The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 02, February, 1888

By Various

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Title: The American Missionary
       Volume 42, No. 2, February 1888

Author: Various

Release Date: April 3, 2004 [EBook #11763]

Language: English


Produced by Joshua Hutchinson and PG Distributed Proofreaders

The American Missionary

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NO. 2.

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Rooms, 56 Reade Street.

       *       *       *       *       *

Price, 50 Cents a Year, in Advance.

Entered at the Post-Office at New York, N.Y., as second-class matter.

       *       *       *       *       *

American Missionary Association.

       *       *       *       *       *

PRESIDENT, ---- ----


Rev. A.J.F. BEHRENDS, D.D., N.Y.
Rev. ALEX. MCKENZIE, D.D., Mass.
Rev. F.A. NOBLE, D.D., Ill.
Rev. D.O. MEARS, D.D., Mass.

_Corresponding Secretaries._

Rev. M.E. STRIEBY, D.D., 56 Reade Street, N.Y.
Rev. A.F. BEARD, D.D., 56 Reade Street, N.Y.


H.W. HUBBARD, Esq., 56 Reade Street, N.Y.



_Executive Committee._


_For Three Years._


_For Two Years._


_For One Year._


_District Secretaries._

Rev. C.L. WOODWORTH, D.D., 21 _Cong'l House, Boston_.
Rev. J.E. ROY, D.D., 151 _Washington Street, Chicago_.

_Financial Secretary for Indian Missions._

_Field Superintendent._
Rev. C.J. RYDER.

_Bureau of Woman's Work._

_Secretary_, Miss D E. EMERSON, 56 _Reade Street, N.Y._

       *       *       *       *       *


Relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the
Corresponding Secretaries; those relating to the collecting fields, to
the Corresponding Secretaries, or to the District Secretaries; letters
for "THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY," to the Editor, at the New York Office.


In drafts, checks, registered letters or post-office orders, may be sent
to H.W. Hubbard, Treasurer, 56 Reade Street, New York, or, when more
convenient, to either of the Branch Offices, 21 Congregational House,
Boston, Mass., or 151 Washington Street, Chicago, Ill. A payment of
thirty dollars at one time constitutes a Life Member.


"I BEQUEATH to my executor (or executors) the sum of ---- dollars, in
trust, to pay the same in ---- days after my decease to the person
who, when the same is payable, shall act as Treasurer of the 'American
Missionary Association,' of New York City, to be applied, under the
direction of the Executive Committee of the Association, to its
charitable uses and purposes." The Will should be attested by three

       *       *       *       *       *

[Illustration: [Handwritten:
Very cordially yours

James Powell]]


       *       *       *       *       *

No. 2.

       *       *       *       *       *

American Missionary Association.

       *       *       *       *       *


"He whom thou lovest is dead," were the sorrowful words of the stricken
sisters concerning their brother; we repeat them to our many friends who
enjoyed the personal friendship of our beloved brother Powell. These
friends cannot restore him to us, as _the_ Friend restored Lazarus to
his family; but they can sympathize with us in our great bereavement. It
is scarcely three months since our honored president, Gov. Washburn, was
suddenly taken away, and we have not yet found his successor; and now,
Dr. Powell has been removed almost as suddenly, and we can scarcely hope
to find one to take his place. Our only consolation is, that God makes
no mistakes, and that, while men die, His work goes on.

The death of Dr. Powell was unexpected, but its cause lay far back. When
only nineteen years of age, he entered the service of the Christian
Commission, and in the malarial regions of the South, the germs of
disease were planted in his system. They were the cause of frequent and
distressing turns of illness, while his irrepressible energy never
allowed him to take the rest necessary for recovery. The physicians
pronounced the immediate cause of his death to be apoplexy, but most men
carrying his burden of ill-health would have yielded long before; only
his immeasurable hopefulness and activity sustained him to the end.

Rev. James Powell, D.D., was born in Wales, December 25, 1842. At an
early age he came to this country, and partly by his own exertions and
partly by the help of friends whom he had won to himself by his genial
nature and evident indications of future usefulness, he obtained an
education, graduating from Dartmouth College in 1866, and from Andover
Theological Seminary in 1869. He was installed as pastor of the church
at Newburyport in November, 1869, his only pastorate, and remained there
till February, 1873. His health being impaired by his incessant labors
as pastor, he was persuaded by his friend, Rev. Mr. Pike, to aid in
introducing the Jubilee Singers to the English public, with the further
purpose of either remaining abroad to manage the affairs of the Singers
in Great Britain, or of returning and temporarily taking Mr. Pike's
place in Connecticut and New York, as District Secretary of the
Association. The latter alternative was finally decided upon, and Mr.
Powell assumed these duties in the latter part of the year 1873. A year
afterwards, on the resignation of Rev. Dr. Patton from our Chicago
office, Mr. Powell, who had shown remarkable gifts as a speaker, was at
once selected as District Secretary of our Western department. Here he
remained for nearly ten years, when some changes were required in our
district offices and he was called to New York as Assistant
Corresponding Secretary, and entrusted with the supervision of the
entire collecting field. The work he had done so acceptably and
efficiently at the West was followed by equally effective services in
his wider field at the East. In the three years of the recent burden of
debt upon the Association, the energies of Dr. Powell were called into
full play, and when, at our last Annual Meeting, we rejoiced in
deliverance from debt, it was felt that the gratifying result was due in
a large measure to his eloquence by voice and pen. At that meeting Dr.
Powell was elected Corresponding Secretary of the Association.

Bro. Powell was an orator born, not made. His eloquence was not of the
Websterian sort, massive and logical, but rather of that magnetic kind
which wins and sways an audience at will, sometimes to smiles and then
to tears, but always with definite persuasion. He was a brilliant writer
as well as speaker. His pen glowed with a special inspiration, and was
prolific as well. The pages of the AMERICAN MISSIONARY, the columns of
the weekly religious press, the numerous circulars issued from this
office and his abundant correspondence, all bear witness to this. He was
a wise man in counsel. The impassioned and imaginative speaker is not
usually characterized by a cautious judgment or administrative gifts;
but we have found in this office that when grave questions arose for
consideration, Dr. Powell was remarkably conservative and judicious. But
the crowning glory of the man was his bright and genial nature, and his
warm and devoted Christian character. It was this that won all hearts,
that made him welcome on every platform and in every pulpit, that bound
his friends to him in warmest attachment, that opened the doors of all
homes to him and that leaves the memory of brightness behind him in the
offices where he toiled and in his own dear home. His life went out not
as the lightning's flash, that leaves the deeper darkness behind, nor as
the setting sun, that has the night before and after, but his departure
from life was only the entrance into eternal brightness, and leaves a
radiance behind that will be a perpetual joy and consolation to his
friends. He was born on Christmas day, and the festivities of another
Christmas day were not wholly past when he died. His birth was a
Christmas gift to earth, and, be it said with reverence, his death was a
Christmas gift to Heaven, for through the grace of our Lord Jesus
Christ, and the sanctifying influence of the blessed spirit, we believe
he was made meet to be presented to the Father, in whose hands we leave


To lead a people long crushed by oppression away from the degradations
of slavery into a true and intelligent freedom, to teach those who have
no inheritance of steady purpose to rise into new habits of thought and
feeling, and away from the heredity of superstitions which were
unrelated with morality, into a faith which really purifies the heart
and the life, is not the work of a year, nor of fifty years. It means
patient continuance in well doing. It means consecration, responsibility
and self-sacrifice on the part of those who take upon themselves and
into themselves, the sins and the sorrows, and the struggles and
failures of those who are to be saved.

Nothing but a consecration that becomes a passion of the soul in
Christ's love and for Christ's sake, and an abiding faith in the triumph
of his kingdom of love and righteousness, will explain the earnestness
and labor of the devoted souls in our mission work, who are God's kings
and priests ministering to the lowly, and crowding their days with
service for those who have been the victims of the strong, and who, now
weak and poor, are despised in their poverty and weakness.

       *       *       *       *       *

All honor to those who are giving themselves to break down the
injustices of a cruel and unchristian caste, all honor to the noble men
and women who are working to rescue millions from the woeful inheritance
of centuries, as well as to save them from the dominion of the sin which
is common to man.

Others may honor Kings and Queens and Princes who have had their
greatness thrust upon them, but we will stand with those who accentuate
their reverence for lives consecrated to the good of humanity, who are
afflicted with the sorrows of God's poor, and oppressed with their
burdens, and whose prayers and songs are _God save the people_, Their
lives may not be chronicled in the pages which tell of those who lived
to make others serve them, but they are shining names upon God's Book of
Life, and in the day of the coronation of the nobility which God sees
and records, their names will stand out like radiant stars in the
heavens. One of such was JAMES POWELL, whose life was a grand sacrifice
of undeviating love for those whose necessities made him feel that he
was debtor to them, until he gave them the price of his life which
Christ had redeemed.

Subordinating himself to this consecration with incessant desire, he has
left his example which may well be inspiration and strength to all who
are working and praying for those who have been trodden under the feet
of the strong, and he has left his influence for tens of thousands.

       *       *       *       *       *

In the prophecy which foretold Christ, centuries before he came it was
written, "_He shall not fail, nor be discouraged_." Fellow workers, it
is not the consecration of a year, nor of a generation, that is to
restore the millions for whom we work to the places where God would
bring them. The pitiless centuries cannot be redeemed in one day.
Doubtless the work may seem slow and the time may seem long, but every
good deed counts, and no prayer is unheard. The good work is not in
vain. The progress already made is wonderful. The workers who have
consecrated themselves may die in their unfinished work, but God has
pledged himself that the work shall go on. His promises and his
providences will work together like cogs in a wheel. We shall not fail,
and we need not be discouraged. Such lives as that of JAMES POWELL are
not too common in human history, but they show us how the divine can
endue the human with its own power, and how God can make souls great
witnesses for God. Some tell us that the heroic ages have passed away,
but they have not. No! They will last until the world shall be saved,
for the inspirations which come from the spirit of God and from the
cross of Christ will live in hearts which will burn to save those who
need to be saved.

       *       *       *       *       *

Since the death of Dr. Powell, we have received numerous letters from
all parts of the country expressing sympathy in our great bereavement,
which the writers shared profoundly with us. The admiration and love
entertained by the writers, and uttered in these letters, toward our
beloved brother, is gratifying to us, as it is also to his family. In
the pressure of duties consequent upon his death and burial, we have not
found time to reply to these letters, and take this occasion to
acknowledge their receipt and to express our heartfelt thankfulness to
the writers.

       *       *       *       *       *

We shall not be able to make the stirring appeals to provide for the
exigent demands of our great work which our readers have been wont to
recognize as coming from the heart of Dr. Powell, who had the oversight
and burden of the collecting fields.

Never was our work more critical, never more urgent and never more

The winter months, on which we must chiefly rely, are here, and are fast
moving into the past. The work has been laid upon us and it would seem
faithless to our sacred trust to sacrifice any part of it. But we must
not take on a debt. We can only be saved from putting the knife to our
work or of trying to do what we cannot pay for, if the faithful pastors
of the churches will give their very present help. If the pastors who
believe in the work, which includes the education and salvation of the
needy among four races, will give their churches and Christian stewards
a good chance to know how great the cause is and what its honest appeals
are, we are confident that the Lord will deliver us from impending

We will gladly furnish every pastor, and others who will send to us for
them, such facts and figures as may be helpful in representing the work.
Surely we can depend upon those who love God and their country for
thoughtful remembrance and ready response.

       *       *       *       *       *

The Rev. C.J. Ryder who has been assigned to the District Secretaryship
of the Eastern district for the collecting field in New England, will,
upon his return from a supervisory tour in the extreme South, succeed
our friend, Dr. Woodworth, in the Boston office.

It is well known to our readers that Superintendent Ryder, two and a
half years ago, was induced to assume the laborious work then demitted
by Rev. Dr. Roy upon a similar transfer of Dr. Roy from the Field
Superintendency to the District Secretaryship of the West, with his
office in Chicago. To those who have read the "Notes in the Saddle" from
the South, in our magazine, written by Supt. Ryder, we need add no word
of introduction. Nor need we say that he will carry into his new
department of our common work the same energy, zeal and interest which
has characterized the past. With his presentations of the work, and with
his personal knowledge and experience of the field, and of every part of
it, we anticipate for the new District Secretary a hearty welcome and
co-operation on the part of our pastors and churches. The work in the
South will be temporarily supervised, and arrangements have been made
for this by the New York office.

       *       *       *       *       *

In retiring from his long-time trust, the Rev. Dr. Woodworth bears with
him the thanks of multitudes of God's poor in the South, and the high
regard of all who have been associated in co-operative work with him. It
is not impossible that he may yet see his way to add to his record of
many years, still further service in another department of this varied

       *       *       *       *       *


Rev. William H. Ellis died Nov. 28th, at Troy, N.C., aged thirty-five
years and six months. He entered the work of the A.M.A. in North
Carolina in 1878 and continued in that field. At the time of his death
he was pastor of the Congregational Church and teacher of the
Association's school, at Troy, N.C. He was a graduate of Williams
College and continued his habits of study during the years of his
arduous labor as a missionary.

