
By the Brewers?

The Project Gutenberg EBook of Government by the Brewers?, by Adolph Keitel

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Title: Government by the Brewers?

Author: Adolph Keitel

Posting Date: October 14, 2012 [EBook #9406]
Release Date: December, 2005
First Posted: September 29, 2003

Language: English


Produced by Bruce D. Thomas



For thirty years intimately associated with the brewing industry




        Ballot Box (Illustration.)

 I.     My thirty years' intimate association with the brewers

 II.    Prohibition banishes crime

 III.   What is beer?

 IV.    Non-alcoholic beer is a mysterious compound of drugs

 V.     Beer is a habit forming drug

 VI.    Why beer is not a fit drink for the home

 VII.   Beer is not a temperance drink

 VIII.  The decreased alcoholic content of beer will increase drunkenness

 IX.    Brewers' grains are considered dangerous for cows milk

 X.     Brewers assault distillers to hide their own crimes

 XI.    Abolition of crime and vice would decrease the sale of beer

 XII.   Crime is planned in saloons

 XIII.  The beer traffic does not recognize the sanctity of the home

 XIV.   A vice complaint

        An every-day vice scene (Illustration)

 XV.    Laws are openly violated

 XVI.   Another vice backed by brewers

        Cabarets and tango dance resorts

        How a New York brewer advertises his cabaret resort

 XVII.  Millions expended in corrupting elections

        United States Brewers' Association exposed

 XVIII. How Chicago Brewers have tried to prevent a "dry" vote

 XIX.   Brewers fear woman suffrage

 XX.    People resent government by the brewers


When it was found impossible to suppress my writings by attempts
to bribe me, men were hired to poison me.  After the failure of
this plot to dispose of me, I was subjected to almost unbelievable
insults, persecution, humiliation and injustice in the courts.

A friendly federal judge was besought to stop me by an injunction.
The United States Circuit Court of Appeals set it aside.

Four futile attempts were made to influence the Post Office
authorities to deny me the use of the mails.

I was twice presented with the alternative of either agreeing to
stop the publication of the truth or being thrown into jail on
"framed" libel charges.  I chose the jail rather than renounce the
right of the freedom of the press guaranteed me by the constitution
of my country.

When even the jail could not silence me, a diabolical attempt was
made to bury me alive in an institution for the insane, but when
it was found impossible to discover the slightest trace of insanity,
or drive me insane during a sojourn of a month among maniacs, I
was released.

I verily believe that the honesty of the alienists in charge of the
institution alone saved me from a living death.


[Illustration: A Menace to good Government]

"_The very nature of the business of the brewer makes it imperative
that they retain a strong hold on the ballot box.  By those methods
alone have they been able to exist in the past.  By those methods
alone, can they hope to save themselves_"



For about thirty years I have been closely allied with the brewing
industry and was daily brought in contact with the brewers.

I have been interested in a number of breweries as a stockholder.
I have been intimately associated with many brewers throughout the
country.  I am therefore thoroughly familiar with the inner history
of the beer business and the political corruption, crime, vice and
degeneracy closely interwoven therewith.



Naturally, I am not a prohibitionist. Nevertheless, I dispute the
contention of the brewers that they did not oppose but, instead,
actually approved the enactment of the recent "bone-dry" prohibition
legislation forbidding transportation of alcoholic beverages into
states which prohibit the sale and manufacture of intoxicants, on
the ground that its drastic measure would have a "reactionary effect"
and thus result in the return of a number of the present "dry" states
into the "wet" column.  Vaporings of this sort sound very much like
the old sour grape story and have their origin in the fertile brain
of the publicity manager of the beer trust.

Absence of drunkenness, law and order, and the reduction of crime
to a minimum, have invariably followed the "dry" wave.

Prohibition has emptied the jails, and the people are gratified
with the new order of things.  Everybody is happy except the
liquor interests.

A town in Georgia, having no further use for its jail, not having
had an occupant for a long time as the result of the bone-dry law,
has rented it out for another purpose.

