The Library of Work and Play: Guide and Index

By Cheshire Lowton Boone

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Index, by Cheshire L. Boone

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Title: The Library of Work and Play: Guide and Index

Author: Cheshire L. Boone

Release Date: July 29, 2014 [EBook #46445]

Language: English


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Transcriber's Note: This book is a summary and index to a series of
books that can also be found in the Project Gutenberg collection.
Details of these books can be found in the notes at the
end of this volume.



    By Edwin W. Foster

    By John F. Woodhull, Ph.D.

    By Ellen Eddy Shaw

    By Charles Franklin Warner, Sc.D.

    By Elizabeth Hale Gilman

    By Fred T. Hodgson.

    By Effie Archer Archer

    By Claude H. Miller, Ph.B.

    By Mary Rogers Miller

    By Charles Conrad Sleffel.

[Illustration: Wireless Station and Workroom of George Riches,
Montclair, N. J. George made most of the Apparatus at Home or in the
School Shop]

                    _The Library of Work and Play_

                            GUIDE AND INDEX

                         BY CHESHIRE L. BOONE


                       GARDEN CITY     NEW YORK
                       DOUBLEDAY, PAGE & COMPANY





  CHAPTER                                                       PAGE


   II. THE CULTIVATION OF TASTE AND DESIGN                        16

  III. THE REAL GIRL                                              28

   IV. THAT BOY                                                   47

    V. A HOUSE AND LOT--ESPECIALLY THE LOT                        67


   INDEX                                                          85

                         LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS

  Wireless station and workroom of George Riches      _Frontispiece_

                                                         FACING PAGE

  An example of furniture such as boys like                        4

  Clay pots made for germination experiments                       5

  The work of children between ten and eleven years of age         5

  Two examples of furniture grouping for the porch or outdoors    18

  The numerous photographs suggest disorder and dust              19

  An interesting curtain which might be duplicated by any girl    20

  Since flowers are so beautiful in themselves, is it not worth
  while to arrange them with judgment?                            21

  A school garden in Jordan Harbour, Ontario, Can.                28

  Domestic science class                                          29

  The work of girls in the public schools                         30

  A children's garden gives fresh air and sunshine                31

  All children love to play at being "grown up"                   32

  Girls must sometime learn of the conventions and customs of
  domestic arrangement                                            33

  A boys' camp with Ernest Thompson Seton                         48

  The play idea very soon grows toward the representation of
  primitive though adult customs and actions                      49

  A typical boy's workroom and shop                               50

  The kind of shop which one may have at home                     51

  The kite fever is an annual disease                             52

  Pump and waterwheel                                             53

  Boat made by Percy Wilson and Donald Mather                     54

  These are the forerunners of numerous other electrical
  constructions                                                   55

  A real derrick in miniature                                     56

  Waterwheels and fan                                             57

  A self-recording telegraph receiver                             58

  Wireless station and workroom of Donald Huxom                   59

  An electrical soldering iron and glue-pot                       60

  Waterwheel connected with model lathe                           61

  Excellent examples of high school work                          62

  A manual training shop                                          63

  The machine shop                                                64

  The study of aeroplane construction                             65

  A successful machine                                            64

  Finished aeroplanes                                             65

  The boy who does not love to camp is unique                     68

  This and other illustrations of homes, show such places as
  people make when they care about appearance                     69

  Even the most beautiful house must have a background            70

  One should build a house as one builds a reputation             71

  Trees, shrubbery and lawn form the frame of the picture         72

  There was a time not long since, when people built houses
  according to style                                              73

  A school garden                                                 74

  The Watchung School garden                                      75

  There is a fascination about raising animals whether for sale
  or as pets                                                      76

  Two more illustrations which will suggest plans for the future  77

  Every child, and especially the boy, needs active outdoor
  exercise                                                        78

  Organized play (woodcraft) under Ernest Thompson Seton          79

  More woodcraft. Has the boy had a chance at this kind of
  experience?                                                     80

  Even the technical process of photography has been
  reduced to popular terms                                        81

  In these days photography has become so simplified
  that every child can use a camera to advantage                  81





There was never a time in the history of the world when each race,
each nation, each community unit, each family almost, did not possess
its craftsmen and artists. In every instance, these so-called gifted
members were by no means the least important citizens; their names
appeared again and again in the stream of tradition as wonder workers
and idols of the people. This is still true in the very midst of a
materialistic age, when money and mechanics work hand in hand to
produce the most in the least time for economic reasons, and when the
individual worships "hand-made things." They may even be poorly made
or bizarre, but "handwork" satisfies the untutored. Now it is quite
possible for the machine to produce a bit of jewelry, textile, or
woodwork--even carving--quite as pleasing as any made by hand alone,
and it is being done every day. But the machine-made article must
be produced in large quantities (duplicates) for profit, whereas the
work of hand alone is unique. There lies the reason for reverence of
"handwork." It is always individual and characteristic of the workman
in style or technique and has no duplicate; it is aristocratic. Among
the primitives, the pot, necklace, or utensil was wrought by infinite
labor, and, being valuable because unique, was embellished with all
the wealth of current symbolism. It was preserved with care and became
more valuable to succeeding generations as a tangible record of race
culture and ideals. And so down to the present time, the handiwork
of the craftsman and skilled artisan has always stood as the one
imperishable record of racial development. The degree of finish, the
intricacy of design and nicety of construction are evidences of skill
and fine tools, well-organized processes, familiarity with material and
careful apprenticeship: the pattern, color, ornament, and symbolism
point to culture, learning, and standards of taste and beauty. A crude
domestic economy, rude utensils, coarse, garish costume and of simple
construction, are characteristic of an undeveloped social order. In
fact, all the arts of both construction and expression exhibit at a
given period the degree of civilization; art products are true
historical documents. Since then through their arts and crafts it
is possible for one to know a people, does it not follow that one
entrance to sympathy with the ideals and taste of the present time
is through practice in the arts? Of course a considerable mass of
information about them can be conveyed in words, especially to adults
who have passed the formative period in life and have not the same
_work_-incentive as have children. But even the adult never really
secretes much real knowledge of the arts unless he has worked in them.
He acquires rather a veneer or artistic polish which readily loses its
lustre in even a moderately critical atmosphere: he learns artistry
and the laws pertaining thereto as he would learn the length of the
Brooklyn Bridge or the population of El Paso. He merely learns to talk
about art. But children learn primarily and solely by _doing_, and the
foundations of taste and culture need to be put down early that they
may build upon them the best possible superstructure which time and
opportunity permit.


Copyright, 1909, by Cheshire L. Boone

An Example of Furniture such as Boys Like and which They Can Make Under


Copyright, 1909, by Cheshire L. Boone

Clay Pots Made for Germination Experiments in Grade IV. of the Public
School. The Boys of this Grade Built a Small Kiln in which these Pots
were Fired]

[Illustration: The Work of Children between Ten and Eleven Years of Age]

The foregoing paragraphs will perhaps have opened the way for
questions: "What kind of knowledge is of most worth? Why do
children--practically all of them--try to make things, and what is
their choice?" And when these queries have been answered so far as may
be, do the answers possess immediate value?

At the outset it will be evident that no sort of knowledge will be of
much avail until it is put in such form that the student can use it to
advantage. Mere knowledge of any kind is inherently static--inert and
often seemingly indigestible, like green fruit and raw meat. One too
frequently meets college graduates, both men and women, equipped with
so-called education, who are economic failures. These people are full
of information, well up to date, but they seemingly cannot use it.
Their assortment of knowledge is apparently in odd mental sizes which
do not fit the machinery of practical thinking as applied to life: it
is like gold on a desert isle. What the boy and girl need and desire
is (1) a favorable introduction to the sources of information, and (2)
the key to its use. They will have to be shown simple facts and truths,
and have their mental relations and importance explained. By gradually
introducing new knowledge as occasion offers, the field of study is
sufficiently widened. Children profit little by books and tools alone:
they crave encouragement and some direct constructive criticism. In
such an atmosphere their endeavors become significant and profitable,
and the accumulated learning will be applied to business or economic
ideas which result in progressive thinking, which uses information as a
_tool_, not an end in itself.

If then the arts of a people stand as monuments to its beliefs and
ideals, an intimate understanding of some of the arts ought to
be provided for in every scheme of education both at home and in
school. The child is by nature interested in the attributes of things
associated with his life and upbringing. He wants to know about them,
how they are made, and learn their uses by means of experiment. The
elements of science, mechanics and natural phenomena, business and
household art, and finally play (which is often adult living in
miniature)--these comprise a large portion of the subject matter
which is of prime importance to children. It is just such material as
this which bids fair to serve in the future as the basis for public
school curricula, simply because of its strong appeal to youth and its
potential worth in forming the adult.

The boy makes a kite, a telegraph outfit, or sled in order to give to
his play a vestige of realism. He seeks to mold the physical world to
personal desires, as men do. Incidentally he taps the general mass of
scientific facts or data and extracts therefrom no small amount of
very real, fruitful information. The result possesses marvelously
suggestive and lasting qualities because it came through effort;
because the boy wanted above all things to see his machine or toy
_work_, _move_, or obey his guiding hand, he was willing to dig for
the necessary understanding of the problem. His study brought about
contact with numerous other lines of work which were not at the time,
perhaps, germain to the subject, but were suggestive and opened various
side lines of experiment to be considered later. Therein lies the lure
of mechanics and craft work, gardening, outdoor projects, camping,
etc.: the subject is never exhausted, the student can never "touch
bottom." There is always an unexplored path to follow up. The intensity
of interest in mechanical things and in nature is the one influence
which can hold the boy in line. Turn him loose among mechanical things
where nicety of fitting and accurate workmanship are essential and
he appreciates construction immediately, because it is clear that
_workmanship_ and _efficiency_ go hand in hand. It is very much the
same with the girl: she may not enjoy the tedium of mere sewing, but
when the sewing serves a personal end, when sewing is essential to her
greatest needs, these conditions provide the only, inevitable, sure
stimulus to ambition and effort.

The school of the past, and often that of the present, has sought to
produce the adult by fertilizing the child with arithmetic, grammar,
geography, and language. The process resulted in all kinds of crooked,
stunted, oblique growth, the greatest assortment of "sports" (to use
a horticultural term) the world has ever seen. It isn't intellectual
food the child needs most (though some is very necessary); the real
need is intensive cultivation. Within himself he possesses, like the
young plant, great potential strength and virility, enough to produce
a splendid being absolutely at one with his time and surroundings;
he simply requires the chance to use the knowledge and opportunities
which lie at hand. It is, then, the common subjects of every-day
interest--science, business, nature and the like--which are the sources
of knowledge which has greatest worth to children.[A] They are the
valuable ones because they are of the type which first attracts and
holds the child's attention; they are concrete. Through them one may
learn language and expression, because one has something worth saying.

The second question, "Why do children like to make things and what is
their choice?" in the light of what has been said practically answers
itself. Children work primarily in response to that law of nature
which urges the young to exercise their muscles, to become skilful and
accurate in movement, for the sake of self-preservation and survival.
It is another phase of the same law which makes one carry out in work,
in concrete form, the ideas which come tumbling in from all conceivable
sources. The child can only think and learn in terms of material
things. Finally, the child's interests, the things he desires to make
and do, are such as will minister to his individual or social needs,
his play and imitation, and such as will satisfy his desire to produce
articles of purpose. The need may be a temporary, minor one, but every
child is stubborn on this one point, that everything he does must lead
to utility of a sort; through such working with a purpose he in time
rises to an appreciation of beauty and other abstract qualities.

Now this complex condition of child and school and society, in
which there is seemingly so much waste--"lost motion"--has always
existed; the facts are not new ones by any means. It is a condition
where the child is always curious, inquisitive and ready to "hook
a ride" on the march of business, science and learning, but the
school sternly commands "learn these stated facts because they are
fundamental" (philosophically), while society, represented by the
parent, alternately abuses the school, which is collectively his own
institution, or spoils the child by withholding the tools for learning
easily. In the meantime the child, with the native adaptability and
hardiness of true need, thrives in barren, untoward surroundings,
and matures notwithstanding. In other words, the school and society
have always tended toward misunderstanding--toward a lack of mutual
interest. In this period of uncertainty, of educational groping, the
child is found in his leisure hours pushing along the paths which
connect most directly with life and action, shunning the beaten but
roundabout highways of custom and conservatism.

The deductions are evident and clear-cut. If one accepts the foregoing
statement of the case, and there is ample evidence in any community
of size, it will be clear that certain definite opportunities should
be opened to the boy or girl to make the most of native talent and
enthusiasm. Encourage the young business adventurer or artisan to make
the most of his chosen hobby (and to choose a hobby if he has not one
already), to systematize it, develop it, make it financially profitable
if that is the desire; but first, last and all the time to make it
a study which is intensive enough to satisfy his or her productive
ambitions. At this age (up to the high school period) the boy or girl
may not have been able to decide upon a profession or business, but
he is working toward decision, and he is the only one who can choose.
Instead of trying to select an occupation for him, father and mother
would do well to put the child at the mercy of his own resources for
amusement, recreation and business, merely lending a hand now and then
in their full development. It will preserve the freshness of youth
beyond the ordinary time of its absorption by a blasé attitude toward
the world, and lead toward a more healthy and critical kind of study
than the haphazard lonesomeness, or the destructive gang spirit of the
modern community.[B]

Perhaps it would not be amiss to indicate just how this unofficial
study may be promoted, and to name the resources of the parent for the
purpose. First of all, nine children out of ten will definitely choose
a hobby or recreation or indicate some preference, as photography,
animal pets, woodwork, electricity, drawing, sport, one or more of
the domestic arts, collecting coins, stamps, etc.; there are as many
tastes as children. The child may get his suggestion from the school
or companions. Any legitimate taste should be actively encouraged and
supplemented by books which really explain and by tools and materials
with which to use the books. If it is a shop he wants, try to give him
the use of some corner for the specific purpose so that the occupation
may be dignified according to its juvenile worth. Second, endeavor to
emphasize the economic and social significance of the work done and
urge right along some definite aim. If a boy wants a shop, or pets, see
that they are kept in condition, attended to, and if possible give some
measure of tangible return on the outlay of money and energy. Third,
connect the boy's or girl's chosen avocation with real living in every
possible manner. Girls are rather fond of those decorative arts which
contribute to artistic pleasure, and should they make experiments with
stenciling, block-printing, and the like, have them use them also in
embellishing their own rooms, the summer camp or club. Fourth, make
the child feel that a given hobby is not to be satisfied for the mere
asking. Put some limit on the money expenditure until it is clear that
the interest is genuine and honest, and that the child is either
producing results which are sincere, or acquiring real knowledge. Fifth
and last, but perhaps most important of all, support the school in its
effort to solve the problem of formal education, because the heavy
burden rests there. It is quite essential that the home give the boy
and girl every possible chance to develop along original and specific
lines at their own pace, to experiment with the world's activities in
miniature, and establish the probable trend of individual effort for
the future. But this can only supplement and point the way for the
formal training which the institution (school) gives. The school, being
democratic and dependent upon the general public for existence, takes
its cue therefrom, and creating ideals in consonance with public needs
perfects the method of reaching them. When father and mother believe
in a vigorous, efficient education, rooted deeply in the child's
fundamental attitude toward the world and its affairs, then will the
public approve and urge the proper kind of organized training. Even so,
the school cannot really educate the child--he educates himself through
the agents aforementioned--it simply organizes information and gives
the pupil access to methods of using facts and ideas.

In closing this chapter there is one more word to be said concerning
the main theme. The arts and crafts[C] of expression and construction
fulfil that precise function in the child's preliminary training
which they did in the early history of the race. They indicate just
that degree of manual skill and constructive ability of which both
the youthful individual and the young race are capable; they serve as
indices and guides to the development of design, taste and constructive
thinking. As the child matures he may elevate a given craft to an art
or science, but the early familiarity, the simple processes, he should
have, because they are essential to childhood. Hence, the large amount
of handwork in the kindergarten and primary school; it is the necessary
complement to academic work and balances the educational diet.


[A] For the elaboration of this question as it concerns girls see
Chapter IV.

[B] Both boys and girls have clubs, societies and organizations, which
are useless, enervating or merely harmless when they exist without
purpose. If, on the other hand, the aggregate energy can be collected
into profitable channels, these same gangs or societies are a real
source of education and training. Any organization without consistent,
sustained purpose is a waste of social energy. Baseball is worth while,
but the merits of high school fraternities are doubtful.

[C] It will be evident that the term _crafts_ as here used is a more
comprehensive term than when employed in connection with the arts and
crafts furore of the past few years. Any kind of manual occupation
may be a craft; if it involves a measure of art and science it may
become more than a craft. But with children the craft stage, which is
characteristic, includes many occupations which may not even be true
crafts as the term is ordinarily used.



It will be evident to the thinking man or woman that art or any phase
of it is not to be taught successfully as a profession through books.
The very most that one can expect from reading is a knowledge about art
matters and acquaintance with the conventions and rules which obtain
therein. But even this slight result may be the precursor of a fuller,
more intimate familiarity with the principles of good taste and design.

One may be able to say "that is a beautiful room" or "a fine garden"
or "a charming gown" and yet be unable to produce any such things. How
is it possible then to _know_ if one cannot _do_? The answer is that,
_potentially_, every individual who really sees and appreciates beauty
can produce it through some form of artistic expression; the power to
execute and the power of invention are merely undeveloped. And as for
the artist or craftsman who can make beautiful things, but who cannot
explain how he does it--he is unique, like the mathematical genius;
he just sees the answer; it is a gift. Though there are born in every
generation a few with the divine spark of genius, the mass of men
and women has always learned by effort. In other words, it has been
possible to _teach_ the subjects which were found necessary to culture
and education; it is quite possible to present the ordinary phases of
art to the lay mind in such a way, even through books, that one may
have worthy ideals, and a healthy point of view. The present chapter
will be devoted to showing how books such as these[D] for boys and
girls can contribute to the development of taste.

Frankly, taste has much less to do with fine art than with the
arrangement and choice of the ordinary externals of living. Of course
fine art does in the last analysis pass judgment upon form, color
and design in clothes, furnishings and architecture, but the common
home variety of taste is derived directly from custom, comfort,
and convention, not from art at all. Only in the later stages of
refinement does the lay mind succumb to direct supervision by art.
On the other hand, all conventions and ideals are the result or sum
total of general experience, in which art has played its part, and
has left some impress on the individual, giving rise to belief in a
few principles so common as to be accepted by all. Principles of this
kind are not always serviceable or effective, because they are not
stated in precise language, and cannot therefore become standard. In
truth, so far as design is concerned, there are very few absolute rules
for guidance, and a book like "Home Decoration" cannot tell the child
or parent how to make a beautiful, inspiring home. Its mission is to
create the desire for fine surroundings, to suggest ways and means for
studying design, especially those phases of decoration associated with
the crafts, and above all such a book invites and helps to maintain a
_receptive attitude_ of mind toward artistic matters. In the effort
to produce work of merit, one becomes critical, and seeks reasons and
precedents for judgment. This is the beginning of design study: and the
fact that one has real interest in taste is indicative of the desire of
the cultured mind for ideals. If a child is allowed to grow up in the
"I know what I like" atmosphere, without reasonable contact with choice
things, and without the necessity for selection based upon reason,
there is small chance that such a child will ever acquire any sense of
fitness or taste in material surroundings.

[Illustration: Two Examples of Furniture Grouping for the Porch or
Outdoors. These Few Pieces Suggest Comfort, Cleanliness and Moderate

[Illustration: The Numerous Photographs in the Upper Illustration
Suggest Disorder and Dust. They do not Decorate. Sometimes a lack of
Small, Insignificant Objects like these is the Secret of Successful

The aims of all practical books for boys and girls may be summarized
about as follows:

(_a_) To absorb the overflow of youthful energy and turn it into
profitable channels.

(_b_) To develop organized thinking and accomplishment, and eliminate
wasted, aimless, non-productive action. This is the complement to
the routine of formal training in academic subjects, which are in
themselves, normally un-useful.

(_c_) To explore the field of accomplishment in order to select
intelligently a future occupation.

(_d_) To develop and foster standards and ideals of efficiency,
comfort, enjoyment, beauty and social worth. This last purpose includes
taste and is the one of concern here.

The peculiar æsthetic standards which interest young people are of
the most practical kind. They apply every day and to everybody. And
they are fundamental. The illustrations given below will indicate the
common-sense way in which design should be approached:

_Color._ The tones of the color scale have not yet been systematized so
well as those of music, but each year students of design and artists
move a little toward agreement. Now, suppose one wishes to use two
or more tones in a room, how may harmonious effect be secured? The
very word "harmony" means _agreement_, and suggests _similarity_,
_likeness_, _relationship_. Therefore the tones one would use in the
embellishment of a room should possess some common _quality_ for the
harmonizing element. Each tone having that quality as characteristic is
similar in that one respect to all other tones having the same quality.
Hence they are related in a way. The relation may be made strong or
weak by the manipulation of the bond which holds the tones together.
For instance:

Red and green are not related at all. By mixing gray with each, red and
green become related through gray. By mixing yellow, orange or blue,
etc., with red and green, the relationship may be established in the
same way.

Yellow and green have a common quality--_yellow_, and in so far tend
toward harmony. But it may not be a pleasing one, and it will be
necessary to bring them still closer together by introducing other
bonds, as gray or a color. Yellow is very light and green is dark: they
will work together better if brought nearer together in value.

[Illustration: An Interesting Curtain which might be Duplicated by
almost any Girl--If She Wanted Curtains]

[Illustration: Since Flowers are so Beautiful in Themselves, is it not
Worth While to Arrange Them with Judgment?]

It is by such simple means that all color combinations are brought into
line and rendered satisfactory. No rule can be given for mixing or
choosing the actual colors, but it is a safe rule to select those of
a kind in some respect. The popular belief in low-toned (grayed) color
schemes is a sound one, and the principle can be used very comfortably
by the amateur decorator in furnishing a home. She can have any colors
she wishes, and make them pleasing, if she will unite them by some
harmonizing tone. Of course, all grays even are not rich and beautiful,
but they are better than unadulterated color. Mr. Irwin in one of his
breezy skits quotes the æsthete as saying: "Good taste should be like
the policeman at parade; he should permit the assembled colors to make
an orderly demonstration but not to start a riot." The moment the
unskilled amateur tries to use white woodwork, red wallpaper, and gilt
furniture in combination, he or she courts failure simply because the
choice lacks the pervading tone which would modify the three. There are
ways to secure harmony even under the most adverse conditions, but the
technical details are not pertinent here.

Another characteristic which stands in the way of harmony is
_emphasis_. The moment any one tone becomes greatly _different_ from
its neighbors in value or otherwise, it stands out, attracts attention,
just as in material objects, unusual, curious shapes and sizes invite
notice, often beyond their just dues. Hence a brilliant yellow house,
a bright green gown, large figured wallpaper, are over-emphatic.
Clothes, which by their color and style are loud in their clamor for
inspection, are out of key and bear the same relation to surroundings
which foreign, exotic manners and customs bear to domestic conventions.
And ordinarily one does not seek such prominence.

This question of taste is a vital one to children, and these books
about "Needlecraft," "Home Decoration," "Outdoor Work," "Gardening,"
etc., are indirectly most useful because they put the child in a
_position to choose_. The girl who sews and helps run the home is
bound to cross the path of design a dozen times a day. She is faced
with problems of arrangement, color and utility at every turn. Her own
clothes, her room, the porch and garden, whatever she touches, are
inert, lifeless things which await artistic treatment. It is when the
child is faced with the problem of personal interest and pleasure that
these elementary conceptions of design may be proposed.

_Form and Line._ Each year fashion decrees for both men and women
certain "correct" styles. At slightly longer intervals the shops offer
new models of furniture, hangings, jewelry, pottery, etc. Have these
new things been devised to meet a change in public taste? Not at all;
they are inventions to stimulate trade. Most of such productions are
out of place, incongruous, in company with present possessions. One
must have a pretty sound sense of fitness and selection in order to use
them to advantage or to resist their lure. As single examples, many of
the new things are beautiful in color and line, though they may have
nothing whatever in common with what one already owns.

One chooses a given pattern in furniture first, because of its
_utility_; second, because of its harmony in line and size with
other furniture already owned; and third, because of its intrinsic
beauty. It is much less difficult to furnish a house throughout than
to refurnish an old room in consonance with others already complete.
All the household things need not be of one kind, though the closer
one clings to a clear-cut conception of harmony (relationship of some
kind) the better the result. Hence clothes may either beautify or
exaggerate personal physique, and the garden may attach itself to the
house and grounds or stand in lonely, painful isolation. Down at bottom
design aims to assemble elements and parts into proper groups, and in
the common questions of home decorations and dress the student can
usually work on just that simple basis. It is usually the incongruous,
over-prominent, conspicuous, or isolated factor in decoration which
causes trouble.

This fragmentary discussion will perhaps suggest some of the benefit
which may come from the pursuit of crafts and occupations. The
illustrations here given are in some detail because it is so easy
to overlook design at home and in common things. Everything is so
familiar there, one is so accustomed to the furniture, rugs and their
arrangement, that it never comes to mind that the situation might be
improved. It must be remembered that, when children begin to apply
design to their own handicraft, their fundamental conceptions of beauty
originate in the home. Either the children must lose faith in home
taste, or, as they grow and learn, be allowed to bring their new-found
knowledge back into the home and "try it on." This is where the craft
does its real work. The true privilege conferred upon children by the
possession of such books as these on various special occupations is a
chance to obtain, first-hand, individual standards of perfection and
beauty. Before this they have merely accepted the home as it stood,
with no thought of what was choice or otherwise.

Since taste and design are merely implied, or indirectly included in
the several volumes, save "Home Decoration," the latter should be used
as a supplementary reference in connection with the others. As has
already been said, it is not possible or advisable to systematically
teach good taste. It will be better and more effective to just
_include_ taste in the several activities the child undertakes.
When the girl begins to make things for herself, help her to select
materials which are appropriate in every way. Have her seek materials
for the purpose. Have her _choose_ decoration and color rather than
take the first handy suggestion or copy the plans of another. She would
do well to experiment independently. The girl should create her own
room down to the last detail, not make everything herself, but plan
it, plan its arrangement, its color (tone) if possible, and make those
small decorative articles like pillows, runners, curtains, etc. But
before beginning such a comprehensive experiment in decoration have
her look about a bit and note the conditions imposed. The light and
exposure, size of the room, furniture which must be used, treatment of
hangings--these are all stubborn factors, but they respond to gradual
treatment. Then the room is hers in reality. The boy's attitude toward
taste is totally different. He cares less than the girl for the charm
of tone and arrangement; he is quite willing to despise the niceties of
decoration. He must approach the question obliquely through interest in
the efficiency of a given effort; he appreciates the utility phase of
design most of all. The boy will come to see gradually that his pets
and chickens should be decently housed, and that it is good business
to do so. He should not be allowed to impose upon his own family or
their neighbors a slovenly yard or garden. He will find that those
tools work best which are sharp and clean and always in place. His
final lesson in design grows out of association with his mates. When
he begins to go to parties, to enter the social world in a small way,
a new body of conventions in taste appear and he must be taught to
appreciate them if he would be well liked. But the real training in
design arises from manual work--the playthings, toys and utensils the
boy makes for _use_. They need not be beautiful nor is there excuse for
clumsiness in construction. One cannot expect even the mature child to
take much interest in design in the abstract, but when he meets the
subject on a common-sense basis, as a part of some personal problem,
design--even taste in color and form--acquires definite standing in his
esteem. It has earned the right. Hence a liberal contact with youthful
amusements and occupations encourages both boy and girl to build
ideals of working, and among these ideals taste is bound to appear
in some guise--usually unbidden. The book on design or decoration
is but a reference, an inspiration, a stimulant, never a text of
instruction. The ability to choose, to secure appropriate, beautiful,
accurate results, is largely a by-product of judicious reading combined
with persistent effort. It remains for the parent to skim off this
by-product as it appears and infuse a little of it into each problem
the child presents for inspection.


[D] Library of Work and Play.




_What Is the Ideal Home?_

[Illustration: A School Garden in Jordan Harbor, Ontario, Canada. Any
Child Who has had this Experience, Who Has Produced or Helped Nature
to Produce such Wonderful Things, will be Richer in Sympathy for Fine

[Illustration: Domestic Science Class. These Girls not only Cook but
Learn about Foods, Housekeeping, Entertaining, and Themselves Keep Open
House at the School Occasionally]

Strange as it may seem, most of the plans for industrial training,
the majority of school courses of study, and probably seventy-five
per cent. of the books on the crafts and arts have been devised for
the use of boys. Now there are hosts of girls in this world, probably
as many girls as boys, and these girls are just as keen, intelligent,
ambitious and curious about things and how to make them, as are
boys. In very early childhood when both boys and girls have the same
interests, similar books of amusement are used by both. But as girls
develop the feminine point of view and need the stimulus of suggestion
and aid in creative work, the literature for them seems meagre; they
have somehow been passed by save for a manual now and then on cooking
or sewing, left as a sop to their questioning and eagerness. This state
of affairs is more than unfortunate, it is fundamentally wrong for
two very good reasons. (1) The girl up to the age of twelve or thirteen
has practically the same interests, pleasures and play instincts as
the boy. She is perhaps not so keenly alive to the charm of mechanical
things as the boy, but like all children regardless of sex, she seeks
to be a producer. She is just as much absorbed in pets and growing
things, in nature, in the current activities of her environment, and
requires the same easy outlet for her play instincts as the boy. (2)
The girl, when a woman grown, becomes the creator of the home, and too
often enters upon her domestic career with a minimum of skill or taste
in the great body of household arts, which in the aggregate, give us
the material comforts and homely pleasures. Moreover, since she, as a
girl, probably did not have the chance to satisfy her play desires and
consequently never learned to _do things_ herself, she is at a loss to
understand the never ceasing, tumultuous demands of her own children
for the opportunity to experiment. To quote Gerald Lee in the "Lost Art
of Reading," which is one of the real modern books: "The experience of
being robbed of a story we are about to read, by the good friend who
cannot help telling how it comes out, is an occasional experience in
the lives of older people, but it sums up the main sensation of life
in the career of a child. The whole existence of a boy may be said to
be a daily--almost hourly--struggle to escape being told things ...
it is doubtful if there has ever been a boy as yet worth mentioning,
who did not wish we would stand a little more to one side--let him
have it out with things. There has never been a live boy who would not
throw a store-plaything away in two or three hours for a comparatively
imperfect plaything he had made himself...."

When one goes deep enough--below the showy veneer of present-day
living--one comes to agree with Mr. Lee. The normal child, especially
the boy, is potentially a creator, a designer, discoverer, and we have
committed the everlasting sin of showing him short cuts, smoothing away
difficulties, saying "press here." No child can survive the treatment.

Father and mother have the very simple obligation to furnish the place,
raw material (books, tools, etc.), and encouragement.


Copyright, 1909, by Cheshire L. Boone

The Work of Girls in the Public Schools, Montclair, N. J. These Girls
are only Eleven Years of Age]

[Illustration: A Children's Garden gives Fresh Air and Sunshine, and
Best of All, Brings Nature very Near. To Be Really Happy One Must Make
Nature's Acquaintance]

For these reasons, if for no other, the girl ought to have a permanent
outlet for her native ingenuity and constructive skill in such crafts
and occupations as are adapted to her strength, future responsibilities
and possible interests. A home should comprise other elements
than food and clothes, which are bare necessities; and though these
may be expanded and multiplied, becoming in their preparation real
art products, they alone are deficient in interest. Look over any
well-ordered household, note the multiplicity of things it contains
which are primarily woman's possessions, and collecting all one knows
about them, the amount of real knowledge is surprisingly small. How
much does the embryo housekeeper know about textiles, curtains,
carpets, hangings, linens, brass, china, furniture? Where do all
these charming things come from? Many of the hangings, table linen,
embroidery, etc., are home products. They cannot be bought at all. The
simple stenciled curtain which one likes so much draws attention by
virtue of its personal quality. To have such things in any abundance
the girl must create them, and this she is more than willing to do.

How may one explain the restful atmosphere of certain homes
visited? How many housewives have intelligent insight concerning
home management and administration; of simple domestic chemistry or
sanitation? Yet these are vital elements in the domestic machine.
One never mistakes a proper household, orderly, smooth running for
the showy establishment--gay outside and sad inside. Even the most
untutored child unconsciously responds to the healthy influence of
selected material environment and conditions, when these are combined
harmoniously. There are systematic ways of creating pleasant rooms,
fine grounds, comfortable places for living, places imbued with the
spirit of contentment. The people who produce such places are seldom
the professional decorator, landscape architect, and hired housekeeper.
It is the woman of the family, who, having practised some of the arts,
or at least been their disciple, has learned to appreciate order
and love beauty. Therewith comes an almost instinctive knowledge of
how to use them to advantage. One can never really have beautiful
baskets, pottery, sewing, gardens, until one has made them. One surely
cannot appreciate the true worth of clean linen, a spotless house,
and perfect routine anywhere so thoroughly as in one's own house. It
naturally follows that the girl, like the boy, should be a producer,
not a mere purchaser, of personal or domestic commodities. She may
have unlimited means, but the place where she lives as a girl and the
home she seeks to create in adult life will always be impersonal,
detached, _hotel-like_, unless she personally builds it. She must know
the structure, composition, and functions of inanimate things; this
knowledge comes easiest and persists longer through use and experience.

[Illustration: All Children Love to Play at Being "Grown Up," even
Beyond the Time of Childhood. These Girls will make Real Women, because
They are Normal and Happy]

[Illustration: Girls must sometime Learn of the Conventions and Customs
of Domestic Arrangement, and too often Their Only Opportunity Lies in
such Classes as These]

There is a good bit of psychology behind the suggestions offered, and
the reasoning is simple. All our ideas, our plans, and conceptions
are just ideas and nothing more until they have been worked up into
concrete form--put to test. There is nothing tangible about an _idea_.
But living is real; hence all the details which comprise living are
real too and mere thinking about them without action is futile. One
must execute, arrange, and experiment with the raw materials of
everyday use. The result is either pleasant or otherwise; if otherwise,
the effort has somehow failed, and one should do it again and learn
thereby; if pleasant, one is the richer and happier for a bit of
success, and is warmed by the presence of mere accomplishment.

This last phrase reveals the nub of the whole question--accomplishment.
Material surroundings and comforts of course go far to make one
happy, and they are the evidence of success, but the ideal home is
also composed of people each of whom is or should be a contributor
to the work of the world. The ideal home contains no drones, and
therefore no discontent. Now the girl cannot plunge headfirst into
the maelstrom of domestic management. She must learn her strength
and acquire confidence, and there are simple occupations for early
years, occupations which train the muscles, sharpen the wits;
occupations which through suggestion gradually lead to a wider and
wider intellectual horizon, and which, by a cumulation of information
and experience, mature both judgment and taste. These occupations form,
as it were, some chapters in the unwritten grammar of culture and
efficiency whereby the girl grows in self-reliance and maturity.

There are, for instance, a number of crafts which, in their delicacy of
technique and the artistic worth of the finished product, are splendid
occupations for girls, and some few of which every girl should know.
The girl who cannot sew is an object for sympathy; it is the typical
feminine craft for the reason heretofore named--that one cannot know
how things should be unless one is familiar with the process involved.
Gowns are manufactured of pieces of cloth cut in proper shape and
sewn together in some, to the male, occult fashion, and this complex
operation only explains itself even to a woman by going through
the experience. One has always been accustomed to think that the
accomplished mistress is also an expert needle-woman or skilled worker
in textiles of some kind. Products of the needle and loom have always
been her intimate, personal possessions, and the charm of old hangings,
lace, needlecraft of all kinds, rests in the main on this personal
quality. Without a doubt the most precious belongings of the young
girl are her own room with its contents of decorations and furnishing,
and the garments which emphasize her inherent feminine charm. It is
not only a girl's right, but her duty, to maintain her place as the
embodiment of all that is fresh, cleanly and attractive. To this end
clothes and the various other products of the needle contribute not a
little; a clean-cut, thorough experience in manufacturing things for
herself is the best assurance of future taste, which will spread out
and envelop everything she touches. It is much the same with clothes
and furnishings as with other matters, what one makes is one's own,
characteristic, appropriate, adequate, with the touch of enjoyment in
it; the purchased article is devoid of sentiment, it is a makeshift and

Then by all means let the girl learn to sew, learn to do for herself,
to study her own needs and desires, to find as she progresses, ways
to master the details of woman's own craft, and it is hoped, lay up a
store of just the sort of experience which will enable her to supervise
the work of others in her behalf when the time comes. But sewing,
valuable as it is in connection with the young girl's problems, is not
the only craft at hand. In recent years craftworkers have revived a
number of old methods of using or preparing textiles for decorative
purposes, and some of these have proven increasingly worth while in the
household. Stenciling, block-printing, dyeing, decorative darning, and
even weaving itself, since they have been remodeled and brought out in
simple form, offer opportunities to the wideawake girl. The results in
each case may be very beautiful, and perhaps more in harmony with the
individual taste and scheme of living of the particular girl than any
materials she could buy, because they may be designed and executed for
a specific place. Few people, least of all a child, work just to be
busy; there is always a motive. With the girl it is a scarf, a belt,
collar, curtain, or sofa pillow; is it not well worth while if she
can make these for herself or her room, in her chosen design motif,
(as rose, bird, tree, etc.) and color? It may be an ordinary design,
peculiar color, but they satisfy a personal sentiment which, by the
way, can be modified and improved as time goes on. One must needs allow
children to begin with the bizarre, distorted, seemingly unreasonable,
archaic desires they have and cross-fertilize these with better ones
in the hope of producing a fine, wholesome, sturdy attitude of mind.

Among the minor crafts which may be a source of real pleasure and
good taste, two are prominent: pottery and basketry. The technique,
decorative possibilities, and functions of the finished products as
elements in household economy and ornament place these crafts high in
the list of those especially suitable for girls, though boys and adults
do find them equally interesting. Pottery is so closely associated with
flowers and growing things, with the decoration of fine rooms, with
choice spots of color, and with those receptacles and utensils which
belong to the household, that it makes a strong appeal to the feminine
mind. Here is a craft which vies with textiles in age and beauty of
design, and possesses even greater charm of manipulation because it is
plastic. One can imagine no finer outlet for creative effort.

Lastly, there is the eternal, magnificent, womanly craft--home-making.
When one stops to think that the home is the one imperishable, absolute
social unit, the power which creates it must take rank with other
vital forces of constructive economics. Mothers' clubs and women's
organizations of divers kinds, or, rather, the individuals who comprise
such societies, are continually drifting into the discussion of the
worries, difficulties, and trials which attend the household. The
instant household routine becomes awkward or inadequate it affects
adversely each individual member of the family, and naturally the
mistress who is responsible shoulders a burden. There are times when
the maid leaves, or the cooking goes wrong, or the house is cold, or
just a time when one gets started for the day badly. There are times
when the innate perversity of humans and material things runs riot.
One is led to believe that such untoward occasions, since they have
been in the past, will in all likelihood continue to crop up to the
end of time, though one cannot find any good reason why they should.
There are homes unacquainted with any household rumble or squeak,
where the domestic machinery is always in order, and flexible enough
to care for sudden overloading, or absorb any reasonable shock. In
many such places, devoid of servants and confined to a modest income,
the mistress is ever an expert; the chances are that her daughters
will be equally resourceful. Really, the only sure way to bring up an
adequate number of fine, competent, resourceful wives and home-makers
is to train them definitely for the profession. The girls must be made
acquainted with every detail of the business which they will surely
inherit. The people who would live in hotels and frankly abandon
home-making themselves merely emphasize the charm of the household,
because hotels have nothing in common with homes.

It seems rather strange that a business so old as housekeeping does
not, and never has, applied to its development the laws of commercial
enterprise. When the community or corporation state sees the need for
workmen, foremen or directors, it tries to educate individuals for the
purpose. The supply of competent men and women is not left to chance.
Whereas, womankind trusts to a very fickle fortune, that every girl
will somehow learn to steer the domestic craft and be conversant with
methods of preserving family ideals. Contrast the far-sighted plans of
business to fill its ranks with the casual training the average girl
undergoes to fit her for the future. What is her chance of success? Is
it reasonable to suppose that one who has never made a home, or even
helped actively to run one made for her, can on demand "make good?" It
is a lasting tribute to the inherent genius and indefatigable patience
of the modern woman that she has achieved so much with a minimum of

Hence, in order to properly equip one's children for a practically
inevitable future, let the girls into the secret of domestic planning;
let them know of costs and shopping, income and expenditure; of
materials and uses; the care of possessions, repairs and cleaning;
try to show them that the menu is not a haphazard combination of
ingredients and foods, but a conscious selection of viands which will
entice the appetite, furnish proper nutrition and accord with the
season. By all means emphasize the fact that housekeeping, like any
business, can be systematized so that the hundred and one activities
may succeed one another in orderly procession through the weeks and
months. Wash day and housecleaning should be absorbed into the domestic
program, and never present their grisly features to the home-coming
male, with sufficient trouble of his own.

Recent issues of the magazines have contained much discussion of
the household tangle, and most of them have ended with the slogans
"industrial education," "back to the kitchen," and such. Granted
that girls need this training, and that schools in time will give
it; granted that the social position of the servant is a source
of discussion and friction; that the demands of modern living are
exacting; and, finally, granting the insistent prominence of all
the other economic disturbances, who is, in the last analysis, to
blame? Would a business man think for one moment of handing over any
department of his affairs to one not trained for the particular duties
involved? Industry in every branch seeks men and women _fitted_ to
take charge of even minor matters. And when trained assistants are
scarce the obvious policy is to prepare other promising workers for
such special places. On the other hand, mothers too often prepare
their daughters for marriage, not for home-making, seemingly blind to
the fact that marriage is an inert, barren, static condition, save
in the stimulating atmosphere of a fine home. How can the servant
question ever be settled by untutored girls who get no closer to the
domestic question than fudge, welsh rarebit and salted peanuts? The
_school can and does_ now, in all well-ordered communities, give a very
satisfactory formal, technical training in domestic art and science.[E]
There students learn to cook and sew; they learn a good deal about
food values, dietetics and simple food chemistry, simple sanitation,
etc. But the management of a real house, system and everyday routine,
that fine sense of adjustment to the conditions as they exist--these
essentials can only be learned in the home itself. The efforts of
the school can largely supplement but never replace home guidance,
experience and _responsibility_. Keeping house ought to be a science
and art rather than a game of chance.

_Definite Suggestions_

In the "Library of Work and Play," to which the present book is the
introductory volume, one will find a collection of books replete with
suggestion. But these are not manuals, or courses to be followed from
end to end, because children do not _profit most_ by such a plan.
The child is like a pebble dropped into still water. It communicates
its energy of momentum to the surrounding fluid and makes a circular
ripple, which in turn makes another and wider ripple, until the energy
is exhausted. In much the same way the child, landed in the midst of a
more or less inert material world, acts upon it with energy, _which,
however, is never exhausted_, producing the results which become more
and more extended. He begins in the middle of a given subject and works
in all possible directions, which gives one the clue to how to make the
most of books like these.[F]

If the girl has not already indicated a decided preference for
some recreation or play, place at hand the books which show the
possibilities open to her. It would be well for one to go over them
rather carefully first in order to know what they contain. Let the girl
take her leisure in searching the chapters and illustrations for the
suggestion which strikes a responsive chord. Ofttimes it will be quite
in order to point to chapters which have a bearing on some personal
need or desire. At any rate, the book or chapters which seem to be
most significant at the time should be followed up. Read over with her
such a volume as "Home Decoration" or "Housekeeping." Let her discuss
the plans offered and try them out in her own home. Every girl wants
and should have a dainty, inspiring, beautiful room of her own, and as
she grows older she also wants the rest of the house to match, so that
she can entertain her friends with pride and confidence. If one will
take "Housekeeping," "Home Decoration," and "Needlecraft" as texts,
and select from them first those suggestions which are _immediately
apt_ in a particular home, the girl will shortly find herself looking
at home problems from several different and very important angles. But
it is desirable also that the study be taken up first in a very simple
way, in order to tie it to real living and needs. New curtains, pillows
for the porch or den, stenciled scarf, the decorations and menu for a
small party, additional linen: these are some of the problems always
coming up, which may be used as a beginning. And once the start is
made the girl should have the chance to try other experiments along
the same line. Read with her the chapter on menus and marketing, or
housecleaning, and turn the house over to the daughter for a time
to manage--absolutely. There is nothing in the world which children
love more or which develops them more quickly than responsibility,
and the mutual consideration of household affairs gives the girl real
partnership in the domestic business. She may use the "Housekeeping"
book as a kind of reference, to be sought when new problems in
management fall to her share.

