Project Gutenberg's A Bird's-Eye View of the Bible, by Frank Nelson Palmer This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: A Bird's-Eye View of the Bible Second Edition Author: Frank Nelson Palmer Commentator: J. Wilbur Chapman Release Date: August 7, 2005 [EBook #16461] Language: English *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK A BIRD'S-EYE VIEW OF THE BIBLE *** Produced by Karina Aleksandrova and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at A BIRD'S-EYE VIEW OF THE BIBLE [SECOND EDITION] BY FRANK NELSON PALMER Instructor of English Bible, Winona Schools, 1903-1911 WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY REV. J. WILBUR CHAPMAN, D.D. (To First Edition) CINCINNATI MONFORT & COMPANY 1914 Copyright, 1914, by FRANK N. PALMER TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION 7 PREFACE TO THE SERIES 8 PREFACE TO THE BOOK 10 CHART OF THE SIXTY-SIX BOOKS OF THE BIBLE 13 THE KINGDOM FORESHADOWED 17 THE KINGDOM FORMING 29 THE KINGDOM CONQUERING 39 THE KINGDOM UNDIVIDED AND THE KINGDOM DIVIDED-- The Historical Books 47 The Poetical Books 55 The Prophetical Books 65 THE KINGDOM IN CAPTIVITY 73 THE KINGDOM RESTORED 79 THE KINGDOM'S TRUE KING 89 THE KINGDOM CONQUERING THE WORLD 97 The Acts 98 The Pauline Epistles 103 The General Epistles 111 THE KINGDOM TRIUMPHANT 117 INTRODUCTION TO FIRST EDITION The Bible is a Lamp to our feet and a light to our pathway. To know it thoroughly is to be kept from stumbling, and to walk in the light is fellowship with Him who is the heart of the Book. The Bible is a Rock; to be familiar with its pages is to be established in character, in hope and in faith, and while we may sometimes tremble, the rock is immovable. The Bible is the true water of life. Mr. Moody used to say that it comes down from on high and rises again in mighty power to the throne on the principle that water seeks its own level. To know the Bible is, therefore, to live a heavenly life and to be filled with all the fullness of the spirit of Christ. The author of this text book knows his Bible thoroughly and he has the God-given ability of making it plain to others. What is here presented he has worked out in the class room and in his own rich Christian experience. I count it a privilege to write this line of introduction. The members of the Young People's Societies in the churches, Christian Associations, Bible study classes and Christian workers generally will find it most helpful. A busy business man by means of it could think his way through much of God's Word. It is a timely presentation of a great subject. I am sure that God will bless it richly to all who attempt to study it. J. WILBUR CHAPMAN. PREFACE TO THE SERIES * * * * * SEARCH Series of Bible Study Text Books * * * * * _"Be Ye Explorers of the Writings."_--JOHN 5:39 * * * * * Teachers of the Scriptures are issuing many valuable aids to Bible study. This series of text books is based upon the "Search" idea. We believe this idea is fundamental. It is commended to the student public for the following reasons: _It is the Divine Method._ "_Seek_ ye out of the book of Jehovah" is the God-given command in Isaiah 34:16 "Search ye the Scriptures" is the command of the God-man in John 5:39. The God who wrote the Book and the God who knows man will prescribe the best method by which man shall become acquainted with the Book. _It is the Pedagogic Method._ "What seest thou?" One basic pedagogic principle is to train the pupil's physical and mental eyes to see things for himself. The first and largest gate to knowledge is the _eye_ gate. _It is the Scientific Method._ The scientist searches for facts. He hunts for facts in the stars, in the rocks, in the plants, in the animals. From these facts he deduces principles. "What saith the Scriptures?" _It is the Interesting Method._ The search of the hunter, the explorer, the experimenter, the excavator, the student, is a joyous labor. Every sense is alert There is no drudgery, no fatigue. The "eureka" stirs a song of gladness. There is much joy in bearing this testimony: "I have found Micah 6:8, or Isaiah 12, or Jeremiah 45:5, or Philippians 4:19," etc. Now this is a Workable Method. The teacher can apply it. Give every pupil a certain definite Search task. The teacher can adapt it to every age, and to every degree of Biblical knowledge. This series of text books will suggest plans of applying this basic method of Bible study in becoming acquainted with the rich contents of the verses, the chapters, the books of this most practical Word of God. PREFACE TO THE BOOK 1. THE PURPOSE This book is designed to be used in Bible Study Classes in churches, in communities, in academies, in colleges. The author has endeavored to furnish a text book of outlines and questions that shall unfold the general contents of the Word of God. Its primary aim is to impart a swift and comprehensive acquaintanceship with the material of the books of the Bible. 2. THE CHARACTER OF THE WORK It is not an exhaustive study. From its aim it could not be such. Some of the sixty-six books are passed over in brief space, and some (chiefly in the prophecies and epistles) are omitted altogether. It is a surface study. The title so suggests. It does not enter into the deeper things. It simply aims to lay bare the surface facts. It is expressly designed to serve as a foundation for later detailed searching of the Word. It is flexible. The teacher can add or subtract as time or local conditions demand, and is earnestly exhorted so to do. One book may be omitted and another added at the teacher's discretion. A part of the questions may be omitted, or additional ones inserted. The outlines may be enlarged or diminished or changed to suit the needs of the class according to the teacher's personal judgment. 3. REQUISITES FOR STUDY Let each scholar be provided with a cheap tablet, a well-bound blank book of two hundred pages, a small Bible Dictionary of recognized merit, and a copy of the American Revised Version of the Bible. (Standard Edition of Nelson & Sons, 1901, bourgeois 8vo, is good.) The teacher should provide for reference, to which the pupils should have constant access, a copy of the Rand-McNally Bible Atlas, by J.L. Hurlbut, D.D., a copy of Young's Complete Analytical Concordance, and a copy of a large and complete Bible Dictionary. 4. SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS To secure the best results the following plan, tested by experience, is suggested: Let the assigned lesson be wrought out and recorded by the pupil in the cheap tablet. At the next recitation let this recorded lesson be read and corrected. At the following recitation this lesson first assigned and corrected is to be recited from memory. So at each recitation the following will be the general order: (1) The assigning of the advance lesson. (2) The reading and correction of the lesson assigned at the previous recitation. (3) The reciting from memory of the lesson corrected at the previous recitation. The work as soon as corrected is to be recorded by the scholar in the blank book according to a simple set of rules. The following rules have been used with good results: DIRECTIONS FOR BIBLE BOOKS 1. Record each lesson the evening after its correction. (Commit the work, as you record, for recital.) 2. Begin each large division at the top of the page. 3. Capitalize and underline all headings. 4. Leave a vacant line between small divisions. 5. Where questions are used, record both questions and answers. 6. The books will be graded substantially as follows: Correctness of record, 35. (Includes spelling and grammar.) Fullness of record, 35. Neatness and care, 10. Mechanical accuracy, 10. Originality, 10. It would be well to place a printed copy of these rules in the hands of each student, to be pasted in the front of the blank book. These blank books should be examined and graded every four or six weeks and should constitute at least a third of the student's grade. The recording of the work in the blank books may be omitted in the community or church classes, at the option of the teacher. But the record of the work by pencil in a cheap tablet _should be insisted upon as absolutely necessary for the best results_. In the academy and college classes the painstaking record in ink has been found by experience to be a most valuable portion of the study. Let the teacher review constantly. Drill the students, singly and collectively, in the recitation material. Emphasize the avoidance of mechanical study. Secure as much consecutive reading of the Word as possible. Feed upon rich truths. Make practical and personal applications of the Word. "All Scripture is profitable." CHART OF THE SIXTY-SIX BOOKS OF THE BIBLE INTRODUCTORY LESSON. CHART OF THE SIXTY-SIX BOOKS +--------------+------------+-------------+-----------+---------------+--------------+ | | I | II | III | IV | V | |NAMES OF |THE KINGDOM | THE KINGDOM |THE KINGDOM| THE KINGDOM | THE KINGDOM | |DIVISIONS |FORESHADOWED| FORMING |CONQUERING | UNDIVIDED | DIVIDED | +--------------+------------+-------------+-----------+---------------+--------------+ |Beginning and | 4004-1689 | 1571-1451 | 1451-1095 | 1095-975 | 975-606 B.C. | |Ending Dates | B.C. | B.C. | B.C. | B.C. | | +--------------+------------+-------------+-----------+---------------+--------------+ |Names of Books|Genesis |Exodus |Joshua |I and II Samuel|I and II Kings| | | ---- |Numbers |Judges |I Chronicles |II Chronicles | | |Job | ---- | ---- | ---- +--------------+ | | |Leviticus |Ruth |Psalms | ISRAEL | | | |Deuteronomy | |Song of Solomon| 975-721 | | | | | |Proverbs +--------------+ | | | (Read Psalms| |Ecclesiastes |Jonah | | | | 8, 90, | | |Amos | | | | 105-107) | | |Hosea | | | | | | +--------------+ | | | | | | JUDAH | | | | | | | 975-606 | | | | | | +--------------+ | | | | | |Joel | | | | | | |Isaiah | | | | | | |Micah | | | | | | |Nahum | | | | | | |Zephaniah | | | | | | |Habakkuk | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--------------+------------+-------------+-----------+---------------+--------------+ |NUMBER OF | | | | | | |BOOKS | 2 | 4 | 8 | 7 | 12 | +--------------+------------+-------------+-----------+---------------+--------------+ +--------------+------------+-----------+-------------+----------------+-----------+ | | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | | NAMES OF |THE KINGDOM |THE KINGDOM|THE KINGDOM'S| THE KINGDOM |THE KINGDOM| | DIVISIONS |IN CAPTIVITY| RESTORED | TRUE KING | CONQUERING | TRIUMPHANT| | | | | | THE WORLD | | +--------------+------------+-----------+-------------+----------------+-----------+ |Beginning and | 606-536 | 536-420 | 4 B.C.