Broken Bread, from an Evangelist's Wallet

By Thomas Champness

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Title: Broken Bread
       from an Evangelist's Wallet

Author: Thomas Champness

Release Date: January 11, 2008  [eBook #24242]

Language: English

Character set encoding: ISO-646-US (US-ASCII)


Transcribed from the 1888 "Joyful News" edition by David Price,
[email protected]





B. Wrigley & Sons, Limited, Printers, Acker Street, Rochdale.








September, 1888.


This is a book made up of fragments.  The Master once said "Gather up the
fragments that nothing be lost."  It may be that victuals will be found
here that may feed those who cannot sit down to a meal.  Many of the
articles have appeared in _Joyful News_ already, but, perhaps, are none
the worse for that.  We send out this little book in the hope that both
crust and crumb will be eaten!


If the men who farmed England in the olden time could return, few things
would surprise them more than the condition of the land.  Many a field
now bearing good crops each year, was in "the good old times" moorland or
fen.  Sheep and cattle graze where once only wild birds could live.
Drainage has made the change.  The land, once too cold and wet to allow
anything valuable to grow, has been by grips and drain pipes, made to
produce food for man and beast.

Is it not so on God's farm?  "Ye are His husbandry," and just as the
farmer knows that if he cannot have his wet land drained, his seed will
be starved, or the young corn perish with the cold, so we who toil in the
Lord's fields need to learn that in many places the first thing to be
done is to


Do any of our readers complain that they cannot get an answer to their
prayers for a revival, and that all the preaching and teaching seem to be
wasted?  Let us advise them to look under the surface.  Are there not


Would it not be well to try what draining the land would do?  Are the
most influential men cold and unresponsive to the call of the Spirit?
What sort of people take the lead in the prayer meetings?  Are they left
to the zealous poor?  Does every man of wealth and culture hurry home and
leave the preacher to shift for himself?  Who are the stewards?  Are they
men who will do their utmost to welcome strangers, or does their example
tell on others so much that a visitor never has a word of welcome or a
grip of the hand?  What is the singing like?  Is it of the colourless,
tame style, whose only sign of life is the rapid gallop which kills
devotion in so many places?

How is the Bible read by the preacher?  Does he confine himself to the
narrow round which he has read so often in the ears of the people that it
has lost its charm--or does he seek out that which will be sure to
interest; and does he read as if he believed it?

We think our readers know some congregations in which there can be no
revival until the drainer has been at work, and that which starves the
seed removed.  What we want is to have the question asked at the next
leader's or quarterly meeting.




The story of Moses teaches us that LITTLE FOLKS ARE VERY HELPLESS.  There
he is in that basket.  He cannot care for himself.  He is in the power of
the king's daughter.  If she liked she could have had him killed, for it
was plain to be seen that he was one of the Hebrew children.  When you
were in your cradle how weak you were, how helpless.  If your mother had
not cared for you, my dear boy, you would never have troubled the tailor
to measure you for your new suit.  Do you ever think how much you are in
your mother's debt?  When you were hungry she fed you, when you were cold
she warmed you, when you were sick she nursed you.  And you can pay her
back.  Not in money, for when you are old enough to earn gold you will
not be rich enough to do that; but you can reward her by obedience, by
love, and by letting her know by your kindness that you do not forget
what she did for you years ago.

LITTLE FOLKS ARE WATCHED BY GOD.  The crocodiles could have swallowed up
the little chap at one mouthful, but they never even saw him.  God
steered the little bark, and brought its voyage to an end in a safe
harbour.  If anyone but the kind-hearted lady who became his second
mother had seen him, the story of his life might have been very short.
And the same God watches you, my dear child.

There is an Eye which never sleeps; and in the night, when even your
mother has closed her eyes, God does not shut His.  Do you ever think
that in the darkness the eye of God can see you just as well as in the
daylight?  If it had not been so, you would not have grown in your sleep,
as you have done every night.  There have been many dangers near to you
which you never knew, but God did, and has watched over you for good all
your life.  Thank Him, for even your mother could not have helped you, if
God had not done so.

LITTLE FOLKS MAY BECOME GREAT MEN.  That baby became one of the greatest
men in Old Testament history.  And how was it?  He stuck to his book.  We
read that "Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians."  This
could not have been if he had scamped his lessons, could it?  Then he
left the company of the wicked, though it cost him a great deal, and he
chose to be one of the people of God.  The boy and girl who will follow
his example will do well for themselves, for the life of Moses was one of
the greatest honour, and, though he had to pay the price which must be
paid if we would win the smile of God, he has been rewarded.  Honour has
come to him that never came to anyone else; for we learn from the Book of
Revelation that in heaven his name is greatest of the great, for the
saints sing "The song of Moses, the servant of God," and



There have been during the last few years great improvements in the
construction of the plough, but no one dreams of any substitute for it.
Ploughing is as necessary as sowing; that is to say, the land must be
stirred and prepared for the seed.  In heavenly husbandry there are some
well-meaning folk who would dispense with the plough, and preach faith
without repentance, but only to find that the birds of the air get most
of the seed!  If there is to be an abiding work there must be conviction
of sin, and knowledge of guilt, and for this end there is nothing better
than a plough, made of Sinai steel and wood grown on Calvary.

There are some directions given in the Old Book which it will pay our
ploughmen to study.  One is as to the choice of the team.  Don't yoke an
ass with an ox (see Deut. xxii, 10).  In your motive power see to it
there is no mixture of vanity with duty.  You will not succeed in
concealing the fact.  A donkey is one of the worst of animals to hide.  IT

Let there be no stopping at home because the wind is in the east.  "The
sluggard will not plough by reason of the cold."  If the ploughman means
to succeed he must count on suffering; and if the devil cannot find
anyone on his side to oppose, he will raise up some imbecile Christian to
do so, who by some sneer or cold criticism, will try to keep the plough
idle.  Instead of looking which way the wind blows, get to work.

There must be no looking back.  Mark the Master's words in Luke ix, 62.
Keep your eye on the mark, just as the ploughman looks at the staff he
has fixed as his guide.  Keep looking unto Jesus.  Many a preacher, who
could make hell tremble for its own, has, by looking back, become
respectably commonplace.  So the fine promise of his youth dies ignobly,
and is laid in the grave of Demas!  Whether it be a bag of gold, or a
fair face, or a pillow of down, thou art called to look back upon, do as
the Master did--set thy "face toward Jerusalem."

Keep a good heart on it.  "He that ploweth should plow in hope."  What is
called success does not mean reaping only.  The plough is as honourable
as the sickle, though they may not make a feast, or dress thy team with
flowers!  Whistle at the plough, and in time thou shalt be bidden to the
harvest supper.  John Baptist was a ploughman, and that was all; yet
there are some reapers who would gladly exchange places with him, badly
paid as he was.  In these days too often the honour is paid to the
successful evangelist, and those who ploughed and sowed are forgotten;
but the time is coming when the promise shall be fulfilled--



   "_The Iron did swim_."--2ND KINGS, vi, 6.


The axe had fallen into the river, to the great sorrow of the man who had
used it.  He was an honest man, for he mourned over the fact that it was
borrowed.  "It has sunk to rise no more;" and yet it swam!  Why lose hope
of the fallen and degraded?  They are no lower down than the axe head was
when at the bottom of the Jordan.  "The iron did swim."  How? for


If the axe had been let alone, it might have been at the bottom of the
river now.  The man who felt its loss called on a higher power than his
own.  He told his sorrow to one who had sympathy for him.  Do we cry unto
God about those who have sunk out of our reach?  The lapsed masses, as we
call them, were not all born so.  Many of them have been Sunday scholars,
and some of them church members.  How do we feel about them?  Does the
thought of their degradation ever bring an "alas!" from our hearts?
Elisha's God is nearer to us than the prophet was to the man who lost the
axe.  "Call on Him WHILE He is near."

"The iron did swim."  How was it done?


An example was put before it.  A stick was thrown in, and the iron
imitated it.  O, the power of a godly example!  Let us who work among the
ungodly show them the way to live.  Let the churches move over the places
where the degraded lie.  We shall never lift them while we remain in our
beautiful churches and chapels.  Only this week we saw the iron made to
swim, by the personal contact of ministers and well-dressed people taking
hold of the street folk, and cheerily inviting them into God's house.  A
man may be only "a stick" when in the pulpit; but in hearty personal
dealing with the degraded, he may be one who can make the iron to swim.

* * * * *


A good man, the other day, was advising Ministers to preach more on the
doctrine of "Entire Sanctification."  One of them replied,


Perhaps both were right; one thing is certain, that the way to make the
doctrine more popular is, to have more of those who believe it to "live
it."  We might greatly increase the number of preachers, for every
Christian might preach.  Women as well as men, we might preach every day,
for every duty would be a pulpit, and every trial an oration.  No one
would complain the sermons were too long; for all people are willing that
you should never cease to do them good.  What say you reader!  Will you
enter the ranks of this Ministry?

2 SAMUEL, xxiii, 11, 12.

What a picture is here!  A field of ripe beans, just ready for the
harvest, and then the leaves and pods all blood-stained or trampled down!
Those Philistines liked to fight rather than to work, preferring plunder
to ploughing, so they would cross the border and carry away the results
of the farmer's toil.  But they made a mistake in coming where Shammah


Have not many of us to complain that the enemies of God's people still
like to plunder our harvest fields?  How Satan grasps at our elder
scholars!  He is not content with gutter-children.  He likes to take our
young men and women, and so we hear drunken men quote scripture, and
bloated women hum psalm tunes!

What shall we do?  We read, "The people fled from the Philistines."  Shall
we leave the results of our Sunday school work in the hands of the enemy?
Is it not time that we made a stand?  The thing is becoming monotonous,
so much so, that in some places it is thought not worth being grieved
about, that the young men and women, who have passed through our schools,
never attend the chapel, and are lost to us for years, if not for ever!

   "Soldiers of Christ arise!"

If a lad enlists, and is sent to Aldershot, we soon put the chaplain on
his track, and shall we not do something for those who are carried away
by those sons of Anak which we call the theatre and racecourse?  Would it
not pay us to have a holy band of men and women to hunt up our lapsed
scholars, and to fight for the harvest we sowed and have waited for so
long, only to see it carried away by the Philistines?

In all our large towns there are neighbourhoods where the enemy of God
and man is strongly entrenched.  And yet there are churches and chapels
in those streets.  The few who attend those places pass houses, once
respectable, but now given up to vice.  Homes where there was once family
worship, are now, to use the words of the Wise man, "The way of hell,
going down to the chambers of death."

What is to be done?  "There are not many members now."  "There is no one
to work."  So it might have been said in the bean-field; the people were
gone, all gone but Shammah.  He stood, and God showed, then, as now, that
He was prepared to stand by the minority, if it were loyal to Him, for He
wrought a great, not an ordinary one, but a great victory!

There are yet great victories to be won when we turn on our pursuers.
Don't be carried away by bad example.  We go with a multitude to do evil,
when we refuse to fight for the results of past work done by ourselves or
our fathers.  Shammah seems to have said, "If I am to die, I will die
here among the beans.  Better so than pine to death for want of them."  Is
it not true that with the harvest of our toil they carry away our faith
in God, and in His word?  Much of the Bible is lost to those who flee
rather than fight.  A great deal of our hymn book is for


Those battle songs cannot be enjoyed by men who never leave the barracks.
No wonder the old tunes are not sung by craven hearts.  Let those of us
who have left Shammah to fight alone, rejoin him, then we shall have the
joy of conquest, and the gladness of those who divide the spoil.

* * * * *


The other day, looking out of a train, as we stopped at a country
station, I saw a row of buckets painted red, with the word FIRE on each
of them.  There they were, waiting to be used, if occasion required, and
I noticed that each of them was filled with water.  Only a humble kind of
agent is a bucket, yet being full of water and near at hand, it is easy
to see that in the event of fire breaking out there, it is more than
likely it would be put out without doing much damage.

Are we,--Ministers, Local Preachers, Sunday School Teachers,
Class-leaders, and other workers--are we ready for use?  It is not enough
that people can tell by our appearance that we are separated for
service--are we ready?  It did not suffice the man in charge of that
little station to have those buckets on the stand, and it is not enough
that we are in the pulpit or the class-room.


We can be filled with that which will put out the fire, and if we are not
full, who is there to blame but ourselves?  Those buckets might have been
neglected till the hoops dropped off, and the power to hold water was
gone, all because they were not kept full, and if so, they would be an
apt illustration of some who have ceased to be the men they were, and
only that they fill the same place, we should not dream of them being
used at all.

ACTS xii. 7.

IN ANSWER TO PRAYER:--Do you know any one tied and bound?  Have you
prayed for them without ceasing?  Are you conscious of the enemy putting
YOUR hands or feet in fetters?  Are you unable to reach that purse which
was at one time always within your grasp, so that now you do not give to
the poor as you once did?  Are your feet prevented from going on errands
of mercy?  Do the manacles keep you at home on Sundays, instead of
walking muddy lanes to preach?  If so, how do you like it?  Do you not
think you should cry to God?

We know a godly and cultivated minister who got into Doubting Castle,
some years ago.  He was losing hold of God, and his duty was becoming
irksome, so he cried unto the Lord in his trouble.  "I let them all go to
bed," said he, "and had an all-night of prayer," and his chains fell off.

VERY QUIETLY.  Not a single soldier was awakened.  God can speak in
loudest tones, as at Phillippi.  He can bring His people out without
anyone knowing, till they tell the tale themselves.  It has often been
the case, that some gentle, quiet preacher has been the instrument of
deliverance to the Lord's chosen ones.  There has been a revolution in
nature.  What a blessed change!  How the chains of winter have fallen
off, and that surly east-wind jailer been dismissed without noise or

When free, Peter went to tell those who had prayed him out.  He found
them in a state of great surprise.  How good of God not to limit our
success in prayer by our faith, or the want of it.  In this also He does
"exceeding abundantly."  Still they did not fail, depend on it, to praise
the Lord.  Herod soon found it out, and was abashed.  He would not dare
to meet a Christian in the street, for the smile on the believer's face
would say, "His chains fell off."  Do not let us who can pray be ever
discouraged.  We can touch the heart of God, so let us sing--

   "The Lion of Judah shall break every chain,
   And give us the victory again and again."


I.--Feed an ass once, and he will know the place again.  Feed a sinner
all his life, and you only make him more capable of rebellion (verses 2
and 3.)

II.--There are no wounds smart like those given by God's rod (verses 6
and 8.)

III.--Sin manufactures dunces so stupid, that even God's rod cannot mend
them (verse 5.)

IV.--Religion without piety sickens God (v. 11, 14.)  There are folk in
church and chapel more hateful to God than those in the public-house.

V.--Sin is dirt (verse 16.)

VI.--God can bleach even crimson-dyed hands (v. 18.)

VII.--Those who are strong to sin shall burn in a fire hotter than their
lusts, and more quenchless than their hatred to goodness (verses 28 and

ACTS iii, 8.

Little did the lame man's friends think that this was the last time they
should ever carry their dear one to the spot where he begged his bread.
Perhaps you have offered your last prayer to-day for some one's
salvation.  He may come home to say, "Carry me no more, but let me walk
with you to heaven."

No one could blame the poor fellow for being excited.  He had never
walked before, and the delight he felt made him use his new found
strength.  You see he has dropped his crutches.  Anyone could light the
fire with them now, he needed them not.  Reader, do you still use
spiritual crutches?  Why not look for the fulfilment of the prophet's
words, "Then shall the lame man leap as an hart."


He could not have been persuaded to leave them; indeed, we read of him
further on standing with the apostles when they were brought before the
magistrates.  It is a good sign when men stay with those who were made a
blessing to them.  If Methodism had with her to-day all she has lifted
from poverty and degradation, she would need neither testimonials nor

MARK xi, 3.

What! of an Ass?  Yes, "God hath chosen the foolish things of the world."
He gets renown to Himself by "using things which are despised."  Let us
never despair of the most foolish of men, if he become the servant of
Jesus.  It is said of the great John Hunt, that when a young man, he gave
no promise of the talents he shewed in the work of the Ministry.  We have
spoken with one who knew him before his conversion, who made us smile as
he described his gait and style of life.  Yet this ungainly ploughboy
became a man whom to know was to admire.  It was in Christ's hands,
though, he improved so greatly.

DOES THE LORD REALLY NEED AN ASS?  Yes.  The Scriptures foretold that
Jesus should come "riding upon an ass."  Is it not beautiful to think of
the poor despised Ass fulfilling so grand a prophecy?  "The knowledge of
the Lord shall cover the earth."  We may help that on.  Will the young
men and women who read this bear in mind that no one ever used this ass
till Jesus did?  Why should He not be the first to use you?  "What!" say
you.  "Do you compare us to an ass?"  Well, if we do, the Bible is before
us.  "Man be born like a wild ass's colt."  And, if you have not
remembered the claims God has upon you, the poor ass has the best of it,
for the Lord says "The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his Master's
crib, but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider."  Have you
noticed that unconverted men and women are pictured in Exodus xiii. 13,
where you see a young ass with his neck broken?  The Lord needs you that
He may redeem you from your fate, and that you may be spared to bear his

Is not the best way to elevate men, to let the Lord have the use of them?
However coarse and mean we are by nature, He can refine and elevate us.
And any part of our life that is in danger of baseness may be lifted to
beauty and blessing by putting it under the Christ.  What a change came
over this animal in one short day!  An ass in the morning, but the


before the sun went down!

* * * * *


Is not that good news for you?  After being so long without a revival,
would it not be welcome?  Welcome you say--welcome as water in a desert.
Yes, and that is just what is promised.  A revival in THE MOST UNLIKELY
PLACE IN THE CIRCUIT, where even the raciest of preachers seems to be
dull, and where there is a monotony which would shame a prison.  Yes,
there, right there, look out for the water, not stagnant, but water that
"breaks out."  "Then shall the lame man leap as the hart" that finds the
stream it needs, and the "dumb shall sing," for this living water shall
quench his thirst, and loosen his dried-up tongue.  When shall it be?
Young local preacher, why not when thou preachest the next time?  Look
for it to the throne of God and the Lamb.--Rev. xxii., 1.


1.--MAN NEEDS HELP.  "They have nothing to eat."  (Mark vi. 36.)

2.--GOD IS BETTER THAN GOOD MEN.  "Send them away," said the disciples.
(Mark vi. 36.)  "They need not depart," the Lord replied.  (Matt. xiv.

GIVE HELP AS WELL AS TROUBLE.  Andrew said, "There is a lad here."  (John
vi. 9.)

here which hath five barley loaves."  (John vi. 9.)

many."  (John vi. 9.)

6.--"ORDER IS HEAVEN'S FIRST LAW."  The crowd must sit down in companies
of fifty before Jesus would feed them.  "He commanded them to make them
all sit down by companies."  (Mark vi. 39.)

to heaven he blessed."  (Matt. xiv. 19.)

8.--CHRIST'S HANDS CAN DO NO MORE THAN OURS.  It was His touch that
multiplied the loaves.  If the disciples had kept the one basket, there
would have been many faint by the way.  Faith is the truest economy.
(Matt xiv. 19.)

9.--THE USE OF THE CHURCH IS TO PASS IT ON.  "Gave the loaves to the
disciples, and the disciples to the multitude."  (Matt. xiv. 19.)

10.--EAT WHAT GOD SENDS.  You cannot be saved by knowing the doctrine any
more than looking at bread will satisfy hunger.  "They did all eat, and
were filled."  (Matt. xiv. 20.)

as they would."  (John vi. 11.)  "Enough for each, enough for all, enough
for evermore."

12.--OMNIPOTENCE DISLIKES WASTE.  "Gather up the fragments."  (John vi.
12.)  "And they took up of the fragments that remained twelve baskets
full."  (Matt. xiv. 20.)  A basketful for each apostle.


Passengers on the London "Underground" have often seen the sign-boards,
telling the travellers where to wait for the class they mean to travel
in.  And there is sure to be a large group near one--the notice for third-
class passengers.  It is so in the road to heaven.  Forgetting that the
Master has paid first-class fare for us, too many ride third, meaning,
when they get to the station where tickets are collected, to change into
the first, for all want to die happy.  Live holy.  Be first-class
Christians, and then God will see to it that you die so as to bring
honour to Him.


We have already called the attention of our readers to the subject of
ploughing, but we feel we have not pressed upon them with the force it
deserves, the necessity of what the Bible calls "breaking up the fallow
ground."  What the plough and spade do for the land we must have done for
the minds of those who sit in Methodist pews.  Unsaved men and women must
be compelled to look the truth in the face.  Farmers know that so long as
the land is hard and cloddy, the seed has no chance to get the
nourishment by which it lives; besides by turning it over, the plough
exposes that which has been hidden to the light of day, and it is by
turning it up that it gets the benefit of the atmosphere.  The nitrogen
contained in the air is filled with that which the growing seed requires
to find in the land, if it is to do well for the worker.  Have we not
thirty-fold crops where we ought to have hundredfold, for want of better
ploughs?  The heathen who spoke of preaching as "turning the world upside
down" hit on the truth; and those of us who fail to turn up the soil are
not likely to reap all we might do.  The other day we heard an
intelligent man tell the story of his conversion.  He was awakened under
the preaching of Mr. Robinson Watson.  He said, "I never used to listen
to sermons, I sat in the corner of the pew and thought of business, or
any machine I was planning, and did not hear a word, but Mr. Robinson
compelled me to think and act."

Does not this man represent many?  Are these people to be allowed to come
and go, without, in some way or other, being compelled to listen?  Let
every one of us, from the top to the bottom of the Plan, say, God helping
me, I will break up the ground.  Indifference shall become difficult.
Some of us can remember listening to men whom we feared when they opened
the hymn book, for if they began the service with one of the hymns in
"Exhorting sinners to return to God," we knew there would be difficulty
in getting to sleep, either in the pew then, or in bed, hours afterwards.
Perhaps the greatest want of the church to-day is men who can, by
handling the Bible like a gardener does his spade, cause it to be said
"The sinners in Zion are afraid, tearfulness hath surprised the



Those of us who live in the country are reminded, as we see the springing
corn, that some one has been at work--the blade comes from the buried
seed.  Honest work has been done before there can be seen the appearance
of good.

Let those of us who work for the great harvest, be


Let us have nothing in the seed-basket that cannot be termed what Jesus
called "The word of the kingdom."  There will be no difficulty in
obtaining that.  Farmers don't stint the sower, and God will not withhold
seed from His labourers.  Let the youthful preacher be encouraged, for
just as you have seen the sower fill his basket from the sack, so there
is, in the Bible, enough for each, enough for all, enough for evermore.


"Put the Bible into them, my brother," said an earnest Scotch divine to
us many years ago, and there is nothing grows as well, or yields as much,
as the Bible, used as seed.  People may tell you that they want something
else, something more attractive and pleasing.  Yes, but they won't say so
in the time of harvest.  You may plant your field with flower-seeds, sow
tulips, marigolds, mignonette, &c., those will look very well in June and
July, but how about September?  The very people that asked for them in
spring will curse you for them in autumn.


His love of righteousness, His hatred of evil; His love of man, but His
dislike to sin; His delight in benevolence, but His determined hostility
to wrong-doing.  We need to show not only God's pity for sinners, but His
inflexible justice, which did not spare His well-beloved Son, when He
bore our sins.


Never mind being called legal, if you can back your preaching by the
Bible.  Put the truth into the people about honesty, industry, and self-
denial.  Let others spend their time in talking of the angels with bright
wings of gold; let us teach men how God means them to live in this world.
Those of us who wish to learn how to sow, should study Jesus and Paul.
They are examples of what sowers should be.


"These things teach and exhort."  One secret of the want of lasting
success, is that we do not preach repentance.  Men need to have right
ideas on this subject.  Those who have not repented cannot believe unto
righteousness; they can believe unto feeling, but not to right doing!  It
is not a question so much of tears, as of turning away from sin.  The
greatest of penitents said, "I turned my feet unto thy testimonies."


That He died for us according to the scriptures.  When the Master wished
to take away the sadness from His disciples, as they walked to Emmaus,
"He expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning
Himself."  This is what we must do.  Put the truth, as it is in Jesus,
into the hearts of the people.  Let us show from the word of God, that
"By His stripes we are healed."  Nothing gives abiding peace like the
thought, Christ has died for my sins.  This will lead to loving Jesus,
with the kind of affection which will not be tempted to grieve Him by
doing that which is evil.  Let us see to it that we get the seed in.


No preacher has done his work thoroughly who does not use the harrow.
There are some so-called teachers, who don't know what the gospel harrow
is.  This is why the catechism is not taught.  The ancient plan of
catechising in the church ought to be more general than it is.  Why
should we not hide the word of God in the hearts of our hearers, by
causing them to think over what we have said?  We may not be able to get
them formally to answer questions, but we may make them think.  Some
preaching is like raking with the teeth upwards.  It may be easier and
more speedy, but it is not so likely to hide the seed.  It is a good
practice for those who have been listened to by others, to talk to
themselves after the sermon or lesson is over, and to say, Soul, what
hast thou done to-day?  How many Bible truths hast thou put into the
hearts of the people?


