The Bunnikins-Bunnies in camp

By Edith B. Davidson

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Title: The Bunnikins-Bunnies in camp

Author: Edith B. Davidson

Illustrator: Clara E. Atwood

Release date: October 6, 2024 [eBook #74525]

Language: English

Original publication: Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company

Credits: Richard Tonsing, Aaron Adrignola, and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This book was produced from images made available by the HathiTrust Digital Library.)


[Illustration: The Bunnikins-Bunnies in Camp]

[Illustration: [Cart]]

                     THE BUNNIKINS-BUNNIES IN CAMP

                           EDITH B. DAVIDSON

                             _Pictures by_
                            CLARA E. ATWOOD

[Illustration: [Bunnies]]

                        HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY
                          BOSTON AND NEW YORK


                          ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

                       _Published September 1909_

[Illustration: No Trespassing]

                           FOURTH IMPRESSION

[Illustration: TO DEAR BARBARA Who loves the Bunnikins-Bunnies this
story is affectionately dedicated by her Tanta]


                            List of Chapters

                 i. THE BUNNIKINS-BUNNIES              11
                ii. THE LOADING OF NEDDY               19
               iii. A NIGHT WITH THE MOSQUITOES        37
                iv. THE MAKING OF THE CAMP             49
                 v. THE HEROISM OF MR. BUNNIKINS-BUNNY 57
                vi. THE BROWNIE CUB BABY’S PAPA        69
               vii. BOBTAIL’S MISHAP                   79
              viii. GOOD-BYE SUMMER                    89

                         The Bunnikins-Bunnies

[Illustration: [Bunnies]]

[Illustration: [Bunny]]


Mr. Bobtail Fitz-Herbert Bunnikins-Bunny was a very great dandy, for not
only had he his own beautiful white fur coat, but he wore the finest of
other clothes besides. His feathered hats, his fine coats, his lovely
neckties, and his gay silk socks were admired and copied by all the
young members of the Cotton-Tail Club, in Rabbitsville, where Mr.
Bunnikins-Bunny lived.

[Illustration: [Bunnies]]

He fell in love with a charming little rabbit, Miss Primrose
Featherball, and after a short courtship, and a very fine wedding, they
settled down in a beautiful cosy nest in a hollow tree.

When Mr. and Mrs. Bunnikins-Bunny had been married about two years, they
decided, for the sake of Mr. Bunnikins’ health, to spend the summer
camping out in the mountains.

[Illustration: [Bunny]]

They had two nice little bunny children. The elder was named Bobtail,
like his father, and the younger, a dear soft mite of a thing, was
called Rosamund.

She was a good little bunny, and behaved like a small lady, while
Bobtail was a bunch of mischief.

[Illustration: [Bunny]]

From morning till night, he was always getting into trouble of some
kind, until his mother thought she should be obliged either to send him
to boarding-school, or else to keep him chained to a tree.

However, he had promised to be very, very good if his father would take
him camping, and for a week he had been on his best behavior.

                          The Loading of Neddy

[Illustration: [Donkey]]

[Illustration: [Squirrels]]


Mr. and Mrs. Bunnikins-Bunny had invited their great friends Mr. and
Mrs. Gray-Squirrel and their two children, Ruddy and Chippy, to spend
the summer with them; and one beautiful morning they started off, bright
and early, for the mountains.

[Illustration: [Bunny]]

They had a cart, drawn by Neddy, a nice fat donkey, which the
Gray-Squirrels and the Bunnikins family had loaded with all sorts of
things which they would need, and many others which they would never
want, but which Mr. Bunnikins-Bunny had insisted on stuffing in. At the
last moment, he brought out a large feather-bed, which he felt sure he
would need if he had rheumatism, and a foot-bath for Rosamund, in case
she had the croup or whooping-cough.

[Illustration: [Donkey]]

Mrs. Bunnikins, however, refused, quite sternly, to put another single
thing in the cart, which was already top-heavy, and might tip over, or
else break down.