He had been for a long time in feeble health, but was unwilling to leave
his post of duty even temporarily to secure his recovery. His services
in this field of the A.M.A. have been characterized by self-denial,
patience and faithfulness. He was intensely loyal to his convictions and
died having fought the good fight, a Christian hero.



The following list presents the names and post-office addresses of those
who are employed in the Churches, Institutions and Schools aided by the
American Missionary Association.




Rev. W.W. Patton, D.D.  Washington, D.C.
 "   J.G. Craighead, D.D.,   "       "
 "   A.W. Pitzor, D.D.,      "       "
 "   S.M. Newman, D.D.,      "       "
 "   John G. Butler, D.D.,   "       "
 "   G.W. Moore,             "       "


Rev. G.W. Moore, Washington, D.C.

Mrs. G.W. Moore, Washington, D.C.


Rev. H.B. Frissell, Hampton, Va.

       *       *       *       *       *



Rev. George S. Rollins, Rockbottom, Mass.


Mr. Geo. A. Woodard, Weymouth, Mass.

Miss Alice M. Beach, Cortland, N.Y.
  "  H.L. Fitts, Candia, N.H.
  "  Cora M. Rogers, Springfield, Vt.
  "  Louise Denton, Hampstead, L.I.
  "  Mary D. Hyde, Zumbrota, Minn.
  "  C.A. Lewis, Columbus, Ohio.
Mrs. Geo. A. Woodard, Weymouth, Mass.

_Special Missionary,_
Miss A.E. Harrington, Portland, Me.


Rev. Geo. S. Smith, Raleigh, N.C.


_Minister and Teacher,_
Rev. J.N. Bay, Oaks, N.C.
Miss E.W. Douglas, Decorah, Iowa.


_Minister and Teacher,_
Rev. J.N. Ray, Oaks, N.C.
Mrs. Carrie Jones, Chapel Hill, N.C.


Mr. Sandy Paris, Cedar Cliff, N.C.
Mrs. Sandy Paris,    "         "


Rev. Michael Jerkins, Beaufort, N.C.

Miss M.E. Wilcox, Madison, Ohio.


_Minister and Teacher,_
Rev. Stephen C. Goosley, Brooklyn, N.Y.

Miss Rebecca Goosley, Brooklyn, N.Y.


_Minister and Teachers,_
Rev. Alfred Connet, Solsberry, Ind.
Miss Nettie Connet,     "       "
Mr. O. Connet,          "       "


_Minister and Teacher,_
Rev. Z. Simmons, Dudley, N.C.
Mrs. Elinor Walden, Strieby, N.C.


_Minister and Teacher,_
[1]Rev. Wm. H. Ellis, Southfield, Mass.


_Minister and Teacher,_
Rev. J.L. Grice, Pekin, N.C.

       *       *       *       *       *



Rev. Geo. C. Rowe, Charleston, S.C.


Mr. M.A. Holmes, Lee, Mass.

Miss Martha J. Davis, Dunstable, Mass.
 "   Jennie E. Fahnestock, Lewiston, Ill.
Mr. Edward A. Lawrence, Charleston, S.C.
Miss Bessie C. Beehan, Fergus, Ont.
 "   Mary J. Steiger, Westfield, Mass.
 "   Mary I. Deas, Charleston, S.C.
Mrs. M.A. Holmes, Lee, Mass.


Rev. W.A. Sinclair, Orangeburg, S.C.



Rev. J.E.B. Jewett, Pepperell, Mass.
Mrs. J.E.B. Jewett,      "        "
"    M.M. Pond,          "        "

       *       *       *       *       *



Rev. Evarts Kent, Chicago, Ill.
 "   C.W. Francis, Atlanta, Ga.


_Instructors and Managers,_
Prof. Cyrus W. Francis, Atlanta, Ga.
  "   Thos. N. Chase, Atlanta, Ga.
  "   Horace Bumstead, D.D., Atlanta, Ga.
Mr. Horace M. Sessions, Hampden, Mass.
  " Edgar H. Webster, Boston, Mass.
  " C.C. Tucker, Fitchburg, Mass.
  " John W. Young, Atlanta, Ga.
  " C.D. Alvord, Boston, Mass,
Miss Ella W. Moore, Chicago, Ill.
  "  Rebecca Massey, Oberlin, O.
  "  Margaret Neel, Livonia, N.Y.
  "  Carrie E. Jones, Atlanta, Ga.
Mrs. Lucy E. Case, Charlton Dep't, Mass.
  "  T.N. Chase, Atlanta, Ga.
Miss S.A. Cooley, Bavaria, Kan.
  "  Elma H. Stone, Hyde Park, Mass.
  "  Julia A. Cole, Auburndale, Mass.
Mrs. Jane T. Ware, Atlanta, Ga.
 "   C.C. Hendry, Exeter, N.H.
Miss Mary E. Sands, Saco, Me.
Mrs. H.W. Chase,  West Randolph, Vt.
Miss M. Agnes Tuck, Exeter, N.H.
 "   F.M. Andrews, Milltown, N.B.
 "   E.H. Merrill, Boston, Mass.

STORRS SCHOOL (104 Houston St.)

Mrs. H.I. Miller, East Corinth, Vt.

Miss I.M. Tindall, Pontiac, Ill.
 "   Amelia L. Ferris, Oneida, Ill.
 "   Nellie S. Donnell, Bath, Me.
 "   Lizzie I. Clark, Simmons, O.
 "   Caledonia Phillips, Cannonsburg, Pa.
 "   A.H. Levering, Philadelphia, Pa.
 "   Carrie J. Parry, Chicago, Ill.
 "   Nellie E. Blood, Pepperell, Mass.

_Special Missionary,_
Miss Lizzie Stevenson, Bellefontaine, O.


Rev. Samuel Rose, Poquonock, Conn.


Mrs. Liva A. Shaw, Owego, N.Y.

Miss E.L. Patten, Somers, Conn.
"    E.B. Scobie, Peninsula, O.
"    Anna Doyen, Antioch, Ill.
"    S.F. Clark, Medina, O.
"    Jennie Woodruff, Berea, Ky.
Mrs. Grace M. Rose, Poquonock, Conn.
"    F.E. Greene, Rochester, N.Y.
Miss M.A. Glassburn, Gallipolis, O.

_Industrial Teacher_,
Mr. C.F. Robinson, Syracuse, N.Y.


Rev. L.B. Maxwell, Savannah, Ga.


Miss A.A. Holmes, Lee. Mass.

Miss M.A. Lyman, Huntingdon, Mass.
"    M.R. Montgomery, Arlington, N.J.
"    C.M. Dox, Kalamazoo, Mich.
"    M.M. Foote, Norwich, N.Y.
"    H.I. Martin, South Lee, Mass.
"    H.M. Hegeman, City Island, N.Y.
"    A.D. Gerrish, Warron, Mass.



Mrs. W.L. Gordon, Richmond, Mich.

Miss Mary Howard Nutting, Randolph, Vt.
"    Julia A. Goodwin, Mason, N.H.
"    Anna M. Poppino, New Wilmington, Pa.
"    Mary E. Pomroy, Elyria, O.
"    Kate I. Fowler, Kenosha, Wis.
"    Amelia Knapp, Greenwhich, Conn.


Rev. Floyd Snelson, McIntosh, Ga.

Miss Elizabeth Plimpton, Walpole, Mass.
"    Mary E. Ayer, Brookfield, Mass.
"    Lizzie H. Kuhl, Lawrenceville, Pa.
"    Mary A. Cutler, Greenwich Valley, Mass.


_Minister and Teachers_,
Rev. James Walker, Cypress Slash, Ga.
Mrs. James Walker,    "      "    "


Rev. Geo. V. Clarke, Atlanta, Ga.

Mr. Lewis S. Clark, Athens, Ga.


_Minister and Teacher_,
Rev. J.H.H. Sengstacke, Savannah, Ga.
Mr. J. Loyd,              "       "


_Minister and Teacher_,
Rev. E.J. Penney, Marietta, Ga.


Mr. W.C. Greene, Albany, Ga.


Rev. N.B. James, New Orleans, La.


Rev. R.M. Lewis, Milford, Ga.


Rev. James Walker, Cypress Slash, Ga.


Mrs. A. Richardson, ----
Mr. Edw. Richardson, ----


Mr. F.H. Henderson, Cuthbert, Ga.

       *       *       *       *       *



Miss Mary E. McLane, New Haven, Conn.
"    Alice M. Field, North Bennington, Vt.


Rev. W.A. Benedict,  Orange Park, Fla.

       *       *       *       *       *



Rev. G.W. Andrews, D.D., Talladega, Ala.


_Instructors and Managers_,
Pres. H.S. DeForest, D.D., Talladega, Ala.
Prof. G.W. Andrews, D.D., Talladega, Ala.
 "    Jesse Bailey,     Woolwich, Me.
Mr.   E.C. Silsby,      Talladega, Ala.
 "    John Orr,       Clinton, Mass,
 "    E.A. Bishop,     Talladega, Ala.
 "    C.H. Clark,      Richmond, Me.
Miss  L.F. Partridge,    Holliston, Mass.
 "    Jennie A. Ainsworth, Winter Park, Fla.
 "    I. Mary Crane,   Gilbert's Mills, N.Y.
 "    May L. Phillips,   Cannonsburg, Pa.
Mrs.  Clara O. Rindge,   Homer, N.Y.
Miss  Helen M. Andrews,  Massena, N.Y.
 "    Lura Aldridge,    Oak Park, Ill.
 "    Sarah J. Elder,    Melrose, Mass.
 "    F.L. Yeomans,    Danville, Ills.
Mrs.  E.A. Bishop,     Talladega, Ala.
 "    John Orr,      Clinton, Mass.
 "    E.C. Silsby,     Talladega, Ala.
Miss  Alice F. Topping,   Olivet, Mich.
Mrs.  H.S. De Forest,   Talladega, Ala.
 "    G.W. Andrews,    Talladega, Ala.


Rev. H.S. Williams,    Athens, Ala.


Miss M.F. Wells         Ann Arbor, Mich.
 "   Villa D. Crumb,    Norwich, N.Y.
 "   Alice M. Whitsey,  Pover, Ohio.
 "   Lila McClelland,   Norwood, N.Y.


Rev. A.W. Curtis,    Crete, Neb.

Rev. A.W. Curtis,    Crete, Neb.
Miss M.A. Mason,     Westfield, Mass.
 "   Almeda Marston, Oberlin, Ohio.
 "   Clara A. Dole,    "        "


Rev. C.B. Curtis,     Burlington, Wis.

_Special Missionary_,
Miss Mary K. Lunt,   New Gloucester, Me.


Rev. F.G. Ragland    Mobile, Ala.


Mr. Geo. P. Armstrong,  Speedside, Can.

Mrs. Geo. P. Armstrong,  Speedside, Can.
Miss Florence Gill,      Oberlin, O.
 "   Isadora M. Caughey, Kingsville, O.
 "   Anna D. Newman,     Andover, Mass.
 "   Mary R. Whitcomb,   Redfield, Dak.
 "   Harriet B. Clapp,   Fulton, N.Y.

_Matron and Special Missionary_,
Miss L.A. Filigree,    Denmark, Me.


Rev. J.A. Jones,     Talladega, Ala.


Rev. J.R. Sims,      Talladega, Ala.


----    ----


Rev. Spencer Snell,     Birmingham, Ala.

MONTGOMERY, (P.O. Box 62.)

Rev. R.C. Bedford,     Watertown, Wis.


Rev. W.P. Hamilton,    Talladega, Ala.


Rev. H.W. Conley,           Talladega, Ala.

----                         ----
----                         ----


Rev. J.B. Grant,            Talladega, Ala.


_Minister and Teacher,_
Rev. ----                    ----


_Minister and Teachers,_
Rev. D.W. Culp,             Florence, Ala.
Miss Fanny Jones,                "      "



Rev. E.A. Squier,           Decatur, Ala.


Rev. B.J. Donnell,          Decatur, Ala.

       *       *       *       *       *



Rev. Henry S. Bennett,       Nashville, Tenn.


