Extracts from a Journal of a Voyage of Visitation in the "Hawk," 1859

By Feild

The Project Gutenberg eBook, Extracts from a Journal of a Voyage of
Visitation in the "Hawk," 1859, by Edward Feild

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Title: Extracts from a Journal of a Voyage of Visitation in the "Hawk," 1859

Author: Edward Feild

Release Date: September 16, 2006  [eBook #19301]

Language: English


E-text prepared by a www.PGDP.net Volunteer, Jeannie Howse, Dave Morgan,
and the Project Gutenberg Online Distributed Proofreading Team

    | Transcriber's Note:                                          |
    |                                                              |
    | Inconsistent hyphenation and unusual spelling in the         |
    | original document have been preserved.                       |
    |                                                              |
    | Typographical errors have been corrected in this text.       |
    | For a complete list, please see the end of this document.    |
    |                                                              |
    | A wide multi-paged table at the end of this document has     |
    | been split, at the end of each page, into two easy-to-       |
    | rejoin parts.                                                |

Church in the Colonies.




    [Greek: "Ou toi aneu Theou eptato dexios ornis,
             Kirkos"]--HOM. _Odys._

Printed for
the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel;
and Sold by the
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge,
Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields;
4, Royal Exchange; 16, Hanover Street, Hanover Square;
Rivingtons, Bell and Daldy, Hatchards,
and All Booksellers.


R. Clay, Printer, Bread Street Hill.


_&c. &c._



_March 15, 1860._


"You are aware that I have ceased for some years to forward to the
Society the Journals of my Voyages of Visitation.[1] It did not appear
to me that the cause of the Society, or of my diocese, would be much
advanced, or individuals much interested or edified by detailed
reports of visits and services with which those who had read the
former Journals would be familiar.

"The sad state of religious destitution in many settlements in
Newfoundland and Labrador had been, I thought, sufficiently shown; and
the benefits and blessing conferred, and to be conferred, by the
Society, thankfully stated and fully demonstrated. I have, therefore,
considered it better and more becoming to confine myself to a bare and
brief newspaper statement of the places visited, and the services
performed, without any particular mention of the condition of the
inhabitants, and other incidents of the voyage.

"In my late visitation, however, I have been enabled to reach a
portion of the island, in which, though several hundred members of our
Church have long resided, no clergyman had ever before been seen. I
refer to White Bay, a remote district on the so-called French Shore of
Newfoundland. A large portion, nearly one-half of the coast of
Newfoundland (from Cape St. John on the N.E. to Cape Ray on the S.W.),
is called and known in the island by that name (the French Shore); in
consequence of the permission, granted by treaty, to the French to
fish for cod on, or round that portion. The natives and inhabitants of
Newfoundland, and the British generally, have not considered it worth
their while to prosecute the fishery to any extent in these parts, or
to settle in them; the operations of the French fishermen, being
assisted and systematized by their Government, are on such an
extensive scale as to exclude competition, and to render their
privilege practically an exclusive one. Nevertheless, as the parts of
the island so assigned, or given up, are among the most productive,
not only in fish, but in game, and occasionally in seals (which are
there taken in nets with comparatively little trouble or expense),
families have from time to time migrated to and settled in these
remote districts, scattering themselves widely, with the view of
obtaining the means of subsistence in larger abundance and with
greater ease. Now, as there are no roads to, or on, this shore, and
each settlement therefore can only be approached by sea, and by sea
only for four or five months in the year, in any vessel larger than a
boat, it is exceedingly difficult to minister to, or visit the
inhabitants. Nevertheless, I have been enabled, by the aid of my
Church-ship, to visit, _at intervals of four years_, since 1848, most
of the settlements on this shore. In St. George's Bay, indeed, the
most thickly or largely inhabited part, a Church has been built, and
one of our Society's missionaries stationed for several years; and
great, in consequence, is the change, great the improvement in the
residents. Here, I have been enabled, as in other parts of the island,
to celebrate the services of consecration and confirmation, and to
provide for the administration of the Holy Communion. But until the
census of 1857, I was not aware of the large number of our people in
White Bay and the neighbourhood, or of the large proportion they bear
to the whole population. When, at the close of that year, I discovered
that more than three-fourths registered themselves members of the
Church of England, I resolved, should it please God to permit me, to
make another voyage in my Church-ship, that I would myself visit, and
minister to, as I might be able, these scattered sheep of my flock. A
statement of their condition, and of my services, assisted by the
clergy who accompanied me, cannot fail, I think, to interest and
affect all those who can feel for the sheep or the shepherd. It is
with a view of awakening this Christian sympathy in behalf of my poor
diocese, and generally in the cause and fork of your Society (by or
through which both sheep and shepherd have been so largely befriended
and assisted) that I am desirous of publishing those parts of the
journal of my last voyage that relate to White Bay.

"I have added the account of two days in the Bay of Islands, a
locality only so far more happily circumstanced than, or I should
rather say not so unhappily circumstanced as, White Bay, inasmuch as
the inhabitants have been twice before visited by myself in the
Church-ship, and once by the Missionary of the Belle-Isle Straits. The
circumstances of both, or of either, will, I think, justify the
application of an apostle's question to him--to any one--who, having
an abundance of spiritual goods, can see the need of these his
brethren, and shut up his compassion from them;--'How dwelleth the
love of Christ in him?'

              "I am,
                    Yours faithfully,
                        E. NEWFOUNDLAND."



[1] The last published was that of 1853.



_Thursday, July 7th. At sea, and Little Harbour Deep._--Passed Cape
St. John, at eight o'clock; several French vessels in the harbour:
passed Partridge Point soon after twelve o'clock, and entered White
Bay. I had intended to visit, in the first place, the settlements on
the south side of the bay, but the wind being adverse, we stood across
to Little Harbour Deep, not knowing that we should find any "livers"
there; but hoping to be able from thence to visit, or there to be
visited by, the families dwelling in Grande-Vache, or Grandfather's
Cove, said to be only one mile distant. On nearing the harbour, we saw
and hailed a boat, which proved to belong to the place, and in which
were a man and his wife returning from their salmon nets, which they
overhaul twice a day. We took them on board, and having no pilot, were
glad to avail ourselves of the man's knowledge of the place in beating
in, which occupied two hours, as the wind was blowing strongly and
directly out. Theirs was the only family living in the harbour. We
informed them of the object of our visit, which appeared to please
them greatly, and they promised to send to their neighbours in
Grandfather's Cove (which proves, however, to be nearly three miles
distant) very early to-morrow morning, and acquaint them with our
presence, and our intention to have services on board the Church-ship.

The appearance of these people was not so wild as might be expected
from their wild and lonely life. In the summer they occupy, by
themselves, this large harbour, shut in by immense cliffs, which no
person ever ascends or descends. In the winter they occupy and possess
the Horse-Islands, lying several miles from the shore, surrounded for
months by ice.

Seldom in either place do they see any human being, except the members
of their own family, and not one of the family can read. In summer
they catch salmon and codfish; and in the winter kill seals. And yet
they are not heathens or savages. The woman, though rowing, was very
neatly dressed, with a necklace, but no other superfluous finery; the
man was tidy; both were civil. They presented us with two salmon, all
they had in their boat, and promised us finer ones to-morrow. They
expressed much pleasure at the prospect of attending the services, and
of having their youngest child christened or admitted into the Church.
All had been baptized; some at Twillingate, some at Herring Neck, in
each case by a clergyman, one by a Methodist preacher, one by a
fisherman; but all had been admitted into the Church (at Twillingate,
or Herring Neck) except this youngest. They left us about 10.30 P.M.,
after attending our family prayers in the cabin.

