The Bay State Monthly — Volume 2, No. 6, March, 1885

By Various

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March, 1885, by Various

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Title: The Bay State Monthly, Vol. II, No. 6, March, 1885
       A Massachusetts Magazine

Author: Various

Release Date: January 14, 2005 [EBook #14689]

Language: English


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and the PG Online Distributed Proofreading Team.

[Illustration: William Lee (Signature)]


_A Massachusetts Magazine_.


MARCH, 1885.

No. 6.

       *       *       *       *       *


By George L. Austin, M.D.

For a quarter of a century the firm-name of Lee and Shepard has been
familiar to the public. During this interval of time it has been printed
upon millions of volumes, which have gone forth on their two-fold
mission of instruction and entertainment. Few publishing houses in
America have achieved a more honorable record, or have more indelibly
left their impress of good intentions and of deeds nobly done upon the
minds of increasing generations. It is of the individual members of this
firm, both of whom have grown gray in the business, that I purpose to
speak in this article. First of the senior partner of the house.

Born at the "North End," in Boston, on the seventeenth of April, 1826;
early put to school, and taken out of it at the age of eleven, at which
time he was left fatherless, the eldest of six children; with a good
mother to whisper words of encouragement in his ear, when everything in
the world and the future before him looked dark,--such was the start of
William Lee in life. Thousands before him, and since, have had the same
infelicitous experience; but how few have had the courage to overcome
the obstacles which he succeeded in overcoming? While other young men of
his age, many of them his playmates, were planning to fit themselves, by
a long course of study, for the duties of life, he was at once
confronted with the duties and burdens of life, without such advantages
as an education affords, and he met them with a manliness and a
self-reliance which now seem truly marvelous. I have often heard him
tell of these early days; but I will pass by the recollections for fear
that the recital of them might discourage many who read these lines.

After leaving school young William was offered a situation in the
bookstore of Samuel G. Drake, then located at No. 56 Cornhill. Mr. Drake
was himself a famous "book-worm," was familiar with the authorities and
the history of Boston, and, in after life, achieved a reputation as an
author. He was what one would term now an "old-fashioned bookseller,"
but what he did not know of the book trade in his day was not worth
knowing. William Lee entered his employ for two purposes--to learn the
trade and, in a very small way, to help support the family which was, in
a large sense, dependent upon him. During the three years of his
apprenticeship he showed himself an apt scholar, a patient worker, and
gifted with indomitable will and ambition.

The next two years were passed in the country. On returning to Boston he
again entered a book store, and, when eighteen years of age, he became a
clerk in the then prosperous publishing house of Phillips and Sampson,
located on Winter street. His connection with this house afforded him
increased advantages; he was no longer an apprentice filling a menial
position, but was conscious of occupying a responsible station in the
business, where his integrity and intelligence were appreciated at their
real value. He enjoyed the fullest confidence of his employers, and was
soon looked upon by them as their "best" clerk. Selling by auction,
especially in the evenings, was at that time a leading feature of the
trade, and William Lee soon became an expert in that way, as well as in
the general character of salesman to the country trade. There was
scarcely a detail in the book trade with which he did not make himself
personally familiar; he sought to post himself upon the character and
contents of every book that was kept in stock, in order that he might be
able to speak intelligently of them to his customers. This habit of
general familiarization is one which, in the lapse of subsequent years,
has proved of incalculable service to him; it is one which cannot be too
earnestly commended to the attention of all young men who are to-day
"working" up in the trade.

At the age of twenty-one William Lee was allowed a share in the
business, and three years later he accepted an equal partnership in the
house. When it is remembered that at this time the house of Phillips and
Sampson stood foremost as publishers in New England, the fact that, at
the age of twenty-four, William Lee became an equal partner in this
house is certainly striking. It bears but one explanation: William Lee
owed his remarkable success to the talent which was born and bred in
him, and to the consciousness of self-reliance, with which his
employers, first and last, had inspired him. There is nothing in this
life which will so readily develop the best qualities of manhood as a
sense of responsibility, first to the individual himself and next to
those whom he serves. Take away this sense of responsibility, every man
becomes a machine; everything that he does is mechanical.

In the firm of Phillips, Sampson and Company Mr. Lee continued as a
partner for seven years. To his energy and industry the prosperity of
the house was henceforth largely indebted. For twelve, and sometimes
fifteen hours a day, he remained faithfully at his round of duties.

In 1857 Mr. Lee's health gave way, and his physician ordered him to
relinquish all cares of business. Acting in accordance with this advice,
he sold his interest to his partners for sixty-five thousand dollars,
taking the notes of the firm for that amount. After a few months of
travel in his own country, he sailed for Europe in June, 1858, in
company with Willard Small, with the intention of spending five years on
the continent. He proved to be a good traveler; his keen observation
encompassed everything; his generous heart and the geniality of his
nature won to him many friends. Ere many months had elapsed he had
traversed England, France, Germany, Belgium, and Spain.

While he was in Paris, an incident occured, the recollection of which
has served to enliven many a social occasion. It was the exciting time
succeeding the attempted assassination of Napoleon by Orsini. Mr. Lee
always wore a long, sandy beard, and in his travels sported a soft,
broad-brimmed hat. One day, while walking about the streets, he was
arrested and taken to the Palais de Justice. Explanations and
expostulations proved unavailing. The prisoner was declared to be a "red
Republican," and, in those days, that was no joke. It was only after the
production of a passport and the interference of the United States
consul, that the authorities were induced to release their captive.

Mr. Lee was in Paris, and was on the point of making a second journey
into Spain, when the United States mail brought him a letter, conveying
the tidings of the death of both Mr. Phillips and Mr. Sampson, and the
failure of the house.

The panic of 1857 had made sad havoc with the book trade generally, and
those firms which weathered the storm were sorely pressed. Phillips and
Sampson met with heavy losses, but struggled on in the hope of
recovering lost ground. But, in 1859, the death of the senior members of
the firm seemed to paralyze its prosperity, and the worst quickly

Mr. Lee had received no warning of the impending calamity, and for the
time was much overcome by the announcement. He foresaw what it implied,
however, and at once returned to Boston, to find himself a heavy loser
by the financial disaster.

Still undaunted, he gathered up what remained of his fortune and, in
February, 1860, he became a member of the firm of Crosby, Nichols and
Company, which had purchased many of the stereotype plates belonging to
the late firm of Phillips, Sampson and Company, and which now took the
name of Crosby, Nichols, Lee and Company. But the long stagnation of
trade, succeeded by losses in the southern states, consequent upon the
political troubles of those days, bore heavily upon the new firm; and,
in the spring of 1861, Mr. Lee left the business and again trod the
streets of Boston without a dollar that he could call his own! Thus,
after twenty years of business activity, his fortune was gone, and
nothing remained for him to do except to begin life over again.

During the next few months Mr. Lee surveyed the field about him,
endeavoring to discern what could be accomplished with no other capital
save brains. A decision was soon reached, and it resulted from one of
those little incidents of life, which, although rare indeed, make life
all the more worth living. I hope I betray no breach of trust in
recalling it.

While walking down Washington street one day Mr. Lee encountered his
friend of many years.

"What are you doing now, Charlie?" he asked.

"Nothing; and I'm as poor as a church mouse," was the reply.

"But, look here, Charlie, keep up your courage. I haven't got much
myself; but I'll go halves with you. Come up to my room to-night, and
we'll talk matters over."

The friends parted, to meet again within a few hours in the glow of the
gas-light. Affairs were candidly and earnestly discussed, plans were
laid, and then and there began the firm, whose reputation has extended
wherever the English language is spoken,--the house of LEE AND SHEPARD.

It was February 1, 1862. The times were not propitious for a beginning
at any trade, but the partners were veterans in experience, and no
sooner had they shaped their plans than the public in many ways evinced
its confidence in their undertaking. Better than a large capital was the
encouragement they received from all with whom they had formerly had
dealings; and they began under the most pleasing auspices.

The firm first occupied a very old, two-storied wooden building, known
as "the old dye-house" on Washington Street, opposite the Old South

[Footnote A: On the site now occupied by the "Old South Clothing

Of course the store soon began to show its incapacity for the growing
business, just as the "old corner" had done in the case of Ticknor and
Fields, and as almost every ancient book-shop has done in the last
quarter of a century. The proprietors of the establishment were not only
their own employers, but their own employees as well. They attended to
their own book-keeping, did their own selling and buying, tied up their
bundles and packed all the cases. Early and late they shouldered their
task, and started ahead. After three years thus spent the firm moved
into the new store at 149 Washington Street, which still remains, and
which the firm continued to occupy until 1873.

At this point it is convenient to go back a number of years and recount
the principal events in the life of the junior partner of the house:
Charles A.B. Shepard.

If the boy could have had his own way, when he started in life, the
chances are that to-day he would be an American admiral. As it happened,
his early passion and proclivities were not fostered; he became a
bookseller whom all the world now knows as "Charley Shepard."

He was born in Salem, Massachusetts, October 18th, 1829, and received
his education at the public school. He was one of the brightest scholars
in his class, learned easily, was fond of books, never wearied of study,
and never forgot what he acquired. At the start he was blest with a most
marvelous and retentive memory, and a keen sense of the practical side
of life. "It was thus," as one of his friends has remarked, "that his
school days were profitable to him to a degree not common, and it was
thus that his rapidly-growing literary attainments became the
astonishment of strangers and the never failing delight and surprise of
his friends."

Mr. Shepard's father was a sea-faring man, who, however, took good care
to check every inclination towards that sort of life that existed in the
mind of his son, at a very tender age. At his business start, therefore,
the boy was forced into a channel that was not of his own choosing. At
the age of fifteen, after having previously tried his skill as a boy of
all work in the grocery business, he entered the store of John P.
Jewett, a bookseller at Salem. He remained with Mr. Jewett eleven years,
during which time he forgot all about the details of the West India
trade and instead acquired a perfect knowledge of those of the making
and selling of books. When, in 1846, Mr. Jewett removed to Boston and
opened a store on Cornhill, Mr. Shepard accompanied him, and by his
untiring energy, his close application to business and his intelligent
way of conducting the affairs of the house in general, very largely
contributed to the success which, in those days, was accounted so
remarkable. He was even then looked upon as the "hardest worker" in the
trade. He was the first to enter the store in the morning, and the last
to leave at night. To many, it seemed as if his hours were only hours
of toil; and yet, few young men of his age took life so easily as did
he, or got more enjoyment out of it. It was during Mr. Shepard's
connection with the house of John P. Jewett that "Uncle Tom's Cabin"
first saw the light. The story of its publication has so often been told
that it need not be repeated here. Mr. Shepard recalls all the incidents
associated with it as vividly to-day as though they were but events of
yesterday, and he is now the only living man that can tell them. As
everybody knows, the book bounded into success, due as much to the
shrewd advertising of the publisher as to the merits of the work itself.
It redounds to the credit of Mr. Jewett that he never hesitated to
acknowledge that whatever success he had as a Boston publisher was
largely due to his sprightly clerk, who labored literally night and day,
to master every detail of the business.

[Illustration: Charles A.B. Shepard (Signature)]

In 1855 Mr. Shepard conceived the idea of starting in business for
himself, and formed a co-partnership which was known to the trade as
Shepard, Clark and Brown. It flourished until the panic of 1857 swept
over the country. Reverses came, and the house was forced to give up.

In 1862, as I have said, the firm of Lee and Shepard was started in
business, with no other capital save that of brain and muscle. The two
partners had long and favorably known one another. While strangely
dissimilar in tastes, they yet exhibited many points in common. At the
start, both were financially poor men; they possessed no funds, but, by
virtue of their well known integrity and ability to succeed, could
readily command the little which they required to begin life anew. Mr.
Shepard, as well as Mr. Lee, had made himself indispensable to every
firm with which he had been connected. Each had a wide circle of
friends, and each was trusted by his friends. Both men had been generous
in prosperity, and their good deeds, though known only to their intimate
friends and the objects of their benevolence, were not trumpeted for
worldly admiration. Both enjoyed a wide acquaintanceship with authors,
and with books, with dealers, and with the public, and both had strong
likes and dislikes, which made them as radical in politics as they were
in personal affairs. In the firm, each has always had his own duties to
perform, on the wise plan of a fitting division of labor. Yet while each
partner seems exclusively to occupy his own field, independent of and
unrestricted by the other, it rarely happens that there are any
cross-purposes between them. The wheels of progress move on with
unswerving and unerring progress; the law of compensation which is
dominant in the establishment is always working aright.

Strangers who are for the first time brought in contract with these men,
whether socially or on matters of business, invariably detect the strong
points of conservatism which each exhibits. Mr. Lee gives one the
impression of being a well-read man, as, in fact, he is. The faculty
which he possesses of curiously gleaning the salient bits of knowledge
out of current thought and expression, is something remarkable. The
by-paths of literature are peculiarly his stamping-ground; and yet, upon
almost every subject of important character, he will chat for hours
intelligently and interestingly.

Mr. Shepard shows many of the same qualities. His brain is exceedingly
fertile of ideas, his memory perfectly marvelous, his language pointed,
easy-flowing and abounding in wit and humor. He exhibits singular
quickness at repartee; he is fond of a joke, and will give and take with
the keenest sense of enjoyment. His familiarity with standard literature
serves him many a good turn; he makes it a duty to read thoroughly or to
"dip into" every new book that is talked about. He fortifies himself,
whether for daily life or for social intercourse, with all the
intellectual weapons, so to speak, that can ever be called into play.
Still, he moves along the pathway of life thoroughly without
affectation; a "liberal education" seems to have been his by
inheritance, and he can make better use of it than most college men with
whom he is brought in contact.

It is as impossible for Mr. Shepard not to quote poetry as it is for him
to fly through the air and his facility in so doing would alone make him
a marked man. His whole soul is full of poesy, ever restless and
exuberant. I am not aware that he ever molded a rhyme, or sung a measure
of song in all his life. And yet so tenacious is his memory, so
wonderful his talent in applying the epigrammatic utterances of the
leading writers, both old and new, that a person, on being made
cognizant of the fact, finds himself puzzled. Poetry enters into even
the driest details of Mr. Shepard's business life. The signature to a
check is often audibly accompanied by some melodic couplet. Anywhere and
everywhere, and for everything that happens or may happen, the poetic
spice is rarely wanting. Mr. Shepard does not deliberately intend this
to be so; the gift rallies into utterance before he is aware of it, and
he can no more suppress it than he can turn back the roaring waters of

Possessed of such qualities as these, Mr. Shepard very easily finds
friends and is the centre of their attraction. Outspoken, sometimes even
to bluntness, a bitter hater of duplicity and meanness, a keen detector
of counterfeit character, on the one hand; on the other, warm in his
affections, generous to a fault, faithful to those whom he
admires,--such is the man of whom I write. No one is ever at a loss to
discover whether Mr. Shepard is his friend or his enemy.

Mr. Shepard has been intimately connected with the politics of his time.
He began as a thorough, out-and-out abolitionist; during the war he was
a stanch Republican, and a firm admirer of Charles Sumner. When the
great Senator forsook his party, Mr. Shepard chose the same course, and
to-day finds him enrolled upon the Democratic side, although, for some
years back, he has taken no active interest in any political movement of
the day.

Such, in brief, is Charles A.B. Shepard, a man better known, perhaps,
than any other among the book trade of this country, everywhere popular,
and nowhere more truly so than among those who are brought daily in
contact with him and who know him best.

The firm of Lee and Shepard removed from 149 Washington street, in 1873,
to a new building, which, replacing the one which had been destroyed in
the great Boston fire, now stands on the south-east corner of Franklin
and Hawley street. In these commodious and sumptuously-fitted quarters
the firm tarried until their removal, in January of the present year, to
their new quarters at No. 10 Milk street, adjoining the "old South."
Here they have evidently settled down to stay, perhaps for the remaining
years of their joint business life.

When they started in the "old dye-house" it was simply as booksellers.
They owned no stereotyped plates, and for some weeks had no thought of
entering into any business relations with authors. One day Mr. Shepard
chanced to make a social call upon Mr. Samuel C. Perkins, formerly
associated with Phillips, Sampson and Company, who, after their failure,
had become possessed of some stereotype plates. During the conversation
Mr. Perkins recalled the fact, and asked Mr. Shepard to take them off
his hands. The wherewithall to purchase was wanting; but Mr. Shepard,
conscious of what he was doing, decided to buy them, giving the firm's
notes in payment. These plates included those of Oliver Optic's "Boat
Club Series," in six volumes, and those of the "Riverdale Stories" in
twelve volumes. Mr. Lee approved the transaction, and the firm at once
brought out a new edition of both series. They met with a quick sale;
indeed, so wonderful was their success that the author, who was then a
Boston school teacher, was summoned and commissioned to prepare a series
of books for girls. From that time down to the present day, the pen of
"Oliver Optic" has been busily employed in behalf of the American youth.
He has produced, besides the series already named, the "Army and Navy
stories," in six volumes; the "Great Western series," in six volumes;
the "Lake Shore series," in six volumes; the "Onward and Upward series,"
in six volumes; the "Starry Flag series," in six volumes; the "Woodville
Stories," and the "Yacht Club series," each in six volumes; and two
series of six volumes each, entitled "Young America abroad." Hundreds of
thousands of copies have been sold of these books, and the demand for
them to-day is almost as large as it was ten or fifteen years ago. It is
no exaggeration to say that there is scarcely a young man or woman now
living who has not read and profitted by one or more of Oliver Optic's

Among the other successful writers whom Lee and Shepard brought into
notice was Miss Rebecca S. Clark, known the world over by her pseudonym
of "Sophie May." Her first book was "Little Prudy," which achieved a
reputation not surpassed by that of Miss Alcott's "Little Women." This
first volume was rapidly succeeded by others by the same author, which
in turn won favor, and are now grouped in the catalogue in series,
namely: "Little Prudy Series," "Little Prudy's Flyaway Series," "Dotty
Dimple Series," and "Flaxie Frizzle Stories," each comprising six
volumes. All of these books grew into the people's hearts, and ere long
the newspapers noticed them, the magazines devoted large space to
reviewing them, and the stately and sober-minded "North American
Review," in a characteristic article, from Colonel Higginson's pen was
led to say of their merits:

"Genius comes in with 'Little Prudy.' Compared with her, all other
book-children are cold creations of literature only; she alone is the
real thing, all the quaintness of childhood, its originality, its
tenderness and its teasing, its infinite unconscious drollery, the
serious earnestness of its fun, the fun of its seriousness, the natural
religion of its plays and the delicious oddity of its prayers--all these
waited for dear Little Prudy to embody them."

Such a verdict, from so exalted authority, has had its effect. The
demand for Sophie May's books has been almost unprecedented. Inspired by
her success in this line the author has also written several volumes for
older readers, and they, too, have proved successful.

Another author, who has held a prominent place in the firm's catalogue,
is Mr. George M. Baker. Although he has done much for the entertainment
of the young people in the line of story-telling, his greatest success
has been found in his series of amateur dramatic books, which have long
ago become standard. I would not undertake to mention how many "plays"
he has written; but to simply read the "mail orders" for such literature
or watch customers as they come and go from "headquarters," would
incline everybody to believe that he had produced about all that are
ever needed.

Lee and Shepard's catalogue embraces the names of a great many authors,
to even enumerate which would require much space in this magazine. Among
the more prominent I will call to mind the Rev. Asa Bullard, Professor
James De Mille, Miss Amanda M. Douglass, who has written some of the
best stories in American literature for older readers; the Rev. Elijah
Kellogg, the author of many bright and wholesome stories for youth; Mr.
J.T. Trowbridge, who is known everywhere; the "Rev. Petroleum V. Nasby,"
whom President Lincoln termed the _third_ power in crushing the
rebellion; Charles Sumner, the edition of whose works, published by this
house, was thought worthy of award at the Philadelphia exhibition;
Francis H. Underwood, who first suggested the "Atlantic Monthly"
magazine, and is one of the most genial and scholarly of American
writers; Colonel T.W. Higginson, who has produced a number of pleasant
books, and is the author of the most popular school History of the
United States ever written; B.P. Shillaber (Mrs. Partington), and a host
of other names, which the lack of space forbids me to mention.

In the making of books Lee and Shepard have shown an _originality_,
which has always been noticeable. In more ways than one, they have been
pioneers, and have set examples, which other firms have closely imitated
and followed. It was this house which first conceived the idea of
publishing serially favorite songs and poems in elegantly illustrated
form,--an idea which was at once taken up by nearly every other
publishing house in the country. These were issued in cloth binding,
and, two years ago, in the now famous "Golden Floral" style. In their
new dress these books have proved to be the most popular of their kind
ever sold on this continent.

The house has also produced other illustrated books, of artistic
excellence. Among these Miss Jerome's "One Year's Sketch Book" has been
declared to be without a rival, in its own field, while Miss Miner's
"Orchids" must needs be seen to be appreciated.

But I have reached the limits placed upon this article. I have omitted
to speak of many things of which I should like to say something. But the
warp and woof of the story are here given, and the reader will easily
discover therefrom that no secrets underly the firm of Lee and Shepard
save,--industry at home, and integrity in all their dealings with the

[Illustration: Rodney Wallace (Signature)]



[Pastor of the Calvinistic Congregational Church, Fitchburg.]

This is not a biography, it is a sketch; possibly I might say it is an
outline. At any rate the life of our subject can not be written till
other chapters are added, and the end comes. May it be long delayed.

The intense culmination of forces in the busy period of a man's life
renders it fruitful in material for a sketch. What a successful man, of
marked force of character, has done, may be an incentive and an
encouragement to others. Perhaps this was Longfellow's chief thought
when he penned the "Psalm of Life:"

  Lives of great men all remind us
  We can make our lives sublime.

The lives of great men, and conspicuously that of the subject of this
sketch, prove that, in this country, a boy need not be born with a
silver spoon in his mouth, nor with a brilliant speech on his lips, to
reach eminent success, and be held in high honor; but that the noblest
results of a life of industry and frugality, and the highest honors any
worthy ambition can crave, are within reach of the boy who has energy,
courage, integrity of purpose, and purity of character. By their native
energy some of the most conspicuous men of our time have made their way
against obstacles which would have been too much for less sturdy wills.
Whatever deficiencies there may have been in their early training were
largely atoned for by native energy and force of character. Because this
is all true of the subject of this paper, we tell the story in the hope
that some other struggling boy may take courage from his example.


Rodney Wallace was born in New Ipswich, New Hampshire, December 21,
1823, and is therefore in the full vigor of manhood. We may infer that
his boyhood was not blessed with the advantages which usually crown the
early life of so many lads, and strew their path with roses, from the
fact that at the age of twelve he left home to work on a farm for wages,
with agreement for limited opportunities for schooling. He is a son of
David and Roxanna Wallace.

It seems likely that the family is of Scotch origin. David Wallace
seemed to think so, since he dropped the spelling Wallis, and adopted
the form in which the name is now written. In 1639, Robert Wallis was
living in Ipswich, Massachusetts. Benoni Wallis, of this family, removed
to Lunenburg and there married Rebecca Morse, of Lynn, July 2, 1755. She
died in Lunenburg August 25, 1790, and he died March 15, 1792. David,
son of Benoni and Rebecca Wallis, was born October 16, 1760. He married
Susannah Lowe, and lived in Ashburnham where he died January 14, 1842.
David, son of David and Susannah Wallis, was born at Ashburnham July 14,
1797. He married July 8, 1821, Roxanna Gower of New Ipswich, where he
lived till he removed to Rindge, New Hampshire, in 1846. He died at
Rindge, May 29, 1857; and his wife died at Fitchburg, February 27, 1876.
He was the first of his family in this country to adopt the spelling
Wallace, instead of Wallis. He had eight children, of whom the subject
of this sketch was the second.

As we have said, at the age of twelve, when most lads are comfortably
cared for at home, young Wallace started out in life for himself. He let
himself to a farmer for forty dollars for the first year, with the
privilege of attending school eight weeks in the winter. It turns out
that the first forty dollars he earned were the beginning of a large
fortune, without a dishonest dollar in it, and that the eight weeks of
schooling of that winter on the farm, was the beginning of a knowledge,
gleaned here and there as opportunity offered, which fits him for
prominent positions of trust and responsibility.

At an early age, sixteen I think, he was charged with the responsibility
of driving freight teams from Rindge to Boston, returning with loads of
merchandise. In the discharge of this trust he displayed the energy,
tact, and trustworthiness which were prophecies of the man. He was
taking his first lessons in the school of business, and proved himself
an apt scholar.

Dr. Stephen Jewett was a somewhat notable physician of Rindge. His fame
in the cure of chronic and acute diseases was wide spread. He was
frequently called upon to make professional visits in Boston and other
New England cities and towns. His medicines attained a wide celebrity.
Their manufacture and sale became a large and lucrative business, and
was carried on after the death of Dr. Jewett, by his son, Stephen
Jewett, Jr. The energy which young Wallace had already shown induced Mr.
Jewett to put the whole business of selling these medicines into his
hands. He entered into this employment in 1843, at the age of twenty,
and continued in it till he came to Fitchburg in 1853. In selling these
medicines he travelled over five of the New England States. He said to
the writer that this was a good school in geography for him, for he
became acquainted with the topography of these states, and the location
of all their important places.

Such were the beginnings of a business career of great prosperity. It
was in these ways that he got his start in life, and in these lesser
employments he proved himself worthy of and equal to the greater tasks
yet before him. Here he showed the same judgment and far-sighted wisdom,
which have marked his career in the larger, more conspicuous circles of
the business world, and won him a name which is everywhere repeated with
respect, and a reputation for integrity and honest dealing which any man
might covet.


In 1853 Mr. Wallace came to Fitchburg and entered upon that period
which, for convenience, I have named his business life. He formed a
co-partnership with Stephen Shepley, known as Shepley and Wallace. They
were wholesale dealers in books, stationery, paper-stock, and
cotton-waste. This firm continued under the name of Shepley and Wallace,
and R. Wallace and Co. till July 1, 1865. On this day the firm
dissolved, and the business was divided. Mr. Wallace took the department
of paper-stock and cotton-waste, which he still carries on. To what
proportions it has grown, under his management, may be judged from the
fact that the business done amounts at least to $200,000 a year.

December 31, 1864, Stephen Shepley, Benjamin Snow, and Rodney Wallace
bought the Lyon Paper Mill and the Kimball Scythe Shops at West
Fitchburg, and began the manufacture of paper under the name of the
Fitchburg Paper Company, Stephen E. Denton was taken into the firm as a
partner soon after. He had charge of the business at the mill. In July,
1865, Rodney Wallace and Benjamin Snow bought the interest of Stephen
Shepley; and the Fitchburg Paper Company was then Wallace, Snow, and
Denton. Mr. Denton died in June,1868. January 7, 1869, Mr. Wallace
bought the interest of Benjamin Snow. January 23 of the same year he
bought the interest of Mr. Denton's estate of his widow, who was at that
time residing in New York. From that date till the present the Fitchburg
Paper Company is Rodney Wallace. He retains the old firm name.

Since becoming sole owner, he has added largely to the original
property. A neat village of dwellings has grown up around his mills,
which deserves a name of its own. Wallaceville would be an appropriate
name. He has put in a substantial stone dam at great expense. In 1878 he
erected a new brick mill, with all the modern improvements, doubling the
capacity of the establishment. It is now capable of producing from
15,000 to 18,000 pounds of paper every twenty-four hours. Just across
the Nashua River is the Fitchburg Railroad. He has a freight station of
his own, where he receives all his freight and ships all his paper.

Mr. Wallace has conducted his business with rare sagacity, with
unblemished integrity, and with an eye to the welfare of his employees,
as well as to his own personal interests. If it were not like praising a
man to his face, since he still lives, many instances might be cited to
prove that it has not been his policy to get the most out of his
employees for the least possible return. But it is enough to say that he
has no difficulty in keeping men in his employ. Somehow he has hit upon
a plan by which he has kept the irrepressible conflict between capital
and labor at a distance.

Aside from his own business, which makes large drafts upon his time,
strength, and thought, he has been closely identified with numerous
other corporate and monetary interests. He has thus had a large share in
contributing to the growth and prosperity of the enterprising city in
which he lives. Its business interests, to a large degree, have enjoyed
his wisdom, and profited by his sagacity. Since 1864 he has been
President and Director of the Fitchburg Gas Company; a Director of
Putnam Machine Company since the same year; a Director of the Fitchburg
National Bank since 1866; a partner in the Fitchburg Woolen Mills since
1877; a Trustee of Smith College since 1878. He is a Director of the
Fitchburg Mutual Fire Insurance Company; a Trustee of the Fitchburg
Savings Bank; a Director of the Fitchburg Railroad; a partner of the
Parkhill Manufacturing Company. Besides these, he has had the settlement
of large and important estates, demanding time, good judgment, and
unbending integrity. We would especially note the large estate of the
late Ephraim Murdock, Jr., of Winchendon, and that of the late Hon. Wm.
H. Vose of Fitchburg. These facts speak for themselves, and show the
esteem in which Mr. Wallace is held by his fellow citizens, as a wise
counsellor, and as a man of integrity and uprightness of character, as
well as of rare good judgment in all matters pertaining to the
transaction of business. Another says, "In whatever enterprise Mr.
Wallace has been engaged, he has not only been fortunate in its
pecuniary interests, but also in the speedy command of the confidence
and respect of his associates. True moral principles have been united
with unquestioned probity, business tact, and liberal, intelligent
management." He has won a large fortune, without parting with his
honesty in earning a single dollar. As his property has increased, his
generous spirit has seen larger opportunities and at once embraced them.
He has not been among those who withhold more than is meet and tend to
poverty. Property in such hands is not a grinding monopoly, but a wide
blessing. Such men can afford to be wealthy. They represent the true
socialistic spirit, which is, that private capital should be held as a
public good.

Largely through the influence of Mr. Wallace various improvements have
been made in Fitchburg, which contribute to its attractiveness. The
business of the city is in no small degree indebted to him for
facilities with which communication can be had with the world outside.
Prominent mention may be made of the beautiful Union Railway station at
Fitchburg in securing whose erection, and in planning which, Mr. Wallace
was largely instrumental.


Mr. Wallace has had no ambitious longings for political life. And yet
his fellow citizens would not be likely to let such a man remain wholly
out of public life. So it is true to say that whatever office Mr.
Wallace has held, has sought him. He was selectman of the town during
the years 1864, 1865, and 1867. In 1873 he was representative to the
Genral Court, to which office he was elected in the fall of 1872 by
nearly every ballot cast. He was re-nominated the next year without
dissent or opposition, but declined a re-election on account of ill
health. While a member of the Legislature he was on the Committee on
Manufactures, a position which his ability and experience fitted him to

The most conspicuous political office he has held is that of Councillor.
While holding that position he represented one of the largest and most
important districts of the State. In it are included the thriving city
of Worcester and the sister city of Fitchburg, which, with their varied
industries, needed a man of large and ripe judgment to represent them.
He served three terms, during the years 1880, 1881, and 1882, or
throughout the entire administration of Governor Long. His election was
so entirely unanimous that for the last two years he had no competitor
in the field, Democrats as well as Republicans supporting him. While on
the Council he was a member of the following important committees: on
Pardons, on Harbors and Public Lands, on Military Affairs, and on

At the close of Governor Long's administration he refused to allow
furthur use of his name for the office he had so ably filled for three
years. He celebrated his retirement from this position as a servant of
the public by a brilliant reception tendered to Governor Long in the
City Hall, Fitchburg, December 7, 1882. He thus gave his fellow citizens
and constituents an opportunity to look Massachusett's popular Governor
in the face and take him by the hand.

The following account of the reception, appeared in the _Fitchburg
Sentinel_ of Friday, December 8, which I quote:

    "The reception tendered to Governor Long in City Hall, Thursday
    evening, by Councillor Rodney Wallace and wife, was the most
    enjoyable and brilliant entertainment ever given in this city,
    and will be long remembered with pleasure by all who
    participated. The reception was given by Mr. and Mrs. Wallace as
    a compliment to Governor Long, with whom Mr. Wallace has been
    associated as Councilor for three years, and to give their
    friends here an opportunity to spend an evening socially with
    His Excellency. Some 450 cards of invitation were sent out,
    including about 700 persons, and nearly 600 were present on
    Thursday evening. The storm and blizzard-like weather that
    reached this city early in the afternoon prevented the
    attendance of some of Mr. Wallace's business associates from
    abroad. The intention was to give all a pleasant, social
    evening, and the result was a full realization of the pleasure
    anticipated for some days.

       *       *       *       *       *

    Guests were received at the west entrance over which a canopy
    was erected. The steps, hall-ways and stairs were all carpeted.
    The Common Council room was used as a dressing room for the
    ladies, the Aldermen's room for the gentlemen, and the Mayor's
    office was reserved for Governor Long and Councilor Wallace. On
    entering the hall the guests were presented to Councilor
    Wallace, Mrs. Wallace and Governor Long, who stood in the centre
    on the east side--Messrs. Herbert I. Wallace, George R. Wallace,
    Charles E. Ware, Jr., Harris C. Hartwell, James Phillips, Jr.,
    B.D. Dwinnell, Dr. E.P. Miller and M.L. Gate officiating as
    ushers. After the greetings the time was spent socially,
    listening to the excellent music furnished by Russell's
    Orchestra, fourteen pieces stationed on the stage, and many
    enjoyed dancing from 10.30 till about 1 o'clock.

       *       *       *       *       *

    Among the distinguished guests were the following from out of
    town: Councilor Joseph Davis and wife of Lynn, Councilor Matthew
    W. Cushing of Middleboro, Councilor Nathaniel Wales of
    Stoughton, Councilor Rufus D. Woods of Enfield,
    Congressman-elect William Whiting of Holyoke, Councilor-elect
    Eben A. Hall of the Greenfield Gazette and Courier, Secretary of
    State Henry B. Peirce of Abington, Rev. E.A. Horton of Boston
    (formerly of Leominster), Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Edwards and Prof.
    Henry M. Tyler and wife (formerly of this city) of Northampton,
    Dr. F.A. Harris, wife and Miss Gage, Mrs. Glover (Governor
    Long's mother-in-law), William B. Wood and wife, Superintendent
    John Adams (of the Fitchburg Railroad) and wife, Mr. and Mrs.
    Charles H. Shepley, all of Boston; N.D. White and Mr. and Mrs.
    Joseph M. White of Winchendon, John S. Baldwin of the Worcester
    Spy, J.B. Hall of the Worcester Gazette, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
    Merriam and daughter of Leominster.

    An attempt to describe the hall as it appeared on this occasion
    cannot be otherwise than unsatisfactory. To appreciate the
    brilliant scene one must see not only the gay decorations and
    the beautiful flowers and plants, but also the happy people and
    the elegant and tasty dresses of the ladies, in the full light
    of the extra burners placed in the centre of the hall for this

       *       *       *       *       *

    The entire floor was carpeted, and the hall was divided into two
    sections--reception room and dining room--by pink and white
    bunting. The walls of the entire hall were decorated with
    draperies, cottons, pink and white buntings, etc., and festooned
    with two thousand yards of laurel and hanging baskets of
    flowers, while a splendid collection of pot plants, orange and
    lemon trees, and growing grapes, from Mr. Wallace's private
    conservatory added much to the grand effect of the designs.

    The most elaborate work was in the front of the stage, at the
    right of the stage and on the right and left centres of the
    hall. Above all, over the stage was a gilt carved eagle
    surmounting the State coat of arms. On either side flags were
    festooned and ornamented with sprays of holly. In the rear of
    the platform were palm trees, while in front dracinas, and
    laurel, with a beautiful orange tree in each corner, each
    bearing nearly twenty oranges. On the right wall of the hall,
    the draperies were surmounted by four medallions representing
    the elements--Air, Earth, Fire, and Water. In the right centre
    was the large painting representing Crete, above which was the
    motto "Amicus inter Amicos." In the foreground was a pedestal
    surmounted by a bust of Ariadne, flanked on each side by growing
    grapes, with two Roman altars burning incense through the entire

    On the left centre wall was a large painting representing
    Antium, the home of Nero and Temple of Fortuna, with the Appollo
    Belvidere on a pedestal in the foreground, flanked with two
    standing vases with burning incense. Above the painting was the
    motto "Gaudeamus Igitur," resting on a gilt lyre and torch.
    Medallions representing Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter
    surmounted the draperies on this side of the hall.

    One of the most admired features of the decorations was the
    design on the floor at the right of the stage. A pedestal, some
    ten feet high, was surmounted by a beautiful specimen of the
    American eagle. On either side of the eagle was a perfect flag
    made of natural flowers--violets, carnations and tube
    roses--with a shield of similar flowers in the centre. The
    entire pedestal was banked by pots of growing plants--including
    palms, dracinas, ponisettas in full bloom, etc.

    The dining room was also handsomely decorated with flags,
    draperies and flowers, while the table itself was elegantly laid
    with exquisitely decorated china and silver, and ornamented by
    beautiful bouquets, candelabra, and epergnes. Supper was served
    through the entire evening, guests entering at the right from
    the reception apartment and passing through to the west side of
    the hall."

The completeness of all these arrangements were largely due to the taste
and energy of his son, Mr. Herbert I. Wallace, who had the whole matter
in charge.

In 1884 Mr. Wallace was chosen delegate from this district to the
Republican Convention held at Chicago in June, which resulted in the
nomination of James G. Blaine and John A. Logan. Like most of the
delegates from Massachusetts, Mr. Wallace was in favor of Senator
Edmunds of Vermont. But when he saw that Mr. Blaine's nomination was
inevitable, he joined in making it unanimous. He did not go with those
who bolted the nomination, because it was not his first choice, but he
supported it with his purse, his voice, and his vote, as appears from
the following synopsis of a brief address which he made at a
ratification meeting, held in the City Hall, Fitchburg, July 11, 1884,
which I clip from the _Fitchburg Sentinel_ of the next day:

    "Ex-Mayor Merriam, Chairman of the committee, called the meeting
    to order, and said the audience had assembled to hear the report
    of the two delegates to the Republican national convention. The
    Chairman then introduced Rodney Wallace, who was most heartily
    applauded as he arose to speak.

