The Suffrage Cook Book

By Mrs. L. O. Kleber

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Title: The Suffrage Cook Book

Compiler: L. O. Kleber

Release Date: August 15, 2008 [EBook #26323]

Language: English


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[Illustration: Book Spine: SUFFRAGE COOK BOOK]











          COPYRIGHT, 1915, BY

          DEDICATED TO

          _Mrs. Henry Villard_


          _Mrs. J. O. Miller_


There are cook books and cook books, and their generation is not ended;
a generation that began in the Garden of Eden, presumably, for if Mother
Eve was not vastly different from her daughters she knew how to cook
some things better than her neighbors, and they wanted to know how she
made them and she wanted to tell them.

Indeed, it has been stated that the very first book printed, a small
affair, consisted mainly of recipes for "messes" of food, and for
remedies for diseases common in growing families.

Whether the very first book printed was a cook book or not, it is quite
true that among the very oldest books extant are those telling how to
prepare food, clothing and medicine. Some of these make mighty
interesting reading, particularly the portions relating to cures for all
sorts of ills, likewise of love when it seemed an ill, and of ill luck.

And who wouldn't cheerfully pay money, even in this enlightened day, for
a book containing recipes for just these same things? For in spite of
our higher civilization, broader education, and vastly extended
knowledge, we still believe in lucky days, lucky stones, and lucky

These formed no inconsiderable part of the old time cook book, and no
doubt would constitute a very attractive feature of a modern culinary
guide. However, hardly anyone would confess to having bought it on that

In these later times professors of the culinary art tell us the cooking
has been reduced to a science, and that there is no more guess work
about it. They have given high sounding names to the food elements,
figured out perfectly balanced rations, and adjusted foods to all
conditions of health, or ill health. And yet the world is eating
practically the same old things, and in the same old way, the difference
being confined mainly to the sauces added to please the taste.

Now that women are coming into their own, and being sincerely interested
in the welfare of the race, it is entirely proper that they should
prescribe the food, balance the ration, and tell how it should be
prepared and served.

Seeing that a large majority of the sickness that plagues the land is
due to improper feeding, and can be prevented by teaching the simple
art of cooking, of serving and of eating, the wonder is that more
attention has not been given to instruction in the simpler phases of the
culinary art.

It is far from being certain that famous chefs have contributed greatly
to the health and long life of those able to pay the fine salaries they
demand. Nor are these sent to minister to the sick, nor to the working
people, nor to the poor. It would seem that even since before the time
of Lucullus their business has been mainly to invent and concoct dishes
that would appeal to perverted tastes and abnormal appetites.

The simple life promises most in this earthly stage of our existence,
for as we eat so we live, and as we live so we die, and after death the
judgment on our lives. Thus it is that our spiritual lives are more or
less directly influenced by our feeding habits.

Eating and drinking are so essential to our living and to our
usefulness, and so directly involved with our future state, that these
must be classed with our sacred duties. Hence the necessity for so
educating the children that they will know how to live, and how to
develop into hale, hearty and wholesome men and women, thus insuring the
best possible social and political conditions for the people of this

"The surest way into the affections of a man is through his stomach,
also to his pocket," is an ancient joke, and yet not all a joke, there
being several grains of truth in it, enough at least to warrant some
thoughtful attention.

Women being the homekeepers, and the natural guardians of the children,
it is important that they be made familiar with the culinary art so they
may be entirely competent to lead coming generations in the paths of
health and happiness.

So say the members of Equal Franchise Associations throughout the length
and breadth of our land, and beyond the border as far as true
civilization extends.

Hence this book which represents an honest effort to benefit the people,
old and young, native and foreign. It is not a speculative venture but a
dependable guide to a most desirable social, moral and physical state of

Disguise it as we may the fact remains that the feeding of a people is
of first importance, seeing the feeding is the great essential to
success, either social or commercial. The farmer and stock raiser gives
special attention to feeding, usually more to the feeding of his animals
than of his children, or of himself. And yet he wonders why his domestic
affairs do not thrive and prosper as does his farming and stock

Physical trainers are most particular about what the members of their
classes eat and drink. One mess of strawberry short cake and cream will
unfit a boy for a field contest for a whole week, while a full meal of
dainties may completely upset a man or woman for a day or two.

The cook book of the past was filled mainly with recipes for dainties
rather than sane and wholesome dishes; the aim being to please the taste
for the moment rather than to feed the body and the brain.

Now that we are entering upon an age of sane living it is important that
the home makers should be impressed with the fact that good health
precedes all that is worth while in life, and that it starts in the
kitchen; that the dining room is a greater social factor than the
drawing room.

In the broader view of the social world that is dawning upon us the cook
book that tells us how to live right and well will largely supplant
Shakespeare, Browning, and the lurid literature of the day.

                                           =ERASMUS WILSON=
                                                    (The Quiet Observer)

          The tocsin of the soul--the dinner bell.

As it is a serious matter _what_ is put into the human stomach, I feel
it incumbent to say that my readers may safely eat everything set down
in this book.

Most recipes have been practically tested by me, and those of which I
have not eaten coming with such unquestionable authority, there need be
no hesitancy in serving them alike to best friend as well as worst
enemy--for I believe in the one case it will strengthen friendship, and
in the other case it will weaken enmity.

It being a human Cook Book there will likely be some errors, but as
correcting errors is the chief duty and occupation of Suffrage Women, I
shall accept gratefully whatever criticisms these good women may have to

I thank all for the courtesy shown me and hope our united efforts will
prove helpful to the Great Cause.

I ask pardon for any omission of contributors and their recipes.

                                                    MRS. L. O. KLEBER.

List of Contributors

  Mrs. John O. Miller              Pittsburgh, Pa.
  Dr. Anna Howard Shaw             New York, N. Y.
  Lady Constance Lytton            London, England
  Jane Addams                      Chicago, Ill.
  Governor Hiram W. Johnson        San Francisco, Cal.
  Mrs. Henry Villard               New York, N. Y.
  Mrs. F. L. Todd                  Pittsburgh, Pa.
  Mrs. Kate Waller Barrett         Alexandria, Va.
  Mr. George W. Cable              Northampton, Mass.
  Mrs. Wallis Tener                Sewickley, Pa.
  Miss Eliza Kennedy               Pittsburgh, Pa.
  Governor George H. Hodges        Topeka, Kansas
  Miss Julia Lathrop               Washington, D. C.
  Miss Laura Kleber                Pittsburgh, Pa.
  Mrs. Harriett Taylor Upton       Warren, Ohio
  Mrs. Desha Breckenridge          Kentucky
  Miss Louise G. Taylor            Pittsburgh, Pa.
  Mr. Irvin S. Cobb                New York, N. Y.
  Miss Mary Bakewell               Sewickley, Pa.
  Mrs. Olive Dibert Reese          Johnstown, Pa.
  Miss Lillie Gittings             Pittsburgh, Pa.
  Judge Ben Lindsay                Denver, Colo.
  Mrs. Richard Morley Jennings     Pittsburgh, Pa.
  Mrs. Will Pyle                   Bellevue, Pa.
  Mrs. Hornberger                  Pittsburgh, Pa.
  Mr. Philip Dibert                Oakland, Calif.
  Miss Elide Schleiter             Pittsburgh, Pa.
  Mrs. David H. Stewart            Fair Hope, Ala.
  Miss Annabelle McConnell         Pittsburgh, Pa.
  Mrs. J. G. Pontefract            Sewickley, Pa.
  Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont            New York, N. Y.
  Governor Edward F. Dunne         Springfield, Ill.
  Mrs. Enoch Rauh                  Pittsburgh, Pa.
  Miss Helen Ring Robinson         Denver, Colo.
  Miss Sarah Bennett               Pittsburgh, Pa.
  Miss Leah Alexander              Boise City, Idaho.
  Mrs. A. Hilleman                 Pittsburgh, Pa.
  Mrs. Medill McCormick            Chicago, Ill.
  Mrs. Carmen London               Glen Ellen, Calif.
  Jack London                      Glen Ellen, Calif.
  Mrs. Edward Hussey Binns         Pittsburgh, Pa.
  Governor Joseph Carey            Cheyenne, Wyoming.
  Mrs. Edmond Esquerre             Pittsburgh, Pa.
  Mrs. Emma Todd Moore             West Alexander, Pa.
  Mrs. Samuel Semple               Brookville, Pa.
  Mrs. John Dewar                  Bellevue, Pa.
  Governor Ernest Lister           Olympia, Washington.
  Miss Anna McCord                 Pittsburgh, Pa.
  Mrs. Raymond Robins              Chicago, Ill.
  Mrs. C. C. Lee                   Pittsburgh, Pa.
  Mrs. Charlotte Perkins Gilman    New York, N. Y.
  Mrs. Robert Gordon               Pittsburgh, Pa.
  Governor George P. Hunt          Phoenix, Arizona.
  Miss Elizabeth Ogden             Pittsburgh, Pa.
  Mrs. Mary Watson                 Pittsburgh, Pa.
  Joseph Gittings                  Pittsburgh, Pa.
  Eugene D. Monfalconi             Pittsburgh, Pa.



  Fanny Garrison Villard              34
  Jane Addams                         38
  Helen Ring Robinson                 40
  Mrs. J. O. Miller                   42
  Julia Lathrop                       44
  Jack London                         46
  Mrs. Desha Breckinridge             52
  Dr. Anna Howard Shaw                60
  Mrs. Samuel Semple                  62
  William Lloyd Garrison              66
  Harriet Taylor Upton                74
  Mary Roberts Reinhart               80
  Mrs. Enoch Rauh                     86
  Irvin S. Cobb                       94
  Mrs. Medill McCormick              100
  Mrs. K. W. Barrett                 102
  Dr. Harvey W. Wiley                104
  Governor W. P. Hunt                110
  Miss Eliza Kennedy                 122
  Governor Hiram Johnston            126
  Mme. Nazimova                      132
  Hon. Ben Lindsay                   138
  Governor Joseph M. Carey           142
  Lady Constance Lytton              152
  Governor M. Alexander              156
  Mrs. Raymond Robins                160
  Governor Edward F. Dunne           164
  Mrs. F. M. Roessing                170
  Mrs. Oliver H. P. Belmont          176
  Governor George H. Hodges          182
  Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt           184
  George W. Cable                    190
  Mrs. Charlotte Perkin Gilman       200
  Lucretia L. Blankenburg            204
  Governor Ernest Lister             206
  Governor Oswald West               220




  Asparagus                                           22
  Spinach                                             23
  Crab Jumbo                                          23
  Tomato                                              24
  Vegetable                                           25
  Chestnut                                            26
  Peanut Butter Broth                                 27
  Invalids                                            27
  Peanut                                              28
  French Oyster                                       29
  Mock Oyster                                         29
  Split Pea                                           30
  Black Bean                                          31
  Carrot                                              31
  Veal                                                32


  Boiled White Fish                                   35
  Virginia Fried Oyster                               36
  Creamed Lobster                                     37
  Salmon Croquettes                                   37
  Royal Salt Mackerel                                 39
  Shrimp Wriggle                                      40


  Baked Ham                                           42
  Chop Suey                                           41
  Veal Kidney Stew                                    41
  Daube                                        43 and 62
  Roast Duck                                          46
  Veal Loaf                                           47
  Ducks                                               48
  Blanquette of Veal                                  49
  Spitine                                             50
  Risotti a la Milanaise                              50
  Liver Dumplings                                     51
  A Baked Ham                                         52
  Belgian Hare                                        53
  Pepper Pot                                          53
  Delicious Mexican Dish                              54
  Hungarian Goulash                                   54
  Stewed Chicken                                      55
  Chicken Pot Pie                                     55
  Anti's Favorite Hash                                56
  Giblets and Rice                                    57
  Savory Lamb Stew                                    58
  Squab Casserole                                     59
  Cheap Cuts of Beefsteak                             61
  Chicken Croquettes                                  63
  Liver a la Creole                                   63
  Nuts as a Substitute for Meat                       64
  Pecan Nut Loaf                                      65
  Nut Hash                                            67
  Nut Turkey                                          68
  Nut Scrapple                                        69
  Nut Roast                                           70
  Oatmeal Nut Loaf                                    71


  Cream Potatoes                                      74
  French Fried Potatoes                               75
  Potatoes Au Gratin                                  75
  Croquettes                                          75
  Pittsburgh Potatoes                                 76
  Sweet Potato Souffle                                76
  Potatoes a la Lyonnaise                             77
  Stuffed Potatoes                                    77
  Potato Dumpling                                     78
  Stuffed Tomatoes                                    79
  Potato Puffers                                      78
  Baked Tomatoes                                      80
  Green String Beans                                  81
  Fresh Beans                                         81
  Barbouillade                                        82
  Boiled Rice                                         83
  Spinach                                             83
  Spaghetti                                           84
  Baked Beans                                         85
  Creamed Mushrooms                                   86
  Macaroni a la Italienne                             87
  Macaroni Dressing                                   88
  Rice with Cheese                                    89
  Rice with Nuts                                      89
  Carrot Croquettes                                   90
  Potato Balls                                        90
  Vegetable Medley, Baked                             91

  SAVORIES                                            95

  Tomato Toast                                        96
  Ham Toast                                           96
  Cheese Savories                                     97
  Sardine Savories                                    97
  Oyster Savories                                     98
  Rice and Tomato Savory                              98
  Stuffed Celery                                      99


  Fine Bread                                         100
  Excellent Nut Bread                                101
  Virginia Butter Bread                              102
  Bran Bread                                         102
  Dr. Wylies' Recipes                                103
  Dr. Wylies' Recipes                                104
  Polenta--Corn Meal                                 105
  Corn Bread                                         106
  Nut Bread                                          106
  Hymen Bread                                        107
  Corn Bread                                         107
  Brown Bread                                        108
  Egg Bread                                          108
  Quick Waffles                                      109
  Dumplings That Never Fall                          109
  French Rolls                                       111
  Drop Muffins                                       111
  Soft Gingerbread                                   112
  Gingerbread                                        112
  Cream Gingerbread                                  113
  Cream Gingerbread Cakes                            113
  Parliament Gingerbread                             114
  Soft Gingerbread                                   114
  Sally Lunn                                         115
  Griddle Cakes                                      115
  Sour Milk Recipes                              116-117


  Mocha Tart                                         118
  Mocha Tart Filling                                 118
  Icing                                              118
  Filling                                            119
  Icing                                              119
  Filling for Cake                                   119
  Nut Cake                                           120
  Icing                                              120
  Christmas Cakes                                    121
  Cocoanut Tarts                                     121
  Suffrage Angel Cake                                122
  Cinnamon Cake                                      123
  Spice Cake                                         124
  Black Walnut Cake                                  124
  Scripture Cake                                     125
  Ratan Kuchen                                       127
  Golden Cake                                        128
  Pineapple Cake                                     128
  Ginger Cookies                                     129
  Pound Cake                                         130
  Doughnuts                                          131
  Cream Cake                                         131
  One Egg Cake                                       133
  Devil's Food                                       133
  Bride's Cake                                       134
  Date Cake                                          134
  Pfeffernusse (Pepper Nuts)                         135
  Cocoanut Cake                                      135
  Jam Cake                                           136
  Lace Cakes                                         137
  Hickory Nut Cake                                   138
  Lace Cakes                                         139
  Marshmallow Teas                                   139
  Apple Sauce Cake                                   140
  Quick Coffee Cake                                  140
  Sand Tarts                                         141
  Sand Tarts                                         141
  Cheap Cake                                         141
  Hermits                                            143
  Hermits                                            143
  Cocoanut Cookies                                   144


  Grape Fruit Pie                                    145
  Spice Pie                                          145
  Cream Pie                                          146
  Pie Crust                                          146
  Suffrage Pie                                       147
  Orange Pie                                         148
  Lancaster County Pie                               148
  Brown Sugar Pie                                    149
  Banbury Tart                                       149
  Filling                                            149


  Hasty Pudding                                      153
  Bakewell Pudding                                   154
  Graham Pudding                                     155
  Norwegian Prune Pudding                            155
  Plain Suet Pudding                                 157
  Suet Pudding                                       157
  Cottage Fruit Pudding                              158
  Prune Souffle                                      158
  Plum Pudding                                       159
  Lemon Cream                                        160
  Lemon Hard Sauce                                   161
  Corn Pudding                                       161
  Raw Carrot Pudding                                 161


  Hawaiian                                           165
  Chocolate                                          165
  Caramel                                            165
  Fruit                                              165
  Cucumber                                           166
  Anchor Canapes                                     166
  Sardine                                            166
  Filling                                            167
  Apple Sandwich                                     167


  Pear Salad                                         168
  Potato Salad                                       168
  Codfish Salad                                      169
  Swedish Wreathes                                   169
  Bean Salad                                         170
  Hot Slaw                                           171
  Creole Salad                                       171
  Colored Salads                                     172
  Colored Salads                                     173
  Orange Salad                                       173
  Tomato Aspic                                       174
  Suffrage Salad Dressing                            174
  Cucumber Aspic                                     175
  Mayonnaise Dressing Boiled                         175
  Mayonnaise Dressing Without Oil                    176
  French Dressing                                    177
  Alabama Dressing                                   177
  Cooked Salad Dressing                              178
  Caviare Salad Dressing                             179


  Bechamel Sauce                                     180
  Hot Meat Sauce                                     180
  Gravy for Warmed Meats                             181
  Horseradish Sauce                                  181


  Pain d'Oeufs                                       184
  Bread Crumbs and Omelette                          185
  Egg Patties                                        185
  Florentine Egg in Casseroles                       186
  Cheese Souffle                                     186
  Oyster Omelette                                    187
  Potato Omelette                                    187


  Strawberry Shortcake a la Mode                     191
  Frozen Custard                                     191
  Stewed Apples                                      192
  Cinnamon Apples                                    193
  Fire Apples                                        194
  Candied Cranberries                                195
  Apple Rice                                         195
  Jelly Whip                                         196
  Pineapple Parfait                                  197
  Rice                                               197
  Pittsburgh Sherbet                                 198
  Lemon Sherbet                                      198
  Fruit Cocktails                                    199
  Synthetic Quince                                   200
  Grape Juice Cup                                    201
  Peppermint Cup                                     202
  Amber Marmalade                                    203
  Grape Juice                                        203


  Sour Pickles                                       204
  Sweet Pickles                                      204
  Lemon Butter                                       205
  Kumquat Preserves                                  205
  Prunes and Chestnuts                               207
  Heavenly Hash                                      207
  Apple Butter                                       208
  Orange Marmalade                                   208
  Rhubarb and Fig Jam                                209
  Brandied Peaches                                   210
  Cauliflower Pickles                                211
  Mustard Sauce                                      211
  Relish                                             212
  Chili Sauce                                        212
  Pickles                                            213
  Tomato Pickle                                      213
  Corn Salad                                         214
  Tomato Catsup                                      214


  Rose Leaves Candied                                215
  Childhood Fondant                                  215
  Fudge                                              215
  Taffy                                              216
  Creole Balls                                       216
  Chocolate Caramel                                  217
  Sea Foam                                           217


  Good Coffee                                    218-219
  Cottage Cheese                                     221
  Albuminous Beverages                           222-233
  Starchy Beverages                              234-239
  The Cook Says Beverages                        240-243
  Economical Soap                                    244

Editress Suffrage Cook Book:

          Our hired girl, she's 'Lizabuth Ann;
            An' she can cook best things to eat!
          She ist puts dough in our pie-pan,
            An' pours in somepin' 'at's good an' sweet;
          An' nen she salts it all on top
          With cinnamon; an' nen she'll stop
            An' stoop an' slide it, ist as slow,
          In th' old cook-stove, so's 'twon't slop
            An' git all spilled; nen bakes it, so
            It's custard-pie, first thing you know!
                An' nen she'll say
                "Clear out o' my way!
          They's time fer work, an' time fer play!
            Take yer dough, an' run, child, run!
            Er I cain't git no cookin' done!"

                                  My best regards
                                  JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY.

          Indigestion is the end of love.


Asparagus Soup

          4 bunches asparagus
          1 small onion
          1 pint milk
          1/2 pint cream
          1 1/2 tablespoon sugar
          1 large tablespoon butter
          1 1/2 tablespoon flour
          pepper to season

Wash and clean asparagus, put in saucepan with just enough water to
cover, boil until little points are soft.

Cut these off and lay aside. Fry onion in the butter and put in saucepan
with the asparagus. Cook until very soft mashing occasionally so as to
extract all juice from the asparagus.

When thoroughly cooked put through sieve. Now add salt, sugar and flour

Stir constantly and add milk and cream, and serve at once. (Do not place
again on stove as it might curdle. Croutons may be served with this).

Spinach Soup

          1/2 peck spinach
          2 tablespoons butter
          1 1/2 tablespoon sugar
          1 1/2 teaspoons salt
          1 small onion
          1 pint rich milk
          2 tablespoons flour
          1/2 cup water

Put spinach in double boiler with the butter and water. Let simmer
slowly until all the juice has been extracted from the spinach.

Fry the onion and add. Now thicken with the flour blended with the water
and strain. Add the milk very hot. Do not place on the fire after the
milk has been added.

Half cream instead of milk greatly improves flavor.

Crab Gumbo

          3 doz. medium Okra
          1 doz. Crabs cleaned
          2 onions fried

Add the Crabs, then small can tomatoes. Thyme, parsley, bay leaf.

Tomato Soup

          1 large can tomatoes or equivalent of fresh tomatoes.
          1 small onion
          1 tablespoon salt
          dash paprika
          2 1/2 tablespoons sugar
          1 tablespoon butter
          2 1/2 tablespoons flour
          2 cups hot milk
          1 pint water

Put tomatoes with 1 pt. water to boil, boil for at least half hour. Fry
onion in butter and add to soup with sugar and salt. When thoroughly
cooked thicken with the flour blended with a little water. Now strain.
Have the milk very hot, not boiling. Stir constantly while adding milk
to soup and serve at once.

Do not place on the stove after the milk is in the soup. 1 cup of cream
instead of 2 cups of milk greatly improves the soup.

