The Mysterious Murder of Pearl Bryan, or: the Headless Horror.

By Unknown

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Title: The Mysterious Murder of Pearl Bryan
       or: the Headless Horror.

Author: Unknown

Release Date: August 2, 2009 [EBook #29569]

Language: English


Produced by David Garcia, Stephanie Eason, and the Online
Distributed Proofreading Team at from
images generously made available by The Kentuckiana Digital

 Pearl Bryan,

 Fort Thomas Tragedy,

 Full Particulars of all Detective and Police

 Dialogues of the Interviews between Mayor Caldwell,
 Chief Deitsch and the Prisoners.

 Copyright by BARCLAY & CO.

Illustration: PEARL BRYAN.
Engraved after the only Photograph that she ever had taken during her


Fort Thomas, Kentucky, is most beautifully located near the banks of the
Ohio river, on the Highlands, just above and on the opposite side from
Cincinnati, Ohio. Although a comparatively new U. S. Military Post, it
has long been a historical point, and in the early days of the
Corncracker State, and while yet a portion of the County of Kentucky in
the State of Virginia, was the home of the red men. There are persons
yet living whose parents fought bloody battles with the Indians on the
ground now occupied as a U. S. Fort, and that adjacent thereto; a
picturesque portion of which is the scene of this true narrative of one
of the most terrible tragedies of the nineteenth Century.

The tragedy referred to was committed at the dead of night in a lonely
spot near the Fort, January 31st, 1896.

By the manner in which it was committed, it re-called the days of old,
when tyrants beheaded their victims, and the murderer at heart, who was
yet too cowardly to commit the deed, hired some one to do it, requiring
in evidence that the deed had been done, that the head should be severed
from the body and returned to the employer.

To re-call such deeds of horror to the minds of the people of a highly
civilized nation at the close of the nineteenth Century by the actual
commission of a similar deed, struck horror to the hearts of the people,
and they were worked up to a pitch that had never been witnessed in this
country before. Telephones and telegraph were called into service, and
the finding of the headless body of a young and doubtless beautiful
woman in a sequestered spot near Fort Thomas, was flashed around the
world. So shocked was the country over this ghastly find that the
metropolitan papers from one end of this country to the other informed
their representatives in the Queen City to wire full particulars of the
horrible deed, without any limit to the words to be used.

It was the most diabolical cold-blooded premediated outrage ever
committed in a civilized community. The entire surrounding country,
including the three cities, Cincinnati, O., Covington and Newport, Ky.,
were startled from center to circumference and aroused as it never had
been before. The Sixth Regiment U. S. Infantry, commanded by Col.
Cochran, which is stationed at Fort Thomas, was astounded that such an
outrage should be committed almost within the guard lines of the Fort.
Aged and battle-scarred veterans who had gone through the great civil
war, only a generation before, when brother stood in battle array
against brother, father against son, neighbor against neighbor, flocked
to the spot where the headless body lay, and stood with blanched faces,
struck dumb with amazement, at the boldness of the deed and horrible
manner in which it had been committed.

In an old orchard in the confines proper of the Fort, about midway
between the Highland and Alexandria pikes, on the farm of James Lock,
and near the fence which acts as a boundary line for Mr. Lock's farm,
was found by James Hewling, a young man, on Saturday morning, Feb. 1.,
1896, the decapitated body of a young woman of venus-like form, the
headless body lying with the neck in a pool of blood.

From the position of the body it was evident that the woman had been
thrown down violently and then her head deliberately severed with a dull
knife. The severance was made below the fifth vertebra. Judging by the
pool of blood, life had been extinct from four to eight hours when the
body was found.

The clothing of the woman was of poor quality. The dress was light blue
and white, small pattern check, of cotton, worn tight across the back
and loose in front. She also wore a dark blue skirt and a union suit of
underwear. On her hands was a pair of tan kid gloves, well worn. The
black, cloth-topped shoes were of fine quality, in contrast to the other
clothing, and were marked within "Louis & Hays, Greencastle, Ind.,
22-11. 62,458." Her stockings were black and blue, new. The rubbers were
old and worn at the heels. The corset had evidently been ripped open and
torn from her body during a struggle which took place near where it was
found. Close by was a piece of the dress, also with blood on it.

In an almost incredible short time after Hewling gave the alarm, the
soldiers from the Fort, the citizens surrounding it, and hundreds from
the city near-by gathered at the spot and were awe stricken by the sight
which met their eyes.

Who was the murdered woman and who could have committed the horrible
atrocity? These were questions which were on the lips of every one, and
for the answer of which a most thorough and searching investigation was
at once begun. The best detective talent was immediately put to work. The
people were thoroughly aroused and determined upon having the headless
body identified and the cruel, heartless murderer or murderers brought
to swift justice.

Leaving the investigation of the deed, we will now go with the reader to
a happy home of a happy family, ranking among the oldest and best
connected families in the state of Indiana, and living on the father's
farm near Greencastle, Putnam County, Indiana. Alexander S. Bryan, and
his wife who had lived to honorable old age, respected and loved by all
who knew them, owned this happy home and were the parents of twelve
children, of which at the time of this writing, seven were living, Pearl
being the youngest, of a fine, voluptuous form, with a sweet, lovely
disposition and manners, popular with all who were acquainted with her,
cheerful and happy at all times and was first entering her twenty-second
year. The Bryan family, taking all the relations into account, is the
largest in the state of Indiana, and its standing of the very highest.

Pearl the baby of the family, petted and feted, had graduated from the
Greencastle High School in 1892, with the highest honors and was the
special favorite of her graduating class. Beautiful in form and
features, highly accomplished, well educated, with a doting father and
mother, well provided with this world's goods, and with whom she was a
favorite daughter, Pearl Bryan had much to live for.

From the time she left school, aye, even before her graduating year
arrived, she had many admirers, and to look on her was to love, to love
was to lose. She counted her admirers by the score, but to none did she
give her heart, or encourage them in any serious intentions. She was
liked by all, but while she was of a lovable, affectionate disposition,
she allowed none to go beyond the line of admiration, and cupid's swift
and seldom erring shafts, fell harmless by her side.

Three long years had passed since Pearl had bade "good bye" to her
studies in the Greencastle High School, and although a leader in
society, a guest of honor where-ever she visited, none of her ardent
admirers had made a deeper impression upon her, and her heart was still
her own. Men of high moral character, well supplied with this world's
goods and standing well in business and social circles, would have
eagerly jumped at the opportunity to claim her as their wife. Their
protestations of love however seemed to have no affect upon the mind or
heart of Miss Pearl Bryan.

Money and position did not have any effect upon her favors, the young
man, struggling hard to make his way in life, was as graciously
received and as well treated by her as the young swell, rolling in
luxury and wealth.

Will Wood, a second cousin of Pearl Bryan, was one of her ardent
admirers, but was treated as one of the family and in no sense as a
lover. He was treated rather as a favorite brother by Miss Pearl, who
made a confidant of him. Wood's father who was a good old Minister lived
only a half mile distant from the Bryan's, and Will spent much of his
time at Pearl's home, and was in her company a great deal. Nothing was
thought of this, at the time, although evil tongues wagged rapidly
afterwards, and many were ready to lay at the door of Will Wood in less
than a year thereafter, direct connection and complicity with a crime
unparallelled in the criminal history of the Nineteenth Century.

Along in the latter part of 1894, Scott Jackson with his mother moved to
Greencastle, Ind., from Jersey City, N. J. One of Mrs. Jackson's
daughters, the wife of Dr. Edwin Post, of Depauw University, had lived
at Greencastle for many years, and Mrs. Jackson moved there to get near
her daughter. Scott Jackson belonged to a good family, his father being
Commodore Jackson, who commanded many vessels and who stood high in
social circles in New Jersey. Scott cut quite a prominent figure in both
the social and business world. He went to Jersey City with splendid
recommendations. His career there was considerably checkered however,
and he only escaped a long sentence to the penitentiary, which his
partner Alexander Letts is now serving, by turning State's evidence in a
case of embezzlement in which Jackson and Letts had embezzled a large
amount, said to have been $32,000 from the Pennsylvania Railroad

Jackson and Letts, it appears, obtained employment of the Pennsylvania
Railroad company, in the Jersey City offices. One of Jackson's duties
was to receive and open the mails.


After a few months extensive robberies in the railroad office were
discovered. They were said to amount to nearly $32,000. They were traced
to Jackson and Letts. It was found, according to testimony during the
two trials that followed, that Jackson abstracted checks from the mail,
and that Letts, to whom he handed them, had them cashed.

Meanwhile the saloon which they kept had become notorious. They were
acknowledged high flyers in sporting circles. Both had become "plungers"
on the race tracks. It was reported that they made much money, owing to
their lavish expenditures. They "entertained" liberally in their own
particular way, and for a time were looked upon as "good fellows" among
the sporting fraternity, who sought the privilege of their acquaintance.
Jackson was a prominent member of the Entre Nous, an exclusive social

Suddenly, the Pennsylvania Railroad officials discovered that these two
young men were "sporting" at the expense of the company. Their arrest
followed. At the first trial the jury disagreed.


Before the second trial took place the railroad company discovered such
proof of Jackson's guilt that he found it healthy to turn state's
evidence against Letts. The latter was sentenced to a long term in the
State Prison. Jackson went free and also went away from Jersey.

News of this escapade and his career in Jersey City never reached
Greencastle and his family there ranking among the best. He was at once
given an entree into society which might well be envied by any young
man. Will Wood, who lived a near neighbor to Mrs. Jackson, and who as
stated was a particular favorite with Pearl Bryan, took a great liking
to Scott Jackson. They were very intimate, in fact became chums.

Jackson entered the dental college at Indianapolis, and Wood being of a
rather reckless disposition would go to Indianapolis to see Jackson, and
together they would have a big time in the city. Both being fond of
ladies' company, they spent much of their time together in the company
of women of loose moral character and were in several very unsavory
escapades, escaping notoriety however under assumed names, which
prevented their families and friends at Greencastle from hearing of
them. With no knowledge of his former career and ignorant of his
escapades while at college at Indianapolis, it is no wonder that he was
a favorite in society when at home. Belonging to an exellent family, he
was outwardly a man whom any father would be proud to have his daughter
associate with. With dimples on his chin and cheeks, a childish smile on
his lips, frank, beautiful, pale violet-blue eyes, he had a most winsome
countenance. But behind the angelic front was hidden a very demon.
Jackson was a monstrosity if you will, a whited sepulchre, and one of
the unaccountable freaks of nature. To those not knowing his habits, a
handsome, affable, pleasing man of fine form and features; to those who
knew him truly, a villain of the deepest dye, a very demon in human

Illustration: The Home of Pearl Bryan at Greencastle, Ind.--Drawn by
our special Artist.

Notwithstanding Will Wood knew him as he did, and that Pearl Bryan was
Wood's second cousin the same blood coursing through their veins, Wood
introduced Jackson into the Bryan family in the spring of 1895. It was a
case of love at first sight. From the first meeting between Scott
Jackson and Pearl Bryan, at the colonial mansion of the Bryans on the
hill, Pearl showed that she was most favorably impressed with him. She
who had refused to listen to the wooing whispers of men in high rank and
station in life by the scores, fell at once a victim to the darts from
cupid's shafts sent from Jackson's lips, for after occurrences proved
conclusively that the honeyed words and winsome smiles, which won their
way so easily into the heart of Pearl Bryan, came only from the lips and
never from the heart of him who lent his every effort to win the heart
of the belle of Putnam County, as Pearl Bryan was known, but with no
manly or honorable purpose. Scott Jackson was void of moral principle
and honor, and never did anything with a manly purpose, he was incapable
of such action.


After the arrest of Jackson for the crime, he was turned over to
Sergeant Kiffmeyer, of the Cincinnati police force, who has charge of
the Bertillion system of measuring and identifying criminals for the
local Police Department, and who is recognized as an authority on

After he had completed the measurement of Jackson he said, "Every man's
head tells its own story. Jackson is another H. H. Holmes.

"Jackson has the cunning to plot and plan, and to conceal.

"Jackson is a mind far beyond the ordinary. He has a head such as
Napoleon would have.


"Jackson knew fully and realized what lay before him in the murder of
Pearl Bryan.

"Jackson is absolutely incapable of any expression of remorse.

"The only appeal that can be made to Jackson is through his fear of

"Jackson's skull is abnormal, and unusually long in proportion to its
breadth. It is abnormally developed on the right side in front and on
the left side in the rear of the head.

"Jackson is a natural monster, or monstrosity, which ever you will. Look
at his portrait," and the Sergeant held up his photograph. "Is that
the face of a criminal?

"Jackson has other peculiarities. His fingers are disproportionately
long to his height.

"Jackson has all the characteristics of a criminal by nature."


Was it cruel fate which led pure, beautiful, innocent and attractive
Pearl Bryan into the toils of such a fiend in human shape? Or was it the
blind Goddess of Justice that led Jackson to meet Miss Pearl and
sacrifice her life that the demon Jackson might be exposed to the
world, his deeds of evil and misdoings brought to light, and he
expatiate the many crimes which he had committed on the gallows or by
serving a life sentence in the penitentiary?

Be that as it may they met through the intimate acquaintance and
friendship of each with Will Wood, who little thought when he brought
this pure spotless virgin in contact with the hypocrite and demon,
Jackson, that he was committing a sin, which he would regret to his
dying day, and which would bring disgrace, dishonor and ruin on two
highly respected families and also upon his own head and that of his
aged respected and christian father, who was at the time the Presiding
Elder of a church for the Greencastle District.

The acquaintance of Jackson and Miss Pearl soon ripened into friendship
and that friendship into trusting confiding love on the Part of Miss
Bryan, and the accomplishment of the deep, villainous designs upon the
part of Jackson. As Will Wood said in a talk afterward, "Pearl was stuck
on Jackson from the first time they met, Jackson would come and get my
horse and buggy and drive over to Pearl's house, when they would often
go out driving together. Pearl was pretty and ambitious, but I never
thought she would do wrong. Now I can see she was perfectly infatuated
with Jackson from the start; so much that I am firmly convinced, she was
completely in his power, and he took advantage of his influence over
her." Through Jackson's cunning to plot and plan as well as to conceal,
the relations of criminal intimacy between him and Pearl, were never
even suspected by anyone. Jackson was not in Greencastle a great deal,
and this fact enabled him to carry on his illicit relations with her
more boldly than he would otherwise have been able to do. The parents of
the erring girl never for a moment suspected anything wrong. Pearl was
their favorite, the daughter of their old age, had been raised with
every care and precaution, had always moved in the very best of society,
and Jackson to them was a gentleman, a member of one of the best
families of the country, well-thought of and respected in the community
in which they moved, and was not looked upon as a lover, although they
were aware of the fact that Pearl was more seriously smitten with his
charms than she ever had been with those of any of the other many
admirers and friends who had visited their home as the company of Pearl.
Without hesitancy they permitted their favorite daughter to accept the
attentions of Jackson, go out with him when he was visiting home, and
remain alone with him in their parlor until late hours in the night.
They had every confidence in Pearl, and no suspicion of the villainous
intentions of Jackson, or the evil influence he possessed over her.

With Pearl Bryan, it was the oft told tale, "She loved not wisely but
too well." Jackson, "a criminal by nature" with his "angelic front",
behind which was hidden a demon, with his low moral character, so well
concealed from the public, and with a set design to ruin the pure and
innocent girl, which had been thrown in his way, was not slow to take
advantage of his opportunities and the influence and power, which he
could easily see he held over the unsuspecting girl.

Loving and trusting Jackson as she had never before loved any man, and
being of a sanguine nervous temperament, with her likes and dislikes of
the strongest possible, with a great deal of animal nature, cheerful and
talkative, yet lacking in force, by nature kind and benevolent to a
fault, and her development of individuality and self-reliance small, she
was one who could be easily persuaded but never driven. Jackson was not
slow to learn this, and with honeyed words and protestations of love, he
won Pearl Bryan's heart. This won, the accomplishment of his devilish
designs, her ruin, was easy. She fell a victim to his lustful desire,
and in a short time discovered that she would soon become a mother.
Almost crazed at this discovery she knew not what to do or which way to
turn. It was the first blot that had ever come on the name of a member
of the proud Bryan family. In her desperation she confided her condition
to her cousin, Will Wood. As Wood claimed, no one else in Greencastle
knew or even suspected anything of the true condition of affairs between
Pearl Bryan and Scott Jackson. They had been keeping company with each
other whenever Jackson was in Greencastle, from the early spring of 1895
until September of the same year, when she discovered her condition, no
one except Will Wood knowing anything wrong about them.

The discovery of Pearl Bryan that she was in a delicate condition, and
Jackson being the cause of her trouble, and as he said in a letter to
Wood wishing to get clear of the scandal, brings us to the third, and
possibly the most important suspect in the dreadful tragedy near Fort
Thomas, Ky.

Alonzo Walling, nineteen years of age, was born on a farm near Mt.
Carmel, Ind. His father died when he was but three years old, leaving
his mother in moderate circumstances with two other boys, Clint and
Charles. When Alonzo was thirteen she moved to Greencastle where she
kept boarders and Alonzo commenced at once to work in a glass factory to
help support his mother. He worked there four years, and was thrown out
of work when the factory was closed. Then his mother, by self-sacrifice,
sent him to the Indianapolis Dental college, paying all his expenses,
and it is learned that he worked hard and was one of the formost in his
class. He returned home every evening, and on Saturdays assisted Dr.
Sparks, at Greenfield, in his dental parlors. His term expired in March,
1895, when his mother moved to Oxford and made her home with her sister,
Mrs. James Faucett. Having very poor health, her only thought was to try
and give him a good education.

It was at the Indianapolis Dental College that he first met Jackson and
became acquainted with him. By some strange and uncontrollable fatallity
Walling was thrown with Jackson again in Cincinnati. Here is his own
statement made Wednesday, Feb. 5., 1896, regarding their acquaintance
and friendship:

"I met Jackson in Indianapolis, a little more than a year ago. We
attended the Indiana Dental College together. I did not know him
intimately there, although we attended the same class. When the school
season was over, I had no idea of meeting him again here in Cincinnati."

"How did you come to room together here?"

"Well, I was standing on the doorstep of our boarding-house, at 222 West
Ninth Street, the second day of our school term here in October, when
Scott came along Ninth Street and recognized me. On the strength of our
being acquainted in Indianapolis we roomed together at 222 Ninth Street
and took our meals out."

Walling had no unsavory record, although he did not stand well at
Greenfield, while living there. That he was directly connected with the
Fort Thomas tragedy there can be no doubt. Sergeant Kiffmeyer, who has
charge of the Bertillion System, and who is quoted regarding Scott
Jackson, said of Alonzo Walling, after taking his measurement.
"Walling's head is that of a commonplace criminal, he is just the
opposite of Scott Jackson, at the same time Walling is utterly void of
any ability or cunning to plot and plan and to conceal. Jackson knew
fully and realized what lay before him in the murder of Pearl Bryan.
Walling had not realized the enormity of the crime, and is supremely
indifferent to the consequences and to the crime committed. No appeal,
not even the fear of punishment, will have any impression on Walling."

The History of the Tragedy.

Never in the history of the crimes committed in this section of the
country has the same interest or the same deep feeling been aroused as
has been in the Ft. Thomas (Ky.) murder.

The fact that the head was removed from the body and secreted or
destroyed, and the developments which followed fast upon each other,
adding day by day new evidence to show the cold-bloodedness of the
crime, the preparations which had been made for its successful carrying
out and the covering up of all traces of the identity of the murderer
and the murdered. The mystery that still surrounds the hiding place of
the dismembered head, have led to this result.

A murder so horrible and revolting as to appear to place it beyond the
civilization of to-day, had been committed within ear shot of one of the
most popular U. S. Military Posts of this country, and within a few
miles of the center of population of this the greatest and most highly
civilized nation on earth. The murderer had hacked the head from the
body of his victim, and carried it away with him. Whether from pure
savagory and demon spirit or to prevent the identification of his victim
was not known.

