The Recent Mammals of Tamaulipas, México

By Ticul Alvarez

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Title: The Recent Mammals of Tamaulipas, Mexico

Author: Ticul Alvarez

Release Date: April 4, 2012 [EBook #39372]

Language: English


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Volume 14, No. 15, pp. 363-473, 5 figs.

May 20, 1963

The Recent Mammals of Tamaulipas, México





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     * An asterisk designates those numbers of which the Museum's
     supply (not the Library's supply) is exhausted. Numbers
     published to date, in this series, are as follows:

     Vol. 1. Nos. 1-26 and index. Pp. 1-638, 1946-1950.

     *Vol. 2. (Complete) Mammals of Washington. By Walter W.
     Dalquest. Pp. 1-444, 140 figures in text. April 9, 1948.

     Vol. 3. *1. The avifauna of Micronesia, its origin,
     evolution, and distribution. By Rollin H. Baker. Pp. 1-359,
     16 figures in text. June 12, 1951.

     *2. A quantitative study of the nocturnal migration of
     birds. By George H. Lowery, Jr. Pp. 361-472, 47 figures in
     text. June 29, 1951.

     3. Phylogeny of the waxwings and allied birds. By M. Dale
     Arvey. Pp. 473-530, 49 figures in text, 13 tables. October
     10, 1951.

     4. Birds from the state of Veracruz, Mexico. By George H.
     Lowery, Jr., and Walter W. Dalquest. Pp. 531-649, 7 figures
     in text, 2 tables. October 10, 1951.

     Index. Pp. 651-681.

     *Vol. 4. (Complete) American weasels. By E. Raymond Hall.
     Pp. 1-466, 41 plates, 31 figures in text. December 27, 1951.

     Vol. 5. Nos. 1-37 and index. Pp. 1-676, 1951-1953.

     *Vol. 6. (Complete) Mammals of Utah, _taxonomy and
     distribution_. By Stephen D. Durrant. Pp. 1-549, 91 figures
     in text, 30 tables. August 10, 1952.

     Vol. 7. Nos. 1-15 and index. Pp. 1-651, 1952-1955.

     Vol. 8. Nos. 1-10 and index. Pp. 1-675, 1954-1956.

     Vol. 9. 1. Speciation of the wandering shrew. By James S.
     Findley. Pp. 1-68, 18 figures in text. December 10, 1955.

     2. Additional records and extension of ranges of mammals
     from Utah. By Stephen D. Durrant, M. Raymond Lee, and
     Richard M. Hansen. Pp. 69-80. December 10, 1955.

     3. A new long-eared myotis (Myotis evotis) from northeastern
     Mexico. By Rollin H. Baker and Howard J. Stains. Pp. 81-84.
     December 10, 1955.

     4. Subspeciation in the meadow mouse, Microtus
     pennsylvanicus, in Wyoming. By Sydney Anderson. Pp. 85-104,
     2 figures in text. May 10, 1956.

     5. The condylarth genus Ellipsodon. By Robert W. Wilson. Pp.
     105-116, 6 figures in text. May 19, 1956.

     6. Additional remains of the multituberculate genus
     Eucosmodon. By Robert W. Wilson. Pp. 117-123, 10 figures in
     text. May 19, 1956.

     7. Mammals of Coahuila, Mexico. By Rollin H. Baker. Pp.
     125-335, 75 figures in text. June 15, 1956.

     8. Comments on the taxonomic status of Apodemus peninsulae,
     with description of a new subspecies from North China. By J.
     Knox Jones, Jr. Pp. 337-346, 1 figure in text, 1 table.
     August 15, 1956.

     9. Extension of known ranges of Mexican bats. By Sydney
     Anderson. Pp. 347-351. August 15, 1956.

     10. A new bat (Genus Leptonycteris) from Coahuila. By Howard
     J. Stains. Pp. 353-356. January 21, 1957.

     11. A new species of pocket gopher (Genus Pappogeomys) from
     Jalisco, Mexico. By Robert J. Russell. Pp. 357-361. January
     21, 1957.

     12. Geographic variation in the pocket gopher, Thomomys
     bottae, in Colorado. By Phillip M. Youngman. Pp. 363-387, 7
     figures in text. February 21, 1958.

     13. New bog lemming (genus Synaptomys) from Nebraska. By J.
     Knox Jones, Jr. Pp. 385-388. May 12, 1958.

     14. Pleistocene bats from San Josecito Cave, Nuevo León,
     México. By J. Knox Jones, Jr. Pp. 389-396. December 19,

     15. New subspecies of the rodent Baiomys from Central
     America. By Robert L. Packard. Pp. 397-404. December 19,

     16. Mammals of the Grand Mesa, Colorado. By Sydney Anderson.
     Pp. 405-414, 1 figure in text. May 20, 1959.

     17. Distribution, variation, and relationships of the
     montane vole, Microtus montanus. By Sydney Anderson. Pp.
     415-511, 12 figures in text, 2 tables. August 1, 1959.

     18. Conspecificity of two pocket mice, Perognathus goldmani
     and P. artus. By E. Raymond Hall and Marilyn Bailey Ogilvie.
     Pp. 513-518, 1 map. January 14, 1960.

     19. Records of harvest mice, Reithrodontomys, from Central
     America, with description of a new subspecies from Nicaragua.
     By Sydney Anderson and J. Knox Jones, Jr. Pp. 519-529.
     January 14, 1960.

     20. Small carnivores from San Josecito Cave (Pleistocene),
     Nuevo León, México. By E. Raymond Hall. Pp. 531-538, 1 figure
     in text. January 14, 1960.

     21. Pleistocene pocket gophers from San Josecito Cave, Nuevo
     León, México. By Robert J. Russell. Pp. 539-548, 1 figure in
     text. January 14, 1960.

     22. Review of the insectivores of Korea. By J. Knox Jones,
     Jr., and David H. Johnson. Pp. 549-578. February 23, 1960.

     23. Speciation and evolution of the pygmy mice, genus
     Baiomys. By Robert L. Packard. Pp. 579-670, 4 plates, 12
     figures in text. June 16, 1960.

     Index. Pp. 671-690.

(Continued on inside of back cover)


Volume 14, No. 15, pp. 363-473, 5 figs.

May 20, 1963

The Recent Mammals of Tamaulipas, México




Editors: E. Raymond Hall, Chairman, Henry S. Fitch,
Theodore H. Eaton, Jr.

Volume 14, No. 15, pp. 363-473, 5 figs.
Published May 20, 1963

Lawrence, Kansas



The Recent Mammals of Tamaulipas, México





INTRODUCTION                                    365

PHYSIOGRAPHY                                    366

CLIMATE                                         368


PLANT-MAMMAL RELATIONSHIPS                      371


HISTORY OF MAMMALOGY                            379

CONSERVATION                                    381

METHODS AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS                     384

GAZETTEER                                       386

CHECK-LIST                                      388


LITERATURE CITED                                467


From Tamaulipas, the northeasternmost state in the Mexican Republic,
146 kinds of mammals, belonging to 72 genera, are here reported.
Mammals that are strictly marine in habit are not included. The state
is crossed in its middle by the Tropic of Cancer. Elevations vary from
sea level on the Golfo de México to more than 2700 meters in the Sierra
Madre Oriental; most of the state is below 300 meters in elevation. Its
area is 79,602 square kilometers (30,732 square miles).

Tamaulipas, meaning "lugar en que hay montes altos" (place of high
mountains), was explored in 1516 by the Spaniard Francisco Fernández de
Córdoba, but it was not until the 18th century that José de Escandón
established several villages in the new province of Nueva Santender
from which, in the time of Iturbide's Empire, Tamaulipas was separated
as a distinct political entity, with about the same boundaries that it
now has.

My first contact with the state of Tamaulipas, as a mammalogist, was in
1957, when in company with Dr. Bernardo Villa R. I visited the Cueva
del Abra in the southern part of the state. On several occasions since
then I have been in the state, especially when employed by the
Dirección General de Caza of the Mexican Government. In 1960-1962 I had
the opportunity of studying the mammalian fauna of Tamaulipas at the
Museum of Natural History of the University of Kansas. The
approximately 2000 specimens there represent many critical localities,
but are not sufficient to make this report as complete as could be
desired. Consequently the following account should be considered as a
contribution to the knowledge of the mammals of México and is offered
in the hope that it will stimulate future studies of the Mexican fauna,
especially that of the eastern region.


Tamaulipas can be divided into three physiographic regions, which from
east to west are Gulf Coastal Plain, Sierra Madre Oriental, and Central
Plateau or Mexican Plateau (Fig. 1).

Gulf Coastal Plain

This physiographic region covers most of the state and extends
northward into Texas and a short distance southward into Veracruz.

According to Tamayo (1949) and Vivo (1953), the Gulf Coastal Plain is
formed by sedimentary rocks from Mesozoic to Pleistocene in age. The
most common type of soil is Rendzin, especially in the coastal area.
Elevations range from sea level to 300 meters. The area is in general a
flat plain inclined to the sea but this plain is broken by several
small sierras. The more important of these are the Sierra de
Tamaulipas, which rises to more than 1000 meters, and the Sierra San
Carlos, which has a maximum elevation of approximately 1670 meters. The
Sierra de San José de las Rucias is smaller.

Sierra Madre Oriental

This physiographic region is represented in Tamaulipas by a small part
of the long Sierra Madre Oriental that extends from the Big Bend area
in Texas southward to the Trans-volcanic Belt of central México. The
Sierra Madre Oriental is in the southwestern part of Tamaulipas. The
Sierra was formed by folding of the Middle and Upper Cretaceous and
Cenozoic deposits that now are 400 to 2700 meters in elevation. In
general, the soils are Chernozems.

This physiographic region is situated between the other two
physiographic regions in Tamaulipas and represents a barrier to the
distribution of some tropical mammals on the one hand and to those from
the Mexican Plateau on the other.

[Illustration: FIG. 1. Three physiographic regions: 1 Coastal Plain; 2
Sierra Madre Oriental; 3 Central Plateau.]

Central Plateau

This physiographic region, commonly termed the Mexican Plateau,
occupies only a small area of Tamaulipas in its southwesternmost part.
The plateau is approximately 900 meters above sea level. In general,
the Mexican Plateau was formed by Cretaceous sediments. The most common
type of soil is Chestnut.


Owing to the differences in elevations and varying distances from the
sea, the climate of Tamaulipas is varied. Tamayo (1949), following the
Koeppen System, assigned to Tamaulipas 10 different climate types that
result principally from differences in temperature, precipitation, and


The annual mean temperature for the lands less than 1000 meters in
elevation, which make up most of the state, is between 20° and 25° C.;
and the difference in monthly means is 5° C.

In the areas above 1000 meters, the annual mean is between 15° and 20°
C., and the difference in the monthly means is 15° C.

The maximum temperature recorded in the state is 45° C. in the region
of Ciudad Victoria, between the Sierra Madre Oriental, the Sierra San
Carlos, and the Sierra de Tamaulipas. Minima recorded are between O°
and 5° C. on the southeastern coast, O° to -5° C. between 98° 20´ long.
and 99° 00´ long., and -5° to -10° C. in the Sierra Madre Oriental.


Rainfall varies seasonally and can be described as follows: In January
it amounts to 25 to 50 mm. in the coastal region and 10 to 25 mm. in
the rest of the state. In April there is more than 25 mm. to the north
of about 23° north latitude, 10 to 25 mm. in the Sierra de Tamaulipas
and Sierra Madre Oriental, and less than 10 mm. in the extreme
southwestern part of the state.

In July rainfall amounts to less than 25 mm. in Nuevo Laredo and San
Fernando, is from 25 to 50 mm. in the northeastern and central parts of
the state, 50 to 100 mm. in the Sierra San Carlos and Sierra Madre
Oriental, and 100 to 200 mm. in the area south of Soto la Marina and
east of the Sierra Madre Oriental. In October rainfall is less than 50
mm. in the northern half of the state, including the Sierra de
Tamaulipas, and 50 to 100 mm. in the rest of the state, except on the
east side of the Sierra Madre Oriental and in the area near Tampico,
which receive between 100 and 200 mm.

The number of rainy days per year varies from 60 to 90 at Sierra San
Carlos, Sierra Madre Oriental, and in the lowlands south of 23° north
latitude; the rest of the state has about 60 rainy days, excepting the
Mexican Plateau, which has fewer than 60.

Although Tamayo (1949) followed the Koeppen System in classifying types
of climate and thereby recognized 10 different kinds of climate in
Tamaulipas, these can be grouped into three major categories as

Steppe Dry Climate (Clima Seco de Estepa)

This kind of climate can be divided into two categories based on the
average annual temperature.


The average annual temperature exceeds 18° C. but the mean of the
coolest month is less than 18° C. This sub-climate is characterized by
a short rainy season in summer and occurs on the west side of the
southern part of the Sierra Madre Oriental and on the Mexican Plateau;
it occurs also in the area northwest of Reynosa and on the east side of
the Sierra Madre Oriental but in these areas the rainfall is
irregularly distributed in the year.


The average annual temperature is less than 18° C. but the mean of the
warmest month exceeds 18° C. This sub-climate occurs only on the west
side of the northern part of the Sierra Madre Oriental.

Moderate Rainy Temperature Climate (Clima Templado Moderato Lluvioso)

This type of climate is characterized by the coolest month having a
temperature of between -3° and 18° C. In the northeastern and central
parts of Tamaulipas, including the Sierra de Tamaulipas, Ciudad
Victoria, Gómez Farías, Rancho Pano Ayuctle, and Llera, the average
temperature of the warmest month is less than 22° C.; the winters are
dry and not rigorous, and the wettest month has ten times as much rain
as the driest. In the Sierra San Carlos the average temperature of the
warmest month is less than 22° C., and the rainy season is in the

Tropical Rainy Climate (Clima Tropical Lluvioso)

This climate is characterized by the average temperature of all months
being above 18° C. and the mean-annual rainfall being above 75 cm.
According to the distribution of precipitation this type of climate can
be divided into: (1) areas having periodic rain and wet winters
(southeastern Tamaulipas, south of 22° north latitude and east of 99°
west longitude), and (2) areas having an irregular rainy season and dry
winters (area around Ciudad Mante, between 99° 30´ and 98° 30´ west
longitude and south of 22° 30´ north latitude).


Owing to the differences in climate from one region to another, the
flora and fauna also differ, especially in the southern part of the
state as compared with the northern part.

     For expressing the taxonomic resemblance of mammalian faunas
     having nearly equal numbers of taxa, Burt (1959:139)
     recommended the following formula: C × 100/(N_{1} + N_{2} - C)
     (where C is the number of taxa common to the two faunas,
     N_{1} is the number of taxa in the smaller fauna, and N_{2}
     is the number of taxa in the larger fauna). For non-flying
     mammals the resemblance of the Tamaulipan fauna to that of
     Texas, adjacent to the north, and Veracruz, adjacent to the
     south, is as follows:

     _Genera._--Texas 65 per cent, Veracruz 60 per cent.

     _Species._--Texas 45 per cent, Veracruz 39 per cent.

     For bats the resemblance of the Tamaulipan fauna to those of
     Texas and Veracruz is as follows:

     _Genera._--Texas 40 per cent, Veracruz 51 per cent.

     _Species._--Texas 24, Veracruz 39.


          |       Number of taxa      |  Number of taxa in common
          |   genera    |   species   |   genera    |   species
  States  |non-bats|bats|non-bats|bats|non-bats|bats|non-bats|bats
Texas     |   51   | 12 |  103   | 25 |   39   | 10 |   58   | 12
Tamaulipas|   48   | 23 |   83   | 36 |   ..   | .. |   ..   | ..
Veracruz  |   53   | 36 |   94   | 60 |   38   | 20 |   50   | 27

     For all of the land mammals of Tamaulipas, the resemblance
     is as follows:

     _Genera._--Texas 58, Veracruz 57.

     _Species._--Texas 40, Veracruz 39.

On the whole, the fauna of Tamaulipas resembles faunas of both the
Brazilian Subregion and the North American part of the Nearctic
Subregion (see Hershkovitz, 1958:611). Considering the 48 genera of
non-flying land mammals of Tamaulipas, 24 genera occur in habitats from
the North American part through habitats of northern México into the
Brazilian Subregion. Of the remaining 24 genera, 16 occur in the North
American part of the Nearctic Subregion or in it and the part of
northern México north of the Brazilian boundary, whereas eight occur in
the Brazilian Subregion or in it and the northern part of México. None
occurs only in Tamaulipas or only in northern México.

The non-flying fauna of the coastal plain east of the Sierra Madre
Oriental and south of the Sierra de Tamaulipas and Soto la Marina is
mainly tropical in affinities; only 27 per cent of that fauna (at the
subspecific level) resembles the fauna north of Soto la Marina, which
is Nearctic in its affinities. The fauna of the Sierra de Tamaulipas
has a greater taxonomic resemblance (20.4 per cent at subspecific
level) to that of the Sierra Madre Oriental, than does the fauna of the
Sierra San Carlos (17.6 per cent). Taxonomic resemblance between the
faunas from the Sierra San Carlos and the Sierra de Tamaulipas amounts
to only 16.1 per cent. Therefore, the faunas of these two Sierras (both
are included in the same zoogeographic unit) resemble each other less
than either resembles the fauna of the Sierra Madre Oriental (in
another zoogeographic unit). Of the three sierran faunas, those of the
Sierra Madre Oriental and the Sierra de Tamaulipas have most in common.
Migration from one to the other in relative recent time may account for
the resemblance. The Sierra San Carlos may have been isolated for a
long time and interchange between its fauna and those of the other two
sierras, therefore, may have been slight.

Study of the taxonomic resemblance shows that the dividing line, in
eastern México, between Nearctic and Neotropical faunas is along the
eastern base of the Sierra Madre Oriental, the southern base of the
Sierra de Tamaulipas and thence to the coast at or near Soto la Marina.


Merriam (1898) assigned to Tamaulipas four Life-zones. There were:
Transitional on the highest elevations of the Sierra Madre; Upper
Austral at lower elevations on the Sierra Madre; Lower Austral over
most of the state; and Tropical in the coastal areas.

Dice (1943) outlined Biotic Provinces on a map of North America and in
the northern part of Tamaulipas showed two Biotic Provinces, Tamaulipan
and Potosian. He did not show the southeastern limits of the Chihuahuan
Biotic Province nor any of the limits of the Veracruzian Biotic
Province and in text mentioned nothing about the limits of these two
provinces with reference to Tamaulipas. Later, Goldman and Moore (1946)
divided Tamaulipas in three Biotic Provinces: Tamaulipas, Sierra Madre,
and Veracruz. Still later (1949), Smith published a map of Mexican
Biotic Provinces based on the herpetofauna of the Republic. He divided
Tamaulipas among four Provinces. Two were Nearctic (Austro-oriental and
Tamaulipan) and the other two were Neotropical (Veracruzian and

Leopold (1950 and 1959) recognized five principal vegetational types in
Tamaulipas as follows: Mesquite-grassland; Pine-oak Forest; Thorn
Forest; Tropical Deciduous Forest; and Desert.

For dealing with the mammals of Tamaulipas in the following accounts
the four Biotic Provinces (Tamaulipan, Potosian, Veracruzian, and
Chihuahuan) of Dice are the most useful. For dealing with types of
vegetation in the accounts that follow, Leopold's (1950) system is
employed although reference is made to other associations and
formations that have been reported in Tamaulipas.

Tamaulipan Biotic Province

This Province is recognized by most authors who have written about the
zoogeography of México. It is the most extensive in the state and
includes the northern part of the Coastal Plain (see Fig. 2).

The vegetation of the Tamaulipan Biotic Province is in general
Mesquite-grassland but in the Sierra San Carlos and Sierra de
Tamaulipas other types of vegetation are found.

     Two formations occur in the Mesquite-grassland. The first is
     the Mesquite Scrub, in which the dominant plant is the
     mesquite (_Prosopis juliflora_), associated with _Cordia
     boissieri_, several species of _Acacia_, and in some areas
     with _Opuntia_ and _Yucca treculeana_. The dominant grasses
     are of the genera _Bouteloua_ and _Andropogon_. The second
     formation is the Gulf Bluestem Prairie, where species of
     _Andropogon_ are the dominants on the well-drained sites.
     Sloughs and depressions are occupied by cordgrass, _Spartina
     spartinae_. Many areas have been invaded by mesquite and
     other shrubs.

[Illustration: FIG. 2. Four biotic provinces: 1 Tamaulipan; 2 Potosian;
3 Chihuahuan; 4 Veracruzian.]

     Around the Sierra de Tamaulipas and in the area between it
     and the Sierra San Carlos the vegetation is Thorn Forest
     (Tropical Thorn Forest of Martin _et al._, 1954), in which
     the dominant plants are _Acacia_, _Ichthyomethia_, _Ipomea_,
     _Prosopis_, and _Cassia_. Another type of vegetation in the
     Sierra de Tamaulipas is the Tropical Deciduous Forest at 300
     to 700 meters elevation, the trees of which are 20 meters
     high with a canopy averaging eight meters high (Martin _et
     al._, _op. cit._). The common species of trees belong to the
     genera _Tabebuia_, _Ipomea_, _Bombax_, and _Conzattia_.
     Species of _Bursera_, _Acacia_, and _Cassia_ are less
     abundant. In the low canyons _Bursera_, _Ceiba_, and
     _Psidium_, draped with lianas and various epiphytes, can be

     The Pine-oak Formation grows above an elevation of 800
     meters in the Sierra de Tamaulipas and is characterized by
     _Pinus cembroides_, _P. nelsonii_, _P. teocote_, and
     _Quercus arizonica_. Martin _et al._ (_op. cit._) recorded
     Montane Scrub from the dry areas, between elevations of 600
     and 900 meters. That scrub is formed by huisaches (_Acacia
     farnesiana_) along with a few oaks and some trees of the
     Tropical Deciduous Forest.

     The vegetation of the Sierra San Carlos was studied by Dice
     (1937) and divided into three life belts, each with several
     associations. For more information about the plants of each
     association and their related mammals see the publication of
     the mentioned author.

     Endemic mammals of the Tamaulipan Biotic Province, in the
     part of it that is in Tamaulipas, are the following:
     _Scalopus inflatus_; _Lepus californicus curti_;
     _Spermophilus spilosoma oricolus_; _Cratogeomys castanops
     tamaulipensis_; _Dipodomys ordii parvabullatus_; and
     _Sigmodon hispidus solus_. Other characteristic mammals of
     this Province in the state of Tamaulipas are: _Sylvilagus
     floridanus connectens_; _S. audubonii parvulus_; _Lepus
     californicus merriami_; _Perognathus merriami merriami_;
     _Dipodomys ordii compactus_; _Orzomys melanotis carrorum_;
     _Reithrodontomys fulvescens intermedius_; _Peromyscus boylii
     ambiguus_; _Canis latrans texensis_; _C. l. microdon_; _C.
     lupus monstrabilis_; _Taxidea taxus berlandieri_; _Mephitis
     mephitis varians_; _Felis pardalis albescens_; _Trichechus
     manatus latirostris_; and _Odocoileus virginianus texanus_.

     Many other kinds of mammals occur mainly in the Tamaulipan
     Province but are not listed above because they occur also in
     one or more of the other provinces.

     The Sierra de Tamaulipas is placed in the Tamaulipan Biotic
     Province because the fauna, especially of non-flying
     mammals, is closely related to that of the rest of the
     Province. Nevertheless, many mammals found in this Sierra
     are tropical in relationship. This is especially true of the
     bats. Therefore, most of the tropical bats that occur in
     Tamaulipas occur in the Veracruzian Biotic Province and in
     the Sierra de Tamaulipas.

Potosian Biotic Province

This Province occupies all of the Sierra Madre Oriental and, therefore,
the southwestern part of the state.

The vegetation in general is Pine-oak Forest, in which the most common
trees are _Abies religiosa_, _Pinus flexilis_, _P. patula_, _P.
montezumae_, _P. teocote_, _Populus tremuloides_, _Juniperus
flaccida_, _Quercus arizonica_, _Q. clivicola_ and _Q. polymorpha_.

     In his study of plants of the Gómez Farías area, Martin
     (1958) recorded several different types of vegetation, which
     in part can be placed in the Potosian Biotic Province,
     especially those types that occur to the northwest of the
     Cloud Forest. In addition to the Cloud Forest, Martin
     recognized Humid Pine-oak Forest, Dry Oak-pine Forest,
     Chaparral, Thorn Forest and Scrub, and Thorn Desert.

     The only mammal endemic to the Potosian Province in
     Tamaulipas is _Cryptotis pergracilis pueblensis_. Other
     mammals that occur mainly in this Province are: _Sorex
     saussurei_; _Notiosorex crawfordi_; _Glaucomys volans
     herreranus_; _Cratogeomys castanops planifrons_;
     _Perognathus nelsoni_; _Liomys irroratus alleni_;
     _Reithrodontomys fulvescens griseoflavus_; _Microtus
     mexicanus subsimus_; _Ursus americanus eremicus_; _Conepatus
     leuconotus texensis_; and _Odocoileus hemionus_.

     The fauna of this Province is a mixture of elements with
     tropical affinities on the east side of the Sierra Madre and
     with those of the Mexican Plateau on the west side.

Chihuahuan Biotic Province

This Province occurs in Tamaulipas only in a small portion of the
Central Plateau physiographic region and occupies the southwesternmost
part of the state.

     The vegetation is of two types: Desert or
     Mesquite-grassland. The last is like that described for the
     Tamaulipan Biotic Province. In the Desert type the dominant
     plants are the cactus, _Opuntia leptocaulis_, and yuccas,
     _Yucca filifera_ and _Y. potosina_. Subdominants are
     mariola, guayule, _Agave lechugilla_, _A. stricta_ or
     _Larrea divaricata_. Along stream banks mesquite, _Prosopis
     juliflora_, can be found.

     No endemic mammals of the Chihuahuan Province are known in
     Tamaulipas. Mammals that occur principally in this Province
     are: _Dipodomys merriami atronasus_; _D. ordii durranti_;
     _Peromyscus melanophrys consobrinus_; _P. difficilis
     petricola_; _Onychomys torridus subrufus_; and _Neotoma
     albigula subsolana_.

Veracruzian Biotic Province

This Province includes the southern part of the Coastal Plain
physiographic region, south of the Sierra de Tamaulipas and Soto la
Marina. But the exact line between this Province and the Tamaulipan
Province to the north is difficult to draw. The northern boundary of
the Veracruzian Province is the line between the Nearctic and
Neotropical regions in eastern México.

Vegetation of most of the Veracruzian Biotic Province is Tropical
Deciduous Forest. This Forest is made up of _Tabebuia_, _Ipomea_,
_Bombax_, and _Conzattia_, along with some _Ceiba_, _Bursera_, and

     The mammalia fauna of the Veracruzian Biotic Province is
     tropical in nature. This is especially true of the bats.
     Representatives of the tropical genera _Micronycteris_,
     _Sturnira_, _Artibeus_, _Enchistenes_, _Desmodus_,
     _Diphylla_, and _Molossus_ have their northern
     distributional limits in this Province. The non-flying
     mammals characteristic of the Province in Tamaulipas are:
     _Philander opossum pallidus_; _Marmosa mexicana_; _Ateles
     geoffroyi velerosus_; _Geomys tropicalis_; _Oryzomys
     melanotis rostratus_; _O. alfaroi huastecae_; _O. fulvescens
     engracie_ (endemic to this Province in Tamaulipas); _O. f.
     fulvescens_; _Reithrodontomys mexicanus_; _Peromyscus
     orchraventer_ (endemic); _Neotoma micropus angustapalata_;
     _Eira barbara senex_; _Felis wiedii oaxacensis_; and _Mazama
     americana temama_.


The distributional patterns and affinities of the mammalian fauna of
Tamaulipas suggest possible routes of migration and barriers that
limited or controlled movements of the mammals.

Mammals may have reached Tamaulipas by way of a Northern route, a
Trans-plateau route, a Montane route, or a Tropical route (Fig 3).

The Northern route permitted species of mammals from the temperate
region to the north to enter the Tamaulipan Biotic Province from or via
Texas. Several came from the Great Plains, and a few came from the
eastern part of the United States. Also, a few mammals that may have
originated in the Tamaulipan Province moved northwards. Some of these,
according to Dice (1937:267) were _Liomys irroratus texensis_,
_Peromyscus leucopus texensis_, and _Lepus californicus merriami_.
Other mammals thought to have moved north by this route are _Didelphis
marsupialis_, _Dasypus novemcinctus_, _Oryzomys palustris_, _Nasua
narica_, and _Tayassu tajacu_. Some mammals that passed through
Tamaulipas into Texas have extended their geographic ranges far north
of Texas.

Mammals that came _via_ the Trans-plateau route (name proposed by
Baker, 1956:146) came no farther into Tamaulipas than the Chihuahuan
Biotic Province. They encountered the barrier formed by the Sierra
Madre Oriental. These mammals were listed in the account of the
Chihuahuan Biotic Province.

The route that Baker (1956:146) termed the "Southern Route" I here term
the Montane route because I think it was used for movement southward as
well as northward.

[Illustration: FIG. 3. Routes of movement: 1 Northern; 2 Trans-Plateau;
3 Montane; 4 Tropical.]

The Montane route was used by mammals of boreal affinities (_Microtus_
and _Neotoma_), that moved into Tamaulipas from the north; also in this
category are bats of the family Vespertilionidae. For movement from
south to north, the route was used by several species native to México,
for example, _Cratogeomys castanops_. The seaward slope of the montane
area has enabled some tropical mammals to move farther north than they
have done at higher and lower elevations. _Philander opossum_ seems to
be an example.

The fourth route, the Tropical one, was used by mammals of tropical
origin. Most moved into Tamaulipas only as far as the Veracruzian
Biotic Province. The principal mammals that have used this route are
the bats and marsupials, but _Sylvilagus brasiliensis_, _Ateles
geoffroyi_, _Heterogeomys hispidus_, _Eira barbara_, and _Mazama
americana_ also can be included here. Some tropical mammals, as was
pointed out previously, not only reached Tamaulipas but have moved
through the state and far northward.

The major barriers to dispersal of mammals in Tamaulipas are three (see
Fig. 2). Two of them, the Río Grande Barrier and the Sierra Madre
Barrier, are physiographical, but the Tropical Barrier is maintained by
a combination of environmental factors. The three barriers separate the
four Biotic Provinces in Tamaulipas. The Sierra Madre Oriental, which
forms the Potosian Biotic Province, lies between the Tamaulipan and
Chihuahuan provinces. The Tropical barrier separates the Tamaulipan and
Veracruzian biotic provinces.

The Río Grande, as was pointed out by R. H. Baker (1956:146), has low
banks, is relatively shallow, and does not form an effective barrier
for most mammals. For only two species, insofar as I know, has the Río
Grande constituted a barrier. _Cratogeomys castanops_ has not entered
southeastern Texas from México, and _Spermophilus spilosoma_ has not
entered México from southeastern Texas except on the coastal barrier
beach. Alvarez (1962:124) postulated that the beach was the route by
which _S. spilosoma_ arrived at La Pesca where the barrier beach meets
the mainland.

The Sierra Madre Barrier is a good filter for some small mammals,
especially for those that occur on the Mexican Plateau and those of
tropical origin. The mammals that occur on each side of the Sierra are
listed in accounts of the Chihuahuan (west side), Veracruzian and
Tamaulipan (east side) biotic provinces.

The Tropical Barrier is formed mainly by a climatic complex (probably a
change in temperature and rainfall) in the coastal region at or about
the latitude of Soto la Marina, where no geographic barrier is found.
In the western and central part of the Tropical Barrier, the climatic
factor is supported by a geographic factor. The Sierra Madre Oriental
is in the west and the Sierra de Tamaulipas is in the center. The
several mammals that are affected by this barrier are listed in the
accounts of the Veracruzian and Tamaulipan biotic provinces.

A peculiar pattern of distribution is that presented by _Scalopus
inflatus_ and _Geomys tropicalis_. Both are the only known species of
their genera in northeastern México. Each is isolated from other
species of its genus. The nearest known record of _Scalopus_ is 45
miles northward and the nearest record of _Geomys_ is approximately 165
miles northward. A possible explanation for the distribution of these
two kinds is that each was widely distributed in one of the glacial
periods and when the glacier receded to the north these animals
remained in Tamaulipas, where they evolved and formed distinct species.
The two species, _G. tropicalis_ and _S. inflatus_, are fossorial and
for this reason probably were able to resist inhospitable climates
better than non-burrowing species.


In Tamaulipas the first exploration directed in substantial measure
toward finding out about the mammalian fauna, at least as far as I
know, was made by Dr. L. Berlandier, who traveled mainly in the
northern half of the state. His collections provided specimens of
several previously unknown mammals, which were described by Baird
(1858). The original manuscript of Berlandier never has been published.
About 1880 Dr. E. Palmer collected mammals in the southern part of
Tamaulipas, in the area around Tampico. The results of his exploration
were reported by J. A. Allen (1881). E. W. Nelson and E. A. Goldman
twice collected in Tamaulipas (Goldman, 1951). In 1898 they visited and
collected mammals in the southern part of the state, around Tampico,
Altamira, Victoria, Forlón, and Miquihuana. In 1901-1902 they visited
the area between Nuevo Laredo and Bagdad, then went south to Soto la
Marina and Victoria. From their collections several species and
subspecies have been described. Between 1910 and the early 1920's
little was done in the way of scientific exploration because of the
Mexican Revolution.

From 1930 on, several expeditions yielded new information about the
native mammals. In that year L. B. Kellum visited the Sierra San
Carlos. The results were reported by Dice (1937). Another important
collection from Tamaulipas was made by Marian Martin in the area of
Gómez Farías. Mammals collected by her were reported by Goodwin (1954).
Hooper (1953) also reported specimens from Gómez Farías but included in
his report records of mammals collected in other areas as well. In 1950
E. R. Hall and C. von Wedel made a trip to the barrier beach in the
northeastern part of the state and collected several kinds of mammals
among which three were described as new by Hall (1951).

The report here presented is based upon specimens in the Museum of
Natural History of The University of Kansas that were collected mainly
by the persons named beyond. Gerd H. Heinrich and his wife Hilda
collected in 1952 and 1953 in the areas around Miquihuana, Ciudad
Victoria, Soto la Marina, Sierra de Tamaulipas, and Altamira. W. J.
Schaldach collected in 1949 and 1950 in the Sierra Madre Oriental south
of Ciudad Victoria; he returned to Tamaulipas in 1954 in company with
V. Grissino and worked in the Sierra Madre Oriental south and north of
Ciudad Victoria. In 1961 P. L. Clifton and J. H. Bodley collected in
the northwestern part of the state and in the western part, around
Tula, Nicolás, and Tajada. Some students and staff members of the
Museum have occasionally collected in Tamaulipas.

As a result of all the mentioned expeditions and others, 32 species and
subspecies have been described with type localities in Tamaulipas. They


        _Lepus californicus altamirae_ Nelson
        _Sciurus aureogaster aureogaster_ (Cuvier) (by restriction)
        _Sciurus deppei negligens_ Nelson
        _Geomys tropicalis_ Goldman

     Antiguo Morelos, 8 mi. N of

        _Tadarida laticaudata ferruginea_ Goodwin

     Brownsville (Texas), 45 mi. from

        _Scalopus inflatus_ Jackson

     Charco Escondido

        _Perognathus hispidus hispidus_ Baird
        _Neotoma micropus micropus_ Baird

     El Carrizo

        _Peromyscus ochraventer_ Baker

     Gómez Farías

        _Heterogeomys hispidus negatus_ Goodwin

     Hacienda Santa Engracia

        _Oryzomys fulvescens engracia_ Osgood


        _Dipodomys ordii durranti_ Setzer

     La Pesca, 1 mi. E of

        _Spermophilus spilosoma oricolus_ Alvarez


        _Cryptotis parva berlandieri_ (Baird)
        _Lasiurus intermedius intermedius_ (H. Allen)
        _Dasypus novemcinctus mexicanus_ Peters (by restriction)
        _Cratogeomys castanops tamaulipensis_ Nelson and Goldman
        _Felis yagouaroundi cacomitli_ Berlandier

     Matamoros, 88 mi. S, 10 mi. W of

        _Lepus californicus curti_ Hall
        _Dipodomys ordii parvabullatus_ Hall
        _Sigmodon hispidus solus_ Hall


        _Canis latrans microdon_ Merriam


        _Idionycteris mexicanus_ Anthony (_Plecotus phyllotis_)
        _Cratogeomys castanops planifrons_ Nelson and Goldman
        _Onychomys torridus subrufus_ Hollister
        _Neotoma albigula subsolana_ Alvarez
        _Odocoileus virginianus miquihuanensis_ Goldman and Kellogg

     Rancho del Cielo, 5 mi. NW Gómez Farías

        _Cryptotis mexicana madrea_ Goodwin
        _Reithrodontomys megalotis hooperi_ Goodwin

     Rancho Santa Ana, about 8 mi. SW Padilla

        _Oryzomys melanotis carrorum_ Lawrence

     Sierra de Tamaulipas, 10 mi. W, 2 mi. S Piedra

        _Myotis keenii auriculus_ Baker and Stains

     Sierra San Carlos, 12 mi. NW San Carlos

        _Peromyscus pectoralis collinus_ Hooper


A relatively large number of the species of Mexican big game occurs in
Tamaulipas because its geographic position permits it to have species
from the tropics and those from the northern plains and mountains.
Eight of the 11 Mexican species that are considered as Big Game are
recorded from the state. Until this century Tamaulipas was not densely
populated by man either in the pre-colonial period or thereafter.
Therefore many species of game are still relatively abundant.

