Mrs. Turner's Cautionary Stories

By Mrs. Turner

Project Gutenberg's Mrs. Turner's Cautionary Stories, by Elizabeth Turner

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Title: Mrs. Turner's Cautionary Stories

Author: Elizabeth Turner

Editor: E. V. Lucas

Release Date: May 25, 2010 [EBook #32523]

Language: English


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The Dumpy Books for Children

Selected by E. V. LUCAS


_Written by E. V. LUCAS._


_Other Volumes in the Series are in preparation_

1s. 6d. each

Mrs. Turner's Cautionary Stories





INTRODUCTION                            xiii


  _The Window-Breaker_                       3

  _A Gunpowder Plot_                         5

  _Peter Imitates the Clown_                 7

  _Ben's Heavy Punishment_                   9

  _The Chimney-Sweeper_                     11

  _The Fighting Wicket-keeper_              13

  _The Good Scholar_                        15

  _The Good Scholar Fights_                 16

  _The Death of the Good Scholar's Foe_     17

  _Robert's Thoughtless Brothers_           19

  _Joe's Light Punishment_                  20

  _Falsehood "Corrected"_                   22

  _The Superior Boys_                       24

  _George's Curious Taste_                  25

  _Thomas Brown's Disappointment_           27

  _Considerate Philip_                      28

  _The Models_                              29

  _Politeness_                              30

  _Richard's Reformation_                   31

  _James's Sacrifice_                       32

  _The Excellent Lord Mayor_                34

  _Clever Little Thomas_                    36

  _William's Escape_                        37


  _Rebecca's Afterthought_                  41

  _A Hint to Mary Anne_                     42

  _How to Write a Letter_                   44

  _News for Papa_                           46

  _Maria's Charity_                         48

  _The Neglected Turk_                      50

  _Pride and Priggishness_                  52

  _How to Look when Speaking_               54

  _Isabella's Parachute_                    56

  _Maria Snubbed_                           57

  _Matilda's Extravagance_                  58

  _Papa's Watchfulness_                     60

  _Isabella's Defeat_                       61

  _The Two Patients_                        62

  _Fanny's Bad Habit_                       63

  _Sarah's Danger_                          64

  _The Hoyden_                              65

  _The Giddy Girl_                          67

  _A Warning to Frances_                    69

  _Playing with Fire_                       71

  _How to Heal a Burn_                      72

  _Mary Anne's Kindness_                    74

  _Ambitious Sophy_                         75

  _Dressed or Undressed_                    76

  _Mrs. Birch's Influence_                  78

  _Rebellious Frances_                      80


  _The Harmless Cow_                        83

  _The Harmless Worm_                       84

  _The Bad Donkey-Boy's Good Fortune_       86

  _Grateful Carlo_                          88

  _Grateful Lucy_                           90

  _Grateful Trusty_                         91

  _Something in Store for Richard_          92

  _The Result of Cruelty_                   93


  _What is Best for Children_               97

  _Billy Gill's Good Fortune_               99

  _Civil Speech_                           101

  _The Cook's Rebuke_                      103

  _The Lost Pudding_                       105

  _Sammy Smith's Sad Fate_                 106

  _Stupid William_                         107

  _Poisonous Fruit_                        109

  _Harry's Cake_                           111

  _Peter's Cake_                           113

  _William's Cake_                         115

  _How to Make a Christmas Pudding_        117


The sixty-nine Cautionary Stories that follow have been chosen from five
books by Mrs. Elizabeth Turner, written for the pleasure and instruction
of our little grandparents and great-grandparents. The books are _The
Daisy_, _The Cowslip_, _The Crocus_, _The Pink_ and _Short Poems_.
Between the years 1810 and 1850 they were on the shelves of most
nurseries, although now they are rarely to be met with. There was also
_The Rose_, but from that nothing has been taken for these pages, nor
are the original pictures again offered. Except for these pictures, a
frequent change of title, and a few trifling alterations for grammar's
sake, the pieces selected are now printed exactly as at first.

Mrs. Turner's belief, as stated by Master Robert in the verses called
"Books better than Toys" in _The Pink_, was that the children of her
day, when they had money to spend and wanted a real treat, could not
choose anything more suitable than her Cautionary Stories. The piece

     'My dear, as Robert is so good,
     I'll give him what I said I would,
     Two shillings for himself to spend;
     He knows the shop of our good friend.'

     'Yes, I know well the pretty shop
     Where folks, you know, so often stop
     To view the prints. The windows--look!--
     Are filled with toys and many a book.

     'They have a thousand books and toys
     For little girls and little boys;
     At toys, indeed, I love to _look_,
     But I prefer to _buy_ a book.

     'These two bright shillings, I suppose
     Will buy _The Cowslip_ and _The Rose_;
     And when two more I get, I think
     I'll buy _The Daisy_ and _The Pink_.'

In our own time Robert's opinion is not very widely shared: most of us
would not care to give up a cannon or a doll in order that we might be
cautioned; but Mrs. Turner is not the less an entertaining author
because her volumes have fewer attractions for us than some of the
things in a Christmas bazaar. She told her tales with such spirit: her
verses are so straightforward, the rhymes come so pat at the end of the
lines, and you may beat time with your foot and never be put out.

In another piece, "Kitty's Favourites," Mrs. Turner wrote:

     The stories Kitty likes so well,
     And often asks her aunt to tell
     Are all about good girls and boys.

