Manual of the Enumeration

By C. J. Coffman

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Title: Manual of the Enumeration
       A Text Book on the Sciences of the Enumeration

Author: C. J. Coffman

Release Date: April 30, 2011 [EBook #35998]

Language: English


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[Transcriber's note: All bold characters are enclosed within equal
                    signs, like =this=,
                    Some minor spelling errors have been corrected,
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[Illustration: CHART OF THE LUMANUS]

[Illustration: C. J. COFFMAN Dean of the Enumeration]




Intended for Personal Study
or for Classroom Use
by Both Teacher and Pupil

By C. J. COFFMAN, Dean of the Enumeration
Los Angeles, California
Author of "The Mystic Secrets", "Shorter Symbology",
"The Colors Love Should Wear".

"The letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth life."
2 Cor. 3:6.

     "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that
     needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of
     truth." 2 Tim. 2:15.

Copyright 1927

Published by
2747 Glenview Avenue
Los Angeles, Calif.



Tables of Enumeration, explained                             page 1
Numerology Definitions                                page 3 thru 6
Astrological Influences                                 "  6  "  11
Title, Meaning, Value, Color of, Traits and Faults of,
       Planet of; Soul Path, Personality, Predominant
       Name, Destiny, Public Appearance and Warning
       to Numbers. Sign of, Occupations, Marriage,
       Astral Classification, Preferable Jewel, Colors
       best to use and wear, Most Advantageous Day,
       Tribe of, and Bible References. Houses by Number.
       Number 1                                    pages 13 thru 20
       Number 2                                      "   23   "  29
       Number 3                                      "   31   "  36
       Number 4                                      "   39   "  46
       Number 5                                      "   49   "  54
       Number 6                                      "   57   "  63
       Number 7                                      "   65   "  80
       Number 8                                      "   83   "  89
       Number 9                                      "   91   "  98
       Naught 0                                      "  101   " 106
       Number 11                                     "  109   " 117
       Number 12                                     "  119   " 125
       Number 22                                     "  127   " 128

Principles of Creation--
       First                                                page 15
       Second                                                 "  25
       Third                                                  "  33
       Fourth                                                 "  44
       Fifth                                                  "  51
       Sixth                                                  "  59
       Seventh                                                "  67

Application of Seven Principles to
       Animal Plane                                           "  85
       Mind Plane                                             "  93
       Monetary Plane                                         "  98
       Psychic Plane                                          " 111
       Spirit Plane                                           " 120


This book I is intended as a progressive textbook, by which
anyone who is totally unfamiliar with the Enumeration may, in a
practical way, learn its sciences sufficiently to grasp the many
beautiful laws of the Enumeration and apply them.

This will help to rebuild your life and give you almost a new
world in which to live.

To assist you in gaining this knowledge more easily, this work
has been arranged in three major volumes, called Book I, Book II
and Book III.

Book I, is designed to introduce you to the subject matter in the
Enumeration, in its more simple forms and in its applications.

Book II, is designed to enable you to analyze others and to help
them, thereby increasing your own knowledge and ability to order
your life, for "he who teaches is doubly taught."

Book III, enables you, as a teacher or minister of the
Enumeration, to know and apply some of the deeper phases of group
psychology, and to answer some of the questions of the more
educated minds, as to "the hope that is in you."

In the front of this Book I will be found a list of the General
Contents of Book I. At the back of this Book will be found a very
complete Topical index of Book I, by which special lessons may be
made up and by which you may make very ready reference to the
teachings of the Enumeration on any subject. These indexes, we
feel, need no explanation to the average person sufficiently
progressive to have come thus far in the study of the Enumeration.

=a, b, c, d, etc.,= refers to the paragraphs so marked throughout
this text book and these letters are used to aid you when
referring to the Index. They are for reference use only, and do
not refer to the subject matter of the paragraphs.

[Illustration: Chart of the Alphabet]

[Illustration: Chart of the Lumanus]

   ______ __________________________________________________
  |      |                            |             |       |
  |      |           SPIRIT           |     SOUL    |  MIND |
  |      |        |        |          |             |       |
  |SPIRIT|    1   |    2   |     3    |      4      |   5   |
  |      |        |        |          |             |       |
  |      |    A   |    B   |     C    |      D      |   E   |
  | SOUL |        |        |          |             |       |
  |      |Almighty| Bearer |  Christ  |Demonstration|  East |
  |      |        |        |          |             |       |
  |      |    J   |    K   |     L    |      M      |   N   |
  | MIND |        |        |          |             |       |
  |      | Judge  | King's |Luminosity|   Material  | North |
  |      |        |        |          |             |       |
  |      |    S   |    T   |     U    |      V      |   W   |
  | BODY |        |        |          |             |       |
  |      | Supreme| Tithes |Unknowable|   Vitality  |  West |

   ______ __________________________________________________
  |      |                                                  |
  |      |                       BODY                       |
  |      |             |            |         |             |
  |SPIRIT|       6     |      7     |    8    |      9      |
  |      |             |            |         |             |
  |      |       F     |      G     |    H    |      I      |
  | SOUL |             |            |         |             |
  |      |     First   |    God's   | Highest |  Immaculate |
  |      |             |            |         |             |
  |      |       O     |      P     |    Q    |      R      |
  | MIND |             |            |         |             |
  |      |  Omnipotent |  Perpetual |Quadratic|Righteousness|
  |      |             |            |         |             |
  |      |       X     |      Y     |    Z    |      &      |
  | BODY |             |            |         |             |
  |      |Cross or Mark|Youthfulness|  Zenith |     Plus    |

  =(Showing the values and inner meanings of the English Alphabet)=


[Illustration: CHART OF THE LUMANUS]

  |   A     J     S     1   |
  |   B     K     T     2   |
  |   C     L     U     3   |
  |   D     M     V     4   |
  |   E     N     W     5   |
  |   F     O     X     6   |
  |   G     P     Y     7   |
  |   H     Q     Z     8   |
  |   I     R     &     9   |
      Table No. 1

=--a--= By writing the letters of the Alphabet in order beside
the numbers from 1 to 9 as shown in this Alphabetical Table of
Enumeration, on our left, we find the value of each letter. Thus
A is the first letter of the alphabet, and has the value of 1. J
is the tenth letter. 1 and 0 is 1. Therefore the value of J is 1.
S is the nineteenth letter. 1 and 9 is 10. 1 and 0 is 1. Thus the
value of S is 1. In like manner the value of each letter will
prove to be that of the figure which stands beside it in this

=--b--= The second or Numerological Table of the Enumeration No.
2 on page VIII shows the value of all the letters in the English
alphabet, coupled with the word expressing the inner meaning of
each letter. Enumerators in other tongues are invited to make and
interpret their own Tables on Enumeration according to their

Either the Alphabetical or the Numerological Table of Enumeration
are used to find the values of the letters in working out the
Personality Number of a Name, or the value of a word, in the
English Tongue. The meanings of the various numbers and letters
are explained as we go further into the Manual of the Enumeration.

=--c--= The third or Astrological Table of the Enumeration marked
No. 3 explains the values and places of the planets and the signs
of the Zodiac, according to the nine figures, or Numerology. This
Astrological Table of Enumeration is used to show the place of
the life and occupation of any person, for comparison with the
other facts found in an analysis of the person thru the

  |                      |                     |                       |
  |          1           |          2          |           3           |
  |                      |                     |                       |
  | Sign #1 is           | Sign #2 is          | Sign #3 is            |
  | Aries                | Taurus              | Gemini                |
  | [Symbol: Aries],     | [Symbol: Taurus],   | [Symbol: Gemini],     |
  | Influenced           | Influenced          | Influenced            |
  | by Planet #9         | by Planet #6        | by Planet #5          |
  | Mars                 | Venus               | Mercury               |
  | [Symbol: Mars]       | [Symbol: Venus]     | [Symbol: Mercury]     |
  |                      |                     |                       |
  | Sign #10[A] is       | Sign #11 is         | Sign #12 is           |
  | Capricorn            | Aquarius            | Pisces                |
  | [Symbol: Capricorn], | [Symbol: Aquarius], | [Symbol: Pisces]      |
  | Influenced           | Influenced          | Influenced            |
  | by Planet #8         | by Planets #8 & 11, | by Planets #3 & 12,   |
  | Saturn               | Saturn              | Jupiter               |
  | [Symbol: Saturn]     | [Symbol: Saturn] &  | [Symbol: Jupiter]     |
  |                      | Uranus              | & Neptune             |
  | Planet #1            | [Symbol: Uranus]    | [Symbol: Neptune]     |
  | is the Sun           |                     |                       |
  | [Symbol: Sun],       | Planet #2           | Planet #3             |
  | influencing          | is the Moon         | is Jupiter            |
  | Sign #5              | [Symbol: Moon],     | [Symbol: Jupiter]     |
  | Leo                  | decreasing,         | influencing           |
  | [Symbol: Leo].       | influencing         | Signs #9 & 12         |
  |                      | Sign #4             | Sagittarius           |
  |[Footnote A:          | Cancer              | [Symbol: Sagittarius] |
  | 1 + 0 = 1.]          | [Symbol: Cancer]    | & Pisces              |
  |                      |                     | [Symbol: Pisces]      |

  |                    |                    |                   |
  |         4          |         5          |         6         |
  |                    |                    |                   |
  | Sign #4 is         | Sign #5            | Sign #6           |
  | Cancer             | Leo                | Virgo             |
  | [Symbol: Cancer]   | [Symbol: Leo]      | [Symbol: Virgo]   |
  | Influenced         | Influenced         | Influenced        |
  | by Planet #2 & 7,  | by Planet #1 & 4   | by Planet #5      |
  | the Moon           | the Sun            | Mercury           |
  | [Symbol: Moon]     | [Symbol: Sun]      | [Symbol: Mercury] |
  |                    |                    |                   |
  | Planet #4          | Planet #5          | Planet #6         |
  | the Sun            | Mercury            | Venus             |
  | [Symbol: Sun],     | [Symbol: Mercury], | [Symbol: Venus],  |
  | negative,          | influencing        | influencing       |
  | influencing        | Signs #3 & #6,     | Signs #2 & 7      |
  | Leo                | Gemini             | Taurus            |
  | [Symbol: Leo],     | [Symbol: Gemini]   | [Symbol: Taurus]  |
  | Sign #5            | & Virgo            | & Libra           |
  |                    | [Symbol: Virgo]    | [Symbol: Libra]   |

  |                  |                     |                       |
  |        7         |          8          |          9            |
  |                  |                     |                       |
  | Sign #7          | Sign #8             | Sign #9               |
  | Libra            | Scorpio             | Sagittarius           |
  | [Symbol: Libra]  | [Symbol: Scorpio]   | [Symbol: Sagittarius] |
  | Influenced       | Influenced          | Influenced            |
  | by Planet #6     | by Planet #9        | by Planets #3         |
  | Venus            | Mars                | Jupiter               |
  | [Symbol: Venus]  | [Symbol: Mars]      | [Symbol: Jupiter]     |
  |                  |                     |                       |
  | Planet #7        | Planet #8           | Planet #9 is          |
  | the Moon         | Saturn              | Mars                  |
  | [Symbol: Moon]   | [Symbol: Saturn]    | [Symbol: Mars]        |
  | increasing,      | influencing         | influencing           |
  | influencing      | Signs #10 & 11      | Signs #1 & 8          |
  | Sign #4          | Capricorn           | Aries                 |
  | Cancer           | [Symbol: Capricorn] | [Symbol: Aries]       |
  | [Symbol: Cancer] | & Aquarius          | & Scorpio             |
  |                  | [Symbol: Aquarius]  | [Symbol: Scorpio]     |

  =NO. 3=


  | A   J   S   1 |
  | B   K   T   2 |
  | C   L   U   3 |
  | D   M   V   4 |
  | E   N   W   5 |                   NUMEROLOGY
  | F   O   X   6 |
  | G   P   Y   7 |
  | H   Q   Z   8 |
  | I   R   &   9 |

  Table No. 1

=Definition 1.= The Enumeration is the collection of sciences of
human analysis by which we analyze the purposes and direction of
the life of the Soul on this earth plane.

=Definition 2.= The principal sciences of the Enumeration are
Numerology, Astrology, Graphology, Psychology and Cosmology.

=Definition 3.= Numerology gives an indication of about
twenty-five per cent of the influences in life; Astrology
indicates about fifteen per cent of those influences; Graphology
indicates about fifteen per cent. The rest of the influences of
life may then be calculated by the study of Psychology,
Cosmology, heredity, environment, education, etc.

=Definition 4.= In the study of Numerology we find there are
seven principal numbers that indicate what influences prevail in
your life. In the order of their importance to you these are: THE


=Definition 5.= We find the SOUL PATH NUMBER by adding together
all the figures found in a birthdate. For example: The birthdate
August 15th, 1906, would first be written 8 15 1906. Then we
would add all these figures together, 8 and 1 and 5 and 1 and 9
and 0 and 6, which would make a total of 30. Then we add the 3
and 0, making 3. Three is therefore the SOUL PATH NUMBER of the
birthdate, August 15, 1906.

=Definition 6.= The SOUL PATH NUMBER shows us what we came to
this earth plane to do.


=Definition 7.= We find the PERSONALITY NUMBER by adding together
the values of all the letters found in a name as naturally
written. For example:

The name R. J. WILCOX has the following values of its
         9  1  593366

letters (see page 1.)

Adding the values of these letters together we get 42. 4 and 2
make 6. 6 is therefore the PERSONALITY NUMBER of the name R. J.

If Mrs. R. J. WILCOX uses her husband's initials
   491  9  1  593366

in her natural signature, then the figures would be used,
including the MRS. The adding of these figures gives us the total
of 56. 5 and 6 make 11. 1 and 1 make 2. 2 is therefore the

But should Mrs. Wilcox sign her name naturally and

usually as MRS. ELLA WILCOX, we would work out
                5331 593366

only HER name figures, without MRS. Adding these together gives
us a total of 44. 4 and 4 make 8. 8 is therefore the PERSONALITY
NUMBER of Mrs. Ella Wilcox.

=Definition 8.= The PERSONALITY NUMBER shows us how we are best
adapted to do what we came here to do.


=Definition 9.= We find the THREE PREDOMINANT NAME NUMBERS by
selecting the three highest numbers repeated in a name or group
of words, and their sum, as naturally written. For example: The

R. J. WILCOX having the following values in its letters,
9  1  593366, making 42, which makes 6;
+      +""@@                         @

We find the highest number that is repeated is 9 (marked +). The
second highest number that is repeated is 6 (marked @); while the
third highest number that is repeated is 3 (marked "). 9, 6 and
3, in their order, are therefore the THREE PREDOMINANT NAME
NUMBERS of the name R. J. WILCOX.


=Definition 10.= In case there are NOT 3 numbers repeated in a
name or group of words, we take the highest unrepeated numbers to
finish out the full set of THREE PREDOMINANT NAME NUMBERS. For

example: Taking the name F. O. FOX, we find the
                         6  6  666

values of the letters in this name to be 6 6 666, making 30. 3
and 0 make 3. Taking the highest number repented, we get 6. The
second highest number repeated is 3. There is no third number, so
we must repeat the 6, as being the highest number. Thus 6, 6 and

=Definition 11.= The THREE PREDOMINANT NAME NUMBERS show us what
we will attract to ourselves while we are doing what we came here
to do.


=Definition 12.= We find the DESTINY NUMBER by adding together
PREDOMINANT NAME NUMBERS. For example: R. J. WILCOX, born August
15th, 1906, find the DESTINY NUMBER. We found the SOUL PATH
NUMBER to be 3, the PERSONALITY NUMBER to be 6 and the THREE
PREDOMINANT NAME NUMBERS to be 9, 6 and 3. Now adding all these,
3 and 6 and 9 and 6 and 3 we get the sum 27. 2 and 7 are 9. 9 is
therefore the DESTINY NUMBER of R. J. WILCOX born August 15th,

=Definition 13.= The DESTINY NUMBER shows us what the great
objective of the Soul was in coming to this incarnation.


=Definition 14.= We find the PUBLIC APPEARANCE NUMBER by adding
the values of all the initials together, in a name as naturally
written. For example: R. J. WILCOX, we take the values of the
initials only, 9 1 5. Adding these we get a total of 15. 1 and 5
make 6. 6 is therefore the PUBLIC APPEARANCE NUMBER of R. J.

In the name MRS. R. J. WILCOX we would take
            4    9  1  5

the initials of the MRS., also; (see page 2) 4 9 1 5, making 19.
1 and 9 make 10. 1 and 0 make 1. 1 is therefore the PUBLIC

But if Mrs. Wilcox should sign her name MRS. ELLA WILCOX, then we
would use her initials as they appeared in her name, 5 and 5
which would make 10. 1 and 0 make 1, the same as before in this
case. 1 is therefore the PUBLIC APPEARANCE NUMBER of MRS. ELLA

=Definition 15.= The PUBLIC APPEARANCE NUMBER shows us in what
way we can best appear before our public in doing the thing we
came to this earth plane to do.


=Principal Influences=

=Definition 16.= In Astrology there are four principal influences
affecting your life. Remember that these are INFLUENCES not

In the order of their importance these influences are, THE SUN
SIGN, shown by the date of your birth; the PRINCIPAL PLANET,
called the Ruling Planet of the SUN SIGN; your PRESENT HOUSE,
determined by the number of your present year, based on your age
next birthday; and the PLANETARY ASPECTS, determined by the
relationships of all the Planets to each other. For all practical
purposes a Raphael's Ephemeris for the given year of your birth,
will show you with sufficient accuracy, your SUN SIGN, your
PRINCIPAL PLANET and its position, and the major PLANETARY

=Definition 17.= The SUN SIGN shows us what lines of occupation
we may follow to advantage; what our chief characteristics are
likely to be; with what other SUN SIGN we could best mate or
become partners and what major likes and dislikes we may have.


=Definition 18.= The PRINCIPAL PLANET adds to a knowledge of our
characteristics and shows more fully the nature of our mind and
its reactions.

=Definition 19.= The PRINCIPAL PLANET may sometimes be offset in
its influence by another planet having a better set of aspects or
in a more influential position in our horoscope.

=Definition No. 20.=


  Dates                Sign                               Element

  Mar. 20 to Apr. 19   Aries [Symbol: Aries]              1st Fire Sign
  Apr. 20 to May 19    Taurus [Symbol: Taurus]            1st Earth Sign
  May 20 to June 20    Gemini [Symbol: Gemini]            1st Air Sign
  June 21 to July 21   Cancer [Symbol: Cancer]            1st Water Sign
  July 22 to Aug. 22   Leo [Symbol: Leo]                  2nd Fire Sign
  Aug. 23 to Sept. 23  Virgo [Symbol: Virgo]              2nd Earth Sign
  Sept. 24 to Oct. 22  Libra [Symbol: Libra]              2nd Air Sign
  Oct. 23 to Nov. 21   Scorpio [Symbol: Scorpio]          2nd Water Sign
  Nov. 22 to Dec. 20   Sagittarius [Symbol: Sagittarius]  3rd Fire Sign
  Dec. 21 to Jan. 19   Capricorn [Symbol: Capricorn]      3rd Earth Sign
  Jan. 20 to Febr. 18  Aquarius [Symbol: Aquarius]        3rd Air Sign
  Febr. 19 to Mar. 19  Pisces [Symbol: Pisces]            3rd Water Sign

  Dates                Zodiac        Anatomy    Planets

  Mar. 20 to Apr. 19   The Ram       Head       Mars [Symbol: Mars]
  Apr. 20 to May 19    The Bull      Neck       Venus [Symbol: Venus]
  May 20 to June 20    The Twins     Arms       Mercury [Symbol: Mercury]
  June 21 to July 21   The Crab      Breast     Moon [Symbol: Moon]
  July 22 to Aug. 22   The Lion      Heart      Sun [Symbol: Sun]
  Aug. 23 to Sept. 23  The Virgin    Bowels &
                                      Stomach   Mercury [Symbol: Mercury]
  Sept. 24 to Oct. 22  The Scales    Kidneys    Venus [Symbol: Venus]
  Oct. 23 to Nov. 21   The Scorpion  Loins      Mars [Symbol: Mars]
  Nov. 22 to Dec. 20   The Archer    Thighs     Jupiter [Symbol: Jupiter]
  Dec. 21 to Jan. 19   The Goat      Knees      Saturn [Symbol: Saturn]
  Jan. 20 to Febr. 18  The Water     Calves and {Uranus [Symbol: Uranus]
                       Bearer        Ankles     {Saturn [Symbol: Saturn]
  Febr. 19 to Mar. 19  The Fishes    Feet       {Neptune [Symbol: Neptune]
                                                {Jupiter [Symbol: Jupiter]


=Definition 21.= Each year, at your birthday you come into a
different HOUSE or cycle, which lasts till the next birthday.
Each of these HOUSES or cycles has a definite influence on your
life for that year, which will alter slightly the general
influence of the previous influences mentioned, such as the
various numbers (see pages 3 to 6, Definitions 1 to 15) and each
influence modifies those in the preceding positions in your life.

