The tunnel thru the air : Or, Looking back from 1940

By William Delbert Gann

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Title: The tunnel thru the air
        Or, Looking back from 1940

Author: William Delbert Gann

Release date: December 29, 2024 [eBook #74988]

Language: English

Original publication: New York: Financial Guardian Publishing Co

Credits: Aaron Adrignola, Tim Lindell, Graeme Mackreth and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive/American Libraries.)





  _Author of "Truth of the Stock Tape" and
  "Speculation a Profitable Profession"_



  Copyright, 1927
  By W.D. GANN

  _All Rights Reserved_

  _Including that of translation into foreign languages,
  moving pictures and drama_

  _Printed in the United States of America_








 "Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth

A book, to be worth reading, must do more than amuse and interest. It
must be instructive to be of real value to the reader. This book has a
three-fold purpose:

First, It is an interesting romance.

Second, It teaches a moral lesson and proves the natural laws laid down
in the Bible.

Third, It shows the value of science, foreknowledge and preparedness.

It has been well said that truth is stranger than fiction. This story
is founded on facts and events, many of which have happened or will
happen in the future.

The "Tunnel Thru the Air" is mysterious and contains a valuable secret,
clothed in veiled language. Some will find it the first time they read
it, others will see it in the second reading, but the greatest number
will find the hidden secret when they read it the third time.

You will read it the first time because you are interested in the love
story and for amusement. This will create a desire to read it a second
time for instruction and knowledge. The second reading will unfold some
of the hidden meanings and you will gain knowledge thru understanding
which will stimulate an incentive to put knowledge gained into action.
You will read it the third time because you want to make your dreams
and ideals become real and find how to start knowledge into action.

When you read it the third time, a new light will dawn. You will find
the hidden secret, the veiled meaning and will understand why the Bible
says, "Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you."
You will want to understand more about the Bible. Then read the Bible
three times and you will know why it is the greatest book ever written.
It contains the key to the process by which you may know all there is
to know and get all that you need to supply your demands and desires.
You will appreciate why Solomon said, "Wisdom is the principal thing:
therefore get wisdom and with all thy getting, get understanding." The
future will become an open book. You will know that by following the
laws laid down in the Bible, man's last great enemy, Death, will be
overcome and will understand why Jesus rose on the third day and rested
on the seventh day. Robert Gordon's seven days will no longer be a
mystery because you will have gained understanding.

I believe this book will prove interesting and valuable to men and
women in all walks of life. If it does, you will be thankful to the
power that guided my hand in showing you the way to eternal Truth. My
object will have been accomplished and I will have my reward.

  W.D. Gann.

  May 9, 1927.



In the extreme northeastern corner of the Lone Star State of Texas,
about eight miles west of Texarkana, in a lonely farm-house on Sunday
morning, June 10th, Amelia Gordon turned over in her bed and watched
the sunlight streaming thru the window on the head of her new-born son.
She had always hoped that this, her third son, would be born on Sunday,
but he was born late Saturday night, June 9th, 1906. A few months
before his birth, his mother had suffered a severe shock on account of
the death of her oldest son in the San Francisco earthquake in April,
and for a time it was feared that her third son might never be born to
live. She was happy this Sunday morning when she looked at her bouncing
baby boy, dreamed of his future, and thought of what his name should be.

Calvin Gordon, the baby's father, had been a Captain in the U.S. Army
in Spain. He had won distinction for his cool courage and daring nerve,
and after the close of the Spanish-American war, moved from Tennessee
to Texas. Capt. Gordon had been very much depressed after the loss
of his eldest son in the San Francisco earthquake, and was very much
cheered up at the birth of this boy, and hoped that the youngest son
might fulfill the ambitions he had for his first born.

It had always been the custom of Calvin and Amelia Gordon to go to the
little country church every Sunday morning, but this morning Capt.
Gordon remained with his wife so that they could talk over the naming
of their son. Capt. Gordon suggested the name "Robert," which was the
name of his father, and his wife quickly acquiesced, so the baby was
named Robert.

Amelia Gordon was a great Bible student, and had always hoped that she
would have a son born who would be a preacher, so she thought that
little Robert might fulfill her hopes and ambitions.

Capt. Gordon was a farmer, growing mostly cotton crops on the Red River
bottom lands. The following year, 1907, after the birth of little
Robert, Capt. Gordon's crops were almost a failure. The Spring was late
and overflows damaged cotton. This, together with unfavorable financial
conditions, caused a panic in the United States in the Fall of 1907.
Thus the first year of the boy's life started under unfavorable

When Robert was a little over two years old, his mother gave birth to
a girl, the first born to her, but still she showed great interest in
Robert; talked much of his future and took great interest in teaching
him to live according to the Bible.

At about the age of five, his mother began to teach him the alphabet.
He learned very quickly how to read and write, before he started to
school. He was always willing and glad to go to Sunday School with his
mother, took a great interest in the sermon, and what the Sunday School
teacher had to say about the creation of the world, and about God's
great plan.

Little Robert went to church one day and the preacher took his text
from 1 Thes. 4:16-18, "For the Lord himself shall descend from Heaven
with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of
God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive
and remain, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to
meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
Wherefore comfort one another with these words."

Robert was very much interested in this sermon, and asked his mother to
explain how the Lord could descend from Heaven and what kind of vehicle
we would ride in if we were caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in
the air. His mind puzzled over this for weeks and months, and he was
anxious to understand more about it. He said, "Mother, I should like to
meet the Lord in the air."

His mother said, "You will be able to do so some day, Bobbie."

When in Sunday School one day, the teacher read from 2 Thes. 1:7-8,
"And to you who are troubled rest with us; when the Lord Jesus shall
be revealed from Heaven with his mighty angels, in flaming fire taking
vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of
our Lord Jesus Christ." The preacher said that the Lord had placed the
rainbow in the sky as a testimony that he would never again destroy the
world by water, but explained that God would come again in a flame of
fire and thus take vengeance on those who did not believe and destroy
the world by fire. Robert wanted to know if the good Lord who loves
us so much would destroy the world and all of those in it. His mother
explained that God would destroy those that were sinners and rebelled
against him and had not accepted his word.

Bobbie was in Sunday School again and heard them read from 1 Tim.
2:11-14: "Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I
suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but
to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was
not deceived; but the woman being deceived, was in the transgression."
He asked the Sunday School teacher to explain what this meant,--by
learning in silence and subjection. He also wanted an explanation of
the statement that a woman should not teach, because he said that his
mother had always taught him and loved him, and his father had paid no
attention to him and had no desire to teach him. He wanted to know if
it was wrong for his mother to teach him, and if God would punish her.
The teacher replied that the Lord said, "Suffer the little children
to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of
God." She explained that his mother set an example more by her love
and devotion than by words; that a mother's actions would influence a
child more than anything she could say, and this was the great silent

Robert often visited the colored mammies on the plantation and listened
to the ghost stories they told, and the fear was created in his mind
of the spirits that walked in the night. He was often afraid that the
goblins would get him if he didn't watch out. One Sunday at church,
the preacher took for his text Gen. 1:7, "For God has not given us the
spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." When
Robert heard this, he wanted to know how it was that we should fear
things, if God had not given us the spirit of fear nor created the
spirit of fear in us, but gave us a spirit of power and of love and of
sound mind. His mother explained to him that the ghost and the fear
of the dark which the old darkies told him about, were nothing but
superstition, and he should banish it from his mind.

A few Sundays later, the minister took his text from 2 Tim. 3:1, "This
know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come." Robert was
anxious to know when the last days would come. His mother told him it
would be at the time of the end of the world and God would again come
to destroy the world by fire.

The minister continued to read from 2 Tim. 3:15, "And that from a child
thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise
unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus." Robert was
desirous of knowing if children could teach more about the scriptures
than grown people. His mother told him that the Bible said, "A little
child shall lead them," and that anyone who would harm little children,
can in no wise enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.


In 1913, Robert suffered a severe illness in the Spring, and for a few
months his life was despaired of, but he quickly recovered. Soon after
his recovery, his father took him on a fishing trip to Spirit Lake. The
old darky of slavery days went along, and while he was putting worms
on Robert's hook, told the story about this lake and why it was named
"Spirit Lake." The old darky said that the spirit of a beautiful lady
walked on the waters of the lake at night and that was why they called
it Spirit Lake.

Long, long years ago, the daughter of a wealthy planter fell in love
with a poor but honest boy and after many years of courtship, in which
they spent many moonlight nights rowing on the beautiful lake, the
time came when they felt that they could no longer be separated. The
young man pleaded with her father to consent to their marriage, but
he stubbornly refused and threatened to kill the young man if he ever
called at his home again. They then planned to elope one night, and as
her sweetheart was placing a ladder under the window and helping her to
get down, her father shot her lover and killed him. When she found that
he was dead, she ran to the lake and drowned herself. They searched for
days for her body and one moonlight night they saw her walking on the
water. They rowed out on the lake and found her body floating on the
water. He said that the fish would always bite better at full moon,
but the darkies were afraid to fish there because the spirit of this
beautiful young lady walked on the water.

Bobbie came home very much interested and excited and told his mother
all about the fish they caught at Spirit Lake and about the story old
Moses told him about the spirit walking on the water. He told his
mother that the Sunday School teacher had read in the Bible where
Christ walked on the water, and he wanted her to explain how this could
happen. She told him that all of those things happened in the days of
miracles which had passed and no longer happened in these days. Bobbie
had a great desire to walk or ride upon the water, and was enthusiastic
about bicycles. He told his mother that he intended to build a bicycle
some day that he could ride on the water.

In 1914, when war broke out, Capt. Gordon, who had once served in the
Spanish-American War, became very much interested in the conflict and
followed it very closely, reading the papers daily and talking about
it. Robert soon began to take great interest in the war and asked his
father and mother many questions about the foreign countries which were
involved in the great struggle. He would sit for hours, listening to
his mother read the Bible, from the Book of Revelation, the prophecies
of the Great War, where it says that nation shall rise against nation.

Robert's mother told him of his grandfather who distinguished himself
in the Civil War, and the great hardships her mother had to go thru
during the war days; how her great-grandfather fought in the War of
1812. She talked of his grandfather, Colonel Robert Gordon, for whom he
was named, and how he became famous during the Civil War, and how later
Robert's own father went with Colonel Roosevelt and became a Captain
in the Spanish-American War in 1898. Robert's oldest brother, Herbert,
was born in 1894, and his second brother, Ralph, was born in 1898
after his father went to the war. His mother spent many anxious months
and worried with the children while Capt. Gordon was away at war. She
prayed that war would be ended for all time.

She said, "Bobbie, you come from a generation of fighters on both
sides, but I hope that you will be a minister and preach against war.
While the tragic death of your brother Herbert in San Francisco was a
shock that I have never fully recovered from, yet I had rather know
that he went that way than to have him go to war and lose his life. I
remember well the many sleepless nights that I have passed thru while
your father was away at war and how happy I was when he returned. I
prayed to God then that war might be ended and that none of my sons
would ever have to go to war."

"Mother," said Bobbie, "when I get to be a man, I will be a preacher
and tell the people to be peaceful and stop fighting, but why doesn't
God stop the war?"

"My son, war is the work of the devil, not of God, and the Bible tells
us that the old dragon has to be loosed for a little season, but in the
Book of Revelation, we read that Satan is bound for a thousand years.
I hope I live to see that day and I feel sure you will. A few nights
before you were born I had a very strange dream. I thought I saw San
Francisco and Los Angeles destroyed in two days by some war machine,
and that one of my sons came near losing his life there, but was saved
and afterwards he saved his country and made peace with the world. I
suppose I dreamed about San Francisco because Herbert lost his life
there but, somehow, I feel that it was more than a dream, and that you
are born to be a peacemaker."

Bobbie was greatly impressed with his mother's dream and her hopes and
ambitions for him, but his brother would quarrel and try to fight with
him. Bobbie would tell him that Dad wanted him to be peaceful and that
his mother wanted him to be a peacemaker and that he would not fight.
His brother called him "Cottonhead" because his hair was so white, and
accused him of being a white-livered coward, but Bobbie was patient and
did not lose his temper. His mother would commend him for this and tell
him that the Bible said to control your temper and not let your angry
passions rise.

About this time some of the prejudice which little Robert had inherited
from his grandfather and from his father, began to show forth.
Unfavorable conditions thruout the country and the low price of cotton
left Capt. Gordon practically penniless, causing him and all of his
children to labor hard in order to support themselves. He tried to
force young Robert to work in the fields and help cultivate the cotton,
but he stubbornly rebelled. He would play around the house, use his
father's tools and talk about the great inventions that he was going
to make. His mother was always in sympathy with Robert and tried to
encourage him, but she could never get him to take an interest in
working on a farm. He talked of being a preacher, talked of great
inventions and discoveries, but would not work at hard labor.

In 1917, when the United States entered the World War, young Robert
was eleven years old. He had great ambitions to join the Army and go
to the war. His older brother Ralph joined the Army. Young Robert said
that if he could not go and fight for his country he would stay at
home and work on a patent which would help them to win the war. He did
not agree or get along with his older brother and was glad when he had
gone away to war. His parents were still in poor circumstances but they
could not induce young Robert to do any work on the farm. He continued
to tinker around and work with his father's tools, trying to make a
bicycle which he could ride upon the water in the lake nearby. He tried
various kinds of lumber to build wheels for the bicycle but none of
them worked successfully. Finally his mother suggested that he use thin
cedar boards because cedar was durable in the water, was light and
would float easily. He finally succeeded in building the wheels out of
cedar and after heating pine rosin hot and pouring it into the cracks,
he was able to ride successfully across the lake, but in a short time
the wheels sprung a leak and the bicycle sunk with him in the lake,
but he swam out and brought the bicycle with him.

Bobbie was not the kind to be discouraged by obstacles and later his
ingenuity overcame the difficulties. After trying to put inner tubes
from bicycle tires on the inside of the wheels of his water bicycle and
failing again, he finally got some inner tubes from an automobile and
placed them inside his wooden wheels and pumped them up. When they were
filled with air, they pushed against the wooden sides of the wheel,
buoying up the wheel, and he was then able to ride his bicycle around
over the lake without any trouble.

His mother was very proud of him and said "Bobbie, one day your dream
of becoming a great inventor will be realized. You have not been
wasting your time tinkering around with your father's tools trying to
make things." His brother, Ralph, continued to call him "Fool Bobbie"
and "Mother's dream"; said he would never amount to anything because he
wouldn't work on the farm like the rest of them. Bobbie always found
a willing listener in his mother. She helped him with his studies in
school and encouraged him in every way and showed that she believed in
him and had faith that one day he would be a great man. This encouraged
him to do greater things.

The success with the water bicycle had kindled his ambition and created
a desire to complete other inventions that he had in mind. He told his
mother of a dream he had of a white-winged bird that flew across the
ocean thru the air; that he was riding the bird and that he received a
great triumph and reception when he visited the foreign countries, and
how his own people received him in great glory when he returned. His
father called these stories "pipe dreams," but his mother took great
interest in them and always encouraged him. Robert talked very little
to his father or brother but always went to his mother and talked over
things and confided in her. She encouraged him because she felt that he
was an answer to her prayer, after her eldest son had died,--that God
might give her another son who would live and that she might have her
desires and hopes realized which were lost thru the death of her eldest

Robert was entirely strange and different from other boys. He never
seemed to want to play with them, but kept very much by himself; talked
along different lines, and made a confidant of his mother only. She
seemed to understand him as no one else did and he always came to her
for an explanation of his problems, and for consolation in time of

Robert's mother often talked to Capt. Gordon about him--told him that
he was a peculiar and most unusual child and that she thought that his
refusal to work at manual labor was not because he was lazy but because
she believed that he had a superior mind, and that if properly educated
and trained, he would become a great man some day, an honor to his
parents. She told him that Bobbie had advanced ideas fully a hundred
years ahead of his time and that he should be educated and allowed to
follow his own ideas. His father, failing to understand him, agreed
with his mother and decided when Robert was about thirteen years of
age, that there was no use trying to keep him on the farm, but that he
should be sent away to Texarkana to school, to learn something and to
become interested in the things along which his mind seemed to lead.

While in this school he met his first real boy chum, one who seemed to
understand him and one who proved to be a help to him in school. Walter
Kennelworth was the son of a wealthy lumberman. He had every advantage
that money could bring and was far advanced in his studies, thus being
able to render help to Robert, who had no interest in grammar but took
a great interest in history and mathematics. Walter would help him with
his work in grammar and geography. They became fast friends. Robert
told Walter of his plans for the future; that he hoped to be a great
inventor; wanted to get an education and travel around the world to
see the country and learn about things and develop the ideas which he
thought would help his country in time of war. He had heard so many
stories about his grandfather's adventures in the Civil War and his
father's experiences in the Spanish-American War that he had the desire
to be a great soldier and serve his country. He spent nearly all of
his time reading the newspapers and following the progress of the war.
He was extremely interested in the victories of our boys overseas, and
when they began to turn the tide against the Germans, he was greatly
elated and told his mother that he knew that the Stars and Stripes
would never trail the dust and that victory was sure as soon as the
American boys went on the other side.

Walter Kennelworth also had ambitions of becoming a soldier and of
making new discoveries and inventions along chemical lines. His hopes
and aspirations were to one day become a great chemist. The vast
difference in the environment and conditions under which these two boys
had been brought up seemed to make no difference in their friendship.
It ripened as the years went by. Robert and Walter were often together
and Walter often invited Robert to his father's home. Walter's father
and mother became very fond of Robert.

When the armistice came in 1918, Robert talked with his mother and
father, asking them if that would be the last war. They, of course,
expressed the hope that it would be, and Robert said that he had read
the Bible and thought that the greatest war in history was yet to come.
He began to express ideas about new inventions, years ahead of the
times. He begged his father and mother to let him leave school and go
to work in an automobile factory where he could learn about machinery
and understand how to complete the inventions which he was always
talking about.

School was over in the Summer of 1919, and Mr. J.H. Kennelworth,
Walter's father, offered Robert a position in his office during the
summer months. After business, Walter and Robert would often go out
automobile riding. Along in July, he met with a serious accident.
The automobile was overturned and Robert's arm was broken, and he
suffered internal injuries. He was taken to the hospital where he lay
for several weeks before recovery. His mother was very much worried
and alarmed over this accident, and thought it was best for Bobbie to
return to the farm and not work in the city any more.

His brother Ralph had just returned from France, where he had met with
many obstacles in the war but had received no serious injury. Robert
went home for a rest after the accident. He had many disagreements and
fights with his older brother, and it seemed to be impossible to get
along. All of the trouble occurred over the fact that Robert would not
work on the farm, or help his brother.

Bobbie prevailed upon his mother to let him go back to school in the
Fall because he was making great progress and hoped to have a big
position some day with Mr. Kennelworth's firm.

In the Fall of 1919, he returned to school, but made slow progress in
his studies. His health was not good; he seemed unable to concentrate
or make much progress. He barely passed his examinations at the end of
the year, but continued to study hard and make progress in mathematics
and history. In grammar, writing and geography he was always falling
below his marks, and Walter Kennelworth had to help him out.

In the Spring of 1920, just before the close of school, Robert's father
obtained help to cultivate the cotton plantation. He thought it best
that Robert should come home that summer and help to work on the farm,
but again the boy refused, and met with stubborn opposition and abuse
from his brother, who called him "the fool inventor" and said that he
would never amount to anything because he refused to work on the farm.
He said that he wanted to be "Gentleman Robert," and called him the
"white-collar boy." These disagreements and disputes with his brother
were very annoying and disappointing to Robert's mother, because she
wanted the children to get along in peace. Robert told his mother
that on account of his brother he would never live at home again;
that he would continue to stay in Texarkana and go to school until
he had finished his education, and then he would go to work for Mr.
Kennelworth. His mother had great faith in him and told him that she
knew everything would come out all right for him, and that he should
study hard, make the most of his opportunities, and prepare for the
position Mr. Kennelworth was going to give him upon completing his

Capt. Gordon had been very successful during the war growing cotton.
Prices had gone very high and he had accumulated quite a little money.
But in 1920 cotton prices declined rapidly and his cotton brought very
little, which again reduced them to poor circumstances. Robert became
very ill again from malaria during the Spring and Summer of 1920, so
that he was unable to work even if he wanted to. Up to this time he had
shown no ambition for any kind of work, except to try to make something
with his father's tools; talk about inventions and some of the great
things he was going to do in the years to come. His mother had always
petted him because of his severe illnesses and accident, and his father
often referred to him as his mother's burden or his mother's problem.
But she had great faith in young Robert because he clung so strongly to
religion, believing in the Bible. Robert would spend days and hours
reading the Bible and talking to his mother and asking her questions
about it and its meaning. He had a great desire to travel and see the
world and was always planning to visit strange places. While he showed
great affection for his mother, his desire was to get away and see the


In the Spring of 1921, Robert began to make greater progress in his
studies, which greatly encouraged his chum, Walter Kennelworth. Robert
would study and read early and late. Walter would often call on him
in his room and find him there deeply engrossed reading the Bible and
puzzling over the interpretation of the meaning of many parts of the

One Sunday in the early part of June, Robert and Walter went to church
and the minister took for his text 1 Cor. 13:2, "And though I have the
gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and
though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have
not charity, I am nothing." Then the minister read from the 7th verse,
"Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth
all things," and again from the 11th verse, "When I was a child, I
spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but
when I became a man, I put away childish things." The minister further
read from the 13th verse, "And now abideth faith, hope, love, these
three; but the greatest of these is love." Again he read from 2 Cor.
5:7, "For we walk by faith, not by sight," and concluded the reading
of the text from Gal. 5:14, "For all the law is fulfilled in one word,
even in this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."

The minister preached a great sermon. Robert thought it one of the best
he had ever heard and one which impressed him the most. The minister
talked about the great work of faith and said that faith without works
is dead; but that there could be no faith without love because love was
the greatest of all things. That God was love, and that love was the
fulfilling of the law, "For God so loved the world that he gave his
only begotten son that whomsoever believeth on Him might not perish,
but have everlasting life." He added that God loves children who
honor and obey their parents, wives who love and obey their husbands,
husbands who love and protect their wives, and admonished each man to
love his neighbor as himself. Because love is the law of harmony, and
the power that created the universe, it is the only power that can
prevent destruction, war and human death, but with true love we can
overcome the last great enemy, death.

When men love each other as God loves them, there will be no longer
any strife or contention. Man will no longer covet what belongs to his
neighbor. True love will deal justly and do unto others as we wish to
have them do unto us. He preached about the ambitions, the love of
country and patriotism which inspires men to go to battle and give
their lives for the protection of their home and country. He said,
"Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his
friend," and that a great reward was sure to come to those who love and
obey God. He talked of God's great command, "If you love me, keep my

This sermon stirred Robert's ambition as nothing else had ever done
before. It made him realize the love that he owed to his mother, whose
great faith and love had helped to lay the foundation for his future
career. He thought about what the preacher said--that a man deserts
father and mother to cleave unto his wife, and that this was as it
should be. He had always felt his greatest love for his mother, but now
for the first time in his life he began to think of love for another

His mind turned toward the many beautiful girls that he used to meet in
Sunday School and those who were in his class. Robert's chum, Walter,
had already had a puppy love affair in school with a girl by the name
of Caroline Oglethorpe. Robert had laughed at Walter about this and
thought it was all foolishness. But now he began to think that maybe
there was something more to love than what he had heretofore believed
it to be. Walter Kennelworth's family being one of the most wealthy and
prominent in Texarkana, they were at all the social functions, at which
Robert met all the younger set in the city.

A few weeks after the minister had preached this sermon on charity and
love, Robert was in church one morning, and after Sunday School, was
talking with Caroline Oglethorpe, and with her was her chum, Marie
Stanton. Walter introduced Robert to Marie. Marie was the daughter of a
wealthy and prominent family. Her father, Colonel Stanton, had made a
fortune in building railroads. He was now a big lumberman, and one of
the most prominent in Texarkana. Marie was a beautiful young girl of
about thirteen years of age when Robert met her. She was of the true
brunette type, with glossy black hair and dark eyes that sparkled like

About this time, Robert began to read novels and love stories and
became very much interested in them, always taking strong sides with
the hero and becoming very much agitated and aroused against the
villain. He saw Marie frequently after this, as she attended the same
school as Robert and Walter. Every time that Robert saw Marie, she
looked more beautiful to him. Robert soon began to lose sleep thinking
about Marie, and realized that love was the greatest thing in the
world. He confided his secret to his friend, Walter.

Being very bashful, he had never said anything about his love to Marie.
Finally he made up his mind one night that he would write her about it,
so this is what he wrote:

  Wednesday Eve.


 You probably remember several weeks ago, when I was introduced to you
 in church, the sermon that the minister preached and his text from St.
 Paul where he said, "The greatest thing in the world is love." I agree
 with St. Paul; that is why I am writing to you.

 I liked you the first time I met you, and every time I have seen you
 since, I have liked you more. Now that I know I love you so much, I
 feel that I must tell you. I hope that you are going to love me some

  Your friend,

Marie replied to the letter as follows:

  Dear Robert,

 I received your nice note. This is the first time that anyone has
 ever written to me about love and I am all excited over it. I never
 thought that you liked me, Bobbie. I always thought that you were
 making eyes at Kitty Anderson in school. I do like you and think that
 you are a nice boy.


When Robert read the last line, he felt his heart jump right up in
his throat. His hopes and ambitions soared higher than they had ever
before. He began to dream of the future with Marie as his wife. He
talked of his plans to Walter, and his hope of being a great inventor
some day and making a lot of money so that he could marry a wealthy
girl like Marie.

The following Sunday, he went home to the country to see his mother,
and told her the story of the new love affair. "Bobbie," said his
mother, "you are little over fifteen years old, and this is only puppy
love, or what they call school-boy and school-girl love. It will soon
pass away, but there is no harm in it. Love is a great thing and some
day you will meet the right girl, but there is no use being in any
hurry about it."

Bobbie told his mother that Marie was the only girl in the world for
him, and that he would live and work for her; that if he couldn't marry
Marie he never wanted any other girl. His mother laughed at this and
told him that they all thought that way over the first love affair, but
that after a while, as the years went by and he met the real one, this
would all pass away. However, she did tell Bobbie that she had never
forgotten her first love, as there is something different about the
first love, even tho it doesn't last.

"Stick to your studies," said she, "and do not let your love for Marie
interfere with your progress."

She saw that this love was a great stimulator for Robert and that his
ambitions were greater than ever. He told his mother that he was going
to Sunday School every Sunday and that he was studying hard, reading
the Bible and learning a lot, and that he was preparing to be a great
man. His mother said, "Bobbie, I have always had great faith in you,
and I know that one day my dream will come true, and you will do
something that will make me very proud of you."

In June, 1921, Robert Gordon and Walter Kennelworth were in the
graduating class. Altho Walter was one year younger than Robert, his
early advantages enabled him to graduate at fourteen, while Robert was
graduating at the age of fifteen, and would not have been able to pass
all of his examinations except for the help and assistance rendered him
by Walter. Marie Stanton, who was then thirteen years of age, graduated
the following year.

After Robert graduated, he at first decided to secure a position and
go to work, but after consulting with Walter, he decided that it would
be best to enter High School and get thru as soon as possible. So in
the Fall of 1921, he and Walter began High School. Here is where his
greatest work began to show forth. He took a great interest in physics
and higher mathematics, studied day and night, making very high marks
in these studies. Also took an interest in chemistry, which Walter was
specializing in, because he knew that it would be useful to him with
his invention, which he was still talking so much about, and his plans.

The time passed by quickly and in 1924 Robert Gordon and Walter
Kennelworth graduated from High School in Texarkana with high honors.
In the meantime, the love affair between Robert and Marie had continued
with the usual interruptions, obstacles and petty quarrels existing
between young people of their age.

In the Fall of 1924, it was finally decided that Walter should go to
Columbia College in New York to begin his course. Robert's parents
were unable to finance him through College, and it was decided that he
should go to work for Mr. Kennelworth in his office. Robert hated to
part with his old friend, Walter, but they thought it was for the best
and talked of the future in New York, hoping that one day Robert could
join Walter there.

In the following year, 1925, Marie Stanton graduated from High School
with the highest of honors. Robert was at the graduation exercises and
thought that Marie had grown more beautiful every year, and was anxious
for the day to come when he could claim her for his wife. Soon after
her graduation from High School, there was much talk about the College
Marie should enter. Her father and mother finally decided that she
should go to the Kidd-Key College at Sherman, Texas, as this was nearby
and Marie could go home occasionally.

As the time neared for Marie to go away, Robert became more anxious.
He thought Marie would fall in love with someone else. He talked with
her about the future, and for the first time, spoke of marriage. He
talked to her of the difference in their station in life, and said that
his mother thought that a marriage between a wealthy girl and boy of
poor circumstances could never result in harmony and happiness. He told
Marie the story that the old darky had related on the fishing trip,
about the love affair between the poor country boy and the wealthy
planter's daughter, and their tragic death. Marie thought her father
would never consent to their marriage, but she said she really loved
Robert and when the time came, she would elope with him if necessary.
This greatly cheered Robert and made it easier for him after Marie went
away to College.

Love letters passed between them during the first year she was at
college, and all went well. Robert worked hard in his new position
in Mr. Kennelworth's office. He was a willing worker, an expert
stenographer and secretary. Robert continued to show expert mechanical
ability and could fix anything that was wrong with an automobile.

Walter corresponded often with Robert and also wrote to his father
asking how Robert was getting along. Mr. Kennelworth replied that
Robert was making great progress, that he was a very brilliant boy and
he was going to help him all he could for he thought Robert had a great

1926 was to be one of the most eventful years in the life of
Robert Gordon. In the Spring his father died suddenly, and after a
consultation with his mother, it was decided that he should leave his
position, return to the farm and help them to get things straightened
out. He encountered the usual obstacles and opposition from his
brother, because he knew nothing about farming and of course did not
like it. The result was that he put all of his savings into helping to
make the crop. While it turned out to be a good crop, the low prices of
cotton in the Fall of 1926 left them in debt.

While on the farm, he contracted malaria fever and a severe spell
of illness followed, during which time he received many consoling
letters from Marie. Soon after he was able to return to his position
with Mr. Kennelworth, he met with another severe automobile accident,
this time breaking his right arm. This necessitated six weeks in the
hospital before he was able to return to work again. One disappointment
followed another, but Robert had learned to practice patience. He read
the Bible, especially the story of Job, continued to go to church,
and while he was suffering many trials and tribulations, his mind
was expanding. He could not accept the theory preached and taught by
preachers, because he knew that the things they taught were wrong.

Marie returned home for her vacation. She was now eighteen years old,
and had grown more beautiful and began to attract more attention from
young men. As the Kennelworths and Stantons had been friends for years,
Walter suggested to his parents that they give a party in honor of
Marie Stanton. A young man by the name of Edward Mason, the son of a
very wealthy northern family, was there, and showed marked attention
to Marie. Robert became very jealous and after the party had a quarrel
with her. Then followed long weeks of agony. Many letters passed
between Robert and Marie.

When the end of August drew near and Robert knew that Marie was to
return to school soon, he was anxious to make up before she went away
and wrote the following letter:

  Dearest Marie,

 I am very sad. I feel the reason you refuse to make up with me is
 because you are in love with Edward Mason. I have never loved anyone
 but you and never will. If we are not reconciled before you go back to
 school, I fear we never will be. I am sending you two poems, "Parting"
 and "Yesterday," which express how I feel.




  Kiss me! The spell is broken,
    The dream we dreamed is gone;
  Nothing remains but memory--
    Memory, and dawn.

  Kiss me!--and then your hand, dear,
    Do you not feel the beat,
  The rhythm of our pulses?
    It does not spell defeat.

  It spells the song that life sings,--
    The message of the heart--
  Pathways meet but to widen
    And lips meet but to part.


  Dreams--just dreams of yesterday,
    When love to me was sweet,
  Romance has now gone astray,
    No other love will I greet.

  It was short--my little romance,
    Short--but God--how good!
  Went along as smooth as a dance,
    Part us? It seemed no one could.

  But someone did--tho' I forgive,
    He loved her as did I,
  For her only--did I live,
    And now--for her I'd die!

When Marie received the letter, she replied:

  Dear Robert,

 Your letter and poems received. You are again accusing me wrongfully.
 You are all in the wrong and until you can see your mistake, I will
 never think of making up.



In September, 1926, Marie returned to school at Sherman, Texas, leaving
Robert very much broken-hearted because she refused to make up. She
told Robert his jealousy was wholly unfounded, but he persisted in
accusing her of being in love with Edward Mason. Feeling this way,
she was unable to reconcile herself and make up, so she went away,
disappointed herself and leaving Robert in the same fix.

Following her return to school, Robert spent many long weeks of
anxiety, becoming very blue and dejected. Many letters passed between
them. He wrote much poetry to Marie, all without avail. Finally, he
wrote a letter and told her that it would be the last; that he knew she
was in love with Edward Mason, and that there was no use going on.

  Dear Marie,

 This is to be my farewell letter to you, for I have given up hope.
 Ever since I first met you, you have been my ideal and my one
 inspiration. I have lived for you, worked for you, thought of nothing
 else but you. Your love has given me great encouragement to go on, and
 now I realize that I have lost you and that your love has been given
 to another. I shall always love you and hope that you will some day
 change your mind, and your heart turn to me.

  Sorrowfully, your own


With this letter he sent the poems "Loved and Lost" and "Good-bye."



  It isn't failure to have lost
  A girl of whom you have nobly thought,
  If buffeted and tempest tossed,
  You fail to win the girl you sought.
  It isn't failure, though the prize
  In another's hand is placed;
  A hero very often dies
  If dying keeps him undisgraced.

  To bow unto a better man
  Is not the worst thing I could do,
  Success is not in the things we scan,
  But in the heart forever true,
  It takes more courage for to fail
  Than win a girl undeserved.
  To bear the taunts of those who rail
  Than from your purpose to be swerved.

  When a girl frowns darkly
  And hope is on the wane
  Be constant, true and patient
  Defeat will blossom into gain.
  If your aim is high and honest
  In victory it will tell,
  For before the pearl is gotten
  There must be a broken shell.


       *       *       *       *       *

To Marie,


  And now I fly to bear my wound away,
    Haply the future heals me of this hurt,
  Since, sorely wounded, I still keep today
    Mine honor as an armor around me girt.

  But these last words, fair lady, bear in mind:
    Ere for your sport another heart you break,
  Forbear the triumph dear to womankind
    And spare your victim, even for my sake.

When Robert had finished this letter, he wrote to his old chum, Walter
Kennelworth, in New York, that he had written a farewell letter to
Marie and that it was all over. Walter replied:

  Dear Robert,

 I have received your letter filled with gloom. Now, cheer up, old pal,
 the sun will shine again and Marie or some other girl just as good
 will smile on you. You are too young to let a girl wreck you. Stick to
 business and keep up your studies.

 I enclose a poem which I think about fits your case, and it will
 probably work out about that way.

 With all good wishes,

  Your friend,



  It was a broken hearted boy who vowed a solemn vow,
  I will not write a letter to that pretty little Editoress anyhow;
  I will not do that fearsome thing, I will not pen a jest,
  About the beautiful Hostess who mocks the staying guest.

  He made a postscript to his vow, he made a codicil,
  He was serious as tho he formed his will,
  And then he sat down and smiled with all his might
  About all the love letters he did not have to write.

  But in a day or two he felt exceedingly queer and strange,
  A restless something filled his mind, he longed for a change;
  He asked the doctor what was wrong, the doctor gave a pill,
  And made a memorandum to add twenty to his bill.

  Then the pictures of all the girls he knew,
  Came flocking to his brain;
  Marie's lovely angel face marched sternly in the train,
  And each of them and all of them compelled him to think
  Just as a man thinks when he quits smoke or drink.

  At last a little disappointing note came--then he said:
  Just one more farewell love note I'll write;
  It shall not be serious, something fancy and light.

  He wrote a love letter,
  Just as a man who says he has sworn off;
  Takes Rock and Rye or some such thing to stop a cough.

  But why pursue this sorry tale,
  Why tell of what he did;
  'Twas like the one more smoke or drink
  That throws away the lid.

  He wrote of the things she'd wrote and said,
  Of memories of sweet caresses that haunted the heart and head;
  He wrote of how much better she was than the other girl of the South,
  Of her beautiful eyes and ruby mouth.

  He wrote of love for her,
  And how well she had served cocoa and consommé;
  He wrote of love lost and debauched,
  Until the break of day.

  And when they came and found him ill
  And sought to nurse him thru,
  They said, "Here taste this chicken soup
  She made, it will be good for you."

Robert became very despondent. He no longer took an interest in his
work. Mr. Kennelworth finally wrote to Walter in New York, telling him
of Robert's lack of interest in business, and that he wondered what had
brought such a change in him. Walter, of course, had received letters
from Robert about his break with Marie, so he wrote his father frankly
and told him to have patience with Robert, that when this love affair
passed away, he was sure he would be all right again.

Upon receiving Robert's letter, Marie wrote:

  My dear Robert,

 This is to be my farewell letter to you. I quote from Solomon, 2:5,
 "Stay me with flagons, comfort me with apples; for I am sick of
 love." Robert, I would rather have green apples and a stomach-ache,
 like Solomon says, for I am sick of what you call love. I want you
 to read St. Paul again, and see if the way you are acting is the way
 love acts. Paul says that "Love suffereth long, and is kind; love
 envieth not, doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is
 not easily provoked, thinketh no evil." Robert, if love is founded
 on faith and trust, it cannot be jealous. Love is the foundation of
 understanding, and if you understood me and if I thoroughly understood
 you, we would be in love yet, and be happy.

  "Love seeketh not its own to please
    Nor for itself hath any care,
  But for another gives its ease
    And builds a heaven in hell's despair."

 So long as you persist in jealousy and accuse me falsely, how can I go
 on loving, because you are not the old Robert who first loved me and
 taught me to love all of these years, and was never jealous before.
 Love that has been founded on years of confidence cannot change in
 a moment for another, and my love has not changed to Edward Mason,
 as you think. I still love you, but you have been wrong in your

 I am sending you a little article, "Love," and hope that you may some
 day see how wrong you have been, and when you do, if you feel that
 way, write and tell me so.




The spark of love gives more light than the universe of truth; yet
truth is in love, and in order to act the truth, you must make love the
truth, for remember that the handshake of friendship, or the kiss and
love of an innocent child, will do more to lift a soul to the light
than the strongest and wisest argument even when rightly understood.

Beyond the boundaries of love no thought ever passed for love is
everywhere. Love is a prophecy of freedom, and its song of melody is
heard in the rhythmic motion of the ocean.

Each "fowl of the air, each fish of the sea, and every living thing
that moveth upon the earth" is the manifestation of love, for in their
subsistence love has said, "As I create so I provide." Thus
in every conceivable thing with form or without, with harmony or with
discord--there love is manifested.

Love is the life of every plant, of every sunset, of every soul. It is
the inspiration in the happy mind, and the voice that speaks to us in
the time of temptation.

Love is the foundation of all understanding, it transcends all
reasoning, for it is the fulfillment of the greatest.

Love gives faith to all things, for love believeth in its own.

Love symbolizes the everlasting, for it is the spirit of the beginning,
and its wonderful radiance of color decks each sunrise and sunset.

Love is the breeze that blows away the clouds of doubt making the
landscape of the soul radiant with joy and gladness. Each heart
keeps time in unison to the rhythmic harmonies of love, for each is
Love in All.

Love has thrown into the shapeless void the breath that has given life
to worlds and this vital spark or the life of man, illuminates the
picture that love has painted.


When Robert received Marie's letter, he began to see himself in a
different light. He read again the Book of Job, and realized what Job
meant when he said, "I had a great fear, and it has come upon me."
Robert realized that he had been fearful of losing Marie, and that
as soon as there seemed to be a possibility of someone else being
attracted to her, that that fear had come upon him and caused him to
become jealous without cause, and that he had lost or was about to
lose, Marie, who had been more than life to him. So he replied to Marie
as follows:

  Dearest Marie:

 Your sweet letter received. It has opened my heart to understanding
 and made me see myself as I am. I have read St. Paul on the greatest
 thing in the world and find that I have not been patient, have not
 been kind or generous. Above all, I have been jealous without cause.
 All of these things are not a part of true love. Paul says, "Faith,
 Hope and Love, but the greatest of these is Love." If I had had that
 great faith which never faileth and which is founded on love I would
 not have been jealous. I have been selfish; have sought myself to
 please, and have not thought enough about you.

 I am sending a little poem that I have written, entitled "The Garden
 of Love," which I think will express to you fully just how I feel and
 how I see things now. I have tried to enter the Garden of Love through
 the wrong gate, and now I want to enter it through the right gate. I
 will be happy and trusting, loving and thinking only of you.

 No more doubts or jealousy will ever be in my mind again, because love
 will be there, and these foul weeds can never remain where love is.

 I want you, Marie, and only you. Please forgive and forget and make me
 happy again.

 With all the love my heart can send, I am


  Your own Robert.



 Many enter the Garden of Love thru the wrong gate while there really
 is only one perfect gate. Imagination often leads us into the wrong


 We enter thru the gate of Selfishness and immediately find ourselves
 in the dark Valley of Doubt where the foul weeds of deceit, lack of
 confidence, malice, greed and jealousy abound. Just on the other side
 of the Valley of Doubt lies the Mountain of Jealousy, which springs
 from lack of faith, understanding and forgetfulness. From the Mountain
 of Jealousy flows the river of Hate which has its source in the Valley
 of Doubt. This river leads to the Sea of Unhappiness, Sorrow, Despair
 and Death.


 We now enter the right gate to the Garden of Love, where we see a
 golden sign "Unselfishness" which can only lead to Love. We enter the
 Garden thru the Gate of Understanding where a beautiful bed of white
 lilies grow in all their fragrance. Grasp one quickly and carry it
 thru life, for these are the lilies of faith which smother out all the
 foul weeds in the garden.

 Next you will see a fountain of pure water. Touch your lips to it for
 it is the Water of Forgetfulness and it feeds the Lily of Faith. After
 this you are ready to pass on thru the Garden and enjoy the flowers
 which blossom forth nurtured by the Water of Love. Among these are
 Self-sacrifice, which is the basis of real love. Then you will find
 a beautiful flower that many never see at all, Confidence. It is
 beautiful and fragrant and stands near the Flower of Happiness.

 You will find the flower of Kindness in full bloom beside the Rose
 of Charity, then near the end of the Garden there is a tiny flower
 blooming all alone. It is pale and delicate and few appreciate it
 until late in life,--_it_ is Unrewarded Kindness. But we do reach it
 just before we pass into the Vale of Content, and we realize that the
 path which leads to Love and Happiness is only found by helping to
 lead our fellow travelers thru the Field of Content.

 When we have progressed thus far we look for the other entrance to
 the Garden and find that the Gate of Selfishness has disappeared and
 the Valley of Doubt is now covered with the Lily of Faith, and the
 Mountain of Jealousy has been melted into a Valley of Self-sacrifice.
 Where the River of Hate flowed we now find a Sea of Kindness flowing
 into the Ocean of Happiness. When we reach the end of the Garden we
 find the flower of all flowers, its beauty and radiance far outshining
 the noon-day Sun. Seek no further--it is the Flower of Love. Place the
 Lily of Faith beside it, nurture it with the Water of Kindness and you
 will have it always.


This was the letter that won Marie, because she agreed with St. Paul
that love was the greatest thing in the world. She did not wait to
write, but telegraphed Robert:



Marie then wrote the following letter:

  Dear Robert,

 I have just wired you because I am happier now than I have ever been
 and I know that we are always going to be happy. You are going to be
 my ideal Robert, the way that I want you to be, and I am going to love
 you and make you so happy that you'll always be that way.

 I knew all along that it was useless for us to make up until you
 saw things in the right light and realized that there was no cause
 for jealousy and that my long years of devotion should have proven
 my love. Until you could see it that way and make up under those
 conditions, it would only invite more trouble later.

 There is really nothing more to say, but to let bygones be bygones,
 live and love each other and make the future everything we want it to
 be, because love creates everything and made the world. God is love.

 The little poem you sent, "Loved and Lost," seems very appropriate now
 for in it you said that before the pearl is gotten, there must be a
 broken shell. You did have the broken shell, Robert, and now we are
 going to mend it. I believe that your aim has been high and honest,
 and now in future it will tell.

 I can hardly wait to see you, Robert. I want you to come over next
 Saturday afternoon, and spend Saturday evening and Sunday with me. I
 want to look into your trusting eyes again and know that you still
 love me in the same old way. I want to make you know that I have never
 loved Edward Mason or anyone else, but have always loved and trusted

 With all the love my heart can give, I am



 P.S. I am enclosing a poem, "The Land of Beginning Again." We are
 really going to begin again, aren't we, Robert, and be more happy than


  I wish that there were some wonderful place
    Called the Land of Beginning Again,
  Where all our mistakes and all our heartaches
    And all of our poor, selfish grief
  Could be dropped, like a shabby old coat, at the door,
    And never put on again.

  I wish we could come on it all unaware,
    Like the hunter who finds a lost trail;
  And I wish that the one whom our blindness had done
    The greatest injustice of all
  Could be at the gates, like an old friend that waits
    For the comrade he's gladdest to hail.

  We would find all the things we intended to do
    But forgot and remembered--too late,
  Little praises unspoken, little promises broken,
    And all of the thousand and one
  Little duties neglected that might have perfected
    The day for one less fortunate.

  It wouldn't be possible not to be kind,
    In the Land of Beginning Again;
  And the ones we misjudged and the ones whom we grudged
    Their moments of victory here
  Would find in the grasp of our loving handclasp
    More than penitent lips could explain.

  For what had been hardest we'd know had been best,
    And what had seemed loss would be gain;
  For there isn't a sting that will not take wing
    When we've faced it and laughed it away;
  And I think that the laughter is most what we're after
    In the Land of Beginning Again!

  So I wish that there were some wonderful place
    Called the Land of Beginning Again,
  Where all our mistakes and all our heartaches
    And all of our poor, selfish grief
  Could be dropped, like a shabby old coat, at the door,
    And never put on again.

  Louisa Fletcher Tarkington.

On a beautiful sunshiny Saturday afternoon on the 23rd of October,
1926, as the train wended its way across the prairies for Sherman,
Texas, Robert kept watching out of the car window, his face beaming
with smiles as he thought of his meeting with Marie. He counted every
turn of the wheels because he knew they were bringing him closer to her.

When he arrived in Sherman that night, Marie welcomed him with open
arms. They spent Saturday and Sunday together and were happier than
they had ever been before. He confided to Marie his future plans. Told
her that he was working on an invention, and also planning to make some
money speculating in Stocks and Commodities. That he hoped to make a
lot of money and prove himself worthy of her, so that her father would
consent to their marriage. That he would return with all the hope and
faith a man could have in a woman, and with that faith and her love
failure was impossible, as there wasn't anything in the world he
couldn't do. Marie assured him of her faith and confidence. So long as
he had that faith and her love, she knew he could do great things. Said
she would willingly wait until he made a success.

After Robert returned, he began to study the Bible more than ever, and
work out things according to science. He read the Book of Ezekiel, and
planned on building an airplane along the lines outlined by Ezekiel.
Figured that there must be a way to build a plane of this kind which
would be the greatest ever, and felt that the day was coming when his
country would need the protection of the greatest invention of the age.
From reading of the Bible, war seemed inevitable, and Robert believed
that the next war would be in the air.

He began to read all the magazines along the lines of science and
invention and studied the Bible in order to understand natural law and
know how to apply it.

Robert wrote to Walter telling him that he had been to Sherman to
see Marie, that they had made up and that he was supremely happy. He
confided to Walter his hopes of a great discovery and told him that
with the love of Marie and her faith in him there was nothing he could
not do.

He had figured out from the Bible that a time of trouble such as the
world had never seen would begin in 1927, and would continue until
1932. There would be war, famine and pestilence all over the earth,
and that except the time be shortened every human being on the face of
the earth would be destroyed according to the Bible. He was anxious
to make money to complete his invention to protect his own country
because he knew that the United States was yet to face the greatest
war in history, and every nation would rise against us. The great gold
supply that was gathered by the United States from the beginning of the
great World War had caused commercial jealousy of all other nations and
it would only be a short time before we were at war. Unless we were
prepared with modern inventions we were going to lose the next war. He
knew what was coming and wanted to prepare to meet the emergency that
was to come.

Many letters passed between Robert and Marie during the latter part
of 1926. Her letters of love and encouragement helped Robert to make
progress in his work. He saved his money and planned for their future.

Christmas, 1926, was the happiest that Robert had ever known and
wanting Marie to share it with him he sent her a beautiful ring, wrote
her that he had saved his money and was now in position to buy it. The
diamond, he said, represented purity, firmness and faith and symbolized
all those things in her and his great trust in her. He told her that he
was anxious to get in shape to go to New York to continue his studies,
and work and make money and be near his old chum, Walter, who had
always been a great comfort to him and encouraged him in so many ways.

In thanking Robert for the ring, Marie wrote that so long as she lived,
she would wear it in honor of him, and as an emblem of faith and trust
in the greatest man in the world. That she knew there was nothing he
could not do. The little poem entitled, "It Can Be Done," which she
sent along was a great inspiration to Robert when trials, troubles and
obstacles arose in the years that followed.


  Somebody said that it couldn't be done,
    But he, with a chuckle, replied
  That maybe it couldn't, but he would be one
    Who wouldn't say so till he tried.
  So he buckled right in, with the trace of a grin
    On his face. If he worried, he hid it,
  He started to sing as he tackled the thing
    That couldn't be done, and he did it.

  Somebody scoffed: "Oh, you'll never do that:
    At least it has never been done,"
  But he took off his coat and he took off his hat,
    And the first thing we knew he'd begun it,
  With the lift of his chin, and a bit of a grin,
    Without any doubting or quiddit,
  He started to sing as he tackled the thing
    That couldn't be done, and he did it.

  There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,
    There are thousands to prophesy failure;
  There are thousands to point out to you, one by one,
    The dangers that wait to assail you;
  But just buckle in with a bit of a grin,
    Then take off your coat and go to it;
  Just start in to sing as you tackle the thing,
    That cannot be done and you'll do it.

On the 1st day of January, 1927, Robert received a beautiful letter of
commendation from his employer, Mr. Kennelworth, in which was enclosed
a check for $500 as a bonus, and also notice of an advance in his
salary of $50 a month. This was very gratifying to Robert, because he
felt that he was making progress, and that a man who had made the great
success that Mr. Kennelworth had, must have been watching him closer
than he thought. He thought that Mr. Kennelworth had seen something
in him worthy of advancement, so he only worked harder to show his
appreciation. He wrote a letter to his friend Walter in New York
telling him of his father's generosity and how much he appreciated it
now that he was working, planning and saving his money, hoping to be
with Walter in New York soon where he could start speculating and make
a lot of money so that he could complete his great invention and do
something to benefit the world.

Robert wrote Marie of this good fortune which had come to him in
the new year and how it had stimulated his hopes to greater things
in the future. He was sure that with her love, he would continue
and accomplish every desire that he had hoped for. Marie wrote him
beautiful letters of encouragement, filled with love and admiration for
the man that she was living for,--her ideal. She told him that she was
making great progress with her studies and hoped to graduate in a few
years and be an honor to him and assist him in his work. She sent a
little poem, entitled: "Act the Man and Face It Out."


  Should life's storms be blowing gusty, or the road be hot and dusty,
    Don't give up and pull a face all glum and blue;
  Cheer up, man, and tackle trouble. If your efforts you redouble
    There'll be brighter days ahead awaiting you.

  Where's the use of whining, moaning, or of wasting time in droning
    Never yet have such things pulled a fellow thru,
  When you've trouble you must meet it, that's the proper way to treat it,
    Always bear in mind results depend on you.

  Never heed the whiner's chatter, 'tis right deeds that matter,
    That will pierce the clouds--the roughest pathway span,
  Every trouble is made lighter, and you'll find your outlook brighter
    If you tackle things and face them like a man.

  If you mean to conquer trouble, you must take it at the double.
    You must act the man and face the matter out;
  Tackle trouble, gamely fight it. Shirking it will never right it,
    Face it bravely, and your trouble you will rout.

  _Tid Bits._

Marie wrote of her plans for the future. How she hoped to live to see
him the greatest man in the world; how she wanted to one day bring him
before her father and show him what her love and confidence in a poor
boy had done for him. She wanted her father to be proud of Robert as
she was. After all the success she wanted them to be able to enjoy the
closing years of their lives in peace and quiet together, where they
could reminisce over the trials, troubles and obstacles overcome which
had led to the victory which is always the fruit of true and lasting
love. Here follows a poem--"After the Years--Quiet."


  At last--after the years have wrought their will,
  Go build a house of solace for thyself;
  With things that pleasure thee its rooms upfill--
  Turn thy soft light; a rose jar on thy shelf.

  Have there the books thou wilt not read again,
  So well thou knowest all of their magic old;
  Have there the lute that silent shall remain,
  Thy heart all music from its tones of gold.

  And dream beside thy fire; dream of the guest
  That cometh now no more--yet he is there,
  If so thy soul would shape him, and thy rest
  And dream--within a dream with thee will share.

  Have there all things thou countest as thine own;
  And what thou wouldst have had--there let it be.
  But what thou wouldst not let it pass unknown,
  After the years have wrought their will on thee.

  And take no more a burden on thy heart,
  Wrestling--if this be good--if that be ill;
  And strive no more to better what thou art;
  With consolation thy whole being fill.

  And so with quiet lapping thee around,
  A presence like a God's thy house shall fill,
  But question not thereof nor even pray,
  For importuning words such joy might mill.

  Build thee that house of solace--out of sight;
  A charm above the door and on the sill,
  And trouble shall go by thee. 'Tis thy right--
  At last--after the years have wrought their will.

  Edith M. Thomas.

Robert sent Marie an article entitled, "A Standard" by Christian D.
Larson. He told her that this was going to be his standard for the
future, and that following this standard with her love and faith he
would accomplish everything that she hoped for him to.


 To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.

 To make all your friends see that there is something in them.

 To look at the funny side of everything and make your optimism come

 To think only of the best, to work only for the best, and to expect
 only the best.

 To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are
 about your own.

 To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater
 achievements of the future.

 To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living
 creature you meet a smile.

 To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no
 time to criticize others.

 To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear;
 and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

 To think well of yourself and to proclaim this face to the world, not
 in loud words but in great deeds.

 To live in the faith that the whole world is on your side so long as
 you are true to the best that is in you.

  Christian D. Larson.

Marie continued to write him encouraging letters from time to time.
Their love affair continued smooth with no troubles or interruptions.
Marie was a great reader and was studying carefully, always collecting
poems and articles which she thought would help and encourage Robert.
One was entitled:


  Because they were cheerful when it was hard to be cheerful;
  And patient when it was hard to be patient;
  And because they pushed on when they wanted to stand still;
  And kept silent when they wanted to talk,
  And were agreeable when they wanted to be disagreeable.


and also another one by Herbert Kaufman, reading as follows:

  Don't let busy-bodies turn you from the path you have selected,
  Incredulity and unbelief are quite to be expected,
  What if butters-in do scold you?
  What if fools try to remold you?
  If you aren't streaked with yellow such
  Discouragement won't hold you.
  Some will doubt you.
  Lots will flout you.

  More than one will lie about you.
  They'll deride you
  And decide you.
  Need an "Older" hand to guide you.
  Do not listen to the croakers--fight it out once you have commenced it.
  If you meet with opposition simply run your head against it.
  All big things that we know about were won by self-believers.
  Quitters, never have been, nor can they be, achievers.

  Herbert Kaufman.


Marie's love and devotion for Robert were bearing fruit. He studied the
Bible day and night, worked on his plans for the future and continued
his investigation of science, for he believed that the Bible was the
key to the process by which man may know all there is to know. He
realized that by studying it he might be able to forecast the future
and benefit himself thereby. Above all things he was interested in
airplanes, inventing and improving an airplane that would be useful in
the future wars. He had found the plan for a great airplane in Ezekiel

 And I looked, and behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great
 cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and
 out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of
 the fire.

 Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living
 creatures. And this was their appearance; they had the likeness of a

 And one had four faces, and every one had four wings.

 And their feet were straight feet; and the sole of their feet was
 like the sole of a calf's foot; and they sparkled like the colour of
 burnished brass.

 And they had the hands of a man under their wings on their four sides;
 and they four had their faces and their wings.

 Their wings were joined one to another; they turned not when they
 went; they went every one straight forward.

 As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man,
 and the face of a lion on the right side; and they four had the face
 of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle.

 Thus were their faces; and their wings were stretched upward; two
 wings of every one were joined one to another; and two covered their

 And they went every one straight forward; whither the spirit was to
 go; they went; and they turned not when they went.

 As for the likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was like
 burning coals of fire, and like the appearance of lamps: it went up
 and down among the living creatures; and the fire was bright, and out
 of the fire went forth lightning.

 And the living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of a flash
 of lightning.

 Now, as I beheld the living creatures, behold, one wheel upon the
 earth by the living creatures, with his four faces.

 The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the colour
 of a beryl; and they four had one likeness: and their appearance and
 their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel.

Robert felt sure that this was the prediction and description of an
airplane that Ezekiel was talking about. He thought that an airplane
could be built with four wings, which would be more powerful and useful
than any of the airplanes yet built. It was his great desire to build
an airplane of this kind.

Robert read Ezekiel 5:2 and 12:

 Thou shalt burn with fire a third part in the midst of the city, when
 the days of the siege are fulfilled; and thou shalt take a third part,
 and smite about it with a knife; and a third part thou shalt scatter
 in the wind; and I will draw but a sword after them.

 A third part of thee shall die with the pestilence, and with famine
 shall they be consumed in the midst of thee; and a third part shall
 fall by the sword round about thee; and I will scatter a third part
 into all the winds, and I will draw out a sword after them.

Also Ezekiel 7:2 and 12:

 Also, thou son of man, thus saith the Lord God unto the land of
 Israel. An end, the end is come upon the four corners of the land.

 The time is come, the day draweth near; let not the buyer rejoice, nor
 the seller mourn; for wrath is upon all the multitude thereof.

Robert thought he saw in this the coming war and famine on the earth
from the cycle, that a greater portion of the earth would be destroyed
by war and famine, and that the end was near. Ezekiel 7:13:

 For the seller shall not return to that which is sold, although
 they were yet alive; for the vision is touching the whole multitude
 thereof, which shall not return; neither shall any strengthen himself
 in the iniquity of his life.

Ezekiel 8:1 and 14:

 And it came to pass in the sixth year, in the sixth month, in the
 fifth day of the month, as I sat in mine house, and the elders of
 Judah sat before me, that the hand of the Lord God fell there upon me.

 Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the Lord's house which
 was toward the north; and behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz.

Ezekiel 10:9-11:

 And when I looked, behold, the four wheels by the cherubims, one
 wheel by one cherub, and another wheel by another cherub: and the
 appearance of the wheels was as of the colour of a beryl stone.

 And as for their appearances, they four had one likeness, as if a
 wheel had been in the midst of a wheel.

 When they went, they went upon their four sides; they turned not as
 they went, but to the place whither the head looked they followed it;
 they turned not as they went.

Robert felt sure that it was an airplane which Ezekiel was talking
about and which was going to be made in the future. He thought the one
referred to with "the face of an eagle" referred to the United States
Government. He hoped to build some day and help win the great war in
the air and make peace when the days of the "End" come and the great
air battles would be fought. Ezekiel 10:19 and 21:

 And the cherubims lifted up their wings, and mounted up from the earth
 in my sight; when they went out, the wheels also were beside them; and
 every one stood at the door of the east gate of the Lord's house; and
 the glory of the God of Israel was over them above.

 Every one had four faces apiece, and every one four wings; and the
 likeness of the hands of a man was under their wings.

Ezekiel 12:22:

 Son of man, what is that proverb that ye have in the land of Israel,
 saying, The days are prolonged, and every vision faileth?

Ezekiel 14:14, 16 and 21:

 Though these three men, Noah, Daniel and Job, were in it, they should
 deliver but their own souls by their righteousness, saith the Lord God.

 Though these three men were in it, as I live, saith the Lord God,
 they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters; they only shall be
 delivered, but the land shall be desolate.

 For thus saith the Lord God. How much more when I send my four
 judgments upon Jerusalem, the sword, and the famine, and the noisome
 beast, and the pestilence, to cut off from it man and beast.

Ezekiel 16:1 and 44:

 Again the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Behold, every one
 that useth proverbs shall use this proverb against thee, saying, As is
 the mother, so is her daughter.

Ezekiel 17:3 and 7:

 And say, Thus saith the Lord God, A great eagle with great wings,
 long-winged, full of feathers, which had divers colours, came unto
 Lebanon, and took the highest branch of the cedar:

 There was also another great eagle with great wings and many feathers;
 and, behold, this vine did bend her roots toward him, and shot forth
 her branches toward him, that he might water it by the furrows of her

Ezekiel 20:46:

 Son of man set thy face toward the south, and drop thy word toward the
 south, and prophesy against the forest of the south field:

Robert interpreted this to mean that the day was coming when there
would be a great air fight from the southern part of the United States.
Ezekiel 20:47:

 And say to the forest of the south, Hear the word of the Lord, Thus
 saith the Lord God, Behold, I will kindle a fire in thee, and it shall
 devour every green tree in thee, and every dry tree; the flaming flame
 shall not be quenched, and all faces from the south to the north shall
 be burned therein.

He thought this meant the South would be destroyed by airplanes with
liquid fire and poisonous chemicals when the war would take place.

Robert read Ezekiel 21:14, 26 and 30:

 Thou, therefore, son of man, prophesy, and smite thine hands together,
 and let the sword be doubled the third time, the sword of the slain;
 it is the sword of the great men that are slain, which entereth into
 their privy chambers.

 Thus saith the Lord God, Remove the diadem, and take off the crown;
 this shall not be the same; exalt him that is low, and abase him that
 is high.