Kitty's taste, like Robert's, is no longer general. The common view is
that stories about bad children are more fun; and therefore I think you
will be amused by these pages. Whether or not punishment always did
follow the offences as surely and swiftly as Mrs. Turner declares, I am
not prepared to say. If you are in any doubt you had better ask your

                                  E. V. LUCAS.

    _November 1897._

Bad Boys and Good


       Little Tom Jones
       Would often throw stones,
     And often he had a good warning;
       And now I will tell
       What Tommy befell,
     From his rudeness, one fine summer's morning.

       He was taking the air
       Upon Trinity Square,
     And, as usual, large stones he was jerking;
       Till at length a hard cinder
       Went plump through a window
     Where a party of ladies were working.

       Tom's aunt, when in town,
       Had left half a crown
     For her nephew (her name was Miss Frazier),
       Which he thought to have spent,
       But now it all went
     (And it served him quite right) to the glazier.

_Note._--The foregoing story is stated to be "founded on fact."


     "I have got a sad story to tell,"
       Said Betty one day to mamma:
     "'Twill be long, ma'am, before John is well,
       On his eye is so dreadful a scar.

     "Master Wilful enticed him away,
       To join with some more little boys;
     They went in the garden to play,
       And I soon heard a terrible noise.

     "Master Wilful had laid a long train
       Of gunpowder, ma'am, on the wall;
     It has put them to infinite pain,
       For it blew up, and injured them all.

     "John's eyebrow is totally bare;
       Tom's nose is bent out of its place;
     Sam Bushy has lost all his hair;
       And Dick White is quite black in the face."

_Note._--As a matter of fact, a train of gunpowder does not make a
terrible noise; it makes hardly any noise at all--a mere _pfff!_ and
though John, Sam Bushy, and Dick White are shown to have been hurt as
they might have been, a train of gunpowder could not bend Tom's nose, it
could only burn it. Probably Mrs. Turner did not often play with
explosives herself, and therefore did not know. Master Wilful seems to
have escaped altogether.


     Poor Peter was burnt by the poker one day,
       When he made it look pretty and red;
     For the beautiful sparks made him think it fine play,
       To lift it as high as his head.

     But somehow it happen'd his finger and thumb
       Were terribly scorched by the heat;
     And he scream'd out aloud for his mother to come,
       And stamp'd on the floor with his feet.

     Now if Peter had minded his mother's command,
       His fingers would not have been sore;
     And he promised again, as she bound up his hand,
       To play with hot pokers no more.


     'Tis sad when boys are disinclin'd
       To benefit by kind advice;
     No little child of virtuous mind
       Should need receive a caution twice.

     The baker on a pony came
       (Oft us'd by them, and butchers too),
     And little Ben was much to blame
       For doing what he should not do.

     They told him _not_ to mount the horse;
       Alas! he did; away they flew;
     In vain he pull'd with all his force,
       The pony ran a mile or two.

     At length poor little Ben was thrown;
       Ah! who will pity? who's to blame?
     Alas! the fault is all his own--
       Poor little Ben for life is lame!


     "Sweep! sweep! sweep! sweep!" cries little Jack,
     With brush and bag upon his back,
       And black from head to foot;
     While daily, as he goes along,
     "Sweep! sweep! sweep! sweep!" is all his song,
       Beneath his load of soot.

     But then he was not always black.
     Oh no! he once was pretty Jack,
       And had a kind papa;
     But, silly child! he ran to play
     Too far from home, a long, long way,
       And did not ask mamma.

     So he was lost, and now must creep
     Up chimneys, crying, "Sweep! sweep! sweep!"

_Note._--This was written in the days when little boys, like Tom in
_Water Babies_, were sent actually up the chimneys to clean them out.


       In the schoolroom the boys
       All heard a great noise.
     Charles Moore had just finish'd his writing,
       So ran out to play,
       And saw a sad fray:--
     Tom Bell and John Wilson were fighting.

       He cried, "Let's be gone,
       Oh, come away, John,
     We want you to stand at the wicket;
       And you, Master Bell,
       We want you as well,
     For we're all of us going to cricket.

       "Our playmates, no doubt,
       Will shortly be out,
     For you know that at twelve study ceases;
       And you'll find better fun
       In play, ten to one,
     Than in knocking each other to pieces."


       Joseph West had been told,
       That if, when he grew old,
     He had not learned rightly to spell,
       Though his writing were good,
       'Twould not be understood:
     And Joe said, "I will learn my task well."

       And he made it a rule
       To be silent at school,
     And what do you think came to pass?
       Why, he learnt it so fast,
       That from being the last,
     He soon was the first in the class.


     One afternoon as Joseph West,
     The boy who learnt his lesson best,
     Was trying how his whip would crack,
     By chance he hit Sam Headstrong's back.

     Enraged, he flew, and gave poor Joe,
     With all his might, a sudden blow:
     Nor would he listen to one word,
     When Joe endeavoured to be heard.

     Joe, finding him resolved to fight,
     For what was accidental quite,
     Although he never fought before,
     Beat Headstrong till he'd have no more.


       "My dear little Ned,"
       His grandmamma said,
     "I think I have caution'd you twice;
       I hope you'll take heed,
       I do, love, indeed,
     And I beg you'll not venture on ice.

       "Good skaters, I know,
       On the ice often go,
     And also will others entice,
       When there has not been frost
       Two days at the most,
     And when very thin is the ice."

       He went to the brook,
       Resolv'd but to look,
     And though he could slide very nice,
       And the slides were _so long_,
       He knew 'twould be wrong,
     So he did not then go on the ice.