Vegetable Soup

          2 1/2 lbs. of beef (with soup bone)
          3 quarts of water
          1 tablespoon sugar
          salt to suit taste
          a few pepper corns
          1 cup of each, of the following vegetables
          diced small
          2 tablespoons onion cut very fine
          1/2 head cabbage cut very fine
          1/2 can corn (or its equivalent in fresh)
          1/2 can peas (or its equivalent fresh)
          2 tablespoons minced parsley
          1/4 cup turnip and parsnip if at hand (not necessary)
          1/2 can tomatoes (or equivalent fresh)

Put meat in large kettle and boil for an hour; now add all the other
ingredients and cook until soft. Ready then to serve.

This soup can be made as a cream soup without meat and is delicious. In
this case you take a good sized piece of butter and fry all the
vegetables slightly, excepting the potatoes. Now cover all, adding
potatoes with boiling water and cook until tender.

When done season and add hot milk and 1 cup cream. This is very fine.

In making this soup without meat omit the tomatoes and use string beans

          Tell me what you eat, and I'll tell you what you
          are.                            Brillat Savarin.

Chestnut Soup

          1 qt. chestnuts (Spanish preferred)
          1 pint chicken stock
          2 tablespoons flour
          1 teaspoon sugar
          salt and paprika to taste

Cover chestnuts with boiling water slightly salted. Cook until quite
soft and rub through coarse sieve, add stock, and seasoning; then
thicken with flour blended with water.

Let simmer five minutes and serve at once.

In case stock is not available milk can be used with a little butter

Peanut Butter Broth

          1 pt. fresh sweet milk
          1 pt. water
          1 1/2 tablespoons peanut butter
          1 tablespoon catsup
          Salt, pepper or other season to taste.

Pour liquid with peanut butter into double boiler; dissolve butter so
there are no hard lumps. Do not let milk boil but place on moderately
hot fire.

Just before serving add the catsup and seasoning.

Soup for Invalids

Cut into small pieces one pound of beef or mutton or a part of both.
Boil it gently in two quarts of water. Take off the scum and when
reduced to a pint, strain it and season with a little salt. Give one
teacupful at a time.

Peanut Soup

Peanut soup for supper on a cold night serves the double duty of
stimulating the gastric juices to quicken action by its warmth and
furnishing protein to the body to repair its waste. Pound to a paste a
cupful of nuts from which the skin has been removed, add it to a pint of
milk and scald; melt a tablespoon of butter and mix it with a like
quantity of flour and add slowly to the milk and peanuts; cook until it
thickens and season to taste.

Chestnuts, too, make a splendid soup. Boil one quart of peeled and
blanched chestnuts in three pints of salt water until quite soft; pass
through sieve and add two tablespoons of sweet cream, and season to
taste. If too thick, add water.

Mock Oyster Soup

The oyster plant is used for this delicious dish--by many it is known as
salsify. Scrape the vegetable and cut into small pieces with a silver
knife (a steel knife would darken the oyster plant). Cook in just enough
water to keep from burning, and when tender press through a colander and
return to the water in which it was cooked. Add three cups of hot milk
which has been thickened with a little butter and flour and rubbed
together and seasoned with salt and white pepper. A little chopped
parsley may be added before serving. 1/2 cup cream instead of all milk
greatly improves taste.

French Oyster Soup

          1 quart oysters
          1 quart milk
          1 slice onion
          2 blades mace
          1/3 cup flour
          1/3 cup butter
          2 egg yolks
          salt and pepper

Clean oysters by pouring over 3/4 cup cold water. Drain, reserve liquor,
add oysters, slightly chopped, heat slowly to boiling point and let
simmer 20 minutes; strain.

Scald milk with onion and mace. Make white sauce and add oyster liquor.
Just before serving add egg yolks, slightly beaten.

Split Pea Soup (Green or Yellow)

          1 1/2 pints split peas (green or yellow)
          2 1/4 quarts water
          2 small onions
          1 carrot
          1 parsnip (if at hand)
          1 cup milk
          1/2 cup cream
          1 teaspoon salt (more if liked)
          Pepper and paprika to taste
          1 1/2 teaspoons sugar

Soak 1 1/2 pints of split peas over night; next day add 2 1/4 quarts
water and the vegetables, cut fine; also the sugar, salt and pepper and
cook slowly three hours; now mash through sieve. If it boils down too
much add a little water. After putting through sieve place on stove and
add hot milk and cream. If it is not thin enough to suit add more milk.

Stock may be used if same is available.

Black Bean Soup

One pint of black beans soaked over night in 3 quarts of water.

In the morning pour off the water and add fresh 3 quarts. Boil slowly 4
hours. When done there should be 1 quart. Add a quart of beef stock, 4
whole cloves, 4 whole allspice, 1 stalk of celery, 1 good-sized onion, 1
small carrot, 1 small turnip, all cut fine and fried in a little butter.

Add 1 tablespoon flour, season with salt and pepper and rub through a
fine sieve.

Serve with slices of lemon and egg balls.

Carrot Soup

One quart of thinly sliced carrots, one head of celery, three or four
quarts of water, boil for two and one-half hours; add one-half cupful of
rice and boil for an hour longer; season with salt and pepper and a
small cupful of cream.

Veal Soup

          Knuckle of veal 2 1/2 pounds
          2 raw eggs
          3 quarts water
          2 tomatoes cut fine
          1/2 onion
          salt and pepper to season
          a little flour
          1/2 cup vermicelli or alphabet macaroni
          2 eggs, beaten very light
          1 1/2 tablespoons parmesan cheese

Put veal in stewing pan and allow it to cook until thoroughly done. Now
chop meat and add cheese, flour, salt and pepper if needed and form into
little balls about the size of a marble. While preparing these, drop in
macaroni and cook until tender. Now add the meat balls.

If too thick use a little water. Beat the eggs lightly and add while

              War Not Only Kills Bodies But Ideals
                       MRS. HENRY VILLARD,
              President of Women's Peace Conference.

          Must the pride with which women point to the life
          saving character of the work of the numberless
          charitable agencies throughout the country--with a
          resultant lowering of the death rate in our great
          cities--be offset by the slaughter of our best
          beloved ones on the field of battle or their death
          by disease in camps?

          No longer ought we to be called upon to be
          particeps criminis with men to the extent of being
          compelled to pay taxes which are largely used for
          the support of the army and navy.

          Moreover, a recourse to war as a means of righting
          wrongs is full of peril to the whole human race.
          Not only are bodies killed, but the ideals which
          alone make life worth living are for the time
          being lost to sight. In place of those finer
          attributes of our nature--compassion, gentleness,
          forgiveness--are substituted hatred, revenge and


          He was a bold man that first ate an

Virginia Fried Oysters

Make a batter of four tablespoons of sifted flour, one tablespoon of
olive oil or melted butter, two well-beaten whites of eggs, one-half
teaspoon of salt, and warm water enough to make a batter that will drop
easily. Sprinkle the oysters lightly with salt and white pepper or
paprika. Dip in the batter and fry to a golden brown.

Drain, and serve on a hot platter, with slices of lemon around them.

Creamed Lobster

          2 tablespoons butter
          1 1/2 pints milk
          2 tablespoons flour
          season to taste

When cooked beat in the yolk of an egg.

Pick to pieces 1 can of lobster, juice of 1 onion, juice of 1 lemon,
stalk of celery chopped fine, paprika, sweet peppers, cut fine. Mix all
together and serve in ramekins. Serve very hot. Serves 12 people.

Salmon Croquettes

          Fresh salmon or 1 can of salmon
          2 eggs
          1/2 cup butter
          1 cup fine bread crumbs
          1 teaspoon baking powder
          1/2 cup of cream
          1 pinch of paprika
          salt to season

Mix well and form into croquettes. Roll in egg and cracker crumbs and
fry in deep fat.

          Partial suffrage has taught the women of Illinois
          the value of political power and direct influence.
          Already the effect of the ballot has been shown in
          philanthropic, civic and social work in which
          women are engaged and the women of this state
          realizing that partial suffrage means so much to
          them, wish to express their deepest interest in the
          outcome of the campaign for full suffrage which
          eastern women are waging this year.

          So we say to the women in the four campaign states
          this year: "You are working not only toward your
          own enfranchisement but toward the enfranchisement
          of the women in all the non-suffrage states in the
          union. Your victory means victory in other states.
          You are our leaders at this crucial time and
          thousands of women are looking to you. You have
          their deepest and heartiest co-operation in your
          campaign work for much depends upon what you do in
          working for that victory which we hope will come
          to the women of Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey
          and Massachusetts in this year of 1915."

                                              JANE ADDAMS.


Broiled Salt Mackerel

Wash and scrape the fish. Soak all night, changing the water at bed time
for tepid and again early in the morning for almost scalding hot. Keep
this hot for an hour by setting the vessel containing the soaking fish
on the side of the range. Wash next in cold water with a stiff brush or
rough cloth, wipe perfectly dry, rub all over again with salad oil and
vinegar or lemon juice and let it lie in this marmalade for a quarter of
an hour before broiling. Place on a hot dish with a mixture of butter,
lemon juice and minced parsley.

Shrimp Wriggle

          1 pint fresh shrimps
          1 heaping cup hot boiled rice
          1 medium size green pepper
          1 tablespoonful Worcestershire sauce
          2 tablespoons tomato catsup
          1 scant pint cream with heaping teaspoon flour
          butter size of egg
          paprika and salt to taste.

Dissolve flour in cream, add shrimps, rice, pepper (chopped), pour in
cream, add butter, add condiments, add just before serving 1 wineglass
sherry or Madeira.

                                                 HELEN RING ROBINSON.


Chop Suey

Chop Suey is made of chopped meat and the gizzards of ducks or chickens,
1 cup of chopped celery and 1/2 cup of shredded almonds.

Mix with the following sauce: 1 tablespoon butter and 1 teaspoon arrow
root stirred into 1 cupful broth. Add 1 teaspoon worcestershire sauce
and simmer all for twenty minutes.

Veal Kidney Stew

          1 veal kidney
          1 small onion
          1 tablespoon butter
          2 tomatoes cut fine
          1 small can mushrooms
          1/2 tablespoon parsley
          4 tablespoons raw potatoes cut in small pieces
          Seasoning to taste

Wash, clean and cut fine a veal kidney. Fry onion in butter until light
brown, add kidney, tomatoes, mushrooms, parsley, potatoes, seasoning and
water, and cook until tender.


Baked Ham (a la Miller)

          1 ten or twelve pound ham
          1 1/2 lb. brown sugar
          1 pint sherry wine (cooking sherry)
          1 cup vinegar (not too strong)
          1 cup molasses
          cloves (whole)

Scrub and cleanse ham; soak in cold water over night; in morning place
in a large kettle and cover with cold water; bring slowly to the boiling
point and gradually add the molasses, allowing 18 minutes for each
pound. When ham is done remove from stove and allow it to become cold in
the water in which it was cooked.

Now remove the ham from water; skin and stick cloves (about 1 1/2 dozen)
over the ham. Rub brown sugar into the ham; put in roasting pan and pour
over sherry and vinegar. Baste continually and allow it to warm through
and brown nicely. This should take about 1/2 hour. Serve with a garnish
of glazed sweet potatoes. Caramel from ham is served in a gravy tureen.
Remove all greases from same.

This is a dish fit for the greatest epicure.


          Man is a carnivorous production and must have
          meals, at least one meal a day. He cannot live
          like wood cocks, upon suction. But like the shark
          and tiger, must have prey. Although his anatomical
          construction, bears vegetables, in a grumbling
          way. Your laboring people think beyond all
          question. Beef, veal and mutton, better for
          digestion.                               Byron.


          4 lb. rump (Larded with bacon)
          2 large onions
          2 tablespoons flour
          1 small can tomatoes
          1 cup water
          1 clove garlic
          2 sprigs thyme--1 bay leaf
          1/4 sweet pepper
          several carrots

First fry meat, then remove to platter. Start gravy by first frying the
onions a nice brown; then add flour and brown; drain the tomatoes and
fry; add rest of ingredients; put meat into this and let it cook slowly
for five to six hours.

                       U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR
                          CHILDREN'S BUREAU

                                              November 24, 1914.

          Editress Suffrage Cook Book:

          Your letter of November 21st is received.

          Will the following be of any use for the Suffrage
          Cook Book?

          Is it not strange how custom can stale our sense
          of the importance of everyday occurrences, of the
          ability required for the performance of homely,
          everyday services? Think of the power of
          organization required to prepare a meal and place
          it upon the table on time! No wonder a mere man
          said, "I can't cook because of the awful
          simultaneousness of everything."

                                        Yours faithfully,
                                           JULIA C. LATHROP.


             Glen Ellen,
                  Sonoma Co., California.
                                YACHT ROAMER
                                         November 5, 1914.

          Editress Suffrage Cook Book:

          Forgive the long delay in replying to your letter.
          You see, I am out on a long cruise on the Bay of
          San Francisco, and up the rivers of California,
          and receive my mail only semi-occasionally. Yours
          has now come to hand, and I have consulted with
          Mrs. London, and we have worked out the following
          recipes, which are especial "tried" favorites of

Roast Duck

The only way in the world to serve a canvas-back or a mallard, or a
sprig, or even the toothsome teal, is as follows: The plucked bird
should be stuffed with a tight handful of plain raw celery and, in a
piping oven, roasted variously 8, 9, 10, or even 11 minutes, according
to size of bird and heat of oven. The blood-rare breast is carved with
the leg and the carcass then thoroughly squeezed in a press. The
resultant liquid is seasoned with salt, pepper, lemon and paprika, and
poured hot over the meat. This method of roasting insures the maximum
tenderness and flavor in the bird. The longer the wild duck is roasted,
the dryer and tougher it becomes.

Hoping that you may find the foregoing useful for your collection, and
with best wishes for the success of your book.

                                           Sincerely yours,
                                                    JACK LONDON.


Veal Loaf

          3 pounds Veal
          1/4 lb. Salt Pork
          1 teaspoon salt
          1/4 teaspoon pepper.
              Of the following mixture
          1/4 teaspoon sage, thyme, and sweet marjoram
          2 eggs
          1 cup stock. If not procurable use 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup milk
          3/4 cup bread crumbs

Have meat ground fine as possible. Then mix thoroughly with the herbs, 1
egg, pepper and salt, 1/2 cup stock and 1/2 cup crumbs.

Form a loaf and brush top and sides with the second egg. Now, scatter
the remaining 1/4 cup of crumbs over the moistened loaf.

Place in a baking pan with the 1/2 cup of stock and bake in a moderate
oven three hours, basting very frequently, and adding water in case
stock is consumed.


Take two young ducks, wash and dry out thoroughly; rub outside with salt
and pepper--lay in roasting pan, breast down. Cut in half one good sized
onion and an apple cut in half (not peeled). Lay around the ducks and
put in about one and one-half pints hot water. Cover with lid of
roasting pan and cook in a medium hot oven.

In an hour turn ducks on back and add a teaspoon of tart jelly. Leave
lid off and baste frequently.

In another hour the ducks are ready to serve. Pour off fat in pan. Make
thickening for gravy (not removing the onion or apple).

For the filling, take stale loaf of bread, cut off crust and rub the
bread into crumbs, dissolve a little butter (about one tablespoon), add
that to the crumbs. Salt and pepper to taste and as much parsley as is
desired. Mix and stuff the ducks.

          From the standpoint of Science, Health, Beauty and
          Usefulness, the Art of Cooking leads all the other
          arts,--for does not the preservation of the race
          depend upon it?                          L. P. K.

Blanquette of Veal

          2 cups cold roast veal
          3 teaspoons cream
          2 teaspoons flour
          yolks of 2 eggs
          20 or 30 small onions, the kind used for pickling.

Saute the veal a moment in butter or lard without browning. Sprinkle
with flour and add water making a white sauce. Add any gravy you may
have left over, or 2 or 3 bouillon cubes and the onions and let cook 3/4
of an hour on slow fire. Just before serving add yolks of eggs mixed
with cream.

Cook for a moment, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley and serve.


Cut from raw roast beef very thin slices. Spread with a dressing made of
grated bread crumbs, a beaten egg and seasoned to taste. Roll up and put
all on a long skewer and brown in a little hot butter.

Risotti a la Milanaise

          2 lbs. rice
          1 chicken
          1 can mushrooms
          1 lump butter
          Parmesan cheese

Cut up chicken and cook in water as for stewing, seasoning to taste.
When almost done add mushrooms and cook a little longer. Now put a large
lump of butter in a pan and after washing the rice in several waters,
dry on a clean napkin, and add to butter, stirring constantly. Do not
allow it to darken. Cook about ten minutes and remove from fire. Take
baking dish and put the rice in bottom. Now sprinkle generously with
parmesan cheese. Cut chicken up and remove all bones, pour over rice and
cook until dry, adding gravy from time to time.

This can be eaten hot or cold.

          Der Mensch ist was er iszt.              German.

Liver Dumplings (Leber Kloese)

          1 calf's liver
          1/8 lb. Suet
          1 small onion
          1/4 loaf bread
          3 eggs
          2 tablespoons bread crumbs
          Salt, pepper and Sweet marjorie to taste.

Soak liver in cold water for one hour, then skin and scrape it and run
it through meat chopper twice; the second time adding the suet. Brown
finely cut onion in two tablespoons of lard; add salt, pepper and sweet
marjorie to taste.

Soak 1/4 loaf bread in cold water, squeeze out the water and mix the
bread with the liver, then add three well beaten eggs and enough flour
to stiffen. Drop one dumpling with a spoon into one gallon of water
(slightly salted), should it cook away, then add more flour before
cooking the remainder of the mixture.

Boil thirty minutes, and longer if necessary. When properly cooked the
middle of the dumpling will be white.

Before serving, brown bread crumbs in butter and sprinkle over the

A Baked Ham

Should be Kentucky cured and at least two years old. Soak in water over

Put on stove in cold water. Let it simmer one hour for each pound. Allow
it to stand in that water over night.

Remove skin, cover with brown sugar and biscuit or cracker crumbs,
sticking in whole cloves. Bake slowly until well browned, basting at
intervals with the juices. Do not carve until it is cold.

This is the way real Kentucky housekeepers cook Kentucky ham.

                                            DESHA BRECKINRIDGE.


          An ill cook should have a good cleaver.
                                        Owen Meredith.

Belgian Hare

          2 rabbits
          1 quart sour cream
          Thin slices of fat bacon

Skin rabbits and wash well in salt water. Cut off the surplus skin and
use only the backs and hind quarters. Place in roasting pan, putting one
slice of bacon on each piece of rabbit. Have the oven hot.

Start the rabbits cooking, turning the bacon over so it will brown; when
brown turn down the gas to cook slowly. Pour 1/2 the cream over in the
beginning and baste often. When half done pour in the remainder of the
cream and cook 1 1/2 hours.

If there is no sour cream, add 1 tablespoon of vinegar to sweet cream.
The cream makes a delicious sauce.

Pepper Pot

          Knuckle of Veal
          4 lbs. Honey Comb tripe
          1 Potato
          1 Red Pepper
          1 onion
          A little summer savory
          Sweet Basil

Soak tripe over night in salt water. Boil meat and tripe four to six

Delicious Mexican Dish

Soak and scald a pair of sweetbreads, cut into small bits; take liquor
from three dozen large oysters; add to sweetbreads with 3 tablespoons of
gravy from the roast beef, and 1/4 lb. of butter chopped and rolled in
flour; cook until sweetbreads are tender; add oysters; cook 5 minutes;
add 3/4 cup of cream; serve with or without toast.

Hungarian Goulash

          3 lbs. beef (cut in squares)
          6 oz. bacon (cut in dice)
          1/2 pint cream
          4 oz. chopped onion

Cook onion and bacon; add salt and pepper; pour over them 1/2 pint water
in which 1/2 teaspoon of extract of beef is added. Add the meat and cook
slowly one hour; then add cream with paprika to taste and simmer for two
hours. Add a few small potatoes.

Stewed Chicken

Clean and cut chicken and cover with water; add a couple sprigs of
parsley; 1 bayleaf and a small onion. When chicken is almost done add
salt and pepper to suit taste.

When chicken is done place in dish or platter and add one half cup cream
to the gravy; thicken with a little blended flour and strain over

Chicken Pot Pie

Prepare same as for stewed chicken. When done remove chicken from bones;
now boil potatoes enough for family. Line a deep baking dish or a deep
pan with good rich paste. Sprinkle flour in bottom.

Lay in a layer of chicken; now potatoes, sprinkle with a little salt and
pepper; now cut thin strips of dough, lay across; then a layer of
chicken; then a layer of potatoes, and so on until the top of the pan is
reached; pour over all the chicken, the gravy and put a crust over all
the top and bake until well done and nicely browned.

Make little punctures in dough to allow the steam to escape.

          Tell me what you eat, and I'll tell you what you
          are.--Brillat Savarin.

Anti's Favorite Hash

(Unless you wear dark glasses you cannot make a success of Anti's
Favorite Hash.)

          1 lb. truth thoroughly mangled
          1 generous handful of injustice.
          (Sprinkle over everything in the pan)
          1 tumbler acetic acid (well shaken)

A little vitriol will add a delightful tang and a string of nonsense
should be dropped in at the last as if by accident.

Stir all together with a sharp knife because some of the tid bits will
be tough propositions.

                                     --_Ebensburg Mountaineer Herald._

          Husband (Angrily) "Great guns! What are they Lamb
          Chops, Pork Chops or Veal Chops?"

          Wife (serenely) "Can't you tell by the taste?"

          He: "No, I can't, nor anybody else!"

          She: "Well, then, what's the difference?"

Giblets and Rice

Boil 2 or 3 strings of chicken giblets (about 1 pound) until quite
tender, drain, trim from bones and gristle and set aside.