    Mr. Wallace, who was one of the delegates from this district to
    the Republican convention, said his first choice for President
    was the able statesman from Vermont, Senator Edmunds, and his
    second choice was President Arthur, who has given us such an
    excellent administration. The Massachusetts delegation, almost
    without exception, worked hard to secure the nomination for Mr.
    Edmunds, but it was impossible for that convention to nominate
    anybody but James G. Blaine. Nobody can describe the enthusiasm
    through the entire convention for Blaine. The California
    delegation bore a banner inscribed "From Maine to California,
    through Iowa, all for Blaine," and, in my opinion now, Mr.
    Elaine is the strongest man in the Republican party. When the
    motion was made to make the nomination unanimous, not a voice
    was raised against it. I believe he will be elected in November
    and will give us a strong and safe administration."

The writer does not know whether Mr. Wallace considers his political
life ended. He certainly has no longing, desires, and ambitions in the
direction of public office. It is equally certain that any office which
he will consent to hold, and which the people who know him can give, he
can have without opposition.


I come now to a part of my story which it is exceedingly pleasant to
relate and of which I am able to speak, to no little extent, from
personal knowledge. It is, after all, what one is as a man among men,
which speaks most for his honor, or his dishonor. What greater
significance generous deeds have, when you know that behind them is no
calculating, grasping spirit, which is figuring out how much it can get
in return, but a noble, generous, self-forgetful manhood. We have a
conviction that the conflict between labor and capital, which just now
has reached a threatening pitch of violence, might have been avoided if
employers had not in so many cases endeavored to reduce men to mere
money-making machines. As a rule strikes do not occur where laboring men
are treated with the consideration due them as free citizens. The
freedom of Fitchburg from strikes is due to the intelligence of the
workmen, and the fairness of the employers. Another says, "nothing does
more to destroy the spirit of socialism and communism and to disipate
envy than to see wealthy men devoting a part of their wealth to public

This introduces us to the most conspicuous act by which the subject of
our sketch has proved his public spirit and generosity of purpose as a
citizen. I refer to his gift to the city of Fitchburg of a beautiful
public library, which, by vote of the city government, is to be called
by his name. This act of beneficence reaches farther than appears to a
casual observer. It secures to the city, for all coming time, a
"Peoples' College," where the child of the poorest, as well as of the
richest, the toiler as well as the man of leisure, may get a very
important education. This building is to be devoted to art as well as to
literature, and we look to see it exert a refining and cultivating, as
well as an educating influence over the rising generations of our city.
Its very presence, in a most conspicuous position, in the very heart of
the city, will be educational. It will prove itself a most valuable
adjunct to the excellent course of instruction given in our public

For some years it had been in Mr. Wallace's mind to do something of this
sort. In 1881 he purchased what was known as the Ruggles property,
opposite Monument Park. In the spring of 1884, when he left for his
annual tour in the South, he placed in the hands of Judge Ware, Chairman
of the Trustees of the Public Library, a genuine surprise to his fellow
citizens. I clip from the _Fitchburg Sentinel_ of March 26, 1884, the
following account of the matter:

    "Both branches of the City Council met on Tuesday evening and
    transacted the following business:

    The principal business was


    Major Davis presided and announced that Judge T.K. Ware,
    Chairman of the Trustees of the Public Library, had a
    communication to present to the City Council.

    Judge Ware said that he appeared before the Council at the
    request of Honorable Rodney Wallace, who, previous to his
    departure for the South, left with him the following
    communication which gave him pleasure and gratification to be
    able to present to the City Council:

    _To His Honor, the Mayor and the City Council of the City of

    GENTLEMEN:--The subscriber has felt for a long time that a
    building with proper appurtenances for our Public Library here
    in Fitchburg was much needed, and makes the following
    proposition, viz:

    I propose to convey by proper deed to the city of Fitchburg my
    lot of land situated at the corner of Main street and Newton
    place, and to expend, with the advice and approval of the
    Trustees of the Public Library, within the next two years, a sum
    not less than forty thousand dollars ($40,000) in erecting a
    building on said lot; said building to be under the care and
    management of the Board of Trustees of the Public Library for
    the time being, and to be used for a Free Public Library,
    Reading Rooms and Art Gallery, and for no other purpose.

    And it is understood that the city government, accepting these
    donations for the above purposes, shall assume and bear the
    current expenses of said building, grounds and appurtenances,
    after the Library building shall have been completed and

    If the above proposition is accepted I shall proceed to carry
    out the same as soon as it can conveniently be done.

    FITCHBURG, March 17, 1884.

    Mayor Davis said this act on the part of our esteemed fellow
    citizen calls forth the profound gratitude of all the
    inhabitants of our city. I cannot allow this opportunity to pass
    without expressing my thanks, as a citizen, for the munificent
    gift. May his life be long and his prosperity increasing.

    The following order, introduced by Mayor Davis, was then
    unanimously adopted:

    _Ordered_, That the City of Fitchburg accept the donation of
    Honorable Rodney Wallace to it of the lot of land on the corner
    of Main street and Newton place, and the Library building to be
    erected by him thereon, upon the conditions and in accordance
    with the terms and provisions contained in his written
    communication and proposal to the Mayor and City Council; and
    places on record its profound appreciation of the public spirit
    and munificence of the donor, and its recognition of the
    incalculable benefits which will result to his fellow citizens
    and their descendants and successors for all time from this
    noble gift.

    Alderman Joel said the surprise was so great and so agreeable
    that words were not at his command to express the thanks he, in
    common with all other members, felt for the munificent gift
    presented by Mr. Wallace. He moved that a committee be appointed
    to prepare and forward a vote of thanks to Honorable Rodney
    Wallace for his gift. The motion was unanimously adopted, and
    Mayor Davis appointed Alderman Joel, Councilmen Flaherty and
    Parkhill as the committee."

From the _Sentinel_ of April 10, 1884, I clip the following:

    "The following resolutions have been presented to Honorable
    Rodney Wallace by the special committee appointed at the joint
    convention of the two branches of the City Council, March 25:


    _Whereas_, the Mayor and City Council of the city of Fitchburg
    have received and accepted a proposition tendered by Honorable
    Rodney Wallace of this city, by the terms of which a lot of land
    situated at the corner of Main street and Newton place is
    donated to the city of Fitchburg, and a sum not less than forty
    thousand dollars is to be expended by him, with the advice and
    approval of the Trustees of the Public Library, within the next
    two years in erecting a building on said lot, said building to
    be used for a Free Public Library, Reading Rooms, and an Art
    Gallery; therefore,

    _Resolved_, That this body desires to voice and place on record
    the universal appreciation on the part of our citizens of the
    generosity and public spirit of the honored donor, of the
    timeliness of the gift, and not less, of the wisdom and
    foresight manifested in the particular mode by which the city
    is made the recipient of the munificent present.

    _Resolved_, That we recognize the fact that a gift of this
    nature will result in incalculable benefits to the community so
    fortunate as to receive it, enlarging and intensifying, as it
    does, all the privileges of acquiring information and securing
    culture which a public library affords; providing in a most
    accessible and useful form the means by which our young people
    and those whose daily toil leaves them little leisure for study,
    may draw to themselves the results of all past experience; and
    rendering both attractive and easy to all classes of our people
    opportunities of turning their thoughts from the sterner
    features of their daily occupations to the amenities of life as
    presented by specimens of artistic and literary merit.

    _Resolved_, That while sharing in the delight of our citizens in
    view of the valuable gift thus unexpectedly placed at their
    service, we congratulate them even more upon the presence among
    them of men whom Providence has blessed in three-fold
    measure--with hearts abounding in philanthropic instincts, with
    material resources ample for the gratification of such impulses,
    and with that rarer gift than either, the judgment requisite to
    secure for their donations the widest and most permanent range
    of influence.

    _Resolved_, That we cannot resist the inclination to felicitate
    our honored benefactor upon the deep and abiding joy which must
    be the most adequate reward for this expression of his good will
    toward our city--the joy arising from the knowledge that every
    home within our corporate limits will enter into the enjoyment
    of his gift and that not a few of our youth will be allured from
    scenes of degrading and immoral pleasure by the presence in a
    most convenient location of a beautiful edifice within which are
    at their disposal the graces of art and the riches of

    _Resolved_, That the distinguished giver by this gift, the most
    valuable ever received by this community at one time from a
    single citizen, has "erected a monument more enduring than
    bronze and loftier than the regal structure of the pyramids" in
    the establishment of a lasting sense of gratitude within the
    hearts of his appreciative fellow citizens.

    FITCHBURG, April 1, 1884."

Although $40,000 is the lowest limit named, it should be said that the
cost of the noble pile will far exceed that sum. It was a generous and
princely act for which he will be held in lasting and greatful memory.
He will leave behind him a monument which will forever identify his name
with the intellectual and moral culture of all classes of the citizens
of Fitchburg.

On the seventh of April, the Trustees of the Public Library took
appropriate action on the gift of Mr. Wallace. The following account
appeared in the _Sentinel_ of April 8:

    "At a meeting of the Trustees of the Public Library, Monday
    evening, the board adopted the following resolution, offered by
    Henry A. Willis, and on motion of Rev. P.J. Garrigan it was
    voted to enter the same on their records, request the daily
    papers of the city to publish the same, and that Rev. P.J.
    Garrigan, Henry A. Willis and L.H. Bradford be appointed a
    committee to present the action of the board to Mr. Wallace:

    _Resolved_, That we have heard with great satisfaction of the
    proposed gift by Honorable Rodney Wallace of land and a building
    for the use of the Public Library, thus providing for a want
    long felt by the Trustees, viz: facilities for making the
    Library fully available to the people of the city, which it
    never could be in its present confined quarters; that we will
    fully co-operate with the generous donor in any manner desired
    by him in carrying out the details of his proposed undertaking;
    and that we desire here to place upon our records our keen
    appreciation of the generous spirit which has moved him to
    tender this munificent gift."

The new library building fronts on Main street, and looks out upon
Monument Park and the beautiful Court House of North Worcester County.
It is of Greek classic style, and is built of Trenton pressed brick. It
has sandstone trimmings. It has a frontage of seventy-four feet on Main
street, and is sixty-five feet deep. The basement is ten feet in height.
It is two stories above the basement. The library floor is sixteen feet
high. The second story, which contains the picture gallery, is ten feet
high on the outside, and thirty-two in the centre. The extreme height is
therefore fifty-eight feet. The front of the building is especially
imposing. It has a projection in the centre, twenty-five feet wide and
six feet deep, which extends the whole height of the structure and
terminates in a gable, which is surrounded by a decorated pediment. The
main entrance is approached by massive steps of granite, twelve feet
wide, flanked by heavy buttresses. At the top of the steps is the
entrance porch, eleven feet wide, six feet deep, and arched overhead.
Polished granite columns with carved capitals on either side support the
archway above. In the belt of sandstone above this arch is cut the
legend "Library and Art Building." Above this belt is a row of windows
separated by columns of brick. Above these is a sandstone belt in which
is cut the name of the donor, by vote of the City Government. The title
of the structure is therefore "Wallace Library and Art Building." Above
is a row of circular windows separated by sandstone columns with carved
capitals. The hip roof of the building is crowned by a monitor top,
which admits light into the art room below. Over the entrance is to be
the city seal, in antique and Venetian glass. The whole structure is
amply lighted by a large number of windows.

The basement provides for a store-room, a work-room, and reading-room,
which opens off Newton lane. The public will have full access to this
room. It will specially accommodate the workingmen. The late Honorable
Wm. H. Vose left $1,000, the income of which is to be used in supplying
suitable papers for this room. There are also in the basement a coal
room, and the boiler which heats the whole building. On entering the
building one stands in a large hall, on the right of which is a
reading-room for magazines, and on the left is a large reference room,
and a winding stairway by which the second story is reached. Across the
whole rear of the building is the library room, which is high enough to
admit of galleries. Ample provisions are thus made for all the possible
future needs of the city. In the second story is the art gallery. Around
it are five other rooms, which can be devoted to any of the uses such an
institution may require. When completed the inside will be finished in
hard woods, and according to modern ideas of taste and elegance. The art
gallery will be a model of its kind.

With a collection of books and of works of art to match the thought of
the donor expressed in the building the library will be a lasting
blessing to our city. A gift so timely, and so well adapted to the needs
of a city like Fitchburg, with its population of young people, could not
fail to commend itself, and win the gratitude of every right-minded
citizen. Therefore, any one who will stand in front of this building for
an hour, and listen to the remarks made by those who look up to it as
they pass, will readily learn how deep a hold on the esteem of all
classes of the citizens of Fitchburg this generous act has given Mr.

Lest my estimate of Mr. Wallace may seem extravagant to those who do not
know him, I add the following from the pen of Professor H.M. Tyler of
Smith College, Northampton, formerly Mr. Wallace's pastor. He writes:--

    "It gives me great pleasure to send a few lines in answer to
    your note, though it would be easy for a critic to say that I
    have long since passed the point where I could give a
    cold-blooded opinion of Mr. Wallace. I can write only from the
    stand-point of warm friendship and cannot be cold in my respect
    and admiration for my friend. Mr. Wallace is pre-eminently a
    business man; to this the chief energy of his life has been
    directed. It seems an impertinence for me to pass judgment upon
    his career, but I have loved to study him in his business
    habits. By his affability, correctness, and fairness in all his
    work he has succeeded marvellously in attaching every one to
    himself. All instinctively gravitate toward him, and never wish
    to break off their association with him. I never knew a man so
    master of his own ways and yet so universally popular. People
    love to be influenced or even controlled by him. His office
    would be the centre of any community in which he should be
    placed. All men love to fasten to him their faith. He has
    everywhere learned to gather friends by showing himself
    friendly. His interest in the people of his own community has
    been shown not merely by his public benefactions. Every one in
    want of help has turned to him, and all have had a patient
    hearing and generous response.

    He has been associated with people of every position and among
    all has been a favorite companion. Everyone has felt at home
    with him. It is rarely true that a man has gained success with
    so thorough a desire that his friends should enjoy what he has
    gathered with him. He is thus remarkable for his prosperity, for
    the use which he is making of his prosperity, for his delight in
    giving pleasure to others, and for the disposition and temper
    which finds its enjoyment in such rational and kindly ways.

    It is not that one never disagrees with Mr. Wallace. He would
    scorn the flattery which yields convictions to attempt to
    please. Even when we differ he is none the less congenial. If I
    have ever had the feeling that in any respect I should like to
    make him over it has generally yielded to the conviction that on
    the whole I could not hope to do better than has been done.
    Among all the men with whom I have come in contact in places of
    business responsibility and honor I do not know another to whom
    I give more unqualified respect and esteem than I do to Mr.
    Wallace. Cordially,


Mr. Wallace, as has appeared, was for three years associated with
Governor Long in the Government of Massachusetts. In response to a note
from me Mr. Long writes as follows:

    "I am glad to know that you are writing a sketch of Mr. Wallace
    for publication. If a good subject will make a good sketch your
    work will be a success. He is one of the men, however, who write
    their own lives, not in the pages of any autobiography, but in
    their conduct and character. I have served with him in public
    life, and sat with him as one of my Councilors in the Executive
    Chamber, and have found him always a fund of practical good
    sense, of excellent judgment, trained by great experience in
    affairs, and of thorough integrity. He is a representative
    Massachusetts man, the builder of his own fortune, equal to the
    enterprise of acquiring wealth and position, and magnanimous in
    their use and enjoyment. But I like best to recall, as I am sure
    do all who know him, his generous friendship, his great public
    spirit, and his good heart, of which I have witnessed many
    proofs. I trust that it may be many years before his life is
    taken in any other way than in such an appreciative and kindly
    sketch as you will write of him.

    Very truly yours,
    JOHN D. LONG."

    WASHINGTON, D.C., February 7, 1885.

December 1, 1853, Mr. Wallace married Sophia Ingalls, daughter of Thomas
Ingalls of Rindge, New Hampshire. She died June 20, 1871, leaving two
sons, Herbert I. Wallace and George R. Wallace. Herbert is a graduate of
Harvard in the class of 1877. George studied at the Institute of
Technology in Boston. They are associated with their father in the
management of his business. December 28, 1876 Mr. Wallace married Mrs.
Sophia F. Bailey of Woodstock, Vermont. Mr. Bailey was a member of
Congress from the district in which Fitchburg is included. Mrs. Wallace
is one of the well-known Billings family of Woodstock. Mr. Wallace lives
in a beautiful house on Prospect street, which is surrounded with
beautiful lawns and green-houses which, gratify his taste. From his
front door he can overlook the city and its varied industries in whose
development he has borne so conspicuous a part.

We are near the end of a story which it has been a pleasure to tell.
Vastly more could be told. A volume of incidents could be written. There
are precious secrets of every generous and noble man's life which no pen
may profane by giving them publicity. These are the choice treasures
reserved only for those who know him best, and live nearest his heart.
But the writer desires, as Mr. Wallace's pastor, to add the testimony of
observation and personal knowledge to the rare purity and uprightness of
character, to the generosity of spirit, to the thoughtful kindness, and
to the deep and reverent regard for spiritual things, of his
distinguished parishioner. As an example of untiring energy, of probity
of character, of cleanness of soul, of uprightness of life, of sincerity
of purpose, of firmness of moral principle, he may safely be held up as
a model for young men.

       *       *       *       *       *



[Footnote A: Mrs. Mason is a resident of Fitchburg. Her home, on
Rollstone Street, is shown in the "Sketch of Fitchburg." Her reputation
as a writer of verse is not confined to the State. She is the author of
the words of the familiar ballad "Do They Miss Me at Home?" and has, for
many years, contributed poetry to leading weeklies and magazines.--Ed.]

  Nested among her hills she lies,--
    The city of our love!
  Within her, pleasant homes arise;
  And healthful airs and happy skies
    Float peacefully above.

  A sturdy few, 'mid hopes and fears,
    Her fair foundations set:
  And looking backward now, through years
  Of steady gain, how small appears
    Her old estate!--and yet,

  She dons no autocratic airs,
    In scorn of humbler days,
  But shapes her fortunes and affairs,
  To match the civic wreath she wears
    And justify her bays.

  Honor and Truth her old renown:
    Conservative of both,
  The virtues of the little town
  She holds in legacy, to crown
    The city's larger growth.

  Nor ease nor sloth her strength despoil:
    Her peaceful farmers till,
  With patient thrift, th' outlying soil,
  Her trained mechanics deftly toil,
    Her merchants ply their skill;

  Her ponderous engineries supply
    A thousand waiting needs;
  Her wheels revolve, her shuttles fly,--
  And ever where the prize hangs high,
    Her foot, unfaltering, leads.

  Her sympathies are large and sweet:
    And when, at Freedom's call,
  The war flags waved, the war drums beat,
  She sprang, responsive, to her feet,
    And freely offered all!

  Alert in War, she emulates
    The Arts of Peace, as well:
  Religion, Order, guard her gates;
  Wealth, Culture, Thrift, like happy Fates,
    Her destinies foretell.

  So, through the round of years, she keeps
    Advancing on her Past:
  Her old-time vigor never sleeps,--
  And even as she sows she reaps.
    God bless her to the last!

       *       *       *       *       *




[Author of "Battles of the American Revolution."]

It seems common to all great wars that the true version of leading
actions is rarely assured by the immediate reports of commanders. Many
causes secure to such reports substantial accuracy, but the development
of details seldom fails to show that justice to subordinates cannot be
done by the simple statement of general plans and general results. There
are historians who still claim that Arnold had no part in the battle of
Freeman's Farm, September 19, 1777; and many other battles of the
Revolutionary war lacked clear definition until nearly a century had
passed and the records were supplemented by careful examination of the
battle-fields and a more thorough scrutiny of British, French, and
Hessian archives, thereby to correct topographical data and harmonize
conflicting statements.

The case of General Fitz John Porter forcibly illustrates the difficulty
of changing public opinion, once formed, even when supplemental data
enforce military recognition of their value. The Battle of Franklin,
which secured to General Thomas the opportunity to fortify Nashville and
ultimately defeat Hood, and the battles of Stone River, Gettysburg,
Chicamauga and Monocacy, are among the actions of the late war in which
differences of statement as to positions and movements have greatly
qualified first estimates of the relations which various officers
sustained to those actions.

The battle of Shiloh, or Pittsburg Landing, has been the latest under
scrutiny. It is not the purpose to consider whether the action of the
day was influenced by the arrival of Buel's army, or by the non-arrival
of General Lew Wallace's division; nor whether General Wallace did, or
did not, march by scientific methods, when he moved for the nearest
firing. Among voluminous papers touching the civil war are the copies of
original papers received from General Wallace himself, and of present
interest. These papers received notice from the Western press at one
time, but seem to demand a more formal record, as essential factors in
the better understanding of the Battle of Shiloh.

The following outline is suggested by these documents:

1st. That the Federal line of battle, early in the morning, stretched
out from Pittsburg Landing nearly to the Purdy Road, with General
Sherman's division on the right, within about a mile of that road.

2nd. That General Wallace's division was at Crump's Landing, not more
than five miles from Pittsburg Landing; it being then uncertain which of
the two would be the objective of attack.

3d. That General Grant visited General Wallace at Crump's Landing and
ordered him to hold his command subject to orders, and then steamed
onward to Pittsburg Landing.

4th. That before 6 o'clock, A.M., the sound of firing had led General
Wallace to put his command under arms; and he was prepared to move
wherever active work should demand, even before he was ordered to be
thus ready.

5th. That he concentrated his brigades, then in three camps, into one
mass, at the forks of the Purdy Road and the road to Pittsburg Landing,
so that he might take either road, as orders should decide.

6th. That he understood the original line of battle and the disposition
of its divisions, and knew that General Sherman held the right.

7th. That the order received by him, before 12 o'clock, M., from Captain
Baxter, staff officer of General Grant, was in writing; and while
pronounced verbally, at first, the form it assumed, when reduced to
writing and subsequently delivered to General Wallace, was a direct
order to "unite with the right," and that involved the march on the
Purdy Road.

If the verbal order of General Grant to Captain Baxter, to hasten
General Wallace's Division to Pittsburg Landing, was reduced to writing
by that officer, after he noticed the early success of the Union Line,
he would have shaped the approach of the fresh division to the best
possible advantage, to join the _army_, not the precise _Landing_, if
the army was not there; since General Grant, still being on crutches
from a sprained ankle when his horse fell under and upon him, on the
fourth, was compelled to depend largely upon staff-officers for
judicious action, in exigencies which fell under their eyes, and where
his riding was greatly limited. There is full harmony of events, by
giving full credit to all the data which seem, at first, to work

8th. That the Staff Officer who delivered the order assured General
Wallace and his staff that the Federal line was successful and driving
the enemy at every point.

9th. That a movement at that time, toward Pittsburg Landing, would have
taken General Wallaces' Division out of possible contact with the enemy,
instead of supporting, and perfecting victory.

10th. That when the Division of General Wallace moved, as it did, within
ten minutes after receipt of the orders, "impatiently waited for," it
could see the distant smoke and hear the roar of battle, and moved
directly toward the point of danger by the shortest route, with the
greatest celerity and in harmony with the order received.

11th. That the defeat of the main army, the enforced retirement of
Sherman's Division, and, in fact, the withdrawal of the entire original
line, were new conditions, to be considered, when other Staff Officers
notified General Wallace of the same; and then, the addition of his
division to the rallying army, at Pittsburg Landing, seemed to be an
important element to the very safety of that army, except as it could
lean upon the divisions of Buel, already within supporting distance.

12th. That the original advance of General Wallace's Division on the
Purdy Road, while thoroughly suited to the original conditions as they
existed when the order was delivered to him, was, of necessity, useless
and dangerous, when he found himself alone and unsupported, and that the
enemy had already swept over the position which he expected to occupy.

13th. That there was no alternative, then, but to pass around the left
of the enemy, and rejoin the army, at such expense of time or labor as
the new conditions imposed; and that this was done, at great pains and
with great celerity, without straggling or loss.

14th. That the prominent idea of withdrawing General Wallace's Division
from Crump's Landing, to support the main army in its advance, is to be
kept in mind;--whereby, confusion ceases as to the hour of the day when
the order to report at Pittsburg Landing was delivered or became
operative;--thereby, also, reconciling memories with the incidents of
the day, with no discredit to any.

15th. That every theory of supporting an advanced line, from reserves
sent forward from the base, must so bend to facts, that it may be the
best thing possible, to strengthen the right of a successful line, even
to overlapping and turning the enemy; and that such a movement has the
emphatic endorsement of standard critics, and marked experience; while a
formal movement to the rear, in order to move to the front and the
right, as if on parade, would, under conditions such as presented to
General Wallace, have been, simply, to wear out his men in marching,
with small chance for taking any part in the assumed pursuit of a
defeated enemy.

16th. That it is an unsound way of dealing with the facts of history, to
gauge the responsibilities of officers and men, of small experience, by
the rules which apply to the same officers and men after their
experience has matured; and that, when the battle of Shiloh took place,
and citizen regiments took part, with very slight knowledge of arms, it
was equally true, that the officers themselves, both regular and
volunteer, were proportionately unfamiliar with battle action on a large
scale, and that, as a matter of fact, the Generals and Colonels, for the
most part, had never seen a batallion drill, unless at West Point, much
less drilled more than a company; and their conduct and opinions, in
1861-2, are not to be measured by the ripened experience of the years
succeeding and succeeding years of reflection.

And finally, that the orders, movements, and results of the sixth day of
April, 1862, must be judged by their relations to the passing hours and
issues of that day, as practical men would act under changing
conditions, and not by any formal order, which, however appropriate at
one time, would, at any other time, defeat the work in hand. The Rules
of Evidence, recognized by Civil and Military Courts alike, are but
expressions of sound judgment of past experience; and Military Science,
so called, has no other basis than that which belongs to the wise use of
means to ends in all applied science and in all human endeavor.
Whenever, therefore, the conduct of a battle is consistent with the
conditions, as at the time understood, it is not exactly just to measure
it by the terms of any instructions inconsistent with those
conditions;--so that while an order to march to Pittsburg Landing became
necessary upon the retirement of the original line, it ought not to be
technically applied back to a time when that line was supposed to be
sweeping on to victory and only sought fresh strength to mature that

That a general action was precipitated by the Confederate forces under
General Albert Sidney Johnson and was in the nature of a successful
surprise of the Union Army, is the fact which harmonizes the reports of
officers of both armies with the incidents of the day, and fairly
distributes responsibility, without reflecting the narrow escape of the
Union Army from destruction upon any single officer or command;
especially, where all did so well, and so much is to be credited to the
fall of General Johnson and the interruption of his deliberate plan,
first to surprise, and then sweep on to victory, at whatever cost.

The Documents are as follows:

1st. Letter of Major General Lew Wallace to General U.S. Grant, February
26, 1869.

2nd. Letter of Lieutenant Colonel Ross, A.D.C. to General Wallace,
January 25, 1868.

3rd. Letter of General J.A. Strickland to General Wallace, January 24,

4th. Letter of General G.F. McGinnis to General Wallace, February 20,

5th. Letter of General Fred. Knefler to General Wallace, February 19,

6th. Letter of Captain Ad Ware, A.D.C., to General Wallace (without

7th. Letter of General John M. Thayer to General Wallace, March 4, 1868.

8th. Letter of General U.S. Grant to General Wallace, March 10, 1868,
commenting upon the letters cited and suggesting their publication, in
justice to General Wallace.

[Illustration: The map of the Compte de Paris has been utilized. 1, 2
and 3 give location of Wallace's Brigades in line, perpendicular to the
river, with right at Adamsville (3), 2. Concentration of Division. 4.
Crossing at Snake creek to take the right of General Sherman. 4-5.
Countermarch to lower crossing after retirement of the right. 6. Lower
crossing which had for several days previously been under water.
Wallace's division, on the 7th, held the right of Sherman, as indicated
for the 6th, when he moved to take part in the general action.]

General Wallace to General Grant:

    WASHINGTON CITY, Feb. 29, 1868.


    About a year after the battle of Pittsburg Landing, it came to
    my knowledge, that I was suffering, in your opinion, from
    erroneous information upon the subject of my conduct and
    movements as commander of the Third Division of your army during
    the first day of the battle named. To place myself right in your
    estimation and in that of the army generally, I asked a Court of
    Inquiry, by letter to the Secretary of War (Mr. Stanton) July
    17, 1863. After several months, during which the application
    received no attention from the Secretary, I withdrew it, by
    advice of friends, General Sherman amongst others. The course I
    then resolved upon, that counselled by General Sherman, was to
    carry my explanation directly to you; and such continued my
    intention until the battle of Monocacy, after which your
    treatment of me became so uniformly kind and considerate that I
    was led to believe the disagreement, connected with Pittsburg
    Landing, forgotten; a result, to which I tacitly assented,
    notwithstanding the record of that battle as you had made it, in
    the form of an endorsement on my official report, was grievously
    against me.

    A recent circumstance, however, has made it essential to my good
    name, which I cannot bring myself to believe you wish to see
    destroyed, to go back to my former purpose; in pursuance of
    which, the object of this letter is simply to introduce certain
    statements of gentlemen lately in the army, your friends as much
    as mine, in hopes that the explanations to be found therein will
    be sufficent to authorize you to give me a note of acquittal
    from blame, plainly enough, to allay the suspicions and charges
    to which I have been so painfully subjected. The statements are
    in the form of extracts pertinent to the subject from letters
    now in my possession, from General Fred Knefler, General George
    McGinnis, Colonel James R. Ross, General Daniel MacCaulay,
    Captain Ad Ware, General John A. Strickland, General John M.
    Thayer, now United States Senator from Nebraska--all, of my
    command, on the day in question, present with me, well known to
    you, and of unimpeachable honor. I could have obtained many
    others, of like import, but selected these because their authors
    had peculiar opportunities for information upon points
    considered of chief importance. It is possible that my
    explanations of the matter would be sufficient for the purpose
    in view. However that may be, it is my judgment now, that the
    charges against me have gone so far, and been put in such grave
    form, that public opinion may require an exoneration, though it
    come from your hand, to be based upon the testimony of others.

    Permit me to say, further, that as to the order you started to
    me by Captain Baxter, I do not understand there is any question
    of veracity between us. You tell me, that from the battle-field
    you dispatched a verbal order by the officer named, to be
    delivered to me, at Crump's Landing, directing me to march my
    division to Pittsburg Landing by the road, parallel with the
    river; and, supposing, as you did, that the order would reach me
    by 11 o'clock, A.M., you reasonably concluded my command would
    be on the field by 1 o'clock, P.M.

    Now in all candor, if you have been, as I am informed, of
    opinion that I received that order as it was given, and at the
    time stated (11 o'clock, A.M.), and that for any reason, such as
    personal feeling against you, or that I lost my way, or took the
    wrong road, or lingered on the march, making but five miles in
    seven hours, it must be admitted that you were justifiable in
    any, even the most extreme judgment against me; and I must
    confess that your moderation was greater than mine would likely
    have been, had our positions been reversed. I do not flinch from
    that conclusion, at all; but what I do say in my defence is that
    the opinion and the conclusion, which is its corollary, are both
    wrong, because the order admitted to have been dispatched was
    not delivered to me, in form or substance, as dispatched. On the
    contrary, the order I received from your messenger was in
    writing, unsigned, and contained substantially the following

    "You will leave a force at Crump's Landing, sufficient to guard
    the public property there; then march the rest of your division,
    and _effect a junction with the right of the army_; after which
    you will form your line of battle at right angles with the
    river, and act as circumstances dictate."

    This order was read by Colonel Ross, under circumstances well
    calculated to impress it upon his memory. It was also given to
    Colonel Knefler, then my Adjutant General, and by him read and
    unfortunately lost. Finally, its purport, as stated by me above,
    is vouched for by Captain Ware as the aide de camp. To refuse
    credit to my version of its contents will be very hard, indeed,
    corroborated as it is by so many gentlemen of unquestionable
    veracity, and such excellent opportunity for information on the

    I think myself warranted now in asserting upon the credit of
    the three officers just named, as well as my own, that by the
    terms of the order, as it was delivered to me, the object of my
    march was not Pittsburg Landing, as you intended, but the right
    of the army, resting, when the battle opened in the morning, at
    a point quite three miles out from the landing, on the road to

    As a general principle it must be admitted that when you
    entrusted the order to a proper messenger for delivery to me,
    your responsibility ceased; but, I turn and ask you, appealing
    to your experience and justice, how am I held responsible for
    the execution of an order if it never reached me; or, if it
    reached me, conveying an idea radically different from that
    originally given? Of necessity, I was accountable for the
    execution of the order, only as it was received, and if it was
    not received in a form to convey your true design, but was
    promptly executed, neither of us are responsible for the result.
    It was not your mistake, nor was it mine.

    Having established the purport, at least, of the order as it
    came to my hand, the next inquiry is: "Did I proceed to execute
    it, and how?"

    On these heads all the letters on file are applicable. They
    show, as I think, that I took measures anticipatory to the order
    you gave me, personally, in your passage up the river to the
    battle-field, viz: to hold myself in readiness to march in any
    direction; that my brigades were ordered to concentrate at the
    place most proper and convenient for a prompt execution of the
    orders, whatever they might be, because it was at the junction
    of two roads, one leading to Pittsburg Landing, the other to the
    right of the army. To one of these points, it may be added, I
    was sure of being ultimately sent, if the exigencies of the
    battle required the presence of my command. They show, that
    after you parted from me, going up the river, I took measures to
    forward your messenger to me instantly upon his arrival (see
    Colonel Ross' letters), then rode to the place of concentration,
    and waited impatiently and anxiously the expected instructions;
    that they came to hand about 12 o'clock (my own remembrance is
    11:30 A.M.), and that the officer who brought them, also brought
    the news that you were driving the enemy all along the line.
    (See letters of General Knefler and Colonel Ross.) Up to that
    time, therefore, I was certainly blameless.

    But let me ask you to stop here, and consider the effect on my
    mind and subsequent movements, of the information, thus reliably
    obtained, that the battle was won. What inducement could I have
    had to march away from or linger on the road to a victory? Upon
    the hypothesis that the good news was true, how could I have
    imagined, (had there been so much as a doubt as to the intent of
    the order received,) a necessity for my command at Pittsburg

    But, proceeding. The letters further establish, that,
    immediately upon receiving the order, I put my column _en
    route_, to execute it.

    Now comes the questions. Did I take the right road to effect the
    junction with the right of the army, or one leading to Purdy,
    away from the battle? Pertinent to these inquiries, General
    Knefler says, that the road chosen for the movement had been
    patrolled and picketted by my cavalry. By their report, if by
    nothing else, I must have been posted as to its terminus. In
    corroboration of this assertion please notice that General
    Macaulay, General Strickland, General Thayer and General
    Knefler, all allude to the fact that the head of the column was
    approaching, not going away from the firing, when the
    countermarch took place. Consider, further, that the most
    imperative necessities of my situation, isolated as I had been
    from the main army, were, to know all the communications with
    that army, and to keep them clear, and in order for rapid
    movement. _Not only did I know the road, but every step my
    division took from the initial point of the march up to the
    moment of the change of direction, was, as is well known to
    every soldier in the column, a step nearer to the firing and
    therefore a step nearer to the battle_. While on this inquiry,
    let me add that the report of my being set right after marching
    upon the wrong road has in it this much truth, and no more. When
    about a mile from the position which had been occupied by the
    right of the army (General Sherman's division), Captain Rowley
    overtook me and told me that you had sent him to hurry me up,
    and that our lines had been carried by the enemy and the army
    driven back almost to the river, a very different story from the
    one brought me by Captain Baxter. Captain Rowley set me right as
    to the conditions of the battle, not as to the road I was
    following. Colonel McPherson and Major Rawlins, the other
    members of your staff, mentioned as having been sent to me, met
    me after the countermarch, when my command was on the river road
    moving to Pittsburg Landing.

    Concerning the countermarch, I would remark that the condition
    of the battle, as reported by Captain Rowley, made it prudent,
    if not necessary. My column was only five thousand men, of all
    arms. Reflecting upon it now, I am still of the opinion that it
    did better service the next day in your new line of battle, than
    it could have done, operating alone and unsupported in the rear
    of the whole rebel army, where I was certainly taking it, when
    "set right" by the captain.

    Instead of making the change of direction, when it was resolved
    on, by a countermarch, the result proved that it should have
    been effected by a general right about. The former manoeuvre was
    chosen, however, because I was confident of finding a cross road
    to the river road long before the head of the column doubled
    upon its foot. [See Colonel Ross' statement of the effort made
    to accomplish that idea.]

    One of the results I confidently anticipated from a reading of
    the letter submitted, is, that you will be satisfied of the
    wrong done me (unintentional, I believe), by Colonel Badeau,
    when, in his book, he describes me as consuming seven hours in
    marching five miles in the direction of the battle. The march
    actually performed in that time was not less than fifteen miles,
    over an execrable dirt road.

    Your opinion, as advanced in your letter to the War Office,
    July, 13, 1863, that General Morgan L. Smith, had he been put in
    command, could have had the division in the battle by 1 o'clock
    P.M., is in direct terms, based upon the condition that General
    Smith received your orders as you supposed them communicated to
    me. But, suppose he had not received the order as originally
    given; suppose, on the contrary, the order actually received by
    him had the effect to send him in another direction from
    Pittsburg Landing; and suppose that, on approaching his
    objective, he had found himself in the rear of the whole rebel
    army, and in his judgment compelled, by that circumstance,
    together with the bad fortune of our own army, to a further
    movement of quite ten miles--all of which were terrible
    realities in my case--I am sure you are too just a man to have
    held him accountable for the hours, however precious, thus
    necessarily lost.

    With these remarks I place the letters of the officers named in
    your hands. They will satisfy you, I think, that the exoneration
    I seek will be a simple act of justice. The many misconceptions
    which have been attached to my movements on that bloody Sunday,
    have, it must be confessed, made me extremely sensitive upon the
    subject. You can imagine, therefore, with what anxiety your
    reply will be waited.

    Very respectfully your friend,


Colonel Ross to General Wallace:

    CHICAGO, January, 25, 1868.

    General: Having read the extract from "Badeau's Life of General
    Grant," as published in the Chicago Tribune, of the twenty-fifth
    of December, 1867, wherein he refers particularly to the battle
    of Shiloh, and seeing the gross injustice done you, and the
    false light in which you are placed before the country and the
    world, I deem it my duty to make a brief statement of what I
    know to be the facts in reference to your failure to reach the
    field of battle in time to take part in the action of Sunday,
    April 6, 1862.

