Willem Jansen Blaeu

By Edward Luther Stevenson

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Title: Willem Jansen Blaeu

Author: Edward Luther Stevenson

Release date: February 1, 2025 [eBook #75272]

Language: English

Original publication: New York: The Hispanic Society of America, 1914

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                            PUBLICATIONS OF

                                No. 85

            [Illustration: Willem Janszoon Blaeu. 1571-1638

                         (J. Falck _sculp._)]

                         WILLEM JANSZOON BLAEU


                     A SKETCH OF HIS LIFE AND WORK


                        LARGE WORLD MAP OF 1605






                    EDWARD LUTHER STEVENSON, PH.D.

            [Illustration: THE HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA]

                               NEW YORK

                          Copyright, 1914, by
                         THE HISPANIC SOCIETY
                              OF AMERICA



  WILLEM JANSZOON BLAEU                                    11

  WORLD MAP OF 1605                                        51

  BIBLIOGRAPHY                                             61

  PUBLICATIONS                                             65


  Willem Janszoon Blaeu. 1571-1638 (J. Falck, _sculp._)   _Frontispiece_

                                                             Facing Page

  Island of Hveen, showing the location of Uranienburg. From Le
  Grand Atlas                                                         12

  Press invented by Blaeu. From Johnson, J. Typographia               16

  Interior of Tycho Brahe’s Observatory at Uranienburg. From
  Le Grand Atlas                                                      30

  Terrestrial globe and celestial globe, 1616. Willem Janszoon Blaeu  44

  World Map from Toonneel des Aerdrycx, by Willem Janszoon
  Blaeu                                                               52

  Printer’s mark of the Blaeu Press [tail-piece, page 59].

                         WILLEM JANSZOON BLAEU



Willem Janszoon Blaeu, one of Holland’s most distinguished map and
globe makers of the early seventeenth century, was born at the village
of Alkmaar in the year 1571; such is the record which finds general

Of his childhood nothing is known. It was some time in his early
boyhood days that he went to Amsterdam, where he found employment, it
appears at first, in the house of a Holland merchant, and later as a
joiner’s apprentice. We can be certain neither of the time when he
decided to leave Amsterdam, nor of the circumstances which induced him
to visit the island of Hveen, then belonging to Denmark,[2] an event
of much significance in his life. We, however, cannot be far wrong in
asserting the promptings for this visit to have been his early liking
for mathematical, geographical and astronomical studies. On this island
he was brought into intimate relations with Tycho Brahe, the famous
Danish astronomer, who, in 1576, established here his observatory at
the Castle of Uranienburg.[3] For near a quarter of a century, this
was one of the most famous centers in all Europe for the study of
astronomical science and of its practical applications. Blaeu, let it
be noted, was not the first of the young Netherlanders who found his
way to Uranienburg that he might receive astronomical instructions
from the great master. As early as 1591, Jacob Florent van Langren of
Amsterdam sent his son Arnold to the Danish astronomer with a request
that he might be allowed to copy the catalogue of the stars which had
been located at his observatory, wishing to make use of the same in
the new celestial globes which he proposed to construct. This special
request, we are informed, was not granted, for Brahe’s records were not
yet complete, but young van Langren was given permission to see the
large celestial globe which was in the observatory, and on which at the
time of the visit 800 stars had been represented.[4] It is stated
that Tycho often had as many as ten or twelve boys at his observatory
as his assistants.

[Illustration: Island of Hveen, showing the location of Uranienburg.
From Le Grand Atlas]

We have but little direct information concerning Blaeu’s sojourn at
Uranienburg. It appears certain that he passed at least two years
with Brahe, engaged the while in study and in the construction of
mathematical and astronomical instruments. May 21, 1596, the day
of the young Hollander’s departure for his native land, Brahe made
the following entry in his day-book, which book may be found in the
Imperial Library of Vienna, “Abiit domum in Hollandiam, Vilhelmus
Batavius cum per integram hyemen his fuisset,” and by Gassendi we are
told that Guilielmus Janssonius had been with Tycho for two years,
although he does not make it certain that it was for two consecutive
years. That the relations between the two distinguished scientists
continued to be of the most friendly character long after the date
given above is very certain, as not a few of those who in later years
in praising Blaeu’s scientific attainments refer to him as “the
pupil and longtime friend of Brahe,” yet neither of them appears
in his writings to have made more than a passing allusion to their

It cannot be doubted that Blaeu owed to his abode on the island of
Hveen the real foundation of his scientific knowledge, both in the
field of geography and of astronomy, as well as his knowledge of the
construction and the skilful use of mathematical instruments. We have
reason for believing that a number of the instruments which served the
great astronomer in his investigations, were the work of Blaeu, and
it is an interesting fact, as we know, that Brahe’s observations, here
made, formed the basis for Kepler’s calculations, leading him to the
discovery of the laws which immortalized his name.

It was perhaps late in the year 1596, or early in 1597, that Blaeu
returned to Amsterdam where he soon established himself as a maker of
mathematical instruments, of maps and of globes, and as an engraver and

Before the close of the seventeenth century, the Netherlands had moved
into the first rank of European states in which the art of engraving
and of printing flourished. Nothing perhaps contributed more to this
end, especially in the north, than the freedom which there prevailed
untrammeled by the restraints of the Index.

As for the particular art of map engraving and map printing, the work
of Mercator, of Ortelius, of Waghenaer, had centered the attention of
those interested in this field upon the Low Countries. As early as
1541, not to mention his work of the preceding decade, Mercator issued
his terrestrial globe gores, which mark a decided advance in the art
of map engraving, and this was followed by his large map of England,
of Europe, and of the World, the latter setting forth the new method
of projection since known as Mercator’s projection. Ortelius’s great
work of 1570, with its numerous succeeding issues, Waghenaer’s Mirror
of Navigation of 1585, and Mercator’s book of maps of 1585, for which
collection as a title the name Atlas was first used, were superior
productions, models for those who followed closely within the same

Blaeu acknowledged these men to be his masters, though, as was also
frequently the case with other map makers and map engravers of his day,
he occasionally forgot to assign proper credit to those from whom he
borrowed in the cartographical work that issued from his press.

We are told that Tycho had given to Blaeu a copy of his astronomical
observations before their publication, that this copy was carried
to Amsterdam, and that on the record contained therein the latter
began the practice of globe making. The implication contained in this
reference is that his first work as a globe maker was the preparation
of material for a celestial globe, but no such globe of his is known
bearing date earlier than 1602. His first dated work appears to have
been a terrestrial globe of the year 1599. It was as a maker and
vender of mathematical instruments, as a collector and close student
of maps geographical and astronomical, he probably found his chief
employment during the first years after his return to the Netherlands.
There is good reason for thinking that from the first he prospered in
his undertakings, and that he was soon in a position to establish an
independent business. It may be inferred from incidental references
that it was not long after 1600 he was in his own fully equipped house
engaged in the business of engraving and printing.

Blaeu seems not to have become a member of any of the guilds in his
adopted city, and we, therefore, cannot turn to their records for any
information concerning his activities. His name first publicly appears
in the records of the States General for the year 1605, in a resolution
proposing that a sum of money should be granted to him for printing
and publishing a NIEUW GRAETBOUCK, a name given at that time in the
Netherlands to a book containing declination tables. This resolution
reads as follows: “19 Maart 1605. Is Willem Jansz Blaeu tot Amsterdam
geaccordeert octroy, omme voor den tyt van 6 jaren naestcomende
alleene in de vereenichde provincien in druck vuyt to geven een
bouxken, geintituleert: Nieuw graetbouck, nae den ouden styl vuyt de
aldercorrecste observatien van den vermaerden astronomo Tycho Brahe,
gecalculeert ende gestelt op ten meridiaen deser Nederlanden, enz.”[6]
A copy of this work does not appear to be extant, but we may be able,
as Baudet suggests, to obtain something of an idea of its character
from later publications of Blaeu, as for instance from his “Licht der

On his “Paescarte,” one of his early publications, and usually
referred to the year 1606, we read that it was “Ghedruckt t’ Amsterdam
bij Willem Janssoon op’t Waeter inde Sonnewijser,” a location often
referred to in certain later publications as “op’ t water In de
vergulde Sonnewyser,” reference being to the gilded sun-dial which as
a business sign adorned the gable of his establishment.[7] It appears
that in this originally selected locality his work was carried on until
the year 1637, when his entire plant was moved into more commodious
quarters in the Blumengracht, one year only before his death. On the
death of Willem Blaeu, in 1638, the business passed into the hands
of his sons John and Cornelius Blaeu. In 1672 practically the entire
establishment was destroyed by fire.

[Illustration: Typographia....501


From Johnson, J. Typographia]

For his ability and attainments as a practical printer Willem Blaeu is
especially entitled to great honor. He labored on for many years in
Amsterdam, making use of such presses as were commonly to be found in
the printing houses of his own and of other lands. Finding, however,
numerous inconveniences attending the structure of these oldtime
presses, he was induced, about 1620, to contrive remedies.[8] In this,
we are told, he succeeded beyond his expectations, so much indeed that
he had nine of the new presses constructed, each of which he called by
the name of one of the Muses. The excellence of Blaeu’s improvements
soon becoming known to other printing houses, their proprietors were
induced to follow his example, and presses of his design became, in the
course of a few years, almost general throughout the Low Countries,
and were introduced into England, though at first there was here much
opposition to his new ideas. While the description below is that of the
Blaeu establishment as it was under the management of the son John, yet
as it presents to us the printing house founded by the father, Willem
Blaeu, and describes a printing house of the middle of the seventeenth
century, it is here cited in free translation.

“On the Blumengracht,” says Filips von Zesen, in his description of the
city of Amsterdam,[9] “near the third bridge, and the third alley, may
be found the greatly renowned printing house of John Blaeu, Counsellor
and Magistrate, of this city. It is furnished with nine type presses,
named after the nine Muses, six presses for copperplate printing,
and a type foundry. The entire establishment on the canal, with the
adjoining house, in which the proprietor lives, is 75 feet in breadth,
and stretches along the east side of a cross street 135 feet, or with
the attached house 150 feet. Fronting on the canal is a room with
cases in which the copper plates are kept, from which the Atlases, the
Book of the Cities of the Netherlands and of foreign countries, also
the Mariners’ Atlases and other choice books are printed, and which
must have cost a ton of gold. Next to this first room is a press room
used for plate printing, and opening upon the cross street referred to
above is a place where the type, from which impressions have been made,
are washed; then follows in order the room for book printing, which
resembles a long hall with numerous windows on either side. In the
extreme rear is a room in which the type and certain other materials
used in printing are stored. Opposite this store room is a stairway
leading to a small room above which is set apart for the use of the
proof-readers, where first and second impressions are carefully looked
over, and the errors corrected which have been made by the typesetters.
In front of this last designated room is a long table or bench on
which the final prints are placed as soon as they are brought from the
press, and where they are left for a considerable time. In the story
above is a table for the same purpose just indicated, at the extreme
end of which, and over the room occupied by the proof-readers, is the
type foundry wherein the letters used in the printing of the various
languages are moulded.