Boil one cup rice in one quart water for fifteen minutes. Drain, put in
double boiler with broth from giblets and let boil 1 hour. Brown 1
tablespoon flour in 1 tablespoon butter and 1 teaspoon sugar, add 1
chopped onion, and boiling water until smooth and creamy, then add some
bits of chopped pickles or olives, salt, pepper, teaspoonful of vinegar
and lastly giblets, cover and let simmer for twenty minutes. Put rice
into a chop dish, serve giblets in the center. May be garnished with
tomato sauce or creamed mushrooms or pimentos.

          For a man seldom thinks with more earnestness of
          anything than he does of his dinner.
                                             Sam'l Johnson.

Savory Lamb Stew

Take two pounds spring lamb and braise light with butter size of a
walnut. Add 3 cups boiling water, 3 onions, salt and pepper, and let
simmer slowly for 1/2 hour. Then add six peeled raw potatoes and small
head of young cabbage (cut in eighths) cover closely and allow at least
an hour's slow boiling. This can be made on the stove, in the oven, or
in fireless cooker.

The flavor of this dish can be varied by the addition of two or three

Squab Casserole

          3 eggs boiled hard
          1 teaspoon parsley, cut fine butter
          seasoning to taste
          1 teaspoon parmesan
          a few little onions
          few potato balls
          bread crumbs

Clean the squab and dry thoroughly. Cut eggs fine, add parsley, parmesan
cheese and seasoning. Now stuff each squab with this stuffing, putting a
small piece of butter in each bird and sew up.

Place in a baking pan with a lump of butter and brown nicely on all
sides. Now add a little water and cover and cook slowly until well done.
While they are cooking add little onions and potato balls to the gravy.

          I have sent but one recipe to a cook book, and
          that was a direction for driving a nail, as it has
          always been declared that women do not know how to
          drive nails. But that was when nails were a
          peculiar shape and had to be driven in particular
          way, but now that nails are made round there is no
          special way in which they need to be driven. So my
          favorite recipe cannot be given you.

          As for my effort in the culinary line--I have not
          made an effort in the culinary line for more than
          at least thirty years, except once to make a clam
          pie, which was pronounced by my friends as very
          good. But I cannot remember how I made it. I have
          a favorite recipe, however, something of which I
          am very fond and which I might give to you. I got
          it out of the newspapers and it is as follows:

          Spread one or two rashers of lean bacon on a
          baking tin, cover it thickly with slices of
          cheese, and sprinkle a little mustard and paprika
          over it. Bake it in a slow oven for half an hour
          and serve with slices of dry toast.

          Now that is a particularly tasty dish if it is
          well done. I never did it, but somebody must be
          able to do it who could do it well.

                             Faithfully yours,
                                        ANNA H. SHAW.



Brown a thick slice from a round of beef in a hot pan and season
carefully, adding water to make a pan gravy; add also a pint of tomato
juice and onion juice to taste; cover and simmer gently for at least an
hour and a half; turn the meat frequently, keeping the gravy in
sufficient quantity to insure that the meat shall be thoroughly moist
and thoroughly seasoned.

When served, it should be, if carefully done, very tender. The gravy may
be thickened or not, according to individual taste.

                                                     MRS. SAM'L SEMPLE.


Liver a la Creole

Take a fine calf liver. Skin well and cut in thick slices. Season with
salt and pepper. Fry in deep fat and drain.

Chop fine two tablespoons parsley. Melt two tablespoons butter, toss in
parsley and pour at once over liver and serve.

Chicken Croquettes

          1 pound of chicken
          3 teaspoons chopped parsley
          1 1/2 cups cream
          1 small onion
          1/4 pound butter
          1/4 pound bread crumbs
          season to taste
          1 pinch of paprika

Grind meat twice. Boil the onion with the cream and strain the onion
out. Let cool and pour over crumbs. Add parsley and butter, and make a
stiff mixture. Now add seasoning.

Mix all together by beating in the meat. If too thick add a little milk
and form into croquettes, and put in ice box.

When cool dip in beaten egg and then in crackers or bread crumbs. Fry in
deep fat.

Nuts as A Substitute for Meat

Although many are trying to eliminate so much meat from menus on account
of its soaring cost, the person who performs hard labor must have in its
place something which contains the chief constituents of meat, protein
and fats, or the body will not respond to the demands made upon it
because of lowered vitality from lack of food elements needed.
Scientific analyses have proven that nuts contain more food value to the
pound than almost any other food product known. Ten cent's worth of
peanuts, for example, at 7 cents a pound will furnish more than twice
the protein and six times more energy than could be obtained by the same
outlay for a porterhouse steak at 25 cents a pound.

One reason for the tardy appreciation of the nutritive value of nuts is
their reputation of indigestibility. The discomfort from eating them is
often due to insufficient mastication and to the fact that they are
usually eaten when not needed, as after a hearty meal or late at night,
whereas, being so concentrated, they should constitute an integral part
of the menu, rather than supplement an already abundant meal, says the
Philadelphia Ledger. They should be used in connection with more bulky
carbohydrate foods, such as vegetables, fruits, bread, crackers, etc.;
too concentrated nutriment is often the cause of digestive disturbance,
for a certain bulkiness is essential to normal assimilation.

Pecan Nut Loaf

          1 cup hot boiled rice
          1 cup pecan nut meat (finely chopped)
          1 cup cracker crumbs
          1 egg
          1 cup milk
          1 1/4 teaspoons salt
          pepper to taste
          1 teaspoon melted butter

Mix rice, nut meats, cracker crumbs; then add egg well beaten, the milk,
salt and pepper.

Turn into buttered bread pan; pour over butter, cover and bake in a
moderate oven 1 hour.

Put on hot platter and pour around same this sauce:

Cook 3 tablespoons butter with slice of onion and a few pimentos,
stirring constantly. Add 3 tablespoons flour; stir, pour in gradually
1 1/2 cups milk.

Season and strain.

          "I am in earnest. I will not equivocate--I will
          not excuse--I will not retreat a single inch--AND
          I WILL BE HEARD."

                                         WM. LLOYD GARRISON.


Nut Hash

Nut hash is a good breakfast dish. Chop fine cold boiled potatoes and
any other vegetable which is on hand and put into buttered frying pan,
heat quickly and thoroughly, salt to taste, and just before removing
from the fire stir in lightly a large spoonful of peanut meal for each
person to be served. To prepare the meal at home, procure raw nuts,
shell them and put in the oven just long enough to loosen the brown
skin; rub these off and put the nuts through the grinder adjusted to
make meal rather than an oily mixture. This put in glass jars, and kept
in a cool place will be good for weeks. It may too, be used for
thickening soups or sauces, or may be added in small quantities to
breakfast muffins and griddle-cakes.

Potato soup, cream of pea, corn or asparagus and bean soup may be made
after the ordinary recipes, omitting the butter and flour and adding
four tablespoons of peanut meal.

Nut Turkey

Nut turkey for Thanksgiving instead of the national bird, made by mixing
one quart of sifted dry bread crumbs with one pint of chopped English
walnuts--any other kind of nuts will go--and one cupful of peanuts,
simply washed and dried, and adding a level teaspoon of sage, two of
salt, a tablespoon of chopped parsley, two raw eggs, not beaten, and
sufficient water to bind the mass together. Then form into the shape of
a turkey, with pieces of macaroni to form the leg bones. Brush with a
little butter and bake an hour in a slow oven and serve with drawn
butter sauce.

A dinner roast made of nuts and cheese contains the elements of meat.
Cook two tablespoons of chopped onion in a tablespoon of butter and a
little water until it is tender, then mix with it one cupful each of
grated cheese, chopped English walnuts and bread crumbs, salt and pepper
to taste and the juice of half a lemon; moisten with water, using that
in which the onion has been cooked; put into a shallow baking dish and
brown in the oven.

Hickory nut loaf is another dish which can take the place of meat at
dinner. Mix two cups of rolled oats, a cupful each of celery and milk,
two cups of bread crumbs and two eggs, season and shape, then bake 20
minutes. Serve with a gravy made like other gravy, with the addition of
a teaspoon of rolled nuts.

Nut Scrapple

On a crisp winter morning a dish of nut scrapple is very appetizing and
just as nutritious as that made of pork. To make it, take two cupfuls of
cornmeal, one of hominy and a tablespoon of salt and cook in a double
boiler, with just enough boiling water until it is of the consistency of
frying. While still hot add two cupfuls of nut meats which had been put
through the chopper; pour into buttered pan and use like other scrapple.

Peanut omelet is a delicious way to serve nuts. Make a cream sauce with
one tablespoon of butter, two tablespoons of flour and three-quarters of
a cupful of flour and three-quarters of a cupful of milk poured in
slowly. Take from the fire, season, add three-quarters of a cupful of
ground peanuts and pour the mixture on the lightly beaten yolks of three
eggs. Fold in the stiffly beaten whites, pour into a hot baking dish and
bake for 20 minutes.

Nut Roast

          3 eggs (beaten with egg beater)
          2 cups English Walnut meats
          milk to moisten it
          4 cups of bread crumbs (grated)
          1 small tablespoon butter
          pinch salt.

1 1/2 cups of walnut meats will do. 1/4 lb. of the meats is 1 1/2 cups.
A 1/4 lb. of the meats equals 1/2 lb. in the shells and the labor of
shelling is saved.

Melt butter and pour over mixture, salt, then add enough milk to
moisten, so as to form the shape of a loaf of bread. Too little milk
will cause the loaf to separate, likewise, too much will make it mushy.
Chop walnuts exceedingly fine. Bake between 20 to 30 minutes in buttered
bread pan or baking dish. A small slice goes very far as it is solid and
rich. Serve with hot tomato sauce.

This makes a delicious luncheon dish, served with peas and a nice

Oatmeal Nut Loaf

Oatmeal nut loaf can be served cold in place of meat for Sunday night
tea. Put two cups of water in a sauce pan; when boiling add a cupful of
oatmeal, stirring until thick; then stir in a cupful of peanuts that
have been twice through the grinder, two tablespoons of salt, half a
teaspoon of butter, and pack into a tin bucket with a tight fitting lid
and steam for two hours; slice down when cold. This will keep several
days if left in the covered tin and kept in a cool place. A delicious
sandwich filling can be made from chopped raisins and nuts mixed with a
little orange or lemon juice. Cooked prunes may be used instead of

          Rastus: "So you wife am one of dem Suffragettes?
          Why don't yo show her de evil ob sech pernicious
          doctrine by telling her her place am beside de

          Sambo: "Huh! She dun shoot back sayin' dat if it
          wasn't foh her takin' in washin' dere wouldn't be
          any fireside."--Puck.


Cream Potatoes

Bake the potatoes in a slow oven. When perfectly cold slice rather thin.
Put into a pan, sprinkle on a little flour and toss the potatoes about
with your hand until some flour adheres to each piece. Cover these
floured potatoes with small bits of butter. If the butter is put in in
one piece the potatoes get broken before the butter reaches them all.

Sprinkle in a little salt and put in enough cream so that they are about
half covered. If you use more cream they will cook too tender and be
mushy before the cream is cooked down. Stand by them. Stir with a knife
blade lifting them from the bottom but not turning them over.

When they begin to glisten lift them to a hot serving dish and put them
where they will keep warm but will not cook any further.

If you have not cream add a little more butter but the cream is better
than the butter.

                           HARRIET TAYLOR UPTON,
                           President, Ohio Women's Suffrage Association.
                           Warren, Ohio.


French Fried Potatoes

Wash and pare the potatoes and cut into any desired shape. Drain well.
Fry in smoking fat until nicely browned, then drain on browned paper.
Season well and serve.

Potatoes Au Gratin

Cut cold boiled potatoes into cubes and make a cream dressing. Butter
the baking dish, put in a layer of potatoes and then a layer of the
dressing, then sprinkle with a little parmesan cheese; now a layer of
potatoes and then a layer of dressing and then cheese, put in oven and
allow them to brown.

Potato Croquettes

Pare sweet or white potatoes and boil as for mashed potatoes. When done
and mashed add a good lump of butter and season well; add a little hot
milk, form into croquettes and dip into beaten egg, then in bread or
cracker crumbs. Cook in deep fat. Garnish with parsley.

          Let the sky rain potatoes.--Shakespeare

Pittsburgh Potatoes

          1 onion
          1 quart potato cubes
          1/2 can pimentos
          2 cups white sauce
          1/2 lb. cheese
          1 teaspoon salt

Cook potatoes with chopped onion. Drain and add pimentos cut fine. Pour
white sauce over; stir in cheese; bake in a moderate oven.

Sweet Potato Souffle

Boil some sweet potatoes and ripe chestnuts separately, adding a little
sugar to the water in which the chestnuts are boiled.

Mash all well together and add some cream and butter and beat until
light. Then place for a minute or two in the oven to brown.

Potatoes a la Lyonnaise

Cut cold boiled potatoes into tiny dice of uniform size. Put two great
spoonfuls of butter into the frying pan and fry two sliced onions in
this for three minutes. With a skimmer remove the onions and turn the
potatoes into the hissing butter. Toss and turn with a fork, that the
dice may not become brown. When hot, add a teaspoon of finely chopped
parsley and cook a minute longer. Remove the potatoes from the pan with
a perforated spoon, that the fat may drip from them. Serve very hot.

Stuffed Potatoes

Wash good sized potatoes. Bake them and cut off tops with a sharp knife,
and with a teaspoon scoop out the inside of each potato. Put this in a
bowl with two ounces of butter, the yolks of two eggs, salt to taste,
pepper and sugar.

Potato Dumplings

To be served with German Pot Roast or Beef a la mode.

          4 large raw potatoes grated
          8 large boiled potatoes grated
          2 eggs
          3/4 cup bread crumbs
          1 tablespoon melted butter

Mix eggs with grated raw potatoes, add bread crumbs and butter, lastly
grated boiled potatoes and salt, mix flour with the hands while forming
dumplings size of large egg, drop at once into boiling salted water.

Boil twenty minutes, drain, lay on platter and sprinkle with fried
chopped onions, bread crumbs browned in butter.

Potato Puffers

Peel and grate 8 large potatoes, one onion, mix at once with two or
three eggs (before potatoes have time to discolor). Have spider very hot
with plenty of hot fat.

Drop into flat cakes 3 in. in diameter, fry crisp brown on one side then
turn and fry second side. Serve immediately with apple sauce or stewed
fruit of any kind.

Stuffed Tomatoes

(Luncheon Dish.)

          5 large tomatoes
          1 tablespoon minced green (sweet) peppers
          minced onion
          3 or 4 pork sausages
          2 cups bread crumbs
          1 teaspoon or tablespoon of minced parsley
          salt and pepper
          1 tablespoon melted butter

Boil the sausages ten minutes, then skin and chop fine. Hollow your
tomatoes using about 1/2 cup of the solid parts, chopping fine. Mix all
thoroughly then heap into the tomato shells. Put large tablespoon butter
in baking pan and bake about 20 minutes in hot oven.

Green peppers and sausages can be omitted if so preferred.

This stuffed tomato served with bread and butter can be used as a first
course instead of bouillon and also can be used as a substitute for

Baked Tomatoes

          8 large smooth tomatoes
          2 green peppers
          1 tsp. salt
          1 1/2 pints milk
          1 good sized onion
          1 1/2 T. sugar

Wash tomatoes, do not peel, slice piece from top of each and scoop out a
little of the tomato. Cut peppers in two lengthwise and remove
seeds--place in cold water.

Now put onion and peppers through meat chopper, sprinkle a little sugar
and a little salt over each tomato and place in good sized baking dish;
now put ground onion and ground peppers on top of tomato.

Put butter in skillet and when melted, not brown, stir in flour until a
paste is formed, now add gradually the milk as you would for cream
dressing, stir constantly.

The dressing must be very thick to allow for the water from the
tomatoes. Put this sauce around the tomatoes, not on top and place in a
moderate oven to bake about one hour slow. Serve if possible in the same
dish in which it was baked as it is very attractive.

                                               MARY ROBERTS RINEHART.


Green String Beans

          1/4 Peck

Fry in ham or bacon, 1 onion; add 1 cup tomatoes, 1 sprig thyme, 1 clove
garlic--parsley. Add beans and 1 cup water. Cook 1 1/2 hours.

Fresh Beans (Green or Yellow.)

          1/4 peck beans
          1 good size onion
          1/2 clove of garlic
          2 small tomatoes
          1 pinch of thyme
          1/2 tablespoon butter
          1/2 tablespoon bacon fat
          Salt to taste

Cut beans lengthwise very thin. Put butter and bacon fat in saucepan.
Cut up onion and let it fry to a light brown. Then wash beans and put
them in the fat. Add garlic and tomatoes, (cut up) and thyme--a little
salt and a little water. Cook.


          A dish from "fair Provence"

1 large or two small egg-plants; two cucumbers; four onions; six
tomatoes; 1 green pepper.

Peel and cut separately all vegetables; fry sliced onions in a teaspoon
of lard; add tomatoes, crushing them and stirring until quite soft; add
half a teaspoon of salt, then the cucumber, egg-plant, and green pepper,
stirring over a hot fire for ten minutes; place over a slow fire and
stew for three hours.

If the vegetables are fresh and tender, nothing else is needed, but if
they are somewhat dry, add a cupful of stock.

Cold barbouillade is excellent to spread on bread for sandwiches.

Barbouillade is usually served hot with rice boiled a la Creole.

Boiled Rice

Wash very thoroughly one cupful of rice; boil for twenty minutes in
three quarts of boiling water; drain and shake well, pour cold water
over the rice to separate the grains, and set in the oven a few minutes
to keep hot.


Wash thoroughly, then throw into cold water and bring to boiling point;
then add 1/4 teaspoon of soda and boil 5 minutes. Turn into colander,
let cold water run over it, drain well, squeezing out water with spoon,
then chop very fine; add creamed butter, salt and pepper.

Heat again thoroughly, then serve with hard boiled eggs sliced on top.


          1/2 box Spaghetti
          1 can tomatoes
          1/2 large onion
          1 teaspoon salt
          1/8 teaspoon pepper
          3 tablespoons sugar
          1 tablespoon flour
          1 pint water
          1 tablespoon butter
          1 1/2 lbs. boiling meat
          Sap Sago or Parmesan cheese.

Boil spaghetti twenty-five minutes in salt water, drain, and run cold
water over it to separate.

While the spaghetti is boiling make sauce as follows: put the butter in
the skillet and when hot put in the onion and let brown. Then add the
tomatoes, meat, water, salt, pepper, sugar and cook thoroughly for one
and one-half hours. Then add flour mixed with a little water; thicken to
the consistency of cream; strain.

Take baking dish and place a layer of spaghetti, then a layer of sauce,
then sprinkle this with the cheese, continue until the pan is filled,
allowing cheese to be on the top.

Bake one-half hour in a moderate oven.

Baked Beans

          1 quart beans
          1 scant teaspoon baking soda
          3 tablespoons molasses
          1/4 pound salt pork
          1/4 pound bacon
          3 tablespoons vinegar
          1/2 teaspoon mustard
          salt and pepper to taste
          3 tablespoons catsup

Soak beans over night in luke warm water with soda. In morning pour off
water and wash in cold water. Now place salt pork in bottom of bean
crock and put layers of beans on top, sprinkle with pepper and salt,
when filled nearly to top put on slices of bacon.

Now blend mustard with vinegar, now add molasses and catsup and pour
over the beans and fill up and over the top with luke warm water. Bake
in a slow oven for at least six hours, longer if necessary.

Creamed Mushrooms

          1 lb. mushrooms
          flour to thicken
          1/4 lb. butter
          1/2 pt. sweet cream

To one pound of cleaned and well strained mushrooms, add 1/4 lb. of
fresh butter. Allow mushrooms to cook in butter about five minutes.
Sprinkle enough flour to thicken.

When well mixed, pour in gently a little more than 1/2 pint of sweet
cream. Allow it to boil, add salt and pepper to taste.

                                                     MRS. ENOCH RAUH.


Macaroni a la Italienne

          2 lbs. ground meat
          2 onions
          1 large tablespoon butter
          1 1/2 tablespoons sugar
          salt and pepper to taste
          1 large can tomatoes
          2 lbs. macaroni
          Parmesan cheese
          2, 3 or 4 cups water

Put butter in a pan and allow it to melt, add onions and cook until
light brown, not dark. Now add meat and cook slowly, now add sugar, and
seasoning and tomatoes, and as it cooks down add 1 cup of water. Allow
it to cook three hours or longer, adding more water as it needs it. It
will turn dark, almost a mahogany, as it nears the finishing point. When
almost done put macaroni on in plenty of boiling salt water and cook
almost twenty minutes. Do not allow it to cook entirely. When done drain
off water. Now take baking dish, and put a layer of macaroni on bottom,
now a layer of parmesan cheese, now a layer of the tomato and meat
sauce, now a layer of cheese and repeat with macaroni, cheese, sauce,
etc., until the top is reached. Put on a generous layer of sauce and
cheese and allow it to bake about a half hour in a medium oven, being
careful that it is not too hot.

Regarding how much water to add must be determined by cook. Some times
it boils more rapidly. The sauce must not be too thin.

To serve with Macaroni Italienne the following is very fine.

Have the butcher cut a 2 pound round steak as thin as possible and
prepare the following way:

          1 generous cup grated bread crumbs
          2 anchovies, cut fine
          1/2 tablespoon parsley, cut fine
          3 eggs boiled hard
          1/2 tablespoon parmesan cheese
          seasoning to taste

Grate the bread, cut anchovies and parsley fine. Mix all with seasoning
and cheese and spread on steak. Now place the eggs which have been
boiled hard, peel, and allow to remain whole on top of bread crumbs,
etc. Place at equal distance from each other, and roll up and bind with
skewers or cord. Put this into the pot with the tomato and meat sauce
and allow it to cook until the sauce is done, at which time the meat
roll will also be ready to serve. Place the roll on a dish and cut in

This, with a light salad, is sufficient for a dinner.

Rice With Cheese

Cook a cup of rice in rapidly boiling, salted water until almost ready
for the table. Drain, mix with a pint of white sauce, pour into a baking
dish, cover with slices of cheese, and bake in a moderate oven twenty

The white sauce may also be flavored with cheese.

