle punha_,   he placed
    _nós punhamos_, we placed
    _vós punheis_,  you placed
    _elles punhão_, they placed.

    _eu puz_,        I have placed
    _tu puzeste_,    thou hast placed
    _elle póz_,      he has placed
    _nós puzemos_,   we have placed
    _vós puzestes_,  you have placed
    _elles puzerão_, they have placed.

    _eu puzera_,     I had placed
    _tu puzeras_,    thou hadst placed
    _elle puzera_,   he had placed
    _nós puzeramos_, we had placed
    _vós puzereis_,  you had placed
    _elles puzerão_, they had placed.

    _eu porei_,    I shall place
    _tu porás_,    thou shalt place
    _elle porá_,   he shall place
    _nós poremos_, we shall place
    _vós poreis_,  you shall place
    _elles porão_, they shall place.


    _eu poria_,     I should place
    _tu porias_,    thou shouldst place
    _elle poria_,   he should place
    _nós poriamos_, we should place
    _vós porieis_,  you should place
    _elles porião_, they should place.

       =Subjunctive Mood.=

    _que eu ponha_,   that I may place
      _tu ponhas_,    that thou mayest place
      _elle ponha_,   that he may place
      _nós ponhamos_, that we may place
      _vós ponhais_,  that you may place
      _elles ponhão_, that they may place.

    _que eu puzera_,   that I might place
      _tu puzeras_,    that thou mightst place
      _elle puzera_,   that he might place
      _nós puzeramos_, that we might place
      _vós puzereis_,  that you might place
      _elles puzerão_, that they might place.

    _que eu puzesse_,   that I may have placed
      _tu puzesses_,    that thou mayest have placed
      _elle puzesse_,   that he may have placed
      _nós puzessemos_, that we may have placed
      _vós puzesseis_,  that you may have placed
      _elles puzessem_, that they may have placed.

    _quando eu puzer_, when I shall place
      _tu puzeres_,    when thou shall place
      _elle puzer_,    when he shall place
      _nós puzermos_,  when we shall place
      _vós puzerdes_,  when you shall place
      _elles puzerem_, when they shall place.

         =Imperative Mood.=

    _põe tu_,       place thou
    _ponha elle_,   let him place
    _ponhamos nós_, let us place
    _ponde vós_,    place ye
    _ponhão elles_, let them place.

=Gerund=: _pondo_, placing.

=Participle=: _posto_, _posta_, placed.

The Verbs composed by _pôr_ are conjugated in the same manner, as:

    _antepôr, compôr, depôr, dispôr, propôr_.


The following Verbs have two Participles, a regular and an irregular


    _aceitar_,     to accept,          _aceitado_,     _aceito_
    _enxugar_,     to dry,             _enxugado_,     _enxuto_
    _exceptuar_,   to except,          _exceptuado_,   _excepto_
    _expressar_,   to express,         _expressado_,   _expresso_
    _expulsar_,    to expel,           _expulsado_,    _expulso_
    _gastar_,      to spend,           _gastado_,      _gasto_
    _imprensar_,   to print,           _imprensado_,   _impresso_
    _izentar_,     to except,          _izentado_,     _izento_
    _manifestar_,  to manifest,        _manifestado_,  _manifesto_
    _pagar_,       to pay,             _pagado_,       _pago_
    _salvar_,      to save,            _salvado_,      _salvo_
    _professar_,   to act, profess,    _professado_,   _professo_
    _soltar_,      to set at liberty,  _soltado_,      _solto_
    _sujeitar_,    to subject,         _sujeitado_,    _sujeito_.


                                                          { _absoluto_
    _absolver_,     to acquit,             _absolvido_,   { _absolto_
    _absorver_,     to swallow,            _absorvido_,     _absorto_
    _accender_,     to light,              _accendido_,     _acceso_
    _corromper_,    to corrupt,            _corrompido_,    _corrupto_
    _eleger_,       to elect,              _elegido_,       _eleito_
    _encher_,       to fill,               _enchido_,       _cheio_
    _envolver_,     to envelope,           _envolvido_,     _envolto_
    _escrever_,     to write,              _escrevido_,     _escrito_
    _incorrer_,     to incur (a penalty),  _incorrido_,     _incurso_
    _interromper_,  to interrupt,          _interrompido_,  _interrupto_
    _morrer_,       to die,                _morrido_,       _morto_
    _prender_,      to take (into charge),  _prendido_,     _preso_
    _romper_,       to break (open),        _rompido_,      _roto_
    _suspender_,    to postpone,            _suspendido_,   _suspenso_
    _torcer_,       to turn,                _torcido_,      _torto_.


