Peter Biddulph: The Story of an Australian Settler

By William Henry Giles Kingston

The Project Gutenberg EBook of Peter Biddulph, by W.H.G. Kingston

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Title: Peter Biddulph
       The Story of an Australian Settler

Author: W.H.G. Kingston

Release Date: October 17, 2007 [EBook #23050]

Language: English


Produced by Nick Hodson of London, England

Peter Biddulph, by W.H.G. Kingston.


Peter's mother and father were barge people on the London river, the
Thames.  But the father dies, and Peter and his mother are destitute.
She goes out to do cleaning etcetera, and Peter scavenges by the
river-side.  The boys who did this used to be called mudlarks.  Peter's
mother dies.  One day a man called Mr Wells and his friends come by in
a boat, and cast money for the mudlarks to dive for.  Unfortunately
Wells loses his valuable gold ring in doing this.  He leaves his card
with Peter, who finds the ring, and returns it.

Struck with this honesty Wells gives the orphan and destitute boy a
home. Wells is a shipowner, and when Peter is fourteen he is given an
apprenticeship on one of his ships.  Peter makes his way up till he is a
senior officer, but marries a girl in London, whose father owns one
small vessel, and when he is dying he makes the vessel and the goodwill
over to Peter.  Wells's business fails, and with it go Peter's savings.

Peter and his wife and children have a sea-going life, but eventually
decide to settle in Australia.  Arriving there they found it hard to
avoid the escaped convicts who are roaming the land and giving everybody
a hard time.

All these situations are well written, and you will enjoy the book.





From my earliest days to the present time I have been gradually climbing
up the ladder towards a comfortable berth on the top; and if a ratlin
has given way beneath my feet, I always have had a firm hold above my
head.  The first step I took was off the mud on to dry ground.  I can
recollect nothing clearly before that time.  I was born on board a river
barge, and never left it, winter nor summer, till I was fully six years
old.  One day the barge took the mud, which is not surprising,
considering that I was the only person on deck.  I ran to the helm to
turn her head off the shore, but it was too late--there she stuck hard
and fast.  My mother was below, tending my father, and he lay dying.  It
was the barge's last voyage, and his too.  Both had seen much service.
The barge never moved again, but went on rotting and rotting till the
owner sold her and she was broken up.

Father died that night, and a boat came and took mother and me on shore,
with father's body, and such property as we possessed--not much, I
fancy,--a kettle and pot, some plates, and knives, and cups, and a few
clothes,--we hadn't wanted furniture, and with these mother and I had to
begin the world.  She said things might have been worse, for she might
have had a dozen children instead of one, and debts to pay--and she
didn't owe a farthing, which was a great comfort in her affliction.

My mother was indeed, while she lived, a very good mother to me, for she
taught me to distinguish right from wrong, to love the former and to
hate the latter.  As may be supposed, she was very poor, and I was often
without a meal.  I know, too, that she frequently stinted herself to
give me food.  She lived on the banks of the Thames somewhere below
London, and I very soon found my way down to the mud, where I now and
then used to pick up odds and ends, bits of iron and copper, and
sometimes even coin, and chips of wood.  The first my mother used to
sell, and I often got enough in the week to buy us a hearty meal; the
last served to boil our kettle when we had any food to cook in it.  Few
rich people know how the poor live; our way was a strange one.  My poor
mother used to work with her needle, and go out as a charwoman, and to
wash, when she could get any one to wash for, but that was seldom; and
toil as hard as she might, a difficult matter she had to pay the rent of
the little room in which we lived.  She felt sorely the struggle she had
to endure with poverty, for she had seen better days--far better, I
suspect,--and was not accustomed to it.  She was, I have reason to
believe, well educated--at all events, much above most persons in the
station in life she then occupied; and, young as I was, she taught me to
read, and to repeat poetry, and to sing psalms; and though I forget
nearly all the events of my life at that time, I remember many of the
verses she taught me; they have been a wonderful comfort to me through
life.  My mother had married unwisely, I have no doubt, and if she ever
had any relations, they discarded her; so she was very soon reduced to
the condition I have described, aided by an illness which at length
terminated in her death.

I was about eight years old when I became an orphan; but my intellects
were sharpened by exercise, and I was as precocious as many children
double my age.  As I was able to do something to gain my own livelihood,
the people of the house where we lodged took compassion on me, and,
instead of sending me to the workhouse, gave me the corner of a garret
to sleep in.  I understood the compact, and worked harder than ever.

Young as I was I felt my mother's loss most bitterly.  We had been all
in all to each other, and I should have broken down altogether with
grief, had not my kind host roused me up and advised me to go out and
try and do something to gain my livelihood.  Hunger is a severe
taskmaster; it makes many an idle man work.

I now became a regular mudlark, though I got employment when I could by
running on errands and in assisting the boatmen on the river.  I was one
summer's day, with a number of other boys, wading up to my knees in the
water, when a boat with several gentlemen on a pleasure excursion came
down the river, and pulled into the shore near where we were.  Some of
the gentlemen landed, while the others who remained in the boat amused
themselves by throwing halfpence into the water for us to dive after.
They scattered them about in every direction, so that many coins were
altogether lost; for as the boys rushed after them they drove them into
the mud.

At last, as I was standing some way from the other boys, a gentleman
threw a penny towards me; but it passed over my head and fell into deep
water, and directly afterwards I heard him exclaim--

"Dear me!  I've lost my ring--my diamond ring, too.  I would not have
lost it for a hundred pounds."

As he had been throwing pence in various directions, he had no notion
where it had fallen, though he naturally concluded that it had come off
at one of those times.  As I saw that he was very much annoyed at his
loss I felt sorry for him; so I went up to him, and told him that I
would hunt about for his ring, and that if I found it I would gladly
bring it to him, provided he would tell me where he lived.

"But don't you bargain for a reward?" asked one of his companions.

"That depends upon how far off the gentleman lives," I replied.  "If
near at hand this errand may be only worth a sixpence; but if far off,
perhaps he won't think a shilling too much to give me."

"I'll tell you what, my man; I'll gladly give you ten shillings if you
find it; but I fear there is little chance of your so doing," replied
the gentleman, smiling.

"There's nothing like trying, sir," I replied; "and if you'll tell me
your name and where you live, if I pick it up you shall have it again."

"Well, then, you must inquire for Mr Wells, -- Street, -- Square,
London," said the gentleman.

"If you write it down I shall have less chance of forgetting it," I

"That would be little use to you, my man," he observed; "you cannot
read, I should suppose."

"But I can, though," I replied.  "Give me your card, and you will see I
speak the truth."

On this one of the gentlemen drew out a card from his pocket, and wrote
some words on it with a pencil, while I washed my hands and dried them
in my shirt-sleeves.  He then handed me the card.  I looked at it and
saw that it was in a language I could not understand.

"Those are Latin words, and I did not say I could read any language," I
observed, handing him back his card.

"You are right, my boy," said the gentleman who had lost his ring; "but
here are some lines in English: let us hear if you can read them."

I looked at the lines attentively: they were at the commencement of a
poem my mother had taught me; so I not only read them off fluently, but,
to the great surprise of all present, went on repeating the succeeding

"Bravo! bravo!" exclaimed the gentlemen, highly delighted.  "You're a
genius, my lad--a perfect marvel.  A mudlark spout poetry!  Truly the
schoolmaster is abroad."

"Who taught you your learning, my boy?" asked another.

"My mother, sir," I replied, calmly, and rather surprised at their
expressions, for I saw nothing wonderful in my performance.

"I should like to see this mother of yours; she must be out of the
common way too," observed the same person.

"Mother is dead, sir," I answered, crying; for the very mention of her
name wrung my young heart with grief.

"There is something more here than meets the eye," said Mr Wells.  "My
poor boy, don't cry.  Come to-morrow to my house, whether you find my
ring or not.  In the meantime here is half a crown; your poetry deserves

I took the money almost mechanically; for I was thinking of my mother,
and was scarcely aware of the amount of wealth I was receiving.

On seeing Mr Wells give me money, the other gentlemen did the same, and
some even gave me as much as five shillings; so that I felt as if coin
was raining down on me from the skies.  My tears dried up, and, for a
minute, I felt supremely happy; but on a sudden the thought occurred to
me, that if my mother had been alive how happy it would have made her,
and I burst forth into tears again.

Mr Wells on this asked me why I cried; so I told him the truth, and he
believed me; though I believe, from the expression of some of the other
gentlemen's faces, that they fancied I was crying to gain their
compassion: at all events, they gave me no more money, and their
companions returning to the boat, they shoved off and continued their
course down the river.

As soon as they were gone I began to collect my thoughts, and to
consider my best chance of finding the lost ring.  As I heard Mr Wells
say that he would not have lost it for a hundred pounds, I believed that
was its value, and though I had no just conception of how much a hundred
pounds was, I knew that it must be a great deal of money.  I was
therefore very anxious to restore it to the kind gentleman.

Here I benefited by my good mother's instruction; and I believed her
spirit watched over me to keep me from evil; for it never occurred to
me, as I am sorry to say it did to some of the other boys who overheard
the gentleman's observation, that it would be easier if the ring was
found to sell it and secure its value, than to trust to the chance of
obtaining a small reward by returning it to its proper owner.

I fortunately overheard them plotting to secure the ring for themselves,
and I determined to counteract their plan.  Though the water was deep
where the ring had fallen there was no current, as it was in a little
bay in the bank of the river, and what was more, I remembered that the
ground was rather harder than that surrounding it, and that it rose
slightly outside.

These circumstances gave me hopes of finding the ring; so I sat down at
some little distance on the bank, pretending to be counting the money I
had received, but in reality watching narrowly the spot where I thought
it had fallen.

I do not mean to say that I was indifferent to my good fortune, but I
honestly believe I thought much more of the pleasure it would give the
poor people who had charitably taken care of me in my destitution, than
of the benefit I should myself derive from it.

The tide had only run off a very little when the ring was thrown in, so
that I had a considerable time to wait; but though I grew very hungry,
and felt that I might enjoy a plentiful meal, I would not quit my post;
indeed, I was accustomed to starve, so that did not incommode me much.

Slowly the tide receded, and one after one the other boys went away.  At
last the bank appeared, and the intervening space was left with very
little water over it.  I was in hopes that none of the other boys would
return to interrupt me in my search; but, to my annoyance, just as the
mud was left quite clear, two of them came back, and immediately tucking
up their trousers, hurried into the mud.



Now it so happened that I had carefully noted where the penny had
fallen, and if I had been alone, I could have gone straight to the
place.  But, wishing to mislead my rivals in the search, I waded into
the water at a considerable distance from the spot.  Glad of a clue, the
other mud-larks came over to me in a hurry, and began hunting about.
Leaving them there, I went to another place, and so on till I gradually
approached the spot where I thought the ring had fallen.  They again
followed me, and as I was stooping down I heard one of them cry out, and
I thought he had found the treasure, but it was only the penny Mr Wells
had thrown me.  "Ho! ho!"  I thought, "the ring will not have reached as
far as that, but I must make haste and find it, or it will be too dark
to see anything."  The other boys thought the ring must be close to the
penny, and kept turning up the mud in every direction round it, while I
worked my way straight on to where the boat had been.  I had begun to
think that I must have passed it, when I saw something glitter in a
little pool of water just under a large stone.  I stooped down, and to
my joy I found that it was the gold ring.  My first impulse was to sing
out, but then it struck me that I might run some chance of being robbed
of my treasure, and that it would be a just punishment to the naughty
boys to keep them still hunting for it; so, instead of saying anything
about the matter, I pretended to be groping on as before, and at last,
on getting near the shore, I exclaimed that there was no chance of any
one finding it that night, and that I should go home.  On getting on
shore I ran as fast as my legs would carry me, eager to give my
charitable friends an account of my good fortune, but with regard to the
ring I said not a word.  The instinctive caution I possessed taught me
that it would be wiser to say nothing, even to them, about it.  I told
them, as was the case, that the money had been given to me by the
gentlemen for repeating poetry to them.

We had a capital supper that night, the best I had ever enjoyed; and
giving my wealth to my friends to keep for me, I set off the next
morning, my heart beating high with satisfaction, to restore the ring to
Mr Wells.

I found his house without much difficulty, although I had never been in
that part of London before, but my wits were not at fault on this
occasion more than on any other.  A domestic opened the door, whom I at
first took to be a very great lord, for I had seldom before seen a
livery servant; but when he told me that his master was not at home, and
he could not say when he would return, and without deigning any further
answer slammed the door in my face, I guessed who he was.  I accordingly
sat down on the steps to wait patiently for the return of Mr Wells.  As
I had been thinking all night long of my good fortune, I had not slept a
wink, and it was therefore not surprising that I fell very fast asleep
where I sat.  How long I thus remained dreaming of the events of the
previous day I do not know, when I was awaked by the sound of a kind
voice in my ear, and opening my eyes I saw Mr Wells standing before me.

"Ah, my little poet!" he exclaimed; "you here already!"

"Yes, sir," I answered, jumping up; "and I have found your ring, and
brought it to you too."

"Have you indeed?  That is more than I expected," he replied.  "But come
in, and you can then give me the ring, and tell me something about

So I went into his house, and he was evidently pleased when he saw the
ring, which I had washed and wrapped up carefully in a bit of rag, and
it looked clean and bright.  He then took me into the parlour, where two
ladies were sitting at breakfast, where he made me join them, all untidy
as I was, at their meal; after which he desired me to give a full
account of myself, and to recite some more poetry, all of which I did,
apparently much to the satisfaction of the party present.

"'Twere a pity for the child to grow up neglected and uncared for, as
will probably be his fate, till he becomes in no way superior to the
uncultivated, ignorant men among whom he will be doomed to live,"
observed one of the ladies to Mr Wells, who was, I found, his wife.
"Can you do anything for him?"

"I was thinking on the subject, my love," answered Mr Wells.  "The
question in my mind is, `In what position shall he be placed?'"

"Oh, my dear, that is very easy," replied the lady, in an eager tone;
"send him to a good school, and then make him one of your clerks."

"That might not prove a real kindness after all," said her husband; "he
has already, by his own exertions and good conduct, made one step up the
ladder, and I think it will be wiser to leave him to work his own way
upward.  He will then be less liable to slip down again.  I will keep an
eye on him, and give him advice when he requires it."

This I believe he said for my benefit, that I might not fancy that I had
nothing further to do than to wait for the coming of good luck, as is
the case too often with certain people, who then grumble and find fault
with the world because their luck never comes.  I do not mean to say
that opportunities do not occur to some men more frequently than to
others, but I believe that they visit most of us at some time or other
of our lives, and that it is our own fault if we do not take advantage
of them.

"But I will learn what the boy himself has to say on the subject," said
Mr Wells.--"What would you like to do, my lad?"

"I want to be a sailor, sir," I answered, promptly; for such had been
the earnest desire of my life; "I wish to go to some of the places the
ships I see passing up and down the river visit."

"You are too young yet to go to sea, but when you are old enough you
cannot perhaps do better.  The sea requires people of sense more than
any other, and yet some persons send the dunce of the family on board
ship, and then are surprised that he does not get on.  You shall now go
back to the friends who have taken care of you, and who seem good
people.  We must find somebody to whom you may go when you wish to get
some more learning, and I dare say you will find some means of earning
your bread till you are old enough to go to sea.

"By-the-by, I must not forget the reward I promised you for finding my
ring.  I will bring it down to you to-morrow or next day, if you will in
the meantime trust me."

He said this smiling, and I felt sure he would not deceive me.  At the
same time I told him that he had paid me before handsomely, and that I
did not want any other reward.  He told me that must rest with him, and
that I was fairly entitled to it.  He then bade me good-bye.

With a joyful heart I returned home to record to my friends all that had

Mr Wells was as good as his word, and the following day I saw him on
horseback, inquiring his way to the street where I lived.  I went up to
him, and led him to the house.  He then dismounted, and giving his horse
to another boy to hold, he called me in, and told my friends that he had
spoken to the curate of the parish about me, and that I might go to him
two hours every evening after I had done my work.  He then gave me five
pounds, advising me to rig myself out neatly; and he told me besides
that he had spoken to some of the boatmen in the neighbourhood, who he
thought were very likely to employ me if I applied to them.  After a few
more words of advice the good gentleman took his departure.