The foundation of this splendid building was laid in the year 1636, by
John Blaeu’s oldest son Willem Blaeu,[10] and on the 13th of the fall
month of the following year the printing establishment was here set
in order. The original founder of the printing house, who died in the
following year, was John Blaeu’s art loving father Willem, who, for
a considerable time, had been a pupil of the great astronomer Tycho
Brahe, whom he zealously followed, constructing many instruments for
the advancement of astronomical studies, for the promotion of the art
of navigation, and of other sciences of like character, an interest in
all of which he revived and furthered while at the same time he made
new discoveries, as has become widely known from the publications which
have issued from this printing house.

But why should we here give to them such unbounded praise? Since father
and son without eulogy from us are so well known to the entire learned
world, to which they have presented such treasures of inestimable
value through their incomparable pains and at great cost, and are so
far advanced on the road to immortality, it is more becoming in us to
remain silent than to speak further concerning them.”

Before turning for a reference more in detail to the publications
which were issued by the Blaeu press, to a consideration of Willem
Blaeu’s most important work as engraver, as globe maker, as printer and
publisher of maps and navigators’ charts, a further brief word may be
said touching certain general interests and activities of his, touching
certain personal relations and individual characteristics, which
support the conclusion that he was a man justly held in the highest
esteem by men of science of his day, and that he was interested in
whatever pertained to his great field of study.

Reference has been made to Blaeu’s ability as a maker of mathematical
and astronomical instruments, which work claimed more or less of
his attention to the end of his days. The fact, however, is a very
remarkable one that from the many years of activity as an instrument
maker with Tycho Brahe, and independently at Amsterdam, but one example
of his should have come down to us. Vossius says that “no other scholar
ever deserved so much praise as Blaeu on account of an extraordinary
and beautiful quadrant, which can be seen at Leyden in the tower,
where astronomical observations are being made.”[11] His reference is
to a quadrant now kept in the Leyden Observatory. It is described by
Kayser in his Annals of the Observatory as a wooden quadrant, with a
brass rim, having a radius of seven feet.[12] In the year 1632 it was
purchased from the estate of Willebrod Snellius, and may be said to
have induced the founding of this observatory in the year 1633.

With the conscientious map makers the problem was ever present, how
shall accuracy in space relations, accuracy in location of places on
the map be attained. Ptolemy had been a guide in the earlier years
of great geographical discoveries and explorations, but geographical
knowledge soon extended to regions beyond those known to Ptolemy,
and the inaccuracies of his records, even for those regions more or
less familiar to the ancients, became very apparent. In the maps of
the seventeenth century we have interestingly exhibited the tortuous
advance of geographical knowledge. They do not show a steady and
continuous progress toward accuracy. Information which may have been
accepted as truth respecting certain regions or geographical areas,
and have been recorded as such by one or by many of the map makers,
would often be held as doubtful by those of succeeding years, to be
accepted and rejected again in turn. Blaeu’s intimate acquaintance
with mathematics and astronomy as related to geography, particularly as
related to cartography, admirably fitted him for a certain leadership
in this field. We have from Vossius the information that Blaeu
undertook the measurement of a degree on the surface of the earth to
the end that he might aid the map maker in improving his work and serve
especially the cause of navigation. In his attempts to find a new and
better method for terrestrial measurements, it seems probable that
he anticipated the work of the great mathematician Snellius, whose
results were first published in the year 1617, and to whom credit is
generally given for having employed a new method of procedure based
upon triangulation.[13] Blaeu’s measurements, made along the coast
of the Netherlands from the mouth of the Meuse to the Texel, were
never published, probably for the reason, as suggested by Vossius,
that he may have distrusted their accuracy. The mathematician Picard,
in his Voyage d’Uranibourg,[14] writes in the month of July, 1671, a
brief word concerning Blaeu’s contributions toward the solution of
problems having to do with terrestrial measurements, giving us in this
word practically the only information we have concerning the matter.
According to Picard, Blaeu’s measurements gave results with an error of
but 66 meters, whereas for the same measurements, Snellius’s results
gave an error of no less than 3880 meters. Had Blaeu more persistently
carried on his studies in this particular branch of mathematical
geography, his name doubtless would have been with the very first
in a list of those who have made contribution to the science of
terrestrial measurement and to a reform of the maps. His aim was set
in the right direction, and we are safe in saying that none, in his
day, made greater contribution toward the attainment of accuracy in map
drawing than did he. To be able to understand the nature of the errors
so common in chart making and to be able to correct the same were two
very different matters, and although Blaeu was able to point out many
errors, such, for example, as pertained to latitude and longitude, his
maps do not indicate that he was able to overcome all difficulties.
His was not the day for scientifically accurate results. Years had yet
to pass before that end could be attained. To some of his errors, and
to certain improvements of his, attention will be directed later. He
appears to have been especially desirous, at all times, of acquiring
detailed geographical and astronomical information from navigators who
visited distant regions, making request of them that their observations
should be reported to him. In a letter to W. Schickard, dated June
24, 1634, Blaeu wrote, “When the directors of the East India Company
placed me at the head of their department of hydrography a year ago, I
requested them to charge all pilots and masters who sailed for India
to observe all eclipses, in whatever part they might be seen, and this
has been done.”[15] His desire to be of assistance to others in giving
out such information as might come into his possession is made evident
by the further word in his letter to Schickard assuring him that “if
observations of eclipses from India or other places on the way are sent
to me, I shall be pleased to inform you of them.”

The determination of longitude, particularly at sea, remained for
more than a century and a half after Blaeu’s day a most perplexing
problem, a problem, however, of the greatest significance in the art
of navigation, miscalculations being often the cause of most serious
disasters. The rulers of the maritime states of western Europe not
infrequently offered liberal reward for its solution. Philip III of
Spain, for instance, promised an annuity of 6000 ducats to the one who
would first devise a method for determining longitude.[16] Numerous
attempts were made in Spain and Portugal, as a result of the promised
reward, but the problem remained unsolved. The States General of
Holland, for instance, offered a liberal reward to Plancius should a
plan he submitted prove to be of value, which plan he had based upon
the declination of the needle; and in the records of that body, bearing
date May 21, 1601, we read that a reward of 150 pounds was promised to
any one who, having made an expedition for the purpose of determining
longitude and latitude, could obtain the support of six or eight sea
captains that his method was of real value.[17] Blaeu often figured
somewhat conspicuously as an expert in passing upon the solution of
certain problems which were offered. Resolutions of the States General,
for example, make mention of a plan submitted by Thomas Leamer, an
Englishman residing in Amsterdam, but it appears that no satisfactory
agreement could be entered into with him on his first plans, and it
was, therefore, decided to submit his subsequent propositions to the
College of Admiralty of Amsterdam, authorizing this body to ask for
a demonstration of the new invention in its presence, to have it
investigated by Willem Jansz. Blaeu and other masters in this art
together with such experienced navigators and pilots as the College
might see fit to choose, to examine it carefully and impartially with
especial reference to its practical value, and to follow their best
judgment as to the advisability of attempting to make use of the
invention.[18] On July 3, 1612, the Council of the Admiralty sent word
to the States General that the aforesaid Leamer had been examined, in
accord with the letter of December 21, 1611, at different times, and
at his request again and again in its presence, by “Willem Jansz,”
and by many other persons experienced in mathematics and navigation,
in order to find out the truth relative to his proposition; that they
had charged the judges to examine honestly, and that it had been
unanimously concluded the invention was wholly worthless.[19] It is not
without interest to note that Leamer made an especial appeal to the
Admiralty of Amsterdam, charging the committee with partiality and with
inability to judge the case, but we are not informed that the Admiralty
altered its opinion.

Taking into consideration the extensive commerce and interest in
navigation of the United Provinces in this period, it does not occasion
surprise that Galileo, after having offered in vain to Philip III
his plan for a new method of determining longitude, should decide to
present the same to the States General of the Provinces.[20] This
plan he based upon his discovery in 1610 of the satellites of Jupiter
and the valuable data furnished him through a study of the eclipses
of these satellites. Galileo himself tells us of his negotiations
with Philip of Spain, stating that the King informed him of the many
inventions which had been sent to him, and which he had accepted, only
to find afterward that they were of no practical value. Having been
so often deceived, he had come to the conclusion that a great deal of
money had been wasted, and had, therefore, decided to be more careful
in future. It was not until August, 1636, that Galileo decided upon
presenting his plan to the States General, as he informed Hugo Grotius,
then Swedish consul at the French Court, and not until November of
that year that Laurens Reael handed to the States a letter from him
containing an explanation of his method, with an offer of the plan
to that distinguished body. Blaeu is again chosen as one of four
experts to examine and report on the invention. Galileo’s plan was
well adapted for the determination of longitude on land, but because
of the ship’s motion on the high seas it did not prove to be practical
for navigators, though he suggested the placing of his instruments and
the observer in a vessel of water on the ship’s deck, thinking thus to
counterbalance the ship’s motion. By resolution of April 25, 1637, he
was to receive a reward for the new method he had suggested, but it
does not appear that it was paid to him.

Blaeu’s training admirably fitted him to serve his country in matters
pertaining to its maritime interests, and its calls as well as its
rewards for his services were not infrequent. As further proof of the
confidence that his contemporaries had in his knowledge of geography
and navigation, the States General of Amsterdam, January 3, 1633, by
resolution appointed Blaeu map maker of the Republic, an honorable
position held by him until his death, being then successively passed
on to his son and to his grandson. In a resolution of October 23, 1666,
we read that no house engaged in commerce will be allowed to send any
marine maps to India, or have them taken by captains of vessels, except
those made by Blaeu; and in a resolution of 1670 it is stated that to
Willem Jansz. Blaeu, map maker in ordinary of the Company, instruction
has been given to examine the journals of the pilots and to correct and
improve the maps.

It is not easy at this date to determine the justice of the several
complaints which we find were occasionally made by certain map makers
of the Netherlands in the early seventeenth century against fellow
countrymen. There was so much borrowing one from the other without
credit that it would be an exceedingly difficult, if not impossible,
task to give a complete catalogue of any one of the several map makers’
work. Rivalry often ran strong, and the authorities not infrequently
were urged to exercise special diligence to prevent the infringement
of a copyrighted plate, or one that was protected, as they at that
time expressed it, by an octroi. Between Willem Blaeu and Joannes
Janssonius this rivalry was particularly marked, each claiming at times
an infringement by the other. Whether it was for protection against
Janssonius that Blaeu in 1608 presented a special plea to the States
of Holland and West Friesland, asking that he be made secure against
the loss caused by pirated editions of works published by him, is not
certain. He informed the States that he had given himself hope of
being able to support his family in an honest way, and that he would
have succeeded with God’s mercy and blessing, if certain individuals
engaged in the same business had not undertaken to copy his new works,
as well as his enlarged and improved works.[21] This rivalry between
Blaeu and Janssonius continued for many years, involving in some degree
Jodocus Hondius, the father-in-law of Janssonius. It seems probable
that Blaeu’s complaint of 1608 touched in some manner his large World
Map of 1605, since, as before stated, there is a striking resemblance
between this and the World Map of Hondius issued about 1611, on which
he must have been at work for some years, a similarity in which the
very differences and slight variations cannot be without peculiar

If Blaeu won deserved renown through his scientific attainments, so the
Blaeu press became renowned for the excellence of the work which bore
its imprint. Its map engravers were among the most skilful employed in
the workshops of the Netherlands, its types were unexcelled in simple
but artistic form, unless perchance one may accord first place to the
Elzevir press. His good work, as we know, was a spur to others, as, for
example, to Hondius and Janssonius in the issue of their Atlas of 1633.

