A Description of the Famous Kingdome of Macaria

By Gabriel Plattes

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Title: A Description of the Famous Kingdome of Macaria
       Shewing its Excellent Government: Wherein The Inhabitants
       Live in Great Prosperity, Health and Happinesse; the King
       Obeyed, the

Author: Gabriel Plattes

Other: Samuel Hartlib
       Francis Constable

Release Date: August 5, 2017 [EBook #55269]

Language: English


Produced by Mary Glenn Krause, Carol Brown, MFR, British
Library, Duke University and the Online Distributed
Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net



  The Inhabitants live in great
  Prosperity, Health, and Happinesse; the
  King obeyed, the Nobles honoured; and
  all good men respected, Vice punished,
  and vertue rewarded.

  _An Example to other Nations._

  In a Dialogue between a Schollar and a Traveller.

  Printed for _Francis Constable, Anno_ 1641.

[Illustration: decorative banner]


Whereas I am confident, that this Honorable Court will lay the Corner
Stone of the worlds happinesse before the final recesse thereof, I
have adventured to cast in my widowes mite into the Treasurie; not as
an Instructer, or Counsellour, to this Honourable Assembly, but have
delivered my conceptions in a Fiction, as a more mannerly way, having
for my pattern Sir _Thomas Moore_, and Sir _Francis Bacon_ once Lord
Chancellour of _England_; and humbly desire that this honourable
Assembly will be pleased to make use of any thing therein contained,
if it may stand with their pleasures, and to laugh at the rest, as a
solace to my minde, being enclined to doe good to the publick. So
humbly craving leave, that I may take my leave, I rest this 25, of
October 1641.

[Illustration: decorative banner]




Well met sir, your habit professes scholarship, are you a Graduate?


Yes sir, I am a Master of Arts.

_Trav._ But what doe you heare in the Exchange; I conceive you trade
in knowledge, and here is no place to traffick for it; neither in the
book of rates is there any imposition upon such commodities: so that
you have no great businesse either here or at the Custome-house. Come
let us goe into the fields, I am a Traveller, and can tell you strange
newes, and much knowledge, and I have brought it over the sea without
paying any Custome, though it bee worth all the merchandize in the

_Schol._ We Scholars love to heare newes, and to learne knowledge, I
will wait upon you, goe whither you will.

_Trav._ Well, we will goe into Moore fields, and take a turne or two,
there we shall be out of this noise, and throng of people.

_Sch._ Agreed; but as we goe, what good newes doe you heare of the

_Trav._ I heare that they are generally bent to make a good
reformation, but that they have some stops and hinderances, so that
they cannot make such quick dispatch as they would; and if any
experience which I have learned in my long travels, may stand them in
stead, I would willingly impart it for the publick good.

_Sch._ I like that well, I pray you declare some good experience, that
I may say that I have gained some thing by the company of Travellers.

_Trav._ In a Kingdome called _Macaria_, the King and the Governours
doe live in great honour and riches, and the people doe live in great
plenty, prosperitie, health, peace, and happinesse, and have not halfe
so much trouble as they have in these European Countreyes.

_Sch._ That seemeth to me impossible: you Travellers must take heed of
two things principally in your relations; first, that you say nothing
that is generally deemed impossible. Secondly, that your relation hath
no contradiction in it, or else all men will think that you make use
of the Travellers priviledge, to wit, to lie by authority.

_Trav._ If I could change all the minds in England as easily as I
suppose I shall change yours, this Kingdome would be presently like to
it: when you heare the manner of their government, you will deeme it
to be very possible, and withall very easie.

_Sch._ I pray you sir declare the manner of their government, for I
think long till I heare it.

_Trav._ As for brevitie in discourse, I shall answer your desire. They
have a Great Councell like to the Parliament in England, but it
sitteth once a yeer for a short space, and they heare no complaints
against any but Ministers of State, Judges, and Officers; those they
trounce soundly, if there be cause: Besides, they have five under
Councels; to wit,

  A Councell of Husbandry.
  A Councell of Fishing.
  A Councell of Trade by Land.
  A Councell of Trade by Sea.
  A Councell for new Plantations.

These sit once a yeere for a very short space, and have power to heare
and determine, and to punish Malefactors severely, and to reward
Benefactors honourable, and to make new lawes, not repugnant to the
lawes of the Great Councell, for the whole Kingdome, like as Court
Leets, and Corporations have within their owne Precincts and Liberties
in England.

_Sch._ I pray you sir declare some of the principall Lawes made by
those under Councels.