Now Mr Wells was a man of sound sense, and his conduct was, I have
reason to know, most judicious.  He saw that I was accustomed to act for
myself, young as I was, and that I should have less chance of slipping
off the ladder, if I mounted each ratlin by myself; and he considered
that as I was of somewhat a poetical temperament, if my mind received a
hot bed forcing at too early an age, I should be unfitted to struggle on
in this every-day working world.  Had he, as his wife recommended him,
sent me to a boarding school, where I should have had everything done
for me, I should probably very soon have lost that habit of dependence
on my own exertions which has been the great cause of my success in
life; and the routine style of education I should there have received
would certainly not have compensated for the loss of the other
advantage, nor would the amount of knowledge I should have gained have
been in all probability in any way equal to that I obtained from my
evenings' study with the good curate, Mr Hamlin.

Depend upon it, after children are shown what is right, the sooner they
are taught self-reliance the better.  It is the principle I have
followed out with my own, and they are now independent men, and are
grateful to me for it.  I began with them as soon as they were weaned;
before that time I did not consider I ought to interfere with my wife.
I never let one of them have a meal before he had performed some task
for it, nor a new frock or jacket.  Sometimes I would set a week's work,
and let them get through it as they liked, provided they had earned
their food.  I thus very early found out their characters, and the
amount of perseverance and energy they possessed, and managed them
accordingly.  They all got through their work in the set time, but in
different ways.  One would set to work the moment he knew what he was to
do, and toil away till it was completed; another would commence more
leisurely, then go to some other occupation or amusement, and then
return to his regular labours; a third would take the whole time to
complete the undertaking, but it was invariably done well.  I taught my
own boys the advantages of industry, and they soon learned to like
labour for itself.  They have never been idle, and consequently have
never been vicious.

For six or seven years I lived on with my old friends, spending all the
day on the river assisting the boatmen to take care of their boats, and,
as I grew bigger, in rowing, till I had saved enough money to get a
share of a boat myself, while every evening that Mr Hamlin was able to
receive me I paid him a visit.  At the time I was fourteen my wish to go
to sea, grew stronger than ever, and Mr Wells at once acceded to it,
and told me that he would gladly find me a berth in one of his own
vessels, for he was, what I forgot before to say, an extensive
shipowner.  He advised me to sell my share in the boat, and to invest
the amount, with my subsequent savings, in the savings bank, telling me
that he had such entire confidence in me that he would gladly advance
the money for my outfit.

I was accordingly entered as an apprentice, and made my first voyage, in
the good ship the _Mary Jane_, to the Brazils.  The next was round Cape
Horn to the coast of Chili and Peru, and on my return I made a trip up
the Baltic.  Indeed, for many years I was constantly at sea, during
which time I visited various parts of the world.

When I was out of my apprenticeship I began to lay by half of my wages,
and then to do a little trading on my own account, by which I made
money.  I at last worked my way from before the mast to the
quarter-deck, and became third officer of a fine ship trading to the
Cape.  I probably should have become master of her in time, but on my
return home I fell in love and married.  My wife was young, pretty, and
well educated according to my taste--that is to say, she had been
brought up at home by a good sensible mother, who never thought of
letting her learn to play on the piano, nor to dance, nor any
accomplishment useless to one in the rank she appeared destined to fill.
Her father was the owner and master of a small trader running between
London and Ramsgate.  After I married I made two more trips to the Cape,
and on my return from the second I found my father-in-law on the point
of death.  He made me promise to remain at home to take care of his
widow and daughter, and on these conditions made me over his vessel and
the goodwill of his trade.  For some years I followed this line with
varied success, but I did not save much money, as my family increased
rapidly, and my expenses were proportionably heavy.  I lost a
considerable part of my savings through the failure of my poor friend
Mr Wells, in whose hands my money was placed; but I did not repine at
this on my own account, for I considered that the lessons he had taught
me were of far more value than the amount of my wealth, but I grieved
deeply that he should be the sufferer.  He was by this time an old man,
and his creditors allowed him a comfortable income till his death.



At length my vessel wore out, and I was compelled to build a new one.
She was a fine schooner of nearly sixty tons, and was a capital sea
boat.  I ran her for about three years, but I found that she was almost
too good for the trade she was engaged in.  At this time I met with an
old shipmate who had made several trips to New South Wales, or, as it
was then called commonly, to Botany Bay, and he gave me glowing accounts
of the success of some of the free settlers who had gone out there.
This made me think about the subject and set to work to collect
information from all the people I met who knew anything about the
country.  One and all combined in asserting that it was a very fine
country, and that large fortunes were to be made in one way or another,
but they chiefly spoke in praise of the fine pastures for sheep which
existed.  From what I could pick up, however, I surmised that the sheep
in general were of a very inferior quality, and that if some of the best
breeds could be introduced, not only would the colony be benefited, but
the person who brought them over.  For some weeks I turned the subject
in my mind.  I had plenty of time to think about it in my passages up
and down the river when obliged to bring up for the tide, and at last I
broached it to my wife, and told her that my opinion was that a far
better livelihood might be made in the new country than such people as
ourselves could hope for in England.

"You see how it is, my dear Martha," I said, "for many years your good
father toiled on in this trade, and though he lived comfortably and
brought you up well, he saved no money; and had he met with any reverse
like the loss of his vessel the case might have been different, and he
might easily have been ruined.  Now, although I have worked harder than
he was able to do, and consequently have kept my head above water, with
a large family and greater expenses, I also have saved little, and am
sadly puzzled to know what to do with our boys, and I shall be unwilling
to send our pretty girls out to service; yet if they do not marry I can
never expect to leave enough to support them.

"I have been thinking of a hundred different ways of improving our
fortune in England, but not one has occurred to me in which the risk of
loss has not been too great.  Thousands of families are exactly in our
position, and the fathers must feel that not only have they no chance of
rising in the world, but that when they die they must leave their
daughters exposed to all the dangers of a life of dependence.  For the
boys I fear less; they will if they survive make their own way in life
as I have done, and are more fitted to bear its ups and downs.  Now, my
dear wife, I know you would be ready to follow me to the end of the
world, even if it were to penury or death, but I am not going to ask you
to do that.  I am going to propose to go to a far distant land, where I
trust we shall not only gain wealth, but happiness and contentment, and
see our family happily settled."

My wife, as I knew she would be, was ready to enter into my views,
though, as she had never been at sea further than Ramsgate, she could
not help looking with some dread at the long voyage, and she had read
some rather exaggerated accounts of bush-rangers and savages in Botany
Bay which were enough to frighten her.  I soon, however, quieted all her
fears about the voyage as well as about the savages and bush-rangers,
and though I did not conceal from her that there were many difficulties
to be overcome, and dangers to be encountered, I pictured the future to
her in the bright colours it appeared to my own imagination.  My eldest
boy was at sea, but we expected his return every day, and at all events
I determined to wait his arrival.  The two next were accustomed to sail
with me in the schooner, where I did my beat to give them all the
learning I had gained from the good curate, Mr Hamlin, and had since
then picked up by my own exertions.  Though they were still boys, they
were very useful on board, and could take the helm and work the vessel
as well as any grownup man.  I had eight of them, four boys and four
girls, and the two youngest were still children.  The elder ones were
delighted at my proposal,--the boy, at the thought of making a long sea
voyage, of seeing strange lands, and hunting the kangaroo; the girl, at
being able to accompany me and their brothers, and having to tend a
farm, and live under a bright blue sky.  Whether it entered into the
calculation of the eldest that she might be able to pick and choose a
husband from the number of young men who were certain to be on the shore
with speaking-trumpets to beg her to marry them, I do not pretend to
say, but it was then the case as now,--no girl could remain in the
colony without being asked to wed every day in the week till she made
her choice.

Having made up our minds to go, the next thing to be thought of was the
way to accomplish our objects.  Without hesitation, I determined to
perform the voyage in my own vessel.  She was a remarkably good sea
boat, and a fast sailer, and for her size was very roomy.  She was
called by a curious coincidence the _May Flower_, which was the name of
the vessel which carried over the first pilgrim fathers to America; and
certainly, when my vessel was named, I never contemplated attempting to
cross the ocean in her.  Although she was under sixty tons, I considered
that properly handled she was as well calculated to double the Cape as a
far larger vessel, and I felt sure from what I had heard, that if I got
her out safe to the colony she would fetch a high price.  If, however,
she was to be swamped--as my whole family and property would have gone
to the bottom at the same time--there would be no one left behind to
mourn our loss.  I do not mean to say that I for one moment thought we
should be lost, but still I knew that it was possible, and I reconciled
myself to the chance with that reflection.

The first thing I did was to haul up my vessel, and to give her a
thorough repair, then to refit her rigging, and to raise her bulwarks
somewhat, so as to make her snugger.  As she was from the first fitted
so as to be easily handled, her masts were short and very stout; and as
her hull was as strong as wood and iron could make it, she was in every
way suited for a long sea voyage.  As I had made up my mind to attempt
to carry out some sheep, I divided her hold into compartments, one as a
pen, another for hay and water, a third for implements of agriculture,
and a few select goods which I calculated would sell well, and
provisions for ourselves.  In the after part of the vessel were cabins
for my wife, myself, and my daughters, while the boys with the two men
who formed the crew were berthed forward.

Just as my preparations were ready my eldest son returned home from sea,
and delighted he was to find that his next voyage was to be made with
those he loved.

I was fortunate in disposing of my house and the heavier part of my
furniture to advantage, and the remainder I stowed away on board.  It is
extraordinary what number of things the little vessel held.  There were
numerous casks of water, salted meat, potatoes, bread, rice, and many
other sorts of provisions for six or seven months.  I had no wish to be
starved; then there was the hay for the sheep, which I got pressed into
very tight packages in a way since become common, and by the time the
sheep came on board there was not much space to spare, I can assure you.

When all was ready for sea, my wife and I and all my children took a
last farewell of the house where we had lived, and the neighbours we had
known so many years, and we then went to church to pray God for a safe
passage, and as soon as service was over we returned on board, and that
evening dropped down the Thames.  I have not yet said a word about the
sheep, for I did not take them on board till afterwards.  I was
acquainted with a man at Hamburg who understood sheep well, and to him I
had written to buy for me the two finest merino rams he could find, and
four ewes of the same breed.  I calculated that I could not carry hay
and water for more.  We had fine summer weather and a fair wind to carry
us across Channel, and when I put into Hamburg to take the sheep on
board, I found that my friend had not disappointed me; he had in truth
selected six magnificent animals, and I felt certain that if I could
carry them safely to the colony they would fetch a pretty high price.
Having filled up one water-cask, we again put to sea, and were now
fairly on our voyage.

We had a beautiful run down Channel, and indeed from first to last
Providence watched over us, nothing went wrong, and everything prospered
far more than we could have expected.  My wife and daughters turned out
capital sailors, and soon learned to take their turn at the helm, to
relieve my boys and our two men.  Both of these were characters in their
way.  Old Bob Hunt had sailed with me for many years in the coasting
trade, and a trusty hand he was, but he knew no more of the broad seas
than the child unborn, or of geography either; and when I told him that
I was thinking of going out to New Holland, he asked if I expected to
make the place in a week or so, as he supposed it wasn't very far from
Old Holland, where the people speak Dutch.  And when I told him that the
natives were as black as his shoe, and spoke a language no Christian man
could understand, he would scarcely believe me.

"Never mind," he said, after a moment's thought, "no one shall say I
deserted you because you were bound on a long voyage; if we were to be a
year about getting there I would go with you.  I shall leave behind no
more kith nor kin than you do, so that's settled."

Old Bob was a capital seaman, but what is strange, he never touched
liquor, nor smoked, nor over chewed tobacco.  He ate, too, as little as
any man I ever saw at his meals; and as for sleeping, it was difficult
to find him with his eyes shut.  The least noise would awake him, and if
the breeze freshened up a bit he was sure to be on deck in a moment to
see that all was right.  He was a most invaluable hand, and worth any
two other men I ever had.  In spite of his age Bob was active as a
monkey, and short and thin, and so occupied wonderfully little space in
the small craft; which was convenient, as also for another reason, for
his companion, Dick Nailor, was one of the biggest men I ever met, a
perfect giant, but gentle as a lamb, and with an excellent temper.  He
used to say that he and Bob together only took up their fair amount of
room.  If Bob was never seen asleep Dick was seldom found broad awake,
but he was keeping a bright look-out notwithstanding, and when roused up
he was active enough, and strong as a lion.  The children were very fond
of him.  He could take them all up in his arms and dance a hornpipe with
them hanging about him, as lightly as a young lady in satin shoes.

My eldest boy, Peter, named after me, was one of the steadiest fellows I
ever met.  At eighteen he was second officer of a ship, and might have
been entrusted with the command.  I was sorry to take him away from the
line he was following, and yet it was a great thing to have all my
family together.  He wished to come, and did not disappoint my

Mark and John, my next boys, were always together, and yet very
different.  Mark was one of the merriest chaps you ever saw, and up to
all sorts of harmless pranks.  John looked like gravity itself, but that
arose from his eyes and the shape of his mouth; give him anything to
laugh at and he would indeed laugh heartily.  Mark was his chief object
of admiration.  He thought no one his equal, yet many people liked John
the most.  He was so humble and gentle, and never thought a thing about

My eldest girl, Mary, was like her elder brother as to steadiness and
discretion, just what an elder sister should be; so good-natured and
kind, too, it was pleasant to see her standing all the bothering the
young ones gave her without a word of complaint.  It was a valuable
quality in a person who was to be shut up for four or five months in a
small craft with a number of youngsters.  She was next to Peter in age,
and then came Susan, as kind-hearted, industrious a little creature as
ever lived, not very bright, but wanting to do right; and then the two
boys, and then Margaret, a bright-eyed, fair child, such a little dear;
then another boy, Tommy, always in a mess because he didn't know how to
keep out of one; and one more girl, Sarah Ann, and there you have the
whole lot of them; they, with their mother, a good woman if any one ever
deserved the name, with the two men and myself, made up the complement
of the human souls embarked on board the _May Flower_.

Then we had a dog, _Steadfast_, and a cat, _Duchess_, the only thing of
much rank aboard us; two fine cocks and ten hens for laying eggs,
besides a couple of dozen other fowls, to be eaten by my wife and the
girls.  We had a pair of pigeons, a pair of robins and sparrows, and a
hen lark--her mate died just as we were going on board--belonging to
Mark and John.  I don't think we had much else.  Yes, we had some
primrose, violets, snowdrops, daisies, and other roots and small plants,
which took up little space, to remind us of old England.

We sailed in the autumn, so as to arrive in the summer, and to get
housed before the rains set in.  We took our departure from Ashanto, and
shaped a course for Rio Janeiro, in the Brazils, there to take in a
further supply of water and fresh provisions.  Thence I hoped to carry
the trade wind across the Atlantic, and round the Cape, though I thought
it possible that I might have to touch at the Cape, unless we had an
unusually fast run, for water.  You see our little craft couldn't carry
enough for ourselves and the sheep for as long a time as we could have
wished, and yet you may depend on it we wasted none.  I have often
thought of the story of the poor Arab who, wishing to make the caliph
the most valuable present in his power, took him a skin bottle full of
muddy water from the desert.  He, when journeying across the desert
esteemed it of more value than silver, gold, or precious stones.  We,
too, learned how to value fresh water, and I would not have filled up my
cask with wine instead of it, had I been offered the finest in the
world.  We were especially favoured with fine weather and a fair wind,
and we made good use of our time, for every one on board was as busy as
a bee from morning till night.  We had prayers regularly morning and
evening out of the Prayer-book, and on a Sunday I read out of Galpin's
sermons, and that the lessons it taught might not be forgotten I used to
talk about them every day for the week which the Sunday began, and asked
the young people questions about it.  Then I set them their lessons, and
Mary or Peter heard them, and they got on famously.  They gave their
mind to the work, do you see, and did it well.