    _abrir_,       to open,         _abrido_,       _aberto_
    _affligir_,    to afflict,      _affligido_,    _afflicto_
    _concluir_,    to close, shut,  _concluido_,    _concluso_
    _contrahir_,   to contract,     _contrahido_,   _contracto_
    _cubrir_,      to cover,        _cubrido_,      _cuberto_
    _distinguir_,  to distinguish,  _distinguido_,  _distincto_
    _distrahir_,   to abstract,     _distrahido_,   _distracto_
    _erigir_,      to erect,        _erigido_,      _erecto_
    _exhaurir_,    to exhaust,      _exhaurido_,    _exhausto_
    _expellir_,    to expel,        _expellido_,    _expulso_
    _exprimir_,    to express,      _exprimido_,    _expresso_
    _exstinguir_,  to extinguish,   _extinguido_,   _extincto_
    _extrahir_,    to extract,      _extrahido_,    _extracto_
    _frigir_,      to fry,          _frigido_,      _frito_
    _imprimir_,    to impress,      _imprimido_,    _impresso_
    _incluir_,     to shut up,      _incluido_,     _incluso_
    _inserir_,     to insert,       _inserido_,     _inserto_
    _opprimir_,    to oppress,      _opprimido_,    _oppresso_
    _possuir_,     to possess,      _possuido_,     _possesso_
    _reprimir_,    to suppress,     _reprimido_,    _represso_
    _submergir_,   to submerge,     _submergido_,   _submerso_
    _supprimir_,   to oppress,      _supprimido_,   _suppresso_
    _surgir_,      to anchor,       _surgido_,      _surto_.

The first or regular form of these Participles is generally used for
the compound tenses, whilst the second or irregular form is Generally
used with _ser_ or _estar_.


=Impersonal Verbs=

are only used in the third person Singular, they are:

    _Chover_,   to rain             —  _chove_,    it rains
    _relampager_ } to lighten       —  _relampaga_ } it lightens
    _fuzilar_    }                  —  _fuzila_    }
    _trovejar_,  to thunder         —  _troveja_,  it thunders
    _choviscar_, to drizzle (rain)  —  _chovisca_, it drizzles
    _nevar_,     to snow            —  _neva_,     it snows
    _gelar_,     to freeze          —  _gela_,     it freezes.

They follow those Conjugations to which they belong.



=1. Adverbs of Time.=

    _Hoje_, to-day
    _agora_, now
    _hontem_, yesterday
    _presentemente_, at present
    _antehontem_, the day before yesterday
    _antigamente_, in times past
    _ultimamente_, lastly
    _recentemente_, lately
    _amanhãa_, to-morrow
    _logo_, directly
    _depois de amanhãa_, the day after to-morrow
    _daqui por diante_, from hence, in future
    _sempre_, always
    _desde_, since
    _ainda_, yet.

=2. Adverbs of Place.=

    _aqui_, here
    _ali_, _acolá_, there
    _arriba_, above
    _abaixo_, below
    _além_, on the other side
    _daquem_, on this side
    _á mão direita_, to the right
    _á mão esquerda_, to the left
    _d’ali_, from here.

=3. Adverbs of Number and Comparison.=

    _primeiramente_, firstly
    _segundamente_, secondly
    _em terceiro lugar_, thirdly
    _depois_, afterwards
    _raramente_, _de maravilha_, rarely
    _mais_, more
    _menos_, less
    _tão_       } almost
    _como se_   }
    _como_, as
    _assim_, just so, the same
    _melhor_, better
    _peior_, worse
    _quasi_, almost
    _em parte_, partly
    _quando muito_, highest
    _quando menos_, least.

=4. Adverbs of Manner and Kind.=

    _muito_, very
    _bem_, good, well
    _mal_, bad
    _pouco_, little
    _assaz_, enough
    _demasiadamente_, too much
    _sufficientemente_, sufficient
    _abundantemente_, abundantly
    _mesmo_, even
    _apenas_, scarcely
    _senão_, only
    _principalmente_, chiefly
    _em geral_, generally, altogether.

=5. Adverbs of Affirmation and Negation.=

    _sim_, yes
    _certamente_, certainly
    _verdadeiramente_, indeed
    _não_, no
    _nada_, nothing
    _talvez_       }
    _pode ser_     } perhaps
    _quiça_        }
    _quando?_ when?
    _como?_ how?
    _porque?_ why?
    _quanto?_ how much?
    _onde?_ where?
    _aonde?_ whereto?

The Adverbs are not declined, but some are compared like the
Adjectives, as:

    _mais ricamente_,    richer
    _menos ricamente_,   less rich
    _tão ricamente_,     just as rich
    _muito ricamente_,   very rich
    _o mais ricamente_,  the richest;

    _bem_, good, formes the Comp.: _melhor_  —  _optimamente_
    _mal_, bad,    -     -    -    _peior_   —  _pessimamente_.


