Early Scenes in Church History

By Various

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Title: Early Scenes in Church History
       Eighth Book of the Faith-Promoting Series

Author: Various

Release Date: September 6, 2014 [EBook #46783]

Language: English


Produced by Renah Holmes and the Mormon Texts Project






Designed for the Instruction and Encouragement of Young Latter-Day

Juvenile Instructor Office, Salt Lake City, 1882.

Copyright applied for at the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at
Washington, D. C., by G. C. Lambert.


Many deaths have occurred within the last few years among the veteran
members of our Church. Numbers of persons have recently passed away
who were connected with the Church during the early years of its
existence, and whose lives were filled with scenes and incidents of
the most interesting nature. Their wonderful experience so far as
known is appreciated by their intimate friends, in whose memories it
is embalmed, but it will hereafter only be known as tradition, for, as
a rule, they have left no written testimony or record of their lives
to show to future generations what they have seen or passed through.
We have scarcely ever heard of the death of such a person without a
feeling of regret that the important scenes of which he was a witness
while living were not better known, and that a definite and accurate
account of them had not been written before his death.

A short time since we conceived the idea of publishing a volume of the
"Faith-Promoting Series," entitled EARLY SCENES IN CHURCH HISTORY, to
be made up of such incidents of appropriate nature as we could obtain
from early members of the Church.

Of course we were aware that a single volume of the size contemplated
could not describe a tithe of the interesting scenes of a
faith-promoting nature with which the early history of the Church
abounded, but not until we had started the compilation did we realize
to the full extent the vastness of the field which we had entered upon.
We gathered the incidents contained in the present volume at random
(mostly from verbal narratives), compiled them very hastily, with too
little regard perhaps for variety, and feel that we have hardly made a
commencement at recounting the early scenes of which a record should be

In compiling this volume no effort has been made at selecting scenes
of a marvelous or sensational character; the aim has rather been to
mention such incidents as would tend to show how the power of God was
manifested in behalf of the Saints in those early days, and thereby
promote faith among the young, for whose benefit this Series is
published. Nor is it to be supposed that such scenes as are herein
described have been confined to any particular period of our Church's
history. As wonderful incidents of special providence could be related
of the present age as of that which is past. The power of God is as
manifest now in shaping the destiny of His Saints, in preserving their
lives and in answering their prayers as it ever has been. The faithful
never had greater cause to rejoice nor the wicked to tremble than they
have at the present time. That the perusal of this volume may cause
those into whose hands it may come to be more faithful and devoted to
the cause of God, is the earnest desire of




My Sister's Hip Broken--No Hopes of Ever Being Able to Walk--Our
Family Embrace the Gospel--Scoffers Demand as a Sign that my Sister
be Healed--Elder Brackinbury's Designs--Caught in the Act of Robbing
the Grave--My Brother's Death--My Sister Healed-The Healing Fails to
Convince the Unbelievers.


The Savior's Promise--Sent on a Mission When a Boy--Conference in
Burke's Garden--A Girl Apparently Stricken With Death--My Fright at
Being Asked to Administer to Her--Prompted by the Spirit to Cast the
Devil Out of Her--The Evil Spirit Leaves Her and Enters Two Others--Six
Elders Contend With the Evil Spirit for Thirty-Six Hours--Its Final



Sickly Condition when Young--Healed According to Elder Patten's
Prediction--Labor as a Missionary with Elder Woodruff--Severe
Sickness--Healed Under the Administration of my Brethren--A Mission
to the Southern States--Removal to Far West--Mission to Missouri and
Arkansas--Opposed by a Baptist Deacon--Terrible Judgment upon Himself
and Family--John Houston, the Infidel--Far West Besieged--Taken


Married while a Prisoner of War--Property Confiscated--Removal
to Quincy--First Hard Work--Removal to Montrose--Mission to
Tennessee--Shot at--Camp, my Champion--A Lawyer and his Mob--Appeal to
Masons for Help--Ready Response--Camp's Vengeance on the Lawyer--News
of Martyrdom--Return to Nauvoo--Brigham Young Inspired--Another Mission
South--Blessings in the Temple--Journey to Salt Lake Valley.


Almost Lost in the Atlantic--Narrowly Escape the _Saluda_
Disaster--Nearly Dead with the Cholera--Healed in Answer to
Prayer--Blown up with a Keg of Powder--A Sick Woman Healed--Elder
Patten's Remarkable Prediction Fulfilled--A Man Almost Dead Recovers on
Being Baptized.



Elder Halliday Applied to for Help By a Sister whose Son is Dying--Not
Able to go, he Gives the Lady his Handkerchief and Promised her
the Child Shall Live--The Child Revives from Apparent Death by the
Woman's Faith and Prayer--Preaching in Penzance--Discouragement and
Want--Strange Conduct of a Lady Attending the Meeting--Invitation to
go to St. Just--Gift of Tongues and Interpretation Given to Elder
Halliday, Through which he Receives a Revelation--Revelation Literally


Elder Elias Morris Falls with a Scaffold a Distance of Thirty Feet
Without Being Hurt--Gift of Healing Possessed by Elder Abel Evans--A
Woman Healed who had Her Face Eaten Away by a Cancer--Storm at Sea
Rebuked--A Broken Leg Cured--A Broken Skull Mended--Fever on Shipboard
Stopped by the Prayer of Faith.


Elder John Parry's Statement--His Brother's Testimony and Death--His
Sister's Reproof and Death--Embrace the Gospel--His Sleep Troubled--A
Remedy and Lesson--Orson Spencer Healed--Providential Help--Escape from
a Mob--Cancer in a Man's Face Cured by Laying on of Hands--Preserved
from Mobs.


John T. Evans' Statement--A Sick and Helpless Woman Healed on Being
Baptized--Relapse and Death after Apostasy--Saints Required to Renounce
their Religion or Lose their Situations--Cholera Epidemic--Healed
According to Faith--Private Discussion with a Malignant Preacher, who
Takes the Cholera and Begs the Elders to Cure Him--Healed and then
Baptized--Curious Manner in which Food and Lodging were Provided.


Judgment Upon Opposers--Two Men Killed by their Horses--Horrible Death
of Another--Eight Preachers go Down After Opposing Elder Evans--A
Man Saved from Bleeding to Death by the Prayer of Faith--A Sister
Healed--Woman Cured of a Bloody Issue on Being Baptized--Escape the
Fury of a Mob by the Spirit's Warning--A Warning Through the Gift of


Thomas D. Giles' Experience--His Head Crushed and Split Open by a Ton
of Coal Falling Upon It--Healed by the Power of God--A Deaf and Dumb
Man Receives His Hearing and Speech on Being Baptized, etc.


Scene in the Experience of Wm. J. Smith--A Strange Prophecy and Its
Wonderful Fulfillment.


Martin H. Peck's Testimony of a Number of Remarkable Cases of
Healing--A Broken Arm, a Crushed Leg, etc., Healed Immediately.



His Early Life--Conversion--Curious Signs--Joseph Removes to
Kirtland--Wonderful Manifestations--A Miraculous Case of Healing--Sidney
Rigdon in Darkness--Joseph Predicts that the Evil One will Handle Him,
and the Prediction is Fulfilled.


Removal to Missouri--The Saints' Guns Purchased for Mobocrats by a
Sectarian Preacher--Attack of the Mob on the Whitmer Settlement--The
Writer Shot--Subsequent Exposure and Suffering--Critical
Condition--Healed Miraculously--How Zion's Camp was preserved on
Fishing River--A Vision.


Militia Organized at Far West--Liberty Pole Struck by
Lightning--General Atchison Defends the Prophet in a Lawsuit--Atchison
Removed from Office for being Friendly to the Saints--Far West
Beseiged--Leaders of the Saints Betrayed for a Price--Escape to Quincy.


Rent a Farm--Sickness--Providential Recovery--Inspired
to Preach--Removal to Nauvoo--Death of my Wife--Second
Marriage--Premonition of Death--Warning from the Prophet--A Dream and
its Fulfillment--A Prophecy and its Fulfillment--Evil Spirits Cast out
of a Man--Joseph Smith's Trust in the Lord.




About the year 1830, when I was twelve years of age, Nancy, my eldest
sister, was thrown from a horse, and had her hip broken.

The bone was broken so near the socket that it could not be set,
and physicians all agreed that it would be impossible for her ever
again to walk upon that leg, or in any degree to recover its use, as
ossification had taken place without a connection of the bones and they
had slipped past each other, making the broken limb nearly an inch
shorter than the other. She walked upon two crutches, and for years was
not able to bring upon the broken limb weight sufficient to hurt the
finger of a small child, if placed under her foot.

In the year 1831, my brothers Joel H. and David received the gospel
in Amherst, Ohio, and in the fall of the same year my brother David
brought to us the Book of Mormon, near Fredonia, State of New York.

Soon afterwards my brother Joel, with A. W. Babbitt--then only a
boy, came also, and was followed by Elders Brackinbury and Durfee.
Elder Brackinbury was an earnest and powerful preacher, and all the
Elders seemed filled with the spirit of the Lord. Many received their
testimony, and my mother and Lyman R. Shearman, a brother-in-law, were
the first to be baptized.

Priest and people came out to oppose the work, and would scoffingly
ask, "Why, if miracles can be performed, do you not heal Sister Nancy?"
Many would also say: "If they would only heal Sister Nancy we would all

My sister was a young woman of excellent mind and character. Having
a good common education, she had for some years taught our district
summer school, and, being religiously inclined, had joined the Freewill
Baptist church. Like my mother, who was also a religious woman, she was
not only respected, but was beloved by all who knew her. But, although
she had obeyed the gospel, the time had not come for her release from
her crutches by the healing power of God. The wicked were seeking it
for a sign, as in the days of our Savior, when they followed Him even
to His crucifixion, demanding that He come down from the cross, as a
sign, to prove to them that He was the Son of God; yet no sign was
given except that of their overthrow and destruction.

After a few weeks of successful preaching and baptizing, Elder
Brackinbury was taken violently sick, and, within a few days, died of
the bilious cholic.

To us, then young and inexperienced members of the Church, his death
came as a trial to our faith, as well as a very great grief. To think
that so good a man, in such a field of useful labor, and far away
from his home and family, should be permitted to die, and that too so
suddenly, was naturally a test to the faith and integrity of so young a

Although the grave had closed over his body and we were in deep sorrow,
our enemies were not satisfied, for while we were assembled in the
evening after his burial, to talk and pray and mourn together, the
spirit of revelation said to my brother David that they were then
digging up the body of Brother Brackinbury for dissection.

My brothers with others quickly started, and proceeding rapidly to the
grave about one mile away, found three men there who had unearthed the
coffin and were just dragging the corpse from under its lid. As our
party approached they sprang out of the grave and fled.

David, then a stripling of about twenty years, pursued them, and like a
young lion, grappled with, captured and brought back as a prisoner one
of the most powerful young men of the country--not only much older but
nearly double his size--a student of medicine in our native town.

The prisoner was afterwards committed by a magistrate, and put under
bonds to appear at his trial.

These, with other unhappy events, caused us to desire to leave our
native place and gather with the Saints at Kirtland, which we did in
the spring of 1833. In the summer of that same year it was proposed to
build the Kirtland Temple, and as it was designed at first to build it
of brick, my three eldest brothers, with those of us who were younger,
engaged in making the brick for that purpose; and there brother David,
who was then about twenty-two years of age, became a martyr to the
great and good cause. Through his ambition to perform more labor than
he was able to endure, and by over-exertion in procuring the wood, he
bled at the lungs and died the same fall. He bore a faithful testimony
of the gospel being again revealed, and spoke with the gift of tongues
with his latest breath, which was interpreted by Don Carlos Smith, the
Prophet's brother, who was present at the time.

About this time the Spirit of the Lord seemed to be poured out upon the
Saints in Kirtland. There families often met together to "speak of the
Lord," and the gifts of the gospel were enjoyed in rich abundance. As
yet my sister Nancy had never, since her hip had been broken, taken one
step unaided by her crutches; but the time had now come for her release.

She was commanded by Elder Jared Carter--then a man of mighty faith--to
arise, leave her crutches and walk.

She arose in faith, full of joy, and was from that hour made whole, and
never again did she walk upon crutches or lean upon a staff.

The same fall I returned on a visit to my native town, full of a desire
that our old neighbors, as well as my young associates, should embrace
the truth; for I felt sure that they would believe my testimony that my
sister was healed, and, as they had promised, accept the gospel.

I was full of hope, although I was but a boy, that they would all
be converted through my testimony; but alas! there were none to be
converted--no one to accept the great truths of the gospel. They
believed my statement that my sister had become well and was walking
unaided upon her broken limb, yet, to their understanding, "some
natural cause had produced the effect," and they were unbelievers still.

When again, as a missionary, I returned to the place of my birth
and preached to those same persons the gospel, bearing a faithful
testimony, they were glad to see me, and treated me with great
kindness, yet no one was converted to the truth, for signs had failed
to make them believe.


BY H. G. B.


Just a few minutes before our Savior took His leave of the twelve
apostles and ascended on high, He promised that certain gifts and
blessings should be enjoyed by the believer.

You will find this promise recorded in the 16th chapter of the gospel
according to St. Mark, 17th and 18th verses. It is of one of these
gifts that I wish to speak.

When on my first mission (in the year 1844), in the State of Virginia,
we were attending a conference in Burke's Garden, Tazewell County.
There were some ten or twelve Elders in attendance, most of whom had
just arrived a week or two previous from Nauvoo, where they had,
during the April Conference, been called and set apart for missions in
Virginia. It was Sunday evening, some time early in May. Our conference
had just closed, the last services of which were the ordinances of
baptism and confirmation administered to several persons.

The Saints and strangers had dispersed to their homes, except some of
the Saints who lived at a distance. A few of these had put up with
Colonel Peter Litz, who, with his family, were members of the Church,
and where also several of the Elders, myself included, were going to
stay over night.

The time in the evening was what would be called early twilight. Some
of the Elders had taken an evening stroll. At any rate, I was the only
Elder that was about the house, when Sister Litz came to me (I was
seated at the time out in the yard) very much excited, and said that
one of the sisters who had come to stay over night, was taken suddenly
and very severely sick, and she (Sister Litz) desired me to administer
to her.

I was only a boy, yet in my teens, and with little or no experience,
and had never been called upon, up to that time, to administer to the
sick. I naturally shrank from the task, and would have given anything
to have had some one to take it off my shoulders.

However, there was no escape for me--no other Elders were present, and
she insisted that I should attend to the ordinance.

I followed Sister Litz into the house, and there lay the girl,
stretched upon a bed, apparently lifeless, without breath or motion.

I asked Sister Litz what was the matter with the girl, but she could
not tell.

"What can I do?" I thought. What could any one do? Nevertheless, I
placed my hands upon her head, knowing full well if the Lord did not
help me, that I would utterly fail in being able to say the first
appropriate word, or exercise the least power.

As soon as I opened my mouth, I began to cast a devil out of her, which
was farthest from my thoughts before I commenced. I commanded it, in
the name of Jesus Christ, to come out of her, and not to return again.
The evil spirit immediately departed from her, she being restored to
her normal condition, seemingly as well as ever.

Not ten minutes after, the same evil spirit entered another girl. But
during this interval Elder Robert Hamilton had returned from a walk,
and was present at the time of the second attack, and was mouth with
myself in casting it out.

In about the same time it would take a person to walk from one room to
another, a third young sister was attacked, and in the same way exactly
that the two first had been taken; and our administration had the same
effect in relieving her as in the first two cases.

This third one was no sooner rid of the evil spirit, than it returned
and took possession the second time of the one last before relieved of
its power; and when it was cast out from this one, it took possession
of the third one again, and so on, alternately, as well as I can
remember, for three or four times. But the spirit never returned the
second time to the first sister that was attacked that evening.

However, at the end of three or four hours, we separated the two girls,
by taking one of them up stairs and into a room at the west end of the
house, leaving the other in a room on the first floor at the east end,
making the distance between as far as we could for both to occupy the
same house, which was a large one.

In the meantime one of the Elders from the house of one of the nearest
neighbors had come in, so there were six of us in attendance, the names
of whom were as follows: Robert Hamilton, James Park, Richard Kinnamon,
Chapman Duncan, Alfred B. Lambson and myself.

A. B. Lambson, James Park and Richard Kinnamon, with the father of the
two girls (for they were sisters), watched with the one in the room on
the first floor, while Robert Hamilton, Chapman Duncan and myself, with
the mother, watched with the other in the upper room.

While possessed with this evil spirit, the girls would sometimes lay in
a trance, motionless, and apparently without breathing, till we were
ready to conclude they were dead, then they would come to and speak
and sing in tongues, and talk about Priesthood and the endowments. At
other times, they would choke up, ceasing to breathe until they were
black in the face, and we thought they would surely die. Sometimes they
would froth at the mouth and act like they were in a fit. If standing
upon their feet when taken, they would fall to the floor and act like
they were struggling for life with some unseen power. Altogether, these
cases reminded us of the one recorded in Mark, 8th chapter, 14th to
29th verse, and other cases recorded in the New Testament.

We never made a failure when attempting to cast out this evil spirit
from either of the girls. But invariably as soon as one of them was
dispossessed, in the length of time it would take a person to walk from
one room to the other, the spirit would take possession of the other,
but never both at the same time, and both were operated upon alike,
so we knew there was but one evil spirit to deal with; yet it seemed
impossible to get rid of it, for the girls were possessed with it
alternately for some thirty-six hours.

However, we took advantage of the Savior's explanation in the 9th
chapter of Mark, before referred to, and fasted and prayed. After
which, while the three of us up stairs were administering (Robert
Hamilton being mouth) and commanding the devil (for such we were from
the first convinced it was) to come out of her and return to its
own place, Elder Duncan immediately interrupted, and said to Elder
Hamilton, "Name the place; name the place!" (See Matthew, 8th chapter
and 31st verse.)

This somewhat confused Elder Hamilton, who hesitated, when Elder Duncan
called the name of a family who were near neighbors, and of whom not
one us had thought in connection with these cases. Elder Hamilton
repeated this name, and immediately the evil spirit departed, not only
from the girl it then had possession of, but from the house. And in a
moment all in the house felt and knew that they were rid of its power
and influence and that it would not again return.

We all, by this time, knew something of the power of the adversary, for
we had had an actual experience, indeed, a contest, that had left us
weak and nearly worn out, to an extent that an actual corporal struggle
with flesh and blood would not have so reduced us.

