Hurlbut's Bible Lessons for Boys and Girls

By Jesse Lyman Hurlbut

Project Gutenberg's Hurlbut's Bible Lessons, by Rev. Jesse Lyman Hurlbut

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Title: Hurlbut's Bible Lessons
       For Boys and Girls

Author: Rev. Jesse Lyman Hurlbut

Release Date: June 8, 2009 [EBook #29067]

Language: English


Produced by Emmy, Meredith Bach and the Online Distributed
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produced from images generously made available by The
Internet Archive)

[Transcriber's Notes: See table at end of text for explanation of
pronunciation symbols used.]







The Old Testament and the New Testament



Designed to carry one through the Old Testament in one year, and through
the New Testament in one year



          COPYRIGHTED 1907

       *       *       *       *       *



This lesson-book was prepared in order to meet a need realized in my own
work as a pastor; a need which is felt by many pastors and workers among
the young.

In the Home, Sunday-School and Church are children of all ages, from six
to sixteen. It is found impracticable to give to all this varied company
the same teaching. The lessons that are admirably adapted for boys and
girls between ten and fifteen are utterly unsuited to the children
between six and ten. Moreover after looking carefully, I have not been
able to find satisfactory lessons which can be taught to the young
children except by one especially trained for the work; and such
instructions are hard to find.

After various experiments I adopted in my own teaching the following
plan. We divided the children into two sections; the First Section
including all over nine years old, the Second Section all those under

I selected for twelve lessons, twelve Bible stories following in
succession, beginning with the story of Adam and Eve. On each of these
stories I prepared a catechism of very simple questions and answers, and
printed them by a duplicating process. After the opening of "The
Children's Hour," I told the story to all present in simple language,
explaining that while the story was told to all it was for the special
benefit of the smaller children; but =I noticed even the oldest boys and
girls listened to it with interest equal to the youngest=.

After the Bible story and the singing of a hymn, the Second Section
withdrew to another room. There the children were divided into classes,
and taught the questions and answers. A copy of the leaflet containing
the questions and answers of the story for the day was given to each
child, to be taken home and reviewed by parents or the older members of
the family.

By separating the children into two grades, the older young people can
receive instruction suited to their age, and the little ones are also
provided for.

So many pastors and others have requested copies of the leaflets
containing the questions and answers, that it has seemed desirable to
publish them; and they are now completed upon the entire Bible story,
and brought together in book form for the use of teachers of children.

These lessons may be used in classes of the Sunday School, by teachers
who desire a more consecutive treatment of the Bible story than is given
in the International Sunday School lessons, and by parents.

There are many families where "The Story of the Bible" has been read to
the interest and profit of the children. Parents will find that these
lessons will help to fix the important facts of the Bible story in the
minds of the little ones.

It will be seen that the questions and answers do not embrace all the
stories in the book. A selection has been made of what seem to be the
most important subjects, affording weekly lessons for one year, with
allowance for vacations, in the Old Testament, and another year in the
New Testament.

In the hope that these lessons may aid the children of to-day, who are
to be the men and women of to-morrow, to gain a definite knowledge of
the Word of God these lessons are sent forth.

                                                JESSE LYMAN HURLBUT.


1. Let the teacher in advance read over the questions and answers of the
lesson, note their relation to the story as told in "The Story of the
Bible," and to some extent fit the story to the lesson which is to be

2. Tell the story (or stories) of the day's lesson to the children,
following the plan given in the book. Use very simple words and avoid
all that are in any sense technical, or above the mind of a child.

3. After telling the story for the day, the children may be divided into
classes, and assistants may teach the questions and answers. But before
the close of the session it would be well to ask all the questions, and
have the answers given by the children.

4. In order to complete each course, in the Old Testament and in the
New, within a year, it may be necessary to omit some of the lessons,
where classes take a vacation in the summer. To complete the course of
each year in such classes the Reviews at the end of each series of
lessons might be omitted, although they will be valuable as summaries of
the important facts of the lesson. Some teachers might prefer to omit
from the Old Testament lessons, some of the following in order to
complete the course in a year. Lesson XXVIII David and Absalom; XXX The
Temple; XXXVI Elisha and Jonah; XXXVIII, XXXIX The Kings of Judah; XLIV
Queen Esther. These are suggested for omission not because they are
unimportant or uninteresting, but in case some lessons must be omitted.
In order to complete the course in one year in the New Testament
lessons, the following might be omitted, if some must be. XVI The
Mothers Prayer; XX The Good Shepherd; XXIII Jesus and the Children;
XXVI, XXVII The Last Teachings.



Lesson I. The Beautiful Garden.

(Tell Story 1 in "Hurlbut's Story of the Bible.")

=To the Teacher:=

Under the title of each lesson throughout these pages will be seen
instructions to tell certain lessons, with numbers. These numbered
lessons and parts correspond with the numbered lessons and parts in
"Hurlbut's Story of the Bible."

Let the teacher begin by asking, "Who can tell us what is the first
verse of the Bible?" When hands are raised, call on three or four
children to repeat the verse in turn; then let all the class repeat it
in concert. Explain what the verse means, that God made the world, and
all the things in it. Tell the story of the creation of the world; of
the first man and the first woman; the Garden of [=E]´d[)e]n, and how
[)A]d´[)a]m and [=E]ve lost their home, and were driven out. Then teach
the class the answers to the following questions. At the close of the
lesson, see that every young pupil is shown just where the questions and
answers on the lesson are found. The answers should be reviewed by
parents, or older brothers and sisters, until the child can repeat them
thoroughly, and can tell in his own language, the story of the lesson.

Questions and Answers.

=1.= What is the first verse in the Bible? ="In the beginning God
created the heavens and the earth."=

=2.= What does this mean? =That God made all things.=

=3.= In how many days does the Bible tell us that God made the world?
=In six days.=

=4.= On what day did God rest from his work? =On the seventh day.=

=5.= Whom did God make as the first man? =[)A]d´[)a]m.=

=6.= Who was the first woman? =[=E]ve.=

=7.= What place did God give to [)A]d´[)a]m and [=E]ve as their home?
=The garden of [=E]´d[)e]n.=

=8.= How long did [)A]d´[)a]m and [=E]ve live in the beautiful garden?
=As long as they did what God told them to do.=

=9.= What became of them when they did not obey God's word? =They were
driven out of the garden.=

Lesson II. The Earliest People.

(Tell Stories 2 and 3.)

=To the Teacher:=

1. In the story of C[=a]in and [=A]´b[)e]l, explain carefully what is
meant by "an altar"; and how in early times people came to God in
prayer. With little children, use the word "praying," rather than
"worship," and "gift to God" or "offering," rather than "sacrifice."

2. In the story of "The Great Ship," explain what "an ark" was, properly
a chest or box; in this story, a great ship, built not to sail fast, but
to float on the water, and to hold a great amount. Perhaps it was made
so large, not only to carry many animals and their food, but also very
many people, if the people had been willing to be saved by it.

=1.= Who was the first child of [)A]d´[)a]m and [=E]ve after they were
sent out of the garden of [=E]´d[)e]n? =C[=a]in.=

=2.= What was the name of C[=a]in's younger brother? =[=A]´b[)e]l.=

=3.= What wicked thing did C[=a]in do when the two boys grew up to be
men? =He killed his brother [=A]´b[)e]l.=

=4.= What does the Bible tell of the earliest people who were on the
earth? =They lived to be hundreds of years old.=

=5.= Who lived the longest of any of those people? =M[+e]-th[u:]´se-lah,
who lived more than nine hundred years.=

=6.= Were those who lived at that time good people? =Nearly all of them
were very wicked.=

=7.= What good man lived in those times? =[=E]´n[)o]ch, who walked with

=8.= What was the end of [=E]´n[)o]ch's life? =He did not die, but God
took him to himself.=

=9.= What came upon the earth on account of the wickedness of its
people? =A great flood.=

=10.= What good man with his family was saved from the flood? =N[=o]´ah
who built the Ark.=

=11.= On what mountain did N[=o]´ah and his family leave the ark after
the flood? =On Mount Âr´a-r[)a]t.=

Lesson III. Abram.

(Tell Stories 4 and 5. It might be well to end the story, for the
present, at the foot of page 52, and leave the story of Lot for the next

=1.= What was the name of the first large city built after the great
flood? =B[=a]´bel, afterward called B[)a]b´[)y]-lon.=

=2.= What happened to the people who were building a great tower in this
city? =They could not understand each other's speech.=

=3.= What did these people of different languages do? =They went away to
different lands.=

=4.= Who was [=A]´br[)a]m? =A good man, who prayed to God.=

=5.= To what did all the other people of [=A]´br[)a]m's time pray? =To
gods of wood and stone.=

=6.= What did God tell [=A]´br[)a]m to do? =To go to a land far away.=

=7.= What was God's promise to [=A]´br[)a]m? ="I will be with thee and
bless thee."=

=8.= To what land did [=A]´br[)a]m go, obeying God's word? =To the land
of C[=a]´n[)a]an.=

=9.= How did [=A]´br[)a]m and his family live in the land of
C[=a]´n[)a]an? =In tents, moving from place to place.=

=10.= What did [=A]´br[)a]m build whenever he set up his tent? =An altar
for prayer to God.=

Lesson IV. Abram and Lot.

(Begin at page 53 in Story 5; tell stories 6 and 8, omitting all of
Story 7, except to tell that Abram's name was changed to Abraham.)

=1.= Who was L[)o]t? =He was [=A]´br[)a]m's nephew, who at first lived
with [=A]´br[)a]m.=

=2.= Where did L[)o]t live, after he left his uncle [=A]´br[)a]m? =Near
the wicked city of S[)o]d´om.=

=3.= What happened to L[)o]t and his family at S[)o]d´om? =They were
carried away by enemies in war.=

=4.= How was L[)o]t saved from those enemies and brought back to his
home? =By [=A]´br[)a]m, who drove the enemies away.=

=5.= What new name did God give to [=A]´br[)a]m? =The name of

=6.= Who came to visit [=A]´br[)a]-h[)a]m in his tent? =Angels from

=7.= What good news did they bring to [=A]´br[)a]-h[)a]m? =That he
should have a son.=

=8.= What prayer did [=A]´br[)a]-h[)a]m make to God? =That God would not
destroy the wicked city of S[)o]d´om.=

=9.= What did God promise to [=A]´br[)a]-h[)a]m? =To spare the city, if
he should find ten good men in it.=

=10.= How many good men did the angels of God find in S[)o]d´om? =Only
one, L[)o]t.=

=11.= What came upon S[)o]d´om, and the cities near it after the angels
had sent L[)o]t away? =A rain of fire.=

Lesson V. Isaac and his Sons.

(Tell Stories 10, 11 and 12.)

=1.= What was the name of [=A]´br[)a]-h[)a]m's son? =[=I]´[s+]aac.=

=2.= What was done with [=I]´[s+]aac when he was a boy? =He was laid on
an altar.=

=3.= For what purpose was [=I]´[s+]aac laid on the altar? =To be given
to God.=

=4.= When [=I]´[s+]aac grew up, who became his wife? =R[+e]-b[)e]k´ah.=

=5.= What kind of a man was [=I]´[s+]aac? =He was a good man, who loved

=6.= Who were the two sons of [=I]´[s+]aac and R[+e]-b[)e]k´ah?
=[=E]´s[a:]u and J[=a]´cob.=

=7.= To whom did [=E]´s[a:]u sell his right as the older son? =To his
brother J[=a]´cob.=

=8.= For what price did [=E]´s[a:]u sell his birthright? =For a bowl of

=9.= What else did J[=a]´cob get that was meant for [=E]´s[a:]u? =His
father's blessing.=

Lesson VI. Jacob.

(Tell Stories 13 and 14.)

=1.= Who was J[=a]´cob? =The younger son of [=I]´[s+]aac.=

=2.= What did J[=a]´cob see in a dream at night, when he was going far
from his home? =A ladder from earth to heaven with angels on it.=

=3.= Whom did J[=a]´cob see standing at the top of the ladder? =The Lord

=4.= What did God say to J[=a]´cob at that time? ="I am with thee and
will keep thee."=

=5.= What promise did J[=a]´cob make after he saw the heavenly ladder
and heard the voice of God? ="The Lord shall be my God."=

=6.= What other name was given to J[=a]´cob many years afterward? =The
name of [)I][s+]´ra-el.=

=7.= What does the name [)I][s+]´ra-el mean? =The prince of God.=

=8.= How many sons did J[=a]´cob or [)I][s+]´ra-el have? =Twelve.=

=9.= What people came from J[=a]´cob or [)I][s+]´ra-el? =The children of
[)I][s+]´ra-el or [)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes.=

=10.= What are the [)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes called in the Bible? =The
people of God.=

=11.= Why are they called "the people of God"? =Because they prayed to
God, when other people were praying to idols.=

Lesson VII. Joseph in Egypt.

(Tell Stories 15 and 16.)

=1.= Who was J[=o]´[s+]eph? =One of the younger sous of J[=a]´cob.=

=2.= How did J[=a]´cob feel toward J[=o]´[s+]eph? =He loved
J[=o]´[s+]eph more than his older sons.=

=3.= How did J[=o]´[s+]eph's older brothers feel toward him? =They hated

=4.= How did J[=o]´[s+]eph's brothers treat J[=o]´[s+]eph? =They sold
him for a slave.=

=5.= To what land was J[=o]´[s+]eph taken and sold? =To the land of

=6.= How was J[=o]´[s+]eph treated as a slave in [=E]´[.g][)y]pt? =He
was put in prison.=

=7.= What is told of J[=o]´[s+]eph in the prison? ="The Lord was with

=8.= Who sent for J[=o]´[s+]eph in the prison? =Ph[=a]´ra[=o]h, the King
of [=E]´[.g][)y]pt.=

=9.= What did J[=o]´[s+]eph do for Ph[=a]´ra[=o]h? =He told him the
meaning of his dreams.=

=10.= What did J[=o]´[s+]eph tell Ph[=a]´ra[=o]h were coming upon the
land? =Seven years of great plenty.=

=11.= What would come after the seven years of plenty? =Seven years of
great need.=

=12.= What did King Ph[=a]´ra[=o]h do, when he heard these things? =He
made J[=o]´[s+]eph ruler over all the land.=

Lesson VIII. Joseph and his Brothers.

(Tell Stories 17, 18 and 9.)

