The Project Gutenberg EBook of 1995 United States Congressional Address Book, by United States This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: 1995 United States Congressional Address Book Author: United States Posting Date: March 22, 2012 [EBook #251] Release Date: April, 1995 Language: English *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 1995 US CONGRESSIONAL ADDRESS BOOK *** This is the Project Gutenberg listing of the US Congress, 1995 You may notice this file is much shorter than comparable files distributed from other libraries and archives [when you delete the header info, this file will be about 32K, and the files in distribution are about 46K. The difference is that we have as usual removed the extraneous spaces used in creating columns & and other special effects, and added the White House and other persons of interest to the list]. A letter or postcard will have the most impact. A letter is better than a fax, a fax is better than a phone call, and a phone call is better than an e-mail. You should often send your letter or fax to the Chairman of each Judiciary committee in Congress. Their addresses are: Senator Orrin Hatch, Chairman Committee on the Judiciary Dirksen Senate Office Building, Room 224 Washington, DC 20510-6275 telephone - 202-224-5225 fax - 202-224-9102 Henry Hyde, Chairman Committee on the Judiciary Rayburn House Office Building, Room 2138 Washington, DC 20515-6216 telephone - 202-225-3951 fax - 202-225-7682 The following also works if you don't want to keep all listings: Send letters to each of your Senators and your Representative at: Senator (name) United States Congress Washington, DC 20510 Representative (name) United States Congress Washington, DC 20515 Send a letter to Newt Gingrich at: Representative Newt Gingrich Rayburn House Office Building, Room 2428 Washington, DC 20515 Send letters to the President and Vice President at: Bill Clinton President of the United States 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, DC Al Gore Vice-President of the United States 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, DC and Committee on Science, Space, and Technology 2320 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 HOUSESST@HR.HOUSE.GOV UNITED STATES CONGRESS DIRECTORY Congress Cannon=Cannon Building Capitol=Capitol Building FHOB=Ford House Office Building LHOB=Longworth House Office Bulding O'Neill=O'Neill Building RHOB=Rayburn House Office Building Address: Washington, D.C. 20515 Sample Mailing Address: Rep. Don Young Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 ST Representative (Party) Phone Fax Address [some Email] AK Young, Don (R) 1-202-225-5765 1-202-225-5765 RHOB AL Callahan, H. L. (R) 1-202-225-4931 1-202-225-0562 RHOB AL Everett, Terry (R) 1-202-225-2901 Cannon AL Browder, Glen (D) 1-202-225-3261 1-202-225-9020 RHOB AL Bevill, Thomas (D) 1-202-225-4876 1-202-225-0842 RHOB AL Cramer Jr, Robert E. (D) 1-202-225-4801 na Cannon AL Bachus, Spencer (R) 1-202-225-4921 Cannon AL Hilliard, Earl F. (D) 1-202-225-2665 1-202-226-0772 LHOB Faleomavaega, Eni F.H. (D) 1-202-225-8577 RHOB AR Lambert-Lincoln, Blanche (D) 1-202-225-4076 LHOB AR Thornton, Raymond (D) 1-202-225-2506 1-202-225-9273 LHOB AR Hutchinson, Tim (R) 1-202-225-4301 LHOB AR Dickey, Jay (R) 1-202-225-3772 1-202-225-8646 Cannon AZ Salmon, Matthew (R) 1-202-225-2635 1-202-225-3405 Cannon AZ Pastor, Ed (D) 1-202-225-4065 Cannon AZ Stump, Robert (R) 1-202-225-4576 1-202-225-6328 Cannon AZ Shadegg, John (R) 1-202-225-3361 1-202-225-3462 Cannon AZ Kolbe, James T. (R) 1-202-225-2542 1-202-225-0378 Cannon AZ Hayworth, John (R) 1-202-225-2190 LHOB CA Riggs, Frank (R) 1-202-225-3311 LHOB CA Herger, Walter W. (R) 1-202-225-3076 1-202-225-1609 RHOB CA Fazio, Vic (D) 1-202-225-5716 1-202-225-0354 RHOB CA Doolittle, John T. (R) 1-202-225-2511 1-202-225-5444 LHOB CA Matsui, Robert T. (D) 1-202-225-7163 1-202-225-0566 RHOB CA Woolsey, Lynn (D) 1-202-225-5161 Cannon CA Miller, George (D) 1-202-225-2095 1-202-225-5609 RHOB GMILLER@HR.HOUSE.GOV CA Pelosi, Nancy (D) 1-202-225-4965 1-202-225-8259 RHOB CA Dellums, Ronald V. (D) 1-202-225-2661 1-202-225-9817 RHOB CA Baker, Bill (R) 1-202-225-1880 1-202-225-2150 LHOB CA Pombo, Richard (R) 1-202-225-1947 1-202-226-0861 LHOB CA Lantos, Thomas (D) 1-202-225-3531 RHOB CA Stark, Pete (D) 1-202-225-5065 Cannon CA Eshoo, Anna G. (D) 1-202-225-8104 Cannon CA Mineta, Norman Y. (D) 1-202-225-2631 RHOB CA Lofgren, Zoe (D) 1-202-225-3071 1-202-225-9460 Cannon CA Farr, Same (D) 1-202-225-2861 LHOB CA Condit, Gary (D) 1-202-225-6131 1-202-225-0819 RHOB CA Radanovich, George (R) 1-202-225-4540 1-202-225-0399 Cannon CA Dooley, Calvin M. (D) 1-202-225-3341 1-202-225-9308 LHOB CA Thomas, Bill (R) 1-202-225-2915 