Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 64: April 1668

By Samuel Pepys

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Title: Diary of Samuel Pepys, April 1668

Author: Samuel Pepys

Release Date: December 1, 2004 [EBook #4188]

Language: English


Produced by David Widger

                THE DIARY OF SAMUEL PEPYS M.A. F.R.S.


                      AND PRESIDENT OF THE COLLEGE


                      WITH LORD BRAYBROOKE'S NOTES

                        EDITED WITH ADDITIONS BY

                        HENRY B. WHEATLEY F.S.A.

                          DIARY OF SAMUEL PEPYS.

April 1st.  Up, and to dress myself, and call as I use Deb. to brush and
dress me .  .  .  , and I to my office, where busy till noon, and then out
to bespeak some things against my wife's going into the country to-morrow,
and so home to dinner, my wife and I alone, she being mighty busy getting
her things ready for her journey, I all the afternoon with her looking
after things on the same account, and then in the afternoon out and all
alone to the King's house, and there sat in an upper box, to hide myself,
and saw "The Black Prince," a very good play; but only the fancy, most of
it, the same as in the rest of my Lord Orrery's plays; but the dance very
stately; but it was pretty to see how coming after dinner and with no
company with me to talk to, and at a play that I had seen, and went to now
not for curiosity but only idleness, I did fall asleep the former part of
the play, but afterward did mind it and like it very well.  Thence called
at my bookseller's, and took Mr. Boyle's Book of Formes, newly reprinted,
and sent my brother my old one.  So home, and there to my chamber till
anon comes Mr. Turner and his wife and daughter, and Pelting, to sup with
us and talk of my wife's journey to-morrow, her daughter going with my
wife; and after supper to talk with her husband about the Office, and his
place, which, by Sir J. Minnes's age and inability, is very uncomfortable
to him, as well as without profit, or certainty what he shall do, when Sir
J. Minnes dies, which is a sad condition for a man that hath lived so long
in the Office as Mr. Turner hath done.  But he aymes, and I advise him to
it, to look for Mr. Ackworth's place, in case he should be removed.  His
wife afterwards did take me into my closet, and give me a cellar

     [A box to hold bottles.  "Run for the cellar of strong waters
                    --Ben Jonson, Magnetic Lady, act iii., sc.  r.]

of waters of her own distilling for my father, to be carried down with my
wife and her daughter to-morrow, which was very handsome.  So broke up and
to bed.

2nd.  Up, after much pleasant talk with my wife, and upon some alterations
I will make in my house in her absence, and I do intend to lay out some
money thereon.  So she and I up, and she got her ready to be gone, and by
and by comes Betty Turner and her mother, and W. Batelier, and they and
Deb., to whom I did give 10s. this morning, to oblige her to please her
mistress (and ego did baiser her mouche), and also Jane, and so in two
coaches set out about eight o'clock towards the carrier, there for to take
coach for my father's, that is to say, my wife and Betty Turner, Deb., and
Jane; but I meeting my Lord Anglesey going to the Office, was forced to
'light in Cheapside, and there took my leave of them (not baisado Deb.,
which je had a great mind to), left them to go to their coach, and I to
the office, where all the morning busy, and so at noon with my other
clerks (W. Hewer being a day's journey with my wife) to dinner, where Mr.
Pierce come and dined with me, and then with Lord Brouncker (carrying his
little kinswoman on my knee, his coach being full), to the Temple, where
my Lord and I 'light and to Mr. Porter's chamber, where Cocke and his
counsel, and so to the attorney's, whither the Sollicitor-Generall come,
and there, their cause about their assignments on the L1,250,000 Act was
argued, where all that was to be said for them was said, and so answered
by the Sollicitor-Generall beyond what I expected, that I said not one
word all my time, rather choosing to hold my tongue, and so mind my
reputation with the Sollicitor-Generall, who did mightily approve of my
speech in Parliament, than say anything against him to no purpose.  This I
believe did trouble Cocke and these gentlemen, but I do think this best
for me, and so I do think that the business will go against them, though
it is against my judgment, and I am sure against all justice to the men to
be invited to part with their goods and be deceived afterward of their
security for payment.  Thence with Lord Brouncker to the Royall Society,
where they were just done; but there I was forced to subscribe to the
building of a College, and did give L40; and several others did subscribe,
some greater and some less sums; but several I saw hang off: and I doubt
it will spoil the Society, for it breeds faction and ill-will, and becomes
burdensome to some that cannot, or would not, do it.  Here, to my great
content, I did try the use of the Otacousticon,--[Ear trumpet.]--which was
only a great glass bottle broke at the bottom, putting the neck to my
eare, and there I did plainly hear the dashing of the oares of the boats
in the Thames to Arundell gallery window, which, without it, I could not
in the least do, and may, I believe, be improved to a great height, which
I am mighty glad of.  Thence with Lord Brouncker and several of them to
the King's Head Taverne by Chancery Lane, and there did drink and eat and
talk, and, above the rest, I did hear of Mr. Hooke and my Lord an account
of the reason of concords and discords in musique, which they say is from
the equality of vibrations; but I am not satisfied in it, but will at my
leisure think of it more, and see how far that do go to explain it.  So
late at night home with Mr. Colwell, and parted, and I to the office, and
then to Sir W. Pen to confer with him, and Sir R. Ford and Young, about
our St. John Baptist prize, and so home, without more supper to bed, my
family being now little by the departure of my wife and two maids.

3rd.  Up, and Captain Perryman come to me to tell me how Tatnell told him
that this day one How is to charge me before the Commissioners of Prizes
to the value of L8000 in prizes, which I was troubled to hear, so fearful
I am, though I know that there is not a penny to be laid to my charge that
I dare not own, or that I have not owned under my hand, but upon
recollection it signifies nothing to me, and so I value it not, being sure
that I can have nothing in the world to my hurt known from the business.
So to the office, where all the morning to despatch business, and so home
to dinner with my clerks, whose company is of great pleasure to me for
their good discourse in any thing of the navy I have a mind to talk of.
After dinner by water from the Tower to White Hall, there to attend the
Duke of York as usual, and particularly in a fresh complaint the
Commissioners of the Treasury do make to him, and by and by to the Council
this day of our having prepared certificates on the Exchequer to the
further sum of near L50,000, and soon as we had done with the Duke of York
we did attend the Council; and were there called in, and did hear Mr.
Sollicitor [General] make his Report to the Council in the business; which
he did in a most excellent manner of words, but most cruelly severe
against us, and so were some of the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury,
as men guilty of a practice with the tradesmen, to the King's prejudice. I
was unwilling to enter into a contest with them; but took advantage of two
or three words last spoke, and brought it to a short issue in good words,
that if we had the King's order to hold our hands, we would, which did end
the matter: and they all resolved we should have it, and so it ended: and
so we away; I vexed that I did not speak more in a cause so fit to be
spoke in, and wherein we had so much advantage; but perhaps I might have
provoked the Sollicitor and the Commissioners of the Treasury, and
therefore, since, I am not sorry that I forbore.  Thence my Lord Brouncker
and I to the Duke of York's playhouse, and there saw the latter part of
"The Master and the Man," and thence by coach to Duck Lane, to look out
for Marsanne, in French, a man that has wrote well of musique, but it is
not to be had, but I have given order for its being sent for over, and I
did here buy Des Cartes his little treatise of musique, and so home, and
there to read a little, and eat a little, though I find that my having so
little taste do make me so far neglect eating that, unless company invite,
I do not love to spend time upon eating, and so bring emptiness and the
Cholique.  So to bed.  This day I hear that Prince Rupert and Holmes do go
to sea: and by this there is a seeming friendship and peace among our
great seamen; but the devil a bit is there any love among them, or can be.

