Ancient Egyptian legends

By Margaret Alice Murray

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Title: Ancient Egyptian legends

Author: Margaret Alice Murray

Release date: September 2, 2024 [eBook #74354]

Language: English

Original publication: London: John Murray, 1913

Credits: Al Haines






  FIRST EDITION .... January 1913
  Reprinted .... March 1920






In this book I have retold the legends of the Gods of ancient Egypt,
legends, which were current in the "morning of the world," preserved
to the present day engraved on stone and written on papyri.  I have
told them in my own way, adhering strictly to the story, but
arranging the words and phrases according to the English method;
retaining, however, as far as possible the expressions and metaphors
of the Egyptian.  In some cases I have inserted whole sentences in
order to make the sense clear; these are in places where the story
divides naturally into several parts, as in "The Battles of Horus,"
and "The Regions of Night and Thick Darkness"; where each incident,
so like the one preceding and the one following, is kept distinct in
the mind of the reader by this means.  This repetition is quite in
accordance with the style of Egyptian literature.

The book is intended entirely for the general public, who are
increasingly interested in the religion and civilisation of ancient
Egypt, but whose only means of obtaining knowledge of that country is
apparently through magazine stories in which a mummy is the principal
character.  It may be worth noting that in these legends of ancient
Egypt mummies are not mentioned, except in the Duat, the home of the
dead, where one naturally expects to find them.

Though the book is intended for the unscientific reader, I have made
some provision for the more serious student, in the Notes at the end.
In these I have given the origin of the legend, the book or books in
which that original is published, and the book where the translation
into a modern language by one of the great scholars of the day can be
found.  Other translations there are in plenty, which can be seen in
specialist libraries; many of these, however, are of use only to a
student of Egyptian literature and language.

I have arranged the sequence of the stories according to my own
ideas: first, the legends of various, one might almost say
miscellaneous, gods; then the legends of Osiris and the deities
connected with him; lastly, the legends of Ra.  At the very end are
Notes on the legends, and a short index of all the gods mentioned.

M. A. M.

_November_ 1912














The object of the Editors of this series is a very definite one.
They desire above all things that, in their humble way, these books
shall be the ambassadors of good-will and understanding between East
and West--the old world of Thought and the new of Action.  In this
endeavour, and in their own sphere, they are but followers of the
highest example in the land.  They are confident that a deeper
knowledge of the great ideals and lofty philosophy of Oriental
thought may help to a revival of that true spirit of Charity which
neither despises nor fears the nation of another creed and colour.






It was in the reign of King Rameses, son of the Sun, beloved of Amon,
king of the gods.  A mighty warrior was Rameses; in the day of battle
like to Mentu, god of war; very valorous was he, like the son of the

Now his Majesty was in Naharaina, where the great river Euphrates
rolls down to the sea.  And he received the tribute of the
vassal-princes, for he was the conqueror of the nine Archer-tribes,
and none could stand before his face when he came forth equipped with
all his weapons of war.  The princes prostrated themselves before
him, bowing their foreheads to the ground, breathing the earth which
his feet had trodden.  Great and splendid was their tribute: gold,
and precious stones of all colours, blue lapis lazuli and the green
turquoise sacred to Hathor, goddess of love and joy.  And slaves came
bearing on their backs sweet-scented woods, perfumed and aromatic,
like the trees in the land of the Gods.

The prince of Bekhten came also, and with him his eldest daughter;
and he placed her in front of the slaves, for she was the choicest
part of his tribute.  Very beautiful was she, fair in her limbs, tall
and slender as a palm-tree, and the heart of the King turned to her
with delight, and he loved her more than anything on earth.  He made
her the Great Royal Wife, and he gave her a name by which she should
be known in the land of Egypt; Neferu-Ra, "Beauty of Ra," was she
called, for her beauty was like the shining of the sun.  And the name
was written in the royal oval, as is the custom of the kings of Egypt
and their queens.

Then King Rameses returned to Egypt, and with him went the Great
Royal Wife, Queen Neferu-Ra.  And when they came to the Black Land,
the land of Egypt, she performed all the ceremonies of a queen in the
temples of Egypt.

Now it happened that King Rameses was in Thebes the Mighty on the
twenty-second of the month Payni.  And he went into the temple of
Amon, for this was the day of the beautiful festival of the god, when
the boats go up and down upon the water with torches and lights, and
the Sacred Barque, adorned with gold and painted with glorious
colours, is borne aloft, that men may see the figure of Amon-Ra
himself within.  And Queen Neferu-Ra was with his Majesty, for the
Great Royal Wife in Egypt has ever been the worshipper of Amon-Ra,
king of the gods.

There came into the temple courtiers of the King to announce the
arrival of a messenger from the prince of Bekhten.  Loaded was he
with gifts for Neferu-Ra, Queen of Egypt, daughter of the prince of
Bekhten, and he carried also a message to the King.  When he entered
the royal presence, he bowed to the earth saying, "Glory to thee, O
Sun of the nine Archer-tribes!  May we live before thee!"  Then he
bowed to the earth again and spoke the message that he had brought
from the prince of Bekhten to Rameses, King of Egypt:

"I come to thee, O living King, my Lord, on account of Bent-reshy,
the little sister of the Great Royal Wife, Neferu-Ra; for there is a
malady in all her limbs.  Send therefore a learned man that he may
see and heal her."

The King turned to his courtiers and said, "Bring hither a scribe of
the House of Life, and bring also those who speak the hidden things
of the Inner Chamber."  And the courtiers hastened and brought them
into the presence forthwith, and the King said to them, "I have
brought you hither to hear this matter.  Tell me then of a man,
learned and skilful, to send to the prince of Bekhten."

Then they took counsel among themselves as to a learned and skilful
man, and they brought the scribe Tehuti-em-heb before the King, and
the King bade him go with the messenger of the prince of Bekhten to
heal Bent-reshy, the little sister of the Great Royal Wife.

When the scribe Tehuti-em-heb came to Bekhten, he was brought into
the presence of Bent-reshy.  He was a learned and a skilful man, and
he found the princess under the dominion of a spirit, a spirit that
was hostile to him, against whom his learning and skill were of no
avail, who set his magic arts at naught.

Then the prince of Bekhten was sad, and sorrow was in his heart, but
Tehuti-em-heb the scribe counselled him to send again to Egypt and to
implore the help of Khonsu, the Expeller of Demons, to cast out the
evil spirit from Bentreshy, the little sister of the Great Royal Wife.

Now so great was the distance from Bekhten to Egypt that from the
time that Tehuti-em-heb the scribe departed out of Thebes till the
second message came to King Rameses was three years, and throughout
that time the evil spirit dwelt in Bent-reshy and would not be cast

And when the second messenger arrived, King Rameses was again in
Thebes, and it was the first of the month Pakhons, the month that is
sacred to Khonsu.  He entered into the temple, and with him came his
courtiers, and the messenger of the prince of Bekhten.  In the temple
were two statues of Khonsu; very marvellous figures were these, very
sacred, very holy; the one was called Khonsu in Thebes Neferhotep,
and the other Khonsu, the Expeller of Demons.  Now Khonsu is the God
of the Moon, the son of Amon-Ra and of Mut, Lady of Ashru, and men
represent him with the curled lock of youth, for he is ever young and

Then the King stood before the great statue of Khonsu in Thebes
Neferhotep and said, "O my good Lord, I come again into thy presence
on account of the daughter of the prince of Bekhten."

Then the priests lifted the statue of Khonsu in Thebes Neferhotep and
placed it in front of Khonsu, the Expeller of Demons.  And the King
spoke again before Khonsu in Thebes Neferhotep and said, "My good
Lord, turn thy face to Khonsu, the Expeller of Demons.  Grant that he
may go to Bekhten."

Khonsu in Thebes Neferhotep inclined his head twice in token of
assent.  Very marvellous was the figure of Khonsu in Thebes

And yet again King Rameses spoke, "Let thy protection be with him.
Grant that I may send the Majesty of Khonsu to Bekhten to save
Bent-reshy, the little sister of the Great Royal Wife."

Khonsu in Thebes Neferhotep inclined his head twice in token of
assent.  Very marvellous was the figure of Khonsu in Thebes
Neferhotep.  And he gave his magical protection four times to Khonsu,
the Expeller of Demons.

Then King Barneses gave command, and Khonsu, the Expeller of Demons,
was placed in the Great Boat; and around the Great Boat were five
small boats, with chariots and horses, numerous and splendid, on the
right hand and on the left.  The retinue of Khonsu, the Expeller of
Demons, was the retinue of a king.  For a year and five months they
journeyed until they reached Bekhten.

The prince of Bekhten came out with his bowmen and his courtiers to
meet Khonsu, the Expeller of Demons, with a royal welcome, and they
entered into his presence as into the presence of a king.  The prince
of Bekhten fell on his knees and laid his forehead on the ground at
the feet of Khonsu, the Expeller of Demons, and said, "Thou hast come
to us.  O, be kind to us according to the words of Rameses, King of

They brought Khonsu, the Expeller of Demons, to the chamber of
Bent-reshy, the little sister of the Great Royal Wife; and he made a
magical protection over her.  Lo, there happened a wonder and a
marvel, for she was well and whole in a moment.

Then the spirit, who had been in her, spoke in the presence of
Khonsu, the Expeller of Demons, "Thou hast come in peace, O great
God, Expeller of Demons.  Bekhten is thy city, its people are thy
slaves.  I bow before thee, for I also am thy slave.  I will go to
that place from which I came that thy heart may have peace.  But ere
I go, let the Majesty of Khonsu give command that a holy day be made
for me by the prince of Bekhten."

When he had heard these words, Khonsu, the Expeller of Demons,
inclined his head to the priest and said, "Let the prince of Bekhten
make a great sacrifice for this spirit."

The prince of Bekhten, and his soldiers and his courtiers heard the
voices of the spirit and of the god, and they trembled and were
exceedingly afraid.  They obeyed the command of the god and prepared
a great sacrifice for Khonsu, the Expeller of Demons, and for the
spirit that came out of Bent-reshy, the little sister of the Great
Royal Wife, the daughter of the prince of Bekhten.  And they made a
holy day with offerings, sacrifices, and libations.

So the spirit, in the form of a Shining One, went his way in peace
out of the land of Bekhten, and he went whithersoever it pleased him,
as Khonsu, the Expeller of Demons, had commanded.

The prince of Bekhten was glad and his heart rejoiced, and all the
people rejoiced also that the spirit had been driven out of
Bent-reshy and out of the land of Bekhten.  But in the midst of his
joy and gladness, fear came upon the heart of the prince of Bekhten
lest the spirit should return and take up his abode again in the
land, when Khonsu, the Expeller of Demons, had departed.  He took
counsel with himself and said, "I will keep Khonsu, the Expeller of
Demons, in Bekhten.  I will not let him return to Egypt."  So Khonsu,
the Expeller of Demons, remained three years, four months, and five
days in Bekhten, for the prince of Bekhten would not let him go.

And at the end of that time the prince of Bekhten lay upon his bed at
night and slept, and while he slept a vision passed before his eyes.
He dreamed that he stood before the shrine of Khonsu, the Expeller of
Demons; the great doors of the shrine were folded back and the god
came forth, stepping out between the doors.  He changed into the form
of a hawk with feathers of gold, burnished and beautiful, and soared
high into the air with wings outspread, and like an arrow he darted
towards Egypt.

When the prince of Bekhten awoke, he was exceedingly afraid, for he
feared the wrath of the Gods.  And he sent for the priest of Khonsu,
the Expeller of Demons, and said to him, "The god is estranged from
us, he has returned to Egypt.  Let his chariot also return to Egypt."
The prince of Bekhten gave command that the god should be taken back
to Egypt, and he loaded the god with gifts.  Great and numerous were
the gifts of all manner of beautiful things that the prince of
Bekhten gave to Khonsu, the Expeller of Demons.

For many months they journeyed, and with them went an escort of
soldiers and horses from the land of Bekhten.  They arrived in safety
at Thebes, and entered into the temple of Khonsu in Thebes Neferhotep.

Then Khonsu, the Expeller of Demons, gave to Khonsu in Thebes
Neferhotep all the gifts, the rich and costly gifts, which he had
received from the prince of Bekhten; nothing did he keep for himself.
Thus ended the journey of Khonsu, the Expeller of Demons, the great



Long, long ago lived Thothmes, King of Egypt; Lord of the Two Lands
was he, Wearer of the double Diadem, he whom the Gods loved.  He was
not that Thothmes, the mighty Bull, who conquered Syria, Nubia, and
the nine Archer-tribes.  But he bore the same name, and was a great
and valorous king; Syria bowed before him, Nubia was his servant, and
he trod the nine Archer-tribes beneath his feet.  When he was a
child, he was like unto Harpocrates, the son of Isis, he who was born
in the marshes of the North Country.  Beautiful was he with the
beauty of the Gods, in form like Horus, the Avenger of his father.

And in all manly sports did he excel; he hunted the wild game on the
deserts both north and south of Memphis, he coursed the lions and the
deer, he shot arrows at a target, he drove in his chariot, and his
horses were fleeter than the wind.  Alone did he hunt, or with two
companions only, and none knew the path that he would follow, for in
the desert none live save wild beasts.

When his followers required rest in the heat of the day, he took them
to the great statue of Harmachis close to Kher-aha, where the Road of
the God leads eastward to On.  Of stone was this mighty figure, hewn
out of the living rock, his face the face of a man, stern and
majestic, turned to the rising sun, his body the body of a lion; upon
his brow is the death-dealing snake with head erect, ready to strike.
Men call this figure Harmachis, and the Sphinx, and the Father of
Terrors.  Great and exalted is this figure of the God, resting in his
chosen place; mighty is his power, for the Shadow of the Sun is upon
him.  The temples of Memphis and the temples of every town on both
sides adore him, they stretch out their hands to him in adoration,
sacrifices and libations are made before him.

One day, ere Thothmes was yet king, before he had ascended the throne
of Horus the Living One, it came to pass that he hunted alone in the
desert, and it was noontide.  Very fierce was the heat, very blinding
the sunbeams, and he rested in the shadow of the great God.  And as
he rested, heated and weary, in the coolness of the shadow, sleep
heavy and deep came upon him at the moment when the sun reached the

Thus he slept at broad midday, and in his sleep dreams and visions
came to him.  In his dream he stood before the giant figure of the
God, but no longer was it of stone, for behold it was the God
himself.  The breath of life was in him, and his lips moved, and he
spoke with gentle speech as a father speaks with his child, for his
words were words of blessing.

"See now, O my son Thothmes," he said, "look at me, behold me.  I am
thy father, I who am Harmachis, and Ra, and Khepera, and Atmu also.
For I am the Sun-god to whom all lands are subject.  Through me alone
shall the kingdom of Egypt come to thee; thou shalt wear the White
Crown of the South Land and the Red Crown of the North Land, thou
shalt sit upon the throne of Geb the inheritor.  To thee shall belong
the whole land in its length and breadth, that land which the
universal Lord makes glorious.  Want and trouble shall never come
nigh thee, for gifts shall be brought to thee from every country,
near and afar; the duration of thy life shall be for many years; my
face shall be towards thee and my heart shall incline to thee if thou
wilt do for me that which I desire of thee."

And Thothmes looked, and he saw that the figure lay half-buried in
the sand, and it seemed as though the God struggled to free himself,
for naught but the head appeared above the plain, and the sands came
up about him like the waves of the sea when they swallow up a ship
that is on the rocks.

