Two Decades

By Georgeanna M. Gardenier and Frances W. Graham

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Georgeanna M. Gardenier

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Title: Two Decades
       A History of the First Twenty Years' Work of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of the State of New York

Author: Frances W. Graham and Georgeanna M. Gardenier

Release Date: March 13, 2007  [eBook #20811]

Language: English

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A History
of the
First Twenty Years' Work
of the
Woman's Christian Temperance Union
of the State of New York.





Written by Request of the Twentieth Annual Convention of the State Woman's
Christian Temperance Union, Held at Syracuse in October, 1893

"In which the first Crusade meeting was held."]



This little volume now starts upon its way to visit the homes of those
who, with us, desire above all things the overthrow of the liquor
traffic. When it knocks at your door, kindly admit it and treat it as a
welcome guest--a loved friend; remain blind to its faults, and see only
the good intended.

We send it forth, not for its literary merit, not for any honor to
ourselves, but as a faithful record of the work accomplished by the
Woman's Christian Temperance Union of the State of New York during the
two decades just closed. It was written at your request, and it is
yours, not ours. That it may be of benefit to the work and a pleasure to
the workers is all we ask. We commend it to you with earnest prayers and
best wishes.



[Illustration: Mary T. Burt]




MRS. MARY TOWNE BURT,       217 W. 134th St., _New York City_.

MRS. ELLA A. BOOLE, A.M.,          _West New Brighton, S. I_.

MRS. FRANCES W. GRAHAM,           274 Church St., _Lockport_.

MRS. GEORGEANNA M. GARDENIER,     64 E. Cayuga St., _Oswego_.

MRS. ELLEN L. TENNEY,             484 Madison Ave., _Albany_.




_Albany_--Mrs. C. J. A. JUMP, Albany.
_Allegany_--Mrs. V. A. WILLARD, Belmont
_Broome_--Mrs. W. H. BRISTOL, Binghamton.
_Cattaraugus_--Mrs. M. G. PECKHAM, Leon.
_Cayuga_--Mrs. P. J. ADAMS, Moravia.
_Chautauqua_--Mrs. M. S. MEAD, Jamestown.
_Chemung_--Mrs. S. W. STODDARD, Horseheads.
_Chenango_--'Mrs. C. A. MOORE, Mt. Upton.
_Clinton_--Mrs. FRANCES D. HALL, Plattsburg.
_Columbia_--Mrs. MARCIA C. POWELL, Ghent.
_Cortland_--Mrs. FANNIE KEESE, Cortland.
_Delaware_--Mrs. CLARA HILSINGER, Sidney.
_Dutchess_--Mrs. H. A. NELSON, Poughkeepsie.
_Erie_--Mrs. CLARA T. SISSON, Collins.
_Essex_--Mrs. ADA J. R. BEERS, Port Henry.
_Franklin_--Mrs. W. F. WINKLEY, Malone.
_Fulton_--Mrs. GEORGE CLARK, Amsterdam.
_Genesee_--Mrs. ANNA E. RICE, Batavia.
_Greene_--Miss E. BRANDOW, Coxsackie.
_Herkimer_--Mrs. L. P. DAVIES, Herkimer.
_Jefferson_--Mrs. E. GURNEY, Clayton.
_Kings_--Mrs. L. VANDERHOEF, Brooklyn.
_Lewis_--Mrs. M. B. O'DONNELL, Lowville.
_Livingston_--Mrs. H. M. FREEMAN, Lima.
_Madison_--Mrs. E. C. BUSHNELL, Lakeport.
_Monroe_--Mrs. F. N. PARISH, Churchville.
_Montgomery_--Mrs. J. G. DEGRAFF, Amsterdam.
_New York_--Mrs. E. FRANCES LORD, New York.
_Niagara_--Mrs. RUTH A. FROST, Barker's.
_Oneida_--Mrs. THEODOSIA M. FOSTER, Verona.
_Onondaga_--Mrs. M. D. FERGUSON, Syracuse.
_Ontario_--Mrs. A. H. WOOD, Farmington.
_Orange_--Mrs. L. H. WASHINGTON, Port Jervis.
_Orleans_--Mrs. G. A. HEWITT, Gaines.
_Oswego_--Mrs. S. M. BARKER, New Haven.
_Otsego_--Mrs. ELLEN TALLMADGE, Otsego.
_Putnam_--Mrs. LYMAN F. BROWN, Carmel.
_Queens_--Mrs. C. H. HARRIS, Jamaica.
_Rensselaer_--Mrs. S. A. KENNEY, Troy.
_Richmond_--Mrs. SARAH R. MORRIS, West New Brighton.
_Rockland_--Mrs. J. A. DINGMAN, Spring Valley.
_Saratoga_--Mrs. GRACE ANDRESS, Gansevoort.
_Schenectady_--Mrs. M. CLOWE, Schenectady.
_Schoharie_--Mrs. L. A. WILCOX, Jefferson.
_Schuyler_--Mrs. L. L. CLAWSON, Havana.
_Seneca_--Mrs. J. STORY, Cayuga.
_Steuben_--Mrs. A. M. HART, Hornellsville.
_St. Lawrence_--Mrs. M. D. SILL, Massena.
_Suffolk_--Mrs. EVA HORTON, Greenport.
_Sullivan_--Mrs. M. M. McKoon, Long Eddy.
_Tioga_--Mrs. N. H. HUTCHINSON, Oswego.
_Tompkins_--Mrs. D. C. BOUTON, Ithaca.
_Ulster_--Mrs. E. U. BURGESS, Highland.
_Warren_--Mrs. T. TRITTON, Glens Falls.
_Washington_--Mrs. J. H. MASON, Greenwich.
_Wayne_--Miss H. ELLEN ORTON, Sodus.
_Westchester_--Miss H. A. ROLLINS, Yonkers.
_Wyoming_--Miss KATE MANNING, Attica.
_Yates_--Miss CELIA S. HUTTON, Penn Yan.


PREFACE                                                       11

Sketch of Mrs. Esther McNeil, Veteran Crusader                14

PROLOGUE                                                      15

CHAPTER I.--"The Sober Second Thought of the Crusade"         19

Sketch of Mrs. Allen Butler, first President                  27

CHAPTER II.--Constitution and By-Laws, with changes           29

Sketch of Mrs. Maria Hyde Hibbard, second President           32

CHAPTER III.--Organization                                    33

Sketch of Mrs. Mary Towne Burt, our President                 40

CHAPTER IV.--Educational                                      44

Sketch of Mrs. Ella A. Boole, First Vice-President            51

CHAPTER V.--Evangelistic                                      53

Sketch of Mrs. Frances W. Graham, Corresponding Secretary     57

CHAPTER VI.--Legislation and Petition                         59

Sketch of Mrs. Georgeanna M. Gardenier, Recording Secretary   67

CHAPTER VII.--Social and Political                            70

Sketch of Mrs. Ellen L. Tenney, Treasurer                     75

CHAPTER VIII.--Miscellaneous                                  77

Financial Statement, 1874-1894                                84

Officers, 1874-1894                                           85

Annual Meetings                                               86

World's Fair Banner                                           87


Crusade Church                          Frontispiece

Mrs. Mary Towne Burt                   Facing page 5

Mrs. Esther McNeil                       "     "  14

Mrs. Allen Butler                        "     "  27

Mrs. Maria Hyde Hibbard                  "     "  32

Mrs. Mary Towne Burt                     "     "  40

Mrs. Ella A. Boole                       "     "  51

Mrs. Frances W. Graham                   "     "  57

Mrs. Georgeanna M. Gardenier             "     "  67

Mrs. Ellen L. Tenney                     "     "  75


Histories are strange things: they uncover so many hidden events, and
bring back so many lost memories. A history that traces the beginnings
of a reform movement, that weaves the shuttle of memory in and out of
the web of the past and presents a perfect woof of fact and incident, is
a treasury of knowledge that will not fail to delight and instruct. But
the compilation of such a history is no easy task, and especially is
this true of an organization with the many ramifications of the Woman's
Christian Temperance Union of the State of New York.

The 14th of October, 1894, marked the twenty-first milestone in our
history, and the story that follows is the story of the hopes and fears,
the smiles and tears of the past twenty years, mingled with songs of
rejoicing for grand achievement. For twenty years this organization has
stood with undaunted front against the sin of the state as represented
by the legalized traffic in intoxicating liquors and by the awful vice
that would put a premium on woman's shame.

During this time it has uttered its shibboleth that that political
party, and that only, which declares in its platform for the complete
prohibition of the liquor traffic, can have its influence and its
prayers. There have been days of darkness and disaster, but by the grace
of God no weapon turned against the union has prospered, and every
tongue that has risen in judgment has been condemned. The growth of the
organization has been marvelous, for in twenty years it has grown from a
few hundred members to twenty-two thousand, and from a few auxiliaries
to over nine hundred, which cover as a network the entire state. Its
workers are indefatigable, and wage their peaceful war for "sweeter
manners, purer laws," with an earnestness that carries conviction to the
hearts of the people and the law-makers of the state. And wherever there
is a wrong to right, an evil to attack, or a hand to help, there will
you find a woman with a white ribbon on her breast.

The committee having this history in charge have searched faithfully the
records of twenty years. Some of the names recorded here have never been
heard by the workers of later years. Their owners have crossed the
boundary-line that separates this world from the next. But living and
dead speak with one voice of their love, service, and consecration to
the work; and out of these God has welded a union that stands for all
that is pure and good in government and the home, and whose work for Him
and for humanity will never cease until

   "All the bells of God shall ring the ship of Temperance in."

We feel that the state is under many obligations to Mrs. Graham and Mrs.
Gardenier for so faithfully recording the work of these past years, for
while in one sense it has been a labor of love, yet the many hours spent
in earnest research for the necessary data must have been hours of toil.
And while we thank our beloved sisters for their work and interest, our
thoughts turn to the thousands of women whose lives have made this
history possible--those who have gone steadfastly forward in the line of
duty, thinking not of the world's applause, but doing all things and
bearing all things in the Master's name and for the Master's sake.

With this history we have reached our majority--twenty-one years. "Old
enough to vote," I hear some one say. Yes, quite. But the state, whose
children we are marshaling under the total abstinence banner of the
Loyal Temperance Legion; with whose vice and misery we are in a
hand-to-hand conflict, and have done much to suppress; which has felt
the influence of our work in hundreds of directions, and whose
law-makers declare that it is good, and good only, has not yet awarded
us the right. But long before we reach our second majority the piece of
paper that "does the freeman's will as lightning does the will of God"
will be placed in the hand of woman, and sin and impurity, like the
shadows, will flee away.

And for those who are still in the stress of the battle, for those who
will come after us, and for those who will kindly read these pages, "May
God bless us each and every one."


NEW YORK, November 9, 1894.



Esther Lord was born in Carlisle, Schoharie county, New York, in the
year 1812. Her father was a Connecticut Yankee, her mother a native of
Massachusetts. When Esther was ten years of age her father died, leaving
ten children. We know little of the struggles through which they passed
before reaching manhood and womanhood.

In 1832 she was married to James McNeil, of Carlisle, and together they
enlisted under the Washingtonian movement to fight the demon drink.
About a month after her marriage she became a Christian, and, with a new
heart, God gave her the desire to be of use to others, and she offered
herself to the Lord to care for homeless children. Although she has
never been blessed with children of her own, yet the mother heart has
not been empty. In 1868 she with her husband moved to Fredonia,
Chautauqua county, New York, with eight homeless children to be put to
school. Two years later her husband, who was a member of the State
Temperance Society, died, and in this same year one of her dear girls

In 1873 she entered the list of crusaders, and became a member of the
Woman's Christian Temperance Union, organized December 22, 1873. This
union has continued to be the leading union in the county, holding
weekly meetings, and loyal always to county, state, and national
organizations. Mrs. McNeil was the first county president, and for the
past seventeen years has been the local president in Fredonia. Although
now past eighty-two years of age, yet at the twenty-first annual
convention she led the "Crusaders' Hour" with great acceptance.

[Illustration: MRS. ESTHER McNEIL.]


When history shall have recorded the events of America's nineteenth
century, prominent among them will be the "Woman's Crusade," a movement
whose strength, please God, will not be spent until the last legalized
saloon has disappeared from this fair land.

Hillsboro, Ohio, claims the birthplace, and December 23, 1873, as the
birthday of this momentous event. True, from this place and day the
influence deepened and widened, spreading to other localities with
wonderful rapidity; but to Fredonia, Chautauqua county, New York, is
accorded the honor of inaugurating the work, December 15, 1873. How was
this brought about? The story in brief is this:

On Saturday evening, December 13, Dr. Dio Lewis, of Boston, had
delivered a popular lecture in Fredonia, and upon invitation of the Good
Templars remained to deliver a temperance lecture at a union service
Sunday night. The audience was large, but there was no indication of
unusual results from the meeting. The speaker presented the truth so
forcibly, and recommended plans of procedure so practical, that the
audience caught his spirit. At the close of the lecture it was evident
something was going to be done, and that right speedily. Dr. Lewis
outlined a plan of work which he had seen tried with success in his own
village when a youth, and later in other places. The thoughtful ones saw
its feasibility, and numbers spoke upon the question. Rev. Lester
Williams, pastor of the Baptist Church, said he believed in striking
while the iron was hot, and asked all the ladies who sympathized with
the proposition to hold a meeting of consultation relative to the work
to rise. Nearly every woman was upon her feet. A list of fifty names was
secured of those who were ready to act, and a committee consisting of
Mrs. A. L. Benton, Mrs. Dr. Fuller, and Mrs. J. P. Armstrong, Jr., was
appointed to draw up an appeal to be presented to the various liquor
dealers of the town.