-29 | 29 A.D. | | |Ending Dates | B.C. | B.C. | A.D. | | | +--------------+------------+-----------+-------------+----------------+-----------+ |Names of Books|Daniel |Ezra |Matthew |Acts |Revelation | | |Esther |Nehemiah |Mark | ---- | | | | ---- | ---- |Luke |I Thessalonians | | | |Jeremiah |Haggai |John |II Thessalonians| | | |Lamentations|Zechariah | |Galatians | | | |Obadiah |Malachi | |I Corinthians | | | |Ezekiel | | |Romans | | | | | | |II Corinthians | | | | (Read Ps. | | |Philemon | | | | 137) | | |Ephesians | | | | | | |Philippians | | | | | | |Colossians | | | | | | |Hebrews | | | | | | |I Timothy | | | | | | |Titus | | | | | | |II Timothy | | | | | | |James | | | | | | |I Peter | | | | | | |II Peter | | | | | | |Jude | | | | | | |I John | | | | | | |II John | | | | | | |III John | | +--------------+------------+-----------+-------------+----------------+-----------+ |NUMBER OF | | | | | | |BOOKS | 6 | 5| 4 | 22 | 1| +--------------+------------+-----------+-------------+----------------+-----------+ NOTES ON THE CHART 1. The sixty-six books are divided into ten groups, according to their relation to the Kingdom. In this connection the word Kingdom is not used in any restricted or technical sense. It is used to designate the Kingdom of God instituted to redeem the race from sin, under whatever form manifested. 2. Several of the books are not located in their exact places. Esther is located in Division Six because it is Captivity narrative. The Kings and Chronicles technically overlap two divisions. Lamentations and Jeremiah chronologically belong to the preceding division, but are placed among the books of the Captivity because their wails betoken that event. 3. The books in each division are arranged in chronological order. In Division Nine the fourteen epistles of Paul are placed first, in the order of their composition, then the seven general epistles in the order of their writing. 4. Where the books of a division are separated into two groups by a dash, those above the dash are historical, those beneath the dash are biographical, or poetical, or legal, or prophetical, or epistolary. 5. The teacher may exercise his own judgment in requiring the committal of this chart at the start, or part by part as the study proceeds. I THE KINGDOM FORESHADOWED Genesis Page Job Page NOTES 1. Use full page in blank book, copying as above. 2. Place number of page on which above studies begin in blank book. This serves as index. OUTLINE FOR STUDY OF HISTORICAL BOOKS 1. Pictorial Device. 2. Kind of Literature. 3. Meaning of Name. 4. Author. 5. Beginning and Ending Dates. 6. Outline of Contents. 7. Key Verse. 8. Leading Thought. 9. Leading Phrases and Verses. 10. Leading Chapters with Names. 11. Leading Characters. 12. Leading Lessons. 13. What of Christ: (a) Symbol. (b) Type. (c) Analogy. (d) Prophecy. 14. Questions. 15. Items of Special Interest. 16. Individual Finds. NOTES ON HISTORICAL OUTLINE AND ITS USE Most of the books in the first four divisions will be studied with this outline as a basis. In the pursuance of these lessons the numbers left vacant in the outline are to be wrought out by the pupils. In recording the work in the blank book the first page is to be given to the pictorial device. One of these will be printed in its appropriate place. Let students prepare the others. Urge the pupils to use originality of thought and pen in producing them. The aim of the device is to impress by a simple picture the contents of the book as a whole. Under No. 2 the kind of literature may be described, as history, law, discourse, biography, etc. Secure answers to Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5 in Bible Dictionary. As a rule, Nos. 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 will be given. Under No. 10 part of the chapters will be named, and part are to be read and named by the pupils. After the pupils present the names of these chapters in class, one must be agreed upon, so that the names will be uniform. When the names of chapters are given in the outline, require the pupils to glance over the chapters and verify them. Under No. 13 the foreshadowed facts of Christ are given, so as to manifest Him as the living center of the Book. Only the leading ones are selected. The teacher or pupil may add others. For convenience sake they are classified as follows: (a) Symbol; (b) Type; (c) Analogy; (d) Prophecy. Though the words symbol and type are not technically distinct, we have agreed to use the word _symbol_ to designate an _object_ or _animal_ that prefigures Christ, as "star" or "lamb," and the word _type_ to designate a _person_ that prefigures Christ, as Melchizedek or Moses. We have also agreed to limit the symbols and types to those directly or indirectly mentioned in the New Testament. By analogy we mean a person who, though widely differing from Christ in many particulars, bears some one resemblance to Him in quality or deed. These analogies are not mentioned in the New Testament. The word _prophecy_ in the outline is confined, then, to _facts_ foretold regarding Christ. Under No. 15 let the teacher call for five or ten (suit the number to conditions) items of peculiar interest, touching the literary form, events, facts, teachings, etc. This topic is in accord with the first article of the Creed recorded on the opening page of the book. Under No. 16 let the teacher assign at least one chapter rich in contents for individual search upon the part of the pupils. Let the pupils record and number their individual finds. This in accord with the fifth article of the Creed. The purpose is to cultivate the "seeing eye" and to develop originality in Bible research. GENESIS I. _Pictorial Device._ _____ ,-'| GOD |'-. ,-' , ----- . '-. ,-' ,' / \ '. '-. ,-' ,' / \ '. '-. ,-' ,' / \ '. '-. ,-' ,' / \ '. '-. ,-' ,' / \ '. '-. +--+-----+--+-----+--+-----+--+-----+--+-----+--+ |2 | |6 | |12| |21| |25| |37| +--+-----+--+-----+--+-----+--+-----+--+-----+--+ |A | |N | |A | |I | |J | |J | |D | |O | |B | |S | |A | |O | |A | |A | |R | |A | |C | |S | |M | |H | |A | |A | |O | |E | | | | | |H | |C | |B | |P | | | | | |A | | | | | |H | | | | | |M | | | | | | | +--+-----+--+-----+--+-----+--+-----+--+-----+--+ | BEGINNINGS | +-----------------------------------------------+ | GOD | +-----------------------------------------------+ NOTE.--In order to make the work and the method of recording it as clear as possible, the outline study of Genesis is printed in full, except the answers to the questions. II. _Kind of Literature:_ History. III. _Meaning of Name:_ Beginning. IV. _Author:_ Moses. V. _Beginning and Ending Dates:_ 4004 B.C. to 1689 B.C., making 2315 years. VI. _Outline of Contents:_ 1. 1 to 11. God's Dealings with the Human Race. 2. 12 to 50. God's Dealings with the Chosen Race. VII. _Key Verse:_ 1:1 in part: "In the beginning God--" VIII. _Leading Thought:_ God before all and in all and over all. IX. _Leading Phrases and Verses:_ 4:9--"Am I my brother's keeper?" 15:1--"Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward." 18:4--"Is anything too hard for Jehovah?" X. _Leading Chapters with Names:_ 1. The Six Days of Creation. 3. The Temptation, the Fall and the Promise. 4. Cain and Abel. 6 to 8. The Flood. 11. Babel. 12. Abraham. 22. The Sacrifice of Isaac. 23. The Wrestling of Jacob. 37. Joseph. 49. The Blessings of Jacob. XI. _Leading Characters._ See Device. XII. _Leading Lessons:_ 1. God's Intimate Acquaintanceship with Man. 2. The Wide Influence of One Person. (Let teacher and scholar illustrate these.) XIII. _What of Christ:_ (a) Symbol: (The blood of Abel. Heb. 12:24.) (b) Type: Adam. Rom. 5:14. Melchizedek. Heb. 6:20. (c) Analogy: Noah. Joseph. (d) Prophecy: 3:15: "I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed: he shall bruise thy head, and thou shall bruise his heel." 12:3: "In thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed." See Matt. 1:1. 49:10: "The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, until Shiloh come: and unto him shall the obedience of the peoples be." XIV. _Questions:_ 1. Name the first two great institutions established by Jehovah. 2. Name the beginnings recorded in Chapters 3 and 4. 3. Name five facts mentioned about the Garden of Eden. 4. Name God's first recorded words, Satan's, Adam's. 5. Name the curses pronounced upon the serpent, upon the woman, upon the ground for man's sake. 6. Name the first blacksmith, the first musician, the first piece of poetry, the first city, the first and second tithers. 7. Give ages of Adam, Methuselah, Noah, Abraham, Joseph. 8. Name the cause of the flood and the number of people saved. 9. Name the three sons of Noah and the prophecies regarding the descendants of each. 10. Why did the people build the Tower of Babel? 11. Name the seven promises made to Abraham in Chapter 15. 12. By what quality was Abraham saved? 15:6. See Gal. 3:8. 13. Who was Melchizedek? Hagar? Ishmael? 14. Name the wife and sons of Isaac. 15. In what two ways did Jacob mistreat Esau? 16. How long did Jacob serve for his wives and cattle? 17. Fill out the following diagram of Jacob's wives, concubines and children. See 35:23. +---------+---------+---------+---------+ | | | | | +---------+---------+---------+---------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +---------+---------+---------+---------+ 18. Give origin, meaning and location of Mizpah. 19. Give the two chief reasons for the elevation of Joseph. 20. Name the dreams interpreted by Joseph. 21. Locate and give the substance of Judah's plea. 22. How many of the house of Jacob went down into Egypt? NOTES ON THE QUESTIONS These questions must needs be few in number. If the time permits, let the teacher add others. They are designed to be mere surface questions, to secure acquaintanceship with a few of the great facts. In assigning the questions on each book of the Bible let the teacher go over them with the class, seeking their knowledge (or imparting it) as to the chapters in which the answers may be found. If the class has the time and desires a more thorough acquaintance with each book, let each member prepare two "large" questions on each chapter, or upon as many chapters as they desire. The following questions on Chapter 1 will serve as examples: (1) Name the seven purposes of the lights. (2) State the number of times the word God occurs. XV. _Items of Special Interest:_ 1. The symmetry of the paragraphs in the record of the six creative days in Chapter 1. 2. God's notice of the human countenance. 4:6. 3. The first piece of recorded poetry is degenerating, bloody. 4:23, 24. 4. The word for "rooms," 6:14, in the margin is "nests"--a primitive description. 5. The richness of the historical prophecy in 9:27. XVI. _Individual Finds:_ Chapters 10, or 23, or 37, or all. Or each of these three chapters could be assigned to a third of the class. JOB SECTION I. INTRODUCTION From personal knowledge and reading, from perusal of articles in Bible helps and dictionaries, write out in your own language a two-hundred-word description of the book as a whole, its purpose, its nature, etc. SECTION II. NARRATIVES (To be memorized and told, with care in regard to all details.) 1. Description of Job and His Household. Chapter 1. 2. First Interview between Jehovah and Satan. 1. 3. First Test and Result. 1. 4. Second Interview between Jehovah and Satan. 2. 5. Second Test and Result. 2. 6. The Three Friends. 