Willis's Current Notes, No. 14, February 1852

By George Willis

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Title: Willis's Current Notes
       Volume 2 February Issue

Editor: George Willis

Release Date: November 16, 2012 [EBook #41372]

Language: English


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                         WILLIS'S CURRENT NOTES
                             FOR THE MONTH.

No. XIV.] "I will make a prief of it in my Note-Book."--SHAKSPERE.
[FEBRUARY, 1852.

                         NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS


G. WILLIS gratefully acknowledges the various interesting documents and
letters he has received. He is anxious that it should be perfectly
understood that he is not the author of any statement, representation,
or opinion, that may appear in his "Current Notes," which are merely
selections from communications made to him in the course of his
business, and which appear to him to merit attention. Every statement
therefore is open to correction or discussion, and the writers of the
several paragraphs should be considered as alone responsible for their
assertions. Although many notes have hitherto appeared anonymously, or
with initial letters, yet wherever a serious contradiction is involved,
G. Willis trusts that his Correspondents will feel the necessity of
allowing him to make use of their names when properly required.

ETHNOLOGY.--The marvellous pamphlet published in New York, with
reference to the Aztec Children exhibiting there, has reached G. W.,
with the copy to be presented to a distinguished traveller, which has
been delivered to him; and he seems not inclined to disbelieve in the
accuracy of any of its statements, whatever may be the opinion of G.
W.'s New York Special Reporter. (See "Current Notes" for January, p. 4.)

The pamphlet purposes to give an account of the discovery of an
idolatrous city called _Iximaya_, in Central America, with 85,000
inhabitants, situate somewhere about 16° 42' N. and 91° 35' W., whose
priests seem to consider the flesh of Scotchmen to be a peculiar
culinary luxury--when they can catch them. The information given to the
discoverers of the ideal or real city of _Iximaya_, was "that a man of
the same race as Senor Hammond, who was of a bright-florid complexion,
with light hair and red whiskers, had been sacrificed and eaten by the
Macbenachs or priests of Iximaya, the great city among the hills, about
thirty moons ago, (previous to May, 1849)."

It has been asserted that Mr. Wheelwright, an American gentleman of the
highest respectability, well known and much respected both in London and
Liverpool as the originator of the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, is
(or was) well acquainted with the author of this very extraordinary
pamphlet. And although it must be confessed, that if considered as a
piece of mere invention, for in marvellous incident it is a formidable
rival to the voyage and travels of one Lemuel Gulliver, or the life and
adventures of the well known Mr. Robinson Crusoe,--yet the fact should
not be forgotten, that "Truth is sometimes stranger than fiction."

G. W. anxiously looks for the opinions of the well-informed press upon
this matter, which, with the exception of the _Sunday Times_ of the 15th
of February, have been silent about the "Pigmies" exhibiting in New
York;--and about which, as G. W.'s "Special" observed last month--"there

THE BAWDRICK OR BALDROCK, (_Illustrated Correction_.)--Few people
feel inclined to acknowledge an error, or to make a correction. See
Willis's "Current Notes" for February last (p. 16), where Sir Walter
Scott's remark is quoted, that "it is ill making holes in one's own
stockings for the purpose of darning them again, darn we never so
neatly." However, G. W. is always happy--not to feel himself in the
wrong--but to correct any mistake which inadvertently he or his
agents may have made. He has therefore no hesitation about printing
the following communication.

"H. T. E. informs G. W. that the engraver of the sketch of the Bawdrick,
which appeared in the last number of the "Current Notes" (p. 5),"
has omitted one important reference, and a letter of reference, (which
H. T. E. believes he sent).

"In fig. 2, letter B, all is right.

"But in fig. 1, letter B is wrong; it should have been by the side, and
where that B is should have been an E, which was thus described:

"E. A piece of hard wood, placed between the staple and the end of the
clapper, which is made steady to the clapper by D, the busk board, &c.

"As engraved, H. T. E. fears it will be a terrible puzzler to the
uninitiated in Campanology, and even Campanologists will wonder at the
confusion. The upper joint should have been _thus_, and the lower joint
square (but G. W.'s artist has reversed the thing), for it is at B that
the clapper swings.


"Still it is well to have got the thing shewn to the public, and H. T.
E. thanks G. W., and supposes all blunders must be set down to his
correspondent's fault of indistinct writing."

                                      Strood, Rochester, 13th Feb. 1852.

SIR,--In reference to the letter of H. T. E. page 5 of your work, I beg
to send you the following extracts from the Account Book of the
Churchwardens of this Parish, now in my possession:--

                                                          H. WICKHAM.
    "Ao. 1555.
    It^m. payd For a horse hyde xx^d.
    For maykyng of y^e bawdreck ij^d."
    For whytt lether for y^e bawdreck xij^d.
    For maykyng of iiij bawdrecks . viij^d."


                                          Liverpool, 30th Jan. 1852.

