Language of Flowers

By Kate Greenaway

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Title: Language of Flowers

Author: Kate Greenaway

Release Date: March 10, 2010  [eBook #31591]
[Last updated December 29, 2019]

Language: English


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_Language of Flowers_



Printed in Colours by
Edmund Evans

London: George Routledge and Sons


Abecedary                             _Volatility._

Abatina                               _Fickleness._

Acacia                                _Friendship._

Acacia, Rose or White                 _Elegance._

Acacia, Yellow                        _Secret love._

Acanthus                              _The fine arts. Artifice._

Acalia                                _Temperance._

Achillea Millefolia                   _War._

Aconite (Wolfsbane)                   _Misanthropy._

Aconite, Crowfoot                     _Lustre._

Adonis, Flos                          _Painful recollections._

African Marigold                      _Vulgar minds._

Agnus Castus                          _Coldness. Indifference._

Agrimony                              _Thankfulness. Gratitude._

Almond (Common)                       _Stupidity. Indiscretion._

Almond (Flowering)                    _Hope._

Almond, Laurel                        _Perfidy_

Allspice                              _Compassion._

Aloe                                  _Grief. Religious superstition._

Althaea Frutex (Syrian Mallow)        _Persuasion._

Alyssum (Sweet)                       _Worth beyond beauty._

Amaranth (Globe)                      _Immortality. Unfading love._

Amaranth (Cockscomb)                  _Foppery. Affectation._

Amaryllis                             _Pride. Timidity. Splendid beauty._

Ambrosia                              _Love returned._

American Cowslip                      _Divine beauty._

American Elm                          _Patriotism._

American Linden                       _Matrimony._

American Starwort                     _Welcome to a stranger.
                                       Cheerfulness in old age._

Amethyst                              _Admiration._

Anemone (Zephyr Flower)               _Sickness. Expectation._

Anemone (Garden)                      _Forsaken._

Angelica                              _Inspiration._

Angrec                                _Royalty._

Apple                                 _Temptation._

Apple (Blossom)                       _Preference. Fame speaks him
                                       great and good._

Apple, Thorn                          _Deceitful charms._

Apocynum (Dog's Vane)                 _Deceit._

Arbor Vitæ                            _Unchanging Friendship. Live for me._

Arum (Wake Robin)                     _Ardour._

Ash-leaved Trumpet Flower             _Separation._

Ash Tree                              _Grandeur._

Aspen Tree                            _Lamentation._

Aster (China)                         _Variety. Afterthought._

Asphodel                              _My regrets follow you to the grave._

Auricula                              _Painting._

Auricula, Scarlet                     _Avarice._

Austurtium                            _Splendour._

Azalea                                _Temperance._



Bachelor's Buttons                    _Celibacy._

Balm                                  _Sympathy._

Balm, Gentle                          _Pleasantry._

Balm of Gilead                        _Cure. Relief._

Balsam, Red                           _Touch me not. Impatient resolves._

Balsam, Yellow                        _Impatience._

Barberry                              _Sourness of temper._

Barberry Tree                         _Sharpness._

Basil                                 _Hatred._

Bay Leaf                              _I change but in death._

Bay (Rose) Rhododendron               _Danger. Beware._

Bay Tree                              _Glory._

Bay Wreath                            _Reward of merit._

Bearded Crepis                        _Protection._

Beech Tree                            _Prosperity._

Bee Orchis                            _Industry._

Bee Ophrys                            _Error._

Belladonna                            _Silence_

Bell Flower, Pyramidal                _Constancy._

Bell Flower (small white)             _Gratitude._

Belvedere                             _I declare against you._

Betony                                _Surprise._

Bilberry                              _Treachery._

Bindweed, Great                       _Insinuation._

Bindweed, Small                       _Humility._

Birch                                 _Meekness._

Birdsfoot Trefoil                     _Revenge._

Bittersweet; Nightshade                _Truth._

Black Poplar                          _Courage._

Blackthorn                            _Difficulty._

Bladder Nut Tree                      _Frivolity. Amusement._

Bluebottle (Centaury)                 _Delicacy._

Bluebell                              _Constancy._

Blue-flowered Greek Valerian          _Rupture._

Borus Henricus                        _Goodness._

Borage                                _Bluntness._

Box Tree                              _Stoicism._

Bramble                               _Lowliness. Envy. Remorse._

Branch of Currants                    _You please all._

Branch of Thorns                      _Severity. Rigour._

Bridal Rose                           _Happy love._

Broom                                 _Humility. Neatness._

Buckbean                              _Calm repose._

Bud of White Rose                     _Heart ignorant of love._

Bugloss                               _Falsehood._

Bulrush                               _Indiscretion. Docility._

Bundle of Reeds, with their Panicles  _Music._

Burdock                               _Importunity. Touch me not._

Buttercup (Kingcup)                   _Ingratitude. Childishness._

Butterfly Orchis                      _Gaiety._

Butterfly Weed                        _Let me go._



Cabbage                               _Profit._

Cacalia                               _Adulation._

Cactus                                _Warmth._

Calla Æthiopica                       _Magnificent Beauty._

Calycanthus                           _Benevolence._

Camellia Japonica, Red                _Unpretending excellence._

Camellia Japonica, White              _Perfected loveliness._

Camomile                              _Energy in adversity._

Canary Grass                          _Perseverance._

Candytuft                             _Indifference._

Canterbury Bell                       _Acknowledgement._

Cape Jasmine                          _I'm too happy._

Cardamine                             _Paternal error._

Carnation, Deep Red                   _Alas! for my poor heart._

Carnation, Striped                    _Refusal._

Carnation, Yellow                     _Disdain._


Cardinal Flower                       _Distinction._

Catchfly                              _Snare._

Catchfly, Red                         _Youthful love._

Catchfly, White                       _Betrayed._

Cedar                                 _Strength._

Cedar of Lebanon                      _Incorruptible._

Cedar Leaf                            _I live for thee._

Celandine (Lesser)                    _Joys to come._

Cereus (Creeping)                     _Modest genius._

Centaury                              _Delicacy._

Champignon                            _Suspicion._

Chequered Fritillary                  _Persecution._

Cherry Tree                           _Good education._

Cherry Tree, White                    _Deception._

Chesnut Tree                          _Do me justice. Luxury._

Chickweed                             _Rendezvous._

Chicory                               _Frugality._

China Aster                           _Variety._

China Aster, Double                   _I partake your sentiments._

China Aster, Single                   _I will think of it._

China or Indian Pink                  _Aversion._

China Rose                            _Beauty always new._

Chinese Chrysanthemum                 _Cheerfulness under adversity._

Christmas Rose                        _Relieve my anxiety._

Chrysanthemum, Red                    _I love._

Chrysanthemum, White                  _Truth._

Chrysanthemum, Yellow                 _Slighted love._

Cinquefoil                            _Maternal affection._

Circæa                                _Spell._

Cistus, or Rock Rose                  _Popular favour._

Cistus, Gum                           _I shall die to-morrow._

Citron                                _Ill-natured beauty._

Clematis                              _Mental beauty._

Clematis, Evergreen                   _Poverty._

Clotbur                               _Rudeness. Pertinacity._

Cloves                                _Dignity._

Clover, Four-leaved                   _Be mine._

Clover, Red                           _Industry._

Clover, White                         _Think of me._

Cobæa                                _Gossip._

Cockscomb Amaranth                    _Foppery. Affectation. Singularity._

Colchicum, or Meadow Saffron          _My best days are past._

Coltsfoot                             _Justice shall be done._

Columbine                             _Folly._

Columbine, Purple                     _Resolved to win._

Columbine, Red                        _Anxious and trembling._

Convolvulus                           _Bonds._

Convolvulus, Blue (Minor)             _Repose. Night._

Convolvulus, Major                    _Extinguished hopes._

Convolvulus, Pink                     _Worth sustained by judicious
                                       and tender affection._

Corchorus                             _Impatient of absence._

Coreopsis                             _Always cheerful._

Coreopsis Arkansa                     _Love at first sight._

Coriander                             _Hidden worth._

Corn                                  _Riches._

Corn, Broken                          _Quarrel._

Corn Straw                            _Agreement._

Corn Bottle                           _Delicacy._

Corn Cockle                           _Gentility._

Cornel Tree                           _Duration._

Coronella                             _Success crown your wishes._

Cowslip                               _Pensiveness. Winning grace._

Cowslip, American                     _Divine beauty. You are my divinity._

Cranberry                             _Cure for heartache._

Creeping Cereus                       _Horror._

Cress                                 _Stability. Power._

Crocus                                _Abuse not._

Crocus, Spring                        _Youthful gladness._

Crocus, Saffron                       _Mirth._

Crown Imperial                        _Majesty. Power._



Crowsbill                             _Envy._

Crowfoot                              _Ingratitude._

Crowfoot (Aconite-leaved)             _Lustre._

Cuckoo Plant                          _Ardour._

Cudweed, American                     _Unceasing remembrance._

Currant                               _Thy frown will kill me._

Cuscuta                               _Meanness._

Cyclamen                              _Diffidence._

Cypress                               _Death. Mourning._




Daffodil                              _Regard._

Dahlia                                _Instability._

Daisy                                 _Innocence._

Daisy, Garden                         _I share your sentiments_

Daisy, Michaelmas                     _Farewell._

Daisy, Party-coloured                 _Beauty._

Daisy, Wild                           _I will think of it._

Damask Rose                           _Brilliant complexion._

Dandelion                             _Rustic oracle._

Daphne Odora                          _Painting the lily._

Darnel (Ray grass)                    _Vice_

Dead Leaves                           _Sadness._

Dew Plant                             _A Serenade._

Dittany of Crete                      _Birth._

Dittany of Crete, White               _Passion._

Dock                                  _Patience._

Dodder of Thyme                       _Baseness._

Dogsbane                              _Deceit. Falsehood._

Dogwood                               _Durability._

Dragon Plant                          _Snare._

Dragonwort                            _Horror._

Dried Flax                            _Utility._




Ebony Tree                            _Blackness._

Eglantine (Sweetbrier)                _Poetry. I wound to heal._

Elder                                 _Zealousness._

Elm                                   _Dignity._

Enchanter's Nightshade                _Witchcraft. Sorcery._

Endive                                _Frugality._

Eupatorium                            _Delay._

Everflowering Candytuft               _Indifference._

Evergreen Clematis                    _Poverty._

Evergreen Thorn                       _Solace in adversity._

Everlasting                           _Never-ceasing remembrance._

Everlasting Pea                       _Lasting pleasure._



Fennel                                _Worthy all praise. Strength._

Fern                                  _Fascination._

Ficoides, Ice Plant                   _Your looks freeze me._

Fig                                   _Argument._

Fig Marigold                          _Idleness._

Fig Tree                              _Prolific._

Filbert                               _Reconciliation._

Fir                                   _Time._

Fir Tree                              _Elevation._

Flax                                  _Domestic Industry. Fate.
                                       I feel your kindness._