We made the Desertas off Rio without having had one day on which my wife
and the children couldn't be on deck with comfort.  They were tried
somewhat by the heat, for it was hot in our little cabin with the sun
striking down on the deck all day, but they didn't mind that much.  I
was most anxious about the sheep.  I had made up my mind that we were to
do great things with them, and I dreaded any of them dying.  We used to
have them up on deck every day to walk about, two at a time, and they
all became as tame as lambs; indeed, they lived like aldermen, and grew
as sleek and fat, for we kept them well washed and clean, for I couldn't
help thinking that would be conducive to their health.

It was necessary to go into Rio, but I was sorry to have to do it on one
account.  It is so beautiful a place that I thought my wife and daughter
might think meanly of our future home after it.  It is a beautiful
country, with its magnificent harbour, and surrounding hills, and
tropical trees and villas, and the city looks very fine till you get
into it.  I hoped not to be detained there more than three days, so as
soon as Peter had returned from the shore where he went to order our
provisions, and to learn where we could get the best water, I took my
wife and Mary and the rest of the children there, that they might see
what a foreign city is like.

Scarcely had we set foot on shore than we saw collected on the quay
nearly two hundred black people all huddled together, men and women,
young girls and boys, and little children, with hardly a rag to cover
them, looking wretched and startled and wild, very little like human
beings.  Mary drew closer to me.

"Oh, father, what are they?" she asked.

"Those are negroes just landed from a slave ship," said I, for in those
days the Brazilians had no law against slaving.  "They are on their way
to a shed, to be washed, fed, and dressed a little may be, and then sent
up to the slave market, where they will be sold one by one, or a lot
together, just as buyers may require, as a farmer sells his sheep and
cattle to a butcher or a grazier, to kill or fatten."

"And those poor people have souls just as we have," exclaimed Mary.
"How dreadful!"

As we walked on we passed numbers of negroes grunting under heavy loads,
some working for their owners, others let out to hire like beasts of
burden, but none labouring for themselves.  A little further on we
passed a shrine, a little house open in front, with a figure in it, and
ornamented with flowers, and candles burning; and some people, women and
old men, were kneeling down before it, and muttering words as quickly as
their lips could move, and counting on necklaces with small and large
beads, and a cross at the end; and suddenly, as soon as they had done,
it seemed, up they jumped, and walked on, and other people passing just
made a bow and the sign of the cross, and hurried away.

"Is that an idol, father?" asked Mary; "I didn't know these people were

I thereon told her that the figure was that of a saint, and that the
people in their ignorance had got to worship the figure instead of
saying prayers to the saint, though even that to our notion was very
bad, as Christ had taught us to pray to God only.  I saw that my dear
wife, and Mary and Susan, were greatly shocked at this, but they were to
see something worse, for before long we espied a great crowd moving
towards us, and we got up into a porch to avoid them.  Presently there
came by first some men holding up a rich silken canopy, under which
walked a priest in magnificent robes all gold and silver, and he had
something in his hand; and as soon as the people saw him, whites and
blacks alike fell down on their knees and worshipped him, or rather, as
we were afterwards told, what he carried in his hands, which was the
host.  This is a wafer and some wine, which the people believe is turned
into the real body and blood of Christ.  After him came a number of
people with masks on their faces, and large cloaks on, so that they
could not be known, bearing on their shoulders a huge figure of the
Virgin Mary, and the infant Jesus in her arms.  She was dressed in robes
of silk with a crown of gold on her head, and numberless jewels
glittering on her shoulders.  Many other figures followed--one of Christ
bearing the cross, and of various saints; and there were little boys
looking like girls dressed up in pink and blue silk, and gold and silver
dresses all stuck out with glittering wings; and there were big boys or
priests in red and white gowns swinging censers, and others ringing
bells and chanting; and lastly there came regiments of soldiers with
bands playing before them, and the procession went on through a number
of streets, and at last into a church, when the soldiers marched away in
different directions.  We were told that it was a religious procession,
though we could not understand how it was to advance the cause of
religion; indeed, we were particularly struck by the indifference with
which all the people looked on, and those especially who walked in the
procession.  The men in black masks and hoods who carried the figures
were, we were told, doing penance for their sins, and that they believed
that they were thus washing away all the sins they had committed for the
year past; they, poor people, were not told by their priests that the
blood of Christ can alone cleanse men from sin.  We saw many other
things, some of which we admired, for the city has some fine squares,
and open places, and broad streets, and handsome buildings.  I need not
have been afraid of my wife wishing to remain in the country, for she
was in a hurry to get on board again, and declared that no money would
tempt her to live among people who held their fellow-creatures in
slavery, and practised such wicked mummeries and idolatries.

"No," she exclaimed, "let me live where I can have a parish church, in
which all pray and sing praises to God together in our own language, and
hear a simple sermon which we can understand, reminding us of our
duties, and admonishing us of our faults.  That's what I call public

"And that's what I hope we shall get, dear wife, in time, out where we
are going, but I doubt whether we have much chance of it yet," said I;
for I knew that people when they get away from England are too apt to
grow careless about their church, and their religion also.

We quickly got on board our water, and fuel, and fresh provisions, and
some green stuff, and hay for the sheep, and corn for the fowls.  The
two boys went on shore with their brothers and brought off a bowl of
gold and silver fish, as they said, to make amends for the lark and one
of the robins which had died.  Once more the little _May Flower_ was
ploughing the ocean with her head to the east.  People at Rio were very
much astonished when they heard of the long voyage we were making.

"I would rather be in that little craft with a clear conscience, than in
many a ship ten times her size which I have met at sea," I answered, and
it was proved that I was right.

As we were losing sight of the coast of South America, my wife, looking
back at it again, expressed her thankfulness that we were not compelled
to live among its inhabitants.

"But," said I, "it's a beautiful place, Martha.  So is this world a very
beautiful world, but it's man that mars it.  If man were free from sin,
it would be next to heaven itself."

For ten days or more we had a beautiful run to the eastward.  I never
saw the little craft go along so fast; it was difficult to believe that,
with the smooth sea we now had, we were out in mid-ocean, hundreds of
miles from any land.

We were in the latitude of the Cape of Good Hope, and expected to make
the land in a few days, when the weather gave signs of changing.  We had
hitherto been greatly favoured, and I had, with the rest, begun to
believe that we should escape bad weather altogether.  The sea got up,
and the wind went on increasing, but we got the schooner under snug
canvas in good time.  As we were undermanned, it was necessary to be
very careful in that respect.  I told my wife and children that they
must look out for a regular gale, such as they had not been accustomed
to, and make everything fast in the cabins.  We got the sheep slung, so
as to prevent them being knocked over, and then at last battened down
the hatches, intending to heave the vessel to, should the gale not

I had been well accustomed to face bad weather in the Channel in my
little vessel, and so had my boys; and I knew well what she would do;
but when they saw the heavy seas now rolling up towards us, their young
cheeks turned pale with alarm.  It certainly did look as if one of those
heavy, moving, dark green, watery hills rising up on every side, with
the spoon-drift flying from their summits, must ere long engulf us; but
the tight little craft, buoyant as a cork, with her stout masts and
strong new canvas, every rope well served, and not a strand even chafed,
rose up, and then sunk down the steep slopes into the wide valleys
between the seas, not one breaking aboard us, though we were every now
and then pretty well blinded with the showers of spray which drove
across the deck.  Still we could not tell what might happen, and the
time was an anxious one.  At last, when I found how beautifully the
schooner was behaving, I determined to call my wife and daughters up,
that they might witness a sight which I certainly hoped they might never
have to look on again.  I slid back the companion hatch and called them.
My wife would not venture to move, but Mary and Susan came up.  They
stood for a minute or more with their eyes opening and very pale; Mary
holding my arm, Susan her brother's.

"I called you girls to show you what the ocean is like sometimes,
happily not very often."

Mary continued silent for some time.  At last she gasped out, "Oh,
father, what nothings we are!"

"That's what many a seaman feels, even on board a line-of-battle ship,
when in a sea like this, though he doesn't say it," I remarked.  "Yes,
Mary, we are indeed nothing, but we are in the hands of God, and He it
is with His wise laws governs the movement of every one of those vast
mountain billows.  Let but one of them in our track go out of its
course, and this little craft, ay, and the biggest afloat, would be
utterly overwhelmed and driven down by the tremendous weight of water
which would fall over her."

Mary stood gazing, lost in wonder, and not a little fear also, and
unable to speak.  However, when I proposed her going below again, she
was very unwilling to quit the deck.  "I shall dream of this for many a
night," she said.

While I was speaking, I caught sight of a sail to the eastward.  I
looked for her again, as we rose to the top of the next sea, and pointed
her out to Peter.  "Yes, father, sure enough there is a sail, and a
large craft too, though she has but little canvas set: we are nearing
her, I fancy."

The stranger was, however, nearing us, and as we occasionally got a
glimpse of her through our glasses, we saw that she had carried away her
main-topmast and mizzenmast, and that she was labouring much, running
before the wind with only a close-reefed fore-topsail set.  As far as we
could judge she looked indeed in some distress.  On she came towards us.
The wind now again increased, and the seas became more dangerous.
Fearing that one might break over us, I sent Mary and Susan and the boys
below again, and secured the hatches over them; which done, we passed
life lines fore and aft, to give us a holdfast in case of accidents.
The stranger drew nearer and nearer.  We now saw how deep she was in the
water, and how terribly she was labouring.  I watched her with double
anxiety, on her account as well as on our own.  In another ten minutes
she would be down upon us, and from the course she was steering, it
would be a miracle if we escaped destruction.  Just then a signal of
distress was run up, but the flag was instantly blown away, and the next
minute she gave a plunge forward, and before she rose her remaining mast
went over the bows, where the spars hung seemingly engaged in battering
them in.  Scarcely had this occurred than she broached to, and lay like
a helpless log in the trough of the seas.  Still she was fearfully near,
and I was far from satisfied that she would not drive down upon us, and
if so, inevitably with one touch send us to the bottom.  Our only chance
of escape was to make sail, but the alternative was a dangerous one.  I
was preparing to do this when we saw those on board stretching out their
hands towards us imploring help.  It was a piteous sight, for none could
we afford, and all her own boats had, we saw, been washed away.  Now, as
we mounted to the summit of a sea, she began, it seemed, to climb up
another watery height, but a still vaster billow came rolling on, and
thundering over her deck; down she went beneath it, and the next moment,
when we looked, not a trace of her was to be seen except a few planks
and spars, which rose to the surface out of the vortex she formed as she
sank.  Yes, as we continued to gaze, between us and where she had been
floated a grating, and to it clung a human form.  He was alive, for he
turned his head towards us, as if beseeching us to save him.  It is
strange that we felt more eager to do so than we had been to save all
the poor beings who had just gone down before our eyes.  The reason was
plain; in the first instance we knew that we could not help them; there
seemed a possibility that we might rescue the person now floating so
close to us.  He was being cast by the sea nearer and nearer to us.  We
got ropes ready at either end of the vessel to heave to him.  Peter
fastened one round his own waist.  "Take care, Peter," said I.

"He may not be able to seize a rope, father, as he drives by, and I may
have a chance of getting hold of him," he answered.

I couldn't deny him, but I trembled for my son's safety; still, when a
right thing is to be done, when life is to be saved, we must not be too
nice about calculating the loss we may suffer.  Now we thought that the
stranger would be driven away from us, now again he was washed towards
the schooner; if our feelings of anxiety were intense, how much greater
must his have been?  Now he appeared on the foaming summit of a sea far
above us, then he went sinking down deep into the gulf below.  Truly
there seemed to be a power above guiding him.  I can have no doubt there
was.  Suddenly a sea drove him close to the schooner; I thought for a
moment that it would have actually washed him on board.  "Hold on,"
cried Peter, springing into the foaming water; and before the drowning
man was carried away again he had grasped him by the shoulders, the man
still holding to the raft.  Thus together they were towed alongside, and
Peter holding on to the man with a strength which I scarcely supposed he
possessed, they were hauled up on deck.  The stranger immediately
fainted, and Peter was in a very little better condition for a short
time; however, he soon recovered.  The stranger we took below, and by
rubbing his body with hot flannels, putting bags of sand made hot to his
feet and hands, and pouring a little weak brandy and water down his
throat, he at length, to our great satisfaction, came round.  He
remained in bed all that day and the next, and I wouldn't let him say
anything, not even to tell us who he was, greatly to the disappointment
of my wife and daughters, who were naturally curious to know.



One thought the stranger was a cabin passenger--another, an officer of
the ship--another, a seaman; and Mary observed, that supposing he was a
steerage passenger without a farthing in the world, it was equally our
duty to take the best care we could of him.

"I hope that he isn't quite a gentleman," said Susan, "because, if he
is, he'll be thinking himself above us."

"Not if he has right feeling," remarked Mary.  "I cannot see why we
should fancy that people are always considering whether they are above
or below each other, or better or worse than one another.  I know that
the Bible tells us to consider each person better than ourselves, and,
in another place, not to mind high things, but to condescend to men of
low estate.  If people obeyed that rule, there wouldn't be the disputes
and quarrels there are between neighbours.  I wonder if we shall find
that sort of thing out in Australia."

"I am afraid that a voyage half round the world won't change people's
hearts," said I; "the only difference is, that people have so much to do
and think of, they have no time to attend to the private concerns of
others; and so I hope that they keep on good terms at all events with
their neighbours."

"Do you think, father, that a voyage quite round the world, or twice
round, would change a man's heart?" asked John; "I should think it

"No, John, I am very certain that it would not," remarked his mother,
now first joining in the conversation; "there is but one way by which a
man's heart can change, and that is through God's Holy Spirit, to be
obtained through His grace by earnest prayer."

My wife knew the truth, and showed that she did, not only by her words
but by her life.

"Well, sisters, to relieve your minds about the young stranger whom I
hauled out of the water," said Peter; "I'm pretty certain that he is a
gentleman, judging by a few words he uttered as I caught hold of him.
His first object seemed to be to thank me for the risk I was running to
save him.  However, we shall see."

The young stranger recovered sufficiently to talk without risk before
the gale was over, and he then told us that his name was Charles White,
that he was fourth officer of the ship we had seen go down--a homeward
bound Indiaman--that he was an orphan, with very few friends in England
or anywhere else; "Indeed," he added, "had I shared the fate of my
shipmates, there would have been but a small quantity of salt tears shed
or crape worn for me; but I am wrong,--there is one who would have
mourned for me; oh, if you knew her, such a good creature--Aunt
Priscilla; she was my mother's aunt; she has never married; Miss Beamish
she is called.  I believe that I am the only human male-being she cares
for, except two tom cats and a dog, and one of them isn't a tom; at
least, it had kittens, and they are not human either.  Whenever I go
home, I always go and see Aunt Priscilla, and carry her all sorts of
things, and feed the cats, and take the little dog out to walk; but when
I went, I never intended to stay there long, because, you see, she and I
are not much of companions to each other, and yet, somehow or other,
what with telling her my adventures, and reading to her, and playing
backgammon and such like things, we used to get on wonderfully well
together.  Then my coming was always a signal for her to give a series
of tea-parties; they were not very large ones, because her room wouldn't
hold many people at a time, and then I used to have to tell my stories
to each set of guests.  Aunt Priscilla was never tired of listening to
them, and I found out by the way she corrected me if I made the
slightest variation.  I had, therefore, to be very particular the first
time I told a story, so that I might not afterwards be caught tripping.
Yes; dear, good Aunt Priscilla, I am sure that she will be anxious when
she finds that the old tea-chest hasn't arrived at the time expected.
There's one comfort, I shall be able to give her notice of my safety
before she hears positively of the fate of the ship."