The body was found in an orchard at Ft. Thomas on Saturday, February 1.,
at 8 o'clock in the morning. The neck, where it had been severed from
the body, lay in a pool of blood, and from evidences on the body and in
the bush under which it lay, a fierce struggle had taken place before
the victim received her death stroke.


Upon the body or in the clothing there was nothing by which the woman
could be identified, excepting the dealers' names in the shoe, and the
murder or murderers had left no other clew behind by which they could be
identified. Without the head, the mystery seemed unsolvable, and every
effort was made to find it in the vicinity.

The remaining details of the crime, as far as circumstantial evidence
revealed them, told a story which was truly horrifying. The dumb
evidence given by foot prints, blood-stains, broken tree branches, was
terrible to reflect upon.

The body was lying upon the bank with the feet higher than the body, and
the clothing so disarranged that the officers were at first led to
believe that the woman had been outraged before she was murdered. The
clothing could easily have been as much disarranged in the struggle
which had evidently taken place and when the murderer threw his victim
to the ground.

The upper part of the woman's dress was open as was the garment beneath,
and her bosom was bare. The skirt-band was unloosed, and the skirt of
the dress was gathered up about the waist. Beneath the stump of the neck
there was a huge pool of blood, and blood was scattered about on the
grass and the leaves of the overhanging bushes. One glove lay in the
bushes and a piece torn from the woman's dress was hanging to a bit of
brushwood several yards from the body. The officers carefully examined
the footprints leading to the spot where the body lay, and they found
that the man and the woman had walked side by side for a short distance
when, for some reason, the woman had attempted to flee and the man had
followed and overtaken her. The tracks were especially distinct here,
for the woman had run through a very muddy spot, which she would have
avoided had she had time to pick her way. The murderer overtook his
victim before she had screamed more than once or twice. He choked her
into silence and dragged her toward the bushy bank. She struggled
desperately, and he tore a handful of cloth from her dress. He threw her
to the ground and slid over the bank with her. He must have drawn his
knife after the struggle began; otherwise he would have used it sooner.
He slashed at her throat. She clutched the knife with the one hand she
had free--her left--and three times the blade laid her palm or fingers
open to the bone. Her struggle was useless, and in a moment her life
blood was pouring from a gaping wound in her throat.

When she was dead, or, at least, powerless to resist, the assassin
searched for some article concealed on her person. He tore off her
corset, leaving the marks of his bloody fingers on the garment, which he
threw a yard or two from him, and then unbuttoned the under garment
beneath her corset, where a letter might have been concealed. Whether he
found something which aroused him to jealous rage, or whether he
finished his awful work in the hope of concealing the identity of his
victim, no one knows.

The murder must have been committed Friday night for the clothing of the
dead woman was not wet and the rain Friday night had kept up until near
ten o'clock.

The struggle between the murderer and his victim was a most desperate
one. Half of a man's shirt sleeve was found near the dead body, soaked
in blood. The woman had evidently torn it from her murderers arm in her
desperate struggle for her life.

The lad Hewling upon discovering the body of the murdered woman, was
horror stricken by the sight and ran towards Mr. Lock's house, badly
frightened and calling lustily for help. Mr. Lock, his son Wilbert and
Mike Noonan, an employ, came running from the house. When they had seen
the body, Mr. Lock went direct to Fort Thomas, telephoned the news of
the ghastly find to the Newport police headquarters, and notified Col.
Cochran the Commander at the Fort.

Jule Plummer, Sheriff of Campbell County, Kentucky, Coroner Tingley and
a number of the other County and City officials respondet the telephone
summons at once and hurried to the scene. The body had not been touched
nor had any one been in touching distance of it when these officers
arrived and viewed it.

The body was ordered to be taken to undertaker W. H. Whites in Newport,
by Coroner Tingley, at once after he had examined it. Upon this
examination he said that there was no evidence whatever that the woman's
person had been outraged.

The work of identifying the victim and running down her murderers was at
once begun. The entire detective and police force of Cincinnati,
Covington and Newport, was put to work to unravel the mystery, identify
the remains and capture her murderers.

There was little or no clew to work on. Detectives Crim and McDermott,
of Cincinnati, were assigned to work actively on the case, and sent to
the scene at once by Col. Philip Deitsch, Superintendent of Police of
Cincinnati. Before these sleuth-hounds of the law, Crim and McDermott,
reached the place where the headless body had been found, hundreds of
persons from the three cities, and every soldier stationed at Fort
Thomas, who could possibly get away, had preceded them. The grass and
bushes were trampled down by the crowds of visitors who had come to
satisfy their curiosity, but who, through their eagerness to see and
learn everything possible, had destroyed so nearly every particle of
evidence the murderer had left behind him. The foot prints and other
evidences of the desperate struggle were all destroyed and but little
was left for them to work on.

Relic hunters were out in great numbers and they almost demolished the
bush under which the body was discovered, breaking off branches upon
which blood spots could be seen. They peered closely into the ground for
blood-spotted leaves, stones and even saturated clay. Anything that had
a blood stain upon it was seized upon eagerly, and hairs of the
unfortunate woman were at a premium, men and boys, and even young women,
examining every branch and twig of the bush in the midst of which the
struggle took place, in the hope of finding one. The inherent, morbid
love of the horrible the mass of humanity possesses was well illustrated
in the scenes witnessed. The heavy rain which fell nearly all afternoon
was not deterrent to these relic hunters' zeal.


The scene at Undertaker White's establishment, on Fourth Street, in
Newport, where the body was taken to, was one of activity. All day long
and up to a late hour at night the place was besieged with people
anxious to get a look at the remains of the unfortunate woman. The crowd
was composed mostly of men, but there was quite a number of women to be
seen among them. Several persons came in and gave descriptions of
missing friends, and, if they tallied in any way with the corpse, they
were permitted to view it.

Owing to the close proximity to Fort Thomas, where the body was found,
and the well-known fact that a number of the "women on the town" in
Cincinnati were in the habit of visiting the soldiers at the Fort, many
suspected that some one of the soldiers had committed the crime, and as
the clothes on the body were of the cheapest kind, they thought the
victim was one of these lowe women. Col. Cochran, the commander of the
Fort, would not allow such a stigma to rest upon his post. He instituted
a most thorough investigation, and invited the civil officials to aid
him in his investigation. It did not take long to convince those working
on the case that the soldiers were in no way involved in the terrible

On Saturday night, not many hours after the discovery of the headless
body, Arthur Carter, of Seymour Ind., arrived with his trio of famous
bloodhounds, Jack, Wheeler and Stonewall.

The hounds are the same animals that tracked Bud Stone, the colored
murderer of the Wratten family, at Washington, Ind., to his home. Stone
was later arrested, and when charged with the crime made a full
confession, for which he was afterward hanged.

Mr. Carter said during his brief stop at the Grand Central Depot that
over 20 criminals are now serving time in the penitentiaries of Indiana
and Illinois as a result of the work of the hounds.

Before being taken to the scene of the murder the dogs were taken to
White's undertaking establishment and given a scent of the unfortunate
woman's clothing. Carter expressed a doubt as to the dogs ability to do
any work in striking a trail by the scent from the clothing, as it had
been freely handled by a half hundred of persons. The dogs, with noses
close to the ground, ran hither and thither in a confused manner. It was
evident that the dogs were useless, as all tracks left by the murderer
and his victim had been obliterated by the thousands of people who had
crossed over the place where the body was found.


They followed the scent as far as the Covington reservoir, when they
lost it, and were unable to gain it again. In the hope that the head
might be found in this body of water the reservoir was drained on
Monday, involving an expense of about $2,000, but the head was not
discovered, and the hard-working, earnest detectives and Sheriff Plummer
were apparently baffled.

Clew after clew was followed up only to be abandoned as fruitless. A
large number of young women were reported missing from various parts of
the country, but when traced up and pursued to its end, each clew proved
to be without any tangible basis. There was nothing to work on, but the
officers of the law, kept up the search for the head and the
identification of the remains with most commandable persistency. Every
Suggestion was received and considered, nothing was left undone that
could be done.


The authorities then turned their attention to the only tangible clew,
the shoes. Sheriff Plummer, of Campbell County, accompanied by
Detectives Crim and McDermott, of this city, proceeded on Monday night
to Greencastle, Ind., to interview the dealers from whom the shoes had
evidently been purchased. They also took along the dead girls clothing.
At the store of Louis & Hayes it was found that the entire lot of shoes,
one dozen pairs, had been purchased by them from Portsmouth. Nine of
these pairs had been sold, and all but two purchasers were readily
accounted for. Then an attempt was made to locate these two pairs, one
of which had, without doubt, been worn by the murdered girl. This seemed
impossible for a time. In the meanwhile every girl who had left the
Depauw Seminary, near Greencastle, was traced down, and found each time.

In the meantime every thing possible was being done at the scene of the
murder. Two tramps were arrested at Ludlow, Ky., as suspects, but were
afterwards released for lack of evidence. Crowds flocked to the morgue
in Newport, where the headless body lay; it being identified a number
of times as the body of some one who after the identification would turn
out to be alive and well.

Probably the strongest case of identification, which did not identify,
was that of Mrs. Hart, of Cincinnati, who identified the remains as
those of her daughter, Ella Markland. Emil Eshler, a friend of Mrs.
Hart, and William Hess, a saloon-keeper, both thought it was the body of
Mrs. Markland, and were so strongly convinced of it, that they told the
mother of their opinion. She and her husband then went to Newport, where
she made a very careful examination, which resulted in her declaring
that beyond a reasonable doubt the body was that of her daughter. The
woman called at the Cincinnati headquarters and in a long talk with
Chief Deitsch declared that she was fully convinced the body was that of
Ella Markland. Her story of the identification was told at considerable
length and between many sobs.

She said she had been allowed to thoroughly examine the body at Newport
and that she identified it by the peculiar shape of the legs from the
knee down and by the general contour of the breast, waist and limbs. In
talking to the chief she was asked when she had last seen her daughter
and replied that it was New Year's Eve that she last saw her alive. Mrs.
Markland was afterwards found on Ninth Street in Cincinnati, where she
was working as a domestic.

Without question the most sensational clew upon which the detectives had
to work, was the unearthing of a true life story, in which passion and
crime were involved, and which for days promised to bear fruit of a most
sensational character.

This clew was, that the headless body, was that of Francisca Engelhardt,
who had not long ago been married to a Dr. Kettner, who deserted his
first wife in Dakota, and whom she had never seen until he came to
Cincinnati, to marry her, the acquaintance and engagement having been
made through a correspondence advertisement in a Cincinnati newspaper.
The pair were married by Squire Winkler, the girl never knowing that her
husband was a bigamist.

Three months afterward the first wife, at Mitchell, S. D., heard that
her husband had married a woman in Cincinnati. She wrote but received no
answer, then came on to Cincinnati, and on finding that the report of
her husband being again married was true, she sued for divorce.


Meanwhile Kettner fled to Louisville with his second wife, then to
points in Indiana, where he was located from time to time. When his
first wife sued for divorce he was traced to Batesville, Ind. He never
replied to her petition for divorce, and she would have won her suit had
she not been forced to abandon it on account of lack of money. She was
determined, however, to prosecute him for bigamy.

Mrs. Anna Burkhardt, of No. 1317 Vine Street, with whom the Engelhardt
girl had boarded, called at the Cincinnati police headquarters and told
her story. She furnished Chief Deitsch and Mayor Caldwell with pictures
of both Kettner and Francisca Engelhardt.

The whole story at once impressed itself so fully upon both the Mayor
and Chief Deitsch that work was immediately begun. Telegrams of a
private nature were sent to points in Indiana and the West. One from
Evansville states that Kettner and his second wife left that town for
parts unknown about a month before. He was then traced through various
cities and towns until on the same day on which the arrest of Jackson
and Walling was made. In response to telegrams from Greencastle, Ind.,
Dr. Kettner and wife, were located at Marquette Mich., he having had a
shady record, at every point he had been traced to. Superintendent of
Police Deitsch and Mayor Caldwell, of Cincinnati, considered this the
best clew on which the detectives could work.

As soon as the intelligence was imparted to Chief Deitsch, he ordered
renewed activity in the case and in the afternoon went over to Campbell
County to personally supervise the work of his detectives.


Chief Deitsch interviewed both Mrs. Burkhardt and her daughter at their

Mrs. Anna Burkhardt said:

"I went to Newport Tuesday morning to view the corpse, and can say
almost positively that it is that of Francisca Engelhardt, who married
Dr. Kettner. I could recognize her hand out of hundreds. She had
remarkably beautiful hands, and always held up the right one in a
peculiar position when speaking. When I saw the body at the Morgue I
took her hand and placed it in that position, and the resemblance
strongly confirmed my first conclusion. The size of the body also
corresponds with the stature of the girl I knew.

"When she lived with us I slept with her, and, therefore, know her
peculiarities. She had a very pretty foot, of which she was exceedingly
proud. She would often hold it up to view and speak about it. The toes
were peculiarly shaped, and I immediately recognized them on the corpse.

"Before I entered the room with Detective Keating to look at the body, I
fully described her peculiar foot to him. He had never seen the body,
either, and was also immediately struck with the resemblance of the foot
to my description.

"She came to my house in September, 1893, but she took a position that
same fall in Dr. Reamy's hospital, on Walnut Hills, as telephone girl.
She visited us frequently, however, and often stayed all night with us.


she received letters from Mitchell, S. D., and told us that they were
from a Dr. Kettner. On April 13, 1894, he came to see her at my house,
and the next day--it was Saturday, April 14--she gave up her position at
the hospital and was married to Kettner by Squire Winkler. My daughter
was a witness to the ceremony. They lived here for ten days after the
marriage, and since that time I have seen neither of them. The woman
also stated a very important fact. She says that the girl wore a
corset having two inside pockets, and was in the habit of carrying
everything of value, such as money and articles that she prized, in
these pockets. When she married Kettner Mrs. Burkhardt warned her in a
friendly way that perhaps he was not honest. In answer to this the girl
drew the marriage certificate from her bosom, displaying it and saying
that she would never part with it, but would carry it in her corset. The
couple made frequent trips to Ft. Thomas, which seemed to be a favorite
resort with them."

Illustration: Her struggle was useless, the life-blood was pouring from
a gaping wound in her throat.


Dr. Kettner had a motive, which made this clew seem the right one for
such a deed as committed at Fort Thomas. Being a bigamist and fearing
that his first wife, who followed him so many miles, would prosecute
him, his only hope was to secure the marriage certificate and other
evidence against him. The Engelhardt girl always carried the marriage
certificate in her bosom, beneath the corset, and more than once said
she would never part with it.


At 3 o'clock Monday afternoon Dr. Robert Carothers, of Newport, made a
post-mortem examination of the body at White's undertaking
establishment. It was made in the presence of Dr. J. O. Jenkins, Drs. J.
L. and C. T. Phythian, Dr. J. W. Fishback and Coroner W. S. Tingley. The
examination occupied over an hour, and was very thorough. The result was
the finding of a foetus of between four or five months' gestation. The
doctors also came to the conclusion that the woman was not over 20 years
of age, and that she had never before been pregnant. The foetus was
removed and taken to A. F. Goetze's pharmacy, corner of Fifth and York
Streets, where it was placed in alcohol for preservation.

The stomach was taken out and turned over to Dr. W. H. Crane, of the
Medical College of Ohio, in Cincinnati, and he made all the known tests
for the various poisons that might have been administered. This was
done to ascertain, if possible, whether the woman was drugged before
being taken to the place where the crime was committed.

Dr. Carothers, who was at the time a professor at the Ohio Medical
College, had been an interne in the Cincinnati Hospital, and his
experience qualified him to judge accurately of other details than those
pertaining only to professional matters.

"I am satisfied that the girl was not outraged," said he. "The man had a
reason to kill her, and the result of the post mortem shows it. I judge
that it was a premediated and cold-blooded murder. The girl, in my
opinion, was from the country and was comparatively innocent. She was
brought to Cincinnati to submit to a criminal operation. Once here she
was taken to F. Thomas and murdered. Her head was taken away, horrible
as it may seem, merely to prevent the identification of her body."


L. D. Poock, a leading shoe merchant of Newport, who took a most
decidedly active interest in the case from the start, claiming as was
proven true afterwards that the marks in the shoes would certainly
identify the remains, did some valuable detective work under the
direction of Sheriff Plummer. Mr. Poock was struck by the narrowness of
the shoes worn by the dead girl, and opened them to discover the size
and width. He recognized the fact that 11 and 22 in the shoe would give
him the information desired if he had but the key.

While at one of the Cincinnati factories, a salesman stepped forward and
recognized the shoe as one manufactured by Drew, Selby & Co., of
Portsmouth, Ohio.

Upon this information Mr. Poock, determined upon seeing the whole thing
out, took a train for Portsmouth, and, arriving at the factory of Drew,
Selby & Co., established in 10 minutes that Louis & Hays had given an
order for 12 pairs of black cloth top button shoes April 18, 1895, for
fall delivery. The shipment was made September the 3., 1895, and among
the lot there was but one pair of shoes numbered 22-11.

This clew so thoroughly worked up by Mr. Poock, who kept Sheriff Plummer
and the detectives, who had gone to Greencastle, Ind., posted as to the
result of his investigation regarding the shoes, proved to be the
correct one, the one by which the body of the murdered woman was
positively identified and by the investigation of which the arrest of
the murderers was secured.


Sheriff Jule Plummer of Campbell County, Kentucky, and Detectives Crim
and McDermott of Cincinnati, who had gone to Greencastle, were kept
thoroughly posted as to the work being done on the Cincinnati or rather
Fort Thomas tragedy. Not a clew or theory with the least resemblance to
truth was neglected.

The first persons seen were Messrs. Louis & Hays, the shoe dealers from
whom the shoes worn by the victim were supposed to have been purchased.
Mr. Hays said that the shoes were manufactured by Drew, Selby & Co., of
Portsmouth, Ohio, and showed Sheriff Plummer a telegram from the latter
firm which was received that morning. In this it was stated that in the
entire lot of shoes which had been especially made to order for Louis &
Hays, but one pair was numbered 22-11, which is the Portsmouth firm's
mark for size three. This pair was found upon the unfortunate girl. Upon
this theory Sheriff Plummer and Detectives Crim and McDermott went to
work. Of that whole lot of shoes made for Louis & Hays by the Portsmouth
firm, the officers located seven pairs, leaving but two unaccounted for.
The clerks in the shoe store were shown the muddy shoe taken from the
girl's foot. They all recognized it at a glance.

The articles of wearing apparel which were also brought along were shown
to nearly all of the leading dry goods merchants. None of them were able
to recognize even one of the articles. An effort was also made to
identify the gloves worn by the murdered woman. In none of the stores
could a similar pair be found.

The officers were not discouraged however. The proof was positive almost
beyond a doubt that the shoes worn by the murdered girl had been sold to
her by Louis & Hays in their store at Greencastle. This was the only
tangible clew they had to work on and with it properly run down, they
were perfectly satisfied, they would secure the identification of the
beheaded woman, if not fix the guilt of the crime on some one in the
immediate vicinity.

Another visit was made to Louis & Hays store at night, the books of the
firm were carefully gone over again and again. Only seven of the nine
pairs of the Drew, Selby & Co., shoes sold by Louis & Hays could be
accounted for, and none of those were the ones worn by the murdered

The Fort Thomas tragedy, and the coming of Sheriff Plummer, Detectives
Crim and McDermott to Greencastle, in search of the identification of
the shoes had aroused the people at that place, especially so, the
suspicion of a Mr. A. W. Early, Manager of the Western Union, to whose
noble work, the officers owe nearly all their success and information.