If thou didst, never fear but thou shalt see harvest some day.  His word
does not return void.  This is not true of thy word, or of anyone else's,
but "the word of the Lord abideth for ever!"


The prophet Micah was struck with the energy and devotion of the heathen
to their gods.  He saw the grip these idols had of their votaries, how no
expense was spared, no sacrifice withheld, for the sake of a filthy lie
embodied in a stone or golden image.  While he listened to the songs of
the heathen, his heart warmed as he thought of the greatness of Jehovah,
and so he cried out--"All people will walk every one in the name of his
God, and we will walk in the name of the Lord our God for ever and
ever."--Micah iv. 5.

Why should we not serve Jehovah with the same intensity that the heathen
shew in their worship?  Why should not holiness to the Lord be as
enthusiastic and powerful in the lives of Christians as sin formerly was?
Why should not men be as much moved by the indwelling Spirit, as they
were when full of drink?  For instance, you may see, when a man is half
drunk, how his pocket is opened; he will stand treat all round; every one
in the room may have whatever he likes to order, "Give it a name!" says
the drink-inspired heart.  Now, we ask, why should not those who are
under the power of the Holy Ghost go to some poor widows and "stand treat
all round," by taking the fatherless children to some shop where their
poor naked feet shall be well shod?

Shall we not have a shout over the perseverance and patient continuance
of the converts?  See the worshippers of the race horse, as, whipped and
spurred, the winner draws out from the ruck and passes the post first!
How the mad votaries of the gambling idol make the air ring with their
cries!  And shall not we be as interested as we see men and women contend
successfully for "the prize?"  Is not the cant sometimes on the side of
those who are so anxious for what they call decorum?  Let us like Micah,
say, "WE WILL," too.  How hard it is to win the heathen over to leave
their false gods!  And shall we not walk for ever and ever in Jehovah's
name?  Why should not Satan and all who help him regard efforts to make
apostates as a forlorn hope?  O for a strong grip of God!  Do some of our
readers feel their weakness, and tremble lest they should go back to the
assemblies of the heathen?  Let us remind them of the promise--"I will
strengthen them in the Lord, and they shall walk up and down in His
name."  (Zech. x. 12.)

Most of those who serve the devil mean to forsake him before they die.
They are self-deceived in many cases, and die as they live.  Let us
determine that "for ever and ever" shall be our motto.  "Signed for
life," as the teetotaler sometimes says.  "This God is our God for ever
and ever.  He will be our guide even unto death."  We need a guide all
the way, till we come to the other side of Jordan.  After then, no
possibility of falling or loss; but though we shall need no guide, we
shall delight in the Lord for ever.  When this paper comes into the hands
of our readers, the CONFERENCE will have begun its Sittings.  Let every
Methodist, from Dan to Beersheba, say, "We will sustain the new President
with our prayers, as we did the man of God who went before him."  And the
Lord whom our fathers served shall rejoice in the energy and patient
continuance of His people.  He shall not complain that we worked harder
and sacrificed more for the Gods we served before, than we do for Him;
but the heathen shall see signs of the greatness of Jehovah in the
enthusiasm and perseverance of His people.


Two things are worthy of notice here.  First, Hannah brought her son to
God's house and left him there to minister.  In this she kept the vow she
had made (see verse 11).  If all promises made in days of trouble were
kept as this woman kept hers, there would be some wondrous changes.  We
must not suppose that Hannah did not feel the removal of her beloved son
from her own home, but she made the sacrifice, and God honoured her to
all time by recording her gratitude in the Book of books, and made her
son a national blessing.


He began to be a minister when a child, and he continued to be so to the
end of his life.  Few lives have been so honourable and honoured as his
was.  But it would not have been so if he had not continued to serve the
God of his mother.  Are there not some of our readers who are tempted to
leave the Bible and Sunday school, and to turn their backs on the
religion of their parents?  Remember that to turn your back on the God of
your mother is to hoard up dishonour and misery for yourself and those
dear to you, for what Hannah sang is yet true,


AMOS vii. 13.

"Go somewhere else and preach, you ignorant peasant!  What do you come
here for, spoiling our enjoyment, and keeping us awake at nights?  Don't
you know this is no common conventicle?  It is the place where the king
says his prayers!  Away with you, or we will take off your head!"  So
said Amaziah, the priest, and so says many a one to-day.  Cannot you let
us rest in the enjoyment of our sins?  You seem to forget that our god is
made of


We are not common pot-house people!  Preach against drunkenness, if you
like; that is a sin which increases the rates!  Preach against
prostitution, for we are afraid our sons will be entrapped some of these
days.  Preach against love of dress, or anything else that costs money,
for we have to pay sadly too much to tailors and milliners for our
children and wife; but let us alone, for our god is GOLD.

Now, Amos, what do you say to that?  Won't you go home to Tekoa, and
spend the rest of your time looking after the cattle?  "Nay, verily, but
till I die, I will make Jeroboam howl with rage and vexation of spirit,
for he follows the sins of the man who made Israel to sin."  It is the
work of the preacher to bring hell within sight of those, who, by their
selfish love of gold, make others to sin.  Let the king know that I will
make him feel as though his crown was red hot.  His honours shall burn
him, and his food shall scorch his tongue.  It is in the king's chapel
where I will preach as I never preach anywhere else, for it is Jeroboam
against whom I am sent.

O! Amos, lift up thy voice with strength against these worshippers of
golden calves!  Remember thy spiritual ancestry.  Forget not the prophet
that came from Judah many a year ago.  How he testified against that
golden god, and how Jeroboam's arm was paralyzed when he would have had
the prophet slain.  Why are we so mealy-mouthed in denouncing these
golden-idol men?  Is not the worship of money the hidden nourisher of
public sin?  Could the gin-palace exist but for the worship of Mammon?
Could those streets of bad houses in London and other large towns flaunt
their shame, were it not for high rents?  They pay well!  As sure as
there is a God in heaven, shall these, who make money out of the sin of
others, gnash their teeth in endless torment.  Amos!  He is in thy
congregation!  Do not preach to him of Heaven! but HELL!  Thou art not
talking to the prodigal son, but to those who have got his portion in
their iron safe!  Let them feel that hell is moved to meet them, and that
they are listening to one who has the Word of the Lord in his lips, which


And you who would stop Amos--Hear ye the Word of the Lord!  There is an
heritage of shame waiting for you.  Amaziah! wouldest thou send the rough-
tongued prophet away?  "Thy wife shall be an harlot, and thou shalt die."
Shame while thou dost live, and a dishonoured grave, for this is the
portion of those who would hinder faithful preachers from speaking the
Word of the Lord to the men who are setting up GOLD FOR GOD.

DEUT. i. 38.

"Encourage" who?  Why, your new Minister.  He will need it.  No one but
God knows how much some men suffer in leaving old friends and going among
strangers.  One of our most popular preachers told us that when he goes
into a new circuit, he feels like a tree that has been transplanted, and
for a time seems nearer death than life.  And it is more than likely the
man who has just come to your place is feeling acutely the separation
from old friends, and the strangeness of everything around him.  Do not
be surprised, then, if he is not as friendly at first, as the man was who
has gone away.

"ENCOURAGE HIM!" for there will be plenty to do the other thing.  The
enemy of souls, when he is not able to turn back God's soldier, will do
all he can to wound him, and if he can hire some fool of a Christian to
do it, all the better for his purpose.  It will be easy to discourage by
quarrels, jealousy and fault-finding.  In fact, it requires so little
mental ability to find fault, there is no difficulty in finding someone
to do that, but don't let it be you.  Someone else will see to it that
the new Minister has not too easy a time of it.  But do you try your
utmost to make him feel that he has come where all he does will be
appreciated, and that he will never need to go out of his own circuit to
find those who will love him for his works' sake, till they know him well
enough to love him for his own.

"ENCOURAGE HIM,"--by being at the services regularly, and in time, and
especially at the Prayer-Meeting.  Stay to the Sunday night one, and go
to the one held in the week.  What a comfort for the Minister to see the
vestry filled when he gets to the Weekly Prayer-Meeting! and when you are
there, or on your knees at home, pray for him; for if Paul needed the
prayers of the Church, much more do the Preachers to-day.

"ENCOURAGE HIM!" by taking the advice he gives you when he is in the
pulpit.  A doctor would feel it if his medicine was treated as many
sermons are.  What would the medical man think if he saw the bottle of
physic poured down the sink, or left in the bottle untasted, till there
was a cupboard full of bottles?  He would not feel like preparing any
more.  How a preacher is encouraged to make fresh sermons, when he sees
that his last was taken into the heart and life of some of his hearers.

"ENCOURAGE HIM!" by letting him know of anyone who has received good from
his preaching or visits.  You need not be afraid of making him proud.  He
has had enough of the other kind, or, as we sometimes say, he is sure to
have "a stone in the other pocket."  We remember visiting one of our sick
class-leaders one Monday, who said, "Who was the young man who preached
here last night?"  "Why, that was the new Minister!"  "Well, you must
tell him a woman was converted."  It will "ENCOURAGE HIM," and James
says, "If one convert him, LET HIM KNOW!"

2 CHRON. xx. 12.

YET WE NEED IT VERY MUCH.  We are in great weakness, and we need power,
for there is a great multitude come against us.  It is not the wisest
policy to ignore the strength of our enemy.  Jehoshaphat did not.  It is
well for us to know the strength of our foes, but let it not lead us to
despair.  Who shall number the host of the foes against whom we must
fight?  They come to rob us of our inheritance, and if we submit, we
shall be enslaved.

WE have no might, but WE KNOW WHO HAS.  The pious king said (verse 6),
"In Thine hand is there not power and might, Art not Thou God?"  Is there
more than one God?  Some Christians talk as though the Lord had been
obliged to give up some of His power to Bradlaugh & Co.  Where is the
sign of a divided kingship?  Could all the host of God's foes have
prevented the earthquakes?  Do they know when the next will take place?
It is still true that God "shaketh the earth and the pillars thereof
tremble" (Job ix. 6)

   "This awful God is ours,
   Our Father and our love."

WE KNOW HOW TO GET MIGHT, FOR WE CAN PRAY.  Jehoshaphat did not first of
all review his troops, he called a meeting for prayer.  The nation fasted
and prayed, and the king led the devotions of his people.  What a prayer!
Have you noticed the four questions he puts to his God?  And with what
pathos he says "Our eyes are upon Thee!"  Shall not the people of God
imitate Judah?  "They gathered themselves together to ask help of the
Lord."  Why should we not make this the motto of our weekly prayer


Not only the men, but the women and children came to the meeting.  Would
not the mothers and the little ones pray?  They knew that their foes
would carry them away captive, if God did not help.  Would it not be well
to encourage our children to cry to the Lord?  Would He not hear them,
think you?

Promise of the needed help soon came.  The Holy Ghost fell upon one of
the sons of Asaph, and he soon told his message:--


He always makes His people's cause His own, when they trust Him.  Shall
we not live so that our lives shall become part of the divine estate?  So
that we cannot be hurt without its injuring the Lord of heaven?  "The
Lord will be with you on the morrow."  Is some preacher reading this on
the Saturday night?  It may be some young Minister, or Local Preacher,
who is fearing for his reputation, or for the ark of God.  Brother, read
over with care this address of the Levite, v. 15-17.  Then, like the
godly monarch, shew others how to praise the Lord.  It is well to notice
that the people, led by their ministers, stood up to praise the Lord, and
on the next day, before the victory, they praised the Lord.  What a scene
it must have been!  How the angels would keep time with their harps, as
the choir sang the anthem, "Praise the Lord! for His mercy endureth for


The Lord did that.  He sent His hosts, and all that Judah needed to do
was to gather the spoil.  When shall we spoil our foes?  When shall we
loot the devil?  How one's fingers itch to take his goods!  The time is
coming when we shall gather the wealth and power he now possesses, when
the hosts of darkness shall come against the people of God only to be
slain; and when there shall be no difficulty in raising money for good
objects, for the devil's coffers shall be at our service.  Let us not
lose sight of the fact that the same week the great multitude came
against the Lord's inheritance, there were more precious jewels than
could be carried away, and the place where the foe was encamped came to
be called



2 COR. XIII. 11.

Why not?  What possible objection can there be to perfect Christianity?
You like perfection in other things.  You like your watch to keep
"perfect time."  If you are measured for a coat, you like "a perfect
fit."  You like other people to be perfect in their actions, so far as
you are concerned.  You wish your children to obey you; your wife to love
you without ever wavering; those who owe you money to pay up twenty
shillings to the pound; your servants to do their work according to
order; in a word, if you served God as you wish everybody to serve you,
you would be a perfect man.  Is that so?  Then why object to "Christian
Perfection?"  You say,


Well, we wish to be practical and to do you good, and so we will take
lower ground.  Do you believe that it is possible for God to make you a
very much better man than you are?  O yes!  Then why not allow Him to
have His own way?  Is this not the reason why some men are not striving
after "Perfection?" They like to be as they are.  Going forward means
suffering, self-denial, a struggle,--"There are giants in the land."

Some other time we will try to encourage those who are really anxious to
possess the good land, by shewing that Joshua and Caleb were right in
saying of the sons of Anak, "They are bread for us."  "The bigger they
are the more there is for us to eat;" but just now, we are anxious to
shew these non-believers in perfection, that, till they are all God is
prepared to make them, they must not say a word against our doctrine.

May you not be speaking against God's power to heal, to make whole?  Is
it not a reflection on the Divine Workman, to say that he cannot restore
man to be so that He can say once more, "It is very good?"  It behoves us
to speak with bated breath here, but we may venture to say that the grace
which made an Enoch, can make a nineteenth century saint, so lovely in
his character, that all men shall say, "This is God's own work, and is
like all things which come from His hand."


Yes, we agree with you there.  Before long we shall have something to say
to those who believe in "Christian Perfection," but we are dealing now
with those who do not.  We think that those who are "perfect," will often
be the last to profess it.  Any way, they will have very little to say
about themselves, though their mouths will be filled with the praise of
God, who has done great things for them.  We almost always suspect those
who have too much to say, and wish we could make them to see how their
loud talk and small deeds tell against the doctrine.  One proof that a
man is not perfect, is his censoriousness concerning those who do not see
things as he does, or call them by the same name.  But of these we will
speak at another time.  What we are now concerned about is that we should
strive to be all that God has promised to make us, and thus become living
expositions of the ability of the Lord to answer Paul's petition:--


2 KINGS, iii., 16.

What for?  To receive that without which they must perish.  We read in
verse 9 "There was no water."  Application was made to the prophet
Elisha, who declared that there should soon be plenty, but that the army
must at once make channels for it to flow in.  This was done, and during
the offering of the morning sacrifice, water came in abundance, and
filled the ditches.

Let us be ready for great blessing.  We need an outpouring of the Spirit,
but are we ready for it?  Would not a great revival surprise many
Christians?  In London, Messrs. Moody and Sankey will soon begin their
work, and the Christians of that city should be on the look-out for great
results.  Doubtless there are committee meetings, and much organization
is going on, but the work must not be left to organizations.  Let every
Christian in London make a ditch to bring the living water to his own

We hope to hear that in Liverpool, where Mr. Hughes is so soon to begin
work, and in the places where the other connexional evangelists are
preaching, the gospel channels will be dug by Methodists' hands.  All
three of these devoted men wish that our people should prepare the way,
and thus have the stream of blessing flow to their hearts and homes.  The
District Missionaries also are needing help.  Let us make it easier work
for them, by opening the way.  We know digging means work, and some
Christians are so very respectable, they would feel insulted if God asked
them to become one of His navvies.  On the other hand, there are
thousands of our people who would be glad to help if only some one would
show them the way.

But what is laid upon our hearts most of all is, that something more
should be done to assist Circuit Ministers and Local Preachers to
evangelize.  If nothing is effected besides what is done by the men set
apart as evangelists, we shall have a large portion of the country
unwatered.  "Make the valley full of ditches."  Let every Methodist feel,
that till every impediment is taken out of the way, and every thing done
to help on a revival in his own circuit, and in his own chapel, his work
is not finished.  If each does his best, there will soon be a flowing of
water.  Do we hear some say, "There are so many among us who will not
dig?"  Just so, and therefore some of us must dig night and day.  Get the
spade called "Prayer," and keep it bright.  Let the prayer meeting become


Let us not be satisfied till we are sure that, when the revival comes, we
shall be ready.

Let our Class-leaders make enquiry how many of their members are praying
and working for a revival.  Let everything be done to make our ordinary
services very attractive.  Let our Choirs, and those who have charge of
the musical part of the services, do their part to make the singing
pleasant and lively.  It is a grievous thing to note how slovenly this
part of the service is in some places.  For instance, in many chapels
where they have a chant-book, the run is on three or four.  It is a
symptom of inertness when STELLA is sung as though it were the only 6-8's
tune.  Will someone see to it, that a ditch is dug to every singing pew
in Methodism?

We repeat the question.  Are we ready for an outpouring of the Spirit?
Have we all the channels cleaned out which our fathers dug, and are we
digging fresh ones?  Do we look as if a revival would be welcomed?  Does
the enemy know that he may expect an attack, or is he chuckling over our
rusty spades and swords?


Brother Moses Welsby was speaking with me at some Open-air Meetings at
Radcliffe, the other day, and he told of seeing a lad being taken to
prison, and as he was going his father called out, "Keep thy spirits up,
lad, it will soon be over," but the lad replied,


What sort of a model are you?  Can your children copy you with safety?
Are your actions what you would like to see over again in your boys and
girls?  Perhaps some who read this are in danger of being driven from God
at the last day.  If so, shall you be chained to your children, and will
your punishment be all the greater because they say,


1 KINGS, xix. 41.

So said the man of God.  Rain was much needed, for famine stared them in
the face.  Even Ahab himself had walked many weary miles to seek grass
for his horses; other men's cattle had perished, and if the drought had
continued, everything would have died.  Still, it was not Ahab who heard
the sound of the rain.  There was no sign of it.  The heavens were as
brass, the sky was without a cloud, everything was burned up with dry
heat, and yet, said Elijah, "There is a sound of abundance of rain."  It
is so in the spiritual world.  There are those who know of a coming
Revival long before there is any sign.  They have felt their prayers
being answered, and have heard the cry of the penitent sinner, though, as
yet, he seems to be as hard and careless as ever.

"So AHAB WENT UP TO EAT AND TO DRINK."  Not so Elijah, he went up to the
top of Carmel.  The man of God "CAST HIMSELF DOWN ON THE EARTH, AND PUT
HIS FACE BETWEEN HIS KNEES."  Those who would procure blessings must not
expect to win them at the table of luxury and ease, but by climbing the
hill of difficulty, and in the humbling of self.  If we would bring the
blessing down, we must be prepared to say, "No," to our own likings, and
to refuse that which would gratify flesh and blood.  If we would prevail
in prayer, we must be alone with God.  The priests who fed at Jezebel's
table could not bring rain, or they would have saved themselves from the
sword of Elijah.  We need not to look toward the sea till we have bowed
before the Lord, then we may expect some sign of the coming Revival.

We must not be discouraged if the servant tells us "THERE IS NOTHING!"
Masters see more than servants can, or they would not be masters.  "Go
again seven times," as though he said "Do not interrupt me with thy
'Nothings!'"  Come and tell me when there is "Something;" and the seventh
time he saw the "little cloud."  Some of us have looked from the hill,
over the sea, in a far off tropical land, and have seen that same little
cloud many a time, as it spread all over the sky, and soon there was rain
enough to stop the traveller.


If we mistake not, last Sunday's work among our young people is the
result of many earnest prayers, and the sign of coming prosperity.

Some will be ready to say "It is nothing to make a stir about.  They were
only children."  "A little cloud!"  Only the size of a man's hand.  Yes,
but what man?  "The man Christ Jesus."  "Ahab, get thee down, that the
rain stop thee not."  We shall not be surprised to hear of Revivals like
some we have known, which turned other meetings into soul-converting
agencies.  Tea Meetings, and Missionary Meetings, where the people have
come in crowds, not to applaud eloquence, but to ask--"What must we do to
be saved?"  We expect news of this sort, and that, ere long.  May the
hand of the Lord be on Elijah, then shall he run before Ahab, and prayer
shall be mightier than the power which moves those who eat and drink!


One of the first things the doctor does when he comes to see you, is to
ask to look at your tongue, and one glance will tell him how much
difficulty he has to contend with.  If the tongue is foul, he knows that
there is inward mischief, and he must lose no time in cleansing that of
which the tongue is but an indicator.

As we pass along our streets our ears are assailed with language of the
most horrid description.  If one needed any information as to the state
of public morals, the foul-mouthed men and boys, aye, and we regret to
say, too often, women and girls, would tell of the state of heart into
which many thousands of our country people have been corrupted.  And in
many cases, this has become habitual, and what might be termed natural.

Can nothing be done?  Is the name of the Divine Being and that of our
Saviour to be profaned constantly without any check?  If so, it will grow
worse and worse, until we may expect national sin to bring down national
punishment, and we shall have to say, "Because of swearing the land

Those who have charge of the education of our children might help, by
constantly speaking against bad language, and by punishing those who
continue to offend.  Parents, also, should check the slightest tendency
in this direction.  We have heard of a good woman, who, overhearing one
of her boys using what she called "dirty words," took him to the sink,
and washed out his mouth, not sparing the soap!  Sometimes when we have
heard men defiling their tongues with filthy talk, we have wished their
mothers had served them the same.

Nor is this offence against God and good taste always confined to the
ignorant.  There are those who have been well taught--men of ability, and
some who make a profession of religion, who indulge in unseemly language,
and delight in stories which are termed "smutty."  We know how farmers
dislike the "smut" in their wheat, how an otherwise good crop will be
lowered in value, because the black grain will, when ground, darken the
flour.  Is it not so with these men of unclean lips?  The filthy
allusions and improper stories which pollute their conversation make
their life infectious, and their companionship dangerous.  Let us reprove
them, or at least avoid them, as we would the plague.

If we would keep a clean tongue, we must pray "Create in me a clean
heart, O God!"  This can be done, and the Lord, who has told us that He
will not admit into His heaven that which worketh abomination, will
gladly cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of His holy
Spirit, then shall our tongue glorify Him continually.

Should this fall into the hands of one of those whose foul tongue shews
that his heart is corrupt, we would ask him how he would like to have his
conversation reported by a short-hand writer, and printed in the
"Standard," or "Daily News," with his name attached?  But is it not a
fact, that his words are being taken down, and when the books are opened
before an assembled universe at the last day, will not his soul tremble,
as he finds that God has listened all the time, and the language used
years ago, is to control his destiny, for He who will come to be our
Judge has said to the swearer and filthy speaker--



Have you ever thought how it is that in the prayer we call our Lord's,
God is spoken of as Father?  Do you not see that your child calls you by
one of the names--the Christ-chosen name of the Devine Being?  Is there
not a sermon in that to everyone of us who has children of his own?
Perhaps you have never given the matter a thought that for some of the
early years of you children you may be giving them a caricature of God in
your ungodly conduct.  Let us lay this to heart, and strive, by God-like
actions, to teach our little ones what God is like.  By long suffering
and gentleness towards ignorance and weakness;--by stern denunciation, in
life as well as word, of everything that is mean and deceitful;--by
delighting in mercy, and readiness to give to those who need, to our
children, "Our Father," may become a stepping stone to the knowledge of


Travelling by express train the other day, we found that we were stopped
a long distance from the station where we were timed to stop, and looking
out of the window, saw a red light ahead.  That accounted for it, we knew
there was something in the way.  The driver knew what he was about, and
though anxious to go on, did not move until the red light was changed to

Some of those who read this paper are living in sin.  To such, the Bible
speaks out in plain terms, and, like the Red Light, would stop them.


You cannot go any further without danger.  Why run the risk?  That Red
Lamp seems to say, "If you will come on, you will be slain."  What should
we think of any one who urged the driver to go on, in spite of the
warning?  Would you not call him "fool" and "madman?"  Just so, and you
will do well to call those who urge you to despise the warnings of the
Bible, by the same names.

We should not think much of the wisdom of any one who said of the Red
Lamp, "Why take any notice of that old-fashioned thing?  We have outgrown
these childish ideas!"  Would not your reply be, "Danger is danger, and
safety is safety!"  We have not outgrown death and the grave, and it is
still true, in spite of the march of science, that a train coming into
collision with another means suffering to those who are in it.  Sin is
yet sin, and we cannot break the Commandments of God without having to
suffer.  And as for the Bible being old-fashioned, we feel, that which
kept our fathers from hell shall keep their sons also.