=Definition 22.=


The figures always refer to your NEXT birthday.

   1 13 25 37 49 61 73 85 First House
   2 14 26 38 50 62 74 86 Twelfth House
   3 15 27 39 51 63 75 87 Eleventh House
   4 16 28 40 52 64 76 88 Tenth House
   5 17 29 41 53 65 77 89 Ninth House
   6 18 30 42 54 66 78 90 Eighth House
   7 19 31 43 55 67 79 91 Seventh House
   8 20 32 44 56 68 80 92 Sixth House
   9 21 33 45 57 69 81 93 Fifth House
  10 22 34 46 58 70 82 94 Fourth House
  11 23 35 47 59 71 83 95 Third House
  12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 Second House


=Definition 23.--a--=Conjunction or Conjunct [Symbol: Conjunct],
is seen when two planets are within three degrees of each other's
position in the same sign. Conjunct [Symbol: Conjunct] is
considered a good aspect.

=--b--=A planet is in OPPOSITION [Symbol: Opposition] to another,
when they are half way around the Zodiac from each other. This
would be six signs or 180 degrees of the circle of the Zodiac.
OPPOSITION [Symbol: Opposition] is considered an adverse or bad

=--c--=A planet is SQUARE [Symbol: Square] to another when they
are one-fourth of the way around the Zodiac from each other, or
90 degrees of the circle, because that is the arc that forms a
square. This would be three signs of the Zodiac apart or 90
degrees. The SQUARE [Symbol: Square] is considered an adverse or
bad aspect.

=--d--=A planet is TRINE [Symbol: triangle] to another when they
are one-third of the way around the Zodiac from each other, or
120 degrees apart. This would be four signs of the Zodiac. The
TRINE [Symbol: Triangle] is considered a good aspect.


=--e--=A planet is SEXTILE [Symbol: Star] to another when they
are one-sixth of the way around the Zodiac from each other, or 60
degrees apart. This would be two signs of the Zodiac apart. The
SEXTILE [Symbol: Star] is considered a good aspect.

=--f--=A planet is SEMI-SEXTILE [Symbol: half-Star] to another
when they are one-twelfth of the way around the Zodiac from each
other, or 30 degrees apart. This would be in the next sign. The
SEMI-SEXTILE [Symbol: half-Star] is considered a good aspect.

=--g--=These are the major aspects. There are finer degrees, but
they have little or no perceptible influence.

=Definition 24.=

=--h--=To be in aspect a planet must be within three of the same
number of degrees in the sign, as is the one to which it is
aspected. For example: Venus [Symbol: Venus] 14 degrees in Taurus
[Symbol: Taurus], would be SEXTILE [Symbol: Star] to Saturn
[Symbol: Saturn], if Saturn [Symbol: Saturn] was either in Pisces
[Symbol: Pisces], from the 11th to the 17th degree, inclusive; or
if Saturn [Symbol: Saturn] was in Cancer [Symbol: Cancer], the
11th to the 17th degrees, inclusive. So with other numbers of
degree of the places of the planets when within 3 degrees of the
same positions in aspected signs. The following table may give
you a little more definite idea as to the positions of the
planets in ASPECTS to each other.

=--i--=In the Table of Aspects, page 10, we see Saturn [Symbol:
Saturn] in OPPOSITION [Symbol: Opposition] to Mars [Symbol:
Mars], Saturn [Symbol: Saturn] is SQUARE [Symbol: Square] to
Mercury [Symbol: Mercury]; Saturn [Symbol: Saturn] is TRINE
[Symbol: Triangle] to Jupiter [Symbol: Jupiter]; Saturn [Symbol:
Saturn] is SEXTILE [Symbol: Star] to Venus [Symbol: Venus];
Saturn [Symbol: Saturn] is SEMI-SEXTILE [Symbol: half-Star] to
Uranus [Symbol: Uranus]. Thus are shown the principal aspects of
the planets, although it would be most unusual for any one planet
to have so many aspects with other planets.





Showing what part of the body is represented by each sign of the
Zodiac. On page 7, Table No. 4, will be found the dates in which
each of these signs of the Zodiac is effective.

This Chart also indicates by the positions of the signs on the
body, what part of the body will be likely to be weakest in a
person born under that sign of the Zodiac. This, however, is an
INFLUENCE, not a fate, hence may be overcome.

=The Chart of the Lumanus=

=--a--="The Window or Light of the Soul of Man" given to earth
for the guidance of man in preparation for the Aquarian age, now
dawning. The whole chart of the Lumanus, seen on the left of this
page, represents the finger of God pointing upward to man's
higher Self, the God within man.

=--b--=This Enumeration is for the bringing forth into physical
expression, phases of the Great Truth, wherever found. In this
special instance, much of this Truth will be sought in what is
known as the authorized or King James version of the Holy Bible.

=--bb--=We will use the modern rendering of the Table of
Enumeration, adapted to the English language and corresponding to
the places of the letters of the alphabet in that tongue.

[Illustration: CHART OF THE LUMANUS]

[Sidenote: THE GOD LUMA]

=The Lumas=

(Upper half of the Chart of the Lumanus)
"Mind enlightenment through Numbers."

=(The 1 Space)=

  |         |
  | A J S 1 |
  |         |
  | B K T 2 |
  |         |
  | C L U 3 |
  |         |
  | D M V 4 |
  |         |
  | E N W 5 |
  |         |
  | F O X 6 |
  |         |
  | G P Y 7 |
  |         |
  | H Q Z 8 |
  |         |
  | I R & 9 |

  Table No. 1

[Illustration: 1] =Title=: FATHER-MOTHER GOD. These words have a
value in the Table of the Enumeration No. 1 of 82. 8 and 2 are
10. 1 and 0 are 1, meaning the 1 Space in the Chart of the
Lumanus, which is symbolical of the Father-Mother God. The color
for the God Luma, or 1 Space, is Flame color. This is a flame of
light to light our pathway, or it may be a destructive Force,
according to its application. "Our God is a Consuming Fire."
(Heb. 12:29.)

[Illustration: CHART OF THE LUMANUS]

=--d--=The Father-Mother God (space 1, Chart of the Lumanus, on
the left of this page), being the original One in Triune
expression, is the ONE Source from which all things flow. He is
the emotionless center of all =emotion;= the motionless center of
all =motion;= the powerless center of all =power.= We express His
personality in the male gender as showing the power or positive
side of His nature, but the Father-Mother God INCLUDES all male
and female creation in Himself. He is known to man by various
names, such as, Creator, Father, Allah, God and many others; in
all cases the same Spirit Being, above all, and through all, and
in you all. (Eph. 4:4 to 6.) The words Father-Mother God total to
the number 1.

The letters valued at 1, in the Table of Enumeration No. 1, are


=--e--=A conspicuous 1 in your name or birthdate may be a Soul
Path Number, Personality Number, Predominant Name Number, Destiny
Number, Public Appearance Number, Initials or repeated numbers.
This 1 then means that you have a tendency to leadership,
organization, force, honesty, self-defense and strength. Faults
that you should watch for and correct are: dominance, selfishness
and heartlessness.

=--f--=The planet of the 1 is the Sun [Symbol: Sun]. The sign of
the 1 is Aries [Symbol: Aries] and Capricorn [Symbol: Capricorn],
10th sign of the Zodiac. 1 + 0 = 1. (See Table of the
Enumeration No. 3.) If your name has in it an A, it increases
your Soul qualities; if it has a J, it increases your Mind
qualities; if it has an S, it increases your Body qualities.
These three letters being under the 1, signify your spiritual
understanding. (See Alphabetical Table of Enumeration No. 1.)


The effects of the five principal positions of the number 1 in
life are as follows:

=--g--1 as a Soul Path Number= (see page 3) shows that this Soul
Path will bring out a distinct and rather self-centered life,
especially adapted to be the head of a large business, good
executive, somewhat musical and artistic. You are a strong
fighter for your rights, resent interference, look out for number
one at all times, but are honest and frank in that seeking. You
should choose a path of original or creative effort of a public

=--h--1 as a Personality Number= (see page 4) will tend
to make you a natural leader and cause others to seek to put
responsibility on you. Do not shirk these responsibilities. You
should show executive and inventive ability and, while not
thrusting yourself forward, always be READY TO TAKE THE LEAD. It
is for you. People will soon learn to lean on your opinion, if
you express your ideas only after due thought in your own way.

=--j--1 as a Predominant Name Number= (see page 4) would tend to
attract around you people who are also leaders but in a lesser
degree. You must ALWAYS find something for these people to do,
for the prompt taking charge of them in the line you are handling
and setting them to work, convinces them that their coming to you
was justified, that you =are= an authority. If a leader really
greater than yourself is attracted to you through your number 1
effect, you will know it, and must then ABSORB all you can as
fast as possible, going onward to your own form of leadership.
With 1 predominant, you should really set up your OWN institution
or establishment, however humble to start with.


=--k--1 as a Destiny Number= (see page 5) shows a definite form
of public success in following out the career, and nearly always
tends to bring you out before the public in an exhibitive way,
such as a public speaker, singer, lecturer, teacher, etc.

=--l--1 as a Public Appearance Number= (see page 5) this shows
that you will best come before your people as the leader or chief
of your talent. No matter what the obstruction seems to be, you
should keep striving till you do arrive that way. You are fitted
to be just that and should accept nothing less. This may not be
so much as a public speaker, but more as the directing head, such
as the leader of an orchestra or the manager of a theatrical

=--m--Warning--=The easiest fault of the number 1 in any of the
above places is to enlarge conceit, develop egotism, and
generally make you much too selfish. Be especially careful to see
that all your acts are a real benefit to the other person. You,
especially, in such case, need to "love thy neighbor as thyself."
(Matt. 22:39; James 2:8.) But remember also that you should be
compensated for the good you do in order to really help others.


=--mm--=Everything in creation exists by reason of the Seven
Principles of Creation. All men or women who become successful
must use these Seven Principles in their order. The use of them
can be readily traced in the life and works of any great or
successful man or woman.

The First Principle of Creation is FORCE.

FORCE, when rightly exerted, always leads to POWER.

=--n--=FORCE always produces your POWER, in health, mind, money
or your perception of Soul and its curve, in accordance with the
way you apply the FORCE.

In the First Chapter of Genesis we are told that on the First Day
God CREATED, used FORCE. Creation has required FORCE ever since,
both in the conception of the idea, which forced us out of former
habits to the new thing, and in bringing forth the idea at the
birth, as it were.

=--nn--=In this study the Enumerator learns that he is conceived
in the Second House, under the Taurus [Symbol: Taurus] influence
and BORN into the FIRST House under the Aries [Symbol: Aries]
influence. Now Taurus [Symbol: Taurus] represents the Bull, which
is the representation of the First Principle of Creation, called
FORCE. The ancients taught that Taurus [Symbol: Taurus], the
Bull, represented the faculties of reproduction and fruitfulness.

Taurus [Symbol: Taurus], the Bull, and Aries [Symbol: Aries], the
Ram, are considered the natural representatives of FORCE and

=--p--=Always remember that no figure is a fate, they only
indicate Cosmic tendencies.

[Sidenote: ARIES [Symbol: Aries] SUB-LUMA]

=Sign No. 1=

=--q--=The Aries [Symbol: Aries] Sub-Luma influences those born
from March 20th to April 19th inclusive in all years. The best
occupations for this Sub-Luma would be along the lines of the
Military, certain classes of Literature, Art and Lecturing;
teaching of Special Subjects; Politics; large plans and
management of governmental affairs; Surgery; Ironworkers;
Butchers and makers and dealers in Iron, Steel and also the
Graphic Arts that use metals as vehicles of expression, such as
Engravers, Printers, Stone-masons and Marble-cutters. Trade,
Commerce, Chemistry and Travel are also indicated as available
avenues of congenial activity. You deal best with Dentists,
Assayers and Mechanics.


=--r--=The person expressing in the Aries [Symbol: Aries]
Sub-Luma should mate, for happiness and mutual benefit, with one
expressing in the Leo [Symbol: Leo], Sagittarius [Symbol:
Sagittarius], Scorpio [Symbol: Scorpio], Gemini [Symbol: Gemini],
Aquarius [Symbol: Aquarius], or Libra [Symbol: Libra] Sub-Lumas.

=Astral classification=

Principal planet MARS [Symbol: Mars].

=--s--=Mars [Symbol: Mars] is the planet of fire, energy and
force. It gives you a disposition that is ardent, active,
positive, impulsive and impetuous. You are a lover of freedom and
independence, and cannot endure restraint, confinement and delay.
You are generous and frank, an admirer of openness, bravery and
courage, both physical and moral. You have much self-confidence,
and are usually able to hold your own easily, being prompt in
word and action. You need to be aware of being too rash and
headstrong, for you are rather inclined to be aggressive and
self-willed; and you are likely to bring many troubles upon
yourself through this. You have a good deal of pride, which is
easily wounded, and you do not find it easy to remain cool and
self-restrained under provocation. You are an active and
energetic worker and can accomplish much in a short time, and you
have it in you to become very practical and capable in the world,
if you exercise a little self-discipline.

=--t--=Mars [Symbol: Mars] is the planet of fire, energy, impulse
and action. Its position in a sign indicates the channel through
which these qualities will flow. Mars [Symbol: Mars] is the
principal planet for Aries [Symbol: Aries], Mar. 20 to April 19,
and for Scorpio [Symbol: Scorpio], Oct. 23 to Nov. 21.


  Preferable Jewel                                             Diamond
  Colors best to use and wear                            White and Red
  Most Advantageous Day                                        Tuesday
  Biblical                      Belongs to Tribe of Benjamin in Israel
  Bible References                             Gen. 49:27; Deut. 33:12

=--u--=Aries [Symbol: Aries] is the first sign of the Zodiac, the
first Sub-Luma on the Chart of the Lumanus, a fiery, cardinal and
leading sign. You want to see the world and all that lies
therein. No description or travelogues will satisfy you. You are
faithful, just and kind; an originator to some extent; a good and
practical architect; if you finally take up that work. Your
buildings would not tumble down, and they would demonstrate the
finer features of art. You are interested in psychics, magic--all
curious and hidden lore. At the same time these pursuits do not
interfere with your daily life. In fact, your friends may not
even be aware that these subjects have an interest for you. In
temperament, you are inclined to materialism and are not
religious in any orthodox way. You are strongly intuitive,
impressionable, rather emotional. Learn to become even in your
temper, and be careful how you bestow your love.

=--v--=You are a good planner, and generally forsee the results
of any action, but you are not quite competent to carry out your
own ideas alone. You are more or less enthusiastic, impulsive,
headstrong, self-willed and likely to go to extremes. So when the
individual character is much stronger than the personal, it
inclines toward righteous indignation, hasty speech and lack of
discretion when thrown into contact with others. You possess a
great amount of force and energy and a full, rich and generous
nature; plenty of vitality and enthusiasm, and also much hope and
activity. You are never lacking in spirit and have plenty of vim
and confidence in yourself and will never be short of what the
world calls pluck. You are, at times, somewhat inclined to assert
yourself needlessly, so that you must avoid giving way to
impulses, and doing things rashly or jumping at conclusions so

[Sidenote: ARIES [Symbol: Aries] AND FIRST HOUSE]

=--w--=In order to safeguard yourself against disappointments,
failures or sadness, you should be in a quiet frame of mind, in
settling important affairs, as it would be more to your advantage
to think it over before acting, instead of being too hasty. As
love is the only influence which can gain control over people of
this sign, love should guide the hand and mind. Your troubles
are so generally the result of disturbed mental conditions, due
to worry, anger, jealously, impatience, etc., that the way to
avoid them is very clear. Calmness, self-analysis and complete
subjugation of the passions, will enable you to become healthy,
influential and successful in all you undertake.


=--x--=The Sub-Lumas, being a part of the same window of Life as
the Lumas, they also have a numeral relationship to the Lumas
above them. Thus, Aries [Symbol: Aries], the first Sub-Luma, is
under the influence of the 1 space, the God Luma, and is really
an earthly reflection of the Almighty Judge Supreme, in that
Aries [Symbol: Aries] people are excellent judges of people and
events although at times hasty in their conclusions. They
sometimes fail to remember that APPEARANCES may be deceptive.
Capricorn [Symbol: Capricorn], the 10th sign, also represents the
Number 1. So frequently a priest and advisor. Almost a god to
many people.


Aries [Symbol: Aries] influence. Age next birthday
1-13-25-37-49-61-73-85-97. (See Definitions 21 and 22, page 8).

[Illustration: Symbol: Aries]

=--y--First House--=Aries [Symbol: Aries] influence. This House
or year pertains to early life influences, habit-forming life,
changes of habits in life and relates to living conditions. These
influences are general and in your First House you may look for
changes affecting these portions of life. The God-Spirit will
focus most noticeably in Mars [Symbol: Mars] during the years of
your First House, so far as you are concerned, so you may use
energy, force and combative qualities in changing to advantage
during these years; the figures always refer to the birthday
COMING. Thus, if you will be one year old, or thirteen years old,
or twenty-five years old, NEXT birthday, you have finished the
previous year and are NOW in that first, thirteenth, or
twenty-fifth year. The years affected by the First House,
therefore, are: 1st, 13th, 25th, 37th, 49th, 61st, 73rd, 85th,
97th, etc.

=--z--=When passing through this house, all matters pertaining to
the personality will be brought to the fore, and much depends
upon your actions and upon your attitude of mind, as to how the
passage through this house will affect you. All matters relating
to the head now come to the front. You will now be more aspiring
and ambitious than ever and will desire progress and will wish to
reform existing conditions, and consequently sometimes the health
is affected by your ardency in accordance with the strength of
the horoscope at birth. The passage through the first house
nearly always produces changes. It will be well for you to note
carefully the kind of changes you desire, so as not to make
mistakes. In a general sense you may expect the personality to
come to the front, and all matters connected with the form side
of existence to engage your attention. You will find yourself
feeling more courageous, enterprising, frank and outspoken, so as
to face any difficulties promptly and bravely.

