Dick & Fitzgerald Catalog (1866)

By Dick & Fitzgerald

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Dick and Fitzgerald

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Title: Dick and Fitzgerald Catalog (1866)

Author: Dick and Fitzgerald

Release Date: February 24, 2014 [EBook #44995]

Language: English


Produced by Julia Miller and the Online Distributed
Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net (This file was
produced from images generously made available by The
Internet Archive/American Libraries.)

Transcriber's Note:

This is a publisher's catalog found at the end of the source copy
of Martine's Hand-book of Etiquette, and Guide to True Politeness
by Arthur Martine, PG #36048.

Minor typographical errors have been corrected without note.
Irregularities and inconsistencies in the text have been retained as

Words printed in italics are noted with underscores: _italics_. Words
printed in bold are noted with tildes: ~bold~.

~Dick's Games of Patience; or, Solitaire with Cards.~ New and
Revised Edition. Containing Sixty-four Games. Illustrated with Fifty
explanatory full-page Tableaux. This treatise on Solitaire embraces a
number of new and original Games, and all the Games of Patience at
present in favor with the most experienced players. Each game is
carefully and lucidly described, with the distinctive rules to be
observed and hints as to the best means of success in play. The
Tableaux furnish efficient aid in rendering the disposition of the
cards necessary to each game plain and easily comprehensible. The
difficulty usually attending descriptions of intricate games is
reduced, as far as possible, by precision in method and terseness of
expression in the text, and the illustrations serve to dispel any
possible ambiguity that might be unavoidable without their aid.
Quarto, 143 pages.

    Board covers      75 cts.
    Cloth          $1.00

~Modern Whist.~ A Treatise on the Game of Whist, introducing all the
modern methods and usages of the scientific game, mainly derived from
the latest works of "Cavendish", the leading authority in all that
pertains to the game of Whist.

The most advantageous leads, according to "Cavendish", as well as the
system of "American Leads", are given in detail, including a critical
analysis, with Tables and Illustrations, of the best play for second
and third hands.

This treatise contains all the instruction necessary to make an expert
modern Whist player.

    Paper covers      25 cts.

~Pole on Whist.~ The Theory of the Modern Scientific Game of Whist. By
William Pole, F.R.S. This complete and exhaustive Treatise on the Game
is in handy form for the pocket, and affords lucid instructions at all
stages of the Game for partners to play in combination for their best

    20 cts.

~American Leads at Whist.~ A condensed Treatise abridged from the
well-known work by "Cavendish", explaining and elucidating the
generally accepted modern methods of American Leads as applied to
legitimate signaling between partners during the progress of the game.
Illustrated with Diagrams.

    Vest pocket size      15 cts.

~Cinch.~ A thorough hand-book of the game of Cinch, containing the
correct method of playing, and the Laws which govern it; compiled from
the best and most reliable authorities. By "Trumps".

    10 cts.

~Robertson's Guide to the Game of Draughts.~ Embracing all of the
twenty-two well-known Openings, with 3340 Variations, including and
correcting all that are given in the leading treatises already
published, with about 1200 new and original Variations which appear
for the first time in this work, forming a thorough and complete
digest and analysis of the Game, with corrections and additions up to
the present time. The number of moves aggregate nearly 100,000. Match
play by Yates, Wyllie, Barker, and others, will be found regularly
classified. A change has been made in the trunks generally, and
throughout the whole work there appears much that is fresh and

    Cloth, 8vo., 320 pages.      $3.00

~Anderson's Checkers.~ Containing complete Instructions and Rules
for playing Checkers or Draughts. Illustrated with Diagrams; including
all the Standard Games and their Variations, and numerous Problems
with their Solutions. By Andrew Anderson. In a certain sense, this is
a reprint of Anderson's Celebrated "Second Edition", revised,
corrected, and enlarged by Robert M'Culloch; that is, his play when
sound is given intact, and where improvements have been shown they
have been incorporated, and unsound play eliminated.

    Cloth.      $1.50

~Spayth's American Draught Player; or, The Theory and Practice of
the Scientific Game of Checkers.~ Simplified and Illustrated with
Practical Diagrams. Containing upwards of 1700 Games and Positions. By
Henry Spayth. Sixth edition, with over three hundred Corrections and
Improvements. Containing: The Standard Laws of the Game--Full
Instructions--Draught Board Numbered--Names of the Games, and how
formed--The "Theory of the Move and its Changes" practically explained
and illustrated with Diagrams.

    Cloth.      $3.00

~Dunne's Draughts Player's Guide and Companion.~ A Guide to the
Student and a Companion for the Advanced Player. By Frank Dunne. A
thoroughly practical work, containing Instructions for beginners,
Standard Rules, the "Move" and its changes, End Games, Openings,
Illustrative Games, including the Wyllie-Bryden Match Games, the
Losing Game, and some of the finest Problems of the day, with their
Solutions. It includes also the Spanish, Italian, Polish, and Turkish
varieties of the game; the entire work being profusely illustrated by
Diagrams exhibiting the Problems and the critical positions in the
progress of the games.

    12mo., cloth.      $1.50

~Mortimer's Chess Players' Pocket-book.~ A complete and handy Manual
of all the known Openings and Gambits, with a thorough analysis of
each, its variations and defense, the more intricate of which are
instructively carried out; beyond the opening moves. By James
Mortimer. The special feature of this work is the manner in which the
notation is arranged in tabular form, by which greater perspicuity is
gained for study, and so reduces the bulk that it can easily be
carried in the pocket for ready reference. This book is emphatically
indorsed by all the leading Chess Critics.

    Cloth, pocket size.      50 cts.

~Gossip's Chess Players' Text-book.~ It introduces a preliminary
Game, elucidated step by step for the instruction of beginners. It
gives a full and extended analysis of all the Openings and Gambits in
general use, with illustrative Games analytically explained, and a
number of interesting End Games and Strategic positions calculated to
afford advanced players a more thorough insight into the intricacies
of the game.

    Bound in cloth. 156 pages.      75 cts.

~Scattergood's Game of Draughts; or, Checkers Simplified and
Explained.~ With practical Diagrams and Illustrations, together
with a Checker-board, numbered and printed in red. Containing the
Eighteen Standard Games, with over 200 of the best variations selected
from various authors, with some never before published. By D.

    Bound in cloth, with flexible covers.      50 cts.

~Spayth's Game of Draughts.~ By Henry Spayth. This book is designed as
a supplement to "The American Draught Player"; but it is complete in
itself. It contains lucid instructions for beginners, Laws of the
Game, Diagrams, the score of 364 games, together with 34 novel,
instructive, and ingenious "critical positions."

    Cloth.      $1.50

~Spayth's Draughts; or, Checkers for Beginners.~ This treatise was
written by Henry Spayth, the celebrated player, and is by far the most
complete and instructive elementary work on Draughts ever published.
It is profusely illustrated with diagrams of ingenious stratagems,
curious positions, and perplexing Problems, and contains a great
variety of interesting and instructive Games, progressively arranged
and clearly explained with notes, so that the learner may easily
comprehend them. With the aid of this Manual a beginner may soon
become a proficient in the game.

    Cloth, gilt side.      75 cts.

~Hoyle's Games.~ By "Trumps". A Complete Manual of the games of skill
and chance as played in America, and an acknowledged "arbiter on all
disputed points"; thoroughly revised and corrected in accordance with
the latest and best authorities.

It contains the modern laws and complete instructions for the games of
Chess, Draughts, Dominoes, Dice, Backgammon, and Billiards, as well as
all the games with cards at present in vogue, including the more
recently introduced methods of playing Baccarat, Duplicate Whist,
Cayenne Whist, Hearts, Grabouche Newmarket, Solo Whist, and Five and
Nine or Domino Whist, etc. Profusely illustrated with explanatory card
engravings, and diagrams.

    16mo., 514 pages, cloth      $1.25
    Bound in boards                 75 cts.
    Paper covers                    50 cts.

~Dick's Hand-book of Whist.~ Containing Pole's and Clay's Rules for
playing the modern scientific game, the Club Rules of Whist, and two
interesting Double Dummy Problems. This is a thorough treatise on the
game of Whist. It covers all the points and intricacies which arise in
the game; including the acknowledged code of etiquette observed by the
players, with Drayson's remarks on Trumps, their use and abuse, and
the modern methods of signaling between partners.

    25 cts.

~Marache's Manual of Chess.~ Containing a description of the Board and
Pieces, Chess Notation, Technical Terms, with diagrams illustrating
them, Laws of the Game, Relative Value of Pieces, Preliminary Games
for beginners, Fifty Opening of Games, with the best games and copious
notes; Twenty Endings of Games, showing easiest way of effecting
checkmate; Thirty-six ingenious Diagram Problems, and sixteen curious
Chess Stratagems, being one of the best Books for Beginners ever
published. By N. Marache.

    Bound in cloth.      50 cts.

~Dick's Art of Bowling; or, Bowler's Guide.~ Giving the correct
method of playing, keeping the score, and the latest rules which
govern the American and German Games, and their most popular
variations; including the Regulations adopted in Matches and

    Fully illustrated.      25 cts.

~Trumps' New Card Games.~ Containing the correct method and rules
for playing the games of Hearts, Boodle, Newmarket, Five and Nine or
Domino Whist, Solo, and Cayenne Whist.

    Paper covers.      25 cts.

Dick & Fitzgerald




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of Practical Receipts and Processes,


Written in a plain and popular manner, and illustrated with explanatory
wood-cuts. Being a comprehensive Book of Reference for the Merchant,
Manufacturer, Artisan, Amateur and Housekeeper, embracing valuable
information in the Arts, Professions, Trades, Manufactures, including
Medicine, Pharmacy and Domestic Economy. It is certainly the most
useful book of reference for practical information pertaining to the
wants of everyday life ever printed. _The Scientific American_
says "It is worthy of a place in the library of any home, work-shop,
factory or laboratory". Prominent among the immense mass of subjects
treated of in the book, are the following:

    The Art of Dyeing;
    Hard, Soft and Toilet Soaps;
    Imitation Liquors;
    Wines, Cordials and Bitters;
    Perfumery; Cologne Water and Perfumed Spirits;
    Flavoring Essences, etc.;
    Hair Dyes and Washes;
    Pomades and Perfumed Oils;
    Tooth Powders, etc.;
    Alcohol and Alcoholmetry;
    Petroleum and Kerosene;
    Bleaching and Cleaning;
    Scouring and Cleansing;
    Sauces, Catsups and Pickles;
    Receipts for the Garden;
    To Remove Stains, Spots, etc.;
    The Extermination of Vermin;
    Pyrotechny and Explosives;
    Cements, etc.;
    Soluble Glass;
    Artificial Gems;
    Inks and Writing Fluids;
    Aniline Colors;
    Liquid Colors;
    Paints and Pigments;
    Drying Oils and Dryers;
    Painting and Paper-hanging;
    Kalsomine and Whitewash;
    Oil and Spirit Varnishes;
    Varnishing and Polishing;
    Japanning and Lacquering;
    Boot and Harness Blacking;
    Metals and Alloys;
    Soldering and Welding;
    Gilding, Silvering, etc.;
    Electrotyping, Electroplating, etc;
    Medicinal Preparations;
    Patent Medicines;
    Medical Receipts;
    Weights and Measures.