Of the eight species that originally lived in Tamaulipas, the mule
deer, brocket, and black bear never have been abundant there and now
are in danger of extirpation. The pronghorn was also rare in the state
and now has been extirpated as it has been in many other parts of
México. The white-tailed deer, javalin, jaguar, and puma are still
abundant in suitable habitats. The white-tailed deer is found almost
everywhere in the state; in some areas it damages cornfields, and for
this reason is killed by natives who eat the meat and sell the skins.
The price of skins is low; in 1959 at Ciudad Mante tanners paid natives
less than one dollar (10.00 Mexican pesos) per hide. Some idea of the
abundance of deer in Tamaulipas is provided by our having found in one
tanner's shop, in 1959 at Ciudad Mante, about 500 deer skins. Besides
these, we found about 65 skins of other species--jaguar, bear, ocelot,
puma, margay, and raccoon. Additionally there was a large number of
coati skins. Considering that México has no professional trappers and
that commerce in skins of wild animals is illegal, it is felt that the
number of skins found in the tanner's shop indicated a relative large
population of game mammals.

The number of species of small game also is large. Some species are
killed by natives for food, but most are killed in order to protect the
cultivated crops, which are injured mainly by rabbits and squirrels.

Baker (1958) pointed out that the future of the game species in the
northern part of México was not encouraging. He gave valid reasons for
his view. In Tamaulipas, however, in some respects the outlook is more
encouraging because there are many areas in which with a minimum of
effort the authorities can save a good number of species.

As Baker (_op. cit._) remarked, the fauna in México is declining mainly
because many areas recently have been cultivated for the first time.
Also, better roads have enabled hunters to reach areas that formerly
were natural refuges for wild animals. Many times it has been said that
the populations of wild animals were declining in México because the
number of game wardens is too small to protect game in all parts of the
country. In some ways this is true but it seems that the problem is
really one of education. The people do not realize that the animals are
part of nature and therefore have the same right to live that man has.
Most people see only the bad side of the animals' activities and never
consider the benefit that wild mammals provide for man. A typical case
is that of the coyote, which is oftentimes killed only because it is a
coyote. Sometimes individual coyotes do kill domestic animals, but the
people seem never to understand that the coyote destroys a large number
of mice, rabbits, and insects as has been shown by studies of the
contents of coyote stomachs.

The Mexican Government at this time is making a concentrated effort to
provide schools in all parts of the country and is formulating new
programs of education. In this official program some lectures in
conservation are needed with reference to the animal life. I know that
some education now is given to people with respect to conservation of
the water, soil, and forest, but gather that there is little that
covers also conservation of animals.

I do not deny the necessity for some natives to kill wild animals.
People need to eat fresh meat and for some it is almost impossible to
obtain meat in any other way than by killing wild animals. Some natives
cannot afford to purchase meat in the markets or they live too far from
any village or city to do so. Also, natives need to protect their
cultivated areas; some of them have only four to six acres of land, on
which corn is the only crop. When one deer in a night can destroy part
of the corn, and in some areas not only one deer but several invade a
field, and when one considers that besides deer there are rabbits,
squirrels, raccoons, and coati, to name only some animals that feed on
the corn, we find that the small cornfield at the end of the season may
not contain any corn to harvest. It is understandable, therefore, that
the natives kill the animals. In this way they protect their cultivated
fields, obtain food and sometimes money for the skins. Many natives,
however, destroy the wildlife only for pleasure or to obtain money for
skins and meat, which sometimes is sold to restaurants.

Probably the best solution for the problem of conservation of wild
animals is the establishment of wildlife refuges. In Tamaulipas, at
least three refuges are needed in order to preserve the mammalian
wildlife. These areas would serve also as a refuge for game birds and
other vertebrates. A large area with suitable habitat for white-tailed
deer, brocket, jaguar, puma, javalin, and fox could be established in
the Sierra de Tamaulipas, which presents favorable habitat for all of
the species named. A second area that does not need to be so large as
the first could be established in the Sierra Madre Oriental, probably
including some part of Nuevo León, where the black bear and the mule
deer find suitable habitat. Probably the beaver can be introduced in
the streams of the high mountains; beaver live in the same Sierra a
little farther north in Nuevo León. The three species mentioned are in
imminent danger of disappearing from Tamaulipas, if they have not
already disappeared. The third refuge could be in some area of the
northern part of the state near the Río Grande. This refuge should give
protection to the beaver--a rare animal in México and in danger of
extirpation over all the country. The pronghorn also would find
suitable habitat in this area, but would have to be reintroduced there.
With the establishment of these three refuges and with good management
the fauna of Tamaulipas could be saved from extinction, would provide
some recreation for sportsmen, and especially for the people in general
who wish to study, photograph, or merely observe the native animal

The time is excellent for the establishment of the wildlife refuges in
Tamaulipas because large areas are still in Federal ownership and
because a considerable number of animals remain. Other favorable
factors are that roads are not yet good in the areas proposed for
refuges, the human population is low, and agriculture consequently is
not practiced. But, with the rapid increase in population in México,
these favorable conditions will change in a few years and it will be
almost impossible to establish the refuges then.


The families, genera, and species recorded in this report are arranged
following Hall and Kelson (1959). Subspecies are in alphabetical order
under the species. Remarks are given on natural history in each species
account, if information is available. Discussion of subspecies known
from the state is included. Under each subspecies, the citation to the
original description is given with mention of type locality. Next is
the citation to the first usage of the current name-combination. Then,
synonyms are listed if there be such in the sense that original
descriptions of the alleged species or subspecies had type localities
in Tamaulipas.

Measurements, unless otherwise noted, are of adults and are given in
millimeters. External measurements are in the following order: total
length; length of tail vertebrae; length of hind foot; length of ear
from notch. Capitalized color terms are those of Ridgway, Color
Standards and Color Nomenclature, Washington, D. C., 1912. Capital
letters designate teeth in the upper jaws and lower case letters
designate teeth in the lower jaws; for example, M2 refers to the second
upper molar and m2 refers to the second lower molar.

The localities of specimens examined and additional records are listed
from north to south and their geographic positions can be found in the
gazetteer and on the map (Fig. 4).

Most of the specimens examined are in the Museum of Natural History of
the University of Kansas. Unless otherwise indicated, catalogue numbers
relate to that collection. A few specimens from other collections were
seen. Abbreviations identifying those collections are: UMMZ, the
University of Michigan Museum of Zoology; AMNH, the American Museum of
Natural History; and GMS, George M. Sutton collection (University of

I am grateful to Prof. E. Raymond Hall and Dr. J. Knox Jones, Jr., for
their advice and kind help that have enabled me to complete this work.
I thank Dr. William E. Duellman for his advice concerning Zoogeography
and Biologist Gastón Guzmán for help with the names of plants. For the
loan of specimens I am grateful to Dr. George M. Sutton of the
University of Oklahoma, to Dr. David H. Johnson and Dr. Richard H.
Manville of the United States National Museum, to Drs. William H. Burt
and Emmet T. Hooper of the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology,
and to Dr. Richard Van Gelder of the American Museum of Natural
History. I thank, also, Dr. William Z. Lidicker, Jr., for information
about the locality called Lulú, and the collectors from the Museum of
Natural History, especially Gerd H. Heinrich, William J. Schaldach,
Percy L. Clifton, and John H. Bodley. I am grateful also to Charles A.
Long and to several other persons, not named here, who helped me in
some way to complete my study of the mammals of Tamaulipas.

Most of the field work was financed by the Kansas University Endowment
Association. Some laboratory work was done when the author was
half-time Research Assistant under Grant No. 56 G 103 from the National
Science Foundation.


The specimens examined and additional records are listed with reference
to the following place names. The geographic position of each was taken
from the maps of the American Geographical Society of New York, scale
1:1,000,000, and the Atlas Geográfico de la República Mexicana, scale

     Acuña.--23°26´, 98°25´.
     Agua Linda.--23°05´, 99°14´.
     Aldama.--22°55´, 98°04´.
     Alta Cima.--23°05´, 99°11´.
     Altamira.--22°23´, 97°56´.
     Antiguo Morelos.--22°33´, 99°05´.
     Aserradero del Infernillo [Infiernillo].--23°04´, 99°13´.
     Aserradero del Paraiso.--22°59´, 99°15´.
     Bagdad.--25°57´, 97°09´.
     Camargo.--26°20´, 98°50´.
     Cerro del Tigre.--23°04´, 99°17´.
     Chamal.--22°49´, 99°14´.
     Charco Escondido.--25°46´, 98°22´.
     Ciudad Victoria.--23°45´, 99°07´.
     Cueva de Quintero.--22°39´, 99°02´.
     Cueva La Esperanza.--23°55´, 99°17´.
     Cueva La Mula.--see La Mula.
     Cueva Los Troncones.--23°49´, 99°15'.
     Cues.--22°58', 98°13´.
     Ejido Santa Isabel.--23°14´, 99°00´.
     El Carrizo.--23°15´, 99°05´.
     El Encino.--23°08´, 99°07´.
     El Mante (Cd. Mante).--22°45´, 99°01´.
     El Mulato.--24°54´, 98°57´.
     El Pachón.--22°36´, 99°03´.
     Forlón.--23°14´, 98°49´.
     Gómez Farías.--23°02´, 99°10´.
     Guemes.--23°55´, 99°00´.
     Guerrero.--26°48´, 99°20´.
     Hacienda Santa Engracia.--24°02´, 99°12´.
     Hidalgo.--24°15´, 99°26´.
     Jaumave.--23°24´, 99°23´.
     Joya de Salas.--23°11´, 99°17´.
     Joya Verde.--23°35´, 99°14´.
     La Azteca (Ejido).--23°05´, 99°08´.
     La Mula.--23°36´, 99°17´.
     La Pesca.--23°47´, 97°48´.
     La Purisima.--24°18´, 99°28´.
     La Vegonia.--24°40´, 99°05´.
     Limón.--22°49´, 99°00´.
     Marmolejo.--24°38´, 99°00´.
     Matamoros.--25°55´, 97°30´.
     Mesa de Llera.--23°20´, 99°01´.
     Mier.--26°27´, 99°09´.
     Miquihuana.--23°27´, 99°46´.
     Nicolás.--23°21´, 100°04´.
     Nuevo Laredo.--27°30´, 99°30´.
     Ocampo.--22°50´, 99°21´.
     Ojo de Agua.--22°35´, 98°58´.
     Padilla.--24°01´, 98°46´.
     Palmillas.--23°18´, 99°33´.
     Piedra.--23°30´, 98°06´.
     Rancho del Cielo.--23°04´, 99°12´.
     Rancho Pano Ayuctle.--23°07´, 99°13´.
     Rancho Santa Rosa.--23°58´, 99°16´.
     Rancho Tigre.--22°54´, 99°20´.
     Rancho Viejo.--23°02´, 99°13´.
     Reynosa.--26°06´, 98°15´.
     Río Bravo (Town).--26°04´, 98°08´.
     Río Corono [Corona].--23°50´, 98°50´.
     San Antonio.--23°08´, 99°23´.
     San Carlos.--24°35´, 98°57´.
     San Fernando.--24°51´, 98°09´.
     San José.--24°41´, 99°06´.
     San Miguel.--24°45´, 99°05´.
     Santa María.--23°31´, 98°41´.
     Santa Teresa.--25°27´, 97°29´.
     Savinito.--(?)23°43´, 98°51´.
     Soto la Marina.--23°46´, 98°15´.
     Tajada.--23°16´, 99°55´.
     Tamaulipeca.--24°45´, 99°05´.
     Tampico.--22°12´, 97°51´.
     Tula.--23°00´, 99°42´.
     Villagran.--24°29´, 99°29´.
     Villa Mainero.--24°34´, 99°36´.
     Washington Beach.--25°53´, 97°09´.
     Xicotencatl.--23°00´, 98°57´.
     Zamorina.--23°20´, 97°58´.

[Illustration: FIG. 4. Place names, in Tamaulipas, mentioned in text.]


The 146 kinds of native mammals of 120 species found in Tamaulipas
belong to 72 genera of 25 families of 10 orders. Non-native mammals
introduced by man are not included.



Family Didelphidae                                                PAGE
  _Didelphis marsupialis californicus_ Bennett                     393
  _Didelphis marsupialis texensis_ J. A. Allen                     394
  _Philander opossum pallidus_ (J. A. Allen)                       394
  _Marmosa mexicana mexicana_ Merriam                              395


Family Soricidae
  _Sorex saussurei saussurei_ Merriam                              396
  _Cryptotis parva berlandieri_ (Baird)                            396
  _Cryptotis pergracilis pueblensis_ Jackson                       396
  _Cryptotis mexicana madrea_ Goodwin                              396
  _Notiosorex crawfordi_ (Coues)                                   397

Family Talpidae
  _Scalopus inflatus_ Jackson                                      397


Family Phyllostomatidae
  _Pteronotus rubiginosus mexicana_ (Miller)                       398
  _Pteronotus davyi fulvus_ (Thomas)                               398
  _Choeronycteris mexicana_ Tschudi                                399
  _Mormoops megalophylla megalophylla_ (Peters)                    399
  _Micronycteris megalotis mexicana_ Miller                        400
  _Glossophaga sorocina leachii_ (Gray)                            400
  _Leptonycteris nivalis nivalis_ (Saussure)                       401
  _Sturnira lilium parvidens_ Goldman                              401
  _Artibeus jamaicensis jamaicensis_ Leach                         402
  _Artibeus lituratus palmarum_ Allen and Chapman                  402
  _Artibeus toltecus_ (Saussure)                                   403
  _Artibeus aztecus_ Andersen                                      403
  _Enchistenes hartii_ (Thomas)                                    404
  _Centurio senex_ Gray                                            404

Family Desmodontidae
  _Desmodus rotundus murinus_ Wagner                               405
  _Diphylla ecaudata_ Spix                                         406

Family Natalidae
  _Natalus stramineus saturatus_ Dalquest and Hall                 407

Family Vespertilionidae
  _Myotis velifer incautus_ (J. A. Allen)                          407
  _Myotis keenii auriculus_ Baker and Stains                       408
  _Myotis californicus mexicanus_ (Saussure)                       408
  _Myotis nigricans dalquesti_ Hall and Alvarez                    409
  _Pipistrellus subflavus subflavus_ (F. Cuvier)                   409
  _Pipistrellus hesperus potosinus_ Dalquest                       410
  _Eptesicus fuscus miradorensis_ (H. Allen)                       410
  _Lasiurus borealis borealis_ (Müller)                            411
  _Lasiurus borealis teliotis_ (H. Allen)                          412
  _Lasiurus cinereus cinereus_ (Palisot and Beauvois)              412
  _Lasiurus intermedius intermedius_ H. Allen                      412
  _Lasiurus ega xanthinus_ (Thomas)                                413
  _Nycticeus humeralis humeralis_ (Rafinesque)                     413
  _Nycticeus humeralis mexicanus_ Davis                            413
  _Rhogeëssa tumida tumida_ H. Allen                               414
  _Plecotus phyllotis_ (G. M. Allen)                               415
  _Antrozous pallidus pallidus_ (Le Conte)                         415

Family Molossidae
  _Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana_ (Saussure)                      415
  _Tadarida aurispinosa_ (Peale)                                   415
  _Tadarida laticaudata ferruginea_ Goodwin                        416
  _Molossus ater nigricans_ Miller                                 417


Family Cebidae
  _Ateles geoffroyi velerosus_ Gray                                417


Family Dasypodidae
  _Dasypus novemcinctus mexicanus_ Peters                          418


Family Leporidae
  _Sylvilagus brasiliensis truei_ (J. A. Allen)                    418
  _Sylvilagus audubonii parvulus_ (J. A. Allen)                    418
  _Sylvilagus floridanus chapmani_ (J. A. Allen)                   419
  _Sylvilagus floridanus connectens_ (Nelson)                      419
  _Lepus californicus altamirae_ Nelson                            420
  _Lepus californicus curti_ Hall                                  420
  _Lepus californicus merriami_ Mearns                             421


Family Sciuridae
  _Spermophilus mexicanus parvidens_ Mearns                        421
  _Spermophilus spilosoma oricolus_ Alvarez                        422
  _Spermophilus variegatus couchii_ Baird                          422
  _Sciurus aureogaster aureogaster_ Cuvier                         423
  _Sciurus deppei negligens_ Nelson                                424
  _Sciurus alleni_ Nelson                                          424
  _Glaucomys volans herreranus_ Goldman                            425

Family Geomyidae
  _Geomys personatus personatus_ True                              425
  _Geomys tropicalis_ Goldman                                      426
  _Heterogeomys hispidus negatus_ Goodwin                          427
  _Cratogeomys castanops planifrons_ Nelson and Goldman            428
  _Cratogeomys castanops tamaulipensis_ Nelson and Goldman         428

Family Heteromyidae
  _Perognathus merriami merriami_ J. A. Allen                      429
  _Perognathus hispidus hispidus_ Baird                            429
  _Perognathus nelsoni nelsoni_ Merriam                            430
  _Dipodomys ordii durranti_ Setzer                                431
  _Dipodomys ordii parvabullatus_ Hall                             431
  _Dipodomys ordii compactus_ True                                 431
  _Dipodomys merriami atronasus_ Merriam                           432
  _Liomys irroratus alleni_ (Coues)                                433
  _Liomys irroratus texensis_ Merriam                              433

Family Castoridae
  _Castor canadensis mexicanus_ V. Bailey                          434

Family Cricetidae
  _Oryzomys palustris aquaticus_ J. A. Allen                       435
  _Oryzomys palustris peragrus_ Merriam                            435
  _Oryzomys melanotis carrorum_ Lawrence                           436
  _Oryzomys melanotis rostratus_ Merriam                           437
  _Oryzomys alfaroi huastecae_ Dalquest                            437
  _Oryzomys fulvescens fulvescens_ (Saussure)                      438
  _Oryzomys fulvescens engracie_ Osgood                            438
  _Reithrodontomys megalotis hooperi_ Goodwin                      438
  _Reithrodontomys fulvescens griseoflavus_ Merriam                438
  _Reithrodontomys fulvescens intermedius_ J. A. Allen             439
  _Reithrodontomys fulvescens tropicalis_ Davis                    439
  _Reithrodontomys mexicanus mexicanus_ (Saussure)                 440
  _Peromyscus maniculatus blandus_ Osgood                          440
  _Peromyscus melanotis_ J. A. Allen and Chapman                   440
  _Peromyscus leucopus texanus_ (Woodhouse)                        441
  _Peromyscus boylii ambiguus_ Alvarez                             443
  _Peromyscus boylii levipes_ Merriam                              443
  _Peromyscus pectoralis collinus_ Hooper                          444
  _Peromyscus pectoralis eremicoides_ Osgood                       445
  _Peromyscus melanophrys consobrinus_ Osgood                      445
  _Peromyscus difficilis petricola_ Hoffmeister and de la Torre    446
  _Peromyscus ochraventer_ Baker                                   446
  _Baiomys taylori taylori_ (Thomas)                               447
  _Onychomys leucogaster longipes_ Merriam                         447
  _Onychomys torridus subrufus_ Hollister                          448
  _Sigmodon hispidus berlandieri_ Baird                            449
  _Sigmodon hispidus solus_ Hall                                   450
  _Sigmodon hispidus toltecus_ (Saussure)                          450
  _Neotoma albigula subsolana_ Alvarez                             450
  _Neotoma angustapalata_ Baker                                    451
  _Neotoma micropus littoralis_ Goldman                            453
  _Neotoma micropus micropus_ Baird                                453
  _Microtus mexicanus subsimus_ Goldman                            454


Family Canidae
  _Canis latrans microdon_ Merriam                                 454
  _Canis latrans texensis_ V. Bailey                               455
  _Canis lupus monstrabilis_ Goldman                               455
  _Urocyon cinereoargenteus scottii_ Mearns                        455

Family Ursidae
  _Ursus americanus eremicus_ Merriam                              456

Family Procyonidae
  _Bassariscus astutus flavus_ Rhoads                              456
  _Procyon lotor fuscipes_ Mearns                                  457
  _Procyon lotor hernandezii_ Wagler                               457
  _Nasua narica molaris_ Merriam                                   458
  _Potos flavus aztecus_ Thomas                                    458

Family Mustelidae
  _Mustela frenata frenata_ Lichtenstein                           458
  _Mustela frenata tropicalis_ (Merriam)                           459
  _Eira barbara senex_ (Thomas)                                    459
  _Taxidea taxus berlandieri_ Baird                                460
  _Taxidea taxus littoralis_ Schantz                               460
  _Spilogale putorius interrupta_ (Rafinesque)                     461
  _Mephitis mephitis_ varians Gray                                 461
  _Mephitis macroura macroura_ Lichtenstein                        461
  _Conepatus mesoleucus mearnsi_ Merriam                           462
  _Conepatus leuconotus texensis_ Merriam                          462

Family Felidae
  _Felis concolor stanleyana_ Goldman                              462
  _Felis onca veraecrucis_ Nelson and Goldman                      463
  _Felis pardalis albescens_ Pucheran                              463
  _Felis wiedii oaxacensis_ Nelson and Goldman                     464
  _Felis yagouaroundi cacomitli_ Berlandier                        464
  _Lynx rufus texensis_ J. A. Allen                                464


Family Trichechidae
  _Trichechus manatus latirostris_ (Harlan)                        465


Family Tayassuidae
  _Tayassu tajacu angulatus_ (Cope)                                465

Family Cervidae
  _Odocoileus hemionus crooki_ (Mearns)                            465
  _Odocoileus virginianus miquihuanensis_ Goldman and Kellogg      466
  _Odocoileus virginianus texanus_ (Mearns)                        466
  _Odocoileus virginianus veraecrucis_ Goldman and Kellogg         466
  _Mazama americana temama_ (Kerr)                                 466

Family Antilocapridae
  _Antilocapra americana mexicana_ Merriam                         467


=Didelphis marsupialis=


The opossum occurs throughout Tamaulipas but is commonest in the south,
especially in the areas of tropical forest and along water courses.
Most of the specimens examined were caught in steel traps baited with
remains of small animals (mostly mammals and birds, but one trap was
baited with the head of a black bass). At Villa Mainero five
individuals were caught in one night in five of seven traps scented
with spilogale musk. These traps were set in runways along a thick
thorn-brush fence, which separated a cornfield from thorn-brush desert.
Along the Río Purificación 36 kilometers north and 10 kilometers west
of Victoria an opossum was eaten in a trap by a small carnivore,
probably a felid judging from tracks around the trap.

A female with 14 pouch young was taken in June in the Sierra de
Tamaulipas and weighed 1350 grams; a March-taken female with nine small
young in her pouch, from Soto la Marina, weighed 1800 grams. A male
from the Sierra de Tamaulipas also weighed 1800 grams.

=Didelphis marsupialis californica= Bennett

     1833. _Didelphis Californica_ Bennett, Proc. Zool. Soc.
     London, p. 40, May 17, type locality restricted to Sonora by
     Hershkovitz (_infra_).

     1951. _Didelphis marsupialis californica_, Hershkovitz
     Fieldiana-Zool., Chicago Nat. Hist. Mus., 31(47):548, July

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Southeastern part of state,
     north at least to Soto la Marina.

In studying Tamaulipan specimens, I was mindful that Hershkovitz
(1951:550) regarded all opossums of this species in México as a single
subspecies, even though J. A. Allen (1901) recognized two subspecies in
the northeastern part of the Republic. According to Allen (p. 172), _D.
m. texensis_ (to which he ascribed a distribution in Texas and
adjoining Tamaulipas) was described as: "Similar in coloration to _D.
marsupialis_ (_typica_) [_D. m. californica_], but with a relatively
longer tail, longer nasals, usually terminating posteriorly in an acute
angle, instead of being rounded or more or less abruptly truncated on
the posterior border." The available material from Tamaulipas can be
divided into two groups on the basis of shape and proportion of the
nasals. In opossums from the southeast the nasals are truncate
posteriorly and average 47.0 (45.1-48.4) per cent of the condylobasal
length, whereas in specimens from elsewhere the nasals are acute
posteriorly and average 50.7 (49.7-51.8) per cent of the condylobasal
length. Tentatively, therefore, I follow Allen in recognizing two
subspecies in northeastern México.

I note no especial difference in length of tail between _texensis_ and
_californica_. Hooper (1951:3) followed Hershkovitz in reporting as
_californica_ a specimen from Rancho del Cielo; to me, specimens from
this area are referable to _texensis_.

One of the specimens from two miles south and 10 miles west of Piedra
(54917) has a supernumerary tooth lingual and anterior to the last
upper molar. The tooth is small (2.7 mm. long) and peglike.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 8: 3 mi. N
     Soto la Marina, 1; 2 mi. S, 10 mi. W Piedra, 12,000 ft., 7.

     Additional records: Matamoros (Baird, 1858:234); Altamira
     (J. A. Allen, 1901:167).

=Didelphis marsupialis texensis= J. A. Allen

     1901. _Didelphis marsupialis texensis_ J. A. Allen, Bull.
     Amer. Mus. Hist., 14:172, June 15, type from Brownsville,
     Cameron County, Texas.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Northern, central and
     southwestern parts of state.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 7: San
     Fernando, 180 ft., 1; Villa Mainero, 1700 ft., 2; 36 km. N,
     10 km. W Cd. Victoria (1 km. E El Barretal), on Río
     Purificación, 1; 12 km. N, 4 km. W Cd. Victoria, 1; Ejido
     Santa Isabel (12 km. S Llera), 2 km. W Pan-American Highway,
     2000 ft., 1; 4 mi. N Jaumave, 2500 ft., 1.

     Additional records: Matamoros (J. A. Allen, 1901:173); El
     Mulato, San Carlos Mts. (Dice, 1937:249); Rancho del Cielo
     (Hooper, 1953:3).

=Philander opossum pallidus= (J. A. Allen)

Four-eyed Opossum

     1901. _Metachirus fuscogriseus pallidus_ J. A. Allen, Bull.
     Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 14:215, July 3, type from Orizaba,

     1955. _Philander opossum pallidus_, Miller and Kellogg,
     Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 205:8, March 3.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Known only from along eastern
     side of Sierra Madre Oriental, north to vicinity of La

In Tamaulipas, the four-eyed opossum is seemingly common at relatively
low elevations in the Tropical Deciduous Forest along the eastern side
of the Sierra Madre Oriental, but the species is not restricted to this
area as one specimen is available from a place seven kilometers
southwest of La Purisima, in the drier forest of west-central
Tamaulipas. The highest elevation at which individuals have been taken
in the state is approximately 2500 feet.

Specimens obtained two kilometers west of El Carrizo were caught in
steel traps that were baited with the bodies of small birds and mammals
and that were set in trails leading through a fence of piled logs that
separated a cornfield from adjacent forest. At Rancho Pano Ayuctle,
some individuals were trapped in steel sets baited with scraps of meat;
others were shot at night in the forest along the Río Sabinas.
Schaldach reported in his notes that four-eyed opossums robbed trap
lines set for small mammals at Rancho Pano Ayuctle. W. W. Dalquest
trapped an individual seven kilometers southwest of La Purisima using
the body of an armadillo as bait. The natives of southern Tamaulipas
refer to this animal as "tlacuache cuatrojos."

Tamaulipan specimens of _P. o. pallidus_ differ from topotypes and
other specimens from the vicinity of the type locality in averaging
somewhat paler dorsally and slightly smaller in cranial dimensions when
specimens of equal age are compared. They differ also in having a
longer terminal area of white on the tail, 53.1 per cent (43.3-62.8) of
the length of the tail in 13 specimens from Tamaulipas, and 38.7
(30.9-48.2) per cent in 14 specimens from the vicinity of the type
locality of _pallidus_ in Veracruz; specimens from northern Veracruz
are intermediate between the two mentioned populations in amount of
white on the tail. Baker (1951:210) noted that the specimens from two
kilometers west of El Carrizo had "proportionately longer tails than
typical _P. o. pallidus_ from central Veracruz," but I do not find this
character to be consistent in the more abundant material now available.

     _Measurements._--External and cranial measurements of three
     adults, a male and female from Rancho Pano Ayuctle and a
     male from two kilometers west of El Carrizo, respectively,
     are as follows: 577, 580, 568; 294, 288, 290; 46, 43, 43;
     40, 42, 37; condylobasal length, ----, 70.1, 69.9; palatal
     length, 43.2, 42.3, 41.9; lambdoidal breadth, 23.6, 22.0,
     22.7; alveolar length of maxillary tooth-row, 29.5, 28.4,

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 15: 7 km. SW
     La Purisima, 1; Rancho Pano Ayuctle, 6 mi. N Gómez Farías,
     300 ft., 1; Rancho Pano Ayuctle, 25 mi. N Mante and 3 km. W
     Pan-American Highway, 300 ft., 7; 10 km. N, 8 km. W El
     Encino, 400 ft., 3; 2 km. W El Carrizo, 2500 ft., 3 (one
     specimen deposited in Instituto de Biología, México).

=Marmosa mexicana mexicana= Merriam

Mexican Mouse-opossum

     1897. _Marmosa murina mexicana_ Merriam, Proc. Biol. Soc.
     Washington, 11:44, March 16, type from Juquila, 1500 m.,

     1902. _Marmosa mexicana_, Bangs, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool.,
     39:19, April.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Known only from Aserradero
     del Infernillo (Goodwin, 1954:3) in southwestern part of

     _Marmosa_ has been reported from Tamaulipas only by Goodwin
     (1954:3), who examined "15 rami, and one fragment of
     maxillary" that were found in a cave. Possibly they were
     remains from owl pellets.

=Sorex saussurei saussurei= Merriam

Saussure's Shrew

     1892. _Sorex saussurei_ Merriam, Proc. Biol. Soc.
     Washington, 7:173, September 29, type from N slope Sierra
     Nevada de Colima, approximately 8000 ft., Jalisco.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Known only from Miquihuana.

     Jackson (1928:156) reported four specimens from Miquihuana,
     which he incorrectly located in Nuevo León.

=Cryptotis parva berlandieri= (Baird)

Least Shrew

     1858. _Blarina berlandieri_ Baird, Mammals, _in_ Repts.
     Expl. Surv. ..., 8(1):53, July 14, type from Matamoros,

     1941. _Cryptotis parva berlandieri_, Davis, Jour. Mamm.,
     22:413, November 13.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Throughout state.

A female taken on July 5, one mile south of Altamira, carried three
embryos 5 mm. in crown-rump length. A female from the same locality and
another taken on June 6 in the Sierra de Tamaulipas were lactating.
Weight of each of six males was 5.0 grams.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 9: Sierra de
     Tamaulipas, 10 mi. W, 2 mi. S Piedra, 1200 ft., 1; 1 mi. S
     Altamira, 8.

     Additional records: Matamoros (Baird, 1858:53); 9 km. N
     Rancho Tigre (Goodwin, 1954:3).

=Cryptotis pergracilis pueblensis= Jackson

Slender Small-eared Shrew

     1933. _Cryptotis pergracilis pueblensis_ Jackson, Proc.
     Biol. Soc. Washington, 46:79, April 27, type from
     Huachinango, 5000 ft., Puebla.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Known only from Aserradero
     del Paraiso.

The only report from Tamaulipas of this small shrew is that of Goodwin
(1954:3) who listed a cranium and mandible, possibly of the same
individual, found on the floor of a cave. Goodwin referred the remains
to _pueblensis_ because of the "noticeably broader and heavier rostrum
than in ... _C. parva berlandieri_ from Rancho Tigre."

=Cryptotis mexicana madrea= Goodwin

Mexican Small-eared Shrew

     1954. _Cryptotis mexicana madrea_ Goodwin, Amer. Mus.
     Novit., 1670:1, June 28, type from Rancho del Cielo, 5 mi.
     NW Gómez Farías, 3500 ft., Tamaulipas.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Known only from the type
     locality and vicinity thereof.

This subspecies is known only from two complete specimens, six crania
and four rami collected in two different localities--the type locality
and Aserradero del Infernillo, only seven kilometers from the type
locality. All the specimens were examined and reported by Goodwin
(1954:1; 1954:4). The type specimen "was taken in a low section of an
overgrown ditch" and the other complete specimen was trapped in a stone
wall that separated an orchard from a pasture. The six skulls were
found in owl pellets.

=Notiosorex crawfordi= (Coues)

Crawford's Desert Shrew

     1877. _Sorex (Notiosorex) crawfordi_ Coues, Bull. U. S.
     Geol. and Geog. Surv. Territories, 3:651, May 15, type from
     near old Fort Bliss, approximately 2 mi. above El Paso, El
     Paso Co., Texas.

     1895. _Notiosorex crawfordi_, Merriam, N. Amer. Fauna,
     10:32, Dec. 31.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas_.--Known only from two
     localities in southwestern part of state.

The two specimens examined were collected in July, one in tropical
forest and the other in pine-oak forest; each was a lactating female
and each weighed 5 grams.

Judging from Merriam's (1895:32) description, the two females differ
from the type and three specimens from San Diego, Texas, in having a
unicolored tail and in being slightly larger externally. When more
abundant material is available the _Notiosorex crawfordi_ of
northeastern México probably will be found to represent a new
subspecies; for the present I follow Findley (1955:616) in referring
Tamaulipan specimens to _N. crawfordi_.

     _Measurements._--External measurements of the specimens from
     Jaumave and Palmillas, respectively: 90, 90; 28, 31; 11,
     11.5; 8, 8. For cranial measurements see Findley (1955:32).

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 2: Jaumave,
     2400 ft., 1; Palmillas, 4400 ft., 1.

=Scalopus inflatus= Jackson

Tamaulipan Mole

     1914. _Scalopus inflatus_ Jackson, Proc. Biol. Soc.
     Washington, 27:21, February 2, type from Tamaulipas, 45
     miles from Brownsville, Texas.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Known only from the type

_Scalopus inflatus_ is known only from the type specimen, which is
imperfect and lacks complete data according to Jackson (1914:21). The
type locality is in Tamaulipas, 45 miles from Brownsville, Texas, but
the exact direction from Brownsville is unknown; probably the locality
was on the road between that town and San Fernando, Tamaulipas, which
is south-southwest of Brownsville.

=Pteronotus rubiginosus mexicanus= (Miller)

Mustached Bat

     1902. _Chilonycteris mexicana_ Miller, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci.
     Philadelphia, 54:401, September 12, type from San Blas,

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Southern part of state in
     areas of tropical forest.

Most individuals of this species were taken in mist nets. Northwest of
El Encino for example, bats were collected from a net placed in "a
strategic position across a narrow opening" (Schaldach, fieldnotes) in
a cave near the headwaters of the Río Sabinas; along the same river at
Rancho Pano Ayuctle some were taken in a net stretched across a little
creek (arroyo). In the cave near El Encino the collector (Schaldach)
estimated the population of _P. rubiginosus_ at between two and three
hundred; at Ojo de Agua this bat was found in the deepest part of a
cave in association with _Myotis nigricans_.

Two June-taken females from the Sierra de Tamaulipas were lactating,
and weighed 17 and 18 grams.

The generic name _Pteronotus_ is employed instead of _Chilonycteris_
following Burt and Stirton (1961:24-25). The specific name
_rubiginosus_ is used in accordance with de la Torre (1955:696).
Tamaulipan specimens are assigned to _P. r. mexicana_ because they do
not differ from specimens of that subspecies from Nayarit, except that
the coloration of Tamaulipan specimens averages slightly darker in both
color phases.

Specimens of this subspecies from the Sierra de Tamaulipas, previously
recorded by Anderson (1956:349), are the northernmost reported in
eastern México.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 31: Sierra de
     Tamaulipas, 2 mi. S, 10 mi. W Piedra, 1200 ft., 1; Sierra de
     Tamaulipas, 3 mi. S, 10 mi. W Piedra, 1400 ft., 3; Rancho
     Pano Ayuctle, 25 mi. N El Mante, 3 mi. W Pan-American
     Highway, 300 ft., 3; Ojo de Agua, 20 mi. N El Mante, and 3
     km. W Pan-American Highway, 300 ft., 2; 10 km. N, 8 km. W El
     Encino, 400 ft., 22.