=1.= What did J[=o]´[s+]eph do after he became ruler of [=E]´[.g][)y]pt,
during the seven years of plenty? =He saved up all the food.=

=2.= What was done with the food that was saved up by J[=o]´[s+]eph?
=The people of [=E]´[.g][)y]pt were fed in the years of need.=

=3.= Where were J[=a]´cob and his other sons, the brothers of
J[=o]´[s+]eph, living at this time? =In the land of C[=a]´n[)a]an.=

=4.= What did J[=o]´[s+]eph's brothers do to get food in the time of
need? =They went down to [=E]´[.g][)y]pt.=

=5.= How did J[=o]´[s+]eph treat his brothers when they came to him? =He
gave them food but did not tell them who he was.=

=6.= When they came the second time what did J[=o]´[s+]eph do? =He told
them who he was, and forgave them.=

=7.= What else did J[=o]´[s+]eph do for his father and his brothers? =He
sent for them all to come down to [=E]´[.g][)y]pt.=

=8.= How many were the [)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes or people of
[)I][s+]´ra-el, when they came down to [=E]´[.g][)y]pt? =Seventy

=9.= In what part of [=E]´[.g][)y]pt did they live? =In the land of

Lesson IX. The Youth of Moses.

(Tell Story 20.)

=1.= How long did the [)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes stay in [=E]´[.g][)y]pt?
=More than four hundred years.=

=2.= How did the [=E]´[.g][)y]pt-ian[s+] treat the
[)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes while J[=o]´[s+]eph lived, and for a time
afterward? =They were kind to the [)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes.=

=3.= What became of the [)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes in [=E]´[.g][)y]pt? =They
grew into a great people.=

=4.= How did the King of [=E]´[.g][)y]pt who ruled many years after
J[=o]´[s+]eph's time treat the [)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes? =He was very
cruel to them.=

=5.= How did the King treat the [)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes cruelly? =He made
them work very hard.=

=6.= What order did the King give, to keep the [)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes
from growing in number? =That all their boy babies should be killed.=

=7.= What did one [)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]te mother do with her little
baby-boy? =She left him in a little boat on the river.=

=8.= Who found the baby floating in the river? =The daughter of
Ph[=a]´ra[=o]h the King.=

=9.= What did the daughter of Ph[=a]´ra[=o]h do with the baby? =She made
him her own son.=

=10.= What was the name of this boy? =M[=o]´[s+]e[s+].=

=11.= To what land did M[=o]´[s+]e[s+] go after he grew up? =To the land
ot M[)i]d´[)i]-an.=

Lesson X. The Israelites Leaving Egypt.

(Tell Stories 21, 22 and 23.)

=1.= How long was M[=o]´[s+]e[s+] in the land of M[)i]d´[)i]-an? =Forty

=2.= What was M[=o]´[s+]e[s+] at that time? =A shepherd.=

=3.= On what mountain did M[=o]´[s+]e[s+] see a wonderful sight? =On
Mount H[=o]´reb, called also Mount S[=i]´n[=a]i.=

=4.= What did M[=o]´[s+]e[s+] see on this mountain? =A bush on fire, yet
not burned up.=

=5.= What spoke to M[=o]´[s+]e[s+] from the burning bush? =The Lord God
of [)I][s+]´ra-el.=

=6.= What did God tell M[=o]´[s+]e[s+] to do? =To bring his people out
of [=E]´[.g][)y]pt.=

=7.= Who helped M[=o]´[s+]e[s+] in this work? =His brother Aâr´on.=

=8.= Who would not allow the [)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes to go out of
[)E]´[.g][)y]pt? =Ph[=a]´ra[=o]h the King.=

=9.= What came upon Ph[=a]´ra[=o]h and the [=E]-[.g][)y]p´tian[s+] until
they were willing to let the [)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes go? =Many plagues.=

=10.= How were the [)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes at last led out of
[=E]´[.g][)y]pt? =By a pillar of cloud and of fire.=

Lesson XI. The Israelites in the Wilderness.

(Tell Stories 24, 25, 26 and 27, but make the account of the Tabernacle
very brief.)

=1.= Through what sea did God lead the [)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes when they
came out of [=E]´[.g][)y]pt? =Through the Red Sea.=

=2.= Into what land did they go from [=E]´[.g][)y]pt? =Into the
wilderness on the south of C[=a]´n[)a]an.=

=3.= What kind of a land was this wilderness? =A land without food or

=4.= What did God give to the people for food while they were in the
wilderness? =Bread from heaven.=

=5.= How did God give water to the people? =From a rock.=

=6.= Where did God speak to the people? =From Mount S[=i]´n[=a]i.=


Lesson XV. How Jericho was Taken.

(Tell Stories 1 and 2 in Part Second.)

=1.= Who became the ruler of the [)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes after
M[=o]´[s+]e[s+] died? =J[)o]sh´u-[.a].=

=2.= What did God say to J[)o]sh´u-[.a] when he took charge of the
[)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes? ="Be strong and of a good courage."=

=3.= Where was the camp of the [)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes at that time?
=Beside the river Jôr´dan.=

=4.= What land was in front of them across the river? =The land of

=5.= What city of C[=a]´n[)a]an was near to the river? =The city of

=6.= Whom did J[)o]sh´u-[.a] send to look at the city of
J[)e]r´[)i]-ch[=o]? =Two spies.=

=7.= What woman hid the two spies and saved their lives? =R[=a]´h[)a]b.=

=8.= How did God help the [)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes to cross the river
Jôr´dan? =The river became dry.=

=9.= How did God help them to take the city of J[)e]r´[)i]-ch[=o]? =Its
walls fell down.=

=10.= What became of R[=a]´h[)a]b, who had helped the spies? =Her life
was saved.=

Lesson XVI. How the Land of Canaan was Won.

(Tell Stories 3, 4, 5 and 7 in Part Second. Omit Story 6.)

=1.= To what place did J[)o]sh´u-[.a] lead the [)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes
after J[)e]r´[)i]-ch[=o] had been taken? =To Sh[=e]´chem, in the middle
of the land.=

=2.= What did J[)o]sh´u-[.a] do near Sh[=e]´chem? =He read God's law to
the people.=

=3.= Where was the great battle fought between J[)o]sh´u-[.a] and the
C[=a]´n[)a]an-[=i]tes? =At B[)e]th=h[=o]´r[)o]n.=

=4.= What is told about this battle? =The sun and moon stood still.=

=5.= What did J[)o]sh´u-[.a] and the [)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes do in this
war? =They took the land from the C[=a]´n[)a]an-[=i]tes.=

=6.= What was the land of C[=a]´n[)a]an called after this war? =The land
of [)I][s+]´ra-el.=

=7.= Into how many parts did J[)o]sh´u-[.a] divide the land? =Into
twelve parts for the twelve tribes.=

=8.= After whom were these tribes named? =After the sons of J[=a]´cob.=

=9.= Where, near the middle of the lands, did J[)o]sh´u-[.a] set up the
Tabernacle for the worship of God? =At Sh[=i]´l[=o]h.=

=10.= What did J[)o]sh´u-[.a], before he died, tell the people they must
do? =Fear the Lord and serve him.=

=11.= What promise did the people make to J[)o]sh´u-[.a]? ="We will
serve the Lord, and the Lord only."=

Lesson XVII. The Earlier Judges.

(Tell Stories 8, 9 and 10 in Part Second.)

=1.= Did the [)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes keep the promise which they had made
to serve the Lord only? =No, they forgot God, and served idols.=

=2.= What came upon them because of their sins? =They fell under the
power of their enemies.=

=3.= Who many times brought the people back to God, and set them free
from their enemies? =Rulers who were called Judges.=

=4.= How many of these "judges" in turn ruled over the
[)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes? =Fifteen.=

=5.= Who was the first of the judges? =[)O]th´n[)i]-el.=

=6.= What one of the judges was a woman? =D[)e]b´o-rah, the fourth

=7.= What did D[)e]b´o-rah do for the [)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes? =She led
them to a great victory over the C[=a]´n[)a]an-[=i]tes.=

=8.= Who was the greatest of all the judges? =[=G][)i]d´e-on, the fifth

=9.= What did [=G][)i]d´e-on do for the people? =He won victories over
the M[)i]d´[)i]-an-[=i]tes.=

=10.= Who helped [=G][)i]d´e-on to win his first great victory? =A band
of three hundred brave men.=

Lesson XVIII. The Later judges.

(Omit Stories 11 and 13. Tell Stories 12 and 14 in Part Second.)

=1.= What enemies gave to the [)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes the greatest
trouble in the time of the judges? =The Ph[)i]-l[)i]s´t[)i]ne[s+].=

=2.= Who began to set [)I][s+]´ra-el free from the
Ph[)i]-l[)i]s´t[)i]ne[s+]? =S[)a]m´son.=

=3.= For what was S[)a]m´son famed? =For his great strength.=

=4.= What did S[)a]m´son once carry away from a city? =The gates of

=5.= What did the Ph[)i]-l[)i]s´t[)i]ne[s+] do to S[)a]m´son when they
made him prisoner? =They put out his eyes.=

=6.= What did S[)a]m´son do to the Ph[)i]-l[)i]s´t[)i]ne[s+] afterward?
=He pulled down a temple upon them.=

=7.= What good woman came to live among the [)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes in
the time of the Judges? =R[u:]th.=

=8.= In what city did R[u:]th live? =B[)e]th´=l[)e]-h[)e]m.=

=9.= What rich man married R[u:]th? =B[=o]´[)a]z.=

=10.= What king was the great grandson of B[=o]´[)a]z and R[u:]th?

Lesson XIX. The Last of the Judges.

(Omit Stories 13 and 14 in Part Second. Tell Stories 15, 16, 17.)

=1.= Who was the fourteenth of the fifteen judges in [)I][s+]´ra-el?
=[=E]´l[=i], who was also priest.=

=2.= What woman brought her little child to [=E]´l[=i] in the house of
God? =H[)a]n´nah.=

=3.= What was her little boy's name? =S[)a]m´u-el.=

=4.= Where did S[)a]m´u-el grow up? =In the house of the Lord.=

=5.= What came to S[)a]m´u-el while he was a child? =The voice of the

=6.= What did S[)a]m´u-el answer when the Lord spoke to him? ="Speak,
for thy servant heareth."=

=7.= What was S[)a]m´u-el when he became a man? =The last of the judges
in [)I][s+]´ra-el.=

=8.= What did S[)a]m´u-el do as Judge? =He brought the people back to

=9.= What did the prayers of S[)a]m´u-el give to the people? =Victory
over their enemies.=

=10.= What is said of S[)a]m´u-el as a ruler? =He was wise and good.=

=11.= At what place did S[)a]m´u-el live while he was judge? =At

Lesson XX. The First King of Israel.

(Tell Story 18 in Part Second.)

=1.= When S[)a]m´u-el grew old, what did the people ask him to do? =To
give them a king.=

=2.= Why did the [)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes wish for a king? =To be like the
others around them.=

=3.= Why was S[)a]m´u-el not pleased at this? =Because he wished God to
be the king of [)I][s+]´ra-el.=

=4.= What did God tell S[)a]m´u-el to do? =To let the people have a

=5.= Whom did God choose as the first king of [)I][s+]´ra-el? =A young
man named S[a:]ul.=

=6.= How did S[a:]ul look when he was made king? =He was the tallest man
of all the people.=

=7.= What did the people say when they saw their new king? ="Long live
the King."=

=8.= What did S[)a]m´u-el do for the king and the people? =He wrote the
laws of the land in a book.=

=9.= Where did S[a:]ul live as king? =At [=G][)i]b´e-ah.=

Lesson XXI. Review of Bible People, from Joshua to Saul.

(With each name, tell enough of the story to recall it to the minds of
the pupils.)

=1.= Who was the ruler of the [)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes after
M[=o]´[s+]e[s+] died? =J[)o]sh´u-[.a].=

=2.= What woman hid the spies and was saved by the
[)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes when her city was taken? =R[=a]´h[)a]b.=

=3.= Who ruled the [)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes in turn after J[)o]sh´u-[.a]?
=Fifteen judges.=

=4.= Who was the first judge? =[)O]th´n[)i]-el.=

=5.= Who was the woman judge? =D[)e]b´o-rah.=

=6.= Who was the greatest of the judges? =[=G][)i]d´e-on.=

=7.= What judge offered up his daughter? =J[)e]ph´thah.=

=8.= What judge was a very strong man? =S[)a]m´son.=

=9.= What old man was at the same time judge and priest? =[=E]´l[=i].=

=10.= Who was the last of the judges? =S[)a]m´u-el.=

=11.= Who was the mother of S[)a]m´u-el? =H[)a]n´nah.=

=12.= Who was the first king of [)I][s+]´ra-el? =S[a:]ul.=

Lesson XXII. Review of Bible Places in Part Second.

(Tell enough of the story with each place to recall the name to the

=1.= What land was won by J[)o]sh´u-[.a] and the [)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes
in war? =The land of C[=a]´n[)a]an.=

=2.= What river stopped flowing while the [)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes walked
across its bed? =The Jôr´dan river.=

=3.= What city was taken by the [)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes when its walls
fell down? =J[)e]r´[)i]-ch[=o].=

=4.= Near what place did J[)o]sh´u-[.a] read the law of God to the
[)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes? =Near the city of Sh[=e]'chem.=

=5.= At what battle do we read that the sun and moon stood still? =The
battle of B[)e]th=h[=o]´r[)o]n.=

=6.= What name was given to the land of C[=a]´n[)a]an after it was taken
by the [)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes? =The land of [)I][s+]´ra-el.=

=7.= Where were the Tabernacle and the ark of God placed after the land
was won? =At Sh[=i]´l[=o]h.=

=8.= Where did S[)a]m´u-el live while he was judge? =At R[=a]´mah.=

=9.= Where did S[a:]ul live while he was king? =At [=G][)i]b´e-ah.=


Lesson XXIII. Saul as King.

(Tell Stories 1, 2 and 3 in Part Third.)

=1.= How did S[a:]ul begin his rule as king of [)I][s+]´ra-el? =He began
by doing brave deeds.=

=2.= What good things did S[a:]ul do soon after he became king? =He
drove away the enemies of [)I][s+]´ra-el.=

=3.= Who helped S[a:]ul in his wars? =His brave son J[)o]n´a-than.=

=4.= Over what enemies did J[)o]n´a-than win a great victory? =Over the

=5.= Who spoke to S[a:]ul the word of the Lord? =S[)a]m´u-el, the

=6.= What is a prophet? =A man who speaks God's word.=

=7.= What did S[a:]ul do that was wrong? =He disobeyed God's words.=

=8.= What did S[)a]m´u-el say to S[a:]ul? ="Obeying God is better than

=9.= What did S[)a]m´u-el say that the Lord would do to S[a:]ul? =That
he would take the kingdom from him.=

=10.= How did S[)a]m´u-el feel when he saw that S[a:]ul would not obey
the Lord? =He wept for S[a:]ul.=

Lesson XXIV. The Boy David.

