The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 08, August, 1888

By Various

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Title: American Missionary, August, 1888, (Vol. XLII, No. 8)

Author: Various

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Language: English


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August, 1888.

Vol. XLII.  No. 8.



  NOTES IN THE SADDLE. By District Secretary Ryder.






       *       *       *       *       *



Rooms, 56 Reade Street.

       *       *       *       *       *

Price, 50 Cents a Year, in Advance.

Entered at the Post Office at New York, N.Y., as second class matter.

American Missionary Association.

       *       *       *       *       *



Rev. A.J.F. BEHRENDS, D.D., N.Y.
Rev. ALEX. McKENZIE, D.D., Mass.
Rev. F.A. NOBLE, D.D., Ill.
Rev. D.O. MEARS, D.D., Mass.

_Corresponding Secretaries._

Rev. M.E. STRIEBY, D.D., _56 Reade Street, N.Y._
Rev. A.F. BEARD, D.D., _56 Reade Street, N.Y._


H.W. HUBBARD, Esq., _56 Reads Street, N.Y._



_Executive Committee._


_For Three Years._

_For Two Years_

_For One Year._

_District Secretaries._

Rev. C.J. RYDER, _21 Cong'l House, Boston._
Rev. J.E. ROY, D.D., _151 Washington Street, Chicago._

_Financial Secretary for Indian Missions._


_Secretary of Woman's Bureau._

Miss D.E. EMERSON, _56 Reade St., N.Y._

       *       *       *       *       *


Relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the
Corresponding Secretaries; letters for "THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY," to
the Editor, at the New York Office.


In drafts, checks, registered letters, or post-office orders, may be
sent to H.W. Hubbard, Treasurer, 56 Reade Street, New York, or, when
more convenient, to either of the Branch Offices, 21 Congregational
House, Boston, Mass., or 151 Washington Street, Chicago, Ill. A
payment of thirty dollars at one time constitutes a Life Member.


"I bequeath to my executor (or executors) the sum of ---- dollars, in
trust, to pay the same in ---- days after my decease to the person who,
when the same is payable, shall act as Treasurer of the 'American
Missionary Association,' of New York City, to be applied, under the
direction of the Executive Committee of the Association, to its
charitable uses and purposes." The Will should be attested by three

       *       *       *       *       *


VOL. XLII.       AUGUST, 1888.        No. 8.

=American Missionary Association.=

       *       *       *       *       *


Our receipts for the nine months ending June 30 are $214,434.40, an
increase of $10,913.66, as compared with the corresponding months of
last year. The increase of receipts from legacies is only $184.81,
showing that almost the entire increase is from collections, and this
we regard as the genuine test of the confidence of our patrons in the
work of the Association. On the other hand, a large part of this
increase is for special objects, and does not aid us in meeting
regular appropriations. We must add, also, that our expenditures
during the last nine months have been $21,828.95 greater than for the
same months last year. These facts point inevitably to the
trilemma--debt, curtailment or increased receipts.

It is easy to say "retrench," and if it is the unmistakable call of
the churches, we must do it. But we wish to present another aspect of
the subject. In a case where enlargement in the way of new or
improved buildings is imperatively demanded to ensure the usefulness
of the school, and where there comes to us Providentially, and
without solicitation on our part, the proffer of the money to make
those enlargements, is it our duty to refuse that money? If our
constituents have the facts before them, we, as their agents, will
cheerfully abide their decision. To this end will be found below the
sketch of a conversation, not imaginary, but which actually occurred,
and which will present some of these facts. We ask our patrons to
read it and then to decide whether our action in these cases was
right, and, if so, whether it should be a guide for the future.

       *       *       *       *       *


About two years ago a gentleman came to this office, and said to one
of the Secretaries:

"If a person has eight or ten thousand dollars which he would like to
devote to some good object, where would you advise him to give it?"

To this the Secretary promptly replied: "To the American Missionary
Association, of course."

"All right," said the gentleman, "but to what special purpose would
you advise it to be applied?"

"Our great need," said the Secretary, "is to meet current expenses,
and I would advise that it be devoted to that."

A little further conversation revealed the pleasant fact that the
gentleman had that sum of money at his disposal, but that he had a
very decided wish that it should be used for the erection of
permanent buildings. The Secretary suggested the obvious fact that
added plant meant increased expense, and that we hardly dared to
promise to meet that.

"But," said the gentleman, "are there not places in your work where
new buildings are greatly needed?"

"Most assuredly," the Secretary replied, "there are many places where
such buildings are needed."

He was asked to give details, which he did.

Among the schools mentioned by him was one in which the scholars were
inadequately provided with dormitory and recitation room facilities,
and where the industries were crowded into old cabins and attic

After hearing these details, our visitor, who is a judicious and
prosperous business man as well as a benevolent Christian, said,
"These new buildings are needed. I offer you the money for the two
buildings at the place you have last named. I know it will increase
somewhat your current expenses, but _can't you trust the churches to
come to your help?_"

The results of that and subsequent interviews are two fine buildings,
one giving adequate school accommodations, and the other giving a
large and commodious shop, facilitating both instruction and

Subsequently, the same large-hearted and liberal gentleman repeated
his benefaction where equally needed enlargement will soon be

Once more. In a Southern city our school building is too small, the
lot does not permit industrial work, and changes in the population
have surrounded the locality with saloons and houses of ill-fame. A
change must be made or we must abandon the place. A lady who knows
these facts offers to give us $2,000 with which to purchase four
acres of land most eligibly situated for our work, and to give us
the money to build a school-house with eight large school-rooms with
commodious fixtures and appliances. All this, of course, implies more
teachers and additional running expense. Shall we accept the gift and
trust the churches to furnish the money? Or, to state the matter in
general terms: When the need for enlargement is very great, and God
sends to us benevolent donors, who are willing to furnish the means
for the enlargement, are we wrong in trusting the churches for their
part of the needed help? We believe we are not. We think the
churches would regard us as recreant to our trust if we refused to
take the funds thus providentially proffered to us.

But our story is not all told. Other donors in the last few years
have done likewise, and there still are cases where the pressure for
enlargement is as great as in any of the instances given. We must
mention one. In a large Southern city our school building is so
inadequate that the Principal writes: "We have an extremely large
school, and yet nearly three hundred pupils were turned off for lack
of seating capacity." In addition to this, the Teachers' Home
adjoining the school building, which was once a Southern home, is
unhealthy from inadequate under-drainage. We have repeatedly
attempted to remedy this difficulty and at considerable cost. We are
satisfied that to spend more money for such a purpose is a waste.
The only true remedy is to remove the present home, connecting it
with the school-building for additional school-rooms, and then, on
the vacant site, to erect a new home with proper foundations. If any
benevolent person should offer us the means for making these
changes, we fear we have not the self-denial to refuse, unless the
churches or benevolent individuals for whom we act shall command us
to do so. We await the response they will give.

       *       *       *       *       *



We give below a copy of the last order received from the Interior
Department in relation to the vernacular.

    "1st. In Government schools no text-books and no oral
    instruction in the vernacular will be allowed, but all text-books
    and instruction must be in the English language. No departure
    from this rule will be allowed, except when absolutely necessary
    to rudimentary instruction in English. But it is permitted to
    read from the Bible in the vernacular at the daily opening of
    school, when English is not understood by the pupils.

    "2d. In schools where Indian children are placed under contract,
    or to which the Government contributes in any manner, the same
    rule shall be observed in all secular instruction. Religious
    instruction in the vernacular may be allowed in such schools,
    both by the text-book and orally, provided not more than
    one-fourth of the time is devoted to such instruction.

    "3d. In purely mission schools--that is, in schools toward whose
    support the Government contributes nothing--religious and other
    instruction may be conducted in the manner approved by those who
    maintain the schools, provided that one-half of the school hours
    shall be employed in instruction in English.

    "4th. Only native Indian teachers will be permitted to teach
    otherwise in any Indian vernacular, and these native teachers
    will only be allowed so to teach in schools not supported in
    whole or in part by the Government, and where there are no
    Government or contract schools where English is taught. These
    native teachers are allowed to teach in the vernacular only with
    a view of reaching those Indians who cannot have the advantage of
    instruction in English.

    "5th. A theological class of Indian young men, supported wholly
    by mission funds, may be trained in the vernacular at any
    missionary school supported in whole or in part by missionary
    societies, the object being to prepare them for the ministry,
    whose subsequent work shall be confined to preaching, unless they
    are employed as teachers in remote settlements where English
    schools are inaccessible.

    "6th. These rules are not intended to prevent the possession or
    use by any Indian of the Bible published in the vernacular; but
    such possession or use shall not interfere with the teaching of
    the English language to the extent and in the manner hereinbefore


This order presents a great and gratifying modification of those
extreme rulings of the Department which occasioned so much
dissatisfaction among the churches. While we rejoice in these
modifications, we must not conceal from ourselves or our readers
the fact, that the main point against which objection has been so
strenuously urged--the right of the churches to be guided by their
own wisdom and experience in expending their own funds--is not
granted by this order, as will be seen in Article 3. "In purely
mission schools," "toward whose support the Government contributes
nothing," it dictates that "one-half of the school-hours shall be
employed in instruction in English." So far as the principle is
concerned, nothing is yielded. The Government still assumes to
control these schools, and to tell the missionaries how much of the
vernacular they may use, and how they must divide the hours between
the two languages.

The regulation, moreover, fixes upon "one-half of the school hours"
without any obvious reason for taking that number rather than
one-fourth or three-fourths, for it does not take into account the
different conditions of the pupils as to their knowledge of the
English language. It requires a double set of text-books if the
vernacular be taught at all. Whether the churches will acquiesce in
this regulation, will depend, we think, upon how rigidly it is
enforced. We regret that the Government, while attempting to meet
the wishes of the churches, could not have done it in a more broad
and generous method, by conceding their right to manage their own
missionary affairs without interference or dictation.

       *       *       *       *       *

The numerous solicitors from the South for the benefactions of our
friends at the North impel us to increased caution in regard to our
endorsements. We are anxious that our friends should give, but we are
equally anxious that they should not be imposed upon. Hereafter, we
shall give a letter of commendation to any of our workers who may be
authorized by us to come North for help, signed by one of the
Secretaries or one of the District Secretaries, and these will be
good for one year from the date, and any pastors or friends of the
Association can feel at liberty to ask for the letter. If persons
assuming to solicit funds for any part of the A.M.A's work cannot
produce such letters, the failure may be taken as a reason for
withholding confidence. We think this is due to our friends at the
North and to our faithful and honored workers at the South.

       *       *       *       *       *

Professor Lawrence, of Jellico, Tenn., who was so seriously injured
by an unprovoked and cowardly attack, is, we are happy to learn,
slowly improving. Suffering, both from excruciating pain and from
great nervous prostration, all that a human being can endure and
live, yet he has borne it uncomplainingly. Large expenses have been
necessarily incurred for surgeon's, doctor's and nurse's bills, and
Mr. Lawrence is a poor man, working on a missionary salary, when he
might have received more elsewhere. As Professor Lawrence received
his injuries in the simple discharge of his duties as a teacher in
an A.M.A. school, our Committee will feel it their duty to render
him some pecuniary aid, and if any of our friends are disposed to
assist us in rendering such help, we shall be glad to receive their
donations for that purpose.

       *       *       *       *       *


This large and important gathering of the friends of Christian
missions throughout the world, held its session in Exeter Hall,
London, June 9-19.

This is the fourth great Missionary Conference. The first was in
Liverpool in 1860, the last was in London, held ten years ago. This
Conference far surpassed its predecessors in the numbers present, in
the completeness of the previous arrangements, and in the range and
importance of the topics discussed. The members numbered over 1,200,
gathered from all parts of the world. Nearly forty American Societies
were represented, six Canadian, fifteen Continental, and
fifty-four English, Scotch and Irish Societies.

One topic that received deserved attention was the curse of deluging
Africa with liquor by Christian nations, and the continued curse of
the opium traffic which England inflicts upon China.

From the brief reports which have reached us, we judge this
Conference to have been a very able and enthusiastic one, and that
it will probably give a new impulse to Christian missions throughout
the world.

       *       *       *       *       *

Secretary Beard represented the American Missionary Association in
the London Missionary Conference, agreeably to appointment by the
American Committee of the Conference. His paper was entitled,
"Christian Missions among the North American Indians." He also read
a paper which Secretary Strieby had prepared, by appointment of the
American Committee, on "The Freedmen of America as Factors in
African Evangelization." Dr. Beard attended the Conference on his
way to Europe to bring his family home. He is expected to return
about the first of September.