Rice With Nuts

Prepare rice as above, and mingle with white sauce; add half a cup of
chopped nuts--pecans or hickory nuts preferred; sprinkle a few chopped
nuts over surface, and brown in quick oven.

                 MRS. SAMUEL SEMPLE,
                    President, State Federation of Pennsylvania Women.

Carrot Croquettes

Boil four large carrots until tender; drain and rub through a sieve, add
one cupful of thick white sauce, mix well and season to taste. When
cold, shape into croquettes, and fry same as other croquettes.

Potato Balls

Two soup plates of grated potatoes which have been boiled in the skins
the day before. Add four tablespoons flour or bread crumbs, a little
nutmeg and salt, one-half cup of melted butter and the yolks of four
eggs and one cupful croutons (fried bread--in butter--cut into small

Mix together, then add the beaten whites of the eggs. Mix well and form
into balls, then boil in boiling salt water about fifteen or twenty
minutes. Serve with bacon cut into small squares on top.

To be eaten with stewed dried fruits cooked together--prunes, apricots,

                                              MRS. RAYMOND ROBINS.

Vegetable Medley, Baked

To take the place of the roast on a meatless menu, try the following:

Soak and boil one-half pint of dried beans to make a pint of pulp,
putting it through a colander to remove the skins. Take small can of
tomato soup and to this allow a pint of nuts ground, two raw eggs, half
a cup of flour browned, one small onion minced and a tablespoon of
parsley, also minced. Season to taste with sage, sweet marjoram, celery
salt, pepper and paprika and mix the whole well, stirring in half a cup
of sweet milk. Put into a well-greased baking tin and brown for 20
minutes in a quick oven. Serve hot on a flat dish as you would a roast
with brown gravy or tomato sauce.

          Women cannot make a worse mess of voting than men
          have. They will make mistakes at first. That is to
          be expected. It will not be their fault, but the
          fault of the men who have withheld from them what
          they should have had before this. But eventually
          they will get their bearings, and will use the
          ballot to better effect than men have used it.

          Whatever the outcome, it will be better to have
          intelligent women voting than the illiterates and
          incompetents who have now the right to the vote
          because they are men. We need to tighten up at one
          end of the voting question and broaden out at the
          other. We should take from the ignorant, worthless
          and unfit men who possess it, that right of
          suffrage which they do not know how to use. We
          should give to the thousands of intelligent women
          of the country the right of suffrage which should
          be theirs.

                                          IRVIN S. COBB.


          The waste of good materials, the vexation that
          frequently attends such mismanagement and the
          curses not unfrequently bestowed on cooks with the
          usual reflection, that whereas God sends good
          meat, the devil sends cooks.           E. Smith.


Hot savory and cold salad are always to be recommended--some suggestions
that are worth remembering.

A hot savory and a cold salad make a good combination for the summer
luncheon, and the savory is a useful dish for the disposition of
left-over scraps of meat, fish, etc.

The foundation of a savory is usually a triangle or a finger of buttered
brown bread toast, or fried bread, pastry or biscuit. The filling may be
varied indefinitely, and its arrangement depends upon available

Here are a few suggestions for the use of materials common to all

          He that eats well and drinks well, should do his
          duty well.

Tomato Toast

Half an ounce of butter, two ounces of grated cheese, one tablespoon of
tomato; paprika. Melt the butter and add the tomato (either canned or
fresh stewed), then the grated cheese; sprinkle with paprika and heat on
the stove. Cut bread into rounds or small squares, fry and pour over
each slice the hot tomato mixture.

Ham Toast

Mince a little left-over boiled ham very finely. Warm it in a pan with a
piece of butter. Add a little pepper and paprika. When very hot pile on
hot buttered toast. Any left-over scraps of fish or meat may be used up
in a similar way, and make an excellent savory to serve with a green

Cheese Savories

Butter slices of bread and sprinkle over them a mixture of grated cheese
and paprika. Set them in a pan and place the pan in the oven, leaving it
there until the bread is colored, and the cheese set. Serve very hot.

Sardine Savories

Sardines, one hard boiled egg, brown bread, parsley. Cut the brown bread
into strips and butter them. Remove the skin and the bones from the
sardines and lay one fish on each finger of the bread. Chop the white of
the egg into fine pieces and rub the yolk through a strainer. Chop the
parsley very fine and decorate each sardine with layers of the white,
the yolk and the chopped parsley. Season with pepper and salt.

Oyster Savories

These make a more substantial dish, and are delicious when served with a
celery salad: Six oysters, six slices of bacon, fried bread, seasoning.
Cut very thin strips of bacon that can be purchased already shaved is
best for the purpose. Season the oysters with pepper and salt, and wrap
each in a slice of the bacon, pinning it together with a wooden splint
(a toothpick). Place each oyster on a round of toast or of fried bread,
and cook in the oven for about five minutes. Serve very hot, and
sprinkle with pepper.

Savory Rice and Tomato

Fry until crisp a quarter pound of salt pork. Put into the pan with it a
medium-sized onion, minced fine and brown. All this to three cupfuls of
boiled rice; mix in two green peppers seeded and chopped, and a cupful
of tomato sauce. Season all to taste with salt and pepper, turn into a
buttered baking dish, sprinkle with fine breadcrumbs and small pieces of
butter. Brown.

Stuffed Celery

A most delicious relish is made with Roquefort cheese, the size of a
walnut, rubbed in with equal quantity of butter, moistened with sherry
(lemon juice will serve if sherry be not available), and seasoned with
salt, pepper, celery salt, and paprika; then squeezed into the troughs
of a dozen slender, succulent sticks of celery. This is a very
appropriate prelude to a dinner of roast duck.

                                              JACK LONDON.

          Here is bread which strengthens man's heart, and,
          therefore, is called the staff of life.
                                          Mathew Henry


Fine Bread

          3 small potatoes
          1 tablespoon lard
          2 handfuls salt
          1 handful sugar

Soak the magic yeast cake in a little luke warm water. Add a little
flour to this, and let it stand an hour. Boil the potatoes in 2 quarts
water: when soft put through sieve and then set aside to cool in the
potato water. Add to this the lard, salt and sugar.

About 4 in the afternoon put the liquid in large bread riser. Add about
3 quarts of flour, beat thoroughly for at least 10 minutes; now add
dissolved yeast to it; let sponge rise until going to bed and then
stiffen. Knead until dough does not stick to the hands about 20 to 25
minutes. It will double in size. In morning put in bread pans and let
rise one hour or more. Bake in moderately hot oven one hour.

Many persons prefer stiffening the bread in the morning. In this case
set the sponge later in the evening and allow it to rise all night,
stiffening with the flour in the morning instead of the evening. Of
course this allows the baking to be rather late in the day.

                                              MRS. MEDILL MCCORMICK.


Excellent Nut Bread

Two cupfuls of white flour (sifted), two cupfuls of graham or entire
wheat flour (sifted if one chooses), one-half cup of New Orleans
molasses, little salt, two cupfuls of milk or water, one cupful of
walnut meats (cut up fine), one teaspoonful of soda dissolved in milk,
about two tablespoons melted butter. Let raise 20 minutes. Bake about
one hour in moderate oven.

Virginia Batter Bread

          2 cups milk
          Salt to taste
          1 tablespoon butter
          1/2 cup of cream
          1/2 cup white corn meal
          2 to 5 well beaten eggs

Put in double boiler 2 cups of milk and 1/2 cup of cream. When this
reaches boiling point salt to taste. While stirring constantly sift in
1/2 cup of white corn meal (this is best). Boil 5 minutes still
stirring, then add 1 tablespoon of butter and from 2 to 5 well beaten
eggs (beaten separately) 1 for each person is a good rule.

Pour into a greased baking dish and bake in a quick oven until brown
like a custard. It must be eaten hot with butter and is a good breakfast

                                                MRS. K. W. BARRETT.

Bran Bread

          4 cups sterilized bran
          2 cups buttermilk
          raisins if desired
          2 cups white flour
          1/2 teaspoon soda

Bake until thoroughly done.


          Editress Suffrage Cook Book:

          I take pleasure in sending you a portrait and also
          my favorite recipe for food, which I hope will be
          of some use to you and help the cause along.

          Mush should be made only of the whole meal flour
          of the grain and well cleaned before grinding.
          Whole wheat flour, whole Indian Corn Meal, whole
          wheat and whole barley meal are examples of the
          raw materials.

          Take one pint (pound) of meal, 1/2 teaspoon of
          salt, four pints (pounds) of water. Add the salt
          to the water and after boiling stir in slowly, so
          as to avoid making lumps, the meal until all is
          used. Break up any lumps that may form with the
          ladle until the mass is homogeneous.

          Cover the vessel and boil slowly over a low fire
          so as not to burn the contents, for an hour. Or
          better after bringing to a boil in a closed vessel
          place in a fireless cooker over night.

          This is the best breakfast food that can be had
          and the quantity above mentioned is sufficient for
          from four to six persons. The cost of the raw
          material based on the farmer's price is not over
          1 1/2 cents.

          Variation: Mush may also be made with cold water
          by careful and continuous stirring. There is some
          advantage of stirring the meal in cold water as
          there is no danger of lumping but without very
          vigorous stirring especially at the bottom, the
          meal may scorch during the heating of the water.

          The food above described is useful especially for
          growing children as the whole meal or flour
          produce the elements which nourish all the tissues
          of the body.

                                          DR. HARVEY W. WILEY.

Dr. Wiley urges house wives to grind their own wheat flour and corn
meal, using the coffee grinder for the work. The degree of fineness of
flour is regulated by frequent grindings.

The improvement in flavor and freshness of cakes, breads and mush made
from home ground wheat and corn will absolutely prove a revelation.


Polenta--Corn Meal

Take an iron kettle, put in two quarts water with one tablespoon salt.
Heat and before boiling, slowly pour in your corn meal, stirring
continuously until you have it very stiff. Put on lid and let boil for
an hour or more. Turn out in a pan and keep warm. Later this is turned
out on a platter for the table.

Cut it in pieces of about an inch wide for each plate and on this the
following sauce is added with a teaspoon Parmesan cheese added to each

Brown a good sized onion in two tablespoons butter, add 1/2 clove of
garlic, about 5 pieces of dried mushroom, being well soaked in water
(use the water also) dissolve a little extract of beef, pouring that
into this with a little more water, salt and some paprika--a pinch of
sugar and 1/3 teaspoon vinegar.

A little flour to make a nice gravy. This makes it very palatable.

It takes about ten minutes to cook.

Serve in gravy bowl--a spoonful on each piece of Polenta. Added to that
the grated cheese, is all that is needed for a whole meal. Apple sauce
should be served with this dish.

          Man doth not live by bread alone.
                                         --Owen Meredith

Corn Bread

          1 pint corn meal
          1 pint flour
          1 teaspoon soda
          2 teaspoons cream of tartar
          1 teaspoon salt
          1 tablespoon sugar
          1/4 cup melted butter
          1 pint milk
          1 egg

Mix the dry ingredients together. Bake in rather quick oven.

Nut Bread

          1 beaten egg
          1 1/2 cups sweet milk
          1 cup light brown sugar
          1 cup nuts (Chop before measuring)
          4 cups flour
          4 teaspoons baking powder

Let rise 30 minutes. Bake one hour.

Hymen Bread

          1 lb. genuine old love
          7/8 lb. common sense
          3/4 lb. generosity
          1/2 lb. toleration
          1/2 lb. charity
          1 pinch humor

(always to be taken with a grain of salt.)

Good for 365 days in the year.

Corn Bread

          1 cup flour
          2 cups corn meal (yellow)
          1/2 cup sugar
          3 teaspoons baking powder
          1/4 teaspoon salt
          2 eggs
          2 cups milk
          1 tablespoon butter

Sift all dry ingredients--sugar, flour, meal, salt and baking powder.

Beat yolks and add milk, stir into dry materials. Now beat whites stiff
and add. Lastly stir in melted butter. Bake in greased pans about twenty
to thirty minutes.

Brown Bread

          1 cup sweet milk
          1/2 cup brown sugar
          1 teaspoon salt
          Graham flour to make a stiff batter
          1 cup sour milk
          1/2 cup molasses
          1 small teaspoon baking soda

Bake 1 hour and a quarter in a moderate oven. Stir in soda, dissolved,
last thing, beating well. This makes 2 small loaves.

Egg Bread

          1 quart meal
          1 teaspoon salt
          3 eggs
          1 cup milk
          1 tablespoon lard and butter

Pour a little boiling water over 1 quart of meal to scald it. Add a
little salt and stir in yolks of 3 eggs, 1 cup milk, 1 tablespoon of
lard and butter melted. Add the whites last, well beaten.

Bake in a moderate oven till well done--almost an hour.

Quick Waffles

          2 eggs
          1 quart of milk
          1 quart of flour
          a little salt
          1 tablespoon molten butter
          1 teaspoon sugar

Beat the eggs very light; then gradually mix in the milk, flour and
salt; add melted butter.

Pour into the waffle iron and bake at once.

Grease irons well and do not put in too much batter.

Dumplings That Never Fall

Two cupfuls of flour, two heaping teaspoons of baking powder, one-half
teaspoon of salt and one cupful of sweet milk. Stir and drop in small
spoonfuls into plenty of water, in which meat is boiling. Boil with
cover off for fifteen minutes, then put cover on and boil ten minutes
longer. These are very fine with either beef or chicken.

                            STATE OF ARIZONA
                            EXECUTIVE MANSION

          Since equal suffrage became effective in Arizona
          in December, 1912, the many critics of the
          innovation have been quite effectually silenced by
          the advantageous manner in which enfranchisement
          of women has operated. Not only have the women of
          this state evinced an intelligent and active
          interest in governmental issues, but in several
          instances important offices have been conferred
          upon that element of the electorate which recently
          acquired the elective franchise. Kindly assure
          your co-workers in Pennsylvania of my best wishes
          for their success.

                                              W. P. HUNT.


French Rolls

          3 eggs
          3 ounces butter
          1 quart of flour
          1 pint sweet milk
          1 cake yeast
          a little salt

Beat the eggs very light; melt the butter in the milk; add a little
flour and a little milk until all is mixed; then add yeast before all
the milk and flour are added.

Make into rolls and bake in a pan.

This should be made up at night and set to rise, and baked the next

Drop Muffins

          3 eggs
          1 quart of milk
          1 tablespoon butter
          3/4 cake yeast
          flour to make a batter stiff enough for a spoon to stand upright.

Make up at night and in morning drop from spoon into pan. Bake in a
quick oven.

          We'll bring your friends and ours to this large
          dinner. It works the better eaten before

Soft Gingerbread

          1/2 cup butter
          2 eggs
          1 cup hot water
          1 teaspoon cloves
          1 teaspoon soda
          1/2 cup sugar
          1 teacup molasses
          1 teaspoon cinnamon
          1 teaspoon ginger
          2 1/2 cups flour

Dissolve soda in couple teaspoonfuls hot water.


          1 cup sugar
          1 cup molasses
          2 1/2 cups flour
          3/4 cups lard and butter
          2 eggs
          1 dessert spoon soda dissolved in cup cold water
          1 teaspoon ginger
          1 teaspoon cloves
          1 teaspoon cinnamon

Bake in slow oven and leave in pan until cold.

Cream Gingerbread

          2 eggs, beaten, add
          3/4 cup sugar
          3/4 cup sour milk
          1 tablespoon ginger
          3/4 cup molasses
          1 teaspoon cinnamon
          1 1/2 level teaspoon soda well sifted
          2 level cups flour

Bake in gem pans. Greatly improved by adding nuts and raisins.

Cream Gingerbread Cakes

          2 eggs
          1/2 cup molasses
          grated rind of 1/2 lemon
          1 teaspoon cinnamon
          2 cups flour
          1/2 cup sugar
          3/4 cup thick sour milk
          1 saltspoon salt
          1 tablespoon ginger
          1 1/2 teaspoons soda (level)

Beat 2 eggs until light, add 1/2 cup of sugar, 1/2 cup molasses, 3/4 cup
thick sour cream, the grated rind of 1/2 lemon, 1 saltspoon of salt, 1
teaspoon cinnamon, 1 tablespoon ginger, and finally, add 2 cups of well
sifted flour mixed with 1 1/2 teaspoons soda (level).

Bake in gem pans. If desired add nuts and raisins which improves them
very much.

Parliament Gingerbread

(With apologies to the English Suffragists)

          1/2 lb. flour
          1/2 lb. treacle
          1 oz. butter
          1/2 small spoon soda
          1 dessert spoon ginger
          1 dessert spoon mixed spices
          1/2 cup sugar

A bit of hot water in which soda is dissolved.

Put flour in a basin, and rub in butter, and dry ingredients; then, soda
and water; pour in treacle, and knead to smooth paste. Roll quite thin
and cut in oblongs. Bake about 1/4 hour.

Soft Gingerbread

          1 cup sour milk
          1/2 cup butter
          2 eggs
          2 pints flour
          1 cup molasses
          1/2 cup sugar
          1 1/2 teaspoons soda
          2 teaspoons ginger

Dr. Van Valja's Griddle Cakes

          1 cup boiled rice
          1 level tablespoon flour
          yolks of three eggs
          pinch salt

Beat the eggs to a froth, put in the rice and flour, bake on rather hot
griddle greased with butter--eat with sugar and cinnamon.

Very good for a dyspeptic.

Sally Lunn

          1/4 cup sugar
          1 egg
          2 cups flour
          2 tablespoons melted butter
          1 cup milk
          3 teaspoons baking powder

A good breakfast toast is made by dipping the slices of bread in a pint
of milk to which a beaten egg and a pinch of salt are added, and

When Heat Turns Milk Sour

Here is a sour cream filling for cake: Mix equal quantities of thick,
sour cream, chopped nuts and raisins. Add a little sugar and lemon
juice, enough to give the proper taste, and spread between layers of

       *       *       *       *       *

Many kinds of cookies can be made with sour milk. Here is the recipe for
a good sort: Cream half a cup of butter with a cup of sugar and add a
cup of sour milk in which three-quarters of a teaspoon of soda has been
dissolved, and two cups or a little more of flour, sifted with half a
teaspoon of cloves, half a teaspoon of cinnamon and a teaspoon of salt.
Chill the dough before cutting the cookies. It must be rolled thin.

       *       *       *       *       *

Corn bread can be made with sour milk in this way: Sift a cup of
cornmeal with half a cup of flour, half a teaspoon of salt, a tablespoon
of shortening (clear chicken fat that has been fried out is a good
kind), and then add a cupful of sour milk and a beaten egg. Lastly, add
half a teaspoon of soda. It is well to add the soda last, where a light
mixture is desired, as it begins to give off carbon dioxide, the gas
that makes the dough rise, as soon as it is moist and comes in contact
with the acid of the sour milk.

       *       *       *       *       *

Graham bread made with sour milk in this way is delicious: Sift together
a cup and a half of graham flour and one of white. Add a cup of broken
nut meats and a teaspoon of salt. Then stir in half a cup of milk and a
cup and a half of sour milk, and, lastly, add a teaspoon of soda. The
soda may be sifted into a little of the white flour and added last, if
adding it with the flour is easier.


Mocha Tart

Beat the yolks of four eggs with 1 cup sugar to a cream, to which add 1
tablespoon of mocha extract (Cross and Blackwell's). Beat whites stiff
and fold them in with 3/4 cup of flour and 1 teaspoon baking powder.
Bake in 2 layers in oven.

Filling for Mocha Tart

3/4 pint cream well whipped, to which add 1 1/2 tablespoons mocha
extract. Sugar to taste. Ice top with boiled icing flavored with one
tablespoon of mocha extract.


          1 coffee cup sugar
          2 Eggs
          2 tablespoons butter
          2 lemons (juice)

Beat all together and boil until it jellies. For orange cake use oranges
instead of lemons.


          1 Lemon
          1 cup Water
          1/2 cup Sugar
          1 tablespoon Corn Starch
          1 Egg
          Grated lemon rind
          1 teaspoonful butter


          3 cups brown sugar
          1 cup sweet milk
          3 large tablespoons butter

Boil until it will make a ball in cold water. Then beat until thick
enough to spread on cake. Flavor with vanilla.

Filling for Cake

          3 grated apples
          1 cup sugar
          1 egg

Juice and grated rind of an orange or lemon. Let it come to a boil.

Delicious Nut Cake

Old English Recipe, year 1600

Coffee cup is used for measure.

          2 cups of sugar rolled fine or sifted
          1 cup of butter--creamed together
          3 cups of flour--sifted 4 times
          1 cup of cold water
          4 eggs, whites and yolks beaten separately
          2 large cups of walnut chopped or rolled
          2 teaspoons of cream of tartar--level measure

Cream butter and sugar, stir in yolks, beat hard for 5 minutes, add
water, then flour, mix the tartar in it--then nuts, then beaten whites
of eggs. Bake 3/4 of an hour if loaf, or half hour if divided into two
portions or layers.


          4 cups sugar
          1/2 pint hot water
          4 eggs beaten
          citric acid about size of pea

Boil water and sugar until it threads. Pour over the beaten whites of 4
eggs. Beat until almost cold then add citric acid dissolved in one
teaspoon boiling water, flavor with vanilla and spread between layers
and over cake.

This keeps a long time in a locked closet.

          Cookery has become an art, a noble science; cooks
          are gentlemen.                   Burton.

Christmas Cakes

          1/2 lb. Butter
          6 Eggs
          1 lb. Powdered Sugar
          Flour enough to roll
          Beat eggs separate

Cream butter; add sugar. Separate eggs; beat and add. Then flour to

Cocoanut Tarts

          7 eggs (whites)
          1 lb. sugar (pulverized)
          1/2 lb. butter
          1 cocoanut

Grate the cocoanut, beat the butter and sugar to a cream; beat the eggs
until very dry and light; mix well together and bake on pie crusts
rolled very thin. This amount will make four large tarts.