  [Illustration: Chart of the Lumanus]

  |        |                                |               |       |
  |        |             SPIRIT             |      SOUL     |  MIND |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  | SPIRIT |     1    |    2   |      3     |       4       |   5   |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |     A    |    B   |      C     |       D       |   E   |
  |  SOUL  |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        | Almighty | Bearer |   Christ   | Demonstration |  East |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |     J    |    K   |      L     |       M       |   N   |
  |  MIND  |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |  Judge   | King's | Luminosity |    Material   | North |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |     S    |    T   |      U     |       V       |   W   |
  |  BODY  |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |  Supreme | Tithes | Unknowable |    Vitality   |  West |
  |        |                                |               |       |
  |        |             SPIRIT             |      SOUL     |  MIND |

  |                                                           |        |
  |                            BODY                           |        |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        6       |       7      |     8     |       9       | SPIRIT |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        F       |       G      |     H     |       I       |        |
  |                |              |           |               |  SOUL  |
  |      First     |     God's    |  Highest  |   Immaculate  |        |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        O       |       P      |     Q     |       R       |        |
  |                |              |           |               |  MIND  |
  |   Omnipotent   |   Perpetual  | Quadratic | Righteousness |        |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        X       |       Y      |     Z     |       &       |        |
  |                |              |           |               |  BODY  |
  | Cross or Mark  | Youthfulness |   Zenith  |      Plus     |        |
  |                                                           |        |
  |                            BODY                           |        |

  [Illustration: Chart of the Alphabet]

values and inner meanings of the English Alphabet)=

[Sidenote: THE SON LUMA]

=(The 2 Space)=

[Illustration: 2]

=--a--=Title, CREATIVE CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS. These words have a
value of 119. 1 and 1 and 9 make 11. The 1 and 1 of the 11 make
2, symbolizing the Second Person of the Godhead.

=--b--=The Creative Christ Consciousness (space 2 of the Chart of
the Lumanus) represents the Soul in the high vibration. Soul and
Lord mean the same in the Bible; and the Bible is much more
easily understood if soul is known to mean the Lord. Each
individual being on earth, man or beast, bird or serpent,
vegetable or mineral, is expressing a part of that Soul or Lord.
Man is the Christ Consciousness expressing intelligence. All the
rest beneath man are vibrational imitations or images of that
expression. Having the Creative Christ Consciousness, whether
consciously or unconsciously expressed, man is thus a god, in
accordance with the scriptures, and the confirmation of the
Christ Consciousness. (Psalms 82:6. John 10:33, 34.) The words
Creative Christ Consciousness total to the number 2.

=--c--=The color for the Son Luma or 2 space, is Gold. The Son
Luma represents the Soul before its entrance into this incarnation
in an earthly temple or body.

=--d--=The letters under the 2 are, B, K and T, meaning BEARER of
the KING'S TITHES. It symbolizes the Soul which inspires you to
Tithe or give the Tenth to spiritual things. It brings the secret

[Illustration: CHART OF THE LUMANUS]


=--e--=A conspicuous 2 in your name or birthdate (see page 13,
paragraph e) tends to make you tactful, diplomatic, shrewd, and
a power back of someone more dominant at times. Makes you
somewhat feminine, kindly and gentle. Faults to be careful of:
deceit, shallowness, a "me-too" servility and timidity.

=--f--=The planet of the 2 is the Moon [Symbol: Lune],
decreasing. The sign of the 2 is Taurus [Symbol: Taurus] and
Aquarius [Symbol: Aquarius] the 11th sign. 1 and 1 make 2. If
your name has in it a B, it increases your Soul qualities in the
2; if a K, it increases your Mind qualities; if a T, it increases
your Body qualities, particularly as applied to your Spiritual
understanding in all three cases.


=--g--2 as a Soul Path Number= (see page 3) shows that you chose
a pathway where the qualities of diplomacy, tactfulness, and
arbitration could be used. Your soul is seeking especially the
use of the affections and emotions and their effects in life. You
will naturally choose peaceful and quiet paths and about the only
time you would fight is in defense of a friend, a loved one or a
helpless person. In your own differences with others you will
seek a path of peaceful, even though wordy, settlement.

=--h--2 as a Personality Number= (see page 4) tends to make you
a sort of "power behind the throne," seeking the position of
consultation, trust and counsellor to some more dynamic
personality. Your personality readily makes friends and thus
makes you a fine "mixer" for some types of genius who need
friends but find it hard to make or hold them. You can therefore
best manifest in this life as a secretary, diplomat, accountant,
lawyer, adjuster of claims, etc. You will also find a natural
channel along the lines of social service work.

=--j--2 as a Predominant Name Number= (see page 4) tends to
attract to you those who are diplomatic, suave and even the
cunning types, for which you must be careful and not be deceived
by flattery. You will also naturally attract to yourself those
who would use your diplomatic ability and then not admit that you
had anything to do with the victory obtained. Be careful to see
your own interests as well as the other person's in what you do
and make them admit to start with that they DO need your help and
will pay you for it in whatever manner you may now deem best.
Otherwise you will get soured on the "ungrateful world" and spoil
your life as well as others.

[Sidenote: THE NUMBER 2]

=--k--2 as a Destiny Number= (see page 5) shows possibilities in
the lines of diplomacy, law and soliciting. It shows that your
destiny is best worked out when working with others, although you
may, through diplomatic and shrewd understanding, be up close to
the head of a large business or very successful enterprises.
Still, you would always have a definite head to look to for final
orders. Part of your destiny can well be worked out in social
reform work of some type.

=--kk--2 as a Public Appearance Number.= As a Public Appearance
Number, the 2 symbolizes the lawyer, the diplomat, the planner
and giver of ideas. It shows that you can best appear before your
public in a concealed manner, as the power BEHIND the apparent
head of things. With this 2 you should strive to make your
greatest mark as the director of the mind that will appear before
the public. Keep your ambitions within those bounds.

=--l--Warning to Number 2.= FAULTS: Very easy for the 2 person to
get disgruntled or peeved, to allow ambition to carry on beyond
the right depths and to strive for that which will be practically
so unattainable as to embitter, even if attained. Use diplomacy
on self and show yourself what a good life this is after all,
everything considered.


The SECOND Principle of Creation is CHOICE.

CHOICE, properly exerted, always leads to RICHES. CHOICE always
affects your Riches, in health, mind, money or soul-perception,
according to the way and manner in which you exert the CHOICE.

=--m--=In the first Chapter of Genesis we are told that on the
Second Day God DIVIDED, or made a choice between, the waters
(Truth) which were UNDER the firmament, the Physical Truth; and
the waters (Truth) which were above the firmament, the Spiritual

=--n--=In this life the Enumerator learns to choose which is the
Spiritual Truth, which is the Psychic Truth, which is the
Monetary Truth, which is the Mind Truth and which the Animal
Truth. Then the Enumerator APPLIES each Truth in the plane where
it belongs.

Thus we know and USE the Truth on each plane, without belittling
any. By this means we do not need to convert the Body or Animal
nature. We merely keep it in its place and make it serve there,
WHEN and HOW we will.

=TAURUS= [Symbol: Taurus] =SUB-LUMA--Sign No. 2=

[Illustration: Symbol: Taurus]

=--nn--=The Taurus [Symbol: Taurus] Sub-Luma influences those
born from April 20th to May 19th inclusive, in all years. The
best forms of its expression would be along the lines of Drama;
management of Music and Public Entertainment in a comprehensive
way; Engineers, especially engaged in constructing extensive
earth works, hydraulics, civil engineering, etc.; precision work
of all kinds, like Chemistry, Medicine, Designing, Patterns and
Models. Taurus [Symbol: Taurus] people frequently succeed quite
well as managers of large estates and large farms.


=--p--=The person expressing in the Taurus [Symbol: Taurus]
Sub-Luma, should mate for harmony and mutual benefit, with one
expressing in one of the Sub-Lumas of Capricorn [Symbol:
Capricorn], Virgo [Symbol: Virgo], Libra [Symbol: Libra], Pisces
[Symbol: Pisces], Cancer [Symbol: Cancer] or Scorpio [Symbol:


=Principal Planet Venus= [Symbol: Venus]

=--q--=Venus [Symbol: Venus] is the planet of love and beauty.
It strengthens the affections and it will make the social
side of your nature active and strong. You are warmhearted and
companionable, fond of the society of friends and relatives, of a
loving and peaceable disposition, and favoring all that is
harmonious and refined. You are fond of ease and comfort, of
pleasure and luxury, and you may need to exercise some restraint
over this side of your nature. Venus generally gives those
who are born under it good taste and a love of beauty, of
fine surroundings, clothes, ornaments, decorations, and an
appreciation of neatness and orderliness. You probably have the
ability to develop the aesthetic side of your nature in the
direction of singing, music, art, poetry, etc., if you care to do
so. The influence of this planet can also be adapted to a
business life, as it gives some financial ability and good luck.
The disposition is usually cheerful, hopeful and good natured,
and brings popularity and many friends.

[Sidenote: TAURUS [Symbol: Taurus]]

=--r--=Venus [Symbol: Venus] is the chief significator of love
and marriage. It also has some influence over money matters and
general prosperity, as well as giving a sense of beauty. You deal
best with caterers, entertainers, sweethearts, ministers, hotel
managers and theater owners. Venus is the principal planet for
Taurus [Symbol: Taurus], April 20 to May 19, and for Libra
[Symbol: Libra], September 23 to October 22.

=Personal Classification=

  Preferable Jewel                                             Emerald
  Colors best to use and wear                        Rose Pink & Green
  Most Advantageous Day                                         Friday
  Biblical                    Belongs in the Tribe of Reuben in Israel
  Bible References                            Gen. 49:3, 4; Deut. 33:6

=--s--=Taurus [Symbol: Taurus] is the head sign of the earthly
triplicity, a negative and fixed sign, and second of the Zodiac.
You have a strong character, dogmatic and set in your ways, but
usually sacrifice much to attain. You are very much interested in
all psychic things, yet strongly inclined to materialism. Learn
to trust your own intuitions and judgments, and do not allow the
opinions of others to sway you. Love affairs take up a great part
of your thoughts at present, but as you grow older they will be
subordinated to their proper place in your life, and your
marriage is destined to be very happy. Mentally you have a great
deal of power, but desire is very often stronger than the will,
and will express your mentality in a very matter-of-fact manner,
as you seem to delight in being what you term "practical." In
other words, you are more objective.

=--t--=You have distinct talent for the stage, and at times feel
you would enjoy a Bohemian existence, but at other times know you
prefer a solid comfort at home to all the hotel life and travel
the stage would entail. You lift heavy burdens from the shoulders
of others, out of mere kindness--with no thought of return from
them, and yet out of mere kindness you are surprised at the
ingratitude with which your efforts are received. You are fond of
the opposite sex, but as a whole, rather than of individuals. You
will form one or two strong attachments, which will have the
effect of changing your life. In money matters, you will be
moderately successful.

=--u--=You have a strong constitution and a great deal of
magnetic power, and tend to suffer from too much life, rather
than too little, and are therefore in danger of apoplexy and such
ailments, unless you use your natural healing powers on
yourself. You always have better health when you are throwing off
some of your magnetism, and in this respect, it is best for you
not to become too reserved, or secretive, so that your forces may
be liberated to benefit others, as well as yourself. Judged from
the house of love and marriage, some trouble in connection with
those affairs is shown. But at the same time, as the sign Taurus
[Symbol: Taurus] is in close relation to the Second House, the
House of finances, this is an indication that you should gain
financially and socially through your marriage, but this appears
more along the lines of finance than through reciprocal
affection. To be successful and happy in marriage, you should
choose a partner born between August the 22nd and September 2nd.

=Relativity of Taurus= [Symbol: Taurus] =and Number 2=

=--v--=The Taurus [Symbol: Taurus], or second Sub-Luma, is under
the secondary influence of the 2 space, the Son Luma. Taurus
[Symbol: Taurus] often shows its occult nature in the Bearing of
the King's Tithes. Aquarius [Symbol: Aquarius], the 11th sign, is
also under the 2 vibration indirectly as 1 and 1 make 2.

=Second House or Cycle, Taurus= [Symbol: Taurus] =Influence=

=Age Next Birthday--12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96=

[Illustration: Symbol: Taurus]

=--w--Second House--=Taurus [Symbol: Taurus] influence. The
Spirit focuses in Venus [Symbol: Venus], planet of love; this
House or year pertains to money matters, ventures in vacant land
and large real estate transactions, property, etc. Its tendency
is to be a good money year and rather a disrupted domestic year,
easily tainted by jealously. These figures of the age next
birthday, giving the House or Cycle, apply to persons, cities,
nations, etc., and will be more elaborately worked out in the
further studies in the Enumeration.

[Sidenote: SECOND HOUSE]

=--x--=The Second House has largely to do with wealth, finance
and similar situations. Therefore in passing through this House,
such matters will be brought to the fore. You may now expect
favors from influential patrons and helpful friendships, but they
will be followed by misunderstandings, oftentimes. There are
many advantages to be gained at this time, as this is a good year
for pecuniary interests. However, some difficulties in business
and love affairs will be experienced, and hidden enemies will
also effect your position. Great care should be used in lending
any money or making investments of trust, as they will not come
duly to hand. There is also danger of being betrayed or robbed,
and if you can take the right advantage, you can nearly always
find ways and means to increase your income, either through
judicious investments or engaging the mind in general financial
affairs to your own benefit.

[Illustration: Chart of the Lumanus]

  |        |                                |               |       |
  |        |             SPIRIT             |      SOUL     |  MIND |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  | SPIRIT |     1    |    2   |      3     |       4       |   5   |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |     A    |    B   |      C     |       D       |   E   |
  |  SOUL  |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        | Almighty | Bearer |   Christ   | Demonstration |  East |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |     J    |    K   |      L     |       M       |   N   |
  |  MIND  |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |  Judge   | King's | Luminosity |    Material   | North |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |     S    |    T   |      U     |       V       |   W   |
  |  BODY  |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |  Supreme | Tithes | Unknowable |    Vitality   |  West |
  |        |                                |               |       |
  |        |             SPIRIT             |      SOUL     |  MIND |

  |                                                           |        |
  |                            BODY                           |        |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        6       |       7      |     8     |       9       | SPIRIT |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        F       |       G      |     H     |       I       |        |
  |                |              |           |               |  SOUL  |
  |      First     |     God's    |  Highest  |   Immaculate  |        |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        O       |       P      |     Q     |       R       |        |
  |                |              |           |               |  MIND  |
  |   Omnipotent   |   Perpetual  | Quadratic | Righteousness |        |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        X       |       Y      |     Z     |       &       |        |
  |                |              |           |               |  BODY  |
  | Cross or Mark  | Youthfulness |   Zenith  |      Plus     |        |
  |                                                           |        |
  |                            BODY                           |        |
  =(Showing the values and inner meanings of the English Alphabet)=

[Illustration: Chart of the Alphabet]


=(The 3 Space)=

[Illustration: 3]

=--a--=Title, SPIRIT OF GOD. These words have a value of 66. 6
and 6 make 12. 1 and 2 make 3. Representing the Holy Spirit or
Life Element in Man. Color for the Spirit Luma, or 3 space, is
Blood Red.

=--b--=The letters under the 3 are C, L and U, meaning CHRIST
LUMINOSITY UNKNOWABLE. It symbolizes that Spirit which could only
come to our consciousness, when the KNOWABLE Christ in the body
should go away.

=--c--=The Spirit of God (space 3, on Chart of the Lumanus),
known to some as the Holy Ghost, the Paracleet, etc., is always
an indwelling Presence, separated purposely from the body and
body mind by the Creative Christ Consciousness, the Lord or Soul,
because the carnal mind of the body is not subject to the law, or
vibrations of God, neither, indeed, can be. Our God, being the
intense pressure of all Creation, is a consuming fire. (Rom. 8:
7, 8. Heb. 12:29.) The words Spirit of God total to the number 3.

[Illustration: CHART OF THE LUMANUS]


=--d--=A conspicuous 3 in your name or birthdate tends to make
you artistic, diffusive, esthetic, expressive and musical,
generous and happy in nature. Faults most likely; dreaminess
without practical application, diffusion and waste of time,
hoping things will "turn up."

=--e--=The planet of 3 is Jupiter [Symbol: Jupiter]; the sign of
3 is Gemini [Symbol: Gemini]. A prominent C in your name means
your Soul will naturally turn to Spiritual things; a prominent L
gives you power to teach or lecture; a prominent U inclines you
to spiritualize in the use of your body, to be esthetic.

=Positions of the Number 3=

=--f--3 as a Soul Path Number= shows that you chose the artistic
in your expressions. Form, size, color and weight, artistically
combined, will always be a delight to you and should be sought
by you. Even in the most humble surroundings, you must try to
have things neat and clean and as far as possible, artistic.
Yours is the planning, the dreaming part of life, and it is all
right for you to dream on, if you can attach your dreams in a
practical way to the day's work.

=--g--3 as a Personality Number= is likely to bring you a soft,
gentle voice of some considerable power, an artistic perception,
broad mental vision and much tolerance of the other person's
viewpoint. Do not allow this part of your Personality to run away
with you, so that you imagine yourself to be so "spiritual" that
the rest of the world is beneath you, that your beautiful
"dreams" are too deep or too mysterious for the common people.

=--h--3 as a Predominant Name Number= means that you will be
likely to attract to yourself other dreamers and planners. You
should select with care only those who have actually accomplished
something, not the bragging "will-be" types. Absorb the
imaginations and dreams of your companions, only to find a
practical way to put them out into some form of expression that
will reach all the people possible.

=--j--3 as a Destiny Number= means you have chosen a destiny in
this life that is capable of leading you to the heights in some
artistic form of expression. It is up to you to find what this
is, whether it is painting, music, sculpture, literature,
designing, acting, journalism, reformer or physician; and then,

=--jj--3 as a Public Appearance Number.= This brings in a
scattering of energies, but of a good kind as in the case of a
great orator, actor or singer. In the matter of gaining fame or
fortune, you should always strive more to the making of MORE
money, a LARGER income, rather than toward too much economy or
savor what you do get. Put your mind on just HOW you will SPEND
Remember, "there is that which scattereth, yet tendeth to
increase." (Prov. 11:24.)

[Sidenote: GEMINI [Symbol: Gemini] SUB-LUMA]

=--k--Warning to Number 3.= Stop dreaming without purpose. As
soon as you have put a dream down to a practical DOING, go and Do
along the line of the dream and plan. It is all right to dream
and plan, "IF you PLAN your WORK and work your plan." Do NOT
tell your plans to anyone, it throws away the energy needed to
bring forth the plan, it wastes your STEAM. DO, don't talk.

=The Third Principle of Creation=

=--l--=The THIRD Principle of Creation is ORDER. ORDER when
rightly exerted always leads to WISDOM.

=--m--=ORDER always affects your WISDOM in health, mind, money or
your perception of Soul, in accordance with the way and manner in
which you apply the Principle of ORDER in your life and your

=--n--=In the First Chapter of Genesis we are told that on the
Third Day God put the sea all in one place and the dry land
appeared and that He created the trees and herbs. In other words,
He brought ORDER out of chaos, and showed forth the WISDOM of His
universe and its construction.

=--nn--=In this life the Enumerator learns how to set all things
in ORDER, how to make affairs grow into successes, because each
thing fits into its place in its right time.

=--p--=We begin to make a study of reactions to know what actions
to take to get those certain reactions, to know what the effects
will be and what to do to get those effects. We put things in
ORDER as we learn WISDOM.

=GEMINI= [Symbol: Gemini] =SUB-LUMA--Sign No. 3=

[Illustration: Symbol: Gemini]

The Gemini [Symbol: Gemini] Sub-Luma influences those born from
May 21st to June 20th inclusive, in all years. The best forms of
expression will be found along the lines of Teaching in certain
Commercial types of schools; Writing, possible fiction;
Publishing; Philanthropic Enterprises; Secretarial Work in
Politics; Cultural or Intellectual pursuits, such as libraries
and collections; Invention; Mechanics; Commercial Travelers;
Literary, Dramatic and Musical Critics; and frequently fine
Singers and Musicians.


=--r--=The most harmonious and mutually beneficial mating would
be found with one expressing in the Sub-Lumas of Aquarius
[Symbol: Aquarius], Libra [Symbol: Libra], Virgo [Symbol: Virgo],
Leo [Symbol: Leo], Sagittarius [Symbol: Sagittarius], or
sometimes Aries [Symbol: Aries].