       He wisely behav'd,
       And his life thus he sav'd;
     For Sam Headstrong (who ne'er took advice)
       Went where it was thin--
       Alas! he fell in:
     He sank, and went under the ice.


     Robert, when an infant, heard
     Now and then a naughty word,
     Spoken in a random way
     By his brothers when at play.
     Was the baby then to blame
     When he tried to lisp the same?

     No! he could not, whilst so young,
     Know what words were right or wrong,
     But for boys who better knew,
     Punishment was justly due,
     Which the thoughtless brothers met
     In a way they won't forget.


       As Joe was at play,
       Near the cupboard one day,
     When he thought no one saw but himself,
       How sorry I am,
       He ate raspberry jam,
     And currants that stood on the shelf.

       His mother and John
       To the garden had gone,
     To gather ripe pears and ripe plums;
       What Joe was about
       His mother found out,
     When she look'd at his fingers and thumbs.

       And when they had dined,
       Said to Joe, "You will find,
     It is better to let things alone;
       These plums and these pears
       No naughty boy shares,
     Who meddles with fruit not his own."


     When Jacky drown'd our poor cat Tib,
     He told a very naughty fib,
       And said he had not drown'd her;
     But truth is always soon found out--
     No one but Jack had been about
       The place where Thomas found her.

     And Thomas saw him with the cat
     (Though Jacky did not know of that),
       And told papa the trick;
     He saw him take a slender string
     And round poor Pussy's neck then swing
       A very heavy brick.

     His parents being very sad
     To find they had a boy so bad,
       To say what was not true,
     Determined to correct him then;
     And never was he known again
       Such naughty things to do.


     Tom and Charles once took a walk,
       To see a pretty lamb;
     And, as they went, began to talk
       Of little naughty Sam;

     Who beat his younger brother, Bill,
       And threw him in the dirt;
     And when his poor mamma was ill,
       He teased her for a squirt.

     "And I," said Tom, "won't play with Sam,
       Although he has a top":
     But here the pretty little lamb
       To talking put a stop.


       On George's birthday
       Was such a display!
     He was dress'd in a new suit of clothes;
       And look'd so genteel,
       With his buttons of steel,
     And felt quite like a man, I suppose.

       Now at tea, with much care,
       He partakes of his share,
     Nor spills it, as careless boys do;
       He is always so clean,
       And so fit to be seen,
     That his clothes, you would think, were just new.

       Yet George loves to play,
       And is lively and gay,
     But is careful of spoiling his dress;
       So a pinafore wears,
       Which he likes, he declares;
     And I think he is right, I confess.


     Young Alfred with a pack of cards
       Could make a pancake, build a house,
     Would make a regiment of guards,
       And sit as quiet as a mouse.

     A silly boy, one Thomas Brown,
       Who came to dine and spend the day,
     Took great delight to throw it down,
       Then, rudely laughing, ran away.

     And what did little Alfred do?
       He knew lamenting was in vain,
     So patiently, and wisely too,
       He, smiling, built it up again.


     When Philip's good mamma was ill,
     The servant begg'd he would be still;
     Because the doctor and the nurse
     Had said that noise would make her worse.

     At night, when Philip went to bed,
     He kiss'd mamma, and whisp'ring said,
     "My dear mamma, I never will
     Make any noise when you are ill."


     As Dick and Bryan were at play
       At trap, it came to pass
     Dick struck the ball, and far away,
       He broke a pane of glass.

     Though much alarmed, they did not run,
       But walk'd up to the spot;
     And offer'd for the damage done
       What money they had got.

     When accidents like this arise,
       Dear children! this rely on:
     All honest, honourable boys
       Will act like Dick and Bryan.


     Good little boys should never say,
       "I will," and "Give me these";
     Oh no! that never is the way,
       But, "Mother, if you please."

     And, "If you please," to sister Anne,
       Good boys to say are ready;
     And, "Yes, sir," to a gentleman,
       And, "Yes, ma'am," to a lady.


     Miss Lucy was a charming child,
       She never said, "I wont";
     If little Dick her playthings spoil'd
       She said, "Pray, Dicky, don't."

     He took her waxen doll one day,
       And bang'd it round and round;
     Then tore its legs and arms away,
       And threw them on the ground.

     His good mamma was angry quite,
       And Lucy's tears ran down;
     But Dick went supperless that night,
     And since has better grown.


       Little James, full of play,
       Went shooting one day,
     Not thinking his sister was nigh;
       The arrow was low,
       But the wind raised it so,
     That it hit her just over the eye.

       This good little lad
       Was exceedingly sad
     At the pain he had given his sister;
       He look'd at her eye,
       And said, "Emma, don't cry,"
     And then, too, he tenderly kiss'd her.

       She could not then speak,
       And it cost her a week
     Before she recover'd her sight;
       And James burn'd his bow
       And his arrows, and so
     I think little James acted right.


     "Oh dear papa!" cried little Joe,
     "How beautiful the Lord Mayor's show!
     In that gold coach the Lord Mayor see--
     How _very_ happy he must be!"

     "My dear," the careful parent said,
     "Let not strange notions fill your head:
     'Tis not the gold that we possess
     That constitutes our happiness.

     "The Lord Mayor, when a little boy,
     His time did properly employ;
     And, as he grew from youth to man,
     To follow goodness was his plan.

     "And that's the cause they love him so,
     And cheer him all the way they go;
     They love him for his smiling face
     More than for all his gold and lace."