2. SECTION III. GEOGRAPHY Locate by chapter and verse, naming the thought, or fact, or person connected therewith, the following geographical terms: Uz, Sabeans, Chaldeans, Temanite, Shuhite, Naamathite, Buzite, Tema, Sheba, Ophir, Rahab, Ethiopia. (Locate chapter and verse by reference to concordance.) (Make record in blank book on same page as map.) Draw full-page map, locating each place as far as known. SECTION IV. NATURE OF JOB'S DISEASE Write out the descriptions as narrated in the following verses: 7:5; 13:28; 19:20; 30:17, 18, 30. Describe in your own words the characteristics of the disease as noted in these verses. Give name of disease, as agreed upon by interpreters. SECTION V. SPEAKERS AND SPEECHES In order to secure a skeleton idea of the book write out the names of the speakers in consecutive order and the chapters containing the speeches. Space in each line could be reserved to fill in at a later study the general thought of each speech. At the close make any observations regarding the number and order of speeches. The following is a sample of the first four speeches: _Historical Introduction. Chapters I and 2_ 1. Job. Chapter 3. 2. Eliphaz. Chapters 4 and 5. 3. Job. Chapters 6 and 7. 4. Bildad. Chapter 8. SECTION VI. THE ARGUMENT Analyze the argument of Chapters 3 and 4. The following is a sample: _Job's First Speech. Chapter 3_ 1. A curse upon the day of his birth. Verses 1-10. 2. He questions why he should not have died at birth. Verses 11-19. SECTION VII. THE CONCLUSION Give narrative, with details, as recorded in Chapter 42:7-17. SECTION VIII. QUESTIONS 1. Name three general lessons taught in the book about suffering. 2. What two things did Job do at the close of the speeches? 3. How did Job's condition after the test compare with that previous to the test? 4. Name eight facts regarding Satan gleaned from Chapters 1 and 2. 5. Locate and commit Job's two sublime statements of faith. (See Chapters 13 and 19.) 6. Name five kinds of people that Job helped. 29:12-16. 7. Name six classes of people who spurned him in his trouble. 19:13-19. 8. What two general statements about man does Job make? 14:1. 9. Select any six phrases that serve to indicate the life and customs of Job's time. 10. What writers of the Bible refer to Job and what is their estimate? 11. Read Chapter 38 and write out your impressions of it in concise statements, using fifty words. 12. Give three general reasons why the narrative of Job is to be received as an historical fact. II THE KINGDOM FORMING Exodus Page Leviticus Page Deuteronomy Page EXODUS I. _Pictorial Device._ Originate one, or omit. II. III. IV. V. 1706 B.C. to 1490 B.C., making 216 years. VI. 1. 1 to 18. Israel Delivered. 2. 19 to 34. Israel Taught at Mount Sinai. 3. 35 to 40. Israel Prepared for Worship. VII. Chapter 20.2. VIII. God Delivering a Nation. IX. 12:13: "And when I see the blood I will pass over you." 15:11. X. 1. Bondage. 2. 3. Burning Bush. 7-11. 12. 14. Red Sea. 15. 16. Manna. 20. 25 and 35. The Tabernacle. 32. XI. Select five. XII. 1. God gives deliverance to the oppressed. 2. God assumes authority over the actions of men. 3. God desires to dwell in the midst of His people. XIII. (a) Symbol: 1. Passover Lamb. 1 Cor. 5:7. Note three or four likenesses between the lamb and Christ. 2. Manna. John 6:35. 3. Rock. I Cor. 10:4. 4. Tabernacle. Hebrews 9:11. John 1:14, marginal reading. (b) Type. None. (c) Analogy. None. (d) Prophecy. None. NOTES AND SUGGESTIONS Under No. 5 fail not to compare length of time covered by different books. Under No. 7 ask pupils to show the appropriateness. Under No. 9 teacher may require committal of location or not, as is deemed advisable. Under No. 12 show the truth of these universal lessons through the march of history. Under No. 13 copy the references, be able to explain their meaning, and to show the likeness between the symbol, the type, and Christ. In copying this outline work the pupil may or may not omit the names of the fourteen topics, according to the teacher's judgment. For the inspection of friends it would be preferable to have the words of these topics repeated with each outline, as in Genesis. As an aid to concert recitation let the teacher place the topics of the outline upon the blackboard and repeat names and answers together. XIV. _Questions._ 1. In what ways had Moses acted as a deliverer in Chapter 2? 2. How is Moses described in Acts 7 and Hebrews 11? 3. Name the three excuses Moses gave in hesitating to become the deliverer, and God's reply to each. 4. Fill out the diagram on page 33 regarding the ten plagues. 5. Name four expressed purposes of the plagues. 7:5; 9:14; 9:29; 10:2. 6. State Pharaoh's last three words to Moses. 7. Describe in full the host that went out of Egypt. Note 12:37 and 13:18. 8. Name the things the people of Israel took with them, out of Egypt. 9. Describe manna in full and name three purposes for its giving. 10. Describe in full the tables of stone on which the commandments were written. 11. Name God's expressed purpose for having the Tabernacle built. See 25:8. 12. Name the various articles that the people were to offer for the construction of the Tabernacle. 13. Name the men set apart for the oversight of its construction and their qualifications. 14. Why are the details of construction recorded twice? 15. Record three leading lessons from the sin of worshiping the Golden Calf. 16. After this heinous sin, who came over to the Lord's side in response to Moses' call, and what was the reward? 17. Draw full-page map and locate and number the stations of the Exodus journey from Rameses to Sinai. XV. _Items of Special Interest._ Select ten. XVI. _Individual Finds._ Chapters 2, 7, 20, 23, 35. +-----------------+---------+---------------------+------------------+ | | | | PHARAOH'S ACTION | | NAME | CHAPTER | EXTENT | FOLLOWING | +-----------------+---------+---------------------+------------------+ | 1 Water turned | 7 | The waters of Egypt | Pharaoh's heart | | into blood | | | was hardened | | | | | | | 2 | | | | | | | | | | 4 | | | | | | | | | | 5 | | | | | | | | | | 7 | | | | | | | | | | 8 | | | | | | | | | | 10 | | | | | | | | | +-----------------+---------+---------------------+------------------+ LEVITICUS I. _Pictorial Device._ A full-page outline plan of the Tabernacle and Tabernacle court. Locate the articles of the court and Tabernacle. Record the dimensions in cubits in the appropriate places. The description of the Tabernacle is in Exodus 25 to 30, but its services form the contents of this book. II. III. IV. V. _Date:_ One month of 1490. VI. _Contents:_ Offerings, Feasts, and Ceremonial Laws. VII. 20:26: "Ye shall be holy unto me, for I, Jehovah, am holy." VIII. God Requires Holiness. (The word holy occurs eighty-seven times in the book.) IX. 17:11: "For the life of the flesh is in the blood." 19:18: "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." 23:10: "Proclaim liberty throughout the land unto all the inhabitants thereof." (Where in American history are these words recorded?) X. 8 and 9. Consecration of Priests. 10. Punishment of Nadab and Abihu. 11. Clean and Unclean Animals. 12. Purification and Circumcision. 13 and 14. Laws regarding Leprosy. 16. 23. The Three Annual Feasts. 25. XI. _Select four._ XII. 1. Absolute Necessity of Atonement for Sin. 2. God's Great Desire for Cleanness of Body and Soul. XIII. (a) Symbol. The offering. Heb. 9:14. (b) Type. Aaron, the High Priest. Heb. 9:11. (c) Analogy. None. (d) Prophecy. None. XIV. _Questions:_ 1. Glancing over the pages of the book, select what seem to you the six most frequently-used words that emphasize the thought of the book. Consult concordance, finding number of times that each word occurs. 2. Describe the offering in 1:1 to 1:4. 3. Name the five kinds of offerings mentioned in the first five chapters. 4. Give names of the three annual feasts. 5. Questions on Chapter 16: (a) What two things must Aaron do before entering the Holy Place? (b) For whom and what did he make atonement? (c) What did he do with the blood? (d) What three things did he do with the scapegoat? (e) What two commands rested upon the people for that day? 6. Describe the Year of Jubilee. 7. Name any six interesting laws recorded in Chapter 19. 8. What book of the New Testament should be studied in connection with this book and why? XV. _Items of Special Interest._ Select five. XVI. _Individual Finds._ Chapters 1, 11, 23. DEUTERONOMY I. _Pictorial Device:_ Map. Draw outline map of Palestine. This includes the Mediterranean shore line, Jordan River, the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea. Locate Jericho and Mount Nebo. Draw in miniature, opposite Jericho, the Tabernacle and twelve small squares representing the camps of the twelve tribes, three on each side. (See Numbers 2.) Place on map as key thoughts the words "Remember" and "Seven Speeches." Make any original addition suggested in the study. II. Public Discourse. III. IV. V. Ten days of the eleventh month of the fortieth year of the wandering. VI. The Last Seven Speeches of Moses: 1. A Review of the Wanderings. Chapters 1 to 4. 2. Repetition of the Law. 5 to 20. 3. Blessing and Cursing. 27 and 28. 4. Covenant. 29 and 30. 5. Exhortation. 31. 6. Song. 32. 7. Blessing. 33. NOTE.--Verify these, as well as names of all leading chapters, by glancing over them and noting the correctness of the naming. This prevents mechanical committal, and fastens the location more firmly. VII. 5:33. VIII. The keeping of the law means life and prosperity. XI. 8:18: "It is He that giveth thee power to get wealth." 32:47: "It is no vain thing for you: because it is your life." 33:25: "As thy days, so shall thy strength be." X. 5. 34. XI. One. XII. 1. God's Guidance in Human History. 2. God's Anxiety for Obedience. XIII. (a) Symbol. None. (b) Type. Moses, prophet, 18:15. Name five regards in which Christ was like Moses. (c) Analogy. None. (d) Prophecy. None. XIV. _Questions:_ 1. Name ten things commanded to be done with the law. 6:6; 6:7; 6:7; 6:8; 6:9; 17:18, 19; 27:2, 3; 27:4-8; 31:9-13; 31:26. NOTE.--Describe the Jewish phylacteries. 2. Select from Chapter 28 five striking prophecies regarding the Jews. 3. Note from Christ's temptation, Matt. 4, how many times Christ quoted Scripture and from what books. 4. Be prepared to answer questions on Chapters 9 and 10 5. Prepare five questions on Chapter 34. XV. _Items of Special Interest._ Select five. XVI. _Individual Finds._ Chapters 5, 27, 32. III THE KINGDOM CONQUERING Joshua Page Judges Page Ruth Page JOSHUA I. _Pictorial Device:_ Map. Draw map of Palestine, locating the tribes. See Map 3 in Bible. Make an opening in the Jordan River, where the crossing occurred. Locate Jericho and Ai, scenes of first victory and first defeat. Locate Mounts Ebal and Gerizim. Place over the map an appropriate phrase from Chapter 1. Draw two dotted lines in a general easterly and westerly direction through the country to indicate the Northern, Central and Southern campaigns. II. III. IV. V. 1451 B.C. to 1427 B.C., making twenty-four years. VI. 1. Preparations to enter Canaan. 1 to 5. 2. The Three Campaigns of Conquest. 6 to 12. 3. The Division of the Land. 13 to 22. 4. Joshua's Farewell Speeches. 23, 24. VII. 1:6 in part: "Thou shalt cause this people to inherit the land." VIII. Our Possessions Equal Our Conquests. (See Hurlbut's Bible Atlas, page 53.) IX. 1:8. 24:15 in part: "Choose you this day whom ye will serve." X. 1. The Two Commissions. 2. 3 and 4. Israel at Jordan. 6. 7 and 8. 