       *       *       *       *       *


The meeting of the Blue and the Gray on the field of Gettysburg at
the late anniversary celebration marks an era in national fraternity.
The orator of the day, George William Curtis, did a noble, perhaps we
might say courageous, deed in lifting the enthusiasm of the glad hour
above the remembrance of past heroism and present harmony to the
great duty of the nation--a free and fair ballot. A few lines culled
from the oration will give the thought.

    "The suffrage is the mainspring, the heart of our common life.
    If ignorance and semi-barbarous dominance be fatal to civilized
    communities, no less so is constant and deliberate defiance of

    "No honest man can delude himself with the theory that this is a
    local question. If there be a national question, which vitally
    interests every American citizen from the Penobscot to the Rio
    Grande, it is the question of a free legal ballot."

    "Can we wrest from the angel of this hour any blessing so
    priceless as the common resolution that we shall not have come to
    this consecrated spot only to declare our joy and gratitude, nor
    only to cherish proud and tender memories, but also to pledge
    ourselves to union in its sublimest significance?"

To this we add: The brave deeds of the soldier at Gettysburg, and the
wise counsels of the orator, should be followed by the patient toil
of the teacher and the preacher. It is hard to choose between the
ballot withheld and the ballot cast by ignorance and vice. Blood and
treasure flowed like water in the war. Shall treasure and toil be
wanting for the work of peace--preparing the ignorant voter to cast
the free ballot intelligently and honestly?

       *       *       *       *       *


    One of our best educated and most efficient colored ministers in
    the South furnishes us the following sketch of his experience on
    the auction block. He not only was sold "early and often," but
    always at advancing prices. We do not wonder at this, for he has
    shown himself to be so valuable as a _man_, that we are sure the
    boy must have promised to be worth a great deal as a slave.

I was sold in 1862 at the age of ten years, for $400, by the widow B.
of Virginia. As a rule, after the first sale, I was upon the auction
block every day for three months. How often I was sold during those
three months I cannot tell, but on Davis' auction block in his
sale-room I was sold five times in one day. The last sale at the end
of the three months was made in Tennessee, to the Rev. H.F.S., a
Baptist minister, who paid $3,500 for his property. The Rev. Mr. S.
was a "Yankee" from Philadelphia, Pa., and came South at the
breaking out of the war.

       *       *       *       *       *


Ques. Give a rule for the use of the period?

Ans. Every period must begin with a capital.

Ans. A period is a dot written to the end of a sentence and is used
to low the voice.

Ans. A period is used for the topage of a sentence and to make our
reading sound better than if we had no period.

Ques. What is the chief occupation in the South Atlantic States?

Ans. The ocoopations cold in the north part, but in the lower part
rain seldom fails.


The lesson was on The Ten Virgins, and the next Sunday the review
question was asked, "What was the lesson about last Sunday?" and a
bright boy gave the prompt answer, "About ten gals that went to a


My dear teacher, God be with you witch I know he will, as the Song
says God can see me every day when I work and when I play. again God
is always near me when I pray. I shall nor for get Miss H. her name
shall never die out Christ have mercy upon her If God calls her I
will spect to meet her in heven at the last trumpet shall sound. I
will be thair. Yours truly,

Robert ----

Dear teacher, I wish I could write good. I have not done my duty. I
will try the next time and do better. I am very sorry. I will try and
do better. May God help me to obey my teacher. Miss F. is sick. I
hope she will get better. I will try to be like Jesus. I have sign
the pledge and have kept it. Now I will close my bad lines. I hope
you will come back next year. Good by.

Your aff Scholar,

James ----

       *       *       *       *       *



    O face, all radiant with the light of love,
      O eyes, so laughing in their tenderness,
      So quick to read the language of distress;
    O lips, so touched with flame as from above,
      O man, with godhead stamped upon thy brow,
    And manhood beating in thy pulses strong,
    To stir thee up to stamp thy heel on wrong,
      That earth should have no more thy pattern now!
    No more should see thee on the wings of mercy sent!
    Thou hads't thy mortal years so wisely spent,
      That Heavën seemed too soon to crown thy brow;
    The veil of flesh was prematurely rent,
    And earthly glory with celestial blent.

       *       *       *       *       *

A college commencement is a marked event to all parties concerned,
and a good sketch of such an occasion furnishes interesting reading
to a very wide circle. We call the attention of our patrons to the
reports we make of the anniversaries in our Southern institutions.
Some of these reports appeared in the last MISSIONARY, some will be
found in this number, and others will be given in the next.

       *       *       *       *       *




Orthodoxy and orthography are by no means inseparable, as the
following letter proves. Correct views of Divine Sovereignty and very
indifferent spelling may go together in the same epistle.

"Dear Miss ----

"Dear Teacher, I am so much Thank you for your kindness of the
medicine which you have sent to me yesterday, until I cannot express
my gladness and feeling unto you in this world, but I hope God will
take good care off you even on death if I never have the plegure of
seeing your good and happy looking face any more.

"Your medicine has help me demegiately as I have took it. I hope God
will ever to be with in your Jerney throught life in well doing."

This letter came from a young lad in one of the lower grades of
school work. He had been seriously sick for weeks, and the teacher
to whom he wrote sat with him and ministered to his comfort after
the weary hours of her school work were over. This lad appreciated
her self-forgetful kindness; his heart was touched, and as she left
the malarial atmosphere of this Southern country for brief rest in
her Northern home, this boy sent her this letter. His letter is
"phonetic" and of the individual type, but I venture that the
tearful prayer going up to God from his grateful, loving, simple
heart may reach the Father's ear, and bring down a blessing upon his
loving friend as "demegiately" as the rounded periods of learned
lips. He evidently is no dusky Claudius whose confession must be:

    "My words fly up, my thoughts remain below;
    Words without thoughts never to Heaven go."

"What a privilege it is to be prayed for by such confiding souls,"
said the teacher as she handed me this letter.

       *       *       *       *       *

Speaking of prayer among the colored people, calls to mind a petition
offered for myself, when Field Superintendent, soon after my
appointment. An old black woman in New Orleans was called upon to
pray, after I had spoken to the people. She chanted her words in
soft, melodious tones, keeping time with her body swaying back and
forth, as she prayed. She prayed for the former superintendent, Dr.
Roy. She thanked God for his patient, loving care of the people. She
told the Lord how he went as a prophet of Israel, back and forth
among them, bringing the bread of Heaven to their hungry souls. She
sought Divine blessing, rich, full, free, upon him and all his loved
ones. Then she chanted in the liquid accent of the Creole, "And now,
O Father, bless our young brother the new superintender. Let him down
deep into the treasury of thy word and hide him 'hind de cross of
Jesus." And the heart of the "New Superintender" said "Amen and
Amen." That experience was what he needed.

How close to the great throbbing heart of God these simple children
of cotton-field and cabin come! In gaining intimate acquaintance with
them one is reminded of Heinrich Heine's confession in his notes on
Uncle Tom's Cabin:

"Astonishing! That after I have whirled about all my life over all
the dance floors of philosophy, and yielded myself to all the orgies
of the intellect * * * without satisfaction, like Massolina after a
licentious night, I now find myself on the same standpoint where poor
Uncle Tom stands--on that Bible. I kneel down by my black brother in
the same prayer! What humiliation! * * * Tom, perhaps, understands
these spiritual things better than I. * * * But a poor negro slave
reads with his back and understands better than we do. But I, who
used to make citations from Homer, now begin to quote the Bible as
Uncle Tom does. Poor Tom, indeed, seems to have seen deeper things
in the Holy Book than I."

       *       *       *       *       *

The letter quoted at the opening of these "Notes" hints another
thing. The A.M.A. teacher must frequently be a doctor, too. One lady
teacher in Alabama opened her chest of medicine and showed me a small
drug store curtained off from the sitting-room of her home. She had
made _materia medica_, a special study, and was a competent physician
in common diseases. Her house was a public dispensary, visited
frequently by her afflicted colored neighbors. What cannot these
teachers accomplish going out into these dark, diseased and
sin-smitten places of our own land, if only they go out in "His Name"
as they so often do!

       *       *       *       *       *

How all loyal hearts will rejoice in the good news that comes from
brave Lawrence's sick room! He is slowly improving, and there is
strong hope of his recovery. Thank God!!

A large public meeting has been held in Jellico, Tenn., in which the
"law-abiding citizens," expressed their intense condemnation of this
"brutal, but cowardly act of shooting Prof. Lawrence." This body of
citizens voted to prosecute the scoundrel Chandler, who did the
shooting, and raised the money _at once_ to carry forward that
prosecution! Good for Jellico, say we all!! Will Iowa permit
Tennessee to surpass her in the execution of whiskey murderers?

       *       *       *       *       *

"The Pansy Society," consisting of a company of seven girls and boys,
sent to the New England office of the A.M.A. $13 which _they had
themselves earned!_ What society of young people will be "next"? Here
is a work, especially a children's and young people's work, for
establishing schools, planting Sabbath schools, sending missionaries
into homes to teach the Ninety thousand mothers in a single Southern
State who cannot read! In a company of fifty children, the A.M.A.
teacher asked: "How many of you ever knelt at your mother's knee, or
at all in your home, and prayed?" _Not a single hand went up in all
that company!_ "Children's work for children;" "Mother's work for
mothers," are watchwords of the A.M.A., that should awaken
enthusiastic response and greatly increase the benefactions of all
toward this effort to Christianize the homes of our land!

       *       *       *       *       *



This is a marvelous institution. It is a reproduction of New England,
and that the finest; therein lies its supremacy and its _offense_.
The Glenn Bill, designed to ruin the institution, has had the usual
effect of such devices; it has improved decidedly the fortunes of the
school. Nothing advances a cause like persecution; the peculiar
advantage and irresistible power of the University are more manifest
than ever, and in the space of a few months it has gained a
reputation over the country, and won a place in the hearts of all
good people, which twenty years of ordinary work could hardly have
done; still, we must not be blind to the fact that this is _really_
due to the twenty years of hard work, prayer and self-sacrifice.

When the books of Heaven are opened, it will then be seen how much
of silent self-sacrifice, how much of grand living and grand doing,
is set down to these Southern missionaries. Much called inglorious
now, will be glorious then, and "the last shall be first."

The anniversary exercises of the University commenced on May 24, by
oral examinations, which continued two days. They were in all
departments, classical, normal, preparatory and industrial. The
classical department, though small, as in all these institutions, has
always been very high in Atlanta; the chief advance, however, the
past few years, has been in the normal and industrial divisions, and
this appeared in the fact that all the graduates this year, numbering
thirteen girls, were in the normal department. The work is done by
teachers from the North, experienced in the best normal methods,
and nothing on the Southern field can be more vital and important.
Three-quarters of the students going out from these higher
institutions devote themselves to teaching, and when the North has
some realization of the dense ignorance of the Southern black
population, the need of this will readily appear. In the State of
Alabama are 80,000 colored voters who cannot read, and though the
children of a small proportion of these voters do learn to read, the
greater number do not, and cannot till the Northern churches open
their eyes to facts, and do more to remedy this monster evil. And
this ignorance of the blacks means not only ignorance, but grossest
immorality. Alabama in this respect is an average State; Georgia is
a little better, others much worse.

The industrial work of Atlanta consists, first, in farm-work. The
farm of sixty acres, which is the most beautiful spot in the State of
Georgia, and under the superintendence of a Massachusetts farmer,
speaks for itself. The young men learn, also, wood-work, draughting
and forging; they exhibit some exquisite specimens of lathe and
chisel-work, and the young carpenters readily find employment in the
city at the highest wages. The girls not only do much of the work of
the boarding-houses, but have special and daily lessons in cooking
and sewing; and I can testify to their practical skill.

The baccalaureate sermon was preached on Sunday, May 27, by Rev.
C.W. Francis, the pastor of the University church, and, the past
year, Acting President, also. It was a notable occasion. The
commodious chapel of Stone Hall was packed, the many students of
course filling a large space, while their friends and former students
filled in the background. Colored people are by nature ardent and
magnetic, and when education and religion have developed their
characters and toned down their absurdities, they are a very
interesting and attractive people.

Forward on the platform and side seats were Dr. Strieby and Dr.
Beard, of New York, the honored Secretaries of the American
Missionary Association, Dr. Woodworth, of Massachusetts, Dr.
Pentecost, of Brooklyn, N.Y., with Mr. Stebbins, his sweet singer,
now holding revival meetings in Atlanta, and the faculty and workers
generally of the University.

The sermon was preached without notes, as is usual with Prof.
Francis, and with his usual quiet earnestness. The discourse was as
tender as it was able and wise, and ever to be remembered by the
thirteen girls sitting just before him.