A meeting was called at the Baptist Church for Monday morning, December
15, at ten o'clock, to adopt the appeal and inaugurate the work. The
past few days had been dark and gloomy, but Monday was bright and
beautiful. Mr. Williams remarked that in it they could see the smile of
God upon the movement. About three hundred people gathered at the
appointed hour--men and women. The following appeal was submitted and


   In the name of God and humanity we make our appeal:

    Knowing, as we do, that the sale of intoxicating liquors is the
    parent of every misery, prolific of all woe in this life and the
    next, potent alone in evil, blighting every fair hope, desolating
    families, the chief incentive to crime, we, the mothers, wives, and
    daughters, representing the moral and religious sentiment of our
    town, to save the loved members of our households from the
    temptation of strong drink, from acquiring an appetite for it, and
    to rescue, if possible, those that have already acquired it,
    earnestly request that you will pledge yourself to cease the traffic
    here in these drinks, forthwith and forever. We will also add the
    hope that you will abolish your gaming tables.

The women then retired to the room below, organized for work, and
arranged a line of march. The men meanwhile prayed and planned,
twenty-three of them pledging to pay the percentage of $1,000 placed
opposite their names for carrying on the work.

At half-past twelve o'clock the procession marched out of the basement
of the Baptist Church, over one hundred being in line. These were the
wives of Fredonia's most respected citizens, venerable and revered
matrons, as well as many young women. Headed by Mrs. Judge Barker and
Mrs. Rev. Lester Williams, they quietly walked across the park straight
to the Taylor House saloon. The band of women filed in, nearly filling
the place. Mrs. Barker immediately made known their mission. Mrs.
Williams read to the proprietor the appeal. A hymn was sung to Pleyel's
sweet air, and all joined in the Lord's prayer, after which Mrs.
Tremaine, a venerable and gifted woman, offered a prayer full of
Christian tenderness. Mr. Taylor was then asked if he would not accede
to their appeal. He finally said, "If the rest will close their places,
I'll close mine." His brother and partner did not consent so readily.
The ladies asked him to consider the matter, promising to call the next
day for his decision. The proprietor replied "That he would be pleased
to see them every day," and politely bowed the ladies out. This visit
was a sample of those made until every saloon, hotel, and drug store had
been visited. This work was continued daily, and during the week union
prayer-meetings were held every night. One drug store responded to the
appeal; one hotel closed its bar; the visits became distasteful to one
dealer, and he locked the women out.

The _Fredonia Censor_, a weekly paper, in its issue of Wednesday,
December 17, 1873, contained the following headlines:


       *       *       *       *       *

_Enthusiastic Meeting Sunday Evening--Every Place where Liquor is Sold
in Fredonia Visited by a Band of One Hundred Women on Monday--They
Appeal to the Proprietors to Stop the Traffic--A Season of Prayer and
Hymns in Rum Shops._

On Monday afternoon, December 21, the women met to perfect a permanent
organization, which they did by adopting the following pledge and name:


    We, the undersigned women of Fredonia, feeling that God has laid
    upon us a work to do for temperance, do hereby pledge ourselves to
    _united_ and _continuous_ effort to suppress the traffic in
    intoxicating liquors in our village _until this work be
    accomplished_; and that we will stand ready for united effort upon
    any renewal of the traffic. We will also do what we can to alleviate
    the woes of drunkards' families, and to rescue from drunkenness
    those who are pursuing its ways.


   This society shall be known as _The Woman's Christian Temperance
   Union of Fredonia_.

Two hundred and eight members were enrolled, sixty-four of whom were
young women. The first officers were: Mrs. George Barker, President;
Mrs. D. R. Barker, Vice-President; Mrs. L. A. Barmore, Secretary; Mrs.
L. L. Riggs, Treasurer.

Thus was the wonderful movement called "The Crusade" begun, and the
first local Woman's Christian Temperance Union organized.

That the local paper was keeping a keen watch on the movements of the
women is evidenced by the following headlines in the _Censor_ of
December 24, 1873:


       *       *       *       *       *

_One Less Bar to Practice At--A Permanent Temperance Union Formed--Over
Two Hundred Women Pledged "Until this Work is Accomplished."_



It soon became apparent that the methods of the crusade could not be
continued indefinitely; that in order to strengthen and perpetuate the
work already begun organization was necessary. This sentiment prevailed
in the State of New York, and many local societies, bearing various
names, had already been formed.

The initiatory for a state organization was taken by the Woman's
Temperance Union of Syracuse, which, at a meeting held September 10,
1874, decided to call a state convention of all women's temperance
organizations, to be held at Syracuse in October, preparatory to the
great national convention which was to be held in November. A central
committee of five was appointed to make all necessary arrangements, and
on September 19th was issued the following:


   The Syracuse Woman's Temperance Union respectfully invite the
   working temperance women throughout the state to meet in convention
   in this city on the 14th day of October, at nine o'clock A. M., at
   the First Methodist Church, for the purpose of organizing a state
   temperance league, and to appoint delegates to the national
   convention to be held in Cleveland, Ohio, November next.

   It is hoped that every town and city in the state will be represented.
   All newspapers are requested to give the above an insertion and a local
   notice, and all ministers are desired to read it from their desks.

   Delegates are requested to notify the secretary of their intention
   to be present by the both of October, and places of entertainment
   will be provided. A committee of reception will be in waiting at the
   rooms of the Young Men's Christian Association, 16 South Salina
   street, on Tuesday evening, and at the church on Wednesday morning.

   _Secretary Central Committee._

Pursuant to the above call, at nine o'clock A.M. of October 14, 1874, a
large gathering of earnest women from various parts of the state
assembled at the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Syracuse, for the
purpose of discussing the great interests of the temperance cause and
plan for its future advancement.

The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Allen Butler, of Syracuse, who
was made temporary chairman, with Mrs. S. Thurber and Miss A. L. Didama
as secretaries.

The permanent organization was perfected by the election of the
following officers:

_President_--Mrs. Helen E. Brown, New York City.

_Vice-Presidents_--Mrs. Allen Butler, Syracuse; Mrs. George Case, Sodus;
Mrs. L. B. Ayers, Penn Yan.

_Secretary_--Mrs. N. B. Foot, Rome.

_Assistant Secretaries_--Mrs. S. Thurber, Syracuse; Miss A. L. Didama,

The following reported and were registered as delegates, although many
others were present and participated in the deliberations:



_Allegany County._                    Mrs. T. B. Stowell, Cortland.
Mrs. B. C. Rude, Wellsville.           Mrs. Day, Cortland.
                                      Mrs. Dr. Green, Cortland.
_Broome County._                      Mrs. E. L. Knight, Homer.
Mrs. H. R. Clark, Binghamton.          Mrs. P. Barber, Homer.
Mrs. J. H. Parsons, Binghamton.
Mrs. L. C. Phillips, Binghamton.       _Erie County._
                                      Mrs. L. M. Kenyon, Buffalo.
_Cayuga County._
Mrs. Mary T. Burt, Auburn.            _Herkimer County._
Mrs. George Letchworth, Auburn.       Mrs. L. Colton, Ilion.
Mrs. James Seymour, Auburn.           Mrs. M. J. Buck, Ilion.
Mrs. C. W. Boyce, Auburn.              Mrs. M. E. Perkins, Ilion.
Mrs. B. F. Hall, Auburn.               Mrs. Albert Baker, Ilion.
Mrs. Dr. Wilkie, Auburn.              Mrs. M. S. Angel, Ilion.
Mrs. Jennie M. Pierson, Auburn.
Mrs. William Donovan, Weedsport.      _Kings County._
Mrs. T. B. Foote, Weedsport.           Mrs. Mary C. Johnson, Brooklyn.
Mrs. J. Gould, Weedsport.             Mrs. Mary Richardson, Brooklyn.
Mrs. Susan Fox, Weedsport.            Mrs. Geo. W. Thomas, Brooklyn.

_Chautauqua County._                  _Lewis County._
Mrs. Esther McNeil, Fredonia.         Mrs. M. B. O'Donnell, Lowville.
Mrs. H. C. Lake, Fredonia.            Mrs. H. F. Lanfear, Lowville.

_Chemung County._                     _Livingston County._
Mrs. Ransom Pratt, Elmira.            Mrs. McMahon, Lima.
Mrs. Cleevis, Elmira.
                                      _Madison County._
_Clinton County._                     Mrs. Dr. Jarvis, Canastota.
Mrs. George Bixby, Plattsburg.
                                      _Monroe County._
_Cortland County._                    Mrs. E. A. Nelson, Rochester.
Mrs. J. S. Squires, Cortland.          Miss S. J. Vosburg, Rochester.

_New York County._                    Mrs. C. W. Allis, Skaneateles.
Mrs. H. E. Brown, New York.            Mrs. J. P. Clark, Obisco.
Mrs. R. P. Penfield, New York.
                                      _Orleans County._
_Oneida County._                      Mrs. E. G. Gillett, Medina.
Mrs. M. M. Northrup, Utica.
Mrs. George Westcott, Utica.          _Oswego County._
Mrs. Peter Stryker, Rome.             Mrs. E. A. Cooper, Fulton.
Mrs. N. B. Foot, Rome.                 Mrs. J. Miller, Fulton.
Mrs. O. C. Cole, Clinton.              Mrs. George Goodier, Oswego.
                                      Mrs. Francis Brown, Oswego.
_Ontario County._                     Mrs. C. T. Bishop, Oswego.
Mrs. A. Petit, Gorham.                Mrs. Elizabeth Clark, Oswego.
Mrs. E. G. Townsend, Geneva.
Mrs. E. W. Herendeen, Geneva.          _Seneca County._
Mrs. Adaline King, Geneva.            Mrs. S. M. Metcalf, Seneca Falls.
Mrs. J. G. Gracey, Clifton Springs.    Miss Emma Allen, Seneca Falls.
Mrs. T. J. Bissell, Phelps.
                                      _Tioga County._
_Onondaga County._                    Mrs. L. Curtis, Waverly.
Mrs. Alien Butler, Syracuse.
Mrs. R. A. Esmond, Syracuse.           _Tompkins County._
Mrs. T. S. Truair, Syracuse.            Mrs. S. Whitlock, Ithaca.
Mrs. J. L. Bagg, Syracuse.              Mrs. C. M. Selkreg, Ithaca.
Mrs. J. P. Griffin, Syracuse.
Mrs. S. Thurber, Syracuse.            _Wayne County._
Mrs. George Greeley, Syracuse.        Mrs. William H. Carkey, Clyde.
Mrs. Dr. Stevens, Syracuse.           Mrs. Harris Wilbur, Clyde.
Mrs. J. J. Brown, Syracuse.            Mrs. G. Case, Sodus.
Mrs. Beardsley, Syracuse.             Mrs. C. P. Mundy, Sodus.
Miss A. L. Didama, Syracuse.
Miss M. E. Armstrong, Fayetteville.    _Yates County._
Mrs. M. Gage, Fayetteville.           Mrs. L. B. Ayers, Penn Yan.
Miss Etta P. Avery, Fayetteville.     Mrs. M. J. Lattimer, Penn Yan.
Mrs. Morehouse, Liverpool.            Mrs. C. A. Allen, Benton Center.


Mrs. T. K. Church, Washington, D.C.[1]
Mrs. Mary R. Denman, Newark, N.J. [2]
Mrs. J. Dunlap, Newark, N.J.
Miss Mary Dunlap, Newark, N.J.

Of this number thirteen were present at the twentieth convention, held
at Syracuse in 1893; among them being the first chairman, Mrs. Butler;
the first secretary, Mrs. N. B. Foot; and Mrs. Esther McNeil, our
venerable crusader, of Fredonia.

The keynote for the future was struck at the first convention, as will
be seen in the report of the committee appointed to recommend topics for
discussion. These represented the foundation principles of the
organization, and were as follows:


How should holly-tree inns or coffee-rooms be managed? What is their

Is it a part of woman's work in the temperance cause to attend to the
enforcing of the license laws?

How can we arouse the young women to _think_ as they never have upon
this subject, and to realize that there is a practical obligation
resting upon them?

How can we make professing Christians feel their responsibilities?

What is the most judicious way of awakening the clergy to more zealous
effort in the cause of temperance, and securing the cooperation of the
church as a body?

How can we work most effectually among the children?

Can domestic wines be made and used consistently by Christian women, or
with safety to their families? Is it not encouraging intemperance?

Can we, as temperance women, use wine and cider for culinary purposes
with consistency or safety?

[1] Afterward President of District of Columbia W.C.T.U.
[2] Afterward President of New Jersey W.C.T.U.

Pending these discussions a constitution was drafted. This was adopted,
and a state society called "The Christian Woman's State League" was

The following officers were elected for the first year:

_President_--Mrs. Allen Butler, Syracuse.

_Vice-Presidents_--Mrs. Mary C. Johnson, Brooklyn; Mrs. Helen E. Brown,
New York; Mrs. Dr. Kenyon, Buffalo; Mrs. L. B. Ayers, Penn Yan; Mrs. B.
F. Hall, Auburn.

_Corresponding Secretary_--Mrs. Dr. Greeley, Syracuse.

_Recording Secretary_--Mrs. Mary T. Burt, Auburn.

_Treasurer_--Mrs. T. S. Truair, Syracuse.

During the first year two quarterly meetings were held--one at Brooklyn
in February, and one at Buffalo in May. At the Brooklyn meeting the
constitution was somewhat modified, and the name changed to the present
one--"The Woman's Christian Temperance Union of the State of New York."

The first legislative work of the society was the memorializing of
President Grant and Governor Dix. This memorial was prepared by Mrs. B.
C. Rude, of Wellsville, Miss M. E. Armstrong, of Fayetteville, and Mrs.
M. B. O'Donnell, of Lowville.