=Principal Planet Mercury= [Symbol: Mercury]

=--s--=Mercury's [Symbol: Mercury] influence is over the brain
and nerves, and it has more to do with the mind than with the
senses. It gives you good mental ability, ingenuity and
adaptability, fertility of resource and wit, and probably a good
memory. You should be apt at speech and argument, plausible and
of substantial fluency in conversation; but along with this there
sometimes goes a degree of subtlety and secrecy, as well as
reserve or retirement. Your whole nature will seldom be shown to
the world, and there will be one side which you will never show
even to your most intimate friends. Your mind is active but a
little lacking in concentration and perseverance, and you are
likely to occupy yourself with too many subjects, to change a
little too rapidly, and to have too many irons in the fire. You
can adapt yourself readily to the moods and opinions of people,
and can see truth under quite opposite disguises.

=--t--=Mercury [Symbol: Mercury] presides over the mind and is
known as the "convertible" planet. It is neither positive nor
negative, but both. It is the planet of the Adept, being the
planet of adaptation in the widest sense of the word. Mercury
[Symbol: Mercury] is termed the "Winged Messenger Of The Gods,"
and takes upon himself the vibration of the other planets.
It is, in one word, the planet of reason. In every Horoscope,
Mercury [Symbol: Mercury] will represent the Ego in physical
manifestation, the actor, playing the part allotted to him during
each separate earthly existence; and at the close of each life
Mercury [Symbol: Mercury] represents the knowledge gained, as
memory, the cram of which is rendered a permanent possession of
the Ego as wisdom. You deal best with publishers, speakers,
politicians, teachers, lawyers and inventors.

=Personal Classifications=

  Preferable Jewel     Agate, especially of bluish or yellowish tinges
  Colors                Best to use and wear, Orange, Yellow, Sky Blue
  Most Advantageous Day                                      Wednesday
  Biblical                   Belongs to the Tribe of Simeon, in Israel
  Bible References                                        Gen. 49:5, 7

[Sidenote: GEMINI [Symbol: Gemini] SUB-LUMA]

=--v--=Gemini [Symbol: Gemini] is the sign of the "Twins," and
head sign of the air triplicity. You are extremely affectionate
and generous, very courteous and kind to all. You are careful,
methodical and prudent. A good manager, and you have a strong
musical talent, and could probably compose, if you studied
seriously. You are quiet and reserved, preferring to sit by
yourself in a corner with a book, but this will never make you
any money. You must make a point of keeping your word, as
nothing is more important in life than to have this reputation.
Learn to give yourself freely; only by loving do we win love. Do
not be sarcastic to others, they shrink from you. You are
short-sighted only to your own faults, as you are keenly aware of
those of others.

=--w--=You are likely to go to the extreme in everything
you do, always hunting for occupation and anxious to go,
and to do something, you know not what, and are filled with a
dissatisfaction, which nothing can explain. You are given to
regrets, are very suspicious and very untruthful. You must
learn patience and silence, keep the conversation free from
personality, remembering that heaven is within the temple of the
human breast, and not outside of it. You must learn continuity
and consistence, and you should never permit yourself to do the
acts you have condemned in others; you should firmly resolve
never to complain or murmur, as this habit increases with
practice to an awful extent; you are brilliant and usually show
to advantage on account of your wonderful magnetism. You are a
fluent talker, and sometimes, apt to be superficial.

=--x--=Mercury [Symbol: Mercury] is your rising planet, and is
nearest to the Sun [Symbol: Sun], of any yet discovered. His
influences, when in no aspect with any other planet, and if in
the ascendant, causes great restlessness and desire of change.
This planet is the chief ruler of the mental faculties, and great
care must be taken to note what aspect he forms with other
planets, for on that will chiefly depend the mental dispositions
of your nature. The planet is termed "The Messenger of the Gods,"
and he seems to have the special office of being nothing in
himself, but the messenger of the other planets to the Sun
[Symbol: Sun]. It points to the line of your genius in mental and
Intellectual Pursuits.

=Relativity of Gemini= [Symbol: Gemini]=, and the Number 3=

=--y--=Gemini [Symbol: Gemini], or the third Sub-Luma, indirectly
relates to the 3 space, the Spirit Luma, the Christ Luminosity
Unknowable. Christ Himself said, "He that is born of the Spirit
is as the WIND," and Gemini [Symbol: Gemini] is the HEAD AIR SIGN
in Astrology.

=Third House or Cycle--Gemini= [Symbol: Gemini] =Influences=

Age Next Birthday 11-23-35-47-59-71-83-95
  (See page 8. Definitions 21 and 22.)

[Illustration: Symbol: Gemini]

=--z--Third House:= Gemini [Symbol: Gemini] influence. During
these years the God-Spirit focuses in the planet of Mercury
[Symbol: Mercury], representing knowledge, memory and the
carrying of messages. The Third House influence will bring to
your attention many things concerning brothers, sisters, cousins,
aunts and uncles; it will show forth some things in journeys and
business changes.

=--a--=The Third House relates to short journeys, brethren and
relatives and it effects all mental conditions, stimulating to
greater and more extensive thought; will create troubles and may
cause strife and so injure the interests. There will be a
tendency to brood over conditions, desiring to alter in some way
the environment in which you are placed. This position never
fails to bring or give some restlessness, while it also brings
one into contact very closely with persons who have some claim
upon them. You should control well as the feelings are at a high
tension, and are, therefore, likely to be easily effected. For
one cannot be too careful to avoid disgrace of both wealth and
friends, or their plausibility will put you much at their mercy.

[Illustration: Chart of the Lumanus]

  |        |                                |               |       |
  |        |             SPIRIT             |      SOUL     |  MIND |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  | SPIRIT |     1    |    2   |      3     |       4       |   5   |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |     A    |    B   |      C     |       D       |   E   |
  |  SOUL  |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        | Almighty | Bearer |   Christ   | Demonstration |  East |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |     J    |    K   |      L     |       M       |   N   |
  |  MIND  |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |  Judge   | King's | Luminosity |    Material   | North |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |     S    |    T   |      U     |       V       |   W   |
  |  BODY  |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |  Supreme | Tithes | Unknowable |    Vitality   |  West |
  |        |                                |               |       |
  |        |             SPIRIT             |      SOUL     |  MIND |

  |                                                           |        |
  |                            BODY                           |        |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        6       |       7      |     8     |       9       | SPIRIT |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        F       |       G      |     H     |       I       |        |
  |                |              |           |               |  SOUL  |
  |      First     |     God's    |  Highest  |   Immaculate  |        |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        O       |       P      |     Q     |       R       |        |
  |                |              |           |               |  MIND  |
  |   Omnipotent   |   Perpetual  | Quadratic | Righteousness |        |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        X       |       Y      |     Z     |       &       |        |
  |                |              |           |               |  BODY  |
  | Cross or Mark  | Youthfulness |   Zenith  |      Plus     |        |
  |                                                           |        |
  |                            BODY                           |        |

   =(Showing the values and inner meanings of the English Alphabet)=

[Illustration: Chart of the Alphabet]

[Sidenote: THE SOUL LUMA]

=(The Eye Space)=

=--b--=Here the Holy Trinity come together to form the Soul. Here
SPIRIT OF GOD (the 1, the 2, the 3) are shown to have determined
"from everlasting to everlasting, before ever the earth (body)
was formed" to bring forth the EYE OF AUM, the I AM, the Soul or
Subconscious Mind. The Color for the Soul Luma is the Sky Blue.

[Illustration: Eye of Aum]

=--c--=The Soul has no letters and no numbers. It is the
insulator between the Physical Body and the Triune God, "a
consuming fire." Yet that Triune God here Man-I-fests, or Feasts
with Man.

=--d--=The color for the Soul being Blue, is like the air we
breathe and by which we mainly keep the "Soul and Body together."

[Illustration: CHART OF THE LUMANUS]

=--e--="He that is born of the Spirit is as the WIND (air in
motion.)" "Thou knowest not whence it cometh nor whither it
goeth." The Soul marks its own path, chooses its earthly birth as
to time, place and parents. The Conscious Mind (Nicodemus) cannot
understand this because it does not understand the "everlasting
to everlasting" idea of the Soul and spirit. God is its dwelling
place and any attempt to describe God only limits our views of

=--f--=The Eye Space, therefore, has no earthly designations at
all, such as letters, numbers, signs, or planets.


=(The 4 Space)=

=--g--=Title, PHYSICAL BODY. These words have a value of 58. 5
and 8 are 13. 1 and 3 are 4. The physical Body contains the
Man-I-fested portion of the Soul (the word Soul has a value of
13--4). Thus man in his Physical Body is the image of the
Father-Mother God (1) because the total of 1 and 2 and 3 and 4
makes 10, and 1 and 0 make 1.

[Illustration: Eye 4]

=--h--=The letters under 4 are D, M and V, meaning DEMONSTRATION
of the MATERIAL VITALITY. The color of the Body Luma or 4 space,
is Green, for growth and prosperity.


=--j--=A conspicuous 4 in your name or birthdate gives you a
tendency to be practical, organizing, brotherly, electrically
interested in mechanics, straightforward, "foursquare," and a
good manager. Faults to be avoided are harshness, criticism, lack
of artistic taste, and lack of appreciative expressions for the
kindness of others.

=--k--=The planet of 4 is the Sun [Symbol: Sun], negative; the
sign of 4 is Cancer [Symbol: Cancer]. A prominent D in your name
means your Soul will demonstrate secret things to you in the
Silences, as to its plans; M means that your mind will be
interested in psychic things considerably; V means that your body
will love the soulful and deep in music, art and drama.

=--l--=It is the conscious or Body mind that causes the fears,
the agitation, the raising of the EMOTIONS, in the struggle to
attain to the eternal life, which the intellect perceives the
Soul to have. The body and body mind have a strong animal desire
to go on forever in the body. The Soul knows that this was never
intended, yet nearly all religions teach a literal resurrection
of the body. Paul says this body DIES. (1 Cor. 15:35-38.)

=--m--=Intellect is afraid of death, for that is the end of that
phase of its existence. All religions came out of the Soul state
into the intellectual state when they became =organized= and
began to build fine buildings, own property, control temperal
lives and affairs and continue their errors by teaching a fleshly
resurrection. Thus religion lost its true state, the original
Truth (seen in the Eye of Aum, the I AM, space on the Chart of
the Lumanus), and became Intellectual. That is why nearly all
religions have increased the fear of Death in man, through
preaching a tribal God of jealousy, hell-fire and other worn-out
ideas, such as doctrines of devils, etc. (1 Tim. 4:1.)

[Sidenote: THE NUMBER 4]

=--n--=When man projected himself into a Physical Body (space 4
on the Chart of the Lumanus), the Trinity was demonstrated on
earth, that is, the Spirit (value 1), and Soul (value 4), and
Body (value 1) total 6. Man could never have recognized the
Creative God in His fullness, unless man first descended into the
depths of a Physical Body (value 4), (space 4 on the Chart of
the Lumanus), which would not and could not vibrate to the God
vibrations, although the God-vibration should vibrate through IT.
Thus man in the Spirit, and Soul, and Body trinity is able to get
a comprehension of the Holy Trinity of the Father-Mother God
(value 1) and the Creative Christ Consciousness (value 2) and the
Spirit of God (value 3) (spaces 1 and 2 and 3 on the Chart of the
Lumanus). These are commonly, though erroneously, treated as a
combined Trinity in the expression "Father, Son and Holy Ghost."
There should ALWAYS be a pause, at least to the extent of the
word "and" between each two of the names. (1 Thess. 5:23. Heb.

=--nn--=Thus the Soul projects itself into this world to take on
an EARTHLY Body, Earthly Intellect, Earthly Thoughts, Habits and
Brain. It has use for all these and they are not evil. When it
has cut its curve through this earth plane life as a part of its
great curve through Eternity, it DROPS the body and Body Mind
with all its Intellect, Ideas, Inventions, Hopes, Fears,
Triumphs, and Joys, and goes ON as a Soul (Sub-Lumas Aries
[Symbol: Aries] to Pisces [Symbol: Pisces] on the Chart of the
Lumanus), still along the lines of its eternal circuit, adding
the experiences of this plane to its GROWTH, but NOT changing its
COURSE on account of the earth life.

=--p--=It does not go to a heaven or hell, but on and on to new
experiences and ideals, coming back into the earth plane when it
gets ready, or when the earth plane has ADVANCED far enough to
again receive it. Truly, 'Ye are gods' indeed! (Psa. 82:6. John
10:33, 34.)

=Positions of the Number 4=

=--q--4 as a Soul Path Number= means that you have chosen the
path of the practical things of life, especially the things that
will reach the greatest possible number of people. It is a path
of some hardships and labor, in the working out of the God plan
within you, but it is also the path of great rewards and a steady
even flowing life. If you use its powers, it is the square deal
pathway, and you should choose the path that renders an honest
service for an honest return.

=--r--4 as a Personality Number= shows practical honesty of
character, reliability, and considerable tendency to hard,
earnest work of a useful, practical type. This tendency to hard
labor makes also a tendency to hard, harsh speech, often
unintended. Do not let this dominate you. Be kind to the home
folks, even if you are tired.

=--s--4 as a Predominant Name Number= shows that you will attract
those around you who will look to you as a leader in a practical
way, such as leader in a union, or small club or lodge, where you
are likely to be given an office with practical duties. You will
also attract to you those who love a home as a quiet place for
the family, rather than a social center.

=--t--4 as a Destiny Number= shows that you are likely to make a
large name for yourself, along the line of some practical
invention, or the inauguration of a new system that saves labor,
time or values to a great extent. It will also have a tendency to
make you widely famous as a writer on certain technical subjects,
especially some of the "how" types of books for some such trades
as engineer, chemist, electrician, cabinetmaker, builder,
architect, manager, merchant, teacher, business man or military
ideals. At any of these trades you may make your mark and 4 as a
Destiny Number makes it more likely that you will do so.

=--tt--4 as a Public Appearance Number.= This gives you a special
talent for organizing small groups, and to get them to support
you. It makes it easy for you to convince your public of your
honesty and sincerity. You must take the part of a "good fellow"
a good mixer. You are naturally adapted to come before the
general public, the common people. You should be especially
careful to so school yourself that you will be able to "walk with
kings, yet not lose the common touch."

Your best and most profitable public appearances will be before
the common or working classes as a leader and teacher.

=--u--Warning To Number 4.= Easy for strong 4 person to
overestimate his own importance and to conclude that because he
really is an earnest worker, that he is the ONLY one. When 4
obtains too much authority, he is likely to be a type of bully
and conceited person. Do your work every day, looking to
advancement, but do not let envy master you, if you are one of
the very splendid type known as the 4 person.

=The Fourth Principle of Creation=

=--v--=The FOURTH Principle of Creation is COHESION. COHESION,
properly exerted, always leads to STRENGTH.


=--w--=COHESION always affects your strength in physical health,
in mind, in money matters and in your uses of Soul Force,
according to where and how you apply the principle of COHESION.

In the First Chapter of Genesis we read that on the FOURTH Day
the Principle of COHESION was applied, by the placing of the
stars and the lights in the Firmament. We learn that they were
placed there, on the FOURTH day for FOUR reasons: for SIGNS, for
seasons, for days and for years. This is recorded in the
FOURTEENTH verse. FOUR is the number of struggle and of strength
exerted. COHESION, as we said, leads to STRENGTH.

=--x--=In this life the Enumerator learns HOW to gain strength by
making his plans hang together around one idea, in other words by
exerting the Principle of COHESION, the binding together. The
Enumerator knows that no man liveth to himself and no man dieth
to himself, therefore the real strength of any plan is in working
WITH those who will effect that plan. To bind together by the
bonds of love and of mutual interest, which is the strongest

=CANCER= [Symbol: Cancer] =SUB-LUMA--Sign No. 4=

[Illustration: Symbol: Cancer]

=--a--=The Cancer [Symbol: Cancer] Sub-Luma influences those born
from June 21st to July 21st inclusive, in all years. The best
occupations for one born in the datest of this Sub-Luma will be
found along the lines of Teaching, generally common school or
similar work; Preaching and the Ministry; Lawyers; Lecturing;
Debating; Managing of Hotels, Restaurants and Groceries;
Trading; Commerce; Accountancy; Music; Nursing; Hairdressing;
Manufacturing mechanical or machinery appliances; studying
Philosophy of mystic or occult types. Cancer [Symbol: Cancer]
people frequently succeed quite well as School Presidents and


=--c--=The most satisfactory mating for the Cancer [Symbol:
Cancer] Sub-Luma will be with the Sub-Lumas of Scorpio [Symbol:
Scorpio], Pisces [Symbol: Pisces], Taurus [Symbol: Taurus],
Capricorn [Symbol: Capricorn], or Virgo [Symbol: Virgo]. It is
well if the Cancer [Symbol: Cancer] type do not marry at all, if
they can thus abide.


=Principal Planet--the Moon= [Symbol: Moon]

=--d--=The Moon's [Symbol: Moon] influence is to form, nourish
and sustain, and it pertains to the personality. The domestic
and home-loving side of your nature is strong, and you are drawn
towards family and parents. Your imagination is well developed,
and plays a large part in your life. Feeling and sensation are
strong in you. You are likely to change and fluctuate in your
moods from day to day, and to lack energy and persistence. You
have the ability to become practical and to deal with affairs as
you find them in a capable manner. You could adapt yourself to a
variety of subjects according to your training; for domestic
life, business, practical science and applied art all apply to
those who are born under the influence of the Moon [Symbol:
Moon]. You are careful and prudent, and inclined to economy and
foresight in all things, and are practical and capable when you
do not let your imagination or your feelings run away with you.

=Personal Classification=

  Preferable Jewel                           Emerald, Ruby, White Onyx
  Colors Best to Wear and Use                         Green and Silver
  Most Advantageous Day                                         Monday
  Biblical--Belongs to the Tribe of Levi in Israel among the Faithful,
  the Priesthood. Should support the people spiritually and be cared
  for by the people materially.
  Bible References                 (Gen. 49:5, 7. Deut. 33:8-11, inc.)

=--f--=Your desires and appetite comes from the vibration of the
Moon [Symbol: Moon], which is your ruling Planet, and when the
great struggle between your will power and your desire begins
this planet will restrain you from some influence upon your
senses, in the way of right or wrong. You are orderly and
methodical in your habits, and you know that "Order is heaven's
first law." You will probably be happy and no one shall take your
happiness away from you, if you only keep it within the limits of
your home and the sanctuary of your heart. Besides a few solid
friendships, you will have very treacherous friends, one in
particular whose odious conduct towards you will almost wreck
your life.

[Sidenote: FOURTH HOUSE]

=--g--=This indicates two marriages for you, and it denotes some
kind of misfortune in connection with your first union, but your
second marriage will be a very happy one; by your work and
personal merit, you will be able to acquire considerable wealth,
but you will be kept poor by imprudent alliances or reckless
speculations. Your friends will be many and really devoted, and
you may have a person who comes from a high standard and
position in life, who will contribute to your final triumph over
your difficulties. You are somewhat pessimistic and inclined to
alter your views to reach your goal more rapidly. You have a
strictly moral nature; your dealings, shrewd, dreamy and

=--h--=You have good determination and power, but your difficulty
is to focus this force to a definite end. You are attractive,
clever, and very magnetic, a good talker and conversationalist.
You are firm, yet gentle; have a good eye to the main chance, and
will make much money. You have a good head for detail of all
kinds, yet at the same time, you are capable of carrying out big
enterprises. Usually you are a little too close in money matters,
and should learn to give gracefully on occasion, and be a little
more frank and open in your dealings with others. You are
diligent, observing and clever, probably calm, and rather
calculating. Learn to trust your intuitions more and place
reliance in the guidance of your affectional nature. You are
naturally passionate, rather than affectionate. The strong point
in your nature, is your determination, and this trait you may use
to bolster up all the others. You are brilliant, and always
appear to the best advantage. You are kindly and gentle to a
marked degree and your friends find it difficult--unless the
friend is a Virgo [Symbol: Virgo]--to upbraid you for your
conduct, even while they look with some anxiety at your small
errors. You are likely to have a fairly easy time in spite of

=Relativity of Cancer= [Symbol: Cancer] =and Number 4=

=--j--=Cancer [Symbol: Cancer], the fourth Sub-Luma, indirectly
relates to space 4, the Body Luma. Cancer is the HEAD WATER SIGN,
and the Human Body is NINE-TENTHS WATER.