Then the Majesty of the God spoke again, and said, "The sand of the
desert on which I rest is about me, it overwhelms me, it covers me.
Hasten to do that which my heart desires, for I know that thou art a
son who honours the behests of his father."

Sleep fell from the eyelids of Thothmes, and he awoke.

[Here the inscription is broken away and the end of the story is not



Now Amon-Ra, king of the gods, sat upon his throne, and around him
stood the greatest of the gods and goddesses.  On his right was
Osiris crowned with the great White Crown of the South Land; on his
left was Mentu, god of war, and on the head of Mentu were two great
feathers and the flashing disk of the sun.  With Osiris were the twin
goddesses Isis and Nephthys, beside them stood Hathor, goddess of
love, whom the Greeks call Aphrodite; Horus, the son of Isis, with
the far-seeing eyes of the hawk; and Anubis, son of Nephthys, the
faithful guardian of Isis.  With Mentu were Atmu, the god of the
sunset; Shu and his twin-sister Tefnut; Geb the earth-god, and Nut
the sky-goddess.  These two are the oldest of the gods, from whom all
others proceed.

Amon-Ra, king of the gods, sat upon his throne and looked upon the
land of Egypt, and he spoke, saying, "I will create a queen to rule
over Ta-mery, I will unite the Two Lands in peace for her, and in her
hands I will place the whole world.  Egypt and Syria, Nubia and Punt,
the land of the Gods, shall be under her sway."  And when he had
spoken there was silence among the gods.

While he yet spoke, Thoth entered into his presence, Thoth, the
twice-great, the maker of magic, the lord of Khemennu.  He listened
to the words of Amon-Ra, king of the gods, and in the silence that
followed he spoke:

"O Amon-Ra, Lord of the thrones of the Two Lands, King of the gods,
Maker of men.  Behold in the Black Land in the palace of the king is
a maiden, fair and beautiful is she in all her limbs.  Aahmes is her
name, and she is wife to the king of Egypt.  She alone can be the
mother of the great Queen, whom thou wilt create to rule over the Two
Lands.  She is in the palace of the king.  Come, let us go to her."

Now the form of Thoth is the form of an ibis, that he may fly swiftly
through the air and none may know him, and as an ibis he went to the
palace of the king.  But Amon-Ra took upon himself the shape of the
king of Egypt.  Great was the majesty of Amon-Ra, splendid his
adornments.  On his neck was the glittering collar of gold and
precious stones, on his arms were bracelets of pure gold and
electrum, and on his head were two plumes; by the plumes alone could
men know the King of the gods.  In one hand he carried the sceptre of
power, in the other the emblem of life.  Glorious was he as the sun
at midday, and the perfumes of the land of Punt were around him.

In the palace of the king of Egypt was queen Aahmes, and it was
night.  She lay upon her couch, and sleep was upon her eyelids.  Like
a jewel was she in her beauty, and the chamber in which she slept was
like the setting of the jewel; black bronze and electrum, acacia wood
and ebony, were the adornments of the palace, and her couch was in
the form of a fierce lion.

Through the two Great Doors of the palace went the gods; none saw
them, none beheld them.  And with them came Neith, goddess of Saïs,
and Selk the scorpion goddess.  On the head of Neith were the shield
and crossed arrows; on the head of Selk a scorpion bearing in each
claw the emblem of life.

The fragrance of the perfumes of Punt filled the chamber, and queen
Aahmes awoke and beheld Amon-Ra, King of the gods, Maker of men.  In
majesty and beauty he appeared before her, and her heart was filled
with joy.  He held towards her the sign of life, and in her hand he
laid the sign of life and the sceptre of power.  And Neith and Selk
lifted the couch on which the queen reposed and held it high in the
air, that she might be raised above the ground, on which mortal men
live, while she spoke with the immortal Gods.

Then Amon-Ra returned and was enthroned among the Gods.  And he
summoned to his presence Khnum the creator, he who fashions the
bodies of men, who dwells beside the rushing waters of the cataract.
To Khnum he gave command saying, "O Khnum, fashioner of the bodies of
men, fashion for me my daughter, she who shall be the great Queen of
Egypt.  For I will give to her all life and satisfaction, all
stability and all joy of heart for ever."

Khnum the creator, the fashioner of the bodies of men, the dweller by
the cataract, made answer to Amon-Ra, "I will form for thee thy
daughter, and her form shall be more glorious than the Gods, for the
greatness of her dignity as King of the South and North."

Then he brought his potter's wheel, and took clay, and with his hands
he fashioned the body of the daughter of queen Aahmes and the body of
her _ka_.  And the body of the child and the body of the _ka_ were
alike in their limbs and their faces, and none but the Gods could
know them apart.  Beautiful were they with the beauty of Amon-Ra,
more glorious were they than the Gods.

Beside the potter's wheel knelt Hekt, lady of Herur, goddess of
birth.  In each hand she held the sign of life, and as the wheel
turned and the bodies were fashioned, she held it towards them that
life might enter into the lifeless clay.

Then Khnum, the fashioner of the bodies of men, and Hekt the goddess
of birth, came to the palace of the king of Egypt; and with them came
Isis, the great Mother, and her sister Nephthys; Meskhent also and
Ta-urt, and Bes the protector of children.  The spirits of Pé and the
spirits of Dep came with them to greet the daughter of Amon-Ra and of
queen Aahmes.

And when the child appeared, the goddesses rejoiced, and the spirits
of Pé and the spirits of Dep chanted praises to her honour, for the
daughter of Amon-Ra was to sit upon the throne of Horus of the
Living, and rule the Land of Egypt to the glory of the Gods.
Hatshepsut was she called, Chief of Noble Women, divine of Diadems,
favourite of the Goddesses, beloved of Amon-Ra.  And to her the Gods
granted that she should be mistress of all lands within the circuit
of the sun, and that she should appear as king upon the throne of
Horus before the glories of the Great House.  And upon her was the
favour of Amon-Ra for ever.



Now Ahura was the wife of Nefer-ka-ptah, and their child was Merab;
this was the name by which he was registered by the scribes in the
House of Life.  And Nefer-ka-ptah, though he was the son of the King,
cared for naught on earth but to read the ancient records, written on
papyrus in the House of Life or engraved on stone in the temples; all
day and every day he studied the writings of the ancestors.

One day he went into the temple to pray to the Gods, but when he saw
the inscriptions on the walls he began to read them; and he forgot to
pray, he forgot the Gods, he forgot the priests, he forgot all that
was around him until he heard laughter behind him.  He looked round
and a priest stood there, and from him came the laughter.

"Why laughest thou at me?" said Nefer-ka-ptah.

"Because thou readest these worthless writings," answered the priest.
"If thou wouldest read writings that are worth the reading I can tell
thee where the Book of Thoth lies hidden."

Then Nefer-ka-ptah was eager in his questions, and the priest
replied, "Thoth wrote the Book with his own hand, and in it is all
the magic in the world.  If thou readest the first page, thou wilt
enchant the sky, the earth, the abyss, the mountains, and the sea;
thou wilt understand the language of the birds of the air, and thou
wilt know what the creeping things of earth are saying, and thou wilt
see the fishes from the darkest depths of the sea.  And if thou
readest the other page, even though thou wert dead and in the world
of ghosts, thou couldest come back to earth in the form thou once
hadst.  And besides this, thou wilt see the sun shining in the sky
with the full moon and the stars, and thou wilt behold the great
shapes of the Gods."

Then said Nefer-ka-ptah, "By the life of Pharaoh, that Book shall be
mine.  Tell me whatsoever it is that thou desirest, and I will do it
for thee."

"Provide for my funeral," said the priest.  "See that I am buried as
a rich man, with priests and mourning women, offerings, libations,
and incense.  Then shall my soul rest in peace in the Fields of Aalu.
One hundred pieces of silver must be spent upon my burying."

Then Nefer-ka-ptah sent a fleet messenger to fetch the money, and he
paid one hundred pieces of silver into the priest's hands.  When the
priest had taken the silver, he said to Nefer-ka-ptah:

  "The Book is at Koptos in the middle of the river.
  In the middle of the river is an iron box,
  In the iron box is a bronze box,
  In the bronze box is a keté-wood box,
  In the keté-wood box is an ivory-and-ebony box,
  In the ivory-and-ebony box is a silver box,
  In the silver box is a gold box,
  And in the gold box is the Book of Thoth.

Round about the great iron box are snakes and scorpions and all
manner of crawling things, and above all there is a snake which no
man can kill.  These are set to guard the Book of Thoth."

When the priest had finished speaking, Nefer-ka-ptah ran out of the
temple, for his joy was so great that he knew not where he was.  He
ran quickly to find Ahura to tell her about the Book and that he
would go to Koptos and find it.

But Ahura was very sorrowful, and said, "Go not on this journey, for
trouble and grief await thee in the Southern Land."

She laid her hand upon Nefer-ka-ptah as though she would hold him
back from the sorrow that awaited him.  But he would not be
restrained, and broke away from her and went to the King his father.

He told the King all that he had learned, and said, "Give me the
royal barge, O my father, that I may go to the Southern Land with my
wife Ahura and my son Merab.  For the Book of Thoth I must and will

So the King gave orders and the royal barge was prepared, and in it
Nefer-ka-ptah, Ahura, and Merab sailed up the river to the Southern
Land as far as Koptos.  When they arrived at Koptos, the high priest
and all the priests of Isis of Koptos came down to the river to
welcome Nefer-ka-ptah, Ahura, and Merab.  And they went in a great
procession to the temple of the Goddess, and Nefer-ka-ptah sacrificed
an ox and a goose and poured a libation of wine to Isis of Koptos and
her son Harpocrates.  After this, the priests of Isis and their wives
made a great feast for four days in honour of Nefer-ka-ptah and Ahura.

On the morning of the fifth day, Nefer-ka-ptah called to him a priest
of Isis, a great magician learned in all the mysteries of the Gods.
And together they made a little magic box, like the cabin of a boat,
and they made men and a great store of tackle, and put the men and
the tackle in the magic cabin.  Then they uttered a spell over the
cabin, and the men breathed and were alive, and began to use the
tackle.  And Nefer-ka-ptah sank the magic cabin in the river, saying,
"Workmen, workmen!  Work for me!"  And he filled the royal barge with
sand and sailed away alone, while Ahura sat on the bank of the river
at Koptos, and watched and waited, for she knew that sorrow must come
of this journey to the Southern Land.

The magic men in the magic cabin toiled all night and all day for
three nights and three days along the bottom of the river; and when
they stopped the royal barge stopped also, and Nefer-ka-ptah knew
that he had arrived where the Book lay hidden.

He took the sand out of the royal barge and threw it into the water,
and it made a gap in the river, a gap of a schoenus long and a
schoenus wide; in the middle of the gap lay the iron box, and beside
the box was coiled the great snake that no man can kill, and all
around the box on every side to the edge of the walls of water were
snakes and scorpions and all manner of crawling things.

Then Nefer-ka-ptah stood up in the royal barge, and across the water
he cried to the snakes and scorpions and crawling things; a loud and
terrible cry, and the words were words of magic.  As soon as his
voice was still, the snakes and scorpions and crawling things were
still also, for they were enchanted by means of the magical words of
Nefer-ka-ptah, and they could not move.  Nefer-ka-ptah brought the
royal barge to the edge of the gap, and he walked through the snakes
and scorpions and crawling things, and they looked at him, but could
not move because of the spell that was on them.

And now Nefer-ka-ptah was face to face with the snake that no man
could kill, and it reared itself up ready for battle.  Nefer-ka-ptah
rushed upon it and cut off its head, and at once the head and body
came together, each to each, and the snake that no man could kill was
alive again, and ready for the fray.  Again Nefer-ka-ptah rushed upon
it, and so hard did he strike that the head was flung far from the
body, but at once the head and body came together again, each to
each, and again the snake that no man could kill was alive and ready
to fight.  Then Nefer-ka-ptah saw that the snake was immortal and
could not be slain, but must be overcome by subtle means.  Again he
rushed upon it and cut it in two, and very quickly he put sand on
each part, so that when the head and body came together there was
sand between them and they could not join, and the snake that no man
could kill lay helpless before him.

Then Nefer-ka-ptah went to the great box where it stood in the gap in
the middle of the river, and the snakes and scorpions and crawling
things watched, but they could not stop him.

  He opened the iron box and found a bronze box,
  He opened the bronze box and found a keté-wood box,
  He opened the keté-wood box and found an
      ivory-and-ebony box,
  He opened the ivory-and-ebony box and found
      a silver box,
  He opened the silver box and found a gold box,
  He opened the gold box and found the Book of Thoth.

He opened the Book and read a page, and at once he had enchanted the
sky, the earth, the abyss, the mountains, and the sea, and he
understood the language of birds, fish, and beasts.  He read the
second page and he saw the sun shining in the sky, with the full moon
and the stars, and he saw the great shapes of the Gods themselves;
and so strong was the magic that the fishes came up from the darkest
depths of the sea.  So he knew that what the priest had told him was

Then he thought of Ahura waiting for him at Koptos, and he cast a
magic spell upon the men that he had made, saying "Workmen, workmen!
Work for me! and take me back to the place from which I came."  They
toiled day and night till they came to Koptos, and there was Ahura
sitting by the river, having eaten nothing and drunk nothing since
Nefer-ka-ptah went away.  For she sat waiting and watching for the
sorrow that was to come upon them.

But when she saw Nefer-ka-ptah returning in the royal barge, her
heart was glad and she rejoiced exceedingly.  Nefer-ka-ptah came to
her and put the Book of Thoth into her hands and bade her read it.
When she read the first page, she enchanted the sky, the earth, the
abyss, the mountains, and the sea, and she understood the language of
birds, fish, and beasts; and when she read the second page, she saw
the sun shining in the sky, with the full moon and the stars, and she
saw the great shapes of the Gods themselves; and so strong was the
magic that the fishes came up from the darkest depths of the sea.

Nefer-ka-ptah now called for a piece of new papyrus and for a cup of
beer; and on the papyrus he wrote all the spells that were in the
Book of Thoth.  Then he took the cup of beer and washed the papyrus
in the beer, so that all the ink was washed off and the papyrus
became as though it had never been written on.  And Nefer-ka-ptah
drank the beer, and at once he knew all the spells that had been
written on the papyrus, for this is the method of the great magicians.

Then Nefer-ka-ptah and Ahura went to the temple of Isis and gave
offerings to Isis and Harpocrates, and made a great feast, and the
next day they went on board the royal barge and sailed joyfully away
down the river towards the Northern Land.

But behold, Thoth had discovered the loss of his Book, and Thoth
raged like a panther of the South, and he hastened before Ra and told
him all, saying, "Nefer-ka-ptah has found my magic box and opened it,
and has stolen my Book, even the Book of Thoth; he slew the guards
that surrounded it, and the snake that no man can kill lay helpless
before him.  Avenge me, O Ra, upon Nefer-ka-ptah, son of the King of

The Majesty of Ra answered and said, "Take him and his wife and his
child, and do with them as thou wilt."  And now the sorrow for which
Ahura watched and waited was about to come upon them, for Thoth took
with him a Power from Ra to give him his desire upon the stealer of
his Book.

As the royal barge sailed smoothly down the river, the little boy
Merab ran out from the shade of the awning and leaned over the side
watching the water.  And the Power of Ra drew him, so that he fell
into the river and was drowned.  When he fell, all the sailors on the
royal barge and all the people walking on the river-bank raised a
great cry, but they could not save him.  Nefer-ka-ptah came out of
the cabin and read a magical spell over the water, and the body of
Merab came to the surface and they brought it on board the royal
barge.  Then Nefer-ka-ptah read another spell, and so great was its
power that the dead child spoke and told Nefer-ka-ptah all that had
happened among the Gods, that Thoth was seeking vengeance, and that
Ra had granted him his desire upon the stealer of his Book.