 Shall I cause it to return into his sheath? I will judge thee in the
 place where thou wast created, in the land of the nativity.

Ezekiel 28:3:

 Behold thou art wiser than Daniel; there is no secret that they can
 hide from thee:

Robert had great faith in the prophecies of Ezekiel because the Lord
said: "Behold, thou art wiser than Daniel. There is no secret that
they can hide from thee." He understood from Ezekiel's prophecies that
a great war was coming and that it would be fought in the air by the
great airplanes as described by Ezekiel 32:1 and 2:

 And it came to pass in the twelfth year, in the twelfth month, in the
 first day of the month, that the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,

 Son of man, take up a lamentation for Pharaoh king of Egypt, and say
 unto him, Thou art like a young lion of the nations, and thou art
 as a whale in the seas; and thou camest forth with thy rivers, and
 troubledst the waters with thy feet, and fouledst their rivers.

From these predictions of Ezekiel and others in the Bible which Robert
believed was a repetition of previous battles, he interpreted it to
mean that there was to be a great flood during the year 1927. He
predicted terrible floods along the Mississippi Valley, which would
destroy the cotton crops and would lay waste vast acres of fertile
land. He wrote that it would be one of the greatest floods in history.
Ezekiel 32:7:

 And when I shall put thee out, I will cover the heaven, and make the
 stars thereof dark; I will cover the sun with a cloud, and the moon
 shall not give her light.

Robert understood this to mean the two great eclipses that would occur
in June, 1927.

Ezekiel 33:21 and 33:

 And it came to pass in the twelfth year of our captivity, in the tenth
 month, in the fifth day of the month, that one that had escaped out of
 Jerusalem came unto me, saying, The City is smitten.

 And when this cometh to pass, (lo, it will come) then shall they know
 that a prophet hath been among them.

Robert felt that he knew the Scriptures and was prepared to prophesy
the future and warn the people of the famine, pestilence and the coming

Ezekiel 35:1 and 8:

 Moreover, the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,

 And I will fill his mountains with his slain men: in thy hills, and
 in thy valleys, and in all thy rivers, shall they fall that are slain
 with the sword.

Ezekiel 36:1 and 34:

 Also, thou son of man, prophesy unto the mountains of Israel, and
 say, Ye mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord.

 And the desolate land shall be tilled, whereas it lay desolate in the
 sight of all that passed by.

Ezekiel 37:9, 16, 17, 19 and 22:

 Then said he unto me, Prophesy unto the wind, prophesy, son of man,
 and say to the wind, Thus saith the Lord God, Come from the four
 winds, O Breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live,

 Moreover, thou son of man, take thee one stick, and write upon it,
 For Judah, and for the children of Israel his companions: then take
 another stick and write upon it, For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, and
 for all the house of Israel his companions:

 And join them one to another into one stick; and they shall become one
 in thine hand.

 Say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I will take the stick
 of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel
 his fellows, and will put them with him, even with the stick of Judah,
 and make them one stick, and they shall be one in mine hand.

 And I will make them one nation in the land upon the mountains of
 Israel; and one king shall be king to them all; and they shall be no
 more two nations, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms, any
 more at all.

Robert interpreted this to mean the coming of the great war when the
United States should be the one great nation that would rule the world;
that there would be no more divided kingdoms and no more divided
countries; that it would be the United States of the World, which would
be the land of liberty where freedom exists.

Ezekiel 38:19:

 For in my jealousy and in the fire of my wrath, have I spoken, Surely
 in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel.

Robert understood--"the jealousy in the fire of wrath"--to mean
chemical elements which would be used in the coming war and the use of

Ezekiel 39:2:

 And I will turn thee back, and leave but the sixth part of thee, and
 will cause thee to come up from the north parts, and will bring thee
 upon the mountains of Israel.

Robert's interpretation of this was that the last great battle of the
war was to be fought in the northern part of the United States.

Ezekiel 39:8 and 9:

 Behold, it is come, and it is done, saith the Lord God; this is the
 day whereof I have spoken.

 And they that dwell in the cities of Israel shall go forth, and shall
 set on fire and burn the weapons, both the shields and the bucklers,
 the bows and the arrows, and the handstaves and the spears, and they
 shall burn them with fire seven years.

He thought the 9th verse where it says that everything should be burnt
with fire seven years, meant either seven years of war, or seven days.
He had read where it says, "I will appoint a day for a year and a year
for a day."

Ezekiel 39:11, 12 and 14:

 And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will give unto Gog a
 place there of graves in Israel, the valley of the passengers of the
 east of the sea; and it shall stop the noses of the passengers; and
 there shall they bury Gog, and all his multitude; and they shall call
 it, The Valley of Hamon-gog.

 And seven months shall the house of Israel be burying of them, that
 they may cleanse the land.

 And they shall sever out men of continual employment, passing through
 the land to bury with the passengers those that remain upon the face
 of the earth, to cleanse it; after the end of seven months shall they

Robert thought all this referred to the war yet to come, in which the
United States was to play the final and principal part, and the use of
the airplanes should reach its greatest perfection.

Ezekiel 43:1, 2, 3, 4 and 10:

 Afterward he brought me to the gate, even the gate that looketh toward
 the east:

 And, behold, the glory of the God of Israel came from the way of the
 east, and his voice was like a noise of many waters: and the earth
 shined with his glory.

 And it was according to the appearance of the vision that I saw when I
 came to destroy the city; and the visions were like the vision that I
 saw by the river Chebar: and I fell upon my face.

 And the glory of the Lord came into the house, by the way of the gate
 whose prospect is toward the east.

 Thou son of man, shew the house to the house of Israel, that they may
 be ashamed of their iniquities; and let them measure the pattern.

Ezekiel 44:1, 4, 5 and 26:

 Then he brought me back the way of the gate of the outward sanctuary,
 which looketh toward the east, and it was shut.

 Then brought he me the way of the north gate before the house; and I
 looked, and, behold, the glory of the Lord filled the house of the
 Lord; and fell upon my face.

 And the Lord said unto me, Son of man, mark well, and behold with
 thine eyes, and hear with thine ears, all that I say unto thee
 concerning all the ordinances of the house of the Lord, and all the
 laws thereof; and mark well the entering in of the house, with every
 going forth of the sanctuary.

 And after he is cleansed they shall reckon unto him seven days.

Robert thought this referred to the last seven days at the end of the
Great War in the Air.

Ezekiel 45:25:

 In the seventh month, in the fifteenth day of the month, shall he
 do the like in the feast of the seven days, according to the sin
 offering, and according to the meat offering, and according to the oil.

Robert thought this referred to the 15th day of July, 1932.

Ezekiel 46:1, 2 and 17:

 Thus saith the Lord God, The gate of the inner court that looketh
 toward the east shall be shut the six working days; but on the sabbath
 it shall be opened, and in the day of the new moon it shall be opened.

 And the prince shall enter by way of the porch of that gate without,
 and shall stand by the post of the gate, and the priests shall prepare
 his burnt offering and his peace offerings, and he shall worship at
 the threshold of the gate: then he shall go forth; but the gate shall
 not be shut until the evening.

 But if he give a gift of his inheritance to one of his servants, then
 it shall be his to the year of liberty; after it shall return to the
 prince; but his inheritance shall be his son's for them.

Ezekiel 47:5, 6, 8 and 9:

 Afterward he measured a thousand; and it was a river that I could not
 pass over: for the waters were risen, waters to swim in, a river that
 could not be passed over.

 And he said unto me, Son of man, hast thou seen this? then he brought
 me, and caused me to return to the brink of the river.

 Then said he unto me, These waters issue out toward the east country,
 and go down into the desert, and go into the sea: which being brought
 forth into the sea, the waters shall be healed.

 And it shall come to pass, that everything that liveth, which moveth,
 whithersoever, the rivers shall come, shall live: and there shall be a
 very great multitude of fish, because these waters shall come thither:
 for they shall be healed; and everything shall live whither the river

Ezekiel 48:14 and 15:

 And they shall not sell of it, neither exchange, nor alienate the
 first fruits of the land: for it is holy unto the Lord.

 And the five thousand that are left in the breadth, over against the
 five and twenty thousand, shall be a profane place for the city, for
 dwelling, and for suburbs; and the city shall be in the midst thereof.


Robert wrote to Walter in New York and told him about his plans for
the future; how well he was getting along, about his new discoveries
and how he had worked out the future from the Bible. He asked Walter's
advice about sending an article to Walter's father in regard to his
future predictions based on the Bible. Walter thought it the opportune
time, in view of the fact that his father had confidence in Robert.

After he had worked out his cycle theory according to the Bible, and
decided that he could forecast the markets and make money, he wrote to
Mr. Kennelworth, his employer.

  Texarkana, Texas.
  January 15, 1927.

  Mr. J.H. Kennelworth,

  My dear Mr. Kennelworth:

 I want you to know how much I appreciate the bonus you gave me on the
 1st of the year. While I want to use it wisely, together with a little
 other money I have saved, I feel it is my duty to tell you what I
 intend to do with it.

 I have been studying the Bible night and day for many years, and I
 believe that I have found in it the key to all prophecy,--the rules
 fortelling the events in the history of the country, the progress in
 invention, and also rules for forecasting the future of stocks and
 commodities. I have been reading some books and studying commodities
 and stocks and have applied the rules as I understand them from the
 Bible. I feel sure that I am able to foretell what is going to happen
 in stocks and commodities, and I am very anxious to make some money
 out of it so that I can go to New York and join Walter there, where I
 will have greater advantages and can study and experiment with some
 inventions which I have in mind.

 From the teachings of the Bible and the methods which I have worked
 out, I feel confident that the price of cotton is going very high this
 Spring. I figure that there are going to be some heavy floods along
 the Mississippi River, and that there will be a late, wet Spring,
 and that the demand for cotton will greatly increase, helping to put
 prices very high. Therefore, I have decided to use the $500.00 which
 you gave me and another $500.00 which I have saved up, to buy cotton
 to hold for the Spring and Summer. I would like to have your opinion
 of this venture.

 Assuring you of my appreciation of your advice, I am

  Sincerely yours,
  Robert Gordon.

About this time Mr. J.H. Kennelworth received the following letter from
his son, Walter, in New York:

  New York City,
  January 12, 1927.

  Dear Father:

 I have just received a letter from my good friend, Robert, and he
 tells me that he is anxious to join me in New York in a few months,
 that he has figured out some new discoveries and inventions from the
 Bible, and that he wants to do some speculating in order to make
 some money. He asked my opinion of putting before you some of his
 discoveries and getting your opinion on them. I wrote him that I was
 sure he would find a sympathetic listener in you and advised him to
 put his plans frankly before you.

 Father, I hope that you will give Robert your best advice and
 co-operation because I have great faith in him. He is a brilliant boy
 and is going to have a great future. He is loyal and honest, you know,
 and a hard worker, and I would hate to see him leave your employ. At
 the same time I would like to see him in New York as soon as possible.

 I am getting along nicely with my studies, and hope to graduate in a
 couple of years.

 Give my love to mother, and all,

  Your son,

When Mr. Kennelworth received Robert's letter, he dictated the
following reply to his stenographer:

  My dear Robert:

 Your very interesting letter received. I have the greatest faith
 in your ability and believe that if anyone can work out anything
 valuable from the Bible, you can do it. I have watched very carefully
 your persistency, and am much impressed with your loyalty and
 determination. It is admirable the confidence and faith that you have
 in yourself, as well as having great confidence in the greatest book
 of all, The Holy Bible.

 But when it comes to speculation, Robert, I want to give you some
 advice from my experience. It is a very dangerous game. It may be
 inviting, but it is not a business, Robert. It is a gamble. Of course
 I know that some men make it a business. Most men cannot control
 themselves when they get into it, the result--they gamble, and in the
 end, lose all.

 I will give you a little experience that I had. I went to New York
 many years ago, and on advice and information from some friends of
 mine, was induced to buy some oil stock. This was in the Fall of
 1919. Oil stocks advanced rapidly, and along in October, my friends
 advised me to buy more. I had some handsome profits and did buy more.
 I confess that I knew nothing about oil stocks or any other stocks,
 but simply followed my friends' advice in buying them. In November,
 1919, the market smashed all to pieces, and the oil stocks declined 50
 to 100 points. I had big profits at the top, but before the break was
 over, I not only lost all of my profits, but about $50,000 or $60,000
 of my capital.

 This taught me a lesson. I had made my money in the lumber business
 and in railroading. I had now gone into something that I knew nothing
 about and suffered a heavy loss. My friends and brokers tried to
 induce me to hold on and put up more margin; said that I would
 eventually come out all right, but I took the loss and charged it up
 to experience. Had I held on to these stocks, I would have lost my
 entire fortune, because they continued to go down during 1920 and
 1921, and were 50 to 60 points lower than where I sold out. So you can
 see, Robert, what a costly experience this would have been and how
 wise I was to stop in time.

 The best advice that I can give you is, to stop before you start. You
 will save time and worry, aside from the loss of what little money you
 have saved up. I want to encourage and help you in every way possible,
 and I feel that I am helping you in giving you advice of this kind.

 Wishing you all success in your studies, I am

  Yours very truly,
  J.H. Kennelworth.

Robert's second letter to Mr. Kennelworth:

  January 24, 1927.

  My dear Mr. Kennelworth:

 I have read your letter with a great deal of interest. I appreciate
 your fatherly advice and know that you have my interest at heart.
 I appreciate your telling me of your experience in speculation and
 know that this can be the only result where people only guess at the
 market, or follow tips. I have secured some books from New York and
 read a great deal about the market, and I feel that I already know
 that there are many pitfalls in the game of speculation, but if it can
 be made a science and followed according to the rules laid down in
 the Bible, success and profits are sure.

 Sir William Crookes said: "To stop short in any research which
 bids fair to widen the gates of knowledge, to recoil from fear of
 difficulties or adverse criticism, is to bring reproach upon science."
 I feel that I have my own life to live; that I must have faith
 in myself and above all, have the faith which is instilled in me
 through the study of the Bible. I must neither fear difficulties nor
 criticism. I must put my theories and my discoveries to the test. The
 only way that I can do that, is to follow what I think is right.

 I have already made arrangements and sent my money to a broker in New
 York, and have today bought 200 bales of July cotton at 13.80. I am
 going to hold this cotton. If it goes up, as I am sure it will this
 Spring and Summer, as my profits accumulate, I am going to buy more on
 the way up.

 I believe in what the Bible says:

  "Prove all things and hold fast to that which is good."

 Jacob said:

  "I have read in the tables of heaven whatsoever things shall befall
  both of you and your children."

 I believe in the stars, I believe in astrology, and I have figured out
 my destiny. The Bible makes it plain that the stars do rule. 147th
 Psalm, 4th verse:

  "He tellest the number of the stars, he callest them all by name."

 Dante said:

  "Follow thy star--thou shalt see at last a glorious haven."

 Napoleon and many other great leaders of olden times followed their
 stars, and believed in them.

 Mr. Kennelworth, I have gained a great deal of knowledge by following
 the Bible. I have gone into secret places to pray, and have kept my
 discoveries to myself. I believe in the saying:

  "In silence, by silence, through silence were all things made."

 Daniel makes it clear that the stars influence:

  "And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and
  setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to
  them that know understanding."

  "He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the
  darkness, and the light dwelleth with him."

 I have followed the teachings and admonitions of Solomon, and realize
 that knowledge is the greatest of all things. I have tried to get
 understanding and believe that I have received it from the Bible, and
 that I must use it.

 I refer to Daniel:

  "And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a
  kingdom which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be
  left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all
  these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever."

 Mr. Kennelworth, I believe this prophesy is yet to be fulfilled. I
 believe that the United States is the kingdom which is never to be
 destroyed; that we will eventually see the United States of the World,
 and that this country, which is the land of love and liberty, will
 rule wisely all other nations.

 I quote from Daniel:

  "And whereas they commanded to leave the stump of the tree roots; thy
  kingdom shall be sure unto thee, after that thou shalt have known
  that the heavens do rule."

 I have demonstrated this to mean that the planets rule our destinies.
 It is right for us to understand them as Daniel did and interpret the
 secret and hidden things.

 I believe the wise men of the East, the astrologists before the birth
 of Jesus Christ, knew where and when he would be born by the study of
 the stars. St. Matthew, Chapter 2:2--

  "Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen
  his star in the east, and are come to worship him."

 This shows to me that the wise men believed that certain stars arising
 would indicate a great man would be born, a savior of the world. St.
 Matthew, Chapter 6:6 and 8--

  "But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou
  hast shut the door, pray to thy Father, which is in secret; and thy
  Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly."

  "Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what
  things ye have need of before ye ask him."

 I have prayed and studied in secret, and I believe I am going to
 receive my reward. I believe that our heavenly Father, the ruler and
 maker of this universe, does know our needs, and that he gives us
 understanding according to the way we would receive it.

 I was much impressed when I read St. Matthew 6:33--

  "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all
  these things shall be added unto you."

 I have sought that kingdom and I have found it where the good book
 says it is: "The kingdom of heaven is within you." Again the good book

  "If ye believe in me, greater things than these shall ye do."

 I believe that I can and will do great things.

 Ever since I was a small boy, and used to kneel at my mother's knee,
 and she taught me first to pray, I have believed in that great book
 and in God's power to guide me right and give me understanding of all
 things. My own father never understood me or had any sympathy with me
 or my ideas, which I feel were far advanced. My own brother was my
 worst enemy, and I find that the Bible bears me out in this

  "And a man's foes shall be they of his own household."

 My father and brother opposed me because they did not understand me.

 I firmly believe that the Bible and the Scriptures contain the key to
 all knowledge, and that all a man has to do is to seek and he shall
 find, knock and it shall be opened unto him. I believe it is best for
 me to go away to New York as soon as I can, away from my own people,
 for the good book says:

  "A prophet is not without honor, save in his own country, and in his
  own house."

 The Bible points the way to read the signs and the stars. St. Matthew
 12:38, 39 and 40--

  "Then certain of the scribes and Pharisees answered, saying, Master,
  we would see a sign from thee."

  "But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous
  generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to
  it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:"

  "For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly;
  so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart
  of the earth."

 I have read the Book of Jonah thru very carefully, and I believe that
 I understand what the Saviour meant when he said:

  "No sign shall be given, but the sign of the prophet Jonas."

 I believe there was a secret meaning in what he said; that the Son
 of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. I
 believe that a man who understands the meaning of that has all the
 power under heaven and earth, as the Bible says he shall have. I
 believe that that is the key to the interpretation of the future. I am
 sure I have found it and know how to apply it.

 I do not wish to burden you further with this long letter, Mr.
 Kennelworth. I am very much interested in my work on future cycles,
 and if you are interested in what I can work out on the future
 cycles, I will be glad to send them to you and let you watch them. I
 have figured out the repetition of each cycle when wars will come. I
 believe that the wheat prices forecast coming wars. Through my study
 of the Bible, I have determined the major and minor time factors which
 repeat in the history of nations, men and markets.

 I trust that you will understand me and not feel that I do not
 appreciate your advice when I started speculating. If my new
 discoveries work, as I hope they will, I look forward to the day when
 you can join me in a great campaign for making money.

 Assuring you of my deep appreciation of all your kind advice, I am

  Sincerely yours,
  Robert Gordon.

On the same night, January 24th, after Robert had received a telegram
from his broker in New York, stating that he had bought 200 bales of
July cotton at 13.80, Robert figured that this would margin him to
12.80. He was sure from his study that July cotton would never decline
to 13.25.

He sat down and wrote:

  My darling Marie:

 Love is the greatest thing in the world. It is all powerful, and your
 love for me is going to make me the greatest man in the world. Today
 I have started on the road to fame and fortune. When we were together
 last, I told you about my discoveries of the cycles from the Bible and
 said I was sure that I could figure out what the stock, cotton and
 grain markets were going to do; that I was going to start speculating
 as soon as I got the money.

 You discouraged me. Recently I wrote to Mr. Kennelworth about the
 matter, and he also discouraged me. He told me what a hazardous and
 dangerous business it is. I hope that you won't scold me, because I
 have already bought 200 bales of July cotton at 13.80 and put up $1000
 as margin. I am sure that I am going to make money, and that it is
 going to be the means of bringing us a great deal of happiness. If I
 can make money, I can complete my invention and discoveries, go to New
 York where I will have all the advantages, and we can soon be married
 and realize our dream.

 Ever since we made up last Fall, and I was sure of you and your love,
 I have been very ambitious and have not wasted a minute, have studied
 day and night. Wanted to prove to you that your faith in me was not
 to go unrewarded. I believe that the great success of many men has
 been because some good little woman placed a hand upon their shoulder
 and said: "I trust you and love you." I have read a great deal of
 the history of the men of great achievement, and every time I found
 back of the success the love of some good woman. It is the love of my
 mother and the love of you which has inspired me to greater things. I
 am sure that success is going to crown my efforts. Won't you give me
 your good wishes in my start on the road to success?

 With all my love, I am

  As ever,

  Sherman, Texas.
  January 26, 1927.

  My own dear Robert:

 Your sweet letter just received. No, Robert, I am not going to scold
 you, because I believe in you. I know you are doing what you think is
 right, regardless of what anyone else thinks. I love you all the more
 because you have confidence in yourself, and above all, confidence in
 the Holy Bible. I want you to know, Robert, that should you lose your
 money and should things go wrong, disappointment befall you, my love
 will never waiver. My confidence in you is supreme, and I look forward
 to the day when I may bring you before my father and show to him that
 my confidence was not misplaced and that you have sustained my faith
 and hope.

 I love you and will always love you, Robert, if you never make a
 dollar. It is not the money that counts with me, but it does count
 with my father and mother, and I want you to prove to them that
 without the help of anyone you can make as much money as father has. I
 know you can, and I will always love you and stand by you.

  Your Marie.

On January 27th Mr. Kennelworth wrote to Robert:

  My dear Robert:

 I have read your letter with a great deal of interest and
 understanding. You are a deep thinker and a great reader. Success is
 bound to come to a mind which interprets the meaning of things. I
 shall be very happy to have you write me about the future cycles as
 you interpret them, and shall watch them with a great deal of interest.

 Now that you have taken the step, Robert, and started in speculating,
 I want to wish you success. I admire your courage in following your
 convictions and the faith you have in yourself, and if it is possible
 for you to win, I believe and hope you will.

  Sincerely yours,
  J.H. Kennelworth.

Robert's reply:

  My dear Mr. Kennelworth:

 My great desire to make money, I want you to understand, is to do some
 good with it and benefit my country, when she will need the benefit
 most. Please read Ezekiel very carefully, for I believe that Ezekiel
 is the greatest of all prophets. He aptly describes an airplane which
 I can make that will be a great aid in time of war. I believe that
 Ezekiel plainly foretold the war yet to come which will be fought in
 the air, and that the United States will be in great jeopardy, but
 will finally win out. So you see, my object in speculating is not a
 selfish motive altogether, but to help others and to help my country.

 The following verses show that Ezekiel was predicting something to
 happen in the future and was carrying out God's instructions. Ezekiel
 13:2 and 3--

  "Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel that prophesy,
  and say thou unto them that prophesy out of their own hearts, Hear ye
  the word of the Lord";

 Ezekiel 14:14, 16, 18 and 21--

  "Though these three men, Noah, Daniel and Job, were in it, they
  should deliver but their own souls by their righteousness, saith the
  Lord God."

  "Though these three men were in it, as I live, saith the Lord God,
  they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters; they only shall be
  delivered, but the land shall be desolate."

  "Though these three men were in it, as I live, saith the Lord God,
  they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters, but they only shall be
  delivered themselves."

  "For thus saith the Lord God, How much more when I send my four sore
  judgments upon Jerusalem, the sword, and the famine, and the noisome
  beast, and the pestilence, to cut off from it man and beast?"

 Ezekiel 17:3--

  "And say, thus saith the Lord God, A great eagle with great wings,
  long-winged, full of feathers, which had divers colours, came unto
  Lebanon, and took the highest branch of the cedar":

 Ezekiel 21:30--

  "Shall I cause it to return unto his sheath? I will judge thee in the
  place where thou wast created, in the land of thy nativity."

 From this, I believe that more famines, earthquakes, pestilence and
 wars are yet to come and that the noisome beast referred to is the
 airplane. If we make calculations from the date and place of birth, I
 think we can determine what our future is to be, and in this way live
 according to cause and effect, which is God's divine law.

 When I stated that I believed Ezekiel the greatest prophet of all, my
 authority is found in Ezekiel 28:3--

  "Behold, thou art wiser than Daniel. There is no secret they can hide
  from thee."

 Daniel was known to be a great prophet and astrologer. In his
 prophecies, he foretold war, pestilence and famine to come upon this
 earth, and by a proper study of the repetition of cycles we can
 determine the time when important events will take place in the future.

 I am enclosing an article which I have written on Future Cycles, and
 also one on the Cycles of Transportation.

 Thanking you for your interest in my work, I am

  Sincerely yours,
  Robert Gordon.



  January 28, 1927.

In making my predictions I use geometry and mathematics, just as the
astronomer does, based on immutable laws.

I am a believer in the Bible. It is the most wonderful book ever
written, a book of science, philosophy and religion. I claim that all
scientific laws are laid down in the Bible if a person knows where to
find them. Refer to St. Matthew 7:7, which says:

 "Ask and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find, knock and it
 shall be opened unto you."

I hold that the Bible contains the key to the process by which man
may know all there is to know of the future, if he will only seek
diligently for the rules laid down in the Holy Book.

My calculations are based on the cycle theory and on mathematical
sequences. History repeats itself. That is what I have always
contended,--that in order to know and predict the future of anything
you only have to look up what has happened in the past and get a
correct base or starting point. My authority for stating that the
future is but a repetition of the past is found in the Bible.

Read Eccl. 1:9:

 "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which
 is done, is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under
 the sun."


 "That which has been is now and that which is to be hath already been."

This makes it plain that everything works according to past cycles, and
that history repeats itself in the lives of men, nations and the stock

We are told that the great continent of Atlantis, for centuries
submerged under the Atlantic Ocean, possessed a civilization greater
than ours of today. The people of Atlantis had their telephones,
wireless, radios and airplanes. There is considerable truth in that
statement. According to mathematical sequence, the wonderful inventions
that brought comfort and convenience to the Atlantians are due to
appear again, and we are now only on the threshold of another great age.

Remember, everything in this universe is elliptical or circular in
motion; that applies both to the abstract and the concrete, the mental,
physical and spiritual. Every thought you think makes a circle, and it
comes back to you. It may take years but you will get the effects, good
or evil, according as the thought was either good or evil. That is a
truth we should learn, and the world will be the better for it.

In making my calculations on the stock market, or any future event,
I get the past history and find out what cycle we are in and then
predict the curve for the future, which is a repetition of past market
movements. The great law of vibration is based on like producing like.
Like causes produce like effects. Wireless telegraphy, the phonograph
and the radio are based on this law. The limit of future predictions
based on exact mathematical law is only restricted by lack of knowledge
of correct data on past history to work from. It is just as easy to
figure 100 years or 1000 years in the future as one or two years ahead,
if you have the correct starting point and know the cycle which is
going to be repeated.

A few years ago even scientific men, not alone the public, would have
laughed at such a thing and refused to believe it. But mathematical
science, which is the only real science that the entire civilized world
has agreed upon, furnishes unmistakable proof of history repeating
itself and shows that the cycle theory, or harmonic analysis, is the
only thing that we can rely upon to ascertain the future.

Sometime ago an article appeared in the _New York American_ commenting
on the writings of Sir Arthur Evans, foremost English archeologist, who
published "The Palace of Minos," a book concerning the ancient City
of Minotaur. He described the excavation on the Isle of Crete in the
Mediterranean Sea, in which they found modern apartment houses, bath
tubs and corsets, the same as used today. The plumbing that they found
was so excellent that it is still working after thousands of years. It
is estimated that the ancient city was destroyed over 5000 years ago,
or about 3500 B.C. The fact that a long time elapsed before
apartment houses became popular again is another proof of history
repeating itself and shows

 "There is no new thing under the sun,"

but that we simply resurrect the old ones.

"How do I forecast future cycles?" you may ask. In order to forecast
future cycles, the most important thing is to begin right, for if we
have the right beginning, we will get the right ending. If we know the
cause of the effect, then there can be no doubt about predicting the
future event or effect.

I have always looked for causes and when once I determine a cause I can
always be sure of the effect or future event which I predict. IT IS
NOT MY AIM TO EXPLAIN THE CAUSE OF CYCLES. The general public is not
yet ready for it and probably would not understand or believe it if I
explained it.

In every law of nature there is a major and a minor; a positive, a
negative, and a neutral. Therefore, in cycles there must be a lesser, a
greater and intermediate cycle, or cycles within cycles. Like Ezekiel
says: "Wheel within a wheel."

Time is the great factor that proves all things. The measurement of
time first originated and is based on the earth's motion upon its axis.
One of the smallest cycles, or time factors, which repeats regularly
in things that are very active and have a high vibration, is the
four-minute cycle. The reason for this is that the earth moves one
degree every four minutes. The next cycle is 24 hours, the complete
time required for the earth to make one revolution upon its axis. That
is how man measured his cycle of a day. The next important cycle is
one year, the time required for the earth to move around the sun. This
brings about the four seasons of the year. These are the minor cycles.

The major cycles run in 100 and 5000 years with variations based
on minor cycles. In order to be sure of world events and important
changes, it is necessary to go back at least 1000 years and prove up
the cycles. We find ample proof of the 1000-year cycle in the Bible:

 "A little one shall become a thousand and a small one a strong nation;
 I the Lord, will hasten it in his time."


 "One day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as
 one day."

Another evidence of the 1000-year cycle:

 "And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil,
 and Satan, and bound him a thousand years."

If we go back 1000 years, we can find ample proof of how history has
been repeating itself in the past few years. From about A.D.
916 to 923 Europe went thru about the same conditions that prevailed
1000 years later or around 1914 to 1920. During the first period
referred to, Europe experienced wars, panics and crop failures. History
shows that in 916 agriculture in the British Isles was at its lowest
ebb and that there was great scarcity of wheat and corn. Very few
people were engaged in tilling the soil on account of wars. The same
conditions prevailed 1000 years later in 1916 and 1917, when this
country was called on to furnish food to starving Europe and send men
and money to save their armies from defeat. In 917, Constantinople was
besieged by the Bulgarians and war continued to 919. We know that war
prevailed in Turkey and all over Europe between 1914 and 1919. In 923
there was Civil War in France and 1000 years later, or in 1923, France
again had her troubles and is still having them.

Another proof of the 1000- and 2000-year cycle is evidenced by a
lecture given by Prof. Hans Delbruck of the University of Berlin at the
University College of London, just before the outbreak of the World War
in 1914. He said:

 "One of his first observations in comparing the phenomena of the
 history of wars in the different ages was the likeness between the
 battles in which the Swiss conquered Duke Charles the Bold, and the
 battles in which the Greeks overcame the Persians. They had in an
 interval of 2000 years exactly the same arms and the same political
 institutions fighting against each other."

What proof of the 100-year cycle do we get from 100 years ago of what
has happened in the past few years? In the United States, between 1814
and 1822, we had crop failures, war and yellow fever, especially from
1819 to 1822. In 1821 Persia was visited with Asiatic cholera. In 1823
cholera broke out in several ports along the Mediterranean. During the
same period, corresponding to 100 years ago, the United States had the
terrible epidemic of influenza and in Europe, Russia was visited with
famine, cholera and all kinds of diseases, killing millions. In 1822
there was a famine in Ireland and 100 years later they were winding up
their troubles and trying to make settlement and peace with England.
In 1922 China and Russia were both suffering from famines, another
proof of the 100-year cycle. Some more important evidence of this cycle
is found by going back 100 years in history, in which we find that
in 1819 the first steamship crossed the Atlantic Ocean. In 1919, 100
years later, the British dirigible R-34 made a successful flight from
Scotland to Mineola, Long Island.

Where do we find proof in the Bible that the great World War was coming?

The proof that it is possible to make predictions of wars, famines,
pestilences and general world events thousands of years in advance, is
plainly substantiated by the Bible. The great World War was prophesied
in the Book of Revelation.

What proof do we find in the Bible of what events or conditions will
follow wars? What does the Bible say of the great World War which St.
John the Divine foretold in the Book of Revelation?

 "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom;
 and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes in divers

Again the Bible says:

 "Immediately after the tribulation of these days shall the sun be
 darkened, and the moon shall not give light, and the stars shall fall
 from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken."

Again, it says:

 "The Lord hath called for a famine; and it shall also come upon the
 land seven years."

And seven years from the close of the World War, Europe had the
terrible crop failures, strikes, business depression and calamities,
which occurred in 1923 to 1926.

Some evidence of long-range predictions which have been fulfilled, that
has attracted attention, appeared in the _New York American_, January
29, 1922. The article refers to an amazing prophecy of the twelfth
century made by Malachy, a priest, in A.D. 1139, in which he
foretold accurately the personality of the Papal succession by means
of mottoes and numbers. He foretold the long struggles which Ireland
would have to go thru and the eventual peace, which has been recently
signed. His prophecy on the future Pope is No. 266. Fides Intrepida,
which means--"Unwavering Faith, unshaken belief in the face of danger;
unfaltering devotion." To those who understand numbers, "266" reveals
some remarkable events that are to follow the election of the new
Pope. It shows that wars are not yet over and that Europe will have
troublesome conditions, and in fact, the entire world must yet pass
thru a very evil period between 1926 and 1932. It also confirms both
the major and minor cycles which indicate that the years 1928 and 1930
to 1932 are to be years of famine, depressing business conditions and
panic, not only in Europe, but in the United States. The maximum evil
of the great 1000-year cycle, which will not be completed until 1932
to 1934, will bring serious troubles to the United States. Another bad
period for the United States will be 1940 to 1944.

The question arises:--If we can know the future, is it of value to us?
It has been well said: "Forewarned is forearmed," but I prefer to look
to the Bible for authority and proof. When Pharaoh had his wonderful
dream, he went to Joseph to have it interpreted. Joseph said:

 "And the seven thin and ill favored kine that came up after them are
 seven years; and the seven empty years, blasted with the east wind,
 shall be seven years of famine."

Listen to the advice Joseph gave him:

 "Let them gather all the food of those good years that come, and lay
 up corn under the hand of Pharaoh, and let them keep food in the
 cities. The people throughout the land should take warning and prepare
 for the unfavorable years to follow."

The Bible is the BOOK of all books, and if we only study it and
understand it, we can gain a proper knowledge of all things. I believe
it the duty of any man who understands science and mathematics and the
cycle theory, and knows what is coming, to warn the people in order
that they may prepare for trouble ahead. Many will scoff and laugh and
refuse to believe until it is too late. The Bible is full of references
where God has given us signs by which we may know what is coming, if we
will only believe them. He says:

 "O, ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not
 discern the signs of the times?"

Again the Bible says:

 "And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament, of the heaven
 to divide the day from the night, and let them be for signs, and for
 seasons, and for days, and years."

How few people are willing to study the Bible in order to understand
the signs and discern the future and profit by it.



The coming mode of transportation will be by airplane and I feel sure
they will be used in the great war to come. The Bible tells us that
Enoch, who was the seventh from Adam--a number generally referred to
as divine--was translated to heaven for his faith at the age of 365
years. This event took place about 3017 B.C. I believe that at
that time they had all modern inventions and that Enoch went up in an
airplane. The writer of the book, probably not having seen an airplane
before and seeing Enoch go into the sky, thought that he had gone to
heaven. We are now in the 5000-year cycle, from the time that Enoch was
transferred to heaven, and this indicates the progress of the airplane
at this time. Elijah was also translated to heaven in a cloud of fire,
in 896 B.C. I believe this, too, was an airplane. Since the
chariot was seen blazing with some kind of fire or gas, the recorder
thought it was just something to take Elijah to heaven.

Man first traveled by land, then conquered the water and last, the
greatest feat of all, is conquering the air, which was plainly foretold
in the Bible.

In 1602 there was a railway built in New Castle, England, operated
by horsepower. In 1776, the first iron rails were laid, the first
important step leading to railways. In July, 1801, there was a
completed tram road from Croyden to Wandsworth, England. In 1802,
the first high-pressure locomotive was invented. In 1813, William
Hedley built a locomotive. In 1824, the first locomotive, by George
Stephenson, traveled six miles per hour. In 1829, the Rocket made a
speed of fifteen miles per hour. In 1834, the Firefly Locomotive made a
speed of twenty miles an hour, and in 1839, the North Star made a speed
of thirty-seven miles per hour.

Man used the air as power for sailing vessels long years before he ever
dreamed that it could be used to travel thru by airplane. The first
idea of steam navigation was patented by Jonathan in 1713, and later
in 1783, a steamboat by Fitch. In 1793, the first real steamboat by
Fulton. On August 9, 1803, Fulton's steamboat, "The Claremont," made
its first trip up the Hudson. In 1807, Fulton started a steamboat
line on the Hudson. On July 15, 1819, the first steamship made a trip
from New York to Liverpool in twenty-six days. In October, 1829, a
locomotive by steam carriages started in Liverpool. In June, 1838, the
"Great Western" made a trip from Bristol, arrived in New York, making
the voyage in eighteen days. The next record for ocean travel was made
in 1851 when the "Pacific" crossed the Atlantic in 9 days, 19 hours and
25 minutes. In 1917, a German submarine boat made a successful trip
from Germany to Baltimore.

The advent of automobiles, or gas engines, began in 1877, when the
first gas engine was invented by Otto. In 1879, a gasoline motor was
invented by Selden. In 1892, the first automobile was operated by C.A.
Duryea. Note that this was repeating the 500-year cycle, and 100 years
before the first attempt was made to start an iron railway, and in
1783, the first time a balloon went up which carried a passenger.

In our modern times the first attempt by man to conquer the air by
means of plane or balloon was in June, 1783, when Joseph and Stephen
Montgolfier built the first balloon, but it carried no passengers. In
November, 1783, for the first time man went up in a balloon that sailed
over Paris. In 1859, John Wise sailed in a balloon from St. Louis to
Henderson, N.Y., in twenty hours; the greatest distance accomplished
up to that time. In 1900, Count Zeppelin flew the first dirigible. In
November, 1903, Wilbur and Orville Wright made their first flight in an
airplane which rose under its own power. Note that this was 100 years
after Fulton's first steamboat went up the Hudson, again repeating
the 100-year cycle. In July, 1908, Glenn H. Curtiss flew his first
airplane. In July, 1909, Charles K. Hamilton flew from New York to
Philadelphia--seventy-four miles. Note 100 years before this, in 1807,
Fulton started the first steamship line up the Hudson.

From 1914 to 1918, airplanes were used in the great World War; 100
years before steamers began crossing the Atlantic Ocean for the
first time. In June, 1919, first non-stop flight from St. John's,
Newfoundland, to Ireland. In July, 1919, the R-34 made a successful
flight from Scotland to Mineola, Long Island. The R-34 made the trip in
64 hours and 13 minutes. One hundred years previous to this the first
fast steamship crossed the Atlantic.

In May, 1923, Lieut. Macready and Kelly made a non-stop flight from New
York to San Diego, California. In July, 1923, sunrise to sunset flight
from New York to San Francisco. The flight was made by Russell L.
Maughan. March 17th to September 28, 1924, L.H. Smith and Lee Wade flew
around the world the first time. May, 1926, Richard E. Byrd circled the
North Pole with the dirigible. May 21, 1927, Charles A. Lindbergh made
the first successful flight across the Atlantic from New York to Paris.

Note how the airplane followed 100 years later after the fast steamer
across the Atlantic. As railroad and ocean transportation made rapid
progress from 1807 to 1838, so is airplane transportation making rapid
progress and I predict that in 1938, airplanes will be traveling at
the rate of 1000 miles an hour to all parts of the earth, carrying
passengers and freight. My interpretation of the cycles to repeat in
future indicates that from 1928 to 1932, one of the greatest battles
of all history will be fought in the air. In the next few years
airplanes will be making successful trips around the world and carrying

Man has succeeded in traveling on the earth by steam, gas and
electricity. The automobile solved the problem of motor transportation
without rail. The water was first conquered in a crude canoe, next
with a sailing vessel, then the fast steamers and later the submarine
by which man can travel secretly under the water. The next and last
great conquest was the air, and as nations have fought battles on
the land, on the water and used the submarine for successful warfare
under the water, the next and last great step in transportation will
be in the air. It is but natural to expect that the greatest battle
of all will take place in the air when all modern inventions will be
used to destroy human life. As stated in the Bible, unless the time be
shortened, no human being will be left on this earth, but the Good Book
has promised that the time will be shortened. Nations will try this new
mode to conquer each other before the United Kingdom, spoken of in the
Bible, can be realized.


Supplementing his former letter, Robert Gordon wrote:

  Dear Mr. Kennelworth:

 I am anxious to make some money in my cotton deals and get into wheat
 for the big advance that I figure is coming this Spring and Summer.
 Then I want to be in position to buy some Right Aeroplane and sell
 Major Motors and other stocks short, because I believe that in the
 next few years I can make a fortune buying Right Aeroplane stock and
 selling short Major Motors.

 Just as the railroad locomotive attained great speed from 1834 to
 1839, and the big steamers cut down the time between New York and
 Europe, so will airplanes 100 years later cut the time around the
 world and to all points of the world. Just as the automobile has
 supplanted the railway passenger trains in carrying passengers across
 the country, so will the airplane take the place of railroads and
 automobiles in transportation through the air, because it will be much
 faster and safer. I believe that the airplane described by Ezekiel is
 going to be the model of a great plane in the future and I would like
 to make money enough to be the man to build the first plane according
 to the plans laid down in the Bible.

 Mr. Kennelworth, I want to help you and show my appreciation for all
 your kindness to me. I would like to help you make back the money
 that you lost in the big slump in stocks in the Fall of 1919, and
 believe that if you will buy some July or October cotton right now,
 and hold it, you will make a lot of money. To show your faith in me,
 buy at least 100 bales. Then along about the 5th of April, we will
 have a lot of big profits made and can buy some wheat and corn as I
 figure that wheat and corn are going to start up the early part of
 April and advance twenty-five to thirty cents per bushel. Haven't you
 faith enough in me and faith enough in the Bible to risk a few hundred
 dollars and make back all the money you have lost? Of course you don't
 need it, Mr. Kennelworth, but it would make me very happy to see you
 make some money, anyway.


After reading over Robert's letters and explanation of the cycles, Mr.
Kennelworth answered:

  February 1, 1927.

  My dear Robert:

 Your amazing letter and forecast of the future cycles, received. I
 am surprised to find one so young possessed of so much knowledge. It
 shows that you are a deep student and have been searching for the
 hidden mysteries. You will receive your reward.

 I have faith in the Bible and in you, Robert. In 1919, I followed tips
 and lost a lot of money. Now I must have enough faith in you to risk a
 little money on your predictions, based on the Bible, so I telegraphed
 my brokers in New York today and bought 500 bales of July cotton at
 13.70. If it goes up, I am going to hold it and the money I make on
 it, I am going to give to you and Marie when you are married as a
 wedding present, or if you need the money to promote your invention, I
 will let you have it to use for that purpose.

 Please keep me posted on your studies and on your new discoveries.
 Always feel free to come and talk your matters over with me. I am
 always interested in anything that you have to write or talk to me
 about. Have faith in you and believe you are right about the great war
 to come.

 It is plain that the nations in Europe are rapidly getting ready for
 war, and, of course, it will be with airplanes. While I hate to think
 the United States will again be called into war, at the same time I
 realize that all of the foreign countries are jealous of us, because
 we have such enormous gold supply and have grown so prosperous. The
 United States is now the banker of the world, and while it was no
 fault of ours that the great World War occurred, which resulted to our
 benefit by transfer of gold from other nations to us, at the same time
 they are jealous and have a real hatred for America.

 So you are probably right in preparing to build a great airplane to be
 used in defending your country. Such noble intentions, my boy, fill
 my heart with pride. I am going to drive out to the farm to see your
 mother next Sunday if I can get time. Want to have a talk with her and
 tell her of your brilliant achievement. It makes every mother's heart
 glad to know that her boy is trying to accomplish something. I feel
 sure that you are going to accomplish your aims, Robert, and I am with
 you always.

  Sincerely yours,
  J.H. Kennelworth.

After hearing from Mr. Kennelworth, Robert was very happy, and of
course, had to share his happiness with Marie.

  February 5, 1927.

  Sweet Marie:

 I am very happy on this Saturday night, and nothing could make me
 happier than to be with you. I feel that I have won a great victory. I
 have put my theories up to Mr. Kennelworth, explained all that I could
 about my discoveries of the cycles in the Bible, and urged him to buy
 some cotton and make back the money that he lost in 1919. He said that
 he had faith in me and the Bible so he bought 500 bales of July cotton
 at 13.70 as I suggested.

 While the market hasn't gone up much since I bought mine, at the same
 time it is holding steady and I am sure that it is going up. I believe
 Mr. Kennelworth is going to make a lot of money on his cotton and I
 want to see him make it because he is an honest, whole-hearted man
 and has done everything he could to help me. The $500 bonus he gave
 me in January enabled me to have margin enough to buy the cotton, and
 if I make a great success I will feel that I owe him a great debt of
 gratitude, because he has really helped me get a start.

 Don't think I fail to appreciate all you are doing, my little
 sweetheart, and the faith that you have in me. I am looking forward to
 the day when I will make Wall Street hum with you standing by my side.
 Nothing would be left for me to work for if it wasn't the hope of
 having you, and the happiness that you can bring. Money will not mean
 anything except to accomplish my purpose, help my country and buy the
 things that will make you happy.

 Love is indeed the greatest thing in the world and you are the
 greatest woman in the world. With your love, there is nothing that I
 cannot do. You are my last thought when I go to sleep at night and the
 first when I wake in the morning. Everything I do, I always think is
 for you. Your sweet little letters are always so encouraging and your
 supreme faith in me urges me on to greater things.

 With all the love that my heart can send, I am as ever

  Your loving

  Monday, February 7, 1927.

  My own dear Robert:

 Your letter received this A.M. It is the happiest Monday
 morning that I have ever had. Am glad to know that Mr. Kennelworth is
 backing up your judgment. If I had some money I certainly would send
 it to you to buy some cotton for me. Maybe I will have some in a few
 months, because I am saving something every week from my allowance
 which Papa sends me.

 Every night when I kneel to pray, I ask God to give you strength and
 confidence, Robert, and I know that he can and will help you. It makes
 me very happy to know in all of your plans for the future, you think
 of me, and I am going to try to prove worthy of that great love.
 You are so noble, pure and unselfish; always thinking of others and
 thinking of what you can do to help protect your country in time of

 I do hope and pray as your mother does, that the days of wars may pass
 away; that man may cease to fight and may know and understand each
 other, settling their differences on the basis of love. I will welcome
 that day, and hope that I may stand by your side, when there will be
 no more wars and our loved ones will not be taken away to war.

 Write me often, Robert, and know that you have all the love that the
 heart of one little woman can send.

  Your own

The month of February slowly passed away. Cotton was very slow and
inactive, but on February 23rd, it started up and went up fast. On
March 2nd, July cotton had advanced to 14.80, and Robert had a profit
of $1,000.00 and Mr. Kennelworth had a profit of $2,500.00. Robert was
very much elated over his progress and the profit for Mr. Kennelworth.
He wrote Marie how the market was working out according to his
prediction; how the money was piling up; and that he would soon have
money to start on his invention and new discovery. Marie was very happy
over Robert's success and wrote encouraging letters. Mr. Kennelworth
was also very happy and congratulated Robert on being able to buy
cotton very close to the low level in January.

March was the month to bring disappointment to Robert. Cotton started
to decline and by the middle of the month had declined to around 13.75
wiping out all Robert's and Mr. Kennelworth's profits, but still
leaving their capital intact. Robert was not discouraged. He told Mr.
Kennelworth that the flood was sure to come in the Mississippi Valley
during April and May, the Spring would be late, and the price would be
sure to advance. He had no thought of selling out his cotton and urged
Mr. Kennelworth to hold his, which he did.

Marie had become very much interested in the market and was reading the
paper every day and watching the prices. She saw the price decline to
around 13.75 and knew that Robert's profits would now be wiped out. She
felt very sorry for him and wrote him:

  March 15th, 1927.

  My dear Robert:

 I have not heard from you in several days. I see that the market has
 declined to where you now have no profit left on your deal. Do not get
 discouraged; I have great faith in you and believe that you are yet
 going to come out all right and make a lot of money. Why don't you
 hold your cotton, and tell Mr. Kennelworth to hold his, because my
 intuition tells me that you are certainly right?

 I have been saving money every week from my allowance. A few weeks
 ago I wrote Papa and told him that I had to have some extra money and
 asked him if he could let me have $300.00. He sent the money at once,
 so I now have $400.00 and I am sending it to you. I want you to buy
 me 100 bales of July cotton. I was talking with a broker from Dallas
 a few days ago, and he says that he believes cotton will go up even
 tho it may be slow for a while. Take the money, and if you can get the
 broker to buy a hundred for me, do so. This is my faith in you, and in
 the Bible. So don't be afraid to buy for me, Robert. I am just as game
 as you are.

 With all love and wishing you luck,

  As ever, your own

This letter was a great consolation and encouragement to Robert. He had
begun to feel a little blue because cotton had declined. Not that he
thought it wouldn't go up again, but he was sorry that he had failed to
get the profits.

He took Marie's money and on March 17th bought 100 bales of July cotton
at 13.90. The cotton market was slow during the balance of March, but
it did not decline, and Robert was greatly encouraged. The market was
slow again during April, but prices were holding steady and Robert felt
encouraged that they did not decline. On April 20th a flood started
in the Mississippi Valley. The Spring was late and planting delayed.
Cotton started to advance and went up fast, July reaching 15.40 by
April 25th. Robert's profits were now piling up fast, and Marie had a
profit of over $700.00 on her 100 bales. Mr. Kennelworth had held his
cotton and profits were accumulating fast for him. He congratulated
Robert on his wonderful prediction that the flood came as he forecast.
Marie was watching the papers so she wired Robert as follows:



Robert now began to see possibilities of his dream being realized, and
thought in a few months he could resign his position and go to New
York and continue to speculate in order to make money enough to build
his airplane and work out ideas for his other discoveries. So he wrote
Marie this letter:

  April 30th, 1927.

  My darling Marie,

 The Lord has been good to us. Fortune is smiling on us. Cotton is
 on its way up. In a few weeks will be up around 17c a pound, and we
 will have a lot of money made. I bought another 100 bales today and
 Mr. Kennelworth bought 500 bales more. It won't be long until I have
 money enough to go to New York. When I go, I want you to go with me,
 because I cannot go there and succeed alone without you. I need your
 love and encouragement, and want you to marry me and start to New York
 together. Of course I don't like to have you leave school before you
 graduate, but I feel it is best for you to go with me.

 Write and let me know what you think about it.

 With all my love,

  Your Robert.

Marie's reply:

  Sunday, May 1st, 1927.

  My dear Robert,

 I have just received your letter, and I am happy to know that the
 cotton is moving your way. I know that you love and trust me and
 I want you to know that I love and trust you, so please try to
 understand me. While I have the greatest faith in you and know that
 you will succeed, I feel that marrying you just now might handicap you
 and prevent your success. When once I am yours, Robert, you will have
 realized your fondest hope, and possibly your ambition may wane. You
 will fight harder to win if you still cling to the hope of winning
 me. They say that hope and anticipation are greater than realization,
 Robert. Never cease to hope for I am with you. Even when I am not with
 you, trust me as I trust you, for I love only you.

 I am going to tell you a dream that I had a few nights ago. I saw
 you a great success. Fortune was smiling on you. The world was at
 your feet, but I seemed to see a great tragedy follow this. It seemed
 I left you in a mysterious way and then came back to you just as
 mysteriously. Now, don't think that I do not want to go with you,
 Robert, and don't think that I believe in dreams, but somehow it has
 made a great impression on me.

 Of course you know that father would never consent to me leaving
 school to marry you, and if we married, we would have to run away.
 Would it not be best for you to go to New York, as you have planned,
 work on your invention, and let my love and faith guide you to
 success? You could live for my love, which you have always said was
 the greatest thing in the world. You have all my love and will always
 have it.

 I could continue in school and later, if you became despondent and
 could not get along without me, remember that I would have faith and
 love enough to give up father, mother, and everything else and come to
 you. I want to do what I feel is best for your future, Robert, and I
 hope that you will believe me and see it that way. I want you to come
 over to see me next Sunday, so we can talk over all your future plans.

 With all of my love for you always,

  Your Marie.

When Robert received Marie's letter, he was disappointed, but felt that
when he saw her and talked matters over, he could get her to change her
mind, give up school, if necessary, marry him and go to New York with
him. He had heard and read much of the pitfalls of the great City of
New York and felt that he did not care to venture there alone without
Marie with him as his wife. While his old school-mate and chum, Walter
Kennelworth, was in New York and could work with him and be a great
help and comfort, he felt that Marie, his one great inspiration, was
absolutely necessary to his success and that he must persuade her to go
with him to New York.

On Sunday, May 1st, Robert went to visit his mother in the country.
He found that Mr. Kennelworth had been there and told her of Robert's
success and his faith in him. Robert's mother was very happy when he
told her that cotton was advancing and he was making money rapidly and
Mr. Kennelworth was making money; that Marie had such great faith in
him that she had put up her only $400.00 and bought 100 bales of cotton
and now had a profit of about $1,000.00.

Robert told his mother of his plans. That he expected within a few
months to go to New York, establish himself there, and speculate in
order to make money so that he could build his great airplane according
to Ezekiel's plan and prepare to help his country in time of war. Mrs.
Gordon was very happy to learn of her boy's success. She was sad when
he began to talk about war. Robert assured her that the Bible plainly
foretold the great war which was to be fought in the air and that it
was his duty to help protect his country. While his mother admired his
patriotism, she again referred to the dream that she had had years
before, about a great war which would come and in which she thought
that Robert lost his life in San Francisco.

She talked to Robert of his future and told him she hoped he would be
a preacher. Robert confided to her that he could never be an orthodox
minister, for he could not preach and teach the things which the
orthodox ministers were teaching. He did not believe in a personal
devil or believe in Hell, but believed in a God of Love and Justice. He
did not believe that God would inflict upon any of his children eternal
punishment but thought that whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he
also reap and that we receive our reward here upon earth.

He told her that the Bible plainly said that the kingdom of heaven is
within us and he believed it. If we kept our conscience clear and did
unto others as we would like to have them do unto us, he believed we
would find our heaven and our reward here upon earth. Said that times
and conditions were changing rapidly; that the new inventions and
discoveries caused men to think differently than in the old days; that
the old religious ideas would pass away and give place to more liberal,
advanced ideas. He hoped to live to see the day when men would not
only be too proud to fight, but would be too full of love for their
fellow-men to settle disputes with the sword. This was God's plan and
it would come to pass this way, and he believed that he could be a
great power for peace and hoped to live to see a world of peace with
all nations united under one kingdom and one God, the God of Love and

Mrs. Gordon felt that her faith in Robert had been justified and that
she understood him better than his father and brother. He told his
mother of his hopes for an early marriage with Marie and that when he
went to New York, he wanted to take Marie with him as his wife. His
mother was not in favor of an elopement. She wanted him to make good,
act in an honorable way and ask the consent of Mr. Stanton to his
marriage with Marie, but she felt at this time Mr. Stanton would not
give his consent because he wanted Marie to complete her education and
it was right and proper she should. His mother asked him if he didn't
think it would be best to continue his position with Mr. Kennelworth
for a few years longer, after he saw that he was making a success
before going to New York where he might fail in a strange city. Robert
was filled with a great determination to go. He wished to make a
success and knew he would, because he read the Bible and had learned

The week ending May 7th was the greatest week in Robert Gordon's life
up to that time. Cotton advanced rapidly about $4.00 per bale, and by
May 7th Robert's profits were about $2,500.00. Marie had a profit of
over $1,000.00 on her 100 bales which Robert bought for her, and Mr.
Kennelworth now had a profit of about $7,000.00.

On Saturday morning, May 7th, Mr. Kennelworth called Robert into his
private office and asked him if he knew what the cotton market was
doing that morning. Robert said he hadn't heard what the price was.
Mr. Kennelworth told him that July was now selling around 16 cents per
pound, and that while he had some nice profits, the money was not the
thing that counted with him, but the fact that Robert was right on the
market made him happy that he had faith in him and encouraged him.

Robert then confided to Mr. Kennelworth that he was very anxious to
go to New York just as soon as possible. He had been reading about
the contemplated flights of the airplanes from New York across the
Atlantic, and he wanted to be in New York by his birthday in June,
1927, because he figured by that time the airplanes would have crossed
the Atlantic and there would be great excitement in New York.
He wished to be there and get all the information he could about
airplanes, because he wanted to start building his own just as soon
as he had money enough and felt that he could do so. He asked Mr.
Kennelworth what he thought about him resigning in a short time to go
to New York. Mr. Kennelworth told him that he would regret very much
to lose his services, but that he had great faith in Robert's study
of the Bible and what he thought he could do, and that if he wanted
to do so, he would let him go and not only that, but would aid him
financially. Robert confided his hope and desire to take Marie with
him. Mr. Kennelworth didn't exactly agree with this but told him that
this was a problem he would have to solve for himself; that if Marie
had faith enough in him to take the step, he was sure it would work out
all right; and that he could always have his old position back any time
that he wanted to return, and could have any help that he could render
him in New York.

After his conference with Mr. Kennelworth, Robert wired Marie as


Robert arrived in Sherman, Texas, Saturday evening, and Marie met
him at the train. She was overjoyed at Robert's success. They spent
Saturday evening and Sunday together. It seemed to them the happiest
days of their lives. Robert talked over his plans and Marie was
enthusiastic about his future. He told her that if the market worked
as he expected, he intended to trade in wheat and corn in the near
future; that he hoped to go to New York by the early part of June, as
he was very enthusiastic about the air flights from New York across the
Atlantic to Paris, and get started on his studies and invention. Marie
was willing to give him all the money she had made to help him out but
he told her that the one thing he wanted was her and her love, and that
he wanted her to go with him to New York.

She knew her father would never consent to their marriage and the only
way would be to elope. While she thought it best to finish her studies
in school and join him in New York later, said if he insisted, she
would go with him. Robert left for Texarkana on Sunday afternoon, May
8th, with Marie's promise that if he decided to go to New York within
a few weeks, they would make arrangements to elope and be married in
St. Louis on their arrival there. Robert had his Bible with him and
on his way back home Sunday night, spent several hours reading it and
going over the predictions by Ezekiel and the plans outlined by Ezekiel
for an airplane, which Robert hoped and expected to build in the near

During the next ten days, cotton was slow and reacted 40 to 50 points.
But this in no wise discouraged Robert, as he felt sure that a big
advance was coming the latter part of May and during the early June.

On May 19th, July cotton was again up around the 16 cent level. Robert
felt that now was the time to start buying wheat and corn. He wired
his broker in New York to buy 10,000 July wheat and 10,000 July corn,
and to raise the stop loss order on his cotton and also place a stop
loss order on the wheat and corn, to protect the broker and himself.
The broker wired that he had bought 10,000 July wheat at 1.38-1/2 and
10,000 July corn at 92 cents. On May 20th Robert bought 10,000 July
corn at 92-1/2 cents for Marie's account. He told Mr. Kennelworth that
he figured wheat and corn were now going to have a big advance, and
advised him to buy some, which he did.


May 21st was a red-letter day in the life of Robert Gordon. Wheat, corn
and cotton all advanced to the highest levels of the season. Robert
had read reports in the paper that Charles A. Lindbergh had started on
his lone flight from New York to Paris. He went down to the telegraph
office in the afternoon to inquire if there was any news about the
success of Lindbergh's flight. The operator said that nothing had come
over the wire yet, but there had been a report that Lindbergh had
passed over Ireland early that morning. Robert waited in the telegraph
office until about 5 P.M. when a flash came over the wire that
Lindbergh had landed in Paris. This fired Robert's enthusiasm, and he
was very much excited. Right then and there decided that he was going
to New York in the very near future and start to build an airplane
according to his own plans. He went immediately to the home of Mr.
Kennelworth and told him about his plans and desire to go to New York
just as soon as possible.

Mr. Kennelworth was also very enthusiastic about Lindbergh's flight
across the Atlantic, and told Robert that he contemplated going to New
York to be there for the reception when Lindbergh returned, and that
he wanted to visit Walter and see how he was getting along anyway.
So Robert tendered his resignation to Mr. Kennelworth to take place
on May 31, 1927. Mr. Kennelworth accepted the resignation with the
understanding and promise from Robert that if anything went wrong or
he should lose his money or meet with disappointments in New York, he
would immediately return and assume his old position. Robert thanked
him for his kindness and told him that he would feel free to call on
him but that he felt he would never have to return to take up the
position again. In view of his discoveries of the cycles in the Bible,
he could make money in the market, but his object was not alone to make
money for selfish purposes, but to use it to benefit others and for the
protection of his country at the time of the coming great war which
would be fought in the air.

On Sunday, May 22nd, Robert wrote to Marie:

 My dearest Marie,

The past week has been a great one for us, and yesterday, the 21st, was
the greatest day in history. Lindbergh, the lone aviator, crossed the
Atlantic and landed safely in Paris. Wheat, corn and cotton went up and
we made more money. Profits are piling up fast, and I will soon have
plenty of money to build my airplane.

I had a long talk with Mr. Kennelworth yesterday afternoon after we
received the news of Lindbergh's flight, and resigned my position, to
take place on May 31st. Expect to go to New York some time in the early
part of June, and of course I want to take you with me as my wife. With
the profits we now have made in the market, there will be no trouble
about us getting along all right in New York and I am sure that I am
going to make a lot more money.

Cotton is going away up in the early part of June and wheat is going
very high in the latter part of May and early June. I will sell out and
take some of my profits so we can get started in good shape. Will see
you next Sunday and talk the matter over and plan the best way.