SIR,--I have to complain that your Correspondent T. M. rushes into print
so incautiously on the subject of his tobacco-pipe. From the accuracy of
his quotation, he appears to have had the Society's volume before him,
yet he has taken no trouble to arrive at the truth. Mr. Lamb's paper was
read three months before the woodcut of the pipe in question appeared;
but as the latter was of peculiar form, it was engraved, as well as one
or two others that had not been exhibited. All of these were minutely
referred to. Thus, in the NOTE RESPECTING THE PLATES, p. iii. there is
the following:--"No. 14 [on Plate IV.] is from 'Willis's Current Notes,'
for April, 1851; the stem is of bamboo, and the top of the bowl of
brass. It was found in taking down an old inn at Fulham in 1836." From a
mutilated copy I send you the actual leaf for the use of T. M.;[1] and
have to express my sorrow that he does not possess either more patience
or more civility,

                                                 A. HUME, D.C.L.
                                            Corresponding Secretary.

    [1] G. W. _has forwarded it to his Correspondent, and begs to
        thank the Rev. Dr. Hume for this correction of T. M.'s
        oversight, and the manner in which an acknowledgment has
        been made to "Willis's Current Notes," which it gratifies
        him to find considered worthy of the attention of_ THE

                     THE LATE J. M. W. TURNER, R.A.

_G. W. has the honour to acknowledge the receipt of five communications
respecting the Sketch of the late Mr. Turner, which appeared with_ J. T.
A.'s _letter in the January number of_ "Current Notes," (p. 1.) _Four of
his correspondents are pleased with the Sketch, and one who signs
himself_, D. R. _states that he knew Mr. Turner well, and considers it
to be, "no caricature, but on the contrary, an excellent likeness_."

_However, the following epistle, expresses a different opinion._

                                                   Yarm^o. Feb, 2, 1852.

SIR,--How very vexing it is that the "rude sketch" favoured by your
obliging correspondent, (J. T. A.) was not placed in the hands of
some R. A. (before engraved), who was acquainted and well knew that
celebrated painter, and from that ("rude sketch") and the knowledge he
(R. A.) had of the late Turner, would have favoured us with a more
characteristic portrait. Was he not more than four feet in stature? This
represented ("Current Notes," January, 1852, p. 1), reminds us of a
wooden punchinello more than any thing that ever breathed, and not at
all _credible_ to the "Current Notes." All such Notes are highly
interesting if properly done.

    In haste.                                      Yours faithfully,

THE MARQUIS OF WORCESTER, (_Author of the "Century of Inventions"_).--R.
C. particularly thanked for his communication.

                       ANCIENT SIGNET EXPLAINED.

                                                Southwick, near Oundle,
                                                    Jan. 30th, 1852.

SIR,--Your excellent little work, "Current Notes," is worthy of all
praise and support; as affording to the Numismatist, the Paleologist,
and the Archeologist, &c. the means not only of giving a written account
of their various studies, but also of exhibiting facsimiles of the
objects of their research. At the same time that I thank you for the
insertion of my last (p. 3, Jan. 1852), allow me to present you with one
of, I think, much greater interest to the Chronologist and Historian,
taken from "Gesenii Monumenta Phoenicia, Pars 3, Tab. 11, fig. XL. bis,"


The letters at the top of the signet are _Ch sr b l_; and the reading
is, "_The great king_." At the bottom of the signet they are,
_A ch m n_; and the reading is, "_Achemen_," and with the Greek
termination _Achæmenes_. On the right side they are _a n b_, Hebrew
[Hebrew letters: Aleph, nun, and Bet], taken as numerical characters,
_i.e._ 1000, 700, 2; making the date 1702. On the left, the figure like
the Greek [Greek: ou], is the sign of Taurus, to denote the month when
the sun entered into Taurus. The _dove and leaf_ seem to refer to "_the
dove and olive leaf_," Gen. viii. 11.

Let me now refer your readers to Drummond's Origines, v. 1, p. 310:

"The Greeks fancied Achæmenes to have been the name of the progenitor of
Cyrus; but _Achæmenes_ is nothing else than a corruption of one of those
pompous and impious titles, which were assumed by the kings of Iran, and
of which the inscriptions explained by M. de Sacy afford many examples.
_Achæmenes_, as I have shown elsewhere, signifies _Rex coeli_ in ancient

So much for _guess-work_, which cannot be too much reprobated. I do not
pretend to any skill in chronology, but the calculation appears to be so
simple, that I will attempt it, taking the dates of our authorized
version of the Bible.

    Deluge                          2349 A.C.
    Signet engraved                 1702 _from_ the Deluge
    Or                               647 A.C.
    Cyrus begins to reign            537 A.C.

Therefore, from the beginning of the reign of Achæmenes to the same of
Cyrus is 110 years.

From this remarkable signet we obtain the historical truth, that
Achæmenes began his reign in the month Taurus, 1702, after THE _Deluge_.
I have found the Deluge taken as an epoch in various Cuneiform and
Egyptian, &c. documents, that have not been explained to the public.