     Additional records (Goodwin, 1954:4): Aserradero del
     Paraiso; El Pachón.

=Pteronotus davyi fulvus= (Thomas)

Davy's Naked-backed Bat

     1892. _Chilonycteris davyi fulvus_ Thomas, Ann. Mag. Nat.
     Hist., ser. 6, 10:410, November, type from Las Peñas,

     1912. _Pteronotus davyi fulvus_, Miller, Bull. U. S. Nat.
     Mus., 79:33, December 31.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Known only from the two
     localities reported in this paper.

According to field-notes of Schaldach _et al._, individuals of _P. d.
fulvus_ appear when it is almost dark (about 6:30 p. m. in December and
January), ordinarily fly about 25 feet above the ground, but
occasionally are seen at heights of between 60 and 70 feet (near tops
of the largest cypress trees). Most bats flew in a straight line for 10
to 20 yards, then zig-zagged, and repeated the same movements. All
specimens examined are in the brown color phase.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 11: Rancho
     Santa Rosa, 25 km. N, 13 km. W Cd. Victoria, 260 m., 10;
     Rancho Pano Ayuctle, 6 mi. N Gómez Farías, 300 ft., 1.

=Choeronycteris mexicana= Tschudi

Mexican Long-tongued Bat

     1844. _Choeronycteris mexicana_ Tschudi, Untersuchungen über
     die fauna Peruana ..., p. 72, type from México.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--East side of Sierra Madre in
     southwestern part of state.

Specimens from La Mula were obtained in a small cave, which was
inhabited also by _Desmodus rotundus_ and _Tadarida brasiliensis_. The
specimens from Miquihuana were captured in a mine by a native. Those
from four kilometers north of Joya Verde also were taken from a mine.
Females obtained in August at La Mula were lactating.

Specimens examined are indistinguishable from _C. mexicana_ from Oaxaca
and Jalisco. Baker (1956:172) found no differences between Coahuilan
and Tamaulipan specimens. Most Tamaulipan specimens are dark grayish,
but some are brownish and some are intermediate between the two colors
mentioned. Fourteen adults weighed an average of 16.0 (12-18) grams.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 19: 4 km. N
     Joya Verde, 4000 ft., 3; La Mula, 13 mi. N Jaumave, 4; Cueva
     La Mula, 10 km. W Joya Verde, 2400 ft., 2; Miquihuana, 6500
     ft., 10.

=Mormoops megalophylla megalophylla= (Peters)

Peters' Leaf-chinned Bat

     1864. _Mormops megalophylla_ Peters, Monatsb. preuss. Akad.
     Wiss., Berlin, p. 381, type from southern México.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Throughout state, except
     possibly west of the Sierra Madre Oriental.

Specimens from the Sierra de Tamaulipas were taken in mist nets in
which _Pteronotus rubiginosus_, _Lasiurus borealis_, or _Centurio
senex_ also were captured. The specimen from Rancho Santa Rosa was shot
as it flew at a height of six feet.

Tamaulipan specimens of _Mormoops megalophylla_ are here assigned to
_M. m. megalophylla_ instead of to _M. m. senicula_ following Villa and
Jimenez (1961:503), who regarded _senicula_ as indistinguishable from

Weight of four specimens from the Sierra de Tamaulipas averaged 16.2
(15-18) grams.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 5: Sierra de
     Tamaulipas, 3 mi. S, 16 mi. W Piedra, 1300 ft., 2; Sierra de
     Tamaulipas, 3 mi. S, 14 mi. W Piedra, 1400 ft., 1; Sierra de
     Tamaulipas, 3 mi. S, 10 mi. W Piedra, 1400 ft., 1; Rancho
     Santa Rosa, 25 km. N, 13 km. W Cd. Victoria, 260 m., 1.

     Additional records: Cueva de Los Troncones, 7.5 km. NNW, 3.5
     km. S Cd. Victoria (Villa and Jimenez, 1961:503); Cueva de
     Quintero, 15 km. SSW Cd. Mante (_ibid._); Tampico (Davis and
     Carter, 1962:67).

=Micronycteris megalotis mexicana= Miller

Brazilian Small-eared Bat

     1898. _Micronycteris megalotis mexicana_ Miller, Proc. Acad.
     Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 50:329, August 2, type from
     Platanar, Jalisco.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Known only from Rancho Pano
     Ayuctle (Goodwin, 1954:4). The single specimen of this
     species presently known from Tamaulipas was shot while it
     was roosting in a ranch house.

=Glossophaga soricina leachii= (Gray)

Pallas' Long-tongued Bat

     1844. _Monophyllus leachii_ Gray, _in_ The zoology of the
     voyage of H. M. S. Sulphur ..., 1 (1, Mamm.): 18, April,
     type from Realego, Chinandega, Nicaragua.

     1913. _Glossophaga soricina leachii_, Miller, Proc. U. S.
     Nat. Mus., 46:419, December 31.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Tropical region of southern
     part of state.

Specimens from the Sierra de Tamaulipas were taken in a cave along with
_Desmodus rotundus_ and _Tadarida laticaudata_. Specimens from 20 miles
north of El Mante were collected from a cave about 50 yards deep.
Weights of two females from the Sierra de Tamaulipas were 9 and 12
grams. Tamaulipan specimens examined do not differ from specimens from
Nicaragua that were used in comparison.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 6: Sierra de
     Tamaulipas, 3 mi. S, 16 mi. W Piedra, 1400 ft., 2; 10 km. N,
     8 km. W El Encino, 400 ft., 1; Ojo de Agua, 20 mi. N El
     Mante, and 3 km. W Highway, 300 ft., 2; 8 km. NE Antiguo
     Morelos, 500 ft., 1.

     Additional records: 5 mi. NE Antiguo Morelos, near El Pachón
     (de la Torre, 1954:114); Altamira (Miller, 1913:420).

=Leptonycteris nivalis nivalis= (Saussure)

Long-nosed Bat

     1860. _M. [= Ischnoglossa] nivalis_ Saussure, Revue et Mag.
     Zool., Paris, ser. 2, 12:492, November, type from near snow
     line of Mt. Orizaba, Veracruz.

     1900. _Leptonycteris nivalis_, Miller, Proc. Biol. Soc.
     Washington, 13:126, April 6.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Probably throughout southern
     part of state, but presently known only from one locality.

The specimens herein reported were taken in a cave. They provide the
first record of the species from Tamaulipas and are assigned to the
subspecies _nivalis_ on the basis of their brownish color and small
size in comparison with specimens of _L. n. longala_ from Coahuila (see
also description and measurements of _longala_ given by Stains,
1957:356). None of the specimens suggests intergradation in color
between _nivalis_ and _longala_, but some are slightly larger than
specimens of the former from Veracruz.

Twelve females taken on August 27, 1961, were pregnant. Each carried a
single embryo, the embryos averaging 15.7 (12-20) mm. in crown-rump
length. The average weight of the 12 females was 26.9 (24.5-30.0)
grams; 10 males weighed an average of 24.6 (21-28) grams.

     _Measurements._--Average and extremes of ten specimens (5
     males and 5 females) are as follows: 78.2 (76-80); 0.0; 16.4
     (15-17); 16.7 (16-19); length of forearm, 48.4 (45.2-54.3);
     length of third finger, 100.8 (99.2-103.7); greatest length
     of skull, 26.8 (25.9-27.6); zygomatic breadth (6 only), 10.9
     (10.7-11.1); least interorbital constriction, 4.6 (4.5-4.9);
     mastoid breadth, 10.8 (10.5-11.2); length of maxillary
     tooth-row, 8.7 (8.4-9.0).

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 28: all from
     6.5 mi. N, 13 mi. W Jimenez, 1250 ft.

=Sturnira lilium parvidens= Goldman

Yellow-shouldered Bat

     1917. _Sturnira lilium parvidens_ Goldman, Proc. Biol. Soc.
     Washington, 30:116, May 23, type from Papayo, about 25 mi.
     NW Acapulco, Guerrero.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Known presently only from
     Rancho Pano Ayuctle.

The two specimens from Tamaulipas were reported by de la Torre
(1954:114) and in eastern México are the northernmost yet reported of
the genus.

=Artibeus jamaicensis jamaicensis= Leach

Jamaican Fruit-eating Bat

     1821. _Artibeus Jamaicensis_ Leach, Trans. Linn. Soc.
     London, 13:75, type from Jamaica.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Tropical region of southern
     part of state.

The specimens from northwest of El Encino were shot deep (250 yards) in
a cave; specimens of _Myotis nigricans_ were obtained in the same cave.
A female taken on May 24 carried a single embryo that was 43 mm. in
crown-rump length. Six March-taken females reported by de la Torre
(1954:114) had one embryo each that varied from 20 to 38 mm. in length.

_Artibeus jamaicensis_ and _A. lituratus_ are the largest bats known
from Tamaulipas. In addition to the differences between the two species
pointed out by Lukens and Davis (1957:9), I note, in Tamaulipas at
least, that the postorbital constriction is narrower in relation to the
condylobasal length in _lituratus_, 24.6 (23.7-26.0) per cent as
compared to 27.9 (26.7-29.9) per cent in _jamaicensis_.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 19: 10 km. N,
     8 km. W El Encino, 400 ft., 10; Aserradero del Paraiso, 19
     km. N Chamal (by road), 8 (AMNH); Cueva El Pachón, 5 mi. N
     Antiguo Morelos, 1 (AMNH).

     Additional records: Rancho Pano Ayuctle (de la Torre,
     1954:114); 4 mi. N Antiguo Morelos, near El Pachón

=Artibeus lituratus palmarum= J. A. Allen and Chapman

Big Fruit-eating Bat

     1897. _Artibeus palmarum_ J. A. Allen and Chapman, Bull.
     Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 9:16, February 26, type from
     Botanical Gardens at Port of Spain, Trinidad.

     1949. _A[rtibeus]. l[ituratus]. palmarum_, Hershkovitz,
     Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 99:447, May 10.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Tropical region in southern
     part of state.

Two specimens from the Río Sabinas were taken in a mist net placed
across the small, crevicelike entrance to a cave. Ten pregnant females
taken in late May each contained a single embryo; average crown-rump
length of the 10 embryos was 43 (35-55) mm.

Tamaulipan specimens of _lituratus_ do not differ appreciably in color
from topotypes except that the facial stripes are narrow and, in three
individuals, poorly marked. Lukens and Davis (1957:9) reported that
females from Guerrero were paler than the males, but the male examined
in this study does not differ in color from the females seen.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 15: Rancho
     Pano Ayuctle, 6 mi. N Gómez Farías, 300 ft., 13; cave at
     headwaters of Río Sabinas, 10 km. N, 8 km. W El Encino, 400
     ft., 2.

=Artibeus toltecus= (Saussure)

Toltec Fruit-eating Bat

     1860. _Stenoderma toltecus_ Saussure, Revue et Mag. Zool.,
     Paris, ser. 2, 12:427, October, type from México. Type
     locality restricted to Mirador, Veracruz, by Hershkovitz,
     Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 99:449, May 10, 1949.

     1908. _Artibeus toltecus_, Andersen, Proc. Zool. Soc.
     London, p. 296, April 7.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Probably lowlands of southern
     part of state; known presently only from Rancho Pano

_Artibeus toltecus_ is closely related to another species, _A.
aztecus_, that occurs also in Tamaulipas. Externally, _toltecus_
differs from _aztecus_ in being smaller and darker; cranially,
_toltecus_ also is the smaller and the P2 and M2 are more angular
lingually than in _aztecus_, in which the teeth are rounded. One of the
most important differences between these two species is that they occur
at different altitudes. Davis (1958:165) reported that _toltecus_
occurred at elevations below 5000 feet at more southerly localities in
México, whereas _aztecus_ occurred above 5000 feet. In Tamaulipas the
two species probably have parallel distributions from south to north
but _A. toltecus_ is known from Rancho Pano Ayuctle at an elevation of
300 feet in rain forest, whereas _A. aztecus_ is known from Rancho del
Cielo at an elevation of 3300 feet in cloud forest. The two localities
are only four miles apart.

One of the specimens examined (GMS 10640) is smaller, cranially and
externally (see beyond), than any recorded by Davis (1958:165).

     _Measurements._--Some external and cranial measurements of
     two females and a male (GMS 10668, 10646 and 10640) are,
     respectively, as follows: length of hind foot, 12.5, 12.0,
     11.0; length of ear from notch, 15, 17, 15; length of
     forearm, 40.5, 40.0, 36.5; greatest length of skull, 20.9,
     20.7, 19.7; zygomatic breadth, 12.3, 12.3, 11.7; least
     interorbital constriction, 5.2, 5.0, 5.0; length of
     maxillary tooth-row, 6.8, 6.8, 6.5; breadth of braincase,
     9.3, 9.2, 9.1.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 3 from Río
     Sabinas, near Gómez Farías (Rancho Pano Ayuctle) (GMS).

=Artibeus aztecus= Andersen

Aztec Fruit-eating Bat

     1906. _Artibeus aztecus_ Andersen, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.,
     ser. 7, 18:422, December, type from Tetela del Volcán,

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Probably higher areas of
     southern part of state; known presently only from Rancho del

I follow Davis (1958:165) in treating _A. aztecus_ and _A. toltecus_ as
distinct species. Differences between the two are discussed in the
preceding account of _toltecus_.

One specimen examined (AMNH 146980) is distinctly larger than the
others here assigned to _A. aztecus_, but does not exceed the maximal
measurements given by Davis (_loc. cit._) for the species. This
specimen also has a narrower M2, and relatively and actually narrower
braincase than other specimens (see measurements).

Specimens from Rancho del Cielo were collected in a limestone cave in
the cloud forest. A female taken on July 2 carried a small embryo and
another obtained on August 14 had an embryo that appeared to be nearly
ready for birth.

     _Measurements._--Respective external and cranial
     measurements of three males (AMNH, uncatalogued) and a
     female (AMNH 146980) are as follows: total length, 58, 65,
     66, 73; length of hind foot, 13, 12, 12, 13; length of
     forearm, --, 43, 40, 41; greatest length of skull, 21.6,
     22.4, 21.5, 23.0; zygomatic breadth, 13.0, 12.8, 13.0, 12.4;
     least interorbital constriction, 5.2, 5.7, 5.5, 6.0; length
     of maxillary tooth-row, 7.0, 7.1, 6.9, 7.1; breadth of
     braincase, 10.0, 9.8, 10.0, 9.5.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 7, all from
     Rancho del Cielo, 3300 ft., (AMNH).

=Enchistenes hartii= (Thomas)

Little Fruit-eating Bat

     1892. _Artibeus hartii_ Thomas, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser.
     6, 10:409, November, type from Trinidad, Lesser Antilles.

     1908. _Enchistenes hartii_, Andersen, Proc. Zool. Soc.
     London, 2:224, September 7.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Known only from Aserradero
     del Infernillo.

_Enchistenes hartii_ is known from Tamaulipas only by the cranium
reported by Goodwin (1954:5), and this is the northernmost known
occurrence. The bat has not been reported from any other Mexican state
bordering on the Gulf of Mexico.

=Centurio senex= Gray

Wrinkle-faced Bat

     1842. _Centurio senex_ Gray, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 10,
     10:259, December, type locality erroneously given as
     Amboyna, East Indies; subsequently restricted to Realejo,
     Chinandega, Nicaragua, by Goodwin (Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat.
     Hist., 87:327, December 31, 1946).

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Tropical areas of southern
     part of state.

The single specimen examined, a female weighing 23 grams that carried
an embryo (17 mm. crown-rump length), was taken on June 14 in a mist
net stretched between oak trees in the Sierra de Tamaulipas. One other
female and one cranium have been reported from Tamaulipas.

The specimen examined differs from two seen from southern México (5 mi.
SW Teapa, Tabasco, and 2 mi. S Tollosa, Oaxaca) in being brownish
instead of grayish, but resembles in color two specimens from Cozumel
Island, Quintana Roo.

     _Measurements._--A female from the Sierra de Tamaulipas
     affords the following measurements: Total length, 67; length
     of hind foot, 13; length of ear from notch, 15; length of
     forearm, 43.1; condylobasal length, 15.0; zygomatic breadth,
     5.1; palatal length, 4.1; least interorbital constriction,
     5.3; length of maxillary tooth-row, 5.1.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimen examined, one from the
     Sierra de Tamaulipas, 3 mi. S, 14 mi. W Piedra, 1300 ft.

     Additional records: Rancho Pano Ayuctle (de la Torre,
     1954:114); Aserradero del Infernillo (Goodwin, 1954:5).

=Desmodus rotundus murinus= Wagner


     1840. _D[esmodus]. murinus_ Wagner, _in_ Schreber, Die
     Säugthiere ..., Suppl., 1:337, type from México.

     1912. _Desmodus rotundus murinus_, Osgood, Field Mus. Nat.
     Hist., Publ. 155, Zool. Ser., 10:63, January.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Southern part of state, north
     at least to vicinity of Jiménez.

Hall and Kelson (1959:151) listed a place 12 kilometers west and 8
kilometers north of Ciudad Victoria as the northernmost locality of
record for _Desmodus_, but three specimens from Cueva La Esperanza, 6
kilometers southwest of Rancho Santa Rosa, are from a site slightly to
the northwestward (12 mi.) of the locality first mentioned and a
specimen from 13 miles west and six and a half miles north of Jiménez
represents the northeasternmost known occurrence of _Desmodus_ in
eastern México.

Most of the vampires examined in this study were taken in caves; those
from four miles southwest of Padilla were obtained from a hollow tree.
Nine specimens were collected in a small cave 70 kilometers south of
Ciudad Victoria on January 18, when water on the floor of the cave was
frozen; the bats were congregated on the ceiling at a height of 20
feet. In a cave in the Sierra de Tamaulipas, 16 miles west and three
miles south of Piedra, females and young were found some 50 yards from
the entrance; _Natalus stramineus_ and _Glossophaga soricina_ were
obtained from the same cave. In another cave only half a kilometer
distant, 12 males were collected. In Cueva La Mula, _Desmodus_ was
found near the mouth, whereas _Choeronycteris mexicana_ and two
_Tadarida brasiliensis_ were collected in the deepest part. At Cueva La
Esperanza, 300 feet deep and on the east side of the Sierra Madre
Oriental, four different congregations of vampires were found along
with about 400 _Natalus_. A male _Desmodus_ obtained in a cave 13 miles
west and six and a half miles north of Jiménez also was associated with

Females with embryos or in lactation were collected as follows: Rancho
Pano Ayuctle, March 10, one pregnant female (embryo 40 mm. in
crown-rump length); Río Sabinas, May 23, two pregnant females (embryos
36 and 43 mm.); Sierra de Tamaulipas, June 13, five lactating females
and one female taken alive that gave birth on June 16 to one young;
Cueva La Mula, August, nine lactating females. A male from the Sierra
Madre that was obtained on January 5 had testes 8 mm. long.

     The average weight of 21 adults from four miles southwest of
     Padilla was 39.1 (32.0-44.5) grams.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 107: 3 mi. W,
     6.5 mi. N Jiménez, 1250 ft., 1; Río Soto la Marina, 4 mi. SW
     Padilla, 800 ft., 23; Cueva La Esperanza, 6 km. SW Rancho
     Santa Rosa, 360 m., 3; Cueva Los Troncones, 8 km. N, 12 km.
     W Cd. Victoria, Sierra Madre Oriental, 2500 ft., 2; Cd.
     Victoria, 1; Sierra Madre Oriental, 1900 ft., 5 mi. S, 3 mi.
     W Cd. Victoria, 3; La Mula, 13 mi. N Jaumave, 19; Cueva La
     Mula, 10 km. W Joya Verde, 2400 ft., 16; Joya Verde, 35 km.
     SW [Cd.] Victoria, 3800 ft., 6; Sierra de Tamaulipas, 1400
     ft., 3 mi. S, 16 mi. W Piedra, 10; 70 km. S Cd. Victoria
     (_via_ Highway), 6 km. W of Highway, 5; Rancho Pano Ayuctle,
     6 mi. N Gómez Farías, 300 ft., 7; cave near headwaters Río
     Sabinas, 10 km. N, 8 km. W El Encino, 400 ft., 11.

     Additional records (Malaga and Villa, 1957:539): Cueva La
     Sepultura, 7.5 km. NNW and hence 7 km. SSW (_via_ highway)
     Cd. Victoria; El Ojo de Agua, at km. 10 on Valles-Tampico
     highway; Cueva del Abra, 2 km. SSW Cd. Mante.

=Diphylla ecaudata= Spix

Hairy-legged Vampire

     1823. _Diphylla ecaudata_ Spix, Simiarum et vespertilionum
     Brasiliensium ..., p. 68, type locality, Brazil, restricted
     to Rio San Francisco, Baía, by Cabrera (Rev. Mus. Argentino
     Cien. Nat., 4:94, March 27, 1958).

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Southern and central parts of

The hairy-legged vampire was first reported from Tamaulipas by de la
Torre (1954:114), who recorded a male from five miles northeast of
Antiguo Morelos, near El Pachón. Later in the same year Martin and
Martin (1954:585) listed another male from El Pachón. Subsequently,
Malaga and Villa (1957:543) reported specimens from two additional
localities in the state, one of which (Cueva de la Sepultura) provides
the northernmost place from which the species has been recorded. Malaga
and Villa remarked that the species was abundant at Cueva de la
Sepultura, being found in small groups clinging to the roof of the
cave. Two females taken there on November 11 carried one embryo each; a
lactating female was taken on November 14. The vampire, _Desmodus
rotundus_, also was taken at Cueva de la Sepultura.

I follow Burt and Stirton (1961:37) in treating _Diphylla ecaudata_ as
a monotypic species.

     _Records_: Cueva de la Sepultura, 7.5 km. NNW and hence 7
     km. SSW (_via_ highway) Cd. Victoria (Malaga and Villa,
     1957:543); 5 mi. NE Antiguo Morelos, near El Pachón (de la
     Torre, 1954:114); El Pachón (Martin and Martin, 1954:585);
     Cueva de Quintero, 4 km. SSW Quintero (Malaga and Villa,

=Natalus stramineus saturatus= Dalquest and Hall

Mexican Funnel-eared Bat

     1949. _Natalus mexicanas saturatus_ Dalquest and Hall, Proc.
     Biol. Soc. Washington, 62:153, August 23, type from 3 km. E
     San Andrés Tuxtla, 1000 ft., Veracruz.

     1959. _Natalus stramineus saturatus_, Goodwin, Amer. Mus.
     Novit., 1977:7, December 22.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Central and southwestern
     parts of state.

All specimens examined were obtained from caves. At Cueva la Esperanza,
approximately 400 individuals were found along with individuals of
_Desmodus rotundus_; _Natalus_ and _Desmodus_ also were collected
together in a cave approximately 30 yards deep three miles south and 14
miles west of Piedra, and in a cave six and a half miles north and 13
miles west of Jiménez, the northernmost locality from which _N.
stramineus_ is presently known.

Tamaulipan specimens do not differ significantly in external or cranial
measurements in comparison with the specimens from Veracruz reported by
Dalquest and Hall (1949:154), but do differ in color. Most are in the
gray phase and are Avellaneus (grayish with yellowish hairs mixed)
instead of Clay Color as are specimens from Veracruz; those few in the
red phase are between Clay Color and Tawny-Olive instead of between
Burnt Sienna and Chestnut. By consequence, bats from Tamaulipas
resemble in color the smaller _N. s. mexicanus_ of western México to a
greater degree than they resemble _N. s. saturatus_, but I follow
Goodwin (1959:7).

Dalquest and Hall (1949:154) reported the specimen from eight
kilometers northeast of Antiguo Morelos as from San Luis Potosí, from
which state the collector (Dalquest) evidently thought it had
originated. Actually the place eight kilometers northeast of Antiguo
Morelos is in Tamaulipas.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 64: 6.5 mi. N,
     13 mi. W Jiménez, 1250 ft., 14; Cueva de la Esperanza, 6 km.
     SW Rancho Santa Rosa, 360 m., 20; Sierra de Tamaulipas, 3
     mi. S, 16 mi. W Piedra, 1400 ft., 7; 3 mi. S, 14 mi. W
     Piedra, 2; Ejido Ojo de Agua, 20 mi. N, 3 km. W El Mante,
     300 ft., 20; 8 km. NE Antiguo Morelos, 500 ft., 1.

     Additional records (Goodwin, 1959:8): Antiguo Morelos; El

=Myotis velifer incautus= (J. A. Allen)

Cave Myotis

     1896. _Vespertilio incautus_ J. A. Allen, Bull. Amer. Mus.
     Nat. Hist., 8:239, November 21, type from San Antonio, Bexar
     Co., Texas.

     1928. _Myotis velifer incautus_, Miller and Allen, Bull. U.
     S. Nat. Mus., 144:92, May 25.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Probably most of northern
     part of state; presently known only from three localities.

The two specimens examined from the Sierra de Tamaulipas were taken in
a mist net in which _Eptesicus fuscus_, _Myotis keenii_, and _Tadarida
brasiliensis_ also were captured. Both are females, one of which was
lactating (June 20). Specimens from San Fernando probably were taken in
houses by natives, who brought the bats to the collectors (Clifton and
Bodley). The maxillary tooth-row and tibia are shorter, breadth across
M3 narrower, and ear slightly longer in Tamaulipan specimens than in
those for which measurements were given by Miller and Allen (1928:95),
but the Tamaulipan specimens do not differ otherwise. The color in
general is slightly more brownish than in Texan _incautus_, but about
as in Oklahoman specimens examined. Three from San Fernando,
Tamaulipas, are darker than others from that state.

The average weight of 12 non-pregnant females from San Fernando was
11.0 (9.5-13) grams. The only male obtained at the same locality
weighed 12 grams.

     _Measurements._--Six females from San Fernando afford the
     following measurements: 100.0 (95-107); 42.5 (38-46); 10.3
     (10-11); 15.3 (14.5-16); length of tibia, 17.4 (16.5-18.9);
     length of forearm, 44.8 (43.4-45.7); greatest length of
     skull, 16.5 (16.1-16.9); condylobasal length, 15.6
     (15.3-15.8); least interorbital constriction, 4.0 (3.9-4.1);
     mastoid breadth, 8.3 (8.1-8.6); length of maxillary
     tooth-row, 6.5 (6.3-6.7); breadth across M3, 6.5 (6.0-6.9).

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 15: San
     Fernando, 180 ft., 13; Sierra de Tamaulipas, 10 mi. W, 2 mi.
     S Piedra, 1200 ft., 2.

     Additional record: Soto la Marina (Miller and Allen,

=Myotis keenii auriculus= Baker and Stains

Keen's Myotis

     1955. _Myotis evotis auriculus_ Baker and Stains, Univ.
     Kansas Publ., Mus. Nat. Hist., 9:83, December 10, type from
     10 m. W, 2 mi. S Piedra, 1200 ft., Sierra de Tamaulipas,

     1960. _Myotis keenii auriculus_, Findley, Jour. Mamm.,
     41:18, February.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Known only from type locality
     (2 specimens), but probably widely distributed in western
     part of state.

The two specimens known from Tamaulipas were caught in a mist net
stretched across a narrow, brush-bordered arroyo in the Sierra de
Tamaulipas. I tentatively follow Findley (1960) in arranging
_auriculus_ as a subspecies of _M. keenii_.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, the holotype
     and one topotype.

=Myotis californicus mexicanus= (Saussure)

California Myotis

     1890. _V[espertilio]. mexicanus_ Saussure, Revue et Mag.
     Zool., Paris, ser. 2, 12:282, July, type from an unknown
     locality, but Dalquest (Louisiana State Univ. Studies, Biol.
     Ser., 1:49, December 28, 1953) restricted the type locality
     to the "desert (warmer part) of the state of México,

     1897. _Myotis californicus mexicanus_, Miller, N. Amer.
     Fauna, 13:73, October 16.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Western mountains of state in
     pine-oak forest.

Only ten specimens of this species, five from Nicolás, two from
Miquihuana and the other three, each from a different locality, have
been reported from Tamaulipas. The specimen examined from 14 miles
north and six miles west of Palmillas, a young female that still has
deciduous incisors, was obtained on July 24. Of the five specimens from
Nicolás, which represent the largest series of _M. californicus_ ever
reported from eastern México, some were caught in mist nets and others
were shot over a water-hole.

     _Measurements._--Five skins and four skulls from Nicolás
     afford the following measurements: 86.0 (80-94); 39.0
     (36-41); 7.4 (7-8.5); 13.7 (13.5-14.0); length of forearm,
     33.0 (31.8-34.2); weight, 3.6 (3-4) grams; greatest length
     of skull, 13.9 (13.8-14.1); least interorbital constriction,
     3.2 (3.1-3.3); breadth of braincase, 6.5 (6.4-6.5); length
     of maxillary tooth-row, 5.2 (5.1-5.3); breadth across M3,
     5.1 (5.0-5.3).

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 6: Nicolás, 56
     km. NW Tula, 5500 ft., 5; 14 mi. N, 6 mi. W Palmillas, 5500
     ft., 1.

     Additional records: San José (Dice, 1937:249); Miquihuana
     (Miller and Allen, 1928:160); La Joya de Salas (Goodwin,

=Myotis nigricans dalquesti= Hall and Alvarez

Black Myotis

     1961. _Myotis nigricans dalquesti_ Hall and Alvarez, Univ.
     Kansas Publ., Mus. Nat. Hist., 14:71, December 29, type from
     3 km. E of San Andrés Tuxtla, 1000 ft., Veracruz.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Tropical part of state,
     presently known only from two localities.

For taxonomic remarks concerning this bat see Hall and Alvarez

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 5, from 8 km.
     W, 10 km. N El Encino, 400 ft.

     Additional record: Cave in canyon of Río Boquillas, 8 km. SW
     Chamal (Goodwin, 1954:6).

=Pipistrellus subflavus subflavus= (F. Cuvier)

Eastern Pipistrelle

     1832. _V[espertilio]. subflavus_ F. Cuvier, Nouv. Ann. Mus.
     Hist. Nat. Paris, 1:17, type locality restricted to 3 mi. SW
     Riceboro, Liberty Co., Georgia, by W. H. Davis, Jour. Mamm.,
     40:522, November 20, 1959.

     1897. _Pipistrellus subflavus_, Miller, N. Amer. Fauna,
     13:90, October 16.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Presently known only from
     three localities, but probably occurs in most of eastern
     part of state.

Specimens examined are intermediate in color and measurements between
_Pipistrellus subflavus subflavus_ and _P. s. veraecrucis_, but the
color resembles that of individuals of _subflavus_ from Kansas more
than that of specimens of _veraecrucis_ from Las Vigas, Veracruz.

The two males from eight kilometers west and 10 kilometers north of El
Encino represent the southernmost record of the subspecies.

     _Measurements._--External measurements of two males (58849,
     58848) from 8 km. west and 10 km. north of El Encino and a
     male (60296) from Rancho Pano Ayuctle are, respectively, as
     follows: 78, 81, 83; 36, 38, 36; 10, 10, 9; 11, 11, 11;
     length of forearm, 33.1, 32.0, --; length of tibia, 14.6,
     13.4, 13.0. Some cranial measurements of the two specimens
     from northwest of El Encino are: greatest length of skull,
     12.8, 12.9; breadth of braincase, 6.5, 6.5; length of
     maxillary tooth-row, 4.0, 4.1.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 3: 8 km. W, 10
     km. N El Encino, 400 ft., 2; Rancho Pano Ayuctle, 6 mi. N
     Gómez Farías, 300 ft., 1.

     Additional record: Matamoros (H. Allen, 1894:128).

=Pipistrellus hesperus potosinus= Dalquest

Western Pipistrelle

     1951. _Pipistrellus hesperus potosinus_ Dalquest, Proc.
     Biol. Soc. Washington, 64:105, August 24, type from Presa de
     Guadalupe, San Luis Potosí.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Probably occurs throughout
     southwest part, but presently known only from Joya Verde.

The specimens reported herein were shot in July in a canyon that
contained some standing water. According to the field notes of the
collector (Schaldach), individuals of this bat in Tamaulipas flew
later, in his experience, than bats of the same species in Sonora,
Arizona and Coahuila, not emerging until it was almost fully dark.

_Pipistrellus hesperus_ from Tamaulipas is identified as _P. h.
potosinus_ owing to the dark color, but the averages of some
measurements differ slightly from those given by Dalquest (1951:106)
for _potosinus_ as follows: tail and ear shorter; foot larger;
condylobasal length and cranial breadth less.

     _Measurements._--Average and extreme external and cranial
     measurements of five males from Joya Verde are: 73.2
     (70-75); 27 (26-28); 7 (7); 12.4 (12-13); length of forearm,
     31.0 (29.5-31.5); greatest length of skull, 12.4
     (12.2-12.8); condylobasal length, 11.8 (11.4-12.3); breadth
     of braincase, 6.3 (6.0-6.5). Corresponding measurements of
     three females (60204, 60209, 60210) from the same locality
     are: 72, 78, 76; 27, 33, 35; 7, 7, 7; 12, 12, 12; 31, 31,
     32; 12.3, 12.9, 13.5; 11.7, 12.2, --; 6.0, 6.6, 6.1.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 8, from Joya
     Verde, 35 km. SW Cd. Victoria, 3800 ft.

=Eptesicus fuscus miradorensis= (H. Allen)

Big Brown Bat

     1866. _S[cotophilus]. miradorensis_ H. Allen, Proc. Acad.
     Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 18:287, type from Mirador, Veracruz.

     1812. _Eptesicus fuscus miradorensis_, Miller, Bull. U. S.
     Nat. Mus., 79:62, December 31.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Southern part of state, north
     at least to Miquihuana.

Specimens from Miquihuana, Palmillas, and Nicolás were shot in flight
at dusk; those from the Sierra de Tamaulipas were collected in a mist
net. Five females, all taken in June, were lactating.

Judging from Hall and Kelson's (1959:185) distribution map for the
species, two subspecies, _E. f. fuscus_ and _E. f. miradorensis_,
possibly occur in Tamaulipas, the former in the north and the latter in
the south. Comparison of specimens presently available from the state
(all from the southern part) with typical individuals of the two
subspecies mentioned reveal that they resemble _miradorensis_ to a
greater degree than _fuscus_ and they accordingly are assigned to the
former. In measurements, the Tamaulipan specimens agree closely with
_miradorensis_; in color, some resemble _miradorensis_ but others
approach _fuscus_, possibly indicating intergradation between the two
subspecies in the material at hand. Probably _E. f. fuscus_ will be
found in the northern part of the state.

     _Measurements._--Average and extreme measurements of nine
     females from the Sierra de Tamaulipas and three males, two
     from Miquihuana (55137, 55138) and one from Palmillas
     (55139), are respectively: 121.3 (111-127), 115, 107, 115;
     51.9 (50-56), 50, 45, 52; 10.9 (9.5-11.0), 10, 10, 11; 17.8
     (17-18), 18, 18, 18; length of forearm, 49.6 (48-52.6),
     48.9, 49.1, 49.1; length of tibia, 18.8 (18.2-19.3), 20.5,
     17.3, 18.0; condylobasal length, 18.9 (18.5-19.3), 19.3, --,
     18.8; zygomatic breadth, 13.1 (12.7-13.5), --, 13.0, 13.3;
     interorbital constriction, 4.2 (3.7-4.4), 4.0, 4.3, 4.1;
     length of maxillary tooth-row, 7.3 (7.1-7.5), --, 7.2, 7.2.
     Five lactating females weighed 20 (17-23) grams, and three
     males 17.5 (17-8) grams.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 17:
     Miquihuana, 6200 ft., 2; 14 mi. N, 6 mi. W Palmillas, 5500
     ft., 1; Nicolás, 56 km. NW Tula, 5500 ft., 1; Sierra de
     Tamaulipas, 2 mi. S, 10 mi. W Piedra, 1200 ft., 12; Joya
     Verde, 35 km. SW [Cd.] Victoria, 3800 ft., 1.

     Additional record: Aserradero del Paraiso (Goodwin,

=Lasiurus borealis=

Red Bat

Two subspecies of _Lasiurus borealis_ have been reported from
Tamaulipas. One, _L. b. borealis_, is known only from Matamoros,
whereas the other, _L. b. teliotis_, is widely distributed in the
central and southern parts.

A young animal from Ciudad Victoria was captured inside a house. All
specimens taken in the Sierra de Tamaulipas were caught in mist nets,
in which _Centurio senex_, _Pteronotus parnelli_, and _Mormoops
megalophyla_ also were taken.

=Lasiurus borealis borealis= (Müller)

     1776. _Vespertilio borealis_ Müller, Des Ritters Carl von
     Linné ... vollständiges Natursystem ..., Suppl., p. 20, type
     from New York.

     1897. _Lasiurus borealis_, Miller, N. Amer. Fauna, 13:105,
     October 16.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Known only by two specimens
     from Matamoros (Miller, 1897:108).