=The following Adverbs are principally in use=:

    _agora_, now
    _hoje_, to-day
    _amanhãa_, to-morrow
    _amanhãa pela manhãa_, to-morrow-morning
    _depois de amanhãa_, the day after to-morrow
    _frequentamente_, frequently, often
    _nunca_, never
    _ordinariamente_, generally
    _jamais_, never
    _tarde_, late
    _cedo_, early
    _daqui por diante_, in future
    _ultimamente_, lastly, at latest
    _recentemente_, lately
    _logo_, soon
    _depois_, afterwards
    _abundantemente_, abundantly
    _com razão_, _justamente_, in justice
    _absolutamente_, absolutely
    _já para já_, immediately
    _com condição_, under the condition
    _actualmente_, actually, at present
    _de proposito_, purposely
    _admiravelmente_   } admirable
    _maravilhosamente_ }
    _as mil maravilhas_, exquisitely
    _astutamente_, artfully
    _atraiçoadamente_, traitorously
    _de maravilha_, very rarely
    _a miudo_, often
    _assim_ }
    _tão_   } so, equally so
    _apressa_, quickly, in haste
    _facilmente_, easily
    _ao avesso_, reversedly
    _as avessas_, reversedly
    _de improviso_   } extempore
    _improvisamente_ }
    _quasi_, _casi_, almost
    _então_, then
    _desde então_, since
    _desde quando?_ since when?
    _de quando ha?_ how long ago?
    _quando bem_   } even
    _ainda quando_ }
    _quando muito_, highest, at latest
    _quando menos_, at least
    _cá_, here
    _alli_, there
    _ahi_, there, where (you are}
    _acolá_, there
    _traz_   } behind
    _detraz_ }
    _para traz_, backwards
    _isto he_, that is to say
    _em vez_, _em lugar_, instead
    _tambem_, also
    _tanto que_ } as soon as
    _logo que_  }
    _acaso_, accidentally
    _ainda_, yet
    _finalmente_, at last
    _muito_, much, very
    _depressa_, quickly
    _aqui_, here
    _até_, until
    _bem_, well, good
    _mal_, bad
    _como_, how, as
    _como?_ how?
    _primeiro que_, before that
    _primeiro que tudo_, before all
    _fora_, out, out of
    _já_, already
    _abaixo_, below
    _acima_, above
    _de balde_, in vain
    _antes_, for, before
    _juntamente_, together
    _enteiramente_, entirely
    _ao redor_, round about
    _loucamente_, foolishly
    _atrevidamente_, boldly
    _felizmente_, happily
    _vergonhosamente_, infamously
    _nem se quer_, even if
    _mais_, more
    _menos_, less
    _sim_, yes
    _não_, no
    _onde_, where
    _nada_, nothing
    _de cór_, by heart
    _em vão_, in vain
    _escassamente_, scarcely, rarely
    _em fin_, at last
    _longe_, long, far
    _verdadeiramente_, truly
    _dentro_, thereinto
    _as vezes_, sometimes
    _de vagar_, slowly
    _quando_, when
    _quanto_, how much.



The Prepositions most in use are the following:

    _a_, to
    _de_, from
    _em_, in
    _dentro_, in, within
    _sobre_, on, over
    _debaixo_      } under
    _sob_          }
    _perante_, before
    _altraz_         } behind
    _traz_           }
    _entre_, between
    _para_, after
    _perto_      } by, near, at
    _junto_      }
    _desde_, of, from
    _até_, after
    _antes_, before
    _depois_, after
    _durante_, during
    _desde_, since
    _com_, with
    _excepto_, except
    _fora_       } besides
    _além_       }
    _sem_, without
    _contra_, against
    _a pezar_, notwithstanding
    _não obstante_, in spite of
    _para com_, against
    _acerca_, in respect
    _por_, through
    _mediante_, by means of.


The following are used with the =Genitive=:

    _além dos mares_,                      on the other side of the seas
    _além d’isso_,                         besides this one
    _acerca daquelle negocio_,             as to that business
    _aquem_ or _daquem dos mares_,         on this side of the seas
    _antes do dia_,                        before daybreak
    _diante de Deos_,                      before God
    _dentro da igreja_,                    within the church
    _de traz do palacio_,                  behind the palace
    _debaixo da mesa_,                     under the table
    _em cima da mesa_,                     upon the table
    _ao redor_ or _em contorno da cidade_, round about the town
    _perto de Londres_,                    near London
    _fora da casa_,                        out of the house
    _fora de perigo_,                      out of danger
    _depois da cea_,                       after the supper
    _defronte de minha casa_,              opposite to my house
    _defronte da igreja_,                  opposite the church;


    _quanto áquillo_,                   with regard to that
    _pegado á muralha_,                 at, near the wall
    _desde o bico do pé até á cabeza_,  from head to foot;


    _perante o juiz_,     before the judge
    _durante o inverno_,  during the winter
    _traz do templo_,     behind the temple
    _entre os homens_,    among men
    _sobre a mesa_,       on the table
    _conforme á lei_,     according to the law
    _segundo á ordem_,    in consequence of the order
    _por amor de Deos_,   for God’s sake
    _pelo mundo_,         through the world
    _pela rua_,           through the street
    _contra elles_,       against them.