_Instructors and Managers,_
Pres. E.M. Cravath, D.D.,   Nashville, Tenn.
Prof. A.K. Spence,             "         "
 "    H.S. Bennett,            "         "
 "    F.A. Chase,              "         "
 "    H.H. Wright,          Oberlin, O.
Rev. E.C. Stickel,             "         "
Prof. Helen C. Morgan,       Cleveland, O.
Miss Anna M. Cahill,         Nashville, Tenn.
 "   Laura A. Parmelee,      Toledo, O.
 "   Anna F. Ballantine,     Oberlin, O.
 "   Mary E. Edwards,        Westhampton, Mass.
 "   Julia A. Condict,       Adrian, Mich.
 "   E.M. Clapp,            East Hampton, Mass.
 "   Jennie A. Robinson,     Oberlin, O.
 "   Sarah Bowen,            Bloomington, Ind.
Mrs. Lucy R. Greene,         No. Amherst, Mass.
Miss M.L. Matthews,         Millville, N. Y.
 "   S.M. Wells,            Middletown, N. Y.
Mrs. W.D. McFarland,        Winsted, Conn.
Mrs. Lizzie Jenkins,         Marion, Kas.
Mr. Wm. R. Morris,           Nashville, Tenn.
Mrs. A.K. Spence,              "         "
 "   E.M. Cravath,             "         "


Rev. John W. Whittaker,      Springfield, Mass.


Rev. J.M. Gilmere,          Nashville, Tenn.


Rev. G. Stanley Pope,        Grand View, Tenn.


Rev. B.A. Imes,             Oberlin, O.


Prof. A.J. Steele,          Whitewater, Wis.

Mr. Fred R. Nichols,         Keene, N.H.
Miss Esther A. Barnes,       Tallmadge, O.
 "   Ella Bebout,            Thomas, Pa.
 "   Ruth E. Stinson,        Woolwich, Me.
 "   M.A.C. Stewart,       Wilmot, N.S.
 "   C.S. Goldsmith,        Chester, N.H.
 "   Rebecca M. Green,       Hamlet, N.Y.
 "   M.A. Kinney,           Whitewater, Wis.
 "   Zulee E. Felton,        Memphis, Tenn.
 "   Fannie A. McCullough,     "       "


_Minister and Teacher,_
Rev. Jos. E. Smith,          Chattanooga, Tenn.
Mr. G.W. Jackson,           Tougaloo, Miss.


_Minister and General Missionary,_
Rev. G. Stanley Pope,        Grand View, Tenn.


_Minister and General Missionary,_
Rev. A.A. Myers,            Jellico, Tenn.

_Teachers and Missionary,_
Mr. Geo. Lawrence,           Hillsdale, Mich.
Mrs. Geo. Lawrence,              "        "
"    A.A. Myers,            Jellico, Tenn.


Rev. L.D. Cunningham,  Talladega, Ala.


Rev. ----,            ----

Mrs. Julia B. Nelson,   Red Wing, Minn.
Miss S. Elizabeth Lee,  Fulton, N.Y.
"    Blanche Page,      Kewanee, Ills,


Rev. S.P. Smith,     Knoxville, Tenn.


Rev. Jos. E. Smith,   Chattanooga, Tenn,


_Minister and Teacher,_
Rev. C.B. Biggs,    Emmington, Ill.
Mr. E.A. Palmer,    Grand View, Tenn.


Rev. G. Stanley Pope,  Grand View, Tenn.


_Minister and Teachers,_
Rev. Benj. Dodge,        Centre Lebanon, Me.
Miss Jeanne A. Calkins,  Daysville, N.Y.
"    E.F. Dodge,         Centre Lebanon, Me.


Rev. B. Dodge,    Centre Lebanon, Me.


Rev. A.A. Myers,    Jellico, Tenn.


Rev. Stanley E. Lathrop, New London, Wis.

Miss Gert. Bridgman,     S. Amherst, Mass.
"    Mary L. Hubbard,    Sunderland, Mass.




Rev. Azel Hatch,        Oberlin, O.
Miss Flora C. Clough,   Plainfield, N.H.
"    Anna M. Tetter,    Oberlin, O.
"    Mira L. Olmstead,  Denver, Col.
"    Mary A. Peffers,   Peru, Vt.
"    Louise C. Holman,  Lincoln, Neb.


Rev. G.M. McClellan,   Louisville, Ky.

_Special Missionary,_
Miss S.S. Evans,     Fryeburg, Me.


Rev. F.E. Jenkins,    S. Coventry, Ct.


Rev. F.E. Jenkins,    S. Coventry, Ct.

Mr. R.E. Dickson,       Windsor Locks, Ct.
Mrs. W.E. Wheeler,      Marshfield, Wis.
Miss Maria M. Lickorish, North Ridgeville, O.
"    M.A. Packard,      Williamsburg, Ky.
Mrs. J.P. Hubbard,      Hiram, Me.


Rev. E.H. Bullock,   Polleyton, Ky.


Rev. W.H. Baker,    Berea, Ky.


Mrs. A.A. Myers,    Jellico, Tenn.


Mrs. A.A. Myers,    Jellico, Tenn.


Rev. A.A. Myers, Jellico, Tenn.


Rev. Mason Jones,   Berea, Ky.

       *       *       *       *       *



Rev. B.F. Foster, Topeka, Kan.


Rev. Welborn Wright, Lawrence, Kan.


---- ----

       *       *       *       *       *



Rev. Y.B. Sims, Talladega, Ala.


_Minister and Teacher_,
Rev. ---- ----

       *       *       *       *       *



Rev. Frank G. Woodworth, Wolcott, Conn.


_Instructors and Managers_,
Pres. Frank G. Woodworth, Wolcott, Conn.
Mr. B.S. Hill, Graytown, O.
Mr. Henry P. Kennedy, Jackson, Mich.
 "  Wm. D. Hitchcock,    "       "
 "  W.H. Bishop, Amherst, Mass.
 "  J.C. Klein, Stockbridge, Mich.
Miss Gertrude M. Sammons, Wattsburgh, Pa.
 "   Julia A. Sauntry,   Burbank, Minn.
 "   Sarah Humphrey, East Saginaw, Mich.
 "   Annie L. Harwood, Oak Park, Ill.
 "   Clara E. Walker, Lorain, O.
 "   Nellie L. Ruddock, Hancock, Minn.
Mrs. A.V. Whiting, Clearwater, Minn.
 "   H.P. Kennedy,    Jackson, Mich.
 "   Wm. D. Hitchcock,   "       "
Miss. S.L. Emerson,   Hallowell, Me.



Rev. Eli Tapley, Columbus, Miss.


Rev. James E. Rawlins,  Brooklyn, N.Y.


Rev. C.L. Harris, Jackson, Miss.


Rev. J.B. Oliver, Greenville, Miss.

       *       *       *       *       *



Rev. M.L. Berger, D.D.,  Claverack, N.Y.


_Instructors and Managers_,
Pres. R.C. Hitchcock, Thompsonville, Ct.
Prof. M.L. Berger, D.D., Claverack, N.Y.
Mr. E.J. Pond, New Orleans, La.
 "  S.H. Bishop, New York City,
 "  E.C. Rose, New Orleans, La.
Miss Alice Shovelton, No. Weymouth, Mass.
Mrs. E.J. Pond, New Orleans, La.
Miss Olive A. Thompson, Durham, N.H.
  "  Anna F. Condict, Adrian, Mich.
Mrs. R.C. Hitchcock, Thompsonville, Ct.
Miss May O. Johnson, New Brunswick, N.J.
  "  Ella Samson, Somerville, Mass.
  "  Sarah A. Coffin, Beloit, Wis.
  "  Eugenie Northrop, Lysander, N.Y.
  "  Jennie Fyfe, Lansing, Mich.
  "  Sibyl M. Noble, Norwichtown, Ct.
Mrs. E.C. Eose, New Orleans, La.


----   ----


Rev. C.H. Claiborne, New Orleans, La.


Rev. I.H. Hall, New Orleans, La.


Rev. Byron Gunner, Talladega, Ala.


Rev. Wm. Butler, New Iberia, La.


Rev. I.H. Hall, New Orleans, La.


----  ----

       *       *       *       *       *




Rev. Henry L. Hubbell, D.D., Amherst, Mass.

_Instructors and Managers_,
Pres. Henry L. Hubbell, D.D., Amherst, Mass.
Mr. B.M. Weld, ----  "
 "  K.A. Campbell, Boston, Mass.
Miss Rose M. Kinney, Oberlin, O.
 "   Fanny J. Webster, Sheboygan, Mich.
 "   Clara M. Hubbell, Amherst, Mass.
 "   Florence A. Sperry, Rock Creek, O.
 "   Phebe B. Parsons, Marcellus, N.Y.
Mrs. K.A. Campbell, Boston, Mass.
Miss Carrie M. Park, West Boxford, Mass.

_Special Missionary_,
Miss M.J. Adams, Columbus, Wis.


Rev. Mitchell Thompson, Helena, Tex.


Rev. J.W. Strong, Talladega, Ala.


----  ----


_Minister and Teacher_,
Rev. J.R. McLean, Paris, Tex.


Rev. J.R. McLean, Paris, Tex.


_Minister and Teacher_,
Rev. E.E. Sims, Dodd, Tex.


----  ----

       *       *       *       *       *




_Superintendent and Missionary_,
Rev. A.L. Riggs,   Santee Agency, Neb.

Mr. Joseph H. Steer, Santee Agency, Neb.

Mr. J.A. Chadbourne, Bridgewater, Mass.
Miss Harriet B. Ilsley, Newark, N.J.
 "   Helen E. Haynes, Townsend Harbor, Mass.
 "   Edith Leonard, Scotland, Mass.
 "   Cora Riggs, Santee Agency, Neb.
 "   Ella Worden, Topeka, Kansas.

_Native Teachers_
James Garvie,    Santee Agency, Neb.
Jennie M. Cox,     "   "  "
Eugenia LaMoore,   Brown Earth, Dak.

Miss L.H. Douglass,
(Dakota Home),   New Haven, Ct.
Miss Harriet A. Brown,
(Bird's Nest),   Brooklyn, N.Y.
Miss Jennie E. Kennedy,
(Young Men's Hall), Montrose, Iowa.
Miss S. Lizzie Voorhees,
(Boys' Cottage),   Rocky Hill, N.J.
Miss Nettie Calhoun,
(Dining Hall),   Kenton, Ohio.

Mrs. A.L. Riggs,   Santee Agency, Neb.
" J.H. Steer,       "        "      "
" A.H. Stone,      Philipstone, Mass.
" I.P. Wold,       Santee Agency, Neb.

_Industrial Department_,
Joseph H. Steer,   Santee Agency, Neb.
A.H. Stone,        Philipstone, Mass.
Reuben Cash,       Niobrara, Neb.
Ivor P. Wold,      Santee Agency, Neb.

_Supt. Printing Office_,
Edwin A. Fry,    Creighton, Neb.

_Native Pastor and Helpers_,
Rev. Artemas Ehnamani, Santee Agency, Neb.
Elder Daniel Cetanmani,  "   "   "
" Jas. Redwing Oyemaza,  "   "   "
" Benjamin Zimmerman,    "   "   "
Mr. Eli Abraham,         "   "   "


_Minister and Teacher_,
Rev. J.E. Smith,   De Smet, Dak.
Mrs. J.E. Smith,      "   "



_Superintendent and Missionary_,
Rev. T.L. Biggs,   Oahe, Dak.

_Manager and Treasurer_,
Mr. Elias Jacobson,  Oahe, Dak.

Miss M. Lindemann,  West Newton, Mass.
" Julia E. Pratt,  Essex, Conn.
" Louise Merrick, Onida, Dak.
Mrs. Lucy M. Riggs,  Oahe, Dak.
" Margaret L. Riggs,  "   "



David Lee,  Cheyenne River Agency, Dak.


Henry Lee,  Cheyenne River Agency, Dak.


James Brown,    Santee Agency, Neb.


Elizabeth Winyan,   Sisseton Agency, Dak.
Edwin Phelps,     "   "   "


Joseph Day,       Flandreau, Dak.


John Bluecloud,   Brown Earth, Dak.


Rev. George W. Reed,   Springfield, Mass.


Francis Frazier and wife, Santee Agency, Neb.


Louis De Coteau and wife, Sisseton Ag'cy, Dak.



Miss Mary C. Collins, Keokuk, Iowa.
Elias Gilbert, Sisseton Agency, Dak.


Rev. Geo. W. Reed,  Springfield, Mass.
Mrs. Lottie Reed,      "   "


Rev. C.L. Hall,   Fort Berthold, Dak.

Mrs. C.L. Hall,   Fort Berthold, Dak.
Miss. F.M. Linnell,  Adrian, Mich.

Miss Mary W. Green, Philadelphia, Pa.


Rev. Myron Eells,   S'kokomish, W.T.



Mr. Elmore Chase,   Jacksonville, Ills.

Mrs. Elmore Chase,  Jacksonville, Ills.
Miss S.E. Moore,   Olivet, Mich.
" Maria E. Clegg,     Santa Fé, New Mex.

Miss M.E. DeSette,  Hiawatha, Kan.

       *       *       *       *       *


Rev. William C. Pond,     San Francisco, Cal.