=Lasiurus borealis teliotis= (H. Allen)

     1891. _Atalapha teliotis_ H. Allen, Proc. Amer. Philos.
     Soc., 29:5, April 10, type from an unknown locality,
     probably some part of California.

     1897. _Lasiurus borealis teliotis_, Miller, N. Amer. Fauna,
     13:110, October 16.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Generally distributed in
     higher parts of state.

Eight June-taken females, all lactating, from the Sierra de Tamaulipas
averaged 10.0 (8-12) grams; five males from there weighed 9.2 (8-10)
grams. According to Hall and Kelson (1959:188), males of this species
usually are more brightly colored than females but this phenomenon is
not evident in the Tamaulipan specimens. Males do, however, average
slightly smaller than females.

The name _Lasiurus borealis teliotis_ is employed following Handley
(1960:472); formerly _L. b. ornatus_ Hall was applied (Hall and Kelson,
1959:190) to bats here referred to as _teliotis_.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 7: Cd.
     Victoria, 1800 ft., 1; Sierra de Tamaulipas, 2 mi. S, 10 mi.
     W Piedra, 1200 ft., 1; Sierra de Tamaulipas, 3 mi. S, 14 mi.
     W Piedra, 1200 ft., 1; Sierra de Tamaulipas, 3 mi. S, 16 mi.
     W Piedra, 1400 ft., 4.

=Lasiurus cinereus cinereus= (Palisot de Beauvois)

Hoary Bat

     1776. _Vespertilio cinereus_ (misspelled _linereus_) Palisot
     de Beauvois, Catalogue raisonné du muséum de Mr. C. W.
     Peale, Philadelphia, p. 18, type from Philadelphia,

     1864. _Lasiurus cinereus_ H. Allen, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 7
     (publ. 165): 21, June.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Probably state-wide but so
     far reported only from Matamoros (Miller, 1897:114), and
     Aserradero del Infernillo (Goodwin, 1954:6--cranium only).

=Lasiurus intermedius intermedius= H. Allen

Northern Yellow Bat

     1862. _Lasiurus intermedius_ H. Allen, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci.
     Philadelphia, 14:246, "April" (between May 27 and August 1),
     type from Matamoros, Tamaulipas.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Eastern half of state, known
     only from three localities.

The three specimens examined were taken in mist nets along with
_Lasiurus ega_, _Pteronotus rubiginosus_ and _Mormoops megalophylla_.

The generic name _Lasiurus_ is used instead of _Dasypterus_ following
Hall and Jones (1961).

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 3: Sierra de
     Tamaulipas, 2 mi. S, 10 mi. W Piedra, 1200 ft., 1; Sierra de
     Tamaulipas, 3 mi. S, 16 mi. W Piedra, 1400 ft., 2.

     Additional record: Matamoros (H. Allen, 1862:246).

=Lasiurus ega xanthinus= (Thomas)

Southern Yellow Bat

     1897. _Dasypterus ega xanthinus_ Thomas, Ann. Mag. Nat.
     Hist., ser. 6, 20:544, December, type from Sierra Laguna,
     Baja California.

     1953. _Lasiurus ega xanthinus_, Dalquest, Louisiana State
     Univ. Studies, Biol. Ser., 1:61, December 28.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Probably occurs in southern
     and western parts of state; certainly known only from the
     Sierra de Tamaulipas.

Three June-taken females, all captured in mist nets, were lactating.

Hall and Jones (1961:91) assigned all Mexican specimens of the southern
yellow bat to _Lasiurus ega xanthinus_, but remarked that specimens
from western México were paler than those from the east. Of the six
specimens examined from Tamaulipas, four are dark, resembling in color
specimens from Veracruz, Yucatán and Costa Rica, and the other two are
somewhat paler, approaching specimens from Baja California, Zacatecas
and Coahuila. In measurements, Tamaulipan specimens of _Lasiurus ega_
generally resemble specimens from the west, but differ from any other
_L. ega_ seen in having a longer tail, longer ear, and shorter
maxillary tooth-row.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 6: Sierra de
     Tamaulipas, 10 mi. W, 2 mi. S Piedra, 1200 ft., 4; 10 mi. W,
     3 mi. S. Piedra, 1200 ft., 1; 16 mi. W, 3 mi. S. Piedra,
     1400 ft., 1.

=Nycticeius humeralis=

Evening Bat

_Nycticeius humeralis_ has the same distributional pattern in
Tamaulipas as has _Lasiurus borealis_ in that both are represented
there by two subspecies, one known only from Matamoros and the other
occurring in the rest of the state. Bats of this species (_N. h.
mexicanus_) from Ciudad Victoria and some from the Sierra de Tamaulipas
were shot in flight in evening; others from the last-mentioned locality
were taken in mist nets. Lactating females (22 specimens) were
collected in June and July.

=Nycticeius humeralis humeralis= (Rafinesque)

     1818. _Vespertilio humeralis_ Rafinesque, Amer. Monthly
     Mag., 3(6):445, October, type from Kentucky.

     1819. _N[ycticeius]. humeralis_ Rafinesque, Jour. Phys.
     Chim. Hist. Nat. et Arts, Paris, 88:417, June.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Matamoros (Miller, 1897:120),
     one specimen.

=Nycticeius humeralis mexicanus= Davis

     1944. _Nycticeius humeralis mexicanus_ Davis, Jour. Mamm.,
     25:380, December 12, type from Río Ramos, 1000 ft., 20 km.
     NW Montemorelos, Nuevo León.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Known certainly only from
     central part, but probably occurs at suitable places in all
     but extreme northern Tamaulipas.

Twenty-seven of 37 adults of _N. humeralis_ examined from Tamaulipas
are pale as is _N. h. mexicanus_, but 10 are darker and approach _N. h.
humeralis_ in this respect. Twenty-two females averaged 10.3 (9-13)
grams and eight males averaged 9.5 (8-11) grams in weight.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 45: Cd.
     Victoria, 10; Sierra de Tamaulipas, 2-3 mi. S, 10 mi. W
     Piedra, 1200 ft., 31; 3 mi. S, 16 mi. W Piedra, 1400 ft., 4.

=Rhogeëssa tumida tumida= H. Allen

Little Yellow Bat

     1866. _R[hogeëssa]. tumida_ H. Allen, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci.
     Philadelphia, 18:286, type from Mirador, Veracruz.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Southeastern part of state.

Specimens obtained from the vicinity of La Pesca were shot as were some
from the Sierra de Tamaulipas. Others from the Sierra de Tamaulipas
were taken in mist nets that were stretched across a small pool in an
arroyo; _Eptesicus fuscus_, _Myotis velifer_, _M. keenii_ and
_Nycticeus humeralis_ were captured in the same nets.

Females evidently bear young in Tamaulipas in April and May. Fourteen
of 15 females collected at La Pesca in May were lactating, as were five
of 31 taken in the Sierra de Tamaulipas in June. The weight of 46
females averaged 5.5 (4-7) grams, and that of nine males, 4.5 (4-5)

Comparison of specimens from Tamaulipas with individuals from Veracruz
reveals little difference in general color between the two samples.
Most Tamaulipan specimens examined are dull yellowish brown, but some
are darker. Goodwin (1954:6) reported a specimen from Santa María as
being dark brown. Measurements of 10 females (see below) from the
Sierra de Tamaulipas average a little larger than those reported by
Miller (1897:123-124), Hall (1952:232), and Goodwin (1958:10-12). I
follow the last author in using the specific name _R. tumida_ for this

     _Measurements._--Average and extreme measurements of 10
     females from the Sierra de Tamaulipas are as follows: 80.1
     (78-83); 35.5 (33-37); 7.9 (7.5-8.0); 13.1 (13-14); length
     of forearm, 31.9 (30.6-33.0); greatest length of skull, 13.4
     (13.1-13.8); zygomatic breadth, 8.6 (8.2-8.8); mastoid
     breadth, 5.6 (5.3-5.8); breadth across M3, 5.7 (5.5-6.0);
     length of maxillary tooth-row, 4.8 (4.7-4.9).

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 59: 4 mi. N La
     Pesca, 1; 3 mi. N La Pesca, 3; 2 mi. N La Pesca, 11; 1 mi. N
     La Pesca, 4; La Pesca, 1; Sierra de Tamaulipas, 2 mi. S, 10
     mi. W Piedra, 1200 ft., 39.

     Additional record: Santa María (Goodwin, 1958:3).

=Plecotus phyllotis= (G. M. Allen)

Allen's Big-eared Bat

     1916. _Corynorhynus phyllotis_ G. M. Allen, Bull. Mus. Comp.
     Zool., 60:352, April, type from San Luis Potosí, probably
     near city of same name.

     1959. _Plecotus phyllotis_, Handley, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus.,
     110:130, Sept. 3.

     1923. _Idionycteris mexicanus_ Anthony, Amer. Mus. Novit.,
     54:1, January 17, type from Miquihuana, Tamaulipas.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Known only from Miquihuana.

The only specimen of this bat known from Tamaulipas was reported by
Anthony (1923:1), and formed the basis of his description of
_Idionycteris mexicanus_, a synonym of _Plecotus phyllotis_ according
to Handley (1956:53 and 1959:130).

=Antrozous pallidus pallidus= (Le Conte)

Pallid Bat

     1856. _V[espertilio]. pallidus_ Le Conte, Proc. Acad. Nat
     Sci. Philadelphia, 7:437, type from El Paso, El Paso Co.,

     1864. _Antrozous pallidus_, H. Allen, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 7
     (Publ. 165): 68, June.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Known only from a single
     ramus from Aserradero del Infernillo (Goodwin, 1954:6).

=Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana= (Saussure)

Brazilian Free-tailed Bat

     1860. _Molossus mexicanus_ Saussure, Revue et Mag. Zool.,
     Paris, ser. 2, 12:283, July, type from Cofre de Perote,
     13,000 ft., Veracruz.

     1955. _Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana_, Schwartz, Jour.
     Mamm., 36:108, February 28.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Probably state-wide, but
     presently known from only five localities.

A female taken on June 21 in a mist net on the Sierra de Tamaulipas
carried an embryo that was 29 mm. in crown-rump length. Two specimens
were shot in flight in the deepest part of Cueva La Mula.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 4: 8 km. S Cd.
     Victoria, 1; Sierra de Tamaulipas, 10 mi. W, 2 mi. S Piedra,
     1200 ft., 1; Cueva La Mula, 10 km. W Joya Verde, 2400 ft.,

     Additional records: Río Bravo (town) (Villa, 1956:8); Rancho
     "La Isla," 3 km. N El Limón (Malaga and Villa, 1957:560);
     Cueva del Abra (_ibid._); no specific locality (Shamel,

=Tadarida aurispinosa= (Peale)

Peale's Free-tailed Bat

     1848. _Dysopes aurispinosus_ Peale, U. S. Expl. Exp., 8:21,
     type taken on board the U. S. S. Peacock at sea,
     approximately 100 mi. S Cape San Roque, Brazil.

     1931. _Tadarida aurispinosa_, Shamel, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus.,
     78:11, May 6.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Known only from Cueva del
     Abra, six miles north-northeast of Antiguo Morelos.

Carter and Davis (1961) recorded for the first time this species from
North America, on the basis of five specimens collected at Cueva del
Abra. From the same locality P. L. Clifton collected several owl
pellets which provide, besides many skulls of _Tadarida laticaudata_,
four crania of _T. aurispinosa_. Available measurements of three, of
the four _T. aurispinosa_, resemble those given by Carter and Davis
(_op. cit._) for their specimens. Measurements of the fourth cranium
are smaller (greatest length of skull, 19.4; zygomatic breadth, 11.1;
interorbital constriction, 3.7; cranial breadth, 9.1; mastoid breadth,
10.7; basal length, 16.3; length of maxillary tooth-row, 7.4; breadth
across M3, 7.9), but not outside the expected range of individual
variation if we can judge by the range recorded by Jones and Alvarez
(1962) for the related _Tadarida laticaudata_.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 4, from [Cueva
     del Abra], 6 mi. (by road) NNE Antiguo Morelos.

=Tadarida laticaudata ferruginea= Goodwin

Geoffroy's Free-tailed Bat

     1954. _Tadarida laticaudata ferruginea_ Goodwin, Amer. Mus.
     Novit., 1670:2, June 28, type from 8 mi. N Antiguo Morelos,

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Known only from southeastern
     part of state.

Specimens from three miles south and 16 miles west of Piedra were found
in a crevice inside a cave. Two days previously _Desmodus rotundus_ and
_Natalus stramineus_ were obtained from the same cave. All other
specimens from the Sierra de Tamaulipas were caught in mist nets.
_Nycticeus humeralis_, _Myotis velifer_, _Eptesicus fuscus_, _Lasiurus
borealis_ and _L. intermedius_ were taken in nets that also captured
_T. laticaudata_.

All specimens taken (June 19-23) in the Sierra de Tamaulipas were
females, except one. Of 33 females taken, 27 carried a single embryo
each, the embryos averaging 27.0 (25-28) mm. in crown-rump length; the
other five were lactating. Weight of the pregnant females averaged 16.0
(13-18) grams and that of the five lactating individuals averaged 13.0
(12-14) grams. A male weighed 22 grams.

For the taxonomic status of this species in North America see Jones and
Alvarez (1962).

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 65: Sierra de
     Tamaulipas, 2 mi. S, 10 mi. W Piedra, 1200 ft., 27; Sierra
     de Tamaulipas, 3 mi. S, 16 mi. W Piedra, 1400 ft., 7; 5 mi.
     S El Mante, 8 (AMNH); 11 mi. S El Mante, 13 (AMNH); 10 km.
     NNE Antiguo Morelos, 1; 8 mi. N Antiguo Morelos, 7 (5 AMNH,
     2 KU); 20 mi. SW El Mante, 2 (AMNH).

=Molossus ater nigricans= Miller

Red Mastiff Bat

     1902. _Molossus nigricans_ Miller, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci.
     Philadelphia, 54:395, September 12, type from Acaponeta,

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Southern part of state, north
     at least to Guemes.

At Rancho Pano Ayuctle, according to the field notes of the collector
(Schaldach), the red mastiff bat was common, and found daytime retreats
in hollows in cypress trees. Schaldach twice found groups of bats in
such hollows. _M. a. nigricans_ is an early forager and most
individuals seen were in flight before sunset, usually flying in a more
or less straight line at heights of 25 to 60 feet above the ground. The
odor of the chest gland was described by Schaldach as "strong" and
"geranium-like." A female obtained three miles northeast of Guemes on
August 19 carried a single embryo that was 33 mm. in crown-rump length.

Specimens examined average slightly smaller than the type specimen,
especially in total length, length of hind foot, length of skull and
length of maxillary tooth-row. Davis (1951:219) also noted some of
these same differences in a specimen examined by him from two miles
south of Ciudad Victoria. The variation in color is great among
Tamaulipan specimens. Of the 15 examined, two are Dark Mummy Brown, six
are Mummy Brown, six are Sudan Brown, and one is paler than Sudan

I follow Goodwin (1960:6) in using the specific name _ater_.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 15: 3 mi. NE
     Guemes, 2; Rancho Santa Rosa, 25 km. N, 13 km. W Cd.
     Victoria, 260 m., 2; Rancho Pano Ayuctle, 6 mi. N Gómez
     Farías, 300 ft., 1; Rancho Pano Ayuctle, 25 mi. N El Mante
     and 3 km. W Pan-American Hwy., 2200 ft., 8; 8 km. W, 10 km.
     N El Encino, 400 ft., 2.

     Additional records (Davis, 1951:219): 2 mi. S Cd. Victoria;

=Ateles geoffroyi velerosus= Gray

Spider Monkeys

     1866. _Ateles vellerosus_ Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p.
     773 (for 1865), April, type locality "Brasil?"; restricted
     to Mirador, 2000 ft., about 15 mi. NE Huatusco, Veracruz, by
     Kellogg and Goldman, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 96:33, November
     2, 1944.

     1944. _Ateles geoffroyi vellerosus_, Kellogg and Goldman,
     Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 96:32, November 2.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Probably extreme southern

No specimens of this monkey have been taken in Tamaulipas although
Kellogg and Goldman (1944:34) pointed out that it probably occurred in
the tropical forest of the southern part of the state. Later, Villa
(1958:347) reported that A. Malaga Alba saw monkeys in 1954 at
Barranca de Caballeros, approximately 25 kilometers north-northwest of
Ciudad Victoria. No other report of their occurrence in the state has
been forthcoming.

=Dasypus novemcinctus mexicanus= Peters

Nine-banded Armadillo

     1864. _Dasypus novemcinctus_ var. _mexicanus_ Peters,
     Montsb. preuss Akad. Wiss., Berlin, p. 180, type from
     Matamoros, Tamaulipas (see Hollister, Jour. Mamm., 6:60,
     February 9, 1925).

     1920. _D[asypus]. novemcinctus mexicanus_, Goldman, Smiths.
     Misc. Coll., 69 (5):66, April 24.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Probably state-wide except on
     Mexican Plateau; presently known only from five localities.

A 13-pound female from four kilometers west-southwest of La Purisima
was captured after it was forced by the collector (Dalquest) and his
dog out of the burrow that was under a log. A young specimen examined
from seven kilometers southwest of La Purisima was captured by a dog. A
partial skeleton including the skull was picked up on the barrier beach
at a place 33 miles south of Washington Beach.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 3 (see text
     immediately above).

     Additional records: Matamoros (Hollister, 1925:60); Rancho
     del Cielo (Hooper, 1953:11).

=Sylvilagus brasiliensis truei= (J. A. Allen)

Forest Rabbit

     1890. _Lepus truei_ J. A. Allen, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat.
     Hist., 3:192, December 10, type from Mirador, Veracruz.

     1950. _Sylvilagus brasiliensis truei_, Hershkovitz, Proc. U.
     S. Nat. Mus., 100:351, May 26.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Southern part of state; known
     only from Rancho del Cielo (Goodwin, 1954:7).

=Sylvilagus audubonii parvulus= (J. A. Allen)

Desert Cottontail

     1904. _Lepus (Sylvilagus) parvulus_ J. A. Allen, Bull. Amer.
     Mus. Nat. Hist., 20:34, February 29, type from Apam,

     1909. _Sylvilagus audubonii parvulus_, Nelson, N. Amer.
     Fauna, 29:236, August 31.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Western part of state.

The specimen examined, a male that weighed 646 grams, was shot at

This species occurs only in western Tamaulipas. Hall and Kelson
(1959:267, map 187) mistakenly plotted El Mulato, as being in the
eastern part of the state; actually this locality is in the San Carlos
Mountains of the west, near the boundary between Tamaulipas and Nuevo

     _Records of occurrence._--One specimen examined from 4 mi.
     SW Nuevo Laredo, 900 ft.

     Additional records (Nelson, 1909:237, unless otherwise
     noted): Nuevo Laredo; Guerrero; Mier; Camargo; El Mulato
     (Dice, 1937:256); Miquihuana.

=Sylvilagus floridanus=

Eastern Cottontail

This species occurs throughout Tamaulipas. A female from Soto la
Marina, obtained on May 17, was lactating; another from 12 miles
northwest of San Carlos, on August 23, carried two embryos that were 15
mm. in crown-rump length.

=Sylvilagus floridanus chapmani= (J. A. Allen)

     1899. _Lepus floridanus chapmani_ J. A. Allen, Bull. Amer.
     Mus. Nat. Hist., 12:12, March 4, type from Corpus Christi,
     Nueces Co., Texas.

     1904. _Sylvilagus (Sylvilagus) floridanus chapmani_, Lyon,
     Smith. Misc. Coll., 45:336, June 15.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Northern two-thirds of state.

A male and pregnant female from 12 miles northwest of San Carlos
weighed, respectively, 650 and 690 grams.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 17: San
     Fernando, 180 ft., 3; 12 mi. NW San Carlos, 1300 ft., 3; La
     Pesca, 3; Soto la Marina, 500 ft., 6; Ejido Eslabones, 2 mi.
     S, 10 mi. W Piedra, 1200 ft., 2.

     Additional record: Jaumave (Nelson, 1909:178).

=Sylvilagus floridanus connectens= (Nelson)

     1904. _Lepus floridanus connectens_ Nelson, Proc. Biol. Soc.
     Washington, 17:105, May 18, type from Chichicaxtle,

     1909. _Sylvilagus floridanus connectens_, Lyon and Osgood,
     Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 62:32, January 28.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Southern part of state.

This subspecies has been reported previously from Tamaulipas only from
Altamira. Specimens from 10 kilometers north and eight kilometers west
of El Encino and 70 kilometers south of Ciudad Victoria, judging by
their large size, dark color, and ochraceous brown (rather than pale
ochraceous as in _S. f. chapmani_) upper sides of the hind feet are
assignable to _connectens_.

Goodwin (1954:7) reported specimens from Chamal, Joya de Salas, Gómez
Farías, and Pano Ayuctle as _S. f. chapmani_, remarking that they were
intergrades between _chapmani_ and _connectens_. Specimens reported by
Goodwin are here assigned to _S. f. connectens_ because the
measurements of the specimen from eight kilometers west of El Encino
are typical of that subspecies.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 4: 10 km. N, 8
     km. W El Encino, 400 ft., 1; 2 km. W El Carrizo, 2; 9 mi. SW
     Tula, 5200 ft., 1.

     Additional records (Goodwin, 1954:7, unless otherwise
     noted): Chamal; La Joya de Salas; Gómez Farías; Rancho Pano
     Ayuctle; Altamira (Nelson, 1909:186).

=Lepus californicus=

Black-tailed Jack Rabbit

The black-tailed jack rabbit is the only species of _Lepus_ known from
Tamaulipas and is represented there by three subspecies, _L. c.
merriami_ of the northern part of the state, _L. c. altamirae_ of the
southeastern coastal plains, and _L. c. curti_ of the barrier beach
south of Matamoros. The known ranges of the three subspecies are not
presently known to meet in Tamaulipas.

=Lepus californicus altamirae= Nelson

     1904. _Lepus merriami altamirae_ Nelson, Proc. Biol. Soc.
     Washington, 17:109, May 18, type from Altamira, Tamaulipas.

     1951. _Lepus californicus altamirae_, Hall, Univ. Kansas
     Publ., Mus. Nat. Hist., 5:45, October 1.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Southern coastal plain north
     certainly to vicinity of Soto la Marina.

The two specimens examined in this study (see below) are intermediate
between _L. c. altamirae_ and _L. c. curti_, but show greater
resemblance to the former. In measurements they resemble _altamirae_
rather than the smaller _curti_. They approach the latter in length of
hind foot and are intermediate between the two subspecies in basilar
length; in one specimen, the dimensions of the rostrum are as in
_curti_ and the other has the black patch on the posterior surface of
the ear well developed, as in _altamirae_, but in the other the black
is reduced. _L. c. altamirae_ has been known previously only from

     _Measurements._--Two male adults (55415, 55416) from north
     of Soto la Marina, afford the following external
     measurements: 610, 590; 100, 100; 124, 125; 124, 122 (length
     of ear from notch, dry, 114, 110). Cranial measurements are:
     basilar length, 75.1, 74.4; length of nasals, 46.1, 41.9;
     width of rostrum at PM, 25.1, 28.7; height of rostrum in
     front of PM, 25.2, 21.5; diameter of auditory bulla, 14.1,

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 2: 3 mi. N
     Soto la Marina, 1; 2 mi. NW Soto la Marina, 1.

     Additional record: Altamira (Nelson, 1904:109).

=Lepus californicus curti= Hall

     1951. _Lepus californicus curti_ Hall, Univ. Kansas Publ.,
     Mus. Nat. Hist., 5:42, October 1, type from barrier beach 88
     mi. S, 10 mi. W Matamoros, Tamaulipas.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Known only by the three
     specimens mentioned in the original description from two
     barrier islands in northeastern part of state.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 3: 88 mi. S,
     10 mi. W Matamoros, 2; 90 mi. S, 10 mi. W Matamoros, 1.

=Lepus californicus merriami= Mearns

     1896. _Lepus merriami_ Mearns, Preliminary diagnoses of new
     mammals from the Mexican border of the United States, p. 2,
     March 25, type from Fort Clark, Kinney Co., Texas.

     1909. _Lepus californicus merriami_, Nelson, N. Amer. Fauna,
     29:148, August 31.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Northern and western parts of

The two specimens examined, an adult female and a young male, from the
barrier beach 33 miles south of Washington Beach are intergrades
between _L. c. merriami_, reported from the mainland from as near as
Matamoros, and _L. c. curti_, which occurs farther to the south on the
same series of barrier beaches. Of seven characters that seem to
differentiate the two subspecies, the adult female from 33 miles south
of Washington beach resembles _merriami_ in four as follows: tips of
ears black (white in _curti_); nasals long; hind foot long; and
supraoccipital process broad. The specimen resembles _curti_ in
shortness of tail and in having small auditory bullae. Breadth of
rostrum above premolars, the seventh character, is less than in typical
specimens of either of the two subspecies. More material is needed from
the barrier beach in order to establish with certainty the
relationships between jack rabbits occurring there.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 4: 33 mi. S
     Washington Beach, 2; 12 mi. NW San Carlos, 1300 ft., 2.

     Additional records: Nuevo Laredo (Nelson, 1909:150); Mier
     (_ibid._); Camargo (_ibid._); Matamoros (Hall, 1951:185);
     Tamaulipeca, San Carlos Mts. (_ibid._).

=Spermophilus mexicanus parvidens= Mearns

Mexican Ground Squirrel

     1896. _Spermophilus mexicanus parvidens_ Mearns, Preliminary
     diagnoses of new mammals from the Mexican border of the
     United States, p. 1, March 25, type from Fort Clark, Kinney
     Co., Texas.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Northern part of state, south
     at least to Xicotencatl.

Most of the specimens examined from Tamaulipas are in the brown phase
(Howell, 1938:121) and differ from _S. m. parvidens_ from Texas,
Coahuila, and Nuevo León in being darker dorsally. Nevertheless, some
individuals are as pale as those examined from the mentioned states.
Measurements of Tamaulipan specimens average smaller than those given
by Howell (1938:121) and Baker (1956:205) for _parvidens_.

Specimens from San Fernando differ slightly from those from Soto la
Marina in having a relatively long tail (average 69.2 instead of 62.1
per cent of length of head and body) and in having the upper parts of
the hind feet ochraceous instead of nearly white.

Two May-taken females from Soto la Marina carried 5 and 7 embryos that
were 10 mm. in crown-rump length; another taken there was lactating.
Weight of six non-pregnant females from San Fernando averaged 160.6
(129-197) grams. Two males from the same locality weighed 164 and 145

     _Measurements._--Average and extreme measurements of four
     males and three females from Soto la Marina are, as follows:
     312.6 (296-330); 119.8 (110-130); 41.6 (38-43). Average
     cranial measurements of five specimens (two males, three
     females) from same locality are: greatest length of skull,
     44.7 (43.7-47.4); zygomatic breadth, 26.9 (25.3-28.6);
     breadth of braincase, 19.4 (19.2-19.5); interorbital
     constriction, 13.3 (12.5-14.1); length of nasals, 15.9
     (14.6-17.5); length of maxillary tooth-row, 8.3 (8.0-8.5).

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 20: San
     Fernando, 180 ft., 12; Soto la Marina, 500 ft., 8.

     Additional records (Howell, 1938:121 unless otherwise
     noted): Nuevo Laredo; Mier; Camargo; Reynosa; Bagdad;
     Victoria; Xecotencatl [= Xicotencatl] (J. A. Allen,

=Spermophilus spilosoma oricolus= Alvarez

Spotted Ground Squirrel

     1962. _Spermophilus spilosoma oricolus_ Alvarez, Univ.
     Kansas Publ., Mus. Nat. Hist., 14:123, March 7, type from 1
     mi. E La Pesca, Tamaulipas.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Known only from the type
     locality and from parts of the barrier beach, but possibly
     occurs at other places in northeastern parts of state.

The 10 specimens from the type locality were trapped or shot on the
beach, which was covered by thick, low, scattered bushes and grass. Of
the many holes found there, some probably were used by ground squirrels
and others by crabs. A female, taken on July 7 with two young at a
place 33 miles south of Washington Beach, weighed 133 grams and had six
placental scars. This specimen (reported as _Spermophilus spilosoma
annectens_ by Selander _et al._, 1962:335) resembles others examined
from the barrier beach (see Alvarez, 1962:124) and is therefore
assigned to _S. s. oricolus_.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 24: 33 mi. S
     Washington Beach, 1; 88 mi. S, 10 mi. W Matamoros, 12; 89
     mi. S, 10 mi. W Matamoros, 1; 1 mi. E La Pesca, 10.

=Spermophilus variegatus couchii= Baird

Rock Squirrel

     1855. _Spermophilus couchii_ Baird, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci.
     Philadelphia, 1:332, April, type from Santa Catarina, a few
     miles west of Monterrey, Nuevo León.

     1955. _Spermophilus variegatus couchii_, Baker, Univ. Kansas
     Publ., Mus. Nat. Hist, 9:207, June 15.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Possibly in southwestern
     part; reported only from Ciudad Victoria (Howell, 1938:141).

Since Baird (1855:332) described _S. v. couchii_ and mentioned a
specimen from Ciudad Victoria that was obtained by Berlandier, no other
record from Tamaulipas has come to light. Probably the species obtained
by Berlandier was introduced at Ciudad Victoria by man.

=Sciurus aureogaster aureogaster= Cuvier

Red-bellied Squirrel

     1829. [_Sciurus_] _aureogaster_ Cuvier, _in_ Geoffroy
     St.-Hilaire, and F. Cuvier, Hist. Nat. Mamm., 6, livr. 59
     pl. with text, September (binomen published only at end of
     work, table générale et méthodique, 7:4, 1842), type
     locality "California"; restricted to Altamira, Tamaulipas,
     by Nelson (Proc. Washington Acad. Sci., 1:38, May 9, 1899).

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Tropical forest of southern
     part; north at least to Rancho Santa Rosa.

According to one collector (Schaldach), natives referred to _Sciurus
aureogaster_ as "ardilla pinta" or "ardilla colorada." He recorded in
his field notes that _S. aureogaster_ was most active between 7:00 and
9:00 a. m. and again from 3:00 to 5:00 p. m., that the nest was
constructed of green oak leaves, and that the nest resembles somewhat
in size and form that of _S. carolinensis_.

Of 53 specimens examined, 17 are black and one from 70 kilometers south
of Ciudad Victoria is clearly more whitish than the others. Specimens
from the northeastern part of the range of the species (= southeastern
Tamaulipas) average darker than those from the south and west. In
individuals that are not black, the ventral reddish color covers the
shoulders and in some it extends between the shoulders to the median
dorsal area.

Among females collected from December through May, only one, taken 43
kilometers south of Ciudad Victoria on March 17, was pregnant (one

The weight of seven adult males from Soto la Marina and the Sierra de
Tamaulipas averaged 492.5 (400-575) grams.

Specimens herein reported from San Fernando provide the northernmost
record of the species.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 53: San
     Fernando, 180 ft., 5; 9-1/2 mi. SW Padilla, 800 ft., 3;
     Rancho Santa Rosa, 25 km. N, 13 km. W Cd. Victoria, 260 m.,
     8; 3 mi. NE Guemes, 5; Soto la Marina (3 mi. N), 500 ft., 6;
     Sierra de Tamaulipas, 10 mi. W, 8 mi. S Piedra, 1200 ft., 6;
     43 km. S Cd. Victoria, 1; Ejido Santa Isabel, 2 km. W
     Pan-American Highway, 2000 ft., 5; 70 km. (by highway) S Cd.
     Victoria, 6 mi. W of Pan-American Highway, 3; 2 mi. W El
     Carrizo, 7; Rancho Pano Ayuctle, 6 mi. N Gómez Farías, 300
     ft., 2; Rancho Pano Ayuctle, 25 mi. N, 3 km. W El Mante, 300
     ft., 1; 8 km. W, 10 km. N El Encino, 400 ft., 1.

     Additional records: Río Corono (= Corona) (J. A. Allen,
     1891:222); Victoria (Kelson, 1952:249); Santa María
     (Goodwin, 1954:8); 3 mi. NW Acuña, 3500 ft. (Hooper,
     1953:4); Forlón (Nelson, 1899:42); NE Zamorina (Hooper,
     1953:4); Gómez Farías (Goodwin, 1954:8); Altamira (Nelson,
     1899:42); Tampico (J. A. Allen, 1891:222).

=Sciurus deppei negligens= Nelson

Deppe's Squirrel

     1898. _Sciurus negligens_ Nelson, Proc. Biol. Soc.
     Washington, 12:147, June 3, type from Altamira, Tamaulipas.

     1953. _Sciurus deppei negligens_, Hooper, Occas. Papers Mus.
     Zool., Univ. Michigan, 544:4, March 25.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Tropical forest in southern
     part of state, north to Rancho Santa Rosa and Padilla.

In Tamaulipas this squirrel is called "ardilla chica" or "ardilla
barcina," and is abundant in areas where tall trees and dense brush
prevail. This species evidently does not have restricted periods of
activity, as does _S. aureogaster_, but is active throughout the day.
At El Carrizo a nest, nine to 10 inches in diameter and constructed of
leaves and small sticks, was in a thick tangle of branches 25 feet
above the ground. A male having testes 11 mm. long was in the nest.
Among 16 females collected in the months of February, May and June,
only two, taken in February, were lactating. A female from 70
kilometers south of Ciudad Victoria, had four placental scars, three on
the right side and one on the left, along with a resorbed embryo on the
right side; according to the collector "the scars appeared quite
recent, as evidenced by the fact that not all of the blood had been
resorbed yet."

The northernmost localities from which _S. d. negligens_ has been
reported are nine and a half miles southwest of Padilla in the east,
and Rancho Santa Rosa in the west.

Three males from the vicinity of Padilla weighed 309, 276, and 261

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 92: 9-1/2 mi.
     SW Padilla, 800 ft., 3; Rancho Santa Rosa, 25 km. N, 13 km.
     W Cd. Victoria, 260 m., 8; 3 mi. NE Guemes, 1; Sierra de
     Tamaulipas, 10 mi. W, 2 mi. S Piedra, 1200 ft., 3; Ejido
     Santa Isabel, 2 km. W Pan-American Highway, 2000 ft., 20; 70
     km. (by highway) S Cd. Victoria and 6 mi. W Pan-American
     Highway, 43; 2 km. W El Carrizo, 12; 8 km. W, 10 km. N El
     Encino, 400 ft., 2.

     Additional records: Victoria (Nelson, 1898:147); Santa María
     (Goodwin, 1954:8); Rancho Viejo (_ibid._); Rancho del Cielo
     (_ibid._); 3 mi. NW Acuña (Hooper, 1953:4); Pano Ayuctle
     (_ibid._); Gómez Farías (Goodwin, 1954:8); Mesa de Llera, 10
     mi. NE Zamorina (Hooper, 1953:4); Altamira (Nelson,

=Sciurus alleni= Nelson

Allen's Squirrel

     1898. _Sciurus alleni_ Nelson, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington,
     12:147, June 3, type from Monterrey, Nuevo León.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Along Sierra Madre Oriental
     in southwestern part of state.

This squirrel occurs in stands of oak and "nogalillos" (hickory) trees
that grow along streams and arroyos. Individuals are active from
sunrise to about 10:00 a. m. and again late in the afternoon. They give
a soft "chirring" call.

Nelson (1899:92) noted that specimens from Miquihuana were smaller than
those from the type locality. Among specimens I have examined, some are
as large as topotypes and two females are larger (total length, 486 and
490) than measurements given for the species by Nelson (_op. cit._).

     _Record of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 11, from Joya
     Verde, 35 km. SW Cd. Victoria, 3800 ft.

     Additional records: Near Victoria (Nelson, 1899:92);
     Miquihuana (_ibid._); Joya de Salas (Goodwin, 1954:8).

=Glaucomys volans herreranus= Goldman

Southern Flying Squirrel

     1936. _Glaucomys volans herreranus_ Goldman, Jour.
     Washington Acad. Sci., 26:463, November 15, type from Mts.
     of Veracruz.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Known only from Aserradero
     del Infernillo (Goodwin, 1954:9 and 1961:9).

=Geomys personatus personatus= True

Texas Pocket Gopher

     1889. _Geomys personatus_ True, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus.,
     11:159 for 1888, January 5, type from Padre Island, Cameron
     County, Texas.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Known only from the barrier
     beach in northeastern part of state.

The specimens examined are referred, tentatively, to _Geomys personatus
personatus_ on geographic grounds. They average smaller in all
measurements than _personatus_ (but are larger than _G. p.
megapotamus_), do not have the sagittal crest that usually is present
in _personatus_, and the shape of the pterygoid bones is distinctive.
In _personatus_ and _megapotamus_ the ventral border of the pterygoids
(in lateral view) is convex instead of nearly straight as in specimens
from the barrier beach. The specimens recorded here are all that are
known of _G. personatus_ (see account of _G. tropicalis_) from México.

