Car Pool

By Rosel George Brown

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Title: Car Pool

Author: Rosel George Brown

Release Date: November 9, 2019 [EBook #60653]

Language: English


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                               car pool

                         By ROSEL GEORGE BROWN

                    _Certainly alien children ought
                   to be fed ... but to human kids?_

           [Transcriber's Note: This etext was produced from
               Worlds of If Science Fiction, July 1959.
         Extensive research did not uncover any evidence that
         the U.S. copyright on this publication was renewed.]

"Happy birthday to _you_," we all sang, except Gail, of course, who was
still screaming, though not as loud.

"Well, now," I said jovially, glancing nervously about at the other air
traffic, "what else can we all sing?" The singing seemed to be working
nicely. They had stopped swatting each other with their lunch boxes and
my experienced ear told me Gail was by this time forcing herself to
scream. This should be the prelude to giving up and enjoying herself.

"_Boing_ down in Texas in eighteen-ninety," Billy began, "Davy, _Davy_

"A-B-_C-D_-E--" sang Jacob.

"Dere was a little 'elicopter red and blue," Meli chirped, "flew along
de air-ways--"

The rest came through unidentifiably.

"Ba-ba-ba," said a faint voice. Gail had given up. I longed for ears
in the back of my head because victory was mine and all I needed to do
was reinforce it with a little friendly conversation.

"Yes, dear?" I asked her encouragingly.

"Ba-ba-ba," was all I could make out.

"Yes, indeed. That Gail _likes_ to go to Playplace."

"Ba-ba-ba!" A little irritable. She was trying to say something
important. "_Ba-ba-ba!_"

I signaled for an emergency hover, turned around and presented my ear.

"Me eat de crus' of de toas'," Gail said. She beamed.

I beamed.

       *       *       *       *       *

We managed to reach Playplace without incident, except for a man who
called me an obscenity. The children and I, however, called him a
great, big alligator head and on the whole, I think, we won. After all,
how can a man possibly be right when faced with a woman and eight tiny

I herded the children through the Germ Detection Booth and Gail was
returned to me with an incipient streptococcus infection.

"Couldn't you give her the shot here?" I asked. "I've _just_ got her in
a good mood, and if I have to turn around and take her back home ...
and besides, her mother works. There won't be anyone there."

"Verne, dear, we can't risk giving the shot until the child is
perfectly adjusted to Playplace. You see, she'd connect the pain of
the shot with coming to school and then she might never adjust."
Mrs. Baden managed to give me her entire attention and hold a
two-and-a-half-year-old child on one shoulder and greet each entering
child and break up a fight between two ill-matched four-year-olds, all
at the same time.

"Me stay at school," Gail said resolutely.

There was a scream from the other side of the booth. That was Billy's
best friend. I waited for the other scream. That was Billy.

"Normal aggression," Mrs. Baden said with a smile.

I picked up Gail. Act first, talk later.

"Oh, _there_ she is," Mrs. Baden said, taking my elbow with what could
only be a third hand.

Having heard we'd have a Hiserean child in Billy's group, I managed not
to look surprised.

"Mrs. His-tara, this is Verne Barrat. Her Billy will be in Hi-nin's

I was immediately frozen with indecision. Should I shake hands? Merely
smile? Nod? Her hands looked wavery and boneless. I might injure them

I settled on a really good smile, all the way back to my bridge. "I am
so delighted to meet you," I said. I felt as though the good will of
the entire World Conference rested on my shoulders.

Her face lighted up with the most sincere look of pleasure I've ever
seen. "I am glad to furnish you this delight," she said, with a good
deal of lisping over the dentals, because Hisereans have fore-shortened
teeth. She embraced me wholeheartedly and gave me a scaly kiss on the

My first thought was that I was a success and my second thought
was, Oh, God, what'll happen when Billy gets hold of little Hi-nin?
Hisereans, as I understood it, simply didn't have this "normal
aggression." Indeed, I sometimes have trouble believing it's really

"I was thinking," Mrs. Baden said, putting down the
two-and-a-half-year-old and plucking a venturesome little girl in Human
Fly Shoes from the side of the building, "that you all might enjoy
having Hi-nin in your car pool."