       When Thomas Poole
       First went to school,
     He was but scarcely seven,
       Yet knew as well
       To read and spell
     As most boys of eleven.

       He took his seat,
       And wrote quite neat,
     And never idly acted;
       And then beside
       He multiplied,
     Divided, and subtracted.

       His master said,
       And stroked his head,
     "If thus you persevere,
       My little friend,
       You may depend
     Upon a prize next year."


     'Tis winter, cold winter, and William has been
       To look at the place on the pool
     Where Henry was drown'd by the ice breaking in,
       About half a mile from the school.

     And Henry was told on that very same day
       He must not go into that field,
     But then, as he thought, if he did disobey,
       The fault might for once be conceal'd.

     A lesson for William, who hangs down his head,
       Without any spirits for play;
     His favourite friend and companion is dead
       Because _he would have his own way_.

Good Girls and Bad


     Yesterday Rebecca Mason,
       In the parlour by herself,
     Broke a handsome china basin,
       Plac'd upon the mantel-shelf.

     Quite alarm'd, she thought of going
       Very quietly away,
     Not a single person knowing
       Of her being there that day.

     But Rebecca recollected
       She was taught deceit to shun;
     And the moment she reflected,
       Told her mother what was done;

     Who commended her behaviour,
     Lov'd her better, and forgave her.


     "Mamma, dear mamma," cried in haste Mary Anne,
     As into the parlour she eagerly ran,
     "I hear that a giant is just come to town,
     So tall, he is often obliged to stoop down;
     Oh, pray let us see him, oh, do let us go;
     Indeed, dear mamma, he's a wonderful show."

     "You are earnest, my love, and shall not be denied,"
     Her truly affectionate mother replied.
     "A lady this morning has also arrived
     Who of arms and of legs from her birth was deprived,
     Yet is in a number of ways as expert
     As if she were able these limbs to exert.

     "We'll visit Miss Beffin to-morrow, and then
     I'll speak of the giant and lady again;
     You are not mistaken, his overgrown size
     We cannot behold without feeling surprise,
     Whilst Beffin's example most forcibly stands
     A silent rebuke to all--_indolent hands_."


     Maria intended a letter to write,
     But could not begin (as she thought) to indite,
     So went to her mother with pencil and slate,
     Containing "Dear Sister," and also a date.

     "With nothing to say, my dear girl, do not think
     Of wasting your time over paper and ink;
     But certainly this is an excellent way,
     To try with your slate to find something to say.

     "I will give you a rule," said her mother, "my dear,
     Just think for a moment your sister is here:
     And what would you tell her? consider, and then,
     Though silent your tongue, you can speak with your pen."


     When Sarah's papa was from home a great way,
     She attempted to write him a letter one day.
     First ruling the paper, an excellent plan,
     In all proper order Miss Sarah began.
     She said she lamented sincerely to tell
     That her dearest mamma had been very unwell;
     That the story was long, but that when he came back,
     He would hear of the shocking behaviour of Jack.
     Though an error or two we by chance may detect,
     It was better than treating papa with neglect;
     And Sarah, when older, we know will learn better,
     And write single "I" with a capital letter.


     Maria's aunt, who lived in Town,
       Once wrote a letter to her niece,
     And sent, wrapp'd up, a new half-crown,
       Besides a pretty pocket-piece.

     Maria jump'd with joy and ran
       To tell her sister the good news;
     She said, "I mean to buy a fan,
       Come, come along with me to choose."

     They quickly tied their hats, and talk'd
       Of yellow, lilac, pink, and green;
     But far the sisters had not walk'd,
       Before the saddest sight was seen.

     Upon the ground a poor lame man,
       Helpless and old, had tumbled down;
     She thought no more about the fan,
       But gave to him her new half-crown.


     Miss Alice was quietly seated at work
     When Susan, her cousin, came quite in a hurry,
     Exclaiming, "Come, Alice, and look at a Turk,
     Oh, if you don't see him, I shall be so sorry.

     "His dress is so grand, but you don't seem to stir."
     "I cannot," said Alice, "mamma has requir'd me
     To stop in this room; I am waiting for her,
     And hope I shall finish the work she desir'd me."

     "All nonsense," said Susan, "I beg you will come";
     But Alice resolv'd on obedient behaviour,
     For which she felt glad, when her mother came home,
     And gave her a smile of approval and favour.


     "See, Fanny," said Miss Charlotte Pride,
       "How fine I am to-day:
     A new silk hat, a sash beside;
       Am I not very gay?

     "Look at my necklace--real pearls!
       My ear-rings, how they shine;
     I think I know some little girls
       Would like to be as fine."

     Said Fanny, "Your papa, 'tis true,
       Your dress can well afford;
     But if you think I envy you,
       I don't--upon my word.

     "My father loves to see me dress
       Quite modest, neat, and clean;
     In plain white muslin, I confess,
       I'm happy as a queen.

     "_Your_ Parents after pleasures roam,
       Not like papa, for he
     Delights to stay with me at home--
       _Now_ don't you envy me?"


     "Louisa, my love," Mrs. Manners began,
       "I fear you are learning to stare,
     To avoid looking bold, I must give you a plan,
       Quite easy to practise with care.

     "It is not a lady's or gentleman's eyes
       You should look at, whenever address'd,
     Whilst hearing them speak, or in making replies,
       To look at the _mouth_ is the best.

     "This method is modest and easy to learn,
       When children are glad to be taught;
     And ah! what a pleasure it is in return,
       To speak and to look as you ought!"


     Once as little Isabella
     Ventured, with a large umbrella,
     Out upon a rainy day,
     She was nearly blown away.