The list of works which issued from this famous printing house in so
far as we have accurate information, is an exceedingly long one, and
the titles include many which do not touch upon matters geographical,
hence do not call for consideration in this brief sketch. We may,
therefore, pass to a more detailed word concerning those works which
bear particularly upon geography and navigation, to his maps and

       *       *       *       *       *

It does not seem possible at this date to enumerate all the maps which
might properly be called the special work of Blaeu, and it is doubtful
if it could have been done in Blaeu’s day, since he so often borrowed
here a little and there a little which he incorporated in his maps.
Reference has before been made to the practice of map makers borrowing
one from the other, sometimes more, sometimes less, without credit. Not
all of Blaeu’s maps are signed, and but comparatively few of them are
dated. He did not consider it essential always to employ the same name
when affixing his signature. Sometimes he gave his name as Guilielmus
Janssonius Blaeu, Guil. Jansz. Blaeu, Guiljelmus Blaeuw; sometimes
as Guil. Jansz. Alcmar, Guilielmus Janssonius Alcmarianus; sometimes
as Guiljelmus Caesius, or G. J. Caesius, in which, in accord with a
practice of the time, he had classicized his name Blaeu; sometimes the
name is coupled with that of the son as Guil. et Johan. Blaeu, and on
certain maps we find the names J. or Joan. Blaeu, Johannes et Cornelius
Blaeu, maps which were wholly or in part the work of the sons, but were
drawn after the manner of the father.

Next to his terrestrial globe maps of 1599 and 1602, his oldest known
map is that of 1605, here issued in facsimile, and described below.
His “Nywe Paskaerte” of 1606, of which but few copies are now known,
appears to have been the first which he especially designed for
navigators. Baudet gives a somewhat enthusiastic description of a copy
of this map printed on parchment, which at the time of his writing
was in the possession of Mr. Tiele.[23] It is drawn with the west at
the top, having a width of 76 cm. and a breadth of 59 cm., extending
from 25° 30′ to 75° north latitude, or from the Canary Islands on the
south to the Beeren Island on the north, from Terceira on the west
to and including the Ionian Islands on the east. In a cartouche at
the bottom of the map is the following inscription, given here in
free translation:[24] “Willem Jansz. to the kind reader: In this map,
dear reader, you will find all the sea coasts of Europe carefully
drawn by Cornelius Doedsz. of Edam, according to true directions and
elevations, except for the Mediterranean, in which the author has
purposely omitted the elevations from Malta eastward, and has only
given direction, according to our common Dutch compasses, which, in
the vicinity of Candia and Cyprus point a little too much toward the
northwest, as is shown by the fact that Malta, the south shore of
Candia and of Cyprus are all situated in latitude 36°, although it is
impossible to reach them sailing west-east, as this map clearly shows.”
To the right of the above inscription we read: “Ghedruct t’ Amsterdam
bij Willem Janssoon op’t Waeter inde Sonnewijser,” and to the left,
given here in translation: “Since on account of the limited space
the entire Mediterranean Sea could not be given, we have therefore
decided, for the use of seamen, to add also the part from the coasts
of Barbary, Sicily, and Malta, passing the Grecian Islands, Candia,
and Cyprus to the coast of Syria.” Of the two small inset maps, one
represents the Azores, the other the Beeren Island and the west coast
of Spitzbergen. The eastern part of the Mediterranean, Greece and the
Ionian Archipelago, the coast of Asia Minor and Syria, have been placed
in the Sahara Desert. Longitude is not indicated, but latitude is
given on the border, each degree being divided into thirds. In this map
northern Europe is brought too far to the west, and, in accord with the
general representations of the time, the Mediterranean is given too
great an extent in longitude. The errors in latitude are comparatively
insignificant. As one of the first examples of the work of Blaeu’s
printing house, it is deserving the special mention given above,
particularly so by reason of the distinctness of its boundary lines,
the excellent form of its letters, and the care with which geographical
details have been indicated.

[Illustration: Interior of Tycho Brahe’s Observatory at Uranienburg
From Le Grand Atlas]

A resolution of the States General dated April 25, 1608, gives us
the information that to Willem Jansz., map maker of Amsterdam, the
sum of 200 gl. is to be given for the dedication and presentation of
a book of sea charts, entitled “Het Licht der Zeevaert,” which lays
down the coasts and harbors of the Western, Northern and Eastern Seas.
In this we appear to have first reference to Volumes I and II of an
important work by Blaeu, of which work a third volume appeared in 1621,
protected by an octroi of the States General for six years, expressed
in a resolution bearing date August 13, 1618.[25] This resolution of
the States informs us that to Willem Jansz., a citizen of Amsterdam,
an octroi is granted for the period of six years, to make, print, and
publish in the United Netherlands, the third part of his book entitled
“Het Licht der Zeevaert,” containing a description of the sea-coasts
of the Mediterranean Sea. Copies of the first two volumes, printed
in accord with the indication contained in the resolution referred
to above, that is, in 1608, appear not to be known, but there exists
a French edition of 1619, bearing the title “Le flambeau de la
navigation ... Chez Guilliaume Jeansz. demeurant sur l’eau, à l’ensigne
du Solaire Dore. l’An 1619,” which title is often found in the volume
pasted over an original Dutch title dated 1620. In translation this
Dutch title, being practically the same as that in French, reads, “The
Light of Navigation in which are plainly drawn and described all the
Coasts and Harbours of the Western, Northern, Eastern and Mediterranean
Seas. Also many countries, islands and places of Guinea, Brazil, East
and West Indies. Partly taken from the works of the best writers on
marine matters [as Lucas Jansz. Waghenaer and others] but improved
through the writings of experienced seamen, and by making use of their
statements and explanations; enlarged by many new descriptions and
maps. All divided into four books, each volume having its own index.
Hereto have been added [besides a course in the art of navigation] new
tables of the declination of the sun, derived from the observations of
Tycho Brahe, and calculated from the meridian of Amsterdam. Also new
tables and instructions in the right use of the Pole Star and other
Stars, for the benefit of all navigators.” In 1627 the Dutch edition
seems to have been issued by “Jan Janssoon wonende op ’t water,” the
first part being dated 1626, and the second part dated 1625.

In the dedication of his third volume to the States General and to
Prince Maurice, a dedication dated September 1, 1618, there is to
be found a statement by Blaeu which shows his own opinion of the
importance of the first two volumes. He writes he is “assured without
boasting that this third volume will be as useful as the two preceding,
containing the description of Eastern and Western Navigation, of which
Your Honorable Body [States General] and Your Excellency [Maurice] at
other times have had sufficient proof from trustworthy certificates
of well known navigators, and also from the statements of the famous
pilot Lucas Waghenaer.” To have from Lucas Jansz. Waghenaer a favorable
criticism concerning a work which was destined to be considered
superior to his own, is of no little importance. Blaeu further
acknowledges in his introduction the influence of Willem Barentszoen’s
maps upon his own, for he states “to the kind reader” that “we have for
some years past collected very carefully all observations and plans,
by means of which we have improved and enlarged in many respects the
descriptions of Willem Barentsz., whose writings have been of much
value to us in this work. Besides, we have added the descriptions of
all the sea-coasts in the east which were not laid down by him, as
of the islands of Candia, Cyprus, the coasts of Syria and Egypt, and
also of the Greek islands; and how one in this way can sail even to
Constantinople; and we have put this all together.” “The uses of this
Book” he sets forth in six brief introductory chapters, in which he
treats of “1--The difference between the Dutch and the Italian marine
maps; 2--Why the compass needle is not laid directly under the compass
lily; 3--Why the marine charts of the Mediterranean Sea are not drawn
showing the degrees of latitude; 4--How to reckon latitude; 5--How the
declination of the compass needle or the variation of the compass may
be determined; 6--How to find the elevation of the sun from its shadow.”

Blaeu’s reference to the declination of the needle in this introduction
is of considerable scientific importance and interest. In his day
the compass makers found the needle’s declination for Holland to be
from about 7° 45′ to about 8° 26′ eastward. They were, therefore,
accustomed to lay the compass lily a corresponding number of degrees
to the left or westward from the direction in which the needle pointed
that this lily might turn to the true north. He found that in the
Adriatic the declination of the needle was 0, and that in the Italian
compasses the direction of the needle and of the lily agreed. Compass
roses on Italian portolan or sailors’ charts, therefore, indicated no
declination as the Italian compasses indicated none, and the compass
lily simply marked the true meridian. As distances to be sailed in
the Mediterranean were not great, latitude, therefore, was not laid
down, and longitude was omitted, by reason of the fact that there
was no accurate method of determining the same, consequently vessels
sailed from port to port directed only by the compass. Blaeu wrote
that “since the skies are there [in the Mediterranean] almost always
clear, and the land high, and places are not far distant one from
another, one losing sight of one part of the coast will be in sight of
another part, and the majority make very little use of latitude. The
seamen and those who have navigated these parts have not taken into
consideration the latitudes, and follow only general direction.” This
being Blaeu’s observation, which is practically taken word for word
from Barentszoen’s introduction to his “Caertboeck,” one would not,
therefore, expect to find either parallels or meridians laid down on
his maps. He gives only compass roses and direction for sailing in
accord with the Dutch compass. On the maps of Barentszoen, which maps
Blaeu closely followed in many respects, the directions for sailing are
given in accord with the Dutch and with the Italian compasses. Blaeu
could not have followed a better master in plan and purpose, and while
not always indicating just what he borrowed, he seems to have been
inclined to give adequate praise to the work of his predecessor. It
cannot be without interest to cite here a brief word from Barentszoen’s
introduction to his “Caertboeck,” as indicating his spirit and method.
He says “that not only being urged by my many good friends, but also
feeling inclined myself to do so, since I always have been accustomed
from my boyhood up to draw as many maps as I found it possible to draw
of the countries which I visited, or around which I sailed, giving the
seas, the waters and the directions, I have decided to publish certain
maps of the sea-coast of the Mediterranean Seas [which I have collected
for some years past] into book form, for the use and the benefit of all
navigators, and persons interested in navigation. In part, I describe
what I myself have seen on my journeys, in part what I have learned
from other experienced navigators and pilots, who have sailed through
the Strait of Gibraltar to Italy and the surrounding countries. And
this I have carefully arranged, showing all harbors, roads, bays,
courses and directions; giving myself a great deal of trouble, and
incurring a great deal of expense. Since I did not like to rely alone
upon myself, I invited to my home several seamen and pilots, who sailed
the Mediterranean Seas, with whom I have communicated about my work.
I made corrections whenever I found that their observations had been
more exact than my own, that it might not seem as if I, being proud,
intended to make a name for myself, and as if I had done this work
carelessly, but that it should be clear I had gone to much trouble.”