Why was the key to its departure given to Elder Duncan and not to Elder
Hamilton, who was acting as mouthpiece at the time? is a question my
young readers are ready to ask, as we asked one another at the time,
and were not able to answer, and which I am unable to answer to this

And why was it necessary to give this demon the privilege to return to
torment some other family?

This also I am unable to answer to my own satisfaction; but this much I
can say: the family referred to was bitterly opposed to the gospel and
its blessings, and to all those who taught, practiced, or enjoyed the
same. A daughter of this family had been afflicted in a very singular
way from her childhood. This girl had, in company with her parents and
all the family (as they never left her alone), attended our baptismal
meeting on Sunday evening, and her family spoke of her being and acting
like a new person for two days after attending that meeting, often
speaking of the good effect the witnessing of the ordinance of baptism
had had upon her.

To all I have said in the foregoing, I was an eye and ear witness. All
those who are living, who were present at the time this occurred, will
remember the truth of what I have inscribed, though at the time we kept
it from the world. I have written this experience for the benefit of
the young Elders who are now abroad on missions, and for the benefit
of the boys who may hereafter be called on to take missions, and any
others who may glean any good from its perusal; and also as an evidence
of the truth of the promise of Jesus to believers.




My life has been an exceedingly active, busy one, but when my
experience is compared with that of many of my brethren there is
perhaps nothing very extraordinary about it. I have seen the power
of God manifested in various ways, and have had all the testimonies
that I could ask for of the divine character of the work instituted
through Joseph Smith, with which I have been connected for almost
half a century. But I have never seen anything that I could call very
miraculous, nor have I sought for anything of the kind as an evidence
of the truth of God's work. To me everything has seemed to come along
naturally. And yet when all things are considered, my whole life
might be regarded as miraculous. When I reflect upon the precarious
condition of my health when a boy, and the indulgence with which I was
then treated, and then upon what I have been enabled to endure and
accomplish, through the blessings of God since, there is something
rather remarkable about it to me.

I was born on the 17th of February, 1815, in Owenton, Owen Co.,
Kentucky. Both the town and County in which I was born were named after
my great-uncle, Abraham Owen, in whose honor I was named. He was killed
in the battle of Tippecanoe, while serving under General Harrison, who
was afterwards President of the United States. Abraham Owen's sister,
my great-aunt, was Stonewall Jackson's mother, so that General Jackson
and I were second-cousins.

From my early childhood, almost from my infancy, I was afflicted with a
lung disease, and supposed to be in consumption. Indeed, I was so bad a
great deal of the time that my life was despaired of. When I was about
nine years old my death seemed so imminent that my burial clothes were
made. However, I rallied somewhat, but not to be able to do any work. I
had a great desire to live, and also to know if the Lord had a church
upon the earth, and I investigated the various doctrines professed by
those with whom I came in contact, but could never feel satisfied to
join any of the religious sects.

When I attained my twentieth year, and while I was still very sickly,
Elders David W. Patten and Warren Parrish visited the part where I
resided, as missionaries, and I became convinced of the correctness of
the doctrines which they taught and embraced the same, being baptized
by Elder Parrish and confirmed by Elder Patten. Brother Patten, in
confirming me, promised that I should be healed of my infirmity and
become a strong and powerful man. This prediction was verified to the
letter; I began to grow strong immediately.

The following spring I was ordained a deacon and placed to preside
over a small branch of the Church raised up by Elders Patten and
Parrish, and on the 7th of the next April I was ordained an Elder under
the hands of Brother Woodruff and started out with him preaching. I
traveled with him in Kentucky and Tennessee until the early part of the
following winter, when we left the South and went to Kirtland, Ohio,
where I attended school with him and studied Greek and Latin.

The change of climate and a little carelessness on my part brought
on an attack of typhoid fever and pleurisy, from which I suffered
severely, and it was thought that I could not recover. Brother
Woodruff, however, who was waiting upon me, called in Elders Brigham
Young, Heber C. Kimball, Willard Richards, and Hyrum Smith, and the
five laid their hands upon me and rebuked the disease and blessed me.
While their hands were upon my head I fell into an easy sleep, and when
I awoke my disease was entirely gone.

A few days after, I was advised by the Prophet Joseph to return to the
Southern States and raise up a company of Saints and emigrate to Far
West, Missouri. I accordingly went South, and in the month of May had
succeeded in organizing a company of two hundred souls with about forty
teams and started on our journey. The trip occupied about two months.
We immediately set about making homes and soon began to get comfortable

In January, 1838, I was called to fill a mission to the southern part
of Missouri and throughout Arkansas. During this mission an incident
occurred which I think worth relating. I was preaching one afternoon
in the court-house at Yellsville, where I had also held meeting in the
forenoon, when in the midst of my discourse I was interrupted by a
Baptist deacon, who arose and exclaimed: "That young man is not quoting
the scripture correctly."

I was speaking at the time upon the authenticity of the Book of Mormon.
I was also enjoying an unusual flow of the Holy Spirit, and felt more
calm and collected at this interruption than I otherwise would have
done. I deliberately opened the Bible and read therefrom the very
passages which I had previously quoted verbatim, and cited the chapter
and verse.

At this the Baptist took his seat, but I had not proceeded much farther
with my remarks when I again had occasion to quote from the scriptures,
and lest I again should be found fault with, I opened the Bible and
read from it, when the deacon, a second time arose and declared that it
was not from King James' translation of the Bible that I was quoting,
but "Joe Smith's golden Bible," etc.

Several of the audience immediately ordered him to be still and let the
young man proceed, as they wanted to hear the preaching.

Again he became quiet, but soon broke forth in a perfect rage, said I
was lying, and denounced, in a rather incoherent manner, "Joe Smith"
and his "golden bible," and the "Mormons" as "chicken thieves" and "hog
stealers," etc.

A number of persons immediately surrounded him as if they intended to
thrust him out, and lest they should use violence I began to plead
for him, and requested them to allow him to retire quietly. I added,
however, that I was there on my Father's business, commissioned to
proclaim the gospel, and if he did not speedily repent the Lord would
rebuke him and the judgment of God would overtake him. At this he
turned and rushed from the room almost foaming with rage.

He had four drunken sons in the town and he proceeded to hunt them up
to incite them to mob me. Just then a fire broke out in the Baptist
meeting house, and on hearing the alarm I adjourned the meeting for one

In the audience was a Major John Houston, a brother of the celebrated
Sam Houston, who was in command of a military post near by. He had
boarded a few days at the same place that I had, and had therefore
become somewhat acquainted with me.

He followed the deacon and advised him against molesting me, telling
him if he persisted in it he would have to take him in charge. The
deacon concluded to desist but raged, and cursed "Joe Smith" and the
"golden bible" and the young preacher, and everything connected with
him as he proceeded home, and on entering his house, almost immediately
fell dead and turned black.

In this condition he lay for two days, no one, not even his own sons,
daring to go near him until, a Campbellite preacher, who also had
happened to be one of my audience, and who had heard of his condition,
came to me and informed me of it. I went with him to Major Houston, and
through his influence some persons were employed to go and bury the
dead man.

Within a week from the time of the deacon's death his wife also died,
and his sons kept up their drunken spree until they had run through
four thousand dollars of the money which their father had left and also
other property.

Many of the people of the town regarded this series of calamities as
the judgment of God, and even the Campbellite preacher admitted to me
that it had very much the appearance of it.

Soon after these events transpired I returned to a place about twenty
miles distant, to fill a previous appointment, and while there Major
Houston was taken sick with the cholera. He felt that he was going to
die, and wanted to have me sent for. I had conversed with him many
times upon the subject of religion, and, though he professed to be an
infidel, I could see that he was pricked in his heart but was too proud
to acknowledge it. Shortly before he died he made a request that I
should preach his funeral sermon, and on my return to Yellsville I did
so, and I think I never had more of the Spirit of God in preaching in
my life than I did on that occasion, infidel though he pretended to be.

I returned from this mission in the summer of 1838, and soon afterwards
the troubles of the Saints with the Missouri mobocrats recommenced,
in which I became earnestly engaged. After Far West had been besieged
by the mob militia under General Clark and we had been compelled to
surrender our arms, I was taken prisoner in company with many of my



On the 11th of November, while still a prisoner of war, I was married,
which might be considered as a proof that I had not lost hope. I
was fortunate in securing a wife who was zealous and devoted to her
religion and ready to sacrifice or endure anything to further its

After the troops were withdrawn from Far West I visited my farm two
miles south of the town, to look after my stock which I had left there,
and found that all my earthly possessions save my real estate had been
confiscated by the army.

On visiting the late camp-ground of the army I found the heads of
eleven of my oxen which had been butchered, and there was no trace left
of my sheep, swine, etc.

Brother John Butler, who had been obliged to flee to the north to save
his life, had left his family in my charge. He had a span of very poor
horses and an old wagon. I loaded the wagon up with his wife and five
children and what few goods I had left, which consisted of one trunk
full of clothes besides what my wife and I wore. I managed to find one
of my horses which the mob had taken and used in such a shocking manner
that his back was skinned almost from his withers to his tail. This
animal I hitched on ahead of Brother Butler's horses, and by those of
us walking who were able to do so, we slowly made our way to Quincy,
Illinois, in the depth of winter. On arriving there I went to work
carrying the hod up a four-story building--really the first hard work I
had ever done, to make another start in life, while my wife assisted by
taking in sewing.

In the month of July I removed to Montrose, opposite Commerce. In May
of the following year I went on a mission to Tennessee, from which I
returned the following October, and again the next year, I went to
Charleston, South Carolina, being instructed to introduce the gospel
there. I spent all the money I had in renting halls and publishing
placards announcing my meetings, but although I had large audiences,
and numbers of persons came to me, Nicodemus-like--by night, to inquire
about the gospel, I failed to make one convert. I returned to Nauvoo
from this mission in 1842.

In the summer of 1843, I took a trip through southern Illinois and
north-western Kentucky, in the interest of the Nauvoo House, and
in May, 1844, I again went south to Tennessee to electioneer for
Joseph Smith as candidate for the Presidency of the United States. On
arriving at Dresden, Tenn., I rented the court-house to hold meeting
in, and while in the act of preaching to a good-sized audience, a mob
gathered outside and a shot was fired at me through the window. The
bullet passed near my head and lodged in the ceiling, and immediately
afterwards a few brickbats were also thrown through the window.
Considerable excitement followed and the audience began to scatter,
when a man by the name of Camp, somewhat noted as a fighting character,
arose and called on the fleeing people to stop. He told them if they
would only sit and listen to the preaching, he would go out and look
after the persons who were creating the disturbance. About two-thirds
of the audience again became seated and he went outside and procured a
shot-gun, with which he patroled around the courthouse the remainder of
the evening, and there was no further trouble.

Another meeting was announced for the following day, but before it
commenced a lawyer of the town laid his plans to break it up. I had not
long been speaking when he, at the head of a mob of two hundred men,
marched into the room and demanded that I should cease speaking, as
they had come to attend to my case.

In this emergency, and for the only time in my life in public, I made
use of a masonic sign calling for help, when lo! a number of persons
sprang up to assist me. The lawyer was commanded to give his reasons
for interfering with me, which he proceeded to do by delivering a most
abusive and slanderous speech. I finally commanded him to sit down and
he did so very suddenly, and the masons who were present, who were very
numerous and influential, gave him to understand that he would not be
allowed to molest me. I continued my remarks, and at the close of the
meeting Mr. Camp took vengeance on the lawyer by knocking him down and
kicking him around the court-house yard.

From Dresden I proceeded to Paris, in the same State, where I
contracted for the publication of 1,000 copies of Joseph Smith's
"Powers and Policy of the Government of the United States." After the
printing had been done and paid for, the printer informed me that if I
attempted to circulate the pamphlets it would be likely to land me in
the penitentiary, as the views expressed therein, in regard to freeing
the slaves, would be considered treasonable and contrary to law. On
consulting a lawyer of the place, a boyhood friend of mine, I found
that he held the same opinion, and I therefore suppressed the whole

I was at Father Church's, on Duck river, in Hickman Co., Tenn., when I
received the news of the martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith, six days
after the consummation of that bloody deed. I immediately proceeded
down Duck river to the Tennessee river, by canoe, and, on arriving
there, in company with three other Elders, purchased a skiff, and made
my way to Paducah on the Ohio river, from which place I took steamer to

On arriving in Nauvoo I found that Sidney Rigdon was striving to
establish his claim to the leadership of the Church, and proffering
various unheard-of offices to such persons as would rally around his
standard. However, on the arrival of President Young and the other
Apostles from their missions, his claims were soon set aside.

I was present at the meeting held in Nauvoo on the occasion when
President Young assumed the leadership of the Church, and can testify
with hundreds of others that he spoke by the power of God on that
occasion and that he had the very voice and appearance of Joseph Smith.

The following autumn I was sent by President Young to Kentucky,
Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia and Mississippi to raise means for the
building of the Temple and also to induce the Saints scattered through
that region to migrate to Nauvoo and make preparations to journey
westward. I returned to Nauvoo in the summer of 1845, bringing a
large number of the Saints with me. I also left many others partially
prepared to follow, who were subsequently gathered up by Elders John
Brown and Wm. Crosby and led westward, by way of Arkansas, to Salt Lake

After my return to Nauvoo I labored on the Temple until it was so far
completed as to admit of the ordinances being performed in it, when I
had the blessed privilege of entering it and receiving my endowments
and having wives sealed to me. I also at that time had the son of my
first wife (who, I should have mentioned, was a widow when I married
her) adopted to me by the Priesthood, and he has ever since borne my
name and been recognized and treated as one of my own sons.

I labored about three months in the temple in administering the
ordinances of the house of God to others, and in April, 1846, I left
Nauvoo and started westward with quite a large company of my southern
friends. On arriving at Winter Quarters I was ordained a Bishop and
appointed to preside over a Ward, and spent the winter in building
cabins to shelter the people and in looking after the wants of the
poor. In the spring of 1847 I was appointed to organize and lead
westward a company of Saints having one hundred and twenty wagons. I
chose as my assistants Major Russell and Geo. B. Wallace. We arrived in
Salt Lake Valley on the 24th day of September.

Thus passed the first twelve years of my connection with the
Church--twelve years of rough but not unprofitable experience for me,
considering the many lessons I learned and the satisfaction I enjoyed
in contemplating my labors. During that period I had become strong and
healthy, and through the blessings of God, had been enabled, with the
help of my wife and boy, to earn a subsistence and accumulate some
property, notwithstanding the many missions I had filled and the losses
of property I had sustained.

Since that time I never have performed a regular preaching mission
abroad, although in 1851, I was sent to England, for that purpose; but
on arriving there it was decided to have me return to lead the first
company emigrated by the Perpetual Emigration Fund across the plains,
and after a stay of thirty days in that country I did so. I filled
various business missions, however, in which I crossed the plains
thirteen times with ox and mule teams.



During my experience I have seen the power of God manifested upon
various occasions in preserving my life; indeed, considering the many
narrow escapes I have had, it might be almost thought that I have had a
charmed life.

On my return from England in 1853, on board the new steamer _Pacific_,
we encountered a severe storm, in which the deck was swept clear of
rigging, the deck cabin, one of the wheels, both wheel houses and
the bulwarks. The steamer was entirely submerged in the sea at one
time, and had she not been very well built she would never have come
to the surface again. It looked like a precarious time, but I felt
an assurance that the vessel would be saved, and in the midst of all
the excitement which prevailed among the crew and passengers I felt
quite calm. I had seventeen thousand dollars in gold in my possession,
and I did not even fear that I would lose that. Our preservation,
however, was certainly providential, for the vessel was in a terribly
dilapidated condition, but we finally arrived safely in New York with
the wrecked vessel, after a voyage of sixteen days.

I subsequently had a very narrow escape on the occasion of the _Saluda_
disaster. I had purchased the supplies for my company to make its
overland journey with, except cattle, at St. Louis, and had decided
to go farther up the river to buy the stock, when Eli B. Kelsey came
to me to consult me in regard to chartering the _Saluda_ to convey
an independent company of Saints up the river. I went with him to
examine the boat, and on finding that it was an old hulk of a freight
boat, fitted up with a single engine, I strongly advised him against
having anything to do with it. He seemed to be influenced in making
choice of it entirely by the fact that he could get it cheaper than
a better one; but in my opinion it seemed folly, for in addition to
the danger of accident, the length of time likely to be occupied in
making the journey would more than counterbalance what might be saved
in the charge for transit. However, he decided to charter it, and then
both he and the captain urged me strongly to take passage with them,
offering to carry me free of cost if I would only go, but I could
not feel satisfied to do so. I followed a few days afterwards on the
_Isabella_, and overtook them at Lexington, where the _Saluda_ was
stopped by the float-ice and was unable to proceed farther. I went on
board of her to visit the Saints (who were in charge of D. J. Ross, Eli
B. Kelsey having gone ashore to purchase cattle), and left just before
the last plank was drawn in, preparatory to attempting to start. I
had not walked to exceed two hundred yards after leaving the _Saluda_
before the explosion occurred, and on turning to look in the direction
of the the ill-fated boat I saw the bodies of many of the unfortunate
passengers and various parts of the boat flying in the air in every
direction. Fortunately for the Saints on board, they were mostly on
the deck of the boat and pretty well towards the stern, and they
consequently fared better than those who were below, or on the forepart
of the boat, which was blown entirely to pieces. As it was, however,
upwards of twenty of the Saints were lost or subsequently died of their
wounds. My own preservation I can only attribute to the providence of
the Almighty, for if I had remained a moment on the wharf to see the
boat start, as would have been very natural for a person to do, I would
have been blown into eternity as those were who stood there.

I shall never forget the kindness of the citizens of Lexington in
caring for the living and burying the dead. The Lord certainly inspired
them to do all that sympathy and benevolence could suggest in aid of
the afflicted. The city council set apart a piece of ground in which
to bury the Saints who had died, and William H. Russell, the great
government freighter, and many other prominent citizens did all they
could to comfort and help the afflicted survivors. Besides their
devoted attention, their contributions in aid of the Saints amounted to
thousands of dollars.

The disaster described is really the only accident of any consequence
by water that has befallen a company of Latter-day Saints in emigrating
from the old countries, and there was much reason to believe that
Providence was in their favor to a great extent even in that case, or a
much greater number would certainly have lost their lives.