Flax-leaved Goldy-locks               _Tardiness._

Fleur-de-Lis                          _Flame. I burn._

Fleur-de-Luce                         _Fire._

Flowering Fern                        _Reverie._

Flowering Reed                        _Confidence in Heaven._

Flower-of-an-Hour                     _Delicate Beauty._

Fly Orchis                            _Error._

Flytrap                               _Deceit._

Fool's Parsley                        _Silliness._

Forget Me Not                         _True love. Forget me not._

Foxglove                              _Insincerity._

Foxtail Grass                         _Sporting._

French Honeysuckle                    _Rustic beauty._

French Marigold                       _Jealousy._

French Willow                         _Bravery and humanity._

Frog Ophrys                           _Disgust._

Fuller's Teasel                       _Misanthropy._

Fumitory                              _Spleen._

Fuchsia, Scarlet                      _Taste._



Garden Anemone                        _Forsaken._

Garden Chervil                        _Sincerity._

Garden Daisy                          _I partake your sentiments._

Garden Marigold                       _Uneasiness._

Garden Ranunculus                     _You are rich in attractions._

Garden Sage                           _Esteem._

Garland of Roses                      _Reward of virtue._

Germander Speedwell                   _Facility._

Geranium, Dark                        _Melancholy._

Geranium, Ivy                         _Bridal favour._

Geranium, Lemon                       _Unexpected meeting._

Geranium, Nutmeg                      _Expected meeting._

Geranium, Oak-leaved                  _True friendship._

Geranium, Pencilled                   _Ingenuity._

Geranium, Rose-scented                _Preference._

Geranium, Scarlet                     _Contorting. Stupidity._

Geranium, Silver-leaved               _Recall._

Geranium, Wild                        _Steadfast piety._


Gillyflower                           _Bonds of affection._

Glory Flower                          _Glorious beauty._

Goat's Rue                            _Reason._

Golden Rod                            _Precaution._

Gooseberry                            _Anticipation._

Gourd                                 _Extent. Bulk._

Grape, Wild                           _Charity._

Grass                                 _Submission. Utility._

Guelder Rose                          _Winter. Age._



Hand Flower Tree                      _Warning._

Harebell                              _Submission. Grief._

Hawkweed                              _Quicksightedness._

Hawthorn                              _Hope._

Hazel                                 _Reconciliation._

Heath                                 _Solitude._

Helenium                              _Tears._

Heliotrope                            _Devotion. Faithfulness._

Hellebore                             _Scandal. Calumny._

Helmet Flower (Monkshood)             _Knight-errantry._

Hemlock                               _You will be my death._

Hemp                                  _fate._

Henbane                               _Imperfection._

Hepatica                              _Confidence._

Hibiscus                              _Delicate beauty._

Holly                                 _Foresight._

Holly Herb                            _Enchantment._

Hollyhock                             _Ambition. Fecundity._

Honesty                               _Honesty. Fascination._

Honey Flower                          _Love sweet and secret._

Honeysuckle                           _Generous and devoted affection._

Honeysuckle Coral                     _The colour of my fate._

Honeysuckle (French)                  _Rustic beauty._

Hop                                   _Injustice._

Hornbeam                              _Ornament._

Horse Chesnut                         _Luxury._

Hortensia                             _You are cold._

Houseleek                             _Vivacity. Domestic industry._

Houstonia                             _Content._

Hoya                                  _Sculpture._

Humble Plant                          _Despondency._

Hundred-leaved Rose                   _Dignity of mind._

Hyacinth                              _Sport. Game. Play._

Hyacinth, White                       _Unobtrusive loveliness._

Hydrangea                             _A boaster. Heartlessness._

Hyssop                                _Cleanliness._



Iceland Moss                          _Health._

Ice Plant                             _Your looks freeze me._

Imperial Montague                     _Power._

Indian Cress                          _Warlike trophy._

Indian Jasmine (Ipomoea)              _Attachment._

Indian Pink (Double)                  _Always lovely._

Indian Plum                           _Privation._

Iris                                  _Message._

Iris, German                          _Flame._

Ivy                                   _Fidelity. Marriage._

Ivy, Sprig of, with tendrils          _Assiduous to please._



Jacob's Ladder                        _Come down._

Japan Rose                            _Beauty is your only attraction._

Jasmine                               _Amiability._

Jasmine, Cape                         _Transport of joy._

Jasmine, Carolina                     _Separation._

Jasmine, Indian                       _I attach myself to you._

Jasmine, Spanish                      _Sensuality._

Jasmine, Yellow                       _Grace and elegance._

Jonquil                               _I desire a return of affection._

Judas Tree                            _Unbelief. Betrayal._

Juniper                               _Succour. Protection._

Justicia                              _The perfection of female


Kennedia                              _Mental Beauty._

King-cups                             _Desire of Riches._




Laburnum                              _Forsaken. Pensive Beauty._

Lady's Slipper                        _Capricious Beauty.
                                       Win me and wear me._

Lagerstræmia, Indian                  _Eloquence._

Lantana                               _Rigour._

Larch                                 _Audacity. Boldness._

Larkspur                              _Lightness. Levity._

Larkspur, Pink                        _Fickleness._

Larkspur, Purple                      _Haughtiness._

Laurel                                _Glory._

Laurel, Common, in flower             _Perfidy._

Laurel, Ground                        _Perseverance._

Laurel, Mountain                      _Ambition._

Laurel-leaved Magnolia                _Dignity._

Laurestina                            _A token. I die if neglected._

Lavender                              _Distrust._

Leaves (dead)                         _Melancholy._

Lemon                                 _Zest._

Lemon Blossoms                        _Fidelity in lore._

Lettuce                               _Cold-heartedness._

Lichen                                _Dejection. Solitude._


Lilac, Field                          _Humility._

Lilac, Purple                         _First emotions of love._

Lilac, White                          _Youthful Innocence._

Lily, Day                             _Coquetry._

Lily, Imperial                        _Majesty._

Lily, White                           _Purity. Sweetness._

Lily, Yellow                          _Falsehood. Gaiety._

Lily of the Valley                    _Return of happiness._

Linden or Lime Trees                  _Conjugal love._

Lint                                  _I feel my obligations._

Live Oak                              _Liberty._

Liverwort                             _Confidence._

Licorice, Wild                        _I declare against you._

Lobelia                               _Malevolence._

Locust Tree                           _Elegance._

Locust Tree (green)                   _Affection beyond the grave._

London Pride                          _Frivolity._

Lote Tree                             _Concord._

Lotus                                 _Eloquence._

Lotus Flower                          _Estranged love._

Lotus Leaf                            _Recantation._

Love in a Mist                        _Perplexity._

Love lies Bleeding                    _Hopeless, not heartless._

Lucern                                _Life._

Lupine                                _Voraciousness. Imagination._




Madder                                _Calumny._

Magnolia                              _Love of Nature._

Magnolia, Swamp                       _Perseverance._

Mallow                                _Mildness._

Mallow, Marsh                         _Beneficence._

Mallow, Syrian                        _Consumed by love._

Mallow, Venetian                      _Delicate beauty._

Manchineal Tree                       _Falsehood._

Mandrake                              _Horror._

Maple                                 _Reserve._

Marigold                              _Grief._

Marigold, African                     _Vulgar minds._

Marigold, French                      _Jealousy._

Marigold, Prophetic                   _Prediction._

Marigold and Cypress                  _Despair._

Marjoram                              _Blushes._

Marvel of Peru                        _Timidity._




Meadow Lychnis                        _Wit._

Meadow Saffron                        _My fast days are fast._

Meadowsweet                           _Uselessness._

Mercury                               _Goodness._

Mesembryanthemum                      _Idleness._

Mezereon                              _Desire to please._

Michaelmas Daisy                      _Afterthought._

Mignionette                           _Your qualities surpass your charms._

Milfoil                               _War._

Milkvetch                            _Your presence softens my pains._

Milkwort                              _Hermitage._

Mimosa (Sensitive Plant)              _Sensitiveness._

Mint                                  _Virtue._

Mistletoe                             _I surmount difficulties._

Mock Orange                           _Counterfeit._

Monkshood (Helmet Flower)             _Chivalry. Knight-errantry._

Moonwort                              _Forgetfulness._

Morning Glory                         _Affectation._

Moschatel                             _Weakness._

Moss                                  _Maternal love._

Mosses                                _Ennui._

Mossy Saxifrage                       _Affection._

Motherwort                            _Concealed love._

Mountain Ash                          _Prudence._

Mourning Bride                        _Unfortunate attachment.
                                       I have lost all._

Mouse-eared Chickweed                 _Ingenuous simplicity._

Mouse-eared Scorpion Grass            _Forget me not._

Moving Plant                          _Agitation._

Mudwort                               _Tranquillity._

Mugwort                               _Happiness._

Mulberry Tree (Black)                 _I shall not survive you._

Mulberry Tree (White)                 _Wisdom._

Mushroom                              _Suspicion._

Musk Plant                            _Weakness._

Mustard Seed                          _Indifference._

Myrobalan                             _Privation._

Myrrh                                 _Gladness._

Myrtle                                _Love._




Narcissus                             _Egotism._

Nasturtium                            _Patriotism._

Nettle, Burning                       _Slander._

Nettle Tree                           _Concert._

Night-blooming Cereus                 _Transient beauty._

Night Convolvulus                     _Night._

Nightshade                            _Truth._




Oak Leaves                            _Bravery._

Oak Tree                              _Hospitality._

Oak (White)                           _Independence._

Oats                                  _The witching soul of music._

Oleander                              _Beware._

Olive                                 _Peace._

Orange Blossoms                       _Your purity equals your loveliness._

Orange Flowers                        _Chastity. Bridal festivities._

Orange Tree                           _Generosity._

Orchis                                _A Belle._

Osier                                 _Frankness._

Osmunda                               _Dreams._

Ox Eye                                _Patience._



Palm                                  _Victory._

Pansy                                 _Thoughts._

Parsley                               _Festivity._

Pasque Flower                         _You have no claims._

Passion Flower                        _Religious superstition._

Patience Dock                         _Patience._

Pea, Everlasting                      _An appointed meeting.
                                       Lasting Pleasure._

Pea, Sweet                            _Departure._

Peach                                 _Your qualities,
                                       like your charms, are unequalled._