Of the singing on such an occasion, no Northern audience can have any
conception. The closing hymn was that grand one, "Guide me, O thou
Great Jehovah!" It is almost an anthem, and when it is known that the
voice of the colored man or woman is three-fold more powerful, richer
and sweeter than that of the white, one may try to imagine the effect
of nearly a thousand voices.

Commencement was held May 28, in the Friendship Baptist church. The
house was filled, many standing for the nearly three hours. The
singing was by a large chorus of students, trained most faithfully
and successfully by the music teacher of the University, Miss Rebecca
Massey. One Jubilee Song was given, "March On"; other selections were
classical; the chorus from Mendelssohn's Elijah, "Thanks be to God,"
being especially fine. The exercises were closed by a spirited
rendering of the Anvil Chorus.

Miss Massey is a native of Ohio, and a graduate of Oberlin Musical
Conservatory, and is one of the most thoroughly educated musicians in
the South. Recently she bought a reserved seat to Gilmore's concert
in Atlanta, and in the Imperial City of the Empire State of the South,
in the noble city of the reconstructed Henry W. Grady, she was marched
out of the hall by a policeman, simply and solely because her blood is
one-quarter colored!

The commencement essays of the thirteen young ladies would have done
credit to any Northern institution; they were in good taste,
thoughtful and high-toned, indicative of culture and a missionary
spirit. These girls may never be famous, but they will be useful and
successful, which is infinitely better.

       *       *       *       *       *



Fisk University held, on the 13th of June, its twenty-third
anniversary, reckoning from the founding of the Fisk School. The
weather was perfect, and all the exercises of the day were highly
satisfactory. Five were graduated from College. One member of the
class had been called away during the year by the death of his
father. The commencement address was delivered by Rev. C.H. Richards,
D.D., of Madison, Wis. Subject, "Making Life Beautiful." The address
was admirable in thought, style and delivery, and greatly delighted
the vast audience of citizens and students. Dr. Richards paid a high
compliment to the graduates, and those who had furnished the music
for the occasion. The commencement dinner called forth very pleasant
reminiscences of the early days, and many confident predictions
concerning; the growth of the University in the future.

One noticeable and hopeful feature of this anniversary was the large
increase in the attendance of alumni. Heretofore, anniversary week
has come before the close of the schools in which the larger part of
our alumni are employed. This year it came three weeks later than
formerly. This change was made to better accommodate the little army
of student-teachers, which is sent out annually to the country public
schools. It was found that by far the larger number of these schools
do not begin until the first of July.

Fisk is fortunate in having alumni who are everywhere noted for their
love and loyalty, and the University points to them and their work
with great pride and rejoicing. The anniversary exercises of the
Alumni Association this year were excellent. Mr. Crosthwait spoke of
"Nehemiah's Plan," and most beautifully and forcibly applied it to
the work to be done by the colored people to build up the walls of
their city. Prof. L.C. Anderson, Principal of Prairie View Normal
School of Texas, spoke of our "Public School System," in a very
instructive way. Mr. Anderson is doing a noble work at Prairie View,
and has made the school the pride of the State which supports it.
Nearly $300 was contributed toward the alumni endowment fund, as the
result of the movement to persuade each graduate to contribute
annually one per cent. of his earnings to help his _alma mater_.

The number of students in the past year has been the largest in the
history of the University. The catalogue shows an enrollment of 475.
There has been marked growth in the numbers in the Department of
Music. Students begin to seek the University for instruction in this
department alone. During the year the Mozart Society rendered the
oratorio of "Elijah," both in the city and at the University, with
marked success.

The address at the graduating exercises of the Normal Department was
delivered by Rev. C.S. Smith of Nashville, Secretary of the
Sunday-school Union of the A.M.E. Church. It was an earnest and
forcible appeal to the colored people of the South to respond to the
efforts made in their behalf by Northern friends, by doing the utmost
possible for themselves. Many readers of the MISSIONARY will remember
Mr. Smith as the delegate of the A.M.E. Church to the Triennial
Council in Chicago. The Sunday-school Union has just purchased a
handsome building on the public square in Nashville as a publishing
house, and under Mr. Smith's management has been eminently

The missionary sermon on Sunday morning, June 10th, was preached by
Dr. Warren A. Candler, who has just been honored by being elected
President of Emory College, Oxford, Ga. All will remember that this
place was vacated some two or three years ago by Dr. Atticus G.
Haygood, that he might devote himself entirely to the work connected
with the administration of the John F. Slater Fund. Dr. Candler is a
strong, liberal and earnest man, who will wield a great power
wherever he labors.

The President of the University preached the baccalaureate sermon
from the words, "My kingdom is not of this world." The anniversary of
the Literary Societies was held Friday night, June 8th, and the
Senior Preparatory class had its exhibition on Thursday night, the
7th, at which time eleven were admitted to College, having passed
satisfactory examinations. Necessarily the growth of numbers in the
higher departments of education must be slow in the case of
institutions founded for a race so recently emancipated and laboring
under great poverty and unusual disadvantages. This, however, should
serve to strengthen purpose and intensify effort, for it shows the
vital necessity of well-trained leaders from among the people
themselves. Professional training without previous course of liberal
education cannot provide the men that are required for this day and
generation among the colored people of the United States or for
missionaries on the Dark Continent.

       *       *       *       *       *



Two Congregational pilgrims found themselves on the first day of
March in New Orleans, prepared to do all the sight-seeing which the
daylight of forty-eight consecutive hours permitted.

On our way in the horse-cars to one of the beautiful cemeteries, we
approached a group of large buildings on the left, and some one said,
"That is the university of the colored people," and then we saw
"Straight University" in bold letters upon the front of the central
building. Now "Straight" was down upon our list of "points," but we
had not looked up its location and supposed it farther from the
center, so we were glad to stop on our return and save an extra trip.
Three plain substantial structures occupy a handsome corner lot,
leaving space for the additions already so much needed. The location
is very fine, so near the heart of the city, upon that broad,
beautiful avenue, whose name is suggestive of anything but breadth
and beauty to New York or Chicago people--Canal street. Windows and
doors were open, and, seeking entrance at the nearest, we found
ourselves in the dining-hall, and were ushered across the yard to the
central building and up a flight of stairs, at the head of which, in
a small, crowded office, was President Hitchcock.

The sight of a tourist at that season, when the city is overrun with
them, could hardly have been more welcome than a book agent to that
busy man, but there was not a trace of annoyance in his greeting. He
sent away his companions and devoted himself to the duties of a
cicerone as cheerfully as though that were the chief end of the
president of a university. We went the rounds of class-rooms, halls
and dormitories, our interest and our leader's enthusiasm continually

The primaries are in two long, narrow rooms, lighted only on one side
and not nearly large enough. But how the little throats did roll out
the music and what time they kept, when called upon for a song!
Another treat was a song from a young lady who was practicing in the
music room. The modest grace with which she complied when asked to
sing for us, is almost as pleasant a memory as her beautiful voice.

Up close to the roof, in a low attic, we found the industrial
departments, a printing press and a cabinet shop. Creditable work of
both kinds was shown. A paper is edited and printed by the students,
and the housekeeper of the party shut her eyes and said the tenth
commandment over a certain little table in one corner. Industrial
training is not a specialty at Straight. What is done in that line is
more a recreation than a branch of study. We were told, with evident
pride in the fact, that all the outfit we saw was purchased by the
students themselves. Not a dollar of the funds of the Association had
gone toward it. Every class-room seemed crowded. The statement that
applicants had to be turned away every week needed no confirmation.

Coming so recently from Tougaloo it was interesting to note the
difference between the two institutions. A comparison cannot be
invidious, because they belong to different states in every sense of
the word. Since the aim of the American Missionary Association is the
elevation of the colored people, there is room for a diversity of
institutions and methods. Tougaloo is admirably situated for
industrial departments. Straight has neither room nor time for them,
but meets the demand for a higher grade of scholarship, and draws its
students from a wider range and from a class who have more home
training, more money, and, therefore, more leisure for a full course
of study. They come from the whole circumference of the Gulf, from
Cuba and from Central America. Many more could be drawn from abroad
if there were room to receive them. The most inveterate hatred of
puns can hardly keep one from spelling Straight without the gh. Many
of the students are largely of Creole blood and have the traits of
Gallic ancestry well defined.

"In two respects," said our host, "I have been greatly disappointed.
I was told before I came here that I would have trouble in teaching
the pupils habits of neatness, and that they were naturally lazy. I
find them just the opposite. They are exceptionally neat and tidy
about their persons and their rooms. As for being lazy, we could not
ask for more diligent students as a rule, and they are up in the
morning earlier than we want them to be."

No notes were taken of the many interesting statements made, for
there was no thought of this article then. But the recollection of
the talk as we passed through rooms and halls toward our exit, always
brings regret that the audience had not been two thousand
Congregationalists instead of the two who went their way with a firm
conviction that Straight University is a place where the investment
of a few thousand dollars of the Lord's money would bring speedy and
large returns. It is fortunate that in this case, as in the famous
one of the deacon's wife, all have not the same taste and judgment.
The advocates of industrial training need not hoard their money
because Straight has so little manual labor. Tougaloo will gladly and
wisely use all they have to give. And those who hold that the moral
and intellectual training of teachers and pastors is the only proper
work of such schools, need not look askant at the workshops of
Tougaloo, lest some of their benefactions should be spent for saws or
anvils or solder, while Straight is crying out for room to hold those
who want exactly that kind of training.

       *       *       *       *       *


Of the six chartered institutions of the A.M.A., Fisk, Atlanta,
Talladega, Tougaloo, Straight and Tillotson, the last is the
youngest, the most remote and the most deprived of Northern aid and
sympathy. In plan and aim its work is identical with theirs; in
quantity its work is less, because, in part, it has less resources,
but in quality we believe our closing exercises would show our work
at least not inferior to some of the others.

Our examinations occupied the whole of Friday and extended through
Monday and Tuesday forenoons. The questionings through which the
students passed were not only creditable to them and their
instructors, but satisfactory to visiting teachers and others invited
to join in testing their knowledge of the studies pursued. The
exhibition of the sewing and the practice of the calisthenic class
attracted special attention.

On Saturday, May 26, came Tillotson Day, designed, like Alumni
Associations, to foster in the minds of present and past students,
not only a love of the institution, but of the great work of
educating and uplifting the colored people. Last year the day was
inaugurated with a programme a little more extended than that of this
year. Among other speakers then Miss M.J. Adams, our first matron and
now our special missionary, gave reminiscences and a gracefully
written narrative of the opening of the school in January, 1881. Mrs.
Judge Garland read a valuable paper on the work done by Tillotson in
connection with her own school in another part of the city. In '81
she sent her older classes up to the Institute. The next year her
large school outside was considered a part of us and so counted in
the catalogue. In '83 she joined our teaching force, naturally
attracting many of her old pupils within our walls. In '84 and '85
she took other work, but neither herself nor Judge Garland has lost
interest in the welfare of the Institute.

This year the Rev. Dr. Wright, our only trustee in Austin, gave us
an excellent address, concluding with extracts from Mr. Tillotson's
letters and a very interesting account of the procuring of the site
on which our building now stands, generally thought to be the finest
and most conspicuous in the city. After this came a few words from
one of the Faculty, and four short speeches from as many
representatives of the students, after which came refreshments and a
social time on the grounds.

On Sunday morning the president preached before the students the
closing sermon of the year. On Tuesday evening the annual concert
and exhibition was given to a full house and an enthusiastic
audience. The commencement exercises of Wednesday, consisting of
essays, original orations and musical pieces, not only brought out
the ability and attainments of the students, but seemed to impress
patrons, friends and visitors present, with the quality of the work
done and the standard maintained at Tillotson.

In spite of some disappointment caused by the great severity of last
year's drought, our numbers have somewhat increased and the year has
been a good one.

Never has the work of _Christian_ education, in which the A.M.A. is
engaged, seemed so absolutely necessary as at this hour in uplifting
the people and purifying the churches.


       *       *       *       *       *


We are in the midst of the closing exercises of school for the year
past. Some three or four hundred Indians, chiefly relatives of
pupils, are now encamped about us. These have come some as far as
ninety miles, and some few a hundred and twenty-five miles, to attend
the exercises and take their children home.


       *       *       *       *       *


To one coming in sight of the Berthold Mission, curiosity would be
aroused by the sight of blanketed forms, two or three together, not
walking side by side, but gliding along, one after another, with
rapid steps toward the mission-house.