12. The Thirty-one Kings Smitten. XI. Joshua, Rahab, Caleb, Achan, Eleazar. XII. 1. The Wide Influence of One Sin. 2. The Lord Fights the Believer's Battles. NOTE.--Let the teacher question as to the basis of these leading lessons, also explain the thought, and render the same practical in every-day life. XIII. (a) Symbol. None. (b) Type. Joshua. See derivation of word Jesus, also Matt. 1:21. Note two likenesses between Jesus and Joshua. (c) Analogy. None. (d) Prophecy. None. XIV. _Questions:_ 1. In Joshua's commission, name the three promises of God. 1:1 to 1:5. 2. In what verses of the Bible does the word "success" occur? See concordance. 3. Name the three conditions of "_good_" success in 1:8. State difference between "good" success and "great" success. 4. Name the two occurrences in 8:32 to 8:35 and state the reason therefor. 5. How, and by whom, and where was the land divided among the tribes? See 14:1 and 2 and 19:51. 6. What was the lot of Levi? 13:33. (Psa. 16:5.) 7. What four things would the heathen nations become if not driven out? 23:13. 8. What strong statement does Joshua make in 23:14? NOTE.--If the time permits, let the teacher add several questions, especially about the battles. XV. _Items of Special Interest._ Select ten. XVI. _Individual Finds._ Chapters 2, 10, 22. JUDGES _Pictorial Device._ Originate one, or omit. II. III. IV. V. 1427 B.C. to 1095 B.C., making 332 years. VI. The Rule of Thirteen Judges, containing Six Bondages of Israel, and Their Six Deliverances. VII. 2:16. VIII. An unconquered enemy brings bondage. IX. 7:20: "The sword of Jehovah and of Gideon." X. 5. 6 to 8. 11. 13 to 16. Give to each of these (save Chapter 5) the name of the person described therein. XI. Othniel, Ehud, Deborah, Gideon, Jephthah, Samson: the Six Deliverers. XII. 1. Environment counts. 2. The Lord delivers when His people cry unto Him. XIII. No Symbol. No Type. No Prophecy. The work of each judge is analogous to the work of Christ. XIV. _Questions:_ 1. Name the three signs by which Gideon was assured of his call. 2. What was Jephthah's vow? 3. Locate the word "_Shibboleth_", and narrate the historical event connected therewith. 4. What was Samson to be and for how long? 13:7. Read the Numbers chapter connected therewith. 5. Name and locate Samson's riddle. 6. State two reasons that account for the moral degradation of the times. 1:27 to 1:30; 21:35. 7. Name three things in Chapter 17 that indicate how low the state of religion had fallen. 8. How many times in the book does the following phrase occur and what is the significance of the statement, "In those days there was no king in Israel" 9. Name the judges mentioned in the catalogue of the faithful in Hebrews 11. 10. Name a piece of literature based on any one of the characters, and the author thereof. QUOTATION.--"This period has been called the Heroic age of Hebrew history. It abounds in wild adventure and desperate feats of individual valor. Personal activity, daring and craft were the qualifications which raised the judges to their title and eminence. They appear as gallant insurgents, or guerrilla leaders, rather than as grave administrators of justice or the regular authorities of a great kingdom." Copy in blank book. XV. _Items of Special Interest._ Select ten. XVI. _Individual Finds._ Chapters 5, 11, 16, 21. RUTH I. Read the book through thoroughly, thoughtfully, and record the length of time required. II. Name the eight leading characters. III. Name seven interesting facts gleaned from the book. IV. Prepare three questions upon the material of each chapter. V. Give a phrase name to each of the four chapters. VI. Record what you regard as the best verse. VII. _Questions:_ 1. Why, according to your opinion, is this story of Ruth recorded in the Bible? 2. What two large modern problems would be solved by living as indicated in this book? 3. Write a paragraph of one hundred words about gleaning, based upon this book and other portions of Scripture. 4. In what part of what gospel is the name of Ruth mentioned? IV and V THE KINGDOM UNDIVIDED AND THE KINGDOM DIVIDED THE HISTORICAL BOOKS: I and II Samuel. I and II Kings. I and II Chronicles. NOTE.--As these three pairs of books are so closely related in their historical contents, it is deemed best to study them together, though they overlap the two divisions of IV and V. I. CHARTS _Chart A. General Contents_ +--------------------------+ | I AND II SAMUEL | +-------------+-----+------+ |Samuel |Saul |David | +-------------+-----+------+----------------------------------+ | | | | I AND II KINGS | | | | +---------+-----------+------------+ | | | |Solomon |20 Kings of |20 Kings of | | | | | |Judah |Israel | | | | +--------+------------+------------+ | | | | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | I AND II CHRONICLES | +---------+-------------+-----+------+--------+------------+------------+ |Genealogy|Courses of |Saul |David |Solomon |20 Kings of | | |from |Participants | | | |Judah | | |Adam |in Temple | | | | | | | |Service | | | | | | +---------+-------------+-----+------+--------+------------+------------+ NOTE.--Biblical scholars differ as to the number of kings in the divided kingdoms. Twenty is assigned to each, based upon authority of Philip Schaff. NOTE.--Verify contents of above chart. CHART B. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN KINGS AND CHRONICLES +------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | KINGS |CHRONICLES | +------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | 1. Record of both Israel and Judah | 1. Record of Judah only | | 2. Tends toward the secular | 2. Tends toward the religious | | 3. Emphasizes the Acts of the King | 3. Emphasizes the Worship of | | | the Sanctuary | +------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ CHART C. SUMMARY OF THE KINGDOMS UNDIVIDED KINGDOM | TRIBES | DIVIDED KINGDOM +-------+----+----+--------+----------------+ |40 YRS | 40 | 40 | 1 |JUDAH. 20 KINGS | | S | D | S | 2 | | | A | A | O +--------+----------------+ | U | V | L | 3 | | | L | I | O | 4 | | | | D | M | 5 | | | | | O | 6 | | | | | N | 7 |ISRAEL. 20 KINGS| +-------+----+----| 8 | | | 9 | | | 10 | | | 11 | | | 12 | | +--------+----------------+ CHART D. CHRONOLOGY OF THE KINGDOMS +----------------------------------------+ |UNDIVIDED KINGDOM: 1095 B.C. to 975 B.C.| +----------------------------------------+ |KINGDOM ISRAEL: 975 B.C. to 721 B.C. | +----------------------------------------+ |KINGDOM OF JUDAH: 975 B.C. to 606 B.C. | +----------------------------------------+ CHART E. KINGS OF DIVIDED KINGDOMS NOTE.--Let the teacher assign as many kings as is deemed best, to be wrought out on the chart from the books of I and II Kings. Work out the kings of Israel on a like chart. _Kings of Judah._ +-----------+---------+--------------+---------+----------------+--------+ | NAME |CHARACTER| RELATION TO | PROPHET | PHRASE |KIND | | | | PREDECESSOR | | |OF DEATH| +-----------+---------+--------------+---------+----------------+--------+ |1. Rehoboam|Evil | |Shemaiah |And Judah did |Natural | | | | | |that which was | | | | | | |evil in the | | | | | | |sight of Jehovah| | | | | | | | | |2. Abijam |Evil |Son |None |His heart was |Natural | | | | |mentioned|not perfect with| | | | | | |Jehovah his God | | | | | | | | | | | |(If a usurper,| | | | | | |make such a | | | | | | |record) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-----------+---------+--------------+---------+----------------+--------+ II. _Historical Setting:_ Narratives to be recited in class and to be recorded briefly. 1. The Beginning of the Undivided Kingdom. I Samuel 8. 2. The Selection of First King of Undivided Kingdom. I Samuel 10:17-24. 3. The Glory of Solomon's Kingdom. I Kings 4:20-34 and 10:14-29. 4. The Division of the Kingdom. I Kings 11:26-43 and 12:1-15. 5. The Beginning of Israel. I Kings 12:16-33. 6. The Beginning of Judah. I Kings 14:21-31. 7. The Captivity of Israel. II Kings 17. 8. The Captivity of Judah. II Kings 24 and 25. 9. Map of Divided Kingdoms. Draw map, showing the two kingdoms and their capitals, also the regions of Assyria and Babylon. Let the map include the Tigris, Euphrates and Chebar Rivers. See Map 4, also Bible Atlas. Draw dotted lines from the capitals of the two kingdoms to the countries into which they were taken captives. III. _Interesting Stories with Practical Lessons._ NOTE.--To be recited, but not recorded save the titles and references. 1. Jonathan and Friendship. I Samuel 18:1-4 and 19:1-7. 2. Mephibosheth and Mercy. II Samuel 9. 3. Absalom and Pride. II Samuel 15:1-6. 4. Solomon and Choice. I Kings 3:1-15. IV. _Leading Chapters:_ 1. Childhood of Samuel. I Samuel 1, 2 and 3. 2. Anointing of David. I Samuel 16. 3. David and Goliath. I Samuel 17. 4. Nathan's Parable of the Ewe Lamb. II Samuel 12. 5. Visit of the Queen of Sheba. I Kings 10. 6. Elijah and the Prophets of Baal. I Kings 18. 7. Elijah's Ascent into Heaven. II Kings 2. 8. Naaman the Leper. II Kings 5. 9. The Destruction of Jerusalem. II Kings 25. 10. Solomon's Prayer at Dedication of the Temple. II Chronicles 6. V. _Leading Lessons:_ NOTE.--Name in a sentence, opposite the names given, a fact illustrating the lesson. 1. The Value of Right Beginning. (a) Samuel. (b) Kingdom of Israel. 2. The Wide Influence of One Person. (a) David. (b) Jeroboam. 3. Righteousness Pays. (a) David. (b) Hezekiah. 4. Sin Destroys. (a) Ahab. (b) Kingdom of Israel. VI. _Questions:_ 1. Name some of the powers of the king. I Samuel 11:7; I Samuel 22:18,19; II Samuel 15:2; I Kings 5:13,15; I Kings 8; II Kings 23:35. 2. What kings did Samuel anoint? 3. How long was David hunted by Saul and at what age? 4. Where and how did David spare Saul? 5. What two sins did David commit? II Samuel 11. 6. After these sins what parable was spoken to him, and by whom? 7. What two psalms did David write after these sins? 8. Why was he called a man after God's own heart? I Samuel 13:14. 9. How many wives and concubines did Solomon have and what was the effect? 10. Name the worst king in Judah and the worst king in Israel. 11. Name five bad things Manasseh did. II Kings 21. 12. Name five good things Josiah did. II Kings 22 and 23. 13. Name the first and last king of Israel, also of Judah. VII. _What of Christ?_ (a) Symbol. The temple. John 2:19. (b) Types. David. Matt. 9:27. Name two likenesses. Solomon. Matt. 12:42. Name two likenesses. (c) Prophecy. II Samuel 7:12,13. IV THE KINGDOM UNDIVIDED THE POETICAL BOOKS: Psalms Page Song of Solomon Page Proverbs Page THE PSALMS I. _The Collection and Divisions:_ In all probability the book of one hundred and fifty psalms, as it now stands, was compiled by Ezra about 450 B.C. They are divided into five books, each closing with a benediction, evidently added to mark the end of the book. Note the number of psalms in Books 1 and 2. II. _The Purposes:_ 1. They were originally used as songs in the Jewish Temple Worship. 2. For centuries after Christ they formed the only Christian Hymnal. 3. They have comforted and supported the troubled hearts of all believers in all ages. III. _General Characteristics:_ 1. They are _personal_.--Number the first personal pronouns in Psalm 23. Note the frequent occurrence in others. 2. They are the expression of _heart_ experiences.