I remained at Lexington about eight days looking after the interests of
the Saints and purchasing stock, after which I returned to St. Louis,
where I met the company of Saints I was to conduct across the plains.
On reaching Atchison, our starting point for the overland journey, the
company was stricken with the cholera. There were over forty cases, and
of these some fifteen proved fatal. Numbers were healed instantaneously
through the prayer of faith when the Elders laid their hands upon
them, although apparently near death's door; others gave way entirely
to fear, failed to exercise faith and soon died. After we had started
upon our journey and when the last person who had been afflicted had
recovered, I was prostrated with the same dread disease. The train
was stopped and the whole company fasted and prayed for two days for
my recovery, but I continued growing worse until my limbs and the
lower portion of my body were apparently dead, but then the faith of
the Saints and the power of the Almighty prevailed in my behalf and I
recovered. I had, however, lost seventy-five pounds in weight within a
few days.

Another remarkable instance in which the providence of the Almighty
was manifest in my preservation occurred in the following May. I was
emptying a small keg of powder and standing in a stooping position
right over it, and as it did not run out very freely I shook the keg,
when it exploded. The staves and pieces of hoops were scattered in
every direction, some pieces being afterwards found at least eight rods
distant. I was blown into the air and my face and hands most terribly
burned. It was a marvel that the staves of the keg were not driven
through my body, but it did not appear that a single one had struck
me. The whole of the skin came from my face and hands, yet, wonderful
to relate, there is not now a mark of powder about my face, and my
eyesight, the loss of which I was most fearful of, was not at all
impaired by it.

This series of narrow escapes which I have related I passed through
within a little over a year; and it really seemed to me that Satan was
bent upon my destruction. The fact that my life was preserved through
them was an evidence to me of the power of God and that He had a
purpose in allowing me to live.

I have witnessed the power of God displayed in the healing of persons
who were sick in hundreds of instances, in some cases that would
probably be considered by the world as very wonderful, but to which
the Saints, whose experience has been similar to my own, had become
accustomed. I think Elder David W. Patten possessed the gift of healing
to a greater degree than any man I ever associated with. I remember on
one occasion when I was laboring with him as a missionary in Tennessee,
he was sent for to administer to a woman who had been sick for five
years and bed-ridden for one year and not able to help herself. Brother
Patten stepped to her bedside and asked her if she believed in the Lord
Jesus Christ. She replied that she did. He then took her by the hand
and said, "In the name of Jesus Christ, arise!"

She immediately sat up in bed, when he placed his hands upon her
head and rebuked her disease, pronounced blessings upon her head and
promised that she should bear children. She had been married for seven
years and had never had any children, and this promise seemed very
unlikely ever to be fulfilled. But she arose from her bed immediately,
walked half a mile to be baptized and back again in her wet clothes.
She was healed from that time, and within one year became a mother, and
afterwards bore several children.

I was myself healed under his administration in a manner which appeared
to me very remarkable at that time. While traveling I was taken very
sick and was forced to seek entertainment at the house of an infidel.
Elder Patten was desirous of administering to me and, by way of a
pretext, asked the privilege of praying. His request was granted and he
knelt beside the bed upon which I was lying, and, without the family
noticing it, placed his hand upon my head. While his hand was upon
me, I felt the disease pass off from my system as palpably as I ever
experienced anything in my life, and before he arose from his knees I
was as well as I ever had been, and able to arise and eat my supper.

I remember a rather remarkable instance of healing that occurred at
Winter Quarters, which I think worth relating:

During the winter of 1846-7 while the Saints were encamped on the
banks of the Missouri there was a great deal of sickness among them,
and many died. Among others who were afflicted was a man by the name
of Collins, who had followed up the Church for some time on account of
his wife being a member, but who never felt quite satisfied to embrace
the gospel, although he never opposed the work. When he was taken sick
it was not thought by his friends that he could recover, as he had
appeared to be sinking rapidly under the effects of the disease, and
for some time he lay in a semi-unconscious state, from which it was
feared he would never rally.

However, he finally regained consciousness and looked around, when I
asked him if he had any message to leave before he died. He immediately
replied that it would not do for him to die then, as he had not been
baptized, and urged very strongly to be taken right down to the river
to receive this ordinance.

Yielding to his solicitations, some of the brethren brought the running
gear of a wagon with a few boards on it, up to the door of the cabin in
which he was living, and his bed, with him lying upon it, was carried
out and placed on the wagon. When we had proceeded part way down to
the river the wagon tire commenced running off one of the wheels and
a halt was made to hammer it on again. On noticing the wagon stop and
hearing the hammering, he inquired what was the matter, and when he was
informed that the tire was running off, he replied impatiently, "Oh,
never mind the tire; go on, or I'll die and go to hell yet before I'm

We proceeded on with him till we reached the river, which at that time
was frozen over, but the ice had been cut away near the shore in order
that our animals might drink. There he was lifted from his bed, carried
into the water and I baptized him for the remission of his sins and his
restoration to health. After being taken out of the water a blanket was
wrapped around him and he was seated for a moment to rest upon a block
of ice upon the shore. Seeing the brethren turning the wagon around, he
inquired what they were going to do. They replied that they were going
to put him on the bed and haul him back home, when he arose to his feet
and assured them that they need not go to that trouble, for he could
walk back, and he did so, and from that time became a healthy man.




The various gifts of the gospel were perhaps enjoyed to as great
an extent by the Elders who labored in England in an early day as
they have been by any people and in any place, at least in this
dispensation. Nor were the manifestations of these gifts confined
to the Elders who were engaged in the ministry, for their converts
also enjoyed them to a very great extent. Many of them through their
extraordinary faith and humility called forth the blessings and power
of God in various ways. The gift of healing was very manifest, and
scores of instances might be related wherein persons were healed in a
most miraculous manner.

Bishop George Halliday, of Santaquin, who labored extensively as a
missionary in his native country in an early day, relates an incident
of this kind. Upon a warm Sunday evening, after he had been preaching
to an audience in Bristol, he was accosted by a Mrs. Ware, a sister
in the Church, who told him she had a son extremely sick and thought
to be dying. She begged him to go home with her and administer to it.
She lived three miles distant, on Durham Down. It was quite late in
the evening and he was so extremely tired that he scarcely felt able
to comply with her request; and yet he did not like to decline. All
at once he felt impressed to say: "Here, Sister Ware, you take my
handkerchief and go home to your child and lay it on him wherever he
seems to be affected, praying to the Lord to heal him. If you do this I
will promise you that he will recover."

With full faith the good lady took the handkerchief and departed. On
reaching her home she was met at the door by her daughters and friends,
who informed her that her son was dead.

"No," said she, "I cannot believe it! Brother Halliday has promised me
that he shall live, and I have his handkerchief to lay upon him."

She hastened to the boy and did as she had been directed to, and the
child, which a few minutes before had been inanimate, began to show
signs of life. The next morning he was able to come down to breakfast,
and soon regained his wonted health. He afterwards emigrated to Utah.

Brother Halliday also relates another instance in which the power of
God was displayed in a rather remarkable manner, near the same time:

He and Elder John Chislett were sent to Penzance, Cornwall,
to introduce the gospel to the inhabitants. They met with no
encouragement, yet they did not feel justified in leaving the place
until they had given the people a thorough warning. Their funds were
so low that the two of them were forced to live on a penny's worth of
bread and a penny's worth of soup per day; yet their faith was strong,
and they spent much of their time in prayer. Finally, as a last resort,
in the effort to awaken an interest in the message they had to bear to
the people, they decided to give a course of public lectures. Elder
Halliday pawned his watch to raise the necessary money to rent a hall
and publish some placards announcing their meetings, and on the first
evening appointed they were gratified at seeing a few come to hear
them. Among the audience they noticed particularly a well-dressed
gentleman and lady, the latter of whom commenced weeping almost as
soon as she entered the hall and continued to do so as long as the
meeting lasted. The Elders, of course, could assign no reason for this
peculiar conduct while the meeting was in progress, nor were they any
more enlightened when, at the close of the services, the lady came
forward with her husband and invited them to visit her at her home at
St. Just, about six miles distant. This was the first invitation they
had received from anyone in the place, and they accepted it joyfully,
and would willingly have gone home with her that night, but, to their
disappointment, she named the following Wednesday as the time when
she would be pleased to receive them. Nothing further passed between
them, but it was evident that a favorable impression had been made upon
her, and that she was a woman of intelligence and refinement. While
anticipating the pleasure of visiting her and waiting for the day to
arrive, the Elders continued to subsist upon their scanty fare, and
spent their time in vainly endeavoring to proselyte among the citizens
of Penzance.

Wednesday morning came and with it a drenching rain storm, through
which the Elders tramped the whole six miles, hungry and penniless.
Shortly before arriving at St. Just, and while they were crossing
a plowed field, with the mud clinging to their boots so they could
scarcely walk, the Lord deigned to comfort them by giving Elder
Halliday the gift of tongues and the interpretation of the same, in
which it was made known to him that the lady whom they were going to
visit had been favored with a vision in which she had seen himself and
Elder Chislett; also that she was the owner of several houses, one of
which she was going to allow them to use to hold meetings in, and that
he was going to baptize her that very night.

As soon as this had passed through his mind, for he had not spoken
aloud, but to himself, he joyfully slapped his companion on the
shoulder and exclaimed, "Cheer up, John! I have had a revelation!" He
then proceeded to relate all that had been revealed to him.

When they arrived at the house they were drenched as badly as if they
had been in a river. Even their boots were full of water, so that when
they pulled them off and turned the tops downward it ran out of them in
a stream. Their friend, however, had been anxiously looking for them,
and had prepared a blazing fire to warm them and spread the table with
tempting food. She also proposed for them to change their clothes as
far as she could supply them with dry ones to put on from her husband's
wardrobe. "But," said she, "I can hardly wait for you to change your
clothes, I am so anxious to talk to you."

"Oh, you need not be in such a hurry," remarked Elder Halliday, "for I
know what you are going to say!"

She looked at him in surprise and inquired how he knew.

"Why," he said, "I have had it revealed to me on the way here." He then
related to her every particular as it had been made known to him, until
he got to that part relating to her baptism, when she interrupted him
by exclaiming in surprise to her husband:

"There, now, is that not just as it occurred? How could he have learned
that? for you know I have not talked with anyone but you about it!" She
then admitted that the week previous, while lying awake in bed, she saw
a bright light in the room and awoke her husband and pointed it out to
him. He also saw it, and it passed around the room in the direction of
Penzance, to which place it led her in her mind, and there she saw two
men trying to raise a standard, in which labor the people who looked on
seemed unwilling to lend a helping hand. She reproached them for their
lack of interest, and took hold herself to assist. This vision was so
plain that she afterwards related the whole of it to her husband and
even described the appearance of the men. Then she could not rest until
she had, in company with her husband, visited Penzance and attended
the lecture she there saw announced. As soon as she entered the hall
and saw the two Elders she recognized them and could not refrain from
crying. As to the other part of what had been revealed to him, she
said it was true that she was the owner of a row of houses, which she
pointed out to the Elders, and that the last one was a school-house in
which her husband taught school, and which they were welcome to use as
a meeting house as long as they wanted to free of charge.

"But," said Elder Halliday, "that is not all that the Lord revealed to
me. He told me that I was going to baptize you before I went to bed
to-night, and now I want your husband to go and find some water for
that purpose."

Brother Halliday, in telling what had been revealed to him, felt a good
deal as he imagined the prophet Jonah must have felt when the Lord
commanded him to go to Nineveh and declare the destruction of that
city. He had before him the fear of being declared a false prophet,
and it required a great deal of faith in him to tell it, especially
that part relating to her baptism. However, he was soon relieved on
that score, for the good lady expressed her readiness and anxiety to
go immediately and be baptized. But her husband declared there was not
a stream or pond in that region deep enough to baptize a person in,
and it would be no use for them to think of doing such a thing that
day. "Is there not a ditch or hollow anywhere around here that is deep
enough?" said Elder Halliday, "Please go and see."

The husband complied with a dubious look on his face, while the Elders
proceeded to change and dry their clothes, and soon he returned and
reported that the heavy shower which had fallen had so filled all the
ditches and low places that they would have no difficulty in finding
water deep enough.

Within two hours from the arrival of the Elders the lady was baptized
and confirmed, she being the first one to embrace the gospel in the
region known as "Land's End."

The Elders ever found a home at her house and enjoyed the privilege
of holding meetings in her school-house for years, and she remained
faithful, but her husband, although he was kind to the Elders and
willing to entertain them, never joined the Church. He was an infidel
and an astrologer.



Elder Elias Morris, now a resident of Salt Lake City, labored
extensively as a local and traveling Elder in the Welch mission in an
early day. In illustration of the manner in which the Lord's power was
often manifested in preserving the lives of His servants, he relates an
instance from his experience:

While acting as a local Elder in his native place, laboring at his
trade during the week and preaching in the surrounding villages on
Sundays, he once had occasion to speak of the signs which the Savior
had promised should follow believers: "In my name they shall cast out
devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents;
and if they drink any deadly, thing it shall not hurt them; they shall
lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." He argued that the
enjoyment of those promised blessings was not limited to the believers
who lived when the Savior was upon the earth, but that the faithful
Latter-day Saints also shared the same. The sectarian preachers of
the neighborhood who listened to or heard of Elder Morris' remarks on
that occasion ridiculed them, and one especially, a Methodist deacon,
had a great deal to say about them. In repeating those remarks and
commenting on them to others, he also exaggerated what had been said,
even asserting falsely that Elder Morris had claimed that if he were to
fall from the top of a quarry it would not hurt him. Elder Morris heard
of this deacon's exaggerated stories and flippant comments, but did not
deign to notice them, although he was well acquainted with the man, in
fact he was at that very time in his employ.

A few days afterwards Elder Morris happened to be engaged upon a
three-story building, pointing the front, and for that purpose was
sitting on a hanging scaffold near the top of the wall. All at once
he felt the scaffold giving way, the planks upon which it rested,
and which projected from the inside of the building, having become
loosened. He called immediately to a fellow workman engaged inside the
building to come to his relief, but before the man reached the window
to grasp the plank, the scaffold fell and Brother Morris with it. With
a silent prayer to God for help, and fully realizing his danger, he
dropped the distance of thirty feet or more, alighting on his thigh on
the stone pavement. In an instant he was upon his feet, and placing his
hand on a window sill, he sprang lightly into the lower room of the
building and escaped the falling planks, which did not reach the ground
until after he had, and came forth the next minute unharmed. He did not
even feel the slightest pain from the fall.

It happened that the Methodist deacon, one of the owners of the
building, and Elder Morris' father were in the street in front of
the building at the time of the accident, and the latter was almost
paralyzed with fear at the sight of his boy falling down, and no less
surprised and overjoyed at seeing him walk forth the next moment
unscathed. The deacon, too, seemed very much astonished and hardly able
to believe the evidence of his own sight when he saw the man whose
religious pretentions he had ridiculed so much pass through such an
ordeal and appear unhurt. Elder Morris noticed his surprised look as
he approached him, and thought it a fitting opportunity to tax him
with the slander and ridicule which he had been indulging in at his
expense. He accordingly did so, and then asked ironically, hinting at
the story which the deacon had circulated about him, "Isn't that almost
equal to falling off a quarry?" The deacon acknowledged that it was,
and declared that some supernatural power must have saved him in that
instance at least.

Many anecdotes are related of Elder Abel Evans, formerly of Lehi, in
this Territory, who died while on a mission in Wales some years since.
He was a man of wonderful faith, and possessed the gift of healing in a
remarkable degree. While laboring as a missionary in Wales in an early
day he met a sister who was a member of the Church and was afflicted
with a terrible cancer in her face which had eaten away her upper lip
and the greater portion of her nose. She had tried all the doctors
she could find who pretended to cure cancers and they had one after
another given her case up as hopeless. When Brother Evans met her she
was mourning over her affliction and recounting her suffering and the
efforts she had made to get relief. He listened to her story and then
asked: "Why do you not apply to the Great Physician to cure you?"

"Do you think it would be of any use?" she asked, brightening up.

"Why," he replied "with the Lord all things are possible! If you have
faith you can be healed!"

She expressed her anxiety to be administered to, and he forthwith
purchased a bottle of olive oil, consecrated it and anointed her face,
applying the oil with a feather to the worst part. He also rebuked the
disease and prayed for her recovery, and from that hour the cancer was
killed and her face began to heal. He repeated the operation two or
three times, and, strange as it may appear, the flesh and skin actually
grew again upon that part of her face which had been eaten away and a
new nose in time developed--not a perfect one it is true, but one that
was a great improvement upon none at all. Notwithstanding this great
manifestation of God's goodness to her, however, this woman afterwards

On one occasion Brother Evans was sailing from Liverpool to Bangor,
at which place he had an appointment to preach, when a terrible storm
arose, which threatened the destruction of the vessel. When the
officers and crew were all ready to give up hope, Elder Evans retired
to a secluded part of the vessel, called upon the Lord in prayer,
reminding Him of the appointment to be filled and that he was upon His
business, and, in mighty faith, rebuked the storm, when it calmed so
suddenly that all hands on board were as much surprised as delighted,
and quite at a loss to account for the sudden change in their prospects.

In the year 1846, a man living in Merthyr Tydvil, who was a member of
the Church, happened accidentally to break his leg between the knee and
ankle. A surgeon was called in, who set the broken bones, bound the
limb up with bandages and splints and cautioned the patient to keep
perfectly quiet until the fracture could have time to knit. Three days
afterwards Elders Abel Evans and Thomas D. Giles called to see him, and
the former questioned him as to his faith. "Do you believe," said he,
"that the Lord has power to heal your broken limb?"

The man acknowledged that he did.

"Do you believe," he again, asked, "that we, as the servants of God,
holding the Priesthood, have authority to call upon the Almighty and
claim a blessing for you at His hands?"

The man assured him that he did.

"Then," said he, "If you wish it we will take the bandages off your
broken leg and anoint it."

The man consented, the bandages and splints were removed and his leg
was anointed with consecrated oil. The brethren then placed their hands
upon his head, and Elder Evans rebuked the power of the evil one,
commanded the bones to come together and knit, and, finally, that the
man should arise from his bed and walk. He got out of bed immediately
and walked about the house, and from that time had no occasion to use a
bandage on the injured limb or even walk with a stick.