    I will first state the position of your command on that morning.
    The First Brigade, Colonel M.L. Smith commanding, at Crump's
    Landing; Second Brigade, Colonel John M. Thayer commanding, two
    and one-half miles out on the Adamsville road; Third Brigade,
    Colonel Charles R. Wood commanding, at Adamsville, five miles
    out from the river. The first intimation you or any of your
    staff had of the battle was between five and six o'clock, A.M.,
    when my attention was called by one of the men on the boat on
    which were your headquarters, to the heavy and continued firing
    in the direction of the camp at Pittsburg Landing. You were at
    once notified of this, and being satisfied that there was a
    battle going on, directed me to go at once and order this
    division to get ready to move at a moment's warning, and to
    instruct Colonel Wood to move his baggage and camp equipage to
    the river with the least possible delay, and march his command
    to the camp of the Second Brigade, midway between his (then)
    camp and that of the First Brigade, at the river.

    After executing your order, as above, I returned to the Landing.
    Soon after, you, together with your staff, went out to the camp
    of the second Brigade, when the division had been ordered to
    concentrate in order to be in position to take either one of two
    roads, intersecting the Adamsville road from Crump's Landing to
    Pittsburg Landing; one leading to Pittsburg Landing, the other
    to the Purdy road from Pittsburg Landing, intersecting it at a
    point not far from the right of our army under General Sherman,
    as it was encamped when the battle began.

    Before starting for Colonel Thayer's camp, orders were given by
    you to Captain Lyman, A.Q.M., on your staff, for a horse to be
    saddled and kept in readiness, in case a messenger should come
    down the river with orders from General Grant to you.

    Now for the order. Badeau says that a staff officer was
    dispatched to General Wallace with verbal orders for him to
    march by the nearest road parallel with the river. The order may
    have been given verbally by General Grant to his staff officer,
    but was not so delivered to you, nor did it direct you to march
    by the nearest road parallel with the river. At about 11
    o'clock, A.M., while at the camp of Colonel Thayer, I was
    directed by you to go to Colonel M.L. Smith. I met Captain
    Baxter, A.Q.M., who stopped me and handed me a paper saying, "I
    wish you would take this to General Wallace." I took the paper,
    read it and returned it to him, saying, I could not do so, as I
    was on my way under orders from General Wallace. At the same
    time I turned in my saddle, and pointed out a group of horsemen,
    telling the Captain that you were among them. I went to Colonel
    Smith, delivered my orders, and returning, met the Captain
    again. I very distinctly remember that this order directed you
    to move forward _and join General Sherman's right on the Purdy
    road_ and form your line of battle at right angles with the
    river; and then act as circumstances would dictate. Now the
    shortest possible route by which you could reach the point
    designated in the order was the one taken, viz: that one leading
    from Colonel Thayer's camp (on the Adamsville road from Crump's
    Landing), to the Purdy road (from Pittsburg Landing), a distance
    of about five miles; whereas the distance to the point to which
    you was to march as designated in the order, _via_ Pittsburg
    Landing, would have been at least twelve miles. Perhaps I should
    here state that this order was not signed by any one, but coming
    as it did through one of the Staff Officers of the Commanding
    General, could not be questioned. I would also state in this
    connection, that when I met Captain Baxter first, I asked him
    how things were going. He replied that Grant was driving the
    enemy at all points. Had this been the case, the order as
    delivered by Captain Baxter would have been all right, as we
    could then have joined General Sherman as directed therein.
    Within ten minutes after the receipt of the order, the troops
    were on the road.

    When we were about one mile from where we expected to join
    General Sherman, we were overtaken by a messenger from General
    Grant, Captain (since Colonel) Rowley, I believe, who informed
    you that our troops had been defeated all along the line, and
    driven back, till the right was within half a mile of the river,
    and that the road we were on, would, if followed up, lead us
    into the rear of the enemy. This being the case, it became
    necessary to find some other way to form a junction with the
    army. In order to do so, every mounted man attached to your
    Head-Quarters was dispatched to find, if possible, some way to
    get round the enemys' left without going back to the starting
    point, or to find some resident to guide us by the nearest
    possible route. Finally a man was found who was compelled to
    act as guide. Nevertheless the march was continued as rapidly
    as possible, until we joined the right of the army, just after
    dark, in the position in which it lay when the battle closed for
    the day. Badeau also says: "General Wallace was set right by
    Captain (afterwards Colonel) Rowley, and Colonel (afterwards
    Major General) McPherson, both at the time upon General Grant's
    staff; that they set him right at 1 o'clock, and it took him
    till seven to march five miles." It was near 1 o'clock when we
    were overtaken by Rowley, but instead of having but five miles
    to march, the distance could not have been less than eleven or
    twelve miles. The first seen of General McPherson was when we
    were met by him and General Rawlins, just as the head of the
    column had reached the river road (from Crump's Landing to
    Pittsburg Landing) who had come out to urge you to greater
    haste. We had to march over the worst road I ever remember to
    have seen. In many places it was almost impossible to get
    artillery through. In my judgment the entire distance marched by
    your command could not have been less than sixteen or seventeen

    The above, General, are the facts relative to the movements of
    your command on the day referred to, which fell under my
    personal observation. I am, General, very respectively, your
    obedient servant,


    Late Brev. Lieut. Col. Major. A.D.C.

General Strickland to General Wallace:

    BIG RUN TRESTLE, Ky., June 24, 1863.     }


    DEAR SIR: In answer to your question as to my recollection of
    the circumstances and time of the moving of Major General Lew
    Wallace's command to the battle of Shiloh on the sixth of April,
    1862, I will submit the following statement:

    I was Acting Adjutant General for Colonel John M. Thayer (now
    Brigadier General Thayer), he (Colonel Thayer) being in command
    of the Second Brigade, General Lew Wallace's Division. On the
    morning of the sixth of April (Sunday), 1862, the Brigade
    commanded by Colonel Thayer, stationed at "Stony Lonesome," was
    in readiness to march at daylight, or before. We were waiting
    for orders to move, when Major General Lew Wallace and staff
    rode to the headquarters of the brigade, I think between the
    hours of 8 and 9 o'clock; it may have been earlier. General
    Wallace ordered everything in readiness to move at a moment's
    notice. I received the orders directly from General Wallace. I
    assured him that the brigade, upon previous orders from himself
    and Colonel Thayer, was ready to move, but went again, in
    person, by order of Colonel Thayer, and notified Commanders of
    Regiments, Batteries, etc., to be ready at the call from Colonel
    Thayer's headquarters, to move. I heard General Wallace
    addressing himself to Lieutenant Colonel McCord, commanding the
    First Nebraska Regiment, to say, that he had received no orders
    to move and that he was waiting for orders frown General Grant's
    headquarters to move. I heard General Wallace request one of his
    staff to watch the road to Crump's Landing for a messenger with

    At half past 11 A.M. (it might have been fifteen minutes to 12)
    a person rode up to General Wallace with orders to move. I was
    standing by General Wallace at the time. _The Brigade commanded
    by Colonel Thayer was in motion in just ten minutes after the
    order was received_. I am particular about this, because Colonel
    Sanbourn, of the Twenty-first Indiana Regiment, and other
    officers of the Brigade, talked over the matter in the morning.
    After the order was received we moved off rapidly.

    After we had marched some distance, _and were getting nearer to
    the sound of musketry continually_, we were met, I think, by
    Major Rawlins, Assistant Adjutant General of General Grant, and
    our direction changed. From my knowledge of the country, after
    the battle of Monday, I am satisfied that, if we had not changed
    our direction when we did, we would have gone in behind the left
    of the rebel army. After the direction of the column was
    changed, I was ordered by Colonel Thayer to go to the foot of
    the column, for what purpose I cannot now recollect. I think it
    was at the instance of General Wallace, to change direction on a
    shorter route of Wood's brigade, and when going from the foot of
    the column to the head, to report to my commanding officer,
    Colonel Thayer. I remember noticing all _three_ of the
    _Brigades_ in _close column, marching rapidly forward_. Just at
    dusk we arrived at the valley of a small stream, where the mud
    was very deep. We met an orderly, there, from the battle-field,
    who said we could reach General Grant's forces by making great
    haste, as Berdan's Sharp-shooters were holding the road by which
    we were to enter. _The column was hurried forward as fast as it
    was possible for it to move_. We arrived a little after dark, on
    the right of General Grant's forces, but a few yards in front of
    the enemy.

    Not knowing for what particular purpose you wish this
    communication, I have been precise in details as to time, etc.,
    as it will be remembered by most of the officers of the Second

    I am, sir, your obedient servant,

    Colonel Commanding Fiftieth Ohio Volunteer Infantry.

General McGinnis to General Wallace:

    INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana, February 21, 1868.

    GENERAL: In reply to your note of this date, I would say, that
    being in command of the Eleventh Indiana Infantry, I was
    attached to the First Brigade, Third Division, Army of the
    Tennessee, commanded by you, and encamped at Crump's Landing, on
    the morning of the first day of the battle of Pittsburg Landing.

    At daylight of said day, our command was aroused by heavy and
    continuous firing from the direction of Pittsburg Landing, which
    led us to believe that a general battle was being fought. I do
    not think more than twenty minutes had elapsed from the time
    that the battle commenced until our whole brigade had received
    orders to hold ourselves in readiness, (with three days'
    rations) to march to any point required; and that point all
    understood from indications would be Pittsburg Landing.

    For the purpose of concentrating the division, our Brigade
    marched to Winn's Farm, two and a half miles from Crump's
    Landing, where the Second Brigade of the Third Division was then
    encamped. The road taken by our division, after concentrating,
    intersected the Purdy road (from Pittsburg Landing) at a point
    near Snake Creek, and not far from the ground occupied by
    General Sherman's division on the morning of the battle, being
    the right of the army. _This, in my opinion, was the shortest
    and most direct route to the point at which the right of the
    army was resting, when the battle began_.

    Orders were not received for the division to march to the field
    of battle, _until about_12 _o'clock, A.M. and no time was lost
    during the march_, as we moved with the utmost rapidity.

    In the history of that battle, written by (Badeau) who was not
    there and who could not have had personal knowledge of the facts
    in relation thereto, serious and gross injustice has been done

    Very respectfully,

    G.F. McGinnis,
    Late Brigadier General U.S.A.

[General Fred Knefler's letter to General Lew Wallace corroborating the
statements made by the other members of the staff will be found on page

Captain Ware to General Wallace:

    GENERAL: I submit the following statement in regard to the
    movement of your division, on Sunday, April 6, 1862, as far as
    came under my observation.

    The first intimation I had that an engagement was progressing
    was about 6 o'clock, A.M. I heard firing in the direction of the
    camps at Pittsburg Landing. Soon after I was ordered by you to
    proceed to Adamsville, where the Third Brigade, under Colonel
    Wood was encamped, with orders to have his tents, and baggage
    train sent immediately to the river, and his command to march
    back to the Second Brigade, which was then stationed two and a
    half miles from Crump's Landing. I also ordered the First
    Brigade, under Colonel Morgan L. Smith, to move out to the same
    point. The Second Brigade, under Colonel John M. Thayer, was
    also ordered to be ready to move at a moment's notice. I
    returned to your headquarters and with you proceeded to the
    above-mentioned point. At twenty minutes of 12 an order was to
    you delivered, by Captain Baxter, A.Q.M., directing "you to move
    your division up and join General Shermans' right," on the road
    leading from Pittsburg Landing to Purdy, that being the extreme
    right of General Grant's position.

    Two Regiments of Infantry and one piece of artillery were left
    at the camp of the Second Brigade, to protect the camp equipage
    and baggage. I am, General, very respectfully,

    Your obedient servant,

    AD WARE, JR., A.D.C.


General John M. Thayer to General Wallace:


    WASHINGTON. March 4. 1868.

    At the time of the battle of Pittsburg Landing I was in command
    of the Second Brigade of the division commanded by General Lew
    Wallace, and, with the Brigade, was in camp two and a half miles
    out from Crump's Landing, at a place called Stony Lonesome. At
    dawn of the morning of April 6, 1862, I heard cannonading in the
    direction of Pittsburg Landing. At an early hour I received
    orders from General Wallace, through a Staff Officer, to "hold
    my command in readiness to march at a moment's notice." General
    Wallace came to my camp, soon afterwards, and informed me that
    he was awaiting orders from General Grant to move to the
    battle-field. I knew he was very impatient to receive such
    orders. The Division was kept in readiness to move without
    delay. At about half past 11 o'clock an officer rode up to
    General Wallace with the expected order from General Grant, and,
    in a few minutes, the command was on the march towards the field
    of action. As we advanced the cannonading became more distinct.
    As we were moving on I recollect a Staff Officer passing up the
    column seeking General Wallace. Very soon we countermarched,
    with the view, as I understood, of crossing to the river road
    leading to Pittsburg Landing, and there reaching the right of
    our army, which we reached about dark. According to my
    recollection there was no halting while on the march, except to
    close up the column.

    While waiting in my camp for the order of General Grant to move
    to the scene of action General Wallace manifested great anxiety
    to move forward, and did move immediately on receipt of the
    order. Very respectfully,


    Late Brig. Gen'l and B'v't Maj Gen'l of Vols.

General Grant to General Wallace:


    WASHINGTON, D.C., MARCH, 10, 1868.


    Enclosed herewith, I return your letters from officers of the
    Army who served with you at the battle of Shiloh, Tennessee,
    giving their statement of your action on that occasion. I can
    only state that my orders to you were given verbally to a Staff
    Officer to communicate, and that they were substantially as
    given by General Badeau in his book. I always understood that
    the Staff Officer referred to, Captain Baxter, made a memorandum
    of the order he received and left it with you. That memorandum I
    never saw.

    The statements which I now return seem to exonerate you from
    this great point of blame, your taking the wrong road, or
    different road from the one directed from Crump's Landing to
    Pittsburg Landing. All your subsequent military career showed
    you active and ready in the execution of every order you
    received. Your promptness in moving from Baltimore to Monocacy,
    Maryland, in 1864, and meeting the enemy in force far superior
    to your own, when Washington was threatened, is a case
    particularly in point, where you could scarcely have hoped for a
    victory; but you delayed the enemy, and enabled me to get troops
    from City Point, Virginia, in time to save the city. That act I
    regarded as most praiseworthy. I refer you to my report of 1865,
    touching your course there.

    In view of the assaults made upon you now, I think it due to
    you, that you should publish what your own Staff and other
    subordinate officers have to say in exoneration of your course.

    Yours Truly,


       *       *       *       *       *



In the January number of this magazine appeared an excellent and
comprehensive historical sketch of Fitchburg. It is proposed in this
article to portray as briefly as possible, and by the aid of engravings,
the present condition and resources of our city.

Old Rollstone and its opposite neighbor, Pearl Hill, have witnessed the
transformation of a rude, inhospitable wilderness into a beautiful and
busy city. We of the present day, proud of our heritage, are striving to
improve it by all means within our power.

Fitchburg owes her growth and prosperity pre-eminently to those
energetic and plucky men who founded and fostered the great industries
which now constitute her life and soul. Alvah Crocker, Salmon W. Putnam,
Eugene T. Miles, and Walter Heywood, have left behind them great and
lasting proofs of their toil and perseverance. Of Rodney Wallace, who is
now in the midst of a useful and benevolent life among us, another will
speak more fully and fittingly in other pages of this magazine; nor
would we neglect to give due credit to the energetic men who are now
either carrying on business established by their predecessors, or
founding new industries which enhance the resources and good name of


The little river (the north branch of the Nashua) which runs through the
township, and which is formed by the confluence of several large brooks
in the westerly part of the town, first invited the manufacturer to
locate on its banks. Its water-power is still used, but steam is now the
chief motor that propels the machinery, looms and spindles that daily
pour forth products which go to the markets, not of this country alone,
but of the world.

Perhaps no place of its size can boast of a greater diversity of
industries than Fitchburg. In such an article as this attention must
necessarily be confined to the chief among them, and but few words
devoted to the description of separate establishments.


Machinery takes the first rank among the manufactures of Fitchburg. The
pioneers in this business here were two brothers, Salmon W. and John
Putnam, who, in 1838, established the firm of J. & S.W. Putnam. In 1858
S.W. Putnam organized the Putnam Machine Company, which now has a wide
and enviable reputation. Mr. Putnam was President and General Business
Manager of the company until his death in 1872. Two of his surviving
sons are now actively engaged in carrying on the business, Charles F.
Putnam being President and Manager, and Henry O. Putnam Superintendent
of the department in which special machinists' and railroad tools are
made. There are six other departments devoted to special kinds of
manufacture which are superintended by able men. Mr. Putnam's two other
sons founded, in 1882, the Putnam Tool Company, located on Walnut
street, of which Salmon W. Putnam is President, and George E. Putnam
Treasurer, and is owned entirely by the Putnams. This company
manufactures machinery, railroad and machine tools. The present location
of the Putnam Machine Company, corner of Main and Putnam streets,
comprising over twenty-six acres, was purchased in 1866, and the
buildings were immediately erected at a cost of over $200,000. The works
were built from plans designed by the late President, and are arranged
with special reference to the variety of machines manufactured,
consisting of railroad and machinists' tools, steam-engines,
water-wheels, and shafting. They comprise machine shops, foundries and
forges, and rank with the oldest and largest establishments of the kind
in the United States.

The Putnams are descendants of Gen. Israel Putnam of Revolutionary fame.


The Fitchburg Machine Works occupy a large and convenient brick building
on Main street, near its beginning, and manufacture machinists' tools
principally. Opposite is the handsome brick building occupied by C.H.
Brown and Company, manufacturers of the "Brown" automatic cut-off
steam-engines, which have gained a wide reputation. A little further up
on Main street is located the Simonds Manufacturing Company. This
company was organized in 1868 with a capital of $150,000 and
manufactures machine knives and the well-known "Simonds" Circular Saw.

On Water street are three machine shops to be noticed. The Union Machine
Company makes paper machinery. The Rollstone Machine Company,
manufactures the "Rollstone" Lathe and other wood-working machinery. The
Fitchburg Steam Engine Company, whose business was established in 1871,
manufactures steam-engines and boilers, making a specialty of the
"Fitchburg" steam-engine, the great merits of which are everywhere
acknowledged. The company, notwithstanding its comparatively recent
organization, has a firm foothold in this country, and abroad also.

D.M. Dillon manufactures boilers and paper machinery. A.D. Waymouth and
Company, and C.W. Wilder manufacture respectively the Waymouth
wood-turning lathe and Wilder's patent lathe.

In 1866 Charles Burleigh of Fitchburg invented the Burleigh rock drill,
and the next year the Burleigh Rock Drill Company was organized with a
capital of $150,000, to make and sell this machine and the Burleigh
Patent air-compressor. These drills have completely revolutionized the
business of rock-tunneling. They were first used in the Hoosac Tunnel
and, proved highly successful. Since then they have been employed at
Hell Gate, in the Sutro Tunnel, and at various points in Europe.


The Rollstone Iron Foundry, the Fitchburg Iron Foundry, and M.J.
Perault, manufacture castings of all kinds. W.A. Hardy operates a brass
Foundry on Water street. There is no space to indulge further in details
regarding machinery. In addition to the above are numerous individuals
and firms here engaged in the manufacture of mowing machines and
agricultural implements, boiler makers' tools, electric machinery and
apparatus, files, grist and flouring-mill machinery, hay, straw, and
machine, knives, wood-working machinery, machinists' tools, water
motors, watch tools, paper machinery and the like.

The paper manufacturing interest in Fitchburg is valuable and extensive.
The credit of successfully establishing this industry here belongs to
Alvah Crocker, who, in 1826, built a paper mill of his own. Paper had,
however, been made here to some extent previous to that time. In 1850
the firm of Crocker, Burbank and Company was formed, of which Mr.
Crocker was the head until his death in 1874. The present members of the
firm are C.T. Crocker, S.E. Crocker, G.F. Fay, G. H. Crocker and Alvah
Crocker. The firm now operates five large paper mills in West Fitchburg.
A sixth, the Snow Mill, was recently destroyed by fire. About 32,000
pounds of news, book and card paper are produced by these mills every
twenty-four hours.

In 1865 the Fitchburg Paper Company was organized. Rodney Wallace,
having purchased the interests of the other three original members of
the company, is now the sole proprietor. He operates two large and
well-equipped mills in West Fitchburg, which produce from 15,000 to
18,000 pounds of card and hanging paper every twenty-four hours.

[Illustration: CROCKER BLOCK.]

In 1864 George W. Wheelwright and Sons built a paper mill, and in 1880
the G.W. Wheelwright Paper Company was incorporated with a capital of
$100,000. The mill is located on Fourth street and produces about 7,000
pounds of news paper per twenty-four hours.

In 1884 a number of capitalists purchased the building long known as
Richardson's scythe shop, situated on Scythe-shop road, South Fitchburg,
and converted it into a paper-mill. It is now operated by the National
Paper Company and produces manilla and hanging paper.

The chair business is represented in Fitchburg by an establishment which
is one of the largest and best arranged in the world. Walter Heywood
really founded this industry here in 1844, though chairs were made in
Fitchburg on a small scale some years previously. The Walter Heywood
Chair Company was organized in 1851 and incorporated in 1869 with a
capital of $240,000. In July, 1870, the company's buildings on Water
street were completely destroyed by fire, and a lot on River street,
comprising nine acres, was immediately purchased for the erection of new
works. These buildings, each three hundred feet long, fifty feet wide
and two stories high, besides store houses, offices and sheds, were soon
ready for occupation. A private track connects the works with the
Fitchburg Railroad. The Company has a very large trade, both foreign and
domestic, and employs three hundred men. The chair stock is prepared at
the company's mills in Barton, Vermont.


The manufacture of cotton and woolen goods is extensively carried on in
Fitchburg. The Fitchburg Cotton Mill is a fine brick building at the
upper end of Main street; carpet warps, batting and twine are here
manufactured. The Fitchburg Duck Mills in South Fitchburg produce cotton
duck. The Parkhill Manufacturing Company (John Parkhill, President, and
Arthur H. Lowe, Treasurer), occupies what was formerly Davis' chair
shop, situated on Circle street, and manufactures gingham. The building
has been greatly enlarged and additional buildings have been erected
since the company was organized a few years ago. Excellent goods are
manufactured and find a ready market.

The factory of the Fitchburg Woolen Mill Company, in Factory square, has
been long established and its products are well known. The company was
organized in 1843, but the factory itself has been in existence much
longer, being one of the oldest brick buildings in town. It was
originally used as a cotton mill, but in 1822 it was made into a woolen
factory. Since that date it has been enlarged several times. William H.
Vose, recently deceased, was Treasurer and Manager of this mill for
about forty years. Only a few months ago Mr. Vose wrote a concise
history of the factory since 1822, which is interesting and valuable.
James Phillips, Jr., is a prominent woolen manufacturer and operates the
three following concerns: a large woolen manufactory in West Fitchburg,
producing suitings, etc.; the Star Worsted Company, and the Fitchburg
Worsted Company, producing yarn and worsted. Mr. Phillips has met with
marked success, and his goods take high rank in the best markets. There
is a woolen mill in Rockville, a village in the westerly part of
Fitchburg, operated by James McTaggart, Jr.


The firm of E.M. Dickinson & Company is the only one in the city engaged
in the manufacture of shoes. This firm occupies a handsome brick
factory, recently erected on Main street, next to the Simonds
Manufacturing Company, and has a large trade both in New England and the
West. In connection with E.M. Dickinson & Company, and located in the
same building, is the Sole Leather Tip Company. The Fitchburg Furniture
Company has a large manufactory on Newton Place. A number of concerns
carry on an extensive lumber business and operate establishments where
doors, sashes, blinds, and ornamental wood-work are made. J. Gushing &
Company and Washburn & Woodward operate large grain elevators and flour
mills. The first named firm occupies the "Stone Mill," one of the old
land-marks of Fitchburg. In addition to the above there are numerous
individuals and firms engaged in the manufacture of confectionery,
crackers, tin-ware, toys, soap, wood pulp, carriages, harnesses, marble
and granite monuments, bricks, beer, cigars and matches. In fine there
are over one hundred concerns here engaged in manufacturing on a large
scale, and considerably over one hundred establishments where
occupations akin to manufacturing are carried on.

But Fitchburg is beautiful as well as busy. Handsome churches, business
blocks, public buildings and private residences greet the eyes of
strangers in our streets.


There are eleven churches in town. The First Parish (Unitarian) Church
is the oldest. The present edifice is a plain and substantial brick
structure at the head of the upper common, and was built in 1837. In
1883 the interior was entirely remodeled and stained windows put in,
thus making a handsome auditorium. Rev. W.H. Pierson is pastor of this

The First Methodist Church is on Main street, opposite the lower end of
the upper common, and was built in 1840. Rev. W.J. Pomfret is pastor.

The First Universalist Church stands on the corner of Main and Rollstone
streets, and was built in 1847. Rev. F.O. Hall is pastor. This society
proposes to erect a new church, further down town, before long.

On the opposite corner is the Calvinistic Congregational Church, built
in 1844. Rev. S.L. Blake, D.D., is pastor. In connection with this
Church is a handsome and commodious chapel.

Further down Main street, opposite the Post-office, is the First Baptist
Church, a large and imposing structure, built in 1854. Rev. I.R.
Wheelock is pastor.

A little further down, and on the opposite side of the street, is Christ
Church (Episcopal). This is built of granite and has a very attractive
appearance both within and without. The society has no settled rector at

Towards the lower end of Main street is situated the Rollstone
Congregational Church, a fine brick and stone structure, built in 1869.
In connection with it is a handsome chapel, the gift of the late Deacon
David Boutelle and named after the donor. The Second Advent Chapel is on
the corner of North and Cherry streets; no pastor is at present settled.



The St. Bernard's Church (Catholic) is a costly and handsome brick and
stone edifice on Water street. Rev. P.J. Garrigan is pastor, and Rev.
D.F. Feehan is assistant pastor. In 1878 a fine Catholic Chapel (Church
of the Sacred Heart) was built in West Fitchburg, and is now under the
charge of Rev. J.T. Donohoe. There is also a very pretty Methodist
Church in West Fitchburg, of which Rev. W. Wignall is pastor.


The Fitchburg Savings Bank block, on Main street, up town, is the
largest and finest in the city. It was erected in 1871, and is of brick
with a handsome and costly front of fine, white-grained granite. The
ground floor is divided into four stores, which are as commodious and
well-appointed as any in Worcester County. On the second floor are the
banking-rooms of the Fitchburg National and Fitchburg Savings Banks, the
office of the Fitchburg Mutual Fire Insurance Company, and several law
offices. The two stories above are mainly occupied by the Free Masons,
whose rooms are among the finest in the State.


The Safety Fund National Bank has rooms in Crocker Block, a handsome
brick and stone structure further down on Main street. The Windsor Club
(social) has attractive rooms in this block.


The Rollstone National Bank has rooms in the Rollstone Bank block, a
large and fine brick and sandstone structure, on the south side of Main
street, down town. The rooms of the Worcester North Savings Institution
are also in this block, and the Odd Fellows and E.V. Sumner Encampment,
Post 19, Grand Army of the Republic, have commodious apartments in the
upper portion. The Wachusett National Bank has a brick banking house on
the corner of Main and Day streets.


Whitney's Opera House block contains the only theatre in town. The stage
is of good size and well-appointed and the auditorium neat and
attractive. Good companies appear here throughout the season, and are
well patronized by citizens of Fitchburg and neighboring towns. Other
blocks worthy of mention are Belding & Dickinson's, Coggshall &
Carpenter's, Hatch's, Wixon's (not yet completed), and Stiles'--all on
Main street, and Union and Goodrich on Day street.

There are eight hotels in the city, the Fitchburg Hotel and the American
House being the two largest.

The City Hall, on Main street, nearly opposite the Savings Bank block,
is a large brick building. The entire upper story is devoted to a large
hall, called the City Hall. It is the largest in the city. There are
about a dozen other halls of various sizes in different parts of the
city. On the first floor of the City Hall are the various city offices,
rooms of the Mayor, Aldermen and Common Council. The entire rear portion
is occupied by the Public Library, containing over sixteen thousand
volumes, which will soon be removed to the new and elegant "Wallace
Library and Art Building," now in process of completion. Mr. Wallace's
generous gift to the city is fully described in another article.



The Post-Office occupies the lower floor of a neat and substantial brick
edifice opposite the Baptist Church. The letter-carrier system was begun
here November 1, 1884. In the upper portion of this building are rooms
occupied by the Fitchburg Board of Trade and the Park Club (social).
Just below the Post-Office is Monument Square, in the centre of which is
a handsome soldiers' monument, designed by Martin Milmore, and costing
about $25,000. It was dedicated June 26, 1874. Four brass cannon,
procured through Alvah Crocker while a Member of Congress, stand in the
enclosure. In the rear of the square is the Court House, a stone
building of noble proportions, built in 1871.

Fitchburg is located on the Hoosac Tunnel route, and hence has extensive
railroad facilities. The Fitchburg Railroad runs eleven passenger trains
to Boston every week, day and five to Greenfield and North Adams. The
Northern Division of the Old Colony Railroad terminates here and
furnishes four trains daily to Boston, and also to the principal cities
of southern Massachusetts. The Fitchburg and Worcester Division affords
ample means of communication with our sister city. The Cheshire Railroad
furnishes four trains daily to points in New Hampshire and Vermont. A
route for the proposed Fitchburg and Manchester Railroad was surveyed
last summer. The Union Passenger Depot, used by all these roads in
common, is a commodious building and an ornament to the city. Not far
from the depot is the "L.J. Brown" store, a large and handsome building
with a brown stone front, which is certainly worthy of mention, both as
a sample of the business blocks in town, and as a memorial of the late
L.J. Brown.

Fitchburg is well provided with school houses. The High School on High
street is a large and convenient building, and was erected in 1869. Mr.
R.G. Huling has been the Principal since 1875. There are three large
Grammar school buildings in the city proper, and one in West Fitchburg,
besides a dozen or more buildings occupied by lower grades in various
localities in town.

[Illustration: THE "STONE MILL."]

There are two newspapers published here. The _Fitchburg Sentinel_
occupies the entire upper portion of one of the oldest brick buildings
in town. The structure has been raised and enlarged since it was first
built. The first number of the _Sentinel_ appeared December 30, 1838,
and on May 6, 1873, the _Daily Sentinel_ began its existence. Both are
still published and enjoy a large and increasing circulation. The
_Fitchburg Tribune_ is issued weekly. This paper has been established
only a few years, but under the present proprietor is acquiring a goodly


Our city is fortunate in possessing an abundant supply of excellent
water derived from Scott, Shattuck and Falulah Brooks. Three reservoirs,
Overlook, Scott and Marshall, were constructed at the time the
water-works were first put in operation, a dozen years ago. These are
located on the high land north-west of the city. In 1883 a fourth
reservoir was constructed and named Falulah from the brook by which it
is supplied. Overlook is the largest and most elevated, being four
hundred feet above the railroad tracks. More than eighteen miles of
service pipe are now in use, and there are over two hundred fire
hydrants at various points. The city is equipped with a fire alarm
telegraph, having thirty-one signal boxes, and maintains an efficient
and well managed Fire Department. It is thus easy to understand why
Fitchburg seldom has a fire that amounts to much.

The Wachusett Electric Light Company began to light the principal
streets in the city proper in 1883, and still continues to furnish
agreeable illumination.

The Fitchburg Gas Company, organized in 1852, has works a little below
the Union Depot and is in prosperous condition.

[Illustration: THE "HANNA MILL."]

The Fitchburg Divison of the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company
comprises this city, Leominster, Lunenburg and Westminster. There are
nearly four hundred subscribers.

The Fitchburg Roller Skating Rink is an institution very attractive to
the public and well patronized. There is also a skating rink in West

The Massachusetts Mutual Aid Society, an organization for life
insurance, was incorporated in 1875, and its members now number several

The Fitchburg Co-operative Savings Fund and Loan Association was
incorporated in 1877. Monthly payments are made by share holders and
money loaned on real-estate.

The Worcester North Agricultural Society was incorporated in 1852, and
has extensive fair grounds and a trotting park in the easterly part of
the township.

The city owns two cemeteries. Laurel Hill Cemetery is large and has been
in use for at least seventy-five years. It occupies a hill overhanging
the river, and is truly a city of the dead overlooking the city of the
living. Forest Hill Cemetery is on the Mount Elam road, two miles south
of the city, and is of more recent origin. St. Bernard's Cemetery, in
the easterly part of the town, is owned by the Roman Catholics.

Fitchburg hospitality is well known, and Masonic or other organizations
are always sure of royal entertainment and a grand good time when they
visit their Fitchburg brethren.

Art, literature and music have always been cultivated here. Though there
is no organized art club in town, there are not a few artists here of
merit whose skill with crayon and brush is fully appreciated.


The Fitchburg Literary Club was organized some fifteen years ago. Its
membership has been large and its meetings interesting. Mr. R.G. Huling
is now the President of the club. Several writers of prose and verse
reside in town.

In proof of musical talent we refer with just pride to the Fitchburg
Military Band, G.A. Patz, Director. The band, under the faithful and
skillful management of the late Warren S. Russell, attained almost the
highest rank among the musical organizations of New England. Mr. Russell
was a most estimable man, of rare musical ability, and his death in
March, 1884, was a sad blow to the members of the band, and to the
citizens of Fitchburg as well. At his funeral, March 18, 1884, the
floral tributes from many musical organizations in New England, the
presence of Mr. D.W. Reeves, always a warm friend of Mr. Russell, with
the American Band of Providence, Rhode Island, whose members voluntarily
tendered their services for the occasion gratuitously; the great
concourse of citizens and the general suspension of business throughout
the city, showed better than any words the estimation in which he was
held. In April, 1884, Mr. Patz became the leader of the band. That he is
eminently qualified for the position is shown by the fact that the band
still maintains its high rank and bids fair to surpass in the future the
successes of the past. In the upper common is a very handsome
band-stand, erected by means of the generosity of certain citizens, and
down town in Railroad Park is another, not quite as ornamental. The band
gives a concert at each place nearly every week during warm weather, and
large audiences appreciate the music. Nor are we lacking in vocal
talent. Several of our residents, some of whom have perfected themselves
abroad, have acquired, or are acquiring, reputation as singers.


There are many handsome residences and fine estates in and around the
city, a few of which are represented in this sketch. It is to be
regretted that the residence of Mr. George F. Fay, of Crocker, Burbank &
Co., cannot be shown. It is in process of completion, and when finished
will be the finest in the city.

Fitchburg is situated in a pleasant valley, extending nearly east and
west, through the southern portion of which runs the little river. Main
street is just north of this stream, and, in a measure, parallel to it.
This is the principal business street in the city and from either side
of it branch off streets most of which eventually climb up a hillside.
The city tends to increase along the course of the valley mainly, though
now the surrounding slopes are fast becoming covered with dwellings. The
streets (with the exception of Main) are unpaved, but are carefully
looked after by the city and always kept in good condition. Good
sidewalks, plenty of shade trees, and the general appearance of thrift
and neatness on the part of citizens, make a stroll through the streets
of Fitchburg very agreeable. Such, at least, is the opinion of the
writer who, as a native of the place, may be allowed to express
pardonable pride in the general appearance of prosperity, neatness and
intelligence in the community.

[Illustration: THE "LYON AND WHITNEY" MILL.]

This sketch would be incomplete without some slight allusion to the
surrounding country. The most marked topographical feature in this
region is Rollstone Hill, a rounded eminence, composed entirely of
granite. It is just southwest of the city. Its top is bare rock, but the
sides are covered with a thin layer of soil, which furnishes support for
quite a forest. Several quarries are worked during warm weather, and an
immense amount of granite has been taken out without any apparent
diminution in the size of the hill. It may be of interest to state that
the Fitchburg Railroad depot, in Boston, is built of granite taken from
this hill; and there are several other large stone structures in the Hub
built of the same material. On the very summit of Rollstone is perched
"the Boulder," a round mass of rock, forty-five feet in circumference,
and weighing at least one hundred tons. The rock of which it is
composed is totally unlike any rock formation within a radius of thirty
miles or more, and it is probable that this boulder was brought to its
present position by ice. The view from the top of this hill is well
worth the slight trouble taken in ascending it. At the feet of the
observer lies the city, forming almost a semi-circle. Wooded hills arise
on all sides. Wachusett, twelve miles distant, rears its imposing pile
in the south, while Big Watatic overtops its brethren in the northwest.
Almost opposite Rollstone is Pearl Hill, which is also well worth a

[Illustration: THE "BRICK" MILL.]

There are many pleasant drives around Fitchburg, which are thoroughly
appreciated by the citizens. But we must not dwell longer upon Fitchburg
or its environs. Let those who are strangers to our city come and see
for themselves. They will be welcome.

The writer is aware that much has been omitted in this sketch which
ought to have been spoken of; but in a magazine article, intended simply
to give a general idea of the place, such must of necessity be the case.
Much space might, for instance, be most justly devoted to the business
men and merchants of Fitchburg, who, by hard work and fair dealing, have
acquired honorable names in the community. It would be quite possible to
fill several more pages with such matters, but it is probable that the
readers of the "BAY STATE" will coincide with the opinion that it is
about time to stop.

[Illustration: Fitchburg seal]

       *       *       *       *       *



Gold, from the earliest times to the present day, has been regarded as
one of the most precious of metals. Next to osmium, iodium, and
platinum, it is the heaviest of metals, being nineteen times heavier
than water. Next to iron it is the most extensively diffused metal upon
our planet. It occurs in granite, the oldest rock known to us, and in
all the rocks derived from it. It is, however, much more common in
alluvial grounds than among primitive and pyrogenous rocks. Nine-tenths
of the gold which has been produced has been obtained from alluvial
beds. Gold mines are generally situated at the extreme limits of
civilization. Herodotus notes the fact and he is confirmed by Humbolt.
It is first mentioned in Genesis ii: 11. It was found in the country of
Havilah, where the rivers Euphrates and Tigris unite and discharge their
waters into the Persian Gulf. Gold is never found in mass, in veins, or
lodes; it is interspersed, in threads or flakes, throughout quartz or
other rocks. It is the only metal of a yellow color; it is easily
chrystallizable, and always assumes one or more of the symmetrical
shapes,--such as the cube or octahedron. It affords a resplendent
polish, and may be exposed, for any length of time, to the atmosphere
without suffering change, and is remarkable for its beauty. Its
malleability is such that a cubic inch will cover a surface of eighteen
hundred square feet; and its ductility is such that a cube of four
inches could be drawn into a wire which would extend around the earth.