Nefer-ka-ptah gave command, and the royal barge returned to Koptos,
that Merab might be buried there with the honour due to the son of a
prince.  When the funeral ceremonies were over, the royal barge
sailed down the river towards the Northern Land.  A joyful journey
was it no longer, for Merab was dead, and Ahura's heart was heavy on
account of the sorrow that was still to come, for the vengeance of
Thoth was not yet fulfilled.

They reached the place where Merab had fallen into the water, and
Ahura came out from under the shade of the awning, and she leaned
over the side of the barge, and the Power of Ra drew her so that she
fell into the river and was drowned.  When she fell, all the sailors
in the royal barge and all the people walking on the river-bank
raised a great cry, but they could not save her.  Nefer-ka-ptah came
out of the cabin and read a magical spell over the water, and the
body of Ahura came to the surface, and they brought it on board the
royal barge.  Then Nefer-ka-ptah read another spell, and so great was
its power that the dead woman spoke and told Nefer-ka-ptah all that
had happened among the Gods, that Thoth was still seeking vengeance,
and that Ra had granted him his desire upon the stealer of his Book.

Nefer-ka-ptah gave command and the royal barge returned to Koptos,
that Ahura might be buried there with the honour due to the daughter
of a king.  When the funeral ceremonies were over, the royal barge
sailed down the river towards the Northern Land.  A sorrowful journey
was it now, for Ahura and Merab were dead, and the vengeance of Thoth
was not yet fulfilled.

They reached the place where Ahura and Merab had fallen into the
water, and Nefer-ka-ptah felt the Power of Ra drawing him.  Though he
struggled against it he knew that it would conquer him.  He took a
piece of royal linen, fine and strong, and made it into a girdle, and
with it he bound the Book of Thoth firmly to his breast, for he was
resolved that Thoth should never have his Book again.

Then the Power drew him yet more strongly, and he came from under the
shade of the awning and threw himself into the river and was drowned.
When he fell, all the sailors of the royal barge and all the people
walking on the river-bank raised a great cry, but they could not save
him.  And when they looked for his body they could not find it.  So
the royal barge sailed down the river till they reached the Northern
Land and came to Memphis, and the chiefs of the royal barge went to
the King and told him all that had happened.

The King put on mourning raiment; he and his courtiers, the high
priest and all the priests of Memphis, the King's army and the King's
household, were clothed in mourning apparel, and they walked in
procession to the haven of Memphis to the royal barge.  When they
came to the haven, they saw the body of Nefer-ka-ptah floating in the
water beside the barge, close to the great steering-oars.  And this
marvel came to pass because of the magical powers of Nefer-ka-ptah;
even in death he was a great magician by reason of the spells he had
washed off the papyrus and drunk in the beer.

Then they drew him out of the water, and they saw the Book of Thoth
bound to his breast with the girdle of royal linen.  And the King
gave command that they should bury Nefer-ka-ptah with the honour due
to the son of a king, and that the Book of Thoth should be buried
with him.

Thus was the vengeance of Thoth fulfilled, but the Book remained with



In the beginning Ra cursed Nut, and his curse was that none of her
children should be born on any day of any year.  And Nut cried to
Thoth who loved her, Thoth, the twice great, god of magic and
learning and wisdom, he whom the Greeks called Hermes Trismegistos.
Though the curse of the great God Ra once uttered could never be
recalled, Thoth by his wisdom opened a way of escape.  He went to the
Moon-god, whose brightness was almost equal to that of the Sun
itself, and challenged him to a game of dice.  Great were the stakes
on either side, but the Moon's were the greatest, for he wagered his
own light.  Game after game they played and always the luck was with
Thoth, till the Moon would play no more.  Then Thoth, the twice
great, gathered up the light he had won, and by his power and might
he formed it into five days.  And since that time the Moon has not
had light enough to shine throughout the month; but dwindles away
into darkness, and then comes slowly to his full glory; for the light
of five whole days was taken from him.  And these five days Thoth
placed between the end of the old year and the beginning of the new
year, keeping them distinct from both; and on these five days the
five children of Nut were born; Osiris on the first day, Horus on the
second, Set on the third, Isis on the fourth, and Nephthys on the
fifth.  Thus the curse of Ra was both fulfilled and made of no
effect, for the days on which the children of Nut were born belonged
to no year.

When Osiris was born, wonders and marvels, prodigies and signs, were
heard and seen throughout the world, for a voice cried over the whole
earth, "The Lord of all comes forth to the light."  And a woman
drawing water from the holy place of the temple was filled with the
divine afflatus and rushed forth crying, "Osiris the King is born."

Now Egypt was a barbarous country where men fought together and ate
human flesh; naught did they know of the gods, lawless were they and
savage.  But Osiris became the King of Egypt, and he showed his
people how to till the land and to plant corn and the vine, and he
taught them the honour due to the Gods, and made laws, and abolished
their barbarous and savage customs.  Wherever he went, the people
bowed at his feet, for they loved the very ground he trod on; and
whatever he commanded, that they did.  Thus did Osiris rule over the
Egyptians till, with music playing and banners flying, he passed out
of Egypt to bring all nations beneath his gracious sway.

But Set hated his brother Osiris, and he gathered to himself
seventy-two conspirators, and with them was Aso, queen of Ethiopia.
And they made a plan that when Osiris returned they should kill him
and place Set on the throne; but they hid their plans, and with
smiling faces went out to meet Osiris when he re-entered Egypt in

In secret they met again and again, in secret also they prepared a
coffer made of costly wood painted and decorated with rich designs
and glowing colours, an interweaving of tints and a wealth of cunning
workmanship, so that all who saw it longed to have it for their own.
Set, that Wicked One, had in secret measured the body of Osiris, and
the coffer was made to fit the body of the King, for this was part of
the plan.

When all was ready, Set bade his brother and the seventy-two
conspirators to a feast in his great banqueting-hall.  When the feast
was over, they sang the chant of Maneros, as was the custom, and
slaves carried round cups of wine and threw garlands of flowers round
the necks of the guests, and poured perfume upon them, till the hall
was filled with sweet odours.  And while their hearts were glad,
slaves entered bearing the coffer, and all the guests cried out at
the sight of its beauty.

Then Set stood up in his place and said, "He who lies down in this
coffer and whom it fits, to that man I will give it."  His words were
sweet as honey, but in his heart was the bitterness of evil.

One after one, the conspirators lay down in the coffer with jests and
laughter; for one it was too long, and for another it was too short,
and for a third it was too wide, and for a fourth too narrow.  Then
came Osiris to take his turn, and he, all unsuspecting, lay down in
it.  At once the conspirators seized the lid and clapped it on; some
nailed it firmly in its place, while others poured molten lead into
all the openings lest he should breathe and live.  Thus died the
great Osiris, he who is called Unnefer the Triumphant, and by his
death he entered into the Duat, and became King of the Dead and Ruler
of those who are in the West.

The conspirators lifted the chest, which was now a coffin, and
carried it to the river-bank.  They flung it far into the water, and
Hapi the Nile-god caught it and carried it upon his stream to the
sea; the Great Green Waters received it and the waves bore it to
Byblos and lifted it into a tamarisk-tree that grew by the shore.
Then the tree shot forth great branches and put out leaves and
flowers to make a fit resting-place for the God, and the fame of its
beauty went throughout the land.

In Byblos ruled King Malkander and his wife, Queen Athenais.  They
came to the sea-shore to gaze upon the tree, for naught could be seen
but leaves and blossoms which hid the coffin from all eyes.  Then
King Malkander gave command and the tree was cut down and carried to
the royal palace to make a pillar therein, for it was worthy to be
used in a king's house.  All men wondered at its beauty, though none
knew that it held the body of a God.

Now Isis feared Set exceedingly.  His smooth words did not deceive
her, and she knew of his enmity to Osiris, but the great King would
not believe in his brother's wickedness.  When the soul of Osiris
passed from his body, at once Isis was aware that he was dead, though
no man told her.  She took her little son, whom men call Harpocrates
or Horus the Child, and fled with him to the marshes of the Delta,
and hid him in the city of Pé.  Ancient and gray was this city of Pé
and it stood on an island; there dwelt the goddess Uazet, whom men
call also Buto and Latona, for she is worshipped under many names.
Uazet took the child and sheltered him, and Isis by her divine power
loosed the island from its moorings, and it floated on the surface of
the Great Green Waters, so that no man could tell where to find it.
For she feared the power of Set lest he should destroy the child as
he had destroyed the father.

As the souls of men cannot rest until the funeral rites are performed
and the funeral sacrifices offered, she journeyed, solitary and
alone, to seek the body of her husband, and bury it as became his
greatness.  Many people did she meet, both men and women, but none
had seen the chest, and in this matter her power was of no avail.
Then she thought to ask the children, and at once they told her of a
painted coffer floating on the Nile.  And to this day children have
prophetic power and can declare the will of the Gods and the things
that are yet for to come.

Thus, asking always of the children, Isis came to Byblos.  She sat by
the Great Green Waters, and the maidens of Queen Athenais came to
bathe and disport themselves in the waves.  Then Isis spoke to them
and braided their hair and adjusted their jewels; the breath of the
Goddess was sweeter than the odours of the Land of Punt, and it
perfumed the hair and the jewels and the garments of the maidens.
When they returned to the palace, Queen Athenais asked them whence
they had obtained the perfume, and they answered, "A woman, strange
and sad, sat by the sea-shore when we went to bathe, and she braided
our hair and adjusted our jewels, and from her came the perfume,
though we know not how."  Queen Athenais went to the shore to see the
strange woman and conversed with her, and they spoke together as
mothers speak, for each had a little son; the son of Isis was far
away and the son of Athenais was sick unto death.

Then rose up Isis, the Mighty in Magic, the skilful Healer, and said,
"Bring me to your son!"  Together the Goddess and the Queen returned
to the palace, and Isis took little Diktys in her arms and said, "I
can make him strong and well, but in my own way will I do it, and
none must interfere."

Every day Queen Athenais marvelled at her son.  From a little puling
babe he became a strong and healthy child, but Isis spoke no word and
none knew what she did.  Athenais questioned her maidens, and they
answered, "We know not what she does, but this we know, that she
feeds him not, and at night she bars the doors of the hall of the
pillar, and piles the fire high with logs, and when we listen, naught
can we hear but the twittering of a swallow."

Athenais was filled with curiosity and hid herself at night in the
great hall, and watched how Isis barred the doors and piled the logs
upon the fire till the flames rose high and scorching.  Then, sitting
before the fire, she made a space between the blazing logs, a space
that glowed red and crimson, and in that space she laid the child,
and turning herself into the form of a swallow, she circled round the
pillar, mourning and lamenting, and the lamentation was like the
twittering of a swallow.  Queen Athenais shrieked and snatched the
child from the fire, and turned to flee.  But before her stood Isis
the Goddess, tall and terrible.

"O foolish mother!" said Isis.  "Why didst thou seize the child?  But
a few days longer and all that is mortal in him would have been burnt
away, and as the Gods would he have been, immortal and for ever

A great awe fell upon the Queen, for she knew that she looked upon
one of the Gods.  In humblest wise she and King Malkander prayed the
Goddess to accept a gift.  All the riches of Byblos were spread
before her, but to her they were as naught.

"Give me," she said, "what this pillar holds and I shall be content."
At once the workmen were summoned, and they took down the pillar, and
split it open, and lifted out the coffin.  And Isis took sweet spices
and scented blossoms; these she strewed upon the pillar, then wrapped
it in fine linen and gave it to the King and Queen.  And all the
people of Byblos worship it to this day, because once it held the
body of a god.

But Isis took the coffin on a boat and sailed away from Byblos, and
when the waves of the river Phaedrus, lashed by the wind, threatened
to sweep the coffin away, she dried up the water by her magical
spells.  Then, in a solitary place, she opened the coffin, and,
gazing upon the face of the dead God, she mourned and lamented.

Now some say that when Isis left Byblos she took Diktys with her, and
that he fell out of the boat and was drowned.  Others say that the
sound of her lamentation was so terrible in its grief that his heart
broke and he died.  But I think that he remained in Byblos; and
because he had lain in the arms of the Divine Mother, and had passed
through the purifying fire, he grew up to be a great and noble King,
ruling his people wisely.

Then Isis hid the coffin and set out for the city of Pé, where it
stood on the floating island and where her little son Harpocrates was
safe under the care of Uazet, the Goddess of the North Country.  And
while she was away, Set came hunting wild boars with his dogs.  He
hunted by moonlight, for he loved the night, when all evil red things
are abroad; and the air was filled with the whoop and halloa of the
huntsman and the cries of the dogs as they rushed after their quarry.
And as he dashed past, Set saw the painted chest, the colours
glinting and gleaming in the moonlight.

At that sight, hatred and anger came upon him like a red cloud, and
he raged like a panther of the South.  He dragged the coffin from the
place where it was hidden and forced it open; he seized the body and
tore it into fourteen pieces, and by his mighty and divine strength
he scattered the pieces throughout the land of Egypt.  And he laughed
and said, "It is not possible to destroy the body of a God, but I
have done what is impossible, I have destroyed Osiris."  And his
laughter echoed across the world, and those who heard it fled

When Isis returned, she found naught but the broken coffin, and knew
that Set had done this thing.  All her search was now to begin again.
She took a little shallop made of papyrus-reeds lashed together, and
sailed through the marshes to look for the pieces of Osiris' body,
and all the birds and beasts went with her to help her; and to this
day the crocodiles will not touch a boat of papyrus-reeds, for they
think it is the weary Goddess still pursuing her search.

A mighty and a cunning enemy was hers, and by wisdom only could he be
overcome; therefore, wheresoever she found a fragment of the divine
body, she built a beautiful shrine and performed the funeral rites as
though she had buried it there.  But in truth she took the fragments
with her; and when, after long wanderings, she had found all, by the
mighty power of her magic she united them again as one body.  For
when Horus the Child should be grown to manhood, then he should fight
with Set and avenge his father; and after he had obtained the victory
Osiris should live again.

But until that day Osiris lives in the Duat, where he rules the Dead
wisely and nobly as he ruled the living when on earth.  For though
Horus fights with Set and the battles rage furiously, yet the
decisive victory is not yet accomplished, and Osiris has never
returned to earth again.



I am Isis, the great Goddess, the Mistress of Magic, the Speaker of

I came out of my house which my brother Set had given to me, for
Thoth called to me to come, Thoth the twice great, mighty of truth in
earth and in heaven.  He called, and I came forth when Ra descended
in glory to the western horizon of heaven, and it was evening.

And with me came the seven scorpions, and their names were Tefen and
Befen, Mestet and Mestetef, Petet, Thetet, and Matet.  Behind me were
Tefen and Befen; on either side were Mestet and Mestetef; in front
were Petet, Thetet, and Matet, clearing the way that none should
oppose or hinder me.  I called aloud to the scorpions, and my words
rang through the air and entered into their ears, "Beware of the
Black One, call not the Red One, look neither at children nor at any
small helpless creature."

Then I wandered through the Land of Egypt, Tefen and Befen behind me,
Mestet and Mestetef on either side of me, Petet, Thetet, and Matet
before me; and we came to Per-sui, where the crocodile is God, and to
the Town of the Two Sandals, which is the city of the Twin Goddesses.
Here it is that the swamps and marshes of the North Country begin,
where there are fields of papyrus-reeds, and where the marshmen
dwell; from here to the Great Green Waters is the North Land.