Here is one of the Red Lamps of the Bible, which young men would do well
to consider--


Young man, there is the Red Light!  Stop!  Do not go one step further!
There are plenty of fools to tell you that


The Bible says--"The dead are there, and her guests are in the depths of
hell."  If everything had to be called by its right name, just as sign-
boards tell us what is to be procured within, like "Furniture Dealer,"
"Boot and Shoe Maker," fancy the sign-board that would have to be put
over the house of the "strange woman."  Here is a suitable inscription,
which we take from the Bible.--Prov. ii. 19:--


This is putting a Red Lamp over her door, is it not?  Will you heed the
warning?  Or do you mean to be one of those of whom the Bible speaks,



In finding illustrations for our teaching at the river-side, we shall be
in good company, for that manly preacher, Paul, had seen wrestlers and
race-runners.  It is true that then, athletics had not been disgraced by
betting; and it is only of very late years that the struggle on the
Thames has been polluted by gamblers.

There are not a few who read our paper, who will be on the lookout to
know as soon as possible, whether


has won.  For ourselves we care not, but we are anxious to make use of
the contest as a parable, before the race is forgotten.

If you would row as to obtain, you must mind certain things, and these
are pictures of what we must do, would we gain the heavenly prize.


So thought Paul.--See 1st Cor. ix, 25 and 27.  Those sixteen young
fellows who will pull the oars in the race, have, for months, been
undergoing strict physical training.  This means abstinence from all that
could be said to weaken the frame, or lower the action of the heart.
There are only certain things they may eat and drink.  They must have the
right amount of sleep, and no more.  Exercise of the most bracing kind
they must take every day, and eschew every practice that could weaken the
nerves or muscles in the slightest degree.

And he that would win the heavenly race must say "No," to self, and "flee
youthful lusts," and "endure hardness."  He whose soul can be mastered by
his body has lost the bridle, and cannot wonder if he lose the prize.


Just before the Starter gives the word to go, the men paddle till the
cord which the coxswain holds at arm's length is tight, and every man has
his oar ready for the dash into the water and away.  To lose time at the
start is to find that a chance has been thrown away.

"Remember thy Creator in the days of thy youth."  "They that seek Me
early shall find Me."  He who would be a first-class Christian, must
begin betimes.  Time lost is lee-way, that cannot be recovered, strive as
we like.


In the picture parable you can see who is steering.  Don't let him come
aboard you!  Proverbs iii. 6, tells you whom to trust with the tiller


If young men would only let the Bible "coach them," they would be saved
from many a blunder and defeat.  It is important to have, as steersman,
one who knows the currents, and just when to alter the course.  The
youngster who steers the University boat has been up and down the river
many a time, till he has learned everything he needs to know.  Let me ask
you, "Who steers?"  If SELF-WILL does, you are undone.


Your adversary will not.  He will pursue you till you have gained the
prize.  "He who to the end endures," is the saved man.  It is very
instructive to note how many backsliders there are among professors of
mature age.  The most grievous cases of falling away are not from the
ranks of young disciples, but from those who ought to have been safe
examples for them!  If you have lived to be grey-headed, remember your
silver hair may make a fool's cap yet!  There are other lessons, but they
will keep till another year.  We will end our Sermon with some lines of
Charles Wesley's, not known to all our readers:--

   "But did the great apostle fear
      He should not to the end endure,
   Should not hold out, and persevere,
      And make his own election sure?
   Could Paul believe it possible,
      When all his toils and griefs were past,
   Himself should of salvation fail,
      And die a reprobate at last?"

   "Who then art thou that dar'st reject
      The sacred terms, the humbling awe,
   As absolutely saved,--elect,--
      And free from an abolished law?
   In one short moment perfected!
      An angel--an immortal here?"


One wonders how it came to have that name!  We cannot help feeling, that
if other titles were as well-deserved, it would be a blessing to the
world.  For instance, if Nobleman, Gentleman, Reverend, &c., were as
descriptive as this day's name, there would be many happier people than
there are.

No wonder that it should be called "Good," for it helps us to look back
to the time when the best action the world has known, or can know, was
done.  We gaze upon the Cross, and we thank God for His unspeakable gift.
One knows not which to admire the most: the Love that could smite the
Well-beloved, or the Love that could, for the sake of enemies, bear the

How do our readers mean to spend the day?  We have no right to bind any
man's conscience, and seek to have others do as we do, except they are
led in the same direction, and yet we wonder how those who observe the
day at all, can allow themselves to spend it in dissipation.

We are no admirer of those who make the day one of sadness and gloom.


and we cannot understand how men can allow themselves to act as though it
were Bad Friday, as though they could hear the hammer nailing Christ to
the cross.  A high churchman's conscience is a wonderful thing, and in
nothing is it so surprising as this, that it can allow itself to act as
though Jesus were slain and in His tomb!  Has not the Lord Himself
spoken?  Let us listen to Him who speaks in rebuke to those who would
darken our homes and places of worship, and cheat themselves into a
sentimentality which again sees the corpse of Jesus laid in Joseph's


It cannot be pleasing to Jesus to be spoken of as though He was once more
in the hands of His enemies.

While we regret that so many people in our country should make this day
one of rioting and extravagance, we are sure that it is in some degree a
reaction from the usages of those who would have us spend the day in
sorrow.  That which is unreal must in time become unsatisfactory, and
those who would compel us to live over again the sorrows of Calvary, may
drive us to football, or that which is worse!  Let men once think that
the church has turned actor, and they will say, "No, we will go to the
theatre, for there the acting is better done."

EVERY DAY we should visit in spirit the cross of Jesus, for every day we
need the merit of the atonement, and the stimulus of that example of self-
forgetfulness.  Let us turn away from the so-called realism which would
hang the world in black, and, at the same time let us avoid those who
would make this a day of revelry.  There is a middle path, one upon which
Christ smiles, and a path we can tread any day, and thus make it GOOD--we
mean the


For the joy of blessing others, let us be willing to endure shame or
pain.  There is always pleasure to be earned by those who are willing to
pay the price,--the pleasure of unselfishness,--but this cannot be tasted
except by those who seek their highest joy in the wellbeing of others.
Our risen and glorified Lord tastes this joy every day, Good-Friday not
excepted, and we think it will lead us to spend the day according to His
will, if we seek for ourselves all the blessings He purchased with His
blood, and none more earnestly than that sanctifying Spirit who will help
us to follow His blessed example, and, by caring others,




Yes! the Preacher! for it is in this way he has earned the right to be
remembered.  Perhaps his sermon at Pentecost was more remarkable in its
results than any sermon has been since.  The question arises in the minds
of thinking men, "Is there any reason why preaching now should be less
effective than it was when men first began to preach the Gospel of Jesus
Christ?"  One thing is certain, human nature has not improved, and hell
is as great a fact now as then.  God's love for men has not decreased.  He
is still interested in the human race, and the promise, as Peter put it,
is "to all that are afar off."--Acts ii. 39.


We do in kind, but not in number.  Why not in both?  Is not the answer to
be found in Acts i. 14?

   "These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication."

Is not the Church of to-day weak in the knee?  Do we pray as the men and
women did who waited for the promise of the Father in the upper room?
Peter would pray.  He had all the instinct of a preacher, and would feel
his heart bound at the thought that he was to be a witness of God's
readiness to pardon.  His prayer would differ from many others.  How he
would plead for the power that would crown him with the diadem of a
preacher!  There was a time when he had prayed--"Depart from me, for I am
a sinful man."  Now, his cry would be--"Come to me, let not my sins cause
Thee to stay, but come quickly."  There are many of us who feel we need
to cry to Peter's Saviour and Lord, for we have allowed doubts to hide
His face, or self-indulgence to fence Him about.  Let every preacher who
reads these words unite with us in pleading for a Pentecost that shall
renew our commission, and make all men to know that a risen Saviour is
our King, and a promised Comforter our portion,


We do not here mean to dwell on the example shewn to the Church by the
accord in prayer, the many pleading, so differently, and yet in harmony;
we are writing now for preachers, knowing that hundreds of workers will
read every line we write, and we are thus led to enquire further--


Some who have read it, as it is printed, have said, "We should not have
invited such a preacher to our circuit:" but such people forget that the
accompaniments of preaching cannot be printed.  Who can write down the
spiritual atmosphere?  Who can reproduce the tone of voice in which Peter
spoke?  How can he describe what some of us have felt--the unction--the
never-to-be-forgotten emotions of the soul?  Depend upon it, these were
present in a remarkable manner.

But beside all this, there are the Bible facts.  Peter knew his Bible and
could quote it.  How familiar he must have been with the Old Testament!
Could he have found, in any part of the book, passages more telling and
more suitable?  If we knew our Bible better, we should not need to do as
the manner of some is, round off common-place ideas of our own, with
pretty poetry of someone else's!

Then, the preacher was not afraid to tell the congregation what sins they
had committed.  Many of them were what is called "good sort of people,
went to place of worship, and paid their way," &c.  But it was true,
"Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God, ye have taken, and by wicked
hands have crucified and slain."  Let us who preach, cry to God to give
us His Spirit, that we may tell those who hear us of their sins.  How are
they to be convinced of sins, if they are not told of them?

Nor was Peter satisfied with the good feeling, or even with seeing the
people moved.  It was not enough for him that his hearers were pricked in
the heart, he would have them do more.  Would he not have said to many of
those who have gone into the inquiry-room, "I am not satisfied that you
are in earnest.  You want God to save you in your sins."  Repentance is
impossible to those who are not conscious of guiltiness.  And, without
repentance, faith holds the cup of water to one who was never thirsty.  Do
you wonder that it is loathsome?  He might drink if it were not so pure,


This is a tempting subject, we could say much more, but we will only add,
that the last word in the chapter, which tells of "Peter the Preacher,"
gives the result of such sermons as his--



   "_It came to pass when Solomon was old_, _that his wives turned away
   his heart after other Gods_."

   1 KINGS xi. 4.

Who could have predicted that this would come to pass?  And yet it is
often so, for it is still true that


We learn from verse 10 that God had taken pains to save Solomon from
idolatry, (see 1 Kings vi. 12, and xi. 6).  But what good is it for even
God to try to save a man who will have his own way?  And yet one would
have thought that a man who knew what Solomon knew, would have not bowed
down to gods of wood and stone!  It is not always at our weakest place we
fail!  It is well for us to be aware of this.  Who would have expected
Moses to fail in his temper, or Elijah in his courage?  Solomon must have
hated himself when he bowed before these graven images, and must have
looked with loathing on those filthy idols before whom he was prostrate,
and yet he went on in his evil way.  How the priests who offered the
idolatrous sacrifices would rejoice in their illustrious pervert!  Will
any of us ever give the foes of God cause for exultation?  Do not tell me
that you are too well instructed!  Are you wiser than Solomon?  "Let not
the wise man glory in his wisdom.  Let him that glorieth glory in this,
that he understandeth and knoweth Me."--Jer. ix, 23-24.  You are safe
only as you are willing to be led by the word of God.


Is it a lamp to your feet?  Not merely a lantern to keep you out of the
mire, but a treasure like that miner's lamp; a light by which he is not
only guided, but able to walk in the shadow of death.  All around him is
the gas that would slay him, and yet by that lamp he walks to the place
of safety!  This is what the Bible must be to you, or it is nothing.

Mind you, it is not enough for you to know the Bible.  We have heard
drunken men quote it with correctness, but it had not saved them from the
demon which haunted them.  It is an instructive thought that the man who
wrote some of the Bible, who is spoken of in the pulpit as "The Wise
Man," the author of the Book of Proverbs, was led away into sin and
eternal disgrace.  In fact, it matters not what we know, if we are not
led of the Spirit we shall come to grief.  The more deeply a ship is
laden, if she gets aground, the more likely she is to become a wreck.  It
takes the wisest of men to make the fool Solomon became.  Perhaps the
most serious aspect of this story is, that it was not while the king was
young, but when grey-headed, that he wandered from God, and this leads me
to say that


We should not have been surprised if Solomon had been led away by
youthful passion or indiscretion, but we are shocked to find that it was
when he ought to have been venerable that he became vicious--"When
Solomon was old."  We should have expected history would have told us of
the power he exerted over the people; how the nation saw in his silver
locks the crown of glory he had spoken of in his book.  It would have
seemed natural to have read of great gatherings of the people of
different nations, listening to his wondrously wise words.  Instead of
this, the news spread far and wide that the wise king had stooped to
folly of the worst degree.

My brothers! what sort of old men shall we make?  If we are allowed to
remain among our fellows, shall we live the life that shall make men
thank God for our length of days, or will they wish we had died in our
youthful prime?  There are men whose youth was like the mountain stream,
which cheered everything it touched.  Born among the mountains, and
wedding other brooks and streamlets, uniting them in a river, clear and
lovely, along whose banks children loved to play.  But later on, as it
became broad and deep, taking in pollution and garbage, until the clear
and joyous river is changed into a great sewer, filling the air with
noxious smells, and defiling the face of nature with its liquid
blackness.  Such is life to some men--Solomon was one, perhaps the worst.

One is ready to ask--Can this be the man to whom God spake in large
promise?  Is this he whose prayer brought into the temple the manifested
presence of the Almighty?  Can it be possible that this hoary idolater
had been the favourite of Jehovah?  Alas! it is only too true.  More than
once we have known men whose prayers could bring heaven to earth, and
lift earth to heaven, but who have lived too long, and ere they fell into
a dishonoured grave, brought shame to the cross of Jesus, and gave the
enemies of God food for laughter.  Let those among us who are no longer
young, see to it that we are not among those who fall more deeply into
sin than it is possible for young disciples to do.

What should we think if Westminster Abbey became a gin-palace?  If all
around its gates lewd men and dishonoured women stood and cracked their
filthy jokes; if from its lovely choir the drunkard's song was heard?
Verily, you say, "It is nigh to blasphemy to imagine such a thing.  We
had rather that it had been burned to ashes when the fire of London
destroyed St. Paul's.  Would that it had reached far enough West to
destroy the ancient pile rather than it should be so polluted!"  Aye,
aye, you are right, and yet to see a man who, in his youth was a
Christian, but in his old age has become an apostate, is a more sorrowful
sight still.  Alas! that it should be so common.

How did it come about?  What scheme of hell led to this?  What
combination of men and fiends accomplished this tragedy?  It was
love--affection, infatuation, for that which ought not to have been
loved, "King Solomon loved many strange women, besides the daughter of
Pharaoh," as the margin puts it.  And this leads me to say that


Solomon began wrong; he allowed his affection to fasten itself on a
stranger--an Egyptian.  It is a question worth considering, whether we
preachers say enough to the people on this question of matrimony.  A
man's marriage is sure to tell on his history.  He can never be the same
again he was before.  He may wed one who shall help him to be good, whose
voice shall be like church bells calling him to prayer.  Or he may fasten
himself to one, who, like Jezebel, shall stir up her husband to deeds of
shame and cruelty.  Sometimes we have felt, when we have seen some
marriages, that it would have been a fitting thing if a hearse had been
among the carriages, for there lay DEAD HOPE on its way to a grave from
which there could be no resurrection!

Young man! what woman is it you like the best?  Who is her god?  Fashion?
Pleasure?  What is the name of the deity she worships?  If it is anyone
rather than Jehovah, beware!  Before you die, she shall turn you as
Solomon was turned.  What is that you say?  You are not such a fool!
Well, that remains to be seen.  Are you one of those who trust in his own
heart?  If so, remember what he is called.  See Prov. xxviii. 26.  Is not
the helm of your life in her hands now?  Would you love her as you do, if
she had not the reins of your soul in her grasp?  If Solomon had known
all that was to follow when he first looked on the daughter of Pharaoh,
he would have died before he would have made her his bride.  Let not this
sad story be in any way a prophecy of your future.  There are plenty of
women whom to know is to be elevated, and whom to wed would be to
foretaste the companionship of heaven.  Wives are often the architects
and the husbands the builders.  See to it, that the woman you love does
not make you lay out the foundation of a jail.  She may tell you it is a
palace, but neither of you have yet seen the elevation.  She only draws
the ground-plan.

There is yet another scene in this tragedy.  Solomon, by his folly, lost
his son's estate.  God said, "I will surely rend the kingdom from thee."
Rehoboam was the poorer for his father's sin.


Some other day, it may be, we will take the story of the son.  Let it
suffice to-day that we learn the lesson the Bible would teach us.
Solomon's sun went down in a cloud.  It is a disputed question whether
Solomon repented in time to save his soul.  There ought to have been no
question as to whether he was in heaven or no.  As it is, we don't know
that David has one of his children with him, except the baby boy who died
despite his father's fasting and prayer.  Surely no one more than David
will need to have that promise fulfilled--"God shall wipe away all tears
from their eyes."  It may be that David has needed to be comforted,
because the builder of the temple is among those who died in idolatry.

Let every father among us bear in mind, that when we neglect prayer, or
give up devotion, because we want the time for seeking gold or any other
idol, we are mortgaging our children's future.  Giving up religious
exercises is like cutting down the trees on an estate, the next heir will
know the want of them.  No man can be said to be a good father, who, for
the sake of any worldly good, impoverishes the souls of his offspring.
"Turned away his heart after other gods," means turning away the kingdom
of Israel.  Sin cannot be separated from sorrow, and this is as true to-
day as it was in the days of Solomon.


1.--"After these things."

What things?  See verse 33 in preceding chapter.  After Abraham had given
himself to prayer.  It often happens that grace is given for grace.  God
prepares his own for trial and suffering by revealing Himself.

"GOD DID TEMPT."--Like a workman who is conscious the work is well done,
fears not the scrutiny which waits his labour.  When the smith has put
good work into the iron cable, he does not then fear the strain of the
test put upon it, and God knew what He had done to Abraham in the grove
at Beersheba.  If we have a Beersheba, we need not fear Moriah.

2.--"Isaac, whom thou lovest."

God has a right to the best.  He does not ask us to do what He has not
done Himself.  "He gave his only begotten Son."

3.  "Rose up early."

Abraham was prompt.  Where there is a task to be performed, lose no time.
Work does not grow easier by delay.  Do not fritter away strength in
trifles; begin at once upon the duties which call for instant obedience.
We do not read that Abraham asked Sarah's advice, the command was plain.
She might not have been willing.  Never ask advice from those whom God
does not trust.

"CLEAVE THE WOOD."--He did not act as some do, take no pains in
preparation.  The Holy Ghost is not to act as brains in an empty skull.
Get ready, then go.  Some would have climbed the hill, and then, because
there was no one near from whom they could borrow an axe to cut the wood,
would have come back with an excuse, and in so doing picture not a few
who fail, because they are not able to sing--

   "READY for all Thy perfect will,
   My acts of faith and love repeat."

5.--Abide ye here with the Ass."

The young men would have hindered Abraham from binding his son on the
altar.  Whatever would interfere with prayer, when we retire for that
purpose, or with sacrifice, when we make the effort, should be left
behind.  Leave hinderers with the ass, they will be in congenial society!

6, 7, 8, 9.--"The Knife," "The Fire," "The Wood."

Where is the lamb?  Isaac's words would pierce his father's heart.  How
came it the young man yielded?  Was there a struggle?  Did Abraham bind
him by force?  There is no indication in the story of any resistance.  Do
the words of Jesus cast any light,  "Abraham saw My day, and was glad?"
Received him in a figure" (Heb. xi. 19.)  Did father and son see what was
to occur in the distance?

10.--"Took the knife to slay his son."

God tries us to the full.  His tests are no shams.  Before the Hall-mark
is put on the metal, the acid proves it genuine.

11 and 12.--"Lay not thine hand on the lad."

No one spoke to God when it pleased Him to bruise His Well-beloved.

13.--"A ram caught in a thicket."

God cleaves His wood, He is ready, always prepared.

14.--"Call the name of that place,


What would he have called it before his deliverance?  Let us not be too
quick to name events.  It may be we shall want to alter if we do.


Obedience is the joyful mother of children,--children that are born to
bless.  He who can always obey will find every step leads to a
throne.--Rev. iii. 21.

These are a few lessons which I shall not do more than name:


The man who is called the friend of God was told to slay his son.


The name of this son was Laughter.  The more we enjoy a Gift of God, the
more we shall feel it when we are called to part.  Hold joys with a slack


The ram is in the thicket all the time.


None of Abraham's journeys cost him so many tears as this, and none were
so pleasant to recall.


MATTHEW xxv. 1-13.

God's kingdom is imperfect as yet, for it is not said to be like five,
but ten virgins.  It is worthy of our careful thought that it is to be
made perfect by contraction, not expansion.  The King is to say "Depart!"
as well as "Come!"

We do not attempt anything like exposition of this solemn and yet
charming parable, but rather to notice some of the most easily perceived
truths it discovers.

I.--A Light is better than a Lamp.

All the ten took their lamps.  Very likely there was variety in the shape
and material of the lamp, but only five of them had lamps that kept
alight, for some of them had no means of replenishment.  For anything we
know, the lamps of the foolish were as good as the others, may-be better,
but the flame and not the frame is the important matter.  We cannot have
the power without the form.  Grace must have the human material, but we
may have the human without the Divine.  Our Bibles, our Prayers, our
Hymns, all these are channels of grace, as the lamp and the wick are
essential to the flame, but the lamp may not be lighted, or it may have
gone out!  It is not a question of John Keble, or General Booth, but is
the singing from the heart?  The "Amen" may be shouted or intoned, but if
not real, it is worse than smouldering wick.

II.--We may as well be without oil as not have enough to endure to the

All ten lamps were at one time burning.  In the margin of verse 10, we
read, "Our lamps are going out."  What a lesson to the backslider!  You
once were a burning and a shining light, but you did not seek grace to
help in time of need, and your lamp is gone out.  Better never have made
a profession if there be not grace to sustain the flame.  Aye, and
perhaps you, with a lamp which has gone out, you have been a preacher, or
a teacher, and have, before now, enforced this very lesson on your
hearers.  If there is a sight in this world over which angels might weep,
it is a preacher without a light.  Better go to hell from a race-course
than a pulpit!

III.--The gates or the palace may be shut while we are calling on the oil

"While they went to buy, the Bridegroom came."  There is an old saying,
that "praying breath was never wasted."  But this parable does not teach
that lesson.  There are not a few who think they can atone for the sins
of a long life by crying with their dying breath, "Lord, have mercy on
me!"  But the truth is, there may be the fear of punishment without any
penitence, and cries for dread of hell may not be the sacrifice of a
broken and a contrite heart.

Let us not put off our repentance too long, or while we are sending for
the minister to instruct us, death may claim us for his prey.  Or while
we are saying to the teacher of religion, "What must I do to escape
hell?" the fetters may be fastened on our soul.  The palace-gate may
swing to before we can make the oil-man hear.

IV.--That which lets the five wise in to the palace, keeps out the five

"The door was shut."  The five were in, and then came the other five, to
find the gate closed.  Then they begin to cry "Open to us!" but in vain.
The door makes all the difference.  If you enter, it is by the door; if
you are shut out, it is the door that closes against you.  "I am the
door," said Jesus, and it is yet true.  "No man cometh to the Father but
by Me."  Yes, Jesus is the True and Living way, and the only one.  But if
we are lost, it will be the aspect of Jesus which will slay our last
hope.  It is the wrath of the Lamb which is so dreadful.  Have you ever
thought of it, my brother, that Christ is to be Life or Death to thee?  If
he does not shut thee into heaven, He will shut thee out.  Shall you ever
be one of the group which cry, as their last prayer, "Lord!  Lord! open
to us!"


JOHN viii. 7.

Cast a stone at whom?  At a woman!  Why not at a man?


Just so, but then the Scribes and Pharisees did not bring him.  It is so
easy to punish the woman, and yet it is not proved that she was worse
than her paramour.  But is it not the way of the world to make the woman
bear all the shame and all the suffering?  We say, "She is a fallen
woman;" and yet we speak of a man who breaks the seventh commandment as
one who is "sowing his wild oats!"  Why is he not called a fallen man?  If
a woman falls, we put her outside our sympathies and our regard, and we
may be right is so doing.  But at the same time we don't put the man
outside.  He can come into our drawing-rooms.  He may dine at the same
table with our daughters.  If we saw them speak to the woman, we should
cry out with loathing, "Come away from her!" but


Why is this?

"Cast a stone at her!"  Who shall stone her?  "He that is without sin,
let him be the first to pick up a stone."  Now, then, reader, why don't
you throw a stone?  Nay, but I have no right, say you, I am not without
sin.  Is this to be the rule, none are to punish the fallen but those who
have never tripped?  Why, this would silence many who are very ready to
speak against these unhappy sisters.  We make no apologies for the crimes
of those who have yielded to temptation, but we do ask, is there room for
our rebukes when we are not without sin?

Perhaps this book may be read by our sisters who have gone astray.  To
such, we say, in the words of Jesus, (verse 11.)