Gold in its relative value to silver has varied greatly at different

In the days of the patriarch Abraham, it was one to eight; B.C. 1000, it
was one to twelve; B.C. 500, it was one to thirteen; at the commencement
of the Christian era, it was one to nine; A.D. 500, it was one to
eighteen; in 1100, it was one to eight; in 1400, it was one to eleven;
in 1545, it was one to six; in 1551 it was one to two; in 1600, it was
one to ten; in 1627, it was one to thirteen; in 1700, it was one to
fifteen and one-half; it held the latter ratio, with but slight
variation, until 1872, when it began to rise, and in 1876 it rose to one
to twenty; it soon afterwards gradually declined, and now stands one to
nineteen and one-half. The supply of silver beyond a legitimate demand
for financial purposes, the decrease of the export of silver to the
East, and the demonetization of silver by the principal countries of
Europe, have induced a tendency in the ratio of the two metals to again
advance. Gold was extremely abundant in ancient times. It was
plenteously furnished by the rivers of Asia. The sands of Pactolus, the
golden fleece conquered by the Argonauts, the gold of Ophir, the fable
of King Midas, all tend to show the eastern origin of gold. It was
abundant in Cabul and Little Thibet. It abounded in the empire of the
Pharaohs, as is attested by the traces of mining operations, now
exhausted, and by the multitude of objects of gold contained in their
tombs. Dennis ("History of the Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria," vol.
II, p. 50) states that "gold ornaments, whose beauty and richness are
amazing, abound in the tombs of the Etruscans, who were undoubtedly one
of the most remarkable nations of antiquity, and the great civilizers
of Italy. In a single tomb in Cerveti, fragments of breastplates,
earrings, and brooches, sufficient to fill more than one basket, were
found crushed beneath a mass of fallen masonry. A gold chain, with a
number of pendant _scaraboei_, was found in a tomb in Vulci,
transcending anything before seen by him. Bieda, Chiusi, Canosa,
Casuccini, Perugia, and Veii belong in the same category." Schlieman
("Ilios" p. 253, et. seq.) states that they had an abundance of gold,
bordering, as they did, on Phrygia, and nearly touching the valley of
the Pactolus, so famous for its auriferous sands. It was very pure and
therefore easily worked. In a tomb a single vase was found containing
eighty-seven hundred small objects of gold. Ornaments of gold are very
abundant in the tombs of Mycenae. In remote antiquity the bulk of gold
was brought by the Phenicians from Arabia, which had twenty-two gold
mines. It was the ancient El Dorado, and proverbial for its wealth of
gold in all antiquity, down to the Middle Ages. "Arabia sends us gold,"
said Thomas A. Becket. Sacred ornaments of gold abound in churches,
temples, pagodas, and tombs, throughout the Eastern hemisphere. The
Homeric poems call Mycenae a city rich in gold. Gold abounded in the
Levant, and it was obtained in considerable quantity in the island of
Siphnos, and also from Pangaeus. It was found in abundance in
Turdeltania in Spain; it was brought down by the rivers Tagus and Duoro;
and it was plenty in Dacia, Transylvania, and the Asturias. Caligula
caused his guests to be helped with gold (which they carried away),
instead of bread and meat. The dresses of Nero were stiff with
embroidery and gold; he fished with hooks of gold, and his attendants
wore necklaces, and bracelets of gold. The Egyptians obtained large
quantities of gold from the upper Nile, and from Ethiopia. Among them it
was estimated by weight, usually in the form of bulls or oxen. In the
centre of the continent, upon which so much light has been recently
thrown by Livingston, Stanley, and others, rocks are to be met with
quartz veins containing gold, and thus auriferous alluvium has been
formed. Western Africa was the first field which supplied gold to
mediaeval Europe. Its whole seaboard from Morocco to the equator
produces more or less gold. This small section of the continent poured a
flood of gold into Europe, and until the mineral discoveries of
California and Australia, it continued to be the principal supply to the
civilized world. In eastern Akim gold is said to be as plentiful as
potatoes in Ireland. The Fanti gold mines are far more valuable than
Ashanti, and the Wassaw and the Nquampossoo have gold nuggets in
profusion. The King of Gyaman became immensely rich by the product of
his gold mines; his bed had steps of gold. The French claim that they
imported gold from Elmina in 1382. The Portuguese discovered gold in
1442, upon the borders of Rio de Ouro. Mungo Park, in 1797, drew
attention to the existence of gold in the provinces of Shronda, Kinkodi,
Dindiko, Bambuk, and Barabarra. Caille, in 1827, reported an abundance
of gold in the valley of the Niger. The gold mines of Boure were first
visited by Winwood Reade in 1872. The inhabitants of Western Africa have
worked their gold fields for centuries to very little purpose. Their
want of pumps, of quartz-crushing machinery, and of scientific
appliances, has limited their labors to scratching the top soil and
nibbling at the reef-walls. A large proportion of the country is
virtually virgin ground; and a rich harvest has been left for
Occidental science, energy, and enterprise. It is fast becoming evident
that Africa will one day equal half a dozen Californias. The annual
product of gold in Africa has declined from $17,000,000 in 1471 to
$3,000,000 in 1816. Since the latter date it has gradually declined to
$2,000,000. The gold product since 1471 has amounted to $3,500,000,000.

Gold, after the discovery of America, was produced in large quantities,
principally in the Antilles, and chiefly in Hispaniola, and the western
coast of the Gulf of Mexico. America is pre-eminently the land of
metals. Gold is found in greater or less abundance throughout its
Pacific coast from Alaska to Patagonia. The New World furnishes nearly
two-thirds of the precious metals annually produced. The export of gold
from the United States since 1848 has amounted to $1,548,564,852. The
gold mines of Peru were revealed to Europe by Pizarro in 1513. The gold
mines of South America extend throughout its entire territory. Its
richest mines are about Huylas and Turma, Most of the rivers of the
Andes bring down auriferous sands. Before the arrival of the Spaniards
the Indians had gathered from the river sands large quantities of gold
in Peru, Chili, and along the whole western coast of South America.
Brazil has yielded, from 1513 to the present time, $876,000,000 of gold.
The annual product of gold, in South America, at the present time is
$8,000,000. The total product, from 1513 to the present time, has
amounted to $2,176,000,000. The gold mines of North America extend from
Costa Rica to Alaska, between the parallels 8° and 71° of North
latitude, and the parallels of 82° and 168° of West longitude, comprised
between the Caribbean sea and the Arctic ocean, and the Rocky mountains
and the Pacific ocean. The Mexican gold mines were discovered by Cortez
in 1526. Their annual product has decreased from $3,000,000 in former
times to $1,000,000 at the present time. Their total product to the
present time has amounted to $652,000,000. Gold was discovered in
California by William Marshall, on the ninth day of February, 1848, at
Suter's mill on the American fork of the Sacramento river, and the mines
extend from 34° to 40° of North latitude. Their annual product has
decreased from $81,000,000 in 1853 to $14,000,000 at the present time.
The annual product of the gold mines of Colorado, Dakota, Nevada,
Montana, Idaho, Arizona, Oregon, and other parts of the United States,
at the present time, is estimated to be $16,000,000. Their total product
has amounted to $200,000,000. The annual product of the gold mines of
British Columbia is estimated to be $2,000,000. Their total product has
amounted to $52,000,000. In estimating the gold product of California
Messrs. Hussey, Bond and Hale, of San Francisco, (Hunt's Mer. Mag., vol.
XXVII, p. 43) state,--"that there should be added to the amount
exhibited upon steamers' manifests fifteen to sixty per cent, for the
amount carried in the valises and pockets of returning passengers,
overland to Mexico, exported to Chili, and retained in California for
purposes of currency." Fenton (Tasmania, p. 430) states,--"that the
product of gold, $850,000, in Tasmania, in 1883, does not include the
value of gold which left the colony by private hands, when it is
considered that the alluvial auriferous deposits are worked by men who
are constantly on the move and who sometimes take with them, to the
other colonies, the product of their washings, without leaving behind
them any record of the weight or value of the gold thus removed." This
rule should be applied to Australia, Russia, New Zealand, and all
countries which are producers of the precious metals. The annual product
of the gold mines of North America is $32,000,000. Their total product
from 1513 to the present time is estimated to be $2,764,000,000, of
which $2,164,000,000 have been obtained since 1848. The annual product
of gold in America is $40,000,000,--more than one-third of the entire
annual product of the world. The total gold product of America, since
the hills of Hispaniola were revealed to the eyes of Columbus, has
amounted to $4,940,000,000--one-third of the product of the world since
the earliest times.

Gold was discovered in Russia in 1743, near Nertschinsk, alluvial
deposits having been observed in that year in the Ural mountains. The
mines extend over that parallelogram of the earth's surface, comprised
between the parallels of 50° and 60° of north latitude, between the
Volga and Amoor rivers. They were not generally explored until 1810. In
1816 their product was but $80,000; at the close of 1823 there was a
large development. In 1830 the annual product was $4,000,000. About that
time the deposits of Siberia were discovered, and at the close of 1840
they yielded a greater production than those of the Ural. In 1843 the
total annual product of both regions was $18,000,000. In 1853 it
attained to $36,000,000, but since that date it has gradually declined
to $22,000,000. The total product of the Russian goldmines has amounted
to $805,000,000. The annual product of gold in Europe is $24,000,000.
The total product of gold in Europe, from the earliest times to the
present day, has amounted to $4,145,000,000.

Gold was discovered in Australia by Edward Hammand Hargreaves, on the
twelfth day of February, 1851, in the Bathurst and Wellington districts,
and the mines extend from 18° to 38° of South latitude. Their annual
product has decreased from $75,000,000 in 1853 to $26,000,000 at the
present time. Their total product has amounted to $1,453,000,000. The
finest gold was obtained at Ballarat, and the largest nugget was dug up
at Donolly, and weighed 2,448 ounces, valued at $46,000. The New Zealand
gold mines were discovered by Messrs. Hartly and Reilly, on the
twentieth of August, 1861, in the Otago district, on the Molineux river,
on the 45° of South latitude. Their annual product has decreased from
$10,000,000 in 1863 to $4,000,000 at the present time. Their total
product has amounted to $176,000,000. The annual product of gold in Asia
(including Australia, New Zealand and Oceanica) is $32.000,000. The
total product of gold in Asia, from the earliest times to the present
day, has amounted $2,065,000,000.

Gold was considered bullion in Palestine for a long time after silver
was current as money. The first mention of gold as money, in the Bible,
is in David's reign (B.C. 1056) when that king purchased the
threshing-floor of Oman for six hundred shekels of gold by weight
($4,500.) The Lydians were the first people who coined money. The word
"_money_" is derived from the temple of Jupiter Moneta, where the Roman
mint was established. Croesus (B.C. 560) coined the golden _stater_,
which contained one hundred and thirty-three grains of pure metal.
Darius, son of Hystaspes, (B.C. 538) coined the _daric_, which contained
one hundred and twenty-one grains of pure metal; it was preferred for
its fineness, for several ages, throughout the East. It is supposed to
be mentioned in the Old Testament under the name of _dram_. Very few
specimens have come down to us. Their scarcity may be accounted for by
the fact that they were melted down under the type of Alexander. Next
were some coins of the tyrants of Sicily; of Gelo (B.C. 491), of Helo
(B.C. 478), and of Dionysius (B.C. 404). Specimens of the former two are
still preserved in modern cabinets. Gold coin was by no means plenty in
Greece, until Philip of Macedon put the mines of Thrace into full
operation, about B.C. 300. There are only about a dozen Greek coins in
existence, three of which are in the British Museum; and of the latter,
two are _staters_, of the weight of one hundred and twenty-nine grains
each. About B.C. 207, a gold coin was struck off at Rome called
"_aureus_," four specimens of which are in the institution before
alluded to. Its weight was one hundred and twenty-four grains.

Gold coins were issued in France by Clovis, A.D. 489. About the same
time, they were issued in Spain by Amalric, the Gothic king; in both
countries they were called "_trientes_." The "_mouton_," worth about
nine dollars, was issued in 1156. Gold coins were first issued in
England in 1257, in the shape of a "_penny_," of the value of twenty
pence; only two specimens have come down to us. "_Florins_" were next
issued in 1334, of the value of six shillings. The "_noble_" followed
next of the value of six shillings and eight pence; being stamped with a
rose, it was called the "_rose noble_." "_Angels_" appeared in 1465, of
the same value as the latter. The "_royal_" followed next in 1466, of
the value of ten shillings. Then come for the first time the
"_sovereign_," in 1489, of the value of twenty shillings. The "_crown_"
followed in 1527, of the value of ten shillings. "_Units_" and
"_lions_," were issued in 1603; the "_laurel_" 1633, and "_exurgats_,"
in 1642; all of the value of twenty shillings. The "_guinea_," of the
value of twenty-one shillings, was issued in 1663, of Guinea gold. In
1773 all gold coins, except the guinea, were called in and forbidden to
be circulated. The present sovereign was issued in 1817. The United
States "_half eagle_" was issued in 1793.

Gold, to the amount of $2,171,000,000, was obtained from the surface and
mines of the earth from the earliest times to the commencement of the
Christian era; from the date of the latter event, to the discovery of
America, $3,842,374,000 was obtained; from the date of the latter event
to the close of 1847 an addition of $3,056,000,000 was obtained; the
triple discovery of the California mines in 1848, the Australian in
1851, and the New Zealand in 1861, has added, to the close of 1884,
$5,558,626,000; making a grand total of $14,628,000,000, of which
$5,818,626,000 has been obtained since 1843. The average loss by
abrasion of coin is estimated by Professor Bowen at one-twentieth of one
per cent. per annum, and the loss by consumption in the arts, and by
fire and shipwreck, at $4,000,000 per annum. A cubic inch of gold is
worth, at 3£ 17s. 10 1-2d., or $18.96 per ounce., $193; a cubic foot,
$333,504; and a cubic yard, $9,004,608.

Gold to the amount of $1,081,000,000, is estimated to have been in
existence at the commencement of the Christian era. At the period of the
discovery of America it had diminished to $135,000,000; after that
event, it gradually increased, and in 1600 it attained to $154,000,000,
in 1700 it reached $398,000,000, in 1800 it amounted to $1,156,000,000,
in 1853 it attained to $3,332,000,000, and at the present time the
amount of gold in existence is estimated to be $8,166,000,000; which, if
melted into one mass, could be contained in the basement of Bunker Hill
Monument, which is a cube of thirty feet. Of the amount of gold in
existence $6,000,000,000 is estimated to be in coin and bullion,
$1,000,000,000 in watches, and the remainder in plate, jewelry, and
ornaments. Of the amount of gold in existence $2,374,000,000 is
estimated to have been obtained from North America, $1,739,000,000 from
South America; $1,858,000,000 from Asia (including Australia, New
Zealand, and Oceanica), $945,000,000 from Europe, and $1,250,000,000
from Africa. The amount of the precious metals now in existence is
estimated to be $13,670,000,000.

Gold, as compared with former periods, in regard to its annual product,
has attained, within the last forty-two years, to enormous proportions.
At the date of the discovery of America it was but $100,000; after the
occurrence of that event it gradually increased, and in 1800 it was
$17,000,000, and in 1853 it reached its acme, when it was $236,000,000;
it soon afterwards gradually decreased, and now it is but $98,000,000.

Gold has changed places with silver as regards coinage. Since 1726 the
gold coinage of the French mint has amounted to 11,400,000,000 francs,
of which 8,200,000,000 francs have been issued since 1850. Since 1603
the gold coinage of the British mint has amounted to £409,000,000, of
which £253,000,000 have been issued since 1850. Since 1792 the gold
coinage of the United States mint has amounted to $1,357,000,000, of
which $1,257,000,000 have been issued since 1850. Since 1664 the gold
coinage of the Russian mint has amounted to 900,000,000 roubles, of
which 630,000,000 have been issued since 1850. The twenty-five-franc
piece of France contains 112 grains of pure metal; the sovereign of
England, 113 grains; the new doubloon of Spain, and the half-eagle of
the United States, 116 grains each; and the gold lion of the
Netherlands, and double-ounce of Sicily, 117 grains each. It was
proposed, a few years since, to adopt a uniform system of coinage
throughout the world, so that the coins of one nation may circulate in
any other without the expense of re-coinage, "a consummation devoutly to
be _wished_." The gold coinage of the principal countries of the world
has increased from $77,000,000 in 1848 to $300,000,000 in 1854; in 1876
it declined to $250,000,000, since which it has continued to decrease,
and is now but $90,000,000. The gold coinage of the United States mint,
since 1849, has amounted to $1,281,420,038. In proportion as the wealth
of a country increases it requires a currency of higher value. Gold,
owing to its greater supply, and more convenient portability, is
steadily gaining in the channels of commercial exchange upon silver.

Gold, in view of the large amount which has been thrown into the
monetary circulation of the world since 1843, and the little influence
it has exercised upon the money market and prices generally, has
falsified the predictions of financial writers, a generation ago, upon
both sides of the Atlantic. The following statement will exhibit the
wholesale cash prices in the New York market, on the first day of
January, in the respective years, of six of the principal articals of

                      1860.     1872.     1885.
Beef, per barrel     $10.75    $10.00    $11.75
Pork,  "    "         16.25     14.00     12.25
Flour, "   "           5.25      4.12      2.55
Rice,  " 100 lbs.      3.87      8.44      5.62
Corn,  " bushel         .93       .81       .48
Cotton, " pound         .11 3-4   .21 1-4   .11 1-4

War is the great enhancer of prices. During the Civil War in the United
States (1861-1865), the prices of the above articles were more than

Gold, in the midst of its sudden plethora, was a perplexing problem to
the financial prophets of a third of a century ago. M. Michel Chevalier
(Revue des Deux Mondes, November, 1857) predicted,--"that a decline
would occur in the price of gold, equal to one-half of its former value;
that a period of peril was impending, full of inquietude, instability
and damage to a great variety of interests; that the value of gold would
be diminished, and that consequently wages and prices would be doubled;
that the duties on imports, and the interest on the debts of the
principal nations of the world, must necessarilly follow the same
course; that it would inevitably involve a re-coinage of all the
existing gold coins of the world, from time to time, in order to conform
to the price of the metal; that the value of the twenty-franc piece
would be reduced to 19 1-2, 19, 18 francs, as the depreciation
descended; and he, therefore, recommended a cessation of the gold
coinage until the lowest point of depreciation is reached; that the new
gold fields were likely to prove as productive as at first for several
generations; in no direction could new outlets be seen sufficiently
large to absorb the extra production in such a manner as to prevent a
fall in its value. It might fall until nineteen francs would correspond
only to the amount of well being which could then be obtained for five
francs." Poor man! He lived to see the utter failure of all his
predictions; to behold France become the largest coiner of gold in the
world; an exporter of the precious metals to the amount of $43,000,000
annually during a decade; the rise of the standard of gold from 15 1-2
to 18, as compared with silver, and involving a decline from 62 3-4d. to
52d. per ounce; great fear of a gold famine come upon the Directors of
the Bank of France, and also of the Bank of England; the annual product
of gold to attain its acme, four years before his predictions; its
gradual decline, until it had descended to one-half; a new gold-field
opened in New Zealand; and silver demonetized by his own country,
Germany, and the other principal countries of Europe. M. Emile de
Lavelaye (Ninteenth Century Review, September, 1881), states, "that the
present annual supply of gold is no more than sufficient to meet the
requirements of the expanding commerce of the world. The scarcity of
gold has induced so great a fall in prices that they are now lower than
in 1850. It is estimated that North America has contributed £14,000,000
of the stock of gold in the world." We have already shown that the
annual product of gold has increased, at one period, thirteen fold, and
is now, notwithstanding its rapid decrease, five fold greater than at
the commencement of the present century; that prices have not been in
the least degree affected by the increased supply of gold; and that
North America has contributed $2,374,000,000 of the stock of gold in the

Gold has faithfully performed for the last forty-two years, and, in view
of its abundance and prospective increase, will continue to support its
_role_ of a fixed standard of value, and a firm basis for the bank-note
circulation of the principal countries of the civilized world, which is
evidently growing gradually metallic, as a comparative statement of the
amount of bank-note circulation issued, and the amount of specie held by
the Bank of England, the joint stock banks, and the private banks of
Great Britain the Bank of France, the State banks, and the National
banks of the United States, at different periods, will exhibit:

             | GREAT BRITAIN. |     FRANCE.          | UNITED STATES.
Circulation  |  £34,976,524   |  220,005,695 francs. | $87,872,171
Specie       |    8,751,342   |  225,406,807   "     |  35,207,690
Circulation  |  £34,948,765   |  481,552,000 francs. | $118,984,112
Specie       |   19,843,026   |  458,820,000    "    |   45,379,345
Circulation  |  £39,574,862   |  725,417,563 francs. | $126,599,167
Specie       |   22,917,846   |  324,915,234     "   |  102,507,559
Circulation  |  £37,215,968   |2,912,386,475 francs. | $112,027,858
Specie       |   28,146,893   |2,065,937,158     "   |  139,747,080

Gold has robbed silver of the _prestige_ claimed for it two centuries
ago by Locke,--"that it is the instrument and measure of commerce in all
the civilized and trading parts of the world, and its normal currency."
Gold has maintained its present price for one hundred and sixty years,
while silver has declined twenty-two per cent. within thirteen. When,
owing to scarcity, gold advances in price, then we may fear, that, what
the late Mr. Bagehot use to call the "_apprehension point_," is close at
our heels. The amount of gold in existence has increased from
$1,975,000,000 in 1843 to $8,166,000,000 at the present time; while
silver, owing to the great attrition of coin (estimated by Bowen at one
per cent. per annum), has increased from $5,040,000,000 to but
$5,504,000,000, during the same period. Of the two hundred and twelve
millions of dollars of the precious metals annually produced,
ninety-eight millions are furnished by gold.

       *       *       *       *       *



  Down in the valleys, where the grasses grow,
    And waves the gold-rod and the meadow queen;
  Where peaceful streamlets, with a languid flow,
    Are calmly shimmering in the noonday sheen--
  There may be peace, and plenty too, I ween;
    But on the mountain's elephantine height,
  Where thunder-drums are beat on bassy key,
    And lightning-flashes glisten through the night;
  And forests groan with storm-chang'd melody,
    There let my home, 'mid lofty nature be--
  That, near the stars, and near the sun and moon,
    My eyes may gaze upon the book of space,
  And learn the lyrics that are sung in tune
    As rolling orbs their constant journeys trace.

       *       *       *       *       *

General Knefler to General Wallace:

    INDIANAPOLIS, February 19, 1868.

    GENERAL. Upon reading the "Life of Grant," by Colonel Badeau, I
    was much surprised to see his version of your conduct on the
    first day of the battle of Shiloh. As I was present with your
    command on that day, as Assistant Adjutant General of Division,
    I desire to make the following statement of facts, as I can
    remember them at this time:

    The position of your division, on the morning of the sixth of
    April, 1862, was as follows: Headquarters of the division and
    camp of the First Brigade at Crump's Landing; Second Brigade,
    two and a half miles from Crump's Landing, on the Purdy road, at
    a place, if I remember right, called Stony Lonesome; Third
    Brigade, two and a half miles from the camp of the Second
    Brigade, at Adamsville, on the Purdy road, and five miles from
    Headquarters of division at Crump's Landing.

    When the cannonading was first heard on Sunday morning 'you
    issued orders' at once, for the concentration of the division at
    camp of the Second Brigade, at Stony Lonesome. The baggage, camp
    and garrison equipage was ordered to Crump's Landing, and
    detachments were made for its protection. "_These orders were
    given before you heard from Headquarters_."

    About 9 o'clock General Grant passed up on the Tigris and in
    passing the boat upon which were your Headquarters, had a
    conversation with you. I did not hear what was said, but you
    immediately mounted, and accompanied by your staff rode rapidly
    to the camp of the Second Brigade. It was, perhaps, two hours
    before any order arrived. I know you were anxiously looking for
    orders, and finally despatched one of your aids to ride to the
    landing to ascertain if any one had arrived with orders, and
    conduct him to you. Shortly after that,--it must have been 12
    o'clock, M., Captain Baxter, A.Q.M., arrived with orders, and
    brought the very cheering intelligence that our army was
    successful. I cannot tell at this time what the particular
    language was. The order was placed in my hands as Assistant
    Adjutant General, but where it is now, or what became of it, I
    am unable to say; very likely, having been written on a scrap of
    paper, it was lost after coming into my hands; a matter which I
    much regret, as I feel confident that its production now would
    conclusively demonstrate that you obeyed the command contained
    in it. I remember, however, distinctly, that it was a written
    order to march and form a junction with the right of the army,
    which was understood to be the right of the army as it rested on
    the morning when the battle began. Suffice it to say, that the
    division marched at once, and took the road which had been
    previously ascertained as leading to the right of the army, in
    the position it occupied on the morning of the sixth, and
    previous to that time. The road was then patrolled and picketted
    by cavalry detachments of your command. By your permission, I
    was marching with the advance guard, comprised of several
    companies of the Twenty-fourth Indiana Volunteers, Lieutenant
    Colonel Berber, commanding. We marched very rapidly, and to
    judge from the sound of the battle, we were approaching it fast.
    The advanced guard had reached the crossing of Snake Creek, near
    a mill, or some large building, where a bridge had been
    constructed, and from that point we could see the smoke
    overhanging the battle-field and distinctly hear the musketry,
    when an order was received, to retrace our steps, and work our
    way to the head of the column. We marched back at once, almost
    to our starting place, where we found the column was marching
    through the woods where there was no road (not even a trail
    appeared) to save time and distance. The troops were marching
    very fast, and I did not come up with you for perhaps two hours
    after the advance guard received orders to countermarch.

    When the column was put in motion on the river road, which must
    have been after 4 o'clock, we were met by some staff officers of
    General Grant, Major Rawlins and Colonel McPherson, and another
    officer whom I did not know. They had some conversation with
    you, and then, for the first time I learned that our troops had
    been repulsed, and that we were then marching to join the right
    of the army, in its new position, at Pittsburg Landing. After
    some hard marching over execrable roads we reached our position
    about dusk.

    The road the division first marched on led directly to the right
    of the army in its position as stated above, and we would have
    joined it, had it not been repulsed, before 3 o'clock P.M.

    Having conversed with many of the division who were present on
    that day, it is the general impression that we marched between
    fifteen and eighteen miles. Now, considering that we had troops
    not inured to hard marching, some of them on their first march,
    the condition of the roads, almost impassible, and part of that
    distance through woods, without any road, at all, it certainly
    ought not to be intimated that you did not do your whole duty in
    endeavoring to reach the field.

    I am General, very respectfully, Your obedient servant,


    Late Colonel Seventy-ninth Regiment Indiana Volunteers.

       *       *       *       *       *




"O mamma, did'nt we have a good time at the Isles of Shoals last
summer?" said Reuben Tracy to his mother one evening last July as they
sat together on their piazza. "Did'nt the boys stare though when I told
them all about it in our geography class. Ned Bolton said that I knew
more about it than the geography did; and afterwards he asked me if I
had ever seen a mountain. How I wish I could see one and climb to the
very top of it. Oh my, would'nt I look!"

And the boy's eyes looked as though they would look to the satisfaction
of the most devoted teacher.

"Well," my boy, replied Mrs. Tracy as she drew him nearer to her in
loving admiration of such enthusiasm, "only yesterday I received a
letter from your uncle in Northampton urging me to take you and come to
make him a visit, and I thought then what a good opportunity it would be
for you to see your first mountain. Now do you know what one I mean?"

"Oh yes," answered Reuben; "but you mean two, do'nt you? Mount Tom and
Mount Holyoke. I learned that in my geography. I can see it now in my
book where it says that Mount Tom is twelve hundred feet high, and Mount
Holyoke one thousand feet high." But Bob Phelps said that there were
lots of Rattlesnakes on Mount Tom, so I should not dare to go there--but

"Visitors don't go on Mount Tom proper, as there is no accomodation for
them," interrupted Mrs. Tracy, "but on Mount Holyoke there is the
Prospect House, which your uncle said last summer was a very well-kept
house. Why, it is thirty-five years ago that I was on top of that
mountain, when, as a young girl, just a little older than you, I went
with my father and mother. A Mr. French had just taken the house. I
wonder if he is there now. He seemed determined then to do what he could
for the place. I can hear him now telling my father that a spot which
had been such a favorite one for over two hundred years must have some
superior claim upon the people of his day. I really would love to go
there again. It is one of those places which once seen is never
forgotten, and then I could'nt choose a better spot for your
introduction to a lovely mountain view. But, my child, it is getting
late and time for you to go to bed. Run along and I will write to your
uncle to-night and accept his cordial invitation."

"And tell him" added Reuben, "that I wish every boy in this world had
such a boss mother as I have. Ned Bolton says so, too;" with which
unique expression of love and gratitude he kissed his mother "Good
night" and went off to bed to dream of, well, what do you think? Of
rattle-snakes, of mountains, or even of geography? Oh, no! only nothing,
for he was a healthy boy who said he couldn't spare the time to dream.

After he had gone Mrs. Tracy sat alone for a while, thinking over this
early visit of hers, with all the precious memories which it suggested
of her own father and mother, now dead and gone. Then she thought over
the past year's intimate life which she had enjoyed with her boy, and
became more and more thankful that she had been enabled thus to get up
out of her selfish grief of the summer before--when death took her other
children from her--and empty her own life into the larger channel of
life around her. She was pleased to think of the good fruits that had
arisen from her plans for her boy's vacation trips, not only upon him
but upon other mothers who had been led to follow her example. She
thought of the Christmas week she had spent with him in Boston, where
they had enjoyed so many interesting historical sights. And in the few
weeks of the vacation which was now passing, it pleased her to recall
the delightful days which they had spent at Concord and at Plymouth. And
now, in this evening reverie, she smiled as she thought of her boy's
telling his geography class all about the Isles of Shoals. How she would
loved to have heard him--her fair-haired, blue-eyed boy, talking with
all the intensity of his nature of what he had seen. Ah! life had left
much to her yet; and she determined anew that Reuben should never want
for any of her sympathetic help, either in his sports or in his growing
student life. With this renewed determination she went into the house to
write her letter to her brother at Northampton.

She was just finishing it when her husband came in from his weekly
meeting with the city fathers. She told him all her plan, which he
heartily endorsed, and practically helped by taking out his purse and
giving her a generous sum of money for the trip, saying, "I wish, my
dear, that I could go too, but I cannot leave my business this season of
the year. But I am only too glad that I can make money enough for you
and Reuben to go. I know of no better way to invest it for the future of
our boy, God bless him!

"Ah!" replied Mrs. Tracy, her face all aglow with the joy of having her
own thought so fully met, "would that more fathers thought so! but while
some think only of a bank account, and the great majority think nothing
of any account at all, only the few know the need of a child's mind
_digesting_ money, so to speak, as it goes along."

In a few days the arrangements were completed and Mrs. Tracy and her son
left their home in Salem for Northampton. Reuben quietly enjoyed the
scenery all the way from Boston to Springfield. In the forty minutes'
ride from Springfield to Northampton Mrs. Tracy had a delightful
opportunity, which she well used, to show her boy the winding course of
a river,--the beautiful Connecticut--as they followed it first on one
side and then on the other. When Reuben spied the house on Mount Holyoke
he realized then that he saw his first mountain. On making inquiries
about the mountain with a house on it, on the other side of the river,
the conductor told him that that was Mount Nonotuck, a peak of the Mount
Tom range, which was nine hundred and fifty feet high. He also told him
that Nonotuck was the old Indian name for Northampton, which was just
then coming in sight.

On arriving at the station uncle Edward met them with his carriage to
convey them to his home on Round Hill. On their way there they passed
the fine building of Smith College, which particularly pleased Mrs.
Tracy and caused her to say, partly to herself, "Happy, happy girls to
have such privileges of college life." "What," said Reuben, "girls go to
college like boys? how funny!" When, after a moment or two of seeming
abstraction, he said: "That is what papa meant the other day when he
said that girls were as good as boys and could learn just as well as
they could, is'nt it?" But before Mrs. Tracy could answer him they had
arrived at their destination.

The next day they took a drive around the town, or rather the city,
since a short time before it had become such. Its wealth of trees was a
source of joy to them.

When they were crossing Mill River, on the old covered bridge on South
street, uncle Edward stopped and told them that this was the only bridge
on the river which was saved from the awful catastrophe of the bursting
of the reservoir at Williamsburg, ten miles from there. When they drove
off the bridge he told Reuben to notice the river as it flowed so
peacefully along, in apparent forgetfulness of its dreadful havoc of ten
years ago when about one hundred and fifty lives were lost, and
factories, houses, and churches were swept along, as so many leaves, by
the rushing torrent. He told, among other facts, how a cousin of his was
seated at the breakfast-table with his whole family--a wife, two sons,
and a daughter--when they were swept up by the waters, house and all,
and all drowned. And while he was telling these incidents, which were so
much to him, he made them more effective by driving up some little
distance through the district which had been devastated. Thus Reuben
learned of a peculiar tragedy, in a manner which no reading in itself
could so well have taught him.

They spent a day or two more in looking around the different public
institutions, the Clarke Institute for the Deaf, on Round Hill, giving
them the most interest. But in spite of these attractions, Mrs. Tracy's
keen mother-eye noticed that Reuben was getting a little impatient to
climb a mountain, that mountain "with the tunnel" as he expressed it. So
she decided to go there the first pleasant day; and as it was now the
time of full moon she proposed to remain upon the mountain all night,
much to Reuben's delight.

The next day proved to be pleasant, so they in company with Uncle Edward
and his wife started for Mount Holyoke, a distance of three miles. A
short drive brought them to the Hokanum ferry where they were to cross
the Connecticut. As they drove upon what seemed to Reuben a wharf, he,
accustomed only to the Boston ferry-boats, remarked that the boat was
not in yet. And it was not until a moment later when he found himself
moving away from the land that he discovered that he was on the boat
itself! The way in which they were being borne across the river by man's
use of the pulley and wire was a great novelty to the boy and could only
suggest to his mother the most primitive days.

It took them five minutes to cross--about eighty-five rods--after which
a short drive through a pretty country took them to the foot of the
mountain. Then following a good carriage-road they were soon at the
half-way house where Reuben at last found the "tunnel" which had given
him so much wonder.

After examining the stationary engine at the foot of the inclined plane,
in this wooden enclosure which Reuben had called the tunnel, they seated
themselves in the car and in two and a quarter minutes were landed at
the top, 600 feet higher.

Mrs. Tracy on going up felt a little fear which was overcome when her
brother informed her that Mr. French was always at the top with his
watchful eye.

"Yes, that is so," said a voice as they stepped out of the car, and Mrs.
Tracy was introduced to the same Mr. French who was so much in earnest
years ago when she visited the place to make it a success.

They talked over the intervening years, Mr. French telling her of his
improvements, how the first railroad was built in 1854, and the present
track was laid in 1867, and how more than half a million people had been
up over it.

He showed her a picture of the first house built there in 1821, then of
the one rebuilt in 1851, which was gradually enlarged, until it became
the present size in 1861, ten years later.

She was particularly interested to hear him tell of the famous people
who had visited the place, so much so, that he brought out for
inspection some of the autograph books which filled a long shelf. He
said that there were names recorded as far back as 1824. As they looked
them over they saw at the date of August 12, 1847, in bold handwriting,
"Charles Summer," with the testimony that the view from Mount Holyoke
was "surpassingly lovely."

At the sight of the clearly written name "Jenny Lind, Sweden," at the
date of July 7, 1851, Reuben exclaimed--"Oh, she was that big singer;
mamma showed me the house on Round Hill where she lived and was

That he should remember this fact pleased Mrs. Tracy while his boyish
enthusiasm led Mr. French to tell a pleasant little reminiscence of her
visit there which was heartily enjoyed by them all. And that others may
have the pleasure of hearing it from him on his own premises I will not
repeat it here.

After a little further talk on the history of the place, in which Reuben
learned that it was named Holyoke in 1654 in honor of Captain Elizur
Holyoke, they began to enjoy the lovely pictures all around them.

It was fortunate for them that a heavy wind of the night before had
taken away the clouds which had for a time hidden the mountains farthest
off. Hence they were now able to see distinctly the Green Mountains in
Vermont, Wachusett and Greylock in Massachusetts, and Monadnock in New

As they spoke of the many little villages which gave the human interest
to the scene, Mr. French said that they could see from there thirty-two
towns in Massachusetts and eight in Connecticut.

He adjusted the telescope so that they could easily tell the time on the
clock at Smith College. He adjusted it again and they saw the Amherst
College buildings. Another adjustment revealed Mount Holyoke Seminary at
South Hadley; and in this way they saw the Armory at Springfield, the
Insane asylum at Northampton, and other well-known buildings.

A sight of the unique Front street in Old Hadley with its four rows of
fine old shade trees led Uncle Edward to promise his guests a drive
through it before they should return to Salem.

The fine combination of meadow, river, hills and towns, as pictured
through a colored reflecting glass, was a delight indeed.

In one of the views, Reuben spied an island striped with cultivated
fields which Mr. French said was called Ox Bow; he pointed out another
called Shepard's island, which, with Ox Bow, added much to the scenery.

The winding river suggested to Mrs. Tracy how much nature loved a curve.
While Uncle Edward, who had visited the chief mountains in this land and
in Europe, said that he always came back to this mountain view as the
loveliest and the most restful of them all, although it was not the
grandest or the most awe inspiring.

So the day passed on Mount Holyoke, giving them at every moment living
pictures which no painter could equal. When the sun went down the moon
came up to give her light, and nature reveled in her beauty.

The only painful shadow for Mrs. Tracy was when she felt sad that more
of earth's troubled ones did not or could not come to drink in such
peace and rest.

But such days must come to an end. And what can follow more delightful
than a refreshing sleep on such a height. This they all had and were
ready the next morning to return to Northampton.

As Reuben was anxious to count the steps which, on ascending the day
before, he had noticed on the side of the inclined plane; he went down
that way, while the rest of the party availed themselves of the car. He,
boy-like, did not mind the extra labor and longer time which that choice
involved, so long as he found out that there were five hundred and
twenty-two steps.

As they descended the mountain from the half-way house Reuben gathered
for a souvenir some of the beautiful laurel which, in full-bloom, was
then adorning its sides.