    _A_ (to), _eu vou a Londres_,      I go to London,
              _voltar a Portugal_,     to return to Portugal,
              _não tem nada que fazer_ }
              _não tem nada a fazer_   } he has nothing to do.

    _De_ (from), _vir de França_,    I come from France,
                 _vir das Indias_,   I come from India,
                 _sahir de Londres_, I go from London
                                      (to leave London),
                 _de noite_, by night,
                 _de dia_,   by day.

    _Por_ (by, from), _por mar e por terra_, by sea and by land.



    _E_, and
    _tambem_   }
    _outrosim_ } also
    _tambem_—_como_, as well—as
    _não sómente_—_mas tambem_, not only—but also
    _ora_—_ora_, soon—soon
    _em primeiro lugar_, firstly
    _então_, then
    _além disso_   }
    _de mais_      } further
    _depois_, afterwards
    _em fim_, at last
    _em parte_—_em parte_, partly—partly
    _ou_—_ou_, either—or
    _nem_—_nem_, neither—nor
    _tão_, so
    _assim_, thus
    _porém_   }
    _mas_     } but
    _com tudo_, notwithstanding
    _ainda que_, although
    _assim_, therefore
    _porque_, because
    _pois_, there
    _afim_, that
    _se não_, else
    _com tanto que_, taking for granted that
    _bem que_, certainly, indeed.


    _que_, that
    _nomeadamente_, namely
    _se_, whether
    _comó_, as
    _a saber_, viz
    _excepto_, _alem_, except
    _onde_, where
    _donde_, whence
    _quando_, when
    _desde que_, since
    _durante que_, whilst, during
    _antes_, before
    _depois que_   } afterwards
    _depois de_    }
    _como_, as
    _como tambem_, as soon as
    _tão_—_como_, so—as
    _assim_—_que_, so that
    _por isso_, why
    _porque_, because
    _por_, _pois_, there
    _afim que_   } that
    _para que_   }
    _se_, if
    _se_, _posto que_, in case
    _se não que_, if not
    _com tanto que_, in case
    _ainda que_, although
    _não obstante_, notwithstanding
    _tanto_—_tanto_, the—the.

    _Francezes e Inglezes._           Frenchmen and Englishmen.
    _Nem este, nem aquelle._          Neither these, nor those.
    _Ou este, ou aquelle._            Either this one, or that one
    _Nem mais, nem menos._            Neither more, nor less.
    _Quer o faça, quer não, tudo      It is indifferent to me whether
       para mim he o mesmo._            he does it or not.
    _Quer seja verdade, quer não._    Whether it be true or not.
    _Antes quero pedir que furtar._   I will rather beg than steal.
    _Antes morrerei que dizer-volo._  I will rather die than tell it
                                        to you.


may be divided according to the various passions or emotions expressed
by them.

    Of Joy: _Ah! ho!_
    Of Pain: _Ai! apre!_
    Of Fear: _Ai Jesus! eh, eh! ai de mim!_
    Of Abhorrence: _Va-se embora! passa fora!_
    Of Surprise: _Oh! Ah!_
    Urging or Exhorting: _Ora vamos! animo, animo!
         arreda! hola! sentido!_
    Silencing: _Chiton! calla a boca! calai-vos!_
    Wishing: _O provera a Deos!_

=Reading Lessons.=


Em um ajuntamento[545] de senhoras e homens suscitou-se[546] a
questão[547] de qual era o paiz[548] melhor[549] para se habitar[550];
e dizendo uma que Londres, outra que Pariz, este que o Brazil, aquelle
que a Austria ou a Italia, disse uma senhora mui presumida[551]:
“Pois[552] eu dou[553] a primazia[554] ao celibato, pois tenho ouvido
dizer a meu irmão padre[555], que he de todos os estados o mais

[545] meeting.

[546] to ask.

[547] the question.

[548] land.

[549] better.

[550] to live.

[551] presumptuous.

[552] as.

[553] I give.

[554] the preference.

[555] the priest.


Certo[556] juiz de fóra[557] tendo queixas do povo[558] que os
arrematantes da vacca[559] só matavão[560] um boi[561] cada dia
d’assouge[562], e que este não chegava[563] para todos, e ao mesmo
tempo[564] ouvindo dizer aos ditos arrematantes que dous bois erão de
sobejo[565]; mandou[566] por seu respeitando despacho que cada dia
d’assougue se matasse boi e meio.