                              Yours truly,
                                                        T. R. BROWN.

_T. R. B.'s translation received, but must stand over for the present._

                    ROBERT HOBLYN, _quere_ RICHARD?
                               No. 59, Grey Street, Newcastle, Tyne,
                                        January 28th, 1852.

SIR,--In your "Current Notes" for this month (p. 7), a correspondent, A.
K., enquires about "Robert Hoblyn" and his Works. Presuming he has made
a mistake in the name, and that he means "Richard" instead of "Robert,"
I send herewith a list of some of "Richard's" Works,

                                    I remain, yours,
    Mr. Willis.                                         THOMAS GRAY.

Richard D. Hoblyn, A.M., Oxon, author of "Medical Terms," "Scientific
Terms," "Manuals of Natural Philosophy of Chemistry, and of the Steam
Engine," "First Books in Science," &c. &c.

                             ROBERT HOBLYN.

                                                  4, Birchin Lane,
                                                February 7th, 1852.

SIR,--In answer to a letter in your "Price Current" for January 25th,
(p. 7), addressed to you, and signed "A. K." I beg to inform your
correspondent that "Robert Hoblyn," published the following works:--

    "Bibliotheca Hoblyniana," 8vo. London, 1767.

    "The First Book of the Georgics of Virgil, Lat. and Eng. with
    Translation in blank verse, and notes, 8vo. London, 1825."

It is worthy to notice that "M. A." is affixed to his name in the last
named work.

I am not aware that he published any other works; but a perusal of the
Catalogue of Printed Books in the British Museum would satisfactorily
decide this point.

Perhaps your correspondent means "Richard Hoblyn," whose publications
are very numerous.

                                            Your obedient servant,
                                                       S. I. TUCKER.

                         LAVERS, _the Bookseller_.

                                        Overseal, Ashby de la Zouch.

SIR,--I should be very much obliged to any of your correspondents who
will give me information respecting Mr. Lavers, a bookseller in London,
who flourished about the third quarter of the last century; especially
any thing relating to his wife and descendants.

                                        Very faithfully yours,
                                                      J. M. GRESLEY.
13th Feb. a.d. 1852.

TRADESMEN'S TOKENS.--Can any of your readers inform me if there are any
Tradesmen's Tokens of Scotland, issued during the 17th century; and if
not, can any cause be assigned for it. I have a very large collection of
tokens of the 17th century, of England, Wales, and Ireland, but not one
of Scotland, which is very singular, as the towns of Edinburgh, Glasgow,
Aberdeen, Sterling, Perth, &c. must have had as great need of a small
currency, as many small villages in England, of which there are many

By far the most numerous of the English tokens belong to the Southern
and Midland districts: of the city of Oxford alone I have 62 varieties.
The Northern Counties are much fewer in number: of Cumberland I have
only tokens of two towns, Carlisle and Cockermouth; of Northumberland,
the town of Newcastle only; of Westmoreland, Appleby, Kendal, and Kirby

The ordinary value is the halfpenny for the Southern Counties, having
usually the Arms of some Company of the City of London, and the initials
of the issuer, his wife and family name, with the name, trade and
business at full length. The great bulk of these tokens are of a
monotonous character, with a few curious exceptions.

One of square shape, issued by Thomas Dedicot, in Bewdley, has the
legend, "SQUARE DEALING." A copper token of Worcester, has a brass
plug in the centre. A facetious Boniface of Leeds gives us the
double-entendre, "BEWARE THE BEARE," with his sign of the Bear. To make
the catch better, it should be known that in Yorkshire, BEER and BEAR,
are pronounced alike. The device and motto of the Baron Bradwardine is
consequently older than the time of the author of Waverley. Roger
Dickinson, of Robin Hood's Bay, affects a heart-shaped token, on which
are represented the popular heroes, Robin Hood and Little John: Little
John is represented half the size of Robin Hood, instead of being
considerably taller, not knowing he was so nick-named from his gigantic
stature. There are other tokens of octagon and diamond shape.

The Welsh tokens are generally of very good execution: the halfpenny of
Edward Lloyd, of Kidwelly, is very neat; a few of Carnarvon are small,
and issued at one penny, of a similar character to those of Ireland,
which I have next to mention.

The Irish tokens are of a different character to those of England and
Wales, being generally small, issued at one penny, and the issuer
styling himself Marchant. The penny token of John Whittle, of Kilkenny,
1656, has the Arms of the Commonwealth on it; the only instance that I
know of: the King's Arms are plentiful enough.


Besides the list of towns given by Lindsay in his "View of the Coinage
of Ireland, 1839," I can add from my collection, Ballinasloe,
Downpatrick, Loughrea, Mount-Mellick, Navan and Roscommon, besides many
varieties of the towns Mr. Lindsay has published.