Though Charley White did not talk of himself, I was able to form a very
fair judgment of his character from the way he spoke of the old lady,
and I found afterwards that I was correct.  We found him a very pleasant
addition to our family party on board, and I soon got to look on him
like one of my own sons; he was, besides, of great assistance to us in
navigating the little schooner.  The gale at length ceased, and we stood
for Table Bay.  I was afraid of venturing the run across the Indian
Ocean without landing at Cape Town, lest we might get short of water; a
want, which besides exposing us to suffering, would have caused the
destruction of all our sheep.  We remained but a few days at Cape Town.
Charley White wrote home an account of the loss of the ship, and sent a
letter to his Aunt Priscilla assuring her of his safety.  I expected,
and thought of it with much regret, that he would here leave us.  I
invited him, however, to cast in his fortunes with ours, and without
hesitation, much to the satisfaction of all our party, he accepted my
offer.  "You know," he said, "when we get settled, I can send home for
Aunt Priscilla, or go and fetch her, and I think that she would like the
life.  It would be much more satisfactory than her round of tea-parties,
and give her something to think of besides her cats and dog, and I am
sure that you would all like her."

We of course said that we had no doubt we should, though Susan remarked
afterwards, that a real lady, as she supposed she was, from her giving
tea-parties and having two cats and a poodle, would scarcely like to
come out and live in the bush with such homely people as we were.  I
will tell you by and by what came of it.

The people at the Cape, when they saw the size of the _May Flower_ and
the way she was laden, were surprised at our having come so far in
safety, and some chose to declare that we should never reach the end of
our voyage.  I replied that they did not know the qualities of the
little craft; that many a big ship had gone down when small ones had
floated; that it was not so much the size of a vessel as the way she was
put together, and the quality of her gear, which made her safe or
unsafe, and moreover, that the same Providence which had protected us
hitherto was not sleeping.  That was the feeling which kept me up from
first to last throughout our undertaking.

We heard at the Cape some news which gave me more concern than anything
else.  It was, that war was again about to break out between England and
France, and that as many other nations were likely to be leagued with
France in arms against our country, we should have no small number of
enemies among whom to run the gauntlet.  My chief hope was that we
should arrive at our destination before the news of the actual
commencement of hostilities could reach the enemy's cruisers in the
Eastern seas.  One thing, however, I remembered; it was, that bad news
travels fast, and I have come to the conclusion that no news is worse
than that which tells of two civilised nations going to war.

Earthquakes, fires, floods, disasters at sea, are very bad; but war
means that thousands of the flowers of manhood are to be cut down in
their prime, or maimed, or wounded; that numbers of children are to be
made orphans; wives are to become widows; and fruitful lands laid
desolate.  Such is war; ah! such is war.

I had made up my mind to go on to Australia, though I had many tempting
offers to remain at the Cape.  I daresay that we should have found a
happy home there, and it is a fine colony; but I have reason to be
thankful that we persevered.  My children enjoyed their visit to the
shore, and the fresh bread and butter, and the fruit and vegetables; but
after all, they said that there was nothing like home (meaning the
little schooner), and they were glad to get back to her, thus showing
that they were not tired of the voyage.  Our old dog, Steadfast, made
himself particularly happy, frisking and scampering about in every
conceivable manner, till he looked, the children said, as if he would
tumble to pieces in the exuberance of his spirits.  They tried to induce
our cat, the Duchess, to accompany them, but she had learned to look on
the schooner as her home and wouldn't go.  Whenever they tried to catch
her, she ran up the rigging, though on other occasions she allowed them
to handle her as much as they liked.  Curious as it may seem, the
circumstance had a great effect on Bob Hunt and Dick Nailor, who were,
like many seamen, very superstitious.

"She knows it's all right aboard here, and that we shan't come to no
harm," observed Bob to his mate.

"Oh, course," answered Dick; "I never knowed a cat stick to a ship, if
she could get away, which was to go down.  They are wonderful wise
creatures, and knows all sorts of things as is going to happen.  To be
sure they can scratch a bit when they fancies."

Cats will certainly stick to vessels whether they are to be wrecked or
not.  I remember falling in with an abandoned ship, the only living
thing on board being a cat; we took her off, and the vessel soon
afterwards went to pieces.

Once more we were at sea.  A westerly wind, which I was afraid we might
lose if we stood to the southward, induced me to run along the coast
closer in than I might otherwise have ventured.  The weather had
hitherto been very fine, and I persuaded myself that there was no risk.
I was wrong.  Suddenly, the wind shifted to the southwest of west, and
blowing strong, and though we hauled up immediately, before we got a
good offing it blew a strong gale from the southward directly on shore,
and a heavy rolling sea came tumbling in.  We could not venture to heave
to, and yet there was more sea and wind than the little craft could well
bear.  All we could do was to keep sail on her, and to steer as close to
the wind as she would lie.  I watched the coast with deep anxiety, and
couldn't help feeling that the foaming, raging waters, which now dashed
impetuously against it, might prove my grave and that of all dear to me.

Of course my son and Charley White and the two seamen saw our danger as
clearly as I did, but we did not communicate our ideas to each other,
and I was anxious not to alarm my dear wife and daughters.  The little
craft looked up bravely however, and my hopes revived; again they sank,
for the gale came down stronger than ever on us, and I saw that we were
driving closer and closer towards the shore.  A large ship might
possibly, by cutting away her masts have ridden out the gale at her
anchors; we, had we made the attempt, should have foundered.  My wife
and Mary and Susan had one after the other appeared at the companion
hatch, and with pale faces, as they saw the state of things, had gone
below again.  I hadn't the heart even to tell them my fears.  Bob Hunt
and Dick Nailor took matters very coolly.

"The Duchess don't think anything will come of it," observed Bob to
Dick, pointing to the cat who was sitting on a coil of rope on the head
of a water cask lashed to the weather bulwarks.

"May be not, but she may be mistaken once in a way, Bob," answered Dick,
who, seeing the imminent danger in which we were placed, lost his
confidence in the fore-knowledge of the cat.

From what may sound ridiculous, but was not really so, I must turn to a
more serious matter.  I suspected that my wife and daughters knew our
danger, though I had not told them of it.

We had driven still nearer to the land, and wishing to ascertain exactly
on what part of the coast we were, that I might, if possible, run the
vessel on shore on some spot where we might have a chance of saving our
lives I went below to examine the chart.



The cabin was very dark, from the skylight being covered over and
battened down.  The schooner was however so tight and strong, that
provided the hatches were on, I knew that she might almost roll over and
over, and yet not fill.  This gave me great confidence as long as we
kept to the open sea; but driven on rocks or quicksands, with such a
gale as was then blowing, there could have been no hope for the stoutest
ship that ever floated on the salt ocean.  As I was saying, I went into
the cabin; although gloomy enough on deck, it was still darker below;
for the gleam of light which came down the companion-hatch scarcely
found its way beyond the foot of the ladder.  I looked about me, and at
first thought that my wife and daughters had, in their terror, turned
into their berths; but soon, amid the creaking of the bulkheads, and the
rattling of the rigging, and the roaring of the storm, a gentle, sweet
voice reached my ears.  It was that of my daughter Susan.  She had not
heard me enter.  She was on her knees praying, so were her mother and
sisters, all round the table in the cabin.  She was lifting up her voice
to our loving, merciful Father in Heaven;--to the same God who stilled
the raging of the storm on Gennesaret, and said to the sea, "Peace, be
still."  She was praying, dear girl, for me especially, that I might be
preserved, even though the vessel were dashed to pieces; but, that if it
was His will, that the schooner and all on board might be saved.

I cannot tell you how much confidence the prayer of that dear child gave
me; I am sure--I was then sure--that God hears such prayers.  The rest
of the family too had been praying; they were not prayers forced out by
fear, but just such trusting, hopeful prayers as God loves to honour.  I
stood for a few moments till Susan ceased, and when she did, I uttered a
low "Amen."  The dear ones heard me, and looked up, but did not rise
from their knees; indeed, the vessel was tumbling about so much, that it
was with difficulty they could hold on.  I told them what I was come
down for, and striking a light, I took down my chart from the beckets in
which it hung, and spread it out on the table.  I anxiously marked down
the position in which, by my calculations, I believed the schooner then
was.  A league or more to the eastward there was, I found, an island
with a bay inside it, affording anchorage for small vessels.  For a
large ship it would have been utterly useless.  Here, again, was an
advantage which my humble little schooner possessed over a bigger craft.
Giving a parting kiss to my wife and daughters, I leaped again on deck.

It was a question whether we should be able to keep off the shore till
we could reach the island.  I could see the surf breaking furiously on
the rocks to leeward, and the gale blew as heavily as ever.  A slight
shift of wind might save us.  If the wind held as it then did, I had no
hopes for the little _May Flower_.

The day was drawing to a close.  Every instant the danger increased.
The gale, instead of breaking, raged more furiously than ever.  Closer
and closer the schooner drifted towards the shore.  It would have been
madness to carry more sail; for already her lee bulwarks were under
water, and yet I dared not take any off her with the slightest hopes of
being able to claw off shore.  The seas came breaking on board, deluging
our decks, and, had not the hatches been firmly secured, would quickly
have swamped us.  I was at the helm, with Charley White by my side, my
boys and the two men having lashed themselves to the weather rigging.
No one appeared to be terror-stricken, and yet the youngest, as well as
old Bob Hunt, knew perfectly well that there was every probability of
our being in a few short minutes overwhelmed among the foaming breakers
under our lee.  Anxiously I looked out for the island; and the wind blew
fiercer and fiercer.

Suddenly there was a lull; but it was of no advantage to us, as the huge
rollers were literally throwing us rapidly towards the rocks.  Again the
gale came down on us, but its direction was altered.  It blew nearer
from the westward, by several points, than it had before done.  Already
the schooner was heading off from the shore, but very slowly; and I was
doubtful how far she would make way against the rollers, which sent her
bodily back towards it.  Still there was hope, and I could venture to
slide back the hatch and to sing out to the dear ones below that the
wind had changed.  "Thank God for His mercy," was the reply from below,
for I had speedily to shut the hatch again.  Just afterwards I saw an
opening in the land to the westward, and I knew that it must be the
passage between the island and the main.  There was a hillock and a
peculiar rock, which prevented me from having any doubt about the
matter.  What a comfort to feel sure that we were steering a right
course for a safe harbour!  I could now venture to keep away again a

The entrance to the sound became more and more distinct as we advanced.
The various landmarks noted in the chart, appeared one after the other,
and in half an hour we ran into a beautiful little harbour, with the
water as smooth as a mill-pond.  Our first care, directly the anchor was
dropped, was to take off the hatches and give air to our poor sheep.
The boys jumped below to ascertain if they had suffered.

"All the animals are alive," they cried out; "but send us down a bucket
of water."  The creatures sucked it up quickly.  They probably would not
have held out many hours longer; but we lifted them up, two at a time,
on deck, and the fresh air soon revived them.  We had only just light
enough to see our way into the harbour, but we hoped in the morning to
get on shore and to cut some grass, which would do them more good than
the fresh air.

I should have said that directly we were in smooth water my wife and
daughters came on deck, and, as they gazed on the sheltering shore under
which we were running, they lifted up their hands in earnest
thankfulness to that merciful God who had brought us into a haven of

On sounding the well, we found that, notwithstanding all the tossing we
had gone through, the stout little craft had not made a drop of water.
We spent two very busy days in Refuge harbour, cutting grass and wood,
and filling up our water casks.  All this time no natives were seen.
There are indeed but few on that part of the coast.  Short-sighted
mortals that we are--we had been inclined to complain of our detention,
but we had reason to be thankful that we had gone into Refuge harbour.

As soon as we had filled up with wood and water, we got under weigh, and
stood out through the eastern end of the sound.  Before, however, we had
got from under the shelter of the island--a long, low sandy point
intervening between us and the ocean--we saw to the southward a dark
bank of clouds coming, like an army in close rank, rapidly up towards

The breeze was light, and the sea comparatively calm, but underneath the
cloud there came a line of white foam, beyond which the whole ocean
seemed a mass of tossing seas.  I knew what to expect, and, going about,
stood back to our snug little bay.  Scarcely had we dropped our anchor
and furled sails than the hurricane burst above the island, and we could
see the breakers dashing furiously on the opposite shore.  For nearly
three days the tempest--one of the most violent ever known on that
coast--continued raging.  Many a big ship went down, and many a stout
one was cast upon the rooks and dashed to pieces.

We waited--grateful for our escape--till the wind moderated and the sea
went down, and then once again sailed for our final destination.  In our
small vessel we had to economise fresh water, fodder for the animals,
and fuel; and it was very important that we should have a quick passage.
We had, therefore, again filled up with those necessary articles, and
in every corner we had stowed away all the fresh grass we could cut.
This, mixed with the hay, kept the sheep in excellent condition.  We had
ere long to be thankful that we had not neglected to prepare for all



We had for some time very fine weather, which confirmed Bob Hunt in his
opinion that the cat, Duchess, was as wise as he had at first believed.

"She knowed it," he observed, looking sagaciously at Dick Nailor, who
was sitting on the capstan with his arms folded across his broad chest,
looking out ahead, "she knowed it, and she'll stick by this craft till
we get safe into Port Jackson, you'll see that."

"As to that, I see that the cat is there, and that our little craft is
afloat, and every prospect of remaining so!" answered Dick.  It was
seldom he uttered so long an expression.  "You don't even say that the
cat has had any hand in keeping her afloat; and to my mind, it's just
this: she found the craft tight and wholesome, she was fond of us, and
she saw that we didn't leave her, and so she didn't.  No, no, Bob, the
old Duchess had nothing to do with the matter.  There's one aloft who
took care of us, and if the cat had fallen overboard, or gone ashore and
been left behind, it would have made no manner of difference."

"Then, I suppose you mean to say that there is no such person as the
Flying Dutchman?" observed Bob; "everybody who has rounded the Cape has
heard of him."

"There might have been some villain of a Dutchman who swore that he'd
beat about the seas till the Day of Judgment; but depend on it, if he
ever did utter such an oath, he's gone to answer for it long ago--far
away from this world," said Dick Nailor, solemnly.  "I've heard many,
many men talk of the Flying Dutchman, but I never yet met with one who
had seen him."

Neither had Bob Hunt, and so he had nothing to answer to this--indeed,
talkative as he was, he always had to knock under to Dick's sturdy,
matter-of-fact arguments, or to his pertinacious silence, if no argument
was forthcoming.

The quaint fellow would fold his arms, sit down, and look a picture of

I have not said much about how my children passed their time during the
voyage.  The boys were generally employed in sailing the vessel, or
about the rigging; for my object was not only to keep the vessel in good
order during the voyage, but to take her into Port Jackson looking as
fresh as I could.  However, the boys had time to practice writing and to
study their books, and both Peter and Charles White were able to help
them.  The girls had plenty of work to do, as my wife had laid in a
store of all sorts of things to make up.  They also were not idle with
regard to their books; and they had several pleasant ones to read.  I
found also that Charley White was very happy to help them forward in
their studies, and Susan took it into her head that she should very much
like to learn navigation.  She, however, gave up that idea, and took to
singing, as Charley, who knew something about music, thought he could
help her, and it was likely to prove a more amusing study, and quite as
useful to her.  I may safely say that no one was idle on board; and what
is more, that not a real quarrel, and scarcely a dispute of any sort
occurred among the inhabitants of our little world.  If one differed in
opinion from another, it was always good naturedly, and all discussions
were finished amicably.  People in families on shore would always be
able to do the same if they kept a watch over their tempers, and did not
allow envy, jealousy, and pride to spring up and hold dominion in their

Our tempers were occasionally tried.  When within a week's sail of the
western shores of Australia the wind fell to a dead calm.  The sea was
smooth as glass, and the hot sun came down with fearful force on our
heads, while the reflection of his rays from the glittering sea almost
blinded our eyes.  Long as I had ploughed the salt ocean, I had never
felt the heat greater.  For two or three days it was endurable, but
after that every one began to complain; even Duchess looked out for a
shady place, under the sail or bulwarks, to lie down in, and poor
Steadfast went panting about the deck with his tongue out, the fowls
hung down their heads, and the merry robins and sparrows ceased to
chirp.  If a chip or a feather was thrown overboard, it lay motionless
alongside, though the schooner herself kept moving round, with her head
towards all the points of the compass.