Besides, Neddy was very particular, and might lie down on the way, if he
thought the load too big.

Since his marriage Mr. Bunnikins had become, not only more particular
than ever about his beautiful clothes, but also very fussy about
himself, and was constantly imagining that he had some new complaint.

He had brought a fine silk hammock to sleep in, when the nights were
warm, and a soft woolly sleeping-bag, if it were cold. As for socks,
hats, and fancy waistcoats, he would have brought dozens, had not Mrs.
Bunnikins limited him to half a dozen of each.

[Illustration: [Bunny]]

Having had a cold in one of his long ears, he had tied his gray felt
hat, with its green feathers, tightly down under his chin.

On his feet he wore green-and-white striped socks, because he said they
looked spring-like, and his coat was green-and-white striped linen, to

He carried a green parasol to protect his eyes from the sun, and on his
back was strapped a cunning little knapsack.

[Illustration: [Knapsack Contents]]

In this he carried a bottle of Dr. Possum’s “Ready Relief,” a
hair-brush, a small bottle of cayenne pepper, which by making you sneeze
would cure a cold; an extra pair of socks; a smelling-bottle; some
toothpicks; half a dozen acorns for luncheon; a pair of rubber shoes to
keep his toe-toes dry if it rained; a piece of maple sugar for his
little Rosamund; a couple of cabbage-leaves to put on his head if the
sun was too hot; and, lastly, a tiny folding umbrella.

[Illustration: [Bunny]]

After a good many delays, they finally started; but when they had gone
about a mile, Mr. Bunnikins-Bunny suddenly stopped, and insisted that he
had forgotten something _most_ important. What it was, he refused to
tell, but back to the house he _must_ and would go.

“Very well,” said patient Mrs. Bunnikins-Bunny, “it is already so late
that we might as well have our luncheon here. By the time you come back,
we shall be ready.”

[Illustration: [Squirrel]]

Then Mrs. Bunnikins and the Gray-Squirrels unloaded the baskets, and set
the table for luncheon.

[Illustration: [Donkey]]

The table was a nice flat stone, and the table-cover was made of pretty
ferns and flowers, which the little bunnies and squirrels picked. Mr.
Neddy, the donkey, had his dinner under a shady tree, while the others
waited patiently for Mr. Bunnikins-Bunny.

Pretty soon they saw him in the distance, puffing and panting along, and
dragging behind him some large object. When he came nearer, his wife saw
that he was bringing a life-preserver.

“My dear,” she called, “what _can_ you want that for?”

[Illustration: [Bunny]]

[Illustration: [Bunny]]

“For Bobtail,” Mr. Bunnikins shouted back. “If we _should_ camp near a
pond, he would _surely_ fall in, and then, as he can’t swim, he would be
drowned, unless we had a life-preserver.”

“But how can we carry it?” protested his wife. “The cart is already so
full that Neddy can scarcely pull it.”

“Oh! I have thought all that out,” replied Mr. Bunnikins. “We will hang
it around Neddy’s neck, where he can carry it easily, and it will look
quite ornamental.”

They had soon finished their luncheon of carrot and lettuce salad and
walnut pie, and after harnessing the donkey into the cart, and
persuading him, much against his will, to let them hang the
life-preserver around his neck, they started off once more.

                      A Night with the Mosquitoes

[Illustration: [Bunny]]

[Illustration: [Cookpot]]


Towards evening they came to a pretty little grove, where they decided
to spend the night.

The small bunnies and squirrels gathered sticks for a camp-fire; Mrs.
Gray-Squirrel and Mrs. Bunny prepared supper; while Mr. Bunnikins-Bunny
and Mr. Gray-Squirrel gave Neddy his supper and unpacked the cart; Mr.
Gray-Squirrel doing most of the work, while Mr. Bunny talked and made

There was a cunning little white tent for the children and their
mothers, Mr. Gray-Squirrel preferring to sleep in a tree, while Mr.
Bunnikins-Bunny decided to try his new hammock, swung between two strong
bushes near the tent.