4th.  Up betimes, and by coach towards White Hall, and took Aldgate Street
in my way, and there called upon one Hayward, that makes virginalls, and
did there like of a little espinette, and will have him finish it for me;
for I had a mind to a small harpsichon, but this takes up less room, and
will do my business as to finding out of chords, and I am very well
pleased that I have found it.  Thence to White Hall, and after long
waiting did get a small running Committee of Tangier, where I staid but
little, and little done but the correcting two or three egregious faults
in the Charter for Tangier after it had so long lain before the Council
and been passed there and drawn up by the Atturney Generall, so slightly
are all things in this age done.  Thence home to the office by water,
where we sat till noon, and then I moved we might go to the Duke of York
and the King presently to get out their order in writing that was ordered
us yesterday about the business of certificates, that we might be secure
against the tradesmen who (Sir John Banks by name) have told me this day
that they will complain in Parliament against us for denying to do them
right.  So we rose of a sudden, being mighty sensible of this
inconvenience we are liable to should we delay to give them longer, and
yet have no order for our indemnity.  I did dine with Sir W. Pen, where my
Lady Batten did come with desire of meeting me there, and speaking with me
about the business of the L500 we demand of her for the Chest.  She do
protest, before God, she never did see the account, but that it was as her
husband in his life-time made it, and he did often declare to her his
expecting L500, and that we could not deny it him for his pains in that
business, and that he hath left her worth nothing of his own in the world,
and that therefore she could pay nothing of it, come what will come, but
that he hath left her a beggar, which I am sorry truly for, though it is a
just judgment upon people that do live so much beyond themselves in
housekeeping and vanity, as they did.  I did give her little answer, but
generally words that might not trouble her, and so to dinner, and after
dinner Sir W. Pen and I away by water to White Hall, and there did attend
the Duke of York, and he did carry us to the King's lodgings: but he was
asleep in his closet; so we stayed in the Green-Roome, where the Duke of
York did tell us what rules he had, of knowing the weather, and did now
tell us we should have rain before to-morrow, it having been a dry season
for some time, and so it did rain all night almost; and pretty rules he
hath, and told Brouncker and me some of them, which were such as no reason
seems ready to be given.  By and by the King comes out, and he did easily
agree to what we moved, and would have the Commissioners of the Navy to
meet us with him to-morrow morning: and then to talk of other things;
about the Quakers not swearing, and how they do swear in the business of a
late election of a Knight of the Shire of Hartfordshire in behalf of one
they have a mind to have; and how my Lord of Pembroke says he hath heard
him (the Quaker) at the tennis-court swear to himself when he loses: and
told us what pretty notions my Lord Pembroke hath of the first chapter of
Genesis, how Adam's sin was not the sucking (which he did before) but the
swallowing of the apple, by which the contrary elements begun to work in
him, and to stir up these passions, and a great deal of such fooleries,
which the King made mighty mockery at.  Thence my Lord Brouncker and I
into the Park in his coach, and there took a great deal of ayre, saving
that it was mighty dusty, and so a little unpleasant.  Thence to Common
Garden with my Lord, and there I took a hackney and home, and after having
done a few letters at the office, I home to a little supper and so to bed,
my eyes being every day more and more weak and apt to be tired.

5th (Lord's day).  Up, and to my chamber, and there to the writing fair
some of my late musique notions, and so to church, where I have not been a
good while, and thence home, and dined at home, with W. Hewer with me; and
after dinner, he and I a great deal of good talk touching this Office, how
it is spoiled by having so many persons in it, and so much work that is
not made the work of any one man, but of all, and so is never done; and
that the best way to have it well done, were to have the whole trust in
one, as myself, to set whom I pleased to work in the several businesses of
the Office, and me to be accountable for the whole, and that would do it,
as I would find instruments: but this is not to be compassed; but
something I am resolved to do about Sir J. Minnes before it be long.  Then
to my chamber again, to my musique, and so to church; and then home, and
thither comes Captain Silas Taylor to me, the Storekeeper of Harwich,
where much talk, and most of it against Captain Deane, whom I do believe
to be a high, proud fellow; but he is an active man, and able in his way,
and so I love him.  He gone, I to my musique again, and to read a little,
and to sing with Mr. Pelling, who come to see me, and so spent the
evening, and then to supper and to bed.  I hear that eight of the
ringleaders in the late tumults of the 'prentices at Easter are condemned
to die.

     [Four were executed on May 9th, namely, Thomas Limmerick, Edward
     Cotton, Peter Massenger, and Richard Beasley.  They were drawn,
     hanged, and quartered at Tyburn, and two of their heads fixed upon
     London Bridge ("The London Gazette," No. 259).  See "The Tryals of
     such persons as under the notion of London Apprentices were
     tumultuously assembled in Moore Fields, under colour of pulling down
     bawdy-houses," 4to., London, 1668.  "It is to be observed," says
     "The London Gazette,"  "to the just vindication of the City, that
     none of the persons apprehended upon the said tumult were found to
     be apprentices, as was given out, but some idle persons, many of
     them nursed in the late Rebellion, too readily embracing any
     opportunity of making their own advantages to the disturbance of the
     peace, and injury of others."]