     Sadly frighten'd then was she,
     For 'twas very near the sea,
     And the wind was very high,
     But, alas! no friend was nigh.

     Luckily, her good mamma
     Saw her trouble from afar;
     Running just in time, she caught her
     Pretty little flying daughter.

_Note._--This story recalls the adventures of Robert at the end of
_Struwwelpeter_. Robert, however, was not caught.


     Maria had an aunt at Leeds,
     For whom she made a purse of beads;
     'Twas neatly done, by all allow'd,
     And praise soon made her vain and proud.

     Her mother, willing to repress
     This strong conceit of cleverness,
     Said, "I will show you, if you please,
     A honeycomb, the work of bees!

     "Yes, look within their hive, and then
     Examine well your purse again;
     Compare your merits, and you will
     Admit the insects' greater skill!"


     That beautiful cottage not far from the road
     In holiday time was Matilda's abode,
     Who, taken one day by her aunt to the town,
     Had put in her purse rather more than a crown:
     'Twas either to keep, or to give, or to spend
     In what she lik'd best, for herself or a friend:
     Soon trinkets and ribbons in turn made her stop
     To purchase a trifle at every shop,
     Before she remember'd the canvas and wool
     She intended to buy when her purse appear'd full;
     Then wanted to borrow, a favour her aunt
     Refus'd, because very improper to grant.
     Young ladies' extravagance ought to be met
     By teaching them--_never to run into debt_.


     Mamma had ordered Ann, the maid,
       Miss Caroline to wash;
     And put on with her clean white frock
       A handsome muslin sash.

     But Caroline began to cry,
       For what you cannot think:
     She said, "Oh, that's an ugly sash;
       I'll have my pretty pink."

     Papa, who in the parlour heard
       Her make the noise and rout,
     That instant went to Caroline,
       To whip her, there's no doubt.


     "Mamma, I quite dislike these shoes,
       I hope you'll send them back;
     They are so ugly! I should choose
       Much prettier than black!

     "I thought you mention'd blue or buff
       When ordering a pair,
     Or green I should like well enough,
       But black I cannot bear!"

     Young Isabella's prattle o'er,
       Her mother soon express'd
     A wish that she would say no more,
       Since _black_ ones suited best.

     Which, when the little lady heard,
     She did not say another word.


     Miss Lucy Wright, though not so tall,
     Was just the age of Sophy Ball,
     But I have always understood
     Miss Sophy was not half so good:
     For as they both had faded teeth,
     Their teacher sent for Doctor Heath,
     But Sophy made a dreadful rout,
     And would not have hers taken out;
     But Lucy Wright endured the pain,
     Nor did she ever once complain.
     Her teeth return'd quite sound and white,
     While Sophy's ached both day and night.


     Fanny Fletcher is forgetful,
       Never wilful in her life,
     Neither obstinate nor fretful,
       Loving truth and shunning strife.

     From a girl of so much merit,
       May we not in time expect
     She will show a proper spirit
       _One_ wrong habit to correct?

     Friends will say it is a pity
       If her resolution fails--
     Fanny looks both good and pretty
       When she does not bite her nails!


     Those who saw Miss Sarah gaping
       In the middle of the day,
     This remark were often making
       On this dull and drowsy way:

     "Half asleep, and yet she's waken!
       If, poor child, she is not sick,
     Some good method must be taken
       To correct this idle trick."


     Miss Agnes had two or three dolls and a box
     To hold all her bonnets and tippets and frocks;
     In a red leather thread-case that snapp'd when it shut,
     She had needles to sew with and scissors to cut;
     But Agnes liked better to play with rude boys
     Than work with her needle, or play with her toys.

     Young ladies should always appear neat and clean,
     Yet Agnes was seldom dress'd fit to be seen.
     I saw her one morning attempting to throw
     A very large stone, when it fell on her toe:
     The boys, who were present and saw what was done,
     Set up a loud laugh, and they call'd it fine fun.

     But I took her home, and the doctor soon came,
     And Agnes, I fear, will a long time be lame:
     As from morning till night she laments very much,
     That now when she walks she must lean on a crutch;
     And she told her dear father, a thousand times o'er,
     That she never will play with rude boys any more.

_Note._--"Hoyden" is not used now. We say "Tomboy."


     Miss Helen was always too giddy to heed
       What her mother had told her to shun,
     For frequently over the street in full speed
       She would cross where the carriages run.

     And out she would go to a very deep well,
       To look at the water below;
     How naughty! to run to a dangerous well,
       Where her mother forbade her to go!

     One morning, intending to take but one peep,
       Her foot slipp'd away from the ground:
     Unhappy misfortune! the water was deep,
       And giddy Miss Helen was drown'd.


     As Frances was playing and turning around,
     Her head grew so giddy she fell to the ground;
       'Twas well that she was not much hurt;
     But, O what a pity! her frock was so soil'd
     That had you beheld the unfortunate child,
       You had seen her all cover'd with dirt.

     Her mother was sorry, and said, "Do not cry,
     And Mary shall wash you, and make you quite dry,
       If you'll promise to turn round no more."
     "What, not in the parlour?" the little girl said.
     "No, not in the parlour; for lately I read
       Of a girl who was hurt with the door.

     "She was playing and turning, until her poor head
     Fell against the hard door, and it very much bled;
       And I heard Dr. Camomile tell
     That he put on a plaster and cover'd it up,
     Then he gave her some tea that was bitter to sup,
       Or perhaps it had never been well."