Peach Blossom                         _I am your captive._

Pear                                  _Affection._

Pear Tree                             _Comfort._

Pennyroyal                            _Flee away._

Peony                                 _Shame. Bashfulness._

Peppermint                            _Warmth of feeling._

Periwinkle, Blue                      _Early friendship._

Periwinkle, White                     _Pleasures of memory._

Persicaria                            _Restoration._


Persimon                              _Bury me amid Nature's beauties._

Peruvian Heliotrope                   _Devotion._

Pheasant's Eye                        _Remembrance._

Phlox                                 _Unanimity._

Pigeon Berry                          _Indifference._

Pimpernel                             _Change. Assignation._

Pine                                  _Pity._

Pine-apple                            _You are perfect._

Pine, Pitch                           _Philosophy._

Pine, Spruce                          _Hope in adversity._

Pink                                  _Boldness._

Pink, Carnation                       _Woman's love._

Pink, Indian, Double                  _Always lovely._

Pink, Indian, Single                  _Aversion._

Pink, Mountain                        _Aspiring._

Pink, Red, Double                     _Pure and ardent love._

Pink, Single                          _Pure love._

Pink, Variegated                      _Refusal._

Pink, White                           _Ingeniousness. Talent._

Plane Tree                            _Genius._

Plum, Indian                          _Privation._

Plum Tree                             _Fidelity._

Plum, Wild                            _Independence._

Polyanthus                            _Pride of riches._

Polyanthus, Crimson                   _The heart's mystery._

Polyanthus, Lilac                     _Confidence._

Pomegranate                           _Foolishness._

Pomegranate, Flower                   _Mature elegance._

Poplar, Black                         _Courage._

Poplar, White                         _Time._

Poppy, Red                            _Consolation._

Poppy, Scarlet                        _Fantastic extravagance._

Poppy, White                          _Sleep. My bane. My antidote._

Potato                                _Benevolence._

Prickly Pear                          _Satire._

Pride of China                        _Dissension._

Primrose                              _Early youth._

Primrose, Evening                     _Inconstancy._

Primrose, Red                         _Unpatronized merit._

Privet                                _Prohibition._

Purple Clover                         _Provident._

Pyrus Japonica                        _Fairies' fire._




Quaking-Grass                         _Agitation._

Quamoclit                             _Busybody._

Queen's Rocket                        _You are the queen of coquettes.

Quince                                _Temptation._



Ragged Robin                          _Wit._

Ranunculus                            _You are radiant with charms._

Ranunculus, Garden                    _You are rich in attractions._

Ranunculus, Wild                      _Ingratitude._

Raspberry                             _Remorse._

Ray Grass                             _Vice._

Red Catchfly                          _Youthful lore._

Reed                                  _Complaisance. Music._

Reed, Split                           _Indiscretion._

Rhododendron (Rosebay)                _Danger. Beware._

Rhubarb                               _Advice._

Rocket                                _Rivalry._

Rose                                  _Love._

Rose, Austrian                        _Thou art all that is lovely._

Rose, Bridal                          _Happy love._

Rose, Burgundy                        _Unconscious beauty._

Rose, Cabbage                         _Ambassador of love._

Rose, Campion                         _Only deserve my love._

Rose, Carolina                        _Love is dangerous._

Rose, China                           _Beauty always new._

Rose, Christmas                       _Tranquillize my anxiety._



Rose, Daily                           _Thy smile I aspire to._

Rose, Damask                          _Brilliant complexion._

Rose, Deep Red                        _Bashful shame._

Rose, Dog                             _Pleasure and pain._

Rose, Guelder                         _Winter. Age._

Rose, Hundred-leaved                  _Pride._

Rose, Japan                           _Beauty is your only attraction._

Rose, Maiden Blush                    _If you love me, you will
                                       find it out._

Rose, Multiflora                      _Grace._

Rose, Mundi                           _Variety._

Rose, Musk                            _Capricious beauty._

Rose, Musk, Cluster                   _Charming._

Rose, Single                          _Simplicity._

Rose, Thornless                       _Early attachment._

Rose, Unique                          _Call me not beautiful._

Rose, White                           _I am worthy of you._

Rose, White (withered)                _Transient impressions._

Rose, Yellow                          _Decrease of love. Jealously._

Rose, York and Lancaster              _War._

Rose, Full-blown, placed over
   two Buds                           _Secrecy._

Rose, White and Red together          _Unity._

Roses, Crown of                       _Reward of virtue._

Rosebud, Red                          _Pure and lovely._

Rosebud, White                        _Girlhood._

Rosebud, Moss                         _Confession of love._

Rosebay (Rhododendron)                _Beware. Danger._

Rosemary                              _Remembrance._

Rudbeckia                             _Justice._

Rue                                   _Disdain._

Rush                                  _Docility._

Rye Grass                             _Changeable disposition_



Saffron                               _Beware of excess._

Saffron Crocus                        _Mirth._

Saffron, Meadow                       _My happiest days are past._

Sage                                  _Domestic virtue._

Sage, Garden                          _Esteem._

Sainfoin                              _Agitation._

Saint John's Wort                     _Animosity. Superstition._

Sardony                               _Irony._

Saxifrage, Mossy                      _Affection._

Scabious                              _Unfortunate love._

Scabious, Sweet                       _Widowhood._

Scarlet Lychnis                       _Sunbeaming eyes._

Schinus                               _Religions enthusiasm._

Scotch Fir                            _Elevation._

Sensitive Plant                       _Sensibility. Delicate feelings._

Senvy                                 _Indifference._

Shamrock                              _Light heartedness._

Snakesfoot                            _Horror._




Snapdragon                            _Presumption._

Snowball                              _Bound._

Snowdrop                              _Hope._

Sorrel                                _Affection._

Sorrel, Wild                          _Wit ill-timed._

Sorrel, Wood                          _Joy._

Southernwood                          _Jest. Bantering._

Spanish Jasmine                       _Sensuality._

Spearmint                             _Warmth of sentiment._

Speedwell                             _Female fidelity._

Speedwell, Germander                  _Facility._

Speedwell, Spiked                     _Semblance._

Spider, Ophrys                        _Adroitness._

Spiderwort                            _Esteem not love._

Spiked Willow Herb                    _Pretension._

Spindle Tree                          _Your charms are engraven
                                       on my heart._

Star of Bethlehem                     _Purity._

Starwort                              _Afterthought._

Starwort, American                    _Cheerfulness in old age._

Stock                                 _Lasting beauty._

Stock, Ten Week                       _Promptness._

Stonecrop                             _Tranquillity._

Straw, Broken                         _Rupture of a contract._

Straw, Whole                          _Union._

Strawberry Tree                       _Esteem and love._

Sumach, Venice                        _Splendour. Intellectual excellence._

Sunflower, Dwarf                      _Adoration._

Sunflower, Tall                       _Haughtiness._

Swallow-wort                          _Cure for heartache._

Sweet Basil                           _Good wishes._

Sweetbrier, American                  _Simplicity._

Sweetbrier, European                  _I wound to heal._

Sweetbrier, Yellow                    _Decrease of love._

Sweet Pea                             _Delicate pleasures._

Sweet Sultan                          _Felicity._

Sweet William                         _Gallantry._

Sycamore                              _Curiosity._

Syringa                               _Memory._

Syringa, Carolina                     _Disappointment._



Tamarisk                              _Crime._

Tansy (Wild)                          _I declare war against you._

Teasel                                _Misanthropy._

Tendrils of Climbing Plants           _Ties._

Thistle, Common                       _Austerity._

Thistle, Fuller's                     _Misanthropy_

Thistle, Scotch                       _Retaliation._

Thorn Apple                           _Deceitful charms._

Thorn, Branch of                      _Severity._

Thrift                                _Sympathy._

Throatwort                            _Neglected beauty._

Thyme                                 _Activity._

Tiger Flower                          _For once may pride befriend me._

Traveller's Joy                       _Safety._

Tree of Life                          _Old age._

Trefoil                               _Revenge._

Tremella Nestoc                       _Resistance._

Trillium Pictum                       _Modest beauty._

Truffle                               _Surprise._

Trumpet Flower                        _Fame._

Tuberose                              _Dangerous pleasures._

Tulip                                 _Fame._

Tulip, Red                            _Declaration of love._

Tulip, Variegated                     _Beautiful eyes._

Tulip, Yellow                         _Hopeless love._

Turnip                                _Charity._

Tussilage (Sweet-scented)             _Justice shall be done you._




Valerian                              _An accommodating disposition._

Valerian, Greek                       _Rupture._

Venice Sumach                         _Intellectual excellence. Splendour._

Venus' Car                            _Fly with me._

Venus' Looking-glass                  _Flattery._

Venus' Trap                           _Deceit._

Vernal Grass                          _Poor, but happy._

Veronica                              _Fidelity._

Vervain                               _Enchantment._

Vine                                  _Intoxication._

Violet, Blue                          _Faithfulness._

Violet, Dame                          _Watchfulness._

Violet, Sweet                         _Modesty._

Violet, Yellow                        _Rural happiness._

Virginian Spiderwort                  _Momentary happiness._

Virgin's Bower                        _Filial love._

Volkamenia                            _May you be happy._




Walnut                                _Intellect. Stratagem._

Wall-flower                           _Fidelity in adversity._

Water Lily                            _Purity of heart._

Water Melon                           _Bulkiness._

Wax Plant                             _Susceptibility._

Wheat Stalk                           _Riches._

Whin                                  _Anger._

White Jasmine                         _Amiableness._

White Lily                            _Purity and Modesty._

White Mullein                         _Good nature._

White Oak                             _Independence._

White Pink                            _Talent._

White Poplar                          _Time._

White Rose (dried)                    _Death preferable to loss
                                       of innocence._