6th.  Betimes I to Alderman Backewell, and with him to my Lord Ashly's,
where did a little business about Tangier, and to talk about the business
of certificates, wherein, contrary to what could be believed, the King and
Duke of York themselves, in my absence, did call for some of the
Commissioners of the Treasury, and give them directions about the business
[of the certificates], which I, despairing to do any thing on a Sunday,
and not thinking that they would think of it themselves, did rest
satisfied, and stayed at home all yesterday, leaving it to do something in
this day; but I find that the King and Duke of York had been so pressing
in it, that my Lord Ashly was more forward with the doing of it this day,
than I could have been.  And so I to White Hall with Alderman Backewell in
his coach, with Mr. Blany; my Lord's Secretary: and there did draw up a
rough draught of what order I would have, and did carry it in, and had it
read twice and approved of, before my Lord Ashly and three more of the
Commissioners of the Treasury, and then went up to the Council-chamber,
where the Duke of York, and Prince Rupert, and the rest of the Committee
of the Navy were sitting: and I did get some of them to read it there: and
they would have had it passed presently, but Sir John Nicholas desired
they would first have it approved by a full Council: and, therefore, a
Council Extraordinary was readily summoned against the afternoon, and the
Duke of York run presently to the King, as if now they were really set to
mind their business, which God grant!  So I thence to Westminster, and
walked in the Hall and up and down, the House being called over to-day,
and little news, but some talk as if the agreement between France and
Spain were like to be, which would be bad for us, and at noon with Sir
Herbert Price to Mr. George Montagu's to dinner, being invited by him in
the hall, and there mightily made of, even to great trouble to me to be so
commended before my face, with that flattery and importunity, that I was
quite troubled with it.  Yet he is a fine gentleman, truly, and his lady a
fine woman; and, among many sons that I saw there, there was a little
daughter that is mighty pretty, of which he is infinite fond: and, after
dinner, did make her play on the gittar and sing, which she did mighty
prettily, and seems to have a mighty musical soul, keeping time with most
excellent spirit.  Here I met with Mr. Brownlow, my old schoolfellow, who
come thither, I suppose, as a suitor to one of the young ladies that were
there, and a sober man he seems to be.  But here Mr. Montagu did tell me
how Mr. Vaughan, in that very room, did say that I was a great man, and
had great understanding, and I know not what, which, I confess, I was a
little proud of, if I may believe him.  Here I do hear, as a great secret,
that the King, and Duke of York and Duchesse, and my Lady Castlemayne, are
now all agreed in a strict league, and all things like to go very current,
and that it is not impossible to have my Lord Clarendon, in time, here
again.  But I do hear that my Lady Castlemayne is horribly vexed at the
late libell,

     ["The Poor Whores' Petition to the most splendid, illustrious,
     serene and eminent Lady of Pleasure the Countess of Castlemayne,
     &c., signed by us, Madam Cresswell and Damaris Page, this present
     25th day of March, 1668."  This sham petition occasioned a pretended
     answer, entitled, "The Gracious Answer of the Most Illustrious Lady
     of Pleasure, the Countess of Castlem .  .  .  .  to the Poor Whores'
     Petition."  It is signed, "Given at our Closset, in King Street,
     Westminster, die Veneris, April 24, 1668.  Castlem .  .  .  ."
     Compare Evelyn, April 2nd, 1668.]

the petition of the poor whores about the town, whose houses were pulled
down the other day.  I have got one of them, but it is not very witty, but
devilish severe against her and the King and I wonder how it durst be
printed and spread abroad, which shews that the times are loose, and come
to a great disregard of the King, or Court, or Government.  Thence I to
White Hall to attend the Council, and when the Council rose we find my
order mightily enlarged by the Sollicitor Generall, who was called
thither, making it more safe for him and the Council, but their order is
the same in the command of it that I drew, and will I think defend us
well.  So thence, meeting Creed, he and I to the new Cocke-pitt by the
King's gate, and there saw the manner of it, and the mixed rabble of
people that come thither; and saw two battles of cocks, wherein is no
great sport, but only to consider how these creatures, without any
provocation, do fight and kill one another, and aim only at one another's
heads, and by their good will not leave till one of them be killed; and
thence to the Park in a hackney coach, so would not go into the tour, but
round about the Park, and to the House, and there at the door eat and
drank; whither come my Lady Kerneagy, of whom Creed tells me more
particulars; how her Lord, finding her and the Duke of York at the King's
first coming in too kind, did get it out of her that he did dishonour him,
and so bid her continue .  .  .  , which is the most pernicious and full
piece of revenge that ever I heard of; and he at this day owns it with
great glory, and looks upon the Duke of York and the world with great
content in the ampleness of his revenge.  Thence (where the place was now
by the last night's rain very pleasant, and no dust) to White Hall, and
set Creed down, and I home and to my chamber, and there about my musique
notions again, wherein I take delight and find great satisfaction in them,
and so, after a little supper, to bed.  This day, in the afternoon,
stepping with the Duke of York into St. James's Park, it rained: and I was
forced to lend the Duke of York my cloak, which he wore through the Park.

7th.  Up, and at the office all the morning, where great hurry to be made
in the fitting forth of this present little fleet, but so many rubs by
reason of want of money, and people's not believing us in cases where we
had money unless (which in several cases, as in hiring of vessels, cannot
be) they be paid beforehand, that every thing goes backward instead of
forward.  At noon comes Mr. Clerke, my solicitor, and the Auditor's men
with my account drawn up in the Exchequer way with their queries, which
are neither many nor great, or hard to answer upon it, and so dined with
me, and then I by coach to the King's playhouse, and there saw "The
English Monsieur;"' sitting for privacy sake in an upper box: the play
hath much mirth in it as to that particular humour.  After the play done,
I down to Knipp, and did stay her undressing herself; and there saw the
several players, men and women go by; and pretty to see how strange they
are all, one to another, after the play is done.  Here I saw a wonderful
pretty maid of her own, that come to undress her, and one so pretty that
she says she intends not to keep her, for fear of her being undone in her
service, by coming to the playhouse.  Here I hear Sir W. Davenant is just
now dead; and so who will succeed him in the mastership of the house is
not yet known.  The eldest Davenport is, it seems, gone from this house to
be kept by somebody; which I am glad of, she being a very bad actor. I
took her then up into a coach and away to the Park, which is now very fine
after some rain, but the company was going away most, and so I took her to
the Lodge, and there treated her and had a deal of good talk, and now and
then did baiser la, and that was all, and that as much or more than I had
much mind to because of her paint.  She tells me mighty news, that my Lady
Castlemayne is mightily in love with Hart of their house: and he is much
with her in private, and she goes to him, and do give him many presents;
and that the thing is most certain, and Becke Marshall only privy to it,
and the means of bringing them together, which is a very odd thing; and by
this means she is even with the King's love to Mrs. Davis.  This done, I
carried her and set her down at Mrs. Manuel's, but stayed not there
myself, nor went in; but straight home, and there to my letters, and so
home to bed.