A few days later after the promised ride to Old Hadley, three miles
distant, which was extended four miles to Amherst to give Reuben a sight
of the college where his papa graduated, Mrs. Tracy and her son returned
to Salem. Mr. Tracy was highly entertained with Reuben's account of what
he had seen, and felt more than ever that his money had been well
invested. The rest of the vacation soon passed, the boy's active mind
being profitably engaged in the interim of active, healthful sports.

And it is highly probable that by this time the geography class, with
Ned Bolton as spokesman, has discovered that "Reuben Tracy knows more
about a mountain than the geography itself!"

       *       *       *       *       *


Christmas. There is nothing in the deepest and best sense human which in
the truest and highest sense is not also Christian. The characteristic
feeling about Christmas, as it is revealed in literature and tradition
and association, is the striking and beautiful tribute to the
practicability of Christianity.

Sermons. It is doubtless very unjust to the clergy to suppose that they
turn the barrel of sermons to save themselves the trouble of writing new
ones. Nothing but the levity of the pews could be guilty of such a
suspicion. The preacher knows that one squeezing does not take all the
juice out of an orange; and how much jucier a fruit is a good sermon!
Moreover, the pews are so pachydermatous, so rhinoceros-skinned, that
nothing but an incessant pelting upon the same spot makes an impression.

America. Whoever has seen a self-possessed and sagacious orator handling
a tumultuous meeting as Phoebus-Appollo handles his madly plunging
steeds, has seen the symbol of popular government, and understands why
the sole fact of numerical force and brute power does not explain it. He
who watches the ocean rising into every bay and creek in obedience to
celestial attraction, sees in outward nature the law that governs the
associated life of men, and which gives the American people faith in
their own government, whether they can give a reason, for their faith or

       *       *       *       *       *



Occasionally the attention of the daily press of the country is called
to the provisions of the National Banking Law by the announcement of the
failure of some national banking association, and immediately it teems
with comments, and recommendations as to amendments which should be made
to render the law effective. These recommendations and comments usually
show the most lamentable ignorance, both as to the actual existing
provisions of the law and its practical working, and as regards banking
matters generally. In the case of the failure of the Middletown National
Bank of New York, the advice which has been given in the columns of the
press seems of itself to be sufficient, if it had been given sooner, to
have prevented the disaster. The Directors have been blamed, very justly
too, for they looked on while their President run them into all its
difficulties, and as usual the Bank Examiners have been held responsible
for the disaster. Some have even gone so far as to suggest that a
provision be added to the National Banking Laws punishing Examiners who
do not detect irregularities in the banks which they examine.

The provisions of the National Bank Act as they now stand are as
perfect, theoretically, as they can be drawn, to protect both the
depositors and the stockholders. The law provides for the publication of
sworn reports, from time to time, of the condition of each national
bank. These reports must be sworn to by the President, or Cashier, and
their correctness must be attested by the signatures of at least three
Directors. These reports are required five times a year and it is
impossible to see how, if the Directors do their duty fully and
honestly, any delinquency on the part of the officers of the bank can
fail to be detected by them. Under the law, the stockholders elect the
Directors, at least five in number. The officers of the bank are elected
or appointed by the directors and are subject to them. Thus far the
protection the Act provides is based upon what, so far as financial
matters are concerned, is one of the great controlling influences of
human nature, _viz_: self-interest. The stockholders, in order to
protect themselves, are expected to elect Directors who will look out
for the interests of all.

The sworn reports made to the Comptroller of the Currency are published
in the newspapers where the banks are located, and a copy sent to that
officer that he may know that the law in this respect has been complied
with. The stockholders can inspect them at any time as they appear, and
can note any changes which occur in them from time to time. The
stockholders are also at perfect liberty to make any inquiries that they
may deem fit, in any direction which their intelligence may suggest to

In addition to the protection which the law gives to the stockholders,
and also to the depositors, by requiring the publication of reports of
the condition of the national banks, Bank Examiners are provided in the
law; these Bank Examiners are appointed by the Comptroller of the
Currency, and make their examinations at any time that he may deem fit.

A Bank Examiner to afford perfect security for the real merit of his
examination, has a disagreeable duty to perform. He enters a bank, which
by all the world is supposed to be well conducted and solvent, and to be
managed by honorable men, respected and looked up to by the whole
community. His position, however, is that of a Censor, and it does not
permit him to assume what the world supposes. On the contrary, to make a
good examination, he must take nothing for granted, and quietly act on
the ground that something is wrong. "Suspicions are the sinews of the
mind" in this case, and an examiner without them cannot expect to detect
mismanagement or defalcation. The position requires tact as well as
technical skill--tact not to offend unnecessarily or disturb friendly
relations, and skill to bring to light all that should be
discovered--and undoubtedly requires a high class of mind in the one
that fills it _well_. Bank examinations are not the only security
provided in the law, and it is ridiculous to assert that the Directors,
stockholders and depositors should throw aside or neglect to use all the
other means which the law provides to enable them to protect themselves,
and rely entirely upon the Government examinations, which in the nature
of things must depend for success on the sagacity of one individual.

The framers of the National Bank Act, while they did all that they could
to protect the depositors and stockholders of national banks, as has
been seen, were still not perfectly sure but that failures might
sometimes occur. This feeling doubtless arose from a knowledge on their
part of the weakness of human nature, and of the imperfections of
systems of Government. That they felt in this way, is indicated by the
fact that they have provided, also, a method of protecting, as far as
possible, the depositors of national banks that _do_ fail. They have
provided for the appointment of receivers and for a distribution, under
Government control, of such assets as can be collected from the wrecks
of the failed banks. The stockholders of such banks are subject to the
penalty of being compelled to contribute, if the deficiency in the
assets requires it, an amount not exceeding the par value of the shares
of stock held by them in addition to the amount already invested in such
shares, to the fund necessary to pay depositors. This of itself would
seem sufficient to be careful and place a live Board of Directors in
charge of a large fund, considering the manner the stockholders of the
Pacific National Bank of Boston kicked and squirmed when this provision
of the law was applied.

The experience of the past has been that bank officers have concealed
all their operations from the proprietors, and when failures have
occurred everybody has been astonished. As an additional safeguard to
meet this secrecy an organization has just been perfected in New York
which is a step farther in commercial agencies than has ever been
attempted. From one of their printed circulars it is ascertained that
they propose to keep in pay a corps of detectives and other agencies,
"as a check upon defalcations and embezzlements by bank Presidents, and
Cashiers and other officials." But it is not exactly clear who will
watch the detectives.

       *       *       *       *       *



BY FRANCES C. SPARHAWK, Author of "A Lazy Man's Work."



June was doing its best to make the world content. Little clouds floated
through the blue sky, like the light sighs of a mood that must find some
expression, and the air for all its softness was invigorating, it was so
full of life and purity. This day, like many another, needed only to
bring as fair hopes to the lives of those who looked into it as it did
to the nature it overbrooded to make the faces its light breezes fanned
as bright as the skies were, with only shadows of expression to give the
brightness new beauty. But no such light was on Elizabeth Royal's face
as she sat at the open window of her room with a piece of delicate
embroidery in her hands. Her future had not opened out into life; the
winter had killed its buds of promise.

After all, Stephen Archdale had not gone to England. His father and
Governor Wentworth had insisted that it was much wiser to send an older
and a better business man. "Do you want to make the best of your case?"
the Colonel had asked incisively when Stephen hesitated. And the young
man had yielded, though reluctantly. It would have been so much easier
for him to be away and to be doing something. But at present he must
think only of doing the wisest thing.

Elizabeth had not seen him; he had written to her father once, and had
promised to write again as soon as he had the slightest news. He had
tried his best to be cheerful, and had sent her a message that
endeavored to be hopeful; but she saw that courtesy struggled with
despair. She knew that they need never meet; but if this thing were
true--she could not believe it--but if it were true, then happiness was
over. Life in a June day has such possibilities of happiness; and that
morning her eyes grew so misty that she took a few wrong stitches in her
work, and as footsteps drew near the room, perceived this and began to
pick them out with nervous haste. She had not finished, however, when
Mrs. Eveleigh came in. As Elizabeth had expected, her first remark was a

"What! another mistake, my dear? You know you made one only yesterday,
and you can work so beautifully when you give your mind to it. It is a
bad plan to have such a dreamy way with one. For my part, I should think
you would have had enough of doing things in dreams and never knowing
what they will end in. You would better wake up for the rest of your

As Elizabeth had heard the same remark numberless times before, its
effect was not startling. In silence she went on picking out her

"Why not say you think so, too? It would be more dutiful in you,"
continued Mrs. Eveleigh.

"You take care that I am waked up," returned Elizabeth. "You don't leave
one many illusions."

"I hope not. What is the use of illusions?"

"Yes, what?"

"Well, Elizabeth, it is not I that have disturbed them this time; you
must thank him for that."


"Yes, he has come. I have just been leaning over the banisters, and saw
him come in." Elizabeth did not look dreamy now. "He did not come
forward at all in the modest, charming way of the other one, which you
know irresistably wins hearts," went on Mrs. Eveleigh; "he marched along
straight into the parlor and asked to see you, just as if he owned the
house and all that was in it. So he does own somebody in it, I am
afraid, poor child."

The girl's face was white, her violet eyes looked black and shadowed by
heavy lines.

"Is it--?" she began.

"Oh, yes, my dear, it is your husband. He has come to claim you, no
doubt. If he cannot get the wife he wants, he will have somebody at the
head of his table. And, then, my dear, you know you are an heiress, not
a person of no account."

"Nonsense," returned the other; "the marriage is not proven. He may have
come with news."

At this moment a servant brought up Archdale's card. On it he had
written a line begging to see her. Elizabeth showed it to her companion.

"See," she said, "you are mistaken. Probably we are free, and he wants
to tell me of it first,--first of anyone here, I mean. That is not
arbitrary, nor as you said, at all."

"Very well, dear; only, don't crow till you are out of the woods. Would
you like to have me receive him with you?"

Elizabeth hesitated.

"No. I thank you," she said. "You are very kind, but perhaps it would be
better to go by myself."

"As you like." And Mrs. Eveleigh's pride laid a strong hand upon her
swelling curiosity, so that with an indifference well acted she sat down
to her work. But as she lost the sound of Elizabeth's step on the stairs
she rose again and looked breathlessly over the banisters, trying to
catch the greeting that went on in the room below. But either through
accident, or because the girl knew the character of her companion, the
door closed behind Elizabeth, and Mrs. Eveleigh heard nothing. If she
had done so, the greeting was so simple that she would have gained from
it no clue of what was to follow. Archdale came forward, bowed low, and
held out his hand to her as simply as Katie's husband might have greeted
Katie's friend, and possibly have brought her some message. Elizabeth
felt this as she laid her hand in his for a moment, a smile of relief
and anticipation came over her face; and in reply to his question she
answered: "Yes, we are all well, thank you." It was after the first
moment that the embarrassment began, when at her look of hope and
questioning his eyes fell a moment, and when raised again gave no answer
to it. Both realized then how hard fate had been to them. But even yet
Elizabeth would not quite give up the cause. She steadied herself a
little by her hand on the back of the chair before she sat down in it,
asking with the smile still on her lips, but not spontaneous as before.

"You have brought good news?"

"No," he said. "I am afraid you will not call it good news." He looked
away as he spoke, but after a moment turned toward her, and their eyes
met. Each read the meaning in the other's face too plainly to make
reserve as to the real state of things possible. "The cause of all this
cruel delay is explained at last," he went on. "The Sea-Gull on her way
back to England was wrecked. All Bolston's papers are lost. He had a
fever brought on by cold and exposure, and after he had lain for weeks
in an Irish inn, he waked into life with scarcely his sense of identity
come back to him. He writes that he has begun to recover himself,
however, and that by the time we send the papers again, new copies, he
shall be able to attend to the business as well as ever. For our work,
he might as well be at the bottom of the sea."

Elizabeth turned pale.

"When did you learn this?" she asked.

"A fortnight ago. I ought to have told you of it before, but I hated to
pain you."

She looked at him firmly. Then smiled a little through her paleness.

"Yes, it does pain me," she said. "But I don't despair. We are not
married, you and I, Mr. Archdale, and I wish Katie would throw aside her
nonsensical scruples. What matter whether Mr. Harwin was a minister? Why
will she not let it go that it was all fun, and marry you? I think she

"I think so, too," he said. He did not add his suspicions that Katie was
acting upon the covert suggestions of his father which had so disturbed
her conscience that she declared she must be satisfied that the whole
thing was a falsehood of Harwin's.

"I wish we could find him," said Elizabeth.

"So do I", answered Archdale under his breath. She looked at him quickly
and away again, feeling that her last wish had not been a wise one.
"Yet" pursued Archdale, "you see that if Harwin's story is false, the
whole matter drops there, and that would make it simpler, to say the
least of it. Katie does not like the idea of having the court obliged to
decide about it. She says it seems like a divorce."

Elizabeth flushed.

"Do I like it?" she said. "But anything is better than this."

"Yes," he answered, then seemed as if he would like to take back his
frank confession. She smiled at him.

"Don't try to soften it, Mr. Archdale. We both mean that. You speak
honestly because you are honest and understand what I want, too; because
you are wise enough to believe in the absurdity of this whole affair."

"You did not think it absurd at first," he answered.

"I was overwhelmed. I had no time to consider."

"No," he said, "only time to feel."

"Don't speak of that day," and she shuddered. "If I were to live a
thousand years, there never could be another so horrible."

He had risen to go. He stood a moment silent. Then:

"You are so reassuring," he said. "Yet, how can either of us be assured?
Perhaps you are my wife."

"Never," she said, and looked at him with a sudden coldness in her face.

"If a minister has married us," he answered, "nobody has yet unmarried

The gravity of her expression impressed him.

"God has not married us," she said. "I shall never admit that." There
was a moment's silence. "Poor Katie!" she added.

"Yes, poor Katie,--and Mistress Royal."

Elizabeth smiled sadly.

"You remember that?" she asked. "It would not be strange if you forgot
everybody but Katie, and yourself."

"It would be strange if I forgot you, since you are,--what you are."

"I foresee," she answered, "that we shall be good friends. By and by,
when you and Katie are well established in your beautiful new house I
shall visit you there; Katie invited me long ago, and you and I are
going to be good friends."



Although Elizabeth had been so brave before Archdale, yet as soon as he
had gone she sank into her chair and covered her face with her hands, as
if by this she could shut out the visions of him from her mind. She
lived in the land of the Puritans, and Indiana had not been discovered.
She knew that those words which ought to have been so sacred but which
she had spoken so lightly were no longer light to her, but that in the
depths of her heart they weighed like lead and gave her a sense of guilt
that she could not throw off. Even if they proved nothing in law, they
had already brought a terrible punishment, and if,--if--. With a low cry
she started up. Life had grown black again. But she was not accustomed
to give way to emotions, still less to forebodings. In a few moments she
went back to her embroidery, and to Mrs. Eveleigh.

Archdale left Mr. Royal's house with a new comprehension of the woman he
had married in jest. Somehow, he had always considered that Katie and he
were really the only sufferers. Young, petted, rich, and handsome, it
had not come forcibly home to him before, however much his courtesy
might have assumed it, that this young woman whom, though he thought she
did well enough, he had no high opinion of, could actually suffer in the
idea of being his wife. But he saw it now through all her brave bearing,
and his vanity received its death-wound that morning.

Three days afterwards he was at Katie's home; he tried to feel that he
had the old right to visit her. "Your friend is so brave," he said, "she
puts courage into me. Katie, why don't you feel so, too?"

"Ah!" said the girl looking at him tearfully, "how can you ask that? It
is she who has the right to you, and I have not."

"She wants it as little as mortal can," he answered. "I think except as
your betrothed she does not even like me very well, although she was so
kind when I came away." And he repeated Elizabeth's parting prophesy.

"She and I are the two extremes," returned the girl. "If Mr. Harwin is a
minister, it will seem to me, as I told you, just as if you and
Elizabeth had been divorced."

"Nonsense, love, you cannot separate what has never been joined
together." He kissed away the tears that brimmed over from Katie's eyes.
Yet as he did so, he was not sure that he had the right to do it, for
the shadow of another woman seemed to come between them. He had
confessed his dread to Elizabeth, but to this girl it was impossible; to
her he must be all confidence. How different were these two women toward
whom he stood in such peculiar relations, betrothed to one, possibly
married to the other. If this last were true which of them would suffer
the more? A week ago his imagination would not have seized upon
Elizabeth's feelings at all; now he was convinced that it would be no
less hard for her than for Katie; hard through her friendship and her
pride. But this one's tender little heart would break. After all, it was
only of her that he could think. The waiting was growing unendurable.
Yet he felt that his father was right when he said that the easiest
way, the shortest in the end, was to prove if possible that Harwin's
story of his vocation was fabricated. Indeed, there was no case for
appeal to the Court unless that were established. Let that fall through,
and the lovers were free to marry.

"Have you heard" he asked after a time, "that Sir Temple and Lady Dacre
have written that they are coming to visit us,--us, Katie? You remember
they had an invitation to our wedding,--they shall have another,
dearest,--and could not come then, but they propose paying us a visit in
our own home at Seascape where they suppose we are living now, you and
I. I told you about my staying with them in England and asking them to
visit me when I was married. I was thinking then of my chances of being
engaged to you, Katie."

"Yes, you told me of them," she said, and after a pause added, "You will
have to write them the truth."

"It is too late for that to do any good. They follow close on the heels
of the letter; that is, by the next ship."

"Then I suppose Aunt Faith will take them, either at your father's, or
at Seascape. Which will it be, Stephen?"

"That house! It can never be opened until you do it, Katie; you know
that well enough."

The girl sighed. Yet with all the sadness of her lot it was delightful
to be loved and mourned over in this way; mourned over, and yet perhaps
not lost.

"I don't know about that being the best way," she returned slowly. "You
know Stephen, Uncle Walter is peculiar, and you could not entertain your
guests yourself; you would not have freedom. Really, it would not be
quite as nice for you."

"Always thinking of me," he cried. "It seems now that the only freedom I
care about is the freedom to make you my wife, Katie."

"Yes," she sighed again and was silent a moment. Then she said, "But
Stephen, if Aunt Faith is there, you know it won't be like anybody else,
and you can show them the house I am going to have. Do you believe
that?" she broke out suddenly. "Do you really believe that? This
uncertainty is killing me--don't imagine that I could not wait for
years, I am not dying for you, Stephen; I should not do such a thing, of
course. But not to know! I must know soon; life is unendurable under
such a strain."

"Poor little girl, she was not made, surely, to bear suffering," thought
Archdale. And he went away assured that she was most of all to be
pitied, that she was least protected from the North wind which was
blowing against them all three. As to the house, she should certainly
have her way about it. He saw that she was sacrificing her own feelings
for him. She did not understand that it was making matters a great deal
harder, she thought that she was making it pleasanter for him. Well, she
should have the satisfaction of believing she had done so. It did not
occur to him that the girl had taken the most effectual way of awaking a
sentimental interest in the persons who were imagining that they were to
be her guests. Katie was one of those people who illustrate the use of
the velvet glove, for in spite of her sprightliness, she was considered
the gentlest little creature in the Colonies.



Florence, Lady Dacre, with her hand on Archdale's arm walked across the
plank from ship to shore, her husband on the other side of her and her
maid following with Sir Temple's valet, who was devotedly carrying all
the bundles, and interspersing his useful attentions with auguries as to
the "hignorance of the Hamerican Colonies." Lady Dacre walked on with a
light step, and eyes that took note of every thing.

"So, this is Boston?" she said. "I have always wanted to see it. You
will think me in fun, but really, do you know, it has an odd sort of
aggressive look to me! We imagine a certain humility in Colonies, but
your people are more English than Englishmen. That is your carriage,
there on the pier? How kind in you to come for us. And that is your
coachman? Now, even he has a look that, on the whole, he is as good as

"He does not feel so," returned Archdale, smiling.

"Oh, no, I suppose not; it must be the exhilirating air that gives
people that appearance. Such a sky as there is to-day! Do you have
beautiful weather like this all the time?"

"No, sometimes we have a thunder shower."

Sir Temple laughed.

"Good enough for you, Florence," he cried. "What are you so absurd for?"

"For fun. I suppose you know Governor Shirley?" she added after an

"Slightly. But he is an intimate friend of Mr. Royal,--one of my
father's friends."

"Ah! yes. Well, what is the difference?"

"Then, last year," said Sir Temple, "we met some people in London." He
named several whom Archdale knew.

"And there are two others here now," cried Lady Dacre, "or perhaps I
ought not to say two persons, but one and his shadow. People call him a
reckless sort of a fellow--the man, not the shadow,--but I think him
charming. It is Mr. Edmonson, the best whist player I ever saw."

"And Lord Bulchester?"

"Ah! you know them. Perhaps we are going to meet them at your house?
That will be delightful."

"Lady Dacre has a perfect passion for whist," explained her husband.

"You will certainly meet them there if they will do me the honor to
become my guests," returned Archdale. Then something that he had heard
came back to him, and brought a sudden frown to his face, but it was too
late to retract. So, after he had made his friends comfortable at an
inn, for they were to dine before starting on their journey, he wrote
his invitation and dispatched it by his servant with instructions to
bring back an answer. "If the rumor I heard is true, he will not
accept," he said to himself.


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       *       *       *       *       *

Life and Public Services of James G. Blaine, published at Augusta,
Maine, his home. By the renowned biographer and historian, Colonel
Russell H. Conwell, whose Life of President Garfield outsold the twenty
others by sixty thousand copies. Mr. Blaine, his friends and his
relatives co-operated with the publishers in order that the volume might
be most complete and correct in all particulars. The Augusta, Maine,
edition is the standard Life of Blaine. The people of this locality will
directly be called on by the agent of the book; it is having a
tremendous sale.

A Standard Volume.--Col. Russell H. Conwell's admirable biography of
James G. Blaine has just been issued from a large publishing house in
Augusta, Maine, his home. It is accepted as THE STANDARD work, and is
thorough and complete. Colonel Conwell is better fitted for writing such
a book than any other man in America, and all his earnestness,
knowledge, and ability, will be found in the volume. Mr. Blaine, his
relatives, and friends, co-operated with the author, and kindly gave him
access to the fullest data and information. It is a large, handsome,
illustrated volume, and is sold at a remarkably low price. An agent is
now taking orders among the people of this locality.

       *       *       *       *       *


Concord Suspended Radial Drill,




       *       *       *       *       *

Stanley & Usher,

  171 Devonshire St.
  Boston, Mass.



Book, Job, Magazine and Catalogue.


       *       *       *       *       *

Wait for the authentic, Augusta, Maine, edition. You want no other.

Col. Russell H. Conwell's Life and Public Services of James G. Blaine,
published at Augusta, Maine, his home, is the standard, authentic
edition. It is a large, handsome volume, of upwards of 500 pages,
contains steel-plate portraits of both Blaine and Logan, and a large
number of general illustrations. Colonel Conwell has great fame as a
biographer. An agent for the book will soon be around; those who are
wise will subscribe for this edition only. Price $1.50 and $1.75.

The authentic Life and Public Services of James G. Blaine, by the
well-known Col. Russell H. Conwell, is having a most remarkable and
phenomenal sale. It is from the well-known publishing house of E.C.
Allen & Co., of Augusta, Maine, the home of the distinguished candidate
for President of the United States. The book is splendidly illustrated,
and is thorough and complete. An agent for the volume will soon visit
the people of this locality for their orders. Wait for the Augusta
edition; subscribe for no other.

       *       *       *       *       *



The most delightful and salubrious climate in the United States is to be
found in the HIGHLANDS OF FLORIDA, called by some the "APOPKA
MOUNTAINS," in the beautiful clear water Lake Region.

CLERMONT is located on gently rolling land, between Lakes Minnehaha and
Minneola, in Sumter County, Florida. Soil highly productive. Amongst the
best in the State for the raising of Oranges, Limes, Lemons, Bananas,
Pineapples, STRAWBERRIES, and all kinds of EARLY VEGETABLES.

PRICES OF LAND.--Farm Land, $20 per acre, and upwards; Lake Fronts, $50
per acre, and upwards; Town Lots, 50 x 150 feet, $100 and upwards,
according to location, AND ON EASY TERMS.


Is in great part a rich, sandy loam, and is suitable for raising fruits
and vegetables. These lands are situated south of the so-called FROST
LINE, and you can market your fruit and vegetables raised thereon as
early as can be done from any other portion of Florida, and earlier than
can be done from any other State in the Union.


THE HEALTHIEST location in the State. Good health is an essential thing
in the profitable cultivation of a farm or garden, and the richest soil
in the world may yield very poorly if the settler is unable to expend
upon it his labor on account of chills and fever or malaria. NO WINTER
to delay your work.

PLANT YOUR VEGETABLES IN OCTOBER and November, and commence to send your
produce to market in February. THREE CROPS CAN BE RAISED IN A YEAR from
the same piece of ground.


IS DELIGHTFUL: flowers bloom the year round in the open air. THE SUMMERS
in this high land are NO WARMER than in the North. The thermometer
rarely indicates higher than ninety degrees.

THE MILDNESS OF THE CLIMATE and its bracing influence marks its
RHEUMATISM, KIDNEY TROUBLES, etc. Chills and fever and malaria are

A living can be made by the cultivation of vegetables while the
orange-groves are being brought into bearing. Our water protection is
unsurpassed, which makes it the choicest locality in the State for the

Building material is plenty and cheap. Fish and game in abundance. Good
schools and churches will be established at once. Clermont is to be made
an educational centre.

It is expected that the Florida Southern Railroad will be built very
near, if not through, the town within the next few months. Come and see
the place and its natural advantages. It will speak for itself. A
first-class sawmill has already been erected, and is in operation.


And the safest thing in hard times, is to have an Orange-Grove. This can
be acquired by buying, say ten acres of land, at a small cost, say $200.
Clear it up and set out your orange-grove, and while your orange-trees
are maturing, raise strawberries and early vegetables, and send to the
Northern market; these always bring high prices in February and March;
or work at your trade or engage in business. In a new country you can
always find something to do. Start yourself a home. When you have a
five-acre orange-grove in full bearing you can be independent, and need
not care whether stocks go up or down. THE RISE IN THE VALUE OF YOUR
ESTATE seem to be the important feature which generally decides a man's
prosperity. Such investments are secure and permanent, and not liable to
the fluctuations that personal property is subject to.

VISITORS will be shown over the land in a carriage free of expense.
Those who come with a view to settle, should bring money to secure their
purchases as locations are not held upon refusal.

Large numbers of people are purchasing and preparing Winter Homes, and
those who desire the best locations should visit the place at once.

The Titles to these lands are indisputable; Warrantee Deeds given clear
of all incumbrances.

Information given. Letters promptly answered. If persons before visiting
the place will write, full information will be sent concerning the route
and other particulars. Address,


_Minneola, Sumter County, Florida, or_

WILLIAM A. HOUSE, Vineland, N.J.

_Reference, by permission, to ARTHUR P. DODGE, No. 31 Milk Street (Room
4b), Boston, where maps can be seen_.

       *       *       *       *       *



Household, Office, and Store Furniture


Capital Stock   $250,000

Number of Shares    50,000

Par Value, $5.00 each.



President and General Manager, R. McLEAN, Boston.

Treasurer, J.R. O'HARA, 31 State Street, Boston,

BENJ. RACKLIFF, Architect and Designer, Boston.

Factory and Principal Office, 43 Beverly Street, Boston.


This Company has been incorporated for the purpose of manufacturing
Household, Office, and Store Furniture with the view of making a
specialty of certain grades of goods over which it will have entire
control, thus avoiding the direct competition incident to the general
trade. Yet it will to a limited extent handle a general line of goods
common to this class of business.

Management.--The management of the Company will be in the hands of those
well known and experienced in the business, as practical furniture
makers and able financiers, whose standing will bear the closest
investigation for high moral and business character.

Mirrors and Mantels.--This business now becomes one of the branches of
the Company, by purchase on highly favorable terms, and which at once
enables it to possess a business of profit and thoroughly established,
and ensures an income which places the Company at once on a
dividend-paying basis.

Display Racks.--In addition, the Company has secured in like manner the
entire control of these, the most valuable articles of store furniture
that have ever been put on the market, and which have already received
substantial recognition of their value and demand among merchants and
traders throughout New England. This business has likewise become
already established, and only requires the usual attention of standard
goods to ensure a large and profitable income.

Factory.--The Company will for the present retain its factory on Beverly
Street, which is well supplied with every facility for a large business,
and in due time will secure proper warerooms in some desirable locality
near the centre of trade in Boston.

Business Outlook.--Considering the outlook of the manufacturing
interests for the coming year, investors are all agreed that whichever
party may triumph in the approaching presidential election, the incoming
administration will practically stand committed to a vigorous policy of
encouragement and support to our manufacturing interests. Hence our
far-seeing capitalists are wisely counting on a remarkable activity in
this branch of industrial development; and consequently are predicting
such a boom in manufacturing stocks the coming year as characterized
mining stocks during the years of '78, '79, and '80.

Our Stock as an Investment.--That the Stewart Manufacturing Company's
Stock will commend itself to the careful consideration of the most
conservative investors there can be no questions, for the reason that it
starts off on a dividend-paying business, founded upon a line of
specialties over which it has supreme control. Thus, being entirely free
from those leading contingencies which invariably surround the career of
by far the majority of those establishments which venture into the arena
of mercantile contest, depending chiefly on their wits to successfully
compete with their associates in trade, therefore our stock must surely
meet the wishes of investors, as not only a profitable, but a SAFE

Southern Trade.--The Company will, as soon as practicable, establish
agencies in the South, where it feels confident an extensive demand for
our goods awaits the advent of our agents.

Foreign Trade.--It is expected that, within a few days, contracts will
he concluded with one of our largest exporting houses for the sale of
the entire surplus product of the Company for shipment to various
foreign ports, thus enabling the Company to shield itself from the
embarrassments incident to overproduction and dull home trade.

We only ask, and earnestly invite, a careful and impartial investigation
into the merits of our stock and business to ensure a confirmation of
our claims.

For further information the public is referred to any of the officers of
the Company.

It is a matter of congratulation that our Company has already received
substantial tokens of confidence from the capitalists of New England, a
goodly number of whom are now included in our list of stockholders,
rendering our ability to compete for business equal to the best.

J.R. O'HARA, Treasurer,

31 Milk Street (Room 13), Boston.

       *       *       *       *       *



Vineland Sanitarium,


Most Desirable Location and Institution in the United States for
Invalids of all kinds. Conducted by


And a Corps of Able Assistants.

Our treatment has been successful to a marked degree in the cure of all
forms of disease, and we offer the best opportunities for the recovery
of all who may seek our aid.

In addition to the use of the best-known remedial agencies, diet and
regimen, there is also brought to bear a wholly new and wonderfully
efficacious System of Cure.

Accommodations first-class in every respect. Terms reasonable.

Circulars with full information sent on application.



       *       *       *       *       *


_34 Miles South from Philadelphia and 115 Miles Southwest from New



S.R. FOWLER, Proprietor.

_TERMS:--$2.00 per Day, Transient; and $7.00 to $10.00 per Week,

       *       *       *       *       *


The subscribers will note the fact that the October number commences the
Second Volume of THE BAY STATE MONTHLY. On account of unavoidable
delays, the months of July, August, and September, were allowed to pass
without issuing the Magazine. Hereafter, it is confidently predicted,
the Magazine will be issued regularly and promptly.


31 Milk Street (Room 46), Boston, Mass.

       *       *       *       *       *


Volume I.--1884. Bound in cloth, royal 8vo.,

420 pages. Price, $2.00.




"A creditable addition to Massachusetts literature,"--_Boston Globe._

"The first six numbers form a volume of genuine historic value and

"An admirable issue."--_Maiden City Press._

"Replete with sketches which should be read in every
household."--_Winchendon Courier._

"Furnishing much valuable historical and biographical matter."--_Boston

"Working its way to popular favor."--_The Weekly News._

"The Bay State Monthly is just what is needed in New England."--_The
Gorham Mountaineer._

"New England societies will not be able to dispense with this
magazine,"--_St. Paul Pioneer-Press._

"Crammed full of historic facts; should be in every family."--_Brockton

"A conspicuous article is 'Bunker Hill' (with map), by General
Carrington, U.S.A."--_Southbridge Journal._

"Has made a firm footing and held its ground well."--_Newport News and

"Filled with instructive literary matter, and a very reliable
map."--_Essex Banner._

"One of the most popular in the list of monthlies."--_The Moniter

"Handsomely gotten up, and reading-matter is interesting."--_Holyoke

"The steady improvement in this magazine is gratifying."--_Medford

"Deserves the support of every true American, and every Massachusetts
citizen."--_The Watchman._

"Edited ably, growing healthily, and presents features of peculiar

"Improves with each number."--_New England Home Journal (Worcester)._

"Should be in every household in Massachusetts."--_Barre Gazette._

"One of the noted historical magazines of the day."--_Norfolk County

"Of that interest to the whole country that the cultured productions of
cultured Boston have usually been."--_Courier and Journal (Louisville,

"An important blank in our periodical literature has been
filled."--_Chicago News._

"Destined to take place in the first rank."--_Watertown Enterprise._

"Invites the support of Massachusetts people from Berkshire to
Barnstable."--_Lowell Morning Times._

"Already a success."--_Cape Cod Bee (Barnstable)._

"'The Rent Veil,' by Henry B. Carrington, is a strikingly fine
production, possessing a Miltonian Stateliness, and breathing a spirit
of veneration."--_New York Times._

"Replete with choice literary productions."--_Gardner Record._

"Keeps up the character established by the first number."--_Vox Populi

"Should be in the hands of all who desire to know the Bay
State."--_Westborough Chronotype._

"Of special interest to the citizens of Massachusetts."--_Worcester

"A distinctive Massachusetts magazine."--_Waltham Record._

"Both in appearance and contents creditable to the publishers."--_New
York Literary Times._

"Does credit to publishers and contributors."--_East Boston Argus._

"The list of contributors is enough to sell the magazine."--_Scituate

"Is destined to be popular and a valuable addition to the literary
world."--_Home Journal._

"Rich in contents."--_Indianapolis Times._

"A worthy representative of the literary and typographical excellence of
cultured Boston."--_Weekly Advocate._

"Of fine appearance and high promise."--_Lawrence American._

"Replete with choice literary contributions."--_Salem Register._

"We predict a bright future for The Bay State Monthly."--_Norwood

       *       *       *       *       *

  Permanent and Profitable Positions.

  _By an old and prominent Life Company_,





All policies non-forfeiting and non-contestable by their own conditions
after three payments. Endowment policies at Life rates, new and popular

Experience Not Necessary,

But experienced and successful men who desire to change will find it
greatly to their interest to correspond with us before making any

_Address Drawer 653, Albany, N.Y._

       *       *       *       *       *





Philadelphia, Baltimore, & Washington,



Avoiding Point Judith.

Via Providence and Stonington, connecting with the elegant Steamers

Stonington and Narraganset.

Express trains leave Boston & Providence Railway Station, Columbus
Avenue and Park Square,

DAILY AT 6.30 P.M. (Sundays Excepted.)

Connect at Stonington with the above-named Steamers in time for an early
supper, and arrive in New York the following morning in time for the
_early trains South and West._


Tickets, Staterooms, etc., secured at

214 Washington Street, corner of State,



Regular landing in New York, Pier 33, North River. Steamer leaves the
pier at 4.30 P.M., arriving in Boston the following morning an ample
time to connect with all the early Northern and Eastern trains.

  A.A. Folsom, Superintendent B. & P.R.R.
  F.W. POPPLE, General Passenger Agent.
  J.W. RICHARDSON, Agent, Boston.

       *       *       *       *       *




Labor-Saving Fittings and Supplies.

We make over two hundred devices solely to help readers and writers,
librarians, authors, and all who work at the desk, accomplish the most
possible with time and strength.


To any one of systematic habits of thought and record, our illustrated
catalog of the best appliances, etc., containing also many labor-saving
methods and directions for use, is most interesting and valuable.
_Sample pages Free._ Full catalog (nearly ready) of 120 pages,
classified and indext, post free, for 15 cents.


       *       *       *       *       *


Between BOSTON and NEW YORK,


World-renowned Steamers "PILGRIM" and "PROVIDENCE."

Newport, Fall River, NEW YORK, Lowell, Fitchburg, Taunton, New Bedford,
Plymouth, Cape Cod, Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard; Portland, Bangor, Me.;
White Mountains; Mount Desert, and Principal Points and Pleasure Resorts
of New England and the Provinces.

Leave BOSTON, from OLD COLONY DEPOT. Cor. South and Kneeland Sts., at
6.00 P.M., (Steamboat Express). Leave NEW YORK, from PIER 28, NORTH
RIVER, foot of Murray St. at 5.30 P.M., in Summer: 4.30 P.M., in Winter.
SUNDAY NIGHT LINE (Summer only), Leave BOSTON at 7.00 P.M. Leave NEW




GEO. L. CONNOR, Gen Pass. Agent O.C.S.B. CO., NEW YORK.
J. SPRAGUE, Jr., Gen. Pass. Agent O.C.R.R. CO. BOSTON.
J.R. KENDRICK, Gen. Manager, BOSTON.

       *       *       *       *       *



Patent Low-Pressure, Self-Regulating,






Patented May 11, 1880.--R. Oct. 24, 1882.--V. Jan. 30, 1883.--R. Jan.
30, 1883.--B.





Patent Portable Steam Boilers and Radiators for Heating Stores and


_Send for Circulars_. CONCORD, N.H.

       *       *       *       *       *

THE ENTAILED HAT; or, Patty Cannon's Times. A romance by GEORGE ALFRED
TOWNSEND, "Gath;" 16mo., cloth, $1.50. Harper & Brothers, New York.

This book has had a large sale and has attracted much attention. It is
well worth the reading, not only for the plot, but for the study of
customs and manners of the olden time.

HIMSELLUF, 12mo., paper, 15 cents. Charles H. Whiting, Boston.

An American poem of unusual merit and great interest.

THE STORY OF A COUNTRY TOWN. By E.W. HOWE; 12mo., cloth, $1.50. James R.
Osgood & Co., Boston.

An American novel, whose scenes are located on the rolling prairies of
the West. It is a strong and thrilling story, which bids fair to become
a classic.

author of "Six to One; A Nantucket Idyl," etc.; 12mo., cloth, $1.50.
James R. Osgood & Co., Boston.