    607 pages, royal octavo, cloth      $5.00
    Sheep                                6.00

DICK & FITZGERALD, Publishers,

Box 2975.                NEW YORK.


    Dick's Series of Recitations and Headings. Nos. 1 to 17.
    Dick's Dutch, French and Yankee Recitations.
    Dick's Irish Recitations.
    Dick's Comic and Dialect Recitations.
    Dick's Diverting Dialogues.
    Dick's Dialogues and Monologues.
    Dick's Comic Dialogues.
    McBride's Funny Dialogues.
    McBride's Comic Dialogues.
    McBride's All Kinds of Dialogues.
    McBride's New Dialogues.
    McBride's Humorous Dialogues.
    McBride's Temperance Dialogues.
    McBride's Comic Speeches and Recitations.
    Frost's Dialogues for Young Folks.
    Frost's Humorous and Exhibition Dialogues.
    Frost's New Dialogues.
    Kavanaugh's Comic Pieces for Very Little Children.
    Kavanaugh's Humorous Dramas.
    Kavanaugh's Juvenile Speaker, for Very Little Children.
    Kavanaugh's Exhibition Reciter, for Very Little Children.
    Kavanaugh's New Speeches and Dialogues.
    Holmes' Very Little Dialogues for Very Little Folks.
    Graham's School Dialogues for Young People.
    Steele's Exhibition Dialogues.
    Martine's Droll Dialogues and Laughable Recitations.
    Beecher's Recitations and Readings.
    Howard's Recitations; Comic, Serious and Pathetic.
    Wilson's Recitations for School Declamation.
    Spencer's Comic Speeches and Recitations.
    Barton's Comic Recitations and Dialogues.

The price of each of the above books in paper covers is 30 cents; or
bound in boards, with cloth back, 50 cents; sent by mail, postage
paid, to any address on receipt of the price.

Send for catalogue, mailed free, giving full contents of each book,
and the number and sex of the characters required for the dialogues.


~The Art and Etiquette of Making Love.~ A Manual of Love, Courtship
and Matrimony. It tells

    _How to cure bashfulness_,
    _How to commence a courtship_,
    _How to please a sweetheart or lover_,
    _How to write a love-letter_,
    _How to "pop the question"_,
    _How to act before and after a proposal_,
    _How to accept or reject a proposal_,
    _How to break off an engagement_,
    _How to act after an engagement_,
    _How to act as bridesmaid or groomsman_,
    _How the etiquette of a wedding and all the details of the after
        reception should be observed_,

And in fact, how to fulfill every duty and meet every contingency
connected with courtship and matrimony. 176 pages.

    Paper covers                     ~30 cts.~
    Bound in boards, cloth back      ~50 cts.~

~Howard's Book of Love Poetry.~ A curious and Beautiful Collection of
Tenderly Delicate, Sweetly Pathetic and Amusingly Quizzical Poetical
Love-Addresses, containing a large number of the most admired
selections from the leading Poets suitable for quotations in Love
Letters, and applicable to all phases and contingencies incident to
the tender passion.

    141 pages      ~25 cts.~

~Courtship Made Easy; or, The Art of Making Love Fully Explained.~
Containing full directions for Conducting a Courtship with Ladies of
every age and Position in society, and valuable information for
persons who desire to enter the marriage state. Also, forms of
Love-letters to be used on certain occasions.

    64 pages      ~15 cts.~

~How to Win and How to Woo.~ Containing Rules for the Etiquette of
Courtship, showing how to win the favor of the Ladies, how to begin
and end a Courtship, and how to write Love-Letters.

    ~15 cts.~

~The Language of Flowers.~ A complete dictionary of the Language of
Flowers, and the sentiments which they express. Well arranged and
comprehensive in every detail. All unnecessary matter has been
omitted. This little volume is destined to fill a want long felt for
a reliable book at a price within the reach of all.

    Paper      ~15 cts.~

~Dictionary of Love.~ Containing a Definition of all the terms used in
the History of the Tender Passion, together with specimens of curious
model love letters, and many other interesting matters appertaining to
Love, never before published; the whole forming a remarkable Text-Book
for all Lovers, as well as a Complete Guide to Matrimony, and a
Companion of Married Life.

    Paper      ~50 cts.~

~Anecdotes of Love.~ Being a true account of the most remarkable
events connected with the History of Love in all ages and among all
Nations. By LOLA MONTEZ, Countess of Landsfeldt.

    Paper      ~50 cts.~

~Poet's Companion.~ A Dictionary of all Allowable Rhymes in the
English Language. This gives the Perfect, the imperfect and Allowable
Rhymes, and will enable you to ascertain to a certainty whether any
word can be mated. It is invaluable to any one who desires to court
the Muses, and is used by some of the best writers in the country.

    ~25 cts.~

~Green's 100 Tricks With Cards~, By J. H. GREEN, reformed Gambler.
This is a book of 96 pages, and exposes and explains all the mysteries
of the Gambling Table. It is interesting not only to those who play,
but to those who do not. Old Players will get some new ideas from this
curious book.

    Paper      ~30 cts.~

~The Wizard of the North's Hand-Book of Natural Magic.~ Being a series
of Tricks of Deception, arranged for Amateurs. By Professor J. H.

    Paper      ~25 cts.~


~Blackbridge's Complete Poker Player.~ A Practical Guide-Book to the
American National Game; containing mathematical and experimental
analyses of the probabilities of Draw Poker. By JOHN BLACKBRIDGE,
Actuary. This, as its title implies, is an exhaustive treatise on Draw
Poker, giving minute and detailed information on the various chances,
expectations, possibilities and probabilities that can occur in all
stages of the game, with directions and advice for successful play,
deduced from actual practice and experience, and founded on precise
mathematical data.

    Small quarto, 142 pages, paper      ~50 cts.~
    Bound, cloth                        ~$1.00~

~Proctor on Draw-Poker.~ By Prof. RICHARD A. PROCTOR. An interesting
Treatise on the Laws and Usages which govern the Game of Draw-Poker,
with Practical Remarks upon the Chances and Probabilities of the Game,
and a Critical Analysis of the Theories and Statistics advanced by
Blackbridge and other writers, and especially in regard to their
doctrines relating to cumulative recurrences.

    ~15 cts.~

~Talk of Uncle George to his Nephew About Draw Poker.~ Containing
valuable suggestions in connection with this Great American Game; also
instructions and directions to Clubs and Social Card Parties.

    Paper      ~25 cts.~

~How Gamblers Win; or, The Secrets of Advantage Playing Exposed.~
Being a complete and scientific exposé of the manner of playing all
the numerous advantages in the various Card Games, as practised by
professional gamblers. This work is designed as a warning to
self-confident card-players.

    Boards      ~50 cts.~

~The Thompson Street Poker Club.~ A true and authentic record of the
astonishing poker play perpetrated by this notorious "Culled" Club
with their peculiar hands, and summarily simple mode of settlements,
portraying the peculiar humor, oddities and extravagances of the Negro
in his happiest vein. Profusely illustrated by E. W. Kemble, in his
most mirth-provoking style.

    ~25 cts.~

~The Mott Street Poker Club.~ Being the Secretary's Minutes of each
session of this celebrated Chinese Club from its foundation to its
close; a full revelation of its proceedings, and the ludicrous
incidents arising from the eccentric ways of playing adopted by the
guileless members of the club, and the astounding poker hands held by
the tricky "Heathen Chinee." Profusely illustrated by Michal Woolf.


~Draw-Poker for Poker Players.~ A Condensed Treatise on the Game,
explaining the Technical Terms used, the relative value of the Hands,
and complete directions for successful play, including Schenck's
Rules. Vest pocket size, illustrated.

    ~15 cts.~

~American Whist.~ Containing a full description of the Game, Technical
Terms, Rules for successful Play, the Laws of the Game, and a specimen
Game with the Hands played throughout. Vest pocket size, fully

    ~15 cts.~

~Day's Fortune-Telling Cards.~ We have just printed an original set of
cards for telling fortunes, which are an improvement on any hitherto
made. They are so arranged that each answer will respond to every one
of the questions which may be put. These cards will also afford a fund
of amusement in a party of young people. Each pack is enclosed in a
card case, on which are printed directions.

    ~30 cts.~


~The Perfect Gentleman.~ A book of Etiquette and Eloquence. Containing
information and instruction for those who desire to become brilliant
or conspicuous in General Society, or at Parties, Dinners or Popular
Gatherings, etc. It gives directions how to use wine at table, with
Rules for judging the quality thereof, Rules for Carving and a
complete Etiquette of the Dinner Table, including Dinner Speeches,
Toasts and Sentiments, Wit and Conversation at Table, etc. It has also
an American Code of Etiquette and Politeness for all occasions. It
also contains all the necessary information relating to the rules of
Etiquette to be observed in fashionable and official society at
Washington, and this alone makes it valuable to any one who visits
that city, either for pleasure or business. It also contains, Model
Speeches, with directions how to deliver them, Duties of the Chairman
at Public Meetings, Forms of Preambles and Resolutions, etc. It is a
handsomely bound volume of 335 pages.


~The American Boy's Own Book of Sports and Games.~ A work expressly
designed to amuse and instruct American Boys at all times and
seasons, both in and out doors. This work contains 600 pages, and is
illustrated with over 600 engravings and diagrams, drawn by White and
other American and English artists, and engraved by N. Orr in his best
style. It is also embellished with eight full-page ornamental titles,
executed in the highest style of art, on tinted paper, illustrating
the different departments of the work. An elegant gift for a boy,
affording endless amusement, instruction and recreation.