(Tell Stories 4 and 5 in Part Third.)

=1.= To what place did God send S[)a]m´u-el to find a king in the place
of S[a:]ul? =To B[)e]th´=l[)e]-h[)e]m.=

=2.= Whom did God show to S[)a]m´u-el at B[)e]th´=l[)e]-h[)e]m, as the
one whom he had chosen? =A boy named D[=a]´vid.=

=3.= Whose son was D[=a]´vid? =The son of an old man named J[)e]s´se.=

=4.= What was D[=a]´vid at this time? =He was a shepherd.=

=5.= What did S[)a]m´u-el do, to show that D[=a]´vid was to be king? =He
poured oil on his head.=

=6.= What did D[=a]´vid do while caring for his sheep? =He made music on
his harp.=

=7.= Who sent for D[=a]´vid to play before him? =King S[a:]ul.=

=8.= With what people were the [)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes at war most of the
time while S[a:]ul was king? =The Ph[)i]-l[)i]s-t[)i]ne[s+].=

=9.= What Ph[)i]-l[)i]s-t[)i]ne dared the [)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes to
choose a man to fight with him? =A giant named G[+o]-l[=i]´ath.=

=10.= Who fought the giant and killed him? =The boy D[=a]´vid.=

=11.= With what did D[=a]´vid fight the giant? =With a sling and stone.=

Lesson XXV. David and Saul.

(Tell Stories 6, 7 and 8 in Part Third.)

=1.= What did S[a:]ul do with D[=a]´vid after D[=a]´vid had killed the
Ph[)i]-l[)i]s´t[)i]ne giant? =He made D[=a]´vid an officer in his army.=

=2.= Whom did D[=a]´vid marry after this? =A daughter of King S[a:]ul.=

=3.= How did King S[a:]ul feel toward D[=a]´vid? =He was very jealous.=

=4.= How did S[a:]ul show that he was jealous? =He tried to kill

=5.= Who loved D[=a]´vid greatly? =S[a:]ul's son J[)o]n´a-than.=

=6.= What promise did D[=a]´vid make to J[)o]n´a-than? =To be true to
him and kind to his children.=

=7.= What did D[=a]´vid do on account of S[a:]ul's hate? =He hid in the

=8.= How did D[=a]´vid treat S[a:]ul, when he found him asleep in a
cave? =He spared his life.=

Lesson XXVI. The End of Saul's Reign.

(Tell Stories 9 and 10 in Part Third.)

=1.= What is said of S[a:]ul, in the latter part of his reign? =The Lord
had left S[a:]ul.=

=2.= Why did the Lord leave S[a:]ul? =Because S[a:]ul would not obey the

=3.= What showed that the Lord had left S[a:]ul? =There was no one to
help him in his need.=

=4.= What people were at war with the [)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes nearly all
the time that S[a:]ul was king? =The Ph[)i]-l[)i]s-t[)i]ne[s+].=

=5.= Where was fought the last battle of S[a:]ul's reign? =On Mount

=6.= Which side was beaten in the battle of Mount [=G][)i]l-b[=o]´[.a]?
=S[a:]ul and the [)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes.=

=7.= What brave man was killed in the battle? =S[a:]ul's son

=8.= What did S[a:]ul do after this battle? =He killed himself.=

=9.= How long had S[a:]ul ruled as king? =Forty years.=

=10.= What did D[=a]´vid do when he heard of S[a:]ul's death? =He
mourned for S[a:]ul and J[)o]n´a-than.=

=11.= After S[a:]ul's death what tribe chose D[=a]´vid as its king? =The
tribe of J[=u]´dah.=

Lesson XXVII. David, King of Israel.

(Tell Stories 11 and 12 in Part Third.)

=1.= How long did D[=a]´vid reign as king over the tribe of J[=u]´dah
only? =Seven years.=

=2.= What did the people of the land do seven years after S[a:]ul was
killed? =They made D[=a]´vid king over all [)I][s+]´ra-el.=

=3.= How did D[=a]´vid find the land when he became king? =It was weak
and in the power of enemies.=

=4.= What great city did D[=a]´vid take from his enemies? =The city of

=5.= On what mountain was the city of J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m? =On
Mount Z[=i]´[)o]n.=

=6.= What did D[=a]´vid do with J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m after he had
taken it? =He made it strong and lived in it.=

=7.= What enemies did D[=a]´vid drive out of the land? =The

=8.= What did D[=a]´vid bring to J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m? =The ark of

=9.= What did D[=a]´vid win by war? =Rule over all the lands around

=10.= Whose son did D[=a]´vid treat kindly after he became king? =The
son of J[)o]n´a-than.=

Lesson XXVIII. David and Absalom.

(Tell Stories 13, 14 and 15 in Part Third.)

=1.= What wicked thing did King D[=a]´vid do? =He caused one of his
brave soldiers to be killed.=

=2.= For what purpose was this done? =So that D[=a]´vid might marry the
soldier's wife.=

=3.= Who came to D[=a]´vid and told him that he had done wickedly? =The
prophet N[=a]´than.=

=4.= In what story did N[=a]´than show the king how wickedly he had
acted? =In the story of a little lamb.=

=5.= What did D[=a]´vid say when N[=a]´than spoke to him? ="I have
sinned against the Lord."=

=6.= What did N[=a]´than say should come to D[=a]´vid because of his
sin? =He should be made to suffer.=

=7.= What son of D[=a]´vid tried to take his kingdom from him?

=8.= How far did [)A]b´sa-l[)o]m succeed? =He drove D[=a]´vid away from

=9.= Where was the battle fought between the men of [)A]b´sa-l[)o]m and
the men of D[=a]´vid? =In the wood of [=E]´phr[)a]-[)i]m.=

=10.= What happened to [)A]b´sa-l[)o]m in the battle? =He was killed.=

=11.= What came to D[=a]´vid? =He reigned again as king.=

Lesson XXIX. Solomon.

(Omit Story 16. Tell Stories 17 and 18 in Part Third.)

=1.= What did D[=a]´vid wish to do while he was king? =To build a temple
to the Lord.=

=2.= Why would not God allow D[=a]´vid to build the temple? =Because he
had been a man of war.=

=3.= What did God promise to D[=a]´vid? =That his son should build the

=4.= How long did D[=a]´vid reign? =Forty years, seven over J[=u]´dah
and thirty-three over [)I][s+]´ra-el.=

=5.= What does the Bible say of D[=a]´vid as king? =He was the greatest
and best of all the kings of [)I][s+]´ra-el.=

=6.= Whom did D[=a]´vid make king before he died? =His son

=7.= What did S[)o]l´o-mon have through all his reign? =Peace in all the

=8.= What did the Lord say to S[)o]l´o-mon at night? ="Ask what I shall
give you."=

=9.= For what did S[)o]l´o-mon ask the Lord? =For wisdom to rule the

=10.= What did God promise to give to S[)o]l´o-mon besides wisdom?
=Riches, and honor, and long life.=

Lesson XXX. The Temple.

(Tell Stories 19 and 20, in Part Third.)

=1.= What was the greatest work in the reign of S[)o]l´o-mon? =The
building of the temple.=

=2.= For what purpose was the temple built? =For the house of God.=

=3.= Where was the temple built? =On Mount M[+o]-r[=i]´ah.=

=4.= Of what older building was it a copy in its plan? =The Tabernacle.=

=5.= What stood in front of the temple? =An open court.=

=6.= What were the two rooms of the building? =The holy place, and the
holy of holies.=

=7.= What was kept in the holy of holies? =The ark of the covenant.=

=8.= What was in the ark of the covenant? =The ten commandments.=

=9.= For what was S[)o]l´o-mon known throughout the world? =For his

=10.= What queen came from a far country to see S[)o]l´o-mon? =The Queen
of Sh[=e]´b[.a].=

Lesson XXXI. Review of Part Third.

(Tell enough of the stories to help the pupils in answering the

=1.= Who was the first king of [)I][s+]´ra-el? =S[a:]ul.=

=2.= Where did S[a:]ul live as king? =At [=G][)i]b´e-ah.=

=3.= What was the name of S[a:]ul's brave son? =J[)o]n´a-than.=

=4.= Who spoke to S[a:]ul the word of the Lord? =S[)a]m´u-el.=

=5.= Why was the kingdom taken from S[a:]ul? =Because he disobeyed God.=

=6.= Whom did God choose for king in place of S[a:]ul? =D[=a]´vid.=

=7.= Where did D[=a]´vid live as a boy? =At B[)e]th´=l[)e]-h[)e]m.=

=8.= What was the name of the giant whom D[=a]´vid killed?

=9.= Where did D[=a]´vid hide from S[a:]ul? =In the wilderness.=

=10.= What people were at war with S[a:]ul and the
[)I][s+]´ra-el-[=i]tes? =The Ph[)i]-l[)i]s´t[)i]ne[s+].=

=11.= Where was S[a:]ul killed? =On Mount [=G][)i]l-b[=o]´[.a].=

=12.= Who became king after S[a:]ul? =D[=a]´vid.=

=13.= What city did D[=a]´vid take from enemies and make his home?

=14.= Who tried to make himself king in place of D[=a]´vid?

=15.= Who was king after D[=a]´vid? =S[)o]l´o-mon.=

=16.= What did S[)o]l´o-mon build? =The temple.=


Lesson XXXII. The Two Kingdoms.

(Tell Stories 1 and 2 of Part Fourth.)

=1.= What took place after King S[)o]l´o-mon died? =The kingdom was

=2.= What was the larger part called? =The kingdom of [)I][s+]´ra-el.=

=3.= How many of the tribes were in the kingdom of [)I][s+]´ra-el? =Ten
of the twelve tribes.=

=4.= Who was the first king of the Ten Tribes of [)I][s+]´ra-el?

=5.= What was the smaller part called? =The kingdom of J[=u]´dah.=

=6.= What tribes were in the kingdom of J[=u]´dah? =J[=u]´dah and

=7.= Who was the first king of J[=u]´dah? =R[=e]-ho-b[=o]´am the son of

=8.= What wicked thing did J[)e]r-o-b[=o]´am the king of [)I][s+]´ra-el
do? =He led his people away from God.=

=9.= What did J[)e]r-o-b[=o]´am lead his people to do? =To pray to

=10.= What is J[)e]r-o-b[=o]´am called in the Bible? ="J[)e]r-o-b[=o]´am
who made [)I][s+]´ra-el to sin."=

=11.= What did the prophet of God tell J[)e]r-o-b[=o]´am? =That the
kingdom should be taken from his family.=

Lesson XXXIII. Elijah.

(Read Story 3 in Part Fourth.)

=1.= Who was the most wicked of all the kings of [)I][s+]´ra-el?

=2.= What was the name of [=A]´h[)a]b's wife, who led him to wickedness?

=3.= At what city did the kings of [)I][s+]´ra-el live? =At

=4.= What great prophet came at the time while [=A]´h[)a]b was king?

=5.= What did [+E]-l[=i]´jah tell King [=A]´h[)a]b? =That no rain should
come upon the land.=

=6.= Where did [+E]-l[=i]´jah hide from King [=A]´h[)a]b? =By the brook

=7.= Who brought him food while he was by the brook? =Wild birds called

=8.= Where did God send [+E]-l[=i]´jah afterward? =To the city of

=9.= Who cared for [+E]-l[=i]´jah in that city? =A poor widow.=

=10.= What did [+E]-l[=i]´jah do for this widow? =He brought her dead
son to life.=

Lesson XXXIV. Elijah on Carmel and Horeb.

(Tell Stories 4 and 5 in Part Fourth.)

=1.= For how long did no rain fall on the land of [)I][s+]´ra-el? =For
more than three years.=

=2.= At what place did [+E]-l[=i]´jah call for all the people to meet
him after three years? =On Mount Cär´mel.=

=3.= What did [+E]-l[=i]´jah tell them to build on Mount Cär´mel?
=Two altars.=

=4.= For whom were these altars? =One for God, and the other for the
idol called B[=a]´al.=

=5.= What came upon God's altar when [+E]-l[=i]´jah prayed? =Fire from

=6.= What also came in answer to [+E]-l[=i]´jah's prayer? =A great

=7.= Who tried to kill [+E]-l[=i]´jah after this? =Queen

=8.= Where did [+E]-l[=i]´jah go to escape from J[)e]z´e-b[)e]l? =To
Mount H[=o]´reb in the wilderness.=

=9.= Who spoke to [+E]-l[=i]´jah there? =The Lord God.=

=10.= What did the Lord give to [+E]-l[=i]´jah? =A great work to do.=

=11.= Whom did [+E]-l[=i]´jah call to go with him and help him?

Lesson XXXV. The Prophet Elisha.

(Omit Stories 6, 7, 8. Tell Stories 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 in Part Fourth. In
Story 10, tell only about "The Spring Sweetened by Salt.")

=1.= How was the prophet [+E]-l[=i]´jah taken to heaven? =In a chariot
of fire.=

=2.= Who took [+E]-l[=i]´jah's place as prophet? =[+E]-l[=i]´sh[.a].=

=3.= How did [+E]-l[=i]´sh[.a] make the bitter water of a spring sweet?
=By pouring in salt.=

=4.= How did [+E]-l[=i]´sh[.a] help a poor woman to pay a debt? =By a
vessel of oil.=

=5.= What lady built a room in her house for [+E]-l[=i]´sh[.a]? =The
woman of Sh[u:]´nem.=

=6.= What did [+E]-l[=i]´sh[.a] do for this woman? =He raised her son to

=7.= What S[)y]r´[)i]-an general came to [+E]-l[=i]´sh[.a]?

=8.= What disease did N[=a]´a-man have? =He was a leper.=

=9.= What did [+E]-l[=i]´sh[.a] tell him to do? =To wash seven times in
the river Jôr´dan.=

=10.= What took place when he had washed? =He was made well.=

Lesson XXXVI. Elisha and Jonah.

(Tell Stories 14 and 17 in Part Fourth. Omit Stories 15 and 16.)