    We, temperance women of the State of New York, in convention at
    Syracuse, deeply sensible that intemperance is a prevailing and
    corrupting power for evil, affecting the happiness and well-being of
    multitudes of all classes and conditions impotent to protect
    themselves from its influences, but citizens, all claiming the
    natural and lawful protection of our rulers and executors of our
    laws; that its pernicious influence in the home, by subverting every
    principle of right, is in the aggregate corrupting the entire
    national body, subverting the intent of our political institutions;
    and whereas petitioning is our only resort, we have petitioned our
    God, the Infinite Ruler, in your behalf, and now petition your
    excellency, in behalf of the temperance cause, that you appoint
    to positions in the civil service none but total abstinence men.
    All of which we most respectfully submit, and for which your
    petitioners will ever pray.

The memorial to Governor Dix was presented directly by the State League;
that to President Grant was referred to the national society soon to be

Twenty-two delegates were appointed to attend the convention called at
Cleveland, Ohio, November 18, 19, and 20, 1874, for the purpose of
organizing a national society. The State of New York was honored in this
convention by the appointment of Mrs. Mary T. Burt as secretary of the
organizing convention, and by the election of Mrs. Mary C. Johnson as
recording secretary, and Mrs. Dr. Kenyon as one of the vice-presidents
for the first year.

The following resolutions were adopted at the first meeting, and must
have been drafted with a prophet's ken, as they have been largely
fulfilled in the years that have passed:


   WHEREAS, Intemperance has become so widespread, permeating every class
   and condition of society, even from the sacred desk to the hovel, we
   hail with gratitude to God the many indications of the revival in the
   interest of temperance reform which exists in various portions of our
   country, and especially do we rejoice that the women have been awakened
   to the vast evils thereby entailed; and, relying upon divine guidance
   and support, we feel that the present time is particularly auspicious
   for that renewal and vigorous action on the part of friends of
   temperance which the exigencies of all so urgently demand; therefore,

   _Resolved_, That we, the temperance women of the State of New York, do
   organize a state temperance league, in the belief that we can the better
   aid, encourage, and fortify each other in the suppression of this
   growing vice, and in the creation of a universal and moral sentiment for
   temperance and sobriety; and to this end there should be much earnest
   prayer for God's wisdom to direct, His power to insure success, linked
   with persistent personal effort.

   _Resolved_, That it is our duty and privilege to stand firm in our
   example of total abstinence by abandoning the use of all intoxicants
   from our tables and from every department of domestic life.

   _Resolved_, That, in the judgment of this convention, one of the great
   hopes of the ultimate triumph of the temperance reform lies in a
   thorough training of the youth of the land in such principles and
   practices of temperance as will show them the fatal danger of drinking
   and the criminality of selling liquors; and we earnestly entreat the
   friends of the cause, and especially pastors of churches and
   superintendents of Sunday-schools throughout the state, to take
   immediate measures in their respective cities and towns for the
   formation in perpetual continuance of temperance societies to be
   composed of youths.

   _Resolved_, That the educational authorities of the state be and are
   hereby respectfully and earnestly requested to cause to be introduced,
   as soon as practicable, into all schools, text-books treating of the
   nature of intoxicating liquors and of the effects upon the human
   constitution, and that Sunday-schools introduce into their libraries
   literature inculcating positive principles which will develop wholesome
   temperance sentiment.

   _Resolved_, That we earnestly ask all good men to cooperate with us in
   our labor, and also by their votes to complete the work to which all our
   energies and our prayers are consecrated.

   For the accomplishment of these objects we shall religiously employ all
   the means God has placed within our reach, and constantly invoke His aid
   and guidance.

This first convention was marked by deep spiritual power. No step was
taken without the manifest guidance of the Holy Spirit.

The sweet gale, or Dutch myrtle, grows in moorland fens. It is a humble
plant, but _fragrant_; where it grows abundantly the miasma of the bog
is neutralized by its balsamic odors and antiseptic qualities, disease
is displaced and health established. So the sweet fragrance of the
Woman's Christian Temperance Union of the State of New York, planted at
Syracuse, has been carried by prayer and faith to all New York, "giving
beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, and the garment of praise
for the spirit of heaviness."

[Illustration: MRS. ALLEN BUTLER.]



Lucy Wood was born in Greenbush, Rensselaer County, New York, in 1820.
Her educational advantages were those offered by the public schools of
her native county. Having decided musical tastes she improved the
opportunities offered at the city of Albany for their cultivation, early
dedicating her gift of song to the causes she loved. She became a
Christian when thirteen years old, and by a long and useful Christian
life has adorned her profession. In 1841 she was united in marriage with
Allen Butler, and soon after removed to Syracuse, then a village of
about six thousand inhabitants. During her life of more than half a
century in Syracuse she has been identified with many of the Christian
and benevolent institutions of the city, as well as those of her own
church, to which she is devotedly attached.

Frail in health, her interest in a cause often exceeded the strength to
work for it. This was the apparent condition of things when the crusade
with whirlwind power swept over the land. A life-long advocate of total
abstinence, her interest in the cause could not be restrained, and
gently her Heavenly Father led her in this work, first to a little
gathering of temperance women, at which, after much importunity, she
conducted the exercises. Some months later she became the chosen leader
of these women. It was from this consecrated band, over the signature of
Mrs. Butler with others, that the call for the first state convention of
temperance women was made.

Who more appropriately than she could call that convention to order? And
when the State League, afterwards the Woman's Christian Temperance
Union, was organized, it was no surprise that Mrs. Allen Butler was
elected president, a position she retained for five years. These were
years of anxiety but of great advancement in temperance. This was due
not only to her thorough consecration and marked executive ability, but
to a life-long experience in other public enterprises, all of which she
brought to the temperance work.

She was present at Cleveland and assisted in organizing the National
Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Through feebleness of body she has
been laid aside from active public work, but always as a member of a
local union has felt the heartbeat of the Woman's Christian Temperance
Union of New York State. At the "home-coming" in Syracuse in 1893, to
celebrate our twentieth anniversary, Mrs. Butler was present. A
Chautauqua salute greeted her upon presentation. After looking over the
large gathering she solemnly said, "What hath God wrought?"



The first constitution was adopted at Syracuse in October, 1874, but was
somewhat modified at the meeting held at Brooklyn in February, 1875,
when the name was changed from the "Christian Woman's State League" to
"Woman's Christian Temperance Union of the State of New York."

The first constitution provided for four general officers, five
vice-presidents, and an executive committee of seven, all of whom were
to be elected in such manner as might be determined from time to time. A
financial basis was established at this time by fixing the auxiliary fee
at twenty-five cents.

In 1878 a constitutional change was made reducing the number of
vice-presidents to three, and making the four general officers and three
others elected for that especial purpose the executive committee, these
to be nominated in open convention and elected by ballot. The terms of
auxiliaryship were changed from the twenty-five cent per member basis to
that of voluntary contributions to the state treasury by the local

In 1881 the electing of vice-presidents was discontinued, the presidents
of organized counties being made _ex-officio_ vice-presidents of the
state union. The basis of representation was fixed at two delegates for
each local union. The financial basis of twenty-five cents per member
was again established. In 1882 the auxiliary fee was unfortunately
reduced to twenty cents per member, which has greatly crippled the work
since that time.

In 1883 a radical change was made in the formation of the executive
committee. Since 1878 it had been composed of the four general officers
and three others elected by the convention. In this year the executive
committee was made to consist of the four general officers and the
presidents of county unions, who were _ex-officio_ vice-presidents of
the state union.

In 1885 the constitution was thoroughly revised. A first vice-president
was added to the general officers, and the time for the annual
convention was fixed for the last week of September or the first week of
October. The manner of election was also changed, the nominations being
made by informal ballot. The basis of representation to the state
convention was changed as follows One delegate for every local union
having fifty or less than fifty paying members, and one for every
additional fifty members. The time for election of officers was fixed
for the morning of the last day of the convention. A life membership fee
of twenty-five dollars and an honorary membership fee of five dollars
annually were established, and have added greatly to the financial
prosperity of the work. A clause requiring a year's notice of proposed
change to the constitution was introduced.

The society was incorporated in 1876 under the first order of electing
the executive committee. As this method had been changed, in order to be
legally entrenched for business purposes, in 1892 a change was made in
the constitution, making the five general officers the managers or
trustees, in harmony with the society's articles of incorporation. A
basis of representation at the state convention and auxiliaryship for
the Loyal Temperance Legion was also established, viz: "One delegate for
every thousand members of the Loyal Temperance Legion, such delegates
to be chosen from the superintendents of the Loyal Temperance Legion,
and to be an adult member of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. The
basis of this representation shall be the payment into the state
treasury of one cent for every member of the legion."

In 1893 the last change was made, which resumed the auxiliary fee of
twenty-five cents per member, as established in the first constitution,
as the basis of representation.



Maria Hyde was born in Oxford, Chenango County, New York, and was
educated at the Oxford Academy, now the oldest incorporated academy in
this state, having in June last celebrated its centennial. Born and
reared in an eminently high spiritual and intellectual atmosphere, she
was well qualified for the positions which she filled so acceptably. She
was preceptress in the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, at Lima, New York,
associate principal of the Seneca Collegiate Institute, also of the
Binghamton Academy, and was afterward preceptress of Oxford Academy
until her marriage with Rev. F. G. Hibbard, D.D., of the Methodist
Episcopal Church.

Mrs. Hibbard was elected president of the State Woman's Christian
Temperance Union at Poughkeepsie in 1879, which office she filled for
three years, serving most faithfully and laying down the work only
because of the press of home duties. These years were years of peace and
harmony, and in giving of self to the cause she was also receiving a
blessedness in return. It was during these busy years that she organized
temperance work among the Indians on the reservation in Western New
York. She has many gifts and graces, and has kept even pace with her
husband (who is the author of several theological works of standing
authority) in both literary and spiritual attainments, and "her gifts
make room for her." She has been obliged to lay aside all public work
and devote herself to caring for her husband, whose ill health demands
most of her time, but she still gives her sympathies and her prayers to
and for the Woman's Christian Temperance Union--the workers and the

[Illustration: MRS. MARIA HYDE HIBBARD.]



   "In union there is strength"

At the first annual meeting, held at Ilion, a committee on organization
of state was appointed, consisting of Mrs. Dr. Kenyon, of Buffalo; Mrs.
Dr. Clary, of Auburn; Mrs. O'Donnell, of Lowville; Mrs. Truair and Miss
Noble, of Syracuse. This committee formed plans, and organizers were
appointed. Miss Elizabeth Greenwood, of Brooklyn, was the first one who
reported work done.

At this time those who did organizing work were called state agents.
Miss Greenwood, in her first report, suggested the change from state
agent to state organizer, which suggestion was acted upon and the name

For the first few years organization was effected by congressional
districts, but later on this was changed to organization by counties,
and has remained so up to the present time.

Department work was first taken up in 1878, six departments being
considered. Those having the work in charge were known as chairmen of
standing committees. In 1880 this was changed to the present
name--superintendent of department.

In 1882 the manner of representation to the national convention was
changed from congressional districts to grouping of counties.

For a number of years organization was made the leading line of work,
and in 1888 only three counties remained unorganized. Many of our county
workers did valiant service in the line of organizing in their own
localities, but the grand result reached in this year was due largely to
the untiring energy and activity of our state organizers. Mrs. Burt, in
her annual address for 1888, refers to their work in the following
glowing words of commendation:

    But if our state excels, as I believe it does, in organization, it
    is largely due to the fact that our organizers are beyond
    comparison. Where will you find another Helen L. Bullock, or an E.
    M. J. Decker, or a Vandelia Varnum, or a Cynthia Jump, or Augusta
    Goodale, or such a list of county presidents, whom the record shows
    have made organizing their "chief concern" during the past twelve
    months? New York points with pride to these her daughters. They have
    not stopped to reason why, they have not stopped to make reply, but
    with a courage born of their high calling have gone steadfastly
    forward, and in many instances have snatched the palm of victory
    from the jaws of defeat.

While paying this tribute to our organizers we do not forget her who
stood at the head of our state work during these years, planning,
directing, counseling, and encouraging. In Mary T. Burt we have a living
embodiment of "there's no such word as fail." For twelve years she has
led the white ribbon host of the Empire State, and if she can point with
pride to these her co-workers, saying, "Where will you find their
equal?" we can point with pride to our state president, and say, Where
will you find _her_ equal? Self has been forgotten, and with a courage
born of her convictions she has grandly carried forward the work,
standing always for the best interests of the state. And what is the
result? In this year of 1894 there is not a county in our state, except
one, [3] but what has a branch of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union
within its borders.

[3] Hamilton County, a lumbering district with small population and few,
if any, railroad facilities.

Owing to various circumstances and conditions, the work in one or two
counties has at different periods been suspended for a short time,
usually to be taken up again with renewed vigor. Our total membership is
more than twenty-two thousand, with an honorary membership of nearly
five thousand.

In 1881 annual blanks were sent out for the first time, thus making it
easier to secure correct reports of membership and of work done.

At the first annual meeting a form of pledge was appended to the
constitution recommended for local societies, which read as follows:

   We, the undersigned women of ----, severally pledge ourselves in
   integrity and honor before God to abstain from the use of and from
   traffic in all intoxicating liquors as a beverage, and that we will not
   offer the same to others to be so used. And we further solemnly covenant
   before God henceforth to work and pray for the suppression of
   intemperance as a sin against God and man, and that in our work we will
   use such means and forward such measures as God shall direct through the
   Holy Spirit in answer to our prayer.

This form was used for a few years only, and in 1878 we find
it changed to the following:

   I hereby solemnly promise, God helping me, to abstain from all
   distilled, fermented, and malt liquors, including wine and cider, as a
   beverage, and to employ all proper means to discourage the use of and
   traffic in the same.

In 1879 the words "as a beverage" were omitted, and the above pledge,
with this change, is the one which is recommended to all local unions,
and has stood so from 1879 until the present day.