The description of the body of the dead girl, especially that part,
which described her fingers as resembling those of a seamstress, and the
little wart on the finger, aroused the suspicion of Mrs. Alexander S.
Bryan, whose daughter Pearl, was, as the mother thought, visiting
friends in Indianapolis, Ind. Nothing was mentioned of these suspicions
outside the immediate family, but so strong were the suspicions with
them, that Fred Bryan a brother of Pearl telegraphed to Indianapolis to
Pearl's friends, asking if she was there. The answer came that Pearl had
not been in Indianapolis, although she had left for that city, Jan., 28.

A. W. Early, the manager for the Western Union Telegraph Company at
Greencastle, saw the telegram and answer from Indianapolis. It was then,
he knew, that he possessed positive information, not only as to the
identification of the headless body at the Morgue in Newport, but also
to the fixing of the guilt on one or more persons, one of whom at least
was Early's intimate friend. Realizing this and awe-stricken with the
horribleness of the deed in which his friend was, to say the least,
indirectly implicated, he rushed at once to the hotel and in an excited
manner called the officers out to tell them his story. After a very
hurried conference with Early the officers all left the hotel to go with
Early to his office where he gave the first real clew to the victim and
upon which information, three men Scott Jackson and Alonzo Walling,
students at the Ohio Dental College, in Cincinnati, and William Wood, a
medical student who was with his uncle in South Bend, Ind., were on that
same night arrested, charged with the murder and complicity in the
murder of Pearl Bryan, whose headless body lay at Undertaker White's
Establishment in Newport, Ky.

Early's story was that he came to Greencastle Oct. 4., 1895. "Soon after
my arrival at Greencastle I made the acquaintance of Will Wood, a
student at Depauw University. This acquaintance soon ripened into a
friendship which brought us together a great deal and made us confide to
each other much more than is ordinary among young men.

"So fast did the friendship between Will Wood and myself become that he
would show me his letters. Among those he showed, I remember one from
Scott Jackson, a young man from Greencastle, who is in Cincinnati
attending a dental college.

"In this letter Jackson confided to his chum, Will Wood, that he,
Jackson and Pearl Bryan had been too intimate, that she had loved not
wisely, but too well, and as a result he had betrayed her, that Pearl
would soon become a mother, and asked Wood's help in this matter.

"He admitted his intimacy with Pearl, and his responsibility for her
present condition. He quoted recipes calculated to prevent the evil
results of their indiscretion, and asked Wood to get them and give them
to Pearl.

"Wood did this, as he said he was willing to do anything he could for
Jackson and especially for Pearl, who was Wood's second cousin.

"These drugs however did not have the desired effect of reversing the
laws of nature.

"One letter, I remember was in answer to one which Wood had written to
Jackson, informing him that Pearl Bryan was showing the effects of her
indiscretion and intimacy with Jackson, and telling him that the recipes
sent by him had been furnished by Wood.

"Jackson regretted that his recipes had failed but said something must
be done and suggested that the girl be sent to Cincinnati, stating that
he could arrange to have an abortion performed on her.

"Wood told me afterward that Pearl had gone to Cincinnati to have a
criminal operation performed, and had told her parents she was going to
Indianapolis to visit friends. She had money with her, sufficient to
cover any expenses she might incur in such an undertaking."

He then told of Fred Bryan the brother of Pearl, telegraphing to
Indianapolis inquiring about Pearl and receiving an answer that she had
not been there.

It was midnight when the detectives heard of this and went to the house
of Mr. Spivy, of Louis & Hays, and got him to go to the shoe store with
them. On arriving there the books of the firm were again examined and
the name of Pearl Bryan was found on them, and the fact that she had
bought a pair of No. 3 shoes was found. In all their scrutiny of the
books this fact had escaped the detectives and shoe dealers.


This settled the fact that Pearl Bryan had purchased the shoes, and at
two o'clock Wednesday morning the officers visited the home of the
Bryans, taking with them the clothes found on the murdered woman. Here
an awful climax came. The mother of Pearl was shown the clothes and one
by one she positively identified them between her sobs and cries of "My
Pearl, my Pearl."

The dress was one which had been made over for Pearl out of one which
had belonged to a dead sister. The bloody undershirt was at once
recognized. The family sought to find something upon which to base a
hope that it might not be their loved one, and argued that she might
have given her clothes to some one else, but this has positively been
disproven. The murdered woman was Pearl Bryan.

The blow to their hopes came when the officers told them that the
murdered woman had webbed or deformed toes, and described them to her.
Her sister exclaimed: "My God, it is Pearl! We used to tease her about
those when she was little." The scar on the right hand was then told of
and added a link to the identification.

Even the hairpins were positively identified as belonging to Pearl.
There were two gold-plated and two rubber ones of an auburn hue. There
remained no doubt as to whom the missing woman was, and there was but
one thing to do--pursue her murderer.

The whole thing became plain to the officers. They at once determined to
secure the arrest of both Jackson and Wood. They knew that Jackson was
in Cincinnati so they decided to wire Chief of Police Deitsch and have
Jackson arrested and to go in person to South Bend, Ind., for which
place Wood had left on the Thursday previous, for the purpose of
studying medicine with his uncle, and place Wood under arrest.

They at once sent the following telegram:


     PHILIP DEITSCH, Superintendent of Police, Cincinnati, Ohio: Arrest
     and charge with murder of Pearl Bryan, one Scott Jackson, student
     at Dental College, about 24 years old, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high,
     weighs about 136 pounds, blonde, nearly sandy mustache, light
     complexion, may have beard of about six months growth, effeminate
     in appearance. Positive identification of clothing by family.
     Arrest if in Cincinnati, William Wood, friend of Jackson. Charge as
     accomplice. About 20 years, 5 feet 11 inches, light blonde hair,
     smooth face, rather slender, weighs 165 pounds. We go from here to
     South Bend after Wood as he left here for that place.


Immediately on receipt of the telegram Colonel Deitsch detailed
Detectives Witte, Bulmer and Jackson to look after Jackson. It was
learned that he roomed at the house of Mrs. McNevin, at 222 West Ninth,
next door to Robinson's Opera House. Detective Jackson was stationed in
the house and Witte and Bulmer in the saloon opposite.

Just when it seemed as though their intended game had discovered the
fact that the officers were after him and had left for parts unknown he
was captured.

It was after nine o'clock, when almost the last ray of hope had died out
of the officers breasts, that Chief of Police Deitsch received word that
Jackson had just been seen at the Palace Hotel. The chief started out
and ran into a man answering Jackson's description. He informed the
detectives of the fact, the fellow was watched and was seen to walk
slowly down Ninth Street, and on reaching 222 he looked up at the
windows. He strolled slowly to Plum Street and stopped and again looked
back at the house.

He then walked rapidly north on Plum Street toward Court. When he had
traversed part of the square Detective Bulmer stepped up to him, saying:
"Your name is Jackson, isn't it?"

The man turned perfectly livid and trembled like an aspen, and as the
detective continued to say, "I want you," he exclaimed, "My God! what
is this for?"

At the same time the start was made for the Mayor's Office.

At Ninth Street Colonel Deitsch met the prisoner and said: "Well,
'Dusty' (Jackson's nickname), we have got you."

"Yes," responded the prisoner, "it looks like it."


When the Mayor's office was reached the prisoner was hustled into the
presence of Mayor Caldwell.

The scene in the private office of Mayor Caldwell in the City Hall was
undoubtedly the most remarkable ever witnessed there.

The Mayor was sitting in his office with his Chief Clerk, Cliff Lakeman,
when Jackson was ushered into his presence by the officers, at the head
of whom was Chief of Police Deitsch. A few minutes later the room was
thronged with representatives of the newspapers and detectives. Coroner
Haerr was also there waiting for possible developments.

Jackson, the prisoner, sat in the center of a long sofa on the east side
of the room. On the side of him was Chief Deitsch. The latter conducted
the examination, while the Mayor sat in his chair, smoked a cigar and


"Is this Mayor Caldwell?" asked Jackson.

"It is," responded His Honor.

"The officers say you want to see me."

"Yes, I want to talk with you."

"What is your name?"

"Scott Jackson."

"You are also known as Dusty?"

"Yes, sometimes."

"Where is your home?"

"My home is in Greencastle, Ind."

"Do you know Pearl Bryan?"

"I do."

"Where did you last see her?"

"It was during the hollidays. I think on January 2."

"Have you seen her since?"

"I have not."

"Do you know William Wood?"

"I do."

"What is his business?"

"I don't know. He used to be connected with the school at Greencastle.
Saw him last about January 6."

Chief Deitsch here read the dispatch under which the arrest was made.

"What have you to say to that?"

"The charge is entirely false. I don't know anything about that."

"That's what everybody says who is arrested," said Chief Deitsch, "but
the identification of the clothes and other facts point to you as the
man who took Pearl Bryan or her body to Ft. Thomas. Where were you last
Friday evening?"

"I must have been in my room."

"What time did you go to your room?"

"I think I had supper about 7 o'clock and went home about 7:30."

"What did you do?"

"I studied in my room."

"Was your roommate there?"

"I think he was."

"Where were you Thursday night?"

"I was home, I think. My roommate was out that evening. When he came in
I had retired."

"How about Saturday evening?"

"I went out with a friend and went to the theater."

"Who took supper with you Friday evening?"

"I think I was alone."

"Where did you eat?"

"At Heider's."

"Ever stay there over night?"

"I did not."

"Did your roommate?"

"Yes, I think he did last Wednesday night."

"You have not been home to-day?"

"Yes, I left there about 10 o'clock this morning."

"Where did you go?"

"I went to see a young lady, and took her to dinner, I was with her all

"Where were you?"

"At the Emery Hotel."

"Where did you go in the evening?"

"The young lady went to her place of business, and later I put her on
the car. Then I went to Heiders for supper."

"Where then?"

"Oh, I was just walking around the streets."

"Who was with you?"

"I stopped in a barber shop about 9 o'clock and walked a piece with one
of the barbers."

"Did you meet any one else you knew?"

"I did not."

"Where were you going when you were arrested?"

"I was going to the college to see if the boys were dissecting."

"Why did you pass the house and look up at it?"

"Well, I don't know. I am turned around now."

"What have you to say to the telegram?"

"I don't know what to say. I can't imagine why they mention me in it."

"Did you read of the murder?"

"Part of it. It made me sick to my stomach."

"Were you in Newport lately?"

"No sir; I was not."

"Didn't you take an interest in the murder when you read of Greencastle
being the probable home of the murdered girl?"

"I spoke to several people in the house about it."

"You left the lady this evening and went to supper, and then walked
around town?"

"I did."

"Did you meet any one else you knew?"

"I met Walling, I think, after supper."

"Where did you see him?"

"Now, I think of it. It was in the barber shop, where I was waiting."

"See any one else?"

"No, sir."

"How long have you been at the dental college?"

"Since October 14., last."

"Did you come from Greencastle?"

"I did."

"Where else have you roomed?"

"On Carlisle avenue."

"When was Miss Bryan up to Cincinnati?"

"Don't know. Didn't know she was here."

"Where did you last see her?"

"On January 2., at her home while I was at Greencastle spending the

"Were you friends?"

"Only friendly."

"Does she live at home?"

"She does."

"What do her parents do?"

"Her father is a farmer and keeps a dairy."

"What kind of a looking girl is Pearl?"

"Rather slender. I am a poor judge of height. She was not as tall as I
am--almost, though. She was light complexioned."

"What will she weigh?"

"Suppose about 105 or 110 pounds."

"Did she ever live out?"

"I don't know, but I don't think so."

"You were in the habit of paying your respects to her?"

"I called on her a few times."

"Did you ever go out with her?"

"Once, I guess."

"She was not a farmhand?"

"No, she worked around the house."

"Was she of a quiet disposition?"

"As far as I know she was."

"Do you know of any other men she kept company with?"

"Yes, but she never kept company with me."

"Who then?"

"Well, she gave a party some time ago. I saw a number of gentlemen

"Well, Jackson, this is a serious charge. I will have to hold on to

"I don't see why they accuse me of this."

"What is your roommate's name?"

"Alonzo Walling."

"Did you ever correspond with Pearl Bryan?"

"Once or twice."

"Ever since January 22?"

"I think not."

"Have you talked about the murder?"

"Yes; at the house. I don't know how the subject was brought up. I was
very much interested in the case."

"Did you read of the girl probably being from Greencastle?"


Colonel Deitsch at this point reviewed the evidence against the prisoner
and the Greencastle part of it, and said: "And you didn't inquire about

"I read that the Sheriff of Newport was in Greencastle, and that the
shoes found on the dead woman had been purchased from Louis &
Hayes--that they had accounted for nearly all the shoes they sold."

"Didn't you think the girl would be heard from?"

"There were so many theories that I didn't know what to think."

"Do you remember leaving a valise in Legner's saloon last Saturday

"I do."

"Didn't you take it away Monday morning and leave another?"

"No, sir."

"Why did you leave the valise at the saloon?"

"I was just going as far as the corner and I didn't want to carry it."

"Did you take it away the same day?"

"Yes, I think I did."

"What was in it?"


"How far was it from your room?"

"Just across the street."

"You say there was nothing in the valise?"

"I don't think there was."

"Where did you get it?"

"I bought it in Indianapolis."

"How did you happen to take it out Saturday night?"

"I don't recollect just now."

"Where is it now?"

"I loaned it to a student of the name of Hackelman."

"What did he want with it?"

"I didn't ask him. I took it to him to the college."

"What kind of valise was it?"

"Tan colored."

"Strap or handbag?"


"Has it been returned?"

"No, sir."

"What is Hackelman's first name?"

"I don't know."

"Have you seen him since?"

"I have not."

"Where does he live?"

"I don't know."

"How did you come to take that valise to the saloon?"

"I just left it there."

"Did you have it with you in the evening?"

"Yes, but I don't see why I took it down town."

"Was it heavy?"

"No, only bothersome."

"You had two valises, didn't you?"

"No, only one."

"Didn't you leave one over at Legner's saloon Saturday, and a different
one Monday?"

"No, I did not."

"Why don't you tell the truth about this?"

"I did tell the truth, all but about the valise. I got that back."

The prisoner persisted in his story that he knows nothing about the
murder, and after a little further examination he was taken down stairs
and locked up on the charge of murder.


Jackson was taken from the Mayor's office through the long corridor on
the Eighth-Street side of the City Hall by Detective Bill Bulmer, who
walked on the right side of him and held his arm. Employes of the
waterworks, janitors and other attaches of the big building followed in
the wake of the couple until Central Police Station was reached. At the
station house the receiving room was thronged with curious ones who had
heard of the arrest of the dental student. Lieutenant Sam Corbin and
Sergeant Billy Borck were behind the desk. Bulmer took his prisoner up
to the desk, and immediately a big crowd swarmed in to see how Jackson
would act while being registered. Lieutenant Corbin registered the
prisoner. The questions and answers were as follows:

"What is your name?"

"Scott Jackson."

"Where do you live?"

"I live here now."


"No. 222 West Ninth Street."

"Old or new number?"

"I don't know; it's next door to Robinson's Opera House."

"What is your occupation?"

"Dental student."

"How old are you?"


"Married or single?"


"Where were you born?"

"In Maine."

"What's the charge against this man?"

"Murder," replied Bulmer.

"Is that right?" asked Corbin, looking the prisoner in the eye.

"I believe that's what they say," replied Jackson.

Illustration: Between sobs and cries of "My Pearl, my Pearl," Mrs.
Bryan identified the clothing.

Among other things found in Jackson's pockets were two carriage
tickets on the Central Newport Bridge. The tickets may prove to be of a
great importance in the case, as it shows that the prisoner was in the
habit of crossing the bridge.

After Jackson had been searched he was led back to his cellroom by
Detective Bulmer and Officer Jake Bernhart.

Jackson had been locked in his cell but a few moments when Detectives
Bulmer and Witte walked into the station and suggested to Lieutenant
Corbin that the prisoner be taken into the room behind the receiving
desk and thoroughly searched. The suggestion was acted upon at once, and
what may prove to be most startling evidence was discovered.

The clothing of the prisoner was all removed and two scratches were
found on his right arm. One scratch begins just below the elbow and
extends almost to the wrist. It is almost three inches long. The other
scratch is much shorter and is on the wrist.

Spots of blood were also noticed on the right sleeve of the prisoner's
undershirt. From the appearance of the sleeve attempts had been made to
remove the blood from the shirt.

"Where did that blood come from?" asked Lieutenant Corbin.

"I was bothered with bugs the other night and I scratched myself,"
answered the prisoner.

Jackson then said he had been troubled with some sort of a skin eruption
for some time past, and he pointed to some abrasions on his breast to
confirm his story.

Nothing was discovered in neither garments of the man that would show
that he had attempted to conceal any papers or other evidence after his


Alonzo Walling, Jackson's roommate, was arrested, at 3:30 Thursday
morning, by Lieutenant Corbin, and locked up at Central Station. It was
thought when Jackson was arrested that night that Walling had no
connection with the matter, but later developments went to show that he
knew far more than either had admitted.

It was ascertained that the two men had been very intimate, and that
they were together on the night of the murder. It was also discovered
that Walling had been intimate with a girl in Louisville with whom
Jackson was on more than friendly terms, and that both men had
corresponded with her.

The cause for Wallings arrest was a chance remark made by Jackson about
two o'clock in the morning. Shortly after being locked up Jackson called
Turnkey Curren to him and said:

"I want you to get a chair and sit in front of my cell all night," said
Jackson, who then exhibited the first sign of appreciating his position.

"Are you afraid of getting lynched?" asked the turnkey.

"Well, never mind that, I prefer to be well guarded whether I'm in
danger or not."

After ordering his cell watched, Jackson lay down on the bunk in his
cell and tried to go to sleep, but he was exceedingly restless and
rolled around on his couch for a long time without getting any rest.

About two o'clock Jackson entered into a conversation with the turnkey
in which almost his first question was:

"Hasn't Walling been arrested yet?"

"Why should he be arrested?" was asked.

Jackson refused to answer this question, and his actions showed that he
did not care to talk further about his roommate. When Lieutenant Corbin
heard of Jackson's actions he at once went to 222 West Ninth Street and
arrested Walling, when he was subjected to a rigid examination by the

"Were you in Wallingford's saloon with Jackson and a girl last Friday
night?" was asked.

"Yes, I was," replied Walling.

"Who was the girl whom you were with?" was asked.

"I don't know who she was," he replied.

"Well you had better tell all you know about this matter," said the
officer. "Now tell me who all were in the party at Wallingford's last
Friday night."

"I don't know anything more about it," said Walling.

"Well, you may consider yourself under arrest, then," said Lieutenant

Walling was taken to police headquarters and locked up, but Jackson was
not informed of his arrest until the next day.

At 6.30 the same morning a telegram was received from the Cincinnati
Detectives who had gone to South-Bend, Ind., bringing the startling
information that Will Wood was arrested there, and confessed to the
responsibility for the death of Pearl Bryan, whose headless body was
found in the Kentucky Highlands. He said that he had arranged for Pearl
Bryan to come to Cincinnati for the purpose of having a criminal
operation performed, and that such an operation was performed, resulting
in the death of the girl. Scott Jackson and Alonzo Walling were both
concerned in it. The body of the woman was taken to the spot where it
was found and the head removed to prevent identification.

Investigations were still being made at Greencastle Ind., and the wires
between Cincinnati and that staid old Methodist town, were kept hot.

Excitement was at a fever heat at both points.

Evidence was accumulating at each end and it seemed the nooses were
rapidly tightening around the necks of Jackson, Walling and Wood.

The investigation showed that Scott Jackson had met Pearl Bryan at her
home in the early spring of 1895. He left shortly afterward to attend
the dental college at Indianapolis and his visits to Greencastle, while
not frequent, were always to see Miss Bryan. In September he returned to
Greencastle and entered the office of a local dentist. It was then the
criminal intimacy between the two began.

He became attentive, and with a veneering of the usages of polite
society managed to fascinate the farmer's daughter. His power over her
seemed almost hypnotic. So great was his control over her that she is
said to have kept appointments with him in the dental office where he
was serving his apprenticeship.