    12 mo., extra fine cloth, gilt side and back stamp      ~$2.00~

~The Twelve Decisive Battles of the War.~ A History of Eastern and
Western Campaigns in relation to the Battles which decided their
issue, and their important bearings on the result of the Struggle for
the Union. By William Swinton. Illustrated by seven steel portraits of
the leading Generals and nine maps of battle-fields. This work is the
result of the author's personal experiences, and based on the records
of the Generals commanding on both sides; it is, therefore, thorough,
impartial and reliable. 520 pages. 8vo.

    Extra cloth, beveled,      ~$3.50~

~Day's Cards Of Courtship.~ Arranged with such apt conversations
that you will be enabled to ask the momentous question categorically,
in such a delicate manner that the young lady will not suspect what
you are at. These cards may be used either by two persons, or they
will make lots of fun for an evening party of young people. When used
in a party, the question is read aloud by the lady receiving it--she
shuffles and hands out an answer--and that also must be read aloud by
the gentleman receiving it. The fun thus caused is intense. Put up in
handsome cases, on which are printed directions.

    ~30 cts.~

~Day's Love-Letter Cards; or, Love-Making Made Easy.~ We have
just printed a novel set of Cards which will delight the hearts of
young people susceptible of the tender passion. Both letters and
answers are either humorous or humorously sentimental--thus creating
lots of fun when used at a party of young people--and special pains
has been taken with them to avoid that silly, sentimental formality so
common in printed letters of this kind. Put up in handsome cases, on
which are printed directions.

    ~30 cts.~

~Day's Conversation Cards.~ A New and Original Set, comprising
Eighteen Questions and Twenty-four Answers, so arranged that the whole
of the answers are apt replies to each one of the eighteen questions.
The plan of these cards is very simple, and easily understood. Used by
a party of young people, they will make a good deal of fun. The set
comprises forty-two Cards in the aggregate, which are put up in a
handsome case, with printed directions for use.

    ~30 cts.~


~Dinner Napkins, and How to Fold Them.~ Containing plain and
systematic directions for arranging and folding Napkins or Serviettes
for the Dinner Table, from the simplest forms to the most elaborate
and artistic designs. By Georgiana C. Clark. This little work embraces
all the favorite designs in general use for transforming a plain
Napkin into one of the most attractive and ornamental appendages to an
elegantly arranged Dinner Table. Some of the patterns being expressly
intended for combining artistic display with floral decoration,
appropriately symbolic of Bridal and other special occasions.

    Profusely illustrated      ~25 cts.~

~Mrs. Crowen's American Lady's Cookery Book.~ Giving every variety of
information for ordinary and holiday occasions, and containing over
1,200 Original Receipts for Preparing and Cooking Soups and Broths,
Fish and Oysters, Clams, Mussels, Crabs and Terrapins, Meats of all
kinds, Poultry and Game, Eggs and Cheese, Vegetables and Salads,
Sauces of all kinds, fancy Desserts, Puddings and Custards, Pies and
Tarts, Bread and Biscuit, Rolls and Cakes, Preserves and Jellies,
Pickles and Catsups, Potted Meats, etc., etc. The whole being a
complete system, of American Cookery. By Mrs. T. J. Crowen.

    480 pages, 12 mo., cloth      ~$1.50~

~How to Cook and How to Carve.~ Giving plain and easily understood
directions for preparing and cooking, with the greatest economy, every
kind of dish, with complete instructions for serving the same. This
Book is just the thing for a young Housekeeper. It is worth a dozen of
expensive French books.

    Paper covers                         ~30 cts.~
    Bound in boards with cloth back      ~50 cts.~

~The American Home Cook Book.~ Containing several hundred excellent
recipes. The whole based on many years' experience of an American
Housewife. Illustrated with engravings. All the recipes in this book
are written from actual experience in Cooking.

    Paper       ~30 cts.~
    Boards      ~50 cts.~

~The Yankee Cook Book.~ A new system of Cookery. Containing hundreds
of excellent recipes from actual experience in Cooking; also, full
explanation in the art of Carving.

    126 pages, paper covers.      ~30 cts.~
    Boards                        ~50 cts.~

~Soyer's Standard Cookery for the People.~ Embracing an entirely new
System of Plain Cookery and Domestic Economy. By Alexis Soyer. The
plain and familiar style adopted in describing the details of the
various culinary operations, commends itself to the notice of all
economical housekeepers, as it affords the best results with the least

    214 pages, paper      ~30 cts.~
    Boards                ~50 cts.~

~The American Housewife and Kitchen Directory.~ This valuable book
embraces three hundred and seventy-eight recipes for cooking all sorts
of American dishes in the most economical manner.

    Paper       ~30 cts.~
    Boards      ~50 cts.~

~Souillard's Book of Practical Receipts.~ For the use of Families,
Druggists, Perfumers, Confectioners and Dealers in Soaps and Fancy
Articles for the Toilet. By F. A. Souillard.

    Paper      ~25 cts.~

~Book of Wonders, Mysteries and Disclosures.~ A complete hand-book
of useful information. Giving a large number of Recipes for the
manufacture of valuable articles of every-day use, and of great value
to manufacturers, storekeepers, druggists, peddlers and families. To
which is added Taxidermy and Traps and Trapping.

    Paper      ~25 cts.~


~How to Join a Circus.~ This contains all the information necessary
for those who desire to qualify themselves for the Circus or
Gymnasium; with hints to Amateurs and advice to Professional
performers; affording thorough instruction in all branches of the
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This original work contains over one-hundred telling speeches and
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Including practical hints on Extempore speaking with a dissertation on
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    Paper                ~50 cts.~
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In this work is a thorough analysis of some SEVENTY prominent and
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The following interesting topics are separately and ably argued on
both sides of the question, thus presenting also well digested matter
for Debate, being on subjects of absorbing interest everywhere:--

    _Civil Service Reform._
    _Is Marriage a Failure?_
    _City and Country._
    _The Credit System._
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    _Capital Punishment._
    _Shall More or Less be Taught in Public Schools._

All the remaining subjects are equally thoroughly discussed, and form
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    _Social Dinners._
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    _Special Toasts for Ladies._
    _Christmas, Thanksgiving and other Festivals._
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    _All Kinds of Occasions._

This work includes an instructive dissertation on the Art of making
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The use of this work will render a poor and diffident speaker fluent
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    Paper                ~30 cts.~
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    _Presentation Speeches._
    _Convivial Speeches._
    _Festival Speeches._
    _Addresses of Congratulation._
    _Addresses of Welcome._
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    _Dinner and Supper Speeches for Clubs._
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    _Miscellaneous Speeches._
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With this book any person may prepare himself to make a neat little
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in a condensed form, for the speakers to enlarge upon to suit their
own fancy. In addition to these is a large collection of debatable
questions. The authorities to be referred to for information are given
at the close of every debate throughout the work. By F. Rowton. 232

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This work includes all Decisions and Rulings up to the present day.

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simplest matters of life, adapted to all ages, conditions and


    _Business Letters_;

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The whole containing 300 Sensible Letters and Notes. This is an
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This work is divided into two parts, the portion for Ladies being kept
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    216 pages, boards, cloth back      ~50 cts.~

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    Paper      ~25 cts.~

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the following subjects:

    _Letters of Introduction._
    _Soliciting and Granting Favors._
    _Accompanying Gifts._
    _Acknowledging Gifts and Favors._
    _Letters of Congratulation._
    _Letters of Sympathy and Condolence._
    _Answers to Advertisements for Help Wanted._
    _Inquiries about and Recommendations of Character and Ability._
    _Letters between Employers and Employed._
    _Accepting and Resigning Positions._
    _Letters of Apology._
    _Letters of Remonstrance and Complaint._
    _Letters of Love and Courtship._
    _Letters of Invitation and Acceptance._
    _Forms of Cards of Invitation._
    _Notes of Postponement._
    _Notes Offering Escort._
    _Letters to Landlords and about Board and Apartments._
    _Family Letters on Various Subjects._
    _Business Correspondence._
    _Letters on Miscellaneous Subjects._

Including Instructions for the arrangement of the different parts of a
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with, perhaps, a little modification could be made available for every
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Containing entirely original Models of Letters on all business
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This work includes correct forms for Business Notices and Cards, and
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General and Particular Averages.

It contains, in addition, a Glossary of Technical Terms used in
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details necessary for conducting commercial correspondence.

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These letters, &c., are excellent models of ease and elegant style,
facility in method of expression, and correct form; they furnish,
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position demands.

    268 pages, boards      ~50 cts.~

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It is profusely illustrated with diagrams of ingenious stratagems,
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    _For Album Dedications_;
    _To Accompany Philopena Forfeits_;
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It contains also Two Hundred and Eighteen Original Acrostic Verses,
the initial letters of each verse forming a different Lady's Christian
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The primary object of this book is to furnish entirely fresh and
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are all clearly explained and illustrated by diagrams. The meaning to
be deduced from the greater or less development of these mounts and
lines (each of which has its own signification), also from the length,
thickness and shape of the thumb and fingers, and from the mutual
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Complete facility for instant reference is insured by means of
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new and popular dances, fully describing

    _The Opening March or Polonaise_,
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    _Saratoga Lancers_,
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    _Nine-Pin and Star Quadrilles_,
    _Gavotte and Minuet Quadrilles_,
    _March and Cheat Quadrilles_,
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    _Redowa and Redowa Waltz_,
    _Polka Mazourka and Old Style Waltz_,
    _Modern Plain Waltz and Glide_,
    _Boston Dip and Hop Waltz_,
    _Five-Step Waltz and Schottische_,
    _Varsovienne and Zulma L'Orientale_,
    _Galop and Deux Temps_,
    _Esmeralda, Sicilienne, Danish Dance_,


To which is added a Sensible Guide to Etiquette and proper Deportment
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    Der Mule Shtood on der Steamboad Deck.
    Go Vay, Becky Miller.
    Der Drummer.
    Mygel Snyder's Barty.
    Snyder's Nose.
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    Mine Katrine.
    Maud Muller.
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    Hans Breitmann's Party.
    Shoo Flies.
    A Dutchman's Answer.
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    I Vash so Glad I Vash Here.
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    The Dutchman's Snake.
    Yoppy's Varder und Hees Drubbles.
    Dhree Shkaders.
    Katrina Likes Me Poody Vell.
    Hans in a Fix.
    Leedle Yawcob Strauss.
    How a Dutchman was Done.
    Dot Lambs vot Mary Haf Got.
    The Yankee and the Dutchman's Dog.
    Zwei Lager.
    Schneider's Ride.
    The Dutchman and the Small-pox.
    Tiamondts on der Prain.
    A Dutchman's Testimony in a Steamboat Case.
    Hans Breitmann and the Turners.