   "The door of millennial glory has a child's hand on the latch."
   MOTTO: "Tremble, King Alcohol! We shall grow up."

At the first meeting of the "State League," in 1874, one of the topics
for discussion was, "How can we work most effectually among the
children?" showing that in the very beginning they realized the fact
that the hope of our final victory rests in the children, and the unions
were urged to organize juvenile unions and Bands of Hope. The following
year an interesting paper on juvenile work was read by Mrs. Bingham, of
Rome, and a resolution adopted, which read:

    _Resolved_, That we urge upon our Sabbath-school superintendents the
    necessity of forming temperance organizations in every
    Sabbath-school, that the children be early pledged to total

A form of constitution and by-laws for juvenile societies was
recommended at this time, such society to be auxiliary to the Woman's
Christian Temperance Union. A form of pledge was also recommended, as

    We, the undersigned children and youth of ----, having been
    instructed that the continued use of intoxicating liquors injures
    the body and endangers the soul, believe that it is safest for us
    never to begin. We do therefore solemnly promise never to use or
    traffic in any whiskey, brandy, wine, beer, ale, or anything that
    can intoxicate, as a beverage, nor encourage others to do so; and we
    will not use it as a medicine, unless prescribed by our parents or
    our physician. May God help us to keep our pledge.

The pledge of to-day is the triple pledge against alcohol, tobacco, and
profanity, and even as early as 1875 we find a mention of this pledge as
the one used by the children's society of Ilion, which then numbered two
hundred members. In 1875 Syracuse had a juvenile society called Cold
Water Templars, which had two thousand members, and Brooklyn reported a
Band of Hope with one thousand children pledged.

Carrying out the spirit of the suggestions and recommendations, children
were organized under various names--Band of Hope, Band of Blue, Cold
Water Temple, Juvenile Union, etc.,--and the work has been kept to the
front during all these years, until now all juvenile societies connected
with the Woman's Christian Temperance Union are marching under one
name--the Loyal Temperance Legion.

In 1891 the president in her annual address referred to "that splendid
child of ours, the Loyal Temperance Legion," and suggested a plan
whereby it might become auxiliary to the state, thereby giving to the
children a feeling of helpfulness and cooperation, and to the state an
inspiration which the representatives of twenty-five thousand children
would be sure to give.

In accordance with this suggestion, originally made by Mrs.
Helen Rice, national superintendent, and Mrs. Harriet A. Metcalf,
state superintendent, an organization was formed and called
State Loyal Temperance Legion. This is composed of three
hundred and eighty-eight companies. The year 1893 marks an
era in Loyal Temperance Legion work, this being the year in
which they began paying dues to the State Woman's Christian
Temperance Union, thereby being entitled to their own delegate
to the state convention.

The juvenile work of our state has received the very best thought of
those having it in charge. It was taken up as a department first in
1880, with Mrs. Frances D. Hall, of Plattsburg, as superintendent. In
1881 Mrs. Dr. Foster, of Clifton Springs, was appointed, each of these
serving one year. In 1882 and 1883 Mrs. H. A. Perrigo, of Brockport, was
the superintendent, and she was succeeded by Mrs. Jennie M. Pierson, of
Auburn, who held the office for two years. In 1886 Mrs. Perrigo was
again appointed, and she has been the superintendent from that time
until now, with just a change of name from Perrigo to Metcalf. Two
annual meetings have been held since the organization of a State Loyal
Temperance Legion--one at Syracuse and one at Cortland. That the
children might be rooted and grounded in the total abstinence faith, a
thorough course of study in the Lesson Manuals was prepared, and a plan
evolved by which members of the legions who passed the examinations
should receive diplomas. One hundred and forty have graduated and
thirty-eight have won seals.

       *       *       *       *       *


    "That our daughters may be as corner-stones, polished after the
    similitude of a palace"--Psalm cxliv., 12.

    "The future destiny of this nation must depend largely on the moral
    platform which young women occupy, and the height to which they
    elevate the standards of purity, temperance, and Christianity."

As an answer to the question asked at the meeting of 1874, "How can we
arouse the young women to _think_ as they never have upon this subject?"
Miss Willard was secured to address the young women at the following
convention, held at Ilion, and so marked was the effect upon her hearers
that a Young Ladies' Temperance Union was organized that afternoon, with
Miss Jessie Remington, of Ilion, as president.

In 1879 a standing committee for "Young Ladies' Societies" was
appointed, with Mrs. Frances Barnes as chairman. In 1880 this was
changed to a department, and Mrs. S. R. Gray, of Albany, made the
superintendent. In 1882 Miss Mary McClees was made superintendent of
this line of work. In 1884 kitchen garden work was added, Miss Emilie
Underhill having charge of the department. During her years of service
we find an addition to her name, that of Burgess having been added, and
as Emilie Underhill Burgess she continued as superintendent of the
department until the convention of 1887, kitchen garden work being
dropped in the meantime.

She was succeeded by Mrs. C. J. A. Jump, of Albany, who holds the position
at this time. The work accomplished by this "faithful few" cannot be
estimated, for who can measure the influence of the young women who
during all these years have been learning the lessons which should fit
them for better service in the Master's vineyard, and who during these
years have answered for themselves the question which opens this
department of organization work?

In 1892 a change was made, taking this from the regular department work
and making it the Young Woman's Branch, with Mrs. Jump as secretary, and
about fifteen hundred young women in our state march under our white
banner and demand "a white life for two."



Mrs. Mary Towne Burt, the third president of the New York State Woman's
Christian Temperance Union, has occupied that position now for twelve
years. If antecedents and previous faithful service are any indication
of desert, then indeed she "came to the kingdom" worthily, and we need
not wonder that she holds her place easily, nor that the work flourishes
abundantly under her administration. Gifted with a fine presence, a
pleasing address, and a well-balanced judgment, she is a fitting leader
for the largest state delegation in the national convention. It is
equally a pleasure to see her preside over our state convention of
capable women, which often outnumbers the national organization, if it
does not have so wide-reaching an influence. Her ability as a presiding
officer has often been complimented by competent judges, and a quiet
confidence in the fairness and impartiality of her rulings pervades the
atmosphere of the assemblage and greatly aids the transaction of
business, while many a pleasant little episode is graciously received
and made to facilitate the progress of the programme.

Born of English parentage in the city of Cincinnati, Ohio, she was at
the tender age of four years bereft of the care of a cultured father,
who had been educated for the clerical ranks of the Church of England.
Her mother, with whom she had a rare sympathy, was spared to an advanced
age to encourage every good work by her sympathy and prayers. Her youth
was spent in Auburn, New York, where she received rare educational
advantages at Brown's Institute, and where in 1865 she was married to
Edward Burt, of one of the oldest families in the state.

[Illustration: MARY TOWNE BURT.]

When her only child was yet a lad the crusade tocsin found her ready to
respond, in accordance with her own convictions and her mother's
faithful teachings. She gave a public address in the opera house at
Auburn, and served for two years as the first president of the local
union in that place, and at the first meeting of the national union, at
Cleveland, she was one of the secretaries. In 1875 she was first the
publisher and then the managing editor of the national paper, _Our
Union_, her home at this time being in Brooklyn. From 1878 to 1880 she
was corresponding secretary of the national union, with her office in
the Bible House, New York City.

She has been identified with the New York State union since its
inception. As its recording secretary for the first seven years of its
existence, she had much to do with shaping its aims and its policy.
After serving one year as corresponding secretary, she was elected
president in 1882, at the convention in Oswego. At that time the state
union had a membership of about three thousand, with but thirteen of the
sixty counties organized. During the years of her presidency all the
remaining counties but one have been organized, and the membership has
gone up to twenty-two thousand. In her first annual address she
recommended a change in the form of the executive committee,
substituting for the three previously elected by ballot, in addition to
the general officers, the vice-presidents of the state, who were the
presidents of the county unions. This changed the possible numbers of
the executive committee from seven to sixty-four. Other measures
recommended by her have been the publication of a state paper, the
opening of state headquarters in New York City, securing permanent
headquarters, putting up a building on the permanent state fair grounds
at Syracuse, creating the departments of Non-Alcoholics in Medicine and
Rescue Work for Girls, the memorializing of the Democratic and
Republican parties in behalf of prohibition and for the enfranchisement
of woman, and petitioning the constitutional convention of 1894 for the
last two purposes.

For some years she has had charge of the legislative interests. In
1885-87 she was superintendent of the Department of Social Purity, and
at once entered upon a vigorous campaign to raise "the age of consent"
for young girls. In 1887 this effort was successful, the legislature
raising the age from ten years to sixteen years. In 1891-92 she led in
the legislative work that resulted in the closing of the New York State
exhibit at the World's Fair on the Sabbath, and in the passage of the
bill prohibiting the employment of barmaids in saloons. She also led in
the protest against the excise bill which resulted in the modification
of some of its worst features, and in the protest against the infamous
bill to legalize the social evil, preventing its introduction into the

As an organizer she has been indefatigable. "Heat, cold, and wet and
dry" were all equally braved by her in the task of meeting the women of
many a locality and explaining the methods of this beneficent work,
while her discriminating eye quickly selected those best fitted to lead
off to success. On all occasions she has fostered a love for sincere
temperance work, which has been of the greatest advantage to the
stability and straightforwardness of the organization in all parts of
the state. She has presided at the organization of a large proportion of
the county unions. The personal acquaintance with the active members
thus gained has greatly aided her in the selection of superintendents
and committees, so far as it falls to the lot of the president to make
such selections.

In other enterprises she has shown similar ability. The erection of a
permanent building on the state fair grounds at Syracuse is eminently
suitable, in view of the fact that the Woman's Christian Temperance
Union had secured the passage in the state legislature of a law
prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors on the state and county
fair grounds within its jurisdiction, the carrying out of which policy
has totally changed the character and conduct of agricultural fairs in
the Empire State. For several years Mrs. Burt has taken an active
interest in the Woman's Christian Temperance Union work at the state
fair grounds at Syracuse, greatly to the detriment of her health by
overtaxing her physical strength. This course certainly gives the
workers an inspiration to undertakings they would never think of braving
but for the courage of their leader.

Of a similar character were the skill and dash that secured the
Metropolitan Opera House for the meeting of the national convention in
1888. It was said that "the women did it," but it was done so quietly
and literally by such rising betimes in the morning that very few know
that the skillful marshaling of the few available forces would after all
have ended in failure had it not been for the quick wit and personal
responsibility of the head hostess of the occasion, the president of the
New York State Union.

For thirteen years Mrs. Burt served the state without salary, giving to
its work the best her life afforded freely and without price. With such
leaders, under God, and with the true end kept steadily in view,
Christian women ought not to fail in their great temperance work. It
matters comparatively little with what branch of the evangelical church
they are associated, but we are persuaded that none of us will esteem
our president less when knowing that she has grown in trust and
devoutness in this work while in the communion of the Protestant
Episcopal Church.



  "My people perish for lack of knowledge."

The educational work of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union has been
one of its prominent sources of usefulness. The trend of so many
departments has been along this line, that to enter into the details of
each would exceed the limit of this historical record.

  "Teach it to thy children."

In a memorial presented to the state legislature in 1877 appeared a
clause asking that it be made obligatory by law for all teachers to
instruct their pupils in temperance. This was the inception of the
Scientific Temperance Instruction Department of the New York State
Woman's Christian Temperance Union.

This was made a regular department of work in 1880, with Mrs. Mary T.
Burt as superintendent. Mrs. E. H. Griffith, of Fairport, succeeded her
the following year and laid some foundation for the work. Miss Elizabeth
W. Greenwood, of Brooklyn, then became superintendent, continuing as
such from 1882 to 1886, and to her must be accorded the honor of doing
the _hard work_ of the department. Her preliminary work consisted in
visiting and presenting the subject before the various normal schools of
the state. This aroused public interest and created a sentiment which
made the subsequent work comparatively easy. At the convention held at
Poughkeepsie in 1883 it was decided to make the securing of a scientific
temperance instruction law a leading line of work for the ensuing year,
and Mrs. Mary H. Hunt, of Boston, national superintendent, was invited
to assist the state superintendent in the campaign.

This was faithfully done. And what of the result? In spite of opposition
and discouragement, after six months of unparalleled labor came the
greatest temperance victory the state had ever gained--the passage of
the scientific temperance education law. The money for carrying on this
expensive campaign was secured largely through the personal solicitation
of Miss Greenwood and the secretary of the department, Mrs. C. C. Alford,
of Brooklyn.

After this law was enacted the state superintendent of public
instruction delayed the introduction of new text-books (which, if
introduced, must remain five years) until the books then under revision,
and to be endorsed by the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, were
ready. The first books introduced were Professor Steele's "Hygiene and
Physiology," Mrs. Hunt's "Hygiene for Young People," and the "Child's
Health Primer." Mrs. G. M. Gardenier, of Oswego, gave the first public
scientific temperance lesson after the passage of the law at Round Lake,
July 5, 1884; subject, "Alcohol and the Brain." This was during a series
of meetings held under the auspices of the state organization.

In 1886 Mrs. Marion S. Tifft, of Pine Valley, succeeded Miss Greenwood,
serving two years. In 1889 Mrs. Lytie Perkins Davies was made
superintendent, faithfully performing the duties and advancing the work
until 1894.

In 1888 "Higher Education" was made a department of work, Mrs. Anna E.
Rice and Miss Julia E. Dailey each serving one year as superintendent,
when the department was merged with that of Scientific Temperance
Instruction. "Commission of Inquiry and Statistics of the Liquor
Traffic" was made a department of state work in 1880, and continued
until 1887. It had three superintendents--Mrs. Horace Eaton, of Palmyra,
who served one year; Mrs. A. G. Nichols, of Kingston, was her successor,
serving two years; and Mrs. A. T. Stewart, of Peekskill, who retained
the superintendency four years. Statistics are called dry, but these
faithful women did not find them so. Mrs. Nichols said in reference to
her report of the department: "A wail as of a lost spirit goes surging
through it; moans of woe sound through it; tears and blood flow through

  "Touch not, taste not, handle not."