Alameda,        Mrs. George Morris,     Alameda, Cal.
Marysville,     Miss M.A. Flint,        Marysville, Cal.
"                  " Lena Ewing,        "   "
Oakland (Japanese),  N. Kosaki,      Oakland, Cal.
" (Chinese),    Mrs. M.D. Kurtz,        "   "
Oroville,       " Maria Topping,        Oroville, Cal.
Petaluma,       " M. H. Colby,          Petaluma, Cal.
"               " R. Carrington,                "   "
Sacramento,     Yong Gin,               Sacramento, Cal.
"               Mrs. M.A. McKenzie,             "   "
San Diego,      Quon Newey,             San Diego, Cal.
San Francisco.--_Central_, A.L. Worley, San Francisco, Cal.
"   "   "       Miss L.F. Lamont,       "   "   "
"   "   "       Mrs. M.A. Green,        "   "   "
"   "   "       Loo Quong,              "   "   "
"   "   --_Barnes_, Mrs. H.W. Lamont,   "   "   "
"   "   "       Ny Hing,                "   "   "
"   "   --_West_, Miss F.N. Worley,     "   "   "
"   "   "       " Rosa Lamont,          "   "   "
Santa Barbara,  Mrs. E.M. Shattuck,     Santa Barbara, Cal.
Santa Cruz,     " L.A. Osgood,          Santa Cruz, Cal.
"   "           Pou Fang,               "   "   "
Stockton,       Mrs. M.B. Langdon,      Stockton, Cal.

       *       *       *       *       *




I write these notes under the shadow of the great affliction that has
fallen upon the A.M.A. in the death of Dr. Powell. Although he was at the
head of another department of A.M.A. work, we always knew that we had in
him a kind and thoughtful friend, and one who would cordially co-operate
with the other officers in their far-reaching plans for the development
of the work, even though it added to his cares and burdens in gathering
the funds necessary to carry out these plans. We who have our work and
responsibilities in the field, no less than those who were in the office
with Dr. Powell, would bear our tribute of love, and scatter the
blossoms of holy memories upon this new-made grave.

       *       *       *       *       *

Two State Associations of unusual interest were held during the month of
November. The Central South Association met with the Trinity Church, in
Athens, Ala., Nov. 3d. This Association includes the churches of
Tennessee and two or three of those in Alabama. The reports from the
churches were very complete. Only one church in the Association was
without regular ministerial services, and that church had recently lost
its pastor by death. They are now supplied by a competent and faithful
minister. The temperance question was discussed with great enthusiasm.
The influence of Fisk University on the right side, during the recent
prohibition battle in Tennessee, can scarcely be over-estimated. Many
expressed the judgment that the argument of the Southern whites, that
the colored people defeated prohibition, was not true. One pastor
reported that his county went almost solidly against prohibition, and
there was only one colored man in the county, so far as he knew, and he
was a staunch prohibitionist. Some argued that while so many churches
and Women's Christian Temperance Unions and Young Men's Christian
Associations shut out respectable colored people, and saloons welcomed
those who were not respectable, it would be a difficult task for the
better class to induce the more ignorant to vote against those who
welcomed them and in favor of those who shut them out. Is there not
considerable force in their arguments?

A young colored man, who had been a preacher in one of the old churches
of the South and had become disgusted with its ignorance, superstition
and immorality, presented his credentials and applied for admission into
the Congregational Association of the State. This action of his is a
straw which shows which way the wind of religious thought blows among
the intelligent colored people of the South. The weather-vane points
toward Congregationalism. An aged pastor, who had endured ostracism and
violence in New York State in the early times, on account of his
anti-slavery opinions, was present during the meetings of the
Association, and added greatly to their interest. It was a thrilling
sight to him to look upon these colored brethren during their earnest
and often eloquent discussions, and to remember how much he had suffered
in their behalf in other days. Trinity School opened its doors wide and
offered generous hospitality to the pastors and delegates. On the whole,
it was one of the best meetings the Association has ever enjoyed.

       *       *       *       *       *

The Congregational Association of the State of Georgia met with the
church at Macon, November 9th-14th. The church and its new pastor, a son
of Connecticut, did their utmost to make the meetings pleasant and
helpful. The band of earnest Christian teachers of Lewis Normal
Institute, the A.M.A. school at Macon, joined hands with the church and
pastor in helping to make the sessions of the Association profitable.
Here, too, as in the Central South Association, the temperance question
held a prominent place in the discussions. There was not a member of the
Association but was heartily in favor of prohibition. The Atlanta
campaign was on in all its heat and passion, and beseeching requests
were made by the delegates from that city that prayer might be offered
for them as they passed through the heat of this battle against
legalizing crime. Almost every church in the Association was represented
in this meeting and one new church applied for admission. This church
stands near the old prison pen of Andersonville and so the blood of the
martyrs proves the seed of the church, whether they wear the monk's cowl
of a Huss or the ragged blue of our country. The church at Charleston,
S.C., reported two missions just established in the destitute parts of
that city. All the churches in this Association assisted by the A.M.A.
are struggling towards self-support under helpful pressure from that
Society. I am glad to report that the church at Savannah has taken upon
itself the support of its pastor and local expenses for the next year.
The churches in this Association, although poor and often in serious
financial straits themselves, showed their appreciation of other lines
of Christian work by passing the following resolution:

     _Resolved,_ That in view of the financial embarrassments of the
     Home Missionary Society, the pastors of the churches urge upon
     their people the duty of taking up a collection for the benefit of
     that Society.

       *       *       *       *       *

As illustrating the need of intelligent and decent church services in
the South, I record the following facts, which were related to me by
those who knew of them personally. A colored preacher of the "old-time"
sort preached on the Judgment Day. He held the meeting from evening till
well into the night. He arranged with a worthless fellow to hide himself
in the woods just outside the church, with a tremendously big
dinner-horn, with instructions to blow upon it at a certain signal. At
the awful hour of midnight, when, by entreaty and appeal and frightful
figures of speech, the preacher had worked the people up into a frenzy
of excitement and terror, he exclaimed, "Listen, I reckon I hear Gabriel
getting ready to blow now. De last day am on us, de judgment am right
here, whar you sinners now? Listen." And with bated breath they
listened. Just then there came a fearful blast on the stillness of the
midnight air, and the scene that followed can better be imagined than
described. Helter-skelter over the benches and over each other, the
terrified people scrambled for the mourners' bench. The preacher
boastfully told afterward, that "dar want scarsely one sinner but what
wah effected."

The quiet forms of worship in our Congregational churches, and the
intelligent preaching of the A.M.A. ministers, are fast bringing about a
state of things which will drive out such church circuses, with their
ministerial clowns. God speed the day!

       *       *       *       *       *

During a considerable portion of the last month I have been "riding
double," as our honored Secretary, Dr. Beard, has been in the saddle
with me. His knowledge of the field, gained through these frequent
personal visits, is of great advantage to the work and highly
appreciated by the workers. We jogged together over many miles of
country, comparing notes, discussing plans and expressing our mutual
surprise at the wonderful and far-reaching work which is being
accomplished, and the prophetic glories of the future.

An account of the mountain campaign, through which Secretary Beard went
with me, will be the subject of future notes.

       *       *       *       *       *

The following churches have been organized in our Southern field during
the past few weeks:

Deer Lodge Congregational Church, Deer Lodge, Tenn., organized Nov. 16,
1887, with thirteen members; Calvary Congregational Church, Pine
Mountain, Tenn., organized Nov. 26, 1887, with thirteen members; Second
Congregational Church, Decatur, Ala., organized Nov. 30, 1887, with
fifteen members.

       *       *       *       *       *



The writer of this letter is Loafer Redhorse, a son-in-law of the Titon
Chief, Swift Bear, whose band have colonized as homesteaders along the
Niobrara River near the mouth of Keya Paha River. Their colony is one
hundred and thirty miles from Rosebud Agency, to which they belong.
Their settlement we call Burrell Station in honor of Dea. Burrell, of
Oberlin, Ohio, who gave the money to build the school-house and home for
the teacher. Mr. Francis Frazier, son of Pastor Ehnamani of Santee, has
now been their teacher two years.

Loafer Redhorse is anything but a loafer. He is one of the most
industrious men. He is one who would naturally be first in war, as he
says, and now also is first in following the plow, and learning the ways
of the white man. Among other things it is interesting to know what he
thinks of prohibiting the use of the Dakota language.

MY FRIENDS: Let me speak now. I am sad because of one thing which I will
now speak of. Since our school-house (the Burrell station school) was
built, I, with my children, have attended with a glad heart just as if
it were my own. And now I hear that it is likely to be closed, and I
will speak about that. And this is why I have something to say. The
scholars who go out from the Brules to go to school, come back without
knowing anything, for the reason that they don't teach them anything
except to work. That is the reason they don't know anything, I think.

And I will tell how it was with us under Indian customs since the time I
had understanding. Then the Indian tribes were happy. Into whatever
country was good they roamed just as they pleased. At that time,
although there were many Indians on all sides, there was a great country
in between full of buffalo. It seemed to be the buffalo's country. And
the Indian people were made happy because of the buffalo. The people
would move their camps and pitch their tents again and the buffalo would
come right in among their tents with a great noise. Then it was that the
people had great joy.

And there was another thing that the people rejoiced in greatly. I will
speak of that also. That was in war. When they went to war and came near
the enemies' dwellings and saw the enemy there they would choose out
about ten of the bravest young men and dispatch them to kill some of the
enemy. Then they would draw near to the houses, and soon though there
might be five whose hearts were not able for it, the others would go on
and kill a man at his house. And the great joy that I spoke of was thus:
of the five who had killed an enemy but only four of them could take the
glory, but their names would be praised throughout the whole Indian
nation; they would be glorified and considered as chiefs. But most of
all, he who first killed the enemy he would be the chief. And then when
they had returned home even the women would rejoice greatly. They would
dance night and day, all of them. And as I, myself, was chief, I
considered this the very greatest joy. Such were our customs.

But now from the place I now occupy, I look back and remember these
things. And though the Indian people had all of these customs, I know
not one of them that made the people prosper or brought life to them. I
have not seen that brought life to the people. And thus from where I am
now, I am always looking to the future. On this account I am looking
forward. The Indians have been told the words of the Grandfather, (the
President). And they tell us that by these words the people will

"Plant; by that you shall live," the Grandfather told them. And now I
know a little that the Grandfather spoke the truth. The Grandfather
gives me food for six days, but even though I eat a very little each
day, in three days I have eaten it all up. But now I have raised corn
and though I abide here eating nothing else, by it I live. And also to
go from my place to where the Grandfather gives me rations takes one
week to go and the same to come back and I stay over a few days to rest
when there, and so it altogether covers over three weeks or more.
Therefore, though I have settled here and desire to busy myself in all
the white man's ways that I am able, I have not yet become independent.
And therefore, I earnestly wish, if it were possible, that the
Grandfather would enable us to receive a year's rations at a time, and
then we would make speedy progress in the white man's way.

And because of this also, the children do not advance much in their
learning. For when we go after the food they also go along. If they
should stay behind, food is scarce, therefore they go along.

And now I hear it said that schooling in the Dakota language is to be
altogether stopped, and on this account I am sad. For in the
school-house here they learn well and also they pray. It is because they
do these things in the Dakota language that we have been brought to
understand them and to love them, and gladly live in accordance with
them. Then also if it was all done (the teaching and praying) by a white
man we would understand nothing about it, and so I do not think it would
be well.

And now this is the last thing I want to say. The Grandfather has for
his own the Indians all over the land, and he always helps them
according to what may be for their welfare. Now he is measuring off the
land for them, but I hear it said that he measures it very, very small,
and I am sad about that. If only he would have mercy and measure it off
for them largely, that is what I think. A good while ago the Grandfather
made a treaty with the Indians and promised to give them three hundred
and twenty acres, and according to that I have chosen my homestead and
that suits me. Therefore I prize the Grandfather's word and measure
myself by it. And thus I possess myself and my children.

Although we are not many people here, yet I always command them to give
heed to the words of the Grandfather. And I bear witness to their
constant attendance at the house (the school and church) that stands
here. Although I am wholly an Indian, yet these are my judgments and so
I tell them. And I write them in order that some may think about the
Indians. My friends, I wish you to hear these words and so I write them.
I shake hands with a good heart.


Burrell Station, Rosebud Agency, D.T.

       *       *       *       *       *





ME.--Woman's Aid to A.M.A., Chairman of Committee,
Mrs. C.A. Woodbury, Woodfords, Me.

VT.--Woman's Aid to A.M.A., Chairman of Committee,
Mrs. Henry Fairbanks, St. Johnsbury, Vt.

CONN.--Woman's Home Miss. Union, Secretary,
Mrs. S.M. Hotchkiss, 171 Capitol Ave., Hartford,

N.Y.--Woman's Home Miss. Union, Secretary,
Mrs. C.C. Creegan, Syracuse, N.Y.