     _Measurements._--Average and extreme external measurements
     of five females from 73 miles south of Washington Beach are
     as follows: 266.8 (263-271); 94.8 (91-98); 34 (33-35).
     Cranial measurements of two males (89038, 89032) and average
     and extremes of five females are respectively: basal length,
     49.1, 46.6, 45.9 (44.2-46.8); basilar length, 42.9, 40.0,
     39.8 (38.0-40.8); zygomatic breadth, 29.6, 28.3, 28.0
     (25.7-29.9); squamosal breadth, 27.8, 25.9, 26.2
     (23.8-25.4); interorbital constriction, 7.4, 6.9, 7.3
     (6.7-7.8); alveolar length of maxillary tooth-row, 10.3,
     9.2, 9.4 (9.1-9.7).

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 17: 35 mi. SSE
     Matamoros, 8; 33 mi. S Washington Beach, 1; 73 mi. S
     Washington Beach, 8.

     Additional record: 4 mi. S Washington Beach (Selander _et
     al._, 1962:335--possibly fragmentary skeletal remains never
     catalogued in any research collection).

=Geomys tropicalis= Goldman

Tropical Pocket Gopher

     1915. _Geomys personatus tropicalis_ Goldman, Proc. Biol.
     Soc. Washington, 28:134, June 29, type from Altamira,

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Known only from vicinity of
     type locality, in southeastern part of state.

_Geomys tropicalis_ was named as a subspecies of _G. personatus_ in
1915 by E. A. Goldman. To my knowledge, no one other than Goldman has
critically studied specimens of this pocket gopher, nor have specimens
other than those listed in the original description been reported up to
now. In 1953, Gerd H. Heinrich collected a series of 19 individuals one
mile south of Altamira. These specimens were compared (by E. R. Hall in
March, 1962) with the holotype and paratypes of _G. p. tropicalis_ and
were found to be indistinguishable.

Careful comparisons of the specimens from one mile south of Altamira
with topotypes of _G. personatus personatus_ (and specimens of other
subspecies) indicate that _tropicalis_ differs from _personatus_ in a
number of important characters, some of which _tropicalis_ shares with
_Geomys arenarius_ of the Rio Grande Valley and adjacent areas in
Texas, New Mexico, and Chihuahua (see Table 2).


                         |_G. arenarius_|_G. personatus_|_G. tropicalis_
Zygomatic arches         | parallel     | narrower      | narrower
                         |              |   posteriorly |   posteriorly
Sagittal crest           | absent       | present       | small
Squamosal knob           | present      | absent        | present
Interparietal            | subquadrant  | triangular    | triangular
Mesopterygoid fossa      | V-shaped     | U-shaped      | V-shaped
Ratio, zygomatic breadth |              |               |
  to basal length        |  63.7-66.6   |   66.3-67.2   |    60.8-66.2
Ratio, mastoid breadth   |              |               |
  to basal length        |  58.0-60.4   |   59.8-63.1   |    58.0-59.6
Border of premaxilla at  |              |               |
  incisive foramina      | wedge-shaped | subquadrate   | subquadrate

As can be seen in the accompanying table _tropicalis_ resembles
_arenarius_ in half of the eight characters considered, especially in
the presence of a knob on the zygomatic process of the squamosal (the
diagnostic character of _arenarius_ according to Merriam, 1895:140) and
in the shape of the mesopterygoid fossa. _G. tropicalis_ differs from
_arenarius_ principally in having a low sagittal crest in adult males
(lacking in _arenarius_) and in the shape of the interparietal bone,
which in _tropicalis_ is small (in some skulls difficult to see) and
triangular instead of being relatively large and subquadrate as in

_G. tropicalis_ resembles _personatus_ in half of the characters
considered, notably in shape of the interparietal bone, outline of
zygomatic arches, and constriction of the premaxillae where they border
the incisive foramina.

Considering the distinctive combination of characters possessed by
_tropicalis_, and its isolated, restricted geographic range (the
nearest known record of _Geomys_ is approximately 165 miles to the
north), _tropicalis_ is here regarded as a full species. A skull alone
examined from 10 miles northwest of Tampico does not differ from those
of other specimens studied.

The average weight of five non-pregnant July-taken females was 189.4
(180-200) grams. Weights of three males were 280, 270, and 255 grams.
Females are in all measurements smaller than males.

     _Measurements._--Average and extreme measurements of five
     females and three males from one mile south of Altamira are,
     respectively, as follows: 243.5 (235-250), 260, 260, 265;
     82.0 (78-85), 87, 93, 89; 32.2 (31-33), 35, 35, 33; ear from
     notch in both sexes, 5; condylobasal length, 42.3
     (41.3-43.1), 46.0, 48.0, 46.2; zygomatic breadth, 26.6
     (25.1-27.7), 30.4, 31.2, 30.5; interorbital constriction,
     6.2 (6.1-6.3), 6.0, 6.2, 6.3; length of nasals, 14.6
     (14.0-15.3), 17.0, 16.8, 15.9; alveolar length of maxillary
     tooth-row, 9.0 (8.6-9.3), 9.9, 10.0, 9.4.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 19: 1 mi. S
     Altamira, 18; 10 mi. NW Tampico, 1.

     Additional record: Altamira (Goldman, 1915:134).

=Heterogeomys hispidus negatus= Goodwin

Hispid Pocket Gopher

     1953. _Heterogeomys hispidus negatus_ Goodwin, Amer. Mus.
     Novit., 1620:1, May 4, type from Gómez Feras [Farías], 1300
     ft., Tamaulipas.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Known only from the vicinity
     of the type locality.

Specimens of this pocket gopher were taken in large Macabee traps, at
night with the aid of a dog, and by natives using slingshots. Mounds of
_H. hispidus_ were common two miles west of El Carrizo near banana
trees; the mouths of burrows were four to five inches in diameter. Two
females collected at this locality on April 16 and 17 were lactating.

Specimens examined of _H. hispidus_ from Tamaulipas resemble the
description of _H. h. negatus_ more than that of _H. h. concavus_, and
are referred, therefore, to _negatus_. I assume, on geographic grounds,
that the individuals reported by Hooper (1953:5) as _concavus_ are
_negatus_; they are here referred to as _negatus_. If this referral is
correct, the subspecies _concavus_ probably does not occur in

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 6: Ejido Santa
     Isabel, 2 km. W Pan-American Highway, 2000 ft., 1; 2 km. W
     El Carrizo, 1; 5 km. W El Carrizo, 4.

     Additional records: Rancho Pano Ayuctle (Hooper, 1953:5);
     Gómez Farías (Goodwin, 1953:1).

=Cratogeomys castanops=

Yellow-faced Pocket Gopher

Two subspecies of _Cratogeomys castanops_ occur in Tamaulipas, _C. c.
planifrons_ in the higher elevations of the Sierra Madre Oriental in
the western part of the state, and _C. c. tamaulipensis_ on the plains
of the Río Grande.

Specimens from Miquihuana were trapped in tunnels at 6400 feet
elevation. At Palmillas, individuals were trapped in an area of
mesquite, other bushes and "lechuguilla." Three specimens from
southeast of Reynosa were collected in traps set along the dikes of
irrigation ditches. Most specimens from Nicolás were brought by natives
to the collector, but some were caught in traps set in tunnels among
the desert bushes.

=Cratogeomys castanops planifrons= Nelson and Goldman

     1943. _Cratogeomys castanops planifrons_ Nelson and Goldman,
     Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 47:146, June 13, type from
     Miquihuana, 5000 ft., Tamaulipas.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Higher elevations in
     southwestern part of state.

Specimens from four miles north of Jaumave do not differ from specimens
from Miquihuana. The weights of nine females averaged 146.4 (110-210)
grams; three males weighed 178, 203, and 215 grams.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 29:
     Miquihuana, 6400 ft., 9; 4 mi. N Jaumave, 2500 ft., 5;
     Nicolás, 56 km. NW Tula, 5500 ft., 15.

=Cratogeomys castanops tamaulipensis= Nelson and Goldman

     1934. _Cratogeomys castanops tamaulipensis_ Nelson and
     Goldman, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 47:141, June 13, type
     from Matamoros, Tamaulipas.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Known only from two
     localities in extreme northern part of state, but probably
     occurs throughout northeastern part of state.

Three specimens from three miles southeast of Reynosa are referred to
_C. c. tamaulipensis_ on geographic grounds. They are tawny brown
dorsally instead of cinnamon brown or pinkish cinnamon as Nelson and
Goldman (1943:141) described _tamaulipensis_, and the basioccipital
bone (in one male) is parallel-sided instead of wedge-shaped. Possibly
this difference is owing to sex; Nelson and Goldman studied only one
adult, a female (the type), and the only adult seen by me was a male.

     _Measurements._--An adult male (58118) from three miles
     southeast of Reynosa, measured as follows: 301; 81; 40; 7;
     condylobasal length, 57.0; zygomatic breadth, 41.2; palatal
     length, 36.1; breadth of rostrum, 11.8; length of nasals,
     22.0; squamosal breadth, 34.0; alveolar length of maxillary
     tooth-row, 10.8.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 3, from 3 mi.
     SE Reynosa.

     Additional record: Matamoros (Nelson and Goldman, 1934:140).

=Perognathus merriami merriami= J. A. Allen

Merriam's Pocket Mouse

     1892. _Perognathus merriami_ J. A. Allen, Bull. Amer. Mus.
     Nat. Hist., 4:45, March 25, type from Brownsville, Cameron
     Co., Texas.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--State-wide except
     southwestern part.

Most of the available specimens of _P. m. merriami_ were collected in
the semi-arid areas of mesquite and grasses. At Soto la Marina _P. m.
merriami_ was abundant in open fields surrounded by brush. One female,
collected on July 4, one mile south of Altamira was lactating. Weights
of 16 adults from Soto la Marina and that of nine adults from the
vicinity of San Fernando are, respectively: 8.2 (7-10) and 8.1 (7-9)

Specimens from Tamaulipas are darker than those examined from Coahuila
and southern Texas. A skull picked up on the barrier beach, 73 miles
south of Washington Beach, differs from all other skulls examined in
having the rostrum (3.6 mm.) and M1 (4.3) wider, auditory bullae
relatively smaller, and glenoid fossa larger (2.6 instead of less than
2.3 in specimens from Soto la Marina).

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 46: 4-4.5 mi.
     S Nuevo Laredo, 900 ft., 4; 10 mi. S, 11 mi. E Nuevo Laredo,
     600 ft., 2; 1 mi. S Santa Teresa, 1; San Fernando, 180 ft.,
     1; 2 mi. W San Fernando, 180 ft., 14; 73 mi. S Washington
     Beach, 1; 12 mi. NW San Carlos, 1300 ft., 1; Soto la Marina,
     19; Ciudad Victoria, 1; 17 mi. SW Tula, 3900 ft., 1; 1 mi. S
     Altamira, 1.

     Additional records (Osgood, 1900:22, unless otherwise
     noted): Mier; Reynosa; Matamoros; 40 mi. S Matamoros
     (Hooper, 1953:5); Hidalgo; Altamira.

=Perognathus hispidus hispidus= Baird

Hispid Pocket Mouse

     1858. _Perognathus hispidus_ Baird, Mammals, in Repts. Expl.
     Surv. ..., 8(1):421, July 14, type from Charco Escondido,

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Central and northern parts of

Two specimens examined from the vicinity of Nuevo Laredo were trapped
in weeds and tall grass along an irrigation ditch that ran between
desert and a cornfield. One was a lactating female (November 15) and
weighed 31 grams; the other, an immature male, weighed 23 grams. A
May-taken specimen from Soto la Marina possesses a broader and more
ochraceous lateral line than the other three individuals examined from
Tamaulipas and the Texan specimens seen.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 4: 10 mi. S,
     11 mi. E Nuevo Laredo, 600 ft., 2; Soto la Marina, 500 ft.,
     1; 9-1/2 mi. SW Padilla, 800 ft., 1.

     Additional records (Osgood, 1900:44, unless otherwise
     noted): Mier; Matamoros; Charco Escondido (Baird, 1858:422);
     3 mi. W Soto la Marina (Hooper, 1953:5).

=Perognathus nelsoni nelsoni= Merriam

Nelson's Pocket Mouse

     1894. _Perognathus (Chaetodipus) nelsoni_ Merriam, Proc.
     Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 46:266, September 27, type
     from Hacienda La Parada, about 25 mi. NW Cd. San Luis
     Potosí, San Luis Potosí.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Known only from the west side
     of the Sierra Madre Oriental in southwestern part of state.

Most of the specimens examined were taken in semi-arid habitats where
the dominant plants were cactus, weeds and bushes.

In Tamaulipas, specimens from the southern localities (places labeled
with reference to Tula) are darker than those from the two northernmost
localities (Miquihuana and four miles north of Jaumave). Most
measurements are about equal in the southern and northern specimens,
but in some measurements southern specimens average slightly smaller
than those from the north. Greatest length of skull is a case in point.
The difference in size is reflected in the weights. Average weights of
nine males and nine females from southern localities are, respectively,
14.7 (12-16.5) and 13.8 (12-15.5) instead of 18.5 (17-20) and 17.0
(15-18) grams for four males and six females from the northern
localities. In general, Tamaulipan specimens average somewhat smaller
than those from other localities in eastern México (see measurements
given by Baker, 1956:238, Dalquest, 1953:107, and Osgood, 1900:53).

     _Measurements._--Average and extreme measurements of six
     specimens (2 males and 4 females) from Miquihuana, three
     males from four miles north of Jaumave, and five (3 males
     and 2 females) from nine miles southwest of Tula are,
     respectively, as follows: 176.2 (163-185), ----, 170, 173,
     (4 specimens only) 179.0 (165-186); 99.8 (97-105), ----, 90,
     93, (4 specimens only) 96.7 (88-104); 22.5 (21-23), 23, 23,
     24, 22.6 (22-23); 8 (8), 8, 8, 8, 8.8 (8-9); greatest length
     of skull, 26.1 (25.6-26.6), 25.8, 26.5, 26.9, 25.2
     (24.9-25.7); mastoid breadth, 13.3 (12.9-13.6), 13.2, 13.8,
     13.6, 13.1 (12.9-13.4); interorbital constriction, 6.4
     (6.1-6.6), 5.9, 6.3, 6.3, 6.3 (6.1-6.8); interparietal
     breadth, 7.4 (6.8-7.9), 7.7, 7.2, 7.2, 7.6 (7.3-7.9);
     alveolar length of maxillary tooth-row, 3.7 (3.5-4.0); 3.6,
     3.5, 3.6, 3.6 (3.5-3.8).

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 42:
     Miquihuana, 6300 ft., 7; 4 mi. N Jaumave, 2500 ft., 5;
     Nicolás, 56 km. NW Tula, 5500 ft., 10; Tajada, 23 mi. NW
     Tula, 5200 ft., 6; 8 mi. N Tula, 4500 ft., 1; 9 mi. SW Tula,
     3900 ft., 13.

     Additional record: Jaumave (Miller, 1924:284).

=Dipodomys ordii=

Ord's Kangaroo Rat

This species has a restricted geographic distribution in Tamaulipas,
although three subspecies occur in the state; two of them occur in the
extreme northeast and the other in the far west.

=Dipodomys ordii durranti= Setzer

     1949. _Dipodomys ordii fuscus_ Setzer, Univ. Kansas Publ.,
     Mus. Nat. Hist., 1:555, December 27, type from Jaumave,

     1952. _Dipodomys ordii durranti_ Setzer, Jour. Washington
     Acad. Sci., 42:391, December 17, a renaming of _D. o.
     fuscus_ Setzer, 1949.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Semi-desert areas in western
     part of state.

The specimen examined from four miles north of Jaumave was trapped in a
xeric area in which the vegetation consisted of mesquite, high palmlike
yuccas, and "lechugilla." Specimens from the vicinity of Tula were
trapped along bushy fence rows and adjacent to clumps of bushes and
cactus, or shot at night in an area in which the soil was a sandy loam
having relatively large amounts of gravel. The average weight of seven
specimens from Nicolás was 50.3 (42-60) grams.

According to Lidicker (1960:178 and in _litt._), the place called Lulú
that was ascribed to Tamaulipas by Setzer (1949:550), and from which
_D. o. durranti_ was reported, actually is in Zacatecas.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 19:
     Miquihuana, 6200 ft., 2; 4 mi. N Jaumave, 2500 ft., 3;
     Nicolás, 56 km. NW Tula, 12; 8 km. N Tula, 4500 ft., 2.

     Additional records (Setzer, 1949:556): Nuevo Laredo;

=Dipodomys ordii parvabullatus= Hall

     1951. _Dipodomys ordii parvabullatus_ Hall, Univ. Kansas
     Publ., Mus. Nat. Hist., 5:38, October 1, type from 88 mi. S
     and 10 mi. W Matamoros, Tamaulipas.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Known only from two islands
     off the barrier beach.

Weight of four adults averaged 49.2 (44-60) grams.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 17: 33 mi. S
     Washington Beach, 4; 88 mi. S, 10 mi. W Matamoros, 7; 90 mi.
     S, 10 mi. W Matamoros, 6.

=Dipodomys ordii compactus= True

     1889. _Dipodomys compactus_ True, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus.,
     11:160, January 5, type from Padre Island, Cameron Co.,

     1942. _Dipodomys ordii compactus_, Davis, Jour. Mamm.,
     23:332, August 13.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Reported only from Bagdad
     (Hall, 1951:41).

=Dipodomys merriami atronasus= Merriam

Merriam's Kangaroo Rat

     1894. _Dipodomys merriami atronasus_ Merriam, Proc. Biol.
     Soc. Washington, 9:113, June 21, type from Hacienda La
     Parada, about 25 mi. NW San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Mexican Plateau in western
     part of state.

Specimens examined are tentatively assigned to _Dipodomys merriami
atronasus_. They differ from typical _atronasus_ as pointed out by
Lidicker (1960:177). He noted that individuals from the eastern edge of
the range of _D. m. atronasus_ were slightly paler than typical
specimens, but I found Tamaulipan material to be much darker,
especially behind the nose and ears (blackish instead of brownish),
than specimens from Aguascalientes, San Luis Potosí and Zacatecas.

Specimens examined were collected under the same conditions and in the
same areas as _D. ordii durranti_. The average weight of 20 adults (11
females and nine males) was 46.6 (38-50) grams.

     _Records of occurrences._--Specimens examined, 27: Nicolás,
     56 km. NW Tula, 5500 ft., 16; Tajada, 23 mi. NW Tula, 5200
     ft., 4; 15 mi. N Tula, 1; 8 mi. N Tula, 4500 ft., 3; 9 mi.
     SW Tula, 3900 ft., 3.

     Additional record: Tula (Lidicker, 1960:178).

=Liomys irroratus=

Mexican Spiny Pocket Mouse

This species is probably the most common rodent in Tamaulipas. It was
taken at almost every locality sampled and was associated with many
other kinds of rodents. Its distribution is state-wide with the
exception of the extreme northwestern part. Two subspecies are
represented in Tamaulipas, _L. i. alleni_, which occurs in the western
side of the Sierra Madre Oriental in the southwest part of the state,
and _L. i. texensis_, which occupies the rest of the range of the
species in the state.

At Soto la Marina specimens were taken in dense brush, around the
cultivated fields; no burrows were seen and all specimens were trapped
before 10:00 p.m. On the Sierra de Tamaulipas, _Liomys_ was collected
in practically all microhabitats. In the vicinity of San Fernando,
individuals were trapped in a dry area in which vegetation consisted of
mesquite, cactus and chollas; the ground there was covered with dry
leaves and small sticks, and burrows were found near the base of the
mesquite bushes. One specimen was taken near the house of a woodrat.
Two kilometers west of El Carrizo, where _Liomys irroratus_ is called
"ratón tuza," specimens were collected on rocks inclined at an angle of
about twenty-five degrees that were covered with zacatón grass and
some bushes. Some individuals were taken in a sugar cane field that was
surrounded by bushes and tall grass; _Baiomys taylori_, _Sigmodon
hispidus_, and _Peromyscus leucopus_ were taken in the line of traps.
One specimen was caught in a trap baited with banana.

Some dates concerning reproduction of _Liomys irroratus_ in Tamaulipas
are as follows: La Pesca, May 25, one female lactating and one female
pregnant with 4 embryos that measured 8 mm.; Jaumave, July 26-29, three
females lactating and three pregnant females that carried 6 embryos (6
mm.), 6 embryos (15 mm.), and 5 embryos (15 mm.); Palmillas, July 23, a
female with 1 embryo measuring 6 mm.; Nicolás, October 19, a female
carrying 4 embryos measuring 3 mm.

=Liomys irroratus alleni= (Coues)

     1881. _Heteromys alleni_ Coues, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool.,
     8:187, March, type from Río Verde, San Luis Potosí.

     1911. _Liomys irroratus alleni_, Goldman, N. Amer. Fauna,
     34:56, September 7.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Extreme southwestern part of

This subspecies is easily distinguished from _L. i. texensis_ by the
following features: hind foot larger, 31.5 (30-33.5) instead of 27.8
(27-29); skull longer, 34.2 (32.4-36.4) instead of 31.5 (30.0-32.5);
maxillary tooth-row longer, 5.4 (5.0-5.8) instead of 5.0 (4.8-5.1);
interorbital constriction relatively narrower in _alleni_.
Intergradation between _L. i. alleni_ and _L. i. texensis_ takes place
at Rancho Santa Rosa (where, of the two specimens, one is conspicuously
larger than the other), eight kilometers northeast of Antiguo Morelos,
El Encino, and Ejido Santa Isabel. All specimens from the localities
mentioned are here assigned to _texensis_.

Weight of three pregnant females averaged 68.9 (64-78) grams, that of
non-pregnant females, 65.6 (64-68), and that of six males 73.0 (65-80).

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 34: Villa
     Mainero, 1700 ft., 2; Nicolás, 56 km. NW Tula, 5500 ft., 6;
     Jaumave, 2400 ft., 23; 16 mi. N, 6 mi. W Palmillas, 5500
     ft., 1; 14 mi. N, 6 mi. W Palmillas, 5500 ft., 2.

     Additional records: Miquihuana (Goldman, 1911:56); Tula
     (Hooper and Handley, 1958:18).

=Liomys irroratus texensis= Merriam

     1902. _Liomys texensis_ Merriam, Proc. Biol. Soc.
     Washington, 15:44, March 5, type from Brownsville, Cameron
     Co., Texas.

     1911. _Liomys irroratus texensis_, Goldman, N. Amer. Fauna,
     34:59, September 7.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--State-wide except extreme
     southwestern and northwestern parts.

Intergradation occurs between _L. i. texensis_ and _L. i. pretiosus_ in
southeastern Tamaulipas as noted previously by Hooper (1953:5).
Individuals from Altamira and one mile south thereof are small and dark
as in _pretiosus_, but cranial measurements are as in _texensis_ to
which they are here assigned. Specimens from the vicinity of Tampico
are typical _texensis_.

Average weight of the specimens from three different localities are as
follows: Soto la Marina, seven males, 42.7, 14 females, 36.9; Sierra de
Tamaulipas, 12 males, 47.3, 20 females, 40.7; Sierra Madre Oriental,
eight males, 45.5, nine females, 37.0 grams.

The specimens reported by Ingles (1959:394) from two miles south of El
Mante as _L. irroratus_ are here referred to _texensis_ on geographic

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 121: 7 km. S,
     2 km. W San Fernando, 7; 7 km. SW La Purisima, 1; Rancho
     Santa Rosa, 25 km. N, 13 km. W Cd. Victoria, 260 m., 2; 36
     km. N, 10 km. W Cd. Victoria, 1; 15 mi. N Cd. Victoria, 2; 4
     mi. N La Pesca, 5; Soto la Marina, 25; Sierra Madre
     Oriental, 5 mi. S, 3 mi. W Cd. Victoria, 1900 ft., 18;
     Sierra de Tamaulipas, 2 mi. S, 10 mi. W Piedra, 1200 ft.,
     36; Sierra de Tamaulipas, 3 mi. S, 10 mi. W Piedra, 1200
     ft., 1; Ejido Santa Isabel, 2 km. W Pan-American Highway,
     2000 ft., 3; Rancho Pano Ayuctle, 25 mi. N, 3 km. W El
     Mante, 300 ft., 1; Rancho Pano Ayuctle, 6 mi. N Gómez
     Farías, 300 ft., 8; 10 km. N, 8 km. W El Encino, 400 ft., 1;
     2 km. W El Carrizo, 6; 53 km. N El Limón, 4; 8 km. NE
     Antiguo Morelos, 2; Altamira, 1; 1 mi. S Altamira, 3; 10 mi.
     NW Tampico, 1; 7 km. N Tampico, 2.

     Additional records: Hidalgo (Goldman, 1911:59); Matamoros
     (_ibid._); Bagdad (_ibid._); Sierra de San Carlos (Hooper
     and Handley, 1948:20); 3 mi. W Soto la Marina (Hooper,
     1953:5); [Cd.] Victoria (Goldman, 1911: 59); Acuña (Hooper
     and Handley, 1948:20); Mesa de Llera (Hooper, 1953:5); Gómez
     Farías (Goodwin, 1954:9); 2 mi. S Cd. Mante (Ingles,
     1959:394); Antiguo Morelos (Hooper and Handley, 1948:20).

=Castor canadensis mexicanus= V. Bailey


     1913. _Castor canadensis mexicanus_ V. Bailey, Proc. Biol.
     Soc. Washington, 26:191, October 23, type from Ruidoso
     Creek, 6 mi. below Ruidoso, Lincoln Co., New Mexico.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Probably in the Río Grande

The beaver has been reported in Tamaulipas only from Matamoros (Baird,
1858:355--three specimens) and from 12 miles below, south of, Matamoros
(V. Bailey, 1905:124). In Tamaulipas the beaver may occur only in the
Río Grande drainage.

=Oryzomys palustris=

Marsh Rice Rat

Previous to this report only one subspecies of _Oryzomys palustris_ had
been recorded from Tamaulipas. Careful examination of the available
material from the state shows that _O. p. aquaticus_ occurs in the east
and _O. p. peragrus_ lives in the southwestern part of the state.

In general, specimens examined were trapped in dense brush alongside
waterholes as at Altamira, or around cornfields as at the place 36
kilometers north and 10 kilometers west of Ciudad Victoria, where the
bushes were mesquite and other kinds of Acacias. There the ground was
covered by cat claw, and no grass was seen near the traps in which _O.
palustris_ was caught. In the Sierra de Tamaulipas a specimen was
caught among rocks and bushes. Ingles (1959:395) reported that his
specimens were trapped alive in dense brush and "tules."

A female taken at Jaumave on July 25 had 5 embryos, each 20 mm. in
crown-rump length.

=Oryzomys palustris aquaticus= J. A. Allen

     1891. _Oryzomys aquaticus_ J. A. Allen, Bull. Amer. Mus.
     Nat. Hist., 3:289, June 30, type from Brownsville, Cameron
     Co., Texas.

     1918. _Oryzomys couesi aquaticus_, Goldman, N. Amer. Fauna,
     43:39, September 23.

     1960. _Oryzomys palustris aquaticus_, Hall, The Southwestern
     Nat., 5:173, November 1.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--North part of state, and
     coastal area south to Tampico.

Weights of two males were 80 and 82, and of a female 66 grams.

_Oryzomys palustris aquaticus_ differs from _O. p. peragrus_ in having
a rich cinnamon, reddish color and the interorbital region constricted
to less than 14.7 per cent of the greatest length of the skull. _O. p.
peragrus_ is ochraceous and grayish. The least width of its
interorbital region is more than 14.5 per cent of the greatest length
of the skull. Individuals studied from the Sierra de Tamaulipas are
typical _aquaticus_. Of those from Altamira, one has the color as in
_aquaticus_, but the color of the other two resembles that of
_peragrus_; nevertheless, all of the mentioned specimens are here
assigned to _aquaticus_.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 4: Sierra de
     Tamaulipas, 10 mi. W, 2 mi. S Piedra, 1200 ft., 1; 6 mi. N,
     6 mi. W Altamira, 2; 5 mi. N, 5 mi. W Altamira, 1.

     Additional records: Camargo (Goldman, 1918:40); Matamoros
     (_ibid._); near Cd. Tampico (Ingles, 1958:395).

=Oryzomys palustris peragrus= Merriam

     1901. _Oryzomys mexicanus peragrus_ Merriam, Proc.
     Washington Acad. Sci., 3:283, July 26, type from Río Verde,
     San Luis Potosí.

     1918. _Oryzomys couesi peragrus_, Goldman, N. Amer. Fauna,
     43:39, September 23.

     1960. _Oryzomys palustris peragrus_, Hall, The Southwestern
     Nat., 5:173, November 1.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Western part of state, along
     Sierra Madre Oriental.

Two males from Jaumave weighed 62 and 65 and one pregnant female
weighed 67 grams.

Most records of _O. p. peragrus_ are from places along the Sierra Madre
Oriental, but Lawrence (1947:103) recorded a specimen from the Río
Corona, which is east of, but not far from the mentioned Sierra. Baker
(1951:215) reported two specimens from two different localities labeled
with reference to Ciudad Victoria (same specimens reported here) as _O.
p. aquaticus_, but pointed out that they tended "toward the darker _O.
c. peragrus_." Examination of more material and taking into
consideration the relation between the interorbital constriction and
the greatest length of skull, cause me here to refer those specimens to

Hooper (1953:8) reported three young specimens from Rancho Pano Ayuctle
as of the subspecies _aquaticus_, but study of two adults from the same
locality reveals that this locality should be included within the
geographic range of _peragrus_.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 9: 36 km. N,
     10 km. W Cd. Victoria, 1; Jaumave, 2400 ft., 5; Rancho Pano
     Ayuctle, 25 mi. N, 3 km. W El Mante, 2; 70 km. S Cd.
     Victoria (by highway) and 6 km. W of Highway, 1.

     Additional records: Río Corana (Lawrence, 1947:103); Pano
     Ayuctle (Hooper, 1953:8).

=Oryzomys melanotis=

Black-eared Rice Rat

_Oryzomys melanotis_ occurs in Tamaulipas from Soto la Marina
southward. Two subspecies are recorded: _O. m. carrorum_ in the north
and _O. m. rostratus_ in the tropical area from Rancho Pano Ayuctle to

Specimens from the Sierra de Tamaulipas were trapped along a stream,
edged with trees, bushes and rocks; at Rancho Pano Ayuctle the animals
were in grass between banana groves. The specimen from 70 kilometers
south of Ciudad Victoria was taken in tall grass near a field of sugar
cane in a line of traps that yielded also _Peromyscus leucopus_,
_Sigmodon hispidus_, _Liomys irroratus_, and _Oryzomys fulvescens_.
Hooper (1953:8) and Ingles (1959:395) reported _O. melanotis_ as caught
at the edges of cane fields.

=Oryzomys melanotis carrorum= Lawrence

     1947. _Oryzomys rostratus carrorum_ Lawrence, Proc. New
     England Zool. Club, 24:101, May 29, type from Rancho Santa
     Ana, about 8 mi. SW Padilla, Río Soto la Marina, Tamaulipas.

     1959. _Oryzomys melanotis carrorum_, Hall and Kelson, The
     Mammals of North America, 2:560, March 21.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Southeast part of state;
     known only from the type locality and the Sierra de

The original description of this subspecies was based on three
specimens collected at Rancho Santa Ana. Specimens examined from the
Sierra de Tamaulipas extended the known range 45 miles southeast of the
type locality, and also extend the previously known altitudinal range
of 300-350 feet elevation to 1200 feet.

Specimens examined correspond in color and measurements to those
recorded by Lawrence (1947:102-103). Of 12 specimens studied, the
tympanic bullae of six touch the surface of the table when the skull
rests on the tips of the incisors and the occipital condyles. In the
other six the bullae are 0.3 to 1.3 mm. above the table top. The
mesopterygoid space in the specimens examined are broad and U-shaped
and not V-shaped as in the three specimens examined by Lawrence (_op.
cit._). Weight of six males was 52.5 (48-63) and of four females 44.7
(40-49) grams.

     _Measurements._--Average and extreme measurements of six
     males are as follows: 255.3 (240-269); 135.7 (120-147);
     135.7 (120-147); 30.4 (30-31); 21 (20-22); greatest length
     of skull, 31.6 (30.9-32.5); zygomatic breadth, 15.3
     (14.7-16.1); interorbital constriction, 4.8 (4.5-5.1);
     breadth of skull, 31.6 (30.9-32.5); length of nasals, 12.9
     (12.4-13.4); length of anterior palatine foramina, 5.5
     (5.2-5.7); length of palatal bridge, 6.1 (5.8-6.4); length
     of maxillary tooth-row, 4.0 (3.9-4.1). The females average
     slightly smaller.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 12 from Sierra
     de Tamaulipas, 10 mi. W, 2 mi. S Piedra, 1200 ft.

     Additional record: Type locality (Lawrence, 1947:102).

=Oryzomys melanotis rostratus= Merriam

     1901. _Oryzomys rostratus_ Merriam, Proc. Washington Acad.
     Sci., 3:293. July 26, type from Metlatoyuca, Puebla.

     1953. _Oryzomys melanotis rostratus_, Hooper, Occ. Papers
     Mus. Zool., Univ. Michigan, 544:8, March 25.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Extreme southeastern part of
     state, in tropical area.

Ingles (1959:395) reported one specimen from two miles north of Ciudad
Mante as _O. melanotis_; here it is referred to _O. m. rostratus_ on
geographic grounds.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 2: 2 km. W El
     Carrizo, 1; Rancho Pano Ayuctle, 25 mi. N El Mante and 3 km.
     W Highway, 1.

     Additional records: 2 mi. N Cd. Mante (Ingles, 1959:395);
     Altamira (Goldman, 1918:54).

=Oryzomys alfaroi huastecae= Dalquest

     1951. _Oryzomys alfaroi huastecae_ Dalquest, Jour.
     Washington Acad. Sci., 41:363, November 14, type from 10 km.
     E Platanito, San Luis Potosí.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Known only from Rancho del
     Cielo (Hooper, 1953:8).

=Oryzomys fulvescens=

Pygmy Rice Rat

The pygmy rice rat in Tamaulipas was collected in grass. Two kilometers
west of El Carrizo in grass around a sugar cane field, traps, baited
with scraps of deer meat, caught _Oryzomys fulvescens_, _Sigmodon
hispidus_, _Peromyscus leucopus_ and _Liomys irroratus_. Seven
kilometers north of Tampico, _O. fulvescens_ was taken along with
_Peromyscus leucopus_, _Sigmodon hispidus_ and _Baiomys taylori_.

A female obtained on March 2, at Rancho Pano Ayuctle, had 4 embryos 16
mm. in crown-rump length.

=Oryzomys fulvescens fulvescens= (Saussure)

     1860. _H[esperomys]. fulvescens_ Saussure, Revue et Mag.
     Zool., Paris, ser. 2, 12:102, March, type from Veracruz;
     fixed by Merriam (Proc. Washington Acad. Sci., 3:295, July
     26, 1901) at Orizaba.

     1897. _Oryzomys fulvescens_, J. A. Allen and Chapman, Bull.
     Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 9:204, June 16.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Reported only from Rancho del
     Cielo (Goodwin, 1954:10).

=Oryzomys fulvescens engracie= Osgood

     1945. _Oryzomys fulvescens engracie_ Osgood, Jour. Mamm.,
     26:300, November 14, type from Hacienda Santa Engracia (32
     km. N), NW of Cd. Victoria, Tamaulipas.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Central and southeast parts
     of state.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 13: 2 km. W El
     Carrizo, 5; Rancho Pano Ayuctle, 25 mi. N, 3 km. W El Mante,
     6; 10 km. N, 8 km. W El Encino, 1; 7 km. N Tampico, 1.

     Additional record: Altamira (Osgood, 1945:300).

=Reithrodontomys megalotis hooperi= Goodwin

Western Harvest Mouse

     1954. _Reithrodontomys megalotis hooperi_ Goodwin, Amer.
     Mus. Novit., 1660:1, May 25, type from Rancho del Cielo, 5
     mi. NW Gómez Farías, 3500 ft., Tamaulipas.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Known only from type

=Reithrodontomys fulvescens=

Fulvous Harvest Mouse

This is the most common species of _Reithrodontomys_ in Tamaulipas; it
occurs in almost all parts of the state, from sea level to high up in
the mountains and from the tropical forest to the desert plain.

The three subspecies in the state are _R. f. intermedias_ in the
northern half, _R. f. griseoflavus_ in the high parts of the Sierra
Madre Oriental, and _R. f. tropicalis_ in the southeast. The lines
between these subspecies are difficult to establish because the zones
of intergradation are broad. Characters for separating the three
subspecies in Tamaulipas are listed by Hooper (1952).