RHOB CA Seastrand, Andrea (R) 1-202-225-3601 RHOB CA Gallegly, Elton (R) 1-202-225-5811 RHOB CA Beilenson, Anthony (D) 1-202-225-5911 RHOB CA McKeon, Howard P. (R) 1-202-225-1956 1-202-226-0683 Cannon CA Berman, Howard L. (D) 1-202-225-4695 RHOB CA Moorhead, Carlos J. (R) 1-202-225-4176 1-202-226-1279 RHOB CA Dreier, David (R) 1-202-225-2305 1-202-225-4745 Cannon CA Waxman, Henry A. (D) 1-202-225-3976 1-202-225-4099 RHOB CA Becerra, Xavier (D) 1-202-225-6235 1-202-225-2202 LHOB CA Martinez, Matthew G. (D) 1-202-225-5464 1-202-225-4467 RHOB CA Dixon, Julian C. (D) 1-202-225-7084 1-202-225-4091 RHOB CA Roybal-Allard, Lucille (D) 1-202-225-1766 1-202-226-0350 Cannon CA Torres, Esteban E. (D) 1-202-225-5256 RHOB CA Waters, Maxine (D) 1-202-225-2201 1-202-225-7854 Cannon CA Harman, Jane (D) 1-202-225-8220 Cannon CA Tucker III, Walter R. (D) 1-202-225-7924 1-202-225-7926 Cannon CA Horn, Steve (R) 1-202-225-6676 1-202-226-1012 Cannon CA Royce, Ed (R) 1-202-225-4111 1-202-226-0335 LHOB CA Lewis, Jerry (R) 1-202-225-5861 1-202-225-6498 RHOB CA Kim, Jay C. (R) 1-202-225-3201 1-202-226-1485 Cannon CA Brown Jr., George E. (D) 1-202-225-6161 1-202-225-8671 RHOB CA Calvert, Ken (R) 1-202-225-1986 LHOB CA Bono, Sonny (R) 1-202-225-5330 1-202-226-1040 Cannon CA Rohrabacher, Dana (R) 1-202-225-2415 1-202-225-7067 RHOB CA Dornan, Robert K. (R) 1-202-225-2965 1-202-225-3694 RHOB CA Cox, Christopher (R) 1-202-225-5611 1-202-225-9177 RHOB CA Packard, Ronald (R) 1-202-225-3906 1-202-225-0134 RHOB CA Bilbray, Brian (R) 1-202-225-2040 1-202-225-2042 LHOB CA Filner, Bob (D) 1-202-225-8045 Cannon CA Cunningham, Randy (R) 1-202-225-5452 1-202-225-2558 Cannon CA Hunter, Duncan L. (R) 1-202-225-5672 1-202-225-0235 RHOB CO Schroeder, Patricia (D) 1-202-225-4431 1-202-225-5842 RHOB CO Skaggs, David E. (D) 1-202-225-2161 LHOB SKAGGS@HR.HOUSE.GOV CO McInnis, Scott (R) 1-202-225-4761 1-202-226-0622 Cannon CO Allard, Wayne (R) 1-202-225-4676 1-202-225-8630 Cannon CO Hefley, Joel (R) 1-202-225-4422 1-202-225-1942 RHOB CO Schaefer, Daniel (R) 1-202-225-7882 1-202-225-7885 RHOB CT Kennelly, Barbara B. (D) 1-202-225-2265 1-202-225-1031 Cannon CT Gejdenson, Samuel (D) 1-202-225-2076 1-202-225-4977 RHOB CT DeLauro, Rosa (D) 1-202-225-3661 1-202-225-4890 Cannon CT Shays, Christopher (R) 1-202-225-5541 1-202-225-9629 LHOB CT Franks, Gary (R) 1-202-225-3822 1-202-225-5085 Cannon CT Johnson, Nancy L. (R) 1-202-225-4476 1-202-225-4488 Cannon Norton, Eleanor Holmes (D) 1-202-225-8050 1-202-225-3002 LHOB Castle, Michael N. (R) 1-202-225-4165 1-202-225-2291 LHOB FL Scarborough, Joe (R) 1-202-225-4136 1-202-225-5785 LHOB FL Peterson, Peter (D) 1-202-225-5235 1-202-225-1586 Cannon FL Brown, Corrine (D) 1-202-225-0123 1-202-225-2256 LHOB FL Fowler, Tillie (R) 1-202-225-2501 1-202-225-9318 Cannon FL Thurman, Karen (D) 1-202-225-1002 1-202-226-0329 Cannon FL Stearns, Clifford B. (R) 1-202-225-5744 1-202-225-3973 RHOB FL Mica, John L. (R) 1-202-225-4035 1-202-226-0821 Cannon FL McCollum, William (R) 1-202-225-2176 RHOB FL Bilirakis, Michael (R) 1-202-225-5755 1-202-225-4085 RHOB FL Young, C. W. (R) 1-202-225-5961 1-202-225-9764 RHOB FL Gibbons, Samuel M. (D) 1-202-225-3376 RHOB FL Canady, Charles T. (R) 1-202-225-1252 1-202-225-2279 LHOB FL Miller, Dan (R) 1-202-225-5015 1-202-226-0828 Cannon FL Goss, Porter J. (R) 1-202-225-2536 1-202-225-6820 Cannon FL Weldon, Dave (R) 1-202-225-3671 1-202-225-9039] Cannon FL Foley, Mark (R) 1-202-225-5792 1-202-1860 Cannon FL Meek, Carrie (D) 1-202-225-4506 1-202-226-0777 Cannon FL Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana (R) 1-202-225-3931 1-202-225-5620 RHOB FL Johnston II, Harry (D) 1-202-225-3001 1-202-225-8791 RHOB FL Deutsch, Peter (D) 1-202-225-7931 1-202-225-8456 Cannon FL Diaz-Balart, Lincoln (R) 1-202-225-4211 1-202-225-8576 Cannon FL Shaw Jr., E. C. (R) 1-202-225-3026 1-202-225-8398 RHOB FL Hastings, Alcee L. (D) 1-202-225-1313 1-202-225-0690 LHOB GA Kingston, Jack (R) 1-202-225-5831 1-202-226-2269 LHOB GA Bishop, Sanford (D) 1-202-225-3631 1-202-225-2203 LHOB GA Collins, Mac (R) 1-202-225-5901 1-202-225-2515 LHOB GA Linder, John (R) 1-202-225-4272 LHOB GA Lewis, John (D) 1-202-225-3801 1-202-225-0351 Cannon GA Gingrich, Newt (R) 1-202-225-4501 1-202-225-4656 RHOB GA Barr, Bob (R) 1-202-225-2931 LHOB GA Chambliss, Saxby 1-202-225-6531 LHOB GA Deal, Nathan (D) 1-202-225-5211 1-202-225-8272 LHOB GA Norwood, Charles (R) 1-202-225-4101 1-202-226-1466 LHOB GA McKinney, Cynthia (D) 1-202-225-1605 1-202-226-0691 Cannon Underwood, Robert A. (D) 1-202-225-1188 1-202-226-0341 Cannon HI Abercrombie, Neil (D) 1-202-225-2726 LHOB HI Mink, Patsy T. (D) 1-202-225-4906 1-202-225-4987 RHOB IA Leach, James (R) 1-202-225-6576 1-202-226-1278 RHOB IA Nussle, James Allen (R) 1-202-225-2911 1-202-225-9129 Cannon IA Lightfoot, James R. (R) 1-202-225-3806 1-202-225-6973 RHOB IA Ganske, Greg (R) 1-202-225-4426 RHOB IA Latham, Tom (R) 1-202-225-5476 Cannon ID Chenoweth, Helen 1-202-225-6611 1-202-226-1213 LHOB ID Crapo, Michael D. (R) 1-202-225-5531 Cannon IL Rush, Bobby L. (D) 1-202-225-4372 1-202-226-0333 Cannon IL Reynolds, Mel (D) 1-202-225-0773 Cannon IL Lipinski, William O. (D) 1-202-225-5701 1-202-225-1012 LHOB IL Gutierrez, Luis V. (D) 1-202-225-8203 1-202-225-7810 Cannon IL Flanagan, Michael (R) 1-202-225-4061 LHOB IL Hyde, Henry J. (R) 1-202-225-4561 1-202-226-1240 RHOB IL Collins, Cardiss (D) 1-202-225-5006 1-202-225-8396 RHOB IL Crane, Philip M. (R) 1-202-225-3711 Cannon IL Yates, Sidney R. (D) 1-202-225-2111 1-202-225-3493 RHOB IL Porter, John E. (R) 1-202-225-4835 1-202-225-0157 LHOB IL Weller, Gerald (R) 1-202-225-3635 1-202-225-4447 LHOB IL Costello, Jerry F. (D) 1-202-225-5661 1-202-225-0285 RHOB IL Fawell, Harris W. (R) 1-202-225-3515 1-202-225-9420 RHOB IL Hastert, J. D. (R) 1-202-225-2976 1-202-225-0697 RHOB IL Ewing, Thomas (R) 1-202-225-2371 1-202-225-8071 LHOB IL Manzullo, Donald (R) 1-202-225-5676 1-202-225-5284 Cannon IL Evans, Lane (D) 1-202-225-5905 1-202-225-5396 RHOB IL LaHood, Ray (R) 1-202-225-6201 1-202-225-9461 Cannon IL Poshard, Glenn (D) 1-202-225-5201 1-202-225-1541 RHOB IL Durbin, Richard J. (D) 1-202-225-5271 RHOB IN Visclosky, Peter J. (D) 1-202-225-2461 1-202-225-2493 RHOB IN McIntosh, David (R) 1-202-225-3021 LHOB IN Roemer, Timothy (D) 1-202-225-3915 1-202-225-6798 Cannon IN Souder, Mark (R) 1-202-225-4436 Cannon IN Buyer, Steve (D) 1-202-225-5037 Cannon IN Burton, Daniel (R) 1-202-225-2276 1-202-225-0016 RHOB IN Myers, John T. (R) 1-202-225-5805 1-202-225-1649 RHOB IN Hostettler, John (R) 1-202-225-4636 1-202-225-4688 LHOB IN Hamilton, Lee H. (D) 1-202-225-5315 1-202-225-1101 RHOB IN Jacobs Jr., Andrew (D) 1-202-225-4011 RHOB KS Roberts, Pat (R) 1-202-225-2715 1-202-225-5375 LHOB KS Brownback, Sam (R) 1-202-225-6601 1-202-225-1445 LHOB KS Meyers, Jan (R) 1-202-225-2865 1-202-225-0554 RHOB KS Tiahrt, Todd (R) 1-202-225-6216 LHOB KY Whitfield, Edward (R) 1-202-225-3115 1-202-225-2169 LHOB KY Lewis, Ron (R) 1-202-225-3501 Cannon KY Ward, Michael (D) 1-202-225-5401 LHOB KY Bunning, James (R) 1-202-225-3465 1-202-225-0003 RHOB KY Rogers, Harold (R) 1-202-225-4601 1-202-225-0940 RHOB KY Baesler, Scotty (D) 1-202-225-4706 Cannon LA Livingston, Robert (R) 1-202-225-3015 1-202-225-0739 RHOB LA Jefferson, William (D) 1-202-225-6636 1-202-225-1988 Cannon LA Tauzin, W. J. (D) 1-202-225-4031 1-202-225-0563 RHOB LA Fields, Cleo (D) 1-202-225-8490 1-202-225-8959 Cannon LA McCrery, James (R) 1-202-225-2777 1-202-225-8039 Cannon LA Baker, Richard H.(R) 1-202-225-3901 1-202-225-7313 Cannon LA Hayes, James A. (D) 1-202-225-2031 1-202-225-1175 RHOB MA Olver, John W. (D) 1-202-225-5335 1-202-226-1224 LHOB MA Neal, Richard E. (D) 1-202-225-5601 1-202-225-8112 RHOB MA Blute, Peter I. (R) 1-202-225-6101 1-202-225-2217 LHOB MA Frank, Barney (D) 1-202-225-5931 1-202-225-0182 RHOB MA Meehan, Martin T. (D) 1-202-225-3411 1-202-226-0771 Cannon MA Torkildsen, Peter G. (R) 1-202-225-8020 1-202-225-8037 Cannon MA Markey, Edward J. (D) 1-202-225-2836 1-202-225-8689 RHOB Richard Bailey MA Kennedy II, Joseph P. (D) 1-202-225-5111 1-202-225-9322 RHOB MA Moakley, John Joseph (D) 1-202-225-8273 1-202-225-7304 Cannon MA Studds, Gerry E. (D) 1-202-225-3111 1-202-225-2212 Cannon MD Gilchrest, Wayne T. (R) 1-202-225-5311 1-202-225-0254 Cannon MD Ehrlich, Jr., Robert (R) 1-202-225-3061 Cannon MD Cardin, Benjamin L. (D) 1-202-225-4016 Cannon MD Wynn, Albert R. (D) 1-202-225-8699 1-202-225-8714 Cannon MD Hoyer, Steny H. (D) 1-202-225-4131 1-202-225-4300 LHOB MD Bartlett, Roscoe G. (R) 1-202-225-2721 Cannon MD Mfume, Kweisi (D) 1-202-225-4741 1-202-225-3178 RHOB MD Morella, Constance (R) 1-202-225-5341 1-202-225-1389 Cannon ME Longley, James (R) 1-202-225-6116 Cannon ME Baldacci, John (D) 1-202-225-6306 LHOB MI Stupak, Bart (D) 1-202-225-4735 1-202-225-4744 Cannon MI Hoekstra, Peter (R) 1-202-225-4401 LHOB MI Ehlers, Vern (R) 1-202-225-3831 LHOB MI Camp, David Lee (R) 1-202-225-3561 1-202-225-9679 Cannon MI Barcia, James A. (D) 1-202-225-8171 1-202-225-2168 LHOB MI Upton, Frederick S.