8th.  Up, and at my office all the morning, doing business, and then at
noon home to dinner all alone.  Then to White Hall with Sir J. Minnes in
his coach to attend the Duke of York upon our usual business, which was
this day but little, and thence with Lord Brouncker to the Duke of York's
playhouse, where we saw "The Unfortunate Lovers," no extraordinary play,
methinks, and thence I to Drumbleby's, and there did talk a great deal
about pipes; and did buy a recorder, which I do intend to learn to play
on, the sound of it being, of all sounds in the world, most pleasing to
me.  Thence home, and to visit Mrs. Turner, where among other talk, Mr.
Foly and her husband being there, she did tell me of young Captain
Holmes's marrying of Pegg Lowther last Saturday by stealth, which I was
sorry for, he being an idle rascal, and proud, and worth little, I doubt;
and she a mighty pretty, well-disposed lady, and good fortune.  Her mother
and friends take on mightily; but the sport is, Sir Robert Holmes do seem
to be mad too with his brother, and will disinherit him, saying that he
hath ruined himself, marrying below himself, and to his disadvantage;
whereas, I said, in this company, that I had married a sister lately, with
little above half that portion, that he should have kissed her breech
before he should have had her, which, if R. Holmes should hear, would make
a great quarrel; but it is true I am heartily sorry for the poor girl that
is undone by it.  So home to my chamber, to be fingering of my Recorder,
and getting of the scale of musique without book, which I at last see is
necessary for a man that would understand musique, as it is now taught to
understand, though it be a ridiculous and troublesome way, and I know I
shall be able hereafter to show the world a simpler way; but, like the old
hypotheses in philosophy, it must be learned, though a man knows a better.
Then to supper, and to bed.  This morning Mr. Christopher Pett's widow and
daughter come to me, to desire my help to the King and Duke of York, and I
did promise, and do pity her.

9th.  Up, and to the office, where all the morning sitting, then at noon
home to dinner with my people, and so to the office again writing of my
letters, and then abroad to my bookseller's, and up and down to the Duke
of York's playhouse, there to see, which I did, Sir W. Davenant's corpse
carried out towards Westminster, there to be buried.  Here were many
coaches and six horses, and many hacknies, that made it look, methought,
as if it were the buriall of a poor poet.  He seemed to have many
children, by five or six in the first mourning-coach, all boys.  And there
I left them coming forth, and I to the New Exchange, there to meet Mrs.
Burroughs, and did take her in a carosse and carry elle towards the Park,
kissing her .  .  .  , but did not go into any house, but come back and
set her down at White Hall, and did give her wrapt in paper for my
Valentine's gift for the last year before this, which I never did yet give
her anything for, twelve half-crowns, and so back home and there to my
office, where come a packet from the Downes from my brother Balty, who,
with Harman, is arrived there, of which this day come the first news.  And
now the Parliament will be satisfied, I suppose, about the business they
have so long desired between Brouncker and Harman about not prosecuting
the first victory.  Balty is very well, and I hope hath performed his work
well, that I may get him into future employment.  I wrote to him this
night, and so home, and there to the perfecting my getting the scale of
musique without book, which I have done to perfection backward and
forward, and so to supper and to bed.

10th (Friday) All the morning at Office.  At noon with W. Pen to Duke of
York, and attended Council.  So to piper and Duck Lane, and there kissed
bookseller's wife, and bought Legend.  So home, coach.  Sailor.  Mrs.
Hannam dead.  News of Peace.  Conning my gamut.

     [The entries from April 10th to April 19th are transcribed from
     three leaves (six pages) of rough notes, which are inserted in the
     MS. The rough notes were made to serve for a sort of account book,
     but the amounts paid are often not registered in the fair copy when
     he came to transcribe his notes into the Diary.]

12th (Sunday).  Dined at Brouncker's, and saw the new book.  Peace.
Cutting away sails.

13th (Monday).  Spent at Michel's 6d.; in the Folly, 1s.;

     [The Folly was a floating house of entertainment on the Thames,
     which at this time was a fashionable resort.]

oysters, 1s.; coach to W. Coventry about Mrs. Pett, 1s.; thence to
Commissioners of Treasury, and so to Westminster Hall by water, 6d.  With
G. Montagu and Roger Pepys, and spoke with Birch and Vaughan, all in
trouble about the prize business.  So to Lord Crew's (calling for a low
pipe by the way), where Creed and G. M. and G. C. come, 1s.  So with Creed
to a play.  Little laugh, 4s.  Thence towards the Park by coach, 2s. 6d.
Come home, met with order of Commissioners of Accounts, which put together
with the rest vexed me, and so home to supper and to bed.

14th (Tuesday).  Up betimes by water to the Temple.  In the way read the
Narrative about prizes; and so to Lord Crew's bedside, and then to
Westminster, where I hear Pen is, and sent for by messenger last night.
Thence to Commissioners of Accounts and there examined, and so back to
Westminster Hall, where all the talk of committing all to the Tower, and
Creed and I to the Quaker's, dined together.  Thence to the House, where
rose about four o'clock; and, with much ado, Pen got to Thursday to bring
in his answer; so my Lord escapes to-day.  Thence with Godage and G.
Montagu to G. Carteret's, and there sat their dinner-time: and hear
myself, by many Parliament-men, mightily commended.  Thence to a play,
"Love's Cruelty," and so to my Lord Crew's, who glad of this day's time
got, and so home, and there office, and then home to supper and to bed, my
eyes being the better upon leaving drinking at night.  Water, 1s. Porter,
6d.  Water, 6d.  Dinner, 3s. 6d.  Play part, 2s.  Oranges, 1s. Home coach,
1s. 6d.

15th.  After playing a little upon my new little flageolet, that is so
soft that pleases me mightily, betimes to my office, where most of the
morning.  Then by coach, 1s., and meeting Lord Brouncker, 'light at the
Exchange, and thence by water to White Hall, 1s., and there to the Chapel,
expecting wind musick and to the Harp-and-Ball, and drank all alone, 2d.
Back, and to the fiddling concert, and heard a practice mighty good of
Grebus, and thence to Westminster Hall, where all cry out that the House
will be severe with Pen; but do hope well concerning the buyers, that we
shall have no difficulty, which God grant!  Here met Creed, and, about
noon, he and I, and Sir P. Neale to the Quaker's, and there dined with a
silly Executor of Bishop Juxon's, and cozen Roger Pepys.  Business of
money goes on slowly in the House.  Thence to White Hall by water, and
there with the Duke of York a little, but stayed not, but saw him and his
lady at his little pretty chapel, where I never was before: but silly
devotion, God knows!  Thence I left Creed, and to the King's playhouse,
into a corner of the 18d. box, and there saw "The Maid's Tragedy," a good
play.  Coach, 1s.: play and oranges, 2s. 6d. Creed come, dropping
presently here, but he did not see me, and come to the same place, nor
would I be seen by him.  Thence to my Lord Crew's, and there he come also
after, and there with Sir T. Crew bemoaning my Lord's folly in leaving his
old interest, by which he hath now lost all. An ill discourse in the
morning of my Lord's being killed, but this evening Godolphin tells us
here that my Lord is well.  Thence with Creed to the Cock ale-house, and
there spent 6d., and so by coach home, 2s. 6d., and so to bed.