You are not obliged to do so.  No one is.  There is always a way made for
those who truly repent.  Call upon Jesus, the Friend of sinners, and He
will open a door of hope for you.  To persevere in sin, is only to ruin
soul and body too.  Perhaps you have parents living, who long to see you,
and who would be glad to take you to their hearts.  Give them the joy of
having you near them once more.  Is it not in your power to answer their


If you are absolutely friendless, so far as earth is concerned, you have
your Heavenly Father.  He is always within call, and He has said, in His
word, "Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will
give you rest."  On the other hand, there is the "Father of lies."  He
who tempted the first woman, and led her astray, and taught her to lead
the man wrong.  This evil one is whispering in your ear--"There is no
hope."  "It is too late."  "Better have a short life and a merry one."


He is a liar!  He means thy destruction!  God calls, and calls thee to
pardon and peace.  Obey Him, and hope shall spring again, and LIGHT


We beg to suggest to those who want a new text that will strike and
stick, that they should look through MALACHI'S book.  There are plenty of
texts like splinters therein.  The words that head this article are part
of an appeal to the people on the question of right service.  The prophet
was indignant with his country people, who wished to combine prayer with
parsimony, and worship with worldly policy.  He complained that they dare
not offer to their superiors what they sent as a sacrifice to God.  Might
not some Christians be asked the same questions?  Would the "Governor"
accept the present God was supposed to be glad to get?  Who would think
of trying to get into the good graces of any one by sending a spavined
horse, or a cow with foot-and-mouth-disease, as a present?

In the matter of prayer, for instance.  Take a congregation supposed to
be asking God to pardon their sins, and to give them all the blessings
their souls and bodies need.  Mind you, they are people who say they
believe that "he that believeth not is condemned" already; that "the
wages of sin is death," and yet, listen how they pray!  We will suppose
the man in the pulpit is in earnest and means all he says.  Look around,
what do you see?  Scores of people who dare not sit in the presence even
of the Squire, to say nothing of the Queen, but there they sit, as though
that was the proper position for prayer!  One of them is taking the
pattern of a new dress, or the trimming of a bonnet; while another is
wondering, not whether there will be an answer to the prayer, but whether
the man who is leading the worship will keep on much longer, and ask for
something else, for already he has been praying ten minutes!

Supposing a petition is to be drawn up to the Queen, asking for a pardon
for one of the family, who for his crime, is under sentence of death;
what thought would be given to it?  Even the very paper, pens, and ink,
would have to be of the best quality.  But hear yonder father praying for
his children's conversion.  His son is old enough to have rejected the
gospel, and is condemned already; but how listless the prayer!  "Offer it
to thy Governor."  Would the Queen be expected to deign to notice such a
petition?  Is it any wonder such prayers are unanswered?

Look into this vestry!  There is a meeting for prayer.  It is held with
great regularity, so that it is well known that a number of persons meet
at a certain hour to ask blessings from One who has said "Knock and the
door shall be opened."  Considering that this is the case, one would have
expected the room would be too small; but no, there is never a large
meeting.  You see it is only a prayer-meeting.  If the Rev. Timothy
Flowerpot was going to preach, there would be a crowd, for he is popular,
and he says things which are supposed to be very superior to the Bible;
besides his prayers are eloquent, very different to what are usually sent
to the throne of grace.  He is very sensitive, though, in the matter of
congregations, he will not go a second time where there is only a handful
of people.  His work is to speak to large audiences, and he would be very
much offended if the vestry were prepared for his service.

"Offer it to thy Governor."  If the Reverend Gentleman would not accept
the congregation that meets for an audience with God, can it be expected
that the Lord of heaven will be well pleased with those who care not to
come when prayer is made?

We shall be glad if these plain words cause some of our readers to look
at the sacrifice before they offer it, and ask, would this kind of thing
be acceptable to man?  If not good enough for my equal, will my Superior
look with favour on it?  Listen once more to the rough, but sensible
words of the Hebrew prophet:--



JOSH. iv. 21.

[_Preached at a Sunday School Anniversary_.]

This is a children's question.  God does not wish the boy to be snubbed
when he wants to know.  There is a kind of curiosity which is like the
scent in a hound--a Divine instinct--and must not be checked, for that is
waste.  If you chill your child when he comes to ask, you may break the
link which binds him to you, and never be able to weld it again.  There
will be a time come when you will long to have the lad come to your side,
but it will be too late.  "When your children shall ask their fathers . .
.  Then ye shall let your children know" (21-22.)


This is very different to what is called "questionable conduct."  We
don't want your son to say "I cannot understand how my father makes his
ledger square with the Bible;" or the girl to say, "How does mother make
this love of display harmonise with the class-meeting?"  No, no! this is
not it; but, "What mean these stones?"  As the little girl said to her
sister, "What is it makes mother's face shine so after she has been in
her chamber so long?"  That mother had been praying to her Father which
seeth in secret, and He had rewarded her openly.  If we live lives of
cheerful obedience, the children will say, "What is the Sacrament?  What
do you do at the Class-meeting? &c.  Why cannot I go with you?"

These stones are very suggestive.  There are sermons in them.  Some
lessons which will occur to every one; others that need to be thought
over again and again.  For instance, there are twelve,


They all came out of the bed of Jordan, and yet, there are no two alike!
Judah's is not like Napthali's, and yet both came from the same place,
and are in the same heap.  We are not alike, though we be the children of
the same Father.  You and I are very different, yet it is "Our Father."
Yours as much as mine.  John Bunyan knew this, for he makes his pilgrim
band to consist of very great contrasts.  Mr. Valiant for-the-truth, as
well as Mr. Despondency.  And they all get across the stream.

It has been a favourite dream, in all ages, to have a church of one
pattern.  Uniformity, that is, all of one shape.  God does not make the
trees which bear the same kind of fruit of one shape.  You can make
artificial flowers by the shipload, all one tint, but the bees won't come
round your ship when you unload it!  In a town where I have preached many
a time, there is a place of worship at each end.  As you come from the
railway station, there is one which begins the town--a Baptist Chapel,
plain and convenient, but right on the street, with the busy traffic all
round; while at the other end of the town there is a church with a spire
that makes you look up and think it is an anthem in stone!  All around
are old-fashioned houses, with gardens filled with flowers, and green
lawns, while beyond there is a real country lane, with May in the hedges,
and the music of larks and blackbirds.  What a contrast!  Yet if the ark
of God were in danger, there would be brave hearts come from both places
to die for the truth.  No! let us have done with this wish to have all
the same.  It will become monotony.  Go down into the Jordan and fetch
your stone!  Aye, aye, and one will pick the heaviest, one that will make
his knees totter; and another will choose the squarest, and yet another
the smoothest, but each man lays his in the heap, and it is well done!

"What mean these stones?"


That chest is the sign of God's presence.  There is the blood on the
mercy-seat, and there are the angels of gold looking at that spot of
blood.  All the time the ark stood still in the bed of the river, the
people could pass in safety.  There are many Jordans for some of us to
pass, but we need not to fear if God is there.  There is the Jordan of
POVERTY.  It is a deep stream, and the water runs fast: yes, but if the
ark goes first, thou shalt not be overcome.  Does Providence call on thee
to go down in the world?  Never fear! the Ark is there.  "I will never
leave thee."  We are thinking now of a friend of ours, not sainted, but
saintly, who has seen great reverses of fortune, yet her life has been a
psalm.  She reminds me of a robin, for, like him, her song has been
sweeter than ever in the dark days.  You may have to cross the river of
PERSECUTION, but the Ark is there.  When the three brave men preferred
the furnace to idolatry, they found the Son of Man in the flames waiting
for them, and so shall you.

And when it comes to the Jordan of DEATH, we shall know the Ark has gone
on before.  Some of you lame ones will step it out bravely when you see
the Ark.  Don't you remember, that good old "Ready to Halt" left his
crutches on the bank?  It was because he could see the Ark in the bed of
the river.

Do not these stones teach that


Brave Levites!  Who can help admiring them, to carry that Ark right into
the stream; for the waters were not divided till their feet dipped in the
water (ver. 15.)  God had not promised aught else.  This is what is
needed--what Jabez Bunting was wont to call "Obstinate faith," that the
PROMISE sees and "looks to that alone."  You can fancy how the people
would watch these holy men march on, and some of the by-standers would be
saying, "You would not catch me running the risk.  Why, man, the ark will
be carried away?"  Not so, "the priests stood firm on dry ground."

We must not overlook the fact that Faith on our part helps God to carry
out His plans.  "Come up to the help of the Lord."  The Ark had staves
for the shoulders.  Even the Ark did not move of itself, it was carried.
When God is the architect, men are the masons and labourers.  Faith
assists God.  It can stop the mouth of lions and quench the violence of
fire.  It yet honours God, and God honours it.  O for this faith that
will go on, leaving God to fulfil His promise when He sees fit!  Fellow-
Levites, let us shoulder our load, and do not let us look as if we were
carrying God's coffin.  It is the Ark of the living God.  Sing as you
march towards the flood.

These stones we can see, remind us of other stones we cannot see (verse
9.)  "And Joshua set up twelve stones in the midst of Jordan, in the
place where the feet of the priests which bare the Ark of the Covenant
stood, and they are there unto this day."  Will these stones ever be
found?  More unlikely things have happened.  Any way, they serve us as a
lesson.  There are things unseen as real as things we look on every day.


What do you call that piece of wood there?  Why, the communion rail, to
be sure.  Communion? what does that mean?  It is only a piece of wood,
and yet it makes us think of Him Who, the same night that He was
betrayed, took bread, saying, "Do this in remembrance of Me."  Kneeling
at that rail, we may, by faith, take hold of the Man who died for us.
Rightly used, the Lord's Supper may be manna--angels' food.

What is this day?  The Sabbath.  The Rest Day.  The toils of life are
o'er for a little time.  Ah! this is another of the stones we see, which
tell of stones we cannot see.  There is a Sabbath that has no week-day;
there is a world where there is no toil, no anxiety, no tears!

   "O, long expected day begin!"

What do you call that sweet noise?  Music?  And what is that but another
of these stones we can see, which tell of others we see not as yet.  Dr.
Watts said of sacred music--

   "Thus, Lord, while we remember Thee,
      We, blest and pious grow;
   By hymns of praise we learn to be
      Triumphant here below."

While I hear those children's voices I seem to catch the sweeter strains
of my children in heaven, singing their joy.  Those deep, manly bass
voices remind me of the psalms up yonder--like the sound of many waters.
Why, the very crape some of you wear reminds me of some who sat by your
side, and who are now clad in garments "whiter than snow."


We shall always be in debt to Solomon for these wise sayings, and for the
pains he took to have them preserved.  The words which head this form a
picture.  It is harvest-time, and the old folks have been depending on
their able-bodied son getting in all their corn, but they are doomed to
disappointment.  He sleeps when he should work.  When others are toiling
he is snoring, and his corn rots in the field because he does not carry
it while he has fine weather.  How ashamed his father is!  Other men have
got their corn well housed, but his is still where it grew, because the
son he has reared is lazy and self-indulgent.  One feels that no language
is too strong for this indolent young man.

But what has this to do with us? some will ask.  We reply--Is not this
the harvest time of the church, when the days are closing and the nights
lengthening?  Have we not been used to hear of special efforts being made
for the rescue of perishing souls, and ingathering of those who are in
danger of dying unready?


Let every Methodist who reads this ask--What am I doing?  Am I sleeping
or harvesting?  What am I doing to gather in the ripe corn?  If I am
indolent I shall cause shame to the people who count me one of
themselves.  If we sleep now that we should work, at the March Quarterly
Meeting our place will be down in numbers, and as there are others of the
same indolent sort, our circuit will be down at the District Meeting, and
perhaps the District be down, and there will be the shame among the
churches if Methodism is down.

Other churches are used to look to us to shew them how to do the reaping.
O, let us be up and doing!  How shall we dare to meet our Lord if we
sleep when we should sweat?  How shall we bear it, if the members of
other religious societies tell us that our bad example corrupted them?
What will be our shame, if we find that those who expected us to gather
them in accuse us of slothfulness, and destroying their souls by our


Will not very shame drive them from their own home to find one among
those whom we once taught the way to reap?

We wish that we could do with all drowsy Methodists what Jonah's captain
did with him.  We should dearly like to give them a good shake and say,
"Awake, O sleeper!"  We think of towns and villages, where, not very long
ago, there was the song of the reaper, but now, alas! he has gone fast
asleep.  Shame will be the inheritance of those who are drowsy when they
ought to be at work.  Why have contempt poured on thee, when glory is to
be won by work?  Grasp the sickle and go out among the standing corn, or
the rust on thy reaping hook shall eat into thy soul for ever!


   "_And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees_.
   _Therefore_, _every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn
   down and cast into the fire_."

If we want to preach, it will be wise for us to study the examples of
preaching given in the Bible.  John was filled with the Holy Ghost, and
therefore taught of God: and it is easy to see that the man's nature was
allowed full play.  The Holy Ghost does not destroy character, but uses
it, and these words of the Baptist are natural to him.  Rugged strength
is in every figure of the speech he uses.  But I am not preaching to
preachers, but to sinners, as John was, and in using the great Baptist's
words, I would have you to visit


This is not the only time in the Bible when wicked men are compared to
trees.  There is a notable example in Nebuchadnezzar, who, in his dream,
saw a tree great and high, and saw an angel come down from heaven, look
at it and then cry out--


But in his case it was not said, "Cast it into the fire," but leave the
stump with a band of iron and brass.  You will remember this dream was
fulfilled, and the king of Babylon lost his reason, and became like a
beast, but the tree was allowed to grow again.  Not so with these: John
is speaking about the trees to be burned.

But we may be asked--What are the trees in the devil's orchard?  They are
men and women whose lives are wrong.  You may see what Paul says in the
letter he wrote to the Christians in Galatia--Adultery, Fornication,
Uncleanness, Lasciviousness, Idolatry, Witchcraft, Hatred, Variance,
Wrath, Strife, Seditions, Heresies, Envying, Murders, Drunkenness,
Revellings, and such like.


Well, you say, I am not a murderer.  But are you envious?  Do you grieve
because someone more worthy than you is enjoying something you would
like?  Do you not see that is like what the devil felt when he saw Adam
in Paradise?  You can, by envy, soon become a destroyer.  You say you are
not an Adulterer, but are you lascivious?  Do you like to think of
unclean things?  Do you delight in filthy pictures or "bawdy" songs?  If
so, you are fitting yourself for the fire where the Sodomites are.  You
say you are not as bad as some; perhaps you have not been growing as long
as they have.  Hatred and Variance are the trees on which the devil
grafts Murders.  Do you notice the last words in that sentence of Paul's--


If not a Drunkard or a Reveller, yet going in that direction; having a
liking for evil companions and Sunday pleasuring.  Am I looking on some
of the saplings which Satan means to graft before next year?  Christmas
and New Year will soon be here.  The dance and the ball-room are the
places where


Are you a tree in the devil's orchard?  If so, you may see your future in
the words "Cast into the fire!"

In the crowds of people who listened to John, there were numbers of
religious folk.  Some of them were teachers.  All the devil's trees don't
grow on his estate, therefore I want you now to look at


JUDAS was one.  He had the advantage of Christ's friendship, and might
have become one of the first missionaries, but he was covetous.  DEMAS
was the companion of PAUL, and might have been another SILAS, but he
"loved this present world."  ANANIAS and SAPPHIRA were growing side by
side among the beautiful trees in the early church, but they were selfish
and deceitful, and after telling a lie, they were both cut down and cast
into the fire.  You notice it does not say every tree in the devil's
orchard shall be cut down, but "every tree which bringeth not forth good
fruit."  How is it with you?  Judgment has begun at the house of God.
What are you?  What is the product of your life?  Is your influence
beneficial?  Does the result of your life shew that you are born of God?


Do not say you do no harm; that is not enough, you are to bear fruit unto
holiness.  Your life must be profitable to God, or you cannot escape the
axe.  A man does not plant apple trees to look at, but to gather fruit
from.  Have you paid God for all He has expended on you?  Remember you
are British, you live where there are Bibles, Ministers, Sunday Schools.
Public opinion is on the side of right.  It is easier to be good here
than anywhere else in the world.  The husbandman will not be satisfied
with leaves or blossoms, there must be


   "The axe is laid to the root of the trees."

Yes, you will do well to consider that there is a power of destruction
which may be called into action any moment.

Look, then, at


It is his duty to remove the trees when the time comes.  Mark you, he
does not cut all down.  The trees which bear good fruit he transplants to
grow for ever in THE PARADISE OF GOD.  Yes, death differs in his action,
and those of us who live a holy life need not to dread him.  He is rough,
but he means well by us, and though we may feel it when he pulls us up by
the roots, it is to grow in better soil, and under fairer skies.

You, though, who bear evil fruit, YOU DO WELL TO FEAR DEATH.  Keep good
friends with the doctor, so that you may have no difficulty in getting
him day or night, but remember that he is useless when the woodman aims a
blow at the root.


There will be no escape when the woodman gets his orders.  Mark you, the
axe is at the root this time.  He has lopped off some of the branches.  I
see in the graveyard, headstones with names of infants low down, and
space left for the father's and mother's names.  Yes, he will come for
you next.  What will you do then?  THE TREE IS HELPLESS, IT CANNOT GET
AWAY FROM THE AXE!  Blow upon blow descends, there is no help for it, and
so it will be with you.  What is it that your heart says,--"I will send
for praying people?"  Yes, and if they come, what then?  Perhaps God will
hear, and say to the woodman, "Put up thy axe for another year or two.
Let us see if he will keep his word and bear fruit."  One wonders at the
forbearance of God!  There are some in this place, who, when in
affliction, sent for the godly, and promised if only they were spared,
they would bear good fruit.  But alas! they are worse than ever now.  Let
such hardened sinners remember where the axe lies.  The woodman can pick
it up any moment, and it will be useless to pray then.  Can you not hear
the step of the feller of trees?  He is on his way with orders which
brook no delay, thy hour is at hand, and thou shalt fall, to be cast into
the fire!

I look around, and ask the question--


Dare you look at the fire?  Come, be a man, and see thy future.  The tree
is in the blazing pit.  It cannot get out of the fire, any more than it
could escape the axe.  Did you ever think of the illustration of the


What more natural?  It is true, it might have been somewhere else, but it
will burn as though it were made for the fire.  Mark you, it is
unquenchable!  Who can extinguish that which God lights?  You hear men
say, "God is too good to burn men in hell."  That is not the way to put
it.  The fire will go out when there is no fuel.


That drunkard, for instance.  They say of him, "He has a spark in his
inside."  What the poor wretch suffers when he cannot get strong drink!
How he begs and prays for a penny to get a gill of beer.  Now don't blame
God for that!  It is his own doing.  Suppose now, God lets that man have
his own way, and die a drunkard, and he wakes up in hell with that
thirst, and no drink, not a drop, and never will be!  And is the drunkard
the worst of men?  Is he worse than the man who grows rich on the other
man's poverty?  I would as soon have the drunkard's hell, as the eternity
of those who took his money, and sold him that which is burning away his
life and chances of salvation.  Do you see that wicked seducer, and those
who dishonour their parents; and those who keep back that which they have
in plenty, when they might feed the hungry and clothe the naked?  "These
shall go away into everlasting punishment."  Now what are you going to
do?  It is not the axe which is touching you now.  It is the hand of
Jesus, the hand which has been scorched with the fire of God's anger to
save us.  Christ suffered (the just for the unjust) to bring us to God.
Do not tire Him out, for if he calls for the axe, there is no hope.
Justice may call, and when the woodman answers and takes up his axe,
prayer may cause the axe to fall from his hand; but when Mercy says, "Cut
it down," all the men in the world may cry, but nothing can save him from
the fire.




Jesus Christ travelled three years in a very poor circuit.  There were no
stewards to provide for His wants, and at times, we are told, He had not
where to lay His head.  But all the three years He was a perfect example
to us, whether we are Locals or Itinerants, and, perhaps, never more than
when talking to the woman at the well of Samaria.  From His conduct there
we may learn--

I.--Never be daunted by a small congregation.

It is very nice to have a crowd, but then that is not the lot of us all,
and we must not keep our best sermons for large audiences.  It may be
that the few are able to appreciate our best efforts.  Jesus Christ said
some of His best things to individuals.  John iii. 16 was not said to a
crowd, but to one.  Indeed, if we were to take out of the gospels what
Jesus said to small audiences, we should rob them of their choicest
portions.  So, if, when we get to the chapel we find that there are more
pews than people, let us preach to those who are there.  Why grumble at
the few who have come, perhaps a long way?  Let us feed these with the
choicest of the wheat.  It may be an historic time for anything you know.
There may be someone there whom your sermon may lead to Jesus, and who
himself may become a preacher.

II.--Interest your Audience.

How skilfully Jesus went to work to lay hold of this giddy woman!  He
spoke of what to a native of the East must have been a surprise, and a
delightful idea.  He goes on to tell of being delivered from that plague
of those hot climates, thirst, and excites her wonder by speaking of a
well of water springing up in a man!

To our younger brethren, let us say that it is not easy to succeed if we
do not make what we say interesting.  We do not love sensationalism, but
we do love savouryness.  Let all your sermons be seasoned with salt.  Not
a few of us fail because we forget to make what we say savoury.  Let us
excite the imagination of those who listen to us, and then we may pour
into the attentive ear that which will be of solid benefit.  How
shopkeepers strive to strike the eye of the passengers by skilfully
dressing their windows, so as to catch the attention!  Shall it be said
that they take more pains to sell their goods than we do to get the
gospel into the hearts of our hearers!

III.--Make your hearers conscious of the supernatural.

"Sir," said the woman, "I perceive thou art a prophet."  And this we can
all do.  We can every one be on such terms with heaven as to make those
who listen to us know that we hold commerce with the skies.  We may not
be eloquent or learned, but we may be prayerful and impassioned.
Preaching is unlike all other kinds of speaking.  We have no business in
the pulpit except when under the direct influence of the Holy Ghost.  We
knew a man who, for some years of his ministry, was dull and unpractical,
but there came upon him a baptism of power, and then we heard his
preaching described as "white heat."  Why should not this be in every one
of us?  It is not possible for us to be alike, nor is it desirable, but
we may all make our hearers say, "This man comes from God.  His prayers
and his preaching convince us that he is owned by the God of Elijah."

IV.--Set your converts to work.

We read "The woman then left her waterpot, and went into the city," and
soon there was a crowd round the Saviour.  It is not said that Jesus told
her to do so, but she had heard words that were like fire in her bones.
She had been convinced of sin, and knew that God had spoken to her.  Is
not this the way to fill our chapels?  Say things that wake up the
conscience, and alarm the sinner, and he must tell about it.  Or shew the
cross so plainly that the anxious one finds the Lord, and is able to
rejoice, and very soon there will be an unpaid agency at work.  Of course
it will not obtain to the same extent in every case.  We are among those
who have to mourn that our preaching is not as effective as it ought to
be, but we are taking our own physic, and can testify that since we have
acted on the lines we have laid down, God has been pleased to give us
greater power over our congregations, and we have seen greater results
follow the preaching, poor as it is.




   "_And the Lord heard the voice of Elijah_."--1 KINGS xvii. 22.

Yes, and He will hear your voice if you are as much in earnest as he was!
Why should not God hear the voice of William, or Robert, Sarah or Edith?
He is no respecter of persons.  Is it not written over the door of mercy,
"Knock, and it shall be opened?"  Aye, and the knocker is so low a
child's hand may reach it.  St. James tells us that Elijah was "a man of
like passions."  He was a human being like you and me, but he had faith
in God.  Why should we not believe in God as much as the prophet did?  Is
He not God yet?  Have any of these sceptics removed Him from His throne?
If He is still there, let us come with boldness as Elijah did.

This was not the first time God had heard the voice of His servant, and
answered his prayer, and there is no reason why we should not have
repeated and continuous replies in answer to our requests.  Had Elijah
the same wealth of promise we have?  JESUS CHRIST has spoken since those
times, and has said things which ought to fill us with hopefulness
whenever we pray.  What wonderful words of cheer He said in those last
few days of His life, such as "Ask and ye shall receive, that your joy
may be full."  Look up the references to that verse, and you will feel
you must kneel down and ask for something.