"Oh, we'd love to," I said eagerly. "We've got five mamas and eight
children already, of course, but I'm sure everyone--"

"It would trouble you!" Mrs. His-tara exclaimed. Her eye stalks
retracted and tears poured down her cheeks. "I do not want to be of
difficulty," she said.

       *       *       *       *       *

Since she had no apparent handkerchief and wore some sort of
permanent-looking native dress, I tore a square out of my paper morning
dress for her.

"You are too good!" she sobbed, fresh tears pouring out.

"No, no. I already tore out two for the children. I always get my
skirts longer in cold weather because children are so careless about

"Then we'll consider the car pool settled?" Mrs. Baden asked, coming in

"Naturally," I said, mentally shredding my previous sentence. "We would
feel so honored to have Hi-nin--"

"Do not _think_ of putting yourself out. We do not have a helicopter,
of course, but Hi-nin and I can so easily walk."

I was rapidly becoming unable to think of anything at all because Gail
was trying to use me for a merry-go-round and I kept switching her from
hand to hand and I could hear her beginning to build up the ba-bas.

"My car pool," I said, "would be terribly sad to think of Hi-nin

"You would?"


"In such a case--if it will give you pleasure for me to accept?"

"It would," I said fervently, holding Gail under one arm as she was
beginning to kick.

And on the way home all the second thoughts began.

_I_ would be glad to have Hi-nin in the car pool. Four of the other
mamas were like me, amazed that anyone was willing to put up with
her child all the way to and from Playplace. I could count on them to
cooperate. But Gail's mama.... I'd gone to Western State Preparation
for Living with Regina Raymond Crowley.

I landed on the Crowley home and tooted for five minutes before I
remembered that Regina was at work.

"_Ma_-ma!" Gail began.

"Wouldn't you like to come to Verne's house," I asked, "and we can call
up your mama?"

"No." Well, I asked, didn't I?

I was carrying Gail down the steps from my roof when I bumped
unexpectedly into Clay.

"What is that!" he exclaimed, and Gail became again flying blonde hair
and kicking feet.

"Regina's child," I said. "What are you doing home?"

"Accountant sent me back. Twenty-five and a half hours is the maximum
this week. Good thing, too. I've got a headache." He eyed Gail
meaningfully. She was obviously not the sort of thing the doctor orders
for a headache.

"I can't help it, honey," I said, sitting down on a step to tear
another handkerchief square from my skirt. "I'm going to call Regina at
work now."

"Don't you have a chairman to take care of things like that?"

"I am the chairman," I said proudly.

"Why in heaven's name did you let yourself get roped into something
like that?"

"I was _selected_ by Mrs. Baden!"

"Obscenity," said Clay. It is his privilege, of course, to use this

       *       *       *       *       *

The arty little store where Regina works has a telephane as well as a
telephone, and in color, at that. So I could see Regina in full color,
taking her own good time about switching on the sound. She switched on
as a sort of afterthought and tilted her nose at me. I don't suppose
she can really tilt her nose up and down, but she always gives that

"Gail has an incipient streptococcus infection," I said. "They sent her

"_Ma_-ma!" Gail cried.

"Why didn't they give her a shot there? That's what they did with my
niece last year."

I explained why not.

Regina sighed resignedly. "Verne, people can talk you into anything.
There are times when you have to be firm. I work, girl. That's why I
put Gail in Playplace. I can't leave here until twelve o'clock."

"But what'll I do with Gail?"

"Take her back. Or you keep her until I get home. Sorry, Verne, but you
got yourself into this."

I switched off, furious.

Then I remembered Hi-nin. I couldn't be furious. I was going to have to
get Regina's cooperation.

I picked up Gail and went into the bedroom. "I do not dislike Regina
Crowley," I wrote with black crayola on a piece of note paper. I
stuck it into a crevice of my mirror and gave Gail my bare-shoulder
decorations to play with while I concentrated on thinking up reasons
why I should not dislike Regina Crowley.

"I do," Clay said, sneaking up so quietly I jumped two feet.