Whortleberry                          _Treason._

Willow, Creeping                      _Love forsaken._

Willow, Water                         _Freedom._

Willow, Weeping                       _Mourning._

Willow-Herb                           _Pretension._

Willow, French                        _Bravery and humanity._

Winter Cherry                         _Deception._

Witch Hazel                           _A spell._

Woodbine                              _Fraternal love._

Wood Sorrel                           _Joy. Maternal tenderness._

Wormwood                              _Absence._



Xanthium                              _Rudeness. Pertinacity._

Xeranthemum                           _Cheerfulness under adversity._


Yew                                   _Sorrow._



Zephyr Flower                         _Expectation._

Zinnia                                _Thoughts of absent friends._



Absence                               _Wormwood._

Abuse not                             _Crocus._

Acknowledgment                        _Canterbury Bell._

Activity                              _Thyme._

Admiration                            _Amethyst._

Adoration                             _Dwarf Sunflower_

Adroitness                            _Spider Ophrys._

Adulation                             _Cacalia._

Advice                                _Rhubarb._

Affection                             _Mossy Saxifrage._

Affection                             _Pear._

Affection                             _Sorrel._

Affection beyond the grave            _Green Locust._

Affection, maternal                   _Cinquefoil._

Affectation                           _Cockscomb Amaranth._

Affectation                           _Morning Glory._

Afterthought                          _Michaelmas Daisy._

Afterthought                          _Starwort._

Afterthought                          _China Aster._

Agreement                             _Straw._

Age                                   _Guelder Rose._

Agitation                             _Moving Plant._

Agitation                             _Sainfoin._

Alas! for my poor heart               _Deep Red Carnation._

Always cheerful                       _Coreopsis._

Always lovely                         _Indian Pink (double)._

Ambassador of love                    _Cabbage Rose._

Amiability                            _Jasmine._

Anger                                 _Whin._

Animosity                             _St. John's Wort._

Anticipation                          _Gooseberry._

Anxious and trembling                 _Red Columbine._

Ardour                                _Cuckoo Plant._

Argument                              _Fig._

Arts or artifice                      _Acanthus._

Assiduous to please                   _Sprig of Ivy with tendrils._

Assignation                           _Pimpernel._

Attachment                            _Indian Jasmine._

Audacity                              _Larch._

Avarice                               _Scarlet Auricula._

Aversion                              _China or Indian Pink._

Bantering                             _Southern-wood._

Baseness                              _Dodder of Thyme._

Bashfulness                           _Peony._

Bashful shame                         _Deep Red Rose._

Beautiful eyes                        _Variegated Tulip._

Beauty                                _Party-coloured Daisy._

Beauty always new                     _China Rose._

Beauty, capricious                    _Lady's Slipper._

Beauty, capricious                    _Musk Rose._

Beauty, delicate                      _Flower of an Hour._

Beauty, delicate                      _Hibiscus._

Beauty, divine                        _American Cowslip._

Beauty, glorious                      _Glory Flower._

Beauty, lasting                       _Stock._

Beauty, magnificent                   _Calla Æthiopica._

Beauty, mental                        _Clematis._

Beauty, modest                        _Trillium Pictum._

Beauty, neglected                     _Throatwort._

Beauty, pensive                       _Laburnum._

Beauty, rustic                        _French Honeysuckle._

Beauty, unconscious                   _Burgundy Rose._

Beauty is your only attraction        _Japan Rose._

Belle                                 _Orchis._

Be mine                               _Four-leaved Clover._

Beneficence                           _Marshmallow._

Benevolence                           _Potato._

Betrayed                              _White Catchfly._

Beware                                _Oleander._

Beware                                _Rosebay._

Blackness                             _Ebony Tree._

Bluntness                             _Borage._

Blushes                               _Marjoram._

Boaster                               _Hydrangea._

Boldness                              _Pink._

Bonds                                 _Convolvulus._

Bonds of Affection                    _Gillyflower._

Bravery                               _Oak Leaves._

Bravery and humanity                  _French Willow._

Bridal favour                         _Ivy Geranium._

Brilliant complexion                  _Damask Rose._

Bulk                                  _Water Melon. Gourd._

Busybody                              _Quamoclit._

Bury me amid Nature's beauties        _Persimon._

Call me not beautiful                 _Rose Unique._

Calm repose                           _Buckbean._

Calumny                               _Hellebore._

Calumny                               _Madder._

Change                                _Pimpernel._

Changeable disposition                _Rye Grass._

Charity                               _Turnip._

Charming                              _Cluster of Musk Roses._

Charms, deceitful                     _Thorn Apple._

Cheerfulness in old age               _American Starwort._

Cheerfulness under adversity          _Chinese Chrysanthemum._

Chivalry                              _Monkskood (Helmet Flower)._

Cleanliness                           _Hyssop._

Coldheartedness                       _Lettuce._

Coldness                              _Agnus Castus._

Colour of my life                     _Coral Honeysuckle._

Come down                             _Jacob's Ladder._

Comfort                               _Pear Tree._

Comforting                            _Scarlet Geranium._

Compassion                            _Allspice._

Concealed love                        _Motherwort._

Concert                               _Nettle Tree._

Concord                               _Lote Tree._

Confession of love                    _Moss Rosebud._

Confidence                            _Hepatica._

Confidence                            _Lilac Polyanthus._

Confidence                            _Liverwort._

Confidence in Heaven                  _Flowering Reed._

Conjugal love                         _Lime, or Linden Tree._

Consolation                           _Red Poppy._

Constancy                             _Bluebell._

Consumed by love                      _Syrian Mallow._

Counterfeit                           _Mock Orange._

Courage                               _Black Poplar._

Crime                                 _Tamarisk._

Cure                                  _Balm of Gilead._

Cure for heartache                    _Swallow-wort._

Curiosity                             _Sycamore._

Danger                                _Rhododendron. Rosebay._

Dangerous Pleasures                   _Tuberose._

Death                                 _Cypress._

Death preferable to loss of innocence _White Rate (dried)._

Deceit                                _Apocynum._

Deceit                                _Flytrap._

Deceit                                _Dogsbane._

Deceitful charms                      _Thorn Apple._

Deception                             _White Cherry Tree._

Declaration of love                   _Red Tulip._

Decrease of love                      _Yellow Rose._

Delay                                 _Eupatorium._

Delicacy                              _Bluebottle. Centaury._

Dejection                             _Lichen._

Desire to please                      _Mezereon._

Despair                               _Cypress._

Despondency                           _Humble Plant._

Devotion                              _Peruvian Heliotrope._

Difficulty                            _Blackthorn._

Dignity                               _Cloves._

Dignity                               _Laurel-leaved Magnolia._

Disappointment                        _Carolina Syringa._

Disdain                               _Yellow Carnation._

Disdain                               _Rue._

Disgust                               _Frog Ophrys._

Dissension                            _Pride of China._

Distinction                           _Cardinal Flower._

Distrust                              _Lavender._

Divine beauty                         _American Cowslip._

Docility                              _Rush._

Domestic industry                     _Flax._

Domestic virtue                       _Sage._

Durability                            _Dogwood._

Duration                              _Cornel Tree._

Early attachment                      _Thornless Rose_

Early friendship                      _Blue Periwinkle._

Early youth                           _Primrose._

Elegance                              _Locust Tree._

Elegance and grace                    _Yellow Jasmine._

Elevation                             _Scotch Fir._

Eloquence                             _Indian Lagerstræmia._

Enchantment                           _Holly Herb._

Enchantment                           _Vervain._

Energy in adversity                   _Camomile._

Envy                                  _Bramble._

Error                                 _Bee Ophrys._

Error                                 _Fly Orchis._

Esteem                                _Garden Sage._

Esteem not love                       _Spiderwort._

Esteem and love                       _Strawberry Tree._

Estranged love                        _Lotus Flower._

Excellence                            _Camellia Japonica._

Expectation                           _Anemone._

Expectation                           _Zephyr Flower._

Expected meeting                      _Nutmeg Geranium._

Extent                                _Gourd._

Extinguished hopes                    _Major Convolvulus._

Facility                              _Germander Speedwell._

Fairies' fire                         _Pyrus Japonica._

Faithfulness                          _Blue Violet._

Faithfulness                          _Heliotrope._

Falsehood                             _Buglass._

Falsehood                             _Yellow Lily._

Falsehood                             _Manchineal Tree._

Fame                                  _Tulip. Trumpet Flower._

Fame speaks him great and good        _Apple Blossom._

Fantastic extravagance                _Scarlet Poppy._

Farewell                              _Michaelmas Daisy._

Fascination                           _Fern._

Fascination                           _Honesty._

Fashion                               _Queen's Rocket._

Fecundity                             _Hollyhock._

Felicity                              _Sweet Sultan._

Female fidelity                       _Speedwell._

Festivity                             _Parsley._

Fickleness                            _Abatina._

Fickleness                            _Pink Larkspur._

Filial love                           _Virgin's bower._

Fidelity                              _Veronica. Ivy._

Fidelity                              _Plum Tree._

Fidelity in adversity                 _Wall-flower._

Fidelity in love                      _Lemon Blossoms._

Fire                                  _Fleur-de-Luce._

First emotions of love                _Purple Lilac._

Flame                                 _Fleur-de-lis. Iris._

Flattery                              _Venus' Looking-glass._

Flee away                             _Pennyroyal._

Fly with me                           _Venus' Car._

Folly                                 _Columbine._

Foppery                               _Cockscomb Amaranth._

Foolishness                           _Pomegranate._

Foresight                             _Holly._

Forgetfulness                         _Moonwort._

Forget me not                         _Forget Me Not._

For once may pride befriend me        _Tiger Flower._

Forsaken                              _Garden Anemone._

Forsaken                              _Laburnum._

Frankness                             _Osier._

Fraternal love                        _Woodbine._

Freedom                               _Water Willow._

Freshness                             _Damask Rose._

Friendship                            _Acacia._

Friendship, early                     _Blue Periwinkle._

Friendship, true                      _Oak-leaved Geranium._

Friendship, unchanging                _Arbor Vitæ._

Frivolity                             _London Pride._

Frugality                             _Chicory. Endive._

Gaiety                                _Butterfly Orchis._

Gaiety                                _Yellow Lily._

Gallantry                             _Sweet William._

Generosity                            _Orange Tree._

Generous and devoted affection        _French Honeysuckle._

Genius                                _Plane Tree._

Gentility                             _Corn Cockle._

Girlhood                              _White Rosebud._

Gladness                              _Myrrh._

Glory                                 _Bay Tree._

Glory                                 _Laurel._

Glorious beauty                       _Glory Flower._

Goodness                              _Bonus Henricus._

Goodness                              _Mercury._

Good education                        _Cherry Tree._

Good wishes                           _Sweet Basil._

Goodnature                            _White Mullein._

Gossip                                _Cobæa._

Grace                                 _Multiflora Rose._

Grace and elegance                    _Yellow Jasmine._

Grandeur                              _Ash Tree_

Gratitude                             _Small White Bell-flower._

Grief                                 _Harebell._

Grief                                 _Marigold._

Happy love                            _Bridal Rose._

Hatred                                _Basil._

Haughtiness                           _Purple Larkspur._

Haughtiness                           _Tall Sunflower._

Health                                _Iceland Moss._

Hermitage                             _Milkwort._

Hidden worth                          _Coriander._

Honesty                               _Honesty._

Hope                                  _Flowering Almond._

Hope                                  _Hawthorn._

Hope                                  _Snowdrop._

Hope in adversity                     _Spruce Pine._

Hopeless love                         _Yellow Tulip._

Hopeless, not heartless               _Love Lies Bleating._

Horror                                _Mandrake._

Horror                                _Dragonswort._

Horror                                _Snakesfoot._

Hospitality                           _Oak Tree._

Humility                              _Broom._

Humility                              _Small Bindweed._

Humility                              _Field Lilac._

I am too happy                        _Cape Jasmine._

I am your captive                     _Peach Blossom._

I am worthy of you                    _White Rose._

I change but in death                 _Bay Leaf._

I declare against you                 _Belvedere._

I declare against you                 _Liquorice._

I declare war against you             _Wild Tansy._

I die if neglected                    _Laurestina._