[556] a certain.

[557] judge who has studied.

[558] the people.

[559] the priviledged butchers of beef.

[560] _matar_, to kill, to slaughter.

[561] the ox.

[562] _açougue_, the slaughter-house.

[563] _chegar_, to suffice.

[564] at the same time.

[565] too much.

[566] to order.


Dizia o P. Antonio Vieira, que toda a fortuna d’um homem de corte[567]
consistia em saber adular[568], mentir[569], furtar[570], e

[567] courtier.

[568] to flatter.

[569] to lie.

[570] to steal.

[571] to divide.


Na desgraçada[572] morte[573] do Principe D. Affonso, disse El-Rei Dom
João II. seu pai: “No excessivo sentimento em que vivo da morte de
meu filho, só me consola parecer-me que Deos se lembrou[574] d’este
reino[575]; porque o Principe não era para Rei dos Portuguezes: os
Portuguezes hão de mister Rei de bronze. Era o Principe inclinado a

[572] unfortunate.

[573] death.

[574] _lembrar-se_, to remember.

[575] kingdom.

[576] pleasure.


Levantando[577] El-Rei D. João I. o sitio[578], que tinha posto a
Coria, disse: “Grande falta[579] nos fizerão os cavalheiros da taboa
redonda[580]; porque se elles aqui estivérão, não nos levantáramos
desta cidade sem a render[581].” Respondeo Mem Rodrigues de
Vasconcellos: “Não faltarão por certo, senhor, aqui esses cavalheiros;
porque aqui está Martim Vasques da Cunha, que he tão bom, como dizem o
foi D. Galaz; Gonçalo Vasques Coutinho, que he tão bom como D. Tristão;
João Fernandes Pacheco, que não deve nada a Lancarote; e aqui estou
eu, que não mereço[582] menos[583] que qualquer d’elles: O certo he,
senhor, que só faltou aqui o bom Rei Artur, que os sabía estimar, e
animar com mercês grandes.”

[577] to raise.

[578] the siege.

[579] want.

[580] round table.

[581] surrender.

[582] to be worth.

[583] less.


Quando El-Rei D. Sebastião quiz[584] fazer[585] a jornada de Africa,
determinou avistar-se em N. Senhora de Guadalupe com El-Rei Philippe
seu tio[586]; para se ajustar[587] esta funcção[588] veio[589] de
Castella o duque[590] d’Alva, cavalheiro mui soberbo[591], e pouco
affeiçoado aos Portuguezes, e de cá foi o conde[592] de Redondo. Entre
a pratica[593] que tiverão, lhe perguntou[594] o duque que fidalgos
vinhão com El-Rei Dom Sebastião; porque com El-Rei vinha elle, e outros
como elle. Respondeo-lhe o conde: “Com El-Rei meu senhor vem o duque
de Bragança, o de Aveiro, e o marquez[595] de Villa-Real; e fidalgos
razos[596], como eu e vós, vem muitos.”

[584] _querer_, to wish.

[585] to make.

[586] uncle.

[587] to arrange.

[588] business.

[589] he came (_vir_).

[590] duke.

[591] proud.

[592] the count.

[593] the discussion.

[594] to ask.

[595] marquis.

[596] the low gentry.


Pedindo[597] um pobre[598] esmola[599] a Philippe II. lhe dizia que
se lembrasse erão irmãos; e perguntando-lhe El-Rei por que quarte,
respondeo por Adão. Mandou[600]-lhe El-Rei dar um real. Replicou[601]
o pobre que aquella esmola não era d’um irmão Rei. “Se a todos os meus
irmãos”, disse Philippe, “eu désse outro tanto[602], já não teria[603]
real que dar.”

[597] _pedir_, to beg.

[598] poor.

[599] alms.

[600] ordered.

[601] reply.

[602] just as much.

[603] I would have.


Christovão Colon foi o primeiro que com audaz[604] fortaleza[605]
navegou o oceano, o descobrio[606] as Indias de Castella; pelo que
mereceo que os Reis Catholicos o fizessem duque de Beraguas. Estava
uma noite[607] ceando[608] com outros cavalheiros seus amigos; e
dizendo-lhe um que aquella façanha a poderia obrar qualquer outro, se
lhe dessem o socorro[609], que fosse necessario, dissimulou Christovão
Colon, e tirando um ovo[610] do prato, perguntou aos demais fidalgos
se poderia algum fazer que aquelle ovo estivesse levantado[611], sem
que se arrimasse[612] a cousa alguma? Respondêrão todos, que não
podia ser[613]. Pegou[614] no ovo Christovão Colon, e dando com elle
mansamente[615] na mesa[616], lhe fez uma pequena[617] móssa[618], e o
póz muito direito. Rírão-se[619] todos, e disse Colon: “Nenhum[620] de
Vossas Mercês[621] ha que não acha facil navegar o oceano, depois que
eu de lá vim; porém he certo, que se eu não fôra o primeiro, nenhum
seria o segundo.”