Suffrage Angel Cake

(a la Kennedy)

          11 eggs
          1 full cup Swansdown Flour (after sifting)
          1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
          1 heaping teaspoon cream of tartar
          2 teaspoons vanilla
          1 pinch of salt

Beat the eggs until light--not stiff; sift sugar 7 times, add to eggs,
beating as little as possible. Sift flour 9 times, using only the
cupful, discarding the extra flour; then put in the flour the cream of
tartar; add this to the eggs and sugar; now the vanilla. Put in angel
cake pan with feet. Put in oven with very little heat. Great care must
be used in baking this cake to insure success. Light the oven when you
commence preparing material. After the first 10 minutes in oven,
increase heat and continue to do so every five minutes until the last 4
or 5 minutes, when strong heat must be used. At thirty minutes remove
cake and invert pan allowing to stand thus until cold.

                                              MISS ELIZA KENNEDY.


Cinnamon Cake

          1 cake compressed Yeast
          1/4 lb. Butter
          1 tablespoon lard
          1 1/2 cups sugar
          Pinch of Salt
          1 pint luke warm milk
          Flour to stiffen

About six o'clock in the evening soak a cake of yeast in a little luke
warm water, make sponge with a little flour, water and yeast. Let rise
until light, about an hour.

Melt butter and lard and cream with sugar and salt; add luke warm milk
and some flour, then stir in sponge and gradually add more flour until
stiff, not as stiff as bread dough. Do not knead, simply stiffen.

Let rise until morning, then simply put in square or round cake pans
about one and one-half inches thick. Do not roll, just mold with the
hands and let rise about an hour.

Cover with little lumps of butter, then sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon
and bake twenty minutes. Thin slices of apples can be placed on top,
also peaches or almonds, blanched and chipped.

This is the genuine German cinnamon cake, and is excellent.

Inexpensive Spice Cake

          1/2 cup shortening
          2 cups brown sugar
          grated rind of lemon
          2 eggs, 3 cups flour
          1 lb. seeded raisins
          1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
          dash of cloves and nutmeg

Boil raisins in 1 1/2 cups water twenty minutes.

Mix shortening, sugar, lemon rind, eggs and spices, add one cup flour
then raisins drained but still hot. Then the other two cups flour and
1/2 cup of the water in which the raisins were boiled to which add 1
teaspoon bi-carbonate soda.

Bake in gem pans in moderate oven. This makes 30 cakes which can be iced
with white or chocolate icing.

Black Walnut Cake

          1 cup butter (creamed)
          1 cup sugar
          4 eggs
          1 cup milk
          2 teaspoons baking powder
          Flour to stiffen
          1 cup walnuts
          1 teaspoon vanilla

Bake 20 or 30 minutes according to oven.

Scripture Cake

          1     cup of   butter--Judges    5 chap. 25 Verse
          3 1/2  "   "    flour--1 Kings   4   "   22   "
          3      "   "    sugar--Jeremiah  6   "   20   "
          2      "   "  raisins--1 Sam'l  30   "   12   "
          2      "   "     figs--1 Sam'l  30   "   12   "
          1      "   "    water--Genesis  24   "   17   "
          1      "   "   almond--Genesis  43   "   11   "
          6                eggs--Isaiah   10   "   14   "
          1 tablespoon of Honey--Exodus   33   "    3   "
          A pinch of       salt--Leviticus 2   "   13   "
          Spices to       taste--1 Kings  10   "   10   "

Follow Solomon's advice for making good boys, and you will have a good

                                              Proverbs: 23 Ch. 14 Verse.

                        STATE OF CALIFORNIA
                         EXECUTIVE MANSION

          Since its adoption in October, 1911, equal
          suffrage in California has been put to the most
          thorough and severe test. Every conceivable sort
          of election has been held in the past three years,
          and women have been called upon to exercise their
          new privilege and perform their added duty not
          alone in the usual fashion, but in various
          primaries, including one for presidential
          preference, in local option elections, and they
          have been compelled to pass on laws and
          governmental policies presented to the electorate
          by the initiative and referendum.

          The women have met the test and equal suffrage in
          California has fully justified itself. In nineteen
          eleven, by a very narrow margin the amendment

          Were it to be again submitted, the vote in its
          favor would be overwhelming.

                                              HIRAM JOHNSTON,


Ratan Kuchen

          1/2 lb. butter
          1 pint milk
          4 eggs
          1 cake yeast
          3/4 cup seedless raisins
          1/4 pound blanched almonds (split)
          1 cup sugar
          1 pinch salt

Soak yeast in a little warm water and some of the milk 10 minutes, then
set a sponge and let it stand about 1 hour (before breakfast); cream
butter; add sugar and beat thoroughly; beat the 4 eggs light and add
gradually to creamed butter and sugar; now add the other 1/2 pint of

Beat well and add the raisins, dredge with a little flour; now add
sponge and beat all thoroughly for 1/2 hour till it drops from the spoon
a little thicker than a sweet cake.

Grease your pan with butter and take the split almonds and stick them on
the side of the pan. Bake nearly an hour.

This makes 2 small cakes or one large one. Very fine German Coffee Cake.
You should use a pan with a tube in the center.

Golden Cake

          1/2 cup butter
          1 cup sugar
          Yolks 10 eggs
          1/2 cup milk
          2 cups flour
          3 teaspoons baking powder
          2 teaspoons orange extract
          cream butter

Add sugar gradually and yolks of eggs beaten until thick, add lemon
colored extract. Mix and sift flour and baking powder and add
alternately with milk to first mixture.

Pineapple Cake

          1 egg
          1/2 cup butter
          3/4 cup sugar
          3/4 cup milk
          1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
          1 1/2 cups flour

Make in two layers and when ready to serve put grated pineapple on each
layer of cake. Whip half a pint of cream, sweeten to taste and put over

(Bananas can be used instead of pineapples).

Ginger Cookies

          3 lbs. flour
          1 lb. butter and lard mixed
          1 lb. brown sugar
          1 pint molasses
          1 good sized teaspoon of soda or 2 level ones.

Add ginger to taste--about 4 level teaspoons, also lemon extract or
grated rind and juice if preferred.

Put flour, sugar and butter together and rub thoroughly. Make hole in
center and pour in the molasses in which the soda has been beaten in.
Stir all well together, break off enough to roll out; cut, space in pan
and bake in very moderate oven.

These keep well, especially in stone crock. This recipe makes a quantity
if cut with small cutter.

Pound Cake

          1 lb. flour
          1 lb. pulverized sugar
          1 lb. butter
          10 eggs

Cream butter and sugar to finest possible consistency. Add 1/4 of the
flour and beat well. Have eggs beaten to a froth. Add a few tablespoons
at a time and beat thoroughly after each addition of egg. When eggs are
all in, add balance of flour and flavoring and beat.

Bake in a slow oven one and one-half hours.

Hints:--Secret of fine pound cake is in the mixing, much beating being

One-half the recipe serves fifteen persons amply.

A paler yellow cake can be had by substituting the whites of two eggs
for every yolk discarded.

In the full recipe not more than four yolks should be discarded.

A very little lemon combined with vanilla or almond, improves the flavor
of the cake.

Bake, if possible, in an old-fashioned tin pan with a center tube.


          1 cup Sugar
          2 Eggs
          2 tablespoons melted butter
          1 cup sour or butter milk
          1 small teaspoon soda
          Flour enough to make a soft dough
          1 teaspoon baking powder

Mix eggs, sugar and butter; add sour milk or buttermilk with soda
dissolved. Then stir in flour with baking powder added.

Do not roll too thin.

Have lard boiling when you drop in the doughnuts. A slice of raw potato
in the lard will prevent the lard taste.

Cream Cake

          1 Cup Butter
          1 tablespoon Lard
          2 cups Sugar
          1 cup Sweet Milk
          3 Eggs
          2 teaspoons Baking Powder
          1 teaspoon Vanilla
          1 Quart Flour

[Illustration: (Handwritten note:)

"We bear and rear and agonize. Well, if we are fit for that, we are fit
to have a voice in the fate of the man we bear. If we can bring forth
the man for the nation, we can sit with you in your councils and shape
the destiny of the nation and say whether it is for war or peace we give
the sons we bear." ~Joan in "War Brides."~



One Egg Cake

          1 cup butter
          1 1/2 cups sugar
          3 cups flour
          1 cup sweet milk
          1 egg
          3 teaspoons baking powder
          1 cup chopped raisins

Devil's Food

          2 cups brown sugar
          2 eggs
          3 cups flour
          1/2 cup boiling water
          1/2 cup sour cream
          1/2 cup butter
          1/2 cup grated chocolate
          1 1/2 teaspoons soda

Dissolve soda in boiling water and pour over chocolate and let cool.
Beat butter and sugar to a cream, add the eggs and other things. Bake in

Bride's Cake

          12 eggs (whites)
          1 small cup butter
          4 small cups flour
          2 teaspoons baking powder
          3 cups sugar
          1 cup sweet milk
          1/2 cup corn starch
          Flavor to taste

This makes two good sized cakes, or four layers.

Date Cake

          1 Cup Sugar
          1/2 Cup Butter
          2 Eggs
          2 Cups Flour
          1 heaping teaspoon baking powder
          1/3 cup Milk
          1 lb. stoned and chopped dates rolled on a portion of the flour

Cream the sugar and butter. Add the well beaten yolks; then the whites;
then the flour well sifted with the baking powder. Beat until smooth;
add milk, then dates. Beat thoroughly and bake three-quarters of an hour
in a steady, but not too hot oven.

Pfeffernusse (Pepper Nuts)

          1 cup Lard
          1 cup Butter
          2 cups Brown Sugar
          3 Eggs
          2 teaspoons Annise seed (ground)
          2 oz. whole coriander seed
          1/2 lb. Chopped Almonds
          1/2 lb. Mixed Citron
          6 cups Molasses
          2 teaspoons Soda
          1 Quart Flour
          1 teaspoon Cream of Tartar

Cocoanut Cake

          1 cup butter
          1 cup sweet milk
          1 teaspoon soda
          1 grated cocoanut
          3 cups sugar
          4 1/2 cups flour
          2 teaspoons cream tartar
          4 eggs (beaten separately)

In place of the soda and cream of tartar 3 teaspoons of baking powder
can be used.

Jam Cake

          1 cup brown sugar
          2-3 cup butter and lard
          3 eggs
          1 glass of strawberry jam
          1 teaspoon cloves
          1 teaspoon cinnamon
          1/2 grated nutmeg
          1/2 cup sour milk
          1 teaspoon soda
          2 cups flour

Bake in a slow oven.

          A march before day to dress one's dinner, and a
          light dinner to prepare one's supper are the best
          cooks.                                Alexander.

Hickory Nut Cake

          1 cup sugar
          1/2 cup sweet milk
          3 eggs
          1/2 cup butter
          2 teaspoons baking powder
          flour to stiffen

One large cup chopped hickory nuts and sprinkle a little salt and flour
with them. This makes two layers.

Lace Cakes

          1 cup brown sugar
          1 egg, not beaten
          1 1/2 tablespoon flour
          1 round teaspoon butter
          1 cup English walnuts chopped

Bake on the underside of a pan in a slow oven. This makes 20 cakes.

          "Do not misunderstand me. Woman suffrage is right.
          It is just. It is expedient. In all moral issues
          the woman voters make a loyal legion that cannot
          be betrayed to the forces of evil; and however
          they are betrayed--as we all are--in campaigns
          against the Beast, the good that they do in an
          election is a great gain to a community and a
          powerful aid to reform. I believe that when the
          women see the Beast, they will be the first to
          attack it. I believe that in this our first
          successful campaign against it, the women saved

                                           HON. BEN LINDSAY.


Lace Cakes

          1 cup sugar
          1 teaspoon butter
          2 teaspoons baking powder
          1 teaspoon vanilla
          2 eggs
          2 1/2 cups rolled oats

Cream butter, add sugar and eggs. To this add vanilla and baking powder,
and when these are thoroughly mixed, stir in the oats. This should make
a stiff batter, and more oats may be added if batter is not stiff

Mold into little cakes with a teaspoon and bake in buttered pans two
inches apart, for ten minutes.

Marshmallow Teas

Arrange marshmallows on thin, unsweetened round crackers. Make a deep
impression in center of each marshmallow, and in each cavity drop 1/4
teaspoon butter. Bake until marshmallows spread and nearly cover
crackers. After removing from oven insert half a candied cherry in each

These are excellent with afternoon tea.

Apple Sauce Cake

          1/2 cup butter
          a little salt
          3 cups sifted flour
          1/2 teaspoon cloves
          1/2 cup nuts
          1 1/2 cups apple sauce
          1 1/2 cups sugar
          1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
          1 cup seeded raisins
          2 scant teaspoons soda dissolved in a little water, boiling.

Bake in a slow oven.

Quick Coffee Cakes

Cream one-fourth of a cupful of butter, three-fourths of a cupful of
sugar, one egg; add one cupful of milk, two and one-half cupfuls of
flour in which two teaspoons of baking powder have been sifted. Beat
smooth, then add as many raisins as desired and bake in two pie tins.
When the top has begun to crust over, brush with melted butter and
sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. Bake a golden brown.

Sand Tarts

One pound of granulated sugar, three-quarters of a pound of butter, one
pound of flour, one pound of almonds blanched and split, and three eggs.
Cream butter and sugar till very light, add the yolks of the three eggs
and the whites of two. Add the flour; roll on the board and cut in
oblong or diamond shapes. Beat the white of the remaining egg and bake.

Sand Tarts

          2 lbs. light brown sugar
          3/4 lb. butter
          2 lbs. flour
          3 eggs

Milk enough to make a stiff dough. Roll very thin, cut out and brush
over with beaten egg and milk mixed together. Put two or three blanched
almonds on each tart and dust with cinnamon and sugar.

Bake in moderate oven.

Cheap Cake

          2 cups sugar
          1 teaspoon butter
          4 cups flour
          3 eggs
          1 cup water
          2 teaspoons baking powder
          Flavor to taste

                         THE STATE OF WYOMING
                         EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT

                                              Dec. 22, 1914.

          Editress Suffrage Cook Book:

          After observing the operation of the women
          suffrage laws and full political rights in the
          state and territory of Wyoming for many years, I
          have no hesitation in saying that everything
          claimed by the advocates of such laws have been
          made good in the state. I am unqualifiedly and
          without reservation in favor of woman suffrage and
          equal political rights for women for all the
          states of the American union.

                                  Very truly yours,
                                        JOSEPH M. CAREY.



          1 1/2 cups sugar
          3/4 cup butter
          3 tablespoons milk--sweet or sour
          3 eggs--whites and yolks beaten separately
          1 teaspoon soda
          1 heaping teaspoon cinnamon
          1 heaping teaspoon ginger
          1 level teaspoon cloves
          1 cup chopped seeded raisins
          1 cup chopped nuts
          Even cup of flour

Drop on greased pan and bake.


          1 1/2 cups sugar
          3 eggs
          1 cup chopped walnuts or hickory nuts
          1 teaspoon cinnamon
          1 teaspoon vanilla
          1 cup butter
          1 cup chopped raisins
          1-3 cup sliced citron
          1 teaspoon cloves
          1/2 teaspoon soda

Dissolve soda in tablespoon hot water. Flour enough to make a stiff
batter, drop in small cakes with teaspoon and bake in slow oven.

Cocoanut Cookies

          1 cup butter
          4 eggs
          1 lemon--juice and rind
          4 cups sugar
          4 teaspoons baking powder
          1 pound package grated cocoanut

Cream sugar with butter. Add the yolks of the 4 eggs and beat well. Add
juice and rind of lemon. Then flour, into which has been sifted the
baking powder. Sift flour and baking powder twice before adding to
mixture. Use enough flour to make a very stiff batter, add cocoanut, and
last, fold in the whites of the eggs beaten to a stiff froth.

Drop on buttered tins and bake in moderate oven.


Grape Fruit Pie

First bake a shell as for lemon pie, then make a filling as follows: Mix
one tablespoon of cornstarch in a little cold water, and over this pour
one cupful of boiling water. To this add the juice of two grapefruits,
the grated rind and juice of one orange, the beaten yolks of two eggs,
and the white of one, and a small piece of butter. Put all in the double
boiler and cook until thick, stirring all the time. When done, put in
the shell. Now beat up the white of the second egg with one-half a
cupful of sugar until thick, and spread with a knife over the pie. Put
in the oven and let brown lightly. Serve cold. This makes a delicious

Spice Pie

The yolks of three eggs, one and one-half cupfuls of sugar, one cupful
of cream, two tablespoons of flour, two-thirds of a cupful of butter,
one teaspoon of spice, cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg.

Mix the flour and sugar together, then cream with the butter. Add the
yolks of the eggs, beating thoroughly. Next add cream and spices. Use
the whites for the frosting.

Cream Pie

          1 1/2 cups milk
          2 egg yolks
          2 tablespoons sugar
          a little salt
          1 tablespoon butter
          Vanilla to taste

Scald milk; beat eggs; add sugar; pour into milk, beating constantly, 1
tablespoon of cornstarch and 1 tablespoon flour (rounded).

Bake crust; beat whites; add 1 teaspoon sugar, cover with cocoanut
browned lightly; now cover with whipped cream and cream nuts.

Pie Crust

One level cup of flour, one-half cup of lard, one-half teaspoon salt,
one-fourth cup ice cold water, one teaspoon baking powder. Mix salt,
baking powder and flour thoroughly, chop in the lard, add water. Use as
little flour as possible when rolling out. This makes a light, crisp,
flaky and delicious pie crust.

Pie for a Suffragist's Doubting Husband

          1 qt. milk human kindness
          8 reasons:
            White Slavery
            Child Labor
            8,000,000 Working Women
            Bad Roads
            Poisonous Water
            Impure Food

Mix the crust with tact and velvet gloves, using no sarcasm, especially
with the upper crust. Upper crusts must be handled with extreme care for
they quickly sour if manipulated roughly.

       *       *       *       *       *

Sigmund Spaeth, in his "Operatic Cook Book, in Life," gives this recipe
for the making of the opera "Pagliacci."

Beat a large bass drum with the white of one clown. Then mix with a
prologue and roll very thin. Fill with a circus just coming to town. One
leer, one scowl and one tragical grin. Bake in a sob of Carusian size.
Result: the most toothsome of Italy's pies.

          Where is the man that can live without dining?

Orange Pie

          1 Large Grated Apple
          1 Orange--grated rind and juice
          1/2 cup Sugar
          2 Eggs--Butter size of an egg

Grate apple; add orange, sugar, butter and yolks. Beat whites and add
lastly. Bake slowly in open shells.

Lancaster County Pie

          1 cup molasses
          1 teaspoon soda
          1 cup sugar
          1 cup boiling water
          3 cups flour
          1/2 cup butter

Make a pie crust and line 4 pie pans. Put soda in the molasses and heat
thoroughly, then add the boiling water. Divide in the four pans. Mix
flour, sugar and butter together for the crumbs and put on top of the

Bake in moderate oven.

Brown Sugar Pie

          2/3 cupful of brown sugar
          1 tablespoon butter
          2 tablespoons milk
          1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla

Cook until waxy looking, then take the yolks of 2 eggs and 1 heaping
tablespoon of flour and 1 1/2 cupfuls milk. Mix all together smooth. Add
to the above ingredients. Cook until thick and add vanilla. Have a baked
crust, use the whites beaten stiff for the top. Return to the oven for a
minute or two.

Banbury Tart

          1 cup flour
          2 heaping tablespoons of lard
          Cold water

Handle as little as possible; roll thin and cut with cutter 6 inches in


          1 egg beaten light
          1 cup raisins
          1 cup sugar
          1 tablespoon of flour
          Juice of one lemon and grated rind

Mix well and cook to consistency of custard, and fill the pastry which
is turned up and made into the shape of a tart.




[Illustration: Handwritten note:

          We may live without poetry, music, and art;
          We may live without conscience, & live without heart;
          We may live without friends; we may live without books;
          But civilised man cannot live without cooks.
                              Lucile by Owen Meredith (Earl of Lytton)

Hasty Pudding

My favourite pudding:

          Milk one pint.
          Flour 1 1/2 table-spoonfuls.
          Sugar 1/2 teaspoonful.

Boil the milk. Mix the flour with a little cold milk. Pour the boiling
milk onto this and put all back into the saucepan. Let it boil up once
more and it is ready. Serve at once.

                                              Constance Lytton]

          It almost makes me wish I vow to have two stomachs
          like a cow.                                  Hood.

Bakewell Pudding

          The famous dainty from the town of Bakewell,
          Derbyshire, England.


          6 oz. flour
          2 oz. margarine
          1/2 small spoon baking powder


          1 1/2 ounces butter
          3 ounces sugar
          2 eggs
          1 dessert spoon corn flour
          1/2 cup hot water
          1/2 small spoon lemon juice

Make the paste, roll quite thin, and line an ashet; spread bottom with
jam; pour on top above mixture, prepared as follows:--melt butter, add
sugar, flour, and beat well, then the water, and fruit juice; finally,
the eggs, well beaten.

Bake for about 1/2 an hour. Serve, of course, cold.

Graham Pudding

          1 cup molasses
          1 cup sweet milk
          1 1/2 cups graham flour
          1 egg
          1 tablespoon butter
          1 teaspoon cinnamon
          1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
          1 teaspoon soda
          1 cup raisins

Put in buttered pudding dish and steam 3 hours.

Norwegian Prune Pudding

          1/2 lb. prunes
          2 cups cold water
          1 cup sugar
          1 inch piece stick cinnamon
          1 1/3 cups boiling water
          1/3 cup corn starch
          1 tablespoon lemon juice

Pick out and wash prunes; then soak 1 hour in cold water, and boil until
soft; remove stones; obtain meat from stones and add to prunes; then add
sugar, cinnamon, boiling water, and simmer ten minutes.

Dilute corn starch with enough cold water to pour easily; add to prune
mixture and cook five minutes. Remove cinnamon; mould; then chill and
serve with whipped cream.

                              STATE OF IDAHO
                            GOVERNOR'S OFFICE,

                                              January 22, 1915.