I desire a return of affection        _Jonquil._

I feel my obligations                 _Lint._

I feel your kindness                  _Flax._

I have lost all                       _Mourning Bride._

I live for thee                       _Cedar Leaf._

I love                                _Red Chrysanthemum._

I partake of your sentiments          _Double China Aster._

I partake your sentiments             _Garden Daisy._

I shall die to-morrow                 _Gum Cistus._

I shall not survive you               _Black Mulberry._

I surmount difficulties               _Mistletoe._

I will think of it                    _Single China Aster._

I will think of it                    _Wild Daisy._

I wound to heal                       _Eglantine (Sweetbrier)._

If you love me, you will find it out  _Maiden Blush Rose._

Idleness                              _Mesembryanthemum._

Ill-natured beauty                    _Citron._

Imagination                           _Lupine._

Immortality                           _Amaranth (Globe)._

Impatience                            _yellow Balsam._

Impatient of absence                  _Corchorus._

Impatient resolves                    _Red Balsam._

Imperfection                          _Henbane._

Importunity                           _Burdock._

Inconstancy                           _Evening Primrose._

Incorruptible                         _Cedar of Lebanon._

Independence                          _Wild Plum Tree._

Independence                          _White Oak._

Indifference                          _Everflowering Candytuft._

Indifference                          _Mustard Seed._

Indifference                          _Pigeon Berry._

Indifference                          _Senvy._

Indiscretion                          _Split Reed._

Industry                              _Red Clover._

Industry, Domestic                    _Flax._

Ingenuousness                         _White Pink._

Ingenuity                             _Pencilled Geranium._

Ingenuous simplicity                  _Mouse-eared Chickweed._

Ingratitude                           _Crowfoot._

Innocence                             _Daisy._

Insincerity                           _Foxglove._

Insinuation                           _Great Bindweed._

Inspiration                           _Angelica._

Instability                           _Dahlia._

Intellect                             _Walnut._

Intoxication                          _Vine._

Irony                                 _Sardony._

Jealousy                              _French Marigold._

Jealousy                              _Yellow Rose._

Jest                                  _Southernwood._

Joy                                   _Wood Sorrel._

Joys to come                          _Lesser Celandine._

Justice                               _Rudbeckia._

Justice shall be done to you          _Coltsfoot._

Justice shall be done to you          _Sweet-scented Tussilage._

Knight-errantry                       _Helmet Flower (Monkshood)._

Lamentation                           _Aspon Tree._

Lasting beauty                        _Stock._

Lasting pleasures                     _Everlasting Pea._

Let me go                             _Butterfly Weed._

Levity                                _Larkspur._

Liberty                               _Live Oak._

Life                                  _Lucern._

Lightheartedness                      _Shamrock._

Lightness                             _Larkspur._

Live for me                           _Arbor Vitæ._

Love                                  _Myrtle._

Love                                  _Rose._

Love, forsaken                        _Creeping Willow._

Love, returned                        _Ambrosia._

Love is dangerous                     _Carolina Rose._

Lustre                                _Aconite-leaved Crowfoot,
                                       or Fair Maid of France._

Luxury                                _Chesnut Tree._

Magnificent beauty                    _Calla, Æthiopica._

Majesty                               _Crown Imperial._

Malevolence                           _Lobelia._

Marriage                              _Ivy._

Maternal affection                    _Cinquefoil._

Maternal love                         _Moss._

Maternal tenderness                   _Wood Sorrel._

Matrimony                             _American Linden._

May you be happy                      _Volkamenia_

Meanness                              _Cuscuta._

Meekness                              _Birch._

Melancholy                            _Dark Geranium._

Melancholy                            _Dead Leaves._

Mental beauty                         _Clematis._

Mental beauty                         _Kennedia._

Message                               _Iris._

Mildness                              _Mallow._

Mirth                                 _Saffron Crocus._

Misanthropy                           _Aconite (Wolfsbane)._

Misanthropy                           _Fuller's Teasel._

Modest beauty                         _Trillium Pictum._

Modest genius                         _Creeping Cereus._

Modesty                               _Violet._

Modesty and purity                    _White Lily._

Momentary happiness                   _Virginian Spiderwort._

Mourning                              _Weeping Willow_

Music                                 _Bundles of Reed with their

My best days are past                 _Colchicum, or Meadow Saffron._

My regrets follow you to the grave    _Asphodel._

Neatness                              _Broom._

Neglected beauty                      _Throatwort._

Never-ceasing remembrance             _Everlasting._

Old age                               _Tree of Life._

Only deserve my love                  _Campion Rose._

Painful recollections                 _Flos Adonis._

Painting                              _Auricula._

Painting the lily                     _Daphne Odora._

Passion                               _White Dittany._

Paternal error                        _Cardamine._

Patience                              _Dock. Ox Eye._

Patriotism                            _American Elm._

Patriotism                            _Nasturtium._

Peace                                 _Olive._

Perfected loveliness                  _Camellia Japonica, White._

Perfidy                               _Common Laurel, in flower._

Pensive beauty                        _Laburnum._

Perplexity                            _Love in a Mist._

Persecution                           _Chequered Fritillary._

Perseverance                          _Swamp Magnolia._

Persuasion                            _Althea Frutex._

Persuasion                            _Syrian Mallow._

Pertinacity                           _Clotbur._

Pity                                  _Pine._

Pleasure and pain                     _Dog Rose._

Pleasure, lasting                     _Everlasting Pea._

Pleasures of memory                   _White Periwinkle._

Popular favour                        _Cistus, or Rock Rose._

Poverty                               _Evergreen Clematis._

Power                                 _Imperial Montague._

Power                                 _Cress._

Precaution                            _Golden Rod._

Prediction                            _Prophetic Marigold._

Pretension                            _Spited Willow Herb._

Pride                                 _Amaryllis._

Pride                                 _Hundred-leaved Rose._

Privation                             _Indian Plum._

Privation                             _Myrobalan._

Profit                                _Cabbage._

Prohibition                           _Privet._

Prolific                              _Fig Tree._

Promptness                            _Ten-week Stock._

Prosperity                            _Beech Tree._

Protection                            _Bearded Crepis._

Prudence                              _Mountain Ash._

Pure love                             _Single Red Pink._

Pure and ardent love                  _Double Red Pink._

Pure and lovely                       _Red Rosebud._

Purity                                _Star of Bethlehem._

Quarrel                               _Broken Corn-straw._

Quicksightedness                      _Hawk-weed._

Reason                                _Goat's Rue._

Recantation                           _Lotus Leaf._

Recall                                _Silver-leaved Geranium._

Reconciliation                        _Filbert._

Reconciliation                        _Hazel._

Refusal                               _Striped Carnation._

Regard                                _Daffodil._

Relief                                _Balm of Gilead._

Relieve my anxiety                    _Christmas Rose._

Religious superstition                _Aloe._

Religious superstition                _Passion Flower._

Religious enthusiasm                  _Schinus._

Remembrance                           _Rosemary._

Remorse                               _Bramble._

Remorse                               _Raspberry._

Rendezvous                            _Chickweed._

Reserve                               _Maple._

Resistance                            _Tremella Nestoc._

Restoration                           _Persicaria._

Retaliation                           _Scotch Thistle._

Return of happiness                   _Lily of the Valley._

Revenge                               _Birdsfoot Trefoil._

Reverie                               _Flowering Fern._

Reward of merit                       _Bay Wreath._

Reward of virtue                      _Garland of Roses._

Riches                                _Corn._

Rigour                                _Lantana._

Rivalry                               _Rocket._

Rudeness                              _Clotbur._

Rudeness                              _Xanthium._

Rural happiness                       _Yellow Violet._

Rustic beauty                         _French Honeysuckle._

Rustic oracle                         _Dandelion._

Sadness                               _Dead Leaves._

Safety                                _Traveller's Joy._

Satire                                _Prickly Pear._

Sculpture                             _Hoya._

Secret Love                           _Yellow Acacia._

Semblance                             _Spiked Speedwell._

Sensitiveness                         _Mimosa._

Sensuality                            _Spanish Jasmine._

Separation                            _Carolina Jasmine._

Severity                              _Branch of Thorns._

Shame                                 _Peony._

Sharpness                             _Barberry Tree._

Sickness                              _Anemone (Zephyr Flower)._

Silliness                             _Fool's Parsley._

Simplicity                            _American Sweetbrier._

Sincerity                             _Garden Chervil._

Slighted love                         _Yellow Chrysanthemum._

Snare                                 _Catchfly. Dragon Plant._

Solitude                              _Heath._

Sorrow                                _Yew._

Sourness of Temper                    _Barberry._

Spell                                 _Circæa._

Spleen                                _Fumitory._

Splendid beauty                       _Amaryllis._

Splendour                             _Austurtium._

Sporting                              _Fox-tail Grass._

Stedfast Piety                        _Wild Geranium._

Stoicism                              _Box Tree._

Strength                              _Cedar. Fennel._

Submission                            _Grass._

Submission                            _Harebell._

Success crown your wishes             _Coronella._

Succour                               _Juniper._

Sunbeaming eyes                       _Scarlet Lychnis._

Surprise                              _Truffle._

Susceptibility                        _Wax Plant._

Suspicion                             _Champignon._

Sympathy                              _Balm._

Sympathy                              _Thrift._

Talent                                _White Pink._

Tardiness                             _Flax-leaved Goldy-locks._

Taste                                 _Scarlet Fuchsia._

Tears                                 _Helenium._

Temperance                            _Azalea._

Temptation                            _Apple._

Thankfulness                          _Agrimony._

The colour of my fate                 _Coral Honeysuckle._

The heart's mystery                   _Crimson Polyanthus._

The perfection of female loveliness   _Justicia._

The witching soul of music            _Oats._

Thoughts                              _Pansy._

Thoughts of absent friends            _Zinnia._

Thy frown wilt kill me                _Currant._

Thy smile I aspire to                 _Daily Rose._

Ties                                  _Tendrils of Climbing Plants._

Timidity                              _Amaryllis._

Timidity                              _Marvel of Peru._

Time                                  _White Poplar._

Tranquillity                          _Mudwort._

Tranquillity                          _Stonecrop._

Tranquillize my anxiety               _Christmas Rose._

Transient beauty                      _Night-blooming Cereus._

Transient impressions                 _Withered White Rose._

Transport of joy                      _Cape Jasmine._

Treachery                             _Bilberry._

True love                             _Forget Me Not._

True Friendship                       _Oak-leaved Geranium._

Truth                                 _Bittersweet Nightshade._

Truth                                 _White Chrysanthemum._

Unanimity                             _Phlox._

Unbelief                              _Judas Tree._

Unceasing remembrance                 _American Cudweed._

Unchanging friendship                 _Arbor Vitæ._

Unconscious beauty                    _Burgundy Rose._

Unexpected meeting                    _Lemon Geranium._

Unfortunate attachment                _Mourning Bride._

Unfortunate love                      _Scabious._

Union                                 _Whole Straw._

Unity                                 _White and Red Rose together._

Unpatronized merit                    _Red Primrose._

Uselessness                           _Meadowsweet._

Utility                               _Grass._

Variety                               _China Aster._

Variety                               _Mundi Rose._

Vice                                  _Darnel (Ray Grass)._

Victory                               _Palm._

Virtue                                _Mint._

Virtue, Domestic                      _Sage._

Volubility                            _Abecedary,_

Voraciousness                         _Lupine._

Vulgar Minds                          _African Marigold._

War                                   _York and Lancaster Rose._

War                                   _Achillea Millefolia._

Warlike trophy                        _Indian Cress._

Warmth of feeling                     _Peppermint._

Watchfulness                          _Dame Violet._

Weakness                              _Moschatel_

Weakness                              _Musk Plant._

Welcome to a stranger                 _American Starwort._

Widowhood                             _Sweet Scabious._

Win me and wear me                    _Lady's Slipper._

Winning grace                         _Cowslip._

Winter                                _Guelder Rose._

Wit                                   _Meadow Lychnis._

Wit ill-timed                         _Wild Sorrel._

Witchcraft                            _Enchanter's Nightshade._

Worth beyond beauty                   _Sweet Alyssum._

Worth sustained by judicious and
tender affection                      _Pink Convolvulus._