OHIO.--Woman's Home Miss. Union, Secretary,
Mrs. Flora K. Regal, Oberlin, Ohio.

ILL.--Woman's Home Miss. Union, Secretary, Mrs.
C.H. Taintor, 151 Washington St., Chicago, Ill.

MICH.--Woman's Home Miss. Union, Secretary,
Mrs. Mary B. Warren, Lansing, Mich.

WIS.--Woman's Home Miss. Union, Secretary,
Mrs. C. Matter, Brodhead, Wis.

MINN.--Woman's Home Miss. Society, Secretary,
Mrs. H.L. Chase, 2,750 Second Ave., South,
Minneapolis, Minn.

IOWA.--Woman's Home Miss. Union, Secretary,
Miss Ella E. Marsh, Grinnell, Iowa.

KANSAS.--Woman's Home Miss. Society, Secretary,
Mrs. Addison Blanchard, Topeka, Kan.

SOUTH DAKOTA--Woman's Home Miss. Union
Secretary, Mrs. W.H. Thrall, Amour, Dak.

Miss Bertha Robertson, missionary of the A.M.A. from McIntosh, Ga., will
spend a few months in presenting our work in the North. She has just
completed a missionary tour in Maine, which has been most fruitful of
good, and will now give a few weeks to the churches of New Hampshire,
speaking to meetings of ladies, or to mixed audiences, as may be
desired. Applications for her services can be made to Miss Emerson, of
the Woman's Bureau, 56 Reade St., New York, or to Rev. Cyrus Richardson,
Nashua, N.H.

A teacher in the South writes:--"We have had a Merry Christmas trying to
make others happy. The people have never done so much for others before.
We found an old couple in very destitute circumstances, and asked the
school children if they would not like to do something for them. It was
very interesting to see them bring their gifts of a little sugar, meal,
flour, or an armful of wood, a potato, a little salt, whatever they
could get. It did them good. After our Christmas exercises at the
church, we took quite a number of the children around to see the old
people, and they sang their Christmas songs. I don't know which enjoyed
it most, the children or the old people.

Some young men of the Sunday-school paid a month's rent for a poor
woman. We are doing more than ever this year in getting the young people
to go and hold prayer meetings, or read to those who cannot get out to

       *       *       *       *       *



You never could guess just how she went, if you should try from now
until your next birthday, so I'll tell you first how she came to go to
Tougaloo at all.

To begin with, Mamma Bradley had been rummaging about in the attic a
long time, when little Fay set out to find her.

"What are you doing up here, mamma?" said Fay. "I've been hunting for
you ever so long."

"Oh, I'm looking for some things to put in the barrel that is going to
Tougaloo for the poor people that the missionaries are working for."

"Clothes?" said Fay.

"Yes, clothes, and I suppose they would be glad of almost anything that
would help to make their lives more comfortable," said her mother.

Fay sat down in an old basket and watched her mother fold and unfold the
contents of trunks and boxes so quietly, that Mrs. Bradley finally
looked up and said:

"Why don't you go to your play, dear? What are you thinking about?"

"I was thinking," said Fay, "do you s'pose the Tougaloo folks have any
little girls?"

"Oh, yes, plenty of them."

"Big's me?"

"Yes, all sizes, I suppose," said Mrs. Bradley, going on with her work.

"Well," said Fay, "I was thinking, how d'you s'pose they'd like Susy?"

"What! the new dolly that Auntie gave you for keeping your elbows off
the table?"

"Yes'm," said Fay. "Do you s'pose she'd make a little Tougaloo girl's
life any more comfor'ble?"

"Why, yes, dear, anything that gives you so much pleasure would please
them, of course," said her mother, "but are you quite sure you want to
give Susy away?"

"Well, when Auntie gave us our missionary boxes in the Sunday-school
class, she told us to be sure and remember what was printed on them, and
she read on one side something about people giving their first fruits,
and she said it meant their best things, and on top it said, 'Inasmuch
as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, ye have done it unto
me.' Now Susy is my best doll--any way I love her best, and there
couldn't be anybody much leaster than a little girl like me way down in
Tougaloo, could there, mamma?"

"Well, you must think it all over, and if you are quite sure that you
want to do it, we will take Susy down to the church this afternoon with
the other things," said her mother.

Fay said no more, and in a few minutes she tripped down stairs, and when
her mamma followed soon after, she heard the creak of Fay's little
rocking chair, and the words, "Sleep, baby, sleep," which told her as
she peeped through a crack in the door, that Susy was getting her last
lullaby from the fond little mother, who at the proper time presented
Susy all dressed for her journey to Tougaloo.

"When Fay and her mother arrived at the church, sure enough right there
in the parlor stood two or three barrels, while dear old Mrs. Rogers and
half a dozen other ladies were filling them with useful articles.

"Here is a package of clothing," said Mrs. Bradley, " and I have another
bundle, which Dennis will bring from the carriage in a few minutes."

"And Susy's going to Tougaloo," said Fay, reaching out her treasure to
Grandma Rogers as she spoke.

"Well now, the dear," said Grandma Rogers, "don't you want her yourself,

"No'm, not now," said Fay, "if you'll find a little girl who'll take
real good care of her--her name's 'Susy.'"

"Well, did you ever!" said Grandma Rogers. " Here's jest the place for
Susy, she can set right here in Miss Blout's bunnit as snug as a bug."

"Wait a minute, Mrs. Rogers," said Miss Bliss, and taking a pencil she
wrote on a little slip of paper, "My name is Susy, and I should like to
go to some little girl who will take good care of me." This she read and
pinned the slip on Susy's pretty dress when she was safely seated in
"Miss Blout's bunnit," in which odd carriage, made of roses and ribbons,
Susy started on her long journey to Tougaloo. Her little mother, Fay,
would like some day to get a letter from Susy's new mother, though she
has not yet heard from her.


       *       *       *       *       *


       *       *       *       *       *

MAINE, $566.12.

Augusta. "Christmas Offering"                    $5.00

Brewer. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.                 22.50

Brunswick. Cong. Ch., by Mrs. Ellen F.
 Lincoln, 2Bbls. and 1 Box of C., _for Selma,

Castine. Mary and Margaret J. Cushman,
 2 each                                           4.00

Cumberland Center. Cong. Ch. and Soc.            35.00

Cumberland Mills. Warren Ch. (of which
 10.64 _for Indian M._, and 5 from Primary
 Dept. of Sab. Sch. _for Mountain White
 Work_) to const. Mrs. Mary Melcher
 and Roland H. Blanchard L.M.'s.                  85.75

Fryeburg. By Mrs. Albert F. Richardson,
 _for Freight_                               1.50

Gardiner. Cong. Ch., by Miss S.E. Adams,
 Bbl. of C., _for Selma, Ala._

Gorham. Cong. Ch. and Parish                     35.81

Hallowell. "Friends" _for Freight_           5.00

Harrison. Bbl. of C., 50c. for freight, _for
 Mobile, Ala._                                  .50

New Castle. Second Cong. Ch.                     15.00

Norway. Mrs. Mary K. Frost                        2.50

Portland. Second Parish Ch., ad'l                35.00

Portland. Brown Thurston's Class, High
 St. Sab. Sch., _for Student Aid, Hampton
 Inst._                                       20.00

Presque Isle. Cong. Ch.                          12.50

Skowhegan. Island Av. Ch.                        24.00

Skowhegan. Ladies' Miss'y Soc., by Mrs.
 L.W. Weston, Bbl. of C., _for Selma, Ala._

South Berwick. Cong. Ch., to const. Mrs.
 Annie A. Burleigh and Mrs. Hannah
 I. Hodgen L.M.'s                                 80.00

South Berwick. Mrs. Lewis' S.S. Class,
 3.25; Miss McClellans' Class, 1.15; Miss
 Oak's Class, 1.60; _for Wilmington, N.C._   6.00

South Paris. Cong. Ch.                           11.50

Turner. Mrs. Royal H. Bird, _for Indian M._  5.00

Waterford. First Cong. Ch., bal. to const.
 Rev. C.L. Skinner L.M.                           6.66

West Falmouth. Sab. Sch. of Second
 Cong. Ch., _for Student Aid, Selma, Ala._  16.00

West Falmouth. By Rev. W.H. Haskell,
 _for Freight_                               2.00

Willard. "Star Mission Circle," _for Pleasant
 Hill, Tenn._                                  5.00

Woolwich. Cong. Ch., 10; Mrs. J.P.
 Trott, 2                                        12.00

York. First Cong. Ch.                            42.50
 Collected by Miss Bertha D. Robertson:
     Bangor. Third Ch.                 5.00
     Bangor. "Little Girl," First Ch.  1.00
     Brewer Village                    5.50
     Camden                            2.00
     Ellsworth. S.P. Dutton           20.00
     Foxcroft                          3.37
     Freeport. Cong. Ch.               8.62
     Mechanic Falls. Dr. Holt          1.00
     Norridgewock. Mrs. Dole           5.50
     Portland. "A Lady"                5.00
     Rockland                          1.00
     Sacarappa                        14.00
     ----                              2.16
     Winthrop                          1.25

                                       ----      75.40


Alton. Cong. Ch.                                  3.00

Boscawen. "Crescent City Helpers, "_for
 Straight U._                                 25.00

Bristol. Cong. Ch.                                4.25

Center Harbor. S.F. Emery                         3.00

Concord. South Cong. Ch., to const. Rev.
 Harry P. Dewey and Dea. Frank Coffin
 L.M.'s                                           61.00

Concord. "The Light Bearers," Box of
 Christmas Gifts, _for Storrs Sch._

Gilsum. Cong. Ch.                                10.00

Great Falls. First Cong. Ch.                     25.00

Hampstead. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch.                28.15

Harrisville. Cong. Ch.                            5.72

Hinsdale. By Miss Abbie Robertson, Bbl.
 of C. _for Storrs Sch._

Hollis. "Friends," Cong. Ch., 2 Bbls. of
 C., _for Storrs Sch._

Keene. Second Cong. Ch.                           8.99

Laconia. Cong. Ch. and Soc., to const.
 Harley W. Carey L.M.                            41.10

Marlboro. Cong. Ch.                               3.87

Mount Vernon. Cong. Ch.                          20.00

Nashua. First Cong. Ch.                          22.69

Nelson. Cong. Ch.                                 4.28

Newmarket. Thos. H. Wiswall                      10.00

Peterboro. Mrs. M.A. Whitney                      4.00

Rindge. Cong. Ch.                                 7.76

Rindge. Ladies of Cong. Ch., 2 Bbls. of
 C., _for Storrs Sch._

Sanbornton. Cong. Ch.                             7.70

Swanzey. Cong. Ch.                                9.62

Warner. Ladies' Miss'y Soc. of Cong. Ch.,
 _for Storrs Sch., Atlanta, Ga._             5.00

Wilton. Second Cong. Ch.                         15.00

VERMONT, $374.03

Bakersfield. Cong. Ch.                           24.50

Barton. "C.H. Soc." of Cong. Sab. Sch.,
 _for McIntosh, Ga._                         6.00

Barton Landing. Bbl. of C., 2 for Freight,
 _for McIntosh, Ga._                         2.00

Bennington. Second Cong. Ch.                     36.82

Cabot. Mrs. H.A. Russell, 5; Mrs. L. McAlister
 50c.                                             5.50

Cambridge. Second Cong. Ch.                       4.57

Derby Center. Cong. Ch.                           4.00

East Corinth. Cong. Soc., Bbl. of C., _for
 Storrs Sch._

Fairlee. M.W. Smith                               8.00

Guildhall. Ladies of Cong. Ch., by Mrs.
 Geo. Hubbard                                     6.25

Hartford. Second Cong. Ch.                       61.30

Ludlow. Cong. Ch.                                11.00

Manchester. Ladies of Cong. Ch., Bbl. of
 Bedding, etc., _for Atlanta U._

Milton. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                        6.29

Newport. Ladies of Cong. Ch., 20.43;
 Bbl. and Box of C. (2 for Freight), _for
 McIntosh, Ga._                               22.43

Post Mills and West Fairlee. "A few
 Friends," by Rev. L.E. Tupper, special,
 _for Atlanta U.                                4.00

Randolph. Mrs. I. Nichols                         1.50

Saint Johnsbury. South Cong. Ch.                 36.61

Springfield. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch.
 Christmas gift                                  15.00

Stowe. Cong. Ch. and Soc., to const.
 Alva Warren L.M.                                58.89

Swanton. Ladies of Cong. Ch., _for McIntosh,
 Ga._                                          6.00

Tyson. Cong. Ch.                                   .74

Underhill. 2 Bbl. of C. and 5 _for McIntosh,
 Ga._                                          5.00