=Fourth House or Cycle--Cancer= [Symbol: Cancer] =Influence=

Age Next Birthday, 10-22-34-46-58-70-82-94

[Illustration: Symbol: Cancer]

=--k--Fourth House:= Cancer [Symbol: Cancer] influence; Spirit
focusing through the Moon [Symbol: Moon] the planet of life
forces, sex, personality. The Fourth House relates to old age,
inheritance, and legacies that are likely to appear; the father
of the family and news concerning him, or relatives on the
father's side. Possibly of a good position gained through some
kind of family scandal or trouble. Fairly good commercial and
trading years.

=--l--=The Fourth House is chiefly concerned with the personal or
domestic environment, residence, and family conditions. This will
cause you to feel vibrations that you were not conscious of
before. You may be apt to be somewhat depending upon the help of
others at this time. These years indicate a time when the
attachments of the opposite sex are likely to go wrong and
affairs of the heart become upset, or deranged. Disappointments,
especially in connection with domestic affairs, are indicated and
also disputes with superiors and acquaintances, with separations
and estrangements. It is, in fact, a year when many things go
wrongly. But viewed from a higher standpoint, this is a good
influence, for it quickens the personality and calls out all its
strength to battle with the changing conditions. For the changes,
although apparently disastrous, are eventually for good.

[Illustration: Chart of the Lumanus]

  |        |                                |               |       |
  |        |             SPIRIT             |      SOUL     |  MIND |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  | SPIRIT |     1    |    2   |      3     |       4       |   5   |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |     A    |    B   |      C     |       D       |   E   |
  |  SOUL  |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        | Almighty | Bearer |   Christ   | Demonstration |  East |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |     J    |    K   |      L     |       M       |   N   |
  |  MIND  |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |  Judge   | King's | Luminosity |    Material   | North |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |     S    |    T   |      U     |       V       |   W   |
  |  BODY  |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |  Supreme | Tithes | Unknowable |    Vitality   |  West |
  |        |                                |               |       |
  |        |             SPIRIT             |      SOUL     |  MIND |

  |                                                           |        |
  |                            BODY                           |        |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        6       |       7      |     8     |       9       | SPIRIT |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        F       |       G      |     H     |       I       |        |
  |                |              |           |               |  SOUL  |
  |      First     |     God's    |  Highest  |   Immaculate  |        |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        O       |       P      |     Q     |       R       |        |
  |                |              |           |               |  MIND  |
  |   Omnipotent   |   Perpetual  | Quadratic | Righteousness |        |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        X       |       Y      |     Z     |       &       |        |
  |                |              |           |               |  BODY  |
  | Cross or Mark  | Youthfulness |   Zenith  |      Plus     |        |
  |                                                           |        |
  |                            BODY                           |        |

  =(Showing the values and inner meanings of the English Alphabet)=

[Illustration: Chart of the Alphabet]

[Sidenote: THE MORAL LUMA]

=(The 5 Space)=

[Illustration: 5]

=--m--=Title, MORALITY. This word has a value of 41. 4 and 1 are
5. Having now traversed the green age of your innocence in the 4
space, for three periods of time (3x4 are 12) you come out into
the wonder year of 13 (1 and 3 are 4) and then in your 14th year
(usually) (14 totals to 5) you enter the 5 Space, the Rosy Pink
dawn of the new discovery, LIFE. It is your first realization of
sex, of Morality. You here begin to decide what you will do with
these new Powers as seen in the letters under the 5, the E, N,
and W, meaning EAST, NORTH and WEST. East for Wisdom; North for
Spirituality; and West for Power. The color of the Moral Luma or
5 Space is Rose Pink.

[Illustration: CHART OF THE LUMANUS]

=--n--=Conversion of the body and body mind (space 5, Chart of
the Lumanus), can never be a fact. Any prayers of the conscious
mind can never be answered, except as the conscious mind shall
ACTIVELY bring to pass the thing wanted, through the Subconscious
contact with the God within, (Space 7 on the Chart of the
Lumanus), or through the application of the Second Principle,
Choice, to the Animal Plane. The most the body can do is to
follow after the Subconscious mind and be a servant to it. For
"in the flesh dwelleth no good thing," so much so that even
Christ rebuked the young man who looked upon the Master's =body=
and then called Him good. (Rom. 7:18 to 25. Matt. 19: 16, 17.)

=--nn--=The Soul or Lord has cut a certain curve of Life to be
followed out, by the Sub-Conscious mind, on this earth plane
(spaces 5 to 9 on the Chart of the Lumanus). The more nearly we
consciously learn and follow that curve in this earth life, the
more harmoniously and happily we will live in this life.


The planet of 5 is Mercury [Symbol: Mercury], the Sign of 5 is
Leo [Symbol: Leo].

=--p--=A conspicuous 5 in your name or birthdate inclines you to
be versatile, changeable, moveable, clever, passionate, kindly
and humorous. Faults to be avoided are lack of stability, sudden
speech without thought and a sort of occasional silliness.
In your name E makes you love the mental and philosophic
things; things of the Soul; N tends to bring out the sharply
intellectual, in the Mind Plane; W brings out the desire to
promote the body at the expense of the mind.

=Positions of the Number 5=

=--q--5 as a Soul Path Number= indicates a tendency to live a
life of close balance on this earth plane, close to the edges of
temptation. It shows that you are constantly making a choice of
pathways in your earth life, the choice of the good or the
so-called evil. It shows a restless tendency, a seeking, a
constant following after every bright idea, to see if this be
good or evil, high or low.

=--r--5 as a Personality Number= shows tendency toward applied
Psychology, business efficiency and such subjects. It shows deep
thought at times, but more frequently a superficial gathering in
of the idea at a glance and acting on it impulsively. Splendid
memory of faces, numbers and especially pages and references in
books is often shown here, giving all the appearance of deep
learning. This is further enhanced by your ability in languages,
sciences and learning generally, where the outward show is made
by remembering the superficial facts well enough to quote from
many angles, without too much real thinking.

=--s--5 as a Predominant Name Number= shows a tendency to attract
people of learning around you, to enter into many debates and
ideals of a much finer type than you find it practical at all to
live up to. It shows the tendency to attract experimenters around
you, people who will plunge with you to any depth, simply to see
whether you can come up again. The difficult but necessary thing
for you is to establish a set line of action based upon calm
judgment and common sense and not be led off into gay and
glorious ways that lead but to bitter disappointment and regrets.


=--t--5 as a Destiny Number= shows that your soul has determined
to try out all manner of temptations. So strong is the influence
that about all you can do about it is to "pray that your flight
be not in the winter," that is, that you will not have to make
your decisions as to which way to go when in the MIDST of a
temptation, but that you will have foresight and forewarning
enough to know just what to do and DO it that way. You thus
vibrate to the Destiny of ups and downs, and will do best in
something that involves much travel, variety and change. You
crave the chance to bring forth with originality and novelty.
You will therefore find a pleasant destiny if you follow some
such occupation as writer, teacher of Psychology, humorist,
entertainer or linguist.

=--tt--5 as a Public Appearance Number.= Versatility of
appearance is seen here. You would make a good actor or teacher
along specialized lines. You would do well in appearing as a
humorist or eccentric speaker. Your public appearance will be
much helped by a fair knowledge of languages and a good
pronunciation of words. You should get a good dictionary and keep
it handy. Increase your vocabulary by having a regular habit of
referring to the dictionary each time you are in doubt about the
pronunciation, meaning or spelling of any word. Jot them down on
a slip of paper till you can get to your dictionary.

=--u--Warning To Number 5.= Your entire struggle and downfall is
in your own hands! If you do not make the brilliant success you
should it will be because of your own self-indulgence, extremes
in action or abuse of your opportunities and the breaking of
friendships that would have helped you. Live at your highest
powers, or you will sink to the lowest depths! There is
practically no middle road.

=The Fifth Principle of Creation=

=--v--=The Fifth Principle of Creation is DISCARD or Rejection.
DISCARD, properly exerted, always leads to HONOR.

=--w--=DISCARD always affects your health, your mind, your money
matters, your perception of the higher Soul vibrations, in
accordance with the way and manner that you use the principle of

=--x--=In the first chapter of Genesis we read that on the FIFTH
Day the great whales and creatures of the sea were created. These
were the first creatures who could be conscious of the Principle
of DISCARD, when came the need to DISCARD their young; to DISCARD
their enemies and those who should be detrimental to them. The
greater their CONSCIOUS perception of the principle of DISCARD,
the greater has been their HONOR among the animals, the more
intelligence they have shown.

=--y--=In this life the Enumerator learns that some things must
be discarded if he is to attain a position of HONOR. We DISCARD
indulgences of some kinds to attain to honors in the physical or
athletic fields; we DISCARD fiction and trashy ideas, oftentimes,
if we would gain HONOR in scholarship; that is, on the Mind
Plane; we DISCARD foolish expenditures if we would gain HONOR in
money matters; we DISCARD wild theories if we would gain HONOR in
the wisdom of the Psychic plane; we DISCARD slavery to any of the
lower planes, if we would gain ascendancy on the Spirit Plane.

=LEO= [Symbol: Leo]= SUB-LUMA--Sign No. =5

[Illustration: Symbol: Leo]

=--a--=The Leo [Symbol: Leo] Sub-Luma influences those born from
July 22nd to August 22nd inclusive, in all years. The best
occupations for people born the dates of this Sub-Luma will be
found along the following lines: Government and Politics; the
Ministry; heads of large Manufacturing or Selling Corporations
(Henry Ford is a Leo [Symbol: Leo] person). Leo [Symbol: Leo]
people make good but sometimes over-indulgent parents; Students
of the Occult; frequently Philosophers of an independent or
radical type; Artists, Musicians, and often public lecturers and


=--b--=The most satisfactory mating would be with a Sub-Luma of
Aries [Symbol: Aries], Sagittarius [Symbol: Sagittarius], Gemini
[Symbol: Gemini], Libra [Symbol: Libra], and sometimes Aquarius
[Symbol: Aquarius].


=Principal Planet--the Sun= [Symbol: Sun]

=--c--=Its influence is to give vitality and fire to the whole
nature, physically and mentally. It contributes toward dignity,
self-reliance, and strength of will, giving ambition and a desire
to achieve worthy results in action. You will wish to be at the
head of affairs in your own particular sphere, and you will not
find it congenial to occupy subordinate positions. You are able
to organize and manage affairs and people, and you do not shrink
from responsibility. You are kind-hearted and generous, admiring
what is noble and scorning what is mean or base. The social and
affectional side of your nature is well developed, and you can
easily attract to yourself friends and companions. You like
comfort, pleasure and luxury and you must not let desire rule
you. You deal best with officers and authority, people in high
places, bankers and philanthropists.

[Sidenote: LEO [Symbol: Leo] SUB-LUMA]

=Personal Classification=

  =--d--=Preferable Jewel                                    Ruby
  Colors best to use and wear                      Orange, Red, Purple
  Most Advantageous Day                                         Sunday
  Biblical                    Belongs to the Tribe of Judah, the Tribe
                            of Christ in Israel.  The High Priest type.
  Bible References                       Gen. 49:8-12, inc. Deut. 33:7.

=--e--=The Sun [Symbol: Sun] is Ruler, and the Lord of the
Heavens on these dates, and it stands as the symbol of vitality
and activity of your mind, intellect, love and feeling. And by
studying the great creation of the Solar System, in the Seven
Principles and their application to the five planes (pages 68 to
77), you will be in a position where you can co-operate with your
God, and create your own environment. There is a certain time in
your life, when you seem lifted up on the wings of Fate, which is
the truth. You are your own Fate, your own Destiny, as each soul
is attracted to its appointed place, and each has its own mission
to fulfill. You are given a time for pleasure, a time to rise, a
time to fall, and a time to die. Which proves that astrology does
exist in fact. All persons born under this Sign of the Zodiac are
naturally endowed with strong determination, intuition and
purpose, and if you will only persistently hold on and not give
up, you are sure to be successful. You like change of scene and
occupation, and will spend hours of your time in learning new
things and working out new principles. Which is all good for
you, when not carried to extremes. You are sympathetic, and
tender-hearted, and often generous to a fault.

=--f--=You must avoid pride, and not allow yourself to become
over-confident, though success will surely come by this influence
in the Future, for this is a fortunate and more progressive
portion of your life, and it gives you many opportunities to
expand your inherited characteristics. With few exceptions, all
persons born under the constellation of these planets have in
their hearts, a pure and true love for mankind. And the motto
that should hang in your room, is the Golden Rule, for you have
it in your power to do many great and good things in this world;
it has given you a natural tendency toward the beautiful and
artistic, as some of the greatest scholars and students in the
world come out of this sign. A Leo [Symbol: Leo] person will
nearly always be found at the head of some great humane movement.
You would become very successful in the study of Metaphysics or
Occult science. As it would strengthen your will power, and
enlighten your mind, and give you the knowledge and wisdom, which
would enable you to reach out and grasp the so-called secret
powers and forces. The Sun [Symbol: Sun], placed in the sign of
Leo [Symbol: Leo] at your birth, promises much success in life,
through your own personal magnetism and power to adapt yourself
to circumstances. For a business or profession you would excel in
acting, or in an occupation that ministers to the Joy and
Pleasures of others. You were born on a fortunate date, and it is
up to you, to make good.

=Relativity of Leo= [Symbol: Leo] =and Number 5=

=--g--=Leo [Symbol: Leo], the fifth Sub-Luma, indirectly relates
to the 5 space, the Moral Luma. The sex instinct will destroy
anyone as a Lion might, if allowed control. Yet it is the great
Creative Force.

=Fifth House or Cycle, Leo= [Symbol: Leo] =Influence=

Age next birthday, 9-21-33-45-57-69-81-93. (See page 8,
definitions 21 and 22.)

[Illustration: Symbol: Leo]

=--h--=Fifth House: Leo [Symbol: Leo] influence; the Spirit here
focuses through the Sun [Symbol: Sun], the planet of Life, as the
ruling planet of Leo [Symbol: Leo]. The Fifth House relates to
children, speculation and the joys of life; love and marriage;
your children and their success will be prominent in the Fifth
House. Your own career will become more prominent also.

=--j--=The Fifth House is concerned with speculative affairs and
all matters of enterprise and activity prompted by the desire of
nature, and it therefore tends to waken the emotions in
connection with love affairs, children, pleasure, generally, and
even games of hazard, gambling or business enterprises. It is a
good year to engage in investment or speculation, or enjoyment
and merry-making of all sorts. It will give an opportunity to be
more magnanimous and generous, to act kindly and to be more noble
and high-spirited and will cause you to exert every possible
effort to please. This will bring opportunities for love
adventures, unions or lasting attachments, which will be helpful
and fortunate and will cause you to obtain advancement through
providential help. The placing of affection will create enmities,
which will be attributed to a false friend or envious minds
of some of the associates who will prove unfaithful and

[Illustration: Chart of the Lumanus]

  |        |                                |               |       |
  |        |             SPIRIT             |      SOUL     |  MIND |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  | SPIRIT |     1    |    2   |      3     |       4       |   5   |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |     A    |    B   |      C     |       D       |   E   |
  |  SOUL  |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        | Almighty | Bearer |   Christ   | Demonstration |  East |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |     J    |    K   |      L     |       M       |   N   |
  |  MIND  |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |  Judge   | King's | Luminosity |    Material   | North |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |     S    |    T   |      U     |       V       |   W   |
  |  BODY  |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |  Supreme | Tithes | Unknowable |    Vitality   |  West |
  |        |                                |               |       |
  |        |             SPIRIT             |      SOUL     |  MIND |

  |                                                           |        |
  |                            BODY                           |        |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        6       |       7      |     8     |       9       | SPIRIT |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        F       |       G      |     H     |       I       |        |
  |                |              |           |               |  SOUL  |
  |      First     |     God's    |  Highest  |   Immaculate  |        |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        O       |       P      |     Q     |       R       |        |
  |                |              |           |               |  MIND  |
  |   Omnipotent   |   Perpetual  | Quadratic | Righteousness |        |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        X       |       Y      |     Z     |       &       |        |
  |                |              |           |               |  BODY  |
  | Cross or Mark  | Youthfulness |   Zenith  |      Plus     |        |
  |                                                           |        |
  |                            BODY                           |        |
   =(Showing the values and inner meanings of the English Alphabet)=

[Illustration: Chart of the Alphabet]


=(The 6 Space)=

[Illustration: 6]

=--k--=Title, DIVINITY OF PARENTHOOD. These words have a value of
114. 1 and 1 and 4 make 6. The color is Flame, like that of the
God Luma, or 1 Space. Here the Soul has taken the West course, in
its progress from the 5 space, and enters Parenthood, a natural
course for most of the young and normally healthy bodies. The
Parent Luma color of Flame is made up of the Red of Life and the
Yellow of Wisdom.

=--l--="The baby is a =mature= soul, a god, that has projected
itself into this world in a small physical body. That Soul never
began, it always was, with God. (Proverbs 8:22-31.) In gaining
its experience, on this earth plane, the Soul proceeds at once to
destroy that little body cell by cell, while building a larger
and better body. That Soul came here to protect that body under
those conditions. In a few months, the baby's body has all died
cell by cell. And yet the baby has not died, but is still happy
and healthy in the arms of its mother.

[Illustration: CHART OF THE LUMANUS]

=--m--="No one has noticed the death of the baby's body, yet all
its friends have assisted in that death, cell by cell; the mother
who rubs and bathes it and the nurse who exercises it. The baby
itself destroys its own body, cell by cell, in its play, its
struggles and its crying. So also the soul advances by destroying
its body, despite the objections and groanings of that body. (2
Cor. 4:16 to 5:4.)

=--n--="Each stage of the baby's life is entered into with pain
and trouble, most of which he is unconscious of entirely. So the
Soul, the Lord of the Temple of our body, goes on cutting its
curve as it has planned it, despite the sorrow and crying of the
body (spaces 5 to 9 on the Chart of the Lumanus).

=--nn--=The letters under the 6 are F, O and X, the only formed
WORD in the Table of Enumeration (the word FOX). The letters mean
FIRST OMNIPOTENT CROSS, or mark. Man's first real imaging of the
Father-Motherhood of the Divine Parent, God, is when the male and
female natures of man are made into ONE, in bringing forth the
child. It is man's nearest imitation of Creation, making
something out of that which appears not. Parenthood thus brings
forth our divinity and is at once a cross and an upliftment. The
space 6, in the Chart of the Lumanus, begins the arm or line that
will cross the vertical line already in place, making the true

=--p--=Without that line that would be no cross, signifying the
horizontal positions assumed by the body in parenthood,
symbolizing the death in life.


=--q--=A conspicuous 6 in your name or birthdate means that you
are likely to have a well poised mind, kindly in nature, much
healing and nursing ability, and will probably be a fine type for
a parent. Faults to be avoided are worry, criticism, gossip and
slavery to the ideas of others or to their demands on your time
and strength.

The Planet of 6 is Venus [Symbol: Venus]; the Sign of 6 is Virgo
[Symbol: Virgo].

=--r--=The letter F in your name means that your soul is devoted
to the advancement of your body; the letter O means that you will
be likely to give much thought to athletics and physical
strength, of yourself or loved ones; X in your name means that
you will have a peculiar genius for making money from your use of
the Physical body in some eccentric or odd manner.

=Positions of the Number 6=

=--s--6 as a Soul Path Number= indicates that you chose the
pathway of labor and production in order to help other souls. 6
is the Number of Motherhood and means the bringing forth. It
shows that you are likely to be a well balanced soul; just,
straight and true. Your greatest desire is to be helpful,
sympathetic and sociable, in your natural plane and among your
own kind.