While crossing the sea in 1850, emigrating to Utah, a number of
remarkable cases of healing occurred under his administration. One was
that of a young girl who was terribly afflicted with evil spirits,
and who was entirely relieved when he placed his hands upon her head.
Another was that of a little boy who fell through the hatchway of the
vessel, alighting upon his head on the ring and bolt of the lower
hatchway. When he was picked up it was found that the force of the fall
had driven the iron upon which he struck into his head, and within a
minute afterwards the injured place puffed up like a distended bladder.
Of course, he was knocked insensible and apparently lifeless, but
Brother Evans and one or two other Elders immediately administered to
him, and while their hands were upon his head the swelling entirely
disappeared and he was restored to consciousness and to health. This
was witnessed and marveled at by a number of persons who were not in
the Church as well as a great many of the Saints who were on board.

When Elder Evans was crossing the Atlantic in charge of a company of
Saints emigrating to Utah, a terrible epidemic in the nature of a
fever broke out on the ship, and threatened the destruction of all on
board. He felt that their only hope lay in securing the favor of the
Almighty, and determined to muster all the faith he could in appealing
to the Lord. He called together four Elders of experience who were on
board, and asked them to retire with him to the hold of the vessel
and unite in prayer. They did so again and again without any apparent
good result, and Brother Evans marveled at the cause. It was such an
unusual thing for him to fail to have his prayers answered, that he
was surprised that it should be so in that instance, and he could
only account for it by lack of union or worthiness on the part of the
Elders. He therefore called the four Elders again to retire with him
to the hold of the ship, and took with him a basin of clean water.
When they had reached a secluded place where they were not likely to
be overheard or disturbed by others, he talked to the Elders about the
necessity of their being united in faith and clear of sin before God if
they desired to call upon Him and receive a blessing. "Now," he said,
"I want each of you Elders, who feels that his conscience is clear
before God, who has committed no sin to debar him from the enjoyment of
the Holy Spirit, and who has faith in the Lord Jesus Christ sufficient
to call upon the Almighty in His name and claim the desired blessing,
to wash his hands in that basin!" Three of the Elders stepped forward
and did so; the fourth could not--his conscience smote him. He was
therefore asked kindly to retire, and the four others joined in earnest
prayer before the Lord and rebuked the disease by which the people were
afflicted. The result was that the epidemic ceased its ravages and the
sick recovered from that very hour, much to the surprise of the ship's
officers and others on board who knew nothing of the power by which
such a happy result was accomplished.

In the winter of 1850, Elder Abel Evans lived at Council Bluffs, on the
eastern bank of the Missouri river. A great many of the Saints were
there at the time working for an outfit for their overland journey or
awaiting the return of fine weather before starting across the plains.
That locality was somewhat noted for its insalubriety, but during that
winter an unusually large amount of sickness prevailed. Some of the
more prominent Elders were kept quite busy going about from house to
house administering to the sick among the Saints, and scores, perhaps
hundreds of cases of healing occurred under their hands, many of
which were quite remarkable. Sister Ashton, now of Salt Lake City,
relates how she was healed there when near death's door, and under
circumstances the memory of which even now causes her to shed tears.
She had been sick for a considerable length of time and so bad for two
weeks that she had not been able to take a mouthful of food, when she
heard of the death of her father.

In her weak condition this intelligence was a heavy blow to her. Her
mother had died previously and been buried without her having the
privilege of being with her during her sickness or even seeing her
face when dead, and the thought of being deprived of this privilege in
the case of her father also, almost overcame her. She had during her
sickness felt a strong desire to live, and now in addition to that she
was anxious to see her dead father before he was buried, and attend
his funeral. Some of the Elders came and administered to her, but they
were not men in whom she had a great deal of faith, and she failed to
receive any benefit from their administration. After awhile, however,
Brother Evans called to see her, and, on learning of her desire to
attend her father's funeral, he promised her without any hesitation
that she would do so. Placing his hands upon her head, he rebuked the
sickness with which she was prostrated and pronounced the blessing of
health upon her. She arose immediately from her bed, and rode six miles
that same day, and saw her father buried.



Elder John Parry, who was master-mason on the Logan Temple up to the
time of his death, which occurred in July last, left a manuscript
journal in which a number of very interesting incidents are recorded.

His brother, Bernard Parry, died on the 12th of November, 1841, while
a member of the Campbellite church, and without having heard of the
gospel as revealed through Joseph Smith. While upon his death bed,
however, his mind was illumined by the Spirit of God and he had the
gift of prophecy. He said that the Lord had shown him many great and
marvelous things which were to come to pass in this age, but that he
would not live to see them, for he was about to die. "But," said he,
addressing his father, "the Lord is going to do a great work and a
wonder upon the earth, and you shall be called to take part in it,
father; and you shall yet preach the everlasting gospel to thousands in

Then turning to his brother John, he said, "And you also, John, shall
be called to it, and shall preach the gospel to tens of thousands, and
shall baptize many, and my body shall not altogether rot before the
Savior will stand upon the earth."

The night before he died, he inquired of his brother John if he would
be willing to do just as he requested him. John replied that he would,
when he asked him to remove the things, one by one, that stood upon a
table near by, into another room. His brother complied without saying
a word, and was then requested to return them and arrange them as
they were before upon the table. This John also did without asking
a question, whereupon Bernard said, "Well done; now I wish you to
remember that that is the way to serve the Lord! whatever He commands
you to do, do it without asking questions."

After impressing this lesson upon his brother's mind, he lay back upon
his pillow and never spoke again.

Elder Parry never heard the gospel preached until five years after his
brother's death, but the prediction in regard to his preaching and
baptizing was literally fulfilled.

A sister of his also had peculiar impressions before her death, which
occurred about five years later. She had, while living in Cheltenham
some time previously, met some Latter-day Saints, and become somewhat
acquainted with the doctrines which they preached. On returning to the
parental home she frequently referred to these doctrines, and urged her
relatives to investigate them, but her father and her brother John, who
were zealous Campbellites, were prejudiced against the "Mormons" by
the false reports which they had heard about them and opposed her and
persuaded her to have nothing to do with them.

She was taken sick with a fever, and when about to die she called her
relatives around her and said to her father, "Your religion is worth
nothing in the hour of death. I have lived it as faithfully as mortal
could do, and it is of no good to me now. I am going to utter darkness,
therefore look to yourselves and seek a religion that will support you
and enable you to face death fearlessly--the one that you have is of no

Then turning to her brother John, she reproached him with having
hindered and persuaded her from embracing the gospel of Jesus Christ.

This was too much for him to bear, for he loved his sister dearly, and
he fainted and fell to the floor. When he regained his consciousness
his sister had ceased speaking and soon died.

Brother Parry gives an account of the manner in which he became
acquainted with the Latter-day Saints and embraced the gospel.

In 1844, a friend of his told him that Joseph Smith, the Prophet had
been killed. As soon as he heard this, something whispered to him:
"He was a servant of God." From that moment his prejudice against the
Latter-day Saints was removed.

He heard but little of "Mormonism" after that until he removed to
Birkenhead, in 1846. While going from there to Liverpool in company
with some of his relatives and friends, he met a "Mormon" Elder, who
invited him to attend one of their meetings to be held in the last
named place. He persuaded his companions to accompany him, and they
all attended the meeting. While listening to the Elders bear their
testimony to the great latter-day work, he felt convinced that they
spoke the truth, and believed them with all his heart.

At the close of the meeting, he asked one of his friends, a Campbellite
preacher, what he thought of the "Mormons" and their doctrines. The
preacher replied that their doctrines were a "damnable heresy."

"Well," said Mr. Parry, "one of the sayings of Paul has been fulfilled
with you and me to-day."

"What is that?" asked the preacher.

"When he said the gospel would be unto one 'the savor of death unto
death: and to the other the savor of life unto life.' It has been life
unto life to me, and I shall be a Latter-day Saint," was the response.

He attended another meeting in the evening of the same day, and at the
close he and his father handed in their names for baptism.

Shortly after he was baptized Brother Parry was ordained an Elder and
was appointed to preside over the Birkenhead branch of the Church.
While praying subsequently for a testimony of the truth, a voice spoke
to him and said: "The gift of healing shall follow thee to a great

This was literally fulfilled.

After joining the Church Elder Parry was often troubled in his sleep
by evil spirits. Upon one occasion he inquired of the president of the
Liverpool branch why it was that he was thus annoyed. The Elder replied
that some persons were troubled more than others, and told him to use
the following words in his prayers before retiring to rest: "O God, the
Eternal Father, I ask Thee in the name of Thy Son, Jesus Christ, to
give Thine angels charge concerning me this night, and allow not the
powers of darkness to molest my spirit nor body."

He did this, and was troubled with evil spirits no more, until one
night, feeling very sleepy, he uttered a hasty, formal prayer and
went to bed. During the night he was almost overcome by the power of
evil spirits, which were visible. Unable to utter a word, he prayed
fervently in his mind to the Lord to release him. In an instant the
heavens appeared to him to open, and he saw an angel descend towards
him. The personage took hold of him and raised him up a little, and
immediately the powers of darkness disappeared.

Elder Parry asked the angel why it was that the Lord permitted the evil
one to abuse him in such a manner, to which he replied: "Because thou
didst not pray from the heart, but with thy lips."

At one time Elder Orson Spencer came from Liverpool to spend a few days
at a place where Elder Parry was living. While there he was taken very
sick. Elder Parry anointed him and he soon recovered.

A short time after this the Birkenhead branch of the Church was
disorganized, and Elder Parry was sent to Wales to preach. He was
soon out of money, and being without a place to stop, he and his
fellow-laborer took lodgings in a small store. They called for food
on credit, trusting the Lord would provide means to enable them to
pay their way. The next day they held two meetings, and enough money
was given them to pay for their board and some to help them in their

Upon another occasion, he was obliged to put up at a boarding house, as
he was a stranger in the place, and there were none who would entertain
him. He had no money with which to pay his board when he went there,
but after holding a meeting and telling the people that he was a
stranger, without money, and was sent to preach without purse or scrip,
several of the congregation donated small sums to help him. While on
his way to the house where he was stopping, a child came to him from
the opposite side of the street and placed in his hand a half-penny.
When he went to settle for his board and lodgings he found that he had
just the exact amount with which he was charged.

While holding a meeting in the open air, at one time, Elder Parry and
another traveling Elder were disturbed by a ruffian who challenged
them to fight, and they were obliged to dismiss the meeting. They went
to a public house to take lodgings, and were followed by a mob. Being
impressed that they were evil disposed, Elder Parry told the landlady,
in the presence of the gang of ruffians, that he and his companion
would take a walk before retiring for the night. He did not intend to
return again, but said this to avoid being followed by the mob. After
leaving the house he and his companion cast lots in the name of the
Lord to know whether they should stay in that place for the night or
go to another town near by. The lot fell for them to leave the place,
and they did so. They arrived in the next town about midnight, and got
lodgings at a public house, Elder Parry sleeping with a drunken fellow
and his friend with a man that had fits several times during the night.

The next morning they returned for their valises, and met a man, who
informed them that their enemies had been hunting for them during the
night until seven o'clock in the morning. They had searched every part
of the town, even among the tombstones, in the churchyard, and vowed
that if they found the Elders they would kill them.

While preaching in a town in Wales, Elder Parry prophesied that before
the end of that year (and it was then the month of September) there
would be a branch of the Church of Jesus Christ raised up in that
village. At that time there was but one member of the Church residing
there; but before the year closed a branch with fourteen or fifteen
members was organized.

Elder Parry relates some remarkable instances of healing by the power
of God which he witnessed.

One was in the case of the sister who was afflicted with a cancer in
her face, an account of which has already been given. He assisted
Elder Abel Evans in administering to her, and testifies to her entire

Another case of miraculous healing was that of his brother-in-law, John
Williams, who now resides in this Territory, and who was not a member
of the Church at the time this occurred. He was also afflicted with a
cancer which had completely taken away his lower lip and part of his
chin and tongue. After trying in vain to get relief through the skill
of physicians, he applied to the Elders of the Church to administer to
him. They did so twice, and shortly after he received a new tongue, lip
and chin.

Two children who were stricken with fever and ague and one with
cancer, belonging to the same family, were also healed through the
administration of the Elders.

Elder Parry testifies that many times while fulfilling his duties as
an Elder of the Church of Jesus Christ he was attacked by mobs, who
threw stones at him; and although at times the stones flew past him
in showers, he was never injured by them. Upon several occasions his
enemies attempted to inflict upon him bodily injury, but they were
frustrated in all their plans. At one time they secured another man,
thinking it to be Elder Parry, and maltreated him in a shameful manner.

Several of the most bitter enemies of the Church in those days died an
unnatural death. One man, who was a sectarian minister, and one of the
worst opposers to the work of God to be found in that vicinity, became
ferocious like a mad dog, and had to be chained up for quite a while
before his death.

Brother Parry was released from his labors as a traveling Elder in the
Welsh conference, in the early part of the year 1856, and immediately
prepared to emigrate to this country. Upon reaching Iowa City, on
his journey westward, he was appointed captain of a company of one
hundred persons. Provisions became scarce among the emigrants, and
their rations were reduced to one-half pound of flour per day for each
person. On account of this, some of the company on arriving at Council
Bluffs concluded to remain there and work, and therefore left the camp.
Upon learning this Brother Parry went back for them, and prevailed upon
them to continue their journey. While trying to overtake the company,
which was a considerable distance ahead, he was surrounded by a number
of men who were very anxious that the emigrants who were with him
should stay and work for them, and were angry at him for persuading
them to leave. Some of the pursuing party were sent to procure tar and
feathers to cover him with, while the others were guarding him. Their
attention was attracted for a moment in another direction, when Elder
Parry took advantage of the opportunity to escape by running towards
the camp of the Saints. He was overtaken, however, before he reached
it by two of the gang, who seized him by the collar, but he made some
threats which frightened them and they let him go. After reaching camp
he was still pursued by others who were mounted on horseback, and
armed with revolvers, clubs, etc., but he escaped their recognition by
changing his clothing. The mobocrats finally returned to Council Bluffs
without having accomplished their object, for Elder Parry's influence
over the discouraged men prevailed, and they decided to continue their



Elder John T. Evans, now of Salt Lake City, spent about eight years
when a young man in preaching the gospel in his native country--Wales.
During about five years of this time he labored as a traveling Elder
in North Wales, one of the very hardest of missionary fields, where
he traveled and preached without purse or scrip. Much of the time he
labored alone, for, although many different Elders were sent at various
times by the president of the mission to assist him, they generally
became discouraged on account of the persecution and hardships they
were forced to endure and soon abandoned their labors.

The interesting incidents connected with his labors in that land which
Elder Evans can relate would fill a volume.

Upon one occasion he and four other Elders were sent to an iron
manufacturing district about seven miles from Neath to introduce the
gospel. Among their first converts were a man by the name of William
Howells and his family. This man on embracing the gospel received a
strong testimony of its divinity and was fearless in declaring it unto
others. He had a sister who had been so sick and helpless as to be
bed-ridden for three-and-a-half years. She was a member of the Baptist
church, but on hearing the doctrines of the Latter-day Saints explained
she soon became dissatisfied with her religion; and when her brother
testified to her that the gospel had been restored to the earth through
the Prophet Joseph Smith, with all its former gifts and blessings,
she declared her intention to be baptized. Her husband was bitterly
opposed to the gospel, but all the reason, ridicule and persuasion that
he could use failed to turn her from her purpose. She was resolute,
and so zealous withal that she made a special request to be baptized
on Sunday, between eleven and twelve o'clock, that the people of the
whole neighborhood might see the ceremony, and had word circulated to
that effect. It was a novel thing in that region to see Latter-day
Saints baptizing, and the result was, that about three thousand persons
assembled on the bank of the stream to witness it. She was carried from
the house to the stream, the distance of about half a mile in a chair,
and there Elder Evans, assisted by a man named David Matthews, carried
her into the water and baptized her.

She was rewarded for her faith by being entirely restored to health,
and that too, instantaneously, for she walked out of the water and to
her home.

This public manifestation of the power of God seemed to be the signal
for commencing a perfect storm of opposition against the Saints.
Through the influence of sectarian ministers with the proprietors
of the iron works a great pressure was brought to bear against the
Saints. It was claimed that they were Chartists, that is, members of
a political organization which had caused a great deal of trouble
throughout the kingdom a short time previously, and other lies equally
unreasonable were circulated about them to make them odious and

The five Elders who had been doing the preaching and baptizing, and who
were dependent upon their labor in the iron works for their living,
were informed by their employers that they must renounce the "heresy"
which they taught as religion, or lose their positions. They chose the

About two hundred of their converts were also employed in the iron
works. They were given one month's time to renounce their religion
or likewise lose their situations. All efforts to obtain employment
elsewhere without a recommendation from their last employers proved
unavailing, on account of the rumors against their characters, and
finally, when they were brought to the test, about half of them chose
to renounce their religion rather than lose their work. The others were
discharged and scattered to different parts in search of employment.
Many of them suffered severely for want of the necessaries of life,
and were only kept from starving by the collections taken up for their
benefit among the more fortunate Saints in other parts of the mission.

Among others who yielded to the pressure which the enemies of the
Saints brought to bear against them, was the sister who had been healed
on being baptized. Notwithstanding her former zeal and resolution, and
the miraculous power of God which she had experienced, she abandoned
the faith. She perhaps thought she had no further need of God's mercy,
but if so, the sequel proved how sadly she was mistaken, for she was
soon prostrated as before and lingered in that condition until she died.

In the summer of 1849 the cholera prevailed throughout Wales to an
alarming extent. The mortality was so great in some places that a
perfect panic ensued. The Elders, however, continued their labors,
undaunted by the disease, administering to the sick day and night,
and the faith of the Saints was so great that they almost invariably
recovered. A local Elder by the name of Thomas Jones, who was a man
of some property, and not obliged to work for his living, spent his
whole time while the disease prevailed in visiting among the sick. He
carried a bottle of consecrated oil about in his pocket to anoint them
with, and administered to all whom he found afflicted, and out of the
whole number only one died, and he was the only one who had taken the
medicine prescribed by a doctor. The town regulations required the sick
to have a doctor, but as a rule his medicine was thrown into the fire
instead of being taken by the patients who belonged to the Church.