The question of home decoration is so vital that it deserves special
statement. The text[G] deals with all those details of interior
furnishing and embellishment which indicate taste. All of these are
not equally important, nor do they interest all girls to the same
extent, and in using the book one can profit most by the study of those
topics which touch the individual or particular family. But everywhere
there is the problem of furniture arrangement, wall decorations, color
schemes, and the skilful use of flowers, pottery and textiles. Give
the young people, and especially the girls, an insight into how the
interior should be treated. Have them look up pertinent questions in
the text and then try their 'prentice hands at creating a pleasant,
restful, homelike house with the furnishings at hand plus whatever they
can make or secure. Really, the book is as much a volume of suggestion
for the mother, to which she can refer her daughter, as a text for the
child. There is very keen interest in taste in recent years, among
young people as well as parents, and the elements hitherto lacking
have been (1) accessible information and (2) opportunity to "try it
out." Offer that opportunity; a flat is just as fruitful a field for
experiment as a house, perhaps more.

The active participation in outdoor life, nature-study propaganda
and the multiplication of popular scientific (nature) literature
has greatly opened another field to children--that of raising pets,
gardening, etc. Here the boy or girl will readily make some choice at
an early day, if there has been any contact with such things. If not,
a volume of this kind[H] will be a real stimulant and inspiration, as
it should be, not a lesson manual. Place the book in a child's hands,
help him look over the conditions, available ground, cost, care, etc.;
let him send for circulars and catalogues, or if possible visit some
one interested in the same hobby and the experiment is under way with
irresistible momentum. It is a godsend to any child to give him a
simple, direct statement of what can be done; he furnishes the steam
and imagination for future development, and father and mother comprise
the balance wheel of the business. This volume and the one on "Outdoor
Sports" contain a mass of information which touch the interests of
practically all boys and girls at some time in their first sixteen
years. When the child is old enough to launch out in any personal
undertaking, old enough for even minor responsibilities, when he or she
expresses the desire for possession and money, then give them books
like these. Let them soak in and digest. Encourage only those requests
which are convincing, but give them all the scope possible. Every child
will eventually select the pastimes which are best for her though she
may stumble in doing so; she will make fewer mistakes, and waste less
time if she have access to books which will crystallize and guide her


[E] As the High Schools of Springfield, Newton, and Brookline, Mass.;
Cleveland, Ohio; Los Angeles, Cal., among others. And the elementary
schools of practically every well-organized community.

[F] "Library of Work and Play."

[G] "Home Decoration."

[H] "Outdoor Life."




  "The prime spur to all industry (effort) was and is to own and use
  the finished product."--HALL.

One day the pedagogue, who was a learned man and addicted to study,
shut himself up in his library, bent on devising a method for training
boys into men. This master was well versed in the sciences so that he
could follow the stars in their courses, make the metals and substances
of the earth obey his will, and guide the plants in their growth from
seed to blossom. Nor was this scholar lacking in sympathy for the
arts, if they were not too fine, for his desires all led to systems
and orderly arrangements of matter, and those subjects which would not
succumb to analysis he looked upon coldly.

[Illustration: A Boy's Camp with Ernest Thompson Seton. There Was Never
a Boy Who Did Not "Make-Believe," and Here the Play Spirit, under
Stimulating Guidance, Becomes a Powerful Factor in Developing the
Appreciation of Community Effort]

[Illustration: The Play Idea very soon Grows Toward the Representation
of Primitive though Adult Customs and Actions, in which Several Join
a Common Body or Company. Hence City Gangs which Merely Seek Romantic

Hence in this problem of education he made a careful survey of the
history and development of learning from the beginning--seeking
those ideals and standards of culture which had been approved for
the _scholar_, because scholars have always been held in high esteem
by those patrons who, being ignorant themselves, wanted scholarship
nearby. It was found in the course of his delving that the sciences
had originated and developed in about this order, mathematics,
astronomy, geology, botany, biology, etc. The arts of expression had
of course developed as a group, but chiefly through literature from
the beginning. There seemed to be a good deal of recent interest in
machines and engineering, and of course certain classes had always
tilled the soil, because one must have food; but the study of these
activities could not lead to culture, because culture had always had
to do with thinking, not manual labor. Therefore it became clear to
the master that up to the present time, since the end of all scholarly
ambition had been a profession (law, medicine, theology, etc.),
education must be a very simple matter. All one had to do was to
prepare certain capsules of mathematics, grammar, Greek and Latin, and
a few, very few, odd pellets of science, etc., and at stated intervals
stimulate the boy's mental organism with the various toxins in
rotation. Were these subjects not the very basis of culture, and what
would be more logical than direct systematic presentation of the
fundamental principles? If the patient did not respond nothing could
be done but to use more medicine, more lessons; there could be but one
line of treatment. With this question settled the good savant signified
his readiness to instruct youth in such branches as were desirable for
the educated man, and pupils came in numbers to obtain the precious
learning, for the pedagogue was favorably known as a great scholar. But
these pupils who came, like the master, happened to live in or about
the year 1912, when the chief interests of the people were business,
science, and engineering; when transportation and communication had
become highly developed and systematized; when farming and agriculture
were almost arts, the whole welfare of the nation rested on industry,
and utility held high rank as an element in culture among the people
who worked. Even when a boy of this period did not seek industrial
honors and follow in the footsteps of his father, he must needs be
interested as a citizen in so important a source of prosperity. Hence
the children who set out to become pupils of the learned teacher were
alive to the business and activities of their time and surroundings,
and were more than willing to learn when the learning led to a useful
end. But the scheme proposed by their mentor was such a queer scheme.
Of course it was better to go to school than do nothing and one must
study a few things, but how much more fascinating and worth while to
talk about birds and animals, trolley cars, the railway, electricity,
machines, and doing things with a purpose, than to discuss impossible
stories written by people who evidently knew very, very little about
young people, to learn unending pages of numbers and definitions and
facts, which, since one had no use for them, were speedily forgotten to
make room for better material?

[Illustration: A Typical Boy's Workroom and Shop. Pride of Personal
Possession Develops rather Early and the Boy Should Have a Place of His

[Illustration: The Kind of Shop which One May Have at Home]

Now these children were obedient and reverent toward learning and did
the tasks assigned them by their master, but in their leisure hours
they did a good bit of experimenting along other lines, and found
several other studies which were not in the master's scheme much more
to their taste. Animals and pets were not only nice, live, soft, downy,
fuzzy things to play with, but they had such queer ways and were so
useful that one could talk about them forever. And then if one raised
numbers of them, often neighbors would desire to purchase, and behold,
a business began whereby it was just possible one could make a profit
now and then. Again, it was fine if one had even a few tools so that
one could put together the toys and playthings _necessary_ to
every-day amusement. Of course it was needful to measure and calculate
and scheme about materials and costs, but all this scheming led to
real purpose, while the questions proposed by the teacher were just
questions after all and it couldn't make much difference whether one
found the answer or not.

Now the usual thing happened. Because of their reverence for
traditional learning and respect for its apostle the youths continued
to attend upon the master and go through the ceremonial form of
intellectual purification. But really their hearts were outside,
wrapped up in the work of the world, where they had found just the
tonics which were good for them.

In just so far as the school and home open ways which "enable the
student to earn a livelihood and to make life worth living" do we see
the passing of the old type school (suggested above) and ideal of
training. Not only are there comparatively few in this world capable
of receiving high polish through the so-called culture studies, but
the definition of culture has changed; now _any activity is cultural
which arouses one's best efforts_. Moreover, the boy of the present
is on the lookout for a new type of instructor, one born of the new
era of industrial success, a teacher who will unlock the mysteries of
modern nature, science, engineering and business, and who will make it
possible for the student to find his special abilities or bent at an
early age. It is no argument at all to say that the boy is too young
to know what is best for him, that the mature mind is the only safe
guide. The adult teacher and parent becomes a true guide only when he
uses as a basis for guidance those qualities and instincts of childhood
which cannot be smothered or eradicated. The child, whether boy or
girl, knows instinctively some of the kinds of information which do
not agree with him, because they possess no significance at the time
and he cannot assimilate and fatten on them. The child needs a new
and more nutritious mental diet. Father and mother cannot be of great
_direct_ assistance because, strange to say, they are not experts with
_children_, they merely know _a child_ (their own) passably well, but
they can provide a most effective, indirect, contributory stimulus
through outside opportunities for healthy play and experiment which
will supplement the formal instruction of the school. And children of
all ages up to the time they go to college need some strong outside
interest, or group of them, which will serve as a finder to
determine the trade, profession, or business of the future man.

[Illustration: The Kite Fever is an Annual Disease. Common to
practically the Whole Country. But it is a Disease which Flourishes
only among Normal Children, chiefly Boys]

[Illustration: Pump and Waterwheel. A Type of Mechanical Problem which
the Boy May Begin With, Both In and Out of School, because It Touches
His Keenest Interest]

The children who enter the school, from whatever grade of society or
given race, are all much alike--lively little animals that sleep, eat
and talk continuously, and play, though play and expression are one
and the same. They do what all animals do--keep on the move, acquire
muscular skill and precision, and endeavor by every possible means to
express their ideas and convey them to others. This expression takes
on a constructive phase when children play at store, keeping house,
fire engine, and make toys of paper and cardboard, and such amusement
is the forerunner of that intense mechanical interest which overtakes
boys about the age of ten or eleven.[I] Girls have an equally positive
leaning which is characteristic and will be noted elsewhere. Watch
any group of boys of average parentage and surroundings and make a
list of the things they construct for themselves, for their own ends.
In any such list extending over a period of several months will be
found, according to locality, such things as wagons, sleds, whistles,
kites, dog houses, pigeon roosts, chicken coops, boats, guns, etc.,
etc. The young artisan uses whatever raw material he can; he is
chiefly concerned with the plan, and makes the best of conditions and
materials. The things he makes are always for real use, a principle
held in high esteem in all the arts. In making these toys the boy
acquires some exceedingly valuable information and a physical skill
and perfection which can only be secured at an early age. He learns
about things, about raw material, about tools and utensils common to
every household; he gets on speaking terms with the fundamental laws of
mechanics and, more than one would imagine, develops a real ingenuity
in molding material to his immediate needs. The construction of a bird
house or kite is in itself simple enough, but the boy has to spend
considerable effort in finding out how to do it, which is beneficial.
Moreover, this constant struggle to get into tune with his physical
environment and subdue it results in a considerable independence,
confidence, and resourcefulness, which under moderately favorable
conditions will produce a boy alert to the world in which he lives and
full of the spirit of investigation--the critical attitude. Such a boy
will not lean on others for either learning or pleasure.

[Illustration: Boat Made by Percy Wilson and Donald Mather, Montclair,
N. J., Independent of Adult Assistance. The Method of Construction,
which is Unique and Sound, was Devised by the Boys]


Copyright, 1910, by Cheshire L. Boone

These are the Forerunners of Numerous Other Electrical Constructions,
Many of Which are Produced Out of School, in the Home Workrooms and

Actually, however, the modern boy has not been encouraged along
these lines, nor has he been taken very seriously in those activities
which affect him most; hence his struggle toward any real efficiency. A
prominent man once said:

  "When I was fifteen years of age I could break wild horses to
  saddle or harness, and teach kicking cows to stand while they were
  being milked. I could fell trees and drop the tree in any direction
  desired. I knew the relative value of all native woods, appreciated
  the differences in soil, grains, fruits, and simple minerals. I could
  use the draw-shove, adze axe, broad axe, cross-cut saw, sickle and
  cradle. I could make a figure-four trap, an axe helve, a neck yoke,
  axe yoke, whiffletree, clevis, and could braid an eight-strand cattle
  whip. We used to mend our harness on rainy days and I could make a
  wax-end and thread it with a bristle, and use a brad-awl. I knew
  how to construct an ash-leach and to make soft-soap, apple butter,
  and pumpkin pies. I knew the process of weaving flax and wool, of
  making and burning brick. I knew on sight and had names for a score
  or more of birds, and had a good idea of the habits of squirrels,
  skunks, wolves, and the fishes that swam in the creeks. I knew how to
  cure hams, shoulders, and side-meat: to pickle beef and cover apples
  with straw and earth so that they would keep in safety through the
  most severe winter, and open up in the spring fresh and valuable. Of
  course my knowledge was not of a scientific order, and I could not
  have explained it to another, because I never knew I had it."

How many boys or girls of the present time possess anything like this
sum of _useful knowledge_--useful for the conditions in which they
live? There was a time when children had to learn in order to survive,
and now that the necessity is removed and children are simply allowed
to grow without purpose, the boy and girl inevitably lose one of the
best elements in their training unless new opportunities are opened.

It is not difficult to see how the boy's interest in construction grows
and expands; mere acquaintance with boys will furnish the data. At a
comparatively early stage the youthful experiments are naturally sifted
to a few specialties, which assume prominence either because of the
boy's reading or the type of locality in which he lives. From time to
time his interest may shift, investigating one subject after another,
always seeking the unknown avocation. The process will probably lead in
time to a more or less fitting selection of trade or profession. How
else is the boy to find himself?


Copyright, 1909, by Cheshire L. Boone

A Real Derrick in Miniature, Operated by Means of a Waterwheel (at the
right). The Lifting, Turning and Handling of the Bucket are Controlled
by Levers Attached to Spools (in the middle section). This Sort of
Thing is Part of Regular School Work]

[Illustration: Waterwheels (lower illustrations) and Fan (upper
illustration), made by Public School Pupils]

After he has passed through the preliminary stages of mere play and
haphazard amusement the boy becomes conscious of the mysterious,
unusual forces of electricity; they hold even adult attention and
wonder, but the boy, being more impressionable and confident,
immediately forages for information, reads enormously, and experiments.
He takes in the whole subject with a vim and sureness that is _de
facto_ evidence of its intrinsic worth for study purposes. And in
a much shorter time than adults would require, he has mastered the
fundamental laws and is eager to put this wonderful force to work,
to make things move. He has the same attitude toward steam and gas
engines, water motors, and studies them with the same intensity
of purpose. Here are dynamic elements which appeal to the human
appreciation of _power_ and which may be harnessed, subdued. The idea
is comparable to the ancient reverence for fire, water and the storm.
Since modern science has organized engineering and mechanical knowledge
and simplified it, the student can have at his disposal just the books
and periodicals needed to unlock this storeroom of mystery; these
publications were written for the purpose. But there are several other
openings for creative effort which appeal no less strongly, and among
which both the boy and girl may choose, with complete confidence that
there will be ample room for initiative, ingenuity, and utilitarian

Every child loves to go camping, and in common with his elders reveals
the close connection with primitive life in general through the
pleasure derived from the simplicity of camp life. There in the woods,
where conveniences are few, every device and construction counts the
utmost, and its purpose is apparent. The whole spirit of such living
is more in harmony with child nature and longings than the modern city
home; it supplies the craving for physical freedom and places the boy
or girl almost entirely on his own resources. What he obtains in the
way of pleasure comes from his own efforts and is correspondingly
precious. The boy especially finds in camp just as much chance for
mechanical skill as elsewhere. Temporary furniture, utensils, cooking
conveniences, the shelter, traps, etc., are suggestive. And lastly
the unconventional, untrammeled outdoor life stands in that same
relation to the boy as it did to the savage (because boyhood is a
primitive stage); he puts forth his strongest endeavors to conquer
the elements, the climate, the earth, and growing things; to provide
himself with food and shelter--in other words, to survive as the savage
sought to survive. The idea is truly epic. No wonder the child expands
and develops under the simple responsibilities imposed, and absorbs
woodcraft with such astonishing ease. The recent extraordinary growth
of the summer camp among boys' schools, and the results suggested in
the writings of Ernest Thompson Seton, are, with the unfolding of
industrial education, two pointed examples of the shifting view of
education in the home as well as school. Probably no outside agency
will in time become so effective for good as the Boy Scouts, whose code
is based on a very primitive framework suited to boys. During a recent
visit to California, and while crossing the flat prairies of Kansas,
the writer saw a company of scouts at work. It was borne in upon the
observer that there was an organization which fitted every locality,
every climate; it appealed to _boy_, not _creed_, _social order_, time,
or _adult dogma_.


Copyright, 1910, by Cheshire L. Boone

A Self-recording Telegraph Receiver. An Excellent Example of what the
Juvenile Mechanical Mind will Attempt. The Number of Boys Interested in
such Projects is Considerable]

[Illustration: Wireless Station and Workroom of Donald Huxom,
Montclair, N. J. This, too, Indicates how Boys Square Themselves with
Scientific Progress]

One should at least mention athletics in this connection, because of
the excellent physical benefit in both activities. Athletics, however,
contains an element which is all-important--team work. And no restraint
is so much needed, nor so cheerfully heeded for that matter, by the
restless boy and girl as a community of effort. The elimination of a
purely selfish personal point of view is very difficult to bring about
with the best of children, because they are wrapped up in their own
affairs, and nothing serves to introduce them to the rights of others
and the value of concerted action for a common good so well as sport.
The kind does not matter. Any well-conducted, clean enjoyment of this
kind develops that mental pliability and willingness to _take a part_
which is a fundamental of citizenship. Incidentally leaders arise, and
the beginnings of organization dawn. It is a great day when the boy
learns his first code of signals in the ball team!


Copyright, 1910, by Cheshire L. Boone

An Electrical Soldering Iron and Glue-pot, made at Suggestion of
Instructor for Use in School Shop]


Copyright, 1909, by Cheshire L. Boone

Waterwheel Connected with Model Lathe]

There is one more side (at least) to the boy and girl
business--_earning money_. It is nothing short of marvelous that
this desire for personal income, however small, has not been taken
seriously. Why do children want to earn money? For the best reason in
the world, _independence_. Man's entire existence from the earliest
age down to the twentieth century has been one long struggle toward
it--toward survival. First he had to combat the elements and animals,
then his fellows, for possession of food, lands, water, raw materials,
and wives. When he found that possession of certain commodities added
to his importance and therefore comfort and safety, and especially
to his privilege, he sought wealth and its freedom. Now the boy and
girl follow stages in development toward similar independence, and
among the privileges most desired is that of money or possessions
of value. If they earn it, the amount represents so much work and
gives the coins a fixed worth which cannot be established in other
fashion. Moreover, this desire for income (rather than money) is
one characteristic of the child between the ages of thirteen and
fifteen years. His power of reasoning and organization are developing
rapidly, and it is the time when adult ideals and actions first look
attractive. The time is ever ripe for launching the boy or girl into
any avocation which holds their fancy, that they may forget their own
oblique tendencies to laziness, stubbornness, wayward action, and
selfishness; these are all characteristic of the stage. Sex changes
too play no inconsiderable part, because the boy's companions are for
a time all masculine. Business of some kind is just what he needs, and
if that business is profitable, a powerful motive is supplied. Perhaps
the keenest interest is that in nature, and most children at some time
have desired pets--chickens, rabbits, pigeons, dogs, song birds. There
is scarcely a town or city condition where some animal hobby cannot
be pursued without disturbing others' peace of mind. But it should be
looked into seriously as a business, a miniature counterpart of other
like enterprises. The disposal of personal service and products to
others brings the child in close contact with numbers of adults and
adult standards and business connections. It fosters responsibility
and places upon the child the burden of proof, to show that he is
entitled to a place as a valuable member of society. And just here it
may be well to say, even if the child does not need the money he earns,
it will be the most precious he will ever own, because since it came
through effort, it will be spent with due caution.

The vegetable and flower garden may be made to yield similar returns
and such products are always salable. In addition, every house, every
yard, every farm is in constant need of repairs, changes and care which
the alert boy or girl can furnish. The development of such odd tasks
into a business parallels the development of every large enterprise
which began in a modest way. It fosters the best of personal and civic
ideals, and tames the restless, self-conscious energy of youth into
smooth and profitable channels through which to journey in peace to a
sane maturity.

[Illustration: Excellent Examples of High School Work which is Really
Profitable. These Machines will Work and Develop Power which can be

[Illustration: A Manual Training Shop]

Is it any wonder that education is so ineffective at times? In the
light of present-day appreciation of physiology and psychology it is
increasingly clear that education has furnished an impersonal, rather
stilted system of stuffing along restricted lines for a warm-hearted,
all-inquisitive, nature-loving human animal which automatically refuses
to be nourished thereby, and forages elsewhere. Although the child's
judgment can by no means be followed concerning what is best for
him, his instincts and possible future will serve as a most excellent
guide. His early training must take into account those interests
which are most keen and lasting and use them as the framework for
instruction, and all subsequent stages of training involve a distinct
obligation to build upon this elementary foundation, with a view to
social worth. Most children will have to earn a living (the girl
usually helps by managing the home), and this necessity is preëminent.
But whether rich or otherwise, the ideal of social worth remains for
all. And the least the home can do is to nurse childhood's efforts
and experiments in play and occupation which lead finally to mature
judgment and conceptions.

_How to Use Books with Boys_

Boys probably obtain more help from books than girls do because they
are more self-reliant, more assertive and impatient. And as has
been indicated, more books have been written for boys, but the same
general method of use is common to both. The boy too finds in the book
of crafts, mechanics, science, or sport a stimulant and incentive.
He reads it much as he would a story of adventure. No matter what
his greatest enjoyments may be, the perusal of accounts of others'
juvenile activities widens the productive horizon in a way not to be
ignored, and for this reason "How to Do" books of all kinds are a
serious element in the boy's life, at a time when he is less concerned
with what to do than with how to produce something. But there is a
danger in this catholicity of interest: it may become dilettantism.
The boy may merely potter or fuss with one hobby after another, more
because he cannot supply the need for more and more information, than
because he does not care. Hence it is worth while from time to time to
add more fuel to the flame of ambition in a given direction, to provide
books and tools, a working place or shop, and open the way for progress
in some stated direction.

[Illustration: The Machine Shop. Public School, Montclair, N. J.]

[Illustration: The Study of Aeroplane Construction, Public School 77,
N. Y. City. This Toy is Full of Possibilities for the Live Boy]

[Illustration: A Successful Machine]

[Illustration: Finished Aeroplanes. Public School 77, N. Y. City]

Specifically, books like those on "Mechanics, Indoors and Out,"
"Electricity," and "Carpentry," and parts of "Outdoor Work" may be
considered as of one type. When he receives the books the boy will
spend days in absorbing their contents, maybe dreaming a bit over the
possibilities in view, and finally, by a process which will always be
unintelligible to the adult, will light upon a problem or group of them
that meets his wishes, as the kite for instance; all he needs from then
on is human sympathy with the, to him, important undertaking, and
he will gallop through all phases of the kite construction and devices,
aeroplanes, propellers, forms of motive power, probably bringing up
short at the steam or gasoline engine, which opens another chapter.
The really important item connected with the use of such books is to
keep the young mechanic on one thing at a time. A bit of judicious
questioning now and then, always aimed at a group of related problems
upon which he may be engaged, will keep his mind working connectedly.
His efforts will then be cumulative in effect. Visits to the aero park,
the museums, to the shops and technical schools, and to the local power
plants are other distinct aids which should be invoked to supplement
and emphasize reading and experiment. In some of the cities model kite
and aeroplane contests are held at regular intervals, and these put
boys on their mettle to succeed. In fact the proper way to use books
of this kind is to _let the boy use them_; let him begin in the middle
of the book and work outward or at the end and go backward, but see
that he has books which present the subject vividly, simply. Provide
him with the essential tools and materials and a place to work. About
the surest way to make a success with boys is to let them have a room
or corner of their own where they can work to their hearts' content,
where they can store their precious belongings, and where companions
may come and talk over things. Really the book is inadequate alone.
Unless one provide the opening for action, books but aggravate and
excite the mind, mockingly spur the student on to "do." Hence with the
book goes a tacit obligation to provide means and place, even the most
modest, for putting the book to test.

There is yet another phase to this use of books, and it is one which
the boy will usually meet, if the texts are adequate. It is this:
whatever the young student does best will be the result of real desire,
real personal enthusiasm. It is a fallacy to suppose that the boy
interested in tools should always put up shelves, mend the door, or
fix the fence. He will execute these tasks cheerfully, but they are
not the subject of his dreams. On the other hand, if the desire be to
earn money, to have a small business of his own, fences and shelves
and plant stands may be the most interesting things in the world to
him, because they are _means_, not _ends_. Hence the printed book is
no teacher or trainer of children, no direct guide to future vocation,
but is the very essence of inspiration, the foundation from which the
young secures nourishment for day dreams and ambitions, out of which he
patiently weaves the rich fabric of experience.


[I] This bias toward mechanics has already been noted by teachers and
parents, but in recent years has assumed unusual significance because
of the extraordinary development of industry. This, combined with the
researches of modern psychology and pedagogy, has introduced a new, a
powerful motive into teaching.




The past decade has witnessed a movement, just now taking aggressive
shape, which is unique--the interest in outdoors, nature study,
farming, summer homes, sport, and what is termed the simple life. It
is a movement filled with the greatest promise of any among the host
now claiming attention, and bids fair to soothe the tired nerves and
over-stimulated minds of a frantically industrial age. Busy men and
women, particularly the men, who once thought their affairs would
become hopelessly muddled if they were not at the desk each and every
day, now indulge in sport, farming or gardening, and horticulture.
They have become convinced of the benefits of fresh air and consequent
health, and have a calmer, more serene outlook on life as a whole. It
has become "quite proper" now to live in the "country," even though the
country is represented by a lot 40 × 100, for one may have a garden
which produces wonders even on such a lot. Indirectly, people get the
desire to fix up their homesteads, to plant hedges and vines, to have
window boxes and put on a kind of apologetic style which develops into
conscious pride ultimately. One cannot play with such an avocation long
without learning a bit more about nature in general, and without any
conscious resolution drifts into keeping chickens or pets as a kind
of pleasurable refuge from mundane things. All this activity is much
more than a fad; it points to a recurrence of the primitive instinct to
always bridge the ever-widening gaps between nature and the human, who
is merely an extra-developed animal himself. Children always possess
in a marked degree a love for outdoors, for animal life, for growing
things, and fight hard during the early years to satisfy the desire.
When they cannot achieve results at home, the surplus energy is worked
off by harrowing the neighbors. Steam will do a great deal of work when
under control, but if one allows steam to accumulate it must get off
sooner or later, and children are under steam always.

[Illustration: The Boy Who does not Love to Camp is Unique. This
Illustrates one of Ernest Thompson Seton's Camps where Boys Come in
Contact with Nature at Her Best]

[Illustration: This and Other Illustrations of Homes in This Chapter,
Show such Places as People Make when they Care about Appearances]

The adult, when he becomes a city dweller, takes his nature study
in stiff two-weeks' doses, fishing or shooting, plus all the modern
gastronomic tidbits he can carry, and accumulates a fine crop of
scientific fables and sunburn. This is not real rest, not even the
best acquaintance with nature; rather it is a sort of primitive spree,
inherited in garbled form from tradition as a seasonal necessity.
The truly fine side to the nature movement lies in its influence on
everyday living through a sound regard for what nature can do at her
best, and the resultant modification of taste in general. It is a
questionable satisfaction to make a whirlwind campaign into nature's
midst for a few short weeks, comfortably supported by the consciousness
of urban conveniences in the end, when there is the possibility of
bringing nature to our very doors, almost to the hearthstone. Nature is
complacent and excellent company when offered a suitable welcome.

The ideal home is ideal throughout--outside as well as in. There is no
vital difference between the kind of pride which demands clean linen
and that which craves beautiful lawns (to be used however), beautiful
flowers (also to be enjoyed), trees and porches for shade and rest.
The kind of nature too which really rests and enthuses one is the kind
which may be enjoyed for twelve months in the year; in other words,
gardens, grounds, and trees which belong to the climate, to the
locality, and, being hardy, commend themselves at all seasons.

[Illustration: Even the Most Beautiful House must have a Background to
Soften the Conventional Lines and Areas of Construction]

[Illustration: One should Build a House as one Builds a Reputation,
Gradually, Allowing Ideals and Execution to Expand and Develop
Together. Then the House and Grounds will Appear at Their Best]

But nature is no designer. The landscape gardener and the amateur must,
by their united efforts, bring an artistic plan to bear upon nature's
offerings, using her trees and flowers and the contour of the ground,
and create an environment which pleases. The result should not only
be fine of itself, but should furnish a proper and rich background
for the house which is the centre. There are in existence numerous
periodicals devoted to country living, farming, gardening, animals,
sports, and the special suburban problem, and also a very distinguished
library dealing with similar types. These have a surprisingly wide
circulation, probably because they are as a class guiding the public
taste in such matters instead of following it. This literature has in
a few short years uncovered a new public interest in matters allied to
nature, notably in home architecture and surroundings, and there is
distinct evidence at the present time of improvement in architectural
style. Domestic buildings are more appropriate in material and design
than ever before, and are such as seem to be in tune with the somewhat
informal suburban or village surroundings. Formerly architectural
style was imported from abroad, and with it came a certain few odd
fragments of landscape gardening, full of patterns, floral arabesques
and geometric arrangements, imitation Renaissance, urns and alert
iron dogs to guard the dooryard. One can still find houses with ugly
mansard roofs, stiff, forbidding doorways, and gloomy windows, the
whole perched high on a hill, or at least elevated above the street,
suggesting in every feature the barrenness of the artificial. It is
art at its worst. The effort was further emphasized by the consistent
designers through formal, wax-like landscape accessories, tender
budding plants, cast-iron benches and garden ornaments, which must
surely be blood kin to the modern steam radiator and art cook stove.
There was nothing human about such a place: it always suggested the
hereafter. But the new, healthy, public interests in outdoors, in a
joyous life, have banished those artificial shells and substituted a
type of dwelling which is planned for living. And the outside aspect of
the house gives one the impression that it belongs to that particular
spot, for those people for home purposes. Of course all houses are
not so successful, but one finds a good many nowadays. It was bound
to come, because when people began to study nature, to live closer to
their flowers and animals, to want green lawns and pleasant hills,
they soon sought a type of shelter which would nestle close to the
ground and look hospitable and inviting. Architecture and gardening
are more closely related than one would first imagine, and it is
questionable whether one can deal successfully with one and ignore the

[Illustration: Trees, Shrubbery and Lawn form the Frame of the Picture,
and a Bad Frame will Spoil the Finest Picture]

[Illustration: There was a Time Not Long Since, when People Built
Houses According to Style. They Now Build for Pleasure and Comfort,
Producing the Finest Style of All]

In previous chapters the discussion of children and their training has
touched lightly upon certain points which may well be elaborated a bit
here. Most of the child's waking hours would virtually be spent out of
doors; no house is large enough. And it was urged that these intense
outside activities would be excellent foci for most profitable study.
No yard, however restricted, is too small to accommodate some hobby
which will absorb the child's energy and aid in generating constructive
skill and judgment. The matter of pocket money is also very important
and becomes a powerful motive when properly used. But there is another
and more mature point of view concerning the home as a whole, which
should not be discarded. _Every child should learn to so respect and
value his own personal property and affairs that he will respect those
of others, neighbors for instance._ He will not do this unless his
own efforts and experiments are taken seriously, or unless his home
grounds and living are maintained at top condition, or unless he
grows to appreciate a beautiful physical environment. The lawn, the
garden, poultry house and stable ought to be in perfect trim all the
time. It is better taste to have them so, and it is good business. One
cannot succeed with raising pets or animals in unsanitary quarters,
or inadequate shelter. It will not be difficult to develop proper
ideas of taste and charm in the grounds about the house if one begins
with the boy's and girl's own business and steers that to a decent
working basis. Ragged grounds, unkempt lawns, weeds, littered porches
and hopeless, tired-looking flowers--all persistent manifestations of
neglect--leave on the youthful mind ineradicable impressions which
undermine good taste.

Most boys and girls dislike any kind of work which is mere drudgery,
and most children in these days shy at work for ends other than
their own, because they have found that they can have privileges and
amusements without responsibility or other return to their parents. The
solution lies in the restoration to the boy of a feeling of personal
responsibility and pride, restoring to him and his sister the rights
of ownership to things and privileges earned, and make the children
something other than social puppets. Make their youthful occupations
count. Among those occupations one finds a number which are equally
fascinating to both children and adults.


Courtesy of Miss Annie Washburn

A School Garden. If Children Cannot Expand at Home, the Public School
is Under Obligation to Satisfy the Need for Outdoor Occupation]

Courtesy of Prin. F. C. Clifton

A School Garden. Watchung School, Montclair, N. J.]

Probably no accessory to the home is more to be valued than the garden,
especially the flower garden. It adds so much of color and variety to
the whole scheme, and helps to bring the house into intimate relation
with the grounds. The finest gardening has probably been due to
feminine influence, and every girl can draw from practical experience
with growing things a delicacy of taste and wealth of knowledge to
apply to ends peculiarly her own. The latent intuitive feminine outlook
often remains undeveloped in these days, and no craft will preserve and
stimulate it more than gardening. There is a reaction just now against
the formal flower beds of tender plants, a patch of exotic color
dotting otherwise irreproachable lawns, though the florist would like
to keep such arrangements in fashion, for he is seldom a true artist.
But better standards of living, a fresher study of nature, a more
personal, intimate architecture, have brought into them many of the old
garden ideals where the garden belonged to the mistress of the house
and showed it. The garden has a most significant history. It has always
been a centre of family life, and among the Romans was in fact the
element about which the household revolved. Here the family rested and
visited, worked and played. The dwelling was built around it, with
living rooms which opened on its walks and fountains, bringing the
family together in the most intimate way. The early Dutch and English
colonists brought to America a similar taste for this soothing adjunct
to the home and early put into effect such garden plans as their
limited resources permitted. And always it has been the women-folk of
the community who have kept the garden alive with persistent belief
in its harmonizing influence on the family. Not infrequently the
children learned their first lessons in business, in ownership and in
responsibility, there. Gardening is one of the oldest and simplest of
crafts and may not be overlooked in seeking a pathway for youthful

Perhaps the boy or girl would rather grow fruits or berries,
vegetables, raise pigeons, keep bees--one and all are equally good.
This is the essential fact: every boy and girl should come into direct
and positive contact with some of the important natural phenomena and
life. Growing things have to be cared for, they must have food, water
and protection. One cannot play with them when one feels like it;
they need attention every day. The obligation is a pleasant one, but
nevertheless it is an obligation and gives a much needed lesson in a
way that sticks.

Any occupation around the home, if it be one which ministers either
to the pleasure, comfort or profit of individual members, is quite
likely to knit that family into a more compact group. It keeps the
children more at home. The interchange of service and advice which
brings into relief the interdependence of the individuals stimulates
this one of the important characteristics of domestic society. There
has been an indication in recent years to lay upon the schools the
entire training for manhood and womanhood. It is expected to teach
manners and ethics, to give the proper kind of academic information,
to formulate character, to even teach "nature." It is impossible to do
this. The finest character, habits of study, executive ability, and
the social attitude must be started and nursed to strength, if not to
maturity, at home. Five hours each day under incomplete authority can
accomplish little else than formal instruction. Even the beginnings
of technical and scientific training have their roots deep in these
childish hobbies which originate and flourish at home, where a deep
obligation rests upon parents to make the most of this early time.
It is a lead the school can follow, but never originate. The school
represents the average educational ideal of a given community, and when
schools are inefficient, languish and give indifferent service, it
is an excellent index of the local culture standard. Therefore, when
parents develop to their highest pitch the enthusiasms and abilities
of childhood, when they foster family life and enrich it so that every
member, particularly the younger ones, become active participants, and
feel that they too have work to contribute to the general welfare, then
and then only will the school by force of public sentiment revise its
own standards.

[Illustration: There is a Fascination about Raising Animals whether for
Sale or as Pets. To the Child this Occupation Acquires the Dignity of a
Real Business]

[Illustration: Two More Illustrations which will Suggest Plans for the

For reasons such as these every home should be a kind of unofficial
training school, in which the courses are mostly elective. Some outdoor
hobbies which the children will enjoy should be maintained, and, on
however small a scale, the house and grounds should be planned with
this in view. The city boy and girl will have somewhat limited choice,
but even there one can enjoy several hobbies, even in a flat. One can
at least grow things, for there are few corners, even in a city, so
dark that some plants will not flourish.




[Illustration: Every Child, and especially the Boy, Needs Active
Outdoor Exercise. This kind has much to recommend it]

[Illustration: Organized Play (Woodcraft) under Ernest Thompson Seton]

The boy of to-day is at a real disadvantage in his struggle for
health and happiness. He is always a primitive at heart, surging in
the direction of direct physical expression, showing almost on the
surface the simplicity of savage instincts, to live close to the
earth, be outdoors, perform feats of strength and skill, hunt, fish,
camp and play at doing the essential acts of life. Through succeeding
generations society has perfected a veneer of convention which glosses
over the crudities of childish abandon, and as they (children) grow,
the polish becomes thicker and more lasting, even so as to make the
individual a "ready-to-wear" being. But at intervals, even in adults,
one finds the periodic plunge into camp and field. That vacations
do not always supply the benefit which doctors would, but cannot,
is rather the fault of brevity than of the outings themselves. Boys
can, as a rule, enjoy vacations without responsibilities, they can
have ample scope for the close acquaintanceship with the simplicities
of outdoor living. One of the first true signs of summer is the tents
and crude shelters in backyards of our suburban villages. It is the
nearest approach to a normal, sane existence the child can make. No
proper child omits to play "Indian" or "hunter" in his early years,
and no youth ever quite outgrows the keen pleasure of sleeping in the
open, companioned by the sighing of the night. One recent experience
of the writer, camping among the giant redwoods of California, where
one could before going to sleep have a last look at the stars framed
by the wondrous trees, and drift to unconsciousness to water music
in the gorge way down below, was a time never to be forgotten. It is
such experiences as these in the open which both keep and restore
one's mental balance; they breed cheerfulness and optimism, develop
friendships. And the boy is not so very particular about the place,
provided there is water and woods, some companions, and things
to do. He loves to swim and should learn. He wants to be of some
account and have a part in the camp, learn how to make camp, protect
things, prepare for weather, engineer the routine of camp life.
Probably no institution outside formal educational institutions is
likely to have more vital influence on boys of the future than the
Boy Scouts, already mentioned, a marvelous scheme to organize this
play spirit. It takes hold of the most primitive instincts in child
life, develops them to the highest pitch of efficiency, and turns
the enormous energy generated thereby into useful channels by the
simplest of devices--service. But be it noted, service for which the
need is perfectly plain. The boy gets the finest of physical training
imaginable and readily cultivates moral virtues which have been the
despair of teachers and parents.

[Illustration: More Woodcraft. Has the Boy had a Chance at this kind of

[Illustration: Even the Technical Processes of Photography have been
Reduced to Popular Terms]

[Illustration: In These Days Photography has become so Simplified that
every Child can Use a Camera to Advantage]

In general, the vacation cannot be more profitably spent elsewhere than
outdoors. If a boy cannot actually go into the woods, away from home
and the restrictions which modern living must of necessity impose, then
the next best thing is pastime or amusement which requires outdoors
for a setting. There is much to be said for each and every one of the
sports common at the present time, baseball, tennis, football, golf,
boating, riding--they are all good--and every healthy child will take
part in one or more. Now a book about sport can never teach a boy or
girl how to become skilful; it cannot explain the mystery of the golf
stroke or pitched curve, but it can and does awaken the spirit of
trial and test. It suggests that there is possibly a right way to
do things; to play even, if one would succeed. The book may tell of
the necessity for team work and organization, for system and regular
living, and observance of rules made by others. In other words, the
book acts through suggestion, very seldom directly; and for the same
reason that one gives children books on mechanics, sewing, pets and
gardening, that they may learn of the dignity and worth of these
occupations, so also does one recommend books of sport and games,
which surely are the more valuable when taken in all seriousness. It
is through their games, involving dependence upon the confidence in
others, that children acquire the best traits of character.

Aside from the inherent return in physical well-being derived from
amusement in the open air--one can use this kind of medicine twelve
months in the year--such pastime possesses a second quality of no mean
importance; it brings one, ofttimes unconsciously, into communication
or hailing distance at least of that nature which is so charming. It is
easy to see the beauties of birds and flowers and skies, in camp; and
the dynamic loveliness of crisp fall weather, even in a great city, is
evidenced out of doors by the animation of passersby. But one cannot
read about the beauties of beneficent nature; one must enjoy them
personally, and is led on to do so through those pastimes which take
place in the open. Several of these have been mentioned, and there is
one other: photography.