They were all so tired out, that soon after supper they went to bed. The
little bunnies and squirrels were asleep in two minutes; and soon after,
Mr. Gray-Squirrel, warmly covered up with his broad tail, could be heard
snoring away, up in his tree.

[Illustration: [Squirrel]]

[Illustration: [Bunny]]

Mr. Bunnikins climbed into his fine silk hammock, stretched himself out
lazily, and was drowsily thinking how comfortable he was, when suddenly
he felt a sharp sting in one of his soft paws.

“Mosquitoes!” he growled, as he drew his legs up under him, and made
himself into as small a bunch as possible.

“Bzz,” “Bzz,”—and a sting on the end of his long silky ear.

“Bzz,” “Bzz,”—another sting on the tip of his small pink nose.

[Illustration: [Bunny]]

Poor Mr. Bunnikins twisted and turned, trying to forget the mosquitoes,
and go to sleep; but it was of no use. When morning came, and the
mosquitoes went, they left in the hammock a very tired and cross
gentleman rabbit. He told Mrs. Bunnikins that he had had too much of
camp-life and was going home as soon as he had eaten his breakfast.

“No, no, my dear,” said his gentle little wife, “you must not do that. I
have plenty of mosquito-netting, and I can easily make you perfectly

At first Mr. Bunnikins utterly refused to stay, but finally his friend
Gray-Squirrel persuaded him to try one more night, and if the mosquitoes
still bothered him, they all promised to go home with him the following

[Illustration: [Bunnies]]

All day Mrs. Bunnikins-Bunny cut and sewed, and before bedtime she had
made her husband a lovely pink mosquito-netting nightgown.

[Illustration: [Bunnies]]

It covered him from the tips of his ears to the very ends of his
toe-toes, and when he was in his hammock Mrs. Bunnikins tied it up like
a bag below his paws, so that not a single mosquito ever again had even
a taste of him.

                         The Making of the Camp

[Illustration: [Tent]]

[Illustration: [Brook]]


They traveled on for several days up into the mountains, and finally
they came to a lovely glade surrounded by shady trees, with a pretty
little brook close by.

“This is just the place to camp out for the rest of the summer,” said
Mr. Bunnikins-Bunny.

“See the nut-trees and clover-blossoms,” said Mr. Gray-Squirrel, who was
fond of good things to eat.

Mrs. Bunnikins and Mrs. Gray-Squirrel were pleased to have the brook so
near, where they could wash both the children and the clothes.

[Illustration: [Brook]]

Not far away they found an old deserted shed, which made an excellent
stable for Neddy; and in the hollow of a tree, they made a cosy nest for
cold or rainy weather.

The hollow was so near the ground, that, by making a little ladder, the
Bunny family could easily climb in.

[Illustration: [Bunnies]]

[Illustration: [Bunny & Squirrel]]

Bobtail tried very hard to jump from branch to branch like Ruddy
Squirrel, but after several bad falls, he gave it up, and contented
himself with scampering about on the ground.

[Illustration: [Brook]]

The little Bunnies and Gray-Squirrels loved to play in the brook, and
not far away they discovered a large pond. There, however, they were
forbidden to go unless Neddy, the donkey, and the life-preserver went
with them.

                  The Heroism _of_ Mr. Bunnikins-Bunny

[Illustration: [Bunny]]

[Illustration: [Bunny]]


One afternoon, Mr. Bunnikins was taking half a dozen winks in his
hammock, when he was suddenly awakened by the loud squealing of Bobtail
in the distance.

[Illustration: [Bunny]]

He sprang up wide awake in a moment, remembering that the children had
all gone to play at the pond. Calling to Mr. Gray-Squirrel to follow
him, Mr. Bunnikins scampered through the woods as fast as his four fat
and somewhat gouty paws could carry him. When he reached the pond, he
saw Neddy and Bobtail trying vainly to throw the life-preserver to a
brown furry object which was struggling in the water, some little
distance from shore.