One of the preachers who had violently opposed the Saints became
alarmed at the spread of the epidemic and attempted to flee and escape
from it, but it overtook him and after three days of terrible agony he

Another preacher by the name of Jenkins, who had been an enemy to the
Saints, was stricken with the cholera and sent for Elder Evans to
administer to him. That he should do so will be considered all the more
remarkable when the history of their early acquaintance is known:

Elder Evans, while laboring in Pembrokeshire, obtained the use of the
town hall, in a place called Fishguard, to hold meeting in and lighted
it at his own expense. When the meeting had fairly commenced and he was
in the act of preaching to a rather large audience, the whole of the
lights in the room were extinguished simultaneously, according to a
preconcerted plan, and a rush was made by the rabble towards the end of
the room where the Elder stood. A tall man, who happened to be standing
near Elder Evans, immediately placed his hand on the latter's shoulder,
and said, "Young man, come out of here, or you will be hurt!" and
leading the way, proceeded with him around one side of the room and out
through the door, leaving the crowd rushing and jamming and shrieking
to get at the Elder, whom they still supposed to be at the farther end
of the hall.

The stranger took Elder Evans to a public house, saying that he
would like to have a talk with him, and on arriving there sent for
Mr. Jenkins, the Baptist preacher of the place, who had been at the
meeting, and probably engaged in urging the rabble on, to come there
and have a private discussion. He came, and his principal argument
consisted of abuse and the rehearsal of all the absurd stories which
he had ever heard about the Saints. Although an educated man he seemed
unable to cope with Elder Evans in the discussion of religion from a
Bible standpoint.

The friend who had delivered Brother Evans from the mob finally
interrupted them by exclaiming, "Mr. Jenkins, you are no match for this
young man in discussing from the Bible; you had better go to college

Mr. Jenkins seemed considerably chagrined at this, and gave it up.

The next time Elder Evans met this preacher it was some months later,
and, probably remembering the discussion, Mr. Jenkins then treated
him with some degree of respect. It was that very night that he was
stricken with the cholera, and knowing that Elder Evans was in the
village he sent his brother to beg of him to come and cure him. Brother
Evans, and a man named John Nicholas who was staying with him, got out
of bed and went to the sick man, and found him, doubled up with the
cholera and in great agony. The Elder informed him, in answer to his
appeal for relief, that the blessings of the gospel were not for men
of his class, who were determined to oppose the work of God, but for
the Saints. He said, "I will administer to you on one condition only,
and that is that you repent of your sins and covenant with the Lord to
forsake them and embrace the gospel if He spares your life."

"But," said the preacher, writhing with pain, "I have an appointment
out to preach for my own church."

"You must forego that," said Elder Evans, "and preach such doctrines no
more, or I will not administer to you."

The sick man agreed, and the brethren placed their hands upon his
head, rebuked the disease and prayed for his recovery, and he was
immediately healed. The next day he was baptized, and afterwards became
an efficient preacher of the true gospel, endured much persecution for
his religion in that country, emigrated to Utah with a handcart company
and finally apostatized when Johnson's army came here.

Brother Evans and a man named Thomas Harris were upon one occasion
called on to administer to a young girl who was so convulsed with the
cholera that she did not look like a human being, and so near dead
that she was black. A number of Saints were present at the time, whose
faith was centered on her recovery, and several unbelievers were also
there. The Elders administered to her, and while their hands were upon
her head all signs of the disease vanished, and she was immediately
restored to health.

A rather curious circumstance occurred while Elder Evans was laboring
in North Wales in company with Peter Davis. They were traveling as
usual without purse or scrip, and had been two days without food, when
they entered a village and applied at a store kept by a man named Jones
to try to sell a few tracts with which to procure some food.

On learning what kind of tracts they were, the store-keeper refused
to purchase, and they tramped on. The next place they entered was a
shoe-maker's shop, where they asked the privilege of warming themselves
by the fire, for they were almost frozen, it being extremely cold
weather and the month of February. Some of the shoe-makers became
interested in their conversation and one of them proffered to try and
find a place for them to stay over night. He returned, however, after a
while, to say that the Methodist preacher of that circuit was to occupy
the spare bed which he expected to procure for them. He, therefore,
recommended them to proceed some distance farther till they came to a
farm house, to which he directed them, where he had no doubt they could
get lodgings and food.

The Elders trudged along, but when they arrived at the farm house it
was evident that the family had retired for the night, for there was no
light to be seen. They noticed a barn, however, standing convenient to
the roadside, which seemed to offer shelter for them at least, and they
entered it and burrowed into a heap of straw they found there. They
lay in that position for some time, shivering with the cold and trying
in vain to go to sleep, when suddenly they heard some one outside call
out, "Hello! you men; come out here!" Their first thought was that some
one had detected them while in the act of seeking shelter in the barn
and informed the police, who were about to arrest them as vagrants.
They, therefore, remained as quiet as possible until the call had been
repeated several times, when they concluded they might as well answer,
whatever might be the consequences. As soon as they inquired what was
wanted, the person informed them that he would find a place for them to
stay if they would come out. Thinking some treachery might be meant,
they declined with thanks, and told him they could get along where they
were. He, however, urged them to go with him, saying he would take them
to a place where they could have a good supper and a comfortable bed
to sleep in. They accordingly came out and accompanied the stranger,
whom they had never seen before, back to the village and to the very
store where they had tried to sell the tracts. There they found a warm
welcome, a good supper and a comfortable bed. But now for the sequel:

A young girl who happened to be in the shoe-shop where they called
and who overheard the conversation, afterwards had occasion to call
at Jones' store, and repeated it to the proprietor's daughter. The
sympathy of the girls was aroused at the thoughts of the two young and
strange preachers seeking lodgings and food that cold night, and when
Miss Jones retired to bed she found it impossible to go to sleep. Her
teeth rattled and she shook and chilled all over although she was in
a comfortable bed and in a warm house. Nor could the family prevent
her from chilling although they did all they could to warm her. In the
midst of her shivering she kept bewailing the fate of the two young
preachers, whom she felt sure would suffer that cold night, and finally
she prevailed upon her brother to go in search of them and bring them
back to their house, that they might have some supper and a comfortable
bed to sleep in.

As soon as her brother had started on his errand of mercy the girl
ceased to chill and, in fact, got up, dressed herself and helped at
preparing supper for the brethren before they arrived. It was not
until the next morning that they learned the secret of the kindness
shown them and saw in what a curious manner the Lord had operated in
preserving them from possible death by freezing and providing them with
the food which they needed so badly.

It was quite a common thing in early days in the Welsh mission for the
power of the devil to be manifested in what were called the Saints'
meetings--that is, testimony or sacramental meetings. The evil one
seemed to be always on the alert to operate through some one, and the
power of the Priesthood invariably had to be exerted to banish the
evil influences from the meeting. Although not apparent at the time,
experience generally proved that the persons through whom the evil
one operated were not serving God as they should do--they were either
doubting the divinity of the principles which they had embraced or
they had broken the sacred covenants which they had made with the
Almighty and gone into transgression. Very frequently, after being
relieved of the evil spirits which possessed them such persons would,
in a spirit of penitence and humility, acknowledge their faults and
ask forgiveness, but occasionally persons would be found who were not
willing to do this, but continued in sin and were a source of trouble
and disturbance to the Saints whenever they happened to be present
at their meetings; and it sometimes occurred that the spirits which
possessed them were so stubborn and determined not to yield that the
brethren really found it difficult to cope with them.

In the latter part of the year 1848, the Elders laboring in the
Merthyr Tydvil branch had a great deal of trouble with two young women
of that branch who very frequently were possessed of evil spirits.
They were such a source of annoyance in the meetings that, on the
day of a general conference which was to be held about the close of
the year, they were cautioned, by Elder Dan Jones who then presided
there, against attending the meeting. To this, however, they paid no
attention, and when the meeting was opened, it was only too apparent
that they were there. In a short time the meeting was in such an
uproar, through the raving and shrieking of those girls, that the
speaker could not be heard. Some of the Elders were immediately sent to
cast the evil spirits out of them, but they failed to do so, and with
difficulty the girls were carried into an adjoining room.

When a presiding Elder has the spirit of his office upon him it is his
privilege to know the proper course to take in any emergency. It is his
privilege to enjoy communion with the Holy Spirit and have the Lord
dictate through him that which will be for the best good of the members
over whom he is set to preside. It is also his privilege to discern by
what spirit the people with whom he is brought in contact are actuated.

It would seem that Elder Dan Jones had the spirit of discernment on
that occasion and was inspired to take the wisest course in dealing
with the girls and the stubborn spirits by which they were possessed.
He was satisfied that they were wilfully sinful, or the spirit of God
would not be withdrawn from them and the devil suffered to exercise
such power over them. He therefore proposed that they be cut off from
the Church on account of their transgressions, and the Saints assembled
voted unanimously to that effect. No sooner had they done so than the
evil spirits left the girls and they became rational. When they were no
longer members of the Church, the devil had no further need to try to
annoy the Saints through them. The result was that the girls afterwards
saw what their sin had brought them to, repented of it and made public
acknowledgement before the Saints, after which they were re-baptized
and were no more troubled by evil spirits.



In numbers of instances in Brother John T. Evans' experience he had
evidence of the judgments of the Almighty being visited upon those who
opposed him.

On one occasion he and another Elder visited a village in
Montgomeryshire, North Wales, to try to effect an opening. They
failed to obtain a house to hold meeting in, but nevertheless they
announced to the inhabitants that they would be back there one week
from that time to preach to them. There seemed to be a strong spirit
of opposition to them there, and on their again visiting the place
and attempting to preach in the street opposite a public house, two
men emerged from the rear of the tavern leading a couple of fractious
and high-spirited horses. They immediately commenced manoeuvering
the animals in the midst of the crowd who had gathered to listen to
the preaching. It was evidently a preconcerted plan to break up the
meeting, and it succeeded, for the people scattered and the Elders were
forced to retire, and as they did so they were followed by a crowd
of roughs who pelted them with stones till they had got clear of the
village. Within two weeks from that time one of the men who had helped
to break up the meeting by leading his horse into the crowd was kicked
by the same animal and died from the effects of it, and the other
man was thrown from his horse and killed. The people of that region
regarded the summary death of these two men as a judgment sent upon
them for opposing the Elders, and they therefore treated them with more
respect afterwards.

Another case occurred in Elder Evans' native place, where he was sent
by Captain Dan Jones to introduce the gospel. An old shoemaker who
had known and been friendly to him from his childhood, on hearing him
preach came out and denounced the doctrine he taught as heretical and
"Mormonism" as a delusion. He was so bitter that he even followed
Brother Evans from place to place and railed against him almost like a
madman. He had not pursued this course very long when he was stricken
down with a peculiar kind of sickness which none of the doctors who saw
him understood anything about, although numbers of them visited him.
One of his arms was paralyzed and he had such a raging fever that he
felt as if it was consuming him. He begged of his friends to throw cold
water on him to keep him from burning up, and the doctors, not knowing
what else to do for his relief, advised that it be done. Accordingly
those who were waiting upon him continued dashing cold water upon him
while he remained alive, and he died raving and cursing "Mormonism" and
every person connected with it.

While preaching in that same region Elder Evans was sent for by a very
wealthy and influential man named Nathaniel Rowlands, who wished him
to come and preach at his house. He had once heard Elder Abel Evans,
preach and became somewhat interested in the doctrines he taught, and
wanted to learn more of them. After preaching at his house he went to
a village about a mile distant to fill an appointment. At this village
a literary gathering or _eisteddfod_ was being held, composed of the
best educated men of the region, who were in the habit of meeting to
compare their literary and musical compositions and compete for prizes.
This association comprized quite a number of ministers of various
denominations, and they, knowing that Elder Evans was going to preach
in the village on the same evening upon which they were to hold their
meeting, decided to go and oppose him publicly and expose his doctrines
to the ridicule of his congregation. They, therefore, sent one of their
number to Elder Evans' meeting to detain him until their meeting was

This man came, and at the close of Elder Evans' sermon he began asking
him questions, and thus detained him until a late hour, and the
congregation, knowing the character of the inquisitor, stayed to see
the end of the controversy. Finally, eight other preachers from the
_eisteddfod_ came and announced to the Elder their intention. Elder
Evans was greatly surprised to see such an array of talent unitedly
opposed to him, but he did not feel to shrink from the contest, for
he knew he had the truth on his side. In the outset some of the more
independent persons in the audience stated that if the fallacy of the
young man's doctrines was to be exposed, he should first be allowed to
state briefly what his doctrines were. The preachers assented to this
and Elder Evans explained, one after another, the first principles
of the gospel, in as plain a manner as possible, and they in turn
sought to controvert and ridicule them. When he got to the subject of
baptism a division occurred among the preachers, some of them being
Baptists and others holding baptism as non-essential. They soon got to
denouncing each other as vehemently as they had the young Elder just
before, and when they almost got to blows the audience interfered and
the meeting was broken up, leaving a far more favorable feeling towards
Elder Evans than had before existed.

When the news of this reached Mr. Rowlands he was very indignant, and
he immediately wrote to each of the preachers, denouncing his action
in interfering with the young Elder, whom he had known from childhood
as honest and conscientious, and every way deserving of respect. The
result was, the preachers lost caste from that very time and sunk into
oblivion, despised by all who knew them.

While Elder Evans was laboring in Pembrokeshire a man by the name of
Thomas Evans broke a blood vessel and bled inwardly, the blood also
issuing from his nose and mouth profusely. Doctors were called in and
tried in vain to stop the hemorrhage. Brother Evans and another Elder
on learning of the man's condition went to see him. He had then grown
so weak that he was scarcely able to speak, but he made known that he
desired them to administer to him. They complied with his request, and
on taking their hands from his head it was noticed that the bleeding
had stopped, and the man recovered from that time, although it was some
time before he regained his strength, as he had lost so much blood.

Near the same time and in the same region a sister in the Church, named
Morgan, was taken very sick. Her friends did all they could for her,
but she continued growing worse. When she had grown so bad that the
persons waiting upon her expected her to die almost hourly, she fell
asleep and dreamed that Elder Evans came and laid his hands upon her
and she recovered immediately. On relating the dream to her friends,
they tried to find out where Brother Evans was, and sent to different
parts of the country in search of him, without finding him, however;
but during the day Elder Evans happened to call at the house where the
sick woman was. She saw him as he passed the window before he entered
the door and she declared afterwards that the sight of him caused her
pain to vanish, and when he laid his hands upon her head she was healed
instantly, and arose and ate her supper.

One of the most remarkable cases of healing that ever occurred in
Brother Evans' experience was that of a woman who had been afflicted
with a bloody issue for thirty years, and who had been given up by the
doctors as incurable. On hearing the gospel she believed, and requested
baptism. Notwithstanding the protests of her friends, who all declared
that if she went into the water it would kill her, she determined to do
so, and Elder Evans baptized her. From that very time she was cured of
her affliction and was no more troubled by it.

In illustration of the providential way in which the Elders are
sometimes preserved when their enemies seek to destroy them, Brother
Evans relates the following: In a village in Pembrokeshire in which
he had often preached, a man by the name of Thomas, who had listened
to his testimony and was a believer but had not made up his mind to
be baptized, was taken sick with the cholera. When the disease had
got such a hold upon him that he felt that he must die, he became
very anxious to be baptized, and sent for his brother, who was an
Elder in the Church, and demanded baptism at his hands. He expressed
no hopes of living, he fully expected to die, and to gratify him his
brother baptized him. The man died soon afterwards as he had expected
to, but at the coroner's inquest which was held over the body, on the
fact being known that he was baptized, a great uproar was raised.
His brother was arrested, charged with murder, and the Elders who
had labored in that region were threatened with the vengeance of the
populace if they ever returned. John Thomas was in time tried for his
brother's murder, and acquitted, the evidence being clear that he died
from cholera and not from being baptized. Soon afterwards Elder John
Morris, who was president of the Pembrokeshire conference, and Brother
Evans, who was his counselor, called at the village and put up as usual
at the house of an old gentleman named Noat, who was a member of the
Church. Before retiring for the night they felt impressed to leave
that house, and go to another and stay. It was fortunate that they did
so, for, if they had failed to act upon the warning of the Spirit,
they would probably have forfeited their lives as a consequence. In
the night a mob broke open the doors of Noat's house and searched for
the Elders, whom they supposed to be there. Failing to find them, they
dragged old Brother Noat from his house and abused him most shamefully,
because he would not inform them where the Elders were. The Elders, on
hearing of the outrage the next morning, went to the house; but were
seen by some of the mob, and had to flee for their lives, being stoned
out of the place.

As an example of the manner in which the gifts of tongues and the
interpretation of the same were enjoyed by the Saints in the Welsh
mission in an early day, Brother Evans relates the following: It was
customary at that time for the Saints in emigrating from Wales to sail
from Swansea to Liverpool. A couple or three days after a company had
started in this way, many of them having gone from Aberdare, a "Saints'
meeting" was being held in the latter place, when a young man was led
to speak in tongues. On the interpretation being given by another
person present, it was stated that the company of Saints who had sailed
for Liverpool were in danger of being wrecked, and were praying very
earnestly for their deliverance, and wishing that their friends at
home would also pray for them. The man who presided over the meeting
supposed from the length of time which had elapsed after the company
had sailed that they must have reached Liverpool before that time.
He therefore preferred to act upon his own judgment to accepting the
Spirit's warning, and dismissed the meeting without offering a prayer
for the safety of their friends. A few days afterwards news reached
Aberdare that the company had been all but lost on the voyage, and at
the time that their friends were holding their meeting they were in the
greatest peril.



Brother Thomas D. Giles, of Salt Lake City, was connected with the
Church and labored considerably in the ministry in Wales soon after
the introduction of the gospel in that land. He relates many curious
circumstances connected with his conversion to the gospel and his early
experience in the same, some of which we will give to our readers
substantially as he tells them:

Brother Giles was a Baptist when he was a young man, and an earnest
seeker after truth wherever it was to be found. The first time he met
his friend Abel Evans after that gentleman had joined the Church, he
was asked by him what he thought of the Latter-day Saints. Brother
Giles replied that he knew nothing about them. Brother Evans then
predicted that he soon would know something about them, and, more
than that, he and his father's family would soon be baptized by them.
Brother Giles thought but little of this prediction at the time, but
it was soon literally fulfilled, for on hearing the gospel preached he
was convinced of its truth, and on the 1st of November, 1844, he was
baptized by Elder Abel Evans. He bears his solemn testimony now that as
soon as the Elders placed their hands upon his head and confirmed him
a member of the Church the power of the Holy Ghost filled his system,
brought joy to his heart and gave him an assurance that his sins were
forgiven, for which he had been praying for many years. His father was
also prepared to receive the gospel as soon as he heard it preached,
for he had for a long time been inquiring after a church organized
after the pattern given by our Savior and His apostles, and possessing
the various gifts which were formerly enjoyed by the Saints. The result
was that he and the whole of his family were soon baptized.