"So do I," I said, gazing wearily at my note. "But I have to have her
in a good mood. You see, there's this Hiserean child and since I'm
chairman of the car pool, I have to--"

"_Don't_ tell me about it," Clay said. "My advice to you is get
elephantiasis of your steering foot and give the whole thing up now."
He glanced meaningfully at Gail, who couldn't possibly be bothering
him. She was playing quietly on the floor, pulling the suction disks
off my jewelry and sticking them on her legs.

When I finally got Gail home, she sped into her mother's arms and I
couldn't help being a little irritated because I had been practically
swinging from the ceiling dust controls to ingratiate myself, and her
mama just said, "Oh, hi," and Gail was satisfied.

"By the way," I said, watching Regina hang up her dark blue hand-woven
jacket, "you wouldn't mind picking up an extra child tomorrow, would

"Mind! Certainly I mind. I've got as much as I can do with my job and
Gail and eight children in the heli already."

"It's a Hiserean child," I said. "The mother is so lovely, Regina. She
didn't want us to go to any trouble."

"That's fine. Because I'm not going to go to any trouble."

I put my fists behind my back. "Of course I understand, Regina. I think
it's remarkable that you manage to do so much. And keep up with your
art things as you do. But don't you think it would be an interesting
experience to have a Hiserean child in the pool?"

       *       *       *       *       *

Regina pulled off her hand-woven wrap-skirt and I was shocked to see
she wore a real boudoir slip to work.

"Everybody to their own interesting experiences," she said, laughing at
me. This was obviously one of her triple-level remarks.

"De gustibus," I said, to show I know a few arty things myself, "non
disputandum est."

"You have such moments, Verne! Have you ever seen a Hiserean child?"

"I saw one today."



"De gustibus, as you said. You know the other children will eat it
alive, don't you? _Your_ child will. Now Gail...."

It's true that Gail never kicks anyone small enough to kick back. It's
also true that Billy bites.

I unclenched my fists and stretched up with a deep breath so as to
relax my stomach and improve my posture.

"Hiserean children," I pointed out, "are going to have to be adjusted
to our society. As I understand it, they're here to stay. Their sun
blew up behind them and personally I think we're lucky they happened to
drift here."

"I don't see why it's so lucky. I wish we'd gotten one of the ships
full of scientific information. Or their top scientists. Or artists,
for that matter. All _we_ got were plain people. If you like to call
them people."

"They're at least educated people with good sense. And we've got their
ship to take apart and learn things from. And their books and, after
all, some music and their gestural art. I should think you artists
would find that real avant garde."

"Just hearing you say it like that is enough to kill Hiserean art."

"Regina, I know you think I'm a prig, but that isn't the point. And if
it matters to you, I'm _not_ a prig."

"Do you wear boudoir slips?" Regina was biting a real smile.

"No, I don't. But I'd like to."

"Then why don't you?"

"Because I put one on once and I thought I looked absolutely
devastating and you know what my husband said?"

"I won't try to guess Clay's bon mot."

"He said, 'What did you put that on for?'"

       *       *       *       *       *

Regina laughed until she popped a snap on her paper house dress. "But
seriously," she said finally, "if he didn't know, why didn't you tell

"That's not the point. The point is I am not the boudoir-slip type. My
unmentionables are unmentionable for esthetic reasons only."

Regina laughed again. "Really, Verne, you're not half bad when you try."

"If you honestly think I'm not half bad, could you do it just as a
favor to me? Pick up Hi-nin when you have the car pool?"

"The Hiserean child? No."

"Please, Regina. I'd do it _for_ you except that the children would
notice and it would get back to Mrs. His-tara. If there's anything I
could do for you in return--"

"What could you possibly do?"

"I don't know. But I _can't_ go back and tell that dear creature our
car pool doesn't want her."

"_Stop_ looking so intense. That's what keeps you from being the
boudoir-slip type. You always look as though you're going out to break
up a saloon or campaign for better Public Child Protection. The boudoir
slip requires a languorous expression."

"Phooey to looking languorous. And phooey to boudoir slips. I'd wear
diapers to nursery school if you'd change your mind about taking along

"Would you wear a boudoir slip?"