_Friday, July 8th. Little Harbour Deep._--Before four o'clock, two of
my men, with a boy from shore, went to Grandfather's Cove
(Grande-Vache) to invite the families (Randalls) living there to our
services. Though so early, one of the families had gone to their
fishing ground before our men arrived. The others gladly accepted the
invitation. This being the first day of missionary work, or services,
on board the Church-ship, I had to instruct my friends, Mr. Johnson
and Mr. Tucker, how to arrange and deck the large cabin for the
congregation. The day, happily, was very fine, so that we were able to
put several of the many packages and boxes on deck.

The congregation, in the morning, consisted of only the two families
(Wiseman and Randall) and our captain. In the afternoon (4.30 P.M.),
our crew also attended. One girl was hypothetically baptised, and four
children received. The elder Johnson said the prayers and baptized;
the younger read the lessons. I addressed the little congregation both
morning and evening. There is something of both pleasure and pain in
these quiet services; pleasure, in hoping that God, in his mercy, may
bless some word of exhortation, or some prayer, to the edification of
these forsaken ones; pain, in observing how by the people themselves
the prayers and lessons seem to be wholly not appreciated, or not
understood. Not one could read, several of them had never heard the
service before, so they rose up and knelt down as automatons; and
would, I doubt not, have been just as ready to kneel at the Psalms as
at the Confession, and to sit at either, or both, as when hearing the
lessons or sermon. After the service, one man bought a Prayer-book for
his daughter, and we gave them several children's books and tracts. I
examined the bigger children after the service; one girl, probably ten
or twelve years of age, could not repeat the Lord's Prayer or the
Creed; a second imperfectly; a third tolerably well. It was, indeed,
pitiful; and enough to fill the heart of any pastor, and specially
their chief pastor, with sorrow and shame.

After the second service, I accompanied my friends in a boat to the
head of the harbour, where it receives a small stream (the drain of
some lake, or of the bogs and mosses in the neighbourhood), which
winds and creeps between some magnificent mountains. While they were
fishing I wandered, climbing over the boulders, along the borders of
the stream, to enjoy the solitude and deep silence of the winding
valley. The absence of all living creatures, except mosquitoes and
dragon-flies, is a striking feature; and the occasional whistle or
scream of some sea-bird only renders the prevailing stillness more
strange; grateful or painful, according to the disposition and state
of mind.

We returned to the ship soon after sunset, frightfully eaten by
mosquitoes. The fishers had all had plenty of bites, and realized a
new phase of "fly-fishing," but carried home among them one trout
only. The mosquitoes had got possession of the Church-ship, and paid
us off for invading their solitudes.

_Saturday, July 9th. At sea._--We left Little Harbour Deep soon after
three o'clock A.M., with a fair wind, which died away outside, and we
did not reach our next place of call (Little Coney Arm) till five
o'clock P.M. There new delay and difficulty awaited us. We fired two
guns, but no person came off, and not a single boat could anywhere be
seen. The whole shore seemed deserted. Nevertheless, we discerned
houses in the harbour, and stood towards the entrance; but finding the
water shoal suddenly, the captain let go the anchor, and sent a boat
in, with the mate and three of my companions. They brought word, to my
great mortification, that nearly all the inhabitants had gone to fish
in other parts of the bay, and that but one old man, with the females
and children of three families, remained. Him they brought off to be
our pilot. Unfortunately, in getting again under way, we went to
leeward of the entrance, and immediately after the wind dropped
altogether. The tide then drifted us into Great Coney Arm, and every
tack took us farther to leeward. It seemed almost certain we should be
carried to the head of the Bight, to spend the Sunday in a solitary
place; but by keeping a boat ahead, with four hands, sometimes of the
crew, sometimes of the clergy, we maintained our ground until, about
eleven o'clock, a breeze sprang up in our favour, and we regained the
entrance of the Little Arm, and came to anchor just at midnight,
whereby I learnt a lesson of patience and perseverance.

_Third Sunday after Trinity, July 10th. Little Coney Arm._--Four
families reside in this harbour, two of which are returned in the
census as Methodists, the other two Church of England. All the men,
however, were absent, except the old man who was brought off to us the
previous night; besides him were four women, and some seven or eight
children, and a sick man (a Roman Catholic), who had been left by a
trader. All, however, in the harbour (except the sick Roman) came on
board to both our services, and the women (all) expressed a great
desire to have their children admitted into the Church. The Gospel for
the Sunday gave me occasion to preach to them and myself on the
"Parable of the Lost Sheep;" to myself, to make me ashamed of thinking
much of serving or ministering to these two or three in the
wilderness; and to them, to make them, and each of them, I trust, more
grateful to the good Shepherd who came himself on the same errand on
which He sends his ministers to seek for every one that is lost and
gone astray, and who assures us there is joy in heaven over one sinner
that repenteth. The day was as bright and the scene as lovely as could
be desired for any Sabbath on earth, and I greatly enjoyed the rest
and peace. After tea, we went on shore and visited all the families,
and gave medicine to the poor Irishman, and books to the children. I
examined the children in the Lord's Prayer and Creed, and found that
the child of the Church of England parents (neither of whom could
read) was much more perfect than the children of the others, who
boasted of their learning and reading; some (ten or twelve years of
age) could not say the Lord's prayer. At family prayer, in the
evening, I addressed my crew, and explained to them the object of my
voyage, and entreated them to co-operate by their example in every
place, and warned them against the faults to which I knew them most

_Monday, July 11th. Little Coney Arm, at sea, and Bear Cove._--Sailed
from Little Coney Arm at four o'clock A.M., wind light, but fair for
crossing the bay, and we accordingly passed over to Bear Cove. We
found that all the inhabitants (four families) were at home, or on
their fishing-grounds, and all professed members of the Church of
England, and greatly desirous to be admitted, by baptism or reception
as the case might require; and two couples, who had been united by a
fisherman, expressed a wish to be duly married. One couple made some
difficulty about the fee (having no money), but promised to send the
amount (20s.) in money, or fish, to the nearest clergyman, in the
fall. The service was to have commenced at five o'clock, but it was
with difficulty all were got together and duly arranged at 6.15. We
said the Evening Prayers, which I fear must have been parables to
these poor people, several of whom had lived here and in the
neighbouring coves all their life, and had never before seen a
clergyman, or heard the service. After the second lesson, the baptisms
had to be performed, and sad and strange were the discoveries made by
the question, whether the child or person (for some were fifteen,
sixteen, and eighteen years of age) had been baptized or no? Of all it
was answered they had been baptized; but some, it appeared, could not
tell by whom, some by fishermen, several by a woman,--the only person
in the settlement (and she a native) who could read correctly. One
woman (married) was baptized, hypothetically, with her infant.
Twenty-one in all were admitted, the majority with hypothetical
baptism. Both of the women who came to be married had infants in their
arms; one of them had three children. Not one person in the whole
settlement could read correctly, except the woman before mentioned;
her husband (a native of Bay of Islands), a little. He had, however,
been employed to marry one of our present couples, which he confessed
to me with some shame and confusion of face, saying, "he had picked
the words out of the book as well as he could make them out," but he
did not baptise, because "that reading was too hard;" in fact, he
could scarcely read at all, he left the baptisms therefore to his
wife. I addressed the people after the baptisms, trying to make them
understand the meaning and purpose of that Sacrament, and again after
the prayers, in their obligations as baptized. After this service, Mr.
Johnson married the two couples, and I examined the children in their
prayers and belief, which I found most of them could repeat more or
less correctly, but not one knew a letter of the alphabet. It was
considerably after nine o'clock before we could dismiss our visitors,
and sorry they seemed to be dismissed as I was to dismiss them. Poor
people! the fair faces of the children would have moved the admiration
of a Gregory; and the destitute, forsaken condition of all would move
the compassion of any one who believed they have souls to be saved;
how much more if those souls in any sense were committed to his
charge. But what can I do more for them, and, alas! for many others
almost equally destitute and forsaken. It is but too probable that
never again, either myself, or by others, shall I be able to minister
to their wants. To-morrow with the first dawn, the men and boys will
be all out on their fishing-grounds, the women busy in their houses,
the elder girls nursing the younger children; and I must be on the
move to perform a like perfunctory service to others in the same state
of ignorance, of whom I believe there are more than two hundred in
this bay.