16th.  Th[ursday].  Greeting's book, is.  Begun this day to learn the
Recorder.  To the office, where all the morning.  Dined with my clerks:
and merry at Sir W. Pen's crying yesterday, as they say, to the King, that
he was his martyr.  So to White Hall by coach to Commissioners of [the]
Treasury about certificates, but they met not, 2s.  To Westminster by
water.  To Westminster Hall, where I hear W. Pen is ordered to be
impeached, 6d.  There spoke with many, and particularly with G. Montagu:
and went with him and Creed to his house, where he told how W. Pen hath
been severe to Lord Sandwich; but the Coventrys both labouring to save
him, by laying it on Lord Sandwich, which our friends cry out upon, and I
am silent, but do believe they did it as the only way to save him.  It
could not be carried to commit him.  It is thought the House do coole: W.
Coventry's being for him, provoked Sir R. Howard and his party; Court, all
for W. Pen.  Thence to White Hall, but no meeting of the Commissioners,
and there met Mr. Hunt, and thence to Mrs. Martin's, and, there did what I
would, she troubled for want of employ for her husband, spent on her 1s.
Thence to the Hall to walk awhile and ribbon, spent is. So [to] Lord
Crew's, and there with G. Carteret and my Lord to talk, and they look upon
our matters much the better, and by this and that time is got, 1s.  So to
the Temple late, and by water, by moonshine, home, 1s. Cooks, 6d.  Wrote
my letters to my Lady Sandwich, and so home, where displeased to have my
maid bring her brother, a countryman, to lye there, and so to bed.

17th (Friday).  Called up by Balty's coming, who gives me a good account
of his voyage, and pleases me well, and I hope hath got something.  This
morning paid the Royall Society L1 6s., and so to the office all the
morning.  At noon home to dinner with my people, and there much pretty
discourse of Balty's.  So by coach to White Hall: the coachman on Ludgate
Hill 'lighted, and beat a fellow with a sword, 2s. 6d.  Did little
business with the Duke of York.  Hear that the House is upon the business
of Harman, who, they say, takes all on himself.  Thence, with Brouncker,
to the King's house, and saw "The Surprizall," where base singing, only
Knepp,' who come, after her song in the clouds, to me in the pit, and
there, oranges, 2s.  After the play, she, and I, and Rolt, by coach, 6s.
6d., to Kensington, and there to the Grotto, and had admirable pleasure
with their singing, and fine ladies listening to us: with infinite
pleasure, I enjoyed myself: so to the tavern there, and did spend 16s.
6d., and the gardener 2s.  Mighty merry, and sang all the way to the town,
a most pleasant evening, moonshine, and set them at her house in Covent
Garden, and I home and to bed.

18th (Saturday).  Up, and my bookseller brought home books, bound--the
binding comes to 17s.  Advanced to my maid Bridget L1.  Sir W. Pen at the
Office, seemingly merry.  Do hear this morning that Harman is committed by
the Parliament last night, the day he come up, which is hard; but he took
all upon himself first, and then when a witness come in to say otherwise,
he would have retracted; and the House took it so ill, they would commit
him.  Thence home to dinner with my clerks, and so to White Hall by water,
1s., and there a short Committee for Tangier, and so I to the King's
playhouse, 1s., and to the play of the "Duke of Lerma," 2s. 6d., and
oranges, 1s.  Thence by coach to Westminster, 1s., and the House just up,
having been about money business, 1s.  So home by coach, 3s., calling in
Duck Lane, and did get Des Cartes' Musique in English,' and so home and
wrote my letters, and then to my chamber to save my eyes, and to bed.

19th (Sunday).  Lay long.  Roger Pepys and his son come, and to Church
with me, where W. Pen was, and did endeavour to shew himself to the
Church.  Then home to dinner, and Roger Pepys did tell me the whole story
of Harman, how he prevaricated, and hath undoubtedly been imposed on, and
wheedled; and he is called the miller's man that, in Richard the Third's
time, was hanged for his master.

     [The story alluded to by Pepys, which belongs not to the reign of
     Richard III., but to that of Edward VI., occurred during a seditious
     outbreak at Bodmin, in Cornwall, and is thus related by Holinshed:
     "At the same time, and neare the same place [Bodmin], dwelled a
     miller, that had beene a greate dooer in that rebellion, for whom
     also Sir Anthonie Kingston sought: but the miller being thereof
     warned, called a good tall fellow that he had to his servant, and
     said unto him, 'I have business to go from home; if anie therefore
     come to ask for me, saie thou art the owner of the mill, and the man
     for whom they shall so aske, and that thou hast kept this mill for
     the space of three yeares; but in no wise name me.'  The servant
     promised his maister so to doo.  And shortlie after, came Sir
     Anthonie Kingston to the miller's house, and calling for the miller,
     the servant came forth, and answered that he was the miller.  'How
     long,' quoth Sir Anthonie, 'hast thou kept this mill?' He answered,
     'Three years.'--'Well, then,' said he, 'come on: thou must go with
     me;' and caused his men to laie hands on him, and to bring him to
     the next tree, saieing to him, 'Thou hast been a busie knave, and
     therefore here shalt thou hang.'  Then cried the fellow out, and
     saide that he was not the miller, but the miller's man.  'Well,
     then,' said Sir Anthonie, 'thou art a false knave to be in two
     tales: therefore,' said he, 'hang him up;' and so incontinentlie
     hanged he was indeed.  After he was dead, one that was present told
     Sir Anthonie, 'Surelie, sir, this was but the miller's man.'--'What
     then!' said he, 'could he ever have done his maister better service
     than to hang for him?'"--B.]

So after dinner I took them by water to White Hall, taking in a very
pretty woman at Paul's Wharf, and there landed we, and I left Roger Pepys
and to St. Margaret's Church, and there saw Betty, and so to walk in the
Abbey with Sir John Talbot, who would fain have pumped me about the
prizes, but I would not let him, and so to walk towards Michell's to see
her, but could not, and so to Martin's, and her husband was at home, and
so took coach and to the Park, and thence home and to bed betimes.  Water
1s., coach 5s.  Balty borrowed L2.