“Come here, Neddy,” called Mr. Bunnikins-Bunny, “and let me get on your
back; then you can swim to whatever that is in the water, and I can
throw it the life-preserver, when we get near enough.”

“Hee-haw!” said Neddy, which meant, “All right, sir”; and Mr. Bunnikins
scrambled up on his back, with the life-preserver held tightly in his
fore paws, and off they swam.

[Illustration: [Bear]]

As soon as they came near the struggling object, with all his might and
main, Mr. Bunnikins-Bunny threw the life-preserver.

It landed close to the Furry One, who at once pulled himself on top of
it, and was safe, but alas for poor Mr. Bunnikins-Bunny! He had thrown
the life-preserver so hard, that he lost his footing on Neddy’s back,
which was wet and slippery, and splish! splash! splosh! into the water
he fell.

[Illustration: [Wet Bunny]]

Neddy grabbed him quickly by his long ears, and swam toward shore with
him, towing the life-preserver, with the furry object on it, by a rope.

Such a wet, unhappy Bunnikins as he was when Neddy put him gently down
on dry land! He hated water anyhow, and never even wet the ends of his
pink toes if he could help it. He kept his beautiful soft fur as white
as snow, but paddling in the water he despised. His dignity, besides,
had been very much hurt by his having been carried out of the pond by
his ears.

[Illustration: [Bunny & Donkey]]

[Illustration: [Bunny & Squirrel]]

Meanwhile the brown furry object had crawled off the life-preserver, and
waded ashore. Bobtail and Ruddy Squirrel, very much excited, rushed up
to him, and asked who he was, and how he happened to be in the water so
far from the land.

The Furry One tried to tell them how he had fallen off from a high rock
into deep water, and how he had tried to swim to shore, but could not.
He was, however, so frightened and confused that Ruddy and Bobtail could
not understand much that he said.

                      The Brownie Cub Baby’s Papa

[Illustration: [Bear]]

[Illustration: [Bear]]


Just as they had told him that he had better play with them and get
warm, a crackling of bushes and the sound of some heavy animal plunging
through the underbrush was heard, and a moment later a huge brown bear
lumbered out of the woods and came snarling towards them.

[Illustration: [Bear & Bunny]]

“Where is my Brownie Cub baby?” it growled to the terrified Bunnies and

Mr. Bunnikins-Bunny, his teeth chattering with cold and fright, assured
the Bear politely that he did not know where his Brownie Cub baby was,
but he would let him know if he met it anywhere on his travels.

Suddenly the Bear caught sight of the Furry One, and with a loud yap of
joy he trotted heavily towards it.

[Illustration: [Bears]]

The little thing began to whimper with evident delight, and the big
bear, sitting up on his haunches, lifted the small brown object in his
huge paws.

In a few moments the little Brownie Cub had told his father what
dreadful things had happened to him, and how brave Mr. Bunnikins-Bunny
had been.

The unhappy Bunnies and Squirrels meanwhile sat quaking with fright, not
daring to move, and expecting every moment to be gobbled up by the
terrible bear.

Very soon, however, their fears were relieved, for Mr. Brown Bruin, with
large tears bobbling down his cheeks, and in a husky voice, began to
thank Mr. Bunnikins-Bunny for his heroic action.

[Illustration: [Bunny]]

When he saw how dripping wet he was, he tried to lick him dry; but when
he opened his great red mouth, he scared poor Bunnikins nearly out of
his wits, and the first lap of his huge rough tongue knocked him down,
and pulled out bits of his soft fur.

When he recovered his breath, Mr. Bunnikins thanked Mr. Bruin for his
kindness, but he begged to be excused from any more drying, as, being
subject to rheumatism, he thought the wisest thing for him to do was to
go home very quickly, and drink some ginger-and-cayenne-pepper tea.