Worthy all praise                     _Fennel._

You are cold                          _Hortensia._

You are my divinity                   _American Cowslip._

You are perfect                       _Pine Apple._

You are radiant with charms           _Ranunculus._

You are rich in attractions           _Garden Ranunculus._

You are the queen of coquettes        _Queen's Rocket._

You have no claims                    _Pasque Flower._

You please all                        _Branch of Currants._

You will be my death.                 _Hemlock._

Your charms are engraven on my heart  _Spindle Tree._

Your looks freeze me                  _Ice Plant._

Your presence softens my pains        _Milkvetch._

Your purity equals your loveliness    _Orange Blossoms._

Your qualities, like your charms,
are unequalled                        _Peach._

Your qualities surpass your charms    _Mignionette._

Youthful innocence                    _White Lilac._

Youthful love                         _Red Catchfly._

Zealousness                           _Elder._

Zest                                  _Lemon._


    I WANDERED lonely as a cloud
       That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
    When all at once I saw a crowd,
       A host of golden Daffodils;
    Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
    Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

    Continuous as the stars that shine
       And twinkle in the milky way,
    They stretched in never-ending line
       Along the margin of a bay:
    Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
    Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

    The waves beside them danced; but they
       Outdid the sparkling waves in glee;
    A poet could not but be gay,
       In such a jocund company;
    I gazed and gazed, but little thought
    What wealth the show to me had brought!

    For oft when on my couch I lie,
       In vacant or in pensive mood,
    They flash upon that inward eye
       Which is the bliss of solitude;
    And then my heart with pleasure fills,
    And dances with the Daffodils.


    _THE ROSE._

       Go, lovely Rose!
    Tell her that wastes her time on me,
       That now she knows,
    When I resemble her to thee,
    How sweet and fair she seems to be.

       Tell her that's young.
    And shuns to have her graces spied,
       That hadst thou sprung
    In deserts where no men abide,
    Thou must have uncommended died.

       Small is the worth
    Of beauty from the light retired;
       Bid her come forth,
    Suffer herself to be desired,
    And not blush so to be admired.

    Then die, that she
    The common fate of all things rare
       May read in thee;
    How small a part of time they share
    That are so wondrous sweet and fair,

       Yet, though thou fade,
    From thy dead leaves let fragrance rise
       And teach the maid
    That goodness Time's rude hand defies;
    That virtue lives when beauty dies.



    A SENSITIVE Plant in a garden grew,
    And the young winds fed it with silver dew,
    And it opened its fan-like leaves to the light,
    And closed them beneath the kisses of Night.

    * * *

    But none ever trembled and panted with bliss
    In the garden, the field, or the wilderness,
    Like doe in the noontide with love's sweet want,
    As the companionless Sensitive Plant.

    The snowdrop, and then the violet,
    Arose from the ground with warm rain wet,
    And their breath was mixed with fresh odour, sent,
    From the turf, like the voice and the instrument.

    Then the pied wind-flowers and the tulip tall,
    And narcissi, the fairest among them all,
    Who gaze on their eyes in the stream's recess,
    Till they die of their own dear loveliness.

    And the naiad-like lily of the vale.
    Whom youth makes so fair and passion so pale,
    That the light of its tremulous bells is seen
    Through their pavilions of tender green;

    And the hyacinth purple, and white, and blue,
    Which flung from its bells a sweet peal anew
    Of music so delicate, soft and intense,
    It was felt like an odour within the sense!

    And the rose like a nymph to the bath addrest,
    Which unveiled the depth of her glowing breast,
    Till, fold after fold, to the fainting air
    The soul of her beauty and love lay bare;

    And the wand-like lily, which lifted up,
    As a Mænad, its moonlight-coloured cup,
    Till the fiery star, which is its eye,
    Gazed through the clear dew on the tender sky;

    And the jessamine faint, and the sweet tuberose,
    The sweetest flower for scent that blows;
    And all rare blossoms from every clime
    Grew in that garden in perfect prime.

    The Sensitive Plant, which could give small fruit
    Of the love which it felt from the leaf to the root,
    Received more than all [flowers], it loved more than ever,
    Where none wanted but it, could belong to the giver--

    For the Sensitive Plant has no bright flower;
    Radiance and odour are not its dower;
    It loves, even like Love its deep heart is full,
    It desires what it has not, the beautiful!

    * * *

    Each and all like ministering angels were
    For the Sensitive Plant sweet joy to bear.
    Whilst the lagging hours of the day went by
    Like windless clouds o'er a tender sky.

    And when evening descended from heaven above,
    And the earth was all rest, and the air was all love,
    And delight, though less bright, was far more deep,
    And the day's veil fell from the world of sleep,

    * * *

    The Sensitive Plant was the earliest
    Up-gathered into the bosom of rest;
    A sweet child weary of its delight,
    The feeblest, and yet the favourite,
    Cradled within the embrace of night.



    TUNE--_"The Posie."_

    O LUVE will venture in, where it daur na weel be seen,
    O luve will venture in, where wisdom ance has been;
    But I will down yon river rove, amang the wood sae green,
       And a' to pu' a posie to my ain dear May.

    The primrose I will pu', the firstling o' the year,
    And I will pu' the pink, the emblem o' my dear,
    For she's the pink o' womankind, and blooms without a peer;
       And a' to be a posie to my ain dear May.

    I'll pu' the budding rose, when Phoebus peeps in view,
    For it's like a baumy kiss o' her sweet bonnie mou;
    The hyacinth's for constancy w' its unchanging blue,
       And a' to be a posie to my ain dear May.

    The lily it is pure, and the lily it is fair.
    And in her lovely bosom I'll place the lily there;
    The daisy's for simplicity and unaffected air,
       And a' to be a posie to my ain dear May.

    The hawthorn I will pu', wi' its locks o' siller grey,
    Where, like an aged man, it stands at break o' day,
    But the songster's nest within the bush I winna tak away;
       And a' to be a posie to my ain dear May.

    The woodbine I will pu' when the e'ening star is near,
    And the diamond-drops o' dew shall be her e'en sae clear:
    The violet's for modesty which weel she fa's to wear,
       And a' to be a posie to my ain dear May.

    I'll tie the posie round w' the silken band o' luve,
    And I'll place it in her breast, and I'll swear by a' above,
    That to my latest draught o' life the band shall ne'er remuve.
    And this will be a posie to my ain dear May.



    TUNE--_"There'll never be peace" &c._

    Now in her green mantle blithe Nature arrays.
    And listens the lambkins that bleat o'er the braes,
    While birds warble welcome in ilka green shaw;
    But to me it's delightless--my Nannie's awa.

    The snaw-drap and primrose our woodlands adorn,
    And violets bathe in the weet o' the morn;
    They pain my sad bosom, sae sweetly they blaw,
    They mind me o' Nannie--and Nannie's awa.

    Thou lav'rock that springs frae the dews of the lawn,
    The shepherd to warn o' the grey-breaking dawn,
    And thou mellow mavis that hails the night-fa',
    Give over for pity--my Nannie 's awa.

    Come, autumn, sae pensive, in yellow and grey,
    And sooth me wi' tidings o' Nature's decay;
    The dark, dreary winter, and wild-driving snaw,
    Alane can delight me--now Nannie's awa,


    _THEIR GROVES, &c._

    TUNE--_"Humours of Glen."_

    THEIR groves o' sweet myrtle let foreign lands reckon,
       Where bright-beaming summers exalt the perfume;
    Far dearer to me yon lone glen o' green breckan,
       Wi' the burn stealing under the lang yellow broom.

    Far dearer to me are yon humble broom bowers,
       Where the blue-bell and gowan lurk lowly unseen;
    For there, lightly tripping amang the wild flowers,
       A listening the linnet, aft wanders my Jean.



    _On turning one down with a plough, in April_ 1786.

    WEE, modest, crimson-tipped flow'r,
    Thou's met me in an evil hour;
    For I maun crush amang the stoure
             Thy slender stem;
    To spare thee now is past my po'w'r,
             Thou bonnie gem.

    Alas! it's no thy neebor sweet,
    The bonnie _Lark_, companion meet!
    Bending thee 'mang the dewy weet!
             Wi' spreckled breast,
    When upward-springing, blythe, to greet
             The purpling east.

    Could blew the bitter-biting north
    Upon thy early, humble birth;
    Yet cheerfully thou glinted forth
             Amid the storm,
    Scarce rear'd above the parent earth
             Thy tender form.

    The flaunting flow'rs our gardens yield,
    High shelt'ring woods and wa's maun shield,
    But thou beneath the random bield
             O' clod or stane,
    Adorns the histie _stibble-field,_
             Unseen, alane.

    There, in thy scanty mantle clad,
    Thy snawy bosom sun-ward spread,
    Thou lifts thy unassuming head
             In humble guise;
    But now the _share_ uptears thy bed,
             And low thou lies!

    Such is the fate of artless Maid,
    Sweet _flow'ret_ of the rural shade!
    By love's simplicity betray'd,
             And guileless trust,
    Till she, like thee, all soil'd, is laid
             Low i' the dust.

    Such is the fate of simple Bard,
    On life's rough ocean luckless starr'd!
    Unskilful he to note the card
             Of _prudent lore_,
    Till billows rage, and gales blow hard,
             And whelm him o'er!

    Such fate to _suffering worth_ is giv'n,
    Who long with wants and woes has striv'n,
    By human pride or cunning driv'n,
             To mis'ry's brink,
    Till wrench'd of ev'ry stay but _Heav'n_,
             He, ruin'd, sink!

    Ev'n thou who mourn'st the Daisy's fate,
    _That fate is thine_--no distant date;
    Stern Ruin's _plough-share_ drives, elate,
             Full on thy bloom,
    Till crush'd beneath the furrow's weight,
             Shall be thy doom!



    _On the Approach of Spring._

    Now Nature hangs her mantle green
       On every blooming tree,
    And spreads her sheets o' daisies white
       Out o'er the grassy lea;
    Now Phoebus cheers the crystal streams,
       And glads the azure skies;
    But nought can glad the weary wight
       That fast in durance lies.