--Note the frequent use of the words heart and soul. These Hebrew poems are largely the diaries of the inner life. 3. They express the _intimate relation_ between God and man.--Note in Psalms 23, 103, 139 how many the phrases which contain pronouns and words referring to both God and man. IV. _Specific Characteristics:_ NOTE.--Select a sentence from any psalm, illustrating each characteristic, and record the same in its appropriate place, giving the chapter and verse. 1. Teaching. 2. Testimony. 3. Prayer. 4. Confession. 5. Praise. 6. Exhortation. 7. History. V. _Leading Authors:_ Heman, author of the 88th; Ethan, 89; Moses, 90; Solomon, 72 and 127. The sons of Korah (who were they?) wrote eleven. Examples 42 to 49. Asaph (who was he?) wrote twelve. Examples 73 to 83. David wrote seventy-three. VI. _Names of Leading Psalms_ NOTE.--Select a phrase from the psalm, or state the reason, upon which the name is based. 1. The Two Ways. 3. A Morning Hymn. 4. An Evening Hymn. 8. The Glory of the Creator in the Creature. 15. A Citizen of Zion. 16. The Blessings of the Believer. 22. A Psalm of the Cross. 23. 27. The Tonic Psalm. 32. 42. From Depths to Heights. 45. A Marriage Song. 46. A Battle Hymn. 51. A Sinner's Open Confession. 65. The Farmer's Psalm. 84. 90. The Funeral Hymn. 91. The Safety Psalm. 100. The Doxology. 103. God in Grace. 104. God in Nature. 105. God in History. 119. The Glory of the Word. Name three peculiarities of this psalm. 121. The Traveler's Psalm. 137. The Patriot's Hymn. 139. The Psalm of Marvels. 146 to 150. The Hallelujah Psalms. The word Hallelujah is the Hebrew for "Praise ye the Lord." VII. _The Messianic Psalms:_ Study meaning and description in Bible Dictionary. Why would David be fitted to write such psalms? Note three features of these psalms: 1. Kingship. 2. Unlimited rule. 3. Unending dominion. Note also the basis for the following names: 2. The Victorious King. 45. The Glorious King. 72. The Helping King. 110. The Conquering King. VIII. _A Question Study on Psalm 8:_ 1. Explain phrase: "In all the earth." 2. From what word might it be inferred that the author was a king? 3. What three phrases indicate the shepherd life of the author? 4. What historical event may be referred to in verse 2? 5. How many heavens are mentioned? 6. What two expressions indicate the exalted position of man? IX. _An Analytic Study of Psalm 139:_ 1. Name carefully the marvels in the following passages: (a) Verses 1 to 6. (b) Verses 7 to 10. (c) Verses 14 to 16. (d) Verses 17 and 18. 2. The Pronouns of the First Person. (a) Underline and count. (b) In what verses not found? 3. The Pronouns of the Second Person. (Or word referring to God.) (a) Underline and count. (b) In what verses not found? 4. Select an example of as many of the seven specific characteristics as are found in this psalm. 5. Meaning of the following words or phrases: Verse 8, "Sheol." Verse 9, "wings of the morning." Verse 16, "thy book." THE SONG OF SOLOMON I. _Author._ II. _Names:_ (1) Song of Solomon. (2) Song of Songs. (3) Canticles. Give the meaning of each. III. _General Description:_ It is probably an allegorical drama. It pictures the love of Solomon to a princess, typifying, as many believe, the love of Christ to the Church. Read Ephesians 5 and be prepared to answer questions thereon. Richard Moulton describes it as containing seven idyllic poems. IV. _Words of Explanation:_ 1. Its Oriental tinge must be remembered. In the Occident uncovered breasts would be an impropriety, but not in the Orient. 2. The revised version removes some questionable utterances. Compare in the two versions 1:13 and 5:14. 3. Were we less sensual we could better appreciate its beauty. The beautiful in art is greatly lost by the impurity of our fleshly nature. So the beautiful in this poem. 4. It is a poem, hence the author uses the poetic license. 5. The poem needs a division into its parts, and a naming of parts, places and speakers, for a clearer understanding. Students of the poem have made this division. The following is a sample: 1. Antechamber of Palace.--Bride and Ladies.--Welcome to Home.--1:2 to 1:8. 2. Audience Room of Palace.--Bride: Groom: Attendants.--First Interview.--1:9 to 2:6. 3. Palace Window.--Bride: Groom.--Serenade and Invitation.--2:7 to 2:17. 4. Private Chamber.--Bride.--Search: A dream.--3:1-4. V. _Phrases Worthy of Remembrance:_ 1. Three descriptions applied to Christ. 2:1. Find two others in Chapter 5. 2. Our Lord's banner. 2:4. 3. The double possession. 2:10. NOTE.--Write these phrases in full, with locations. PROVERBS I. _Author_. II. _Derivation and Meaning of Word._ III. _Literary Form and Arrangement:_ 1. They are arranged in masses rather than logical groups. They are poetical in form. 2. They are chiefly couplets of two kinds: (a) Contrasted thoughts, joined usually by the connective "but." Example, 28:1. (b) Parallel thoughts, joined usually by the connective "and." Example, 27:26. NOTE.--Select and record one proverb of each of the above kinds. IV. _Leading Kinds:_ The proverbs may be largely classified under one of the following topics: (1) Tongue. (2) Chastity. (3) Society (4) Business. (5) Wisdom. (6) Home. (7) Character. (8) Law. V. Select and record one proverb under each of the above topics, giving location. VI. _Outline of Contents:_ 1. 1 to 24. The Proverbs of Solomon. 2. 25 to 29. The Proverbs of Solomon which the men of Hezekiah copied out. 3. 30. The Proverbs of Agur. 4. 31. The Proverbs of King Lemuel. VII. _Number of Solomon's Proverbs:_ 1. How many proverbs did King Solomon write? See I Kings 4. 2. Find the number of his proverbs in the book. Add the number in each chapter, omitting introduction and titles. VIII. _Leading Contents:_ 1 to 6. Introduction. 7. The Way of the Strange Woman. 8. The Call and the Testimony of Wisdom. 23:29 to 35. The Effects of Strong Drink. 30:7 to 9. The Prayer of Agur. 31:10 to 31. The Description of a Model Woman, Wife, Mother. IX. _The Two Underlying Principles of the Book:_ 1. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." 1:7. 2. "A wise man will hear and increase learning." 1:5. Both are A.V. Let teacher and pupil amplify. X. _Four Chief Reasons for the Profitableness of the Proverbs:_ 1. They are brief, concise, epigrammatic. 2. They were born of observation and experience. 3. They were penned by the wisest man. 4. They were written by inspiration of God. XI. _Miscellaneous Questions:_ 1. Who were Agur, Lemuel, the men of Hezekiah? 2. Locate the proverbs that forbid one from becoming surety for another. 3. What modern evil may be spoken against in 11:26? 4. Give meaning of word wisdom, and why would this topic occupy large space in the book? 5. Select from Chapter 16 one proverb on divine guidance, one on the worth of self-control, and one on business honesty. 6. Select the three most helpful proverbs on friendship. 7. Name eight animals used in illustration, giving references, and give reasons for the author taking so many illustrations from the animal kingdom. 8. Where might the author have received the thought of 24:19 and 24:20? 9. Name the lesson for business men in 27:23. 10. In Chapter 11 mark with the letter "B" the verses whose truth may affect one's business success. V THE KINGDOM DIVIDED THE PROPHETICAL BOOKS: Jonah Page Amos Page Isaiah Page OUTLINE FOR STUDY OF PROPHETICAL BOOKS 1. Class. 2. Commission of Prophet. 3. Biographical Description of Prophet. 4. Title of Prophet. 5. Historical Place. (a) Name of Kingdom. (b) Names of Kings. 6. Outline of Contents. 7. Prophecies of Earthly Kings or Kingdoms. 8. Prophecies of Christ. 9. Prophecies of Christ's Kingdom. 10. Leading Phrases. 11. Leading Chapters. 12. Leading Teachings. 13. Questions. 14. Items of Special Interest. 15. Individual Finds. EXPLANATION.--Under No. 1 name whether major or minor. Under No. 2 secure the points of the commission in references given. No. 3 is to be gathered from the contents of the prophecy itself. Under No. 4 work out from the prophet's life, character or message an appropriate title by which he may be remembered. Under letter (a) of No. 5 state whether the message is to Israel or Judah. Under letter (b) name the kings during whose reigns the message was delivered. Topics 14 and 15 are the same as in the Historical Outline. NOTES.--The first prophecy to be taken up, that of Jonah, will be studied by a series of questions. In the succeeding prophecies the outline will be followed, though not so rigidly as in the case of the Historical Outline. JONAH NOTE.--The study of this book is by questions. 1. Draw full-page map, locating Joppa, Nineveh, Tarshish and his native place, Gath-hepher. See II Kings 14:25. 2. Name the three commands given to Jonah. 3. What two things did the sailors do when the storm was severe? 4. The waking of Jonah recalls what incident in the New Testament? 5. According to the sailors, what caused the tempest? 6. What plan was used to find the offender? 7. What words of Psalm 139 are recalled by Jonah's attempt to flee from God? 8. What four things do we know about the boat? 9. Who suggested the plan for calming the sea? 10. Name three results of the calm upon the sailors. 11. Give a name to the second chapter. 12. In what direction did he pray and why? 13. What phrase in Psalm 42 did he use in his prayer? 14. Mention three things named in the book regarding the size of Nineveh. 15. Name Jonah's message. 16. What four things did the king decree? 17. What quality did Jonah manifest at the repentance of Nineveh? 18. Name the petition of Jonah's prayer in Chapter 4. 19. How did the Lord answer this petition? 20. Explain the object lesson of the gourd. 21. What six things did Jehovah do, as narrated in the book? 22. In what two ways was Jonah a type of Christ? See Matt. 12:38-41. 23. Why _must_ we accept the story as true? 24. State four leading lessons of the book. AMOS I. _Class._ II. _Commission:_ 3:1-9; 7:15. Analyze, narrate, record. III. _Biographical Description:_ 1:1; 7:14; 7:10-17. IV. _Title._ V. _Historical Place:_ See Bible Dictionary. Also 1:1, 2. VI. Omit. VII. _Prophecies of Earthly Kingdoms:_ Chapters 1 and 2. 1. Draw full-page map, numbering in order and locating the eight cities and countries against which prophecies are uttered. 2. Name the prophecy common to all. 3. Prophecies against Israel. (a) Name three sins. 2:6-8. (b) Name the class of people to whom the prophetic word is especially directed. 3:11 and 15 and 5:11. (c) Name three reasons why this people should obey God's law. 2:10; 2:11; 4:6-11. (d) Name the punishment prophesied. 5:27. VIII. _None._ IX. _Prophecies of Christ's Kingdom._ 9:11-15. Name four leading predictions therein. The teacher should mention the three possible interpretations of this prophecy. X. _Striking Phrases:_ Find one in each of the third, fourth and sixth chapters. XI and XII. _Omit._ XIII. _Questions:_ 1. Name five things mentioned in Chapter 4 that God said He had done and yet they had not returned. 2. What is meant by the expression "cleanness of teeth" in 4:6? 3. What three parts of their worship did the Lord say He despised in 5:21-23? Why did He despise them? 4. What is meant by the expression "flood of Egypt" in 8:8? 