The heat created a violent thirst: everybody was thirsty--the men, my
children, my wife and I, and the poor animals; they required water more
than we did, for they got no moisture out of the packed hay.  We gave
them as much as we dared, and, as soon as the sun was down, had them on
deck to give them fresh air.

We were not alone in our misfortunes, however, for when the sun rose, on
the first morning of the calm, his rays fell on the white canvas of a
ship, just rising out of the western horizon.  After some time she
disappeared, either because her sails had been clewed up, or that she
was too far off to be seen unless the sun was shining directly on them.
We had many discussions as to what she was.  I need scarcely say that
she caused us no little uneasiness.

Still the calm continued.  Day after day the sun went down in the calm
ocean, and rose again to cast a ruddy glow over its mirror-like surface,
and there in the distance lay the stranger, though only sharp eyes could
have detected her.

I began to be very anxious about the sheep.  The success of the
undertaking depended in a great measure on their being kept alive,
still, we had to put them on an allowance, as we had ourselves.  Little
Margaret and Tommy couldn't understand why they shouldn't have as much
water as they wanted, when there was plenty alongside.  They could not
understand that salt water was worse than no water at all; nor could the
poor sheep, probably, when they were brought up on deck, and gazed out
on the glittering ocean around them.

When matters had come to this pass, I began for the first time to lose
heart.  I was sitting with my head bowed down, resting on my hand, when
my boy Peter said to me--"Father I have an idea--I have heard that fresh
water may be got out of salt, and I think I can manage it, if you do not
mind expending our fuel."

These words restored my spirits.  We had laid in a large supply of fuel
at the Cape; water was of more consequence than anything else.  It would
be better to break up all the spare cases, and even the bulkheads and
cabin furniture, than to go without it.  Peter soon explained his plan;
I agreed to try it.  We, after a search among the cargo, found two large
camp kettles.  Soldering down their lids, we bored a hole in the top of
one and in the side of the other, and joined the two with a piece of
piping, three feet long.  The one with a hole in the top we placed on
the fire.  We fitted a funnel to the spout, through which we poured in
water; the other kettle was fixed on a stand, and we soldered a small
pipe in at the bottom.  Above the outside kettle we slung a bucket full
of water also, with a small pipe in it, and the top of the kettle we
covered over with cloths, which, by the means of the bucket, were kept
constantly wet.  The kettle on the fire was filled, the fire blazed up,
and, as the water boiled, we watched with anxiety the result of the
process.  Some drops at length fell from the lower kettle, and a jug was
ready to catch them.  Peter eagerly poured the water into a mug, and,
putting it to his lips, with a triumphant smile passed it round to us
all.  It was deliciously cool and perfectly sweet.  It now came pouring
out quickly, and we got up an empty cask to contain it.  We all knelt
down and thanked God that we had obtained the means for sustaining life,
should our supply of water altogether fail.  It took a long time, and
used up a large quantity of fuel to produce even a gallon of fresh
water, yet a gallon was sufficient liquid for everybody on board for a
couple of days, and we might thus give a larger share to the sheep.

You might not think so, but the gale off the Cape did not cause me as
much anxiety as this long calm.  I ought, I confess, to have remembered
that in both instances God was watching over us.  In the one, I trusted
to my stout little craft and my seamanship; in the other, my seamanship
was of no avail--the stoutest ship would not have prevented all on board
dying a frightful death had the calm continued.  Here was my human
folly: on both occasions, had I thrown all my care on God, I should have
saved myself from all the anxiety I had suffered.  This was increased by
the uncertainty I felt as to the character of the sail we saw in the
distance.  I was in my own mind persuaded that she was a French
privateer, and if we were discovered, her boats would probably pay us a
visit, even if she did not.

We were all seated languidly about on the deck, under an awning rigged
to give us some shade, when Peter started up, exclaiming, "There comes
the breeze."  Some downy feathers, fastened by a silk thread to the
after backstay, had, he thought, moved for a moment though the vane
quickly dropped again.  We were speedily on foot, but the first glance
at the glowing, tranquil ocean, like some huge mirror on which we were
resting, made me fear that my son had been mistaken.  I shook my head,
and a sigh escaped from several of our party, as they sank down again on
their seats.  Just then, however, I caught sight of a light cat's-paw
skimming over the water in the distance, and Peter, springing at the
same moment into the rigging and pointing westward, exclaimed, "Here it
comes, father, no mistake about it now."  I followed him up the rigging,
and saw in the far west a wide-extending dark blue line moving quickly
on towards us.  Peter and I sprang back on deck, got the awning stowed,
the head sails set, and the big square-sail ready for hoisting.  The
cat's-paws came thicker and thicker, the dark blue line increasing in
width, till in a short time we were staggering away before as brisk a
breeze as the little craft could desire.  All languor quickly vanished,
and we served out an additional supply of water to our poor sheep.  My
anxiety, however, did not cease, for just afterwards, as I was sweeping
the horizon with my telescope, I saw, rising above it, the royals of a
square-rigged ship, the same, I concluded, which I had seen at the
commencement of the calm.  She might be a friend, or an English ship,
and be ready to supply us with any necessaries we might require: but I
had taken it into my head that she was an enemy, and I could not tell to
what treatment we might be subjected.  Sometimes French officers behaved
very kindly to passengers captured by them, but during the republican
period many of those in command were brutal men, who outraged all the
laws of humanity when they got the crews and passengers of an English
ship into their power.  I, of course, said nothing of this to my wife or
children.  I, however consulted with Charley White and Peter, and we
agreed that it would be more prudent to alter our course to the
northward for a few hours, so as to allow the ship to pass us during the
night.  Though we were not now visible to her, when the sun came to set
in the west she would have got so far nearer to us that his rays falling
on our canvas, we should be probably seen from her tops.

This plan we followed.  Charley White had become even more anxious than
I was, and he was constantly going aloft to watch the stranger.  Half an
hour before sunset, we could see half way down her topsails from the
deck.  Though they looked no bigger than a small pocket handkerchief,
the sharp eyes of my girls caught sight of them, and seemed much
surprised that we were not eager to speak with the stranger.  I was very
glad when darkness hid us, as I hoped, from her.  We arranged, however,
to keep a bright look out all night, and to furl everything, should she
pass near us, so as to escape observation.  Charley and Peter kept a
watch together.  They insisted on my turning in after my first watch was
over, and in truth I could leave the vessel in their care with as much
confidence as if I had her myself.



More than once I saw in my dreams a big ship closing rapidly with us and
the French flag run up at the main, and a voice ordering us to heave to.
We were all to be made prisoners; horrible would be the fate of those
dearest to me.  I started up in a cold perspiration, though the weather
was hot enough as may be supposed.

There was scarcely a sound except the rippling of the water against the
vessel's side, the breathing of those sleeping round me in our little
cabin, and the tread of Peter's feet overhead.  Charley was at the helm
I guessed.  He said something, and then they both burst into a merry
laugh.  "All's right," I thought to myself, "I know why I had that
uncomfortable dream.  I was over anxious.  I ought, having done my best,
to have thrown all my care and anxiety on God; knowing that He cares for
me and those dear to me."  I got out of bed, knelt down, and prayed, and
when I lay down again I slept as soundly as I had ever done in my life.
Awaking at daylight, I went on deck to relieve the young men.  No sail
was in sight.  Once more we put the schooner on her proper course.  I
proposed touching on the western or southern coast of Australia for the
sake of obtaining grass or hay for the sheep, and water and fuel.  We
had found the importance of having a good supply of fuel.  I was no
longer anxious about the stranger, but still I knew that if he was bound
in the same direction that we were, owing to the uncertain winds and
calms, we might very possibly again fall in with him.  Still, he might
after all be a friend.  I would banish the subject from my mind.  I did
so.  In the next week we had fine weather and a fair breeze, till the
land, stretching away in the north, blue and indistinct, was seen on our
larboard bow.  We hauled up for it till we got near enough to
distinguish objects on shore.  I cannot say that the appearance of that
part of the new country which was to be our future home was at all
attractive.  Backs and sand-hills, and slight elevations covered with
dark green trees, were the only objects we could discern.  We could
obtain plenty of wood, but that we could find any water in that dry
looking country seemed very doubtful, even if we could manage to land.
We had all been so eagerly watching the coast, that for a long time no
one had turned their eyes to the southward; Mary, happening to do so,
exclaimed, "Father, there's a sail in the horizon no bigger than my
hand, but I see it clearly."

Charley, on hearing this, sprang aloft with his glass.  He quickly
returned, and quietly remarked to me, "A ship standing in for the land,
not unlike our friend of last week."

I agreed with him it would be prudent to avoid her.  The best way to do
this was to stand close in, so that our masts should not appear above
the land.  The shore was here higher and more broken than that which we
had before passed.

The stranger was drawing near, and judging from the cut of his sails I
had little doubt that he was a Frenchman.  Whether or not he saw us it
was hard to say; I was afraid he did, as he was steering a course which
would inevitably cut us off.  I still did not like to communicate my
fears to my wife and daughters.  It must be done soon I felt, for the
nearer the stranger drew the more convinced I was that he was French.
While we were watching our supposed enemy we did not neglect to look out
for a place of refuge, and we kept scanning the coast anxiously for any
opening into which we might run to hide ourselves.  My wife and
daughters suspected, from what they observed, that I did not like the
look of the stranger; and when at last I saw that it was no use
concealing from them what I suspected, Mary, I think it was, proposed
loading the boats with as many necessaries as they could carry, running
close in, and, having deserted the vessel, hiding ourselves in the woods
till our enemies had gone away.

Her sisters chimed in, and thought that it would not be at all
unpleasant to picnic in the woods for a few days, or perhaps settle
there altogether.  They little dreamed of the inhospitable character of
that part of the country; still I would say nothing to damp their
courage.  The breeze was fresh and from the south-west, and though it
brought up the stranger, it enabled us to stand close in shore with less
danger than if the wind had been dead on it.  As far as we could judge,
there was no opening to indicate a harbour or shelter of any sort.  The
big ship was approaching rapidly; I felt as if we were caught in a trap.
We had no choice now but to stand on; the wind was too much to the
westward to allow us to retrace our course, and so double on the
stranger.  I thought by this time that we must be seen.  We were small,
that was one thing; and another was, probably, that no one was looking
for us.  If not seen now, we should be in a few minutes; of that I felt
sure.  Again and again I examined the strange vessel, and became more
and more convinced that if not a government ship she was worse; one of
the large privateers which were known to infest the Indian seas, and
which occasionally made excursions to other regions.  They were
generally commanded by ruffians, and manned with desperadoes of all
nations--the scourings of the French galleys.  To fall into such hands
would be worse than death.  I cannot tell you what fearful suggestions
were offered to my mind.  To run the vessel in among the breakers, to
scuttle her, to set her on fire; anything seemed better than being

We stood on; the atmosphere was so clear that it seemed impossible to
escape the observation of the stranger.  Just then a line of white foam
appeared almost ahead.  It was, I judged, a reef extending from the
shore.  Hauling round it, I observed an indentation in the coast, the
first we had seen in that long, unbroken line of sandy shore.  I steered
towards it; an opening appeared; the lead was kept going; the wind
favoured us; we shortened sail, and in a few minutes brought up within a
high woody point, completely concealed from any vessel passing even
close outside.  As soon as the canvas was made snug, Charley and the
boys hurried on shore to watch the strange ship.  I followed them.  She
was steering it seemed for the very end of the reef.  It struck me that
perhaps she was looking for the very harbour in which we had brought up.
If so, after all our efforts to escape, we should fall into her power.
She drew closer and closer.  Could the entrance of our harbour be seen
from her deck?

"She is a good way to the eastward of the reef," observed Charley.  "Her
lead is going; she intends to bring up; she is looking for a harbour,
and probably this one."

"She has missed it, though," observed Peter, "see, she is standing on to
the eastward."

We remained on the height to which we had climbed, so hidden among the
trees, that even if glasses had been directed towards us we should not
have been seen.  The stranger stood on for about three miles, and then,
furling sails, brought up at the entrance of what we thought was perhaps
a harbour, from the appearance of the land about it.  Our hope was that
she would send her boats to examine the harbour, and that if she went in
we might put to sea late in the evening and escape her.  We were,
however, pretty safe in our present position, and we determined to
profit by it.

We divided for this purpose into three parties: one to search for water,
another to land the sheep, and a third to cut wood.

Charley and I set off to look for water.  No signs were to be seen near
where we landed.  To the west the country looked especially barren, and
we therefore agreed to go towards the east, although it was in the
direction where the Frenchmen were supposed to be.  We first explored
the shore of the harbour, but found no stream running into it.  Indeed
it was a mere inlet of the sea and of small extent.

An old settler would have had far less difficulty than we experienced in
discovering water, because he would have known exactly the sort of trees
to look out for, such as grow only on the banks of streams or water

"What a fearfully arid country this is," I observed to Charley, "I hope
the part we are going to is not like it."

We were about to turn back in despair, when my companion, who was a
little ahead, exclaimed that he saw some water just below us.  We were
not long in reaching a pure and clear pool or water-hole.  We slaked our
own thirst, but it was a long way to bring our sheep, while it would
have been nearly impossible to fill our casks from it.  We discovered,
however, that water ran into it, therefore it must have an outlet.  This
we discovered, and traced it down towards the sea.  Great was our
pleasure to find that it ran into a small harbour, where we could
quickly fill our casks.  We hastened back, and trusting to be able to
obtain as much as we required, brought a supply for the sheep from the
vessel.  We had as yet seen no natives; indeed, from the barren nature
of the country, I could scarcely believe that any could exist there.

There were animals, however, for at night the boys, who were watching
over the sheep, saw a creature approaching stealthily.

Mark fired, but missed, and then made chase.  The creature got off,
leaving some traces of blood seen in the morning.  It was a dingo, or
native dog.  Early next day, the weather being very fine, we went in the
boat with the casks to the small harbour we had discovered.  We had
brought some wooden pipes, and by placing them a little way up the
stream, we were able to conduct the water so as to fall over a rock
directly into the casks.  While the boys were filling them, I climbed to
a height at the mouth of the harbour.  There the masts of the French
ship were plainly discernible.  This did not give me much concern, but
directly afterwards I perceived, through my glass, a party of men coming
along the beach and rapidly approaching us.



I hurried back to the boat.  The casks were filled.  We got them in.
Should we remain in the harbour and try to conceal ourselves, or should
we boldly pull out with the certainty of being seen, but yet with the
possibility of getting back to the schooner and putting to sea before
the privateer's men could reach us.  We decided on the latter course,
not a moment was to be lost.  If we should succeed in getting out to sea
we should be safe; for with so large a number of her people on shore it
was not likely that the French ships would chase us.

"Now, my lads, pull for life and liberty!"  I exclaimed, as I took the
helm.  "Gently at first till we are clear of the harbour.  The Frenchmen
won't see us till then."

The entrance was not very easy; as soon as we were outside the boys gave
way.  I every now and then turned my head round to ascertain if we were
observed.  The Frenchmen were most probably, as we had been, searching
for water and did not see us.  At length they caught sight of us, I
concluded, as I saw them running along the shore as fast as their legs
would carry them.  My boys exerted their arms in a like manner.  The
Frenchmen, although they saw that we were beyond their reach, fired a
shot at us.  Another and another followed.  It was done in mere
wantonness, for they could not have known who we were.  We were much too
distant from them, however, for the shot to reach us.  Heavily laden as
was our boat, the boys urged her on fast, and in a short time we were
alongside the schooner.  Charley White, who had remained in charge, had
heard the shots, and guessing who had fired them, had got the sheep on
board with the wood and grass, and made everything ready for weighing.
Happily, the breeze blew down the harbour.  We speedily hoisted the
boats on board and got the anchors up, and while the Frenchmen were
climbing up a height which formed the eastern shore of the inlet, we ran
out and were speedily clear of the land.  We could see them through the
glass stamping on the ground, apparently with rage at our having escaped
them.  The northerly breeze carried us in a short time out of their
sight and indeed out of sight of the land itself.  We were to the south
of the equator, and that northerly wind was the hottest I ever
experienced; from its very smell we could tell that it had blown over
many hundred miles of burnt earth or dry sand.  We kept south; for I
purposed going round Van Diemen's Land instead of through Bass's
Straits--not then very well known.