=1.= With what land was [)I][s+]´ra-el often at war in the time of the
Kings? =With S[)y]r´[)i]-[.a].=

=2.= Who greatly helped the king of [)I][s+]´ra-el by his power as a
prophet? =[+E]-l[=i]´sh[.a].=

=3.= At what place did the S[)y]r´[)i]-an[s+] send an army to make
[+E]-l[=i]´sh[.a] their prisoner? =At D[=o]´than.=

=4.= What did the servant of [+E]-l[=i]´sh[.a] see around
[+E]-l[=i]´sh[.a] to keep him safe from the S[)y]r´[)i]-an[s+]?
=Chariots and horses of fire.=

=5.= Who came to visit [+E]-l[=i]´sh[.a] when he was dying?
=J[=o]´[)a]sh the King of [)I][s+]´ra-el.=

=6.= What did the dying [+E]-l[=i]´sh[.a] promise to the king? =Victory
over the S[)y]r´[)i]-an[s+].=

=7.= What prophet was sent to preach to a great city? =J[=o]´nah.=

=8.= To what city was J[=o]´nah sent? =To N[)i]n´e-veh.=

=9.= What wonderful thing happened to J[=o]´nah? =He was for three days
inside a great fish.=

=10.= What did J[=o]´nah do afterward? =He preached to the people of

Lesson XXXVII. The Ten Tribes Lost; with Review of Part Fourth.

(Read Story 18 in Part Fourth, and recall of the other stories as much
as may be needed for the Review.)

=1.= How many tribes were in the kingdom of [)I][s+]´ra-el? =Ten.=

=2.= Who was the first king of the Ten Tribes? =J[)e]r-o-b[=o]´am.=

=3.= How many kings ruled over [)I][s+]´ra-el or the Ten Tribes?

=4.= What is said of these kings? =Nearly all of them were wicked.=

=5.= Who was the most wicked of all the kings of [)I][s+]´ra-el?

=6.= Who was [=A]´h[)a]b's wife? =Queen J[)e]z´e-b[)e]l.=

=7.= What was the chief city in the kingdom of [)I][s+]´ra-el?

=8.= What great prophet lived in the times of [=A]´h[)a]b and
J[)e]z´e-b[)e]l? =[+E]-l[=i]´jah.=

=9.= How was [+E]-l[=i]´jah fed while hiding by a brook? =By ravens.=

=10.= Where did he restore to life a widow's son? =At

=11.= Where did he call down fire from heaven upon an altar? =On Mount

=12.= Where did God talk with [+E]-l[=i]´jah? =At Mount H[=o]´reb.=

=13.= How was [+E]-l[=i]´jah taken to heaven? =In a chariot of fire.=

=14.= Who was the prophet after [+E]-l[=i]´jah? =[+E]-l[=i]´sh[.a].=

=15.= How did [+E]-l[=i]´sh[.a] make a bitter spring fresh? =By pouring
in salt.=

=16.= What woman's son did [+E]-l[=i]´sh[.a] raise to life? =The woman
of Sh[u:]´nem.=

=17.= What S[)y]r´[)i]-an general did [+E]-l[=i]´sh[.a] cure of leprosy?

=18.= Where were chariots and horses of fire seen around
[+E]-l[=i]´sh[.a]? =At D[=o]´than.=

=19.= Who lived three days inside a great fish? =J[=o]´nah.=

=20.= To what land were the Ten Tribes carried away as prisoners? =To


Lesson XXXVIII. The Early Kings of Judah.

(Tell Stories 1, 2 and 3 in Part Fifth.)

=1.= Where was the kingdom of J[=u]´dah? =West of the Dead Sea.=

=2.= What was its chief city? =J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m.=

=3.= How many kings reigned over the kingdom of J[=u]´dah? =Nineteen
kings and one queen.=

=4.= To what family did all these kings belong? =To the family of

=5.= Who was the first king of J[=u]´dah? =R[=e]-ho-b[=o]´am.=

=6.= Who was the greatest and strongest of the kings of J[=u]´dah?

=7.= What wicked woman made herself queen and ruled the land?

=8.= What little boy was crowned king after [)A]th-a-l[=i]´ah?

=9.= What king became a leper? =[)U]z-z[=i]´ah.=

=10.= What great prophet lived in J[=u]´dah at that time and saw the
Lord in the temple? =[=I]-[s+][=a]´iah.=

Lesson XXXIX. The Later Kings of Judah.

(Tell Stories 4, 5 and 6 in Part Fifth.)

=1.= Who was the best of all the kings of J[=u]´dah?

=2.= From what enemies did the Lord save the city of
J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m in the time of H[)e]z-e-k[=i]´ah? =From the

=3.= What bad king became good after being put into prison?

=4.= What king while he was young chose the Lord and followed him?

=5.= What lost book was found in the temple in the time of
J[+o]-s[=i]´ah? =The book of the law.=

=6.= Who was the last king of J[=u]´dah? =Z[)e]d-e-k[=i]´ah.=

=7.= What prophet warned the people by J[=u]´dah of evils that were
coming? =J[)e]r-e-m[=i]´ah.=

=8.= What great king over many lands came against
J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m? =N[)e]b-u-chad-n[)e]z´zar.=

=9.= What did N[)e]b-u-chad-n[)e]z´zar do? =He burned the city and the

=10.= To what land did he carry away all the people of J[=u]´dah? =To
the land of B[)a]b-[)y]-l[=o]´n[)i]-a.=

Lesson XL. The Jews in Babylon.

(Tell Stories 7, 8 and 9 in Part Fifth.)

=1.= By what name were the people of J[=u]´dah called, after they were
taken to B[)a]b´[)y]-lon? =By the name Jew[s+].=

=2.= What prophet among them saw a vision? =[+E]-z[=e]´k[)i]-el.=

=3.= What prophet lived in the palace of King N[)e]b-u-chad-n[)e]z´zar?

=4.= What did D[)a]n´iel and his Jew´[)i]sh friends in the palace refuse
to eat? =The meat and wine of the king.=

=5.= What did God help D[)a]n´iel to do for King
N[)e]b-u-chad-n[)e]z´zar? =To tell him the meaning of his dreams.=

=6.= What did three friends of D[)a]n´iel refuse to do? =To bow down
before a golden image.=

=7.= What was done to these men? =They were thrown into a furnace of

=8.= Whom did King N[)e]b-u-chad-n[)e]z´zar see with those men in the
fire? =The Lord God.=

=9.= What did God do for these men in the fire? =He kept them alive.=

Lesson XLI. Daniel.

(Tell Stories 10, 11, and 12 in Part Fifth.)

=1.= What came upon King N[)e]b-u-chad-n[)e]z´zar? =He lost his mind for
seven years.=

=2.= What became of the B[)a]b-[)y]-l[=o]´n[)i]-an kingdom when
N[)e]b-u-chad-n[)e]z´zar died? =It lost its power.=

=3.= Who was the last king in B[)a]b´[)y]-lon? =B[)e]l-sh[)a]z´zar.=

=4.= What did B[)e]l-sh[)a]z´zar see one night in his palace? =A hand
writing on the wall.=

=5.= Who read the writing to the king? =D[)a]n´iel.=

=6.= What did the writing mean? =That his kingdom was ended.=

=7.= How was the kingdom ended? =The city was taken and
B[)e]l-sh[)a]z´zar was killed.=

=8.= What kingdom took the place of the B[)a]b-[)y]-l[=o]´n[)i]-an
kingdom? =The kingdom of P[~e]r´[s+]i[.a].=

=9.= What was done to D[)a]n´iel after this? =He was thrown into a den
of lions.=

=10.= How was D[)a]n´iel saved from the lions? =The Lord shut the lions'

Lesson XLII. The Return from Babylon.

(Tell Stories 13 and 14 in Part Fifth.)

=1.= Who broke up the B[)a]b-[)y]-l[=o]´n[)i]-an kingdom and formed the
kingdom of P[~e]r´[s+]i[.a]? =Ç[=y]´rus.=

=2.= How did Ç[=y]´rus, the new king, treat the Jew[s+] who were in
B[)a]b´[)y]-lon? =He was kind to them.=

=3.= What did Ç[=y]´rus allow the Jew[s+] to do? =To go back to their
own land.=

=4.= How long had the Jew[s+] been in the land of B[)a]b´[)y]-lon?
=Seventy years.=

=5.= What happy journey did the Jew[s+] take? =To the land of

=6.= What city did they begin to build again? =The city of

=7.= What house did they build? =The temple of God.=

=8.= Who led the Jew[s+] in their journey and their building?
=Z[+e]-r[)u]b´ba-b[)e]l the ruler.=

=9.= What prophet encouraged the people to build? =H[)a]g´ga-[=i] and

Lesson XLIII. Queen Esther.

(Tell Story 15 in Part Fifth.)

=1.= In what city did the king of P[~e]r´[s+]i[.a] live? =In the city of

=2.= What beautiful Jew´[)i]sh girl lived in Sh[u:]´shan?

=3.= Who cared for [)E]s´th[~e]r and brought her up? =Her cousin

=4.= Who was the king of P[~e]r´[s+]i[.a] at that time?

=5.= What did king [+A]-h[)a][s+]-[=u]-[=e]´r[)u]s do when he saw
[)E]s´th[~e]r? =He made her queen.=

=6.= Who stood next to the king in power? =A man named H[=a]´man.=

=7.= What law did H[=a]´man cause king [+A]-h[)a][s+]-[=u]-[=e]´r[)u]s
to make? =That all the Jew[s+] should be killed.=

=8.= What did Queen [)E]s´th[~e]r do when she heard that this law had
been made? =She went to the king in his palace.=

=9.= What did she ask the king to do? =To spare the lives of her

=10.= What became of H[=a]´man, the Jew[s+]' enemy? =He was put to

Lesson XLIV. The end of the Old Testament.

(Tell Stories 16, 17 and 18 in Part Fifth.)

=1.= What good man came to J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m soon after the time
of Queen [)E]s´th[~e]r? =[)E]z´r[.a] the scribe.=

=2.= What was a scribe among the Jew[s+]? =One who wrote copies of God's

=3.= What great work did [)E]z´r[.a] do? =He brought together the books
of the Old Testament.=

=4.= What did [)E]z´r[.a] do at J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m? =He taught the
people to obey God's law.=

=5.= What other good man came while [)E]z´r[.a] was at
J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m? =N[=e]-he-m[=i]´ah.=

=6.= What did N[=e]-he-m[=i]´ah do? =He helped the people to build a
wall around the city.=

=7.= Why did they need a wall around the city? =To make it strong
against enemies.=

=8.= What was done at a great meeting of the people when the wall was
finished? =The law was read to the people.=

=9.= Who was the last prophet of the Old Testament? =M[)a]l´a-ch[=i].=

Lesson XLV. Review of Jewish People.

=1.= How many kings reigned over J[=u]´dah? =Nineteen kings and one

=2.= Who was the first king of J[=u]´dah? =R[=e]-ho-b[=o]´am.=

=3.= Who was the greatest king? =J[+e]-h[)o]sh´a-ph[)a]t.=

=4.= Who was the youngest when he became king? =J[=o]´[)a]sh.=

=5.= Who was the best of the kings? =H[)e]z-e-k[=i]´ah.=

=6.= What prophet saw the Lord in the temple? =[=I]-[s+][=a]´iah.=

=7.= What young king chose the Lord and followed him? =J[+o]-s[=i]´ah.=

=8.= Who was the last king of J[=u]´dah? =Z[)e]d-e-k[=i]´ah.=

=9.= To what land were the people of J[=u]´dah carried as captives? =To

=10.= What prophet saw the vision of the valley of dry bones?

=11.= What prophet lived in the palace of the king of B[)a]b´[)y]-lon?

=12.= Who was the great king of B[)a]b´[)y]-lon?

=13.= What king of B[)a]b´[)y]-lon saw the hand writing on the wall?

=14.= Who was kept alive when thrown into a den of lions? =D[)a]n´iel.=

=15.= How long were the Jew[s+] captives in B[)a]b´[)y]-lon? =Seventy

=16.= Who allowed the Jew[s+] to go back to their own land? =Ç[=y]´rus.=

=17.= What queen saved the lives of her people? =[)E]s´th[~e]r.=

=18.= Who read the law of God to the people in J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m?

=19.= Who helped the Jew[s+] to build a wall around the city?

=20.= Who was the last prophet of the Old Testament? =M[)a]l´a-ch[=i].=



Lesson I. The Angel by the Altar and in Nazareth.

(Tell Story 1 of Part VI, in "Hurlbut's Story of the Bible.")

=To the Teacher:=

In beginning the lesson the teacher should state the subject of the
lesson for the day, and ask one or two questions about it, to get the
children interested at the outset. Then, the teacher should tell the
story from "Hurlbut's Story of the Bible," explaining how God sent his
Angel G[=a]´br[)i]-el to Z[)a]ch-a-r[=i]´as, the old priest in the
temple, to tell him that his wife [+E]-l[)i][s+]´a-b[)e]th should have a
son, and that the name of the son should be J[)o]hn. Explain that
J[)o]hn was to be sent into the world to prepare people for the coming
of Chr[=i]st. Then tell how the same Angel G[=a]´br[)i]-el was sent to
the City of N[)a]z´a-r[)e]th to a young woman named M[=a]´r[)y] to tell
her that she was to have a son who was to be called J[=e]´[s+]us. Then
teach the class the answers to the following questions on the subject of
this lesson, and explain to the little pupils just where to find the
answers to the questions of the first lesson, and have them answer the
questions in class either singly or in chorus. The children should
understand that the questions are to be asked them by parents or older
brothers and sisters until they have fixed in their minds the story of
the lesson, and are able to tell it in their own language.

=1.= What angel was sent by God to J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m? =The angel

=2.= To whom was the angel G[=a]´br[)i]-el sent? =To a priest named

=3.= What did the angel tell Z[)a]ch-a-r[=i]´as? =That his wife should
have a son.=

=4.= What was the name of the wife of Z[)a]ch-a-r[=i]´as?

=5.= What name was to be given to this son promised to
Z[)a]ch-a-r[=i]´as and [+E]-l[)i][s+]´a-b[)e]th? =The name of J[)o]hn.=

=6.= For what did the angel say that J[)o]hn, when he grew up, should
make the people ready? =For the coming of the Lord.=

=7.= To what city was the angel G[=a]´br[)i]-el sent after this? =To the
city of N[)a]z´a-r[)e]th.=

=8.= To whom did the angel speak in N[)a]z´a-r[)e]th? =To a young woman
named M[=a]´r[)y].=

=9.= What did the angel tell M[=a]´r[)y]? =That she should have a son.=

=10.= What name was to be given to her son? =The name J[=e]´[s+]us.=

=11.= Where did J[)o]hn, the son of Z[)a]ch-a-r[=i]´as and
[+E]-l[)i][s+]´a-b[)e]th, live while he was a boy? =In the desert.=

Lesson II. The Stable and Shepherds.

(Tell Story 2 in Part Sixth.)

Let the teacher ask, "Who can tell the name of the husband of
M[=a]´r[)y], the young woman in N[)a]z´a-r[)e]th to whom God sent his
angel?" And after receiving an answer ask What place J[=o]´[s+]eph and
M[=a]´r[)y] went to and where M[=a]´r[)y]'s child was born? After the
answers have been given, tell the story of the lesson and teach the
children the answers to the questions on the lesson. The subject should
be reviewed in class until each child is able to answer the questions
intelligently, and to be able to tell a connected story of the lesson.
Reference may also be made to the preceding story in each class, so that
the children learn to connect each lesson correctly with the others.