He sought to get rid of her and left the town. Jackson left Greencastle
on October 3, and returned to spend the holidays. He seems to have
allowed his love to grow cold, for he paid no attention to the girl whom
he had robbed of all that a woman holds dear.

In vain did Pearl send for him to come to see her. He answered none of
her entreaties, and left the town without seeing her except when by
chance he met her on the street.

When it became apparent that she could not much longer conceal her
shame, she told her parents she was going to Indianapolis to visit a


The scenes enacted at police headquarters early in the day, following
the arrest of Jackson and Walling, were never paralleled in Cincinnati.

Hundreds of persons thronged the corridors in the immediate vicinity of
the offices of the department, while a vast crowd was assembled on the
outside of the building.

Upon the arrival of Supt. Deitsch he at once repaired to Mayor
Caldwell's office, where a star chamber session of some length was held.
In the meantime the crowd continued to increase, and it became necessary
to call for a detail of policemen to drive back the curious people. In
the Mayor's office were Detectives Crim and McDermott with the Mayor and
Chief of Police, who for nearly two hours held a seance with the accused
men in their effort to reach the truth. The examination of Walling by
the mayor was severe to a remarkable degree.


He told a long story of his acquaintance with Jackson, but the most
startling points were when he came down to a conversation held in their
room last Christmas day. Then he said: "Jackson took me into a corner of
the room and told me that he and Billy Woods had gotten Pearl Bryan
into trouble and that he must get rid of her. He suggested two ways in
which it might be done. One of the plans he suggested was to take her to
a room and kill her there and leave her. Then he spoke up quickly and
said: 'No, I have a sudden thought as something often tells me when I am
on the wrong idea. It would not do to leave her there, so I will instead
cut her to pieces and drop the pieces in different vaults around town.'"

A few days afterward Walling says that he and Jackson were in
Wallingford's saloon with a number of medical students, and there
Jackson made inquiries as to the poison that would kill the quickest. He
was told that hydrocyanic or prussic acid was the quickest, but that
cocaine was about the next and most deadly.


Shortly after that Jackson bought cocaine at Koelble's drug store, on
Sixth Street, between Plum and Elm.

"Do you know where he was going to take her?"

"Yes; he said he was going to take her to Ft. Thomas.

"About two weeks ago he asked me if I would help the girl out of trouble,
and I said I would. He said she was coming here in about a week, and he
would take me to where she was shopping. Last Monday night he told me
the girl would be here that night. The next day Jackson told me the girl
was at the Indiana House, and asked me to go down there. I went with
him, and he went to her room while I waited down stairs. The next day he
told me he had an engagement with the girl at Fourth and Plum Streets,
and for me to go there and tell her he would meet her in the evening.
That is the last I ever saw of the girl."

"When did he kill her?"

"I guess he did it Friday night."

"How did he do it?"

"Well, if you will go to our room you will find a hypodermic syringe,
which I think will tell the whole story."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, he had a bottle of white stuff in the room, and I asked him what
it was. He said it was arsenic and cocaine. I asked him what he was
going to do with it, and he said he was going to give it to the girl."

"Did he give it to her?"

"Well, I guess he used the cocaine. I don't think it killed her at once,
and that she tried to fight him off when he went to cut off her head."

"Where do you think he was on the Wednesday night before the murder?"


"I think he went to see the girl at Wallingford's saloon. I was there,
but I did not go into the back room, where she was."

"What time did he get home that night?"

"I think it was after midnight. He came in with a valise, and I saw him
open it and say, 'You are a beaut, you are.' He thought I was asleep."

"How about Thursday night?"

"I saw him that night, and I was afraid to stay home and I went to
Heider's Hotel."

"When did he take the girl to Ft. Thomas?"

"This was on Friday night. I was in Heider's restaurant eating my supper,
and Jackson called me out and told me to go to Fountain Square and wait
with the girl until he came back. He said he would not be gone over 10
or 15 minutes. He came back, and I left them. I believe he went to the
room and got the hypodermic syringe and the poison."

"What do you think he did with the head?"

"Well, in my opinion he buried it."

"Where do you think it is buried?"

"I think it is in this neighborhood."

"What makes you think so?"

"Well, last Monday night I was standing on Ninth and Plum and Jackson
came along. He had a valise, and asked me to go with him. I told him I
didn't care to, and he left. He had the same valise which is now in the
possession of the police with the blood stains in it."

"What do you think became of her jacket?"

"Why, she didn't wear a jacket. It was a long fur cape. I don't think he
could get it in the valise with the head."

"What do you think became of it?"

"Well, I can't say as to that. These things have all come to me, and I
may recollect something else after awhile."


In less than a half hour after making the confession Walling again sent
for the Chief of Police and said:

"I want to see you about another thing that may have a big bearing on
this case," said the prisoner.

"What is it?"

"Well, yesterday afternoon Jackson got some paper and envelopes and told
me he was going to the Palace Hotel to write some letters. I asked him
who he was going to write to and he said to Wood. He said he was going
to inclose a letter purporting to be from Pearl Bryan to her mother and
that he was going to have Wood sent it, I think, to Geneva and have it
mailed from that point to Mrs. Bryan. He said he was going to do this to
throw Mrs. Bryan off the track."

"Do you know that he sent the letter?"

"He told me on the evening he was arrested that he had sent it."

This information was given to Mayor Caldwell, and the following dispatch
was sent:

     CINCINNATI, OHIO, February 6, 1896.

     POSTMASTER, South Bend, Ind.: Kindly sent all mail addressed to Wm.
     Wood from this city to me.

     JOHN A. CALDWELL, Mayor.

Young Wood, who was present, said he had got a letter from Jackson
yesterday, which he had torn up. It went on to ask him to stick to him,
and not to say too much. Young Wood was perfectly satisfied to have the
mail sent back here.

Chief Deitsch after sending the information to Mayor Caldwell continued
his investigation with:

"I have just talked with Jackson, and he puts all the blame upon you. He
says you performed the abortion somewhere across the river."

"I don't know a thing about it, except what he told me."

"Well, now, did you do it or did Jackson? He says you did it."

"He's putting it all on me now, is he? Well, he's the one who is guilty.
I know nothing of it."

"What did he tell you had become of the head?"

"I understand that he threw it in the Ohio River."

"Do you know where the operation was performed?"

"No, I don't. If I did, it would make it much easier for me to clear
myself. As it is, I can prove where I was Friday night. It will all come
out in a little while."

"Jackson says that you threw the head into the river, and that the next
day you told him to get rid of anything lying around loose at the
boarding house by throwing it into the river."

"I never saw the head, and he told me that he threw it into a sewer."

"Didn't you throw the girl's stockings, skirt and other things, which
were covered with blood, into the river Saturday morning from the
Suspension Bridge?"

"No, he did this himself."

"Then he says the skull was cut up and thrown over piecemeal by you."

"I don't know about the cutting up part, but deny the other."


Scott Jackson spent a sleepless night at the Central Police Station, and
early next morning was taken to Chief Deitsch's private office. He had a
haggard, restless look, and when asked to make a confession, sought to
throw the blame upon Wood, and subsequently upon Walling.

His story was: Wood was the author of Pearl Bryan's ruin. When Jackson
went home to spend the hollidays, Wood told him that Miss Bryan was in a
delicate condition, and, knowing Jackson to be studying medicine, asked
him what could be done in the matter. Jackson said he could do nothing
in the matter, but Wood insisted that he help in an attempted abortion,
as this was the only thing which would save him (Wood) and the girl from
disgrace. Jackson refused to do this.

"What have you to say regarding the information now in the possession of
the authorities that you and Walling were seen in the vicinity of Fort
Thomas last Friday night in a hack drawn by a gray horse?"

"That information is erroneous. I was not there, and can establish the

"Who do you think murdered the girl?"

"Alonzo Walling."

"Do you think the murdered girl is Pearl Bryan?"

"Oh, there is no question about that. It is her."

"How, and where was she killed?"

"I do not know."

"For what purpose?"

"To cover up previous wrong doings."

"And to shield who?"

"William Wood."

"Was Wood supposed to be Miss Bryan's sweetheart?"

"Yes sir; he was."

"And how was the affair planned?"

"Wood wrote to me, telling me of the trouble, and asking me to assist
him out of it. I showed the letter to Walling, and he volunteered to
undertake the job. It was then planned to bring the girl here. She
arrived on Tuesday of last week, and what I saw and know of her after
her arrival here, I have told."

"How do you account for the condition of your trousers, which have been
found and are now in the possession of the authorities?"

"Well, the only way I can account for that, is that they were in our
room and Walling put them on the night of the crime. I have not seen
them since, and did not know that there was blood and mud on them."


It was 9 o'clock Thursday night when Sheriff Plummer and Detectives Crim
and McDermott arrived in Cincinnati with William Wood, the third man in
the terrible tragedy. Nothing else had been talked of during the day.
Both in Newport and Cincinnati the excitement was intense. When early in
the morning it was learned that the two men who were undoubtedly
implicated in the horrible murder had been arrested in Cincinnati and an
accessory to the crime arrested in Indiana and on his way to Cincinnati
under guard, expressions of satisfaction at the arrests were heard on
all sides. The subject of lynching the fiends,--Walling and Jackson--was
freely discussed. That ominious appearance of suppressed excitement,
which shows the keen determination of a mob and which they seek to hide
as much as possible, was seen everywhere in the crowds gathered in knots
all over the two cities. All that was needed in Cincinnati was a few
good, trusty, fearless leaders. In Newport it was different.
Determination and decision were seen on the blanched faces of men
everywhere. Even Chief of Police Stricker and Lieutenant Smith, said it
would be a very risky matter to bring the prisoners to Newport. There is
no telling what would be done. Excitement has reached a very high pitch.
"We will be well prepared for any outbreak of mob violence," said they,
"and upon the slightest indication of any will arrest everybody
concerned in the least with it."


It was just 11:30 o'clock when Wood was subjected to an examination in
the Mayor's private office. The father and uncle of the young man were
present. The examination was as follows:

"What is your name?"

"William Wood."

"How old are you?"

"Twenty years old."

"Where do you live?"

"Greencastle Ind."

"You knew Pearl Bryan?"

"Yes sir."

"Very well?"

"Yes. She was a second cousin of mine."

"Does your family visit the Bryans?"

"Yes sir."

"Where you intimate with the girl?"

"No, sir."

"Did you know that she had been betrayed?"

"Yes sir."

"How did you find that out?"

"Jackson told me."

"What did he say?"

"He told me that he betrayed her in September."

"Did he tell any one else that?"

"Yes sir, he did. A young man in Greencastle."

"He will substantiate your statement then?"

"Yes sir."

"Did you receive any letters from Jackson about the condition of Miss

"Yes sir."


"About the 10th of January, I think."

"What did he say?"

"He said that he was going to have an operation performed on her if he
could get hold of enough money."

"Did the girl know of that at that time?"

"Yes sir."

"How did she find that out?"

"I told her myself."

"Why did you do that?"

"Because I wanted to shield her."

"Was the letter you received from Jackson the only way that you knew
that the girl had been betrayed?"

"No, she told me herself when I was out at the house several weeks ago."

"What did you say to that?"

"I told her to wait until I heard from Jackson."

"You took a great deal of interest in the case, did you not?"

"Yes, I would have done the same if she had been my own sister."

"What arrangement did Jackson say he had made when he wrote to you?"

"He said he had procured a room in Cincinnati, and that she would be
taken care of by an old woman."

"What else did he say?"

"He said that the operation would be performed by a doctor and chemist
who was an old hand at that kind of business."

"Did he mention the name of the doctor?"

"No, he said the party was a friend of Walling."

"Did the plan suit you?"

"Yes, I thought it was just the thing."

"What did you tell her?"

"I told her that I thought it would be best for her to go."

"At that time you thought you would accompany her?"

"Yes, sir."

"Why did you change your mind?"

"Because my father requested my staying at home."

"But you met the girl at the depot when she came to Cincinnati?"

"Yes, sir."

"What day was that?"

"Monday, January 27."

"Did you have a long talk with the girl?"

"Well, I talked with her."

"About the operation?"

"Yes, sir."

"Did she seem pleased?"

"I never saw her so happy in my life."

"Did you have any other business at the train?"

"Yes, sir, I came to meet my father."

"Where had your father been?"

"To a quarterly meeting at Terra Haute."

"Then Miss Bryan left on the same train that your father came home on?"

"Yes, sir."

"Were you over in Cincinnati before?"

"No, sir."

"When did you see Jackson last?"

"When he was at home. It was on a Sunday. I think about the 5th or 6th
of January."

"Where you with him very long?"

"Yes, nearly all day."

"Where did Jackson go when he left Greencastle?"

"He came to Cincinnati on an evening train."

"Do you know Walling?"

"No, sir."

"Never saw him?"

"Never in my life."

"Ever see a picture of him?"

"Yes, I saw a tin-type of him when Jackson was at home."

"Would you recognize that picture if you were to see it?"

"I think I would."

At this juncture of the examination Chief Deitsch went to get a picture
of Walling but failed to find it.

Wood was taken down to Central Station and registered.

He gave his name as William Wood, aged 20, residence South Bend, Ind.
After registering he went to the Grand Hotel with his father.

Excitement was running high by this time. The crowds in and around the
City Hall, where the prisoners were, steadily increased, and the gravest
fears were entertained by the officers. Cordon's of police lined the
passage-ways from the Mayor's and Superintendent's offices to the
cell-rooms below where the prisoners were confined, and every movement
was guarded with the most jealous care.


There were all kinds of rumors floating about the City Hall when John
Kugel, the saloon-keeper at Ninth Street and Central avenue, walked into
Clerk Vickers office and told him that he thought he had a valise
belonging to Jackson.

"Then get it quick," said Vickers.

Kugel hurried over and in a few minutes returned with a brown leather
hand-satchel about 15 inches long. It was taken to Chief Deitsch, who
made an examination. There was nothing in it, but the sides were heavily
stained with blood. Chief Deitsch closed the valise and asked Kugel who
gave it to him. Kugel said that last Monday night about 8 o'clock a
young man with a blonde mustache walked in his place and asked him to
take care of the valise, saying he would call for it the next day.

After Kugel's arrival at headquarters Jackson was ordered brought
up-stairs and a dramatic scene followed. Jackson was seated facing Chief
Deitsch with the valise at the Chief's feet. Standing around were many
persons at work on the case.

"Pick up that valise," said the Chief.

Jackson picked it up and held it in his lap.

"Open it."

He did so.

"What is in there?"

"Nothing that I can see, except that it is stained."

"What is it stained with?"

"It looks like blood?"

"Don't you know it is blood?"

Jackson's face flushed and his eyes twitched. He pulled his mustache and
ran his fingers through his hair. He was only a moment answering, but it
appeared to be an hour to those who were waiting for a reply. He finally
moistened his lips with his tongue and said:

"I think it is blood, but I have not examined it carefully."

"Well, then, examine it carefully."

Jackson picked up the valise and held it close to his face. He peered
down the blood-stained bag and his eyes rolled around his head. He put
his hand to his forehead and slowly said:

"Yes, that is blood."

"Isn't that the valise in which you carried the head?"

"I guess it is, but I did not carry it."

"Well, who did?"


"Well, then, where is the head?"

"I guess it is in the river."

Kugel then identified Jackson as the man who had left the valise in the

"What did you leave it in Kugel's saloon for?" asked the Chief.

"I wasn't going to leave it there. I was going to get it and do away
with it."

"Why did you want to get rid of it?"

"Well, it was better out of the way."


"Well, I wanted to shield myself of all those things."

"What were you so anxious to get rid of them for?" persisted the Chief.

"I just didn't want them about," was the prisoner's non-committal

"What was in it first?"

"A lot of clothing and such things."

"Whose clothing was it?"

"Miss Bryan's, I think."

"What did it consist of?"

"Well, there was a skirt, a petticoat, some stockings and other things."

"Where are they?"

"I guess they are in the river, too."

Illustration: Jackson put his hand to his forehead and slowly said:
"Yes, that is blood."

Night Chief Renkert then produced a small alligator valise that he had
found in Lawrence's barber shop, 133 West Sixth Street, where Walling
and Jackson often went. Jackson identified it as Pearl Bryan's. He said
that the blood-stained one was also the property of the murdered girl.


David Wallingford, the proprietor of the saloon at Longworth and Plum,
which Jackson and Waling frequented, and his colored porter Allen
Johnson were brought in by the officers and questioned in the presence
of Jackson and Walling by Chief Deitsch as follows:

"You knew Jackson pretty well, eh?"

"Oh, yes; he came into my saloon every night. He frequently brought his
lady friends along, too."

"Was he in your saloon on Friday night last?"

"Yes, he brought a lady in with him and went back into the sitting-room."

"Do you know who the lady was?"

"Well, I didn't then. Of course I do now."

"Who was she?"

"Why, she was Miss Pearl Bryan. I saw Pearl Bryan's picture since, and
haven't the slightest doubt it was her. They were back in the

"Did Jackson act queer that night?"

"No; I can't say that he did. But one thing that looked rather queer was
that he came in a carriage and brought a new satchel in the saloon with

"Did Jackson order any drinks?"

"Not after he had ordered whiskey for himself and sarsaparilla for the
girl, they then went away in the carriage."

"What time was that?"

"Oh, about 7 o'clock, I think."

"Did you see him any more that night?"

"No; he came in the next night (Saturday night), though."

"Did he bring a satchel with him on Saturday night?"

"Yes, he brought in the same satchel and put it on the table. I noticed
that he sat it down rather heavily and I asked him what was in it. He
said: 'Oh, some underclothes,' and we both laughed."

"Was Jackson as merry as usual?"

"No, he was rather depressed. He said his head hurt him devilish bad and
he looked worried."

Johnson played an important part in the affair.

He persisted in the statement that Jackson, Walling and the girl, Miss
Bryan, were at Wallingford's place on Friday night, and moreover that
Albin the barber who shaved the two chums, was on the box and drove the
cab in which they departed.

"I tell you I am not mistaken," persisted Johnson. "Let Albin put a cap
on and I can recognize him; he wore a cap that night."

"Why are you so sure of the night?" was asked.

"Cause I had an engagement with my girl on that same night, and I
remember distinctly."

Johnson said that he saw Walling on the outside and saw the woman get
into the cab and drive away.

All of this Walling denied. Once Walling admitted that he was at the
place, but he changed it again and declared that he was not there until
Saturday night, when he saw Jackson borrow a dollar of the bartender.

Johnson stood in front of Walling and said:

"I don't want to get you into trouble, but you know you were there
Friday night, and there is no use of you denying it."

Walling however, still refused any admission.

Once during the talk Jackson shook his finger in the face of Walling and

"Be careful; do not go too far."

Again he said: "You lie, and you know you are lying."

To which Walling answered: "You show in your eyes that you are lying."

The colored porter persisted in all the statements made to the
authorities that Albin, the barber, was driving the cab.


Detectives Witte and Jackson were at once sent for Fred Albin the
barber, and were not long in bringing him in. He and Johnson, the
porter, were seated on the same lounge in the Mayor's office and Albin
was examined by Chief Deitsch when he told the following story:

"I have known Alonzo Walling for about two years. He lived across the
street from my home in Hamilton, O. Last fall he concluded to come to
this city and study dentistry. He told me this and I offered to come to
this city with him. I saw him nearly every evening, and in fact, we
chummed together.

"About four months ago he introduced me to Jackson. Jackson came to the
shop where I was employed and got shaved about twice a week.

"He was always considered a peculiar fellow--rather eccentric. I know
little concerning him.

"I do not know whether it was Friday or Saturday morning that Jackson
came into my shop and had me shave his whiskers off. On that day he had
a grip when he entered, and I asked him what he had in it. He replied
that he would tell me some other day."

Johnson then repeated his statement regarding Albin's connection with
the crime, after which Chief Deitsch said:

"What have you got to say about the statement made by Johnson which
implicates you with the murder?"