          Woman Suffrage has gone beyond the trial stage in
          Idaho. We have had it in operation for many years
          and it is now thoroughly and satisfactorily
          established. Its repeal would not carry a single
          county in the State.

          The women form an intelligent, patriotic and
          energetic element in our politics. They have been
          instrumental in accomplishing many needed reforms
          along domestic and moral lines, and in creating a
          sentiment favorable to the strict enforcement of
          the law.

          The impression that Woman Suffrage inspires an
          ambition in women to seek and hold public office
          is altogether wrong. The contrary is true. The
          women of Idaho are not politicians, but they
          demand faithful and conscientious service from
          public officials and when this service is not
          rendered their disapproval is certain and

          Woman suffrage produces no wrong or injury to
          society, but it does engender a higher spirit of
          civic righteousness and places political and
          public affairs on a more elevated plane of
          morality and responsibility.

                                              M. ALEXANDER,
                                                Governor of Idaho


Suet Pudding

          1 cup suet
          1 cup brown sugar
          1 cup raisins
          1 pint flour
          1 cup milk
          2 teaspoons baking powder

Mix suet, chopped fine, raisins and sugar, then add flour and baking
powder, add milk and steam three hours. Serve with sauce.

Plain Suet Pudding

          1 cup beef suet
          1 teaspoon salt
          2 eggs
          3 1/2 cups flour
          3 teaspoons baking powder
          2 cups milk

Put suet through meat grinder or food chopper, fine blade. Sift flour,
salt, baking powder and rub suet into flour well. Beat eggs lightly, add
milk and stir into mixture. Butter mold and fill 3/4 full and steam
three hours. This quantity makes two good sized puddings.

It is very nice made without the eggs and using one-half the quantity.
Fill a deep pudding dish or pan with fruit, apples or peaches, dropping
the suet pudding over the fruit in large spoonsfull and steam 1 1/2

Cottage Fruit Pudding

          2 teaspoons butter
          1 egg
          1/4 teaspoon salt
          1 cup sugar
          1/2 cup milk
          1-3/4 cups flour

Cream well together 2 teaspoons butter, 1 cup sugar, 1 egg, 1/2 cup
milk, 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1-3/4 cups flour. Beat well and add two
scant teaspoons baking powder, then turn into shallow, well-buttered
pan, the bottom of which has been covered with fresh fruit of any kind.

Bake in moderate oven one-half hour. Serve with cream or sauce.

Prune Souffle

One-half pound of prunes, three tablespoons of powdered sugar, four
eggs, a small teaspoon of vanilla. Beat the yolks of the eggs and the
sugar to a cream, add the vanilla and mix them with the prunes. The
prunes should first be stewed and drained, the stones removed, and each
prune cut into four pieces. When ready to serve, fold in lightly the
stiffly whipped whites of the eggs, having added a dash of salt to the
whites before whipping.

Turn it into a pudding dish and bake in a moderate oven for 20 minutes.
Serve very hot directly it is taken from the oven.

Plum Pudding

          2 lbs. suet
          1 lb. sugar
          1/2 lb. flour
          12 eggs
          1 pint milk
          2 nutmegs grated
          1/4 oz. cloves.
          2 lbs. bread crumbs (dry)
          2 lbs. raisins
          2 lbs. currants
          1/4 lb. orange & lemon peel
          1 cup brandy
          1/2 oz. mace
          1/4 oz. allspice

Free suet from strings and chop fine. Seed raisins, chop fine and dredge
with flour. Cream suet and sugar; beat in the yolks when whipped smooth
and light; next put in milk; then flour and crumbs alternately with
beaten whites; then brandy and spice, and lastly the fruit well dredged
with flour. Mix all thoroughly. Take well buttered bowls filled to the
top with the mixture and steam five hours. (This pudding will keep a
long time).

When cold cover with cheesecloth and tie with cord around the rim of the
bowl. Steam again one hour before using. Use wine or brandy sauce. When
on the table pour a little brandy or rum over the top of the pudding and
set fire to it. This adds much to the flavor.

Lemon Cream

Cream together the yolks of five (5) eggs and four (4) tablespoons of
sugar. Add the grated rind of one (1) lemon and the juice of one and
one-half (1 1/2) lemons. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of gelatine in a very
little water, while hot stir into the pudding. Let stand till it
thickens, then add the beaten whites of the eggs. Serve in individual
sherbet cups.

                                              MRS. RAYMOND ROBINS.


Lemon Hard Sauce

Cream two tablespoons of butter until soft, add one tablespoon of lemon
juice and a little nutmeg, then beat in enough sifted confectioner's
sugar to make a light, fluffy mass. Let it harden a little before

Corn Pudding

          9 large ears of corn
          1 tablespoon butter
          1 teaspoon salt
          3 eggs or 2 will do (beaten)
          2 cups of boiled rice
          1 cup milk
          pepper and little sugar

Score and cut corn fine--scraping the last off cob. Put the butter in
the hot rice. First mix rice and corn well together, then beat in the

Raw Carrot Pudding

          1 cup carrots, grated
          1 cup potatoes, grated
          1 1/2 cups white sugar
          2 cups flour
          1 cup raisins
          1 teaspoon soda

Salt, cinnamon, lard and nutmeg to taste. Steam three hours. Serve with
whipped cream or sauce.

                           STATE OF ILLINOIS
                           GOVERNOR'S OFFICE

          Since, on viewing the past in perspective, we can
          derive a lesson such as is contained in the
          steady, sure advance of the world by successive
          steps toward a higher moral consciousness with a
          broad humanitarianism as its basis, may we not, by
          virtue of this fact, find the way lighted to the
          future--a future in which men and women will
          combine forces and resort to helpful co-operation
          in all those things which add to the sum of human
          happiness. If history shows that the most rapid
          strides toward a lofty civilization have been made
          since both the sexes assumed this attitude of
          mutual helpfulness, does it not, by that same
          token, reveal the source of greatest efficiency
          while indicating that feminism is humanism, and
          thus foretelling the trend of human development.

                                      Ever yours truly,
                                           EDWARD F. DUNNE,


          Customer--That was the driest flattest sandwich I
          ever tried to chew into!

          Waiter--Why here's your sandwich! You ate your


Hawaiian Sandwiches

Chop finely one pimento, one green pepper freed from seeds, and a small
cream cheese; add a good pinch of salt and spread between slices of
buttered bread.

Chocolate Sandwiches

Butter and thinly slice white bread; make a chocolate filling exactly
like fudge, but do not allow it to boil quite to the candy stage; spread
between the slices of bread, press together and trim neatly.

Caramel Sandwiches

Melt a tablespoon of butter with a cup of light brown sugar, and a
tablespoon of water; cook for a few moments, till well incorporated,
then spread between slices of buttered bread.

Fruit Sandwiches

Chop candied cherries, dried figs and stoned dates together; make a
paste with a little orange juice, and spread between buttered slices of
graham bread.

Cucumber Sandwiches

Pare and slice cucumbers crosswise. Marinate in French dressing and
place between rounds of buttered bread.

Anchovy Canapes

Cream 2 tablespoons butter; add 1/2 teaspoon Anchovy paste; spread thin
slices of fresh toast with this; over that put slices of hard boiled or
chopped egg and on top one rolled anchovy.


Another delightful way of using sardines is as a sandwich. Beat two
ounces of butter until it is soft, then add a little salt, nutmeg,
Nepaul pepper, 2 teaspoons of tomato catsup and a few drops of lemon

Remove the skin and the backbone from three sardines, and pound them to
a paste in a mortar with the prepared butter.

Pass the mixture through a wire sieve and spread it rather thickly on
fingershaped pieces of buttered brown bread, and make into sandwiches
with a little fine cress between the bread.

Filling for Sandwiches

          1 cup yellow cheese
          1 cup tomato juice
          1/2 cup chipped beef ground
          1 egg beaten separately

Cook tomato juice until it thickens, add cheese, beef and egg last; if
the mixture is too thick, add cream.

Apple Sandwiches

Take bran or whole wheat bread cut thin and spread thin with peanut
butter. Wash, pare, quarter, core and slice the apples very thin spread
between the bread. Or the bread can be buttered and thin slices of apple
put between, then the apple is dusted with a little salt.

          Nothing lovelier can be found in woman, than to
          study household good.    Milton's Paradise Lost.


Pear Salad

Arrange either fresh or cooked pears on lettuce leaves, and pour over
pears sweet cream dressing. Over this grate cocoanut and on top place

Potato Salad

          1/4 Peck of very small potatoes
          1/2 Portion Small Onion
          1 Small Bunch Celery
          2 Tablespoons of Sugar
          4 Tablespoons Olive Oil
          1/2 Pint of Vinegar
          Salt and Pepper to taste

Boil potatoes until soft; pare and let cool, then slice very thin; add
finely cut onions and diluted vinegar enough to mix well; add salt,
pepper and sugar, some celery cut fine and lastly olive oil.

          Serenely full, the epicure would say Fate cannot
          harm me, I have dined today.          Sidney Smith

Codfish Salad

          1 piece of codfish
          1/2 cup diluted vinegar
          black pepper to season
          1 cup cold boiled potatoes, slices very thin
          1 tablespoon chopped parsley
          1 hard boiled egg
          1 teaspoon olive oil

Soak fish over night. Place in fresh water and bring to the boiling
point. Do not allow it to boil. Take out fish and shred. Remove all skin
and bones. Allow it to cool.

Add potatoes, parsley, pepper, oil and vinegar.

Swedish Wreathes

Work 1 cup of bread dough, 1/4 cup butter and 1/4 cup lard, using the
hands. When thoroughly blended, toss on floured board and knead, using
enough flour to prevent sticking.

Cut off pieces and roll like bread stick; shape into rings, dip upper
surface in blanched almonds that have been chopped and salted. Arrange
on buttered baking sheets.

Bake in hot oven until brown.

Bean Salad

          1/4 peck Green String Beans
          1/2 small onion
          1/2 cup vinegar
          1/2 cup sweet or sour cream
          2 tablespoons sugar
          1/2 tablespoon salt
          1/8 teaspoon pepper or paprika

Boil the beans until tender in salt water, not soft, drain and let cool.
When cold add the onion, cut fine; mix the cream, vinegar, salt, sugar
and pepper and pour over beans; serve very cold on lettuce leaves.

Hard boiled eggs can be used as a garnish.

                                              MRS. F. M. ROESSING.


Hot Slaw

          1 small head cabbage
          1 onion
          1 tablespoon bacon fat
          1 teaspoon sugar
          1 teaspoon vinegar
          salt to taste

Cut cabbage not too fine, heat fat in sauce pan. Wash cabbage and put
into that a little water and add onion, cut up, salt and a little
pepper. Cook about twenty minutes, then add the sugar and vinegar.

It must be sour-sweet. It is then ready to serve.

Creole Salad

Cut off the tops of eight medium sized sweet bell peppers, saving the
tops with the stems attached; remove all the seeds and white portion
without breaking the pepper, then throw them into ice water for 30

Mix together a cupful of minced ham and chicken, four hard boiled eggs
and a bunch of celery, chopped, and a Spanish Onion.

Moisten with dressing, fill the shells, replace the tops and serve.


          A Salad to Fit in With Any Scheme of Decoration
          You May Wish to Carry Out.


To make a yellow salad use the yellower heart leaves of lettuce. On them
put diced orange pulp, dressed with French dressing and sprinkled with
chopped walnut meats. Or else scoop out the centers of small
yellow-skinned apples and fill them with a mixture of orange and apple,
dressed with mayonnaise made with lemon juice for thinning and a
flavoring of mustard.


On green, but tender leaves of lettuce, put a little mound of spinach,
which has been boiled and pressed through a sieve and mixed with French
dressing. In the center of each mound, concealed by the spinach, put a
spoonful of chopped hard-boiled egg.

Green and White

Peel and boil tiny white turnips of equal size and hollow out the center
of each. Fill with cold boiled peas and mayonnaise and put on green
lettuce leaves.


Celery, potato, chicken--white meat only--white fish, blanched
asparagus--any or two of these may be used for white salad. Dress with
French dressing or with a white mayonnaise, to which the beaten white of
egg has been added and which has been thinned with vinegar.


Scoop out the inside of tomatoes. Save the slice removed from the top
for a cover and replace it on the tomato after filling it with a mixture
of celery and nut meats, mixed with mayonnaise. Place each tomato on a
white leaf of lettuce.


Strain tomato juice and mix it with equal quantity of white stock--veal
or chicken. Thicken sufficiently with gelatin and harden in molds. Serve
on white lettuce leaves, with mayonnaise that has been colored with a
little cranberry juice.

Orange Salad

Make mayonnaise with much egg yolk in proportion to other ingredients,
and thin with cider vinegar. Dice tender carrots and arrange on lettuce
leaves, dressing with orange mayonnaise.

          Animals feed, Men eat, but only intelligent Men
          know what to eat.               Brillat Savarin.

Tomato Aspic

In Tomato Aspic--Tomato jellies with sardines should be made in ample
time to harden on ice. The aspic referred to is ordinary gelatin mixed
with soup stock instead of plain water. Remove the skin from sardines,
then split them open and take out the backbone and cut them into narrow

Mix together in equal quantities some stiff mayonnaise sauce and cool,
but liquid, aspic jelly then stir in some chopped capers and small
pieces of tomato, in the proportion of a dessertspoon of each to half a
pint of the mayonnaise and aspic mixture; and, lastly, add the sardines.

Have at hand some small tomato molds which have been rather thickly
lined with tomato aspic, fill them with the sardine mixture and leave on
ice until the jellies can be unmolded; serve each on a small leaf of
lettuce, and surround with a salad of water-cress and sliced tomatoes.

Suffrage Salad Dressing

          Yolks of 2 eggs
          3 tablespoons of sugar
          2 tablespoons of tarragon vinegar
          1 pinch of salt

Beat well; cook in double boiler. When cold and ready to serve, fold in
1/2 pint of whipped cream.

Cucumber Aspic

Four large cucumbers, one small onion, half a box of gelatine soaked in
half a cup of cold water, salt and white pepper to taste. Peel the
cucumbers, cut into thick slices and place, with the sliced onion, over
the fire with a scant quart of water. Simmer for an hour, stir in the
gelatine and, when this is dissolved, season the jelly, strain it and
set aside to cool. It may be formed into small moulds and turned out on
lettuce leaves, or used in a border-mould for garnishing a fish or
tomato salad, or set to form in a salad bowl and taken out by the
spoonful and served on lettuce leaves. French dressing is better with it
than mayonnaise.

Boiled Mayonnaise Dressing

          1 egg
          1 piece of butter size of walnut
          1 tablespoon of sugar
          1/2 teaspoon of mustard
          1/2 teaspoon of salt
          1/2 teaspoon white pepper
          1 tablespoon cider vinegar
          1 tablespoon boiling water just before putting in double boiler.

Mix dry ingredients and beaten egg. Add melted butter and vinegar. Beat
well until thoroughly mixed. Add boiling water; cook until thick. Use
level measures. If too thick use plain cream to thin.

Mayonnaise Dressing Without Oil

          2 Tablespoons Dry Mustard
          2    "   "    Salt
          2    "   "    Flour
          2    "   "    Sugar

Sift together through fine strainer three times. Put into a double
cooker two cups of milk. Beat four eggs thoroughly. Add to the milk.
Melt two tablespoons of butter and add to the milk and eggs. Then add
all the above dry sifted ingredients.

Put on fire, stirring constantly. When it begins to thicken add drop by
drop one-half teacup vinegar.

Cook until thick, which will be about twenty minutes.

Remove from fire and put in cool place.

                              MRS. OLIVER H. P. BELMONT,
                                   President Political Equality Ass'n.
                                        New York.


French Dressing

          1/2 teaspoon salt
          2 tablespoons lemon juice
          1/2 teaspoon pepper
          4 tablespoons olive oil

Alabama Dressing

          2 cups of oil
          yolks of 3 eggs
          1/2 cup of vinegar

Make this carefully into a smooth and well blended mayonnaise. It will
take fully 1/2 hour, but the success of the dressing depends upon the
mayonnaise. Now stir in slowly 1/2 bottle chili sauce until well mixed
with the mayonnaise. Then chop together very fine 1 bunch of chives, 3
hard boiled eggs, 2 pimentos, 1/2 green pepper; add paprika and salt to
taste and mix well with the mayonnaise.

This will make about 1 quart of dressing. It should be kept in a cool
place and covered when not in use. It will keep a long time.

Cooked Salad Dressing

          Yolks 2 eggs
          1/2 teaspoon dry mustard
          1/2 teaspoon salt
          4 tablespoons butter
          6 tablespoons hot vinegar
          1 tablespoon sugar

Beat yolks until creamy, add to them the mustard, salt and sugar. Beat
in slowly the butter melted, also add vinegar. Cook until it thickens.
It is best to make this in a double boiler. When cold, add 1 cup sweet
or sour cream.

This keeps well and is particularly fine for lettuce, celery, beans,
asparagus or cauliflower.

Caviare Dressing

(For Tomato Salad)

          2 heaping tablespoons of caviare
          Yolks of 2 eggs, boiled hard and grated
          One tablespoon of chopped onions
          1/4 tablespoon of paprika
          4 tablespoons of olive oil
          2 tablespoons of tarragon vinegar


Bechamel Sauce

          1 1/2 cups whitestock
          1 slice onion
          1 slice carrot
          Bit of Bay leaf
          Sprig of parsley
          1/8 teaspoon pepper
          6 peppercorns
          1/4 cup butter
          1/4 cup flour
          1 cup scalded milk
          1/2 teaspoon salt

Cook white stock 20 minutes with onion, carrot, bay leaf, parsley and
peppercorns, and then strain; there should be one cupful.

Melt the butter, add flour, and gradually the hot stock and milk. Season
with salt and pepper.

A Sauce for Hot Meats

          1/2 cup sharp vinegar
          2 tablespoons Colman's Mustard
          a little Tabasco Sauce
          2 tablespoons Horse Radish
          1/2 cup butter melted very hot
          Pepper and salt to taste

          A warmed-up dinner was never worth much

Gravy Warmed Over for Meats

One-half cup walnut catsup, 1 wine glass tomato catsup, 1 small cup
sherry (may be omitted), 1 tablespoon butter, rubbed smooth with flour,
1 small onion chopped very fine, 1 teaspoon currant jelly, salt and

When thoroughly mixed lay slices of the meat in a dish, pour the gravy
over, then set dish in the oven until all is well heated through. Serve.

Horse Radish Sauce

Make a plain white sauce and season to taste. When done add 3/4 cup of
grated horseradish and 1/2 cup cream.

Very good for meats, especially boiling meat.

                         STATE OF KANSAS.

                                              Jan. 6, 1914.

          Editress Suffrage Cook Book:

          What do I think of woman suffrage? I wrote the
          resolution in the Kansas Senate submitting the
          constitutional amendment for it. When I became
          Governor of Kansas I found a hundred little
          orphans at our State Orphans' Home, mothered by a
          man. The little unfortunates at our schools for
          the deaf and the blind were mothered by men. I
          placed women at the head of these institutions.
          Among the other appointees during my term of
          office was a woman on the Board of Administration,
          the board having our educational institutions in
          charge; a woman on the Board of Health; a woman
          Factory Inspector; a woman Parole Officer; a woman
          on the State Text Book Commission; two women on
          the Board of Education, and women physicians at
          our state hospitals. In every instance these women
          gave the State of Kansas better service than did
          the men whom they succeeded.

          The women of Kansas have "arrived" and the state
          service is better by their participating in it.

                                       Cordially yours,
                                             GEORGE H. HODGES.


          Cooking takes a little training and a great deal
          of common sense.


Pain d'Oeufs

Beat slightly six eggs, add six tablespoons sugar, a pinch of salt and
one-half teaspoon vanilla. Scald three cups of milk and pour slowly over
the eggs, stirring constantly.

Melt in a granite or aluminum baking dish six tablespoons of sugar until
brown, using no water. Pour the custard into this, set into a pan of hot
water and bake in a slow oven 45 minutes or more until the custard is
set, and a testing knife comes out clean. The water in the pan must not

When perfectly cold turn upside down into a glass or china serving dish.

                                              MRS. CARRIE CHAPMAN CATT.


Bread Crumb Omelet

          4 eggs
          small teaspoon salt
          little minced onion
          4 or 5 cups bread crumbs
          2 cups milk
          4 sprigs parsley (minced fine)
          minced sweet green peppers can be added
          1/4 cup butter softened (melt and cool)

Beat all well together, pour into a buttered dish and bake in a slow
oven until lightly browned.

Should be served at once, as it sinks down when cooling. This does not
harm it only it does not look so pretty. If it browns too

Egg Patties

Beat eggs lightly and add crushed cracker crumbs till it forms a thick
paste, then thin with a little milk. Season with finely cut onion,
pepper and salt. Fry in butter, like pancakes. Very good and something

          God sends meat and the devil sends cooks.
                                              John Taylor

Florentine Eggs in Casseroles

Chop cooked spinach very fine and season with butter and salt. Put 1
tablespoon spinach in each buttered individual casserole, sprinkle with
1 teaspoon grated Parmesan cheese, and slip into each an egg. Cover each
egg with 1/2 teaspoon grated Parmesan cheese and 1 teaspoon Bechamel

Bake until the eggs are set, and serve immediately. This makes a
delicious entree.

Cheese Souffle

          3 eggs beaten separately very light
          1 cup sour cream
          1 cup grated cheese
          2 teaspoons finely sifted flour

Bake in a quick oven in buttered baking dish.

Oyster Omelet

          1/2 pint oysters
          3 eggs
          salt and pepper to taste
          2 1/2 tablespoons butter

Drain oysters. Put butter in pan and cook oysters until they curl. Beat
eggs lightly and put over oysters; season and shake until done. Serve at

Potato Omelet

          3 medium potatoes
          1 large spoon butter
          1/2 tablespoon lard
          5 eggs
          1/2 onion minced
          season to taste

Scrape the potatoes into cold water to keep from discoloring. Put butter
and lard in skillet, and brown carefully, add potato squeezed out of the
water also onion, cook slowly and then beat the eggs and add.