"I--hell, yes."

"And nothing else?"

"Only my various means of support. And my respectability."

Regina laughed her tiger-on-the-third-Christian laugh. "What I want to
find out," she said, "is how you manage the respectability bit."

It dawned on me while I was grinding the pepper for Clay's salad that
Regina had explained herself. All of a sudden I saw straight through
her and I wondered why I hadn't seen it before. Regina _envied_ me.

Now on the face of it, that seemed unlikely. But it occurred to me
that Regina's parents had been the poor but honest and uneducated sort
that simply are never asked to chaperone school parties. And the fact
is that they were not what Regina thought of as respectable, though it
never occurred to anyone but her that it mattered. And since all her
culture was acquired after the age of thirteen, she felt it didn't fit
properly and that's why she went out of her way to be arty-arty.

Whereas I took for granted all the things Regina had learned so
painstakingly, and this in turn was what made me so irritatingly

As Regina had suggested, perhaps it _is_ the expression on one's face
that makes the difference.

       *       *       *       *       *

"Hey!" a cop yelled, pulling up as close to us as his rotors would
allow. "What the hell?"

"I beg your pardon," I said frigidly. It is very frigid in November if
you are out in a helicopter dressed only in a boudoir slip.

"Look de bleesemans!" Gail cried.

"He might shoot everybody!" Billy warned.

Meli began to cry loudly. "He might _choot_! _Ma_-ma!"

"Pardon me, madam," the cop said, and beat a hasty retreat.

When we landed on Hi-nin's roof, Mrs. His-tara came up with him.
She looked at me sympathetically. "You are perhaps molting, beloved
friend?" Her large eyes retracted and filled with tears. "Such a

"No--no, dear. Just--getting a little fresh air."

I put Hi-nin on the front seat with me. He gave me a big-eyed,
toothless smile and sat down in perfect quiet, except for the soft,
almost sea sound of his breathing.

It was during one of those brief and infrequent silences we have that I
noticed something was amiss. No sea sound.

I looked around to find Billy's hands around Hi-nin's throat.

"Billy!" I screamed.

"Aw!" he said, and let go.

Hi-nin began to breathe again in a violent, choked way.

"Billy," I said, wondering if I could keep myself from simply throwing
my son out of the helicopter, "Billy...."

"It is nothing, nice mama," Hi-nin said, still choking.

"Billy." I didn't trust myself to speak any further. I reached around
and spanked him until my hand was sore. "If you _ever_ do that again--"

"_Waa!_" Billy bawled. I'm sure he could be heard quite plainly by the
men building the new astronomical station on the Moon.

       *       *       *       *       *

I put Hi-nin on my lap and kept him there. "That's just Billy's way of
making friends," I whispered to him.

Under Billy's leadership, several other children began to cry, and all
in all it was not a well-integrated, love-sharing group that I lifted
down from the heli at Playplace.

"The children always sense it, don't they," Mrs. Baden said with her
gentle smile, "when we don't feel comfortable about a situation?"

"_Comfortable!_" I cried. It seemed to me the day had become blazing
hot and I didn't remember what I was dressed in until I tried to take
off my jacket. "My son is an inhuman monster. He tried to--to--" I
could feel a big sob coming on.

"Bite?" Mrs. Baden supplied helpfully.

"Strangle," I managed to blurt out.

"We'll be especially considerate of Billy today," Mrs. Baden said.
"He'll be feeling guilty and he senses your discomfort about his

"_Senses_ it! I all but tore him limb from limb! That dear little
Hiserean child--"

"I do not want to be of difficulty," Hi-nin said, tears pouring out of
those great, big eyes.

       *       *       *       *       *

Tears were pouring out of my small blue eyes by this time and Mr.
Grantham, who brings a set of grandchildren, came by and patted my

"Chin up!" he said. "Eyes front!"

Then he looked at his hand and my recently patted shoulder.

"Oh, excuse me," he said. "Would you like to borrow my jacket?"

I shook my head, acutely aware, suddenly, that Mr. Grantham is not a
doddering old grandfather but a young and handsome man. And all he
thought about my bare shoulder was that it ought to be covered.