Waterville. Cong. Ch.                             1.20

West Battleboro. Cong. Ch.                       10.93

West Charleston. Ladies of Cong. Ch.,
 3.75; "King's Messengers" Soc., 6.87; by
 Mrs. Chas. E. Bennett                           10.62

Westfield. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., _for McIntosh,
 Ga._                                          5.00

Westminster, West. Bundle of C. and 6
 _for McIntosh, Ga._                         6.09

West Townshend. Ladies of Cong. Ch., _for
 McIntosh, Ga._                                3.38

Wilmington. Cong. Ch.                            13.50



Milton. Estate of Dr. B. Fairchlld, by C.H.
 Jackson                                           $2.00


Acton, Cong. Ch. and Soc.                          11.23

Amherst. First Cong. Ch.                           25.00

Amherst. Mrs. W.A. Stearns, _for Students
  Aid, Tillotson Inst.                             10.00

Andover. West Parish Ch. and Soc.                  50.68

Andover. Miss M.E. Manning, _for Talladega
  C.                                               10.00

Attleboro. Second Cong. Ch. and Soc.               90.00

Auburndale. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                    254.00

Boston. Edward A. Strong, _for
          Atlanta U_                  394.50
  "     Mount Vernon Ch.                 316.20
  "     Union Ch. and Soc.               146.80
  "     Park St., Homeland B'ch,
          _for Student Aid, Park St.
          Indian Station, Oake, Dak._ 100.00
  "     Mrs. C.A. Spaulding, _for
          Student Aid, Fisk U._        50.00
  "     Bray Wilkins, for Wilmington,
          N.C.                             8.00
  "     "A Friend"                         5.00
  "     ----,                              5.00
  "     Grimes & Co., 64 Reading
          Books, _for McIntosh Ga._
  "     Cong'l S.S. and Pub. Soc.
          3 Boxes Books, _for
          Straight U._

Dorchester. Village Ch. and Soc.          46.91
    "       Dea. S.B. Holman, 2;
            Mrs. J.H. Means, 1;
            Mrs. Ballantine, 1; _for
            Student Aid, Tougaloo U._   4.00

West Roxbury. South Evan.
              Ch. and Soc.                19.65

                                        ----  1096.06

Braintree. First Ch.                               45.84

Bridgewater. J.W. Herrick, _for Talladega
  C.                                                1.00

Brimfield. Laidies Union of Second Cong.
           Ch., _for Freight_                  2.00
    "      Ladies Miss'y Soc., Cong. Ch.,
           Bbl. of C. _for Tougaloo, Miss._

Brookline. Mrs. F.A. White                         10.00
    "      "E.P."                                   1.00

Cambridge. First Ch. and Shepherd Soc.
  278.82; North Av. Cong. Ch., add'l, 39.20
  Mrs. J. Russel Bradford, 15.00                  333.02

Cambridgeport. First Cong. Ch., 138.26,
  Pilgrim Ch. M.C. Coll., 6.47                    144.73

Cambridgeport. Margaret Shepard Soc.,
  _for Storrs Sch._                            9.00

Cambridgeport. Miss Julia Robinson, _for
  Tougaloo U._                                   2.00

Cambridgeport. Sab. Sch. of Pil. Ch., _for
  Marie Adlof Sch'p Fund_                        1.00

Chelsea. First Cong. Ch., 50.50; Third
  Cong. Ch., 35.18; Central Ch., 18.04            103.72

Chelsea. Y.P.S.C.E., First Cong. Ch.,
  _for Student Aid, Fisk U._                  25.00

Curtlsville. Rev. T.A. Hazen                       10.00

Dalton. Mrs. Harriet A. Campbell, _for Calvary
  Ch., Pine Mountain, Tenn._                   100.00

Daiton. Mrs. Louisa F. Crane                      100.00

Dedham. "A Friend."                                 2.00

Easthampton. Payson Cong. Ch. (of which
  36.55 _for Indian M._)                     273.84

Easthampton. Sab. Sch. of First Cong. Ch.          35.00

East Longmeadow. "A Friend."                          50

Edgartown. Cong. Ch.                                7.00

Enfield. Cong. Ch.                                 29.09

Foxboro. Children's Miss. Circle                    5.00

Gardner. First Cong. Ch.                           15.00

Granby. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                        100.00

Greenfield. Second Cong. Ch.                       51.42

Greenfield. M.O. Farrand, _for Indian M._      5.00

Hanover. Second Cong. Ch.                          10.00

Harwich. Cong. Ch.                                 10.00

Haverhill. Sab. Sch. of W. Cong. Ch.
  "Harvest Festival" to const. J.H. CRUMMETT
  and ALVAH L. SARGENT L.M.'s                      60.00

Holliston. "Bible Christians, Dist. No. 4"         33.00

Hopkinton. Cong. Ch.                               75.08

Hubbardston. Ladies' Miss'y Soc. of Cong.
  Ch. Bbl. of C., Val. 40., _for Tougaloo, Miss._

Hyde Park. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.                20.00

Lakeville. "Friends"                                4.50

Lee. A.R. Smith, Box of Papers _for Savannah, Ga._

Leverett. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch.                    5.00

Lexington. Hancock Ch. and Soc.                    10.93

Littleton. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                      17.00

Littleton. Mrs. J.C. Houghton, _for Student
  Aid, Atlanta U._                               5.00

Lowell. First Cong. Ch. 60 to const. J.T.
  M.'s.; Pawtucket Ch., add'l 50c.                  60.50

Ludlow. Sab. Sch. Mission Circle, "Precious
  Pearls." Bbl. of C. 2 _for freight, for
  Macon Ga._                                     2.00

Lynn. First Cong. Ch., 11.30; North Cong.
  Ch. 5                                            16.30

Malden. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.                   42.50

Maplewood. Infant S.S. Class, _for Wilmington,
  N.C._                                          4.00

Marion. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                         10.71

Marshfield. Ladies of Cong. Ch., 3 bbls.
  of C. _for Straight U._

Medway. Village Ch., add'l                         50.00

Melrose. Frontier Aid Soc., _for Student
  Aid, Atlanta U._                              50.00

Middleton. Ladies' Miss'y Soc., by Mrs.
  C.A. Berry, _for Woman's Work_               6.00

Milford. "Friends," 5.75; Mrs. Jno. Daniels,
  5, _for Talladega U._                       10.75

Mill River. Cong. Ch. and Sab. Sch.                15.76

Monson. "Spare Minute Soc.," Bbl. Christmas
  Goods, _for Jellico, Tenn._

Newburyport. Prospect St. Ch.                     154.40

Newton. J.H. Nichols, _for Conn. Ind'l
  Sch., Ga._                                    25.00

North Adams. First Cong. Ch.                       36.82

North Amherst. Henry Stearns                        4.50

North Amherst. Bbl. of C., _for Fisk U._

Northampton. A. Lyman Willlston, 500;
  Mrs. C.L. Williston, 100                        600.00

Northampton. A.L. Williston, _for Student
  Aid, Tougaloo U._                             20.00

Northboro'. Evan. Cong. Ch.                        51.14

Northboro'. Ladies of Cong. Ch., Bbl. of
  C., _for Storrs Sch._

Northtbridge. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.             21.00

North Brookfield. First Cong. Ch.                 100.00

North Hadley. Second Cong. Ch.                      5.94

Norton. Mrs. Wheaton, _for Tougaloo U._       20.00

Oxford. First Cong. Ch.                            28.00

Pittsfleid. James H. Dunham, 50; South
  Cong. Ch. 41.20, to const. ROBERT L.
  BARRETT L.M.                                     91.20

Pittsfield. Sab. Sch. of First Cong. Ch.
  _for Student Aid, Fisk U._                  15.00

Pittsfleid. Sab. Sch. of First Cong. Ch.,
  _for McIntosh, Ga._                         10.00

Reading. Cong. Ch., 17.50; "A Friend," 2           19.50

Rockland. Cong. Ch.                                30.00

Sandwich. Mrs. Robert Tobey                         4.00

Scotland. Cong. Ch., Box of C., _for
  Straight U._

Somerville. Day St. Ch. and Soc.                   18.00

South Weymouth. Second Cong. Ch.                   32.00

South Weymouth. Sab. Sch. of Union
  Cong. Ch., _for Wilmington, N.C._           20.00

South Williamstown. Cong. Ch.                      12.00

Spencer. Benev. Soc. of Cong. Ch., _for
  Atlanta U._, Bbl. of Bedding, etc.

Springfield. "Mrs. P.B."                            5.00

Springfield. Miss L.S. Dickinson, 1; Miss
  M. 1.25, _for Mountain Work_, and 1.25 _for
  Freight_                                       3.50

Upton. Bbl. of C., 3 _for Freight for Mobile,
  Ala._                                          3.00

Walpole. Sab. Sch.. of Cong. Ch., _for
  McIntosh, Ga._                               125.00

Walpole. Ortho. Cong. Ch.                          48.04

Waltham. Sab. Sch. Class, _for Student
  Aid, Storrs Sch._                             $3.00

Warren. Cong. Ch. (30 of which to const.
  Rev. D.O. CLARK L.M.)                           133.64

Warren. Ladies of Cong. Ch., _for Student
  Aid, Straight U._                              2.75

Warren. Cong. Ch., 2 Bbls of C., _for Austin,

Watertown. "Gift"                                   1.18

Wayland. C.M. Lee, _for Storrs Sch._           3.00

Webster. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.                   1.16

Westboro'. Sab. Sch. of Evan. Cong. Ch.            50.00

West Boylston. First. Cong. Ch. and Soc.           30.00

West Boxford. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                    6.61

West Brookfield. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                25.50

West Dennis. Mrs. Sarah S. Crowell                  2.50

Westfield. Dr. H. Holland                           3.00

Westhampton. Ladies' Benev. Soc., _for
  Tougaloo U._                                  10.00

West Newbury. J.C. Carr                             4.00

West Newton. E.P. Simmons                           5.00

West Newton. Ladies, 2 Bbls. Household
  Goods, etc., _for Home, Storrs Sch._

Williamstown. First Cong. Ch.                       1.00

Winchester. First Cong. Ch. (11.58 of
  which _for Indian M._)                      44.43

Woburn. "A Friend"                                  5.00

Worcester. Union Ch., 202.35; Salem St.
  Ch. 40.53                                       242.88

Worcester. Young People's Soc. of Plymouth
  Ch., _for Indian M._                        20.00

Worcester. "Great Heart," 20; "A
  Friend" 50 handkerchiefs for Jones
  Kindergarten                                     20.00

----. "K"                                         400.00

By Charles Marsh, Treas. Hampden Co.
  Benev. Ass'n.

    Chicopee, Second            60.74
    Chicopee, Third             26.81
    Holyoke, First              18.17
    Holyoke, Second             36.77
    Huntington. Second          13.12
    Ludlow                      16.23
    Mittineague                 17.60
    Monson                      25.00
    Springfield, Hope           66.10
    West Springfield, Park St.  32.27
                              ----             312.81


Falmouth, Me. By Rev. W.H. Haskell, one
  and one-half Bbls., _for Williamsburg Ky._

Fryeburg, Me. Ladies of Cong. Ch., Bbl.
  _for Louisville, Ky._

Hallowell, Me. "Friends," 2 Bbls. Christmas
  Gifts, _for Jenifer, Ala._

Norridgewock, Me. Mrs. Caroline F. Dole,
  Box, _for Kittrell, N.C._

South Berwick, Me. Ladies of Cong. Ch.,
  Bbl., _for Wilmington, N.C._

Goffstown, N.H. Miss E. Kendall, Box
  Christmas Gifts, _for Oaks, N.C._

Cambridgeport, Mass. Pilgrim Ch. Sew.
  Circle, 1 Case, Val. 53.50, _for Straight U._

Belmont, Mass. Mrs. W.H. Goodridge,
  Christmas Gifts, _for Storrs Sch._

Brimfield, Mass. Ladies' Union of Second
  Cong. Ch., Bbl. _for Pleasant Hill, Tenn._

Brockton, Mass. Mrs. S.A. Southworth,
  Box, _for Santee Indian M._

Framingham, Mass. "Friends," Bbl. _for
  Kittrell, N.C._

Marlboro, Mass. Bbl.

Middleboro, Mass. Home Mission Circle,
  2 Bbls., _for Oaks, N.C._

Somerville, Mass. Children's Mission
  Band of Day St. Ch., Bbl. of Christmas
  Gifts, _for Pleasant Hill, Tenn._

Somerville, Mass. Heart and Hand Soc.
  of Prospect Hill Ch., Bbl. _for Straight U._

Waltham, Mass. Mrs. Luce's Sab. Sch.
  Class, Trunk of Gifts, _for Storrs Sch._

Watertown, Mass. Young Ladies' Mission
  Band of Phillips Ch., Bbl. Christmas
  Gifts, _for Louisville, Ky._

Woburn, Mass. Bbl., _for Louisvile, Ky._

RHODE ISLAND, $427.80.