(R) 1-202-225-3761 1-202-225-4986 RHOB MI Smith, Nick (R) 1-202-225-6276 LHOB MI Chrysler, Dick (R) 1-202-225-4872 Cannon MI Kildee, Dale E. (D) 1-202-225-3611 RHOB MI Bonior, David E. (D) 1-202-225-2106 1-202-226-1169 RHOB MI Knollenberg, Joe (R) 1-202-225-5802 1-202-226-2356 LHOB MI Levin, Sander M. (D) 1-202-225-4961 1-202-226-1033 RHOB MI Rivers, Lynn (D) 1-202-225-6261 LHOB MI Conyers Jr., John (D) 1-202-225-5126 1-202-225-0072 RHOB MI Collins, Barbara Rose (D) 1-202-225-2261 1-202-225-6645 Cannon MI Dingell, John D. (D) 1-202-225-4071 1-202-225-7426 RHOB MN Gutknecht, Gilbert (R) 1-202-225-2472 Cannon MN Minge, David (D) 1-202-225-2331 LHOB MN Ramstad, James M. (D) 1-202-225-2871 1-202-225-6351 Cannon MN Vento, Bruce F. (D) 1-202-225-6631 1-202-225-1968 RHOB MN Sabo, Martin O. (D) 1-202-225-4755 RHOB MN Luther, William (D) 1-202-225-2271 LHOB MN Peterson, Collin C. (D) 1-202-225-2165 1-202-225-1593 LHOB MN Oberstar, James L. (D) 1-202-225-6211 1-202-225-0699 RHOB MO Clay, William L. (D) 1-202-225-2406 1-202-225-1725 RHOB MO Talent, James M. (R) 1-202-225-2561 1-202-225-2563 LHOB MO Gephardt, Richard A. (D) 1-202-225-2671 1-202-225-7452 LHOB MO Skelton, Ike (D) 1-202-225-2876 1-202-225-2695 RHOB MO McCarthy, Karen (D) 1-202-225-4535 LHOB MO Danner, Pat (D) 1-202-225-7041 1-202-225-8221 LHOB MO Hancock, Melton D. (R) 1-202-225-6536 1-202-225-7700 Cannon MO Emerson, Bill (R) 1-202-225-4404 1-202-225-9621 RHOB MO Volkmer, Harold L. (D) 1-202-225-2956 1-202-225-7834 RHOB MS Wicker, Roger (R) 1-202-225-4306 1-202-225-4328 Cannon MS Thompson, Bennie G. (D) 1-202-225-5876 1-202-225-5898 LHOB MS Montgomery, G. V. (D) 1-202-225-5031 1-202-225-3375 RHOB MS Parker, Paul M. (D) 1-202-225-5865 1-202-225-5886 RHOB MS Taylor, Gene (D) 1-202-225-5772 1-202-225-7074 RHOB Williams, Pat (D) 1-202-225-3211 RHOB NC Clayton, Eva (D) 1-202-225-3101 Cannon NC Funderbunk, David (R) 1-202-225-4531 1-202-225-1539 Cannon NC Jones, Walter (R) 1-202-225-3415 1-202-225-0666 Cannon NC Heineman, Frederick (R) 1-202-225-1784 1-202-225-6314 LHOB NC Burr, Richard (R) 1-202-225-2071 1-202-225-4060 LHOB NC Coble, Howard (R) 1-202-225-3065 1-202-225-8611 Cannon NC Rose, Charles (D) 1-202-225-2731 1-202-225-2470 Cannon NC Hefner, W. G. (D) 1-202-225-3715 1-202-225-4036 RHOB NC Myrick, Sue (R) 1-202-225-1976 Cannon NC Ballenger, Thomas C. (R) 1-202-225-2576 1-202-225-0316 RHOB NC Taylor, Charles Hart (R) 1-202-225-6401 1-202-251-0794 Cannon NC Watt, Melvin (D) 1-202-225-1510 1-202-225-1512 LHOB Pomeroy, Earl (D) 1-202-225-2611 1-202-226-0893 LHOB NE Bereuter, Douglas (R) 1-202-225-4806 1-202-226-1148 RHOB NE Christensen, Jon (R) 1-202-225-4155 LHOB NE Barrett, William E. (R) 1-202-225-6435 LHOB NH Zeliff Jr., William (R) 1-202-225-5456 1-202-225-4370 LHOB NH Bass, Charles (R) 1-202-225-5206 LHOB NJ Andrews, Robert E. (D) 1-202-225-6501 1-202-225-6583 RHOB NJ LoBiondo, Frank (R) 1-202-225-6572 1-202-226-1108 Cannon NJ Saxton, H. James (R) 1-202-225-4765 1-202-225-0778 Cannon NJ Smith, Christopher (R) 1-202-225-3765 1-202-225-7768 RHOB NJ Roukema, Marge (R) 1-202-225-4465 1-202-225-9048 RHOB NJ Pallone Jr., Frank (D) 1-202-225-4671 1-202-225-9665 Cannon NJ Franks, Bob (R) 1-202-225-5361 1-202-225-9460 Cannon NJ Martini, Bill (R) 1-202-225-5751 LHOB NJ Torricelli, Robert (D) 1-202-224-5061 1-202-225-0843 RHOB NJ Payne, Donald M. (D) 1-202-225-3436 1-202-225-4160 RHOB NJ Frelinghuysen, Rodney (R) 1-202-225-5034 1-202-225-0658 Cannon NJ Zimmer, Richard A. (R) 1-202-225-5801 1-202-225-9181 Cannon NJ Menendez, Robert (D) 1-202-225-7919 1-202-226-0792 LHOB NM Schiff, Steven H. (R) 1-202-225-6316 1-202-225-4975 RHOB NM Skeen, Joseph (R) 1-202-225-2365 1-202-225-9599 RHOB NM Richardson, William (D) 1-202-225-6190 RHOB NV Ensign, John (R) 1-202-225-5965 1-202-225-8808 Cannon NV Vucanovich, Barbara (R) 1-202-225-6155 1-202-225-2319 RHOB NY Forbes, Michael 1-202-225-3826 1-202-225-0776 Cannon NY Lazio, Rick A. (R) 1-202-225-3335 Cannon NY King, Peter T. (R) 1-202-225-7896 1-202-226-2279 Cannon NY Frisa, Daniel (R) 1-202-225-5516 1-202-225-4672 LHOB NY Ackerman, Gary L. (D) 1-202-225-2601 1-202-225-1589 RHOB NY Flake, Floyd H. (D) 1-202-225-3461 1-202-226-4169 LHOB NY Manton, Thomas J. (D) 1-202-225-3965 RHOB NY Nadler, Jerrold (D) 1-202-225-5635 1-202-225-6923 Cannon NY Schumer, Charles E. (D) 1-202-225-6616 1-202-225-4183 RHOB NY Towns, Edolphus (D) 1-202-225-5936 1-202-225-1018 RHOB NY Owens, Major R. (D) 1-202-225-6231 1-202-226-0112 RHOB NY Velazquez, Nydia M. (D) 1-202-225-2361 1-202-226-0327 Cannon NY Molinari, Susan (R) 1-202-225-3371 1-202-226-1272 RHOB NY Maloney, Carolyn B. (D) 1-202-225-7944 LHOB NY Rangel, Charles B. (D) 1-202-225-4365 1-202-225-0816 RHOB NY Serrano, Jose E. (D) 1-202-225-4361 1-202-225-6001 RHOB NY Engel, Eliot L. (D) 1-202-225-2464 LHOB NY Lowey, Nita M. (D) 1-202-225-6506 1-202-225-0546 RHOB NY Kelly, Sue (R) 1-202-225-5441 1-202-225-0962 LHOB NY Gilman, Benjamin A. (R) 1-202-225-3776 RHOB NY McNulty, Michael R. (D) 1-202-225-5076 1-202-225-5077 RHOB NY Solomon, Gerald B. (R) 1-202-225-5614 1-202-225-1168 RHOB NY Boehlert, Sherwood (R) 1-202-225-3665 1-202-225-1891 RHOB NY McHugh, John M. (R) 1-202-225-4611 Cannon NY