About seventeen months after he was baptized Elder Giles was called to
labor as a missionary in Monmouthshire, where he soon baptized a goodly
number of people, organized about thirty branches of the Church and had
the satisfaction of seeing his converts enjoy the gifts of the gospel,
such as speaking in tongues, interpreting the same, healing the sick,
casting out evil spirits, etc. He had much opposition to meet, and
suffered considerable persecution, but was upheld by the power of God,
and had great joy in his labors. When holding outdoor meetings he was
frequently interrupted by persons who were influenced by the sectarian
ministers of the region. One man in particular, named Daniels, was very
persistent in opposing him and trying to break up his meetings, and on
one occasion after doing so he declared that if the Elders attempted to
hold meeting again at the same place the following Sunday he would have
men enough there to mob them out of the place. Before the next Sunday
came, however, the man was in his grave, having been accidentally
killed while at his work.

The first person baptized under Brother Giles' administration was a man
named Wm. Lewis, who immediately opened his house for the Elders to
hold meetings in. But the Saints soon numbered so many that his house
would not contain them. The Elders then applied to a tavern keeper for
a large room in which to hold their meetings, which he very kindly
granted them, and in a short time he and all his family were converted
and baptized, and gave up their tavern. Baptisms occurred every night
in the week, and in a short time that branch numbered two hundred and
three. In time a still larger hall was required in which to convene,
and the Elders applied to a Mr. Davis, who owned a large building
called "The Greyhound Hall," to obtain the use of it. He, however,
could not think of allowing the "Mormons" to meet in his hall, as he
feared it would injure his business and destroy his influence. But he
soon had reason to regret taking such an illiberal course, as he met
with a series of losses through having his animals suddenly sicken and
die, and could only attribute his bad luck to the displeasure of the
Almighty at his refusal to grant the Saints the use of his hall. After
that he was glad to have them use it. Among others baptized was the
leader of the Baptist choir as well as most of his principal singers,
and as a consequence the singing in the meetings of the Saints became
quite an attractive feature.

The faith in the ordinances of the gospel displayed by the Saints among
whom Brother Giles labored was quite remarkable. The feeling with most
of them on being taken sick was that if they could only have the Elders
come and lay their hands upon them they would be well, and the result
was generally according to their faith. Brother Wm. Lewis, of whom
mention has already been made, was taken seriously sick on one occasion
and was unable to leave his bed. His first thought was to send for
Elder Giles to come and administer to him. He visited him as requested,
and, on entering the door, called out cheerily, asking him what he
meant by lying in bed, and told him to get up and come down stairs. So
great was the sick man's faith that he sprang out of bed on hearing the
voice and obeyed, and when Brother Giles had administered to him he was
as well as he ever had been.

Similar faith was manifested by the Saints when the cholera prevailed
in that land, and Brother Giles testifies that every one so afflicted
whom he or the other Elders laboring with him administered to,
recovered. This was certainly remarkable, considering the very great
number of unbelievers who died there of that dread malady. One case
in particular Brother Giles mentions, that of a sister named Dudley,
who was so bad that she had turned black and whose sunken eyes
indicated that she had not many minutes to live. None of the friends
who surrounded her had any hopes of her living except her husband. He
called for Elder Giles to administer to her and when he did so she was
restored to health and is now living in Utah.

About the same time a Mrs. Davies, who was not in the Church, sent for
Elders Giles and Dudley to administer to her, as she was very sick and
confined to her bed. They did so, and her faith made her whole. After
that she and her husband joined the Church, and are in Utah now, true
Latter-day Saints.

On another occasion, when Elder Giles was on a visit to his father's
house, he was sent for to administer to a neighbor lady, who had been
sick and confined to her bed for a considerable length of time. When
he went to see her she was suffering the most excruciating pain, but
when he had anointed her and rebuked her disease all pain vanished and
she was restored to health. She afterwards came to Utah and frequently
testified of the miraculous manner in which she was healed.

Brother Giles himself met with a terrible accident, and the power of
God manifested in preserving his life and restoring him to health, was
not less remarkable than in the cases before mentioned. On the 23rd
of July, 1843, he visited the Llanelly branch of the Church, where he
held meeting out of doors in the forenoon and in the afternoon attended
a sacrament meeting. At the latter meeting permission was given for
any of the Saints to speak as they might feel led by the Spirit.
Among others Elder Giles was moved upon to speak in tongues, and the
interpretation of what he said was given to the president of the
branch, Elder John Morgan, as follows: "My servant, watch, for thy life
is in danger; but through thy faith thy life shall be spared!"

Feeling sure that there was something prophetic about this, Elder
Giles warned Brother Morgan at the close of the meeting to be careful,
and not to be out late at night, lest some plot might be laid by his
enemies to take his life. He also said that he would try to take care
of himself, and avoid danger, lest it might be himself that the warning
was intended for.

On the following Wednesday, the 26th of July, Brother Giles went to
his work as usual in the coal mine, and in a short time after he had
commenced work a large piece of coal, weighing about two thousand
pounds fell upon him. He was in a stooping posture at the time, being
about to pick up a piece of coal that lay in front of him, and when he
was knocked down his head lodged between this and the mass of coal that
fell upon him. His head was split open from the back of the crown down
to his eyes. One of his eyes was also completely cut out of the socket,
and the other crushed so that it ran out.

He was taken home, and two physicians came and examined his head. They
declined doing anything for him, as they said it was not possible for
him to live over two hours. However, after a great deal of persuasion,
they consented to wash off his head, pick the pieces of coal out of it
and sew up the wounds. They also left medicine for him to take, such as
they thought suitable for the case, but he refused to take a drop of
it. He remembered the promise of the Lord, that through faith his life
should be spared, and felt to hold on to it and claim a blessing at
the hands of the Almighty. The Saints of the branch in which he lived
were very faithful and kind, and did all they possibly could under the
circumstances for his comfort.

On the third day after the accident Elder William S. Phillips, the
president of the Welsh mission, anointed him with consecrated oil, laid
his hands upon his head and blessed him in the name of Jesus Christ.
Brother Giles testifies that the healing power of the Holy Spirit did
rest upon him at that time, for he got out of bed and walked across
two rooms, back and forth. On the ninth day after the accident he sang
a song for some of his friends who had called to see him, and in four
weeks he traveled twelve miles in company with two of the brethren to
visit his father and mother and the president of the branch. On the
fourth Sunday after the accident, being called upon, he spoke in a
public meeting in the afternoon and evening.

Soon after that he was called upon to travel throughout the mission and
bear his testimony and preach to the people, in company with Elder John
Jones, and he did so.

While thus engaged he visited Newport, and learned the particulars
of a miracle that had occurred there a short time previous. A young
man named Reuben Brinkworth, who had been deaf and dumb for a number
of years, manifested a desire to be baptized, and on receiving that
ordinance at the hands of Elder Nash, in whose house he resided, both
his hearing and speech were immediately restored to him.

Brother Giles visited this young man and questioned him in regard to
the miracle, and was assured by him that when he went into the water
to be baptized he could neither hear nor speak, but as soon as he was
baptized he could do both. Brother Nash also bore his testimony to the
same facts.

Near the same time that Brother Giles met with his accident a friend
of his, named David Davis, who was living in Merthyr, was almost
crushed to a pulp by the roof of a coal mine falling upon him. When he
was dug out Elder William Phillips and some other brethren laid their
hands upon him and promised him that he should live and be healed.
While their hands were upon his head, his broken ribs and other bones
were heard coming together with a noise which was quite perceptible.
Brother Davis, who was a truthful, honest man, lived to travel about
Wales and testify of this miracle and follow his daily labor as if no
such accident had ever occurred. He afterwards emigrated to the United
States, and is perhaps yet alive.



In February, 1856, Elder William J. Smith, who was on a mission in
England, was appointed by the Presidency of the Church in that land to
preside over the Warwickshire conference. Under his ministrations many
were baptized into the Church in Coventry, which stirred up the clergy
of that city against him to such an extent that they specially enjoined
it upon their scripture readers to warn the people against going to
hear the "Mormons."

Elder Smith determined to deliver a series of eight lectures on the
first principles of the gospel, at Spurn End chapel, the regular
meeting place of the Saints; and to secure attendance he placarded
Coventry with large bills announcing his intention. This caused many to
come and hear him.

On the Sunday morning announced for the sixth lecture Elder Smith was
so sick that he was unable to arise from his bed. In this extremity he
prayed earnestly to the Lord to heal him, so that he could fill his
appointment. It was with much difficulty that he went to the morning's
meeting, but being resolved to do his utmost, he addressed the Saints,
and, the Spirit of God resting upon him, he was much strengthened and
was enabled to fill his appointment in the afternoon.

The meeting was a very crowded one; all classes apparently were
represented; scripture readers were present to take notes, while
numbers, probably hundreds, were unable to obtain admission.

In the rear of the chapel ran the line of railway that connected
Coventry with Nuneaton, and in that portion of its road it was built
upon arches high above the ground. These were so near the chapel
that whenever a train passed, it not only made a great noise, but
perceptibly shook the building. Elder Smith's audience, though so
large, was a very attentive one, but shortly after he had commenced
speaking a train came thundering by, causing the minds of the people to
be distracted from his teachings. Feeling annoyed at the interruption,
the speaker suddenly stopped talking, paused for a few moments and then
exclaimed, "Babylon! confusion! I cannot speak an hour without being
interrupted by the railway," and then, stretching out his hand, he
continued, "In the name of Jesus Christ, my Master, that railway arch
shall fall to the ground." Elder Smith then continued his sermon. When
he had done, he had mingled feelings; he could scarcely understand why
he was prompted to utter such a prophecy; he felt that if he had left
that out it would have been the best discourse he ever preached. But
the words were uttered and could not be recalled; they had been heard
by scores, many of whom were not friends of the Saints; still he felt
impressed that what he had prophesied was by the Spirit of God, and
that gave him peace.

His words were reported to nine clergymen, who made it their business
to have competent judges examine the arches and discover if possible
if there was any cause for a statement and prophecy such as his. These
gentlemen declared the arches to be sound, that there were no better in
England, and consequently Brother Smith was ridiculed and derided as a
false prophet.

Shortly afterwards Elder Smith was called away from Coventry by the
presidency of the mission, and appointed to succeed Elder Henry Lunt in
the presidency of the Newcastle-on-Tyne pastorate. He left Warwickshire
without seeing his prophecy fulfilled; but within a few weeks a heavy
rain fell and undermined the arches, and nineteen out of twenty-one
fell to the ground, leaving only two standing. Through this fall much
damage was done to the contiguous residences and other property.

Brother Henry Russell, who now lives at Union, in Salt Lake County, was
at that time a lamp-lighter in Coventry. He was engaged in lighting the
street lamps when this destruction took place. He was just about to
pass under one of the arches when it fell, and he probably would have
been killed had he not been stopped by a policeman and detained until
the danger was over.

Thus is the saying of the Lord corroborated, that what His servants
declare by His Spirit He will fulfill.



Brother Martin H. Peck, of Salt Lake City, relates a series of cases of
healing that occurred in his family and under his administration. He
joined the Church in Vermont, in 1833, and about two years later, while
on a visit to a place about nine miles from where he lived, he received
word from his wife at home that their child was lying at the point of
death and she desired him to come home immediately and bring an Elder
with him. He was not more surprised at learning of his son's dangerous
condition than of the faith in the ordinances of the gospel which his
wife manifested, by wanting an Elder to lay hands on the child; for
she had not then joined the Church or manifested much interest in the
gospel. He was therefore almost as much pleased on his wife's account
as he was pained on account of his child on receiving the news. Taking
Elder James Snow with him, he hastened home, and found the little
fellow lying helpless and in a very low condition in his mother's arms.
Brother Peck only held the office of a Teacher at the time, so Elder
Snow administered to the child alone, and while doing so the little
fellow dozed off into a quiet slumber, and when he awoke he was as well
as he ever had been.

Soon afterwards Brother Peck himself was taken extremely ill, and to
all appearances seemed about to die. He even lost his sight and was in
the greatest agony, but Elder John Badger was called in and rebuked the
disease and blessed him, and he was healed immediately. On describing
his symptoms afterwards to a friend who was an experienced physician,
he was assured that his was an extreme case, and it was doubtful if
medical skill could have saved him.

Near the same time his son Joseph was troubled with a couple of
swellings on the glands of his neck which threatened to choke him.
After various remedies had been tried without avail a physician was
consulted, who declared the boy could not live long if they continued
to grow, and recommended that a surgical operation be performed to
remove them, although even that, he admitted, would be very dangerous.
Brother Peck concluded not to act upon his advice, and he sent for some
Elders instead and had them anoint and lay hands upon him. The result
was that in a few days the swellings had entirely disappeared.

From Vermont Brother Peck removed to Ohio, and while there a great deal
of sickness prevailed and many deaths occurred in his neighborhood. The
doctors seemed to be entirely baffled in their efforts to cope with the
disease. Among others stricken down was Brother Peck's son, William.
He lay unconscious all day with his eyes turned back in his head, and
apparently in a dying condition. A number of neighbors called in to see
him and urged Brother Peck to send for a doctor. He told them, however,
that he could not have much confidence in doctors' skill after seeing
the children which they attended die off, as they had done, like rotten
sheep. He preferred to have nothing to do with them. Nor did he feel
like administering to the boy while unbelievers were in the house. His
wife happened to be away from home, and he felt confident that when she
returned their united faith would result in obtaining a blessing from
the Almighty. Some of the neighbors in their solicitude stayed with the
boy all day, and doubtless thought Brother Peck an unfeeling wretch, as
he would not send for a doctor. On the return of Sister Peck she, too,
refused to have a physician, and so the neighbors left in disgust. As
soon as they had done so the parents called mightily upon the Lord to
spare their child's life and Brother Peck rebuked the disease, and he
was healed instantly.

But a few days had elapsed when their son Joseph was taken suddenly
very sick, and a neighbor hastened to Brother Peck's shop to inform him
if something were not done immediately for his relief he would be dead.
He also offered his services to wait upon him. Brother Peck thanked him
for his kindness but declined accepting the offer. On reaching his home
and seeing the condition of the child, which was truly alarming, he and
his wife referred the case to the Lord, with the same result as in the
previous case.

A rather curious case was that of a young lady who lived in Brother
Peck's family who was afflicted with a most distressing cough, from
which she could get no relief. It seemed as if she would almost choke
with it. On being administered to by the Elders she was relieved
immediately, and never coughed again for two weeks, when, on getting in
a passion, the cough returned.

There was a doctor by the name of Harvey Tate living neighbor to
Brother Peck in Ohio, who became somewhat interested in the doctrines
of the Latter-day Saints, and for the purpose of learning more
concerning them made a visit to his house. While he was there Brother
Peck's son James was brought home with a broken arm, caused by his
falling from a tree. The fracture was about three inches above the
wrist joint, and so complete that his arm formed a right angle at the
place where it was broken. The doctor set and bandaged it, and the boy
was put in bed. The pain was so great, however, that he could scarcely
endure it, and after the doctor had gone he begged his father to
"bless" him, saying he knew that would cure him.

Brother Peck accordingly administered to him and the pain immediately
ceased. He slept well during the night and on getting up the next
morning played about with his fellows as if nothing had ever been the
matter with his arm, not even having it in a sling. The next day he was
sent to the doctor to show him his arm, and when he entered his house,
the doctor noticed, to his surprise, that the boy took hold of a chair
with his lame hand and lifted it forward to sit down upon. Taking the
little fellow by the hand, he then asked him if he felt any pain in his
arm or hand, and the boy answered frankly that he did not. The doctor
bent his fingers and saw that he had free use of them, then examined
his hand and wrist and saw that there was no sign of swelling, and
declared that it was the power of God which had healed the broken limb,
for nothing else could have done it in so short a time. This incident
probably influenced Dr. Tate in favor of the Latter-day Saints, as he
soon afterwards joined the Church. He was baptized by Elder John E.
Page, and ordained an Elder, and for some time was quite a faithful and
efficient member, but he subsequently lost the faith. He had abundant
evidence, however, while he remained in the Church that the power of
God was with the Saints, as he saw it manifested on several occasions
so plainly that he could not deny it. But he may have been like some
others of whom it has been said that they joined the Church through
seeing a miracle performed and apostatized because they could not see
one every day.

On one occasion he and Elder Peck were called upon to go a distance of
ten miles to see a sister in the Church who was thought to be dying.
They traveled with all possible speed, and on arriving at the place
found the woman in a very critical condition. The doctor, although
used to scenes of sickness, allowed Brother Peck to take the lead in
directing what should be done for the relief of the patient, and he
proposed to anoint and lay hands upon her. They accordingly did so, and
she was healed immediately, and arose and prepared supper for them.
While returning home the doctor remarked jocularly, that the experience
of that evening presented a new phase in his medical practice. He had
never taken that course before to cure patients, nor was he in the
habit of going that distance to visit them without charging for it.

While journeying to Missouri with the "Kirtland Camp," Brother Peck's
son, Edwin, had his leg accidentally run over by a heavily loaded
wagon, on a very hard road. When he was picked up the limb appeared to
be flattened as if almost crushed to a pulp, and the flesh was laid
open. Brother Peck had seen the power of God manifested in so many
instances then, and he had such confidence in the Almighty hearing and
answering his prayers, that he never thought of summoning a surgeon,
but immediately administered to the boy and then placed him in the
wagon. In an hour afterwards he examined his leg and found that it
was entirely well, the only sign of the injury left being a slight
scar which had the dry and scaly appearance of an old sore, long since
healed up. The place was not even discolored. There were numbers of
witnesses to this miracle, many of whom are living to-day.