=Reithrodontomys fulvescens griseoflavus= Merriam

     1901. _Reithrodontomys griseoflavus_ Merriam, Proc.
     Washington Acad. Sci., 3:553, November 29, type from Ameca,
     4000 ft., Jalisco.

     1952. _Reithrodontomys fulvescens griseoflavus_, Hooper,
     Miscl. Publ. Mus. Zool., Univ. Michigan, 77:98, January 16.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Known only from Jaumave.

Only specimens from Jaumave are clearly _R. f. griseoflavus_; all
others east of this locality are intergrades between _griseoflavus_ and
_tropicalis_, under which latter subspecies they are included. In
_griseoflavus_ the tail is longer in relation to the head and body,
141.2 (135-153) per cent, than in the other two subspecies that occur
in Tamaulipas. The average weight of 14 males was 14 (12-16) grams.

     _Record of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 15, from
     Jaumave, 2400 ft.

=Reithrodontomys fulvescens intermedius= J. A. Allen

     1895. _Reithrodontomys mexicanus intermedius_ J. A. Allen,
     Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 7:136, May 21, type from
     Brownsville, Cameron Co., Texas.

     1914. _Reithrodontomys fulvescens intermedius_, A. H.
     Howell, N. Amer. Fauna, 36:47, June 5.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Northern half of state.

No specimen of this subspecies has been examined. Jones and Anderson
(1958:447) reported specimens from Rancho Pano Ayuctle as _R. f.
intermedius_, but here those same specimens are assigned to _R. f.
tropicalis_. J. A. Allen (1891:223) recorded specimens from Santa
Teresa as _Ochetodon mexicanus_. According to Hooper (1952:142) that
name was used by Allen for _R. fulvescens_. Allen's specimens from
Santa Teresa are here referred to _R. f. intermedius_ on geographic

     _Records_ (Hooper, 1952:108): Camargo, 200 ft.; 20 mi. S
     Reynosa, Charco Escondido; Matamoros, 30 ft.; 7.5 mi. S
     Matamoros; 29 mi. S Cd. Victoria, 800 ft.; Hacienda Santa
     Engracia, 800 ft.; Santa Teresa (50 mi. SW Matamoros);
     Sierra San Carlos (El Mulato, Tamaulipeca, 1500 ft.).

=Reithrodontomys fulvescens tropicalis= Davis

     1944. _Reithrodontomys fulvescens tropicalis_ Davis, Jour.
     Mamm., 25:393, December 12, type from Boca del Río, 8 km. S
     city of Veracruz, Veracruz.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Tropical area in southeastern
     part of state.

Most of the specimens examined of _R. fulvescens_ are included in this
subspecies, principally because of their reddish coloration that is
characteristic of _R. f. tropicalis_. According to the original
description by Davis (1944:393) this subspecies is smaller than
_griseoflavus_ and the posterior border of the incisive foramina
terminate anterior to the plane of the molars. But, these
characteristics are not found in any specimen examined from Tamaulipas
and the average of external measurements is more than those given by
Hooper (1952:109) for _tropicalis_. Of all specimens from Tamaulipas,
those from the vicinity of Altamira and Tampico are most nearly typical
of _tropicalis_. Weights of seven males and five females, from the
Sierra de Tamaulipas, were, respectively, 13 (11-15), and 11 (9-14)

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 51: Rancho
     Santa Rosa, 25 km. N, 13 km. W Cd. Victoria, 1; Cd.
     Victoria, 3; Sierra de Tamaulipas, 10 mi. W, 2 mi. S Piedra,
     1200 ft., 12; 2 km. W El Carrizo, 1; Ejido Santa Isabel, 2
     km. W Pan-American Highway, 2000 ft., 14; Rancho Pano
     Ayuctle, 25 mi. N, 3 km. W El Mante, 300 ft., 4; Rancho Pano
     Ayuctle, 6 mi. N Gómez Farías, 300 ft., 4; 6 mi. N, 6 mi. W
     Altamira, 2; 1 mi. S Altamira, 3; 16 km. N Tampico, 3; 7 km.
     N Tampico, 4.

     Additional records: Hidalgo (Hooper, 1952:110); 5 mi. NE
     Gómez Farías, 1100 ft. (_ibid._); La Azteca, 5 km. NNE Gómez
     Farías (Goodwin, 1954:11); Gómez Farías (_ibid._); Antiguo
     Morelos (Hooper, 1952:110); 2 mi. W Tampico (Ingles,

=Reithrodontomys mexicanus mexicanus= (Saussure)

Mexican Harvest Mouse

     1860. _R[eithrodon]. mexicanus_ Saussure, Revue et Mag.
     Zool., Paris, ser. 2, 12:109, type from mountains of
     Veracruz; restricted to Mirador, Veracruz, by Hooper, Miscl.
     Publ. Mus. Zool., Univ. Michigan, 77:140, January 16.

     1914, _Reithrodontomys mexicanus mexicanus_, A. H. Howell,
     N. Amer. Fauna, 36:70, June 5. Not _Reithrodontomys
     mexicanus_ (Saussure), being instead of J. A. Allen,
     1895:135, which in part equalled _Reithrodontomys fulvescens

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Known from two localities,
     but probably occurs in all tropical areas in south part of

As noted before, J. A. Allen (1891:223) reported specimens from Rancho
Santa Rosa as _Ochetodon mexicanus_, but he used this name for the
species now known as _R. fulvescens_.

The specimen examined, previously reported by Jones and Anderson
(1958:447), represents the northernmost occurrence of the species.

     _Records of occurrence._--One specimen examined from Rancho
     Pano Ayuctle, 6 mi. N Gómez Farías, 300 ft.

     Additional record: Rancho del Cielo, 3500 ft. (Hooper,

=Peromyscus maniculatus blandus= Osgood

Deer Mouse

     1904. _Peromyscus sonoriensis blandus_ Osgood, Proc. Biol.
     Soc. Washington, 17:56, March 21, type from Escalón,

     1909. _Peromyscus maniculatus blandus_ Osgood, N. Amer.
     Fauna, 28:84, April 17.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Reported only from Miquihuana
     (Osgood, 1909:86).

=Peromyscus melanotis= J. A. Allen and Chapman

Black-eared Mouse

     1897. _Peromyscus melanotis_ J. A. Allen and Chapman, Bull.
     Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 9:203, June 16, type from Las Vigas,

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Known only from Miquihuana
     (Osgood, 1909:112).

=Peromyscus leucopus texanus= (Woodhouse)

White-footed Mouse

     1853. _Hesperomys texana_ Woodhouse, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci.
     Philadelphia, 6:242, type probably from vicinity of Mason,
     Mason Co., Texas.

     1909. _Peromyscus leucopus texanus_, Osgood, N. Amer. Fauna,
     28:127, April 17.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Over all of state.

This is the most common species of the genus _Peromyscus_ in
Tamaulipas. It and _Liomys irroratus_ are the two rodents most easily
trapped throughout the state. In general _P. l. texanus_ occurs in
forested and brushy areas especially under 1200 feet in elevation, as
was noted in the Sierra de Tamaulipas, where _P. l. texanus_ was taken
commonly at elevations of up to 1200 feet. Above this elevation the
species was rare and _P. pectoralis_ and _P. boylii_ were more abundant
than at lower elevations. The three specimens of _P. l. texanus_ from
12 kilometers north and four kilometers west of Ciudad Victoria were
trapped in a line of 110 traps set near tree stumps. Small burrows in
the ground were noted here. The forest at this locality was composed of
mesquite, ebony, acacias, a few yuccas and "nopales" (= cactuses); the
ground was covered by cat claw.

Of the many young taken, 15 specimens were saved from Ejido Santa
Isabel where _P. leucopus_ was abundant in an area of chaparral
consisting of wild "tomate," "zapote," "huizache" and "salvadora." Most
of the specimens caught at this locality were taken between 7:30 and
9:30 p. m. in traps baited with a mixture of rolled oats, peanut butter
and banana. Specimens from 53 kilometers north of El Limón were taken
along with _Liomys irroratus_; the specimen from two kilometers west of
El Carrizo was trapped near a dead mesquite log. _Reitrodontomys
fulvescens_ was taken in the same area. Four specimens of _P. leucopus_
were taken at Rancho Pano Ayuctle, around a big pile of old firewood in
an abandoned sugar mill. At the locality six miles north and six miles
west of Altamira, _P. leucopus_ was found in cultivated fields and
along the grassy roadsides; in the vicinity of Tampico specimens were
taken in an area of forested cactus-thorn. The specimen from seven
kilometers south and two kilometers west of San Fernando was found in a
trap set at the base of "nopal" cactus, which was surrounded by bushes
and small trees (10-12 feet high).

Breeding records are as follows: Rancho Pano Ayuctle, on February 15,
one female carried 2 embryos of 23 mm. in crown-rump length; Jaumave,
July 26 to 29, five females, averaging 4.6 (3-6) embryos of 7 (3-15)
mm., two females lactating, one on May 25 and the other on July 26;
Ejido Santa Isabel, on January 20 to 25, three females lactating; Soto
la Marina, on May 16, one female lactating.

Average weights were as follows: from Jaumave four pregnant females,
28.0 (25-33), eight males, 23.4 (21-27); from the Sierra de Tamaulipas,
eight females non-pregnant, 21.2 (18-26), 14 males, 22.0 (19-27); from
6 mi. N, 6 mi. W Altamira, six males, 23.5 (21-27).

All specimens examined from Tamaulipas are assigned to _P. l. texanus_
because their coloration is pale. Even so the color varies some
according to locality; specimens from Rancho Pano Ayuctle and the
Sierra de Tamaulipas have much of the cinnamon color that is
characteristic of _P. l. incensus_ from farther south, but even so
specimens from the two localities last mentioned are paler than those
from Veracruz that are typical _incensus_.

Goldman (1942:158) reported specimens from Altamira as _P. l.
incensus_, in which subspecies Ingles (1959:397) included specimens
from two miles west of Tampico, but specimens examined from the same
area do not differ from individuals from far north thereof; for this
reason I identify specimens from these localities as _texanus_. Osgood
(1909:131) and Hooper (1953:7) also referred specimens from the
southern part of Tamaulipas to _texanus_. These two authors examined
156 specimens and did not find any intergradation between _texanus_ and
_incensus_, but to me, the cinnamon tones of specimens from Rancho Pano
Ayuctle and the Sierra de Tamaulipas, suggest intergradation between
the two subspecies.

Osgood's (1909:265) measurements of _P. l. texanus_, from Brownsville,
Texas, and those of 40 specimens from different localities in
Tamaulipas are about the same except that the anterior palatine
foramina average longer in Tamaulipas. Baker's (1956:262) specimens
from Coahuila, averaged larger even than Tamaulipan specimens. Another
difference between Osgood's measurements and Baker's was the shorter
3.4 (3.0-3.7) maxillary tooth-row in Tamaulipan specimens.

Hooper (1953:7) recorded specimens from General Terán, as in
Tamaulipas; actually this locality is in Nuevo León.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 149: 4.5 mi. S
     Nuevo Laredo, 1; 3 mi. SE Reynosa, 2; 7 km. S, 2 km. W San
     Fernando, 1; Villa Mainero, 1700 ft., 1; Rancho Santa Rosa,
     25 km. N, 13 km. W Cd. Victoria, 260 m., 2; 9.5 mi. SW
     Padilla, 800 ft., 2; 15 mi. N Cd. Victoria, 2; 4 mi. N La
     Pesca, 1; Soto la Marina, 11; La Pesca, 1; 12 km. N, 4 km. W
     Cd. Victoria, 3; 7 km. NE Cd. Victoria, 1; Sierra de
     Tamaulipas, 10 mi. W, and 2 mi. S Piedra, 1200 ft., 31;
     Ejido Eslabones, 10 mi. W, 2 mi. S Piedra, 1200 ft., 6;
     Jaumave, 20; Ejido Santa Isabel, 2 km. W Pan-American
     Highway, 2000 ft., 15; 53 km. N El Limón, 12 km. S Río
     Guayalejo, 5; Rancho Pano Ayuctle, 25 mi. N El Mante, 3 km.
     W Highway, 300 ft., 16; Rancho Pano Ayuctle, 6 mi. N Gómez
     Farías, 300 ft., 7; 8 km. W, 10 km. N El Encino, 400 ft., 3;
     8 mi. N Tula, 4500 ft., 2; 2 km. W El Carrizo, 3; 6 mi. N,
     6 mi. W Altamira, 9; 16 km. N Tampico, 1; 7 km. N Tampico, 3.

     Additional records (Osgood, 1909:131, unless otherwise
     noted): Nuevo Laredo; Mier; Camargo; near Bagdad; Sierra San
     Carlos (Hooper, 1953:7); Matamoros-Victoria Highway
     (_ibid._); Charco Escondido (Baird, 1858:464); Hidalgo; Cd.
     Victoria; 10 mi. NE Zamorina (Hooper, 1953:7); Gómez Farías
     (Goodwin, 1954:12); Chamal (_ibid._); Tula (Hooper, 1953:7);
     Antiguo Morelos (_ibid._); Altamira (Goldman, 1942:158); 2
     mi. W Tampico (Ingles, 1959:397); Tampico.

=Peromyscus boylii=

Brush Mouse

Specimens examined were obtained at higher elevations in the oak-tree
zone of the Sierras in traps set among rocks, trees and in grassy
areas. _Peromyscus boylii_ was trapped in the same area as was _P.
pectoralis_ and no habitat distinction between the two was noted. Some
behavioral differences, however, are pointed out in the account of _P.
pectoralis_. Morphological differences between these two species in
Tamaulipas were reported by Hooper (1952:372).

A female taken on August 5 in the Sierra Madre Oriental carried two
embryos 15 mm. in crown-rump length.

For the taxonomic status of _P. boylii_ in Tamaulipas see Alvarez

=Peromyscus boylii ambiguus= Alvarez

     1961. _Peromyscus boylii ambiguus_ Alvarez, Univ. Kansas
     Publ. Mus. Nat. Hist., 14:118, December 29, type from
     Monterrey, Nuevo León.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Known only from the Sierra
     San Carlos.

     _Record of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 7 (UMMZ), all
     from La Vegonia, Sierra San Carlos.

=Peromyscus boylii levipes= Merriam

     1898. _Peromyscus levipes_ Merriam, Proc. Biol. Soc.
     Washington, 12:123, April 30, type from Mt. Malinche, 8400
     ft., Tlaxcala.

     1909. _Peromyscus boylii levipes_, Osgood, N. Amer. Fauna,
     28:153, April 17.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Central and southern parts of

Weights of 19 males and 18 females from the Sierra Madre Oriental are,
respectively, 25.2 (22-30) and 23.6 (20-29); weights of eight males and
five females from the Sierra de Tamaulipas are 24.9 (22-32) and 29.6

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 54: Sierra
     Madre Oriental, 8 mi. S, 6 mi. W Victoria, 4000 ft., 37; 5
     mi. S, 3 mi. W Victoria, 1900 ft., 2; Ejido Eslabones, 10
     mi. W, 2 mi. S Piedra, 1200 ft., 1; Sierra de Tamaulipas, 11
     mi. W, 8 mi. S Piedra, 2000 ft., 13; 2 km. W El Carrizo, 1.

     Additional records: Rancho del Cielo (Hooper, 1953:7); 3 mi.
     NW Acuña (_ibid._); Rancho Viejo (Goodwin, 1954:12); Santa
     María (_ibid._); Joya de Salas (_ibid._).

=Peromyscus pectoralis=

White-ankled Mouse

_Peromyscus pectoralis_ and _P. boylii_ are closely related
morphologically and seem to occupy the same habitat. In the Sierra
Madre Oriental, according to the field notes of the collector
(Heinrich, June 6 to August 5, 1953), individuals of _P. pectoralis_
had a pinkish coloration on the mouth and forefeet produced by the
juice of the "nopal" cactus fruit, on which obviously the mice feed,
whereas only a few specimens of _boylii_ were thus discolored. It was
noted that _boylii_ was feeding on acorns. Furthermore, the two species
may differ in time of breeding; in August, males of _pectoralis_ had
the testes well developed when those organs were small in _boylii_
collected at the same locality.

A specimen from 53 kilometers north of El Limón, was shot at a height
of 10 feet on a concrete underpass. Other specimens were taken in a
trap line that yielded _Peromyscus boylii_, _P. leucopus_ and _Liomys

Two subspecies of _P. pectoralis_ occur in Tamaulipas: _P. p. collinus_
is widely distributed in the central and western parts of the state and
_P. p. eremicoides_ occurs only in the western "corner" of the state.

=Peromyscus pectoralis collinus= Hooper

     1952. _Peromyscus pectoralis collinus_ Hooper, Jour. Mamm.,
     33:372, August 19, type from San José, 2000 ft., Sierra San
     Carlos, 12 mi. NW San Carlos, Tamaulipas.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Along the central and western

A female obtained on January 21 at a place 53 kilometers north of El
Limón, contained three embryos. A lactating female was taken on August
2 in the Sierra Madre Oriental. Males, as previously noted, had
well-developed testes in August. The weights of 17 males and 20 females
from the Sierra de Tamaulipas were, respectively, 26.6 (24-33), and
25.6 (21-31) grams.

Measurements of specimens from different localities in Tamaulipas
averaged about the same, except that those of specimens from Palmillas,
averaged smaller. The small size suggests intergradation between the
subspecies _collinus_ and _eremicoides_. The latter occurs to the west
and differs from _collinus_ in smaller size, more grayish coloration,
completely white tarsal joint and relatively longer tail. Hooper
(1952:374) reported specimens from Jaumave as intergrades between the
two subspecies before mentioned and Osgood (1909:164) identified two
specimens from there as _eremicoides_. In the present account,
individuals from Palmillas and Jaumave are referred to _collinus_.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 101: 7 km. SW
     La Purisima, 1; Sierra Madre Oriental, 5 mi. S, 3 mi. W
     Victoria, 1900 ft., 12; Sierra Madre Oriental, 8 mi. S, 6
     mi. W Victoria, 4000 ft., 16; Sierra de Tamaulipas, 2 mi. S,
     10 mi. W Piedra, 1200 ft., 36; Sierra de Tamaulipas, 3 mi.
     S, 14 mi. W Piedra, 1200 ft., 14; 14 mi. N, 6 mi. W
     Palmillas, 5500 ft., 1; Palmillas, 4400 ft., 3; 53 km. N El
     Limón, 12 km. S Río Guayalejo, 5; Joya Verde, 35 km. SW
     Victoria, 3800 ft., 9; 10 km. N, 8 km. El Encino, 400 ft.,
     1; 8 km. NE Antiguo Morelos, 500 ft., 3.

     Additional records (Hooper, 1952:374, unless otherwise
     noted): Sierra San Carlos (Marmolejo, 1700 ft., San José,
     2000 ft., Tamaulipeca, 1500 ft., La Vegonia, 2900 ft.);
     Villagran, 1300 ft.; Cd. Victoria; near Jaumave, 2400 ft.;
     Sierra de Tamaulipas, near Acuña, 1600 ft.; La Joya de Salas
     (Goodwin, 1954:12).

=Peromyscus pectoralis eremicoides= Osgood

     1904. _Peromyscus attwateri eremicoides_ Osgood, Proc. Biol.
     Soc. Washington, 17:60, March 21, type from Mapimi, Durango.

     1909. _Peromyscus pectoralis eremicoides_, Lyon and Osgood,
     Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 62:128, January 28.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Known only from Miquihuana
     and vicinity of Tula.

The two specimens from Miquihuana are typical _P. pectoralis
eremicoides_ in external and cranial measurements. Specimens from nine
miles southwest of Tula are characteristic of _eremicoides_ in cranial
measurements but the tail is shorter than usual for this subspecies, in
this respect approaching _P. p. lacianus_.

     _Measurements._--Average and extreme measurements of 10
     specimens from nine miles southwest of Tula and measurements
     of two males (56169, 56415) from Miquihuana are,
     respectively, as follows: 181.5 (173-197), 180, 197; 96.2;
     (87-110), 103, 113; 20.2 (19.0-21.5), 21, 21; 18.1
     (16.5-19.0), 18, --; greatest length of skull, 24.8
     (24.1-25.6), 25.5, 25.6; length of nasals, 9.0 (8.6-9.3),
     9.3, 9.3; zygomatic breadth, 12.2 (11.7-12.8), 12.3, 12.9;
     interorbital constriction, 3.8 (3.7-4.0), 3.7, 3.9; length
     of maxillary tooth-row, 3.6 (3.5-3.7), 3.6, 3.8. Weights of
     the 10 specimens from nine miles southwest of Tula average
     17.9 (16-24) grams.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 28:
     Miquihuana, 6200 ft., 2; Nicolás, 56 km. NW Tula, 5500 ft.,
     1; Tajada, 23 mi. NW Tula, 5200 ft., 1; 8 mi. N Tula, 4500
     ft., 2; 9 mi. SW Tula, 3900 ft., 19; 17 mi. SW Tula, 3900
     ft., 3.

=Peromyscus melanophrys consobrinus= Osgood

Plateau Mouse

     1904. _Peromyscus melanophrys consobrinus_ Osgood, Proc.
     Biol. Soc. Washington, 17:66, March 21, type from
     Berriozabal, Zacatecas.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Mexican Plateau part of

A lactating female caught on July 20 and four males from Miquihuana
weighed, respectively, 51, and 50.2 (47-54) grams. A female, taken on
July 24, 14 miles north and six miles west of Palmillas in a valley
covered by mesquite and other bushes, had 3 embryos 10 mm. in
crown-rump length, and weighed 60 grams. One specimen from nine miles
southwest of Tula was caught in an outcrop of rocks and two others were
taken among bushes on the desert. A female on October 10 carried 4
embryos 2 mm. in crown-rump length.

Specimens of _P. melanophrys_ here listed are the first to be reported
from Tamaulipas. They are assigned to the subspecies _consobrinus_ on
the basis of dark color and because their size closely corresponds to
that of the holotype. The specimen from the vicinity of Palmillas and
one from Miquihuana (56408) are larger than the others and grayish.

A specimen (56413) from Miquihuana lacks all the molariform teeth. Its
alveoli in one maxilla are closed and those in the opposite maxilla are
more open than is normal.

     _Measurements._--Average and extreme measurements of four
     males, two females (56413, 56408) from Miquihuana, and a
     female (56414) from 14 miles north and 6 miles west of
     Palmillas, are, respectively, as follows: total length (two
     males only), 249, 245, 265, 247, 280; length of tail
     vertebrae (two males only), 137, 134, 141, 131, 157; length
     of hind foot, 26.7 (26-27), 27, 27, 27; ear from notch, 23.7
     (23-24), 25, 24, 25; greatest length of skull, 30.3
     (29.5-31.0), 31.2, 31.8, 32.2; interorbital constriction,
     4.8 (4.7-4.9), 4.9, 4.8, 5.0; length of palatine slits, 6.6
     (6.2-6.8), 6.9, 6.9, 6.8; length of diastema, 8.1 (8.0-8.3),
     --, 8.5, 8.5; alveolar length of maxillary tooth-row, 4.5
     (4.3-4.7), --, 4.3, 4.6.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 16:
     Miquihuana, 6200 ft., 6; 14 mi. N, 6 mi. W Palmillas, 5500
     ft., 1; Nicolás, 56 km. NW Tula, 5500 ft., 6; 9 mi. SW Tula,
     3900 ft., 3.

=Peromyscus difficilis petricola= Hoffmeister and de la Torre

Zacatecan Deer Mouse

     1959. _Peromyscus difficilis petricola_ Hoffmeister and de
     la Torre, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 72:167, November 4,
     type from 12 mi. E San Antonio de las Alazanas, 9000 ft.,

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Westernmost part of state.

The three specimens from Miquihuana were collected among rocks and
stumps, in an oak forest. The specimens from 20 miles north of Tula
were collected after midnight on a hillside covered mainly with juniper
brush. A female (October 11) carried 3 embryos 26 mm. in crown-rump

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 6: Miquihuana,
     8500 ft., 3; 20 mi. N Tula, 5800 ft., 3.

=Peromyscus ochraventer= Baker

El Carrizo Deer Mouse

     1951. _Peromyscus ochraventer_ Baker, Univ. Kansas Publ.,
     Mus. Nat. Hist., 5:213, December 15, type from 70 km. (by
     highway) S Ciudad Victoria, 6 km. W Pan-American Highway at
     El Carrizo, Tamaulipas.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Vicinity of the type

The series of specimens examined was the same used by the original
describer of the species. He (1951:214-215) pointed out that the mice
were taken in junglelike forest among rocks and adjacent to logs.
Burrows extended beneath large blocks of limestone, and each burrow
where a mouse was caught was marked by a pile of excavated earth
resembling a tiny mound left by a pocket gopher. These burrows were at
an elevation of approximately 2800 feet above sea level on the steep
sides of a small hill in an area where the vegetation was intermediate
between that of the arid and humid subdivisions of the tropical region.
Each of two females, captured on January 13, carried five placental
scars; one of the females was lactating.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 24, from the
     type locality.

     Additional records (Goodwin, 1954:12): Gómez Farías; Rancho
     del Cielo; Joya de Salas.

=Baiomys taylori taylori= (Thomas)

Northern Pygmy Mouse

     1887. _Hesperomys (Vesperimus) taylori_ Thomas, Ann. Mag.
     Nat. Hist., ser. 5, 19:66, January, type from San Diego,
     Duval Co., Texas.

     1907. _Baiomys taylori_ Mearns, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull.
     56:381, April 13.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--All of state, except
     southwestern desert part.

The species of this genus have been revised recently by Packard (1960)
and the specimens from Tamaulipas are arranged according to his
systematic findings. The weight of 35 specimens labeled with reference
to Altamira are 7.6 (6.0-9.0) grams; 15 from Jaumave weigh 6.9
(6.0-9.0) grams. Pregnant females were collected as follows: February
22, Ejido Santa Isabel, 3 (embryos x 4 mm. in crown-rump length); March
2, Rancho Pano Ayuctle, 6 x 16; July 9, six miles north and six miles
west of Altamira, 1 x 4; July 28 and 29, Jaumave, 2 x 8 and 3 x 9. The
average number of embryos was 2.8 (1-5).

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 83: 4 mi. N La
     Pesca, 1; Cd. Victoria, 3; Jaumave, 2400 ft., 17; Ejido
     Santa Isabel, 2 km. W Pan-American Highway, 2000 ft., 7;
     Rancho Pano Ayuctle, 25 mi. N, 3 km. W El Mante, 300 ft., 4;
     Rancho Pano Ayuctle, 6 mi. N Gómez Farías, 300 ft., 1; Río
     Sabinas, 8 km. N El Encino, 400 ft., 1; 2 km. W El Carrizo,
     2; 6 mi. N, 6 mi. W Altamira, 33; 5 mi. N, 5 mi. W Altamira,
     4; 1 mi. S Altamira, 3; 16 km. N Tampico, 4; 10 mi. NW
     Tampico, 1; 7 mi. S Altamira, 1; 1 km. N Tampico, 1.

     Additional records (Packard, 1960:654): Camargo; Charco
     Escondido, 20 mi. S Reynosa; Matamoras (= Matamoros);
     Hidalgo; 29 mi. N Cd. Victoria; Antiguo Morelos.

=Onychomys leucogaster longipes= Merriam

Northern Grasshopper Mouse

     1889. _Onychomys longipes_ Merriam, N. Amer. Fauna, 2:1,
     October 30, type from Concho County, Texas.

     1913. _Onychomys leucogaster longipes_, Hollister, Proc.
     Biol. Soc. Washington, 26:216, December 20.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--From Ciudad Victoria

Only a young female was examined; she weighed 22 grams and extends the
known range 59 miles eastward from Ciudad Victoria.

     _Record of occurrence._--One specimen examined from Soto la
     Marina, 500 ft.

     Additional records (Hollister, 1914:253): Camargo; Reynosa;
     [Cd.] Victoria.

=Onychomys torridus subrufus= Hollister

Southern Grasshopper Mouse

     1914. _Onychomys torridus subrufus_ Hollister, Proc. U. S.
     Nat. Mus., 47:472, October 29, type from Miquihuana,

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--West of Sierra Madre

The six specimens examined were collected in the desert area west of
the Sierra Madre Oriental. At Nicolás a trap set in front of a hole
held one specimen, and another was trapped beneath a brush fence that
inclosed a cornfield. _Dipodomys merriami_ and _Perognathus
penicillatus_ also were trapped beneath the fence.

A subadult from Nicolás is slightly larger (see measurements) than
either of two subadults from four miles north of Jaumave and an old
specimen from eight miles north of Tula, except in the interorbital
constriction, which is narrower. Nevertheless measurements of
Tamaulipan _Onychomys torridus_ resemble those given by Hollister
(1914:483) for _O. t. subrufus_. A specimen from Nicolás is also darker
than other individuals examined.

A female taken on July 15, four miles north of Jaumave, was lactating.

     _Measurements._--Measurements of a female from Nicolás, a
     male from eight miles north of Tula, and a female and a male
     from four miles north of Jaumave are as follows: 158, 147,
     145, 144; 59, 58, 55, 55; 22, 21, 22, 22; 21, 20.5, 18, 18;
     condylobasal length, 24.4, 23.1, 23.9, 23.7; interorbital
     constriction, 4.1, 4.4, 4.3, 4.5; length of nasals, 10.6,
     10.5, 10.5, 10.1; length of maxillary tooth-row, 3.8, 3.6,
     3.7, 3.7; breadth of braincase, 11.8, 11.3, 11.3, 11.0;
     weight in grams, 32.5, 26.0, 25.0, 25.0.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 6: 4 mi. N
     Jaumave, 2; Nicolás, 56 km. NW Tula, 5500 ft., 2; Tajada, 23
     mi. NW Tula, 5200 ft., 1; 8 mi. N Tula, 4500 ft., 1.

     Additional records (Hollister, 1914:475): Miquihuana;

=Sigmodon hispidus=

Hispid Cotton Rat

This species, as is known, is active by day and by night. It occurs
mainly in grassy areas and most of the specimens examined were trapped
there. But, one mile east of La Pesca, specimens were taken on a beach
having sparse grass. _Neotoma micropus_ and _Spermophilus spilosoma_,
but no smaller rodents, were taken there. Also, many crabs were found
in the traps. Possibly only the relatively large rodents are able to
compete successfully with the crabs. The specimen from one kilometer
east of El Barretal was caught in a rat-trap set in front of small hole
in a fence of dead brush that surrounded a cornfield. The area outside
the fence supported mesquite and ebony trees (10-12 feet high) and the
ground was covered with cat claw. Six miles north and six miles west of
Altamira, the two young specimens were taken on a small grassy island
surrounded by mud.

According to natives, _Sigmodon_ injures corn and sugar cane. Probably
other species of rodents are responsible for some or all of such damage
since other kinds of rodents were taken in the same areas.

Dice (1937:245) reported females from the Sierra San Carlos that
carried 8 embryos of 18 mm., 5 × 33, 7 embryos very small, and 8 × 20.
Females were collected on July 22, 29, and 30.

=Sigmodon hispidus berlandieri= Baird

     1855. _Sigmodon berlandieri_ Baird, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci.
     Philadelphia, 7:333, type from Río Nazas, Coahuila.

     1902. _Sigmodon hispidus berlandieri_, V. Bailey, Proc.
     Biol. Soc. Washington, 15:106, June 2.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--From Jaumave and Llera to

This subspecies is distinguished from _S. h. toltecus_ by larger size
and paler, grayish coloration.


      LOCALITY           |    Date     | Embryos | Size in mm.
4 mi. N La Pesca         | May 26      |    4    |     30
Sierra de Tamaulipas     | June 10     |    3    |     10
Sierra de Tamaulipas     | June 11     |    4    |     10
Sierra de Tamaulipas     | June 20     |    2    |     20
Ciudad Victoria          | July 12     |    5    |      5
Jaumave                  | July 28     |    4    |     14
Jaumave                  | July 29     |    6    |     25
San Fernando             | August 30   |    7    |     20
San Fernando             | August 31   |    8    |     11
Vicinity of Nuevo Laredo | November 15 |    3    |      5
Vicinity of Nuevo Laredo | November 16 |    5    |      2

Baker (1951:216) reported a specimen from 35 kilometers north and 10
kilometers west of Ciudad Victoria (= 1 km. E El Barretal) as _S. h.
toltecus_. Comparison of its skull with those from the vicinity of
Altamira (_S. h. toltecus_) and those from Jaumave (_S. h.
berlandieri_) shows that the skull from El Barretal closely resembles
those from Jaumave, in having the zygomatic arches more nearly
parallel and the braincase more rounded than in skulls from Altamira.
Therefore the specimen from the vicinity of El Barretal is here
assigned to _S. h. berlandieri_.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 64: 4-1/2 mi.
     S Nuevo Laredo, 600 ft., 1; 10 mi. S, 11 mi. E Nuevo Laredo,
     8; San Fernando, 180 ft., 8; 4 mi. N La Pesca, 10; 3 mi. N
     La Pesca, 1; 1 mi. E La Pesca, 3; Soto la Marina, 500 ft.,
     1; 36 km. N, 10 km. W Cd. Victoria, 1 km. E El Barretal, Río
     Purificación, 1; Cd. Victoria, 1; 2 km. W Pan-American
     Highway (12 km. S Llera), Ejido Santa Isabel, 2000 ft., 1;
     Jaumave, 2400 ft., 29.

     Additional records: Matamoros (Baird, 1858:506); Sierra San
     Carlos (El Mulato, Tamaulipeca, San Miguel) (Dice,
     1937:254); Mesa de Llera (Hooper, 1953:9); Tamaulipas
     [state?] (Baird, 1858:506).

=Sigmodon hispidus solus= Hall

     1951. _Sigmodon hispidus solus_ Hall, Univ. Kansas Publ.,
     Mus. Nat. Hist., 5:42, October 1, type from island 88 mi. S,
     10 mi. W Matamoros, Tamaulipas.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Known only from two specimens
     from the type locality.

=Sigmodon hispidus toltecus= (Saussure)

     1860. [_Hesperomys_] _toltecus_ Saussure, Revue et Mag.
     Zool., Paris, ser. 2, 12:98, type from mountains of Veracruz
     [probably near Mirador, Dalquest, Louisiana State Univ.
     Studies, Biol. Sci. Series, 1:163, December 28, 1953].

     1902. _Sigmodon hispidus toltecus_, V. Bailey, Proc. Biol.
     Soc. Washington, 15:110, June 2.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Tropical region in southern
     part of state. The specimen reported by Baker (1951:216)
     from one mile east of El Barretal is here referred to _S. h.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 69: Sierra de
     Tamaulipas, 10 mi. W, 2 mi. S Piedra, 1200 ft., 24; Sierra
     de Tamaulipas, 11 mi. W, 8 mi. S Piedra, 2000 ft., 1; Rancho
     Pano Ayuctle, 25 mi. N El Mante, 3 km. W highway, 300 ft.,
     3; Rancho Pano Ayuctle, 6 mi. N Gómez Farías, 300 ft., 3; 8
     km. W, 10 km. N El Encino, 400 ft., 2; 2 km. W El Carrizo,
     2100 ft., 20; 6 mi. N, 6 mi. W Altamira, 8; 6 mi. N, 4 mi. W
     Altamira, 1; 5 mi. N, 5 mi. W Altamira, 3; 1 mi. S Altamira,
     1; 16 km. N Tampico, 3.

     Additional records: Rancho del Cielo, 15 to 20 mi. S Mesa de
     Llera (Hooper, 1953:9); Cd. Mante (Ingles, 1959:398);
     Tampico (Booth, 1957:15).

=Neotoma albigula subsolana= Alvarez

White-throated Woodrat

     1962. _Neotoma albigula subsolana_ Alvarez, Univ. Kansas
     Publ. Mus. Nat. Hist., 14:141, April 30, type from
     Miquihuana, 6400 ft., Tamaulipas.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Western side of Sierra Madre

At Nicolás specimens were taken in traps set along a thorn fence and at
Tajada two specimens were trapped along a rock wall. At other places
some specimens were brought in by natives who captured the rats by
tearing apart their houses.

Five females taken on October 18 at Nicolás carried embryos (one to two
per female), which averaged 22.2 (11-45) mm. in crown-rump length.
Another female, taken nine miles southwest of Tula on October 13,
carried 2 embryos that were 35 mm. in crown-rump length. The average
weight of the five pregnant females was 196.7 (183-207) grams. The
average weights of nine adult males and six non-pregnant females from
Miquihuana were, respectively, 215.6 (175-250) and 162.5 (155-175)

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 51:
     Miquihuana, 6400 ft., 22; Joya Verde, 35 km. SW Cd. Victoria
     (on Jaumave Road) 3800 ft., 2; Nicolás, 56 km. NW Tula, 5500
     ft., 10; Tajada, 23 mi. NW Tula, 5200 ft, 2; 9 mi. SW Tula,
     3900 ft., 15.

     Additional record: Jaumave (Goldman, 1910:37).