A resolution of the States General, dated March 9, 1623, granted to
Willem Jansz. Blaeu, for a period of ten years, the exclusive right
to print and publish a work referred to in the resolution as “een
compendium van den Zeespiegel.” It appears, however, that this was
not issued until 1625, and under the title “Tafelen van de declinatie
der Sonne, ende der voornaemste vaste sterren, Mitsgaders van ’t
verscheyden gebruyck der Noordsterre Nieulycx, allen Zeevaerenden
ten dienst, ghecalculeert door Willem Jansz. Blauw,” or “Tables of
the declination of the sun and of the most important planets with
the different uses of the North Star calculated anew for the use of
all navigators by Willem Jansz. Blauw.” On the title-page appears a
representation of the cross-staff and the astrolabe, with the imprint
“t’ Amsterdam By Willem Jansz. Blauw in de guide Sonnewyser, Met
privilegie, Anno 1625.” The statement is made in the preface that “from
the exact observations of Tycho Brahe, we have calculated new tables of
the declination of the sun.” These same tables are to be found in the
Zeespiegel of 1627, and were intended to replace the old tables of the
“Nieuw Graetbouck” of the year 1605.

A second privilege granted by the States General, dated March 9, 1623,
as the preceding, gives us the first word concerning another work by
Blaeu intended especially for the use of seamen. This work, apparently
not issued until the following year, though a copy dated 1624 does not
seem now to be known, bears the following title taken from the issue
of 1627: “Zeespiegel, Inhoudende een korte Onderwysinghe in de Konst
der Zeevaert, en Beschryvinghe der Seen en Kusten van de Oostersche,
Noordsche end Westersche Schipvaert. Wt ondervindinghen van veel
ervaren Zeevaerders vergadert, en t’ samen ghestelt. Door Willem Jansz.
Blaeuw Tot Amsterdam. Ghedruckt by Willem Jansz. Blaeuw, in de vergulde
Sonnewyser 1627. Met Privilegie voor thien Jaren”; or, “Mirror of
the Sea, containing brief instruction in the art of Navigation, and a
description of the seas and coasts of the Eastern, Northern and Western
Navigation. Collected and arranged from the experiences of numerous
Navigators. By Willem Jansz. Blaeuw, At Amsterdam. Printed by Willem
Jansz. Blaeuw, in the gilded Sun-dial, 1627. With a privilege for ten

Blaeu figures his declination tables from the years 1624, 1625, 1626
and 1627, on a parallel of the earth from the meridian of the west
point of England, since this longitude was most frequently used by
the Dutch navigators in sailing the Channel, as well as in sailing
the coasts of France, Portugal or Spain. The work is divided into two
parts, the first being a short treatise on the art of navigation, and
the second a collection of maps or sea charts. We have in this work a
striking illustration of the lingering influence of Ptolemy, for he
takes as a basis of many of the ideas he presents the work of Ptolemy.
The book does not undertake, as Baudet points out, to add to or improve
the methods of defining geographical location. It does not undertake
to correct what were the known errors in his day. He treats in his
first part of the several spheres; he presents what he considers to be
acceptable proof that the earth is in the center of the universe, as
the stars appear at all times to be of the same size, in whatever part
of the heavens they may be; he explains the construction and the use of
the cross-staff by means of which the observer determines the altitude
of the sun; he points out that in determining latitude by observing
the altitude of the Pole Star, 2° 42′ should be taken as the distance
from the star to the pole; he discusses the subject of atmospheric
refraction, basing his observations on those of Tycho Brahe, which
discussion is of special interest since it sets forth the attitude of
seamen of that day toward this subject, and the difficulty they had in
meeting it by reason of the imperfect instruments with which they made
their calculations.

Blaeu’s charts are drawn on a plane or cylindrical projection, although
the projection of Mercator had been known for more than half a century.
This fact seems to suggest the idea that in publishing his book he
had not so much in view the question of the advance of the art of
navigation as to meet a desire for a work in agreement scientifically
with the knowledge of seamen of his day. In point of accuracy, Blaeu’s
charts in this work are wanting much, but we must not forget the
imperfect methods employed in his day for obtaining geographical
location. If accuracy was wanting in the land maps, much less could
we expect to find accuracy in the marine charts. Seamen in part were
accustomed to estimate longitude and distance from change in latitude,
and the direction in which they sailed. The speed of a ship was often
estimated from the size and the number of sails used. It was not until
about the middle of the seventeenth century that the log was brought
into common use, consequently Blaeu makes no reference to it. It is
interesting to note that a somewhat similar instrument was employed
about the middle of the sixteenth century for measuring the angle which
the axis of the ship made with its track as observed on the surface of
the water. In his “Spieghel der Zeevaert” of 1584, Waghenaer states
that for measuring this angle, “it is necessary to let the plumb line
log behind with a piece of wood attached or otherwise.” A comparison of
the maps of Blaeu with those of his distinguished predecessors, Lucas
Jansz. Waghenaer and Willem Barentszoen, warrants our assigning to him
first place, both in point of execution and in the nearer approach to
correctness in his drawing. John Blaeu, in his Atlas of 1664, referring
to the maps of Waghenaer and Barentszoen, says that “my late father not
only greatly improved both of these, but also enlarged them for the
benefit of navigation, adding to them so much that was lacking that his
may justly be called a new work.”

In 1646, John Blaeu printed a fourth part of the Zeespiegel, bearing
the title “Vierde deel der Zeespiegel, inhoudende eene beschryvinge
der See-havenen, Reeden, en Kusten van de Middelandsche Schipvaert.
Uyt ondervindingen van vele ervaren Zeevaerders by een vergadert, en
t’ samengestelt, door Willem Jansz. Blaeu, t’ Amsterdam. Gedruckt by
Johan Blaeu, op ’t Water, in de vergulde Zonnewyser. 1646,” or “Fourth
Part of the Mirror of the Sea, containing a description of the Harbors,
Roadsteads, and Coasts of the Mediterranean Navigation. Collected from
the experiences of famous Navigators, and arranged by Willem Jansz.
Blaeu at Amsterdam. Printed by John Blaeu on the Water in the gilded
Sun-dial, 1646.” There is included in this fourth part the third part
of the “Licht der Zeevaert” of 1621, with the arrangement of the
contents and the size of the volume somewhat altered. That which is
true of certain map publishers in this day, in their attitude toward
their own publications, was true of the publishers of these Willem
Blaeu maps after his death. So long as there were publishers for them,
it was not thought to be necessary to improve them, especially so since
John Blaeu, who had succeeded his father in charge of the business,
had taken up what he thought to be more profitable printing than the
issue of charts for seamen. Other publishers, after the middle of the
century, were entering the field, and the Blaeu marine maps in course
of time came to be regarded as obsolete.

What we may call his first Atlas of land maps appeared in 1631, with
the title “Appendix Theatri Ortelii et Atlantis Mercatoris.” It
contains maps which had been previously issued, some by himself, many
by other map makers, while in numerous instances he left it difficult
to decide both date and origin. We know that as early as 1605 he
was issuing maps and charts in single sheets, following the example
of Ortelius, Mercator, Judeus and others. Baudet, it may be noted,
expresses himself as being unable to decide whether the World Map of
1605, referred to in the resolution of the States General of the 23d of
April of that year, was of this character, not knowing of the existence
of a copy of the map here reproduced in facsimile from that belonging
to the Hispanic Society of America. “My belief,” he says, “is that the
World Map of 1605 is the Nova totius terrarum orbis geographica ac
hydrographica tabula, auct. Guiljelmo Blaeuw,” according to Mercator’s
projection, to be found in the “Toonneel des Aerdrycx.”[26] Not unlike
Ortelius, Blaeu often selected for addition to his own original land
maps the best which he found it possible for him to use, redrafting
them on a scale to fit his own Atlas. In general, he greatly improved
their character by his own re-engraving, giving us maps of superior
excellence in line, in letter, and in ornamentation. He was not
unmindful of the high favor in which the Atlases of Ortelius and of
Mercator were held. He, therefore, shrewdly calls attention to their
work by giving to his own a title which suggests a connection, though
in fact he was scarcely justified in calling his Atlas an Appendix
to Ortelius and Mercator. This Atlas of 1631 contains one hundred
and three maps, with text in Latin usually printed on the back of
each. Seven of his maps are dated, twenty-seven have the names of the
original maker, and many of them are signed Guilj. Blaeu, G. J. Caesius
or Guiljelmus Janssonius et Joannes Blaeu.

He begins his preface with much praise of Ortelius and Mercator,
observing that Mercator died untimely for his work, after finishing
Europe except Spain, and he assumes it as his task to publish an
Appendix to the Atlases of these great men. He states that his Atlas
will contain maps of countries already drawn by them, but he promises
to improve them. That he did improve not a few of them is made evident
by a close comparison, yet he left many features uncorrected, which
easily could have been brought to date.

He often intimated to his friend, W. Schickard, his ever present desire
to improve his maps, in which references we find the first promises
of his work issued in 1634 under the title “Toonneel des Aerdrycx.”
In a letter dated Amsterdam, November 22, 1633, he tells his friend
of his preparation for this new Atlas,[27] expressing the hope that
he would be able to complete the first part during the winter, and
accepting from him an offer for a new map of Würtemberg, for which
he was ready and willing to pay the price asked. This map he thought
would add much to his maps of Germany. December 6, 1633, he writes
again to Schickard: “The esteemed gentleman, Hugo Grotius, has informed
you that I am planning a new Atlas, and that a considerable part of
it is already completed, in addition to my Appendix Theatri Ortelii
et Atlantis Mercatoris, which has been published, so that I will be
able to issue yet this winter two parts of reasonable size, one part
of which will contain maps of upper and lower Germany, and as I should
like to add this map of Würtemberg which you have drawn, and which
you have promised me, I therefore wish to postpone the publication a
little longer. You write that this map of Würtemberg which you have
drawn on twenty sheets can be reduced to four of common size. If,
however, you deem it better to make use of more sheets, you may follow
your pleasure. Whatever your decision, I will pay the price which you
ask for it.” On January 12, 1634, Blaeu writes Schickard again: “I am
pleased to learn you agree with my opinion in regard to the number of
maps. It is my intention to place two or three provinces on one sheet,
but it will be necessary, however, to leave some open space in which I
can write the titles of the maps, arms of the country, and the scale
of miles. Do not let this worry you, however, but follow the divisions
which are most easy for you. In the case of maps so carefully drawn,
it seems to me the larger the number, the better it will be. Forests,
buildings, etc., may be but roughly marked. If you will give the size
and exact location, I will take care that the emblematical figures are
properly represented”; and he adds that “in order to make sure that
the completed work is well done, I shall let you correct the plates
one at a time.” Somewhat later Blaeu writes again that “I shall give
especial attention to the engraving of the plates, printing lightly
from them at first, in order that changes may be made before the final
engraving is done.... Take as much time as you may need, and in case
you are unable to finish them during the summer, you may also have
the winter.” June 24, 1634, he writes to Schickard: “I have published
the first part of my Atlas, containing one hundred and sixty maps,
with descriptive text in German, translated from Latin. In the Fall I
shall publish the Latin, French and Dutch texts,” these titles being,
respectively, “Theatrum Orbis Terrarum,” but dated 1635; “Le théâtre du
monde ou nouvel atlas,” but issued in 1634; “Toonneel des Aerdrycx,”
1634. The arrangement and number of maps in the several issues do not
agree, but in the main features they are the same. The “Toonneel” may
be considered an enlargement of his “Appendix” done in practically the
same manner, but with the addition of numerous details, and ornamented
with additional illustrations. That he borrowed from the “Nieuwen
Atlas” of Joannes Janssonius and Henricus Hondius becomes evident in a
comparison of the descriptions of “Germany,” the “Netherlands,” and of
certain other parts.