[604] audacious.

[605] fortitude.

[606] discovered.

[607] night.

[608] _cear_, to sup.

[609] assistance.

[610] egg.

[611] to stand erect.

[612] to assist.

[613] that it could not be.

[614] _pegar_, to take up.

[615] quiet.

[616] table.

[617] small.

[618] break.

[619] _rir-se_, to laugh.

[620] nobody.

[621] of your honours.


Um Mahometano consultando a Aischeh mulher de Mahometo, lhe pedio uma
regra[622] para bem viver; e ella lhe respondeo: “Reconhece[623] um
só Deos, refrêa[624] a tua lingua, reprime[625] as tuas paixões[626],
adquire sciencia, vive constante na tua religião, abstem-te de
fazer mal[627], frequenta os bons, encobre[628] os defeitos do teu
proximo[629], soccorre[630] os pobres, e espera a eternidade por

[622] rule.

[623] recognise.

[624] restrict.

[625] suppress.

[626] passions.

[627] to do evil.

[628] cover.

[629] neighbour.

[630] assist.


Querendo certo homem desquitar-se[631] de sua mulher, com quem tinha
pouca paz[632], appareceo[633] para este fim[634] diante[635] do
Provisor. Estranhou[636] elle a proposta[637], porque conhecia a
mulher, e era de boas qualidades: “Porque quereis deixar[638] vossa
mulher?” (lhe perguntou o Provisor): “Não he virtuosa?”—“Sim, senhor”;
respondeo o homem.—“Não he rica?”—“Sim, senhor.” Emfim[639] a todas
as cousas, sobre que era perguntado, respondia em abono seu. Com que
lhe disse o Provisor: “Pois se vossa mulher tem tantas cousas boas,
porque quereis desquitar-vos della?” A isto o homem, descalçando[640]
um sapato[641], perguntou ao Provisor: “Senhor, este sapato não he
novo?”—“Sim”, respondeo o Provisor. Accrescentou[642]: “não está bem
feito[643]?”—“Sim, ao que parece”, respondeo o Provisor.—“Não he de
bom cordavão, e de boa sola?”—Respondeo do mesmo modo que sim. “Pois
vê Vossa Mercê com tudo isso[644]” (disse o descontente marido[645]),
“pois eu quero tirar este sapato, e calçar outro, porque eu sei muito
bem aonde[646] me aperta[647], e faz mancar[648], e Vossa Mercê não o

[631] to divorce.

[632] peace.

[633] appeared.

[634] for this purpose.

[635] before.

[636] to surprise.

[637] the proposition.

[638] to leave.

[639] in fine.

[640] to take off.

[641] the shoe.

[642] to add.

[643] _fazer_, to make.

[644] with all that.

[645] husband.

[646] where.

[647] pinch.

[648] to make tame.



Estes Indios dominão[649] na cordilheira[650] habitada[651] por seus
maiores[652] os Aimorés, de cuja[653] barbaridade ainda guardão
sementes. Quando os Portuguezes começárão[654] a povoar[655] o Brazil
tiverão de guerrear com os ferozes[656] Aimorés, a quem dizem[657]
que derão[658] o nome de Botocudos, de boto, e codea[659], por
isso que os Indios desta nação[660] erão rolhos, e trazião[661]
o corpo[662] coberto d’uma codea de gomma[663] copal com que se
pintavão[664] para se preservarem das ferretoadas[665] dos mosquitos
e outros insectos. Os Botocudos são mais brancos[666] que a maior
parte dos demais[667] Indios do Brazil, porém, como seus ascendentes
os Aimorés, costumão[668] pintar a cara[669] e mais partes do corpo.
Dividem-se em varias tribus ou cabildas[670], cada[671] uma com seu
cabo[672], que tem um poder[673] absoluto sobre os seus[674] em os
negocios de maior importancia como são a caça[675], a guerra[676] e
a escolha[677] de uma nova morada[678]; mas na aldea[679] limita-se
toda a sua autoridade a compôr as desavenças que são entre elles mui
frequentes. Este lugar não he hereditario, escolhe-se para elle o mais
bravo, e por vezes[680] o mais atrevido[681] se proclama por chefe da
tribu, sobre tudo se por ventura o que os commandava vem a morrer.
Os Botocudos tem as espadoas[682] largas, o pescoço[683] curto, o
nariz[684] chato, as maçãas[685] do rosto proeminentes, os pés[686]
pequenos, as extremidades inferiores delgadas[687], mas nervosas. Furão
as orelhas[688], e o beiço inferior[689], e enfião no buraco[690] uma
rodella de páo[691]. São vingativos[692] e traidores[693], posto que
tinhão um exterior alegre e um ar[694] de franqueza. Não tem especie
alguma de culto; considerão[695] o sol[696] como uma divindade a que
chamão[697], e reverenceão ainda mais a lua[698], quando com sua luz
os protege em suas excursões nocturnas. Amão e imitão as ceremonias
religiosas dos christãos, quanto isto póde compadecer-se com a vida
nomada que fazem, assim que são de todos os Indios os que mais custão a

[649] govern.