    Now lav'rocks wake the merry morn,
       Aloft on dewy wing;
    The merle, in his noontide bow'r,
       Makes woodland echoes ring;
    The mavis mild wi' many a note,
       Sings drowsy day to rest:
    In love and freedom they rejoice,
       Wi' care nor thrall opprest.

    Now blooms the lily by the bank,
       The primrose down the brae;
    The hawthorn's budding in the glen,
       And milk-white is the slae;
    The meanest hind in fair Scotland
       May rove their sweets amang;
    But I, the Queen of a' Scotland,
    Maun lie in prison strang.

    I was the Queen o' bonnie France,
       Where happy I hae been;
    Fu' lightly rase I in the morn,
       As blythe lay down at e'en;
    And I'm the sov'reign of Scotland,
       And mony a traitor there;
    Yet here I lie in foreign Lands,
       And never ending care.

    But as for thee, thou false woman,
       My sister and my fae,
    Grim vengeance, yet, shall whet a sword
       That thro' thy soul shall gae:
    The weeping blood in woman's breast
       Was never known to thee;
    Nor th' balm that draps on wounds of woe
       Frae woman's pitying e'e.

    My son! my son! may kinder stars
       Upon thy fortune shine;
    And may those pleasures gild thy reign,
       That ne'er wad blink on mine!
    God keep thee frae thy mother's faes,
       Or turn their hearts to thee;
    And where thou meet'st thy mother's friend,
       Remember him for me!

    Oh! soon, to me, may summer-suns
       Nae mair light up the morn!
    Nae mair, to me, the autumn winds
       Wave o'er the yellow corn!
    And in the narrow house o' death
       Let winter round me rave;
    And the next flow'rs that deck the spring,
       Bloom on my peaceful grave!



    READ in these Roses the sad story
    Of my hard fate, and your own glory;
    In the white you may discover
    The paleness of a fainting lover;
    In the red the flames still feeding
    On my heart with fresh wounds bleeding.
    The white will tell you how I languish,
    And the red express my anguish,
    The white my innocence displaying,
    The red my martyrdom betraying;
    The frowns that on your brow resided,
    Have those roses thus divided.
    Oh! let your smiles but clear the weather,
    And then they both shall grow together.



    SWEET is the rose, but growes upon a brere;
    Sweet is the Juniper, but sharpe his bough;
    Sweet is the Eglantine, but pricketh nere;
    Sweet is the Firbloom, but his branches rough;
    Sweet is the Cypress, but his rind is tough,
    Sweet is the Nut, but bitter is his pill;
    Sweet is the Broome-flowere, but yet sowre enough;
    And sweet is Moly, but his roote is ill.
    So every sweet with sowre is tempred still,
    That maketh it be coveted the more:
    For easie things that may be got at will,
    Most sorts of men doe set but little store.
    Why then should I account of little pain,
    That endless pleasure shall unto me gaine?




    WHY do ye weep, sweet babes? Can tears
        Speak grief in you,
            Who were but born
            Just as the modest morn
        Teemed her refreshing dew?
    Alas! ye have not known that shower
        That mars a flower;
            Nor felt the unkind
            Breath of a blasting wind;
        Nor are ye worn with years;
        Or warped as we,
        Who think it strange to see
    Such pretty flowers, like to orphans young,
    Speaking by tears before ye have a tongue.

    Speak, whimpering younglings, and make known
        The reason why
            Ye droop and weep.
            Is it for want of sleep,
        Or childish lullaby?
    Or that ye have not seen as yet
        The violet?
            Or brought a kiss
            From that sweetheart to this?
        No, no; this sorrow shown
        By your tears shed,
        Would have this lecture read:
    That things of greatest, so of meanest worth.
    Conceived with grief are, and with tears brought forth.


    _A RED, RED ROSE._

    TUNE--"_Wishaw's favourite."_

    O, MY luve's like a red, red rose,
       That's newly sprung in June;
    O, my luve's like the melodie
       That's sweetly play'd in tune.

    As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,
       So deep in hive am I;
    And I will luve thee still, my dear,
       Till a' the seas gang dry.

    Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear,
       And the rocks melt w' the sun;
    I will luve thee still, my dear,
       While the sands o' life shall run.

    And fare thee weel, my only luve!
       And fare thee weel a while;
    And I will come again, my luve,
       Tho' it were ten thousand mile.


    VIRGINS promised when I died,
    That they would each primrose-tide
    Duly, morn and evening, come,
    And with flowers dress my tomb.
    --Having promised, pay your debts,
    Maids, and here strew violets.


    MUSIC, when soft voices die,
    Vibrates in the memory;
    Odours when sweet violets sicken,
    Love within the sense they quicken.

    Rose leaves, when the rose is dead,
    Are heaped for the beloved's bed;
    And so thy thoughts when thou art gone,
    Love itself shall slumber on.


    RADIANT sister of the day
    Awake! arise! and come away!
    To the wild woods and the plains,
    To the pools where winter rains
    Image all their roof of leaves,
    Where the pine its garland weaves
    Of sapless green, and ivy dun,
    Round stems that never kiss the sun,
    Where the lawns and pastures be
    And the sandhills of the sea,
    Where the melting hoar-frost wets
    The daisy star that never sets,
    And wind-flowers and violets
    Which yet join not scent to hue
    Crown the pale year weak and new:
    When the night is left behind
    In the deep east, dim and blind,
    And the blue moon is over us,
    And the multitudinous
    Billows murmur at our feet,
    Where the earth and ocean meet
    And all things seem only one
    In the universal sun.

    P. B. SHELLEY.


    FAIR Daffodils, we weep to see
       You haste away so soon;
    As yet, the early-rising sun
       Has not attained its noon.
          Stay, stay,
       Until the hastening day
          Has run
       But to the even song;
    And having prayed together, we
       Will go with you along.

    We have short time to stay as you,
       We have as short a spring;
    As quick a growth to meet decay,
       As you or any thing.
          We die,
       As your hours do, and dry
       Like to the summer's rain,
    Or as the pearls of morning's dew,
       Ne'er to be found again.



    LAY a garland on my hearse
    Of the dismal yew;
    Maidens willow branches bear;
    Say, _I died true_.
    My love was false, but I was firm
    From my hour of birth.
    Upon my buried body lie
    Lightly, gentle earth!


    MOURN, ilka grove the cushat kens!
    Ye haz'lly shaws and briery dens!
    Ye burnies, wimplin down your glens,
            Wi' toddlin din,
    Or foaming strang, wi' hasty stens,
            Frae lin to lin.

    Mourn little harebells o'er the lee;
    Ye stately foxgloves fair to see;
    Ye woodbines hanging bonnilie,
            In scented bow'rs;
    Ye roses on your thorny tree,
            The first o' flow'rs.

    At dawn, when ev'ry grassy blade
    Droops with a diamond at his head,
    At ev'n, when beans their fragrance shed,
            I' th' rustling gale,
    Ye maukins whiddin thro' the glade,
            Come join my wail.

    Mourn, spring, thou darling of the year;
    Ilk cowslip cup shall kep a tear;
    Thou, simmer, while each corny spear
            Shoots up its head,
    Thy gay, green, flow'ry tresses shear,
            For him that's dead!

    Thou, autumn, wi' thy yellow hair,
    In grief thy sallow mantle tear!
    Thou, winter, hurling thro' the air
            The roaring blast,
    Wide o'er the naked world declare
            The worth we've lost!



    Pansies, Lilies, King-cups, Daisies,
    Let them live upon their praises;
    Long as there's a sun that sets,
       Primroses will have their glory;
    Long as there are Violets,
       They will have a place in story;
    There's a flower that shall be mine,
    'Tis the little Celandine.

    Ere a leaf is on the bush,
    In the time before the thrush
    Has a thought about her nest,
       Thou wilt come with half a call,
    Spreading out thy glossy breast
       Like a careless prodigal;
    Telling tales about the sun,
    When we've little warmth, or none.

    Comfort have thou of thy merit,
    Kindly unassuming spirit!
    Careless of thy neighbourhood,
       Thou dost show thy pleasant face
    On the moor, and in the wood,
       In the lane--there's not a place,
    Howsoever mean it be,
    But 'tis good enough for thee.

    Ill befall the yellow flowers,
    Children of the flaring hours!
    Buttercups that will be seen,
       Whether we will see or no;
    Others, too, of lofty mien,
       They have done as worldlings do,
    Taken praise that should be thine,
    Little, humble Celandine!

    Prophet of delight and mirth,
    Ill requited upon earth;
    Herald of a mighty band,
       Of a joyous train ensuing,
    Serving at my heart's command,
       Tasks that are no tasks renewing;
    I will sing, as doth behove,
    Hymns in praise of what I love!



    Fair pledges of a fruitful tree,
       Why do ye fall so fast?
       Your date is not so past,
    But you may stay yet here awhile
       To blush and gently smile,
          And go at last.

    What, were you born to be,
       An hour or half's delight,
       And so to bid good-night?
    'Twas pity Nature brought ye forth,
       Merely to show your worth
          And lose you quite.

    But you are lovely leaves, where we
       May read, how soon things have
       Their end, though ne'er so brave;
    And after they have shown their pride,
       Like you, awhile, they glide
          Into the grave.



    THE nymph must lose her female friend,
       If more admired than she--
    But where will fierce contention end,
       If flowers can disagree.

    Within the garden's peaceful scene
       Appear'd two lovely foes,
    Aspiring to the rank of queen,
       The Lily and the Rose.

    The Rose soon redden'd into rage,
       And, swelling with disdain,
    Appeal'd to many a poet's page
       To prove her right to reign.

    The Lily's height bespoke command,
       A fair imperial flower;
    She seem'd designed for Flora's hand,
       The sceptre of her power.

    This civil bick'ring and debate
       The goddess chanced to hear,
    And flew to save, ere yet too late,
       The pride of the parterre.

    Yours is, she said, the nobler hue,
       And yours the statelier mien;
    And, till a third surpasses you,
       Let each be deemed a queen.

    Thus, soothed and reconciled, each seeks
       The fairest British fair:
    The seat of empire is her cheeks,
       They reign united there.



    WHY this flower is now called so,
    List, sweet maids, and you shall know.
    Understand this firstling was
    Once a brisk and bonny lass,
    Kept as close as Danae was,
    Who a sprightly springald loved;
    And to have it fully proved,
    Up she got upon a wall,
    'Tempting down to slide withal;
    But the silken twist untied,
    So she fell, and, bruised, she died.
    Jove, in pity of the deed,
    And her loving, luckless speed,
    Turn'd her to this plant we call
    Now "the flower of the wall."



    ASK me why I send you here,
    This firstling of the infant year;
    Ask me why I send to you
    This Primrose all bepearled with dew;
    I straight will whisper in your ears,
    The sweets of love are washed with tears.

    Ask me why this flower doth show
    So yellow, green, and sickly too;
    Ask me why the stalk is weak
    And bending, yet it doth not break;
    I must tell you, these discover
    What doubts and fears are in a lover.