It is the afternoon of the Women's Sewing Meeting, and, although it
does not begin until two o'clock, by one the room is generally
full--yes, crowded, so that, in passing around among them, one has
to stumble quite often over feet which have no place of retreat. We
do not pretend to offer chairs to all. The floor holds as many
without chairs as with, even tables and wood-box do not remain empty,
but perched on each are the blanketed forms, from many of which the
blankets have not fallen, at least not more than to show the face
or head. Here the women sit patiently.

After sewing about two hours, the thimbles and needles are gathered
up, the names taken, or something to designate each one, and each
one's desires discovered: tea, sugar, or coffee, for this is a strong
point where these women show their heathenism.

Some portion of God's truth and some help to a better life is then
given to them in Gros Ventres and Ree; prayer offered, and they
receive their little bag or package of tea, coffee or sugar. It has
been a busy afternoon, and we are all tired, but it pays, O, how it
pays, a thousand times over!


Do Indians have sociables? Indians like to visit, and they do enjoy a
good supper. With these two qualifications, what else is necessary
for a sociable? Some women to do the work. The women of the Women's
Native Missionary Society, of Yankton Agency, are not lazy, nor are
they slow in devising ways and means of making money; therefore, on
the evening of Feb. 22, they had a sociable and charged 25 cents for
supper. The cooking was done at the homes of Mrs. Brazeau, Mrs.
Aungie, and Mrs. Williamson. The provisions were donated by the
members of the society. A number of the women gave chickens, others
flour, coffee, ham, potatoes, canned fruit, sugar, and some gave
money with which to buy whatever was needed. Each one that gave
something had her supper free. The moving of the printing office
furniture to Santee left a large empty room; and as this room joins
the school-room, it was a very convenient place in which to have the
supper. A barrel of water was hauled; a woman hired to scrub the
floor, and table and table-cloths were borrowed. The trader very
obligingly lent dishes out of his store. Janet, Gertie and Esther
were busy all the afternoon setting tables, and getting ready for the
evening's reception. Towards evening the provisions came. Each woman
was then to take her place--one to cut meat, one to cut pie and cake,
another to wash dishes, and others to wait on the tables. Angie
Cordier and Janet Strieker, who have been away to school, were quite
expert in waiting on tables, and some of the young gentlemen who have
been away were quite expert in calling for this and that. But none
could equal the old man who had never spent a day of his life in
school. This old man had borrowed 50 cents to take himself and friend
to supper. He ate all that was given him, then called for potatoes.
His plate was filled again and again with potatoes--and still he
called for potatoes.

During the afternoon two young braves are riding around on their
ponies. They halt before the windows. At last they gather up enough
courage to ask if they can have supper and pay for it in the future.
They have no money now, but are going to work and get some money,
then they will pay. "No. We do not sell on credit." Soon after dark,
the school-room began to fill up with women and their babies. A man
comes with his little girl and mother-in-law, and borrows 50 cents
to pay for the supper. He would also have brought his wife, but she
could not leave home. Some eat their supper and leave. Others are
sitting in the school-room looking at pictures and talking a very
little, but it is rather stiff. The door opens and in walk the Doctor
and Agency Clerk. No more stiffness after this. Those would be hard
hearts indeed that would not thaw in the presence of these genial
countenances. Other white people come. The Captain with his family
take supper. He also brings in some of the outsiders who are looking
in at the windows, and pays for their suppers. The Issue Clerk is
quick to see the day-school children, who are peeping in at the
window, and calls them in to give them their suppers. The ladies from
the Government Boarding School come, bringing some of the larger
children with them. These boys and girls, however, have earned money
and pay for their own supper.

A lady from the store building passes around some tiny round blocks.
"What is it, candy?" "No. Put it in your mouth," "Gum! Do you chew
gum?" "No, but a gentleman who was visiting us a short time since
left us a supply as his parting gift."

When the fire is stirred with a long stick, one gentleman remarks
that he admires that poker very much. A few days afterwards a
handsome new iron poker comes to the school-room. The whole school
give a vote of thanks to the donor of the poker.

During the evening there is music and reading of selections. Talking
can be taken part in by all, and laughing is done in a common
language. Whether the name of it is English or Vernacular, we do not
know. The evening passes all too quickly, and one by one they depart
to their homes. The money is counted, $21.50 cleared. The women feel
that their supper has been a success. The last one but the
school-teacher has left. There is something sublimely grand in being
alone at midnight in a house that was only a short time before full
of life and mirth. One has a desire to sit and look on the moonlight
and dream. But it is more practical to straighten up the school-room
and go home.


        *       *       *       *       *



1. The item of greatest importance to us is the establishment of a
mission at Los Angeles. The A.M.A. was first on this field, having
had a prosperous and useful mission school there, more than fourteen
years ago. But early in 1876 Rev. Ira M. Condit, a missionary
returned from China, well versed in the Chinese language, went with
his family to that city to open a mission under the Presbyterian
Board. In the belief that, with such advantages, better work could be
done by them than by us, we transferred our mission to them, pupils,
teacher and all. I have seen much reason since to doubt the wisdom of
this step, and to feel that I should never repeat it. But the open
doors have been too numerous, and the pressure from points where
there seemed to be none to care for these souls, has been too great,
for me to think of using any of our limited resources for the
purpose of crowding in where brethren of another name were working.
And it is only because the city has now become so large, and the
Chinese population in it covers so great an area, and the number of
our own brethren there is so considerable, and their appeal for a
mission so urgent, and their assurance so full that it could not now
be a rival to other missions, but rather a welcome co-worker with
them, that I consented to resume. The result is gratifying indeed. No
less than seventy-five were enrolled as pupils the first month. An
Association of Christian Chinese has been formed, having already a
large membership, and the purpose and promise of vigorous Christian
work. The teacher in charge of the mission is Mrs. C.A. Sheldon, long
connected with our work in San Francisco, and than whom no teacher
ever employed by us endeared herself more to her pupils or wrought
more successfully on their behalf. We have reason to believe that
from the start the evangelistic spirit will be strong in this
mission, and I look to see many turning from darkness to light, and
from the power of Satan unto God.

2. The next item of greatest interest relates to our new mission at
Tucson, Arizona. It closed its operations for this fiscal year with
the month of May, not because of any decrease of interest, but for
the reason that the extreme heat of the summer months at that place
forbids exertion, and compels alike in things religious and things
secular, a long vacation. Here, too, an "Association" has been formed
of eleven members, who in joining it, forsake idolatry and profess
themselves followers of Christ. The work has been greatly furthered
through the deep interest taken in it by the pastor, Rev. H.H. Cole,
and many members of his church. Yong Jin, one of our evangelists, has
spent nearly two months with this mission, and I give in his own
language an account of the closing exercises: "Last evening we had a
pleasant time, and invited all of the Sunday-school teachers and some
other friends to come to the school-room with us. It has over forty
Americans and over twenty Chinese, make the room full of people. Our
brethren or scholars recite some Scriptures, and I read a report on
what I think." Then follows his report, from which I quote a few
sentences: "This school was founded on the 24th of January, 1888, and
now has twenty-three scholars, but only fourteen or fifteen usual
attend. Several of these scholars have improved greatly. I think that
Mr. J. Kavanagh is a very good teacher, and hope God will give him
good health when he goes to Hot Springs. And also, they had very good
and kind Sunday-school teachers, who taught them how to read and
sing. They sing on Wednesday evening, too. You help our Chinese very
much, for which we thank you, and we never will forget you or your
kindness. I think Mr. Cole is a kind and faithful pastor. He called
our Chinese to come to church to hear him pray and preach, and
sometimes he came to the school-room, and talked to them and taught
them the words of the Lord Jesus." The programme for the evening had
no less than twenty-six different exercises, each one, of course,
brief, but there was much prayer, much singing both in English and
Chinese, one or two brief addresses, much reciting of Scripture and
to close with, refreshments abundant and toothsome, provided by the
pupils for their guests. The work will be resumed when the heats of
summer are past, and I believe that the next year's work will be even
more fruitful than this.

3. My items become chapters in spite of me. I must content myself
with one more, a brief extract from a letter from Mrs. Carrington,
our devoted and successful teacher at Sacramento. "I asked you a few
months ago to pray for Fong Bing. Through the blessing of God, he has
come into the light, and is one of the earnest ones. Now I wish you
to especially remember Lee Young, who wishes to be a Christian, but
thinks he must wait till he returns from China. I hope he will not
wait, but will soon be one with us in Christ." Will our readers join
us in this prayer?


       *       *       *       *       *





ME.--Woman's Aid to A.M.A., Chairman of Committee, Mrs. C.A.
Woodbury, Woodfords, Me.

VT.--Woman's Aid to A.M.A., Chairman of Committee, Mrs. Henry
Fairbanks, St. Johnsbury. Vt.

VT.--Woman's Home Miss. Union, Secretary, Mrs. Ellen Osgood,
Montpelier, Vt.

CONN.--Woman's Home Miss. Union, Secretary, Mrs. S.M. Hotchkiss, 171
Capitol Ave., Hartford, Conn.

N.Y.--Woman's Home Miss. Union, Secretary, Mrs. William Spalding,
Salmon Block, Syracuse, N.Y.

ALA.--Woman's Missionary Association, Secretary, Mrs. G.W. Andrews,
Talladega, Ala.

OHIO.--Woman's Home Miss. Union, Secretary, Mrs. Flora K. Regal,
Oberlin, Ohio.

IND.--Woman's Home Miss. Union, Secretary, Mrs. C.H. Rogers, Michigan
City, Ind.

ILL.--Woman's Home Miss. Union, Secretary, Mrs. C.H. Taintor, 151
Washington St., Chicago, Ill.

MICH.--Woman's Home Miss. Union, Secretary, Mrs. Mary B. Warren,
Lansing, Mich.

WIS.--Woman's Home Miss. Union, Secretary, Mrs. C. Matter, Brodhead,

MINN.--Woman's Home Miss. Society, Secretary, Mrs. H.L. Chase, 2,750
Second Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn.

IOWA.--Woman's Home Miss. Union, Secretary, Miss Ella E. Marsh,
Grinnell, Iowa.

KANSAS.--Woman's Home Miss. Society, Secretary, Mrs. Addison
Blanchard, Topeka, Kan.

NEB.--Woman's Home Miss. Union, President, Mrs. F.H. Leavitt, 1216 H
St., Lincoln, Neb.

SOUTH DAKOTA.--Woman's Home Miss, Union, Secretary, Mrs. S.E. Young,
Sioux Falls, Dak.

       *       *       *       *       *

We would suggest to all ladies connected with the auxiliaries of
State Missionary Unions, that funds for the American Missionary
Association be sent to us through the treasurers of the Union. Care,
however, should be taken to designate the money as for the American
Missionary Association, since _undesignated funds will not reach us_.

       *       *       *       *       *

We are glad to note that the ladies of Vermont in organizing a State
Missionary Union, have been careful of the interests of the American
Missionary Association in the support of the McIntosh school, the
following resolutions having been passed by a rising vote.

    "RESOLVED, That the ladies of the Congregational churches of
    Vermont desire to express their appreciation of the service
    rendered by the committee appointed five years ago to have in
    charge funds for the McIntosh school, under the care of the
    American Missionary Association. The members of that committee
    have done their work faithfully and effectively, and we feel that
    we cannot honor them more than by asking them to continue in the
    work, and thus assist officers of the newly-formed Union,
    pledging ourselves anew to help them bear the burden and to
    respond heartily to their calls."

       *       *       *       *       *


Elias, our native helper, preached a good sermon this morning.
Usually on each Saturday night he comes here to ask questions in
regard to the meaning of the parables or stories of the Bible.
To-day, however, he quite outdid himself. The lesson was from the
story of the Wise Men and the Star. He read the story and explained
it. Then he said, "Christ is not on earth now in bodily form. There
is no bright star placed in the heavens to guide us to him, or to
show us the way to him, but, (holding up the Bible) here is our
guiding star. This is the only light that can enlighten our dark
minds. This will show us where to find Christ. We may try to civilize
men with law, but it can only be done with the Gospel. You do not
care to be told that you are sinners, but you rejoice to hear that
you may be saved." His exhortation was really fine, and yet he seems
ordinarily a very common-place man. His little girl has been near the
gates of death, but has been miraculously spared, and it has been a
means of grace to the parents. The little baby, Mary Clementine,
(my only namesake), is not yet very strong; a relapse may take her
off at any time. If it is God's will I hope she may be spared. This
afternoon Elias went up to hold services at the Upper Station and I
took charge of the meeting here. I told them something of the mission
work in Africa. All seemed greatly interested.