Then we came near houses where the marsh-people dwelt, and the name
of one of the women was "Glory," though some called her "Strength"
also.  She stood at her door, and from afar she saw me coming,
wayworn and weary, and I would fain have sat me down in her house to
rest.  But when I would have spoken to her, she shut the door in my
face, for she feared the seven scorpions that were with me.

I went farther, and one of the marshwomen opened her door to me, and
in her house I rested.  But Mestet and Mestetef, Petet, Thetet, and
Matet, and Befen also, they came together and laid their poison upon
the sting of Tefen; thus the sting of Tefen had sevenfold power.
Then returned Tefen to the house of the woman Glory, she who had
closed her door against me; the door was still shut, but between it
and the threshold was a narrow space.  Through this narrow space
crept Tefen and entered the house, and stung with a sting of
sevenfold power the son of the woman Glory.  So fierce and burning
was the poison that the child died and fire broke out in the house.

Then the woman Glory cried and lamented, but no man hearkened to her,
and Heaven itself sent water upon her house.  A great marvel was this
water from Heaven, for the time of the inundation was not yet.

Thus she mourned and lamented, and her heart was full of sorrow when
she remembered how she had shut her door in my face when, weary and
wayworn, I would have rested in her house.  And the sound of her
grief came to my ears, and my heart swelled with sorrow for her
sorrow, and I turned back and went with her to where her dead child

And I, Isis, the Mistress of magic, whose voice can awake the dead, I
called aloud the Words of Power, the Words that even the dead can
hear.  And I laid my arms upon the child that I might bring back Life
to the lifeless.  Cold and still he lay, for the sevenfold poison of
Tefen was in him.  Then did I speak magical spells to the poison of
the scorpions, saying, "O poison of Tefen, come out of him and fall
upon the ground!  Poison of Befen, advance not, penetrate no farther,
come out of him, and fall upon the ground!  For I am Isis, the great
Enchantress, the Speaker of spells.  Fall down, O poison of Mestet!
Hasten not, poison of Mestetef!  Rise not, poison of Petet and
Thetet!  Approach not, poison of Matet!  For I am Isis, the great
Enchantress, the Speaker of spells.  The child shall live, the poison
shall die!  As Horus is strong and well for me, his mother, so shall
this child be strong and well for his mother!"

Then the child recovered, and the fire was quenched, and the rain
from heaven ceased.  And the woman Glory brought all her wealth, her
bracelets and her neck-ornaments, her gold-work and silver-work, to
the house of the marshwoman, and laid them at my feet in token of
repentance that she had shut the door upon me when, weary and
wayworn, I had come to her house.

And to this day men make dough of wheat-flour kneaded with salt and
lay it upon the wound made by the sting of a scorpion, and over it
they recite the Words of Power which I recited over the child of the
woman Glory when the sevenfold poison was in him.  For I am Isis, the
great Enchantress, the Mistress of magic, the Speaker of spells.



The reason why the city of Pé was given to Horus, I know and I will
tell you.

Between Horus and Set there is enmity and hatred, war and battle.
Ever the fight goes on and the combatants rage furiously, and victory
is not yet declared to either, though the Gods are with Horus.

Now Set is cunning and crafty, and seeks to conquer by subtlety
rather than by courage and skill in the fray; and such power is his
that he can take what form he will and deceive both men and Gods.
This is the power of Set, but the power of Horus is not the same; for
to Horus belong righteousness and truth; deceit and falsehood are not
in him.  Whoso gazes into the blue eyes of Horus can see the future
reflected there, and both Gods and men seek Horus to learn what shall
come to pass.

It came to the knowledge of Set that Ra would consult with Horus, and
it seemed to him that an opportunity was at hand to injure Horus, so
he took upon himself the form of a Black Pig.  Fierce was his aspect,
long and sharp his tushes, and his colour was the blackness of the
thundercloud; savage and evil was his look, and struck fear into the
hearts of men.

Then came the Majesty of Ra to Horus and spoke to him saying, "Let me
look in thine eyes and behold what is to come."  And he gazed into
the eyes of Horus, and their colour was that of the Great Green
Waters when the summer sky shines upon them.  And while he gazed, the
Black Pig passed by.

Ra knew not that it was the Evil God, and he cried out to Horus and
said, "Look at that Black Pig!  Never have I seen one so huge and so

And Horus looked; neither did he know Set in this strange form, and
thought it was a wild boar from the thickets of the North Country.
Thus he was off his guard and unprotected against his enemy.

Then Set aimed a blow of fire at the eye of Horus, and Horus shouted
aloud with the pain of the fire, and raged furiously, and cried, "It
is Set, and he has smitten me with fire on the eyes."

But Set was no longer there, for he had conveyed himself away, and
the Black Pig was seen no more.  And Ra cursed the pig because of
Set, and said, "Let the pig be an abomination to Horus."  And to this
day men sacrifice the pig when the Moon is at the full, because Set,
the enemy of Horus, and the murderer of Osiris, took its form in
order to injure the blue-eyed God.  And for this reason also
swineherds are unclean throughout the land of Egypt; never may they
enter the temples and sacrifice to the Gods, and their sons and
daughters may not marry with the worshippers of the Gods.

And when the eyes of Horus were healed, Ra gave to him the city of
Pé, and he gave to him two divine brethren in the city of Pé, and two
divine brethren in the city of Nekhen to be with him as everlasting
judges.  Then was the heart of Horus glad and he rejoiced, and at the
joy of Horus the earth blossomed, and thunderclouds and rain were
blotted out.



It was in the three hundred and sixty-third year of the reign of the
God Ra-Horakhti upon earth that the great war happened between Horus
and Set.

The Majesty of the God Ra, whom men call Ra-Horakhti also, was in
Nubia with his army, a great and innumerable multitude of soldiers,
footmen and horsemen, archers and chariots.  He came in his Boat upon
the river; the prow of the Boat was of palm-wood, its stern was of
acacia-wood, and he landed at Thest-Hor, to the east of the Inner
Waters.  And to him came Horus of Edfu, he whose name is Harpooner
and Hero, seeking for that Wicked One, Set, the murderer of Osiris.
Long had he sought, but Set had ever eluded him.

The Majesty of Ra had gathered his forces, for Set had rebelled
against him, and Horus was glad at the thought of battle, for he
loved an hour of fighting more than a day of rejoicing.  He entered
into the presence of Thoth, the twice great, god of magic, and Thoth
gave him the power to change himself into a great winged disk, a disk
that glowed like a ball of fire, with great wings on either side like
the colours of the sky at sunset when the blue shades from dark to
light, and is shot with gold and flame.  Men try to copy these hues
when they carve the winged disk above the temple-doors, or make it
into a breast-ornament of gold inlaid with turquoise and carnelian
and lazuli.

Thus Horus, as a great winged disk, sat on the prow of the Boat of
Ra, and his splendour flashed across the waters and fell upon his
foes as they lay in ambush.  Upon his glorious wings he rose into the
air, and against his crafty enemies he made a curse, a curse terrible
and fear-striking, saying, "Your eyes shall be blinded, and ye shall
not see; and your ears shall be deaf, and ye shall not hear."

And at once, when each man looked at his neighbour, he saw a
stranger; and when he heard his own familiar mother-tongue it sounded
like a foreign language, and they cried out that they were betrayed,
and that the enemy had come among them.  They turned their weapons
each against the other, and in the quickness of a moment many had
ceased to live, and the rest had fled, while over them flew the
gleaming Disk watching for Set.  But Set was in the marshes of the
North Country and these were but his advance-guard.

Then Horus flew back to Ra, and Ra embraced him and gave him a
draught of wine mixed with water.  And to this day men pour a
libation of wine and water to Horus at this place in remembrance.
When Horus had drunk the wine, he spoke to the Majesty of Ra and
said, "Come and see thine enemies, how they lie overthrown in their
blood."  Ra came, and with him came Astarte, Mistress of Horses,
driving her furious steeds; and they saw the corpse-strewn field
where the army of Set had slain one another.

Now this is the first encounter in the South, but the last great
battle was not yet.

Then the associates of Set came together and took counsel, and took
upon themselves the likeness of crocodiles and hippopotamuses, for
these great beasts can live under water and no human weapon can
pierce their hides.  They came up the river, the water swirling
behind them, and rushed upon the Boat of Ra to overturn it.  But
Horus had gathered together his band of armourers and weapon-smiths,
and they had prepared arrows and spears of metal, smelted and welded,
hammered and shaped, with magical words and spells chanted over them.
When the fierce beasts came up the river in waves of foam, the
Followers of Horus drew their bowstrings and let fly their arrows,
they cast their javelins, and charged with their spears.  And the
metal pierced the hides and reached the hearts, and of these wicked
animals six hundred and fifty were slain, and the rest fled.

Now this is the second encounter in the South, but the last great
battle was not yet.

The associates of Set fled, some up the river and some down the
river; their hearts were weak and their feet failed for fear of
Horus, the Harpooner, the Hero.  And those whose faces were towards
the South Land fled fastest, for Horus was at their back in the Boat
of Ra; and with him came his Followers, their weapons in their hands.

At the south-east of Denderah, the city of Hathor, Horus saw the
enemy, and he rushed upon them with his Followers, while Ra and Thoth
watched the conflict as they waited in the Boat.

Then said the Majesty of Ra to Thoth, "See, how he wounds his
enemies!  See, how Horus of Edfu carries destruction among them!"
And afterwards men built a shrine in this place in remembrance of the
fight, and the Gods in the shrine were Ra and Miri and Horus of Edfu.

Now this is the third encounter in the South, but the last great
battle was not yet.

Then quickly they turned the Boat, and swiftly was it carried
downstream, following the fugitives, whose faces were towards the
North Land.  For a night and a day they followed after, and at the
north-east of Denderah Horus saw them.  And he made haste, he and his
Followers, and fell upon them, and slew them.  Great and terrible was
the slaughter as he drove them before him.

Thus was destroyed Set's army in the South in four great encounters,
but the last great battle was not yet.

Now the allies of Set turned their faces towards the lake and towards
the marshes of the sea.  Horus came behind them in the Boat of Ra,
and his form was the form of a great winged disk; and with him came
his Followers, their weapons in their hands.  Then Horus commanded
silence, and silence was upon their mouths.

Four days and four nights were they upon the water seeking the enemy.
But none did they find, for their foes had turned their shapes into
the shapes of crocodiles and hippopotamuses, and lay hidden in the
water.  On the morning of the fifth day Horus saw them; at once he
gave battle, and the air was filled with the noise of the combat,
while Ra and Thoth watched the conflict as they waited in the Boat.

Then the Majesty of Ra cried aloud when he saw Horus like a devouring
flame upon the battlefield, "See, how he casts his weapon against
them, he kills them, he destroys them with his sword, he cuts them in
pieces, he utterly defeats them!  See and behold Horus of Edfu!"  At
the end of the fight Horus came back in triumph and he brought one
hundred and forty-two prisoners to the Boat of Ra.

Now this is the first encounter in the North, but the last great
battle was not yet.

For the enemies, who were upon the Northern Waters, turned their
faces towards the canal to reach the sea, and they came to the
Western Waters of Mert, where the Ally of Set had his dwelling.
Behind them followed Horus, equipped with all his glittering weapons,
and he went in the Boat of Ra, and Ra was in the Boat with eight of
his train.  They were upon the Northern Canal, and backwards and
forwards they went, turning and re-turning, but nothing did they see
or hear.  Then they went northward for a night and a day and they
came to the House of Rerhu.

There Ra spoke to Horus and said, "Behold, thy enemies are gathered
together at the Western Waters of Mert, where dwell the Allies of
Set."  And Horus of Edfu prayed the Majesty of Ra to come in his Boat
against the Allies of Set.

Again they travelled to the northwards, where the never-setting Stars
wheel round a certain point in the sky, and on the banks of the
Western Waters of Mert were the Allies of Set, ready for battle.
Then Horus of Edfu delayed not a moment, but rushed upon the foe, and
with him came his Followers, their weapons in their hands.  Death and
destruction they dealt to right and to left till the enemy fled
before them.  When the conflict was over, they counted the prisoners;
three hundred and eighty-one were taken, and these Horus slew before
the Boat of Ra, and their weapons he gave to his Followers.

Now this is the second encounter in the North, but the last great
battle was not yet.

And now, at last, Set himself came forth from his hiding-place.
Fierce and savage he is, cunning and cruel; in his nature like a
beast of prey, without ruth or pity; and men make his image with the
head of a wild beast, for human feeling is to him unknown.  From his
hiding-place he came forth and he roared terribly.  The earth and the
heavens trembled at the sound of his roaring and at the words which
he uttered, for he boasted that he would himself fight against Horus
and destroy him as he had destroyed Osiris.

The wind bore the words of his boasting to Ra, and Ra said to Thoth
the twice great, Lord of Magic and Wisdom, "Cause that these high
words of the Terrible One be cast down."

Then Horus of Edfu sprang forward and rushed at his enemy, and a
great fight raged.  Horus cast his weapon and killed many, and his
Followers fought also and prevailed.  Out of the dust and the noise
of the combat came Horus, dragging a prisoner; and the captive's arms
were bound behind him, and the staff of Horus was tied across his
mouth so that he could make no sound, and the weapon of Horus was at
his throat.

Horus dragged him before the Majesty of Ra.  And Ra spoke and said to
Horus, "Do with him as thou wilt."  Then Horus fell upon his enemy,
and struck the weapon into his head and into his back, and cut off
his head, and dragged the body about by the feet, and at last he cut
the body into pieces.  Thus did he treat the body of his adversary as
Set had treated the body of Osiris.  This took place on the seventh
day of the first month of the season when the earth appears after the
inundation.  And the lake is called the Lake of Fighting to this day.

Now this is the third encounter in the North, but the last great
battle was not yet.

For it was the Ally of Set whom Horus had slain, and Set himself was
still alive, and he raged against Horus as a panther of the South.
And he stood up and roared in the face of heaven, and his voice was
the voice of thunder, and as he roared he changed himself into a
great snake, and entered into the earth.  None saw him go and none
saw him change, but he was fighting against the Gods, and by their
power and knowledge are they aware of what comes to pass, though no
man tells them.  And Ra said to Horus, "Set has transformed himself
into a hissing snake and has entered the earth.  We must cause that
he never comes forth; never, never no more!"

The associates of Set took courage, knowing that their leader was
alive, and they assembled again, and their boats filled the canal.
The Boat of Ra went against them, and above the Boat shone the glory
of the great winged Disk.  When Horus saw the enemy gathered together
in one place, he drove at them and routed them and slew them without

Now this is the fourth encounter in the North, but the last great
battle was not yet.

Then Horus of Edfu remained in the Boat of Ra upon the canal for six
days and six nights, watching for the enemy, but he saw none, for
they lay as corpses in the water.

And to this day men make ceremonies in remembrance of the Battles of
Horus on the first day of the first month of the inundation, on the
seventh day of the first month of the appearing of the earth after
the inundation, and on the twenty-first and twenty-fourth days of the
second month of the earth's appearing.  These days are kept holy at
Ast-abt, which is at the south side of Anrudef, where is one of the
graves of Osiris.  And Isis made magical spells round Anrudef that no
enemy might come near it; and the priestess of Anrudef is called "The
Lady of Spells" to this day in remembrance; and the waters are called
"The Waters of Seeking," for there it was that Horus sought for his

And Horus sent out his Followers, and they hunted down the enemy, and
brought in prisoners; one hundred and six from the East and one
hundred and six from the West.  These they slew before Ra in the

Then Ra gave to Horus and his fighters two cities which are called
the Mesen-cities to this day, for the Followers of Horus are Mesenti,
the Metal-workers.  In the shrines of the Mesen-cities Horus is the
God, and his secret ceremonies are held on four days in the year.
Great and holy are these days in the Mesen-cities, for they are in
remembrance of the Battles of Horus which he fought against Set, the
murderer of Osiris.