    The Frenchman's Dilemma; or, Number Five Collect Street.
    The Frenchman's Revenge.
    Noozell and the Organ Grinder.
    How a Frenchman Entertained John Bull.
    Mr. Rogers and Monsieur Denise.
    The Frenchman and the Landlord.
    The Frenchman and the Sheep's Trotters.
    A Frenchman's Account of the Fall.
    I Vant to Fly.
    The Generous Frenchman.
    The Frenchman and the Flea Powder.
    The Frenchman and the Rats.
    Monsieur Tonson.
    Vat You Please.
    The Frenchman and the Mosquitoes.
    The Frenchman's Patent Screw.
    The Frenchman's Mistake.
    Monsieur Mocquard Between Two Fires.


    Mrs. Bean's Courtship.
    Hez and the Landlord.
    Squire Billings' Pickerel.
    Deacon Thrush in Meeting.
    The Yankee Fireside.
    Peter Sorghum in Love.
    Mrs. Smart Learns how to Skate.
    Capt. Hurricane Jones on the Miracles.
    The Dutchman and the Yankee.
    The Yankee Landlord.
    The Bewitched Clock.
    The Yankee and the Dutchman's Dog.
    Aunt Hetty on Matrimony.
    The Courtin'.
    Ebenezer on a Bust.
    Sut Lovingood's Shirt.

This Collection contains all the best dialect pieces that are
incidentally scattered through a large number of volumes of
"Recitations and Readings," besides new and excellent sketches never
before published.

    170 pages, paper cover           ~30 cts.~
    Bound in boards, cloth back      ~50 cts.~

~Dick's Irish Dialect Recitations.~ A carefully compiled Collection of
Rare Irish Stories, Comic, Poetical and Prose Recitations, Humorous
Letters and Funny Recitals, all told with the irresistible Humor of
the Irish dialect. Containing

    Biddy's Troubles.
    Birth of St. Patrick, The.
    Bridget O'Hoolegoin's Letter.
    Dermot O'Dowd.
    Dick Macnamara's Matrimonial Adventures.
    Dying Confession of Paddy M'Cabe.
    Father Molloy.
    Father Phil Blake's Collection.
    Father Roach.
    Fight of Hell-Kettle, The.
    Handy Andy's Little Mistakes.
    How Dennis Took the Pledge.
    How Pat Saved his Bacon.
    Irish Astronomy.
    Irish Coquetry.
    Irish Drummer, The.
    Irish Letter, An.
    Irish Philosopher, The.
    Irish Traveler, The.
    Irishman's Panorama, The.
    Jimmy McBride's Letter.
    Jimmy Butler and the Owl.
    King O'Toole and St. Kevin.
    Kitty Malone.
    Love in the Kitchen.
    Micky Free and the Priest.
    Miss Malony on the Chinese Question.
    Mr. O'Hoolahan's Mistake.
    Paddy Blake's Echo.
    Paddy Fagan's Pedigree.
    Paddy McGrath and the Bear.
    Paddy O'Rafther.
    Paddy the Piper.
    Paddy's Dream.
    Pat and the Fox.
    Pat and the Gridiron.
    Pat and his Musket.
    Pat and the Oysters.
    Pat's Criticism.
    Pat's Letter.
    Pat O'Flanigan's Colt.
    Patrick O'Rouke and the Frogs.
    Paudeen O'Rafferty's Say Voyage.
    Peter Mulrooney and the Black Filly.
    Phaidrig Crohoore.
    Rory O'More's Present to the Priest.
    St. Kevin.
    Teddy O'Toole's Six Bulls.
    Wake of Tim O'Hara, The.
    Widow Cummiskey, The.

This Collection contains, in addition to new and original pieces, all
the very best Recitations in the Irish dialect that can be gathered
from a whole library of "Recitation" books. It is full of sparkling
witticisms and it furnishes also a fund of entertaining matter for
perusal in leisure moments.

    170 pages, paper cover           ~30 cts.~
    Bound in boards, cloth back      ~50 cts.~

~Tambo's End-Men's Minstrel Gags.~ Containing some of the best Jokes
and Repartees of the most celebrated "burnt cork" performers of our
day. Tambo and Bones in all sorts and manner of scrapes. This Book is
full of Burnt-Cork Drolleries, Funny Stories, Colored Conundrums, Gags
and Witty Repartee, all the newest side-splitting conversations
between Tambo, Bones, and the Interlocutor, and will be found useful
alike to the professional and amateur performer. Contents:

    A Bird that can't be Plucked
    Annihilating Time
    At Last
    Bet, The
    Big Fortune, A
    Black Swan, The
    Bones and his little Game
    Bones and the Monkey Tricks
    Bones as a Fortune Teller
    Bones as a Legitimate Actor
    Bones as a Pilot
    Bones as a Prize Fighter
    Bones as a "Stugent"
    Bones as a Traveler
    Bones as a Victim to the Pen
    Bones as a Walkist
    Bones assists at the Performance of a New Piece
    Bones attends a Seance
    Bones finds Himself Famous
    Bones gets Dunned
    Bones gets Stuck
    Bones has a Small Game with the Parson
    Bones' Horse Race
    Bones in an Affair of Honor
    Bones In Love
    Bones keeps a Boarding House
    Bones on the War Path
    Bones on George Washington
    Bones on the Light Fantastic
    Bones Opens a Spout Shop
    Bones Plays O'Fella
    Bones sees a Ghost
    Bones Slopes with Sukey Sly
    Bones tells a "Fly" Story
    Brother will come home tonight
    Bones as a Carpet Bagger
    Bones as an Inkslinger
    Bones in a New Character
    Bones in Clover
    Bones' Love Scrape
    "Cullud" Ball, The
    Curious Boy
    Dancing Mad
    Dat's What I'd Like to Know
    De Mudder of Inwention
    Difference, The
    Don't Kiss every Puppy
    "Far Away in Alabam'"
    First White Man, The
    Fishy Argument
    Four Meetings, The
    From the Polks
    Girl at the Sewing Machine
    Hard Times
    Hard to take a Hint
    Heavy Spell, A
    How Bones became a Minstrel
    How Tambo took his Bitters
    How to do it
    Impulsive Oration
    Jeallusest of her Sect
    Legal Problem, A
    Liberal Discount for Cash
    Manager in a Fix, The
    Merry Life, A
    Momentous Question
    Ob Course
    Our Shop Girls
    Pomp and Ephy Green
    Presidency on de Brain
    Proposed Increase of Taxes
    Railroad Catastrophe
    Reality versus Romance
    Rough on Tambo
    Sassy Sam and Susie Long
    School's In
    Shakespeare with a Vengeance
    Simple Sum in Arithmetic
    Sleighing in the Park
    Sliding Down the Hill
    Swearing by Proxy
    Tambo's Traveling Agent
    That Dear Old Home
    "The Pervisions, Jostar"
    Toast, A
    Uncle Eph's Lament
    Waiting to See Him Off
    You Bet
    And 40 popular songs and dances.

    Everything new and rich. Paper covers      ~30 cts.~
    Bound in boards, with cloth back           ~50 cts.~

~McBride's Comic Speeches and Recitations.~ Designed for Schools,
Literary and Social Circles. By H. Elliott McBride, Author of
"McBride's Humorous Dialogues," etc., etc. This is one of the very
best series of original speeches, in Yankee, Darkey, Spread-Eagle and
village styles, with a number of diverting addresses and recitations,
and funny stories, forming an excellent volume of selections for
supplying the humorous element of an exhibition. Contents:

    A Burst of Indignation
    Disco'se by a Colored Man
    A Trumpet Sarmon
    Sarmon on Skilletvillers
    Nancy Matilda Jones
    Hezekiah's Proposal
    About the Billikinses
    Betsy and I are Out Once More
    A Stump Speech
    About Katharine
    Deborah Doolittle's Speech on Women's Rights
    A Salutatory
    A Mournful Story
    An Address to Schoolboys
    Zachariah Popp's Courtship and Marriage
    A Sad Story
    How to Make Hasty Pudding
    My Matilda Jane
    Courtship, Marriage, Separation and Reunion
    Lecture by a Yankee
    A Colored Man's Disco'se on Different Subjects
    A Girl's Address to Boys
    McSwinger's Fate
    Peter Peabody's Stump Speech
    Mr. Styx Rejoices on Account of a New Well Spring
    Victuals and Drink
    Speech by Billy Higgins on the Destruction of His Rambo Apple Tree
    A Boy's Address to Young Ladies
    An Old Man's Address to Young Wives

    Paper covers, illuminated      ~30 cts.~
    Board covers, illuminated      ~50 cts.~

~Beecher's Recitations and Readings.~ Humorous, Serious, Dramatic.
Designed for Public and Private Exhibitions. Contents:

    Miss Maloney at the Dentist's
    Lost and Found
    Mygel Snyder's Barty
    Jim Wolfe and the Cats
    The Woolen Doll
    The Charity Dinner
    Go-Morrow or, Lot's Wife
    The Wind and the Moon
    Dyin' Words of Isaac
    Maude Muller in Dutch
    Moses the Sassy
    Yarn of the "Nancy Bell"
    Paddy the Piper
    Schneider sees "Leah"
    Caldwell of Springfield
    Artemus Ward's Panorama
    Tale of a Servant Girl
    How a Frenchman Entertained John Bull
    Tiamondts on der Prain
    King Robert of Sicily
    Gloverson the Mormon
    De Pint wid Ole Pete
    Pat and the Pig
    The Widow Bedott's Letter
    The Cry of the Children
    The Dutchman and the Small-pox
    Rats--Descriptive Recitation
    A Reader Introduces Himself to an Audience
    A Dutchman's Dolly Varden
    "Rock of Ages"
    Feeding the Black Fillies
    The Hornet
    The Glove and the Lions
    I Vant to Fly
    That Dog of Jim Smiley's
    The Faithful Soul
    "My New Pittayatees"
    Mary Ann's Wedding
    An Inquiring Yankee
    The Three Bells
    Love in a Balloon
    Mrs. Brown on the Streets
    Shoo Flies
    Discourse by the Rev. Mr. Bosan
    Without the Children
    Signor Billsmethi's Dancing Academy
    Der Goot Lookin Shnow
    The Jumping Frog
    The Lost Chord
    The Tale of a Leg
    That West-side Dog
    How Dennis Took the Pledge
    The Fisherman's Summons
    Badger's Debut as Hamlet
    Hezekiah Stole the Spoons
    Paddy's Dream
    Victuals and Drink
    How Jake Schneider Went Blind
    Aurelia's Young Man
    Mrs. Brown on Modern Houses
    Farm Yard Song
    Murphy's Pork Barrel
    The Prayer Seeker
    An Extraordinary Phenomenon
    The Case of Young Bangs
    A Mule Ride in Florida
    Dhree Shkaders