Bristol. First Cong. Ch.                          $38.14

Bristol. Mrs. H.P. Walker, _for Indian M._     5.00

Central Falls. Cong. Ch.                           66.75

East Providence. Newman Cong. Ch.                  20.00

Newport. United Cong. Ch.                          74.67

Providence. Pilgrim Cong. Ch., 100.48;
  Jas. Coats, 100                                 200.48

Providence. "A Friend" _for Indian M._         3.00

Westerly. Cong. Ch.                                19.76

CONNECTICUT, $3,361.42.

Abington. Cong. Ch.                                23.00

Berlin. Second Cong Ch.                            55.74

Bloomfield. Cong. Ch.                              10.00

Branford. Ladies' Aid Soc. of First Cong.
  Ch., _for Conn. Ind'l Sch., Ga._            25.00

Branford. Birthday pennies of Infant
  Class, First Cong. S.S., _for Marie Adlof
  Sch'p Fund_                                    2.10

Bridgeport. Park St. Cong. Ch.                     25.60

Bristol. Cong. Ch.                                 10.00

Canaan. S.P. Norton                                 2.50

Cheshire. Ladies' Sew. Soc. of Cong. Ch.
  _for Indian M._                             50.00

Clinton. Cong. Ch. and Soc., 39.25; Rev.
  Thos. A. Emerson, 10; Frances H. Emerson, 10     59.25

Columbia. Cong. Ch.                                22.00

Danbury. Second Cong. Ch. and Soc.                  8.00

Darien. Ladies' Soc., by Miss Ellen M.
  Nash, _for Conn. Ind'l Sch., Ga._           10.00

Deep River. Cong. Ch.                              30.00

East Canaan. Cong. Ch.                              3.00

East Haddam. "A Friend"                             5.00

East Haddam. Ladies' Soc., Bbl. of C.,
  _for Thomasville, Ga._

East Hartford. First Cong. Ch. (10 of
  which from Abraham Williams)                     11.69

Elliott. Wm. Osgood                                 2.00

Fair Haven. Sab. Sch of Second Cong.
  Ch., _for Student Aid, Fisk U._             15.00

Farmington. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch.,
  128.38; Cong. Ch., 94.81                        223.19

Guilford. First Cong. Ch. (10 of which _for
  Conn. Ind'l Sch., Ga._) to const. MISS
  HATTIE E. BENTON L.M.                            30.00

Haddam. First Cong. Ch.                            15.06

Higganum. Cong. Ch.                                17.00

Kensington. Wm. Upson                              10.00

Lakeville. Mrs. M.H. Williams                       5.00

Madison. Cong. Ch.                                 11.00

Manchester. Ladies Benev. Soc. of Cong.
  Ch., _for Conn. Ind'l Sch., Ga._            22.00

Meriden. Sab. Sch. of First Cong. Ch.              20.00

Meriden. First Cong. Ch., _for Indian M._      5.00

Middletown. South Cong. Ch., 53.82; First
  Ch., 44.51                                       98.33

Milford. First Cong. Ch. (150 of which _for
  Indian M._)                                  300.00

Milford. Sab. Sch. of Plymouth Ch. _for
  Birds Nest, Santee Indian M._                 15.54

Monroe. Ladies' Miss'y Soc., by Miss H.L. Curtiss,
  Treas., _for Conn. Ind'l Sch., Ga._          8.00

New Britain. First Ch. of Christ, 100.06;
  South Cong. Ch., 166.10, to const. JOHN
  E. WETMORE L.M.'s                               266.16

New Canaan. Cong. Ch.                              38.00

New Haven. Dwight Place Ch., 132.14;
  "Busy Workers," Howard Av. Cong.
  Ch., 5                                          137.14

New Haven. Frances C. Skinner, _for Student
  Aid, Fisk U._                                 10.00

Newington. Cong. Ch.                               17.98

New London. First Cong. Ch.                        81.20

New Milford. Cong. Ch.                             81.05

Norfolk. Cong. Ch.                                180.00

North Greenwich. Cong. Ch., to const.
  GEORGE E. WILCOX and BARTOW W. CLOSE L.M.'s      62.21

North Guilford. Mrs. Eben F. Dudley, 5;
  A.E. Bartlett, 1.50                               6.50

Norwalk. First Cong. Ch.                           22.56

Norwich. Broadway Cong. Ch.                       121.40

Old Saybrook. Cong. Ch.                         $14.56

Oxford. Cong. Ch.                                21.92

Plainville. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., _for
  Oaks, N.C._                                 20.00

Plantsville. Ladies' Ind'l Soc. of Cong. Ch.,
  _for Conn. Ind't Sch., Ga._               35.00

Prospect. B.B. Brown, _for Mountain
  Work_                                       20.00

Putnam. Second Cong. Ch.                         24.73

Ridgefield. Cong. Ch.                            12.86

Rockville. Second Cong. Ch.                       4.53

Roxbury. "A Friend"                               5.00

Seymour. Ladies' Aid Soc., by Miss
  Emma Lockwood, _for Conn. Ind'l Sch.,
  Ga._                                        15.00

Simsbury. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., _for
  Straight U._                                13.00

Simsbury. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., _for
  Fisk U._                                    13.00

South Britain. Cong. Ch.                         37.57

Stratford. First Cong. Ch.                       27.55

Talcottville. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                 50.62

Terryville. Cong. Ch.                            32.99

Thomaston. Cong. Ch.                             40.10

Thomaston. Primary Sab. Sch. Class,
  First Cong. Ch., _for Rosebud Indian M._   5.10

Torrington. Third Cong. Ch. and Bible
  Sch.                                           51.02

Torrington. Ladies' Miss'y Soc., of First
  Cong. Ch., _for Conn. Ind'l Sch., Ga._    10.56

Wallingford. Cong. Ch. Pledge Fund              107.73

Wapping. Cong. Ch.                               18.66

Waterbury. Second Cong. Ch.                      75.00

Waterbury. Woman's Bevev. Soc. of
  Second Cong. Ch., _for Conn. Ind'l Sch.,
  Ga._                                        50.00

West Hartford. First Ch. of Christ (16 of
  which _for Dakota Indian Sch._)          168.75

West Norwalk. Rebecca Pennell                     5.00

Westport. Naugatuk Cong. Ch.                     10.31

West Winstead. First Cong. Ch., _for Talladega
  C._                                         42.89

Wethersfield. Cong. Ch.                          30.60

Windham. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                      21.74

Windsor Locks. "A Friend"                         6.50

Winsted. Mrs. M.A. Mitchell, _for Student
  Aid, Talladega C._                          25.00

Winsted. Mrs. Emily W. Case                       1.00

Woodstock. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                    33.93

Woodstock. Frances H. Butler, _for Williamsburg,
  Ky._, by Mrs. S.M. Hotchkiss,
  Sec., W.C.H.M.U.                               30.00

Woodstock. Miss F.E. Butler, Pkg. of C.
  _for Jellico, Tenn._
----. "A Friend in Conn."                       100.00

NEW YORK, $518.76.

Alfred Center. Mrs. Ida F. Kenyon                 5.00

Amsterdam. David Cady                            10.00

Binghamton. First Cong. Ch.                      64.04

Brooklyn. South Cong. Ch., 50.24; Central
  Cong. Ch., 25.00; Mrs. M.L. Hollis,
  4                                              79.24

Brooklyn. E.D.J.N. Stearns, _for Mountain
  White Work_                                  5.00

Candor. Cong. Ch.                                21.00

Churchville. Z. Willard, _for Student Aid,
  Macon, Ga._                                 10.00

De Kalb. Rev. R.C. Day                            5.00

Fairport. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                     30.00

Fairport. Primary Class Cong. Sab. Sch.,
  20.00 _for Santee Indian M._, and 5 from
  Birthday Box, by Miss S.E. Dowd                25.00

Hobart. Mrs. J.W. Blish                           3.00

Homer. "Friends," _for Student Aid, Talladega
  C._                                          1.00

Le Roy. Miss Delia A. Phillips                   10.00

Lockport. First Cong. Ch.                        16.52

Malone. Cong. Ch.                                58.93

Marcellus. "J.H." Christmas Memorial
  of W.G.H.                                       5.00

Massena. Cong. Sab. Sch., _for Student Aid,
  Talladega C._                                4.50

Mexico. George G. French                         10.00

New York. Mrs. H.B. Spelman, _for Student
  Aid, Atlanta U._                            25.00

New York. Fred Wolfe                                10

New York. Camp Chapel, pkg Goods, _for
  Jellico, Tenn._

Orient. Cong. Ch.                                15.52

Oriskany. Mrs. R.W. Porter                        1.00

Owego. L.H. Allen, M.D.                          10.00

Saratoga Springs. Mrs. R.F. Knapp, _for
  Indian M._                                   5.00

Schenectady. Mrs. S.M. Johnson                   15.00

Smyrna. Cong. Miss. Soc.                         50.00

Summer Hill. S.S., _for Talladega C._        5.00

Warsaw. Cong. Ch.                                 7.91

Whitesboro. Mrs. L. Halsey                       10.00

Woman's Home Missionary Union of N.Y.
  by Mrs. L.H. Cobb, Treas., _for Woman's
   Oswego, W.H.M.S.                              10.00
   ----. "God Speed the Work."                   1.00

NEW JERSEY, $175.52.

Asbury Park. Mrs. S.A. Tyler                        50

Boundbrook. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch. _for
  Santee Agency_                              10.00

Jersey City. First Congl. Ch. (Tabernacle)       72.02

Perth Amboy. Rev. P. Kimball                     10.00

Westfield. Cong. Ch.                             83.00


Meadville. Ladies' Miss'y Soc. of Park Av.
  Ch., _for Mountiain White Work_           20.00

Morth East. Miss C.A. Talcot                      1.00

Philadelphia. Sab. Sch. of Central Cong. Ch.,
  _for Mech'l Building, Tillotston Inst._   25.00

Ridgway. By Minnie Kline, _for Oaks, N.C._   5.00

OHIO, $548.64.

Akron. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., _for Student
  Aid, Atlanta U._                            50.00

Akron. Sab. Sch. of First Cong. Ch., _for
  Student Aid, Fisk U._                       50.00

Atwater. "Willing Workers" by Mrs.
  Geo. Weldy, Bbl. of C. _for Storrs Sch._

Berea. Cong. Ch., Soc. of C.E., _for ed. of
  children, Williamsburg, Ky._                 2.00

Bryan. S.E. Blakeslee                             5.00

Chatham Center. Cong. Ch.                        15.13

Cincinnati. Walnut Hills Cong. Ch. and
  Sab. Sch., 75.00; Mrs. Betsey E. Aydelott,
  5                                              80.00

Defiance. Dr. J.L. Scott, _for Student Aid,
  Fisk U._                                     5.00

Dover. Y.P.S.C.E., 20; Young Ladies
  Class, Cong. Sab. Sch., 10 _for Student
  Aid, Athens, Ala._                          30.00

Elyria. Ladies Soc. of Cong. Ch., _for
  Wilmington, N.C._                            8.00

Hudson. Cong. Ch.                                16.94

Lexington. Cong. Ch.                              5.80

Mallet Creek. Mrs. M.W. Bingham                   5.00

Mansfield. F.E. Tracy, _for Student Aid,
  Austin, Tex._                              100.00

Medina. "Opportunity Club" by Caddie
  Root                                            2.00

Metz. Miss Lulu Fish, _for Macon, Ga._       5.00

Oberlin. Sab. Sch. of Sec. Cong. Ch., _for
  Student Aid, Tillotson C. and N. Inst._     10.00

Ravenna. Box and Bbl. of C., _for Jackson,

Saybrook. Cong. Sab. Sch. Mission Band            6.65

South Ridge. Mrs. U. Havilland                      50

Strongsville. Elijah Lyman                       10.00

Toledo. Y.P.M. Soc. of First Cong. Ch.           20.00

Wauseon. Cong. Ch.                                9.62

Tallmadge. Rev. L. Shaw and other
  friends, 6 Bibles, 10 Testaments, _for
  Mountain Work_

Wellington. First Cong. Ch.                      50.00

Ohio Woman's Home Miss'y Union, by
  Mrs. Phoebe A. Crafts, Treas. _for Woman's
    Marietta. Ladies' Miss. Soc.      2.00
    Oberlin. Sab. Sch. of Sec.
      Cong. Ch.                      20.00

       Wellington. Ladies' Benev.
         Soc.                          $15.00
                                      ----  $37.00


Andover. Estate of Mrs. Theodate Linn,
  _for Corbin, Ky._                        25.00

INDIANA, $40.22.

Bloomington. Mrs. A.B. Woodford, _for
  Student Aid, Fisk U._                      10.00

Brazil. George Kimball Greenough                   22

Terre Haute. Cong. Ch.                          30.00

ILLINOIS, $736.00.