_Trav._ The Councell of Husbandry hath ordered, that the twentieth
part of every mans goods that dieth shall be employed about the
improving of lands, and making of High-wayes faire, and bridges over
Rivers; by which meanes the whole Kingdome is become like to a
fruitfull Garden, the High-wayes are paved, and are as faire as the
streets of a Citie; and as for Bridges over Rivers, they are so high,
that none are ever drowned in their travels.

Also they have established a law, that if any man holdeth more land
than he is able to improve to the utmost, he shall be admonished,
first, of the great hinderance which it doth to the Common-wealth.
Secondly, of the prejudice to himselfe; and if hee doe not amend his
Husbandry within a yearespace, there is a penalty set upon him, which
is yeerely doubled, till his lands be forfeited, and he banished out
of the Kingdome, as an enemy to the common-wealth.

In the Councell of Fishing there are lawes established, whereby
immense riches are yeerly drawne out of the Ocean.

In the Councell of Trade by Land there are established Lawes, so that
there are not too many Tradesmen, nor too few, by enjoyning longer or
shorter times of Apprentiships.

In the Councell of Trade by Sea there is established a law, that all
Traffick is lawfull which may enrich the Kingdome.

In the Councell for new Plantations there is established a law, that
every yeere a certaine number shall be sent out, strongly fortified,
and provided for at the publike charge, till such times as they may
subsist by their owne endevours: and this number is set downe by the
said Councell, wherein they take diligent notice of the surplusage of
people that may be spared.

_Sch._ But you spoke of peace to be permanent in that Kingdome, how
can that be?

_Trav._ Very easily; for they have a law, that if any Prince shall
attempt any invasion, his kingdome shall be lawfull prize: and the
Inhabitants of this happy Countrey are so numerous, strong, and rich,
that they have destroyed some without any considerable resistance; and
the rest take warning.

_Sch._ But you spoke of health, how can that be procured by a better
way than wee have here in England?

_Trav._ Yes very easily; for they have an house, or Colledge of
experience, where they deliver out yeerly such medicines as they find
out by experience; and all such as shall be able to demonstrate any
experiment for the health or wealth of men, are honourably rewarded at
the publike charge, by which their skill in Husbandry, Physick, and
Surgerie, is most excellent.

_Sch._ But this is against Physicians.

_Trav._ In _Macaria_ the Parson of every Parish is a good Physician,
and doth execute both functions, to wit, _cura animarum_, & _cura
corporum_; and they think it as absurd for a Divine to be without the
skill of Physick, as it is to put new wine into old bottles; and the
Physicians being true Naturalists, may as well become good Divines, as
the Divines doe become good Physicians.

_Sch._ But you spoke of grat facilitie that these men have in their
functions, how can that be?

_Trav._ Very easily: for the Divines, by reason that the Societie of
Experimenters is liable to an action, if they shall deliver out any
false receit, are not troubled to trie conclusions, or experiments,
but onely to consider of the diversitie of natures, complexions, and
constitutions, which they are to know, for the cure of soules, as well
as of bodies.

_Sch._ I know divers Divines in England that are Physicians, and
therefore I hold well with this report, and I would that all were
such, for they have great estimation with the people, and can rule
them at their pleasure?

_Sch._ But how cometh the facilitie of becoming good Divines?

_Trav._ They are all of approved abilitie in humane learning, before
they take in hand that function, and then they have such rules, that
they need no considerable studie to accomplish all knowledge fit for
Divines, by reason that there are no diversitie of opinions amongst

_Sch._ How can that be?

_Trav._ Very easily: for they have a law, that if any Divine shall
publish a new opinion to the Common people, he shall be accounted a
disturber of the publick peace, and shall suffer death for it.

_Sch._ But that is the way to keep them in errour perpetually, if they
be once in it.

_Trav._ You are deceived; for if any one hath conceived a new opinion,
he is allowed everie yeere freely to dispute it before the Great
Councell; if he overcome his Adversaries, or such as are appointed to
be Opponents, then it is generally received for truth; if he be
overcome, then it is declared to be false.

_Sch._ It seemeth that they are Christians by your relation of the
Parochiall Ministers, but whether are they Protestants or Papists?

_Trav._ Their Religion consists not in taking notice of severall
opinions and sects, but is made up of infallible tenets, which may be
proved by invincible arguments, and such as will abide the grand test
of extreme dispute; by which meanes none have power to stirre up
Schismes and Heresies; neither are any of their opinions ridiculous to
those who are of contrarie minds.