Gentleman of Leisure," etc.; 12mo., cloth. James R. Osgood & Co.,

LIFE AT PUGET SOUND, with sketches of travel in Washington Territory and
British Columbia, 1865--1881. By CAROLINA C. LEIGHTON, [formerly of
Newburyport]; 12mo., cloth, $1.50. Lee & Shepard, Boston.

A BOY'S WORKSHOP, with plans and designs for indoor and outdoor work, by
a boy and his friends, with an introduction by HENRY R. WAITE.
Illustrated; 12mo., cloth, 1.50. D. Lothrop & Co., Boston.

WIDE AWAKE, volume 18; [December 1883, May 1884.] D. Lothrop &Co.

This publication has won for itself a great fame among children all over
the world; $5.00 will pay for the Bay State Monthly and Wide Awake for
one year.

Transplanted Rose;" 16mo., cloth, $1.00. Harper & Brothers, New York.

THE HEARTHSTONE, FARM AND NATION; $2.00 per year. W.H. Thompson & Co.,
404 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa., publishers.

A monthly journal in the interests of domestic and rural economy,
agriculture, horticulture, live stock, current events, education, etc.
Its sixteen pages nicely edited, printed and illustrated, deserve a
cordial welcome to the domestic fireside.

1884, Estes & Lauriat; price 50 cents.

An elegantly printed and illustrated book in pamphlet form as a
supplemental volume to "Travels in Mexico." The first part contains a
map of Mexico and fifty-seven pages replete with valuable historical and
statistical information, while the latter part (35 pages) is devoted to
such information and description as makes a guide book invaluable. We
are glad to see this book, and, for one reason, because so little
comparatively is known of Mexico. To capitalists, miners and merchants,
in fact to the general public we heartily commend this book.

       *       *       *       *       *



The St. Louis express, on the New York Central road, was crowded one
evening recently, when at one of the way stations, an elderly gentleman,
accompanied by a young lady, entered the cars and finally secured a
seat. As the conductor approached the pair, the young lady arose, and in
a pleading voice said:

"Please, sir, don't let him carry me to the asylum. I am not crazy; I am
a little tired, but not mad. Oh! no, indeed. Won't you please have papa
take me back home?"

The conductor, accustomed though he was to all phases of humanity,
looked with astonishment at the pair, as did the other passengers in
their vicinity. A few words from the father, however, sufficed, and the
conductor passed on while the young lady turned her face to the window.
The writer chanced to be seated just behind the old gentleman, and could
not forgo the desire to speak to him. With a sad face and a trembling
voice the father said:

"My daughter has been attending the seminary in a distant town and was
succeeding remarkably. Her natural qualities, together with a great
ambition, placed her in the front ranks of the school, but she studied
too closely, was not careful of her health, and her poor brain has been
turned. I am taking her to a private asylum where we hope she will soon
be better."

At the next station the old man and his daughter left the cars, but the
incident, so suggestive of Shakspeare's Ophelia, awakened strange
thoughts in the mind of the writer. It is an absolute fact that while
the population of America increased thirty per cent. during the decade
between 1870 and 1880 the insanity increase was _over one hundred and
thirty-five per cent._ for the same period. Travellers by rail, by boat,
or in carriages in any part of the land see large and elaborate
buildings, and inquire what they are?

Insane asylums!

Who builds them?

Each state; every county; hundreds of private individuals, and in all
cases their capacity is taxed to the utmost.


Because men, in business and the professions, women, at home or in
society, and children at school overtax their mental and nervous forces
by work, worry and care. This brings about nervous disorders,
indigestion, and eventually mania.

It is not always trouble with the head that causes insanity. It far
oftener arises from evils in other parts of the body. The nervous system
determines the status of the brain. Any one who has periodic headaches;
occasional dizziness; a dimness of vision; a ringing in the ears; a
feverish head; frequent nausea or a sinking at the pit of the stomach,
should take warning at once. The stomach and head are in direct
sympathy, and if one be impaired the other can never be in order. Acute
dyspepsia causes more insane suicides than any other known agency, and
the man, woman or child whose stomach is deranged is not and cannot be
safe from the coming on at any moment of mania in some one of its many
terrible forms.

The value of moderation and the imperative necessity of care in keeping
the stomach right must therefore be clear to all. The least appearance
of indigestion, or mal-assimilation of food should be watched as
carefully as the first approach of an invading army. Many means
advocated for meeting such attacks, but all have heretofore been more or
less defective. There can be little doubt, however, that for the purpose
of regulating the stomach, toning it up to proper action, keeping its
nerves in a normal condition and purifying the blood, Warner's
Tippecanoe The Best, excels all ancient or recent discoveries. It is
absolutely pure and vegetable; it is certain to add vigor to adults,
while it cannot by any possibility injure even a child. The fact that it
was used in the days of the famous Harrison family is proof positive of
its merits as it so thoroughly withstood the test of time. As a tonic
and revivifer it is simply wonderful. It has relieved the agony of the
stomach in thousands of cases; soothed the tired nerves; produced
peaceful sleep and averted the coming on of a mania more to be dreaded
than death itself.

       *       *       *       *       *




With the new volume, beginning in December, HARPER'S MAGAZINE will
conclude its thirty-fifth year. The oldest periodical of its type, it is
yet, in each new volume, _a new magazine_, nor simply because it
presents fresh subjects and new pictures, but also, and chiefly, because
it steadily advances in the method itself of magazine-making. In a word,
the MAGAZINE becomes more and more the faithful mirror of current life
and movement. Leading features in the attractive programme for 1885 are:
new serial novels by CONSTANCE FENIMORE WOOLSON and W.D. HOWELLS; a new
novel entitled "At the Red Glove;" descriptive illustrated papers by F.
Goldsmith's "She Stoops to Conquer," illustrated by ABBEY; important
papers on Art. Science, etc.

       *       *       *       *       *


Per Year:

One Year (52 numbers) 10.00

_Postage Free to all Subscribers in the United States or Canada_.

       *       *       *       *       *

The Volumes of the MAGAZINE begin with the numbers for June and December
of each year. When no time is specified, it will be understood that the
subscriber wishes to begin with the current number.

The last eleven Semi-annual Volumes of HARPER'S MAGAZINE, in neat cloth
binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of $3 per volume.
Cloth Cases, for binding, 50 cents each--by mail, postpaid.

Index to HARPER'S MAGAZINE, Alphabetical, Analytical and Classified, for
Volumes 1 to 60, inclusive, from June, 1850, to June, 1880, one vol.,
8vo., Cloth, $4.

Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid
chance of loss.

_Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order

Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New York.

       *       *       *       *       *

In every town in the Northern States there should be an AGENT for the


Those desiring exclusive territory should apply at once, accompanying
their application with letter of recommendation from some postmaster or
minister. _Liberal Terms and Prompt Pay_. Address the


       *       *       *       *       *


_Attorney and Counsellor at Law_,

NO. 31 MILK ST., ROOM 46,

_Business Manager



       *       *       *       *       *




Harper's Weekly has now, for twenty years, maintained its position as
the leading illustrated weekly newspaper in America. With a constant
increase of literary and artistic resources, it is able to offer for the
ensuing year attractions unequalled by any previous volume, embracing a
capital illustrated serial story by W.E. NORRIS; illustrated articles
with special reference to the West and South, including the World's
Exposition at New Orleans; entertaining short stories, mostly
illustrated, and important papers by high authorities on the chief
topics of the day.

Everyone who desires a trustworthy political guide, an entertaining and
instructive family journal, entirely free from objectionable features,
in either letterpress or illustrations, should subscribe to HARPER'S


Per Year:

HARPER'S WEEKLY                  $4 00
HARPER'S MAGAZINE                 4 00
HARPER'S BAZAR                    4 00
HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE             2 00
  LIBRARY, One Year (52 numbers) 10 00

_Postage Free to all Subscribers in the United States or Canada._

The volumes of the WEEKLY begin with the first Number for January of
each year. When no time is mentioned, it will be understood that the
subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of

The last Five Annual Volumes of HARPER'S WEEKLY, in neat cloth binding,
will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of expense
(provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume) for $7 00
per volume.

Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail,
postpaid, on receipt of $1 each.

Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid
chance of loss.

_Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order

Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New York,

       *       *       *       *       *




Harper's Bazar is the only paper in the world that combines the choicest
literature and the finest art illustrations with the latest fashions and
methods of household adornment. Its weekly illustrations and
descriptions of the newest Paris and New York styles, with its useful
pattern-sheet supplements and cut patterns, by enabling ladies to be
their own dressmakers, save many times the cost of subscription. Its
papers on cooking, the management of servants, and housekeeping in its
various details are eminently practical. Much attention is given to the
interesting topic of social etiquette, and its illustrations of art
needlework are acknowledged to be unequalled. Its literary merit is of
the highest excellence, and the unique character of its humorous
pictures has won for it the name of the American _Punch_.


Per Year:

HARPER'S BAZAR                   $4 00
HARPER'S MAGAZINE                 4 00
HARPER'S WEEKLY                   4 00
HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE             2 00
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Views of Ye Town of Boston.


This is the title of one of the most valuable contributions to the
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the Photo-Electrotype Engraving Company's process of Boston.

The Book is handsomely BOUND IN CLOTH. On the front cover is a view of
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book of 400 pages, imperial octavo, and a limited number is offered at

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The Bermuda Islands are coming more prominently before the public each
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It is to satisfy this demand and also to bring to the notice of those
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_No. 63 Oliver Street, Boston, Mass._

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Battle Maps and Charts of the American Revolution.


Published by A.S. BARNES & CO., 111 & 113 William Street, New York.

The publishers issue this work for the use of teachers and scholars, as
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The RED Lettering represents British Movements and Leading Topics, for
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The volume contains the 41 maps which were the result of thirty years of
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POST SCHOOLS, at government expense.

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Price, $1.25. Sent, postpaid, to School Superintendents and Teachers,
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Invaluable to the student of American History.--_Baltimore (Md.)

Deserves a welcome in every school district, as well as in every
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In our opinion, General Carrington's work is an authority, showing great
labor and careful study, and it should become a national test-book, and
find a place in all public and private libraries.--_Indianapolis (Ind.)

Each map is accompanied with a statement of the generals and number of
men engaged on both sides, to which is appended the reason for such
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A valuable compilation from the author's large work, and cannot fail to
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derived from the perusal of many volumes of history.--_N.Y. Herald._

Each map is accompanied by a page of text, arranged upon a compact and
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and significance of the engagement in question, the names of the chief
and subordinate commanders, the forces, nominal and available, the
losses on each side, and the incidents of the battle.--_N.Y. Evening

       *       *       *       *       *








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Steel plate portrait of James G. Elaine
James Gillespie Elaine. Sketch of the life of
Boundary Lines of Old Groton. III. By the Hon. Samuel Abbott Green, M.D.
The Boston Herald
Wachusett Mountain and Princeton. By Atherton P. Mason, M.D.
Washington and the Flag. By Gen. Henry B. Carrington, LL.D
A Summer on the Great Lakes. By Fred Myron Colby
Our National Cemeteries. By Charles Cowley, LL.D.


Steel plate portrait of President Elect Cleveland
Grover Cleveland. Sketch of the life of. By Henry H. Metcalf
Boundary Lines of Old Groton. IV. By the Hon. Samuel Abbott Green, M.D.
Elizabeth: a Romance of Colonial Days. I, II. By Frances C. Sparhawk
The Protection of Children. By Ernest Nusse
The Middlesex Canal. By Lorin L. Dame, A.M.
The Taverns of Boston in Ye Olden Times. By David M. Balfour
Editor's Table


Steel plate portrait of Daniel Lothrop
Daniel Lothrop. Sketch of the life of
The New England Conservatory of Music. By Mrs. M.J. Davis
Historical Sketch of the Town of Saugus. By E.P. Robinson
The Bartholdi Colossus. By William Howe Downes
Elizabeth: a Romance of Colonial Days. III, IV, V. By Frances C. Sparhawk
Glorifying Trial by Jury. By Charles Cowley, LL.D
Publishers' Department--Chromo-Lithography
Book Notices

For contents of No. 4 (current number) see first page of cover.

Terms, $3.00 per year; Single Numbers, 25 cents.


Arthur P. Dodge, Business Manager.


       *       *       *       *       *


The editors who have missed any numbers of the BAY STATE MONTHLY, and
who desire to preserve a complete file of the publication for reference,
will kindly notify the publishers of the BAY STATE MONTHLY of the
numbers which they lack, and as soon as possible the missing numbers
shall be supplied.

It is needless to remind the gentlemen of the newspaper fraternity how
dependent is such a publication as the BAY STATE MONTHLY upon their good
will and favor.

What we need, to fully carry out the idea of giving to the Commonwealth
of Massachusetts a Magazine of biography, history and, literature
devoted especially to the State, is the hearty support of readers and
advertisers. We want an increased subscription list so that every hamlet
in the State will be supplied with the magazine.

We need notices that will increase our subscription list.


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incurable_ when they began Warner's SAFE Remedies.

Read a _few_ of thousands of testimonials.

B.F. LARRABEE, 42 Chester Square, Boston, Mass., in 1879 was pronounced
incurable of acute Bright's Disease. From 1880 to 1882 he used over 200
bottles of Warner's Safe Cure, and October 6th, 1884, he said that his
cure was as permanent as surprising.

REV. S.P. SMITH, Marblehead, Mass., after years of suffering from
Bilious attacks and Gall Stones, began Warner's Safe Cure in 1882 and in
June, 1884, reported that he had had no trouble since.

HON. N.A. PLYMPTON, Worcester, Mass., in 1880 suffered frightful
tortures from Gravel of the Kidneys; failing of relief otherwise he used
a few bottles of Warner's Safe Cure and recently wrote: "It perfectly
cured me, four years ago."

L. Dow, Esq., 204 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass., was cured of Kidney
disorder by Warner's Safe Cure in 1882, and November 28th, 1884, he
wrote that the cure was permanent.

MRS. S.A. CLARK, East Granby, Conn., suffered for over ten years from
Constitutional and Sex disorders of the worst kind. In November, 1884,
she wrote: "Warner's Safe Cure cured me four years ago and has kept me
well to this day."

SEVENTH.--It is a source of great gratification to us that Warner's Safe
Remedies have been permanently beneficial to so many sufferers. This
permanency of power over disease gives them the most exalted rank, and
in this particular they have no equal. H.H. WARNER & CO. _Rochester,
N.Y., Jan. 1, 1885._

       *       *       *       *       *




The serial and short stories in HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE have all the
dramatic interest that juvenile fiction can possess, while they are
wholly free from what is pernicious or vulgarly sensational. The
humorous stories and pictures are full of innocent fun, and the papers
on natural history and science, travel and the facts of life, are by
writers whose names give the best assurance of accuracy and value.
Illustrated papers on athletic sports, games, and pastimes give full
information on these subjects. There is nothing cheap about it but its

An epitome of everything that is attractive and desirable in juvenile
literature.--_Boston Courier._

A weekly feast of good things to the boys and girls in every family
which it visits.--_Brooklyn Union._

It is wonderful in its wealth of pictures, information, and
interest.--_Christian Advocate_, N.Y.

Terms: Postage Prepaid, $2 per Year.

_Vol. VI. commences November 4, 1884._

SINGLE NUMBERS, Five Cents each.

Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid
chance of loss.

_Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order

Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New York.

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If you want to buy a cheap



Address J. WANSER, P.O. Box 1276, Vineland, N.J.

Reference: Arthur P. Dodge, 31 Milk St., Boston.

       *       *       *       *       *


Carefully selected and approved First Mortgage Coupon Bonds on Improved
Western Farms, in amounts from $200 to $10,000 Principal and Interest
payable on day of maturity at the Third National Bank, New York.
Interest, Seven per Cent., payable semi-annually. Coupons Bankable at
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Tenth Year of Business. No Investor ever had to Pay Taxes, Costs of
Foreclosure, Wait for Interest, or Take Land, and not a Dollar has been


A.P. Palmer, Cashier Albany City National Bank, Albany, N.Y.
B.W. Arnold, of Arnold & Co., Albany, N.Y., and President Spanish River
Lumber Co., Spanish River, Ont.
Samuel N. Bacon, Esq., of Bacon, Stickney & Co., Albany, N.Y.
Dr. F.C. Curtis, of State Board of Health, Albany, N.Y.
Rev. Samuel V. Leech, D.D., Chaplain of New York State Senate, Albany, N.Y.
Third National Bank, New York City.
National Bank, Lawrence, Kansas.
E.B. Lathrop, Cashier National Bank of America, Chicago, Ill.
Thos. D. Robertson, President Winnebago National Bank, Rockford, Ill.
Biddle Hardware Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
Rev. Henry Darling, D.D., LL.D., President Hamilton College, Clinton, N.Y.
W.O. McClure, Esq., Utica, N.Y.
Hon. John E. Pound, Lockport, N.Y.
Samuel Buell, Esq., Lyons, N.Y.
M.H. Tarbox, Esq., Lockport, N.Y.
A.N. Bentley, Esq., Greenville, N.Y.
Solomon L. Gillett, Esq., Elmira, N.Y.
A.B. Kellogg, Esq., Buffalo, N.Y.
A.L. Chapin, President Beloit College, Beloit, Wis.
E.H. Fairchild, President Berea College, Berea, Ky.
Hon. G.B. McElroy, Treasurer Adrian College, Adrian, Mich.
R.C. Crampton, President Illinois College, Jacksonville. Ill.
Prof. E.P. Harris, Amherst College, Mass.
Rev. W.D. Hart, Pastor Congregational Church, Little Compton, R.I.
Rev. William H. Wilcox, D.D., Malden, Mass.
Rev. A. Beattie, D.D., Rector Trinity Church, Lawrence, Kansas.
Rev. A.M. Richardson, Pastor Congregational Church, Lawrence, Kansas.
Rev. Rufus Case, Hubbardston, Mass.
Hon. Charles Robinson, ex-Governor of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas.
Hon. T.W. Cheenery, Deputy County Treasurer, Springfield, Ill.
E.R. Upham, Esq., County Clerk of Morgan County, Jacksonville, Ill.
Louis Ticknor, Esq., County Clerk of Sangamon County, Ill.
General G.W. Babcock, Lawrence, Kansas.
Hon. Owen A. Bassett, ex-Judge Fourth Judicial District, Lawrence, Kansas.
Dr. H. Warren, Danville, Conn.
Dr. Moses Parker, Groveland, Mass.

These securities are negotiated by an incorporated company of large
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protecting the investor by a double security.

_M.V.B. BULL & CO._,


Financial Agents WESTERN FARM MORTGAGE CO., of Lawrence, Kansas.

       *       *       *       *       *


  Attractions for 1884-5.

This magazine, during its eleven happy years of existence, under the
editorial charge of


has grown familiar to hundreds of thousands of young readers; and their
interest and intelligent enjoyment have constantly inspired the editor
and publishers to fresh effort. The following are some of the good
things already secured for future numbers of St. Nicholas.

"His One Fault," a serial story for boys, by the popular author, J.T.

"Personally Conducted," illustrated papers on famous places in Europe.
By Frank R. Stockton.

"Historic Girls," a companion series to "Historic Boys." By E.S. Brooks.

"Ready for Business"; suggestions to boys about to choose an occupation.
By G.J. Manson.

"Driven Back to Eden," a serial. By E.P. Roe.

"Talks for Young Folks," a series of popular papers, by H.H. (Helen

"Among the Law-makers": recollections of a boy-page in the U.S.
Senate,--containing much political information, both instructive and
amusing. By Edmund Alton.

"Davy and the Goblin," a very funny serial story by a new writer,
Charles Carryl.

Short Stories by Louisa M. Alcott.

"The Progress of Invention": from "Palanquin to Parlor-car," "From
Cross-bow to 100-ton Gun," etc. Descriptive papers, by Charles E.

"Art Work for Young Folks"; papers on decorative handicraft, by Charles
G. Leland.

"Sheep or Silver?" a story of Texan life. By the late Rev. William M.

"A Garden of Girls," being six short stories for girls, by Six Leading

"Tales of Two Continents"; stories of adventure, by H.H. Boyesen.

"Cartoons for Boys and Girls," funny pictures by St. Nicholas Artists.

"From Bach to Wagner"; brief, pointed biographies of great musicians. By
Agatha Tunis.

Special Papers by chosen writers, including Mary Hallock Foote, Joaquin
Miller, Alice Wellington Rollins, G.B. Bartlett, Harriet Prescott
Spofford, Rev. Washington Gladden, Julia Schayer, Anna Lea Merritt, W.O.
Stoddard, D. Ker, Ernest Ingersoll, Clara E. Clement, Lieutenant

The Illustrations will be the work of the very best artists and
engravers; and there will be plenty of them. In the November and
December numbers are beautiful colored frontispieces. Buy the November
number for the children. It costs only 25 cents, and all book and news
dealers sell it. The subscription price is $3.00 a year, and now is just
the time to subscribe.

A free specimen copy of ST. NICHOLAS will be sent on request. Mention
this paper.


       *       *       *       *       *




The important feature of THE CENTURY MAGAZINE for the coming
year--indeed, perhaps the most important ever undertaken by the
magazine--will be a series of separate papers on the great battles of
the War for the Union, written by general officers high in command upon
both the Federal and the Confederate sides,--General Grant (who writes
of Vicksburg, Shiloh, and other battles,) Generals Longstreet,
McClellan, Beauregard, Rosecrans, Hill, Admiral Porter and others. The
series open in the November CENTURY with a graphical illustrated article
on the BATTLE OF BULL RUN, written by the Confederate general, G.T.
Beauregard. Brief sketches, entitled "Recollections of a Private,"
papers chronicling special events, descriptions of various auxiliary
branches of the service, etc., will supplement the more important series
by the various generals.

A strict regard for accuracy will guide the preparations of the
illustrations, for which THE CENTURY has at its disposal a very large
quantity of photographs, drawings, portraits, maps, plans, etc., hereto
unused. The aim is to present in this series, not official reports, but
commanding officers' accounts of their plans and
operations,--interesting personal experiences which will record leading
events of the war, and possess, at the same time, a historical value not
easily to be calculated.


In this line THE CENTURY will maintain its prestige, and furnish the
best stories by American writers that can be procured.


Under this heading may be included a series of papers on the Cities of
Italy by W.D. Howells, the illustrations being reproduction of etchings
and drawings by Joseph Pennell; a series on the New North-West, being an
interesting group of papers by E.V. Smalley, Lieut. Schwatka, Principal
Grant (of Kingston, Ontario), and others, descriptive of little-known
regions; papers on French and American art--sculpture and painting, with
some exquisite illustrations.


will write from time to time on outdoor subjects.

Readers of THE CENTURY may feel sure of keeping abreast of the times on
leading subjects that may properly come within the province of a monthly
magazine. Its circulation is now about 140,000 monthly, the November
number exceeding that figure. Subscriptions should date from this
number, beginning the War Series and Mr. Howell's Novel. Price $4.00 a
year, 35 cents a number. All book-sellers and news-dealers sell it and
take subscriptions, or remittance may be made to the publishers.

A free specimen copy of THE CENTURY will be sent on request. Mention
this paper



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beautifully illustrated Calendar, free, to

  _E. TOURJEE, Director.

       *       *       *       *       *


  Reasonable Terms,


  Publishers of
  A Massachusetts Magazine.

       *       *       *       *       *

  Parkhill Manufacturing Co.,

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  ARTHUR H. LOWE, _Treasurer_.


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We have now on hand some conservative County Bonds in sums of $100 and
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FEBRUARY 17, 1875.

       *       *       *       *       *



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_Specialties_: Physicians' Prescriptions, Family Medicines, Trusses,
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       *       *       *       *       *

_Boston Theatre._




until March 21.


until April 4. See daily newspapers.

       *       *       *       *       *


New England Town Histories in exchange for volumes I and II of the "Bay
State Monthly."

       *       *       *       *       *


Abbott, Josiah Gardner                 John Hatch George
An Incident of 1686                    Mellen Chamberlain
Ansart, Louis                          Clara Clayton
Arthur, Chester Alan                   Ben: Perley Poore.
Beacon Hill Before the Houses          David M. Balfour
Boston Tea-Party
Boston, The First Schoolmaster of      Elizabeth Porter Gould
Boston, The Siege of, Developed        H.B. Carrington, U.S.A., LL.D.
Boston Y.M.C. Association              Russell Sturgis, Jr.
Boundary Lines of Old Groton           Samuel Abbott Green, M.D.
British Forces in the Revolution
British Losses in the Revolution
Bunker Hill                            H.B. Carrington, U.S.A., LL.D.
Butler, Benjamin Franklin
Chelsea                                William E. McClintock, C.E.
Defence of New York, 1776              H.B. Carrington, U.S.A., LL.D.
Dungeon Rock, Lynn                     Frank P. Harriman
Early Harvard                          Rev. Josiah Lafayette Seward
Esoteric Buddhism.--A Review           Lucius H. Buckingham, Ph.D.
Reprint of Webster's Oration, 1800
Family Immigration to New England      Thomas W. Bicknell, LL.D.
First Baptist Church in Massachusetts  Thomas W. Bicknell, LL.D.
From the White Horse to Little Rhody   Charles M. Barrows
Fuller, George                         Sidney Dickinson
Gifts to Colleges and Universities     Rev. Charles F. Thwing
Groton, The Boundary Lines of Old      Samuel Abbott Green, M.D.
Groton, Old Stores and Post-Office of  Samuel Abbott Green, M.D.
Groton, Taverns and Stage-Coaches of   Samuel Abbott Green, M.D.
Historical Notes
Washington Elm; Eliot Oak              L.L. Dame
Lancaster in Acadie                    Hon. Henry S. Nourse
Lovewell's War                         John N. McClintock, A.M.
Loyalists of Lancaster                 Hon. Henry S. Nourse
Massachusetts, Y.M.C. Associations     Russell Sturgis, Jr.
New England Town-House                 Prof. J.B. Sewall
Ohio Floods                            George E. Jenks
One Summer.--A Reminiscence            Annie Wentworth Baer
Perkins, Captain George Hamilton       George E. Belknap, U.S.N.
Poet of the Bells                      E.H. Goss
Railway Mail Service                   Thomas P. Cheney
Reuben Tracy's Vacation Trips          Elizabeth Porter Gould
Rice, Alexander Hamilton               Daniel B. Hager, Ph.D.
Town and City Histories                Robert Luce
Webster, Colonel Fletcher              Charles Cowley, LL.D.
Wilder, Marshall P.                    John Ward Dean, A.M.


Bells of Bethlehem                     James T. Fields
His Greatest Triumph                   Henrietta E. Page
Rent Veil                              Henry B. Carrington
Song of The Winds                      Henry B. Carrington
Tuberoses                              Laura Garland Carr
Yesterday                              Kate L. Brown

       *       *       *       *       *




The selections offered by D. Lothrop & Co in books of this class, will
repay the most careful examination. In respect of literary and artistic
merit, and a choiceness in contents which secures adaptation to the
widest range of needs, these books are unrivalled. Among them may be


Wordsworth's sublime Ode. It was a happy thought which led to the
presentation of this favorite masterpiece of England's former Poet
Laureate, as it here appears with full-page illustrations, by Hassam,
Garrett, Lungren, Miss Humphrey, Taylor, St. John Harper and Smedley.
This immortal poem in its setting of beautiful pictures is adorned as
with gems. 8vo, cloth, $2.00. Turkey morocco, $5.00.

IDEAL POEMS. This exquisite volume occupies an enviable place among
popular illustrated gift-books, and deservedly so. From the wide range
of English poetry, there have been selected with rare discrimination
twelve worthy the title of "Ideal." It is not too much to say that those
chosen most fitly represent the immortal poems upon which popular
judgment has set its seal of approval. For the illustration of these a
dozen celebrated artists have contributed beautiful full-page drawings.
The work of the printer and binder is faultless, and the result is a
book which is in every respect gratifying to the taste of the most
exacting. Elegant floral binding, $3.00. Turkey morocco, $6.00.

Smith, D.D. For fifty years this peerless hymn has held its place in the
hearts of the American people as their most cherished patriotic song.
This superb volume, in which it is enshrined with all the beauty and
elegance possible in the art of the bookmaker, fitly commemorates its
semi-centennial. In addition to the hymn "America," the volume contains
twelve new patriotic poems by its author, none of which have hitherto
been given to the public save on the great occasions when they have been
read to delighted multitudes. Among the titles of these poems are "The
Pilgrims," "The Flag In Nature," "The Flag an Emblem," "Washington,"
"Centennial Hymn," "Lexington 1776-1876," "Decoration Day," "The Sleep
of the Brave," "Our Young Patriots," "Abraham Lincoln," "The Boys," "My
Native Land." Extra cloth, full gilt, $3.00. Morocco binding, $6.00.

WILD FLOWERS AND WHERE THEY GROW. The pages of this book will be
attractive to all lovers of nature. The author, Amanda B. Harris,
possesses the secret of interpreting nature in a thoroughly natural way.
Mothers will take delight in reading the volume to or with their little
ones, in whose lives they will see repeated the unalloyed happiness
which came to them in the midst of their own childhood ramblings in
fields and meadows. The illustrations are admirable in design and
execution. 8vo, extra cloth, beveled edges, $3.00. Turkey Morocco,
Antique, gilt edges, $6.00.

OUT OF DARKNESS. Few among American women of to-day bid fair to attain
such enviable distinction as that promised to Miss Mary A. Lathbury. She
has not only won high reputation as a writer of hymns and songs, full of
poetical fervor and exalted spiritual sentiment, but has also gained
high success as an artist in connection with book illustrations. This
elegant volume gives evidence of the author's unusual gifts. Its eight
poems, interpretations of the inner life, are illustrated by the author
with eight masterly full-page drawings, and twenty exquisite vignettes,
printed on heavy plate paper. Quarto, elegant floral covers, $3.00.
Cloth, gilt edges, $3.00.

shown by American readers for all that is best in literature, it must be
confessed that due attention has yet to be given to the remarkable works
of the poet Heine. Mr. Franklin Johnson has conferred a boon upon the
public, and will do much to remedy this seeming neglect, by the pleasing
and altogether excellent, scholarly translation of this choice literary
gem. A chapter of autobiography, the most romantic in the life of the
poet, in itself full of interest, it is made additionally attractive by
chaste and appropriate illustrations furnished by artists of highest
note. Uniform with "Ideal Poems," 8vo, $3.00.

THE KINGDOM OF HOME. This is one of the books whose material never
becomes commonplace, and whose stories and pictures never cease to have
a delightsome freshness. From the moment of its publication its welcome
was assured, and it will continue, regardless of the literary novelties
and favorites of a day which come and go, to be one of the best and most
popular gift-books in all the catalogue of household treasures. Its
illustrations, which extend from full-page engravings to quaint end
pieces, and include descriptive pieces of every character, are
exceptionally abundant, and surprisingly good. Full of pleasurable
reminders are the stories which are told in picture as well as verse. We
have the old water-wheel making music in the village glen; the old
farmhouse with its outlook upon brook and meadow; the little ones
repeating their evening prayers. In brief, all that makes home
sacred--its joys and sorrows, its welcomes and its farewells, its
wedding melodies and cradle songs, find expression in the home born and
hallowed songs of this volume. While no anthology can be supposed to
satisfy all the rules of criticism, this work, as truly remarked,
"stands in a niche by itself distinct from anything yet known to us; and
the continuous theme knits part to part in a beautiful whole. The
sunshine of home seems to beam from the large clear attractive pages
provided by the publishers." 8vo, Russia leather, seal grain, $6.00.


IT IS THE CHRISTMAS TIME. Is a volume which will be conspicuously
attractive among books associated with Christmas. Among exquisite
engravings, it enshrines twelve ideal hymns and poems, time hallowed
songs of Christmas, dear to the heart, such as "The Star Song," by
Herrick, the "Carols" of Wordsworth, George MacDonald, and Miss Mulock;
Wesley's "Herald Angels;" ever living hymns by Bishop, Heber, Tate and
Watts, and the wondrous Angels' Songs by Montgomery, Drummond and Keble.
For all who are in true sympathy with the religious sentiment and the
deep significance of Christmas, this will be a most welcome book. 8vo,
cloth, $2.00. Turkey morocco, $5.00.

       *       *       *       *       *


CHAUTAUQUA YOUNG FOLKS' ANNUAL. Illustrated, Boston: D. Lothrop & Co.
Price, $1.50. We doubt whether in any book of the year prepared for the
benefit or entertainment of young readers, another volume can be found
which contains within so small a compass so much information about
everyday things which can be turned to practical account, as well as
that of purely educational value. It is well known that the house of D.
Lothrop & Co. was selected by the Chautauqua Association to publish a
course of reading of an instructive character for the clubs and unions
formed on the Chautauqua plan throughout the country. This has been done
for two years past, and the papers so prepared have been issued as
monthly supplements to WIDE AWAKE. These, consisting of seven series on
distinctly different subjects, have now been brought together into the
present annual. The leading series is entitled "Tales of the
Pathfinders," and is from the pen of Arthur Gilman, M.A. It deals with
the early American pioneers, and presents vivid pictures of some of the
more striking incidents in our history. Another series, by Mrs. Sarah K.
Bolton, is made up of "Little Biographies" of distinguished men.
Another, by that eminent traveller and writer, Felix L. Oswald, has for
its subject "Days and Nights in the Tropics," and is full of
descriptions of plant and animal life in the warmer regions of South
America. "In Case of Accident" consists of instructions what to do in
case of accident or injury when a doctor is not at hand, and is from the
hand of an experienced physician. "Ways to Do Things" teach the boy
reader how to construct ferneries, bookcases, how to bind magazines, how
to make a toy railway and train, how to make curious kites, how to make
and pitch a tent, and a variety of other things. All this information is
for the boys, of course, but the girls will find as much to amuse and
interest them in the various articles descriptive of "Anna Maria's
Housekeeping." A supplementary series, "What to Do About It," answers to
the needs of both boys and girls. The volume is capitally illustrated
and handsomely bound.

Lothrop & Co. Price, $1.00. This volume embraces a dozen papers upon
English authors, whose writings are to be recommended to the young, and
which are of themselves delightful reading for the young and the old
alike. Their hearty appreciation of the subjects written upon give them
the charm of sincere feeling. The writer is in perfect sympathy with the
authors she discusses. She gives enough of personal anecdote and gossip
to put young people on the footing of familiar acquaintance with those
whose works she would have them read. There are delicious bits of
criticism made simply by telling what she has herself found to admire or
enjoy in their books. One sees just how she has come to have her
favorites. Older readers may learn from her how they can form a refined
and discriminating taste, and what pleasure this will give them. The
young cannot fail of cultivating such a taste unconsciously if they read
what is here recommended. Some of the "pleasant authors" mentioned in
this book would be thought too heavy for young folks at the present day;
but our ideas of juvenile literature have been formed upon too low a
standard. This little work on authors is an admirable example of what
such literature ought to be--a book that any boy or girl of ten can read
with profit, and can keep ready at hand for reference and for reperusal
through the many years of a long life. The list includes such names as
Scott and Lamb and Jane Austen and Kingsley and Ruskin and Miss Mitford,
some of which have been honored now many generations. The book will do
good service for the young by pointing out to them good sources of pure
and elevated entertainment.

YULE-TIDE. Illustrated stories by favorite American and English Authors.
Edited by Ella Farman, with a Proem by Henry Randall Waite, Boston: D.
Lothrop & Co. Price, $2.00. The contents of this charming volume no less
than its beautiful outside, make a strong and direct appeal to the buyer
of books. It is not often that so much that is varied and choice is
brought together in a single collection. There are short stories by Rose
Terry Cooke, George Cary Eggleston, Arthur Gilman, Susan Coolidge,
Margaret Sidney, Mrs. A. M. Diaz, and others; poems by Elizabeth Stuart
Phelps, Mrs. A.D.T. Whitney, Clara Doty Bates, Mary D. Brine, Celia
Thaxter, Mary E. Blake, Christina Rossetti, A. Mary F. Robinson, and
Mrs. Mulock-Craik, with long stories originally published in serial form
in WIDE AWAKE,--"The Silver City," by Fred A. Ober, and "Old Caravan
Days," by Mary Hartwell Catherwood. All these are profusely and
beautifully illustrated. The binding is exceedingly tasteful. The volume
is put up in a neat paper box, and makes a handsome and fitting present
for the holidays.

AMERICAN EXPLORERS. The United States has played a late but an honorable
part in the work of Polar discovery. The names of Kane, Hayes, Hall and
De Long recall memories of labors and sufferings in the cause which may
be placed alongside the best achievements of the navigators of other
nations. The stories of the adventures and hardships of these heroes and
martyrs of the Arctic regions are not, however, easily accessible to the
general public. They are either severally published in large and costly
volumes, or are still only to be found in the official records of the
United States Government. The scale, as well as the price, of these
narratives makes them unsuitable for consultation, more especially by
young readers. Professor Nourse has, therefore, done excellent service
in preparing, chiefly from official sources, the records of _American
Exploration in the Ice Zones_, and in giving them a popular form. The
volume embraces notices of the expeditions sent out by Mr. Grinnell,
under De Haven and Kane, for the relief of Sir John Franklin; the late
Admiral Rodger's explorations in the seas north of Behring Strait; the
voyages of Hayes and Hall up Smith Sound; Schwatka's remarkable sledge
journey of three thousand miles in search of the records and journals of
the Franklin Expedition; the disastrous cruise of the _Jeannette_, and
the expeditions sent out by land and sea to the rescue of De Long and
his crew. There are also short accounts of United States' explorations
in the Antarctic regions, and a statement of the object, and position of
the Arctic observers under the United States Signal Stations. One of
these stations, as we know, has been placed at Lady Franklin Bay, Smith
Sound, in the very forefront of the battle with the forces of the polar
ice; for two seasons nothing has been heard of it, and relief ships are
at this moment on their way to the north, in the hope of opening
communications with Lieutenant Greeley and the other missing men. The
history of American exploration in the ice zones is therefore still in
course of being enacted. So far as it has already gone it is a record of
which any nation might be proud. It could not well have been epitomized
with greater skill and knowledge than has been shown by Professor
Nourse; and his volume should have a popularity not confined to the
United States.--_The Scotsman, Edinburgh, Scotland._

EVENING REST. By J.L. Pratt. Young Folks' Library. Boston: D. Lothrop &
Co. Price 25 cts.