Your love and faith has sustained me thus far and helped to make me
the success that I am, and with that love, there is no height which I
cannot reach.

I love you more than ever. You are all and everything to me.


During the week ending May 28th, Robert watched the markets very
closely because he figured that wheat and corn would be top around May
28th to June 1st. He wanted to sell out and get the profits so that he
could go to New York. Cotton advanced to the highest level that week
and on Saturday, July was up to 16.40. Robert had a profit of over
$3,000.00 in his cotton. He sold out his July wheat on May 28th at
$1.50 and sold the corn at $1.03-1/2, making about $2,300.00 profit.
This, together with his stock profits, gave him about $6,000.00. He
sold out Marie's corn at $1.03-1/2, making a profit of about $1,100.00
there. She also had a profit of about $1,200.00 on the cotton which
she was still holding because he believed it was going higher. Marie's
profit now amounted to about $2,300.00.

Robert was going to Sherman, Texas, on Saturday afternoon, and Monday
being Decoration Day, he would not return until Monday night. He had
a talk with Mr. Kennelworth before leaving and Mr. Kennelworth told
him that he had been buying more corn on the way up and more cotton;
that he now had a profit of about $25,000.00, all of which was due to
Robert's advice.

Robert said that he was going away to see Marie and confided that he
was going to try to get her to elope with him and go to New York. Mr.
Kennelworth told him that he could take the good news to Marie that he
was going to give them a wedding present of $10,000.00, which was less
than half of the profits he had made. He was going to continue to hold
the cotton until Robert thought it was time to sell.

On the afternoon of May 28th, Robert boarded a train for Sherman,
Texas, with the lightest heart that he had ever experienced in his
life. Now that his dream was really going to be realized, he was never
so happy. He figured that with the money he had made and with Marie's
money, and the $10,000.00 which Mr. Kennelworth was going to give them,
he would have about $18,000.00 which would give him capital to continue
to speculate in the market and money for his plans on his great

As the train rolled across the plains of Texas and Robert watched the
sun setting across the prairies on that Saturday afternoon, he dreamed
of the day when he, like Lindbergh, would cross the country in his
great airplane. He could think of nothing else but Lindbergh's great
flight and what it meant to the world. He realized that Ezekiel's
prophecy of that war which was to come and be fought in the air, was
coming true, and the great plane described by Ezekiel, the eagle with
wheel within a wheel, would one day become a reality. He could now
see the possibilities of his dream being fulfilled and he was sure of

Marie welcomed him with enthusiasm and open arms. She was so proud
of him and so happy that he made good in the market. He had been so
thoughtful to buy cotton and corn for her and sold out the corn with
$1,100.00 profit. She told Robert that he was a wonder; that he was one
of the greatest young men in the world and a genius, and that he would
be a greater man than Lindbergh when he was as old as Lindbergh.

Robert said that on June 9th, he would be 21 years of age, and on that
day he wanted to be married and start on his career as a real man. He
wanted to go back to Texarkana after the holidays, wind up his affairs
and get ready to go to New York. Wanted her to go with him, starting
Saturday, June 4th, so they would arrive on Sunday, June 5th, in St.
Louis, be married, and proceed immediately to New York. He asked Marie
what she thought about going to her father, telling him he had now
made good and had enough money to start out, and ask his consent to
their marriage. Marie said that it was useless; that her father would
never consent to her leaving school and being married, no matter how
much money the man she was going to marry had to take care of her. Her
father was bent on her finishing her education and she knew it would be
a hopeless case. There was no use talking about it.

She asked Robert if he didn't think it would be better for her to
remain in school for another year or two, to finish her education, and
then she could join him in New York and be married. She thought it
possible that he might get along better for a while without her. But
Robert would not listen to this and told her that he would never go
without her. His future happiness and success depended upon her love
and encouragement. Her love had guided him safely thus far and would
lead him on to greater things. He had dreamed of the time when he would
come home at night from his work or study, to find her there and see
her beautiful eyes, the lights that would guide him on to success.
She could either make him the most miserable man in the world or the
happiest. His entire future and fate were in her hands and she could do
with him as she willed. Marie agreed to keep her promise she had made
to him long before,--that regardless of money or conditions, she would
leave father, mother, brothers and sisters, and go with him anywhere,
even unto the ends of the earth, and that if he insisted, she would
elope because she knew that was the only way since her father would not
give his consent.

On Sunday, May 29th, Robert and Marie went to Dallas, Texas. They had
planned when they were ready to elope, that Marie would leave from
Dallas on the "Sunshine Special" in the afternoon of June 4th. She
was to keep her plans absolutely secret and Robert was to board the
same train that night at Texarkana, and after the train was out of
Texarkana, he was to find her, go on to St. Louis together, be married
there on Sunday morning, and leave Sunday noon for New York. Robert
was extremely happy and talked of nothing but the success that was to
come to them; of his great plane that he was to build and the part it
would take in protecting the country in the great air battle which he
was sure was yet to come, when foreign countries thru their jealousy,
would attack the United States from the air and do great damage to
this country. He told her that in the end Uncle Sam would win; that
the Stars and Stripes would proudly float from the great buildings in
New York, and that they would live to see that day and he wanted her
there with him when his great "ship" would help win the victory for
his country. Walter Kennelworth was in the city and they were going to
work together on inventions and discoveries that would help win the war
which he knew was sure to come.

It was the most interesting and pleasant Sunday that they had ever
spent together. They drove around Dallas and talked over their future
plans. Sunday afternoon they returned to Sherman, and Monday forenoon
Robert spent with Marie. They went out to the cemetery and placed some
flowers upon the graves of soldiers who had lost their lives in defense
of their country.

Robert talked of the great feat of Lindbergh and of the honors that he
would receive from the foreign countries, and told Marie what a great
time they would have, as Mr. Kennelworth was going to New York and they
would all be there at the great reception when Lindbergh returned.
He said good-bye to her on Monday afternoon and started back for
Texarkana, knowing that the next time he would meet her, would be on
board the train for St. Louis, where she would become his wife.

From that time on, Robert counted the minutes, in anticipation of the
great happiness of the following Sunday when they would be married in
St. Louis. He was strongly attracted to St. Louis because Lindbergh had
left from there in the "Spirit of St. Louis," on his successful flight.
He thought it would be good luck to marry in St. Louis and start from
there to New York to spend their honeymoon.

On Tuesday morning, May 31st, Robert started early to Mr. Kennelworth's
office as that was to be his last day in the office and he was anxious
to clean up all the business necessary and render Mr. Kennelworth
all the service possible before he went away. He confided to Mr.
Kennelworth the arrangements of eloping with Marie. Mr. Kennelworth
told him that he would arrange to go to New York about the 11th of June
and was sorry that he couldn't make the trip with Marie and Robert and
see them married in St. Louis. But he said to Robert, "That is the time
when two young people like to be alone, and I am afraid that I wouldn't
be a very good chaperon on the trip. So it is all for the best and you
will get along all right without me."

Robert told Mr. Kennelworth that he figured according to his cycle
theory, cotton should be sold out about June 1st or 2nd, that there
would be a reaction. He had also figured that it was time to sell wheat
and corn for a reaction.

On June 1st, Robert sold out his July cotton at 16.80 and also sold
out Marie's cotton. Robert's profits and capital together now amounted
to $7,000.00. Robert sold 25,000 July wheat at 1.48-1/2 and 25,000
July corn at 1.06-1/2 on June 1st. He went down to the broker's office
to watch the market for that week, because he knew the next few days
would be very important and anxious days for him. He was thinking every
minute of the day when he would start to New York and would make Marie
his wife. This would be the greatest start of all his life, as he was
starting it under favorable conditions and with plenty of money. He
knew that success was certain and was never more hopeful.

On Saturday, June 4th, he closed his short contract in July wheat
at 1.43 and his corn contract at 1.02. He had made a profit of over
$2,000.00 on wheat which brought his capital up to $9,000.00. Mr.
Kennelworth had taken Robert's advice and gone short of wheat and corn
on June 1st, after selling out his cotton. Cotton declined from June
1st as Robert figured it would. He told Mr. Kennelworth on Saturday
morning that he was going to buy in his wheat and corn, because he was
getting ready to go away that afternoon and was not going to make any
more trades until he had arrived in New York. He would have everything
in cash and ready to make a new start after the honeymoon.

Mr. Kennelworth had sold wheat and corn heavily and had made over
$50,000.00 since he started to follow Robert's advice. He made back
all the money he had lost in the slump in oil stocks in 1919 and
was very grateful to Robert. He handed Robert New York exchange for
$10,000.00 as a wedding present. Told him that he could call on him for
any additional help that he wanted in financing the building of his
airplane or for any other purpose. Robert assured him that he would not
need any more help; that he could make all the money he wanted and that
his success was assured.

Robert told Mr. Kennelworth that he made over $4,000.00 for Marie
on her little capital of $400.00 with which she had started. Mr.
Kennelworth was very much elated over this. This was the first time he
had heard about Marie putting up $400.00 to buy cotton. He told Robert
she was the kind of a woman to marry, the one who believed in him and
would back him with her money and everything else. He believed it was
love of the right kind--that success was sure to follow. Robert was so
happy that afternoon that he called Marie on the long-distance 'phone,
and told her of his great success in the market in wheat and the money
Mr. Kennelworth had made; told her that they had now a working capital
of around $25,000.00 and with that much money, in New York it would
be only a question of a few years when he would be a millionaire. The
main thing, however, was not money but the use he wanted to put it to
in completing his invention. Marie was very happy and told him that
she was making arrangements to go to Dallas and would leave there that
afternoon on the "Sunshine Special," and after the train pulled out of
Texarkana, he would find her on board. He was to keep everything quiet
and not let anybody know anything about the elopement, as her father
might try to stop her. No one in Texarkana but Robert's mother and Mr.
Kennelworth knew about the secret elopement. Robert kept everything
quiet about his resigning from Mr. Kennelworth's and going to New York,
because he thought that there might be some leak somewhere and that Mr.
Stanton might find out about Marie's elopement and stop it.


At 7 P.M. June 4th, 1921, Robert walked into the Railroad
Station at Texarkana and bought a ticket for St. Louis, with a
reservation on the "Sunshine Special." This was the greatest and
happiest moment of his life. He knew that Marie was already on her way
and that in a couple of hours the train would arrive and he would go
aboard for St. Louis, where he was to make her his wife. After buying
his ticket, he went over to the Huckins Hotel and met Mr. Kennelworth
for a final conference and to say good-bye. He told Mr. Kennelworth
that he figured it would be time to buy cotton on a little reaction
Monday morning, and also time to buy wheat again. Mr. Kennelworth
assured him that he was going to plunge on his profits, and if he lost
money now, it would be out of profits. He was going to get into the
market and try to make a lot more money before he went to New York.
Robert said that he intended to wire his broker from St. Louis to buy
cotton and wheat for him on Monday morning.

Mr. Kennelworth bid Robert good-bye with all good wishes for success
and said he was sure he was going to succeed, but that if failure and
disappointment should come, he should always remember that he could
rely upon him; that a young man often had trouble and disappointment
and made many mistakes before he reached his goal and that if anything
went wrong in the market, he could always come to him and ask for any
aid possible and he would gladly grant it. He thought as much of Robert
as he did of his own son, Walter, and wanted them to work together in
New York, and was sure that they could be a great success. He wanted
Robert to encourage Walter to continue his studies along chemical
lines, because he believed that Walter would be able to make some great
discoveries and they could work together to good advantage.

The "Sunshine Special" was a little late on Saturday night, June 4th,
and Robert's heart was in his throat. He was anxious for that train to
roll in. Finally, when the whistle blew and the signal light in the
yard of the Texas Pacific showed the "Sunshine Special" was rolling
in, the glare of the headlights on the train was the most welcome
sight that Robert had ever witnessed thru all the days of his life.
He boarded the train as quickly as possible and sat down nervous and
anxious awaiting the moment when the train would get about 20 miles out
of Texarkana, so that he might go back and look for Marie.

The minutes passed slowly away and it seemed like years before the
train crossed the Red River and Robert decided that it was safe to go
back to the car where Marie was and see her. He found Marie all anxious
and nervously awaiting his arrival. She flew into his arms and seemed
the happiest woman in the world and Robert was too happy for words.
They sat there and talked of their future plans until after midnight.

Marie told Robert that she knew if her father found out she was
eloping, he would make every effort to stop her and prevent their
marriage, as she was not of age, and he was anxious that she complete
her education. Robert asked her if she had any regrets in the steps
she was taking, and she told him she did not, that if she did have,
she would never have started. She thought it was wonderful that Robert
had been able to make money so rapidly and was very happy that he had
stuck to the Bible and studied so hard, and now was getting his reward
for his faith and hard work. She expressed her supreme confidence in
him and the work that he intended to do. Robert hoped it would be a
beautiful sunshiny Sunday morning when they arrived in St. Louis, so
that they could be married and then proceed to New York.

Marie seemed very enthusiastic over the prospect of getting to St.
Louis. Robert had a little surprise for her, and she asked him to tell
her what it was. But he said, she must wait until they arrived in St.
Louis. "Robert, just suppose the train should be wrecked and I should
be killed, or something should happen that I would never see you again,
don't you think you had better tell me about the surprise now?" He
said, "No, there is not going to be any wreck. Good luck is following
us, and the surprise will keep until tomorrow morning." She said,
"Robert, I may not be able to sleep. I don't think I can sleep anyway,
after all this excitement and happiness and everything that is to come
in the future." Robert knew that he couldn't sleep either, but he
would go up to his car, lie down and try to get some rest before they
arrived in St. Louis the next morning. They agreed to meet early in
the morning and go back into the dining car for breakfast before they
arrived in St. Louis.

Robert returned to his berth and tried to rest, but found that he
couldn't sleep. He thought over what Marie had said about--"suppose the
train should be wrecked, or something should happen that you should
never see me again." He thought that nothing could happen to separate
Marie from him, but just the same it was the thought that she said
something might happen. He felt lonesome being separated from Marie.
She was two cars back, but he felt that the good God who had endowed
him with faith would protect Marie, and that no harm would come to her;
that there was no danger of a wreck on the "Sunshine Special" and that
there was sunshine waiting for Marie and himself. In the wee small
hours of the morning, Robert dozed off and had a few hours of sound
sleep. He arose early and dressed. About 8 o'clock, he hurried back to
Marie's car, to take her to breakfast. When he arrived at her berth, he
found it empty. He went back to the dining-car to look for Marie, but
couldn't find her there, and then went on thru to the end of the train,
but was unable to locate Marie. The Pullman porter told him that he
hadn't seen her that morning and the last he saw of her was when Robert
was talking to her in the berth late that night. Robert then searched
the train again from one end to the other and became uneasy and anxious
about Marie. He returned again to her car and had the porter look for
her baggage, and after looking thru the car, found that it was gone.
Robert was now almost frantic and could not imagine what could have
happened to her, because her baggage was gone. The porter assured him
that there had been no hold-up of the train that night and that nothing
unusual had happened. He had been up all night helping people get on
and off at different stations but had seen nothing of Marie at any
time. The train conductor was notified and the Pullman-car conductor
was told. Both of them searched the train from one end to the other,
and nowhere could Marie be found.

Robert did not explain to the conductor or the porter that they were to
be married in St. Louis that morning. The conductor told him that it
seemed plain that in some way during the night, she must have left the
train because her baggage was gone. Robert was now almost in a state of
collapse. He imagined all kinds of things which might have happened to
Marie. Thought that she might have become insane during the night, and
had thrown her baggage out of the window, and jumped out. Thought her
father might in some way have found out about her plans and had some
officer or someone secreted on the train who had taken Marie off at
some point enroute. But no matter what he thought or imagined, it was
no relief to his mind because he did not know where Marie was. All his
future happiness was blasted in a moment.

By the time the search was over, the train was nearing St. Louis.
Robert began to think of all the things he could and must do to try and
find Marie. The first thing he thought of was to wire Mr. Kennelworth,
and have him make a search and ascertain whether her father or mother
knew anything about what had happened. The railroad conductor and
Pullman conductor had tried to cheer Robert up and assure him that
nothing seriously wrong could have happened to her, and that for some
unknown reason she must have left the train at some station during the
night without anyone knowing it, because they were sure that she could
not have jumped out or fallen from the window without someone knowing
about it and they thought there was nothing to worry about. Robert had
decided on sending telegrams and making every search possible to locate
her. He put his hand in his inside pocket to find a pencil and draw out
a wallet. In the pocket was an envelope addressed to him in Marie's
handwriting. He did not know where it had come from or how it could
have gotten into his pocket, but he hurriedly tore the envelope open
and this is what he read:

  June 5, 1927--3 A.M.

  Dearest Robert:

 According to your faith, be I unto you. Love will always have faith,
 understand and wait. Time proves all things. You will get everything
 you want. I will come to you when I mean the most and your need for
 love is the greatest.

  Lovingly always,

When Robert finished reading this little note, tears were streaming
down his face. He was frantic. He knew that the mysterious letter was
written by Marie's own hand and must have been written on the train
and for some unknown reason she was leaving him. He at once thought
of his great faith in her, and his faith in God and the future as he
read. He wondered what this could mean: "According to your faith, be
I unto you--love will always have faith, understand and wait." Robert
thought, "How can I understand, how can I wait, when I left her only a
few hours ago supremely happy anticipating being married a few hours
later in St. Louis, and going on to New York to spend our future lives
together. What in the world can she mean by, 'time proves all things.'"
Time had proved his faith and love for her. She had had faith in him
and had encouraged him; had put up the $400.00 she had saved, not to
make money for herself but to try to help him. She told him that she
didn't want the money, but wanted him to use it in any way that would
help him. Then he pondered the next line where she said: "You will get
everything you want." He thought, "My God, there is only one thing that
I do want, there is only one thing in this world that means anything to
me and that is my Marie, and where will I find her." Reading the next
line over and over, "I will come to you when I mean the most and your
need for love is the greatest."

He almost exclaimed aloud, "My God, my God, now is the time that I need
her the most. I will never need her more. How can I go on? Life will be
a blank. I will be a dismal failure without her." He wondered if there
ever could be a time in the future when he would need her more, when
she would mean more to him, than she meant at this moment.

He could imagine no unfriendly circumstances, no break of any kind that
would cause Marie to change in a few hours and decide to turn back from
the step she had taken. He could not understand how she could have
slipped to his berth in the wee small hours of the morning and placed
this note in his inside coat pocket. It was her handwriting, and he
knew that Marie had written it. But why! why! why!

As the train rolled into the Union Station at St. Louis he stood in
the car dazed, with her letter crumpled in his hand. With a heavy
heart he made his way to the station and sat down to think what he
could or should do. Finally, he decided to send a telegram and lay the
circumstances of Marie's disappearance before Mr. Kennelworth and ask
his advice before making any move.

Robert realized that he must have time to collect his thoughts, if he
ever could think again. His thoughts turned back to the dream Marie had
told him she had, where some terrible tragedy had overtaken him and
she had gone out of his life in a mysterious way and came back into it
in the same way. He wondered if at that time Marie had had any doubt
that she might not want to continue to carry out the plans agreed on.
Then he thought of what she said just before bidding good-night in the
train, when she had asked him to tell her what the surprise was he had
for her and said to him that the train might wreck and kill her or that
something might happen to separate them. He wondered then if she had
something in her mind which she thought might separate them during the
night, or if she intended to hide from him in some way.

But he must get all that out of his mind--must have faith in Marie,
must understand and wait. Then like a flash he became contented.
Thought it was all a joke that Marie had played on him, that she was
hiding somewhere in the train and in a few minutes would show up, so
he decided not to send a telegram to Mr. Kennelworth but simply stay in
the station and wait. He opened his suit case and took out the Bible,
and there began to read from St. Paul, who said that love suffers long
and is kind, seeks not its own, is not easily provoked and thinks no
evil. Robert resolved to have patience, to have faith in Marie, and
never doubt her, and never to think any evil of her no matter what
happened. His mind was relieved. He felt happy and more cheerful, and
was hopeful.

He waited a short time in the station, hoping Marie would join him. The
seconds drifted away like weeks, the minutes seemed like months, and
when an hour had gone by, to Robert it seemed like years. He waited and
hoped; watched in every direction for Marie's beautiful eyes, the eyes
he told her he loved so much and always wanted them to greet him when
he came home from his work because they were an inspiration. Slowly
the hands on the great clock in the Union Station showed it was nearly
12 o'clock noon. Robert listened attentively as the old clock tolled
twelve times for 12 o'clock and each time it seemed that the blood
from his heart was slowly trickling away. Hope was fast giving away to
despair. Robert found his patience waning, but that was not to be. He
must trust to the word of God which said: "O, ye of little faith, saith
the Lord," and must try to find Marie who meant everything to him.

As the last stroke of the clock died slowly away, Robert started to
think again. He finally decided that he would stay in the Union Station
and have patience to wait one more hour for Marie. He thought that she
was really playing a joke on him and would surely come by 1 o'clock.
While he waited he continued to read the Bible: "The heavenly Shepherd
is leading you in the right way to his own blessed fold. Leave all to
him, to his faithfulness, his love, his power, his watchful, sleepless
care." Robert decided to trust, to have faith and leave it all to God
that He might protect Marie and bring her safely back to him.

Then he read the poem by Gerhart:

  "The prison where thou art
  Thy God will break it soon,
  And flood with light thy heart
  In his own blessed noon."

Robert thought how happy he would have been, as he expected by this
time to be married to Marie and happily on their way to New York to
celebrate their honeymoon. The hour had drifted slowly away and it was
now a quarter to one. Robert was troubled and discouraged, but had not
lost hope. He opened his Bible and read--Job 6:8:

 "Oh that I might have my request, and that God would grant me the
 thing that I long for!"

Robert knew that he longed for Marie and believed that if he had faith
God would answer his prayers. He read again--Job 6:11-13:

 "What is my strength, that I should hope? and what is mine end, that I
 should prolong my life?

 Is not my help in me? and is wisdom driven quite from me?"

This was a great consolation to Robert. He realized that at last in
desperation like Job he must hope and have faith; that his wisdom and
strength was in himself and that if he had faith in God and trusted him
that he would find Marie; that he would be able to overcome trials and
tribulations and would have wisdom and faith to hold on and hope until
he realized his dream and again found Marie. Robert remembered reading
in the Bible where it said:

 "Whom God loveth he chastiseth."

He thought that Marie was chastising him to try his faith and decided
that he would not lose patience no matter what happened, that he would
seek her to the ends of the earth.

Robert watched the movement of every woman who passed thru the gates
of the Union Station for Marie, but each minute brought bitter
disappointment. His heart, which but a few hours ago was filled with
love and happiness, was sad. Robert looked up as the hands on the
clock in the Union Station pointed to 1 o'clock,--the time that he had
appointed unto himself to wait without taking some action to try to
find Marie. No Marie was in sight. He walked over to the news stand and
bought a paper and decided to sit down for a few minutes and try to
read. As he slowly turned the pages of the paper looking for something
he knew not what, suddenly his eyes fell upon the heading; "The Best
Thing on Earth" by R.L. Cole. The first thought that entered Robert's
mind was that the best thing on earth was Marie and that the greatest
thing in the world was love. He read the entire article.



By R.L. Cole

John Wanamaker said: "I have for the government, and in my own
business, made contracts involving millions of dollars. I have signed
checks for millions of dollars, but the greatest purchase I ever made
in my life was when I was 11 years old. I saved every penny of my
hard-earned money and bought a Bible that cost $2.75. That was my best
investment and has had most to do with the rest of the riches of my
life. Every other investment I have ever made holds a secondary place
to the first and greatest one of them all."

Lord Bacon, the literary genius and philosopher, lifted the Bible one
day above his head, and said: "There God speaks."

God speaks in the first verse, saying: "In the beginning God!" And all
through the Book we find expressions as "Thus saith the Lord," "the
word of the Lord came," "God said," "the Lord commanded," etc.

These expressions are used four thousand times in the Bible, thus
indelibly stamping the divine mark.

"All scripture is given by inspiration of God." Inspiration means
breathed into. God breathed his thoughts into the Book. The Book
contains the breath of God, and lives because God lives.

Jesus said: "Heaven and earth shall pass away but my word shall not
pass away."

The Bible tells us things we get nowhere else. It tells us of the
beginning, for only God was in the beginning. It tells of the beginning
of creation, the beginning of the human race, the beginning of the
human family; the beginning of sin, the beginning of redemption; the
beginning of the arts, sciences, music, agriculture, of nations and
languages. Of the Hebrews, of law, etc.

Much of ancient history of the earliest times is borrowed from the

The Bible tells of things that are to occur thousands of years in the
future. The destruction of Babylon, Nineveh, Tyre and Jerusalem was
foretold in detail and has come to pass exactly as was predicted.

The first coming of Jesus Christ was foretold--that He would come
to the tribe of Judah, would be born of a virgin, would be born in
Bethlehem, would come out of Egypt and would grow up in Nazareth, would
be despised and rejected of men, would work miracles, would be betrayed
by one of his own followers, would be falsely accused, crucified.
That they would gamble for his garment; would be buried in another
man's tomb, would rise again; that His gospel would be preached to all
nations; that to Him would be given a name greater than any name. All
these prophecies have been fulfilled. The prophecies of the Bible are
yet being fulfilled, and will all be fulfilled.

In Naomi we are told that in the day of His preparation the rivers
shall be opened, the palace shall be dissolved and chariots shall be
flaming torches, shall run like the lightning and rage in the street.
Notice this prophecy: the bridges shall be opened. The suspension
bridge opens our rivers. The palaces shall be dissolved. They have been.

Russia and Germany are notable examples. We are living in an era of
democracy. The flaming chariots running like the lightning so much like
the automobile.

In Isaiah we are told that with the coming in of the Gentiles to the
brightness of His rising they shall fly as doves to their windows. That
sounds like the airships.

The Bible is a priceless book because it makes promises no other
book can make. It promises pardon, salvation, eternal life, soul
rest, peace, comfort, strength and succor; victory over trials and
temptations; strength in the dying hour, and heaven for all eternity.

The Bible is priceless because it is indestructible. For two thousand
years the critics have hurled against it their anathemas, and it
still lives. Time and again it has been gathered up and burned, and
its advocates for ages were persecuted and put to death, but it has
survived fires and floods.

A popular author of fiction boasts 9,000,000 copies of his book
published in eight years. 240,000,000 copies of the Bible have been
sold in the same eight years.

Another publisher boasts that his book has been printed in 23
languages. The Bible is published in 770 different languages and

  Last we passed beside a blacksmith's door,
  And heard the anvil ring the vesper chime,
  Then looking in, I saw upon the floor
  Old hammers worn with beating years of time.

  "How many anvils have you had," said I,
  "To wear and batter all your hammers so?"
  "Just one," said he, then with a twinkling eye,
  "The anvil wears the hammers out you know."

  And so thought I, the anvil of God's word,
  For ages skeptics' blows have beat upon,
  Yet thru the noise of falling blows was heard.
  The anvil was unharmed--the hammers gone.

  Last we passed beside, _etc._

Hume gone, Voltaire gone, Tom Paine gone, Bob Ingersoll gone. The
present-day enemies in the church and out of the church will wear their
hammers out. God's word that has for two thousand years endured the
test, will endure and stand forever.

The individual or nation that believes the Book, and lives according to
its teaching, will live as long as the Book lives, and the individual
or nation that spurns it will go down.

Martin Luther gave the Bible to Germany and for generations Germany
respected and loved the Book, and lived. Then Germany began in her
schools to criticise and spurn the Book and brought on the World War.
Germany by turning away from the Book, committed suicide, and so shall
it be with any nation.

God forbid that America should ever turn away from the Bible!

  "Lord God of hosts be with us yet
  Lest we forget, lest we forget.

  We've traveled together, my Bible and I,
  Thru all kinds of weather, with smile or with sigh.
  In sorrow or sunshine, in tempest or calm,
  Thy friendship unchanging; my lamp and my psalm.

  We've traveled together, my Bible and I,
  When life has grown weary, and death e'en was nigh;
  But all thru the darkness of mist and of wrong,
  I found thee a solace, a prayer and a song.

  So now who shall part us, my Bible and I.
  Shall isms or schism or new lights who shall try?
  Shall shadow for substance, or stone for good bread
  Supplant its sound wisdom, give folly instead?
  Ah no, my dear Bible, revealer of light,
  Thou sword of the spirit, put error to flight;
  And still thru life's journey, until the last sigh;
  We'll travel together, my Bible and I."

       *       *       *       *       *

These statements agreed exactly with Robert's views. He had found his
greatest help in the Bible and knew John Wanamaker was right when he
said that the greatest purchase he ever made in his life was when he
was 11 years old and bought the Bible for $2.75. As Robert read:

 "Heaven and earth shall pass away but my word shall not pass away,"

he remembered that the Bible said that whenever you pray, believe that
you have it and you shall. As he knew that all things are possible
with the Lord, he determined to pray believing that Marie would soon
return to him. Robert was much impressed with the statement that all
the prophecies of the Bible are being fulfilled and will be fulfilled.
He knew that every promise that God had ever made to man, he had kept.
This renewed Robert's faith and again he read Marie's note where it
said: "According to your faith, be I unto you," and Robert thought
that if faith would bring Marie back to him she would surely come. He
knew that time would never change his love and that there was no other
woman but Marie for him. He would live, work and hope for Marie until
he found her, but if she had gone from him forever and such bad news
should come to him, he knew that he would bury all life and that hope
would depart from him and life would not be worth living.

At the end of the article he read the poem on the Bible and was much
impressed with these lines:

  "Ah no, my dear Bible, revealer of light,
  Thou sword of the spirit, put error to flight;
  And still thru life's journey, until the last sigh;
  We'll travel together, my Bible and I."

Robert felt that this article had been written especially for him when
he needed it most, making him realize the value of his Bible and the
trust he should put in it, applying its wisdom to his present problem
and troubles.

By the time Robert had finished reading this article, it was after 1:30
P.M. and he decided that it was hopeless to wait longer for
Marie, that something radically wrong had happened and she had either
gone away or an accident had befallen her. He must make some plans
for locating her. Decided to go to a hotel and call Mr. Kennelworth
on long-distance 'phone at Texarkana. With this plan in mind, he made
his way to the hotel, registered and as soon as he was assigned to his
room, put in a long-distance call for Mr. Kennelworth. Mr. Kennelworth
was at his residence and it was only a question of a few minutes until
he had him on the 'phone. Between sobs, he told his sad story to Mr.
Kennelworth about Marie's disappearance and asked his advice. Mr.
Kennelworth told him that he thought for some reason Marie may have
decided to return to school and complete her education, and probably
was at that time on her way back to Sherman. The best plan would be
to wait until the next night to see if she returned, altho it was
possible that she might get back late that night. Mr. Kennelworth told
Robert that he would go to see her father and find out any information
he could for him. Robert was to remain at the hotel and if he got any
information, he would telephone him. He advised Robert to notify the
railroad authorities, and have them make a search and inquire at all
of the stations where the train stopped that night on the way from
Texarkana to St. Louis, in order to get a clue to Marie's disappearance.

After talking with Mr. Kennelworth, Robert got in touch over the 'phone
with the railroad officials in St. Louis and notified them of Marie's
disappearance from the train. They promised to send telegrams to all
the station agents, to have all the trains watched and try to secure
some information for him. They were to communicate with him just as
soon as they had anything definite one way or the other.

Robert now realized that he must go thru the greatest ordeal yet--that
of waiting hourly for some news of Marie. He knew the hours would pass
slowly and decided to formulate a plan in case Marie did not return to
school or to her home, and if no news came from her the next day what
would be his next move and what he should do to try to locate her.

The next time Robert noticed the time of day, it was after 6
P.M. and he realized that he had had no breakfast, lunch or
dinner, but his heart was heavy and he felt that he could not eat
anything. The shock had been so great and had come so suddenly that
Robert found it hard to adjust himself to it or to realize what it all
meant or what it might mean in case Marie should pass out of his life
forever. It would mean every hope blasted, every sweet dream gone and
would leave him with an uncertainty of life, like a ship without a
rudder. He decided to pass the time by reading and seeking consolation
in the Bible.

Robert had always been a great admirer of the poet, S.E. Kiser; always
read his poems in the daily newspapers and a few months previous to
this time, had bought a little book entitled, "Poems That Have Helped
Me," collected by S.E. Kiser. He remembered that he had this little
book that he liked so much in his suit-case so he unpacked it to look
for the book and as he did, he came across the present, the surprise
that he had for Marie, that he had told her about before and refused to
give to her or tell her more about it until they arrived in St. Louis.
The present was a wedding ring set with diamonds and a beautiful brooch
made of two hearts woven together and tied with a cluster of diamonds
and pearls. This was to be the great surprise for Marie and he was
going to present it to Marie after they were married, as a token of the
two hearts that now beat as one. Robert looked at this and thought of
how the diamonds represented Marie in all of her beauty and that she
was a pearl of great price.

It was too much for him. He broke down completely and wept like a baby.
Alone he was--the most alone he had ever been in his life before--away
from friends, away from mother, and above all, separated from Marie,
who meant more than life to him. He sobbed for hours. His heart was
breaking, but with a wondering mind, he realized that he must have
strength, and that he must have faith and hope on--hope and believe
that Marie was alive and he knew that if she were alive, there was hope.

He picked up his favorite little book, "Poems That Helped Me," and
started to read. The first one that caught his eye was, "Faith" by

  "We have but faith; we cannot know;
  For knowledge is of things we see;
  And yet we trust it comes from thee,
  A beam of darkness: let it grow.

  Let knowledge grow from more to more,
  But more of reverence in us dwell;
  That mind and soul, according well,
  May make one music as before,

  But vaster. We are fools and slight;
  We mock thee when we do not fear;
  But help thy foolish ones to bear;
  Help thy vain worlds to bear thy light.

  Forgive what seemed my sin in me;
  What seem'd my worth since I began;
  For merit lies from man to man,
  And not from man, O Lord, to thee."

This cheered Robert and he resolved to have more faith, realizing that
while he could not see or understand Marie's action he must have faith
and love and trust her, and trust that time would bring understanding
and solve the problem.

He read another poem by Aubrey de Vere, and these words seemed to sink
into his heart as he read them:

  "Hid it; dropt it on the moors!
  Lost it, and you cannot find it--
  My own heart I want, not yours
  You have bound and must unbound it.
  Set it free then from your net,
  We will love, sweet--but not yet!
  Fling it from you--we are strong
  Love is trouble, love is folly;
  Love, that makes an old heart young,
  Makes a young heart melancholy."

Robert felt that love might be trouble, but that love was the greatest
and sweetest thing in the world and that he would go thru any troubles
in the world, suffer anything, only to regain Marie and her love. As
Robert slowly turned the pages of the little book, his eyes fell upon
another poem, "Courage" by Thos. F. Porter:

  "What if the morn no joy to you shall bring,
  No gleam of sunbeam shine across your way;
  What if no bird one joyous note shall sing
  Into your listening ear thru all the day!

  What if no word of comfort you shall hear
  As thru the hours long you toil and strive;
  What if to you no vision bright appear
  To keep your hungry heart and soul alive!

  What if the blest companionship men crave
  Come not to you thru all the day's long length,
  But, bound and fettered even as a slave,
  Within yourself you have to find your strength!

  And if, when you have toiled and wrought alone,
  The sweet reward you sought you do not gain,
  And find the hoped-for bread is but stone,
  In that sad hour for grief, should you complain

  Ah no! It matters not if shade or sun,
  Or good or ill, your efforts shall attend;
  In doing you have but your duty done
  As best you knew--and should do to the end."

He eagerly devoured the words one by one, because he was looking for
something to give him courage to go thru this terrible ordeal. He
thought that this poem would do. It surely had been written for him
in this very hour of trouble and realized with Job he must find his
strength within himself and have courage, hope and faith.

He then read another little poem from the book; "Not in Vain" by Emily

  "If I can stop one heart from breaking,
  I shall not live in vain:
  If I can ease one life the aching,
  Or cool one pain,
  Or help one fainting robin
  Unto his nest again,
  I shall not live in vain."

Robert felt that he had tried always to be kind and considerate and
charitable towards others, and knew that he must go on regardless of
what happened, and live his life hoping to find Marie. About this time,
Robert, tired, hungry and worn out fell asleep. The next time that he
remembered anything, he awoke on Monday morning with the sun streaming
in thru the window of his hotel and realized that he had fallen asleep.
The little book, "Poems That Have Helped Me," lay on the bed beside
him. Because the sun was coming in the east window he knew that he
must have slept thru some part of the night, and it was now morning.
His first thought was of Marie, and of any news that might have come.
Picking up the little book, the first thing that struck his eye was the
poem, "Press On" by Park Benjamin:

  "Press on! Surmount the rocky steps,
  Climb boldly o'er the torrent's arch;
  He fails alone who feebly creeps,
  He wins who dares the hero's march.
  Be thou a hero! Let thy might
  Tramp on eternal snows its way,
  And thru the ebon walls of night
  Hew down a passage unto day.

  Press on! If once and twice thy feet
  Slip back and stumble, harder try;
  From him who never dreads to meet
  Danger and death they're sure to fly.
  To coward ranks the bullet speeds,
  While on their breasts who never quail,
  Gleams, guardian of chivalric deeds,
  Bright courage like a coat of mail.

  Press on! If Fortune play thee false
  To day, tomorrow she'll be true;
  Whom now she sinks she now exalts,
  Taking old gifts and granting new,
  The wisdom of the present hour
  Makes up the follies past and gone;
  To weakness strength succeeds, and power
  From frailty springs! Press on, press on!"

Robert hastily read this poem and found some consolation in it. He
resolved that he would press on, and hastened down stairs to the hotel
desk to inquire if any telegrams had been received for him, or if any
long-distance call had come during the night when he had fallen asleep,
but again he met with disappointment. There were no telegrams and there
had been no 'phone calls.

Robert felt very faint and weak because he was hungry. He had not eaten
all day Sunday, and now realized that he must get something to eat, and
strengthen himself for the ordeal to follow. He went to the dining-room
and ordered a light breakfast but when the food was served, he found
it hard to eat because he thought of the breakfast the Sunday morning
before that he had intended to have eaten with Marie on the dining-car.
Everything he saw reminded him of her. Her smile was in the glittering
sunshine which played upon the windows in front of him or appeared
in the clear crystal water in the glass and the sweet odor from the
flowers on the table brought memories of sweet kisses and soft caresses
which haunted him. Finally, Robert managed to eat a little, because he
knew he must if he expected to keep up and have strength to fight on
and find Marie.

When he had finished his breakfast, he returned to his room and decided
to call the railroad office again and ascertain if they had any
information for him. The general passenger agent was there, and was
very courteous over the 'phone to Robert. He had taken a great interest
in the case and they had received reports from every station along the
line, but nowhere had any trace been found of Marie. He assured Robert
that the railway company would use every effort to continue the search
and report to him promptly any information that they received.

Robert decided to call Mr. Kennelworth on the long-distance 'phone at
his office in Texarkana and soon got him on the wire. Mr. Kennelworth
said that he had gone to see Marie's father, Mr. Stanton, soon after
Robert's telephone message Sunday afternoon and had told Mr. Stanton
of Robert's success since he had been with his firm; how hard Robert
had studied and planned and how he had figured out the cotton and grain
markets and the large amount of money that he had made on such a small
capital. He confided to Mr. Stanton the secret of how Marie had saved
up her money and how much money Robert had made on the $400.00 which he
had invested for her. Mr. Stanton and his wife were much impressed with
the story and felt that they had been wrong in opposing Marie's love
for Robert and their marriage. They told Mr. Kennelworth that when
Marie returned they would give her their consent to marry Robert then
or any time later. They felt that they might be to blame for any harm
that would come to Marie or for the sorrows that Robert was suffering.
However, they were hopeful that Marie was either returning home or
was on her way back to Sherman, Texas, to complete her education,
and, therefore, were not greatly alarmed and intended to wait until
Monday afternoon to find out if Marie had gone back to Sherman. Mr.
Kennelworth stated that Mr. and Mrs. Stanton wished him to convey their
sympathy to Robert and to tell him that they had great faith in him and
wanted to help make him and Marie happy.

This message was great consolation to Robert because he felt that
it was going to solve the problem, that no matter what had prompted
Marie's decision to leave the train and not to go ahead and marry him
when she found that her father and mother had changed their attitude,
she would be only too glad to return to Robert. They could then be
married and continue on to New York where he could take up his studies
and complete the building of his airship as soon as he had made enough
money to do so.

Mr. Kennelworth told Robert that he would call him on the 'phone about
8 o'clock that night and let him know if any word had been received
from Marie or if news was received sooner, he would call immediately,
but at any rate would call at 8 o'clock. Mr. Kennelworth praised Robert
and told him not to lose hope but take a philosophical view of the
matter. He felt sure that no harm had come to Marie, for had there
been any accident it certainly would have been discovered by this time
by the railway company. The fact that Marie's baggage had disappeared
was convincing evidence to him that in some way, at some station during
the night, she had left the train and had probably concealed herself
and was waiting to return on another train, later. He believed before
the day was over they would have some good news in regard to Marie, and
advised Robert to get busy and go right ahead with his trading in the
market and continue to make money, as he was sure that everything was
going to come out all right.

After Robert received this telephone message he was more hopeful.
He secured a morning newspaper and found the headlines filled with
Lindbergh. Read about the preparations for Captain Lindbergh's return
to Washington and New York and the plans for his reception. Of course,
Robert had looked forward to being there at that time and have Marie
with him as his wife. He had been looking forward to the day when his
own dream would be realized and he would build one of the greatest
airships of the age.

Returning to his room, he fell upon his knees and breathed a prayer; a
prayer that only a man whose heart is filled with love for a good woman
can pray. He prayed to the Universal Power that created the Universe,
the master of land and sea, who rides on the winds and walks upon the
water, to whom all power was given over heaven and earth. Prayed for
strength and for guidance to do only that which was right and that the
good God of the Universe would return Marie to him in safety. Prayed
not only for himself, or the strength to come to him, but for Marie,
for her happiness, for her safety. It was an unselfish prayer; the kind
of a prayer that a mother prays when her child is lost, when she thinks
nothing of herself but only of the child that she loves.

When Robert arose from the prayer he felt better; felt that some of the
strength of that unseen guiding hand, which is ever a comfort and in
great demand in time of trouble, had come to him. In God and his word
alone he found comfort and consolation. He realized the significance of
money and how little it meant; thought how quickly he had made money
on a thousand dollars in the market and now how he would give every
cent of it for just a message from Marie; just to know that she was
alive. He had never tried to make the money for a selfish purpose, but
thought of the things that it could buy to make Marie happy and give
her comfort, and what he might be able to do for his country in time
of war when they would need service and inventions which would protect
them against the enemy.

After he had time to collect his thoughts, he decided to call his old
pal, Walter Kennelworth, in New York on the long-distance telephone and
tell him all that had happened in such a short time.

Robert had not informed Walter that he was coming to New York at this
time. He intended to telegraph him from St. Louis on Sunday morning
after he and Marie had been married, and, of course, he knew that
Walter would be at the train to meet them on their arrival. After some
delay he got Walter on the long-distance 'phone and told him as quickly
as possible all that had happened. Walter was more amused than shocked
at the news and said: "Robert, Marie is just a little devil and full of
fun. She is only testing your love. There is nothing to worry about. I
know her ways better than you do." He was sure that everything would
be all right. But Robert felt that too much time had already elapsed
for it to be a joke and that Marie was not waiting around St. Louis or
hiding somewhere playing a joke that long. It was too serious a matter
for Robert to feel that Marie would punish him in this way so long.
Walter begged Robert to come right on to New York, but Robert told him
he would never leave St. Louis until he had some definite news, one way
or the other, as to what had happened to Marie.

After his talk with Walter, Robert felt better because he was his
closest friend and it was always a pleasure to talk with him. He hoped
that Walter was right and that Marie would show up soon. At the same
time, he feared that something might have gone wrong, but every time
this thought occurred he would read Marie's letter again and this would
give him hope and courage because it plainly said she would come to him
when he needed her most. Of course, he realized that she could not know
just how badly he needed her now and felt that he would never need her
more than he did at that very moment.

When Robert was troubled and blue it had always been his practice to
read either the Bible or some other good book. He had a scrap book
where he had collected poems and he took this book out and began to
look thru it. He noticed a clipping that he had pasted in only a short
time before headed: "Tomorrow's Chance," by his favorite modern poet,
S.E. Kiser:

  I may not reach my goal today
  Nor move one step ahead;
  No effort that I make may pay,
  I may lose ground, instead;
  But I can try no matter what
  Obstructions I shall find,
  And let no thought
  Of turning from the path I've sought
  Take root within my mind.

  There may be many reasons why
  No effort I can make
  Shall send my fancies soaring high
  Or clear the course I take;
  Mischances I could not foresee
  May check me everywhere,
  But I can be
  Determined bravely, faithfully,
  To keep my purpose fair.

  It may be that at every turn
  Discouragement shall lurk;
  My lessons may be hard to learn.
  Men may condemn my work;
  My trust may be betrayed by those
  Whom I have thought my friends,
  But I can close
  My mind against imagined woes,
  And strive for worthy ends.

  No matter how my hopes shall fail,
  Or how I fall behind,
  I'll not sit down tonight to wail
  That God has been unkind.
  But, with a duty to fulfil,
  And with a proud, defiant glance,
  I'll prove that still
  I have the courage and the will,
  And gird me for tomorrow's chance.

This poem seemed to fit his case and he read it over carefully. He
resolved that regardless of discouragement or disappointment, blasted
hopes, lost ideals or shattered dreams, he would still have the courage
to exert himself for "Tomorrow's Chance."

After reading this poem he began to think about the future and his
plans. He knew that he had intended to go into the market again on
Monday or Tuesday, but the thought came to him--What good would money
do now, without Marie? However, he remembered her letter saying,
"According to your faith, be I unto you." Therefore, he braced himself
and again determined to have faith to go on, watching and waiting for

Robert bought the evening paper and looked over the financial page
and noted that cotton had gone down as he had figured it would. The
following day was the time that his forecast indicated that it would
strike bottom so he must pull himself together and buy some cotton,
both for his own account and for Marie's. Wheat had also declined and
he felt that it was time to buy wheat for another advance as his cycle
indicated an up-trend to run for the next ten days. Robert looked over
the stock page and noticed the heading: "Major Motors advances above
200, a new high level." Robert had figured out that Major Motors would
not advance much above 200 before it would be a short sale for big
profits. He figured out from the cycle of Major Motors that it would
hold until along in June and July and that it would decline to a very
low level in 1928, so he decided he was going to go short to hold for a
long campaign and make a fortune.

Robert was still holding his Right Aeroplane stock, which he had
bought at 31 on May 21st, the day that Captain Lindbergh completed
his successful flight to Paris. He figured that he could make a great
fortune by buying Right Aeroplane stock and holding it for years and at
the same time selling Major Motors short. The markets in Wheat, Cotton,
Major Motors and Right Aeroplane were all doing just exactly as he
had calculated they would. The fact that he was making money on Right
Aeroplane stock encouraged him to continue his work on his own plane.

Robert did not forget sweet Marie or what she meant to him. At the
same time he realized what the study of the Bible had brought him and
felt that thru the aid of that book and the knowledge and wisdom he
had gained through its teaching, there would be a way to find Marie if
she were alive. He believed she was and he would hope and wait. But
in the meantime he would try to make some money in order to provide
all the luxuries and comforts for her when he found her. Since Marie's
father and mother had agreed to withdraw all their opposition to their
marriage, he thought that as soon as Marie heard this she would
certainly come to him or communicate with him.

On June 7th, Robert sent a telegram to his broker to buy 500 bales
of October Cotton and 500 bales of December Cotton at the Opening on
Tuesday morning. He also ordered him to buy 100,000 bushels of July
Wheat and gave an order to sell 500 shares of Major Motors when it
reached 203. After sending these telegrams he returned to the hotel
feeling some better and hoping that when he heard from Mr. Kennelworth
on the long-distance 'phone he would have some good news. So he ate
his dinner and returned to his room to wait for a message. Later he
inquired for telegrams and 'phone calls and was informed that none had
been received. He settled himself down in the room and concluded to
wait for the long-distance call, hoping that it would bring good news.

At about 8:15 the telephone rang and Mr. Kennelworth was on the wire.
Robert knew from Mr. Kennelworth's voice that he had no good news. Mr.
Kennelworth informed him that no word had been received from Marie by
her parents, and that they had called up the school in Sherman, Texas,
and not a word had been heard from her there. The school informed them
that she had left school on Saturday afternoon and had not been seen
since. Of course, Robert knew she had left Sherman to meet him and
was now more anxious and worried than ever and freely expressed his
great anxiety to Mr. Kennelworth. Mr. Kennelworth was still hopeful
and tried to cheer and encourage Robert. Advised him to go on to New
York and wait him there. He had followed Robert's advice and bought
Wheat and Cotton on Monday afternoon and Robert told him that he was
going to buy the next morning at the Opening. Mr. Kennelworth said that
he planned to leave for New York at the end of the week. Robert then
decided to stay in St. Louis until he got some definite word, or anyway
remain there until Mr. Kennelworth arrived and then go on to New York
with him. He was anxious to see Walter as soon as possible but wanted
to know something about what happened to Marie before leaving for New
York. Mr. Kennelworth was confident that the next day would bring some
news from Marie, one way or the other, and advised Robert to keep
cheerful; that he would inform him just as soon as news came.

After Robert had time to think over the matter, he decided to place
"Personal Notices" in all the newspapers of St. Louis and the towns
along the line between Texarkana and St. Louis. If no news was heard of
Marie by Tuesday evening, he would place it in the papers the next day.
He then wrote out the Notice.

 Miss Marie Stanton--I found your little note in my pocket on
 Sunday morning. Have been waiting for you in St. Louis. My faith in
 you is supreme. It will never change. Months and years cannot change
 me, no matter what I hear or do not hear or what may happen, I will
 always have faith in you and love you. Will never need you more than
 now. Nothing else that I can get, or money that I can make matters
 or means anything to me without you. Come to me or communicate with
 me and explain all and I will understand and agree to anything you
 may desire. Marie, relieve my anxious heart. Let me hear from you.
 Your father and mother have agreed to withdraw their objections and
 consent to our being married. I will have faith and wait in St. Louis
 until I hear something from you.

  Robert Gordon,
  _Address_--Planters Hotel.

Robert decided to read and study some before he retired that night. He
read the poem, "How to Live," by William Cullen Bryant:

  So live, that when thy summons comes to join
  The innumerable caravan that moves
  To that mysterious realm where each shall take
  His chamber in the silent halls of death,
  Thou go not, like the quarry slave at night,
  Scourged to his dungeon, but sustained and soothed
  By an unfaltering trust, approach thy grave
  Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch
  About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams.

Robert wished that he might be able that night to lie down to pleasant
dreams but he knew that he would lay down with an unfaltering trust in
Marie, that he would have the faith in her which would move mountains,
that he would never doubt her no matter how long a time passed and
would prove that his love for her was supreme and his faith unfaltering.

Robert read another poem on "Perserverance" by Goethe:


  We must not hope to be mowers,
    And to gather the ripe gold ears,
  Unless we have first been sowers
    And watered the furrows with tears.

  It is not just as we take it,
    This mystical world of ours,
  Life's field will yield as we make it
    A harvest of thorns or of flowers.

He realized that perhaps all the good things of life do not come to us
easily and that we might have to go through sorrows and trouble to try
our faith. Robert decided to persevere and try to be philosophic and
hope, no matter what happened, and to continue to watch and wait for
good news from Marie.

Before he retired that night, Robert read "The Golden Hour" by James W.

  I'm sending you one golden hour
    From the full jeweled crown of the day;
  Not sorrow or care shall have power
    To steal this rare jewel away.
  I'm bidding you join in the dreaming
    I had in that hour of you,
  When all of the old dreams, in seeming,
    Were gold like the hour, and came true.

  So let's dream like a child in its playing,
    Let's make us a sky and a sea,
  Let's change the things 'round us by saying
    They're things that we wish them to be;
  And if there is sadness or sorrow,
    Let's dream till we charm it away,
  Let's learn from the children, and borrow
    A saying from childhood: "Let's play!"

  Let's play that the world's full of beauty,
    Let's play there are roses in bloom,
  Let's play there is pleasure in duty,
    And light where we thought there was gloom.

  Let's play that this heart with its sorrow
    Is bidden be joyous and glad,
  Let's play that we'll find on tomorrow
    The joys that we never have had.

  Let's play that regret with its ruing
    Is banished forever and aye,
  Let's play there's delight but in doing,
    Let's play there are flowers by the way.
  However the pathway seem dreary,
    Wherever the footsteps may lead,
  Let's play there's a song for the weary
    If only the heart will give heed.

  Let's play we have done with repining,
    Let's play that our longings are still,
  Let's play that the sunlight is shining,
    To gold the green slope of the hill.
  Let's play there are birds blithely flinging
    Their songs of delight to the air,
  Let's play that the world's full of singing,
    Let's play there is love--everywhere.

Robert knelt and prayed before he went to sleep, always asking for
Marie and her protection. He said: "Lord, I ask nothing for myself,
but beseech the greatest blessings on Marie and only ask for her
happiness. If it be for the best that her happiness be away from me,
then I desire to suffer rather than for her to be unhappy. I pray that
she may realize my great love and faith in her, my devotion to her and
willingness to make any sacrifice for her that might seem right, no
matter what my judgment may be."

Robert slept better that night because he was looking forward to
Tuesday, the 7th day of the month. He had learned that the "7th" was a
sacred day, and had often talked to Marie about the number 7, and the
number of times it is spoken of in the Bible. How God had blessed the
7th day and made it the Sabbath; how many things had come to pass on
the 7th day of the 7th month, or the 7th year referred to in the Bible.
In some way he felt that on this day news would come from Marie and he
hoped that it would be good.

Robert awoke on Tuesday morning feeling much better, had his breakfast
early, bought the newspaper and read all about the receptions being
planned for Colonel Lindbergh and again the wish stole into his heart
and the hope was revived that in some way Marie might be with him when
Lindbergh arrived in New York. Later in the day he received telegrams
at his hotel from his broker, advising of the purchase of October and
December cotton and also the purchase of July wheat.

Robert decided to console himself by reading the Bible. He read Job,
and realized that he, too, would have patience to wait until his time
should come. Nothing could shake his faith in Marie or shake his faith
in the wisdom of Almighty God whom, Robert fully believed, would answer
his prayer. He hoped that before the day was over, some news of Marie
would surely come.

As he was reading the Bible the bellboy brought him a letter stamped
Texarkana, and, of course, Robert hoped it contained some news of
Marie. He opened it hastily and read:

  Texarkana, Texas.
  June 6, 1927.

  Mr. Robert Gordon,
  Planters Hotel,
  St. Louis, Mo.

  Dear Robert:

 We are deeply grieved over Marie's disappearance but are hopeful that
 no harm has come to her. From what Mr. Kennelworth tells us of the
 letter she wrote you, we believe she is returning to school or home,
 and we are waiting news of her with hope.

 While Marie is quite young and we thought too young to marry, and you
 too, are very young and could well afford to wait a few years, we
 now realize that if a delay would interfere with your happiness and
 Marie's, we would gladly consent to an immediate marriage. We regret
 that we have misjudged you, Robert, and are proud to know more about
 you from those who have known you intimately. Parents often make
 mistakes in opposing their children and frequently the interference of
 parents in the marriage of their children separate two that God has
 joined together. Man can only put asunder the physical bodies, but
 what God doeth is forever.

 We are very happy to know of your loyalty to Marie, your faith in God
 and your great ambitions to succeed, according to the rules laid down
 in the Bible. Shall be very happy to notify you promptly of any news
 from Marie and will kindly ask you to do the same for us. Believe us

  Sincerely your friends,
  William and Mary Stanton.

When Robert received and read this letter he was deeply touched and
felt that a reward must always come to those whose intentions are
honest and honorable, so he sat down and answered the letter.

  St. Louis, Missouri,
  June 7, 1927.

  Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Stanton,

  Dear friends:

 I feel like addressing you as friends because sorrow often makes us
 all friends, and am enclosing a poem--"Trouble Brings Friends," which
 I think is very appropriate. Materlinck said, "Men help each other by
 their joy, not by sorrow," but it is my belief that we are often led
 to extend help in time of sorrow which we would never think of doing
 in time of joy or happiness. I quote from John 16:22--"And ye now
 therefore have sorrow; but I will see you again, and your hearts shall
 rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you." I hope and pray that
 the day is not far distant when our hearts will rejoice together with
 the return of Marie.

 Marie means everything to me and I honor and respect you as her
 parents. I believe that you acted as you thought best for Marie's
 future, and can find no fault with your good and honest intentions,
 regardless of the suffering it has caused me or the sorrow and
 disappointment it may have brought to Marie. I wish to do only that
 which is honorable and best for all concerned, and if Marie returns I
 will agree to submit to your decision and wait until she has finished
 her course in college before we are married. I wish to take my part
 of the responsibility for Marie's elopement because I urged her into
 action. I wanted to go to you and talk the matter over but she felt
 sure that you would never consent to our marriage and said the only
 thing to do was to elope.

 Marie felt all along when I was a struggling boy without money, that
 you would never consent to her marrying below her station in life and
 this, as much as anything else, made me ambitious to achieve success
 and prove to you that even tho I was born of poor parents and started
 without anything in life, I could make a great success and accumulate
 money. To me money means nothing and I would gladly give every dollar
 I have ever made just to spend one hour with Marie, and I am sure that
 this is no boyish love affair or trick of the imagination. While it
 is my first love, it will endure forever. Time will prove that Marie
 means everything to me.

 I thank you for your kindness and consideration and hope and pray that
 we may soon have good news in regard to Marie.

  Sincerely yours,
  Robert Gordon.

Poem enclosed with Robert's letter:

  It's seldom trouble comes alone,
  I've noticed this: when things go wrong
  An' trouble comes a-visitin'
  It always brings a friend along;
  Sometimes it's one you've known before,
  And then perhaps it's some one new
  Who stretches out a helping hand,
  An' stops to see what he can do.

  If never trials come to us,
  If grief an' sorrow passed us by,
  If every day the sun came out,
  An' clouds were never in the sky,
  We'd still have neighbors, I suppose,
  Each one pursuin' selfish ends,
  But only neighbors they would be,
  We'd never know them as our friends.

  Out of the troubles I have had
  Have come my richest friendships here,
  Kind hands have helped to bear my care,
  Kind words have fallen on my ear;
  An' so I say when trouble comes
  I know before the storm shall end
  That I shall find my bit of care
  Has also brought to me a friend.


That afternoon, after three o'clock, when the afternoon newspapers were
out, he bought a paper and found that cotton and wheat had advanced
many points and that he now had a nice profit on the purchases made
that morning. Indeed, the gods of good fortune and finance were
smiling on Robert, but the Goddess of Love was frowning and he must
have patience. As the sun was slowly setting and the day was waning,
he watched in sadness because no news had come from Marie. He firmly
resolved that he would carry out his intention and place the personal
notice in the papers the following day for news of Marie, if something
did not come that evening.

Robert called Mr. Kennelworth on the 'phone in Texarkana and again
met with disappointment. Not a word had been heard from Marie and her
parents were now growing more anxious and feared that there had been
some accident or foul play in some way. They were making a search in
every direction; City and County officials had been notified and all
the schools thruout the country were on the lookout for Marie and
making every effort to obtain some information about her. Robert told
Mr. Kennel worth about his plan to insert the personal notice and Mr.
Kennelworth agreed with him. He thought it would be a good idea and
he believed that if she were secretly hiding somewhere, she would
surely see the papers because she herself would be anxious to know what
happened to Robert and what he was doing.

Robert arose early on Wednesday morning, June 8th, hastened to the
newspaper offices and placed the personal notices to appear the
following day. When he returned to his hotel, for the first time since
Sunday he thought of his birthday, June 9th, when he would be 21 years
of age. When he thought of this a great hope came into his mind. He
decided that Marie, for some unknown reason, was hiding until his
birthday and intended that they should be married on that day and she
was going to be his birthday present. Robert's imagination went wild.
He was elated over the hope. It seemed like a sudden inspiration to
him. It would be just like Marie to wait until his birthday to give him
the surprise of his life, and think this delay would only try his faith
and patience and she would know just how much she meant to him, but did
not think it too long to keep him waiting if he really loved her as he
said he did; that he would have patience and wait.

Robert was sure that his advertisements in the papers the following day
were going to bring results and that probably Marie, just as soon as
she saw it, would come to him. So he really began to plan and hope and
get ready for a marriage to take place on his birthday. He was so happy
over this sudden thought, so elated that he 'phoned Mr. Kennelworth
again that night and told him all about it. Mr. Kennelworth,
half-hearted but hopeful, agreed with Robert that there might be
something in it, that Marie might have had some plan of this kind in
mind, and sincerely hoped that Robert was right and that this birthday
would be the happiest of his life.

After Robert talked with Mr. Kennelworth, he immediately called Walter
Kennelworth on the 'phone in New York, told him all that had happened,
about his placing the personal notices in the papers, about his hopes
and theories that Marie would show up on his birthday. Walter said that
it would be just like her to do a trick of that kind and that this
might be just what it all meant. He thought that Robert had struck on
the right idea and was hopeful, too, that the marriage would take place
on Robert's birthday. He was to call Robert on the 'phone the next
day or Robert should call him just as soon as he got any news. Walter
wanted to send congratulations for his birthday and his wedding day.
The fact that Walter was so cheerful and shared Robert's views and
hopes in the matter, made Robert much happier.