5. What kind of famine is prophesied to come upon them in 8:11 and 12? 6. How many times does Amos refer to David? 7. By what four names does Amos describe the Northern Kingdom? XIV. _Items of Special Interest:_ Select five. XV. _Individual Finds:_ Chapters 1, 2, 6. ISAIAH I. _Class._ II. _Commission:_ Chapter 6. Analyze carefully. III. _Biography:_ 1:1; 8:1 and 3; 7:3; 20:2-4; II Chron. 26:22 and 32:32. IV. _Title._ V. _Historical Place:_ 1:1. Add the lengths of the reigns. VI. _Outline:_ 1. Dark Prophecies regarding Earthly Kingdoms. 1 to 35. 2. History of an Earthly Kingdom. 36 to 39. 3. Bright Prophecies regarding Christ's Kingdom. 40 to 66. VII. _Prophecies of Earthly Kingdoms:_ Babylon, Moab, Damascus, Egypt, Tyre. Name the vivid descriptions, the predictions, fulfillment. VIII. _Prophecies of Christ:_ Name the predictions found in the following references. If time permits, classify them under these heads: (a) Genealogy. (b) Name. (c) Event. (d) Characteristic. (e) Work. 7:14; 9:2, 6, 7; 11:1-5 and 10; 28:16; 32:1; 40:11; 42:1-4; 49:2; 50:4, 5, 6; 52:14, 15. Three facts in the closing days of Christ's life in Chapter 53. IX. _Prophecies of Christ's Kingdom:_ Note three leading characteristics predicted: 1. Chapter 35. 2. Chapter 60:1-14. 3. Chapter 60:15-22. X. _"Exceeding Great and Precious Promises":_ 1. Complete Cleansing. 1:18. 2. Perfect Peace. 26:2. 3. Refuge. 32:2. 4. Abiding Strength. 40:29-31. 5. Fruitage of the Word. 55:10, 11. XI. _Leading Chapters:_ 23. Destruction of Tyre. 35. Transformation. 40. The Greatness of God and the Littleness of Man. 53. The Cross and Atonement. 55. The Gracious Invitation. 60. The Coming of the Nations to Christ. XII. _Leading Teachings:_ 1. The Incarnation of Christ. 7:14 and 9:6. 2. The Atonement by blood. 53:6, 5. (Called by Luther "the little gospel." Note the four parts, by reading verse 6 first, then verse 5.) 3. The Transforming Power of Christianity. Chapter 35. XIII. _Items of Special Interest:_ Select fifteen. XIV. _Individual Finds:_ Chapters 1, 5, 12, 35, 36, 61. VI THE KINGDOM IN CAPTIVITY Jeremiah Page Lamentations Page Daniel Page JEREMIAH I. _Class._ II. _Commission:_ 1:4-10 and 18; 17:19 and 20. Time; manner; to whom; what to do; quality required; pledges given. III. _Biographical Description:_ 1:1; 16:2; 20:2; 32:2 and 3; 37:11-16; 43:6 and 7. IV. _Title._ See 9:1. V. _Historical Place:_ State length of prophetical office. VI. _Omit._ VII. _Prophecies of Earthly Kingdoms:_ Chapters 46 to 51. Name seven. VIII. _Prophecies Regarding Christ:_ 23:5 and 6 Name three contained therein. Why so few prophecies of Christ? IX. _Omit._ X. _Leading Phrases:_ 13:23. The question. 45:5: "Seekest thou great things for thyself? Seek them not." XI. _Leading Chapters:_ 29. Letter to the Captives. 35. The Rechabites and Strong Drink. XII. _Omit._ XIII. _Questions:_ 1. Name and explain the two object lessons in 18:1-6 and in 24. 2. Name five things the prophet in his letter commanded the captives in Babylon to do. 3. Name the strangely-worded statement regarding Jehovah in 25:4. 4. Give the prophecy of the return in 29:10. XIV. _Items of Special Interest:_ Select fifteen. XV. _Individual Finds:_ Chapters 1, 13, 22, 36, 38. LAMENTATIONS I. _Author._ II. _Name._ "A Funeral Dirge." III. _Literary Form._ See Dictionary. IV. _General Contents._ See Dictionary. V. _Outline of Contents:_ 1. The Wail of a Widow. Chapter 1. 2. The Picture of Jerusalem's Calamity. Chapters 2 to 4. 3. A Prayer. Chapter 5. VI. _Questions:_ 1. Give two figures of speech in Chapter 1 that describe Jerusalem's distress. 2. Select six consecutive words in 1:9 that declare the greatness of her fall. 3. Select six expressions in Chapters 1 and 2 that indicate the decline in religion. 4. Select six expressions in Chapters 4 and 5 that indicate the severity of the famine. 5. Select six expressions in Chapter 5 that indicate the terrors of the siege and the severity of the ruin. 6. Name the two requests in the Prayer chapter. 7. Explain the truth contained in 3:27. DANIEL I. _Outline:_ 1. 1 to 6. History. 2. 7 to 12. Prophecy. II. Name three things known of Daniel when brought a captive. 1:3 and 4. III. _Leading Narratives._ Recite, but record only titles and references. 1. Chapter 1. Daniel and Drink. 2. Chapter 2. Daniel and the Dream. 3. Chapter 5. Daniel and the Handwriting. 4. Chapter 6. Daniel and the Lion's Den IV. _Chart of Two Chief Visions of Earthly Kingdoms:_ Chapters 2 and 7. +----------------------+----------------------+------------------------+ | PART OF IMAGE | NAME OF BEAST | NAME OF COUNTRY | +----------------------+----------------------+------------------------+ | | | | |1 | | | | | | | |2 | | | | | | | |3 | | | | | | | |4 | | | | | | | +----------------------+----------------------+------------------------+ V. Draw full-page map, outlining with dotted lines the four countries of above chart at time of their worldwide dominion. Locate the capitals, record the conqueror in each under the capital, together with date. VI. _Difficult Prophecy of the Messiah:_ 9:24-27. VII. _Daniel's Prayer:_ 9:1-19. 1. With what acts is his prayer accompanied? 2. With what Old Testament books is he evidently acquainted? 3. What is the burden of his prayer? 4. Name the three leading requests. 5. Name the basis of his plea. VIII. _Three Leading Lessons:_ 1. Purpose is stronger than environment. 2. Prayer avails. 3. Sterling piety brings elevation. Illustrate each of these by events in Daniel's life. VII THE KINGDOM RESTORED Ezra Page Nehemiah Page Haggai Page Zechariah Page EZRA The study of this book is by chapters. Commit the names of the chapters. Chapter I. _The First Return Under Zerubbabel:_ 1. Who issued the decree? 2. Name three commands in the decree. 3. Give the date. 4. Name number of gold and silver vessels returned. Chapter II. _The Register of Returning Captives:_ 1. Give the number. Chapter III. _The Renewal of Worship:_ 1. Name four things accomplished in the restoration of worship. Chapter IV. _The Hindrance of Adversaries:_ 1. State their request. 2. State reply of Zerubbabel. Chapter V. _The Help of the Prophets:_ Prepare two questions. Chapter VI. _The Dedication of the Temple:_ 1. What kings aided? 2. What prophets helped? 3. What feast was observed? Chapter VII. _The Second Return Under Ezra:_ 1. Give the date. 2. State the number of returning captives. 3. State the distance of the journey. 4. Name length of time consumed in the journey. 5. Name three things Ezra had prepared his heart to do. 6. Name the double office of Ezra. Chapter VIII. _At the River Ahava:_ Prepare two questions. Chapter IX. Prepare a name and two questions. Chapter X. Prepare a name and two questions. NEHEMIAH _Pictorial Device:_ A Broken Wall. Draw three layers of stone forming lower part of wall. On this draw four portions of the wall intact, with three breaks between. In these three breaks place the words: "Temporal, 3 to 6;" "Civil, 5;" "Religious, 8 to 13." On the unbroken portion of the wall place the figure "52" and the phrase: "A Great Work." Over the device place the word God. Add any original touches suggested by the book. I. Give a brief narrative of Nehemiah's return as recorded in Chapters 1 and 2. II. _General Contents:_ 1. Rebuilding the temporal wall. 2. Rebuilding the civil wall. 3. Rebuilding the religious wall. III. _Leading Chapters:_ 3. A list of the wall builders. 12. The dedication of the wall. 13. How a Mayor enforced the Sabbath law. IV. _Striking Phrases:_ 4:6: "The people had a mind to work." 8:10: "The joy of the Lord is your strength." V. _Questions:_ 1. Name Nehemiah's position and its duties. 2. Locate Shushan. 3. Measure the distance from Shushan to Jerusalem. 4. Name eight classes of people who aided in rebuilding the wall. 5. Name any three gates mentioned and note their location on Bible map of the city of Jerusalem. Map No. 10. 6. Describe in brief the kinds of gatherings that occurred at the city gates. Give examples from Bible history. Read articles in Bible Dictionary on "Gates" and "Walls." Record references. 7. Name three hindrances to the rebuilding of the wall. Chapter 4. 8. Name four wise plans of Nehemiah as general. 9. Mention the ways in Chapters 5 and 6 in which Nehemiah proved his intense patriotism. 10. In what length of time was the wall completed? 11. Name four things covenanted by the people. Chapter 10. 12. Name three leading features in the dedication of the wall. 13. Record and locate the ejaculatory prayers of the book. Name a lesson therefrom. 14. Name five leading qualities of Nehemiah, giving an example from his life to illustrate each. 15. Name four striking lessons for Christian activity gleaned from the book. HAGGAI A STUDY OF THE FOUR BRIEF PROPHECIES OF THE BOOK _Prophecy Number One: Chapter 1:1-15._ 1. To whom spoken. 2. Name the reason assigned by the people for not rebuilding. 3. Name four reasons given by the prophet why the people should rebuild. 4. State the result of the prophet's appeal. _Prophecy Number Two: Chapter 2:1-9._ 1. To whom spoken. 2. State the evident feeling of those who had seen the former house. See verse 3, also Ezra 3:12. 3. Name the three promises of Jehovah calculated to remove this sting of disappointment. _Prophecy Number Three: Chapter 2:10-19._ 1. State moral condition of the people. 2. Name the three causes of material loss. 3. State the promise. _Prophecy Number Four: Chapter 2:20-23._ 1. To whom spoken. 2. Name the two prophecies in your own words. _Questions:_ 1. What word indicates the small number who had returned? 2. Commit words, with location, of a striking verse, 2:8. 3. In how many days did they begin to work after the first appeal was made? 4. What length of time do the four prophecies cover? 5. What statement is accepted by many as a prophecy of Christ? Use the marginal reading. 6. By what two terms is Haggai called? 7. What word does Haggai use, and how many times, to set the people to thinking? 8. By what expression is God most frequently described? 9. Why, possibly, was no prophet sent to Nehemiah? 10. Give an appropriate title to Haggai. ZECHARIAH I. _The Visions of Chapters 1 to 6:_ Record and commit, with chapter location. II. _The Striking Phrases and Verses:_ Commit and locate the following: "Apple of the eye." Give meaning. State what other books of the Bible contain the phrase. "Prisoners of Hope." "Who hath despised the day of small things?" "Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith Jehovah of hosts." "Wounded in the house of my friends." (Use concordance in finding location.) III. _The Prophecies of Christ:_ Give the four names by which the Christ is described. See 3:8, 9:9, 13:7. Name four events in Christ's life prophesied in the following verses: 9:9, 11:12, 13:1, 13:7. IV. _General Questions._ 1. Compare the beginning of Zechariah's prophecy with that of Haggai in point of time. 2. Which of the major prophets and which of the minor prophets does Zechariah resemble most? 3. By what name is Satan described in Chapter 3, and what other Bible writers use the same description? 4. Name three general encouragements given by the prophet to Zerubbabel in Chapter 4 to rebuild the temple. 