The “Appendix” and the first two parts of the “Toonneel,” published
by Willem Blaeu and his son John, may be regarded as the beginning of
the large Blaeu Atlas first issued in 1662 in eleven volumes, a work
of unsurpassed excellence; indeed, we may refer to it as the foremost
atlas produced by the great Dutch atlas makers of the seventeenth
century. Its completion and issue, after the death of the father,
Willem, places it therefore without the scope of this sketch, yet as
he had contributed so much to insure its success by his own early
activities, a word of reference to it is here fitting. Editions of this
work appeared in rapid succession in the Dutch, the French, the Latin
and the Spanish language, the number of volumes being either nine, ten,
eleven or twelve in each edition, varying otherwise but little in the
essential features. As numerous copies of the work were printed in each
edition, it is therefore not a publication which can be called rare
even in this day. Most of these editions were printed from the superior
type and copper plates of the Blaeu printing house, and on paper
of fine quality; some were issued in costly bindings, having their
maps, coat of arms and emblems of states and of royalty exquisitely
colored. Copies of the atlas were especially prepared for rulers and
for statesmen of renown. We are informed that to Admiral de Ruyter an
especially fine copy was presented after the two days’ battle of 1666,
and that in the name of the States General a copy bound in royal purple
was presented to the Sultan Mohammed IV, with which he was so well
pleased that he ordered its translation into the Turkish language.

       *       *       *       *       *

In Blaeu’s day globes were held to be of the highest value as aids
in the study of geography and astronomy.[28] Seamen engaged in
transoceanic navigation counted on a terrestrial and a celestial globe
as essential to a navigator’s complete outfit of instruments, and as
Blaeu was especially desirous of making his scientific knowledge serve
the cause of navigation, it was but natural that he should turn his
attention to globe making.

Among those skilled in the art of globe construction in the late
sixteenth and the early seventeenth century, the Low Countries
could claim such distinguished men as Gerhardus Mercator, Jacobus
[Florentius] van Langren and Arnoldus [Florentius] van Langren, father
and son, Jodocus Hondius and Guilielmus Jans. Blaeu, and none of these
was more skilful than the last named. Both for the number constructed
and for the quality of the work, his globes are cartographical and
astronomical treasures of the first value.

[Illustration: Terrestrial Globe and Celestial Globe, 1616. Willem
Janszoon Blaeu]

The oldest known terrestrial globe extant is that constructed by
Martin Behaim of Nuremberg in the year in which Columbus made his
first momentous voyage across the Atlantic.[29] It is a manuscript
globe, that is, a ball covered with irregular strips of parchment on
which the world map has been drawn by hand and elaborately colored.
In the first decades of the sixteenth century, numerous globes were
made either of copper on which the map was engraved, of wood, or of
a composition on which an engraved or hand drawn map was pasted.
Some of these globe maps, as for example that attributed to Martin
Waldseemüller and supposed to have been drawn in the first decade of
the sixteenth century, hence the oldest known of this character, were
engraved and printed on gores or bi-angles, and were so fashioned
mathematically that they would completely cover a ball when pasted over
its surface,[30] but not until Mercator, in 1541, engraved and printed
his famous globe gore map can such a method be said to have proved
itself to be thoroughly practical. From this time on, with now and
then a slight modification of the number of gores employed and of the
method of fitting them on the ball near the poles, globes have been
constructed in much the same manner as Mercator had constructed his
first example. That he made many globes is very certain, yet it appears
that all of these were long thought to have been destroyed, until about
forty years ago, when a complete set of his gores was found, and at
present no less than six others, either mounted or unmounted, can be
located.[31] In 1551, Mercator prepared in the same manner a celestial
globe map, all examples of which likewise had been thought to have
disappeared until the discovery of the set referred to above, and of
this globe a number of copies are now known to exist.

Quite as successful as Mercator were the van Langrens, father and son,
the first globe of the father dating as early as 1585.[32] Before the
close of the sixteenth century, Jodocus Hondius became interested in
the construction of globes, and, like the van Langrens, continued
his work in the first decade of the following century, his workshop
then falling into the hands of his sons, who for many years found the
manufacture of globes to be a profitable business.[33]

Blaeu, as before stated, must have obtained much of his early
knowledge of map and of globe construction while a pupil of Tycho at
the Castle of Uranienburg, for it was not long after his return to
Amsterdam that we find him actively engaged in this work, perhaps
in his own workshop.[34] His first globe is dated 1599. The world
map here represented is, so far as we have definite knowledge, his
first cartographical publication, and in many of its features it
gives evidence that Mercator was the master followed, notably in the
representation of the loxodrome lines which radiate from the wind or
compass roses, or from the centers regularly placed on the surface of
the globe. It has a diameter of 34 cm., which is less than that of
Mercator’s globe of 1541 but greater than that of van Langren of 1585.
The gores, twelve in number, have been cut seven degrees from each
pole, the polar space being covered with a circular disc. Blaeu, as
many other globe makers of his period, found that by thus dividing the
engraved globe maps a more nearly perfect covering for the ball could
be obtained. Meridians and parallels are drawn at intervals of ten
degrees, the prime meridian crossing the island of Santa Maria in the
Azores group. In conspicuously placed legends he presents his address
to the reader, that is, to the one who may have occasion to make use
of his globe, a dedication to the United Provinces of the Netherlands,
which, like the first, is signed Guilielmus Janssonius Alcmariensis,
and in separate inscriptions he calls attention to the great
discoveries and explorations as, for example, those of Christopher
Columbus, of Amerigo Vespucci, of Ferdinand Magellan, of Gaspar
Cortereal, and of the Dutch navigators, with a brief mention of others.
All legends are in Latin except those referring to the discoveries of
his own countrymen in the far north, in which he has employed the Dutch

As in the issue of his sheet maps, Blaeu was not always careful to
add an exact date, in the majority of instances omitting the date
altogether, so in the issue of his globes he either omitted the date
or frequently gave one later than was that of the original issue. His
geographical records serve us, however, as very accurate guides in
the determination of dates, and what was so frequently true of the
globes he constructed in the last years of his life was true of this,
his first. We have, for example, one fine copy of his work, bearing
date 1599, which contains geographical records of 1616, indicating,
therefore, a late reprint with a few alterations.

Three years later, that is, in 1602, Blaeu issued a terrestrial and
a celestial globe, each having a diameter of 23 cm. He refers to his
terrestrial globe as an improvement upon that of 1599, referring
doubtless to its geographical details and not to its size. He dedicates
his work to the three provinces, Holland, Zeeland and West Friesland,
calls especial attention to the recent expedition of Olivier van der
Noort, the course of whose expedition around the world he lays down
on his map, and signs himself Guilielmo Jansonio Blaeu, substituting
his family name for the name of his birthplace. On his celestial globe
of 1602 he located the stars in accord with the reckoning of the year
1600, making use, as he states, of the observations of his friend
and teacher, Tycho Brahe, but for the southern constellations the
observations of the explorer Fredrik Houtman.[35] By reason of the fact
that so few copies of these globes of 1602 are known to exist, it has
been thought that for some reason Blaeu issued a very limited number.
We know, however, that his terrestrial globes were highly valued and
much in demand, because of the care with which they had been prepared,
because of his effort to give information concerning the latest
discoveries, and because of his representation of the loxodrome lines
which made them of special service to navigators; that his celestial
globes found favor by reason of the fact that he was known to be a
pupil and friend of Tycho Brahe; and that he himself was known to be a
mathematician and astronomer of distinction.

In 1603, he undertook the preparation of a celestial globe to
be considered a companion of his first globe of 1599. From the
observations of Brahe and of Houtman he tells us as in his work of the
preceding year, that he derived many of his details, and he honors the
former by giving his portrait a conspicuous position in his map, adding
his master’s favorite motto: “Non haberi, sed esse.”

The Hispanic Society of America possesses a fine example of Blaeu’s
early globe work. It is small in size, having a diameter of 13 cm., and
is well preserved. Near the upper part of North America is the legend
inscribed in a neat cartouche, “NOVA et accurata Terra marisque Sphera,
denuo recognita et, correcta á Guilielmo Blaeu,” and in a second legend
placed to the south of “Nova Guinea,” which is represented as a part
of the great south polar continent of “Magallanica,” he inscribes his
name with date, “Guilielmus Blaeu Anno D. 1606.” There may likewise be
found in this Society’s rich collections a terrestrial and a celestial
globe by Blaeu which clearly are companion pieces and which appear to
be unique, the latter dated 1616, the former undated.[36] These globes
have a diameter of but 10 cm., a substantial and artistic mounting of
brass, including meridian circle, horizon circle, four twisted support
columns and a circular base plate. In geographical and astronomical
details they are remarkably full, a fact especially noteworthy when
their size is taken into consideration. The first he designates as
“NOVA ORBIS TERRARVM DESCRIPTIO” and adds to this merely the name
“Blaeu”; the second he calls a “Sphaera stellata,” and in a legend he
honors his teacher Tycho Brahe by making special mention of his name,
signing himself “Guilielmus Blaeu Auctor excudit 1616.” Fiorini refers
to a Blaeu celestial globe in the Barberini Palace at Rome dated 1616,
but his description of the same shows conclusively that it is very
different from the one referred to above, and he appears to consider
its map a print of later date, though perhaps in its main features it
was originally engraved in the year designated.

The next dated and signed globes of Blaeu appear to be of the year
1622, numerous copies of which the author has been able to locate, but
in which, however, slight variations appear. From this time until his
death in the year 1638, our globe maker seems to have applied himself
most diligently to this work, the globes of his later years being much
larger than were those of his early years. This Society possesses
a well preserved example of his 1622 terrestrial globe which has a
diameter of 69 cm. Its map gives us excellent proof of Blaeu’s superior
merit in this field. Its geographical details are most numerous, making
it an object of great scientific value. Among the records of special
interest, omitting for obvious reasons at this time any extended
reference to the work, is the representation of Manhattan as an
island, apparently the earliest on a dated map.

Vossius tells us that in addition to terrestrial and celestial globes,
Blaeu also made a planetarium and a tellurium. In the first, the sun
is placed in the center of the system, about which revolve Venus,
the Earth and the Moon, Mars and Jupiter. The second represents the
double motion of the Earth, that is, its daily rotation and its annual
revolution. He remarks that nothing like it has been seen since the
time of Archimedes. Blaeu himself refers to these instruments in
his work first issued probably in 1620 with the title, “Tweevoudigh
onderwys van de Hemelsche en Aerdsche Globen,” as of value for the
study of cosmography. In connection with his description of them, he
interestingly observes that the celestial heavens are at least 20,000
times greater in diameter than is the circle of the terrestrial globe’s
course, and this in his planetarium is 2½ inches. He adds that the
diameter of the terrestrial globe’s course is 1142 times the celestial
globe’s diameter.