After Robert had talked with Walter, the bellboy came and brought a
special-delivery letter and a telegram. Robert opened the telegram
hurriedly, hoping that it was something from Marie, but found it was a
telegram from his mother in which she congratulated him on his birthday
the following day, and encouraged him to hope for the best and not give
way to despair in case Marie did not show up. The special-delivery
letter was also from Robert's mother, and read:

  My dear Son,

 Your good friend, Mr. Kennelworth, has been out to see me and told all
 that has happened. My son, I counsel you to have patience and faith.
 Love endures much and is not discouraged. I believe everything happens
 for the best, my boy, and it may be that Marie thought that you were
 both too young to marry. If this was her view, I would say it would
 hurt neither of you to wait a few years longer.

 While I cannot understand the mysterious way in which Marie
 disappeared, at the same time I hope, pray and believe that she is
 alive and will come into your life again when you most need her and
 are better prepared for her than you are now. I know that it will be
 hard for you to see and realize that it might be for the best for her
 to go out of your life at this time, but even Marie may be wiser than
 we know. She may want to test your love and test her love for you. If
 this is the case, it will all turn out for the best for both of you.
 If your love is strong enough to endure it and wait a few months or a
 few years, no harm can come later. If Marie can bear to be separated
 from you and remain faithful and loyal to you for a few months or a
 few years, then she will mean more to you when she comes back to you

 I pray for you each night and pray that everything may come out all
 right. I still have great faith and confidence in you, my boy. Want
 you to stick to your faith and your religion. Read the Holy Bible and
 follow it as you have in the past and everything that the good God can
 do will come to you in due time. Write me of your plans and what you
 intend to do. Send me a telegram as soon as you have any news, one way
 or the other. I anxiously await news of Marie and wish that I could be
 with you to comfort you because I know you need me when you haven't

  Your Mother.

Robert was happy to get the letter from his mother because she always
encouraged him and he knew that no matter what happened, her faith in
him would always remain the same and her love would endure forever.
He retired that night after having a light supper, very happy, looking
forward to his birthday with great hopes and expectations. His 21st
birthday meant a great deal to him, meant more than any other birthday
because he hoped that it would bring Marie. He knew that he had stood
the test of her absence and that he had unwavering faith, that the had
never doubted her motive, no matter even if he could not understand it,
and that he would not censure her actions. When Marie returned and was
once sure that she knew all this, he would mean more to her than he had
ever before and she would only love him the more. After all, perhaps
this little disappointment would mean something good in the future.

That night he read over all the poems that Marie had ever written him
or sent him, and read over the poems that he had written her, because
he had kept a copy of them. He read the poem where he wrote "If your
aim is high and honest, in victory it will tell; Before the pearl is
gotten, there must be a broken shell!" Again Robert realized that the
shell had been broken worse this time than ever before, or at least it
seemed that way to him. Yet at the same time it was not a break because
Marie had left him with love, and their last good-night kiss on the
train had been one of supreme faith and trusting love which had been
built up over a period of years in which there had been many obstacles
to overcome, hard struggles and disappointments. Robert prayed his
usual night prayer for the protection of Marie and went to sleep, to
dream of his birthday.

Robert Gordon's 21st Birthday

Robert arose early on June 9th. Hurried down to the desk to ascertain
if any telegrams had come over night or any 'phone calls, but found no
telegrams and no messages. It was yet too early for the morning mail.
Robert secured the morning papers and saw his personal notices which he
had instructed the papers to continue to run. He had added the name of
his hotel and telephone number so that Marie could reach him promptly.
Somehow he had a feeling that just about 11 or 12 o'clock that day
Marie would call at the hotel or he would have some good news from her.

After having his breakfast, he waited for the first mail, but there
were no letters for him and up to this time no telegrams had been
received. He decided to go down to a brokerage office and see how the
market opened. Cotton and wheat had advanced the day before and cotton
opened higher and was strong this morning, and wheat was also holding
up well. Robert found that Major Motors was selling around 203 and he
knew that his broker must have sold 500 shares short for him at this
price. He figured that Major Motors would not advance above 205-1/2
before it started on a big decline. So he said to himself, "This is
going to be a real happy birthday. I am making money fast now in wheat
and cotton and will soon be making money in stocks." Right Aeroplane
was also strong and his profits were piling up on this. He figured
up his profits on Cotton, Wheat and Stocks and on this birthday he
was worth $30,000. The money meant nothing to him. He would gladly
give every cent of it to have Marie as a birthday present. His hopes
remained high and somehow he felt that he would have Marie as well
as the financial success. Just as he was figuring up his profits and
thinking about it an old saying came to him: "Lucky at cards, unlucky
in love." He wondered if this could be, that he would be lucky in
making money in speculation and at the same time unlucky in his love
affairs; but hoped and prayed that this was the last disappointment in
his love affairs and that this birthday was to be the turning point and
that some news would come from Marie.

He decided to forget about the market as everything was moving along
his way and returned to the hotel to wait for news of Marie. He still
had a hope or an imagination that around 11 or 12 o'clock Marie would
either come to the hotel or some news from her would be received. Upon
returning to the hotel he found no mail and no telegrams or telephone
messages awaiting him. When 11 o'clock came Robert's mind reverted back
to Sunday when he was watching the clock in the Union Station, hoping
and waiting for Marie to appear. Robert became a little restless and
more than anxious as the minutes went by. The clock struck twelve on
his birthday and no Marie and no news from her. A few minutes after
12 his bell rang and a messenger boy appeared with a telegram. "Ah,"
Robert thought, "this is from Marie or some news from her." But it
was a telegram of congratulations from his old pal, Walter, who asked
that he convey the first news which he received in regard to Marie and
stated that he hoped before the day was over he could congratulate
Robert on his marriage to Marie. A little later in the day Robert
received a long telegram from Mr. Kennelworth, congratulating him on
his birthday and offering words of encouragement, also telling Robert
that he expected to leave Texarkana on Friday night, June 10th, and
arrive in St. Louis some time in the morning and that Robert should
be ready to start with him to New York, as he wanted to be there when
Lindbergh arrived. Robert received another telegram from his mother
congratulating him on his birthday and wishing him every success and

These messages were very encouraging but it was now 2 o'clock and
Robert began to be keenly disappointed--he had raised his hopes so high
that Marie would appear or some news would come. He paced the floor in
anxiety, his heart beating rapidly and was forced to admit to himself
that he had been over hopeful. He started to send a telegram to Mr.
Kennelworth asking him to wire or 'phone just as soon as possible if
any news had been received of Marie and asked him to call up Marie's
parents and find out if they had heard anything. Minutes now began to
drag slowly, as they had on Sunday when Robert had watched the clock
and saw his hopes slowly waning. They were now waning again and Robert
grew heartsick, but cheered himself with the thought that the day was
not over yet. There was plenty of time for Marie to show up.

Robert decided to read awhile to quiet his anxiety. He picked up the
book of "Poems That Have Helped Me," and read the "Isle of Long Ago."

  Oh, a wonderful stream is the River Time,
  As it flows thru the realm of years,
  With a faultless rhythm and a musical rhyme,
  And a broader sweep and a surge sublime,
  As it blends with the ocean of years.

  How the winters are drifting, like flakes of snow,
  And the summers like buds between;
  And the years in the sheaf--so they come and they go
  On the river's breast, with its ebb and flow,
  As they glide in the shadow and sheen.

  There's a magical Isle up the River Time,
  Where the softest of airs are playing,
  There's a cloudless sky and a tropical clime,
  And a voice as sweet as a vesper chime,
  And the Junes with the roses are staying.

  And the name of this Isle is the Long Ago,
  And we bury our treasures there;
  There are brows of beauty and bosoms of snow--
  There are heaps of dust, but we love them so!
  There are trinkets and tresses of hair.

  There are fragments of songs that nobody sings,
  And a part of an infant's prayer,
  There's a harp unswept and a lute without strings,
  There are broken vows and pieces of rings,
  And the garments she used to wear.

  There are hands that are waved when the fairy shore
  By the mirage is lifted in air;
  And we sometimes hear through the turbulent roar
  Sweet voices we heard in the days gone before,
  When the wind down the river is fair.

  Oh, remembered for aye be the blessed Isle
  All the day of our life till night,
  And when evening comes with its beautiful smile,
  And our eyes are closing in slumber awhile,
  May that "Greenwood" of soul be in sight.

It made him realize that on the "river of time" there are many trials,
tribulations and disappointments. While he was young in years he had
experienced many of them, and it seemed to him that the last five days
had been five years. When he read the lines of the poem: "Sweet voices
we heard in the days gone before, when the wind down the river is fair"
and "Our eyes are closing in slumber awhile," he thought of Marie,
her beautiful eyes and sweet voice; all the happy things she had ever
said; the things that she had written, and like a voice coming across
the stillness of the night, he seemed to hear Marie calling as she
used to call: "Robert, dear," "Robert dear." He jumped from his chair,
startled, because for a moment he thought it was her voice, for he had
been hoping and expecting each moment to hear her voice, but alas it
was only a ghost of imagination and no Marie was there and no news of

Robert turned another page and read: "Crossing the Bar," by Tennyson:

  Sunset and evening star,
  And one clear call for me,
  And may there be no moaning of the bar,
  When I put out to sea.

  But such a tide as moving seems asleep,
  Too full for sound and foam,
  When that which drew from out the boundless deep,
  Turns again home.

  Twilight and evening bell,
  And after that the dark;
  And may there be no sadness of farewell,
  When I embark.

  For tho' from out our bourne of time and place,
  The flood may bear me far,
  I hope to see my Pilot face to face
  When I have crossed the bar.

He read the last verse several times.

Robert thought of Marie, his pilot, his star, his hope. When he had
driven his ship across the uncertain sea of finance it would be Marie's
beautiful face that would keep the lovelight burning upon the altar
of his heart, ever to guide her captain safely home. He had looked to
her to pilot him into the path of peace, lead him to the fields of
contentment and, at last, to the height of eternal peace. He had looked
forward to this day, his birthday, when she would return to him and he
might claim her for his own. Thought of Marie's words, that hope and
anticipation are greater than realization, but felt that nothing in
the world could give him greater pleasure than the realization of this
moment if he could hold Marie in his arms, kiss her sweet lips and hear
the sweet words of love she had spoken to him in the past. Robert's
heart for a moment sank within him. It was too much for him. He sobbed
and cried like a baby but then he thought of his faith, of God and his
power supreme.

Again as he was wondering what to do, he got the crumpled note that
Marie wrote and put in his pocket on Sunday and read it again:
"According to your faith, be I unto you. Love will always hope,
understand and wait. Time proves all things. You will get everything
you want. I will come to you when I mean the most and your need for
love is the greatest." Only a few short lines, but so much said in
them and so much left unsaid, Robert thought. Yet they contained an
assurance, they left no doubt about a hope for the future and on that
hope and with that faith Robert would cling to the future. Time would
prove his love. Marie stated plainly that he would get everything he
wanted and he knew that the greatest thing in the world he wanted was
Marie. So at the close of another day of disappointment he felt that
there was room for hope and that the future was lined with hopes. He
resolved never to waver. Then read "A Psalm of Life" by Longfellow:

  Tell me not in mournful numbers
  Life is but an empty dream,
  For the soul is dead that slumbers,
  And things are not what they seem.

  Life is real! Life is earnest!
  And the grave is not its goal;
  Dust thou art, to dust returnest,
  Was not spoken of the soul.

  Not enjoyment, and not sorrow,
  Is our destined end or way;
  But to act, that each tomorrow
  Find us farther than today.

  Art is long and Time is fleeting,
  And our hearts, though stout and brave,
  Still, like muffled drums, are beating
  Funeral marches to the grave.

  In the world's broad field of battle,
  In the bivouac of Life,
  Be not like dumb, driven cattle!
  Be a hero in the strife!

  Trust no future, howe'er pleasant!
  Let the dead Past bury its dead!
  Act--act in the living present!
  Heart within and God o'erhead.

  Lives of great men all remind us
  We can make our lives sublime,
  And, departing, leave behind us
  Footprints on the sands of time.

  Footprints, that perhaps another,
  Sailing o'er life's solemn main,
  A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,
  Seeing, shall take heart again.

  Let us, then, be up and doing,
  With a heart for any fate;
  Still achieving, still pursuing,
  Learn to labor and to wait.

When he got to the verse

  Trust no future, howe'er pleasant!
  Let the dead Past bury its dead!
  Act--act in the living present!
  Heart within and God o'erhead.

Robert now fully realized that he must trust to the future if he
intended to live and continue to make a success and complete his
discoveries and inventions. He read the last verse slowly and carefully:

  Let us, then, be up and doing,
  With a heart for any fate;
  Still achieving, still pursuing,
  Learn to labor and to wait.

This sounded much better to Robert. He was willing to learn to labor
and wait and felt that if he waited there would be a reward, because
Marie had promised him and he knew that Marie would keep her promise,
and nothing could ever take from him that hope, that knowledge that
Marie would keep her promise.

Then he read another little poem: "The Spring of Love."

  A little sun, a little rain,
  A soft wind blowing from the West,
  And woods and fields are sweet again
  And warmth within the mountain's breast.

  A little love, a little trust,
  A soft impulse, a sudden dream,
  And life as dry as desert dust,
  Is fresher than a mountain stream.

He knew that he had great love and great trust, and that that love, and
the hope of Marie, would give him ambition and courage to continue on.
It was now getting late and no news had come of Marie. Robert realized
his birthday was passing and his hopes for the present were blasted.

He read the poem, "Lead Kindly Light":

  Lead, kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom,
  Lead thou me on!
  The night is dark and I am far from home,
  Lead thou me on!
  Keep thou my feet; I do not ask to see
  The distant scene--one step enough for me.

  I was not ever thus, nor prayed that thou
  Shouldst lead me on;
  I loved to see and choose my path, but now
  Lead thou me on!
  I loved the garish day, and, spite of fears,
  Pride ruled my will: remember not past years.

  So long thy power hath blessed me, sure it still
  Will lead me on;
  O'er moor and fen, o'er crag and torrent till
  The night is gone;
  And with the morn those angel faces smile
  Which I have loved long since, and lost awhile.

The last few lines of the final verse impressed him strongly. Robert
felt that Marie was only lost for awhile and that on the coming morning
he would meet the future with a smile, face it with hope, courage and
determination and make some new plans; figure some other new way by
which he might locate Marie or obtain some news of her whereabouts.
Realizing more than ever that hope deferred maketh the heart grow sick,
Robert read everything in the Bible that he could find on love. At last
he read the song of Solomon.

Robert knew that he would never leave his first love and go back on
her, that that was the one love of his life and that it would remain so
long as there was life in his body. With this resolve in his heart he
decided to face the future with hope.


Robert bought evening newspapers and looked over the Financial Page;
noted that cotton, wheat and corn had advanced that day. His birthday
had indeed been a success, financially, and his 21st birthday found
him on top of the world, but this was not what counted with Robert.
The great disappointment was that his hopes for Marie on that day were
blasted, but he had not given up. As he looked over the newspapers
he saw an advertisement headed, "Madam Cleo," Clairvoyant. The
advertisement stated that Madam Cleo could reunite the separated and
bring back lost lovers. While Robert had never been to a clairvoyant
and his only faith was in astrology, and science laid down in the
Bible, in desperation he decided to grasp at any straw. Early on the
morning of June 10th he called to see Madam Cleo. She told him that he
had gone thru a great sorrow but that his sweetheart would return to
him in a few days, he should be of good cheer because Marie loved him
only; that it had been a case of nervous indecision which had caused
Marie to disappear, and that she would return just as suddenly as she
had disappeared.

Robert felt more hopeful and returned to his hotel, hoping to get some
news of Marie. There were no letters or telegrams. He called up the
broker's office to find out how cotton and wheat were that morning
and found that they were strong and higher. His calculations showed
that wheat and cotton should be top for a reaction on June 10th so he
wired his broker in New York to sell out his wheat and cotton. Corn was
down that morning, so he telegraphed the broker to buy 20,000 bushels
of September corn. After sending this telegram, he glanced over the
morning paper and saw an advertisement headed, "Professor O.B. Joyful,"
Astrologer. Robert eagerly read the advertisement because the name
attracted him. And he was looking for something to make him joyful.
Professor Joyful's advertisement stated that "with the science of
Astrology, he could tell when success would start, when trouble would
end and reveal when marriage would take place." Robert was a great
believer in Astrology because he had found this great science referred
to so many times in the Holy Bible. Robert remembered reading in the
Psalms 111:2:

 The works of the Lord are great, sought out of all them that have
 pleasure therein.

He had made notes as he read the Bible at different times where it
referred to Astrology or the signs in the heavens and was thoroughly
convinced that the influence of the heavenly bodies govern our lives.

Genesis 1:7, 16 and 18:

 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under
 the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it
 was so.

 And God made two great lights; and the greater light to rule the day,
 and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light
 from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.

Genesis 7:2:

 Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and
 his female; and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his

Joshua 10:12 and 14:

 Then spake Joshua to the Lord in the day when the Lord delivered up
 the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight
 of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the
 valley of Ajalon.

 And there was no day like that before it, or after it, that the Lord
 hearkened unto the voice of a man: for the Lord fought for Israel.

Samuel 22:8:

 That all of you have conspired against me, and there is none that
 sheweth me that my son hath made a league with the sons of Jesse, and
 there is none of you that is sorry for me, or sheweth unto me that my
 son hath stirred up my servant against me, to lie in wait, as at this

Job 22:14:

 Thick clouds are a covering to him, that he seeth not; and he walketh
 in the circuit of heaven,

Job 26:10 and 11:

 He hath compassed the waters with bounds, until the day and night come
 to an end.

 The pillars of heaven tremble, and are astonished at his reproof.

Job 37:18:

 Hast thou with him spread out the sky, which is strong, and as a
 molten looking glass?

Psalms 19:1, 4 and 6:

 The heavens declare the glory of God: and the firmament sheweth his

 Their line is gone out thru all the earth, and their words to the end
 of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun;

 His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto
 the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.

Psalms 136:7 and 9:

 To him that made great lights: for his mercy endureth for ever:

 The moon and the stars to rule by night: for his mercy endureth for

Proverbs 8:27 and 28:

 When he prepared the heavens, I was there: when he sat a compass upon
 the face of the depth;

 When he established the clouds above; when he strengthened the
 fountains of the deep;

Ecclesiastes 1:3 and 5:

 What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun?

 The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place
 where arose.

Isaiah 40:22:

 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the
 inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the
 heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in;

Isaiah 43:5:

 Fear not; for I am with thee: I will bring thy seed from the east, and
 gather thee from the west;

Ezekiel 1:22:

 And the likeness of the firmament upon the heads of the living
 creature was as the colour of the terrible crystal, stretched forth
 over their heads above.

Amos 9:6:

 It is he that buildeth his stories in the heaven, and hath founded his
 troop in the earth; he that calleth for the waters of the sea, and
 poureth them out upon the face of the earth; the Lord is his name.

Habakkuk 3:2:

 O Lord, I have heard thy speech, and was afraid; O Lord, revive thy
 work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known;
 in wrath remember mercy.

St. Matthew 24:29 and 30:

 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be
 darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall
 fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.

 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man, in heaven: and then
 shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of
 man coming in the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory.

Robert knew that the Bible was replete with references that the
heavens ruled. He had read where it said: "Discern the end from the
beginning"; where Jesus said: "I will judge you in the place of your
nativity." He hastened to the office of Professor O.B. Joyful in the
hope that the great science of Astrology would throw some light upon
the disappearance of Marie. The secretary told him that the Professor
was very busy and as Robert had no appointment, he would have to wait
awhile. Glancing around the walls of the office he saw some beautiful
cards of poems hanging on the walls. One was entitled, "The power of
Love." This attracted Robert's attention:

  Sunbeams after showers are brightest,
  Seeking sorrow is a sin;
  Woman's heart is ever lightest
  When love, the jewel, dwells within.

Robert thought that this was a wonderful poem and he knew that it
applied to man as well as woman, because his heart was ever light
when love dwelled within; knew that it was Marie's beautiful eyes and
the hope of seeing them again, which was guiding him now across the
troubled sea of time. He anxiously awaited the time when he could tell
his troubles to Professor Joyful, hoping that they would soon be turned
into joy. He read another poem on the wall:

  Love is a gift to be used every day,
  Not to be smothered and hidden away,
  Love is not a thing to be stored in the chest
  Where you gather your keepsakes,
  And treasure your best.
  Love is a gift you should use every day.

  --Norah Perkins.

Robert knew that he was using love every day and it seemed that the
Professor had prepared his office to receive those in love. Another
poem read:

  We starve each other for love's caress;
  We take, but we do not give;
  We know it is easy some soul to bless,
  But we dole out affection, giving less and less,
  Until the world becomes bitter and hard.

Robert felt that he had not been stingy with his love for Marie and
that he had showered his affection upon her. The Bible said that love
begetteth love and he knew if he received as he gave, his reward would
be the return of Marie and her love.

By this time, the secretary announced that Professor Joyful was ready
to receive him. He entered the Professor's office, where he met a
middle-aged man whose kindly face indicated that he had sympathy for
those in trouble. Robert stated briefly his troubles. Upon being asked
his date of birth, said he was born June 9th, 1906. The Professor made
out his horoscope hurriedly and told him that Venus and Mars were in
conjunction by transit in the sign Leo, which ruled the heart; that
Venus applied to a trine of Uranus, and that while he could give him
hopeful news and could assure him from his horoscope that he would
one day find Marie, he could not offer false hopes and state that he
would find her within a few days. Said there was a possibility of his
finding her within two years, but it would probably be three or four
years before she would ever come into his life again. In view of the
fact that Venus was separating from a conjunction of Mars on the day
he had called to inquire about Marie, the indications were that his
sweetheart, Marie, would be separated farther from him rather than
come closer to him at this time. He assured Robert that Marie was
alive, that no harm had come to her, and that none would, that she was
carrying out her own secret plans; was faithful to Robert, and had no
other lover. He told Robert that he was a born genius and in the next
few years would make a great success in speculation and in the field of
aviation. While Robert was disappointed, he felt that this scientific
man was telling the truth and decided to take his advice, try to be
patient, and to face the future with hope. The Professor told Robert
that his horoscope indicated that he would eventually realize all his
hopes and ambitions. Venus, in the sign Cancer, promised happiness in
love affairs eventually, but Neptune therein indicated a skeleton in
the family closet and some secret mysterious happenings in connection
with the home and domestic relations. Robert told him of his plans to
go to New York and the Professor stated that New York City was ruled
by the sign Cancer, and in view of the fact that the planet Venus, the
Goddess of Love, was located in that sign, he would eventually meet
or find Marie in New York City. This cheered Robert greatly because
he knew he wanted to go to New York to make money in speculation and
complete his inventions. Professor Joyful told Robert that Venus
progressed in the sign Leo, which rules the heart, would cause some
great sorrows and heartaches when there were afflictions to it. He had
started the trip with the Moon in the sign Leo, ruling the heart,
but it had separated from good aspects and was applying to evil ones.
His ruling planet applied to an evil aspect of Uranus, indicating
great worries following the starting of this journey. Said that he had
planned his marriage for an unfortunate day and that it was better that
it did not take place at that time. Assured Robert that there was no
doubt about the realizations of his hopes in the future, but that the
delay was inevitable. He told him that the clairvoyant who promised
that he would find Marie in a few days, was only encouraging his hopes,
and that science, which could be depended upon, did not confirm these
hopes, or at least the immediate realization of them. There was a
possibility of his finding Marie in a foreign state or country or that
some news would come to him of her from a great distance. He asked
Robert for Marie's date of birth. Robert told him that he knew she
was born on October 6th, but that he was not sure of the year, but he
thought it was in 1908. The Professor told him that if this date was
correct, it would confirm all that he had told him and indicated a long
delay before he would find her.

Robert returned to his hotel more hopeful and with the firm decision to
face the future and carry out his plans, living faithful to Marie. On
his arrival at the hotel, he received a telegram from Mr. Kennelworth,


Robert was more cheerful after reading this message because since
Marie's disappearance he had not met a man or woman he had ever known
before. Mr. Kennelworth was a dear friend of his and it would be very
comforting to meet him and talk over his troubles. He was also anxious
to meet his old pal, Walter Kennelworth, so he decided to get ready to
go on to New York. The big reception for Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh
was planned and would take place in New York on Monday, June 13th,
and he wanted to be there, but every time he thought of anything that
would give him happiness or pleasure, he thought of Marie and knew that
without her it would not mean as much to him. Still he hoped Marie
might appear or that some news of her might be received before he left.
He wanted to see Captain Lindbergh and his plane, "The Spirit of St.
Louis," for Robert was dreaming of the day when he would complete his
own great plane according to Ezekiel's plan. Robert went to his room
and spent the balance of the day reading the Bible and working out
future cycles on wars. Figured that great opportunities would come for
making money in the Stock and Commodity markets, and that he was going
to make a great financial success and carry out his plans.

On June 11th, Mr. Kennelworth arrived, Robert met him at the Union
Station in St. Louis. He had only about an hour to wait before the
train departed for New York. No news had been received of Marie. Mr.
Kennelworth told Robert that her parents were still hopeful that she
was alive, but they were at a loss to understand why she had not
communicated with anyone. He told Robert to keep up his courage for
he felt sure that all would end well. On the train to New York they
talked of Robert's plans. Mr. Kennelworth said he was anxious for him
and Walter to be together again and believed it was for the best.
Robert told him that he had been making money in wheat and cotton and
that Right Aeroplane was moving his way; that he was Short of Major
Motors and expected to make a fortune selling it all the way down. Mr.
Kennelworth expressed his continued faith in Robert's ability and told
him that he was going to follow him on the market. While he admired
him for his great love for Marie and his faith in her, worry would not
bring her back, he said, and he should get down to business, study the
Bible, work on his inventions and leave the matter of Marie's return
to the Lord, trusting and believing in Him who knoweth and doeth all
things well. Told Robert that he was a "doer" and not a dreamer; that
he had demonstrated the greatest ability of any young man he had ever
known. That he had the pep and quoted an epigram, "The pessimist says
it can't be done, the optimist says, let George do it: meanwhile
the peptomist has done it." He said: "Robert, you and Lindbergh are
peptomists. You do it while the other fellow watches and waits, or says
it can't be done." He quoted a poem from Tennyson:

  I cannot hide that some have striven
  Achieving calm, to whom was given
  The joy that mixes man with heaven.
  Who rowing hard against the stream,
  Saw distant gates of Eden gleam
  And did not dream it was a dream.

"I am sure you are to make your dreams come true. The Bible says: There
is nothing better for a man than that he should make his soul enjoy
good in his labor. Work is the only thing to drown your sorrows. If
you go to work, complete your inventions and continue to study, the
troubles will disappear. Time will fly lightly by and before you know
it, Marie will return to you." Then Robert repeated a few lines by Dora

 "Joy is a working thing. It builds up while it enlarges the whole
 nature. It is the wine to strengthen the heart, to brace it to carry
 noble enterprise."

Mr. Kennelworth said, "That is very fine, Robert, but you must work
for the joy that is yet to come and your great love for Marie will
strengthen your heart and brace you to attain all your aims. Love is
the great power behind the universe and it is the greatest of all
powers. Emotions are the motive power behind every great achievement,
and without emotion nothing will ever be accomplished. There are three
great emotions--Love, Fear and Hate, which actuate every deed, good or
bad, and without them, man would accomplish nothing. The great emotion
which is going to help you accomplish all your plans and realize your
greatest hopes and ambitions, is Love. A man makes money and saves it
because he fears the future. Great nations go to war and fight because
they are urged by the emotion of Hate. They are also fighting thru the
emotion of fear, but if love was the emotion behind all, there would be
no war, no sorrows--no troubles and no jealousies."

Robert then showed a poem on "Love" which he had written to Marie and
one, "The Garden of Love," which he had written at the time he and
Marie had their first break in 1926. Mr. Kennelworth read these poems
and was very much impressed with Robert's ability as a writer. He said,
"Robert, this proves to me that Love brings out the best in a man and
that when he finds a good woman his success is assured."

Robert talked of how he had read the Bible where it said that there
eventually would be one God and one united people and that Love would
rule the world. How, since a little boy, his Mother had talked against
war and prayed for the day when wars would cease and man would follow
the command given by Jesus Christ: "Love thy neighbor as thyself." He
hoped and felt sure that the day would come but that the Bible made it
plain as he understood it, that there would yet be a great war fought
in the air, when deadly chemicals would be used and the greater portion
of the people on earth would be killed. Then would come peace, when God
would rule the world and Love would be the motive behind every act.
Then nations would no longer become jealous of each other and go to
war. Robert said, "I have made a great study of wars in the past and
how conditions changed; how at one time Spain was the mistress of the
seas and later Rome was the controlling nation; then England ruled the
waves and London was the banking center of the world. Then came the
great war in 1914 which changed everything. England lost control of the
seas. She lost her power as the great banking nation of the world. The
gold supply of the world flowed rapidly to the United States and in the
dark days of 1917, when England and France, after being deserted by
Russia, were fighting with their backs to the wall, the United States,
the land of love and liberty, came to the rescue, helped to defeat the
Germans and saved England and France. At that time they were seemingly
very grateful, but after the war conditions changed. The United States
was no longer in debt to foreign countries but was now the banking
nation of the world and the foreign countries owed large sums of money
to the United States. This country has continued to prosper since the
war, the gold supply of the world now rests here. Our former friends
have become jealous of the prosperity we enjoy and the power that we
now hold in financial affairs which once belonged to England. Some of
the foreign countries do not want to pay their obligations and this
jealousy can lead to nothing else but war, as it always has in the
past. I hope to be ready when that war comes with my great airplane,
and other inventions to help defend my country and later promote a
lasting peace based on love and goodwill. The United States began as a
land of liberty and has always set an example for the balance of the
world and I hope to see the day when our country will take the lead
in establishing universal peace and the brotherhood of man. Captain
Lindbergh's flight confirms my studies and forecasts of the future.
Aviation will be developed rapidly and nations will want to try these
new discoveries and inventions to conquer other nations, and war is
inevitable. The Bible prophets foretold it, and my studies of the cycle
theory also indicate that we are in a period where cycles will repeat
which have caused war in the past."

On the afternoon of June 12th, Mr. Kennelworth and Robert arrived in
New York City and were met at the train by Walter. Robert was very
happy to meet his dearest friend, and it was consoling to be with him.
After their arrival, they went to the Hotel Vanderbilt. Mr. Kennelworth
went out to see a friend and left Robert and Walter to chat alone.
Robert told Walter of the terrible sufferings he had gone thru since
Marie's disappearance and of his great disappointment. He talked of the
success he had made in the market and of the future when he hoped to
complete his great invention with the aid of Walter and his knowledge
of chemicals and make discoveries which would end war for all times.
But immediately after talking of his future plans his mind would revert
back to Marie and he would start talking about her and bemoaning the
fact that without her he could not go on in the future. Walter told
him to forget about her--that time would bring changes and that he
would find another girl who would take the place of Marie. Robert was
indignant and told Walter that time would never change him; that he
would remain faithful to Marie until death, no matter if he never heard
of her again. Walter said that Marie was too young to know her own
mind and was probably in love with someone else, or thought she was,
which accounted for her sudden change and disappearance from the train.
Robert then showed him the letter which he found in his pocket the
morning that Marie disappeared. Walter read it.

  June 5th, 1927.
  3 A.M.

  Dearest Robert:

 According to your faith, be I unto you. Love will always have faith,
 understand and wait. Time proves all things. You will get everything
 you want; I will come to you when I mean the most and your need for
 love is the greatest.

  Lovingly always,

Walter said: "This is certainly a mysterious letter. I don't understand
it and I don't suppose Marie did either. There is nothing in this
letter to explain whether she was leaving you or not, or why or where
she was going or anything about it. Now, Robert, don't you understand
real love could never act like that or write like that? There is some
secret behind all this and my opinion is that there is another man
in the case." But Robert refused to listen to any such reasoning.
His faith in Marie was unshaken. His love for her was great enough
to understand, to have patience and wait. Marie could or would do no
wrong, and no amount of evidence would ever change him.

Mr. Kennelworth returned to the hotel and after dinner told Robert that
he wanted to have a confidential chat with his son, Walter. Robert
decided to go out for a walk and see the city. When they were alone,
Walter told his father that he had had a long talk with Robert and that
his mind was on nothing but Marie. His father said: "The only thing to
do is to help Robert get interested in his work so that he will forget
about Marie. That is the best thing for him at present. The great love
that he has for her will be the incentive to spur him on to success and
help him realize his ambitions. Love is the greatest thing in the world
and without it men would not get very far. It brings out the noble and
better qualities in a man and should always be encouraged."


On the following day, Monday, June 13th, Mr. Kennelworth, Robert and
Walter arose early to be ready for Colonel Lindbergh's triumphant
march up Broadway. Robert was very enthusiastic about it and talked
about what a great achievement it was and what it meant to the world,
especially to the United States. Walter told him that they must get
busy and start to lay out the plans to build Robert's great airplane.
When they started out on the street, Robert began to talk of Marie
and said that he hoped that he would find her that day. Thru all the
surging crowds, he stared in the face of every woman, hoping that
Marie, if she was alive, might have decided to come to New York for the
Lindbergh reception. It was a great day for Colonel Lindbergh, and a
great day for Robert, because it encouraged his hope for the day, and
believed it would come to pass when airplanes would conquer the world
and bring universal peace. He felt that a state of perfection could
never be reached until the brotherhood of man, founded on love, was

Walter told his father and Robert about a great play that he had been
to see: "One for All." He was anxious for them to see it and had
secured tickets for that night. Robert was immediately interested. He
was attracted to Molly and saw in her great sacrifice for Eric an
example of Marie. As the play neared the end, and Molly was in great
sorrow, and her secret sacrifice had become known to Eric, Robert could
restrain his emotions no longer. He turned to Mr. Kennelworth and said,
"I wonder if he'll be man enough to forgive her and appreciate her,
as the greatest woman in the world for him. Will his mind be broad
enough to realize that she made the supreme sacrifice because of her
unselfish love. Now that he has succeeded and has the world at his feet
will he turn from her and condemn her as the world usually does?" Mr.
Kennelworth said: "You can see that Eric is now weighing the matter in
his mind and is hesitating. We can only wait and see." Robert said,
"If Eric loves Molly as I love Marie he will now love her more after
this." Robert watched Eric with every muscle in his body tense, as
Eric read the receipt written by Chattox and also he watched Molly and
her expression as she leaned over the staircase and read the receipt
over Eric's shoulder. He saw Eric slowly fold the receipt around the
little booties for the baby and place them in his pocket and walk
slowly away. Robert was wondering what Eric was thinking of and what
his decision would be. Then came the final climax--Eric, after knowing
all, took Molly in his arms and gave her the kiss which Robert knew
meant forgiveness and understanding. He then realized that love, just
as Molly said in the beginning, was the greatest thing in the world,
and meant more than all the money in the world. Robert jumped to his
feet and shouted, "Hurrah for Eric," and said, "that's the kind of
love I have for Marie and no matter what may have happened or what she
should do in the future, my love is the kind which will understand,
forgive and forget." He told them how he was impressed with the story
in the Bible where the woman was brought before Jesus accused and how
the Jesus said, "Let him who is without sin, cast the first stone,"
and when they had all disappeared he said: "Woman, doth no man accuse
thee," and she answered, "No, Lord." Jesus said, "Neither do I. Go
your way and sin no more." Robert said when the world once realized
the great power of Love, that jealousy, enmity, all accusations and
the desire for personal gain, would pass away. That when Love alone
dominated the hearts of men and women, wars would be no more, and
that men would see no evil in their fellow-men as Eric saw no evil in
Molly's sacrifice but knew and understood that great love for him was
the motive that prompted her actions. Robert quoted Daniel 2:22:

 "He revealeth the deep and secret things. He knoweth what is in the
 darkness and the light dwelleth within him. A kingdom which shall
 never be destroyed, consume all other kingdoms and stand forever."

He said that when the day came when men were ruled by the law of love
and understood each other, a kingdom would be established that would
never be destroyed, and that it would consume all other kingdoms.
Robert believed that the United States, the land of liberty, was
created never to be destroyed, and that it would eventually consume
all other nations and rule by the law of love and justice, that it was
God's will that it become the most prosperous country and the banking
nation of the world. Believed that the nation referred to in Psalms
147:20 was the United States:

 "He hath not dealt so with any nation and as for his judgments they
 have not known them. Praise ye the Lord."

Walter was not so enthusiastic and sure about the power of Love as
Robert. You can never tell what a woman will do, he said and referred
to Proverbs 30:18 and 19:

 "There be three things which are too wonderful for me. Yea, four which
 I know not,--the way of an eagle in the air, the way of a serpent upon
 a rock, the way of a ship in the midst of a sea, and the way of a man
 with a maid."

Walter said, "The last one is too much for me and I would not attempt
to discern the way of a maid without a man. They go where you know not
and return when you least expect it. Some wise woman once said, 'When
you know one man, you know all.' A wiser man said, 'You never know a
woman, for all women are different.'"

Robert said, "It is interesting to go back over history and read the
opinions of the smartest men in regard to woman. Confucius said,
'Woman is a masterpiece.' Michelet said, 'Woman is a miracle of divine
contradictions.' Lamartine said, 'There is a woman at the beginning
of all great things.' I am wholly in accord with him. Go back to the
bottom of every great achievement and back of it you will find the
influence of a good woman. It may be a mother, sister or sweetheart,
but the love of a woman is always the motive behind the great
achievements of men. Someone once said: 'Not for herself was woman
first created, nor yet to be man's idol, but his mate.' Pythagoras
said: 'There are in woman's eyes two sorts of tears, the one of grief;
the other of deceit.' I think that is because there are two kinds of
men, one who appreciates love and honor and gives sympathy; the other
kind who is selfish, expects something for nothing and must meet with
deceit. I am a great believer in sowing and reaping. We get out of life
just what we put into it. If we give love and faithfulness, the same
returns to us. Maeterlinck was right when he said: 'A man's sweetheart
is just as pure as his thoughts of her are pure.' I remember reading a

  "What thou lovest, Man,
  Become thou must,
  God, if thou lovest God,
  Dust if thou lovest dust.

Napoleon said, 'All the women in the world would not make me lose an
hour,' but history shows that Napoleon did lose sleep over his love
for Josephine. He wrote to her--'I am sick of men because they keep
me away from my love.' Shakespeare expressed it better than all the
rest when he said 'Kindness in woman, not their beauteous looks, shall
win my love.' A real womanly woman whose heart is filled with love,
cannot be other than kind because Kindness is a child of Love. Women
may be mysterious and we may fail to understand them. That is one of
the reasons why we love them all the more. Fontenelle said, 'There are
three things I have always loved and never understood--paintings, music
and women.' He might have added that the greatest of the three was,

Then Walter quoted from Southey, "'There are three things a wise man
will not trust, the wind, the sunshine of an April day and a woman's
plighted faith.'" Robert replied--"Nevertheless nearly every wise
man has loved and trusted some good woman and most of them have not
regretted it. Walter, you have never really been in love and you
don't know what love is. If you did, you would have faith and trust,
regardless of all conditions." "I guess the subject of love and women
is too deep for me," said Walter, "and the sooner you get down to
business and your studies and get love off your mind, the greater
success you are going to make." Robert answered, "Without love this
world would never have existed. It was God's love for the world that
saved it. My love for Marie will make me whatever I am to be in the
future. Without that love I know I would be a miserable failure. The
time will come when you will go to sleep at night with your last
thoughts of beautiful rosy lips, of eyes that shine like Golconda's
purest gems, of a voice that is sweeter than a nightingale, of
luxurious hair and of a form that to you is more beautiful than Venus,
and when you awake in the morning your first thoughts will be of her.
You will see her in the beautiful flowers, her face will be reflected
from the ripple of the pure waters; everything you think about she will
appear in connection with. Your slumbers will be disturbed. When you
get a fever like this, you will then know and understand the power of
love. Then nothing else will matter, only one thing will count in your
life--the woman you love. A great love like this must come to every
man. In the Springtime of life it may be, or in those sunny solaces of
the afternoon when the waning day brings sadness and man looks back
and longs for the time when he might have loved, when he was younger
and lived longer. Love is the elixir of life. It is a greater cure than
any medicine. It has built up kingdoms and destroyed nations. You have
ambitions now and a desire for gold, but after all, Walter, what can it
buy? All the gold in the world cannot buy the tender touch of a little
child's fingers or the lovelight in angel eyes like Marie's. It gives
satisfaction that nothing else can."

Walter said, "Robert, you always drift back to Marie and her eyes.
Those beautiful black eyes that you talk about may be wonderful, but
you remember the old saying, 'Can you be true to eyes of black or
brown, when blue has smiled on you?' You will find that a change will
come sooner or later if Marie doesn't show up and you will be the
better for it."

But Robert was sure that no eyes could ever take the place of Marie's
and Robert handed Walter the following poem to read:


  If any brown-eyed girl has changed her mind
  And left you sinking in the consommé,
  Calmly smile and let her go, you'll forget about your woe--
  (There's a lot of consolation to be found in eyes of gray.)

  If any brown-eyed girl has left your heart
  In forty-seven pieces at your feet,
  Then the proper thing to do is to gaze in eyes of blue--
  (And perhaps you'll find the same are twice as sweet.)

  If any brown-eyed girl has given you
  Your "exit cue," the "go-by" and "the air,"
  And your heart in glad amaze'll heed the lure of eyes of hazel--
  You can sing that song of Tanguay's, "I Don't Care."

  If any brown-eyed girl has--well, she did;
  Above, you'll find some good philosophy;
  It may do for you, I guess, but I really must confess
  It has never been a bit of use to me!

  Ben Warren.

"The last verse expresses my sentiments to a T; no other eyes will ever
have any attraction for me except Marie's."

A few days after New York's reception to Colonel Lindbergh, Robert
decided to get down to business. He visited his brokers in Wall Street,
talked over the market situation and found that they did not agree
with his ideas and views. Decided to open an office at 69 Wall Street,
and Walter was to work with him when he had time from his studies.
They consulted about a stenographer or office assistant. Walter had
met Miss Edna Quinton, a very talented girl, whom he thought was the
most competent he had ever known, so Robert gave her a position in his

Walter was anxious to keep Robert cheerful so went sight-seeing often
and to see all the latest plays. Robert was very much interested in the
play, "The Student Prince." Was impressed when the old servant told
the young King the old saying, "A promise keep, right well you sleep;
a promise break, all night you wake." Robert knew that this was what
caused the King to return to his former sweetheart, but when he gave
her up and married the Princess, he was disgusted and disappointed.
Told Walter that he would never break his promise for anyone; and knew
that if he did, he would never be able to sleep soundly again.


Robert Gordon's Great Campaign in Cotto

After Robert had sold out his October cotton at 17.30 and his December
cotton at 17.50 on June 10th, he decided to watch the market very
closely for a few days because he thought it would go lower. His
forecast indicated last buying level around June 25th. He figured that
after this time the market would go higher until September 5th to 6th,
when he figured it would be final high.

On June 25th October cotton declined to 16.80 and he bought 500 October
at 16.83 and 500 December at 17.15. He figured that it would run up for
about thirty days so on July 25th he sold 500 October cotton at 19c and
sold 500 December at 19.20 and went short of 500 December at 19.20. The
decline followed as he expected. On July 30th he sold 500 more December
cotton at 18.60 and on August 6th he bought 1000 December at 17.40 to
cover his short contracts. He figured that the Government report on
August 8th would be very bullish and that cotton would go up very fast
and continue until around September 5th to 6th, or until the Government
report in September. On August 6th he bought 1000 December at 17.35.
On August 8th he bought 500 December at 17.30. The Government was very
bullish as he expected and cotton advanced 200 points on August 8th.
On August 9th he sold out his 1500 December at 20.30 and sold 1000
December short at 20.30. A big decline followed and on August 13th he
bought 1000 December cotton at 19.10 and also bought 1000 December at
19.10 for long account. He started in to pyramid on the way up. On
August 19th he bought 500 more December at 20.10; on August 22nd he
bought 500 December at 21.10; on August 27th he bought 500 December at
22.30 and on August 29th bought 300 December at 23.30. On September
8th the Government report was very bullish as he had forecast and the
market went up. This was the time when he expected the market to make
final top for a big decline. On September 8th he sold 2800 bales of
December at 24.40 and on the same day sold 2000 bales of December at
24.50 for short account. On September 9th he sold 500 more December
at 23.30; on September 11th sold 300 December at 22.30. On September
13th he bought 2800 December at 21.60 to cover his short contract. On
September 14th he sold 1000 December at 22.60. On September 17th sold
500 December at 21.60 and on September 21st sold 300 December at 20.60.
September 23rd he figured that the market was bottom for a rally and
bought 1800 December at 20.60, and on the same day bought 1000 December
at 20.60 for long account. On September 28th he sold 1000 December
at 22c and also went short 1000 December at 22.10. On September 29th
he bought 1000 December at 21.30 and on September 29th bought 1000
December at 21.30 for long account. On October 3rd he sold 1000
December at 21.50 and also went short of 1000 December at 21.50. On
October 6th he bought 1000 December at 20.75 and went long, because he
figured the market would be higher for the Government report on October

Robert Gordon's Great Campaign in Major Motors

On Sunday, June 19, 1927, Robert Gordon spent the day studying his
charts and working out his cycles for stocks, cotton and grain. He was
short of Major Motors and was watching it very closely. On this day he
made a new and great discovery of a time factor from which he figured
that Major Motors would decline until about June 30th and then start
an advance which would last until about September 16th, 1927, when
the Company would be 19 years old and at that time the stock would
reach final high and would then go down to February to April, 1929.
He figured that the stock should advance to around 270 by September
16th and made up his mind to watch it closely and cover his shorts if
it went down around June 30th, and then start buying the stock. On
June 30th it declined and he bought in his short contracts and bought
for long account 500 shares of Major Motors at 192-1/2. He decided to
pyramid it all the way up. On July 15th he bought 500 shares at 204; on
July 21st he bought 300 at 214 and on July 26th bought 300 more at 224.
On August 5th the stock advanced to 230 and he raised his stop on 1600
shares to 225. On August 8th his stock was sold out at 225. He still
believed that the stock would go up to around 270 by September 16th
but he expected a reaction of about 12 to 15 points so he decided to
wait for a few days and watch his charts to see how the stock acted.
On August 12th Major Motors declined to 218, being down a little over
12 points as he figured, and he bought 1000 shares at 218. He placed
a stop at 212, a point which he figured it would not decline to. The
advance started, and on August 20th he bought 300 shares at 228; on
August 24th bought 300 shares more at 238 and on August 26th bought 300
shares more at 248. When he started pyramiding, his plan was to buy or
sell the largest amount first and then gradually decrease buying and
selling smaller amounts on the way up or down, and always using a stop
loss order. On September 7th the stock advanced to 253 and he raised
his stop on his entire amount to 243. This stop was never reached but
on September 14th a rapid advance was on and he bought 300 shares more
at 258, giving him a line of 2200 shares of stock. He figured that
it should advance on September 16th to around 270. When the market
advanced to 272 at this time he sold out his 2200 shares at 272.

He cleaned up a profit on this deal of over $80,000.00, and as he
figured that the stock would make final top around this time he
decided to put out a line of short stock and pyramid all the way down,
remaining short for the long pull. On September 17th he sold 500 shares
of the new Major Motors stock at 138 and 500 shares at 137 and placed a
stop on it at 147.

He had made it a rule that after he had made a large amount of profits
that he would never risk more than 10 per cent of his profits on the
first new deal, and that if that deal went wrong and he lost 10 per
cent of the capital, he would decrease his trading so that the next
loss would only be 10 per cent of his remaining profits. In this way
he figured that the market would have to beat him ten consecutive
times for him to lose all the profits he had made, and his studies of
past records showed that this could never happen. He placed orders to
sell more Major Motors at 128, 118, 108 and 98 because he expected the
first decline to run until the latter part of December, 1927, and after
that time he would put out shorts again on a rally to hold and pyramid
on the way down into the Spring of 1929. His great discovery of what
stocks would do at a certain age enabled him to make enormous profits
when stocks reached the age where they would have fast moves up or down
in a very short time.

October, 1927, was a beautiful month in New York. The weather was warm
and the sun shone brightly every day. It reminded Robert of the Fall of
1926 when he had gone to Sherman, Texas, to visit Marie. He thought of
what a great change had taken place in one year, of the fortune that he
had made in the market, but money would not buy relief for his aching

Days, weeks and months had drifted slowly by, but no word from Marie
Stanton. She seemed to be lost as though the earth had swallowed her up.

The great decline in stocks which he forecast for the Fall and Winter
of 1927 took place and he made money rapidly on the short side of
stocks. He was selling short Central Steel and Major Motors and other
stocks. He had bought Corn and Wheat in October and made big profits
later in the year. Money was piling up fast and in the latter part of
October, 1927, he had made over $300,000. He had kept Marie's money in
a separate account from his own and her original $400.00 was now over
$20,000. Robert continued to keep her account separate; he wanted to
make all the _money_ he could and have it as a surprise for Marie, to
prove to her his faithfulness and thoughtfulness when she was away, and
also to prove his confidence in her return.

Robert became known as "The Boy Wizard of Wall Street." His fame
became known and old men of Wall Street talked about his marvelous
success. Robert refused to be interviewed by the newspapers or tell
anything about his method of working in the market. Seldom ever
visited a broker's office and made very few friends. He worked upon
his invention, and Walter was his sole companion. Walter had met an
old man by the name of Henry Watson who was a veteran of Wall Street,
now over 70 years of age, had made and lost many fortunes and had seen
the biggest and best plungers go on the rocks in Wall Street. Walter
introduced Mr. Watson to Robert and he became very much interested
in the old man's reminiscences. He told Robert the history of Daniel
Drew and got him to read the book of Drew's life, which showed how
Drew, after making $13,000,000 lost it all and died practically a
pauper. Also told the history of Daniel Sully; how he made $10,000,000
to $15,000,000 in the Cotton market, but by violating natural laws
lost it all in a few days in the crash of Cotton in March, 1904, and
then disappeared from the financial horizon. How Livermore, the boy
wonder of 1907 and 1908, had accumulated millions, owned fine yachts,
lost everything, had gone thru bankruptcy, but had later recouped his
fortunes. How Eugene Scales, another striking example, who at one time
had over ten millions dollars paper profit in the Cotton market, had
lost all of it. How Allen A. Ryan, at the height of his fame, when he
defied the Gods of Chance and the unwritten law of Wall Street with the
result that his millions were all lost, had to go thru bankruptcy and
paid only about twenty cents on each one hundred dollars.

Mr. Watson also told Robert how Durant had become the giant motor
magnate and formed the General Motors Corporation in 1908 and had
made a great success, accumulating millions before the war days and
afterwards. He was in full control of General Motors and was reputed
to be worth over a hundred million dollars when the stock was selling
at $410.00 in the Spring of 1920. Durant was very bullish and talked
of General Motors going very much higher. Deflation started in the
Summer of 1920, and all stocks declined rapidly. He remained bullish,
continuing to buy General Motors all the way down. The stock had been
split up on a ten for one basis and the new stock which sold at $42.00
in March, 1920, an equivalent of $420.00 per share, declined to $14.00
per share in December, 1920, and finally in the Spring of 1922 sold
at $8.25. He had refused to sell; in fact had bought all his brokers
would let him have all the way down. When the stock declined to $15.00
per share, Durant was ruined. His fortune of over one hundred millions
dollars was wiped out. The Morgans and Duponts took over his holdings
at a figure reported to be around $5.00 per share, and he lost control
of the gigantic corporation which had made him famous. Later Durant
organized a new company and came back fast. He went back into the stock
market and in the great Coolidge Bull campaign from 1924 to 1927 was
again a dominant factor in General Motors and other stocks and was
reputed to have made fifty millions, or more.

The old man said that Durant was one of the very rare exceptions of men
who had gone broke in Wall Street and had been able to come back after
they were 60 years of age. Told Robert that Wall Street was a place of
ups and downs--mostly downs, and that the time to quit was when you
were young and had made your money.

Robert explained to Mr. Watson that he was not guessing and gambling
on hope but was following science and not trading on human judgment
as he followed the law of cycles as laid down in the Holy Bible. Mr.
Watson said, "I wish you success, and for your benefit I will give you
my opinion as to the cause of most of the failures in Wall Street, for
I know the history of the men who have made the greatest amounts of
money, and know most of them personally. Selfishness and greed were the
cause of the fall of Daniel Drew. He was not loyal to his associates.
His idea was to get the money and look out for himself regardless of
whom he hurt. Conditions changed and Drew failed to change with them.
The result was that he died a pauper. Thomas W. Lawson, the man who
wrote, 'Friday the 13th,' was one of the most daring traders that
Wall Street has ever known, worth at one time probably forty to fifty
million dollars. He, too, died practically penniless. At one time
Lawson had the backing of the Standard Oil crowd and turned against
them after they had helped him to make millions. In my opinion, he
cut off the hand that fed him and his ruthless attack on men who had
been his friends, was the cause of his downfall. Men must be loyal to
positions of trust and not reveal secrets of great financial deals by
which they profited." Robert said that was his idea. As long as a man
remained loyal to his mother, his country, his associates; above all
his wife or sweetheart, success was bound to crown his efforts. He
believed in the law of compensation; that when a man broke faith with
others, he had broken faith with himself, and that failure would follow.

Mr. Watson told Robert that Sully made his money in cotton, and
after accumulating millions, quit specializing in cotton and began
to trade in stocks and various other commodities, which divided his
attention and he was unable to concentrate on cotton alone, the thing
that brought him the great success. "I could go over the history of
Scales, Livermore, Durant, Ryan and the balance of the great men of
Wall Street, and in analyzing their trading, the one weak point would
be found in all of them. They diversified too much. Did not specialize
in one commodity or a few special stocks, but spread all over the
board. The result was they had too many irons in the fire and when
one thing started to go wrong and they began to lose money, they
would invariably get out of stocks and commodities on which they were
making money and keep those that were going against them. Another
weak point was that when luck turned against a man in Wall Street, he
kept on trying to recoup his losses instead of stopping just as soon
as there was an indication that the tide had turned against him. Most
men at the heights of prosperity lose their sense of good judgment,
become inflated with their success, think they are infallible, refuse
to follow science or the advice of anyone, with the result that they
continue to buck the tide till all their money is gone."

"Mr. Watson," said Robert, "I believe that if a man starts out to
make money for unselfish purposes, he will succeed. That is what I am
going to do. Your experience is very valuable to me. Your intimate
knowledge of the cause of the failures of other men is a good lesson.
I have studied the Bible very carefully because I believe it is the
greatest scientific book ever written. The laws are plainly laid down
how to make a success. There is a time and a season for everything,
and if a man does things according to the time, he will succeed. The
Bible makes it plain that not all are born to be prophets, nor to be
farmers, doctors or lawyers, but that each can succeed in his own
special line, according to time and place. If men would only follow
the Bible and know that there is a time to stop trying to make money
and to keep what you have, then wait for another season when the time
is ripe, they could continue to succeed indefinitely. Has any man ever
made a large fortune out of Wall Street and kept it, Mr. Watson?" "Oh,
yes," he replied, "if there were not exceptions to the rule, business
would not continue to run. I could tell you of dozens of them, but one
striking example is that of the late E.H. Harriman who died worth
about three hundred million dollars. He had probably made out of the
market a hundred million dollars in the last three or four years of
his life." Robert asked, "How did he do it?" Mr. Watson answered,
"He stuck to one class of stocks--railroads. He studied them day and
night, never diverted his attention to other lines. I believe that he
possessed some mathematical method which enabled him to forecast stocks
many months and years in advance. I have gone over his manipulations
and the stocks he traded in, and found that they conform closely to
the law of harmonic analysis. He certainly knew something about time
and season because he bought at the right time and sold at the right
time. He paid a great price for his success, because he neglected his
health, sacrificed everything to make his railroads a success and died
too young. Such men are the backbone of our country's prosperity.
Constructive geniuses of this kind are few and far between and we need
more of them. Man's greatest enemy in speculation is 'hope.' He refuses
to face facts, and facts are stubborn things. Hope spurs us on. It may
be an anchor to the soul, but a very slim anchor in speculation, when
facts are against us."

Mr. Watson told Robert that his friend Walter had related to him all
about his love affair and the disappearance of Marie. He said, "My boy,
the great love you have for her is now furnishing the hope which will
carry you to success. When that hope is gone, you will have to find a
new one or you cannot go on." Robert told him that Marie had said that
anticipation was greater than realization. "Robert," he said, "I want
to tell you the story of my love affair. I have made and lost many
fortunes in Wall Street, and when things have gone wrong and I have
reached the depths of despondency, have seen my last dollar fade away,
been deserted by friends of my prosperous days, then when there seemed
nothing else to live for, nothing to make me fight on, there would come
a hope, the angel of memory would steal over me and I would again hope
that some day, somewhere, I would find my Katie." Here the old man's
eyes grew dim with tears. He drew an old wallet from his pocket, took
out a package, slowly unwrapped it. In there was a picture in a little
gold frame. The aged hands trembled, his voice grew weak as he handed
the picture to Robert with some faded flowers which he had pressed out
and kept and said: "These flowers were picked by her own little hands
over forty years ago." He then broke down and wept bitterly. Robert
was deeply moved by the old man's great devotion to his long-lost
sweetheart and begged him to tell more of the story.

The old man dried his eyes and went on--"Over 50 years ago when I was
a young man, I lived near St. Joseph, Missouri. I went to school at
a country schoolhouse. Katie Larson was a beautiful young girl. We
grew up together. I don't really know when I fell in love with her,
but I know that in my school days I loved her and always intended to
marry her. The years went by. I had never told Katie of my love. She
had grown to be a woman and I kind of took it for granted that she
knew and understood that I loved her and intended to marry her. Time
went by and we were often together. There was never any trouble or
disagreements. I was anxious to succeed and decided that I should
make some money before I proposed to Katie. Time drifted swiftly by, I
was not as successful as I hoped to be, and finally one day I received
the saddest news of my life--Katie had married. I realized that she
had probably waited and hoped for me to make known my intentions but
my financial affairs had held me back. I knew it was all my fault. I
should have confided my plans to her and asked her to have patience
and wait. From that day I was a changed man. My heart was broken and
if no hope had been left for me, I would never have gone on, but from
that day on, hoped and prayed that I might one day have her, even if
for only a few years or weeks, in my declining years. Katie moved away
after marrying and probably it was the hope for her love some day that
spurred me to action. I worked harder than ever. Success crowned my
efforts. I studied medicine, moved to Dallas, Texas, became a very
successful doctor. There I met a woman whom I thought I loved. We were
married and lived seemingly happy for a few years, but the spark of
love for Katie in my heart never died. We had a little girl born and I
named her Katie, which proved later a very foolish thing to do. She was
the pride of my life, my hope was centered on her. Finally I made the
mistake that many men make. I told my wife of my great love for Katie.
After that time, she lost faith in me and we slowly drifted apart. Then
came separation and divorce. I had accumulated considerable money and
now being very unhappy, I decided to leave Dallas and go to New York
and try the speculative markets. Success and failure have followed
alternately, like the rising and falling of the tides. There has never
been a day when I have come to Wall Street that I have not hoped to one
day meet Katie again. That hope has kept me alive. I have often tried
to find her, but the years have brought changes. She moved away to
California and I have never been able to find out whether she is living
or dead. I hope that you will never have to go thru the years that I
have gone thru without the love and comfort that the woman you love
can give. Your faith is supreme and that will carry you safely thru,
and even if you never find Marie, it is better to live for that ideal
because it will make you a better man, as love always brings out the

Robert was very much interested in the old man's story, but very sorry
that it had never ended as he had hoped it would with him and Marie.
Mr. Watson told Robert that he thought he had wonderful ideas about
speculation, and that if he would only stick to them and not be swept
off his feet by success, that he would eventually reach the greatest
height. He quoted Kipling's "If."

  If you can keep your head when all about you
    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
  If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
    But make allowance for their doubting too:
  If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
    Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
  Or being hated don't give way to hating,
    And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

  If you can dream--and not make dreams your master;
    If you can think--and not make thoughts your aim,
  If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
    And treat those two impostors just the same:
  If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
    Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
  Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
    And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools;

  If you can make one heap of all your winnings
    And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
  And lose, and start again at your beginnings
    And never breathe a word about your loss:
  If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
    To serve your turn long after they are gone,
  And so hold on when there is nothing in you
    Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"

  If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
    Or walk with Kings--nor lose the common touch,
  If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
    If all men count with you, but none too much:
  If you can fill the unforgiving minute
    With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
  Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
    And--which is more--you'll be a Man, my son!

He told Robert the greatest test of a man would come when he reached
the stage of great prosperity. That almost any man could stand reverses
but very few could stand prosperity. Money could buy so many things
which were not necessary to a man's happiness and attracted so many
people who would do him harm rather than benefit him that most men
started on the down grade as a result of too much money and too great
prosperity. Robert agreed that this was right. Said that with him money
was only a means to an end and said that he wanted it so he could help
others and benefit his country. Mr. Watson told him that as soon as his
success was generally known and he was well established in New York
many selfish women would be attracted to him and that if he possessed
the weak point which had been the undoing of many men, he would be
lost. That was being influenced by flattery from beautiful women. He
said, "Remember, my boy, they are attracted to the money and not to
the man, but few men can keep their heads at a time when women and men
crowd around to praise their success. I remember a poem that I used to
read when I was a boy, part of which runs something like this:

  'They crowd around me, those stately dames and belles,
    And pay to me the royal homage that all great success compels;
  But where is she, that sweetheart of my former years,
    Who stood by me, when others could see nothing in me.'