But is there not suggested by that word "Ask," the secret of so much
failure?  Do we ask?  How often, in what is called prayer, there is
little or no supplication?  We are to make our requests known.  Listen to
Elijah: "Lord, let this child's soul come into him again."  Why should we
not pray in the same direct style?  Our prayers would not weary others by
their length, if, before we knelt down, we thought


What a scene when the child began to breathe again! and when the anxious
mother was summoned to receive her boy from the dead.  "Now," said she,
"I know thou art a man of God, and that the word of the Lord in thy mouth
is truth."  When the church fights its battles on its knees, it prevails.
Only let us, who say we believe in God, put our faith into petition, and
obtain answers, then Infidelity will hide its head.  Mr. Finney tells
that when he first began to attend a place of worship, it was as an
honest inquirer after truth.  The members of the church noticed his
coming to the prayer meetings with regularity, and presently it occurred
to them that the young man might be anxious about his soul.  Accordingly
they asked him if he would like them to pray for him.  He somewhat
roughly declined, for, said he, "You don't get any answers to your
prayers for yourselves.  You have been for months praying to be revived,
and you are not any better."  Perhaps he was right, though rude.  We may
have in our midst those who would believe the Bible if they saw that we
had only to ask to receive.

Let every father bear this in mind when he leads the devotions of his
family.  Nothing is so likely to save our children from infidelity as
their knowing that we receive when we ask, and that our knock brings an
open door.  If only the family altar were the meeting place between God
and man, Atheists might sneer and chatter, but they would never be able
to cause our children to listen, for would not they say, "I know my
father is a man of God, and the word of the Lord in his mouth is true."

Reader, is the family altar at your house a bridge from earth to heaven,
or is it a sham, and a helper to those who say, Prayer is an exploded


Is there any truth in the allegation that we do not preach Repentance as
much as we ought to do?  There is a soft sort of preaching abroad which
we Methodists should abhor, namely, a gospel which has no dread of hell
in it.  We do not say that we should spend much time in proving the
eternity of punishment, but certainly the thought of the fate of the
impenitent should be in solution in the preacher's mind, and then, like
the bitter herbs eaten with the Paschal Lamb, penitence will make the
gospel relishing.  We have little doubt that


Those who preach repentance are in good company.  He who fails here does
not tread in the steps of Jesus, who said, "Repent ye, and believe the
gospel."  Is human nature any better now than it was then, that we should
cease to say to the people what Christ said?  Depend upon it, He knew
what to preach.  None of the New Testament preachers said as much about
hell as He did, and yet, forsooth! we are told that such preaching is
coarse, and behind the age.  When the age is astray, the farther we are
behind it the better for us.  It is sickening to hear men talk as though
they were more refined than was the Son of God!  Such preaching is like
raking the garden with the teeth upwards.  You may as well have no rake
at all, if you do not use the teeth.


   "_So David prevailed over the Philistine_!"--1 SAMUEL xvii. 50.

Yes, he did, but he would not have done so if he had remained as quiet as
the other Israelites.  David was one of those who could not be easy so
long as the enemies of his country were in the ascendant.  To see a
Philistine strutting about, defying the armies of the living God, was
more than he could bear.  Is not this the spirit which should animate
Christians to-day?  It is not one GOLIATH merely, there are many.
are not only defying us, but destroying us.  Is it not true that the
armies of the alien are robbing our families and churches, plundering us
of the results of years of toil?  Think, in one department alone, how we
are spoiled.  We refer to the Sabbath school.  What a small percentage of
those who pass through our schools become stable members of the church!
What crowds of our children become the slaves of sin!  How long do we
mean to bear it?  When shall we, like David, say, "THY SERVANT WILL GO

We read that "David hasted, and ran towards the army to meet the
Philistine."  He was aggressive.  There is a great deal to be said in
favour of what is called "working on the old lines," but


His countrymen had remained too long there; he would dare and do,
therefore ran into the lines of the Philistines.  Is it not too true that
we stay in our entrenchments too long?  Why should we not carry the war
into the enemy's country?  WESLEY and his fellow-labourers would not have
had the success they had, if they had not, like David, run towards the
enemy.  It was time, for the sake of his country's prestige, that he ran
with his face towards the foe.  Shall we not imitate him, and dare
something for God?  Saul's army had too often showed their backs to the
enemy.  When a man runs towards his foe, he looks bigger every stride,
while if he runs away, he looks less, and becomes more contemptible the
more active he is!

David prevailed over the Philistine with very simple weapons, but


If he had gone in Saul's armour, he might have perished.  He was no match
for the giant if it came to a sword fight.  The long reach of the giant's
arm would have ended the conflict very soon.  On the contrary, the sling
gave David an immense advantage.  He could strike a blow, and be out of
Goliath's reach.  Have we not known some men more mighty, and more often
victorious when they were plain and unlettered, than they were after
years of culture?  How is it?  Perhaps because they, knowing their
ignorance, were more earnest in prayer.  We know that some of us feel,
when we have preached;--That was a good sermon, the arguments were
irresistible, the illustrations were beautiful, and so the people ought
to have yielded, but they did not!  Did they?

If the pictures of this event we often see are to describe the future of
Christianity, we shall have to be as daring as though God did not fight
the battle, and as trustful as though we had never driven the alien army
back.  When COURAGE is united to HUMILITY, the Philistine may get
measured for his coffin (leaving out the head), and the damsels of Israel
have their timbrels tuned, for there will be a procession goodly to look


This was one of the results of faithful preaching.  Paul had declared the
whole counsel of God, both in powerful addresses and in visiting from
door to door.  Miracles were wrought, but what seems to have impressed
the writer of this account most of all, was not the healing of the sick,
or the casting out of devils, but men parting with that which was worth
so much money.


So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed!"

Has our religion been costly to us?  Have we given up anything?  These
converts gave up their money-making sins publicly; and their public and
costly repentance was made a great blessing.  We wish every Christian who
is engaged in any business that has made money for him at the expense of
another's morals, would see it his duty to make a bonfire of it!  We have
no doubt there are numbers of Christians whose consciences now and then
give them a goutlike twinge.  We do not doubt their religion because they
do not obey their consciences; but we do say the word of God cannot grow
mightily, it is stunted, and in consequence they are religious dwarfs,
when they might have been giants in righteousness and holy influence.


   "_Nathan said to David_, _Thou art the Man_!"

But this was not the first thing he said.  He approached the subject very
carefully.  David would not have allowed anyone to bring that subject
home to him without resenting it.  It is more than likely that very few
were in the secret.  Crafty Joab was not the man to let that story get
out.  It gave him power over the king all the time it was his secret, so
that he could put pressure on David whenever he liked.  We read, "The
Lord sent Nathan unto David."  If we would know how to deal with our
congregations, we must have the Lord's commission.


Let us never set off to preach without a message from God to the people,
then we shall make folks say, what a plain Yorkshire Methodist said of
Stoner, "Yon David's varry thick with the Almighty."

If the Lord send us, He will teach us how to talk, and most likely He
will take us off the pulpit track.  Some of us have given up the old
"three-decker" style of preaching, feeling that it is as useless as last
year's almanack.  Our hearers often knew what was coming, they heard the
heads of the discourse, and began to see the end before we got there,
wrapping themselves in a habit of indifference which shielded them from
the convictions we had hoped to produce.  What "CALIFORNIAN TAYLOR" calls
"Surprise Power," ought to be in every discourse.  David had no idea what
the prophet meant to do before he had ended his story, and we should wait
upon God until He has given us, not only the subject of our sermons, but

The charming story with which Nathan began his address is instructive to
those who wish to succeed as preachers.  How interested the King became
as he heard of the rich man's greed and the poor man's loss, until he was
so stirred that he threatened the death of the tyrant!  May not we
preachers learn something here, that is, to interest our hearers, in
order that we may profit them?  Do we sufficiently care for this matter?
Would it not be well, in the preparation of our addresses and sermons, to
make sure that we are so interesting that our hearers cannot fail but
listen?  We should not be content with soundness of faith, or
truthfulness of doctrine, but be so interesting as to command the
attention of our audience.  It is a question whether any man, who cannot
make the people listen, should not be content to take his place in a pew.
It is better to be able to heat or light the chapel well, than to wear
out the patience of a congregation by prosy preaching, and it will be
more to our eternal advantage to have been AN INDUSTRIOUS CHAPEL-KEEPER

Nathan brought David to a stand.  The royal hearer fell before the
faithful preacher.  He confessed his sin and deeply repented.  Well might
the prophet rejoice over his illustrious convert.  It was indeed success
to hear the king acknowledge his fault.  We do not read that he praised
the sermon, but he condemned himself.  It is a small reward to hear it
said that we have preached a beautiful sermon, but it is delightful to
learn that a sinner has been convinced of his guilt and danger.  Let all
of us who preach, determine that we will not call that service a success
which either allowed our hearers to be drowsy, or won their applause,
without causing a saint to be cheered on his pilgrimage, or an enemy of
God to lay down his weapons and sue for peace.

JEREMIAH, viii. 21 to ix. 16.

I.--He who is loyal to God is the truest patriot.--ch. viii., v. 21, ch.
ix., v. 10.

Jeremiah's distress disfigured him, and he felt that tears were not
sufficient to mark his sorrow for his country.  Sinners against God
should never profess to be politicians; they are unworthy to be classed
on either side.

II.--Idolatry is the mother of all other sins.

Count up the different crimes these Jewish idol-worshippers were guilty
of--as lying, slander, adultery, &c.  He who breaks the first commandment
has pulled down the fence, and can easily break the others.  What an
argument for Missions!

III.--If God acts consistently, He must punish sin.--ch. ix., v. 9, 10,
15, 16.

Hell is as necessary as Heaven to a perfect God.  Queen Victoria could
not be safe in her palace but for prisons, where felons are bound!

He who fears to preach future punishment is either an ignorant man or a


   "_So Ahab went up to eat and to drink_.  _And Elijah went up to the
   top of Carmel_, _and he cast himself down upon the earth_, _and put
   his face between his knees_."--1 KINGS xviii. 42.


And yet, both men were perfectly consistent.  It is in each case what you
would expect, and yet how differently it might have been.  What a
different story it would have been if only Ahab had listened to the
teaching of God!  How often we see men having chances of turning round
and beginning a new life; failing to do this, they seem to become the
worse for the lesson of Providence and the advice of those who warn them!
Has it ever been so with you?  Can you remember a time when God stopped
you, and made you think, thus giving you a chance of reformation?
Wretched Ahab! he had just seen which is Master.  How contemptible Baal
seemed now!  The heavenly fire, which leaped in answer to Elijah's
prayer, disdained to notice the victims on the altar of the idol, while
the blood of the false priests dyed the waters of the brook Kishon, a
sacrifice to their own wickedness and deception.  One would have thought
Ahab's good sense would have prevailed, and that he would have said,
"Elijah, I will go with thee, and on Carmel's top will unite with thee in
prayer."  Alas for the history that might have been!

But some of you will say, "Did not Elijah say to Ahab, 'Get thee up, eat
and drink?'"  Yes, he did.  A few hours before, he had said, "If Baal,
follow him."  Does not God allow us to be tempted continually?  Did He
not, in His wisdom and goodness, place the tree which bare forbidden
fruit in the garden of Eden?  Does He not say, by natural appetites and
propensities, enjoy yourself?  There was nothing wrong in eating, but if
Ahab had but


the rest of his life would have been different, he might have been
converted then.  How often it happens that we hear a powerful sermon,
perhaps on the first Sunday night of a Mission, but we have something to
attend to on Monday, something that might be left without injury, or it
may be a party or a concert, and so we do not go to the meeting next
night.  If we had done so, our whole life might have been changed!

Eat and drink!  One wonders it did not choke him, for were not his
subjects starving?  The famine was sore in the land; men and women pined,
children died of hunger, cattle and sheep perished in the fields, but all
this, what had it to do with the king?  He was hungry, and would eat and
would be jolly, never mind about the poor people!  Remember, my hearers,
you cannot turn your back on God and be the same man you have been.  Each
time you say "No," to God's grace, you become less fit for His kingdom.
If men could but see their souls--


You would look as though you had seen a ghost!  We have portraits of
ourselves years ago, and we look at them and wonder at the change.  Could
you have a portrait of what you were, spiritually, ten years since, it
would spoil your enjoyment.  Beware, then, of eating and drinking when
others are at prayer.  It is better to be good than to be happy.  Do
right, though it may mean tears, for the smiles of selfishness are sores
in the future.

Look at the other man now.  He climbs the hill.  There is nothing to be
won from heaven by laziness.  Climb to thy crown!  Never mind the
steepness and ruggedness of the way.  God's kings toil and sweat before
their coronation.  How Elijah would laugh in his heart as he thought of
the boon he was about to bring down on his country!


He had prayed that it might not rain, and for many months the heavens had
been cloudless.  Day by day the sun had scorched and burned on, as though
there was to be no more verdure, the trees are but the skeletons of their
former selves, and the ground is cracked, and gapes for drink.  Ah! it is
soon to alter!  The God who has answered by fire is about to speak in the
shower, and all nature is to put on a new suit of green at the bidding of

Why should not the church of God climb the hill to bring down on the
earth a shower of blessing?  God had said to Elijah, "I send rain upon
the earth," and therefore the man of God said, "I will call upon the name
of the Lord."  Have we no promise?  What do these words mean--


Find the reference to these words, and then look on them as a legacy.  We
may receive whenever we apply.  Why, then, do we hang down our heads?  Let
us climb Carmel, shouting as we go, "Hallelujah!  The Lord reigneth!"
Baal has not succeeded to the throne!  Christ is there!  But see, the man
of God casts himself down on the ground.


It is well when it is so.  We always tremble when we see a church elated
over its success.  A year or two ago, we Methodists saw a great
ingathering of souls, and because we had harvest we have let our plough
rust.  Is there any wonder that we fear a decrease?  It is sure to follow
elation, and then we shall be told, "There is always a reaction after so
much excitement."  That is a text from the devil's bible.  On the same
hill top where Elijah won the fight, he falls down, to pray, with his
face between his knees, and so is most humbled when most triumphant.

And now his servant is sent to look for the sign of success.  Mark you,
he sends him to


"Toward the sea."  Do not go towards the dry land if you want rain, or in
other words, if you want success in soul-saving, look not for it from
those who get up entertainments and seek to make money by gambling in
bazaars.  Do not expect conversions from mere eloquence or rhetoric.
Large congregations do not always mean abiding success.  Beautiful
chapels are not always remarkable for attracting those who need a
Saviour.  Look at the place from whence Wesley, Whitfield, and the others
who were to win souls derived their power.


If you wait upon the Lord you have a right to be of good courage.  "They
shall not be ashamed that wait for Me, saith the Lord."  If our trust is
in the Lord, we can afford to wait.  The longer He keeps us waiting, the
more He will give us.  Never mind if the servant says, "There is
nothing."  It is not the Master's voice.  Go again.  Don't talk to me of
nothing!  Go again!  Leave me to pray in peace till there is something to
praise God for.


Only "a man's hand," sayest thou? but what Man?  It is the same Hand that
wrote on the wall the sentence of Belshazzar.  It is the Hand of which
David sang "Thou openest Thine Hand and satisfiest the desire of every
living thing."  We who look for Jesus remember that when He left us He
did not clench His fist at the world that had treated Him so ill.  "He
lifted up his hands and blessed them."  He has not closed them yet, but
sends blessings on even the rebellious.  Faith sees in the open hand of
Jesus the promise of great gifts for those who wait upon Him.  We read,
directly, "the heaven was black, and there was a great rain."

If we pass over a few years we see the end of these men, the end so far
as this world is concerned.  They both ride in chariots.  He who rose up
to eat and drink, rides disguised, but is not able to deceive the winged
messengers of death.  The murderer is found out, and dies in his chariot.


So perish those who prefer to eat when others starve, though they might
unite with those who bring blessings on the perishing!

A year afterwards, the man who prayed walks along the road; there is one
by his side who watches him with eager glance, and now comes the chariot
of heaven.


the man who climbed the hill to pray, and soon he is parted from his
young friend; but see! his mantle falls.  Which of us will pick it up and
wear it?  Elijah's garment will fit any of us, and will always be new if
we pray.  It grows threadbare and shabby when worn by those who prefer
the table to the altar, and love the pleasures of the world better than
the companionship of angels.

My brothers, shall we not become mighty in prayer?  This is a talent all
have received, put it out to interest at once.  Lose no time in its use.
Satan will gladly lend you a napkin, but then he will have your soul as
the pledge.  To cease to pray is to drift towards hell.  Is there not a
needs be for crying mightily to God?  Can we look around our
congregations and not feel that it is high time we went up the hill to
cry to God for the rain that means revival?  Let us each ask the
question, Am I most like the man who lived to gratify his desires, or the
man who lived to pray for others?


If the angels see us on our face, crying for rain, they will know that
some day they will have to meet us and take us home in the chariot of
fire.  If they see that we are those who eat and drink when they should
pray, they will know that our possessions, like Ahab's chariot, will
become a hearse, and that we are riding to hell in that which we have
chosen for comfort.

I KINGS xvii. 10.

Of course she was.  All God's trains meet at the junction.  They don't
have to wait for one another.  Elijah had left Cherith because the brook
had dried up, and his first request shewed that he was in need of water.
The poor widow seems to have been relieved that water was all the prophet
asked, but he called to her to fetch a bit of bread as well.  This broke
her down.  "Ah, Master, we have not so much as a cake.  I have only a
handful of meal, and I had come out to gather some sticks that I might
bake a little cake for me and the lad, and then we shall have to die of

"Never fear, God has sent me, and with His servant there shall come a


and then make for thyself, and God will keep on supplying our wants."

The woman did so, and never wanted.  If she had gone on the principle of


she would soon have been in her grave, and the lad too, but the way to
live is to care for others.  "He that loseth his life shall save it."
While we are writing this, we are thinking of the great number who all
through these bad times have fed the Preachers and their horses.  God
will see to it that they do not lose by their unselfishness.

Some will read this who are just on the point of leaving a place where
God has cared for them, but they do not see their way in the future.  Are
you going on God's errand?  That is, are you in the path of duty?  Then
never fear.  Ravens can wait at table as well as any tailed-coated white-
cravatted serving man.  And widows with only a handful of meal, can keep
open house for God's servants.  My God shall supply all your need, and
the less there is in the barrel, the more room for God's hand!


The Israelites were not saved because they were children of Abraham, but
because they followed the plan of salvation.  Even Moses "kept the
passover and the sprinkling of blood," or there would have been a dead
man in the house.  If you and I are saved, it must be by the blood of the
Lamb.  The father who put the blood on his door posts was not ashamed to
own his need of Divine protection, or that he trusted the word of God.

There is a false sentimentality that is abroad to-day, which would make
us ashamed to speak of the atonement.  We are told that it is sickening
to hear of such terms as "The Blood of Jesus."


We know of nothing higher than the word of God, and he whose fine
feelings are shocked by Bible language, would find heaven not
sufficiently aesthetic.  May not such be said to count the blood of the
covenant an unholy thing?  When the destroyer is abroad, we shall be safe
who hide behind the blood.  We rejoice in the blood of sprinkling, when
we believe there is wrath for the sinner.  The giving God the lie, when
He declares He will punish His enemies, fits the mouth of him who is too
refined to speak of the precious blood of Jesus.


This question was asked by a man who knew more than any one else, and he
knew very well what the answer would be.  We should suspect a man of
insanity who looked for grapes on a thorn bush.  And yet we see numbers
of both men and women looking for happiness and comfort in the Public
House, and judging from their appearance afterwards, we feel sure they
went for grapes and found festering thorns!

It was our duty, some time ago, to be part of a deputation to support a
memorial to the Magistrates at what is called "The Brewster Sessions."
There was a number of Ministers and others who represent the Temperance
movement, with some ladies like-minded, and we took our places in the
same court where the publicans and their friends were.  Some of these had
come to transfer licenses, others to seek to have in-beershops, and power
to sell other kinds of drink.  The Magistrates, however, refused both of
the applications for new licenses, nor did we wonder, when we saw those
who were waiting to be punished or pardoned, as the case might be.

In the gallery were a number of the friends of those who were waiting to
have their names called upon, and then to appear in the dock.  Besides
these, were the usual loafers, many of whom have found, or will find work
for the police, after going to seek grapes where thorns grow: and then
others, like the writer, who were on the lookout for a profitable way to
spend an hour or two.  It was a most instructive time, and one wonders
how it is that long-headed Englishmen can, after seeing the results of
visiting the publichouse, ever be persuaded that grapes are to be got
there without trouble.

The mistake many good people make is looking on drinking as a failing,
and not as a crime.  It must be a sin for any one to make himself
eligible for doing all sorts of mischief and wrong, as men do who take,
as they say, "a sup of drink."  It is this sup of drink that gives them
the impetus towards cruelty and lust, and we must insist upon it that for
a man to prepare himself for wickedness is a sin against himself and his
God.  If this be so, the social element in drinking makes it all the more
dangerous.  Men and women drink often because it is considered a kind and
hospitable thing to offer it, and an ungenerous and churlish thing to
refuse it.  What is this but calling a thorn a vine?

While we were in the court, several cases came before the
Magistrates--"Drunk and Disorderly," varied by obscenity and quarrelling.
One woman told the Bench that she had been teetotal for five and a half
years, till she came into the town to pay a debt, and then she had a
glass, "and it will be twenty years before I have any more."  "Ah!" said
"His Worship,"


Another poor wretch was "Drunk and Incapable."  She told the Magistrates
that she had come to get a situation, that her box was at the station.
She had evidently seen better days.  The Chairman said how sorry he was
to see a woman like her, evidently a superior person, in such a case, and
she gladly promised to be a better woman, but she had been more than once
to the thorn for grapes, and we fear will go again.  There was a young
fellow brought up for drunkenness and obscenity, whose fine was paid by
his mother.  She looked a decent but poor woman, and one could not but
wonder what she had parted with to raise the money, to keep what one of
the Magistrates called a blackguard, out of prison.  But what will not a
mother's love do!  These are a few of the cases which made us wonder that
in our town we have so many places, licensed by the same Magistrates, to
sell that which fits men and women to appear in the court to be punished.

We wonder how long it will take to make the English people see that so
long as we allow drinking shops to abound, there will be a necessity for
police and lock-ups, and that it is as easy to gather grapes of thorns as
to expect peace and quietness and facilities for drinking to exist



We see that certain politicians are busy trying to convince those who
have any fear upon the matter, that it is easy for them to vote in such a
way that no one can possibly find out for which side they have given in
their vote.  It is positively secret voting.  Very likely this is as it
should be, still it is a sad disgrace that such a thing should be at all
necessary, and does not speak well for human nature.  Why should it not
be possible for men to vote openly?  Because some who have done so have
had to suffer loss.  Is not this a blot upon our civilization, to say
nothing of our Christianity?

But while it may be right that men should have the chance of voting
secretly in Parliamentary matters, whether they be Conservatives or
Liberals, we contend there should be no ballot-box for the election in
which men settle whether Jesus or Satan should govern the world.  There
are sadly too many, who are like Joseph of Arimathaea, disciples, but
secretly for fear.


Say right out which side you are for.  If this were the case, there would
be a large number of absentees from public worship next Sabbath; whole
pews would be empty because there is not one of the usual tenants who
loves God, and yet they dare not say openly, I am for the Devil.  On the
other hand, if some were to say what is in their hearts, they would have
to leave the dinner-tables where filthy jokes are bandied about, there
being no women present.  And in some workshops and mills, men and women
would have to speak out at the cost of ridicule and scorn.  Yes, speak
out, when they hear that which is opposed to truth and purity made the
subject of daily conversation.


we often sing in our meetings, and yet some who sing these words are
craven in the presence of the foe.  We should do well to take the advice
of the same song when it says,


We should think that man unfit for a soldier's life who was not ready to
unfurl his country's flag, and let it be known for whom he is fighting.
What is the position of those who read this paper?  Do you, in your
heart, believe that Jesus has the right to reign?  Then shew it!  Lose no
time to put on Christ!  Let all men see that you believe in the
righteousness of our cause.  Do not hide the love you have for Jesus.  Let
not your chance of being honourably wounded pass by.  In heaven, should
you reach it, there will be no opportunity of suffering for Him who loved
you to the death.


then, when we have won the election, you will not have to regret that you
came out too late to be of use.


Many a time, during an election, we have wished that we could see the
church of God as much in earnest to send men to heaven as they are to
send those they vote for to Parliament.  It must strike some of the
ungodly, when they have Christian men at them day and night


not taking No as an answer, but doing their utmost to win them--How is it
that this Christian, who knows that I never attend a place of worship,
has not shown one-hundredth part of this zeal to get me to go to chapel
or to begin to pray?  Is he not likely to think;--after all, he does not
believe his Bible, or he could not be as careless about my soul as he is?

Men of business have no time to seek the souls of the lost; that is
parson's work; that must be left to Sunday;--and yet, we have seen,
during the election, keen, clever business men, up and down stairs,
calling on their neighbours, and making sure that they have given their
vote on the right side, and this in addition to many a visit paid since
the candidates were selected, and the time drew nigh for getting them

How freely they bear ridicule!  Men who would blush to talk of religion
do not hesitate to be sneered at for the sake of their party, wearing
their colour and priding themselves on their opinions.  We have nothing
to say against this.  Men ought to have the courage of their opinions,
but why not own up and play the man for Jesus Christ?