=--t--6 as a Personality Number= means that your life will
naturally be filled with the demands of others for your help,
because of your kindly personality and willingness to listen to
the woes of your associates. Music and some of the arts will
naturally appear in such a personality and cause you to be still
more popular. Such a pursuit is to be recommended.


=--u--6 as a Predominant Name Number= shows a tendency to attract
those who need help. The danger is that you will take on their
worries too easily and too extensively. Be sure that you CAN
help a person before you lead them on and on to become dependent
on you. You are inclined to attract those especially who have
gotten their own affairs into a mess and then brought them to you
to "clean up," which you generally do, even at too great a cost
to yourself.

=--v--6 as a Destiny Number= shows that you are to be a leader of
a rather officious type. You can easily use this Destiny Force to
become the head of an institution, especially along any line of
healing, social or humanitarian lines; or even at the head of a
great philosophy of religion or teaching. In more strictly
business lines you will come to the notice of the public in such
channels as insurance, large mortuary, undertaking or cemetery
propositions, millinery, dressmaking or hotel management.

=--vv--Public Appearance Number 6.= This increases your appeal to
women and especially to mothers.

It makes your personality appeal to children also. Considerable
magnetism is seen here, very attractive to groups that you may
appear before. Your public will also be impressed by your well
balanced mind and keen mentality. The thing to avoid in your
public work before large or small groups, is criticism. Do not be
harsh with any other propositions of any kind. It is far better
to simply ignore them. Keep busy holding up YOUR light and the
darkness of the opposing ideas will be dissipated. "Resist not
evil, but OVERCOME evil with good." (Rom. 12:21.)

=--w--Warning to Number 6.= Chief danger is from WORRY. Remember
that the woes you worried so about last year are very nearly all
forgotten now. Keep in mind that "today is the tomorrow that you
worried so much about yesterday." A year from now you will laugh
at the folly of the worry you enjoy so now. Learn to LIVE RIGHT
NOW ONLY and NOT tomorrow or yesterday. If you are fairly well
off at THIS MOMENT, not actually hurt or suffering, then LIVE
this MOMENT only and get your mind OFF of the tomorrows and
yesterdays. "Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."

=The Sixth Principle of Creation=

=--x--=The Sixth Principle of Creation is TRANSMUTATION.

TRANSMUTATION rightly exerted, leads to GLORY.

=--y--=TRANSMUTATION always applies to your health, your mind,
your money matters, your perception of Soul, in so far as you are
transmuting these and making something better of your life. As
you go on to better things through using this Principle of
TRANSMUTATION you do indeed come to GLORY, its natural result.

On the Sixth Day, in the Genesis account of Creation, the earth
went through the Principle of TRANSMUTATION. It was transmuted
from a chaos into a habitable thing; from the habitation of great
and awful beasts to the habitation of man. And the GLORY of that

=--z--=The Enumerator learns here that we go thru a TRANSMUTATION
period all our lives. Our Souls transmute particles of earth
through our mothers' bodies into our baby bodies; then we
transmute our baby bodies into youth bodies; our youth bodies
into mature bodies and come to the GLORY in each phase, by
transmuting the clay into the living Temple of God during the
whole time. Finally, realizing the completion of the problems
that we came to solve, few or many, in a long life or a short
one, we pass on to other parts of GLORY that we are ready for,
having been through our periods of TRANSMUTATION.

=VIRGO= [Symbol: Virgo] =SUB-LUMA--Sign No. 6=

[Illustration: Symbol: Virgo]

=--a--=The Virgo [Symbol: Virgo] Sub-Luma influences those born
from August 23rd to September 22nd inclusive, in all years. The
best forms of expression for this Sub-Luma will be found along
the lines of Music, Arts, and Literature, Detail work; Chemistry;
Proofreading; Publishing; Heads of Schools in Arts or Music;
Students of the Occult.


=--b--=The most satisfactory mating would be with a Sub-Luma of
Taurus [Symbol: Taurus], Capricorn [Symbol: Capricorn], Gemini
[Symbol: Gemini], Cancer [Symbol: Cancer], Scorpio [Symbol:
Scorpio] or Pisces [Symbol: Pisces].


=Principal Planet--Mercury= [Symbol: Mercury]

[Sidenote: VIRGO [Symbol: Virgo] SUB-LUMA]

=--c--=Mercury's [Symbol: Mercury] influence is over the brain
and nerves, and it has more to do with the mind than with the
senses. It gives you good mental ability, ingenuity and
adaptability, fertility of resource and wit, and probably a good
memory. You should be apt at speech and argument, plausible and
of substantial fluency in conversation; but along with this
there sometimes goes a degree of subtlety and secrecy, as well as
reserve or retirement. Your whole nature will seldom be shown to
the world, and there will be one side which you will never show
even to your most intimate friends. Your mind is active but a
little lacking in concentration and perseverance, and you are
likely to occupy yourself with too many subjects, to change a
little too rapidly, and to have too many irons in the fire. You
can adapt yourself readily to the moods and opinions of people,
and can see truth under quite opposite disguises.

=--d--=Mercury [Symbol: Mercury] presides over the mind and is
known as the "convertible" planet. It is neither positive nor
negative, but both. It is the planet of the Adept, being the
planet of adaptation in the widest sense of the word. Mercury
[Symbol: Mercury] is termed the "Winged Messenger of The Gods,"
and takes upon himself the vibration of the other planets. It
is, in one word, the planet of reason. In every Horoscope,
Mercury [Symbol: Mercury] will represent the Ego in physical
manifestation, the actor, playing the part allotted to him during
each separate earthly existence; and at the close of each life,
Mercury [Symbol: Mercury] represents the knowledge gained, as
memory, the cram of which is rendered a permanent possession of
the Ego as wisdom.

=--e--=You deal best with teachers, speakers, college
authorities, lawyers, servants and critics of art or music.

=Personal Classification=

  Preferable Jewel                                    Jasper, Sapphire
  Colors best to use and wear                   Russet, Yellow, Maroon
  Most Advantageous Day                                      Wednesday
  Biblical                   Belongs to the Tribe of Zebulun of Israel
  Bible References                          Gen. 49:13; Deut. 33:18-19

=--f--=Born under this sign, you are naturally neat, accurate and
discriminating, and this natural tendency is manifested in
various phases of your character. Your self-assumed knowledge
of what is fitting and proper makes you fond of arranging
matrimonial alliances, amongst your friends and associates. You
have a keen foresight, and you are quite positive and decisive
and like to execute your own ideas. Vocations and professions
best adapted for persons born on this date, according to the
vibrations of the Planets, would be dealing with the Public, in
the amusement line, or on the stage, as you should be gifted with
a good flow of language and plenty of art and wit, which would
make you a good entertainer; as a rule you should be of a
fascinating personality, especially to those of the Opposite Sex,
which will cause you to be reckless in your pursuit of pleasure
and in gratifying your desires. Trifling affairs, of absolutely
no consequence sometimes cause you deep distress.

=--g--=You being of a very sensitive nature, at times causes your
feelings to be easily hurt, or perhaps it is truer to say that
your vanity is easily wounded. You are always hopeful and strong,
and recover quickly from disappointments, so that losses and
disasters do not have very much effect on you. Some of our most
powerful and talented orators and emotional actors, possessing
the true genius of eloquence, who have acquired great tact and
taste, in the use of language, were born on this date. You are
rather whimsical, and see the humorous side of things. You have a
keen sense of humor and see the fun in a thing, when others
should not see it at all. You like the luxuries of life and like
the best of everything. You cannot stand being poor, and will
make every effort to better yourself, and can do an extraordinary
amount of work; you are accurate and painstaking in all that you
do. You are literary and fond of books.

=--h--=You are very much interested in the odd and anything in
the occult and mystic or psychic fascinates you and makes you
wish to devote time more than you are able to spend along this
line. You would make a splendid reporter. Be cautious in all that
you undertake during the month of May. You demand much of those
you love, but are willing to give much in return. You can adapt
yourself to the circumstances over which you have no control, yet
you like the best to be had in any line of things. You adore
personal freedom and it is very difficult for you to submit to
the rule of anybody. When you are permitted to have your own way,
you are peaceful and tolerant of the peculiarities of others. You
are much given to making distinctions in the choice of words, are
extremely critical and well-disposed.

=Relativity of Virgo= [Symbol: Virgo] =and Number 6=

=--j--=Virgo [Symbol: Virgo], the sixth Sub-Luma, indirectly
relates to the 6 space, the Parent Luma, and no one is more
motherly, critically loving and better balanced, usually than the
Virgo [Symbol: Virgo] person.

[Sidenote: SIXTH HOUSE]

=Sixth House or Cycle--Virgo= [Symbol: Virgo] =Influence=

Age Next Birthday, 8-20-32-44-56-68-80-92

[Illustration: Symbol: Virgo]

=--k--=Sixth House: Virgo [Symbol: Virgo] influence; Spirit
focusing through Mercury [Symbol: Mercury], the planet of
knowledge, memory and speedy message bearing. The Sixth House
relates to the sadder things of life to a great extent, such as
illness, disappointments, and worries.

=--l--=You should be as cheerful as possible, see all the good
you can. Will learn things and labor much with children,
inferiors, servants, etc., and may have labor troubles, as well
as domestic troubles to a great extent.

=--m--=The Sixth House relates to work and servants, and also to
sickness and the condition of the physical body. It is considered
an unfortunate house and tends to bring some sickness or
indisposition of a serious nature, unless careful attention is
paid to hygiene, and care should be taken to keep the health in
good order, so that the influences now operating have no power of
impairing health. It is altogether not a fortunate period, so far
as worldly progress goes, and you will be likely to make mistakes
at this time, especially with regard to inferiors or those who
are of a lower social standing which will cause annoyance,
probably through some indiscretion. Over this, you will worry and
give way to anxiety and so will be subject to nervous troubles.
You will be somewhat suspicious or mistrustful and in consequence
thereof, will suffer some discredit and may lose friends and
reputation. Therefore, these planets warn you to have your eyes
open and your ears on the alert.

[Illustration: Chart of the Lumanus]

  |        |                                |               |       |
  |        |             SPIRIT             |      SOUL     |  MIND |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  | SPIRIT |     1    |    2   |      3     |       4       |   5   |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |     A    |    B   |      C     |       D       |   E   |
  |  SOUL  |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        | Almighty | Bearer |   Christ   | Demonstration |  East |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |     J    |    K   |      L     |       M       |   N   |
  |  MIND  |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |  Judge   | King's | Luminosity |    Material   | North |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |     S    |    T   |      U     |       V       |   W   |
  |  BODY  |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |  Supreme | Tithes | Unknowable |    Vitality   |  West |
  |        |                                |               |       |
  |        |             SPIRIT             |      SOUL     |  MIND |

  |                                                           |        |
  |                            BODY                           |        |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        6       |       7      |     8     |       9       | SPIRIT |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        F       |       G      |     H     |       I       |        |
  |                |              |           |               |  SOUL  |
  |      First     |     God's    |  Highest  |   Immaculate  |        |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        O       |       P      |     Q     |       R       |        |
  |                |              |           |               |  MIND  |
  |   Omnipotent   |   Perpetual  | Quadratic | Righteousness |        |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        X       |       Y      |     Z     |       &       |        |
  |                |              |           |               |  BODY  |
  | Cross or Mark  | Youthfulness |   Zenith  |      Plus     |        |
  |                                                           |        |
  |                            BODY                           |        |
     =(Showing the values and inner meanings of the English Alphabet)=

[Illustration: Chart of the Alphabet]


=(The 7 Space)=

[Illustration: 7]

=--n--=Title, SUBCONSCIOUS. This word has a value of 43. 4 and 3
are 7. The color of the 7 space is the deep Purple, the color
of the Midnight Silences. When the 2, in most printed figures,
is turned upside down, it makes a 7. When Creative Christ
Consciousness reverses itself and appears in the human form, it
is the inner soul or secret place of the Most High in man. This
you will experience in your deep and secret attainment of the
Inner Silences, when you have learned to "present your body a
LIVING sacrifice, HOLY and acceptable unto GOD," including your
time, powers, means and possessions, the Tithes of the 2
demonstrated in the 7. The letters under the 7 are G, P and Y,
meaning GOD'S PERPETUAL YOUTHFULNESS. When you attain much to the
Secret Place, through Spiritual study in the Enumeration, and
many Silences, "He shall renew thy YOUTH as the eagle's."
The 7 space is the center of the cross of Life, the very
depth of sacrifice, in the Spirit and Soul and Body, that
they may be perpetually "preserved blameless unto the coming
(into consciousness) of the Lord Jesus Christ." (2)

[Illustration: CHART OF THE LUMANUS]


=--nn--=A conspicuous 7 in your name or birthdate means that you
will be likely to have a deep psychic instinct, a tendency to
refinement, love of flowers and nature's beauties, that you love
to be waited on and served, feeling a kind of hidden priesthood
within you, and mysterious unexplored parts of your mind and
nature. Faults to be avoided; laziness, poetic fancies without
basis, small tyranny, peevishness. The planet of 7 is the Moon
[Symbol: Moon] increasing; the sign of 7 is Libra [Symbol:

=--p--=The letter G in your name means a love of vague and mystic
sensations in the body; the letter P in your name means constancy
in all your desires, if not so much in your actions; Y means a
self-centered attempt to keep yourself young at all hazards,
sometimes remarkably successful.

=Positions of the Number 7=

=--q--7 as a Soul Path Number= shows that you chose a pathway of
material completion for this earthlife. It is an incarnation in
which you contemplate many of your past achievements in other
incarnations. It is a cycle in which a great deal will be brought
to you in the line of your wishes, if you learn and use the
vibrations possible to you in the way of attractive forces within

=--r--7 as a Personality Number= tends to make you easy to wait
upon, to have things brought to you; it makes you do better in
the refined things of life, rather than the labor and more sordid
things. You show a refined, nice type of personality and will be
the center of attention, if you will use the refined ideas within

=--s--7 as a Predominant Name Number= shows that you will attract
to yourself those who do things and who delight to serve. You
will attract to yourself also those who are in power and will
desire to make use of your natural wisdom as a counsellor or
"power behind the throne," for themselves or their principles.

=--t--7 as a Destiny Number= shows that you will live rather a
secluded life and should you enter any large business will not
likely appear as the head of that business, yet be known on the
inside as one who is an unseen force or power in that business,
very useful but not very visible. One of the best ways to work
out your real destiny is to take up one of the following lines,
or something allied to them that may suit you. By thus doing what
you love to do you will soon become known for your skill, after
which your wisdom will have a chance to demonstrate itself. You
are best fitted along the lines of artshop management, florist,
horticulturist, clergyman, organist or writer.

=--tt--7 as a Public Appearance Number.= This gives you a keen
penetrative ability in dealing with persons or groups of persons.
You can quickly discern the next thing coming, for you will sense
their thoughts and know how to answer. If you will apply this to
looking for the positive and agreeable thought-line, in the
direction of the object you have with that person or group, you
will win. Do NOT look for the resistance they may put up against
the idea you are putting over, but seek the reason why THEY will
benefit. Never mind how much you wish to sell the idea.


=--u--Warning To Number 7.= Be careful of an exaggerated
sensitiveness on your part. Even if you cannot fully express
your kindly feelings, continue to be friendly and associate
yourself with others. Avoid, at all cost, any tendency to retire
to lonely places, or anything that would make you a hermit or a
recluse. "The best study of mankind is man," so stay where you
can HELP others by your fine sense of wisdom, or even the occult.
You are naturally psychic and the world needs that talent, even
if at times it does seem unappreciative of your display of it.

=The Seventh Principle of Creation=

=--v--=The Seventh Principle of Creation is SPIRITUALITY.
SPIRITUALITY, properly exerted, leads to BLESSING.

=--w--=SPIRITUALITY applies to all phases of your health, your
mind, your money matters and your perception of Soul, whether you
know it or not and whether you are knowingly religious or not.
The kindly thought, the gentle word, the benevolent action, all
are the result of the Principle of SPIRITUALITY active in YOU,
whether you seem to be giving the kindness or receiving it. Thru
this Principle of SPIRITUALITY comes all the BLESSING that can be
known to man or beast. Without this Principle of SPIRITUALITY
life on earth would be unlivable.

=--x--=On the Seventh Day God rested from ALL His labor which He
had made. This statement is in chapter 2 of Genesis. 2 makes a
good 7 when turned upside down. After this Seventh Principle of
SPIRITUALITY was brought into being, God never labored any more.
It is the culmination of all the Seven Principles and no further
labor is needed. It signifies the working of all the LAW which
God did make and nothing further can be added. Therefore God does
not need to attend to any further detail of Creation; for by this
Seventh Principle Creation operates itself. (Gen. 2: 2. Heb. 4: 1
to 5. See also Romans 14:5, 6.)

=--y--=The Enumerator learns now that it is not his effort or his
strength of mind or body that brings things to pass, but that it
is the ability to meditate, to come to the Principle of
SPIRITUALITY, that brings the BLESSING of success and attainment.
We learn here too, "that which God doeth is perfect, no man can
add thereto and no man can take therefrom." When we come to this
Principle of SPIRITUALITY we have the BLESSING of that perfect
peace which passeth all understanding.


[Illustration: Table of the Seven Principles, No. 8]

=--a--=Beginning in the center circle of this Table, we find the
words "I AM THAT I AM," which were the words spoken to Moses from
within the burning bush, AFTER he had put OFF his shoes and
stood on holy ground. His shoes represented human and sense
understanding. (Exodus 3:14.)

=--b--=This I AM is the center of all things, it is the I AM in
YOU. You find that center when you have retreated from the
sordid, material world, into fasting and meditation.

=--c--=In the next or second circle, proceeding upward or North,
we find the signs Taurus [Symbol: Taurus] and Venus [Symbol:

=--d--=Taurus [Symbol: Taurus], the First Earth Sign, represents
the Bull, a symbol of fertility and reproduction. Generation is
earth's greatest Force and indicates the Power of nations. Taurus
[Symbol: Taurus] is influenced by Venus [Symbol: Venus], the
planet of Love, Art, Woman and the Home. Love is the final and
greatest Force and produces the most Power of any influence known
to man.

=--e--=In the 1 space on this Table we see that the Father-Mother
God (1) is the Cause and Effect of all Force and all Power, in
Heaven and in earth. Force is the First Principle of Creation and
the first manifestation of God. All of the words in the space 1
represent positive or projective facts.

=--f--=In the 2 space, in the second circle from the center, we
find the signs for Gemini [Symbol: Gemini], and for Mercury
[Symbol: Mercury]. Both the sign Gemini [Symbol: Gemini] and the
planet Mercury [Symbol: Mercury] represent changes and movement
and the constant use of the second principle of Creation, called
Choice. While it may be true that a rolling stone gathers no
moss, still the Gemini [Symbol: Gemini] and the Mercury [Symbol:
Mercury] types quite often gather the best of riches, an erudite


=--g--=In religion the Creative Christ Consciousness (2) is
represented as making the great Choice between the heavenly glory
and the earthly servant-hood. In the garden of Gethsemane He is
represented as making another great Choice between the Body mind
fears and the fulfillment of His great mission, the conquering of
Death (2). This is an example of the Law that like conquers like,
the Lord Jesus Christ (2) conquering the last enemy, Death (2).

=--h--=At the base of the 3 space in the second circle we find
the symbols for Cancer [Symbol: Cancer], the sign of the home,
representing the breast of man; and the Moon [Symbol: Moon], the
planet of fruitfulness, fertility, mentality and Spirituality. We
are told that the Spirit manifests in the breast of man and
through his mentality and here we have the combining of what has
been a veiled symbolism to many people.

=--j--=The Spirit of God (3) was to set all things in Order, for
he was to "guide you into all Truth." (John 14:26 and 16:13.)
Through this Spirit of God (3) comes the ability to give forth
the great Truth of the Enumeration and through that Spirit also
your ability to receive that Truth. Hereby know ye the children
of God.