Next day we looked out with some anxiety for the Frenchman, but he was
nowhere to be seen, and we entertained the hope that we had escaped him

We sighted the southern part of Van Diemen's Land.  But as we should not
have been allowed to land at the new settlement then even had we wished
it, unless we had put in there in distress, we continued our course for
Port Jackson.  It was time for us to be in port.  We had eaten up all
the fowls except those we wanted to land; the biscuits were becoming
mouldy, the water bad, the hay was nearly consumed, and the sheep, put
on short allowance, were looking thin, though otherwise healthy.

The lads were continually going to the mast-head, each one eager to be
the first to discover land.

We were edging in for the coast, from which I knew that we were not far
distant, when Mark, who was aloft, shouted out, "Land! land!  Hurrah!
the land we are bound for!"  I was afraid that in the exuberance of his
delight he would have let go his hold, and come down by the run on deck.
John thought so too, and with alarm expressed in his countenance, ran
under him to catch him in his arms.  He held on, however, and in a few
seconds his brother and White joined him, and shouted with almost as
much glee as he had exhibited, "Land! land!"  We stood in directly for
it, for by my calculations we were not far off Botany Bay, or rather
Port Jackson, for that in reality was the port for which we were bound.

In England in those days people always spoke of Botany Bay, because that
was the place where Captain Cook landed before Port Jackson was

A strong breeze was blowing, which carried us rapidly towards the land.
The wind increased, and dark clouds were seen gathering in the
south-east.  I had heard of a black squall off that coast, and from the
darkness of the sky and the increasing wind, I was afraid that one was
now brewing.  Charley White was of my opinion, I found.  This made me
more than ever anxious to get into harbour before dark.  Still it
increased the danger of approaching the shore, and the bay afforded no
shelter to the wind then blowing.  We flew rapidly on; the dim outline
of the coast became more and more distinct.  At length we could
distinguish some lofty headlands directly ahead.

Charley White knew that two such headlands mark the entrance to Port
Jackson, but he reminded me that there is a third, which forms the side
of False Bay, and that more than one ship had run in there, and that
instead of finding a sheltering harbour they had been thrown against the
rugged cliffs which form its sides.

The knowledge of this increased my anxiety.  The sky in the east became
darker and darker, and the wind yet further increased, till it blew
almost a hurricane; heavy seas came rolling up, topped with white foam,
leaping in eagerness it seemed to catch the little craft which had borne
us in safety so far over the bosom of the ocean, and was about to escape
altogether from their power.

Peter stood at the helm.  Charley and I kept a keen look-out ahead.  As
we flew on, the land became more distinct, and the outline of the
headlands appeared; still darkness was coming on--a mistake would be

"I see the heads!" exclaimed Charley at length.  "There is no mistake; I
am certain of it.  Starboard a little, Peter.  That will do, she is
heading right in for the entrance.  Take the bearings now; keep her
exact on that course.  My life for it, we shall get safe into the

My anxiety was lifted off my shoulders.  I had a confidence in Charley's
judgment and knowledge which I should have placed in few people, but he
had already shown me that he was to be trusted.  The darkness now came
rapidly on, and so heavy a sea got up, and so furiously blew the gale,
that I often doubted whether the little _May Flower_ would stand it.  I
doubt whether alone I could have found the entrance; but Charley never
wavered in his opinion.  Keeping his eye towards the land, now gradually
becoming shrouded in deeper and deeper gloom, he continued to direct
Peter how to steer.

After a time the land rose up close ahead of us, but there was a deep
slit in the centre, which seemed each instant to increase in width, and
then the cliffs appeared on either side.  The roar of the waves was
tremendous, deafening to our ears; but we felt them less and less, till,
rushing on, a wide, open, smooth expanse lay before us, and we were in
smooth water--the haven where we would be.



Oh, the rest, the satisfaction, and, I may say, the thankfulness we
felt.  We shortened sail, and rounded to for a pilot, who came on board,
and took us up to a berth opposite to Sydney, or the camp, as it was
even then frequently called.  As soon as we had dropped our anchor and
furled sails, we one and all of us, young and old, my wife and daughters
and my boys, and White and the crew, went down on our knees and returned
thanks to the God of love and mercy who had thus brought us in safety in
our small vessel across the great ocean.  The tempest raged on without,
but we lay quiet and secure within the harbour.  I cannot describe to
you how free from care I slept that night, and yet many people would
have said that our troubles were only now going to begin.

As soon as the morning broke, all on board assembled on deck to look out
on the new world to which we had come.  The magnificent harbour, its
surrounding heights and numerous points and inlets were the same then as
now, but the ground on which the large city of Sydney now stands was
then dotted over with a few Government buildings and merchants' stores,
and here and there a large private residence, and not a few big
public-houses; but most of the dwelling-houses were of plank, and some
even of canvas, belonging to newcomers.  Still there was evidence of
progress, and as the day advanced, and people began to move about, a
good deal of animation and activity was visible.

We were soon surrounded by boats, with people eager to know where we had
come from, and what cargo we had got.  Many of the visitors were not
pleasant-looking customers, and I was in no wise inclined to encourage
them on board.  Those who did come looked with very great interest at
the sheep, and I soon found from their remarks that they considered them
of much value, and that the speculation was likely to prove a good one.

Before, however, I entered into any engagements, I went on shore to
ascertain the state of affairs.  I found that I could obtain a large
grant of land free, and that as many convicts would be assigned to me as
I could maintain, to cultivate the land.  I knew a little about farming,
and I forgot at the time that the convicts were not likely to become
very pleasant servants, so that everything to be done appeared plain and
easy before me, and in high spirits I returned on board.

My family were, of course, all eager to get on shore, but as they had no
home to go to, it was arranged that I and Charley White and John should
set out at once to select some land, while Peter remained on board to
take care of the family and look after the vessel.  We none of us knew
much about land, as to which was likely to prove good or bad, but then
we could take advantage of the experience of earlier settlers.  We could
ascertain how some had failed, and others had been successful, and
follow, with such modifications as circumstances might require, the
example of the latter.  We each carried a knapsack with provisions, and
a cloak to sleep in at night; said Charley, who was a good shot, had a
gun, that he might kill a kangaroo, or any other animal we might fall in
with, for food.  We each of us had also a pocket compass, without which
no man should attempt to travel in a new country like Australia.

My wife and daughters seemed very anxious when we were all ready and
about to set out, but I reminded them that we were only just going to do
what we had come all the way from England to do, and that there were no
wild beasts or other dangers that I knew of to fear.  "Oh, but there are
those hideous black men, father," exclaimed Susan; "do take care of
them, for I am sure that they look as if they would do any mischief."

"No fear," answered Charley, "they look worse than they are, and we
shall be able to manage any number of them, even if they should take it
into their heads to play us tricks.  Mary is not afraid, you see."  Mary
looked as if she thought Charley would be able, with his single arm, to
put to flight a whole host of blacks.  Those we had seen, though ugly
enough, were not very terrific-looking fellows.  We heard, however, that
away from Sydney, where the white settlers had found some blacks
pilfering, and had shot them dead, the survivors had retaliated, and
murdered two or three white men.

As horses were at that time very dear, I did not wish to purchase any
for our journey, and none were to be hired.  We had therefore to trudge
forward on foot.  One thing we wanted, and that was a guide who knew the
nature of the country, the best mode of traversing it, and where farms
were situated.  Unaccustomed to walking, we felt very weary the first
day of our journey as night approached, and yet no house appeared in
sight.  We were travelling along a high road made by convicts.  The
worst characters were employed on the roads, a labour which they
especially detested.  They were generally doubly convicted felons.  They
were worked in chains, but sometimes even then they broke away, and,
taking to the bush, robbed every one they met, and murdered those who
resisted them.

We thought at last that we should have to camp out, instead of getting
the shelter of a roof, which we had expected to do.  Just, however, as
we were about to stop, a light appeared ahead.  We made for it.  The
door of a cottage stood open.  We entered.  A fire was blazing on the
hearth, with a large damper baking under the ashes, and a huge teapot of
tea was steaming away on a table set out for a meal; while a joint of a
kangaroo was among the good things which gladdened our eyes.

"You may walk in, strangers, and welcome," said a rough-looking man, who
at that moment appeared from the back part of the cottage.  "Here,
missus, I see you have supper ready, where are you?"  His wife, a buxom
dame, came when called from an inner room, and welcomed us as her
husband had done.  We were soon seated at the table, doing justice to
the kangaroo and damper.  When our host and his wife heard that we had
lately arrived, they were eager for us to tell them all the news from
England, but what we had to say was not what they cared much to hear,
that was very evident.  As I examined their countenances, I did not like
the expression they bore, nor warn the way they spoke altogether
satisfactory.  I suspected, and I was right, that they were convicts.
At that time there were many of that class, who had already risen to
considerable wealth, in the colony.



Although, as I have said, the faces of our host and hostess did not
please me, and indeed gave me some disquietude, they both made
themselves so pleasant, and were so civil and hospitable, that I could
not help feeling it was ungrateful for me to harbour hard thoughts of
them.  While we were still at the table, a man came in and took his seat
opposite to me.  I supposed that he was living in the house, at all
events that he was expected.  He eyed me very hard, and then went on
eating his supper.  At last Charley White addressed me as Mr Biddulph,
though he generally called me father.  Immediately the stranger started
up, and coming round to me and taking my hand, exclaimed, "Why, Mr
Biddulph, I thought that I knew your face, but I little expected to see
you out here."  When he spoke I recognised a man to whom I had once
rendered a considerable service.  He was in debt.  I gave him a sum of
money to save him from prison, and he promised to repay me.  Before he
did so he disappeared, and I did not expect to receive a farthing, but
on two occasions small amounts were sent to me, which I knew came from
him, though the larger portion still remained unpaid.

"I hope that you are doing well, Jacob," said I, not thinking of the

"Pretty well, but not as well as I could wish, Mr Biddulph," he
answered.  "I have been in the country about five years, and know it as
well as most men, but there are one or two things on my mind which I
should like to get free of.  One of them is my debt to you, and the
honest truth is, that though I have worked hard, of money I have none.
Most of my wages have come in the shape of rum, and I never yet heard of
a man getting rich on such payment as that."

I saw that our host and hostess exchanged glances, but I took no notice
of them.

"If you know the country you are just the man I want, and can quickly
repay me, and place me in your debt also," I observed.  "I want a guide
through the country, and some one who knows the nature of the land, to
help me in choosing a farm."

"Just the thing I should like," he exclaimed, jumping at the proposal;
"I'm a free man, and can go where I like."

I judged from this that he had not always been free.  Our entertainers
did not seem over well pleased at his so readily accepting my proposal.
Still they treated us civilly, and we had no cause to complain.  They
brought us some sacks full of dry grass, which they spread on the floor,
with some kangaroo skins to cover us; in those days sheep skins were
rare.  We lay down, commending ourselves to God, and felt as secure
among convicts, with the possibility of a visit from the bush-rangers,
as we had done in our tight little craft in the middle of the ocean.

We were on foot before daybreak, and with Jacob Rawdon as our guide, set
out, as soon as we had taken some food, on our journey.  Our host and
his wife were evidently displeased at his leaving them.

After we had got to a distance I asked him why this was.  "The reason is
that I had become well-nigh their slave," he answered.  "They paid me my
wages in rum, which I drank mostly, or exchanged at a great loss for
necessaries, and so you see that I am not a shilling the richer than I
was when I first began to work for myself.  Still I hope to be able to
repay you, and it will be a great satisfaction to me to do so."

I did not doubt him, and had heard enough about the people I was likely
to meet to know that it would not do to question him too closely as to
why he had come to the country.  I observed that he was frequently
downcast, and that an expression of grief passed over his countenance;
indeed, from several things he said, I felt great hopes that, whatever
had been his errors, he was resolved to turn from them and to lead a new
life.  Under this belief I spoke seriously to him, and reminded him that
he could not go on in his own strength, that the best man alive could
not; and that if he would do right he must seek for aid from God the
Father, through the influence of the Holy Spirit, trusting entirely and
alone to the perfect sacrifice of Christ.  He listened attentively.  The
doctrine seemed entirely new to him, but he did not in any way appear
inclined to reject it.  He walked on by my side, often silent, now and
then he made a remark.  His voice faltered.  I saw that he was in tears.
"Can God pardon such a vile, mad sinner as I have been?" he asked at

"If you are looking to Christ as the Lamb slain for you, you are
pardoned, completely, entirely," I answered; "though your sins be as
scarlet, they shall be white as snow in God's sight."

His step became elastic; a brightness spread over his countenance.  "I
see it, I see it, but I would not have believed it," I heard him saying
to himself.

I cannot describe all the incidents of our journey.

One painful sight was a road-gang of convicts chained by the legs.  They
were certainly a villainous-looking set, mostly doubly convicted felons.
Despair was depicted in the countenances of many.  Jacob told me that
he had known several who had been guilty of murder, that they might be
hanged, and as they thought put out of their misery; others had
committed suicide.  Yet these men were once joyous, bright-cheeked,
innocent little boys, the pride of their parents.  Some had grown into
manhood before they fell into open sin, though many probably were born
among scenes of vice, ignorant even of the name of virtue or religion.
"Still, debased as they are, all have souls to be saved," I thought to
myself, and I resolved that, though I could do those poor wretches no
good, I would do my best to improve the convicts assigned to me as

We soon came to the end of the road, and struck across the country.
Here Jacob's guidance became of great value.  We were much interested by
the novel appearance of the country, so different from anything we had
seen before.

The huge gum-trees (_eucalypti_), with their evergreen,
mistletoe-looking leaves, standing apart from each other, impressed us
most.  It seemed to us as if we were walking through a large park, with
wide open spaces and clumps of trees here and there; only the leaves of
the trees hung down long and thin, with their edges upwards, and the
grass, though tall, was sparse, the blades growing apart from each

In some places the ground was covered with heather, and with other
bright-coloured small flowers, but all without scent.  This was
supplied, however, in abundance from the groves of acacia, near which we
passed.  The birds with gay plumage, especially the parrots--parroquets
climbing from branch to branch or flying amid the trees--made us feel
still more that we had got into a new land.

The greatest excitement, however, was caused the first time we fell in
with a kangaroo, now so scarce near the settled districts.  Jacob
seizing Charley White's gun said that he knew we should soon fall in
with some more, and going on cautiously ahead he very soon fired, and
then shouted to us to give chase.  He had severely wounded but not
killed a large kangaroo; and the animal went leaping over the ground
with his long legs, leaving, however, a thick trace of blood behind him,
which showed that he could not run a long course.  This encouraged us to
follow with greater zeal, and we enjoyed it the more as we dashed
through the forest after having been shut up so many months in our
little vessel.  At last we got up close to the kangaroo, a huge fellow,
who turned round boldly to meet us.  My son John, being close to the
animal, was going to strike him with a stick, when Jacob Rawdon cried
out to him to beware, and he had just time to spring back as the animal
struck at him with the formidable claw of one of his hinder feet.
However, it was his last effort before the animal sank exhausted from
loss of blood to the ground.

Jacob told us that he had seen many a dog killed when rushing in on a
kangaroo standing at bay, by being ripped up, and that John had had a
narrow escape.  The countenance of the animal had so mild an expression
that we could scarcely believe that he could commit so much damage.

We at once set to work to cut him up, and then, each of us loaded with
the best parts selected by Jacob, we continued our journey.  We slept at
the cottage of a settler, who received us very kindly.  We feasted on
our kangaroo flesh, and were able to repay him with a portion of it.
The next night we camped out near a stream.  Jacob Rawdon shot a number
of parrots, which we roasted for supper.  The next morning we reached a
lightly timbered, undulating country, with a river running through it.
Rawdon stopped and looked round.

"Here, Mr Biddulph, if you take my advice you will pitch your tent.
You have grass and water for sheep and cattle, and timber to build your
house, and barns, and fences, and to keep your fires burning.  What more
do you desire? the soil is good; you may grow corn and vegetables and
fruit-trees.  You think that we are now in a desert: in a few years you
will find yourself in the midst of civilisation."