We should like to know what the election has cost for


Many thousands of pounds have been spent, and spent freely, without a
grudge, for placards and cartoons.  Any man who had a new idea in the
shape of a striking advertisement could have it adopted by his party,
regardless of cost.  All this, too, we don't object to, but we say that
if any of us Evangelists wanted to spend a small proportion of this
amount in trying to get men and women to come to God's house during a
Mission, there would be a tremendous outcry against his


One interesting feature in this matter is the large number of


used to convey voters to the poll.  It was very amusing to see some of
the men riding in state, in the custody of the owner of the carriage!  It
was good to tell they had not been used to it, and felt that they were on
their good behaviour.  What struck some of us was the readiness of ladies
and gentlemen to lend their vehicles for this purpose.  We can have no
possible objection to this, but we wonder what would be said to us if we
counselled them to send their carriages to bring the aged and feeble to
the house of God?  We should be told that we had no idea of the fitness
of things.  This would be true if heaven were less than earth, and
politics of more importance than religion.

It is a queer world, and we wonder sometimes if the time will ever come
when men shall believe their Bibles as much as their newspapers?  As we
have seen during the last few days, professing Christians of the most
apathetic order, going half wild about Whigs and Tories, we have said to


ACTS, xvii.

We read that the Apostle "was grieved" to hear this possessed woman
speaking favourably of him and his companion.  He could not bear for it
to be even suspected that his mission was tolerated by the devil.  Her
masters made money by her wrongdoing, and he would not have their
patronage.  He and Silas were happier in the cell, sore and hungry as
they were, than in listening to the praise given by the evil one!

It is better to have frowns than favour from those who are opposed to
truth and righteousness.  Let Evangelists and such like,


Do not seek the smiles of those who live by wrong doing.  We shall never
cast out the devil while conniving at his crimes.  It is not by
popularity that we win our greatest victories.  Paul had no converts he
prized more than those who formed the Church in the town where he had
been in jail.  Let those of us who love an easy and painless life think
of his words--



   MR. JUSTICE GROVES.--"_Men go into the Public-house respectable_, _and
   come out felons_."

My text, as you see, my dear readers, is not taken from the Bible.  It
does not, however, contradict the Scriptures, but is in harmony with
xxiii. 20.


as it was spoken by an English Judge, and given as the result of long
observation, and of hearing evidence given upon oath.  What is more
likely to be true than a declaration from the Bench? and as such it
deserves the attention of every one of us.  Let us then consider


We are quite willing to allow that a certain amount of enjoyment can be
obtained in these places.  Once acquire the taste, and drink gives
pleasure to the palate, and produces, in a very short time, a kind of
joy.  Men who are in business difficulties can forget their creditors.
Those who have lost friends by death can forget the ties of affection.
Scolding wives are left at home, and a smiling face receives the money
spent, for the landlady is real good to those who have the coin.  But on
the other hand, are not these drinkers paying too dear for their
gladness?  Is it not a kind of delirium that shuts out the facts of the
case?  Will not the creditor call for his money?  Will you not wake up to
greater loneliness than ever?  Will you have taken the edge off the
woman's tongue by spending the money she needs for the family?  Are you
not buying temporary insanity at so much a glass?

Are you not running a fearful risk of becoming a criminal?  I know of a
little beershop where murders have been hatched, and that in a quiet
rural village!  Do not men go primed with drink to rob and slay?  Do not
wife-beaters get their inspiration at the public-house?  Is not gambling
fostered in the bar parlour?  Do you tell me that you are not likely to
become a thief, or a murderer?  So others have said whom we have known,
once as decent and quiet as you.  Besides, if you keep out of the hands
of the police, you will have to take your trial some day for robbing God,
and for soul murder!  In the public-house you learn to do all this.


How can a man love his country, who supports that which is increasing
taxation and demoralising his countrymen?  Should we allow any nation
under the sun to do us the harm one public-house will do?  Is it not true
that nearly all the police are needed by those who frequent the Public-
house?  Is it not this devil's academy that costs the nation so much more
than we spend in education?  Would not many of the prisons have to be
pulled down if we could stop the drinking habits of our people?  Answer
me these questions, and tell me how you can call yourself a patriot, and
yet help to keep these places going?


Can it be tolerated that such places should remain open?  Are felons to
be manufactured, and men get rich by the process?  We must shut the
places up, even though we ruin places like Burton-on-Trent, and compel
rich brewers to sell their carriages.  Nothing is so likely to pay off
the National Debt as to cause publicans and brewers to enlarge the list
of bankrupts.  They cannot live but by the nation's loss, and sorrow.  A
brewer's dray, as it leaves the yard, carries with it increase to the
taxation, and hunger and nakedness for little children!

While we do not lose sight of the importance of legislation, and while we
push the questions of Sunday Closing, Local Option, &c., to the utmost
extent, it will pay us still better to close the public-house through
making the frequenter of such places see the sin of it.  If there are no
customers, there will be soon a closing of their doors.  We call upon all
Grocers, Butchers, Tailors, Cabinet Makers, and all decent tradespeople,
to see, that would they have a return of prosperity, they must have the
stream of cash which goes into the publican's till turned towards their
doors.  Money spent in manufacturing felons would look well spent on
Clothes, Provisions, and Furniture.  Besides churches and chapels would
be crowded as the jails were emptied, and heaven would gain what hell
would lose by the closing of Breweries, Distilleries, and Public-houses.


That is one of the messages brought to us by Christmas time, and this is
linked to "glory to God."  You cannot glorify God more than by publishing
good-will to one another.  There is a special need for this just now.
Political feeling has risen so high that friends, and even families, have
been estranged.  Let not another sun go down upon your wrath.  Now is the
time to prove that you are a Christian, by giving Jesus the pleasure of
knowing that His birthday was the burial day of strife.

Which side shall be the first to move?  Doubtless the noblest; the one
who has most of God in him will hurry to say, "Come, now, let us reason
together."  We need not to say that common-place religion cannot afford
to do this.  Those who live on old manna cannot rise to such dignity as
to be the first to seek the friendship of those who think themselves
aggrieved.  On the other hand, "HE THAT HUMBLETH HIMSELF SHALL BE
EXALTED."  Heaven has always been the first to seek reconciliation, and
those who are heavenly-minded shew it by making haste to be friendly.

If you have been the injured one, you have the best chance of succeeding
in healing the wound.  It is God, sending a message of peace, that wins
over His foes.


Who asked Him to offer His Son?  If you take the first step, you will be
treading in the footprints of Jesus.  He has shown us how to love our
enemies, and to do good to them that despitefully use us.  It is true
that you would have to make a sacrifice, to be the first to hold out the
white flag.  Yes, and you can afford to do it, if you are the one in the
right.  It is the man who is in the wrong who is the easiest offended,
and the last to yield.

Whether we are Conservatives or Liberals, we are Englishmen, and cannot
afford to be divided.  Whether we want the Church to be Disestablished or
not, we are Christians.  Let us be friends once more, and try to think
the best we can of each other.  Whether our side has won or not, we are
certain that Right will prevail in the long run.  We can afford to wait,
if we are on God's side, for He wins by losing.


If you can rise to this, how you will enjoy singing--

   "Hark! the herald angels sing--
   Glory to our new-born King!
   Peace on earth and mercy mild,
   God and sinners reconciled."

Is there not wondrous common sense, as well as beauty, in the saying of
St. John--


One would have thought it would have been--we ought to love Him.  But
then we remember further on, John says,


It is well sometimes to ask ourselves the question, "How will this matter
look in heaven?"  "What shall we think of ourselves a hundred years to
come?  How small all these matters of offence will seem in the light of
eternity!  We should not like to die without being at peace with all men.
The way to secure this is to live at peace, and if there is anything
between us and our brethren, let us treat one another as we wish God to
treat us.



This is quite true, and we wish there was more of this fellow-feeling.  It
is likely this will be read by some aged man or woman who has many
comforts, and is assisted to bear the infirmities peculiar to old age in
a way poor men and women cannot enjoy.  If you are wealthy, or have
enough for your wants, should you not have a fellow-feeling for those who
are poor and need help?

Sometimes when visiting aged people, who were well off, a nice fire
burning all the night through, and perhaps those about them who have not
allowed them to be many hours without nourishment, I have said to such an
one, "You have been kept alive by the fact that you can afford it.  If
you had been a poor man, you would be dead now."

Will you not then, if you have it in your power, give some other old man
or woman, who is poor and unable to get the comforts you have in such
plenty, some share of what you have; if you do not, how can you expect
God to shew you mercy in that day?  It will be no use to tell Him that
you loved Him; He does not believe in professions of affection for Him,
which are not proved by love to our fellows.


We have heard a story told of a celebrated sculptor who had a statue in
his studio of a beautiful veiled figure with winged feet; when asked what
he called it, he said "Opportunity."  "But why is it veiled?  And why has
it wings on its feet?"  "Because," said he, "it is not recognised, and
never stays long."

How true this is!  The New Year, which comes to-morrow, brings with it
opportunities for becoming better, and being of greater use than we have
ever been.  But, alas! how few of us will recognise the good chance till
it has passed for ever.

Some of us have special opportunities for growing better with age.  We
live with those who have always shewn us a good example, and have the
privilege of listening every Sabbath Day to those who explain the Book of
God, so as to feed our souls with bread Divine.  Those of us who are not
so fortunate, who, it may be, have our lot cast among the ungodly; yet
we, though at Patmos, may have revelations which some do not enjoy who
have more help from friends and good influences.

But does not the past admonish those of us who are Preachers and
Teachers?  How many opportunities are past, to return no more!  How much
more useful we should have been had we made use of them!  How we might
have preached Christ instead of our own selves!  How we might have
encouraged and stimulated our hearers, if only we had caught more of the
spirit of Jesus!  How much power from above there would have been in our
addresses, if we had spent more time alone; and how many more souls would
have been converted, if we had not restrained prayer!

* * * * *

But the past is past.  The future dawns, and in its kindling light let us
re-consecrate ourselves to the work God has set us to do.  We shall have
appointments to preach.  Shall we not look on each appointment, however
distant the place, or small the congregation, as


Let us make the most of it.  Shall not the new opening for usefulness
find us prepared to enter in?  Must it ever be said again that the pulpit
was open to us, but we were not ready to fill it as it ought to be
filled?  Could an angel from heaven desire anything better than the
opportunity which will come to so many, next Sunday, of preaching, or it
may be, of teaching a class of young people out of the Word of God?

If we need a stimulus, let us ask ourselves the question,--How shall I
feel, looking at my past chances of usefulness from the observatory of
the sick room and dying bed?  Are we to fill our dying pillows with
thorns, as we remember Sabbaths when we gave way to indolence and self-
indulgence, instead of crowding them with well-aimed efforts after
usefulness, and diligently employed occasions for study and teaching.

To the unconverted reader we say,--Beware, lest this New Year be wasted
as its predecessors were.  Is it to be like all the rest?  Is that which
comes to thee as a friend, wishing to give thee space for repentance and
faith, to become another lash in the scourge which is to punish thy soul
for ever?  Is God's ledger still to chronicle thy unforgiven debts;
unforgiven, not because there was no mercy, but because thou wast too
indolent to pray.  Rouse thyself, sinner, lest these very opportunities
should add to thy doom!  They fly past thee, but where do they go?  They
are on their way to the bar of God, to witness against thee.  What a
crowd of them to testify!  Wouldst thou silence them?  Come, ere this
year closes, and the new one begins, to the feet of Jesus, where thou
shalt find pardon and peace, and where thou mayst receive power to live a
life of devotion and holy labour--thus making opportunity thy willing and
true yoke-fellow.


A Poet has said, that Prayer is the Christian's native air.  It seems as
if some Christians who are doomed to die of soul decline, might live if
they would go back to their native air.  Reader, do you need this


A great deal has been said in the newspapers lately on the subject of
Faulty Bayonets.  It seems that from some cause or other these arms have
been found out to be faulty and unworthy of trust.  Some of them are
brittle, and break, others are soft, and bend, so there are a large
number of those in use which will have to be discarded on account of
unfitness.  Where the blame lies we don't know, but doubtless some one
has been unfaithful to their trust, or the thing could not have been

It set us a thinking the other day--Here is something that no one
doubted, has proved unreliable; and the thought flashed across our mind:
Is there not something like it in the Church of God to-day?


It is not the General's brain, or the Officer's weapon that is unworthy,
but the private's!  Does this apply to us?  Is not PRAYER to the Church
what the bayonet is to the soldier--that which the private member has to
use?  Those who cannot preach or write books, or even teach in the Sunday
School, can pray.  We ask the question--Are there as many praying-people
in proportion to our numbers as there used to be?  What is the testimony
to those who attend our prayer-meetings?  Is not this the weak place in
our army to-day?

The bayonet has won the battle many a time over for England, and if we
are weak here, we are weak where we used to be strong.  In the war with
the Arabs in Egypt, the squares were sometimes broken.  Was that the
fault of the bayonet?  England cannot afford to be weak here; nor can
Methodism bear defeat where she has won so many fights.  We have many a


and if we are to be soft there, we may as well retire from the conflict
at once.  Many a time, when holding Missions, we have felt that if we
could but get the members of society to be often in secret but earnest
prayer, we should carry the battle to the gate, and more than once we
have felt the tide turn, as we have noticed the people get more and more
in an agony of supplication.

Now that the authorities at the War Office have found out the failing, we
shall soon have the faulty bayonets cast out and perfect ones provided.
We don't want weak-kneed Christians cast out of the church, we want them
improved.  And this may be done.  Let every one of our readers ask the


If not, why not?  Or am I one of those who cannot point to direct answers
to pleading prayer, because I never did plead?  Is there not a cause?
Look at what James has said in his epistle, iv. 2-4.  Is not this
"friendship with the world" the cause of this feebleness in prayer?  We
want all that we can get in pleasure and self-indulgence, and to see our
church become a power also.  The two things cannot be.  This kind goeth
not out but by prayer and fasting, and if we wish to see England won to
Christ we must become reliable in prayer.

We shall be glad to know that what we have said leads to


Let our Class-leaders ask the question of their members--Do you pray in
secret?  Do you wrestle with God?  How long is it since you had a direct
answer to prayer?  This is our weak place.  May we soon be strong where
we are now weak, that the prophecy may be fulfilled, "HE THAT IS FEEBLE


Few men have covered themselves with infamy as did Jeroboam, of whom it
is said often he "made Israel to sin."  And yet what a chance he had to
have led the people, over whom God had made him king, in the path of
righteousness?  Instead of teaching evil, he might have led his people
into the ways of the Lord.  Influence is a talent which brings with it
enormous responsibility.  Perhaps to none is this more applicable than to
parents.  Let those of us to whom God has given children, use our
influence to


We teach them every day by example, if not by precept, and example is the
teacher whose lessons are followed easiest.  What can be worse for a
child than to have a parent who teaches his children to sin?  Perhaps at
the Day of Judgment, the most terrible sights will be where children will
reproach father or mother or both, for shewing them the way to the left
hand of God!


I.--The Congregation.

All who could understand were present (verses 2-3).  None should absent
themselves from public worship and the preaching of God's word, except
infants and idiots.

II.--The Behaviour of the Hearers.

We are told (verse 3) "All the people were attentive."  There are some
who go to God's house, and make such poor use of their ears, that they
will wish at the Judgment Day they had been born deaf.  We read also of
the reverence of the people.  They "stood up" to listen, and joined in
the prayer with a great "Amen!"  What a scene we have depicted in verses

III.--The Preachers.

There was a PULPIT, but not the tub-like thing that we see in some
places--it held more than a dozen.  It would be high enough for all the
people to hear and see.  But Ezra had more sense than to have it so high
that he and his helpers were separated from their hearers.  Pulpits
should help, not hinder the preacher.


verse 8.  They read "distinctly."  We sometimes listen to a man whom we
cannot hear, and it is a pain and grief to us to see his lips move, but
because he drops his voice when he has anything extra good to say, we
lose the best.  Such Preachers forget that "faith comes by hearing."

verse 8.

This is one of the duties of Preachers, to make their hearers understand
the Bible, so that the man who does not teach as well as preach has not
done all that he has been called to do.  That is the best kind of
Preacher, who not only stirs up the people like a poker, but puts fuel on
at the same time.

IV.--The Effects of the Service.

First, there was sorrow of heart.  No one can understand the Bible and
not be moved.  The Levites, however, showed their people that God would
like them to be happy.  Those who weep over the Bible may well be
comforted.  Let those weep who have not listened to God's word.

One blessed result of the sacred joy which followed the weeping, was the


(verses 10-12).  It would be well if, after every good time we had at
chapel, we made the poor to rejoice.  If God feeds you with the Bread of
Life, send a loaf of bread or a bit of meat to some who are likely to go



Many railway travellers, besides ourselves, have been often much pleased
with the provision made at the principal railway stations for supplying
the engines with water.  Water is a necessity of motion to the
locomotive, and there are watering stations all along the line.  Every
driver knows where these water-tanks are, and he takes care to stop in
time, to get his boiler filled.  If he did not look to this, he would
find himself stopping between stations, and would have to submit to the
indignity of being drawn by another engine!

If such a thing occurred, it would be a sort of picture of some Christian
workers, men and women, who in days that are past, were remarkable for
their zeal and push, but who, for want of grace, have had to cease to
work, and are now content to be drawn along by other Christians.  We know
Ministers, Local Preachers, and Class-Leaders, who in their day were
notable soul winners, but alas, now, when there is a revival, they cannot
take the lead, but they are helped along by others, perhaps of less power
than they once possessed!  What a spectacle to men and angels!

But this is not what we are writing about just now.  During the long
frost, which we hope has now passed away for the season, many of us have
been pleased with the pains which have been taken to keep the water from
freezing in the pipe which leads from the tank to the supply-spout for
the engine.  Night and day, for weeks, a fire has been kept burning, so
as to have the iron column always hot.  Orders have been given to keep
the fire burning while the frost lasts, and these orders have been
obeyed, or we should have seen some poor driver obliged to wire to send
another engine to help on the train which would have been delayed.  To
pursue the analogy, has not God's business been delayed because the fire
has not been kept burning?  This is a time of spiritual frost.  What with
the political crisis, general election, depression in trade, there has
been spiritual ice in all the Churches of our land.  The very supply
pipes have been frozen, and men of power are at present quiet, because
they have not received the Water of Life.  We know men of God, men who
are earnest, loyal, trustful souls, who are weeping between the porch and
the altar, on account of their want of power.  What is to be done?  Men
of Israel, help!  Come to the rescue!  Let us get the fires lighted.  To
your knees!  To your knees!  Bring the promises.  Keep fuel always in
hand, so as to replenish the blaze, and we shall see the frozen water
leap out to fill again those who so often have drawn the train



One of the Master's most wonderful parables begins, "BEHOLD, A SOWER WENT
FORTH TO sow."  There are many lessons in that instructive analogy.

world could be converted by self-indulgent theorists, we should have had
the Millenium here long ago.  It is impossible to read any Christian,
newspaper without coming across some of these drawing-room farmers--men
who can sit at their fireside, and show you how to do it!  Ask them where
their barns are, and they will have excuses to make as to why their plans
have not succeeded.  We have heard these gentlemen hold forth in a
Quarterly Meeting, and have had hard work to keep our temper, and have
not always been supposed to have succeeded.  We may, however, settle it
that Mr. Plan-others-their-work could put all the harvest he ever had in
his waistcoat pocket!

Would you need a waggon for your gains, you must leave ease and dignity
behind, and trudge over the heavy furrows, seed basket in hand.

Secondly, as the preachers say,

lost because the ground has not been prepared.  Of late years the cry has
been "Believe!  Believe!"  But what must we believe?  "Believe on Jesus,"
say they.  Yes, but have they believed what the Bible says about sin?
Those who do not believe in the guiltiness of sin, cannot believe on
Christ.  Till men see they have been in the wrong, they will not
understand the "righteousness which is by faith."

Let the ploughshare of repentance make the land ready for the seed, and
then there will be some hope of lasting success.  Some other time we may
have something to say about the birds, which pick up the seed; but for
the present let it suffice that we insist upon the ploughman doing his
work before the sower comes to do his.  We have a notion that it would be
well if the seed-basket were left at home for a while, and some one were
to take hold of the plough.  Before to-day we have found, when we have
gone to begin a Mission, that it was of little use to preach Christ as a
Saviour.  Men and women who are not convinced of the sins of their life,
need to be told of the punishment which awaits those who die with their
sins unpardoned.  We have been too mealy-mouthed, and have feared to
offend our hearers; and so the seed has fallen on hard ground, and the
birds only have a successful Mission!


LUKE xxiv. 13-35.

I.--When friends speak of good things, Jesus draws near.

"These things" which concern Jesus.  Even if men speak sorrowfully, if it
is of Jesus they speak, He is nigh.  If He were the subject of
conversation more, His friends would have more of His company.  If you
are shy of Him, He will be shy of you.

II.--Unbelief manufactures sorrow for the godly.

Jesus said they looked "sad."  It is a pity to employ unbelief; he does
not know how to make a smile.  When he tries it is a misfit.  If the
disciples had believed Jesus, they would have been dancing for joy, for
they would have been round the tomb to see Him rise.  We have lost that
picture, because no one believed the Lord enough to expect His words to
be fulfilled.--Mark viii. 31.

III.--Never expect infidels to be converted while saints are sceptical.

Certain women had told them, but they were "slow of heart to believe."  Is
not this tardiness of faith the secret of popular infidelity?  If
Christians shewed their faith by works, Bradlaugh, and such like, would
have no audiences when they lectured!

IV.--Suffering was the duty of Christ, as the servant of God.

"Ought not Christ to have suffered?"  Before He could have the wages, He
must do the work.  Eternity alone gives space for the payment of what He
earned in Gethsemane and on Calvary.

V.--The Old Testament was Jesus Christ's Bible.

Has it the place it ought to have in our hearts?  These men had their
hearts warmed while Christ expounded Psalms and Prophecies.  He will do
the same to you, if you will ask Him.  It is a reflection upon the Holy
Ghost to make use of so small a portion of the Bible as some do.

VI.--Hospitality is a remunerative virtue.

"I was a stranger, and ye took me in."  Christ blesses the cupboard from
which wayfarers are fed.  They fed Jesus, and He filled their hearts with
deathless joy.

VII.--Apostates lose the best news.

Judas had gone out of hearing when the eleven had heard of a risen

VIII.--Testifying to grace received brings fresh supplies.

It was while telling what they had seen that they heard the voice of
Jesus speak peace.

1 SAMUEL iii.
I.--There is work in God's house for Boys to do.

"The child Samuel ministered."  When you sing with feeling you do God's
work.  When you see some one without a hymn-book and you take one to the
stranger, you minister.  When you make room for a stranger to sit by you,
then you do the work of the Lord.  When you pray for the preacher, then
you are of use.

II.--Boys' bedrooms are open to God.

It was while Samuel was asleep that God stood at his bedside; but He is
there before we sleep.  He hears when wicked stories are told, and when
bad deeds are planned in the dark.

III.--God does not wait for you to grow up before He calls.

Perhaps you have heard Him call and, like Samuel, did not know the voice.
When you felt that longing to be good, then He called.  When you were at
the grave-side, and felt awed and silenced by the coffin, thinking that
some day people would look down and read your name, He called.  When you
were ill and felt unfit to die, He called.  In your class at Sunday
school, and while hearing the gospel preached, you were called.

IV.--Boys should answer the first call.

Samuel was not like some lads who have to be called many times before
they will get up.  "He ran unto Eli."  And in doing this he was the
picture of the way we should make haste, and delay not to keep God's
commandments.  You will never be of greater value to God than now.  Each
day you delay to serve Him, you lessen your value in His sight.

V.--Boys may be taken into God's confidence.

The Bible tells us, "The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him,"
and a boy may fear God so as to know His secrets as Samuel did.  If you
will listen, as this lad did, you shall hear God speak.

VI.--Boys who do God's will shall have men do their's.

See verse 20.  The whole nation came to hear the mind of God from the boy-
prophet, for we read in the first verse of the next chapter that Samuel's
word came unto all Israel.



The other day, when the Oxford and Cambridge men were contesting for the
mastery, the Oxford boat was behind, but the crew were not willing to
admit they were beaten, and were making great efforts to gain the day,
when, all at once, the oar of the best man in the boat broke in two,
consequently all hope of winning was gone.  All the rest of the way there
were only seven oars, and the weight of the eighth man to carry as well.

In musing over this, it struck us that there were several lessons to be
learned--lessons which the eye that used to scan the race-ground would
have made use of, if he were writing an epistle in these days.