=1.= Who was the husband of M[=a]´r[)y], the young woman in
N[)a]z´a-r[)e]th to whom the angel came? =A man named J[=o]´[s+]eph.=

=2.= To what place did J[=o]´[s+]eph and M[=a]´r[)y] go? =To
B[)e]th´l[)e]-h[)e]m, near J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m.=

=3.= Where was the child of M[=a]´r[)y] born? =In a stable in

=4.= What name was given to this child? =The name J[=e]´[s+]us.=

=5.= What does the word J[=e]´[s+]us mean? =It means "salvation."=

=6.= Why was this name given to this child? =Because he is the Saviour
of the world.=

=7.= To what people were brought the first news that the Saviour had
come? =To shepherds near B[)e]th´l[)e]-h[)e]m.=

=8.= What did the shepherds do as soon as they heard the news? =They
went to B[)e]th´l[)e]-h[)e]m and saw the little child and his mother.=

=9.= Who saw the child when he was brought into the Temple, knew that he
was the Saviour, and took him up in his arms? =S[)i]m´e-on.=

=10.= What woman also saw the child and gave thanks to God?

Lesson III. The Wise Men and the Star.

(Tell Story 3 in Part Sixth.)

=1.= What men from a distant land came to see J[=e]´[s+]us? =Wise men
from the east.=

=2.= What led them on their journey to the land where J[=e]´[s+]us was
born? =A star in the sky.=

=3.= What question did the wise men ask? ="Where is he that is born King
of the Jew[s+]?"=

=4.= Of whom did they ask this question? =Of H[)e]r´od the king.=

=5.= To which place did H[)e]r´od send them? =To B[)e]th´l[)e]-h[)e]m.=

=6.= What did they find in B[)e]th´l[)e]-h[)e]m? =The little child and
his mother.=

=7.= What did they do when they saw the child? =They gave him rich

=8.= What did an angel tell J[=o]´[s+]eph to do after the wise men had
gone away? =To take the child to [=E]´[.g][)y]pt.=

=9.= Why must the child be taken to [=E]´[.g][)y]pt? =To save his life
from King H[)e]r´od.=

=10.= How long did J[=o]´[s+]eph, and M[=a]´r[)y], and the child
J[=e]´[s+]us stay in [=E]´[.g][)y]pt? =Until King H[)e]r´od died.=

=11.= Where did J[=o]´[s+]eph and M[=a]´r[)y] take the child
J[=e]´[s+]us from [=E]´[.g][)y]pt? =To N[)a]z´a-r[)e]th.=

Lesson IV. The Boy Jesus.

(Tell Story 4 in Part Sixth.)

=1.= Where did J[=e]´[s+]us live while he was a boy? =In

=2.= To what city was he taken when twelve years old? =To

=3.= What place did the boy J[=e]´[s+]us visit in
J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m? =The Temple.=

=4.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us do when J[=o]´[s+]eph and M[=a]´r[)y] left
J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m to go home to Nazareth? =He stayed in

=5.= How long was it before M[=a]´r[)y] and J[=o]´[s+]eph found the boy
J[=e]´[s+]us? =Three days.=

=6.= Where did they find him? =In the Temple.=

=7.= What was J[=e]´[s+]us doing in the Temple? =Talking with the
teachers of the Bible.=

=8.= What is said of J[=e]´[s+]us as a boy? =He was wise, and good, and
loved by all.=

=9.= How long did J[=e]´[s+]us live in N[)a]z´a-r[)e]th? =Until he was
thirty years old.=

=10.= At what trade did J[=e]´[s+]us work when he became a man? =As a

Lesson V. John the Baptist.

(Tell Story 5 in Part Sixth.)

=1.= When J[=e]´[s+]us was a young man in N[)a]z´a-r[)e]th who began to
preach? =J[)o]hn the son of Z[)a]ch-a-r[=i]´as.=

=2.= Where did J[)o]hn preach? =In the desert near the river Jôr´dan.=

=3.= Who went to hear J[)o]hn preach? =All the people of the land.=

=4.= What did J[)o]hn tell the people to do? =To turn from sin and serve

=5.= Who did J[)o]hn say was soon to come? =One greater than himself.=

=6.= What did J[)o]hn do to those who were willing to serve God? =He
baptized them in the river Jôr´dan.=

=7.= By what name was J[)o]hn called? =J[)o]hn the B[)a]p´t[)i]st.=

=8.= Who came to be baptized by J[)o]hn the B[)a]p´t[)i]st?
=J[=e]´[s+]us of N[)a]z´a-r[)e]th.=

=9.= What took place when J[=e]´[s+]us was baptized? =The Spirit of God
came upon him.=

=10.= What voice was heard from heaven? ="This is my beloved Son."=

=11.= What did this mean? =That J[=e]´[s+]us was the Son of God.=

Lesson VI. Jesus in the Desert and by the River.

(Tell Story 6 in Part Sixth.)

=1.= To what place did J[=e]´[s+]us go after he was baptized? =To a
desert place.=

=2.= What happened to J[=e]´[s+]us at that place? =He was forty days
without any food.=

=3.= Who came to J[=e]´[s+]us at that time? =S[=a]´tan, the evil

=4.= What did S[=a]´tan, the evil spirit try to persuade J[=e]´[s+]us to
do? =To live a selfish life.=

=5.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us say to the evil spirit? ="Leave me,
S[=a]´tan, thou evil spirit."=

=6.= Where did J[=e]´[s+]us go after being tempted in the desert? =To
B[)e]th=[)a]b´a-r[.a], the place of his baptism.=

=7.= Who saw J[=e]´[s+]us again at B[)e]th=[)a]b´a-r[.a]? =J[)o]hn the

=8.= What did J[)o]hn the B[)a]p´t[)i]st say when he saw J[=e]´[s+]us?
="Behold the lamb of God."=

=9.= What did some young men do, who had been following J[)o]hn the
B[)a]p´t[)i]st? =They followed J[=e]´[s+]us.=

=10.= What were these men who followed J[=e]´[s+]us called? =His

Lesson VII. The Water Turned to Wine.

(Tell Story 7 in Part Sixth.)

=1.= To what place did J[=e]´[s+]us and his first disciples go from
B[)e]th=[)a]b´a-r[.a]? =To C[=a]´n[.a] in G[)a]l´[)i]-lee.=

=2.= What took place at C[=a]´n[.a]? =A wedding.=

=3.= Who came to J[=e]´[s+]us at the wedding feast? =His mother

=4.= What did she say to J[=e]´[s+]us? ="They have no wine."=

=5.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us do? =He turned water into wine.=

=6.= What do we call such a work as this, which no one but God can do?
=A miracle.=

=7.= Where did J[=e]´[s+]us and his disciples go from C[=a]´n[.a]? =To

=8.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us find in the temple at
J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m? =People buying and selling.=

=9.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us do to these people? =He drove them out of the

=10.= Who came to talk with J[=e]´[s+]us at night?

=11.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us say to N[)i]c-o-d[=e]´m[u:]s? ="Ye must be
born anew."=

Lesson VIII. Jesus at Jacob's Well.

(Tell Story 8 in Part Sixth.)

=1.= What was done with J[)o]hn the B[)a]p´t[)i]st while J[=e]´[s+]us
was teaching at J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m? =He was put in prison.=

=2.= Who put J[)o]hn the B[)a]p´t[)i]st in prison? =H[)e]´rod, the
wicked king.=

=3.= To what part of the land did J[=e]´[s+]us go after this? =To

=4.= Where was G[)a]l´[)i]-lee? =In the north of the land.=

=5.= What part of the land did J[=e]´[s+]us go through on his way to
G[)a]l´[)i]-lee? =Through S[+a]-m[=a]´r[)i]-[.a].=

=6.= What were the people called who lived in that country?

=7.= At what place in S[+a]-m[=a]´r[)i]-[.a] did J[=e]´[s+]us rest on
his journey? =At J[=a]´cob's Well.=

=8.= With whom did J[=e]´[s+]us talk at J[=a]´cob's Well? =With a
S[+a]-m[)a]r´[)i]-tan woman.=

=9.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us tell this woman that he could give her?
=Living water.=

=10.= How did J[=e]´[s+]us say that all should worship God? =In spirit
and in truth.=

Lesson IX. Jesus at Cana and Nazareth.

(Tell Story 9 in Part Sixth.)

=1.= Where did J[=e]´[s+]us go after his visit to
S[+a]-m[=a]´r[)i]-[.a]? =To C[=a]´n[.a] where he had made the water

=2.= Who came to see J[=e]´[s+]us at C[=a]´n[.a]? =A man of high rank.=

=3.= What did this man wish J[=e]´[s+]us to do? =To cure his son, who
was sick.=

=4.= At what place was his son lying sick? =At C[+a]-p[~e]r´na-[)u]m.=

=5.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us say to this man? ="Go home; your son will

=6.= What did the man find when he came to his home? =His son was
getting well.=

=7.= To what place did J[=e]´[s+]us go soon after this miracle? =To
N[)a]z´a-r[)e]th, where he had lived as a boy.=

=8.= For what purpose did J[=e]´[s+]us go to N[)a]z´a-r[)e]th? =To
preach to the people.=

=9.= How did the people of J[=e]´[s+]us' town feel when they heard his
words? =They were very angry.=

=10.= What did they try to do? =To kill J[=e]´[s+]us.=

Lesson X. Many Mighty Works.

(Tell Stories 10 and 11 in Part Sixth.)

=1.= To what place did J[=e]´[s+]us go from N[)a]z´a-r[)e]th? =To
C[+a]-p[~e]r´na-[)u]m by the sea.=

=2.= From what did J[=e]´[s+]us preach beside the sea? =From a boat.=

=3.= After preaching, what did J[=e]´[s+]us help his followers to do?
=To catch many fishes.=

=4.= What four fishermen became disciples of J[=e]´[s+]us? =P[=e]´t[~e]r
and [)A]n-drew, J[=a]me[s+] and J[)o]hn.=

=5.= Whom did J[=e]´[s+]us cure from a great fever? =The mother of
P[=e]´t[~e]r's Wife.=

=6.= Whom did J[=e]´[s+]us heal by a touch? =A leper.=

=7.= How did they bring a sick man to J[=e]´[s+]us? =Through the roof.=

=8.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us say as he made the sick man well? ="Your sins
are forgiven."=

=9.= Why had J[=e]´[s+]us the right to forgive sins? =Because he was the
son of God.=

Lesson XI.

(Tell Stories 12 and 13 in Part Sixth.)

=1.= What place did J[=e]´[s+]us visit in J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m? =The
pool of B[+e]-th[)e][s+]´d[.a].=

=2.= Whom did J[=e]´[s+]us find there, beside the pool? =A man who could
not walk.=

=3.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us say to this man? ="Take up your bed and

=4.= On what day did J[=e]´[s+]us make this man well? =On the sabbath

=5.= How did the Jew[s+] of J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m feel toward
J[=e]´[s+]us, when he made the man well on the sabbath day? =They were
angry at J[=e]´[s+]us.=

=6.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us say to them? ="My Father works and I work."=

=7.= What other good work was done by J[=e]´[s+]us on the sabbath day?
=He cured a withered hand.=

=8.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us do on a mountain? =He prayed all night.=

=9.= Whom did he choose on the next day? =His twelve disciples or

=10.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us preach to them and to the people? =The
sermon on the mount.=

Lesson XII. The Captain's Servant and the Widow's Son.

(Tell Story 14 in Part Sixth.)

=1.= Who sent to J[=e]´[s+]us, asking him to cure his servant who was
sick? =A Centurion.=

=2.= What was a centurion? =A captain in the R[=o]´man army.=

=3.= How did the centurion say that his servant could be cured without
having J[=e]´[s+]us come to his house? =By J[=e]´[s+]us speaking a word
where he was.=

=4.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us praise in this man? =His faith.=

=5.= To what place did J[=e]´[s+]us go at one time with his disciples?
=To N[=a]´in.=

=6.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us meet at the gate of the city of N[=a]´in?
=The funeral of a young man.=

=7.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us do to the young man who was dead? =He raised
him to life.=

=8.= What did a woman do to J[=e]´[s+]us at a supper? =She washed his

=9.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us say to this woman? ="Your sins are

Lesson XIII. The Parables, the Storm and the Wild Man.

(Tell Stories 15 and 16 in Part Sixth.)

=1.= How did J[=e]´[s+]us teach the people by the Sea of
G[)a]l´[)i]-lee? =In parables.=

=2.= What is a parable? =A story showing some truth.=

=3.= What was the first parable given by J[=e]´[s+]us? =The parable of
the Sower.=

=4.= What was the next parable that J[=e]´[s+]us gave? =The parable of
the Wheat and the Tares.=

=5.= After teaching some parables, where did J[=e]´[s+]us and his
disciples go? =Across the sea in a boat.=

=6.= What came while they were sailing across the sea? =A great storm.=

=7.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us say to the winds and the waves? ="Peace, be

=8.= What came after J[=e]´[s+]us had spoken these words? =A great

=9.= Whom did J[=e]´[s+]us meet on the shore at the other side of the
sea? =A wild man.=

=10.= What made this man wild? =The evil spirit in him.=

=11.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us do to this man? =He set him free from the
evil spirit.=

Lesson XIV. The Little Girl Raised to Life.

(Tell Story 17 in Part Sixth.)

=1.= After his visit to the other side of the sea, where did
J[=e]´[s+]us go with his disciples? =To C[+a]-p[~e]r´na-[)u]m again.=

=2.= Who came to meet J[=e]´[s+]us at the shore of the sea? =A man named

=3.= What did J[+a]-[=i]´rus ask J[=e]´[s+]us to do? =To cure his sick

=4.= Who met J[=e]´[s+]us on his way to the house of J[+a]-[=i]´rus? =A
sick woman.=

=5.= What did this woman do? =She touched his robe.=

=6.= What came to the woman after touching J[=e]´[s+]us' robe? =She was
made well.=

=7.= What happened while J[=e]´[s+]us was going to the house of
J[+a]-[=i]´rus? =His little girl died.=

=8.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us say when he stood beside the little girl who
was dead? ="Little girl, rise up!"=

=9.= What then took place? =The girl opened her eyes and sat up.=

Lesson XV. The Death of John the Baptist.

(Tell Stories 18 and 19 in Part Sixth.)