_Tuesday, July 12th. At Bear Cove, at sea, at Jackson's Arm, and at
Sop's Island._--We warped out of Bear Cove, there being then no wind,
at five o'clock A.M., and stood over to Jackson's Cove, on the
opposite side of the bay (about nine miles), which we reached by 8.30.
It is a capacious and beautiful harbour, easy of approach and
entrance. On coming to anchor, I sent on shore immediately, and found
that all the men were gone to Sop's Island (about five miles off),
except one poor fellow with a diseased hip, to whom I sent some wine
and medicine. I proposed to take the only woman left behind, with her
children, on board the Church-ship, to join her friends and relations
at Sop's Island, to which she gladly assented, and they came on board
accordingly. We then weighed anchor again at 12.30, to beat to Sop's
Island, which we reached between three and four o'clock. We landed
immediately with our poor fisherman's wife, who appeared an
intelligent, seriously-disposed person, and she could read. Her
children were very wild, hair uncut and uncombed, without shoes and
stockings. She had come from the Barred Islands (in the Fogo Mission),
and lamented the separation from her Church and clergy. She guided us
to the residences and fishing rooms of the different residents and
others in Sop's Island, and we appointed a service for them at five
o'clock, not, however, expecting to get them together before six
o'clock. We commenced at 6.15; seventeen children were received into
the Church, and two couples married. We found that the parties whom we
had missed at Coney's Arm (as well as those from Jackson's Arm) were
in this island, and we sent word to them of our intention to hold
service again to-morrow. Here was a repetition of the same melancholy
anomalies and irregularities as those of yesterday, except that two or
three of the women could read; and a Mr. M----, from St. John's, a
small dealer or merchant, who has resided here for several years, has
kept up some remembrance of God and his service by reading the Church
prayers at a funeral. He resides, however, in the house of a planter,
who has brought and lives with a woman from England, in the very
neighbourhood of his wife, whom he deserted after she had borne him
three children. She (his wife) is still living at Twillingate, and
supports herself as a nurse and servant. By the woman he now lives
with he has had seven children, most of whom are grown up, and
several married. When he saw my vessel with a female on board, he
thought his wife was come from Twillingate, and went and hid himself
in the woods. Some of his children and grandchildren were among those
admitted this day into the Church. After the prayers and two addresses
from myself, one in connexion with the baptismal service, and one in
place of a sermon, two couples were married. These services were not
finished till nearly nine o'clock.

_Wednesday, July 13th. Sop's Island, at sea, and at Gold Cove._--I had
appointed the service at nine o'clock, being anxious to get forward,
if possible, in the afternoon; but it was not till after twelve
o'clock that the poor people could arrange their little (to them
great) matters, and come with their children properly attired. Some
had to go on board a trader lying in the harbour to purchase clothes;
several came from a distance against a head wind. Two couples were
married before, and two after, the prayers; six children of one of the
pairs were admitted into the Church: all had been baptized by lay
hands. Two women, neighbours, had each baptized the other's children.
After the services, I gave away a number of elementary books for
children; three or four Prayer-books, and one Bible were purchased. At
two o'clock they all took their departure, with many expressions of
pleasure and gratitude. We got away just before a violent north-easter
(a wind which always comes, as they say, with the butt end first),
which carried us rapidly to Gold Cove, at the head of the bay. It is a
snug, well-sheltered place, but the water is deep almost up to the
shore; and we moored, for the first time in my experience, to a tree.
However, we found bottom at about sixteen fathoms, and plenty of fish
upon it. One of my companions jigged nine fine fish in an hour. The
others went off to visit the people, who were at some distance, and
apprize them, as usual, of our presence and purpose. A more secluded,
retired spot could hardly, I think, be found, or more picturesque
withal. Wild gooseberries grow on the shore in abundance, and, of
course, other fruits, which no hand gathers and no eye sees. Here the
people report themselves to have been very successful in their fishery
this year. It is the first place where we have heard of success.

_Thursday, July 14th. At Gold Cove._--Some of our congregation came on
board before nine o'clock, but others, having to contend with a head
wind, did not arrive till 10.30. Ten o'clock was the hour named for
service; and after all were assembled on deck, it took some
considerable time to arrange and prepare the sponsors, &c., and
instruct them in the answers they would be required to make. On this
occasion, a father of eleven children desired to be baptized, and was
baptized conditionally with six of his children. He had never been
able to learn that he had received baptism even by lay hands.
Nevertheless, he bore the two honoured names of Basil and Osmond, and
by that of Basil he was now baptized and received into the Church.
Sixteen persons were received; the oldest sixty-five years of age, the
youngest four months. One couple was married, and one woman received
the Holy Communion. Most of the grown-up persons, all, I believe,
except some invalids, came to our second service in the evening.
Between the services we sailed in our boat to the head of this bay,
where we found three small rivers or brooks meeting and running by one
mouth into the sea. The water was very clear and sweet; and nothing of
the kind could exceed the picturesque beauty of the lofty and
precipitous hills, clothed and covered with trees from the base to the
summit. I can hardly fancy a greater treat than to sail for three or
four weeks through the reaches and tickles of this bay, which has the
singular advantage of being free from rocks and shoals, with abundance
of good and safe harbours, almost all surrounded by hills and
headlands of picturesque outline, covered with trees, against which no
feller has raised his axe. Our harbour this evening appeared alive
with fish.