Photography has almost ceased to be a science; it is a habit. One
goes to the store, invests in a comfortably small parcel and a book
of instructions which says "press here," and that is about all. The
fine succeeding details are minor matters. Whether one merely "presses
the button" or goes the whole road and really makes the picture,
photography has come to be a regular accessory to sport and enjoyment.
No doubt it is evidence of human vanity, but it takes so mild a form
and is the source of so much pleasure that the world needs it, to
preserve the thousand and one scenes and incidents which comprise the
background of life.

















    balancing, H 90-91, 99
    charge accounts, H 98
    check book method, H 97
    credits, recording, H 96
    dairy accounts, A 242
    debit and credit, H 90
    department method of keeping, H 92-94
    housekeeping, H 87-100
    How to keep household accounts, by C. W. Haskins, recommended, H 99
    personal expense account, specimen, H 92
    poultry raising, A 168, 172
    _See also_ Allowances; Income

  Acorns, care of seed for planting, A 48

  Aeronautics. _See_ Aeroplanes; Balloons; Flying machines; Kites

  Aeroplanes, B 158-185*, C 67-83*
    balance problem, B 169
      making toy model, C 68-74*
      principle of construction, B 173-175*
    Bleriot monoplane, B 171-173*
    engines, types used, B 173
    construction principles in general, B 170-171
    controlling direction of, B 168-169
    gyroscope principle applied, B 169
    making models, B 180-184*, C 67-83*
    management not difficult, B 177
    Maxim's aero-curve, B 166-167*
      making a model, B 180-184, C 75-83*
      principle of construction, B 171-173*, 175-177
    motive power for toy model, B 182-183, C 72, 81-83
      aspect ratio, B 167, 170
      shape of, B 164-168
    propeller blades
      making for a model, B 182, C 70-72*
      position on machine, B 169-170
    Santos Dumont monoplane, B 175-177*
    testing a model, B 183
    triplane, B 180
    Voisin biplane, B 173-175*
    why aeroplanes fly, B 163-168, 195-197
    wind velocity table, B 198
    wireless telegraph control a possibility, B 169
    _See also_ Balloons; Flying machines; Kites

  Ageratum, planting, G 84
    sowing and blossoming time, G 161

  Agricultural clubs
    book about, A 519
    organizing, A 452-454

  Agricultural pests. _See_ Insect pests

  Agriculture. _See_ Dairying; Domestic Animals; Drainage; Fertilizers
      and Manures; Flower gardening; Forestry; Fruit gardening;
      Irrigation; Soils; Trees; Vegetable gardening; Vegetables

  Alaska sable, skunk skin, A 484

  Alcohol as a cleaning agent, H 124, 135, 359

  Airships. _See_ Aeroplanes; Balloons

  Alarm clocks, electric, E 302

  Alfred, King
    story of the burned cakes, H 16

  Algae. _See_ Seaweed

  Alligator wrench, making, M 276

    how to manage, H 80

    definition of, M 208

    food value, H 255

  Alternating currents. _See_ Electric currents

  Althea (Rose of Sharon)
    characteristics, G 356

    extraction from clay, E 263
      advantages, H 202
      care of, H 206

  Ammeter, E 25-34*
    construction, E 25-29
    how it measures electricity, E 29-30, 32-33
    shunt, use of, E 32-33

  Ampere, Andre Marie
    Ampere's rule, E 30-32

  Amusements. _See_ Games; Sports

    forging, M 363-370*
    how to use, H 225

  Andrew, Saint
    story of the loaves and fishes, H 32

    making, C 162-165

    Japanese, characteristics, G 333, 365
    wood anemone, G 343

  Angora goat, A 109-110
    book about, A 517

    feeding motherless animals, A 268
    tamed versus domesticated, K 177
    training, A 248-270
      fear versus kindness, A 256-257
      wild animals, A 259-263
    _See also_ Domestic animals; Pets; also names of animals,
        e. g., Birds, Newts, Toads, etc.

    copper bowl, M 21
    definition of, M 208
    steel, M 307-309
    tools for, M 11-12*

  Annuals (Plants)
    blooming after frost, G 330
    climbing, G 331
    definition of, G 160
    for cut flowers: table, G 329
    for heavy soils: table, G 329
    for rocky places: table, G 332
    for sandy soils: table, G 328
    for shady places: table, G 331
    for sunny places: table, G 332
    fragrant: table, G 330
    self sowing, G 331
    value of, G 316, 359
    what to plant, G 322

  Annunciators, Electric, E 68-71*

  Antique furniture. _See_ Furniture

    development from the egg, A 393-395
    garden pest, G 283
    habits, K 147
    household pests, H 361

    metal workers' tool, M 10*

  Apartment houses
    heating by electricity, E 125
    how to have a play house in, H 8

  Apiculture. _See_ Bees

    distance to plant trees, G 258
    food value, H 255
    saving seeds from cider making, A 50
    surplus used for cider vinegar, A 413
    wood for canes, A 59

    embroidery, N 198-202
    honiton lace, N 237
    leather, N 83, 85*
    overlaid work, N 200
    underlaid, N 201

  Apricots, dried
    food value, H 255

    birds, K 175
    blooming plants, G 364

  Aprons, making, N 26-30
    bands and strings, N 28-30
    gathering, N 26-28*
    sewing apron and work bag combined, N 31-33*

    care of sick fish, K 166
    cost of ready-made boxes and globes, K 163
    feeding fish, K 166
    making a water-tight box, K 160-162
    stocking a self-sustaining aquarium, K 164-166
    what to keep in, K 161
    _See also_ Gold fish

  Arago, Francois Jean
    wave theory of light, E 345

  Arbor vitæ
    characteristics, C 542

  Arbors. _See_ Pergola

    gathering and conserving, A 93

  Arc lamp. _See_ Electric lamp--Arc

    practice of, K 329-331

    adapting the plan to the purpose, D 6, 13
    American city versus country homes, D 365-367
    bungalow, plan and elevation, C 465*
    dining-room plan, D 9
    floor plan, D 8*
    hall plan, D 9
    kitchen plan, D 10
    Living-room plan, D 9
    A model house, D 3-33
    pantry plan, D 12
    plan in relation to decorations and furnishings, D 12-13
    principles of design, D 4-5, 13-16
    wall areas, considering, D 12
    _See also_ Building; Carpentry; Cottages; Foundations; Pergola

  Archimedian screw, B 143-145*, 344*

    ammeter armature, E 29
    dynamo armature, E 9, 11-13

  Arrowhead (Plant)
    characteristics, G 366

    copyrighting works of art, B 426

  Arthur, King
    The King's Kitchen: story, H 20

    indoor planting time, G 233

  Arts and Crafts. _See_ Basket making; Bead work; Block printing; Brass
      work; Copper work; Embroidery; Lace making; Leather work; Metal
      work; Iron work; Silver work; Stenciling

  Arum (Plant)
    characteristics, G 366

    characteristics, C 564
    strength of wood, C 496

  Ash tray
    copper work, M 85*

    fertilizing value, A 433

    insect pests, G 287

    indoor plant, G 196

  Assisi, Saint Francis of, H 25

  Association foot ball, K 331

    characteristics of New England aster, G 365
    half hardy plant, G 317
    sowing and blossoming time, G 161
    starting, G 137

    all around athletic championship, K 328-329
    best college record, K 336
    Olympic games, events, K 372
    rowing record, K 383
    training rules, K 11-12
    value of, K 5-6

  Atlantic cable
    laying, E 65-66

  Atmospheric pressure. _See_ Barometer

  Attic playhouse, H 5

  Atwater, W. O.
    Principles of nutrition; quotation, H 251

    bit, C 194*
    screw principle, B 156

    blooming plants, G 365

  Australian boomerang, B 232-234*

    gasolene consumed per mile, B 401
    making frame for one and two cylinder motors, B 396-401*
    making toy automobile, C 62-66*

  Aviation. _See_ Aeroplanes

    selecting, K 96-97

    indoor plant, G 197


    proposed irrigation works, B 247

  Baby's breath (Plant)
    characteristics, G 329, 365

  Bachelor's buttons. _See_ Cornflower

  Backing enamel
    definition, M 208

    cuts, H 270
    food value, H 250, 253
    for basting meat, H 357

  Bacteria in soils, G 222

  Baden-Powell, Sir Robert
    Organizer of the Boy scouts, K 20

  Badminton (Game), K 332

    braiding, N 295-296*
    raffia hand bag, N 272-273*
    stenciled, N 81*

    fish bait, K 130-136
    _See also_ Trapping

  Baked beans
    food value, H 257

    cake, H 303
    principles and process, H 283-284
    thickness of food, H 276

  Baking powder
    composition and use, H 301
    how to retain strength of, E 267

    one old cat, K 375
    _See also_ Base ball; Basket ball; Call ball; Cricket; Foot ball;
        Hand ball; Hand polo; Hat ball; Hockey; Japanese fan ball;
        LaCrosse; Polo; Push ball; Racquets; Roley Boley; Skittles;
        Squash; Tennis; Tether ball; Volley ball

  Ball bearings
    principle of, B 28

  Balloon vine
    characteristics, G 331

    history, B 161-162
    making paper balloons, B 369-373*

    characteristics, G 332, C 539
    gathering, A 65
    sowing and blossoming time, G 161

  Baltimore belle, story of, N 74-76

  Baltimore oriole
    as insect destroyer, A 457

    food value, H 255

  Band saws. _See_ Saws

  Bandy (Game), K 332

    breeding and care, A 217-218
    game bantams, A 217

  Bar, Horizontal
    making a pull up bar, C 270*

  Bar pins
    silver metal work, M 171-174*

    characteristics, G 355
    picking, A 16-17
    jelly, receipt, A 17, 18

    complex, how to make, B 258-261*
    construction of, B 231-232*
    inventors of, B 256
    purpose of, B 261
    simple, how to make, B 256-257
    theory of, B 256
    water barometer, how to make, B 257-258*

  Base ball, K 244-266*, 332-334
    art of playing, K 262-263
    balls, standard, K 262
    base hit, K 333
    bases, K 333
    bats, K 262
      left-handed, K 259
      qualifications, K 260
      training, K 250
    batting, K 260
    captain's duties, K 249-250
    catcher, K 254-255
    diamond, K 333
      laying out, K 260-262*
    doubtful balls, providing for, K 258
    "fan", K 266
    first baseman, K 255
    gate receipts, K 264
    ground rules, K 265
    home run, K 333
    innings, K 334
      choice of, by contesting team, K 264
    manager's duties, K 249
    methods, old and modern, K 247-248
    national game of America, K 244
    nine, K 245, 332
    opponent's methods, learning, K 259
    outfielder, K 257-259
    pitcher and pitching, K 246*, 247*, 251-254
    positions, K 245, 333
    scores, K 264, 333-334
    second baseman, K 256
    shoes, K 264
    short-stop, K 256
    signals, K 248
    team, how to organize, K 249
    third base, K 257
    training rules, K 250
    two-bagger, K 334
    umpire, K 245
    uniforms, K 263
    visiting teams, expenses, K 264
    what makes a game, K 264

  Basket ball rules, K 334

  Basket making
    materials for, N 242-243
    porcupine quills for, A 69
    raffia work, N 250-252, 255-261*
    rattan basketry, N 243-248*
    reed flower baskets, G 61-64*
    sweet grass baskets, A 64

    bait for, K 135

    definition, M 208

    characteristics, C 560

  Basting meat, H 283, 357

  Basting stitches, N 6*

  Bath tubs
    cleaning, H 155
    sanitation, H 217

    care and cleaning, H 155-156

    electric shower baths in a summer camp, E 244-247
    summer camp device, E 160-162

    usefulness of, K 149

  Batteries, Electric. _See_ Electric batteries

    description of bush, A 19
    dips, making, A 20-21
    leaves for sachet, A 65

    staining mahogany, C 489, D 230

  Bead work, N 278-294*
    chains, N 279-285*
    curtains, N 292
    cushion covers, N 290-293
    daisy chains, N 279-282*
    loom, home-made, N 282-284*
    portieres, N 290-293
    purse, N 285-290*
    stringing the beads, N 278

  Beam action, C 496

  Beams, wooden
    strength of materials, B 45

  Bean bag
    rules of game, K 336

    bush beans, varieties, G 297
    experiments in growing, G 119-122
    food value, H 250, 254, 255
    insect pests, G 288
    planting seeds
      depth and distance, G 42
      distance of drills apart, G 297
      eye downward, G 117
      quantity to plant, G 36
      time to plant, G 234
    pole beans
      ornamental value, G 296
      varieties, G 297
      age for planting, G 34
      germination per cent., G 33, 233
      germination time, G 32
    soil, G 119, 296
    _See also_ Lima beans; String beans

    anti-friction, B 326*

    definition of, M 208

  Bedbugs, H 363-364

  Bedell, Frederick
    discovery that the same wire carries two currents, E 187

    atmosphere, H 158
    care of
      morning work, H 146-155
      night preparation, H 154
      personal responsibility, H 53
    furnishings for a girl's room, H 54
    furniture, designs for, D 57-58*
    guest room, H 367
    _See also_ Beds; Closets

  Bedroom electric heater, E 126*

  Bedroom slippers. _See_ Slippers

    bough beds, K 65*
    camping outfits, K 64-66*
    designs, D 60*, 373*
    doll's bed of pasteboard, and fittings, H 11-12
    making fittings for a doll's bed, N 50-56*
    making up a bed, H 54, 149-155

  Bed spread. _See_ Counterpane

  Bee balm (Flower)
    habits and characteristics, G 333, 347

  Bee-hive. _See_ Bees

  Bee-keepers Association, value of, A 326

  Bee stings
    prevention and cure, A 317-318

  Beech nuts
    characteristics, A 37
    gathering, A 38

    cuts and their uses, H 268-269
    food value: table, H 252

  Beef tea
    making, H 278

  Bees, A 287-336
    books about, A 518
    brood chamber, description, A 302*, 303
      what goes on in, A 304-307
    buying, hints about, A 294-297
    cost of colony, A 288
    development from the egg, A 393-395
    diseases and enemies, A 322, 325
    egg-laying, A 305
    feeding, spring and fall, A 321
      arranging, A 292
      drone and queen trap at entrance, A 316*
      entrance to, A 303
      kinds, A 297, 300-304, 325
      modern, A 301-304*
      observation hive, A 325, K 169
      old-fashioned, A 300
        how to open, and remove frames, A 315-318
        reasons for, A 314
      putting together, A 298
      supers, A 302*
      ventilation, A 294
      where to place, A 290-291
    hiving, A 313-314
      harvesting, A 316
      making, A 322-323
      plants which supply, A 322
      supply for hives, A 319
      uses of, A 326
    honeycomb cells, A 315-316
    how bees work, A 324-325
    how to approach the hive, A 303
    Italian, A 296
      how to begin, A 287-290
      supplies for first year, A 296-298
    life, length of, A 306
    locating the hives, A 290-291
    marketing the honey, A 326-327
    nucleus, meaning, A 296
    observation hives, A 325, K 169*
    products of the hives, A 322-325
    profit in, A 299-300, 334-336
    protecting from wind and sun, A 291-292
    queen bee
      clipping wings, A 316
      locating, A 316
      rearing, A 331-333
      testing, A 304
    runaway swarms, securing, A 288
    shipping, A 294
    smoking, A 314-315
    success with bees: stories, A 328-336
    swarm catcher, home-made, A 310-313*
      reasons for, A 304
      time and process, A 307-309
      to prevent, A 315
    varieties, A 295
    wax making, A 323
    wintering, A 319-321*
    worker bees, development of, A 305-306

  Beeswax for cleaning irons, H 317

    development from the egg, A 393-395
    extermination of pests, G 117, 285, 287, 292
    mounting specimens, A 384*

    boiling, G 298
    cooking preparation, H 293
    food value, H 255
    insect pests, G 288
    planting seeds, G 298
      depth and distance, G 42
      quantity to plant, G 36
      time to plant, G 234
      age for planting, G 34
      germination time, G 32
    soil preparation, G 298
    transplanting, to avoid, G 122, 298

    bedding plant, G 324
    window box plant, G 193

  Bell, Alexander Graham
    inventor of the telephone, E 274

    habits and characteristics, G 346

    mother of Gareth, H 21

    blacksmith's, M 216*
    metal worker's, M 12*

    brass work, M 145-147*
    _See also_ Electric bells

  Belt buckle
    copper work, M 88-90*
    designs for, M 195*

  Belt pin
    copper work, D 350*

    knotted raffia, N 273-274
    Irish crochet, N 335-337*
    tooled leather, designs and process, D 324-328*

    double seat for summer house, C 422-424*
    riverside, B 158
    selection of wood for, C 409
    stationary outdoor bench, C 408-409
    _See also_ Settees

  Bench hook
    making, C 139-142

  Bench stop, C 139

  Bench work. _See_ Carpentry; Whittling

    food value, H 255
    picking, A 8-20
    seasons, A 8
    washing, H 295
    _See also_ names of berries, e. g., Raspberry; Strawberry;
        Thimbleberry; etc.

  Bessemer steel. _See_ Steel

    Story of the loaves and fishes, H 32

  Bezel setting, M 152-157*, 163*, 176

    sprocket wheel, B 327*

    definition, G 160
    what and how to plant, G 322

  Binding edges and seams, N 51*

    construction, B 173-175*
    making a toy model, C 68-74*

    aspen leaved, C 558
    bark, removing, A 66-67
      uses, A 67
    black or sweet birch, C 557
    blue or hornbeam, C 559
    gray, C 558
    kinds and characteristics, C 556-559
    red, C 557
    staining mahogany color, D 230
    white, canoe, or paper birch, C 557
    yellow, C 557

    April birds, K 175
    attracting the birds, A 454-459*
    bath, making, C 219*
    books about, A 519
    crows as pets, K 176
    eggs and nests, collecting, A 460
    enemies, A 460-461, K 174
    flight, theory of, B 195-197
    game preserve, creating, A 464-465
      building, C 213-220*, K 174-175
      location, C 213
      suiting the birds, C 219
      supports for, C 218
    March birds, K 175
    May birds, K 176
    migration, K 175
    nesting time, K 176
    non-migrating, K 176
    protecting fruit from, A 461
    protection and care of, A 458-459
    song birds, attracting, A 454-457
      unlawful to cage, K 173
    that stay all winter, K 175
    traffic in skins, A 459-460
    training, A 263-265
    value as garden pest destroyers, G 280, A 455-457

  Bit and brace. _See_ Carpentry and Woodwork--Tools

  Bites of insects
    treatment of, H 364

  Bittersweet, A 56

  Black bass
    bait for, K 134

  Blacksmithing, M 215-357
    equipment, M 215
    fuel, M 229
    fullering, meaning, M 225
    iron used, M 230-232
    tools, M 222, 224-226*, 228, 229
    _See also_ Forge; Forging; Horseshoeing; Iron work; Tempering; Steel;

    campers' outfit, K 66
    making for doll-bed, N 54*
    washing woollens, H 324, 328

  Bleeding heart
    characteristics, G 335, 365

  Blood root
    habits and characteristics, G 343

  Blindman's buff (Game), K 337

  Block and tackle. _See_ Pulleys

  Block printing on fabrics
    designs and process, D 99-106*
    laundering articles, D 107
    materials used for, 107

  Blood stains
    removing, H 360

  Blotting pads
    leather, design and making, D 335-338*
    metal corners, making, M 122-124*
    making and carving hand blotter, C 125-127*

  Blow pipe
    metal workers' tools, M 12*

  Blowing engines
    diagonal catch and hand gear, B 315

  Blue flag. _See_ Iris

  Blue printing
    leaves and flowers, A 360-361

    characteristics, G 364

    burning over land, A 13, C 514
    canning factories, A 12
    picking, A 13
    varieties, A 13
    where found, A 11, C 514

    insect destroyer, A 456
    migration, K 175

  Bluets, G 341

  Bluing clothes, H 18, 320

  Boards. _See_ Lumber

  Boat building, B 84-109*
    carvel ribbon built boat, B 89
    centre line of shaft, B 90
    decks, B 91
    dimensions of the _Mocking Bird_, B 68*
    displacement, B 89
    exhaust pipe
      fitting up, B 97-98
      pet-cock, B 99
      under water, B 98-99
    expansion chamber, B 98
    floor boards, B 91
      block for, B 76
      laying and setting up, B 85-87*
    keelson, B 86*
    knees, B 91
    "knock down" system, B 66, 68
    launching the boat, B 134, 136-138
    laying off the profile, B 90
    lettering the name, B 131-132
    materials and dimensions, B 90-93*
      dimensions, B 95
      installing, B 93-95*
    motor bed, fitting, B 91, 97
    offsets, table of, B 92
    patterns, buying, B 62
    plan and section of the _Mocking Bird_, B 66-68*
    propeller shaft, installing, B 93
    section of launch, B 89*
    sections, spacing of, B 91-92
    sheathing, B 89*
    skeleton, fitting posts together, B 88*
    steering gear, B 346*
    stem, B 86*, 90
    thwarts, B 91
    unloading materials, B 84-85
    varnishing the boat, B 112
    _See also_ Screw propeller

  Boat house building, B 36-64*
    covering the frame, B 40
    doors and windows, B 37
    foundation, B 36*
    frame, end and side, B 37-40*
    pier, constructing, B 19, 76
    roof, B 40-42
    slides or ways, B 44-45

    fishing boats, fitting and cost, K 140
    _See also_ Boat building; Canoes and Canoeing; Launch; Screw

  Bob sled, K 223*

  Bob white
    migration, K 176
    planting seed birds, A 464

  Bo-bo and the roast pig, H 18

    migration, K 176

  Bog plants, G 366

  Bohnenberger's machine, B 334*

    meats and fish, H 278
    principle and process, H 277
    seasoning, H 279
    vegetables, H 279

  Boiling point of liquids, H 277

  Bolsters, H 152

    forging, M 240-244*

  Book case
    designs, D 53*, 151*, 177*, C 351*
    "knock down" design and construction, D 150-156*
    mission style, C 352
    staining the wood, D 236, 237
    with adjustable shelf, design and construction, C 350-353*
    with glazed doors, design and construction, D 176-180*
    _See also_ Book rack

  Book cover
    limp leather design and making, D 342-345*

  Book mark
    copper work, M 128*

  Book rack
    copper work, M 121*, D 351*
    folding, designing and making, C 247-249*
    wall rack, designing and making, C 347-350*, D 156-161*

  Book shelves. _See_ Book case; Book rack

  Book supports
    copper work, M 121*, D 351*

    care of, H 349

  Boomerang, Australian
    making, B 232-234*

  Boone, Daniel
    wilderness traveler, K 51

    knitted, N 363-366*

  Bordeaux mixture
    receipt, G 121, 294
    uses, G 282, 288, 291

  Boring. _See_ Drilling and Boring

  Bossing up, M 208, 419

    collecting native plants in California, A 96-98
    _See also_ Flower gardening; Flowers

    killing bottle for insects, A 378-380*, K 151*, 154
    washing, H 183

  Boulder up (Game), K 345

   moving on rollers, B 18-19*
    raising, B 15-17*

  Bow and arrow, K 329

    lawn bowling, K 366

  Bowls. _See_ Brass work; Copper work; Metal work; Pottery

  Box elder
    characteristics, C 548

  Box furniture, C 475-478*

  Box kite. _See_ Kites

  Box making
    design to resemble books, C 397*
    dovetail joints, C 315-318*
    drawing instrument box, C 240*
    hinging a lid, C 239
    knife and fork box, C 223-226*
    nail box, C 206-209*
    pencil box, making and carving, C 106-108*
    proportions, C 235
    seat and chest combined, C 476*
    simple box, C 40*
    toilet boxes, C 315-318*, 235-241*
    _See also_ Copper work; Inlaying; Metal work; Wood carving

  Boy Scouts of America, K 19-49*
    activities, K 43
    ambulance badge, qualifications for, K 27
    aviator badge, qualifications for, K 28
    badges, K 27-36
    bee-keeper's badge, qualifications for, K 28
    blacksmith's badge, qualifications for, K 28
    bugler's badge, qualifications for, K 28
    campaigning, K 43
    camps, routine and model programme, K 46-49
    carpenter's badge, qualifications for, K 29
    clerk's badge, qualifications for, K 29
    cook's badge, qualifications for, K 29
    cyclist's badge, qualifications for, K 29
    dairyman's badge, qualifications for, K 30
    electrician's badge, qualifications for, K 30
    engineer's badge, qualifications for, K 30
    farmer's badge, qualifications for, K 30
    finances, K 41
    fireman's badge, qualifications for, K 31
    first aid to animals' badge, qualifications for, K 31
    first-class tests, K 24-25
    founder of society, K 20
    gardener's badge, qualifications for, K 31
    handy man's badge, qualifications for, K 31
    headquarters, K 19
    horseman's badge, qualifications for, K 32
    interpreter's badge, qualifications for, K 32
    laws, K 25-27
    leather workers' badge, qualifications for, K 33
    life saver's badge, qualifications for, K 38
    marksman's badge, qualifications for, K 33
    master-at-arms badge, qualifications for, K 33
    membership requirements, K 22-25
    missioner's badge, qualifications for, K 33
    musician's badge, qualifications for, K 33
    oath, K 22
    official hand book, how to obtain, K 49
    origin, K 20
    pathfinder's badge, qualifications for, K 34
    patrols, forming, K 27, 38-39
    photographer's badge, qualifications for, K 35
    pioneer's badge, qualifications for, K 35
    piper's badge, qualifications for, K 35
    plumber's badge, qualifications for, K 35
    poultry farmer's badge, qualifications for, K 36
    principles of good scouting, K 39
    printer's badge, qualifications for, K 36
    purpose, K 20
    salute and secret sign, K 22
    scout craft, K 21, 43
    scout master, qualifications and duties, K 26, 42-43
    second-class tests, K 23
    sign posts for scout master, K 43-46
    signaler's badge, qualifications for, K 36
    seaman's badge, qualifications for, K 36
    stalker's badge, qualifications for, K 37
    starman's badge, qualifications for, K 37
    surveyor's badge, qualifications for, K 38
    swimmer's badge, qualifications for, K 38
    tenderfoot, class requirements, K 22
    troop, organization, K 26-27, 40-41

  Boys' clubs. _See_ Clubs

  Brace and bit. _See_ Carpentry and Woodwork--Tools

    silver work, M 174-177*

    brass work, M 146-147*
    iron work, M 393-395*
      corner bracket, C 246*
      designs, C 242-244*
      making, C 245

    coronation braid
      daisy pattern, N 109-111*
      what it is and how to sew it on, N 108-109*
    fastening the ends of the braid, N 107
    flat braid, how to sew it on, N 108
    rugs and mats, N 296
    soutache braid, N 107
    stamping the design, N 107
      four strands, N 295*
      how to begin, N 295-296*
      joining a new strand, N 296, 298*, 301
      on frame, N 296-301*
      six strands, N 296*

  Braising, H 280

    cleaning, H 135, M 140
    coloring blue black, M 205
    coloring green, C 379
    composition and characteristics of, M 133
    tarnish, to prevent, M 140

  Brass work, M 133-147*
    bell and bracket, M 145-147*
    bracket, M 146-147*
    crumb tray and scraper, M 135-136*
    finger bowl, M 133-135*
    handles to vase, making, M 143
    soldering a vase, M 144
    tea caddy, M 136-140*
    vase, M 140-145*
      weighting a vase, M 143
    _See also_ Copper work; Metal work

  Brazilian point lace, N 238*

  Brazing metals, M 310-315
    preparation of parts and process, M 311-314
    value, M 314

    baking, H 283
    brown bread, food value, H 257
    camp cooking, K 87-88
    curled bread for camping, E 303
    food value, H 250, 254, 300
    freshening dry bread, H 354
    ingredients, purpose of, H 298-299
    kneading, H 299
    mixing, H 299
    raising, H 300
    setting, H 299
    unleavened, H 300
    yeast for, H 296-297

  Bread board
    making, C 222-223*

  Breakfast food
    food value, H 254
    left overs, H 355

    purpose and standards, K 177
    skill in breeding Dutch belted varieties, K 184
    _See also_ Domestic animals; also names of animals, e. g., Horse;
        Poultry; Swine etc.

    building a foot bridge, B 70-73*

  Brier stitch. _See_ Feather-stitching

  Broilers. _See_ Electric broilers; Poultry raising

    process and utensils, H 275-276

    silver work, M 171-174*

    making, K 199

  Brook trout
    bait, K 136
    reclaiming a trout stream, A 271-273

  Broth. _See_ Soups

  Brother Juniper's cooking: story, H 25

  Brown bread
    combinations for food values, H 257

    paint brushes, H 342
    stenciling brushes, N 79-80*
    _See also_ Commutators (Electricity)

  Brussels sprouts
    soil and planting, G 299-300

  Brussels stitch, N 229-231*

  Buckeye tree
    characteristics, C 565

    belt buckles, making, M 88-90*, 195*
    turn buckles, forging, M 324, 330-334*

  Buckthorn for hedges, G 357

    cakes and sausage, food value, H 258
    food value, H 254

  Budding plants, G 250-253

    design, D 56*

    base boards, C 475
    batter boards, posts and sills
      setting, D 25
    cheap finishings, C 475
    chimneys, style of, C 472
      boat house details, B 36-42*
      house details, D 25-32*
    cornice detail, D 29*
    flashing chimneys, C 472
    interior finish details, D 31*
    joists, placing, B 39
    model house, D 3-33
    rollers for moving heavy weights, B 44
    sills, setting, D 26-28*
    walls, finishing, C 472
    woods and their uses, C 536
    working drawings for, D 21-23
    _See also_ Architecture; Bird houses; Boat building; Boat house;
        Carpentry; Columns; Doors; Floors; Foundations; House framing;
        Joints; Pergola; Poultry house; Summer house; Strength of
        materials; Windows; Wood

    wrecking, B 12-13, 43

  Bulbs (Metal)
    forging iron bulbs, M 385-388*

  Bulbs (Plant), G 165-179
    California bulbs, collecting and cultivating, A 94-99
    bedding plants, G 171, 324
    blue flowers, list, G 178
    colors, list, G 177-179
    drying and storing, G 176
    easiest to grow, G 166
    flat for, making, G 61*
    forcing varieties, G 171
    insect pests, G 293
    outdoor planting, soil preparations, G 170
    planting, hints, G 171
    planting in lawns, G 360, A 169, 434
    potting for winter, soil and drainage, G 171
    red flowers, list, G 179
    resting time, G 173
    to prevent plants from blossoming low down, G 175
    transferring to light and heat, G 174, 175
    water bulbs, G 168
      care and development, G 175
    when to buy, G 167
    white flowers, list, G 177
    winter care of, G 139
    yellow flowers, list, G 178
    _See also_ Canna; Chinese lilies; Crocus; Hyacinths; Narcissus;

  Bulgarian drawn work, N 222-226*

  Bull in the ring (Game), K 337

    plan and elevation, C 465*

  Bunsen burner, M 11*

    class and seed time, G 278
    destroying, A 471
    distribution of seed, G 273

  Bureau drawers
    arrangement and care of contents, H 53-54
    doll's playhouse in, H 9

  Burgees, B 108

  Bur-marigold (Beggarticks)
    class and seed time, G 278

  Burned wood. _See_ Pyrography

    care of, H 364

  Burroughs, John
    love for birds, A 263

  Butcher knife. _See_ Knives

  Butt joints, C 251*

    food value, H 250, 254
    how to judge butter, H 271

    breeding, A 398-400
    classifying a collection, A 386
    collecting, A 381-384*, K 151-153
      series to illustrate development, A 395-397
      time for, A 388
    development from the egg, A 393-395
    killing bottle and how to use it, A 378-380, K 151*, 154
    mounting a collection, A 381-386*, K 153*
    net for catching, K 151*

  Butterfly weed
    habits and characteristics, G 348, 365

    cleansing properties, H 356

  Butternut tree
    characteristics, A 36, C 564

  Buttonball tree
    characteristics, C 562, G 79

  Buttonholes, N 58-62*
    cutting, N 62
    loops, making, N 62*
    stitch, N 58*
    tailor-made, N 59*
    thread for, N 58, 62

    blanket stitch, N 142*
    finishing edge, N 130, 133
    Hedebo embroidery, N 202-206*
    honeycomb stitch, N 144*
    knotting thread, to avoid, N 131
    Mount Mellick, N 143
    padding, N 130-131
    Roman cut-work, N 138-142*
      American stitch, N 139*
      European stitch, N 139-140*
    scalloping, N 132*
    cutting out, N 133
    triangular buttonholing, N 143*
    _See also_ Wallachian embroidery

    sewing on, N 4-6*

    characteristics, C 562

  Buying. _See_ Marketing


    bleaching heads, G 126
    cooking preparations, H 293
    family, G 299
    food value, H 255
    growing, G 123-128
    harvesting, G 126
    indoor planting, G 233
    insect pests, G 125, 288
    planting seed
      depth and distance to plant, G 42
      early and late crops, G 124
      quantity to plant, G 36
      time to plant, G 234
    savoy variety for poor soil, G 301
    seed germination
      per cent., G 233
      time required, G 32
    soil requirements, G 19, 301
    storing, G 127

    with drawers, making, C 209-212*
    with shelves and glass doors, making, D 176-179*
    _See also_ Filing cabinet; Medicine cabinet; Tool cabinet

  Cabinet work. _See_ Carpentry and Woodwork

  Cables, submarine
    laying the Atlantic cable, E 65-66
    number in operation, E 66
    rates, E 67

    use of pitch, A 64

  Cahill, Dr.
    inventor of Telharmonium, E 293-295

    baking, H 303
    freshening dry cake, H 351
    making, H 301-303
    substituting lard for butter, H 355

    cleaning walls, H 122

  Calendar back
    whittling, C 18*

    sowing and blossoming time, G 161

    beef versus dairy feeding, A 121
    diseases, A 120
    fattening, A 121
    feeding, A 119-122
    raising, A 118-126
    teaching to drink, A 119
    training to lead, A 121, 258
    watering, A 122

    for leather work, N 84

  California bulbs
    collecting and growing, A 94-99

  California poppies
    sowing and blossoming time, G 161

    blacksmiths' tools, M 225

  Call ball, K 338

  Caloric theory of heat, E 342

  Calves. _See_ Calf

  Cambium, A 441

  Camelot, H 20, 22

    kinds and cost, K 303-304
    lenses, K 307

  Camp stool
    making, C 406-408*

  Camphor for packing, H 347, 349

    beds, K 64-66*
    blankets, K 66
    bough bed, K 65*
    Boy Scouts' camp, K 46-49
    brush leanto, K 69*
    clothing, K 71-74
    cooking, K 75-92*
      bread, K 87-88
      coffee, K 87
      fish, K 89, 90
      frying, K 91
      game, K 89, 90
      Indian meal, K 88
      johnny cake, K 88
      left overs, K 89
      meat, time, K 90
      rice, K 90
      rules, K 86-92
      utensils, K 82-83
      vegetables, K 89, 90
    drainage problem, K 57
    electric lights, installation and cost, E 162-169
    fireplaces, building, K 78-79
      for cooking, K 77-82*
      gypsy rig, K 79
      hunter's fire, K 78-79
      lighting in the rain, K 68
      making, K 67-69
      that will burn all night, K 68, 78*
    firewood, providing for, K 55-56
    fitting up an old mill, E 160-161
    food, care of, K 85-86
    girl's work in, K 323-324
    hints for comfort, K 71-74
    locality, choosing, K 53-54
    mosquitoes, protection from, K 70
    outfit, K 58-74*
    ovens, K 80-82*
    principles of, K 50-54
    selecting a leader, K 53
    shower bath device, E 161*
    site, selecting, K 54-58
    sleeping bag and head shelter, K 52*
    tents, K 58-60*
      pegs, securing, K 60
      pitching, K 61-64*
      sod cloth, K 61
    water supply device, K 54-55*

  Canadian pine, C 536

  Candleberry, A 18-19

    bayberry dips, A 20-21
    shades, making from cardboard and paper, D 358*

    copper work, M 47-56*
    pottery, designing, D 313-315*
    spiral, iron work, M 388-391*
    wrought iron, making, M 380-383*

    annual, G 322
    characteristics, G 330, 332
    sowing and blossoming time, G 161

  Cane rush, K 338

    woods used for, A 59-60

    bedding plants, G 324
    planting bulbs, G 139, 159
    planting seeds, G 159

  Canning and preserving
    elderberries, A 16

  Canoe tilting (Game), K 339

  Canoeing, K 240-243*
    accidents, avoiding, K 242
    girl's sports, K 321
    Indian model canoe, K 240*
    paddling, K 242-243
    sailing canoes, K 241-243*

  Canterbury bell
    biennial, G 322

  Capstan, B 79, 347*

  Car springs, B 264-265*

    washing, H 183

    effect of boiling processes, H 277
    food composition, H 248
    in vegetables, H 250
    proportion in diet, H 249, 252

  Carbon bisulphide
    insecticide, G 283, 289

  Carbon filaments. _See_ Electric lamps--Incandescent

  Carbonic acid
    as leaf food, G 242-243

  Carbureter, B 95*

  Card, Leslie E.
    How I started with hens, A 168-172

  Card case
    making and embroidering, N 183-186*
    tooled leather, design and making, D 338-340*

  Card tray
    copper work, D 355-358*

  Carpentry and Woodwork
    beveling, C 147*
      gage device for, C 260
    bill of material, value in making, C 189*, 206
    board feet, estimating, C 503
    construction, C 250-257
    curved rails, making, D 183
    curves, cutting with gouge, C 258-260*
    cutting up old lumber, B 75-76
    doweling, D 134
    dressing down lumber, C 144-147, 186-190
    estimating lumber, C 498-509
    gaining-in shelves, D 153*
    glued-up work, joining, D 134-136*
      joints, D 140-142*, 144-146
      mitre joints, C 232-234*
      process, C 225
    gouge work, C 258-265*
      chiseling, C 207-208, 211
      cutting, C 110-111*
      gouging, C 258-260*
    joint edge, meaning, C 186
    joints. _See_ Joints in main alphabet
    mathematics of woodwork, C 498-509*
    mortise, cutting, D 154
      holding power, B 46-47
      sinking, C 208*
    outdoor carpentry, C 457-480*
      for desk, D 184-187*
      for door, C 354-355, 528-530
      original purpose of, C 528-530*
    planing, C 146, D 133-134, 136
      position for planing, C 178
      surface planing and taking out wind, C 179
      use of shooting board, C 106*
    rabbeting, C 210-211
    sand papering, D 187
    shop equipment, C 133-149*
      grindstone, C 181-184*
      lumber rack, C 150-154*
      nail box and cabinet, C 206-212*
      tool box, making, C 226-227*
      tool chest and cabinet, making, C 339-346
      work bench, types, C 134-138*
    spokeshave work, examples, C 126*, 266*, 271*
    squaring up stock, C 144-147, 185-190*
    stock, selection and preparation, D 130-133*
    systematic plan in working, D 138-139
    testing grain of the wood for strength, C 245
    truing up, C 148-149, D 136-138*
    undercutting, C 263-264*
    warping, to prevent, D 135*
    working face of lumber, C 186
    _See also_ Building; Doors; Floors; House framing; Joints; Lumber;
        Polishing; Rustic furniture; Stains and staining; Strength of
        materials; Whittling; Windows; Wood; Wood finishing

  Carpentry and Woodwork--Problems
    box furniture, C 475-478*
    brackets, C 242-246*
    bread board, C 222*
    camp stool, C 406-408*
    chest and box seat combination, C 476*
    checkerboard, C 332-338*
    clock cases, C 276-290*
    coat hanger, C 266*
    couch hammock, C 478-480*
    drawers, making, C 206-210*, 359*
    drawing board, C 24*, 381
    foot stools, C 291-300*
      mission style, C 374-375*
    handles for hatchet and hammer, C 271*
    hinges, setting, C 239
    household utensils, C 221-226, 272-273*
    knife and fork box, C 223-226*
    ladle, C 272*
    linen chest, C 377-380*
    magazine rack, D 52*, 165-170*
    mechanical drawing outfit, C 381-398*
    medicine cabinet, C 354-360*
    mitre box, C 228-231*
    Morris chair, D 50*, 188-193
    nail boxes, C 206-212*
    pen and ink trays, C 258-264*
    pin tray, C 264*
    rustic furniture, D 209-211*
    sugar scoop, C 272*
    toilet boxes, C 315-318*, 235-241*
    tool cases and chest, C 226-227*, 339-344
    tool rack, C 341*
    towel rack, C 274*
    towel roller, C 267-269*
    umbrella stand, D 161-165
      mission design, C 375*
    _See also_ Bird house; Book case; Book rack; Box making; Building;
        Chairs; Desk; Doors; Floors; House framing; Inlaying, wood;
        Joints; Mechanical drawing; Mission furniture; Pergola; Picture
        frames and framing; Plant stands; Poultry house; Settees; Stains
        and staining; Tables; Tabourette; Toy making; Whittling;
        Windows; Wood; Wood carving; Wood finishing

  Carpentry and Woodwork--Tools
    auger bit, C 194*
    bench hook, C 139-142*
    bench stop, C 139
    bit and brace
      "chuck", C 193
      extension bit, C 195*
      ratchet attachment for corners, C 196
      types, C 193-197*
    boring tools, C 193-198*
    braces, making, C 148
    cases and cabinets, making, C 226-227*, 339-346*
    centre bit, C 193*
    chisels, socket and tang, C 207*
    clamps, devices for, C 201*
    coping saw, C 20*
    cutting tools, construction and action, C 169
    dowel bit, C 194
    draw knife, C 216*
    drill bits, C 196
    drills, C 193-198*
    dulling edges on old lumber, B 75-76
    files, kind and uses, C 204
    Forstner bit, C 196*
    gimlet bit, C 194*, 196
    gouge, C 258-260*
    hammers, C 203*
    hand screw, C 200-201*
      using, C 224-226*
    mallet, C 200*
    mitre box, C 228-231*
    nail set, C 208*
    oil stone, C 183*
    planes, C 176-184*
    pliers, C 199*
    quality, C 133
    rack, C 341*
    rules, C 205
    saw horse, making, C 143-149*
    saws, C 169-175*
    screw driver, C 199*
    screw driver bit, C 195
    sharpening, C 179-184*
    shooting board
      how to make, C 189*
      how to use, C 106*
    spirit level, C 205*
    spokeshave, C 126
    square, steel, C 205*, M 5*
    surface plate, D 136
    template, C 264*
    vise, quick action, C 138*
    winding sticks, D 137*

    cleaning, H 128
    storing, H 348
    _See also_ Rugs

    cleaning, A 408

  Carrier pigeons, K 180

    planting seed
      quantity to plant, G 36
      time to plant, G 234
      age for planting, G 34
      germination period, G 32, 233
    soil for, G 301
    thinning plants, G 301
    varieties, G 301
    wild carrot, G 273, 278

    shelf fungi, A 62
    _See also_ Wood carving

  Case hardening, M 308-310

    brazing, M 312

  Castors, Acme pin, D 193

    characteristics, K 170-173

  Cat (Game), K 339

    embroidery stitch, N 102*

    characteristics, G 366

    characteristics, G 367
    ornamental value, G 353

    insect destroyer, A 456
    migration, K 175

    collecting specimens, A 395
    garden pests, G 282, 285, 287, 290

    cooking, preparation for, H 293
    growing, G 299
    insect pests, G 289
    seed, germination per cent., G 233
    time to plant, G 234

    care of pets, K 183-184
    raising for pets, A 206
    varieties, K 183

      characteristics, C 541
      durability, C 494
    white, characteristics, C 541

  Cedar bird
    migration, K 175

  Cedar chest
    making, C 377-380*

    as reflector, H 121
    care of, H 121
    decorations to correct defects of height, D 38

    blanching, G 132
    fertilizer for, G 131
    food value, H 255
    insect pests, G 287, 290
    planting plants, G 131-132
    planting seeds, G 302
      indoor planting time, G 233
      age for planting, G 34
      germination per cent., G 233
      germination period, G 32
    soil for, G 131, 301
    substitutes for, in salad, H 358
    transplanting, G 302
    trenches for, G 131

  Cellar, H 208-213
    care of, H 212
    cleaning walls, H 210
    materials for floor and wall, H 208, 210
    must, preventing, H 212
    racks for barrels and pans, H 213
    rooms and equipment, H 210-211
    ventilation, H 208
    windows, H 208

  Cells. _See_ Electric batteries

  Cellular kites, making, C 91-92*

    cellar walls, H 208
    coloring for pottery, D 208
    columns, building, C 438-440
    dams, B 246-247
    engraver's receipt, M 205
    floors, making, A 137
      boat house, B 36
      house, C 459
      pergola, C 426-433
    lining pond, G 135-136
    mixing for floors and walks, A 137, B 20, 32, C 432, G 135
    Portland, origin and uses, B 246-248
    retaining walls, riverside, B 238-245

  Cement blocks
    making, B 242-245

  Cement furniture, D 201-209*
    color for inlaid designs, D 208
    decoration, D 207*
    finishing coat, D 206
    scratch coat, making and laying, D 204
    wire forms for, making, D 202-203

  Cement walks
    floating operation, B 33
    jointing, B 34
    laying out, B 9-12
    leveling, B 30*
    materials, B 19-20, 32
    roots, danger from, B 15
    sides, making, B 30*
    tampers for, B 31
    trench digging and filling, B 14, 29-30, 32

  Centigrade scale, B 262

  Centre punch. _See_ Punch

  Chafing dish, electric, E 113*

    crocheting, N 308*
    embroidery, N 99-100*

    welding iron chains, M 250-253*
      adding links, M 253
    _See also_ Bead work; Necklace

    box furniture making, C 406-408
    dining-room, design, D 54*
    Duxbury design, D 59
    hall chair, design, D 48*
    kitchen furniture, H 196
    Morris chair
      designs, D 50*, 189*
      making, D 188-193*
    _See also_ Bench making; Settees

    French chalk, H 332, 360
    lime composition, G 216

  Chamber work, H 146-159

  Chamois gloves
    washing, H 331

  Chamois skin
    for leather work, N 84

    definition, M 208
    enameling, M 202

  Chanterelles, mushrooms, A 89

    influence of occupations on, A 6

    how made, M 230
    purifying qualities, H 242, 354

  Charge accounts. _See_ Accounts

  Chasing metals
    definition of, M 209

  Chassis. _See_ Automobiles

    designing and making, C 333-338*
    table, making, C 337*
    woods to use, C 332-333

    food value, H 254

  Chemical elements
    of food, H 248
    of the human body, H 247

  Cherry tree
    characteristics of the wild or black variety, C 561
    seeds, care of, A 48
    wood for canes, A 59

    making a box seat combination, C 476*
    making a linen chest, C 377-380*
    _See also_ Tool boxes and chests

  Chesterton, G. R.
    keeping good health: quotation, H 244

    characteristics of tree, C 562
    chinquapins, characteristics, A 32-33
    cultivating, A 31
    disease, A 30
    durability of the wood, C 494
    food value, H 255
    grafting trees, A 31
    Japanese, hardy variety, A 30
    varieties, A 30
    weevil, pest, A 33
    wood finish
      antique, C 489
      fuming, D 233

  Chicken house. _See_ Poultry houses

  Chickens. _See_ Poultry

    class and seed time, G 278

  Chimney, house
    cold, meaning of, H 224
    fire, extinguishing, H 234
    "flashing", C 472
    _See also_ Flues

  China aster
    characteristics, G 329

  Chinese lilies
    water bulbs, G 168, 175

  Chinese windlass, B 81

    characteristics, A 32-33
    weevils, pest, A 33

  Chip carving. _See_ Wood carving

    cape chisel, making, M 299*
    cold chisel, hardening and tempering, M 293
      making, M 298*, 325*
      what used for, M 225*
    hot chisel
      making, M 324*
      what used for, M 225*
    metal work tool, M 9*
    sharpening, C 179-184*
    silver work tool, making, M 157-158*
    socket and tang, how to use, C 207-208*
    stone chisel, forging, M 341-344*
    wood chisel, forging, M 337-338

  Chlorinated soda
    ink stain remover, H 359

    food value, H 256

  Christmas greens
    collecting and marketing, A 50-57

  Christmas tree
    harvesting, A 53
    oak trees transformed, A 51

    back ground plants, G 321
    characteristics, G 335
    time of blooming, G 322

  Chuck ribs, H 268

    wastefulness in making, A 50

  Cigar box
    copper decorations, M 84*, 85

  Cigar lighters, Electric, E 115*

    how to draw, C 28-30*

    training for, A 449-451

  City water supply. _See_ Water works

  City yard
    making and cost of a garden, G 23, 134-141

  Clamps, C 201*

    cooking, H 291
    food value, H 254
    testing, H 291
    washing, H 291

  Clap boards
    for siding, C 445
    removing, B 12

    characteristics, G 328, 332

  Claw tool
    making, M 353*

  Clay. _See_ Soils

  Clay modeling. _See_ Pottery

    delicate colors and textures, H 332
    restoring color taken out by an acid or alkali, H 361
    stains and spots on fabrics, H 358-361
    woodwork, H 123
    _See also_ Brass; Carpets; Curtains; Embroidery; Flues; Furnace;
        Furniture; House cleaning; Matting; Pictures; Rugs; Shades;
        Tiles; Vegetables; Walls; Vacuum cleaners