=Neotoma angustapalata= Baker

Tamaulipas Wood Rat

     1951. _Neotoma angustapalata_ Baker, Univ. Kansas Publ.,
     Mus. Nat. Hist., 5:217, December 15, type from 70 km. by
     highway S Ciudad Victoria, and 6 km. W Pan-American highway
     at El Carrizo, Tamaulipas.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Southern part of state;
     presently known from two localities.

Baker (1951:218) reported that specimens from the type locality were
taken in crevices among rocks on a small hillside that supported a
sparse cover of vegetation growing from a deep layer of humus. The
specimen from eight kilometers west and 10 kilometers north of El
Encino was shot about 40 yards from the entrance to a large cave, but
no sign of wood rats were found there. Hooper (1953:9) reported that
_N. angustapalata_ occupied caves at Rancho del Cielo, where a female
with two nursing young was taken.

When Baker (_op. cit._) described _Neotoma angustapalata_ on the basis
of two specimens from El Carrizo, he assigned the species to the _N.
mexicana_ group because of the deep anterointernal re-entrant angle of
M1. The deep angle found in _N. mexicana_ differs markedly from the
typical condition in either _N. micropus_ or _N. albigula_. Study of
the cranial characters and bacula of specimens of _N. micropus_ and _N.
angustapalata_ tends to corroborate the statement of Hooper (1953:10),
who commented on the taxonomic relationships of _N. angustapalata_ as
follows: "It should be pointed out that all characters considered ...
the specimens [_angustapalata_] appear to be large, deeply pigmented
examples of the species _N. micropus_ notwithstanding the deep anterior
fold in M1. The presence of that deep fold is far from an absolute
character in the _mexicanus_ [_sic_] group."

My study of 48 crania of _N. micropus_ from Tamaulipas reveals that the
depth of the re-entrant angle of M1 is extremely variable, from almost
absent in some individuals to deep (as in _angustapalata_) in others.
Four specimens, one (56958) from the Sierra de Tamaulipas and three
(56960, 56965, 56966) from the vicinity of Altamira, have the
re-entrant angle as deep as in the holotype and topotype of

Comparison of the bacula of the holotype and one topotype of
_angustapalata_ with 15 bacula of _N. micropus_ reveal that on the
average the baculum of _angustapalata_ differs from that of _micropus_
in being longer, and narrower at the base (greatest length, 7.1, width
at base, 3.4 mm., in the topotype). One specimen of _N. micropus
littoralis_ from the vicinity of Altamira, however, has a baculum of
the same shape as in _angustapalata_ (this same specimen is one of the
three from there in which the re-entrant angle of the M1 is deep). The
shape of the baculum among specimens of _micropus_ is highly variable
and bacula of specimens from different localities frequently are
slightly different (see Fig. 5).

[Illustration: FIG. 5. Bacula of _Neotoma_. All × 4.

A, _Neotoma angustipalata_ (topotype, 37062).
B, _Neotoma micropus micropus_ (4 mi. SW Nuevo Laredo, 89147).
C, _Neotoma micropus littoralis_ (Sierra de Tamaulipas, 2 mi. S,
10 mi. W Piedra, 56957).

The known distributions of _N. micropus_ and _N. angustapalata_ do not
overlap (neither does the distribution of _N. albigula_ overlap with
either in Tamaulipas). The four specimens of _N. micropus_ having the
deep re-entrant angle in M1 are from localities near where the ranges
of _angustapalata_ and _micropus_ probably meet. This could be
interpreted in two ways: (1) these four specimens can be regarded as
intergrades between _angustapalata_ and _micropus_, in which case the
former species should be placed as a subspecies of the latter. Or the
four specimens, which were collected along with other specimens that
lack deep re-entrant angles in the M1, can be assigned, on the basis of
the deep angle, to _angustapalata_, in which case the species
_micropus_ and _angustapalata_ would be in part sympatric. Until more
material from critical areas is available for study, I continue to
recognize _angustapalata_ as a monotypic species. I agree with Hooper
that it is closely related to _N. micropus_.

     _Measurements._--A female (58865) from 8 km. west and 10 km.
     north of El Encino, measured as follows: 404; 198; 41; 32;
     greatest length of skull, 49.7; basilar length, 40.8;
     zygomatic breadth, 25.9; length of nasals, 18.8; length of
     incisive foramina, 10.8; length of maxillary tooth-row, 9.9;
     greatest breadth of interpterygoid space, 4.0.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 3: 8 km. W, 10
     km. N El Encino, 400 ft., 1; type locality, 2.

=Neotoma micropus=

Southern Plains Wood Rat

Most of the specimens examined were trapped in brushy areas. On the
Sierra de Tamaulipas, wood rats were caught in steel traps set near or
between rocks. In the vicinity of La Pesca, specimens were trapped on
the beach where _Spermophilus spilosoma_ and _Sigmodon hispidus_ were
taken also.

Two females, obtained on May 19 and June 10 at Soto la Marina and on
the Sierra de Tamaulipas, respectively, each carried 2 embryos that
were 40 mm. in crown-rump length. Dice (1937:254) reported that two
females collected on July 24 and August 16 on the Sierra San Carlos
each carried 2 embryos that ranged from 34 to 36 mm. in crown-rump

_Neotoma micropus_ occurs throughout the Tamaulipan Biotic Province and
is represented in Tamaulipas by two subspecies, each of which has its
type locality in the state. Intergradation between the two takes place
at Soto la Marina.

=Neotoma micropus littoralis= Goldman

     1905. _Neotoma micropus littoralis_ Goldman, Proc. Biol.
     Soc. Washington, 18:31, February 2, type from Altamira, 100
     ft., Tamaulipas.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--From the Sierra de Tamaulipas

Weight of two males and three non-pregnant females was 248, 254, 185,
210, 240 grams, respectively.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 14: Sierra de
     Tamaulipas, 2 mi. S, 10 mi. W Piedra, 1200 ft., 6; 6 mi. N,
     6 mi. W Altamira, 8.

     Additional record: Altamira (Goldman, 1910:29).

=Neotoma micropus micropus= Baird

     1855. _Neotoma micropus_ Baird, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci.
     Philadelphia, 7:333, April, type from Charco Escondido,

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--From Soto la Marina

The weight of five males and four females from Soto la Marina averaged,
respectively, 256.4 (210-317) and 233.0 (195-274) grams.

A specimen (56924) from La Pesca differs from all other specimens of
_N. micropus_ examined in being smaller, having a conspicuously shorter
rostrum, broader intraorbital canal, and lower broader braincase.
External measurements of this specimen are as follows: 347; 155; 39;
--. Its cranial measurements are: greatest length, 44.8; basilar
length, 34.3; zygomatic breadth, 23.6; interorbital constriction, 6.2;
incisive foramina, 6.5; length of maxillary tooth-row, 8.7; width of
mesopterygoid fossa, 4.1.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 58: 4 mi. SW
     Nuevo Laredo, 900 ft., 14; 4-1/2 mi. S Nuevo Laredo, 1; 3
     mi. SE Reynosa, 1; 3 mi. S Matamoros, 2; 33 mi. S Washington
     Beach, 1; San Fernando, 180 ft., 1; 7 km. S, 2 km. W San
     Fernando, 2; 12 mi. NW San Carlos, 1300 ft., 4; 9-1/2 mi. SW
     Padilla, 800 ft., 3; 3 mi. N Soto la Marina, 3; Soto la
     Marina, 500 ft., 12; 4 mi. N La Pesca, 3; 1 mi. E La Pesca,
     1; La Pesca, 2; 3 mi. NE Guemes, 1; 7 mi. NE Cd. Victoria,
     1; Cd. Victoria, 6.

     Additional records (Goldman, 1910:28, unless otherwise
     noted): Nuevo Laredo; 10 mi. S Nuevo Laredo (Booth,
     1957:15); Camargo; Matamoros; Bagdad; 40 mi. S Matamoros
     (Hooper, 1953:9); Sierra San Carlos (El Mulato, Tamaulipeca)
     (Dice, 1937:254); San Fernando (J. A. Allen, 1891:224);

=Microtus mexicanus subsimus= Goldman

Mexican Vole

     1938. _Microtus mexicanus subsimus_ Goldman, Jour. Mamm.,
     19:494, November 14, type from Sierra Guadalupe,
     southeastern Coahuila.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Reported only from mountains
     near Miquihuana (Goldman, 1938:495).

=Canis latrans=


In Tamaulipas two and possibly three subspecies of _Canis latrans_
occur. _C. l. texensis_ is known only from the northwesternmost part of
the state, and _C. l. microdon_ occurs from Camargo south to Nicolás.
Hall and Kelson (1959:845) guessed that _C. l. cagottis_ would be found
in the southern third of the state; as yet specimens from there have
not been obtained and the subspecific identity of the coyotes there, if
any are present, remains in doubt.

=Canis latrans microdon= Merriam

     1897. _Canis microdon_ Merriam, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington,
     11:29, March 15, type from Mier, on Río Grande, Tamaulipas.

     1932. _Canis latrans microdon_, Nelson, Proc. Biol. Soc.
     Washington, 45:224, November 26.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Probably state-wide, reported
     only from the northern half of the state.

Three specimens were examined. One is a pup from the vicinity of
Padilla which is assigned to this subspecies on geographic grounds. The
other two are skins, collected at Nicolás by natives, who deceived the
collector by providing dog skulls with the coyote skins. These two
specimens are referred to _C. l. microdon_ on the basis of their dark
color and dusky shading on the throat and chest. One has a rufous
over-all color and the other is ochraceous yellowish. This difference
in color suggests intergradation at this place between _C. l. microdon_
that ranged to the northeast, _C. l. cagottis_ to the south, and
probably with _C. l. impavidus_ distributed to the west.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 3: 9-1/2 mi.
     SW Padilla, 800 ft., 1; Nicolás, 53 km. N Tula, 2.

     Additional record: Camargo (Jackson, 1951:305); 20 mi. W
     Reynosa (Ingles, 1959:401); Matamoros (Jackson, 1951:305);
     Bagdad (_ibid._); Sierra San Carlos (San Miguel, El Mulato)
     (Dice, 1937:251).

=Canis latrans texensis= V. Bailey

     1905. _Canis nebrascensis texensis_ V. Bailey, N. Amer.
     Fauna, 25:175, October 24, type from 45 mi. SW Corpus
     Christi at Santa Gertrudis, Kleberg Co., Texas.

     1932. _Canis latrans texensis_ V. Bailey, N. Amer. Fauna,
     53:312, March 11.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Extreme northwest, known only
     from Nuevo Laredo (Jackson, 1951:279).

=Canis lupus monstrabilis= Goldman

Gray Wolf

     1937. _Canis lupus monstrabilis_ Goldman, Jour. Mamm.,
     18:42, February 11, type from 10 mi. S Rankin, Upton Co.,

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Probably extinct, recorded
     only from Matamoros (Goldman, 1944:468).

On the maps of distribution of _C. l. monstrabilis_ published by
Leopold (1959:400) and Baker and Villa (1960:370), Tamaulipas is
included in the region in which the wolf is considered to be extinct.

=Urocyon cineroargenteus scottii= Mearns

Gray Fox

     1891. _Urocyon virginianus scottii_ Mearns, Bull. Amer. Mus.
     Nat. Hist., 3:236, June 5, type from Pinal Co., Arizona.

     1895. _Urocyon cinereo-argenteus scottii_, J. A. Allen,
     Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 7:253, June.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--All of state in suitable

The specimen from the Sierra Madre Oriental was obtained by a collector
who used a rabbit call. Leopold (1959:408) reported that the highest
elevation [about 2800 feet] at which he found gray fox in México was at
Hacienda de Acuña, in the Sierra de Tamaulipas, where "dense, brushy
draws and oak openings made ideal habitat." At this place Leopold saw,
in early August, a family of foxes, four well-grown young and their
parents. Dice (1937:250) reported _U. c. texensis_ (a junior synonym of
_U. c. scottii_), as abundant in the Sierra San Carlos.

The six specimens examined do not present any significant difference in
size and shape of the skull from specimens of _scottii_ from Arizona,
except that one skull from the Sierra de Tamaulipas is smaller than the
others, suggesting intergradation between the subspecies _scottii_ and
_tropicalis_ from farther south.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 6: 2 mi. W San
     Fernando, 180 ft., 1; 15 km. W Rancho Santa Rosa, Sierra
     Madre Oriental, 4500 ft., 1; Ejido Santa Isabel, 2000 ft.,
     1; Sierra de Tamaulipas, 2 mi. S, 10 mi. W Piedra, 1200 ft.,
     2; Joya Verde, 35 km. SW Victoria, 3800 ft., 1.

     Additional records: Near Marmolejo, San Carlos Mts. (Dice,
     1937:250); Hacienda Acuña, Sierra de Tamaulipas (Leopold,
     1959:408, only seen); La Joya de Salas (Goodwin, 1954:14).

=Ursus americanus eremicus= Merriam

Black Bear

     1904. _Ursus americanus eremicus_ Merriam, Proc. Biol. Soc.
     Washington, 17:154, October 6, type from Sierra Guadalupe,

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Probably in high and remote
     parts of the Sierra Madre Oriental; recorded only from Agua
     Linda (Goodwin, 1954:14).

=Bassariscus astutus flavus= Rhoads


     1894. _Bassariscus astutus flavus_ Rhoads, Proc. Acad. Nat.
     Sci. Philadelphia, 45:417, January 30, type from Texas,
     exact locality unknown.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Western half of state.

The two specimens examined provide the second record of this species in
Tamaulipas; they were shot in the bottom of an arid canyon. One animal
was about 30 feet up from the ground in an oak tree, and the other was
along a small arroyo containing pools of water.

From Rhoads' paper (1893:416-417) on the genus _Bassariscus_ it would
seem that _B. astutus flavus_ differs from _B. a. astutus_ in smaller
size, especially of the skull, shorter tail (shorter than head and body
in _flavus_ and longer than head and body in _astutus_) and the
presence of fulvous color. Comparison of 10 specimens of _B. a. flavus_
from Coahuila and Texas with two of _B. a. astutus_ (Distrito Federal,
1; Las Vigas, Veracruz, 1) from central México reveals that the skulls
do not differ qualitatively and that the skull of _flavus_ tends to be
smaller and relatively wider, but that there is overlap in size. In all
_flavus_ that I measured and in the two adults of _astutus_ the tail is
shorter than the head and body. The only real difference is the color;
ringtails from Texas are deep fulvous instead of grayish as is
_astutus_ from the Distrito Federal and Veracruz. But the specimen from
Veracruz has much fulvous and on the other hand specimens from Coahuila
are more grayish than those from Texas.

The two specimens from Tamaulipas can be assigned to either subspecies
_astutus_ or _flavus_ with almost equal propriety. Here they are
referred to _B. a. flavus_ on the basis of their relatively small
skull, short tail, and presence of some fulvous color.

     _Measurements._--Measurements of female and male (60239,
     60240), both adult, from Joya Verde, are, respectively: 745,
     760; 370, 385; 70, 75; 47, 56; greatest length of skull
     (excluding incisors), 81.9, 83.1; zygomatic breadth, 46.1,
     51.9; interorbital constriction, 16.3, 16.3; postorbital
     constriction, 19.5, 18.5; breadth of braincase, 33.7, 36.6;
     length of maxillary tooth-row, 31.5, 32.0; breadth across
     postorbital processes (tip to tip), 25.3, 26.8.

     _Records of occurrence._--Two specimens examined from Joya
     Verde, 35 km. SW Victoria, 3800 ft.

     Additional record: Joya de Salas (Goodwin, 1954:14).

=Procyon lotor=


Racoons occur all through the state. The one specimen examined was shot
about 11:00 p. m. in a cypress tree. Its mouth contained fresh corn.
The animal was notably fat and weighed 11 pounds. According to the
natives the racoons do much damage in cornfields.

=Procyon lotor fuscipes= Mearns

     1914. _Procyon lotor fuscipes_ Mearns, Proc. Biol. Soc.
     Washington, 27:63, March 20, type from Las Moras Creek, 1011
     ft., Fort Clark, Kinney Co., Texas.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Practically all of state,
     except western part.

     _Records_ (Goldman, 1950:51, unless otherwise noted):
     Camargo; Matamoros; Bagdad; Marmolego; Camp 2 (= 73 mi. S
     Washington Beach, Selander _et al._, 1962:338, recorded only
     two species); Gómez Farías (Goodwin, 1954:14); Altamira.

=Procyon lotor hernandezii= Wagler

     1831. _Pr[ocyon]. hernandezii_ Wagler, Isis von Oken,
     24:514, type from Tlalpan, Valley of Mexico.

     1890. _Procyon lotor hernandezi_, J. A. Allen, Bull. Amer.
     Mus. Nat. Hist., 3:176, December 10.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Western part of state; known
     only from Rancho Santa Rosa.

The specimen examined is identified as _P. l. hernandezii_ because the
animal differs from specimens of _P. l. fuscipes_ from southern Texas
and Coahuila in the same way that Goldman (1950:50) noted that _P. l.
hernandezii_ differs from _P. l. fuscipes_. For example, in the
specimen from Rancho Santa Rosa the interorbital region is lower, the
braincase is less depressed near the fronto-parietal suture, the
postorbital process is longer and more pointed, and the upper
carnassial is longer. The color is the same as in specimens of
_fuscipes_ from Texas except that the postauricular spot is smaller,
and the ground color is slightly more grayish. The median dorsal area
is black, forming a longitudinal band about 3 cm. wide.

     _Record of occurrence._--One specimen examined from Rancho
     Santa Rosa, 25 km. N, 13 km. W Cd. Victoria.

=Nasua narica molaris= Merriam


     1902. _Nasua narica molaris_ Merriam, Proc. Biol. Soc.
     Washington, 15:68, March 22, type from Manzanillo, Colima.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Over all of state.

A male and female, both adults, from the same locality in the Sierra de
Tamaulipas weighed, respectively, 3,150 grams and 4,836 grams. Three
young from the same place weighed 2,250, 2,250, and 2,650 grams.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 7: Sierra de
     Tamaulipas, 10 mi. W, 2 mi. S Piedra, 1200 ft., 5; Rancho
     Pano Ayuctle, 25 mi. N El Mante, 3 km. W Pan-American
     Highway, 2200 ft., 1; 2 km. W El Carrizo, 1.

     Additional records: Sierra San Carlos (San José, El Mulato)
     (Dice, 1937:249); Soto la Marina (Goldman, 1942:81); Cd.
     Victoria (_ibid._); 10 mi. NE Zamorina (Hooper, 1953:3); 3
     mi. NW Acuña (_ibid._); 19 km. SW Mante (Davis, 1944:381).

=Potos flavus aztecus= Thomas


     1902. _Potos flavus aztecus_ Thomas, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.,
     ser. 7, 9:268, April, type from Atoyac, Veracruz.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Uncertain; one specimen was
     seen by Leopold (1959:437) near Acuña.

=Mustela frenata=

Long-tailed Weasel

This species occurs in practically all of the state, but as in most
other areas actual records are few; only two specimens, both males,
have been examined. One was taken at Jaumave, in a steel-trap baited
with fresh egg. It weighed 325 grams. The other was taken in the
vicinity of Altamira and weighed 434 grams.

Two subspecies have been reported from Tamaulipas; _Mustela frenata
frenata_ that occurs in the central and northern parts of the state and
_M. f. tropicalis_ that occurs in the tropical area in the southern
part of the state.

=Mustela frenata frenata= Lichtenstein

     1831. _Mustela frenata_ Lichtenstein, Darstellung neuer oder
     wenig bekannter Säugethiere ..., pl. 42 and corresponding
     text, unpaged, type from Ciudad México, México.

     1877. _Putorius mexicanus_ Coues, Fur-bearing animals, U. S.
     Geol. Surv. Territories, Misc. Publ., 8:42, a _nomen nudum_
     [cited by Coues in synonymy as "_Putorius mexicanus_,
     Berlandier, MMS. ic. ined. 4 (Tamaulipas and Matamoras)"].

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Central and northern parts of

The specimen from Jaumave is clearly _M. f. frenata_, but the other
from northwest of Altamira has many characters of the subspecies _M. f.
tropicalis_ and is an intergrade between the two subspecies. In cranial
features and in measurements the animal is like _frenata_. For example:
least width of palate more than length of P4; distance between anterior
border of auditory bulla and foramen ovale equal to the width of four
(including I3) upper incisors; depth of tympanic bulla less than
distance between it and foramen ovale; length of tail amounting to 82
per cent of length of head and body. The coloration is more nearly like
that of _tropicalis_. For example, the region between the ears and the
region behind the ears as far as the shoulders is almost black; hairs
of the soles of the forefeet are of the same color as in _tropicalis_.
But, width of the whitish underparts amounts to 53 per cent of the
circumference of the body; in this respect the specimen is like
_frenata_. I refer the specimen to _frenata_ because, to me, it is
slightly more nearly like it.

     _Measurements._--The male from 6 mi. N, 6 mi. W Altamira
     affords measurements as follows: 500; 226; 53; 23; basilar
     length (Hensel), 49.5; breadth of rostrum, 14.3;
     interorbital constriction, 11.9; orbitonasal length, 15.2;
     mastoid breadth, 27.2; zygomatic breadth, 32.4; tympanic
     bullae, length, 16.8; breadth, 7.5; length of m1, 5.7; P4,
     lateral length, 5.4, medial, 5.8; M1, breadth, 4.6, length,
     2.4; depth of skull at anterior edge of basioccipital, 14.7.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 2: Jaumave,
     2400 ft., 1; 6 mi. N, 6 mi. W Altamira, 1.

     Additional records (Hall, 1951:347): Matamoros; Miquihuana.

=Mustela frenata tropicalis= (Merriam)

     1896. _Putorius tropicalis_ Merriam, N. Amer. Fauna, 11:30,
     June 30, type from Jico, Veracruz.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Tropical area in south part
     of state; reported only from 50 mi. south of Ciudad Victoria
     (Hall, 1951:366).

=Eira barbara senex= (Thomas)


     1900. _Galictis barbara senex_ Thomas, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.,
     ser. 7, 5:146, January, type from Hacienda Tortugas,
     approximately 600 ft., Jalapa, Veracruz.

     1951. _Eira barbara senex_, Hershkovitz, Fieldiana-Zool.,
     31:561, July 10.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Known only from Pano Ayuctle
     (Hooper, 1953:4).

=Taxidea taxus=


The badger in Tamaulipas is poorly known because only a few specimens
have been reported from the state. I have examined only two; one is
the skull of a juvenile picked up in the sea along the barrier beach
and the other is the skull of an adult male taken in a steel-trap
baited with a bird body and rabbit meat. The trap was set in front of a
hole in the semidesert area 12 miles south of San Carlos.

On their map 471 Hall and Kelson (1959:927) show a total of five
subspecies of _Taxidea taxus_. They include the northern part of
Tamaulipas in the geographic range of _T. t. berlandieri_. On page 926
Hall and Kelson (_op. cit._) list ten additional subspecies described
by Schantz. One of them _T. t. littoralis_ (Schantz, 1949:301) was
based on specimens from southeastern Texas and Matamoros, Tamaulipas.
Of the two specimens examined by me the one from the barrier beach is
here assigned to _T. l. littoralis_ on geographic grounds, and the
other one from the vicinity of San Carlos to _T. l. berlandieri_.

=Taxidea taxus berlandieri= Baird

     1858. _Taxidea berlandieri_ Baird, Mammals, in Repts. Expl.
     Surv. ..., 8(1):205, July 14, type from Llano Estacado,
     Texas, near boundary of New Mexico.

     1895. _Taxidea taxus berlandieri_, J. A. Allen, Bull. Amer.
     Mus. Nat. Hist., 7:256, June 29.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Reported from only one
     locality, in northwestern part of state.

The skull examined, of an adult male, differs from Coahuilan and New
Mexican skulls in having a broad rostrum, better developed sagittal and
lambdoidal crests, and smaller tympanic bullae. The measurements are
greater than those given by Schantz (1949:302) for _T. l. littoralis_
and it is for that reason that the skull examined is assigned to _T. l.

     _Measurements._--The adult male measured as follows: 710;
     115; 110; 55; condylobasal length, 123.1; zygomatic breadth,
     81.1; mastoid breadth, 75.5; interorbital constriction,
     29.3; least postorbital constriction, 27.6; length of
     maxillary tooth-row, 42.7; P4, length, 11.9, width, 10.7;
     M1, length, 11.7, width, 11.7; tympanic bulla, length, 23.3,
     depth (from basioccipital), 12.8.

     _Record of occurrence._--One specimen examined from 12 mi. S
     San Carlos, 1300 ft.

=Taxidea taxus littoralis= Schantz

     1949. _Taxidea taxus littoralis_ Schantz, Jour. Mamm.,
     30:301, August 17, type from Corpus Christi, Nueces Co.,

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Known only from two
     localities in northeastern part of state.

     _Records of occurrence._--One specimen examined from 33 mi.
     S Washington Beach.

     Additional record: Matamoros (Schantz, 1949:302).

=Spilogale putorius interrupta= (Rafinesque)

Eastern Spotted Skunk

     1820. _Mephitis interrupta_ Rafinesque, Ann. Nat. ..., 1:3.
     Type locality, Upper Missouri River?.

     1952. _Spilogale putorious interrupta_, McCarley, Texas
     Jour. Sci., 4:108, March 30.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--From Sierra de Tamaulipas

The young male from La Pesca weighed 480 grams. In the Sierra de
Tamaulipas a lactating female was taken (June 9) in a steel trap. A
young male from there weighed 275 grams. The young male from three
miles north of La Pesca weighed 520 grams.

Specimens from Tamaulipas are assigned to the subspecies _interrupta_
following Van Gelder (1959:270-279). He regarded specimens from
Tamaulipas as intergrades between _S. p. interrupta_ and _S. p.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 6: 9-1/2 mi.
     SW Padilla, 1; 3 mi. N La Pesca, 1; La Pesca, 1; Rancho
     Santa Rosa, 2 km. N, 13 km. W Cd. Victoria, 260 m., 1;
     Sierra de Tamaulipas, 2 mi. S, 10 mi. W Piedra, 1200 ft., 2.

     Additional records (Van Gelder, 1959:279): "Tamaulipas"; Cd.

=Mephitis mephitis varians= Gray

Striped Skunk

     1837. _Mephitis varians_ Gray, Charlesworth's Mag. Nat.
     Hist., 1:581. Type locality, Texas.

     1936. _Mephitis mephitis varians_, Hall, Carnegie Inst.
     Washington, Publ., 473:66, November 20.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--North half of state.

     _Measurements._--An adult female from San Fernando measured
     as follows: 710; 360; 70; 30; basilar length, 56.2;
     condylobasal length, 64.2; zygomatic breadth, 41.3;
     interorbital constriction, 19.0; length of maxillary
     tooth-row, 20.7.

     _Records of occurrence._--One specimen examined from San
     Fernando, 180 ft.

     Additional records: Mier (A. H. Howell, 1901:32); Matamoros
     (_ibid._); 2 mi. up stream from Marmolejo (Dice, 1937:250).

=Mephitis macroura macroura= Lichtenstein

Hooded Skunk

     1832. _Mephitis macroura_ Lichtenstein, Darstellung neuer
     oder wenig bekannter Säugethiere ..., pl. 46, type from
     mountains northwest of the city of México.

     1877. _Mephitis edulis_ Coues, Berlandier Mss., Fur-bearing
     Animals: ..., U. S. Geol. Surv. Territories, Miscl. Publ.,
     8:236. Type locality, "Inhabits most of Mexico. I have found
     it around San Fernando de Bexar...."

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--West of Sierra Madre

The two specimens from Jaumave are young; they were taken on different
nights but in the same place. Weights of male and female,
respectively, are 195 and 290 grams. The other three specimens, two
young and an adult male, were brought to the collector (Bodley) by

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 5: San
     Fernando, 180 ft., 2; Jaumave, 2400 ft., 2; Nicolás, 56 km.
     NW Tula, 5500 ft., 1.

=Conepatus mesoleucus mearnsi= Merriam

Hog-nosed Skunk

     1902. _Conepatus mesoleucus mearnsi_ Merriam, Proc. Biol.
     Soc. Washington, 15:163, August 6, type from Mason, Mason
     Co., Texas.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Probably western part of
     state, but presently known only from Nicolás.

The specimens herein assigned to this species, represented by the skull
only, differ conspicuously from those assigned to _C. leuconotus_ only
in breadth of M1.

     _Measurements._--Measurements of a skull (sex undetermined)
     from Nicolás are as follows: condylobasal length, 77.1;
     zygomatic breadth, 52.9; postorbital constriction, 21.1;
     mastoid breadth, 43.7; length of maxillary tooth-row, 23.4;
     breadth of M1, 7.1.

     _Records of occurrence._--Two specimens examined from
     Nicolás, 56 km. NW Tula, 5500 ft.

=Conepatus leuconotus texensis= Merriam

Eastern Hog-nosed Skunk

     1902. _Conepatus leuconotus texensis_ Merriam, Proc. Biol.
     Soc. Washington, 15:162, August 6, type from Brownsville,
     Cameron Co., Texas.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--State-wide, except western

Three specimens are assigned to this species on the basis of the
breadth of M1. In comparison with skulls from the type locality, those
of Tamaulipan specimens are slightly smaller and narrower.

     _Measurements._--Some cranial measurements of a male adult
     (old) from ten miles west and two miles south of Piedra are:
     condylobasal length, 79.0; zygomatic breadth, 52.3;
     postorbital constriction, 22.0; mastoid breadth, 44.2;
     length of maxillary tooth-row, 24.4; breadth of M1, 9.3.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 2: La Pesca,
     1; Ejido Eslabones, 10 mi. W, 2 mi. S Piedra, 1200 ft., 1.

     Additional record: Near El Mulato (Dice, 1937:250).

=Felis concolor stanleyana= Goldman


     1938. _Felis concolor stanleyana_ Goldman, Proc. Biol. Soc.
     Washington, 51:63, March 18 (renaming of _F. c. youngi_
     Goldman, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 49:137, August 22,
     type from Bruni Ranch, near Bruni, Webb Co., Texas).

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Restricted to mountains of

The two specimens examined are skulls only, which were picked up in the
field. In general the measurements are like those given by Goldman
(1946:233) for the males of _Felis concolor stanleyana_. But the skull
from Miquihuana yielded measurements that suggest intergradation
between _F. c. stanleyana_ and _F. c. azteca_ of the western mountains
of Tamaulipas.

     _Measurements._--Two skulls, one from Miquihuana and the
     second from 9-1/2 mi. SW Padilla, yield measurements as
     follows: greatest length, 214.0, 213.0; condylobasal length,
     195.0, 190.0; zygomatic breadth, 146.0, 140.1; height of
     skull (frontals to palate), 70.0, 72.4; interorbital
     constriction, 41.6, 41.4; breadth of nasals (at posterior
     union between premaxilla and maxilla), 20.1, 17.9; length of
     maxillary tooth-row, 62.7, 63.3; crown length of P3, 23.3,
     ----; breadth of P3, 11.9, 12.2; anteroposterior diameter of
     upper canine, 15.1, 15.3.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 2: 9-1/2 mi.
     SW Padilla, 800 ft., 1; Miquihuana, 6400 ft., 1.

     Additional records: Matamoros (Goldman, 1946:234); Zamorina
     (Hooper, 1953:4).

=Felis onca veraecrucis= Nelson and Goldman


     1933. _Felis onca veraecrucis_ Nelson and Goldman, Jour.
     Mamm., 14:236, August 17, type from San Andrés Tuxtla,

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Originally all of state; now
     restricted to sparsely populated areas.

Only one cranium, from the Sierra de Tamaulipas, was examined. It is in
good condition but lacks all the teeth except P3 and P4 on the right
side. The measurements are larger than those given by Goodwin (1954:15)
for a skull from five miles north of Gómez Farías.

     _Measurements._--The cranium, sex undetermined, from the
     Sierra de Tamaulipas, affords measurements as follows:
     greatest length, 238.0; condylobasal length, 204.0;
     zygomatic breadth, 166.0; breadth of rostrum, 66.1;
     interorbital constriction, 48.2; mastoid breadth, 100.7;
     crown length of carnassial, 24.1.

     _Records of occurrence._--One specimen examined from Sierra
     de Tamaulipas, 2 mi. S, 10 mi. W Piedra.

     Additional records: between Aldama and Soto la Marina
     (Nelson and Goldman, 1933:237); 5 km. N Gómez Farías
     (Goodwin, 1954:15).

=Felis pardalis albescens= Pucheran


     1855. _Felis albescens_ Pucheran, in I. Geoffroy
     Saint-Hilaire, Mammiferes, in Petit-Thoaurs, Voyage autor du
     monde sur ... _la Venus_ ..., Zoologie, p. 149, type
     locality, Arkansas.

     1906. _Felis pardalis albescens_, J. A. Allen, Bull. Amer.
     Mus. Nat. Hist., 22:219, July 25.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--All of state, except part
     west of Sierra Madre Oriental.

Hall and Kelson (1959:961) reported from Tamaulipas two subspecies of
_Felis pardalis_. According to Goldman (1943:379) the more northern of
the two, _F. p. albescens_, is smaller than the more southern one, _F.
p. pardalis_. The skull examined, of a young female, from 10 miles
north of Altamira, in southern Tamaulipas, is small, smaller even than
skulls of _albescens_ from Texas used in comparison. For this reason I
here assign the specimen examined to _F. p. albescens_ instead of _F.
p. pardalis_ as did Hall and Kelson (_op. cit._). Hooper (1953:4) and
Dice (1937:251) report as _F. p. pardalis_ specimens from 10 miles
northeast of Zamorina and others from the Sierra San Carlos. I assume
that specimens from these two places should be referred to _albescens_
since the specimen from 10 miles north of Altamira, the southernmost
locality represented in Tamaulipas, is here referred to _albescens_.

     _Measurements._--Skull, from 10 mi. N of Altamira, measured
     as follows: condylobasal length, 97.3; zygomatic breadth,
     77.6; squamosal constriction, 50.5; interorbital
     constriction, 22.2; postorbital constriction, 32.1; length
     of maxillary tooth-row, 34.7; length of upper carnassial
     crown (outer side), 13.6.

     _Records of occurrence._--One specimen examined, from 10 mi.
     N Altamira.

     Additional records: Matamoros (Goldman, 1943:379); Sierra
     San Carlos (El Mulato and San José) (Dice, 1937:251); Soto
     la Marina (Goldman, 1943:379); 10 mi. NE Zamorina (Hooper,

=Felis wiedii oaxacensis= Nelson and Goldman


     1931. _Felis glaucula oaxacensis_ Nelson and Goldman, Jour.
     Mamm., 12:303, August 24, type from Cerro San Felipe, 10,000
     ft., near Oaxaca, Oaxaca.

     1943. _Felis wiedii oaxacensis_, Goldman, Jour. Mamm.,
     24:383, August 17.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Probably along Sierra Madre
     Oriental; known only from Rancho del Cielo (Goodwin,

=Felis yaguaroundi cacomitli= Berlandier


     1895. _Felis cacomitli_ Berlandier, _in_ Baird, Mammals of
     the boundary, _in_ Emory, Rept. U. S. and Mexican boundary
     survey 2(2):12, January, type from Matamoros, Tamaulipas.

     1905. _Felis yaguaroundi cacomitli_, Elliot, Field Columb.
     Mus. Publ. 105, Zool. Ser., 6:370, December 6.

     1901. _Felis apache_ Mearns, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington,
     14:150, August 9, type from Matamoros, Tamaulipas.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Eastern and northern parts of
     Sierra Madre Oriental; known only from type locality and
     near Gómez Farías (Goodwin, 1954:15).

=Lynx rufus texensis= J. A. Allen


     1895. _Lynx texensis_ J. A. Allen, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat.
     Hist., 7:188, June 20, based on the description of a bobcat
     by Audubon and Bachman, The viviparous quadrupeds of North
     America, 2:293, 1851, from "the vicinity of Castroville, on
     the headwaters of the Medina [River]," Medina Co., Texas.

     1897. _Lynx rufus texensis_, Mearns, Preliminary diagnoses
     of new mammals ... from the Mexican boundary line, p. 2,
     January 12 (preprint of Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 20:458,
     December 24).

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Probably occurs in western
     half of state; known only from two localities.

The specimen examined was shot at night at about 3:00 a. m. in the beam
of a headlight in typical scrub "monte." The native name for this
bobcat in Tamaulipas is "gato rabón."

     _Measurements._--A male, from Rancho Santa Rosa, measured as
     follows: 885; 170; 172; 71; condylobasal length, 105.2;
     interorbital constriction, 22.5; postorbital constriction,
     34.6; zygomatic breadth, 83.5; squamosal constriction, 51.7;
     length of maxillary tooth-row (C-P2), 38.2; length of upper
     carnassial (outer side), 14.5.

     _Record of occurrence._--One specimen examined from Rancho
     Santa Rosa, 360 m.