_Friday, July 15th. Gold Cove, at sea, Purbeck Cove._--Went on deck at
4.35, and found a fine morning and fair wind, but no captain or crew:
the mate in the boat fishing. Called the captain, and recalled the
mate, not without some displeasure at both for neglecting to get under
way. We got away at 5.30, and had a very pleasant sail to Purbeck
Cove, which we reached at nine o'clock. It is a fine harbour, but like
most in this bay with very deep water. We found here a Mr. C----, with
a vessel and crew from Greenspond for the summer fishery. He reported
favourably of his catch, and speaks of the bay as generally very
prolific. Besides cod-fish, salmon, and trout in abundance, later in
the fall he expects to catch mackerel; and this is the only bay in
which, at present, they are found in Newfoundland. Deer also abound in
the neighbourhood; some have been killed lately, and more might be
found if the people cared to look after them; but they are not yet in
season, and the fishing is not neglected for any thing or all things.
This is the great harvest; the seals are the first, but more uncertain
and less lucrative; late in the fall the deer are slaughtered; and in
the winter other game, with foxes, martens, &c., afford sport and
means of subsistence. Seeing several boats fishing outside, I
despatched my friends to inform the men who and what we were, and to
request them, if possible, to bring their families on board in the
afternoon. Fortunately they were able to communicate with parties
living above and below. All, though the fishery was at its height,
accepted the invitation, and Mr. C---- came also with his crew, so
that the cabin could not contain them, and several of the men stood
round the skylight on the deck, from which they looked down upon us as
from a gallery. The day was very fine and warm, and I suffered no
inconvenience from open skylight or sky, except when a piece of
tobacco descended on my head. Twenty-one children were received into
the Church, and one couple married. Very few, if any, except some men
of Mr. C----'s crew (who, thanks to their good pastor at Greenspond,
had their Prayer-books, and were attentive and well behaved) could
read, but most of the children could say the Lord's Prayer and Creed.
One woman brought forward her daughter as "a terrible girl" to, say
her Creed and Lord's Prayer, and some of the Commandments; and "that
hymn you sung below (Evening Hymn), she knows _he_, but she _lips_
(lisps), so she's ashamed before strangers." Another woman, after
surveying with, much admiration a large alphabet-sheet (as I should
Egyptian hieroglyphics), said, "I suppose, sir, that's the A B C." I
gave little books to all who desired them. Though most of them had a
considerable distance to return, they seemed unwilling to leave me and
the vessel, and I was in no hurry to dismiss them. It was very sad
indeed to think that the meeting and intercourse, after so long delay,
and with so little prospect of being renewed, should be so short, when
so many important things had to be done, and alas! so many left

_Saturday, July 16th. Purbeck Cove, at sea, and Seal Cove._--At five
o'clock sent letters on board Mr. C----'s vessel, to be forwarded
_viâ_ Greenspond to St. John's. Sailed for Seal Cove (fourteen or
fifteen miles); for three hours no wind, and then wind ahead, so that
we did not reach our harbour till eight o'clock P.M., happy and
thankful to reach it then, having in remembrance the difficulties and
anxieties of last Saturday night. In this Cove, which, at this season,
and all seasons when the wind is not strong from N.W., is a splendid
harbour, are only two families; but one boat's load had preceded us
from Purbeck Cove to profit by the Sunday services. We found the
people on shore (a family of Osmonds), very thankful for our coming,
though a Roman Catholic family had just arrived to spend the Sunday
with them. How so many people are lodged and accommodated (there must
be twenty-five now here) in one small hut is difficult to understand.
I know not how to be thankful enough for the mercies and comforts of
the past week. This is the eighth harbour I have been anchored in,
this week, and in six I have held services; and except in entering
Little Coney Arm, have encountered neither difficulty nor delay. The
winds have been generally fair, the weather always fine; the people,
without exception, grateful for our visits and services. Ninety-two
persons of various ages have been formally received into the Church;
eight couples married; one person admitted to the Lord's Supper;
nearly one hundred and eighty of all ages have been present at the
services. The bread has been cast upon the waters, may it be found.

_Fourth Sunday after Trinity, July 17th. Seal Cove._--I was pleased to
find that two families had followed in their boats, from a harbour we
have already visited, to attend the services on board. The head of the
family resident here (in Seal Cove) is Joseph Osmond, a younger
brother of Basil; he had lost his wife last fall in giving birth to
her twelfth child, and he could not speak of her without tears. He
pointed out to me the spot, where he had himself committed her body to
the ground (the first and only one buried in the place), which he had
carefully fenced, and was anxious to have consecrated. The babe had
been nursed and kept alive by her sisters, but appeared very sickly
and not likely to continue. Nine of his twelve children he had carried
to Twillingate to be christened (_i.e._ received into the church after
private baptism), but three remained whom he desired now to be
received. All of these had been baptized by lay hands; two of them, he
said, "_had been very well baptized_," _i.e._ by a man who could read
well, the third case did not satisfy him. This was told us before the
service, and when, in the service, he was asked, as the Prayer-book
directs, "By whom was this child baptized?" he answered, "By one
Joseph Bird, and a fine reader he was." This Bird, who on account of
his fine readings, had been employed to baptise many children in the
bay, was a servant in a fisherman's family.

We had two services, as usual, on board; four children were received
into the Church, and one couple married. This couple had followed us
from Bear Cove; they had before been united by a fisherman, had six
children, and were expecting shortly a seventh. The man was he who, at
Bear Cove, as before mentioned, had himself married a couple; and his
wife was the person who had baptized the children. Whether the couple
for whom he had officiated were "very well married," as to the
service, must be "very doubtful." Either he wished to be more perfect,
or he was doubtful about his own case; whatever was his reason, he
very cheerfully paid the fee, twenty shillings. He inquired also
whether he ought to be christened, having been baptized only by a
fisherman, though, as he said, with godfathers and a godmother. Here
was confusion worse confounded; and shame covered my face, while I
endeavoured to satisfy him and myself on these complicated points. The
poor man was evidently in earnest, and I gladly did all in my power to
relieve his mind, and place him and his in a more satisfactory state.
But how sad that one who had baptized and married others, should
himself apply to be baptized and married, being now the father of six
children! The wife appeared to be the general chronicler of all events
in the neighbourhood, and was looked up to as a kind of prophetess.
After the Evening Service, I went on shore to visit the house which
the man Osmond had built himself, and made comfortable for summer and
winter: there being abundance of wood for ceiling, &c., and birch-rind
to cover the seams. He showed his gardens, full of flourishing
potatoes, where the disease had never yet reached. The vegetation is
very luxuriant, and there is plenty of pasture for cows. He could at
any time, he said, kill a deer, and had killed upwards of two hundred!
and as his neighbours in the bay all supply themselves with the same
food, the park must be supposed to be pretty large, and well stocked.
In the winter he kills foxes and martens for their skins, wild fowls
of various sorts for food. Fuel is superabundant. The water produces
fish,--salmon, herring, and mackerel; the ice brings the seals. Osmond
acknowledges that it was "very easy to get a living," and wanted only
the minister to be more than contented. His nearest neighbours (at
Lobster Harbour) are Roman Catholics, and with these he lives on very
good terms. "There was never a thee, or a thou, passed between them."
Such is Joseph Osmond, sole occupier of Seal Cove, in White Bay, and
such his condition, physical, social, and religious. It should be
added that not one person in the settlement can read. He complains
much of the French cutting spars and other sticks, besides what they
require for their use on shore; and yet more, of their leaving many
fires in the woods, by which the whole neighbourhood is endangered. He
has often gone to put out the fires thus carelessly left, by which
thousands of acres of wood might be destroyed, and the inhabitants
driven from their homes.