  Cleft grafting. _See_ Grafting

    decorative value, G 359
    Japanese, characteristics, G 365

    making envelope file, N 187-189*

    cases, making, C 276-290*
    clocks for cases, selecting, C 276
    electric clocks
      alarm clocks, E 302
      master clock, E 77-78
      operation, E 75-78
      program clocks, E 77
      self winding, E 76
      watchman's time detector, E 78*
    fastening the clock into the case, C 282*
    grandfather's clock, design and construction, C 284-290*
    hall clock, design and construction, D 193-198*
      wood finish, D 237
    mantel clock, design and construction, C 282-284*
    mission style, design and construction, C 277-278*
    pendulum clock case, design and construction, C 281-282*
    pulley mechanism, B 310*
    wall clock, design and construction, C 279-281*
    _See also_ Watches

    definition of, M 209
    enameling, M 201

  Closets, Clothes
    cleaning and care, H 53, 157
    window in, D 12

  Closets, Toilet
    cleaning bathroom toilet, H 155
    sanitary equipment and care of outdoor closets, H 222

  Closing the house, H 349-351

  Clothes basket for laundry, H 315

  Clothes-horse, H 318

  Clothes line, care of, H 311

  Clothes pins, care of, H 315

  Clothes poles, H 315

  Clothes press. _See_ Closets, Clothes

  Clothing and dress
    art and fashions, D 122
    being well dressed, D 122-125
    business women's attire, D 127
    camp outfit, K 71-74
    care of
      importance, H 57
      in bureau drawers, H 53-54
      in closets, H 158
      responsibility for, H 53
    children's attire, D 127
    color in, D 124
    decorative principles, D 121
    girl's equipment for outdoor sports, K 319-320
    harmony and good lines, D 123
    proportion of income assigned for, H 74, 76, 78
    _See also_ Dressmaking; Sewing

    cumulus, B 365
    formation, B 356-357
    hail clouds, B 366

    agricultural, organizing, A 452-454
    garden club, G 3-16
    outdoor club, A 451-454
    science club, E 339
    sewing club, N 11
    wireless club, E 331-332
    _See also_ Boy Scouts of America

    bituminous, value of, M 229
    estimating energy in, E 6
    specific gravity, B 279
    supply decreasing, E 6
    _See also_ Fire making

  Coasting, K 223
    luge-ing, K 371

  Coat hangers
    making, C 266*

    class and seed time, G 278

  Cockroaches, H 362

    food value, H 256

    food value, H 255

  Cocoon. _See_ Silkworms

    combinations for food value, H 257
    food value, H 253

  Codling moth
    woodpecker enemy of, K 168

    camp cooking, K 87

  Coffee mill
    mechanical principle of, B 307-308*

  Coffee percolator, Electric, E 113*

  Coffee pots
    care of, H 207

  Coffee stains, H 359

  Coffee tree, Kentucky
    characteristics, C 566

  Cold chisel. _See_ Chisel

    changing to a hotbed, G 38
    directions for making, G 48-50*
    drilling the rows, G 98
    planning, G 19
    soil and location, G 97
    storage for endive, G 305
    transplanting from, G 101-102

    bedding plant, G 324

    metal work appliance, M 209

  Collar, dress. _See_ Dressmaking; Irish Crochet

  Collar slides
    silver work, M 170-171*

  Collecting. _See_ Insects; Plants; Seaweed; Shells

  College athletics
    best records made in intercollegiate contests, K 336

  College education
    earning, A 3, 7

    due to wave length, E 315
    in dress, D 124
    restoring to fabrics, H 361
    _See also_ Floral decoration; House decoration

  Colts. _See_ Horses

    habits and characteristics, G 341, 364

  Columns, concrete
    constructing and setting for pergola, C 434-440*

    silver work, M 194-196*

  Commutation (Electricity)
    brushes, E 36
    principle of, E 35-36

    use in drawing, C 28-30

  Compost. _See_ Fertilizers and manures

  Concrete. _See_ Cement

  Cones. _See_ Pine

  Conic sections
    describing, B 338*

  Coniferous trees, C 535-542

  Conservation of natural resources
    conserving nature's crops, A 92-94
    _See also_ Forestry

    duties, H 109, 112

  Cook book
    making from books and magazines, H 284

  Cookery, H 274-308
    camp cookery, K 75-92*
    definition, H 274
    emergencies, H 354-357
    freshening bread or cake, H 353
    left overs, utilizing, H 355, K 89
    mixtures, principles of, H 296-305
    preparation of foods for, H 285-305
    processes, H 275-285
    purpose of, H 275
    sequence of work in getting a meal, H 305-308
    soda, uses of, H 356
    substitutes for articles called for by receipts, H 354-355
    sun as cook, H 274
    time tables, H 309-310
    warming over food, H 355
    _See also_ Baking; Boiling; Braising; Bread; Broiling; Cake; Canning
        and preserving; Coffee; Corn; Desserts; Diet; Eggs; Electric
        cooking; Fireless cookers; Fish; Food; Frying; Game; Meat;
        Mushrooms; Oysters; Pastry; Poultry; Rice; Roasting; Shell fish;
        Soups; Stewing; Tea; Traveler's cooker; Vegetables

  Coons. _See_ Raccoons

  Copper work
    annealing, M 21
    ash tray, M 85*
    belt buckle, M 88-90*, 195*
    belt pin, D 350*
    bill file, M 124-126*
    book mark, M 128*
    book rack, M 121*, D 351*
    bowls, M 19-25*
      chalice, M 60*
      loving cup, M 86
      nut set, M 38*
      shaping, M 19*
    box for jewels, M 112-115*
    candlestick, M 47-56*
      drip pan, M 48*
      night candle holder, M 50-52*
      sconce, M 52-56*
      shaping, M 48*
    card tray, D 355-358*
    cedar chest, trimmings, M 115-117*
    chalice, M 60-63*
    cigar box decorations, M 84*, 85
    coloring, D 357, M 202, 204, 205
    corners, D 353*
    cutting heavy copper, M 34*
    desk set, M 117-129*
    draw filing, M 37
    enameling on copper, D 354, 355
    facets, how made, M 22
    filing, M 36-38*
    hammering, M 21-23*, 29-30*, 39*
      candlestick, M 49
      loving cup, M 87*
      making and riveting, M 76-77
      making and soldering, M 78-79
    hat pin, D 348-50*, M 64-67*
      soldering pin to head, M 68*
    hat pin holder, M 69-72*
    hinges, M 100-106*, 112-115*
    ink well holder, M 118-121*
    jars, M 56-60*, 82-85*
    jewel box, M 107-115*
      hinges, M 112-115*
    knobs on lids, M 83
    lamp, Electric, M 92-96*
    lamp shade
      framework, M 96-98*
      setting glass, M 98-99*
    letter opener, D 347*
    letter rack, D 346-347*
      chalice, M 62-63*
      ink well holder, M 120*
      jewel box, M 111-112*
      rose jar, M 59
      tobacco jar, M 83-84*
    loving cup, M 86-88*
    match safe, M 81-82*
    molds for, M 27-28
    nut set, M 38-40*
    nut spoon, M 39-40*
    paper knife, D 347*, M 34-38*, 126*
      turned handle, M 127*
    patina, imitation, M 202
      composition for, M 204
    pen tray, M 118-119*
    polishing, M 25
    rose jar, M 56-60*
    Russian coffee pot, M 63*
    sawing, M 35-36*
    sconce, M 52-56*
    serving tray, M 75-77*
    sheet copper, grades, M 14
    smoking set, M 79-86*
      handles, M 78-79
      hat pin, M 68*
    spindle, M 124-126*
    spoon for nut set, M 39-40*
    teapot stand, D 351-353*
    tobacco jar, M 82-85*
    trays, M 26-33*, 75-77*
      ash tray, M 85*
      handles, making and riveting, M 76-77
      pen tray, M 118*
      round, M 26-31*
      serving tray, M 75-77*
      smoking set, M 80-81*
      square, M 31-33*
    watch fob, D 353-355*
    _See also_ Brass work; Metal work; Silver work; Tools

    application items, B 426
    assigning rights, B 425
    directions for securing, B 422-426
    duplicate certificates, B 425
    fees for recording, B 423
    issue of work, not limited, B 425
    invalid, when, B 423
    labels, B 426
    paintings, statues, etc., B 426
    penalties for breaking laws, B 423, 424
    projected work, B 425
    renewals, B 425
    term, B 424
    trade marks, B 426
    translation rights, B 424
    volumes and variations, B 425

    how coral is formed, G 216

  Coral bells
    characteristics, G 334

  Coral fungi, A 86

    annual, G 322
    characteristics, G 329
    sowing and blossoming time, G 161

    contest in growing corn, G 142-150
    cooking dried corn, A 428
    cultivation of soil, G 144
    drying, A 427-428
    food value, H 255
    husking for cooking, H 294
    husks, uses of, A 63
    insect pests, G 290
    percentage of corn to cob, G 148
    points for judging, G 147
    planting seeds
      distance to plant, G 42, 144
      depth to plant, G 35, 42, 144, 235
      quantity to plant, G 36, 144
      time to plant, G 234
    planting varieties near together, G 145
    pollination, how plants are fertilized, G 145
    raising on a suburban lot, A 124
      age for planting, G 34
      book about, A 518
      germination per cent., G 33, 233
      selection, G 142-144, 228, A 410-412*
    soil required, G 19, 144
    stalk pith, use of, A 63

  Corn meal
    food value, H 254
    cleansing property, H 332

  Corned beef
    food value, H 252

  Cornell University
    poultry course, A 173

    biennial, G 332
    characteristics, G 330, 332
    planting, G 159
    self-sowing, G 316
    sowing and blossoming time, G 161

  Corning, W. O.
    experiment with raising goats, A 116-118

  Coronation braid
    how to braid, N 108-111*

    characteristics, G 332
    sowing and blossoming time, G 161

  Cost of living
    division of income, H 69-86

    building and furnishing a simple home, D 366-374*
    cost of materials, D 372

    seed nourishment, G 230

  Couch Cover
    weaving design, D 260-262

  Couch hammock, C 478-480*

    embroidery stitches, N 124*

    making for doll-bed, N 55*

  Counting-out rhymes, K 340

  Country homes. _See_ Cottages

  Country life
    making the country a better place to live in, A 449-512
    _See also_ Camping; Gardening; Sports

  Court, tennis, K 341

  Cover for note book
    tooled leather, D 331-336

    milking, A 245-247
      by electricity, E 54
    profits in keeping cows, A 243-244
      from one cow on a suburban lot, A 123-126
    testing for milk supply, A 244
    _See also_ Calf; Milk

  Crab (Machine), B 79*

  Crabapple, Wild
    butter or sauce, A 22
    regions found, A 21

    food value, H 254
    cooking soft shell crabs, H 293
    opening and cooking hard shells, H 292

  Craigin, Belle S.
    Amateur's experience in poultry raising, A 166-168

  Cranks (Machinery)
    crank motion, B 312*
    mechanism, B 319*

  Cream. _See_ Milk and cream

  Cream of tartar
    uses, H 301

  Credit. _See_ Accounts

    insect destroyers, A 456

    wood preservative, C 494

  Cricket, K 341-343

  Crocheting, N 306-319*
    abbreviations for stitches, N 306
    chain stitch, N 308*
    crazy stitch, N 326
    cross stitch, N 318*
    doll's cap, N 320-321
    doll's hug-me-tight, N 321-323*
    double crochet, N 308*
    edging stitch
      loop, N 311*
      narrow, N 313*
      tiny edging, N 311*
    fringe, N 317
    hooks, N 306-307*
    insertion stitch
      cone, N 314*
      loop, N 312*
      tiny insertion, N 310*
    insertion with ribbon, N 315*
    jacket, N 323-324*
      shell stitch, N 329-332*
    patterns, N 320-332*
    position of hands, N 307*
    rainbow pattern, N 316-317*
    scarf, cross stitch, N 318*
    shawl, rainbow pattern, N 316-317*
    shells, N 310*, 329-332*
    single crochet stitch, N 308*, 324*
    slip stitch, N 308
    slippers, N 324-329*
      crazy stitch, N 326*
      star stitch, N 326-329*
    star stitch, N 324*, 326*
    treble crochet, N 309*
    washing, N 332*

    planting in lawns, A 169, 434
    planting tables, G 177, 178

    succession crops, G 92
    _See also_ Gardening

  Croquet, K 343
    golf-croquet, K 354
    _See also_ Roque

  Cross bow spring, B 266*

  Cross stitch
    embroidery stitches, N 103-106*, 107*, 108*
    marking towels, N 156

    drawing designs, C 25*, 27
    Greek, inlay design, C 322

    making, M 352*

    as pets, K 176

  Crucible cast steel. _See_ Steel

  Crumb tray and scraper
    brass work, M 135-136*

  Crystals, snow, B 367*

    insect eater, A 456

    food value, H 255
    how to peel, H 294
    indoor planting time, G 233
    insect pests, G 290
    origin of, G 303
    planting seed
      directions, G 303
      time to plant, G 234
      age for planting, G 34
      germination per cent., G 233
    thinning plants, G 303

  Cucumber vine
    ornamental value, G 359

  Cuff links
    metal work, M 192-194*

  Cuffs. _See_ Dressmaking

  Cumulus, B 365

  Curling (Game), K 344

  Curling iron, Electric, E 116*

    dry cleaning, H 332
    dusting, H 131
    girl's room, furnishings, N 380-381
    materials for stenciling, N 81
    stencil design, N 75*
    stenciling, D 108-117*
    stretching, H 328
    valance, D 116
    washing, H 328-329
    weaving, designs and materials, D 262-265
    _See also_ Block printing

    drawing, B 339*

  Cushions. _See_ Pillows

  Cut worms, G 293
    detecting and destroying, G 284
    toads enemies of, K 168

  Cyanide bottle for killing insects, A 379*, K 152

    varieties and characteristics, C 540


  Dado joints, C 236*, 255

    narcissus family, G 169
    Van Sion variety, G 168
    white and yellow, planting table, G 177, 178

  Dairy cow. _See_ Cows

  Dairy Products
    food value, H 254
    _See also_ Butter; Milk

    book about, A 517
    keeping accounts, A 241-242
    sanitary milk pail, A 246*

    characteristics of the English daisy, G 334
    class and seed time of ox-eyed and yellow, G 278
    embroidery stitches, N 177-179*

    in pipes and ovens, H 229
    principle of stoves and ranges, H 227-230

    famous dams of concrete, B 246-247

    class and seed time, G 278
    greens, A 63

    characteristics, G 355

    Limerick darning, lace stitches, N 234
    stockings, N 9-11*

    food value, H 255

  Day and night
    cause of, B 213

  Debit. _See_ Accounts

    washing, H 183

  Decoration and ornament
    woods suitable for, C 240
    _See also_ Block printing; Carving; Embroidery; Enamel and
        enameling; Floral decoration; House decoration; Leather work;
        Metal work; Pottery; Pyrography; Stenciling; Wood carving

  Decoration, interior. _See_ House decoration

    book about, A 518

  Design. _See_ Architecture; Basket making; Bead work; Brass work;
        Copper work; Embroidery; Furniture; House decoration; Leather
        work; Metal work; Pottery; Silver work; Stenciling; Wood

    library desk
      design, D 47*
      design and construction, D 184-187*
      wood finish, D 237
    mission style writing desk, design, C 375*
    writing desk, design, D 50*

  Desk pad
    copper fittings, making, M 122-124*
    leather, design and making, D 335-338*

  Desk sets
    copper, M 117-129*
    pen and ink trays, gouge work, C 258-264*

    combinations for food value, H 259

    characteristics, G 256

  Devil's snuff box, A 87

  Dibber, G 47*

  Dies (Metal work)
    making, M 206-208

    carbohydrates, H 248-252, 277
    chemical properties, H 249
    giving undue concern to, H 244-247
    ideal, objection to, H 261
    principles of, H 246-263
    proteins, H 248-252, 277
    _See also_ Food

  Digestion. _See_ Diet

    made from foxglove, A 57

  Dining-room, H 160-187
    care of, H 51, 160-171
      arrangement, D 61
      design, D 53-57*
    ideal, H 187
    plan in the model house, D 9
    work, setting and serving the table, H 160-171

  Dirigible balloons, B 162

  Dish washing
    cloths, care of, H 184
    decanters and bottles, H 183
    egg stains, removing, H 183
    glasses, H 180
    preparation of dishes, H 179
    process, H 179-185
    rinsing dishes, H 182
    silver, H 181
    steel knives, H 184
    wiping and putting away, H 52, 182-184
    without running water, H 178

    use in plumbing, H 218

  Ditch drains. _See_ Drainage

  Dividers (Tools)
    forging, M 340-341*
    using in metal working, M 5*, 24*

  Diving, K 238*
    girls as divers, K 320

  Dixie's land (Game), K 345

  Dock, yellow
    class and seed time, G 278

    as friends, K 187
    bathing, K 188
    boarding dogs as a business, A 237-238
      profits from, A 239
    breeds, K 187-188
    farm dogs, A 106
    feeding, A 238, K 188
      puppies, A 224
    fleas, K 188, 189
    house, working drawing of a toy house, C 42*
    housing, K 188
    punishing, K 189
    raising, A 223-226
      story of success in, A 235-240
    selecting a pet, K 187-188
    training, A 249-252, K 189-192
      for cattle herding, A 250, 251
      for hunting, K 190-192
      for retrieving, A 250
      for running machinery, A 255-256

  Dog's tooth violet
    characteristics, G 342

    characteristics, C 563, G 356

    Irish crochet edge, N 335*

  Doll's clothes
      crocheted, N 320-321*
      knitted, N 362*
    cape, knitted, N 360*
    hug-me-tight, crocheted, N 321-323*
    jacket, knitted, N 360-362
    leggings, knitted, N 363*
    _See also_ Dressmaking; Sewing

  Doll's furniture
    bed fittings, N 50-56*
    cigar box trunk, H 12
    pasteboard box for bed, H 11, 12

  Domestic Animals
    books about, A 517
    raising, A 100-202
      for pets, A 203-240
    _See also_ Cat; Cow; Dog; Horse; Pigeon; Poultry; Sheep; Swine

  Domestic Economy. _See_ Housekeeping

  Door handles
    metal work, M 406, 407, 416*

  Door hasp
    forging, M 338-340*

  Door knockers
    escutcheon plate, M 410*, 412-414
    iron metal work, M 410-415*

  Door pulls
    metal work, M 415*

    batten door, C 448*
    electric door opener, E 55*
    frames, setting, C 469
    hanging, C 474
    inside trim, C 473*
    paneled, C 354-355, 528-530*
    saddles, C 474

  Dough. _See_ Bread; Pastry

  Dovetail joints, C 253*, 256*, 313-314*

  Dowel bit, C 194

  Dowel for weaving, N 297

  Dowel joints, C 251*

  Doweling, D 134

    window box plant, G 193

  Drafting. _See_ Mechanical drawing

    habits, A 388

    ditch building, G 123
      grading and digging, G 114
    pipe, depth laid, G 111
    problem for garden plot, G 110-122
    "sighting" for drop and bed level, G 112-114
    sloping land, G 17
    standing water, G 21
    stones for trough, setting, G 116
    tiles, laying, G 115
    types of drains, G 22
    wooden troughs, disadvantage of, G 115

  Drainage, House. _See_ Plumbing; Refrigerator

    of open fires, H 224
    principle of stoves and ranges, H 227-230

  Draw knife, C 216*

  Draw plate
    definition of, M 209

  Drawer pulls
    metal work, M 417-419*

    designing a corner for stencil work, D 111
    designs for block printing, D 100-101*
    how to enlarge or reduce a drawing, C 390, B 339
    outline drawing for stencil work, D 112
    _See also_ Mechanical drawing

  Drawing board
    making, C 24*, 381-383*

  Drawing instruments
    making a box for, C 240*
    making a mechanical drawing outfit, C 381-398

  Drawnwork, N 207-226*
    all-over, N 213-220*
    Bulgarian weaving patterns, N 222-226*
    butterfly pattern, N 220-222*
    convent work, N 213-216*
    daisy pattern, N 219*
    feather stitch, N 212*
    filling spaces, N 219
    frames for, N 222
    handkerchiefs, N 213-219*
    maltese cross, N 219
    Mexican, N 211*
    sheaf stitch, N 211*
    soaping threads, N 213
    twist stitch, N 212*
    _See also_ Fagotting; Hardanger embroidery; Hemstitching

  Dress. _See_ Clothing and dress

  Dresser. _See_ Bureau

    bands, cutting, N 64
    bias bands, cutting, N 65
    box plaits, N 71
      cutting, N 64
      fastening to waist, N 70
      cutting, N 64
      sewing on sleeves, N 68
    cutting from a pattern, N 63-67*
    frills, cutting, N 64
      allowing for seams, N 65
      cutting doll's skirt from, N 42*
      cutting from, N 63-67
      drawing and cutting, N 41*
      notches and perforations, N 66
      pinning material on, N 66-67*
    plaiting skirt, N 71-72*
    seams, tailored, N 72
      bands, N 39*, 44
      basting seams, N 42
      cutting from a pattern, N 42, 63-64*
      hemming, N 36, 43
      plackets and gussets, N 35-40*, 43
      plaiting, N 71-72*
      putting on the bands, N 44
      cutting, N 64
      gathering, N 69*
      putting into waist, N 70*
      putting together, N 68*
      cutting, N 64
      cutting from pattern, N 67*
      joining seams, N 69
    _See also_ Sewing

    gathering, A 405

  Drilling and boring tools
    draw boring, C 415*
    drills for copper and silver, M 9*
    forging and tempering rock drills, M 344-349*
    forging hand drills, M 347-349*
    kinds and their uses, C 193-198*

  Driveways of ashes, G 77

    method of rescue from, K 239

  Dry cleaning
    delicate and light-colored articles, H 332

  Duck on a rock (Game), K 345

    book about, A 517
    brooders, A 193
    characteristics, A 192
    feeding ducklings, A 192
    how to select for cooking, H 271
    marketing, A 191
    raising, A 190-193
      ducks versus chickens, A 191-192
    story of a boy's animal cage, A 235
    varieties, K 181
    water not essential for raising, A 190-191
    wood ducks, domesticating, A 462*

  Duplicating machine, B 416

    bedroom, H 53
    floors, H 125
    house cleaning process, H 145
    little services, H 51
    opening the house, H 352

  Dutch collar
    Irish crochet, N 346-350*

  Dutch oven, K 81

    colors, how to obtain, D 278-279
    hints, D 277-278
    lace, N 238

  Dynamometer, B 324*

  Dynamos, E 3-9
    alternating current, E 21-24
    batteries replaced by, E 249-250
    construction of a simple dynamo, E 222-225*
    definition of, E 19
    efficiency, E 5-6
    field, E 9, 11-13
    generating electricity, E 9-10
    how a dynamo generates both direct and alternating currents, E 222
    how used as a motor, E 45-48
    installing, E 225
    load, E 105
    magneto, E 19-24*
      illustration of use, E 21-23
      rate of vibration, E 22-23
      use for ringing telephone bells, E 287-290*
    principle of a simple dynamo, E 11-13*
    producing tones with, E 293-295
    series wound, E 34*
    shunt wound, E 34*
    transmitters not power producers, E 7
    _See also_ Armatures


    attraction exerted by sun and moon, B 229-230
    diameter, B 213
    distance from sun and moon, B 229-230
    elements, B 214
    globular form proved, B 212-213*
    rotation, B 213, 214

  Eddy kites
    making, C 86*

  Edging. _See_ Crocheting; Irish crochet

  Edison, Thomas A.
    discovery of carbon filaments, E 134
    new storage battery, E 262-263

    cooking preparation, H 294
    parasites on, G 304
    planting seed, G 304
      indoor planting time, G 233
      time to plant, G 234
    seed, germination per cent., G 233
    soil for, G 304
    transplanting, G 304

    cooking, preparation for, H 288
    ducks' eggs, A 192
    fancy breed eggs, A 221
    food value, H 254
    gold fish eggs, A 229
    Guinea fowl, value of, A 179
    insect eggs, A 393
    judging freshness of, H 271
    marketing, A 158
    pheasant eggs, packing, A 199
      for winter use, A 177-178
      yolks in water, H 357
    record for laying hens, A 157
    selecting for sitting hens, A 148
    separating yolks from whites, H 288
      removing, H 183
    _See also_ Poultry

  Egyptian Pyramids, B 54-56

    canning, receipt, A 16
    picking, A 15
    steam pudding, receipt, A 16

  Electric annunciators
    construction and operation, E 68-71*

  Electric apparatus and appliances
    using electricity to aid the memory, E 301-304
    _See also_ Armatures; Clocks; Dynamos; Telegraph; Telephone; Vacuum
        cleaners; and words beginning Electric

  Electric armatures. _See_ Armatures

  Electric batteries
    cells, positive and negative plates, E 256, 261
    dry cells
      cost, E 166
      increase of voltage by increased resistance, E 194-198
      structure, E 250-251
      use for lighting a summer camp, E 162-167*
    electrolytic cells, E 257-260
    galvanic cells
      depolarizing agent, E 256
      effect of heat on chemical action, E 254
      electricity produced by chemical action, E 251
      polarization of, E 256-257
    replaced by dynamos, E 249-250
    simple cell, chemical action, E 254-256
    sparking apparatus for a gasolene engine, E 178-203*
    storage batteries, E 258-263
      Edison battery, construction and care, E 262-263
      lead, construction and care of, E 261-262
    why they run down, E 192-194

  Electric bells
    alternating current bells, E 288
    equipment and installation in a house, E 296-299
    operated by induced current, E 350-352
    operated by wireless outfit, E 324*
    operation of electric bells and buzzers, E 72-75*
    transmitter in wireless telegraph, E 321

  Electric buzzer
    operation, E 72-73*
    used in electric organ, E 278-279

  Electric cars
    electric heaters, E 125
    _See also_ Electric railroads

  Electric central station, E 204-217*

  Electric cigar lighter, E 115*

  Electric circuit breakers, E 78*

  Electric circuits
    open and closed, E 73

  Electric clocks. _See_ Clocks

  Electric conductors
    copper sulphate, E 259
    copper versus iron, E 64
    effect of impurities in water, E 64
    salt solution, E 253, 265
    water, E 200

  Electric controllers
    arc lamp feed, E 84
      air control, E 53
      principle of, E 49-53*
    elevator switches, E 83
    principle of, E 17
    _See also_ Electric rheostat

  Electric cooking
    broilers, E 114*
    chafing dish, E 113*
    coffee percolator, E 113*
    fireless cooker, E 128-132*, 308
    hot plate, E 110-113*
    oven, E 114, 305-308*
    toaster, E 115
    traveler's cooker, E 113*
    with incandescent lamps, E 127*

  Electric curling iron, E 116*

  Electric currents
      definition, E 31
      for telephone bells, E 288
      generation of, E 11
      how produced, E 21-24
    changing alternating to direct currents, E 238-239
    chemical reaction produced by powerful currents, E 263-264
    decomposition of water, E 264
    different currents pass through the same wire, E 187
    direct, definition of, E 31
    induced current
      by interrupting the circuit, E 184
      by moving the magnet, E 17-18
      direction of, E 186
      experiments, E 349-352
    magnetic field about, E 353*
    primary and secondary, in spark coils, E 184-192*
    produced by chemical action, E 251-263
    rectifiers, E 238-239
    secondary, voltage, E 189-190
    telephone, E 287

  Electric engine
    principle of a toy engine, E 58*

  Electric flash light, E 154-155*

  Electric flasher, E 120-125*

  Electric fuses, E 117*
    "blowing", E 146, 292

  Electric gas lighter, E 118-120*

  Electric generators. _See_ Dynamos

  Electric heating
    apartments, E 125
    applications, E 107-159
    bedroom heater, E 126*
    cars, E 125
    hot plates versus incandescent lamps, E 131
    pad, E 117
    principle of, E 97-106*
    _See also_ Electric cooking

  Electric hot plate, E 110-113*

  Electric incubator, E 114

  Electric induction coil
    illustration, E 96

  Electric insulators and insulation, E 14
    glass knobs for telephone wires, E 290

  Electric iron, E 243*
    principle and cost of using, E 107-110

  Electric lamps, Arc
    arc lamp feed, E 84
    carbons, adjustment, E 150-152*
    glass globes, economy of, E 150-152
    mechanism, E 147-150
    mercury vapor lamp, E 155-156*
    Moore light, E 156
    search light, E 153*
    stereopticon, E 153*

  Electric lamps, incandescent
    burglar's flash light, E 154-155*
    connecting lamps with the circuit, E 142*
    construction, E 142-143*
    cooking with, E 127*
    current required, E 30
      carbon, E 134-135
        life of, E 144-145
        making of, E 142
        testing, E 141
      development of, E 132-135*
      metal, E 145-146
      platinum wire, E 133
      sizes, measuring, E 134
    hylo, use and cost of, E 138*
    intensity, comparison of, E 137-141
    Nernst lamps, E 157
    numbers manufactured, E 134
    operating by induced currents, E 349-352*
    operating by wireless outfit, E 327
    resistance, E 29
      of lamps in parallel, E 123*
    socket, E 143*
    tungsten lamp, E 141*, 144, 145

  Electric light
    percentage of waste in producing, E 150
    search light, E 153*

  Electric light fixtures
     copper lamp, M 92-96*
     design, D 361-364*

  Electric lighting
    cost, E 41, 139-141, 144
    fitting up a summer camp, E 160-167
    growth of demand for, E 134

  Electric measurements
    units, E 37-42*
      ampere, E 30
      kilowatt hour, E 41
      volt, E 39
      watt, E 39

  Electric meters
    care when closing house, H 351
    reading, H 239
    _See also_ Ammeter; Voltmeter; Wattmeter

  Electric milking machine, E 54

  Electric motors, E 43-56
    acting as dynamo, E 36
    compared with dynamo, E 47-48*
    E. M. F. in motors, E 48
    _See also_ Electric controller

  Electric organs, E 55, 278-279*, 293-295
    pipe organ, E 44-52

  Electric oven, E 114
    automatic control of temperature, E 306-308*
    brick, construction, E 305-308

  Electric potential
    meaning of difference in potential, E 200-202

  Electric power
    conversion of steam into electric energy, E 4
    cost in large and small plants, E 204
    production of, E 3-10

  Electric power distribution
    cost, E 210
    distances, power and cost, E 210-211
    loss in transmission, E 210, 216
    voltage in relation to distances, E 211

  Electric power plants
    central stations, E 204-205*
      equipping an amateur plant, E 220-239
    estimating the capacity, E 219
    number and annual output in the United States, E 205
    water power for, E 202-217

  Electric pumps
    use of, E 51-54

  Electric push buttons, E 74-75*
    for elevators, E 69-70*
    house bells, E 297-299

  Electric railroads
    current controller, principle of, E 53
    toy operated by wireless outfit, E 325-327*
    what moves the cars, E 16

  Electric resistance
    impedance, E 285-286
    laws for wires, E 120
    of electric lamps, E 29
    of lamps in parallel, E 123*
    ohmic resistance, E 285
    principle of electric heating and lighting, E 100-106
    resistance board, E 30
    starting box, E 48, 81-83*
    telephone circuit, E 285-287
    unit, ohm, E 91-93
    variation of heat with resistance, E 291
    wires, diameters and resistance, E 136

  Electric rheostats, E 47-49*
    _See also_ Electric controller

  Electric seal, A 491

  Electric shock
    conditions necessary, E 170
    electric waves, E 315
    experiments with spark coil, E 176, 178-180, 180-183*
    how it feels, E 170-177

  Electric shower bath
    constructing, E 244-247*

  Electric soldering iron, E 116

  Electric spark coil
    automobile spark coil, E 95*
    gasolene engine equipment, E 178-203*
    how voltage is raised by the spark coil, E 180-183
    jump spark coils, E 184
    make and break coils, E 183
    primary and secondary, E 188-192
    principle, E 180-187*
    telephone, E 279-281*
    vibrator, E 190
    voltage, E 191
    wireless telegraph, E 321-322*
    with two windings, E 187-191*

  Electric spinner, E 57*

  Electric switches, E 74-75*
    circuit breakers, E 78*
    double-pole, single throw, E 52*

  Electric thermostat, E 124
    for brick oven, E 306-308*

  Electric toys
    engine, E 58*
    spinner, E 57*
    train operated by wireless, E 325-327

  Electric transformer
    construction, E 212-216*
    illustration, E 96*
    magnetic circuit, E 214*
    relation of voltage to windings, E 215
    step-up and step-down transformer, E 216

  Electric washing machine
    construction and use, E 241-243*

  Electric waves, E 309-323
    changes in length, E 316
    Hertzian waves, E 346

  Electric welding, E 158-159

  Electric wires
    diameters, E 135-137
    glass knobs for insulating, E 290
    ground wire for wireless telegraph, E 321
      laws of, E 120
      tables, E 135-137

  Electric wiring
    use of earth circuit, E 290-291

    Ampere's rule, E 30-32
    chemical transformer, E 256
    doing chores with, E 241-243*
    E. M. F., meaning, E 203
    electrical current compared with water current, E 176, 197-198, 201
    every-day uses, list, E 219
    galvanic, E 248
    how electricity feels, E 170, 177
    medical use, E 175
    Ohm's law, E 92-93
    _See also_ Induction (Electricity); Telegraph; Telephone; Wireless
        telegraph; also headings beginning Electric and Electro

  Electrocution, E 175-176
    of rats, E 271-273*

    of solutions, E 257-261
    of water, E 264-266

  Electrolyte, E 256

  Electrolytic actions in every-day life, E 266-270

  Electrolytic cell, E 257-260

  Electromagnet, E 11-24
    applications of, E 54-96*
    arc lamp control, E 148
    construction, E 15*
    discovery of, E 14, 17
    lifting power, E 15-16, 79-81
    magnetic intensity, E 16
    principle of, E 14-15
    strength compared to bar magnets, E 16
    use in relay, E 322

    separating iron from ore, E 79*

  Electromotive force
    counter electromotive force in motors, E 48*

  Electroplating, E 259-261

    electric controllers, operation of, E 83
    how annunciators are operated, E 68-71*

  Elijah and the widow's cruse of oil, H 32

  Ellipse, drawing, B 210-211*, C 19*
    string and pin method, C 112*
    trammel method, C 113*

    red or slippery elm, C 558
    rock or cork elm, C 560
    white or American, C 559

    retaining wall for riverside, B 238-245
    wall for lawn, G 74

    bullion embroidery, N 155

  Embossing iron, M 361

  Embroidery, N 98-241*
    bars, twisted and woven, N 141*
    blanket stitch, N 142*
    bullion stitch, N 165-166*
    bullion work, N 154-156
    butterfly pattern, drawnwork, N 220-222*
    buttonhole and satin stitch design, N 166*
    buttonholing, N 130-134*, 142-145*
    card case, N 183-186*
    cat stitch, N 102, 215*
    chain stitch, N 99-100*
      washing, H 329, N 136-137
      without washing, N 379
    collars, Hedebo embroidery, N 203*
    combination stitch, N 148-154*
    combinations of colors and stitches, D 118-119
    compass design, N 167-168
    couching stitch, N 124*
    cross stitch, N 103-106*, 107*, 108*
    daisies, N 167, 177-180*
    designs, planning, D 118
    drawnwork, N 211-226*
    eyelet work, N 160-163*
    fagotting, N 145-146*, 229*
    feather-stitching, N 116-118*
    flower work, N 176-189*
      colors, N 176
      shading, N 179-180
      stems, N 180
    French knots, N 164-165*
    Hardanger, N 190-197*
    Hedebo embroidery
      bars, N 204*
      circles, N 204-206*
      materials for, N 202
      triangles, N 204*
    hemstitching, N 207-210*, 215*
    herring-bone stitch, N 101*
    honeycomb stitch, N 144*
    hoops, N 122-123
    ismet stitch, N 125*
    Kensington stitch, N 178-179*
    lace, embroidering on, N 180
    ladder stitch, N 158-159*
    lazy-daisy stitch, N 119-120*
    leaves, shading, N 179
    letters, N 147-154*
    lingerie hats, N 171-174
    long and short stitch, N 177*
    monograms, N 152-154*
    needles, N 121
    outline stitch
      combination stitches, N 148-154*
      rough and smooth, N 101*
    padding, N 99, 130-131, 147-148, 156
    picots, N 192*, 194*
    pin cushion top, N 193-196*
    pyramid stitch, Hardanger, N 195*
    ribbon work, N 181-189*
      card case, N 183-186*
    rococo, N 181-189*
    Roman cut work, N 138-142*
    satin stitch, N 147-149*, D 119
      design, N 158*
    scalloping, N 132-133
      drawing scallops, N 135
    seeding, N 154*
    shadow embroidery, N 125-128*
    silks, when not to use, N 157
    skeleton stitch, N 381
    smocking, N 112-114*
    spider stitch, N 142
    stamping patterns, N 128-129
    star patterns, Hardanger, N 191*
    stem stitch, N 154
      substitute for, N 379*
    suggestions for a girl's room, N 372-381
    threading the needle, N 103
    tools, N 121-123
    Turkish stitch, N 125*
    Van Dyke stitch, N 151*
    Wallachian embroidery, N 134-137*

  Emergencies, housekeeping, H 353-369

  Enamel and enameling, M 197-211
    backing, M 208
    basse-taille, M 208
    black spots, removing, M 201
    champleve method, M 202, 208
    characteristics of enamel, M 197
    cloisonne, M 201, 209
    finishing, M 201
    firing process, M 199-201
    muffle furnace for, M 199
    on copper, D 354-355
    on silver, D 355
    placing enamel on metal, M 198
    polishing, M 205
    preparing enamel, M 197
    tools, M 197
    unsoldering, M 205
    _See also_ Wood finishing

  Enamel ware
    kitchen utensils, H 201

    blanching, G 305
    planting and transplanting, G 305
    seed, time to plant, G 234
    winter culture, G 305

  Engineering. _See_ Mechanics

    external and internal combustion, B 121-122, 128-130, 387
    oscillating, B 333-334*
    parallel motion, mechanism, B 332-333*
    speed regulator, B 328*
    steam versus gas or oil, advantages, B 121
    _See also_ Electric engines; Electric motors; Gasolene motors;
        Horse power; Steam engines; Turbines

  English bind weed (Morning glory)
    class and seed time, G 278

    cement, M 205
    iron work, M 361

  Ensigns, code, B 108, 109

  Entomology. _See_ Insects

  Envelope for clippings
    making, N 187-189*

  Equestrian polo, K 377

  Ermine, A 495

  Escallops. _See_ Scallops

  Escutcheon plates, M 410*, 412-414

    iron work, M 362

  Ether (of space)
    chemical waves, effect of, E 336
    development of the universal ether idea, E 339-348
    kinds of ether waves, E 310-316
    medium for transmitting wave motions, E 343
    original meaning, E 344
    wave theory, exponents of, E 344-346
    waves sent forth by Halley's comet, E 333-338

  Evergreens, C 535-542
    for hedge, G 82
    landscape gardening, G 354
    southern smilax, A 54
    _See also_ Pine

    value of, K 10-13
    walking, K 14-17

  Exhibits, vegetables and flowers, G 201-208
    flowers, arrangement, G 205
    labeling, G 205
      arrangement, G 202, 204
      preparation of, G 202

  Eyelet work
    designs for, N 163*, 164*, 167-168
    edges of, N 169
    lingerie hat, N 169*
    making eyelets, N 161-162*
    padded eyelets, N 162*

  Eyes and hooks
    sewing on, N 24-25*


  Face plate
    definition of, M 209

    collecting, A 406

    lace stitches, N 229*
    Bermuda fagotting stitch, N 145-146*

  Fahrenheit scale, B 261

  Fancy work. _See_ Applique; Basket making; Bead work; Braiding;
        Crocheting; Embroidery; Hemstitching; Knitting; Lace making;
        Needle work; also names of articles, e. g., Pin case; Sewing
        apron, etc.

  Faraday, Michael
    discovery of magneto-induction, E 14, 17
    theory of ether phenomena, E 345

  Farm machines
    dog power for running, A 255

  Farmers' bulletins
    how to secure, A 513

  Farming. _See_ Dairying; Domestic animals; Drainage; Fertilizers and
        manures; Flower gardening; Forestry; Fruit; Gardening;
        Irrigation; Soils; Trees; Vegetable gardening; Vegetables

  Fashion. _See_ Clothing and dress

  Fat (Game), K 346

    food composition and value, H 249, 250
    frying fats, H 282
    proportion in diet, H 249, 252

  Feather race, K 347

    decorations in, N 119
    double stitch, N 117*
    marking with, N 156
    seaweed stitch, N 118*
    single stitch, N 116*
    threads, N 118*

    goose, A 189-190
    poultry, A 159

  Feed rolls
    mechanism, B 316*

  Fences. _See_ Hedges

    principle of, A 414

  Fern dish
    making pottery, D 310-313*

    care of, in house, G 197
    gathering, A 55, 359
    varieties to grow, G 198

  Fertilization of plants, G 246-248

  Fertilizers and manures
    amount required for poor soil, G 18
    hen manure, A 143
    leaf mold, making, A 421-424
    preparing manure for hotbeds, G 108
    sod for compost, G 262
    source of nitrogen, G 223
    wood ashes, A 433
      for strawberries, G 94
    _See also_ Humus; Lime; Nitrates; Phosphates; Potash

  Field athletics. _See_ Track athletics

  Field, Cyrus, W.
    and the Atlantic cable, E 65

    food value, H 255

  Files and rasps, C 204
    draw filing in copper work, M 37
    metal work, M 9

  Filing cabinet
    construction, C 358-359*
    drawer designs to represent books, C 397*
    for drawings, making, C 395-396

  Filling. _See_ Wood finishing

  Finance. _See_ Accounts; Allowances; Housekeeping; Income

  Finger bowls
    brass work, M 133-135*
    use of, H 172

  Finishing. _See_ Wood finishing

  Fir. _See_ Balsam

    mystery of flame, H 226

  Fire extinction
    burning grease, H 236
    chimneys, H 234

  Fire making
    camp fires, K 67-69
      for cooking, K 77-82*
    coal fire, H 227-233
      daily care, H 232
      laying and lighting, H 231
    furnace fires, H 233
    lighting a fire with kerosene, H 231
    open wood fires, H 223-227
    _See also_ Ranges

  Fire of coal: story, H 37

  Fire screen for metal work, M 11*

  Fire tools
    making, M 370-379*
    poker, forging, M 371*
    shovel, forging, M 372*
    stand for, making, M 377-379
    tongs, making, M 374-377*
      riveting, M 376
    _See also_ Andirons

    shot guns versus rifles for boys, K 112
    use of, K 110-124*

  Fireless cookers
    electric, E 128-132*, 308

    camp fireplaces, K 78-79
    hearth, flue and draught, H 223-224
    made of field rock, D 371*
    tiles, making, D 318-320
    _See also_ Andirons; Fire tools

    damage from, C 513
    danger from oily cloths, H 12
    preventing forest fires, A 467-468

    operated by wireless outfit, E 327-328*

  Firing pottery, D 299-301*

    boiling, H 290
      whole, H 278
    broiling, H 275-276
    cleaning, H 289
      to preserve heads and tails, H 290
    food value, H 250, 253
      combined with vegetables, H 259
    frying, K 91
    how to select for cooking, H 271
    pan fish, meaning, K 130
    protecting from natural enemies, A 273
    taming, A 266
    _See also_ Brook trout; Gold fish; Shell fish; Trout

  Fish spears
    forging, M 240*

  Fishing, K 125-143*
    bait, K 130-136*
    bait casting, K 137-138
    boats, K 140
    fly casting, K 130, 134-137*
    gaff, K 141
    game fish, K 126
    hooks, K 128-129*
    landing nets, K 141*
    line winder, whittling, C 15*
    lines, selection and care, K 128, 135
    methods, K 129
    qualifications of a successful fisherman, K 125
    reels, K 127
    rods, selecting, K 127
    rules, K 142
    still fishing, K 129, 139-140
    tackle, K 126-129*
    time to fish, K 141
    trolling, K 133*, 139*

  Fixtures. _See_ Electric light fixtures

  Flag (Plant)
    characteristics of dwarf flag, G 334

    yacht signal code, B 107-109

    washing, H 324, 328

  Flash light
    burglar's, E 154-155*

  Flat irons. _See_ Electric iron

  Fleece. _See_ Goats; Sheep

  Flemish oak stain, D 231

  Fletcher, Horace
    theory of food chewing, K 10

  Fleur-de-lis. _See_ Iris

    bird house for, C 219

    book about, A 519
    breeding places, A 476-477
    danger to health, A 475
    development from the egg, A 393-395
    exterminating, A 475-478

  Floating heart
    characteristics, G 366

      estimating lumber for octagon or hexagon, C 507-509
      for model house, D 28
      for summer house, C 417
      laying floors, C 471
      setting beams, C 470
    carpets versus rugs for, H 125
    cement floors for poultry house, A 137
    color scheme in house decoration, D 16
    cleaning appliances, H 142
    dusting, H 125
    finish for wood floor, H 192
    kitchen floors and floor coverings, H 191
    polishing, H 126
    refinishing, H 127
    waxed floors, polishing, H 126
    _See also_ Carpets; Matting; Rugs; Strength of materials; Vacuum

  Floral decoration
    backgrounds, D 89-90
    color scheme, D 84-86
    combinations, D 83
    dining table, D 91-92
    garden method, D 83
    grouping, D 82
    holders and vases, D 86-89*
    Japanese idea, D 81
    principles of arrangement, D 93-94
    wild flowers, decorative value, A 56

    cleansing qualities, H 332
    food value, H 254

  Flower basket
    weaving, G 61-64*

  Flower embroidery. _See_ Embroidery

  Flower gardening, G 315-335
    annuals, G 328-331
      blooming after frost, G 330
    arrangement of plants, G 317
    background plants, G 317, 320, 321
    bedding plants, G 323
    biennials, G 322
    border plants, G 137, 321
    climbing annuals: table, G 331
    color scheme, G 315, 361
    cut flowers: tables, G 329, 333
    drills, making, G 156
    establishing a nursery business in California, A 94-99
    formal garden
      border, G 152
      color scheme, G 154
      diagram of, G 153
      gradation of plants, G 151, 152
      staking plots and paths, G 154, 155
      straight lines in, G 357
    fragrant flowers: tables, G 330, 333
    girls' work, G 151-164
    hardy and self-sowing plants, G 316-321
    house plants, G 196-198, H 139
    informal gardens, G 358
    insect pests, G 199, 293
    location of garden, G 361
    perennials, G 333-335
    potted plants, G 180-200
      drainage, G 172, 183-185
      pests, remedy, G 199
      pots, cleaning, G 184
      potting process, G 186-187
      soil, G 171, 183-185
      transplanting, G 181-182
      watering, G 199
    profit in
      selling flowers, G 373
      selling seeds, G 371-372
      selling young plants, G 370-371
    rock garden, G 324-326
    round beds, making, G 136-137
    school grounds, G 82-84
    screening unsightly places, G 362
    selection of flowers for landscape effect, G 361
    self-sowing annuals: table, G 331
    shady places, annuals for: table, G 331
    slipping plants, G 188-190
    soil, annuals that suit heavy or sandy soils, G 328-329
    succession in bloom by months, G 316, 364
    time table, G 161
    topping plants, G 199
    _See also_ Bulbs; Gardening; Vines; Wild flower gardening; Window
        boxes; also names of special flowers, e. g., Chrysanthemum;
        Larkspur; Pansy

  Flower missions, A 62

    collections, labeling, K 156
      preparation and mounting, K 155
    cut flowers
      annuals for, G 329, 333
      care of, H 160
    honey or pollen producing, A 322
    jardiniere for, making, G 66-68*
    pistils and stamens, G 246-247
    propagating wild flowers, A 467
    protecting wild flowers, A 465-467
    supplying city children with wild flowers, A 61
    water and bog plants, G 366
    _See also_ Floral decoration; Flower gardening; Plants; Wild flower
        gardening; Window box; also names of special flowers, e. g.,

    cleaning, H 234
    purpose of, H 224
    _See also_ Chimney

    definition of, M 209
    iron and steel, M 221
    use of, in welding, M 247

  Fly casting, K 134-137*

    theory of, B 195-197

  Flying machines
    glider, B 179
    heavier than air and lighter than air types, B 162-163
    _See also_ Aeroplanes; Balloons

  Fobs. _See_ Watch fobs

  Foliage plants, G 324

  Follow the leader (stump master), K 387

    ash, meaning of, H 249
    carbohydrates, H 248
    combinations, H 257-261
    condensed, harmful, H 261
    fats, H 249
    non-nourishing, value of, H 260
    pre-digested, harmful, H 261
    proportion of income to be used for food, H 74, 78
    protein, H 248
    refuse, meaning, H 248
    values, H 247-257
      experiments of United States Government, H 250
      variety essential, H 249, 262
    _See also_ Cookery; Diet; Fish; Fruit; Marketing; Meat; Vegetables;
        also names of special foods, e. g., Bread; Macaroni, etc.