_Schol._ But you spoke of great honour which the Governours have in
the Kingdome of _Macaria_.

_Trav._ They must needs receive great honour of the people, by reason
that there is no injustice done, or very seldome, perhaps once in an

_Sch._ But how come they by their great riches which you speak of?

_Trav._ It is holden a principall policie in State to allow to the
ministers of State, Judges, and chiefe Officers, great revenues; for
that, in case they doe not their dutie, in looking to the Kingdomes
safety, for conscience sake, yet they may doe it for feare of loosing
their owne great Estates.

_Sch._ But how can the King of _Macaria_ be so rich as you speak

_Trav._ He taketh a strict course that all his Crown lands be improved
to the utmost, as Forrests, Parkes, Chases, &c. by which meanes his
revenues are so great, that hee seldome needeth to put impositions
upon his Subjects, by reason hee hath seldome any warres; and if there
bee cause, the Subjects are as ready to give, as hee to demand: for
they hold it to bee a principall policie in State, to keep the Kings
Cofers full, and so full, that it is an astonishment to all Invaders.

_Sch._ But how cometh the Kings great honour which you speak of?

_Trav._ Who can but love and honour such a Prince, which in his tender
and parentall care of the publick good of his loving Subjects, useth no
pretences for realities, like to some Princes, in their Acts of State,
Edicts, and Proclamations?

_Sch._ But you Travellers must take heed of contradictions in your
relations; you have affirmed, that the Governours in _Macaria_ have
not halfe so much trouble, as they have in these European Kingdomes,
and yet by your report they have a Great Councell, like to our
Parliament in England, which sit once a yeare: besides that, they have
five Under Councels, which sit once a yeare, then how commeth this
facility in government?

_Trav._ The Great Councell heareth no complaints, but against
Ministers of State, Judges, and chiefe Officers; these, being sure to
bee trounsed once a yeare, doe never, or very seldome offend: So that
their meeting is rather a festivity, than a trouble. And as for the
Judges and chiefe Officers, there is no hope that any man can prevaile
in his suit by bribery, favour, or corrupt dealing; so that they have
few causes to be troubled withall.

_Sch._ I have read over Sr. _Thomas Mores Vtopia_, and my Lord
_Bacons New Atlantis_, which hee called so in imitation of _Plato_'s
old one, but none of them giveth mee satisfaction, how the Kingdome of
England may be happy, so much as this discourse, which is briefe and
pithy, and easie to be effected, if all men be willing.

_Trav._ You Divines have the sway of mens minds, you may as easily
perswade them to good as to bad, to truth as well as to falshood.

_Sch._ Well, in my next Sermon I will make it manifest, that those
that are against this honourable designe, are first, enimies to God
and goodnesse; secondly, enimies to the Common-wealth; thirdly,
enimies to themselves, and their posterity.

_Trav._ And you may put in, that they are enimies to the King, and to
his posterity, and so consequently, traitors: for hee that would not
have the Kings honour, and riches to be advanced, and his Kingdome to
bee permanent to him, and to his heires, is a traitor, or else I know
not what treason meaneth.

_Sch._ Well, I see that the cause is not in God, but in mens fooleries,
that the people live in misery in this world, when they may so easily
bee relieved: I will joyne my forces with you, and wee will try a
conclusion, to make our selves and posterity to bee happy.

_Trav._ Well, what will you doe towards the worke?

_Sch._ I have told you before, I will publish it in my next Sermon,
and I will use meanes that in all Visitations and meetings of Divines,
they may bee exhorted to doe the like.

_Trav._ This would doe the feat, but that the Divines in England,
having not the skill of Physick, are not so highly esteemed, nor beare
so great a sway as they doe in _Macaria_.

_Sch._ Well, what will you doe toward the worke?

_Trav._ I will propound a book of Husbandry to the high Court of
Parliament, whereby the Kingdome may maintaine double the number of
people, which it doth now, and in more plenty and prosperity, than now
they enjoy.

_Sch._ That is excellent: I cannot conceive, but that if a Kingdome
may be improved to maintaine twice as many people as it did before, it
is as good as the conquest of another Kingdome, as great, if not

_Trav._ Nay, it is certainly better; for when the Townes are thin, and
farre distant, and the people scarce and poore, the King cannot raise
men and money upon any sudden occasion, without great difficulty.

_Sch._ Have you a coppy of that booke of Husbandry about you, which is
to bee propounded to the Parliament?