20th.  Up betimes and to the getting ready my answer to the Committee of
Accounts to several questions, which makes me trouble, though I know of no
blame due to me from any, let them enquire what they can out.

     [The first part of the entry for April 20th is among the rough
     notes, and stands as follows:  "Monday 20.  Up and busy about answer
     to Committee of Accounts this morning about several questions which
     vexed me though in none I have reason to be troubled.  But the
     business of The Flying Greyhound begins to find me some care, though
     in that I am wholly void of blame."  This may be compared with the

I to White Hall, and there hear how Henry Brouncker is fled, which, I
think, will undo him: but what good it will do Harman I know not, he hath
so befooled himself; but it will be good sport to my Lord Chancellor to
hear how his great enemy is fain to take the same course that he is. There
met Robinson, who tells me that he fears his master, W. Coventry, will
this week have his business brought upon the stage again, about selling of
places, which I shall be sorry for, though the less, since I hear his
standing for Pen the other day, to the prejudice, though not to the wrong,
of my Lord Sandwich; and yet I do think what he did, he did out of a
principle of honesty.  Thence to Committee of Accounts, and delivered my
paper, and had little discourse, and was unwilling to stay long with them
to enter into much, but away and glad to be from them, though very civil
to me, but cunning and close I see they are.  So to Westminster Hall, and
there find the Parliament upon the Irish business, where going into the
Speaker's chamber I did hear how plainly one lawyer of counsel for the
complainants did inveigh by name against all the late Commissioners there.
Thence with Creed, thinking, but failed, of dining with Lord Crew, and so
he and I to Hercules Pillars, and there dined, and thence home by coach,
and so with Jack Fenn to the Chamberlain of London to look after the state
of some Navy assignments that are in his hands, and thence away, and
meeting Sir William Hooker, the Alderman, he did cry out mighty high
against Sir W. Pen for his getting such an estate, and giving L15,000 with
his daughter, which is more, by half, than ever he did give; but this the
world believes, and so let them.  Thence took coach and I all alone to
Hyde Park (passing through Duck Lane among the booksellers, only to get a
sight of the pretty little woman I did salute the other night, and did in
passing), and so all the evening in the Park, being a little unwilling to
be seen there, and at night home, and thereto W. Pen's and sat and talked
there with his wife and children a good while, he being busy in his
closet, I believe preparing his defence in Parliament, and so home to bed.

21st.  Up, and at the office all the morning, at noon dined at home, and
thence took Mrs. Turner out and carried her to the King's house, and saw
"The Indian Emperour;" and after that done, took Knepp out, and to
Kensington; and there walked in the garden, and then supped, and mighty
merry, there being also in the house Sir Philip Howard, and some company,
and had a dear reckoning, but merry, and away, it being quite night, home,
and dark, about 9 o'clock or more, and in my coming had the opportunity
the first time in my life to be bold with Knepp .  .  .  , and so left her
at home, and so Mrs. Turner and I home to my letters and to bed.  Here
hear how Sir W. Pen's impeachment was read, and agreed to, in the House
this day, and ordered to be engrossed; and he suspended the House--[From
sitting as a member pending the impeachment.-B.]--Harman set at liberty;
and Brouncker put out of the House, and a writ for a new election, and an
impeachment ordered to be brought in against him, he being fled!

     [Sir Charles Berkeley, jun. was chosen in his room.  In the sea-
     fight off Southwold Bay on June 3rd, 1665, the English triumphed
     over the Dutch, but the very considerable victory was not followed
     up.  During the night, while the Duke of York slept, Henry
     Brouncker, his groom of the bedchamber, ordered the lieutenant to
     shorten sail, by which means the progress of the whole fleet was
     retarded, the Duke of York's being the leading ship.  The duke
     affirmed that he first heard of Brouncker's unjustifiable action in
     July, and yet he kept the culprit in his service for nearly two
     years after the offence had come to his knowledge.  After Brouncker
     had been dismissed from the duke's service, the House of Commons
     ejected him.  The whole matter is one of the unsolved difficulties
     of history.  See Lister's "Life of Clarendon," ii., 334 335]

22nd.  Up, and all the morning at my office busy.  At noon, it being
washing day, I toward White Hall, and stopped and dined all alone at
Hercules Pillars, where I was mighty pleased to overhear a woman talk to
her counsel how she had troubled her neighbours with law, and did it very
roguishly and wittily.  Thence to White Hall, and there we attended the
Duke of York as usual; and I did present Mrs. Pett, the widow, and her
petition to the Duke of York, for some relief from the King.  Here was
to-day a proposition made to the Duke of York by Captain Von Hemskirke for
L20,000, to discover an art how to make a ship go two foot for one what
any ship do now, which the King inclines to try, it costing him nothing to
try; and it is referred to us to contract with the man. Thence to attend
the Council about the business of certificates to the Exchequer, where the
Commissioners of the Treasury of different minds, some would, and my Lord
Ashly would not have any more made out, and carried it there should not.
After done here, and the Council up, I by water from the Privy-stairs to
Westminster Hall; and, taking water, the King and the Duke of York were in
the new buildings; and the Duke of York called to me whither I was going?
and I answered aloud, "To wait on our maisters at Westminster;" at which
he and all the company laughed; but I was sorry and troubled for it
afterwards, for fear any Parliament-man should have been there; and will
be a caution to me for the time to come. Met with Roger Pepys, who tells
me they have been on the business of money, but not ended yet, but will
take up more time.  So to the fishmonger's, and bought a couple of
lobsters, and over to the 'sparagus garden, thinking to have met Mr.
Pierce, and his wife and Knepp; but met their servant coming to bring me
to Chatelin's, the French house, in Covent Garden, and there with musick
and good company, Manuel and his wife, and one Swaddle, a clerk of Lord
Arlington's, who dances, and speaks French well, but got drunk, and was
then troublesome, and here mighty merry till ten at night, and then I
away, and got a coach, and so home, where I find Balty and his wife come
to town, and did sup with them, and so they to bed.  This night the Duke
of Monmouth and a great many blades were at Chatelin's, and I left them
there, with a hackney-coach attending him.