The circulation of these tokens was forbidden under severe penalties in
1673, but in Ireland they were continued partially to near the close of
the 18th century, when another general issue of tokens throughout Great
Britain was allowed by Government, owing to the great scarcity of small
money. The tokens of this period are of an entirely different size and
character to those of the preceding century.

                                                          WM. BOYNE.
    Leeds, Feb. 1852.

LITHOGRAPHY.--Some years ago, letters and papers of William Combe, the
well known author of "Dr. Syntax," came into my possession, and with
them a paper, of which the following is a copy:--

    "_I have been told of one
    Who being ask'd for bread,
        In its stead
    Returned a stone._

    _But here we manage better.
        The Stone we ask
        To do its task,
    And it returns us every letter._

            _Wm. Combe, January 23, 1817._"

    "_This is the first impression of Ackermann's Lithographic

Combe was so intimately connected with Ackermann's establishment, that
there can be no doubt of the fact that the paper I have, was truly the
very _first_ impression in Lithography in England. The poetic scrap was
no doubt Combe's own, and the facsimile shews that it was in Combe's

                                                         ROBT. COLE.
    52, Upper Norton Street.

STERNE'S AUTOGRAPH.--As mentioned by A. C. K. in "Current Notes" for
January, p. 2, as _occurring on the title page_[2] of his "Tristram
Shandy," is not I believe often met with, but I doubt much its having
been written for the gratification of particular friends, to whom copies
of the work were presented.

I have two (the title pages only) in my possession.

                                                        ROBERT COLE.
    52, Upper Norton Street.

    [2] G. W.'s respected Correspondent A. C. K. said "_at the head
        of the first chapter in some or one of the volumes_" of a
        few of the first editions.

                        MIDDLE AGES.--MEDIÆVAL.

These terms are now so frequently used in reference to periods and
works of art, that it would be useful to your readers if some competent
person would define precisely what period is comprehended in the term
_mediæval_. In a recent Exhibition many works of a comparatively late
date were classed as mediæval. Mr. James, speaking of _Charlemagne_,
says--"the precise birth-place of the greatest man of the middle ages is
unknown." Here he refers to the year 742. Some of the correspondents
will, perhaps, through your "Notes Current," define the limits of this

                                                               S. E.


SIR,--With regard to the inquiry made in your "Current Notes" for
December, p. 93, with respect to Archæological publications, I wish to
direct your Correspondent to a publication issued by the Architectural
Societies for Northampton, Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, and Bedfordshire,
consisting of the Reports and Papers read before those Societies in the
year 1850. The second part, comprising the Transactions for the Year
1851, is now in the press, and will shortly be published. These two
parts will form one handsome octavo volume, printed more especially for
the use of the Members of the above Societies, but a few copies are
reserved for general sale, for which Mr. Masters is the agent; Thinking
that your Correspondent might be glad to hear of the existence of this
volume, I thought it as well to trouble you with this note.

                      I remain, yours faithfully,
                                                     T. PYNDAR LOWE.

Saltfletby, Louth, Jan. 29.

BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE.--With reference to the January Number of "Current
Notes," p. 2, and the reply to an inquiry (from J. P., Philadelphia,
18th November) respecting the Author of "Father Tom and the Pope, or a
Night at the Vatican,"--a paper which appeared in Blackwood some years
ago, W. C. J. A. has had the goodness to inform G. W. that the reply
given by F. M. is not quite correct.

"The writer of that paper was Mr. Samuel Ferguson, then and still a
Member of the Irish Bar, going the North-East Circuit, and a native of
Belfast. Mr. Ferguson is also the author of some spirited stanzas,
published in the same Magazine, entitled, 'The Forging of the Anchor,'
and is very favourably known as the author of some interesting papers in
'Blackwood,' and in the Antiquarian department of the 'Transactions of
the Royal Irish Academy,' of which learned body he has been for several
years a member."

"Mr. F." adds W. C. J. A. "has, _I believe_, but I am not quite sure,
written in the 'Dublin University Magazine.'"

THE SHADOOF.--I beg to inform W. G. with reference to his observations
in your "Current Notes" for December last, that the Shadoof as engraved
by you at p. 96 is in common use all over the State of New York in
places where wells are obliged to be sunk, the machine being far less
costly than a pump, and such as anybody can construct.

We have abundance of rivers and streams, so many indeed, that I have
never seen a windmill in America.

                                      YOUR N. Y. ES-PECIAL REPORTER.

THOMAS HOOD.--How lamentable is it to observe, from the research of
A. K. in Willis's "Current Notes" for December (p. 90), and for which I
sincerely thank his Correspondent, that so eminent a man as Thomas Hood
should so recently have departed from among us without record of his

His Song of the Shirt alone, written with so humane a purpose, surely
demanded some notice. Are you aware that the Song of the Shirt suggested
the American Sewing Machine, exhibited in the World's Fair, for the
purpose of relieving poor females from the nightly drudgery of
"stitch--stitch--stitch?"                                      W. S.