     The friends of little Mary Green
       Are now in deep distress,
     The family will soon be seen
       To wear a mournful dress.

     It seems, from litter on the floor,
       She had been lighting straws,
     Which caught the muslin frock she wore,
       A sad event to cause.

     Her screams were loud and quickly heard,
       And remedies applied,
     But all in vain, she scarcely stirr'd
       Again, before she died!


     O, we have had a sad mishap!
     As Clara lay in Nurse's lap,
     Too near the fire the chair did stand--
     A coal flew out and burnt her hand.

     It must have flown above the guard,
     It came so quick and hit so hard;
     And, would you think it? raised a blister.
     O, how she cried! poor little sister!

     Poor thing! I grieved to see it swell.
     "What will you put to make it well?"
     "Why," said Mamma, "I really think
     Some scraped potato, or some ink,

     "A little vinegar, or brandy,
     Whichever nurse can find most handy:
     All these are good, my little daughter,
     But nothing's better than cold water."


     How mischievous it was, when Will
     Push'd his young sister down the hill,
     Then ran away, a naughty boy,
     Although he heard her sadly cry!

     Their mother, who was walking out,
     Saw the rude trick, and heard him shout;
     With gentle voice, but angry nod,
     She threaten'd Willy with the rod.

     But Mary Anne, afraid of this,
     Begg'd they might now be friends and kiss:
     She said, "Mamma, I feel no pain,
     And Willy won't do so again."

     Then Willy call'd his sister "good,"
     And said he "never, never would."


     Miss Sophy, one fine sunny day,
     Left her work and ran away.
     When she reach'd the garden-gate,
     She found it lock'd, but would not wait,
     So tried to climb and scramble o'er
     A gate as high as any door.

     But little girls should never climb,
     And Sophy won't another time;
     For when upon the highest rail,
     Her frock was caught upon a nail:
     She lost her hold, and, sad to tell,
     Was hurt and bruised--for down she fell.


     When children are naughty and will not be dress'd,
       Pray, what do you think is the way?
     Why, often I really believe it is best
       To keep them in night-clothes all day!

     But then they can have no good breakfast to eat,
       Nor walk with their Mother or Aunt;
     At dinner they'll have neither pudding nor meat,
       Nor anything else that they want.

     Then who would be naughty, and sit all the day
       In night-clothes unfit to be seen?
     And pray, who would lose all their pudding and play,
       For not being dress'd neat and clean?


     "Indeed you are troublesome, Anne," said her aunt,
       "You begg'd me to bring you abroad,
     And now you are cross and pretend that you want
       To be carried the rest of the road.

     "I hope you know better than cry in the street:
       The people will think it so odd,
     And if Mrs. Birch we should happen to meet,
       She will ask if we want a new rod.

     "Then dry up your tears; with a smile on your face
       You will speak in a different tune.
     And now you have cleverly mended your pace,
       We shall both be at home very soon."


     The babe was in the cradle laid,
       And Tom had said his prayers,
     When Frances told the nursery-maid
       She would not go upstairs.

     She cried so loud her mother came
       To ask the reason why,
     And said, "Oh, Frances, fie for shame!
       Oh fie! Oh fie! Oh fie!"

     But Frances was more naughty still,
       And Betty sadly nipp'd:
     Until her mother said, "I will--
       I must have Frances whipp'd.

     "For, oh! how naughty 'tis to cry,
       But worse, much worse to fight,
     Instead of running readily
       And calling out, 'Good-night!'"

Kindness and Cruelty


     A very young lady,
       And Susan the maid,
     Who carried the baby,
       Were one day afraid.

     They saw a cow feeding,
       Quite harmless and still:
     Yet scream'd, without heeding
       The man at the mill,

     Who, seeing their flutter,
       Said, "Cows do no harm;
     But send you good butter
       And milk from the farm."


     As Sally sat upon the ground,
     A little crawling worm she found
       Among the garden dirt;
     And when she saw the worm she scream'd,
     And ran away and cried, and seem'd
       As if she had been hurt.

     Mamma, afraid some serious harm
     Made Sally scream, was in alarm,
       And left the parlour then;
     But when the cause she came to learn,
     She bade her daughter back return,
       To see the worm again.

     The worm they found kept writhing round,
     Until it sank beneath the ground;
       And Sally learned that day
     That worms are very harmless things,
     With neither teeth, nor claws, nor stings
       To frighten her away.


     "How can you bear to use him so,
       You cruel little monkey?
     Oh give him not another blow,
       But spare the patient Donkey."

     "I own," his mother said, "dear James,
       You please me by your feeling;
     But you do wrong to call him names,
       Your anger too revealing."

     "Well then," said James, "if what I say,
       Poor Donkey, won't relieve you--
     Here, boy, don't beat him all to-day,
       And sixpence I will give you."

     "You now behave," said she, "my dear,
       Like many much above you;
     In these kind actions persevere,
       And all your friends will love you."


     "Oh, do not drown that pretty thing,"
       One morn I heard Matilda say--
     "Do, now, untie that cruel string,
       And do not drown him, Robert, pray.

     "His feet, how drolly mark'd they are;
       And feel his coat, as soft as silk;
     Oh, let me have him, dear mamma,
       And let him share my bread and milk."

     Now little Carlo wagg'd his tail,
       And, looking up, he seem'd to say,
     "My gratitude shall never fail
       To you for saving me to-day."

     And some months after, so it proved,
       Carlo, the grateful, strong, and brave,
     His mistress (whom he dearly loved)
       Deliver'd from a watery grave.