Mr. Bruin begged to be allowed to call and see him the next day, and Mr.
Bunnikins hurried home, and was soon in bed, well wrapped up in warm
blankets, and sneezing violently from the cayenne pepper.

                            Bobtail’s Mishap

[Illustration: Honey]

[Illustration: [Bunny]]


The next morning as Mr. Bunnikins-Bunny was rather stiff and chilly,
Mrs. Bunnikins insisted that he should lie in his hammock in the
sunshine, and be very lazy.

While she was talking to him, she suddenly gave a terrified squeak, and
started as fast as she could run towards the hollow tree, fairly
tumbling up the little ladder, into the safety of the nest.

How Mr. Bunnikins-Bunny and Mr. Gray-Squirrel laughed, when they saw
what had frightened her—just Mr. and Mrs. Brown Bruin and their three
children, come to make a pleasant morning call. They had brought a big
jar of golden honey (the delight of bears) as a present to Mr.
Bunnikins, and a lot of ripe nuts and wild celery for the children.

[Illustration: [Bears]]

[Illustration: [Bear & Bunny]]

They begged the Bunnies and the Squirrels to come and make them a visit
very soon, Mr. Bruin offering to carry them to and fro on his broad
back; he even persuaded Rosamund to take a little ride with her father
then and there.

That evening at supper-time Bobtail was missing, and for some time he
could not be found. Finally Ruddy Squirrel spied him, hidden away in the
play-house near the brook.

[Illustration: [Bunnies]]

When his father pulled him out he was a sorry-looking bunny. He had been
told not to touch the honey, but he was so anxious to have a little
taste, that he had tried to get a pawful out of the bear’s big jar, and,
leaning over too far, he had lost his balance and fallen in.

From the tip of his ears to the end of his short tail he was a mass of
sweet sticky honey, and when Mr. Bunnikins took hold of him to shake
him, his paw stuck fast to poor Benjamin’s long ear.

The only thing to do was to soak him in the brook until the honey melted
out of his fur, which took such a long time that Bobtail caught a
fearful cold, and did nothing but cough and sneeze for a week after.

He ate no more honey for a long, long time, and did not even like to see

                            Good-Bye Summer

[Illustration: [Cart]]

[Illustration: [Bunny, Squirrel, & Bear]]


The rest of the summer passed very pleasantly. The Bunnies and Squirrels
made several visits to their new friends the Brown Bears, who had found
a hollow tree for them near their own cave-house. In this tree the bears
built a beautiful nest, and made it so comfortable, that, when the time
came for the Bunnies and Squirrels to go home for the winter, they
promised surely to return the following summer.

One pleasant autumn day the tent was taken down, and with all the other
things was packed in the cart. The life-preserver, however, was given as
a parting gift to Mr. Brown Bruin, who was much pleased. Neddy, the
donkey, was thankful to get rid of it, as he hated to wear it around his

[Illustration: [Bears]]

Neddy had grown so fat from doing nothing all summer that he could
scarcely waddle, and Bobtail declared he looked like a hippopotamus.

The Bunnies and the Gray-Squirrels felt very sad to leave their kind
friends the Brown Bears, and the pretty camp with its running brook, but
winter was coming and soon the nights would be cold so far up in the

They reached home after several days of travel, without any accident,
excepting that several times Neddy insisted on lying down in the road
and taking naps.

[Illustration: [Bunnies & Squirrels]]

The Gray-Squirrels said good-bye to the Bunnies, as they lived several
miles away, and that night they all settled down comfortably in their
warm winter nests.

[Illustration: [Bunny & Squirrel]]

[Illustration: [Endpaper]]

[Illustration: [Back Cover]]


                          TRANSCRIBER’S NOTES

 ● Typos fixed; non-standard spelling and dialect retained.
 ● Enclosed italics font in _underscores_.



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