MR. WILLIS,--Some of your correspondents appear mighty fond of Old Oaken
Chairs, and I rather think if they were to visit the good old City of
Aberdeen, and go into the "Auld Kirk," they will see an Oak Chair
somewhat older than the engraved specimens in your "Current Notes," and
on a scroll over it, they will see written

                       "=The Chaire of Veritie.="

But what do you say to the New Rosewood Shaksperian Chair, sent from New
York as a complimentary testimonial to an amiable lady living at
Bayswater, the inscription on which exquisite piece of work is as

                        MRS. MARY COWDEN CLARKE
                        THIS CHAIR IS PRESENTED
                          THROUGHOUT THE WORLD
                     HER CONCORDANCE TO SHAKSPERE.

_G. W. begs to add, that it is unnecessary for him to engrave the
beautiful drawing forwarded to him of this Chair, as he perceives an
engraving has already appeared in the Lady's Newspaper for the 24th
January, and he has returned the drawing as requested._

KATY-DID.--G. W.'s _New York Special Reporter writes him as follows, in
reference to the paragraph, p. 90 of "Current Notes" for December last._

SIR,--Please inform "_An Entomologist_" that it will afford your Special
Reporter much pleasure to send him a live specimen of the KATY-DID next
_fall_. We have no _Autumn_ in America! It is then they begin to sing,
or rather to say: at present they are, to use the words of Davie
Gellatley, "A' dead an' gane--a' dead an' gane." I first heard them one
evening in August among the elms on the battery, and so loud was the
noise, I fancied it was made by porters landing bars of iron on the
adjoining quays.

The jingle of the song your Entomological correspondent enquires after
was something like this; but I will send him a copy when I can procure

     "The dear little Katy-did sat on a tree,
      And surly and sulky and savage was he,
      His supper was stolen away by a bee,
    But he thought his own deary had hidd'n it,
      And while he kept calling 'twas you, Katy-did,
    She merrily cried--'Katy-did-n't,'

                                       [_Chorus of Boys and Girls._]


The moral of the song is, that a lady will always have the last word, be
she insect or woman.

Mr. Willis.

                     SCRAPS FROM THE UNITED STATES

The space at G. W.'s command will only permit him to notice generally,
and most gratefully to acknowledge, the number, variety, and interest of
C. F. D.'s communications, and sincerely to thank him for the kind
manner in which they have been forwarded.

                               * * * * *

1. The existence of Hebrew relics among the Pottawatomie Indians
is extremely curious. That procured by Dr. Lykins is described as
consisting of

    "Four small rolls or strips of parchment, closely packed in the
    small compartments of a little box or locket, of about an inch
    cubical content. On these parchments are written, in a style of
    unsurpassed excellence, and far more beautiful than print,
    portions of the Pentateuch, to be worn as frontlets, and
    intended as stimulants to the memory and moral sense."

2. A notice of Professor Stuart's death has been recorded in G. W.'s
Literary and Scientific Obituary.

    "He published at least twenty-four volumes, and in addition to
    them many single sermons and newspaper essays, and contributed
    more than two thousand octavo pages to American periodicals. His
    commentaries are those on the Hebrews, Romans, Revelation,
    Daniel, Ecclesiastes, and the Proverbs. He printed his first
    Hebrew Grammar without points, and _set up about half the
    paradigms of verbs with his own hands_.--This grammar went
    through three editions, each one being more full than the

3. The intelligence of the Spanish Press is highly amusing.

4. The charge made against the Editor of the Oxford Edition of Milton
requires proof or explanation.

    "Mr. Whittier states in the National Era, that the carefully
    prepared Oxford edition of Milton's Works, contains a poem by
    Elizabeth Lloyd, of Philadelphia, purporting to have been
    written by the poet in his old age and blindness, and which is
    so well executed, as to have deceived the English editor of his
    works. This poem is now going the rounds of the American press,
    as the production of Milton."

5. The appearance of the fifth and sixth volumes of Lord Mahon's History
of England has thus brought forth the indignation of the editor of the
Boston (U. S.) "Transcript."

    "They commence at the year 1763, and close with the year 1779,
    and comprise, of course, as the principal theme, the American
    Revolution--the rise and progress of the War of Independence.
    'One point in the American War,' says the Spectator, 'Lord Mahon
    brings out quietly and impressively--the personal falsehood of
    Franklin, and often the brutality of the Americans at large.'
    Here will be a chance for our American reviewers and critics.
    'The personal falsehood of Franklin!' It will take the affidavit
    of more than one Lord to make that credible."

6. The old American bookseller, whose career was so graphically
described by Dr. Francis at the celebration of the hundred and
forty-sixth anniversary of Franklin's birth-day, by the New York
Typographical Society, was the father of the present Editor of the
Literary World, an American periodical, extremely well conducted, and of
considerable circulation.