I am the second son of Orotor and Bulah Dibble, and was born June 6th,
1806, at Peru, Pittsfield County, Massachusetts. When I was quite young
my father removed to the town of Granby, where he died when I was ten
years old, leaving my mother with nine children. My elder brother,
Philander, and I were taken by one Captain Apollos Phelps, living at
Suffield, Connecticut, to raise until we were twenty-one years old, he
having no children of his own. Morally speaking, he was a good man, and
taught us good principles, and treated us as though we were his own

I remained with him four or five months after I became of age, when
I resolved to travel. I then visited Boston, Massachusetts, and its
harbor, and saw the ship _Java_, that was fitted out with six hundred
soldiers to protect the merchants against the pirates. I also visited
several islands and many of the surrounding towns and then returned
to Suffield, where I became acquainted with Miss Celia Kent, daughter
of Benajah Kent, of Suffield, and married her; the Rev. Calvin Phileo
performing the ceremony. I was then twenty-three years of age.

My wife having some property in Ohio, we sold our possessions in
Connecticut and removed to that part. While crossing Lake Erie
from Buffalo to Fairport we encountered a terrible storm, and our
destruction seemed imminent, but through an overruling Providence we
were saved and landed safely. We passed through Chardon, Ohio, and
located three miles west of that city, at a place called King Street,
which was within five miles of Kirtland. I there purchased a farm and
entered into the business of buying and selling wild lands.

One morning I was standing at my gate when two men drove up in a
two-horse wagon, and asked me to get in and go home with them, about
quarter of a mile distant. On the way, one asked me if I had heard the
news, and informed me that four men had come to Kirtland with a golden
Bible and one of them had seen an angel. They laughed and ridiculed
the idea, but I did not feel inclined to make light of such a subject.
I made no reply, but thought that if angels had administered to the
children of men again I was glad of it; I was afraid, however, it was
not true. On my return home I told my wife what I had heard.

The next day I was intending to go fifty miles south to the town of
Suffield, Ohio, to pay some taxes, but my wife thinking that one or two
days would not make much difference about that, proposed that we should
hunt up those strange men in Kirtland.

The next morning I took my wife, another man and his wife, and started
for Kirtland. When we arrived there, the men we were seeking had gone
to the town of Mayfield, but were to return to Kirtland the next day.
The following morning I hitched up my carriage and again drove to
Kirtland, one of my neighbors accompanying us with his team and family.
On arriving there, we were introduced to Oliver Cowdery, Ziba Peterson,
Peter Whitmer, Jr., and Parley P. Pratt. I remained with them all day,
and became convinced that they were sincere in their professions. I
asked Oliver what repentance consisted of, and he replied, "Forsaking
sin and yielding obedience to the gospel!"

That evening he preached at Brother Isaac Morley's, and bore his
testimony to the administration of an angel at noonday. He then dwelt
upon the subjects of repentance and baptism and the bestowal of the
Holy Ghost, and promised that all who embraced these principles
with honesty of heart should receive a testimony. He also requested
all who wished to be baptized to make it manifest by arising. Five
persons, among whom were William Cahoon and myself, arose. I then
made preparations for baptism by borrowing a suit of clothes. My wife
thought I was too hasty, and said if I would wait awhile perhaps she
would go along with me. She was a Baptist by persuasion. I paid no
heed to her, but went forthwith and was baptized by Parley P. Pratt.
This was on the 16th of October, 1830. When I came out of the water, I
knew that I had been born of water and of the spirit, for my mind was
illuminated with the Holy Ghost.

I spent that evening at Dr. F. G. Williams'. While in bed that night I
felt what appeared to be a hand upon my left shoulder and a sensation
like fibers of fire immediately enveloped my body. It passed from my
right shoulder across my breast to my left shoulder, it then struck me
on my collar bone and went to the pit of my stomach, after which it
left me. I was enveloped in a heavenly influence, and could not sleep
for joy.

The next morning I started home a happy man. All my neighbors were
anxious to know the result of my visit to Kirtland, and I was visited
by two Campbellite preachers, named respectively Scott and Williams,
one of whom remarked, "Mr. Dibble, I understand you have joined the
'Mormons.' What reason have you to believe they have the truth?"

I told them, "The scriptures point to such a work, which should come

He then asked me where I found it. I took the Bible and opened it
where it speaks of truth springing out of the earth, and righteousness
looking down from above. He read it and handed it to the other
preacher. They made no comments.

I bore my testimony to them of what I had received, and Mr. Scott said,
"I don't doubt, Mr. Dibble, that you have received all you say, because
you are honest, but they are impostors."

I then asked Mr. Scott if he believed the Lord would bless the labors
of a false prophet, to which they did not stop to reply but left, and
told the people it was no use talking to me.

One of my neighbors came to me and said, "We have sent a man down to
York State to find out the truth of this work, and he is a man who will
not lie. If he returns and says it is false, will you believe him?"

I told him I would believe the truth, and asked him if that man (whose
name was Edward Partridge) should come back and say it was false if he
would believe him.

He replied, "Yes; for he is a man who would not lie for his right arm!"

I then added, "If he says it is true, will you then believe him?" to
which he reluctantly replied that he would.

Shortly after this, however, when Brother Partridge wrote back and said
that he had been baptized, and was then preaching the gospel, this
man shunned me, and for a long time afterwards gave me no chance to
talk with him. But when we met, I asked him what he thought of Brother
Partridge, and he replied that he was honest, but had been deceived.

The four missionaries who had visited Kirtland proceeded on westward
to the borders of the Lamanites, in Jackson County, Missouri, on the
mission to which they had been called by revelation through Joseph the
Prophet, leaving the few converts they had made to themselves. Meetings
were held occasionally by the members of the Church in Kirtland, all
of which I attended. All manner of spirits were there made manifest,
and no one to detect them. Many persons were operated upon in a very
strange manner, and I was impressed that the spirits which inspired
them were from the evil one.

At a meeting held one evening at Brother Whitney's, the heavens were
opened and the Spirit of God filled the house and rested upon all the
congregation to overflowing, little children not excepted. Prophesying
and singing the songs of Zion were indulged in until morning. Brother
Whitney, who had not then yielded obedience to the gospel, was
convinced of the truth, and shortly after was baptized.

I will here observe that about the time of which I write, there were
many signs and wonders seen in the heavens above and in the earth
beneath in the region of Kirtland, both by Saints and strangers. A
pillar of light was seen every evening for more than a month hovering
over the place where we did our baptizing. One evening also, as Brother
William Blakesley and I were returning home from meeting, we observed
that it was unusually light, even for moonlight; but, on reflection, we
found the moon was not to be seen that night. Although it was cloudy,
it was as light as noonday, and we could seemingly see a tree farther
that night than we could in the day time.

Soon after this Joseph with his father's family came to Kirtland, and
said the Lord had sent him there, and he or the devil would have to

This was the first time I had beheld Joseph. After he arrived the false
spirits which had been operating through the members of the Church
ceased for awhile.

I held myself in readiness to assist the Smith family with my means or
my personal services as they might require, as they were financially
poor. They were living on a farm owned by F. G. Williams, in Kirtland,
upon which there was a debt of four hundred dollars due, which had to
be paid within a stated time or the farm would revert to its former

Joseph Coe, who was required to raise this amount to save the farm,
said he could not do so, for his wife held the money and she did not
belong to the Church. Being present with Joseph when the subject came
up, I said to him, "I can raise the money!" and he replied that if I
would, I should be blessed.

I explained to him how I would have to raise the money. I owned twelve
hundred acres of land lying twenty miles south of Elyria, which was
worth three dollars per acre. In order to raise the money then I would
have to sell a portion of it for one dollar and twenty-five cents per
acre, and I accordingly did so and paid Joseph the four hundred dollars.

When Joseph came to Kirtland his fame spread far and wide. There was a
woman living in the town of Hiram, forty miles from Kirtland, who had a
crooked arm, which she had not been able to use for a long period. She
persuaded her husband, whose name was Johnson, to take her to Kirtland
to get her arm healed.

I saw them as they passed my house on their way. She went to Joseph and
requested him to heal her. Joseph asked her if she believed the Lord
was able to make him an instrument in healing her arm. She said she
believed the Lord was able to heal her arm.

Joseph put her off till the next morning, when he met her at Brother
Whitney's house. There were eight persons present, one a Methodist
preacher, and one a doctor. Joseph took her by the hand, prayed in
silence a moment, pronounced her arm whole, in the name of Jesus
Christ, and turned and left the room.

The preacher asked her if her arm was whole, and she straightened it
out and replied: "It is as good as the other." The question was then
asked if it would remain whole. Joseph hearing this, answered and said:
"It is as good as the other, and as liable to accident as the other."

The doctor who witnessed this miracle came to my house the next morning
and related the circumstance to me. He attempted to account for it by
his false philosophy, saying that Joseph took her by the hand, and
seemed to be in prayer, and pronounced her arm whole in the name of
Jesus Christ, which excited her and started perspiration, and that
relaxed the cords of her arm.

I subsequently rented my farm and devoted all my time to the interest
of the Church, holding myself in readiness to take Joseph wherever he
wished to go.

On invitation of Father Johnson, of Hiram, Joseph removed his family to
his home, to translate the New Testament. This was in the year 1831.

At this time Sidney Rigdon was left to preside at Kirtland and
frequently preached to us. Upon one occasion he said the keys of the
kingdom were taken from us. On hearing this, many of his hearers wept,
and when some one undertook to dismiss the meeting by prayer he said
praying would do them no good, and the meeting broke up in confusion.

Brother Hyrum came to my house the next morning and told me all about
it, and said it was false, and that the keys of the kingdom were still
with us. He wanted my carriage and horses to go to the town of Hiram
and bring Joseph. The word went abroad among the people immediately
that Sidney was going to expose "Mormonism."

Joseph came up to Kirtland a few days afterwards and held a meeting in
a large barn. Nearly all the inhabitants of Kirtland turned out to hear
him. The barn was filled with people, and others, unable to get inside,
stood around the door as far as they could hear.

Joseph arose in our midst and spoke in mighty power, saying: "I can
contend with wicked men and devils--yes with angels. No power can pluck
those keys from me, except the power that gave them to me; that was
Peter; James and John. But for what Sidney has done, the devil shall
handle him as one man handles another."

Thomas B. Marsh's wife went from the meeting and told Sidney what
Joseph had said, and he replied: "Is it possible that I have been so
deceived? But if Joseph says so, it is so."

About three weeks after this, Sidney was lying on his bed alone. An
unseen power lifted him from his bed, thew him across the room, and
tossed him from one side of the room to the other. The noise being
heard in the adjoining room, his family went in to see what was the
matter, and found him going from one side of the room to the other,
from the effects of which Sidney was laid up for five or six weeks.
Thus was Joseph's prediction in regard to him verified.

When Joseph was ready to go back to Hyrum, I took him in my carriage.
Soon afterwards I had occasion to visit Hyrum again. On my way there
I was persuaded to stop at the Hulet settlement and attend a meeting.
When I arrived at Father Johnson's the next morning, Joseph and Sidney
had just finished washing up from being tared and feathered the night
before. Joseph said to Sidney: "We can now go on our mission to
Jackson County" (alluding to a commandment given them while they were
translating, but which they concluded not to attend to until they had
finished that work). I felt to regret very much that I had not been
with them the evening before, but it was perhaps providential that I
was not. On a subsequent visit to Hiram, I arrived at Father Johnson's
just as Joseph and Sidney were coming out of the vision alluded to in
the Book of Doctrine and Covenants, in which mention is made of the
three glories. Joseph wore black clothes, but at this time seemed to be
dressed in an element of glorious white, and his face shone as if it
were transparent, but I did not see the same glory attending Sidney.
Joseph appeared as strong as a lion, but Sidney seemed as weak as
water, and Joseph, noticing his condition smiled and said, "Brother
Sidney is not as used to it as I am."



In 1832 I sold my possessions in Ohio, and, we being called upon by
Joseph to advance monies to purchase the land in Jackson County, I paid
fifty dollars for that purpose and also gave Brother Parley P. Pratt
fifty dollars to assist him as a pioneer. I was then called on for
money to be placed in the hands of Brothers Whitney and Gilbert, who
were going to New York to purchase goods to take up to Jackson County,
and gave them three hundred dollars.

I joined in with a company led by Brother Thomas B. Marsh, and arrived
in Independence, Jackson County, on the 10th of November. I remained in
Independence until spring and then removed to the Whitmer settlement,
farther west, where I built a house, fenced twenty acres of land and
put in a garden.

In the fall of 1833, a sectarian preacher by the name of M'Coy came to
the Whitmer settlement where I was living to buy up all the guns he
could, representing that he wanted them for the Indians. We suspected
no trouble, and quite a number of us sold our guns to him. The sequel
of his action was, however, soon apparent to us, for rumors soon
reached us of mobs assembling and threats being made to drive us from
the County.

When the mob first began to gather and threaten us, I was selected to
go to another County and buy powder and lead. The brethren gave me the
privilege of choosing a man to go with me. I took with me a man by the
name of John Poorman. We thought we were good for four of the mob. We
went to the town of Liberty, Clay County, and purchased the ammunition,
and returned safely.

Soon after I returned a mob of about one hundred and fifty came upon us
in the dead hour of night, tore down a number of our houses and whipped
and abused several of our brethren. I was aroused from my sleep by
the noise caused by the falling houses, and had barely time to escape
to the woods with my wife and two children when they reached my house
and proceeded to break in the door and tear the roof off. I was some
distance away from where the whipping occurred, but I heard the blows
of heavy ox goads upon the backs of my brethren distinctly. The mob
also swore they would tear down our grist mill, which was situated
at the Colesville branch, about three miles from the settlement, and
lest they should really do so, and as it was the only means we had of
getting our grain ground, we were counseled to gather there and defend
it. We accordingly proceeded there the next morning. The following
night two men came into our camp, pretending they wanted to hire
some men to work for them. Brother Parley ordered them to be taken
prisoners, when one of them struck him a glancing blow on the head with
his gun, inflicting a severe wound. We then disarmed them and kept them
as prisoners until morning when we gave them back their arms and let
them go.

The next day we heard firing down in the Whitmer settlement, and
seventeen of our brethren volunteered to go down and see what it meant.
Brother George Beebe was one of these volunteers and also one of the
men who was whipped the night previous. [A] When these seventeen men
arrived at the Whitmer settlement, the mob came against them and took
some prisoners. Brother David Whitmer brought us the news of this and
said: "Every man go, and every man take a man!"

[Footnote A: Brother Beebe carried the marks of this whipping to his
grave, as the brethren who laid him out at the time of his death, in
December, 1881, at Provo, Utah County, can testify.]

We all responded and met the mob in battle, in which I was wounded
with an ounce ball and two buck shot, all entering my body just at the
right side of my navel. The mob were finally routed, and the brethren
chased them a mile away Several others of the brethren were also shot,
and one, named Barber, was mortally wounded. After the battle was over,
some of the brethren went to administer to him, but he objected to
their praying that he might live, and asked them if they could not see
the angels present. He said the room was full of them, and his greatest
anxiety was for his friends to see what he saw, until he breathed his
last, which occurred at three o'clock in the morning.

A young lawyer named Bazill, who came into Independence and wanted to
make himself conspicuous, joined the mob, and swore he would wade in
blood up to his chin.

He was shot with two balls through his head, and never spoke. There was
another man, whose name I fail to remember, that lived on the Big Blue,
who made a similar boast. He was also taken at his word. His chin was
shot off, or so badly fractured by a ball that he was forced to have
it amputated, but lived and recovered, though he was a horrible sight

After the battle I took my gun and powder horn and started for home.
When I got about half way I became faint and thirsty. I wanted to stop
at Brother Whitmer's to lay down. The house, however, was full of women
and children, and they were so frightened that they objected to my
entering, as the mob had threatened that wherever they found a wounded
man they would kill men, women and children.

I continued on and arrived home, or rather at a house in the field that
the mob had not torn down, which was near my own home. There I found my
wife and two children and a number of other women who had assembled. I
told them I was shot and wanted to lay down.

They got me on the bed, but on thinking of what the mob had said,
became frightened, and assisted me up stairs. I told them, however,
that I could not stay there, my pain was so great. They then got me
down stairs again, and my wife went out to see if she could find any
of the brethren. In searching for them she got lost in the woods and
was gone two hours, but learned that all the brethren had gone to the
Colesville branch, three miles distant, taking all the wounded with
them save myself.

The next morning I was taken farther off from the road, that I might be
concealed from the mob. I bled inwardly until my body was filled with
blood, and remained in this condition until the next day at five p. m.
I was then examined by a surgeon who was in the Black Hawk war, and
who said that he had seen a great many men wounded, but never saw one
wounded as I was that ever lived. He pronounced me a dead man.

David Whitmer, however, sent me word that I should live and not die,
but I could see no possible chance to recover. After the surgeon had
left me, Brother Newell Knight came to see me, and sat down on the side
of my bed. He laid his right hand on my head, but never spoke. I felt
the Spirit resting upon me at the crown of my head before his hand
touched me, and I knew immediately that I was going to be healed. It
seemed to form like a ring under the skin, and followed down my body.
When the ring came to the wound, another ring formed around the first
bullet hole, also the second and third. Then a ring formed on each
shoulder and on each hip, and followed down to the ends of my fingers
and toes and left me. I immediately arose and discharged three quarts
of blood or more, with some pieces of my clothes that had been driven
into my body by the bullets. I then dressed myself and went out doors
and saw the falling of the stars, which so encouraged the Saints and
frightened their enemies. It was one of the grandest sights I ever
beheld. From that time not a drop of blood came from me and I never
afterwards felt the slightest pain or inconvenience from my wounds,
except that I was somewhat weak from the loss of blood.

The next day I walked around the field, and the day following I mounted
a horse and rode eight miles, and went three miles on foot.

The night of the battle many of the women and children ran into the
woods. One sister, not being able to take all of her children with her,
left her little boy four years old in a corn shock, where he remained
until morning. Some went out on the burnt prairie. The mob gathered and
swore they would go and massacre them. When they got ready to go, the
heavens were lit up with the falling of stars. This brought to us a
perfect redemption at that time.

The night of the battle, the mob took all my household furniture, and
after my recovery I crossed the river to Clay County, leaving behind me
a drove of hogs, three cows and all of my crop, which I never recovered.

In Clay County I enjoyed some rest from persecution, and had two
children born to me, Emma and Philo, Jun. I was there when Zion's camp
came up. I met them on Fishing river. There the power of the Lord was
manifested by His sending a thunder storm, which raised Fishing river
ten feet higher than it was ever known to rise before. I saw the cloud
coming up in the west when I was ten miles from Fishing river in the
middle of the afternoon. As it moved on eastwardly it increased in size
and in blackness, and when it got over the camp it stopped, and in the
night the rain and hail poured down in torrents, and the lightning
flashed from the cloud continuously for three hours.