=--k--=The 4 space has at its base, in the second circle, the
symbols for Leo [Symbol: Leo], and the Sun [Symbol: Sun]. Leo
[Symbol: Leo] represents the heart and the heart is the central
and moving organ of the Physical Body (4). Leo [Symbol: Leo] is
the sign of religion and is represented as the tribe of the
Christ (5). The place of Leo [Symbol: Leo], being the fifth sign
of the Zodiac, adds its value to the many significances
pertaining to the Christ (5) also.

=--l--=The Physical Body (4) being a miniature universe, is made
up of the elements of the universe. These elements blend and hold
to their kind and to each other. This holding together is called
Cohesion and is what gives the body its Strength. When we get
fearful we are moving contrary to the law as touching upon
Cohesion and we reduce our own Strength. The number 4 person is
only strong when he is USING the law relating to Cohesion, by
getting others to work WITH him.

=--m--=At the base of the 5 space we find the symbols for Virgo
[Symbol: Virgo] and Mercury [Symbol: Mercury]. Virgo [Symbol:
Virgo], one of the most motherly of signs, represents motherhood
when called upon to make one of its greatest sacrifices in
manifesting the law of Rejection or Discard. Mother must give up
her boy or her girl, that they may go out into the world. It is a
law, from the great whales in the sea to the eagle in her nest;
from the oyster under the ocean to the king upon his throne. When
that law of Discard or Rejection is not obeyed, both the
discarder and the should-be-discarded are injured or hurt by the
very presence of each other.

=--n--=This applies also to friends who are not helping you to
advance. You should continue to find ways to help them, when
possible, but must cut off all ways in which they are keeping you
back. If this cutting off cannot be done without stopping your
help to them, then you must stop your help. If you cannot help
them in a way that they can be caused to compensate, then you are
not the ONE who should help them. You will have to decide in your
own mind as to whether YOU are being helped or improved in your
character by your helping of them.

=--p--=There are thousands of cases of a mother still carrying
and supporting and defending a big hulk of a man, because he is
her son. Both of them would have been far happier if that mother
had studied this law of Discard from his babyhood, making him do
everything possible for himself, even if it did take more time
and effort than to do it for him. You can also see little,
hardworking sisters supporting big, overgrown, lazy brothers, who
work on that sisters sympathies; or because that sister has
promised some dying mother to always "look after poor, dear

=--q--=Stop and think. Are you CRIPPLING the one you think you
are helping? Are you encouraging them to still use the crutches
of your support, when they would be ever so much stronger if
compelled to walk alone? It is just as wrong for you to
over-gratify your faculty of benevolence, your desire to feel the
superiority-complex of having others depend on you, as it is to
over-gratify any other appetite or desire.

=--r--=The planet Mercury [Symbol: Mercury], signified in this 5
space, means changes. See to it that these changes are made in
the right time and for the right purpose.


=--s--=The right operation of the law of Rejection or Discard
will also bring about a new and better state of Morality, the
Morality from within. Great men and women have not become so
because they were total abstainers from things immoral, but
because they controlled their emotions and subverted their
personal feelings to the great object in hand, their life's
mission. They being superior to the call of self, were neither
moral nor immoral, but Unmoral, that is, they had perfect
freedom, coupled with superb control, without supression. So they
proved that ALL Honor must come from the Honor within, the Honor
of the Spirit.

=--t--=Proceeding from the I AM center downward, in space 6, we
find in the second circle the symbols for Libra [Symbol: Libra]
and Venus [Symbol: Venus]. Libra [Symbol: Libra], the Scales in
astrological understanding, is a fit symbol for Transmutation,
the sixth Principle of Creation, in that through Transmutation
things come to a balance. Strife ceases. The struggles are
Transmuted to success; the house becomes a tranquil home; the
idea through travail and long struggle to express, becomes the
great ideal. Venus [Symbol: Venus], the planet of love and art,
is the balance of life and the great transmuting force in the

=--u--=This struggle leading to tranquility; the long nights of
doubt and planning leading to success, is typical of the Divinity
of Parenthood (6) whether of brain children or of physical
offspring. Transmutation always leads to Glory, when its agonies
are over.

=--v--=In the second circle from the I AM center, in the 7 space,
we find the symbols for Aries [Symbol: Aries], sign of the Head
and the First Fire Sign; and of Mars [Symbol: Mars], planet of
Force, Energy, Combat and Sex.

=--w--=Spirituality is perceived and expressed to the largest
extent through the use of the head, in both the brain and the
tongue. The force and energy of a highly Spiritual person are
indicated by the planet Mars [Symbol: Mars] here also.

=--x--=It is noticeable that the highest spiritual thoughts are
directly or indirectly connected with sex. All religions have had
a basis of it, from the most ancient to the most modern. This has
furnished the theme for many opposers of religion and unbelievers
who would make a great evil of religion on the ground that it
includes sex.

=--y--=To neutralize this it is useless to fight it. Resist not
the so-called evil, but take the ground that Nothing is evil in
the temple of the living God, "which Temple ye ARE." "Your BODY
IS the Temple of the living God," and no part or function or
appetite of that Temple is evil. Sex is a divine institution. So
are water and fire. And either one of the three will destroy you
if wrongly applied. Yet each of them promotes and causes life. It
is the MISUSE of the functions of the body that destroys us, not
the function as such. (See Paul's wonderful expositions of this
truth in 1 Cor. 3:16 and 17; 6:19 and 20; 7:34 and 36. 2 Cor.

=--z--=After all it is the Subconscious (7) or Soul Mind in us
that determines the direction of our progress to a large extent.
When we are in right attunement to that Subconscious (7) we come
to the Blessing of that perfect liberty, we find souls of like
nature, we are no longer restrained or fearful of man made laws
and conventions. We LIVE the life of perfect freedom, in perfect
control without restraint or fear.


=--a--=Taking this Table of the Seven Principles as a whole, we
find that the first three spaces, 1, 2 and 3, are ABOVE their
basic planetary influences. This symbolizes the fact that the
Father-Mother God (1) the Creative Christ Consciousness (2) and
the Spirit of God (3) all manifest in us SUPERIOR to the law,
that they are the makers of law, that law is beneath them as only
a form of expression. For this reason the Christ, knowing ALL
law, could do things that were beyond any perception of law that
men had, hence they called His works miracles.

=--b--=We see that Cohesion and Rejection, or Discard, are
horizontal to the planetary influences symbolized by the signs in
the second circle from the I AM center. This shows that when we
have not deliberately known and become superior to the planetary
influences in the planes of the Physical Body (4) and the plane
of Morality (5) we will be moved by those planetary influences
just as the animals are. The less we know of them, the more they
move us, just as is true with any other natural force.

=--c--=Transmutation and Spirituality, the Divinity of Parenthood
(6) and the Subconscious (7) have been put under the set of laws
that come from the great Law.


=--d--=These laws manifest through the great Law, as planetary
influences, as environment signified by the planetary influences
and by many other things not so easily understood.

=--e--=This Table also shows that the positive or right side, the
giving side, of life is indicated by Force, Order, Rejection
(Discard) and Spirituality. These are masculine traits, four in
number, affecting the Physical Body (4) and the Soul (4)
signified on the other side of the Table.

=--f--=On the negative or feminine side, the receiving side, we
have Choice, Cohesion and Transmutation. In these two sides we
see the eternal struggle between the male, positive, masculine
and the female, negative, feminine. The Male (4) with his four
positive qualities, desires the female (6) with her three
negative qualities, thus clashing the feminine number four (the
number of his qualities) with her masculine number three (the
number of her qualities). To offset this, she doubles her
qualities, through her intuitions and inner perceptions,
especially during pregnancy or gestation. Doubling the 3 by
having the power of her own triune being outside, she often
contains another triune being, her child, inside, thus doubling
the 3, making her the mystic value of the 6, the female (6).

=--g--=When the male (4) and the female (6) are united "they
twain shall become ONE flesh," 4 and 6 make 10. 1 and 0 make 1.


=--h--=Another mystic application of the trinity is seen in this
Table, in combining the two bases of any one space with its apex
or master space. For example:

=--j--=Our perception of the Father-Mother God (1) depends upon
our perception of, and upon our having had experiences with, the
Divinity of Parenthood (6) and the Subconscious (7). Force (the
1st principle) must base its usefulness, its foundation, upon
Transmutation (6th principle) and upon Spirituality (7th
principle). If these are not included the Force becomes
destructive and destroys itself and its own usefulness.

=--k--=Creative Christ Consciousness (2) can only manifest to us
on earth, through Morality (5) and that Morality (5) must
manifest first in the Subconscious (7). A Morality (5) based upon
fear, or man made laws, will never stand. (Romans 8). We also see
that Choice (2nd principle) always includes some demonstration of
Rejection or Discard (5th principle), and Spirituality (7th
principle). A little study will show this even in the most
material transactions.

=--l--=Spirit of God (3) demonstrates as life through the
Physical Body (4) which life includes physical demonstration of
love, leading to the Divinity of Parenthood (6). The 3 of the
Spirit of God manifestation is duplicated in the 3 of the family,
the father, mother and child. It is the Spirit of God (3) that
causes the family to be, and Paul says that those who will
"forbid to marry", will be those who have DEPARTED from the
faith. (1 Tim. 4:3.)

=--m--=Order (3rd principle) is only practical where Cohesion
(4th principle) and Transmutation (6th principle) have combined
to make things hold together and to transform them from a chaotic
state to an orderly state. Remember then, that you can have Order
only where you have first established Cohesion and Transmutation
in principle.

=--n--=If your life is discordant or inharmonious, look well to
this. On the other hand Cohesion (4th principle) looks upward to
Order (3rd principle) and over to Rejection or Discard (5th
principle) for its basis. We gain those qualities that make for
strength only if we have Order in our mind and can Discard in our
heart. They must be INSIDE, and not the result of any command or
fear thought from the outside. They must be LAW and not some man
made laws.

=--p--=Physical Body (4) to be at its best, must study and submit
to the Spirit of God (3) and Morality (5). This does not always
means suppression, but may mean regulation, to bring about Order
in time, place and companionship, that none shall be injured by
your indulgences and that all shall be helped.

  "Nothing is wrong that does not harm
    Your trusting fellow-man;
  Nothing is right that does not help
    And lift a human hand."


=--q--=Morality (5) can manifest itself to our consciousness only
through the right application of that inner Creative Christ
Consciousness (2) through the ideas, motives and acts of the
Physical Body (4). A Morality that depends upon someone's else
opinion or commands, or upon ANY book or outside influence for
its force, is not a Morality at all It is a mere regulation. He
is truly strong who is strong from within, from motives of his
very own.

=--r--=Conformably to this, we find that Rejection (Discard) the
5th principle must reveal itself to us through some Choice (2nd
principle). To continue the principle of Rejection or Discard, we
must have and maintain Cohesion (4th principle). We must stand by
our Choice, we must stay together with those involved in that
Choice and continue the Rejection or Discard of those who are
thus put in opposition.

=--s--=The Divinity of Parenthood (6) is subject to the great law
as revealed through the Father-Mother God (1) and the Spirit of
God (3). Through this infinite combination man reaches his First
Omnipotent Cross or Mark (the F, O and X of previous lessons).
Man is here first brought into the real divinity of himself, by
going outside of himself to find himself.

=--t--=Transmutation (6th principle) takes its strength and power
also from the combination of Force (1st principle) and Order (3rd
principle). We can only Transmute things around us by using both
Force and Order. To use Force alone might make more confusion by
its destructive power. We must proceed in an ORDERLY manner. Any
new system, whether politics, art or personal reform, must have
an orderly object and an orderly procedure toward that object, to
be a success. "Let all things be done decently and in order." (1
Cor. 14:40.)

=--u--=Man is always a triune being (1 Thess. 5:23) and his
Subconscious (7) or soul mind displays this. We see in the Table
that Subconscious (7) looks upward toward the Father-Mother God
(1) and the Creative Christ Consciousness (2). Subconscious (7)
is dependent upon them. The Father-Mother God flows down through
the Creative Christ Consciousness, manifesting in the STILL,
SMALL voice. It requires the Silences, the meditations, to know
that "THIS is my beloved Son, hear ye HIM." (Mark 9:7.) It is
AFTER the transfiguration, the Transmutation, of your life, that
you come into this close contact with the Beloved Son, the
Creative Christ Consciousness (2) the second person in the
Godhead, the second person in YOU, your own Soul.

=--v--=To realize the distinction between your Soul and your
Physical Body, do not worship the one, nor despise the other;
this is the great objective of your Soul in leading you to this
study of the Enumeration.

=--w--=In the Creation principles as here displayed, we find that
true Spirituality (7th principle) can only be demonstrated when
we have exerted Force (1st principle) on SELF and made the great
Choice (2nd principle) of that soul satisfying UPWARD pathway,
the righteousness of our God given powers on all five planes,
fearing none and being dominated by none. Using all and not
abusing any.

=--ww--=We have put our spiritual "House in ORDER" as it were. We
have gained Wisdom through that Order, giving us the Strength,
through attaining COHESION, to DISCARD all things that would hold
us back. Honor comes and we are then ready for the great
TRANSMUTATION to Glory. SPIRITUALITY is ours, Blessing is

[Sidenote: LIBRA [Symbol: Libra] SUB-LUMA]

=LIBRA= [Symbol: Libra] =SUB-LUMA--Sign No. 7=

[Illustration: Symbol: Libra]

=--a--=The Libra [Symbol: Libra] Sub-Luma influences those born
from September 23rd to October 22nd inclusive, in any year. The
best forms of expression will be along the lines of buying horses
and cattle; buying and selling stocks and bonds of certain solid
and secure types; managing large business and amusements, Hotels
or Restaurants, or owning the same; dealing in Women's Wear;
House Painting or Art; Publishing and Writing of Music and


=--b--=The most satisfactory mating would be with a Gemini
[Symbol: Gemini], Aquarius [Symbol: Aquarius], Taurus [Symbol:
Taurus], Leo [Symbol: Leo], Aries [Symbol: Aries], or Sagittarius
[Symbol: Sagittarius]


=Principal Planet--Venus= [Symbol: Venus]

=Venus= [Symbol: Venus] is the planet of love and beauty. It
strengthens the affections and it will make the social side
of your nature active and strong. You are warmhearted and
companionable, fond of the society of friends and relatives, of a
loving and peaceable disposition, and favoring all that is
harmonious and refined. You are fond of ease and comfort, of
pleasure and luxury, and you may need to exercise some restraint
over this side of your nature. Venus [Symbol: Venus] generally
gives those who are born under it good taste and a love of
beauty, of fine surroundings, clothes, ornaments, decorations,
and an appreciation of neatness and orderliness. You probably
have the ability to develop the aesthetic side of your nature in
the direction of singing, music, art, poetry, etc., if you care
to do so. The influence of the planet can also be adapted to a
business life, as it gives some financial ability and good luck.
The disposition is usually cheerful, hopeful and good natured,
and brings popularity and many friends.

Venus [Symbol: Venus] is the chief significator of love and
marriage. It also has some influence over money matters and
general prosperity, as well as giving a sense of beauty.

=Personal Classification=

  Preferable Jewel                                      Opal or Diamond
  Colors Best to use and wear                    Rose Pink or Pale Blue
  Most Advantageous Day                                          Friday
  Biblical                             Belongs to the Tribe of Issachar
  Bible References                      Gen. 49:14, 15; Deut. 33:18, 19

=--f--=Libra [Symbol: Libra] is the sign of the Scales, which
makes you just. You should have a good future; you inherit brain
power above the ordinary, and you will not be doing justice to
yourself unless you exert your brain power to its fullest limit.
"Concentrate" must be your watchword. You are a psychic collector
of thought, having the ability to acquire the occult laws of
nature. Your view point is broad and liberal, and your knowledge
must be wide; try to know a little of everything, but concentrate
on doing one thing well; you are very sympathetic, and people
find it easy to confide in you; in fact, many people take
advantage of your good nature, and impose on your time and
patience. Soon you will learn to assert yourself, and guide your
affairs into better channels for your own advancement. You are
very modest and do not properly value the gifts nature has
bestowed on you.

=--g--=You should strive for habits of order, even in small
things, and should take to heart the truth that nothing is
insignificant which promises the peace and pleasure of others;
you should curb your desire for praise and appreciation, and
never do a kind action for the credit to be derived from it. You
are a strong lover, and you need love; you cannot go through life
alone. You accept proven fact, but are quick to see any
flimsiness in basic foundations. Sometimes you show much
excitability, and in this condition you may make mistakes in
judgment; you want to have your own way, and generally succeed in
having it, people yield to you, through confidence in your
integrity and judgment, and well they may.

=--h--=You are devotedly attached to your home and family, and
never happy unless you are giving all your friends a good time;
you are fond of society only insofar as you can give others
pleasure; there is nothing self-seeking about you. You will have
many disappointments in life, but always you will struggle
gallantly against the adverse conditions, and truly one who never
gives up the fight, may be said to win it. You are just and fair
in your dealings; you are conscientious, true and careful in
money matters. You have great adaptability and fit into many
conditions; you are apt to be undecided and uncertain in
your ways, expending much effort sometimes before you are
quite certain just what it is that you are after. You are
companionable, sociable and you suffer much because you cannot
find things just as you wish. From your love of investigating
new things, you sometimes neglect your best interests and special
talents; you rush hither and thither in search of excitement or
new fields to explore, and are frequently likened to the rolling
stone which gathers no moss, but remember it gathers polish.


=Relativity of Libra= [Symbol: Libra] =and Number 7=

=--j--=Libra [Symbol: Libra], the seventh Sub-Luma, indirectly
relates to the 7 space, the Mystic Luma. The Libra [Symbol:
Libra] people are notably psychic and occult in their tendencies.

=Seventh House or Cycle. Libra= [Symbol: Libra] =Influence=

Age next Birthday--7-19-31-43-55-67-79-91 (See page 8,
Definitions 21 and 22)

[Illustration: Symbol: Libra]

=--k--Seventh House:= Libra [Symbol: Libra] influence; Spirit
focusing through Venus [Symbol: Venus], the planet of love and
woman, art and beauty. The influence of this Seventh House
chiefly extends to the separations, divorces and dissolving of
partnerships, agreements, and marriages. The chief thing to do
during these years is to be diplomatic and avoid disputes if it
is possible. Some business management likely to appear.

=--l--=The Seventh House is chiefly concerned with marriage
unions, partnerships, love affairs, law-suits, litigations and
opponents. During this year you are likely to be brought in
contact with others who will greatly influence, and bring an
entire change into your life. You will find now that feelings and
emotions have a very satisfactory outlet, for it will make
attachments and engagements fruitful, and tend to bring all
matters concerning the affections to a satisfactory issue. It is
also good for finance and monetary prospects and will bring gain,
pleasure and profit in many directions, and you will be wise to
make the most out of this favorable period. You will now come
into new and congenial surroundings, will make new friends and
will gain in many ways through others. You will now come into
very close contact with those to whom you will be drawn by
sympathy and affection and prospects will look brighter and
happier than they have for some time. The social side of the
nature will now be very active. The mind will also be very
susceptible of considerable cultivation, especially in connection
with the more imaginative and idealistic subjects. Companionship,
friendship, partnership, association and unions are the key notes
at this period. But in a Horoscope having the Seventh House
severely afflicted by malice at their birth, then all
associations will now require great care with any relations, for
there is a likelihood of getting into trouble or disagreement at
this time. Great care would be necessary in dealing with those
who have a share in the affections, and also with regard to all
monetary interests.