=1.= Where was J[)o]hn the B[)a]p´t[)i]st, while J[=e]´[s+]us was
preaching in G[)a]l´[)i]-lee? =In prison.=

=2.= Who put J[)o]hn the B[)a]p´t[)i]st in prison? =The wicked King

=3.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us say of J[)o]hn the B[)a]p´t[)i]st while he
was in prison? ="No greater man than J[)o]hn has lived."=

=4.= What other wicked deed was done by King H[)e]r´od? =He put to death
J[)o]hn the B[)a]p´t[)i]st.=

=5.= Where did J[=e]´[s+]us go with his disciples, when he heard that
J[)o]hn the B[)a]p´t[)i]st was dead? =To a quiet place by the Sea of

=6.= Near what city was this place? =Near B[)e]th-s[=a]´[)i]-d[.a].=

=7.= What great work did J[=e]´[s+]us do at this place? =He gave food to
a great company.=

=8.= How many people did J[=e]´[s+]us feed at that time? =Five thousand

=9.= With what did J[=e]´[s+]us feed the five thousand people? =With
five loaves and two fishes.=

=10.= After feeding the five thousand, how did J[=e]´[s+]us go to his
disciples? =By walking on the water.=

Lesson XVI. The Mother's Prayer, and the Four Thousand Fed.

(Tell Story 20 in Part Sixth.)

=1.= To what land did J[=e]´[s+]us go with his disciples after feeding
the five thousand? =To the land of T[=y]re and S[=i]´d[)o]n.=

=2.= Why did J[=e]´[s+]us go to that country? =To be alone with his

=3.= Who came to J[=e]´[s+]us at that place? =A woman praying for her

=4.= What did this woman ask J[=e]´[s+]us to do for her daughter? =To
set her free from an evil spirit.=

=5.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us say to this woman when he cured her daughter?
="O woman, your faith is great."=

=6.= To what country did J[=e]´[s+]us and his disciples go from the land
of T[=y]re and S[=i]´d[)o]n? =To D[+e]-c[)a]p´o-l[)i]s.=

=7.= Where was the country of D[+e]-c[)a]p´o-l[)i]s? =East of the Sea of

=8.= What did the people in that land say of J[=e]´[s+]us as they saw
his great works? ="He has done all things well."=

=9.= To how many people in D[+e]-c[)a]p´o-l[)i]s did J[=e]´[s+]us give
food at one time? =To four thousand people.=

=10.= With how many loaves did J[=e]´[s+]us feed the four thousand
people? =With seven loaves.=

Lesson XVII. The Glory of Jesus on the Mountain.

(Tell Story 21 in Part Sixth.)

=1.= What question did J[=e]´[s+]us ask his disciples? ="Who do you say
that I am?"=

=2.= Who answered J[=e]´[s+]us' question for all the disciples?

=3.= What did P[=e]´t[~e]r say in answer to J[=e]´[s+]us? ="You are
Chr[=i]st, the Son of God."=

=4.= What does the word "Chr[=i]st" mean? =The Anointed One, the King.=

=5.= On what mountain did J[=e]´[s+]us go with three of his disciples?
=On Mount H[~e]r´mon.=

=6.= What change came upon J[=e]´[s+]us while he was praying on the
mountain? =He shone as bright as the sun.=

=7.= What two men of the past were seen talking with J[=e]´[s+]us?
=M[=o]´[s+]e[s+] and [+E]-l[=i]´jah.=

=8.= What did a voice from a cloud say? ="This is my beloved Son."=

=9.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us and the three disciples find when they came
down the mountain? =A child with an evil spirit.=

=10.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us do to the child? =He set him free from the
evil spirit.=

Lesson XVIII. The Little Child, the Ten Lepers, and the Two Sisters.

(Tell Stories 22 and 23 in Part Sixth.)

=1.= Whom did J[=e]´[s+]us take in his arms and hold up before his
disciples? =A little child.=

=2.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us say to his disciples at that time? ="Be like
little children."=

=4.= How did J[=e]´[s+]us say we should treat those who have been unkind
to us? =We should forgive them many times.=

=5.= Through what country did J[=e]´[s+]us go on his way from
G[)a]l´[)i]-lee to J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m? =Through

=6.= Who met J[=e]´[s+]us while he was in that country? =Ten men that
were lepers.=

=7.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us do to these men? =He made them all well.=

=8.= How many of the men after they were made well, came and thanked
J[=e]´[s+]us? =Only one.=

=9.= At what town did J[=e]´[s+]us stay while he was near
J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m? =At B[)e]th´a-n[)y].=

=10.= With what two sisters in B[)e]th´a-n[)y] did J[=e]´[s+]us stay?
=With Mär´th[.a] and M[=a]´r[)y].=

Lesson XIX. The Man with Clay on his Face.

(Tell Story 24 in Part Sixth.)

=1.= Whom did J[=e]´[s+]us and his disciples meet in
J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m one day? =A man who had been born blind.=

=2.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us do to the blind man? =He put clay on his

=3.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us tell the blind man to do? =To wash in the
pool of S[)i]-l[=o]´am.=

=4.= What change came to the blind man after he had washed in the pool
of S[)i]-l[=o]´am? =He could see.=

=5.= On what day was this blind man made to see? =On the sabbath day.=

=6.= How did the Jew[s+] feel toward J[=e]´[s+]us when they found that
he had done this on the sabbath? =They were very angry.=

=7.= What did they say of J[=e]´[s+]us? ="He is a sinner."=

=8.= What did the man who had been blind say of J[=e]´[s+]us? ="He is a
prophet of God."=

=9.= What is a prophet? =One who speaks the word of God.=

=10.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us say to this man when he met him afterward?
="Do you believe on the Son of God?"=

=11.= How did the man answer J[=e]´[s+]us? ="Lord, I believe."=

Lesson XX. The Good Shepherd and the Good Samaritan.

(Tell Story 25 in Part Sixth.)

=1.= What parable or story did J[=e]´[s+]us tell while he was in
J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m? ="The Good Shepherd."=

=2.= How did J[=e]´[s+]us say the true shepherd goes into the sheepfold?
=By the door.=

=3.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us say of himself? ="I am the door."=

=4.= What else did J[=e]´[s+]us say of himself? ="I am the good

=5.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us say the good shepherd does for his sheep? =He
gives his life for them.=

=6.= To what part of the country did J[=e]´[s+]us go from
J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m? =To P[+e]-r[=e]´a.=

=7.= Where was P[+e]-r[=e]´a? =East of the river Jôr´dan.=

=8.= What parable or story did J[=e]´[s+]us tell a man in P[+e]-r[=e]´a?
="The Good S[+a]-m[)a]r´[)i]-tan."=

=9.= What did the good S[+a]-m[)a]r´[)i]-tan do? =He helped a man who
was in need.=

=10.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us say to the man to whom he told the story?
="Go and do likewise."=

Lesson XXI. Lazarus Raised to Life.

(Tell Story 26 in Part Sixth.)

=1.= Who sent for J[=e]´[s+]us very suddenly, asking him to come to
them? =Mär´th[.a] and M[=a]´r[)y].=

=2.= To what place did they ask J[=e]´[s+]us to come? =To
B[)e]th´a-n[)y] near J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m.=

=3.= Why did Mär´th[.a] and M[=a]´r[)y] send for J[=e]´[s+]us to come to
B[)e]th´a-n[)y]? =Because their brother was very sick.=

=4.= What was the name of their brother? =L[)a]z´a-r[)u]s.=

=5.= What took place before J[=e]´[s+]us went to B[)e]th´a-n[)y]?
=L[)a]z´a-r[)u]s died.=

=6.= How long had L[)a]z´a-r[)u]s been buried when J[=e]´[s+]us came to
B[)e]th´a-n[)y]? =Four days.=

=7.= What is told of J[=e]´[s+]us, as he stood before the tomb of
L[)a]z´a-r[)u]s? ="J[=e]´[s+]us wept."=

=8.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us say at the tomb of L[)a]z´a-r[)u]s?
="L[)a]z´a-r[)u]s, come forth!"=

=9.= What took place when J[=e]´[s+]us had spoken these words?
=L[)a]z´a-r[)u]s came out of the tomb living.=

=10.= What did many of the people do when they saw this mighty work of
J[=e]´[s+]us? =Many believed on J[=e]´[s+]us.=

=11.= What did the rulers of the Jew[s+] resolve to do? =To kill

Lesson XXII. Some Parables in Perea.

(Tell Story 27 in Part Sixth.)

=1.= To what country did J[=e]´[s+]us go, soon after he brought
L[)a]z´a-r[)u]s to life? =To P[+e]-r[=e]´a east of the river Jôr´dan.=

=2.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us do in P[+e]-r[=e]´a? =He went through the
land teaching.=

=3.= What was one of the parables or stories that J[=e]´[s+]us told in
P[+e]-r[=e]´a? =The Lost Sheep.=

=4.= What did the shepherd do for the sheep that was lost? =He went
after it and found it.=

=5.= Who seeks after us when we are lost from God? =J[=e]´[s+]us the
good shepherd.=

=6.= Of whom did J[=e]´[s+]us tell in another parable or story? =Of a
young man who went away from home.=

=7.= What happened to this young man? =He became very poor.=

=8.= What did the young man say when he was in need? ="I will arise, and
will go to my father."=

=9.= What did the father do when his son came home? =He made him a great

=10.= Who is the one that forgives our sins and gives us blessings? =Our
Heavenly Father.=

Lesson XXIII. Jesus and the Little Children.

(Tell Story 28 in Part Sixth, omitting "The Rich Man and Lazarus," "The
Unjust Steward and the Unjust Judge.")

=1.= What parable or story did J[=e]´[s+]us give about prayer? =He told
of two men who prayed.=

=2.= Where did these two men pray? =In the temple.=

=3.= How did one of these two men pray to God? =He told God how good he

=4.= What did the other man say? ="God be merciful to me a sinner."=

=5.= Which of these two men did God bless? =The one who asked for

=6.= Who were brought to J[=e]´[s+]us? =Little children.=

=7.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us say of the children? =Of such is the kingdom
of heaven.=

=8.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us do to the children? =He put his hands on them
and blessed them.=

=9.= What question did a rich young man ask of J[=e]´[s+]us? ="What good
thing shall I do?"=

=10.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us tell this man to do? =To give all he had to
the poor.=

=11.= What else did J[=e]´[s+]us say to him? ="Come and follow me."=

Lesson XXIV. Jesus at Jericho.

(Tell Story 29 in Part Sixth.)

=1.= What city did J[=e]´[s+]us visit, as he was leaving the land of
P[+e]-r[=e]´a? =J[)e]r´[)i]-ch[=o].=

=2.= Whom did J[=e]´[s+]us meet at the gate of J[)e]r´[)i]-ch[=o]? =A
blind man.=

=3.= What was this blind man's name? =Bär-ti-mæ´us.=

=4.= What did Bär-ti-mæ´us cry out as J[=e]´[s+]us came near? ="Have
mercy on me."=

=5.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us do to blind Bär-ti-mæ´us? =He gave to him

=6.= With what rich man did J[=e]´[s+]us stay while he was in
J[)e]r´[)i]-ch[=o]? =With Z[)a]c-chæ´us.=

=7.= What did the people think that Z[)a]c-chæ´us was? =A sinner.=

=8.= For what purpose did J[=e]´[s+]us say that he came? =To seek and to
save the lost.=

=9.= What parable did J[=e]´[s+]us give at that time? =The parable of
the Pounds.=

=10.= What does the parable of the Pounds show us that we should do?
=That we should work for Chr[=i]st.=

Lesson XXV. Palm Sunday.

(Tell Story 30 in Part Sixth.)

=1.= To what place did J[=e]´[s+]us go from J[)e]r´[)i]-ch[=o]? =To
B[)e]th´a-n[)y], near J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m.=

=2.= What was made for J[=e]´[s+]us in B[)e]th´a-n[)y]? =A supper.=

=3.= Who came to J[=e]´[s+]us at this supper? =M[=a]´r[)y], the sister
of L[)a]z´a-r[)u]s.=

=4.= What did M[=a]´r[)y] do to J[=e]´[s+]us? =She poured costly perfume
on him.=

=5.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us say of M[=a]´r[)y]? ="She has done a good

=6.= Which of J[=e]´[s+]us' disciples agreed to sell him to his enemies?

=7.= What did the enemies of J[=e]´[s+]us promise to give J[=u]´das, if
he would give J[=e]´[s+]us to them? =Thirty pieces of silver.=

=8.= Over what mountain did J[=e]´[s+]us ride, from B[)e]th´a-n[)y] to
J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m? =The Mount of [)O]l´[)i]ve[s+].=

=9.= Who went with J[=e]´[s+]us as he rode over the Mount of
[)O]l´[)i]ve[s+]? =A great company of people.=

=10.= What did the people carry and wave around J[=e]´[s+]us? =Branches
of palm trees.=

=11.= What did they call out together? =Praises to J[=e]´[s+]us as

Lesson XXVI. The Last Visits to the Temple.

(Tell Story 31 of Part Sixth.)

=1.= Where did J[=e]´[s+]us go on the morning after he rode over the
Mount of [)O]l´[)i]ve[s+]? =To the temple in J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m.=

=2.= What did he do in the temple? =He drove out the people who were
buying and selling.=

=3.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us say of the temple? ="My house shall be called
a house of prayer."=

=4.= Who came to hear J[=e]´[s+]us as he was teaching in the temple?
=The common people.=

=5.= Where did J[=e]´[s+]us stay at night, during those days while he
was teaching in the temple? =At B[)e]th´a-n[)y].=

=6.= What parable did J[=e]´[s+]us give on the last day of his teaching
in the temple? ="The Wedding Feast."=

=7.= Who were invited to the wedding feast? =Everybody, both rich and

=8.= Who came to the feast? =A man without a wedding garment.=

=9.= What was done with the man who had no wedding garment? =He was sent
away from the feast.=

=10.= Whose gift in the temple did J[=e]´[s+]us praise? =The gift of a
poor woman.=

Lesson XXVII. On the Mount of Olives.

(Tell Story 32 of Part Sixth.)

=1.= To what place did J[=e]´[s+]us go with his disciples from the
temple? =To the Mount of [)O]l´[)i]ve[s+].=

=2.= Of what did J[=e]´[s+]us tell his disciples on the Mount? =Of
things to come.=

=3.= What parable did he give to them at that time? ="The Ten Young

=4.= To what were these young women going? =To a wedding at night.=

=5.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us say of these women? =Five were wise and five
were foolish.=

=6.= Wherein were the five young women foolish? =In not taking oil for
their lamps.=

=7.= Of what time to come did J[=e]´[s+]us tell his disciples? =Of the
time when J[=e]´[s+]us shall sit as king.=

=8.= Who shall then stand before J[=e]´[s+]us? =All the people of the

=9.= What shall J[=e]´[s+]us say in that day to those on his right hand,
who have done his will? ="Come, ye that are blessed of my Father."=

=10.= What shall he say to those on his left hand? ="Go away from me, ye

Lesson XXVIII. At the Supper and in the Garden.