_Trav._ Yes, here is a coppy, peruse it, whilest I goe about a little
businesse, and I will presently returne to you. Well, have you perused
my book?

_Sch._ Yes Sir: and finde that you shew the transmutation of sublunary
bodies, in such manner, that any man may be rich that will be
industrious; you shew also, how great cities, which formerly devoured
the fatnesse of the Kingdome, may yearely make a considerable
retribution without any mans prejudice, and your demonstrations are
infallible; this booke will certainly be highly accepted by the high
Court of Parliament.

_Trav._ Yes, I doubt it not; for I have shewed it to divers Parliament
men, who have all promised mee faire, so soone as a seasonable time
commeth for such occasions.

_Sch._ Were I a Parliament man, I would labour to have this book to
bee dispatched, the next thing that is done; for with all my seven
Liberall Arts I cannot discover, how any businesse can bee of more
weight than this, wherein the publike good is so greatly furthered;
which to further, we are all bound by the law of God, and Nature.

_Trav._ If this conference bee seriously considered of, it is no
laughing matter; for you heare of the combustions in France, Spaine,
Germanie, and other Christian Countreys; you know that a house divided
against itselfe cannot stand: This may give the Turke an advantage, so
that England may feare to have him a neerer neighbour than they
desire. Why should not all the inhabitants of England joyne with one
consent, to make this countrey to bee like to _Macaria_, that is
numerous in people, rich in treasure and munition, that so they may
bee invincible?

_Sch._ None but fooles or mad men will be against it: you have changed
my minde, according to your former prediction, and I will change as
many minds as I can, by the waies formerly mentioned, and I pray you,
that for a further means, this Conference may be printed.

_Trav._ Well, it shall be done forthwith.

_Sch._ But one thing troubleth me, that many Divines are of opinion,
that no such Reformation as we would have, shall come before the day
of judgement.

_Trav._ Indeed there are many Divines of that opinion, but I can shew
an hundred Texts of Scripture, which doe plainly prove, that such a
Reformation shall come before the day of judgement.

_Sch._ Yea, I have read many plaine Texts of Scripture to that
purpose, but when I searched the Expositors, I found that they did
generally expound them mystically.

_Trav._ That is true; but worthy St. _Hierome_, considering that those
places of Scripture would not beare an Allegoricall exposition, said
thus, _Possumus sicut & multi alii omnia hæc spiritualiter exponere,
sed vereor, ne hujusmodi expositionem, prudentes lectores nequaquam

_Sch._ I am of St. _Hierom_'s minde, and therefore with alacrity let
us pursue our good intentions, and bee good instruments in this worke
of Reformation.

_Trav._ There be naturall causes also to further it; for the Art of
Printing will so spread knowledge, that the common people, knowing
their own rights and liberties, will not be governed by way of
oppression; and so, by little and little, all Kingdomes will be like
to _Macaria_.

_Sch._ That will bee a good change, when as well superiors as
inferiors shall bee more happy: Well, I am imparadised in my minde, in
thinking that England may bee made happy, with such expedition and

_Trav._ Well, doe you know any man that hath any secrets, or good
experiments? I will give him gold for them, or others as good in
exchange; that is all the trade I have driven a long time, those
riches are free from Customes and Impositions, and I have travelled
through many Kingdomes, and paid neither fraight nor Custome for my
wares, though I valued them above all the riches in the Kingdome.

_Sch._ I know a Gentleman that is greatly addicted to try experiments,
but how hee hath prospered I am not certaine; I will bring you
acquainted with him, perhaps you may doe one another good.

_Trav._ Well, I have appointed a meeting at two of the clocke this
day, I love to discourse with Scholars, yet wee must part; if you meet
mee here the next Munday at the Exchange, I Will declare to you some
more of the Lawes, Customes, and manners of the inhabitants of

_Sch._ I will not faile to meet you for any worldly respect; and if I
should bee sicke, I would come in a Sedan: I never received such
satisfaction and contentment by any discourse in my life: I doubt not
but wee shall obtaine our desires, to make England to bee like to
_Macaria_; for which our posterity which are yet unborne, will
fare the better: and though our neighbour Countreys are pleased to
call the English a dull Nation, yet the major part are sensible of
their owne good, and the good of their posterity, and those will sway
the rest; so wee and our posterity shall bee all happie.


Transcriber's Note

Words and phrases in italics are surrounded by underscores, _like this_.
Obsolete and alternative spellings are unchanged. Descriptions of
illustrations were added.

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of Macaria, by Gabriel Plattes


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