"There is no truth in that. I think I wore a cap on Friday night, but I
was not in Wallingford's saloon, as Johnson says. I went home with
Walling about fifteen minutes after 9. Jackson came into the barber shop
several times with the grip. I naturally had some curiosity to know what
it contained but he never would tell me anything definite.

"One day this week I picked up a paper while Jackson was in the shop and
read an item about the shoes bought at Greencastle. I knew that
Greencastle was the home of Jackson, and I asked him if he had heard
about the shoes coming from his town. He said that he had, but that he
did not believe it. I suggested that he and I go over and look at the
body, but Jackson said that he did not want to see it, as he felt sure
that he could not identify it. During this conversation I noticed that
Jackson acted somewhat peculiar, but I never dreamed what caused it at
the time."

Col. Deitsch and Mayor Caldwell had a long talk with Albin. He persisted
in the statement that he knew nothing of the murder.

Clew after clew was run down. Everything reported to the police
regarding the murder, no matter of how little importance was thoroughly
investigated and the officers were kept continually on the run.

Satisfied that Jackson and Walling were the murderers, and that the
identification of the victim was complete the whole energy of the entire
detective and police force was turned to the finding of the head, and
the identity of the man who drove the cab and the securing of positive
evidence on which the murderers could be convicted.


In response to Mayor Caldwell's notice to the postmaster at South Bend,
Ind., the Mayor on Saturday, Feb. 8., received from that city a letter
written by Scott Jackson to William Wood, South Bend, Ind.

As soon as he received it the Mayor sent for D. D. Woodmansee the
attorney for Jackson, and with his consent opened the communication. It
was dated Feb. 5., the day on which Jackson was arrested. It was marked
8:30 p. m., less than two hours before his arrest. It was written on
letter-heads of the Palace Hotel, while the envelope bore the style of
Al Heider's Hotel, on Fifth Street. The letter says:


     "Hello, Bill--

     "Write a letter home signed by Berts name telling the folks that he
     is somewhere & going to Chicago or some other place--has a position
     etc--and that they will advise later about it--Say tired of living
     at home or anything you want. You know about the way he writes. Send
     it to some one you can trust--How will Smith at La Fayette--tell the
     folks that he has not been at I but at La Fayette and travelling
     about the country get the letter off without one seconds delay--and
     burn this at once. Stick by your old chum Bill--And I will help you
     out the same way--some times. Am glad you are having a good time--

     "Be careful what you write to me."

"Bert" in the letter means Pearl. In that portion of the communication
which explains that "he has not been at "I." "I" evidently stands for

After the letter from Jackson to Wood was opened and read, a reporter
went to Jackson and asked him if he wrote the letter.

"Yes, sir, I did."

"What does that signature, the letter D., mean?"

"Why, he called me 'Dusty,' and I signed it for that."

"Who is meant by Bert?"

"That is a nickname we had for Pearl. We always called her Bert."

"Then Bert means Miss Bryan?"

"Yes, sir."

"Now, why did you write that letter?"

"Walling told me to write it. He said that something had to be done, and
I did it."

"Did he dictate it?"

"Oh, no, I wrote it Wednesday evening after supper."

"Why did you tell Wood to be careful what he wrote?"

"Because he was writing vulgar letters. He wrote me two postals to the
college that were awful."

"What did you do with them?"

"I tore them right away. Besides all this, I din't know at what time I
might be arrested."

Walling was then visited and told of the story of Jackson.

"No, I didn't tell him to write it.

"I met him on the street Wednesday afternoon, and he told me that he was
going to write."


As a result of one of the lengthy cross-examinations to which Walling
was subjected in which he said that the coat worn by Jackson when he
committed the deed had been deposited by himself at Jackson's request in
the sewer hole at the corner of Richmond and John Streets.

Detective Witte was at once sent to the scene, and, found a bundle
wrapped in a newspaper in the mud. It was drawn out and found to be a
black coat. On the lining of the sleeves were found blood stains, and in
one of the pockets a lot of tansy flower, which, made into tea, is used
to produce miscarriages. After a thorough cleaning, it was placed in a
box and removed to headquarters, where an examination was made. Blood
spots were found on the sleeves and front. The coat was of a blue black
material, similar to the clothing worn by Jackson at the time of his

Walling was told of the finding of the coat. He displayed no surprise,
but remarked:

"Well, I knew they would find it. I told them not long ago where it was;
that I had put it there myself."

"Whose coat is it?"


"Why did you put it there?"

"Because he asked me to."

"Did you know for what purpose?"

"Yes; to get rid of it. It was bloody."

"And you knew this?"

"Yes, he told me so."

"Then you know more about the crime than you have admitted?"

"No, I don't. I have told everything I know."

In a locker at the Ohio Dental College--Jackson's individual
locker--were found by the police a pair of trousers. Upon the knees were
dried mud and blood, and upon the legs were other blood stains. Jackson
and Walling each claim the trousers belong to the other.


Mayor Caldwell and Col. Deitsch Friday morning had a private
consultation at which it was decided to hold all examinations of the
prisoners in the Bertillion room, behind the iron bars of the Place of
Detention. No one but Col. Deitsch and the Mayor were allowed to be

It was about 9 o'clock when both Jackson and Walling were brought into
the Bertillon room and turned over to Superintendent Kiffmeyer. Both
were photographed and had their measure taken according to the rules
governing the Bertillon system.

The questioning of the prisoners while in the Bertillon room, related to
the disposition made of Pearl Bryan's clothes.

It was found that Pearl Bryan's clothes had been conveniently wrapped
into five bundles and brought to Jackson and Walling's room at 222 West
Ninth Street. Jackson took two of the bundles and threw them into the
sewer on Sycamore street. Walling put the other three under his arm and
went down Plum Street with the purpose of throwing into the river the
evidences of the bloody and brutal crime in the muddy depths of the
Ohio. Jackson says Walling afterwards told him he had disposed of them.


When Turnkey Henry Underwood was passing Jackson's cell yesterday
morning Jackson said:

"Well, I'm going to see the Mayor and tell him about the clothing."

"What did you do with the clothing?"

"Well, there were three bundles. I threw them in a sewer on Richmond

"Where on Richmond Street?"

"I don't know exactly, but west of Central avenue."

"Was the head in the lot?"

"I don't know where the head is now."

"Why don't you tell where the head is and it will save you a good deal
of trouble."

"Well, Walling told me that he threw it overboard."

"What do you mean by throwing it overboard?"

"Why, in the river, and that is the truth."

As soon as the Chief could be seen Turnkey Underwood reported to him the
talks he had with the prisoners. Walling was taken before Mayor Caldwell
and Chief Deitsch, Detectives Crim and McDermott. Walling was asked what
he had to say.

"Well, I'll tell you how Jackson killed Pearl Bryan.

"For several days before the murder Jackson would sit about our room and
read a medical dictionary to try and learn all about the effect of
poisons. He finally selected cocaine as the most suitable for his
purpose. At last he took four grains of cocaine and put in sixteen drops
of water. He told me that he was going to give the cocaine solution to
Pearl and make her drink it, and that it would kill the vocal powers.
She would be unable to scream or talk and then he was going to cut her
head off."

"Do you think he did that?"

"Yes, I am almost sure that was the way he killed her."

"I don't know how he gave her the poison, but think she took it before
getting into the cab, so that it would have its full effect by the time
she was driven over to Ft. Thomas."

"Well, what became of the head? You know where it is."

"I do not. If I did I would tell."

Jackson was then sent for. He appeared to be worried, and when Mayor
Caldwell asked him if he had bought any cocaine he said:

"Yes, I bought some cocaine."


"Last Wednesday night."

"What did you do with it?"

"I gave it to Walling."

"Now Jackson I want you to tell me where the head is. You know where it
is, and for the sake of the poor old mother I think you ought to tell."

"Well, I can't tell you where the head is. I don't know."

Walling and Jackson were then brought together again. They eyed each
other and then the questions were put to them, but like in every other
interview they denied the charges made by each other. Walling finally

"Why don't you tell where the head is, Jackson? You know they will find
it sooner or later."

"I don't know where it is."

"Why don't you tell? You know where it is."

"I do not."


There were two post-mortems held by Coroner Tingley, of Newport over the
remains of the headless body of Pearl Bryan. The first held on the
Monday following the finding of the body and the second, which was
ordered for the purpose of deciding whether the murder was committed
where the body was found or the head cut off after death had been caused
by the administering of anaesthetics. Dr. Charles S. Phythian of
Newport, conducted both post-mortems assisted by Drs. Robert Carothers,
J. L. Phythian, J. O. Jenkins, W. S. Tingley, C. B. Schoolfield and J.
H. Fishbach. The unanimity of opinion was that life was not extinct when
the wounds from which the blood found egress were inflicted.

Dr. Charles Phythian said:

"The post-mortem shows beyond a doubt that Pearl Bryan died by the knife
and was conscious when she was killed."

"Had she been dead when she was taken to the Highlands the blood in her
body would have been somewhat coagulated no matter how soon after
dissolution she was taken there, and while there would have been a great
flow of it if she had been placed there within a short time after death
there must have been a slight coagulation which would have caused at
least a small quantity of blood to remain in the body."

"The cut on the left hand shows that she fought with her murderer. The
cut goes clear to the bone and proves that she did not receive it by
making the weak attempt at defense that a person in a semi-comatose
condition would have made."

As was brought out at the first post-mortem there was absolutely not a
drop of blood in the body of the woman; all of it had flowed from her.

Not a drop of blood was found in the veins nor was any found in the
arteries or heart. Every organ of the body was found in perfect and
healthy condition. The blood vessels were entirely devoid of any blood,
and all the surgeons gave as their opinion that the girl had bled to
death, for had life been extinct before bleeding began the blood vessels
would not have been emptied.

A microscopic observation was made of the body in hope of discovering a
puncture that might be construed as the place where the needle of the
hypodermic-syringe had been inserted, but no such puncture had been
discovered, though subjected to the most careful examination with the
strongest glasses.

Fred Bryan a brother of the murdered woman and Mrs. Stanley, a sister,
together with a number of friends from Greencastle, Ind., arrived in
Cincinnati Friday, for the purpose of fully identifying the remains, and
having them removed from the Newport morgue to Greencastle for
interment. The identification was complete, and permission having been
obtained from the authorities, the headless body was prepared for
interment and removed to the undertaking establishment of John P. Epply,
in Cincinnati.

The body was clothed in a cream white silk dress, the same that the girl
had worn when she graduated from the high school in 1892 at Greencastle.
The feet were incased in dainty satin slippers.

The casket was one of the most beautiful of its kind made. It was white
cloth-covered, and trimmed with cord and tassel. The handles were of
burnished silver. In the center of the casket lid, on a silver plate,
was the name "Pearl."

Inside the casket was full-satin-lined, and handsomely trimmed. The
absence of the head was made scarcely noticeable the placing of a square
satin pillow in the head on the casket down to the shoulders of the


The authorities resolved on a plan which they hoped might make the
prisoners weaken. It was to have them look upon their murdered victim
and have the crime recalled in all its hideousness.

Mayor Caldwell Chief Deitsch and Sheriff Plummer went to Epply's morgue,
where the remains lay.

In a short time Detectives Crim and McDermott arrived with the
prisoners. Crim had Walling in charge and McDermott Jackson. The latter
was placed at the head of the coffin and Walling near the foot. Both
faced the brother and sister of the murdered girl, who were on the other
side of the casket.

Jackson was terribly excited and nervously clasped and unclasped his
hands. His eyes roved from one end of the body to the other and he shook
his head and sighed deeply. His face was terribly flushed, and he looked
as though he might break down every second. On the other hand Walling
was to all appearance the coolest man in the room. He gazed at the
corpse without a shiver and looked around on the faces of those present.
His only noticeable display of agitation was to tap his foot nervously
on the floor.

Not a word was said until Chief Deitsch, at the other end asked:

"Walling do you recognize the corpse?"

"I do not."

"Do you know who it is?"

"I believe it is Pearl Bryan."

"What reason have you for this belief?"

"What Jackson has told me."

"Jackson, do you recognize the corpse?"

"I do not."

"Do you know that it is the body of Pearl Bryan?"

"I have not taken a close and careful look at the body."

"Would you recognize it if you did?"

"I think I would."

"Walling did you kill this woman?"

"I did not."

"Jackson did you kill this woman?"

"I did not."

"And do you deny, in the presence of the corpse, that you killed her?"

"I do."

"Who did kill her?"

"I have every reason to believe that Walling did."

Determined to make one more effort to secure a confession as to where
the head was, Chief Deitsch arranged for Mrs. Stanley to ask the
prisoners. Almost begging on bended knees, and sobbing heavily she
cried: "Mr. Jackson, I come to you and ask where is my sister's head.
For the sake of my poor mother and for my sister and for my brother I
beg of you to tell me where my sister's head is. It is my last chance
and I want to send it home with the body. Won't you please tell me, I
beg of you?"

Jackson looked at her, and, without turning a hair, said:

"Mrs. Stanley, I do not know."

The same question was asked Walling to which he coldly and without any
semblance of feeling, replied:

"I do not know where it is."

The same evening Pearl Bryan's headless body was taken back to her home
in Greencastle accompanied by her brother, sister and friends.


Coroner W. S. Tingley, of Campbell County, began the formal inquest in
the famous case, on Tuesday Feb. 11. E. G. Lohmeyer, a jeweler; A. J.
Mosset, a steamboat agent; W. C. Botts, a coal dealer; John Link,
ex-Chief of the Fire Department; Michael Donelan, a shoe-manufacturer,
and F. A. Autenheimer, a retired steamboat Captain, were selected as
jurors. The first witness called was Sheriff Plummer.

"Please state if on February 1 you saw the headless body of a woman on
the premises of John Lock, in the Highlands?"

"I did."

"What evidence have you to submit in identifying the body?"

"The body was Pearl Bryan, of Greencastle, Ind. I received information
that the body was that of a woman at Greencastle, and went there for
that purpose. The clothing found on the headless body and the shoes were
identified by Mrs. J. F. Stanley as belonging to her sister, Miss Pearl
Bryan. Frederick Bryan corroborated Mrs. Stanley's identification, and
afterward identified the headless body as the corpse of their sister,
Pearl Bryan."

"Have you discovered by what means she came to her death?"

"The evidence we have leads us to believe that she died of having her
throat cut."

Dr. Heyl, Assistant Surgeon of the Sixth Regiment, U. S., stationed at
Ft. Thomas testified the manner in which the head was severed plainly
showed that an accustomed hand had performed the work, and it was
obvious to a professional eye that the work had commenced from the back
of the neck.

Detective Cal Crim of Cincinnati gave his testimony as follows:

"I was notified by the Chief of Detectives Hazen, to report to Newport
and assist in clearing the mystery of the crime. With Detectives
McDermott and Sheriff Plummer I went to where the body was found, and
came to the conclusion that she was murdered there. There was so much
blood on the ground that it led me to this belief, and I also found
blood high up on the surrounding bushes, which I believed to have been
caused by the blood spurting from the neck. I found blood on all the
under side of the leaves, showing that the course of the blood was
upward, as though the body was on the ground when the throat was cut.
The ground was literally saturated with blood. The earth was upturned
and blood was found to a depth of eight or nine inches."

"State from your examination to your best knowledge and belief who
committed the crime?"

There was a deathlike stillness in the room as the detective answered:
"Scott Jackson and Alonzo Walling."

"What have you found to lead you to that belief?"

"The dead girl, Miss Pearl Bryan, left her home at Greencastle to visit
a family named Bishop at 95 Center Street, Indianapolis. Her relatives
identified her clothing. We discovered that Scott Jackson had been
intimate with the girl. He left Greencastle October 14., and pregnancy
having become apparent she, at the solicitation of a cousin, named Will
Wood, went to Cincinnati to submit to a criminal operation. Jackson was
to have the operation performed and Walling was to assist in the
performance. The last we know of Pearl Bryan in life was in the company
of Jackson and Walling Friday night preceding the finding of her corpse
between 6 and 7 o'clock, when the three were seen to enter a hack at
Wallingford's saloon, at George and Plum Streets. We have discovered
that Jackson had hired Walling to perform the operation on Miss Bryan.
Jackson's coat was found on evidence furnished by Walling in a sewer
where it had been hidden. A pair of Jackson's trousers, covered with
blood and with mud on the knees, were found in Walling's locker."

"Has Jackson or Walling made any statements in your presence concerning
the crime?"

"Yes, sir. Each accuses the other."

"Can you account for Jackson and Walling the night preceding the finding
of the body?"

"Only up to the time they entered the cab at Wallingford's saloon. Then
all traces are lost. Neither Jackson nor Walling was seen or can give
any satisfactory account of their whereabouts from 7 p. m. of Friday to
3 a. m. Saturday."

"Have you any other evidence?"

"We found two valises, one having blood stains on the inside, in which
we believe the missing head was carried from the scene of the murder."

Detective Crim was excused and Detective McDermott was called. He
corroborated Crim's statements. Sheriff Plummer was recalled and gave
testimony corroborative of the two detective's statements. Dr. Robert
Carothers submitted a report of the result of the post-mortem which was
held by order of Coroner Tingley.

Dr. W. H. Crane, the chemist who made an analysis of the stomach of the
murdered woman, regretted having no written report of the analysis, as
it had not then been completed, but testified to having found cocaine in
the stomach.

A number of other witnesses testified as to the finding of the body, the
discovering of the foot-prints, blood, etc.

The examinations were completed, and after the court-room had been
cleared the jury entered into a discussion of the examination.

The evidence as taken by the court-stenographer was carefully gone over
and debated. Every little technicality was examined and passed on
unanimously, and after an hour's session the jury returned the following


"We, the jury, of Campbell County, Kentucky, find that the headless body
of the woman found on the premises of John B. Lock, near Ft. Thomas, on
the morning of February the 1st., was that of Pearl Bryan, a resident of
Greencastle, Ind.

"We further find that cocaine had been administered to Pearl Bryan for
some reasons unknown.

"We further find that the decapitation took place while Pearl Bryan was
still alive.

"We further find that Pearl Bryan was last seen in company with Scott
Jackson and Alonzo Walling. The three got into a cab on the Plum-street
side of a saloon, corner of George and Plum Streets, and were last seen
in the cab turning toward Plum Street.

Mrs. Stanley sobbing heavily cried: "Mr. Jackson, I come to you and ask
where is my sister's head?"

"We further find in the end of justice that this verdict, and the report
of the post-mortem, the chemical analysis of the stomach and the report
of the Court-stenographer be filed with the verdict."

On the Wednesday following, the grand jury of Campbell County Kentucky,
in session in Newport, returned an indictment against both Jackson and
Walling, charging them with the murder of Pearl Bryan and alleging that
the crime was committed near Ft. Thomas, Ky. Sheriff Plummer, at once
went to Frankfort, Ky., and secured a requisition for the men from
Governor Bradley. He then took the papers to Columbus, O., where
Governor Bushnell, after a close scrutiny honored them and the Sheriff
returned to Cincinnati to serve them on the Sheriff of Hamilton County,
Ohio, in whose custody the prisoners were.

The prisoners were arraigned in the Police Court of Cincinnati a number
of times charged with murder, and their cases continued, to give the
Kentucky authorities an opportunity to take action.

After the indictment of Jackson and Walling in Kentucky, the charge was
changed to "Fugitives from Justice" and on this were they held until the
requisition papers were procured and served.

In the meantime the detectives, police and Kentucky officers were at
work running down rumors and clews which sprang up on every side.

The hat worn by Pearl Bryan, was found on the side of the road just back
of Newport and was fully identified by her sister. The hat was weighted
down with a stone wrapped in a bloody handkerchief which was identified
as the property of Jackson.

George H. Jackson a negro, came forward and told a very plain
straight-forward story of having driven, Jackson, Walling and Pearl
Bryan in a surey drawn by a gray horse from Cincinnati to the scene of
the murder. The police put great faith in this story until it was proven
absolutely false, and that the negro had concocted the story with the
expectation of securing the reward, or for gaining notoriety. An
investigation of his previous record showed it to be a very unsavory
one. No one doubted the guilt of the prisoners under arrest, but great
difficulty was found in securing evidence on which they could be

The officers claimed to have sufficient evidence but refused to divulge
it, and the granting of the requisition papers by Governor Bradley of
Kentucky, and the honoring of those papers of Governor Bushnell of Ohio,
showed that there was certainly stronger evidence than had been given
the public.