5. Record the cities prophesied against in Chapter 9. V. _Questions on Chapter 14:_ 1. Of what is this a prophetic picture? Verse 9. 2. Name the facts about the capture of Jerusalem. Verses 2 and 3. 3. Name the three strange happenings in nature. Verses 4 to 8. 4. Name final result. Verse 11. 5. Name the two plagues to be visited. 6. What one of the feasts is to be kept and why? 7. Give words and meaning of the placard in verse 20. VIII THE KINGDOM'S TRUE KING Matthew Page Mark Page Luke Page John Page THE FOUR GOSPELS I. BRIEF INTRODUCTION 1. Name five portions of Scripture that are repeated. 2. Four reasons why the Lord's life is recorded four times: (1) To emphasize its importance. (2) To multiply the testimony to His life in the flesh. (3) To present the different aspects of His character. (4) To reach different classes of people. NOTE.--The Gospels were originally sermons, and the authors preachers. They are not designed as biographies. One has described them as "memoirs of a life, to teach a religion." Hence one need not expect chronological order. Their purpose is not to record the life of Christ, but to win a lost world to the Savior. II. AUTHOR CHART. +---------------+-------------+-------------+------------+-------------+ | | MATTHEW | MARK | LUKE | JOHN | +---------------+-------------+-------------+------------+-------------+ | | | | | | |1. Business | | | | | | | | | | | +---------------+-------------+-------------+------------+-------------+ | | | | | | |2. Nationality | | | | | | | | | | | +---------------+-------------+-------------+------------+-------------+ | | | | | | |3. Apostle | | | | | |or not | | | | | | | | | | | +---------------+-------------+-------------+------------+-------------+ | | | | | | |4. Eye Witness | | | | | |or not | | | | | +---------------+-------------+-------------+------------+-------------+ To aid in filling blanks in this chart and in the following one, read accounts of the four authors in Bible Dictionary. III. CONTENTS CHART +-------------+-------------+-------------+------------+-------------+ | | MATTHEW | MARK | LUKE | JOHN | +-------------+-------------+-------------+------------+-------------+ | | | | | | |1. For Whom | | | | | | written | | | | | | | | | | | +-------------+-------------+-------------+------------+-------------+ | | | | | | |2. Purpose | | | | | | touching | | | | | | Christ | | | | | | | | | | | +-------------+-------------+-------------+------------+-------------+ | | | | | | |3. Keyword |Kingdom |Straightway |Compassion |Believe | | | | | | | +-------------+-------------+-------------+------------+-------------+ | | | | | | |4. Quality | | | | | | from |Business | | | | | Standpoint|Accuracy |Vividness |Completeness|Warmth | | of | | | | | | Author | | | | | +-------------+-------------+-------------+------------+-------------+ IV. _Questions on Matthew:_ 1. Name three expressions in Chapter 1 that manifest the author's occupation. 2. Name one expression in each of the first three chapters that manifest the kingship of Christ. 3. Why does Matthew record the fulfillment of prophecy? 4. Name the prophecies recorded as fulfilled in the first four chapters, and the author of each prophecy. 5. Number and locate the word kingdom as recorded in the Sermon on the Mount. V. _Questions on Mark:_ 1. Underline and number in Chapter 1 the words straightway, astonished, amazed. 2. Select three other words in Chapter 1 that manifest vividness. 3. With what event in Christ's life does Mark begin? and state reason. 4. Name and number the miracles in the first five chapters. 5. Name and number the parables in the first five chapters. 6. Why would you expect such a result in answers to questions 4 and 5? VI. _Questions on Luke:_ 1. Name three words in the introduction that indicate the three characteristics of the book. 2. What do you note by comparing 1:5, 2:1 and 2, and 3:1 and 2? 3. Name six expressions in Chapters 1 and 2 that indicate Luke's occupation. 4. Record three expressions, and by whom spoken, in first three chapters, that manifest that God's salvation is for all people. 5. Name contents peculiar to Luke in Chapters 10, 14, 15, 19 and 23 that manifest God's salvation as world wide and for the lowest. VII. _Questions on John:_ 1. Name the phrase in Chapter 1 that describes the Lord's birth. 2. Name the "I am's" of Christ in Chapters 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, and give reason why possibly John alone of the four records them. 3. State the purpose of this gospel. See 20:30, 31. 4. Underline the words "sign," "believe," "life" (live), in Chapters 1 to 6. 5. Note the "signs" mentioned in first four chapters and the results. 6. Name the four witnesses to Christ's divinity mentioned by Him in the closing paragraph of Chapter 5. VIII. _Leading Chapters:_ _Matthew._ 1. Genealogy and Birth of the King. 2. 4. 5 to 7. The Sermon on the Mount; or, The Principles of the Kingdom. 13. The Eight Parables of the Kingdom. 17. 25. The Judgment of the King. _Mark._ 1. A Busy Sabbath in Our Lord's Life. _Luke._ 2. The Birth and Boyhood of Jesus. 3. The Genealogy of Jesus. 4. 10. 14. The Three Parables of Hospitality. 15. The Three Parables of Lost and Found. _John._ 3. The New Birth. 10. 11. 14. Comfort. 15. 16. The Holy Spirit. 17. Christ's Intercessory Prayer. IX THE KINGDOM CONQUERING THE WORLD Acts Page Paul's Epistles Page Outline for Study of Epistles Page I Thessalonians Page I Corinthians Page Romans Page Philippians Page II Timothy Page The General Epistles Page Questions on the Book of James Page Studies in I and II Peter Page I John Page THE ACTS I. _Author:_ 1. Name. 2. Number of books written by him. 3. Three reasons for his fitness to write this book: (a) A Gentile. (b) Devoted to Christ as the World's Savior. (c) A companion of Paul during a portion of his missionary journeys. II. _The Inscription:_ 1:1. 1. To whom? 2. Reference to what book? III. _Chronology:_ 1. Name beginning and ending dates. 2. Length of time of contents. 3. Contents during the reigns of what four Roman emperors. IV. _Analysis of the Key Verse:_ 1:8. 1. Name the Divine Agent. 2. Name the Human Instrument. 3. Name the Equipment. 4. Name the Method. 5. Name the Threefold Division of the Field: (a) City. (b) Home Land. (c) Foreign Lands. NOTE.--This verse outlines the progress of the kingdom in this book during one generation. It also outlines the plan of God touching the work of each disciple, each individual church, and the church universal. Here is the pattern. With hunger to know and willingness to do should every disciple study this pattern book. Am I measuring up to the plan of God? Is this church measuring up to the plan of God? V. _Outline of Contents:_ 1. The Kingdom's Witness in the City. Chapters 1 to 7. 2. The Kingdom's Witness in the Home Land. Chapters 8 to 12. 3. The Kingdom's Witness in the Uttermost Parts of the Earth. Chapters 13 to 28. VI. _Pattern Chapters for Church Work:_ 1. A Model Prayer Meeting. 2. A Model Sermon and Revival. 6. A Model for Church Officers. 8. A Model for Personal Work. 9. A Model Conversion. 10. A Model Minister. VII. _Chapter Questions:_ The ten following questions are to be answered in the first ten chapters, one in each consecutive chapter as numbered. If desired, ask pupil to be ready to answer any question propounded by the teacher on these chapters. 1. Name the apostle selected in the place of Judas, the method of selection, and why disciples never afterward used this method. 2. Name the _immediate_ results of the outpouring of the Spirit. 3. With what three things touching Christ did Peter charge the Jews? 4. What three things did the magistrates note about Peter and John? 5. Name the offenders, the offense, the penalty and the reason for such severe punishment. 6. Name the two classes of church officers, the number of each, and the work of each. 7. Name the first martyr and state how the circumstances surrounding his death resembled those surrounding the death of Christ. 8. Name the new city entered, the two chief converts mentioned, and the three leading workers. 9. In Saul's conversion name three factors and three proofs, also three trials following. 10. Name the change wrought in Peter through the vision. VIII. _Outline Map of Paul's Life:_ Draw full-page map, locating thereon the following: (1) Place of Birth. (2) Place of Student Life. (3) Place of Conversion. (4) Place of Wilderness Sojourn. (5) Place of Pastoral Work. (6) Place of Imprisonment and Death. IX. CHART OF PAUL'S FIRST MISSIONARY JOURNEY 1. Location in Bible: Acts 13 and 14. 2. Name the workers. 3. Name the preparation. +-------------+-----------+----------+----------+-----------+----------+ | PLACE | TIME | PLACE | KIND OF | INCIDENTS | RESULTS | | (Only towns | SPENT | OF WORK | WORK | (Any | (Of | | and cities |(Give only |(Building)|(Preaching|happening) | whatever | | are given) | as | | teaching)| | nature) | | | recorded) | | | | | +-------------+-----------+----------+----------+-----------+----------+ | | | | | | | |1. Seleucia | | | | | | |2. Salamis | | | | | | |3. Paphos | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |4. Perga | | | | | | |5. Antioch | | | | | | | in P. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |6. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |7. | | | | | | |8. | | | | | | |9. Lystra | | | | | | |10. Iconium | | | | | | |11. Antioch | | | | | | | in P. | | | | | | |12. Perga | | | | | | |13. Attalia | | | | | | |14. Antioch | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-------------+-----------+----------+----------+-----------+----------+ X. _Full-page Map of Paul's First Missionary Journey:_ Draw map of Mediterranean Sea and surrounding countries. Locate the provinces of Asia Minor, the fourteen places on the chart, and trace the route. THE PAULINE EPISTLES I. _To Whom Addressed:_ Record the words of address as found in the opening of each epistle. The following is given as an example: Romans: "To all that are in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints." 1:7. II. _Location of Churches Addressed:_ Draw full-page map of Mediterranean Sea and surrounding countries, locating the churches, seven in number. III. _Names in the Superscriptions:_ Record the names addressing the epistles as given at the beginning of each, together with descriptions attached. Describe the persons whose names are made companion with Paul's. Note whether they are regarded as writers, and why Paul adds their names. Note I Cor. 16:21, Phil. 1:21, and II Thes. 3:17. The following two are given as examples: Romans: Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ. I Corinthians: Paul, called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ, * * * and Sosthenes, our brother. Sosthenes was ruler of a Jewish synagogue (Acts 18:17). He was probably converted later. He is not regarded as aiding in the authorship. It was probably sent in his name to add weight. IV. _General Contents:_ Secure these by reference to Bible Dictionary. The following is given as an example: Romans and Galatians: The doctrines of sin and grace. OUTLINE FOR STUDY OF INDIVIDUAL EPISTLE I. _Author._ II. _Place and Date of Writing._ III. _Description of Addressed Ones._ (The people, the city, the church.) IV. _Number of Chapters._ V. _Key Word or Verse._ VI. _Outline of Contents._ VII. _General Purpose._ (Or brief description of letter as a whole.) VIII. _Three Leading Phrases._ IX. _Three Leading Verses._ X. _Leading Chapters._ XI. _Leading Thought About Christ._ XII. _Questions._ I THESSALONIANS I. II. III. _Brief Description of Founding._ See Acts 17. Also a brief word about the city. IV. V. _Wait._ _Comfort._ VI. _Omit._ VII. _To command, to exhort, and to describe the second coming of Christ as a means of comfort, and as a stimulus to right living._ VIII. "_Pray_ * * *" "_Quench not_ * * *" "_Hold fast_ * * *" (Complete the phrases and locate.) IX. _Omit._ X. 1. A Model Church. 