23rd.  Up, and to the office, where all the morning, and at noon comes
Knepp and Mrs. Pierce, and her daughter, and one Mrs. Foster, and dined
with me, and mighty merry, and after dinner carried them to the Tower, and
shewed them all to be seen there, and, among other things, the Crown and
Scepters and rich plate, which I myself never saw before, and indeed is
noble, and I mightily pleased with it.  Thence by water to the Temple, and
thereto the Cocke alehouse, and drank, and eat a lobster, and sang, and
mighty merry.  So, almost night, I carried Mrs. Pierce home, and then
Knepp and I to the Temple again, and took boat, it being darkish, and to
Fox Hall, it being now night, and a bonfire burning at Lambeth for the
King's coronation-day.  And there she and I drank; .  .  .  .  and so
back, and led her home, it being now ten at night; and so got a link; and,
walking towards home, just at my entrance into the ruines at St.
Dunstan's, I was met by two rogues with clubs, who come towards us. So I
went back, and walked home quite round by the wall, and got well home, and
to bed weary, but pleased at my day's pleasure, but yet displeased at my
expence, and time I lose.

24th.  Up betimes, and by water to White Hall, to the Duke of York, and
there hear that this day Hopis and Temple purpose to bring in the petition
against Sir W. Coventry, which I am sorry for, but hope he will get out of
it.  Here I presented Mrs. Pett and her condition to Mr. Wren for his
favour, which he promised us.  Thence to Lord Brouncker and sat and talked
with him, who thinks the Parliament will, by their violence and delay in
money matters, force the King to run any hazard, and dissolve them.
Thence to Ducke Lane, and there did overlook a great many of Monsieur
Fouquet's library, that a bookseller hath bought, and I did buy one
Spanish [work], "Los Illustres Varones."

     [Nicholas Fouquet, "Surintendant des Finances" in France, had built
     at Vaux a house which surpassed in magnificence any palace belonging
     to Louis XIV., prior to the erection of Versailles, and caused much
     envy to all the Court, especially to Colbert.  Fouquet died at
     Pignerol in 1680, after nineteen years' incarceration; and whilst
     Pepys was buying his books in London, Colbert had become prime
     minister in France, and Colbert's brother ambassador in England.
     The 'viper' had caught the 'squirrel'!--B.]

Here did I endeavour to see my pretty woman that I did baiser in las
tenebras a little while depuis.  And did find her sofa in the book[shop],
but had not la confidence para alter a elle.  So lost my pains.  But will
another time, and so home and to my office, and then to dinner.  After
dinner down to the Old Swan, and by the way called at Michell's, and there
did see Betty, and that was all, for either she is shy or foolish, and su
mardi hath no mind para laiser me see su moher.  To White Hall by water,
and there did our business with the Duke of York, which was very little,
only here I do hear the Duke of York tell how Sir W. Pen's impeachment was
brought into the House of Lords to-day; and spoke with great kindness of
him: and that the Lords would not commit him till they could find
precedent for it, and did incline to favour him.  Thence to the King's
playhouse, and there saw a piece of "Beggar's Bush," which I have not seen
some years, and thence home, and there to Sir W. Pen's and supped and sat
talking there late, having no where else to go, and my eyes too bad to
read right, and so home to bed.

25th.  Up, and with Sir J. Minnes to my Lord Brouncker, and with him all
of us to my Lord Ashly to satisfy him about the reason of what we do or
have done in the business of the tradesmen's certificates, which he seems
satisfied with, but is not, but I believe we have done what we can
justify, and he hath done what he cannot in stopping us to grant them, and
I believe it will come into Parliament and make trouble.  So home and
there at the office all the morning.  At noon home to dinner, and thence
after dinner to the Duke of York's playhouse, and there saw "Sir Martin
Marr-all," which, the more I see, the more I like, and thence to
Westminster Hall, and there met with Roger Pepys; and he tells me that
nothing hath lately passed about my Lord Sandwich, but only Sir Robert
Carr did speak hardly of him.  But it is hoped that nothing will be done
more, this meeting of Parliament, which the King did, by a message
yesterday, declare again, should rise the 4th of May, and then only
adjourne for three months: and this message being only adjournment, did
please them mightily, for they are desirous of their power mightily.
Thence homeward by the Coffee House in Covent Garden, thinking to have met
Harris here but could not, and so home, and there, after my letters, I
home to have my hair cut by my sister Michell and her husband, and so to
bed.  This day I did first put off my waste-coate, the weather being very
hot, but yet lay in it at night, and shall, for a little time.

26th (Lord's day).  Lay long, and then up and to Church, and so home,
where there come and dined with me Harris, Rolt, and Bannister, and one
Bland, that sings well also, and very merry at dinner, and, after dinner,
to sing all the afternoon.  But when all was done, I did begin to think
that the pleasure of these people was not worth so often charge and cost
to me, as it hath occasioned me.  They being gone I and Balty walked as
far as Charing Cross, and there got a coach and to Hales's the painter,
thinking to have found Harris sitting there for his picture, which is
drawing for me.  But he, and all this day's company, and Hales, were got
to the Crown tavern, at next door, and thither I to them and stayed a
minute, leaving Captain Grant telling pretty stories of people that have
killed themselves, or been accessory to it, in revenge to other people,
and to mischief other people, and thence with Hales to his house, and
there did see his beginning of Harris's picture, which I think will be
pretty like, and he promises a very good picture.  Thence with Balty away
and got a coach and to Hide Park, and there up and down and did drink some
milk at the Lodge, and so home and to bed.

27th.  Up, and Captain Deane come to see me, and he and I toward
Westminster together, and I set him down at White Hall, while I to
Westminster Hall, and up to the Lords' House, and there saw Sir W. Pen go
into the House of Lords, where his impeachment was read to him, and he
used mighty civilly, the Duke of York being there; and two days hence, at
his desire, he is to bring in his answer, and a day then to be appointed
for his being heard with Counsel.  Thence down into the Hall, and with
Creed and Godolphin walked; and do hear that to-morrow is appointed, upon
a motion on Friday last, to discourse the business of my Lord Sandwich,
moved by Sir R. Howard, that he should be sent for, home; and I fear it
will be ordered.  Certain news come, I hear, this day, that the Spanish
Plenipotentiary in Flanders will not agree to the peace and terms we and
the Dutch have made for him and the King of France; and by this means the
face of things may be altered, and we forced to join with the French
against Spain, which will be an odd thing.  At noon with Creed to my Lord
Crew's, and there dined; and here was a very fine-skinned lady dined, the
daughter of my Lord Roberts, and also a fine lady, Mr. John Parkhurst his
wife, that was but a boy the other day.  And after dinner there comes in
my Lady Roberts herself, and with her Mr. Roberts's daughter, that was
Mrs. Boddevill, the great beauty, and a fine lady indeed, the first time I
saw her.  My Lord Crew, and Sir Thomas, and I, and Creed, all the
afternoon debating of my Lord Sandwich's business, against to-morrow, and
thence I to the King's playhouse, and there saw most of "The Cardinall," a
good play, and thence to several places to pay my debts, and then home,
and there took a coach and to Mile End to take a little ayre, and thence
home to Sir W. Pen's, where I supped, and sat all the evening; and being
lighted homeward by Mrs. Markham, I blew out the candle and kissed her,
and so home to bed.