When done on one side put a plate over the skillet and turn the omelet,
now slip in the pan and brown the other side. Serve at once.

          "Well, Marie" said Jiggles after the town election
          "for whom did you vote this morning?"

          "I crossed off the names of all the candidates,"
          returned Mrs. Jiggles, "and wrote out my
          principles on the back of my ballot. This is no
          time to consider individuals and their little
          personal ambitions."--New York Times.

                                              Northampton, Mass.
                                              Dec. 22, 1914.

          Editress Suffrage Cook Book:

          As to a sentiment on equal suffrage, let me say
          that if I had no more generous reason for
          approving it, I should do so on the ground of my
          opposition to seeing any element of our people
          enjoying large liberty and influence without the
          restraints of a corresponding responsibility in
          the suffrage.

                                          Ever yours truly,
                                                 G. W. CABLE.



Strawberry Short Cake a la Mode

          1 cup flour
          1/2 teaspoon Baking powder
          1/4 teaspoon salt
          1 heaping tablespoon of butter

Sift the dry ingredients together and work in the butter. Mix with
enough milk to make a stiff dough which can be rolled as thin as a

Put one thin layer on a pie-pan and butter lightly; lay another layer on
first. Bake eight minutes in a moderate oven.

When cold cut in pieces and split each piece. Place a large tablespoon
of crushed, sweetened strawberries between the layers, add the top
layer, add more berries, and last of all, a heaping tablespoon of ice
cream or frozen custard.

Frozen Custard

(for above Short Cake)

To 1 pint of milk add 1/2 pint of cream. Scald. Have ready 1 egg, well
beaten, 1 scant cup of granulated sugar, and one level tablespoon of

Add this mixture to the milk and cream as soon as they come to a boil.
Stir and set aside to cool. When cold, add 1 teaspoon of vanilla and

Stewed Apples

Cut apples in quarters and immediately put in saucepan and pour over
them boiling water just to cover.

Put on lid and boil quickly until tender. Sprinkle sugar over them to
taste. But never stir the apples at any time. When sugar is on leave the
lid off, let cook about five minutes longer, never stirring.

Ready to serve, hot or cold.

Cinnamon Apples

          3 cups sugar--pinch salt
          2 1/2 cups water
          1 cup cinnamon drops
          8 apples

Make a syrup of water and sugar. Put in cinnamon drops. Pare and core
apples. Place in syrup and boil until tender, do not allow to break.

Take out when tender and place in a dish or if you wish in individual
dishes. Pour over syrup, and allow to cool. When cold pour whipped cream
on top of each and a cherry on top of cream.

Fire Apples

Select bright red apples, cut off the tops and with a knife remove the
meat, leaving only sufficient wall to hold apple in shape. Make a
filling of the following:

To six apples allow about twelve tablespoons of very dry cooked rice,
six tablespoons cracker crumbs, six tablespoons chopped apples, six
tablespoons sugar, six tablespoons seeded raisins, six tablespoons
chopped almonds.

Whip one egg thoroughly, place in a cup and fill the cup with milk; stir
well and place in a double boiler, adding one-half teaspoon butter,
grated rind and juice of one-half lemon and a dash of nutmeg. Cook until
it thickens, cool, then mix it into the filling, being careful not to
get it too soft. Mold lightly with the fingers and fill the apples,
sprinkle with sugar, add a cupful of water and bake in a moderate oven.
Serve with whipped cream or custard sauce.

Candied Cranberry Recipe

          1 quart berries
          2 cups sugar
          1 1/2 large cups of hot or cold water
          pinch of soda

Wash and make a little slit in each berry. For each quart of berries put
one and a half large cups of hot or cold water in kettle. Then the
berries, then spread 2 cups sugar over them, also a pinch of soda. Keep
covered closely all the time, do not stir or lift lid until perfectly
cold. From the moment it begins to boil count five minutes--no more--to
cook them.

If you remove the lid the lovely gloss will be lost.

Apple Rice

1 cup of rice boiled in water with a piece of butter and a little salt
until half done. Then add six apples cut in pieces. Cook together until
both rice and apples are well done. Add sugar to taste. When ready to
serve pour over melted butter browned. Serve with sugar and cinnamon.

                                              MRS. RAYMOND ROBINS.

Jelly Whip

Dissolve one package of gelatin in a cupful of cold water. Add to that
two cupfuls of sugar and one quart of boiling water. Divide the mixture
into three parts, in one of which place marshmallows and white grapes.
In the second one put pineapple and oranges and in the third nuts. Fill
individual glasses with different mixtures and serve them with whipped
cream. Decorate with preserved cherries, candied orange peel and nuts.

Pineapple Parfait

Pare and shred a ripe pineapple, add one cup of sugar and let stand for
several hours. Drain off one cup of the juice, boil it with
three-quarters of a cup of sugar for 10 minutes. Add slowly to well
beaten yolks of four eggs, and cook in a double boiler, stirring all the
time, until the mixture will coat the spoon. Remove from the fire and
beat until cold. Then add two tablespoons of lemon juice and two cups of
cream whipped to a stiff froth.

Pack in a mold, cover tightly and surround with ice and salt for four


          3/4 cup of rice washed 7 times
          1/2 cup currants
          1 1/4 cups milk
          Yolk of 1 egg
          2 1/2 tablespoons sugar
          1 small piece lemon rind

Boil rice in a large quantity of boiling water for 20 minutes; drain and
add milk, sugar, lemon rind, currants. Let cook slowly for 15 minutes
and remove from fire; beat the yolk of an egg in a little milk and stir
in the rice.

Do not set back on the fire. Serve cold.

Pittsburgh Sherbet

Take a cupful of the syrup from a jar of raspberry preserves and the
same amount of juice from a can of pineapple; add two tablespoons of
lemon juice and a syrup made by boiling together a pint of water and a
cupful of sugar. When cold add four tablespoons of orange juice and
freeze. When stiff, open the freezer and add the white of an egg, beaten
stiff with a teaspoon of powdered sugar.

Lemon Sherbet

          1 quart milk
          2 cups sugar
          juice 3 lemons

Dissolve sugar in milk, place in freezer. Add lemon juice after freezer
has been packed. Add juice rapidly and with violent stirring, then
immediately place in dasher and turn the crank until frozen.

Fruit Cocktails

Peel and cut one orange and one grapefruit into small pieces, removing
all seeds and white bits of skin, add two sliced bananas, a tablespoon
of chopped or grated pineapple, sweeten to taste, and mix with the juice
from a can of pineapple. Stand in a very cold place, or put in the ice
cream freezer and partially freeze, serve in small glasses and ornament
with maraschino cherries. Reserve the remaining pineapple for a luncheon

Synthetic Quince

An Accidental Discovery

I put too much water with my rhubarb and had a whole dishful of
beautiful pink juice left over, about a quart. In this I cooked some
apples, quartered, and stewed till soft, and just as an experiment added
a saucerful of strawberries--also "left over."

The result, being served, looked and tasted exactly like quince, except
that the apple was a little softer.

                                              CHARLOTTE PERKIN GILMAN.


Grape Juice Cup

Soak the grated rind of one orange in the juice of one lemon for 15
minutes. To this add a cupful of boiling water and a tablespoon of

Place in a saucepan of granite ware and add one quart of unfermented
grape juice, four whole cloves and a pinch of powdered mace. Bring
slowly to the boiling point and simmer for ten minutes.

Boil together one cupful of sugar and two tablespoons of water without
stirring until it spins a thread.

Pour this gradually upon the stiffly beaten whites of two eggs. Add the
boiling grape juice, dust lightly with grated nutmeg and serve

          Live while you live, the epicure would say and
          seize the pleasures of the present day.    Doddridge

Peppermint Cup

Soak half an ounce of pulverized gum arabic in half a cupful of cold
water for 30 minutes. Dissolve it over hot water.

Add one cupful of powdered sugar and cook until it will spin a thread.

Pour this upon the stiffly beaten whites of two eggs, and when well
blended add gradually a pint of boiling cream, a few drops of essence of
peppermint and a tiny pinch of baking soda.

Serve while it foams, sprinkled with a little powdered cinnamon.

          Unquiet meals make ill digestions.
                                       Comedy of Errors

Amber Marmalade

          1 orange
          1 grape fruit
          1 lemon

Slice very thin. Measure the fruit and add 3 times the quantity of
water. Stand in an earthen dish over night and in morning boil for ten
minutes. Stand another night and the second morning add pint for pint of
sugar and boil steadily until it jellies.

This should make 8 or 10 glasses but the size of fruit determines the
quantity. Stir as little as possible during the two hours or more of the
cooking which it requires. Do not use the rind of the grape fruit.

Grape Juice

          5 lbs Concord Grapes
          1 quart water

Boil grapes five to ten minutes. Then strain through a wire strainer and
afterwards cheese cloth. To every quart of juice add 1 lb. sugar. Bottle
and seal.


Sour Pickles

          1 peck green tomatoes
          1 lb. figs
          1 lb. seeded raisins
          1 cup vinegar
          4 cups sugar
          20 cloves
          A few sticks cinnamon

Sweet Pickles

Tomato and Fig Pickles

One peck of green tomatoes sliced and salted in layers, place in granite
boiler over night. In the morning drain off brine and rinse in cold

Chop up a pound of figs, add to the tomatoes, cover with vinegar and
boil twenty minutes; add 1 pound of seeded raisins, 1 cup of vinegar, 4
cups of sugar, 20 cloves and a few sticks of cinnamon tied in a cheese
cloth bag, and cook together slowly for 3/4 of an hour.

                                              LUCRETIA L. BLANKENBURG.


Lemon Butter

          6 eggs
          3 very large lemons (rind and juice)
          2 cups sugar
          2 tablespoons water
          butter size of walnut

Mix all together with Dove egg beater and cook until it boils. Watch
that it does not burn.

Kumquat Preserves

          1 quart fruit to 1 pint sugar

Cut the Kumquats into halves, pick out seeds, cover with cold water and
bring to a boil. In the meantime have your syrup boiling--1 pint sugar
to 3 pints water.

Drain fruit and put in syrup and simmer slowly for 1 hour. Take out
fruit and continue to simmer syrup until it begins to get thick.

Put the fruit into syrup--place preserving kettle in pot of boiling
water and let them, or let the water continue boiling until syrup is
thick as you like it. Put 1/4 teaspoon fine salt in first water, as it
adds a fine flavor. Grate stem off skin deep.

                          STATE OF WASHINGTON
                           OFFICE OF GOVERNOR

                                              December 22, 1914.

          Editress Suffrage Cook Book:

          I have at hand your letter of the 16th inst.,
          asking an expression from me regarding Woman
          Suffrage in the State of Washington.

          Replying, I desire to say that the women of the
          State of Washington have had the right to vote for
          something more than three years. I know of no one
          who was in favor of giving them this right who
          to-day opposes it, and large numbers of those who
          were opposed now favor women having the ballot.
          The results in the State of Washington certainly
          indicate that women assist in public affairs,
          rather than otherwise, by having the right to

          Agreeable to your request, I am sending a
          photograph of myself under separate cover; also
          card carrying my autograph.

                                       Yours very truly,
                                             ERNEST LISTER,


          Hire me twenty cooks.

Prunes and Chestnuts

          3 lbs. dried prunes
          2 lbs. large chestnuts
          1/2 lb. Sultana raisins
          1 table spoon butter
          1/2 cup of sugar
          1/3 cup of vinegar
          Pinch of cloves
          2 tea spoons of flour

Peel chestnuts and boil until skin can be removed. Boil prunes and
raisins together until soft, add chestnuts, sugar, salt, cloves and
butter, when well cooked thicken with flour and vinegar stirred

Heavenly Hash

          2 boxes red raspberries
          2 quarts red currants
          2 quarts cherries
          1 quart gooseberries

Stem currants and seed cherries, then measure fruit. To each cup of
fruit allow equal amount of sugar. Put the fruit in kettle and add 1/2
cup of water; when it comes to boil add sugar and boil 20 minutes, then
put in jelly glasses.

Apple Butter

          1 peck tart apples (made into sauce and strained)
          1 quart grape juice
          2 teaspoons cinnamon
          1/2 teaspoon salt
          2 cups light brown sugar
          2 teaspoons nutmeg

Boil two hours or longer.

Orange Marmalade

          6 oranges
          2 lemons

Slice in small pieces, add six pints of water and let stand in covered
dish for 24 hours. Then boil 1 1/4 hours; let stand another 24 hours.
Then add pint for pint of sugar with the mixture and boil until it
jells. (About 45 minutes).

Rhubarb and Fig Jam

Cut five pounds rhubarb into inch pieces without peeling. Add one pound
figs, four pounds sugar, the grated yellow rind and juice of one lemon
and let stand all night. In the morning simmer for an hour. Nut meats
may be added if desired.

Brandied Peaches

Take off skins with boiling water. For each pound of fruit allow 1/2
cupful of sugar and 1/2 pint of water. When syrup is boiling, put in
peaches, a few at a time, and cook until done, but not too soft. Just
pierce with straw.

Spread on platters to cool.

When cool, put in jars and fill up with the syrup mixed with just as
much good brandy.

Have syrup thick and seal hot.

Cauliflower Pickles

          3 heads cauliflower
          2 quarts cucumbers cut in cubes
          1 quart onions cut fine
          1 pint green peppers cut fine

Mustard Sauce

          1 quart vinegar (if white wine vinegar use 1 pint water and
             1 pint vinegar as it is too strong)
          6 tablespoons mustard (Coleman's)
          1 teaspoon tumeric
          1 cup (small) flour
          2 cups sugar
          3 tablespoons salt

Boil onions, peppers in the vinegar; then add the cucumber. After it has
boiled a few minutes add the cauliflower and then the mustard sauce.
Boil together a few minutes; bottle and seal hot.

The cauliflower must be boiled alone before adding.

This is very excellent.


          30 large tomatoes
          8 large onions
          8 large red peppers
          5 tablespoons salt
          10 tablespoons sugar
          9 cups vinegar

Cut the tomatoes and onions and boil one hour with the sugar, vinegar
and salt; at the end of an hour put it through a sieve; now return to
the stove and add your red peppers, cut very fine, and cook one more
hour. Have it about the consistency of thick cream and bottle hot. Very
fine for cold meats, fish, etc.

Chili Sauce

          30 large red tomatoes
          12 medium sized onions
          4 red peppers
          3 teaspoons salt
          12 teaspoons brown sugar
          10 cups cider vinegar

Chop tomatoes by themselves, then add finely chopped onions and peppers.
Lastly add sugar, salt and vinegar mixing well. Boil 2 hours and can.


          1 peck medium sized pickles
          1 gallon cider vinegar
          1 cup sugar
          1 cup mustard
          1 cup salt

Wash pickles well and pack in stone crock. Dissolve mustard in some of
the vinegar and mix all together and pour over pickles cold. Put on a
weight--ready to use in three days.

Tomato Pickle

          2 gallon crocks of sliced green tomatoes sprinkled with salt.
          4 small sliced onions mixed and let stand
          2 quarts cider vinegar, heated and added
          5 cents' worth mixed spices
          2 lbs. brown sugar, and boil.

Makes 3 quarts of pickles Corn Salad

2 doz. ears of corn; boil twenty minutes on cob. Cut off cob; chop one
head cabbage; 3 green peppers, and 1 red pepper. Mix together. Put in
kettle with four pints vinegar; 3 tablespoons salt, 2 tablespoons ground
mustard; 4 cups sugar; 2 teaspoons celery seed. Cook 20 minutes.

Tomato Catsup (very fine)

          To 1/2 bushel skinned Tomatoes, add
          1 quart good vinegar
          1 pound salt
          1 pound black pepper (whole)
          1 ounce African Cayenne pepper
          1/4 pound allspice (whole)
          1 ounce cloves
          3 small boxes mustard (use less if you do not wish it very hot)
          4 cloves of garlic
          6 onions (large)
          1 pound brown sugar
          1 pint peach leaves

Boil this mass for 3 hours, stirring constantly to keep from burning.
When cool, strain through a sieve and bottle for use. Vegetable coloring
may be used if you wish it to remain a bright red. (A family recipe
handed down for generations and very good, indeed).


Five Oz. Childhood Fondant

          1 oz. kindness
          1 oz. sunshine
          1 oz. pure food
          1 oz. recreation
          1 oz. rest

This should be on hand in every household where children gladden the
hearth. Wherever possible distribute it among the little children of the

Rose Leaves Candied

Take red roses, remove all the whites at the bottom. Take three times
their weight in sugar, put a pint of water to a pint of roses, skin
well, shred the roses a little before you put them into the water, and
cover them, and when the leaves are tender, put in the sugar.

Keep stirring lest they burn and the syrup be consumed.

Delicious Fudge

Delicious fudge is made with sour cream instead of fresh milk or cream.


          2 lbs. brown sugar
          1 tablespoon butter
          1 tablespoon golden syrup
          3/4 cup water
          1 teaspoon vanilla
          1 tablespoon white vinegar

Mix well and allow it to boil slowly. Skim but do not stir. Boil until a
little hardens in water. Then add the vanilla and vinegar.

Now pour into buttered tins and when the edges harden, draw lightly to
the center. When cool pull until light. When doing so flour the hands

Creole Balls

Chop half a cupful each of almonds, pecans and walnuts and add enough
fondant to make the mixture of the right consistency to mold into
bonbons. Boil into little balls and dip in maple or chocolate fondant.

Chocolate Caramels

          1 pint brown sugar
          1 gill milk
          1/2 pint molasses
          1/2 cake sweetened chocolate
          1 generous teaspoon butter
          1 tablespoon vanilla

Boil all of the ingredients (except the vanilla) over a slow fire until
dissolved, and stir occasionally as it burns easily. Test by dropping
little in water. If it hardens quickly, remove at once from the fire.
Add vanilla and pour into buttered pans.

When cool, cut in squares with a buttered knife.

Sea Foam

For sea foam candy cook three cupfuls of light brown sugar, a cupful of
water and a tablespoon of vinegar until the syrup forms a hard ball when
dropped into cold water. Pour it slowly over the stiffly beaten whites
of two eggs, beating continually until the candy is stiff enough to hold
its shape. Then work in half a cupful of chopped nuts and half a
teaspoon of vanilla. Drop in small pieces on waxed paper.

How to Make Good Coffee

When the National Coffee Roasters' Association tells how to make good
coffee the housewife is naturally interested, no matter how fervently
the family may praise her own brew. Coffee is the business of these
gentlemen. They know it from the scientific standpoint as well as
practically. Their opinion as to the best method of preparing it for the
table is, therefore, worth consideration.

They tell us, first of all, that the virtues of the infusion depend
primarily upon the fineness with which the roasted bean is ground.
Careful experiments have shown, indeed, that when pulverized it gives a
larger yield of full strength beverage than in any other shape, so that
such grinding is urged in the interest of economy, as well as from a
gastronomic standpoint.

The grinding, however, must be done immediately before the coffee is
made. Otherwise no little of the delicate and much prized flavor of the
bean will escape.

The method of making the infusion is governed by the solubility of the
various elements composing the coffee. The caffeine and caffetannic acid
readily dissolve in cold water, but the delicate flavoring oils require
a considerable degree of heat. It so happens that water at the boiling
point, 212 deg. F., is twice as effective in extracting these flavors as
when at a temperature of 150 deg. F.

Nevertheless, the usual method of boiling the coffee is unsparingly
condemned by the association. The infusion thus made is very high in
caffeine and tannic acid. It is muddy, too, and overrich in dissolved
fibrous and bitter matters. As most of the deleterious effects of coffee
are due to dissolved tannin, owing to excessive boiling or the use of
grounds a second time, this method of making the beverage is
unqualifiedly condemned.

Steeping--that is, placing the coffee in cold water and permitting it to
come to a boil--is also deprecated. An infusion so made contains less
caffeine, to be sure, but it lacks the desired aromatic flavor and the
characteristic coffee taste.

In fine, the association leans to a method of coffee making known as
filtration. This consists in pouring boiling water once through finely
pulverized coffee confined in a close-meshed muslin bag. The resultant
infusion is one in which the percentage of tannin is extremely low.
There is a medium amount of caffeine, but the full flavor and
characteristic taste are present.

                             STATE OF OREGON
                           EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT

                                              Dec. 22, 1914.

          Editress Suffrage Cook Book:

          This is to acknowledge yours of the 16th instant,
          in reference to women's suffrage, and in reply
          will say that while this right has been enjoyed
          but a short time by our women, they have been
          making excellent use of it. They are prompt to
          register and vote, and their influence is most
          always found upon the side of better government.
          The result of their efforts is already being
          reflected in a number of important measures
          recently adopted in this state, which will make
          for the public good.

                                    Very truly yours,
                                           OSWALD WEST.


Cottage Cheese

To make cottage cheese effectively, with an aroma and delicacy equal to
its nourishment, a rich milk which has not lost time in souring should
be put in an earthenware or stone jar with the lid on, and placed in hot
water over a very slow fire until it is well heated with the curd
clotted from the whey. When it begins to steam the curd is drained a
very short period through cheese cloth. Well mixed with salt and butter
and pepper it is an ideal muscle and tissue maker.

Cottage cheese is much more easily turned into brawn, brain and bone
than any of the less porous, less ripe cheeses. In fact the curious
uncomfortably bloated sensation experienced by many who eat other
varieties of cheese is uncommon with cottage cheese.

Faulty mastication, peculiar susceptibilities to casein and an excess of
other solid foods often causes the distress which follows cheese eating.
If well emulsified with saliva by the teeth or mixed with water and not
gulped down, cottage cheese serves every sort of food purpose.


          The following recipes were kindly contributed by
          Alida Frances Pattee, author of "Practical
          Dietetics," an invaluable book for the home.