You will find it so, Robert. Men desert you when money is gone, like
pirates fleeing from a sinking ship. I admonish you not to put your
trust in money or men. Continue as you have, trust God, have faith in
him, stick to your first love, and happiness and success will be your

When the old man had finished talking, Robert noticed that the eyes had
become still, his cheeks were pale, his hand dropped limp at his side.
Robert rushed to him and soon realized that the old man was very ill.
He hurriedly summoned a doctor. Soon after laying the old gentleman on
the couch and making him comfortable, the doctor arrived. After hasty
examination, he told Robert that the end was near. They decided to
send for a minister and when he arrived, the old man was clutching the
picture in his hand. The minister bent over him and asked him if he
realized that the end was near and if he had made his peace with God,
adding, "Will you die in the faith of a Christian?" The old man sprang
up from the couch suddenly, as tho new strength had been instilled
in his frail old body. He raised his hand and showed the doctor the
picture and said, "Will that faith bring me back Katie, the only woman
I have ever really loved?" The doctor knew that his strength was
fast waning and got him to lie down on the couch again. The minister
whispered consoling words to him, told him that "God so loved the world
that he gave his only begotten son that whomsoever believeth on him
should not perish, but have everlasting life." Again he asked, "Do you
believe in Jesus Christ? Will you accept the faith?" Again the old
man replied, "Will that faith bring back to me my Katie?" His voice
was growing weaker, the doctor knew that it was a matter of but a few
moments. The minister again bent over him and whispered slowly, "Will
you accept Jesus Christ as your saviour and die in the faith of a
Christian?" With a faltering weak voice he answered, "Will that faith
give me back Katie, the greatest love of my life?" The doctor turned
to the minister and said, "He has gone to his reward." "With a love
like that, such loyalty and faith to a long-lost love must receive its
reward in heaven and a just God will extend mercy to a soul like that,"
said the minister. Robert was in tears. He felt that he had not only
lost a friend, but a very dear friend, and that while the old man's
going had taken something from his life, yet the example was one that
would be of great comfort and benefit to him. He knew that he would
live faithful to Marie, and that he would die, as the old man died,
longing for Marie, no matter what happened.


Robert turned to the Bible for consolation. Read every chapter of the
Song of Solomon. Was very much impressed with Chapter 2:14:

 O my dove, that art in the clefts of the rock, in the secret places
 of the stairs, let me see thy countenance, let me hear thy voice, for
 sweet is thy voice and thy countenance is comely.

Robert longed to hear Marie's voice and prayed that she might come
forth from her secret hiding place. He read Chapter 8:6th and 7th

 Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm, for love
 is strong as death; jealousy as cruel as the grave; the coals thereof
 are coals of fire which have a most vehement flame.

 Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it; if
 a man would give all the substance of his house for love, he would
 utterly be condemned.

Robert realized that nothing could quench his love and that Marie was
the only remedy for his aching heart.

Turning to Daniel 9:21, he read:

 Yea while I was speaking in prayer, even the man Gabriel whom I had
 seen in the vision at the beginning being caused to fly swiftly,
 touched me about the time of the evening oblation.

Robert knew that this indicated that people did fly in the older days,
and that we were now only repeating past cycles. He read Chapter 12:4th

 Let thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book even to the
 time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be

Robert thought that we were now nearing the time of the end because man
was running to and fro in fast automobiles and traveling swiftly thru
the air in airplanes; that new discoveries were being made and that
knowledge was increasing. He must hasten his new invention. He read the
12th verse:

 Blesseth is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred
 and five and thirty days.

Robert believed that he understood the cycle and knew the number
of years, months and days referred to in Daniel's prophecies.
Calculated that from March, 1931, until the end of June, 1932, would
be troublesome times for the United States. Depression, war and panic
would hang over the destinies of his country. Robert had gone deeply
into the Bible study in order to learn more about the great science of
Astrology. From the Bible he interpreted that he belonged to the tribe
of Issachar, the fifth son of Jacob and that this name indicated price,
reward, recompense. He understood from this that he would have to pay
the price, but he would receive the reward for his faithfulness and
devotion to Marie.

Robert turned to Genesis, Chapter 30, 17th and 18th verses:

 And God hearkened unto Leah, and she conceived and bore Jacob, the
 fifth son, and Leah said God hath given me my hire, because I have
 given my maiden to my husband; and she called his name Issachar.

He read Genesis 49:14 and 15, where Jacob blessed his 12 sons:

 Issachar is a strong ass, couching down between two burdens and he saw
 that the rest was good and the land, that it was pleasant; and bowed
 his shoulders to bear, and became a servant unto tribute.

Robert knew that this was the description of a man born in June under
the sign Gemini and that he was born to bear a burden, that he must
serve his people and be a comfort and help to carry their burdens. That
the sign under which he was born was a double-bodied sign, known as
the sign of the twins, that things would repeat in his life, that he
would have many ups and downs, but that he would reach his reward thru
science. He was anxious to learn of Marie's characteristics from the
Bible and thru Astrology and found that she was born under the sign
Libra, the sign of the balance, ruled by the Goddess of Love, Venus,
which endowed her with her great beauty. Reading Genesis 29:32, he
found that Marie belonged to the tribe of Reuben, "And Leah conceived
and bare a son and she called his name Reuben; for she said 'Surely the
Lord hath looked upon my affliction; now therefore my husband will love
me.'" The symbol and meaning of this name is "one who sees the sun,"
the vision of the sun, and indicates great intuition, keen perception
and power of foresight. Genesis 49:3-4:

 Reuben thou art my first born, my might and the beginning of my
 strength, the excellency of dignity, and the excellency of power;
 unstable as water, thou shalt not excel.

Robert understood that this referred to Marie's character and
disposition. She was unstable, changeable and moody, but he felt that
her love was fixed and that eventually she would return to him. He
read all the books he could get on Astrology and began to understand
why things had happened as they had. It made him a better philosopher
and helped him to bear his sorrows with greater patience.

Robert continued reading Isaiah 45:13:

 I have raised him up in righteousness, and I will direct all his ways:
 he shall build my city and he shall let go my captives, not for price,
 nor reward, saith the Lord of hosts.

This probably meant that the time would come when the Lord would direct
man and that when wars came and prisoners were made captives, they
would be set free without price or reward. It was Robert's idea that
this was the way it should be when love ruled the world.

Robert read Hebrews 11:3 and 5:

 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of
 God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which
 do appear.

 By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was
 not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation
 he had this testimony that he had pleased God.

Robert believed that Enoch went away in an airplane and knew that
faith was the great sustaining force, and that without faith it was
impossible to please God, for he read where it says, "For he that
cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of
them that diligently seek him." Robert knew that he had faith and that
that faith would sustain him during the time of trials and troubles. In
Romans 12:2:

 And be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the
 renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and
 acceptable and perfect will of God.

Robert knew and understood how to renew his mind and body because he
knew what Jesus meant when he said--"Destroy this temple and in three
days I will build it up again." He knew that it referred to the temple
of the human body.

Robert read the 9th to 13th verses of the same Chapter:

 Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave
 to that which is good. Be kindly affectioned one to another with
 brotherly love, in honor preferring one another; not slothful in
 business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord, rejoicing in hope,
 patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer.

Robert intended to be patient in tribulations and was going to be kind
and show brotherly love; he would have faith, hope and pray for the
day when he would again have Marie. Love was the fulfilling of the law
and reward was promised for obedience to that law. The more he read
the Bible the more he was convinced of its great value and that all of
the knowledge and instruction that man needed for any purpose or at
any time, was to be found in that good old book. Robert decided that
he would not only pray without ceasing, but would spend some of the
money that he had made, to try to find Marie, as no word had ever been
received of her up to this time. He employed a detective agency to make
a search all over the United States.

Mr. Kennelworth left New York and returned to Texarkana in the latter
part of June, 1927. He bought cotton heavily on Robert's advice that
the Government report would be very bullish and would have a big
advance during July according to Robert's forecast earlier in the year.
The Government Report on July 9th showed a big decrease in acreage
and prices started to advance again. Robert wrote and telegraphed Mr.
Kennelworth that October cotton would advance to around 18.50 to 18.75
before there was any important reaction. On July 16th October cotton
crossed 18.50 and Mr. Kennelworth wired Robert as follows:

  July 16, 1927

  Robert Gordon
  69 Wall Street
  New York City


  J.H. Kennelworth

To which Robert replied:

  July 16, 1927.

  My dear Mr. Kennelworth:

 Your telegram just received. Am very happy that you have played the
 cotton market heavily and are making big profits. I, too, have made
 over a hundred thousand dollars.

 Will get busy in a few days and work out the cycles for 1928 and let
 you know what the outlook is as to who will be elected President.

 Walter and I are getting along nicely. I am making good progress on my
 plans for the airship. Have employed a detective agency to search all
 over the United States for Marie. I am patiently awaiting news of her.
 Believe she is still alive.

 Thanks for your good wishes. With kindest regards, I am

  Sincerely yours,


After making his calculations on the Presidential election in 1928,
Robert sent the following Forecast to Mr. Kennelworth:

  July 20, 1927.


 In order to determine the conditions that will prevail during 1928
 and who will be elected, we must look up past cycles. I refer you to
 Ecclesiastes 3:15--"That which hath been is now and that which is to
 be hath already been, and God requireth that which is past."

 We know that we are repeating past cycles as referred to in Ezekiel's
 Prophecy--Chapter 20:46--"Son of man set thy face toward the south,
 and drop thy word toward the south, and prophesy against the forest
 of the south field, and say to the forest of the south, Hear the word
 of the Lord, Thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I will kindle a fire in
 thee and it shall devour every green tree in thee and every dry tree,
 the flaming flame shall not be quenched, and all faces from the south
 to the north shall be burned therein."

 The troubles in Nicaragua, the destructive floods and storms which
 have visited Florida, and the destruction by the floods along the
 Mississippi during the past Spring all show that troubles are starting
 in the south. We are in a cycle which will repeat and cause wars which
 will start from the south and southwest, probably Mexico. All of these
 events will have a great bearing on the Presidential election in 1928,
 because war will be in the air and the people will be very much upset.

 As referred to in Exodus 32:17--"And when Joshua heard the noise of
 the people as they shouted, he said unto Moses, There is a noise of
 war in the camp." There will be political wars and revolutionary
 changes in the United States in 1928. People will want to choose new
 leaders. Read Judges 5:8--"They chose new gods; then was war within
 the gates: was there a shield or spear seen among forty thousand in
 Israel?" The people will need to choose an able leader to prepare for
 the great war in the air.

 I have made a study of President Coolidge's date of birth, name and
 numbers. He is the strongest man that the Republicans have, but he
 has not wanted to accept the nomination and will probably not if
 he can get out of it. He has the best chance of any Republican for
 being elected. Along about March or April, 1928, some important event
 will happen which is likely to cause President Coolidge to refuse
 to accept the nomination. When the convention meets in June or July
 there will be long delays, dissatisfaction and fights among the old
 Republican leaders as to whom they will nominate. From the cycle that
 we are repeating, there is a strong indication that President Coolidge
 will not be renominated. He will do something which will cause large
 financial interests and moneyed men to withdraw their support from him.

 Since God requires that which is past, then past cycles and events
 in the history of the United States must repeat. We look up the
 names and dates of birth to determine when certain names or initial
 letters should repeat. The letter "C" is one which repeats in events
 of the United States as shown by the election of Grover Cleveland the
 second time in 1892. President Calvin Coolidge, with the "C" strong
 in both names, succeeded President Harding, August 2, 1923, and was
 elected in 1924. This was really a repetition of the letter "C" the
 same as Cleveland's second election, and in view of the fact that
 President Coolidge has served about 6 years, the letter "C" is not
 due to repeat its vibration in 1928, but might repeat in 1932 when
 President Coolidge could possibly be elected again following the war
 and troublesome times.

 The most favorable letters for the Republican Party which could repeat
 in 1928 are B, J, F, and L. In view of the cycle which indicates war
 from 1928 to 1932, there is a strong indication that the letter "L"
 will repeat as it did during the Civil War when Lincoln was President.
 This might mean the nomination of Borah, Butler, Johnson or Lowden. I
 haven't the dates of birth of any of these men, therefore, am unable
 to say before the nominations take place and we know whom their
 opponents will be, whether any of them would be elected or not.

 In regard to the Democratic nomination, the cycle indicates a strong
 possibility of victory for the Democrats or a new party. Governor
 Alfred Smith is not likely to be nominated and if nominated would not
 be elected. The letter "S" has never appeared in the surname of any
 president of the United States, and as we are only due to repeat past
 events, he has a very slim chance of being elected.

 The letters F, M and R are due to repeat for the Democrats. This
 might mean Ford, McAdoo or Reed. According to the date of birth,
 cycle and numbers, McAdoo would have a much better chance of getting
 the nomination than Smith. Reed looks stronger than either of them.
 Governor Smith will continue popular and the possibilities of him
 being nominated will look promising until about May, 1928, when there
 will be a sudden change of public opinion against him. Support will
 be withdrawn and some of the strong Democratic leaders will turn to
 other possible candidates. Smith's name will no doubt come before the
 convention, but I see no chance of him being nominated.

 There is a strong indication that the man who will be nominated will
 be a "dark horse," a man probably born in May or June. Revolutionary
 changes are indicated. The question of the 18th Amendment is likely to
 split both of the old parties. A farm and labor party or some other
 political party may spring up and defeat both of the old parties. The
 public will be very much divided and sentiment will be badly mixed in
 the summer and fall of 1928.

 With the present data in hand and the events that are to follow the
 next Presidential election, my judgment is that a Republican will
 not be elected. The President who takes office in March, 1929, will
 start under very unfavorable conditions similar to those which faced
 President Wilson at the time he entered his second term and also
 conditions will repeat similar to those that followed the election
 of Abraham Lincoln in 1861. There will be trouble with foreign
 countries over immigration laws. Tariff will be a sore spot and cause
 disagreements with foreign countries.

 I will have my calculations made up for the stock and commodity
 markets for 1928 and 1929 soon and when they are completed will send
 a copy of them. There will be some big opportunities for long pull
 trading in stocks and commodities during 1928. I want you to be in on
 the deals with me and hope I can help you make a million dollars.



December, 1927, stocks had been declining for several weeks. This month
stocks declined rapidly and Robert was heavily short. Wheat and corn
advanced. Robert had been on the right side for several months. Just
before Christmas he figured that he would cover his short stocks and
wait for a rally which he expected would come in January or February.
He now had profits which gave him working capital of over five hundred
thousand dollars, allowing for all the money that he had spent; so he
decided to put more time in working on his invention, as he was now in
position to spend money enough to develop his first airplane. He kept
in touch every few days with the detective agency, but no word had been
received from Marie. Her parents had about given up hope that Marie was
alive. Robert wrote them a very encouraging letter because he wanted
to cheer them up at Christmas time. Told them that he believed Marie
was alive and that he had faith in God and wanted them to have faith
and continue to pray for Marie's return. Informed them of his great
financial success and told them that he had continued to keep Marie's
account separate and had traded very conservatively for her and that
she now had over $40,000 which he intended to try to increase and have
as a great surprise for her. Robert sent beautiful Christmas gifts to
them in memory of Marie.

A few days before Christmas there was a big decline in the stock
market. All kinds of unfavorable rumors were afloat. Business
conditions were bad. War clouds were gathering thick in Europe.
Newspapers talked of the uncertainties in the new year due to the
coming presidential election. The public had lost confidence and were
selling stocks. Robert decided that this was the time to cash in so
he covered a big line of Shorts in Major Motors, Central Steel and
others. This was a great Christmas for him, financially. From his
beginning with 200 bales of cotton in January, 1927, with a capital of
$1,000.00 and $10,000.00 which Mr. Kennelworth gave him later, thru his
successful pyramiding he had made over half a million dollars. He was
overjoyed with his success because it would help him now to complete
his airplane and other inventions. His mind turned back to Christmas,
1926, when he had bought Marie a beautiful ring with the money he had
saved. At that time he little realized that so much could happen in
one short year. He thought of all he could do for Marie this year if
he only knew where she was. Decided that he would buy some beautiful
presents for her anyway and keep them until she returned to show her
that he was thinking of her on Christmas. He bought a beautiful diamond
ring and a bracelet set with sapphires and diamonds. When the jeweler
delivered them Robert looked them over and thought of all Marie's
beauty and purity. His faith in her was still supreme. He was very sad
and wept bitterly because he felt more keenly than ever the need for
her. He wanted her to be with him to share his financial success.

His heart turned to his next dearest friend--his mother. He decided to
try to make it the happiest Christmas of her life and bought her every
kind of a present that he thought would make her happy and comfortable
and sent her a check for $5,000.00 to do with just as she pleased and
buy anything she wanted. Begged her to come to New York to see him soon
after the new year, as he wanted her to see the sights of the city, and
thought the trip would be good for her health.

In the early part of 1928 Robert calculated that war was inevitable
between England and Russia. He figured that the war would start not
later than the summer and that many nations would be involved and that
later an attack on the United States would come. His first airplane
was now completed,--a small one according to the plan laid down by
Ezekiel in the Bible. The plane had four wings and could fly on either
one of its four sides. It had a new motor with 12 cylinders and could
be operated either with gas, electricity or compressed air. He had
constructed a wheel within a wheel so that he could lower his plane
and land anywhere he chose and could rise straight up. One motor had
a propeller in the center of the plane to lift it up while the other
motor started its direct motion. He could drive his plane backwards
or forwards. It was a great success and the boy wizard of Wall Street
was now hailed as a new Lindbergh of the air. There was an extra motor
built with a collapsible propeller so that he could shift it from the
center of the airplane to the tail, enabling it to go backward or
forward as he willed. The wings were so arranged that they could either
remain stationary or be set in motion up or down by motor. This was a
new and valuable feature in the construction of airplanes.

Robert's next invention was to build a silent motor, or a muffler,
which would prevent any sound. He knew that this would be very useful
in war. After he had completed this invention, tested it and proved it
a success, he offered it to the United States Government, but after the
army officers, who knew very little about this new invention had looked
it over, they refused it. Robert then sailed away in his new plane
which he had named "The St. Marie." He visited England, France, Germany
and in the Spring of 1928 made the longest successful flight to Japan,
where he was received with great honor. Japan was very much interested
in his new plane and in his muffler. The Japanese Government quickly
closed a deal and bought his invention for a large sum of money. Robert
felt that probably one day this invention would be used against his own
country in time of war, but knew that the United States would have to
learn a lesson--that too often in the past American inventions had been
sold to foreign countries because his own Government would not buy them.

While in Japan Robert was entertained and introduced to many beautiful
titled ladies and prominent men, but he remained loyal to Marie for
his great success had not turned his head. He was still searching for
Marie, always hoping to find her. He returned to New York in the Summer
of 1928 and was now reputed as being worth more than a million dollars,
after making more successful deals in stocks, cotton and wheat. He had
followed the advice of old Henry Watson and had never scattered over
two or three markets at the same time. When he had a deal on in cotton
or wheat, he stuck to that until he closed the transaction. When he
went into a stock campaign he stayed out of the commodity markets. He
was meeting with success in every direction, but his longing for Marie
continued and the vision of her beautiful face continued to haunt him.

In May, 1928, Walter received a radiogram from Robert saying that he
was leaving Japan the latter part of the month and was going to sail
"The St. Marie" back to New York. Walter and Miss Edna Quinton, the
secretary, had followed the newspaper reports of the great reception
tendered Robert by the officials of the Japanese Government and the
report of the large amount of money they had paid for his noiseless
patent for airplanes. Walter was going to graduate in June so he wrote
his father and informed him that Robert was returning to New York
soon with great honors and he thought it appropriate to have a big
celebration for him when he arrived. As his father was coming to New
York anyway for the graduation exercises, he suggested that he be there
to greet Robert on his triumphant return.

Mr. Kennelworth, who was a member of the Chamber of Commerce of
Texarkana and one of the leading citizens, called a meeting of the
Chamber of Commerce, informed them of the phenomenal success of Robert
Gordon who had left Texarkana one year previous an unknown boy and
who was now the most talked of young man in the world. He had made
more than a million dollars following his own discovery of how to use
the laws laid down in the Bible for foretelling the future course of
cotton, grain and stocks; had built the most marvelous airplane of the
age; invented a muffler to make an airplane noiseless; had driven his
own plane, "The St. Marie" to Japan where he had been received with
great honors and the Japanese Government had bought his invention for
making airplanes silent. Mr. Kennelworth proposed that the leading
citizens of Texarkana go to New York to honor their favorite son on
his return. When he had finished talking there was lasting applause
and hurrahs for Robert Gordon. Colonel Stanton was in the audience. He
arose and said that he heartily endorsed the proposal and would donate
$10,000.00 to the expense fund, that they should go to New York in a
special train to greet the greatest young man of the age who was born
on a farm near Texarkana. Everyone was in favor of it and the wealthy
men all followed Mr. Stanton in offering large sums of money in order
to make the reception a success. When the meeting was over, J.H.
Kennelworth drove out to the country home of Amelia Gordon, Robert's
mother. Told her of her boy's success and the plans to meet him in New
York and give him a great reception, inviting her to go on the special
train as a guest of honor. She thankfully accepted.

On June 9th Robert Gordon's 22nd birthday, the great reception took
place. The special train bearing the leading citizens of Texarkana
arrived, Robert had landed at the new airport on Governor's Island
without any mishap to his plane. "The St. Marie" had performed
perfectly, making the trip from Japan at an average speed of over 300
miles per hour. Robert received the surprise of his life when he saw
his mother and rushed to her, and after greeting her affectionately
turned to shake hands with Mr. Kennelworth and Walter and seeing Mr.
and Mrs. Stanton there was overjoyed and thought sure that Marie had
been found. He rushed to greet her parents and his first words were,
"Where is Marie?" With tears in their eyes, they informed him that not
a word had been received in regard to her. They proceeded immediately
to the Commodore Hotel where the reception committee and the entire
delegation from Texarkana had arranged for a dinner and celebration.
Robert was happy to see all the prominent business men from Texarkana
there to greet him. Mr. Kennelworth made the address. Told Robert how
proud Texarkana was of him; said that this was the age of the young
man and that Robert had demonstrated that he was the greatest young
man of his day. Robert was overwhelmed at this great reception. He
thanked his friends; thanked Mr. Kennelworth, personally, and above all
for bringing his dear old mother to see him; said it was the happiest
moment of his life and that his one regret was that Marie was not
there, but that he still had hope of finding her. When the reception
was over and Robert had a few moments alone with his dear old mother,
she said, "My son, do you remember the dream you had when you were
a little boy, which you told me about? That you were riding a large
bird with white wings across the ocean and how the foreign countries
received you with great honor. My boy, when you landed today I thought
about that dream and how it had been fulfilled. I hope that all of
your other dreams and ambitions will be realized and that you will be
rewarded with Marie's love, because you have been faithful and loyal to

Robert said, "Mother, I do remember the dream quite well, and when I
was in Japan and they gave me such great receptions and honored me, I
thought of the dream and I thought of you and how you had taught me
how to read the Bible and I thought of Marie and how I loved her and
felt that I would gladly give all of the honors just to be with you and
Marie alone because your love and Marie's love mean more to me than
everything else that the world can give."

Walter Kennelworth was graduated from Columbia College in June and
prepared to work with Robert in the office. Edna Quinton had proved
to be a faithful employee and a valuable aid to Robert. She had taken
care of his business and looked after his financial transactions
while he was away. Robert soon went to work on a new invention, and
perfected a machine to read the minds of people a short distance away
and also a machine which he named the "Tel-talk." This machine was made
on the principle of the radio; by raising and lowering it at certain
angles it would record all the conferences in the different buildings
in Wall Street. Robert also used this machine to get reports on all
the conferences of the big manipulators. He knew that manipulators
in Wall Street suspected that in some way he understood their plans
as he was making money too fast and they were conspiring to find a
way to get him wrong on the market and break him. They changed their
plans often but found that each time Robert was on the right side of
the market. Even his friend Walter knew nothing about Robert's latest
invention. He kept it in a secret room, and no one had ever seen it
but himself. It was a very delicate little machine with indicators
like a compass, delicately balanced and operated by electricity. His
success was causing great excitement and schemers wanted to get his
secret. They knew that Edna Quinton had been in his office ever since
he was in New York. She was invited to a dinner at the Biltmore where
she was offered a large sum of money if she would reveal the secrets
of how Robert Gordon so successfully operated in the market. She told
them frankly that she knew nothing about how he did it, but if she
did know, no amount of money would induce her to turn traitor to her
employer. Edna made up her mind that when she reached the office the
following morning, she would tell Mr. Gordon just what had happened.
Upon reaching the office unusually early she found Mr. Gordon there.
He seemed unusually happy and she thought that he must have news of
Marie. Before she had time to tell him what had happened the night
before, he called her into his secret office, the room that she had
never seen before. There she saw all kinds of strange instruments which
she knew must be some of his new inventions. He took her to a little
machine in the corner of the room and showed her some peculiar lines
that the machine had recorded on the paper the night before. He told
her that his machine received the impressions of people's minds and
recorded their thoughts, especially when they were greatly excited or
interested in any matter. He read to her from the record on the machine
in substance exactly what had been said to her the night before. Then
he turned to the Bible and showed her where it said "Everything that
is concealed will be revealed, and everything that is covered will be
uncovered." Edna was more excited than she had ever been in her life.
She knew that the machine had revealed the truth. Then she said to Mr.
Gordon that she had intended to tell him that morning just what had
happened and hoped that he would believe that she was loyal to him and
had refused to accept a bribe. He then showed her another record on the
machine like a phonograph record which would record people's thoughts
and told her that it indicated just what she had been thinking about.
The machine had read her mind and recorded her thoughts. He assured her
that he did believe her and trust her. Edna was moved to tears at this
great confidence. She knew that never before had she been permitted
to see this secret room and while she knew of Robert's great love for
Marie, she felt that this confidence he had placed in her was more than
a matter of business confidence and that he had some love for her. She
had always admired him but had never thought of loving him. Now she
knew that she did love him.

A few days later Edna had a talk with Walter, because she had known
him before Robert came to New York and it was thru his influence she
had secured the position. She told him what had happened and confided
in him her love for Robert. He was happy to know this and hoped that
Robert would fall in love with her as he believed it would be best for
him. Walter said, "I am not an expert judge of how emotions work in men
and women, but the way for you to find out how Robert feels toward you
is to watch his actions, make notes of how often he speaks of Marie,
of the letters he writes trying to find her. Continue to be as nice
and kind toward him as you have always been. If in a few months his
interest in the search for Marie wanes, and he ceases to talk about
her, it will be a sure sign that his mind and heart is turning toward

Soon after Walter graduated, Robert called Miss Quinton into his secret
office one morning and told her he was going to form a new firm under
the name of "Gordon, Kennelworth & Quinton" and that Edna was to have
an interest in the firm, as reward for her faithful service. She was
to help with the work on the secret discoveries. Edna was overjoyed at
this and her emotions got the best of her judgment. She flung her arms
around Robert's neck, kissed him, told him he was the most wonderful
man in the world and that she loved him. He drew himself quickly away
from her, sat down in a chair and stared out the window for several
minutes before he spoke. Then he turned toward Miss Quinton, faced her
with a firm but kind face, told her that she had made a mistake in his
actions, that he was rewarding her for faithfulness and that there
was no sentiment in the matter, that he did not love her, that he was
loyal to his long-lost Marie and would never love anyone else. Edna
hardly knew what to say. She begged his forgiveness and tendered her
resignation. He told her that he would refuse to accept it; that they
would go right on and work together just the same as in the past, if
she felt that she could and wanted to. She assured him that she wanted
to remain as long as he wanted her, and that in the future she would
always control her emotions.

Walter Kennelworth had completed a special course in chemistry at
college and was now prepared for work in the new firm. His father had
been following Robert in the market during the past year and had made
a large amount of money. He presented Walter with $100,000.00, part of
the profits which he had made out of the market, with the understanding
that the money was to be used in helping to further Robert's inventions.

In the Fall of 1928, Robert and Walter completed an invention of
Sun-mirrors, whereby they were able to collect the rays from the sun
and produce heat powerful enough to melt down skyscrapers in a few
minutes. With these mirrors and the aid of electricity, they discovered
a powerful light ray. Robert knew that this was going to be of great
value in the coming war. They named this machine "The Demon of Death."
Miss Quinton had been very much interested in this machine during the
course of construction, and she named it "Spit-Fire" because it could
send forth such powerful sparks of fire, destroying instantly any
metal that it touched. They held a conference and agreed that this
new discovery must be kept secret and should never be used except in
the defense of the United States in time of war and only then if our
country was in dire peril and unable to cope with the enemy. There was
one secret connected with the machine that only Robert knew. They
intended to start to build a giant airship in a short time equipped
with "The Demon of Death." They figured it would send a powerful death
ray 3000 to 5000 miles through space, destroying everything within
a radius of 700 miles. Work was started on the new machine with all
secrecy. It had already been christened "Marie the Angel of Mercy."

Robert and Walter were making money rapidly in the cotton market. The
war clouds were gathering and Europe was buying cotton. It had had a
big advance and they were playing the fast moves up and down, both on
the buying and selling sides. There is an old saying that intimacy
breeds contempt, but it did not prove so with Walter Kennelworth and
Edna Quinton. One beautiful morning in early September, 1928, Robert
Gordon stepped into the laboratory and found Edna in the arms of
Walter. He made a hasty exit, but Walter and Edna knew that they had
been caught. Robert was very happy at this discovery because he knew
that it was just the thing Walter needed to stimulate his ambitions
and give him something to work for. He realized what a wonderful woman
Miss Quinton was, and that she, too, needed inspiration that love alone
could give. That evening he invited Walter to dinner with him and when
they were alone said, "Well, Walter, the love bug has got you at last."
Walter was bashful at first and didn't want to talk much about it; then
he admitted that it had come on very suddenly when he and Edna had
realized that they were both in love with each other. Robert told him
that it was inevitable and that now was the time it should start and
that it would be better for both of them. They were business partners
and it would make them more happy and successful in their work. Walter
asked him if he still had hopes of finding Marie. Robert told him that
he did--that he would never give up the search.

Everything moved along smoothly after this. Walter and Edna were
happy in their work and the Fall of 1928 rewarded them with a new and
wonderful discovery. They had been able to perfect a machine which
would reflect light in such a way as to make an airplane invisible and
this, together with Robert's noiseless invention, solved the problem.
He knew now that in time of war, the plane could be used to sneak
upon the enemy and that they would be unable to see or hear it. After
holding a conference, they decided that this invention, as well as
"The Demon of Death" should not be patented or offered for sale to any
Government, that they would test it out and keep it a secret. Here
Robert's great generosity showed itself again when he decided that this
invention should be used in time of greatest need for the benefit of
the United States. Walter said, "Robert, love indeed does make a great
man, makes him unselfish, causes him to think of his country, of his
mother, his sweetheart and everything else before himself. No wonder
you are making a success and always will, because you are doing right."

The completion of the great machine, "The Demon of Death," which
Robert had worked on untiringly day and night, was a great triumph for
him, but his wonderful energy had been exhausted. Walter had noticed
before the machine was completed that Robert looked tired and worn.
His mind lacked its old-time quickness and he feared for his health.
Robert began to reach the office late and ceased to take an interest
in his work. He was moody and despondent. Thanksgiving Day, Walter and
Edna arranged a big dinner and invited Robert. He appeared very much
worn and ate very little dinner. Both Walter and Edna noticed that
he was less talkative than ever before. About an hour after dinner
was over Robert fell in a faint. A doctor was called immediately and
after making a careful examination pronounced it a case of nervous
breakdown. Said there must be something preying on his mind or that
he had been under a long strain. Walter explained the disappearance
of Marie and how Robert had worried over the love affair; his long,
strenuous campaigns in the stock and commodity markets and his work
upon his inventions; that up to a few months previous Robert had been
able to work almost day and night without showing any fatigue, but that
in recent weeks he had noticed a great change in him. After the doctor
had heard the story of the love affair and Marie's disappearance, he
was sure that a long and needed rest was necessary to restore Robert to
his normal health. He ordered him to remain absolutely quiet and not
attempt to look after any of the details of his business. A few days
later Walter persuaded Robert to go to Atlantic City, which he did,
and after remaining there and resting a couple of weeks, he returned
apparently well and showed his old-time strength and vigor. Was anxious
to get back to work and look after his speculative deals in the market.


As the end of 1928 neared, war was already raging in Europe.
England and Russia had already gone to war as Robert had predicted.
Complications were developing quick and fast and war clouds were
gathering. Robert knew that it was only a question of a short time
when the United States with all of its gold supply, would be attacked
and there would be a great battle in the air. Great progress had been
made in aviation. Airplanes were carrying mail at the rate of 300
miles per hour. Passenger lines were now starting all over the United
States. "Marie the Angel of Mercy," Robert's great ship, was rapidly
nearing completion. The new 12-cylinder motor had been tested and the
engineers had estimated that they would attain a speed of 1000 miles
per hour. Robert was elated over the success and knew that he would now
be prepared to help his country in time of its greatest need. He had
been working early and late and the interest in his work had kept his
mind off Marie. Yet not a day passed but what he made some inquiries
or had his detectives chase some clew which he hoped would lead to the
discovery of Marie, but all efforts were in vain. No news had ever been
heard of her.

With the great progress in radio messages thru the air, and radiograms,
Robert knew that in time of war, secret communications would be
necessary. Spies could steal codes, and messages sent over the radio
could be interpreted; therefore, one of the great needs for the war in
the air would be a way to communicate without detection. He finally
succeeded in completing what he called "The Pocket Radio." It was no
larger than a watch and worked on the same principle of his machine
for recording the thoughts of people, only the instrument had to be
used by two people who understood how to work it, because the positive
radio was carried in one man's pocket and the negative in the other
and by pressing the stem, it could be changed from positive into
negative. No sound was transmitted thru the air. The machine could be
operated by certain motions of the fingers on a little push button
which recorded symbols on the other machine that would reveal the
message sent. The Pocket Radio made it possible to convey any message
without any possibility of detection because only the person sending
the message and the one receiving it could understand or know anything
about it. This was better than wireless or any other radio discovery up
to this time. Robert tested the machine out by leaving one instrument
in Walter's pocket, he himself going to Chicago and conveying messages
which Walter was able to get without any trouble. He could either speak
into this little Pocket Radio and convey the sound without anyone else
being able to take it from the air, or use it to convey thoughts or
emotions. The test proved perfect and Robert knew that he had another
great discovery which would be of great value to his Government in time
of war. He decided to keep this a secret and have it ready to aid the
United States at a time when they would need it most.

Robert figured that there would be a big bull campaign in cotton
during 1929 so he had started buying early in the year, expecting a
big advance later. He had also forecast the rapid advance of certain
classes of stocks. During 1928 he had closed a successful bear campaign
in Major Motors and was still holding his Right Aeroplane stock, which
had continued to advance, and he figured that it would have a big rise
during 1929. His fortune was piling up rapidly, despite all the money
he was spending on his new inventions. The new ship "Marie, the Angel
of Mercy," was now about perfected, but Robert intended that this
should never be made known to the public until he had it in perfect
working order and it was a success beyond doubt.

After preparing his campaign for the market and buying stocks and
cotton for the big advance, Walter noticed a great change in Robert.
His health began to fail again, and now that he had achieved great
success and completed such wonderful inventions, without Marie to
comfort him he would probably break down in health and give up. Robert
had ceased to talk much about Marie. His interest in the future was
waning. Walter and Edna, who were still as much in love as ever, often
discussed Robert's physical condition. They decided to encourage him
to go away for a long-needed rest. Walter had a talk with Robert in
the middle of January, 1929, but Robert didn't show much interest or
any desire to travel. A short time after this, Robert appeared at the
office one morning looking more haggard and worn than ever. He called
Walter and Edna into the office, told them that he had had a very
peculiar dream the night before, that he had dreamed that he had gone
to Paris and suddenly met Marie. He was so strongly impressed with
the dream that he decided to leave at once. Told Walter to give the
mechanics instructions to put his old ship "The St. Marie" in shape to
sail at once.

It was a matter of only a couple of days until they reported that
"The St. Marie" was in perfect shape and could stand a trip around
the world. There was to be a great convention of all the nations on
aviation in Paris and Robert decided that he wanted to be there for
it, but the main incentive for the trip was his dream. Robert had
no trouble in securing letters of introduction to prominent people
in London and Paris. When he said good-bye to Walter and Edna, they
wished him God-speed, told him that they hoped his dream would become
a reality and that he would find Marie, but they knew that he was not
the same Robert of old. He acted as tho his spirit was broken. On the
morning of February 2nd, 1929, Robert started his flight to Paris and
arrived there promptly in the evening and went to visit some friends
and acquaintances. After talking over the war situation and his
forecasts of the great war yet to come, he decided to visit friends in
London. England and Russia were waging their battles in the air and
doing very little land fighting. Despite the good start that England
had made, Russia and her allies were getting the best of the victory.
Robert found London very uninteresting. Up to this time he had heard
nothing of Marie and decided to return to Paris.

On a beautiful sunshiny morning in the latter part of February, 1929,
Robert was walking down a prominent business street in Paris with no
special objective in mind. He was feeling sick and gloomy and was
walking with his head down, looking at the street. Suddenly he saw
a form approaching very closely, and like a flash, a woman quickly
passed him. He was sure it was Marie. His heart was in his throat. He
turned around quickly to follow her but she had disappeared. Just as
she passed him she dropped a letter on the street and he picked it up,
put it in his pocket and rushed on down the street, hoping to find her,
but after exhausting himself running around, fighting his way thru the
crowds, without a glimpse of her, he decided to open the letter. When
he opened it it was written in a foreign language which he did not
understand. He was not sure whether it was Marie's handwriting or not.
His first thought was to go immediately to an interpreter and have the
letter read. On second thought, he decided that it might be something
confidential and that he would go to an old friend who lived in Paris
and ask him to interpret the letter. Robert called on Louis Renan,
stated the circumstance of his meeting Marie on the street and told him
about the letter she dropped. His friend gladly consented to read the
letter. Robert handed it to him and he glanced over it; handed it back
to Robert without a word, told him to get out of his house immediately
and never darken the door again. Robert begged for an explanation but
in vain. His friend was angry and determined and pushed Robert out
of the door. Robert walked slowly back to his hotel, disappointed,
mystified, and heart-broken. What could be the meaning of this letter?
Why should his friend offer no explanation as to what it contained? Had
he really met Marie and was the letter from her? One thing he knew, he
must find out what this mysterious letter contained. He decided the
next best plan was to go to an interpreter, so he inquired at the hotel
the name of an interpreter and was informed where he could get any
language interpreted. He called at the address, explained his mission
to the manager and turned over the letter. In a few minutes the manager
returned, handed him the letter, told him there was the door, please
get out and ask no questions. Robert again begged for some explanation
but the man was defiant and refused to make any comment.

Robert returned to his hotel to think matters over. He bought a paper
and looked over the news from New York and market reports. He saw that
cotton and stocks were advancing as he expected, but money-making now
was of no interest to him when he at last thought that he had found
where Marie was. He decided to place a personal notice in all the
papers in Paris, telling Marie that he had passed her on the street,
had found the letter, was unable to get it interpreted, and beg her to
communicate with him at once. He placed the notice in the papers that
afternoon. Received an invitation from some acquaintances in Paris to
dine with them and go to a ball. He wanted to refuse the invitation
because he did not feel equal to the occasion, but they insisted that
it would do him good and begged him to come along. Robert had been
so disappointed about the mysterious letter and the sudden loss of
Marie after he had seen her, that he decided to say nothing about the
incident to his friends. After dinner was over, they chatted with
Robert, and he seemed more cheerful. They told Robert of the Aviators'
Costume Ball to take place in the Hotel Lafayette that night and asked
him to go along. Robert tried to beg off and made the excuse that he
had no costume for this occasion, but they told him that they had
already ordered one for him and there was no getting out of it--he had
to go, so finally he consented.

When they arrived at the hotel and entered the ballroom, Robert's
friends, who knew of his great fame in New York and his success in
speculative markets, were anxious to introduce him to the prominent
men and women of Paris. Aviators were there from all over the world.
They had come for the great convention. Each country was competing
for the grand prize for the most efficient airplane and the best
one suited for war purposes. They asked Robert if he did not have a
plane to enter or if he could not demonstrate something with "The St.
Marie." He told them that his health was not good and that he was not
interested in entering a plane at this time. The ballroom was decorated
with everything connected with airplanes. Miniature planes were flying
around the room, circling up and down from the ceilings. It was a
gorgeous display and while it was dazzling to others, Robert paid very
little attention to it. His friends, in order to please him and get
him interested, had the radio tuned into New York and were getting
music from the Biltmore. The dance started. Robert watched but was very
little interested. His friends invited him to dance but he refused. He
had no thoughts of anything but Marie. As he was sitting, watching
the dancers whirl around the floor, suddenly he looked across the hall
and again he saw Marie dressed like an eagle, queen of the air. He
made a mad rush thru the crowd to the other side of the hall and when
he got there, he could see no Marie. The ordeal was too much for him.
He fell unconscious on the floor. Friends rushed to his assistance and
after reviving him, he explained to them that he had seen Marie again
and asked them to find her and bring her to him. After investigation,
they told him that there was no one there by that name and that none of
the ladies had left the ballroom. They brought them all before him and
introduced him, but Marie was not among them. Robert was not only sick
at heart but sick physically, and his friends realized it and called a
nerve specialist, Dr. Descartes. Robert explained what had happened,
about meeting Marie on the street and about seeing her at the ball,
altho he said nothing about the mysterious letter to the Doctor. The
Doctor, after examining him, told his friends he thought that he was
suffering from mental delusions--that he had probably had this woman
on his mind so long and after dreaming he had met her on a street in
Paris, had hoped so strongly that he would meet her, he had brought
himself to believe that she was there and had really thought that
he had seen her, both on the street and in the ballroom, but it was
probably an optical delusion and after he got better he would realize
that he hadn't seen Marie.

Several days passed before Robert fully recovered. In the meantime, he
had become quite friendly with Dr. Descartes and told him a great deal
about his history. The Doctor was very much interested and had a great
desire to help him. Robert finally decided to confide in him about the
mysterious letter. The Doctor had a brother in New York and was going
to give Robert a letter of introduction to him upon his return. While
they were on the subject of the letter of introduction, Robert told him
about the mysterious letter and the Doctor agreed to get a friend of
his who could interpret it, to read the letter for him. Robert was very
happy because he thought that if he could get the meaning of the letter
it would throw some light on what the trouble was with Marie. While he
had been sick, his mind had wandered and he had imagined all kinds of
things, and for a few moments, doubted Marie. He even thought that she
might have turned out to be a bad woman and was now in Paris, having a
gay time, but as soon as his mind returned to its normal state, his old
faith in Marie returned, and he loved her as of old and believed that
she could do no wrong.

The next day Dr. Descartes called, took Robert with him in his car to
his friend who was an interpreter. Robert handed him the letter and,
after looking it over, he handed the letter back to Robert, turned to
the Doctor, and said, "Have you no more respect for my friendship than
to insult me in a manner like this. Begone, and never let me see you
in my house again." The Doctor begged for an explanation and Robert
offered his apologies, saying it was all his fault and the Doctor was
only trying to aid him, but the man refused to discuss the matter and
they hurried away. When they got in the car, Dr. Descartes knew that
the shock was too much for Robert so he drove him immediately to the
hotel without discussing the mysterious letter. After he had gotten him
in his room and made him comfortable, he begged Robert not to worry
about the letter, told him that he would think the matter over and call
and see him the next day.

Robert was very much worried. His hope was fast giving way to despair.
He again realized that hope deferred maketh the heart grow sick. He
thought of Henry Watson's story and wondered if he would have to go
thru life and die without ever again seeing Marie. Dr. Descartes called
the following day and was very solicitous of Robert's welfare. Told
him to forget the incident about the letter and advised Robert to try
to get it interpreted when he returned to New York. Robert told him
more about Marie's disappearance and showed him the note that Marie had
placed in his pocket on the train to St. Louis. The Doctor read it and
said it certainly left room for hope, and while it was mysterious, he
felt that Marie fully intended at some time to come back to him. Robert
had received no reply to his personal notices in the Paris newspapers
and decided to return to New York in a few days.

In the early part of March a lot of the aviators were returning
from Paris to New York after the convention and Robert decided to
go home with them. They insisted that he was not physically able to
sail "The St. Marie" alone and sent a pilot along with him. The trip
was uneventful and on March 5th Robert arrived in New York. On his
arrival he went immediately to his office and laboratories where he
found Walter and Edna glad to see him. They told him that he looked
much improved in health. He related all his experiences in Paris and
the mysterious letter. Walter was very much amazed and at a loss to
understand it all. He could not understand, if Marie had dropped the
letter and had really seen Robert on the street and at the ball,
why she would not answer his personal notices in the papers and at
least clear up the mystery of her disappearance. Robert decided to go
immediately to an interpreter in New York and see if he could get the
mysterious letter read. After handing it to the man who spoke about
ten different languages, the interpreter handed it back to him and
stated in a firm, gentlemanlike manner that he would like him to please
leave the office immediately and never return. Robert went at once to
his office and told Walter and Edna what had happened. They talked it
over and advanced all kinds of theories about what the letter might
contain, and asked Robert if any of the interpreters had ever given
any information or stated whether they could read the letter or not.
Robert told them they had not. Edna thought that probably the letter
contained a message to the interpreter not to give any information or
to reveal what it contained to Robert or anyone else. Walter thought
if this were the case, that some of the interpreters who seemed to be
insulted by it, would have immediately destroyed the letter instead
of handing it back to him. The more theories they advanced, the less
plausible the mystery seemed. Robert decided to write to a famous
astrologer in Canada whom he had heard of. He sent along his date of
birth, telling him the history of the case, to see if he could give
him any light on the subject, telling the astrologer that he would pay
$50,000.00 or more if necessary, if he could solve the problem and tell
him what the letter contained and how to get it interpreted or give him
any information leading to the whereabouts of Marie. The astrologer
answered as follows after making the calculation from Robert's date of

 While it is a very peculiar case, the events were not accidents at
 all but the result of Natural Law. The young lady still lives and I
 believe will again come into your life three or four years later.
 The great trouble was that on the day she disappeared, Mercury,
 your ruling planet, applied to an evil aspect of Uranus, the great
 eccentric, revolutionary, mysterious planet, and this indicated
 disappointment, trouble and delays, over letters or writings and
 the letters would be mysterious and hard to understand. In view of
 the fact that Jupiter, Mars, and Mercury, as well as Venus, were
 all changing signs just around the time she disappeared, it meant
 that there would be many changes and long delays before the mystery
 would be solved, that there was great danger of letters being lost or
 miscarried, and that it was possible that she may have written you
 letters which never reached you. Neptune has much to do with the sea
 and its mysteries and as it strongly influences the city of Paris,
 her appearance there would be shrouded in mystery and there would be
 much that could not be explained. It is very doubtful if you will get
 any explanation or interpretation of the mysterious letter. There is
 something visionary about it, or the appearance of Marie may have been
 a spiritual apparition.

 If you will visit cities near beautiful watering places in the South
 or Southwest, and could come in contact with an honest spiritualist or
 clairvoyant, it may be of some benefit and help in some way to solve
 the mystery. In view of the condition of your health and the planet
 Saturn is afflicting you, it would be advisable to spend the balance
 of the Winter and early part of the Spring in a tropical climate.
 Florida would be especially good for you and might bring favorable
 results in more ways than one. If you will give me time to figure on
 your horoscope and have patience I will guarantee to tell you the time
 that you will find Marie. The progressed Mars is traveling toward a
 conjunction of Venus, the Goddess of Love, and when this is completed
 she will probably come back into your life.


Robert was very much encouraged by this letter because he had great
confidence in Astrology and in this man's ability. He decided to go
immediately to Florida for a rest and visit all the beautiful spots
and watering places that he could find, hoping to get some news of
Marie. Going directly to Palm Beach, Florida, he met some friends of
Conan Doyle's who were very much interested in spiritualism. They told
him that a famous spiritualist, Lady Bersford from England, had been
there, and that they believed she could help solve the problem. Robert
asked where he could find her and was told that she had gone to Ocala,
Florida, to visit Silver Springs and investigate the legend of Silver
Springs, the story about a beautiful young girl who drowned herself in
the Springs.

A Legend

(The following story combines the accuracies of fact with the romance
of fiction. Aunt Silly lived at Silver Springs until her death, about
sixteen years ago, and was seen by many who visited the Springs. It is
from the gifted pen of Mrs. Maley Bainbridge Crist):

 Near Florida's celebrated Silver Springs lives an old negress, known
 to the entire surrounding country as "Aunt Silly," whose claim to
 being 110 years old is borne out by her appearance. Aunt Silly is
 wrinkled and decrepit, and the wool peeping from her bandanaed head
 is white as snow, while the blackness and weirdness of her face is
 intensified by a heavy crop of snow-white beard. As long as the oldest
 citizen of Ocala can remember Aunt Silly has looked just as ancient
 as she does now; identified always with Silver Springs, and hobbling
 about them from morning until night, leaning upon her short, thick

 That she was a participant in a tragedy is known only to a very few of
 Ocala's oldest citizens, and seldom referred to by any of them. In the
 near vicinity of Ocala, when first it was settled, stood a splendid
 old mansion owned by Capt. Harding Douglass, a South Carolinian of
 considerable wealth. His only child was a son, who, with his mother's
 beauty of countenance, had inherited her tender, shrinking nature,
 and, like herself, was a slave to the old man's iron will. In the
 beautiful little City of Ocala lived Bernice Mayo, whose blond beauty
 won, at first sight, the heart of Claire Douglass. Although of
 Virginia ancestry, Bernice was a true child of the "Land of Flowers,"
 passionate and impulsive. Her eyes were blue and clear as the waters
 of Lake Munroe, beside which she had spent her childhood, in the
 fair little City of Sanford. Her hair was as golden as Florida's own
 sunshine, and Florida's tropical splendor ran riot in her blood. For
 six months Bernice Mayo and Claire Douglass were constant companions,
 and Silver Springs was their favorite resort. For half a day at a time
 they would drift about on the bosom of the splendid, placid curiosity
 of nature.

 Bernice seemed never to tire of going into the depths of the
 subterranean world. "If I were a mermaid, Claire," she would say,
 "and lived in yon crystal cavern, and some fair day I should wander
 forth among the palmettos and mosses of the springs, and, sitting on
 yonder ledge of rocks, should 'comb my golden hair with a shell,'
 and your boat should come drifting by, and you were to see me in the
 water beneath, would you love me well enough to plunge, plunge to the
 depths beneath to woo me?" Then would Claire stop her merry chatter
 with his kisses, and pledge to her his eternal love as they drifted
 over the transparent mirror of water, pausing now and then to study
 the rocks and shells, the mosses, palmettos, the fish, which were as
 visible eighty feet below the transparent water as were the trees and
 woodland about them. There is nothing fairer than Ocala's "Lover's
 Lane," and yet no spot held for these young people the attraction of
 Silver Springs, their constant trysting place. But there came a fatal
 day, destined to separate them. A day wherein Claire Douglass declared
 to his father his love for beautiful, penniless Bernice Mayo, and his
 determination to make her his wife. Stormily, his father vowed it
 should never be, and secretly planned a separation.

 When Claire Douglass had been speedily dispatched abroad on important
 business for his father, then it was that Bernice learned the truth,
 and her proud, delicate nature lay crushed and bleeding beneath the
 cruel blow and still more cruel separation.

 Vainly she strove to rally; all life seemed but an empty blank to her.
 A year dragged wearily by, and the scenes frequented by merry Bernice
 Mayo knew her no more. Paler and thinner she daily grew. Fragile, she
 was, as the white blossoms of her well-loved springs. The little chain
 of gold that Claire had locked on her arm would have slipped across
 the wasted, transparent hand, but for the ribbon that held its links.
 One day (her last upon earth) the girl, by dint of desperate energy,
 crept to Silver Springs. Even Aunt Silly was unprepared for the
 white, emaciated little creature who tottered into her cabin and fell
 fainting in her arms. Consciousness soon returned, but it was apparent
 even to the old black woman that death had set its gray, unmistakable
 seal upon the young face.

 "Aunt Silly," gasped the girl, "I have come to you to die, and
 you must obey my last request; the grave divulges no secrets. Ere
 tonight's sun sets I shall be in heaven. This separation from the man
 I love has been my death, but in that death we shall be united. I have
 asked God, and He has heard me. But you, Aunt Silly, you must obey
 my request. You love me; you will do as I ask. Tonight when the moon
 comes out, row my body to Boiling Springs, and bury me there. You know
 the spot--make no mistake. Do this, and God will attend to the rest."

 "Good Gord A'mighty, chile, you think Aunt Silly am gwine tote dade
 body off in the lonesomely night?" asked the old woman, her very teeth
 chattering with the superstitious fear peculiar to her race. The girl
 realized the risk of her plan being thwarted, and raising herself to a
 sitting posture she seized the old woman's hands and fixed her dying
 eyes full on her face.

 "Aunt Silly," she gasped, "I am a dying woman; I am very near to God;
 I have talked with Him, and He has answered me. My will has been
 crushed in life, I swear it shall not in death. Before twenty-four
 hours Claire Douglass shall join me in the crystal cavern of Silver
 Springs. If you do not grant my request every spirit of evil shall
 surround you. Palsied and blind you shall grow, and deaf--deaf to
 every sound but the ghosts of the dead, which shall pursue you by day
 and haunt you by night. Do you swear to obey my dying request, or will
 you refuse me, and reap the prophecy of a dying woman, which shall
 rest upon your cowardly head for refusing to obey God's will?"

 The old woman was shaking like an aspen. Her eyes protruded with fear,
 and great beads of perspiration rolled down her cheeks. The strength
 of the dying girl's will had prevailed, and the old woman answered: "I
 promises, honey; I promises."

 It was a solemn and awful sight that night, witnessed alone by God and
 nature; the boat, which drifted down Silver Springs in the moonlight,
 bearing its two strange occupants--the one weird, bent, grotesque; the
 other, so silent, so white, so pathetic, in its dead loveliness. Not
 a leaf was stirring, not a sound heard, but the splash, splash of the
 old woman's oars, as her boat, with its strange, beautiful burden,
 drifted over the curious, transparent body of water; drifted until it
 reached Boiling Springs, then veered about and stood still. Gently
 and easily, as if it had been a babe, the old woman lifted the little
 body. Something of her fear had departed in the placid smile of the
 dead face. Tears rolled down her dusky face as she bent forward in
 obedience to the girl's curious request. For a moment the body rocked
 to and fro on the bosom of the water, upon which its happiest moments
 had been spent. The dead face smiled, and the wealth of hair gleamed
 in the moonlight like a sheen of gold. Every pebble was visible in the
 depths below. Suddenly, as if by magic, the body began sinking. The
 boiling of the spring had ceased, showing a peculiar little fissure in
 the rock from whence all the strange body of water came. The fissure
 slowly divided, received the dead body and closed again, shutting
 every vestige of it from view.

 "Gord A'mighty, dat chile a angel sho' nuff. She mus' done talked to
 de Lawd; she knowed how all dat gwine to be," muttered the old woman,
 as she rowed back to her cabin in the moonlight.

 A mocking-bird on the opposite shore sent forth a flood of silvery
 melody. "Hear dat now," muttered Aunt Silly; "dat bird done sendin'
 forth de weddin' song o' de bridegroom. Come on, Claire Douglass, yo'
 little bride am waitin' for you more pacifyin' den she waited many a
 long day."

 The day following the death of Bernice Mayo was one never to be
 forgotten by the citizens of Ocala. Claire Douglass had just returned
 after a year's absence. He found his beautiful cousin (whom his father
 desired to become his wife) a guest at the home of his parents.

 "Claire," said his father as they lingered over the breakfast table,
 "I have a fine, new skiff at Silver Springs, and I wish you to take
 your cousin for a row this morning; and, by the permission of you
 young people, I shall make one of your party."

 "Delightful, uncle," cried the girl; and Claire, while he turned a
 trifle pale at the thought of returning to the spot where all that
 had given color to his life had transpired, could only acquiesce.

 Claire Douglass looked unusually handsome as the party drifted down
 Silver Springs in the April sunshine, but there was a curious pallor
 on his face, and the uncle and niece were left to carry on all the
 conversation. What a contrast the blooming girl in April sunshine
 bore to the one in the solemn moonlight, who had drifted over the
 same water the evening before! As the skiff neared Boiling Springs
 the party noted a little boat hovering over it. The boat was rowed by
 Aunt Silly; and its other occupant was an old woman, whose eyes were
 swollen with weeping. The skiff paused beside the little rowboat, and
 the occupants of each gazed into the curious, transparent depths below.

 Suddenly the niece cried out, "Oh, see, that looks like a hand; a
 little human hand!" Plainer and more visible it grew, the little
 white hand with its gold chain locked above the slender wrist. Ah,
 little hand, Claire Douglass would have known you among ten thousand
 hands! His face was white as death and he gasped as though choking.
 All were intent upon the scene below. Suddenly the boiling of the
 water ceased, and out upon a rock in its transparent depths, like a
 broken, beautiful lily, lay Bernice Mayo, her golden hair floating
 on the sand, her dead face smiling placidly, as if at last a halo of
 peace had descended upon the tired spirit, and the broken heart had
 found rest. With a wild cry that pierced even the heart of the mother,
 who for the last time in life gazed upon the dead face of her child,
 Claire Douglass dashed overboard, diving deeper, ever deeper, until he
 caught in his arms the little figure of his dead love.

 Then once more the rock divided and closed, shutting from view forever
 the lovers, who lay locked in each other's embrace. And again the
 water whirled and boiled in its mad fury, as if to defy the puny will
 of him who would have separated what God had joined together.

 As for the first time the secret bridal chamber of Silver Springs has
 been made known to the world, it will be interesting to its future
 visitors, as they approach that part of it known as "Boiling Springs,"
 to note in the whir of the water beneath (the only part of the water
 not perfectly placid) the constant shower of tiny, pearl-like shells
 poured forth from the fissure in the rock, and which Aunt Silly says
 are the jewels the angels gave Bernice Mayo upon her wedding morning
 when her lover joined her in their fairy palace in Silver Springs.
 There is, too, a curious flower growing in the springs--a flower with
 leaf like a lily, and a blossom shaped like an orange blossom. Its
 peculiar waxy whiteness and yellow petals are like Bernice Mayo's face
 and hair, Aunt Silly says, and she calls them "Bernice Bridal Wreath."
 There is a legend among the young people of Ocala that a woman
 presented with one of these blossoms will become a bride ere the close
 of the year.


Robert was greatly impressed with this story and what they told him
about the wonderful powers of Lady Bersford. After consulting with his
friends, he decided to go immediately to Silver Springs to see her.
On Sunday morning about 10 o'clock he boarded a local airplane for
Silver Springs and arrived in the afternoon. It was a fitting setting
for the scene. The day was beautiful, the sunshine at its best. Robert
had watched the plane as it flew swiftly across the country. He had
viewed the many beautiful orange groves and thought of the wonderful
work of the hand of Nature in painting beauty grander than any hand of
man could ever do. Here he thought of something that he would write of
Marie in contrast to her beauty.

After thoughts of Marie's beauty had flitted thru Robert's brain and
his dream and hope for Marie had revived, he was feeling hopeful and
enthusiastic. Lady Bersford upon receiving the letter of introduction
from her friends, greeted Robert with unusual courtesy. He told his
story. She listened attentively and when he had finished telling her
about the mysterious letter, she said that there was an interpreter
at the hotel who understood most any foreign language and that she
was sure he could interpret the letter. Robert was elated because
Lady Bersford showed such a great interest and desire to help him.
He related all the obstacles he had met with in trying to get the
letter interpreted before, and had almost lost hope of ever getting it
interpreted. She assured him that her friendship with the interpreter
would at this time bring results.

Robert was anxious to see Silver Springs and Lady Bersford was anxious
for him to go and see it immediately and said that after their return
she would see the interpreter and get the mysterious letter read. They
went to the Springs and slowly rowed out on the beautiful waters.
Robert had heard the story and when the boat slowly came to a stop
over "The Bridal Chamber" and he saw the face of a beautiful woman in
the rocks his heart almost failed him. He thought of the sorrows he
had gone thru and wondered if such a fate might have been Marie's.
The beautiful waters reflected the most radiant colors Robert had
ever seen in his life. He secretly prayed the greatest prayer of
his life, that he might meet Marie here and with all of her beauty,
where they could enjoy the beauty of nature together. When he looked
thru the transparent waters into the bridal chamber, it brought him
back to Sunday morning, June 5, 1927, when he had expected to marry
Marie. Tears streamed down his cheeks and Lady Bersford realizing the
situation and knowing that she could say little, remained in silence
until Robert's emotions had passed. Then she told of her admiration for
his love and devotion to Marie and said that a scene like this, painted
by the hand of Nature was calculated to melt the heart of the most
cold-blooded man on earth. Robert asked the man who was rowing the boat
to row back to the place where the face of the spirit bride showed in
the water and as he looked down at the face again, he thought of Marie
and this is what he said: "Most beautiful face in all the world, best
beloved eyes that inspired the best in me, the days pass by on leaden
wings, when only in memory your dear eyes shine for me." Somehow the
beautiful waters and the scenery inspired a new hope in Robert, for
love must ever inspire hope in man when his faith in a woman keeps the
lovelight burning on the altar of his heart.

Robert and Lady Bersford returned to the hotel. After dinner, Lady
Bersford met Robert and told him that she had found the interpreter
and he had agreed to read the mysterious letter that evening. Robert,
having met with so many disappointments, felt that he must make sure
this time he would get the letter read. He met the interpreter, went
over the whole story with him, told him that no matter what the letter
contained, good or bad, he must know the truth and nothing but the
truth. Said he would pay any sum that the interpreter might name, and
pay it in advance, if he would agree to read the letter regardless of
what it contained. His plea was so earnest that the interpreter saw
that his heart was breaking and told him that no amount of money would
influence him as much to read the letter as the desire to relieve an
honest, loyal heart which was breaking for a great love. Such men as he
was our country's need in time of peril and such loyalty and devotion
to a woman was found in but few men; that it seemed more divine than
real, and that he would interpret the letter gladly and willingly.
When Robert was fully assured at this time that there would be no
disappointment, he was supremely happy. He grabbed the hand of Lady
Bersford, thanked her, and fell upon his knees before the interpreter
and thanked him in advance for his promise to interpret the letter.