As soon as the requisition papers were served on the Sheriff of Hamilton
County, Ohio, and an effort made by Sheriff Plummer, to take charge of
the prisoners, and take them to Kentucky, it was evident that a terrible
fight would be made by the counsel for the prisoners to keep Jackson and
Walling from being taken to Kentucky.

Learned and able counsel had been secured by the relatives of each of
the prisoners and from the start it was evident a big legal battle was
on and that every effort, would be put forth to them, not only to save
the murderers from paying the penalty of their horrible crime but also
to keep them from being sent to Kentucky, where in the eyes of the law,
the crime had been committed and the only place where they could be put
on trial for their lives.

Notwithstanding Gov. Bradley of Kentucky, had promised that he would put
the entire Militia force of Kentucky at the command of Sheriff Plummer
to protect the prisoners from violent deaths at the hands of a lawless
mob, the attorneys for the accused made the claim, and attempted to
prove it, that the lives of their clients would not be safe in Kentucky.

Habeas corpus proceedings were resorted to and every scheme and plan for
delay was brought into play. A fierce and bitter legal battle was fought
between the attorneys for the prisoners and those for the state, before
Judge M. L. Buchwalter of the Hamilton County, O., Court of Common

Every technicality and motive for delay known to the law was resorted to
by the attorneys for the defense. The cases were called again and again
in the Police Court simply as a formality, their continuances having
been agreed on before the cases were called, notwithstanding the law
providing that there shall be a hearing before a Judge of the Common
Pleas Court, in extradition cases as soon as the requisition papers
shall have been honored by the Governor of the State. The requisition
papers issued by Governor Bradley of Kentucky on Governor Bushnell, of
Ohio, had been honored by the last named official for weeks previous to
the arraignment of Walling and Jackson, before Judge M. L. Buchwalter,
of the Hamilton County Common Pleas Court. Interest in the case did not
abate in the least. The Jail where the prisoners were confined, was
daily literally besieged with visitors, and loud murmurings were heard
on all sides. Mob violence was feared, and this fact more than any other
caused the delay in the hearing of the arguments on the requisition
papers. Everyone felt that the papers would be honored by the Judge, and
the prisoners remanded to the custody of the Sheriff of Campbell County,
Kentucky, but it was feared the lives of the prisoners would be placed
in serious jeopardy, if they were sent to Kentucky, before the
excitement had in some measure died out. On April, the 30., the
prisoners were brought before Judge Buchwalter, and Saturday March, 7.,
fixed as the date for hearing on the requisition papers. Rumors of all
kinds prevailed, and squadrons of police were placed in line guarding
closely every inch of the way from the jail to the court room. It was
intended at first to convey the prisoners from the jail to the court
room through the underground passage way, or tunnel, which has been
prepared for just such cases of emergency. For this purpose the tunnel
was cleared of every obstacle, but when all was in readiness, it was
discovered that the key to the massive gate at the entrance to the
tunnel from the jail yard had been misplaced and could not be found, and
it was necessary to take them through the streets. Before the prisoners
arrived however, another consultation between the attorneys in the case
resulted in an agreement for another continuance, and Jackson and
Walling were before the court but a few minutes, when they were again
remanded to jail and Saturday March, 7., set for a final hearing on
their requisition. Col. Robert W. Nelson, one of the brightest and
leading legal lights of Kentucky, an able prosecutor, fearless and
aggressive and universally feared by criminals, volunteered his services
to aid in the prosecution of, as he termed it, "villains of the deepest
dye, who are without doubt guilty of the most heinous crime and greatest
outrage ever put upon the fair name and fame of Kentucky."

The attorneys for the defense had selected Judge Buchwalter as the judge
to hear their case for the reason that this same judge had but shortly
before refused to deliver a prisoner, a negro fugitive, charged with
murder, to the Kentucky authorities although Kentucky's Governor had
made a requisition which had been honored and granted by Governor
McKinley of Ohio. Buchwalter held that the negroe's life would not be
safe in Kentucky and refused to hand him over to the Kentucky
authorities. This was a ruling without precedent and the attorneys for
Walling and Jackson hoped to work on the Judges prejudices against
Kentucky and obtain a similar ruling in their cases. Public sentiment
however, was too strong, and no matter how much Judge Buchwalter may
have disliked to honor a requisition from Kentucky, he saw that public
feeling was in no humor to be trifled with in the case of the murderers
of Pearl Bryan. At the hearing of the case on March, 7., the State of
Kentucky, Jule Plummer, Sheriff of Campbell County, agent, through his
attorneys, M. R. Lockhart, Commonwealth's attorney and Col. R. W.
Nelson, appeared in court and demanded the custody of the prisoners,
presenting the requisition papers, properly approved by Governor
Bradley, of Kentucky, and Governor Bushnell of Ohio. The prisoners were
represented by Judge James D. Ermston, of Cincinnati, and Messrs.
Andrews and Sheppard, of Hamilton, O. A bitter fight was made, but right
and justice won and after a fierce legal battle between the opposing
counsel, Judge Buchwalter rendered a lengthy decision remanding the
prisoners to the custody of Sheriff Jule Plummer, as the agent of the
Commonwealth of Kentucky. He also dismissed the habeas-corpus
proceedings which had been instituted but granted a stay of the
executive of his orders for eight days to give the attorneys for the
prisoners ample time to appeal the cases and take them to the Circuit
Court. Judge Andrews for the prisoners, announced that the bill of
exceptions to Judge Buchwalter's rulings, would be prepared at once for
presentation to the Circuit Court. The case was at once taken up on
appeal and on March, 14., Judges Swing, Cox and Smith of the Circuit
Court of Hamilton County began its hearing. When the higher Court
convened an immense throng crowded the rooms, the most noteable among
the spectators being the aged father of the murdered girl, Alex. S.
Bryan, his three sons, Fred, Frank and James, and ten other gentlemen,
who had come from Greencastle, Ind., to Cincinnati, to lend their aid to
the prosecution of the prisoners. S. A. Hayes, one of the brightest
legal lights of Indiana, was one of the party and he will doubtless aid
the State of Kentucky in the prosecution of both Walling and Jackson
when they are put on trial for their lives.


The grounds of error set forth were as follows:

"That there is manifest error in said judgement and proceedings at, by
and before said Court of Common Pleas in this to wit:

"1. Said court erred in remanding this plaintiff in error to the custody
of said defendant in error.

"2. Said court erred in not discharging this plaintiff in error from the
custody of said defendants in error and restoring him to liberty.

"3. The judgement and order of said Court of Common Pleas is against the
weight of the evidence and contrary to law.

"4. That there was no evidence whatever submitted to said Court of
Common Pleas or to said Governor of Kentucky, who issued the said writ
of requisition, and there was no evidence whatever submitted to the
Governor of Ohio, who issued said warrant on said requisition, that this
plaintiff in error was a fugitive from justice.

"5. That the charge of indictment against this plaintiff in error does
not accuse him according to law of any crime.

"6. That there was no evidence submitted to said court or to either of
said Governors that the offense set forth in said alleged indictment is
a crime under the laws of said State of Kentucky.

"7. That there are other errors prejudicial to plaintiff in error
manifest in said record and proceedings."

The prayer of the petition is: "Wherefore this plaintiff in error prays
that said judgement and order may be reserved to all things he has lost
thereby, and that he may be discharged from the custody of said
defendants in error and restored to his liberty."

After hearing the arguments on this bill of errors, the Court took the
matter under advisement until the Monday morning following when the
three Judges of the higher court met and rendered a decision sustaining
Judge Buchwalter and remanding the prisoners to the custody of the
Kentucky authorities. Walling and Jackson were at once informed of the
decision of the Court. The effect of the information on the two
prisoners was of marked difference. Walling smiled sarcastically, and

"I had hoped we would not be taken over the river, and we have fought
desperately to prevent going there. We have made the best fight
possible," and winking his eye, added: "We have received no orders to go
there yet."

Jackson grew as pale as death and was visibly agitated and trembling,
when told that the Court had decided against him. Said he: "Of course I
do not want to go to Kentucky."

"Do you fear being mobbed over there?"

"I not only fear that we may be mobbed, but I don't believe we would be
given a fair trial. How can I think otherwise when an authority like
Sheriff Plummer told me that if we were taken over to Newport the
people there would lynch us sure?"

"Did the Sheriff tell you that?"

"Yes, and then modified it by saying: 'I will, of course, do all I can,
as an officer of the law, to prevent it, but we are all Kentuckians over
there, and they are hard to restrain.' Since he told me that, I have not
had any great longing to visit his State."


St. Patrick's day, March, 17., 1896, will ever live green in the memory
of Alonzo Walling and Scott Jackson. It was on this day they were taken
to Kentucky, quietly and without much ado. Sheriff Plummer appeared at
the Hamilton County, O., Jail in Cincinnati, and the prisoners were
given in his charge. Walling was at once handcuffed to Detective Crim
and Jackson to Detective McDermott. The crowds about the Jail and the
reporters had no idea what was going on until patrol wagon No. 3, backed
up to the door and Sheriff Plummer, followed by his prisoners and the
detectives went to get in. Immediately the crowd went wild and a mighty
yell went up. "They're going to Kentucky," was yelled by a thousand
voices. Cabs were telephoned for by reporters, spring wagons were
pressed into service and before the officers and prisoners could get in
the patrol wagon fully twelve or fifteen vehicles were ready to follow.
The horses were forced to a run and those following increased their
speed accordingly. The crowd increased. Fear was unmistakeably seen on
the countenances of both prisoners. Down Sycamore Street to Eighth the
horses went on a wild run. Before reaching Eighth Street, Sheriff
Plummer said that it would be impossible to thwart the fast increasing
throng and in order to throw them of their guard, ordered the driver to
turn west off Sycamore on Eighth and drive to Central Police Station. A
large crowd awaited them there and the prisoners were quickly hustled
into the cells. The crowds increased until the large iron doors had to
be closed to keep the crowds from the driveways and corridors of the big
City Building. The prisoners were kept there for two hours or more.
Every movement of the officers was watched closely, especially by the
reporters. Detectives Crim and McDermott, went quickly to the cells
where the prisoners were confined, and without any notice, the prisoners
were again handcuffed to them. Suddenly the large iron doors flew open,
and patrol No. 1, dashed into the court-yard, when the party was again
loaded in quickly. Once in the wagon, a wild drive to Newport was made.
East on Eighth Street to Broadway dashed the team of splendid
police-horses, down Broadway to Second and over the Central Bridge on a
full run thence up York Street in Newport, up to Third to the jail.

Everywhere the people stopped and stared at the strange chase, as patrol
and vehicles containing press-representatives galloped by, throwing mud
and snow in all directions, and unconsciously the correct conclusion was
arrived at in nearly every case--that Jackson and Walling were being
taken across the river.

The Newport jailer had been notified that the men were on the way over,
but he did not expect them as quickly as they made the journey. It was
but about four minutes after 4 o'clock when Patrol No. 1, dashed up to
the entrance to the Newport jail, the run from Ninth and Central Avenue
having been made in less than fifteen minutes. On the Central bridge the
horses broke into a gallop, and everybody in sight began to run. Before
the Newport end was reached a surging crowd pushed up York and down
Third Streets upon both sides, but they were not fast enough for the

When the trip to Central Station became known in Newport the news spread
like wildfire, and soon a crowd of at least one thousand people had
assembled and impatiently awaited the coming of the prisoners, the
unusual activity at the jail indicating that they were to be brought

Policeman patrolled Gate Street and kept the people constantly moving,
while the door of the jail office was locked and admission refused to
everyone, even reporters being excluded.

About 4 o'clock there was a cry of "Here they come!" from the people on
York Street, and in a few seconds patrol No. 1, turned the corner and
dashed down to the jail entrance. As the patrol wagon turned the corner
the crowd closed in and hurried after it, to check it, and when the jail
was reached the entire street was blockaded.

Sheriff Plummer stepped from the wagon, and was closely followed by
Walling, handcuffed to Detective McDermott, and Jackson, handcuffed to
Detective Crim. Both prisoners were pale and trembling, evidently
believing that the crowd was there for motives other than curiosity.
There was no demonstration from the people, and the prisoners were
quickly hurried into the jail-office and the door slammed and locked in
the faces of the crowd of reporters who attempted to enter.

The Newport Jail is by no means a desireable place of confinement from a
sanitary point of view and is poorly ventilated. Both prisoners keenly
realized the great change in their accommodations. Regarding this
Jackson said:

"This is quite different from the Hamilton County Jail, where everything
was at least nice and clean. If I could only exercise a little it would
not be so bad. I am really losing the use of my legs, and I cannot see
what harm there would be in allowing me to walk in the corridor with one
of the guards. I am glad that we are to be taken into court on Monday.
That will be at least a little relief."

"What plea will you enter?"


"Oh, that, of course, will be for my attorney to decide, but it will
certainly be not guilty."

When Walling was seen, he appeared to be in much better spirits than
Jackson. He was lying on his cot, deeply interested in the novel which
he has been reading for the past few days. He arose and pleasantly
greeted his visitor. When asked as to how he liked his quarters he

"Oh, I suppose I have no kick coming, although they are not as good as
those across the river."

"What plea will you enter next Monday?"

"Not guilty, of course. What other plea could I make. I tell you that I
am not guilty of that murder and I fully expect to be cleared."

Arraigned in Kentucky Court Monday, March, 23., the murderers, spent the
first hour outside the prison walls since the transfer to Kentucky. That
hour was spent in appearing in the Circuit Court room of Campbell County
for the purpose of entering their plea to the charge of murder placed
against them by the Kentucky authorities.

In the court-room by 9:30 o'clock the three hundred privileged ones who
had obtained tickets of admission had taken their seats, and every seat
was taken excepting the four on the jury gallery reserved for the
prisoners and their jail attendants. There were not more than twenty
women among the spectators.

Within the iron-rail-bound quadrangle in front of the Judge's desk
thirty or forty members of the Campbell County bar sat, while ranged
behind them and just within the railing was a row of tables for the
reporters and artists.

Occupying the front chairs in the quadrangle were the attorneys in the
case: For the Commonwealth, Messrs. M. R. Lockhart, Ramsay Washington
and Colonel William Nelson; for the prisoners, Hon. L. J. Crawford,
representing Jackson, and Colonel George Washington, representing
Walling. In a few minutes Judge Charles J. Helm and the Clerk of the
Court, A. L. Reuscher, entered and took their seats and at once opened
the Court.

Fifteen minutes were spent by the Court disposing of routine business
and several minor cases before his honor said: "I will now call the
cases of the Commonwealth vs. Jackson et al. Mr. Sheriff, bring in the

Everybody was at once on the alert, and all eyes were turned to the door
leading from the corridor. Instead of going toward that door, however,
the Sheriff threw open the ante-room door and out walked Jackson,
attended by Jail Guard Veith. Jackson walked quickly and without any
evidence of the weakness in his knees of which he complained several
days ago. A few steps behind Jackson came Walling, attended by Jailer
John Bitzer.

When they came into the room, both men were pale, but that haggard
appearance which distinguished them when they were in the Cincinnati
Courts was gone. They both looked well and gave evidence that they
enjoyed their Kentucky fare. Walling retained his paleness throughout
the proceedings, but Jackson, after taking his seat and looking over the
assembled crowd, flushed up a little.

"Stand up," said Judge Helm to the prisoners when the rustle occasioned
by their appearance had subsided, "You are arraigned--"

Colonel Washington interrupted the Judge here to say that he wished to
enter his demurrer to the indictment before the arraignment. He was


The men were then arraigned and asked to plead.

"Not guilty, as to Walling," said Colonel Washington.

"Not guilty, as to Jackson," said Mr. Crawford.

Judge Helm then asked the attorneys as to whether they desired the
defendants tried together or separately. Mr. Crawford said he did not
wish to indicate then, but Colonel Washington said he wanted a seperate
trial for Walling. The Judge then said, "All right, let an order be
entered accordingly. This court will begin the case against Scott
Jackson first, and I will set Jackson's case for April 7."

Mr. Crawford thought the time was too short. "Until the prisoner came
over here," he said, "I was not connected with the case. Our witnesses
are scattered, many of them being in Ohio and Indiana, and I do not wish
to risk the chance of their failure to attend court on account of the
short time allowed. This trial is for justice, and we ought to be given
every opportunity to prepare our case. The prosecution seems to have
surprises in store for us, and by a decision of the Court of Appeals the
defense has the right to know what the prosecution intends to do against

Colonel Nelson here got up and said: "I am surprised at Mr. Crawford
making such a statement. The Commonwealth expects to prove that Scott
Jackson killed Pearl Bryan," a remark that drew a laugh from the

Judge Helm said he knew of no rule requiring the Commonwealth to
indicate to the defense what its case would be. "Two weeks ought to be
ample time," continued he, "for the defense to get ready."

Mr. Crawford continued to press for longer time, but the Judge cut him
short by repeating "I think you have ample time between this and April
7. If you have an objection to make, make it then, but it must be a good
one to receive my attention. Remand the prisoners."

No time was fixed for the trial of Alonzo Walling but it was understood
that it follow immediately after Jackson's. The demanding of a seperate
trial by Walling's attorney gave rise to the rumor, which gained
considerable credence that Walling could be induced to turn state's
evidence against Jackson and tell all he knows at the trial of Jackson.
The authorities have accumulated much important evidence in the matter
and the attorneys for the prosecution claimed with perfect confidence
that they would be able to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that both
Scott Jackson and Alonzo Walling are guilty of the murder, and
decapitation of Pearl Bryan. It was claimed by them that enough evidence
has been secured to reveal how, when, where and by whom Pearl Bryan was
murdered; to reveal the secret of her whereabouts on the night
proceeding her tragic death; in fact to ring down the curtain upon the
most horrible tragedy of the nineteenth century, laid bare in all of its
most horrowing details. Like the well-laid plot in the tragedy which has
its birth in the imagination of the skillful dramatist, this tragedy in
real life, possessed the one element which never fails to fascinate the
public mind-mystery.

The day of the trial drew near, and still the mystery seemed almost as
deep as ever. It was evident before the calling of the case against
Scott Jackson in Newport, Ky., on April, 7., 1896, that a hard earnest
fight would be made for delay and a postponement asked by Jackson's
attorneys. The day of trial April, 7., at last arrived. Every
arrangement had been perfected by Sheriff Plummer, not only for the
protection and safe keeping of the prisoners but also for the
convenience and accommodation of the Court, to prevent any crowding of
the court-room or any unseemly acts of violence or disturbance.

The announcement of the authorities that only a limited few besides
those interested in the case would be allowed in the court-room was the
reason of the smallness of the crowd. People, knowing that they could
not get in to see the trial, did not--beyond a few of the more
curious--care to merely get a look at the prisoner.

The twelve jurymen's chairs were placed directly in front of the Judge's
desk, and the witness box so placed that the witnesses in giving their
testimony would be facing the Judge and jury. The witness stand stood
almost in the middle of the court-room. On the right side was the
prosecution's and on the left side the defense's tables, while between
it and the jury was placed the stenographer's table.

The reporters' tables, six in number, were grouped in close proximity
around the witness stand, and the whole arrangement left nothing to be
desired. The members of the Campbell County bar occupied seats within
and without the railed space, and there was a large gathering of them


About five minutes before the arrival of Judge Helm in the court-room
Sheriff Plummer, having all his arrangements perfected, slipped out and
proceeded to the jail, and in a few moments emerged therefrom with Scott
Jackson handcuffed to his arm.

With a nervous smile and a forced jauntiness, which accorded illy with
his visible perturbation, Scott Jackson stepped from the old jail door
in Newport and started through the dense lines of curious men, women and
children for the court of justice, wherein his fight for life will be
made. He was handcuffed to Sheriff Plummer, and, as a further
precaution, was flanked on either side by a stalwart deputy.