4 and 5. The Second Coming of Christ. XI. _Christ is Coming Again._ XII. _Questions:_ 1. Name three chief things commendable in these Thessalonian Christians. Chapter 1. 2. By what two illustrations does Paul describe his relations to them? Chapter 2. 3. By what two expressions does Paul describe the large place they occupied in his heart? Chapter 2. 4. Why did not Paul visit them, according to his desire? Chapter 2. 5. What did Paul say would be life to him? Chapter 3. 6. For what two purposes did he send Timothy? Chapter 3. 7. What do you regard as the most striking exhortation of Chapter 4? 8. Is 5:16 possible? (See Phil. 4:4.) 9. What expression in Chapter 5 is taken from the words of our Lord? 10. Locate and write out one reference in each chapter to our Lord's second coming. I CORINTHIANS I. II. III. _Description of Corinth and of Church at Corinth._ IV. V. _Wisdom._ VI. _Omit._ VII. _Threefold purpose: (1) To restore unity; (2) To teach doctrines; (3) To remove evils._ VIII. "_Ye are bought_ * * *" "_O death, where_ * * *" "_Quit you_ * * *" (Complete the phrases and locate.) IX. _Record these and commit them:_ 3:16; 13:1; 15:58. X. _Assign names to the following chapters:_ 11; 13; 15. XI. _Christ our Wisdom._ XII. _The questions are chapter questions:_ Chapter 1. Upon what four persons was the church divided? Give total number of times the words "wise" and "wisdom" are found in the first three chapters. Underline these two words in these chapters. Chapter 4. Whom does Paul command the church to imitate, and is he justified in so doing? Chapter 6. What is the body called? Chapter 7. What strong position does Paul take about the eating of meat? State the principle in other words. Chapter 9. How does Paul act in order to win people to Christ? What two Grecian games does he use as illustrations? Chapter 11. Why does Paul record the teaching regarding the Lord's Supper? Chapter 12. What comforting truth to the Christian worker in verses 12 to 25? ROMANS I. II. III. _Brief Description of Roman People._ IV. V. 1:16 and 17. VI. _Chapters I to II: Doctrine._ _Chapters 12 to 16: Practice._ VII. _To prove that sinful men are saved not by works, but by faith._ VIII. "_The wages_ * * *" "_If God is for us_ * * *" "_Overcome evil_ * * *" (Finish the phrases and locate them.) IX. _The three therefores:_ 5:1, 8:1, 12:1. X. 1. The Fearful Picture of Sin. 7. The Christian's Wrestling Match with Sin. 8. Safety. 10. Missionary. 11. Conversion of the Jews. 12. Practical Religion. 13. Citizen and Ruler. 16. Salutations. XI. _Christ, our Righteousness._ XII. _Questions:_ 1. Locate as to book and chapter Paul's quotations from the Old Testament in Chapters 3, 4 and 10. 2. Name three truths in Chapter 8 that are assurances of the believer's safety. 3. Number the commands in Romans 12:9-21. 4. By what phrase is a civil ruler described in Chapter 13? 5. Whither did Paul expect to go? Chapter 15. PHILIPPIANS I. II. III. _Brief Description of the Founding._ (See Acts 16.) IV. V. _Gain and Joy._ VI. _Omit._ VII. _A personal letter of gratitude, testimony and exhortation._ VIII. "_To die_ * * *" "_Work out_ * * *" "_Rejoice in_ * * *" (Complete the phrases and locate.) IX. _Record and Commit these three verses:_ 1:6. A promise. 2:5. An exhortation. 3:14. A personal testimony. X. 2. _Paul's Double Picture of Christ._ 3. _Paul's Marvelous Personal Testimony._ XI. _The Immeasurable Worth of Christ._ XII. _Questions:_ 1. Underline the word "gain" and state number of times found in the book. 2. Underline the words "joy" and "rejoice" and state number of times each is found in the book. 3. How many times does the personal pronoun "I" occur in Chapter 1? 4. In Chapter 2 what two men's names are mentioned and what facts regarding them? 5. In Chapter 3 what three things was Paul determined to know? 6. In Chapter 3 what four words or phrases are taken from the race? 7. In Chapter 4 what three things did Paul say he had learned? II TIMOTHY Read the book three times, slowly, thoughtfully, prayerfully. Enter as far as possible into the surroundings and feelings connected with this last letter of the martyr Paul--this personal letter to this loved son in the faith. Then write your impressions and ideas regarding its contents, using three hundred words. THE GENERAL EPISTLES I. _The Authors--A Brief Biography of Each:_ See Bible Dictionary. II. _To Whom Addressed._ See the beginning of each letter. The following is an example: James: "To the twelve tribes which are of the Dispersion." III. _Place and Date of Writing:_ See Bible Dictionary. The following is an example: James. Jerusalem. About 62 A.D. IV. _General Purpose of Contents:_ See Bible Dictionary. The following is an example: James. A book of practical morals. Also to comfort the scattered and persecuted Jewish Christians. QUESTIONS ON JAMES _Chapter 1_ 1. Why can a person be joyful when falling into temptation? Verses 2, 3 and 4. 2. How does temptation begin? 3. Give meaning of phrase: "Father of Lights." 4. What six words voice the author's strong exhortation regarding the Word? 5. Name the two elements of pure religion. _Chapter 2_ 1. What charge is made against the wealthy worshipers? 2. Name the royal law. 3. What two factors are necessary to salvation and which does James emphasize? 4. What do demons believe? Give proof. 5. What two illustrations are taken from Old Testament biography? _Chapter 3_ 1. Give a title to the chapter. 2. How large a part does the control of the tongue have in the making of character? Explain. 3. To what two things is the tongue compared in verses 3 and 4? 4. What three things does the writer declare the tongue to be? 5. If no man can tame the tongue, what two things must follow on the part of every one who desires to get it under control? _Chapter 4_ 1. Name the cause mentioned for unanswered prayer. 2. Give the author's recipe for causing the devil to flee. 3. Give the author's recipe for securing the presence of God. 4. What phrase must a believer use when speaking of a future act, and why? 5. Give James' definition of sin and state how it differs from John's. (See I John 3:4, Authorized Version.) _Chapter 5_ 1. What two illustrations are taken from Old Testament history? 2. What is meant by the phrase, "the end of the Lord," in verse 11? 3. What command resembles one in the Sermon on the Mount? 4. What are the sick exhorted to do? 5. What two results occur when one turns a sinner to Christ? STUDIES IN I AND II PETER The two letters of Peter afford splendid opportunity for noting the impress of the writer's character and experience upon his writings. Let the teacher judge as to the extent of this study. The following are suggested: 1. Name ten chief events in Peter's life, recorded in the Gospels. 2. Name ten chief events in Peter's life, recorded in the Acts. 3. Name six leading qualities of Peter's character. 4. Note now in I Peter 1 and II Peter 1 any words or truths suggested by the writer's character and experience. The following are given as examples: I PETER 1. Verse 3: "Inheritance." See Matt. 19:27. "What shall we have?" Verse 5: "Guarded through faith." See Luke 22:31, 32. Verse 6: "Manifold trials." Name Peter's tests. I JOHN 1. In the introduction, 1:1-4, record under the three following topics the words of the writer: 1. John's Personal Experience with Christ. 2. John's Sharing this Experience. 3. The Purpose of Sharing this Experience. 2. Name the books written by John. 3. Name the purpose of this letter. Chapter 5:13. 4. Select five tests in Chapters 2 and 3 by which we may know that we are the Lord's disciples. 5. In the following diagram of steps supply a verb after the pronoun "I" that sets forth the thought of each respective book: I ----------------- |John's |Revelation | I | ----------------- |John's |First Letter | I | ----------------- John's Gospel 6. Are there any signs in this book of the "Boanerges" remaining? If so, mention them. 7. Name the two definitions of God and state why John would be enabled to record them. 8. How many references to Old Testament characters in the letter? How many in James? In I Peter? Why fewer in John? 9. Write out Chapter 4, underlining the word "love" and its derivatives, numbering the same. 10. Where in the catalogue of graces is love placed by James, Peter, John, Paul, Christ? Select and record the verses. (See concordance.) 11. In what ways may these cold hearts of ours be made to beat with fervent love toward God and men? X THE KINGDOM TRIUMPHANT The Revelation Page THE REVELATION I. _Author._ II. _Place and Date of Writing._ III. _Leading Verses:_ The thought of the verse and the number of the chapter are given. Find the verse and record it. 3. The Christian's Feast. 14. The Blessed Dead. 22. A Description of Christ. 22. The Last Invitation. IV. _Leading Chapters:_ 2 and 3. Letters to the Seven Churches. 20. The Millennium. 21, 22. The New Jerusalem. V. _Questions:_ 1. This book is a revelation of whom, to whom, sent by whom? 2. Who is described in Chapter 1? 3. Draw map of Asia Minor and locate the seven churches, also Isle of Patmos. 4. What phrase and what sentence are common to the seven letters? 5. As you turn the pages of the book, by what name do you note that the Lord is most frequently called? 6. Name the three chief events prophesied in the millennium chapter. 7. Name seven negative descriptions of "the holy city" in Chapters 21 and 22. 8. Name two occupations of the inhabitants of "the holy city" mentioned in Chapter 22. End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of A Bird's-Eye View of the Bible by Frank Nelson Palmer *** END OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK A BIRD'S-EYE VIEW OF THE BIBLE *** ***** This file should be named 16461.txt or ***** This and all associated files of various formats will be found in: Produced by Karina Aleksandrova and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at Updated editions will replace the previous one--the old editions will be renamed. Creating the works from public domain print editions means that no one owns a United States copyright in these works, so the Foundation (and you!) can copy and distribute it in the United States without permission and without paying copyright royalties. Special rules, set forth in the General Terms of Use part of this license, apply to copying and distributing Project Gutenberg-tm electronic works to protect the PROJECT GUTENBERG-tm concept and trademark. 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