     Additional records: Matamoros (Baird, 1858:96); El Mulato
     (Dice, 1937:251).

=Trichechus manatus latirostris= (Harlan)


     1823. _Manatus latirostris_ Harlan, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci.
     Philadelphia, 3(1):394. Type locality, near the capes of
     East Florida.

     1934. _Trichechus manatus latirostris_, Hatt, Bull. Amer.
     Mus. Nat. Hist., 66:538, September 10.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Reported from mouth of Río
     Grande (Miller and Kellogg, 1955:791); probably extirpated
     in state.

=Tayassu tajacu angulatus= (Cope)

Collared Peccary

     1889. _Dicotyles angulatus_ Cope, Amer. Nat., 23:147,
     February, type from Guadalupe River, Texas.

     1953. _Tayassu tajacu angulatus_, Dalquest, Louisiana State
     Univ. Studies, Biol. Sci. Ser., 1:207, December 28.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--All of state, in suitable

     Records: Near El Mulato (Dice, 1937:256); Alta Cima
     (Goodwin, 1954:15); Rancho del Cielo (_ibid._); approx. 10
     mi. N Cues (Leopold, 1947:443 map).

=Odocoileus hemionus crooki= (Mearns)

Mule Deer

     1897. _Dorcelaphus crooki_ Mearns, Preliminary diagnoses of
     new mammals of the genera _Mephitis_, _Dorcelaphus_ and
     _Dicotyles_, from the Mexican border ..., p. 2, February 11,
     type locality summit Dog Mtns., 6129 ft., Hidalgo Co., New

     1939. _Odocoileus hemionus crooki_, Goldman and Kellogg,
     Jour. Mamm., 20:507, November 14.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Reported only from Cerro del
     Tigre (Leopold, 1959:504), but probably throughout western
     part of state. Now rare in the state.

=Odocoileus virginianus=

White-tailed Deer

This species is relatively abundant in Tamaulipas from where three
subspecies have been reported. Two specimens examined were shot at

=Odocoileus virginianus miquihuanensis= Goldman and Kellogg

     1940. _Odocoileus virginianus miquihuanensis_ Goldman and
     Kellogg, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 53:84, June 28, type
     from Sierra Madre Oriental, 6000 ft., near Miquihuana,

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Throughout Sierra Madre

An adult male, having two points on each antler, and a young male were
examined and identified as this subspecies because of their small size
and dark color.

     _Measurements._--A male from 15 km. W Rancho Santa Rosa
     affords measurements as follows: 1385; 245; 330; 154;
     condylobasal length, 234; length of maxillary tooth-row,
     76.3; width across orbits at frontal-jugal suture, 100.9.

     _Records of occurrence_.--Specimens examined, 2: 15 km. W
     Rancho Santa Rosa, 4500 ft., 1; Ejido Santa Isabel, 2000
     ft., 1.

     Additional records (Goodwin, 1954:15): San Antonio, 11 km.
     SW Joya de Salas; Rancho Pano Ayuctle.

=Odocoileus virginianus texanus= (Mearns)

     1898. _Dorcelaphus texanus_ Mearns, Proc. Biol. Soc.
     Washington, 12:23, January 27, type from Fort Clark [north
     of Eagle Pass on Big Bend of Rio Grande], Kinney Co., Texas.

     1902. _Dama v[irginiana]. texensis_ [_sic_], J. A. Allen,
     Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 16:20, February 1.

     1901. _Odocoileus texensis_ Miller and Rehn, Proc. Boston
     Soc. Nat. Hist., 30:17, December 27, an accidental renaming
     of _texanus_.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Probably all of northern part
     of state.

Two fragments of lower jaw from the barrier beach were examined and
assigned to this subspecies on geographic grounds.

     _Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 2, fragments
     from 33 mi. S Washington Beach.

     Additional records: Sierra San Carlos (El Mulato and
     Sardinia) (Dice, 1937:256).

=Odocoileus virginianus veraecrucis= Goldman and Kellogg

     1940. _Odocoileus virginianus veraecrucis_ Goldman and
     Kellogg, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 53:89, June 28, type
     from Chijol, 200 ft., Veracruz.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Tropical area, reported only
     from Soto la Marina (Miller and Kellogg, 1955:806) and
     Savinito Tierre [= Tierra] Caliente (J. A. Allen, 1881:184)
     and Tampico (_ibid._) as _Cariacus virginianus mexicanus_.

=Mazama americana temama= (Kerr)

Red Brocket

     1782. _Cervus temama_ Kerr, The Animal kingdom ..., p. 303.
     Type locality, restricted to Mirador, Veracruz, by
     Hershkovitz (Fieldiana-Zool., Chicago Nat. Hist. Mus.,
     31:567, July 10, 1951).

     1951. _Mazama americana temama_, Hershkovitz.
     Fieldiana-Zool., Chicago Nat. Hist. Mus., 31:567, July 10.

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Southern part of state in
     tropical area.

The specimen examined is conspicuously darker than specimens from
Veracruz and Chiapas, being especially more brownish and less reddish.

     _Records of occurrence._--One specimen examined from Rancho
     Pano Ayuctle (skin only).

     Additional records: Alta Cima (Goodwin, 1954:15); Rancho del
     Cielo (Hooper, 1953:10).

=Antilocapra americana mexicana= Merriam


     1901. _Antilocapra americana mexicana_ Merriam, Proc. Biol.
     Soc. Washington, 14:31, April 5, type from Sierra en Media,

     _Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Originally in the northern
     part of state; now absent from Tamaulipas.

_Antilocapra_ is here included on the basis of a skull recorded by
Baird (1858:669) from Matamoros. J. A. Allen (1881:184) doubted the
occurrence of this animal in Tamaulipas because Dr. Palmer found no
indications of the presence of _Antilocapra_ in any portion of the area
that he traversed, which apparently was only southern Tamaulipas.

I am sure that the pronghorn is extinct in Tamaulipas, but its
occurrence in the northern part of the state in relatively recent time
(more than 100 years ago) seems possible because the habitat in
northern Tamaulipas is suitable for the pronghorn.



     1862. Descriptions of two new species of Vespertilionidae,
     and some remarks on the genus Antrozous. Proc. Acad. Nat.
     Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 246-248, between May 27 and August 1.

     1894. A monograph of the bats of North America. Bull. U. S.
     Nat. Mus., 43:ix + 198, 38 pls., March 14.


     1881. _List of mammals collected by Dr. Edward Palmer in
     northeastern Mexico, with field-notes by the collector._
     Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 8:183-189, March.

     1891. _On a collection of mammals from southern Texas and
     northeastern Mexico._ Bull. Amer. Nat. Hist., 3:219-229,

     1891. A preliminary study of the North American opossums of
     the genus Didelphis. _Ibid._, 14:149-188, 4 pls., June 15.


     1961. Taxonomic status of some mice of the Peromyscus boylii
     group in eastern México, with description of a new
     subspecies. Univ. Kansas Publ., Mus. Nat. Hist., 14:111-120,
     1 fig., December 29.

     1962. A new subspecies of ground squirrel (Spermophilus
     spilosoma) from Tamaulipas, México. _Ibid._, 14:121-124,
     March 7.


     1956. Extensions of known ranges of Mexican bats. _Ibid._,
     9:347-351, August 15.


     1923. Mammals from Mexico and South America. Amer. Mus.
     Novit., 54:1-10, 2 figs., January 17.


     1895. Biological survey of Texas. N. Amer. Fauna, 25:1-222,
     23 figs., 8 pls., October 24.


     1855. _Characteristics of some new species of Mammalia,
     collected by the U. S. and Mexican Boundary Survey, Major W.
     H. Emory, U. S. A. Commissioner._ Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci.
     Philadelphia, 7:331-333, April.

     1858. Mammals. _In_ General report upon the Zoology of the
     Several Pacific railroad routes. U. S. P. R. R. Exp. and
     Surveys, pp. xlviii + 757, 60 pls., July 14.


     1951. Mammals from Tamaulipas, México. Univ. Kansas Publ.,
     Mus. Nat. Hist., 5:207-218, December 15.

     1956. Mammals of Coahuila, México. _Ibid._, 9:125-335, 75
     figs., June 15.

     1958. El futuro de la fauna silvestre en el norte de México.
     Anal. Inst. Biol., México, 28:349-357, June 14.

BAKER, R. H., and VILLA R., B.

     1960. Distribución geographica y población actuales del lobo
     gris en México. _Ibid._, 30:369-374, 1 map, March 31.


     1957. Mammals collected in Mexico from 1951 to 1956 by the
     Walla Walla College Museum of Natural History. Walla Walla
     College Publ., 20:1-19, 3 maps, July 10.


     1959. The history and affinities of the Recent land mammals
     of western North America. _In_ Zoogeography. Amer. Assoc.
     Adv. Sci. Publ., 116, February 10.

BURT, W. H., and STIRTON, R. A.

     1961. The mammals of El Salvador. Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool.,
     Univ. Michigan, 117:1-69, 2 figs., September 22.

CARTER, D. C., and DAVIS, W. B.

     1961. _Tadarida aurispinosa_ (Peale) (Chiroptera:
     Molossidae) in North America. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington,
     74:161-165, August 11.


     1951. Two new mammals from Central Mexico. _Ibid._,
     64:105-107, August 24.

     1953. Mammals of the Mexican state of San Luis Potosí.
     Louisiana St. Univ. Press, pp. 1-133, 1 fig., December 28.

DALQUEST, W. W., and HALL, E. R.

     1949. A new subspecies of funnel-eared bat (Natalus
     mexicanus) from eastern Mexico. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington,
     62:153-154, August 23.


     1944. Notes on Mexican mammals. Jour. Mamm., 25:270-403,
     December 12.

     1951. Bat, _Molossus nigricans_, eaten by the rat snake,
     _Elaphe laeta_. _Ibid._, 32:219, May 21.

     1958. Review of Mexican bats of the Artibeus "cinereus"
     complex. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 71:163-166, December

DAVIS, W. B., and CARTER, D. C.

     1962. Notes on Central American bats with description of a
     new subspecies of Mormoops. Southwestern Nat., 7:64-74, 1
     fig., June 1.


     1954. Bats from southern Tamaulipas, Mexico. Jour. Mamm.,
     35:113-116, February 10.

     1955. Bats from Guerrero, Jalisco and Oaxaca, Mexico.
     Fieldiana-Zool., 37:695-701, 1 fig., 2 pls., June 19.


     1937. Mammals of the San Carlos Mountains and vicinity.
     Univ. Michigan Studies Sci. Ser., 12:245-268, 3 pls.

     1943. The Biotic Provinces of North America. Univ. Michigan
     Press, pp. viii + 78, 1 map.


     1955. Taxonomy and distribution of some American shrews.
     Univ. Kansas Publ., Mus. Nat. Hist., 7:613-618, June 10.

     1960. Identity of the long-eared Myotis of the southwest and
     Mexico. Jour. Mamm., 41:16-20, 1 fig., 1 pl., February 20.


     1911. Revision of the spiny pocket mice (Genus Heteromys and
     Liomys). N. Amer. Fauna, 34:1-70, 6 figs., 3 pls., September

     1915. Five new mammals from Mexico and Arizona. Proc. Biol.
     Soc. Washington, 28:133-137, June 29.

     1918. The rice rats of North America (Genus Oryzomys). N.
     Amer. Fauna, 43:1-100, 11 figs., 6 pls., September 23.

     1938. Three new races of Microtus mexicanus. Jour. Mamm.,
     19:493-495, November 14.

     1942. A new white-footed mouse from Mexico. Proc. Biol. Soc.
     Washington, 55:157-158, October 17.

     1942. Notes on the coatis of the Mexican mainland. Proc.
     Biol. Soc. Washington, 55:79-82, June 25.

     1943. The races of the ocelot and margay in Middle America.
     Jour. Mamm., 24:372-385, August 18.

     1946. _Classification of the races of the puma_, pp.
     175-302, pls. 46-93, fig. 6, tables 12-13, _in_ Young, S.
     P., and Goldman, E. A., _The puma_, mysterious American cat.
     Amer. Wildlife Inst., xiv + 358 pp., 93 pls., 6 figs., 13
     tables, November 16.

     1950. Raccoons of North and Middle America. N. Amer. Fauna,
     60:vi + 153, 2 figs., 22 pls., November 7.

     1951. Biological investigations in Mexico. Smithsonian Misc.
     Coll., 115:xiii + 476, 71 pls., 1 map, July 31.

GOLDMAN, E. A., and MOORE, R. T.

     1946. The Biotic Provinces of Mexico. Jour. Mamm.,
     26:347-360, 1 fig., February 12.


     1954. Mammals from Mexico collected by Marian Martin for the
     American Museum of Natural History. Amer. Mus. Novit,
     1689:1-16, November 12.

     1958. Bats of the genus _Rhogeëssa_. _Ibid._, 1923:1-17,
     December 31.

     1959. Bats of the genus _Natalus_. _Ibid._, 1977:1-22, 2
     figs., December 22.

     1960. The status of _Vespertilio auripendulus_ Shaw, 1800,
     and _Molossus ater_ Geoffroy, 1805. _Ibid._, 1994:1-6, 1
     fig., March 8.

     1961. Flying squirrel (_Glaucomys volans_) of Middle
     America. _Ibid._, 2059:1-22, 7 figs., November 29.


     1951. Mammals obtained by Dr. Curt von Wedel from the
     barrier beach of Tamaulipas, México. Univ. Kansas Publ.,
     Mus. Nat. Hist., 5:33-47, 1 fig., October 1.

     1951. A synopsis of the North American Lagomorpha. _Ibid._,
     5:119-202, 68 figs., December 15.

     1951. American weasels. _Ibid._, 4:1-466, 31 figs., 41 pls.,
     December 27.

     1952. Taxonomic notes on Mexican bats of the genus
     Rhogeëssa. _Ibid._, 5:227-232, April 10.

HALL, E. R., and ALVAREZ, T.

     1961. A new subspecies of the black Myotis (bat) from
     eastern México. _Ibid._, 14:69-72, 1 fig., December 29.

HALL, E. R., and JONES, J. K., JR.

     1961. North American yellow bats, "Dasypterus," and a list
     of the named kinds of the genus Lasiurus Gray. _Ibid._,
     14:73-98, 4 figs., December 29.

HALL, E. R., and KELSON, K. R.

     1959. The mammals of North America. The Ronald Press Co.,
     vol. 1:xxx + 546 + 1-79, vol. 2:viii + 547 + 1-79, 724
     figs., 500 maps, March 31.


     1956. The taxonomic status of the _Corynorhinus phyllotis_
     G. M. Allen and _Idionycteris mexicanus_ Anthony. Proc.
     Biol. Soc. Washington, 69:53-54, May 21.

     1959. A revision of the American bats of the genera Euderma
     and Plecotus. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 110:95-246, 47 figs.,
     September 3.

     1960. Descriptions of new bats from Panama. _Ibid._,
     112:459-479, October 6.


     1951. Mammals from British Honduras, Mexico, Jamaica and
     Haiti. Fieldiana-Zool., 31:547-569, July 10.

     1958. A geographic classification of Neotropical mammals.
     _Ibid._, 36:583-620, 2 figs., July 11.


     1914. A systematic account of the grasshopper mice. Proc. U.
     S. Nat. Mus., 47:427-489, 1 pl., October 29.

     1925. The systematic name of the Texas armadillo. Jour.
     Mamm., 16:60, February 9.


     1952. A systematic review of the harvest mice (Genus
     Reithrodontomys) of Latin America. Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool.,
     Univ. Michigan, 77:1-255, 23 figs., 9 pls., 12 maps, January

     1952. Notes on mice of the species _Peromyscus boylei_ and
     _P. pectoralis_. Jour. Mamm., 33:371-378, 2 figs., August

     1953. Notes on mammals of Tamaulipas, Mexico. Occas. Papers
     Mus. Zool., Univ. Michigan, 544:1-12, March 25.

HOOPER, E. T., and HANDLEY, C. O., JR.

     1948. Character gradients in the spiny pocket mouse, _Liomys
     irroratus_. _Ibid._, 514:1-34, 1 map, October 29.


     1901. Revision of the skunks of the genus Chincha. N. Amer.
     Fauna, 20:1-62, 8 pls., August 31.

     1938. Revision of the North American ground squirrels, with
     a classification of the North American Sciuridae. N. Amer.
     Fauna, 56:1-256, 20 figs., 32 pls., May 18.


     1914. New moles of the genus Scalopus. Proc. Biol. Soc.
     Washington, 27:19-21, February 2.

     1928. A taxonomic review of the American long-tailed shrews
     (Genus Sorex and Microsorex). N. Amer. Fauna, 51:vi + 238,
     24 figs., 13 pls., July 24.

     1951. Classification of the races of the coyote, pt. 2, pp.
     227-341, pls. 58-81, figs. 20-28, _in_ Young, S. P., and
     Jackson, H. H. T., The clever coyote. Stackpole Co.,
     Harrisburg, Pa., and Wildlife Manag. Inst., Washington, D.
     C., xv + 411 pp., 81 pls., 28 figs., 11 tables, November 29.

JONES, J. K., JR., and ALVAREZ, T.

     1962. Taxonomic status of the free-tailed bat, Tadarida
     yucatanica Miller. Univ. Kansas Publ., Mus. Nat. Hist,
     14:125-133, 1 fig., March 7.


     1958. Noteworthy records of harvest mice in México. Jour.
     Mamm., 39:446-447, August 20.


     1944. Review of the spider monkeys. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus.,
     96:1-45, November 2.


     1952. The subspecies of the Mexican red-bellied squirrel,
     Sciurus aureogaster. Univ. Kansas Publ., Mus. Nat. Hist.,
     5:243-250, April 10.


     1947. A new race of Oryzomys from Tamaulipas. Proc. New
     England Zool. Club, 24:101-103, May 29.


     1947. Status of Mexican Big-game herds. Trans. 12th N. Amer.
     Wild. Conference, pp. 437-448.

     1950. Vegetation zones of Mexico. Ecology, 31:507-518, 1
     fig., October.

     1959. Wildlife of Mexico. The Game birds and mammals. Univ.
     California Press, pp. xiii + 568, 193 figs.


     1960. An analysis of intraspecific variation in the kangaroo
     rat Dipodomys merriami. Univ. California Publ. Zool.,
     67:125-218, 20 figs., 4 pls., August 4.

LUKENS, P. W., JR., and DAVIS, W. B.

     1957. Bats of the Mexican state of Guerrero. Jour. Mamm.,
     38:1-14, February 25.

MALAGA A., A., and VILLA R., B.

     1957. Algunas notas acerca de la distribución de los
     murciélagos de America del Norte relacionados con el
     problema de la rabia. Anal. Inst. Biol., México, 27:529-568,
     8 figs., 10 maps, September 30.

MARTIN, M., and P. S.

     1954. Notes on the capture of tropical bats at cuevo [sic]
     El Pachon, Tamaulipas, Mexico. Jour. Mamm., 35:584-585,


     1958. A biogeography of reptiles and amphibians in the Gomez
     Farias region, Tamaulipas, Mexico. Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool.,
     Univ. Michigan, 101:1-102, 7 figs., 7 pls., 4 maps, April

MARTIN, P. S., ROBINS, C. R., and HEED, W. B.

     1954. Birds and biogeography of the Sierra de Tamaulipas, an
     isolated pine-oak habitat. Wilson Bull., 66:38-57, 2 figs.,
     1 map, March.


     1895. Revision of the shrews of the American genera Blarina
     and Notiosorex. N. Amer. Fauna, 10:1-34, 2 figs., December

     1895. Monographic revision of the pocket gophers, family
     Geomydae (Exclusive of the species Thomomys). _Ibid._,
     8:1-258, 10 figs., 19 pls., 3 maps, January 31.

     1898. Life Zones and Crop Zones of the United States. U. S.
     Dept. Agriculture, Bull., 10:1-79, 1 map, June.


     1897. Revision of the North American bats of the family
     Vespertilionidae. N. Amer. Fauna, 13:1-140, 40 figs., 3
     pls., October 16. 1913. Revision of the bats of the genus
     Glossophaga. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 46:413-429, 1 fig.,
     December 31.

     1924. List of North American Recent mammals, 1923. Bull. U.
     S. Nat. Mus., 128:xvi + 673, April 29.

MILLER, G. S., JR., and ALLEN, G. M.

     1928. The American bats of the genera Myotis and Pizonyx.
     _Ibid._, 144:vii + 217, 13 maps, May 25.


     1955. List of North American mammals. _Ibid._, 205:xii +
     954, March 3.


     1898. Description of the squirrels from Mexico and Central
     America. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 12:145-156, June 3.

     1899. Revision of the squirrels of Mexico and Central
     America. Proc. Washington Acad. Sci., 1:15-106, 2 pls., May

     1904. Descriptions of seven new rabbits from Mexico. Proc.
     Biol. Soc. Washington, 17:103-110, May 18.

     1909. The rabbits of North America. N. Amer. Fauna,
     29:1-314, 8 pls., August 31.


     1933. Revision of the jaguars. Jour. Mamm., 14:221-240,
     August 17.

     1934. Revision of the pocket gophers of the genus
     Cratogeomys. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 47:135-153, June


     1900. Revision of the pocket mice of the genus Perognathus.
     N. Amer. Fauna, 18:1-72, 15 figs., 4 pls., September 20.

     1909. Revision of the mice of the American genus Peromyscus.
     _Ibid._, 28:1-285, 12 figs., 8 pls., April 17.

     1945. Two new rodents from Mexico. Jour. Mamm., 26:299-301,
     November 14.


     1960. Speciation and evolution of the pygmy mice, genus
     Baiomys. Univ. Kansas Publ., Mus. Nat. Hist., 9:579-670, 12
     figs., 4 pls., June 16.


     1893. Geographic variation in Bassariscus astutus, with
     description of a new subspecies. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci.
     Philadelphia, 45:413-418, January 30.


     1949. Three new races of badgers (Taxidea) from southwestern
     United States. Jour. Mamm., 30:301-305, August 17.


     1962. Vertebrates from the barrier islands of Tamaulipas,
     México. Univ. Kansas Publ., Mus. Nat. Hist., 12:309-345, 4
     pls., June 18.


     1949. Subspeciation in the kangaroo rat Dipodomys ordii.
     Univ. Kansas Publ., Mus. Nat. Hist., 1:473-573, 27 figs.,
     December 27.


     1931. Notes on the American bats of the genus Tadarida.
     Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 78:1-27, May 6.


     1949. Herpetogeny in Mexico and Guatemala. Assn. Amer.
     Geographers, 39:219-238, 1 fig., September.


     1957. A new bat (Genus Leptonycteris) from Coahuila. Univ.
     Kansas Publ., Mus. Nat. Hist., 9:353-356, January 21.


     1949. Geografía general de México. Talleres Graficos de la
     Nación, México, vol. 1:vii + 628, vol. 2:1-583.


     1959. A taxonomic revision of the spotted skunks (Genus
     _Spilogale_). Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 117:233-392, 47
     figs., June 15.


     1954. Distribución actual de los castores en México. Anal.
     Inst. Biol., México, 25:443-450, 2 pls., 1 map, November 9.

     1956. Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana (Saussure), el
     murciélago guanero, es una subespecie migratoria. Acta Zool.
     Mex., 1:1-11, 2 figs., September 15. 1958. El mono araña
     (_Ateles geoffroyi_) encontrado en la costa de Jalisco y en
     la región central de Tamaulipas. Anal. Inst. Biol., México,
     28:345-347, June 14.

VILLA R., B., and JIMENEZ G., A.

     1961. Acerca de la posición taxonomica de _Mormoops
     megalophyla senicula_ Rehn, y la presencia de virus rabico
     en estos murciélagos insectivoros. _Ibid._, 31:501-509, 1
     fig., April 17.


     1953. Geografía de México. Fondo de Cultura Economica,
     México. 3er. Ed., pp. 1-338, 37 pls.

_Transmitted June 28, 1962_


(Continued from inside of front cover)

     Vol. 10. 1. Studies of birds killed in nocturnal migration.
     By Harrison B. Tordoff and Robert M. Mengel. Pp. 1-44, 6
     figures in text, 2 tables. September 12, 1956.

     2. Comparative breeding behavior of Ammospiza caudacuta and
     A. maritima. By Glen E. Woolfenden. Pp. 45-75, 6 plates, 1
     figure. December 20, 1956.

     3. The forest habitat of the University of Kansas Natural
     History Reservation. By Henry S. Fitch and Ronald R.
     McGregor. Pp. 77-127, 2 plates, 7 figures in text, 4 tables.
     December 31, 1956.

     4. Aspects of reproduction and development in the prairie
     vole (Microtus ochrogaster). By Henry S. Fitch. Pp. 129-161,
     8 figures in text, 4 tables. December 19, 1957.

     5. Birds found on the Arctic slope of northern Alaska. By
     James W. Bee. Pp. 163-211, plates 9-10, 1 figure in text.
     March 12, 1958.

     6. The wood rats of Colorado: distribution and ecology. By
     Robert B. Finley, Jr. Pp. 213-552, 34 plates, 8 figures in
     text, 35 tables. November 7, 1958.

     7. Home ranges and movements of the eastern cottontail in
     Kansas. By Donald W. Janes. Pp. 553-572, 4 plates, 3 figures
     in text. May 4, 1959.

     8. Natural history of the salamander, Aneides hardyi. By
     Richard F. Johnston and Gerhard A. Schad. Pp. 573-585.
     October 8, 1959.

     9. A new subspecies of lizard, Cnemidophorus sacki, from
     Michoacán, México. By William E. Duellman. Pp. 587-598, 2
     figures in text. May 2, 1960.

     10. A taxonomic study of the Middle American Snake, Pituophis
     deppei. By William E. Duellman. Pp. 599-610, 1 plate, 1
     figure in text. May 2, 1960.

     Index. Pp. 611-626.

     Vol. 11. 1. The systematic status of the colubrid snake,
     Leptodeira discolor Günther. By William E. Duellman. Pp. 1-9,
     4 figures. July 14, 1958.

     2. Natural history of the six-lined racerunner, Cnemidophorus
     sexlineatus. By Henry S. Fitch. Pp. 11-62, 9 figures, 9
     tables. September 19, 1958.

     3. Home ranges, territories, and seasonal movements of
     vertebrates of the Natural History Reservation. By Henry S.
     Fitch. Pp. 63-326, 6 plates, 24 figures in text, 3 tables.
     December 12, 1958.

     4. A new snake of the genus Geophis from Chihuahua, Mexico.
     By John M. Legler. Pp. 327-334, 2 figures in text. January
     28, 1959.

     5. A new tortoise, genus Gopherus, from north-central Mexico.
     By John M. Legler. Pp. 335-343. April 24, 1959.

     6. Fishes of Chautauqua, Cowley and Elk counties, Kansas. By
     Artie L. Metcalf. Pp. 345-400, 2 plates, 2 figures in text,
     10 tables. May 6, 1959.

     7. Fishes of the Big Blue river basin, Kansas. By W. L.
     Minckley. Pp. 401-442, 2 plates, 4 figures in text, 5 tables.
     May 8, 1959.

     8. Birds from Coahuila, México. By Emil K. Urban. Pp.
     443-516. August 1, 1959.

     9. Description of a new softshell turtle from the
     southeastern United States. By Robert G. Webb. Pp. 517-525, 2
     plates, 1 figure in text. August 14, 1959.

     10. Natural history of the ornate box turtle, Terrapene
     ornata ornata Agassiz. By John M. Legler. Pp. 527-669, 16
     pls., 29 figures in text. March 7, 1960.

     Index Pp. 671-703.

     Vol. 12. 1. Functional morphology of three bats: Eumops,
     Myotis, Macrotus. By Terry A. Vaughan. Pp. 1-153, 4 plates,
     24 figures in text. July 8, 1959.

     2. The ancestry of modern Amphibia: a review of the evidence.
     By Theodore H. Eaton, Jr. Pp. 155-180, 10 figures in text.
     July 10, 1959.

     3. The baculum in microtine rodents. By Sydney Anderson. Pp.
     181-216, 49 figures in text. February 19, 1960.

     4. A new order of fishlike Amphibia from the Pennsylvanian of
     Kansas. By Theodore H. Eaton, Jr., and Peggy Lou Stewart. Pp.
     217-240, 12 figures in text. May 2, 1960.

     5. Natural history of the bell vireo. By Jon C. Barlow. Pp.
     241-296, 6 figures in text. March 7, 1962.

     6. Two new pelycosaurs from the lower Permian of Oklahoma. By
     Richard C. Fox. Pp. 297-307, 6 figures in text. May 21, 1962.

     7. Vertebrates from the barrier island of Tamaulipas, México.
     By Robert K. Selander, Richard F. Johnston, B. J. Wilks, and
     Gerald G. Raun. Pp. 309-345, pls. 5-8. June 18, 1962.

     8. Teeth of Edestid sharks. By Theodore H. Eaton, Jr. Pp.
     347-362, 10 figures in text. October 1, 1962.

     More numbers will appear in volume 12.

     Vol. 13. 1. Five natural hybrid combinations in minnows
     (Cyprinidae). By Frank B. Cross and W. L. Minckley. Pp. 1-18.
     June 1, 1960.

     2. A distributional study of the amphibians of the Isthmus of
     Tehuantepec, México. By William E. Duellman. Pp. 19-72, pls.
     1-8, 3 figures in text. August 16, 1960.

     3. A new subspecies of the slider turtle (Pseudemys scripta)
     from Coahuila, México. By John M. Legler. Pp. 73-84, pls.
     9-12, 3 figures in text. August 16, 1960.

     4. Autecology of the copperhead. By Henry S. Fitch. Pp.
     85-288, pls. 13-20, 26 figures in text. November 30, 1960.

     5. Occurrence of the garter snake, Thamnophis sirtalis, in
     the great plains and Rocky mountains. By Henry S. Fitch and
     T. Paul Maslin. Pp. 289-308, 4 figures in text. February 10,

     6. Fishes of the Wakarusa river in Kansas. By James E. Deacon
     and Artie L. Metcalf. Pp. 309-322, 1 figure in text. February
     10, 1961.

     7. Geographic variation in the North American Cyprinid fish,
     Hybopsis gracilis. By Leonard J. Olund and Frank B. Cross.
     Pp. 323-348, pls. 21-24, 2 figures in text. February 10,

     8. Descriptions of two species of frogs, genus Ptychohyla;
     studies of American Hylid frogs, V. By William E. Duellman.
     Pp. 349-357, pl. 25, 2 figures in text. April 27, 1961.

     9. Fish populations, following a drought, in the Neosho and
     Marais des Cygnes rivers of Kansas. By James Everett Deacon.
     Pp. 359-427, pls. 26-30, 3 figures in text. August 11, 1961.

     10. North American recent soft-shelled turtles (family
     Trionychidae). By Robert G. Webb. Pp. 429-611, pls. 31-54, 24
     figures in text. February 16, 1962.

     Index. Pp. 613-624.

     Vol. 14. 1. Neotropical bats from western México. By Sydney
     Anderson. Pp. 1-8. October 24, 1960.

     2. Geographic variation in the harvest mouse, Reithrodontomys
     megalotis, on the central great plains and in adjacent
     regions. By J. Knox Jones, Jr., and B. Mursaloglu. Pp. 9-27,
     1 figure in text. July 24, 1961.

     3. Mammals of Mesa Verde national park, Colorado. By Sydney
     Anderson. Pp. 29-67, pls. 1 and 2, 3 figures in text. July
     24, 1961.

     4. A new subspecies of the black myotis (bat) from eastern
     México. By E. Raymond Hall and Ticul Alvarez. Pp. 69-72, 1
     fig. in text. December 29, 1961.

     5. North American yellow bats, "Dasypterus," and a list of
     the named kinds of the genus Lasiurus Gray. By E. Raymond
     Hall and J. Knox Jones, Jr. Pp. 73-98, 4 figs. in text.
     December 29, 1961.

     6. Natural history of the brush mouse (Peromyscus boylii) in
     Kansas with description of a new subspecies. By Charles A.
     Long. Pp. 99-110, 1 fig. in text. December 29, 1961.

     7. Taxonomic status of some mice of the Peromyscus boylii
     group in eastern México, with description of a new
     subspecies. By Ticul Alvarez. Pp. 111-120, 1 fig. in text.
     December 29, 1961.

     8. A new subspecies of ground squirrel (Spermophilus
     spilosoma) from Tamaulipas, México. By Ticul Alvarez. Pp.
     121-124. March 7, 1962.

     9. Taxonomic status of the free-tailed bat, Tadarida
     yucatanica Miller. By J. Knox Jones, Jr., and Ticul Alvarez.
     Pp. 125-133, 1 figure in text. March 7, 1962.

     10. A new doglike carnivore, genus Cynarctus, from the
     Clarendonian, Pliocene, of Texas. By E. Raymond Hall and
     Walter W. Dalquest. Pp. 135-138, 2 figures in text. April 30,

     11. A new subspecies of wood rat (Neotoma) from northeastern
     Mexico. By Ticul Alvarez. Pp. 139-143. April 30, 1962.

     12. Noteworthy mammals from Sinaloa, Mexico. By J. Knox
     Jones, Jr., Ticul Alvarez, and M. Raymond Lee. Pp. 145-149, 1
     figure in text. May 18, 1962.

     13. A new bat (Myotis) from Mexico. By E. Raymond Hall. Pp.
     161-164, 1 figure in text. May 21, 1962.

     14. The Mammals of Veracruz. By E. Raymond Hall and Walter W.
     Dalquest. Pp. 165-362, 2 figures in text. May 20, 1963.

     15. The Recent mammals of Tamaulipas, Mexico. By Ticul
     Alvarez. Pp. 363-473, 5 figures in text. May 20, 1963.

     More numbers will appear in volume 14.

     Vol. 15. 1. The amphibians and reptiles of Michoacán, México.
     By William E. Duellman. Pp. 1-148, pls. 1-6, 11 figures in
     text. December 20, 1961.

     2. Some reptiles and amphibians from Korea. By Robert G.
     Webb, J. Knox Jones, Jr., and George W. Byers. Pp. 149-173.
     January 31, 1962.

     3. A new species of frog (Genus Tomodactylus) from western
     México. By Robert G. Webb. Pp. 175-181, 1 figure in text.
     March 7, 1962.

     4. Type specimens of amphibians and reptiles in the Museum of
     Natural History, The University of Kansas. By William E.
     Duellman and Barbara Berg. Pp. 183-204, October 26, 1962.

     More numbers will appear in volume 15.

       *       *       *       *       *

Transcriber's Notes

Page 386: Changed Pariso to Paraiso. (Orig.: Aserradero del
Pariso.--22°59´, 99°15´.)

Page 390: Changed: intermadius to intermedius. (Orig.: Reithrodontomys
fulvescens intermadius J. A. Allen 439)

Page 398: Changed Tamulipas to Tamaulipas. (Orig.: subspecies from the
Sierra de Tamulipas, previously)

Page 399: Retained Mormops, but possibly a typo for Mormoops. (Orig.:
1864. Mormops megalophylla Peters, Monatsb. preuss. Akad. Wiss.,
Berlin, p. 381, type from southern México.)

Page 402: Changed embyos to embryos. (Orig.: average crown-rump length
of the 10 embyos was 43)

Page 409: Changed veraecrusis to veraecrucis. (Orig.: P. s.

Page 410: Changed veraecrusis to veraecrucis. (Orig.: specimens of
veraecrusis from Las Vigas, Veracruz.)

Page 411: Retained measurement (17-8) grams; possibly typo for (17-18)
or (17-17.8). (Orig.: three males 17.5 (17-8) grams.)

Page 426: Changed Washinton to Washington. (Orig.: personatus
tropicalis Goldman, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washinton,)

Page 435: Changed perargrus to peragrus. (Orig.: 1918. Oryzomys couesi
perargrus, Goldman,)

Page 439: Changed descripton to description. (Orig.: According to the
original descripton by Davis)

Page 454: Changed Gaudalupe to Guadalupe. (Orig.: type from Sierra
Gaudalupe, southeastern Coahuila.)

Page 454: Changed N. l. microdon to C. l. microdon. (Orig.: N. l.
microdon occurs from Camargo south to Nicolás.)

Page 456: Changed Gaudalupe to Guadalupe. (Orig.: type from Sierra
Gaudalupe, Coahuila.)

Page 457: Changed to to two. (Orig.: 1962:338, recorded only to

Page 459: Changed synonmy to synonymy. (Orig.: cited by Coues in
synonmy as "Putorius mexicanus)

Page 460: Changed three occurences of Shantz to Schantz. (Orig.: by
Shantz. One of them T. t. littoralis (Shantz, 1949:301)) and
(measurements are greater than those given by Shantz (1949:302))

Page 461: Changed weing to wenig. (Orig.: Darstellung neuer oder weing

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of The Recent Mammals of Tamaulipas,
Mexico, by Ticul Alvarez


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