Now these enemies, they gathered again in the East, and they
travelled towards Tharu.  Then was launched the Boat of Ra to follow
after them, and Horus of Edfu transformed himself into the likeness
of a lion with the face of a man; his arms were like flint, and on
his head was the Atef-crown, which is the white diadem of the South
Land with feathers and horns, and on either side a crowned serpent.
And he hastened after his enemies, and defeated them, and brought of
prisoners one hundred and forty-two.

Then said Ra to Horus of Edfu, "Let us journey northwards to the
Great Green Waters, and smite the foe there as we have smitten him in

Northwards they went, and the enemy fled before them, and they
reached the Great Green Waters, where the waves broke on the shore
with the noise of thunder.  Then Thoth arose and he stood in the
midst of the Boat, and he chanted strange words over the boats and
barges of Horus and his Followers, and the sea fell calm as the sound
of the words floated across its waves.  And there was silence on the
Great Green Waters, for the wind was lulled, and naught was in sight
save the boats of Ra and of Horus.

Then said the Majesty of Ra, "Let us sail round the whole extent of
the land, let us sail to the South Land."  And they knew that Ra was
aware of the enemy.  They made haste and sailed to the South Land by
night, to the country of Ta-kens, and they came to the town of Shaïs,
but until they reached Shaïs they saw naught of any enemy.  Now Shaïs
is on the border of Nubia, and in Nubia were the guards of the enemy.

Then Horus of Edfu changed himself into a great winged Disk with
gleaming pinions outspread, and on either side of him came the
goddesses Nekhbet and Uazet, and their form was the form of great
hooded snakes with crowns upon their heads; on the head of Nekhbet
was the white crown of the South Land, on the head of Uazet was the
red crown of the North Land.

And the Gods in the Boat of Ra cried aloud and said, "See, O Thou who
art twice great, he has placed himself between the two goddesses.
Behold how he overthrows his adversaries and destroys them."

Now this is the encounter in Nubia, but the last great battle was not

Then came Ra in his Boat and he moored at Thest-Hor, and he gave
commandment that in every temple throughout the Two Lands men should
carve the Winged Disk, and on the right and left of the Disk should
be Nekhbet and Uazet as great hooded snakes with crowns upon their
heads.  And the temple at the point of Thest-Hor is called "The House
of Horus in the South" to this day in remembrance, and a great
offering is made there to Ra and Horus.  And Ra gave to Horus the
province of the House of Fighting, and Ast-Abt, and the Mesen-cities
of the East and the West, and Edfu of the North, and Tharu, and
Gauti, and the Sea of Sailing, and Upper Shasu, and
Edfu-of-the-House-of-Ra.  And from the lake south of
Edfu-of-the-House-of-Ra they bring water to the two Houses of the
King on the day of the Sed-festival.  And Isis carried Ar-stone of
sand to Thest-Hor--Ar-stone of the Star was it; and in every place in
the South Land to which Horus went, there is Ar-stone found to this

Now some say that the last great battle is still to come, and that in
the end Horus will kill Set, and that Osiris and all the Gods will
reign on earth when their enemy is utterly destroyed.  But others say
that the battle is already ended and that Horus slew the great and
wicked Foe who had wrought misery and calamity to all.

And this is what they say: After months and years Horus the Child
grew to manhood.  Then came Set with his allies, and he challenged
Horus in the presence of Ra.  And Horus came forth, his Followers
with him in their boats, with their armour, and their glittering
weapons with handles of worked wood, and their cords, and their

And Isis made golden ornaments for the prow of the boat of Horus, and
she laid them in their places with magic words and spells, saying,
"Gold is at the prow of thy boat, O Lord of Mesen, Horus, Chieftain
of the boat, the great boat of Horus, the boat of rejoicing.  May the
valour of Ra, the strength of Shu, power and fear be around thee.
Thou art victorious, O son of Osiris, son of Isis, for thou fightest
for the throne of thy father."

Then Set took upon himself the form of a red hippopotamus, great and
mighty, and he came from the South Land with his Allies, travelling
to the North Land to meet Horus of Edfu.  And at Elephantine, Set
stood up and spoke a great curse against Horus of Edfu and against
Isis, and said, "Let there come a great wind, even a furious
north-wind and a raging tempest"; and the sound of his voice was like
thunder in the East of the sky.  His words were cried from the
southern heaven and rolled back to the northern heaven, a word and a
cry from Set, the enemy of Osiris and the Gods.

At once a storm broke over the boats of Horus and his Followers, the
wind roared, and the water was lashed into great waves, and the boats
were tossed like straws.  But Horus held on his way; and through the
darkness of the storm and the foam of the waves gleamed the golden
prow like the rays of the sun.

And Horus took upon himself the form of a young man; his height was
eight cubits; in his hand he held a harpoon, the blade was four
cubits, the shaft twenty cubits, and a chain of sixty cubits was
welded to it.  Over his head he brandished the weapon as though it
were a reed, and he launched it at the great red hippopotamus which
stood in the deep waters, ready to destroy Horus and his Followers
when the storm should wreck their boats.

And at the first cast the weapon struck deep into the head of the
great red hippopotamus and entered the brain.  Thus died Set, that
great and wicked One, the enemy of Osiris and the Gods.

And to this day the priests of Horus of Edfu, and the King's
daughters, and the women of Busiris and the women of Pé chant a hymn
and strike the drum for Horus in triumph.

And this is their song: "Rejoice, O women of Busiris!  Rejoice, O
women of Pé!  Horus has overthrown his enemies!

"Exult, dwellers in Edfu!  Horus, the great God, Lord of heaven, has
smitten the enemy of his father!

"Eat ye the flesh of the vanquished, drink ye his blood, burn ye his
bones in the flame of the fire.  Let him be cut in pieces, and let
his bones be given to the cats, the fragments of him to the reptiles.

"O Horus, the Striker, the great One of Valour, the Slayer, the Chief
of the Gods, the Harpooner, the Hero, the only begotten, Captor of
captives, Horus of Edfu, Horus the Avenger!

"He has destroyed the wicked One, he has made a whirlpool with the
blood of his enemy, his shaft has made a prey.  Behold ye, see ye
Horus at the prow of his boat.  Like Ra, he shines on the horizon.
He is decked in green linen, in binding linen, in fine linen and
byssus.  The double diadem is upon thy head, the two serpents upon
thy brow, O Horus the Avenger!

"Thy harpoon is of metal, the shaft is of the sycomore of the desert,
the net is woven by Hathor of the Roses.  Thou hast aimed to the
right, thou hast cast to the left.  We give praise to thee to the
height of heaven, for thou hast chained the wickedness of thine
enemy.  We give praise to thee, we worship thy majesty, O Horus of
Edfu, Horus the Avenger!"



Now the Majesty of Ra reigned over the Two Lands.  He was the second
king of Egypt, and in his reign peace was on earth, and harvests were
so plentiful that to this day men speak of the good things which
"happened in the time of Ra."  By his own power he created himself,
and he created heaven and earth, gods and men, and he ruled over them

For hundreds and hundreds of years he ruled until he waxed old, and
men no longer feared him, but laughed and said, "Look at Ra!  He is
old, his bones are like silver, his flesh like gold, and his hair
like true lapis lazuli."

Then Ra was wroth when he heard their jests and their laughter, and
he called to those who were in his train, "Summon hither my daughter,
the apple of my eye, and summon also the gods Shu and Tefnut, Geb and
Nut, and the great god Nun, whose dwelling is in the waters of the
sky.  Do my bidding secretly lest men should hear you and see you,
for then would they be afraid and hide themselves."

In secret went the messengers, very softly they came to summon the
gods and goddesses.  Secretly and softly came the gods and goddesses
to the Mansion of Ra in the Hidden Place.  Naught did men see or
hear; and they laughed again at Ra, not knowing the punishment that
should fall upon them.

On each side of the throne came the gods and goddesses, and they
bowed before the Majesty of Ra with their foreheads to the ground,
saying, "Speak that we may hear."

Then said Ra to Nun, the great god whose dwelling is in the waters of
the sky, "O eldest of the gods and all ye ancestor-gods!  Behold the
men whom I have created, how they speak against me.  Tell me what ye
would that I should do to them, for verily I will not slay them till
I have heard your words."

And Nun, the great god whose dwelling is in the waters of the sky,
made answer, "My son Ra, greatest of gods, mightiest of kings, thy
throne is set fast, and thy fear will be upon all the world when thou
sendest out thy daughter, the apple of thine eye, against those who
attack thee."

The Majesty of Ra spoke again, "Lo, they will flee to the deserts and
the mountains and hide themselves, if fear falls upon their hearts on
account of their jests and laughter; and in the deserts and mountains
none can find them."

Then said the gods and goddesses, bowing before him with their
foreheads on the ground, "Send forth thy daughter, the apple of thine
eye, against them."

And at once there came the daughter of Ra.  Sekhmet is she called,
and Hathor, fiercest of the goddesses; like a lion she rushes on her
prey, slaughter is her delight, and her pleasure is in blood.

At her father's bidding she entered the Two Lands to slay those who
had rebelled against the Majesty of Ra, and had turned their
rebellion to jest and laughter.  In the land of Ta-mery she killed
them, and on the mountains which lie to the east and west of the
great river.  To and fro she hastened, slaying all who crossed her
path, and before her fled the rebels against Ra.

And Ra looked forth upon the earth and cried to his daughter, the
apple of his eye, "Come in peace, O Hathor!  Hast thou done that
which I gave thee to do?"

And Hathor laughed as she answered, and her laugh was the terrible
voice of the lioness as she tears her prey.  "By thy life, O Ra," she
cried, "I work my will upon men, and my heart rejoices."

For many nights the river ran red, and the goddess waded in the blood
of men, and her feet were red as she strode through the land of Egypt
as far as Henen-seten.

Then Ra looked forth upon the earth again, and his heart was filled
with pity for men, though they had rebelled against him.  But none
could stop the ruthless goddess, not even the Majesty of Ra himself;
of herself must she cease to slay, for neither gods nor men could
compel her.  By subtlety alone could this be accomplished.

Ra gave command, saying, "Call hither to me messengers who are swift
as the blast of the storm wind."  And when they were brought, he
said, "Run to Elephantine, hasten, go quickly, and bring back to me
the fruit that causes sleep.  Be swift, be swift, for all this must
be accomplished ere the day dawn."

The messengers hastened, and their speed was the speed of a blast of
the storm-wind.  They came to Elephantine, where the great river
rages among the rocks that bar its passage; they took the fruit that
causes sleep, and with the fleetness of the wind they brought it to
Ra.  Crimson and scarlet was the fruit, and its juice was the colour
of man's blood; and the messengers carried to it Heliopolis, the city
of Ra.

Then the women of Heliopolis crushed barley and made beer, and with
the beer they mixed the juice of the fruit that causes sleep, and the
beer became the colour of blood.  Seven thousand measures of beer did
they make, and in haste they brewed it, for the night was drawing to
a close and the day was about to break.  In haste came the Majesty of
Ra, and all the gods and goddesses, who were with him, to Heliopolis
to inspect the beer.  Ra saw that it was like human blood, and he
said, "Very good is this beer.  By this I can protect mankind."

At the dawning of the day, he gave command, "Carry this beer to the
place where men and women have been slain, and pour it out upon the
fields before the beauty of the night has passed."  So they poured it
out upon the fields.  Four palms deep it lay upon the ground, and its
colour was the colour of blood.

In the morning came the fierce Sekhmet, ready to slay, and as she
passed by she looked to this side and that, watching for her prey.
But no living thing did she see, only the fields that lay four palms
deep in the beer that was the colour of blood.  Then she laughed with
the laugh like the roar of a lioness, for she thought it was the
blood she had shed.  And she stooped and drank.  Again and again she
drank, and she laughed the more, for the juice of the fruit that
causes sleep mounted to her brain, and no longer could she see to
slay by reason of the juice of that fruit.

Then the Majesty of Ra said to her, "Come in peace, O sweet one."
And to this day the maidens of Amu are called "Sweet Ones" in

And the Majesty of Ra spoke again to the goddess, saying, "For thee
shall be prepared drinks from the fruits that cause sleep; every year
shall these be made at the great Festival of the New Year, and the
number of them shall be according to the number of the priestesses
who serve me."

And to this day, on the festival of Hathor, drinks are made of the
fruits that cause sleep, according to the number of the priestesses
of Ra, in remembrance of the protection of mankind from the fury of
the goddess.



Now the Majesty of Ra was the creator of heaven and earth, of gods,
men, and cattle, of fire, and the breath of life; and he ruled over
gods and men.  And Isis saw his might, the might that reached over
heaven and earth, before which all gods and men bowed; and she longed
in her heart for that power, that thereby she should be greater than
the gods and have dominion over men.

There was but one way to obtain that power.  By the knowledge of his
own name did Ra rule, and none but himself knew that secret name.
Whosoever could learn the secret, to that one--god or man--would
belong the dominion over all the world, and even Ra himself must be
in subjection.  Jealously did Ra guard his secret, and kept it ever
in his breast, lest it should be taken from him, and his power

Every morning Ra came forth in his glory at the head of his train
from the horizon of the East, journeying across the sky, and in the
evening they came to the horizon of the West, and the Majesty of Ra
sank in his glory to lighten the thick darkness of the Duat.  Many,
many times had Ra made the journey, so many times that now he had
waxed old.  Very aged was Ra, and the saliva ran down from his mouth
and fell upon the earth.

Then Isis took earth and mixed it with the saliva, and she kneaded
the clay and moulded it, and formed it into the shape of a snake, the
shape of the great hooded snake that is the emblem of all goddesses,
the royal serpent which is upon the brow of the Kings of Egypt.  No
charms or magic spells did she use, for in the snake was the divine
substance of Ra himself.  She took the snake and laid it hidden in
the path of Ra, the path on which he travelled in journeying from the
eastern to the western horizon of heaven.

In the morning came Ra and his train in their glory journeying to the
western horizon of heaven, where they enter the Duat and lighten the
thick darkness.  And the serpent shot out its pointed head which was
shaped like a dart, and its fangs sank into the flesh of Ra, and the
fire of its poison entered into the God, for the divine substance was
in the serpent.

Ra cried aloud, and his cry rang through the heavens from the eastern
to the western horizon; across the earth it rang, and gods and men
alike heard the cry of Ra.  And the gods who follow in his train said
to him, "What aileth thee?  What aileth thee?"

But Ra answered never a word, he trembled in all his limbs, and his
teeth chattered, and naught did he say, for the poison spread over
his body as Hapi spreads over the land, when the waters rise above
their banks at the time of the overflowing of the river.

When he had become calm, he called to those who followed him and
said, "Come to me, ye whom I created.  I am hurt by a grievous thing.
I feel it, though I see it not, neither is it the creation of my
hands, and I know not who has made it.  Never, never have I felt pain
like this, never, never has there been an injury worse than this.
Who can hurt me?  For none know my secret name, that name which was
spoken by my father and by my mother, and hidden in me that none
might work witchcraft upon me.  I came forth to look upon the world
which I had made, I passed across the Two Lands when something--I
know not what--struck me.  Is it fire?  Is it water?  I burn, I
shiver, I tremble in all my limbs.  Call to me the children of the
gods, they who have skill in healing, they who have knowledge of
magic, they whose power reaches to heaven."