"Inducing Corporations and Employers to require Total Abstinence in
their Employees" was the name of the department as adopted in 1880--Mrs.
Peter Stryker, of Saratoga, superintendent. After two years of service
she was succeeded by Mrs. V. A. Willard, of Belmont, who continued the
work for one year; then Mrs. Homer A. Nelson, of Poughkeepsie, was given
the superintendency, which she retained until 1887. The work of the
department was then suspended for one year, but resumed as "Capital and
Labor"--Mrs. Nelson again the superintendent. In 1889 work among
railroad employees was added. In 1890 the name was again changed to
"Temperance and Labor"--Mrs. M. M. Van Benschoten, of Newark,
superintendent. In 1891 Mrs. Ella A. Boole, of West New Brighton, was
made the superintendent, and has continued until the present. The
department has wonderfully developed through her influence.

"Influencing Physicians not to Prescribe Alcoholics in Medicine" was the
original name of the present Department of Non-Alcoholics in Medicine.
This department was first adopted in 1883, with Mrs. Rev. J. Butler, of
Fairport, as superintendent. During her four years of service the work
was well organized. The "Physician's Pledge" was circulated, and much
sentiment created against alcoholic prescriptions. Mrs. E. G. Moore, of
Medina, who succeeded her, secured the presentation of the subject
before medical associations. Susan A. Everett, M.D., of New York, was
superintendent for one year. In 1889 Mrs. M. M. Allen, of Bellona, was
appointed superintendent, a position occupied by her at the present
time. Through her efficiency and zeal knowledge upon the subject has
increased until now the consensus of opinion is that alcoholic medicines
are unnecessary.

   "Visiting the iniquities of the fathers upon the children."

"Heredity," as the department now stands in our lines of work, is a
scientific subject, and should be studied as such. To accomplish this
has been the aim of the superintendents having the work in charge. This
department was adopted in 1883, with Mrs. Mary E. Niles, of
Hornellsville, as superintendent. In the same year Elvira V. Ranier,
M.D., of Oswego, was made superintendent of "Hygiene," also a new
department. In 1884 these departments were united, Mrs. Niles still
remaining superintendent. The next year Hygiene as a special work was
discontinued. The Heredity work remained in charge of its first
superintendent until 1888, when Sarah Morris, M.D., of Buffalo, had the
work for one year. In 1889 the department of Health, which had been
adopted in 1886, with Mrs. Mary G. Underhill, of Poughkeepsie, as its
superintendent, was united with Heredity, and Gertrude G. Bishop, M.D.,
of Brooklyn, appointed superintendent. The following year the Health
Department was discontinued. Mrs. E. T. Howland, now Rev. Elizabeth T.
Howland, was appointed the superintendent of Heredity. She continued the
work two years, and was succeeded by Mrs. Ella B. Hallock, of Southold.

"Physical Culture," now "Physical Education," an evolution of the
departments of Health and Hygiene, was made a distinct department of
work in 1890, with Mrs. Bertha Morris Smith, of Elmira, as
superintendent, a position she has retained until the present. Mrs.
Smith is an enthusiast in her department. The national leaflet, "A New
Field for Educators," was written by her in the interests of this

"The pen is mightier than the sword."

"The Press," or "Influencing the Press," as the department was first
known, was adopted as a department in 1880. Miss Margaret E. Winslow
served as superintendent from 1880 to 1886, with the exception of 1882,
when Mrs. O. N. Fletcher, of Sherman, acted in that capacity. Miss Abbie
E. Hufstader, of Yorkshire Center, had the superintendency in 1887, and
Miss S. J. Vosburg, of Rochester, in 1888 and 1889. She was succeeded by
Mrs. May Morgan McKoon, of Long Eddy, who has prosecuted the work with
vigor until the present time. Listen to the report echoes of this

1882--"The press goes _everywhere_; let us then walk boldly and steadily
into this ever-opening door."

1892--"The greatest single force in society to-day is the press." "As a
man readeth in his newspaper, so is he." "Its utterances carry a dictum
unequaled by that of either the pulpit or bench." "It molds public
opinion." "Use the press!"

    "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God? If any man defile the
    temple of God, him shall God destroy."

With this motto "Narcotics" was adopted as a department of State work in
1887, with Mrs. Helen L. Bullock, of Elmira, as superintendent. She no
sooner entered upon the work than measures were inaugurated to secure a
law prohibiting the use of tobacco by the young. In 1889 such a law was
passed. Were it rigidly enforced, fewer cases of insanity and less
deaths would result from excessive cigarette smoking. During her
superintendency Mrs. Bullock wrote the national leaflet, "The Tobacco
Toboggan," and delivered her narcotic lecture, "Our Dangerous
Inheritance," many times. In 1891-92 Mrs. E. G. Tiffany, of Dansville,
was superintendent of the department. In 1893 Mrs. Emma G. Dietrick, of
Lockport, succeeded her.

       *       *       *       *       *

"Franchise" was adopted as a department of state work in 1886, Miss Mary
B. Cushman, of Lockport, being the first superintendent. In 1888 Mrs.
C. C. Ellerson, of New York City, succeeded her. In 1891 Miss Vinnie R.
Davis, of Orwell, was appointed superintendent, a position she still
retains. Miss Davis has brought to the work rare gifts and great
earnestness. The department has steadily advanced under her guidance. In
the earlier years of the organization great conservatism existed in
regard to this subject. Resolutions adverse to its consideration by
local and state unions were passed in 1876 and 1878. Since its adoption
as a department the president in her annual addresses has continually
sounded its keynote in utterances like these: "The ballot in woman's
hand is a first necessity toward the solution of not only this great
question but other moral reform questions of our day." "Justice and
equity alike demand that the ballot be given to women."

In 1893 two hundred thousand women registered in the state to vote for
school officers. Upon the eve of the election Judge Williams, of the
supreme court, decided that such voting would be unconstitutional; but
in spite of the ruling over twenty thousand women did vote.

  "Let all things be done decently and in order."

"School of Methods and Parliamentary Usage" became a department of state
work in 1890, and has had but two superintendents--Miss Julia E. Dailey,
of Rochester, who served one year, and Mrs. Helen L. Bullock, of Elmira,
who succeeded her. The aim of this department is to educate the women
along the lines of department work and the best manner of conducting
meetings, following St. Paul's advice--"Study to show thyself approved
unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed."

  "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy"

The Department of Mercy was adopted in 1891, with Miss C. Augusta
Goodale, of Newburgh, as superintendent. The object of the department
has been education along humane lines. Many children have become
interested, and numerous Bands of Mercy, inculcating the laws of
kindness, have been organized.

    "Whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely,
    whatsoever things are of good report, ... think on these
    things"--_Philipians_ iv, 8

The Department of Purity in Literature and Art, with Mrs. Harriet S.
Pritchard, of Brooklyn, as superintendent, was adopted in 1893, and
gives promise of becoming one of wide-reaching influence.

[Illustration: Mrs. Ella A. Boole]



Ella, eldest daughter of Colonel Isaac N. and Rebecca Alban Alexander,
was born at Van Wert, Ohio. Although but a school-girl then, she was one
of the original Ohio crusaders, and the temperance zeal kindled at that
time with her has never grown cold.

In 1874 she was graduated from the high school of her native place as
valedictorian of the class. Four years later she completed her college
course at the University of Wooster, Ohio, with a class of thirty-one,
only three of whom were young women. This time she was salutatorian.
During the university course she captured the prize in an oratorical
contest, being the only lady among nine contestants. This was an earnest
of the honor conferred upon her in 1888, when she was invited to deliver
the oration before the alumni association of her _alma mater_, the first
time in the history of the university that this honor had been conferred
upon a woman.

After graduating from college and refusing many flattering positions,
she became a teacher of Latin, Greek, and higher mathematics in the high
school of Van Wert, and in 1881 the degree of Master of Arts was awarded
her. As an educator she began her public work at teachers' institutes.

In 1883 she was married to Rev. Wm. H. Boole, D.D., pastor of the South
Second street Methodist Episcopal Church, Brooklyn, N.Y., and found a
wide and congenial field of usefulness in this new relation as a
pastor's wife.

Mrs. Boole was elected corresponding secretary of the Woman's Christian
Temperance Union of New York State at the Cortland convention, in 1885,
a position she filled with marked ability for six years. In 1891 she was
elected to the office of first vice-president, a position she still
retains. Mrs. Boole was chairman of the committee which prepared the
handbook, which has been invaluable to the workers of the state.

Since 1888 Dr. and Mrs. Boole have devoted their time wholly to
temperance and evangelistic work. No name is more familiar among
temperance speakers than Mrs. Boole's, and no voice has been heard in
this state more frequently or with greater acceptance than hers. Her
lectures are a happy mingling of humor, pathos, and logic. They give no
uncertain sound for total abstinence and prohibition, and never fail to

This sketch would hardly be complete without mention of Albenia
Alexander, now eight years old, only daughter of Mrs. Boole. "Benie" was
presented to the state convention at Binghamton, and to the national
convention at Nashville a few weeks later, as "the youngest
white-ribboner of us all."



   "And I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto me."

This was the first motto chosen for the Evangelistic Department, and has
been the foundation-stone of the work. It will be impossible in this
little book to mention the work which has been done--indeed, it could
not be recorded--but one is our Master, even Christ, and He knows it
all. We can only mention the different lines of work which have come
under this head, with the names of those who have acted as

The Evangelistic Department was placed in charge of Mrs. Mary E. Hartt,
of Brooklyn, in 1880, who gave to it her best thought and energy. She
continued in the work for eight years, laying it down only in response
to the Master's call, "Come up higher." Mrs. Josephine Braman, of
Brooklyn, succeeded Mrs. Hartt for her unexpired term, she being
succeeded in turn by Mrs. Mary J. Weaver, of Batavia, in 1889, who has
carried on the department work most efficiently since then.

For two years the Department of Systematic Giving was added to this, but
in 1893 was made a department by itself, with Mrs. Nellie Hutchinson, of
Owego, as superintendent.

In 1886 the Sabbath Observance Department was given to Mrs. Mary E.
Simpson, of Sherman, who was followed by Mrs. H. L. Wilcox, of
Rochester, each serving two years. Mrs. Margaret P. Buchanan, of New
York City, was appointed in 1890, Mrs. James Baldwin, of Addison, in
1891, and in 1893 Miss Kate Manning, of Attica, was made superintendent.

Mrs. K. E. Cleveland, of Brooklyn, and Mrs. Emma G. Dietrick, of
Lockport, each served for two years in securing day of prayer in week of

Mrs. A. G. Nichols, of Kingston, and Mrs. R. A. Esmond, of Syracuse,
alternated as superintendent of the Unfermented Wine Department from
1880 to 1888, at which time the work was taken up by Mrs. P. J. Adams, of
Moravia, who still continues in the department.

Prison and Jail Work in 1880 was in charge of Miss C. E. Coffin, of
Brooklyn; in 1881, of Mrs. Knapp, of Auburn; and in 1882 Mrs. Frances D.
Hall, of Plattsburg, was appointed, and continued as superintendent for
five years. The next two years Mrs. Richard Bloom, of Auburn, filled the
position, and in 1890 Miss C. E. Coffin was again made superintendent,
the work in almshouses being added. This was changed the following year,
the Department of Almshouse Work being placed with that of Flower
Mission, and both given to Miss Anna L. Thompson, of Newburgh, who had
been made superintendent of Flower Mission Work in 1890. Previous to
this time, commencing in 1888, Miss Lydia Howell, of Poughkeepsie
(afterward Mrs. Albert A. Reed), had been the superintendent. In 1880
Reformatory and Almshouse Work was taken up, and Mrs. T. J. Bissell, of
Corning, acted as superintendent for two years, and Mrs. C. C. Alford, of
Brooklyn, for one year, after which no superintendent was appointed.

Sunday-school Work has had a number of superintendents, Mrs. Allen
Butler, of Syracuse, being the first, serving two years. Mrs. S. R. Gray,
of Albany, served during the next two years, Mrs. C. L. Harris taking
it in 1884, to be followed by Mrs. Gray again in 1885. Next came Mrs.
Julia A. Bidwell, of Hartford, for three years, and in 1889 Mrs. T. M.
Foster, of Verona, was given the department. She was succeeded by Mrs.
S. A. Kenney, of Troy, who, after two years service, was succeeded by
Mrs. Bidwell, now of Deposit, the present superintendent.

In 1889 Work among the Colored was added to the departments, and the
work given in charge of Mrs. Maria R. Douglass, of New York City. In
1891 Miss Sara Collins, of Cortland, was made superintendent.

Foreign Work was made a department in 1883 and was continued for eight
years, the following ladies acting as superintendents during that time:
Mrs. A. K. Knox, of New York City; Mrs. C. E. Cleveland, of Perry; Mrs.
E. F. Lord, of New York City; Mrs. E. M. J. Decker, of Victor; Miss
Rachel Carney, of Tonawanda; Mrs. Clara Vigelius, of New York City, and
Mrs. George Aldrich, of Dutchess Junction.