    "There are many booksellers and publishers," observed Dr.
    Francis, "whose character and influence might justly command
    detailed account. Spence himself would find among them anecdotes
    of consideration in the world of letters, I must, however, write
    within circumscribed limits. The first in immediate recollection
    is Evert Duyckinck. He was a middle-aged man when I was a boy
    occasionally at his store, an ample and old-fashioned edifice,
    at the corner of Pearl Street and Old Slip. He was grave in his
    demeanor, and somewhat taciturn; of great simplicity in dress,
    accommodating and courteous. He must have been rich in literary
    occurrences. He for a long while occupied this excellent stand
    for business, and was quite extensively engaged as a publisher
    and seller. He was a sort of Mr. Newbury, so precious to
    juvenile memory in the olden times. He largely dealt with that
    order of books, for elementary instruction, which were popular
    abroad, just about the close of our revolutionary war and the
    adoption of our Constitution, Old Dyche and his pupil Dilworth,
    Perry, and Sheridan. As education and literature advanced, he
    brought forward, by reprints, Johnson and Chesterfield, and
    Vicesimus Knox, and a host of others. His store was the nucleus
    of the Connecticut teachers' intellectual products, and Barlow
    and Webster, and Morse and Riggs, found him a patron of their
    works in poetry and school books. Bunyan, and Young, and Watts,
    Doddridge and Baxter, must have been issued by his enterprise in
    innumerable thousands throughout the whole thirteen States; and
    the old English Primer, now improved into the American Primer,
    with its captivating emendations, as

        The royal oak, it was the tree
        That saved his Royal Majesty;

    improved by the more simple diction,

        Oak's not as good
        As hickory wood;

    and the lines,

        Whales in the sea
        God's voice obey;

    now modified, without loss of its poetic fire,

        Great deeds were done--
        By Washington--

    led captivity captive, and were circulated without limits for
    the better diffusion of knowledge and patriotism throughout the
    land. As our city grew apace, and both instructors and their
    functions enlarged, he engaged in the Latin Classics. Having a
    little Latin about me, it became my duty to set up at the
    printing-office of Lewis Nicols, Duyckinck's reprint, De Bello
    Gallico. The edition was edited by a Mr. Rudd. He was the first
    editor I ever saw; I looked at him with school-boy admiration
    when I took him the proofs. What alterations or improvements he
    ever made in the text of Oudendorp, I never ascertained. This,
    however, must have been among the beginnings of that American
    practice, still so common among us, of deeming it necessary that
    the reprints of even the most important works from abroad should
    have, for better circulation, some name as editor inserted on
    the title-page. Mr. Duyckinck was gifted with great business
    talents, and estimated as a man of great punctuality and rigid
    integrity in fiscal matters. He was the first who had the entire
    Bible, in 12mo. preserved--set up in forms--the better to
    supply, at all times, his patrons. This was before stereotype
    plates were adopted. He gave to the Harpers the first job of
    printing they ever executed--whether 'Tom Thumb' or 'Wesley's
    Primitive Physic,' I know not. The acorn has become the pride of
    the forest--the Cliff Street Tree, whose roots and branches now
    ramify over the land. Duyckinck faithfully carried out the
    proverbs of Franklin, and the sayings of Noah Webster's
    Prompter. He was by birth and by action a genuine Knickerbocker."



At p. 77 of your "Current Notes" for October last, there is an engraved
representation of the Corporate Seal of Dulwich College; as a companion
to it, I have procured a drawing of the Seal of Archbishop Whitgift's
Hospital at Croydon, which was founded towards the end of the reign of
Elizabeth, by that benevolent but superstitious prelate, who appears to
have been a devout believer in the Black Art, as among the crimes
enumerated to be punished by expulsion are "obstinate heresye, sorcerye,
and any kind of charming or witchcrafte."

There were some interesting relics preserved in this establishment,
particularly three wooden goblets or drinking vessels, the largest of
which could hold about three pints, and bore the following inscription:

    "=What, Sirrah! hold thy peace,
    Thirst satisfied--cease.="

But I am told they have disappeared--no one can tell how or when
exactly. I mention the circumstance, as there was a singular legend
connected with this inscription, which I once heard, but do not now
remember the particulars--perhaps some of your correspondents may.

                                                               C. R.

                          MONUMENTAL BRASSES.

                                            St. Margaret, Rochester,
                                                Feb. 11th, 1852.

SIR,--Allow me to correct a slight error in the communication of your
correspondent G. E. S. contained in your "Current Notes" for December
last, p. 92. The name of the gentleman who was mainly instrumental in
restoring the _Brass_ with the Effigy of a former Vicar of this Parish,
Thomas Codd, was the late _Mr. W. F. Harrison_, not _Hanson_, as

                                        I am, Sir, yours obediently,
                                   A SUBSCRIBER AND CONSTANT READER.
Mr. Willis.

                      CAVENDISH'S LIFE OF WOLSEY.