Jackson seemed in good humor as he walked from the jail, and did not
show the same dread for the Newport crowds that he had displayed on the
two former occasions upon which he passed through them. He was taken
upstairs in the Courthouse and placed in the witness room to await the
opening of court.

Ordinarily, a man facing death excites sympathy, particularly among the
class who waited for two hours to get a glimpse of Jackson. But the most
casual observer could not fail to see that the populace was singularly
unanimous in its intense hostility to the supposed and accused murderers
of Pearl Bryan.

A man may be a murderer and a hero in the minds of many. But nothing but
deep-seated and virulent hostility was manifested by ninety-nine out of
every hundred of those who gathered about the Courthouse in Newport and
reviewed the famous crime in infinite detail. "He'll hang, and he ought
to, ---- him," said one big fellow in the center of a listening group.

"Yes, and Walling out to follow him in five minutes," said a bare-headed
working woman, as she shifted a baby from arm to arm. The same sullen
antipathy was apparent as Jackson passed through the crowd. It was
indisputably general.


A significant proof of this feeling was evidenced in a rather remarkable
incident which occurred as Jackson was leaving the court-room after the
trial. There were probably a dozen women in the audience, among whom was
a party of three comely, well dressed and to all appearances, thoroughly
respectable women. They sat on the first row of the benches for the
general spectators. As Jackson passed from the inclosure wherein he had
been seated and started for the ante-room with Sheriff Plummer, one of
the women suddenly reached out and kicked Jackson twice. She put all her
strength into the blows. Jackson flushed and then smiled the smile which
in his case is better evidence of internal anguish and agitation than
is a tear on the face of most men. Neither Judge Helm nor Sheriff
Plummer, nor in fact, any one outside from three spectators saw the
incident. The officers walked rapidly, looking neither to the right nor
to the left, and seemed, from their grimness, to realize the great
responsibility which rested upon them.


It was just 9:40 o'clock, April, 7., when Judge Helm entered the
court-room. Immediately the hum of conversation which had been going on
at a lively rate stopped, as, with hardly a pause after sitting down,
the Judge ordered the Sheriff to open the court. Every seat in the
spectators gallery by this time was taken. Judge Helm at once went to
the business of the day, calling "Case 2,296, the Commonwealth vs. Scott
Jackson," and directing the Sheriff to bring in the prisoner.

There was a perceptible movement on the part of the assemblage as
Jackson followed Jailer Bitzer and the Sheriff into the court-room and
took his place on the left of the witness box and slightly in its rear.
His chair was next to that of Attorney Andrews, of Hamilton, Walling's
counsels, and the narrow table seperated the prisoner from Hon. L. J.
Crawford and Colonel George Washington. As on his former visit to the
court-room, Jackson flushed slightly after taking his seat. He paid
close attention throughout to every thing that was said by the Judge and
the lawyers.

Around the table to the right of the witness box were seated
Commonwealth's Attorney M. R. Lockhart, Colonel R. W. Nelson and
Attorney Silas Hayes, of Greencastle, all representing the prosecution.
The Sheriff called the names of the jurors summoned for duty, and these
having been disposed of the Judge asked:

"Is the Commonwealth ready?"

To which Mr. Lockhart replied: "The Commonwealth is ready."

"May it please Your Honor, Scott Jackson is not ready," stated Mr.
Crawford, rising. "We desire to file a motion for postponement."

Illustration: The highest point in Forest Hill Cemetery where the
headless remains of Pearl Bryan are buried.

He read the affidavit as follows:

"Affiant L. J. Crawford says he is still the only attorney herein for
defendant, Scott Jackson: that affiant has been ill with la grippe
during the last ten days; that for more than a week one of his children
has been and still is very ill and under the care of a physician; that,
in consequence of his own and his child's sickness, he has been unable
to give this case the attention necessary to properly prepare it for
trial; that, so far as he has been able, he has constantly and
assiduously worked upon the preparation of it; that the commissions to
take depositions in Cincinnati, O., Greencastle, Ind., and Brooklyn, N.
Y., have not been returned; that the persons named in the former
affidavit of affiant as residing in joint places will testify as
follows, viz: While in Greencastle that Scott Jackson's general
reputation among the neighbors in said town, until charged with the
offense mentioned in the indictment, was good; that he resided there for
about two years just before or shortly before being so charged; that
each and all of said witnesses knew him and his general reputation in
said town during said time.

"That the reputation of Will Wood, of Greencastle, Ind., whom the
prosecution will introduce, for truth, can be successfully impeached by
witnesses residing in Greencastle, if time is given in which to take
their depositions.

"Affiant says he was not aware until April, 1., 1896, that said Wood
would be introduced; that affiant will be able by the 10. inst. to file
a list of names of persons who will testify upon Wood's reputation and
to file a list of interrogations to be addressed to them."


Mr. Lockhart repeated that the State was ready to try the case, and he
did not think the Court ought to allow a month's further time. He said
that Mr. Crawford, upon a former occasion, had agreed that a month was
sufficient in which to prepare the case. It was therefore Mr. Lockhart's
opinion that two weeks further continuance was as much as Mr. Crawford
could look for. That, he said, would make the full time allowed one

Mr. Crawford said he did at first think a month would be sufficient, but
his work during the past two weeks had shown him that it would take hard
work to be ready inside of another month. "I most earnestly and
sincerely state," continued he, "that we should have a month, and do not
see what particular difference it would make to the Commonwealth. My
client is not enjoying himself in jail."

The Judge said that the difficulties attending the prosecution were
infinitely greater than they were for the defense, the defendant knew
everything in reference to himself, whereas the prosecution had to find
out everything. He had also pointed out that other counsel had been
engaged in the case.


Mr. Crawford stated that he had only been engaged after Jackson came to
Kentucky, a little less than three weeks. In concluding an earnest
appeal for a month's extension of time, he said:

"It is a question whether this man shall be hanged, go to the
penitentiary for life, or whether he shall leave the court-room a free

The Judge replied: "You are not entitled to any continuance at all.
Tuesday, April, 21., will be sufficient time. The case is continued
until that day. Witnesses' names will now be called."

The following witnesses for the prosecution were in court and were
placed upon their recognizances of $100 each to be in court on April,
21.: J. B. Lock, Dr. A. B. Heyl, Henry Motz and Harry and Will Hedger.

While the court proceeded to other business of the day the officers
removed Jackson to the witness room, where he was kept for about fifteen
minutes before being returned to the jail.

The attorneys for the Commonwealth were sure of having sufficient
testimony to convict both Jackson and Walling of murder in the first
degree and objected strenuously to any continuance. Col. R. W. Nelson,
who volunteered his services for the prosecution, worked hard and
earnestly and through his efforts much valuable and conclusive evidence
against the prisoners was unearthed. He said regarding the disposition
of the head: "Without a doubt the head of Pearl Bryan is rotting in the
Ohio river. At the proper time we will produce witnesses who saw Jackson
and Walling make two visits to the Suspension Bridge and throw bundles
into the stream. One of these bundles the witnesses will say undoubtedly
contained a human head. The witnesses who will testify to these facts
have positively identified both Jackson and Walling and will do so again
at the trial, and their testimony will be of the most sensational

On Monday, April, 13., Judge Helm fixed the day for Alonzo Walling's
trial, for Tuesday May, 5., 1896. Walling's Hamilton O., attorneys,
Morey, Andrews & Shepherd, withdrew from any further connection with the

Pearl Bryan's headless remains buried at Greencastle.

The headless body of poor Pearl Bryan, taken to Greencastle, Ind., from
the Newport, Ky., Morgue on that cold, bleak wintry day in February, lay
in its beautiful snow-white casket in the vault in Forest Hill Cemetery
in Greencastle, until March, 27. The heart-broken sisters, urged on by
the friends of the family, had pleaded with their aged and
grief-stricken parents to have the remains buried, but their pleading
was in vain. Mrs. Bryan could not bear to even think of consigning the
remains to mother earth without the head, and Mr. Bryan, the aged and
heart-broken father, would only reply when the suggestion of burial
would be made to him, "The head must be found," "It must be found." It
was only after long and hard pleading that he at last agreed to permit
the burial of the headless remains. Hundreds of people had visited the
cemetery and gazed longingly on the stone receptacle in which the body
lay. At last the consent of Mr. Bryan was secured and arrangements were
at once put on foot to consign to mothers earth, all that was left of
the beautiful and loved, but misguided girl. Friday, March, 27., was the
day fixed for the funeral. It was a beautiful day and the sun shone
brightly from an almost cloudless sky. The warm weather of the preceding
days had caused the grass and foliage in the beautiful cemetery to
assume a decidedly bright greenish tint, and the trees were beginning to
bud. It was in every respect a most typical day. The cemetery lies just
south of Greencastle, surrounding a lofty hill within plain view, and
but a short distance from the colonial mansion of the Bryan's, where the
lovely Pearl was born and had grown to womanhood, from which she had
attended the Greencastle school and graduated with the highest honors.
It was here in the city of the dead, where lie her relatives and friends
who have gone before her, in sight of her home, at the highest point in
the cemetery, where the fond loving mother and father, whose hearts are
broken over the sad, sad ending of the life of their favorite daughter,
can look from the window of their room and see the tombs of "the loved
and lost", that the grave was dug. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan had insisted on
Pearls' grave being located on the highest point in the cemetery. Early
in the afternoon of the day fixed, an immense concourse of relatives and
friends, and of the curious, assembled at the vault in the cemetery,
where the remains lay.

Notwithstanding the large crowd, present, a deathlike stillness
prevailed. At last the hour arrived, and a few moments afterward the
carriages containing the grief-stricken family, arrived on the ground.
These carriages, bearing the possessors of so many heavily grief
burdened hearts, had hardly stopped at the vault when the large black
doors of the vault swung outward, and the dead girl's class-mates of the
"Class of '92", with bowed heads and aching hearts, filed slowly into
the sepulcher, and took their places around the plain white coffin, on
the lid of which was a silver plate with the single word "Pearl"
engraved thereon. It was indeed a most solemn and impressive scene, one
never to be forgotten by those who witnessed it. With heavy hearts,
tear-bedimmed eyes, and trembling hands, the loved and loving class-mates
of the beautiful victim of the crime of the nineteenth century, grasped
the silver bar handles of the casket which contained all that was mortal
of the poor, erring, misguided, but loved Pearl Bryan, and bore it to
the outside of the vault. Tender hands and loving hearts bore the
headless remains of the once bright, cheerful and petted Pearl, to their
last resting place. The remains were not exposed to view at the funeral
services. Slowly following the carriages, containing Rev. Dr. Gobin, the
officiating pastor, the family and intimate friends, the beautiful
casket was carried by the class-mates along the broad cinder path to the
grave where it must rest. Following the casket was one of the largest
crowds ever seen at a funeral in Greencastle. Arriving at the grave, the
casket was let down into the receptacle prepared for it. Simple services
appropriate and tender, were said. Dr. Gobin, made a few touching
remarks, a hymn was sung by the class-mates with voices filled with
emotion, and the services concluded with a short prayer. A new grave was
made, the horrible tragedy which cost poor Pearl Bryan her life was
recalled vividly to those who had known and loved her all through life,
and the headless body of Pearl Bryan, dressed in her magnificent white
dress in which she graduated from the Greencastle High School, borne by
the loving class-mates in that graduating-class, were consigned to earth
from whence they came, and covered from the view of those who loved and
knew her. Already a verdant carpet furnished by nature covers the new
made mound which is kept covered with beautiful flowers and one would
not think that this grave was a new made one, but the girl who lies
beneath that mound, whose tragic death startled the whole civilized
world, will never be forgotten by those who visit Forest Hill Cemetery.

The Trial of Scott Jackson.

The trial of Scott Jackson began on April the 22nd, before Judge Helm.
It is very remarkable that a jury was secured on the first day. Perhaps
this promptness has never been equalled in Kentucky. The completed jury
was as follows:

John M. Ensweiler, grocer, Bellevue; William White, plumber, Newport;
John Boehmer, teamster, Dayton; Merty Shea, retired merchant, Newport;
Louis Scharstein, grocer, Newport; D. B. Mader, carpenter and builder,
Dayton; William Motz, reporter, Dayton; Millard Carr, carpenter,
Bellevue; G. P. Stegner, grocer, Newport; John S. Backsman, cutler,
Newport; Fred Gieskemeyer, grocer, Bellevue; David Kraut, coal merchant,

When all the preliminaries had been completed the attorney for the
Commonwealth arose and stated to the jury what the prosecution intended
to prove. He said:

"In the spring of 1895, the accused, Scott Jackson, commenced living in
Greencastle, Ind., where also resided the deceased, Pearl Bryan, who was
the youngest daughter of one of the oldest and best families in that
vicinity. Her father at one time was a Kentuckian, having lived a long
time in Bourbon County, Ky.

"The accused, Scott Jackson, became acquainted with Pearl Bryan, shortly
after he arrived in Greencastle. By reason of his elegant dress,
polished manners and fluent conversation, shortly after his acquaintance
with her he became a frequent caller upon her and they were often seen
together. Succeeding this the Commonwealth will show, beyond a
reasonable doubt, that this innocent young lady became infatuated and
yielded her chastity to this man, and later on she advised him of the
fact of her condition. It will be clearly demonstrated to you, gentlemen
of the jury, that while she was in that condition she left Greencastle
and came to Cincinnati, so that her people would not be aware of her
unfortunate condition.

"That, in obedience to a request from Scott Jackson, she came to
Cincinnati on Monday, January 28th. We will introduce a witness to show
that he met her at the depot, and that she inquired for Scott Jackson.
That he met her on the following morning, Tuesday, January 29th. It will
be shown that he was seen not only in Cincinnati, but in Kentucky, and
that he was seen with her up to Friday night, and about that time he was
with her in a vehicle, and that he took her out to Fort Thomas, where
her headless body was found February 1st, 1896.

"That Scott Jackson was found in possession of Pearl Bryan's satchel. We
will show by two or three persons, to whom he made this confession, that
he left the satchel with two different persons after the finding of the
body of Pearl Bryan. That upon Friday night a light rain fell, and when
the body was found on the Lock property, near Fort Thomas, headless,
there was a large quantity of blood lying in clots near the corpse.

"The Commonwealth expects to show you the condition of the body at the
time; that at that place the decapitation of this unfortunate girl was
done, and this man, Scott Jackson (pointing to the prisoner), is the
fiend who decapitated the unfortunate girl.

"We will also show to you, gentleman, that this fellow led a double
life--as Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Up at Greencastle he was a gentleman,
but in Cincinnati, he was in society of ill repute, and he made no
discrimination of color in his choice of women.

"That a week or two before the crime was committed he displayed a fine
dissecting knife, and that he was experienced in the use of a knife that
could have done that kind of work.

"Through Jackson Pearl Bryan was brought to Cincinnati, and the evidence
tracing her will be established beyond a reasonable doubt, and that the
decapitation was done by one who is deft in using the knife, as he is
known to be."

John Hewling, a lad about sixteen years of age was the first witness. He
testified to the finding of the headless body on the farm of J. D. Lock.

The second witness was Dr. Tingley, Coroner of Campbell County, Ky. His
testimony was very important. He described the spot where he first
viewed the corpse and testified that the bushes in the vicinity were
spattered with blood that had spurted from the headless trunk. Restated
that the head had been removed by some one who had practised in surgery.

The following dialogue occurred during his testimony:

"On viewing the body I found it had been severed rather high. The knife
had struck the vertebra, then its course was changed slightly downward."

"Did you notice any other cut?"

"Yes; one across the fingers of her left hand."

"What fingers?"

"Her four fingers, near the tops."

"Did you observe no cut on the thumb?"

"No, sir."

"Did you make any other examination?"

"Yes, sir."

"Can you say whether or not the cuts on her hand were recently

"Yes, they were."

"I will ask you if, in your opinion (you have described the condition of
the body), whether or not the head was cut off at that place?"

"I think so."

"Can you say whether the head was cut off before or after death? Or, if
death resulted from the severance?"

"I think the artery was cut while the heart was still beating."

In view of the fact that the defense was seeking to establish that the
head was removed after death the last remark coming as it did from an
expert was very damaging to Jackson. The same witness was asked,
concerning the cuts on the hand which he had referred to.

"Will you explain to the jury whether the cuts on the fingers were made
before death?"

"Before death," replied the witness promptly.

He was then questioned more particularly as to the result of his
investigations as an expert. The fact that Pearl Bryan had been murdered
with a knife (though cocaine was found in her stomach by the chemist),
was established beyond peradventure by the witness. He also identified
the clothing of Pearl Bryan which was produced all soaked with blood.

On the second day of the trial the prosecution sprung a sensation. A
headless dummy was brought into the court-room dressed in the clothes
that Pearl Bryan wore when her body was discovered. The dummy was placed
in an erect position at the left of the witness box and facing the jury.
A lively tilt followed between counsel as to the legality of this
proceeding. The court finally ordered the figure removed and the clothes
produced separately.

When this was done Mrs. Mary Stanley, the sister of Pearl Bryan was
called. She gave a list of the articles that Pearl had when she left
home and identified all the valises and clothing which the prosecution
had brought into court. She also identified some handkerchiefs found in
Jackson's room by detectives after his arrest and named the store where
Pearl had purchased them in Greencastle.

The first evidence of the trial that directly connected the prisoner
with the murder was given by John A. Caldwell, Mayor of Cincinnati.

Jackson became flushed and nervous and at times fastened his watery eyes
on the witness with an intensity that became painful.

He stated that he was present when Jackson was examined immediately
after his arrest in the office of Chief of Police Deitsch, of
Cincinnati. Mr. Caldwell said Colonel Deitsch handed him a telegram; he
took it in his hand and leaning over and looking at it for quite a time,
with his eyes in this way, cast down, he finally uttered: "Oh, my God
what will my poor mother say," then he turned his eyes on Colonel

When he asked me the question he rose from his position and began to
walk up and down the room. He says to me, "What shall I do?" I says, "Do
you ask me the question?" He says, "Yes." I says, "Tell the truth." He
said, "Many an innocent man has been in as serious trouble as I am
to-night," or something to that effect. I do not know that I get his
exact words.

After what I have related Colonel Deitsch asked: "Where is Pearl Bryan?"
Jackson said he did not know; that he had not seen her since he was home
during the holidays. He was asked where he was on Friday night. He said
at first he was at his room; he was not certain, but he was there. Then
he said he was not out of his room after 7:30 o'clock; he remained there
all the evening. He was asked who his room-mate was, and he said Alonzo
Walling. He was asked if his room-mate was with him. He said that he
believed he was. He was asked where he was on Thursday evening, and he
said he was at his room. He was then asked as to where Walling was. He
said he did not know where Walling was Thursday evening, and afterwards
said that Walling did not come home on Thursday evening. That was about
the substance of the conversation that evening. The newspaper men were
then allowed to come in, and a conversation was then held with him by
them as to where he was, much of which I did not hear.

"The next morning about 10:30 I went to Colonel Deitsch's office, where
the prisoner was sitting. Colonel Deitsch asked him where he was on
Friday and Thursday nights, and his answers were the same as he made the
evening before. I am not positive as to whether it was at that meeting
that Walling was brought into his presence, and the conversation turned
as to where Pearl Bryan was and as to whether either of them had seen
Pearl Bryan the previous week.

"Mr. Jackson admitted to Colonel Deitsch that he had seen Pearl Bryan;
that she came to the Dental College on Court Street for him; that he was
informed she was in a cab, and that he met her afterward, I think on
Tuesday, at the Indiana House, on Fifth Street; that he met her again on
Wednesday about one o'clock at the corner of Fourth and Vine or Fourth
and Walnut. He said in the presence of Walling that he had sent 'Wally',
as he called him, to notify her that he was going out that afternoon and
he would meet her that evening. Then he said he did not see her again
after that Wednesday.