Mrs. Sarah A. McClees, of Yonkers, was made superintendent of the
Department of Soldiers and Sailors in 1883, and continued as such for
three years, Mrs. W. W. Hoag, of Akron, being next chosen. After one
year Miss Emma Nason, of Blodgett Mills, was appointed, and in 1888 the
work was given to Mrs. Mary D. Ferguson, of Syracuse, who is still the

Mothers' Meetings were first taken up in 1881, with Mrs. Horace Eaton,
of Palmyra, as superintendent. In 1883 Parlor Meetings were added, Mrs.
Eaton still in charge. The following year Mrs. Van Benschoten, of
Newark, was appointed, and in 1886 Parlor Meetings was made a department
by itself, and Mothers' Meetings placed in charge of Mrs. Caroline B.
Randall, of Oswego. In 1888 Social Purity and Mothers' Meetings were
combined, with Mrs. Mary J. Weaver, of Batavia, superintendent for one
year. She was succeeded by Mrs. Anna E. Rice, of Batavia. The
Department of Social Purity was first taken up in 1886, Mrs. Mary T.
Burt being the superintendent until it was combined with Mothers'

From 1888 until the present time the Department of Peace and Arbitration
has had but one superintendent, Mrs. Sarah W. Collins, of Purchase, who
has most faithfully carried forward the work.

Under the head of Police Matron Work, Mrs. Harriet Goff, of Brooklyn,
did advance work, and it was Mrs. Goff who, as chairman of the standing
committee on Police Matron Work, introduced into the legislature the
bill making the law for police matrons mandatory in New York and
Brooklyn. The work has since been made a department, with Dr. Sarah
Morris, of Buffalo, as superintendent.

Rescue Work for Girls, a new department, was added in 1893, and placed
in charge of Mrs. Mary J. Annable, of Brooklyn. This promises to be a
most helpful and blessed line of work.

These lines of work are all evangelistic in their nature, and not until
the records are read "up yonder" shall we know of the victories won "In
His Name."

[Illustration: MRS. FRANCES W. GRAHAM.]



Mrs. Graham is just entering upon the fourth year of her office as
corresponding secretary of our state union, and in this time she has
eminently proved her fitness for the position and earned the title of "a
model secretary." Born in Lockport, N.Y., she became identified with
temperance work as a child, first belonging to a juvenile society known
as Cold Water Templars, and later becoming a member of the Sons of
Temperance and Good Templars. She is active in all Christian work, being
a member of the First Congregational Church of Lockport, in whose church
work she takes prominent part, and whose solo soprano she has been for
thirteen years; she is also an active member of the Christian Endeavor
society and the King's Daughters.

In 1880 she was married to Almon Graham, whose help has made it possible
for her to enter more fully into temperance work than she otherwise
could have done. She was president of the Lockport Woman's Christian
Temperance Union four years, and corresponding secretary of the Niagara
County Woman's Christian Temperance Union for the same length of time.
In December, 1890, she was appointed _Union Signal_ reporter for the
State Woman's Christian Temperance Union, and her reports have called
forth warm commendation from editors and constituency alike for their
conciseness and delightful presentation of facts.

Mrs. Graham possesses pre-eminently the divine "gift of song." Her
voice, a sympathetic mezzo-soprano, goes straight to the heart, and its
sweet tones linger there long after the words have ceased. At the state
convention at Jamestown in October, 1894, she was musical director, and
by vote of the convention is now entering upon a service of song for the
unions throughout the state.

During her term of office her work has been of inestimable value to the
state. Her initiation into the work of corresponding secretary of the
state union was strong and vigorous. In October, 1891, she was elected
secretary, and it was during the winter of 1891-92 that the legislative
work was done that resulted in closing the state's exhibit at the
World's Fair on the Sabbath, defeating the barmaid bill, modifying the
infamous bill of the State Liquor Dealers' Association, and preventing
the introduction of the bill to legalize social vice. Mrs. Graham had
printed and sent out all the petitions and protests relative to the
above bills. Every senator and assemblyman was addressed by her by
letter, and her prompt and unfailing response to every urgent request
was a large factor in the success achieved. She was then and is now
always ready for "the next thing," and her sweet willingness of spirit
is a constant source of comfort and inspiration to her fellow-workers.
During the past year she sent out the petitions to the constitutional
convention at Albany--one for the prohibition of the traffic in
intoxicating liquors, the other for the full enfranchisement of women.
She counted all the names (over seventy thousand in number), pasted the
petitions on white cloth (and when done they were over a third of a mile
in length), tied them with white ribbon, and sent them to Albany for the
committee to present. The work to her is a constant delight. Nothing is
ever too hard--"It is such a privilege to do it," she earnestly says;
and how well she does it, the work and the state bear witness.

Last year she was appointed one of the committee to prepare the history
of the State Woman's Christian Temperance Union, and has given much time
and thought to the work. Mrs. Graham is young in years, but already her
work has told for God and humanity. Should her life be spared, what
blessings may we not hope for the cause through her consecration and

M. T. B.



   "The law of the wise is a fountain of life."--_Prov. xiii., 14._

As "all roads lead to Rome," so the legality of temperance measures is
reached through legislation; and many times has the Woman's Christian
Temperance Union, with memorial, petition, and protest, marched over the
roads leading to the legislative halls of municipality, state, and
nation, asking for the enacting of new laws or the better enforcement of
old ones.

This policy was inaugurated at the first convention, in the memorial
prepared for presentation to President Grant and Governor Dix, and has
been continued with varying success through the subsequent years. At the
second annual convention a memorial was prepared for congress and the
state legislature, from the last of which a single article is quoted,
viz.: "That no license to sell intoxicating drinks in any place be
issued except when a majority of women residents, as well as men, above
the age of twenty-one years, desire such license granted." This memorial
enrolled 6,328 names, and was presented to the legislature by Mrs. Allen
Butler and Mrs. Mary T. Burt. Had the request been granted at that time,
and its enforcement continued, the license question would now be solved.

April 12, 1882, the first petition to the state legislature for a
prohibitory constitutional amendment was presented by Mrs. Mary T. Burt
and Mrs. E. M. J. Decker. The petition contained 10,431 names. Mrs Burt,
in reporting the work at the next convention, said "A page carried the
bulky document to the desk, and during its passage thereto a smile crept
over faces of members and dignified speaker alike, so large was its

As early as 1877 a memorial had been prepared relative to temperance
teaching in the public schools, but not until 1884 was the law secured.
After the annual convention of 1883 this work was prosecuted with vigor.
Public meetings were held and petitions circulated in its behalf. These
petitions recorded 57,419 names. February 5, 1884, the bill passed the
senate, twenty-two voting for and two against it; March 3 it passed the
assembly, the vote being ninety-eight to two; March 10, 1884, Grover
Cleveland, then governor of the State of New York, signed the same, and
it thus became a law of the state. The text of the law is as follows:

   AN ACT relating to the Study of Physiology and Hygiene in the Public

   SECTION I. Provision shall be made by the proper local school
   authorities for instructing all pupils in all schools supported by
   public money, or under state control, in physiology and hygiene, with
   special reference to the effects of alcoholic drinks, stimulants, and
   narcotics upon the human system.

   SEC. 2. No certificate shall be granted any person to teach in the
   public schools of the State of New York, after the first day of January,
   eighteen hundred and eighty-five, who has not passed a satisfactory
   examination in physiology and hygiene, with special reference to the
   effects of alcoholic drinks, stimulants, and narcotics upon the human

In 1883 the second petition for a prohibitory constitutional amendment
was presented to the senate and assembly. It was defeated in the house
by a vote of forty-two to fifty-four, and in the senate by a vote of
thirteen to eighteen. Yet these figures show that the prohibition tide
is rising.

In 1886 measures were taken toward securing a law prohibiting the sale
of intoxicants upon fair grounds. Mrs. H. Roscoe Edgett, of Fairport,
the superintendent of the department, was indefatigable in her efforts
to secure the law, but it was not until February 29, 1888, that the
following was enrolled on the statute-books of the state:

   It shall not be lawful for any person to sell, have for sale, give away,
   or have in his possession for the purpose of selling or giving away, on
   the grounds or premises on or in which any state, county, town, or other
   agricultural or horticultural fair is being held, any strong or
   spirituous liquors, wine, ale, beer, or fermented cider; and it shall
   not be lawful for any person to sell or give away strong or spirituous
   liquors, wines, ales, beer, or fermented cider at any place within two
   hundred yards of the grounds or premises on or in which any state,
   county, town, or any other agricultural or horticultural fair is being
   held. This act shall not be applicable to the city of New York.

Until 1887 the laws of the state were such that a child ten years old
could consent to her own ruin, and the despoiler of her virtue go
unpunished. In April of that year the penal code was amended, raising
the age of consent to sixteen years, as follows:

   ... Any person who takes or detains a female under sixteen years of age
   for the purpose of prostitution, ... is guilty of abduction, punishable
   by imprisonment for not more than five years, or by a fine of not more
   than $1,000, or both.

Following closely upon this was the passage of the police matron law, in
1888, which provided for the appointment of police matrons in all cities
of more than 25,000 inhabitants, and the designating of separate houses
of detention for female delinquents. In securing this law the Woman's
Christian Temperance Union co-operated with other societies. In 1891 an
amendment to this law was secured, mainly through the efforts of Mrs.
H. K. N. Goff, of Brooklyn, making the appointment of police matrons
compulsory in the cities of New York and Brooklyn. The law as amended is
as follows:

   SECTION I. The mayor of every city in this state according to the last
   state or national census containing a population of 25,000 or over,
   excepting the cities of New York and Brooklyn, and in the cities of New
   York and Brooklyn the boards of commissioners of police of said cities
   respectively, shall, within three months after the passage of this act,
   designate one or more station-houses within their respective cities for
   the detention and confinement of all women under arrest in said

Through the efforts of Mrs. Helen L. Bullock, of Elmira, the following
narcotic law was secured in 1889:


An act to amend Section 291 of the Penal Code, relating to Children;
became a law, with the approval of the Governor, April 22, 1889.

_The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows_:

SECTION I. Section 291 of the Penal Code is hereby amended so as to read
as follows:

A person who sells, pays for, or furnishes any cigar, cigarette, or
tobacco in any of its forms to any child, actually or apparently under
the age of sixteen years, _is guilty of a misdemeanor_.

SEC. 2. This act shall take effect immediately.

In 1890 it was amended, attaching a penalty for its violation,
as follows:

   AN ACT to amend Section 291 of the Penal Code, relating to Children;
   approved by the Governor, May 24, 1890.

   SECTION I. Section 291 of the Penal Code is hereby amended by adding
   thereto the following subdivision:

   7. No child, actually or apparently under sixteen years of age, shall
   smoke or in any way use any cigar, cigarette, or tobacco in any form
   whatsoever, in any public street, place, or resort. A violation of this
   subdivision shall be a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine not
   exceeding ten dollars and not less than two dollars for each offense.

   SEC. 2. This act shall take effect on the first day of September,
   eighteen hundred and ninety.

In 1891 an effort was made to introduce the English system of barmaids
into the saloons of New York City. This no sooner became known to the
members of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union than an effort was
made to secure a law prohibiting the movement. This was effected by the
passage of the following act, April 25, 1892:

   AN ACT forbidding the hiring of Barmaids.

   _The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and
   Assembly, do enact as follows_:

   SECTION I. No female shall be hired as barmaid, or to compound or
   dispense intoxicating beverages in any place where the same are sold or
   offered for sale.

   SEC. 2. A person who hires, or causes to be hired, any female as
   barmaid, or to compound or dispense intoxicating beverages in any place
   where the same are sold or offered for sale, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

   SEC. 3. This act shall take effect immediately.

Thus, at its very inception, legislative enactment prevented the
introduction into this state of a most demoralizing phase of the saloon

In the same year and month a law forbidding the opening of the New York
State exhibit at the Columbian Exhibition was passed, thus placing New
York State on record as favoring the sanctity of the Sabbath.

   AN ACT in relation to the Exhibit of the State of New York at the
   World's Columbian Exhibition....

   The exhibit of the State of New York at such exhibition shall not be
   open to the public on Sunday, and the general managers herein provided
   for shall take such steps as may be necessary to carry this provision
   into effect.

The following protests were presented to the legislature, receiving such
consideration that the subjects had no hearing:


   _To the Senate and Assembly of the State of New York_:

   WHEREAS, It has come to our knowledge that a bill providing for the
   regulation and licensing of vice in the cities and towns of the State of
   New York will be introduced in the legislature, and that one of the
   provisions of the bill is the compulsory medical examination of women
   who are inmates of the establishments named therein, we respectfully
   submit the following in relation to it:

   It puts a premium on the social evil.

   It makes this terrible vice a branch of municipal government, and the
   state a partner in it.

   It inflicts the degradation of compulsory medical examination upon
   women, and lets their paramours go free.

   It is an outrage upon womanhood, and means the practical slavery of an
   unfortunate class of women.

   We realize all the shame of the bill, and feel its introduction in the
   legislature to be an insult to the great State of New York.

   _We emphatically_ PROTEST _against its consideration_, and appeal
   to you to use your influence and, if necessary, your votes against this
   dreadful and infamous bill.


   WHEREAS, A bill prepared by the State Liquor Dealers' Association is
   before your honorable body, which provides for a Sunday license law
   (which means unrestrained liquor on the Sabbath); for special licenses
   for certain saloons in certain localities in cities; for the sale of
   wine and beer after one o'clock in the morning at public balls and
   entertainments given by any incorporated association; abolishes the
   requirement of real estate security on license bonds (thus striking a
   blow at the civil damage act); and makes it a misdemeanor for any person
   to enter a saloon during the hours when it is supposed to be closed in
   obedience to the law:

   Now, therefore, as every one of the above provisions is a direct blow at
   public morality, at law and order, at the peace and happiness of the
   home and family, and as this bill means for the state more drunkenness,
   more crimes and outrages of every sort, more poverty, more suffering,
   more darkened lives and ruined homes, we, the undersigned, citizens
   of ----, county of ----, most emphatically protest against its passage,
   and we call upon you, our representatives, to use your influence and
   vote against it.