Walsh, James T. (R) 1-202-225-3701 1-202-225-4042 LHOB NY Hinchey, Maurice D. (D) 1-202-225-6335 LHOB NY Paxon, Bill 1-202-225-5265 1-202-225-5910 RHOB NY Slaughter, Louise M. (D) 1-202-225-3615 1-202-225-7822 RHOB NY LaFalce, John J. (D) 1-202-225-3231 1-202-225-8693 RHOB NY Quinn, Jack (R) 1-202-225-3306 1-202-226-0347 Cannon NY Houghton, Amory (R) 1-202-225-3161 1-202-225-5574 LHOB OH Chabot, Steve (R) 1-202-225-2216 LHOB OH Portman, Rob (R) 1-202-225-3164 Cannon OH Hall, Tony P. (D) 1-202-225-6465 LHOB OH Oxley, Michael G. (R) 1-202-225-2676 RHOB OH Gillmor, Paul E. (R) 1-202-225-6405 LHOB OH Cremeans, Frank (R) 1-202-225-5705 1-202-226-0331 LHOB OH Hobson, David L. (R) 1-202-225-4324 LHOB OH Boehner, John Andrew (R) 1-202-225-6205 1-202-225-0704 LHOB OH Kaptur, Marcy (D) 1-202-225-4146 1-202-225-7711 RHOB OH Hoke, Martin R. (R) 1-202-225-5871 1-202-226-0994 Cannon OH Stokes, Louis (D) 1-202-225-7032 1-202-225-1339 RHOB OH Kasich, John R. (R) 1-202-225-5355 LHOB OH Brown, Sherrod (D) 1-202-225-3401 LHOB OH Sawyer, Thomas C. (D) 1-202-225-5231 1-202-225-5278 LHOB OH Pryce, Deborah (R) 1-202-225-2015 1-202-226-0986 Cannon OH Regula, Ralph (R) 1-202-225-3876 1-202-225-3059 RHOB OH Traficant Jr., James (D) 1-202-225-5261 1-202-225-3719 RHOB OH Ney, Bob (R) 1-202-225-6265 1-202-225-3087 LHOB OH LaTourette, Steven (R) 1-202-225-5731 1-202-225-9114 LHOB OK Largent, Steve (R) 1-202-225-2211 1-202-225-9187 Cannon OK Coburn, Tom (R) 1-202-225-2701 1-202-225-2796 Cannon OK Brewster, Billy Kent (D) 1-202-225-4565 1-202-225-9029 LHOB OK Watts, J.C. (R) 1-202-225-6165 1-202-225-9746 LHOB OK Istook, Ernest Jim (R) 1-202-225-2132 Cannon OK Lucas, Frank (R) 1-202-225-5565 1-202-225-8698 Cannon OR Furse, Elizabeth (D) 1-202-225-0855 1-202-225-9497 Cannon OR Cooley, Wes (R) 1-202-225-6730 LHOB OR Wyden, Ronald (D) 1-202-225-4811 LHOB OR DeFazio, Peter A. (D) 1-202-225-6416 RHOB OR Bunn, Jim (R) 1-202-225-5711 1-202-225-9477 LHOB PA Foglietta, Thomas M. (D) 1-202-225-4731 1-202-225-0088 Cannon PA Fattah, Chaka (D) 1-202-225-4001 1-202-225-7362 LHOB PA Borski, Robert A. (D) 1-202-225-8251 1-202-225-4628 RHOB PA Klink, Ron (D) 1-202-225-2565 Cannon PA Clinger Jr., William (R) 1-202-225-5121 1-202-225-4681 RHOB PA Holden, Tim (D) 1-202-225-5546 1-202-226-0996 LHOB PA Weldon, Curt (R) 1-202-225-2011 1-202-225-8137 RHOB PA Greenwood, Jim (R) 1-202-225-4276 1-202-225-9511 Cannon PA Shuster, Bud (R) 1-202-225-2431 RHOB PA McDade, Joseph M. (R) 1-202-225-3731 1-202-225-9594 RHOB PA Kanjorski, Paul E. (D) 1-202-225-6511 1-202-225-9024 RHOB PA Murtha, John P. (D) 1-202-225-2065 1-202-225-5709 RHOB PA Fox, Jon (R) 1-202-225-6111 1-202-226-0798 Cannon PA Coyne, William J. (D) 1-202-225-2301 RHOB PA McHale, Paul (D) 1-202-225-6411 1-202-225-5320 Cannon PA Walker, Robert S. (R) 1-202-225-2411 RHOB PA Gekas, George W. (R) 1-202-225-4315 1-202-225-8440 RHOB PA Doyle, Mike (D) 1-202-225-2135 1-202-225-7747 LHOB PA Goodling, William F. (R) 1-202-225-5836 1-202-226-1000 RHOB PA Mascara, Frank (D) 1-202-225-4665 1-202-225-4772 LHOB PA English, Phil (R) 1-202-225-5406 LHOB Romero-Barcelo, Carlos (D) 1-202-225-2615 1-202-225-2154 Cannon RI Kennedy, Patrick (D) 1-202-225-4911 1-202-225-4417 LHOB RI Reed, JOHN F. (D) 1-202-225-2735 1-202-225-9580 LHOB SC Sanford, Mark (R) 1-202-225-3176 LHOB SC Spence, Floyd (R) 1-202-225-2452 1-202-225-2455 RHOB SC Graham, Lindsey (R) 1-202-225-5301 LHOB SC Inglis, Bob (R) 1-202-225-6030 1-202-226-1177 LHOB SC Spratt Jr., John M. (D) 1-202-225-5501 1-202-225-0464 LHOB SC Clyburn, James E. (D) 1-202-225-3315 1-202-225-2302 Cannon Johnson, Timothy P. (D) 1-202-225-2801 1-202-225-2427 RHOB TN Quillen, James H. (R) 1-202-225-6356 1-202-225-7812 Cannon TN Duncan Jr., John J. (R) 1-202-225-5435 1-202-225-6440 RHOB TN Wamp, Zach (R) 1-202-225-3271 1-202-225-6974 Cannon TN Hilleary, Van (R) 1-202-225-6831 1-202-225-4520 Cannon TN Clement, Robert (D) 1-202-225-4311 1-202-226-1035 RHOB TN Gordon, Bart (D) 1-202-225-4231 1-202-225-6887 RHOB TN Bryant, Ed (R) 1-202-225-2811 1-202-225-2814 LHOB TN Tanner, John S. (D) 1-202-225-4714 1-202-225-1765 LHOB TN Ford, Harold E. (D) 1-202-225-3265 RHOB TX Chapman, Jim (D) 1-202-225-3035 1-202-225-7265 RHOB TX Wilson, Charles (D) 1-202-225-2401 1-202-225-1764 RHOB TX Johnson, Sam (R) 1-202-225-4201 1-202-225-1485 LHOB TX Hall, Ralph M. (D) 1-202-225-6673 1-202-225-3332 RHOB TX Bryant, John (D) 1-202-225-2231 RHOB TX Barton, Joseph (R) 1-202-225-2002 1-202-225-3052 RHOB TX Archer, William (R) 1-202-225-2571 1-202-225-4381 LHOB TX Fields, Jack (R) 1-202-225-4901 RHOB TX Stockman, Steve (R) 1-202-225-6565 1-202-225-1584 Cannon TX Doggett, Lloyd (D) 1-202-225-4865 Cannon TX Edwards, Chet (D) 1-202-225-6105 1-202-225-0350 Cannon TX Geren, Peter (D) 1-202-225-5071 1-202-225-2786 RHOB TX Thornberry, William (R) 1-202-225-3706 1-225-6142 LHOB TX Laughlin, Gregory H. (D) 1-202-225-2831 1-202-225-1108 Cannon TX de la Garza, E. (D) 1-202-225-2531 1-202-225-2534 LHOB TX Coleman, Ronald D. (D) 1-202-225-4831 RHOB TX Stenholm, Charles W. (D) 1-202-225-6605 1-202-225-2234 LHOB TX Jackson-Lee, Sheila (D) 1-202-225-3816 LHOB TX Combest, Larry (R) 1-202-225-4005 LHOB TX Gonzalez, Henry B. (D) 1-202-225-3236 1-202-225-1915 RHOB TX Smith, Lamar S. (R) 1-202-225-4236 1-202-225-8628 RHOB TX DeLay, Thomas (R) 1-202-225-5951 Cannon TX Bonilla, Henry (R) 1-202-225-4511 1-202-225-2237 LHOB TX Frost, Martin (D) 1-202-225-3605 1-202-225-4951 RHOB TX Bentsen, Ken (D) 1-202-225-7508 Cannon TX Armey, Richard K. (R) 1-202-225-7772 1-202-225-7614 Cannon TX Ortiz, Solomon P. (D) 1-202-225-7742 1-202-226-1134 RHOB TX Tejeda, Frank (D) 1-202-225-1640 Cannon TX Green, Gene (D) 1-202-225-1688 1-202-225-9903 LHOB TX Johnson, Eddie Bernice (D) 1-202-225-8885 LHOB UT Hansen, James V. (R) 1-202-225-0453 1-202-225-5857 RHOB UT Waldholtz, Enid (R) 1-202-225-3011 1-202-226-0354 Cannon UT Orton, William H. (D) 1-202-225-7751 1-202-226-1223 Cannon VA Bateman, Herbert H. (R) 1-202-225-4261 1-202-225-4382 RHOB VA Pickett, Owen B. (D) 1-202-225-4215 1-202-225-4218 RHOB VA Scott, Robert C. (D) 1-202-225-8351 1-202-225-3854 Cannon VA Sisisky, Norman (D) 1-202-225-6365 1-202-226-1170 RHOB VA Payne Jr., Lewis F. (D) 1-202-225-4711 1-202-226-1147 RHOB VA Goodlatte, Robert W. (R) 1-202-225-5431 1-202-225-9681 Cannon VA Bliley Jr., Thomas J. (R) 1-202-225-2815 RHOB VA Moran Jr., James P. (D) 1-202-225-4376 1-202-225-0017 Cannon VA Boucher, Rick (D) 1-202-225-3861 RHOB VA Wolf, Frank R. (R) 1-202-225-5136 1-202-225-0437 Cannon VA Davis, Thomas (R) 1-202-225-1492 Cannon Frazer, Victor 1-202-225-1790 1-202-225-9392 LHOB Sanders, Bernard (I) 1-202-225-4115 1-202-225-6790 Cannon WA White, Rick (R) 1-202-225-6311 1-202-225-2286 Cannon WA Metcalf, Jack (R) 1-202-225-2605 1-202-225-2608 Cannon WA Smith, Linda (R) 1-202-225-3536 1-202-225-9095 LHOB WA Hastings, Doc (R) 1-202-225-5816 1-202-226-1137 LHOB WA Nethercutt, George (R) 1-202-225-2006 LHOB WA Dicks, Norman D. (D) 1-202-225-5916 RHOB WA McDermott, James A. (D) 1-202-225-3106 1-202-225-9212 RHOB WA Dunn, Jennifer (R) 1-202-225-7761 Cannon WA Tate, Randy (R) 1-202-225-8901 1-202-226-2361 LHOB Hon. Mike Kreidler 9th Congressional District, Washington Rm. 1535 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 KREIDLER@HR.HOUSE.GOV WI Neumann, Mark (R) 1-202-225-3031 LHOB WI Klug, Scott (R) 1-202-225-2906 LHOB WI Gunderson, Steve (R) 1-202-225-5506 1-202-225-6195 RHOB WI Kleczka, Gerald D. (D) 1-202-225-4572 1-202-225-8135 RHOB WI Barrett, Thomas M. (D) 1-202-225-3571 LHOB WI Petri, Thomas E. (R) 1-202-225-2476 1-202-225-2356 RHOB WI Obey, David R. (D) 1-202-225-3365 RHOB WI Roth, Toby (R) 1-202-225-5665 1-202-225-0087 RHOB WI Sensenbrenner, F. J. (R) 1-202-225-5101 1-202-225-3190 RHOB WV Mollohan, Alan B. (D) 1-202-225-4172 1-202-225-7564 RHOB WV Wise Jr., Robert E. (D) 1-202-225-2711 1-202-225-7856 RHOB WV Rahall II, Nick Joe (D) 1-202-225-3452 1-202-225-9061 RHOB WY Cubin, Barbara (R) 1-202-225-2311 1-202-225-0726 LHOB End of the Directory of the US House Here are some more complete type addresses compiled by one of our Project Gutenberg volunteers. If you have address, email, phone, or other addition information, let us know. Hon. Joe Barton 6th Congressional District, Texas Rm. 1514 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 BARTON06@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Sherwood Boehlert 23rd Congressional District, New York Rm. 1127 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 BOEHLERT@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Dave Camp 4th Congressional District, Michigan Rm. 137 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 DAVECAMP@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. John Conyers, Jr. 14th Congressional District, Michigan Rm. 2426 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 JCONYERS@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Peter Defazio 4th Congressional District, Oregon 1233 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 PDEFAZIO@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Peter Deutsch 20th Congressional District, Florida Rm. 425 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 PDEUTSCH@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Jay Dickey 4th Congressional District, Arkansas Rm. 1338 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 JDICKEY@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Vernon Ehlers 3rd Congressional District, Michigan Rm. 1526 