A son-in-law of Sitting-Bull and wife came here to-day with their
sick baby. They drove twenty miles to see me. The poor baby is very
sick and suffered very much. I can hear its moans and cries now. I
did all I could for it, but it is a forty-mile ride to visit it and I
had to give medicine for a week. They will bring it again in a week.
O, how I pity these poor helpless people! This man, One-Bull, has
been baptized by the Catholics. He is the Chief of Police. His wife
is Sitting-Bull's daughter or niece. Sitting-Bull is called the
greatest medicine-man they have, and now in their helplessness they
come here to me. Surely God is opening these homes and hearts very

       *       *       *       *       *




"Why are you laughing so here all alone, Auntie?" said Ralph Hill, as
he came into a room where Inez Hill sat reading a letter and laughing
till the tears ran down her cheeks. "Do tell me, please. It must be
so funny--and what are all these blue cards?"

"One thing at a time, Ralph," said Aunt Inez. "I'll read you the
letter I was laughing at and then tell you about the blue cards, for
they go together. The letter is from a dear friend who is teaching
the colored children in the South. It tells of her first attempts
with them. I'll not read it all. Listen:"

_My Dear Old Friend:_ I must tell you to-day about my promising
pupil, Nan. _I_ am learning patience whether she learns anything or
not. One day I overheard Nan and Lila (the pretty mulatto girl I told
you about) talking together about like this:

"Nan," said Lila, "do you want to learn to read like white folks?"

"Course I do," laughed Nan. "Hi yi, ho yo, but how's I ever goin'

"Miss Kitty learn us," said Lila. "Heard her tell Miss Lizzy so. Me
and you are going to her room after sun-down, and she'll learn us a
lesson. I've learned right smart now. Know the a b c, and can spell a
heap. It's 'mazin' good."

Nan opened her big eyes as Lila went one, than gave a quick toss of
her head and said: "Feels mighty peart and proud like, Lile, over
your larnin'. Reckon some other folks can learn too, if they wants

Nan is not a very quiet pupil. She has queer remarks to make about
each letter as I point it out. I told her the first letter was A. She
made a funny courtesy, and said:

"Mighty glad to make your 'quaintance, Massa A. Been wantin' to know
you long time ago."

"That is B, Nan," I continued.

"B," she screamed, "Oh! I feared of him. Will he sting? Done got my
eyes all stunged up with them bees once. Couldn't see nothin' for a
week. Fac--Miss."

"I don't like X," she burst forth, "he's like Miss Lizzy when I's
done broke sumthin', so cross."

       *       *       *       *       *

In spite of her chattering and her capers, Nan learned all her
letters that night. Teacher and scholar were astonished and
delighted at her success. The next evening, however, showed that Nan
could forget as quickly as she learned.

"Nan! What is that letter?" I asked, pointing to A.

"Dunno, Miss."

"What is that round letter?"

"Done forgot, Miss Kitty."

"Well, what is that letter that looks like Miss Lizzy when she's

"I disremember."

And thus it was all through the alphabet. Nan had forgotten the
whole. She could not be persuaded to try again.

"Laws, Miss Kitty," she cried. "I'se done learnt 'em onct. Does
white peoples learn 'em twicet?"

"Yes, Nan," said I. "If they forget the first time."

"Sho," said she with a queer twist of her black face. "I'd be 'shamed
to learn it twict. Ef 'twont stay in dis head first time, 'tan't no

So I concluded to let the alphabet go for awhile and try spelling.

Nan learned this also quickly at first. After she had learned to
spell cat and many other words, I said, "Now, Nan, I'll teach you to
spell 'Kitty.'"

"Oh, I knows. Miss Kit," she interrupted, "Lemme spell, Ise-self.
Must be cat wid de tail cut off. C--A--Kitty."

       *       *       *       *       *

After awhile as Lila progressed and read stories to Nan, the little
rogue "wisht" she could read too. "Couldn't see no use in dat yaller
gal gittin' so fur ahead." When she found she could only read by
learning those little things that "bobbed so spry into a body's head
and hopped out a heap quicker," then she reckoned she'd have to come
to it. She tried once more. It was a long time before she could call
the letters and spell out words, and it was many months before she
could read at all without spelling. It was hard work for Nan and
harder for her teacher. Before she had half looked at a word she
would hear a blackbird or see a hawk after a chicken, or she thought
"sure, Miss Lizzy called." I tried to have patience and in the end
I conquered. Nan was "mighty proud" when she read the last page of
her primer.

"Don't think much of that ole book, no how," she said. "Got it all
in here now. Spect I'd better be spry an' git inter nex' book fore
I disremember this ere."

I begin to hope that both Lila and Nan are beginning a Christian
life. But oh! it takes so long for seed to grow in soil that has been
trampled on for years. But I hear Nan now singing the chorus of an
old war song, still sung by the colored folks:

    "We're coming, Father Abraham,
    Three hundred thousand more."

And I will believe it. There are more than three hundred thousand
just such ignorant girls and boys. They "will come" if we go after

Do "pray and pay" for us. Yours,


Ralph enjoyed the letter so much that he forgot for once to ask a
question until his aunt took up a blue card and handed it to him.

"Oh, yes," he exclaimed. "Now tell me about the cards."

"Read it," said his aunt.

Ralph read as follows: "The A.M.A. True Blue Card."

"Oh, I know," said Ralph. "A.M.A. (ama) means love those. I had it in
my Latin lesson this week."

"Love those, is it?" questioned Miss Hill. "Pretty good meaning that
for our abbreviations. A.M.A.--the Love Them Society; it means just
that. Love your neighbors, love your brothers."

"What brothers?" inquired Ralph. "I haven't any; wish I had."

"Yes, you have, my boy," answered Miss Hill. "You have red, white,
black, and yellow brothers, and this 'A.M.A.' is to help them to
read, to work on the farm and in the house, to learn trades, and to
know the best things. Your black brothers are the negroes who live in
all the South, the yellow are the Chinese in California, the red are
the Indians in the Territories, in the schools of Hampton, and the
whites are in the mountains of Kentucky and Tennessee. All these
little books that I will show you tell about these brothers and
sisters. Now read the card. Read it all.



For each five cents collected, prick a hole with a pin in one of the
squares below--each space representing that sum.

Letters from the "Children's Missionary" will be sent to each
collector upon returning the card with amount of collection--not less
than Five Dollars.

Six of these cards will entitle the collector to a Life Membership in
_The American Missionary Association_.


    [Following this is a large square containing one hundred small
    squares, which are the ones to be pricked.]

Ralph read the card very distinctly and carefully, and then said,

"O Auntie, may I have one to prick."

"Indeed you may," answered Miss Hill. "I was just wishing for a young
collector. When will you begin?"

"Oh, right off," exclaimed Ralph, impulsively.

Then taking the card he approached Aunt Inez with a low bow and said,
"Miss Hill, I called to see if you would not like to give me a small
sum, five or ten cents for the poor negro."

"You'll do," said Aunt Inez, smilingly, handing Ralph the ten cents,
while he energetically pricked two very distinct holes in the blue

"There," continued Ralph, "Now see if I don't get a missionary letter
for the next Sunday-school concert. Before the year is out, I'll be a
life member of the A.M.A."

Is there any other boy or girl who would like to be a collector?

If so, please raise hands.

--_The Advance_.

       *       *       *       *       *


        MAINE, $1021.72.

Andover. Mrs. E.M. Bailey, Box of Minerals,
  _for Tillotson C. and N. Inst.

Bangor. Central Cong. Ch.                       75.00

Bangor. Central Cong. Ch., 20;
  Sab. Sch. Hammond St. Ch., 10;
  _for Pleasant Hill, Tenn._                    30.00

Biddeford. Primary Dep't. Sab. Sch. of
  Second Cong Ch., _for Woman's Work_           13.00

Brunswick. Sab. Sch. of Cong Ch., _for
  Rosebud Indian M._                             1.00

Castine. Rev. A.E. Ives                          3.00

Center Minot. Cong. Ch., to const. ELISHA
  HALL L.M.                                     30.00

Ellsworth. Mrs C.J. Perry's S.S. Class,
  _for Pleasant Hill, Tenn._                     3.75

Fort Fairfield. Cong. Ch.                        7.50

Gorham. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.                56.18

Kennebunk. Union Cong. Ch. and Soc.             27.55

Machias. Centre St., Cong. Ch.                   6.51

New Gloucester. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.       100.00

Orono. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., _for
  Atlanta U._                                   15.00

Otisfield. Miss Sally Spurr                      1.00

Portland. William W. Mitchell                   25.00

Portland. Bethel Sab. Sch., _for Rosebud
  Indian M._                                     1.00

Waterford. First Cong. Ch.                       5.36

Windham Hill. _For Freight_                      2.00

Woodfords. Cong. Ch. and Parish                 85.00

---- "A Friend," _for Mountain Work_             5.00

---- "A Friend"                                  0.50

Woman's Aid to A.M.A., by Mrs C.A.
  Woodbury, Treas, _for Woman's Work._

    Alfred. Cong. Ch.                7.50

    Augusta. Cong. Ch.              15.00

    Bangor. Hammond St. Ch.         15.25

    Bangor. First Ch.               11.00

    Bath. Winter St. Ch.            34.25

    Belfast.                         3.00

    Benton Falls. Cong. Ch.          3.00

    Biddeford. Second Ch.           20.25

    Biddeford. Pavillion Ch.        17.50

    Boothbay.                        9.00

    Brewer. First Ch.               27.00

    Brewer Village. Cong. Ch.        6.00

    Bristol.                         3.00

    Bucksport. Cong. Ch.            13.13

    Cornish. Cong. Ch.               5.00

    Falmouth. Second Ch.            10.00

    Freedom.                         5.00

    Freedom. Mrs. Cutter             5.00

    Gardiner.                       13.00

    Gardiner. Miss Hattie A.
      Capen                          1.00

    Holden.                          8.00

    Houlton.                         9.25

    Island Falls.                    2.80

    Kenduskeag.                      5.00

    Kennebunk. Cong. Ch.             8.00

    Limerick.                       15.00

    Limington. Willing Workers       7.00

    Litchfield. Cong. Ch.            5.00

    Litchfleld. Mrs. Stupirt         1.50

    Madison. "A Friend"              1.00

    New Castle.                     15.25

    New Vineyard.                    1.35

    North Bridgton.                  7.00

    Paris.                           9.68

    Phillips.                        2.50

    Phillips. Mrs. C.T. Crosby's
      S.S. Class, "Glad Helpers,"
      _for Freight_                  1.32

    Portland. Seaman's Bethel       17.25

    Rockland. W.H.M.S.              20.00

    Sanford.                         8.75

    Sandy Point.                     1.30

    Searsport.                      15.00

    Skowhegan.                      10.00

    South Berwick, To const.
      MISS LOIS R. HAYES and
      L.M.'s                        61.99

    Strong.                          1.65

    Topsham.                         6.00

    Wells. First Ch.                10.00

    Wells. Second Ch.               14.05

    West Brooksville.                1.60

    West Lebanon.                   11.25

    York. First Ch.                 23.00

    York. Second Ch.                 3.00

                                  -------      528.37

        NEW HAMPSHIRE, $635.08.

Auburn. Mrs. Sally Coult                        10.00

Bennington. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                  10.00

Boscawen. "Crescent City Helpers"
  _for Student Aid, Straight U._                25.00

Derry. First Cong. Ch.                          47.47

Derry. Mrs. Wm. Anderson, 5;
  Miss Mary Anderson, 1;
  _for Student Aid, Atlanta U._                  6.00

Dover. First Ch.                                92.27

Exeter.  Mrs. John L. Lovering,
  _for Freight_                                  3.00

Fitzwilliam. Mrs. L. Hill, 10;
  Mrs. Fanny Hancock, 5                         15.00

Franklin Falls. "A Friend,"
  _for Student Aid, Atlanta U._                 47.80

Hancock. Anne A. Hills                           0.50

Henniker. Cong. Ch.                             31.00

Keene. S.S. Class, Second Cong. Ch.,
  by J.C. Haskell, _for Oahe Indian M._         20.00

Littleton. Mrs. B.W. Kilborn,
  _for Atlanta U._                               5.00

New Ipswich. A.N. Townsend, Box of C.

North Hampton. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch.,
  _for Atlanta U.                               20.00

North Hampton. "J.L.P."                          5.00

Penacook. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch.,
  _for Woman's Work_                            10.00

Plaistow and North Haverhill.
  Cong. Ch., 130;
  Mrs. E.W. Merrill, 50                        180.00

Portsmouth. North Ch. and Soc.                  83.04

Rindge. Members Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch.,
  by A.M. Hale                                  10.00

Sanbornton. Cong. Ch.                            9.00

Webster. Mrs. Buxton                             5.00

        VERMONT, $414.71.