The years 1891 and 1892 were not only marked by legislative work, but by
petition work as well. Two successive legislatures had voted to submit
to the people a prohibitory constitutional amendment, the vote to be
taken in April, 1892. In anticipation of this event, petitions were
circulated throughout the state in behalf at this cause, the grand total
of 109,057 names being secured. Through the failure of the legislature
to pass an enabling act to provide for the expense of the election, the
amendment was never submitted.

Not discouraged by this apparent fruitless expenditure of time and
strength, during the winter and spring of 1893-94 petition work was
again resumed, the constitutional convention in session at Albany from
May until September being the objective point. Two petitions were
circulated at this time, one for an amendment to the constitution
providing for the prohibition of the liquor traffic; the other for the
full enfranchisement of women. Through winter's cold and summer's heat
this work went bravely on, and 37,624 names were secured to the
prohibition petition, and 36,086 to the one asking for woman's
enfranchisement. These petitions were pasted on cloth, in a double row
of names, and measured, when done, 475 yards. Mrs. Graham, who had them
in charge, after pasting, arranged them in four large rolls and tied
each with a white satin ribbon. June 28, 1894, they were presented to
the constitutional convention, producing a profound impression by their
magnitude. Mrs. Burt and Mrs. Tenney appeared before the convention.
Mrs. Burt was granted a hearing. The convention did not recommend either
of these measures, but that of woman's suffrage received much attention,
being defeated by a vote of ninety-seven to fifty-eight. The momentum
received from this petition effort will not soon be lost.

Thus in brief the legislative and petition work is reported, but it only
vaguely represents the expenditure of time and strength devoted to this
work. Truly it may be said of the women of New York State, "Many
daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all."

[Illustration: Georgeanna M. Gardenier]



The recording secretary of our state union has filled this important
position for twelve years, and was elected for the thirteenth time at
Jamestown in October, 1894. She has rare qualifications for the office,
as has been evidenced by her faithful services during all these years.

She said, "There is positively nothing in my life of the least interest
to the public," when requested to furnish a few items for the basis of
this sketch. But the life of one who can sit steadily through three long
days of a state convention, faithfully recording motions, amendments,
amendments to the amendment, substitutes, and the thousand-and-one
things that make up the business of one of the great meetings of the
Empire State, and then come into the post-executive committee meeting
with eye, brain, and hand alert, ready to record a day's crowded work
for that body, must perforce contain much of interest, for these are
qualities which everyone does not possess.

In addition to her convention duties she compiles the state reports,
which are models of excellence as to style, finish, and completeness.

Mrs. Gardenier was born in Oswego county, New York, and was educated in
the high and normal schools of Oswego City. She is the daughter of John
and Mary Tenney Remington. At the age of sixteen she professed Christ
and joined the First Baptist Church of Oswego, of which she is still a
member. She began at once to teach in the Sabbath-school, and has
continued the work with very little interruption up to the present time,
holding now the position of assistant superintendent.

Home and foreign missions have claimed her interest, and she is
associational director of the women's Baptist home mission work for the
county, under appointment of the Women's Home Mission Board at Chicago.

In 1863 she was married to Mr. W. H. Gardenier, a lawyer, and has one
son. Mrs. Gardenier is an experienced and very successful teacher,
having filled that important and influential role for many years. During
all these years her pupils have been largely boys and young men, over
whom she has a peculiar and happy faculty. Her influence upon the lives
of the hundreds of boys who have sat under her teaching cannot be

She has for many years been interested in temperance. Her first public
work was done in connection with the Good Templars, having joined the
order at its organization. When the Woman's Christian Temperance Union
was organized she became a member of the local union of her city, and
has since that time been prominently connected with the temperance work
of the city and county. She assisted in organizing the county Woman's
Christian Temperance Union, and served as its secretary seven years. She
organized many of the unions of the County, and to her enthusiasm and
zeal much of the early success of the county work is attributed.

At the Binghamton convention, in 1887, she was presented with a
beautiful gold watch and chain as a slight recognition of her faithful
and untiring services.

Mrs. Gardenier is noted not only for her gifts as a "recorder" but for
her wit, which, expressing itself with the utmost good will, awards
extreme delight to her hearers. Her addresses are marked by forcible and
original illustrations which remain in the memory and challenge thought
long after the occasion of their delivery.

At Round Lake, in the summer of 1884, under the scientific temperance
instruction law of 1884, Mrs. Gardenier gave the first illustrated
lesson in the state upon the nature and effects of alcohol upon the
human system, and has since presented the subject of scientific
temperance instruction at a number of the teachers' institutes in the

In addition to her temperance work, she is deeply interested in the
humane work and other public philanthropies.

A member of the committee to prepare the history of the State Woman's
Christian Temperance Union, much time during the past few months has
been devoted to searching the records and statistics of the past twenty
years, twelve of which bear witness to the faithfulness, love, and zeal
of our recording secretary.

M. T. B.



Our work is many-sided, but among all the rest the social side has not
been neglected. When department work was first taken up, in 1880, a
department called "Drawing-Room Meetings" was placed in charge of Mrs.
Mary C. Johnson, of Brooklyn, who for two years was the superintendent.
The following year Mrs. Margaret Bottome, of New York, now at the head
of the order of King's Daughters and Sons, was the superintendent. In
1883 the department was changed to Parlor Meetings and united with
Mothers' Meetings, Mrs. Dr. Horace Eaton being given the
superintendency. She was succeeded by Mrs. Van Benschoten, of Newark,
who filled the position for two years. In 1886 the two departments were
divided, and Mrs. A. M. Wickes, of Attica, was given that of Parlor
Meetings, holding it until the present time. In the convention of 1893 a
beautiful chocolate pot was presented to the union at Gouverneur, St.
Lawrence county, for having held more parlor meetings during the year
than any other union in the state.

Ten years ago the Department of State and County Fairs was adopted, and
Mrs. H. R. Edgett, of Fairport, was made the superintendent. She has
given ten years of faithful service to this line of work. In 1889 a
committee was appointed to consider the work at the state fair, and, if
deemed practicable, the state was to engage in the work. Mrs. Mary T.
Burt, Mrs. Ellen L. Tenney, and Mrs. Edgett were made such a committee.
Correspondence was immediately opened with the officers of the
agricultural society as to the feasibility of erecting a building on the
permanent fair grounds at Syracuse, and shortly after a circular-letter
was sent out, asking for contributions for the same. Arrangements were
made to commence the work there at once, not waiting for the building to
be erected, and the fall of 1890 found our standard raised for the first
time on the state fair grounds. The building is not yet accomplished,
but with $2,065.99 already set aside for it, it is certainly an assured
fact, and but for the illness of Mrs. Burt would no doubt have been
erected during the summer of 1894.

The heroic labors of Mrs. Burt during these years deserve more than a
passing notice. Upon her rested the burdens of the work. Her courage in
encountering difficulties, her patient endurance of fatigue and
exposure, and her wonderful executive ability, made her a wonder to all.
The sun has not always shone during the state fair, and through storm
and sunshine--mostly storm--she has stood at her post, thinking no
sacrifice too great if thereby our cause be advanced. Mrs. Mary D.
Ferguson, of Syracuse, has always stood bravely by, aiding in every way

A paper was issued, called _The Fair White Ribbon_, and fifteen thousand
copies distributed freely on the grounds. For two years the paper was
edited by Mrs. H. R. Edgett, when, her health failing, Mrs. Ferguson
acted as editor and publisher. Advertisements were secured by Mrs.
Ferguson, and a handsome profit of $139 was the result the second year,
and $147 the third year; while the good accomplished through the
presence and efforts of our standard-bearers on the grounds cannot be
measured. In 1891 the Department of Coffee Houses was added to the
social lines, and Mrs. S. W. Stoddard, of Horseheads, was placed at the
head of the department. No change has been made in the superintendency,
and a new impetus has been given to this work since it has been made a

       *       *       *       *       *


The Woman's Christian Temperance Union has frequently been called a
political institution. While we smile over the accusation, knowing how
small a part woman can occupy in the politics of this country, yet with
great earnestness we back up the smile with the thought that when we
_are_ a political institution--or, more properly speaking, a _voting_
institution--the backbone of the liquor power will be broken, _the
saloon must go_, and the era of happy hearts and happy homes will be
ushered in. That we have always taken an interest in politics is true,
and always on the right side. Away back in 1876 we find the following:

   _Resolved_, That, in view of the present political crisis, we as
   Christian women effectively urge upon all voters with whom we have
   influence that they cast their votes only for total abstinence

In 1883 our convention received the following telegram from

   _To the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of New York State_:

   Prohibitory party convention sends greeting. Where you lead with
   prayers, we will follow with votes.

                                      DWIGHT WILLIAMS,
                                           _Chairman of Committee._

The reply sent is found in Joshua i., 9.

The convention of 1884 adopted the following resolution, only twelve
voting against it:

    _Resolved_, That we express our endorsement of the action of our
    beloved president, Miss Willard, and of the national executive
    committee, in regard to the Prohibition party, as being in harmony
    with the resolution passed in the national convention at Detroit.

In this same year our president attended the nominating convention at
Pittsburgh, as delegate from the Prohibition convention.

In 1885, Mrs. Burt in her annual address referred to what is known as
the St. Louis resolution, which reads as follows:

   We refer to the history of ten years of persistent moral suasion work as
   fully establishing our claim to be called a non-political society, but
   one which steadily follows the white banner of prohibition wherever it
   may be displayed. We have, however, as individuals, always aimed
   ourselves, in local and state political contests, with those voters
   whose efforts and ballots have been given to the removal of the
   dram-shop and its attendant evils, and at this time, while recognizing
   that our action as a national society is not binding upon states or
   individuals, we reaffirm the positions taken by the society, both at
   Louisville in 1882 and at Detroit in 1883, pledging our influence to
   that party, by whatever name called, which shall furnish us the best
   embodiment of prohibition principles, and will most surely protect our
   homes. And as we now know which national party gives as the desired
   embodiment of the principles for which our ten years' labor has been
   expended, we will continue to lend our influence to the national
   political organization which declares in its platform for national
   prohibition and home protection. In this, as in all progressive effort,
   we will endeavor to meet argument with argument, misjudgment with
   patience, denunciation with kindness, and all difficulties and dangers
   with prayer.

Mrs. Burt adds:

   And distasteful though the word "politics" may be to many in connection
   with our work, we can none of us ignore the fact that the strength of
   the saloon system, which is an open menace to our homes, is vested in
   political power....

   Political action with regard to woman's temperance work may be decried,
   our influence as an organization may be withheld, but the fact will
   remain that the party which boldly declares for the prohibition of the
   liquor traffic--the men who, standing solemnly before God, say, "My
   voice shall be given and my vote shall be cast against the legislation
   of this iniquity,"--deserves the sympathy, prayers, and influence of all
   women, and will receive the blessing of God.

During the years that have followed these eventful ones we have always
come up to the standard, and have given no uncertain sound on this
question, and in closing this chapter we cannot do better than to quote
again from Mrs. Burt's address of 1886:

    And in the years to come I believe it will be a fact over which the
    union will rejoice, that when the battle waged the fiercest, when
    shot and shell rained the thickest, the Woman's Christian Temperance
    Union of the state, true to the genius of its organization, stepped
    boldly forth and extended sympathy and influence to our brothers
    who were struggling so bravely for the right, saying, "Here I
    stand--I can do no other; so help me God."

[Illustration: ELLEN L. TENNEY.]



Mrs. Tenney was born in New Hampshire. Early in life she manifested
decided literary and musical tastes--in childhood preferring study to
play, and books to dolls. Mathematics, music, and the languages were her
especial delight; and to these she applied herself with such assiduity
that at fourteen Greek, Latin, French, German, Spanish, and Italian had
been added to her English course; at sixteen she commenced to play the
organ in church.

Mrs. Tenney was not only a graduate of the Rhode Island Normal School,
but later a teacher in the same institution; she also taught in Elmwood
Literary Institute, near Concord, N. H., and in Professor Lincoln's
Young Ladies' School, in Providence, R.I.

In 1886 she married Professor Jonathan Tenney, Ph.D. Since that time her
home has been at Albany, N.Y., where she is surrounded by a wide circle
of friends. She is a member of the executive committee of the
Congregational Woman's Home Missionary Union of the State of New York,
and president of the Hudson River Association. In addition to societies
of general interest, she has been actively associated with the
philanthropic, musical, and literary interests of her own city,
occupying many positions of trust in connection with them.

At the state convention of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of New
York held at Binghamton in 1886, Mrs. Tenney was elected treasurer of
the state organization, and at each successive convention has been
re-elected. Her taste for mathematics serves her well in this important
relation. As a treasurer she is the peer of any--prompt, reliable,
accurate. We never question her figures; the rest of us may make
mistakes--the treasurer _never does_. She looks after the minutest
details of everything, and to her watchfulness much of the financial
prosperity of the state union is due.

In 1889 a widow's sorrow came to Mrs. Tenney by the death of her noble
husband. Two sons survived him--boys of ten and thirteen years, whose
education and training since that time have devolved upon her.

Her organ voluntaries at the annual conventions evince a master's skill
and delight all who listen.

The Granite State may well be proud of its gifted daughter, and the
Empire State, especially the Woman's Christian Temperance Union,
rejoices in her possession.



   "Gather up the fragments, that nothing may be lost."

Various matters of importance came up at different times during these
years for consideration, discussion, and settlement, and in this chapter
our aim will be to touch upon these points. The chapter will not be as
smooth, perhaps, as a chapter in a story-book, because of necessity many
subjects must be introduced, yet our history would not be complete
without it. We have searched the records faithfully, and find many items
of interest which should be recorded here. No attempt will be made to
weave them into narrative style, as space will not permit.