  Football, K 267-283*, 348-350
    association or soccer, K 269, 331
    captain, K 273
    centre rush, qualifications, K 270, 272
    dangers of the game, K 267
    "down", K 275, 281, 349
    drop kick, K 272, 349
    ends, qualifications, K 270, 273
    field goal, K 276, 349
    full-back, qualifications, K 272, 273
    goals, choosing, K 276
    gridiron, K 273*, 274, 348
    half-back, qualifications, K 271, 273
    kicking off, K 276, 281
    line-up diagram, K 268, 270*
    players, weight and size, K 270
    playing the game, K 274-276, 348
    positions of players, K 269, 349
    punt, K 349
    quarter-back, qualifications, K 270, 273
    Rugby, K 269
    rules, K 280-283
    rushing the ball, K 275
    "safety", K 282
    scores, K 276, 281-282, 348
    scrimmage, K 281
    season, K 267
    shoes, K 280*
    signals, K 277-279
    tackles, qualifications, K 270, 273
    team, organization, K 269-273
    team work, K 273-274
    touchdown, K 275, 349
    training, K 283
    uniform, K 279-280*, 350

  Foot bridge. _See_ Bridge building

  Foot pound, B 123

  Foot stools
    designs and construction, C 291-300*
    mission style, design, C 374-375*

  Forest fires
    damage from, C 513
    preventing, A 466-468

    book about, A 516
    conservation, C 519
    value of forests, C 514-516
    waste timber problems, A 406
    _See also_ Lumber and lumbering; Trees; Wood lots

    bellows, M 216*
    building fire in, M 217-218
    construction, M 216
    draught systems, M 227-229
    explosion, danger of, M 229
    portable forge, M 222-223*
      draught system, M 228
    tuyere, M 216

    characteristics, G 365, 366

    bending, M 236
    bending corner in iron, M 271-273*
    bolts, M 240-244*
    butcher knife, M 354-357*
    crow bar, M 352*
    dividers, pair of, M 340-341*
    door hasp, M 338-340*
    eccentric strap, M 334*
    fish-spear, M 240*
    fork, two pronged, M 239*
    garden hoe, M 335-337*
    gate hooks, M 236-238*
    grub hoe, M 328-330*
    hand drills, M 347-349*
    hand hammers, M 316-322*
    harness hooks, M 238*
    heating steel, M 290
    hinge and butt, M 283-285*
    ice-shaver, M 327*
    nail puller or claw tool, M 353*
    nuts, M 244-246*
    oxidizing fire, M 233
    pipe method, M 333
    pitchfork, M 239*
    punching holes, M 245*
    reducing fire, M 233
    rock drills, M 344-349*
    shackles, M 349-352*
    sockets for wire ropes, M 281-283*
    stake pin, M 233-235*
    staples, M 235-236*
    steel hook, M 266-271*
    stone chisels and picks, M 341-344*
    tongs, iron, M 287-288*
    turn buckles, M 330-334*
      bolts, M 241*
      definition, M 315
      rings, M 249
    wood chisel, M 337-338
    wrenches of steel, M 273-281*
    _See also_ Blacksmithing; Iron work; Welding

  Formal garden, G 151-155, 357

    selection principles, G 37

    boat house, B 36
    cellar, C 459
      box mold for, C 430, 458*
      bracing, C 460*
      leveling, C 460
      pergola foundation, C 426-433
      setting columns, C 435
      setting wooden frame, C 435, 458
      thickness of wall, C 459
    depth for houses, C 458-459
    house building, D 25-28*
      for small buildings, C 443
      setting, D 26-28*
      setting and leveling, C 413-417*

  Four o'clock
    sowing and blossoming time, G 161

  Fowl. _See_ Poultry

    book about the silver fox, A 517

    biennial, G 322
    characteristics, G 333, 334, 347, 365
    digitalis made from, A 57
    sowing and blossoming time, G 161

  Fragrant herbs and grasses, A 64

  Frames. _See_ Picture frames

  Framing. _See_ House framing; Picture frames

  Francis of Assisi, Saint
    stories about, H 25

  Franklin, Benjamin
    kite flying, B 186

  Fraternity pillows, N 376

  French chalk for dry cleaning, H 332, 360

  French hem, N 21

  French knots
    letter outlining, N 150
    needle for, N 166
    working, N 164*

  French seal, A 501

  Fresnel, Augustin Jean
    theory of light wave, E 345

    knotting fringe, N 275-277*
    raffia, N 274

    taming, A 266

    food values, H 255
    selection of, for food, H 271
    washing, H 295
    _See also_ names of fruits, e. g., Apple; Grape; Orange, etc.

  Fruit trees
    budding, G 251-253
    distance to plant, G 258
    protecting fruit from birds, A 461
    seeds versus grafting, G 257-258
    _See also_ Grafting

    fats for, H 282
    methods, H 281

    bedding plants, G 324

    blacksmith's fuels, M 229
    refuse timber, A 406
    _See also_ Coal

    principle of, B 21-28*

  Fullering. _See_ Blacksmithing

  Fumed oak and chestnut, process, D 233

    shelf fungi, A 62
    _See also_ Mushrooms

    dry cleaning, H 332
    packing, H 347
    _See also_ Ermine; Mink; Mole; Muskrat; Rabbit; Sable; Seal; Skins;
        Skunk; Weasel

    draughts and dampers, H 227-230
    gas and oil for heating steel, M 290
    house furnace, management and cleaning, H 233
    muffle furnace for enameling, M 199

      mahogany table refinished, D 241-243
      re-finishing, D 238-243
    bedroom, D 57-58*
    beds, designs, D 60*, 373*
    box furniture, making, C 476-478*
    care of furniture and fittings, H 121-145
    castors, Acme pin, D 193
    concrete furniture, making, D 201-209*
    covers for, H 348
    decorative value, D 46
    dining-room, D 53-57*
    enameling white, D 235
    evolution of, C 291-292
    hall furniture, D 47-50*
    kitchen furniture, H 193-199
    living room, D 50-53*
    outdoor, C 408-416*, D 198-211*
      designing, principles of, D 200
    painted, cleaning, H 134
    polish, H 133, 162
    renovating, D 238-239
    rustic, D 209-211*
      woods for, A 410, K 101-102
    selection for use and beauty, H 115-120
    upholstered, cleaning, H 132, 332
    _See also_ Book case; Book rack; Carpentry and Woodwork--Problems;
        Chairs; Desk; House decoration; Stains and staining; Tables;
        Tabourette; Wood; Wood carving; Wood finishing

  Furrows. _See_ Gardening

  Fusee, principle of, B 80*

  Fuses. _See_ Electric fuses


  Gaging lumber, C 186, 188

    characteristics, G 332, 335
    sowing and blossoming time, G 161

  Gained or housed joints, C 255*

  Galileo, Galilei
    barometer invention, B 256

  Galloway, Beverly T.
    back yard swimming pool, A 282-286

  Galvani, Luigi
   production of electric currents by chemical action, E 248

  Galvanic electricity, E 248

  Galvanized iron, E 248
    soldering, M 44

  Galveston sea wall, B 247

  Gambling in housekeeping expenditures, H 70

  Game and game birds
    cooking in camp, K 89, 90
    creating a private game preserve, A 464-465
    domesticating wild game, A 461-464
    protecting, A 463
    wild rice food for, A 78
    _See also_ Bantams; Guinea fowl; Pheasants

    list of one hundred games, K 326-328
    _See also_ Archery; Base ball; Camping; Canoeing; Coasting; Fishing;
        Football; Golf; Hockey; Hunting; Skating; Skiing; Swimming;
        Tennis; also names of games, e. g., Croquet; Marbles, etc.

      cleaning, H 110, 221
      location, H 221
    disposal of, H 220
      in country, H 222

  Garden club
    election of officers, G 14
    exhibits, G 201-208
    reports on garden plots secured, G 3-12
    vote to aid Oldfield Centre school grounds, G 14
    vote to disbar girls, G 16

  Garden hockey, K 350

  Garden paths
    materials and making, G 358

  Garden pests. _See_ Insect pests

    city back yard, G 23, 134-141
    compost pile, G 262
    drills, making, G 156
    exhibits, G 201-208
    furrows, making, G 264*, 266-267
    hill, meaning of, G 116
    hoeing, G 266
    indoor experiments, G 28-40
    money-making garden, G 368-376
      selling garden fittings, G 372-373
    plan, drawing, G 43-47*
      paper plan for garden plots, G 261
    preparing new plot, G 261-263
    pricking out plants, G 100
    raking, G 266
    rows, direction to plant, G 260
    rubbish, removing from new site, G 263
    site for a garden, choosing, G 259-261
    sowing seeds, G 268
    spading, G 263-265
    success, principles of, G 270
    succession crops, G 92
    thinning seedlings, G 268
    transplanting, G 101-102, 118, 268-270
    trenching, G 263-265*
    work shop end of the garden, G 41-71*
    _See also_ Coldframe; Drainage; Fertilizers and manures; Flower
        gardening; Herbs; Hotbeds; Insect pests; Landscape gardening;
        Lawns; Plant food; Plants; School grounds; Seeds; Soils;
        Vegetable gardening; Vegetables; Vines; Weeds

  Gardening--Tools and appliances
    bulb flat, making, G 61*
    dibber, G 47*
    flower basket, weaving, G 61-64*
    good versus poor tools, G 89-90
    hoe, how to use, G 107
    labels for plants, making, G 58*
    measurements on tool handles, G 156
    plant jardiniere, G 66-68*
    pot rest, G 68-71*
    reel, making, G 51*
    sieve, making, G 59-61
    spades, how to use, G 88
    stake, making, G 50*
    sundial, making, G 64-66*

    service in the king's kitchen, H 20

  Garlic, wild
    class and seed time, G 278

  Garret playhouse, H 5

  Gas and oil engines
    compared with steam engines, B 121, E 179
    construction and fuel supply, B 128-130
    cylinder, what takes place in, E 178
    water supply, quantity, B 130
    _See also_ Gasolene motors

  Gas furnace
    heating steel, M 290

  Gas lighter, Electric, E 118-120*

  Gas lighting
    average bill for careful families, H 76

  Gas meters
    reading, H 238

  Gas range
    baking bread in, H 283
    cleaning, H 235
    fire from fat, extinguishing, H 236
    lighting, H 234

    composition, B 104
    danger of explosion, B 104

  Gasolene automobiles. _See_ Automobiles

  Gasolene launch. _See_ Boat building; Launch

  Gasolene motors
    action, B 388
    automobile frames, construction, B 396-401*
    carbureter, B 95*
    description and dimensions, B 95*
    exhaust pipe, B 97-98, 103
    expansion chamber, B 98
    four-stroke cycle, B 388-391*
    installing in launch, B 93-95
    motive power, how obtained, B 388
    motor-cycle, principle, B 387-388
    muffler, B 97-98
    multiple cylinders, B 393
    petcock, B 99
    pipe joints, finishing, B 102
    power, developing, B 105-107
    single cylinder, B 391, 394*
    sparking, B 105-106
      electric equipment for, E 178-203
      foundations, B 100-102
      location, B 99
      vibration, avoiding, B 100-102
    stopping the engine, B 104
    suction and overflow pipes, B 102
    tank, setting, B 102
    testing new engine, B 111
    two-cylinder, B 392*
    two-stroke cycle, B 388
    vertical, B 391
    water jacket, B 110
    water supply, B 103-104

  Gate hooks
    forging, M 236-238*

  Gearing. _See_ Mechanical movements

    book about, A 517
    breeds, A 189, K 181
    domesticating wild geese, A 463
    fattening for market, A 189
    feathers, plucking, A 189-190
    feeding and caring for goslings, A 188
    food value, H 253
    how to select for cooking, H 271
    raising, A 188-190
    setting eggs, A 188

    indoor plant, G 197

  Georgia pine. _See_ Pine

    bedding plant, G 323
    slipping, G 188-190
    wild geranium, G 342
    window box plant, G 193

  Germination of seeds. _See_ Seeds

    playthings outgrown, H 10
    spent in advance, offense of, H 70
    the tenth of your income, H 81

    lettering name on boat, B 131

  Gimlet bit, C 194*, 196

  Ginger root
    use of, A 58

  Girders, wooden
    strength of materials, B 45

  Girls' clubs. _See_ Clubs

    outdoor sports for, K 318-325

  Girl's room
    color scheme, N 375, 378, 379
    cretonne versus linen for furnishings, N 373
    curtains, N 380-381
    stenciling furnishings, N 377
    wall decorations, N 377
    window seat, N 374

  Girl's secret, G 25-27

    cutting with a wheel cutter, D 196
    for lamp shade, M 400
    kitchen utensils, H 203
    leaded glass, soldering, D 196-197*
    polishing, H 134
    washing, H 180

  Glider flying machine, B 179

  Glove box. _See_ Boxes

    cleaning chamois gloves, H 331

    preparing and using, C 225
    _See also_ Carpentry

    making, B 209

    age, telling, A 111
      commercial value, A 114
      fleece, A 109, 114
    book about, A 517
    common goat, advantages of, A 114-116
    feeding, A 111-113
    housing, A 109, 113
    kid, care of, A 111
    market value, A 117
    milk, value, A 115
    products, A 110
    profit from, A 107-108
    raising, A 107-118
      experiment in New England, A 116-118
    rate of increase, A 115
    selecting for a herd, A 110
    space needed, A 109, 114
    value in reclaiming land, A 116-118
    water supply, A 109

  Goat skin
    for leather work, N 84*

    characteristics, G 322, 329, 331

  Gold fish
    age, A 227
    book about, A 517
    characteristics, A 226
    color of young, A 231
    diseases, A 232
    eggs, care of, A 229
    enemies, A 233
    food, A 228, 231
    habits, A 228
    hospital, A 232
    making an aquarium, K 160-162
    raising for profit, A 228-233
    rearing tank, A 228, 230
    spawning pond, A 229
    storage tank, A 231
    training, A 227
    winter tank, A 232

  Golden bell
    characteristics, G 355

  Golden glow
    characteristics, G 334, 365

  Golden oak finish, D 230

  Golden seal
    value, A 57

  Golf, K 296-300*, 351-354
    addressing, K 297*
    bogie score, K 300
    caddy, K 352
    clubs, K 299*, 352
    course, K 296, 351
    hole, K 297, 351
    links, K 353
    playing the game, K 352
    putting, K 300
      green, K 297, 352
    scoring, K 298, 300
    tee, K 297

  Golf-croquet, K 354

  Gong. _See_ Brass work--bell

    destroying, A 493

    blacksmith's tool, M 225
    sharpening, C 179-184*
    woodworker's tool, C 258-260*

  Governors (Machinery)
    gyroscope governor, B 335*
    steam engine, B 313-316*, 329

    cleft grafting, G 257-258
    improving stock, G 254-258
    occupation for boys, A 409*
    scion and stock, G 254-256
    season for, G 255
    tongue grafting, G 256
    wax making, G 256
    whip grafting, G 256-257

    food value, H 250, 254
    _See also_ Corn

  Grandfather's clock
    making, C 284-290*

  Granite for roadway, G 85

    food value, H 255
    green grape jelly, receipt, A 15
    wild grapes
      picking, A 14
      jelly receipt, A 15

  Grape juice
    book about, A 518
    food value, A 417
    making, A 418-421

  Grass seed
    kind for rapid growth, G 76
    preparing the soil, G 74-76
    sowing, G 77

  Grass stain
    removing, H 359

    basketry uses, A 64

    distinguishing young from old, A 393
    garden pests, G 282

  Grates. _See_ Fireplaces

    road beds, G 85
    _See also_ Cement walks

    definition of, M 209

    definition, E 341
    laws of, B 277-280
    principle of, B 57-59

    acceleration, meaning of, B 278
    force, meaning of, B 277
    specific gravity, meaning of, B 279-280

  Grease spots
    removing, H 360

  Greek cross, C 322

  Greens (Cookery)
    dandelion greens, A 63

  Greens, Christmas, A 50-57

  Grinding machine
    edge runners or chasers for crushing, B 336*

    grinding tools with, C 181-184*
    principle of, B 28
    types and uses, C 181*

  Grosbeak, rose-breasted
    insect destroyer, A 457
    migration, K 176

  Grounds. _See_ School grounds

    book about, A 519

    entertainment of, H 366-369

  Guinea fowl
    book about, A 517
    characteristics, A 179, 181-182
    eggs, value, A 179
    feeding, A 180
    marketing, A 179, 181
    raising, A 180-182

  Guinea pigs
    as pets, K 183
    making a house for, C 451-454*
    raising for pets, A 205
    _See also_ Cavies

  Gum. _See_ Spruce gum

  Gum tree
    sweet gum, red gum, or liquid amber, C 562

  Gun. _See_ Firearms; Rifles; Shotgun

  Gussets. _See_ Sewing

    outdoor life versus gymnastics, K 11
    pull up bar, making, C 270*

    applied to aeroplanes, B 169
    Bohnenberger's machine, B 334*
    construction of, B 267-268*
    mechanism, B 334*


  Hab-enihan (Game), K 354

  Hacmatack, C 530

    formation, B 363-366

  Haley over (Game), K 355

    food value, H 253

  Hall clock
    design and construction, D 193-198*

  Hall furniture, D 47-50*

  Halley's comet
    ether waves sent forth by, E 333-338

  Halley's thermometer, B 261

  Halved joints, C 253*

  Ham. _See_ Pork

  Hamburg steak, H 268

    adze eye claw hammer, C 203*
    claw hammer, C 203*
    cross peen hammer, making, M 316-318*
    hand hammer, M 224*
    handles, making, C 271*
    hard wood peg for copper work, M 28
    peen, M 254*
    planishing hammer, M 8*
    raising hammer, M 7*
    round peen hammer, making, M 318-322*
    set hammer, M 225*, 323*
    shaping hammer, M 7*

    making couch hammocks, C 478-480*

  Hand ball, K 355

  Hand polo, K 356

  Hand tennis, K 356

    drawnwork, N 213-219*
    hemstitching, N 207-209*
    rolling the edge, N 21*

  Handkerchief box. _See_ Boxes

    wooden, making, C 271*
    _See also_ Copper work; Metal work

    removing stains, H 357

  Hardanger embroidery, N 190-197*
    bars, weaving, N 192
    block stitch, N 190-191*
    materials, N 190
    picots, N 192*, 194*
    pin cushion tops, N 193-196*
    pyramid stitch, N 195*
    star pattern, N 191*

  Hardening metals. _See_ Steel

    blacksmith tool, M 226*
    making, M 322*

  Hardy plants
    meaning, G 317

    "varying" hare, A 499-500

  Hare and hounds, K 17

  Harebell, Carpathian
    characteristics, G 334

  Harrowing, G 124

  Harvesting nature's crops, A 8-100

  Haskins, Charles Waldo
    How to keep household accounts, recommended, H 99

    baby's buttoned hat, N 174-175
    how to select a hat, D 125
    lingerie hat, N 169*, 171-174
    raffia hats, N 262-270
      for doll, N 253-255

  Hat ball, K 357

  Hat pin
    copper work, D 348-350*, M 64-69

  Hat pin holder
    copper work, M 69-71*

  Hatchet handle
    making, C 271*

  Haws (fruit)
    location and uses, A 24

  Hawthorne, Nathaniel
    quotation, H 43

  Hawthorne, English
    characteristics, G 366

  Hayes, Ruth
    success with chickens, A 160-163

  Hazel nut
    cultivating, A 33-34
    for fence hedge, A 34
    gathering time, A 35
    pruning bushes, A 35

  Health. _See_ Hygiene

    meaning, H 224

    British thermal unit, E 100-101
    calorie and caloric, meaning, E 342
    generation, E 98-100
    transmission by radiation, E 314
      length, E 316
      production and velocity, E 313-315
      theory, E 343

    automatic control of temperature, E 306-308*
    regulation by electric flasher, E 120-125*
    _See also_ Electric heating; Fuel; Furnace; Steam radiators

  Hedebo embroidery, N 202-206*

    hazel bush, A 34
    poplar versus evergreen, G 82
    shrubs for, G 357

    background plant, G 320
    sowing and blossoming time, G 161

  Helicoptere flying machine, B 163

    bedding plant, G 324
    characteristics of winter plant, G 333

  Hellebore, white
    insecticide, G 117, 285

    characteristics, C 539

  Hemming. _See_ Sewing

  Hemp ropes. _See_ Ropes

    double hemstitching, N 210*
    handkerchiefs, N 207-209*
    padded, N 215-216*

  Hen coops. _See_ Poultry

  Hen manure. _See_ Fertilizers and manures

  Henry, Joseph
    first to make electro-magnets, E 14

  Hens. _See_ Poultry

    blossoming time, G 339
    habits and characteristics, G 339, 364

  Herbarium, K 155

    bee balm, G 347
    for basket weaving and sachets, A 64
    in colonial gardens, G 326
    list of, G 327
    soil for, G 326
    uses, G 326

  Hero engine, B 114*

    food value, H 253

    embroidery stitch, N 101*

  Hertz, Heinrich
    discovery of electric waves, E 346

  Hertzian waves, E 346

  Hewitt, Peter Cooper
    inventor of mercury vapor lamp, E 156

    problem in estimating lumber for hexagon floor, C 508

    characteristics, A 39-40, C 564
    food value of nuts, H 256
    lumber value, A 39
    varieties, A 40

  Hide and seek, K 361

  Hides. _See_ Skins

  High kick, K 357

    copper or brass, metal work, M 116*
    copper or silver, metal work, M 100-106*
    iron hinge and butt, making, M 283-285*
    ornamental, making, M 391-393*
    riveting, M 114*
    setting, C 239

  Hives. _See_ Bees

    forward, K 214
    garden hockey, K 350
    goal tender, K 214
    ice hockey, K 212-215*, 358
    lawn hockey, K 367
    "puck", K 212
    rink, K 215
    rules, K 215
    skates, cost, K 358*
    team, K 214, 358
    uniform, K 213, 358
    _See also_ Curling

    forging a garden hoe, M 335-337*
    forging a grub hoe, M 328-330*
       how to use, G 107-266

  Hog. _See_ Swine

  Hogan, Clarence A.
    raising chickens, A 159

  Hoisting machinery
    inclined plane, B 52-62, 64
    lewis for lifting stones, B 347*
    lifting magnets, E 79-81*
    screws, B 139-147
    tongs for lifting stones, B 348*
    _See also_ Capstan; Pulleys; Windlass

    care of trees, A 52
    characteristics, C 560
    wood, value, A 52
    wreaths, making and marketing, A 52-53

    background plant, G 320
    characteristics, G 334, 365
    sowing and blossoming time, G 161

  Home decoration. _See_ House decoration

    art of, H 44
    _See also_ Housekeeping

  Homing pigeons, K 180

    cooking with, A 327
    food value, H 254
    marketing, A 326
    plants which supply, A 322
    wholesomeness, A 326
    _See also_ Bees

    decorative value, G 359

  Honiton applique, N 237

    knitted, N 366-368*

  Hooke, Robert
    wave theory of light, E 343

  Hooker, Ava
    a start with poultry, A 172-177

    centrifugal check hooks, B 326*
      gate hooks, M 236-238*
      harness hooks, M 238*
      steel hook, M 266-271*

  Hooks and eyes, sewing on, N 24-25*

  Hoops, embroidery, N 122-123

  Hop hornbeam, or iron wood
    characteristics, C 558

  Hop vine
    value, G 360

  Hopover (Game), K 358

  Hopscotch, K 359

  Hopper joints, C 251*

  Horizontal bar
    making a pull up bar, C 270*

    book about, A 517
    raising colts, A 101-103
    training, A 252-255, 258

  Horse chestnut, G 367

  Horse power
    converting into kilowatts, B 125
    estimating, B 122-125
    estimating energy in coal, E 6

  Horsemanship, K 225-232*
    bridle wise horse, K 227
    care of the horse, K 230
    girls as riders, K 321
    jumping fences, K 231*
    mounting, K 226-227*
    packing a horse, K 230
    saddles, selecting, K 225-226*
    selecting the horse, K 232
    styles of riding, K 227-228

  Horseshoeing, M 221-222*
    heels, M 222
    making shoes, M 218-222*
    mule shoes and horse shoes, M 218
    toe calk, M 221*

  Hospitality. _See_ Guests

  Hot water bottle
    electric heating pad, E 117

    coldframe changed to, G 38
    directions for making, G 48-50*
    preparing for winter, G 108, 109
    time to transfer plants, G 235

  Ho-ti and the roast pig, H 18

  House cleaning, H 337-352
    appliances for, H 140, 147
    order of work, H 143-145
    principles, H 142
    repairs and renovations, H 338, 339
    small spaces, H 338
    unobtrusive methods, H 128
    weekly schedule, H 108
    woodwork, H 123
    _See also_ Ceilings; Cellar; Curtains; Floors; Flues; Furnace;
        Furniture; Garbage can; Kitchen; Lamps, oil; Laundry work;
        Matting; Painting; Paper-hanging; Pictures; Refrigerator; Rugs;
        Shades; Tiles; Vacuum cleaners; Walls; Windows

  House decoration
    ceilings, D 36
      correcting defects of height, D 38
    color scheme, D 16-20
      harmony, D 35-36
      interior woodwork, D 20
      southern and northern exposures, D 18-19
    corrective for architectural defects, D 37-38
    decorative fabrics, D 95-120
    Dutch room, suggestion, N 379
    experimenting, D 41-43
    floors, color scheme, D 16, 20, 36
    French room, suggestions, N 379
      arrangement, D 59-63
      selection, D 46-59
    modifying rules, D 43-45
    overcrowding, D 62
    principles, D 34-35
    re-decorating old houses, D 37
    relation to building plan, D 12-13
    summer cottage suggestions, D 370
    ten commandments, D 45-46
    use and beauty of possessions, H 115-120
    walls, D 36, 39-41
      stenciling, N 76
    window seats, N 374-375
    _See also_ Copper work; Curtains; Cushions; Floral decoration;
        Furniture; Girl's room; Leather work; Metal work; Pictures;
        Portieres; Pottery; Stenciling; Weaving

  House fly. _See_ Flies

  House framing
    construction details, D 25-32*
      drawings and instructions, C 461-464*
    corner framing, C 462*
    corners, finishing poultry house, C 446*
    paper for siding, C 471
      cheap houses, C 445
      cottages and bungalows, C 464
      putting on weather boards, C 471
      tongue and groove boards for, C 475
    small and cheap houses, C 444-445*
    studding for a boat house, B 37-38*
    summer house construction, C 413-417*
    window and door frames, setting, C 469

  House plans. _See_ Architecture

  Household pests, H 361-364

    effacement of, H 383-384
    health of, H 385
    stories of inspiration, H 388-389
    worries, H 384
    _See also_ House cleaning; Housekeeping; Servants

    accounts, keeping, H 87-100
    adjustment of work, H 112
    alleviations, H 333
    as a profession, H 382-387
    bedroom work, H 146-159
    closing the house
      marking wrapped articles, H 351
      meters, shutting off, H 351
      packing, H 347-349
      repairing household appliances, H 349
      traps, care of, H 351
    daily work, H 103
    dignity of, H 387
    dining-room and pantry work, H 51, 160-187
    emergencies, H 353-369
    expenses, division of income, H 74-80
    home training for, H 46
    inspiration, H 388-389
    learning and helping, H 43-59
    learning by observation, H 58
    menus and marketing, H 244-273
    My heritage, H 63-68
    objections to, H 382
    opening the house, unpacking, H 352
    playhouse, H 3-40
    possessions, use and beauty, H 115-120
    rest provisions, H 113
    schedules of work, H 101-113
    school lessons helpful in, H 45
    servants, H 370-381
    upstairs work, H 146-159
    _See also_ Cookery; Food; Furniture; House cleaning; House
        decoration; Insect pests; Ironing; Kitchen; Laundry; Marketing;
        Needle work; Plumbing; Receipts; Servants; Sewing

  House plants. _See_ Plants

    canning factories, A 12
    picking, A 13
    where and how they grow, A 11, C 514

  Hudson seal, A 491

  Hugo, Victor
    his description of Paris sewers mentioned, H 216

  Humming birds
    taming, A 265

    soil composition, G 8, 9

  Hunt the sheep, K 360

    choosing companions, K 118
    training dogs for, K 190-192
    _See also_ Game and game birds; Shooting

  Huygens, Christian
    wave theory of light, E 344

    cone developer, G 175
    indoor planting, G 166, 167
    planting and blooming time, G 177, 178
    varieties, G 167, 177, 178
    water growing, G 169, 175

    characteristics, G 356, 365

  Hydro-electric stations in the United States, E 202-207

    how to keep well, K 3-5
    outdoor life, K 6-9
    rules of health, K 12
    value of play, K 4, 10
    _See also_ Athletics; Exercise; Walking

    construction, B 231-232*

  Hylo electric lamps, E 138*

    describing, B 338


  I spy, K 361

    home-made, A 435-437

  Ice box. _See_ Refrigerator

  Ice Hockey. _See_ Hockey

    forging, M 327*

  Incandescent lamps. _See_ Electric lamps, Incandescent

  Inclined plane
    principle of, B 52-62*
    rule for power, B 64

    allowances, management of, H 80
    gifts, provisions for, H 81
    how to divide for family needs, H 72-85
    increasing, ways to avoid, H 73
    management of, H 70-86
    savings from, H 82
    uncertain, management of, H 71

  Incubators, K 197-199
    electric, E 114
      temperature regulator, E 124*

  Indian bracelet
    making, M 176-177*

  Indian proverb about home making, H 44

  Indian's plume (Bee balm), G 333, 347

  Induction (Electricity)
    current induced
      by interrupting the circuit, E 184
      by moving the magnet, E 17-18
    direction of induced currents, E 186
    experiments, E 349-352
    human voice as interrupter, E 282-283
    piano strings as interrupter, E 281
    telephone induction coil, E 279-281*
    tuning fork as an interrupter, E 280
    wireless spark coil, E 321-322*

  Ink stains
    removing, H 359

  Ink well holder
    copper work, M 117-121*
    gouge work, C 261-263*

  Inky caps, mushrooms, A 90

  Inlaying, metal, M 362

  Inlaying, wood, C 319-331*
    borders, designs and making, C 324-328*
    buhlwork, C 329
    building up designs, C 320-322*, 323*, 329*
    checkerboard, design and making, C 326-327*
    curved designs, C 328
    gluing process, C 323
    marquetry work, C 328
    placing the design, C 324
    thickness of veneer, C 319
    woods suitable for, C 319

  Inoculation of soil, G 119

  Insect pests, G 280-295, K 167-168, H 361-364
    ants, G 283
    asparagus beetle, remedy, G 287
    bean anthracnose, G 288
    bed bugs, H 363-364
    book about, A 519
    cabbage worm, G 125, 288
    caterpillars, G 282, 285, 287, 290
    cauliflower lice and maggots, G 289
    celery caterpillar, G 287, 290
    chestnut weevil, A 33
    chicken lice, A 148, 149
    cockroaches, H 362
    cut worms, G 284, 292, 293
    destruction of, by birds and toads, A 455-457, G 280-281
    detecting, G 283-284
    eggplants, G 305
    gnawing class, remedy, G 281-282
    grasshoppers, G 282
    hornworm, G 292
    house plant pests, G 199
    household pests, H 361-364
    leaf-hopper, G 293
    moths, prevention and extermination of, H 362
    plant lice, G 284, 291, 293
    potato bug, G 287, 292
    red spider, G 293
    rose slug, G 284, 293
    slugs, G 117, 284, 285, 293
    squash bug, G 287, 291, 292
    striped beetle, G 117, 285, 287, 292
    sucking class, G 282
    tomato worm, G 286
    water bugs, H 362
    _See also_ Flies; Insecticides; Mosquitoes

    bordeaux mixture, G 121, 294
    kerosene emulsion, G 130
    Paris green, G 130

    adult stage, A 394
    chrysalides, A 394, 396
    development, A 393-395
    distinguishing young from old, A 391-393
    egg stage, A 393
    habits, A 388-391
    homes, A 397-399
    injurious and helpful, K 167-168
    larval stage, A 394
    life of a butterfly, A 395-397
    pupa stage, A 394
    _See also_ Ants; Beetles; Butterflies; Dragon-flies; Grasshoppers;
        Moths; Silkworms; Spiders; Wasps

  Insects--Collecting and preserving
    baiting moths, A 400-402, K 153-154
      sugar receipt, A 401, K 153
    books about, A 519
    breeding cage, making, A 399-400*
    cases for preserving, A 385, 387*, 388, C 395-397
      cornstalk pith for lining, A 63
    classifying, A 386-389
    egg shell, mounting, A 396
    eggs of butterflies, A 395
    filing cabinet, making, C 395-397
    killing bottle, making and using a cyanide bottle, A 378-380*,
        382, K 151-152*
    mounting, A 380-386*, K 152*
    net making, A 376-378*
    outfit, A 375, K 151
    pinning butterflies and beetles, A 383-385*
    pins for mounting, A 380
    spreading board, A 381*
    times and localities for collecting, A 388-389

  Insertion. _See_ Crocheting

  Instruments. _See_ Tools

  Insulation. _See_ Electric insulators and insulation

  Insurance. _See_ Life insurance

  Intercollegiate Amateur Athletic Association of America
    best records, K 336
    events contested for, K 360
    rowing record, K 383

  Interior decoration. _See_ House decoration

  Invalid tray
    preparing, H 365-366

    ancient and modern, B 271-277
    _See also_ Aeroplanes; Matches; Typewriters; Wireless telegraph; and
        words beginning Electric

    blue flag, G 366
    border plant, G 321
    dwarf, characteristics, G 334, 364
    English, planting and blooming time, G 178
    German, characteristics, G 365
    Japanese, characteristics, G 333
    Spanish, planting and blooming time, G 178
    varieties, G 321

  Irish crochet, N 333-350*
    baby Irish pattern, N 344-346*
    belt, N 335-337*
    doily with edge, N 335*
    Dutch collar, N 346-350*
    edging, N 344-345*
    grapes, N 345
    jabot, N 342-344*
    leaves, N 345
    materials, N 333
    motifs, joining, N 334
    rose, N 339-340, 344
    shamrock, N 341
    tie rose, N 337-338*
      wheel pattern with rose and straps of shamrock N 338-342*

  Irish stew; story, H 14

      incorrectly named, E 248
      soldering, M 44
    magnetic properties, E 13
    oxidation, preventing, M 247
    pig iron, M 230
    stretching processes, M 315
    wrought iron, M 230-232

  Iron work
    bending corner, M 271-273*
    bracket, making, M 393-395*
    bulbs, making, M 385-388*
    candlestick, making, M 380-383*
      spiral, M 388-391*
    chains, welding, M 250-253*
    decorative forgings, suggestions, D 364
    handles, M 384
    hinge, making, M 391*
    hinge and butt, making, M 283-285*
    kettle stand, making, M 406-409*
      lamp holder for, M 408
    lamp, making, M 396-405*
      holder, M 408
      shade and holder, M 399-400
    punching holes in, M 245*
    rings, welding, M 248-250*, 254*
    spirals, making, M 385
    tongs, forging, M 285-288*
    twists, M 383
      braided strand, M 384
    umbrella stand, M 409
    wrench, forging, M 273*
    _See also_ Andirons; Blacksmithing; Fire tools; Welding

    bed linen, H 327
    board for, H 315
    clothes-horse for, H 318
    electric irons for, E 107-110, 243*
    embroidery, H 329
    iron, care and use, H 316
    iron holders, H 317
    iron-stand, H 318
    lace, H 330
    process, H 326-327
    scorched places, H 335
    starch sticking, to prevent, H 335
    table linen, H 327
    wax, cloths and paper, H 318

    characteristics, C 558

    book about, A 518
    Chinese treadmill device, B 337*
    Persian wheel device, B 343*


    Irish crochet, N 342-344*

  Jack fagots, K 362

    description of, G 344

  Jacket. _See_ Crocheting

  Jai-a-li (Pelota), K 376

    thimbleberry, A 11

  Japan barberry
    hedge shrub, G 357

  Japan quince
    hedge shrub, G 357

  Japanese clematis
    characteristics, G 365

  Japanese fan ball, K 362

  Japanese hop
    characteristics, G 331

  Japanese snow flower
    characteristics, G 356

  Japanese snowball
    characteristics, G 356

  Jardiniere. _See_ Plant stand

    barberry jelly, A 17
    green grape jelly, A 15

  Jerusalem cherry tree, indoor plant, G 197

  Jew fish
    catching, K 126

  Jewel box
    copper work, M 107-115*

  Jeweler's tools. _See_ Tools

  Jewelry. _See_ Silver work

  Joe Pye weed
    habits and characteristics, G 349
    story of name, G 348

  Johnny cake
    camp cooking, K 88

    butt, C 251*
    clamping mitre joints, D 144*
    dado, C 236*, 255*
      blind, C 256*
      box, C 314*, 256*
      half-blind, C 256*
      lap, C 253*
      single, C 313-314*
      single open, C 256*
    doweled, D 148*, C 251
    gained or housed, C 255*
    gluing, D 140-141*, 144-146*
      mitre joints, C 232-234
    halved, C 253*
      lap joint, D 147*
    hopper, C 251*
    joint edge, definition of, C 186
    kinds and construction, D 140-141*, 143-148*
      lap, C 251, 253*, 256*
    lock, C 255*
    mitre, C 232-234*, D 143-146*
      lap, C 256*
    mortise and tenon, C 250*, D 147*, 154*
      blind, C 255*
      draw boring, C 415
      end, C 256*
      relished, C 256*
      through, C 255*
    notched, C 255*
    rabbeted, C 255*
    rubbed joint, C 251*
    splice or scarf, C 257*
    stretcher, C 256*
    tongue and groove, C 257*
    trick, C 257*

    narcissus family, C 169
    planting and blooming time, G 178

    blooming plants, G 365

    blooming plants, G 365


    planting and care, G 299
    time to plant, G 234

  Keel. _See_ Boat building

  Kelvin, Lord
    and the Atlantic cable, E 66

  Kennels. _See_ Dogs

  Kensington stitch
    flower embroidery, N 178-179*

  Kentucky coffee tree, C 566

    cleaning woodwork, H 124, 134
    lighting fires with, H 231

  Kerosene emulsion
    insecticide, G 284, 289
    receipt, G 294, 295

  Key rack
    carving design, C 123
    whittling, C 12-14*

  Key tag
    whittling, C 14*

  Kick the stick (Game), K 363

    lumber kiln method, C 524-525
    portable pottery kiln, D 299-301*

    converting into H. P. B., B 125
    hour, E 41

  Kindling wood
    cutting and collecting as a business, A 404-408

  King Alfred. _See_ Alfred, King

    insect eater, A 456, 457
    migration, K 176

  King of the castle (Game), K 364

    chairs, H 196
    cleaning weekly, H 110
    clock, H 199
    curtains, H 198
    floors, H 191-193
    furnishings, H 188-200
    hooks, H 198
    house plan, D 10
    light fixtures, H 199
    ornament, H 199
    rugs, H 193
    shelves, H 197
    sink, H 194
    size, H 188
    tables, H 194
    walls and woodwork, H 189
    _See also_ Ranges

  Kitchen utensils, H 200-207
    aluminum, advantages and care, H 202, 206
    bread board, making, C 222-223*
    care of, H 205
    materials, H 201
    selection, H 203, 207
    sugar scoop and ladle, making, C 272*
    _See also_ Soldering

  Kites, B 185-200
    aeroplane kite, making, C 84-87*
    American Malay
      launching, C 92
      making, C 86*
    box kites
      launching, B 191, C 92
      making, B 189-191*
    bridle, fastening, C 88*, 91*
    cellular, making, B 191-192*, C 91-92*
    Chinese, designs, C 96
    coverings, importance of, C 94
    detail drawings, C 91*
    Eddy kite, making, C 86*
    flying, C 88-90
      principle of, B 185-189*
    groups, flying, B 192*, C 90
    joining sticks, C 84-85, 87*
    lines, C 88
    making, B 187-195, C 84-96*
    materials, C 85, 88, 94
    photographing by means of, B 194
    record flight, B 185-187
    reels for, C 88
    sails, C 85
    shape, B 188
    stability, principle of, C 94
    tailless, C 84-95
    tails, principle of, B 188
    tandem, C 95*
    tetrahedral, making, C 92-94*
    war kites, making, B 193*
    wind velocity table, B 198