    IN midst of all, there lay a sleeping youth
    Of fondest beauty. Sideway his face reposed
    On one white arm, and tenderly unclosed,
    By tenderest pressure, a faint damask mouth
    To slumbery pout; just as the morning south
    Disparts a dew-lipp'd rose. Above his head,
    Four lily stalks did their white honours wed
    To make a coronal; and round him grew
    All tendrils green, of every bloom and hue,
    Together intertwined and trammel'd fresh:
    The vine of glossy sprout; the ivy mesh,
    Shading its Ethiop berries; and woodbine,
    Of velvet leaves, and bugle blooms divine.
             Hard by,
    Stood serene Cupids watching silently.
    One, kneeling to a lyre, touch'd the strings,
    Muffling to death the pathos with his wings;
    And, ever and anon, uprose to look
    At the youth's slumber; while another took
    A willow bough, distilling odorous dew,
    And shook it on his hair; another flew
    In through the woven roof, and fluttering-wise,
    Rain'd violets upon his sleeping eyes.


    MODONNA, wherefore hast thou sent to me
    Sweet Basil and Mignonette,
    Embleming love and health, which never yet
    In the same wreath might be.
    Alas, and they are wet!
    Is it with thy kisses or thy tears?
    For never rain or dew
             Such fragrance drew
    From plant or flower; the very doubt endears
             My sadness ever new,
    The sighs I breathe, the tears I shed, for thee.

    P. B. SHELLEY.

    THERE grew pied Wind-flowers and Violets,
    Daisies, those pearl'd Arcturi of the earth,
    The constellated flowers that never set;
    Faint Oxlips; tender Blue-bells, at whose birth
    The sod scarce heaved; and that tall flower that wets
    Its mother's face with Heaven-collected tears,
    When the low wind, its playmate's voice, it hears.

    And in the warm hedge grew lush Eglantine,
    Green Cow-bind and the moonlight-colour'd May
    And cherry blossoms, and white cups, whose wine
    Was the bright dew yet drained not by the day;
    And Wild Roses, and Ivy serpentine
    With its dark buds and leaves, wandering astray,
    And flowers azure, black, and streaked with gold,
    Fairer than any wakened eyes behold.

    And nearer to the river's trembling edge
    There grew broad flag-flowers, purple prankt with white,
    And starry river buds among the sedge,
    And floating Water-lilies, broad and bright,
    Which lit the oak that overhung the hedge
    With moonlight beams of their own watery light;
    And bulrushes, and reeds of such deep green
    As soothed the dazzled eye with sober sheen.

    P. B. SHELLEY.

    FADE, Flow'rs! fade, Nature will have it so;
    'Tis but what we must in our autumn do!
    And as your leaves lie quiet on the ground,
    The loss alone by those that lov'd them found;
    So in the grave shall we as quiet lie,
    Miss'd by some few that lov'd our company;
    But some so like to thorns and nettles live,
    That none for them can, when they perish, grieve.



    HERE damask Roses, white and red,
       Out of my lap first take I,
    Which still shall run along the thread,
       My chiefest flower this make I.

    Amongst these Roses in a row,
       Next place I Pinks in plenty,
    These double Pansies then for show;
       And will not this be dainty?

    The pretty Pansy then I'll tie,
       Like stones some chain inchasing;
    And next to them, their near ally,
       The purple Violet placing.

    The curious choice clove July flower,
       Whose kind hight the Carnation,
    For sweetnest of most sovereign power,
       Shall help my wreath to fashion;

    Whose sundry colours of one kind,
       First from one root derived,
    Them in their several suits I'll bind:
       My garland so contrived.

    A course of Cowslips then I'll stick,
       And here and there (though sparely)
    The pleasant Primrose down I'll prick,
       Like pearls that will show rarely;

    Then with these Marigolds I'll make
       My garland somewhat swelling,
    These Honeysuckles then I'll take,
       Whose sweets shall help their smelling.

    The Lily and the Fleur-de-lis,
       For colour much contending;
    For that I them do only prize,
       They are but poor in scenting.

    The Daffodil most dainty is,
       To match with these in meetness;
    The Columbine compared to this,
       All much alike for sweetness.

    These in their natures only are
       Fit to emboss the border.
    Therefore I'll take especial care
       To place them in their order:

    Sweet-williams, Campions, Sops-in-wine,
       One by another neatly;
    Thus have I made this wreath of mine,
       And finished it featly.



    THERE is a garden in her face,
       Where roses and white lilies grow;
    A heavenly paradise is that place,
       Wherein all pleasant fruits do grow;
    There cherries grow that none may buy
       Till cherry ripe themselves do cry.

    Those cherries fairly do enclose
       Of orient pearl a double row,
    Which, when her lovely laughter shows,
       They look like rosebuds fill'd with snow;
    Yet them no peer nor prince may buy
    Till cherry ripe themselves do cry.

    Her eyes like angels watch them still,
       Her brows like bended bows do stand,
    Threatening with piercing frowns to kill
       All that approach with eye or hand
    These sacred cherries to come nigh,
    Till cherry ripe themselves do cry.



    THE pride of every grove I chose,
       The violet sweet and lily fair,
    The dappled pink and blushing rose,
       To deck my charming Cloe's hair.

    At morn the nymph vouchaf'd to place
       Upon her brow the various wreath;
    The flowers less blooming than her face,
       The scent less fragrant than her breath.

    The flowers she wore along the day;
       And every nymph and shepherd said,
    That in her hair they look'd more gay
       Than glowing in their native bed.

    Undrest, at ev'ning, when she found
       Their odours lost, their colours past;
    She chang'd her look, and on the ground
       Her garland and her eye she cast.

    That eye dropt sense distinct and clear,
       As any muse's tongue could speak,
    When from its lid a pearly tear
       Ran trickling down her beauteous cheek.

    Dissembling what I knew too well;
       My love! my life! said I, explain
    This change of humour; pray thee tell:
       That falling tear.--What does it mean?

    She sigh'd, she smil'd; and to the flowers
       Pointing, the lovely moralist said:
    See! friend, in some few fleeting hours,
    See yonder, what a change is made!

    Ah me! the blooming pride of May,
       And that of beauty are but one:
    At morn both flourish bright and gay,
       Both fade at ev'ning, pale, and gone!

    At dawn poor Stella danc'd and sung;
       The am'rous youth around her bow'd;
    At night her fatal knell was rung!
       I saw and kiss'd her in her shroud;

    Such as she is, who dy'd to-day,
       Such I, alas! may be to-morrow;
    Go, Damon, bid thy muse display
       The justice of thy Cloe's sorrow.




    GATHER ye rose-buds while ye may:
       Old Time is still a-flying;
    And this same flower that smiles to-day,
       To-morrow will be dying.

    The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun,
       The higher he's a-getting,
    The sooner will his race be run,
       And nearer he's to setting.

    That age is best, which is the first,
       When youth and blood are warmer;
    But being spent, the worse and worst
       Times will succeed the former.

    --Then be not coy, but use your time,
       And while ye may, go marry;
    For having lost but once your prime,
       You may for ever tarry.



    NOW the bright morning-star, day's harbinger,
    Comes dancing from the east, and leads with her
    The flowery May, who from her green lap throws
    The yellow cowslip, and the pale primrose.
       Hail, bounteous May, that dost inspire
       Mirth, and youth, and warm desire;
       Woods and groves are of thy dressing,
       Hill and dale doth boast thy blessing.
    Thus we salute thee with our early song,
       And welcome thee, and wish thee long.


    AMONG the myrtles as I walk'd,
    Love and my Sight thus intertalk'd:
    Tell me, said I, in deep distress,
    Where I may find my Shepherdess?
    --Thou Fool, said Love, know'st thou not this?
    In everything that's sweet she is.
    In yon'd Carnation go and seek,
    There thou shalt find her lips and cheek;
    In that enamell'd Pansy by,
    There thou shalt have her curious eye;
    In bloom of Peach and Rose's bud
    There waves the streamer of her blood.
    --'Tis true, said I; and thereupon
    I went to pluck them one by one,
    To make of parts an unión;
    But on a sudden all were gone.
    At which I stopp'd; said Love, these be
    The true resemblance of Thee;
    For as these Flowers, thy joys must die;
    And in the turning of an eye;
    And all thy hopes of her must wither,
    Like those short sweets here knit together.




    TUNE--"_Hughie Graham"_

    "O GIN my love were yon red rose,
       "That grows upon the castle wa';
    "And I mysel' a drap o' dew,
       "Into her bonnie breast to fa'!

    "Oh, there beyond expression blest,
       "I'd feast on beauty a' the night;
    "Seal'd on her silk-saft faulds to rest,
       "Till fley'd awa by Phoebus' light."

    O were my love yon lilac fair,
       Wi' purple blossoms to the spring;
    And I, a bird to shelter there,
       When wearied on my little wing;

    How I wad mourn, when it was torn
       By autumn wild, and winter rude!
    But I wad sing on wanton wing,
       When youthfu' May its bloom renew'd.[*]

    [*] These stanzas were added by BURNS.

    _THE DAISY._

       OF all the floures in the mede
    Than love I most these floures white and rede
    Soch that men callen Daisies in our town,
    To hem I have so great affection,
    As I sayd erst, when comen is the Maie.
    That in my bedde there daweth me no daie,
    That I n'am up and walking in the mede
    To see this floure ayenst the Sunne sprede;
    Whan it up riseth early by the morrow,
    That blissful sight softeneth all my sorrow.




A ACACIA                   Friendship.                              7

B BLADDER NUT TREE         Frivolity. Amusement.                    9

C COWSLIP, AMERICAN        Divine beauty. You are my divinity.      11

D DEAD LEAVES              Sadness.                                 15

E ENCHANTER'S NIGHTSHADE   Witchcraft. Sorcery.                     16

F FIG MARIGOLD             Idleness.                                17

G GRAPE, WILD              Charity.                                 19

H HYACINTH                 Sport. Game. Play.                       21

I INDIAN JASMINE (IPOMOEA) Attachment.                              23

J JACOB'S LADDER           Come down.                               24

K KENNEDIA                 Mental beauty.                           25

L LARKSPUR, PURPLE         Naughtiness.                             26

M MOSS                     Maternal love.                           28

N NETTLE TREE              Concert.                                 30

O OSMUNDA                  Dreams.                                  31

P PERIWINKLE, BLUE         Early friendship                         32

Q QUEEN'S ROCKET           You are the Queen of Coquettes. Fashion. 35

R ROSE                     Love.                                    36

S SOUTHERNWOOD             Jest. Bantering.                         38

T THRIFT                   Sympathy.                                40

V VERONICA                 Fidelity                                 42

W WOOD SORREL              Joy. Maternal tenderness.                43

X XERANTHEMUM              Cheerfulness under adversity             45

Y YEW                      Sorrow.                                  46

Z ZEPHYR FLOWER            Expectation                              47


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