(Tell Stories 33 and 34 in Part Sixth.)

=1.= What meal did J[=e]´[s+]us take with his disciples one night? =The
last supper.=

=2.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us say at the supper as he gave his disciples
the bread? ="This is my body."=

=3.= What did he say as he gave them the cup of wine? ="This is my

=4.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us do after the supper? =He washed the
disciples' feet.=

=5.= Where did he go with the disciples on that night? =To a garden.=

=6.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us do in the garden? =He prayed to God.=

=7.= Who came to the garden to find J[=e]´[s+]us? =J[=u]´das and the
enemies of J[=e]´[s+]us.=

=8.= What did these enemies do? =They bound J[=e]´[s+]us and took him

=9.= To what place did they take J[=e]´[s+]us? =To the high-priest's

=10.= What did the disciples do at that time? =They left J[=e]´[s+]us

Lesson XXIX. The Trial of Jesus.

(Tell Story 35 in Part Sixth.)

=1.= Before whom was J[=e]´[s+]us brought for trial? =Before the
high-priest C[=a]´ia-ph[)a]s.=

=2.= What did the high-priest ask J[=e]´[s+]us? ="Are you the Chr[=i]st,
the Son of God?"=

=3.= How did J[=e]´[s+]us answer the high-priest? ="I am."=

=4.= What was agreed by the rulers of the Jew[s+]? =That J[=e]´[s+]us
should be put to death.=

=5.= Before whom did they bring J[=e]´[s+]us for another trial? =Before
P[=i]´late the governor.=

=6.= What did P[=i]´late say to the Jew[s+] after he had talked with
J[=e]´[s+]us? ="I find no evil in this man."=

=7.= To whom did P[=i]´late send J[=e]´[s+]us, to be tried again? =To
H[)e]r´od the King of G[)a]l´[)i]-lee.=

=8.= What did H[)e]r´od do with J[=e]´[s+]us? =He sent him back to

=9.= What did the crowd of people cry out about J[=e]´[s+]us? ="Let him
be crucified."=

=10.= What did P[=i]´late at last order? =That J[=e]´[s+]us should be
put to death.=

Lesson XXX. Jesus on the Cross.

(Tell Story 36 in Part Sixth.)

=1.= To what place was J[=e]´[s+]us led to be put to death? =To

=2.= What did they try to make J[=e]´[s+]us carry? =His cross.=

=3.= What was done with J[=e]´[s+]us at C[)a]l´va-r[)y]? =He was
fastened to the cross.=

=4.= What writing was put upon the cross above the head of J[=e]´[s+]us?
="This is J[=e]´[s+]us, the King of the Jew[s+]."=

=5.= How long did J[=e]´[s+]us live on the cross? =Six hours.=

=6.= How many times did he speak from the cross? =Seven times.=

=7.= What were the last words of J[=e]´[s+]us before he died? ="Father,
into thy hands I give my spirit."=

=8.= Who took down the body of J[=e]´[s+]us from the cross?
=J[=o]´[s+]eph of [)A]r-[)i]-m[)a]-thæ´[.a].=

=9.= Where was the body of J[=e]´[s+]us buried? =In J[=o]´[s+]eph's own

=10.= How long was the body of J[=e]´[s+]us in the tomb? =From Friday
evening until Sunday morning.=

Lesson XXXI. The First Easter Day.

(Tell Story 37 in Part Sixth.)

=1.= What took place two days after J[=e]´[s+]us died on the cross? =He
became alive and came out of his tomb.=

=2.= Who brought the news that J[=e]´[s+]us had risen from the dead?
=Angels at his tomb.=

=3.= Who first saw J[=e]´[s+]us after he rose from the dead?
=M[=a]´r[)y] M[)a]g-da-l[=e]´n[+e].=

=4.= Who saw the risen J[=e]´[s+]us soon after M[=a]´r[)y] had seen him?
=Some other women.=

=5.= Who met the risen J[=e]´[s+]us and walked with him on that morning?
=Two of his followers.=

=6.= To whom did J[=e]´[s+]us show himself next on that day? =To

=7.= How many of the disciples met that afternoon in
J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m? =Ten.=

=8.= Who came suddenly among them, talked with them, and ate before
them? =The risen J[=e]´[s+]us.=

=9.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us say when he came among the disciples? ="Peace
be unto you."=

=10.= What is the day of the year called on which J[=e]´[s+]us rose from
the dead? =Easter Sunday.=

Lesson XXXII. Jesus on the Shore and on the Mountain.

(Tell Story 38 in Part Sixth.)

=1.= After the first Easter day, when did the risen J[=e]´[s+]us show
himself again to his disciples? =On Sunday, a week later.=

=2.= Which of the disciples saw J[=e]´[s+]us then for the first time?

=3.= Where did the disciples of J[=e]´[s+]us go to meet him? =To

=4.= Where was the risen Chr[=i]st first seen in G[)a]l´[)i]-lee? =At
the shore of the Sea of G[)a]l´[)i]-lee.=

=5.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us say to P[=e]´t[~e]r at that time? ="Feed my

=6.= Where was the risen J[=e]´[s+]us seen again by many of his
followers? =On a mountain in G[)a]l´[)i]-lee.=

=7.= How many saw J[=e]´[s+]us at that time? =More than five hundred.=

=8.= What did J[=e]´[s+]us tell his disciples to do? =To preach his
gospel to all the world.=

=9.= Where was J[=e]´[s+]us seen by his disciples for the last time? =On
the Mount of [)O]l´[)i]ve[s+].=

=10.= What did the risen J[=e]´[s+]us do on the Mount of
[)O]l´[)i]ve[s+]? =He went up to heaven.=

=11.= What promise was then given to the disciples? =That J[=e]´[s+]us
will come again.=

Lesson XXXIII. Review of People in the Gospel Story.

=1.= What great prophet was born a few months before J[=e]´[s+]us?
=J[)o]hn the B[)a]p´t[)i]st.=

=2.= Who was the father of J[)o]hn the B[)a]p´t[)i]st?

=3.= Who was the mother of J[)o]hn the B[)a]p´t[)i]st?

=4.= Who brought the news that Chr[=i]st would soon come? =The angel

=5.= Who was the mother of J[=e]´[s+]us? =M[=a]´r[)y].=

=6.= Who heard the first news that J[=e]´[s+]us Chr[=i]st was born?

=7.= Who came from a far country and brought gifts to the child
J[=e]´[s+]us? =Wise men.=

=8.= Who took up the child J[=e]´[s+]us in the temple and gave thanks to
God? =S[)i]m´e-on.=

=9.= Who baptized J[=e]´[s+]us? =J[)o]hn the B[)a]p´t[)i]st.=

=10.= Who tried to tempt J[=e]´[s+]us to do wrong? =S[=a]´tan, the evil

=11.= Who talked with J[=e]´[s+]us at night in J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m?

=12.= Who met J[=e]´[s+]us by a well? =The S[+a]-m[)a]r´[)i]-tan woman.=

=13.= With what two sisters did J[=e]´[s+]us stay near
J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m? =With Mär´th[.a] and M[=a]´r[)y].=

=14.= What brother of these two sisters did J[=e]´[s+]us raise to life?

=15.= To what blind man did J[=e]´[s+]us give sight at
J[)e]r´[)i]-ch[=o]? =To Bär-ti-mæ´us.=

=16.= What rich man at J[)e]r´[)i]-ch[=o] took J[=e]´[s+]us to his
house? =Z[)a]c-chæ´us.=

=17.= Who poured costly perfume on the head of J[=e]´[s+]us at a supper?
=M[=a]´r[)y], the sister of L[)a]z´a-r[)u]s.=

=18.= What disciple of Chr[=i]st sold him to his enemies for money?

=19.= What ruler ordered that J[=e]´[s+]us should be put to death on the
cross? =P[=i]´late.=

=20.= Who first saw J[=e]´[s+]us after he rose from the dead?
=M[=a]´r[)y] M[)a]g-da-l[=e]´n[+e].=

Lesson XXXIV. Review of Places in the Gospel Story.

=1.= Where was J[=e]´[s+]us born? =At B[)e]th´l[)e]-h[)e]m.=

=2.= To what land was he taken, that his life might be saved from King
H[)e]r´od? =To [=E]´[.g][)y]pt.=

=3.= Where did J[=e]´[s+]us live as a boy? =In N[)a]z´a-r[)e]th.=

=4.= In what place was he found when twelve years old? =In the temple.=

=5.= In what river was he baptized? =In the river Jôr´dan.=

=6.= Where was he tempted by S[=a]´tan? =In the wilderness.=

=7.= Where was his first miracle? =At C[=a]´n[.a] in G[)a]l´[)i]-lee.=

=8.= In what land did J[=e]´[s+]us preach during the first year of his
teaching? =In J[=u]-d[=e]´[.a].=

=9.= Where did J[=e]´[s+]us talk with a woman by a well? =In

=10.= Where did J[=e]´[s+]us preach during the second year of his
teaching? =In G[)a]l´[)i]-lee.=

=11.= Where did he live while he preached in G[)a]l´[)i]-lee? =At

=12.= On what sea did he still the storm? =The Sea of G[)a]l´[)i]-lee.=

=13.= At what pool in J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m did he heal a man who
could not walk? =The Pool of B[+e]-th[)e][s+]´d[.a].=

=14.= To what other pool at J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m did he send a blind
man to wash? =To the Pool of S[)i]-l[=o]´am.=

=15.= At what place in G[)a]l´[)i]-lee did he raise to life a widow's
son? =At N[=a]´in.=

=16.= Where did he feed five thousand people?

=17.= On what mountain did he show his glory? =On Mount H[~e]r´mon.=

=18.= At what place did he raise L[)a]z´a-r[)u]s to life? =At

=19.= At what place did J[=e]´[s+]us die on the cross? =At

=20.= From what mountain did J[=e]´[s+]us go up to heaven? =From the
Mount of [)O]l´[)i]ve[s+].=


Lesson XXXV. The First Days.

(Tell Story 1 in Part Seventh.)

=1.= Where did the followers of Chr[=i]st meet after J[=e]´[s+]us went
away to heaven? =In J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m.=

=2.= What day came ten days after J[=e]´[s+]us left the earth? =The Day
of P[)e]n´te-c[)o]st.=

=3.= What seemed to fall from heaven on all the followers of Chr[=i]st
on the day of P[)e]n´te-c[)o]st? =Tongues of fire.=

=4.= What power came upon them all? =Power from God.=

=5.= What did they all begin to speak? =The wonderful words of God.=

=6.= Who preached to the people on that day? =P[=e]´t[~e]r.=

=7.= What new name was given to P[=e]´t[~e]r and the other eleven
disciples of Chr[=i]st? =They were called apostles.=

=8.= What did the apostle P[=e]´t[~e]r tell the people to do? =To
believe in Chr[=i]st as their Saviour.=

=9.= How many were added to the church on that day? =Three thousand.=

=10.= How did all these people act toward each other? =Like brothers.=

Lesson XXXVI. The Beautiful Gate, and the Apostles in Prison.

(Tell Stories 2 and 3 in Part Seventh.)

=1.= Whom did P[=e]´t[~e]r and J[)o]hn meet at the Beautiful Gate of the
temple? =A lame man.=

=2.= What did P[=e]´t[~e]r say to the lame man? ="In the name of
J[=e]´[s+]us Chr[=i]st, walk."=

=3.= What did the lame man do? =He walked and leaped and praised God.=

=4.= Who did P[=e]´t[~e]r say had given to this man power to walk?
=J[=e]´[s+]us Chr[=i]st.=

=5.= What did the rulers of the city tell P[=e]´t[~e]r and J[)o]hn?
=That they must not preach Chr[=i]st.=

=6.= How did P[=e]´t[~e]r and J[)o]hn answer the rulers? ="We must speak
of what we know."=

=7.= What good man gave his money to the poor in the church?

=8.= Who died because they told a lie? =[)A]n-a-n[=i]´as and

=9.= What did the rulers of the Jew[s+] do to P[=e]´t[~e]r and J[)o]hn?
=They put them in prison.=

=10.= How were they set free from the prison? =By an angel of the Lord.=

Lesson XXXVII. Stephen and Philip.

(Tell Stories 4 and 5 in Part Seventh.)

=1.= What good man preached in J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m? =St[=e]´phen.=

=2.= What is told of St[=e]´phen? =His face shone like an angel's.=

=3.= What did the Jew[s+] do to St[=e]´phen? =They stoned him to death.=

=4.= What young man helped in the stoning of St[=e]´phen? =A young man
named S[a:]ul.=

=5.= What did S[a:]ul do to the followers of Chr[=i]st? =He beat them
and put them in prison.=

=6.= What worker for Chr[=i]st was driven out of
J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m by S[a:]ul? =Ph[)i]l´[)i]p.=

=7.= To what place did Ph[)i]l´[)i]p go preaching the gospel? =To

=8.= Where did an angel send Ph[)i]l´[)i]p from S[+a]-m[=a]´r[)i]-[.a]?
=To the desert.=

=9.= Whom did Ph[)i]l´[)i]p meet in the desert? =A man riding in a

=10.= What did Ph[)i]l´[)i]p do when he met this man? =He preached
Chr[=i]st to him.=

Lesson XXXVIII. The Voice that Spoke to Saul.

(Tell Story 6 in Part Seventh.)

=1.= To what place did S[a:]ul go, that he might break up the church
there? =To D[+a]-m[)a]s´cus.=

=2.= What took place when S[a:]ul was near D[+a]-m[)a]s´cus? =A light
shone from heaven.=

=3.= Who spoke to S[a:]ul from out of the light? =The Lord J[=e]´[s+]us

=4.= What did the bright light do to S[a:]ul? =It made him blind.=

=5.= Who brought sight to S[a:]ul in D[+a]-m[)a]s´cus? =A follower of
Chr[=i]st named [)A]n-a-n[=i]´as.=

=6.= What else did [)A]n-a-n[=i]´as do to S[a:]ul? =He taught him how to
be saved.=

=7.= What did S[a:]ul do at once when he became a believer in Chr[=i]st?
=He began preaching Chr[=i]st.=

=8.= What did the Jew[s+] of D[+a]-m[)a]s´cus try to do when they found
that S[a:]ul was preaching Chr[=i]st? =They tried to kill him.=

=9.= How did S[a:]ul get away from the city of D[+a]-m[)a]s´cus? =In a

=10.= Where did S[a:]ul go from D[+a]-m[)a]s´cus? =To

=11.= Where did he afterward go? =To his home in Tär´sus.=

Lesson XXXIX. About the Apostle Peter.