_Monday, July 18th. At Seal Cove._--This was our first day of delay
since coming into the Bay. A strong north-east wind with a heavy lop,
made it useless to attempt to proceed. In the afternoon all the people
on shore came to our service, and I explained "the articles of our
Belief, the Ten Commandments, and the Lord's Prayer." In the evening,
Mr. Tucker went on shore to teach the younger ones to repeat the
Lord's Prayer and the creed, more perfectly; and I, with the rest of
my party, rowed up "the Southern Arm," an indraft of about three
miles, winding among the most picturesque mountains I ever saw. They
rise almost perpendicularly from the water, are clothed with wood from
the base to the summit, and are of most varied shape and outline. They
surpass in grandeur the banks of the Wye, and are more thickly clothed
with wood, in which, the beech, and birch, and maple, have almost
displaced the spruce, and no green could be more fresh and delicate.
These mountains are on each side of the Arm, to its extremity, which
is nearly closed by a round, or conical hill, similarly covered with
trees; on either side of which you may enter into a valley, between
lofty rocks, and through which probably a small river or brook conveys
the surplus water of some lake or lakes lying farther up the country.
The solemn effect of the scenery was heightened by the absence of all
traces and signs of men or other animals; and the occasional scream of
a gull looking down upon us, made the general silence and solitude
more impressive. How prodigal is nature of her beauties and glories,
thus repeated and renewed in places where there is no one to admire,
and very few to see them!

_Tuesday, July 19th. Seal Cove, and at sea._--The wind was not more
favourable to day than yesterday, except that it was not so strong;
but we thought it better to go out in the hope of some change, in the
mean time beating to windward. After standing across the bay and back,
a distance of nearly thirty miles (fourteen or fifteen each way), we
found we had only gained a mile and a half, and the next tack only
advanced us about as much more. The next time we stood across, the
wind tailed us altogether. This was trying work, especially to my
companions, who all felt the direful effect of the beating, and were
recumbent nearly the whole day, and sometimes worse; I, happily, was
able to read and write, and only grieved by the sad delay.

_Wednesday, July 20th. At sea._--Dead calm nearly the whole day, with
occasional interludes of head-wind, which enabled us to run across the
bay, and make the unpleasant discovery that we had advanced, or
gained, only about five miles since we left our anchorage yesterday!
During the greater part of the day we were lying almost motionless.
Eight o'clock P.M. found us just where eight o'clock A.M. had left us.
A lesson in patience.

_Thursday, July 21st. At sea, and Hooping Harbour._--After being
becalmed all night, a light breeze sprung up in our favour at four
o'clock A.M. (being then just off Little Cat Arm), which sufficed to
carry us into Hooping Harbour (about thirty-five miles) by three
o'clock P.M. Here are two families only, all the members of which,
four in one, and eight in the other, were fortunately at home. One of
the mothers is a Wesleyan, with all the scruples of her denomination.
She had taught her children the Lord's Prayer, but could not teach
them the Creed, because "it would be wrong for them to say, 'I believe
in God,' when they did not believe in Him, which she perceived they
did not." The truth, I imagine, was, she could not say it herself. She
did not like to be godmother to her neighbour's children, because "she
had sins enough of her own to answer for; and she could not make a
promise she knew she should not perform." As she was the only grown-up
woman in the place, except the one whose children, with her own, were
to be baptized, it was necessary to overcome, if possible, these
scruples, which was no easy matter. And here were fresh
complications. Some of the children of both families had been baptized
by a French priest, and no one could say "with what words." Some had
been baptized by a woman, some by a fisherman. Painful it was to
witness, or be certified of, such complications and irregularities,
more so to be in any degree answerable for them, most of all to be
expected to unravel and rectify them in one visit of a few hours'
duration, knowing too that they must all be renewed and repeated. This
is the only harbour in White Bay where there are any French, and
these, it is worthy of notice, have come here within the last five
years, since the two English families established themselves in the
place. On their arrival this year, the French took up the Englishman's
salmon nets, and prevented his fishing for three weeks, until they
were informed by the officer sent from St. John's, that things were to
remain this year as in the preceding, and until matters were settled
by the authorities. The poor Englishman complains bitterly of being
deprived of his three best weeks' fishery, which, if they had been
only as good as the subsequent ones, must have been a serious loss.
This day he took in his nets about a hundred salmon, and speaks of
this as an ordinary catch--and his nets are not large or numerous. It
would be very sad and shameful if this branch of the fishery, which
clearly was not contemplated in the treaties, should be given up,
either wholly or in part, to the French. This is the last harbour in
White Bay.

_Friday, July 22d. Hooping Harbour, at sea, and Englée._--We weighed
anchor soon after four o'clock. The wind so light that our men were
obliged to tow for nearly two hours; then it breezed up ahead, and
gradually increased, till by the time we had beaten up to Canada Bay,
some nine miles, it blew very hard. However, the harder it blows, the
better the good Church-ship goes; and before one o'clock we had
beaten-round Englée Island, in Canada Bay (our next place of call), to
the mouth of the harbour. But as nobody was "acquainted," and the
description in the book of directions was not satisfactory, and it was
blowing half a gale, we fired a gun, which brought out a boat, with
two hands, who showed us the course in, and where to anchor. On being
informed who we were, and what was our object in visiting them, they
expressed much pleasure; but said it would be difficult, if not
impossible, to bring off the children in such heavy weather. We had
service at five o'clock, but it was blowing so furiously that only six
men and as many women could venture off, and they brought none of the
little children. I determined, therefore (though the delay is very
grievous), that I ought to remain here to-morrow, which will involve
Sunday also. There are two other families in this bay, with whom it
was impossible to communicate to-day, in this tempest. We had Evening
Prayers, with an address by myself. After the service I conversed with
the people, and found that some of the women (one of them a mother of
three children) had never before seen a clergyman, and never been in
any place of worship. It would be interesting to know what they
thought and felt at the first sight of a bishop and two clergymen in
their canonicals, and the Church-ship, and yet more at the first
hearing of the Word of God read and preached to them, and the prayers
of the Church.

_Saturday, July 23d. At Englée._--Directly after breakfast my friends
went across Canada Bay (three miles) in the boat, to make known our
presence to a family on the other side, a man and wife with eleven
children. They returned soon enough for the Morning Service, which was
attended by most of the inhabitants. A young woman, married and a
mother, was, on her own petition and profession, received into the
Church, and her behaviour was very becoming and edifying. In the
afternoon, when her sister, nineteen years of age, was hypothetically
baptized, she was affected even to tears. They both could read, and
though they had never before seen a clergyman of their Church, or been
present at public worship, they appeared to have an intelligent and
devout sense of the sacred nature and importance of the Service.
Several others, chiefly children, were admitted; nearly all of whom
had been baptized by the French priests, who accompany year by year
the fishing vessels from France. They (the priests) had performed this
service, without any intention, as it seemed, of bringing either
children or parents into the Roman Catholic Church. In one of the
families was an idiot son, whom the parents were very anxious to have
baptized. He is grown up, and though harmless in other respects, uses
very dreadful language. I went on shore and visited one of the houses
of a family, the father and mother of which go to St. John's every
fall, and while there the woman is a regular attendant at the daily
Prayers in the Cathedral. It was gratifying to find the house very
clean and well ordered in the absence of both father and mother, who,
unfortunately, are gone to some distant fishing station for the
summer. The young women who showed so much apparent good feeling at
baptism, are their children. Here the people keep cows and sheep, and
live in much comfort, and we obtained a small supply of milk and fresh
meat: I had not tasted any meat, and only once fowl, for a fortnight.
We have had no fresh meat on board, and the fish and salmon, of which
we have abundance for nothing, is in my judgment better and more
wholesome (not to speak of economy) than the salted and preserved
meats. For the same period, or rather longer, we have had milk, and
that goat's, only once; and nobody complains, of the privation.