     As Lucy with her mother walk'd,
     She play'd and gambol'd, laugh'd and talk'd
     Till, coming to the river side,
     She slipp'd, and floated down the tide.

     Her faithful Carlo being near,
     Jump'd in to save his mistress dear;
     He drew her carefully to shore,
     And Lucy lives and laughs once more.

     "Dear gen'rous Carlo," Lucy said,
     "You ne'er shall want for meat and bread;
     For every day, before I dine,
     Good Carlo shall have some of mine."


     Philip's playful dog was willing
       Always to be set on watch;
     When a whelp, by daily drilling,
       Trusty seldom found his match!

     Philip bought him very early
       From a beggar going round,
     Who, from being poor or surly,
       Said he should be "sold or drown'd."

     Trusty well repaid his master
       For the care of rearing him,
     For he sav'd from like disaster
       Philip, when he learn'd to swim!


     Richard is a cruel boy,
       The people call him "Dick,"
     For every day he seems to try
       Some new improper trick!

     He takes delight in whipping cats
       And pulling off their fur;
     Although at first he gently pats,
       And listens to their purr!

     A naughty boy! unless he mends,
       He will be told to strip,
     And learn how such amusement ends
       By feeling his own whip.


     Jack Parker was a cruel boy,
     For mischief was his sole employ;
     And much it grieved his friends to find
     His thoughts so wickedly inclined.

     He thought it clever to deceive,
     And often ramble without leave;
     And ev'ry animal he met
     He dearly loved to plague and fret.

     But all such boys, unless they mend,
     May come to an unhappy end,
     Like Jack, who got a fractured skull
     Whilst bellowing at a furious bull.

Things to Eat


     "Mamma, why mayn't I, when we dine,
     Eat ham and goose, and drink white wine?
     And pray, why may not I, like you,
     Have soup and fish, and mutton too?"

     "Because, my dear, it is not right
     To spoil a youthful appetite;
     By things unwholesome, though enjoy'd,
     The infant appetite is cloy'd.

     "A slice of mutton, roast or boil'd,
     Or good roast beef, best suits a child;
     A bread, or ground-rice, pudding too
     Is food adapted well for you.

     "From eating highly flavour'd things
     Illness or inconvenience springs;
     You lose the love of common food,
     Nor relish what will do you good."


     "Come, let us play,"
     Said Tommy Gay;
     "Well then, what at?"
     Said Simon Pratt;
     "At trap and ball,"
     Said Neddy Hall;
     "Well, so we will,"
     Said Billy Gill.

     "What a hot day!"
     Said Tommy Gay;
     "Then let us chat,"
     Said Simon Pratt;
     "On yonder hill,"
     Said Billy Gill.
     "Ay, one and all,"
     Said Neddy Hall.

     "For cakes I'll pay,"
     Said Tommy Gay;
     "I'm one for that,"
     Said Simon Pratt;
     "I'll bring them all,"
     Said Neddy Hall;
     "And I'll sit still,"
     Said Billy Gill.

     "Come with me, pray,"
     Said Tommy Gay;
     "Trust me for that,"
     Said Simon Pratt;
     They ate them all,
     Gay, Pratt, and Hall;
     And all were ill
     But Billy Gill.


     "Give me some beer!" cried little Jane,
       At dinner-table as she sat.
     Her mother said, "Pray ask again,
       And in a prettier way than that.

     "For 'give me that,' and 'give me this,'
       Is not the best way to be heard:
     To make Ann hear, a little Miss
       Must add another little word."

     "Pray, give me, Ann, a glass of beer,"
       Jane blushing said--her mother smiled:
     "Now Ann will quickly bring it here,
       For you ask properly, my child."

     You little Misses, Masters too,
       Who wish to have a share of praise,
     Pray copy Jane, and always do
       Directly what your mother says.


     James went to the door of the kitchen and said,
     "Cook, give me this moment, some honey and bread;
     Then fetch me a glass or a cup of good beer.
     Why, Cook, you don't stir, and I'm sure you must hear!"

     "Indeed, Master James," was the Cook's right reply,
     "To answer such language I feel rather shy;
     I hear you quite plainly, but wait till you choose
     To civilly ask, when I shall not refuse."

     What a pity young boys should indulge in this way,
     Whilst knowing so well what is proper to say;
     As if civil words, in a well-manner'd tone,
     Were learn'd to be us'd in the parlour alone!


     Miss Kitty was rude at the table one day,
       And would not sit still on her seat;
     Regardless of all that her mother could say,
     From her chair little Kitty kept running away
       All the time they were eating their meat.

     As soon as she saw that the beef was remov'd,
       She ran to her chair in great haste;
     But her mother such giddy behaviour reprov'd
     By sending away the sweet pudding she lov'd,
       Without giving Kitty one taste.


     Sammy Smith would drink and eat,
       From morning until night;
     He filled his mouth so full of meat,
       It was a shameful sight.

     Sometimes he gave a book or toy
       For apple, cake, or plum;
     And grudged if any other boy
       Should taste a single crumb.

     Indeed he ate and drank so fast,
       And used to stuff and cram,
     The name they call'd him by at last
       Was often Greedy Sam.


     William has a silly trick--
       On everything his hand he lays;
     He made himself extremely sick,
       One morning, by his greedy ways.

     I promised him I'd write it here
       (Although he owns he's much to blame),
     That all may read it far and near,
       Lest other boys should do the same.