A simple, quiet story, whose character is adequately expressed by the
title. Evening Rest is the name given to a little hamlet in the Blue
Ridge region of Pennsylvania, remarkable for the beauty of its
surroundings and the lovely character of its people. Thither goes a
young man from the East to visit an uncle whom he has never before seen,
and his experiences during the stay make up the contents of the book.
One incident of the story is strongly dramatic in character. A family
party, one of the members being the young man referred to, visit a coal
mine. While passing through one of the narrow passages the guide fires a
pistol to show the effects of the echo. The concussion of the air starts
a loose part of the roof overhead and a portion falls in. The little
company is shut up in the earth with little chance of ever seeing the
light again. They have lights, however, and stumble across some tools,
and by dint of many hours' hard labor they are at length able to
communicate with their friends outside, who are at last able to rescue
them. The author, throughout the story, dwells much upon the sweet and
tender influences of home. In _Evening Rest_ he creates an ideal
household and community, and strives to show how much they have to do
with the formation of character.

BABYLAND FOR 1884. Illustrated. Boston: D. Lothrop & Co. Price $.75.
Anything more delightful for the babies in the way of a picture or story
book cannot possibly be conceived than this bound volume of their
special magazine, which has just made its appearance with the most
attractive of covers and most bewitching table of contents. There are
songs for mamma to sing, and stories for mamma to tell, and pictures
which are better than both, because the little ones can read them for
themselves, and there isn't one but what can be read in twenty different
ways. To sum it all up, it is a regular dollar's worth of delight, and
will go farther towards making the four-year-old heart happy than any
other dollar's worth one can imagine.

CHRISTIE'S CHRISTMAS. By PANSY (Mrs. G. R. Alden). Boston: D. Lothrop &
Co. Price $1.50. This charming story will be heartily welcomed by young
readers, who will find it one of the brightest and most interesting
books of the year. Christie is a purely original character, and what she
said and what she did is faithfully and delightfully chronicled. While
the book is admirably adapted to use in Sunday-school libraries, it is
also exceptionally suitable for general reading, and may well have a
place beside "The Man of the House," "The Hedge Fence," and other
popular stories by the same writer, in the home library.

ALL THE YEAR ROUND By American Authors and Artists. Illustrated. Boston:
D. Lothrop & Co. Price $1.50. Of all the collections of stories for
juvenile readers that have come under our notice the present season we
have seen nothing to compare with this in point of variety, interest and
abundance. In its beautifully printed pages provision is made for every
variety of taste; there are stories for the boys of hunting, and
fishing, and camping out; stories of adventures on land and water;
stories for the girls of school and play; stories of oldtime life of the
days of our grandfathers and grandmothers; stories of eminent men and
women, and mingled with choice poems by popular authors. Altogether it
is one of the most charming compilations of the year.

HOW THEY WENT TO EUROPE. By Margaret Sidney. Illustrated. Boston: D.
Lothrop & Co. Price $1.00. Everything that Margaret Sidney writes is
sure of an audience, and though most of her books are prepared for the
delectation of the young, they have an equal charm for all classes of
readers. Some of her stories, in a household of children, have been
literally "read to pieces," and judging from the frequency with which
the tattered leaves are brought out, some delightful sort of flavor
hangs round them still. The title of the present book might be aptly
extended so as to read _How They went to Europe, and yet didn't, go to
Europe_, for the journey made by the little party of tourists is in plan
something like _The Voyage around My Room_, which everybody has read.
Two or three bright girls, who are disappointed because they can't go
abroad with more fortunate relatives, determine to form a club in which
they shall, to use a common phrase, "go through the motions" of going;
that is, they shall at their regular meetings follow on the map, and by
guide books and accounts of travel, the exact route taken by those who
are really journeying. The idea takes, and the club is organized; other
members are taken in, and before the next season it has so increased in
size as to include the best young people in town and render a change of
place of meeting necessary from private parlors to a large public hall.
Lectures and stereopticon exhibitions are added, and some of the more
enthusiastic members, after a course of French travel, form a
supplementary club for the study of French. The story is brightly and
naturally told and in a way that will be certain to bear fruit in the
way of other clubs of the kind, wherever it is read. Margaret Sidney's
stories have this peculiarity, that aside from their fascinating
qualities of dialogue and narrative they leave something to be
remembered. The aim of the author is not obtruded, but its spirit is
there and the mind is roused to thought and action. What child can ever
forget that most delightful of juvenile stories, _The Five Little
Peppers_, or the entertaining narrative of _What the Seven Did_, or the
author's latest of books for young readers, _Who Told It to Me_, and
what better book for boys is there than _Half Year at Bronckton_, a
story whose moral effect upon young and imaginative readers cannot be
over estimated. _The Pettibone Name_, which appeared a year or two ago
in the V.I.F. series, was an instance of the author's power in appealing
to readers of mature minds, and gave evidence of unusual power in the
line of the better class of fiction. All these books have made a
reputation for the author which will at once give her latest story a
prominent place among the books of the season.--_Boston Transcript_.

WIDE AWAKE "R." Illustrated, Boston: D. Lothrop & Co. Price $1.75. Of
all the annual WIDE AWAKE issues this is by far the most attractive, and
when this is said it is hard to conceive what, more _can_ be said in the
way of praise. Its illustrations, which are all drawn expressly for its
pages, represent the best work of the most prominent American
draughtsmen, while no stronger show of names in the line of contributors
has ever been presented by an American magazine. Among the strong
features of the volume is Elizabeth Stuart Phelps's serial complete, _A
Brave Girl_; Mr. Brooks' capital wonder-story, _In No-Man's Land_; Mr.
Talbot's _A Double Masquerade_, and Rev. E.E. Hale's _To-Day Papers_.
Either of these would alone be worth the price of the volume, but when
added to them are the additional attractions in the way of brilliant
short stories, breezy sketches of life indoors and out, chapters of
biography and history, bits of description, poems, and essays, the
volume becomes, a treasure-house seemingly inexhaustible in variety and
contents. In turning over its pages the eye falls upon such names as
Mrs. A.D.T. Whitney, Nora Perry, Sarah Orne Jewett, Sophie May, Mrs.
M.H. Catherwood, Margaret Sidney, Mrs. Mulock-Craik, Celia Thaxter, Lucy
Larcom, and others as well known in the annals of magazine literature.
The volume is elegantly printed and beautifully bound.

HOW TO LEARN AND EARN. Illustrated. Boston: D. Lothrop & Co. Price
$1.50. It is not often that one finds between the covers of any single
book so much information so pleasantly given upon a special subject as
in "How to Learn and Earn." The sixteen illustrated essays which make up
the contents are descriptive of as many institutions in this country for
the instruction of children and young people in the useful arts or
professions. Some of them are institutions under the auspices of the
State, like the academy at West Point and the Indian School at Carlisle,
Pa.; one described is a school of reform; but most of them are the
outcome of private benevolence or charitable and religious endeavor.
Among the more notable of these are the Perkins Institution for the
Blind at South Boston, the Boston Chinese Mission School, the cooking
schools in various cities, the blind children's kindergarten, etc. Among
the authors whose contributions are included are Amanda E. Harris, Ella
Farman Pratt, Mrs. John Lillie, May Wager Fisher, Margaret Sidney and
Mrs. Jessie Benton Fremont.

IMITATIONS OF BABYLAND. The great reputation won during the past eight
years by D. Lothrop & Co.'s unique and charming illustrated magazine and
annual, BABYLAND, has induced certain publishers to attempt imitations
under similar titles. The public should beware of these inferior
imitations. The publishers deem it proper to inform the public that the
only genuine BABYLAND invariably bears the imprint of D. Lothrop & Co.
By noting this fact the dissatisfaction which follows the purchase of
inferior imitations will be avoided.

DEAN STANLEY WITH THE CHILDREN. By Mrs. Frances A. Humphrey. Boston: D.
Lothrop & Co. Price $1.00. In this tastefully printed volume are brought
together five sermons to children, preached by Dean Stanley, prefaced
with a biographical sketch by Mrs. Humphrey and with an introduction by
Canon Farrar. Every reader knows what a charming man Dean Stanley was,
and how ardently he loved children, and devoted himself to pleasing
them. The sermons here given are full of exquisite tenderness, and form
admirable models for discourses of like character. Canon Farrar says
that there was not one sermon ever preached by Dean Stanley which did
not contain at least some one bright, and fresh, and rememberable thing.
His metaphors, his anecdotes, the invariable felicity of his diction,
his historical, literary and biographical illustrations, his invincible
habit of taking men at their best and looking out for the good in
everything, the large catholicity which rose above the mean, squabbling
of religious parties, the calm of spirit which seemed habitually to
breathe in the atmosphere of whatsoever things are true, and pure, and
lovely, and of good report, made him a preacher to whom one would rather
listen than to any other living man. Mrs. Humphrey's sketch not only
gives us an excellent idea of the man himself, but also tells us many
interesting things about the great English public schools. The volume is
well illustrated.

IT IS THE CHRISTMAS TIME. By Miss Mulock, with Twelve Ideal Christmas
Hymns and Poems. Illustrated. Boston: D. Lothrop & Co. Price, $2.50.
Nothing more exquisite in the way of a Christmas presentation book, or
one better adapted to the spirit of the holiday season has yet been
presented to the public than the volume before us. Printed in large,
clear type, on the heaviest of paper, with broad white margins, and a
series of twenty illustrations by famous American and foreign artists,
engraved in the highest style of art, it forms a book of exceptional
beauty, and one of which the publishers may well be proud. The opening
poem, Miss Mulock's "Hymn for Christmas Morning," is followed by Naham
Tate's "While Shepherds watched their Flocks by Night," a hymn which has
held place in the hearts of the people for nearly two hundred years;
Wesley's stirring hymn, "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing;" Herrick's "Star
Song;" Bishop Heber's "Epiphany"--

  Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morning;

Keble's "Christmas Hymn;" The Rev. E.H. Sears's "Angel's Song;" William
Drummond's "The Angels;" George MacDonald's "Babe Jesus;" James
Montgomery's "Christmas Vision;" Wordsworth's "Christmas Carol," and
Whittier's "Christmas Carmen." All those diverse in form and expression,
breathe the one pure spirit of Christmas tide.

AMERICA. Our National Hymn. With Twelve other Patriotic Poems.
Illustrated. By Rev. S.F. Smith, D.D. Boston: D. Lothrop & Co. Price,
$3.00. For the past two or three years there has been a strong demand
for a new edition of this unique and elegant volume, which was
originally published in 1879. The publishers have responded to the call
by its reissue the present season, the work being extended by the
addition of twelve new poems, all upon patriotic themes. The words of
_America_, were written fifty-two years ago, while the author was a
theological student at Andover. An American gentleman, who had spent
some time in Germany, on returning home brought with him a number of
books used in the German schools, containing both words and music. These
were presented to Lowell Mason, who placed them in the hands of the
young student, asking him to translate anything he might find worthy, or
to furnish original words to such music as might suit him. In the
collection was the air--unknown at that time to Americans--to which Dr.
Smith set the words now so widely known and sung. There was not the
slightest idea on his part that he was producing a national lyric, but
it caught the popular taste at once, and every year has fixed it more
firmly in the hearts of the people as an expression of patriotic
feeling. It was first sung at a children's festival at Park Street
Church, July 4, 1832, and very soon found its way into district schools,
Sabbath-schools, concerts and patriotic gatherings throughout the
country. Some years ago a delegation from the Boston Board of Trade sung
it together at the summit of the Rocky Mountains. It has been used at
the celebration by Americans of the national holiday in nearly every
country on the globe, and served during the war to brace the hearts and
stimulate the courage of our soldiers in camp and hospital and in
prison. The author's college friends for more than fifty years made it
the first song sung at their annual class dinner.

The poems which are added in the present edition include among others,
"The Pilgrims," written some years ago for Forefathers' Day; "The Flag;"
"Washington;" "The Student Soldiers;" "The Sleep of the Brave;"
"Decoration Day;" "Abraham Lincoln," and "My Native Land." They are all
imbued with the fervent spirit of patriotism and represent a high poetic
standard. The volume is splendidly illustrated by Harry Fenn, Robert
Lewis, and other artists of reputation.

MY CURIOSITY SHOP. Illustrated. Boston: D. Lothrop & Co. Price, $1.25.
The little boy or girl who finds this book by the bedside Christmas
morning, ought to be supremely happy. From cover to cover it is filled
with the most delightful stories and rhymes and pictures, all written
and drawn expressly for little readers, and by those who love them, and
understand their likes and dislikes.

WIDE AWAKE. Bound volume for 1884 Boston: D. Lathrop & Co. Price 4.00.
Newspapers all parts of the country have repeatedly given the first
place in American periodical literature for the young to WIDE AWAKE.
Among its contributors are the very best and brightest writers in
America and England, and many of its articles are the same that give
reputation to _Harper's_ and the _Century_. Indeed, nothing better has
ever appeared in either of these periodicals than some of the full page
illustrations which have found place in WIDE AWAKE within the past two
or three years. The list of writers who are regularly employed include
the best names in our literature. It is by the liberal outlay of money
on the part of the publishers, coupled with the determination to have
the best at any price, that WIDE AWAKE has reached its present high
position. The present volume, which includes the twelve numbers of the
present year, is, in general excellence, an improvement upon all
preceding issues. It is a library in itself, and will be a source of
perennial pleasure to readers of all ages.

OUR LITTLE MEN AND WOMEN. 1884. Illustrated. Boston. D. Lothrop & Co.
Price $1.50. This beautiful annual comprises the twelve numbers of the
year just closing, and will make an admirable present for the little
members of the household. Its stories are just such as they will read
with delight, while the illustrations make them double attractive.

A ROMANCE IN SONG. Heine's Lyrical Interlude. Translated by Franklin
Johnson, Boston: D. Lothrop & Co. Price $3.00. The best of the modern
German song-writers is unquestionably Heine, and thousands who know and
sing his verses even in their translated form can testify to their
exceeding sweetness and to their strange insight into the passions and
emotions that stir the human heart. Especially is this true of the sixty
brief poems which he published in 1823 under the somewhat singular title
of "A Lyrical Interlude." What gives them special interest is the fact
that they are genuine records of his own feelings and experiences. Heine
was engaged to be married to his cousin, whom he loved deeply and
ardently. She broke her vows and married another, and Heine carried
through life an unhealed spiritual wound. In the translation of these
songs Mr. Johnson has been peculiarly successful, while in all cases
retaining the original measure of the songs, he has endeavored to make
an exact rendering of the thought rather than to be literal. And yet in
some cases he is both, as for instance in the much quoted _Die Rose, die
Lilie, die Taube, die Sonne_, and _Nacht lag auf meinen Augen_. The
publishers have done their part to make the volume outwardly attractive.
It is printed on heavy paper, is beautifully illustrated and handsomely
bound. Coming at this season it makes an appropriate gift book.

ANNA MARIA'S HOUSEKEEPING. By Mrs. S.D. Power. Boston: D. Lothrop & Co.
Price $1.00. Of all the books that have been written about housekeeping
there have been few that have treated the subject in a practical, common
sense manner, and this is decidedly one of the best of the few. The
suggestions and directions contained in its pages are given in a
pointed, straightforward manner, and appeal at once to the good sense of
all housekeepers who will save themselves an infinity of trouble and
worry and fret by giving them the consideration they deserve. The
twenty-four chapters of the book deal with different subjects, the
all-important one, "How to make Housework Easier," properly taking the
lead. Other chapters which we especially commend to housekeepers are
those headed "A Good Breakfast," "A Bill of Waste," "A Comfortable
Kitchen," "Blue Mondays," "Over the Mending Basket," and "Helps that are
Helps." There is not a chapter, however, but contains advice which, if
heeded, would save ten times the cost of the book in a year, to say
nothing of the time and trouble saved.

MATTHEW ARNOLD BIRTHDAY BOOK. Edited by his daughters, Miss L. and K.
Arnold. Boston: D. Lothrop & Co. Price $1.00. This beautiful little
volume resembles in its general plan other birthday books, the usual
blanks being left for autographs. The selections have been made with
great care, and under the direct supervision of Mr. Arnold himself, who
contributes besides, an introductory poem, which is reproduced in _fac

A DOUBLE MASQUERADE. By Charles R. Talbot. Illustrated. Boston: D.
Lothrop & Co. Price $1.25. Mr. Talbot's reputation as a writer of
brilliant stories for young readers is well established. Few have been
more successful in striking the popular vein. The Juvenile libraries are
rare that do not contain some one or other of his books, and happy the
boy or girl who possesses them all. "A Double Masquerade" is a romance
of old Revolutionary times in Boston, in which historical characters
take part. It is a careful study of the events of those days, and the
young reader will get a clearer idea from its pages of the struggle
between the colonies and Great Britain, and of the men on both sides who
were leaders in the Revolutionary movement, than from mere statistical
and documentary history. One of the features of the volume is a
description of the battle of Bunker Hill, which a critic has pronounced
to be "one of the most graphic and telling accounts ever written of that
famous conflict." It is splendidly illustrated by Share, Merrill and

YOUNG DAYS. Illustrated. Boston: D. Lothrop & Co. Price $.75. This very
attractive volume is made up of instructive stories for children,
entertaining rhymes and verses, and most delightful pictures.


Few publications of like character have ever been received with a
greater degree of favor, than the volume of sermons by Rev. Alexander
McKenzie, D.D., of Shepard Memorial Church, Cambridge, Mass., published
under the above title by D. Lothrop & Co. The following expressions of
opinion in letters to the publishers, are indicative of the general
sentiment concerning them.

Rev. Geo. L. Prentiss, D.D., Professor of Sacred Rhetoric in Union
Theological Seminary, New York City, says:

"The _Cambridge Sermons_ have both refreshed and edified me in a high
degree. They are full of spiritual power and light and sweetness. I have
read them with real delight."

Rev. Edward B. Coe, D.D., pastor of the Brick Presbyterian Church, New
York City, writes:

"It is a volume which it will do any man good to read, as a broad,
fresh, eminently spiritual presentation of Christian truth. Coming from
under the shadow of a great university, these sermons are not
scholastic, but in the best sense popular and practical. They show
unusual felicity of statement and illustration, and are thoroughly
_alive_, with a keen sensibility to the thoughts and the wants of living
men. Quickening and suggestive to the mind, they have the rarer power of
touching chords of feeling which few preachers reach."

Rev. Cephas B. Crane, pastor of the First Baptist Church, Boston, says:

"The excellence of these sermons is manifold. They are such sermons as
the distinguished preacher is in the habit of giving to his people,
sermons for instruction and help, and not exceptional sermons for
conspicuous occasions.

"They are structural; but the beams and braces are out of sight. They
are living things supported and shaped by their skeletons, not caged in
them. Remarkable for scope and freedom and boldness, they are guided in
all their movement by the spirit of the Sacred Word. They both stimulate
thought and invigorate faith. Fresh and fragrant and breezy, one
delights himself in them as in a garden in a June morning. From their
exquisite diction one might almost infer the graceful elocution of their
author. They are sermons to which the reader will often return." (12mo,


The following brief extracts from the large number of favorable notices
of this valuable book show the great cordiality with which it has been

"We have nothing as good."--_N.Y. Independent._

"The most attractive."--_Boston Literary World._

"Nothing better."--_Boston Transcript._

"Valuable as a book of reference."--_Pittsfield Eagle._

"Its accuracy will stand."--_Boston Transcript._

"Easy and readable style."--_Boston Journal._

"Graceful style ... Marvellously full ... Animation of the book is a
still greater marvel."--_N.Y. Independent._

"Will be read in all sections of the country with equal interest and
esteem."--_The South._

"The author writes with entire candor in regard to the history of the
secession movement, and yet there is nothing in his history that can
properly give offence to the readers in any section of the
country."--_The Capitol_, Washington.

"The tone of the book is candid and impartial."--_Boston Journal of

"Probably the most intensely national of American histories."--_The
Star_, N.Y.

"The style is cultured, and therefore simple and expressive."--_Detroit
Post and Tribune_.

"The chapters form pleasing and finished pictures."--_The Standard_,

"Interesting and instructive."--_The Gazette_, Barre, Mass.

"Admirably written."--_Boston Herald_.

"In the front rank." _Star_, N.Y.

"His [the author's] name is a household word."--_The Globe_, Portland,

"Enough incident and romance."--_Chicago Inter-Ocean_.

"Sustains the already established reputation of the
author."--_Pittsfield Eagle_.

"A book of rare interest and value."--_Herald and Presbyter_.

"A noble picture of the grand American movement."--_N.Y. Home Journal_.

"The cream of the complete history."--_Inter-Ocean_.

"A good book and very readable."--_Morning Star_.

"An interesting volume."--_Sabbath Recorder_.

"Concise, authentic and thoroughly impartial."--_Ansonia Sentinel_.

"Worthy of all commendation."--_Golden Rule_.

"It has a backbone."--_Boston Herald_.

"Pleasing in style, judicious in selection of material, thorough in his
investigations, impartial in spirit, the author wins the reader's
sustained attention and cordial approval."--_Golden Rule_, Boston.
Boston, D. Lothrop & Co., Publishers. 12mo, cloth, $1.50; crown 8vo,
cloth, gilt top, $2.50.

D. Lothrop & Co. are publishing some excellent juvenile books at low
rates. They are written by the best authors, and are intended to
supplant the dime novel and Buffalo Bill style of juvenile books. These
publishers deserve the thanks of parents and guardians.--_Buck's County
Intelligencer_, Doylestown, Pa.

THE GOLDEN TREASURY SERIES. No collections of modern poetry have
obtained or held public favor so securely as those included in the
Golden Treasury Series, a new edition of which has just been issued by
the house of D. Lothrop & Co. These various volumes made their
appearance in England at intervals, the first--which gave the series its
name--having been compiled by Francis Turner Palgrave, an English author
of exquisite taste and judgment. _The Ballad Book_, compiled and edited
by the poet, William Allingham, followed. Later appeared _The Book of
Praise_, edited by Roundell Palmer, made up of selections from the best
English hymn writers, and about the same time a fourth volume,
_Religious Poems_, an admirable selection of poems of religious life and
sentiment, was added to the series. For a time the English edition only
was obtainable in this country. Later the Messrs. Lothrop issued an
American edition from new English plates, and have since added to the
series _Marmion, The Lady of the Lake, Tennyson's Poems, Lays of Ancient
Rome, Pilgrim's Progress_, and _Minds and Words of Jesus_. These words
which were originally issued at $3.00 a volume are now brought out in
popular form, elegantly printed on the best paper, beautifully
illustrated and handsomely bound, the price reduced from $3.00 to $1.25
a volume. The series contains the very cream of English poetical
literature, no writer of note from the time of Shakespeare to the
present being unrepresented. For a choice holiday present to a lady,
nothing is more fitting or acceptable.

BOYS AND GIRLS' ANNUAL FOR 1885. Edited by William Blair Perkins.
Boston: D. Lothrop & Co. Price, $2.50. This collection of instructive,
and interesting stories, sketches, poems, biographies and papers in
natural history constitutes in itself an entire library. The entire make
up is of the most perfect character, and it is evident that no pains or
expense has been spared to make this volume every way worthy of the
enterprising publisher whose name it bears, and the host of merry, happy
children, who are destined to delight in its pages. It is a fitting
prelude to the holiday season, and sets a high mark for other publishers
to follow. It is one of the books that we delight to heartily commend,
for its intrinsic value is equal to its exquisite beauty. It is just the
book to head the children's Christmas list.

ÆSOP'S FABLES. Illustrated. Boston: D. Lothrop & Co. Price, $1.00. These
stories, though they were told more than two thousand years ago, and
have been printed in hundreds of different editions, still retain their
pristine charm, and the children of to-day read them with the same
pleasure that they did centuries ago. The present is a cheap,
well-printed edition, profusely illustrated, and the juveniles will find
its contents just as enjoyable as if they were enclosed in the costliest

LITTLE FOLKS IN PICTURE AND STORY. Illustrated. Boston: D. Lothrop & Co.
Price, $1.00. If the little people of the household do not fall in love
with this charming collection of stories and pictures they must be very
hard to suit. It would be hard to imagine a more attractive feast than
the publishers have here spread for them, or one so thoroughly adapted
to their tastes. There are stories about cats, stories about dogs,
stories about pigs, and stories about almost everything that can be
thought of to amuse very little readers, and the pictures are every bit
as charming as the stories.

CHAUTAUQUA YOUNG FOLKS' ANNUAL. The "Chautauqua idea"--which is to place
educational advantages within easy reach of the multitudes so far as the
young are concerned--is happily realized in the annual publications
bearing the above title.

A variety of subjects, knowledge of which is of vital importance to the
future success of the young, have been treated by famous writers
especially selected for the work, and treated in such a manner as to
educate, while affording delightful entertainment. To illustrate in the
present volume for 1884, the third of the series, there are delightful
lessons in Natural History, and on the care of Flowers and Plants, and
instructive facts as to Food and Drink; faithful and suggestive sketches
of Noted Men, showing how honorable success has been won in business,
literature, science, art, and public life; chapters in History, and a
score and more of fascinating stories and sketches relating to a great
variety of important subjects.

If it were not for the suggestion of heaviness attached to the name, we
might call these volumes table cyclopedia, which in truth they are, full
of the most valuable information, but as equally full of fascination and
interest for all readers.

Owners of No. 3 of this Chautauqua series will not rest satisfied until
they possess Nos. 1 and 2. No. 1 contains the famous "Stories of
Liberty," in which some of the brightest American writers recount the
efforts by which freedom has been won. In No. 2 can be found the
valuable papers by Dr. D.A. Sargent (of Harvard University) nowhere else
published. Every boy in the land should have copy, and set up his own
gymnasium. Papers on the use of the Microscope, on methods in
Housekeeping, and lessons in the Useful Arts also appear in these

It will be seen that the material in these annuals is of the best, which
could not fail to be the case when prepared by such writers as Arthur
Gilman, Sarah K. Bolton, Dr. D.A. Sargent, Benjamin Vaughan Abbott,
Margaret J. Preston, Amanda B. Harris, Dr. Felix L. Oswald, Ernest
Ingersoll, and others of equal repute. The present volume contains seven
series of articles, with numerous choice illustrations. Published in
quarto size, handsome cloth binding, and sent to any address for $1.50.

YOUNG FOLKS' STORIES OF FOREIGN LANDS. Edited by Pansy. Illustrated.
Boston: D. Lothrop & Co. Price, $1.00. Little folks who have never been
abroad will find ample compensation for their loss if they can only turn
over the pages of this beautifully illustrated book of stories of
travel. There is hardly a country but is represented either by picture
or poem or story, and the contents will be a source of perpetual
pleasure for young readers.

"Pansy." Illustrated. Boston: D. Lothrop & Co. Price, $1.00. The two
writers who have done the most to make this charming book of stories
what it is, are Mrs. Alden and Margaret Sidney, and what more need be
said in its praise? The title describes the scope and character of the
stories, but it gives no idea of the attractive manner in which they are
written or illustrated. When a visit is made by the boys and girls to
the bookstores, we advise a careful examination of the volume.

ON THE WAY TO WONDERLAND. Illustrated. Boston: D. Lothrop & Co. Price,
$1.25. The bright colors of this unique book, and the sound of its
rhymes chanted by mamma, will captivate the eye and ear of the babies,
whose own book it is. It contains the stories in rhyme of Wee Willie
Winkie, Little Bo-Peep, Goody Two Shoes, The Beggar King, Jack and Jill,
and Banbury Cross, all gorgeously illustrated.

THE STORY OF THE MANUSCRIPTS. In this interesting and scholarly volume
Rev. George E. Merrill, D.D., gives the whole story of the preparation
and preservation of the various Scriptural books, a record which will be
read with interest not only by Biblical scholars, but by many others to
whom the main facts are unknown. The manuscripts were originally written
on papyrus, numerous copies being made in the early centuries, but in
the various persecutions of the Christians a great number of the
manuscripts were wantonly destroyed. In the reign of Diocletian, in the
fourth century, there were nine years of persecution, and few of the
original copies were left intact. Great value attaches to even such
manuscript transcripts as were made after the originals, and they are
carefully preserved in various libraries all over Europe. Some of these
are upon vellum, showing their great age. The closing chapter of the
book is devoted to a summing up of the opinions of the great critics on
the history and credibility of the New Testament manuscripts.

As a record of facts bearing upon the history, authenticity and
interpretation of the New Testament Scriptures, this work is invaluable,
and no theological library is complete without it. Information upon the
subjects treated equally comprehensive can be found in no other form so
easily accessible and at so little cost. 12mo. $1.00.

WIDE AWAKE PLEASURE BOOK, Q. Illustrated. Boston: D. Lothrop & Co. Price
$1.50. Another volume in the charming set of books for girls and boys,
and we might almost say for men and women, for grown people take as much
delight in their pages as the younger ones. It is no disparagement to
the former issues to say that the present one surpasses them, for
progress is the rule of its publishers, and the endeavor to do things
better grows more and more decided every year. The Pleasure Book for
1884 contains stories by a score of the most popular writers of the day,
sketches of life and character, bits of biography and history,
narratives of travel, poems, charades, music, puzzles, etc. Its pages
are enriched with hundreds of illustrations, drawn and engraved
expressly for its pages, making text and engravings together, one of the
choicest juvenile annuals issued by any publishing firm in the country.

A FAMILY FLIGHT AROUND HOME. By Rev. E.E. Hale and Susan Hale.
Illustrated. Boston: D. Lothrop & Co. Price, $2.50. To those who have
already made acquaintance with the former books of this series no word
of praise of the present volume is necessary. It is animated by the same
spirit, and prepared according to the same plan, and characterized by
the same bright, sharp way of putting things. Although it is not
dependent upon either of its predecessors, its characters are the same,
and the reader has few new acquaintances to make. Of course the Horners
are the central figures. The scene opens in Boston, or rather in East
Boston, at the wharves of the Cunard Steamship Company, where Mr. Horner
and Tom meet Hubert Vaughan, who, the reader will remember, was left
behind in Europe at the close of the preceding volume. On his arrival
they proceeded to the Hotel Vendôme, where Miss Lejeune is awaiting
them, and the next day the party start for Mr. Horner's old home in
Northern Vermont. Here, and in the country surrounding, the larger part
of the summer is spent, the young people making excursions in all
directions, taking in Lake Champlain, with all its historical and
romantic surroundings: the Adirondack region, Lake George, and Schroon
Lake, besides enjoying themselves nearer home in fishing and camping
out. Into the story of their experience and adventures the authors weave
a great deal of interesting local history, and in such a manner as to
make a strong impression upon the mind of young readers. The volume is
brought out in the same elegant form as its predecessors, with the same
clear handsome pages and same wealth of illustration. The well-known
reputation of the authors, the racy and unconventional style of the
narrative and the superb manner in which the publishers have performed
their part of the work, places the volume in the very front rank of the
choice illustrated books of the season.

ODE: INTIMATIONS OF IMMORTALITY. By William Wordsworth. Illustrated.
Boston: D. Lothrop & Co. Price $2.00. This beautiful volume challenges
comparison with any of the medium priced presentation books of the year.
The poem itself Is one of the most perfect in the language, while the
full page illustrations which accompany it represent the most exquisite
work of such artists as F.C. Hassam, Lungren, Miss L.B. Humphrey, W.L.
Taylor, W. John Harper and Smedley. Nothing has been left undone to make
a perfect book. The paper is of the finest, the print beautifully clear,
and the broad margin and elegant binding make it altogether a volume
winch will attract the eye, and satisfy the artistic taste of the
book-buying public.

MONEY IN POLITICS. By J.K. Upton, with an Introduction by Edward
Atkinson, Boston: D. Lothrop & Co. $1.25. Mr. Upton, as many readers
know, was for some years assistant Secretary of the Treasury, and, as a
consequence, has a thorough understanding of the subject upon which he
writes. His book is a complete history of American coinage and money
issues, the management of national monetary affairs, and the different
legal tender acts that have been discussed or passed by Congress. Mr.
Atkinson, in his introduction, says of the book that it gives, in his
judgment, the best record of legislation in the United States yet
presented in regard to coinage, to legal tender acts, and other matters
connected with our financial history. It shows in the most conclusive
manner the futility of all attempts to cause two substances to become,
and to remain of the same value or estimation, by acts of legislation.
It gives a true picture of the vast injury to the welfare and to the
moral integrity of the people of this country, which ensued from the
enactment of the acts of legal tender during the late war, whereby the
promise of a dollar was made equal in the discharge of a contract to the
dollar itself. It shows that the mode of collecting a forced loan was
the must costly and injurious method of taxation which could have been
devised. It proves in the most conclusive way, the injury which will
surely come when by present acts of coinage and of legal tender, our
gold coin has been driven from the country, and our standard of value
becomes a silver dollar of light weight and of uncertain value.

This book, Mr. Atkinson asserts, will prove to the mind of every
thinking man that, if we persist much longer in sustaining the acts of
coinage and legal tender which now encumber the statute book, our
national credit will be impaired and all our working people, whose wages
are paid in money, will be subjected to the most injurious form of
special taxation which could be devised; it proves that a considerable
portion of their wages will be taken from them under due process of law
without power of redress on their part, while the rich and astute
advocates of the present system will reap wealth which they nave not
earned by taking from the laborer apart of that which is his rightful
due. It is therefore of inestimable importance as giving the general
reader a clear understanding of the real condition of things, and
educating him into the right method of thinking about these matters,
which sooner or later, will have to be settled by the voice of the

THE COUNTESS OF ALBANY. By Vernon Lee. Famous Women Series, Boston:
Roberts Brothers. Price $1.00. In this volume we have a biography of a
once famous, now almost forgotten, person. The Countess of Albany gained
her prominence in the political and social world of the latter half of
the eighteenth century, not by any greatness of character or of
achievement, but solely by favor of Fortune; for it does appear as a
compensation for the misery of her domestic life that she was accorded a
position in the world gratifying to her nature to hold. Fate certainly
owed the woman destined to live for a few years only, but those years
long ones, the wife of that Stuart known as the Pretender, many years in
which she could be mistress of herself and the recipient of kindly
consideration, if not some measure of posthumous fame. The book gives us
pictures not only of the countess, but of many persons of more or less
renown with whom she was associated. We are introduced to a somewhat
distinguished company of civil and ecclesiastical officials, persons of
literary and artistic tastes--men and women yet of historic note. The
pictures are sketched with great power and painted in solid. The
subjects are mostly such as would have delighted a Flemish artist to
paint, and they have received true Flemish treatment. The author
displays not a little of Carlyle's power of characterization.

PLUCKY BOYS. By the author of "John Halifax, Gentleman," and other
authors. Illustrated. Boston: D. Lothrop & Co. Price $1.50. If there is
any book of the season that we can heartily commend to boys of the
stirring wide awake kind, it is this. The eighteen stories of which it
consists, are by well-known writers, all lovers of boys and admirers of
pluck, truthfulness, and manliness in them. The various young heroes
described represent in their characters some particular quality which
entitles them to be classed under the title which the compiler has given
the book. Mrs. Craik's story is called "Facing the World;" Sophie May
tells about "Joe and his Business Experiences;" George Gary Eggleston
contributes a sketch called "Lambert's Ferry;" Kate Upson Clark has a
story called "Granny," and there are others by authors of such
reputation as Amanda B. Harris, Sarah Orne Jewett, Mary Wager Fisher,
Hope Ledyard, Susan Power, Edith Robinson, and Tarpley Starr. The volume
is bound in holiday style, and will make a capital gift book for that
class of young readers for whom it was specially prepared.

       *       *       *       *       *


Of Marion Harland's latest book, "Cookery for Beginners," the _London
Saturday Review_ says: "Mrs. Harland's little book shows its origin by
the singular predominance of sweets (which is, speaking roughly, about
three to one), and by such odd phrases--odd, that is to say, to an
English ear--as that the chief merit of a cook is 'the ability to make
good bread.' Alas! if that be so, how many inhabitants of London,
England, possess a good cook? But Mrs. Harland is free from even a rag
of national prejudice. She sternly, and with almost frightful boldness,
denies the sacred PIE so much as a place in her book, and she ventures
on the following utterance, which we purposely place in italics, and for
which we hope that the eagle, whose home is in the settin' sun, has not
already torn out her eyes. '_The best way_,' says this daring inhabitant
of Boston, Mass., '_to manage a boiled egg at the table_ [she speaks of
it, it will be observed, as if it were a kind of wild beast] _is the
English way of setting it upright in the small end of the eggcup_ [Great
powers! most Britons will cry, what is the large end of an eggcup?],
_making a hole in the top_ [note the precision of these indications]
_large enough to admit the eggspoon, and eating it from the top,
seasoning it as you go._' The courage and genius of Mrs. Harland are not
more clearly indicated by this sentence than the deplorable habits of
her countrymen. She ought to be called, not Marion, but Columba. To
desist from folly, however, her little book is a very interesting and
valuable one. Its receipts, though few, are given with singular
clearness and in the most practical of manners, and the mechanical value
of the book is much increased by the inclusion of a large number of
blank pages for additional receipts."

       *       *       *       *       *

"The fine grade of religious books published by D. Lothrop & Co.,
Boston, justifies more than a passing notice. This firm turns out yearly
an immense number of books of the choicest quality, and at all prices to
suit the needs of Sunday-schools throughout the land. It has been the
aim of the publishers to employ none but the best writers for these
books, realizing it a most important part of Church work to provide for
the needs of this large class. Mingling intellectual strength with deep
religious feeling, at the same time the publishers strive to make the
books interesting and attractive. For an untold number of examples prove
that children and youth will _not_ read religious or moral teaching
presented in a dry manner, and why should they? Full of life and vigor,
and overflowing with intense energy in every part of their nature, these
young people _require_ something healthfully to inspire to this force
within them. If they do not find it in the natural avenues of the
Sunday-school or the town library, they will elsewhere, in questionable
literature--an indulgence in which results in a feverish taste for
excitement. To help these young people develop into strong men and
women, D. Lothrop & Co. have put forth every effort, sparing no expense.
A glance at their _Catalogue_ will give an idea of what they have been
doing in this department."--_The Messenger, Phila._

       *       *       *       *       *

Of Amanda B. Harris' last work, the _Advance_ says: "_Pleasant Authors
for Young Folks_ is a delightful little book. The name of its author is
sufficient to attract many readers who have been pleased with her 'Wild
Flowers' and other books and sketches. These 'Little Biographies' of
Walter Scott, Charles Lamb, Charles Kingsley, Dr. John Brown, George
MacDonald, Dinah Mulock-Craik, John Ruskin, Charlotte Bronté and others,
are made up of stories and incidents from the lives of these writers,
bits of criticism and gems of extracts, put together as deftly and
skilfully and making as fine and polished a whole as a Roman mosaic of
the temple of Vesta. Such a delicious bit of a book as this in the hands
of a boy or girl is worth more as an incitement to reading and an
education of literary taste than many a library of a thousand volumes."