SIR,--In an anonymous treatise, entitled, "Who wrote Cavendish's Life of
Wolsey?" London, 1814; (usually attributed to the Rev. Joseph Hunter),
the writer considers the author to be a George Cavendish, a branch of
the Devonshire family. But in the valuable collection of my friend Mr.
W. S. Fitch, of this town, there is a well-preserved MS. copy of "The
Life and Death of Cardinal Wolsey," by Th. Gainsford. This interesting
MS. is a folio volume of 166 pages. It embraces all that is contained in
Cavendish's "Life of Wolsey," with a considerable deal of extra matter.
I refer to Lowndes and find that this Gainsford was the author of a Life
of Perkin Warbeck, and other works. He printed nothing, it seems, after

                                        I am, Sir, yours truly,
                                                       A SUBSCRIBER.
Ipswich, Feb. 6, 1852.

                     "ROBBED BETWEEN SUN AND SUN."

                                                      Jan. 28, 1852.

SIR,--Perhaps the query of "Y. S. N." concerning the expression of

                     "ROBBED BETWEEN SUN AND SUN,"

(p. 6, of your "Current Notes,") may be derived from the definition of
Burglary, in Blackstone's Commentaries, book 4, Public Wrongs, section
2. "The _Time_ must be by Night, and not by Day, for in the Day-time
there is no Burglary.... Anciently the Day was accounted to begin only
at Sun-rising, and to end immediately upon Sunset."

Therefore, if I was robbed last night, the Burglary was committed
between the _Sun_-set of yesterday, and the _Sun_-rise of to-day.

    Mr. Willis.

                    "CROMWELL BETWEEN THE PILLARS."

SIR,--I extract the following out of the copy I got from you of
"Smeeton's Reprints," which answer one of the queries put by your
correspondent in last month's "Current Notes," p. 7, concerning the
print of Cromwell.

    "The following is a History of this celebrated Print:--

    "Faithorne, with his master, Robert Peake, engaged in the King's
    service, and were both taken prisoners at Basing House, from
    whence Faithorne was brought to London, and confined in
    Aldersgate; here resuming his occupation, he produced the
    exquisite Portrait of the Protector, (known as Cromwell between
    the Pillars), which pleased the parties then in power so much,
    that shortly after, it occasioned his being set at liberty, and
    he retired to France. Copies of the original print have been
    known to sell as high as 40 pounds!

    "Mr. Caulfield in his Chalcographiana, says, Mr. Bull the
    celebrated Collector, shewed him the original drawing in red
    chalk from which Faithorne engraved the print; from whom he also
    learned the face was afterwards altered to William III."


                       PRINT OF OLIVER CROMWELL.

SIR,--I have a beautiful impression of the Print alluded to by a "Young
Print and Portrait Collector," ("Current Notes" for January, p. 7), with
this superscription: "Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of England,
Scotland, France, and Ireland, and the Territories thereunto belonging.
Engraved by Chas. Turner, from the celebrated print by W. Faithorne."
Below the figure of the Protector, on a small ornamental tablet, is "The
Emblem of England's distractions, and also of her attained and further
expected Freedom and Happiness;" which sufficiently explains the
extraordinary allegorical figures which crowd the print.

                                                               S. S.

                         AUTOGRAPHIC BIOGRAPHY.

SIR,--Perhaps some of the readers of your "Notes," can inform me who is
the "Kendall" who signs a document, a fragment only of which I possess,
and that without date, which also bears the signatures "Orford," "J.
Houblon," "G. Wharton," "P. Rich," and another I cannot decypher.

                                                               S. S.

AUTOGRAPHIC BIOGRAPHY.--The Marquis de Spinola, mentioned by ELLEN F.,
in "Current Notes" for January, p. 6, was Ambassador or Minister from
Genoa to France. He afterwards came to England on a mission from his
Government. I have many of his letters, in some of which he complains of
Lord Nelson's proceedings in the Mediterranean.

                                                               R. C.

I think p. 8 of your January "Notes," if referred to by your fair
Correspondent ELLEN F., may answer her "_Hue and Cry_" after John Bruce,
on the 20th May, 1829.

                                                            C. P. J.

                      RING OF MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS.


Your Correspondent T. K.'s notice of Queen Elizabeth's ring, said to
have been given to the Earl of Essex, ("Current Notes," for December
last, p. 95), reminds me of another ring, that of Mary Queen of Scots,
for using which she was censured on her Murder-trial, in consequence of
its having the Arms of England impaled with those of Scotland. I possess
a _facsimile_ of that signet ring, procured from a seal engraved in
Edinburgh. I should feel particularly obliged if any of your Antiquarian
friends can inform me, where the original now is. I was told that it was
in the British Museum, and had inquiry made there, but to no purpose. I
rather think paste facsimiles may be had at Mr. Wilson's, formerly
Tassie's, in Leicester Square. Mine is an engraving on Amethyst, and I
shall seal this letter with it.