In 1880 twenty-five dollars were appropriated toward a testimonial to
Mrs. Lucy Webb Hayes in recognition of her efficient service in the
position which she had taken with regard to temperance.

In this same year women were first recognized as voters at school

At the ninth annual meeting, held at Oswego, Mrs. Burt was elected
president; and in her first annual address she recommended the
establishing of a state paper. The recommendation was adapted, and in
December of that year the first number was issued. The paper was called
_Woman's Christian Temperance Work_. This proved to be too lengthy a
name, and so it was shortened to _Our Work_. Miss Margaret E. Winslow
was editor and Mrs. C. C. Alford publisher, and through their efforts
over thirteen hundred subscribers were secured before it reached its
first birthday. In 1887 the name was changed to _Woman's Temperance
Work_, its present name. This motto for the state paper was chosen when
the paper was first decided upon: "O woman, great is thy faith; be it
unto thee even as thou wilt."

In 1884 the establishment of headquarters was recommended, and in 1886
the recommendation was adopted, and rented headquarters were secured in
New York City, with Mrs. R. A. Thurston, of Poughkeepsie, as office
secretary, her duties to include the publication of the state paper.
Mrs. Thurston was also made organizing secretary, and did valiant work
as such for several years. New York is the only state which has had an
organizing secretary--a fact which is worthy of note. Previous to Mrs.
Thurston's appointment, Mrs. E. H. Griffith, of Fairport, had done
splendid work as organizing secretary, in connection with her work as
state corresponding secretary. In 1887 Mrs. C. C. Shaffer, of Newburgh,
was made office secretary, and in 1888 Mrs. Ella C. Viele was appointed,
and continued as editor and publisher for two years. She was succeeded
by Miss Julia E. Dailey, of Rochester, in 1891, who still holds the
office, doing faithful work.

In 1888 the president recommended that steps be taken to secure
permanent headquarters. A committee was appointed to consider the
recommendation and plans were presented for raising funds. The committee
was continued with instructions to keep the matter before the people.

Evidently the white-ribboners believe not only in "praying," but in
"watching" also, for in 1884 Mrs. Burt was presented with a beautiful
gold watch as a testimonial of her years of service, first as recording
secretary, then as corresponding secretary, and after that as president.
In 1886 Miss Julia Colman was "watched" in the same manner, this being
the tenth anniversary of her superintendency of the Literature
Department; and in 1888, at Binghamton, the convention "set a watch"
upon Mrs. G. M. Gardenier, the recording secretary. An elegant gold chain
was added by the executive committee. These facts show on the "face" of
them that all "hands" approve of "watchfulness."

In 1888 a handbook was prepared by a committee composed of Mrs. Ella A.
Boole, Mrs. Helen L. Bullock, and Mrs. E. H. Griffith, which proved very
helpful to the workers. The following year it was revised and enlarged,
thus making it applicable to other states.

At Auburn two receptions were given the convention--one by the Young
Men's Christian Association, and one in the historic home of William H.

In Elmira the convention was invited to visit the art gallery of Mr.
M. H. Arnot.

While the twenty-first annual convention does not properly belong to a
twenty-years history, still we feel it is fitting to mention here that
we celebrated our majority by "going home" to Chautauqua county, the
meeting being held at Jamestown; and while it is not the intention to
report that meeting here, we desire to record the fact that, by vote of
this convention, New York State claims as its own the honor of the first
crusade, and of the first Woman's Christian Temperance Union ever
organized. Never have we been more royally entertained than in
Jamestown. The Woman's and Young Woman's Christian Associations, the
Political Equality Club, and the Woman's Relief Corps gave us an elegant
reception the first day, and on the day following the close of the
convention, through the generosity of the local Woman's Christian
Temperance Union, we were taken up the lake on a steamer to the
far-famed Chautauqua Assembly grounds, the place from which was issued
the "crusade call" to the women of the country to convene at Cleveland,
Ohio, in November, 1874.


In 1887 New York State received, through the president, a handsome
banner presented by the national union at Nashville as a reward for the
largest membership of any state in the Union, and in 1890 we received
the beautiful prize banner awarded by Miss Willard at Atlanta to the
state making the largest increase in membership, New York being first in
the Middle States. At the Denver convention, in 1892, New York was again
awarded the national prize banner for the largest percentage of increase
in membership.

In 1893 our state received two other national banners--one from Miss
Lucia F. Kimball, national superintendent of Sunday-school Work, for
returning the largest number of signed autograph pledge cards for the
World's Fair, and the other from Mrs. Mary H. Hunt, national
superintendent of the Department of Scientific Temperance Instruction,
for having the largest number of local superintendents of this
department of any State in the Union.


In 1889 Mrs. Ella C. Viele, publisher of our state paper, _Woman's
Temperance Work_, presented a banner to the county having the largest
subscription list from January to September. Dutchess county captured
the prize, holding it until 1892, when Steuben received it; but in 1893
Dutchess county came to the front and again claimed it for its own.


Through the generosity of our president, the state has five banners
which are awarded each year to the counties showing the greatest
increase in membership. The state is divided into four tiers--northern,
southern, eastern, and western--and a banner goes to the county in each
division which has rolled up the greatest increase. The fifth banner is
for the Y's, and is awarded to the county which has gained most in Y.
membership, regardless of location.

The Loyal Temperance Legion also has a beautiful banner, which was first
presented in 1891 to Suffolk county for having gained most in the number
of Loyal Temperance Legions during the year.

These banners are each held for one year, being then brought to the
annual meeting and "passed along" or held over again, as the case may


In 1885 our state was represented at the World's Exposition at New
Orleans by a beautiful banner, and that we were worthily represented is
shown by the fact that to this banner was awarded the first honorable

The exhibit sent by our state to the Columbian Exposition, and which was
placed in the Woman's Christian Temperance Union exhibit, was a
beautiful banner, five feet wide by seven feet in length, of dark blue
silk, telling in large gilt letters the name of our organization, with
legend of our membership, W. and Y., and honorary members; also the
number of members of the Loyal Temperance Legion, the location of
headquarters, and name of state paper. It also gave the laws which have
been secured through the state's instrumentality. A sketch of the state
work was also prepared for the historical work published by the Chicago
World Book Company, and for the encyclopaedia published by the Board of
Lady Managers of the World's Columbian Commission.


In 1883 our state for the first time held summer meetings--one at
Thousand Island Park and one at Round Lake, both being well attended.

In April, 1884, a conference under state auspices was held in the
Broadway Tabernacle, New York City. At this meeting Hannah Whithall
Smith gave a Bible reading in the afternoon, and Frances E. Willard an
address in the evening, to large audiences. In July of this same year a
grove meeting was held at Round Lake, and in August the state, with
Wyoming county, occupied a day at Silver Lake.

On August 9 and 10 in 1887 a meeting was held at Sacandaga Park, in
Fulton county.

In May, 1889, the state held a conference of two days in the lecture
hall of the Young Men's Christian Association building, New York City,
and a school of methods held at Griffin Institute, Round Lake, August 7
to 9, was a success in every way. In July a two-days' conference was
held at Prohibition Park, Staten Island.

In July of 1890 a three-days' meeting was held at Round Lake, and in the
summer of 1891 a meeting was again held at Prohibition Park--these
meetings all being under state auspices.

In the fall of 1888 the state had the honor of entertaining the national
convention, although most of the responsibility, financial and
otherwise, rested upon New York City and the neighboring counties. Right
royally was this convention entertained. The Metropolitan Opera House
was secured for the meetings at a cost of $2,500 for the five days.
Nearly $900 was paid to the caterer, and $200 more for the privilege of
serving lunch, beside incidental expenses. Mrs. Burt and her corps of
assistants did heroic work in the planning and carrying forward to a
successful finish the arrangements for the entertainment of this great

This chapter would hardly be complete if we failed to mention the
beautiful welcome which our state extended to our national president,
Frances E. Willard, on her return from England after an absence of
nearly two years. This meeting was held in Calvary Baptist Church, on
West Fifty-seventh street, New York City, and when we say that the
arrangements were all in the hands of Mrs. Mary T. Burt and Mrs. Frances
J. Barnes, that is sufficient guarantee that they were perfect. Mrs.
Burt presided over the meeting. Mrs. Boole and Mrs. Tenney of the state
officers were present, beside many from other states. The "Greeting" was
beautifully illuminated and engrossed upon parchment, and framed in
white and gold. In the upper left-hand corner, delicately done in water
colors, was the graceful figure of a woman twining the white ribbon
around the world. Greetings came from all directions--by word, by
letter, and by telegram--and everything conspired to make this one of
the most delightful gatherings ever held under state auspices.

In 1893 the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of the State of New York
received a legacy of $2,000 from Mrs. Helen S. Houghtaling, of New York
City, who, although not a member of our organization, became interested
in our work through her niece, Miss Evelena Brandow, president of Greene
County Woman's Christian Temperance Union, and through reading our state
paper, she being a regular subscriber to the same.



         |RECEIPTS,         |               |               |
  YEAR.  |including balance |DISBURSEMENTS. |NATIONAL DUES. |
         |of previous year. |               |               |
         |                  |               |               |
  1875   |$  338.97         |$  338.97      |$   43.12      |
         |                  |               |               |
  1876   |   448.06         |   448.06      |    54.12      |
         |                  |               |               |
  1877   |   372.66         |   301.16      |    52.51      |
         |                  |               |               |
  1878   |   517.28         |   309.31      |    74.57      |
         |                  |               |               |
  1879   |   645.52         |   423.92      |    68.00      |
         |                  |               |               |
  1880   |   745.07         |   475.91      |    94.14      |
         |                  |               |               |
  1881   |   836.66         |   486.45      |   113.50      |
         |                  |               |               |
  1882   | 1,097.31         |   593.57      |   133.23      |
         |                  |               |               |
  1883   | 1,435.79         |   959.57      |   204.06      |
         |                  |               |               |
  1884   | 1,816.44         | 1,549.92      |   270.47      |
         |                  |               |               |
  1885   | 1,729.91         | 1,653.97      |   300.88      |
         |                  |               |               |
  1886   | 2,289.82         | 1,845.13      |   458.85      |
         |                  |               |               |
  1887   | 2,682.18         | 2,631.75      |   923.93      |
         |                  |               |               |
  1888   | 6,249.18         | 5,738.52      | 2,004.82      |
         |                  |               |               |
  1889   | 6,843.67         | 6,759.86      | 2,161.30      |
         |                  |               |               |
  1890   | 6,687.59         | 5,998.30      | 2,091.03      |
         |                  |               |               |
  1891   | 7,779.58         | 7,461.64      | 2,084.91      |
         |                  |               |               |
  1892   | 7,453.17         | 6,635.59      | 2,200.36      |
         |                  |               |               |
  1893   | 7,906.21         | 6,289.93      | 2,133.95      |
         |                  |               |               |
  1894   | 9,695.89         | 6,063.11      | 1,921.67      |
         |                  |               |               |




MRS. ALLEN BUTLER, Syracuse,                      1874-1879
MRS. DR. F. G. HIBBARD, Clifton Springs,          1879-1882
MRS. MARY T. BURT, New York City,                 1882-1894


MRS. A. M. WICKES, Attica,                        1885-1886
MRS. MARY J. WEAVER, Batavia,                     1886-1891
MRS. ELLA A. BOOLE, West New Brighton,            1891-1894


MRS. MARY T. BURT, Auburn,                        1874-1881
MRS. C. C. ALFORD, Brooklyn,                      1881-1882
MRS. G. M. GARDENIER, Oswego,                     1882-1894


MRS. GEORGE H. GREELEY, Syracuse,                 1874-1879
MRS. R. M. BINGHAM, Rome,                         1879-1881
MRS. MARY T. BURT, Brooklyn,                      1881-1882
MRS. E. H. GRIFFITH, Fairport,                    1882-1885
MRS. ELLA A. BOOLE, New York,                     1885-1891
MRS. FRANCES W. GRAHAM, Lockport,                 1891-1894


MRS. T. S. TRUAIR, Syracuse,                      1874-1879
MRS. SARAH A. McCLEES, Irvington,                 1879-1881
MRS. E. M. J. DECKER, Victor,                     1881-1886
MRS. C. C. ALFORD, Brooklyn,                      1886-1887
MRS. ELLEN L. TENNEY, Albany,                     1887-1894


SYRACUSE,                                        1874
ILION,                                           1875
SYRACUSE,                                        1876
BINGHAMTON,                                      1877
GENEVA,                                          1878
POUGHKEEPSIE,                                    1879
ITHACA,                                          1880
ROCHESTER,                                       1881
OSWEGO,                                          1882
POUGHKEEPSIE,                                    1883
HORNELLSVILLE,                                   1884
CORTLAND,                                        1885
ALBANY,                                          1886
BINGHAMTON,                                      1887
LOCKPORT,                                        1888
AUBURN,                                          1889
ELMIRA,                                          1890
NEW YORK,                                        1891
NEWBURGH,                                        1892
SYRACUSE,                                        1893
JAMESTOWN,                                       1894

Inscription on World's Fair Banner.

       *       *       *       *       *





       *       *       *       *       *


22,003 Members;
4,443 Honorary Members.


20,584 Members.

       *       *       *       *       *


Scientific temperance instruction--1884.

"Age of consent" raised from 10 to 16 years--1887.

Prohibiting sale of liquor on fair grounds of state--1888.

Prohibiting sale of cigarettes and tobacco to boys under 16 years of

Forbidding employment of women and girls as barmaids--1892.

Forbidding opening of the state's exhibit at World's Fair on Sunday--1892.

       *       *       *       *       *


Preventing introduction of the bill (into the Legislature) legalizing
houses of prostitution--1892.

       *       *       *       *       *


       *       *       *       *       *


_This brief History answers in part that oft-repeated question, "What is
the Woman's Christian Temperance Union doing?_"


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