  Knife. _See_ Knives

  Knife box
    making, C 223-226*

  Knife work. _See_ Whittling; Wood carving

  Knights of the Round Table. _See_ Round Table

  Knitting, N 351-371*
    baby hood, N 366-368*
    baby vest, N 368
    basket stitch, N 358*
    bootees, N 363-366*
    doll's cap, N 362*
    doll's cape, N 360*
    doll's jacket, N 360-362*
    doll's leggings, N 363*
    German method, N 352*
    lace pine pattern, N 369-371
    materials for, N 351
    patterns, N 360-371*
      finishing edge, N 357
      long, N 356-358
      wide, N 358, 359
      basket stitch, N 358*
      binding off, N 354-356
      casting off, N 354-356
      casting on, N 351*
      popcorn, N 356*
      purling, N 353*
    washing, N 332
    widening the row, N 355

    butcher knife, forging, M 354-357*
    steel, washing, H 184
    whittling, C 6*

  Knot holes
    how made, A 442

    raffia knotting, N 271-275*
    silk, cotton, or linen, N 275-277
    _See also_ Sewing

  Knuckle of veal, H 270

  Kodak, K 304

    planting and care, G 300


  Labeling. _See_ Insects--Collections; Plants--Collections; Shells

  Labels for plant markers, making, G 58*

  Lace and lace making, N 227-241*
    basting braid, N 227, 228
    Brussels stitch, single and double, N 229, 231*
    buttonholed bar, N 233*
    Connemara lace, N 235-237*
    dyeing lace, H 331, N 238
    edge finishing, N 234
    fan stitch, N 232*
    fagotting, N 229*
    foundation stitch, mesh or net, N 230
    Honiton applique, N 237
      braids for, N 236-238
    Irish crochet lace, N 333-350*
    knitted lace, pine pattern, N 369-371
    Limerick darning, N 234
    maltese cross, design, N 233*
    over handing on, N 15*
    point lace, N 227
      Brazilian, N 238-241*
    Renaissance, N 227
    rolling and whip stitching on, N 22
    spider stitch, N 231-232*
    Teneriffe or Brazilian point, N 238-241*
    twisted bar stitch, N 124*, 233
    washing, H 330
    whitening, H 331

    for brass, M 140

  Lacrosse, K 364

  Ladder stitch, N 158-159

  Lady bug,
    value to farmers, K 168

    tides, B 228

    cuts and their uses, H 270
    food value
      combinations, H 259
      table, H 253
    _See also_ Sheep

    copper work, electric lamp, M 92-96*
    steel base, making, M 401-403*
    wrought iron
      making, M 396-405*
      shade holder, M 399

  Lamp, oil
    care of, H 136
    trimming wicks, H 137

  Lamp shade
    copper work, M 96-99*
    glass for, M 400
    _See also_ Candle shade

  Land drainage. _See_ Drainage

  Landscape gardening, G 351-367
    formal gardens, G 357
    flower gardens, G 360-362
    garden furnishings, G 363
    hedges, G 357
    helping nature, G 363
      flowers, what and where to plant, G 360
      treatment of, G 352
    points to observe, G 362-363
    principles of, G 351
    purpose, G 357
    screening unsightly places, G 362
      grouping, G 354-355
      selection principle, G 357
      table of, G 355-356
    summer house, location, G 363
    trees, selection and grouping, G 353-354, 357
    vines, G 359
    water garden, G 362
    wild flower garden, G 362
    _See also_ Flower gardening; Gardening; Shrubs; Trees

    metal work, M 405-406*

  Lantern wheel, B 322*

  Lap joints, C 251, 253*

  Laplace, Pierre Simon
    Corpuscular theory of light, E 344

    characteristics, C 530

    background plant, G 320
    characteristics, G 365
    oriental, characteristics, G 333, 335
    sowing and blossoming time, G 161, 320
    varieties, G 319, 320

  Larva. _See_ Insects

  Last tag (Game), K 370

  Lathe tools
    making, M 300-306*

  Lattice work, D 209-211*

    launching the boat, B 134, 137-138
    rules for running, B 74-75
    _See also_ Boat building; Gasolene motors

  Laundry work
    appliances, H 312-320
    blankets, H 324, 328
    bluing, H 18, 320
      removing, H 334
    boiling clothes, H 323
    chamois gloves, H 331
    clothes basket, H 315
    clothes line, care of, H 314
    clothes pins, care of, H 314
    colored clothes, H 324
    curtains, H 328-329
    economizing, H 333
    electric washing machinery, E 241-243*
    embroidery, H 329, N 136-137
    emergencies, H 333-336
    freezing weather, H 334
    hanging out clothes, H 323, 325
    knitting and crochet work, N 332
    lace, H 330
    muddy water, H 334
    poles for, H 315
    rinsing clothes, H 323
    schedule for wash days, H 106
    silk clothes, H 325
    soaking clothes, H 322
    soap, H 319
    soiled clothes, care of, H 321
    sorting clothes, H 318
    sprinkling and folding clothes, H 325-327
    starch, H 319
    starching clothes, H 323
    stormy days, H 333
    stove, H 315
    tubs, care of, H 313
    wash board, H 313
    wash boiler, care of, H 313
    wash stick, H 314
    washing process, H 321-322
    white clothes, H 321
    woolens, H 324
    wringer, H 314
    _See also_ Ironing

    growing, G 327

  Lavender stick
    making, A 424-427*

  Lawn bowling, K 366

  Lawn bowls, K 365

  Lawn hockey, K 367

  Lawn mower
    care of, A 432-433

  Lawn skittles, K 368-370

  Lawn tennis. _See_ Tennis

    crocuses in, A 169, 434
    embankment wall, making, G 73
    flowers in, what and where to plant, G 360
    grading, G 74
    landscape gardening, G 352
    mowing, A 432-433
    rolling, G 75

  Layering plants, G 250

  Laying the table. _See_ Setting the table

  Lazy tongs, B 313*

    bath to prevent steel oxidation, M 284, 291
    soldering, M 44

  Leaded glass
    cutting and soldering, D 196-197*

  Leaf hopper, G 293

  Leaf mold
    making, A 421-424

  Leaks. _See_ Plumbing

  Leap frog, K 347
    Spanish fly, K 385

  Leather work, D 321-345*, N 83-90*
    applique, N 83, 85*
    applying designs, N 87-90
    articles made from, list, N 89
    belt designs and tooling, D 324-328*
    book cover, D 342-345*
    card case, D 338-340*
    cover for note book, D 331-334*
    cutting, N 88, 89
    dampening for tracing, N 88
    decoration, principles of, D 322
    designing, N 86
    desk pad, D 336-338*
    knots, D 330*
    lining articles, D 339, 341
    mat, design and tooling, D 328-330*
    paste, receipt for, N 88, 95, 96
    pasting, N 85, 89
    pen wiper, designs and tooling, D 330-331*
    planning a skin, N 84*
    polishing, N 96
    purse, D 340-342*
    skins suitable for, D 322, N 83-85*, 92
    stitching by hand, D 333-335*
    tinting, N 96
    tooled leather, N 91-97*
      embossing with die N 93*
      paste, receipt for, N 95, 96
      polishing, N 96
      process, D 326-328*, N 92-94
      relief work, D 329*, N 93-95*
        filling with paste, N 95
      Russia calf for, N 92
      tools, D 323-324*, N 91*, 96*
    tracing the design, N 87, 92

    blue printing, A 361
    giving off water, G 245
    simple, compound and doubly compound, C 543*

    germination per cent., G 233

  Left overs
    utilizing, H 355

    value as plant food, G 223

  Lemon lily
    characteristics, G 333

  Lemon tree, ponderosa, G 196

    food value, H 255
    preserving in water, H 357
    removing stains with, H 359

  Letter copying devices, B 418

  Letter opener
    copper work, D 347*

  Letter rack
    carving, C 112-117*
    copper work, D 346-347*
    two compartments, making and carving, C 109-112*

  Lettering. _See_ Gilding

  Letters. _See_ Embroidery

    cabbage lettuce, G 306
    cos lettuce, G 306
    food value, H 255
    going to seed, G 307
    head lettuce, G 306
    planting seed
      depth to plant, G 42, 235
      distance to plant, G 42
      how to sow the seed, G 95
      indoor planting time, G 233
      quantity to plant, G 36
      time to plant, G 234
      age for planting, G 34
      germination per cent., G 233
      germination period, G 32
    succession crops, G 307
    transplanting, G 101

    arms, B 23*
    double, B 25-27
    lazy tongs, B 313*
    principle of, B 21-28*
    rule for power, B 63

  Library tables. _See_ Tables

    cauliflower pests, G 289
    chicken lice, A 148
      powder receipt, A 149, K 201
    plant lice, G 284

  Life insurance
    advantages and disadvantages for saving, H 83

  Lifting machinery. _See_ Hoisting machinery

    ancient theory of, E 342
    color dependent upon wave length, E 315
    electro-magnetic theory, E 346
    emission theory, E 345
    a form of vibration, E 343
    theories held by eminent scientists, E 343-346
    velocity, B 249-251, E 311
    waves, E 310
      length of, B 251, E 315

    economizing bills, H 236
    reading meters, H 238-240*
    _See also_ Electric lighting; Gas lighting

    arrester, E 292*
    weather symbol, B 362
    why lightning is seen before thunder is heard, B 249

    characteristics, G 356

    red speciosum, planting and blooming time, G 179
    white day lily, G 333

    characteristics, G 365
    false, G 345

  Lima bean
    food value, H 255
    planting, G 297

    disinfectant, H 212
    protecting vines from insects, G 118
    _See also_ Soil

  Limerick darning, N 234

    formation of, G 216
    road material, G 85

    characteristics, C 560, G 367

  Linen. _See_ Doilies; Ironing; Table linen

  Linen chest
    making, C 377-380*

  Lingerie hat
    eyelet work, N 169*
    making and trimming, N 171-174

  Links. _See_ Chains; Cuff links

    care of, H 191

    boiling point, H 277

  Living expenses. _See_ Housekeeping

    furniture, D 50-53*
      arrangement, D 61

    meaning of, G 220

  Loaves and fishes: story, H 32

    boiled, H 292
    color, H 292
    food value, H 254

  Lock joints, C 255*

    cause and prevention, B 248-249

    escutcheon plates, making, M 410-414*
    _See also_ Door hasp

    boilers, B 117
    link motion valve gear, B 317

    durability of black locust wood, C 494
    varieties and characteristics, C 565, G 367

  Log cabin
    woods for making, K 101

  Lombardy poplar, G 353, 367

  Looms. _See_ Bead work; Weaving

  Loops for buttonholes, N 62*

  Lotus, American
    characteristics, G 366

  Luge-ing (Game), K 371

  Lumber and lumbering
    "boom", C 520
    clear lumber, C 499
    curls or eyes, how made, A 443
    cutting logs, K 100
    defects, detecting, C 524-530
    drive, C 520
    drying, C 495
    estimating, problems in, C 504-509
    kiln-dried, C 524, D 132-133
    knot holes, how made, A 442
    knots versus strength, C 497
    length, standard, C 499
    log jams, C 521
    measuring, C 503
    old method of sawing, C 136*
    plain sawed, D 131*
    quarter-sawed, D 131*
    railroad consumption, C 517
    saw mills, C 522
    seasoning, C 524-525, D 132
    shakes, C 530
    shearing, C 496
    shrinkage, principle of, C 528-530
    thickness, standard, C 498
    volume of business in United States, C 517
    warping, principle of, C 527*
    waste in cutting, C 512
    waste in saw mills, C 522-523
    winding lumber, C 531
    _See also_ Forestry; Trees; Wood

  Lumber rack
    making, C 152-154*

  Luncheon: story, H 32


    food value, H 254

  McCray, Arthur H.
    Profits of bee-keeping, A 333-336

  Machine shop
    equipping to run by electric power, E 226, 229-231

  Machinery. _See_ Capstan; Engines; Gas and oil engines; Gasolene
        motors; Locomotives; Mechanical movements; Motorcycles; Sewing
        machines; Steam engine; Tools; Typewriters; Water wheels;
        Wheels; Windmills

  McIntyre, Flora
    How I earned two hundred dollars, A 331-333

    food value, H 253

  Madeira embroidery. _See_ Eyelet work

  Magazine cover
    tooled, N 94*

  Magazine rack
    design, D 52*
      and construction, D 165-170*
    wood finish, D 237

    garden pests, G 291

  Magic lantern. _See_ Stereopticon

    cleaning properties, H 332

    earth as a magnet, E 14
    iron, E 13-14
    poles, E 28*
    steel, how to retain magnetism, E 28
    _See also_ Electro-magnet

  Magnetic field, E 13
    about electric currents, E 353*
    dynamo, E 9, 11-13
    effect upon a magnet, E 353*

  Magnetos. _See_ Dynamos

    imitation stain, C 489, D 230

  Maids. _See_ Servants

    carpenter's tool, C 200*
    metal worker's tool, M 8*

  Maltese cross
    drawing, C 27*
    lace making pattern, N 233*

  Mandrake. _See_ May apple

  Mandrel, M 154*, 209

  Manifolding devices, B 418, 421

  Manures. _See_ Fertilizers

    box elder or ash-leaved maple, C 548
    characteristics, C 544
    moose wood, C 548
    mountain, C 548
    Norway maple, G 367
    qualities of, G 78
    red or swamp maple, C 547, G 367
    seeds, value of, A 47
    silver, white, or soft maple, C 546
    sugar or rock maple, C 545, G 367
    sycamore, C 547

  Maple sugar and syrup
    boiling down, A 75
    bonbons, A 77-78
    books about, A 516
    colors, changes in, A 75
    food value, H 254
    identifying trees, A 71
    proportion of syrup to sugar, A 76
      care when running, A 73
      ingredients, A 75
    states that have sugar trees, A 69
    straining, A 76
    sugar making, C 546
      equipment and preparation, A 72
      Indian methods, A 69
      primitive and modern methods, A 70-71
    tapping trees, A 72-74
    testing when boiling, A 76
    weather for making, A 74

  Marathon race
    championship, K 371

    composition, G 216

    first shot "fat", K 346
    names of, K 373
    playing, K 372
    reals, K 373

    birds, K 175
    blooming plants, G 364

  Marconi, Guglielmo
    inventor of wireless telegraph, E 316, 346

    bedding plants, G 324

    African, characteristics, G 332
    characteristics, G 330
    good blooming plant, G 323
    marsh marigold, characteristics, G 366
    planting seeds, G 158
    pot marigold, characteristics, G 329, 331
    sowing and blossoming time, G 161
    varieties, G 157

  Marine engines. _See_ Gasolene motors; Steam turbines

  Marketing, H 264-273
    principles of buying, H 265
    quantities, consideration of, H 272
    staples, buying of, H 272
    _See also_ Names of articles, e. g., Fish; Meats; Vegetables; etc.,
        also Beef; Shad, etc.

  Markets in Venice, H 264

    bath towels, N 150*, 156
    combination stitches, N 150-157*
    cross stitch, N 156
    emblems, bullion, N 154-156
    feather-stitching, N 156
    French knots, N 150
    ladder stitch, N 158-159
    monograms, N 152-154
    napkins, N 156, 157
    outlining, N 150*
    papier-mache letters, N 156
    table and bed linen, N 157

  Marquetry work, C 328

  Marsh rabbit, A 509

  Martha, H 382-387

    migration, K 176

  Masonry. _See_ Cement; Foundations; Retaining walls

  Match safe
    copper work, M 81-82*

  Match scratchers
    drawing and making, C 38*

    invention of, B 272

    woodwork mathematics, C 498-509

    corn husk for braiding, A 63
    tooled leather, designs and process, D 328, 329*
    woven rattan, N 247*, 249
    _See also_ Rugs

  Matt tool
    definition of, M 210

    cleaning, H 131

    making for doll-bed, N 50-52*
    corn husks for, A 63

  Maxim's, aero-curves, B 166-167*

  Maxwell, James Clark
    scientist, E 341

    birds, K 175
    blooming plants, G 365

  May apple, A 23, G 345

    remedy for curdled, H 356

  Meadow lark
    migration, K 176

  Meadow mushroom, A 89

    clearing the table, H 176
    effect of mental attitude during, H 247
      advance, H 308
      sequence of work, H 305-308
      courses, H 170
      dessert course, H 172
      duties of waitress, H 169-172
      finger bowls, H 172
      who to serve first, H 172
      without a maid, H 174-176

  Measures. _See_ Weights and Measures

    boiling whole, H 278
    braising, H 280
    broiling, H 275-276
    buying principles, H 266
    camp cooking, K 90
    cooking, preparation for, H 285
    cuts of, H 268*
    food value, H 250
      table, H 252
    judging condition of, H 270
    left overs, H 355
    names of parts, H 267
    roasting, H 282
    stewing, H 280
    _See_ also Beef; Fish; Lamb; Mutton; Pork; Poultry; Veal

  Mechanical drawing, C 23-39*
    circles, C 28-30*
    crosses, C 24-27*
    curves, B 339
    cylinder and cones, C 34*
    design for filing cabinet, C 395-396*
      for match scratcher, C 38*
    ellipse, B 210-211*, C 19*, 112-114*
    enlarging or reducing drawings, C 390, B 339
    first lessons, C 24-30*
    triangle, hexagon and star, C 29*

  Mechanical drawing--Instruments
      proportional compasses, B 339*
      how to use, C 28-30
    cyclograph for describing circular arcs, B 339*
    drawing board
      how to use, C 23-25*
      making, C 381-383*
    drawing table, making, C 391-394*
    irregular or French curves, making, C 387
    making an outfit, C 381-398
      making, C 388-391*
      how to use, B 325*
    section liners, C 387
      making, C 384-386*
      to prevent warping, C 394
      use of, C 24
    triangles, constructing, C 386-388*
    views and dimensions, C 32-34*

  Mechanical movements
    anti-friction bearing, B 326*
    balance, principle of, B 25
    balance spring, B 330-331*
    capstan, B 347*
    centrifugal check hooks, B 326*
    circular motion
      continuous, B 323*
      intermittent, B 321-324*
      variable, B 321*
    combination, B 327-328*
    compasses, B 339
    compound, definition, B 306
    crank motion, B 312
    cyclographs for describing circular arcs, B 339*
    diagonal catch and hand gear, B 315, 316
    disk-engine, B 334*
    driving feed rolls, B 316*
    endless bands, B 336*
    feed motion, B 337*
    fulcrum, principle of, B 21-28*
    Geneva stop, B 319*
      centrifugal, B 313*
      engine, B 329
      water wheel, B 314*
    grinding or crushing, B 307-308*, 336*
    gyroscope, B 334-335*
    hyperbolas, B 338*
    irregular motion, B 319-321*
    lantern wheel, B 322*
    lewis, B 347*
    link-motion valve gear, B 317-318*
    number of, B 307
    oscillating engines, B 333-334*
    pantagraph, B 325*
    parabolas, B 338*
    parallel motion, B 332-333*
    parallel ruler, mechanism, B 331-332*
    pendulums, B 329-330*
    perpetual motion
      definition, B 306
      impossibility of, E 234-237
    pulleys, B 309-310*
    ratchet wheel, B 322-324*
    rectilinear motion, B 312*
    releasing hook, B 326*
    rollers, principle of, B 28
    rolling contact, B 318*
    rotary, B 312*
    rotary engines, B 340*
      intermittent, B 322*
    simple, definition, B 306
    speed, changing, B 328*
    steering gear, B 346
    stop and rotary motion, B 319*
    toe and lifter, B 329*
    tongs for lifting, B 348*
    tread mills, B 337*
    turbine, Jonval, B 341*
    water wheels, B 341-344*
    windmills, B 346*
    weight, lever and fulcrum, B 23-28*
    _See also_ Mechanics; Pumps

  Mechanical powers. _See_ Inclined plane; Lever; Mechanics; Pulley;
        Screw; Wedge; Wheel and axle

  Mechanical toys. _See_ Toys

    first mechanical power, B 21
    problems in estimating mechanical power, B 82
    progress of mechanical arts, B 271-277
    six mechanical powers defined, B 63-64
    _See also_ Aeroplanes; Electric power; Engines; Gasolene motors;
        Inclined planes; Kites; Lever; Mechanical drawing; Mechanical
        movements; Perpetual motion; Power; Pulley; Pumps; Screw; Water
        wheel; Wedge; Wheel and axle

  Medicinal plants
    digitalis from foxglove, A 57
    golden seal, A 57
    pokeweed, A 58
    weeds, G 272

  Medicine cabinet
    making with paneled doors, C 354-357*

    origin, G 307
    planting seed
      depth and distance, G 42
      quantity to plant, G 36
      time to plant, G 234
      age for planting, G 34
    _See also_ Muskmelon; Watermelon

  Mending and repairing. _See_ Patching; Soldering

  Menus, H 244-263
    combinations and varieties, H 259-260
    selection for ease in cooking, H 308
    variety, essential, H 262
    _See also_ Diet; Food; Marketing

  Mercury vapor lamps, E 155-156*

  Metal work
    alloys, M 208
    andirons, forging, M 363-370*
    belt buckle, designs, M 195*
    bending process, M 315
    blotter pad, corners for, M 122-124*
    bossing up, M 208, 419
      making, M 13*, 16-22*
      Dutch bowls, M 77-79*
      finger bowls, M 133-135*
    brazing metals, M 310-315
    chasing, M 209
    coloring metals, D 357
      blue black, M 205
      heating process, M 203
      oxidizing silver, M 204
      patina, imitation, M 202
        solution for, M 204
      violet, M 203
    corners for chest, M 116
      for desk pad, M 122-124*
    decorative forgings, suggestions, D 364
      metal work, M 410-419*
    definitions of terms, M 208-211
    designing patterns, M 13-14*
    die making, M 206-208
    door handles, making, M 406, 407, 416*, 417
    door knockers, M 410-415*
    door pulls, M 415*
    drawer pulls
      designs, M 144*
      making, M 417-419*
    drawing process, M 315
    embossing, M 30, 31
      process, M 361
    engraving process, M 361
    escutcheon plate, M 412*
    etching, M 362
    eye bolt, M 415, 418
    facets, M 22*
      oval, M 39
    flux, M 209
    forming process, M 315
    hammering, M 22*, 30, 39
      cedar chest, M 116
      crumb scraper, M 136*
      cabinet, M 106*
      cedar chest, M 116
      copper or silver, M 100-106*
      fine hinges, M 103*
      riveting to box, M 114*
      tube hinges, M 101-103*
        binding tubes in place, M 105*
      wings, making, M 104*
    impressing, M 361
    inlaying, M 362
    lanterns, M 405-406*
    letter openers, M 128*
    lids, M 59*, 62*, 120, 139
    lock plates, M 105, 116
      making, M 27-28*
      value of, M 31
    pickling metals, M 210
    planishing, M 210
    processes other than smithing operations, M 361-363
    repairing by brazing, M 314
      definition, M 210
      design, M 30*
    ring and ring post for box, M 120
    riveting, M 73-77*
      handles, M 88
      iron tongs, M 288*
      process, M 73, 76*
    rivets, making, M 77
    splitting iron or soft steel, M 362, 364-365*
    tools for, M 5-15*, 208-211
      for cedar chest, M 115-117*
      for cigar box, M 115-117*
    tubing for hinges, making, M 101-103*
    twisting process, M 315
    upsetting, definition, M 315
    wire, reducing size of, M 101
    _See also_ Annealing; Blacksmithing; Brass work; Candlestick; Copper
        work; Enamel and Enameling; Fire tools; Forging; Iron work;
        Silver work; Soldering; Steel; Tempering; Tools; Welding

  Meteorology. _See_ Barometer; Hail; Lightning; Rain; Thermometer;

  Meter. _See_ Ammeter; Electric-meters; Gas-meters; Voltmeter;

  Metric system, C 500-503

  Mexican drawnwork, N 211*

    as pets, K 184
    pests, H 361

    tetanus, B 249

    annual, G 322
    characteristics, G 330
    choosing and planting, G 158
    sowing and blossoming time, G 161

    removing stains, H 359

    boiling point, H 277
    book about, A 517
    food value, H 250, 254
    goat's milk, value, A 115
    marketing, A 247
    removing ink and rust stains with, H 359
    testing for butter fat, A 243
    sanitary and unsanitary methods of milking, A 245-247

  Milking machine, Electric, E 54

  Milkweed (Prickly lettuce)
    class and seed time, G 278
    distribution of seed, G 273

  Mimeograph, B 416

    collecting, K 156

  Mining machinery
    centrifugal check hook, B 326*

    breeding season, A 483
      stretching, A 507
      value, A 484, 506
    skinning, A 507*
    trapping, A 483-484

    catching, K 132-133*

  Mirrors. _See_ Glass

  Mission furniture
    book case, making, C 352
    clock case, making, C 277-278*
    foot rests, making, C 374, 375*
    library table, making, C 360-367*
    making, C 361-376
    plant stands, making, C 372-373*
    tabourette, making, C 308-310*
    tea table, making, C 367-372*
    umbrella rack, making, C 375*
    writing desk, design, C 375*

  Mission oak finish, D 231

  Mississippi River
    proposed dam across, B 246

  Mitchell, Frank
    success with chickens, A 163

  Mitre box
    making and testing, C 228-231*

  Mitred joints, C 232-234*, 256*, D 143-146*

  Model house. _See_ Architecture

  Modeling. _See_ Pottery

    food value, H 254

    fur, A 491
    habits, A 489
    trapping, A 489-491

    preserving specimen, A 374

  Money. _See_ Accounts; Allowances; Income

  Mongolian pheasants, A 197

    embroidering, N 152-154

    construction of, B 171-173*
    toy model, making, C 75-83*

    lunar and calendar, B 214

    diameter, B 229
    distance from earth, B 229
    light, origin, B 214
    orbit, B 216
    phases, B 215*
    rotation, B 216
    _See also_ Tides

  Moon flower
    characteristics, G 331

  Moon vine
    value, G 359

  Moore, D. McFarland
    inventor of Moore light, E 156*

  Moore electric lamp, E 156*

    kinds and uses, H 141

    mushrooms, A 86

  Morning glory
    characteristics, G 331
    sowing and blossoming time, G 161
    value, G 359

  Morris, William
    rule for household possessions, H 115

  Morris chair
    construction, D 188-193*
    designs, D 50*, 189*
    history of designs, D 188
    wood finish, D 237

  Morrison, Arthur
    budget of housekeeping expenses, H 78

  Morse, Samuel Finley Breese
    inventor of the telegraph, E 60

  Mortise and tenon joints, C 250*, 255*, 256*, 415

    book about, A 519
    breeding places, A 474
    enemies of, A 475, K 168
    eradicating, A 473-475
    protection from, in camping, K 70

  Moss pink
    characteristics, G 364

    baiting, A 400-402, K 153-154
    collecting and mounting, K 151-153
    collecting time, A 388
    development from the egg, A 393-395
    how they come out of the cocoon, A 347
    pests, H 362
    _See also_ Silkworm

  Motion. _See_ Mechanical movements

  Motor boat. _See_ Boat building; Gasolene motor; Launch

  Motor cycles
    engines, B 387-391*

  Motors. _See_ Aeroplanes; Automobiles; Dynamos; Electric motors;
        Engines; Gasolene motors; Locomotives; Steam engines; Vacuum
        cleaner; Water wheel

  Molding. _See_ Metal work; Pottery

    concrete block molds, B 243
    concrete furniture molds, D 202
    die making, M 206-208
    metal work, M 27-28, 31

  Mount Mellick stitch, N 143

  Mountain climbing
    healthfulness of, K 17

    snow line, B 368

  Mounting specimens. _See_ Insects; Plants; Seaweed

  Mouse club
    membership, K 184

  Movements. _See_ Mechanical movements

  Moving toys. _See_ Toys

    mixing ingredients, H 302

  Mulberry leaves
    food for silkworms, A 337

  Mullein, moth
    class and seed time, G 278
    habits and characteristics, G 347

  Mumblety peg, K 374

    book about, A 516
    chanterelles, identifying, A 89
    cooking, A 84, 87
    coprinus comatus, A 90
    coral fungi
      cooking, A 87
      identifying, A 86
    edible varieties, A 83*, 85-92
    food value, H 255
    inky caps, identifying, A 90
    meadow mushrooms, A 89
    morels, identifying and gathering, A 86*
    oyster mushrooms, identifying, A 91
    propagation, A 88
    puff balls
      cooking, A 84
      identifying, A 83-84, 87-89
      varieties, A 88-89
    shaggy manes, A 90
    where to get information about, A 91

    transmitted by telephone, E 295

  Musical instruments. _See_ Organ; Piano; Pipe organ; Telharmonium

    characteristics, G 331

    American, outdoor planting, G 308
    English, how grown, G 307-308
    food value, H 255
    indoor planting time, G 233
    seeds, germination per cent., G 233

    book about, A 519
    food, A 509
    fur, value, A 491
    houses, A 503
    river trapping, A 504
    setting and baiting traps, A 504
    skinning, A 507*
    skins, value, A 506
    swamp trapping, A 503
    trapping, A 492
      season, A 504

  Mustard, wild
    class and seed time, G 278

    cuts and their uses, H 270
    food value, table, H 253

  My heritage, H 63-68

    characteristics, G 365


  Nail puller
    making, M 353*

    boxes for, making, C 206-209*
    cabinet for, making, C 209-212*
    driving into plaster walls, C 246
    holding power, B 46-47
    sinking nails, C 208*

    marking, N 157
    _See also_ Table linen

  Napkin rings
    silver or copper work, M 191-192*

    cleaning properties, H 332

    easy to grow, G 166
    poets narcissus, planting and blooming time, G 177
    varieties distinguished, G 169
    water bulbs, G 168, 175

    characteristics, G 323, 328, 329, 332
    dwarf, characteristics, G 332
    planting, G 83, 156

  Natural resources
    conservation, A 92-94
      by specimen collectors, A 362

  Nature study
    keeping a diary, K 148-149
    making a beginning, K 144-150
    methods, K 150
    mineral collections, K 156
    practical side, K 167
    water life, K 158-167
    water telescope, K 159
    _See also_ Insects; Plants; Shells; Silkworm

    silver work, M 166-170*

  Neckties. _See_ Ties

  Needham, John
    Reclaiming a spring, A 280-282

    making, N 46-47*

  Needlecraft. _See_ Basket making; Bead work; Braiding; Crocheting;
        Drawnwork; Dressmaking; Embroidery; Irish crochet; Knitting;
        Lace making; Leather work; Sewing

    characteristics, G 331

  Nernst lamp, E 157

    butterfly net, K 151*
    collector's net for water specimen, K 158*
    making, for insect collecting, A 376-378

    cleaning lamps with, H 138
    polishing glass with, H 134

  Newton, Sir Isaac
    corpuscular theory of light, E 344
    theory of tides, B 217-218

    taming, A 266

  Nigger baby (Game), K 381

  Nile River
    dam across, B 247

    plant food, G 10, 221, 223
      for sandy soil, G 224

  Norfolk Island pine, G 196

  Norway pine. _See_ Pine--red

  Notched joints, C 255*

  Notched trophy stick, C 11*

  Nut hatch
    insect destroyer, A 456

  Nutrition. _See_ Diet; Food

    beech nuts, A 37-39
    book about, A 516
    chinquapins, A 32
    food value, H 255
    grading for market, A 42
    growing, A 43-46
      from seeds, A 46
    hazel nuts, A 33-35
    hickory nuts, A 39
    pecans, A 40-43
    pine nuts, A 29
    tree seeds, A 46
      care of, A 48
    use of, A 46
    walnuts, A 35-37

  Nuts (Iron)
    forging, M 244-246*


    antique, stain for, C 489
    black jack or barren oak, characteristics, C 554
    black or yellow, characteristics, C 554
    chestnut oak, characteristics, C 552
    durability of wood, C 494
    Flemish oak stain, D 231
    forest green oak finish, D 232
    fuming, D 233-234
    golden oak finish, D 229
    gray oak stain, D 232
    laurel oak, characteristics, C 555
    live oak, characteristics, G 367
    mission oak finish, D 231
    mossy-cup or bur oak, characteristics, C 551
    oak gall, K 147
    pin oak, characteristics, C 553, G 367
    post or iron oak, characteristics, C 552
    quality of, G 79
    quarter-sawed, C 551*, D 131-132
    red, characteristics, C 552
    scarlet, characteristics, C 553
    stains, list of, C 482
    swamp white oak, characteristics, C 552
    weathered oak stain, D 233
    white, characteristics, C 549-551
    willow oak, characteristics, C 554

    depth to plant seeds, G 235

    moving, B 56-57

    berry picking, A 8-13
    best ways of earning money, A 3-6
    birds, attracting, A 455-461
    carriage cleaning, A 408
    character building, A 6-7
    choosing, A 6
    cider vinegar, making, A 412-417
    collecting Christmas greens, A 50-57
    collecting insects, A 374-403
    collecting plants, A 94-99, 349-374
    collecting tree seeds, A 46-50
    collecting useful plants, flowers, grasses, etc., A 57-69
    collecting wood for rustic furniture, A 410
    corn, drying, A 427-428
    corn, selecting seed, A 410-412*
    fall work, list of, A 5
    forest fires, preventing, A 467-468
    game preserve, creating, A 464-467
    grape juice making, A 417-421
    harvesting nature's crops, A 8-99
    keeping bees, A 287-336
    kindling wood, gathering, A 404-408
    lavender sticks, making, A 424
    leaf mold, making, A 421-424
    making brooks and springs useful, A 271-286
    maple sugar making, A 69-78
    mosquitoes and flies, exterminating, A 473-478
    mushroom gathering, A 83-94
    nuts, gathering and growing, A 29-45
    odd jobs, A 404-448
    orchard work, A 409*
    outdoor worker's library, A 516-519
    raising animals for pets, A 203-240
    raising domestic animals, A 100-202
    silkworms, raising, A 337-348
    snow shoveling, A 431-432
    spring work, list of, A 6
    summer work, list of, A 5
    tennis court, making, A 428-431
    training animals, A 241-270
    trapping, A 478-512
    weeds, killing, A 469-473
    wild fruit, gathering, A 14-29
    winter work, list of, A 5
    year-round, list of, A 6
    _See also_ Housekeeping

  Ocean. _See_ Tides

  Odd jobs, A 404-448

  Oersted, Hans Christian
    discovery of magnetic action of currents, E 14
    discoverer of magnetic field about an electric current, E 353

  Ohm, George Simon
    Ohm's law, E 92-93

  Oil cloth as a floor covering, H 191

  Oil engines. _See_ Gas and oil engines

  Oil furnace
    heating steel in, M 290

  Oil lamp. _See_ Lamp, oil

  Oil nut. _See_ Butternut

    sharpening tools, C 183*

    germination per cent., G 233

  Olympic games
    events contested for, K 372

  One old cat (Game), K 375

    food value, H 255
    indoor planting time, G 233
    insect pests, G 291
    peeling, H 294
    planting seed
      depth and distance to plant, G 42
      quantity to plant, G 36
      time to plant, G 234
    planting sets and seed, G 309-310
      age for planting, G 34
      germination per cent., G 233
      germination period, G 32
    soil for, G 23, 309

  Open air life. _See_ Outdoor life

  Opening the house. _See_ Housekeeping

    bait for, A 509
    skin, value, A 509

    food value, H 255

  Orange root, G 348, 365

  Orchard. _See_ Fruit trees

    electric, E 55, 278-279*
    pipe organ, E 44-52
    telharmonium, E 293-295

  Oriental rug
    washing, A 447

    insect eater, A 457
    migration, K 176

  Ornithoptere flying machine, B 163

  Osage orange
    hedge shrub, G 357

  Osmium lamp
    metal filament, E 145

  Oswego tea, G 333, 347

  Outdoor furniture. _See_ Furniture

  Outdoor games. _See_ Games

  Outdoor life
    sleeping outdoors, A 6-9, 52*
    value of, K 6
    _See also_ Camping

  Outdoor sports. _See_ Sports

  Outdoor work
    free printed matter, how to obtain, A 513-516
    occupations suited to the four seasons, A 5
    odd jobs, A 404-448
    _See also_ Occupations

  Outlining. _See_ Marking

    camp ovens, K 80-82*
    clay, K 81
    dampers for regulating, H 229
    Dutch, K 81
    electric, E 305-308
    reflector, K 80, 81*
    temperature for baking and roasting, H 282, 283

    as a pet, K 184

    trained oxen, value of, A 258-259

    broiling, H 275-276
    cleaning, H 291
    food value, H 253
    opening, H 290
    testing, H 291

  Oyster mushroom, A 91


    books, H 349
    fixtures, H 348-349
    furs and woolens, H 347
    textile furnishings, H 348

    cleaning woodwork, H 122, 124, 134
    removing stains, H 359
    stenciling, N 81-82

  Painting (Mechanical)
    brushes, H 342
    mixing paints, H 342
    preparing surface, H 341
    summer house, C 424

    care of, G 198
    varieties to grow, G 198

  Panama canal
    cement used for, B 246

    window box plant, G 193

    care of bed, G 318
    characteristics, G 329, 331
    picking flowers, G 319
    planting seeds, G 318
    to prevent running out, G 319
    tufted, characteristics, G 334

  Pantagraph, B 325*
    making, C 389*

    arrangement, H 177
    plan in model house, D 12
    _See also_ Dish washing

  Paper hanging
    applying paste, H 345
    matching and cutting, H 344
    putting on paper, H 345
    quantity of paper required, H 343
    removing old paper, H 344

  Paper knife
    carving designs, C 122*
    copper work, D 347*, M 34-38*, 126-128*
    whittling, C 121-123*

  Papier-mache letters for marking, N 156

  Par (Game), K 347

    describing, B 338*

    eggplant pests, G 305

  Paris green
    insecticide, G 282, 285, 288, 290, 292
    rule for mixing, G 130

  Paris sewers
    described by Victor Hugo, H 216

  Parsley, G 310
    planting seed
      depth to plant, G 42, 235
      distance to plant, G 42
      in a box, G 164
      quantity to plant, G 36
      time to plant, G 234
      age for planting, G 34
      germination per cent., G 233

    food value, H 255
    planting seed, G 310
      time to plant, G 234
    wild parsnips, class and seed time, G 278

    migration, K 176

  Pass it (Game), K 375

  Passe partout, D 72-78*
    color scheme, D 73-74
    materials and tools, D 75
    process, D 75-78*

    receipt, H 346
      for leather work, N 88, 95, 96

    filling pies, H 304
    juices, to prevent boiling over, H 305
    mixing the dough, H 303, 304
    soggy crust, preventing, H 304

    square patch, N 33-35*

    applying for, B 200-201, 205
    Canadian, B 207
    caveat, provisional protection, B 206
    drawings and specifications, B 202-205
    duration, B 205
    fees for application, B 205, 206
      in a foreign country, B 208
    re-issuing, B 205
    time required to procure, B 205
    what granted for, B 206

  Patterns. _See_ Embroidery; Dressmaking; Stenciling

  Peach trees
    care of seeds for planting, A 48
    distance to plant trees, G 258

    care and feeding of young chicks, A 186
    habits of the hen, A 186
    Indian peacock, value, A 187
    raising, A 185-188
      acquiring information about, A 187

    food value, H 256

    distance to plant trees, G 258
    food value, H 255

    food value, H 250, 255
    insect pests, G 291
    planting seed, G 311
      quantity to plant, G 36
      time to plant, G 234
      age for planting, G 34
      germination per cent., G 33, 233
      germination period, G 32

    German embroidery work, N 196
    Russian applique work, N 198

    commercial value, A 42, 43
    cultivating, A 40-41
    gathering, A 41-42
    grading, A 42-43
    polishing for market, A 43

  Peen of hammer. _See_ Hammer

  Pelota (Game), K 376

  Pelts. _See_ Skins

  Pen rack
    design and making, C 117-119*

  Pen tray
    gouge work, C 259*, 263*

  Pen wiper
    tooled leather, D 329-330*

  Pencil box
    making and carving, C 106-108*

  Pencil sharpener
    drawing and making, C 38*

    compound bar, compensation pendulum, B 330*
    mercurial compensation pendulum, B 329*

    yacht pennant, B 107

    annuals, G 316
    arrangement in the garden, G 321
    Chinese, characteristics, G 335, 365
    depth to plant, G 321
    European, characteristics, G 335
    garden, characteristics, G 365
    planting and blooming time, G 179

    indoor planting time, G 233
    planting and transplanting, G 311-312
    planting seed
      depth and distance to plant, G 42
      quantity to plant, G 36
      time to plant, G 234
      age for planting, G 34
      germination per cent., G 233
      germination period, G 32
    stuffing, varieties for, G 312
    varieties, G 312

  Pepper bush, sweet
    characteristics, G 356

    definition of, G 160
    for cut flowers: table, G 333
    fragrant: table, G 333
    low: table, G 334
    medium height: table, G 335
    tall: table, G 334
    value of, G 316

    designing and building, C 425-440*

  Perpetual motion, B 306
    impossibility of, E 234-237

    picking, A 23
    region grown, A 22

  Pests. _See_ Household pests; Insect pests; Mice; Rats

    book about, A 517
    care of, K 170-192
    housing, C 451-456*, K 186
    ornamental land and water fowl, K 180-182
    raising, A 203-240
    story of a boy's animal cage, A 233-235
    taming wild animals, K 186
    trained, market value, A 248
    _See also_ Bantams; Birds; Cats; Cavies; Crows; Dogs; Ducks; Gold
        Fish; Guinea pigs; Mice; Pigeons; Poultry; Rabbits; Raccoon;
        Shetland pony; Squirrels

    characteristics, G 329
    good bloomers, G 323
    sowing and blossoming time, G 161

    book about, A 517
    breeds, A 197
    coops and rearing ground, A 200-201
    eggs, packing, A 199
    feeding young chicks, A 200
    localities in United States for raising, A 198
    migration, K 176
    protection from birds of prey, A 202
    raising, A 196-202
      care of mother, A 199
      in England, A 199
    serving in German fashion, A 197
    varieties, K 181
    _See also_ Guinea fowl

    characteristics, G 330, 331, 332, 365
    late, characteristics, G 335
    sowing and blossoming time, G 161

  Phoebe bird
    insect destroyers, A 457
    migration, K 175

    plant food, G 10, 221, 224

  Photography, K 301-317
    action of chemical waves, E 336
    cameras, kinds and cost, K 303-304
    dark room, K 309
    developers and developing, K 313-315
    exposure, K 312
    fixing bath, K 314, 315
    focusing, K 311-312
    lens, importance of, K 307
    negatives, preserving, K 316
    plates versus films, K 308
    printing papers, K 315
    snap shots, taking, K 305-307
    snap shots versus real photography, K 302
    subjects, choosing, K 310

  Piano, Electric, E 54

  Pickerel weed
    characteristics, G 366

    walnuts, A 37

  Pickling metals
    definition, M 210

  Picks (tools)
    forging stone picks, M 344*

  Picnic tables and benches
    making, B 132-134

  Picture frames and framing
    carbon photographs of a masterpiece, framing D 69-72
    carving designs, C 101, 102, 130-132
    colonial interiors in colors, framing, D 68
    gluing mitred joints, D 144-146*
      kind required, D 147
      mitred, D 143-144*, C 232-234*
    large photographic reproduction, framing, D 148
    palette photograph frame, C 131
    passe partout, D 72-78*
    rabbeting, C 232*
    selecting, D 67
    shrinkage, D 146
    silver work, M 185-186*
    staining, D 69, 71
    stock, securing, D 142-143*
    whittling back for, C 131
    whittling out of solid piece, C 19-22*

  Pictures, D 64-80*
    cleaning, H 135
    decorative value, D 64
    grouping and hanging, D 66-67
    hanging correctly, D 79*
      considering space values, D 64-65
    height to hang, D 80
    hooks and wires, D 78-80
    Japanese way of hanging, D 65-66

    foundation walls, B 19
    filling space between, B 76

  Pies. _See_ Pastry

  Pig. _See_ Swine

  Pig iron, M 230

  Pig pen. _See_ Swine

  Pig weed
    class and seed time, G 278

  Pigeon holes. _See_ Filing cabinet

    breeds, A 208, K 178
      prize winners, K 179
    carrier pigeons, K 180
    characteristics, A 207
    common, care of, K 179
    devotion of male, A 211
    dove cote, A 208-209
      care of, A 215
      for fancy breeding, K 179
      sanitary provisions, A 213
    dragoons, K 178
    fancy pigeons for pets, A 207-217
    feeding, A 214, K 179
    fly made of wire, A 212*
    market value, K 179
    nest building, A 210
    nest dishes, A 210, 211
    nesting compartment, building, A 209-210
    net for capturing, A 209*
    perches, making, A 210
    pests, guarding against, A 209
    pouter, K 178
    roosts, making, A 210*
    rufflenecks (Jacobins), K 178
    tumblers, characteristics, A 208, K 178
    water bath, A 214
    white fan tail, model, K 178
    _See also_ Squabs