28th.  Up betimes, and to Sir W. Coventry's by water, but lost my labour,
so through the Park to White Hall, and thence to my Lord Crew's to advise
again with him about my Lord Sandwich, and so to the office, where till
noon, and then I by coach to Westminster Hall, and there do understand
that the business of religion, and the Act against Conventicles, have so
taken them up all this morning, and do still, that my Lord Sandwich's
business is not like to come on to-day, which I am heartily glad of. This
law against Conventicles is very severe; but Creed, whom I met here, do
tell me that, it being moved that Papists' meetings might be included, the
House was divided upon it, and it was carried in the negative; which will
give great disgust to the people, I doubt.  Thence with Creed to Hercules
Pillars by the Temple again, and there dined he and I all alone, and
thence to the King's house, and there did see "Love in a Maze," wherein
very good mirth of Lacy, the clown, and Wintersell, the country-knight,
his master.  Thence to the New Exchange to pay a debt of my wife's there,
and so home, and there to the office and walk in the garden in the dark to
ease my eyes, and so home to supper and to bed.

29th.  Up, and to my office, where all the morning busy.  At noon dined at
home, and my clerks with me, and thence I to White Hall, and there do hear
how Sir W. Pen hath delivered in his answer; and the Lords have sent it
down to the Commons, but they have not yet read it, nor taken notice of
it, so as, I believe, they will by design defer it till they rise, that so
he, by lying under an impeachment, may be prevented in his going to sea,
which will vex him, and trouble the Duke of York.  Did little business
with the Duke of York, and then Lord Brouncker and I to the Duke of York's
playhouse, and there saw "Love in a Tubb;" and, after the play done, I
stepped up to Harris's dressing-room, where I never was, and there I
observe much company come to him, and the Witts, to talk, after the play
is done, and to assign meetings.  Mine was to talk about going down to see
"The Resolution," and so away, and thence to Westminster Hall, and there
met with Mr. G. Montagu, and walked and talked; who tells me that the best
fence against the Parliament's present fury is delay, and recommended it
to me, in my friends' business and my own, if I have any; and is that,
that Sir W. Coventry do take, and will secure himself; that the King will
deliver up all to the Parliament; and being petitioned the other day by
Mr. Brouncker to protect him, with teares in his eyes, the King did say he
could not, and bid him shift for himself, at least till the House is up.
Thence I away to White Hall, and there took coach home with a stranger I
let into the coach, to club with me for it, he going into London, I set
him down at the lower end of Cheapside, and I home, and to Sir W. Pen's,
and there sat, and by and by, it being now about nine o'clock at night, I
heard Mercer's voice, and my boy Tom's singing in the garden, which
pleased me mightily, I longing to see the girl, having not seen her since
my wife went; and so into the garden to her and sang, and then home to
supper, and mightily pleased with her company, in talking and singing, and
so parted, and to bed.

30th.  Up, and at the office all the morning.  At noon Sir J. Minnes and I
to the Dolphin Tavern, there to meet our neighbours, all of the Parish,
this being Procession-day, to dine.  And did; and much very good
discourse; they being, most of them, very able merchants as any in the
City: Sir Andrew Rickard, Mr. Vandeputt, Sir John Fredericke, Harrington,
and others.  They talked with Mr. Mills about the meaning of this day, and
the good uses of it; and how heretofore, and yet in several places, they
do whip a boy at each place they stop at in their procession. Thence I to
the Duke of York's playhouse, and there saw "The Tempest," which still
pleases me mightily, and thence to the New Exchange, and then home, and in
the way stopped to talk with Mr. Brisband, who gives me an account of the
rough usage Sir G. Carteret and his Counsel had the other day, before the
Commissioners of Accounts, and what I do believe we shall all of us have,
in a greater degree than any he hath had yet with them, before their three
years are out, which are not yet begun, nor God knows when they will, this
being like to be no session of Parliament, when they now rise.  So home,
and there took up Mrs. Turner and carried her to Mile End and drank, and
so back talking, and so home and to bed, I being mighty cold, this being a
mighty cold day, and I had left off my waistcoat three or four days.  This
evening, coming home in the dusk, I saw and spoke to our Nell, Pain's
daughter, and had I not been very cold I should have taken her to Tower
hill para together et toker her.  Thus ends this month; my wife in the
country, myself full of pleasure and expence; and some trouble for my
friends, my Lord Sandwich, by the Parliament, and more for my eyes, which
are daily worse and worse, that I dare not write or read almost any thing.
The Parliament going in a few days to rise; myself so long without
accounting now, for seven or eight months, I think, or more, that I know
not what condition almost I am in, as to getting or spending for all that
time, which troubles me, but I will soon do it.  The kingdom in an ill
state through poverty; a fleete going out, and no money to maintain it, or
set it out; seamen yet unpaid, and mutinous when pressed to go out again;
our Office able to do little, nobody trusting us, nor we desiring any to
trust us, and yet have not money for any thing, but only what particularly
belongs to this fleete going out, and that but lamely too.  The Parliament
several months upon an Act for L300,000, but cannot or will not agree upon
it, but do keep it back, in spite of the King's desires to hasten it, till
they can obtain what they have a mind, in revenge upon some men for the
late ill managements; and he is forced to submit to what they please,
knowing that, without it, he shall have no money, and they as well, that,
if they give the money, the King will suffer them to do little more; and
then the business of religion do disquiet every body, the Parliament being
vehement against the Nonconformists, while the King seems to be willing to
countenance them.  So we are all poor, and in pieces--God help us! while
the peace is like to go on between Spain and France; and then the French
may be apprehended able to attack us.  So God help us!


     Best fence against the Parliament's present fury is delay
     But this the world believes, and so let them
     Coach to W. Coventry about Mrs. Pett, 1s.
     Ever have done his maister better service than to hang for him?
     Making their own advantages to the disturbance of the peace
     Parliament being vehement against the Nonconformists
     Rough notes were made to serve for a sort of account book
     Saw two battles of cocks, wherein is no great sport
     Whip a boy at each place they stop at in their procession
     Work that is not made the work of any one man

End of Project Gutenberg's Diary of Samuel Pepys, April 1668, by Samuel Pepys


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