The most remarkable proof comes from the national capital.  Washington
became saloonless on November 1, 1917.  During the month of November--the
first dry month--official figures made public by the commissioners,
comparing arrests for drunkenness during November, 1917, and the same
month a year ago, show that during November, 1917, 199 arrests for
drunkenness were made, as against 838 for November, 1916, a reduction
of 639, or 76 per cent.  The greatest number of arrests for any one
week in November, 1917, were 61, while the greatest number for the
same period a year ago were 218.

In Decatur, Ill., which went "dry" four years ago, the population
has increased from 25,000 to 45,000.  It is claimed that the criminal
cases have lessened 90 per cent, that the building of factories
and houses has increased 30 per cent, that 2,700 savings depositors
in banks were added and that there were 37 per cent less cases of
public charity yearly.

Nor will the loss of revenue permanently affect conditions.  The
enormous wealth of the country will soon adjust that phase of the

Authorities assert there is no license city that keeps within its
budget, whereas there is no dry city that is not financially
improved by the ousting of the brewers.



In the well known European beer drinking countries nothing but hops
and malt are permitted in brewing.

Here beer is a concoction of corn, rice, hops, malt, glucose,
preservatives and other drugs--and, in most cases, it has nothing
in common with real beer other than its artificial foam and color.

A leader of public opinion made the statement in the United States
Senate that "Beer that is brewed in this country is slop.  They say
it is 'good for the health.' I never saw a man who drank it who was
not a candidate for Bright's disease or paralysis."

Mr. J. Frank Hanly, editor of the National Enquirer (Indianapolis),
and former Governor of Indiana says: "Nor will the people be deceived
by the fallacious contention that beer is a safe and harmless drink.
Every laboratory in America refutes it.  Every sociologist knows
better.  Every scientist of reputation condemns it.  The management
of every great industrial interest, compelled by economic necessity,
seeks its complete overthrow."

"_The average beer drinker consumes more alcohol than the average
whiskey drinker_"



Numerous Processes are now in use for making non-alcoholic beer
and the ingredients used are usually cloaked in deep mystery.

In a recently patented process for the production of non-alcoholic
beer it is admitted that salt, gum arabic, quassia, a pepsin compound
and meta-bisulphite of potassium, or another suitable drug, are some
of the materials used in brewing the non-alcoholic product.



Eminent physicians ridicule the claim of the brewers that beer,
even assuming that it were pure and unadulterated--and entirely
free from poisonous drugs and chemicals--is a beverage of high
food value and ranks with milk as a blood producer.

A bulletin issued by the Department of Health of the City of New York
in relation to the question of alcohol as food states that ten cents
worth of beer provides 240 calories of food energy, while ten cents
worth of oatmeal will provide 3,720 calories.

There is no question that the indulgence in beer is merely an
acquired habit.  To those who have not cultivated it, its taste
is generally repugnant.

Total abstinence for a while invariably cures the habit.  I have
been told by a number of former strong adherents to the cause of
the brewers, residing in territory now "dry", that even they are
wondering why they ever saturated their systems with beer.  Physicians
condemn its use and claim that the widespread idea that alcohol is
a stimulant is wrong.  Beer is fast becoming an outcast.

Fresh fruit juices, notably grape juice and apple cider, and other
satisfying beverages, well flavored, with a considerable food value,
are daily growing more popular and will take the place of beer.

"_To rid the saloon of crime and vice would decrease the sale of beer_"



The alcoholic content of beer has been about four per cent.  The
alcoholic content of the quality of whiskey generally sold over
the bar is about forty per cent--and  frequently much less.  It
can therefore be readily seen that the quantity of alcohol contained
in a large glass of beer, even with the recent slightly reduced
alcoholic content, is equivalent to about that contained in an
ordinary drink of whiskey, which is sufficient to intoxicate any
person not accustomed to its use.

It is nothing unusual, even in the case of confirmed drinkers, to
feel at times the intoxicating effect of a single glass of beer,
especially when taken upon an empty stomach or when the system may
not just be in proper condition.

Brewers are recommending beer to expectant and nursing mothers and
as a fit drink for the home.  But, on the other hand, they prefer
to employ men who have not acquired the beer drinking habit.