I talked over the matter.  Jacob showed me that he was right, and the
boys agreed with him.  He understood surveying, and we measured out
roughly two thousand acres.  He told me that as a free settler I should
have no difficulty in obtaining a grant of it.  We soon fixed on a site
for a house--not far from the stream, but at a sufficient height to be
out of its influence when swollen by rains.  The stream ran into a
navigable river not far off, and from a neighbouring height we could see
it and the sea in the far distance.  Charley and John were highly
pleased with the country, and were eager to get back to Sydney to secure
the grant, lest any one else should make application.  Jacob laughed at
their eagerness.

"It is a good big country, and there is room for all," he observed.

He was right.  A large part of half a century has passed since then, and
a steady stream of human beings has been setting in ever since, and
still there is room for all who come wishing to work.

John wanted Charley to stay and camp out with him while Jacob and I went
back; but to that Charley would not agree.  He did not like leaving me
to travel alone with a doubtful character such as Jacob, and he besides
wished, I have no doubt, to see Mary.  I, however, was very strongly
disposed to trust Jacob.

We got back to Sydney without any adventure, and found all well on
board.  The sheep had greatly improved in appearance.  I sold a ram and
four ewes for a price which fully covered all the charges of the voyage;
the rest of those I had brought I kept, that I might have a good stock
with which I might commence on my own property.  I at once also made
application for a grant of the land I had seen, and obtained it without
difficulty.  I got an excellent price for the whole of my cargo, and
soon found a purchaser for our little schooner.  She was to run between
Port Jackson and other ports, either opened or about to be opened, to
the north and south.  Altogether my speculation turned out a most
successful one.

I felt something like Noah coming out of the ark when I landed, for the
last time, with my wife and family and chattels and sheep; and having
selected a quiet place, we all knelt down and returned hearty thanks to
God for the protection He had afforded us during our passage across the
ocean.  We asked Him to guide and protect us for the future; and I am
very sure that He heard our prayers.



Having bought a couple of horses at great cost, and a light waggon, or
dray rather, I stowed therein the most indispensable portion of our
goods and provisions.  The rest we stored, to fetch when we had got up a
cottage.  My wife and daughters insisted on walking, saying that they
weighed more than all the tea and sugar we should require for many
months, and they were sure it would be wise to take all the stores we
could carry.  The sheep were so tame that they did not require to be
driven, but followed the boys, who took especial charge of them, like

Steadfast, the dog, ran alongside the horses, and Duchess, the cat, took
up her post on the top of the dray with the cocks and hens, and cages
containing the other birds.  Bob Hunt and Dick Nailor, having made up
their minds to quit the sea, speedily turned into sturdy draymen, though
they kept to their sailor's rig, and could not easily lay aside their
nautical expressions.  "As the horses, or their immediate progenitors,
had, however, come across the sea, it was but natural that they should
understand them," observed Mark, when Dick shouted out occasionally,
"Starboard Dobbin, lay the fore-topsail abaft, Bob;" "It's time to
shorten sail, and bring the ship to an anchor;" or, "Luff, lad, luff, or
you'll be into that tree on the lee bow."  Sometimes when the ground
looked rougher and more impracticable than usual, Dick would cry out,
"Breakers ahead; we must haul our wind and see if we can't get round the
shoal; won't do to wreck the waggon out here, where shipwrights', I mean
blacksmiths', shops are pretty scarce, I fancy."

Notwithstanding the inexperience of our men, and our own also, indeed,
we got on wonderfully well.  We all gave our minds to the work, and thus
made amends for other deficiencies.  Rawdon proved a first-rate guide,
and by his knowledge and sagacity we avoided many of the difficulties
which might have impeded our progress.

Our boys and girls enjoyed the journey very much.  They especially liked
camping out at night, for the novelty of the thing, I suspect.  The
parrots and parroquets, and other gay-coloured birds, with which they
now made an intimate acquaintance, were a source of great interest.  The
girls were rather horrified when several were brought in shot by Charley
White and the boys.  Rawdon at once plucked them, and put them before
the fire to roast.  Pretty Polly pie soon became a favourite dish in our
establishment, as it was at that time in the houses of most settlers.
He also showed us how to make damper, a wheaten cake baked under the
ashes.  At first it seemed very doubtful how it would turn out, as we
saw the lump of dough placed in a hole, and then covered up with bits of
burning wood.

Our chief prize was a kangaroo.  The boys caught sight of the creature
as we were moving on, and gave chase.  Away he went, hopping along on
his hind legs, with his little front ones tucked up, just as some women
in cold weather hold their arms with their shawls drawn over their
shoulders.  Charley White, however, brought him down, and he soon shared
the fate of the parrots.  We pronounced the flesh not very inferior to
mutton, and more suited to our taste in a hot climate.  A good sportsman
need not starve in the fertile parts of Australia, but there is one
great necessary of life, of which he may find himself fearfully
deficient--that is, water.  We were obliged to make very irregular
stages, that we might camp near a stream or water hole; and explorers
dare not move from one source of supply till they have discovered a
fresh one, at which they and their animals may drink.

At length we reached the spot we had fixed on for a location, and of
which I had procured a grant.  I had to make certain arrangements before
I could get the assigned servants, or, in other words, the convicts who
would be required to carry on farming operations on a large scale.  I
was glad not to have them in the first instance, and we were so
strong-handed that we could do very well without them.

My wife and girls were delighted with the position of their new home.
We camped on a spot close to a situation which seemed the best suited
for our proposed house, on a gentle slope, with a hill covered with
trees behind it, and a stream some distance below us.  The spot was
pretty clear of wood, that is to say, just out of the bush, and there
was excellent pasture on either side for our sheep and for our cattle,
whenever we should obtain them.  They were not so plentiful as they now

As soon as we had pitched our tent we all knelt down and returned thanks
to that merciful God who had brought us across the ocean into this
lovely haven of rest--so it seemed, for we thought not then of the
troubles before us.

What a privilege it is to be able to go direct to God in prayer, through
the sure mediation of the loving Jesus, pleading His perfect,
all-sufficient sacrifice--His precious blood shed for sinful man on
Calvary.  I felt it then: I have felt it ever since; and I would not
give up that privilege of prayer for anything else the world can bestow.
I have sometimes thought what a fearful thing it would be for a man who
has enjoyed that blessing to lose it altogether, if that were possible;
to be told, "You must not pray!  God will not hear your prayers!  From
henceforth you must have no communion with the Most High!"  The thought
has just occurred to me as I have been speaking of this our first night
on our new location.

We, of course, gave water to our sheep and penned them carefully before
lying down to rest.  We knew that we had not so many enemies to guard
against as there are in many countries; but still there were some.
First, there were dingoes, or native dogs, who play the part of wolves
as well as foxes, in Australia, by attacking sheepfolds and poultry
yards: they were certain in an out-station to visit us.  Then we were
told there were natives who might very likely come in the night to steal
a fat sheep, or to attack us if they could find us unprepared; and
lastly, there were some bush-rangers already abroad--ruffians who had
escaped from road-gangs, and not being able to return to the settlement,
lived a wild, desperate life in the bush, and procured their stores by
plundering drays coming up from Port Jackson, or out-stations where they
thought anything was to be got.  However, as none had been heard of for
some time, we had no apprehensions about them.

We were too strong a party to invite attack, and only a very hungry, and
therefore desperate man, would think of molesting us.  Still, it was
prudent for one to remain on watch.  Charley White took the first watch,
as he had done at sea.  Peter was to take the second.  I heard Charley
call him up, but not feeling disposed to sleep myself, I told him to
rest on, as I knew that he was very tired, and that I would look out
instead.  I took a gun in my hand, and walked round and round our little
camp.  There was no moon, but the stars were very bright, proving the
clearness of the atmosphere.  Now and then I stopped and gazed up at
them, admiring their beauty, and thinking how greatly increased must be
our powers of comprehension before we should understand all about them.
I must have been standing thus silent and quiet for some time, when,
casting my eyes down on the earth, I thought I saw an object moving
slowly among some brushwood or scrub at a little distance.  I stood
still a minute longer, and just as I was moving the creature came out of
the scrub.  It was a dingo, I had little doubt of that; I was on the
point of lifting my gun to my shoulder to fire, when probably seeing me,
it ran quickly back.  I instantly went after it, hoping to get a fair
shot at the other side of the scrub, which was but a small patch of
underwood.  I felt sure that he would go through it, and followed.  I
worked my way along--no difficult matter where the scrub is open, as it
generally is out here--and once more caught sight of the creature
stealing cautiously away at no great distance.  They are cunning beasts,
those dingoes.  Often I have knocked one over, and left him for dead,
when after a little time, turning round, I have seen him stealing off;
but the moment he saw that he was observed, dropping down and looking as
dead as before.  I was sure that I should hit the dingo and prevent him
coming again to visit our sheep; so I raised my gun to fire.  At that
instant I received a blow on the side of my head, which would have
brought me to the ground had its strength not been broken by a bough.
My hand was on the trigger, and I fired my gun.  A man stood before me,
and closing, attempted to wrench the weapon out of my hand.  I had too
firm a hold of it, however, for I was a stronger man than he.  He was
active though, and tried all sorts of ways to get the better of me.
Finding that he could not succeed, he uttered several coos--a sound
heard a long way in the bush, and just then coming into use among the
settlers.  Again he closed with me, so that I could not strike him with
my gun, while he tried with his legs to trip me up.  I thought that it
was now high time for me to cry out; so I shouted at the top of my
voice, as loud as if I was hailing a ship at sea in a gale of wind.  It
rather astonished my friend, I suspect; especially when I dropped my
gun, and seizing him in my arms, lifted him off the ground.  He begged
me to let him go.  "No, no," I answered, "you wanted to rob me; but you
find that you have caught a Tartar, and I shall not release you till you
give an account of yourself."  The cooing had been heard by the man's
companions, for just as I had mastered him, two men appeared coming out
of the wood which covered the hill under which we had camped.  My
assailant saw them, and began to struggle to free himself from me; but
starvation and rough living had weakened him.  Still it was hard work to
get him along while he struggled in the hope that his comrades would
come to his assistance.  They were getting very near indeed, when I
heard a shout close to me, and as the bush-rangers were darting towards
me, Charley, Peter, the other boys, and Dick Nailor came rushing up from
the other side.

The two bush-rangers took to flight, leaving their companion in our

"You have got the better of me, I must own!" he exclaimed.  "Perhaps you
will not believe me when I say that all I wanted was your gun and
ammunition.  If I had got that I might have demanded some food, for I am
starving, but I did not wish to harm you or any one else."

"A curious way you took to prove that, by trying to knock me down," I
answered, as Dick Nailor relieved me of the charge of the man, by taking
hold of his collar and one arm and forcing him onwards.

"Come along with us to our camp, and we shall learn more about you."

The man said nothing in return, and he felt that in the grasp of the
giant resistance was useless.

We quickly reached the camp, where we found Bob Hunt trying to comfort
my wife and daughters, who had been much alarmed at hearing the shot
fired and finding me absent.

By the light of the lantern held to the prisoner's face we saw that he
was pale and haggard, that his hair was long and uncombed, and that a
razor had not touched his chin or lips for many a day; while his clothes
were rudely patched, and even thus hardly hung together.  Thus we could
not but believe the account he gave of his hunger and suffering--indeed,
I had heard that most of the men who had taken to the bush soon died of
starvation, or were killed by the blacks.

We quickly put some biscuits and cheese before our prisoner.  He ate of
it ravenously, giving way occasionally to an hysterical laugh.  His eyes
sparkled when I gave him some rum and water.  I saw that he required a
stimulant, and I would not allow him to take any more solid food.
Compassion for the poor wretch predominated above any other feeling.

It was useless to inquire what circumstances had brought him to that
condition.  Sin was the cause of it, of course; but he required help,
and, in spite of his attack on me, I felt that it ought to be given him.

While he was eating, it struck me that I was well acquainted with his

After looking again and again, I felt nearly sure that I was right,
strange as it seemed; and grateful I was that I had not in our struggle
taken his life or injured him.



We kept a strict watch over our wretched prisoner.  For his own sake I
did not wish him to escape, and, far from having an intention of
delivering him up to justice, my earnest desire was to try and reclaim
him.  I think that, under the circumstances, I should have acted as I
did had he been an indifferent person; but I felt sure, from the
peculiarity of his features, that he was the youngest son of my kind old
patron and friend, Mr Wells.  Often in his childhood had he sat on my
knee when I came home from sea, and often he had listened attentively to
the accounts of my adventures.  He was a pretty, interesting little
fellow.  As he grew up he altered very much; became disobedient to his
parents, and ultimately growing wilder and wilder, went, as the
expression is, to the bad.  For some years I had not even heard of him.

Worn out with fatigue, our prisoner slept on till after the sun was up,
and we were busy in marking out the ground for our slate hut, and making
preparations for cutting down the nearest trees with which to build it.
More than once I looked at his countenance while he slept, and called my
wife to look at him.  We were both convinced that my surmise was

On awaking at last he gazed round with an astonished, puzzled look, and
sighed deeply.  I happened to be near, and went up to him.

"Arthur!"  I said, gently, "what brought you here?"

"What!--Who are you?--How do you know me?" he exclaimed, springing to
his feet.  "I'll answer you though--my own folly and vice and sin.  I am
in your power.  I did not wish to take your life, but I hoped to get
your gun and then to force you to give me and my mates food--that was
all.  You may, however, take me into camp and deliver me up to the
governor and his men; if they hang me at once I shall be grateful to
you, for I am weary of this life.  I am a mere slave to my mates; they
would murder me in an instant if I should become burdensome to them;
and, bad as I am, they are so much worse that I can even now have no
fellowship with them."

Thus the unhappy man ran on, eagerly discharging, as it were, at once
his long pent-up feelings and thoughts.  For weeks and months he had
been wandering about, nearly starved, and ill-treated and despised by
his companions in crime.  And this man had been in the rank of a
gentleman, and had been educated as one, and had once felt as one!  I
know to a certainty that there are numbers of such wandering about the
world, and others who have died miserably,--outcasts from their friends
and, more terrible fate, from their God,--who little thought when they
made their first downward step in the path of sin to what a fearful
termination it was leading them.

I let our unhappy prisoner grow calm before I again spoke to him.

"You asked me," I said, "how I know your name, and who I am."  And I
then went over many of the incidents of his early life, when he was a
happy, pleasant-mannered little boy at home.

He made no reply; but he seemed to guess who I was, and bent down his
head between his hands.  I saw tears dropping from between his fingers.
It was a good sign.  I thought of the parable of the prodigal son.  "He
has been eating the husks: perhaps he will soon say, `I will arise and
go to my Father.'"  I prayed that the Holy Spirit would strive mightily
with him, and make him feel not only his sad moral and physical
condition, but his terribly dangerous spiritual state.  Such prayers
are, I believe, never made in vain.

I was eager, I must own, to begin my mornings work, but I did not wish
at that moment to interrupt the man's thoughts.  I waited therefore
patiently till he should speak.  After a time he lifted up his head, and
said, "Who are you?"  I told him that I remembered him as a boy--that
his countenance was unchanged--and that his father had been my

"Thank God for that! if such as I am may utter that name," he exclaimed.
"You'll not have me hung, then; you'll not deliver me up to a shameful

"No indeed, Arthur," I answered; "I will rather do my best to protect
you.  I do not know what crimes you have committed, and I do not wish to
know; but I hope to see you restored to tranquillity of mind, and that
you may find joy and peace in believing on that one only Saviour,
through whom you can obtain pardon for your transgressions and
reconciliation with God."