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 CONGEHLR@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Anna Eshoo 14th Congressional District, California Rm. 1505 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 ANNAGRAM@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Elizabeth Furse 1st Congressional District, Oregon Rm. 316 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 FURSEOR1@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Sam Gejdenson 2nd Congressional District, Connecticut Rm. 2416 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 BOZRAH@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Newton Gingrich 6th Congressional District, Georgia Rm. 2428 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 GEORGIA6@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Bob Goodlatte 6th Congressional District, Virginia Rm. 214 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 TALK2BOB@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Jane Harman 36th Congressional District, California Rm. 325 Cannon House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 JHARMAN@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Dennis Hastert 14th Congressional District, Illinois Rm. 2453 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 DHASTERT@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Martin Hoke 2nd Congressional District, Ohio Rm. 212 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 HOKEMAIL@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Ernest J. Istook, Jr. 5th Congressional District, Oklahoma Rm. 1116 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 ISTOOK@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Sam Johnson 3rd Congressional District, Texas Rm. 1030 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 SAMTX03@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Mike Kreidler 9th Congressional District, Washington Rm. 1535 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 KREIDLER@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Tom Lantos 12th Congressional District, California Rm. 2182 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 TALK2TOM@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Thomas Manton 7th Congressional District, New York Rm. 203 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 TMANTON@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. George Miller 7th Congressional District, California Rm. 2205 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 GMILLER@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Norman Y. Mineta 15th Congressional District, California Rm. 2221 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 TELLNORM@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Ed Pastor 2nd Congressional District, Arizona Rm. 408 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 EDPASTOR@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Owen Pickett 2nd Congressional District, Virginia Rm. 2430 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 OPICKETT@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Earl Pomeroy North Dakota, At Large Rm. 318 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 EPOMEROY@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Rob Portman 2nd Congressional District, Ohio Rm. 238 Cannon House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 PORTMAIL@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Jim Ramstad 3rd Congressional District, Minnesota Rm. 322 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 MN03@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Pat Roberts 1st Congressional District, Kansas Rm. 1126 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 EMAILPAT@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Charlie Rose 7th Congressional District, North Carolina Rm. 2230 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 CROSE@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Christopher Shays 4th Congressional District, Connecticut Room 1034, Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 CSHAYS@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. David Skaggs 2nd Congressional District, Colorado Rm. 1124 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 SKAGGS@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. 