(Tell Story 7 in Part Seventh.)

=1.= To what place did the Apostle P[=e]´t[~e]r go? =To J[)o]p´p[.a], by
the Great Sea.=

=2.= What did P[=e]´t[~e]r do by a prayer at J[)o]p´p[.a]? =He raised a
woman to life.=

=3.= Who was this woman whom P[=e]´t[~e]r raised to life? =A good woman
named Dôr´cas.=

=4.= What did God teach P[=e]´t[~e]r in a dream at J[)o]p´p[.a]? =That
people of every land and nation might be saved.=

=5.= What did the Jew[s+] call the people of every nation except
themselves? =[.G][)e]n´t[=i]le[s+].=

=6.= To what [.G][)e]n´t[=i]le did God send P[=e]´t[~e]r to preach the
gospel? =To Côr-n[=e]´-l[)i]-us a R[=o]´man officer.=

=7.= What did P[=e]´t[~e]r and the church at J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m
learn from this? =To preach Chr[=i]st to the [.G][)e]n´t[=i]le[s+].=

=8.= What was done to P[=e]´t[~e]r after this at
J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m? =He was put in prison.=

=9.= What did the king intend to do with P[=e]´t[~e]r on the next day?
=To put him to death.=

=10.= What happened to P[=e]´t[~e]r on that night? =He was set free by
an angel.=

Lesson XL. The First Missionaries.

(Tell Story 8 in Part Seventh.)

=1.= Where did a great church of Chr[=i]st grow up? =At [)A]n´t[)i]-och
in S[)y]r´[)i]-[.a].=

=2.= Who preached and taught in the church at [)A]n´t[)i]-och?
=Bär´na-b[)a]s and S[a:]ul.=

=3.= For what work were Bär´na-b[)a]s and S[a:]ul sent out from
[)A]n´t[)i]-och? =To preach the gospel in other lands.=

=4.= What are those who go out to other lands to preach the gospel
called? =Missionaries.=

=5.= To what island did the missionaries and Bär´na-b[)a]s first go
preaching the gospel? =To the island of Ç[=y]´prus.=

=6.= By what name was Sa[u:]l called after this time? =P[a:]ul, the

=7.= In what land did the missionaries, P[a:]ul and Bär´na-b[)a]s,
preach after they left the island of Çy´prus? =In [=A]´[s+]i[.a]

=8.= In what city of [=A]´[s+]i[.a] M[=i]´nor did they begin preaching
the gospel? =In [)A]n´t[)i]-och of P[+i]-s[)i]d´[)i]-[.a].=

=9.= In what place were they first worshipped as gods and then stoned?
=At L[)y]s´tr[.a].=

=10.= What did P[a:]ul and Bär´na-b[)a]s do in all the places which they
visited on this journey? =They planted churches of Chr[=i]st.=

=11.= To what place did they go again after their journey? =To
[)A]n´t[)i]-och in S[)y]r´[)i]-[.a].=

Lesson XLI. Paul's Second Journey.

(Tell Stories 10, 11 and 12 in Part Seventh.)

=1.= Who went with P[a:]ul on his second missionary journey? =S[=i]´las
and T[)i]m´o-th[)y].=

=2.= What great land did they visit on this journey? =Europe.=

=3.= In what city of Europe did they begin preaching the gospel? =In

=4.= What was done to P[a:]ul and S[=i]´las at Ph[)i]-l[)i]p´p[=i]?
=They were beaten and put in prison.=

=5.= How were they set free from the prison at Ph[)i]-l[)i]p´p[=i]? =By
an earthquake.=

=6.= What did the jailor of the prison at Ph[)i]-l[)i]p´p[=i] ask
P[a:]ul and S[=i]´las when the earthquake came? ="What must I do to be

=7.= What did P[a:]ul and S[=i]´las say to the jailor? ="Believe on the
Lord J[=e]´[s+]us Chr[=i]st."=

=8.= In what city after Ph[)i]-l[)i]p´p[=i] did they preach the gospel?
=In Th[)e]s-sa-l[+o]-n[=i]´c[.a].=

=9.= In what city did P[a:]ul preach a sermon on a hill? =In
[)A]th´[)e]n[s+], on Mär[s+]' Hill.=

=10.= Where did P[a:]ul stay two years, preaching? =At C[)o]r´inth.=

Lesson XLII. Paul's Third journey.

(Tell Stories 13 and 14 in Part Seventh.)

=1.= In what great city of [=A]´[s+]i[.a] M[=i]´nor did P[a:]ul preach
on his third missionary journey? =In [)E]ph´e-s[)u]s.=

=2.= What did P[a:]ul do in [)E]ph´e-s[)u]s? =Many great works of

=3.= How long did P[a:]ul stay in [)E]ph´e-s[)u]s preaching? =Three

=4.= What arose in [)E]ph´e-s[)u]s a little before P[a:]ul left the
city? =A great uproar against P[a:]ul.=

=5.= To what places in Europe where P[a:]ul had preached before, did he
go after leaving [)E]ph´e-s[)u]s? =To Ph[)i]-l[)i]p´p[=i] and

=6.= Where did P[a:]ul make a young man well, after he had fallen out of
a window? =At Tr[=o]´[)a]s.=

=7.= At what place did P[a:]ul send for the leaders of the church at
[)E]ph´e-s[)u]s? =At M[=i]-l[=e]´tus.=

=8.= What did P[a:]ul speak to these leaders of the church? =His
farewell words.=

=9.= What words of J[=e]´[s+]us did P[a:]ul tell them to remember? ="It
is more blessed to give than to receive."=

=10.= Where did P[a:]ul end his third missionary journey? =At

Lesson XLIII. Paul a Prisoner.

(Tell Stories 15, 16 and 17 in Part Seventh.)

=1.= What happened to P[a:]ul while he was worshipping God in the temple
at J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m? =He was taken by his enemies.=

=2.= What did these enemies of P[a:]ul try to do? =To kill him.=

=3.= Who took P[a:]ul out of the hands of his enemies? =R[=o]´man

=4.= Where was P[a:]ul taken to be kept from his enemies? =Into the

=5.= What did the Lord J[=e]´[s+]us say to P[a:]ul at night while he was
in the castle? ="Be of good cheer, P[a:]ul!"=

=6.= To what place was P[a:]ul sent to be safe from the Jew[s+]? =To

=7.= Before what ruler was P[a:]ul brought to be tried? =Before
F[=e]´l[)i]x the governor.=

=8.= How long was P[a:]ul kept in prison at Ç[)æ]s-a-r[=e]´[.a]? =Two

=9.= Before what other governor was P[a:]ul brought after two years?
=Before F[)e]s´tus.=

=10.= What king listened to P[a:]ul as he told how Chr[=i]st had saved
him? =King [+A]-gr[)i]p´p[a.].=

Lesson XLIV. Paul in the Storm.

(Tell Story 18 in Part Seventh.)

=1.= To what place was P[a:]ul while a prisoner sent for another trial?
=To R[=o]me.=

=2.= How did P[a:]ul and many other prisoners leave Ç[)æ]s-a-r[=e]´[.a]
to go to R[=o]me? =On board a ship.=

=3.= What did P[a:]ul tell those on the ship that they would meet in the
voyage? =Great trouble and danger.=

=4.= How did the trouble and danger come to those that were in the ship?
=From a great storm.=

=5.= How long did the storm last? =Two weeks.=

=6.= What did an angel say to P[a:]ul in the night while the storm was
raging? =That all on the ship would be saved.=

=7.= What did P[a:]ul say to those on the ship? ="Be of good cheer."=

=8.= How were the lives of the people saved from the storm? =They were
thrown upon an island.=

=9.= What was the name of this island? =M[)e]l´[)i]-t[.a].=

Lesson XLV. Paul at Rome.

(Tell Story 19 in Part Seventh. Stories 20 and 21 may be omitted.)

=1.= What happened to P[a:]ul on the shore at the island of
M[)e]l´[)i]-t[.a]? =He was bitten by a poisonous snake.=

=2.= What did P[a:]ul do, when the snake bit him? =He shook it off and
was not harmed.=

=3.= What did the people of the island think when they saw no harm come
to P[a:]ul? =They thought that he was a god.=

=4.= Who treated P[a:]ul and his friends kindly at M[)e]l´[)i]-t[.a]?
=P[)u]b´l[)i]-[)u]s, the ruler of the island.=

=5.= What did P[a:]ul do for the ruler P[)u]b´l[)i]-[)u]s? =He made his
sick father well.=

=6.= To what land did they sail from the island of M[)e]l´[)i]-t[.a]?
=To the land of [)I]t´a-l[)y].=

=7.= At what great city did P[a:]ul's long journey end? =At R[=o]me.=

=8.= How long was P[a:]ul a prisoner at R[=o]me? =Two years.=

=9.= What did he do while a prisoner? =He preached the gospel.=

=10.= What did P[a:]ul write at the end of his life? ="I have fought a
good fight."=

Lesson XLVI. Review on the Early Church.

=1.= In what city were the followers of Chr[=i]st after J[=e]´[s+]us
went to heaven? =J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m.=

=2.= On what day did the Holy Spirit come upon the disciples? =The day
of P[)e]n´te-c[)o]st.=

=3.= Who was the leader of the church in its early days? =The Apostle

=4.= Who died because they told a lie? =[)A]n-a-n[=i]´as and

=5.= What good man was stoned to death? =St[=e]´phen.=

=6.= What young man helped in the stoning of St[=e]´phen? =S[a:]ul.=

=7.= Who preached in S[+a]-m[=a]´r[)i]-[.a] after St[=e]´phen was
killed? =Ph[)i]l´[)i]p.=

=8.= Where did S[a:]ul become a believer in Chr[=i]st? =At

=9.= What good woman was raised to life through the prayer of
P[=e]´t[~e]r? =Dôr´cas.=

=10.= To what [.G][)e]n´t[=i]le or foreigner was P[=e]´t[~e]r sent to
preach the gospel? =To Côr-n[=e]´l[)i]-[)u]s.=

=11.= How was P[=e]´t[~e]r set free from prison in
J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m? =By an angel.=

=12.= What church sent out the first missionaries to preach the gospel?
=The church at [)A]n´t[)i]-och.=

=13.= Who were the two missionaries sent out? =Bär´na-b[)a]s and

=14.= What island did Bär´na-b[)a]s and S[a:]ul first visit in preaching
the gospel? =Ç[=y]´prus.=

=15.= By what name was S[a:]ul known after this? =P[a:]ul.=

=16.= Where were P[a:]ul and Bär´na-b[)a]s first worshipped and then
stoned? =L[)y]s´tr[.a].=

=17.= In what city was the gospel first preached in Europe? =In

=18.= Where was P[a:]ul made a prisoner? =In J[+e]-r[u:]´s[+a]-l[)e]m.=

=19.= On what island was P[a:]ul shipwrecked? =M[)e]l´[)i]-t[.a].=

=20.= To what city was P[a:]ul taken as a prisoner after being
shipwrecked? =To R[=o]me.=

[Illustration: MAP 1

THE ANCIENT WORLD Showing the probable Settlements of the DESCENDANTS OF

[Illustration: MAP 2


[Illustration: MAP 3


_Illustrating the Pentateuch_]

[Illustration: MAP 4


[Illustration: MAP 5


[Illustration: MAP 6


[Illustration: MAP 7


[Illustration: MAP 8


[Illustration: MAP 9


Based on Actual Survey of the Site]

[Illustration: MAP 10


[Illustration: MAP 11


[Illustration: MAP 12


[Illustration: MAP 13


[Illustration: MAP 14


[Illustration: MAP 15


[Illustration: MAP 16


[Illustration: MAP 17


       *       *       *       *       *

Transcriber's Notes:

The following key explains the marking used to show pronunciation

          [=x] Macron or solid line above a letter.
          [:x] Umlaut or two dots above a letter
          [x:] Umlaut or two dots below a letter
          [.x] Dot above a letter
          [x.] Dot below a letter
          [^x] Circumflex or caret above a letter
          [)x] Breve above a letter
          [~x] Tilde above a letter
          [+x] Tack above letter
          [x+] Tack under a letter

Obvious punctuation errors repaired.

Page 10, "[)I]s´ra-el" changed to "[)I][s+]´ra-el" (sons did J[=a]´cob
or [)I][s+]´ra-el)

Page 14, "C[=a]´n[)a]an-ites" changed to "C[=a]´n[)a]an-[=i]tes" (over
the C[=a]´n[)a]an-[=i]tes.)

Page 27, "Jo-s[=i]´ah" changed to "J[+o]-s[=i]´ah" (the time of

Page 29, "P[~e]r´[s+]ia" changed to "P[~e]r´[s+]i[.a]" (kingdom of

Page 29, "P[)e]r´[s+]i[.a]" changed to "P[~e]r´[s+]i[.a]" (formed the
kingdom of P[~e]r´[s+]i[.a])

Page 29, "Es´th[~e]r" changed to "[)E]s´th[~e]r" (cared for

Page 29, "Es´th[~e]r" changed to "[)E]s´th[~e]r" (when he saw

Page 34, "[=E]´[.g]ypt" changed to "[=E]´[.g][)y]pt" (be taken to

Page 36, "B[)a]p´tist" changed to "B[)a]p´t[)i]st"
(B[)e]th=[)a]b´a-r[.a]? =J[)o]hn the B[)a]p´t[)i]st.=)

Page 36, "N[)i]c-o-d[=e]´mus" changed to "N[)i]c-o-d[=e]´m[u:]s" (at
night? =N[)i]c-o-d[=e]´m[u:]s.=)

Page 36, number 1. added to text for first question under "Jesus at
Jacob's Well".

Page 42, question 3 was omitted from the text under "The Little Child".

Page 45, "J[)e]r´i-ch[=o]" changed to "J[)e]r´[)i]-ch[=o]" (of
P[+e]-r[=e]´a? =J[)e]r´[)i]-ch[=o].=)

Page 54, "[.G][)e]n´t[=i]les" changed to "[.G][)e]n´t[=i]le[s+]"
(Chr[=i]st to the [.G][)e]n´t[=i]le[s+])

Page 55, "[=A]´si[.a]" changed to "[=A]´[s+]i[.a]" (city of
[=A]´[s+]i[.a] M[=i]´nor)

Page 60, "MAP 1" added to text to match rest of books map titling.

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Hurlbut's Bible Lessons, by 
Rev. Jesse Lyman Hurlbut


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