_Fifth Sunday after Trinity, July 24th. At Englée._--The fifteenth
anniversary of my first Sunday in Newfoundland. Shame that this should
be my first, in these fifteen years, which I have given to Englée. And
what a contrast! Then I went from Government House in the Governor's
carriage, with His Excellency and Lady Harvey, to preach my first
sermon, and administer for the first time the Holy Communion (it was
the first Sunday in July) in my Cathedral Church. The occasion, with a
fine day, brought a crowded congregation. Here, on this fifteenth
anniversary, I am at Englée in Canada Bay, on the French Shore, a
place inhabited by four families of fishermen, several of whom never
saw a clergyman or Church, very few of whom can read, not one able to
follow the order of Prayer intelligently, not one confirmed, not one
prepared to receive the Holy Communion, nearly half only yesterday
received into the Church. To make the contrast greater and more
dreary, the day is miserably wet and cold, so that several of the few
who otherwise could have attended, were unable to come on board the
Church-ship, on which the service was held, there being no convenient
place on shore. I celebrated the Holy Communion (as on every Sunday),
but no person partook of it except my own companions in the ship. The
only novel, or additional service, to mark more strongly the contrast
of time and place, was the conditional baptism of the poor idiot boy
on shore, between the Morning and Evening Prayers. He behaved very
well, knelt down and was quiet, and seemed to be quite aware that
something of solemn importance was being done. At the Evening Service
(the rain having abated) nearly all the inhabitants came on board. I
preached as usual, morning and evening. After the Evening Service,
children's books and tracts were distributed, and some Prayer-books
sold. Many inquiries were made about persons and subjects connected
with the Church in St John's. Such is the fifteenth anniversary of my
first Sunday, and first service in my Diocese; and if the day of small
things has come at the end rather than the beginning, who can tell
which shall be blessed, whether this or that, or whether both shall
be alike good?

_Monday, St. James's Day. Englée._--I was not sorry to find this
morning that the wind was still ahead, so that we could observe the
holy day in harbour, and give my new disciples and children an
opportunity of again attending the service. This they did very gladly,
with my captain and crew, and I addressed them on the Gospel for the
day. It was strange to see grown-up people directed how and where to
find the places in their Prayer-books. In the afternoon the wind
seemed to veer in our favour, and about four o'clock we made an
attempt to leave; but the wind was unsteady and soon died away. After
Evening prayers, we rowed up to visit two Englishmen, who have lived
and fished together for fourteen years, without any family, or female,
in their house; the one a widower, the other a bachelor. One of them
comes from Southampton, the other from Ringwood. They are supposed to
have saved money, and might live in comfort elsewhere, but they prefer
this dreary, desolate existence, I presume, for the sake of their
worldly gains. I had but little time for conversing with them, but I
left them some tracts, &c. One of them has the reputation of a "fine

_Tuesday, July 26th. Englée._--Another day of calm and trouble,
head-wind and heart-ache, for the delay is very grievous. In the
morning I visited all the people on shore, and in the afternoon they
all came on board to our service.

_Wednesday, July 27th. Englée, at sea._--A light breeze sprung up in
our favour at seven o'clock, and at eight o'clock we were under way,
and cleared the Heads before ten o'clock. God be praised!

       *       *       *       *       *


_Seventh Sunday after Trinity, August 7th. At sea, and in Lark
Harbour, Bay of Islands._--The wind continued to blow, and the sea to
rage and swell all night; and the rolling and dashing of the waves
against the side of the vessel were so incessant and violent that I
could hardly remain in my berth. At two o'clock the vessel was put
about, when I heard such a banging and thumping of the rudder, that I
ran on deck to ascertain the cause. I found the wheel deserted, there
being only two men on deck, and both engaged in hauling round the
yards. I took the wheel, in night-shirt and night-cap only, without
shoe or slipper, till the yards were round; fortunately not a long
operation. I turned in again till six o'clock, when I found we had
just weathered the southern entrance of the Bay of Islands; and, as
there was no change in the direction or force of the wind, I was very
thankful to have the prospect of a harbour, and of ministering to the
poor sheep in this bay, who have not seen a shepherd for four years.
We beat into Lark Harbour, against a violent head-wind, and did not
get to anchor till ten o'clock. The people on shore seemed to be
employed in turning their fish, and other daily labour; but on
sending to them, they expressed their readiness and desire to profit
by the services. We could not begin our morning service till twelve
o'clock, when the people had all come on board. Three children were
conditionally baptized. Evening service at half-past four o'clock,
after which three couples were married; one of these (couples) had
brought two children to be baptized at my first visit, _ten years
ago_; but it was nearly ten o'clock P.M., and just as my vessel was
leaving the bay. The father, I remember, had gone a great many miles
to fetch his children, and showed great desire to have them duly
baptized, and was _now_ equally anxious about his own marriage. I had
a good deal of conversation with some of the men, who seemed to
entertain a lively and grateful recollection of my former visit and

_Monday, August 8th. Bay of Islands._--The wind being very light I
determined to visit some of the settlements in this extensive bay in
my boat. Accordingly, Messrs. Johnson and Tucker, with one of the
sailors and a boy, rowed me to McIvor's Cove, where reside four
families, whom I have visited on each former occasion. They
accomplished the distance, about ten miles, in three hours. We arrived
at a quarter past one o'clock, after calling on the people, who all
recognised me, and with apparent pleasure; and desiring them to
prepare themselves and their children, and the best room, for a
service, we took our refreshment, which we had brought with us, in a
pretty green nook where a little river runs into the sea, using the
fallen trunk of a large tree for our table. It would have served for a
very large, or rather a very long party. We had our service in the
house of old Parks, who is mentioned in my Journal of 1849, as having
been visited by Archdeacon Wix. The children of three families were
brought to be received into the Church. It was very sad to witness the
ignorance, and almost imbecility, into which two of the three mothers,
who had been born and brought up in this wilderness, were fallen. The
third, who came from a distant settlement, and could read, was
different, and superior in every respect. One of the women, married
only five years, could not remember what her name was before marriage.
It would seem, too, as if the physical constitution degenerated with
the mental. Her child, which she brought to be baptized, had on one
hand two fingers, on the other only one, and on each foot only three
toes. I addressed them after the service; but I believe if my
discourse had been in Latin, it would have been as much, perhaps more,
attended to. The old woman began to talk to Mr. Johnson's little boy,
interrupting her own discourse and mine by occasionally telling the
dogs to "jump out," a command which from her, but her only, was always
obeyed; obeyed, but soon forgotten; for presently the same dog "jumped
in" again. The old man called for a match to light his pipe with, and
it was only by preventing his wish being complied with, that I could
engage his attention. After this painful service, and more painful
separation (for nothing could be more painful than to leave Christian
people in such ignorance and unconcern about their souls), we rowed
over to Frenchman's Cove (about two miles and a half), a lovely spot,
inhabited by two families of a better sort in knowledge and behaviour.
The men, unfortunately, were gone out, but they "would not have gone,
by no means, if they had known that his reverence was in the bay." The
women were very anxious to have their children duty baptized, and
listened with much earnestness to some words of advice and
instruction, and were very thankful for the books. Since my last visit
here a Nova-Scotian has built a store in this cove, and will be, I
greatly fear, a cause of misery to at least one of the families. I
admonished and exhorted him, and he thanked me for my advice like one
who had quite made up his mind not to regard it. I visited one of the
houses again, late in the evening, and heard one of the children, a
girl of ten or eleven years, say her prayers and Belief. I thought I
knew most of the varieties of

    "Matthew, Mark, Luke and John,
    God bless the bed that I lie on," &c.;

but this Bay of Islands' edition contained additions which I had never
heard, and could not comprehend. And the poor mother, who stood by
(the girl kneeling), sadly perplexed and distressed me by asking
whether this and that was right. I had no difficulty in telling her
that it was not right, when her child, in repeating the Creed, went
straight, as I observed several others did, "I believe in God the
Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth," to--"from thence He
shall come to judge the quick and the dead."