Barre. Cong. Ch.                                11.65

Barton. Cong. Ch.                               21.23

Brandon. Cong Ch. and Soc.                       7.75

Bridport. Ladies, by Mrs. Ellen D. Wild,
  _for McIntosh, Ga._                           18.60

Cambridge. Madison Safford                       5.00

Duxbury. Cong. Ch.                               3.00

Enosburg. Ladies, by Mrs. Ellen D. Wild,
  _for McIntosh, Ga._                            7.00

Essex Junction. A.D. Wilcox                      5.00

Fair Haven. Cong. Ch. (of which 26c.
  _for Mountain White Work_)                    14.41

Fairlee. Harvey S. Colton                       35.00

Georgia. Ladies, _for McIntosh, Ga._,
  by Mrs. Ellen D. Wild                         18.50

Granby. Infant Class, by H.W. Matthews,
  _for Marie Adlof Sch'p Fund                    0.80

Greensboro. Ladies, by Mrs. Stephen
  Knowlton, _for McIntosh, Ga._                 13.50

Johnson. Bbl. of C., and 3.50 _for Freight_,
  _for McIntosh, Ga._                            3.50

Manchester. Cong. Ch., 33.52;
  Samuel G. Cone, 25                            58.52

Montpelier. Bethany Cong. Ch.                   42.54

Middlebury. Ladies, by Mrs. Emily C.
  Starr, _for McIntosh, Ga._                    25.11

Middlebury. Mrs. Mary W. Mead                    2.00

Pittsford. ----                                 20.00

Pittsford. Mrs. E.H. Denison                     5.00

Rochester. "A Friend," _for McIntosh, Ga._       8.00

Rupert. ----                                     2.00

Rutland. Mrs. Wm. D. Marsh, 60, to const.
  WARNER L.M's                                  60.00

Weston. Mrs. S.A. Sprague, 2;
  L.P. Bartlett, 2;
  C.W. Sprague, 1                                5.00




Jericho. Estate of Hosea Spaulding,
  C.M. Spaulding, 10;
  A.C. Spaulding, 5;
  Nellie M. Percival, 3;
  E.J. Spaulding, 3                             21.60



        MASSACHUSETTS, $6,663.58.

Acton. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch.,
  _for Student Aid_, _Atlanta U._               10.00

Amherst. Wm. M. Graves, 20;
  "A Friend," 10                                30.00

Andover. Teachers and Pupils of Abbot Academy, 115;
  Chapel Ch. and Soc., 48;
  West Cong. Ch., 41.68                        204.68

Andover. Jos. W. Smith, _for Atlanta U._        50.00

Ashfield. "A Friend"                             1.00

Boston. Mrs. Isaac Sweetser, 500;
    Old So. Ch., 294.50;
    Fred L. Ames, 100;
    Francis H. Peabody, 100;
    Rev. Philips Brooks, D.D., 100;
    Mrs. Quincy A. Shaw, 100;
    Nathaniel Thayer, 100;
    Jno. F. Andrew, 100;
    Chas. Francis Adams, 100;
    Mrs. C.A. Spaulding, 100;
    Boston National League, add'l, 60;
    Stephen W. Marston, 50;
    George Higginston, 50;
    Edmund Quincy,50;
    Wm. S. Eaton, 50;
    Arthur T. Lyman, 30:
    Eugene H. Clapp, 25;
    Jno. P. Almy, 25;
    Chas. F. Atkinson, 25;
    Frank J. Garrison, 20.32;
    Jno. Haskell Butler, 20;
    "A Friend," 10;
    A.S. Lovett; 10;
    Jno. Albree, Jr., 5;
    "A Friend," 5;
    Miss. Z.E. Hollis, 1;
    Chas. O. Pratt, 1,
    _for Atlanta U._              2031.82

    Miss Jennie Ford,
      _for Student Aid_,
      _Atlanta U._                   5.00

    "Friends," by Miss Samson,
      _for Straight U._              7.00

    Miss Elizabeth Davis            50.00

    "A Friend"                       7.50

    Miss H. Carter                   1.00

Dorchester. Village Ch. and Soc.    40.19

    "       Thomas Knapp's S.S. Class,
              _for Wilmington, N.C._

    "       Miss Mary A. Tuttle,
              _sales on her reprint of
              1000 copies "Judson's
              Letter on Dress," toward
              $100 Fund, for Indian M._

    "       Miss Mary A Tuttle,
              _for Marie Adlof Sch'p Fund_

Jamaica Plain. Mrs. John Simpkins,
               _for Atlanta U._     25.00

Roxbury. Ladies of Immanuel Ch.,
               _for Pleasant Hill, Tenn._

West Roxbury. Sab. Sch. of So. Evan. Ch.,
                _for McIntosh, Ga._

   "          Ladies' Soc. of Evan. Ch.,
                _for Student Aid, Atlanta U._

                                  -------    2,228.67

Brockton. Miss Louenza Bowen, 10;
  Miss Lavinia Bowen, 5,
  _for Pleasant Hill, Tenn._                    15.00

Brockton. Ladies' Benev. Soc. of Porter
  Ch, 3 Bbls. C., 3.26 _for Freight_,
  also 9 _for Tuition_,
  _Sherwood Acad., Tenn._                       12.26

Braintree. First Ch. 18.80;
  South Cong. Ch., 14                           32.80

Campello. South Cong. Ch., to const.
  KEITH and MRS. GRACE HOLMES L.M's            100.00

Canton. Rev. Henry F. Jenks,
  _for Atlanta U._                               5.00

Clinton C.L. Swan                               50.00

Easton. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch,
  _for Student Aid_, _Fisk U._                  37.12

East Cambridge. Miss Mary F. Aiken,
  _for Pleasant Hill, Tenn._                     5.00

Easthampton. Sab. Sch., of First Ch.,
  _for Santee Indian M._                        25.00

Enfield. Cong. Ch.                              60.00

Fall River. Simeon B. Chase,
  _for Atlanta U._                              25.00

Framingham. "Quartette,"50;
  "Friends in Plymouth Ch," 23.75;
  Sab. Sch. of Plymouth Ch., 25.65;
  Y.P.S.C.E., 20.70,
    _for Student Aid, Fisk U._                 120.10

Gardner. J.B. Drury                             10.00

Greenfield.  Second Cong. Ch., 70.32;
  MARTHA O. FARRAND, 30, to const.
  herself L.M.                                 100.32

Groton. Ladies' Benev. Soc., _for Freight_       2.00

Hanson. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                       9.46

Hinsdale. Pansy Soc. of Cong. Ch.               13.00

Holliston. Bible Christians of Dist. No. 4.     50.00

Holliston. L.A. Claflin, _for Student Aid_,
  _Talladega C._                                 1.00

Housatonic. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                  75.15

Hyannis. Cong. Ch.                               2.25

Hyde Park. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. 42.75;
  Sab. Sch. of First Cong. Ch., 46              88.75

Ipswich. Linebrook Cong. Ch.                    10.00

Lowell. Eliot Ch. (of which 26.96
  _for Indian M._)                              67.89

Lowell. Woman's Indian As'n,
  _for Indian M._                               18.63

Lowell. First Cong. Sab. Sch.,
  Miss Mary Martin's Class                      10.00

Ludlow. Sab. Sch. of Union Ch.                   5.00

Medford. Mystic Ch. and Soc.                   101.10

Mill River. M.R. Wilcox                         10.00

New Bedford. First Cong. Ch.                    73.89

Newbury. First Ch.                              14.47

Newton. Freedmen's Aid Sewing Circle,
  _for Atlanta U._                              35.00

Newton Center. The Misses Loring, 50;
  The Maria B. Furber Miss'y Soc., 25;
  Geo. P Davis, 20;
  Sam'l F. Wilkins, 10;
  First Cong. Ch., 25;
  Horace Cousens, 20, _for Atlanta U._         150.00

Newtonville. Central Cong. Ch.,
  _for Atlanta U._                              25.00

North Amherst. Ladies' Benev. Soc. of
  Cong. Ch., _for Sherwood Academy, Tenn._      10.00

North Leominster. "Friend,"
  _for Indian M._                                1.00

Norton, Trin. Cong. Ch.                         54.82

Norton. Mrs. E.B. Wheaton,
  _for Atlanta U._                              50.00

Norwood. Ladies of Cong. Ch.,
  _for Woman's Work_                            20.00

Peabody. South Cong. Ch.                        69.00

Pittsfield. First Cong. Ch. and Soc., 53;
  South Cong. Ch. and Soc., 17.72               70.72

Randolf. Miss Abby W. Turner, 50;
  Miss Alice M. Turner, 50;
  "Two Friends," 10; _for Atlanta U._          110.00

Reading. Cong. Ch., 18;
  E.P. Damon, 6                                 24.00

Reading. Mrs. Z.M. Heselton, Bbl. of C.,
  _for Tougaloo U._

Rehoboth. Cong. Ch.                              8.50

Salem. Sab. Sch. of Tabernacle Cong. Ch., 50;
  Dr. J.A. Emmerton, 10;
  "A Friend," 50, _for Atlanta U._             110.00

Salem. Young Ladies' Soc. of So. Ch.,
  20 _for Tougaloo U._,
  20 _for Santee Indian Sch._                   40.00

Somerville.  Primary Dept. Sab. Sch.
  Prospect Hill Cong. Ch., _for Student Aid
  and furnishing, Straight U._                  12.00

South Hadley. Mt. Holyoke Sem., 25;
  First Cong. Ch., 21                           46.00

South Hadley. Ladies' Benev. Soc.,
  First Cong. Ch., _for Tougaloo U._            20.00

South Wellfleet. Second Cong. Ch.                6.00

Springfield. Miss Spring and Miss Merriam,
  _for Indian M._                               20.00

Springfleld. Memorial Ch., Box of S.S. Books,
  _for Thomasville, Ga._

Sutton. First Cong. Ch.                         37.38

Waltham. Mrs. Luce's S.S. Class,
  _for Student Aid_, _Storrs Sch._               2.00

Waltham. Mrs. Luce                               0.25

Walpole. Ortho. Cong. Ch. and Soc.              52.32

Ware. "Little Sunbeams,"
  _for Birds' Nest, Indian M._                  25.00

Watertown. Sab. Sch. of Philips Ch.,
  _for Atlanta U._                              50.00

Watertown. Mrs. Mary Cummings                    0.50

Wellesley. M.A. Stevens                         10.00

West Andover. S.W. Smith,
  _for Tillotson C. & N. Inst._                  3.00

West Boylston. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.         19.05

West Brookfield. Cong. Ch.                      54.75

West Medford. Cong. Ch.                         16.26

Westminster. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                 43.00

West Newton. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch.,
  _for Student Aid_, _Atlanta U._               20.00

West Newton. Sab. Sch. Second Cong. Ch.,
  _for Indian M._                               50.00

West Springfleld. Second Cong. Ch. 25;
  "Willing Workers" of Sab. Sch., 8,
    _for Lexington, Ky._                        33.00

Westport. Pacific Union Cong. Ch.               13.00

West Warren. Mrs. W.D. Marsh,
  _for Student Aid_, _Fisk U._                  25.00

Weymouth. O.W. Allen's S.S. Class,
  _for Jellico, Tenn._                           4.00

Weymouth and Braintree. Union Cong. Ch.        100.00

Whitinsville. Mrs. S.G. Whitin, 100;
  Edward Whitin, 100;
  Wm. H. Whitin, 100, _for Atlanta U._         300.00

Williamstown. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., 25,
  "A Friend," 5, _for Atlanta U._               30.00

Wilmington. Dea. Levi Manning                    2.00

Winchester. First Ch. and Soc., 19.40;
  Miss P. Stevens, 1                            20.40

Winchendon. North Cong. Ch.                     94.52

Winchendon. Atlanta Soc.,
  _for Student Aid_, _Atlanta U._               45.00

Worcester. Union Ch., 220.19;
  J.M. Bassett, 100;
  Salem St. Ch., qr., 19;
  Geo. W. Ames, 3;
  Polly W. Ames, 3                             345.19

Worcester, E.A. Goodnow, 100;
  "Unknown Child," 7 cts., _for Atlanta U._    100.07

Worcester. Sab. Sch. of Piedmont Cong. Ch.,
  _for Student Aid_, _Atlanta U._              156.73

Yarmouth. First Cong. Ch.                       49.58

---- "A Friend"                                  5.00




Worcester. Estate of Marshall S. Ballord,
  by A.H. Ballord, Ex.                         400.00




Alstead, N.H. Children's Mission Circle,
  One Quilt, _for Pleasant Hill, Tenn._

Exeter, N.H. Mrs. John L. Lovering,
  Bbl. of C., _for Tougaloo U._

Cambridgeport, Mass. Pilgrim Ch. Sewing
  Circle, Case, _for Tougaloo U._

Chelsea, Mass. C.A. Richardson, Books.