A very considerable number of his globes, doubtless constructed
subsequent to 1622, can now be located, though at the time of writing
his biography in 1872, Baudet could find trace of but five or six,
including those of earlier date. In a searching study of the history of
early globes, it may here be stated that the author of this monograph
has now been able to locate no less than sixty Blaeu globes.


Among the treasures of The Hispanic Society of America may be found
a unique copy of Willem Janszoon Blaeu’s engraved World Map in two
large hemispheres, issued in the year 1605. Stretching across its
upper border is the title, “NOVA UNIVERSI TERRARUM ORBIS MAPPA EX
JANSSONIO ALCMAR,” a title which in its special arrangement and in the
form of its letters strikingly recalls the World Map of Jodocus Hondius
of the year 1611, which, with Professor Joseph Fischer, the editor of
this World Map of Blaeu recently issued in facsimile.[37] Here is a
second fine example of Holland’s contribution to the cartography of a
period particularly rich in this field of geography. Mounted on the
coarse linen so frequently used for such purposes at that early day,
and attached to a rough wooden frame, it is not a little surprising
that it should have come down to us through these many years. The old
mounting has not been disturbed for this reproduction, and with all of
its suggestions of age, it hangs on the walls of The Hispanic Society’s
Museum amidst other rich cartographical material of the period.

No reference to this great work of Blaeu appears in the literature of
cartography, and it seems probable that we have here the only copy
extant. In the records of the States General of Amsterdam may be found,
however, the entry, “23 April 1605. Is W. Jansz. [Blaeu] van Alcmaer,
ende Herman Alartsz, die de heren Staten gepresenteert hebben een grote
Werelts Caerte, voor een gratuiteyt toegelegt 25 gl.,” and of the same
date, “Id. Is W. Jz. van Alcmaer, wonende te Amsterdam, geaccordeert
octroy, voor den tyt van 6 jaren etc. te mogen doen drukken ende vuyt
geven een groote mappam mundi in twee ronden, by hem yerst uitgegeven.”
These passages are cited by Baudet in his “Leven en werken van Willem
Jansz. Blaeu” without comment other than a very brief word which would
seem to indicate that the author had no definite knowledge of the map
or maps to which reference is made in the above record.[38] It is
altogether probable that we have in these entries a reference to this
particular map.

[Illustration: World Map from Toonneel des Aerdrycx, by Willem Janszoon

Curiously and somewhat vexatiously, one finds in the reference to
the copyright privilege, granted by the authorities, appearing on
sheet thirteen, the date “23 April ----,” the numbers designating
the year wanting because of the injured condition of the map. Some
wonder is occasioned by the appearance of the French lilies in the
elaborately engraved cartouche on sheets thirteen and fourteen, and
by the dedication to Henry IV of France, which reads, “Serenissimo
Christianissimo ac potentissimo D. D. Henrico IIII Franciae et Navarre
Regi. Domino suo ... entissimo hanc Universi orbis terrarum Mappam
I. M. Q. dat di ... dedicat.” Close examination, however, discloses
the fact that both the lilies and the dedication were skilfully pasted
on the map after its completion, though by whom and on what particular
occasion remain matters of conjecture. The attachment of the coat of
arms and the dedication must have occurred before 1610, the date of
King Henry’s death, and the fact serves at least to fix the time when
the map was engraved as prior to that year, or in all probability in

The map is 244 × 134 cm. in size, including the border. The two large
hemispheres, each 116 cm. in diameter, present the world, as then
known, in stereographic projection. An ornamental border surrounds it,
and all available space outside the great hemispheres and within this
border is filled with pictures of cities, rulers in martial array,
representations of the typical races of men, while in the angles formed
at the top and at the bottom of the map, between the two hemispheres,
appear the north and the south celestial hemispheres, each 26 cm. in

The map is not well preserved, a fact easily recognized in the
reproduction. Certain parts, it will be noted, are entirely wanting,
having fallen away from the old mounting, but there is little missing
that is of the first importance excepting the northwest section of
South America, the western Mediterranean lands and portions of the
island region southeast of Asia. Though many of the names are illegible
by reason of discoloration, it was thought inadvisable to attempt
the cleaning of the surface on account of the brittle condition of
the old paper. The eighteen sheets in the facsimile, corresponding
to the eighteen sheets of the original, together with the key plate
much reduced but showing the entire map, have been printed on a fine
quality of Van Gelder hand-made paper. Care has been exercised to have
each of the sheets appear in the reproduction as in the original, in so
far as has been possible, no attempt being made to remedy defects.

Blaeu’s map may be considered a remarkably excellent record of
geographical knowledge to date. Most of his striking errors in
continental outlines are the common errors of the day. In the Old
World, for example, Africa has a breadth of more than eighty degrees,
and the east coast of Asia, particularly its northern half, is far
from accurate, but he has given us a representation of the extreme
northeast section which is superior to that laid down on the large
world map of his fellow countryman Hondius. The latter clearly suited
his representation to a belief in a perfectly open sea route to China
and the distant Orient, showing a great breadth of sea between Asia
and America in the region of Bering Strait, while Blaeu has here a
fairly accurate record of the geographical features of the region,
inserting the name “Streto de Anian.” The Mediterranean has much too
great an extension in longitude, and is too narrow; the Caspian Sea
and the Black Sea have each a strikingly erroneous representation
as well as location. The great austral continental land called
“Magallanica,” in the New World hemisphere, is that which so commonly
appears in the world maps of the day. In the New World, North America
is made to extend through more than one hundred and sixty degrees of
longitude, while South America is given a breadth of more than sixty
degrees, and its general outline is not well done, though there is
here clearly an improvement over the maps of Mercator and of Ortelius.
Blaeu has retained the erroneous representation of the “Martin
Forbischers Strate” at the southern extremity of Greenland; he includes
“Frislandia” south of “Islandia”; “I dos Demonios” east of “Terra de
Labrador”; “Brasil” west of “Hibernia al Yrlandia,” “As Mann” to the
southwest; “S. Brandan” near “C. d. Breton.” For the region north of
Europe and Asia, the map is especially interesting, making record
here of the latest attempts under Willem Barentszoen and other less
distinguished explorers from Holland who undertook to find a northeast
passage to China before 1605. That part of “Nova Zemla” which was
visited is laid down, as are also “Nieuland” and “Beeren Eylandt,” the
names of all places designated being in the Dutch language, though
an extensive legend north of Nova Zemla, calling attention to the
efforts of his countrymen to find a northeast passage, is given in
Latin, as are all the more lengthy legends. A comparison of the maps
of Hondius and Blaeu in this particular region is interesting, the
latter preparing his map before the voyage of Henry Hudson, the former
making record of Hudson’s attempt to sail through this Arctic sea and
noting that he had discovered a great ice barrier, “Glacies ab Hudsono
detect anno 1608.” Finding it impossible to make this passage, it will
be recalled that Hudson decided to turn his expedition to the west and
the northwest, reaching in due course of sailing the east coast of
North America, which he explored in his two voyages from Hudson River
to Hudson Bay, losing his life in this great northern sea, which bears
his name, in the year 1611. Blaeu has inscribed numerous legends in the
northern and northeastern sections of North America, calling attention
in one of these to the expeditions of Columbus, Vespucci, Cortereal and
Verrazano, in another to the expedition of Forbischer in 1577, and in
yet another to the explorations of Davis in 1585, 1586, 1587. Numerous
legends, it may here be noted, appear in different parts of the map,
either descriptive of the region in which they respectively appear or
calling attention to certain astronomical and geographical questions,
as, for example, the lengthy legend on sheets fourteen-fifteen,
sheet seventeen and sheet eighteen. In a map of this character one
may say the particular scientific and historical value lies in the
latest records it contains relative to exploration and discovery.
Without giving here the numerous specific references to such events,
or to their results as they relate to the expansion of geographical
knowledge, it may be stated that Blaeu’s map is one of the richest
of the period. His geographical names in the Old World alone extend
into the thousands, and for the New World those both of coast and of
interior are exceedingly numerous.

Blaeu has called especial attention to the four distinguished explorers
who prior to the time of the issue of his map had circumnavigated the
globe, placing their portraits in an elaborate cartouche south of South
America and calling attention to their success in a somewhat elaborate
legend. The four represented are “Ferdinandus Magallanes,” “Franciscus
Dracus,” “Thomas Candish” and “Oliverus van der Nort,” the course of
the latter being conspicuously traced on the map, his circumnavigation
at this time attracting considerable attention, particularly in the
Netherlands. The artistic adornment of Blaeu’s map is not its least
attractive feature. Its elaborate border, so much of it at least as
remains, there being evidence that at both top and bottom much has been
cut away, alone gives it almost first place among the fine examples
of copper engraving of the period. On the right and the left we find
representations of “London,” “Hamburgh,” “Mexico,” “Cusco,” “Dantzik,”
“Moskow,” “Bergen,” “Stockholm,” alternating with representations of
typical people of the earth, such as “Groenlandi,” “Chilienses et
Peruviani,” “Brasilienses,” “Moscovitae,” “Chinenses et Japonenses.”
The “Rex Hispania,” “Imperator Romanorum,” “Imperator Turcarum” and
“Rex Chinarum” appear in martial array and are given places of special
prominence near the top of the map, while the “Rex Abissinorum,” “Rex
Persearum,” “Magnus Cham Tartarorum” and “Magnus Dux Moscoviae” command
in corresponding positions at the bottom. In his representations of
the celestial hemispheres he gives special credit to Tycho Brahe and
to Frederik Houtman for his information. Parallels and meridians are
drawn at intervals of ten degrees, the prime meridian passing through
the islands of “S. Michiel” and “S. Maria.” Compass roses are numerous,
two of these being especially conspicuous by reason of the fact that
with them appear the Dutch names of the thirty-two compass points or
directions, and the radiating lines serve as loxodrome lines. No less
than thirty ships are represented sailing the oceans in all parts
of the world, carrying either the pennant of Spain, of Portugal, of
Holland or of England. A few of these are curiously interesting,
there having been an attempt to fashion them after the manner of the
countries to which they belong, as, for example, a Japanese vessel
off the coast of Japan, “Navis qua Japonenses utuntur quae illis
Champan dicitur,” and an open boat in the Pacific near the Strait of
Magellan, “Huiusmodi navicularunt forma freti magellaniei accolis in
usu est.” Sea monsters are numerous, and Neptune is represented in
certain parts carrying either a trident, a pennant of Spain or one of
Portugal. Blaeu has not omitted the representation of numerous land
animals thought to be native to the regions in which they appear, as
in Africa the lion, the tiger, the elephant, the camel, the ostrich,
the crocodile; in South America the llama, the alpaca, the monkey, the
armadillo, the parrot; in North America the bison, the opossum which is
curiously fashioned, the fox and the bear.