    Paper covers. Price              ~30 cts.~
    Bound in boards, cloth back      ~50 cts.~

~Dick's Ethiopian Scenes, Variety Sketches and Stump Speeches.~
Containing the following Rich Collection of Negro Dialogues, Scenes,
Farces, End-Men's Jokes, Gags, Rollicking Stories, Excruciating
Conundrums, Questions and Answers for Bones, Tambo and Interlocutor,
etc. Contents:

    I's Gwine to Jine de Masons
    Jes' Nail dat Mink to de Stable Do'--Oration
    But the Villain still Pursued Her--A Thrilling Tale
    Bones at a Free-and-Easy
    Buncombe Speech
    Shakespeare Improved
    End Gag--Bones and Tambo
    A Man of Nerve--Comic Sketch
    End Gag--Bones and Tambo
    Uncle Pete--Darkey Sketch
    The Rival Darkeys
    The Stage-Struck Darkey
    Add Ryman's Fourth of July Oration
    Absent-Mindedness--Bones and Tambo
    Don't Call a Man a Liar
    The Mysterious Darkey
    Rev Uncle Jim's Sermon
    The 'Possum-Run Debating Society
    Tim Murphy's Irish Stew
    Brudder Bones in Love--Interlocutor and Bones
    'Lixey: or, The Old Gum Game--Negro Scene
    Brudder Bones' Duel
    Brudder Bones' Sweetheart
    Brudder Bones in Hard Luck
    Two Left-Bones and Tambo
    Speech on Boils
    How Bones Cured a Smoky Chimney
    Sermon on Keards, Hosses, Fiddlers, etc.
    Huggin' Lamp-Posts
    Not Opposed to Matrimony
    How Pat Sold a Dutchman
    The Coopers--one Act Farce
    Questions Easily Answered--Bones and Tambo
    Examination in Natural History--Minstrel Dialogue
    O'Quirk's Sinecure
    The Widower's Speech
    Bones at a Raffle
    Uncle Pete's Sermon
    Bones at a Soiree--Interlocutor and Bones
    Speech on Woman's Rights
    Bones' Discovery
    Mark Twain Introduces Himself--Characteristic Speech
    Speech on Happiness
    Burnt Corkers--Minstrel Dialogue
    The Nervous Woman
    The Five Senses--Minstrel Dialogue
    The Dutchman's Experience
    Essay on the Wheelbarrow
    Bones at a Pic-Nic
    The Virginia Mummy--Negro Farce
    Brudder Bones in Clover
    Artemus Ward's Advice to Husbands
    Where the Lion Roareth, and the Wang-Doodle Mourneth
    Romeo and Juliet in 1880
    Artemus Ward's Panorama
    Brudder Bones as a Carpet-Bagger--Interlocutor and Bones
    Major Jones' Fourth of July Oration
    Curiosities for a Museum--Minstrel Dialogue
    Burlesque Oration on Matrimony
    Brudder Bones on the Raging Canawl
    The Snackin'-Turtle Man--Ethiopian Sketch
    Bones' Dream--Ethiopian Sketch
    Come and Hug Me
    Widow O'Brien's Toast
    Scenes at the Police Court--Musical Minstrel Dialogue
    Brudder Bones as a Log-Roller
    De Pint Wid Old Pete--Negro Dialect Recitation
    A Touching Appeal--Dutch Dialect Recitation
    Wounded in the Corners
    Darkey Dialogue
    End Gag--Interlocutor and Bones

    178 pages, paper covers        ~30 cts.~
    Bound in board, cloth back     ~50 cts.~

~Kavanaugh's New Speeches and Dialogues for Young Children.~
Containing easy pieces in plain language, readily understood by little
children, and expressly adapted for School Exhibitions and Christmas
and other juvenile celebrations. By Mrs. Russell Kavanaugh. This is
an entirely new series of Recitations and Dialogues by this author,
and full of pieces, in her well-known style of familiar simplicity,
admirably calculated to give the little ones additional opportunities
to distinguish themselves before an audience. It contains the

    Introduction                                         |      |
    Opening Speech                                       |      |  1
    Speech for a School Exhibition                       |      |  1
    The Parcæ (The Fates)                                |  3   |
    Which Would You Rather Be?                           |  6   |
    Speech for a Tiny Girl                               |  1   |
    An Old Story, for a Child                            |      |
    Speech for a Boy                                     |      |  1
    A Sudden Revulsion                                   |      |
    Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus. A Novel Christmas Festival |      |  2
    May Celebration                                      |  8   |  3
      Speech of Crowner                                  |  1   |
      Speech of Sceptre-Bearer                           |  1   |
      Speech of Fun                                      |  1   |
      Speech of Frolic                                   |  1   |
      Speech of Vanity                                   |  1   |
      Speech of Modesty                                  |  1   |
      Speech of Beauty                                   |  1   |
      Speech of Jollity                                  |      |  1
      Speech of Boot-Black                               |      |  1
      Speech of News-Boy                                 |      |  1
      Speech of May Queen                                |  1   |
    The Tables Turned, for a Child                       |      |
    Speech for a Boy                                     |      |  1
    Speech for a Small Boy                               |      |  1
    Speech for a Very Little Boy                         |      |  1
    The Farmer Boy and the City Dude                     |      |  2
    The Small Boy                                        |  1   |
    Transposed                                           |  1   |
    The Sun and His Satellites                           |  7   |
      Speech of the Sun                                  |  1   |
      Speech of the Moon                                 |  1   |
      Speech of Mercury                                  |  1   |
      Speech of Mars                                     |  1   |
      Speech of Jupiter                                  |  1   |
      Speech of Saturn                                   |  1   |
      Speech of Venus                                    |  1   |
    True Happiness                                       |      | 1
    Genius and Application                               |  2   |
    Five Versus Twenty-five                              |      |  1
    Saved from Suicide                                   |      |  1
    Speech for a Very Small Child                        |      |
    Three Enigmas                                        |  3   |
    Tickle his Hand with a Ten Dollar Bill               |      |  1
    Speech for a Small Boy                               |      |  1
    Beautiful Belles, for several Girls                  |      |
    Beautiful Dudes, for several Boys                    |      |
    Four Little Rose-Buds                                |  4   |
    A Bouquet                                            | 12   |
    Ta! Ta!                                              |      |  1
    Speech for a Very Little Girl                        |  1   |
    Speech for a Very Little Boy                         |      |  1
    Blood Will Tell                                      |      |  1
    A Warning                                            |      |  1
    A Race for Life                                      |      |  1
    "He is a Brick"                                      |      |  1
    Speech for a Small Boy                               |      |  1
    Watching                                             |  1   |
    Gold                                                 |      |  1
    A Touching Incident                                  |      |  1
    Buy a Broom, for several Girls                       |      |
    Confusion Worse Confounded                           |      |  1
    A Relentless Tyrant, for a Child                     |      |
    My Brother Jean                                      |  1   |
    The Gratitude of the World                           |      |
    At the Skating Rink                                  |      | 1
    Dimes! Oh, Dimes!                                    |      | 1
    A Fatal Bait, for a Child                            |      |
    The Decorated Donkey, for a Child                    |      |
    Tight Times                                          |      | 1
    The Reason Why                                       |      |
    A Modern Flirtation                                  |      |
    Country Meeting Talk                                 |      |  1
    Speech                                               |      |  1
    Deeds of Kindness                                    |      |
    The Boy's Complaint                                  |      |  1
    What Not to Do                                       |      |
    Temperance Address                                   |      |  1
    The Quarrelsome Boy                                  |      |  1
    An Awful Fly, for a Little One                       |      |
    Content                                              |  1   |
    The Winds of the Prairie                             |      |
    Santa Claus' Christmas Tree Speech                   |      |  1
    The Creator                                          |      |
    Where Did They Go                                    |  1   |
    The Parting Lovers                                   |  1   |
    Do Your Best                                         |      |  1
    Cherish Kindly Feelings                              |      |
    Advice to Boys                                       |  1   |
    I Wish I Was a Grown-up                              |      |  1
    No Time Like the Present                             |      |
    The Boys We Need                                     |      |  1
    Summer Vacation                                      |  1   |
                                                         |      |
                           MUSIC.                        |      |
                                                         |      |
    Three Bright Stars                                   |      |
    Beautiful Belles                                     |      |
    Buy a Broom                                          |      |

    16mo., Illuminated Paper Cover      ~30 cts.~
    Boards                              ~50 cts.~

~Howard's Recitations.~ Comic, Serious and Pathetic. Collection of
fresh Recitations in Prose and Poetry, suitable for Anniversaries,
Exhibitions, Social Gatherings, and Evening Parties. Contents:

    Miss Malony on the Chinese Question
    Kit Carson's Ride
    Buck Fanshaw's Funeral
    Knocked About
    Puzzled Dutchman
    Shamus O'Brien
    Naughty Little Girl
    Bells of Shandon
    No Sect in Heaven
    Rory O'Moore's Present
    "Mother's Fool"
    Queen Elizabeth--a Comic Oration
    The Starling
    Lord Dundreary's Riddle
    The Stuttering Lass
    The Irish Traveler
    The Remedy as Bad as the Disease
    A Subject for Dissection
    The Heathen Chinee
    Mona's Waters
    A Showman on the Woodchuck
    How Happy I'll Be
    A Frenchman's Account of the Fall
    Isabel's Grave
    Parson and the Spaniel
    An Irishman's Letter
    Irish Letter
    The Halibut in Love
    The Merry Soap-Boiler
    The Unbeliever
    The Voices at the Throne
    Dundreary Proposing
    The Fireman
    Paul Revere's Ride
    Annie and Willie's Prayer
    A Frenchman on Macbeth
    The New Church Organ
    Katrina Likes me Poody Vell
    How to Save a Thousand Pounds
    How I Got Invited to Dinner
    Patient Joe
    Jimmy Butler and the Owl
    The Menagerie
    Old Quizzle
    Infidel and Quaker
    The Lawyer and the Chimney-Sweeper
    Bill Mason's Bride
    Judging by Appearances
    The Death's Head
    Betsey and I are Out
    Betsey Destroys the Paper
    Father Blake's Collection
    Blank Verse in Rhyme
    Roguery Taught
    Banty Tim
    Antony and Cleopatra
    Deacon Hezekiah
    The Frenchman and the Landlord
    The Family Quarrel--A Dialogue on the Sixteenth Amendment
    The Guess
    Atheist and Acorn
    Brother Watkins
    Hans in a Fix
    The Highgate Butcher
    The Lucky Call
    Challenging the Foreman
    Country Schoolmaster
    The Matrimonial Bugs and the Travelers
    Peter Sorghum in Love
    Tim Tuff
    Nick Van Stann
    The Debating Society
    Deacon Stokes
    To Our Honored Dead
    The Dying Soldier
    The Yankee Fireside
    The Suicidal Cat
    The Son's Wish

    16 mo. 180 pages. Paper covers. Price      ~30 cts.~
    Bound in boards, cloth back                ~50 cts.~

~Spencer's Book of Comic Speeches and Humorous Recitations.~ A
collection of Comic Speeches and Dialogues, Dramatic Scenes and
Characteristic Soliloquies and Stories Suitable for School
Exhibitions. Contents:

    Comic Prologue and Introduction
    The Yankee Landlord
    His Eye was Stern
    The Goddess of Slang
    Dick, the Apprentice
    Courting in French Hollow
    The Case Altered
    Fox and the Ranger
    The Declaration
    The Warrantee Deed
    A Night's Adventure
    Julia--Comic Love Scene
    Saying not Meaning
    Negro Burlesque for 3 males
    The Nimmers
    Gucom and the Back-log
    Widow Bedott's Mistake
    How a Bashful Lover "Popped the Question"
    Crossing Dixie
    My Last Shirt
    The Three Black Crows
    The Barber's Shop
    Paddy O'Rafther
    Decidedly Cool
    Frenchman and the Rats
    The Jester Condemned to Death
    Kindred Quacks
    Hans Breitmann's Party
    The Generous Frenchman
    Saint Jonathan
    Stump Speech
    The Rival Lodgers
    The Frenchman and the Mosquitoes
    The Maiden's Mishap
    The Removal
    Talking Latin
    Praying for Rain
    Darkey Photographer
    Paddy and his Musket
    Hezekiah Bedoit
    Uncle Reuben's Tale
    Mr. Caudle has been to a Fair
    Chemist and his Love
    Disgusted Dutchman
    The Frightened Traveler
    Jewess and her Son
    Clerical Wit--True Lies
    The School House
    Daniel _versus_ Dishclout
    The Pig
    A Stray Parrot
    Dame Fredegonde
    Toby Tosspot
    Courtship and Matrimony
    Rings and Seals
    The Biter Bit
    Pat and the Gridiron
    Barmecide's Feast
    The Country Pedagogue
    The Middle-aged Man and Two Widows
    Saratoga Waiter--Negro Scene for 2 males
    The Wrangling Pair--A Poetical Dialogue for Male and Female
    A Connubial Eclogue
    The Italian from Cork
    Gasper Schnapps' Exploit
    Epilogue--Suitable for Conclusion of an Entertainment

    Paper covers. Price              ~30 cts.~
    Bound in boards, cloth back      ~50 cts.~

~Martine's Droll Dialogues and Laughable Recitations.~ A collection of
Humorous Dialogues, Comic Recitations and Spirited Stump Speeches and
Farces, adapted for School and other Celebrations. Contents:

    Hints to Amateur Actors.
    Humorous Poetical Address
    The Bell and the Gong
    Mrs. Dove's Boarding House
    The Wilkins Family
    The Lawyer's Stratagem
    Eulogy on Laughing
    Drawing a Long Bow. For 3 males and 1 female.
    The Origin of Woman's Ascendency over Man
    Veny Raynor's Bear Story
    The Game of Life
    The Fortune Hunter. For 2 males and 3 females
    The Parson and the Widow
    Hezekiah Stubbins' Fourth of July Oration
    Make your Wills. Farce for 7 male characters
    Mr. Rogers and Monsieur Denise
    Job Trotter's Secret
    The Darkey Debating Society. Dialogue for 2 males
    The Scandal Monger. Dialogue for 2 males and 2 females
    Poor Richard's Sayings
    Prologue to "The Apprentice"
    Address in the character of "Hope" A Prologue
    Parody on the Declaration of Independence
    Bombastes Furioso. A Burlesque for 7 males
    Characteristic Address
    Examining de Bumps. Ethiopian Dialogue for 2 males
    Election Stump Speech
    A Matrimonial Tiff. Dialogue for 1 male and 2 females
    The Frenchman and the Sheep's Trotters
    The Poor Relation. Comic Drama for 7 males
    Vat you Please
    The Babes in the Wood. For 3 males and 4 females.
    My Aunt.
    Handy Andy's Mistakes.
    The Cat Eater.
    A Shocking Mistake. Dialogue for 3 males and 2 females
    Wanted a Governess
    Rival Broom Makers
    Paudeen O'Rafferty's Say-Voyage
    Mr. Caudle's Wedding Dinner
    Our Cousins. Negro Dialogue for 2 male characters
    Mr. Caudle made a Mason
    Address of Sergeant Buzfuz
    The Wonderful Whalers
    Sam Weller's Valentine

    188 pages. Paper Covers. Price      ~30 cts.~
    Bound in Boards, cloth back         ~50 cts.~

~Wilson's Book of Recitations and Dialogues.~ Containing a choice
selection of Poetical and Prose Recitations. Designed as an Assistant
to Teachers and Students in preparing Exhibitions. By Floyd B. Wilson,
Professor of Elocution. Contents:

    Instruction In Elocution
    Dedication of Gettysburg Cemetery
    Sheridan's Ride
    There's but one Pair of Stockings
    Drummer Boy's Burial
    John Maynard, the Pilot
    The Boys
    The Duel
    Lochiel's Warning
    Socrates Snooks
    Mosaic Poetry
    Burial of the Champion of his Class at Yale College
    Scott and the Veteran
    Barbara Frietchie
    I Wouldn't--Would You?
    The Professor Puzzled
    The Two Roads
    The Pawnbroker's Shop
    The Sophomore's Soliloquy
    The Nation's Hymn
    Address to a Skeleton
    A Glass of Cold Water
    Little Gretchen; or New Year's Eve
    Good News from Ghent
    The Sea Captain's Story
    Our Heroes
    The Closing Year
    Burial of Little Nell
    The Picket Guard
    The Poor Man and the Fiend
    Our Country's Call
    The Conquered Banner
    The High Tide; or, the Brides of Enderby
    Death of Gaudentis
    Don Garzia
    Past Meridian
    The Founding of Gettysburg Monument
    Spartacus to the Gladiators
    Soliloquy of the Dying Alchemist
    The Country Justice
    Unjust National Acquisition
    Dimes and Dollars
    Dead Drummer Boy
    Responsibility of American Citizens
    The Jester's Sermon
    Left on the Battle Field
    The American Flag
    Oh! Why should the Spirit of Mortal be Proud?
    The Vagabonds
    A Bridal Wine Cup
    Blanche of Devan's Last Words
    Widow Bedott to Elder Sniffles
    A Psalm of the Union
    Charge of a Dutch Magistrate
    Stars in my Country's Sky
    Bingen on the Rhine
    Religious Character of President Lincoln
    The Raven
    The Loyal Legion
    Agnes and the Years
    Cataline's Defiance
    Our Folks
    The Beautiful Snow
    The Ambitious Youth
    The Flag of Washington
    The Abbot of Waltham
    Ode to an Infant Son
    The Scholar's Mission
    Claude Melnotte's Apology
    Forging of the Anchor
    Wreck of the Hesperus
    The Man of Ross
    No Work the Hardest Work
    What is Time?
    Brutus's Oration over the Body of Lucretia
    What is That, Mother?
    A Colloquy with Myself
    St. Philip Neri and the Youth
    The Chameleon
    Henry the Fourth's Soliloquy on Sleep
    On Procrastination

    Paper Covers. Price             ~30 cts.~
    Bound in Board, cloth back      ~50 cts.~

~Brudder Bones' Book of Stump Speeches and Burlesque Orations.~
Also containing Humorous Lectures, Ethiopian Dialogues, Plantation
Scenes, Negro Farces and Burlesques, Laughable Interludes and Comic
Recitations. Contents:

    If I may so Speak. Burlesque Oration
    Dr. Pillsbury's Lecture on Politics
    Vegetable Poetry. For 2 males
    Teco Brag's Lecture on Astronomy
    We saw Her but a Moment
    Stocks Up, Stocks Down. For 2 males
    Brudder Bones' Love Scrapes.
    Stump Speech; or, "Any other Man."
    War's your Hoss. Dialogue Recital
    Geology. Dialogue for 2 males
    Tin-pan-o-ni-on. For Leader and Orchestra
    Dr. Puff Stuff's Lecture on Patent Medicines
    Sailing. For 2 males
    Challenge Dance. For 3 males
    Lecture on Bad Boys
    Tony Pastor's Great Union Speech
    A Tough Boarding House
    Sleeping Child. 2 males
    Ain't I Right, Eh? Speech
    Wonderful Egg. For 2 males
    Bootblack's Soliloquy
    Lecture to a Fire Company
    Julius' Peaches. For 2 males
    De Trouble Begins at Nine
    The Arkansas Traveler. For 2 Violin players
    Slap Jack. For 2 Darkeys
    Turkey-town Celebration. An Oration
    Uncle Steve's Stump Speech
    A Midnight Murder
    Dat's What's de Matter
    The Freezing Bed Feller
    Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins
    Paddy Fagan's Pedigree
    The Rival Darkeys. Act for 2 males
    Hans Sourcrout on Signs and Omens
    Hun-ki-do-ris Fourth of July Oration
    Josh Billings on Mosquitoes
    History of Cap. John Smith
    A Speech on Women
    Impulsive Peroration
    The Bet. For 2 Darkeys
    Old Times gone By. Dialogue for 2 Darkeys
    The Echo. Act for 2 Negroes
    Sol Slocum's Bugle.
    Western Stump Speech
    In the Show Business. Dialogue for 2 males
    "We are." Stump Oration
    Original Burlesque Oration
    Waiting to see Him off. For 2 males
    Patriotic Stump Speech
    De Railroad Accident. For 2 Darkeys
    The Dutchman's Lecture
    Prof. Unworth's Lecture
    The Three old Ladies
    Josh Billings' Lecture onto Musick
    Brudder Bones' Lady-Love. Dialogue for 2 males
    Deaf--In a Horn. Act for 2 males
    Or any oder Man's Dog. A Speech
    Happy Uncle Tom
    Stick a Pin Dere, Brudder Horace
    Lecture on Woman's Rights
    Dat's wot de "Ledger" says. For 2 Darkeys
    Goose Hollow Stump Speech
    De Milk in de Cocoa Nut
    A Dutchman's Answer
    Lecture on Cats
    The Patent Screw
    The Auctioneer
    Hints on Courtship
    Dutch Recruiting Officer
    Spirit Rappings. Dialogue for 2 males
    Dar's de Money
    Let Her Rip. Burlesque Lecture
    The Stranger. Scene for 1 male and 1 female