Gloucester, Mass. Mary Brooks, Bundle.

Groton, Mass. Ladies' Benev. Soc., Case
  for Louisville, Ky.

North Brookfield, Mass. First Cong. Ch.,
  Bbl., _for Pleasant Hill, Tenn._

Shrewsbury, Mass. Mrs. J.S. Cleaveland,
  Box, _for Dakota Indian M._

Waltham, Mass. By Mrs. Luce, Pkg., _for
  Atlanta U._

        RHODE ISLAND, $1,031.55.

Newport. Bbl., _for Williamsburg, Ky._

Providence. Cong. Club,
  By Rev. J.H. McIlvaine, 50;
  North Cong. Ch., 29.05                        79.05

Providence. Sab. Sch. Pilgrim Ch.,
  _for Student Aid_, _Fisk U._                  50.00




Providence. Estate of Anthony B. Arnold,
  by John H. Cheever and W. Knight, Ex'rs     $902.50



        CONNECTICUT, $2,488.05.

Ashford. W.D. Carpenter                         10.00

Bethlehem. "Willing Helpers," _for Santee
  Indian Sch._, by Mrs. S.P. Hayes               1.00

Bristol. Cong. Ch. (50 of which
  _for Tougaloo U._)                            84.16

Bristol. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch.,
  _for Atlanta U._                              13.00

Bristol. Mission Circle, _for Student Aid_,
  _Talladega C._                                10.00

Canton Center. Cong. Ch. and Soc.               11.00

Colchester. First Ch., 33.75;
  Sab. Sch. of First Ch., 12.25;
  Mrs. Erastus Day, 5                           51.00

Collinsville. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                17.25

Danielsonville. Mrs. Sarah A. Backus             6.00

East Hartford. First Ch. (5 of which
  _for Indian M._)                              20.00

East Hartford. Sab. Sch. of First Cong. Ch.     35.00

Farmington. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch.,
  _for Tougaloo U._                             86.41

Hadlyme. Cong. Ch.                              10.74

Hanover. Hanover Cong. Ch.                       4.24

Hanover. Hanover Sab. Sch.,
  _for Rosebud Indian M._                        2.00

Hartford. Roland Mather, 500;
  First Ch., 421.66;
  "L.C.D.", 100                              1,021.66

Hartford. The Parsonage Circle of Dr.
  Walker's Ch. Bbl. and Box Bedding,
  etc., _for Conn. Ind'l Sch., Ga._

Higganum. Cong. Ch.                             20.00

Huntington. Cong. Ch.                            8.00

Huntington, Sab. Sch. of Cong, Ch.,
  _for Atlanta U._                             ..3.00

Litchfield. First Cong. Ch.                     25.35

Lyme. Prof. E.E. Salisbury                      50.00

New Britain. Ladies Benev. Soc. So.
  Cong. Ch. 2 Boxes, _for Williamsburg, Ky._

New Haven. Henry C. Rowe, _for Macon, Ga._      50.00

New Haven. First Cong. Ch., _for Jones
  Kindergarten_, _Atlanta. Ga._                 25.00

New Haven. Sab Sch., College St. Ch.,
  _for Student Aid_, _Fisk U._                  15.00

New Haven. Miss Fannie Skinner,
  _for Freight_                                  1.00

New Haven. "Friend in Center Ch.,"
  _for Indian M._                                1.00

New London. Mission Circle, by Luella
  Armstrong, _for Indian M._                    25.00

New Preston. Cong. Ch., add'l.                   0.25

Norfolk. Mary Eldridge, 25;
  Isabella Eldridge, 25;
  Alice B. Eldridge, 25, _for Atlanta U._       75.00

Norfolk. Robbins Battell,
  _for Talladega C._                            25.00

Northfield. Cong. Ch., to const.
  MRS. J.M. SMITH L.M.                          42.16

North Haven. Cong. Ch., _for Atlanta U._        25.00

North Haven. E. Dickerman                        2.00

Norwich. Henry B. Norton, _for Atlanta U._      50.00

Norwich. "Friends," _for Student Aid_,
  _Straight U._                                 12.00

Old Saybrook. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                30.00

Ridgefield. Cong. Ch.                           13.19

Rockville. Second Cong. Ch.,
  _for Rosebud Indian M._                       18.81

Somers. Miss M.A. Langdon, _for Macon, Ga._      0.25

Southington. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., 6.45,
  _for Rosebud Indian M._ Incorrectly ack.
  in July Number, from Mass.

Stamford. First Cong. Ch., to const.
  GEORGE W. TOMS, 3rd, L.M.                     55.67

Stonington. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                  42.00

Square Pond. ----                                1.00

Thomaston. Cong. Ch.                            42.85

Torrington. Benev. Soc. Third Cong Ch.,
  _for Student Aid_, _Talladega C._             25.00

Westport. Saugatuck Cong. Sab. Sch.,
  _for Conn. Ind'l Sch., Ga._                   20.00

----. "A Friend," _for Talladega_               25.00

----. "Friends," _for Indian M._                 1.06




New London. Trust Estate of Henry P. Haven,
  150 _for Atlanta U._;
  125 _for Talladega C._;
  and 100 _for Tougaloo U._                    375.00



        NEW YORK, $2,202.74.

Alden. Mrs. C.F. Porter and "Friends,"
  _for Student Aid_, _Talladega C._              5.00

Bergen. First Cong. Ch.                         15.83

Berkshire. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.             72.13

Brooklyn. South Cong. Ch., 50;
  Puritan Ch., 49;
  Hetty M. Wiggins, 50c.                        99.50

Brooklyn. S.V. White, 100;
  Mrs. E.H. Van Ingen, 50;
  John W. Mason, 50; _for Atlanta U._          200.00

Brooklyn. Lee Ave. Cong. Sab. Sch.,
  Carrie Strong, 2;
  Carrie Bingham, 2, _for Williamsburg, Ky._     4.00

Brooklyn. Sewing Soc., Plymouth Ch., 2
  Bbls. of C., _for Talladega C._

Buffalo. Spencer Kellogg, _for Jewett
  Memorial Fund_                                20.00

Cambria Center. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch.          10.00

Canandaigua. "Friends," for _Indian M._        150.00

Cortland. Wm. H. Clark, _for Atlanta U._        50.00

Ellington. Mrs. Anson Crosby                     1.00

Flushing. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch.,
  _for Oaks, N.C._                              40.00

Lima. Chas. D. Miner, Sen., 10;
  H.C. Gilbert, 5                               15.00

Morrisville. "A Friend," _for Talladega C._     50.00

Mount Vernon. B. B. Adams, Jr., Box of
  Books, _for Straight U._

New York. "A Friend"                            33.00

New York. H.O. Armour, 100;
  Robbins Battell, 50;
  Chas. L. Colby, 20, _for Atlanta U._         170.00

New York. W.R Huntington, D.D., 20;
  Henry G. Marquand, 10, _for Atlanta U._       30.00

New York. Mrs. Julia M. de Forest,
  _for Talladega C._                            50.00

New York. Clarence F. Birdseye,
  _for Indian Sch'p_                            17.50

New York. C.L. Mead, 2 Pkgs Clothing;
  J.H. Washburn, 2 Pkgs. Clothing

Portland. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Coon             25.50

Rochester. George Thayer                        25.00

Rodman. The Willing Workers, _for
  Student Aid_, _Talladega C._                   9.00

Turin. Helen L. Thompson                         4.00

Warsaw. Cong. Ch.                               16.28

Waterford. C.N. Cobb, _for Student Aid_,
  _Talladega C._                                 5.00

Yaphank. Mrs. Hannah M. Overton                  5.00

Woman's Home Missionary Union, by Mrs.
  L.H. Cobb, Treas., _for Woman's Work_:

    Walton. Woman's Aux.    30.00
                           ------               30.00




Syracuse. Estate of Ira H. Cobb,
  by Nathan Cobb, Ex.                        1,000.00

New York. Estate of W. E. Dodge,
  _for Student Aid_, _Talladega C._             50.00



        NEW JERSEY, $456.03.

Bernardsville. Mrs. M.L. Roberts                40.00

Jersey City. First Cong. Ch. (Tabernacle)       61.08

Montclair. W.H.M.S. of First Cong. Ch.,
  _for Tougaloo U._                             75.00

Montclair. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch.,
  _for Student Aid_, _Talladega C._             10.00

Upper Montclair. Cong. Ch.                     225.75




Orange. Estate of John Hancock, by Rev.
  A. Stewart Walsh, Ex.                         44.20



        PENNSYLVANIA, $122.00.

Cannonsburg. "A Friend," by Miss C. Phillips     1.00

Lawrenceville. Mrs. A.C. Reed,
  _for Student Aid_, _Atlanta U._              100.00

Mercersburg. Thomas C. Johnston                  6.00

Scranton. Mrs. Jane L. Eynon,
  _for Indian Sch'p_                            15.00

        OHIO, $1,737.49.

Akron. Cong. Ch.                                96.49

Brooklyn Village. Cong. Ch.                     12.00

Byran. S.E. Blakeslee                            5.00

Canfield. Cong. Ch.                              1.75

Chagrin Falls. Sab. Sch, of Cong. Ch.,
  Box S.S. Papers, 2.35 _for Freight_,
  _for Tougaloo U._                              2.35

Charlestown. Rev. S.J. Donaldson                 5.00

Cincinnati. Mrs. Betsey E. Aydelott              5.00

Claridon. First Cong. Ch., _for Atlanta U._     16.87

Claridon. Y.P.S.C.E., _for Ponies_               1.00

Cleveland. Jennings Av. Cong. Ch.               50.00

Cleveland. Mrs. H.B. Spelman,
  _for Student Aid_, _Atlanta U._               25.00

Cleveland. Sab. Sch., Olivet Ch.,
  _for Student Aid_, _Fisk U._                   4.10

Columbiana. Ladies' M. Soc. of Grace
  Ref. Ch., _for Ponies_                         3.00

Elyria. First Cong. Ch.                        149.13

Farmdale. Isaac M. Newton                       25.00

Fort Recovery. "Mite Soc." of Cong. Ch.          5.00

Geneva. First Cong. Ch.                         24.54

Hudson. Cong. Ch. (of which 2.20 _for
  Rosebud Indian M._)                           10.00

Hudson. Mrs. Harvey Baldwin                      5.00

Mansfield. First Cong. Ch., 16.86;
  F.E. Tracy, 9.30, _for Student Aid_,
  _Tillotson C. & N. Inst._                     26.16

Mantua. Cong. Ch.                                5.70

Medina. "G.D.B.," 50 cts.;
  "M.E.C.," 35 cts.                              0.85

Mesopotamia. Cong. Ch.,
  _for Mountain White Work_                      5.00

Mount Vernon. Cong. Ch.                         50.00

Oberlin. Jabez L. Burrell, _for Fisk U._     1,000.00

Oberlin. Mary Brand                              1.00

Olmsted. W.H.M.S. of Second Cong. Ch.,
  _for Ponies_                                   2.00

Painesville. Mrs. A.N. Andrus                   15.00

Ragnor. Cong. Ch.                                4.87

Toledo. Sab. Sch. of Central Cong. Ch.,
  Flower Sunday Offering                         4.22

Toledo. Y.P.M.S. of First Cong. Ch.,
  2 Doz. Towels, _for Tillotson C. & N. Inst._

Wadsworth. M. Jennie Hard                        1.00

Ohio Woman's Home Missionary Union, by
  Mrs. Phebe A. Crafts, Treas.,
  _for Woman's Work:_

    Akron. Cong. Ch., W.H.M.S.      10.00

    Bellevue. L.M.S.                 3.65

    Cleveland. Euclid Av. Ch.
      L.H.M.S.                      20.40

    Cleveland. First Cong. Ch.,
      Y.P.S.C.E.                     3.14

    Cleveland. First Cong. Ch.,
      Boys' and Girls' Mission
      Band                           0.63

    Columbus. Eastwood Ch.,
      W.M.S.                        21.00

    Cuyahoga Falls. H.M.S.
      of Cong. Ch.                   7.64

    Edinburg. Sab. Sch.,
      Cong. Ch.                      4.00

    Jefferson. Junior Miss.
      Circle                         5.00

    Wauseon. Mite Soc.,
      Cong. Ch.                      5.00

    Akron. S.S. of Cong. Ch.,
      _for Pony Fund_                5.00

    Cincinnati. Central Cong. Ch.,
      W.H.M.S., _for Pony Fund_      4.00

    Elyria. "Little Helpers,"
      _for Pony Fund_                5.00

    Mansfield. Sab. Sch. of Cong.
      Ch., _for Pony Fund_          10.00

    Oberlin. S.S. of First Ch.,
      _for Pony Fund_                5.00

    Oberlin. S.S. of Second Ch.,
      _for Pony Fund_                5.00

    Salem. Mrs. D.A. Allen,
      _for Pony Fund_                1.00

    Springfield. L.H.M.S.,
      Cong. Ch., _for Pony Fund_     5.00

    Wellington. L.M.S.,
      _for Pony Fund_                5.00

                                ---------      125.46




Nelson. Estate of Mrs. Mary A. Fuller,
  by C.C. Fuller                                50.00



        INDIANA. $90.23.