"Now let us delay no longer," said the interpreter, "give me the letter
and I will read it." Robert had always carried the letter in a wallet
in his pocket, never letting it get out of his possession. Had it
carefully folded up in some other papers. He pulled forth the wallet
from his pocket, opened it up and looked for the letter. It was not
there. He searched the wallet carefully but there was no mistake about
it. The letter was gone. The disappointment was another great blow to
him. He talked the matter over with the interpreter and Lady Bersford
and was at a loss to understand how the letter could have disappeared
from his pocket. Was sure that he had it when he was in Palm Beach.
He telegraphed the hotel in Palm Beach and after making a search,
they reported that they were unable to find the letter. Lady Bersford
realized the keen disappointment that the loss of this mysterious
letter had brought Robert, so she told him that she would use her
spiritual powers every way possible to solve the mystery of the letter
and try to help him find Marie, and that if he would leave her alone
in silence that night, the following day she would report to him the
information she received.

Robert arose early the next morning and decided that he would go to
Silver Springs and see this beautiful spot just as the sun was rising.
It was a beautiful morning and he rode out upon the waters, listened to
the songs of the birds, watched the beautiful fish running to and fro
in the clear waters. He again thought of the story of the spirit bride
whom the legend said appeared upon the waters on moonlight nights. His
mind went back to the fishing trip at Spirit Lake, Arkansas. He thought
of the story of Spirit Lake and how he was impressed as a child with
that story. Now it seemed more vivid and real. His mind reverted back
to the death of Henry Watson and he thought "Is it my fate to visit
places and to hear stories of tragedy and disappointment of lovers,
and in the end, will my fate be like theirs? Must I sink into the
waters of forgetfulness without ever again seeing the best beloved
face in all the world, Marie's? After all, is it like Henry Watson
said: 'Hope is but an anchor to the soul, but facts are stubborn things
and we must face them?'" For a moment, Robert felt that he had been
clinging to hope all these years and he was almost ready to bid hope
depart and leave him alone to facts, but even then he knew that if hope
should depart and not hold aloft a light of Marie's love, he at that
moment would follow the course of the lover of the spirit bride and go
overboard, to be swallowed up in the beautiful waters, to release his
spirit, that it might soar away to find Marie. The man who was rowing
the boat, noticed that Robert had fallen into a death-like silence. He
asked him if he was ready to return. Robert awakened as if by a shot
and said "Yes."


He drove back to the hotel, found Lady Bersford awaiting him. He ate
his breakfast hurriedly and retired to a secret corner in the hotel
where they would be alone and he could hear what Lady Bersford had
gathered from the spirit world the night before. Her first words when
he entered the room were, "Mr. Gordon, I have good news for you and I
know that you can depend on it. Last night a spirit appeared that I
had never seen or heard before. It was an Indian girl, named 'Laughing
Waters,' who said she was the daughter of Chief Okeehumkee who once
lived near Silver Springs and on account of the loss of her lover had
drowned herself in the Springs." At this point Lady Bersford handed
Robert Gordon a booklet on Silver Springs containing a legend about the
death of Laughing Waters, and he read it hastily.


 A long time ago when Okeehumkee was king over the tribes of Indians
 who roamed and hunted around the Southwestern lakes, an event occurred
 which filled many hearts with horror. The king had a daughter whose
 rare beauty was the pride of the old man's life, and an idol of the
 braves. She was a coveted prize. Chiefs and warriors vied with each
 other as to who should present the most valuable gift, when her hand
 was sought from the king, her father. But the daughter had already
 seen and loved Chuleotah, the renowned chief of a tribe which dwelt
 among the wild groves of Silver Springs. But it was a sad truth that
 between the old chief and the young chief, and their tribes, there had
 long been a deadly feud. They were enemies. When Okeehumkee learned
 that Chuleotah had gained the affections of his beloved child, not
 many weeks passed away before the noble Chuleotah was slain. Slain,
 too, by the father. Dead! Her lover dead! Poor child. Will she return
 to the paternal lodge and dwell among her people while her father's
 hand is stained with the drippings of her lover's scalp? No. She
 hurries away to the well-known fountain. It was a favorite spot, where
 herself and Chuleotah met on the glassy bottom of the Springs. The
 pale ghost of Chuleotah stands beckoning her to come. All was still
 save the night winds that sighed and moaned thru the lofty pines. Then
 came the girl to the side of the Springs. For a moment she paused upon
 the edge of the Springs, then met her palms above her head, and, with
 a wild leap, she fell into the whelming waves. She had gone to one of
 those enchanted isles, far out in the Western Seas, where the maiden
 and her lover are united, and where both have found another Silver

Lady Bersford said that Laughing Waters' spirit told her that after
she drowned herself and her spirit was released, she had been very
happy in finding others who met disappointment in love and helping to
relieve their sufferings and bring about an understanding and reunite
the separated. Laughing Waters said: "Marie is still alive and for
mysterious reasons is keeping in hiding from her parents and everyone
else, but her love is as strong as the Rock of Gibraltar, and she will
keep her promise to return to Robert when he needs her most. It was the
spirit of Marie that Robert saw on the streets in Paris. Marie was
not there and never had been, but Robert loved her so much and longed
for her until Marie's spirit, which had always been closely in touch
with Robert, was able to leave her body and appear to comfort him. It
was Marie's spirit he saw at the ballroom. She was not there at all.
It occurred because Robert needed some hope and encouragement to go
on and wait until the proper time when Marie would return to him. The
mysterious letter never existed. It was a delusion and a power of the
subconscious mind. This power is known and understood by the adepts of
India. Some of my tribe knew how to project the subconscious mind, or
spirit, as some called it, anywhere they desired. Robert's subconscious
mind had received impressions so long and he had hoped and desired so
long for a letter from Marie, that when her spirit appeared he expected
a message, a letter, or some communication, and he really thought she
dropped a letter. This power so strongly impressed the subconscious
mind that he was able to make other people feel, believe and see the
letter, but of course they could not read or interpret it, because
there was no letter or written message and that is why they all acted
so strangely about it. When Robert at last met you, a spiritualist
and an unselfish woman, and the interpreter, an honest, unselfish man
refusing to accept any amount of money to read the mysterious letter,
I knew that no letter ever existed and removed the impression from
Robert's subconscious mind and when he went to look for the letter, of
course it was not there, and never was because it only existed in his
subconscious mind."

After this, Robert was much more cheerful and hopeful. His own mind
told him that he was at last on the right track. He thought of the laws
laid down in the Bible; remembered what Jesus said when they asked
him for a sign that the Son of man would remain three days and three
nights in the heart of the earth, then rise and ascend to heaven.
Robert knew the meaning of this. He knew that sorrows, sufferings and
disappointment had to come before joy and happiness; for every day of
sunshine comes a night of darkness, for every aching in the heart there
is a returning flow. That all the laws of Nature taught the eternal
law of action and reaction. He took great comfort in this; knew that
the promise was laid down in the Bible of great reward for love and
faithfulness and he felt very happy because he believed "Laughing
Waters'" story that Marie would come into his life again.

Robert remained a few days longer at Silver Springs. Enjoyed being
with Lady Bersford and told her of his understanding of the Bible and
natural laws. She said that the pure, clean life he had led was what
had brought him in contact with the spirits that had revealed to him
the truth. Many seances were held with "Laughing Waters," who was very
fond of Robert and anxious to help him all she could. She said that
Robert had a love the same as she had, that he had rather die than give
up Marie, but that he would attain the greatest honor of any man on
earth except Jesus Christ, because he was following the law of love and
that law would bring to him his own Marie and he would spend many happy
years with her. She told him that the great Chief whose spirit was
with her, had confirmed all she had told them.

When Robert prepared to depart from Silver Springs, his heart was
filled with gratitude, for Lady Bersford and all she had done for him.
He wanted to pay her for her services and if she would name the amount,
he would write a check for it. She explained that she was a very
wealthy woman, with a large estate in England; that she had gone into
this work at the solicitation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, for the good
that she could do for others and not for any monetary consideration.
Her reward for being unselfish and trying to help him was his
appreciation, she said. This attitude on the part of Lady Bersford was
a great comfort to Robert and gave him more faith in the Bible. He knew
that the law that "whatsoever a man soweth, he shall also reap" was a
divine law and a natural law, that no man could break it or evade it,
and that his reward was just as sure as the law was inevitable. He had
read Emerson's "Essay on Compensation," and strongly believed that.
He said to Lady Bersford, "Your reward is sure, because you are doing
right, giving out the best you can to help others, and only good will
return to you."

Lady Bersford said, "Thank you very much, Mr. Gordon, I have enjoyed
our visits and hope that we will meet again some time. May I ask where
you are going from here?" "I am going direct to New York as I have
important business matters to look after there," he replied. "Mr.
Gordon, you don't look strong," she said. "It seems to me you need to
take more care of your health and have more rest. I am going from
here to Sebring, Florida. Have heard so many stories of this wonderful
place that I want to go there to recoup my health." "Is it a health
resort?" asked Robert. Lady Bersford said, "I understand there is a
sunshine sanitarium there. They teach you how to eat and play. The
water is the finest in the State of Florida; in fact, one of the few
places in Florida where you can get good drinking water. The climate is
ideal. Lake Jackson, one of the most beautiful lakes in the State is
near there, as well as many others. I am told the fishing and boating
is fine. The Kissimmee River is near there. This beautiful river is
associated with songs and stories of the Southland and I am anxious
to see it. I met some friends in England who spent the past winter at
Sebring and they were enthusiastic over the place. They had regained
their health and felt that it was the place Ponce de Leon was looking
for when he made his search to find the fountain of youth. They said
that Sebring had more sunshine than any other place in Florida. I made
up my mind that I would never leave Florida before I visited this
wonderful spot and see what it would do for my health."

Robert was very much impressed with Lady Bersford's report on Sebring
and decided that it must be the ideal place for a tired business man
to go and enjoy the sports and recoup his health. It took very little
persuading on the part of Lady Bersford to get Robert to go to Sebring
with her.

On March 27th, Lady Bersford and Robert Gordon arrived in Sebring,
Florida. They found everything just as had been described by her
friends. The climate was ideal, fishing good. Robert enjoyed the golf
links and his health began to improve a few days after he arrived.
Time went by rapidly and a month was gone before Robert knew it. He
had regained health so rapidly that he felt he had indeed found the
Fountain of Youth. Having been born on the farm, he loved nature. The
beautiful scenery around Sebring delighted him; made him forget his
troubles and caused him to be more hopeful of the future. He dreamed
of the day when Marie might return to him, and he could take her to
Florida to see beautiful Silver Springs, then to Sebring to see all
the beautiful lakes and the Kissimmee River. If her health should ever
be bad, that would be the place to restore her and she would enjoy the
surrounding country as he had.


In the latter part of April, Robert decided that he must return to New
York and take up his duties. He said good-bye to Lady Bersford. Was
profuse in his thanks; assured her that he owed her a great debt of
gratitude for the comforting messages that she had brought to him thru
"Laughing Waters" and above all was under lasting obligation for the
great kindness she had rendered in bringing him to Sebring where he had
fully regained his health. She assured him that it was a real pleasure
to her to have been of service and invited him to visit her estate in
England on his next trip over.

As Robert started toward New York, his heart was light, his hopes
were revived and he had greater faith than ever that Marie was alive
and would in the not distant future return to him. When he arrived
in New York he went direct to his office and laboratory. Walter and
Edna greeted him with enthusiasm. Were happy to see him looking so
well. Walter grabbed both of Robert's hands and said, "Old pal, I have
never seen you looking so well. You must have found Ponce de Leon's
fountain of eternal youth while you were in Florida." Robert replied,
"I certainly did. Had some wonderful experience at Silver Springs,
the most beautiful spot in Florida. It was there that I received
information that made me very happy because it made me sure that Marie
is alive and will return to me. Also while there I heard about the most
wonderful health resort in the world at Sebring, Florida, where I went
and indeed found the 'fountain of youth,' spending over a month there
playing, fishing and boating. It is about the only place in Florida
where you can get good water to drink without having it shipped in. The
sunshine and climate are ideal. I began to get better the second day
after I was there and gained strength every day. You should certainly
go to Florida on a vacation next winter and spend your time at Sebring.
If you ever get married, be sure to go to Silver Springs on your
honeymoon for you will enjoy this beautiful spot and scenery. Take the
trip down Silver River to the Ocklawaha, then down the beautiful St.
Johns River. If you can make the trip next March or early April, you
will find Nature at her best. You will forget all of your troubles, for
Nature has so staged the scenery that it reminds you only of pleasant
things and inspires hope and happiness in the future."

When Robert had finished telling about the beauties of Florida, Walter
acted bashful and Edna looked rather sheepish. Then Walter said,
"Robert, we have a big surprise for you. Edna and I are going to be
married in June." "Well, this is quite a surprise," said Robert, "but I
knew it would come sooner or later. You must have thought I guessed it
when I talked about you going on a honeymoon. I congratulate you both
and wish you all the happiness in the world. You are entitled to it and
I know that you will be happy together."

The news of their coming marriage was not the only good news they
had. Walter and Edna had been working day and night for months on a
great chemical discovery and had now succeeded in completing it. This
discovery was a perfectly harmless gas to be used in war or for medical
purposes. It would put people to sleep and they would remain asleep
for 7 days, with no ill effects. It had always been Robert's desire to
have something to use in war which would not destroy human lives and
he was very much elated over Walter's discovery. Walter told him that
he had already tested it and that Edna had such confidence in him, she
had taken the gas, remained asleep for 7 days, and felt no ill effects.
Walter knew just exactly why it worked, because he was a great chemist
and knew the natural law behind the discovery. He told Robert that this
must be kept a secret until time of war when with the new ship "Marie
the Angel of Mercy," traveling 1000 miles an hour, they could go from
one city to another or from one battlefield to another, release the gas
and put everyone to sleep for 7 days. In the meantime, with "The Demon
of Death"--they could destroy the enemy's bases and fortifications;
would be able to make their own peace terms with the enemy, and at the
same time obey the divine command of God "Thou shalt not kill."

Cotton had been advancing rapidly and Robert and Walter were making
money fast. Robert told Walter and Edna that on June 9th, his birthday,
he was going to give them a big dinner and celebration before their
marriage. It was now time to declare a holiday and have a real jubilee
celebration after their great discoveries were completed, that it was
but fitting to crown the event with the marriage of Edna and Walter.
They were now in position to sit calmly by and wait for the great war
in the air knowing that, with their secret discoveries, they were
prepared to save the United States in time of war and at the same time
without sacrificing too many human lives.

The birthday party was a great success. Robert spared no expense in
order to have everything of the best. Before the dinner which was
served in a private dining-room, Robert sprung a great surprise. He
arose and made the following speech: "Comrades and friends, we have
traveled the path of life together. Some of us have run the gauntlet
of human emotions. We have gone down to the depths of despair; have
reached the heights of financial glory; have seen our greatest dreams
realized. God has been good to us. Our great discoveries are now
completed. Fame and fortune have crowned our efforts. You, Edna and
Walter, are now to reach the heights of greatest bliss. You are to
have the satisfaction of being united in marriage, to continue your
work together and do the greatest good for the greatest number. You
have been unselfish in your devotion to me and in your loyalty to
your country. The Bible says that where two or three are gathered
together, there God will be to own and to bless. Since God created
the world, the Holy Trinity has been the greatest power and it is
referred to many times in the Bible as Father, Son and Holy Ghost, and
on this mundane sphere we know that happiness comes to husband, wife
and child. The Bible says that one cannot do much alone, that there
is need of two together, and that a three-fold cord is not easily
broken. Edna, your devotion to Walter has been his inspiration and
has led him to the great discovery which will relieve suffering in
the world. Your confidence in him in placing your life in his hands
to test this great discovery, deserves great credit and no honor or
reward is too great for you, but the honor that men can give or the
world or your Government, are but empty and mean nothing to the heart
of a loyal woman. You are to have the greatest reward in Walter's love
and this means more to you than any honors the world can give. It will
satisfy when the shouts of the hero-worshippers have died away. When
money, with all it can buy, has vanished and nothing else remains but
the lovelight in Walter's eyes, you will find happiness." Robert then
presented a beautiful brooch made with the seal of Solomon, constructed
with a double triangle, and set with three beautiful diamonds. In the
center of the seal was a heart and in the center of the heart was a
diamond. He said, "Edna, I present this to you as your wedding gift.
It will be a symbol to you of how the three of us have worked together
in love, loyalty and faith, to accomplish something for others thru
unselfish devotion. With the love of the one must come the love of the
many. One touch of Nature makes the whole world kin, and when once
a woman's eyes have looked into a man's with understanding love, he
need seek no farther for the philosopher's stone, because after that
everything he touches will turn to gold. This brooch and the diamonds
are emblematic of your purity. The diamonds are the most durable and
beautiful of all precious stones. They reflect all the beautiful
colors of the rainbow which reveals God's covenant with man. That is
why the diamonds are used as an engagement ring, but few there are who
know and understand the real meaning and live in accordance with it.
You will ever reflect the beauty of the diamonds. Your love for Walter,
which is the love I am sure never changes, will remain fixed as the
mountain ranges. Remember that the diamond has gone thru the greatest
fire and heat and has emerged with all its strength and beauty. You
must learn to go thru trials and tribulations, to help Walter in time
of trouble and to emerge unscathed, reflecting love and beauty. Walter,
I commend to your care and keeping, a jewel more precious than diamonds
or rubies--a good woman. May your loyalty and devotion ever keep her as

The dinner was then served and Edna proved that, as an after-dinner
speaker, she had some ability. She arose, drank a glass of pure water,
pouring part of it on the floor and said, "Mr. Gordon, my vocabulary
is now destitute of the poetic rhyme that would be necessary to bring
into existence words to express to you my heartfelt thanks for the
favor already in hand. I have been so over-generous in loving Walter
that I feel that I've neglected to extend to you the friendship due to
a man of such noble ideals. As I pour this pure water back to earth,
I am following an ancient custom. Before they entered upon any solemn
obligation, they washed their hands in pure water, touched their lips
with pure water, to purify them and to seal the records of the past.
They poured the pure water back to earth, in memory of the absent and
dead. I pour this pure water back to earth that in the presence of the
living we are not forgetting the absent one, and the greatest wish
that I can have for you, Mr. Gordon, is that at a not distant date,
Walter and I may have the great pleasure of joining Marie and yourself
in an occasion like this. Words are idle now, they mean but little when
the heart is touched. I accept your beautiful gift with all gratitude.
It is my prayer that the day may come when you may have another brooch
made with two hearts entwined, set with a single solitaire, emblematic
of your faith and pure love for Marie. I pray for you the gifts of all
the Gods, and may your prayers be answered as the prayers of Pygmalion
were whose faith and love were so strong that the Grecian Gods turned
a piece of cold marble into the living form of a beautiful woman. But,
Robert, when Marie returns to you in all her beauty, I am sure that you
will not act in the way that Pygmalion did, when he caused Galatea to
pray to the Grecian Gods to turn her back to cold marble again. I am
sure, yes, I know, that such devotion as yours will keep Marie always
when she returns to you."

When Edna had finished, Walter arose and said, "Robert, there is
nothing left for me to say, I thank you."

On the 24th of June, Walter and Edna were married. Robert suggested
that for their honeymoon they go up thru Canada and see the beautiful
scenery there, then go down thru California and in the Fall and Winter,
take a second honeymoon trip to Florida and visit Silver Springs and
Sebring. Robert's mind always drifted back to the beautiful places
where he thought people in love would find harmony and could commune
with Nature.


In the Fall of 1929, Robert and Walter made a large amount of money in
cotton and wheat. Robert was unusually happy. Altho over three years
had passed without any direct news of Marie he was sure she was alive;
felt that the time was not long to wait before she would reappear.
The war clouds had begun to appear as Robert had predicted. Spain and
Japan were threatening the United States. Controversies over airplane
airports arose. Japan had forbidden the United States commercial ships
to land on her soil. Diplomatic relations were not smoothing affairs
out and Robert knew that war was inevitable. Spain had made rapid
progress with airplanes and was anxious to try her power against the
United States. The United States Government was waking up to the fact
of their need of a greater air fleet and the Air Department was making
some great progress. Robert knew they were working on secret plans and
knew that he had something that could be used successfully at the right
time. He was spending money lavishly and working to improve on his
Ezekiel plane. He was keeping everything secret, sending out plans to
different manufacturers and having the parts made, Walter and himself
secretly putting the machine together. Robert had made a large amount
of money buying oil stocks. A big bull campaign in oil stocks had been
brought about by the decreasing oil supply. The Government realizing
the increased demand for gasoline on account of the large amount of
airplanes used, knew that in time of war their success would depend
upon the supply of oil and gas, so a decree was passed conserving
the oil resources. There was still a big foreign demand for oil and
gasoline as war in Europe was still going on. Affairs in England were
in a bad state and revolution was threatened.

April, 1930

Japan declared war on the United States and Spain joined forces with
her. They secured the aid of Mexico and established an air base there.
The United States was unprepared for war as they had not kept up the
programme of building a sufficient air fleet to protect the country
against invasion by such a large fleet as commanded by Japan and
Spain. There was a hasty call by the Government for volunteers to
the Aviation Corps. Robert Gordon and Walter Kennelworth hastened to
Washington, tendered their services to the Government and joined the
Aviation Corps. They were made Lieutenants and ordered immediately
to San Antonio, Texas, where the Southern Aviation Division had its
headquarters. Robert offered the benefit of his experience to the
officials, but older and wiser heads refused to listen to his advice
because they thought he was too young. At that time they knew nothing
about his long years of secret work and his great inventions, but they
soon learned the value of his discovery and patent which he had sold
to Japan,--the muffler which made the airplane silent.

The United States Government fearing that Japan would make the first
attack on the Pacific Coast either around Los Angeles or San Francisco,
rushed the battle fleet to the Pacific. This proved to be one of the
greatest mistakes of the war. As soon as the battleships cruised into
the Pacific, Japan attacked from the air with their noiseless airplanes
and began dropping deadly bombs from great heights. The anti-aircraft
guns from the decks of the battleships were powerless to reach the
bombing planes at such great heights. Defeat was swift and severe and
only a few of the battleships escaped complete destruction from the
first attack. The United States Officers had found that the Japanese
planes could rise more than twice the altitude of the United States
planes. They knew that Japan had some invention that was superior to
ours which enabled them to reach such great heights that their airships
were practically immune from attack. This placed the United States at a
great disadvantage as they were unable to protect the coast cities from
being destroyed by bombs from the Japanese planes.

A council of war was held. The commanding officers were called
together. The President hastily summoned the Cabinet. There was no
minimizing the danger for everyone knew that the ingenuity of Japan
had designed a superior fighting plane; that this was to be a war in
the air and that all old methods and weapons of war were obsolete;
that the United States must move quick and fast to prevent destruction
of the Pacific Coast cities. They decided to confiscate the large
manufacturing plants and start them on making new inventions and the
manufacture of airplanes. Central Steel was confiscated; also Major
Motors and Major Electric Co. The war council decided that they should
scatter their air forces from Brownsville, Texas, up to El Paso to
protect the Rio Grande from attack thru Mexico; that the battle line
should extend up the Colorado River on across to Portland and Seattle.
The land forces were all rushed to the Coast, forming a battle line
from Brownsville, Texas, across to the Northwest to Seattle. It was
decided that this line should be held with reserve forces to be sent to
support a second line of defense running from San Diego up the Coast
to Portland, to protect inland invasion by the foe in case they were
successful in capturing any of the coast cities. People in Los Angeles
and San Francisco were in a state of turmoil. Thousands were leaving
every day by train and airplane, going to the Grand Canyon where there
were no cities and they hoped they would be safe from attacks. Others
went to the central and eastern parts of the United States because they
feared attacks any day.

Japan was quick to follow up her victory gained on the water by
attacking Los Angeles from the air in the middle of May. Here again
the great value of the silent motor was proved and the height to which
the Japanese plane could rise. As the enemy stole over the city in the
silence of the night, not a sound could be heard from their motors at
the great heights which they were sailing. Bombs began to fall in the
business section and the skyscrapers crumbled to pieces. Every street
light was ordered out, leaving the city in total darkness. The people
were aroused at the first noise of exploding bombs and rushed out to
find the city in darkness. This caused a panic. Army officers tried to
quiet the people and keep them in their homes because they realized
the danger if they rushed out into the streets where the bombs were
falling. Powerful searchlights were sweeping the sky in an effort to
locate the invading planes. Then the giant aircraft guns were trained
on the enemy, but the distance was so great and the planes moving so
swiftly, that they were unable to do much damage. They only succeeded
in bringing down three of the bombing planes. The United States
scouting planes were sent out immediately, followed by the fighting
planes carrying 6-inch guns. They found that the Japanese planes were
dropping bombs from a height of 60,000 to 80,000 feet and the United
States planes were unable to rise high enough to attack them.

The battle waged thruout the night and when the sun rose the next
morning, the beautiful city of Los Angeles was in ruins. Thousands of
people had been killed and the most of the important buildings had been
destroyed. The people of Los Angeles were more excited than they had
ever been during earthquakes. The destruction and loss of life were
so great that everyone forgot all about their property and money and
only thought of saving their lives and protecting their loved ones. The
commanding officers held a hasty conference, realizing the great damage
the enemy had done and the small damage they had been able to inflict
upon them and knowing that the enemy would follow this attack by more
attacks it was decided that to force the people to remain meant certain
death and a destruction of the balance of the valuable property, so the
only thing to do was to move the people out as fast as possible and
surrender the city. After the commanders had held this council, news of
their decision was conveyed to the subordinate officers.

Lieutenant Gordon's heart was broken when he realized that the
beautiful city of Los Angeles must be either surrendered or destroyed,
yet he knew that unless the Government quickly made some new and
wonderful inventions, many more defeats were in store. When Captain
George Cooper who was in command of Lieutenant Gordon's company,
received orders that no move was to be made and no scouts to be sent
out until further instructions, he called Lieutenants Gordon and
Kennelworth and conveyed to them the orders. Lieutenant Gordon was
desperate. He wanted to do something to help save the situation, but
to offer his advice to his superior officers was futile. Finally, he
decided to disobey orders and go out on a scouting expedition alone
and see what he could find out. He thought he might locate a Japanese
base, as he believed they had a mother ship somewhere near from which
they were sending out the bombing planes. He was flying very low as
he crossed the line below San Diego. All at once a Japanese plane was
coming straight toward him. He immediately turned his plane and rushed
back across the line followed closely by the enemy who was gaining on
him rapidly. Lieutenant Gordon whirled his plane around quickly and
charged the Japanese plane. The fight lasted for several minutes.

After Lieutenant Gordon had been gone some time and failed to return
Lieutenant Kennelworth knowing that he had disobeyed orders and gone
out with his plane decided that some harm might have come to him and
that he too must disobey orders and go to his rescue. He jumped into
a fast plane and sailed out, going direct toward San Diego. He soon
sighted the two planes in combat and just before he reached the scene,
they went down together. His heart sank within him. He knew it was his
old friend Robert and feared for the worst. Landing along the side of
the wreck he found that the Japanese aviator had been killed. Robert's
leg had been broken; otherwise he was uninjured. He quickly hauled him
aboard his own plane and started back for headquarters and was just
in time as other Japanese planes were approaching and followed him
close into Los Angeles. Lieutenant Gordon was confined to the hospital
three or four weeks before his leg healed and he fully recovered. He
was given a severe reprimand for disobeying orders but because he had
brought down an enemy plane the Government made him a Captain for this
bravery and also promoted Lieutenant Kennelworth, his chum, to the same

In the meantime, the people had been moved away from Los Angeles as
fast as possible. There had been several minor attacks by the enemy
and more buildings had been destroyed and only a few of the enemy's
planes had been brought down. The situation was desperate. People
were frantic. The United States was hopelessly outnumbered by the
Spanish and Japanese air forces. England was threatening to join forces
with Japan and Spain. An attack on San Francisco was expected at any
hour. People wanted to get away and move east into the mountains for
protection, but the Government had notified everyone to remain. The
fact that the foreign planes were noiseless put the United States at
a great disadvantage. Robert and Walter were using their secret radio
to communicate with each other. They had offered this invention to
the Government and it had been accepted. This was a great help as the
Japanese were unable to intercept their code messages or take any
message from the air because there were none.

The United States Army officers knew that they must fight for time
to get some new inventions ready to combat the enemy. On June 14th,
Los Angeles was surrendered. White flags were run up all over the
city as a signal for the enemy planes to stop attacking. The plan was
to send no message to the enemy headquarters in Mexico but to wait
and see what action they would take or what terms they would offer
to make. General Pearson of the Aviation Corps, General Johnson of
the Cavalry, Admiral Dawson of the Navy and General Marshall of the
Infantry held a council to decide the next and wisest move to make. A
plan was discussed for crossing the Rio Grande into Mexico with land
troops and making an attempt to capture the supply base of the enemy.
General Pearson said that the days of old tactics and war had changed,
that the enemy evidently intended to make this a war in the air and
that they would attack troops from the air. To send an army into the
mountains of Mexico would not only mean the loss of thousands of lives,
which would prove useless, but that part of the air force would have
to be sent into Mexico to protect the army and this would weaken the
coast patrol and give the enemy a chance to make an air attack on other
coast cities. Admiral Dawson said that in the weakened condition of the
Navy, since the disaster from the first attack by the Japanese planes,
it would be foolhardy to attempt any aggressive campaign by the Navy,
that what ships they had were now scattered along the Southern, Eastern
and Western shores for protection and to concentrate them at one
point would only weaken other joints from which they would have to be
withdrawn. General Marshall was of the opinion that the best plan was
not to attack, but let the enemy make the first move every time and try
to find some way to protect the coast cities, that what we needed was
time to get better equipped with sufficient airplanes to cope with the
enemy's superior air force. So it was finally decided that the wisest
course to pursue was a waiting attitude.

There was a panic in Wall Street when the news came of the surrender
of Los Angeles. Edna had been left in charge of the office in New York
and thru the secret Pocket Radio, kept in communication with Walter and
Robert. She was conducting a campaign in the stock market for them and
had made a fortune on the short side of the market. Business was bad,
and the whole country was in a state of turmoil.

After the white flags were floated over the ruins of Los Angeles, days
went by and there were no more attacks by the enemy, nor was any word
received from enemy headquarters. The American patrol planes around Los
Angeles reported occasionally seeing the enemy planes scouting over
the city at great heights, evidently taking observation as to what
was going on. This mysterious action on the part of the enemy was a
source of worry to the commanding officers of the United States. The
people all over the country were in a state of anxiety, wondering where
the enemy would strike next. The Infantry and Cavalry were restlessly
waiting orders to go into action along the Rio Grande.

On the night of August 1st, the enemy planes crossed the Rio Grande
and dropped bombs all along from Brownsville to El Paso, destroying
property and killing more than a hundred thousand men among the
Infantry and Cavalry. The enemy planes were again flying very high. The
anti-craft guns and the attack by our planes did very little damage,
only bringing down five of the enemy planes along the entire lines,
while more than 200 of the American airplanes were destroyed by bombs
dropping on them from above. General Marshall in his report to General
Pearson next day said: "Hell turned loose in the sky last night from
Brownsville to El Paso. Our loss was terrific and the enemy's loss was
very small. There is but one hope and that is to get more and better
airplanes. We must get planes that will rise to a height where they can
reach the enemy and make the fight in the air."

Captain Robert Gordon was still stationed near Los Angeles and when
news came of the terrible loss of life along the Rio Grande, his mind
turned to "Marie the Angel of Mercy,"--his great plane secretly stored
away in the Adirondack Mountains for use in just such an emergency
as this. He knew what the "Demon of Death" could do and the sleeping
gas invented by Captain Kennelworth. He thought of going to General
Pearson, telling him of his discoveries and offering them to the United
States to put into immediate use, but after meditating over the matter
decided that they would only call him a fool and refuse to listen to
him as they had before, because he was too young. However, he asked
General Pearson for orders to permit him to go on a scouting expedition
over Mexico and up and down the Rio Grande to see if he could learn
anything of value.

On the morning of August 3rd, Captain Robert Gordon traveled across
Arizona and New Mexico and as he neared El Paso saw the largest airship
that he had ever seen before slowly drifting over El Paso. It was a
giant plane and Robert knew that it was either a mother ship or one of
the enemy's great bombing planes which had been so high that he had
never been able to see them before. He began circling it at a great
distance, watching to see what this monster of the air was going to
do. Finally, it slowed down and came to a complete standstill. He saw
that it could anchor in the air and knew that the enemy had another
discovery that would beat what the Americans had. Waiting for awhile,
he saw what seemed to be an observation platform emerge from the side
of the plane. An officer appeared on it with some instruments. Captain
Gordon thought that they were either taking photographs or making
observations over El Paso for some purpose. Fortunately, he had started
out on a bombing plane and had plenty of bombs on board. Decided
that he had but one life to give for his country and that he would
rise as high as he could, sail swiftly over this monster and drop his
bombs. When he got as close over it as he could gauge, he released the
automatic control and started dropping bombs one after another. The
first bomb made a hit and struck the ship near the middle, which was
lucky, tearing a terrific hole in it. He knew from the way it acted
that it was badly disabled. Now was the time to get in his effective
work. Dropping lower, he let go more bombs, this time striking the
giant ship both in the front and rear. It started to fall rapidly and
he followed it down and got close enough to see that there were still
men on board alive so he let go more bombs and in a few minutes there
was nothing but a wreck of the greatest dreadnought of death which had
ever floated over American soil.

Before venturing to land Captain Gordon ascended to a great height,
circled the sky to see if there were any more enemy ships in sight
which might endanger his life. Finding the air clear, he immediately
radioed the news with his Pocket-Radio to Captain Kennelworth who was
then stationed at San Diego. The news was quickly flashed to General
Pearson's headquarters. On examination they found that the giant ship
was a mother ship more than 600 feet long, bearing the name of "Tokyo
J-1" and that it carried 25 bombing planes of the most modern type with
collapsible wings and equipped with powerful searchlights carrying
bombs and poisonous gases. It was estimated that more than 100 officers
and aviators were aboard the airship when it fell. All were killed
but two. They were badly wounded with broken limbs and were taken
prisoners. There were found to be three of the enemy's planes that were
not damaged badly. Captain Gordon and Captain Kennelworth tested these
planes after they were put back in working order and found that they
were high altitude planes and could rise higher than any of the planes
used by the United States. This was a great victory because it would
enable the American inventors to find out how these planes were built
and they could also be used against the enemy.

News of this great victory was sent to the President of the United
States. He ordered General Pearson to decorate Captain Gordon with the
Cross of Aviation and convey to him the gratitude of the people of the
United States and the President's sincere personal appreciation. The
afternoon newspapers in every large city in the United States carried
CAPTAIN ROBERT GORDON." The people thruout the United States breathed
a sigh of relief; felt that the tide was at last turning and that now
some way would be found to destroy more of the enemy's giant ships.

When General Pearson called Captain Gordon before him, he was very
modest and meek because he remembered the severe reprimand before when
he disobeyed orders and brought down the Japanese plane near San Diego.
This time he had acted on instructions from General Pearson and was
very happy to have rendered a great service to his country. As the
General read the message from the President, tears came into his eyes.
He thanked his commanding officer and said that he hoped he might
have many more opportunities to render service to his beloved country.
At that time his thoughts turned to Marie and he wondered where she
might be and if she knew what was happening. He was especially happy
because he had brought this enemy ship down in the State in which he
was born and that State of which he was very proud. Captain Kennelworth
came to congratulate him and said: "Robert, old pal, I am very proud
of you and your great achievement. The Lone Star State of Texas which
was distinguished by its brave sons at the Battle of the Alamo, has
again been distinguished by one of her favorite sons, and Mexico as
well as Spain and Japan will be made to realize that the Texans never

After the night attack and the great destruction along the Rio Grande,
the American forces waited anxiously and in peril for another attack.
Days went by without any sign from the enemy. Los Angeles had not been
molested and the mystery was deepening as to what were the enemy's
plans and the next move they would make. General Pearson had ordered
one of the planes from the "Tokyo J-1" sent to the Major Electric
Company in the East where they could experiment with it and make some
planes like it or better ones. He gave one of the planes to Captain
Gordon and the other to Captain Kennelworth to be put into service.
Captain Gordon asked that they be permitted to go into Mexico, locate
the enemy's headquarters and try to destroy more of their ships, but
the General refused to grant this request, saying that he would not
risk the lives of such valuable men or risk losing the ships which
might prove very valuable when the enemy again made an attack.


September, 1930

After long days of anxious waiting, with the people nervous and
excited, came the attack on San Francisco. The enemy planes attacked
from the West, the South and the North, slipping in silently in large
numbers. Poisoned gas was turned loose, bombs were dropped all over the
city and most of the important business and Government buildings were
destroyed. The destruction was the greatest in history, much greater
than the earthquake in 1906. Loss of life was terrific. General Pearson
ordered Captain Gordon and Kennelworth to lead the defense of the city,
using the Japanese planes which had been taken from the wreck of the
"Tokyo J-1." As soon as they got in high altitude over San Francisco,
they could see that this was a gigantic attack. Thousands of airplanes
were circling the air from every direction. It was evident that the
enemy intended to destroy San Francisco very quickly. Captain Gordon
and Captain Kennelworth were able to keep in communication thru their
Pocket Radio. They agreed that one of them should attack the enemy
planes approaching from the North and the other, the planes approaching
from the South and West, going as high as they could and if possible
getting above the enemy planes and dropping bombs on them. When
Captain Gordon got high in the air, he saw another mother ship anchored
and with the smaller planes taking off from it. He sailed over and let
loose his bombs and destroyed this ship. Other ships were coming from
every direction by the thousands. He sailed over them letting loose his
bombs cautiously.

Captain Kennelworth also encountered planes by the thousands coming
across from the West and succeeded in bringing down numbers of them.
Finally, the enemy planes turned on him and when he saw that escape
seemed almost impossible, decided to try to race back to headquarters.
The enemy planes were firing on him. One wing of his plane was damaged,
then a propeller was broken and as his plane was crashing to the earth,
he felt that he was sure to lose his life; tried to steer the best he
could and finally, seeing that he was going to land on a smooth spot
where there were no trees or buildings, he crawled out on top of one
of the wings. A few minutes after the crash he regained consciousness,
finding himself uninjured with only a few minor scratches. Fortunately
he was near one of the army bases and made his way quickly there. He
could see to the West that San Francisco was in flames and knew that
the destruction was complete. His first thought was what had happened
to his old pal, Robert Gordon. Feeling in his pocket and finding his
radio safe, he sent the distress signal which they had always used,
asking "Are you alive and where are you?" Minutes went by and no reply.
He was heartsick and feared that Robert had lost his life. He slowly
made his way to headquarters and reported what had happened.

Captain Gordon finally exhausted his bombs, but he estimated that
he had brought down several hundred of the enemy planes because he
had sailed over them where they were flying by the hundreds in wedge
formations, each division being followed by a giant supply ship which
could anchor high up in the air and supply more bombs when the bombing
planes exhausted their supply and returned for more. Robert thought,
"this is just what our Government needs. If there were only a supply
ship in the air now where I could go and get more bombs, I could bring
down hundreds more of the enemy's planes." He decided to make his way
back to the base or headquarters as he was powerless without bombs,
but his decision was too late. The enemy planes had located him and
were coming straight toward him. He speeded up and tried to make his
way to safety, fearing that any minute the enemy would fire on him or
drop a bomb on his plane, but the Japanese had discovered that he was
flying one of their own planes and they thought he was one of their
own aviators and had no intention of harming him. When they got close
enough to see that the plane was piloted by an American aviator, they
flew close beside him, signaled him to follow them, one plane leading
and two others falling in beside him. There was nothing else to do and
he was glad of a chance to save his life. They led him up, up, up,
thousands of feet in the air, finally reached a giant plane anchored,
where they landed, taking Captain Gordon a prisoner.

As soon as they had landed with him, his mind went back to the days of
his youth, when he had built his first bicycle to ride on the water,
and when he had read the Bible and talked about the wars to come and
made his plans for the great airship. He recalled the dream his mother
had which greatly disturbed her. She told him she dreamed that she saw
San Francisco destroyed by some terrible machine and that one of her
sons had nearly lost his life there. He thought of how his mother had
told him about his oldest brother losing his life in the San Francisco
earthquake and he wondered if now he was to lose his life there,
because he felt that the Japs were very treacherous and would probably
not keep him a prisoner but would take his life. He prayed for his dear
old mother and prayed for Marie that she might be safe and her life be
spared, no matter what his fate might be.

Through all this excitement, for the first time he thought of his
Pocket-Radio. Before he could get it out of his pocket, he received the
S.O.S. signal from Walter and answered, telling him what had happened
and where he was.

Ever since the first battle of Los Angeles, the United States officers
had felt certain that an attack would come upon San Francisco and
had prepared for it the best way possible. They had concentrated a
greater portion of their best airplanes there and had thrown them into
the fight by the thousands and they had gone down in large numbers,
not only being outnumbered by the enemy planes but being unable to
follow the enemy planes high enough to destroy them. When reports
were made the following morning, more than three thousand of this
country's airplanes had been lost. The loss of life in San Francisco
was appalling. Almost half of the population had been wiped out. Most
of the valuable buildings had been destroyed. All the ships anchored
in the harbor were blown to pieces. A poisonous gas which American
chemists had never seen or heard of before had been distributed all
over San Francisco and the people who were left were sick and dying by
the thousands. The waters in the bay had been poisoned and the fish
were dying from this deadly gas. It was indeed a time of trouble such
as the world has never known, as spoken of by St. John in the Book of

The capture of Captain Gordon and the loss of both of the Japanese
airplanes which had been captured at the destruction of the "Tokyo J-1"
was a disheartening blow, because Captain Kennelworth had reported how
effectively he had worked over the enemy planes and how many he had
destroyed. He was sure that Captain Gordon had destroyed many of their
planes. When a survey was made of the city it was found that several
hundred of the enemy's planes had been brought down. Most of this was
attributed to the work done by Captains Gordon and Kennelworth with the
high altitude foreign planes. When all reports were in, the commanders
of the United States armies got together for a conference. This
disaster in such a short time was bewildering and it required quick
decision as to the next move. They were at a loss to figure out what
the enemy's next move would be, remembering that after Los Angeles had
been surrendered and the white flag had floated over it, it had never
been molested. Knowing that another attack would finish the remains of
San Francisco, they decided to surrender it, and again the white flag
was raised over all the remaining buildings. When General Pearson saw
these instructions being carried out, he was overcome with emotion.
Tears were flowing down his cheeks and he exclaimed; "My God, my God,
is the land of liberty to be destroyed? Is there no way to prevent this
deadly destruction?"

As soon as the Japanese had captured Captain Gordon they knew who
he was. He was the man who had sold them the great silent muffler.
They brought him to headquarters in Mexico where he was questioned
as to what other inventions he had. He told them that the only
invention he had of value was the secret radio, with which he could
send communications without any sound in the air and without anyone
intercepting the messages, but made no mention of the other discoveries
that he had which he knew could be used in time of emergency and of
which he had never told the United States Government officials. The
Japanese offered Robert his freedom and a large amount of money if
he would sell them this invention. After communicating secretly and
silently with Walter, Robert had him tell the commanding General about
the proposition the Japanese had offered him and asked for instructions
as to what he should do. Their reply was to remain prisoner and not
give up any of his secrets to the enemy, because the situation was
bad enough at the best. But Robert knew that his services would be of
greater value to his Government and that it was bad judgment for him
to remain a prisoner. He felt that he could make another invention
for communications which would outwit the Japs, so he decided on his
own responsibility to give up the secret radio, and after they tested
it, they gave him his freedom and conveyed him safely out of the enemy
lines. Robert returned to headquarters near San Francisco and reported
to Colonel Davis just what he had done. He was immediately sent
before General Pearson who was then in command of the United States
Air forces. General Pearson after hearing the story and considering
Robert's splendid record, decided that clemency should be extended to
him but, before doing so, decided to communicate with the President of
the United States and await his decision and instructions. A meeting of
the Cabinet was called and they voted that Captain Gordon was a traitor
to his country, but decided that he should not be court-martialed and
shot, but dishonored. Orders were sent that his uniform be torn from
him and that he be held a prisoner. This was the greatest blow to
Robert that had ever befallen him since the loss of Marie, but he had
faith in God. He knew that he had done right and what was for the best,
just as the Creator of the universe does all things well and for the
best. He read his Bible that night while in prison and was consoled
by reading Job, where he said, "Lord, Lord, I'll wait until my change
comes." Robert knew that the time would come when he would be able to
demonstrate to his Government that his judgment was right and that
he was acting for the best. His heart and soul were with his country
and he would sacrifice time and money to be prepared to protect his
Government. He asked to be allowed to have a conference with Walter,
which was granted. Told Walter to say nothing about his sleeping gas
discovery or the "Demon of Death,"--the great light ray destroyer
which they could use, and to tell nothing of the great ship "Marie the
Angel of Mercy," which they had safely stored away in the Adirondack
Mountains. That when the Government came to realize the need of great
help and faced defeat, he would then demonstrate the inventions that he
had to save the country.

General Pearson was very much interested in Gordon's case. He
remembered the great feat of bringing down the "Tokyo J-1" and believed
that Robert was a genius and a valuable man to the Government. If
the officials had listened to Robert and taken the discovery he had
offered them, probably the defeat in San Francisco would never have
happened. He did not blame Robert for selling his invention to Japan in
peace time, nor did he condemn him for turning over his secret Pocket
Radio to the Japanese to secure his freedom. Believed he was loyal
to his country and acted as he thought best and had not done it for
a selfish motive. The General decided to visit Robert at the prison.
After holding a conference with him, ordered him removed and brought to
headquarters where he could keep him under his personal supervision.
Robert confided to General Pearson that if he could secure his release,
and let him return to his laboratory in New York, he could very quickly
complete another invention to enable the United States forces to
communicate secret orders from place to place, which the enemy could
not understand or use. He told him that he had an invention partly
completed which when placed a certain distance from an airplane would
prevent any communication by his secret radio and that with this it
would make the secret radio which he turned over to Japan, absolutely
useless. General Pearson believed his story and had faith in him so
communicated with the President of the United States and obtained
permission to send Robert Gordon to his New York laboratory. The
General realized that the situation was much worse than the newspapers
were letting the public know. The Government was suppressing their
weakened condition. General Pearson knew that with help from England or
any other foreign country, it would be easy for the enemy to take New
Orleans, Chicago and then sweep down on Washington and New York. The
liberty of the United States now hung in a balance and unless something
was done, and done quickly, their cause would be lost.

General Pearson wrote to the President that there was no denying the
fact that the situation was critical and that the enemy had something
up their sleeve and that unless every effort was made to forestall
their move, he feared a repetition of the terrible disaster at San
Francisco. He sent the record of Robert Gordon. Said that while he was
a young man, he was one of the bravest aviators that he had ever known;
that he was not only bright but brilliant. He believed he was a genius.
That he had had a long talk with him and that Gordon had asked to be
released and permitted to return to his laboratory in New York where
he believed he could complete a valuable invention which would prove
a great help to the country. The General recommended that Gordon be
released and permitted to return to New York and given a chance. Said
that this was the age of the young men because they were progressive
and up to the times.

The President wrote General Pearson to use his own judgment and send
Gordon to New York if he thought best. General Pearson gave orders that
Robert Gordon be brought to him. He communicated the good news, gave
him a passport and told him to proceed immediately to New York and work
just as rapidly as possible to perfect any kind of invention that would
help defeat the enemy's plans.


When Robert arrived in New York, Edna told him about the great fortune
which she had made on the short side of the market and how when she
received the good news by secret radio of his capture of the "Tokyo
J-1" she calculated that as soon as it was generally known, it would
restore confidence and stocks would have a big rally. She hastily
covered all the short contracts and bought stocks for long account. The
following afternoon when the big headlines announced the capture of
the Tokyo, traders all rushed to buy and the market advanced rapidly.
She said "Mr. Gordon, do you know the market is following the forecast
which you mapped out in 1927?" He said, "I have been so worried over
the war and my dishonor that I haven't had time to think about making
money. If General Pearson hadn't proved to be a good friend, I would
still be in prison. Now I must use some of my inventions to help my
country and prove to them that I did act for the best and that I am
loyal." Edna asked if he thought there was any hope of the terrible war
ending soon. "No," he replied, "it will get worse in 1931 when many
other nations will join against us. The end will not come until the
Summer or Fall of 1932." "That is dreadful," she said, "if it lasts
that long, they will destroy every large city in the United States
unless something is done to beat them."

In the latter part of October, 1930, Robert returned to Denver,
Colorado, where General Pearson had moved the aviation headquarters,
and was moving heaven and earth to prevent the advance of the enemy
toward the East. Many people on the coast had become frightened and
moved to Denver for protection. Robert brought the new invention which
he called the "Radio Annulifier." The Spaniards and Japanese were
making use of Robert's secret radio, which was one of the most valuable
discoveries up to that time. The Annulifier was now placed on scouting
airplanes and they were sent out. They found that it would work a
distance of several hundred miles. This disorganized the enemy forces
because they did not understand what had gone wrong with the secret
mechanism of the Pocket-Radio with which they were able to transmit
orders without sound or fear of detection. They had to resort to the
old method of using radios and wireless. Robert had invented a new
machine to record either sound or communications by light waves. He
soon secured the plans of the enemy and reported to General Pearson,
who was still in command for the Aviation Corps, that the enemy was
planning to attack from the Gulf of Mexico, follow up the Mississippi
River, take New Orleans and at the same time make a joint attack across
the Great Lakes, cutting off the Government's forces and the wing which
was holding across from Denver, Colorado to Canada on the North and
the border of Texas on the Southwestern side. When General Pearson
received this disappointing news, he realized that the situation was
desperate. He communicated with the President of the United States,
who immediately called the Cabinet together. All the Army Officers
were called in conference to discuss plans as to the best thing to do
to forestall the attack. They were forced to admit the painful truth
that the fleet of airplanes was not sufficient to withdraw enough
forces from the Western line to send to the North and South, to protect
Chicago and the Mississippi valley. General Pearson made plain to the
War Council the great value of Robert Gordon and suggested that he be
restored to his former rank for what he had already done. They agreed
with him and Robert Gordon was made Colonel in the early part of
November, 1930. Walter Kennelworth, for his great services in working
with Robert, was also promoted to Colonel.

When Colonel Gordon informed General Pearson that Mrs. Kennelworth was
his sole secret aid in completing the Annulifier which had helped him
to get the enemy's plans, this news was conveyed by the General to the
President of the United States who ordered Mrs. Kennelworth to report
immediately at headquarters in Washington. The President thanked her
personally for the great service she had rendered the country and told
her that she was the greatest woman since Molly Pitcher, who had taken
her husband's place at the cannon. He conferred upon her the title of
Captain of Inventions and ordered her to return to her laboratories in
New York and continue her scientific work. This brought great rejoicing
to Colonel Gordon and Colonel Kennelworth and they redoubled their
efforts to do everything to help save the country, but they were not
in the War Council and had nothing to say in regard to the plans of
protection or attack.

Complications came thick and fast, the enemy was landing more planes in
Mexico, bringing up reinforcements. They moved part of their army from
San Francisco north, and in December, 1930, after a short engagement,
captured Seattle and Portland. The War Council knew that this left the
enemy in command of the entire Pacific Coast as most all of the smaller
towns had been abandoned because they feared destruction and the next
attack would probably be either on the South or the East. They were
satisfied that they would probably attack from the Gulf of Mexico and
try to get a good hold on the Southeastern part of the United States
and, if successful, would then attack from Canada and the Great Lakes.
The United States Government was making airplanes as fast as possible,
but they were so far behind and lacked trained men to man them, that
the situation was very tense and the Government officials freely
expressed their anxiety. People in the East were excited and scared.
They feared an attack upon the defenseless cities at any time and that
the destruction of Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland and Seattle
might be repeated. The crushing blows that the Government had received
in the loss of the Pacific Coast had weakened the morale of the people
and they had lost confidence in the Government and its officials. The
fact that the enemy had made no attempt to set a fixed ransom on any of
the cities captured showed that they were looking for something bigger
before trying to enforce their demands upon the United States. The
Government officials knew that the Japanese would demand California or
the greater part of the Pacific Coast territory. They were hoping that
further attacks could be staved off until they were better prepared
to meet them. Army officials, as usual, thought they were handling
everything for the best and paid no attention to the counsel of men who
might be able to help.

Colonel Kennelworth confided to some of the Generals that Colonel
Gordon and himself had some great discoveries which, when and if
completed would beat the enemy, but they paid little attention to his
statements, and after Walter and Robert had a conference, they decided
to keep quiet and say nothing further about them until the time when
the Government was in desperation and would listen to reason.


After months of waiting and only a few scouting expeditions on the
part of the enemy, a sudden attack occurred in March. A large fleet of
airplanes sailed up the Mississippi River and attacked New Orleans.
Destruction was swift and severe. The United States started to withdraw
forces from across the Central part and from Texas, but they soon
realized that somewhere out in the Atlantic Ocean or in the Gulf of
Mexico, there was a secret base of supplies and they suspected that
England had already joined forces with the enemy. The enemy's planes
were so superior, their poisonous gas and bombs so effective that New
Orleans fell within three days. The alarm spread so fast over the
United States that people were panic-stricken. There was a panic in
Wall Street. Stocks crashed rapidly and Captain Edna Kennelworth was
again on the short side and had made a large amount of money for the
firm of Gordon & Kennelworth.

After the terrible destruction of New Orleans, it was again decided to
float the white flag over the city, as had been done in Los Angeles,
San Francisco, Portland and Seattle. People were badly frightened;
were leaving their homes and property and going in every direction,
not knowing which was the best way to go to save their lives. Many of
the old darkies went to the swamps, hid out until they were starving
to death, feeling that they were safer away from any of the cities or
buildings. The most mystifying thing to the Government officials was
that up to this time when the enemy had succeeded in destroying a city,
they had never returned or attempted to do any more damage after the
white flag floated over it. They knew that the enemy had several bases
in Mexico and were at a loss to understand why more attacks had not
been made on the towns along the border of Texas; but now that they had
started up the Mississippi River, it was plain that they were bent on
destroying only the largest cities in the country and that, eventually,
they would make demands for large amounts of indemnity and territory.
Why no demands had been made up to this time and why the enemy had not
tried to land troops and take charge was hard to understand. The wiser
heads among the Government officials felt that the enemy wanted to
sufficiently frighten the people all over the United States and destroy
enough life and property that when they did make a demand, that no
matter how unreasonable, the United States would be forced to accept.
It was thought that there was some secret treaty between Spain, Japan,
Mexico and other foreign countries, and that they had started their
campaign in the South and would later attack the Eastern Coast because
they knew that they would get help from other countries if it was

After the fall of New Orleans, the enemy continued their march up
the Mississippi valley. One by one important cities were bombed.
Natchez, Vicksburg, then Memphis fell under the fire of the enemy. The
devastation was the greatest ever known. Not only were the buildings
destroyed by bombs, but fire and poisoned gases were used. Hundreds of
thousands of people lost their lives. People were so terrified that
they wanted to flee to the mountains and forests and get away from
all the towns. The march up the Mississippi thus far had cost the
Government the loss of thousands of their best airplanes. The enemy's
loss was very small. On account of flying at such great heights, it was
hard to reach them with the anti-aircraft guns or the army planes.

The United States army officers knew that the next objective would be
St. Louis, and that if St. Louis were captured, they would probably
attack Chicago, close the lines, prepare to attack the Eastern Coast
and try to take Washington and New York. Colonel Gordon and Colonel
Kennelworth were doing great work, but were fighting against terrific
odds. They had to take orders from their superior officers, and were
not able to act on their own initiative. Colonel Gordon was permitted
to sit in at a conference of the War Council in April, 1931, but after
listening to his plans, they refused to accept them; at the same
time they knew the country needed help because further attacks were
imminent, and the enemy was pushing on to victory and gaining more help
all the time. Some of Colonel Gordon's plans were to ask France to come
to our aid in view of the fact they had helped us in the Revolution
of 1812 and that we had gone to their rescue in the Great War in 1917
showing our appreciation for the services rendered by Lafayette. He
also wanted to ask Canada to join us and protect the Northern border of
the United States.

After the first battle of New Orleans, the United States transferred
all the planes they could spare for patrol of the Eastern and Southern
coasts along the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. Commercial and passenger
airplanes were crossing daily to and from Europe. One foggy night in
the month of April, scouting planes flying as high as they could,
sighted a large fleet of airships flying toward Savannah, Georgia. They
decided that they were enemy planes making for Savannah, to attack it.
Commander Rooker in charge ordered his company to sail over the fleet
and start dropping bombs. They were quickly destroyed, all falling into
the ocean. When our planes descended to see how many had been destroyed
and what country they were from, they found that they were not enemy
planes at all, but were commercial planes from England, Germany,
Austria and Italy. This complicated matters more and diplomatic
communications failed to smooth out the difficulties. England refused
to accept an explanation or apology and all the other countries took
sides with her. Our Cabinet officers held a conference. They decided
that England and the other countries, knowing our weakened condition,
had intended to join the enemy all along and were only waiting for an
excuse, but they now knew that with all these countries against them,
without some aid or new discovery, the cause was lost. General Pearson
said "Colonel Gordon was right. We should have asked the help of France
and Canada long before this. We must now seek aid from any country that
is friendly to us. We went to the rescue of the Allies in the darkest
days of the World War and surely some of them will stand by us in this,
our greatest hour of need."

In May, 1931, England, Germany, Italy and Austria joined forces against
the United States. The wealth of the United States had caused so much
jealousy that it now began to look as tho Uncle Sam were a lone eagle
against the world. England began to land her forces and establish a
base in Canada, and the War Council, knowing that England would attack
the Eastern Coast, made all preparations to try to protect the Northern
border and the Eastern Coast, withdrawing forces from other strategic
points to try to protect the North and the Eastern part of the United

In the latter part of the month, England and the other allied enemy
forces sailed across the Atlantic, bringing their entire fleets on
the water escorted by thousands of modern airplanes. They had been
preparing for war for years; had built fast hydroplanes which could
travel on the water at more than 150 miles an hour. When this fleet
arrived off the Atlantic Coast, the United States air patrol attacked
them, but were so far outnumbered that it was futile. The patrol was
quickly destroyed. All of the United States commercial planes were
stopped from carrying mail, passengers or express across the Atlantic.
The enemies were now in position to blockade the United States on every
side. The Japanese, Spanish and Mexican planes were patrolling the Gulf
of Mexico and the Pacific Coast. We were now in a worse position than
the Allies were in 1917 when they were fighting with their backs to
the wall and the United States went to their rescue. The War Council
knew that England would now close the Northern border, shut us off from
Canada and would probably attack all along the border sooner or later.

The United States had concentrated all the available forces which
could possibly be spared to try and forestall attacks upon Chicago and
the Central part of the country. While an attack was hourly expected
in St. Louis, part of the English, German and Italian battleships,
under the protection of their air fleet, moved to the mouth of the
Mississippi River. The airplanes, numbering thousands, led the advance
up the river, followed by the hydroplanes and battleships. The planes
destroyed cities and drove the people away in terror. When this march
started, the United States War Council decided to move the Infantry
and Artillery as fast as possible to try and protect the territory
along the Mississippi and prevent the advance up thru the Central
and Northern parts of the United States. The enemies took charge of
New Orleans and placed their officers in control of the city. Fierce
fighting continued all the way up the river. The United States was
hopelessly outnumbered and the loss of men and planes was enormous. It
began to look as if resistance was folly. It was plain that this was
a move to take charge of our territory and showed that Japan, Spain,
and Mexico had only been waiting for the time when England and other
countries would join them to start taking over captured cities.

The move up the Mississippi was swift. Every town was taken over and
placed under the control of English officers. Finally, when Cairo,
Illinois, was reached the United States had perfected a new invention
for dropping chemicals from airplanes into the water and then using an
electric current from an airplane to discharge the chemical hundreds of
miles away.

When the enemy advanced and the airplane attack was on at Cairo, the
inhabitants had been moved to Louisville and Cincinnati and there was
no attempt to try to save the city. The plan was to let the enemy
hydroplanes and battleships move up the river and destroy them by the
powerful electric charge in the water. When they had completed great
destruction in Cairo, the hydroplanes and light battle cruisers which
followed up the advance, taking charge of cities, moved up to the mouth
of the Ohio to land and take charge of Cairo.

Colonel Walter Kennelworth had been sent to Cairo with a new plane
which had been completed by the Major Electric Co. This plane was
equipped with an electric machine which could take the electric current
from the air, charge into the water, and destroy battleships for miles
in every direction. He was circling the sky at a high altitude and
watching for an opportunity. Finally, seeing the airplanes receding
from Cairo when they thought they had completed the destruction, he
pressed a button and turned loose the powerful electric ray. In less
than a minute every cruiser and hydroplane was blown to pieces or
burnt up by the electric current. The enemy lost every man on board
their ships. While Cairo had been almost completely destroyed, this
was the first real victory for the United States since Colonel Gordon
destroyed the "Tokyo J-1." The news was flashed all over the United
States and people on the Eastern Coast, from Boston to Miami, who
feared destruction at any minute, breathed a sigh of relief and hoped
that this would turn the tide. The old-timers talked about the Yankee
ingenuity and said that the brains of the United States were the
greatest in the world and would find a way to overcome any obstacle and
defeat the enemies no matter how powerful they were.

After this disaster to the hydroplanes which had been marching up the
Mississippi, the enemy air fleet ceased its attacks for awhile, but
about the end of June, an air fleet swarmed over Cairo, landed without
much resistance, and officers were put in charge of the town. The
United States had already asked France to come to their rescue and
implored Canada to forbid England or any other foreign countries to
cross their borders to attack the Northern and Eastern borders of the
United States. France had quickly responded and informed the United
States Government that they stood ready to order their air fleet to
the United States or to attack England and Germany at home. This was
another piece of good news which cheered the country and put courage
into the hearts of the soldiers who had been fighting for more than a
year against such great odds and had been meeting with such disastrous
defeats. The newspapers were optimistic, but the Government officials
knew that the odds were still greatly against us and that we were
out-classed and outnumbered in the air, where the decisive battles
would be fought.