"Walling said he went down and saw Pearl Bryan and that he went that
evening to Heider's Restaurant, on Fifth Street, and met Jackson, and
Jackson told him to go up to the Postoffice and he would find Pearl
Bryan, and to wait there until he went to his room and returned; that he
went over to the Postoffice and saw Pearl Bryan standing inside the
corridor, and he went on from there and wrote his letters.

"Either on that day or the next day Mr. Jackson was asked about the
satchel, and he said that he had left the satchel at Legner's saloon,
across the street from his room; he said that he brought it there and
loaned it to a student and he intended to take it to the college and
give it to him, but he did not give it to him. He afterwards admitted
that it was Pearl Bryan's satchel.

"I want to say that in the meantime, in one of these conversations, I
told both of these young men that they did not have to make a confession
to any person, that they were at perfect liberty to refuse to answer any
of the questions that were asked them.

"Walling in this conversation, when Jackson was present, said that when
Jackson came back from his holiday vacation he took him in the corner of
his room on Ninth Street, where they were rooming, and told him that he
was in trouble with Pearl Bryan and that he intended to kill her. When
asked how, he said, 'I propose to get a room and take her to the room
and give her some cocaine poison and leave her there.' Then again, he
says he changed and said. 'No, I will cut her up in pieces and take the
pieces and deposit them in different places about the city.' He said
that before he saw Pearl Bryan at the Postoffice--I believe that was
Thursday evening instead of Wednesday evening---he said that Jackson had
made arrangements to take her over to Bellevue, I think it was, or over
to the sandbar, or some place there and kill her, take her head off and
bury her. He said that Jackson asked all the physicians as to the
effects of different kinds of poisons; that he had a standard medical
dictionary in his room and studied the effects of poisons, and that he
asked one physician particularly as to the effect of cocaine.

"He said that Jackson went to a Sixth Street pharmacy and got cocaine
and brought it back, that he took out a small teaspoonful and dissolved
it in two teaspoonsful of water and put it in a bottle, as he said, to
give her so as to paralyze her vocal organs or throat, and then cut her
head off. Jackson turned to Walling and said: 'Wally, why do you talk
that way; you know you are not telling the truth; you know that you
killed Pearl Bryan.' Whereupon Walling says, 'No, you know that you
killed her; and why don't you tell where her head is?' Then, when
Jackson was talking of where Pearl Bryan's head was, he said, 'I don't
know; Wally says he threw it overboard.' Then he said he took the
clothes and made one or two trips to the river and threw part in the
river and some in the sewer, but he could not tell where."

"Jackson then said that there was a bundle that he had given Walling.
Walling was then asked what he done with it; he said that it was up in
his locker at the college; the bundle was sent for and brought in their
presence. It was a pair of pantaloons, which Jackson identified as his,
and said that he had not seen them for some time; that Walling must have
worn them.

"I asked the men as to where the other clothes were. Walling says,
'Jackson, why don't you tell him where those things are, you might just
as well do it now as any time?' Jackson said that upon Saturday night, I
believe it was, they were walking up Plum Street with a bundle and they
saw some young physician or one of the students coming towards them,
that Walling changed and went down Plum Street to Ninth and out Ninth,
and Jackson said he went along little Richmond Street and from there on
around to the room, and then down Ninth to Richmond, and out Richmond
Street, westward, where he threw the bundle in one of the manholes of
the sewer, but he could not state which. The sewers were drained and
searched and a bundle brought to the department which Mr. Jackson
identified as his coat. He first denied that it was his coat, and said
it was Wallings', but afterwards admitted that it was his coat, but that
Walling must have worn it."

A valise was shown to Mr. Caldwell and he identified it as the one that
Jackson had been confronted with. It was the satchel which had once been
Pearl Bryan's and the witness stated that Jackson accused Walling of
having brought away the head of the murdered girl in it.

The witness then spoke of the occasion when Walling and Jackson accused
each other of having murdered the girl. After this he described the
scene and last effort that was made to get a confession from the
prisoners at Epply's Undertaking Establishment (see page 84). This ended
the Mayors testimony.

The mother of Pearl Bryan was then called to identify her daughter's
clothing. The scene brought tears to every eye and a sob to every bosom
not wholly bereft of human qualities.

Allan Johnson, employed in a saloon at George and Plum Streets, gave
testimony that proved to be highly important. He knew both Jackson and
Walling as visitors to the establishment referred to--and which the
witness admitted was a house of ill repute. On the night of the murder
the two students called with a woman in their company. The woman must
have been Pearl Bryan for the witness identified the clothing worn by
Pearl on the night she was murdered. The party, consisting of Jackson,
Walling, and Pearl drove away from the house in a carriage.

George H. Jackson, a colored man, was called. His testimony was of the
most startling character.

He told that on the night before the murder he was approached by Alonzo
Walling at the corner of George and Elm Streets. Walling inquired if
Jackson wished to earn five dollars by driving a cab across the Newport
bridge. The colored man accepted. On the next night he proceeded to Elm
and George Streets to discharge the contract. A cab soon drove up with
Walling on the box. Walling gave him the reins and instructed him to
drive to the Newport bridge, giving route. This was done. Then Walling
got up on the box with him to further direct the way. Before long he
heard a noise that sounded like a woman suffering and they moved around
and shook the carriage and they broke a glass, and then I was scared and
I put my left hand out and my right hand on the lantern and it kind of
bent down and I started to jump off, and I said there is something wrong
in the back part of that carriage and I don't care anything about this
job, and I went to hand the lines to him and when I went to look at him
I was looking at a gun. He said, "If you don't drive this horse I will
blow you to hell"; of course, I understood and began to drive the horse.

At length the carriage stopped at the command of a man inside the
carriage whom the witness identified to be Scott Jackson. The witness
said, "I stopped the horse and the man inside of the carriage got out,
and when this man on the front seat jumped down and went behind and got
on the other side of the lady then I got down to shut the door and this
here man who sat in the rear says, 'Drive down and turn around and come
back and wait until I whistle,' and then I shut the door and they moved
off; the woman was in between these two men. I went down the hill and
turned around, and when I came back I saw them in the act of getting
over the fence. It was a kind of a three-board fence."

The witness then related that a panic seized him and that he ran away
from the scene as fast as he could, leaving the horse tied where he

If George H. Jackson's story was true there can be no doubt of Scott
Jackson's and Alonzo Walling's guilt.

The next witnesses of importance were the two detectives Crim and

Crim testified first. He said:

"I live in Cincinnati. Have been connected with the Police Department
about ten years; on the detective force two years. I was detailed on the
Pearl Bryan case. I went to the point where the body was found,
Saturday, February 1st, in the neighborhood of one o'clock, in company
of McDermott and Mr. Plummer, Sheriff of this county.

"I went out with Mr. Plummer and he described the position that the
body was lying in when found. I noticed a few spots of blood on the
ground, one on the side of the bank and the other down near the bottom,
where the neck was supposed to be lying. I noticed blood on the bushes
and on the edge of the bank. Mr. McDermott pulled the leaves through his
hand and the blood stuck to his fingers; he rubbed it on the back of his
hand and it made a red mark. I took one of the leaves and have it with
me now. This is the leaf. (The leaf was then exhibited to the jury). I
have kept that leaf in another book until I filled that one up and then
I placed it in this. It is a leaf I plucked from the bushes there. There
were a number of the leaves that had blood upon them, drops like
rain-drops would glisten on the same. I found near these blood spots an
impression in the ground as though some one had been sitting there.
During the time I was there some person took a stick and dug down in the
ground six or seven inches. There was blood down as far as he went, or
some red substance I thought was blood. On the top of the bank, I judge
three feet from where this impression was, there was a track which
looked as though it had been made with a rubber shoe of small size.
About the size of the rubber shown me. The witness also testified that
he had made a search of the room occupied by Jackson. He found a pair of
ladies stockings behind a trunk pointed out to him as Scott Jackson's
trunk and which had on it the letters "S. J." He also found, in the
trunk, a ladies pocket-book with a piece of gold chain in it. In a
closet was found a cap. McDermott was present when the search was made
and testified exactly as Mr. Crim did.

John W. Legner was called and testified.

"I live in Cincinnati. I kept a saloon at 225 West Ninth Street, nearly
opposite where Walling and Jackson roomed. Scott Jackson had been in my
place quite frequently; he came for a pitcher of beer."

"State whether at any time he left any article of any kind at your

"On Saturday night, the 1st of February, between 7 and 8 o'clock. Mr.
Jackson, whose name I did not know at the time, but had seen on two or
three occasions, opened the door and asked if he could have the
permission to leave a satchel there; I told him certainly he could. He
set the satchel down close to the ice chest, left it there and went
away, and the satchel remained there until Sunday evening about 10
o'clock, when he came in and took it away. He left no directions as to
its disposal. On the following Monday night he came and brought it and
set it down in the same place where it was sitting before, and it
remained there until about 10 o'clock, or a little bit earlier; then he
came and took it away. I had no occasion to handle the valise on either
occasion. The valise shown me looks like the valise that he brought
here. He roomed right across the way from my place."

Little Dot Legner, a child belonging to the saloon-keeper testified that
the satchel was much heavier on the first night than on the second. It
has been conjectured, very plausibly, that the valise contained Pearl
Bryan's head, on the first night.

William D. Wood, of Greencastle, Ind., was called. Wood's name has been
very prominently connected with the case on account of his knowledge of
Pearl Bryan's condition and the part he played in sending the girl to
Cincinnati. In answer to questions he stated that he introduced Scott
Jackson to Pearl Bryan in August, 1895, and that some time afterward
Jackson boasted that he had become intimate with the girl. According to
Wood, Jackson left Greencastle in October to take a course of dentistry
in Cincinnati and that soon afterward Jackson wrote and inquired if
Pearl Bryan was sick. Wood investigated and replied that she was sick.
Then Jackson sent a prescription for medicine and said:

"Tell her to take two or three good doses before she goes to bed at

The medicine had no effect. Additional prescriptions were then sent.
They were unsuccessful. Pearl continued "sick."

Wood then stated that Jackson went to Greencastle again during the
holidays. The condition of Pearl was becoming more threatening and it
was plain that something had to be done. Then it was that Jackson
suggested an operation. The witness testified on this point.

"He said that it was very frequently done, done every day and if he had
the instruments he could do it himself. Such operations, he said, were
every day occurrences and if we got it done she would be all right in
three or four days."

Before Jackson left Greencastle he tried to make Wood agree to send her
to Cincinnati where the matter could be attended to, but Wood claimed
that he refused, not wishing to have anything to do with it.

On January 4th, Jackson left Greencastle and returned to Cincinnati and
on January 25th, Wood received a letter from him in which he said that
he had secured a room for Pearl. Wood claims that he gave this letter to
Pearl. She read it and expressed her intention of going on the next
Monday. Accordingly on January 27th, she left Greencastle on the 1:35
train, going east.

On February 6th, 1896, Wood received another letter. He was then on the
train in charge of the officers, as an accomplice of Scott Jackson who
had been arrested. The letter was destroyed by Wood but he remembered
the contents. The letter read.

"Hello Bill--I have made a big mistake and we will probably get into
trouble. I want you to stand by me."

On the day before this Wood received the following strange letter which
was produced in court and which we already published on page 77.

The witness stated that the above letter never reached him--that it fell
into the hands of Chief Deitsch. The letter was most damaging to
Jackson's case.

The next and last witness for the prosecution was Chief of Police,
Colonel Deitsch, of Cincinnati. He said:

"On February 5th, about 10 o'clock at night I met Jackson in charge of a
detective officer named Bulmer on the corner of Ninth and Plum Streets,
in Cincinnati. I went up to Scott Jackson and said then, "We want you at
the Mayor's office." We walked into the Mayor's office--Mayor Caldwell,
of Cincinnati--and there was no one present at the time except myself,
His Honor, the Mayor, and Scott Jackson. Detective Bulmer came into the
office but walked out. I told Scott Jackson I had a dispatch for his
arrest. He sat on the settee, and I asked, "Where is Pearl Bryan?" He
said, "I have not seen her since the 2nd day of January, 1896, at
Greencastle, Ind." The Mayor partly read the dispatch and gave it to me,
and I had handed it to Jackson, and said: "Jackson read the contents of
that dispatch." He read it carefully, and then said: "Oh my God, what
will my poor mother say?" I asked the question, "Do you know where Pearl
Bryan is?" He said he did not. He got up off the settee and made the
remark over again. "Oh, my God, what will my poor mother say?" He walked
backward and forward. He made the remark. "Must I tell about this?" His
Honor, the Mayor, said, "Not unless you want too." The Mayor repeated
that twice. He said, "Jackson, you need not tell unless you want too." I
then again asked him if he knew anything about Pearl Bryan. He said that
he did not. Shortly after that conversation the reporters from the daily
press were admitted and my interview with Jackson at that time ended."

The Colonel stated that on the following day Jackson requested an
interview. Following are the Colonels words:

I asked Jackson. "Did you have anything to do with the woman down at
Greencastle?" He said: "Yes, I did." "Did you write a letter to Wood
advising him to give her ---- of ----?" He said he did, and shortly
afterward got a letter again from Will Wood, saying that it had no
effect. And in the meantime he had a conversation with Walling about
the subject. Walling advised him to give ---- of ----; then in a
conversation again with Walling about the matter Walling made the
remark: "Bring her up here and we will...." I repeated to Jackson: "Is
that statement correct?" He said that it was. "And did you send for
Pearl Bryan then?" He said that he did. When that conversation was
ended a satchel was brought into the office--a red satchel. Opening the
satchel I asked himto look into it; says I, "Jackson, what is in this
satchel; look." He says, "There is nothing." Says I, "Did you observe
anything unusual?" and I called his attention to some blood that was
on the inside of the satchel. He says, "I did not notice that before."
I asked him whether he had opened it; he says, "Yes; I took part of
Pearl Bryan's clothing on Saturday evening on the Suspension Bridge and
threw it overboard into the Ohio River."

He furthermore described a meeting between Jackson and Walling in his
presence in the course of which Walling and Jackson accused each other
of having murdered Pearl Bryan. The witness also repeated a conversation
between the two that took place in a peculiarly constructed cell, called
"The Sensitive Cell." A telephone attachment connected this cell with
other apartments in the building, hence its name. This part of the
testimony was ruled out by the court.

The defense began its testimony by placing Scott Jackson on the stand.
All the man's natural shrewdness came to his aid while on the stand. His
words were clear, frankly spoken and there was no hesitation in his
manner. He acted the innocent man to perfection.

There is little about his testimony that is very remarkable or startling
as he disclaims all the manner of knowledge of Pearl Bryan's death.
Neither does he accuse anyone of the murder. He merely adheres to his
theory that Walling is guilty--that is all. He maintains that Walling
was confused and panic stricken when he saw the articles in the
newspapers describing the finding of the body at Fort Thomas. Then it
was, says Jackson, that they hastened to get rid of all the effects
belonging to Pearl Bryan which were in their possession. He also
maintained that Wood sent the girl to Cincinnati and that finding her
here he tried to hit upon means of best taking care of her.

He concluded to allow her to remain at the Indiana House temporarily
until he could secure her private accommodations. As these could easily
be had he took her valise and started away to hunt for convenient
quarters. That is how he happened to have Pearl Bryan's effects in his

His narrative was very smooth.

Miss Rose McNevin at whose home Jackson was staying testified that
Jackson had not left the house on the night of the murder, she stated
that she always knew when her fourteen roomers were at home. She is able
to remember for two weeks the exact hour of the night when each of her
guests came into the house. Her memory is quite a good one.

A certain individual who gave his name as Wm. Trusty was introduced by
the defense. Trusty claimed to have driven the cab containing Pearl
Bryan to Fort Thomas. He stated that she was dead and that Jackson and
Walling were in charge of the corpse. He claimes to have been told that
an abortion had been attempted and that the woman had died from the
effects of it, and that Jackson and Walling had undertaken to get rid of
the body.

Immediately after testifying Trusty flew for parts unknown. None
believed his story.

On May 12th, Colonel Nelson began his speech to the jury. It was a most
remarkable effort, being intensely dramatic and spell-binding in its

Colonel Crawford replied for the defense and made an able argument.

On May 14th, Colonel Lockhart made the concluding speech for the
Commonwealth and the case went to the jury.

After a short session the jury returned and informed the court of their
joint agreement that they find Scott Jackson


Transcriber's Notes:

The original text does not contain pages numbered 1 through 18.

Additional spacing after the block quotes is intentional to indicate
both the end of a quotation and the beginning of a new paragraph as
presented in the original text.

Usage of possessive apostrophe in the original is sporadic and often
incorrect (not corrected).

Phonetic misspellings were corrected only if necessary for clarity or
if spelled correctly elsewhere in the original.

The following misspellings and misprints were corrected:
  "emidiately" corrected to "immediately" (Page 21)
  "gratuated" corrected to "graduated" (page 22)
  "dotting" corrected to "doting" (page 22)
  "cupids" corrected to "cupid's" (page 22)
  "later" corrected to "latter" (page 24, 84)
  "accurrences" corrected to "occurrences" (page 26)
  "sucessful" corrected to "successful" (Page 32)
  "brocken" corrected to "broken" (page 32)
  "Deitsh" corrected to "Deitsch"(Page 35)
  "of" corrected to "off" (Page 35)
  "Mitchel" corrected to "Mitchell" (Page 40)
  "Carother's" corrected to "Carothers" (Page 43)
  "Pook" corrected to "Poock" (Page 44)
  "telegramm" corrected to "telegram" (Page 44)
  "own" corrected to "owe" (page 45)
  "rembling" corrected to "resembling" (page 45)
  "two" corrected to "too" (page 46)
  "Deitch" corrected to "Deitsch" (Page 48)
  "Jakson" corrected to "Jackson" (page 49)
  "undoudtedly" corrected to "Undoubtedly" (page 50)
  "Where" corrected to "were" (page 52)
  "frow" corrected to "from" (page 54)
  "abrations" corrected to "abrasions" (page 58)
  "wether" corrected to "whether?" (page 59)
  "Kentuky" corrected to "Kentucky" (page 60)
  "apparant" corrected to "apparent" (page 61)
  "of" corrected to "off" (page 63)
  "o'oclock" corrected to "o'clock?" (page 67)
  "shoes" corrected to "shows" (page 67)
  "ihm" corrected to "him" (page 71)
  "Jakson" corrected to "Jackson" (page 71)
  "vaise" corrected to "valise" (Page 72)
  "barbor" corrected to "barber" (Page 74)
  "carefull" corrected to "careful" (Page 75)
  "to" corrected to "too" (page 75)
  "a" corrected to "at" (page 76)
  "writting" corrected to "writing" (page 78)
  "lenghty" corrected to "lengthy" (page 79, 93)
  "Cirm" corrected to "Crim" (page 81)
  "sattin" corrected to "satin" (page 84)
  "Highland's" corrected to "Highlands" (Page 86)
  "Allonzo" corrected to "Alonzo" (page 87)
  "pregancy" corrected to "pregnancy" (page 87)
  "Cincinnti" corrected to "Cincinnati" (page 87)
  "opeartion" corrected to "operation" (page 87)
  "Farnkfort" corrected to "Frankfort" (page 90)
  "requisiton" corrected to "requisition" (page 90)
  "Hamiton" corrected to "Hamilton" (page 90)
  "arrainged" corrected to "arraigned" (page 90)
  "detectivs" corrected to "detectives" (page 90)
  "connecetd" corrected to "concocted" (page 90)
  "pirsoners" corrected to "prisoners" (page 91)
  "feard" corrected to "feared" (page 92)
  "dicision" corrected to "decision" (page 95)
  "Aprl" corrected to "April" (page 101)
  "occured" corrected to "occurred" (page 103)
  "defendent" corrected to "defendant" (Page 107)
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  "Jonhson" corrected to "Johnson" (page 119)
  "form" corrected to "from" (page 119)
  "fonud" corrected to "found" (page 121)
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