Batavia. Prof. Wm. Coffin                        5.00

Bunker Hill. Woman's Miss'y Union, Sack
  of C., _for Tougaloo, Miss._

Central Park. Cong. Ch.                         21.00

Chicago. First Cong. Ch., 116.09; New
  England Ch., bal., 62.02; South Park
  Cong. Ch., 16.49; South Cong. Ch., 5, and
  Sab. Sch., 15; Tabernacle Ch., 10; Bethany
  Cong. Ch., 8.07; Warren Av. Cong.
  Ch., add'l, 50 cts.                          233.17

Colusa. Mrs. Sophia Miller                       1.00

Danvers. Cong. Ch.                              16.90

Elgin. Cong. Ch.                                40.74

Elgin. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., _for Sch'p
  Endowment, Fisk U._                        25.00

Hampton. Henry Clark                             5.00

Jefferson. Cong. Ch.                            12.26

Kewanee. Cong. Ch.                             100.00

Knoxville. Wm. Arms                              1.50

Lawn Ridge. John Crawford                       10.00

Monroe. Cong. Ch.                                3.00

Oak Park. Cong. Ch.                             81.21

Ottawa. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., _for Sch'p,
  Fisk U._                                   25.00

Payson. Daniel E. Robbins                        5.00

Peoria. Rev. A.A. Stevens, _for Talledaga
  C._                                         5.00

Princeton. Cong. Ch.                            16.05

Princeton. Cong. Ch., _for Student Aid,
  Fisk U._                                   14.17

Quincy. "A Friend"                               5.60

Springfield. Mrs. C.L. Post, Box and Bbl.
  of C., etc., _for Austin, Tex._

Turner. Mrs. R. Currier                          5.00

Waverly. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., _for Student
  Aid, Tillotson Inst._                       5.00

MICHIGAN, $143.64.

Adrian. A.J. Hood                               10.00

Battle Creek. "A Friend"                           50

Benzonia. Cong. Ch.                             11.35

Grand Junction. Cong. Ch.                        4.04

Grand Ledge. Ira P. Holcomb                      5.00

Hillsdale. Ladies of Presb. Ch., Bbl. of
  C., _for Selma, Ala._

Howell. Z.M. Drew                                  50

Jackson. Mrs. R.M. Bennett                       2.50

Lake Linden. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., _for
  Student Aid, Talledega C._                 15.00

Milford. Mrs. Wm. A. Arms                        5.00

Olivet. Cong. Ch.                                2.25

Romeo. E.B. Dickinson                           50.00

Tecumseh. James Vincent                         10.00

Unadilla. Mrs. Agnes D. Marshall                 3.00

Vermontville. Cong. Ch.                         19.50

---- "Michigan Friend," _for Athens,
  Ala._                                       5.00

WISCONSIN. $493.41.

Beloit. Seond Cong. Ch., 27.95; First
  Cong. Ch., 7.50                               35.45

Depere. Frist Cong. Ch.                         15.00

Eau Claire. First Cong. Ch.                    100.00

Evansville. Cong. Ch., Bbl. of C., _for Austin,

Fond du Lac. "Willing Workers," First
  Cong. Ch., _for Jones Kindergarten_      25.00

Fox Lake. Cong. Ch.                              8.74

Koshkonong. Cong. Ch.                            5.62

Leeds. Cong. Ch.                                11.00

Madison. First Cong. Ch.                        14.61

Menasha. Cong. Ch.                              41.42

Menomonee. Sab. Sch., of Cong. Ch., bal.,
  _for a Kreutzer Marie Adlof Sch'p_       16.00

Milwaukee. Plymouth Ch., 50; Pilgrim
  Ch., 29                                       79.00

Ripon. First Cong. Ch., 37.20; Sab. Sch.
  of Cong. Ch., 5.46                            42.66

Watertown. Cong. Ch.                             6.70

Whitewater. First Cong. Ch.                     72.40

Windsor. Cong. Ch.                               9.00

IOWA, $394.37.

Cedar Rapids. First Cong. Ch.                   20.38

Des Moines. Plym. Cong. Ch.                    154.82

Dunlap. Cong Ch.                                 8.22

Eldora. Cong. Ch.                               29.38

Glenwood. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., _for
  Student Aid, Tillotson Inst._              10.00

Grinnell. Cong. Ch.                             13.28

Grinnell. Mrs. J.B. Grinnell, _for Student
  Aid, Talladega C._                         10.00

Letts. Postal Order                              3.00

Magnolia. Cong. Ch., 15.50; and Sab.
  Sch., 5                                       20.50

McGregor. Cong. Ch. (5 of which _for
  Fisk U._)                                  25.00

Montour. Cong. Ch., to const. ROGER M.
  TENNEY L.M.                                   33.42

Oskaloosa. Cong. Ch., 6.38; S.R. Pettitt,
  2                                              8.38

Tabor. Mrs. S. Rossiter, 1; Mrs. E. Platt,
  1; C. Webber, 1, _for Student Aid, Tillotson
  Inst._                                      3.00

Tipton. William Coutts                           5.00

Iowa Woman's Home Missionary Union,
  by Mrs. M.J. Nichoson, Treas:

    Ames. L.A.S.                5.00
    Almoral. W.H.M.U.             75
    Cedar Falls. W.H.M.U.       1.30
    Clinton. W.H.M.U.           5.00
    Fairfield. W.H.M.U.         3.48
    Lyons. W.H.M.U.            12.46
    Marion. W.H.M.U.           10.00
    McGregor. W.H.M.U          12.00
                              ----            49.99

MINNESOTA, $276.49.

Appleton. Cong. Ch.                              2.75

Faribault. Cong. Ch.                            56.04

Glyndon. Ch. at Glyndon, 6.37; Union
  Sab. Sch., 82 cts.                             7.19

Minneapolis. Sab. Sch. of Second Cong.
  Ch., 38.58; Seonc Cong. Ch., 11.50;
  Plym. Cong. Ch., 25.50                        75.58

Minneapolis. Sab. Sch. of Lyndale Cong.
  Ch., _for Oake Indian Sch._               5.00

Northfield. First Cong. Ch.                     41.09

Spring Valley. Cong. Ch.                         6.00

Minn. Woman's Home Miss'y Soc. by Mrs.
  Clara Norton Cross, Treas., _for Woman's

  Minneapolis. Plym. Ch. W.H.M.S.,
    to const. MRS. MARTHA A. HOOD, and
    75.89; Plym. Ch. W.H.M.S., Special,
    11; Plym. Ch. Y.L.M.S., 15.95              102.84

MISSOURI, $151.00.

Ironton. J. Markham                              1.00

Laclede. Mrs. E.D. Seward, to cons. MRS.
  and LEWYLLYN P. SEWARD, L.M.'s               150.00

KANSAS, $34.55.

Highland. Cong. Ch.                              5.00

Kiowa. Rev. J.C. Halliday                       10.00

Sabetha. P. Robbins                              2.00

Sterling. First Cong. Ch.                       17.55

DAKOTA, $10.85.

Lake Preston. W.M.S. by Mrs. Sue Fifield,
  Terr. Treas.                                     $3.00

Webster. Cong Ch.                                   7.85

Yankton. Y.P. Mission Band, Box Christmas
  Goods, _for Jackson, Miss._

NEBRASKA, $58.69.

Humboldt. J.B. White                               20.00

Lincoln. First Cong. Ch.                            4.35

Stanton. Cong. Ch.                                  2.20

Syracuse. Cong. Ch.                                 2.00

Weeping Water. Cong Ch.                            30.14

OREGON, $27.00.

Canyon City. E.S. Penfield                         25.00

Portland. W.H. Holcomb, Sen.                        2.00


S'kokomish. "Little Workers" by Rev. M.
  Eells, _for Marie Adlof Sch'p Fund._         2.10


Denver. Mrs. E.C. Kinney, _for Student
  Aid, Tillotson Inst._                          5.00

CALIFORNIA, $205.00.

Pasadena. J.F. Church and Wife                    200.00

Riverside. Mrs. W.F. Montague                       5.00


Washington. Sab. Sch. of First Cong. Ch.
  _for Student Aid, Santa Fe, N.M._           18.15

Washington. Lincoln Mem'l Ch., Christmas
  Thank Offering                                   38.06

MARYLAND, $80.00.

Baltimore. J. Henry Stickney, _for Howard
  U._                                           50.00

Baltimore. First Cong. Ch., add'l.                 30.00

TENNESSEE, $1,114.46.

Chattanooga. Cong. Ch.                             11.05

Crossville. Cong. Ch.                               2.20

Grand View. Tuition.                               30.00

Jellico. Tuition.                                  15.25

Jonesboro. Tuition, 30.65; Rent, 2.                32.65

Memphis. Tuition.                                 440.50

Nashville. Tuition, 551.64; Rent, 5.85            557.31

Nashville. Cong. Ch. of Fisk U., Christmas
  Offering.                                        13.00

Nashville. Union Cong. Ch.                         12.50


Beaufort. Christmas Offering, Cong. Ch.             5.00

Lassiter's Mills. Cong. Ch.                         3.50

Wilmington. Tuition.                              213.48

Wilmington. Cong, Ch., Christmas Offering           6.50

Wilmington. By Miss H.L. Fitts, _for Student
  Aid_                                           5.50


Charleston. Tuition.                              216.00

GEORGIA, $898.80.

Atlanta. Storrs Sch., Tuition.                    299.35

Atlanta. Prof. Thos. N. Chase.                     10.00

Atlanta. "A Friend," _for Student Aid, Atlanta
  U._                                            5.00

Atlanta. First Cong. Ch., 13 Birthday Gifts         1.72

Macon. Tuition.                                   226.10

Marietta. Third Cong. Ch. and Sab. Sch.             3.00

McIntosh. Tuition.                                 25.13

McIntosh. "Friends," by Miss Plimpton,
  _for McIntosh._                              9.00

Savannah. Tuition.                                231.25

Savannah. Ladies' Miss'y Soc., by., Miss
  A.D. Gerrish, _for Indian M._               10.00

Savannah. Rev. J.H.H. Sengstacke                      50

Thomasville. Tuition.                              77.75

FLORIDA, $14.71.

Daytona. Cong. Ch.                                  9.71

Jacksonville. Mrs. Anna W. Chadwick                 5.00

ALABAMA, $508.25.

Athens. Tuition.                                   93.65

Athens. Trinity Ch. and School                      5.00

Athens. M.F. Wells, _for Athens_               5.00

Mobile. Tuition.                                  264.75

Talladega. Tuition.                               134.25

Talladega. Missionary Concert Coll. (2.96
  of which _for Indian M._)                    5.60

LOUISIANA, $287.30.

New Orleans. Tuition.                             263.00

New Orleans. Straight University Ch.               24.30


Tougaloo. Tuition, 132.25; Rent, 32               164.25

TEXAS, $113.03.

Austin. Miss R.M. Kinney, _for Student
  Aid, Tillotson Inst._                         21.50

Austin. Tuition.                                   84.13

Austin. Ladies' Miss'y Soc. _for Indian M._    5.00

Helena. "Thank Offering," by Rev. M.
  Thompson                                          2.40

INCOMES, $1,682.50.

Avery Fund, _for Mendi M._                   715.00

C.F. Dike Fund, _for Straight U._             50.00

Gen'l Clinton B. Fisk Sch'p Fund, _for Fisk
  U._                                           30.00

Gen'l Endowment Fund.                              50.00

Graves Library Fund, _for Atlanta U._        150.00

Graves Sch'p Fund, _for Talladega C._        125.00

Haley Sch'p Fund, _for Fisk U._               50.00

Hastings Sch'p Fund, _for Atlanta U._         12.50

Howard Theo. Fund, _for Howard U._           275.00

Le Moyne Fund, _for Memphis, Tenn._           50.00

Theo. Fund, _for Howard U._                  125.00

Tuthill King Fund, _for Berea C._             50.00

CANADA. $15.00.

Montreal. Chas. Alexander                           5.00

Sherbrooke. Mrs. H.J. Morey                        10.00

SCOTLAND, $1,000.00.

----. "A Friend of Missions"                    1,000.00

ENGLAND, $50.00.

London. Prof. and Mrs. C.M. Mead.                  50.00

Donations                                     $16,704.37
Incomes                                         1,652.50
Legacies                                           27.00
Rents                                              39.85
Tuition                                         3,328.95

       Total for December                     $21,752.67
       Total from Oct. 1 to Dec. 31            55,088.90


Rockland, Ill. Estate of Rev. Benj. Foltz,
  by Chas. G. Foltz, Ex.                          500.00


Subscriptions for December.                      $192.45
Previously acknowledged.                           83.50
        Total                                    $275.96

H.W. HUBBARD, Treasurer,
56 Reade St., N.Y.

       *       *       *       *       *

[Footnote 1: Deceased.]

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