[650] mountain chain.

[651] inhabited.

[652] ancestors.

[653] whose.

[654] to begin.

[655] to populate.

[656] wild.

[657] _dizer_, to say.

[658] they gave (_dar_).

[659] the rind.

[660] nation.

[661] to carry.

[662] the body.

[663] gum.

[664] _pintar_, to paint.

[665] sting.

[666] white.

[667] the others.

[668] to have the practice.

[669] face.

[670] hordes.

[671] each.

[672] leader.

[673] power.

[674] over his tribe.

[675] the chase.

[676] war.

[677] the choice.

[678] place of residence.

[679] village.

[680] sometimes.

[681] bold.

[682] shoulder.

[683] neck.

[684] nose.

[685] cheeks.

[686] foot.

[687] thin.

[688] ears.

[689] the underlip.

[690] a hole.

[691] wooden.

[692] vindictive.

[693] traitorous.

[694] an air.

[695] to look upon.

[696] the sun.

[697] to call.

[698] the moon.


=As grutas=[699] =do inferno=[700].

Deo-se[701] este nome ás cavernas naturaes que se achão[702] na
montanha em que estão assentadas a povoação e fortaleza[703] da
Nova-Coimbra, na provincia de Mato-Grosso e sobre a margem direita[704]
do Paraguai. No vertente[705] septentrional[706] da montanha existe
uma abertura que dá passo[707] a duas especies de antecamaras, 1 de
braça[708] e meia de comprido[709], e 1 de largo[710], e outra algum
tanto maior. Desce-se para ellas por uma ladeira que tem obra de 20
braças de comprimento[711], guarnecida de estalactitas, que provêm
da filtração continua da abobada. No cabo[712] da ladeira entra-se
n’uma salla parecida com uma mesquita[713], de cuja abobada pendem
estalactitas de differentes fórmas e tamanhos[714], e o mesmo se
observa no chão. A’ esquerda[715] a parede se acha revestida d’uma
incrustação d’espalto, que com o reflexo da luz arremeda uma soberba
cascata. Póde esta salla ter 50 braças de comprido e 1S de largo,
e no fundo della existe um espaço de 6 braças pelo menos coberto
d’agua limpida porém de máo sabor[716], que dá da parte de fóra[717]
origem a um ribeiro[718] represado frequentemente pelas aguas do
Paraguai, nas cheias[719] que alagão todos os annos por varias vezes
os campos vizinhos. Os naturaes[720] do paiz não se atrevião[721] a
entrar n’estas grutas que forão pela primeira vez exploradas pelo
engenheiro[722] Ricardo Franco d’Almeida Serra, em 1791, levando
em sua companhia o naturalista Alexandre Rodriguez Ferreira que as
debuxou[723] e descreveo[724]. Em 1795, varias pessoas[725] curiosas
entrárão n’ellas e com fachas virão que no ribeiro que as aguas ali
formavão havião jacarés[726], e que um d’elles tinha uma pata de menos.

[699] grotto.

[700] hell.

[701] one has given.

[702] to find, _achar-se_.

[703] the fortress.

[704] on the right shore.

[705] slope.

[706] northern.

[707] which forms the entrance.

[708] fathom.

[709] long.

[710] wide.

[711] length.

[712] at the end.

[713] Mosque.

[714] size.

[715] on the left.

[716] bad taste.

[717] from the outside.

[718] rivulet.

[719] inundation.

[720] inhabitants.

[721] attempt.

[722] engineer.

[723] to draw.

[724] to describe.

[725] persons.

[726] crocodile.