The most valuable men advocating the "wet" cause fight shy of beer.
They know what it is made of.  Many saloonkeepers never touch it,
nor will they employ bartenders unless they are total abstainers.

"_If the saloons and other public drinking places were ousted,
but the breweries permitted to operate, drunkenness, crime and
vice would invade the home_"



It can not be denied that people drink beer for its alcoholic
effect--and that most of the intoxication is caused by beer.

Brewers claim that beer is a "true temperance drink," but they
are careful to add--if taken in moderate quantities.

If beer were ever consumed in moderate quantities it would result
in a fifty per cent reduction of the beer output of the country.
It would force most of the brewers out of business--and I doubt
if any saloon could earn enough money to pay the rent of the place.
For that reason brewers can not afford to encourage the enactment
of laws abolishing "treating," despite their public statements that
they are in favor of its suppression.

In discussing the question with an acquaintance whom I know to be
a very moderate drinker of beer only, he advanced the much heard
argument that a glass of beer will harm no one.  He said that he
occasionally dropped into a saloon to take a glass of beer.  When
I asked him if, when he had gone into a saloon he had ever run
across some friends and, to be a good fellow, he had been obliged
to take a number of glasses, he replied "yes"--and that they had
made him drunk.

"_Brewers can not afford to abolish 'treating'_"



The decree of President Wilson that beer brewed henceforth in the
United States during the pendency of the war shall not contain more
than 2.75 per cent alcohol by weight, which is equivalent to
3.4 per cent by volume,[Footnote: _This does not include ale and
porter, the alcoholic content of which is permitted to remain
considerably in excess of that of beer_.] and that the amount of
grain used in its manufacture shall be reduced to approximately
seventy per cent of the volume used heretofore, will not decrease
intoxication, but it has caused intense jubilation among the
brewers.  They pronounce it a great victory over the "dry" forces,
and they have lost no time in again broadly proclaiming the virtues
of their product and its "food" value.

The slightly reduced alcoholic content of beer will still be ample
to produce a high state of intoxication if, as is usually the case,
it is consumed immoderately.  In substantiation of my contention I
need but cite the irrefutable fact that a barrel of beer holding
31 gallons would still contain a whole gallon of alcohol.

Where the great danger lies is that the widely heralded reduction
of the alcoholic content and the claim of the brewers that beer
is now to be classed as a true temperance drink will tend to greatly
deceive the public and thus largely increase its consumption, in
most cases to cause "the same intoxicating effect as before."

Besides, it has already become a common practice among many misguided
drinkers to produce the desired "kick" by pouring whiskey, and even
plain alcohol into the beer.

In my opinion, therefore, the reduced alcoholic content will make
the consumption of beer still more harmful than before, because,
instead of diminishing drunkenness, it will have the opposite
effect--and the brewers will be the big gainers because the new
order of things will not only largely increase their output, but
it will also reduce the cost of production without cutting the
selling price.  And, by reason of their increased output, they
will use the same amount of grain as before.

Even with the reduced alcoholic content the beer drinker will consume
more alcohol than the whiskey drinker.



As an argument against the extermination of the breweries the claim
is made that a part of the grain used in brewing is converted into
a cattle feed which is a great "milk producer."

Brewers' grains are the residue of barley malt and corn grits.
They consist principally of barley hulls.

Corn stalks are also fed to cattle, but they have very little
food value without a considerable addition of whole grain.  Brewers'
grains, as a milk producer, are a very poor substitute for the
grain from which beer is brewed.

Authorities claim that brewers' grains produce functional disturbances
and disease in the cow--and milk from such cows is not safe for infants.

Brewers' grains are not allowed to be used for the cows that yield milk
and butter for Copenhagen, the capital of the country that leads
the world in dairy farming.

"_The closing of the breweries can alone remove the objectionable
conditions inseparable from the beer traffic_"



A nation-wide campaign has been set in motion by the brewers to
beguile the public by assaulting the distillers.

Distillers rarely sell direct to saloons as the brewers do.

Distillers do not own or back saloons.

Distillers are therefore not responsible for the lawless conditions
of which the public complains--nor were they ever accused of stuffing
the ballot box.