Reference has been made to the striking similarity in arrangement
and style of the descriptive titles of the Blaeu and the Hondius
large World Maps. This similarity is further traceable literally in
hundreds of details, forcing upon us the suggestion that Hondius
borrowed extensively from Blaeu, since the map of the latter is of
the earlier date. To but a few of the more striking evidences of
borrowing, however, can attention here be directed. The fact is
exceedingly interesting that many of the objects otherwise similarly
drawn are reversed in position as represented on the maps. Blaeu turns
the faces of his portraits of Magellan and Drake to their left, of
Van der Noort and Candysch to their right; Hondius has reversed the
position. Most of Blaeu’s ships sail in a direction opposite to that
in which the ships of Hondius are made to sail, the location of the
several ships being, however, practically the same on the two maps;
the most ornamental compass roses are placed in identically the same
positions; the dedications of the maps and the addresses to the reader
are similarly placed in ornamental cartouches, which, however, in the
details of their decorations differ slightly; each has a somewhat
elaborate representation of the cannibals in eastern South America, but
in their details the pictures are reversed. The line of the ecliptic
passes south of the equator in the western hemisphere, and northward in
the eastern hemisphere on the Blaeu map, and this Hondius has reversed;
the position of Blaeu’s griffin and tiger in the heart of Africa has
been reversed by Hondius. Not to extend such comparisons further, it
may be stated that a study of the two maps with these similarities,
even in minute details in view, can not fail to interest. May there
not, therefore, have been good reason for Blaeu’s complaint expressed
to the States General in 1608? In this, as before stated, he prayed for
protection against those who were taking from his work without credit.



 AA, ABRAHAM JACOB VAN DER. Biographische woordenboek der Nederlanden.
 Haarlem, 1853. Vol. II, pp. 578-580.

 ANONYMOUS. W. J. Blaeu’s Antheil an der Bestimmung der Erdlängen. (Das
 Ausland. November, 1875. Stuttgart, 1875. Vol. XLVIII, No. 44, pp.

 ANONYMOUS. A Bibliographical Curiosity. (Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal.
 New Series. May 31, 1851. Edinburgh, W. & R. Chambers, 1851. Vol. XV,
 pp. 374-376.)

 Notice of Blaeu’s Atlas, 12 vols., 1667.

 BARENTSZOEN, WI. Nieuwe beschryvinghe ende Caertboeck vande
 Midlandtsche Zee waerin meercklick afgebeeld en beschreven worden alle
 custen vande Midlandsche Zee ... W. B. Amst., Corn. Claesz ... 1595.

 BAUDET, P. J. H. Leven en werken van Willem Jansz. Blaeu. Uitgegeven
 door het Provincial Utrechtsch genootschap van kunsten en
 wetenschappen. XIII, 178 pp. Utrecht, C. van der Post, Jr., 1871.

 ---- Naschrift, 30 pp. 1872.

 BAUDET, P. J. H. Notice sur la part prise par Willem Jansz. Blaeu
 (1571-1638) dans la determination des longitudes terrestres. Utrecht,
 K. A. Manssen, 1875.

 BAUMGARTEN, JOHANNES. Zwei alte Globen von Blaeu. Erdkugel von 1599
 und Himmel-Globis von 1603. (Das Ausland, 13. April, 1885. Stuttgart,
 1885. No. 15, pp. 299-300.)

 CLEMENT, DAVID. (Bibliothèque Curieuse. Göttingen, 1750-1760. Vol. IV,
 pp. 267-276.)

 A bibliography of the Blaeu Atlases.

 DOZY, CHARLES M. Willem Janszoon Blaeu. (Tijdschrift van het
 Nederlandsch aardrijkskundig genootschap, gevestigt te Amsterdam 1887.
 2de Serie. Amsterdam, C. L. Brinkman, 1887. Vol. IV, pp. 206-215.)

 FIORINI, MATTEO. Sfere terrestri e celesti di autore italiano oppure
 fatte o conservate in Italia. Roma, Presso la Società Geografica
 Italiana, 1898.

 See especially pp. 229-262, for a reference to the globes of Blaeu.

 FOPPENS, J. F. Bibliotéca Belgica. Brux., 1680. Vol. I, p. 582.

 GÉNARD, PIERRE MARIE NICOLAS JEAN. Les globes de Guillaume Blaeu.
 (Société Geographie d’Anvers. Bulletin. 1883-84. Anvers, 1883. Tom.
 VIII, pp. 159-160.)

 HUES, ROBERT. Tractatus de Globis. Londinum, 1594.

 JONGE, DE, J. K. J. De opkomst van het Nederlandsch gezag in
 Oost-Indie. Verzameling van onuitgeg. stukken in het Oud-koloniale
 archief. Met Register I-XIII. Gravenhage, 1862-1909. 16 vols.

 KÄSTNER, A. G. Geschichte der Mathematik seit der Wiederherstellung
 der Wissenschaften bis an das Ende des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts.
 Göttingen, 1796. 2 vols.

 LÖWENBERG. Allgemeine deutsche Biographie. Leipzig, 1875. Vol. II, pp.

 LOWERY, WOODBURY. Descriptive List of Maps of Spanish Possessions
 in the United States, 1502-1820. Edited by Philip Lee Phillips.
 Washington, Government Printing Office, 1912.

 See pp. 133-135 for valuable bibliographical references.

 MAXWELL, SIR HERBERT EUSTACE. Rainy Days in a Library. New York, F. P.
 Harper, 1896, pp. 123-129.

 A reference to Blaeu’s Atlas, 12 vols., ed. 1667.

 MERCATOR, GER. Atlas sive cosmographicae meditationes de fabrica mundi
 et fabricati figura.... Duisburgi Cliviorum, 1595.

 We are informed on the title-page that the first and second parts
 appeared in 1585 or 1586, the third in 1589, and the fourth in 1595.

 MOXON, J. (_i.e._, W. BLAEU.) A Tutor to Astronomy and Geography, or
 the use of the Copernican Spheres. London, 1665.

 ORTELIUS, A. Theatrum Orbis Terrarum. Antverpiae, 1570.

 PHILLIPS, PHILIP LEE. List of Geographical Atlases in the Library of
 Congress, with bibliographical notes. Compiled under the direction of
 Philip Lee Phillips. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1909.
 Vol. I, pp. 196-197.

 See, for a list of Blaeu’s Atlases, taken from Tiele: Niederlandsche
 Bibliographie, 1884.

 PICARD, M. Voyage d’Uranibourg, ou observations astronomiques faites
 en Dannemarck. (Mém. de l’Acad. Royale des Sciences de Paris depuis
 1666 jusque à 1699, tom. VII.)

 RAEMDONCK, J. VAN. Gérard Mercator, sa vie et ses œuvres. St.
 Nicholas, 1869.

 of the World by Jodocus Hondius. Facsimile in eighteen sheets with
 text and key plate, issued under the joint auspices of The American
 Geographical Society and The Hispanic Society of America. New York,

 STOWER, C. The Printer’s Grammar. London, 1808, pp. 303-304.

 “T.” Erste uitgave van Blaeu’s Licht der Zeevaert. (Bibliographische
 Adversaria. Gravenhage, M. Nijhoff, 1883-86. Vol. V, pp. 293-295.)

 TIELE, PIETER ANTON. Leven en werken van Willem Jansz. Blaeu, door P.
 J. Baudet ... 1871. (De Gids. 1872. Amsterdam, P. N. Van Kampen, 1872.
 Derde Serie, Vol. I, pp. 356-367.)

 TIELE, PIETER ANTON. Nederlandsche Bibliographie van Land- en
 Volkenkunde. Amsterdam, 1884.

 See for bibliography of works of Blaeu, Mercator, Ortelius, et al.

 UFFENBACH, VON, ZACHARIAS CONRAD. Merkwürdige Reisen durch
 Nieder-Sachsen, Holland und Engelland. Ulm, 1753. Vol. III, p. 600 _et

 VOSSIUS, G. J. De Scientiis mathematicis. 1660. Pp. 199, 263.

 Quoted by Baudet.

 WAGHENAER, LUCAS JANSZ. Spieghel der Zeevaerdt van de navigatie der
 Westersche Zee. Leyden, 1584.

 WAGHENAER, LUCAS JANSZ. Spieghel der Zeevaert inhoudende de geheele
 Noordtsche ende Oostersche Scheepvaert. Leyden, 1585.


 Nova Universi Terrarum Orbis Mappa ex Optimis Quibusque Geographicis
 hydrographicisque Tabulis Summa Industria Accuratissime Delineata et
 Duobus Planisphaeriis Graphice Depicta à Guliel Janssonio Alcmar.
 Amsterdam, 1605.

 It is this unique map which has been here reproduced.

 Nieuw graetbouck, nae den ouden styl vuyt de aldercorrecste observaten
 van den vermaerden astronomo Tycho Brahe, gecalculeert ende gestelt op
 ten meridiaen deser Nederlanden.

 Baudet finds that, from the octroi or patent, this was probably issued
 in 1605. There does not appear to be a copy of this work extant.

 Le Flambeau de la navigation, monstrant la description et delineation
 de toutes les costes et havres de la Mer Occidentale, Septentrionale
 et Orientale ... Par Guilliaume Janszoon. Amst., Guill. Jansz ... 1619.

 Het Licht der Zee-vaert daerinne claerlijck beschreven ende
 aufghebeeldet werden alle de custen ende havenen vande Westersche,
 Noordsche, Oostersche ende Middelandsche Zeën.... Door Willem
 Janszoon. Amst., ghedr. bij Willem Janszoon ... 1620.

 Baudet finds that the first and second volumes of this work must have
 been issued first in 1608, there being a reference to the same in a
 resolution of the States General of that year.

 Tweevoudigh onderwys van de Hemelsche en Aerdsche Globen; Het een na
 de meyning van Ptolemeus met een vasten Aerdkloot; het ander Na de
 natuerlycke stelling van N. Copernicus met een loopenden Aerdkloot.
 Beschreven door Willem Jz. Blaeu. En gevoeght na de Globen en Sphaeren
 by hem uytgeven.

 Date of original issue is not known; between 1620 and 1669 there were
 five issues in Dutch, five in Latin, and three in French.

 ’T Derde deel van ’t Licht der Zeevaert, inhoudende de Beschryvinghe
 der Zee Custen van de Middelandtsche Zee. Byeenvergaedert ende in ’t
 licht ghebracht door Willem Janssen tot Amsterdam by Willem Jansz.
 op’t Water in de Vergulde Sonnewyser Anno 1621.

 Baudet finds that the first issue of this was in 1618.

 Zeespiegel, inhoudende een korte onderwysinghe in de konst der
 zeevaert, en beschryvinghe der seen en kusten van de Oostersche,
 Noordsche en Westersche schipvaert ... door Willem Jansz. Blaeuw ...
 Amsterdam, W. Jz. Blaeuw ... 1623.

 Reissued by John Blaeu, corrected and enlarged, in 1650.

 Tafelen van de declinatie der Sonne, ende der voornaemste vaste
 sterren Mitsgaders van ’t verscheyden gebruyck der Noordsterre
 Nieulycx, allen Zeevaerenden ten dienst, ghecalculeert door Willem
 Jansz. Blauw. t’ Amsterdam. By Willem Jansz. Blauw in de gulde
 Sonnewyser met Privilegie Anno 1625.

 Appendix Theatri A. Ortelii et Atlantis G. Mercatoris continens
 tabulas geograph. diversarum orbis regionum nunc. prim. editas cum
 descriptionibus. Amst., apud Guilj. Blaeuw, 1631.