Bloomington. Mrs. A.B. Woodford,
  _for Student Aid_, _Fisk U._                  25.00

Michigan City. Cong Ch.                         60.00

Michigan City. First Cong. Ch.                   5.23

        ILLINOIS, $883.54

Byron. Cong. Ch.                                10.17

Chandlerville. Cong. Ch.                         9.68

Chicago. Union Park Cong. Ch., 142.07;
  First Cong. Ch., 115.42;
  Millard Av. Cong. Ch., 15;
  Miss M.A. Hand, 5                            277.49

Galena. Mrs. Ann Bean                            2.50

Galva. Cong. Ch.                                25.78

  const himself L.M.                            30.00

Ivanhoe. Cong. Ch.                              28.00

Lacon. Cong. Ch.                                16.00

La Prairie Center. "A Friend"                   20.00

Lewistown. Mrs. Myron Phelps                    50.00

Mendon. Mrs. J. Fowler, to const. W.H.
  GARRETT L.M.                                  40.00

New Windsor. Cong. Ch.                           8.30

Oak Park. First Cong. Ch.                      205.24

Oglesby. T.T. Bent                               5.00

Peoria. _For Student Aid_, _Mobile, Ala._        5.00

Princeton. Cong. Ch., 18;
  Mrs. P.B. Corss, 10                           28.00

Rockford. Rockford Sem. Miss'y Soc.             10.00

Sparta. Bryce Crawford, 5;
  P.B. Gault, 1;
  James Hood, 1;
  D.B. Boyd, 1;
  R.H. Rosboro, 1;
  J. Alexander, 50c.;
  W. Bartholomo, 50c.                           10.00

Streator. Mrs. L.H. Plumb,
  _for Sch'p Fisk U._                           50.00

Summer Hill. Cong. Ch.                           4.10

Winnetka. Cong. Ch.                             47.78

Waukegan. First Cong. Ch.                        5.50

        MICHIGAN, $184.00.

Benzonia. Chas. F. Hopkins                       1.00

Calumet. Sab. Sch. of Cong Ch.,
  _for Student Aid_, _Talladega C._             35.00

Detroit. Miss Martha L. Miller,
  _for Woman's Work_                            30.00

Detroit. Mrs. M.L. Miller, _for Straight U._     5.00

Kalamazoo. T. Hudson                           100.00

Manistee. Christian Endeavor Soc. of
  Cong. Ch.                                      3.00

Memphis. Ladies' Miss'y Soc. of First
  Cong. Ch., _for Athens, Ala._

Nashville. Rev. F. Hurd                          5.00

Wheatland. Cong. Ch.                             5.00

        WISCONSIN, $129.98.

Beloit. L. Meacham                               2.50

Blakes Prairie. Cong. Ch.                        2.25

Clinton. John H. Cooper                          5.00

Genesee. Cong. Ch.                              14.30

Grand Rapids. Cong. Ch.                         12.78

Hammond. Cong. Ch.                              10.00

Hayward. Cong. Ch.                               5.15

Lake Mills. Cong. Ch.                            2.75

Prairie du Chien. Cong. Ch.                      2.55

Princeton. Cong. Ch.                             2.00

Wauwatosa. Cong. Ch.                            51.00

West Salem. Cong. Ch.                           18.70

        IOWA, $380.52.

Anamosa. "Friends," by Miss M.A. George, 3;
  Mrs. E.M. Condit, 1;
    _for Student Aid_, _Straight U._             4.00

Cedar Rapids. Mrs. R.D. Stephens,
  _for Student Aid_, _Straight U._             100.00

Cedar Rapids. C.H. Morse                         2.00

Cherokee. R.H. Scribner, to const. MRS.
  CLARA MILLER L.M.                             30.00

Durant. Cong. Ch., Bbl. of C., _for Savannah Ga._

Eldon. "Mary and Martha"                         3.00

Garwin. Talmon Dewey                             3.20

Genoa Bluffs. Cong. Ch.                          2.56

Goldfield. C. Philbrook                          3.00

Marshalltown. Cong. Ch.                          3.82

Mitchell. First Cong. Ch.                        1.63

Osage. First Cong. Ch.                          13.60

Ottumwa. First Cong. Ch.                        34.03

Ottumwa. Sab. Sch. First Cong. Ch.,
  _for Sch'p_, _Fisk U._                        15.00

Riceville. Z. Banks                              2.00

Sawyer. Francis Sawyer                          20.00

Sioux City. Pilgrim Ch.                          5.37

Stacyville. Cong. Ch., 12;
  Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., 3.57                  15.57

Waterloo. Cong. Ch.                             34.04

Woman's Home Missionary Union of Iowa,
  _for Woman's Work_:

    Charles City. L.M.S.             25.00

    Charles City. Mrs. D. Burnham's
      S.S. Class                     10.00

    Farragut. W.M.S.                 10.00

    Genoa Bluffs. W.H.M.U.            1.25

    Iowa City. W.H.M.U.              23.60

    Marion. L.M.S.                    5.00

    Mount Pleasant.                   5.20

    Nora Springs. Mrs. H.B. Smith     0.50

    Osage. Y.P.S. of C.E.             5.15

    Sheldon. L.M.S.                   2.00

                                  --------      87.70

        MINNESOTA, $112.46.

Anoka. Ladies M. Soc. of Cong. Ch.,
  _for Woman's Work_                            10.00

Excelsior. Cong. Ch.                            21.10

Minneapolis. Plymouth Ch.                       38.00

Morris. Cong. Ch.                               17.76

Saint Paul. Mrs. M.J. Hackett,
  _for Student Aid_, _Fisk U._                  21.50

Saint Paul. S.S. Class of Boys,
  _for Student Aid_, _Talladega C._              1.50

Spring Valley. Cong. Ch.                         2.60

        MISSOURI, $26.50.

Amity. Cong. Ch.                                10.00

Holden. "Mrs. S.E.H.," _for Indian M._           3.00

Neosho. Cong. Ch.                                2.50

Springfield. Central Cong. Ch.                  11.00

        KANSAS, $48.82.

Atwood. Cong. Ch.                                4.00

Louisville. "Cheerful Workers,"
  by W.B. Foster                                 2.40

Manhattan. Cong. Ch.                            32.42

Manhattan. "Friends"                            10.00

        DAKOTA, $10.00.

Henry. Cong. Ch.                                 5.00

Vermillion. Woman's Miss'y Soc.                  5.00

        NEBRASKA, $94.64.

Campbell. Cong. Ch.                              3.03

Columbus. Cong. Ch.                              5.48

Genoa. Cong. Ch.                                 3.70

Lincoln. First Cong. Ch.                        54.55

Linwood. Cong. Ch.                               6.92

Long Pine. Cong. Ch.                             5.00

Monroe. Cong. Ch.                                0.96

South Bend. Rev. S.C. Dean                       2.00

Talmage. Cong. Ch.                              13.00

        COLORADO, $53.00.

Colorado Springs. First Cong. Ch.               53.00

        ARKANSAS, $3.10.

Little Rock. First Cong. Ch.,
  _for Student Aid_, _Talladega C._              3.10

        CALIFORNIA, $11.00.

Berkeley. Mrs. L.P. Huggins                     10.00

Sonora. Mary B. Van Winkle                       1.00

        DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, $13.41.

Washington. Lincoln Memorial Ch., 8.41;
  Tabernacle Ch., 5                             13.41

        KENTUCKY, $512.03.

Lexington. Tuition. 492.68; Rent, 9.35         502.03

Louisville. Woman's M. Soc.,
  _for Fort Berthold Indian M._,
  by Miss S.S. Evans                            10.00

        NORTH CAROLINA, $187.05.

Hillsboro. "Friends," by Carrie B. Jones         1.00

Nalls. Cong. Ch.                                 1.50

Pekin. Cong. Ch.                                 1.00

Troy. By S.D. Leak                               2.55

Wilmington. Tuition                            144.75

Wilmington. By Miss Fitts, 12.60;
  By Miss A.E. Farrington, 3.75,
    _for Student Aid_                           16.25

Wilmington. Cong. Ch., _for Fence_              10.00

Wilmington. "A Friend,"
  _for Student Aid_, _Talladega C._             10.00

        SOUTH CAROLINA, $197.30.

Charleston. Tuition                            197.30

        TENNESSEE, $905.42.

Jellico. Tuition                                25.00

Jonesboro. Pub. Sch. Fund, 50;
  Tuition, 4.75;
  Rent, 75 cts;
  Cong. Ch., 4.27,
  and Miss'y Soc., 3.16                         62.92

Memphis. Tuition                               328.50

Nashville. Tuition, 452;
  Mrs. H.H. Wright, _for Student Aid_, 2       454.00

Nashville. Sab. Sch., Fisk U.,
  20 _for Indian M._
  and 5 _for Chinese M._                        25.00

Nashville. Isaiah Smith,
  _for Sch'p_, _Fisk U._                         1.00

Pomona. Cong. Ch.                                6.00

Robbins. Tuition                                 3.00

        GEORGIA, $724.71.

Atlanta. Storrs Sch., Tuition, 269.40;
  Rent, 2                                      271.40

Macon. Tuition                                 175.50

McIntosh. Tuition                               18.00

McIntosh. Woman's Mlss'y Soc., 13;
  Young People, 1.50,
    _for Fort Berthold Indian M._               14.50

Marietta. Ch. and Sab. Sch.                      1.00

Savannah. Tuition                              177.25

Thomasville. Tuition                            58.50

Thomasville. Sab. Sch. of Conn. Ind'l
  Sch., _for Indian M._                          5.50

Woodville. Pilgrim Cong. Ch.                     3.06

        ALABAMA, $474.87.

Athens. Tuition                                 66.25

Marion. Tuition                                 78.95

Mobile. Tuition                                219.40

Talladega. Tuition                             115.27

        FLORIDA, $41.35.

Jacksonville. Union Cong. Ch.                   12.35

Saint Augustine. Tuition, 24; Rent, 5           29.00

        LOUISIANA, $451.50.

New Orleans. Tuition                           451.50

        MISSISSIPPI, $8.00.

Tougaloo. Tuition, 4; Rent, 4                    8.00

        TEXAS, $178.70.

Austin. Tuition                                173.70

Austin. Sab. Sch., Tillotson, C. & N. Inst.,
  _for Chinese M._                               5.00

        INCOMES, $1,802.60.

Avery Fund, _for Mendi M._                     683.75

De Forest Fund, _for President's Chair_,
  _Talldega C._                                143.75

C.F. Dike Fund, _for Straight U._               50.00

General Endowment Fund                          50.00

Graves' Sch'p Fund, _for Talladega C._         125.00

Hammond Fund. _for Straight U._                 62.50

Hastings Sch'p Fund, _for Atlanta U._           12.50

Howard Theo. Fund, _for Howard U._             475.00

Le Moyne Fund, _for Memphis, Tenn._             75.00

Plumb Sch'p Fund _for Fisk U._                  50.00

Tuthill King Fund. _for Berea C_                50.00

Rev. J. and L.H. Wood Fund,
  _for Sch'p_, _Talladega C._                   25.00

        NEW MEXICO, $14.55.

Albuquerque. Cong. Ch.                          14.55

        JAPAN, $20.00.

Kioto. Mission Ch., by Rev. D.W. Learned        20.00


Donations                                  $16,145.53

Legacies                                     2,843.30

Incomes                                      1,802.50

Tuitions                                     3,524.70

Rents                                           21.10


Total for June                             $24,337.13

Total from Oct. 1 to June 30               214,434.40



Subscriptions for June                         $74.22

Previously acknowledged                        751.20


Total                                         $826.12


H.W. HUBBARD, Treasurer,
  56 Reade St., N.Y.

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