Whiskey leaves the distillery in an unadulterated condition, while
beer is drugged at the brewery.

The average beer drinker consumes more alcohol than the average
whiskey drinker.

The National Advocate (New York) maintains that "beer is a greater
peril to manhood, home and society than whiskey ever has been or
can be."

Are the attacks upon the distillers merely a ruse to conceal the
fact that officers, directors and thousands of stockholders of the
largest brewing companies in all parts of the country are either
wholesale or retail whiskey dealers, or saloon keepers, or both?

If the brewers are sincere in their promise to divorce beer from
whiskey, why have they not closed their own whiskey stores?

Why have they not placed a ban upon the sale of whiskey in all the
saloons which they own and operate themselves?

Why have they not forbidden the sale of whiskey in all saloons?
What is there to prevent it?

Is it not a fact that, with few exceptions, the so-called owners
of saloons, not operated by brewers themselves, are merely slaves
of the brewers, the latter owning either the property or the lease,
the license and a chattel mortgage upon the fixtures in the place?

The truth is that a saloon keeper can not exist if his business
should be restricted to the sale of beer--and the closing of a
saloon means a loss to the brewer.

I quote here again from an editorial written by Mr. J. Frank Hanly,
former Governor of Indiana, which appeared in the National Enquirer
(Indianapolis), of which he is the editor, as follows:

"When the writer of this editorial was a candidate for the nomination
for Governor of the State of Indiana it was not the distilling
interests of the State, but the brewers, that sought to wring from
him a promise that in consideration for his nomination he should, if
elected, permit no temperance legislation during his term.  It was
the brewing interests of Indiana, not the distillers, that sought
on the eve of election, after his nomination in spite of their
opposition, to extort a like promise as the price of his election.

"It was the president of the Indiana Brewers' Association, and not
a representative of the distillery interests of the State, that
walked into the Governor's office in Indianapolis, and with the
arrogance of a Hun announced that he had come to say to the Governor
that a township and ward remonstrance law which the governor had
recommended to the General Assembly for enactment could not be
passed by the legislature. . . . .

"In all the history of the political and civil life of the American
people there has been no combination or organization of power so
brutal, so domineering, so corrupt, or so dead to every sense of
civic interest or concern as the brewers of America. They have been
and are the chief criminals, and no camouflage to which they may
resort will save them.  The people will see beneath the false
pretense the bare, naked facts.  The legislatures of the States
will be organized into firing squads, and the beer trade will be
compelled to meet its fate."



Because brewers control the saloons, it is also within their power
to suppress "treating," stop the operation of disorderly hotels
and private drinking rooms in conjunction with saloons, stop
bookmaking and other forms of gambling, in short, remove any and
all of the undesirable features connected with the saloon which
are objected to by the public--but any serious disturbance with
existing conditions would decrease the sale of beer.



The brewers know that the saloons are the meeting places of
lawbreakers and disreputables, that they enter the side doors
leading to private rooms where burglaries, holdups and other crimes
are planned and the booty is divided--yet, brewers will make no real
effort to improve these conditions.

Is it surprising that the public is clamoring for the complete
elimination of the breweries?



On the other hand, if the saloons and other public drinking places
were ousted but the breweries permitted to operate, drunkenness,
crime and vice would invade the home.

If the people are determined to remove the objectionable elements
inseparable from the beer traffic, they must close the breweries.



The Juvenile Protective Association of Chicago filed the following
complaint with the Chief of Police:

"Schoenhofen's Hall

"One of the waiters serving drinks was no older than 14 years.  At
midnight this boy was sitting at one of the tables half asleep
trying to support a drunken man.  Fifty minors were illegally present.
Ten minors drank intoxicants.  Three minors were intoxicated.
Twenty soldiers were drinking intoxicants.  About fifteen soldiers
were intoxicated.  One of the soldiers dancing was so drunk that
the girl could hardly hold him up.  There were four instances of
kissing, five of embracing, three of improper handling, and one fight."

_The Peter Schoenhofen Brewing Company operates the largest brewery
in Chicago_.