     No scatter'd bits his eye can pass,
       He tastes and sips where'er he comes,
     He empties everybody's glass,
       And picks up everybody's crumbs.

     He'll not do so again, I hope:
       He has been warn'd enough, I think;
     For once he ate a piece of soap,
       And sipp'd for wine a glass of ink.


     As Tommy and his sister Jane
     Were walking down a shady lane,
     They saw some berries, bright and red,
     That hung around and overhead;

     And soon the bough they bended down,
     To make the scarlet fruit their own;
     And part they ate, and part, in play,
     They threw about, and flung away.

     But long they had not been at home
     Before poor Jane and little Tom
     Were taken sick, and ill, to bed,
     And since, I've heard, they both are dead.

     Alas! had Tommy understood
     That fruit in lanes is seldom good,
     He might have walked with little Jane
     Again along the shady lane.


     "Betty, attend to what I say,
     This is my little boy's birth-day;
     Some sugar-plums and citron take,
     And send to school a large plum-cake."

     "That, madam, I will gladly do;
     Harry's so good and clever too:
     So let me have some wine and spice.
     For I would make it very nice."

     When it arriv'd, the little boy
     Laugh'd, sang, and jump'd about for joy;
     But, ah! how griev'd I am to say,
     He did not give a bit away.

     He _ate_, and _ate_, and _ate_ his fill,
     No wonder that it made him ill;
     Pain in his stomach and his head
     Oblig'd him soon to go to bed.

     Oh! long he lay, and griev'd the while,
     Order'd by Dr. Camomile
     Such physic, and so much to take,
     He now can't bear the name of cake.


     Peter Careful had a cake
     Which his kind mamma did bake;
     Of butter, eggs, and currants made,
     And sent to Peter--_carriage paid_.

     "Now," said Peter, "they shall see,
     Wiser than Harry I will be;
     For I will keep my cake in store,
     And that will make it last the more."

     He, like Harry (sad to say),
     Did not give a bit away,
     But, miser-like, the cake he locks
     With all his playthings in his box.

     And sometimes silently he'd go,
     When all he thought engag'd below,
     To eat a _very little_ piece,
     For fear his treasure should decrease.

     When next he went (it makes me laugh)
     He found the mice had eaten half,
     And what remain'd, though once a treat,
     So mouldy, 'twas not fit to eat.


     Young William Goodchild was a boy
     Who lov'd to give his playmates joy;
     And when his mother sent _his_ cake,
     Rejoic'd for his companions' sake.

     "Come round," he cried, "each take a slice,
     Each have his proper share of ice;
     We'll eat it up among us, here:
     My birth-day comes but once a year."

     A poor blind man, who came that way,
     His violin began to play;
     But though he play'd, he did not speak,
     And tears ran slowly down his cheek.

     "What makes you weep?" young William cried.
     "I'm poor and hungry," he replied,
     "For food and home I'm forced to play,
     But I have eaten nought to-day."

     "Poor man!" said William, "half my share
     Remains, which I will gladly spare;
     I wish 'twas larger for your sake,
     So take this penny and the cake."

     I need not ask each youthful breast
     Which of these boys you like the best;
     Let goodness, then, incitement prove,
     And imitate the boy you love.


     Now, little Sophy, come with me,
     To make a pudding you shall see;
     Now sit quite still, and see me do it;
     See, here's the flour and the suet.

     The suet must be chopped quite small,
     For it should scarce be seen at all;
     A pound of each will nicely suit,
     To which I put two pounds of fruit.

     One is of currants, one of plums
     (You'll find it good when boiled it comes);
     Then almonds, sugar, citron, spice,
     And peel, will make it very nice.

     Now see me stir and mix it well,
     And then we'll leave the rest to Nell;
     Now see, the pudding-cloth she flours,
     Ties it, and boils it full five hours.


_Printed by_ R. & R. Clark, Ltd., _Edinburgh_

_For a list of Children's books and others see the next pages._


No. I.

The Flamp,

The Ameliorator,


Schoolboy's Apprentice



_18mo. Cloth. 1s. 6d._

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Unless you are very keenly set upon reading to yourself, I think I
should advise you to ask some one to read these pieces aloud, not too
many at a time. And I want you to understand that there is a kind of
poetry that is finer far than anything here: poetry to which this book
is, in the old-fashioned phrase, simply a "stepping-stone." When you
feel, as I hope some day you will feel, that these pages no longer
satisfy, then you must turn to the better thing.

                                                 E. V. L.

The following are the various headings under which the Contents are

     Two Thoughts--The Open Air--The Year--Christmas--The Country
     Life--Blossoms from Herrick and Blake--Birds--Dogs and
     Horses--Compressed Natural History--Unnatural History--Poets
     at Play--Counsel--Old-Fashioned Girls--Marjorie Fleming,
     Poetess--Old-Fashioned Boys--Looking Forward--From
     "Hiawatha"--Good Fellows--The Sea and the Island--A Bundle
     of Stories--Bedtime--A Few Remarks.


THE FLOWER OF THE MIND: A Choice among the Best Poems. By ALICE MEYNELL.
With Cover designed by LAURENCE HOUSMAN. Crown 8vo. Buckram, 6s.

Paper covers, 2s. net. Buckram, 3s. net.

POEMS BY A. AND L. By ARABELLA and LOUISA SHORE. Crown 8vo. Cloth. 5s.

RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM. A Paraphrase from several Literal
Translations. By RICHARD LE GALLIENNE. Long Fcap. 8vo. Parchment Cover.

       *       *       *       *       *





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