Then came all the gods with weeping and mourning and lamentations;
their power was of no avail against the serpent, for in it the divine
substance was incorporated.  With them came Isis the Healer, the
Mistress of Magic, in whose mouth is the Breath of Life, whose words
destroy disease and awake the dead.

She spoke to the Majesty of Ra and said, "What is this, O divine
Father? what is this?  Has a snake brought pain to thee?  Has the
creation of thy hand lifted up its head against thee?  Lo, it shall
be overthrown by the might of my magic, I will drive it out by means
of thy glory."

Then the Majesty of Ra answered, "I passed along the appointed path,
I crossed over the Two Lands, when a serpent that I saw not struck me
with its fangs.  Was it fire?  Was it water?  I am colder than water,
I am hotter than fire, I tremble in all my limbs, and the sweat runs
down my face as down the faces of men in the fierce heat of summer."

And Isis spoke again, and her voice was low and soothing, "Tell me
thy Name, O divine Father, thy true Name, thy secret Name, for he
only can live who is called by his name."

Then the Majesty of Ra answered, "I am the Maker of heaven and earth,
I am the Establisher of the mountains, I am the Creator of the
waters, I am the Maker of the secrets of the two Horizons, I am Light
and I am Darkness, I am the Maker of Hours, the Creator of Days, I am
the Opener of Festivals, I am the Maker of running streams, I am the
Creator of living flame.  I am Khepera in the morning, Ra at
noontide, and Atmu in the evening."

But Isis held her peace; never a word did she speak, for she knew
that Ra had told her the names that all men know; his true Name, his
secret Name, was still hidden in his breast.  And the power of the
poison increased, and ran through his veins like burning flame.

After a silence she spoke again, "Thy Name, thy true Name, thy secret
Name, was not among those.  Tell me thy Name that the poison may be
driven out, for only he whose name I know can be healed by the might
of my magic."  And the power of the poison increased, and the pain
was as the pain of living fire.

Then the Majesty of Ra cried out and said, "Let Isis come with me,
and let my Name pass from my breast to her breast."

And he hid himself from the gods that followed in his train.  Empty
was the Boat of the Sun, empty was the great throne of the God, for
Ra had hidden himself from his Followers and from the creations of
his hands.

When the Name came forth from the heart of Ra to pass to the heart of
Isis, the goddess spoke to Ra and said, "Bind thyself with an oath, O
Ra, that thou wilt give thy two eyes unto Horus."  Now the two Eyes
of Ra are the sun and the moon, and men call them the Eyes of Horus
to this day.

Thus was the Name of Ra taken from him and given to Isis, and she,
the great Enchantress, cried aloud the Word of Power, and the poison
obeyed, and Ra was healed by the might of his Name.

And Isis, the great One, Mistress of the Gods, Mistress of magic, she
is the skilful Healer, in her mouth is the Breath of Life, by her
words she destroys pain, and by her power she awakes the dead.



When the world came into being, there were two rivers, the river of
Egypt and the river of the sky.  Great is the Nile, the river of
Egypt, rising in his two caverns in the South beyond the cataract,
flooding the land of Egypt and bringing joy and good harvests to
Ta-mery.  Great and mighty is the river of the sky, flowing across
the heavens and through the Duat, the world of night and of thick
darkness, and on that river floats the Boat of Ra.  Boat of Millions
of Years is its name, but men call it the Manzet Boat in the dawn,
when Ra rises in splendour on the eastern horizon of heaven; the
Mesektet Boat is it called in the evening, when Ra enters in glory
within the portals of the Duat, where the mountain of Manu lifts its
peaks to the western sky.  On the western horizon is the mountain of
Manu.  and on the eastern horizon the mountain of Bakhu; vast and
huge are they, raising their crests above the earth, and the sky
rests upon their summits.  And on the topmost peak of the mountain of
Bakhu dwells a serpent; thirty cubits in length is he, and his scales
are of flint and of glittering metal.  He guards the mountain and the
Great Green Waters, and none can pass by him save Ra in his Boat.

In the evening Ra descends in majesty to the Western horizon of
heaven, to the portals of the Duat at the Gap of Abydos.  Splendid is
the Mesektet Boat, glorious its trappings, and its colours are of
amethyst and emerald, jasper and turquoise, lazuli and the lustre of
gold.  At the Gap of Abydos waits a company of gods to prepare the
Boat for the journey through the Duat, the land of night and of thick
darkness.  Stripped is the Boat of its splendour, bare and without
glory is it when it passes through the portals of the Duat, and in it
is the body of Ra, lifeless and dead.

Then the gods take the great towing-ropes: slowly the Boat moves
along the river.  The portals of the Duat are flung wide, and the
twelve goddesses of the night take their place upon the Boat to guide
it through the gloom and perils of the Duat; pilots of the river are
they, and without them not Ra himself could pass through unscathed.

"Watercourse of Ra," is the name of the first country of the Duat.
Sombre is this land, yet not wholly dark; for on either side the
river are six serpents, coiled and with heads erect, and the breath
of their mouths is a flame of fire.  In the cabin of the Boat is Ra,
dead and lifeless; in the prow are Up-uaut, the Opener of the Ways,
and Sa, and the goddess of the hour.  Round about the cabin are a
company of gods; these are they who guard Ra from all perils and
dangers, and from the attack of the abominable Apep.

Slowly goes the Boat of Ra, passing through the Duat, to regions of
thick darkness, of horror and dismay, where the dead have their
habitations, and Apep lies in wait for the coming of Ra.  Thus passes
the first hour of the night, and the second hour is at hand.

At the entrance of every country of the Duat is a gate; tall are the
walls, and narrow is the passage; upon the walls are spearheads,
sharp and pointed, that no man may climb over.  The door of the gate
is of wood, turning on a pivot, and a monstrous snake guards the
door.  None may pass by him save those only to whom his name is
known.  At the turn of the passage are two great hooded snakes, the
one above, the other below.  The breath of their mouths is fire and
poison mingled; through the narrow portal on every side they send
forth streams of flame and venom.  At either end of the passage
stands a warder, keeping watch.

Then the goddess of the first hour makes way for the goddess of the
second hour, and she calls aloud the name of the Guardian of the
gate.  Flung wide are the portals, the fire and poison cease, and the
Boat of Ra passes through.

"Ur-nes" do we name this second country of the Duat, but the Hanebu
and those who inhabit the isles of the Great Green Waters call it
Ouranos.  The river is wide and bears on its dark waters four
shallops; no oars have they, neither masts nor rudders, but float
upon the stream and are carried by the current.  Mysterious and
strange are they, and the shadowy shapes which fill them have forms
like the forms of men.  In this country Ra is Lord and King, and
those who live here are in peace, for none can pass the great hooded
snakes who guard the gates, whose breath is mingled flame and venom.
Happy are those who inhabit this land, for here dwell the spirits of
the corn, Besa and Nepra and Tepu-yn.  These are they who make the
wheat and barley to flourish and cause the fruits of the earth to

Slowly goes the Boat of Ra, passing through the Duat, through regions
of thick darkness, of horror and dismay, where the dead have their
habitation, and Apep lies in wait for the coming of Ra.  Thus passes
the second hour of the night, and the third hour is at hand.  Then
the goddess of the second hour makes way for the goddess of the third
hour, and she calls aloud the name of the Guardian of the gate.
Flung wide are the portals, and the Boat of Ra passes through.

"Watercourse of the only God" is the name of the third country of the
Duat, and here in the beautiful Amentet is the Kingdom of Osiris.  On
either side the river are the great shapes of the gods surrounding
the form of Osiris himself.  Enthroned is he, appearing in splendour
as king, with the White Crown of the South Land and the Red Crown of
the North Land upon his head.

Great is Osiris, god of the dead, for all who die come before him for
judgment, and their hearts are weighed in the balance against the
feather of Truth.  His throne is set upon a running stream, clear and
deep, and from the waters rises a single lotus-blossom, the colour of
the sky at morning.  Upon the blossom stand the four Children of
Horus, they who assist Osiris at the Judgment, who protect the bodies
of the dead.  To them belong the South and the North, the West and
the East, and the four great goddesses are their protectors.  They
stand upon the lotus-blossom and their faces are towards Osiris; the
first has the face of a man, the second the face of an ape, the third
the face of a jackal, and the fourth the face of a bird of prey.
This is the hour which evil-doers fear; by their own actions are they
judged, and naught can avail them.  Heavy is the heart of the
evil-doer and drags down the scale; lower and lower it sinks till it
reaches the jaws of Amemt, the Devourer of Hearts.  Then is the
evil-doer driven forth into the thick darkness of the Duat, to dwell
with the abominable Apep and to fall at last into the Pits of Fire.

But some there are who have wrought righteousness upon earth; who
have hurt no man by fraud or violence; who have succoured the widow,
the orphan, and the shipwrecked mariner; who have given food to the
hungry and clothes to the naked; who have not stirred up strife, nor
caused the shedding of tears.  When these come to the Judgment of
Osiris, and their hearts are put in the balance, then is the feather
of Truth the heavier.  The scale with the feather sinks down, and the
scale with the heart rises up.  Then does Thoth, the twice-great,
take the heart and place it again in the breast of the man, and Horus
takes him by the hand and leads him to the foot of the throne of
Osiris that he may dwell in the kingdom of Osiris for ever and for
evermore.  And now only can he see the most pure and truly holy
Osiris, for "the souls of men are not able to participate of the
divine nature whilst they are encompassed about with bodies and
passions....  When they are freed from these impediments and remove
into those purer and unseen regions ... 'tis then that this God
becomes their Leader and King; upon him they wholly depend, still
beholding without satiety, and still ardently longing after that
beauty, which 'tis not possible for man to express or think."*

* Plutarch, _De Iside et Oasride_ (Squire's translation).

Slowly goes the Boat of Ra, passing through the Duat, to regions of
thick darkness, of horror and dismay, where the abominable Apep lies
in wait for the coming of Ra, and where the Pits of Fire are prepared
for the wicked.  Thus passes the third hour of the night, and the
fourth hour is at hand.  Then the goddess of the third hour makes way
for the goddess of the fourth hour, and she calls aloud the name of
the Guardian of the gate.  Flung wide are the portals, and the Boat
of Ra passes through.

"Living one of forms" is the name of the fourth country of the Duat,
and Sokar has dominion in this land.  Dreary is the waste of sand,
limitless the desert, gloomy and sombre the landscape.  No blade of
grass is seen, no tree, no herbage; naught grows, naught lives, save
monstrous many-headed serpents, gliding along the ground or creeping
upon legs.  Terrible are they of aspect as they writhe and turn and
hiss and roar; they raise their hideous crests on high and hold their
dusky wings outspread.  But their anger is not towards Ra, and he
passes safely through their midst.

Engulfed is the great river and lost beneath the shifting sands, and
where it ran is now a deep ravine.  The walls of rock rise high and
steep, and ever the way winds and turns between the rocks.  Men call
this place Re-stau, the Mouth of the Tomb.  Even in this gloomy
desert Osiris has dominion; Lord of Re-stau is he called, therefore
none need fear when traversing the narrow path.  And now the Boat of
Ra can no longer float upon the water, but is changed into a great
and mighty serpent with glittering scales.  At the prow is a
serpent's head with eyes watchful and fierce, at the stern is a
serpent's head with poison-fangs prepared.  Over the sand it glides
as a boat glides over the water.

Slowly goes the Boat of Ra, passing through the Duat, through regions
of thick darkness, of horror and dismay, to the place where Apep lies
in wait for the coming of Ra.  Thus passes the fourth hour of the
night, and the fifth hour is at hand.  Then the goddess of the fourth
hour makes way for the goddess of the fifth hour, and she calls aloud
the name of the Guardian of the gate.  Flung wide are the portals,
and the Boat of Ra passes through.

"Hidden" is the name of the fifth country of the Duat, and in this
dark and gloomy region dwells Sokar, its Lord and King, god of those
who are buried.  Beside a turn of the winding way is his dwelling
deep below the ground; above it rises a high mountain of sand.
Guarding it on either side are two sphinxes; lions are they in their
bodies, with the faces of men; and their claws are outstretched like
the talons of a beast of prey.  In the midst lies a serpent with
three heads, and between his wings stands Sokar in the form of a man
with the head of a hawk.  Savage and fierce as a hawk is Sokar, and
terrible is the punishment he metes out to those who rebel against
him.  Hard by his dwelling is a lake where the water boils and
bubbles with heat as water boils in a pot.  Into the boiling lake are
cast the rebels, and they cry to Ra for help, but Ra lies cold and
lifeless, waiting for the coming of Khepera, and their cries are
unheeded while the Boat passes on its way.

On the farther wall of the ravine is a high and vaulted building, the
home of Night and Darkness.  Two birds cling on either side, and
round about it glides a two-headed serpent.  He lifts his savage
heads, and his poison is ever ready to strike the rash intruder who
should dare to try to pass.  Faithful is his watch, for in the home
of Night and Darkness lives Khepera, the great Soul of the universe,
he whose emblem is the beetle, the god of resurrection.  In the form
of a scarab he watches the coming of Ra, and he flies upon the Boat
and awaits there the time when he shall bring Life back to the god.
And now through the thick darkness along the narrow passage falls a
gleam of light; the Morning Star stands by the gate to lead the Boat
onwards; for in the darkest of the night is a promise of the coming

Slowly goes the Boat of Ra, passing through the Duat, through regions
of thick darkness, of terror and dismay, to the place where the
abominable Apep lies in wait for the coming of Ra.  Thus passes the
fifth hour of the night, and the sixth hour is at hand.  Then the
goddess of the fifth hour makes way for the goddess of the sixth
hour, and she calls aloud the name of the Guardian of the gate.
Flung wide are the portals, and the Boat of Ra passes through.

"Abyss of waters" is the name of the sixth country of the Duat, and
Osiris has dominion over it, Osiris, the great god, Lord of the city
of Daddu, the living King, Creator of men, of cattle, and of the
green things which grow upon the earth, Osiris, to whom all men bow
in praise and adoration.

The river rises out of the sand again, and the Boat floats upon its
waters, and those who are in it rejoice, for the hours of the night
are passing away.  On the banks of the river are the great shapes of
the gods, mysterious and wonderful; nine sceptres of sovereignty
stand there also, and a monstrous lion looms through the darkness,
faintly seen in the light which comes from the Boat of Ra.  Three
shrines stand beside the river, and a serpent whose breath is flame
guards each one.  Mystic and strange are the forms within the
shrines, and to man it is not given to know the meaning of them; in
one is a human head, in another the wing of a bird, in the third the
hind part of a lion.  Here also lives the great coiled serpent with
five heads, and within his coils lies Khepera, god of resurrection.
On his head he places the scarab, beneath his feet is the sign of
flesh; thus does he send Life into the dead, and thus will he
re-vivify Ra.  For this is the farthest point of the Duat, and beyond
the gate lies the way to the sunrise.

Slowly goes the Boat of Ra, passing through the Duat, through regions
of thick darkness, of horror and dismay, where the abominable Apep
lies in wait for the coming of Ra.  Thus passes the sixth hour of the
night, and the seventh hour is at hand.  Then the goddess of the
sixth hour makes way for the goddess of the seventh hour, and she
calls aloud the name of the Guardian of the gate.  Flung wide are the
portals, and the Boat of Ra passes through.