[Blank page]



I want to say here, however, that not all the brewers are as black
as they are painted.  There are some among them who are clean and
honest men who, bitterly resent the lawless methods of their colleagues.

Upon the request of the respectable element I have frequently
warned the brewers of the country that nothing could save their
industry unless they made up their minds to become law abiding
citizens and stop fooling the people.

I have warned them on many occasions that they had no right to
enlist the sympathy of the people as long as they persisted in
defying the laws enacted by the people, but my warnings fell upon
deaf ears.

What can cause greater hostility toward the brewers than the fact
that midnight closing and Sunday laws are openly violated with their
knowledge and connivance and that political influence and the liberal
use of money will gain them immunity from prosecution?

Has it not frequently been said that the "dough bags" of the brewers
control the courts and influence their decisions?

_"Absence of drunkenness, law and order, and the reduction of
crime to a minimum, have invariably followed the 'dry' wave"_




How little my advice was heeded was clearly shown by, the appearance
of a comparatively new vice--openly aided and abetted by brewers--which
in a few years has spread its poisonous tentacles to all parts
of the country.  I refer to


What more can inflame the mind of the public against the brewers
than these vulgar and liquor flowing twentieth century dives,
especially when the fact is considered that many of these gilded
hells are owned and operated by brewers themselves?

In many European cities similar resorts are classed among houses
of ill repute and the same police regulations are applied to them.
Here, they are brazenly advertised as "afternoon teas" to lure
the unwary.

In my travels I have visited many of the most prominently
advertised places of this kind in different parts of the country
to study the habitues.

It can not be denied that most of these dives are the rendezvous
of the demimonde, breeding places of vice, crime and degeneracy,
and an ally of the white slave traffic.

They are keeping the divorce mills busy.  Their glitter has led
astray, caused the disappearance of and has driven to suicide
innumerable young women, particularly from among those who have
come from rural districts to seek employment in large cities.
They have made criminals of many young men because their salaries
would not permit them to lead the fast life of their newly made friends.

The principal source of profit to the keepers of these dives is,
of course, the sale of alcoholic drinks--in most cases grossly
adulterated despite the unreasonable prices exacted for same.

Female performers are frequently expected to drink with the patrons.
Usually these women are paid a commission on the drinks they can
persuade their dupes to purchase.

Scenes of indecency are openly indulged in by both sexes as the
result of the excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks.

A recent development of the cabaret is the "hostess."  Her duty
is to "introduce" men and girls.  In many instances hotels of
questionable character are operated as an adjunct to these places.

The managers of a number of large hotels which have built up a
reputation for respectability and exclusiveness have long ago seen
the handwriting on the wall and therefore wisely placed a ban upon
this evil.  Ladies refuse to stop at hotels that attract an undesirable
element by the operation of cabarets and present-day dances.

The fact that many of these places which are owned and operated
by brewers themselves continue in full blast again discredits the
statements of their press agents that "the cabaret must go."

Will the brewers continue their policy of defying the people until
nation-wide prohibition will put a stop to these drunken orgies?

How a New York Brewer Advertises His Cabaret Resort

The following advertisement appeared in

_The New York Times_:

[Illustration: _John Reisenweber, the keeper of this resort, is
a well known brewer. He is President of the Excelsior Brewing Company,
Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York_.]




I have also many times urged the brewers to break away from their
national organization, the United States Brewers' Association--also
known as the Brewers Trust--because I felt convinced that
they would sooner or later lay themselves open to exposure and
criminal prosecution, and that it would further increase the
hostility toward their industry if they should persist in their
attempts to defeat the prohibition movement by the expenditure
of money in corrupting elections, legislation and public officials.

Political contributions amounting to many millions of dollars,
based upon the annual output of brewers throughout the country,
are turned into their association.

Other enormous sums are collected from those who sell to brewers.
They are expected to join a "league of manufacturers and dealers"
organized to fight prohibition.  From invoices rendered to brewers
for goods purchased a certain amount is retained.

Officials of the United States Brewers' Association declare that
checkbooks, bank passbooks, checks, stubs and correspondence are
destroyed monthly, and that the only record left is the money the
association has in bank.