       *       *       *       *       *

"Every day we see that there is an absolute necessity for giving good
books to our children. We cannot begin too early to cultivate a taste
for healthful literature. The recent developments in several cities must
call the attention of all careless parents to this fact. The influence
of bad books upon children is so apparent as to be startling, and the
boy who went armed to school last week in Pittsburg and gave his name to
his teacher as 'Schuykill Jack,' is only one of a large number of
weak-headed boys who have been depraved by reading these stories which
they ought never to have seen. Do not consider it lost or wasted time
during which you read to your boy; perhaps no other hours in your life
are so wisely used, and it will not be without its fruit, you may be
perfectly sure. Do not always read down to your children: they
appreciate higher and deeper thoughts than you sometimes think they
do."--_New York Evening Post._

       *       *       *       *       *

A "School of Library Economy" has just been established in Columbia
College, to be opened in October, 1886. The object includes "all the
special training needed to select, buy, arrange, catalogue, index, and
administer in the best and most economical way any collection of books,
pamphlets, or serials." The instruction is to be given by "lectures,
reading, the Seminar, visiting libraries, problems, and work." We shall
watch with interest this new species of technical school.

       *       *       *       *       *


"It is manifest that such a manual as Every Man His Own Lawyer would be
a snare to the unwary, because it does not content itself with teaching
the reader what to avoid, but professes to guide him in the labyrinthian
paths of substantive law and technical procedure. It is equally clear,
however, that a rudimentary acquaintance with the main principles of
jurisprudence is indispensable to those who purpose to mingle in active
life at all, and discharge the most familiar duties of the citizen. But
law books are not inviting to the general reader--we may imagine,
indeed, that Blackstone has rather lost than gained in the esteem of his
professional brethren by the attempt to make his commentaries an
exception to the rule--and the volumes may be counted on the fingers
which are at once entertaining and trustworthy compends of legal lore.
To the meagre collection of attractive introductions to this subject an
addition has recently been made by BENJAMIN VAUGHAN ABBOTT in a couple
of brochures, respectively called _The Travelling Law School and Famous
Trials_, which are published in one volume by D. Lothrop & Co. The book
is ostensibly written for boys, but it may be heartily commended to
adult readers of both sexes. It is surprising how much sound law the
author manages to insinuate in the guise of interesting incidents and
pleasing anecdotes. Even they who are sickened by the scent of sheepskin
and law calf, and who would as soon think of entering on a course of
Calvinistic theology as on a study of jurisprudence, will imbibe through
the author's cheerful narrative a good many useful notions of their
legal rights and duties, just as children are persuaded to swallow an
aperient in the shape of prunes or figs.

"In 'The Travelling Law School,' as the name implies, the reader is
invited to accompany a party of young students in a tour through several
of the Atlantic States, the incidents of the journey suggesting succinct
accounts of the main features of Federal, State, and municipal law. A
much larger sum of information can be thus informally conveyed in about
a hundred pages than would at first sight be deemed possible; and
notwithstanding the suspicion with which lawyers are apt to regard the
transmission of knowledge through such a pleasant medium, we are able to
vouch in this instance for its accuracy. We have been particularly
struck by the light which the author manages to throw, in a quick,
unaffected way, on the characteristic features of the American
Constitution. This he does by illustrations drawn from the organic laws
of other countries possessing parliamentary institutions, and his
references, on the whole, are singularly exact, though he might perhaps
have laid more stress on the centralizing tendencies which survive in
the executive branch of the French republican Government.

"The plan followed in 'Famous Trials' is to take a given topic, like
forgery, confessions, mistaken identity or circumstantial evidence and
to illustrate the points best worth remembering by some actual and
interesting case in which they were strikingly brought out.

"The instance of mistaken identity described by Mr. Abbott at some
length is really much more curious than the Tichborne case, though the
affair, having taken place many years ago in France, has been almost
totally forgotten. The true husband's name was Martin Guerre, a man of
fair social position and some property, who, after living happily with
his wife Bertrande for about a dozen years, disappeared suddenly, and
nothing was heard of him for eight years. At the end of that time the
same Martin Guerre, as all the town people supposed, came back,
recognizing his old neighbors and friends, and looking just as he used,
except that he had grown stouter and sunburned. His wife also recognized
him as readily as did his neighbors, and gave him an affectionate
welcome. To innumerable questions about occurrences in old times, he
returned satisfactory and explicit answers. To his wife, in particular,
he rehearsed incidents of past years that had completely faded from her
memory. When they awoke, for instance, on the morning after his arrival,
he asked her to 'Bring me my white breeches trimmed with white silk; you
will find them at the bottom of the large beech chest under the linen.'
She had long forgotten the breeches and even the box, but she found them
just as he had described. In the face of such evidence it seemed
impossible to doubt that this man was the genuine Martin Guerre. Yet he
proved after all to be an impostor, whose real name was Arnauld Du Tilh.
Yet strange as it may seem, on the impostor's trial, although confronted
with the man whom he was personating, he was able to answer questions
about the past life of the Guerre family more minutely and accurately
than the rightful claimant. Being disavowed, however, by the great
majority of witnesses, including the wife, on the appearance of her true
husband, he was sentenced to death for his fraud. Before his execution
he made a confession, saying that some intimate friends of Martin
Guerre, misled by the astonishing resemblance, had accosted him by that
name, which gave him the idea of claiming Guerre's position and
property; and that he had gained his intimate knowledge of Guerre's life
partly from Guerre himself, whom he had known slightly in the army, and
partly from several common acquaintances. With this slender outfit of
material he came within an ace of effecting his design, thanks to an
exceptionally tenacious and ready memory."--_Extract from notice in "New
York Daily Sun," of "The Travelling Law School._" D. Lothrop & Co.

       *       *       *       *       *


The cordial reception awarded to the best class of American books in
England, is indicated by the following notices from the _Oldham Evening
& Weekly Chronicle_ of October 4:

Lothrop & Co. This gorgeously got up and profusely and beautifully
illustrated volume is one of engrossing interest. All the characters are
skilfully drawn, the events are interestingly marshalled, and the plot
most naturally developed. For humour and pathos, for sympathy yet
fidelity, for loftiness of tone yet simplicity of style, this charming
volume has few superiors. Here and there it reminds us of Mark Twain,
anon of Dickens, and often of George Eliot, for the authoress has many
of the strong points of all these writers. Such wholesome and bracing
literature as this may well find its place in all our homes. It is a
tale of a high order, and is a real study of life. It is fresh, breezy,
bracing. It is strengthening and enthralling."

"CAMBRIDGE SERMONS. By Rev. Alexander McKenzie. Boston: D. Lothrop & Co.
This neatly and strongly got up volume consists of sixteen fresh,
vigorous, chatty, colloquial sermons. The author has the solidity of the
Scotch teacher, and the polish and beauty of the English preacher
combined with the freedom, the raciness, interest, and the freshness of
the American pulpit orator. These discourses are orations which were
delivered extemporaneously and taken down by a shorthand writer. Hence
they are homely, yet eloquent; natural, yet cultivated, and come right
home to the hearts of the readers. No one could tire reading these
sermons. They are as racy as a magazine article, as instructive as a
lecture, and as impressive and lofty as a message from God. They are
thoroughly American for their fearlessness, their living energy, and
their originality. Sermons of this high order are sure to be in demand."

       *       *       *       *       *


A glance at the way reading is generally taught in our schools will
convince any impartial observer that this subject is made the driest and
dreariest of all studies. In our graded schools, children generally
read, on an average, an hour a day during the eight or nine years'
course, at the rate of less than one book a year. The average child
easily learns by heart in a few weeks all there is in the first three
books, after that the constant repetitions are in the highest degree
monotonous. There is nothing to attract his attention or stimulate his
love for reading. The selections filling fourth, fifth and sixth readers
are too often far above the mental grasp of the pupil, and are also of
so fragmentary a nature as to be almost unintelligible to the average
student. Word pronouncing, and that alone, is the only refuge of the

There can be no excuse on account of the cost, for the money now thrown
away, and worse than thrown away, upon useless spelling books and
mind-stupefying grammars, would purchase a rich supply of the best
reading matter the English language affords for every school in the

I have tried this experiment, and to my mind it is no longer an
experiment. I have seen the children of the poorest and most ignorant
parents taking from the library works upon history, travels, biography,
and the very best fiction, exhibiting in their selection excellent
taste, and showing from their manner how much they love such books. They
would no more choose bad reading than they would choose bad food when
wholesome is provided for them. Shameful neglect, I repeat, and not
innate depravity, drives our children into by-ways and forbidden paths.
Let no one preach long sermons on the depraved tendencies of the young
until he has tried this simple, cheap, and practical way of avoiding an
unnecessary evil.--_F.W. Parker._

       *       *       *       *       *

The Golden Text Calendar, arranged by A.C. Morrow, editor of _The
Illustrator_ of the International Sunday-school lessons, with designs by
Mary A. Lathbury, is specially adapted as a holiday gift. Beautifully
lithographed and printed in nine colors. It contains the Golden Text for
every Sunday, and more than fifteen hundred quotations from the best
authors. The background of the calendar is of sprays of apple blossoms.
To the right of the pad the passing of time is represented by the flight
of birds and an angel bearing an hour-glass. To the left, a young girl,
with light flowing hair, stands beneath the branches of a tree,
gathering pink and yellow hollyhocks. The design is worthy of the
artist, and the literary selections reflect credit upon the editor.
Price, $1.00.

       *       *       *       *       *

BABYLAND. The Boston _Daily Globe_ says: "One need not concern herself
about the 'Chatterbox,' or any of the annuals made up in England for
American youth, when there are better books, in adaptability of matter
to age, in engravings, paper and press-work, close by her at home. The
mother may find a number of annuals published in this country which will
suit her taste and purpose much better, and she ought always to give
them the preference. BABYLAND for 1884 is in all respects a desirable
publication for the youngest readers. Its songs and stories, its
speaking pictures and its general attractiveness always win the smiles
of little folks."

       *       *       *       *       *

An interesting and suggestive little treatise on the "Care and Feeding
of Infants," has been published by Doliber, Goodale & Co., Boston, who
will send a specimen copy free to any address.

       *       *       *       *       *


_The Literary World_, in a critical review of one of D. Lothrop & Co.'s
recent publications, _The Travelling Law School_, says:--"Mr. B.V.
Abbott's object, in the second volume of the Business Boys' Library, is
to give a series of first lessons on forms of government and principles
of law. This is done by means of a very slight framework of imagination,
a large amount of anecdote and illustration, a singularly lucid
explanatory style, and a fullness of knowledge that 'backs' the
narrative with manifest strength. _The Travelling Law School_ is a
fictitious body, taken about from place to place; all the objects and
experiences encountered on the journey being examined in their legal
aspects and relations, and their functions as such pointed out. Things
that one can own are discriminated from things that are common property;
Boston, New York, and Washington are differentiated in their civil and
political bearings; the laws of the streets and the railroads, of money
and the banks, of wills, evidence, fraud, and so forth and so on, are
expounded by means of 'famous trials' and otherwise in an ingenious,
always entertaining, and thoroughly instructive manner. We do not see
why a course of instruction along the line of such topics as these would
not be a wise feature in many schools of the higher grade, for which Mr.
Abbott's book would be an admirable text-book. The study of such a book
would be in the nature of a recreation, so full is it of matters of
living interest, while of its practical value there could be only one
opinion. Structurally it is in two parts, the second of which, entitled
'Famous Trials,' is separately paged." 12mo, $1.00.

       *       *       *       *       *


A new edition of Arthur Oilman's _The Kingdom of Home_ is announced by
the publishers, and will form a strong attraction for holiday
book-buyers. No poetical anthology has been received by the general
public with such favor as this, and the reason is not far to seek. It
contains the choicest poems on home subjects ever brought together, and
the merits of its selections and pictures will keep it perennially in
demand as one of the best gift books in the long catalogue of household
treasures. The illustrations are abundant and exquisite. There are full
page pictures, tiny ones, panel ones, head pieces, end pieces; some
woven into the text, some the key-note of the stanzas, some of broad
suggestions, some of quaint conceit. All subjects that bring up home
associations are pictorially told in what, as to the rule, is the best
of engraving. The old water-wheel is there, making music in the village
glen; the limpid stream winding near the farmhouse; the spinning-wheel,
"merrily, noisily, cheerily whirring;" the baby of the home saying her
evening prayer, and John asleep beneath the summer boughs. Everything
that clusters about the fireside, breathes in farewells, sings in
marriage and throbs in love, finds embodiment. The idea of home
comprises everything we hold dear--wife, children, friends; the roof
that covers us, and the things we have learned to love about us. It lies
at the very foundation of religion, and our ideal of heaven is simply a
home. It is the love of home which strengthens us to endure toil,
privation and suffering, and thousands in all ages have met death
willingly to sustain the sanctity of their hearthstones. There is not a
poet who has lived since the dawn of historic times who has not sung its
praises, and from the vast amount of literature which has thus grown up,
the contents of the present work have been selected. The compiler has
shown rare judgment in the performance of his task, he justly says that
the treatment of this subject has not been confined to the great poets.
"It is not the poetry of the intellect, but of the heart; and many who
have been eloquent on no other theme, have sung the praises of home in a
way that has touched the hearts of thousands." The collection,
therefore, includes not only the productions of the masters, but those
of many a minor poet as well. The paper is beautifully white and clear,
the margin liberal, and the binding at once chaste and elegant. It will
make a book for the household; "one not for a day, but for all time."
8mo, Russia leather, seal grain, $6.00.

       *       *       *       *       *


As an indication of the great interest aroused by the matter of one of
the recent publications of D. Lothrop & Co., while it was passing
through the WIDE AWAKE magazine in serial form, we print the following
letter written from BROOKLINE, Mass., and dated Oct. 6, 1884, and signed
"A well wisher."


    We have read with great interest the "Anna Maria Housekeeping
    Talks," and think you could not do a better work than to publish
    them in a cheap form, so as to be within the reach of almost any
    one, and so ladies could buy them for their servants to read, It
    cannot fail of success, it seems to me. The "talks" are too good
    to have their light "hid under a bushel," and ought to be in the
    hands of every one who has a house in charge, whether servant or

In accordance with the general desire expressed in this and similar
letters, the publishers have presented the papers in an attractive 16mo
volume, published at $1.00. The subjects treated of embrace directions
for the table and kitchen departments, the general arrangement and
adornment of rooms, matters of dress and domestic economy, and
numberless small details which every young girl will desire to be posted
upon, and which even trained housekeepers are often grateful for being
reminded of.

       *       *       *       *       *


Among selections of the choicest works of best authors, in this
department, are George Eliot's story of HOW LISA LOVED THE KING, and her
splendid hymn, O MAY I JOIN THE CHOIR INVISIBLE; Tennyson's MAUD, AND
beautiful poem THE LOST CHORD; the favorite Christian songs, THE NINETY
AND NINE, and JESUS, LOVER OF MY SOUL; and the popular song, THE OLD
OAKEN BUCKET. Each volume in this Series is furnished in elegant cloth
bindings, or fringed floral bindings at $1.50 each.


Book lovers whose critical judgment extends to the binding as well as to
the contents of a volume, will find something quite to their taste in
Lothrop's new list of Illustrated Library Editions, which includes a
selection of favorites presented in a form most acceptable to
gift-makers, and very desirable for library use. The illustrations are
by notable artists, and admirably suited to the text. In this class may
be mentioned among others the volumes named below, which are published
in 8vo form, extra cloth, in morocco, full gilt, at the wonderfully low
prices indicated.

_POETS' HOMES._ The desire of multitudes to know something of the home
life of the poets whose verses have become familiar in every household,
will find gratification in the attractive one-volume edition of the
delightful sketches edited by R.H. Stoddard, Arthur Gilman, and others,
under the title of POETS' HOMES. It contains appreciative chapters upon
Bryant, Longfellow, Whittier, Trowbridge, Lowell, Homes, Bayard Taylor,
Mr. and Mrs. Piatt, Stedman, Aldrich, and other poets of reputation. The
homes of these poets are described in charming sketches, many of which
are accompanied by portraits and other illustrations. Cloth, $4.00,
Morocco, $8.00.

_HAYNE'S POEMS._ The welcome accorded to the first edition of the
"Poetical Works of Paul H. Hayne," has led to the publication of a new
edition. The critical estimate of Mr. Hayne's works, favorable from the
outset, accords him a place among the few American writers whose works
are likely to have a permanent place in public favor. As has been
appreciatively said, "He is a songster of the Southern groves, and
having built a nest in the wild wood (referring to his country home at
Copse Hill), he is content in the companionship of his mate and his
young, warbling to nature and to nature's God. If his notes reach beyond
his sylvan hall, and fall upon ears without its wall, and plaudits of
approval come in return, he trills responsively a grateful melody, and
resumes his solo as he would do had no _encore_ greeted him." Cloth,
$4.00, Morocco, $7.00.

In the same attractive bindings, are the following complete Works of
_FAMOUS POETS_ at uniform prices, extra cloth, full gilt, $3.00.
Morocco, full gilt, $6.00.

_WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE._ Edited, with a critical Biography, by William
Michael Rossetti. With an essay on the Chronology of Shakespeare's
Plays, by Edward Dowden, LL. D. A History of the Drama in England to the
Time of Shakespeare, by Arthur Gilman, M.A. A Critical Introduction to
each Play, by Augustus W. Von Schlegel. An Essay on Shakespeare's
Indebtedness to the Bible, a List of early editions to Shakespeare's
Plays; an Index to noteworthy Scenes; an Index to all the Characters; a
List of the Songs in the Plays; an Index to familiar Quotations, and a
carefully prepared Glossary, Shakespeare's Will, etc. The above
illustrative matter makes this the best-furnished one-volume edition in
the market.

_LORD BYRON_, with portrait, correspondence, and notes, by Sir John
Gilbert, W.J. Linton and others.

_ROBERT BURNS._ With portrait, correspondence and notes, edited by Allan

_GOETHE._ Translated in the original metres by Edgar Alfred Browning,

_JEAN INGELOW._ Including "The Shepherd Lady." 400 pages.


Lord Macaulay's _LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME._ With _IVRY_ and the _ARMADA._
With illustration by Wequelin.

_OWEN MEREDITH_ (Robert, Lord Lytton). "Lucille," "The Apple of Life,"
"The Wanderer," etc.

_JOHN MILTON._ With Memoir, Introduction and Notes, by David Masson,
M.A., LL. D.

_THOMAS MOORE._ Unabridged. With explanatory notes.

_ADELAIDE A. PROCTER._ There are, in this volume, gems of as noble and
perfect poetry as in any language.--_London Athenæum._

_JOHANN C.F. VON SCHILLER._ The finest one-volume edition of the works
of this favorite poet.

_SIR WALTER SCOTT._ Including introduction and notes.

_PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY._ "No poet was ever warmed by a more genuine or
unforced inspiration."

_ALFRED TENNYSON._ Including all the latest poems. Illustrated by
Gustave Doré, W. Holman Hunt and others.


This series presents a selection of books, remarkable for the rare and
enduring value of their contents, and made additionally attractive by
the form in which they are published. The volumes are of the semi-square
shape which offers such excellent opportunities for the best effects in
simple but elegant typography and binding, and the results will be in
the highest degree satisfactory to all lovers of handsome books. The
series takes its name from the book first upon the list.

_THE GOLDEN TREASURY_, edited by Francis Turner Palgrave, consists of
selections made with rare discrimination from the very best of English
songs and lyrical poems.

_IN THE BOOK OF PRAISE_, Sir Roundell Palmer, with a just appreciation
of their merits and a devout sympathy with their spirit, has brought
together, from the range of English hymns, those which are worthy of a
permanent place in public favor.

_THE BALLAD BOOK_, edited with no less painstaking care, and excellence
in judgment, by William Allingham, includes an unsurpassed selection of
the representative ballads which have won fame and favor for the bards
of Britain. In no other form is so rare and pleasing a collection of
British ballads to be found.

Of the volume which includes those masterpieces of Sir Walter Scott,
explanatory words are necessary. These poems in the future, as in the
past, will hold undisputed place among the gems of classic literature.

The popularity of England's Poet Laureate makes it equally unnecessary
to more than present the title of the next volume upon the list, _THE

Lord Macaulay's _LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME, IVRY_, and the _ARMADA_, is
another volume upon which comment is needless.

_RELIGIOUS POEMS_ is an admirable selection, reflecting the life and
sentiments of the Christian believer.

_IN THE MIND AND WORDS OF JESUS_, by Rev. T.R. Macduff, we have a
masterly interpretation of the thoughts and utterances of the Divine
Teacher, so full of deep insight, of spirituality, and helpfulness, as
to seem little less than inspired.

This series of standard books would be incomplete without the name of
Bunyan and his _PILGRIM'S PROGRESS_, which concludes the list.

Each volume is beautifully illustrated and printed on the finest paper.
To their other excellent features is added a price which cannot fail to
make them popular. Vellum, cloth, $1.25 each.


"The significance of the name of this series is seen from the fact that
THOUGHTS THAT BREATHE, for instance, has 300 pages, and contains 273
separately numbered and independent extracts. Thus a person can read one
or more of these at a time, and put the book down without breaking the
train of thought." 6 vols, 12mo, $5.00. 6 vols, imitation half calf.
$7.50. 6 vols, full imitation calf. $9.00.

_RIGHT TO THE POINT._ From the writings of Theodore L. Cuyler, D.D.,
selected by Mary Storrs Haynes. With an introduction by Rev. Newman

Pithy paragraphs on a wide range of subjects, not one of which but will
be found to contain some terse, sparkling truth worthy of thought and
attention. A spare ten minutes devoted to such reading can never be

_THOUGHT THAT BREATHE._ From the writings of Dean Stanley. Introduction
by Rev. Phillips Brooks. The numerous admirers on this side of the water
of the late eloquent English churchman, will be grateful for this
volume, which contains some of his best utterances. 16mo, cloth, $1.00.

_CHEERFUL WORDS._ From George MacDonald. Introduction by James T.

_THE MIGHT OF RIGHT._ From Rt. Hon. Wm. E. Gladstone. Introduction by
John D. Long.

_TRUE MANLINESS._ From Thomas Hughes. Introduction by James Russell

_LIVING TRUTHS._ From Charles Kingsley. Introduction by W.D. Howells.


"_Bronckton Series._" SO AS BY FIRE, by Margaret Sidney. A bright story
full of life and interest, as are all the writings by this popular

_HALF YEAR AT BRONCKTON_, by the same author. Earnest, yet lively, this
is just the book for all boys old enough to be subjected to the
temptations of school life.

The other books of this series, "Tempter Behind," by John Saunders, "For
Mack's Sake," by S.J. Burke, and "Class of '70," by Helena V. Morrison,
are all worthy of a place in every Sunday-school library.

Amaranth Library. 4 vols., 12mo, illust.                      $6.00
Books by the author of Andy Luttrell. 6 vols., 12mo, illust.   7.50
Julia A. Eastman's Books. 6 vols., 12mo, illust.               7.50
Ella Farman's Books. 9 vols., large 16mo, illust.             10.00
Pansy Series. 4 vols.                                          3.00
Mudge (Rev. Z.A.) Works. 3 vols.                               3.75
Porter (Mrs. A.E.) Books. 5 vols.                              6.25
Capron (M.J.) Books. 4 vols.                                   6.00
Mrs. E.D. Kendall's Books. 3 vols., 12mo, illust.              3.75
Our Boy's Library. 5 vols., illust.                            6.25
Our Girls' Library. 5 vols., illust.                           6.25
Snow Family Library. 5 vols., illust.                          5.00
Sturdy Jack Series. 6 vols., 12mo, illust.                     4.50
To-day Series. New and of extraordinary excellence. 6 vols.,
    illust.                                                    7.50
Child Life Series. 26 vols., illust. Each                      1.00
Hill Rest Series. 3 vols., 16mo, illust.                       3.75
Uncle Max Series. 8 vols., illust.                             6.00
Yensie Walton Books. 5 vols., 12mo, illust.                    7.50


Nothing at once so good and cheap is anywhere to be found. These choice
16mo volumes of 300 to 500 pages, clear type, carefully printed, with
handsome and durable covers of manilla paper, and embracing some of the
best stories by popular American authors, are published at the low price
of 25 cents per volume, and mailed postpaid. One number issued each
month. No second edition will be printed in this style. The regular
edition is issued in cloth bindings at $1.25 to $1.75 per volume. Among
the numbers already published at 25 cents each as above are

1. Tip Lewis and his lamp, by PANSY.
2. Margie's Mission by MARIE OLIVER.
3. Kitty Kent's Trouble, by JULIA A. EASTMAN.
4. Mrs. Hurd's Niece, by ELLA FARMAN PRATT, editor of WIDE AWAKE.
5. Evening Rest, by REV. J.L. PRATT.

Other equally charming stories will follow each month. The Library is
especially commended to Sunday-school superintendents or those
interested in securing choice Sunday-school books at lowest prices.
Attention is called to the necessity of early orders, as when the
present editions are exhausted, no more copies of the several volumes
can be had at the same price.


Admirable books in history, biography and story.

Fern Glen Series. 31 vols., illust. Each                      1.25
Young Folks' Series. 33 vols., illust. Each                   1.50
Popular Biographies. 18 vols., illust. Each                   1.50
Young Folks' Histories, by MISS YONGE and others. 10 vols.,
     illust. Each                                             1.50
Yonge's Historical Stories. 4 vols., illust. Each             1.25
The $1000 Prize Books. A fresh edition in new style of
     binding. 16 vols., 12mo.                                24.50
The new $500 Prize Series. A fresh edition in new style of
     binding. 13 vols., 12mo.                                16.75
The Original $500 Prize Series. A fresh edition in new style
     of binding. 8 vols., 12mo.                              12.00


No Sunday-school library is complete without some well-chosen volumes
showing the evils of intemperance, the great curse which good men and
women are everywhere endeavoring to remove.

D. Lothrop & Co. publish among others the following admirable temperance

The only way Out. By J.W. Willing.                 $1.50
John Bremm. By A.A. Hopkins.                        1.25
Sinner and Saint. by A.A. Hopkins                   1.25
The Tempter Behind. By John Saunders.               1.25
Good Work. By Mary D. Chellis.                      1.50
Mystery of the Lodge. By Mary D. Chellis.           1.50
Finished or Not. By the author of "Fabrics."        1.50
Modern Prophets. By Pansy and Faye Huntington.      1.50
May Bell. By Hubert Newbury.                        1.50

_TEMPERANCE REFORMATION_, The, and Its Claims upon the Christian Church.
By Rev. James Smith, of Scotland. 8 vo. $2.50.

Sunday-school teachers and superintendents will find the above books
admirably adapted to the purpose of teaching great moral lessons, while
they are also full of pleasure and interest to young readers.


Among attractive and valuable Libraries issued in sets at prices which
place them not only beyond competition, but within the easy reach of
all, are

Best Way Series. 3 vols., illust.                            $1.50
Half Hour Library, by PANSY. 8 vols., illust.                 3.20
Little People's Home Library. 12 vols., illust.               3.00
Little Pansy Series. 10 vols., illust. Cloth, $4.00; boards.  3.00
Little May's Picture Library. 12 vols., illust.               2.40
Mother's Boys and Girls, by PANSY. 12 vols., illust.          3.00
Rainy Day Library. 8 vols., illust.                           4.00
Spring Blossom. 12 vols., illust.                             3.00
Stories from the Bible, 1st and 2d Series. Each                .15
Twisty Clover Series. 6 vols., illust.                        1.20
Happy Thought Library. 6 vols., large 18mo, illust.           3.00
Little Neighbor Series. 6 vols., large 18mo, illust.          1.50
May and Tom Library. 5 vols., 18mo, illust.                   3.00
Sunny Dell Series. 6 vols., 18mo, illust.                     3.60
Side by Side library. 3 vols., 16mo, illust.                  1.80


The works of this popular author are universally acknowledged to be
among the very best of all books for Sunday-school reading. Earnest,
hopeful, practical, full of the spirit of Christian faith and courage,
they are also in the highest degree interesting.


_Each volume, 12mo, $1.50._

Chautauqua Girls at Home.

Divers Women.

Echoing and Re-echoing.

Endless Chain (An).

Ester Ried.

Ester Ried Yet Speaking.

Four Girls at Chautauqua.

From different Standpoints.

Hall in the Grove (The).

Household Puzzles.

Julia Ried.

King's Daughter (The).

Links in Rebecca's Life.

Mrs. Solomon Smith Looking On.

Modern Prophets.

Man of the House (The).

New Graft on the Family Tree (A).

Pocket Measure (The).

Ruth Erskine's Crosses.

Randolphs (The).

Sidney Martin's Christmas.

Those Boys.

Three People.

Tip Lewis and his Lamp.

Wise and Otherwise.

_Each volume, 12mo, $1.25._

Cunning Workmen.

Dr. Deane's Way.

Grandpa's Darlings.

Miss Priscilla Hunter and My Daughter Susan.

Mrs. Deane's Way.

What she Said.

_Each volume, 12mo, $1.00._

Five Friends.

Mrs. Harry Harper's Awakening.

Next Things.

Pansy's Scrap Book.

Some young Heroines.

_Each volume, 12mo, 75 cents._

Getting Ahead.

Mary Burton Abroad.


Six little Girls.

That Boy Bob.

Two Boys.

_Each volume, 16mo, 75 cents._

Bernie's White Chicken.

Docia's Journal.

Helen Lester.

Jessie Wells.


Hedge Fence (A)., 16mo, 60c.

Side by Side, 16mo, 60c.

Pansy's Picture Book. 4to, boards, 1.50; cloth 2.00

The little Pansy Series. 10 vols., boards, 3.00; cloth 4.00

Mother's Boys and Girls Library. 12 vols., quarto, boards. 3.00


Among the new books by this favorite author, which Sunday-school
superintendents and all readers of her previous books will wish to
order, are

A HEDGE FENCE. A story that will be particularly pleasing to boys, most
of whom will find in its hero a fair representation of themselves. 16mo,
60 cents.

AN ENDLESS CHAIN. From the introduction, on the first page, of the new
superintendent of the Packard Place Sabbath-school, to the end, there is
no flagging of interest in this bright, fresh, wholesome story.
Illustrated, 12mo, $1.50.

SIDE BY SIDE. Short illustrated stories from Bible texts for the help of
boys and girls in their everyday duties. 16mo, cloth, 60 cents.

CHRISTIE'S CHRISTMAS. No more charming little heroine can be found than
the Christie of this volume, and the story of her journey to spend
Christmas, with the great variety of characters introduced, all of them
original and individual in their way, is perfectly novel and

As a guide to teachers, rich in suggestions and directions for methods
of teaching, etc., there is nothing better than PANSY'S SCRAP BOOK.
12mo. Cloth, Illustrated $1.00.

In fact all of Pansy's books have some special charm or attraction which
makes them a power for good wherever read.


_Every book in these marvellously cheap libraries will bear the closest
criticism_. Each is fresh and interesting in matter, unexceptionable in
tone and excellent in literary style. These libraries as a whole,
considering their character and cost _have no superiors_.

Select Sunday-school Library, No. 12, 20 vols., $5.00 net.
" " " No. 9, 50 vols., 25.00 net.
" " " No. 10, 12 vols., 5.00 net.
" " " No. 11, 20 vols., 10.00 net.
Pansy's Primary Library, 30 vols. 7.50 net.
Select Primary Sunday-school Library, 36 vols.,
  in extra cloth binding. 5.50 net.


BIBLE READER, THE. By Rev. H.V. Dexter, D.D. 16mo, .50.

Clark. 18 numbers 5 cts. each. Bound in 16mo. vol, cloth, $1.00.

BIBLE PICTURES. By Rev. Geo. B. Ide, D.D. 12mo, $2.00.

cloth, $1.25.

HELP FOR SUNDAY-SCHOOL CONCERTS. By A.P. and M.T. Folsom. 16mo, $1.00.

SELF-GIVING. A story of Christian missions. By Rev. W.F. Bainbridge.
12mo, cloth, illustrated, $1.50.

ROCK OF AGES. By Rev. S.F. Smith, D.D. A choice collection of religious
poems. 18mo, cloth, gilt edges, $1.25.

STUDY OF NAHUM (A). By Professor Thos. H. Rich, 16mo, $.40.

Butterworth. 12mo, illustrated, $1.50.

WALKS TO EMMAUS. By Rev. Nehemiah Adams. Charming specimens of sermon
literature. 12mo, $1.00.

WARS OF THE JEWS. By Flavius Josephus. Translated by William Whiston,
M.A. 8vo, cloth, plain, $1.00. Extra cloth, gilt top, fully illustrated,

WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT [The]; or, The New Birth. By Prof. Austin
Phelps, D.D. 16mo, $1.25.


It is often a difficult matter to determine what to use for
Sunday-school anniversaries, etc. To those in doubt, we would suggest
the use of the following capital aids:

Clark. 18 numbers, 5 cents each. Bound in one 16mo volume, cloth, $1.00.

collection of poems. 16mo, $1.00.

ENTERTAINMENTS. By Lizzie W. Champney. For concerts, exhibitions, church
festivals, etc. 15mo, Illustrated. $1.00.


The above, and a thousand other choice books which cannot be mentioned
here, mention, make up a list from which superintendents and teachers
can easily select a VALUABLE LIBRARY at a low price. Send for full
catalogue, mailed free, and for special terms to those ordering any
number of volumes. Any book sent postage paid on receipt of price.



       *       *       *       *       *

"_WE HAVE NOTHING AS GOOD._"--N.Y. Independent.

       *       *       *       *       *

Arthur Gilman's History of the American People.

    The publishers embrace the opportunity afforded by the
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    bring together a few extracts from the large number of
    commendatory reviews that it has been favored with. They exhibit
    a singular unanimity of opinion.

       *       *       *       *       *

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the book, it is _marvellously full_; and considering the long story to
be told, crowded with fact and detail; _the graceful style, warm
coloring and general lifelike animation_ of the books is a still greater

"Mr. Gilman writes with a happy pen which _never fumbles for a word_,
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He puts in telling and characteristic facts. He is good in topography,
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expressing his opinion on controverted questions, but carries such a
happy art in his boldness that it will never lose him a reader. His
account of the constitutional debate and of the political situation at
the close of the Revolutionary War, and the brief touches in the
subsequent development of political history, are done well. Working very
much on the general lines and methods of Mr. Green, in his history of
the English people, he notes the progress of the arts of life, of
literature, education and social life, and in discussing political
affairs, brings, them up to the high standard of independent liberalism.
_The book is well manufactured_, with good paper and open, clear
type."--New York _Independent._

"Mr. Gilman has rehearsed the interesting and wonderful story of the
people of these United States in a _clear and concise_ way, and has
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and other contemporary writings.... The book opens with a condensed and
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beginning with that of Columbus; and among the subjects presented with a
reasonable degree of fulness may be enumerated the efforts towards union
form 1637 to the adoption of the Constitution, and the nature and
influence of the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions of 1798 and 1799....
The growth of the feeling of nationality is well brought out.... The
slavery struggle is well described.... The last chapter in the book, on
the 'Era of Progressive National Life,' is exceptionally well
written.... The most agreeable portions of the volume, however, are
those wherein the habits and manners of the past are described.... The
books contains very many (173) wood-cuts which have been selected with
great care and god judgment.... An excellent index closes the book, and
the publishers are to be congratulated on the mechanical excellence of
the volume. In fine, _it is the most attractive one-volume History of
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instruction.... The contents are succinctly massed; the statements
embody facts, not speculations. It is a book that will be popular and it
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"This work sustains the already established reputation of the author.
The extreme care with which the facts have been collated, and the
attention shown to the latest results of investigation and discussion
even in minor matters, make it _very valuable as a book of
reference._"--_Berkshire Co. Eagle._

"The author shows rare tact and wisdom."--_Chicago Inter-Ocean._

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movement."--_New York Home Journal._

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various stages in our national career. It is a good book for out-loud
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Pennsylvania State College.

       *       *       *       *       *

12mo, cloth, illustrated, $1.50; Crown, 8vo, cloth, illustrated, gilt
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       *       *       *       *       *


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       *       *       *       *       *




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a boyish scrape, wishes for something like a hedge fence to keep him
from running into trouble. In a manner which will be delightfully
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tells us how the hero of her story found a hedge which stood between him
and mischief. The book will benefit and please every boy who reads it,
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How They went to Europe.

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New Year's Tangles, AND OTHER STORIES.

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_12mo, 256 pages_, $1.00.

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Share. A graphic record of other days long before the time of Western
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Side by Side.

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cloth_, $1.50. _Half Russia_, $2.00.

       *       *       *       *       *


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_Housekeeper's Library, 16mo, extra cloth_,$1.00.

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disparagers of such toilers it will bear most useful lessons. _Paper_, 6

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Early American Voyages made in search of the Northwest Passage.
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the study of which every reader will find delight and profit. _12mo,
fully illustrated_,$1.50.

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Plain, practical lessons for girls and young housekeepers of small
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Endless Chain (An).

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are as natural and acceptable and wholesome. This is the explanation of
their marvellous popularity; and the explanation itself is explained by
the fact that Mrs. Alden derives the inspiration for all of her work
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Far From Home.

From the German of Johannes Van Derval, translated by Kathrine Hamilton.
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Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C. _12mo, cloth_, $1.25.

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have together prepared a valuable book of counsel for mothers, teachers,
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its suggestions provoke reflection and action, and its influence in the
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[Illustration: Verse inside the illustration:

  Said Tom, "I've little time
    For luxuries like these;
  But get your lantern, Pussy Grey,
    And hurry about it, please,
  For I've found a door ajar,
  And I think our chances are
    Good for a bit of cheese."

  "Ah, Tom," cried Pussy Grey,
    "I fear you're a wicked one!
  But wait, I'll light my lantern quick
    And put my ulster on!"
  The twirl of a furry paw
  Was all the firelight saw,
    And the thieving friends were gone.

  Not the noise of one footfall
    Was made by their twice four,
  As they sped along in silent stealth
    And reached the dairy door.
  It was open the merest crack,
  And they pushed the hinges back,
    And crept along the floor.

_From Æsop's Fables, Versified._]


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