I then and there unfolded to him God's merciful plan of salvation.  I
was sure that then was the time.  His heart was softened; he was ready
to receive the truths of the gospel.  It was a happy thing for me that I
knew the plan of salvation before I left England.  I was thus enabled to
impart it to this poor man and to others.  His idea was that if he could
but be very sorry for all his misdeeds, and commit no more, and work
away hard to please God in some sort of fashion, he might have a chance
of going to heaven at last.  He would scarcely believe me when I told
him that I found nothing of that sort throughout the Gospels and
Epistles; that Christ, the anointed One, had done all that was required
for us sinners; that all we have to do is to accept His glorious offer,
by faith in the perfect efficacy of His atoning blood, shed for all
mankind on Calvary.  These truths and many more I tried to explain to
Arthur, and it was satisfactory to mark the readiness with which he
accepted them.

He was for some time utterly prostrated and scarcely able to stand up,
much less to work.  We, of course, were all very busy from sunrise to
sunset, and I could pay very little attention to him during the day.  I
gave him, however, the few books we had brought with us; but I was glad
to see that the Book of books, long unread, was his chief delight.  He
would sit with it in his hand all day, and at night would draw near to
the fire, and pore over its pages as long as the flames burnt with
sufficient brightness.  I felt sure from the first that he was in
earnest, though J--- warned me that he was only shamming, and that as
soon as he could have a chance he would be off with anything he could
lay hands on.  I said that I had no fear about the matter, and should
not keep a watch over him.

We had pretty hard work, you may be sure, and I doubt if any men could
have worked harder; but we kept our health very well--indeed, in spite
of the heat, I never felt stronger.  We had first our own dwelling-house
to get up, and then the huts for the men.  Our own abode was, indeed,
but a hut--larger than the others, with divisions; but there was very
little finish or ornament about it.  To be sure, it was a good deal
larger than the cabin of the _May Flower_, though the girls complained
that it was not half as neat; nor was it, indeed.  Neatness was to come
by and by, we said.  With many settlers, it must be owned, it never
comes at all.  We, however, before long put up a verandah, almost a
necessary appendage to a house in that hot climate.  There was thus
always shade and shelter on one side of the house or the other, and here
my wife and daughters could sit and work, and carry on all sorts of

Our very first work, I should have said, was to make a pen for the
sheep, where they would be secure from the natives or dingoes at night.
In the daytime, when out feeding, they could be easily kept together,
and they were so tame that they would follow us about like dogs.  Their
offspring learnt the same custom; and so instead of the sheep being
driven, as in England, they throughout the whole of the country follow
the shepherd wherever he leads, and know his voice.  Often have I
thought of the parable of the Good Shepherd when I have heard a
shepherd, in a slightly undulating or hilly country, calling to his
sheep, and seen the flock come trooping over the ridges from afar, and
gradually drawing round him, not one being missing.

As soon as we could, also, we got a garden fenced in and dug up, and a
paddock for wheat.  We had no wish to starve, and at that time
provisions were often very scarce and enormously dear in the colony.  At
one time, indeed, in consequence of the non-arrival of store-ships from
England, the settlers were nearly starved.



The number of people who knew anything about farming or gardening was
very small, and continued so long after the colony was settled.  At
first, indeed, there were none, and they actually did not know what to
do with the seeds which had been sent out with them.

At the time of our arrival a change for the better had taken place, and
a large proportion of free settlers were agriculturists, who soon taught
the labourers they employed, and several farms were established.

We little thought at that time of the vast power of production possessed
by Australia.  Day after day we worked on, cutting down trees, splitting
them with wedges, building huts, putting up fences, and digging and
planting.  The latter operations were very important; from the number of
mouths we should soon have to feed, the expense of providing food would
be very great unless we could produce some on the estate.

As soon as Arthur Wells had recovered his strength he willingly set to
work, and no man could have laboured harder than he did.  He knew more
than any of us did about farming, though we had some books to help us.
What was of great consequence, also, he understood the climate; for it
was some time before we could bring ourselves to remember that the
Australian spring is in October; and that Christmas is the hottest time
of the year; and that the periods of seed-time and harvest are the
opposite to those of the old country.

Jacob, besides being a good guide through the country, understood
felling trees, and splitting timber, and putting up huts--very valuable
arts in that country.  He might have been a first-rate watchmaker or
jeweller, have known Hebrew or Greek, or been a good draughtsman, or
kept accounts in excellent style, or dressed to perfection, and been
able to leap with the most perfect grace and nimbleness over counters,
and yet have starved.  Rough backwoodsmen, blacksmiths, carpenters, and
ploughmen have from the first been able to secure good wages in
Australia.  Other men have succeeded by turning their hands to do
whatever might offer; but for such men as I have mentioned, the demand
remains as at first unabated.

Having got through the work requiring immediate attention, I resolved to
return to Sydney to bring up the remainder of our stores, and to procure
a few assigned servants.  Such was the name given to convicts when made
over to the charge of private persons.  The duty of the master was to
find them employment, to feed them according to a certain scale, and
more than that, the original intention of those who formed the plan was
that he should do his best to instruct and improve them.  I am afraid
that not many took much trouble about that; but some few conscientious
masters did all they could, and the consequence was that very many poor
fellows who might have been utterly lost, had they been turned loose at
home, became reformed characters, and respectable members of society.

I took Dick Nailor and Mark with me to look after the dray, thinking
that the assigned men might know very little about the matter.

We had a prosperous journey into Sydney.  The first thing I did was to
sell the horses, for which there was a great demand; and I consequently
got a high price for them, more than double what I gave.  Instead I
bought four working oxen, ten milch cows, and a fine bull.  There would
be time enough to procure horses when they became more plentiful.
Though useful, of course they were not absolute necessaries; and I hoped
from the stock I had now got, to become possessed in a few years of a
fine herd of cattle.  I might have had fifty servants assigned to me,
but I accepted only six; and those I had the opportunity of selecting.
I determined with these and the assistance of our own party to bring
under cultivation as many acres of ground as I could manage.

A settler's life in a new country is not all plain sailing, as we were
to find--though in many instances it may be somewhat monotonous.  We had
some expectation of meeting with an adventure, for we heard that several
bush-rangers were out, who were levying black-mail on all travellers.
We resolved at all events not to be taken unawares.

I felt pretty sure that we might trust our new men, and Dick Nailor was
a man not to be attacked with impunity even by the most daring of

We found when we moved on that we had not more men than we required for
conducting the dray and driving the cattle.  Had we possessed more
experience, half our number would have driven twenty times as many
cattle as we had, and more than that, with ease.

We made good about twelve miles in the day.  At night we had enough to
do to keep our valuable cattle from straying.  We found the simplest
plan was to light a number of fires in a circle, beyond which the
animals were seldom disposed to move.  It, however, required constant
attention to keep up the fires, for as soon as the flames dropped, the
animals seemed no longer disposed to be restrained within the circle.

This occupied most of our party during the night, so that only two or
three at a time could get rest.  We slept very fast when we did sleep,
to make up for lost time--as Mark observed.  Either Dick Nailor or I was
always on the watch, as I did not think it prudent to trust the
convicts, though they had but little temptation to play us any tricks.
They were pretty well aware that they would have no prospect of setting
up for themselves, even if they should run away with our cattle.

We had got within three or four miles of our station, but as we could
not reach it before dark, we camped as usual, hoping that we might get
there the next morning.

Scarcely had we unyoked our oxen than several blacks appeared coming
towards us from a neighbouring bush.  I was not aware at the time of the
dislike oxen have to the natives, and was astonished at the state of
excitement into which the animals were put as the blacks drew near.  We
had the greatest difficulty, indeed, in restraining the animals from
breaking off into the bush.  I accordingly, followed by Dick Nailor,
went forward to meet our visitors, both of us, however, carrying our
guns, for we could not tell what might be their intention.  They stopped
when they saw the cattle snorting and turning about, seemingly as
unwilling to draw near them as the animals were to have their company.
They seemed to be a tribe not accustomed to white men, for they did not
understand a word we spoke, nor could we what they said.  We discovered,
however, that they wanted something--it was tobacco,--we gave them some.
We showed them that we were ready to be on friendly terms.  They then
begged for something to drink--rum, and seemed very much astonished to
find that we had none.  To my belief they had never themselves tasted
any, but had heard of the white man's fire-water from other blacks--his
curse--their destruction.

After a little time they intimated to us, so we understood them, that
there was something they wished to show to us in the bush at a little
distance.  They seemed so well disposed that I did not at the time dream
of treachery.  I told Dick Nailor that I would go forward and see what
they wanted to show us.  Even Dick hesitated.

"They may mean well, but if they don't they will have us at terrible
advantage all alone in the woods, and they are fearfully ugly fellows to
look at, they must allow," he observed, coming up close to me, to
protect me rather than to seek protection for himself.

Still the blacks seemed so eager that we should go, and made so many
signs to us, that I was sure that there was something particular they
wished to show us.  Had I been as well acquainted with them as I
afterwards became I should not have ventured.  Still the greater number
of murders they have committed must be laid to the white man's charge.
They merely retaliated when treated by him with fearful cruelty and
injustice.  The white man set them an example which the savages copied.
True, many of the convicts were reprobates and outcasts.  Not once, but
frequently men have gone forth with fire-arms and shot down the blacks
as if they had been wild beasts.  I speak of days happily gone by.

I called out to Mark to keep in the camp with the men and beasts, and
Dick and I followed the black, I repeat that it was a very unwise thing
to do.

However, on we went.  I told Dick to keep his eyes about him, and his
gun ready for use.

Having camped early, there was still plenty of daylight; indeed, the
blacks themselves will never move at night, from superstitious
feelings,--the dread of meeting evil spirits: of good ones they have no
notion.  There were a good many blacks about, so we signed them to go on
ahead, and that we would follow.  They did so--when suddenly they drew
back, and we saw before us, on the side of an open glade, under a
thick-stemmed tree, a rude hut, and just before it, on the ground, two
men, wretched, haggard creatures.

On drawing nearer we discovered that the forms alone of the men were
there, the spirit had fled.  Not a particle of food was to be found near
them, but there were the ashes of a small fire, and near it two or three
pieces of burnt leather.  They had been endeavouring, when too late, to
satisfy the cravings of hunger with such food.  We had more to discover.



It was a sad sight, but what we saw when we got closer was of even
sadder significance.  The blacks pointed to one of the bodies which lay
stretched out.  There was a cut on the head, and, as if just fallen from
the right hand of the other man, an axe.  There could be no doubt that
the last act of one of the famished men had been to murder his
companion--for what object it was horrible to think.

But who were these poor wretches?  We were convinced that they were
bush-rangers.  It was even possible that they were the late companions
of Arthur Wells.  He alone, however, could answer that question.  We
made signs to the blacks that we would bury the bodies the following
day, but that we had not time to do so then.  They seemed to understand
us, and apparently contentedly accompanied us from the spot.  Although
convinced that they did not intend us any harm we were watchful as
before.  This was the more necessary as the sun had set, and it would be
difficult to defend ourselves in the dark.

We pushed on, therefore, to the camp as rapidly as we could.  We found
all safe, and collected some articles which we thought would please the
natives.  We presented them.  They went away highly pleased.

We had scarcely sat down to tea round our watch-fire when curious
shrieks and shouts--most unearthly sounds--reached our ears.  They came
from the direction where we had last seen the natives.  Some of the men
declared that the noise must be produced by evil spirits, and were in a
great fright; but Mark, who was too sensible to entertain so foolish a
notion, asserted that it must be made by the natives, and expressed his
wish to go and see what they were about.  He wanted Dick Nailor to go
with him.  Now Dick, though very big, and utterly fearless of human
foes, had not quite made up his mind as to the cause of the strange
sounds.  I, therefore, fully agreeing with Mark, told Dick to take
charge of the camp, and that I would accompany my boy.  Poor Dick was
really unhappy at this; but I, wishing to prove to the men that although
Satan was busy enough in the country, it was not by making strange
sounds in the bush, persisted in my determination.  Mark, laughing
heartily at the fears of our companions, set off with me.

We had not got far when we saw the light of a fire burning in an open
space among the trees, and figures passing in front of it.  For a short
time the fire was hid from us by some thick bushes, but when we had got
round them we both stopped, and I must confess even I drew my breath
somewhat short, for just on the other side of the fire appeared twenty
or more skeletons dancing about in the most fantastic manner.  Suddenly
they would disappear; then again return and frisk about more furiously
than before.  I rubbed my eyes, I thought that I must be in a dream, or
deceived in some way or other.  I asked Mark what he saw.

"A skeleton dance, and a very curious thing it is too, but it's some
trick of those black fellows," he whispered.  "Jacob was telling me that
they have meetings at night and play all sorts of pranks.  I caught
sight of the figure of a man just now, between us and the fire, and I
could not see through his ribs.  He was no skeleton, at all events."

We crept cautiously nearer, and then saw that what looked like the bones
of skeletons were merely white marks painted on the bodies of the
blacks, and that when they turned round these were concealed from us.
Still I must say that their appearance was at first quite sufficient to
startle anybody not prepared to see them.

Not wishing to disturb the natives we retreated quietly to our camp, but
though we described the curious sight none of the men seemed disposed to
go out and look at it.  The natives kept up their revels for a
considerable time, and prevented us from getting much sleep.  They
effectually prevented the cattle, however, from straying in their
direction.  The natives were keeping what is called a Corroboree, and I
do not know that it is a much more barbarous amusement than many of more
civilised people.

We were off by daybreak, and in three hours reached our settlement.  All
had gone well, and I need scarcely say that we were heartily welcomed.
My purchase of cattle was greatly admired, and very valuable stock they
proved.  I had still a good amount of cash left as capital, so that I
could go on for two or more years without having to sell any stock, and
I now hoped that the land would produce enough corn to feed all those
employed on the farm, with some over.  I forgot to say that in the
afternoon Dick Nailor, with Arthur and two other men, set out to bury
the bodies of the white men.  My suspicion was confirmed.  They were
Arthur's wretched companions.  Their fate has been that of hundreds who
have attempted to follow the same course.  It made a deep impression on
Arthur Wells, who ultimately became, through God's grace, a thoroughly
changed man.

I was not disappointed in any of my expectations.  God prospered me on
every side.  I was able to purchase more sheep in the course of another
year, so that my flocks rapidly increased.  Small flocks, as may be
supposed, do not pay.  In the course of time we got up a better and
larger house.  We wanted one indeed, for our family increased in a way
we had not expected.  Charley White was engaged, I should have said, to
my eldest girl, Mary; and just before they were to be married he started
off in the dray to Sydney.  Whether or not Mary knew why he had gone we
could not tell.  He was a very short time absent, and when the dray
appeared, there, seated under an awning in front, was a nice-looking old
lady, and Mary exclaimed, "That's Aunt Priscilla," but instead of her
cats she was accompanied by two young ladies.

It appeared that Charley had been sending home such glowing accounts of
the colony, that Miss Beamish was seized with a strong desire to come
out and join her nephew; and, like a sagacious woman, had brought out
with her the commodity just then and ever since most required, in the
shape of two honest, well-educated, nice-looking girls.  Peter and Mark
took a great fancy to them, and before long they became their wives.

Miss Beamish got a grant of land close to mine, on which Charley put up
a house for her, he and his wife living with her and managing the farm,
which she, indeed, made over to him and his heirs, of whom there were,
in the course of a few years, no small number.

I was soon able to start Peter in an estate of his own; and Mark a few
years afterwards.

Arthur Wells obtained a free pardon and married Susan.  I did not
consider that his having been a convict should be a bar to their
marriage, for I never met a more thoroughly reformed character.  He made
her an excellent husband.

All my children married as they grew up--the girls at an early age, but
the boys had to wait some time before they could find suitable wives.
However, in the course of years--I need not say how many--all my
children happily married, were settled either with me on my original
property, much increased both in value and size, or else on estates
around me.

I have been greatly blessed in life.  I have, however, a difficulty
which I do not think I shall ever get over--it is to remember the names
of my grand-children.  Already upwards of fifty muster together at our
family meetings, and as far as I can judge, that number may be more than
doubled in the course of a few years.

Australia still affords a fine field for settlers, but they must be
industrious, persevering, and energetic; idlers, rogues, and vagabonds
will starve there, as everywhere else.  As in most parts of the world so
in Australia; trust in God, industry, and perseverance will conquer all
difficulties and lead on to success.

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Peter Biddulph, by W.H.G. Kingston


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