    16 mo. 188 pages. Paper covers. Price      ~30 cts.~
    Bound in boards, illuminated               ~50 cts.~

~Dick's Diverting Dialogues.~ A collection of effective Dramatic
Dialogues, written expressly for this work by various authors, and
adapted for Parlor Performances. They are short, full of telling
"situations," introducing easy dialect characters, and present the
least possible difficulties in scenery and costume to render them
exceedingly attractive. Edited by Wm. B. Dick.

    Lost and Won                   |  2   |  2
    Running for Office             |      |  3
    The Uncle. A Proverb           |  1   |  2
    Love's Labor Not Lost          |  1   |  2
    Wanted--A Nurse                |  3   |  2
    Almost A Tragedy               |      |  2
    The Will. A Proverb            |  1   |  3
    Who Wears the Breeches         |  1   |  1
    A Cold in the Head             |  4   |  2
    The Wedding Day. A Proverb     |  1   |  3
    A Society for Doing Good       |  4   |
    The Reception. A Proverb       |  2   |  3
    Caught in their Own Trap       |  2   |  3
    Elwood's Decision              |      |  4
    The Report. A Proverb          |  2   |  1
    Reformed Mormon Tippler        |  3   |  1
    The Fortune Hunter. A Proverb  |  2   |  2
    Petticoat Government           |  1   |  2
    Now or Never. A Proverb        |  1   |  3
    A Close Shave                  |      |  2

Including a complete programme of effective Living Portraits and
Tableaux, with full directions for exhibiting them successfully.

    Paper covers. Price                   ~30 cts.~
    Bound in boards, with cloth back      ~50 cts.~

~Dick's Comic and Dialect Recitations.~ A capital collection of
Comic Recitations, Ludicrous Dialogues, Funny Stories, and Inimitable
Dialect Pieces, containing:

    An Æsthetic Housekeeper
    At the Rug Auction
    Aunt Sophronia Tabor at the Opera--Yankee Dialect
    Awfully Lovely Philosophy
    Bad Boy and the Limburger Cheese, The
    Barbara Frietchie--Dutch
    Boy in the Dime Museum
    Brudder Johnson on 'Lectricity--Negro Dialect
    Butterwick's Weakness
    By Special Request
    Can this be True?
    Champion Liar, The
    Conversion of Colonel Quagg
    Cut, Cut Behind--Dutch
    Debit and Credit in the Next World
    Der Oak und der Vine
    Der 'Sperience of Reb'rend Quacko Strong--Negro
    Der Vater Mill
    Doctor's Story.
    Dutch Advertisement.
    Dutchman and the Raven
    Dutch Security--Dutch
    Early Bird, The
    Gentle Mule, The
    Granny Whar You Gwine?
    Girl of Culture.
    Goin' Somewhere--Yankee
    Go-Morrow, or Lot's Wife
    Hard Witness, A
    Horse that Wins the Race
    How a Woman Does It
    How Buck was Brought to Time--Yankee Dialect
    How Uncle Fin had the Laugh on the Boys
    Humming Top, The
    In der Shweed Long Ago
    Inquisitive Boy, The
    Irishman's Perplexity, An
    Jim Onderdonk's Sunday-School Oration
    John Chinaman's Protest
    Juvenile Inquisitor, A
    Malony's Will--Irish Dialect
    Mark Twain on the 19th Century
    Mickey Feeny and the Priest
    Mine Moder-in-Law
    Mother's Doughnuts
    Mr. and Mrs. Potterman
    Mr. Schmidt's Mistake
    Mr. Spoopendyke Hears Burglars
    O'Branigan's Drill
    Old Bill Stevens
    Old Erasmus' Temperance Pledge--Negro Dialect
    Ole Settlers' Meetun
    Original Love Story, An
    Our Debating Club
    Parson Jinglejaw's Surprise
    Pat's Correspondence
    Pleasures of the Telephone
    Positively the Last Performance--Cockney Dialect
    Raven, The--Dutch Dialect
    Sad Fate of a Policeman
    Scripture Questions
    Sermon for the Sisters, A
    Solemn Book-Agent, The
    That Fire at Nolan's
    That Freckle-Faced Girl
    The Latest Barbara Frietchie--Dutch Dialect
    The Paper Don't Say
    Thikhead's New Year's Call
    Tickled all Oafer
    'Twas at Manhattan Beach
    Uncle Billy's Disaster
    Uncle Mellick Dines with his Master--Negro Dialect
    Uncle Remus' Tar Baby
    Uncle Reuben's Baptism
    United Order of Half-Shells
    Waiter's Trials, A
    Warning to Woman, A
    Ways of Girls at the Play
    Western Artist's Accomplishments, A
    Wily Bee, The
    Woman's Description of a Play, A
    Yaller Dog, The

    Bound in Boards      ~30 cts.~
    Paper Covers         ~50 cts.~

~Barton's Comic Recitations and Humorous Dialogues.~ Containing a
variety of Comic Recitations in Prose and Poetry, Amusing Dialogues,
Burlesque Scenes, Eccentric Orations, Humorous Interludes and
Laughable Farces.

    A Prologue to Open an Entertainment
    The Stage-Struck Hero
    Here She Goes--and There She Goes
    Pastor M'Knock's Address
    Old Sugar's Courtship
    The Bachelor's Reasons for Taking a Wife
    The Spanish Valet and the Maid--Dialogue for 1 male and 1 Female.
    The Jackdaw of Rheims
    Jonathan and the Englishman
    Artemus Ward's Trip
    Auctioneer and the Lawyer
    Mr. and Mrs. Skinner
    The Bachelor and the Bride
    Drunkard and his Wife
    A Western Lawyer's Plea against the Fact
    Reading a Tragedy
    Cast-off Garments
    How to Cure a Cough
    The Soldier's Return
    Countrymen and the Ass
    Come and Go
    How they Pop the Question
    The Clever Idiot
    The Knights
    How the Lawyer got a Patron Saint
    Josh Billings on Laughing
    Night after Christmas
    A Change of System--for 2 males and 1 female
    Citizen and the Thieves
    Bogg's Dogs
    The Smack in School
    The Tinker and the Miller's Daughter
    An Original Parody
    The Parsons and the Corkscrew
    The Old Gentleman who Married a Young Wife
    Stage-Struck Darkey--Interlude for males
    Goody Grim _versus_ Lapstone--Dialogue for 4 males
    The Woman of Mind
    Wanted, a Confederate--Farce for 4 males
    Lodgings for Single Gentlemen
    Nursery Reminiscences
    The Farmer and the Councellor
    The Pugilists
    How Pat Saved his Bacon
    The Irish Drummer
    Mike Hooter's Bear Story
    The Critic
    Mr. Caudle Wants a Latch Key
    Humbugging a Tourist
    The Widow's Victim--for 2 males and 1 female
    Josh Rillings on the Mule
    Tinker and the Glazier
    Wonderful Dream--Negro Dialogue for 2 males
    An Occasional Address--For a Lady's First Appearance
    An Occasional Prologue--For Opening a Performance
    Address on Closing a Performance
    A Prologue for a Performance by Boys
    An Epilogue for a School Performance

    Paper Covers. Price              ~30 cts.~
    Bound in Boards, cloth back      ~50 cts.~


~Barber's American Book of Ready-Made Speeches.~ Containing 159
original examples of Humorous and Serious Speeches, suitable for every
possible occasion where a speech may be called for, together with
appropriate replies to each. Including:

    _Presentation Speeches._
    _Convivial Speeches._
    _Festival Speeches._
    _Addresses of Congratulation._
    _Addresses of Welcome._
    _Addresses of Compliment._
    _Political Speeches._
    _Dinner and Supper Speeches for Clubs._
    _Off-Hand Speeches on a Variety of Subjects._
    _Miscellaneous Speeches._
    _Toasts and Sentiments for Public and Private Entertainments._
    _Preambles and Resolutions of Congratulation, Compliment and

With this book any person may prepare himself to make a neat little
speech, or reply to one when called upon to do so. They are all short,
appropriate and witty, and even ready speakers may profit by them.

    Paper                             ~50 cts.~
    Bound in boards, cloth backs      ~75 cts.~

~How to Conduct a Debate.~ A Series of Complete Debates, Outlines
of Debates and Questions for Discussion. In the complete debates, the
questions for discussion are defined, the debate formally opened, an
array of brilliant arguments adduced on either side, and the debate
closed according to parliamentary usages. The second part consists of
questions for debate, with heads of arguments, for and against, given
in a condensed form, for the speakers to enlarge upon to suit their
own fancy. In addition to these is a large collection of debatable
questions. The authorities to be referred to for information are given
at the close of every debate throughout the work. By F. Rowton. 232

    Paper covers                     ~50 cts.~
    Bound in boards, cloth back      ~75 cts.~

~The Debater, Chairman's Assistant, and Rules of Order.~ A manual
for Instruction and Reference in all matters pertaining to the
Management of Public Meetings according to Parliamentary usages. It
gives all necessary details connected with the following topics:--

    _How to Form and Conduct all kinds of Associations and Clubs_;

    _How to Organize and arrange Public Meetings, Celebrations,
    Dinners, Picnics and Conventions_;

    _Forms for Constitutions of Lyceums or Institutes, Literary and
    other Societies_;

    _The Powers and Duties of Officers, with Forms for Treasurers',
    Secretaries', and other regular or occasional Official Reports_;

    _The Formation and Duties of Committees_;

    _Rules of Order, and Order of Business, with Mode of Procedure in
    all cases. Also the Rules of Order in Tabular Form for instant
    reference in all Cases of Doubt that may arise, enabling a
    Chairman to decide on all points at a glance_;

    _How to draft Resolutions, Reports and Petitions on various
    subjects and for various occasions, with numerous model examples_;

    _A Model Debate, introducing the greatest possible variety of
    points of order, with correct Decisions by the Chairman_;

This work includes all Decisions and Rulings up to the present day.