_Tuesday, August 9th. Bay of Islands, and at sea._--It was grievous,
very grievous, to depart without visiting the other families about in
this bay--fully one hundred and twenty professed members of the
Church; but I dared not make any longer delay; and Frenchman's Cove,
where the Church-ship had joined us and was now anchored, is a
difficult place to get out of with a head-wind. It took us nearly
three hours to make our escape, not so much, however, through
head-wind as no wind. We had then to beat across the bay, and did not
reach the open sea till nearly six o'clock P.M. There we found the
old, unrelenting S.W. directly ahead, and soon got into a heavy sea; a
poor prospect for the night.


_Of the Places visited, with the time of Arriving at and Sailing from
the same, and of the Distances between them, by the_ BISHOP OF
NEWFOUNDLAND, _in his Visitation of the_ NORTHERN _and_ SOUTHERN
SHORES _of_ NEWFOUNDLAND, _in the Summer of 1859_.

    Sailed from.    |      Date.        |    Arrived at.
                    |                   |
St. John's          | June 29, 2 P.M.   | Twillingate
                    |                   |
Twillingate         | July 6, 9 A.M.    | Little Harbour Deep
                    |                   |
Little Harbour Deep |  --  9, 3½ A.M.   | Little Coney Arm.
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
Little Coney Arm    |  --  11, 4½ A.M.  | Havling Point
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
Havling Point       |  --  12, 5 A.M.   | Jackson's Arm
Jackson's Arm       |  --  12, 1 P.M.   | Sop Island
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
Sop Island          |  --  13, 3 P.M.   | Gold Cove
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
Gold Cove           |  --  15, 6½ A.M.  | Purbeck Cove
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
Purbeck Cove        |  --  16, 4½ A.M.  | Seal Cove
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
Seal Cove           |  --  19, 9½ A.M.  | Hooping Harbour
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
Hooping Harbour     |  --  22, 5 A.M.   | Englée Harbour
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
Englée Harbour      |  --  27, 10 A.M.  |  Forteau
                    |                   |
Forteau             | Aug. 2, 5 A.M.    | Lark Harbour
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
Lark Harbour        |  --  8, 10 A.M.   |  McIvor's Cove
                    |                   |
McIvor's Cove       |  --  8, 4 P.M.    | Frenchman's Cove

|       Date.        | Distance  | Services performed.          |
|                    | in Miles. |                              |
| July 1, 9 P.M.     |    180    | Sunday Services,             |
|                    |           | Holy Communion.              |
|  --  7, 9½ P.M.    |     75    | Two Services,                |
|                    |           | Baptisms.                    |
|  --  9, 12 Night.  |     19    | Sunday Services,             |
|                    |           | Holy Communion,              |
|                    |           | Baptisms.                    |
|  --  11, 10 A.M.   |     11    | Afternoon Service,           |
|                    |           | Baptisms,                    |
|                    |           | Marriages.                   |
|  --  12, 11 A.M.   |      8    |                              |
|  --  12, 4 P.M.    |      5    | Two Services,                |
|                    |           | Baptisms,                    |
|                    |           | Marriages.                   |
|  --  13, 7½ P.M.   |     16    | Two Services,                |
|                    |           | Holy Communion,              |
|                    |           | Baptisms,                    |
|                    |           | Marriages.                   |
|  --  15, 10 A.M.   |     13    | Afternoon Service,           |
|                    |           | Baptisms,                    |
|                    |           | One Marriage.                |
|  --  16, 8 P.M.    |     15½   | Sunday Service,              |
|                    |           | Holy Communion,              |
|                    |           | Baptisms,                    |
|                    |           | One Marriage,                |
|                    |           | Afternoon Service, July 18.  |
|  --  21, 3 P.M.    |     42    | Afternoon Service,           |
|                    |           | Baptisms,                    |
|                    |           | Churching.                   |
|  --  22, 12½ P.M.  |      8    | Sunday Services,             |
|                    |           | Holy Communion,              |
|                    |           | Baptisms,                    |
|                    |           | Daily Service.               |
|  --  29, 10 A.M.   |    122    | Sunday Services,             |
|                    |           | Holy Communion.              |
| Aug. 7, 10 A.M.    |    161    | Sunday Services,             |
|                    |           | Holy Communion,              |
|                    |           | Baptisms.                    |
|  --  8, 1 P.M.     |     10    | Afternoon Service,           |
|                    |           | Baptisms.                    |
|  --  8, 5 P.M.     |      3    | Baptisms.                    |

    Sailed from.    |      Date.        |    Arrived at.
                    |                   |
Frenchman's Cove    | Aug. 9, 10 A.M.   | Sandy Point
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
Sandy Point         |  --  5, 11½ P.M.  | Barrysway
                    |                   |
Barrysway           |  --  16, 7 P.M.   | Codroy
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
Codroy              |  --  19, 10 P.M.  | Channel
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
Channel             |  --  23, 9 A.M.   | Burnt Islands
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
Burnt Islands       |  --  23, 6 P.M.   | Channel
                    |                   |
Channel             |  --  26, 1 P.M.   | Rose Blanche
Rose Blanche        |  --  27, 12 NOON. | La Poele
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
La Poele            |  --  30, 6 A.M.   | Burgeo
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
Burgeo              | Sept. 3, 8 A.M.   | New Harbour
New Harbour         |  --   4, 9 A.M.   | Rencontre
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
Rencontre           |  --   4, 1 P.M.   | New Harbour
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
New Harbour         |  --   5, 8 A.M.   | Push-through
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
Push-through        |  --   6, 6 P.M.   | Hermitage Cove
                    |                   |
                    |                   |