"You just run along," Mrs. Baden said. "We'll let Billy strangle the
pneumatic dog and everything will be just fine. Oh, and dear--I don't
know whether you've noticed it--you don't have on a dress."

I went home and sat in front of the mirror feeling miserable in several
different directions. If Regina Raymond Crowley appeared in public
dressed only in a boudoir slip, people would think all sorts of wicked
things. When I appeared in public in a boudoir slip, everybody thought
I was just a little absentminded.

This, I thought, is a hell of a thing to worry about. And then I
thought, Oh, phooey. If even I think I'm respectable, what can I
expect other people to think?

I took down the note on the mirror about Regina. No wonder I didn't
like her! I turned the paper over and wrote "Phooey to me!" with my
eyebrow pencil.

I was still regarding the note and trying to argue myself into a better
mood when Clay came tramping down from work at three o'clock.

"Why are you sitting around in a boudoir slip?" he asked.

"You're a double-dyed louse and a great, big alligator head," I told

"Don't mention it," he said. "Where's Billy?"

"Taking his nap. Tell me the truth, Clay. The absolute truth."

Clay looked at me suspiciously. "I'd planned on a little golf this

"This won't take a minute. I don't ask you things like this all the
time, now do I?"

"I still don't know what you're talking about."

I took a deep breath. "Clay, is there anything about me, anything at
all, that is not respectable?"

"There is _not_," he said.

"Well--I guess that's all there is to it," I sighed. I pulled off my
boudoir slip and got a neat paper one out of the slot. "Anyway," I said
bravely, "boudoir slips have to be laundered."

Clay looked at me curiously for a moment and then said, "This looks
like a good afternoon to go play golf."

"Do you think there's anything not respectable about Regina Crowley?"

"There is _everything_ not respectable about Regina Crowley," Clay said

"You see?"

"Frankly, no."

"Well, do you think her husband uses that tone of voice when he says,
'There is _everything_ respectable about Verne Barrat?'"

"I don't know why he should say that at all."

"She might ask him."

"Darling, you're mad as a hatter," Clay said, kissing me good-by.

"Do you really think so?"

"Of course not," Clay roared as he tramped up the steps to the heli.

       *       *       *       *       *

About nine o'clock the next morning I heard a heli landing on the roof
and I thought, Now who? There was much tooting, and when I went up,
Regina practically threw Hi-nin at me.

"I told you so," she snapped at me. Her face was burning red and she
wasn't bothering to tilt her nose.

"What happened? Why did you bring him back to _me_?"

"His hand," she said, and took off.

Hand? He was holding one hand over the other. No! I grabbed his hands
to see what it was.

One hand had obviously been bitten off at the wrist. He was holding the
wound with the tentacles of his other little boneless hand. There was
very little blood.

"It is as nothing," he said, but when I cradled him in my arms, I could
feel him shaking all over.

"It will grow back," he said.

Would it?

I took him in the heli and held him while I drove. I could feel him
trying to stop himself from shaking, but he couldn't.

"Does it hurt very much?" I asked.

"The pain is small," he said. "It is the fear. The fear is terrible. I
am unable to swallow it."

I was unable to swallow it, too.

"The hand," said Mrs. His-tara without concern, "will grow back. But
the things within my son...." She, too, began to tremble involuntarily.

"Billy," I began, feeling the blood come through my lower lip, "Billy
and I are...." It was too inadequate to say it.

"It was not Billy," Hi-nin said without rancor. "It was Gail."

"Gail! Gail doesn't bite!" But she had, and I broke down and plain

"Do not trouble yourself," said Mrs. His-tara. "My son receives from
this a wound that does not heal. On Hiserea he would be forever sick,
you understand. On your world, where everyone is born with this open
wound, it will be his protection. So Mrs. Baden warned me and I think
she is wise."

As soon as I got home, I called up Regina. She looked pale and lifeless
against the gaudy, irresponsible objects in the art shop.