Is it not true that the dead weight in the boat hinders the progress of
the Church of God?  Up and down the country we hear of those who hinder
the work--members of society, and sometimes office-bearers, who if they
were in heaven would help more, or, at least, hinder less than they do
now.  If this book should fall into the hands of any of these men, we
wish they would lay to heart the lesson, that if from any cause they are
not working, we have their weight to carry in addition, and that we could
get on better if they were not.  As we write we are thinking of one of
these hinderers--smooth of tongue, and sanctimonious in phraseology, who
is helping the enemy of God by hindering his servants.

This becomes all the more painful when these unfaithful men are persons
of power and influence.  Some of them were once very useful, and have
wielded an influence for good that was of immense use; but, alas! in an
evil hour they turned aside, and now retard the progress of what they
once loved to assist.  We appeal to such of our readers as are doing good
service, that they pray to be kept from backsliding in heart, lest their
oars be broken, and they become a dead weight in the boat.

Some of those who are with us, and yet not of us, are accumulating
wealth.  We appeal to them to bear in mind that their money makes them
greater difficulties than ever, and that the more their balance at the
bankers' grows the greater their dead weight in the boat.  If we could
only get rid of these people, how lightly the boat would spring forward!
Sometimes we are ready to wish that these men could lose their money,
they would then become manageable.

What is to be done?  We cannot but think of Circuit after Circuit where
men of talent and influence are keeping the Church of God from coming to
the front.  What a loss life is to them!  How much better if they had
died in their useful days!  If they do not repent, what a hell awaits
them!  How could such people enjoy heaven if they were sent there?  For
them to behold the other part of the crew, who did their duty, crowned
for their faithfulness, must, as a matter of course, make them reflect
that their chances were the same, but that they ceased to toil, and
hindered those who would have accomplished much for God but for their
baneful presence.

There are other lessons we learned from this same boat-race, to which we
will refer at some other time.  Suffice it that for the present we pray,



And a very sensible question, too.  When men fail there is a reason for
it; but we cannot always find out what the reason is.  But these
followers of Jesus, who had not been able to cast out the deaf and dumb
devil, asked their Master how it was.  He had given them to see that it
was not impossible to cast out even that sort, but THEY could not.  And
why not?  It is worth our while to know, for just now the Methodist
people are not succeeding as they wish to succeed, and we are inclined to
think, for the same reason that caused the disciples to fail.

does this mean, if not that


If we are not prepared to fast, it does not matter how well we do other
things--not only abstain from food, or drink, or tobacco, but from other
things we like.  We know some men who would do well to fast from having
their own way, and others who would serve God if they would take a back
seat now and then, and let somebody else talk a bit.

But it is not to these men we address ourselves to-day.  It is to those
who are trying to get as much ease and comfort out of life we would
speak.  There are some of us who preach and live by it, who might do more
to earn our stipend.  We fear the Rev. Mephibosheth Neversweat is too
"intellectual" to read "JOYFUL NEWS," and it is useless saying much to
him, or else we should like to ask him to remember that the time is
coming when he will be too old to work, and it may be then, when his eye
is too dim to read his newspaper, he may be compelled to read the proof-
sheets of his own biography--a book that will be published and read when
all the world be there to hear it.  We pity him when in old age he
remembers mis-used opportunities of becoming a blessing to his
generation, or looks forward to the time when he must give account of
himself to God!

The reverend gentleman we have named has some cousins, who are Local
Preachers; and we should like to have a word with them also.  How about
those village congregations that were disappointed of a preacher?  How
about those stale and faded sermons?  We wish you would be persuaded to
make a sermon on--"SHAKE THYSELF FROM THE DUST," because there would be
at least one penitent, even before the sermon was preached.

However, what perhaps is needed most of all is that the decrease in our
numbers as Methodists should lead us to repent, and do our first works.
We should as a Church humble ourselves before God, and that without
delay.  He waits to be gracious.  We must not lose heart.  Let the
thousands of faithful workers among us remember that when the disciples
were baffled, Jesus was in the company of Moses and Elijah; but He
dismissed them that He might come to the help of His people.  Whatever he
may be doing, we can catch His ear, and bring Him to the rescue.  He
needs only that we should cry to Him for help.  We indulge the hope that
when Methodism learns that, in spite of all the earnest work done, we
have fewer people meeting in class than we had last year, there will be a
bowing before the Lord.  Already we see signs of blessing.  There is a
waking up to duty, and a longing for purity, that can have but one
result.  The Master is coming, and shall soon say,


EXODUS xvi. 4.

I.--Manna like salvation, because undeserved.

The people murmured at the very first difficulty.  If they had been
grateful they would have said, "The God who brought us out of Egypt, and
through the Red Sea, will not allow us to die of hunger."  But instead of
this they accused Moses of being a murderer.  And in answer to this God
said, "I will rain bread from heaven."  What an illustration of Romans v.

II.--Manna like salvation, because it saved the people from perishing.

Nothing else would have done in its place.  The people had jewels, but
they could not eat them!  They had instruments of music, but they could
not live on sound!  Nothing else but Jesus can save the soul from famine.
Sinner, ask thyself the question of Isaiah li. 2.

III.--Manna like salvation, because it was plenteous.

There was enough, and more than enough, for some melted ungathered every

Some Christians dishonour God by their leanness.  "If any man eat of this
bread he shall live for ever."  John vi. 51.

IV.--Manna like salvation, because it had to be gathered.

It did not come into their tents.  You might starve within only a few
feet of plenty.  Some people are too lazy to be saved.  Whoever got it
had to stoop.  It did not grow on trees, but on the ground.  Some are too
proud to be saved!

V.--Manna like salvation, because fresh every day.

It was, "Give us this day our daily bread."  There are some who try to
live on past religion, and it is like the manna of verse 20.  Is your
religion fresh?

VI.--Manna like salvation, best gathered early.

It was in the morning plentiful, but when the sun rose it melted; there
would be a little here and there in shady places.  If you would have
plenteous grace, young reader, seek it now!



We read that when Peter was in the prison the angel smote him on the
side, and raised him up.  But He smote Herod, and he was


and gave up the ghost.

Mark the difference between the blows the Lord strikes His own people and
His foes.  He smites us, and then lifts us up; He smites his enemies, and
then casts them down for ever.


Herod was one of those who gave not God the glory: he was for having the
glory himself.  Those of us who preach had better be aware that when the
people praise us we may fall into Herod's sin, and take God's glory to
ourselves.  This is a dangerous game to play, and many a man has been
eaten by the worm of envy and shame because he allowed the people to make
an idol of him, until they saw another bigger idol than himself.  Nor was
this all.  Some preachers have gone where the worm dieth not, because
they gave not God the glory.

Better far be in jail for Jesus than sitting on a throne, if we are not
on the right side.  If you are one of God's friends, fear nothing; but if
you are one of His foes, you do well to fear everything, for you might,
like Herod, have to sink from magnificence to loathsomeness, and know
death before you die.

MATTHEW iii. 12.

Do you think John the Baptist knew anything about it?  Do you think he
was capable of understanding and appreciating Jesus Christ?  Because if
so, Jesus Christ has two sides.  There is the barn for the wheat, and
there is a _fire for the chaff_.  And Jesus Christ is the great Destroyer
as well as the great Saviour.  The same voice that says, "Come to Me all
ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest," shall say
some day, "Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire."

Yes, Jesus Christ is the great Destroyer.  Now this is the age of the
fan.  In all times of history there has never been a time like this, when
God puts things to the test, and proves them; and everything in this
world to-day is on its trial, and if it is not sixteen ounces to the
pound it will go.  I do not care whether it is a king's crown, a bishop's
mitre, or a parson's white tie, it will have to go if it is not right.
"Whose fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughly purge His floor."

Where is Babylon?  The greatest heap of dirt in the world is Babylon!
Where is Spain--Spain, that used to make Englishmen tremble?  It is
nothing; it does not count; it is not put as a cypher in the world's sum.
What is Napoleon?  Eh! what is Napoleon?  The last of the Napoleons died
under the hand of a savage when he was where he had no business to be,
burning his lips with other folks' broth.  The grandest bit of human
nature in this world, a few years ago, was the Emperor who has just gone
to heaven.  The grandest man I ever saw.  I never saw what God Almighty
could make of flesh and blood until I saw him.  And he has left behind
him a man with one arm; the other arm is a sword-arm.  The Emperor
Frederick said that he wanted to live for peace.  I wish our princes were
more like him.  I have been told that I must not say anything about the
Prince of Wales.  I say "God save the Queen"; she is the best monarch
that ever sat on the throne.  God bless her, and may she live longer than
any of them ever have done.  And I say, "God save the Prince of Wales,"
for racehorses will not save him; gambling will not save him.  The man
that is to come to the throne owns racehorses; he has a horse called
"Mischief," and it is well called.  Why must I keep silent when I see the
first man in the realm encouraging that which is ruining our young men,
and sometimes sending them to a felon's prison?  I believe a limited
monarchy is the best form of government that can be found for England,
but the English crown is on its trial, and if it is not wheat, there are
dark days in store for England.  I want to see the present style of
government, and I want a man on the throne that _is_ a man, and not one
that is trying as hard as he can to set such an example as will send the
country to hell.  I would like the chance of saying it to his face.  You
can tell people what I have said.  Let us thank God that the fan is in
the hand of Jesus Christ.

You cannot keep Methodism from the action of the fan.  It has got to be
tried, and everything in Methodism that is not wheat will go into the
fire, and serve it right.  Everything must be sown, and must grow and
bear its fruit, and be gathered, and then winnowed; and the chaff must go
into the fire.  The Methodist pulpit is not an exception to it.  If I
cannot interest people I have no right to be paid for it.  If I cannot
get the people to come and hear me, and if I do not go and look after
them in their homes, I have no right to draw the money for doing it.  And
no preacher has the right to think that people should come and hear him
if he cannot preach--he has no right.  I am tired out when I think of the
things that put themselves where they have no right.

The whole Christian Church to-day has got to come under the fan; and
there will be some wonderful changes before all your heads are grey.  The
grandest thing is that Jesus Christ holds the fan.

The class-meeting is on its trial.

I do not believe in a class-leader that does not lead, that is not first.
I do not believe in a man's right to be counted a leader because his name
is at the top of the book.  I know classes, and you know classes, where,
if you have a revival, and get twenty new members in the class, they will
attend it about once or twice, and after that, if you rub the cypher out,
that will stand for the increase.  That "leader" is guaranteed to lose
everybody that is in his class, except two or three dear people, and they
can keep the meeting on for an hour; and be as dreary as--well, I will
not say _all_ that is in my mind.  You see, some people would say it is
no business of mine.  But no man has a right to be a leader if he cannot
keep a meeting all alive.  If a man can get a class of 150 to 200 people
to listen to him when he speaks, that is the man to lead.  You must not
sacrifice the new-born babes.  I do not know what the Committee that has
been sitting on "the class meeting" thought about it, but depend upon it,
it will have to come under the fan.  I know places where a man's name is
kept on the class-book because he condescends to pay the minister for his
ticket whenever he calls, and where another man is taken off that cannot
afford it.  Why, John Bunyan would have called that damnable!

The chaff is no good.  You may plant chaff in the best land that ever
was, and you will not get anything.  That which is of no use must go into
the fire.

The Sunday-school is on its trial.  Yes! even in Lancashire.  The biggest
Sunday-school system is here in this county.  What is the result?  What
has it to show, compared with the amount of patient, faithful work that
has been done?  Do you not think that in some places the result is all
chaff?  The Sunday-school is fast becoming the grandest entertainment
agency in existence, and places that were built for the teaching of God's
Word are now places for entertainment, better than any theatre, because
they cost nothing.  I saw in Leeds, the other Sunday, that in a certain
Sunday-school "there will be a _sacred drama_ rendered."  It was not a
Methodist School.  But I know schools where they have "niggers," with
blackened faces and banjos.  The "nigger troupe of such-and-such a
school!"  What do you think John Wesley would say if he came to life
again?  He would drive them out, as Christ drove out those men from the
Temple, "with a whip of"--well!  I do not think they would be such "small
cords" either.

Now the Sunday-school, "the greatest thing of this age," the grandest
thing that the Church has seen in the last hundred years, is on its
trial: and if we do not mind it will go with the chaff into the
unquenchable fire.  We cannot play into the devil's hands without getting
what he will get some day.  Now I am talking here to you to-day for the
last time.  There will be no services here until after the Conference.
There may be some poor, unsaved man here.  God can make wheat out of
chaff.  He can!  He will if you will come to Him.  He will change your
life, and you that are nothing worth, He can make you fit for heavenly

Listen to this letter.  The man that wrote it was a football player.  He
was in the Bolton Wanderers, in its day a crack club.  He was also a
singer in the choir.  And he came to a chapel where I was conducting a
mission; and this little word got hold of him.  It was not any great
thing that was said; for it is sometimes "on boards and broken pieces of
the ship that they come to land."  This poor lad heard me say this:--"You
singers!"--I did not know he was there--"You singers!  If you die out of
Christ, when you get into the bottomless pit, some of the wicked spirits
will come to torment you: 'Sing us a solo!'"  It got him on his knees.  He
became penitent, and through giving his heart to God he is an evangelist
in that town now.  He was only chaff, though a wonderful player in the
field; and he that used to say, "Play up, Jim!" has grown into a man, and
the devil hates him now!  He writes:--"I feel drawn out to write to you.
Many souls are being saved nearly every day.  A man got saved some weeks
back; and we went to see how he was going on.  He first came to the
mission, and although convinced of his wicked life, he refused the offer
of mercy.  Not being able to rest, he again found his way to the mission-
hall, and there he found the Saviour.  A few weeks passed, and I went to
find him out.  When we got there, they asked us in.  I did not see a
picture on the wall, only a few almanacks; but they had some bonny
children, and the floor was very clean, and the fireplace bright.  They
had not many friends coming to see them.  The father, having changed his
pit clothes, came downstairs.  He said, 'My wife used to pray when I
married her, but I broke her up.'  And then, pointing to the five
children, he said, 'Thank God!  Instead of being cursed to-night, they
will all kneel down!  The eldest girl is thirteen, and next Saturday I
have got money to buy her a new frock, and on the Sunday she shall go to
the Sunday school for the first time.  Sometimes I pick up one of the
children, and say, 'God bless thee, my child; thou wilt not have to fetch
me from the ale-house any more!'  After he had told us of his changed
life, we all knelt down and thanked God.  Last night his wife went home
rejoicing in the Gospel.--Your son in the Gospel, JAMES ATHERTON."

That poor man was chaff.  And you, wherever you are, you may be just
about to be carried away.  Cry to God!  This is my last word--Poor chaff,
cry to God!  And He will make thee wheat that shall command a rare price.


2 SAM. xix. 39.

And no wonder, for David could appreciate a real man when he saw him, and
so does David's Lord.


In the days when the son of Jesse had but few friends, it was a precious
thing to be treated in the style Barzillai and his neighbours entertained
him (see 2 Sam. xvii. 27-29).  They were rich farmers, and had land which
brought forth with abundance, so were able to act with princely
hospitality to the fugitive monarch.  But plenty may live with avarice,
and when that is the case it is not to be expected that men who are
fleeing for their lives will be received with kind generosity.  In this
case, however, the sight of the needy soldiers made the hearts of those
kingly farmers beat with sympathy, and so the provisions were put there
for the men to help themselves.  "Hungry, weary, and thirsty" were they,
but their hospitable entertainers made them welcome.  Never would those
dust-covered soldiers forget the halt they made in those green fields.

None felt, though, as David did.  He had seen one trusted friend after
another fall away, and the thought that the chief among the rebels was
his own beloved son pierced him to the heart.  It was then he composed
the fourth Psalm.  And just then to have this welcome feast must have
cheered his soul even more than his body.

Do you live among those who are the enemies of David's greater Son?  Is
Jesus in a minority?  Are there those who work with you who delight in
making assaults upon your faith?  Do they insult your God?  Stand up for
Jesus!  Be faithful when others are recreant or hostile.  A working man
the other day, who has to win his bread among those who hate the name of
God, and who profane the air with their blasphemies, said to one who was
cursing, "Draw it mild there, that's the name of my best friend."  Let us
play the man even though we be alone.  What did Barzillai care for
Absalom's popularity?  David is my king, and he shall have the best I
have: Sooner or later the king will have the opportunity of rewarding the
faithful.  The king kissed Barzillai when parting from him; he had
pressed his friend to go back with him to Jerusalem, but

together after the great battle, and David said, "Come thou over with me,
and I will feed thee with me at Jerusalem."  It was worthy of them both,
and we cannot but feel touched at David's gratitude; he would fain have
the patriarch spend his last days with him.  "With me," said he, "I will
see thou hast everything thou canst want."  "Nay," said the old man, "I
will see thee safely over the river, and then I will return to the green
fields I love, and when the time comes for me to die I will be laid by
the side of my father and my mother."

When will men learn that it is not their surroundings but themselves that
make a place comfortable or not?  Paul could say, "I have learned in
whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content," and he said this in a
letter he wrote to the town where he had sung praises in the jail!  Some
people would have jumped to have had this chance of going to live in a
palace, but this farmer said, "Give me my farmhouse and my quiet grave
beside my mother."  Elevation may undo us.  A sparrow could only chirp
even though in a golden cage.  Barzillai felt, "A rustic, like I am,
seems all right among my ploughs and cattle, but I should not fit a
palace."  Many a man has made himself a laughing stock because he left
the place he was fitted for, and so looked like a dandelion in a

III.--We have in Barzillai's words AN OLD MAN'S VIEW OF EARTHLY
ENJOYMENT.  As though he had said, "I have lost hearing, sight, and
taste; what are all these things to me?  I am soon to be in my grave,
what do I want away from home?"  It would be well for most of us to weigh
these words, "How long have I to live?"  To judge from the way we see men
toil to get houses and land, you would think they were going to live for
ever.  Watch them how they are scraping the money they have; they have
none to spare to feed the hungry and clothe the naked; they have poor
relatives, but they cannot help them.  Are they not going to be rich,
live in a splendid house, be grand folks some day?  Aye, but death cannot
be bribed.  I was passing through a splendid estate the other day, and
was told of the gentleman that owns it; he is an old man, but he will not
own to it, and he is quite a fraud, with his dyed hair and wrinkled face;
he looks quite ghastly, in spite of all that art can do to pad him and
make him up.  I wish some of those who are denying themselves the luxury
of giving, because they have determined to have a splendid estate for
their children, would think "How will my mansion look with the blinds
down, and a hearse at the door with a coffin in it, with my name on a
silver plate?"  We cannot refuse to help the poor, and hear Jesus say,
"Well done."  We cannot save money for selfish purposes and go to heaven.
Besides, to leave riches for those who come after us is the way to have
dry eyes at our funeral!

Barzillai was not willing to go to live in Jerusalem, he felt that his
son might enjoy it, and so called the king's attention to Chimham.  Let
him go over with my lord the king.  He is not too old to bend.  He can
adapt himself.  There would be many questions asked by those who had not
left the palace when the king returned, as to who this rustic was who was
in the palace of David, and they would be told, "This is the son of
Barzillai.  His father was a faithful friend when friends were few, and
his son is promoted to dwell with the king."

When David gave his dying charge to Solomon, he said, "Show kindness to
the sons of Barzillai" (1 Kings ii., 7).  Tears had passed since he saw
the provision made for him and his men, but he could never forget it.  On
his deathbed he could see the bed that was placed by the road side, and
upon which he had rested his weary limbs when a fugutive, and so he would
repay his debt to the children of the aged farmer.  How true it is that
we can make futurity our servant and the servant of our children by at
the present time caring for our King.  Does God see that we stand by His
cause when it is weak?  Do we find food and comfort for His fainting
soldiers?  Then he shows His appreciation by inviting us to Jerusalem the
golden.  We shall not wish to excuse ourselves from going to that blessed
spot.  Be we young or be we old, we shall not wish to return, but shall
go on to find that the singing men and singing women wish us to join
their number and to help them in praising the King, immortal, invisible,
to whom be glory and honour for ever.

1 KINGS xviii. 38.

It was fire that came direct from heaven.  It was not the first time it
had fallen; we read of it in Leviticus ix. 24 as coming from before the
Lord, and consuming the sacrifice.  It was God's way of showing His power
and his favour, and it was something that could neither be imitated nor
produced by anyone else besides Jehovah.

I.--THIS FIRE CAME AT A TIME OF APOSTACY.  The nation, headed by King
Ahab, had gone very far away from God.  They needed some signal display
of God's power to win them back again.  It is interesting to notice that
God has been in the habit of manifesting Himself in a remarkable way just
at the time when his foes seem to be triumphing.  The religion of Jehovah
was almost forgotten, the rites of unclean idols were popular both in
court and cottage, and it was then that the word of the Lord came to
Elijah.  When Satan can produce Ahab, God can assert Himself by raising
up the seer who shall put him to shame.  Has it not been so many times
since?  When the rulers had put Jesus to death, He proved His
resurrection by sending tongues of fire on those who kept His word by
remaining at Jerusalem.  When Popery had placed its iron heel upon the
head of Gospel truth, Martin Luther was converted; and later on, when a
cold rigour was upon Christendom, Wesley and Whitefield felt the fire of
God in their very bones, and were sent out to tell of the Jesus that
delivers the vilest of men.

May we not expect in these days of blasphemy and rebuke that the fire
shall fall upon the Church, and that some shall be so filled with the
Holy Ghost that the enemies of God shall be delivered to derision and
contempt?  Let us not be dismayed by the power and number of those who
are arrayed against us.  _Elijah was in a minority of one_.  He had the
king and queen against him; hundreds of well-fed priests opposed him; the
whole nation had turned its back on God, and were opposed to this single-
handed prophet.  If the fire did not fall, he would become their victim;
but they could not prevent the fire coming from heaven.  It is the unseen
forces that are to be dreaded by the enemies of God.  There was no sign
of this fire; but there was a needs-be that Jehovah should prove his
supremacy, and He did it unmistakably, for the fire of God fell!

Creator has a pre-emption on His universe.  He has not given the key of
His treasury to any man or angel.  Those heathen priests may have
been--some of them doubtless were--sincere.  They had cried unto Baal for
help; they had implored his assistance; but neither the deaf idol nor the
listening devil who had invented idolatry could reach the source of the
flame which was to come, but not in reply to their desire.

It is well for us who are sometimes in perplexity because of the power of
evil to look at the helplessness of sin when in extremity.  These
shrieking priests of Baal are a picture of many a one since, who has
cried for help and had no reply.  Let the cholera come a little nearer
our shores.  As I write these words I hear it is in Spain; it may be in
London before this is printed.  There may be in the printing-office some
infidel compositor, but though he sneers at religion and those who
believe the Bible, he cannot keep away from the pestilence as silently it
steals along the street where he sleeps!  The cholera would drive
infidelity away from many a scoffer were it but to slay a few hundreds of
Englishmen.  How powerless are God's foes at such a time!

Should there come a universal drought that meant famine if there were not
showers to come copious and lasting, how many would look up to God who
now never think of Him!  What could science and skill do for us when rain
is needed?  A famine would make Bradlaugh very unpopular.  "If the God of
the Christians does not help us by sending rain, what can we do but
starve," would be the cry.  These prophets cutting themselves and howling
their own shame supply a picture of the powerlessness of sin when
confronted with necessity.

III.--THE FIRE FELL IN ANSWER TO PRAYER.  What a scene is depicted in
verses 29 and 30!  There were neither voice nor any to answer, nor any
that regarded, and Elijah said, "Yes, if we are on the side of God and
righteousness we can afford to wait."  There will be a time when even
those who have opposed us shall long to see us act.  The prophet waited
for his turn, and it came.  How the priests would watch him as he
repaired the broken and neglected altar of God?  Digging a trench round
the stones he had piled, and then laying the bullock on the wood, he sent
down to the shore for water, which he continued to pour on the sacrifice
till it had filled the trench.  Ah! if the fire can consume that, it is
no trick.  Those who live as near to God as Elijah did, can get fire
enough to conquer all His opponents, and need not fear the issue.

And now he is about to pray.  How all would listen as each word smote
upon their ears.  He puts God to the proof, and asks Him to show who is
master, Baal or Jehovah.  Do we not need more of this kind of prayer?
Would there not be more of it if there was only greater faith?  Who is
the God we serve?  Have we Elijah's Lord to cry unto?  Then how is it we
allow the servants of Baal to triumph over us?  Prayer is as great a
power to-day as it ever was, if only we have faith in Him who tells us,
"Knock, and the door shall be opened."  Dare we put Him to the test, and
ask for that which is sure to bring glory to Him, feeling that if our
prayers are not answered it is God's name that will be dishonoured more
than ours?  Whenever Christians come up to this standard they will
prevail in prayer, and be able to call down celestial fire.  Pentecost
will repeat itself whenever the whole Church will wait on the Lord, as
the early Christians did, with one accord.  To believe otherwise is to
reckon that God has no care either for His glory or for a perishing

IV.--THE FIRE CONQUERED ALL OPPOSITION.  The physical difficulties were
as nothing, it consumed and licked up all.  Flesh, stone, wood, and water
alike were wrapped in flame, and appeared no more.  Difficulties are fuel
to the heaven-sent fire!  Opposition is opportunity to omnipotence.  Does
not the history of the Church teach this over and over again?  The
Israelites crossed the Red Sea "By crystal walls protected."  The three
Hebrew children "walked unburned in fire."  Do not let us be afraid of
physical or spiritual difficulties if there is a promise or command.