When a large amount of nutriment is required the albuminized drinks are

The egg is a fluid food until its albumen is coagulated by heat. Often
the white of egg, dissolved in water or milk, and flavored, is given
when the yolk cannot be digested, as 30 per cent. of the yolk is fat.
Egg-nog is very nutritious, and is extensively prescribed in certain
non-febrile diseases, especially for the forced alimentation of phthisis
and melancholia. There are occasional cases of bilious habit, in which
eggs to be digested must be beaten in wine. But the combination of egg,
milk and sugar with alcohol, which constitutes egg-nog, is apt to
produce nausea and vomiting in a feeble stomach, especially in fever.
For this reason whole eggs are unfit for fever patients, and the whites
only should be used.

Albuminized drinks are most easily prepared cold. When a hot liquid is
used, it must be poured very slowly into the well-beaten egg, stirring
constantly, so that lumps of coagulated albumen do not form.

_For the Diabetic._ In all the albuminous drinks substitute Sweetina for
the sugar. The fuel value will be 60 calories less in every recipe than
when one tablespoon of sugar is used.

Energy Value of an Egg

          1 medium egg (without shell)     60 Calories
          1 white of egg (average)         13    "
          1 yolk of egg (average)          48    "

Egg Broth, 319 Calories[1]

          Yolk 1 egg
          1 tablespoon sugar
          Speck salt
          1 cup hot milk
          Brandy or some other stimulant if required.

Beat egg, add sugar and salt. Pour on carefully the hot milk. Flavor as
desired, if with brandy or wine, use about one tablespoon.

NOTE.--Dried and rolled bread crumbs may be added, if desired. The whole
egg may be used. Hot water, broth or coffee, may be substituted for the
milk; nutmeg may be substituted for the stimulant.

Egg-Nog No. I, 231 Calories[1]

          1 egg
          Speck salt
          3/4 tablespoon sugar
          3/4 Cup milk
          1 1/2 tablespoon wine or
          1 tablespoon brandy (or less)

Beat the egg, add the sugar and salt; blend thoroughly, add the milk and
liquor. Serve immediately.

NOTE.--Have eggs and milk chilled before blending. A grating of nutmeg
may be substituted for the stimulant. A lemonade shaker may be used for
the blending.

Egg-Nog No. II, 231 Calories[2]

          1 egg
          3/4 tablespoon sugar
          Speck salt
          3/4 Cup milk
          1 tablespoon brandy (or less)

Separate egg. Beat yolk, add sugar and salt, and beat until creamy. Add
the milk and brandy. Beat the white till foamy (not stiff and dry), and
fold it in lightly. Serve immediately.

Junket Egg-Nog, 289 Calories[3]

          1 egg
          1 cup milk
          1 tablespoon sugar
          2 teaspoons rum, brandy or wine
          1/2 Hansen's Junket Tablet

Beat white and yolk of egg separately, very light; blend the two. Add
the sugar dissolved in the rum. Heat the milk luke warm, stir into the
egg mixture, and add quickly the tablet dissolved in cold water. Pour
into small warm glasses, and sprinkle grated nutmeg over the top. Stand
in warm room undisturbed until firm, and then put on ice to cool. This
can be retained by the most delicate stomach.

Beef Egg-Nog, 200 Calories

          1 egg
          Speck salt
          1 tablespoon sugar
          1/2 cup hot beef broth
          1 tablespoon brandy

Beat the egg slightly, add the salt and sugar; add gradually the hot
broth; add brandy and strain. Sugar and brandy may be omitted if

Coffee Egg-Nog, 175 Calories[4]

          1 egg
          1 1/2 teaspoon sugar
          1/2 scant cup milk or cream
          1/2 scant cup strong coffee

Chill ingredients, and blend as for Egg-nog No. II.

Pineapple Egg-Nog

Prepare as per Egg-nog No I or II; omit the brandy and use pineapple
juice to taste.

Egg and Rum, 315 Calories

          1 cup fresh milk
          Yolk 1 egg
          1 tablespoon sugar
          Speck salt
          Few grains nutmeg
          1 tablespoon rum

Beat yolk, add sugar, salt and nutmeg; add milk and rum.

NOTE.--For consumptives, taken at about 6 A. M., often prevents the
exhaustive sweats which accompany the morning doze. Also may be given to
a patient before dressing to prevent exhaustion.

Egg and Brandy, 350 Calories[2]

          3 Eggs
          4 tablespoons cold water
          4 tablespoons brandy

Beat the eggs, add cold water, brandy and sweeten to taste. A little
nutmeg may be added. Give a tablespoonful at a time.

Egg and Wine, 125 Calories[5]

          1 egg
          1/2 cup cold water
          1 wineglass sherry

Beat the egg. Heat the water and wine together but not boiling; pour
onto the egg, stirring constantly; flavor with sugar and nutmeg.

Egg Lemonade, 192 Calories

          1 egg
          2 tablespoons sugar
          2 tablespoons lemon juice
          1 cup cold water

Beat the egg thoroughly, add the sugar and lemon juice; pour in
gradually the water, stirring until smooth and well mixed. Strain and
serve. Two tablespoons of sherry or port may be added if desired.

Malted Milk and Egg, 120 Calories

          1 tablespoon Horlick's Malted Milk
          1 tablespoon crushed fruit
          1 egg
          20 drops acid phosphate
          1 tablespoon crushed ice
          3/4 cup ice water

Mix the malted milk powder, crushed fruit and egg and beat five minutes.
Add the phosphate and crushed ice, blending thoroughly. Strain and add
ice water or cold carbonated water, and a grating of nutmeg to flavor.

Stokes Mixture

          Eggs and brandy  196 calories.

"2 egg yolks, 50 c. c. of brandy, 120 c. c. of aqua aurantii florun
(sugar or syrup enough to sweeten), has considerable nutritive, as well
as stimulative value, and is eligible for use when such a combination is

Grape Yolk, 150 Calories

          1 egg
          1 tablespoon sugar
          Speck salt
          2 tablespoons Welch's Grape Juice

Separate egg. Beat yolk, add sugar and stand aside while the white is
thoroughly whipped. Add the grape juice to the yolk and pour this onto
the whipped white, blending carefully. Serve cold. Have all ingredients
chilled before blending.

Grape Juice and Egg, 270 Calories

          1 egg
          1/2 cup rich milk
          1 tablespoon sugar
          1/4 cup Welch's Grape Juice

Beat yolk and white separately very light. To the yolk add milk, sugar
and grape juice, and pour into glass. To the white add a little powdered
sugar and a taste of grape juice. Serve on yolk mixture. Chill all
ingredients before using.

Mulled Wine, 250-280 Calories

          1 ounce stick cinnamon
          A slight grating nutmeg
          1/2 cup boiling water
          1 egg
          1/2 cup sherry, port or claret wine
          2 tablespoons sugar

Put the spices into top of a double boiler with the water. Cover and
cook over hot water ten minutes. Add wine to the spiced water and bring
to the boiling point. Beat the egg to a stiff froth, add sugar and pour
on the mulled wine, and beat well. Serve at once.

Albuminized Milk, 98 Calories

          1/2 cup milk (sterile)
          White 1 egg

Put milk and white of egg in a glass fruit jar, cover with air tight cap
and rubber band. Shake until thoroughly blended. Strain into glass. A
few grains of salt may be added if desired. Two teaspoons of Sanatogen
added     30 calories.

NOTE.--The blending may be done in a lemonade shaker.

Albuminized Water, 13 Calories[6]

          1/2 cup ice-cold water (boiled and chilled)
          White 1 egg
          Lemon juice

Blend as for "Albuminized Milk," serve plain or add lemon juice and
sugar to taste. If set on ice to keep cool, shake before serving. Two
teaspoons of Sanatogen added    30 calories.

Albumin Water (for infants), 13 Calories

Albumin water is utilized chiefly in cases of acute stomach and
intestinal disorders in which some nutritious and easily assimilated
food is needed; albumin water is then very useful. The white of one egg
is dissolved in eight ounces or a pint of water which has been boiled
and cooled.

Albuminized Clam Water, 18 Calories

          1 cup cold water
          Clam Broth
          White 1 egg

To the water add the required amount of the clam broth to make the
strength desired, add the unbeaten white of egg, and follow general
directions for "Albuminized Milk." Serve cold in dainty glasses. This is
a very nutritious drink, and will be retained by the stomach when other
nourishment is rejected.

NOTE.--Milk may be substituted for the water.

Albuminized Orange, 30 Calories[1]

          White 1 egg
          Juice 1 orange

To the unbeaten white add the orange juice, sweeten to taste and blend
thoroughly. Strain and set on ice to cool. Serve cold.

Albuminized Sherry, 22 Calories[1]

          White 1 egg
          3/4 tablespoon sherry

Beat the white stiff, add slowly, while beating, the wine and sugar.
Serve cold.

NOTE.--Have all ingredients cold before blending.

Albuminized Grape Juice, 40 Calories[7]

          2 tablespoons Welch's Grape Juice
          White 1 egg
          Chopped ice

Put in a dainty glass the grape juice, and the beaten white of egg and a
little pure chopped ice; sprinkle sugar over the top and serve.


[1] Calculated with 1 tablespoon brandy. 277 calories if brandy is

[2] Without liquor.

[3] Without liquor.

[4] Calculated with milk.

[5] Without sugar.

[6] Without lemon juice or sugar.

[7] Without milk.


Starchy drinks consist of cereals or cereal products, cooked thoroughly
in a large amount of water and strained before serving. Arrowroot,
cornstarch, tapioca, rice and rice flour are nearly pure starch. Oats,
barley and wheat in forms which include the whole grains contain besides
starch some protein and fat, and also valuable mineral matter,
especially phosphorous, iron, and calcium salts. In starchy drinks these
ingredients are necessarily present in small amounts; hence they have
little energy value, unless milk or other highly nutritive material is
added. Such drinks are of value when only a small quantity of nutriment
can be taken.

_Principles of Cooking._ As the chief ingredient is starch, long cooking
is necessary, in water at a high temperature (212° F.), which softens
the cellulose, and breaks open the starch grains, changing the insoluble
starch to soluble starch and dextrin, so that it can be readily

Time of cooking should be conscientiously kept by the clock.

_Digestion._ The action of ptyalin is very rapid, and if these drinks
are sipped slowly, so as to be thoroughly mixed with saliva, a
considerable portion of starch may be changed to sugar before reaching
the intestines.

Barley Water, 180 Calories

          2 tablespoons pearl barley
          1 quart cold water

Wash barley, add cold water and let soak several hours or over night; in
same water, boil gently over direct heat two hours, or in a double
boiler steadily four hours, down to one pint if used for infant feeding,
and to one cup for the adult. Strain through muslin.

NOTE.--Cream or milk and salt may be added, or lemon juice and sugar.
Barley water is an astringent or demulcent drink used to reduce laxative

Rice Water, 100 Calories[8]

          2 tablespoons rice
          3 cups cold water

Wash the rice; add cold water and soak thirty minutes, heat gradually to
boiling point and cook one hour or until rice is tender. Strain, reheat
and dilute with boiling water or hot milk to desired consistency. Season
with salt.

NOTE.--Sugar may be added if desired, and cinnamon, if allowed, may be
cooked with it, and will assist in reducing a laxative condition.

Barley Water (infant feeding) 19 Calories

          1 teaspoon barley flour
          2 tablespoons cold water
          1 pint boiling water

Blend flour and cold water to a smooth paste in top of double boiler;
add gradually the boiling water. Boil over direct heat five minutes,
stirring constantly, then put over boiling water and cook 15 minutes
longer, stirring frequently. Older infants take the barley water in much
more concentrated form. Barley water is used as a diluent with normal
infants and in forms of diarrhoea.

NOTE.--For children or adults, use 1/2 tablespoon barley or rice flour,
1 cup boiling water, 1/4 teaspoon salt.

Rice Water No. II, 160 Calories

          3 tablespoons rice
          1 pint boiling water
          1 tablespoon stoned raisins

Wash rice, put into saucepan with water and raisins; boil gently for one
hour. Strain. When cold serve. Sugar or salt may be added to taste.

NOTE.--Do not use raisins in bowel trouble.

Oatmeal Water, 50 Calories

          1 tablespoon oatmeal
          1 tablespoon cold water
          Speck salt
          1 quart boiling water

Mix oatmeal and cold water, add salt and stir into the boiling water.
Boil three hours; replenish the water as it boils away. Strain through a
fine sieve or cheese cloth. Season, serve cold. Different brands of
oatmeal vary considerably in the amount of water which they take up in
cooking, and sufficient should always be added to make this drink almost
as thin as water.

Oatmeal Water No. II, 220 Calories[9]

          1/2 cup fine oatmeal
          1 quart water

Use sterile water (boiled and cooled). Add oatmeal and stand in warm
place (covered), for one and one-half hours. Strain, season, and cool.
Sometimes used for dyspeptics.

Toast Water, 350 Calories

          1 cup stale bread toasted
          1 cup boiling water

Cut bread in thin slices and in inch squares. Dry thoroughly in oven
until crisp and a delicate brown. Measure, and break into crumbs; add
the water and let it stand one hour. Rub through a fine strainer, season
and serve hot or cold. The nourishment of the bread is easily absorbed
in this way and valuable in cases of fever or extreme nausea.

NOTE.--Milk or cream and sugar may be added.

Crust Coffee

Take some pieces and crusts of brown bread and dry them in a slow oven
until thoroughly hard and crisp. Place in a mortar and pound or roll.
Pour boiling water over and let soak for about fifteen minutes. This
when strained carefully is very acceptable to invalids who are tired of
the ordinary drinks, such as lemonade, etc.

Cracker Panada, 100 Calories[10]

          4 hard crackers
          1 quart water

Break crackers into pieces and bake quite brown; add water and boil
fifteen minutes, allow to stand three or four minutes. Strain off the
liquid through a fine wire sieve; season with salt and a little sugar.
This is a nourishing beverage for infants that are teething, and with
the addition of a little wine and nutmeg, is often prescribed for
invalids recovering from a fever.

Bread Panada, 162 Calories

          1 1/2 cups water
          1 tablespoon sugar
          2 tablespoons stale white bread crumbs
          1/4 cup white wine
          1 tablespoon lemon juice

Put water and sugar on to cook, just before it commences to boil add the
bread crumbs; stir well, and let it boil three or four minutes. Add the
wine, lemon and a grating of nutmeg; let it boil up once more, remove
from fire, and keep it closely covered until it is wanted for use.


[8] Without Milk.

[9] Estimated on one-half the oatmeal.

[10] Without sugar.


Cook has discovered some little things which help to make her dishes so
much above the average.

When next making griddle cakes add a little brown sugar or molasses to
the batter, the cakes will brown better and more easily.

       *       *       *       *       *

Pie crust is best kept cold in the making; to this end an excellent
substitute for a rolling pin is a bottle filled with ice water.

       *       *       *       *       *

When boiling turnips, add a little sugar to the water; it improves the
flavor of the vegetables and lessens the odor in the cooking.

       *       *       *       *       *

Hard boiled eggs should be plunged into cold water as soon as they are
removed from the saucepan. This prevents a dark ring from appearing
round the yolk.

       *       *       *       *       *

Instead of mixing cocoa with boiling water to dissolve it, try mixing it
with an equal amount of granulated sugar and then pouring it into the
boiling water in the pot, stirring all the while.

       *       *       *       *       *

What gave her peas she served such a nice color and taste was the adding
of a lettuce leaf and a tablespoon of sugar.

Do not cover rising bread in bowls and tins with a dry cloth. Instead,
cover with a damp cloth which has been wrung out of warm water. In cold
weather the damp cloth should be placed over a dry cloth.

As a result, the dough will not dry on the top and the loaves when baked
will be much more uniform.

       *       *       *       *       *

To prevent holes appearing in brown bread prick twice with needle, once
when the loaves are placed in tins and once immediately before loaves
are placed in the oven.

Cake Hints

For those who would excel in cake making these admonitions are offered:

First--Cream the shortening.

Second--Add sugar slowly and cream it again.

Third--Add yolks of eggs well beaten.

Fourth--Mix and sift the dry ingredients.

Fifth--Add the dry materials to the mixture, which has the baking powder
in it; alternate flour and liquid.

Sixth--Cut and fold in (do not beat or stir) the whites of eggs which
are beaten to a dry stiff froth.

Seventh--Have a fire and pans ready. Put the cake into the oven quickly;
remember that the oven can wait, but the cake never. Bake according to

To test the oven heat--A hot oven will brown flour in five minutes; or
you can try if you can hold the hand in it and count twenty.

Time of baking--Layer cakes, 20 or 25 minutes; loaf cakes, from 40 to 80
minutes; gem cakes, from 20 minutes to half an hour.

Never bang the oven door. The cake will fall if you do.

       *       *       *       *       *

To prevent icing from cracking when it cuts add a teaspoon sweet cream
to each unbeaten egg. When boiling syrup for icing add a pinch of cream
of tartar.

       *       *       *       *       *

Brown sugar frosting which will not crack is made of one tablespoon of
vinegar, brown sugar enough to mix and the beaten white of half an egg.
Beat all well together and add sugar enough to spread.

       *       *       *       *       *

I have many times been asked how I retained the color of preserved
fruits. I allow for all preserves equal measure of sugar and fruit.

It is impossible to have success if you make large quantities. I never
make over three pints at a time--usually one quart.

The same method applies to all preserves. If possible, I extract some
juice to start with. I then put this with one quart of sugar, (no water
if the fruit contains plenty of juice, but if not, I add a little
water). Allow this to boil until thick then have fruit ready to drop
in; when it boils up, remove scum, and, as the juice is extracted by the
boiling, dip off and allow only enough to thicken quickly.

This juice can be used for sauces, beverages of all kinds--Fruit darkens
on account of continued boiling.

Economical Soap

Soap without boiling, will float if not too much ham or bacon drippings
are used.

Into 1 quart of cold water dissolve the contents of one can of Babbits
potash or lye. Melt to luke warm heat, 6 lbs, (light weight) of clean
drippings that have been strained through cheesescloth several times.

Before adding the lye to the strained grease, add 1 large cupful of
borax. Stir lye into kettle containing grease and stir constantly until
very thick. Pour into a pan, score; in 10 or 12 hours turn out of pan
and let dry. A little perfume may be added if you wish. Lamb drippings
makes the finest soap.

       *       *       *       *       *

Transcriber's Notes:

Obvious punctuation errors repaired.

Italic text is denoted by _; bold by = and underlined text by ~.

Text uses both "today" and "to-day." It also used both "tablespoon" and
"tablespoons" when referring to an ingredient with an additional
fraction of a tablespoon added, i.e. "1 1/2 tablespoon" and "1 1/2

Page 13, The original had the portrait pages out of order on the list.
These have been reordered. The original read:

          Fanny Garrison Villard              34
          Helen Ring Robinson                 40
          Jane Addams                         38
          Julia Lathrop                       44
          Jack London                         46
          Mrs. J. O. Miller                   42
          Mrs. Desha Breckinridge             52

This also occurred on the following pages. The original text is below.

Page 15:

          Potato Puffers                                      78
          Baked Tomatoes                                      80
          Stuffed Tomatoes                                    79

Page 16:

          Virginia Butter Bread                              102
          Bran Bread                                         102
          Excellent Nut Bread                                101
          Dr. Wylies' Recipes                                103

Page 17:

          Jam Cake                                           136
          Hickory Nut Cake                                   138
          Lace Cakes                                         137

Page 18:

          Suet Pudding                                       157
          Raw Carrot Pudding                                 161
          Cottage Fruit Pudding                              158
          Prune Souffle                                      158
          Plain Suet Pudding                                 157
          Plum Pudding                                       159
          Lemon Cream                                        160
          Corn Pudding                                       161
          Lemon Hard Sauce                                   161

          Pear Salad                                         168
          Potato Salad                                       168
          Bean Salad                                         170
          Codfish Salad                                      169
          Swedish Wreathes                                   169

          Orange Salad                                       173
          Cucumber Aspic                                     175
          Tomato Aspic                                       174
          Mayonnaise Dressing Without Oil                    176
          Mayonnaise Dressing Boiled                         175
          Suffrage Salad Dressing                            174

Page 19:

          Pittsburgh Sherbet                                 198
          Lemon Sherbet                                      198
          Synthetic Quince                                   200
          Fruit Cocktails                                    199
          Grape Juice Cup                                    201
          Peppermint Cup                                     202


          Sour Pickles                                       204
          Sweet Pickles                                      204
          Amber Marmalade                                    203
          Grape Juice                                        203
          Lemon Butter                                       205

Page 15, "Lienn" changed to "Lunn" (Sally Lunn)

Page 37, "tablespons" changed to "tablespoons" (2 tablespoons butter)

Page 37, "stock" changed to "stalk" (stalk of celery chopped)

Page 37, "ramkins" changed to "ramekins" (serve in ramekins)

Page 47, "majoram" changed to "marjoram" (thyme, and sweet marjoram)

Page 64, "carbonhydrate" changed to "carbohydrate" (bulky carbohydrate

Page 74, "mussy" changed to "mushy" (mushy before the)

Page 76, "Wash" changed to "Mash" (Mash all well together)

Page 80, "his" changed to "this" (Put this sauce)

Page 95, "dispositon" changed to "disposition" (the disposition of)

Page 95, "on" changed to "or" (or a finger)

Page 95, "or" changed to "of" (finger of buttered brown)

Page 103, "while" changed to "whole" (whole Indian corn)

Page 148, "thoroughy" changed to "thoroughly" (and heat thoroughly)

Page 166, "seive" changed to "sieve" (a wire sieve and)

Page 168, "lovlier" changed to "lovelier" (Nothing lovelier can be)

Page 174, "Lavarin" changed to "Savarin" (Brillat Savarin)

Page 174, "proporton" changed to "proportion" (proportion of a

Page 176, "Mayonaise" changed to "Mayonnaise" (Mayonnaise Dressing

Page 202, "sieze" changed to "seize" (seize the pleasures of)

Page 207, "Peal" changed to "Peel" (Peel chestnuts and)

Page 214, "alspice" changed to "allspice" (1/4 pound allspice)

Page 218, "Asosciation" changed to "Association" (Coffee Roasters'

Page 241, "leaves" changed to "loaves" (the loaves when baked)

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of The Suffrage Cook Book, by a


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