Idiomatic Expressions

with =Verbs, Adverbs, Prepositions etc.=

    _Andar a pé._                 To go on foot.
    _Andar de pé._                To be unwell.
    _Andar a cavallo._            To go on horseback.
    _Andar em coche._             To drive in a carriage.
    _Andar á vela._               To take a sail.
    _Andar para diante._          To go forward.
    _Andar para traz._            To go backward.
    _Andar a traz de alguem._     To follow some one.
    _Andar com o tempo._          To go with the times.
    _Andar perdido._              To go astray.
    _Andar com honra._            To act honorably.
    _Andar de esguelha._          To go badly.
    _Andar de mal para peor._     Out of the frying-pan into the fire.
    _Com o andar do tempo._       In the course of time.
    _Andar de galope._            To canter.
    _Dar um passeio, uma volta._  To take a walk.
    _Dar a entender._             To give to understand.
    _Dar fé._                     To believe, to credit.
    _Dar fiado._                  To give credit.
    _Dar á luz._                  To publish.
    _Dar principio._              To begin.
    _Dar fim._                    To end.
    _Dar os bons dias._           To say good day.
    _Dar os parabens._            To congratulate.
    _O relogio dá horas._         The clock strikes.
    _Dar boa conta de si._        To behave well.
    _Eu derei conta d’isso._      I will be answerable for it.
    _Dar em ridicularias._        To become ridiculous.
    _Dar-se pressa._              To be in a hurry.
    _Não se lhe dá de morrer._    He does not fear death.
    _Estar escrevendo._           To be writing.
    _Estar em pé._                To stand erect.
    _Estar assentado._            To sit.
    _Está para chover._           It is going to rain.
    _Estar em duvida._            To be in doubt.
    _Estar na cama._              To lie in bed.
    _Estar com, em, de, saúde._   To be well.
    _Não está no meu poder._      It is not in my power.
    _Estar de posse._             To be in possession.
    _Fazer esmólas._              To give alms.
    _Faz frio._                   It is cold.
    _Faz lua._                    The moon shines.
    _Não faço caso delle._        I do not care for him.
    _Fazer uma festa._            To give a party.
    _Fazer lugar._                To make room.
    _Ter que fazer._              To have to do.
    _Fazer um discurso._          To make a speech.
    _Fazer uma aposta._           To lay a wager.
    _Faz hoje oito dias._         It is a week to-day.
    _Fazer o possivel._           To do one’s utmost.
    _Não henho que fazer com_     I have nothing to do with it.
    _Fazer-se velho._             To become old.
    _Fazer-se feio._              To become ugly.
    _Faz-se tarde._               It is getting late.
    _Ter razão._                  To be in the right.
    _Não ter razão._              To be in the wrong.
    _Ter ciumes._                 To be jealous.
    _Que quer dizer isto?_        What is the meaning of it?
    _Isto quer dizer, que..._     It means that...
    _Ha alguma, cousa de novo?_   Is there any news?
    _Ha muito tempo._             It is a long time ago.
    _Ha um anno._                 It is a year ago.
    _Hir por diante._             To go forward.
    _Eilo lá vai._                There he goes.
    _Hir para traz._              To go back.
    _Hir buscar._                 To fetch.
    _Nada se vai mais depressa_   Nothing passes quicker than the time.
       _que o tempo._
    _Vai-se fazendo tarde._       It becomes late.
    _Não tenho medo._             I have no fear.
    _Não mais._                   Not more.
    _Ainda não._                  Not yet.
    _Não o farei._                I shall not do it.
    _Não muito depois._           Not long after.
    _Queres fazer isso ou não?_   Will you do it or not?
    _Um diz sim, e outro não._    One says yes, the other no.
    _Não he bom nem máo._         It is neither good nor bad.
    _Elle ainda não veio._        He has not yet come.
    _Até onde?_                   How far?
    _Até Roma._                   To Rome.
    _Até quando?_                 How long?
    _Até que eu vivo._            As long as I live.
    _Como assim?_                 How so?
    _Como! não quereis vir?_      What! you will not come?
    _Dez libras quando muito._    At utmost ten pounds.
    _Dez libras quando menos._    At least ten pounds.
    _Dizei muito embora o que_    You may say what you like.
    _Assim he?_                   Is it so?
    _Assim seja._                 Be it so.
    _Basta assim por agora._      It is enough for the present.
    _Andar a passos lentes._      To go very slowly.
    _A’ direita._                 To the right.
    _A’ esquerda._                To the left.
    _Vir de França._              To come from France.
    _Venho da casa da Senhora N._ I come from Mrs. N.
    _De madrugada._               Early in the morning.
    _De noite._                   By night.
    _De dia._                     By day.
    _De verão._                   In summer.
    _Perto de oito horas._        Towards eight o’clock.
    _Junto á cidade._             Near the town.
    _Sobre a mesa._               Upon the table.
    _Sobre a noite._              Towards night.
    _Sobre todas as cousas._      Before all things.
    _Duas vezes no dia._          Twice a day.
    _Na rua._                     On the street.
    _Em todo o tempo._            At all times.
    _Em premio._                  For reward.
    _Para que he isto?_           What is that for?
    _Para onde?_                  Whereto?
    _Para que fim?_               For what purpose?
    _Palavra por palavra._        Word for word.
    _Vai por vinho._              Fetch wine.
    _De muito atraz._             Far back.
    _Fazer passo atraz._          To take a step backwards.
    _Alguns dias atraz._          A few days ago.

Leipsic, printed by J. B. Hirschfeld.

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