"Secret cavern" is the name of the seventh country of the Duat.  Full
of danger and peril is it, for the abominable Apep dwells in this
land.  As a great and monstrous serpent does he appear and with
wide-open mouth he swallows the waters of the river, that the Boat
may be wrecked and that Ra may perish.  Then would the earth belong
to the powers of darkness, and evil and wickedness would overcome the

But in the prow of the Boat stands Isis, the great enchantress, whose
magic none can withstand; Isis, the greatest of the goddesses, she
who can raise the dead, and to whom all mankind pay love and
reverence.  With arms outstretched, she recites the Words of Power;
calling aloud across the dark river.  Over the body of Ra, the
serpent Mehen casts his protecting coils, for now is the time of

On a sandbank in the midst of the river lies the abominable Apep.
Four hundred and fifty cubits long is the sandbank; the coils of Apep
cover it so that naught can be seen but the river around him.  Loud
does he hiss and roar, and the Duat is filled with the thunder of his
voice, yet Isis flinches not, nor does she cease her incantations and
the magical movements of her hands.  Her spells prevail and the
abominable Apep lies helpless on the sand.  Then Selk and Her-desuf
leap from the Boat of Ra and bind him with cords, and with sharp
knives they pierce his flesh, hoping to destroy him.  But Apep is
immortal, and every night will he await and attack the Boat of Ra.
Yet Selk and Her-desuf hold him fast while the Boat continues on its
way, past the great sandbanks, where he writhes and twists and
struggles to get free, but the cords are strong and the knives are
sharp and his efforts are in vain.

Onward goes the Boat to the burial-places of the gods.  These stand
beside the river; high mounds of sand are they, over each mound is a
building, and at each end the head of a man watches the passing of Ra.

Softly goes the Boat of Ra, passing through the Duat, moving through
the darkness to the sunrise and the day.  Thus passes the seventh
hour of the night, and the eighth hour is at hand.  Then the goddess
of the seventh hour makes way for the goddess of the eighth hour, and
she calls aloud the name of the Guardian of the gate.  Flung wide are
the portals, and the Boat of Ra passes through.

"Sarcophagus of the gods" is the name of the eighth country of the
Duat, for here dwell the dead gods.  Dead and buried are they,
embalmed and bandaged as men embalm and bandage the dead upon earth.
They cry aloud salutations to Ra as he passes, calling to him across
the vast expanse, but so far away are they that the sound of their
voices is as the roaring of savage bulls, as the cry of birds of
prey, as the wail of mourners, as the murmur of bees.  Before the
Boat go nine Followers of the Gods; strange are their forms,
mysterious and wonderful, like naught that is upon the earth.  In
front of them march the four souls of Tatanen in the likeness of
rams, great and fierce, with horns wide-spreading and sharp-pointed.
The first is crowned with high upstanding plumes, the second with the
Red crown of the North Land, the third with the White crown of the
South Land, the fourth with the glittering disk of the sun.  Ancient
is Tatanen, dweller in Memphis, where the abode of Ptah is on the
south of the wall.

Softly goes the Boat of Ra, passing through the Duat, moving through
the darkness to the sunrise and the day.  Thus passes the eighth hour
of the night, and the ninth hour is at hand.  Then the goddess of the
eighth hour makes way for the goddess of the ninth hour, and she
calls aloud the name of the Guardian of the gate.  Flung wide are the
portals, and the Boat of Ra passes through.

"Procession of images" is the name of the ninth country of the Duat.
Full and strong runs the river, and the Boat is borne forward upon
the rushing stream.  Twelve star-gods guard the Boat, with paddles in
their hands, ready to help the Boat in case of need.  Thick darkness
broods not upon this land, for twelve great hooded snakes lie coiled
upon the bank, and the breath of their mouths is a flame of fire,
gleaming upon the dark water and upon those who dwell in the Duat.
Three shallops float upon the sombre river; strange is the shape of
these shallops, not like the boats of men; and the shadowy forms
within them are in the likeness of a cow, of a ram, and of the soul
of a man.  From them the dwellers in this land receive the offerings
which are made to them upon the earth.  Then the star-gods break into
singing; and the twelve goddesses and the weaving gods and the
dwellers in this land chant the glory and honour of Ra, praising the
Lord of the Boat, the Maker of earth and of heaven.  With joy and
singing they follow the appointed path.

Onward goes the Boat of Ra, passing through the Duat, travelling to
the sunrise and the light of open day.  Thus passes the ninth hour of
the night, and the tenth hour is at hand.  Then the goddess of the
ninth hour makes way for the goddess of the tenth hour, and she calls
aloud the name of the Guardian of the gate.  Flung wide are the
portals, and the Boat of Ra passes through.

"Abyss of waters, lofty of banks" is the name of the tenth country of
the Duat, and the ruler is Ra.  The dwellers in this land come to
meet their king as he passes by upon the swelling river.  Deep and
full and strong runs the stream, and the Boat is borne forward upon
the rushing current.  Divine warriors armed with glittering weapons
of war are a guard for their king; light is on their faces like the
light of the sun.  By the side of the river are four goddesses; upon
the darkness they cast beams of light, making bright the way of Ra
upon the gloomy river.  Before the Boat of Ra moves the Star of
Morning in the form of a double-headed serpent walking upon legs, and
upon his heads are the crowns of the South Land and the North Land;
between his coils is the great hawk of the sky; Leader of Heaven is
his name, for the stars of heaven follow him, but men call him Hesper
and Lucifer also.  In a shallop on the stream is a snake, Life of the
Earth is he called, and he watches in the Duat against the enemies of

The greatest of all the countries of the Duat is this, for in this
realm of wonder and mystery Khepera joins himself to Ra, and Ra
himself is created anew.  Yet the dead body of Ra remains in the
Boat; but his soul is united to the soul of Khepera.

Onward goes the Boat of Ra, passing through the Duat, travelling to
the sunrise and the light of open day.  Thus passes the tenth hour of
the night and the eleventh hour is at hand.  Then the goddess of the
tenth hour makes way for the goddess of the eleventh hour, and she
calls aloud the name of the Guardian of the gate.  Flung wide are the
portals, and the Boat of Ra passes through.

"Mouth of the cavern" is the name of the eleventh country of the
Duat, and Ra is its ruler.  Low has the river fallen and sluggishly
it runs, and the Boat is drawn onwards by the gods; not with cords do
they tow it, but with the body of the great serpent Mehen, the
protector of Ra.  On the prow of the Boat is a fiery star, but its
light is not redder than the strange and lurid glow which fills this
land; terrible and red is it and the sight of it is full of horror.
This is the region feared by evil-doers, for their punishment awaits
them here.  Far and near are pits of fire; goddesses, whose breath is
flame, guard the pits, holding in their hands gleaming swords of
fire.  With their knives do they torment the wicked and cast them
into the pits of flame till they perish utterly.  Horus stands by and
beholds their torments, for these are the enemies of Osiris and of
Ra, doers of evil upon the earth and blasphemers of the gods.  No
help can come to them, no escape is possible; doomed are they by
their own actions to the sword and fire.  And the smoke and flame of
their torment rise up in the Duat.

On the far side of the river are the stars; Shedu is there in the
fashion of a snake; scarlet and crimson is he, and the stars which
form his body are ten in number.  There also a shape is seen,
mysterious and wonderful; like a winged snake with legs does he
appear, and between the wings is the shadowy likeness of a man.  Men
call him Atmu, dweller in Heliopolis; ancient is Atmu, more ancient
than Ra himself; and he sends the sweet breezes of the North Wind
upon the land of Egypt.  On either side of him the Eyes of Horus show
dimly in the faint and lurid light.  And now springs up the breeze of
morning; gentle is it and slight, but with it comes the promise of
the day.

Onward goes the Boat of Ra, passing through the Duat, travelling to
the sunrise and the light of open day.  Thus passes the eleventh
hour, and the twelfth hour and the dawn are at hand.  Then the
goddess of the eleventh hour makes way for the goddess of the twelfth
hour, and she calls aloud the name of the Guardian of the gate.
Flung wide are the portals, and the Boat of Ra passes through.

"Darkness has fallen, and births shine forth" is the name of the
twelfth country of the Duat.  On the prow of the Boat is the great
scarab of Khepera, ready to make the transformations of Ra ere he
reaches the end of the Duat.  Not like other lands is this twelfth
region of the Duat, for it is enclosed in the body of a vast and
monstrous serpent.  "Life of the Gods" is his name, and through this
great and huge frame travels the Boat of Millions of Years.  Twelve
of the worshippers of Ra seize the towing-ropes and drag the Boat
onward, and here in the body of the serpent is Ra transformed into
Khepera and is alive again, for now the journey through the Duat is
near the end.  Standing by the mouth of the serpent are twelve
goddesses; to these the Worshippers of Ra yield the towing-ropes, and
they draw the Boat to the eastern horizon of heaven.  And now the
dead corpse of Ra is cast out of the Boat, as the husk is cast away
when the grain is winnowed out, for the soul and the life of Ra are
in the scarab of Khepera, and the transformations of Ra are
completed.  With shouting and singing, with joy and with gladness,
the Boat of Ra passes out of the Duat.

Glorious is the Manzet Boat, speeding to the sunrise!  Wide, swing
wide the portals, and usher in the day.  Between the sycomores of
turquoise comes the Boat of Ra, and the mountain of Bakhu is flushed
with light.  The serpent, guardian of the Great Green Waters, beholds
Ra in glory in the eastern horizon of heaven, and the rays glitter on
his scales.

Glorious is the Manzet Boat, borne upon the river, flashing in the
splendour and the light of open day.  In the foam at the prow of the
Boat sports the Abtu-fish, darting through the gleaming spray, and
the Ant-fish is seen in the whirlpool of turquoise.  From the earth
rises up the sound of rejoicing, for all created things praise Ra at
his rising.

Hail to thee, Ra, at thy rising; the night and the darkness are past.
At the dawn of the day thou shinest, the heavens are filled with thy
light.  King of the Gods art thou, all glory and triumph are thine.
The Gods come as dogs to thy feet, rejoicing to greet thee at dawn.
Hail to thee Ra, at thy rising; at thy coming all men are glad.  In
joy dost thou come in the morning, with glory thou rulest the world.
The stars of the heavens adore thee, the Gods of the earth exalt
thee, Lord of the Heavens art thou.  Hail to thee, Ra, at thy rising!
None can express thy glory, Lord of all Wisdom and Truth.  The souls
of the East attend thee, the souls of the West are thy servants, the
North and the South adore thee.  Worshipped art thou, our Ruler, by
those whom thou hast created, Thou risest in heaven's horizon, thou
causest mankind to rejoice.  Hail to thee, Ra, at thy rising; at thy
rising in beauty, O Ra.



Published: Prisse d'Avennes, _Monuments Egyptiens_, pl. xxiv.

Translated: Wiedemann, _Religion of the Ancient Egyptians_, p. 275.

This tale is sculptured on a sandstone tablet found by Champollion in
the temple of Khonsu at Thebes, and now in the Bibliotheque Nationale
at Paris.

There are twenty-eight horizontal lines of inscription, and above
them is a scene of two boats of Khonsu borne on the shoulders of
priests, with the king offering incense before them.

When first translated, the tale was supposed to be a record of fact,
but now it is generally considered a folk-tale, redounding to the
credit and glory of Khonsu, and therefore made use of by the priests
of that god.  The king mentioned in it cannot be identified with any
of the historical monarchs of Egypt, although his personal name,
Rameses, is sufficiently common among the rulers of the xxth dynasty.


Published: Lepsius, _Denkmäler_, iii, 68.

Translated: Breasted, _Ancient Records_, ii, 810-815.

The inscription is sculptured on a round-topped stela of red granite,
fourteen feet high, set up in the little temple which lies between
the paws of the Great Sphinx.

The temple was excavated by Captain Caviglia in 1817.  It forms the
end of a processional way which leads downwards by paved causeways
and flights of steps from the edge of the desert into the sanctuary
(see Vyse, _Pyramids of Oizeh_, iii, 107).  The tiny shrine is only
ten feet long by five wide, and at its farthest end, with its back to
the breast of the Sphinx, stands this stela.

The inscription, which is in horizontal lines, is surmounted by a
scene, duplicated to right and left, of the king making a libation of
water and burning incense before the figure of a Sphinx couchant upon
a pylon or altar.  The lower half of the stela is so mutilated that
the inscription is either destroyed or illegible.

The inscription purports to be of the time of Thothmes IV, a king of
the xviiith dynasty, about 1400 B.C.; erected by that monarch as a
votive offering.  But from the evidence of the language in which the
inscription is couched it is obviously much later; Erman dates it to
a period between the xxiiird and xxvith dynasties.  It may, however,
be a restoration of an earlier record, though of the early
inscription nothing remains.


Published: Naville, _Deir el Bahari_, ii, pls. xlvi-li (with

Translated: Breasted, _Ancient Records_, ii, 187-220.

The inscription, with the scenes illustrating it, are sculptured on
the walls of the temple of Deir el Bahari, on the north side of the
retaining wall of the upper platform.

The great building, known in modern times as the temple of Deir el
Bahari, was erected by Queen Hatshepsut of the xviiith dynasty, about
1500 B.C., for the double purpose of her own funerary cult, and of
the worship of the goddess Hathor.  The chief events of the Queen's
reign are sculptured on the walls; the record of her divine descent
naturally holds a prominent place.  The inscriptions in the temple
were wrecked and restored anciently, therefore much of the record is
lost.  Fortunately, however, Amenhotep III, a king of the same
dynasty rather more than a century later than Hatshepsut, adorned his
temple of Luxor with similar scenes and inscriptions, relating to his
own divine descent, changing of course the names of the mother and
child and making a few immaterial alterations in the inscriptions.
By means of this later example the whole of the earlier record is
made clear.

The white colonnades of Hatshepsut's temple, set against a background
of dark cliffs, form one of the most striking scenes in the valley of
the Nile.  The temple was used at one time as a Coptic village; hence
its modern name of Deir el Bahari, the Northern Convent.

It has recently been excavated and restored by Dr. Navillo for the
Egypt Exploration Fund.


Published: Spiegelberg, _Demotische Papyrus_ (Cairo Catalogue).

Translated: Petrie, _Egyptian Tales_, ii, 89.

This story is written in demotic on a papyrus found at Thebes in the
grave of a Coptic monk.  It was among other papyri, written in
hieratic and in Coptic, in a wooden chest, and is now in the Cairo
Museum.  Demotic is the script in which the latest form of the
Egyptian language was written; the earliest example remaining is of
the reign of Shabaka of the xxvth dynasty, about 715 B.C.; it
continued in use till Roman times, when it was superseded by the
Greek alphabet.

The papyrus is of the Ptolemaic period, but the exact date is
uncertain, as the colophon at the end is partly illegible.  The year
15 only is visible, which, however, is not sufficient guide to the
reign of the king under whom it was written.

The legend given in this book is part only of a much longer tale; it
is in fact a story within a story, told by the _ka_ of Ahura to the
high priest of Memphis, when he ventured into the tomb of
Nefer-ka-ptah in search of the Book of Thoth.

The Book of Thoth is said to contain only two pages; it must
therefore have been a roll of papyrus written on both sides.


Original: Plutarch, _De Iside et Osiride_.

Translated: Mead, _Thrice-greatest Hermes_, i, 278.

The treatise on Isis and Osiris was written by Plutarch, himself an
initiate into the Osiris-mysteries, to a fellow-initiate, a woman
named Klea.  It was written at Delphi in the second century A.D.

It is the only connected account remaining of the death of Osiris and
the wanderings of Isis.  Though of so late a date, it is found to be
correct on the whole when checked by the inscriptions and sculpture
of Pharaonic times.