'Pete' Stark 13th Congressional District, California Rm. 239 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 PETEMAIL@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Cliff Stearns 6th Congressional District, Florida Rm. 332 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 CSTEARNS@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Charles Taylor 11th Congressional District, North Carolina Rm. 516 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 CHTAYLOR@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Walter R. Tucker, III 37th Congressional District, California Rm. 419 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 TUCKER96@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Robert Walker 16th Congressional District, Pennsylvania Rm. 2369 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 PA16@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Mel Watt 12th Congressional District, North Carolina Rm. 1232 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 MELMAIL@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Charles Wilson 2nd Congressional District, Texas Rm. 2256 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 CWILSON@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Dick Zimmer 12th Congressional District, New Jersey Rm. 228 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 DZIMMER@HR.HOUSE.GOV End of U.S. Congress Address Book Directory of the United States Senate, 1995 Capitol=Capitol Building DSOB=Dirksen Senate Office Building HSOB=Hart Senate Office Building RSOB=Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Party, State, Senator Phone Fax Address [some Email] R AK Murkowski, Frank H. 1-202-224-6665 1-202-224-5301 706 HSOB R AK Stevens, Ted 1-202-224-3004 1-202-224-2354 522 HSOB D AL Heflin, Howell T. 1-202-224-4124 1-202-224-3149 728 HSOB R AL Shelby, Richard C. 1-202-224-5744 1-202-224-3416 509 HSOB D AR Bumpers, Dale 1-202-224-4843 1-202-224-6435 229 DSOB D AR Pryor, David 1-202-224-2353 1-202-228-3973 267 RSOB R AZ Kyl, Jon 1-202-224-4521 1-202-224-2207 363 RSOB R AZ McCain, John 1-202-224-2235 1-202-228-2862 111 RSOB D CA Boxer, Barbara 1-202-224-3553 1-415-956-6701 112 HSOB D CA Feinstein, Dianne 1-202-224-3841 1-202-228-3954 331 HSOB R CO Campbell, Ben N. 1-202-224-5852 1-202-224-1933 380 RSOB R CO Brown, Henry 1-202-224-5941 1-202-224-6471 716 HSOB D CT Dodd, Christopher J. 1-202-224-2823 1-202-224-1083 444 RSOB D CT Lieberman, Joseph I. 1-202-224-4041 1-202-224-9750 316 HSOB D DE Biden Jr., Joseph R. 1-202-224-5042 1-202-224-0139 221 RSOB R DE Roth Jr. William V. 1-202-224-2441 1-202-224-2805 104 HSOB D FL Graham, Robert 1-202-224-3041 1-202-224-2237 524 HSOB R FL Mack, Connie 1-202-224-5274 1-202-224-8022 517 HSOB D GA Nunn, Samuel 1-202-224-3521 1-202-224-0072 303 DSOB R GA Coverdell, Paul 1-202-224-3643 1-202-228-3783 200 RSOB D HI Akaka, Daniel K. 1-202-224-6361 1-202-224-2126 720 HSOB D HI Inouye, Daniel K. 1-202-224-3934 1-202-224-6747 722 HSOB D IA Harkin, Thomas 1-202-224-3254 1-202-224-9369 531 HSOB R IA Grassley, Charles E. 1-202-224-3744 1-202-224-6020 135 HSOB R ID Craig, Larry E. 1-202-224-2752 1-202-224-2573 313 HSOB R ID Kempthorne, Dirk 1-202-224-6142 1-202-224-5893 367 DSOB dirk_kempthorne@kempthorne. D IL Moseley-Braun, Carol 1-202-224-2854 1-202-224-2626 320 HSOB D IL Simon, Paul 1-202-224-2152 1-202-224-0868 462 DSOB R IN Coats, Daniel R. 1-202-224-5623 1-202-228-4137 404 RSOB R IN Lugar, Richard G. 1-202-224-4814 1-202-228-3060 306 HSOB R KS Dole, Robert 1-202-224-6521 1-202-228-4569 141 HSOB R KS Kassebaum, Nancy L. 1-202-224-4774 1-202-224-3514 302 RSOB D KY Ford, Wendell H. 1-202-224-4343 1-202-224-0046 173A RSOB R KY McConnell, Mitch 1-202-224-2541 1-202-224-2499 120 RSOB D LA Breaux, John B. 1-202-224-4623 1-202-224-4268 516 HSOB D LA Johnston, J. Bennett 1-202-224-5824 1-202-224-2501 136 HSOB D MA Kennedy, Edward M. 1-202-224-4543 1-202-224-2417 315 RSOB (www address: Kennedy/homepage.html) D MA Kerry, John F. 1-202-224-2742 1-202-224-8525 421 RSOB D MD Mikulski, Barbara A. 1-202-224-4654 1-202-224-8858 709 HSOB D MD Sarbanes, Paul S. 1-202-224-4524 1-202-224-1651 309 HSOB R ME Snowe, Olympia 1-202-224-5344 1-202-224-1946 174 RSOB R ME Cohen, William S. 1-202-224-2523 1-202-224-2693 322 HSOB D MI Levin, Carl 1-202-224-6221 1-202-224-1388 459 RSOB R MI Abraham, Spencer 1-202-224-4822 1-202-224-8834 B40 DSOB, Suite 1 D MN Wellstone, Paul 1-202-224-5641 1-202-224-8438 717 HSOB R MN Grams, Rod 1-202-224-3244 1-202-228-0956 261 DSOB R MO Bond, Christopher S. 1-202-224-5721 1-202-224-8149 293 RSOB R MO Ashcroft, John 1-202-224-6154 1-202-228-5126 170 RSOB R MS Cochran, Thad 1-202-224-5054 1-202-224-3576 326 RSOB R MS Lott, Trent 1-202-224-6253 1-202-224-2262 487 RSOB D MT Baucus, Max 1-202-224-2651 na 511 HSOB R MT Burns, Conrad R. 1-202-224-2644 1-202-224-8594 183 DSOB R NC Faircloth, D. M. 1-202-224-3154 1-202-224-7406 702 HSOB R NC Helms, Jesse 1-202-224-6342 1-202-224-7588 403 DSOB D ND Conrad, Kent 1-202-224-2043 1-202-224-7776 724 HSOB D ND Dorgan, Byron L. 1-202-224-2551 1-202-224-1193 713 HSOB D NE Exon, J. 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