                                                Respectfully yours,
                                                               R. B.

A TRAVELLING NAME.--The anecdote told by your Correspondent "J." in
the last number of your "Current Notes," p. 7, is somewhat differently
related in the Memoir of Mr. James Smith, prefixed to his "Comic
Miscellanies," where it is stated: "The following incident occurred
to James Smith in a Brighton coach. An old lady struck with his
extraordinary familiarity with things and people, at length burst forth,
'And pray, Sir, you who seem to know every body--pray may I ask who you
are?' 'James Smith, Madam.' This evidently conveying nothing to her
mind, a fellow passenger added, 'One of the authors of the _Rejected
Addresses_.' The old lady stared at them by turns, and then quietly
said, 'I never heard of the Gentleman or the book before.'"

                                                            T. C. C.

SALE OF RARE BOOKS.--Some curious books of an interesting character,
collected by the son of SIMON LORD LOVAT, who, it will be remembered,
was executed for treasonable practices, have recently been sold
by Auction by Messrs. SOTHEBY & WILKINSON, of Wellington Street. The
Collection contained specimens from the presses of Pynson, Wynkyn de
Worde and Caxton; also some rare and early works relating to America,
and on the subject of English Theology during the time of the
Elizabethan Age, and some curious works on Machinery and the Occult
Sciences. Among them may be specially named, "THE BOOK OF THE ORDRE OF
CHYVALRY OR KNYGHTHODE," (lot 244), said to be one of the rarest
productions of the press of CAXTON; one of three copies, (two of which
being in the British Museum), and considered to be one of the most
interesting volumes which we owe to the perseverance of Caxton as a
translator, and of great beauty as an example of his typographic
skill. It unfortunately wanted two leaves, but produced £55. 10s. The
next in importance (lot 585) was a copy of the works of BEN JONSON,
the edition of 1640, having belonged to the Somerset family, and of
much interest from the circumstance of its containing on the inside of
the cover an unpublished Poem of twenty-six lines, of a complimentary
character, on the Nuptials of Robert Carr, Earl of Somerset, entirely
in the autograph of Ben Jonson, and concluding with the following
beautiful stanza:--

    "And when your yeares rise more than would be told,
    Yet neyther of you seeme to th' other old.
    That all y^t view you then, and late may say,
    Sure this glad payre were maried but this day."

                                             BEN JONSON.

The flattering wishes of the great Bard were however not realized in the
future history of the unhappy pair. It produced £14, and has found a
resting-place in the British Museum.

                           TO CORRESPONDENTS.

H. M.'s communication has been forwarded to the periodical for which it
appears to have been intended.

MEDIÆVAL MUMMIES. "_A Bookworm_" who dates from the "British Museum," in
type, but too long to appear this month.

[Greek: D]. Thanked.

TOBACCO. S. T. "Chester," received, and in type. The copy of the
collected edition of "Current Notes" sent as desired.

A. Oak House, in type, but must stand over until next month.

ANTONINE'S ITINERARY and ETYMONS, &c. received after G. W.'s "Current
Notes" had been made up for press.

                  =Literary and Scientific Obituary.=

CLEMENTS, William. Newspaper Proprietor (_Morning Chronicle_,
_Observer_, _Bell's Life in London_). 24th January.

CRABB, George, (M.A.) Law, Language, and History. 16, Oxford Place, New
Road, Hammersmith. 4th December. 1851. Aged 83.

DAVENPORT, Richard Alfred. History, Biography, Criticism, Poetry, &c.
Brunswick Cottage, Park Street, Camberwell. 25th January. Aged 72.

GRIMSHAW, William. School Histories, American Chesterfield, Ladies'
Lexicon. Philadelphia. 8th January.

HOLCROFT, Thomas. Periodical Writer, formerly Secretary Asiatic Society.
37, Woburn Place. 6th Feb.

PROUT, Samuel. Water Colour Painter. 10th February. Aged 68.

RODWELL, George Herbert. Musical Composer, Dramatist and Novelist. Upper
Ebury Street, Pimlico. 22nd January.

RODWELL (John). Publisher (_Rodwell and Martin, Bond Street_) of Batty's
Views, &c. January 3rd. Aged 71.

STUART (Professor), Moses. Biblical Scholar, Author of Hebrew Grammar,
&c. Andover, U.S. 4th January. Aged 71.

Transcriber Notes:

Passages in italics were indicated by _underscores_.

Passages in emphasis (cursive bold) were indicated by =equal signs=.

Small caps were replaced with ALL CAPS.

Throughout the document, the oe ligature was replaced with "oe".

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that single letter preceded by a caret (^).

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unless otherwise noted.

On page 9, a double quotation mark was remove after "(p. 5),".

On page 11, a quotation mark was added before "First Books in Sciences,".

"On page 12, the double quotation mark before "The Forging of the Anchor"
was replaced with a single quotation mark.

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