|       Date.        | Distance  | Services performed.          |
|                    | in Miles. |                              |
| Aug. 13, 7 A.M.    |    103    | Sunday Services,             |
|                    |           | Holy Communion,              |
|                    |           | Confirmation,                |
|                    |           | Consecration of Graveyard,   |
|                    |           | Afternoon Service.           |
|  --  16, 2 P.M.    |     18    | Afternoon Service,           |
|                    |           | Confirmation.                |
|  --  18, 5½ P.M.   |     40    | Two Services,                |
|                    |           | Confirmation,                |
|                    |           | Consecration of Graveyard.   |
|  --  20, 5 P.M.    |     24    | Sunday Services,             |
|                    |           | Holy Communion,              |
|                    |           | Confirmation,                |
|                    |           | Consecration of Graveyard.   |
|  --  23, 1 P.M.    |     10    | Afternoon Service,           |
|                    |           | Confirmation,                |
|                    |           | Consecration of Graveyard.   |
|  --  23, 8 P.M.    |     10    | Saint's day                  |
|                    |           | Services.                    |
|  --  26, 8 P.M.    |     15    | Morning Service.             |
|  --  27, 5 P.M.    |     15    | Sunday Services,             |
|                    |           | Holy Communion &             |
|                    |           |  Confirmation,               |
|                    |           | Morning Service,             |
|                    |           | Holy Communion and           |
|                    |           |  Confirmation, Aug. 29.      |
|  --  30, 10½ A.M.  |     33    | Three Services,              |
|                    |           | Holy Communion,              |
|                    |           | Two Confirmations,           |
|                    |           | Consecration of Church.      |
| Sept. 3, 6 P.M.    |     47    |                              |
|  --   4, 10 A.M.   |      3    | Morning Service,             |
|                    |           | Holy Communion,              |
|                    |           | Confirmation.                |
|  --   4, 2 P.M.    |      3    | Afternoon Service,           |
|                    |           | Confirmation,                |
|                    |           | Consecration of Graveyard.   |
|  --   5, 7 P.M.    |     20    | Two Services,                |
|                    |           | Holy Communion,              |
|                    |           | Confirmation.                |
|  --   6, 9½ P.M.   |     13    | Three Services,              |
|                    |           | Holy Communion,              |
|                    |           | Two Confirmations.           |

    Sailed from.    |      Date.        |    Arrived at.
                    |                   |
Hermitage Cove      | Sept. 8, 2 P.M.   | Pickaree
                    |                   |
Pickaree            |  --   8, 5 P.M.   | Gaultois
Gaultois            |  --   8, 10 P.M.  | Hermitage Cove
Hermitage Cove      |  --   9, 10½ A.M. | Cannaigre Harbour
                    |                   |
Cannaigre Harbour   |  --   9, 3 P.M.   | Harbour Breton
Harbour Breton      |  --   10, 10 A.M. | Little Bay
Little Bay          |  --   10, 2 P.M.  | Harbour Breton
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
Harbour Breton      |  --   13, 7 A.M.  | English Harbour
                    |                   |
English Harbour     |  --   13, 4½ P.M. | Belleoram
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
Belleoram           |  --   16, 5 A.M.  | Harbour Breton
Harbour Breton      |  --   17, 8 A.M.  | Brunet
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
Brunet              |  --   18, 3 P.M.  | Harbour Breton
Harbour Breton      |  --   19, 5 A.M.  | Lamaline
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
Lamaline            |  --   21, 2½ P.M. | St. Lawrence
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
St. Lawrence        |  --   23, 5 A.M.  | Burin
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
Burin               |  --   26, 10 A.M. | Rock Harbour
                    |                   |
Rock Harbour        |  --   26, 4½ P.M. | Mortier Bay
Mortier Bay         |  --   28, 10 A.M. | Oderin
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
Oderin              |  --  30, 8 A.M.   | Harbour Breton

|       Date.        | Distance  | Services performed.          |
|                    | in Miles. |                              |
| Sept. 8, 3½ P.M.   |      3    | Afternoon Service,           |
|                    |           | Consecration of Graveyard.   |
|   --  8, 5½ P.M.   |      3    | Consecration of Graveyard.   |
|   --  8, 10½ P.M.  |      3    |                              |
|   --  9, 12 Noon.  |      8    | Morning Service,             |
|                    |           | Consecration of Graveyard.   |
|   --  9, 4 P.M.    |      3    |                              |
|   --  10, 11½ A.M. |      5    | Consecration of Graveyard.   |
|   --  10, 3½ P.M.  |      5    | Sunday Services,             |
|                    |           | Holy Communion,              |
|                    |           | Confirmation,                |
|                    |           | Consecration of Graveyard.   |
|   --  13, 11 A.M.  |     15    | Morning Service,             |
|                    |           | Confirmation.                |
|   --  13, 7 P.M.   |      7    | Three Services,              |
|                    |           | Holy Communion,              |
|                    |           | Confirmation.                |
|   --  16, 3½ P.M.  |     22    | Evening Service.             |
|   --  17, 2½ P.M.  |      9    | Prayers,                     |
|                    |           | Sunday Services,             |
|                    |           | Holy Communion,              |
|                    |           | Confirmation,                |
|                    |           | Consecration of Graveyard.   |
|   --  18, 6 P.M.   |      9    |                              |
|   --  20, 1 P.M.   |     45    | Two Services,                |
|                    |           | Holy Communion,              |
|                    |           | Confirmation.                |
|   --  21, 6 P.M.   |     21    | Two Services,                |
|                    |           | Confirmation,                |
|                    |           | Consecration of Graveyard.   |
|   --  23, 1 P.M.   |     16    | Sunday Services,             |
|                    |           | Holy Communion,              |
|                    |           | Confirmation.                |
|   --  26, 1 P.M.   |     15    | Afternoon Service,           |
|                    |           | Confirmation.                |
|   --  26, 6 P.M.   |      6    |                              |
|   --  28, 3½ P.M.  |     17    | Afternoon Service, Sept. 28, |
|                    |           | Saint's day Services,        |
|                    |           |  Sept. 29,                   |
|                    |           | Holy Communion,              |
|                    |           | Confirmation.                |
|   --  30, 4 P.M.   |     34    |                              |

    Sailed from.    |      Date.        |    Arrived at.
                    |                   |
Harbour Breton      | Oct. 1, 10 A.M.   | Spencer's Cove
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
Spencer's Cove      |  --  1, 6 P.M.    | Harbor Buffet
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
Harbour Buffet      |  --  5, A.M.      | Arnold's Cove
                    |                   |
Arnold's Cove       |  --  5, 1½ P.M.   | Woody Island
                    |                   |
Woody Island        |  --  6, 1 P.M.    | Burgeo
Burgeo              |  --  9, 6¼ P.M.   | Isle of Valen
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
Isle of Valen       |  --  9, 5 P.M.    | Burgeo
Burgeo              |  --  11, 5 A.M.   | St. John's

Places visited 48, of which 34 were visited in the
Church-ship, and 14 in boat: Holy Communion, 23 times:
Consecrated 1 Church and 13 Cemeteries: Confirmations, 28.


|       Date.        | Distance  | Services performed.          |
|                    | in Miles. |                              |
| Oct. 1, 2½ P.M.    |      9    | Afternoon Service,           |
|                    |           | Confirmation,                |
|                    |           | Consecration of Graveyard.   |
|  --  1, 11½ P.M.   |      9    | Sunday Services,             |
|                    |           | Holy Communion,              |
|                    |           | Confirmation,                |
|                    |           | Afternoon Services,          |
|                    |           |  Oct. 3 and 4.               |
|  --  5, 9½ A.M.    |     16    | Morning Service,             |
|                    |           | Confirmation.                |
|  --  6, 12½ A.M.   |      9    | Morning Service,             |
|                    |           | Confirmation.                |
|  --  6, 5½ P.M.    |     12    |                              |
|  --  9, 10 A.M.    |      9    | Sunday Services,             |
|                    |           | Holy Communion,              |
|                    |           | Confirmation.                |
|  --  9, 8 P.M.     |      9    |                              |
|  --  13, 9 A.M.    |    153    |                              |

       *       *       *       *       *

    | Typographical errors corrected in text:                      |
    |                                                              |
    | Page 23: Purbeck's Cove replaced with Purbeck Cove           |
    |                                                              |


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