On July 4th, 1931, the people all over the United States were
celebrating the victory at Cairo where the English and German
battleships and hydroplanes had been destroyed. Everything had been
quiet and there had been no more air attacks on the cities. A large
fleet of the enemies' planes were seen constantly scouting up and down
the Mississippi. Colonel Gordon had sent out a scouting expedition with
some of the planes equipped with powerful searchlights and they had
discovered several mother supply ships, like the "Tokyo," anchored at
great heights above Cairo. He knew that this meant that preparations
were being made to attack St. Louis and continue the advance up the
Mississippi, that the enemy was making for Chicago and the Great Lakes
to form a line across the United States so that their airplanes could
control this territory, shut off any attacks from the West while they
advanced on the Eastern and Northern borders of the United States.

The Nation's birthday brought more good news. Canada informed the
United States that she would join hands with her, order England's
forces to leave Canadian territory and forbid them to cross Canada to
attack the United States. This news was received in Washington just
before the President delivered his annual Independence address. While
his speech was short, he called attention to the fact that this was the
155th anniversary of the independence of the United States and that
the liberty of this country was threatened greater than at any time
since the days of the Declaration of Independence, but stated that
cheering news had just come from Canada which would be a great help;
that France, our old friend, who had stood by us before, had also come
to our rescue and that there was room for hope. The recent victory of
Cairo was of great importance. The new inventions which were rapidly
being completed would surely save the United States in her hour of
greatest need. He urged the people to be courageous, not leave their
cities or desert their homes unless absolutely necessary. While no one
could be sure of the end, he hoped that a decisive victory would be
gained within a few months.

Colonel Gordon reported what the scouting planes had discovered
and said that this could mean but one thing, that the enemy is
concentrating at Cairo and that the next attacks would be on St. Louis,
then probably Louisville, Cincinnati, and Chicago. At a conference of
the War Council, he suggested that there was no use risking the lives
of the women and children in these cities; that arrangements should be
made to move them to places of safety at once, that camps should be
established in the Catskills and Adirondack Mountains where they could
remain until the danger had passed. The Council, after discussing the
matter, decided that this would prove to be a bad move on the part of
the Government because it would disclose their weakened condition to
the enemy who might be scouting around St. Louis at high altitudes
and would see the people being moved away and know that the country
was frightened and make an attack immediately. The Council decided
to prepare for an attack, believing that with the help of Canada and
France, this country would emerge a victor.

In the early part of August, 1931, the attack upon St. Louis started.
The United States had concentrated every available force there. Canada
had sent her airplanes to patrol the Northern border, enabling the
United States to withdraw more forces to protect the Central part of
the country. The battle raged on and off, day and night. There were
attacks and counterattacks. The United States factories were turning
out airplanes now at the rate of more than 1000 per day. The Henry
Motor Company of Detroit had made great improvements on bombing and
scouting planes and were turning them out rapidly. A new long-range
gun had been completed which would reach the enemy's planes at greater
heights and this proved to be of great value in the battle of St.
Louis. On the third day of the battle, General Pearson ordered Colonel
Gordon and Colonel Kennelworth to lead their men against the Southern
and Eastern wings of the enemy. They succeeded in bringing down over
500 of the enemy's planes, and the United States in the encounter only
lost about 200 planes. This was very encouraging and General Pearson
ordered more of the reserves thrown into the fight on the following
day and this seemed just what the enemy was waiting for. One mistake
after another was made by the subordinate officers of the United
States in carrying out instructions for attacking. The bombing planes
ran short of ammunition and were destroyed by the enemies in trying to
return to their bases for supplies. The enemy had concentrated more
than 30,000 planes for this giant attack on St. Louis. Buildings were
being destroyed daily and the loss of life was great. Frightened women
and children were rushing in every direction only to get into the path
of the exploding bombs. The enemy's planes proved superior, larger and
better-manned. Their large supply ships anchored at high altitudes
enabled them to get in their effective work of destruction when the
United States planes ran out of ammunition.

After the battle had waged for 14 days, with the United States losing
thousands of planes, the cause seemed to be hopeless and St. Louis was
surrendered. The situation was getting more desperate all the time
and the people again were losing hope. The large loss of airships at
the battle of St. Louis had weakened the U.S. Army regardless of the
rapidity with which new planes were being turned out. The enemy took
charge of St. Louis and moved part of their supply bases there. The
food situation was acute thruout the country. Farmers had been afraid
to go to the field to plant anything. Canada was not able to supply all
of our needs and we were blockaded on the South, East and West. The
Cabinet now awoke to the fact that many mistakes had been made and that
the situation instead of improving was growing rapidly worse.

Before the fall of St. Louis or the news of it had had time to be
fully understood by the people all over the United States, the English
and the Germans attacked the Northern border, making for Chicago. The
lines were tightly drawn, the enemy was still holding the Western Coast
and it now meant only a matter of capturing Chicago, close up the lines
between Chicago and St. Louis, and complete the enemy's lines across
the Central part of the United States. Council after council was held
while the fighting was going on around the Great Lakes. The Government
rushed reinforcements and the new long-range gun on our large cruising
airships was able to do effective work for a long time in protecting
Chicago. England lost heavily in the battle around the Great Lakes
because Canada was helping us there, but the blow was heavy to the
United States. Our losses in men and planes were tremendous.

In the early part of September, 1931, it was plain from the skirmishes
which had been taking place around the Great Lakes that the enemy was
trying to attack Chicago and it was only a question of time when they
would break thru and make the attack. The United States officers were
well aware of the fact that if Chicago fell into the hands of the
enemy, it would place the United States at a greater disadvantage than
ever to defend the Eastern Coast. The United States War Council decided
to urge France to attack England and Germany and make them withdraw
forces from the United States to protect their home cities. France was
well equipped with airplanes and could rapidly destroy the large cities
in England and Germany and she was the only country on the other side
that we could look to to help us. When America's appeal was received
in France, the President of France sent the following message to our

 "France is mindful of the perilous position in which the Land of
 Liberty is now placed. She has not forgotten the days when she came to
 your rescue during the struggles of the young republic, and you proved
 that you did not forget when your loyal sons crossed the Atlantic to
 help save France when she was fighting with her back to the wall in
 1917. We placed the Statue of Liberty in the harbor of New York as a
 signal light to the world to welcome the oppressed from every land to
 the Land of Liberty. It has ever stood as a beacon light of truth,
 liberty and justice to all. We now stand ready to defend that statue
 and its principles. We appreciate the generosity of the American
 people toward us in the past and now extend them every aid within our
 power. Our supplies and forces are at your disposal."

About this time England and Germany knew that France was getting ready
to aid the United States and they had been preparing to enlist the
aid of other countries in order to complete the victories already won
and gain control of the United States and divide up the territory. On
September 6th, France made the first attack upon London and the same
night attacked Berlin from the air, destroying many buildings, with the
result that there was a large loss of life. Quickly following this,
England, Germany, Austria, Spain, Italy and Japan called upon the other
countries with whom they had treaties to join them in the final battles
against the United States, promising a division of the spoils. All
the world had become so jealous of the prosperity and success of the
United States previous to this War of the Air that they were eager to
join in the conquest and share in the great gold supply that had been
gathered from all parts of the world by the United States. Turkey and
Russia were the first to join the enemy; then quickly followed Rumania,
Denmark, Greece, Hungary, Morocco and Portugal. These new supporters to
the enemy's cause rushed their airplane fleets to the Eastern shores
of the United States; sent aid to England and Germany to help hold off
France and keep the enemy from having to withdraw any forces from the
United States to protect their own countries.

The enemy, knowing that they now had practically all of Europe against
the United States, were confident that it would only be a matter of
a few weeks to take Chicago, Boston, New York and Washington, then
make their own terms and the United States would be forced to accept.
The United States knew that the most desperate battle of the war was
now impending and another council was held. They were expecting the
first blow to be struck in Chicago. The enemy's reinforcements had
arrived and were scattered in every direction. The night of October 1st
proved to be one of the worst so far of the war. The enemy attacked
Omaha, Kansas City, Denver, Cincinnati, Louisville, Milwaukee and St.
Paul. The forces from Mexico attacked El Paso, San Antonio, Galveston
and Houston. The greater part of the United States forces being
concentrated around Chicago and the East, this scattered attack all
over the South, West and North was disorganizing to our forces. There
was great loss of life and property in all of these cities because
they were not properly prepared for the attack which came suddenly and

On the morning of October 2nd a Council was held and it was decided to
immediately send as many airplanes as possible to help protect these
cities because an attack was expected again that night. This was just
exactly what the enemy wanted,--to get the United States to scatter
forces, withdrawing part of their armies which were protecting Chicago.

On the night of October 2nd the enemy concentrated an attack of more
than 50,000 planes against Chicago and broke thru the United States
lines on every side. England, Germany and Russia turned loose their
giant dreadnought battle planes, the largest that had ever yet been
used in the War in the Air. Many of these planes carried 12- to 36-inch
guns. They were equipped with the latest improved 12-cylinder motors;
were operated by electricity as well as gasoline. These giant planes
could be supplied with power thru the air by radio current. The attack
was well-timed and they had every advantage of the United States
forces. The first attack destroyed Chicago's great skyscrapers. The
Board of Trade Building, Post Office and other Government buildings
were completely destroyed. Loss of life was appalling. Over a million
people lost their lives. More defenseless women and children were
killed than in any other battle during the war.

When the sun rose over the great City of Chicago on the morning of
October 3rd, buildings were smouldering in ruins in every direction. It
was the greatest destruction that had ever been in the history of the
world. No mortal tongue could describe the terrifying sights. There was
a brief respite. As the sun rose the enemy's planes which had wreaked
their vengeance, withdrew. The United States had lost more than 25,000
planes and their best aviators had gone down in this terrible disaster.

Colonel Gordon and Colonel Kennelworth had done wonderful work and
fortunately their lives had been preserved for future use to their
country. As Colonel Gordon made his way to headquarters to report to
General Pearson, he thought of what he had read in the Acts 2:17: "And
it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out
of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall
prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall
dream dreams: and I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in
the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke." He thought
of how he had dreamed and prophesied and how he had believed the Bible
knowing that these terrible things would come in the latter days. As he
saw the blood, the fire, the smoke and the ruined city, for a moment he
wondered why God should permit such destruction as this in order that
the Scriptures might be fulfilled, but then he thought of what he had
read in Isaiah 2:2: "And he shall judge among the nations, and shall
rebuke many people; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares,
and their spears into pruninghooks; nation shall not lift up sword
against nation, neither shall they learn war any more." He prayed to
God to hasten the day when men shall not make war any more.

The United States officers knew now that if they held out, Chicago
would be completely annihilated because England's giant bombing planes
were able to destroy every building and kill every living soul.
General Pearson called all the commanding officers together and they
quickly agreed that with the enemy outnumbering them 50 to 1, another
attack would be soon over with and that it was a useless sacrifice of
human life and their remaining planes to offer resistance. But before
surrendering, they decided to ask the consent of the President and his
Cabinet. The President hastily called the Cabinet together and when
they assembled, their faces were grave. They all knew what had happened
the night before in Chicago. The President with sadness in his voice
read the decision of the commanding Generals and said: "This is the
gravest crisis this country has ever faced. To surrender may mean the
loss of our country and our liberty; to go on and fight may mean even
worse. To surrender Chicago and wait for time to determine the next
move may be the wisest plan. We can only trust to God and hope. What is
your decision, gentlemen?" Not a man rose to discuss the matter. One by
one they answered: "It seems best to permit our commanding officers to
surrender Chicago."

News was quickly flashed to headquarters at Chicago and about 10 A.M.
the white flag was hoisted from the few remaining tall buildings and a
large plane was sent out to circle the sky with white flags floating
from its wings. As soon as Chicago was surrendered, the enemy planes
and land forces were brought up and they closed the gap between
Chicago and St. Louis, leaving the Central lines intact and the Western
lines holding the Pacific Coast.

The New York Stock Exchange closed to prevent complete panic because
the people were panic-stricken and selling stocks regardless of price.
They soon discovered that the enemy had bases for supplies and ships
all up and down the Atlantic and in the Gulf of Mexico. They were in
control of the Northern border and in position to attack the Eastern
Coast from the North, South, East and West. There was no minimizing the
seriousness of the situation. The fall of Chicago had broken the heart
of the American people. They were panic-stricken and it looked as tho
for the first time in history, Old Glory would trail the dust. There
was a great War Council held. To make a plea for peace at this time
meant surrender to the enemy and accepting any terms that they might
want to dictate. The leaders of the War Council were puzzled. They
didn't know what move to make next since they were overwhelmed by great
odds. The United States was practically alone in the fight. France and
Canada were the only countries which had not joined forces against the
United States. When the news of the fall of Chicago reached France,
they realized that America was doomed.

The United States Government officials knowing the seriousness of the
situation made no attempt to conceal it, but decided to play for time.
They replied to the note from the enemy and asked for an armistice to
last thirty days, in which neither side would make any attack until
they discussed plans to see if it were possible to arrive at any
acceptable terms. The enemy taking this as an admission of defeat and
weakness on the part of the United States granted 15 days' time for a
discussion of terms, and sent the following note:

 The Allied Powers demand the complete surrender of the United States
 and a division of territory; Japan to have the Western coast, England
 to have the Eastern coast and Northern territory bordering on Canada;
 Mexico to have Texas, and Spain to have the territory along the
 Mississippi and Gulf of Mexico. The United States is to turn over to
 the Allied Powers its entire gold supply and the people to submit to
 the various Governments to which the territory is allotted and there
 is to be no longer any United States of America. If the Government
 of the United States refuses to accept these terms, we will destroy
 Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Washington, and take charge of
 the Eastern coast of the United States. Your answer must be received
 within the allotted time.


When these terms were received, everyone was gloomy at headquarters.
The President called his Cabinet for a conference. A United War Council
was also called, and after a long discussion, they were forced to admit
that it was not only a probability but a possibility that the enemy
would take New York City, capture the Eastern ports, and Washington,
and then dictate any terms they might desire. To submit to the terms
already offered would mean ruin and disgrace but the question was
what to do. Men high up and Government officials who had relied upon
their judgment before, now realized that one mistake after the other
had placed the country in this terrible position. Colonel Charles
Manson, a descendant of the family of General Lee, arose and asked
the War Council if he might have permission to speak. It was promptly
granted because he was a man highly respected for his good judgment,
and one who had had advocated the building of greater air fleets and
preparedness years before the war started. His speech was as follows:

 General Pearson and Sons of Liberty: This country now faces the
 gravest situation since the days of Washington and the winter at
 Valley Forge. We are not only menaced by England, our old enemy, but
 practically by the whole world. France now is our only friend. The
 enemy is in control and can attack from every side. It is a time to
 think, and think seriously; a time for action rather than words.

 We need the man of the hour, and in times past, the United States
 has always produced that man. I am a great believer in the Bible. I
 have read the predictions made by Colonel Robert Gordon ever since he
 was a very young man. Just what is happening now he predicted years
 ago. He has made some remarkable inventions. Was born under the sign
 which astrologers call the Ascendant Sign of the United States, the
 sign Gemini, ruled by Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods. This sign
 is symbolized by the ancients as the double-bodied sign. It is a sign
 of genius and intellect. Ancient mythology tells us that one of the
 twins was a great warrior, and his brother a great inventor and that
 he invented all of the war instruments which helped his brother to win
 his victories. He was said to be so swift and shrewd that he had wings
 on his heels and wings on his shoulders. Could sip the wine from the
 cups of the Gods while they were drinking, without getting caught.

 This sign has always symbolized the United States and Yankee
 ingenuity. The greatest inventions that have ever been were made
 by United States inventors. The airplane was invented here, the
 submarine, the great guns which have been used in war, the steamboats,
 electricity, radio, and other valuable inventions too numerous to
 mention. From what I know and have read, I still hope and believe that
 the United States has the brains to outwit the entire world. I believe
 this because it is the land of liberty, because there never has been a
 nation to conquer it. The United States has never been an aggressor,
 never entered a war on its own accord. I believe that God is with us
 and that this is the country established for God's kingdom.

 I have read the Bible and followed Colonel Gordon's writings and
 believe with St. Luke, Chap. 7:22, "Then Jesus answered and said unto
 them 'Go your way and tell John what things ye have seen and heard,
 how that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the
 deaf hear, the dead are raised, to the poor the gospel is preached,
 but what went ye out for to see--a prophet--yea, I say unto you, and
 much more than a prophet, for I say unto you, Among those that are
 born of woman, there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist,
 but he that is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.'"

 I say to you, gentlemen, that I believe there is not a greater prophet
 than Colonel Gordon. Further, I believe that he is the greatest
 inventor that the United States has ever produced, and believe that
 he can save the situation or find some solution of the problem. The
 Army Officers made a mistake not to listen to Colonel Gordon when he
 offered them advice and told them he could complete an invention to
 save the country.

 I believe the prophecy of Daniel which has often been referred to
 by Colonel Gordon, Chap. 7:27, "And kingdom and dominion, and the
 greatness of kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the
 people of the saints of the Most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting
 kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him." I believe that
 refers to the United States. If we can win this war, then as we are
 one against the world, it shall be a kingdom of the United World. In
 my judgment it would be wise to place Colonel Robert Gordon in supreme
 command and follow his instructions to the letter.

After Colonel Manson had ceased talking and sat down, complete silence
reigned for several minutes. The War Council knew that there were only
three more days left until the time of the armistice was up when the
enemy would attack. General Pearson was the first to rise. He said,
"Gentlemen of the Council, I have known Colonel Gordon ever since he
entered the service. I interceded for him and obtained his release from
prison. He has proved to be one of the most valuable men that we have
had in the Aviation Corps. His bravery and genius have surpassed all
others. I am willing to surrender my office to him and if agreeable to
the rest of you I make a motion that he be made Supreme Commander of
the United States Army and we will abide by his decision."

General Pearson was held in great respect by the Army officers, and his
judgment was not questioned. A vote was taken and it was unanimous.

General Pearson arose and said, "Colonel Gordon, by the authority and
power vested in me, I now confer upon you the title of the Supreme
Commander of the Armies of the United States and place upon your
shoulders the greatest burden ever placed on any man. Our country's
life hangs in the balance. The situation is desperate. Something must
be done and done quickly. We must give an answer to the enemy, and when
that answer is given, it either settles our doom forever or if we can
win, means that the Stars and Stripes will ever stand supreme to the
world. Sir, what have you to say?"

Supreme Commander Gordon arose. His face showed new responsibility
which rested upon his shoulders. He said simply, "I thank you for the
honor and confidence, but before completely accepting I want to ask if
I may have the unanimous consent of the entire War Council to carry
out my plans no matter how absurd they may seem to the War Council."
The entire Council arose in a body and voted their unanimous consent.
General Pearson then said, "Supreme Commander Robert Gordon, we await
your orders." He saluted and sat down. Supreme Commander Gordon arose
and said, "Dispatch immediately the following answer to the enemy's

 "'The Government of the United States of America, the land of Liberty,
 refuses your terms and will never surrender or accede to any of your
 demands. You may strike as soon as you are ready. We have not yet
 begun to fight.'"

When he had finished speaking, there was not a whisper. He sat down
and Colonel Walter Kennelworth arose and said: "Gentlemen of the War
Council, you have heard Supreme Commander Gordon's answer to the
enemy. You must know and realize that in hurling defiance like this at
the enemy, there is something which gives him supreme confidence. He
knows exactly what he has and what he is going to do, and you can rely
upon him in this emergency." Colonel Kennelworth saluted his Supreme
Commander Gordon and said, "I await your orders, Sir."

Supreme Commander Gordon said, "I appoint Colonel Walter Kennelworth
as aide-de-camp in carrying out my plans. I appoint Captain Edna
Kennelworth second aide and confer upon her the title of Colonel." He
turned to the Council and there was not a dissenting voice.

When Supreme Commander Gordon had finished his appointments and gave
his instructions to his officers, General Pearson arose and said,
"Supreme Commander Gordon, I do not wish to in any way inquire into
your plans or interfere with any course which you may pursue, you have
my heartiest support, but if you don't mind, I should like to have you
explain to me what the trouble has been in the past, why we have been
out-classed and have lost the war thus far and what is now the remedy
or what you propose to do."

Supreme Commander Gordon replied: "The trouble in the past has been
that the enemy used noiseless airplanes. Our next great handicap was
the fact that they could rise to heights to which we are unable to
attain, giving them the advantage in the fighting. Of course, we have
been hopelessly outnumbered from the start, by that I mean, in the
amount of equipment. Another thing that we need and must have, which
the enemy already has, is an airship that can be anchored and remain
anchored in the air for an indefinite length of time. We need a ship
that can take its power from the air, giving it an unlimited cruising
radius. We need other ships for cruising purposes and scouters that
can take their power from the air, not having to return to the base
at any time for fuel or ammunition, working from a base in the air at
all times. The next and most important thing we need is an invisible
plane. An invisible, noiseless plane will be one of the things to beat
the enemy. When our planes can travel high or low, no longer be seen or
heard, we will be able to obtain information about the enemy's position
and plans and thereby know their weak points, when and where to attack.

"The great mistake that the army officers have made from time to
time was in not listening to the counsel of younger men. By this, I
do not mean myself alone. My authority for this is taken from the
Bible,--Prov. 20:18: 'Every purpose is established by counsel, and with
good advice make war.' Prov. 24:6: 'For the wise counsel thou shalt
make thy war, and in a multitude of counsellors there is safety.' There
have not been enough counsellors and enough changes in plans at the
proper time when the enemy was winning.

"My strength and power is in the Lord and I shall follow the rules laid
down in the Bible in my future campaign. 2 Samuel 22:33: 'God is my
strength and power: and he maketh my way perfect.' 1 Chronicles 5:22:
'For there fell down many slain, because the war was of God and they
dwelt in their steads until the captivity.' This great War in the Air
is according to the will of God and to fulfill the Scriptures and to
work out God's plan for an eternal united kingdom of the world. You may
wonder at my confidence and my defiance of the enemy at this time when
it looks as if our chance for victory is absolutely impossible. I refer
you to St. Luke 1:37: 'For with God nothing shall be impossible.' Again
Luke 1:52: 'He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted
them of low degree.' I believe that if it is the will of God for us to
win he will give us the power to bring down the mighty who have tried
to oppress and destroy this nation, the land of liberty.

"Read Acts 17:26: 'And hath made of one blood all nations of men, for
to dwell on all the face of the earth; and hath determined the times
before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation.' All men are
brothers and it is God's will that they should dwell together on the
earth in peace. This great war, the last of all, is brought about to
teach men that they can not defy the laws of God.

"Romans 8:25 and 31: 'For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen,
is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? But if we
hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it. What
shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against
us?' I am confident that God is for us, that he established this land
of America never to be destroyed. Then no matter how dark the situation
is now, even if all the nations of the world join against us, if God is
for us they shall not prevail.

"Getting back to what we need to defeat the enemy, man has always found
a way to do things. The genius of America has never been defeated. We
only have to go back over the histories of wars in which America has
engaged to find evidence that in emergency they have always found a
way out, because they were led by the divine power of Almighty God.
In time of war, man has dug tunnels under the earth in order that he
could pass safely, concealing and protecting himself. During the great
World War, Germany was the first to succeed with the submarine, passing
secretly under the water, doing great damage and at the same time,
suffering very little damage to her submarines. While the submarine was
what caused her to lose the war, it came very near enabling her to win
it. Man has dug tunnels thru mountains and under rivers when it was
impossible almost to go over them or get thru any other way. In New
York City, in 1927, one of the greatest engineering feats up to that
time was completed, when a tunnel for vehicular traffic was opened from
New York City under the Hudson River to the State of New Jersey.

"What we now need and need more than anything else is a Tunnel thru the
Air. With such a tunnel and noiseless, invisible planes so that we can
pass thru the air without being interfered with or harmed and without
being seen or heard, our victory is assured. To make a Tunnel thru the
Air is not at all impossible. It is just as easy as to put a tunnel
under the earth or drive a submarine under the water. While the air is
invisible, it is one of the strongest forces that we have. If the water
can be separated or a submarine can push it each way and travel under
it, if dirt can be removed and a man put a tunnel under a river or a
mountain, we can find a way to put a Tunnel thru the Air so others can
not see us, hear or enter unless we so desire.

"One of my first plans will be to put a Tunnel thru the Air. With a
Tunnel thru the Air from New York City to London and Germany, our
airplanes may safely pass thru without being seen or heard and the
enemy will be unable to attack them, placing us in position to leave
the tunnel at any time and return to it for safety.

"We need a Tunnel thru the Air from the Great Lakes to New Orleans and
the Gulf of Mexico so that our planes may pass safely thru this tunnel,
take observations of the enemy's position without being seen or heard,
and when necessary leave this tunnel, attack the enemy, return to the
tunnel again for protection. We can also have a Tunnel thru the Air so
that when the enemy's planes enter this tunnel and do not understand
it, they will be unable to get out of it and we may keep them there in
prison as long as we wish, capture or destroy them.

"I have the plan already worked out for this Tunnel thru the Air. I
expect to accomplish it by the use of certain light rays and light
waves, sending a strong current thru the air on one side and another
current on the other side anywhere from 100 yards to miles wide and
then thru another process that I have in mind, remove the air from
between these lines or currents, making a vacuum or space between the
air which will really be a tunnel. We can drive our planes thru this
tunnel by radio rays, directing them from a great central station which
I expect to build. All the aviators know that often they run into
what they call air-pockets in the air, which means nothing more than
a vacuum made by Nature in some way and that when these air-pockets
are encountered an airship will drop right down until denser layers of
air are reached. If Nature can construct a tunnel thru the air, then
certainly man with the guidance of God's divine power can do it. It may
be hard for you to understand and believe my theories, but they are
founded on faith and the knowledge that with God nothing is impossible.

"I have demonstrated in the past that every law laid down in the Bible
is provable, every prophecy has been fulfilled or will be fulfilled.
I again refer to Roman 1:17: 'For therein is the righteousness of God
revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live
by faith.' At this moment there is nothing for this nation to hang
their hope on but faith in a divine Creator, and if I am right in my
interpretations that the United States was God's kingdom which he
created never to be destroyed and if it is to be the united kingdom of
the world, then we must live by faith. If every other man, woman, and
child in the United States, yea, and the world, turns against me, I
will believe and follow that faith, knowing that no power can harm me
and that no matter how many may be against me, I can win so long as I
believe in the divine Creator.

"Romans 5:3-4: 'And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also:
knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience;
and experience, hope.' These trials and tribulations which we have
gone thru have brought knowledge. We have learned patience and thru
patience, experience. I propose to put that experience and knowledge
that I have gained in the past into execution to preserve and protect
my country which means more than life to me."

When Supreme Commander Gordon had finished talking, there was new life
and new hope in the face of every man in the room. It was plain to see
that they had caught the divine inspiration; that their faith had been
strengthened and that they now believed that God would lead them safely
to victory and preserve the nation which He had created to be a land of
love and liberty.

General Pearson arose and said: "Supreme Commander Gordon, I offer
you my heartfelt thanks and sincere gratitude. You have placed in my
heart a new hope; made me understand our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
better than ever before. I believe I bespeak the sentiments of the
entire Council and that they, too, have supreme confidence in you and
now understand what the great faith that you have had in your Creator
has done for you. Had the world and all of us understood the Bible and
God's plan as you do, this war would never have taken place. I plainly
see now that it is God's intention to teach man thru trials, sorrow and
bitter experiences to reverence and respect the law which he has laid
down for man to follow. Man must learn to love his neighbor as himself
and to do unto others as he would have them do unto him. When that law
is understood and obeyed, then men will no longer want to make war
because war is not based on brotherly love, but on greed, jealousy and
hatred. When we decided to surrender Chicago, I felt that that meant
the end of our glorious country. I could see no hope, no way out, but
you have shown us the way and our combined faith in you, together with
the inspiration from our holy Father, will guide us to victory thru
your leadership. We are with you, in all confidence, to victory."

Supreme Commander Gordon then ordered each officer and commander to
return to his respective post of duty and to await further orders.
He said, "If my plans develop as I think, you will not need to take
further action." He asked for the use of the largest building in New
York, "The Mammouth" and wanted the entire top floor of this 110-story
building at 42nd street and Broadway. His wishes were immediately
granted. Was told that the Government already had taken over control
of all the large buildings in the United States and that he might
use the building as he chose. Supreme Commander Gordon departed from
Washington that night in the old "St. Marie" which he had ordered
brought to Washington to convey him back, taking with him Colonel
Walter Kennelworth. He had instructed Colonel Edna Kennelworth to meet
him at the Mammouth Building in New York. On arrival he proceeded at
once to put the top floor in order for the "Demon of Death" to be moved
in. Colonel Kennelworth and another assistant were sent at once to the
Adirondacks to the secret hiding of "Marie the Angel of Mercy," to test
out this giant Ezekiel airplane, and bring it to New York City. The
machine for distributing the sleeping gas which would reach a radius
of 700 miles, was made in readiness on the top floor of the building.
"Marie the Angel of Mercy" was in perfect working order, and arrived in
New York ship-shape.

The whole United States was waiting in anxiety because it was known
that within a few days the armistice would end and the United States
must either fight or surrender. The people in Washington, Boston,
Philadelphia, and New York had not slept for more than a week.
They knew that an air attack had been threatened and feared the
consequences. Supreme Commander Gordon dispatched the sleeping gas
by "Marie the Angel of Mercy," and it was distributed to the planes
all across the country. Colonel Kennelworth returned at the end of
the second day in "Marie the Angel of Mercy," after distributing the
sleeping gas and giving instructions how to use it. The "Demon of
Death" was tested out and found to be in good working order. For many
months previous to this, all of the large cities had been kept in
darkness because they feared night attacks.


When the commanders of the Allied Enemy in Chicago and St. Louis
received the defiance hurled at them on October 15, 1931, this reply
was signed by Supreme Commander Robert Gordon. The English, German,
Austrian, and Russians had never heard of this United States officer
before and were at a loss to understand whom the United States had
placed in supreme command. The reply was conveyed to Japanese and
Spanish headquarters in Mexico and the Japanese quickly understood just
who Supreme Commander Robert Gordon was and feared that he had made
some wonderful invention which had made him confident of winning the
war. The Japanese Generals, knowing what this might mean and fearing
the great genius, Robert Gordon, asked for an allied war council to
convene before making another attack. On October 21st it was decided
that the War Council should be held in the City of Mexico. The allied
enemy were confident that the United States would not make any attack
in the near future, but would wait for them to make the next move. They
felt that the great losses which had been suffered by the United States
Army at the battle of Chicago placed them in no position to make an
immediate attack and that they would try to strengthen their position
for the next attack by the allied enemy. It was decided that the
commanding generals of all the allied enemy nations should proceed at
once to the City of Mexico to hold a council and decide what the wisest
and next move should be. They left in the dead hours of the night in
the fastest planes and those which could rise to the highest altitudes,
enabling them to travel noiselessly and at a height at which they could
not be detected or captured. The scouting and cruising planes were left
to patrol the lines between Chicago, St. Louis and New Orleans and
watch for any move that might be made on the part of the United States

When the Council had convened in the City of Mexico, General Nagato,
the commander of the Japanese army, arose and said: "Supreme Commander
Robert Gordon now in charge of the United States forces is well known
to us. He is the man who made the first flight from New York City to
Japan in 1927, traveling at a speed of more than 300 miles per hour. He
is the man who invented the muffler which made our airplanes noiseless.
We bought it from him and it helped us to successfully wage this war.
When we attacked the Rio Grande and were preparing to bombard El Paso,
Gordon, we believe, was the man who successfully brought down our
greatest ship, the 'Tokyo J-1.' Later we captured Gordon at the battle
of San Francisco. He was flying one of our planes which was on board
the Tokyo. We found that he had a wonderful Pocket-Radio by which we
could communicate without any sound passing thru the air, thus avoiding
our orders being intercepted. After negotiating with him, we gave
him his freedom, conducted him safely back to the American lines in
consideration of his turning over to us his secret Pocket-Radio, which
we worked successfully for many months. Finally it failed to work and
we have always believed that he invented something by which he could
prevent our communications.

"He is one of the ablest inventors that the United States has. The fact
that he has been placed in command means that he must have made some
great discovery or new invention which has inspired the United States
with confidence of winning the war. While we have all the advantage
in numbers, both in men, ships and ammunition, and to all appearance
the United States is hopelessly crippled and will not be able to hold
out much longer, one new invention by this man Gordon may mean our
defeat. It is my opinion that the factories in Detroit, Michigan, have
been working on some of his new discoveries. Our next attack should
be directed at Detroit. We should capture that city and destroy the
factories of the big automobile concerns and other manufacturing
concerns there. All of these manufacturing concerns have long since
been commandeered by the United States Government and are working on
war weapons and ammunition."

When Colonel Nagato had finished speaking, the Spanish, English,
German, Austrian and Russian Generals discussed war plans for many days
and there were numerous disagreements before it was finally agreed as
to just what the next move should be. Finally they united on the plan
to make the next attack upon Detroit and if successful there, proceed
to attack Boston, New York, Washington and the Eastern Coast of the
United States.

The delay by the Allied Enemy was just what Supreme Commander Gordon
wanted. It gave him time to prepare. He had ordered the Henry Motor
Company of Detroit to proceed at once to manufacture according to his
plans which he sent them, two large machines, one positive and one
negative, by which he could send currents of electricity thru the air
and produce a vacuum, or as he called it, a "Tunnel thru the Air."
These plans had been worked out years before and there was no question
but what the machines would work successfully. The Henry Motor Company
had been commandeered by the United States Government and as soon as
they received the order and plans from the Supreme Commander, they
started running day and night working to build the two giant machines.

The fifteen days' armistice expired on October 18th, 1931. Supreme
Commander Gordon was in readiness and waited the first attack of the
enemy. Less than thirty days from the time that he ordered work started
on the machines, they reported that the machines were completed and
ready to test out. He called Colonel Kennelworth to his office in
New York and explained to him that the great Vacuum Producer, as the
machine had been named, had been completed; ordered him to proceed
at once to Detroit and test out the machines both for short and long
distance work.

Colonel Kennelworth arrived in Detroit on November 17th. The following
day tested out the Tunnel machines; reported to Supreme Commander
Gordon that they were working in fine shape and producing results
according to the plans. The Supreme Commander then decided to go
immediately to Detroit and establish one of the machines at a base
there and have Colonel Kennelworth take the other machine to Cincinnati
and set it up. The machine was transported secretly and successfully to
Cincinnati and set up in one of the largest buildings in the city.

On November 20th, Supreme Commander Gordon and Colonel Kennelworth
tested the Tunnel machines over this long distance. The machines were
set to produce a tunnel 100 yards wide at first and were set in motion.
The American scouting airplanes were sent off over a described area
and on entering between these lines found that they were in a complete
tunnel. They could travel quickly back and forth thru the Tunnel in the
Air. This was a great triumph. Commander Gordon instructed all those
connected with the test to keep it a complete secret. He knew that this
was going to be a great surprise to the enemy when they started their
next attack.

Supreme Commander Gordon had now completed another new invention on the
same plan of the radio that he had to use in his office in New York
several years before to record conversations when the manipulators
were trying to catch him in the stock market. He had enlarged this
machine so that it would record voices 3000 miles away and named it the

On the night of November 19th, 1931, the Supreme War Council which had
convened in Mexico City broke up and the commanding generals returned
to their various posts around St. Louis and Chicago. Supreme Commander
Gordon had his powerful Tel-Talk directed so that he would get all
the conversation along the lines between Chicago, St. Louis and New
Orleans. When he went to his headquarters in Detroit on the morning
of November 20th, he went in to look at his Tel-Talk, saw that there
had been a conference of the enemy held the night before. He pushed
the needle of the machine back and turned it on; put his ear to the
receiver and listened. He found that the commanding generals had talked
over the conference in Mexico and had now decided that their next
attack would be on Detroit in order to destroy the factories there and
prevent the United States continuing making airplanes and inventions
which might help them to win the war. He was very happy to get the
plans of the enemy. It was just what he wanted. He was anxious to test
the Tunnel thru the Air, capture the enemy's planes and keep them
there because he knew when once he got them in the Tunnel, they would
be unable to get out of it and he could keep them suspended in the
air indefinitely, moving up and down in the Tunnel, or could capture
them and destroy them. He was impatient and anxious for an attack upon
Detroit and decided to defy the enemy and urge them on.

With the plans of the enemy in his possession, Supreme Commander Gordon
decided to change the location of the Tunnel machines so as to protect
the factories and large buildings in Detroit. He arranged the machines
so that when the attacking planes came over Detroit at a high altitude,
he could drop them into the Tunnel thru the Air and thus prevent any
harm to the factories or buildings in Detroit. He waited patiently for
an attack upon the city, but no move of any kind was made by the enemy.
When it was near Thanksgiving, he had a great desire that the battle
should start around that time so that the United States might have
the greatest Thanksgiving in history because he was confident that if
the attack came, Detroit would be successfully defended and the enemy
for the first time would find that we had outwitted them. He decided
to urge the enemy to make an attack on Detroit as soon as possible,
so ordered a large electric sign built with letters twenty feet high,
THANKSGIVING TURKEY." The sign was placed on an airplane and lighted.
This plane passed in full view of the enemy's lines at St. Louis and
Chicago. What the enemy thought of this, perhaps no one will ever know.
Colonel Manson later wrote that this electric sign put the fear of God
in the heart of the enemy; that the Germans recalled the days when the
Yankees arrived at the time of the great World War. The Japanese, the
Spanish and the English realized that this was not meant for a bluff
and thought they had made a mistake in allowing 15 days' armistice,
now that the United States had decided to fight again. How they could
hope to win, the enemy could not see. They decided to teach this young,
boastful commander a lesson that he would never forget.

On Thanksgiving night, November 24th, the attack was ordered. Supreme
Commander Gordon was at dinner and a messenger interrupted him to
tell him that "Tel-Talk" had picked up an important message. He rushed
to the secret room and noticed that a conference had been held and
orders given by the enemy to attack Detroit that night. He immediately
communicated this information secretly with the new Pocket-Radio to
Colonel Kennelworth in Cincinnati. Told him to be in readiness to
adjust the Tunnel machine and change the location and altitude any
moment that he instructed. He ordered all the lights in the streets
of Detroit to be kept on that night. It has been the custom for many
months, since long before the attack at Chicago, to keep all the cities
in darkness at night.

He had just completed another new invention which he called the Radium
Ray. With this Ray he could locate anything in the sky 75 to 100 miles
away. He had the Radium Ray machine in readiness to search the sky for
the first attack that night. Just before 10 o'clock he was sweeping the
sky with the Radium Ray when he discovered the enemy planes approaching
from the direction of Chicago. There was a large flock of them flying
at very high altitudes, followed by three large supply ships. He knew
that these supply ships would anchor in the air somewhere over Detroit
and the bombing planes would make the attack. He decided to send
Captain Morrison, the famous aviator who had distinguished himself at
the battle of Chicago, to lead a fleet of decoy airplanes to meet the
invading planes and to lead them into the Tunnel thru the Air. Captain
Morrison led his swift cruisers into the air to the greatest heights
they could rise, and as they neared the approaching enemy they began
to turn loose the rapid-firing anti-aircraft guns. As soon as the enemy
discovered the firing, they turned their searchlights on our planes,
located and started after them. Captain Morrison obeyed orders and
retreated rapidly with the other planes following. He made straight for
Detroit to the vicinity of main buildings and factory districts with
the enemy planes in hot pursuit. Suddenly he received a radio message
from Supreme Commander Gordon to descend very low and fly Northwest.
At this time the Supreme Commander was in communication with Colonel
Kennelworth and they had adjusted the Tunnel machines and established
the Tunnel thru the Air.

Supreme Commander Gordon was atop one of Detroit's giant skyscrapers
over 80 stories high watching the action of the enemy planes. Suddenly
he saw the first battalion of more than 250 planes, which were flying
in a wedge formation, dive into the Tunnel. He followed them with the
Radium Ray and saw immediately that the Tunnel was doing its work and
that the giant battle planes were now powerless. Next came the three
giant supply ships. Following the same course as the bombing planes,
they dived into the Tunnel thru the Air and were powerless to proceed
further. Once the planes were in the Tunnel, they were unable to
communicate with headquarters or make any move because the Tunnel was
a complete vacuum and no plane could move in it except the American
planes which understood the combination how to navigate thru the
Tunnel. As soon as Supreme Commander Gordon saw that the great Tunnel
machines were doing their miraculous work, he sent another defiant
message to the enemy headquarters in Chicago and St. Louis:

 We have given your first battalion a wonderful Thanksgiving reception.
 Won't you send some more of your famous aviators to have Thanksgiving
 supper with us.

Immediately after this message was received, the commanding generals
ordered a message sent to the supply ships which were supposed to be
anchored over Detroit, asking information as to what was happening. No
reply was received. This caused consternation in the enemy camp. They
knew that the first battalion had either been captured or destroyed.
The news was quickly flashed to headquarters in the City of Mexico and
General Nagato replied: "This is some devilish trick of that genius,
Gordon. Be careful what move you make. Send out scouting planes around
Detroit and ascertain what is going on." Their fast cruising scouters
were immediately dispatched to Detroit to see what had happened to the
bombing planes and the mother ships. These planes soon came in view of
the Radium Ray. After circling high over Detroit, finally came lower
and lower until suddenly they plunged into the Tunnel thru the Air and
like the others, were powerless to move or to communicate with their

Supreme Commander Gordon decided to take no chances with the captured
planes which were in the Tunnel thru the Air and ordered the sleeping
gas turned on to put all the aviators to sleep for seven days. After
waiting till after 12 o'clock for further attacks and finding the air
clear with no signs of the enemy in sight, he decided to retire and
get some sleep. This was the greatest day since the beginning of the
war. He was very happy and knelt to offer his thanks to Almighty God.
He said: "Lord, thou workest in mysterious ways thy wonders to perform.
I know that by faith and thru faith were all things made. I have put
my trust and my confidence in thee. Thou hast guided me safely and
helped me protect my country in time of greatest need. God, not my
will, but thine be done, but if it be thy will, I pray thee that when
these trials and troubles pass away and once the United Kingdom of the
World is established and all men live as brothers according to the law
of love, it be a part of thy divine plan to return to me in safety
my beloved Marie. Guide me in this great task to protect and save my
country from the enemies who would destroy it. Amen."

November 25th, 1931, was a great day for the United States. They
had more to be thankful for than any day since November, 1918, when
the great World War had come to a close. After conferring with his
commanding officers and Government officials, Supreme Commander Gordon
gave orders that no newspapers were to be permitted to publish anything
about the attack upon Detroit, that it was to be kept strictly a secret.

There was not much to be thankful for in the camp of the enemy. Failure
of any of the planes sent out the night before to return and no message
being received from them, made it plain that the United States was not
bluffing and that Supreme Commander Gordon knew what he had up his
sleeve when he hurled defiance at the enemy and refused to accept any
terms. They were not aware of the fact that when he defied them to
come and take Detroit, he must have been anxiously awaiting the attack
and had something new that he wanted to try out on the enemy planes,
and that it had been successful. It was now a time to move cautiously.
The next and future moves must be made in a way to conserve their
resources and assure final success.

Everything was quiet and no move or attack was made until December
7th, when the enemy held a council and decided that a gigantic attack
on Detroit should be made; that they should concentrate a large part
of their forces there; destroy the factories and take Detroit; then
proceed to attack New York and the Eastern Coast. The plan was to make
a daylight attack and, if possible, to surprise Supreme Commander
Gordon. About 3 o'clock in the afternoon the enemy planes were seen
approaching from the East and West. He saw that this was to be a
gigantic attack because there was a larger number of planes than they
had used at any time since the attack of Chicago. Before he could get
the Tunnel machines in working order and establish a wider range in the
Tunnel thru the Air, the enemy planes had begun dropping bombs on the
outskirts of the city and had destroyed many of the smaller buildings.
The United States planes were attacked and being unable to rise to the
heights at which the enemy planes were flying, a great many of our
planes went down, but in a few minutes the Tunnel thru the Air was in
working order and the enemy planes began to be drawn into it. Within
less than an hour more than 2500 planes had been captured. The loss of
life around the city had been small because the bombs which had been
dropped had not reached the thickly populated sections of the city and
no plane had been able to reach the factories or business sections
where the large buildings were. The Tunnel thru the Air was protecting
and keeping them away from these sections. Canadian planes had come to
the assistance of the United States on the Northern border and were
patrolling the other side of the river and preventing the enemy from
attacking from the North.

About 5 o'clock, the gigantic concentrated attack took place. It was
estimated that there were more than 25,000 planes of the enemy in this
attack. They were supported by about 10 supply ships which sailed at
a great distance and were attempting to anchor. Supreme Commander
Gordon knew that it was necessary to sacrifice some of the American
planes in order to draw this attacking force into the Tunnel thru the
Air. He sent more than 1000 of our best planes to meet the attack and
lead the enemy in the right direction. The enemy turned loose their
large 12-inch guns and they destroyed our ships rapidly. Planes were
falling all over Detroit. The people were very much frightened and
thought that this was going to be another disaster such as had occurred
in Chicago. Finally Captain Morrison changed plans and led the enemy
toward the Tunnel thru the Air. Soon more than 10,000 of their planes
had gone into the Tunnel never to return again. When this large fleet
of planes went down and evidently were no longer able to communicate
with the giant supply ships which were not yet anchored, the enemy
quickly changed plans and the supply ships sailed back toward Chicago,
followed by the balance of the invading fleet which had not been

When all reports were in, Supreme Commander Gordon found that the
United States had lost about 400 of their best planes, but had captured
more than 12,000 of the enemy planes. He was very greatly elated over
this victory because he knew that when the enemy planes retreated,
it was the first time they had ever returned to their base without a
report of victory. He felt that this would break the morale of the
enemy; make them more cautious in the future; give him more time now
to complete his invisible airplane and the one which would rise to
any altitude. When this was completed together with other machines
for establishing Tunnels thru the Air, the balance would be easy and
a mere question of time until the enemy could all be destroyed or put
to sleep. People thruout the United States were still in a panicky,
restless state. Ever since the attacks at Los Angeles, San Francisco,
Chicago, Kansas City, New Orleans and the Southern part of Texas, every
large and small town all over the country had remained in a state
of fear, expecting an attack at any moment. Hundreds of thousands
of people had moved from the Pacific Coast and from the Central and
Eastern parts of the United States into the mountains of the West and
the Grand Canyon. They felt that there were no large cities and nothing
to attack around the Grand Canyon and that it was the safest place to
go. Thousands of people were living in tents and there was a great
scarcity of food and much suffering.

Supreme Commander Gordon decided that the people should be given some
encouragement and that the news of the failure of the second attack
upon Detroit should be given to the newspapers; thought it would
encourage and cheer the people. On the morning of December 8th, all the
newspapers thruout the United States, carried big headlines: "DETROIT
the fact that this meant the turn of the war and that the placing
of Supreme Commander Gordon at the head of our forces had saved the
country and that there was no longer need for any great alarm. It was a
question of only a few months till the war would be over and the enemy
would be driven from our soil.

The defeat at the second attack of Detroit had indeed put the fear of
God in the hearts of the Enemy, but they had not by any means lost
hope. They were getting recruits rapidly from Europe. Every nation was
building airplanes as fast as the factories could turn them out and
sending them to the United States to aid their allies. Practically
every nation on the face of the earth, outside of France, Canada and
a few countries in South America and Australia, had joined against
the United States. This encouraged the Enemy and they felt that no
matter what the United States had, in the end they would not be able
to win. The great problem now was to find out what the Americans were
using in order to capture the enemy planes and what discovery they
had to prevent their communications. The Enemy were unable to find
out anything about the American plans. They demanded to know what had
happened to the captured aviators, whether they were living or dead.
Supreme Commander Gordon refused to give any information whatsoever
about prisoners; replied that reports of anything in regard to
prisoners or planes would be made after the war was over and after the
Enemy had surrendered and were ready to leave our soil. This greatly
aroused the Japanese, Spanish and Germans who decided to redouble their
efforts to take Detroit and then attack the Eastern Coast of the United

Days went by and everything was quiet in Detroit. No attacks were made
anywhere in the United States. December 25th, 1931, arrived and the
United States had much to be thankful for. There was a great rejoicing
and merry-making on Christmas. Supreme Commander Gordon had a great
Christmas. The Major Electric Co. had been working on the process for
making planes invisible and reported to him that they had completed the
process according to his plans and that it was a success. They had also
completed a new motor which he had designed with 24 cylinders. This
motor was to be used in lifting our planes to great heights. It was
estimated that it would carry a ship 50 miles in the air if necessary.
A stabilizer and anchor had been completed in accordance with his
plans. The Major Electric Co. informed him that these machines were
all ready for him to test out. He ordered these new inventions to be
sent to New York headquarters. A large 24-cylinder motor was placed in
"Marie the Angel of Mercy" and she was made an invisible airship. This
motor was able to take its power from the air.

Supreme Commander Gordon went to New York on January 1st, 1932, leaving
Colonel Morrison in charge in Detroit and ordering General Pearson
to Detroit to hold the fort until he completed the test in New York.
Supreme Commander Gordon accompanied only by Colonel Edna Kennelworth
made the first flight in "Marie the Angel of Mercy," ascended to a
height of more than 20 miles and anchored the "Marie" in the air. The
new inventions were a perfect success and the machine could rise to
any height and anchor and remain as long as it was desired and was
absolutely invisible.

He was now in position to construct a Tunnel thru the Air from New York
to Europe and sail the "Marie" in safety thru it, then rise to a height
of 20 to 50 miles over any of the cities, anchor and start destruction.
"Marie the Angel of Mercy" could carry enough sleeping gas to destroy
or put to sleep people over thousands of miles of territory. After
remaining anchored in the air for two days to test "Marie the Angel
of Mercy," Supreme Commander Gordon descended to New York, anchored
at the Mammouth Building to get a report of what had been happening
and prepare for any attack. The Enemy were keeping quiet and making no
move, evidently trying to find out what America's new inventions were
before making the next great attack.

"Marie the Angel of Mercy" was now equipped with the Tunnel machine
which would automatically put a Tunnel thru the Air anywhere in any
direction. The Supreme Commander had enlarged and improved upon the
Tunnel machine or vacuum until it could be made 25 to 50 miles wide
in any direction from a large city. He had also discovered how to
send ships thru the air without an aviator, directing them by radio
rays, which would enable them to distribute sleeping gas among the
enemy's lines and prevent loss of any of his valuable aviators. He
now had confidence that every city would be safe from an attack and
no destruction could take place. The Henry Motor Co. and the Major
Electric Co. were ordered to manufacture more of the Tunnel machines
just as fast as possible so that one might be placed in each city in
Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Washington and Savannah,
Ga., to protect the Eastern Coast of the United States. It was the
opinion of Supreme Commander Gordon that the Enemy would eventually
concentrate their final attacks on the Eastern shores of the United
States and if unsuccessful in attacking New York and Washington, the
war would be over. He intended to be fully prepared so that the United
States would emerge victorious without much loss of life and was
especially trying to protect the women and children in the large cities.

February 15, 1932--Supreme Commander Gordon was informed by the
Henry Motor Co. and Major Electric Co. that the Tunnel machines were
completed, that gas-distributing machines and equipment for sending
airplanes by radio ray without an aviator to distribute the sleeping
gas were ready for delivery. Two more "Demon of Death" machines were
ready and ordered sent to Washington and Boston. The Supreme Commander
was hourly expecting that the enemy would attack the Eastern Coast,
concentrating on Boston, New York and Washington. The "Tel-Talk" had
recorded conferences which had been held and plans which were under
way to concentrate the Enemy's combined forces on the Eastern Coast.
He figured that they were trying to make improvements to overcome the
defeat at Detroit because the enemy had been mystified by the new
invention which had been used to capture so many of their planes. He
was now ready and waiting for the attack on the Eastern shore, feeling
confident that he was prepared for victory.


April 1st, 1932, arrived and no attack had been made. The enemy was
evidently making gigantic preparations for an attack and Supreme
Commander Gordon decided to make the first move. He then sent
instructions to France to begin attacking England and Germany again.
France was well prepared with a large number of airplanes. The attack
started and they were successful. When this news reached the enemy
headquarters in the United States there was great consternation. They
thought that this was the secret behind the United States refusing to
accept peace terms, but felt that France could not hold out long alone.
Spain and Japan ordered their reserve planes from home to England and
Germany to help fight France. The "Tel-Talk" recorded that a large
fleet of planes had been sent across the Atlantic to attack France.
Supreme Commander Gordon ordered the French to go out and meet the
attack. A great battle raged over the Atlantic for hours with the
French winning. Thousands of the enemy planes went down into the ocean.
The Spanish and Japanese withdrew. This stopped Germany and England
from striking back at France. The news reached the enemy headquarters
in the United States and they figured that in some way the United
States had a large number of planes out guarding the Atlantic and
realized that the time had come to strike at the Eastern Coast of the
United States before France and the United States could do more damage
on the other side.

In June, 1932, the enemy decided to make the attack on the Eastern
part of the United States. Supreme Commander Gordon had time to make
ample preparations to meet it. He had established Colonel Kennelworth
in Boston with one of the sleeping-gas machines and he remained in New
York in the Mammouth Building, with a "Demon of Death," awaiting the
attack upon New York.


On June 6th, the enemy attacked Boston. The planes came in large
numbers from every side, some from across the water, some from the
North and West. Colonel Kennelworth let them approach within a
reasonable distance and then turned loose the sleeping gas among all
the enemy planes. The aviators immediately went to sleep and the planes
all dropped slowly to the earth and some landed on the water and were
not damaged. Hundreds after hundreds of planes followed up, each one
sharing the same fate. Of all the planes sent out by the enemy, not one
returned. Colonel Kennelworth reported to Supreme Commander Gordon that
Boston was safe,--that there had not been the loss of one life and not
a bomb had been dropped upon the city.

The Commanders of the Allied Enemy armies were unable to get any report
of what had happened to the planes that went to attack Boston. They
waited until the next day; and when not a plane returned and there was
no report of any kind, decided that the same fate had befallen them as
at the attack on Detroit; that the Americans certainly had something
by which they were destroying every ship and plane which attacked
them. This was unusual and unheard of. The fact that thousands and
thousands of planes had attacked Boston and not one had escaped capture
or destruction, made it plain that Yankee ingenuity had discovered
something that was turning the tide of war in their favor. They now
knew that they had made the greatest mistake by not pressing us hard
after the fall of Chicago. They should have refused to grant the 15
days' armistice without demanding the surrender of the Eastern Coast.
Another great mistake was the long delay between the attack on Detroit
and the attack on Boston. This had enabled the Americans to get better
prepared. There was no denying the painful truth. Something must be
done and done quickly. They decided to order every plane that could
possibly be spared from the Pacific Coast and from the lines extending
from New Orleans to St. Louis and Chicago; to concentrate a supreme
attack upon New York and Washington, making Washington the final goal.
Planes were concentrated and mother ships anchored out in the Atlantic
Ocean to prepare for the attack upon New York City. This was to be the
greatest battle in all history.

On the night of June 7th, Supreme Commander Gordon had grown tired
from his long vigil waiting for an attack upon New York. He placed
Colonel Edna Kennelworth in charge of the "Demon of Death" while he
went to get a few hours' sleep. While he was sleeping, the "Tel-Talk"
machine and the secret radio communicator began to work. Colonel Edna
Kennelworth listened in and soon had the plans of the enemy. She knew
that Supreme Commander Gordon needed rest and she did not awaken him
until early next morning. When he entered the headquarters on top of
the Mammouth Building, she saluted him and said, "Supreme Commander
Gordon, this is going to be a great birthday for you. The enemy is
going to attack New York City with probably 100,000 airplanes and
you and I are alone to defend it. It will be the day of all days for
you." He replied: "I had forgotten all about my birthday. We have
been so busy preparing for the final attacks of the enemy that I have
had no time to think of myself." She reminded him that five years ago
he arrived in New York just after his birthday, then of the birthday
parties that they had had since and that always something unusual
happened around his birthday. "You remember the birthday party we had
the year Walter and I were married. Last year we had too much trouble
to think of your birthday. The enemy was sweeping up the Mississippi,
making complete destruction and taking every city; but there was
something eventful around your birthday. About that time you discovered
how to take electricity from the air and completed the machine for
sending an electric discharge into the water which destroyed the
battleships and hydroplanes of the enemy at Cairo. This was our
greatest victory up to that time, and while the disaster at Chicago and
St. Louis followed, it gave us the first ray of hope. Now, one year
later, complete victory is in sight. I know that you have supreme faith
in our new machines and that our recent successes will be followed
by greater successes. This attack upon New York is going to be the
greatest in history because the gain will be the greatest should the
enemy win. Should they fail their cause is lost, and they will fail."
She saw that Supreme Commander Gordon was very happy and that there
was a note of confidence in his tone. While she shuddered to think of
what might happen if they should fail, she knew that Supreme Commander
Gordon had great confidence in the "Demon of Death" and the sleeping
gas machine and knew what they would do, because he alone knew all the
secrets of working these machines.

At 8 o'clock on the evening of June 8th, Supreme Commander Gordon stood
near the "Demon of Death" watching his different instruments and soon
noticed on the other side of the room the radio interceptor start to
work. He stepped up to it and listened, caught the orders going from
the different enemy headquarters, giving instructions for the combined
attack on New York City at 10 o'clock that night. He immediately gave
instructions for all the electric lights to be kept on all night and
all buildings to be well lighted to show his confidence and let the
enemy know that he expected the attack. Colonel Edna Kennelworth was
ordered to instruct all army headquarters to send radio messages to the
enemy that Supreme Commander Gordon had ordered the City of New York
and all buildings lighted up for the night so that they would not miss
the city and that he awaited their coming with pleasure. Asked them
not to overlook the Mammouth Building which was 110 stories high; that
he would be there alone, waiting for them to destroy the building.


When the news reached the enemy, they knew that in some way their plans
had leaked out, but it was too late now to make any change and to delay
attack might mean defeat later, so the orders were carried out. About
10 minutes after 10 o'clock, Supreme Commander Gordon sighted the first
airplane of the fleet approaching 40 or 50 miles up the Hudson River.
He watched them until they got within about 20 miles of New York City,
near Yonkers, then he slowly swung the "Demon of Death" around on the
revolving base and turned on the rays, at the same time starting the
sleeping gas machine working. He swept the territory for 50 or 60 miles
in every direction, and as the rays from the "Demon of Death" struck
the enemy planes, their motors leaped into a liquid flame. Supreme
Commander Gordon saw that the "Demon of Death" was doing its work so
he pressed a button and Colonel Edna Kennelworth appeared. He told her
to put on powerful glasses and to look at the planes going down. One
by one she saw the motors dissolved by the flame from the rays of the
"Demon of Death" and the planes falling, one by one, to the ground.

A few minutes after the Northern army was wiped out, the signal came
that a great fleet of airplanes was making its way across Long Island
Sound. Supreme Commander Gordon swung the "Demon of Death" around and
watched the approach of the enemy planes as they came out from the
Atlantic Ocean and crossed Fire Island. He let them get within 30 to 40
miles as they came up across the Great South Bay, then he again turned
loose the "Demon of Death." Swiftly the planes went down in flames,
ending the attack from the ocean.

He watched a little while longer and saw across Staten Island another
flock of planes which he knew was coming from Southern headquarters. He
called Colonel Edna Kennelworth and said: "This time you may operate
'Spitfire' and destroy the Southern wing." She was a little nervous
at first but knowing what this great machine could do, she turned it
on, slowly lowered and raised it, moving to the right and left, until
she gauged the distance of the approaching planes. One by one she saw
their motors turn to liquid fire and sink to the earth. Turning to
Supreme Commander Gordon she said, "Look." He focused his powerful
glasses toward the South and saw that the air was clear. Turning around
he said: "Edna, you are a wonderful woman and I am happy to have you
take this part in saving your country. This is the day of women and
their influence must help to win war forever." "It seems a shame," she
replied, "that the lives of all these brave men from so many nations
should be sacrificed. Among the planes that went down by the thousands,
I could see some were English, German, Spanish, Austrian, Russian,
Japanese, Turkish, and Arabian planes. Certainly almost the entire
world is against us and we are winning. This must mean the end of
the war. While I know that it is God's plan to teach man a lesson so
that he will cease to go to war any more, it does seem a shame that we
should take the lives of any more of these innocent men who are forced
by selfish rulers of their countries to attack us."

"You are quite right," the Supreme Commander said. "Your noble husband
invented the sleeping gas because it was my desire to protect my
country and win the war with as little loss of life as possible.
From this time on, no more lives will be sacrificed. We will use the
sleeping gas, put all the attacking aviators to sleep for seven days
and the war will soon be over. I know that there will be another final
attack upon New York in a few minutes and I am going to allow you the
honor of using the sleeping gas machine and ending the final attack
upon the great City of New York without loss of any life."

About the time that Colonel Kennelworth was transferred from Cincinnati
to Boston, General Pearson had been sent to Cincinnati to operate the
Tunnel machine from there. Immediately before the final attack on New
York City, Supreme Commander Gordon ordered General Pearson to swing
the Tunnel machine to the East and establish a Tunnel thru the Air
between New York and Cincinnati, informing him that the expected final
attack upon New York would come over the mountains of Pennsylvania and
that this final attack would be from the West; that he wanted a Tunnel
thru the Air at least 30 miles wide so that he could protect the Jersey
shores and prevent the attack upon New York City. In a few minutes a
test was made and the Tunnel was ready to receive the invading army of
planes and airships. He knew that New York was now safe and awaited the
final combined attack of the Enemy planes that would come across from
St. Louis and Chicago to meet on the Western side of the Hudson River.