"It wasn't my fault," she said quickly. "I can't drive and watch the
children at the same time. I told you the children would eat...." She
stopped, and for the first time I saw Regina really horrified with

"Nobody said it was your fault. But don't you think you could have
taken Hi-nin home yourself? To show Mrs. His-tara that--I don't know
what it would show."

It reminded me, somehow, of the time Regina stepped on a lizard and
left it in great pain, pulling itself along by its tiny front paws, and
I had said, "Regina, you can't leave that poor thing suffering," and
she had said, "Well, I didn't step on it on purpose," and I had said,
"Somebody's got to kill it now," and she had said, "I've got a class."
I could still feel the crunch of it under my foot as its tiny life went

"Sorry, Verne," she said, "you got yourself into this," and hung up.

       *       *       *       *       *

That night Regina called me. "Can you give blood?" she asked.

"Yes," I said. "If I stuff myself, I can get the scales up to a hundred
and ten pounds."

"What type?"

"B. Rh positive."

"Thought you told me that once. Gail is in the hospital. They have to
replace every drop of blood in her body. She may die anyhow."

I thought of the little fluff and squeak that was Gail. I eat de crus'
of de toas'.

"What's the matter with her?" I asked fearfully.

"That damn Hiserean child is _poison_. Gail had a little cut inside her
mouth from where she fell off the slide at school."

"I'll be at the hospital in ten minutes," I said, and hung up shakily.
"Dinner is set for seven-thirty," I told Clay and Billy, and rushed out.

The first person I saw at the hospital was not Regina. It was Mrs.

"How did you know?" I asked. Her integument was dull now and there were
patches of scales rubbed off. Her eyes were almost not visible.

"Mrs. Crowley called me," she said. "In any case I would have been
here. There is in Hi-nin also of poison. There remains for him only
the Return Home. We must rejoice for him."

The smile she brought forth was more than I could bear.

"Gail's germs were poison to him?"

"Oh, no. He poisons himself. It is an ancient hormone, from the early
days of our race when we had what your Mrs. Baden so wisely calls
aggression. It is dormant in us since before the accounting of our
history. An adult Hiserean, perhaps, could fight his emotions and cure
himself. Hi-nin has no weapons--so your physicians have explained it to
me, from our scientific books. How can I doubt that they are right?"

How could I doubt it, either? It would be, I thought, rather like a
massive overdose of adrenalin. Psychogenic, of course, but what help
was it to know that? Would there be some organ in Hi-nin a surgeon
could remove? Like the adrenals in humans, perhaps?

Of course not. If they could have, they would have.

       *       *       *       *       *

I hurried on to find the room where Gail was. She was not pale, as I
had expected, but pink-cheeked and bright-eyed. They were probably
putting in more blood than they were taking out. There were two of the
other mamas from our car pool, waiting their turns.

Regina was sitting by the bed, her face ugly and swollen from crying.

"She looks just fine!" I exclaimed.

"Only in the last fifteen minutes," she said. "When I called you, she
was like ice. Her eyes didn't move."

"We're lucky with Gail. Did you know about Hi-nin?"

"The little animal!" she said. "He's the one that did it."

"He didn't do anything, Regina, and you know it."

"He shouldn't have been in the car pool. He shouldn't be with human
children at all."

"He's going to die," I said quickly, before she had time to say things
she'd have nightmares about later on.

"Sorry," Regina said, because we were all looking at her and because
her child was pink and beautiful and healthy while Hi-nin....

"Regina," I said, "what did you do after it happened?"

"_Do!_ It scared the hell out of me--that creature shaking all over and
Gail screaming. At first I didn't know what had happened. Then I saw
that _thing_ flopping around on the front seat and I screamed and threw
it out of the window. And then I noticed Hi-nin's wrist, or whatever
you call it. I said, 'Oh, God, I _knew_ you'd get us in trouble!' But
the creature didn't say anything. He just sat there. And I let the
other children off and brought Hi-nin to you because I didn't want to
get involved with that Mrs. Baden."

"And Gail?"

"She seemed all right. She just climbed in the back with the other
children and pretty soon they were all laughing."

"And all that time little Hi-nin.... Regina, didn't you even pat him or
hold him or kiss it for him or anything?"