The prophet wished to have his countrymen converted, and prayed that
their hearts might be turned back, and this miracle convinced them that
Jehovah "was alone among the gods, that all their idols were as nothing
before Him.  And what is wanted to bring about moral victories is the
fire from above, the same fire that fell at Pentecost, tongues of fire,
whether we shall see them or not; the people must feel our words to burn
them if we have the heaven-sent fire.  Nothing will save England and the
world but this, and do we not read, "Elias was a man subject to like
passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly?  Why should not future
writers say Jones or Robinson, or whatever your name is, was a man, and
he prayed, and there was a mighty revival?

All opposition will fall before the fire.  Neither Sacerdotalism nor
Atheism can hold its ground before the celestial burnings.  What the
enemies of Jesus have to fear is for the Church to fall upon its knees.
Those who bow before the Lord can stand upright in the presence of His
enemies.  The man who, later on in this chapter, we are told cast himself
down upon the earth, and put his face between his knees when he prayed,
was wont to say, "As the Lord God liveth before whom I stand."  Let us
only be mighty in prayer, and we shall be mighty enough to make wicked


2 KINGS ii. 19-22.

Are not the stories of the Old Testament the parables of the Holy Ghost?
Jesus taught by parables; and the Holy Ghost, the Divine Teacher, who yet
leads into all truth, has stored doctrine in these tales.  There is a
kernel inside the shell, if only we have the teeth to crack it.


"_The water is naught_," said the men of the city.  Does not that
describe many a life?  Naughty actions influence for evil; for wherever
these waters flowed they carried desolation.  The fields through which
the river ran were useless to the farmer.  Are there not some whom we
know who might be thus described--perhaps someone who reads these lines
among the number?  First the schoolboy, then the youth, and now the man,
profitless and sour, so that all cultivation has been wasted.  Is it so?

And, what makes the disappointment the greater, "the situation is
pleasant."  It is just the place where men like to build.  Everything
looks so promising.  How true this of many in our midst!  Have we not
heard some father say, when his boy's beauty has been praised, "_If he
were only as good as he looks_!"  Is this so with those who are my
audience?  Is there this combination of beauty and bitterness--men who
are courageous but proud, women that are beautiful but vain, workmen that
are industrious but covetous, others who are amiable but
intemperate--servant girls who are wonderfully clean and active but have
a dreadful temper?

Now, it is well for us to learn that we shall no more cure ourselves than
the land around Jericho could bring good crops so long as the water was
bad.  Education and other appliances are sure to fail.  I dare say the
people had tried one sort of cultivation after another, and had dressed
the land with different appliances; but all had failed; there was no hope
of success.  Very likely some of you are disgusted that hitherto there
has been no improvement.  There are times when you have really longed to
be better, but there has been nothing in yourself to give you hope.  Now
what shall be done?  Are we to remain as we are?  Or shall we, like the
men of Jericho, seek help from One who delights to make the barren
fruitful, and to make the wilderness glad?  This brings me to consider:--


The beginning of better days was when Elisha came to Jericho.  The
farmers did not lose a chance.  They would not allow the prophet to leave
them without having a proof of his skill.  They told him their trouble,
and this was all he needed.  Doubtless he as a farmer's son saw the
barren fields, and sympathised with them.  And does not Jesus look at us
with pity?  Is he not waiting to save now?  But he will not save where
desire does not turn to prayer.  If the men of Jericho had left the
matter where it was they would still have had to suffer loss, but they
stirred themselves to call on one who was mighty to deliver.  Is not this
the secret?  Are not some of us profitless and barren because we are too
indolent to pray?

But let us pause a moment to consider what a lesson there is here to the
pulpit.  Elisha said, "_Bring me a new cruse_."  The dish did not cure
the waters, but it had to be used, and therefore must be clean!  God is
pleased to use human beings as the instruments of conversion.  As the
prophet needed something to contain the healing salt, so preachers and
teachers convey the saving truth.  We have no description of the dish, as
to its shape or colour; but being new, it was undefiled.  We have this
treasure in earthen vessels, and if we are to be useful, we had better be
cracked, if clean, than entire, but vile.

Mark you, preacher, it is not enough that you are a cruse; you must be
filled with that which heals.  Have we salt?  It is not a question as to
the quality or style of pottery; it is salt that is needed.  A common
flower-pot filled with salt was better than a vase of classic mould if

Elisha did not waste time by trying to heal the stream.  "He went forth
TO THE SPRING."  What expense and trouble are thrown away by vain
attempts to heal the water lower down!  We shall never succeed in keeping
the tongue from bitter words if the heart is left to itself.  It is
useless for men to think blue ribbon will save them from drink if they do
not look to God to take the selfishness out of the heart.  It is a wise
prayer, "Cleanse Thou the thoughts of our heart by the inspiration of Thy
Holy Spirit."  Is it not strange that men do not see that an impure
fountain cannot be cleansed by either altering the course of the stream
or using remedies lower down?

III.--And then we have THE RESULTS OF CONVERSION.  "_The waters were
healed_."  Mark you, the prophet took care there should be no mistake as
to the cause.  It was neither he, nor the cruse, nor the salt: "_Thus
saith the Lord_, _I have healed these waters_."  "It shall be to the Lord
for a name."  Let the crown be on the Head.  So the waters were healed.
What a change in a short time!  But the results would not be seen all at
once; it would take time to prove the _realness_ of the change, yet each
season would only prove the grand conversion that had happened.  If we
have received Christ into our hearts, the results will be shown; and
there are no evidences of Christianity better than these true
conversions, which change a man's life, and make it evident that he, like
the fields around Jericho, has passed from death unto life.  The other
day, a Lancashire coal-miner was killed in the pit; only a minute before
he was killed he was overheard praising God.  He had been a sad drunkard;
his home was wretchedness itself.  Money was in his hands only helpful to
hellish enjoyment.  But the grace of God changed his heart and life.  His
home and family were soon made happy.  He became a preacher, went about
from village to village testifying of God's saving grace.  In one place
he said: "When I was here last, I won 20 pounds by jumping, but my wife
and children were no better for it; the publican got it all, and I was
locked up into the bargain."  He was buried with every sign of respect;
hundreds followed him to the grave, and everyone felt that the world was
the poorer now that he was gone.  These are the evidences we want; these
proofs of the truth of the Bible close the mouth of the infidel and
scorner.  If you would help on the cause of Christianity, love the truth,
and make the fields, once barren, bloom with beauty; so shall the name of
the Lord be magnified.  Shall we not all join in Charles Wesley's

   Jesus, Thy salvation bring,
   Cast the salt into the spring,
   In my heart Thy love reveal,
   Nature's bitter waters heal;
   Let the principles of grace
   Bring forth fruits of righteousness:
   Then the barren curse is o'er,
   Sin and death are then no more.


   "_Ye shall not surely die_."--GENESIS iii. 4.


The old serpent, the devil, called elsewhere "the father of lies."  But
he had not always been a liar; he had fallen from a position very
eminent, teaching us not to measure our safety by our condition.  The
higher we are elevated, the more dreadful the fall.  Some of the most
degraded vagrants were cradled in comfort, and have wandered from homes
of splendour.  Perhaps the vilest of the vile once were ministers of the
Gospel.  In a village, the other day, I was told of a man, once a Sunday-
school teacher, but now a professional gambler, and, in a coal-pit I know
in the North of England, the foulest-mouthed blasphemer was once a
Methodist local preacher.

Who would have expected that one of God's angels would ever have turned
tempter, and that one who had lived with God would have the bottomless
pit dug for him and his companions?  "Let him that thinketh he standeth
take heed lest he fall."

How skilfully this lie was told!  It was not to Adam the serpent spoke;
he was not cheated (1 Tim. ii. 14.)  It would have been useless to have
spoken to him on the subject; but Eve had not heard the commandment.  It
would be well if, when we are tempted, we said, "Why do you come to me?
Is there no one else who understands this question more than I do?"  If
Eve had only thought, "Why is not my husband spoken to first?"  Perhaps
she was glad to accept responsibility she had no right to.  Was ambition
possible to her?  We often see that evil succeeds by using that to pave
the way.  Lies do not overcome when contentment rules in Eden, but
ambition is an incipient hell!

Satan has not ceased to lie.  He does not improve with old age!  He still
seeks whom he may devour.  The most popular lie ever told is at present
deceiving many of those who little think where their ideas were born.  It
is said over and over again in many circles that God will not punish sin.
What is this but giving the Divine Being the lie?  And there are some
ministers who have taken upon them to contradict the Bible, and try to
persuade their hearers, who too often want but little persuasion, that we
may hope when God has said "Despair!"  What is this but hatching the old
serpent's eggs in the pulpit?


1.  They are very numerous, and we can only find space to say a few words
on each.  There was _guiltiness_.  Eve believed the devil instead of God,
and took the forbidden fruit, making herself a sinner.  Her excuse was,
"The serpent beguiled me."  But she coveted that which God kept back.  How
many Edens are lost because we desire that which is forbidden!  Is not
this the spring of the so-called social evil?  We may say what we like
against seduction, and our words cannot be too strong, but the woman
desiring when God had said, "Thou shalt not," is the true reason of many

2.  The next step downwards is the tempting of another and a loved one.
Sometimes we have found ourselves wishing Eve had died with the fruit in
her mouth, instead of living to do the devil's work, and lure her loved
husband to the same ruin.  Let me say here and with all emphasis, _Never
fear so much as when the hand of affection offers you that which God

3.  Now comes Death.  The parents of the human race were separated from
God.  Environment is a condition of life.  They have learned to do evil,
they have to share the lot of those who had not kept their first estate.
Heaven was an impossible climate to the apostate angels, and Eden was
only possible to those who obey.  It is easy to see that the garden was
not now Paradise.  Adam and his wife hid themselves among the trees from
the presence of the Lord!  Those trees were not created for that purpose.
Alas for sin! it poisons food and taints air.  We cannot insist upon this
with too much force.  It was true then as now.  "He that believeth not
shall not see life."  Adam and Eve were poisoned by the forbidden fruit.
Is it not yet true that Innocence, Chastity, Modesty, are dead in some
who are thought to live?  We wonder afterwards to see them cast out, but
it is, after all, the separation of the dead from the living.

4.  And now comes Suffering.  They must hear the curse pronounced, and
then depart into the world which has begun to grow thorns for them.  Yes,
sufferings after death.  What is history but the story of punishment?
When men scoff at what is called eternal punishment they forget, or,
perhaps, have never given it a thought, that the punishment of the first
crime is going on at the present moment.  Thorns and briars are but
parables.  They are real, it is true.  Man must wrestle with his mother
earth for every bit he eats.  She does not feed him willingly; she
produces that which he cannot eat.  He must lacerate her bosom with his
spade ere she will yield him bread, and he must sweat with toil before
she will give him his crust!

Yet this is but the shadow of something terribly worse.  The non-producer
will live, whatever becomes of those who toil.  What is war but one of
the many things which rob man of his bread?  The soldier is a consumer,
not a producer.  I do not say he is not a necessity.  He is all that, but
he must be fed.  What matters it to him what is the price of meat; he
will have his three-quarters of a pound of meat every day.  Aye, and he
earns it too!  Who would grudge the brave fellows in Egypt the stores we
send out?  None of us.  Yet we cannot but feel that the sword and
bayonet, like the thorn hedge, take up soil which might grow corn, and
the higher it grows the greater the shadow, and therefore the poorer the
crops which are nighest to it.  It is a necessity, but it is an expense.

What are the so called dangerous classes?  They live, they do not starve;
they live on honest people.  Judges, police, and jailers are fed by those
who never trouble them.  Crime is like a leech on the body, it will have
blood.  The wrongdoers are not the thorn hedge which we need for our
protection, but the thistle, which has rare powers of reproduction, and
uses the wind as its chariot to ride to other lands.  Is it any wonder
that wickedness is so difficult to eradicate?  Those of us who have tried
to keep our gardens free have sorrowed many a time when we have thought
that the rain, so welcome to our newly-born flowers, will call into
vigour the enemy that tries to strangle them.  And this is but a figure
of the terrible truth that prosperity to a nation always means a growth
of crime, and that any event, even a public holiday, which should refresh
and recuperate, means the resurrection of violence and an increase of

5.  The first lie dug the first grave, and has never ceased to dig
others.  We have often imagined the scene when Abel was missed--when his
mother questioned his murderer as to where he had last seen his brother.
How they would listen for his step, until suspense could be no longer
borne, and the father would go out, only to find the corpse of his
beloved child!  Can we not hear the mother cry out, as she touches the
cold clay--"Would to God I had died the day I believed the lie!"  What a
picture for a painter like Rembrandt would that first funeral be!  And
what are churchyards and cemeteries but the proofs that the devil lied?
Have you a grave?  Does the clay cover the form once dearer than life to
you?  Let it plead with you to believe God and his word, rather than to
trust to the old serpent.

Let us be thankful that the seed of the woman is the Saviour of Men.  Eden
is not all shadow, even after the loss of purity.  There is a promise yet
to be fulfilled.  "'Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,' saith the Lord."
The devil is to be cast into the bottomless pit, and even those whom he
has deceived may go to a paradise where the trail of the serpent shall be
no more seen.  "The Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the
works of the devil," and the time is coming when war, slavery, ignorance,
tyranny, hunger, and sin shall be among the dark clouds that roll away,
as the sun which shall never set rises above the horizon to make glad the
children of men.  Then shall the prophecy of the poet become history--

   "In Him the tribes of Adam boast
   More blessings than their father lost."


NOT SEEN BY EVERYONE THERE.--Isaiah had his eyes opened.  The same awful
Person had been present before, but had not been seen, and He is still
there, but how few of us are conscious of His presence.  How differently
the church and chapel-goers would look next Sunday morning as they come
home, if only they realised what had been going on in the place where
they had spent the last hour.

I.  A LESSON FROM HISTORY.--"In the year that King Uzziah died I saw the
Lord."  The King of Judah was dead, but the King of Saints lives for
ever.  Whatever changes go on, whatever crown shifts to another head, GOD
remains the same.  In no battle is our General slain.  In no national
disgrace is He humbled.  Uzziah had died a leper, his brilliant history
ended in disgrace.  Not so with Him whom we delight to honour.  Of Him it
is more true than of anyone else, "The path of THE JUST shineth more and
more unto the perfect day."

II.  A LESSON IN WORSHIP.--We see how the angels behave when in God's
house.  "Covered his face."  Contrast this with the way the average
church-goer acts.  To look at the listless faces, the slovenly way in
which men and women pray, the want of reverence, often in choirs, and
sometimes in pulpits, makes us think there must be either a want of
intellect or a lack of faith.  If these people believe there is a God,
how limited their power to conceive what He is like!  But, knowing many
of them to be shrewd in business or personal matters, we are led to think
there is often more infidelity in places of worship than is thought for.
The conduct of the Seraphims makes us blush for many services we have
attended.  If the thoughts of our hearts were spoken during our prayers,
what a revelation there would be!  Let us not forget that they are taken
down, and are already in print, ready for the day of trial, when the
books shall be opened!

III.  A LESSON IN MORALS.--Words defile us!  "I am a man of unclean
lips."  And it is a question if even swearing defiles a man's mouth more
than words of prayer which are not meant.  Would not any one of us rather
be abused than cajoled?  Who likes to think that men are lying when they
praise us?  Must we not pray for a watch to be set on our lips?  If there
could be a physical effect caused, as there is a moral, would not there
be a sad disfigurement?  Men and women with lips blacker than coal!  It
is a wise prayer, "Let the words of my mouth be acceptable in Thy sight,
O Lord."  Deceit, flattery, formalism in prayer are abominable to God.  It
would be well if, when in church or chapel, we could see it in plain
letters, "The Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh His Name in

IV.--A LESSON IN GRACE.--Sin may be forgiven and guilt removed, and this
to the certain knowledge of the penitent.  One of the devil's lies is
that either you are too wicked to be saved, or, if saved, you cannot hope
to know it in this life; the one drives men to despair, the other
prevents enjoyment of salvation.  Isaiah knew that his sins were
forgiven, and we have yet to learn that the cross of Jesus has made it
less possible for us.  It was from the altar the coal came that touched
the lips.  It is still true that it is sacrifice that takes away guilt.
We have an altar, a sacrifice, a benediction such as Isaiah never knew
for himself; we understand his sayings as he could not.  "By His stripes
we are healed."  Reader, do you long for pardon, for conscious
forgiveness?  Wait on the Lord!  Think of what He suffered, and why He
suffered, and you shall sing with joyous lips--

         My pardon I claim,
         For a sinner I am,
   A sinner believing in Jesu's name.
         He purchased the grace,
         Which now I embrace;
   O Father, thou knowest He hath died in my place.

V.--A LESSON IN THEOLOGY.--"I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, 'Whom
shall I send?  Who will go for us?'  What does this mean?  Is it bad
grammar or good theology?  It sounds like "And God said, Let Us make man
in our image?"  "And the Lord God said, Behold the man is become as one
of Us."  In John xii, 40, 41, we find that the Son of God, Jesus of
Nazareth, was the Lord who spoke the words we read in verses 9 and 10.  In
Acts xxviii. 25 we are told it was the Holy Ghost who spake by Isaiah.
What does this mean but that the Divine Three in One and One in Three was
the Lord whom the prophet saw?

VI.--A LESSON TO WORKERS.--When iniquity is purged away there is a
willingness to be sent on God's errands.  The lips that had been touched
said, "Here am I, send me."  If we are not willing to go, it is because
there is still need of cleansing.  Let those of us who find our feet slow
to move on God's errands come again to the place of burning.  We shall do
well to say with Charles Wesley, in one of his less known poems--

   Ah! woe is me, immerst in sin,
   A man of lips and life unclean!
   How shall I with Thy message run,
   Or preach the pardoning God unknown?
   Unless my God vouchsafe to cheer
   His guilty, trembling messenger,
   My fears disperse, my sins remove,
   And purge me by the fire of love!

   O wouldst Thou teach my lips once more,
   The comfort of Thy grace restore;
   Assure me, Lord, that mine Thou art,
   And stamp forgiveness on my heart;
   Then should I, in my Jesu's name,
   Glad tidings of great joy proclaim:
   Of grace, which every soul may find,
   And glory, bought for all mankind.


ACTS xxvii. 22-25.

"There's no hope," said the captain, "the ship cannot live in such a
storm."  "There's no hope," said the military officer, "we shall never
see Rome."  "There's no hope," said the prisoners, "we shall die at sea
instead of on the scaffold."  One prisoner, however, had hope, and in the
long run made all his companions to hope.  Paul cried out,


What a ring there is in the words, "Whose I am, and whom I serve."  How
Paul delighted in the fact that he was the servant of God.  Often he used
to say, "Paul, a servant of God," or rather "Slave of God," for that is
what it means.  And is it not still true that


A man has no right to call himself a child of God who does not work for
Him.  Was it not so with Christ himself?  Did He not, even when a boy,
say, "Wist ye not that I must be about My Father's business?" and the
work of God is the delight of the heir of God.  We do not join the church
merely for what we can get, but for what we can do.  How is it with you?
Do you say, "What can I do?"  That's the way Paul began--"Lord, what wilt
Thou have me to do?"  Too many of us think--How can I enjoy myself?  What
can I do to increase my happiness?  If we would prove that we are the
legitimate children of God, we must find out the best way of carrying out
the wishes of God.  If we set Christ before us as our example--and after
all He was the best servant His Father ever had, for while He was in this
world He went about doing good, and we could have tracked His footsteps
by the cessation of suffering, and the increase of comfort--let us set
about the same work.  It is our business, if we would live godly, to dry
up tears, and make smiles take the place of groans.  If you are not at
this glorious employment, begin to doubt if after all you are one of the
elect.  There are numbers of low-spirited Christians who would soon be
among those who dance for joy if only they would look out for the one
nearest to them who is sad, and who requires sympathy and help.

What should you think of a man who wore the Queen's uniform, and yet who
fought in the rank of her enemies; or if he did not fight against his own
countrymen, assisted the foe to get provisions and ammunition?  But this
is the position of some who call themselves Christians.  If they do not
oppose Christianity in person, they help on the other side, and by the
way they spend their money, and occupy their time, put all their
influence in the wrong scale.  Depend upon it when wages are paid, we
shall find that each Master will claim those who served him.  We know
where Paul will be that day.  Let us be in the same crowd!

While all this is true, we must not forget that


If Paul had been the kind of Christian some of us are, he would have had
a much easier time of it.  However, that was not what he looked for.  He
did not want his heaven in this world, and so he had a rough time.  Depend
on it we are not going to have too much heaven down here, if we are to be
crowned with immortality some day.  There were in Paul's day not a few
who escaped peril by being polite to the devil and all his crew, but that
is something you and I cannot afford to do.  John Wesley might have
become a "College Don," and have flourished at Oxford, and perhaps if he
had been strong enough of body, become an authority as to the quality of
port wine.  Who knows?  There was a suit of purple and fine linen for
him, if he would have worn it, instead of the rusty black cassock he was
obliged to wear.  But, then, he chose affliction with the people of God,
and won by hard work a place among the four-and twenty elders who sit
nearest to the Lamb.

And it holds true yet that if we will only be quiet and give Satan a bit
of peace he will let us alone.  Why could not Paul have been still, he
would have kept out of that doomed ship; and so with thee my brother,
thou mayest have a quiet life if thou wilt only pray less and be content
to allow sin to have its own way.  What are you most like?  A barge or a
brig?  For there are some Christians whose course through life is like a
canal-boat's path, smooth and level, with nothing more exciting than a
lock, while others have to put out to sea and run the risk of tempest and
wreck.  Yet who does not feel that there is a nobility about a sailor
which a bargeman cannot claim?  Besides there's no room for promotion
aboard a "flat," no more than there is the likelihood of a storm.

As we read this story we feel that Paul was the true master-mariner that
day.  His angelic visitor lifted him to command, and this leads us to


"The angel stood by me."  He made no mistake, he flew to the side of the
real Commander, and it is sweet to know that come what will, nothing can
come between us and the God we serve.

What a different man Moses was when he stood by the Red Sea, to what he
was when he was before the burning bush.  Here are the sheep patiently
and quietly browsing, there is the angry mob crying out "Were there no
graves in Egypt?"  Here there is the sign of God from whence comes the
voice, "I have surely seen the affliction of My people," but yonder is
the pillar of cloud shewing the way over the waves of the yet undivided
sea.  How much more noble is the Moses of the people than the Moses of
the sheep!  It is true that he had to encounter the storm, but then there
was the triumph waiting to succeed the tempest.  He who fears the contest
should not covet the crown, but let the man who means to wear the
conqueror's diadem know that in the fiercest part of the struggle the
Lord Himself shall cheer His man!  Besides,


God meant Paul to appear before Caesar.  He was a notable illustration of
the saying of Solomon, "Seest thou a man diligent in his business, he
shall stand before kings."  Paul, the slave of God, made judges tremble,
and his chained hands ruffled the imperial purple.  If only we sail with
Jesus, storms become our slaves.  The Lord meant to have Christianity
planted at Malta, and therefore Euroclydon must drive the wreck to that
shore, but still _en route_ to Rome.  Take the so-called misfortunes out
of the history of religion, and you put it back into commonplace.
Persecution has pushed on the cause it has striven to hinder, and heroes
are made by hindrances.  "Why do the heathen rage?  The Lord shall have
them in derision."  This was never so true as it was when the time came
for Jesus to die.  It seems as though Satan would have made a good
Socinian.  He saw not in the Scripture either the Saviour's Divinity or
His atoning work, and so he hastened to have Him slain, and thereby
carried out the programme of God.  Have you ever noticed the prayer that
was offered when the servants of God returned from jail?  (See Acts iv.
26 28).  The enemy "gathered together to do whatsoever thy hand and thy
counsel determined before to be done!"  It shall yet be seen that no one
has done so much for the truth as he who was a liar from the beginning!


The angel brought the message, and Paul soon gave it out to all abroad:
religion is a great enemy to waste of life.  Give us men who serve Christ
to be our servants, and we need less police and a smaller fire brigade.
Let Christ be King, and hospitals will not be needed as they are now.  If
Jesus is Lord, the alms-house would take the place of the Union.  There
is less peril where there is piety.  Every man aboard the ship was to be
saved, because Paul was there.  Danger waits on the disobedient, but
Providence yet says to the good, all shall come safe to land who sail
with Paul.


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