Just before night, two men came into camp and asked where Mr. Smith
was. Joseph said, "I am the man." They then advised him to disband his
camp, "for," said they, "the mob are gathering, and there won't be one
of you left to-morrow morning!"

Joseph smiled, and said: "I guess not." Seeing that Joseph did not
believe what they came to tell him, they went off vexed.

We learned afterwards that the hail was so heavy on the mob, that they
were forced to seek shelter, and the leader of them swore he would
never go against the "Mormons" again.

Zion's camp was disbanded on Fishing river. The leading men of Liberty
being desirous for peace, called a meeting and invited our leading men
to meet with them, which they did. They told our committee that if they
could have peace, we should have a County to ourselves, and if we had
not money enough to buy out the old settlers of Caldwell County they
would lend us money to buy them out.

This settled our difficulties at that time.

In the meantime a conference was held in Liberty, Clay County, at which
I was ordained a Teacher under the hands of David Whitmer.

We then commenced settling Caldwell County, to which I removed, built
a house, entered seven hundred and twenty acres of land and bought a
lot in town. I also entered land for many of the brethren, and for this
purpose had to go the distance of eighty miles, where the land office
was located.

On my return home, when I got to Liberty, midway between Lexington and
Far West, I concluded I would travel from there home by night, as it
was very warm during the day. The road led through a strip of timber
for four miles, and after that across a prairie for twenty miles.

When I had traveled about two-thirds of the way across the prairie,
riding on horseback, I heard the cooing of the prairie hens. I looked
northward and saw, apparently with my natural vision, a beautiful
city, the streets of which ran north and south. I also knew there were
streets running east and west, but could not trace them with my eye
for the buildings. The walks on each side of the streets were as white
as marble, and the trees on the outer side of the marble walks had the
appearance of locust trees in autumn. This city was in view for about
one hour-and-a-half, as near as I could judge, as I traveled along.
When I began to descend towards the Crooked river the timber through
which I passed hid the city from my view. Every block in this mighty
city had sixteen spires, four on each corner, each block being built
in the form of a hollow square, within which I seemed to know that
the gardens of the inhabitants were situated. The corner buildings on
which the spires rested were larger and higher than the others, and the
several blocks were uniformly alike. The beauty and grandeur of the
scene I cannot describe. While viewing the city the buildings appeared
to be transparent. I could not discern the inmates, but I appeared to
understand that they could discern whatever passed outside.

Whether this was a city that has been or is to be I cannot tell.
It extended as far north as Adam-ondi-Ahman, a distance of about
twenty-eight miles. Whatever is revealed to us by the Holy Ghost will
never be forgotten.



Part of Zion's camp went back to Kirtland, and also Brother Joseph, but
in consequence of the mobs and apostates the Church organization in
Kirtland was broken up. Some of the apostates left Kirtland and came
up to Far West. They called meetings and told the people that Joseph
was a fallen prophet, and they were determined to put David Whitmer in
his place. Some of the brethren, including the president of the branch
I lived in, fell in with the views of the apostates. I being a Teacher
in the branch, took up a labor with them, first going to our president
and taking with me a Deacon. Our president said if he had got to become
an enemy to David to be a friend to Joseph, he could not be a friend to
Joseph. He then called the branch together in order to put me out of
office as a Teacher, but the branch sustained me. He afterwards cited
me to appear for trial before Bishop Partridge, who gave me two weeks
to make satisfaction, and I appealed my case to the High Council, who
decided there was no cause of action.

Joseph and family soon arrived at Far West. Soon after a regiment was
organized by W. W. Phelps, Geo. M. Hinkle, Lyman Wight and Reed Peck,
they having received their commissions from the governor. An election
of officers was called and G. W. Robinson was elected colonel, I
lieutenant colonel and Seymour Brunson major.

While celebrating the 4th of July at Far West, there came up a thunder
shower, and the lightning struck our liberty pole and shivered it to
pieces. Joseph walked around on the splinters and said: "As that pole
was splintered, so shall the nations of the earth be!"

When the trouble with the mob commenced, Colonel Robinson took about
one-half of the force to Adam-ondi-Ahman to defend that place. Joseph,
Hyrum and Sidney also went with them, leaving me in command at Far
West. The detachment returned in about four days.

A few days afterwards Joseph Smith and I took a walk out upon the
prairie, and in the course of our conversation I suggested to him
to send for General Atchison to defend him in the suit then brought
against him, as he was in command of the third division of the militia
of the State of Missouri, and was a lawyer and a friend to law. Joseph
made no reply, but turned back immediately to Far West, and a man was
selected, with the best horse to be found, to go to Liberty for General

The next day General Atchison came to Far West with a hundred men and
camped a little north of the town.

On consulting with Joseph Smith, Atchison told him that he did not want
any one to go with them to his trial, which was to take place midway
between Far West and Adam-ondi-Ahman. Joseph at first hesitated about
agreeing to this, but Atchison reassured him by saying: "My life for

When they arrived at the place of trial quite a number of the mob had
gathered, and on seeing Joseph commenced to curse and swear. Atchison,
however, checked them by saying: "Hold on boys, if you fire the first
gun there will not be one of you left!"

Joseph was cleared and came away unmolested. Soon afterwards the
governor, thinking Atchison was too friendly towards the Saints, took
his command from him and placed General Clark in command of the militia.

Shortly before Far West was besieged, I was taken sick, and Colonel
Hinkle came into military command under his old commission. I gave up
my horse, saddle and bridle, and also my rifle and sword for Brother
Lysander Gee to use in defense of our city.

When General Clark's army came up against Far West, Colonel Hinkle
betrayed the First Presidency of the Church into their hands for seven
hundred and fifty dollars. Then Joseph and Hyrum, Sidney, and Lyman
Wight were taken by the mob, who held a court-martial over them and
sentenced them to be shot the next morning at eight o'clock on the
public square. Lyman Wight told them to "shoot and be damned." Generals
Atchison and Doniphan immediately rebelled against the decision, and
Doniphan said, if men were to be murdered in cold blood, he would
withdraw his troops, which he did. General Atchison then went to
Liberty and gave a public dinner, and delivered a speech, in which he
said, "If the governor does not restore my commission to me, I will
kill him, so help me God!" On hearing this the audience became so
enthusiastic that they took him upon their shoulders and carried him
around the public square.

After the surrender of Far West, the mob sent officers to get me, but
finding that I was sick they went back and so reported. They came the
second time and went back and reported the same. The third time they
came they swore they would have me if they had to take me on a bed.
I lived one-and-a-half miles west of the town, and told my folks if
they could dress me and help me on my horse I would undertake to leave
for Quincy. A young man named Joel Miles was to go with me to help me
off and on my horse. Leaving Far West on my left, I arrived at Quincy

I will here digress from my narrative, and state that while I was
at Far West the battle of Crooked river occurred, in which David W.
Patten was killed, also the massacre at Haun's Mill. Brother Joseph
had sent word by Haun, who owned the mill, to inform the brethren who
were living there to leave and come to Far West, but Mr. Haun did not
deliver the message. I should also have mentioned that while at Far
West an election was held to elect an assessor. Isaac Higbee, myself
and a Missourian were the candidates. The brethren held a caucus
meeting and advised one of us to withdraw our name lest the Missourian
might gain the election, and proposed that Higbee and I cast lots for
it. Two tickets were put into a hat for us to draw from. There was a
large crowd gathered around and Joseph Smith among them. He said, "I am
going to prophesy that Philo will get it." Sure enough I drew it.

On my arrival in Quincy, knowing that our people would soon be flocking
there in great numbers to cross the river, I rented the ferry at nine
dollars per day for thirty days. I ran the boat about ten days and
ferried the Saints across on their own terms, and still made money
at it. Some of the brethren, however, on arriving, assumed the right
to dictate me, and wanted that I should give up the ferry into their
hands. The man who owned it said if I would give it up he would release
me from paying that day's rent, which I agreed to do, supposing it
would go into the hands of the brethren. But when I gave up the papers
to him, he informed the brethren that they must pay him full fare or
else make boats and ferry themselves at half price. This caused a great
deal of extra and unnecessary expense to our people.

Before I left Far West, I made arrangements with a man to bring my
family through to Quincy, for which I paid him sixty dollars in gold on
their arrival.

In the spring of 1839, Sidney Rigdon came to me and said he knew of a
man who owned a farm three miles east of Quincy and wanted to rent it
to some good man whom he could recommend, and that I could have the
chance. I gladly accepted the offer and rented the farm of two hundred



I took four other brethren--Simeon Crandall and three of his sons, to
help me carry on the farm, and we raised a heavy crop, which took us
all the fall and winter to market.

While living upon this farm, I was taken sick. Dr. Williams attended
me, and after awhile said he could do no more for me. I then called for
the Elders to administer to me and Brother A. J. Stewart, his brother,
Levi, and Brother Killian were called in, but before they arrived Mr.
Robbins, of whom I rented the farm, called to see me. He declared that
I might possibly live till three o'clock, but could not live till

When the Elders administered to me, Brother Killian being mouth, I was
in bed. He poured the oil on my forehead and I jumped right out of bed
and put on my clothes. On hearing that Robbins was going to Quincy in
the morning, I walked up to his house, three-quarters of a mile, and
went with him in his carriage to Quincy, remained all day and returned
with him at night.

Some of my gentile neighbors, wishing to learn about "Mormonism," sent
to Quincy for Brother John P. Greene to come out and preach to them.
When he came, he called at my house and wanted to know of me what
subject he had better treat upon. I told him were I in his place I
should speak on the resurrection of the dead, which he did. There was
a large congregation of members of various denominations present. They
were so well pleased with Brother Greene's remarks, that they would
not let him off until he left another appointment to preach. Before
the appointed time arrived, however, Brother Greene was taken sick
and could not come. A large congregation had gathered at the place
appointed, and only three Elders present--A. J. Stewart, his brother
Levi, and myself.

Seeing the situation of things, we consulted together as to what should
be done, when Brother A. J. Stewart said he would undertake to fill
Brother Greene's appointment, but that if he got baulked we must help
him out. I remarked I could not preach, if I did it would only be like
a sectarian telling his experience, but said, "I will do the singing,"
which I did.

Brother Stewart arose, opened the Bible and tried to read, but had to
spell his words, and broke down and said that some of the brethren
would take up the subject and go on with it. He then called on me. I
arose to speak. The Holy Ghost came down and enveloped me, and I spoke
for over two hours. When I found the Spirit leaving me I thought it
time to close, and told my hearers it was the first time I had spoken
to a public congregation.

A Brother Mills who was present, felt so well that he went home with me
and declared that I had delivered the greatest discourse he had ever
heard. Said I: "Brother Mills, I don't know what I have said. It was
not me; it was the Lord!"

In the spring of 1840, I removed to Nauvoo, then called Commerce, which
had been appointed by Joseph for the gathering place. During the next
year my wife died, and left me with five children, two daughters and
three sons. I concluded to get my children homes and then travel and
preach the gospel; but when I had obtained homes for them I found I had
not only lost my wife, but also my children, and they had not only lost
their mother, but also their father and each other's society.

On the 11th of February, 1841, I married a second wife--a Widow Smith
of Philadelphia, who was living in the family of the Prophet. He
performed the ceremony at his house, and Sister Emma Smith insisted
upon getting up a wedding supper for us. It was a splendid affair, and
quite a large party of our friends were assembled.

I then rented a house of Hyrum Kimball on the river bank for ten
dollars per month, and kept a warehouse, and also boarders and a
bakery. While there in business, I saw in vision my grave before me
for two weeks; it mattered not whether my eyes were open or shut it
was there, and I saw no way of escape. One day Brother Joseph came and
took dinner with us, and as we arose from the table I walked out upon
the porch and sat down on a bench. Joseph and my wife followed me, and
he came before me and said: "Philo, you must get away from here or you
will die, as sure as God ever spoke by my mouth!" He then turned to my
wife and said: "And you will hardly escape by the skin of your teeth!"

I immediately stepped into Joseph's carriage and rode with him to the
south part of town and rented another place, after which I settled up
my business as fast as I could, and made arrangements to remove. Many
hearing of Joseph's prediction about me, said if they had been in my
place they would have remained where I was and tested the truth of it,
but I assured them if they had been in my place they would have done
just as I did.

After I had settled my business and removed my family, we were one day
at Joseph's house, when he said to my wife: "You didn't believe what
I told Philo the other day! Now, I will tell you what the Lord told
me; He told me to go and tell Philo to come away from there, and if he
obeyed he should live; if not he should die; and I didn't want to see
you a widow so soon again. If Philo had remained there fourteen days
longer, he would have been a corpse."

One night Joseph came to my house about twelve o'clock, and called me
up. I immediately went out to see what was wanted. We went across the
street to James Allred's and called him up, and we three went back
to Joseph's house. On the way he told us that a flat boat with about
thirty men had landed just below his house, and that he had overheard
some of their conversation. They had made arrangements to kidnap him
that night and sink him in the river. Brother Allred and I went down
to the river; but they must have seen Joseph's movements as we found
nothing of them, although we got up some more of the brethren and
searched up and down the river.

When Joseph and Emma were preparing to go up the river to Dixon, to
make a visit with some of her connections, I was at their house. The
night before they started, I had a dream, in which I saw Joseph taken
prisoner and guarded by two men, who after awhile left Joseph in Nauvoo
and went off cursing and swearing. The next morning I related my dream
to Joseph; he listened to me but made no reply.

While visiting at Dixon he was taken prisoner by a sheriff of Missouri
and an officer of Illinois, but instead of getting him over into
Missouri as they had planned to, he was brought to Nauvoo. There they
left Joseph and went off cursing and swearing, just as I had heard them
in my dream.

When, on the advice of the Prophet, I quit my situation on the river,
my wife felt so bad at the loss of my business prospects that she said
we might as well die by the sword as by famine. I asked her if she
thought it would be worse for us temporally to obey the word of the
Lord. I prophesied that before the year would pass away it would be
better for us than if we had remained there.

Wm. Pratt had three city lots upon which he was owing a debt of one
hundred dollars, and said if I would raise the money I might have my
choice of the three. I raised the money all but three dollars, but was
at a loss to know how to get the balance. It was a hard time to borrow
money. On my way to Brother Pratt's, I picked up three dollars in the
street, Brother Stephen Goddard being with me at the time.

I then took the three dollar bill which I found to Bishop Whitney's and
requested him to take the number of it, and if an owner came for it to
say that I would refund it to him, but that I wanted the use of it a
few days. I soon sold the lot for four hundred dollars, and then asked
my wife if my prophecy was not fulfilled.

One of my neighbors, a Brother James Moses, who lived across the street
from me, was taken sick, and for six weeks was not able to speak above
his breath. I went occasionally to see him, and one day while there
Brother Bills and I were asked by Sister Moses to administer to him,
which we did. She then asked us what we thought of him, and I replied
that I had no testimony that he would live or that he would die; but
she might as well pour water upon fire to make it burn as to give him
medicine. This offended her, as she had a doctor by the name of Green
attending him, and we left.

Soon after this Brother Kimball (one of the Apostles) was called on to
administer to him, when Sister Moses asked him what he thought of her
husband's condition. He replied in the very words that I had used, but
advised them to hold on to him. Brother Bills and I happening to call
in again to see him, we were asked if we would anoint him. I consented
and stepped up to the bed to put some oil on his forehead, but felt
impressed to stop and say that he was possessed of evil spirits, and
that they would kill him if they were not cast out before morning. He
then commenced raving, and might have been heard across the street.

The Twelve Apostles were sent for and three of them came, Brother W.
Richards being one of them, who was mouth in prayer, as we all knelt in
the room. After prayer, Brother Richards went to the bed, and, in the
name of Jesus Christ, commanded the evil spirits to leave him and leave
the house, which they did instantly, and Brother Moses became rational.
He afterwards told us all about his feelings while the evil spirits
had afflicted him, and that he was as sore as a boil all over from the
effects of what he had passed through.

When Joseph first came to Nauvoo, then called Commerce, a Mr. White,
living there, proffered to sell him his farm for twenty-five hundred
dollars, five hundred dollars of the amount to be paid down, and the
balance one year from that time. Joseph and the brethren were talking
about this offer when some of them said: "We can't buy it, for we lack
the money." Joseph took out his purse, and, emptying out its contents,
offered a half dollar to one of the brethren, which he declined
accepting, but Joseph urged him to take it, and then gave each of the
other brethren a similar amount, which left him without any. Addressing
the brethren, he then said: "Now you all have money, and I have none;
but the time will come when I will have money and you will have none!"
He then said to Bishop Knight: "You go back and buy the farm!"

Brother Knight went to White, but learned from him that he had raised
the price one hundred dollars, and returned to Joseph without closing
the bargain. Joseph again sent him with positive orders to purchase,
but Brother Knight, finding that White had raised the price still
another hundred dollars, again returned without purchasing. For the
third time then Joseph commanded him to go and buy the farm, and
charged him not to come back till he had done so.

When Bishop Knight got back to White, he had raised another hundred
on the place, making the whole amount twenty-eight hundred dollars.
However, the bargain was closed and the obligations drawn up, but
how the money was going to be raised neither Brother Knight nor the
other Brethren could see. The next morning Joseph and several of the
brethren went down to Mr. White's to sign the agreement and make the
first payment on the land. A table was brought out with the papers upon
it, and Joseph signed them, moved back from the table and sat with his
head down, as if in thought for a moment. Just then a man drove up in
a carriage and asked if Mr. Smith was there. Joseph hearing it, got up
and went to the door. The man said, "Good morning, Mr. Smith; I am on a
speculation to-day. I want to buy some land, and thought I would come
and see you." Joseph then pointed around where his land lay, but the
man said: "I can't go with you to-day to see the land. Do you want any
money this morning?"

Joseph replied that he would like some, and when the stranger asked
"How much?" he told him "Five hundred dollars."

The man walked into the house with Joseph, emptied a small sack of gold
on the table, and counted out that amount. He then handed to Joseph
another hundred dollars, saying: "Mr. Smith, I make you a present of

After this transpired, Joseph laughed at the brethren and said: "You
trusted in money; but I trusted in God. Now I have money and you have

Transcriber's Note:

Some apparent printer's errors (such as "jonrney" instead of "journey"
and "appeaance" instead of "appearance") have been resolved.

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