"_Kiss_ it!"

At that moment Mrs. His-tara came in, with Mrs. Baden and a doctor
behind her. I should have known. Mrs. Baden didn't leave people to
fight battles alone.

Mrs. His-tara looked at Mrs. Baden, but Mrs. Baden only nodded and
smiled encouragingly at her.

       *       *       *       *       *

The doctor was gently pulling the needle out of Gail's vein. The room
was silent. Even Gail sat large-eyed and solemn.

"Mrs. Crowley," Mrs. His-tara began, obviously dragging each word up
with great effort, "would it be accurate to tell my son that Gail has
received no hurt from him? We must, you see, prepare him for the Return

Regina looked around at us and at Gail. She hadn't dared let herself
look at Mrs. His-tara yet.

"Doctor!" Regina called suddenly. "Look at Gail's mouth!"

Even from where I was, I could see it. A scaly growth along both lips.

"That's a temporary effect of the serum," the doctor said. "We tried an
antitoxin before we decided to change the blood. It is nothing to worry


"Mrs. Crowley," Mrs. His-tara began again, "it is much to ask, but at
such a moment, much is required. If you could come yourself, and if
Gail could endure to be carried...."

But Gail did, indeed, look queer, and she stretched out her arms not to
her mother but to Mrs. His-tara.

"The tides," Mrs. His-tara said, "have cast us up a miracle."

She gathered Gail into the boneless cradle of her curved arms.

Regina took her sunglasses out of her purse and hid her eyes. "Mind
your own damned business," she told Mrs. Baden and me.

"It _is_ our damned business," I whispered to Mrs. Baden, and she held
my arm as we followed Regina down the hall.

Mrs. His-tara threaded her way through a cordon of other Hisereans who
must have been flown in for the occasion. I couldn't see the children,
but I could hear them.

"Him cold!" said Gail. "Him scared!"

"He's scared of you," Regina said. "We're sorry, Gail. Tell him we're
sorry. We didn't understand."

Gail laughed. A loud and healthy laugh.

"Gail sorry," she said. "Me thought you was to eat."

There was a small sound. I thought it was from Hi-nin and I held Mrs.
Baden's hand as though it were my only link to a sane world.

"Dat a joke," Gail said. "Hi-nin 'posed to laugh!"

Then there was a silence and Regina started to say something but Mrs.
His-tara whispered, "Please! It is a thought between the children."

Then there was a small, quiet laugh from Hi-nin. "In truth," he said
with that oh, so familiar lisp, "it is funny."

"Me don't do it again," Gail said, solemn now.

       *       *       *       *       *

When I got home it was so late that the stars were sliding down the sky
and I just knew Clay wouldn't have thought to turn the parking lights
on. But he had.

Furthermore, he was still up.

"Were you worried?" I asked delightedly.

"No. Regina called a couple of hours ago."


"She said she was concerned about the expression on your face."

Clay handed me a present, all wrapped in gold stickum with an
electronic butterfly bouncing airily around on it.

I peeled the paper off carefully, to save it for Billy, and set the
butterfly on the sticky side.

Inside the box was a gorgeous blue fluffy affair of no apparent utility.

"Oh, _Clay_!" I gasped. "I can't wear anything like _this_!" I slipped
out of my paper clothes and the gown slithered around me.

Hastily, I pulled the pins out of my hair, brushed it back and smeared
on some lipstick.

"I look silly," I said. "I'm all the wrong type." My little crayola
note was still stuck in the mirror. Phooey to me. "You're laughing at

"I'm not. You don't really look respectable at all, Verne."

I ran into the dining area. "Regina told you about the boudoir slip!"

I heard Clay stumble over a chair in the dark.

"Obscenity!" he said. "All right, she did. So what? I think you look
like a call girl."

I ran into the living room and hid behind the sofa. "Do you really,
truly think so?"

"Absolutely!" Another chair clattered and Clay toed the living room
lights. "Ah!" he said. "I've got you cornered. You look like a chorus
girl. You look like an easy pickup. You look like a dirty little--"

"Stop," I cried, "while you're still winning!"

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Car Pool, by Rosel George Brown


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