  Pile driving machine
    releasing hook, B 326*

    bead work, N 293
    choosing cushion covers, D 97
    cornhusks for filling cushions, A 63
    fraternity pillow, N 376
    lingerie pillow, N 375
    making for doll-bed, N 52
    _See also_ Block printing; Stenciling

  Pillow case
    making for doll-bed, N 53*
    marking, N 157

  Pillow shams
    fastening, H 152

    insect pins, A 380
    metal work tool, M 210

  Pin case
    making, N 56*

  Pin cushion
    embroidered, N 193-196

  Pin tray
    gouge work, C 264*

    cones, gathering and storing, A 49
    Georgia pine, characteristics, C 535
    long leaf, A 55
    pitch pine, characteristics, C 536
    red, characteristics, C 536
      characteristics, C 535
      strength, C 496
    white pine seeds
      gathering and curing, A 48-49
      marketing, A 49
    yellow, characteristics, C 536

  Pine needles. _See_ Balsam

  Pine nuts
    gathering, A 29

    characteristics, G 329
    fringed, characteristics, G 333
    moss pink, characteristics, G 364

  Pioneer life
    "goin' plummin'", A 26-29

  Pipe organ
    operating by electricity, E 44-52

  Pipes. _See_ Plumbing; Soldering; Stove pipe; Waste pipes

    seed making function, G 247

    mechanism of, B 315-316*

  Pitch block
    definition of, M 210

  Pitch fork
    forging, M 239*

  Pitcher plant
    characteristics, G 366

  Plackets. _See_ Dressmaking

  Plaited skirts. _See_ Dressmaking

  Plane. _See_ Inclined plane

  Planes and planing
    adjusting planes, C 177
    block plane, C 176, 178
    cap iron, adjustment and use, C 184*
    jack plane, C 178
    operation of the plane, C 146, 178-179, D 133-134, 136
    sharpening plane irons, C 179-184*
    smooth plane, C 177*
    use of shooting board, C 106*
    wooden and iron, C 176*

    definition of, M 210

  Plant breeding
    budding, G 251-254
    improving seeds, G 246-248
    layering, G 249-251
    methods, G 249
    mongrel varieties from close planting, G 105, 145
    seed selection, G 225-233
    slipping, G 188-190
    topping, G 199, 250-251

  Plant food, G 221-226
    chemicals essential for, G 221
    how plants feed, G 225
    nitrogen, G 10, 221
      for sandy soil, G 224
      source of, G 223
    phosphorus, G 10, 221, 224
    potash, G 10, 221, 224
    source and value of, G 10

  Plant stands
    jardiniere of wood, G 68-71*
    mission style, making, C 372-373
    stool making, G 53-55

    rib-grass, class and seed time, G 278
    seed production, G 274

  Planting tables. _See_ Flower gardening; Seeds; Shrubs; Vegetable

    action of chemical waves, E 336
    books about, A 518
    effect of light, G 242
    essential parts, G 240
    food manufactured and stored by, G 242-245
    herbaceous plants, definition, G 317
    honey or pollen plants, A 322
      food factory, G 242-245
      functions, G 240
    lice, destroying, G 284, 291, 293
    life history, G 239-248
    making wooden labels for, G 58*
    medicinal plants, A 57
    root-system, G 240-241
    stems, passage way, G 241
    studying, A 349-369
    transplanting, G 118, 268-270
      from coldframe, G 101-102
    useful to attract birds and protect trees, A 461
    _See also_ Flower gardening; Flowers; Gardening; Insect pests; Plant
        breeding; Plant food; Salad plants; Seeds; Vegetable gardening;
        Vegetables; also names of plants

  Plants--Collection and preservation, A 349-363
    arranging specimens, A 352-353
    blue printing, A 360-362
    classifying specimens, A 356-359
    drying specimens, A 353
    labeling specimens, A 356, K 156
    marketing collection, A 360
    mounting specimens, A 353-356, K 155
    outfit for, A 352
    preserving in covers, A 356
    reasons for collecting, A 349-350, 360
    representing different stages of growth, A 359-360
    rules of the game, A 362
    seaweed, A 362-374

    importance of, K 4-5

  Playhouse, H 3-40
    in flats and apartments, H 8
    in garret, H 5
    in a tree, H 3
    make believe, H 8, 13

    make believe, H 11-12
    _See also_ Toys

  Pleurisy root, G 348, 365

    carpenter's tool, C 199*
    metal worker's tool, M 6*

  Plug in the ring (Game), K 376

    care of seeds for planting, A 48
    distance to plant trees, G 258
    origin and distribution of wild plums, A 24
    value of trees in chicken yards, K 204

    home-made device, G 114

  Plumbing, H 213-223
    care of, in closed houses, H 348
    importance of, H 219
    leaks, peppermint test, B 254
    location of pipes for housekeeper, H 216
    principle of the U, H 216-218*
    taps, repairing, B 255
    traps, construction and care, H 217-218
    ventilation pipes, H 319
    _See also_ Soldering; Waste pipes

  Pocket book. _See_ Purse

  Point lace. _See_ Lace making

  Poison Ivy
    destroying, A 472-473

  Poisoning. _See_ Lockjaw

    making fire tools, M 371*

    roots and berries, A 58
    shoots as food, A 58

  Polish and polishing
    French polish, C 490
    wax polish, C 490
    _See also_ Brass work; Copper work; Enamel; Floors; Furniture;
        Glass; Metal work

  Pollination of plants, G 247
    corn growing, G 145

    equestrian, K 377
    hand polo, K 356
    water polo, K 392
    wicket polo, K 393

  Pompey's pillar, B 57

  Pond making in a city back yard, G 134-136

    indoor plant, G 196

  Pony as a pet, A 203-205

    Carolina, G 367
    characteristics, C 563
    for landscape gardening, G 353
    quick growers, G 79

    characteristics, G 334

    characteristics, G 328, 331
    depth to plant seeds, G 235
    Iceland, sowing and blossoming time, G 161
    in England, G 271
    Oriental, characteristics, G 335
    planting, G 84, 158
    plume, characteristics, G 334
    self-sowing, G 316
    transplanting, G 156

  Porcupine quills
    how to procure, A 68
    uses, A 69

    cuts and their uses, H 270
    food value, H 253
      combined with vegetables, H 259
    used as chicken, H 358

  Porterhouse steak, H 269

    bead work, N 290-293
    stenciling, N 81
    weaving designs, D 260-261
    _See also_ Block printing

  Portland cement
    origin and uses, B 246-248

    blooming plants, G 323
    characteristics, G 328

    preserving underground, C 402
    _See also_ Foundations

  Pot rest, G 68-71*

  Pot roast, H 268

    plant food, G 10, 221, 224

    boiled or baked, H 280
    food value, H 255
    insect pests, G 287, 292
    planting seed potatoes, G 129
      cutting device, A 437-439*
      depth and distance to plant, G 42
      quantity to plant, G 36
    profit from raising, G 130
    spraying, G 130
    soil for, G 129

  Potato race, K 378

  Pots and pans
    care of, H 198, 201
    materials, H 201
    soldering, M 43-45

  Potted plants. _See_ Flower gardening

  Pottery, D 280-320*
    bat and how made, D 286
    "bisque," meaning, D 301
      decorating, D 294-299*
      designing and modeling, D 287-294*
    candlestick, designing, D 313-315*
    clay, selecting, D 284
    coiling method, D 283, 291*
    concrete pottery, D 207-209*
      applying the design, D 297-298
      classes, D 295-297*
      color combinations, D 303-304
      methods, D 294
      modeling a decoration, D 298
      under-glazing, D 298-299
    designing, D 288-290*
      avoiding natural forms, D 290
      testing profiles, D 290*
    development of, D 280-281
    fern dish, D 310-313*
    firing, D 299-301
      glazed pottery, D 306
    glazes, matt and bright glaze mixes, D 303
    glazing, D 301-307*
      grinding the glaze, D 302
    "grog" making, D 316
    handles, making, D 309*
    kiln, portable, D 300*
    materials and tools, D 284-287*
      template, D 292*
    modeling process, D 290-292*
    potter's wheel versus hand method, D 282-283
    scientific principle of, D 281
    scraping, D 293*
    "slip," meaning, D 294
    testing work, D 292*
    tiles for tea plate and fireplace, D 315-320*
    tools, D 285-287
    vases, designing and decorating, D 307-310*

  Poultry, A 132-178, K 193-207
    accounts, how to keep, A 153, 157, 168, 172
    acquiring information, A 187
    amateur's experience with, A 166-168
    American breeds, K 195
    Asiatic breed, K 195
    Bantams, breeding and care, A 217-218
    books about, A 517
    Brahmas, K 195
    breeding pure stock, A 156
      purpose of, K 177
    breeds, characteristics, A 220-222, K 194-195
    broilers, raising, K 195
      fattening for market, A 152-153
    brooders, making, A 175, K 199
    broody hens, curing, A 144
    business methods in poultry raising, A 153-159
    care and housing, A 133-143, K 193-207
    city experiment with, A 159
    cleanliness, A 142-143, 146
    clipping wings, K 207
    Cochins, K 195
      broiling, H 275-276
      preparation for, H 285-288
    coops, model, A 147-151*
    crested variety, care of, A 222
    drawing poultry, H 287
    dust bath for, A 141*, K 206
      best layers, K 195
      cost of, for settings, K 196
      effect of feeding on layers, A 171
      keeping a record for idlers, A 157*
      of fancy fowls, A 221
      quality affected by feed, A 146
      selections for settings, A 148
      testing layers, A 154-155*
      winter laying, K 205-206
    exercise, provisions for, A 138, 146
    expenses of one experiment, A 176
    experiments, A 159-177
    fancy breeds and their care, A 219-222, K 194-195
    fattening broilers for market, A 152, 153
    feathers, marketing, A 159
    food value: table, H 253
    fruit trees in the chicken yard, K 204
    Hamburgs, characteristics, A 220
      average number from a setting, K 196
      time required for eggs to hatch, A 148, K 198, 201
    hen gate, A 158*
    Houdans, characteristics, A 220
    incubators, A 175
      average time for eggs to hatch, K 198, 199
      operating, K 197-199
    killing, H 286
    Lakenvelders, characteristics, A 220
    Langshans, K 195
    Laying hens. _See_ Poultry, eggs
    Leghorns, K 195
      eggs, A 221
      in a prize contest, A 160-163
      on small chicks, A 148, K 201
      preventing, A 143
    marketing, A 156-159
    Mediterranean breeds, K 195
    molting season, A 145
    nests for sitting hens, A 147
    non-sitters, K 195
    ornamental land and water fowl as pets, K 180-182
      cost of, K 181
    Orpingtons, record price, K 194
    plucking, H 286
    Plymouth rocks, K 195
    Polish varieties, A 220
    prize contests, stories of, A 160-164
    prize-winning Orpingtons, K 194
    profit in, K 193
    ranging versus housing, A 134
    runs, cornfields for, A 176
    selection of, for cooking, H 271
    shows, purpose of, K 177
    sitting hens
      coops for, A 147-148*, 150
      feeding, A 144
      nests for, A 147
      raising, K 200-201
    starting a business with eggs versus chickens, K 195-196
    stories of success in raising, A 159-177
    thoroughbreds versus mongrels, K 194
    training for poultry raising, A 173
    trap nests for testing layers, A 154-155*
    white Wyandotte, A 168-172, K 195
    wild fowl, clipping wings, K 81
    winter care, K 205-206
    young chicks, care of, K 202-203, A 147-153
    Yokahamas, A 220
    _See also_ Ducks; Game and game birds; Geese; Guinea fowl; Peacock;
        Poultry feeding; Poultry houses; Turkey

  Poultry feeding
    effect on quality of eggs, A 146
    feeding six thousand hens in one half hour, A 164-166
    growing feed, A 153
    making hens lay, A 171
    molting season, A 145
    rack for feed pans, to prevent waste, A 145*
    regularity essential, A 146
    self-feed grain box, A 139*
    self-feed grit box, A 136*
    sitting hens, A 144
    trough for feed, making, C 450*
    winter feeding, K 206
    young chicks, A 150-153, K 199

  Poultry houses
    building a poultry house, A 132-143*, C 441-450*, K 204*
    cleaning provisions, A 140, K 204
    construction principles, A 135, C 441-442
    coops, A 147-150*
    corners, finishing, C 446*
    curtained shed, A 138
    doors and windows, A 137*, C 448
    dropping board, A 140, C 449
    dust bath, A 141*, K 206
    floors, cement, A 137
    foundation, C 443-444
    frame for window screen, C 449
    framework of the house, C 444-445*
      for an eleven dollar house, A 133*
    furnishings, A 139-142*, K 204*
    heat, planning for, A 135
    location, A 135, K 207
    materials, A 136-137
    nests, location, A 140-141, K 204
    roofing paper, C 449
    roosts, making, A 139, C 450, K 204
    runs, A 141, 142, C 450, K 204
    sanitary principles, A 142-143, 146
    scratching shed, A 138, K 204, 205
    siding for frame, C 445
    sleeping room, K 204
    working drawings, C 443, 447

  Powell. _See_ Baden-Powell, Sir Robert

    dynamometer for measuring, B 324*
    foot pound, B 123
    problems in estimating, B 82
    steam versus electricity, E 3-5
    units of power, B 122-125
    _See also_ Electric power; Gasolene motors; Mechanics; Steam; Water

  Precious stones
    bezel setting, M 152-157*, 163*, 176
    cutting metal away for setting, M 157-159*
    prong setting, M 159-161*
    selecting for rings, M 152

    storing in cellar, H 211
    _See also_ Canning; Jam; Jelly

  Press copying methods, B 418

  Pressing skirts, N 73

  Prime roasts, H 269

    block printing, D 98-106

  Prisoner's base, K 378

  Propeller. _See_ Aeroplanes; Screw propeller

    effect of boiling, H 277
    effect of cold water, H 278
    food composition, H 248
    foods containing, H 250
    proportion in diet, H 249, 252

    Indian proverb about home making, H 44

    hazel bushes, A 35
    methods, A 439-443*

  Puff balls, A 83-84, 87-89

    chain, B 322*
    dynamometer, B 324*
    endless chain, B 310
    expanding, B 321*
    mechanical principle of, B 49-52*
    movable, theory of, B 50-51*
    multiple, B 51-52*
    rule for power, B 63, 310
    snatch block, B 50*
    Spanish bartons, B 310*
    triangular eccentric, B 311*
    use of, B 43*
    White's pulley, B 310*

    planting, G 312
      depth and distance to plant, G 42
      quantity of seed to plant, G 36
      time to plant, G 234
      with corn, G 117
      age for planting, G 34
      germination per cent., G 233
    striped beetle pests, G 117

    action of, B 235-236
    Archimedes screw, B 143-145*, 344
    double acting, B 346*
    force pumps, B 236, 345
    lift pumps, B 236, 345*
    plunger pump for vacuum cleaner, B 379-381*
    theory of, B 234-235
    _See also_ Windmills

  Punch (Tool)
    centre punch, making, M 297*
    metal work tool, M 7*

  Pupa. _See_ Insects

  Puppy. _See_ Dogs

  Purdy, Carl
    collecting and growing California bulbs, A 94-99

  Purling, N 353*

    bead work, N 285-290*
    tooled leather, making, D 340-342*
    _See also_ Card case

  Purslane (Pursley)
    class and seed time, G 278

  Push ball, K 379

  Push button. _See_ Electric push button

  Pyramids of Egypt
    how they were built, B 54-56

    outfit, C 330-331
    woods suitable for, C 240, 330

  Pyrometric cones, D 300*


  Quail. _See_ Bob white

  Quaker ladies, G 341

  Quarter sawed oak, C 551, D 131-132*

  Queen Anne's lace, G 349

  Quills, porcupine, A 68

  Quoits, K 379


  Rabbeted joints, C 255*

    bait, A 508
    breeds, common and fancy, K 182, A 498
    care of, K 185
    characteristics, A 497
    enemies, A 498
    fur, value, A 501
    house, construction, C 451-454*, K 182-183*
    hunting, A 500
    raising for pets, A 206
    snares, making, A 500
    story of a boy's animal cage, A 234

    bait for, A 509
    habits, A 268
    skin, value, A 509
    story of a boy's animal cage, A 234
    taming, A 268-269

    feather race, K 347
    marathon race, K 371
    potato race, K 378
    sack race, K 384
    three legged race, K 390
    tub race, K 390
    water race, K 393

  Racquets or Rackets (Game), K 380

    steam as distributors of heat, E 314

    icicle, G 95
    indoor planting time, G 233
    insect pests, G 291
    planting seed
      depth to plant, G 42, 236
      distance to plant, G 42
      quantity to plant, G 36
      time to plant, G 234
    quick development, G 313
      age for planting, G 34
      germination per cent., G 233
      germination period, G 32

  Raffia work, N 250-277*
    basket making, N 243, 250-252
      covers, N 252
      handles, N 255-256
      melon-shaped basket, N 257-259*
    belts, N 273-274
    braiding raffia, N 262-263*, 268
    doll's hammock, N 271
    doll's hat, N 253-255*
    fringe, N 274
      braiding, N 263-264*
      trimming, N 264, 268, 270
      weaving on wire frames, N 264-268
    jewel case, N 260-261*
    knotting raffia, N 271-275*
    materials for, N 250
    napkin ring, N 252, 253*
    preparing the raffia, N 262, 268
    shopping bag, knotted raffia, N 272-273*
    skip stitch, N 257
    Solomon's knot, N 265
    split stitch, N 257
    three strand braid, N 268-270
    whisk broom, N 275*
    winding stitch, N 257

  Rafters. _See_ Roofs

  Ragout, H 269

    class and seed time, G 278

    causes of, B 355-356
    drops, formation, B 357-360
      shape, B 360
      effect on forestation, B 361
      measuring, B 349-353*
      recording, B 362-363
    gauge, making, B 350-353*
    importance of, B 354
    period of rainfall, B 360
    table for measures, B 353
    weather symbol, B 362

    food value, H 255

  Raking, G 265

    draughts and dampers, H 227-230
    _See also_ Gas range

    food value, H 255
    picking wild raspberries, A 9

  Ratchet wheel
    mechanism, B 322-324*

    book about, A 519
    electrocution device, E 271-273*
    trapping, A 496

  Rattan work
    baskets, N 243-248*
    mats, N 247*, 249
    whisk broom holder, N 249

  Reamur thermometer scale, B 262

    barberry jelly, A 17
    canning elderberries, A 16
    elderberry steamed pudding, A 16
    green grape jelly, A 15
    pickled walnuts, A 37
    thimbleberry jam, A 11
    wild crabapple butter, A 22
    _See also_ Camping--Cooking; Cookery; Insecticides; Paste

  Red line, or Red lion (Game), K 381

  Red spider, G 293

  Reed basket
    weaving, G 61-64*

    making a garden reel, G 51*

    cleaning, H 109, 241
    drainage, regulating, H 240
    economy in ice supply, H 242
    how to avoid odors, H 241
    location, H 240
    purifying, H 242

  Remington typewriter, B 403-409*

  Renaissance lace. _See_ Lace

    what proportion of income to use for, H 74, 77, 78

  Repairing. _See_ Furniture; Soldering

    definition of, M 210

  Retaining walls
    batter, making, B 244-245
    "closers", B 244
    designing, B 240-241*
    foundation, B 238*, 245
    Galveston sea wall, B 247
    "header", B 244
    pointing, B 246
    "stretcher", B 244

  Rheostat. _See_ Electric rheostat

    food value, H 255

  Ribbon embroidery. _See_ Embroidery

    camp cooking, K 90
    food value, H 254
    washing, H 295
    wild rice
      characteristics, A 78-79
      harvesting, A 79
      uses of, A 78, 79

  Richards, Ellen H.
    "Cost of living" quoted, H 74

    aiming, K 122
    care and cleaning, K 123
    learning to use, K 120-123

    iron, welding, M 248-250*, 254*
    silver work, M 152-162*
    steel, making, M 265*
    _See also_ Precious stones

    protecting river banks, B 237
    tides, B 227, 229
    _See also_ Retaining walls

    handles, M 88
    iron tongs, M 288*
    making rivets, M 77
    metal, M 73-77*
    metal worker's tool, M 10*
    rivet set, M 73
    silver letters on copper, M 188-190*
    stove pipe, M 74

    material for road-bed, G 85-86
    repairing dirt roads, G 84-86

  Roast pig, story, H 18

    meats, H 282
    open fire for, H 282
    thickness of food, H 276

    Irish stew and the robbers: story, H 15

    insect destroyers, A 457
    migration, K 175

    how soil was formed from, G 213
    _See also_ Boulders

  Rock garden
    flowers to plant in, G 325
    location, G 324
    plants, G 340
    soil requirements, G 325

  Roentgen rays
    ether waves, E 316

  Roley boley (Game), K 381

    ball-bearing principle, B 28
    making wooden rollers, C 268*
    moving rocks on rollers, B 18

  Roman cut work, N 138-142*

    construction for summer house, C 418-422*
    construction of frame, C 465-469*
    cornices, C 421
    hip roof, construction, C 466*
    painting, B 42, C 422
      fitting, C 467*
      making curved rafters, C 418
    roofing paper, C 419
    saddle boards, C 421
    shingling, B 40-42, C 419-422*
      estimating shingles, B 40
      nails required, B 42
    square of shingling or clap boarding, meaning, B 41

  Rooms. _See_ Bedroom; Dining-room; Furniture; Girl's room; Guests;
        House decoration; Kitchen; Living-room; Pantry; Servants

    carrying power of hemp, B 47
    preservative for hemp, B 48
    strength of wire rope, B 48

  Roque, K 382

    Christmas, characteristics, G 333
    insect pests and remedies, G 284, 293
    Irish crochet, N 339-340, 344
    moss, characteristics, G 332

  Rose chafer, G 293

  Rose jar
    copper work, M 56-60*

  Rose slug, G 284

  Rotascope. _See_ Gyroscope

  Rotation of crops, G 149

  Round steak, H 268

  Round Table, Knights of
    how Gareth became a knight, H 20

    intercollegiate record, K 383

  Rubbed joints, C 251*

  Rubber plant
    topping, G 199, 250

    disposal of, G 263

  Rubicon (Game), K 383

  Rugby football, K 348

    bathroom, H 156
    beating-rack, A 444-446*
    braiding, N 295-296*
    carpets versus rugs, A 443-444
    cleaning, A 443-448, H 128
    dry cleaning, H 332
    kitchen, H 193
    Oriental, washing, A 447
    storing, H 348
    washing, A 446-447
    weaving, D 252-260*, N 297-305*
      color combinations, D 255
      designs, D 252-253, 256-258*, N 302
      materials, D 253, 258, N 301
      preparing the woof, D 253-254
      process, D 259-260, N 300-301
      setting the loom, N 297-300
      woof shuttle, D 254*

    carpenter's rule, C 205
    parallel, mechanism of, B 331*

  Run, sheep, run (Game), K 360

    hare and hound chases, A 17

  Russia calf for tooled leather, N 92

  Rustic furniture
    collecting wood for, A 410
    suggestions for making, D 209-211*

    food value, H 254


  Sable, Alaskan, A 484

    herbs and grasses for, A 65

  Sack racing, K 384

  Sad iron. _See_ Electric iron

    English, Mexican and army, K 225-226*

  Safety valves for steam engines, B 116

    growing, G 327

  Saint Francis of Assisi, H 25

  Salad plant
    endive, G 305
    lettuce, G 306

    taming, A 266

  Salary. _See_ Income

    bait for, K 136*
    food value, H 253

    removing stains with, H 358

  Salt cellar
    silver work, M 183-184*

  Salt pork
    cuts, H 270

    bedding plants, G 324

  San Jose scale, K 167

  Sand bag
    definition of, M 210

  Sand papering. _See_ Whittling

  Sandy soil. _See_ Soils

  Sanitation. _See_ Garbage; Plumbing; Refrigerator; Sewerage

  Santos Dumont's monoplane, B 167*, 175-177

  Sap. _See_ Maple sugar

    food value, H 253

  Sashes. _See_ Doors; Windows

  Satin stitch, N 147-149*
    combinations, N 148-154*
    design, N 158*

    wild crabapple, A 22

    buckwheat cakes combination, H 258
    food value: table, H 253

  Sauteing, H 281

    methods, H 83-85
    necessity and value, H 82

  Savoury herb, G 328

  Saw horse
    making, C 143-149*

  Saw mills, C 522

    band saw, C 522
    brazing steel band saws, M 313
    buck saw, C 172*
    compass saw, C 172*
    construction principles, C 171-172*
    coping saw, C 20*
    cross cut saws, principle and use, C 170*
    danger of the power saw, D 187
    gang saw, C 522
    hack saw, C 175*
    metal worker's tools, M 9*
    rating by points, C 173
    rip saw, principle and use, C 169*
    sawing copper work, M 35-36*
    turning saw, C 173*
    using, position for, C 174*

    habits and characteristics, G 340, 364

    sowing and blossoming time, G 161

    mechanical principle, B 24-25*

  Scalloping, N 132-133*, 135

    cooking, H 292

    crocheted, N 318*

  Scarf pin
    silver work, M 162-165*

  Scarfing, M 254-257, 258
    wrench, M 275*

  Scarlet runner beans, G 297

  Scarlet sage, G 324

  Scarlet tanagers
    insect destroyer, A 457

  School grounds
    improving, G 72-87

    value of study, E 338-340

  Science club, E 339

  Scilla, bell flowered
    planting and blooming time, G 177, 178

    protecting points of, N 48
    shears for metal work, M 5*

    copper work, M 52-56*

  Scorched stains
    removing, H 335

  Scotland's burning, K 384

    remedy, A 120

  Scouts. _See_ Boy Scouts of America

    definition of, M 210

  Screen. _See_ Fire screen

    Archimedian, B 143-145*, 344*
    case hardening screws, M 309-310
    concealing in woodwork, method of, C 343*
    countersunk, meaning, C 190
    driving, B 157
    endless, B 142
    finish, C 191
    flat and round head, C 190-191*
    friction, provision for, B 142
    mechanical principle, B 139-147*
    number designation, C 191
    nut, principle of, B 140
    power principle, B 140-147
    principle applied to tools, B 156
    removing, device for, B 157
    rule for power, B 64
    use of, C 190-192*
    wooden screw, strength of, B 156
    worm gear, B 141*
    worm and wheel, B 145-147*

  Screw drivers, C 195, 199-203*

  Screw propeller
    aeroplane, B 169-170, C 70-72*
      area versus power, B 149-150
      finding area, B 154
      principle, B 147
    features of, B 148
    pitch, calculating, B 155*
      calculating, B 150-155*
      principle of, B 149-150
    speed, reckoning, B 148

  Sea walls. _See_ Retaining walls

    electric, A 491
    French, A 501
    Hudson, A 491

  Seams. _See_ Dressmaking

  Search light, Electric, E 153*

    broiled meats and vegetables, H 276, 279

  Seats. _See_ Benches; Chairs; Settees

    care of specimens before mounting, A 364
    collector's outfit, A 363
    mounting specimen, A 364-368*
    time and places for collecting, A 363
    varieties, A 369

  Seeds, G 227-238
    age for planting purposes, G 34
    cotyledon, G 230
    depth to plant: table, G 35, 235
    distribution of wild seeds, G 273
    envelopes, making, G 56-58*
      aiding, G 236
      experiments, G 31
      per cent., G 232-233
      table, G 32
    method of improving, G 246-248
      compacting soil, G 237-238
      how to plant, G 99, 268
      quantity to plant: table, G 36
      time, indoor and outdoor, G 233-235
    saving for sale or planting, G 371
      germ developing power, G 231
      impure seed, G 231
      seed plants, G 227-228
      size, G 228-233
    selling, how to put up seed, G 371-372
    soaking, G 138
    testing for germinating value, G 33, 143
    _See also_ Grass seed; Trees; Vegetables; also names of plants,
        e. g., Beans; Nasturtiums; Pansy; Peppers, etc.

    mechanical principle of, B 26

  Selvage, N 15

    blooming plants, G 365

  Servants, H 370-381
    cook, duties, H 109, 112
    days out, adjustment of work, H 111
      four or five maids, H 105
      one maid, H 104, 107
      three maids, H 105, 108
      two maids, H 104, 108, 112
    hours, H 379
    mistress and maid
      business relations, H 376-377
      personal relations, H 371-375
    personal liberty, lack of, H 372
    proportion of income required for, H 76
    room, H 378
    servant question, H 370-381
      meals, when served, H 105
      dress, H 173
      duties, H 169-172

  Serving table. _See_ Buffet; Setting the table

  Serving the meal. _See_ Meals--Serving

  Serving tray
    copper work, M 75-77*

  Seton, Ernest Thompson
    Boy Scouts organizer, K 49

    box furniture, making, C 477*
    garden settle, making, D 200*
    hall settle, D 49*
    outdoor settee, making, C 410-411*

  Setting the table
    dining table decorations, H 164
    glasses, H 165
    methods, H 167
    serving table, use of, H 166
    sideboard arrangements, H 166
    silver, H 165
    table linen, H 162-164

  Settle. _See_ Settee

  Sewer pipes. _See_ Plumbing

  Sewerage system,
    importance of, H 214

    apron making, N 26-30*
    back stitching, N 12*
      half back stitch, N 13*
    bands for
      aprons, N 30*
      skirts, N 39*, 44
    basting stitches, N 7*
    binding, N 51*
    blanket making, N 54*
    buttonhole stitch, N 58*
    buttons, N 4-6
    care of hands, N 19
    counterpane for doll's bed, N 55*
    crow's foot stitch, N 55*
    darning, N 9-11*
    felling seams, N 68
    French hem, N 21
    gathering, N 26-30*
      stroking, N 27*
    gussets, N 35-40*
    helping mother, N 3
      French hem, N 21
      gauge, notched card, N 17*
      rolling the edge, N 21*
      skirt, N 36, 43
      straightening the edge, N 17
      turning corners, N 20*
      turning the hem, N 17
    hooks and eyes, N 24-25*
    knotting the thread, N 5
      substitute for, N 14, 16
    mattresses, N 53*
    needle case, N 46-47
    needles, emery for, N 19
    over-casting, N 15*
    over-handing, N 15-17*
    patching, N 33-35
    pillow cases, N 53*
    plackets, N 35-40*, 43
    plain sewing, N 3-11
    position of sewer, N 19-20
    rolling the edge, N 21*
    running and back stitch combination, N 14*
    running stitches, N 7*
    scissors, how to hold, N 12*
      felling, N 68
      stitches for, N 12-17*
    sewing apron, N 31-33*
    sewing case, N 45-49*
    stitches, N 12-25*
    tape loops on towels and dresses, N 23*
    thimble, how to use, N 4*
    thread, length of, N 5
    tucking, N 36
    turning corners, N 20
    whip stitch, N 21*
    work box, fittings, N 3
    _See also_ Basket making, Bead work; Braiding; Dressmaking;

  Sewing machines
    boat-shaped shuttle type
      carriers and drivers, adjustment, B 303-304*
      looping the thread, B 302
      setting needles, B 305*
    cleaning, B 281
    oiling, B 281*
    puckering, to prevent, B 283-285
    rotary hook type
      bobbin case, B 293-295*
        holder, adjusting, B 301*
      compared with boat-shaped shuttles, B 299-300
      construction, B 285-293*
      feed, regulating, B 298
      feed motion, B 337*
      hook guide and hook driver, B 289-292*
      hook ring, B 293
      needle bars, setting, B 287-288
        changing, B 292
        setting, B 303-305*
      presser foot, B 297-299*
      repairing shuttles, B 300
      stitch regulator, B 286*, 293
      take up spring, replacing, B 295-297*
      tension, B 288-289
      thread controllers, B 301-303*
      threading, B 286*, 298, 302
      Wheeler and Wilson, B 299-300
    shuttle action of different types, B 283-284*
    tension, adjusting, B 283-285
    threads to use, B 282
    types, B 280
    vibrating shuttle, B 281-285*
      presser foot, adjustment, B 285
    Wheeler and Wilson, B 299-300, 337

    forging, M 349-352*

    food value, H 253

    cleaning window shades, H 131
    _See also_ Candle shade; Lamp shade

  Shadow embroidery
    stitches and materials, N 126-127*

  Shagbarks, A 39

  Shamrock pattern for Irish crochet, N 341

    catching, K 126

  Sharpening tools. _See_ Tools

    crocheting rainbow shawl, N 316-317*
    knitting, N 356-359*

    protecting points of scissors, N 48
    tools for metal work, M 5*

    feeding, A 104-105
      book about, A 517
    lambs, care of, A 105
    raising, A 103-107
    shearing, A 106

  Sheepskin for leather work, N 83

    making for doll-bed, N 54*
    marking, N 157
    _See also_ Beds; Ironing

  Shell fish
    broiling oysters, H 275
    food value, H 253
    preparing for cooking, H 289-293

    method of using, C 486, D 216-217
    source and qualities, C 486

    book about, A 518
    collecting, A 369-374
      outfit, A 372
      preserving and labeling specimens, A 374

  Shelters. _See_ Summer house

  Shelving. _See_ Book case

  Shetland pony
    breeding for profit, A 205
    characteristics, A 203-205

  Shingling. _See_ Roof

  Shinney, K 367

  Shirley poppies, G 322

  Shoe buttons
    how to sew on, N 6

  Shoepac, K 209

    base ball, K 264
    foot ball, K 280*
    for winter sports, K 208-209

    hints on how to shoot, K 115-118
    rifle shooting, K 120-123
    "wiping his eye", K 117

  Shooting board
    how to make, C 189*
    how to use, C 106*

  Shop. _See_ Carpentry and Woodwork; Work shop

  Shot guns
    aiming, K 113, 117
    barrel lengths, K 120
    care and cleaning, K 123
    choke-bore gun, K 119
    double barrels, K 111*
    "drop" of a gun, K 113
    for small game, K 112
    learning to shoot, K 114-118
    pattern, testing, K 118-119
    selecting, K 112-113
    styles for various purposes, K 119
    unloading, K 115
    _See also_ Rifles

    blacksmith's shovel, M 226, 229*
    fire tools, making, M 372-373*
    home-made snow shovel, A 432

    characteristics: table, G 355-356
    hazel bush, A 34
    planting and transplanting, G 134
    selection principles, G 37, 354, 355, 357

    arranging for service, H 166
    design, D 55*

  Siding. _See_ House framing

    making a garden sieve, G 59-61

  Signals and signaling
    marine flag code, B 107-109
    weather signals, B 361-362

  Silkworm culture, A 337-348
    apparatus for rearing, A 339*
    book about, A 518
      preparing for market, A 347
      spinning, A 345-347*
      weight of, A 347
      hatching, A 340-341
      laying, A 338-339
    first age, A 343
    food and feeding, A 337, 339-346
      racks for, A 342*
      how it comes out of the cocoon, A 347
      life of, A 338
    molting periods, A 343-345
    stages of growth, A 337
    varieties of silk spinners, A 338

    cleaning and care, H 111, 185
    setting the table, H 165
    washing, H 183
    _See also_ Silver work

  Silver fox
    book about, A 517

  Silver maple. _See_ Maple

  Silver work
    bar pins, M 171-174*
    bezel setting, M 152-157*, 163*, 176
    bracelets, M 174-177*
      Indian design, M 176-177*
    brooches, M 171-174*
    characteristics of silver for working, M 151
    collar slide, M 170-171*
    comb, M 194-196*
    cuff links, M 192-194*
    enameling on, D 355
      selecting, M 152
      setting, M 152-161*, 163*, 165, 176
    hinges. _See_ Metal work--hinges
    lettering silver on copper, M 187-190*
    links, making, M 167-169*
    mustard spoon, M 182*
    napkin ring, M 191-192*
    necklaces, M 166-170*
    oxidizing silver, M 204
    pendants, M 169
    picture frame, M 181, 185-186*
    pin, M 163-164*
      bezel setting, M 152-157*
      deep set stone, M 157-159*
      prong setting, M 159-161*
      twisted silver wire, M 161-162*
    riveting letters, M 188-190*
    salt cellar, M 183-184*
    salt spoon, M 183*
    scarf pin, M 162-165*
      setting the stone, M 165
    spoons, M 178-184*
    sugar tongs
      bowl design, M 182*
      claw design, M 180-182*
      chisel, making, M 157*
      mandrel, M 154*
    watch fob, M 187-190*
    _See also_ Copper work; Metal work

    definition, H 277

    location and care of kitchen sinks, H 193

  Sirloin steak, H 269

  Skate sailing, K 215-216*

  Skating, K 210-216
    club skate model, K 210*
    damming a brook or pond, A 280
    fancy figures, K 210
    hockey skates and playing, K 212-215*
    racing skates and skating, K 211
    sprinting stroke, K 212
    tennis court for skating pond, A 279-280

  Skee. _See_ Skiing

  Skiing, K 219-222*, 385
    jumping, K 222
    ski pole, K 222*
    skis, K 218-220*

  Skins and hides
    curing, A 511
    removing, A 510
    tanning, A 511-512
      solution, A 507

  Skirts. _See_ Dressmaking

    lawn skittles, K 368-370

    nests and habits, A 485
    pelts, value, A 484, 487
    tame, A 270
    trapping, A 484-486

    bobsled, K 223*
    toy, working drawing, C 40, 42*

    blacksmith's tool, M 226

  Sleep and sleeping
    advantages of outdoor sleeping, A 6-9
    preparation for outdoor sleeping, A 9, 52*

  Sleeves. _See_ Dressmaking

    crocheting, N 324-329*

  Slippery elm, C 559

    exterminating, G 118
    garden pests, G 285
    rose slugs, G 284, 293

  Small fruits. _See_ Berries

    class and seed time, G 278

  Smilax, Southern, A 55

  Smith Premier typewriter, B 409-411*

    honeycomb pattern, N 112-114
    stitch, N 114*

    dangers of, K 13-14

  Smoking set
    copper work, M 79-86*

    taming, A 266
    venomous, K 149

  Snake's head, G 349, 365

  Snapdragon, G 277

  Snares. _See_ Traps

  Snarling iron
    definition of, M 210

    crystals, forms and colors, B 366-368*
    formation, B 366
    line, B 368, 369
    measuring snowfall, B 367
    perpetual snow, B 368
    shoveling, A 431-432
    uses of, B 367
    weight, B 367

  Snow shoeing
    skis and skiing, K 217-222*
    snow shoes, K 216-217*

    Japanese, G 37

    planting and blooming time, G 177

  Soap for laundry, H 319

  Soccer. _See_ Foot ball

  Socket wrench. _See_ Wrench

    making an open wire rope socket, M 281-283*

    combined with cream of tartar, H 301
    some uses of, H 356
    sour milk and, H 357

  Sofa cushion. _See_ Pillow

  Softening metal. _See_ Annealing

    acid, improving, G 30, 115, 222
    adapting crops, G 17-23
      absorption of water, G 218
      characteristics, G 8
      formation, G 214-215
      improving, G 9, 104, 218-219, 224
      lime for acid soil, G 30
    elements, G 8
    formation of, G 213
    humus, G 8
    improving poor soil, G 9, 103-105, 218-219, 224
    impure air in, H 208
    inoculation, purpose and method, G 119, 122
      absorption of water, G 218
      formation, G 215-216
      humus for, G 225
      improving, G 218
      testing for, G 216
    loam, meaning of, G 220
    preparing for grass seed, G 74-76
    physical and chemical needs, G 9
      absorption of water and heat, G 217
      characteristics, G 8
      formation of, G 214
      improving, G 9, 218
      nitrogen needed, G 224
    subsoil, G 220
    testing, G 28-31
    top-soil, G 220
    _See also_ Drainage; Flower gardening; Plant food; also names of

    brass vase, M 144
    copper handles, M 78-79
    electric iron for, E 116*
    hard soldering, materials and directions, M 41-42
    heat and tools for, M 11-12*
    iron, making, M 45-46*
    metals, M 41-46*
    outfit, B 252, M 11-12*
    preparations, B 252
    process, B 253
    soft soldering
      materials and tools, M 43
      process, M 40, 43-45
    tinker's dam, B 253
    unsoldering, M 205

  Solomon's seal, false
    habits and characteristics, G 345

  Song birds. _See_ Birds

    class and seed time, G 278

    production of, E 281
    variation with speed, E 292
    velocity, B 249-251, E 311
      in dry air, water and metals, B 250
      independent of pitch, E 316
    vibrations of metal disks, E 294-295
    waves, E 310
      length, B 251, E 315

    beef stock, what to buy, H 268
    boiling meat for stock, H 278
    to keep from curdling, H 356

  Soutache braid
    for braiding, N 107

    how to spade, G 88, 265

  Spanish fly (Game), K 385

    bird enemy, K 174
    book about, A 519
    migration of song sparrow, K 175

  Specific gravity
    meaning and application, B 279-280

  Speed indicator
    mechanism and use, E 231*

  Spice bush
    characteristics, G 355

    food for young wasps, A 391
    nature study, K 145

  Spiked loosestrife
    characteristics, G 365

    cleaning, H 294
    food value, H 255
    germination per cent. of seed, G 233
    time to plant, G 234

    copper work, M 124-126*

  Spinning. _See_ Silkworm

    characteristics, G 356
    hedge shrub, G 357
    Van Houtte's, a good variety, G 37, 38

  Spirit level, C 205*

  Splice or scarf joints, C 257*

    mustard spoon, silver work, M 182*
    nut set spoon, copper work, M 39-40*
    salt spoon, silver work, M 183
    tea spoon, silver work, M 178-180*

    girls' outdoor sports, K 318-325
    winter sports, K 208-224*
    _See also_ Archery; Base ball; Camping; Canoeing; Coasting; Cricket;
        Curling; Fishing; Foot ball; Games; Golf; Horsemanship;
        Hunting; Racing; Rowing; Shooting; Skate sailing; Skating;
        Skiing; Swimming; Track athletics; Trapping; Walking

  Spots. _See_ Cleaning

  Spring beauty
    habits and characteristics, G 340
    transplanting, G 340

  Springs (Machinery)
    air spring, B 331*
    bearing springs, B 265-266
    car springs, B 265*
    cross bow, making, B 266*
    draw spring, B 265*
    tempering steel, M 295
    uses, B 264

  Springs (Water)
    preparing for trout culture, A 273-274
    reclaiming springs, A 274-277
    story of how one spring was reclaimed, A 280-282

  Sprocket wheel, B 327*

  Spruce gum
    gathering, A 80-83
    making, A 82
    marketing, A 82
    uses, A 81
    white spruce, A 81

  Spruce tree
    seed year, A 47
    variety and characteristics, C 537-538

    book about, A 517
    care of, A 216
    homers as breeders, A 194-195
    killing and dressing, A 196
    marketing and profit, A 195
    raising, A 193-197
    record keeping, A 216
    where to get information about, A 194
    _See also_ Pigeons

  Square, steel
    carpenter's tool, C 205*
    metal worker's tool, M 5*

    food value, H 255
    insect pests, G 287, 291, 292
    planting seed, G 312
      depth to plant, G 236
      time to plant, G 234
      age for planting, G 34
      germination per cent., G 233

  Squash (Game), K 386

    as pets, K 184
    bad habits of the red squirrel, A 267
    bait for, A 508
    flying squirrels as pets, K 185
    taming, A 266-267

  Stabbler, Sydney S.
    My experience with honey bees, A 328-331

  Stains and staining
    alcohol stains, value of, D 227
    applying stains, D 228-229
    asphaltum, D 229
    black walnut imitation, D 230
    brown stain, C 223
      composition and use, C 483
      preparing, C 488
    Flemish oak, D 231
    forest green oak, D 232
    fumed oak and chestnut, process, D 233-234
    golden oak finish, D 229
    gray oak, D 232
    mahogany imitation, D 230, 231, C 489
    mission oak, D 231
    natural colors versus imitation, C 482
    object of staining, D 226
    oil stain
      composition and use, C 483
      merits of, C 487, D 227
    perfect stain, D 227
    preparation of surface, C 483
    water stain
      advantages of, C 487, D 227
      composition and use, C 483
    weathered oak, D 233

  Stake pin
    making, M 233-235*

  Stand pipe
    principle of, H 215

    designing and making, M 235-236*

  Star of Bethlehem
    planting and blooming time, G 177

    boiled starch, making, H 320
    cold starch, making, H 319
    protecting, H 319
    starching clothes, H 323
    sticking to irons, to prevent, H 335

    effect of aerial tides, E 229
    telling points of the compass by, K 109
    time required for light to travel from, E 312

  Starting box (Electric), E 48
    operation of, E 81-83*

    condensation, B 125
    dry steam, B 125
    expansion principle, B 127
    generation of, B 115-116
    heat units, B 126-127
    wet steam, B 126