That my warnings were justified was amply proven when, not long ago,
the large brewing companies in the state of Texas were indicted
charging them with the distribution of many millions of dollars to
promote anti-prohibition legislation and the payment of the poll
taxes of thousands of persons so that they could vote against
prohibition.  All of these breweries except one pleaded guilty
to the charges against them and paid penalties aggregating $276,000,
also expenses incurred by the Attorney General's office, totaling
about $10,000, and the court costs, and they accepted an injunction
restraining them from violating the state anti-trust laws and
contributing to political campaigns in the future.

One hundred large brewing companies in the State of Pennsylvania,
and officers of the United States Brewers' Association, were
indicted by a Federal Grand Jury, charging conspiracy in the
unlawful expenditure of money to influence elections at which
votes for federal officials were cast.

The office of the United States Brewers' Association in the City
of New York was raided and its files were seized.  The secretary
of the association was committed to jail.

It was alleged that these brewers raised and spent a fund exceeding
$1,000,000, to influence the election of a United States senator
and thirty-six members of the lower House of Congress and to pervert
to selfish and sordid purposes the government of the nation.

The United States Attorney charged in court that these brewers had
boasted in their circulars of their ability to poison the ranks of
organized labor through labor unions, to kill at one session of
Congress two hundred bills inimical to the liquor interests, and
to capture entire states at elections.

Fines aggregating $50,000 were imposed upon thirty-three of these
brewing companies. The United States Brewers' Association was fined
$10,000--the maximum amount possible under the Federal law.

Federal authorities have hinted at a nation-wide traffic in election
corruption.  Intimations have come from the same source that similar
indictments may be handed down against brewers in all parts of the country.

But even the scandalous exposures in Texas and Pennsylvania will not
stop their interference with elections.

The truth is that the very nature of the business of the brewers
makes it imperative that they retain a strong hold on the ballot
box.  By those methods alone have they been able to exist in the
past.  By those methods alone can they hope to save themselves.

In New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, the mere suggestion to
keepers of saloons, hotels and other places where liquor is sold
that the "dry" wave may soon put them out of business usually
brings forth the reply: "Our state will never go 'dry.'  The brewers
have too much money.  They can buy all the votes required, as well
as public officials, to kill any legislation hostile to them."



In Chicago, heretofore considered by the brewers one of their
greatest strongholds, in order to enable the people to vote whether
the city shall remain "wet" or become "dry," the law requires the
filing of a petition with a certain number of signatures, but the
brewers opposed even the right of the people to vote upon this
important question and in glaring advertisements boldly advised
them to withhold their signatures.

Attempts were also made to intimidate the circulators of the
petitions by threatening them with prosecution for perjury unless
they personally knew that all the signers were registered voters.

In spite of these methods, 148,802 signatures were obtained,
42,302 more than the 106,500 names required under the law.

Attempts made by politicians to defer the election for a year on
the plea of "economy" were also unsuccessful.  In many quarters
same was branded as another ruse on the part of the brewers to
prevent a "dry" vote.

"_The beer traffic does not recognize the sanctity of the home_"



Women know that the abolition of the beer traffic will prevent
their children from becoming drunkards and criminals.

Women know that the abolition of the beer traffic means a full
pay envelope on Saturday--a happier home--and more food and clothes
for them and their children.

Women know that in the states where the beer traffic has been
ousted, wage earners who formerly spent the greater part of their
earnings in saloons have, since the advent of the "dry" wave,
invested their savings in a house and lot, and in a few years
were able to pay off the entire indebtedness--and now are masters
of their own home.

That's the reason why brewers greatly fear the votes of women and
why they consider woman suffrage the stepping stone to prohibition.



It is not the beer traffic alone, but the social and political
crimes of the brewers, which is leading to rapid prohibitory laws
all over the country.

People resent government by the brewers.  People resent the election
of legislators and other public officials, city, state and national,
to serve ends hostile to social decency, to rule by the people, to
the very life of the nation.

End of Project Gutenberg's Government by the Brewers?, by Adolph Keitel


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