 Het nieuwe Licht der zeevaert ofte havenwyser van de Oostersche,
 Noordsche en Westersche zeen. Amst., W. Jz. Blaeu ... 1634.

 Toonneel des aerdrycx ofte nieuwe Atlas, dat is beschryving van all
 landen; nu nieulycx uytgegeven ... Amst., Guilj. et Joh. B., 1635.

 Two parts, with third part added in 1642. June 24, 1634, Blaeu wrote
 to his friend Schickard: “I have published the first part of my atlas,
 containing 160 maps, with the description in German, translated from
 the Latin. Next fall, I shall publish the Latin, French and Dutch

 Theatrum orbis terrarum, sive Atlas novus, in quo tabulae et
 descriptiones omnium regionum ... Amst., Guil. et Joa. Blaeu, 1635. 2

 A French edition was issued in 1638; a Latin, Dutch, French and German
 edition, in three volumes, in 1640; a Dutch edition in 1642; a fourth
 volume in Latin, Dutch, French and German in 1646; a six-volume
 edition in 1649-1655.

 De groote Zee-spiegel. inhoudende een korte Onderswijsinge in de konst
 der zeevaert en eene beschrijvinge der seekusten van de Oostersche,
 Noordsche en Westersche schipvaert enz ... Door W. Jz. B. Niewelijcx
 ... verbetert en vermeerdert. Amst. Joan Blaeu ... 1655, 1658.

 Atlas major sive Cosmographia Blaviana, qua solum, salum, coelum
 accuratissime describuntur. Amst., Joa. Blaeu, 1662. 11 vols.

 A second edition of the first part in 1665.

 Grooten Atlas oft Werelt-beschryving, in welcke ’t aertryck, de zee en
 hemel wordt vertoont en beschreven. Amst., J. B., 1664-1665. 9 vols.

 Le grand Atlas ou Cosmographie Blaviane. 12 vols. Issued also in the
 Latin, the Dutch and the Spanish language.

 Globes dated:

  Terrestrial, 1599
  Terrestrial, 1602
  Celestial, 1602
  Celestial, 1603
  Terrestrial, 1606
  Celestial, 1606
  Celestial, 1616
  Terrestrial, 1616
  Terrestrial, 1622
  Celestial, 1622

 Globes undated are numerous. Blaeu’s name appears on his globes
 as Guilielmus Jansonius Alcmariensis, Guilielmus Jansonius Blaeu,
 Guilielmus Jansonius Alcmarianus, Guiljelmus Blaeuw, Guiljelmus

No attempt has been made in the foregoing list to include a reference
to all known editions.



[1] An exhaustive study of the life and work of Willem Janszoon Blaeu
does not exist. One of great value and interest is that by Baudet,
P. J. H. _Leven en werken van Willem Jansz. Blaeu, uitgegeven door
het Provincial Utrechtsch genootschap van kunsten en wetenschappen.
Utrecht, 1871._

The author acknowledges here his indebtedness to Baudet’s work for
invaluable aid in the preparation of this brief biography.

[2] See illustration, p. 12. This, it will be noted, is a map signed
“Insula Hvaena sive Venusia à Gviljelmo Blaev cum sum Tychone
Astronomiae operam daret delineata.”

[3] See illustration, p. 30.

August 8, 1576, the corner-stone of the Castle of Uranienburg was
laid with much ceremony, and the completion of the building was made
possible through the generous contributions and patronage of Frederick
II of Denmark. See, for a brief description, Wolf: _Geschichte der
Astronomie, München, 1877, p. 277_; Picard, J. _Voyage d’Uranibourg,
ou observations astronomiques faites en Dannemarck. (Mem. de l’Acad.
royale des sciences depuis 1666 jusque à 1699, tom. VII, p. 197)_;
Blaeu: _Atlas Major, vol. I, pp. 61-101_. Twelve illustrations of the
Island of Hveen, and of the observatory of Uranienburg, with brief
description, may here be found. These illustrations, it appears, were
taken from Brahe: _Astronomiae instauratae mechanica. 1598._

[4] This great copper globe, which Picard describes as having a
diameter of 4 feet 7 inches and 1 line, constructed in Augsburg under
the direction of Paul Hainzel, appears to have been sent to Uranienburg
about 1584. In the course of succeeding years more than one thousand
stars were represented on its surface according to the observations of
Tycho Brahe. In 1597 the great astronomer left Denmark to find a home
in Prague, taking with him his astronomical instruments, including
his celestial globe. After Brahe’s death in 1601, these instruments
were purchased by Rudolph II, but on the capture of the City of Prague
in 1623 by the Danish Prince Ulrich the globe with other objects of
interest was taken to Copenhagen. Here it remained until 1728, when it
was destroyed by fire together with the castle in which it had so long
been kept.

[5] John Blaeu, son of Willem, tells us that in 1591 his father was
amanuensis of Tycho Brahe. See Blaeu: _Atlas Major, 1662, vol. I, p.

[6] Given by Baudet, _p. 154_.

[7] On the title-page of many of the books published by Blaeu, as on
many of the maps which he issued, appears the expression “Sub signo
solarii deaurati.” Most of the works printed by Blaeu before 1619 have
as his printer’s device a balance with a terrestrial globe in the right
scale and a celestial globe in the left, the latter being represented
as the heavier and having the word “Praestat” printed below it. In
certain later publications this mark was replaced by an armillary
sphere, at the left of which is an allegorical figure representing Time
and on the right a figure representing Hercules with the inscription
“Indefessus agendo.” See p. 59.

[8] See, for brief descriptions of Blaeu’s press, Stower, C. _Printer’s
Grammar. London, 1808, pp. 303-304_; Hansard, _Typography: an
historical sketch of the origin and progress of the art of printing.
London, 1825, p. 550_; and especially Johnson, J., _Typographia, or the
Printer’s Instructor. London, 1824, vol. II, pp. 500-551_. It is from
this last named work that illustration p. 16 is taken.

[9] Filips von Zesen: _Beschreibung der Stadt Amsterdam, 1664, pp.

[10] John Blaeu’s oldest son Willem was at this time about one year
old. If the statement by Zesen is correct, it perhaps points us to an
interesting exhibition of parental pride.

[11] See Baudet, _p. 15_.

[12] See Baudet, _p. 14_.

[13] The report of this survey may be found in Snellius, W.
_Eratosthenes Batavus, de terrae ambitus vera quantitate, a Willebrordi
Snellio suscitatus_. _Lugd. Batav., 1617._

[14] Picard, J. _Ouvrages de mathematique. A la Haye, chez P. Gosse et
J. Neaulme, 1731._

[15] This letter is quoted by Baudet, _pp. 172-174_.

[16] See Lelewel, J. _Geographie du Moyen Age, Bruxelles, 1852-1857,
vol. II, p. 194._

[17] See De Jonge, J. K. J. _De opkomst van het Nederlandsch gezag in
Oost-Indie, 1862-1909, vol. I, pp. 88-89._

[18] See Baudet, _p. 18_.

[19] See Baudet, _pp. 18-19_.

[20] Reference to Galileo and his attempts to solve the problems
relative to the determination of longitude may be found in Kästner, A.
G. _Geschichte der Mathematik, 1796, vol. IV, p. 207_; Galileo Galilei:
_Opere, III, p. 142_; Baudet, _pp. 131-145_.

[21] See _Extract uit de Resol. der Staten van Holland en
West-Vriesland, 5 Aug., 1608_, given by Baudet, _pp. 156-158_.

[22] See p. 58 for specific reference to some of the many striking
similarities, which seem to give conclusive evidence that Hondius
borrowed from Blaeu.

[23] See Baudet, P. J. H. _Naschrift op. Leven en werken van W. Jz.
Blaeu, pp. 15-18._

[24] The inscriptions in the original Dutch are given by Baudet:
_Naschrift, pp. 16-17_.

[25] An extract from the Resolution is given by Baudet, _p. 156_.

[26] Baudet says: “I am unable to determine whether the _World Map_
of 1605 and the _Mappa Mundi_, in two hemispheres, of that year, as
referred to in the resolution of the States General, are the same. I
believe, however, that the _World Map_ is the ‘Nova totius terrarum
orbis geographica ac hydrographica tabula, auct. Guiljelmo Blaeuw,’
drawn according to Mercator’s projection, to be found in the ‘Toonneel
des Aerdrycx.’ It is not dated, but apparently was printed from a plate
which had been used in 1606, though improved somewhat, but from it the
date had been erased, which however, according to Lelewel, is slightly
visible “on some copies.” See Baudet, _pp. 85-86_. The “Nova totius
terrarum” is reproduced, _p. 52_.

[27] See Baudet, _pp. 96-98_, for extracts from his letters to

[28] See Fiorini, Matteo. _Sfere Terrestri e Celesti di autore Italiano
oppure fatte o conservate in Italia_. _Roma, Presso la Società
Geografica Italiana, 1898_; Günther, Sigmund. _Erd- und Himmelsgloben,
ihre Geschichte und Konstruktion, nach dem Italienischen Matteo
Fiorinis frei bearbeitet. Leipzig, 1895._

[29] Ravenstein, E. G. _Martin Behaim; his life and his globe._
_London, George Philip Son, Ltd., 1908._ Contains a facsimile of the
globe printed on four sheets.

[30] Fischer, Jos. S. J. and Wieser, Prof. Franz V. _The Oldest Map
with the name America of the year 1507 and the Carta Marina of the year
1516 by M. Waldseemüller (Ilacomilus), Innsbruck, 1903. See p. 14._

[31] Van Raemdonck, D. J. _Les sphères terrestre et céleste de Gérard
Mercator [1541-1551]. Notice publiée à l’occasion de la reproduction
de ses sphères à l’aide de facsimile de leurs fuseaux originaux,
gravés par Mercator et conservés à la Bibliothèque Royale à Bruxelles.
Saint-Nicolas, 1875._

[32] Fiorini, _op. cit._, _pp. 192-199_.

[33] Fiorini, _op. cit._, _pp. 262-272_.

[34] Fiorini, _op. cit._, _pp. 229-262._

[35] Fredrik Houtman, astronomer and navigator, sailed with his brother
Cornelius Houtman to the East Indies in the years 1599 and 1600.

[36] Baudet quotes an interesting resolution of the States General,
dated December 10, 1616: “Opte requeste van Willem Jansz., haere
Ho. Mo. gedediceert hebbende eenen aertscloot van grooter formen,
inhoudende die deelen des aertsbodens, die tot dese tyden toe ontdeckt
ende bekent gemaect syn, mitsgaders eene hemelsche sphera van gelyche
groote, is den suppliant voor deselve dedicatie toegeleet vyftich
guldens eens.” _See p. 156._

[37] Stevenson, Edward Luther, Ph.D., and Fischer, Joseph, S. J. _Map
of the World by Jodocus Hondius, Facsimile in eighteen sheets with
text and key plate, issued under the joint auspices of The American
Geographical Society and The Hispanic Society of America, New York,

[38] See note, p. 39.

  Transcriber's Notes:

  On pages 48 and 51 the assumed abbreviation symbol for ‘que’ has been
  replaced with ‘que’.

  Italics are shown thus: _sloping_.

  Variations in spelling and hyphenation are retained.

  Perceived typographical errors have been changed.



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