The so-called Ritual of Denderah is our principal authority for the
worship of Osiris in the chief temples of Egypt on the festivals of
the month of Khoiakh.  The Ritual is sculptured on the walls of the
temple of Denderah, and gives in great detail the rites in use, and
even the size and material of the symbolical images.  The inscription
dates to the Ptolemaic period, but the Ritual is considerably earlier.

"Mystery-plays" of the death of Osiris and of the repulse of Set by
Horus appear to have been enacted on certain great occasions at the
chief centres of worship.  The principal part was that of Horus,
which was acted by the Pharaoh himself in the capital, and by the
chief local notabilities in provincial centres.


Published: Golenischeff, _Metternichstele_ (with German translation).

Translated: Budge, _Legends of the Gods_, p. 157.

This inscription is sculptured on a round-topped stela of serpentine
(?), fixed in a square pedestal.  It was found at Alexandria at the
beginning of the nineteenth century, and was presented to Prince
Metternich by Mohamed Ali in 1828.

The front, back, and sides of both stela and pedestal are sculptured
with horizontal and vertical lines of inscription and with
mythological figures.  The stela belongs to a class of amuletic
objects, usually called Cippi of Horus, which are inscribed with
magical spells against all animals "biting with their mouths or
stinging with their tails."  This stela is the largest Cippus of
Horus known.  On the front is sculptured in high relief the figure of
Horus represented as a naked child, standing on two crocodiles, and
holding a lion, a gazelle, scorpions, and snakes in his hands.  He
stands within a shrine, which is surmounted by the head of Bes.  Isis
and Thoth, the goddesses of the South and North, and other
mythological figures and emblems are within and without the shrine.
Above this scene are horizontal registers filled with figures,
possibly representing scenes from legends which are now lost.

The text which preserves the story of the scorpions of Isis is
inscribed on the back of the tablet, ll. 48-70.  The date of the
stela is about 370 B.C., in the reign of Neotanebo I. of the xxxth


Published: Naville, _Das Aegyptische Todtenbuch_, pl. cxxiv.

Translated: Budge, _Book of the Dead_, ch. cxii.

The so-called Book of the Dead is a compilation of texts which are
found, written on papyri or on coffins, in the tombs.  No copy
containing all the chapters is known; the order has therefore been
arranged from a comparison of many examples.

The ancient name of these texts is "Chapters of Coming forth to the
Day"; the modern name is "Book of the Dead," as it is evidently a
manual for the use of the dead.  It consists of a series of prayers,
hymns, magical formulae, and allusions to mythological stories, a
knowledge of which was considered necessary in order to escape the
perils and dangers of the life hereafter.  It is obviously very
ancient, for even in the earliest known examples, the Pyramid Texts
of the vith dynasty, the text is often very corrupt.  The Pyramid
Texts show traces of very primitive usages and cults, many of which
are lost in the later forms of the Book of the Dead.

The story related under the name of the Black Pig refers to an
incident in the war between Horus and Set, and is not known
elsewhere.  Probably many such legends were current in ancient Egypt,
but few have been preserved to us intact.  Horus was the great
hero-god, and, like the heroes of other countries, he absorbed all
the legends of local champions.  Some of his exploits and adventures
seem to have been so well known that a mere allusion was sufficient
to recall them to the mind of the reader.  Sometimes a short and, to
us confused account is given, as in chapter cxiii of the Book of the
Dead, where the restoration to Horus of his hands and arms, which
have been lost in a swamp, is related in a manner which conveys very
little to the modern reader.

A great number of legends have been preserved in magical papyri, but
even among these the quantity of tantalising allusions is larger than
the number of complete legends.  Thus, in the Demotic Papyrus of
London and Leyden, a charm against fever begins "Horus was going up a
hill at midday in the verdure season, mounted on a white horse."  He
finds the gods eating, and they invite him to join them, but he
refuses as he has fever.  This is all that is said, but it is
evidently an allusion to a well-known story.


Published: Naville, _Mythe d'Horus_ (with French translation).

Translated: Wiedemann, _Religion of the Ancient Egyptians_, p. 69.

The account of the war between Horus and Set is sculptured on the
inner part of the west side of the girdle-wall of the temple of Edfu.
The whole temple is dedicated to Horus; though undoubtedly an early
foundation, the present structure dates only to the Ptolemaic period.
It was begun by Ptolemy III Euergetes I, and took 180 years to build
and decorate.  The girdle-wall, on which these scenes and
inscriptions were sculptured, was built and decorated about 100 B.C.,
either by Soter II or Alexander I.

The temple was excavated by Mariette, and is the most perfect in
condition of all the temples in Egypt, for with the exception of the
wanton mutilation of the faces, probably by Christian fanatics, both
building and sculpture are untouched save by time.

The inscription appears to give in legendary form a fairly accurate
account of tribal battles of a very early period.  Though the actual
inscription is of a late date, many primitive ideas are preserved,
especially in the hymns of the women to Horus.  "Eat ye the flesh of
the vanquished, drink ye his blood," is not a sentiment of the
civilisation of Ptolemaic times.  Human sacrifice, however, appears
to have been practised in Egypt at all periods.  Harvest victims were
burnt at Eleithyapolis (El Kab).  Amasis II of the xxvith dynasty put
an end to human sacrifice at Heliopolis; Diodorus says that
red-haired men were offered up at the sepulchre of Osiris; as the
king was the incarnate Osiris, this would mean that human sacrifices
were made at the royal graves, probably during the funeral
ceremonies.  The Book of the Dead also continually alludes to human
sacrifice.  At Edfu an altar was found sculptured with
representations of offerings in which human beings are the victims.
Small figures, carved in the round, are known, which are in the form
of bound captives; and show probably the method of binding the
victim; the legs are bent at the knees, and the feet bound to the
thighs; the arms are bent at the elbows and securely lashed to the
body.  This is not the ordinary way of binding a prisoner, but is a
special method reserved probably for a human victim.  The figures
represent sometimes men, sometimes women.

Judging by the representations and scenes on the girdle-wall, a
"mystery-play" was acted in the temple of Edfu, the Pharaoh playing
the principal part, that of Horus.  In early times it seems more than
probable that Set, or the Ally of Set, was played by a human being,
who was actually killed during the performance.  When the custom of
human sacrifice begins to die out, the human victim is often replaced
by an animal.  This is the case at Edfu, where Set is called a
hippopotamus and represented as a pig.


Published: Léfébure, _Tombeau de Sety Ie_, pt. iii, pls. 15-18
(_Annales du Musée Ouimet_, ix).

Translated: Wiedemann, _Religion of the Ancient Egyptians_, p. 62.
(For a description of the tomb of Sety I see the Notes on Legend xi).

This story is sculptured on the walls of a side-chamber off one of
the inner halls of the tomb of Sety I (room xii of the guide-books).
On one of the walls is a representation of a cow standing under the
star-sprinkled vault of heaven.  This is Nut, the sky-goddess; she is
raised on the uplifted hands of the god Shu, and each leg is
supported by two gods; planets, and Boats of the Sun travel across
her body.  The connection between this representation and the legend
is quite uncertain.

The tale occurs only in this one place, but every excavator hopes
that he may one day find a tomb with a complete copy of the story
sculptured on the walls.


Published: Pleyte and Rossi, _Papyrus de Turin_, pls.  31, 77,

Translated: Wiedemann, _Religion of the Ancient Egyptians_; p. 54.

This tale is found in a hieratic papyrus of the xxth dynasty (about
1200-1100 B.C.).  It is written on both sides; the handwriting on one
side differs from the handwriting on the other, showing that it is
the work of two scribes.  The writing is in black ink with occasional
sentences in red.  Hieratic is the running hand, derived from the
hieroglyphs; the earliest example occurs in the first dynasty; it was
superseded by demotic in the latest period of Egyptian history.

This papyrus is not quite complete, but the part containing the
legend is fortunately uninjured.  The text consists of magical
formulae against the bites of serpents.  In healing by magic, the
magician recited an event in the career of some deity in which the
god suffered from the same malady as the human patient then seeking
relief.  The words which cured the divine patient would also cure the
human invalid.  The same idea prevails in the legend of the Scorpions
of Isis.


Published: Léfébure, _Tombeau de Seti I_.  (_Annales du Musée
Guimet_, ix).

Translated: Jéquier, _Livre de ce qu'il y a dans l'Hadès_; Budge,
_Egyptian Heaven and Hell_.

The description of the Journey of Ra through the Other World is
sculptured on the walls of the tomb of Seti I at Thebes.  This is the
great tomb discovered by Belzoni in October 1817.  The length is 330
feet, and it consists of long corridors, pillared halls, and
side-chambers, hewn out of the solid rock.  The Book of Am Duat is
sculptured on the walls of corridor iii, halls v, vi, and x, and
side-chambers xi and xiii.  Eleven hours only are given; the twelfth
hour, though frequently found on papyri, is rare in sculpture.

There are two versions of the Sun's journey through the Duat.  One
was called by the Egyptians themselves the Book of that which is in
the Other World (Am Duat); the other has no Egyptian name, but is now
called the Book of Gates, for in it the gates are more important than
the countries which they divide.  (For a comparison of the two books,
see Budge, _Egyptian Heaven and Hell_.)  The Book of Gates is rarer
than the Book of Am Duat, and is found sculptured on sarcophagi; the
finest example being the alabaster sarcophagus of Seti I, now in the
Soane Museum in London.

The Book of Am Duat is found both in papyri and on tomb walls, the
earliest example of the latter being the tomb of Amenhotep II of the
xviiith dynasty.  It is a compilation by the theologians of that
period; an attempt to combine into one homogeneous whole several
distinct ideas of the next world and the life hereafter.  The fourth
and fifth countries of the Duat are obviously one complete kingdom,
ruled by the god Sokar, the Memphite god of the dead.  As Memphis was
a very important religious centre, its god of the dead and his
kingdom had to be included in the Duat of Ra, in spite of the fact
that it was a waterless desert, and that it ended with the Morning
Star.  It was a region totally different from any other kingdom of
the hereafter; no river ran through it; it was inhabited by neither
gods nor spirits, but by enormous and horrible reptiles.  The
ingenuity of the compilers of this Book in turning the Boat of Ra
into a serpent, which could dispense with the river and glide over
the sand, is certainly remarkable.

Another Morning Star appears also in the tenth hour, and the breeze
of morning seems to be felt by the goddesses in the eleventh hour,
for they raise their hands to shelter their faces from it.  Budge
(_Egyptian Heaven and Hell_) suggests also that the Egyptians looked
upon the red clouds of the dawn as being tinged with the reflection
from the pits of flame.  These indications of morning appearing in
the wrong place point clearly to the fact of the book being a
compilation, more or less clumsy.

The first hour seems to have been added in order to make a good
introduction to the compilation.  The last hour is evidently a
compromise.  The most ancient idea with regard to the sunrise was
that the Sun was born anew every morning of the Sky-goddess Nut.
This theory does not fit with the dogma of the Sun's nightly journey
through the Other World in a Boat; therefore the last hour is
represented as a dark and tortuous passage symbolising the womb of
the goddess.  The birth of the Sun was the most important event of
the day to his worshippers, consequently the account of the last hour
is found frequently on papyri, buried in the graves.

The Duat, or Other World, was generally supposed to be the region
lying to the north of Egypt; the delta by the Egyptians of the South;
the Mediterranean and its islands by the delta-people.

The Egyptians had an abridgment or summary of this long account of
Ka's night-journey.  It was always written on papyrus in vertical
columns, with all the scenes and long speeches omitted.  It gives the
name of each gate and country and of the goddess of every hour;
sometimes, though not always, the names of the gods who live in the
different regions; and always the magical words of Ra to the
inhabitants of each land.  Felicitous results here and hereafter are
promised to all who know the words and scenes thoroughly.

The hymn to Ra is a paraphrase of hymns which are still extant.


_Abtu-fish_.--A mythological fish which accompanies the Boat of Ra at

_Amemt_.--The mythical animal which devours the hearts of the wicked
at the Judgment of Osiris.

_Amon_.--God of Thebes.  In and after the xviiith dynasty he became
the supreme deity of Egypt under the name of Amon-Ra.

_Ant-fish_.--A mythological fish which accompanies the Boat of Ra at

_Anubis_.--A jackal-headed deity who presided over the embalming of
the dead.  He was said to be the illegitimate son of Osiris and
Nephthys, and, in the form of a dog, to have protected Isis in her

_Apep_.--The enemy of Ra in the Duat.

_Astarte_.--A Syrian goddess, whose name is found occasionally in
Egyptian inscriptions.

_Atmu_.--An early name of the solar deity worshipped at Heliopolis.
In later times, the name of the setting sun.

_Bee_.--A bandy-legged dwarf with horns.  God of music and pleasure,
and protector of children.  Possibly also a god of birth.

_Besa_.--A spirit of the corn.

_Geb_.--The earth-god, father of Osiris.

_Harmakhis_.--Horus on the Horizon, i.e. the sun at its rising and

_Harpocrates_.--Horus the Child, son of Isis and Osiris.

_Hathor_.--Goddess of love and beauty; often identified with all the
other goddesses, including Sekhmet.

_Hekt_.--The frog-headed goddess of birth.

_Her-desuf_.--A form of Horus.

_Horakhti_.--The Horizon-Horus.  The same as Harmakhis.

_Horus_.--The hawk-headed god is, properly speaking, the brother of
Isis and Osiris; but is constantly confused with Horus the Child, and
is called Avenger or Protector of his Father.

_Isis_.--The greatest of Egyptian goddesses, wife of Osiris, and
mother of Harpocrates.

_Khepera_.--The rising sun, god of resurrection.

_Khnum_.--The ram-headed god of the cataract, who creates man upon
the potter's wheel.

_Khonsu_.--The moon-god at Thebes.

_Mehen_.--The serpent who protects Ra in the Duat.

_Mentu_.--God of war.

_Meskhent_.--Goddess of birth.

_Min_.--Father of gods and men.  God of Koptos.

_Neith_.--Goddess of Saïs.  Identified by the Greeks with Athena.

_Nekhbet_.--The vulture-goddess of Upper Egypt.

_Nephthys_.--Sister of Isis and Osiris.

_Nepra_.--A spirit of the corn.

_Nun_.--God of the primaeval waters.

_Nut_.--The sky-goddess, mother of Osiris.

_Osiris_.--One of the chief gods of Egypt.  Murdered and torn to
pieces by his brother Set, re-vivified by Isis and Horus.

_Ra_.--The Sun-god, one of the chief gods of Egypt.  Heliopolis (the
On of the Bible) was the principal centre of his worship.

_Sekhmet_.--The lioness-headed goddess of Memphis.

_Selk_.--The scorpion-goddess.

_Set_.--Brother and murderer of Osiris.  Looked upon, in late times,
as the Author of Evil.

_Shu_.--Twin-brother of Tefnut.  He holds up the sky above the earth.

_Sokar_.--The hawk-headed god of the dead.  When fused with Ptah
(Ptah-Sokar) he appears in the form of a misshapen dwarf, and is then
looked upon as a god of resurrection.

_Tatanen_.--An obscure god, generally fused with Ptah of Memphis as

_Ta-urt_.--The hippopotamus goddess of birth.

_Tefnut_.--Lioness-headed.  Twin-sister of Shu.  The two form the
constellation Gemini.

_Tepu-yn_.--A spirit of the corn.

_Thoth_.--The ibis-headed god of all learning and magic.  Chief
centre of worship Khemennu or Hermopolis, now called Eshmunen.

_Uazet_.--Goddess of Lower Egypt.

_Up-uaut_.--The jackal-god of Siut.




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