About 12 o'clock he sighted the enemy planes across the Western coast
of Jersey moving in triangle form, and knew that it was the combined
forces with probably more than 50,000 planes ready for the final
attack. Swiftly they approached, closer and closer. He played his
powerful searchlight upon their glistening wings, until they were
within 15 to 20 miles of New York. Fearing that they might start
dropping bombs on Newark, Jersey City and the towns on the other side
before attacking New York, he adjusted the Tunnel thru the Air until
it was high enough to reach the enemy planes flying at the highest
altitude; then turned to Colonel Edna Kennelworth and said: "Turn on
the sleeping gas machine. The Tunnel is ready and as the aviators go to
sleep, the machines will plunge into the Tunnel thru the Air and remain
suspended without the planes being destroyed or the loss of any lives.
This will be a silent, painless victory, but it will demonstrate our
power to the enemy and the world."

Slowly and carefully, with a trembling hand, she swung the powerful
gas distributing machine into action and as she saw the planes coming
by the thousands begin slowly to plunge into the Tunnel thru the Air,
she thought of how she had risked her life taking the sleeping gas
for seven days to prove its success for the love of her husband, who
invented it, and for the love of her country. She thought of Supreme
Commander Gordon naming his great ship "Marie the Angel of Mercy" and
then realized what was in his mind at the time; that the sleeping gas
should be named the "God of Mercy" because it was winning the war in
a humane way without taking human lives. Her mind went back to the
great destruction of Los Angeles and San Francisco and above all,
she remembered the loss of more than a million lives at the battle
of Chicago; how merciless the enemy had been, sparing not the lives
of women or children. We were now indeed merciful unto our foes and
heaping coals of fire upon their heads and she believed this would be a
great example to the world. She knew that the enemy had used poisoned
gas of all kinds, poisoning the water and foods in the various cities
and resorted to every means to destroy both life and property.

As these thoughts were flitting thru her mind, battalion after
battalion of planes followed and she was pouring the sleeping gas into
the noses of the aviators and the planes were diving into the Tunnel.
This was indeed a great victory and she was glad to help accomplish
it without the loss of life. The great Tunnel machines had worked
successfully and perfectly. The sleeping gas had done its silent,
painless work and the army of more than 50,000 planes--the giant attack
from the West--rested safely in the Tunnel thru the Air, not a single
one having escaped.

At 12:30 the sky in the West was clear and there was not an enemy
plane in sight in any direction. During the minutes of the final
battle Supreme Commander Gordon had remained as motionless as a statue,
standing with his hand upon the levers of the Tunnel machine, with the
powerful searchlights playing upon the enemy planes, and watching thru
his field glasses the planes as they dived swiftly into the Tunnel
thru the Air after the aviators inhaled the sleeping gas. When the
last plane had landed safely in the Tunnel, his features relaxed and
his face showed a smile of victory. His first thought was of Marie,
his next thought was of his old friend Walter Kennelworth. He sent the
first message of the victory over his secret radio to him. "The enemy
has attacked New York from four sides, more than 100,000 strong. The
'Demon of Death' has done its work. The Tunnel machines have performed
a miracle. More than 50,000 aviators are sleeping in our nets. Your
great discovery has made this a painless victory. Edna, your noble
wife, performed the painless herculean task and played her part in the
final stage of the great victory."

On receiving this message Colonel Kennelworth was overjoyed, knowing
that it meant that the end of the war was near. His reply was
brief--"Congratulations, Robert Gordon. Love to Edna. I hope that you
may yet have Marie to share with you in the great victory."

Supreme Commander Gordon's next thought was of General Pearson who
had been his friend and had saved his life after his capture by the
Japanese at the battle of San Francisco. They next informed him of the
great victory. This was the greatest news that General Pearson had ever
received in his life. He felt doubly happy because he had had faith in
Robert Gordon from the first and had been the one to offer to turn over
his command and authority to Gordon and make him Supreme Commander. He
answered: "Supreme Commander Gordon, our country made no mistake when
they placed their fate in your hands. My faith in you has been supreme
and I had confidence in you from the first time I met you. Accept my
sincerest gratitude for the great service that you have rendered our
country. You deserve all the honor and reward that we can give you."

When reports came to headquarters in Washington that the enemy had
attacked New York with more than 100,000 airplanes; that they had all
been destroyed or captured; that New York was safe, and prepared for
further attacks, there was great rejoicing. The President of the United
States hurried to the War Office, ordered the swiftest plane to convey
him to New York City to congratulate Supreme Commander Gordon. He was
given a fast plane which could travel more than 300 miles per hour.

After the last attack and Supreme Commander Gordon had relaxed from the
terrific strain, he walked to his desk and picked up the Bible. Turning
to Ezekiel 5:2, he read: "Thou shalt burn with fire a third part in the
midst of the city, when the days of the siege are fulfilled; and thou
shalt take a third part, and smite about it with a knife; and a third
part thou shalt scatter in the wind; and I will draw out a sword after
them." He knew that Ezekiel was talking about the Tunnel thru the Air
and the scattering of a third part of the army in wind and that they
were caught while traveling in the Tunnel thru the Air. Then he read
Chapter 17:3: "Thus saith the Lord God, a great eagle with great wings,
long-winged, full of feathers, which had divers colours, came unto
Lebanon, and took the highest branch of the cedar." This referred to
Uncle Sam, the great eagle that was winning the war. The cedar referred
to the tall building of 110 stories where Supreme Commander Gordon now
had his headquarters.

He next read Ezekiel 31:4: "The waters made him great, the deep set him
up on high with her rivers running round about his plants, and sent out
her little rivers unto all the trees of the field." He knew that this
referred to England when she had been the mistress of the seas, but
that Uncle Sam had proved to be the eagle of the air and would conquer
all nations on the face of the earth.

He read Ezekiel 33:21: "And it came to pass in the twelfth year of our
captivity, in the tenth month, in the fifth day of the month, that
one had escaped out of Jerusalem came unto me, saying, The city is
smitten." He interpreted this to mean the City of Chicago where the
enemy gained their last great victory.

Then read Ezekiel 37:22: "And I will make them one nation in the land
upon the mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king to them all;
and they shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided
into two kingdoms, any more at all." He was sure that this meant that
North and South America were to unite all nations of the world and that
there was to be one ruler, one king, and he was God.

He continued with Ezekiel 39:11: "And it shall come to pass in that
day, that I will give unto Gog a place there of graves in Israel, the
valley of the passengers on the east of the sea; and it shall stop the
noses of the passengers; and there shall they bury Gog, and all his
multitude; and they shall call it, The Valley of Hamon-gog." He thought
that this referred to the battle of New York. Where it said "it shall
stop the noses of the passengers," this referred to the sleeping gas,
which had caused the aviators to fall into the Tunnel thru the Air,
and indeed the multitude had been buried above the valley and meadows
of New Jersey. Again in the 39th Chapter: 9th verse: "Shall go forth
and shall set on fire and burn the weapons, both the shields and the
bucklers, the bows and the arrows, and the handstaves and the spears,
and they shall burn them with fire seven years." This meant the "Demon
of Death" which had burned up the motors of the attacking airplanes.

He then wondered when the war would end. He knew that Daniel's 70 weeks
indicated the end in 1932, or about 3-1/2 years from the time that war
first broke out in Europe in 1928. He read Daniel 7:12: "As concerning
the rest of the beasts, they had their dominion taken away: yet their
lives were prolonged for a season and time." And again the 25th verse:
"And he shall speak great words against the Most High, and shall wear
out the saints of the Most High, and think to change times and laws;
and they shall be given into his hand, until a time and times and the
dividing of time." He had proved by study and comparing past cycles
that a time or a season referred to in the Bible meant 360 days, 360
years, or 360 degrees,--a measure known and used by the astrologers in
olden times and still understood and used by modern astrologers for
measuring time. He knew that half a time meant 180 degrees, 180 days or
years, because Ezekiel had said that the Lord had appointed a day for a
year. He figured that America began with the discovery by Columbus in
1492 and that in October, 1932, would be 440 years since the discovery.
The measurement used thruout the Bible was by scores and man's span of
life was three score years and ten, and that four hundred and forty
years equalled twenty-two scores, leaving two scores, or forty years,
more for the completion of the jubilee years. He read Matthew 18:21 and
22: "Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother
sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times? Jesus saith unto
him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times; but, Until seventy times
seven." Robert figured that seventy times seven meant four hundred
and ninety years from the discovery of America until we would cease
fighting, forgive our brothers and live in peace. He knew that the
seventh period was always a jubilee period, that there was a jubilee
period of seven years at the end of each forty-ninth year period and
that there was a great period of forty-nine jubilee years at the end of
seven times seventy; that the sixth period would end in 1933 and that
from 1933 to 1982 would be the forty-nine years of the great jubilee
following the end of wars and the United Kingdom of the World.

He read Daniel 7:25: "And he shall speak great words against the Most
High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and think to
change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand, until a
time and times and the dividing of time." Then read Daniel 12:7: "And I
heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river,
when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware
by him that liveth for ever, that it shall be for a time, times, and
an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of
the holy people, all these things shall be finished." He figured that a
time equalled twenty years or a score, and that a time, times, equalled
four hundred years, and half a time equalled ten years.

Again, Daniel 12:11 and 12: "And from the time that the daily sacrifice
shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up,
there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Blessed is he
that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and
thirty days." Twelve hundred and ninety days are to be added to the
time the war broke out in Europe in 1928 and the thirteen hundred
and thirty-five days being forty-five days more, the blessed jubilee
days will follow from the time the war ended in 1932 until the great
celebration and signing of peace and establishing the brotherhood
of man. He read Daniel 9:24: "Seventy weeks are determined upon thy
people, and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to
make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to
bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and
prophecy, and to anoint the Most Holy."

This again proved that four hundred and ninety years from the discovery
of America, that there should be an end of sins, an end of war and of
troublesome times.

Ezekiel 4:5 and 6: "For I have laid upon thee the years of their
iniquity, according to the number of the days, three hundred and
ninety days; so shalt thou bear the iniquity of the house of Israel.
And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy right side, and
thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have
appointed thee each day for a year." This made it plain that a day was
to be used in measuring years and that there were to be forty days or
forty years after peace for a jubilee period in which the sins of the
past were to be atoned for.

Ten years after the armistice in November, 1918, would bring us to
November, 1928, or half a score, and from November, 1928 to 1932 are
indicated the troublesome times for the United States. May, 1928
to July, 1928, are very important and troublesome periods when the
nominations for President of the United States will arouse the people
and start a time of trouble. Using the time of three score years and
ten, and doubling this period, making one hundred and forty years and
adding it to 1776, the Declaration of Independence, brought us to the
election of Wilson in 1916 and the war followed in 1917. The next score
from this period ends in 1936.

New York City was evacuated by the British on November 25, 1783. If we
add three periods of forty-nine years to this, it will bring us to
1930, the starting of the war against the United States which ended
with the final attack on New York City in 1932.

New York City was founded in 1614. Adding a period of six times
forty-nine brings us to 1908 and adding 24-1/2 years or one-half the
time of forty-nine years, brings us to 1932, when the name of the city
was again changed. The last half of the seventh period of forty-nine
years, or from the dividing of time, is another jubilee period for New
York City.

The first English settlement in the United States was established by
Raleigh at Roanoke, Virginia, in 1585. Adding the seventh forty-nine
year period, or 343 years, brings us to 1928, indicating more
troublesome times to start.

The smaller cycles and seven-year periods mentioned so often in the
Bible, also indicated that twice seven, or fourteen years from 1914
would bring war again in 1928, and adding half a period of a cycle of
seven, or forty-two months, would indicate the duration of the war, as
spoken of by Daniel in the dividing of times and seasons.

Robert figured that after October, 1932, there would be only three
years left to prepare for the great feast of the jubilee of the maximum
period which was to follow the establishment of universal peace. He was
very happy because he felt that we were now near the end of the war and
these troublesome times.


About 4 A.M. the President of the United States landed on the Mammouth
Building in New York and was taken down in the elevator to the 110th
floor to Supreme Commander Gordon's office. He found Colonel Edna
Kennelworth sentinel at the door. She had met the President before and
after saluting him asked if he wished to see Supreme Commander Gordon.
He replied that he did and she immediately conducted him to his private

The President rushed in and found Supreme Commander Gordon sitting
peacefully reading a newspaper. The President could hardly believe it
and asked him for the facts of the attack upon New York City and if
all enemy planes had been destroyed. Supreme Commander Gordon told the
President that it was a fact. The President asked Supreme Commander
Gordon if there had been any losses to our airplane fleet in destroying
the enemy and where our fleet was now located. The Supreme Commander
pointed to the "Demon of Death" and the sleeping gas machines and said:
"There is the fleet which has destroyed and captured probably 100,000
of the enemy's planes. Mr. President, would you like to go on a little
sight-seeing expedition?" The President said that he would. A button
was pressed and in a few minutes "Marie the Angel of Mercy," Robert's
big ship, appeared in front of the window. The President told Supreme
Commander Gordon that he had neither seen nor heard of such a ship
before and asked him where it came from. Robert said, "Mr. President,
this ship was built according to the plan laid down by Ezekiel in the
Bible. I worked on it for years and completed it just before the war
broke out. Its most useful work is yet to be done." Supreme Commander
Gordon then explained fully the working of the "Demon of Death" to the

They stepped upon board "Marie the Angel of Mercy," sailed out across
Long Island, slowed the plane down, drifted very low and passed over
the thousands of airplanes which had been destroyed.

They sailed over Staten Island and saw the wrecks of the planes which
had been destroyed there. Then swung up the Hudson River above Yonkers,
descended close to the water and anchored in the air. The President had
never been on an airship that was anchored in the air and was amazed at
Supreme Commander Gordon's marvelous invention. He handed the President
a pair of powerful field glasses and told him to take a look. The river
was almost choked with the wrecks of the airplanes which had gone down
defying the "Demon of Death." Bodies of aviators wearing the uniforms
of the various nations were floating upon the waters. When the Supreme
Commander explained to the President that he believed that not one of
the enemy's planes had escaped, he marveled at the wonderful invention
and the fact that two men and a lone woman could accomplish such a
feat. Supreme Commander Gordon then said: "Mr. President, your greatest
sight is yet to come."

He then started "Marie the Angel of Mercy," sailed out across the New
Jersey hills, slowed down the big ship and entered the Tunnel thru
the Air. There the greatest sight that human eyes had ever witnessed
greeted the President. They passed slowly thru the Tunnel where there
were thousands and thousands of planes unharmed suspended in the
air with the aviators all sound asleep. The Supreme Commander then
said: "This work was done by the sleeping gas. As this giant horde of
probably 50,000 planes moving in sections of hundreds and thousands,
one following after another, tried to attack New York, General Pearson
and myself worked the Tunnel machines and Colonel Edna Kennelworth
operated the sleeping gas machine. You can see the effective work and
our mission of mercy. We have not taken human life and have gained the
greatest victory in the world. These aviators will sleep for seven days
and then awake unharmed. There will be no ill effects of the sleeping
gas. We will of course remove the airships and aviators to the Wilson,
Coolidge, Roosevelt, Lowden, Harding and Washington airfields and when
they awake they will be our prisoners and the enemy's airships will be
in our possession."

The President was astounded. He had never dreamed that man could make
such marvelous inventions. Turning to Supreme Commander Gordon and
grasping his hand, he said: "You have been inspired by Almighty God.
You are an instrument in his hands to save this country according to
God's plan." The Supreme Commander replied that he had always felt
that way and had never taken any credit to himself; that since he was
about eight years old he had been reading the Bible and knew from it
that this war was inevitable; that he had spent his time and money to
complete these inventions for the day his country would need them.

On the way back, Supreme Commander Gordon told the President that the
Marie the Angel of Mercy could make a speed of 1000 miles an hour and
that he could easily go round the world in 24 hours. On their return
all was quiet in New York City. No one knew what had happened that
night. The President could not find words to express his appreciation
for this wonderful work. He asked the Supreme Commander what his future
plans were. Supreme Commander Gordon told the President to read the
Bible, especially Daniel's prophecy and the book of Ezekiel, and he
would know what was yet to take place. It was agreed that the news of
the success with the "Demon of Death" and the sleeping gas machine was
to be kept secret and that the President was the only one to know of
Robert's great invention.

The President returned to Washington on the forenoon of June 9th,
feeling much elated over the wonderful victory, proud of his native
land and thankful that the Divine Power had given them the man of the
hour at the right time.

It had been a great birthday for Robert, because his country had been
saved. His years of labor had been rewarded but yet no news had come of
Marie. He wondered if she were alive and if she had been watching this
terrible war, the greatest of all with its great destruction. When the
war was over and the world was once more at peace, what would happen to
him or what would he do? It seemed to him that when the war was over,
his life work would be finished. Without Marie, there would be nothing
left, nothing more to work for. Supreme Commander Gordon knew that
there would be no more attacks that day, so he ordered Colonel Edna
Kennelworth to get some sleep. He communicated with Colonel Kennelworth
in Boston and found that there had been no further attacks there. The
Colonel reported that he was ready and waiting to put to sleep more of
the enemy as soon as they arrived.

The Allied Enemy headquarters at the different points in the United
States were absolutely without any news as to what had happened to all
the planes and airships that had been sent out to attack New York, but
in this case, they felt that no news was good news. They were trying in
every way with the wireless and radio to reach the commanders of the
different fleets but not a word was received.

On the afternoon of June 9th, when not a word had been heard from any
of the ships or planes sent out the night before to destroy New York
City, the Allied Enemy headquarters were in gloom. Hope was giving way
to despair. They feared that the disaster at Detroit and Boston had
been repeated. General Nagato was communicated with and his reply was:
"This is a great disappointment. We had all hoped that New York could
be destroyed or captured and this would mean the end of the war. It now
seems our hopes are blasted. Some devilish invention by the Americans
is being used to destroy or capture our ships. Their success seems to
be so complete that it is almost unbelievable. Not one report from any
man or ship has been heard since we attacked Boston. Now, if the flower
of our army has been lost in this attack against New York, our cause
seems hopeless. The facts are desperate but we must face them. Let no
further move be made until we know more about what the Yankees have."

Supreme Commander Gordon had made up his mind that he would keep
everything secret and not let the enemy know anything, but he
dispatched a message by radio to enemy headquarters reading:

 Very much disappointed. Lost a good night's sleep last night waiting
 for your army to take New York City. When may we expect the pleasure
 of a visit from your planes?

This mysterious message was as much a mystery to the enemy as the
letter that Robert found on the street in Paris was to him. The fleet
sent out to attack Boston had never returned and no word had ever been
heard of them. France had been instructed by Supreme Commander Gordon
to cease attacking and await further instructions. Everything was quiet
on the other side and Germany and England were awaiting reports of the
success of the campaign of the United States before making further
attacks on France.

On the morning of June 13th the aviators who had been put to sleep
by the sleeping gas around Boston, awoke. They were feeling good.
They knew that something had put them to sleep suddenly but did not
know that they had slept seven days and nights instead of one night.
Instructions by Supreme Commander Gordon had been given that no harm
should be done any of the aviators when they awoke. Scouting planes
were sent out by the United States Army to capture the aviators when
they awoke or started to drive their planes away, but a few of the
planes were permitted to escape and return to the headquarters of the
enemy. When they reported that while they were attacking Boston the
night before, they suddenly went to sleep and the planes dropped to the
earth and water, they were informed by the Commanders that they had
been away one week.

This was a great blow to the enemy and they knew now that the Americans
had some kind of a sleeping gas which was harmless and would put men
to sleep and keep them asleep for 7 days. The enemy had all kinds of
poisonous gases and bombs, but they had never discovered a gas to put
people asleep for a week, then awake without any ill effects. They now
realized what Supreme Commander Gordon's answer meant,--that it was
some new discoveries which the United States had made that caused them
to fight on and not accede to any peace terms. After days of waiting,
scouting and trying to secure information as to what had happened, the
attack on New York was left a mystery. They waited until the 16th day
of June, thinking that if their aviators had been put to sleep there
some of them would return. When none of them returned by the 21st of
the month and no word was received, they knew that the fleet had been
destroyed or captured and that their army had been greatly weakened,
but still they held the Pacific Coast and controlled New Orleans, St.
Louis, and Chicago and their Western lines were unbroken. After holding
a conference, they decided to adopt a waiting attitude for a time and
see what the next move of the United States would be.


Time drifted along until the early part of July without any further
attack by the enemy, but Supreme Commander Gordon believed that they
would make another attack soon before giving up. He was simply watching
and waiting, biding his time. The United States Army scouting planes
reported that the enemy scouts were going out more frequently each
night and some of them had been seen 50,000 or 60,000 feet in the
air. They thought that they were getting ready to make another attack
and were trying to get a line on what the United States forces were
planning to do. The Supreme Commander went to Washington to test out
the "Demon of Death" which had been installed in the Capitol Building
and found it in good working order. A sleeping gas distributing machine
and the Tunnel machine had been set up there and he also tested them

In view of the splendid work done by Colonel Edna Kennelworth at the
time of the attack on New York City, Supreme Commander Gordon decided
to send her to Washington and put her in charge of the sleeping gas
distributing machine, the "Demon of Death," and the Tunnel machine.
He instructed her that if an attack came upon Washington, she was not
to use the "Demon of Death" unless the sleeping gas failed or they
failed to get the enemy aviators into the Tunnel thru the Air. He
believed that if attack came upon Washington, it would be the last and
end the war. Because his country had ever stood for love and liberty,
if its Capitol was attacked he wanted it to be saved by a bloodless
victory. It would mean much to the United States in future years if
the seat of government could be protected without taking the life of
one of the enemy. With the Tunnel machine in New York, another one in
Cincinnati and a third machine in Washington, D.C., he would be able
from New York City to place a Tunnel thru the Air in every direction
around Washington to capture the invading army of planes. Colonel Edna
Kennelworth said that she thought he was placing on her shoulders
a great responsibility, but that if he had confidence in her, she
would go and do her best. He told her that she could not fail and
that there was nothing to fear; that it would be much easier now to
protect Washington than it was New York from attack. So Colonel Edna
Kennelworth went to Washington. She arrived there on July 2nd, and did
not have long to wait before seeing action.


The enemy was losing confidence and decided to risk 50,000 planes, the
best that they had, on a concerted attack upon Washington. They figured
that if they could take the Capitol, it would be a telling blow and
help them on to further victory. This was to be a supreme test and they
decided to make the attack in broad daylight because they thought
it would be a surprise and there would be more people on the street,
and the attack would have a greater demoralizing effect on the people
thruout the country. July 4th, Independence Day, was the time selected
for the attack. The plan was to send one fleet up the Potomac, have
another fleet come down the Potomac from the North and Northwest and
the third wing come across by Baltimore. Colonel Edna Kennelworth was
on duty when the Tel-Talk buzzed and a scouting plane reported to her
that the enemy were approaching in large numbers up the Potomac. She
had never operated the sleeping gas machine in daylight before, but
knew that it would work just as effectively. Having seen the attack
upon New York and knowing how swiftly one attack followed the other,
she realized that she must work fast. She adjusted the gas machine
toward the enemy approaching down the Potomac and set it for a certain
range, about 75 miles. She looked thru her telescope and saw the enemy
when they were about 50 miles away and decided to let go the sleeping
gas. She swept it quickly right and left and in the glistening sunshine
saw hundreds of planes going down. In fifteen minutes the entire fleet
was safely asleep in the Tunnel thru the Air. By this time report came
that another fleet was making from Baltimore in a direct line for
Washington. She set the machine again, looked thru her powerful glass
and saw the enemy approaching. She started discharging the gas, and in
twelve minutes the entire fleet had been plunged into the Tunnel.

She had a few minutes to wait and immediately picked up the radiophone
and told Supreme Commander Gordon in New York that the sleeping gas
machine had worked wonderfully and that the Tunnel thru the Air held
in captivity thousands of the enemy's airships and planes. Almost
before she had finished making her report, the Tel-Talk buzzed. She
ran to it and was informed by the scouting planes that the largest
fleet of planes ever seen was approaching from the West and Northwest.
Knowing that this was a combined fleet from the enemy's Western lines,
from the same direction as the final one that attacked New York City.
This was to be the supreme test. The first formation approached with
about 1000 planes. Swiftly and silently, the gas machine did its work
and they went down into the Tunnel. Then came the second, third, and
fourth formation and so on. More than 50,000 planes had gone down and
not more than one hour's time had elapsed. When it was over with, Edna
realized that she had not been a human being during this ordeal, that
she had worked just like the machine, forgotten everything but the
responsibility for the protection of her country. When she knew that
the Capitol of her beloved country was safe and that more than 50,000
of the enemy's airships were safely suspended in the Tunnel thru the
Air and that the aviators had entered upon their seven days' sleep,
she was supremely happy because not one life was required to save the
Capitol. It was the greatest victory of all history thus far and she
knew what it meant to Supreme Commander Gordon and how this victory
would be hailed with rejoicing all over the United States. It would
relieve the tension which had existed for two years when every hamlet,
town and city had feared every night that they might be attacked and
destroyed by bombs from the enemy's planes.

The news had been flashed to all the Departments and Army Headquarters.
When the scouting planes reported that more than 50,000 planes had been
captured in this attack and not one of them escaped, the President
and Army officers breathed a great sigh of relief and knew that this
meant certain victory for the United States because the enemy had
concentrated their attack on New York and Washington with their best
planes, and had very few large bombing planes left, and if this was not
the end of the war, it was the beginning of the end.

The President and his Cabinet rushed to the Capitol Building to
congratulate Colonel Edna Kennelworth. They found her carefully
powdering her nose. By this time she was calm and collected and
prepared for the unexpected reception, but was overwhelmed with the
suddenness of the arrival of high officials. She had met the President
before when he had come to New York after the great battle. He was the
first to grasp her hand and, after kissing it, told her of the great
debt of gratitude her country owed her. The President said, "Your great
service demonstrates that woman is the equal of man and I hope to live
to see the day when a woman will be President of the United States.
This country owes to you and Supreme Commander Gordon and your good
husband, Colonel Kennelworth, its liberty and freedom. There is nothing
too good for you. You have performed the greatest act of any woman in
history. I speak for the American people and extend their heartfelt
gratitude. We can never repay you."

Colonel Edna Kennelworth thanked the President, told him that she had
only done her duty and that she felt any other good woman in the United
States would be glad to do the same under the same conditions. The
President and members of his Cabinet were greatly impressed with her
modesty and expressed their pride that one so young in years possessed
such skill and daring. She told them that this was imperative and
that there was no one else who know how to handle the sleeping gas
machine except Supreme Commander Gordon and Colonel Kennelworth and
that she had been placed there for that purpose and had only done
her duty. Supreme Commander Gordon in New York sent a simple message
congratulating Colonel Edna Kennelworth: "You're a real woman--a
thorobred. I knew you could do it."

The President and the War Council met and voted that a message of
congratulation and appreciation be sent to Supreme Commander Gordon
telling him that everything would be left in his hands and to proceed
as he had in the past. The President and other Government officials
asked him if he would not give his consent to permit all of the
newspapers in the United States to publish the details of the attack
upon New York and how it had been successfully defended and to give
details of the great victory at Washington. They felt that the people
had so long been in a state of fear and anxiety, this would bring great
relief and give them a chance to get some peaceful sleep because it
would remove from their minds the fear of their cities and towns being
destroyed; give them confidence that the United States had proved equal
to the occasion; help the general business situation and bring comfort
to thousands of people who were suffering. Supreme Commander Gordon
replied that there was no question but that the war was won and that
need for secrecy was no longer necessary.

On the afternoon of July 4th the President of the United States issued
a proclamation to the people, telling them of the wonderful victory in
Washington and assuring them that the country was safe, and set aside
the following three days as holidays to celebrate and commemorate
the victory of Independence Day. In his message he said that God had
blessed the Stars and Stripes and given to America a lone man who had
made inventions which had saved the country, and that a lone woman,
Edna Kennelworth, with these inventions had protected Washington from
destruction and captured over 50,000 of the enemy's airships without
causing the loss of a single soul.

The President's Proclamation was given to the newspapers and every
paper in the United States carried big headlines:


When the President declared a holiday, Supreme Commander Gordon decided
that this was the time to let the enemy know what our strength was as
it was no longer necessary to keep the secret about our new wonderful
inventions. He ordered the invisible noiseless planes to load up with
hundreds of thousands of newspapers which told of the great victory,
sail at great altitudes over the enemy's lines in the United States and
bombard them with these newspapers. He ordered Colonel Morrison and
Colonel Manson to take charge of the planes which were to distribute
the papers over the enemy's lines. Ordered them to sail over the City
of Mexico and distribute papers over the enemy's headquarters there.
The Supreme Commander felt that this was the end, in fact he knew it,
because after reading over Ezekiel again he saw that the prophecies
were about all fulfilled and that in a short time the millennium would
dawn and the world would be at peace. He read Chapter 10:9 and 21:

 And the cherubims lifted up their wings and mounted up from the earth
 in my sight; when they went out the wheels were also beside them and
 everyone stood at the door of the east gate of the Lord's house; and
 the glory of the God of Israel was over them. Everyone had four faces
 apiece and everyone four wings; and the likeness of the hands of a
 man was under their wings. And the glory of the Lord went up from the
 midst of the city and stood upon the mountain, which is on the east
 side of the city.

He knew that this was the glory referred to for the United States and
that Ezekiel's prophecy, Chapter 14, 21st verse, had been fulfilled. It
reads as follows:

 For thus saith the Lord God: How much more when I send my four sore
 judgments upon Jerusalem, the sword and the famine and the noisome
 beast, and the pestilence, to cut off from it man and beast?

He knew that the noisome beasts were the airplanes, and that all of
these things had happened.

He read again about the 7 days when they should prepare and purge the
Altar and purify it and consecrate themselves. He now knew that the
time was coming when the Lord should rule on earth as he had promised
and war should be no more. The prophecies of the Bible had been
fulfilled where it said that woman should be the equal or exalted above
man. The Lord had said, "I will exalt the low and debase the high,"
and the Bible said, "The little ones shall become as a thousand."
He was happy to know that everything was working out just as he had
predicted it and happy because his inventions which he had worked on
so unselfishly, had saved his devoted country and made the nations of
the world realize that all power under heaven and earth was given unto
the United States, the land of liberty. Knowing that the great power
was now in his hands alone, he could proceed to destroy every living
thing in every nation, but his heart was full of love and mercy and
only thru mercy and without selfishness could the United States set an
example to the world. He could retake the Pacific Coast, wipe out the
Western lines of the enemy or put them all to sleep for 7 days and then
make peace on any terms that he might dictate. He thought of all the
rulers of the world, from the tyrant Nero down to the Kaiser, how each
one had sought world dominion based on selfish greed, and each one had
failed because God would not sanction such rulership. He thought of
Marie and as he dreamed of her, forgot whether he was a man with Caesar
or a God with Alexander. Not once was he tempted to use the great power
within his hands, for he knew that love was kind and merciful. All the
writings of St. Paul had put stress on love and charity. He decided
that women and children must be protected and that not one of their
lives should be taken in this final conflict. Now that the end was
near, he must demonstrate in a way never to be forgotten the power that
he held over the world and decided to use the sleeping gas.


Robert Gordon's Seven Days

On July 20th he had completed all preparations and had all his armies
and all the airships and planes equipped with the sleeping gas
machines. Instructions had been given that they should pass over the
lines from the Gulf of Mexico to the Great Lakes, from Los Angeles to
Seattle, and send forth the sleeping gas and put to sleep entire enemy
armies so that they would be kept asleep for 7 days. He decided to
notify all of the Commanding Generals of the Allied Enemy just what
he was going to do so that they would realize and know what power he
had, and instructed them to have all their commanding officers moved
to places where they would not be molested or put to sleep, so that
they might watch and know what was happening. The Allied Enemy were
notified that they could make every attempt to protect themselves but
that it would be useless, because they would be unable to see or hear
the approach of the silent, invisible planes.

He called Colonel Walter Kennelworth and Colonel Edna Kennelworth to
his headquarters. Thanked them for their services to the country;
assured them of his appreciation of their loyalty and devotion and
promoted them to the rank of General. He ordered General Walter
Kennelworth to take charge of headquarters in New York, operate
the sleeping gas machine and to use the "Demon of Death" in case of
emergency. However, he felt sure that there would be no more attacks.
General Edna Kennelworth was ordered to Washington to resume charge in
the Capitol Building and operate the machines for defense if necessary.

In bidding good-bye to his loyal comrades, he told them that he was
going to take Marie the Angel of Mercy, and was going alone to London,
Berlin, Moscow, Madrid, Tokio and destroy buildings in these cities
and with the light ray put every city in darkness, put the people to
sleep and leave them for 7 days. Then he would destroy or conquer every
important city in the world in 6 days, just the same as God created the
world in 6 days, and that on the 7th day he would return to New York
City and await the action of the Allied Nations in regard to peace. He
ordered all of the countries notified by radio that he would leave New
York City on Marie the Angel of Mercy, which could make 1000 miles an
hour, and when he arrived in London and other cities everyone should be
out of the buildings which he would destroy with the "Demon of Death";
that this was to be a mission of mercy and that he would not destroy
one life if possible but that he must demonstrate the power that he
could destroy all life and buildings if necessary.

The world was astounded and amazed but of course did not believe that
there was any such invention or any such power in the hands of any
one man, or any one nation. At 7 A.M. on July 21st, Supreme Commander
Gordon sailed away in the Marie the Angel of Mercy and in a little
over three hours he was over London. He notified them to clear all the
big buildings on Lombard and Downing Streets. They were unable to see
his plane or hear it but they knew that he was somewhere over London in
the air. The people were frightened and cleared out of the buildings.
Women and children were taken away to safety and slowly the death ray
started to do its work. The big buildings crumbled away, slowly melting
down as tho they were butter. The people fell upon their knees in the
streets and prayed to God to save them from this great invisible force.
Many people believed that it was an unseen power from heaven that had
come to destroy the world and that this was the end of the world. When
he had completed the destruction of enough buildings to show them his
power, he circled over London time and time again, sending forth the
sleeping gas and the people all succumbed and went to sleep. With the
power from his machine he extinguished all the electric lights in the
city and left it in darkness. The news of this terrible disaster was
sent from London to the Allied Enemy headquarters in the United States.

Supreme Commander Gordon then proceeded on the following day to Berlin.
He intended to teach the Germans a lesson that they never would forget.
He would show mercy that they had never shown because not one woman
or child would be harmed, but protected. Not one human life would be
taken, but he would make the destruction of buildings in Berlin so
complete that they would never forget his visit. He would remind them
that the Kaiser and all of the great German armies were powerless when
Marie the Angel of Mercy sent forth its destructive rays and sleeping
gas. He sailed over Berlin and notified everyone to clear out of the
buildings. He destroyed all of the important buildings on the business
streets, turned loose his sleeping gas and left Berlin in darkness, to
sleep for 7 days.

When he had completed the bombardment of the buildings in Berlin, he
sent a message to the President of France that he would be in Paris
within the next hour to thank him personally for the great aid that
France had given us in the war. The President notified him that France
would declare a holiday and give him a reception greater than that
tendered Captain Lindbergh when he landed there on May 21st, 1927. He
informed the President that his time was limited, but in appreciation
of the friendship of France he would anchor Marie the Angel of Mercy
over Paris and arrange lights to play upon her to make her visible so
the people could see this wonderful ship.

He left Berlin and was in Paris in a short time. France had sent
thousands of her planes into the air signaling the "Marie." They could
not see her and Supreme Commander Gordon communicated with them by
radio and anchored near the same spot where Lindbergh had landed over
five years before. He was taken aboard one of France's airplanes and
carried to the President, who greeted him cordially, kneeled and kissed
his cheeks and hands. Thanked him for the inventions which he had made
which would end war for all time. Supreme Commander Gordon had brought
a letter from the President of the United States thanking France for
her support and assuring them of our loyalty and support forever in the
future. He told the President of his plan for a United Kingdom of the
World. How he was going to call all the nations to New York for a peace
conference when the war was over, which he was assured would be when he
returned to New York. The President assured him that France would be
very happy to be the first nation to join with the United States in the
brotherhood of man to make it a United Kingdom of the World.

He told the President of France that he had brought with him on board
the "Marie" one of his Tunnel machines which he wanted to place in one
of the tallest buildings, establish a Tunnel thru the Air between New
York and Paris so that their airships could pass in safety thru the
Tunnel to New York, or if any of the officers in Canada wanted to come
home, they could proceed to New York and travel thru the Tunnel to
Paris. He tested out this machine after it had been set up, sent one
of the planes to New York thru the Tunnel and the round trip was made
in one hour and thirty minutes. He explained to the President that by
establishing a vacuum, it was possible to drive the machines in safety
at a terrific speed. He instructed Louis Corday, one of the famous aces
of the French Aviation Corps, how to handle the Tunnel machine.

Then Supreme Commander Gordon went to Lisbon and Madrid, Spain,
destroyed their most important buildings and put the people to sleep
for 7 days. Then proceeded to Rome where he destroyed all the fine
cathedrals, business and government buildings. Before arriving there
he had notified the Pope to get all the people out of the buildings
and instructed him where to go for safety, telling him he did not
wish to give him the sleeping gas but wanted him to be awake to pray
during the 7 days while all the inhabitants were asleep. Told him that
his people must be taught that God is more powerful than any ruler or
potentate and that the time would come when there must be one religion,
one United Kingdom of the World and one God.

From there he proceeded to the beautiful city of Vienna and having the
people removed from the buildings, turned on the "Demon of Death" and
melted the buildings down. Discharging sleeping gas from his machine,
he said good-bye to Vienna and proceeded to Moscow.

The poor and uneducated people of Russia had been warned of his coming.
The newspapers told them what had been happening in other cities, but
the people refused to believe that they would not be destroyed. Many
of them rushed to the waters and drowned themselves. Others went to
the forests to hide. Moscow was more excited than ever before. People
had been praying day and night before he arrived. Finally when he
was over Moscow, he sent a radio message that they should clear all
the important buildings which he was going to destroy. He descended
very low and located the buildings and when he had been notified that
the people had been moved to safety, turned on the "Demon of Death."
As the buildings leapt into flames and the people could see them,
they were sure that this was the end of the world and that God was
destroying it by fire, because they were unable to see the source from
which the destruction was coming, the destroying rays from the machine
being invisible and Marie the Angel of Mercy being invisible. When he
had finished the destruction of the buildings, he turned loose the
sleeping gas, darkened the city and sailed for Constantinople.

He had notified the terrible Turks, who had sent such destructive
airships to help conquer the United States, that he was going to open
the Dardanelles from the air; and destroy the battleships in the Black
Sea. When he arrived and all buildings were cleared, people were
greatly frightened and some of them were praying to America's God to
save them. Supreme Commander Gordon assured them that no lives would
be taken. He then proceeded to destroy all their largest buildings,
discharged the death rays into the water and blew up their ships; left
the city in darkness to sleep in peace.

His next stop was at Alexandria and Cairo, Egypt. He visited the
Pyramids, notified the people that they were placed there according to
a divine plan and that he would not destroy them. He destroyed the main
buildings and blew up the warships, leaving the people asleep as he had
done in other cities.

He notified the people in Bombay, India, that they had taken sides with
England against us and that they must be shown an example of the power
of the Land of Freedom. He destroyed their temples and large buildings
and put the people asleep. Then went to Pekin, China, where he
destroyed buildings which had stood for thousands of years; discharged
the sleeping gas and proceeded to Tokio.

The Japs had been the first to declare war upon the United States
and make an attack and they must be taught a lesson which they would
remember so long as the world stood. He ordered all the men removed
from their battleships and proceeded to discharge the death rays into
the water and destroy them. When he began to destroy the important
buildings the people thought that it was another earthquake because
they had not forgotten how their buildings had crumbled down years
before. He assured them that no lives would be taken, that they would
be allowed to sleep for 7 days in peace; leaving the city in darkness
and the inhabitants asleep, he proceeded to Melbourne and Sydney,

Australia had remained neutral and was friendly to the United States.
He carried a letter of thanks from the President of the United States
to the people of Australia. Thanked them personally and told them
that they were now invited to join the United States in forming the
brotherhood of man in the United Kingdom.

The City of Mexico was next notified that they would have the final and
greatest demonstration of the power of Marie the Angel of Mercy. The
Mexicans and Spaniards knew that Supreme Commander Gordon was born in
the State of Texas. They remembered the Battle of the Alamo and Goliad.
The poor class of Mexicans refused to believe after Mexico had joined
with Japan and Spain against the United States, that any Texan would
spare their lives. They had prayed day and night since they learned
that the Supreme Commander of the United States with Marie the Angel of
Mercy was to visit them. He told them that this machine took its power
from the air and that the rays were powerful enough to melt down the
mountains and that he would destroy some of the mountains of Mexico
and all the old pyramids. Before he reached the City of Mexico, he
anchored over a mountain, turned on the death ray and the mountain
crumbled to dust. The old pyramids were also destroyed. When he
reached the City of Mexico, he informed them that he had destroyed the
mountains to fulfill the prophecies in the Bible which said that every
mountain should be laid low and every valley should be exalted. A large
part of forces of the enemy and their officers were located in the City
of Mexico and they were notified to flee to the mountains and hills
where they could watch the destruction of the buildings. The Supreme
Commander of the United States said that they would not be put to sleep
because he wanted them to watch the silent, sleeping city while it
remained in darkness for 7 days.

When he had completed his destruction of the City of Mexico, he sent a
message by radio to New York and Washington that he was on his way home
and would pass over the enemy's lines in California and in the central
part of the United States, sending them messages all along giving his
location and offering to let the officers take a shot at Marie the
Angel of Mercy if they could see her. He knew that "Marie" could rise
to a height of 60 miles or more if necessary and intended to fly at a
height to which no enemy plane could ever ascend.

Supreme Commander Gordon sent a message to his old home town,
Texarkana, Texas, that he would anchor there and give everybody a view
of Marie the Angel of Mercy. When he arrived there he circled over his
own old home out near Red River; then sailed the "Marie" down Stateline
Avenue and anchored her in the air about 100 feet above the street.
He turned on the lights and made his great ship visible, so the people
could see what had accomplished the great victory. It was the greatest
celebration that Texarkana ever had. The people went wild with joy. His
dear old mother was the happiest woman in the world. She greeted him
affectionately; told him that all her dreams about him had come true.

He could only make a short visit as he had to hurry on to New York.
He notified Montreal, Canada, that he would arrive there early on the
morning of the 7th day. Montreal prepared for a great celebration. He
arrived there soon after sunrise, anchored the "Marie," and delivered
a message to the people of Canada, thanking them for their loyalty
and aid in our behalf. Invited them to be among the first to join in
the peace conference in making the United States of the World. After
bidding them good-bye, he sailed for New York, arriving just before
noon on the 7th day after he had sailed away on his great trip around
the world.

Marie the Angel of Mercy circled over New York and landed at the
Mammouth Building. General Walter Kennelworth was on duty and reported
what had happened during Supreme Commander Gordon's absence, altho he
had kept in touch with him by radio all the time and informed him what
was going on. Supreme Commander Gordon's orders had been carried out
the day he left on his 7-day tour of the world and sleeping gas sprayed
over all the enemy lines thruout the United States.


The Allied Enemy generals and officers knowing what could happen
after the losses at New York and Washington obeyed the instructions
of Supreme Commander Gordon and moved to a place of safety. After
waiting three days and finding that their armies were still asleep they
gathered near their various headquarters in New Orleans, St. Louis,
Chicago, San Francisco and prayed for deliverance. They realized that
the greatest power of the universe was now in the hands of the United
States. Most of them credited this power to an act of God, and not to
man. They had not yet heard what had happened in all the cities of the
world where the Marie the Angel of Mercy had visited.

Late on the 7th day the Allied Armies of the enemy began to awake. Each
day following for the next 6 days, the people in one city after another
of the foreign countries where he had visited awoke. Supreme Commander
Gordon released an electric light control and the cities were no longer
in darkness. All wireless and radio stations refused to take any
messages except what concerned news in regard to the Marie the Angel of
Mercy and what had happened all over the world.

On the second day after Supreme Commander Gordon's arrival, the War
Council of the United States and the President came to New York City to
confer with the Supreme Commander. Reports had come from all parts of
the world about his mission of mercy. Not one life had been reported
lost. To say that he returned in triumph and great victory was to put
it mildly. The President and the War Council decided that it was now
time to permit all newspapers to publish the news all over the United
States and let the people know just what had been happening during
the past 7 days. Thousands of messages poured in to Supreme Commander
Gordon. The world was at the Supreme Commander's feet. He was hailed as
the greatest man since Jesus Christ.

On August 4th, 1932, all of the cities in the world where Supreme
Commander Gordon had destroyed buildings, were heard from. Reports
showed that everything was normal and that no lives were lost. Messages
were pouring in from every part of the world to the Allied Enemy
Commanders to make peace with the United States on any terms and
never permit the return of Marie the Angel of Mercy. The Commanders
of the Allied Enemy armies dispatched messages to the President at
Washington, asking for an armistice and peace terms on any conditions.
The President replied:

 Peace terms are out of my hands. When this country was in dire peril
 and our cause seemed hopeless and lost,--when your demands were to
 take our country, our name, our honor,--at that time we placed our
 fate in the hands of a lone man Robert Gordon and made him Supreme
 Commander of all of the Armies of the United States. His will is law.
 You will have to deal with him, no one else has authority or will be
 given authority.

The communication was sent to Supreme Commander Gordon. He called a
conference to discuss peace terms. The President, Cabinet officers and
all the Army and Government officials attended. When the conference
convened, General Pearson arose and said: "When we turned over the
Supreme Command of the Armies of the United States to you we agreed to
abide by your decision no matter what it might be. Your actions and the
victories that you have won have justified our faith and confidence in
you. You have proven yourself to be the greatest man in the history of
the world. Your mercy and justice has been demonstrated. Our country
and the world and its destiny are safe in the hands of a man like you.
You have been guided by Almighty God and I make a motion that we say
nothing, offer no advice, but leave everything in your hands. Whatever
terms of peace you make, we will gladly abide by them."

When he had finished talking, Colonel Manson arose and said: "I second
that motion. Let us make the vote unanimous by all rising." Every man
rose immediately. The President grasped Supreme Commander Gordon's hand
and thanked him for his great service to the United States and the
world. Each Cabinet officer and army officer followed, and shook the
Supreme Commander's hand, wishing him continued success. The President
and Government officials were anxious for Supreme Commander Gordon to
explain how he had accomplished the wonderful feat of going around the
world in 7 days and destroying so many buildings. He told them that
his new machine made a Tunnel thru the Air and that it had overcome
resistance from gravitation and the machine was invisible. He explained
how he had been guided in building this machine and all his other
inventions by the Bible.

Supreme Commander Gordon decided to call a conference of all nations to
take place in New York, on August 30th, 1932. They were notified and
representatives were asked to be sent. Supreme Commander Gordon made a
special request that the representatives from all the countries bring
with them their wives or daughters as he had a special message for them
and wanted them to take an important part in the Peace Conference. No
one knew what the conditions of peace would be, but even the enemy
felt that they were dealing with the most just man that the world had
ever known, a man who refused to take the lives of women and children.
When he had the power to put the entire Allied Armies of the Enemy to
sleep and destroy them, he refused to do it. They were all willing and
glad to leave their fate in his hands. All over the country Old Glory
was waving from every building. Flags were printed with the picture of
Supreme Commander Gordon on them and the picture of "Marie the Angel of
Mercy." The flags bore the inscription "Tunnel thru the Air," "The Lone
Aviator," "America's Savior."

Each day airplanes from all parts of the world began to bring the
officials who were to be at the conference of all nations. Madison
Square Garden had been engaged for the conference. Several millions
of people had applied for admission but only Government officials and
prominent men and women thruout the country were granted tickets.
The Government officials of the United States led by the President
and the Supreme War Council, decided that at the opening of the Peace
Conference, General Walter Kennelworth should be designated to make the
address of welcome to the delegates of all countries and also to make
the speech of thanks for the United States to Supreme Commander Gordon,
for the services he had rendered, knowing that he was his best friend
and he knew him better than anyone else.



The conference convened about 10 A.M. on August 30th. All of the
officials were seated by 11 o'clock and shortly after, Supreme
Commander Gordon escorted by the President of the United States,
General Walter Kennelworth and his wife General Edna Kennelworth,
arrived. The applause lasted for more than one hour. When it had
died down, General Pearson stepped to the center of the platform,
and grasped the Supreme Commander's hand and raised it before the
vast throng and said, "Commanders, rulers, kings and officials of all
nations, this is our lord and master, whose will is law. Whatever
he says, we will abide by. I now introduce to you, General Walter
Kennelworth, who will make the opening address. The applause again
lasted for over a half hour, then General Walter Kennelworth began to

"Brothers and Sisters of the world: This is the greatest council that
the world has ever known, for never before in history has every nation
gathered at a peace conference. We hope and verily believe this is to
be the last war. We expect to be one united people and follow the law
laid down in the Bible, 'Love thy neighbor as thyself.' Then there can
be no more wars. It is my purpose at this time to introduce to you a
man who needs no introduction, the prince of peace, a man of sorrow and
acquainted with grief--the greatest and most just man since our saviour
Jesus Christ was on earth. We placed our liberty in his hands and he
saved our country and has been merciful to the enemy. Our gratitude to
him can never be repaid. I now commend you to his care and keeping.
Whatever terms he may make for peace, the United States Government
will ratify and confirm. I now take pleasure in presenting to you our
Supreme Commander Robert Gordon who will now address you."

Supreme Commander Gordon arose and tried to quiet the great crowd.
Women were on their feet and men were shouting, "Hail the most just and
merciful man in the world." There was a mad rush to try to get to the
platform to shake his hand. When the noise had quieted down and order
been restored Supreme Commander Gordon raised the Holy Bible and said:

 "Brothers and Sisters of the United World:

 "The terms laid down in this book are the terms of peace that I offer
 you. I am going to offer you peace on the same terms that Jesus would
 give you. The United States has always stood for liberty and as the
 land of liberty it must set an example of peace and brotherly love to
 the world as it has always done before. This country has never engaged
 in a war for personal gain. In the great World War, we refused to
 accept any indemnities. We made the fight for a principle, not for
 money or territory.

 "Now the United States will make no demand upon any nation. There is
 no longer to be different nations of the world, but the United Kingdom
 of the World. The United States is to dictate peace to the world on
 the terms of brotherly love. We will take no territory nor demand any
 indemnity. We will retain the gold supply of the world but will follow
 the admonition of Jesus Christ when he said 'Feed my Lambs.' We will
 lend a helping hand to any nation that needs it. You are to return to
 your homes and loved ones and tell them that the spirit of God, which
 is all-powerful and able to destroy, is ever merciful and just and
 has spared your lives and liberty. We refuse to take your money or
 territory and in return only ask and demand that you do unto others as
 you would have them do unto you and as we have done unto you.

 "Remember that Old Glory has never trailed the dust and she never
 will, because the God of the universe did not create this nation for
 any or all nations to destroy. He has placed the great power in the
 hands of those who would use it only in defense of right and not for
 selfish gain. When I am ready, I can touch a button and your great
 airships which are now held captive may proceed safely home and when
 you go, may you follow in the footsteps of Him who created the earth
 and who has saved you, and may you give reverence and praise to Him
 who is able to destroy not only property, but both soul and body. When
 the final articles are drawn and the territory of the United States is
 divided and allotted according to the plan laid down by Ezekiel and
 according to science, we will so direct that each of you can live in
 peace and harmony and according to the law.

 "I demand that the terms of peace be signed by women as well as men.
 They are more just and merciful and will rule the country in the
 future. If women must continue to be the mothers of our men, they must
 have the right to decide whether their sons shall be sent to war or
 not. It will take time to arrange the plans for cities and countries
 as outlined by Ezekiel and I expect that the terms will be acceptable
 and signed by the good women of every nation.

 "It is understood and agreed that the United States will retain all of
 the inventions we now have for the prevention of war and I warn you
 that if necessity ever demands it, for the protection of peace of the
 world, that a machine can be built which will destroy every living
 soul on the earth. It can be directed from New York City by a lone man
 without ever leaving here and do complete destructive work. This is
 only a warning and not a threat. You have seen the power demonstrated
 by Marie the Angel of Mercy, and mercy shown. You must respect this
 divine law and divine power. Remember that this victory is according
 to God's plan and God's will. I take no credit to myself and for
 myself and my country ask nothing, except that you live with us in
 brotherly love."

When Supreme Commander Gordon had finished speaking, the applause was
the greatest ever known, lasting again for more than an hour. When it
had died down, General Walter Kennelworth stepped to the platform and
said, "It is next in order for me to make a speech of appreciation to
Supreme Commander Gordon not only for our country, but I have in my
hand a paper which has been signed by the rulers of every country in
the world, asking that I make a speech of appreciation for them. Before
proceeding with this address, I want to ask every man and woman in
this audience who is willing to accept the terms of peace laid down by
Supreme Commander Gordon to rise to their feet." In an instant, every
man and woman in the building was on their feet, shouting, "Hail to the
Chief, God bless him and long may he live."

When they were seated again, General Kennelworth proceeded, and turning
to Supreme Commander Gordon he said:

 "Supreme Commander Robert Gordon, Comrade and Friend: I now have the
 greatest honor that has ever been conferred upon any man,--that of
 presenting to you the highest medal that the United States can confer.
 This medal is emblematic of your great work and the duty and loyalty
 you have shown to your country. It is made of gold with a triple
 triangle in the three royal colors, purple, blue and gold. The words
 in the center of the triangle are 'I am God-Love.' Around the triangle
 are the words, Faith, Hope and Love. All of this and even more you
 have lived.

 "Words are empty when I attempt to convey to you the appreciation
 and gratitude of this country and the world. I am instructed by the
 President of the United States to say to you that anything that the
 United States can give is yours without the asking. All the foreign
 countries now fall at your feet to worship you because you have proven
 worthy and have used the great power placed in your hands wisely. It
 has been well said that God never places a responsibility upon a man
 who will use it unwisely. God has made no mistake in selecting you,
 Robert Gordon, as the prince of peace. The United States is proud of
 you, the world honors you and we offer you our humble gratitude and
 all the praise that this world can give you. Name what you want as
 your reward and it shall be given to you."

Again the applause lasted for a long time. When it had died away
Supreme Commander Gordon arose and said, "General Walter Kennelworth,
Comrade and Friend, we have known each other since early youth and I
am deeply touched to have you here to make a speech of gratitude for
my humble efforts in behalf of my beloved country. You ask me what our
country and the world can give me in return for my achievement.

"I am deeply grateful to you, my brothers and sisters of the world. I
ask no credit for myself but owe it all to God who guided me thru love
and inspired me to give my best to my country and to bring back with
honor Old Glory's colors which have never trailed the dust, unstained
by blood of innocent women and children.

"Above all the rest, I have kept a woman's trust untarnished and hope
to some day see a new light of love in a woman's eyes. No reward is
greater than this and I must still trust in God and wait. I have been
loyal to her when all others have doubted her. Even when my country
dishonored me, my faith never faltered, and when she disappeared, I
hoped and prayed that she would live and still hope she is alive. I
knew she had faith in me, love for me and the power of that love has
given me the power to destroy the world, but her love has left charity
in my heart and for that love I have dealt with the enemy with love and
mercy. All the money, power and glory that you can give me are empty
and cannot supply the aching void in my heart for her. The greatest
gift that could be bestowed would be to return her to me with all the
love and confidence that she had in me on June 5th, 1927.

"In speaking of the inspiration that has been brought about by my love
for her, I want to say that I was always faithful to my mother and that
I have honored and respected her. It was she who taught me loyalty to
my country and it was for her that I remained loyal and faithful to the
cause of my country.

"In closing, I request that one of the terms of peace shall be that
New York City shall be the capital of the United Kingdom of the World;
that the plan of the future shall be according to Ezekiel. The Bible is
replete with references thruout of a rebirth. Jesus said 'Ye must be
born again of water and of the spirit.' A change of name is referred to
many times. Jesus said 'I will give him a new name.' The United Kingdom
of the World shall be the new name. Jesus said 'I will be their God and
there shall be no more War.' In Ezekiel 48:35, his last prophecy was
'And the name of that city from that day shall be THE LORD IS THERE.'
New York City, which is to be the capital of the United Kingdom of the
World and which has been known as the most wicked city in the world,
is now to be the capital of the land of love and liberty, because the
victory which united the world was won from there. I christen it 'THE
CITY OF THE LORD.' May you so live that the world may know by the acts
and justice of this great city that THE LORD IS THERE. I thank you, one
and all."

When Supreme Commander Gordon finished speaking, almost every man and
woman in the audience were in tears. They had never known that such
wonderful things were in the Bible and that all of these very events
were foretold by the greatest prophet, Ezekiel.

The President of the United States stepped to the platform and
suggested that they give a rising vote of thanks and three cheers
for Supreme Commander Robert Gordon. When the cheering was over, the
President said: "The conference is going to close for the evening and
meet tomorrow when Supreme Commander Gordon will go over the plans for
the future brotherhood of love. If you will have patience for a few
moments, General Walter Kennelworth will make the closing address, but
in the meantime I want to introduce to you America's greatest woman,
one whom we hope that the good women of America will select to be the
first woman to rule the United Kingdom of the World; one who made a
supreme sacrifice and rendered her country the greatest aid in time
of war. I present to you the wife of General Walter Kennelworth, and
the aide of Supreme Commander Robert Gordon, the woman who saved the
capitol at Washington--General Edna Kennelworth."

When the President had finished and the applause had died down,
General Edna Kennelworth arose. "Mr. President, Supreme Commander
Gordon, Brothers and Sisters of the United Kingdom of the World: To
me belongs no honor and I seek no glory. We owe it all to the genius
of our Supreme Commander, Robert Gordon. I thank our worthy President
and all the nations of the world who have shown their honor and
appreciation to General Walter Kennelworth, my husband, and myself. I
am happy to know that the cause of women has triumphed and that our
Supreme Commander has set an example for the world and has shown what
the love of a good woman can do. I thank you."

The women were all on their feet and gave Edna the greatest applause
any woman ever received. It was now growing late in the evening and
General Walter Kennelworth stepped to the platform and said: "Brothers
and Sisters of the United World, I will not detain you long with this
personal address to our Supreme Commander Robert Gordon."

Turning to the Supreme Commander he said: "I will no longer address you
as the Supreme Commander Robert Gordon, but as my friend and comrade.
This is the happiest moment of my life and I now realize that justice,
mercy and truth always will be rewarded. You have been unselfish and
since the day that you wrote the famous letter that won Marie and the
Garden of Love, you have kept your promise and been unselfish. Your
first thought has been of your country in time of need. You have been
loyal to your mother, true and faithful to Marie and now I want to read
Marie's letter to you written the day she disappeared. I know that you
know it by heart because you have read it a thousand times, but I want
this conference of men and women from all the nations of the world to
know that you are a man among men--that you are one in millions and
that you have set an example for the world and that example will make
better men. The letter reads:"


 "'According to your faith be I unto you. Love will always have faith,
 understand and wait. Time proves all things. You will get everything
 you want. I will come to you when I mean the most, and your need for
 love is the greatest.


"Your faith has been supreme. Your love has given you faith and you
have tried to understand. More than five long years have passed and no
word has been received from Marie. In your speech today, the thought
uppermost in your mind was for her happiness and safety. This shows
that time does prove all things. It has proven your love for Marie
and your faith and confidence in a woman's promise. Marie was a wise
prophet. She knew better than we knew when she said: 'You will get
everything you want.' Robert Gordon, that prophecy has been fulfilled.
You have accomplished your ambition and received everything that the
world can give. All of your dreams but one have been realized. You have
all the honors, all the gratitude that a world can give, yet I know
that your heart is aching and after your duty is well done and the
peace of the world is established, you will need Marie and her love
more now than ever.

"What Marie Stanton had in her mind the night she wrote that letter
and left the train on the way to St. Louis, I do not know, but I do
know that she has rendered the greatest service of any woman to this
country. Whether she dreamed or realized what she was doing, makes no
difference. Had she proceeded on to St. Louis and married you, Robert
Gordon, the great inspiration which has made you the greatest inventor
of the world and the prince of peace, would have been lacking. The
great desire for love and your longing for Marie has stimulated your
ambitions, kept hope in your breast and endowed you with the power to
subdue the enemies of the world and unite the world in the brotherhood
of peace. This has all been brought about by the act of Marie Stanton.
She deserves credit and above all, you deserve the greatest reward that
can be given any man, and that is the love of a good woman.

"The last line of her letter read, 'I will come to you when I mean the
most and your need for love is the greatest.' Robert Gordon, that last
promise has sustained you thru all of these years. It has been the
anchor that has kept your soul steadfast. You have trusted and never
doubted. You have honored and respected the land that gave you birth.
Your love and faithfulness to Marie Stanton has guided you to success
and victory, because it was an unselfish love. The great God who gave
His only begotten son to save the world that He loved has not been
unmindful of you and your devotion to His wisdom. You have followed His
example of love and mercy. You have kept the faith. You have preserved
the life of your nation and the allwise God in His wisdom and mercy,
has preserved for you the life of Marie Stanton. Robert Gordon, my
friend and comrade, I now take pleasure in presenting to you Marie

Robert Gordon jumped from his seat as if in a daze. Marie Stanton
shouted, "Robert! Robert!" and fell into his arms. General Walter
Kennelworth turned to the audience and said:

"This is the proof of God's divine plan and the reward for those who
obey His law. Love is indeed the fulfillment of the law. I may not
be as great a prophet as Ezekiel or as our Supreme Commander Robert
Gordon, but I predict that when we meet tomorrow we will have heard
that the first marriage in the new city, The City of the Lord, capital
of the United Kingdom of the World has taken place between Robert
Gordon and Marie Stanton."


Transcribers note:

Text enclosed by underscores is in italics (_italics_).



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