    Paper covers                     ~30 cts.~
    Bound in Boards, cloth back      ~50 cts.~

~How to Learn the Sense of 3,000 French Words in one Hour.~ It is
a fact that there are at least three thousand words in the French
language, forming a large proportion of those used in ordinary
conversation, which are spelled the same as in English.

    ~25 cts.~

~500 French Phrases, with their English Translations.~ The
phrases here given are all selected for their general usefulness for
occasional quotation.

    ~10 cts.~


~Ogden's Model Speeches for all School Occasions.~ Containing
Original Addresses and Orations on everything appertaining to School
Life; comprising Set Speeches on all occasions connected with Schools,
Academies and Colleges, for School Officers, as well as for Teachers
and Students of both sexes, with appropriate replies. By Christol

This original work contains over one-hundred telling speeches and
replies in well-chosen words, and every variety of style, for

    _All Kinds of School Ceremonials._
    _Speeches on Opening and Dedicating New Schools and Academies._
    _Salutatory and Valedictory Addresses._
    _Presentations and Conferring Honors._
    _Burlesque Speeches._
    _Addresses to Teachers._
    _Prologues and Epilogues for School Exhibitions._
    _Anniversary Congratulations._

Including practical hints on Extempore speaking with a dissertation on
the selection of appropriate topics, suitable style, and effective
delivery, and also valuable advice to those who lack confidence when
addressing the Public.

    Paper                ~50 cts.~
    Bound in boards      ~75 cts.~

~Ogden's Skeleton Essays; or Authorship in Outline.~ Consisting
of Condensed Treatises on popular subjects, with references to sources
of information, and directions how to enlarge them into Essays, or
expand them into Lectures. Fully elucidated by example as well as
precept. By Christol Ogden.

In this work is a thorough analysis of some SEVENTY prominent and
popular subjects, with extended specimens of the method of enlarging
them into Essays and Lectures.

The following interesting topics are separately and ably argued on
both sides of the question, thus presenting also well digested matter
for Debate, being on subjects of absorbing interest everywhere:--

    _Civil Service Reform._
    _Is Marriage a Failure?_
    _City and Country._
    _The Credit System._
    _Free Trade and Protection._
    _Capital Punishment._
    _Shall More or Less be Taught in Public Schools._

All the remaining subjects are equally thoroughly discussed, and form
a valuable aid to the student in preparing compositions, essays, etc.

    Paper                ~50 cts.~
    Bound in boards      ~75 cts.~

~Dick's Book of Toasts, Speeches and Responses.~ Containing
Toasts and Sentiments for Public and Social Occasions, and specimen
Speeches with appropriate replies suitable for the following

    _Public Dinners._
    _Social Dinners._
    _Convivial Gatherings._
    _Art and Professional Banquets._
    _Agricultural and Commercial Festivals._
    _Special Toasts for Ladies._
    _Christmas, Thanksgiving and other Festivals._
    _Friendly Meetings._
    _Weddings and their Anniversaries._
    _Army and Navy Banquets._
    _Patriotic and Political Occasions._
    _Trades' Unions and Dinners._
    _Benedicts' and Bachelors' Banquets._
    _Masonic Celebrations._
    _All Kinds of Occasions._

This work includes an instructive dissertation on the Art of making
amusing After-dinner Speeches, giving hints and directions by the aid
of which persons with only ordinary intelligence can make an
entertaining and telling speech. Also, Correct Rules and Advice for
Presiding at Table.

The use of this work will render a poor and diffident speaker fluent
and witty--and a good speaker better and wittier, besides affording an
immense fund of anecdotes, wit and wisdom, and other serviceable
matter to draw upon at will.

    Paper                ~30 cts.~
    Bound in boards      ~50 cts.~


~Dick's Common Sense Letter Writer.~ Containing Three Hundred and
Sixty Sensible Social and Business Letters with appropriate Answers on
the following subjects:

    _Letters of Introduction._
    _Soliciting and Granting Favors._
    _Accompanying Gifts._
    _Acknowledging Gifts and Favors._
    _Letters of Congratulation._
    _Letters of Sympathy and Condolence._
    _Answers to Advertisements for Help Wanted._
    _Inquiries about and Recommendations of Character and Ability._
    _Letters between Employers and Employed._
    _Accepting and Resigning Positions._
    _Letters of Apology._
    _Letters of Remonstrance and Complaint._
    _Letters of Love and Courtship._
    _Letters of Invitation and Acceptance._
    _Forms of Cards of Invitation._
    _Notes of Postponement._
    _Notes Offering Escort._
    _Letters to Landlords and about Board and Apartments._
    _Family Letters on Various Subjects._
    _Business Correspondence._
    _Letters on Miscellaneous Subjects._

Including Instructions for the arrangement of the different parts of a
Letter, the Address, &c. By William B. Dick. The Letters are all
original, and serve as eminent models of matter, expression and style,
in plain but well-chosen language and clearness of diction; the great
variety of letters on each subject offers a wide field for choice, and
with, perhaps, a little modification could be made available for every
possible contingency.

    Bound in boards      ~50 cts.~

~Dick's Commercial Letter Writer, and Book of Business Forms.~
Containing entirely original Models of Letters on all business
subjects, with appropriate replies; also, several specimens of
continuous Correspondence, exhibiting by a series of Letters, the
commencement, progress, and completion of Mercantile Transactions. By

This work includes correct forms for Business Notices and Cards, and
Partnership Announcements; for Applications for Employment and
neatly-worded Answers to Inquiries and Advertisements; for occasional
Circulars, properly displayed, and for drawing up Business Documents,
Notes, Checks, Receipts, Mortgages, Assignments, Wills, Power of
Attorney, Letters of Credit, Account-Sales, Accounts Current,
Invoices, Bills of Lading, &c., and the correct method of adjusting
General and Particular Averages.

It contains, in addition, a Glossary of Technical Terms used in
Commerce; a rapid and simple method of computing Interest; a Table
showing the value of Foreign Coins in United States' Currency; and
other useful, practical and interesting information, in all the
details necessary for conducting commercial correspondence.

    200 pages, boards      ~50 cts.~

~Dick's Letter Writer for Ladies.~ Consisting of over Five
Hundred entirely original Letters and Notes, with various replies, on
every subject and occasion that a Lady in good society could possibly
require. They are all new and written expressly for this work.

These letters, &c., are excellent models of ease and elegant style,
facility in method of expression, and correct form; they furnish,
therefore, valuable aid to Ladies, who, however otherwise
accomplished, are deficient in the necessary acquirement of the
graceful and properly-worded correspondence which their social
position demands.

    268 pages, boards      ~50 cts.~

~Chesterfield's Letter-Writer and Complete Book of Etiquette.~
Containing the Art of Letter-Writing simplified, a guide to friendly,
affectionate, polite and business correspondence, and rules for
punctuation and spelling, with complete rules of Etiquette and the
usages of Society. An excellent hand-book for reference.

    Bound in boards      ~40 cts.~


Sent Postage-Paid at the Prices Marked.

    American Hoyle, by "Trumps", the Standard Book on Games     $1.50
    Dunne's Draughts-Players' Guide                              1.50
    Dick's Games of Patience; or, Solitaire with Cards           1.00
    Dick's Art of Gymnastics                                     1.00
    Hoyle's Games, by "Trumps"                                    .50
    Gossip's Chess-Player's Text Book                             .75
    Marache's Manual of Chess                                     .50
    Dick's Hand-Book of Cribbage                                  .50
    Modern Whist, by "Trumps"                                     .25
    Dick's Original Album Verses and Acrostics                    .50
    Dick's Book of Toasts, Speeches and Responses                 .50
    Barber's American Book of Ready-Made Speeches                 .50
    How to Conduct a Debate                                       .50
    The Debater, Chairman's Assistant, and Rules of Order         .50
    Ogden's Model Speeches for all School Occasions               .50
    Ogden's Skeleton Essays                                       .50
    The Worcester Letter-Writer and Business Forms                .50
    Dick's Common Sense Letter-Writer                             .50
    North's Book of Love-Letters                                  .50
    Dick's Commercial Letter-Writer                               .50
    Martine's Sensible Letter-Writer                              .50
    Frost's American Etiquette                                    .50
    Cruden's Calisthenic Training and Musical Drill               .50
    Dick's Palmistry Made Easy                                    .50
    Day's American Ready-Reckoner                                 .50
    The American Housewife, and Kitchen Directory                 .50
    The Amateur Trapper and Trap-Maker's Guide                    .50
    Dick's Quadrille Call-Book and Ball-Room Prompter             .50
    The Banjo and How to Play It                                  .50
    The Young Reporter; How to Write Short-Hand                   .50
    Dick's Festival Reciter                                       .30
    Dick's Dutch, French and Yankee Dialect Recitations           .30
    Kavanaugh's Juvenile Speaker, for little children             .30
    Dick's Irish Dialect Recitations                              .30
    Kavanaugh's New Speeches for little children                  .30
    Brudder Bones' Stump-Speeches and Burlesque Orations          .30
    Dick's Comic Dialogues                                        .30
    Holmes' Very Little Dialogues                                 .30
    McBride's Comic Dialogues                                     .30
    Burton's Amateur Actor                                        .30
    Frost's Dramatic Proverbs and Charades                        .30
    Frost's Tableaux and Shadow Pantomimes                        .30
    Dick's Parlor Exhibitions                                     .30
    The Parlor Magician                                           .30
    The Art and Etiquette of Making Love                          .30
    The Mishaps and Adventures of Obadiah Oldbuck                 .30
    Dick's Log and Lumber Measurer                                .25


    DICK & FITZGERALD, Publishers,
    P.O. Box 2975,              New York.

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Dick and Fitzgerald


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