  Steam engines
    Calipyle, B 114-115
    cylinder and piston, B 117-118*
    disk engine, B 334*
    governors, B 313-316*, 329
      gyroscope, B 335
    heating principle, B 121
    hero engine, B 114*
    history of, B 114-115, 272
    horsepower, estimating, B 122-124
    noise from exhaust, reason, B 113, 120
    power generation and distribution, B 117-120
    principle of, B 115-117
    rotary, B 340*
    safety valve, B 116
    slide valve, B 118-120*
    toe and lifter for valves, B 329*
    waste in power, E 6

  Steam radiators as distributors of heat, E 314

  Steam turbine, B 128

  Steam whistles
    why steam is seen before whistles are heard, B 249

    development of, B 271
    _See also_ Screw propeller; Steam turbine

    annealing, M 307-309
    Bessemer steel
      manufacture and use of, M 267
    brazing, M 313
    carbon steel, M 289, 308
    case hardening, M 308-310
    crucible cast steel, making, M 297
    cutting tool steel, M 299
    grades, M 296
      forged fires for, M 290
      lathe tools, M 301
      solutions, M 291-292
    hook, making, M 266-271*
    invention of, B 271
    lanterns, making, M 405-406*
    manufacturing, M 267
    oxidation, prevention of, M 291
    sockets, forging, M 281-283*
    soft, M 264-288*
      weldless ring, making, M 265*
      working heat, M 264
    stretching processes, M 315
    tempering, M 292-296
      color scheme, M 293-295
      grade of steel required, M 296
      lathe tools, M 301
      side tool, M 304
      for carbon, M 289
      for hardness, M 292
    tool making, M 322-326
    tool steel, M 289
    welding, M 296
    wrenches, forging, M 273-283*
    wrought iron versus, M 266
    _See also_ Knives; Tool making

  Stenciling, N 73-82*
    brushes for, N 79-80*
    color schemes, D 114
    corner designs for borders, D 111-112
    cutting the stencil, D 113, N 76
    designs, making, D 108-113*
      repeating unit, D 110*
      transferring, D 113
    materials and tools, N 81, D 108
    outline drawing, D 112
    paints for
      mixing colors, N 81-82
      testing, D 114-115
    patterns, making from paper, N 76-79*
    pillows, N 77*, 378
    pinning the stencil, D 114
    process, D 115-116, N 79
    repeating and joining units, D 110*
    reversing the pattern, N 80
    stencil bands, size and purpose, D 109-110*
    use in home decoration, N 76, 377
    washable, N 80
    water colors for, N 81

  Stereopticon lamp, E 154*

  Stewing, H 280

    class and seed times, G 278

  Still Pon no moving, K 337

    care of, H 364

  Stitches. _See_ Crocheting; Embroidery; Knitting; Lace making; Sewing

    sowing and blossoming time, G 161
    ten-weeks, characteristics, G 330

  Stock breeding. _See_ Breeding

    darning, N 9-11*

  Stone wall for lawn, G 73

  Stones. _See_ Boulders; Precious stones

  Stools. _See_ Foot stools

  Storage battery. _See_ Electric batteries

  Store room in cellar, H 211

    Brother Juniper's cooking, H 25
    Fire of coals, H 37
    Irish stew, H 14
    King Alfred and the cakes, H 16
    King's kitchen, H 20
    Loaves and fishes, H 32
    The luncheon, H 32
    Roast pig, H 18
    Widow's cruse of oil, H 29

  Storing. _See_ Packing

  Stove pipe
    riveting, M 74

    draughts and dampers, H 227-230
    laundry, H 315
    _See also_ Fire making; Gas range; Ovens

    care of first-year plants, G 92
    experimenting with varieties, G 92-93
    food value, H 255
    growing, G 88-96
    hill culture versus matted row, G 94
    planting rules, G 93-94
    soil and location, G 88
    staking the bed, G 91*
    wood ashes for fertilizer, G 94

  Street cars. _See_ Electric cars

  Strength of materials
    nails, B 46-17
    ropes, hemp and wire, B 47-48
    timbers, estimating, B 45
    woods, C 495-497*

  String beans
    cooking preparations, H 295
    food value, H 255
    planting, G 297

  Striped beetle
    remedy for, G 285

  Stump master (Game), K 387

  Submarine cables. _See_ Cables, Submarine

  Suckers (Game), K 387

    food value, H 254

  Sugar bush. _See_ Maple sugar

    making a wooden scoop, C 272*

    silver work, M 180-183*

    Christmas green, A 56

  Summer cottage. _See_ Cottages

  Summer house
    building, C 411-424*
    location, G 363
    making a double seat for, C 421-424

    cooking processes, H 274
    distance from earth, B 230
    time required for light to travel from, E 312
    _See also_ Tides

    making, B 209-210*, G 64-66*
    setting up, G 160-162
    sun time versus clock time, G 161

    double, characteristics, G 334
    food for squirrels, G 20
    late, characteristics, G 334, 365
    planting seed, G 106
    sowing and blossoming time, G 161

    blacksmith tools, M 225*

    migration, K 176

    varieties, K 181

    inlaying design on wood, C 322, 323*

  Swedish drawn work. _See_ Hardanger embroidery

  Sweeping carpets and rugs, H 129

  Sweet alyssum
    characteristics, G 329, 330
    planting seeds, G 157, 322

  Sweet clover and sweet fern leaves for sachet, A 65

  Sweet flag
    characteristics, G 366

  Sweet grass
    basket making, A 64

  Sweet lavender, G 327

  Sweet pea
    characteristics, G 329, 330

  Sweet potato
    food value, H 255

  Sweet sultan
    characteristics, G 330

  Sweet William
    biennial, G 322
    characteristics, G 335, 365

    accidents, K 239
    artificial supports, K 239
    breast stroke, K 235
    dangers, avoiding, K 234
    diving, K 238*
    dog stroke, K 234
    fancy stroke, K 238
    girls as swimmers, K 320
    learning how, K 234-237
    on the back, K 238
    overhand or overarm strokes, K 237
    pool, artificial
      cost, A 285
      in back yard, A 282-286
      keeping water fresh, A 286
    pool, book about, A 518
    pool, natural
      damming of stream, A 278-279
    strokes, K 234-235, 237-238
    value as exercise, K 234

  Swine, A 126-132
    book about, A 517
    brood sow
      care of, A 130-131
      selecting, A 129
    cleanliness, A 129
    fattening, A 131
    feeding young pigs, A 131
    pen, building, A 127
    profit in raising, A 129

    characteristics, C 562

  Sycamore maple. _See_ Maple

  Symbols. _See_ Signals

  Syrup. _See_ Molasses; Maple sugar and syrup


  Table linen
    care of, H 163
    ironing, H 327
    marking, N 157

  Table runner
    block printing, D 102-106
    designs, D 99-101
    materials, D 98
    weaving, D 273-276

    checkerboard table, making, C 337*
    dining table design, D 54*
    drawing table, making, C 391-394
    fastening table tops to prevent warping, D 135*
    kitchen, H 194
    library table
      design, D 51*
      heavy, design and construction, D 174-176*
      light, design and construction, D 170-174*
      mission style, making, C 360-367*
      wood finish, D 237
    picnic tables, making, B 132-134
    polished, care of, H 161
    round centre table
      design and construction, D 180-184*
      wood finish, D 237
    tea table, mission style, making, C 367-372*
    _See also_ Setting the table

  Tabourette, C 301-312*, G 53-55
    circular top, making, C 302-304*
    estimating lumber for, C 506
    hexagonal top, C 305-308*
    mission style, making, C 308-310*
    Moorish design, C 310-312*
    octagonal top, making, C 304*
    working drawings, C 303, 307*

  Tag (Game), K 345
    last tag, K 370
    warning, K 391
    wood tag, K 394

  Tamarack. _See_ Larch

    migration, K 176

  Tanning skins, A 507, 510-512

  Tantalum lamp
    metal filament, E 145

    sewing on, N 23*

    weaving, N 303-304

    food value, H 254

  Tarnish on brass
    preventing, M 140

    catching, K 126

    camp cooking, K 87

  Tea caddy
    brass work, M 136-140*

  Tea kettle
    iron work stand for, making, M 406-409*

  Tea pot stand
    copper, D 351-353*

  Tea pots
    care of, H 207

  Tea spoons. _See_ Spoons

  Tea stains, H 359

    principle of, B 26

    invention and development, E 59-61
    key, E 63*
    Morse code reading, E 63
    poles, use of glass knobs, E 64
    relay, E 67-68*
    signals, how produced, E 61-63*
    sounders, operation of, E 63
    wires, insulation, E 64
    _See also_ Cables; Submarine; Wireless telegraph

  Telephone, E 274-295
    automatic registering device, E 276
      magnets for ringing, E 287-290
      operation of, E 289
    burning out of the coil, E 291
    central battery system, E 276
    current in telephone circuit, E 287
    double metallic circuit, first used, E 275
    electric spark coil, E 279-281
    history of, E 274-276
    lightning arrester, E 292*
    music transmitted by, E 295
    pole, equipment, E 290
      as switch and circuit, E 290
      construction and action, E 276-278*
      operating by induced current, E 351-352
      principle of, E 93-95*
      vibrator, E 278-282
    resistance in the circuit, E 285-287
    simple telephone system, E 283-285*
    sounds, how produced, E 22, 277-282
    transmitter, construction, E 282-284
    vibrations of disks, E 295
    volume of business in 1907, E 274
      installation, E 290
      use of ground wire, E 292

    water telescope, K 159

  Telharmonium, E 293-295

  Temperature. _See_ Thermometers

    hand hammers, M 317, 321
    knives, M 356
    lathe tools, M 301, 304
    steel, M 292-296

  Teneriffe lace, N 238*

  Tennis, K 284-296*
     court tennis, K 341
     girl's sports, K 322
     hand tennis, K 356
     "love", K 294
     playing the game, K 293-296
       how to hold, K 295*
       selecting, K 285
     scoring, K 294
     stroke, K 295
     tether tennis, K 388

  Tennis court
    accessories, making, C 406-422*
    back stop, making, C 403-405*
    dimensions and directions, C 399, K 286-287*
    drainage, K 288
    grass versus clay, K 285, 287
    laying out, C 399-402*
    making and caring for, A 428-431
    marker, home made, A 430
    marking, K 290-293*
    net, putting up, C 403
    post for net, placing and preserving, C 402
    surfacing and leveling, K 289

    "A" tent, K 60*
    brush lean-to, K 69*
    Indian tepee, K 63*
    lean-to, K 59, 69*
    trapper's tent, K 62*
    wall tent, K 58*

    cause of, B 248

  Tether ball, K 388

  Tether tennis, K 388

    centigrade scale, B 262
    changing one scale into another, B 262-263
    Fahrenheit scale, B 262
    history and purpose, B 261
    scales in use, B 261-263
    theory of, B 261

  Thermostat, Electric, E 124

    how to use, N 4*

    description of, A 10
    jam, receipt, A 11
    picking, A 11

    Canada, class and seed time, G 278
    Russian, class and seed time, G 278

  Thorn apple, A 23

  Thrasher, brown
    insect destroyer, A 456
    migration, K 175

    migration, K 176

    weather symbol for thunder storm, B 362
    why thunder is heard last, B 249

  Tides, B 212-236
    aerial, B 228
    cause of, B 217-220
    ebb and flow, B 218
    elevations, changes in, B 226-227
    height, B 229
    lakes, B 228
    lunar, B 217-227
    moon's distance from the meridian, effect of, B 225-227
    neap tides, B 223
    open seas, B 227
    rivers and channels, B 227
    Sir Isaac Newton's theory, B 217-218
    solar, B 222-223, 225
    spring tides, B 223-225
    theory of, B 220-226*
    time, changes in, B 218-220

    meaning of, H 51

    Irish crochet, N 338-344*

  Tile drains. _See_ Drainage

    cleaning, H 136
    decoration of, D 317
    fireplace tiles, D 318-320
    for kitchen floors, H 191
    making, D 315-320*
    tea tiles, D 318*
    uses, D 315
    _See also_ Drainage

  Timber. _See_ Building; Lumber; Strength of materials; Trees; Wood

    day and night, cause of, B 213
    division of, B 214

    kitchen utensils, H 202
    _See also_ Soldering

  Tinker's dam, B 253

  Tip cat
    drawing and making, C 35-37

    insect destroyer, A 456

    book about, A 517
    enemy to cut worm, K 168
    garden pest destroyer, G 280, A 265
    taming, A 266

  Toasters, Electric, E 115

  Tobacco jar
    copper work, M 82-85*

  Tobogganing, K 223

  Toilet boxes. _See_ Box making

  Toilet closets. _See_ Closets, toilet

  Toilet fixtures
    care of, H 148, 155, 156

    dwarf champion, G 314
    food value, H 255
    indoor planting time, G 233
    insect pests, G 286, 292
    peeling tomatoes, H 294
    planting seed
      depth and distance to plant, G 42
      quantity to plant, G 36
      time to plant, G 234
    removing ink stains with, H 359
      age for planting, G 34
      germination per cent., G 233
      germination period, G 32
    staking the vines, G 119
    starting and transplanting, G 118-119
    vines, overgrowth of, G 313

  Tommy Tiddler's Land (Game), K 345

    blacksmith's tools, M 226*, 228
    fire tools, making, M 374-377*
    iron tongs, making, M 285-288*

  Tongue and groove joints, C 257*

  Tongue grafting. _See_ Grafting

  Tool boxes and chests, C 226-227*, 339-341*
    old-fashioned chest, C 341-344*
    suit case design, C 345-346*

  Tool making, M 296-306*
    boring tool, M 304*
    cape chisel, M 299*
    centre punch, M 297*
    cold chisel, M 298*, 325
    crowbars, M 352*
    cutting off tool, M 305*
    diamond point, M 301*
    dividers, M 340-341*
    drills, M 347-349*
    eccentric strap, M 334*
    fire screen, M 11*
    fire tools, M 370-379*
    hammers, M 7*, 316-324*
    hardening, M 289-292
    hardie, M 322*
    hoe, M 328-330*
    hot chisel, M 324*
    lathe tools, M 300-306
    nail puller or claw tool, M 353*
    pitch fork, M 239*
    rock drills, M 334-349*
    round nose, M 300
    set hammer, M 323*
    shovel, M 372-374*
    side point, M 303
    steel for, M 289
    stone chisel, M 341-344*
    stone pick, M 344*
    tempering steel for, M 292-296
    tongs, iron, M 286-288
    wood chisel, M 337-338
    wrenches, steel, M 273-281
    _See also_ Forging; Steel; Welding

  Tooled leather. _See_ Leather work

    anvil stake, M 10*
    beck iron, M 208
    burners, M 11-12*
    calipers, M 255
    chisels, M 9, 157*, 225*
    dividers, M 5*
      using, M 24*
    draw plate, M 100*, 102, 209
    drills, M 9*
    enameling tools, M 197
    face plate, M 209
    files, M 9*
    fullers, M 224*
    gouges, M 225
    graver, M 209
    hack saw, C 175
    hammer, M 7*
      hand hammer, M 224*
      peen, M 254*
      set hammer, M 225*
    hardie, M 226*, 274*
    jewelers' snips, M 5*
    leather work tools, D 323-324*, N 91*, 96*
    mallet, wooden, M 8*
    mandrel, M 209
    matt tool, M 210
    pin, M 210
    pitch block, M 210
    planishing hammer, using, M 22*
    pliers, M 6*
    pottery modeling tools, D 285-287
    principle of the inclined plane applied to, B 59
    punch, M 7*, 297*
    ring mandrel, M 154*
    riveting tool, M 10*
    sand bag, M 210
    saw frame, M 9*
    scraper, M 210
    screw principle, B 156
    shaping tools, M 10*
    shears, M 5*
    shovel, M 226*, 229
    sledge, M 225
    snarling iron, M 210
    soldering outfit, M 11-12*
    square, steel, M 5*, C 205*
    stake and riveting tool, M 11
    swages, M 225*
    tracer, M 211
    tongs, M 226*, 228
    vise, M 6*, 21*, 22*
    wedge, principle of, B 59-61*
    wooden block, M 6*, 19*
      using, M 28*
    _See also_ Carpentry and Woodwork--Tools and appliances; Chisels;
        Drilling and boring tools; Gardening--Tools; Hammers; Tool
        boxes; Tool making; Wedge; Wrenches

  Topping plants, G 199, 250-251

    plug in the ring, K 376

  Towel rack
    making a wooden rack, C 274*

  Towel roller
    making a wooden roller, C 267-269*

    marking, N 157

  Toy making, C 40-49
    aeroplanes, C 68-83*
    boat in a storm, C 52-56*
    designing moving toys, C 58-60*
    dog house, C 42*
    electric engine, E 58*
    electric spinner, E 57*
    electric train operated by wireless outfit, E 325-327*
    fencers, C 46-48*
    happy Jack windmill, C 159*
    Indian paddlers, C 44-46*
    moving toys, C 58-95
      cautions, C 61
      method of procedure, C 58-60*
    racing automobile, C 62-66*
    sawyers, C 50-52*
    turkey and executioner, C 56-57*
    wooden boxes, C 40*
    _See also_ Kites

    giving away, H 10
    inventions and discoveries, H 11

    metal worker's tool, M 211

  Track athletics
    all round championship, K 328
    best college record, K 336
    intercollegiate contest events, K 360
    Olympic games, events, K 372
    one hundred yard dash, best record, K 329
    scoring in all round championship, K 328

  Trained animals. _See_ Animals

    embroidery patterns, N 128-129
    stencil designs, D 113

  Transplanting. _See_ Vegetable gardening; also names of plants,
        e. g., Beets; Lettuce, etc.

  Trapping, A 478-510
    baiting traps, A 509
      carrot bait, A 508*
      for muskrats, A 505
    books about, A 519
    box traps, A 479*, C 454*
    deadfall trap, A 486, 509, C 454*
    gophers, A 455*
    land animals, A 493
    mink, A 483-484
    moles, A 489-491
    muskrats, A 491-493, 505
    profit and recreation in, A 501
    rabbits, A 497-501
    rats, A 495-497
    river trapping, A 504
    rules of the game, A 479-483
    skunks, A 484-488
    snares, C 455*
      with carrot bait, A 508*
    steel jaw traps, setting, A 504
    steel traps, cruelty of, A 502
    stop-thief traps, A 505-506*
    traps, humane and inhuman, A 502
    swamp trapping, A 503
    water animals, A 502
    weasel, A 494-495
    woodchucks, A 488

  Traps (Plumbing)
    construction and purpose, H 217, 218
    defective, reason and remedy, H 218
    location, H 217, 219

    disposal of, H 220

    gouge work, C 258-265*
    _See also_ Copper work

    training dogs to run, A 255-256
    mechanism, B 337*

    age, how to tell, C 525
    broad leaved, C 532-533, 543-555
      compound leaves, C 543*
      doubly compound, C 543*
      maple, C 544-548
      oak, C 548-555
      simple leaves, C 543*
    cambium layer, A 441
    classification and characteristics, C 532-566
    coniferous trees, names and characteristics, C 535-542
    cutting down, art of, K 98-99*
    danger of roots to cement walks, B 15
    growth process, C 525
    heart wood versus sap wood, C 526
    identifying, A 48, 71
    planting directions, G 80-82
    playhouse in a tree, H 3
    products of, C 511
    qualities of different varieties, K 101
    rings, meaning, C 525
    selecting and planting, G 78-82
    seeds for propagation
      gathering, A 46-50
      ripening and drying, A 48
      treatment, where to get information, A 49
    table describing, G 367
    _See also_ Forestry; Fruit trees; Grafting; Landscape gardening;
        Lumber and lumbering; Nuts; Pruning; Wood; also names of trees,
        e. g., Maple; Oak; Pine, etc.

  Trellises, D 209-211*

  Trench. _See_ Cement walk; Drainage; Gardening

  Trestle. _See_ Saw horse

  Triangles (Tools)
    making, C 386-388*

  Trick joints, C 257*

    habits and characteristics, G 344

  Trimmings. _See_ Crocheting

  Triplane, B 180

  Trolling, K 139*

  Trophy stick, notched, C 11*

    bait, K 134, 135
    culture from eggs, A 273
    feeding, A 272
    reclaiming the trout stream, A 271-272

  Trout lily, G 342

  Truck garden. _See_ Vegetable gardening

  Trumpet vine
    decorative value, G 359

  T-square, C 24*
    making, C 384-386*
    to prevent warping, C 394

  Tub racing, K 390

  Tubs. _See_ Bathtubs; Laundry

  Tucking, N 36*

    cone developer, G 175
    planting bulbs indoors, G 166
    red, planting and blooming time, G 179
    tree, characteristics, C 561
    varieties, G 168
    white, planting and blooming time, G 177
    yellow, planting and blooming time, G 178

  Tungsten lamp
    cost of, E 141*, 144
    metal filaments, E 145

    Fourneyron, B 342*
    Jonval, B 341*
    steam, B 128
    water, B 145

    book about, A 519
    breeds, A 185
    enemies, lice and wet, A 184
    feeding young turkeys, A 183, 184
    food value, H 253
    habits of turkey hen, A 183
    hatching, time required, A 183
    laying and sitting habits, A 183
    raising, A 182-185
    selection of, for cooking, H 271

  Turn spit dog, B 337

    food value, H 255
    planting seed
      depth and distance to plant, G 42
      quantity to plant, G 36
      time to plant, G 234
      age for planting, G 34
      germination per cent., G 33, 233
      germination period, G 32
    soil, G 314

  Turnip-root cabbage
    planting, G 300

    moth exterminator, H 347
    paint stain remover, H 359

  Turtle head
    characteristics, G 365
    where found, G 349

    taming, A 266

    alignment, B 420
    "blind" writer, B 406
    carbon copying device, B 418
    card indexing device, B 415
    carriage, B 403, 404
      interchangeable, B 415*, 416
        mechanism of, B 421
    disconnecting parts, B 413
    double shift, B 406
    duplicators, B 416-418
    essential features, B 419-422
    invention of, B 402
    keyboard, B 403, 406, 412, 419
      universal, B 412
    kinds, B 402
    line-spacing mechanism, B 405, 421
    noiseless operation, B 422
    Oliver, mechanical principle, B 412-413*
    paper feed, B 404
      essentials, B 421
      interchangeable, B 415
      description of parts and their uses, B 403-407*
      improvements, B 407-409
    ribbon movement, B 422
    ribbons, two and three colors, B 409, 411, 414
    scales, B 406
    semi-visible writers, B 407
    single shift, B 406
    Smith-Premier, B 409-411*, 414
    spacing bar, B 405
    tabulator, B 413-414
      cleaning, B 421
      cleaning device, B 410
      mechanism, B 403, 404, 409, 412, 420
    visible writers, B 407
    work done by, B 402


  U-tube, theory of, H 215-216

  Umbrella handles
    woods and roots for, A 59-61

  Umbrella stand
    design and construction, D 161-165*
    iron work, M 409
    mission design, C 375*
    wood finish, D 236

  Unleavened bread
    nutriment, H 300

  Upsetting. _See_ Forging

  Upstairs work, H 146-159

  Utensils. _See_ Kitchen utensils


  Vacuum cleaner
    electric, E 243*
    home made, B 378-386*
    plunger pump, making, B 379-381*
    power driven, home made, B 381-386*
    principle of, E 53
    using, B 386
    water motor, B 381*

    characteristics, G 333

  Vane. _See_ Weather vane

  Varnish and varnishing
    drying, time required, D 221-222
    dull finish, D 224
    flat finish, D 224
    grades of varnish, C 486
    method of using, B 112, C 486
    number of coats needed, D 222
    quality of varnish, recognizing, D 220
    rubbing down process, D 223
    "sag" and how corrected, D 220-221

    brass work, M 140-145*
    concrete garden vase, making, D 203-209*
    pottery, making, D 307-310*
    typical flower holders, D 87-89*

    as chicken, H 358
    cuts and their uses, H 269
    food value: table, H 253

  Vegetable gardening, G 296-315
    combinations for late planting, G 116
    indoor and outdoor planting time, G 233-235
    intermingling from close planting, G 105
    money making garden, G 368-374
    planting tables
      age for planting, G 34
      depth and distance, G 42
      germination per cent., G 233
      germination time, G 32
      quantity to plant, G 36
    seeds, selling, G 371-372
    selling young plants, G 370-371
    transplanting, G 268-270
      from the coldframe, G 101-102
      strawberry boxes for, G 118
    _See also_ Coldframe; Drainage; Fertilizers and manures; Gardening;
        Herbs; Hotbed; Insect pests; Plant food; Plants; Soils; also
        names of vegetables, e.g., Beans; Cabbage; Carrot, etc.

    boiling, H 279
    burning, treatment, H 356
    camp cooking, K 89, 90
    cleaning, H 293
    cooking, H 356
      preparation for, H 293-295
      with left overs, H 355
    dandelion greens, A 63
    exhibits, preparation for, G 202
    food value, H 250, 255
    husking, H 294
    peeling, H 294
    pokeweed roots, cooking, A 58
    preparation for selling, G 369
    scraping, H 294
    seasoning, H 279
    selection of, for cooking, H 271
    shelling, H 294
    soaking, H 295
    stewing, H 280
    _See also_ names of vegetables; e. g., Cauliflower; Parsnip;
        Pumpkin; etc.

    characteristics, G 332
    planting, G 84

  Village improvement
    books about, A 518
    what boys and girls can do, A 469-472

    cider vinegar
      book about, A 518
      making, A 412-417
    "mother," meaning, A 415

  Vinegar cruet
    washing, H 183

    annuals, G 359
    climbers, G 359
    for covering fences and buildings, G 138
    scarlet runner bean, G 297
    training, G 139
    use in landscape gardening, G 359

    California, characteristics, G 333
    habits and characteristics, G 346, 364
    insect pests, G 293
    Russian, characteristics, G 333
    tufted, characteristics, G 334
    where to plant, G 346
    wild varieties, G 346

    insect destroyers, A 456
    migration, K 176

  Virginia creeper
    decorative value, G 359

    bench vise, M 6*, 21*, 22*
    quick action, C 138

  Voisin's biplane, B 173-175*

  Volley ball, K 390

  Volta, Alessandro, E 90
    perfected method for producing electricity by chemical action, E 248

    for direct and alternating currents, E 93
    measuring electric pressure, E 39-42
    multipliers, E 92
    principle and operation, E 84-93*


  Waists. _See_ Dressmaking

  Waiting on table. _See_ Meals--Serving

    dress, H 173
    duties, H 169-172

  Wake robin, G 344

    healthfulness of, K 14-17

  Walking stick
    carved by the engraver beetle, A 60
    orange wood, A 59
    roots for handles, A 60
    shaping, A 61

  Walks. _See_ Cement walk; Garden paths

  Wall brackets. _See_ Brackets

  Wall cabinet. _See_ Medicine cabinet

  Wall flower
    characteristics, G 332

  Wall paper. _See_ Walls

  Wall rack. _See_ Book rack

  Wallachian embroidery
    drawing scallops, N 135
    meaning of, N 134
    stitch, N 134*

    care of, H 122
    cleaning appliances, H 142
    cleaning wall paper, H 123
    decoration of, D 36, 39-41, N 76
    dry cleaning, H 332
    how to drive nails into plaster walls, C 246
    kitchen, H 189
    paneled walls, cleaning, H 122
    _See also_ Embankments; Paper hanging

      characteristics of tree, C 563
      imitation stain, C 489, D 230
    device for husking, A 36
    drying and storing nuts, A 35
    food value of nuts, H 256
    receipt for pickled walnuts, A 36-37
    white, characteristics of tree, C 564

  Wandering Jew
    window box plants, G 193

    insect destroyer, A 456

  Wardrobe. _See_ Closets, Clothes

  Warning (Game), K 391

  Warp. _See_ Weaving

  Wash board and wash boiler
    care of, H 313

  Washing. _See_ Laundry work

  Washing dishes. _See_ Dish washing

  Washington (Game), K 392

  Washington thorn, A 23

    cleaning, H 148
    used as playhouse, H 8

    development from the egg, A 393-395
    feeding grub, A 391
    habits, A 390-391

    classification, H 220
    disposal of
      in country, H 222
      in cities, H 220-222

  Waste pipes
    care of, H 156
    construction principle, H 216-217
    disinfection in cleaning, H 218
    misuse of, H 220

  Waste water
    disposal of, H 216
    in country, H 222

  Watch fob
    copper and enamel, D 353-355*
    silver or copper work, M 187-190*

    balance and spring, B 374
    Geneva stop, B 319*
    magnetized, B 373-375
    mechanism, B 80, 374
    non-magnetic, B 375
    regulators, B 330-331*, 374
    testing for magnetism, B 375

  Watchman's time detector, E 78*

    boiling point, H 277
    cold water as a preserver, H 357
    substitute for milk, H 357

  Water and bog plants
    table, G 366

  Water bugs, H 362

  Water bulbs. _See_ Bulbs

  Water closets. _See_ Closets, Toilet

  Water fowl, K 181

  Water garden, G 362

  Water glass
    egg preservative, A 177

  Water life, K 158-167
    collector's net, K 158*
    telescope for observing, K 159

  Water lilies
    table, G 366

  Water meter
    vibrating trough, B 343*

  Water mint
    characteristics, G 366

  Water motor. _See_ Water wheels

  Water pipes. _See_ Plumbing; Waste pipes

  Water polo, K 392

  Water power
    estimating, E 220
    from a continuous fall of water, B 341*
    reclaiming a spring, A 281-282
    _See also_ Water supply; Water wheels

  Water race, K 393

  Water seal
    construction and purpose, H 217

  Water supply
    importance of source, H 213
    principle of the tower, H 215
    spring water, A 276
    summer camp devices, E 160-162
    theory of U-tube in waterworks, H 214-215

  Water tank. _See also_ Pumps; Water wheels; Wells
    electric warning for empty tank, E 302*

  Water tax
    economizing bills, H 236

  Water wheels
    ancient, B 344*
    Archimedian screw principle, B 344*
    barker or reaction, B 343*
    breast wheel, B 341*
    governors, B 314-315*
    overshot, B 341*, 342
    undershot, B 341*
    vacuum cleaner motor, B 381
    volate, B 342*
    _See also_ Turbines

  Water works. _See_ Water supply

    food value, H 255
    germination per cent., G 233
    planting, G 308

  Watt, James
    inventor, E 40

    unit of power, B 125
    _See also_ Kilowatt

  Wattmeter, E 35-42
    illustration of motor principle, E 36
    measuring watt hours, E 40-41
    registering amount of electricity used, E 37-38

    bayberry dips, A 20-21
    grafting, G 256
    making beeswax, A 323
    wood finish, C 490, D 225-226
    _See also_ Floors

  Wax beans, G 297

  Wax myrtle, A 18-19

    insect destroyers, A 457

    colors of fur, A 495
    habits, A 494

    records, how made, B 362-363
    symbols, B 361-362
    _See also_ Barometer; Rain; Thermometer; Weather vane; Wind

  Weather boarding. _See_ House framing

  Weather vane
    making, C 154-168*
    Zeppelin airship weather vane, making, C 165*

  Weathered oak finish, D 233

    meaning, B 41

  Weaving, D 244-279, N 296-305
    bordered table scarf, D 273-276
    color effects, N 304-305
    curtains and draperies, D 262-265
    dowel, N 297
    dyeing, materials for, D 276-279
    French as weavers, N 303
    hand loom
      bridge, N 299
      description of treadle loom, D 247-249*
      home-made, without treadle, N 296-297
      primitive loom, D 245
      setting, D 249-251, N 297-300
      shuttle and bobbin, D 246*
      shuttle for woof cloth, D 254
      simple cardboard loom, N 8
    materials to use, N 301
    pattern weaving, D 265-273
      drawing in the pattern, D 267-270*
      hit-and-miss pattern, N 302
      operation of the harnesses, D 270-272
      pick, D 271*
      variations in patterns, D 272, 275
    portieres and couch covers, D 260-262
    process, D 249-252, N 300-301
      beating up the woof, D 252, N 300
      drawing in the warp, D 251, N 300
      pairing threads, N 298
      preparing the warp, D 249, N 297
      warping the loom, D 250, N 298
    rattan mats, N 247*, 249
    rugs, D 252-260, N 297-303
      harmonizing effects, N 304
    tapestry designs, N 303
    warp and woof, D 246, N 8-9*
    warping hook, D 251*
    _See also_ Braiding

    cutting tool, C 169
    principle of, B 59-61*
    rule for power, B 64

  Weeds, G 271-280
    annuals, destroying, G 275
    biennials, destroying, G 276
    book about, A 519
    definition of, A 469
    destroying and preventing, A 469-472, G 275-279
    distribution of seeds, G 273
    foreign, G 279
    good points, G 272
    medicinal, A 57-58, G 272
      book about, A 516
    perennials, destroying, G 276-277
      seeds, G 274
      trailing branches, G 275
    table of, G 278
    test of acid soil, G 29

    chestnut weevil, A 33

    characteristics, G 356

    principle of lifting, B 23-28*

  Weights and measures
    English versus metric system: tables, C 500, 502
    tables, H 311
    units of measurement, C 499, 502
    _See also_ Electric measurements

  Welding, M 247-263*
    built-up work, M 247
    butt welds, M 257*
    definition of, M 247, 315
    chains, M 250-253*
    cleft weld, M 258*
    corner plate, M 261*
    electric, E 158-159
    flat welds, M 254-257*
    flat welds and T-welds, M 261-263*
    horse shoes, M 221
    iron oxidation, preventing, M 247
    iron ring, M 248-250*, 254*
    iron tongs, M 287-288*
    jump weld, M 259-261*
    kinds, M 254
    lap weld, M 258*
    scarfing, M 254-256*, 258*
      a wrench, M 275*
    socket wrenches, M 277-281*
    T weld, M 262-263*
    temperature of fire, M 234-235
    tool steel to wrought iron, M 352
    turn buckles, M 330*
    upsetting, M 260*

    location and care, H 214
    _See also_ Pumps

  Western Union Telegraph Company
    equipment and amount of business, E 60

  Whale oil soap
    spray for insects, G 289, 290

    depth to plant seeds, G 235

  Wheel and axle
    principle of, B 27, 78-82*
    rule for power, B 64

    leverage principle, B 27
    making, B 375-378*

    mechanical movements, B 318-325*
    _See also_ Screw propeller; Turbines; Water wheels

  Whip grafting. _See_ Grafting

  Whisk broom
    raffia, N 275*

  White pine. _See_ Pine

  White rabbit. _See_ Rabbit

    preparing surface walls, H 340
    preparing the lime, H 339-340
    value for cellar walls, H 210

  Whittling, C 6-22
    beveling, C 122
    calendar back, C 18*
    curves, cutting, C 15*
    cutting out process, C 12*
    drawing the design, C 12*
    first lessons in, C 9-12*
    fish line winder, C 15*
    key rack, C 12-14*
    key tags, C 14*
      kind to use, C 6*
      method of holding, C 8*
    paper knife, C 121-123*
    picture frames, C 19-22*
    propeller blades, C 70-72*
    sand papering edges, C 15
    testing with the try square, C 9*
    tip cat, C 35-37*
    weather vane making, C 154-156*
    windmills, C 159-168*
    woods for, C 7
    worsted winder, C 16*
    _See also_ Wood carving

  Wicket polo, K 393

    trimming, H 137

  Widow's cruse of oil: story, H 29

  Wild animals. _See_ Animals

  Wild carrot
    class and seed time, G 278
    seed distribution, G 273

  Wild crabapple, A 21, 22

  Wild flower gardening
    April, June and July blooms, G 338-339
    decorative value of wild flowers, A 56
    landscape gardening, G 362
    late blooms, G 339
    March blooms, G 338
    May blooms, G 338
    planning and care, G 336
    soil, G 337, 338
    succession of bloom, G 338-339
    transplanting, G 337

  Wild flowers. _See_ Flowers

  Wild fowl. _See_ Game and game birds; Water fowl

  Wild geranium
    characteristics, G 342

  Wild grapes. _See_ Grapes

  Wild nuts
    list of, A 29

  Wild plums
    "goin' plummin'", A 26-29

  Wild raspberries, A 10

  Wild rice, A 78-79

    setting up, B 77-78*
    uses, B 78-81

  Wind. _See_ Winds

  Wind break
    trees for, G 79, 82

  Wind flower, G 343

  Wind root, G 348, 365

    principle of, B 78-82*

    Common windmill, B 346*
    happy Jack weather vane, C 159-162*
    horizontal weather vane, C 162-165*
    six-bladed weather vane, C 167-168
    Zeppelin weather vane, C 165*

    advantages over pots, G 190
    construction and painting, G 191-192
    crowding plants in, G 194
    draining, G 163
    how to fasten to window, G 195
    selection of plants for sunny and shady windows, G 192-196

  Window seat for girl's room, N 374

    batten blinds, C 475
    cleaning, H 134
    details of window frames, D 30*
    hanging, C 474
    inside trim, C 473*
    location of cellar windows, H 208
    setting frames, C 469

    measuring device, B 199-200*
    table of velocity, B 198
    _See also_ Weather vane; Windmill

  Winter sports, K 208-224*
    clothing and footwear, K 208-210*

    description of, A 57

    reducing size of, M 101
    _See also_ Electric wires

  Wire ropes. _See_ Rope

  Wireless Club, E 331-332

  Wireless Telegraph
    accidents prevented by, E 347, 355-357
    aerials, E 331
    amateur stations, E 347
    antennæ, E 320*
    C. Q. D. message, meaning, E 356
      circuit, E 323*
      construction, E 316-321*
    discovery, E 346
    electric bell
      as transmitter, E 321
      operated by wireless, E 324*
    ether waves, E 316
    fireworks, operated by, E 327-328*
    first company organized, E 346
    first practical use, E 346
    first public stations, E 347
    ground wire, E 321
    Hertzian waves, E 346
    incandescent lamps operated by, E 327*
    law requiring use on steamers, E 347
    Morse alphabet, E 330
    operation of a simple type, E 320-321*
    relay, E 322-323
    sending messages to ocean steamers, E 347
    signal code, E 330
    spark coil, construction, E 321-322*
    tapper, E 329-330*
    toy train operated by, E 325-327*
    trans-Atlantic messages first sent, E 346

    decorative value, G 359

  Witch hazel
    characteristics, G 356

  Wolf and sheep (Game), K 394

    Heritage of, H 63-68
    home making power, H 44

    best woods for special purposes, K 101
    decay, cause of, C 492
    durability, C 492-494
    hard wood, C 532, K 101
      beech, C 556
      black jack or barren oak, C 554
      black or sweet birch, C 557
      black or yellow oak, C 554
      bur oak (mossy cup), C 551
      chestnut oak, C 552
      cypress, C 540
      elm, white or American, C 559
      Georgia pine, C 535
      holly, C 564
      honey locust, C 565
      hop hornbeam, ironwood, C 558
      hornbeam, or blue birch, C 559
      larch, C 539
      laurel oak, C 555
      locust, black and yellow, C 565
      paper birch, C 558
      pin oak, C 553
      post or iron oak, C 552
      red birch, C 557
      red elm, slippery elm, C 559
      red oak, C 553
      red or swamp maple, C 547
      red pine, C 536
      rock, cork elm, C 560
      silver, or white maple, C 546
      sugar maple, C 545
      swamp white oak, C 552
      tamarack, C 539
      white oak, C 550
      willow oak, C 555
      yellow birch, C 557
      yellow pine, C 536
    preservation, C 493-495
    soft wood, C 532, K 101
      Arbor vitæ, C 542
      balsam, C 540
      basswood, linden, C 560
      black spruce, C 538
      box elder, C 548
      buckeye, C 565
      fir, C 540
      gray, or aspen-leaved birch, C 558
      hemlock, C 539
      moosewood, C 548
      mountain maple, C 548
      pitch pine, C 536
      red cedar, C 541
      red spruce, C 538
      white cedar, C 542
      white pine, C 535
      white spruce, C 538
    strength of, C 495-497*
    _See also_ Forestry; Kindling wood; Trees

  Wood anemone
    habits and characteristics, G 343

  Wood carving
    black and white design, C 127
    blotter pads, designs, C 125-126
    chip carving, C 98-108*
    curved cutting, C 104-108
      elliptical, C 112-115
      for borders, C 98-103*
      for centres, C 103-108*
      for corners, C 103*
    flat work, C 97-119*
    glove box design, C 128
    holding the knife, C 100*
    key rack designs, C 123, 126
    knives for carving, C 99*
    letter racks, designs, C 109-117
    origin, C 98
    paper knife, C 121-123*
    pencil box, C 106-108*
    penholder, C 117-119*
    picture frames, C 129-132*
    polishing, C 131
    triangular cutting, C 98-99
    veining, C 117*
    woods for, C 121

  Wood finishing
    aging wood, C 489
    antique finish, C 489
    cleaning, the first step, D 213
    colors, obtaining, C 488
    dead flat surface, C 485
    dull finish, D 224
    enameling white, D 235
    fillers, C 484
      cost of surfacing, D 217
      liquid, formula, D 216
      importance of, D 213-215
      paste, formula, D 218
        applying, D 219
      when to use liquids or paste, D 215
    flat finish, D 224
    polishing, C 489-491
    process, C 484-487
      old furniture, D 238-243
      mahogany table, D 241-243
      rubbing down process, D 223
      scraping, D 239
    shellac, using, C 486, D 216-217
    varnish, removing, D 240
    wax finish, D 225-226, C 490
    white enamel, D 235
    white wood, D 230
    woods that do and do not require fillers, C 484
    _See also_ Stains and staining; Varnish and varnishing

  Wood fire. _See_ Fires

  Wood lot
    clearing for kindling wood, A 407

  Wood screws
    strength of, B 156

  Wood staining. _See_ Stains and staining

  Wood tag, K 394

    taming, A 269
    trapping, A 488

  Woodcraft, K 93-109*
    axemanship, K 96-97
    getting lost, K 102-109
    land marks, K 103
    lost signals, K 108
    _See also_ Trees

    insect destroyer, A 457, K 168

  Woodwork. _See_ Carpentry and Woodwork

  Woof. _See_ Weaving

  Wool combing machine
    roller motion, B 320*

  Woolen clothes
    laundering, H 324
    storing, H 347

  Work. _See_ Housekeeping; Occupations

  Work bag and sewing apron combined, N 31-33

  Work bench. _See_ Carpentry

  Work shop
    garden tool making, G 41-71*
    _See also_ Carpentry

    fish bait, K 130

    insect destroyer, A 456
    migration, K 176

    alligator wrench, making, M 276*
    flat wrought iron wrench, making, M 274-277*
    forging, M 273-274*
    hardie for, M 274*
    socket wrench, M 279-281*
      welding, M 277-279

  Wringer for laundry work, H 314

  Writing desk. _See_ Desk

  Wrought iron
    making, M 230-232
    steel versus, M 266


    ether waves, E 316
    physiological effect, E 336


    flag signals, B 107-109
    _See also_ Launch

    principle in bread making, H 296-298

  Young, Sir Thomas
    ether wave theory of light, E 345


  Zeppelin's dirigible balloon, B 162

    characteristics, G 328
    planting, G 159
    selecting seeds, G 323

       *       *       *       *       *

Transcriber's Notes:

Corrected obvious typos and inconsistencies, otherwise spelling has
been left as printed. A small amount of inconsistent hyphenation left
as printed.

p.64. dilletantism -> dilettantism.

p.111. bisulphid -> bisulphide.

The following corrections have been made after referrence to the
relevant book.

p.101. 'wall rack, designing and making, C 347-350*, D 156-151*'
corrected to 'wall rack, designing and making, C 347-350*, D 156-161*'.

p.137. Crum tray -> Crumb Tray.

p.142. 'experiments with spark coil, E 196, 198-201, 180-183*' changed
to 'experiments with spark coil, E 176, 178-180, 180-183*'.

p.169. 'cooper or brass, metal work, M 116*' changed to 'copper or
brass, metal work, M 116*'.

p.199. crum scraper -> crumb scraper.

p.229. Reamur is correctly spelt Reaumur but has been left as it was
spelt in 'Mechanics'.

This book is a summary and index to the following  books which can all
be found in the Project Gutenberg collection. In the html version of
this text, links are made to the other volumes, though for volumes G
and K it has only been possible to a link to the correct chapter.

  A--OUTDOOR WORK Project Gutenberg e-book 45154

  B--MECHANICS, INDOORS AND OUT Project Gutenberg e-book 45083

  C--CARPENTRY AND WOODWORK Project Gutenberg e-book 43574

  D--HOME DECORATION Project Gutenberg e-book 44750

  E--ELECTRICITY Project Gutenberg e-book 45331

  G--GARDENING Project Gutenberg e-book 13537

  H--HOUSEKEEPING Project Gutenberg e-book 44732

  K--OUTDOOR SPORTS Project Gutenberg e-book 16316

  M--WORKING IN METALS Project Gutenberg e-book 45004

  N--NEEDLECRAFT Project Gutenberg e-book 44766

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of The Library of Work and Play: Guide
and Index, by Cheshire L. Boone


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