[Illustration: Chart of the Lumanus]

  |        |                                |               |       |
  |        |             SPIRIT             |      SOUL     |  MIND |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  | SPIRIT |     1    |    2   |      3     |       4       |   5   |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |     A    |    B   |      C     |       D       |   E   |
  |  SOUL  |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        | Almighty | Bearer |   Christ   | Demonstration |  East |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |     J    |    K   |      L     |       M       |   N   |
  |  MIND  |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |  Judge   | King's | Luminosity |    Material   | North |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |     S    |    T   |      U     |       V       |   W   |
  |  BODY  |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |  Supreme | Tithes | Unknowable |    Vitality   |  West |
  |        |                                |               |       |
  |        |             SPIRIT             |      SOUL     |  MIND |

  |                                                           |        |
  |                            BODY                           |        |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        6       |       7      |     8     |       9       | SPIRIT |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        F       |       G      |     H     |       I       |        |
  |                |              |           |               |  SOUL  |
  |      First     |     God's    |  Highest  |   Immaculate  |        |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        O       |       P      |     Q     |       R       |        |
  |                |              |           |               |  MIND  |
  |   Omnipotent   |   Perpetual  | Quadratic | Righteousness |        |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        X       |       Y      |     Z     |       &       |        |
  |                |              |           |               |  BODY  |
  | Cross or Mark  | Youthfulness |   Zenith  |      Plus     |        |
  |                                                           |        |
  |                            BODY                           |        |
     (=Showing the values and inner meanings of the English Alphabet)=

[Illustration: Chart of the Alphabet]

[Sidenote: THE TRADE LUMA]

=(The 8 Space)=

[Illustration: 8]

=--m--=Title, SUCCESS. This word has a value of 17. 1 and 7 are
8. The word God also has the same value (17-8) and many people
make Success their God, especially the word as spelled $ucce$$.
The color of the Trade Luma or 8 space is pale Yellow, the color
of Wisdom. It requires much Wisdom in your talent, sometimes
to make a real success of it. Wisdom is the right-useness
(righteousness) of knowledge.

=--n--=The letters under 8 are H, Q and Z, meaning the HIGHEST
QUADRATIC ZENITH. The highest double number within the 9 digits
is 4 (2 times 4 make 8). 4 represents material things and when
they are doubled unto us, we have, or think we have, Success.

[Illustration: CHART OF THE LUMANUS]


=--nn--=A conspicuous 8 in your name or birthdate means that you
are likely to have some ability in public speaking or teaching.
It gives you powers of leadership, success, and mental strength.
Remember that all these things are influences, not fates, and
that they in turn are more or less offset by other numbers and
letters. Faults to be avoided are talking too much about self,
headstrong will, stubbornness, and thoughtless moves.

=--p--=The planet of 8 is Saturn [Symbol: Saturn]. The sign of 8
is Scorpio [Symbol: Scorpio]. The letter H in your name has a
tendency toward the Higher perception of your body's finest and
most spiritual uses; Q in your name is the eccentric, the queer
ideas manifested; Z in your name is the strength of body and mind
that can be used to advance your earthly success.

=Positions of the Number 8=

=--q--8 as a Soul Path Number= shows that you have chosen a
pathway to bring about justice, that one of your chief life aims
will be to make justice, even sometimes in cases where it does
not directly concern you. While doing this you also will feel at
times the pangs of fear at the justice that may be waiting you as
well. It will be a feeling that you too must meet a certain
great Judge. This Judge may materialize in your life as an
avenging reaction to something or someone you have helped to

=--r--8 as a Personality Number= will probably help to put you
into the front ranks of commerce, reform movements, leadership in
finance or big business. Your Personality will be that of the
Judge, the final arbiter, the ranking master of all in banking or
commercial circles. Dignity is the strongest trait of your
personality and you will win in proportion as you are able to
impress people with your dignity without appearing uppish or
aloof or too imposing.

=--s--8 as a Predominant Name Number= shows that you will
naturally attract to yourself many who will have fine ideas about
reform movement but without any executive ability to "put them
over." This you will be expected to do and many of your friends
will prove to be of little use to you because they desire to use
you to further their own pet schemes.

=--t--8 as a Destiny Number= makes you well able to be a great
executive, with a bent toward a powerful public personality that
will land you among the leaders of the nation, if you use it and
keep yourself above the petty things. For this reason you must
spend time to complete your education if you possibly can, no
matter what your age. Keep in mind and constantly exercise your
powers as a leader, at first in whatever ways may appear around
you, then reach on to greater things. Your natural Destiny is

=--tt--Public Appearance Number 8.= This gives you a strong power
of speech and you should do your best to get into something of
that order, if your other numbers do not show too adverse an

You can begin in a small way, before small groups, watching for
criticisms and comments and governing yourself accordingly. But
do NOT desire mere flattery. The way to stop people flattering
you is to make them tell you just WHY your work is good. Study
the speaking ability of famous people and read important

=--u--Warning to Number 8.= Do not talk too much. Keep your
plans, your ambitions to yourself. It is by exposing your plans
thru the desire for praise or approval that you dissipate your
"steam" or energy to execute those plans. "Plan your work, then
WORK your plan," but do not tell your plan.


=The Application of the Seven Principles to the Animal Plane=

=--v--=FORCE, the First Principle, when applied to the ANIMAL
PLANE of Life, results in the taking up of new exercises that you
may wish to follow; it results in the use of your body in
appearance or in muscle as a form of persuasion to get things
done. This leads to POWER in what is called Animal Magnetism.

=--w--=CHOICE, the Second Principle, when applied to the ANIMAL
PLANE of Life, results in the right selection of foods, clothes,
house and sex. It gives the ability to select the right mate.
This application leads to RICHES of a physical nature, the
possession of property and goods in the line of the CHOICE that
may be made.

=--x--=ORDER, the Third Principle, when applied to the ANIMAL
PLANE, enables one to place the right action in the right time
and place. It leads to the tactful handling of the body and the
faculties. It makes for nice foods, well served; for nice homes,
well appointed; for a careful mate of real fitness to your life
and environment. This application leads to WISDOM as to the right
time, place and use of all physical things.

=--y--=COHESION, the Fourth Principle, when applied to the ANIMAL
PLANE, helps to hold the home together; makes you attractive to
business partners and associates; makes people want to work with
you and for you. It leads to STRENGTH of your body and your
physical collections of things and possessions. When you develop
the COHESION in your ANIMAL PLANE you give the appearance of
being well-built and well able to take care of yourself.

=--z--=DISCARD, the Fifth Principle, when applied to the ANIMAL
PLANE, enables you to cast off undesirable foods, undesirable
clothes and living quarters and even an undesirable person,
though they may claim the ties of relationship. In fact the
casting off of undesirable relatives is the hardest test of this
Principle of DISCARD. This Principle is also much needed in
changing one's life from an undesirable or low tendency to a
higher one. DISCARD is a constant but little understood Principle
in Life. It is the hardest to understand and to operate of any of
them. Quite generally we do not know when we need it on the
ANIMAL PLANE, because of our love of ease and our aversion to
change. We feel, usually, that what has been good enough up to
now, should be good enough further on. We come to HONOR when we
know and use the Fifth Principle, DISCARD.

=--a--=TRANSMUTATION, the Sixth Principle, when applied to the
ANIMAL PLANE, helps you to make the unlovely into the lovely. It
transmutes food into muscle and brain; a house into a home; a
woman into a wife or sweetheart; a man into a husband or lover.
This application causes the ANIMAL PLANE part of the human life
to arise toward the MIND PLANE, the next logical step. The right
use of the Principle of TRANSMUTATION, without suppression, is
the only answer to the sex question. Any right application of

=--b--=SPIRITUALITY, the Seventh Principle, can be only
indirectly applied to the ANIMAL PLANE through the MIND PLANE.
This will be explained in the next lesson, after the Number 9
(page 94, paragraph g).

=SCORPIO= [Symbol: Scorpio] =SUB-LUMA--Sign No. 8=

[Illustration: Symbol: Scorpio]

=--c--=The Scorpio [Symbol: Scorpio] Sub-Luma influences those
born from October 23rd to November 21st inclusive, in all years.
The best forms of expression will be along the lines of Music,
Surgery, Chemistry, Public Speaking, Public Official Work,
Sailors and Seamen, Transportation Work, and Engraving. Also make
good Superintendents. Usually an earnest, hardworking type of


=--d--=The most satisfactory mating would be with a Sub-Luma of
Cancer [Symbol: Cancer], Pisces [Symbol: Pisces], Aries [Symbol:
Aries], Taurus [Symbol: Taurus], Capricorn [Symbol: Capricorn] or
Virgo [Symbol: Virgo].


=Principal Planet Mars= [Symbol: Mars]

=--e--=Mars [Symbol: Mars] is the planet of fire, energy and
expansion. It gives you a disposition that is ardent, active,
positive, impulsive and impetuous. You are a lover of freedom and
independence, and cannot endure restraint, confinement or delay.
You are generous and frank, an admirer of openness, bravery and
courage, both physical and moral. You have much self-confidence,
and are usually able to hold your own easily, being prompt in
word and action. You need to beware of being too rash and
headstrong, for you are rather inclined to be aggressive and
self-willed; and you are likely to bring many troubles upon
yourself through this. You have a good deal of pride, which is
easily wounded, and you do not find it easy to remain cool and
self-restrained under provocation. You are an active and
energetic worker and can accomplish much in a short time, and you
have it in you to become very practical and capable in the world
if you exercise a little self-discipline.

[Sidenote: SCORPIO [Symbol: Scorpio] SUB-LUMA]

=--f--=Mars [Symbol: Mars] is the planet of fire, energy, impulse
and action. Its position in the sign indicates the channel
through which these qualities will flow. Mars [Symbol: Mars] is
the principal planet for Scorpio [Symbol: Scorpio] Oct. 23 to
Nov. 21, and for Aries [Symbol: Aries], Mar. 20 to April 19.

=Personal Classification=

  Preferable Jewel                                               Topaz
  Colors best to use and wear                        Crimson, Dark Red
  Most Advantageous Day                                        Tuesday
  Biblical                                 Belongs to the Tribe of Dan
  Bible References                      Gen. 49:1, 17, 18. Deut. 33:22

=--h--=Scorpio [Symbol: Scorpio] is the eighth sign of the
Zodiac, a fixed and watery sign, conferring on those born under
its influence a psychic nature, and a love of the mystical. You
are impulsive, irratic, extreme, independent, and very energetic.
Exercise your energy to the utmost in the interest of higher use,
and the world will be the better for your efforts. You have a
high and noble character, and your word can always be depended
upon. You must learn to look ahead with confidence, not fear; do
not court trouble by anticipating it; it will be time enough to
cross your bridge when you come to it. You are very affectionate,
capable of giving much love, and you demand a great deal in
return. You ought to succeed in business, but not in the regular
channels, something a little out of the ordinary for you. The
indications are that you will initiate something entirely new and
original which will be the basis of your future success.

=--j--=You feel very deeply and love passionately; you give
yourself too freely, and must conserve these energies more. You
are intuitive, and should trust your impressions more. Your
constitution is strong and can stand very severe and protracted
strains before breaking up, having good generative force, which
if conserved, protects you from ill health. Scorpio [Symbol:
Scorpio] is a vital sign, and governs the excretory system. The
influence of the stars, point to a long journey, which you will
be called to take later on in life; it will be made necessary by
your position and business connections. You will not travel by
water, and during this trip you will hear of the death of a near
relative; you will meet with success and make many friends, one
of whom will prove treacherous, and will not hesitate to slander
you, trying to ruin your prosperity in business and love. Yet the
ensuing year offers you a very fortunate period, and there will
be many advantages to gain.

=--k--=You are attracted strongly to the opposite Sex, either in
friendship or association, of some sort, or in marriage, and then
you are very devoted to your selected partner, and make an ardent
and enthusiastic lover, as you are eager and somewhat passionate
in your attachments. Your marriage partner will probably be of a
martial type, positive, active and rather masterful, and will be
one who desires to hold the reins and rule the roost. Much
depends upon your conditions, surroundings and environments, as
to how you will enjoy and appreciate life, for you have acute
perceptions and sense things in a peculiar manner, through your
feelings. You are mediumistic and very often are impressed with
feelings and thoughts that come from others, either on this or
the other side of the grave. You must live purely, to be happy.

=Relativity of Scorpio= [Symbol: Scorpio] =and Number 8=

=--l--=Scorpio [Symbol: Scorpio], the eighth Sub-Luma, indirectly
relates to the 8 space, the Trade Luma. There are but few persons
that can defeat a Scorpio [Symbol: Scorpio] person in argument or
excel them at their business. The turning of the Sex instincts of
Scorpio [Symbol: Scorpio], the Loins, to business, nearly always
creates a successful business person and a worthy occupant of the
Trade Luma (8).

=Eighth House or Cycle--Scorpio= [Symbol: Scorpio] =Influence=

Age next birthday, 6-18-30-42-54-66-78-82-94.

[Illustration: Symbol: Scorpio]

=--m--=Eighth House: Scorpio [Symbol: Scorpio] influence; Spirit
focusing through Mars [Symbol: Mars], planet of force, energy and
combat; another house of sorrows, like the Sixth and the Twelfth.
A strong tendency to get into strange places; likely to hear of
the death of relatives and the loss of hopes and plans. A bad
year to start any new business. Possible loss of friends by their
turning against you, through errors of judgment on your part.
Keep well within a limited circle of small activities and

[Sidenote: EIGHTH HOUSE]

=--n--=The Eighth House, has a direct bearing upon death and all
matters connected therewith, such as the goods of the dead,
legacies, occupations connected with death. Now if it happens
that evil aspects of the ponderous planets are coinciding with
the passage through this house, it is most probable that deaths
may occur in your social circle, or deaths will in some way
effect you, or come in possession of goods left by death. The
influence is a very pronounced and decided one, and its effect
will be to awaken the latent possibilities of you at this time.
You will be more determined and will become very firm in
decisions and may through a fixity of purpose carry ambitions to
a successful issue; but there is a dangerous side to the passage
through this house. For with the feeling of firmness that
accompany it you will gain some knowledge of inherent power, and
will arouse now any pride or dignity that may be latent in your
nature. Feelings of jealousy will also be experienced which will
incline to caustic utterances and sarcasm, when vexed or
offended, for the gentler side of the nature will be overlaid by
this apparently coarser vibration but it is the awakening of the
real potency of the nature that will give rise to this change.

=--nn--=This period is also not so good for the health of some
who become here susceptible to feverish and inflammatory
conditions and also likely to act more from impulse than from
careful thought. You cannot be too discreet with regard to the
opposite sex, and all actions should be thought out beforehand,
as the result of any rash conduct at this time will be likely to
cause you much sorrow and trouble in the future. Hence you must
avoid all rash and hasty tendencies and eschew disputes and
quarrels, for the least excitement is apt to arouse the passional
nature to its fullest expression. But much of course depends upon
the Horoscope at birth as to what aspects are formed by direction
for the year inquired of.

[Illustration: Chart of the Lumanus]

  |        |                                |               |       |
  |        |             SPIRIT             |      SOUL     |  MIND |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  | SPIRIT |     1    |    2   |      3     |       4       |   5   |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |     A    |    B   |      C     |       D       |   E   |
  |  SOUL  |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        | Almighty | Bearer |   Christ   | Demonstration |  East |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |     J    |    K   |      L     |       M       |   N   |
  |  MIND  |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |  Judge   | King's | Luminosity |    Material   | North |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |     S    |    T   |      U     |       V       |   W   |
  |  BODY  |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |  Supreme | Tithes | Unknowable |    Vitality   |  West |
  |        |                                |               |       |
  |        |             SPIRIT             |      SOUL     |  MIND |

  |                                                           |        |
  |                            BODY                           |        |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        6       |       7      |     8     |       9       | SPIRIT |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        F       |       G      |     H     |       I       |        |
  |                |              |           |               |  SOUL  |
  |      First     |     God's    |  Highest  |   Immaculate  |        |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        O       |       P      |     Q     |       R       |        |
  |                |              |           |               |  MIND  |
  |   Omnipotent   |   Perpetual  | Quadratic | Righteousness |        |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        X       |       Y      |     Z     |       &       |        |
  |                |              |           |               |  BODY  |
  | Cross or Mark  | Youthfulness |   Zenith  |      Plus     |        |
  |                                                           |        |
  |                            BODY                           |        |
     =(Showing the values and inner meanings of the English Alphabet)=

[Illustration: Chart of the Alphabet]

[Sidenote: THE LAW LUMA]

=(The 9 Space)=

[Illustration: 9]

=--q--=Title, LAW. This word has a value of 9. The word Love has
the same value (18-9) and Love is the final and only Law that
will prevail. The color of the Law Luma or 9 space is Blood Red,
signifying the sacrifice that the Law demands in its violation.
It also shows the living sacrifice that Love gladly gives in its

=--r--=The letters under the 9 are I, R and the sign &. These
mean IMMACULATE RIGHTEOUSNESS PLUS. To know this station in soul
advancement you must have passed the Law, you must have made the
"perfect sacrifice" of self, time, means and possessions. It
means to LIVE the Life.


=--s--=A conspicuous 9 in your name or birthdate means that you
have the powers of brotherliness, kindness, eccentricity, music,
art and power of command. Faults to be avoided are exclusiveness,
a hermit nature, timidity and secret destructive habits.

[Illustration: CHART OF THE LUMANUS]

=--t--=The planet of 9 is Mars [Symbol: Mars]. The sign of 9 is
Sagittarius [Symbol: Sagittarius]. The letter I in your name
means a self-centered nature, but kindly. Likely to attract the
help of others also. The letter R means rapidity and roaming with
a tendency to raciness or occasional daring and recklessness. The
sign & is nearly always used in business names of firms and means
commerce in its commonest sense.

=Positions of the Number 9=

=--u--9 as a Soul Path Number= will show that you have chosen the
"way of the triple crown," which may mean triple sorrows or it
may mean triple portions of joy, according to the way you USE
your numbers and your astrological conditions. It is probably
your last incarnation on the earth plane, if you can so apply
yourself unto wisdom that this indeed may be the last. Otherwise
you may need to do it over.

=--v--9 as a Personality Number= gives you the aspiring type of
mind, the zealot, the keen thinker ideals. As 9 is a disappearing
yet ever present number when added to anything else (as 9 and 5
make 14, 1 and 4 make 5 and the 9 has vanished), so your own
personality gives you certain peculiarities of seemingly
vanishing from the minds of people and yet being called upon
again and again for their needs. Your personality expresses
brotherhood, generosity, artistic expressions of all kinds,
writing, teachings and public speaking.

=--w--9 as a Predominant Name Number= shows that you will attract
to yourself through impulsiveness, people who will offend and
estrange your real friends and relatives. You are likely to show
a disregard of others and others' opinions that will prove
hurtful to yourself and that will attract to you persons that you
will find very undesirable and hard to get rid of afterward. This
place of the 9, in the Predominant Name Number, also inclines you
strongly to attract dramatic and literary persons to your
acquaintance, which will be mutually to your advantage and

=--x--9 as a Destiny Number= shows that you are inclined to a
zig-zag pathway in life, filled with ups and downs. You are
especially adapted to composition, creative effort, sculpture,
public speaking and the ministry. It is likely that your destiny
will be to struggle along for a long while before being noticed
and then get famous all at once after years of hard labor. Do not
WAIT for this, for it only can come after the YEARS of labor.

=--xx--9 as a Public Appearance Number.= Here you have a strong
influence of the eccentric. If you can keep from being bigoted
about presenting your ideals you can influence a great many. You
have strong, but in some ways peculiar ideas and methods. Try to
keep your expressions within reason. Let your artistic nature
express itself, but avoid exaggerations even in joking.

Keep the beauty of your ideas to the fore, but NOT too much of
your own personal opinions.


=--y--Warning to Number 9.= Be careful of selfishness and sensual
desires. You are, in your own passions, your own worst enemy. Be
practical in your morals as well as your business. Others are
fully as good as yourself and just as likely to be straight and
honest, so avoid jealously, envy, covetousness and lust as you
would the plague. Keep busy HELPING others and you will avoid
much of the so-called evil in the world, especially in YOUR

=Application of the Seven Principles=
=to the Mind Plane=

=--a--=FORCE, the First Principle, when applied to the MIND PLANE
of Life, shows itself in the strong will, the stubborn Mind. It
enables you to take up new habits of thought. This application
causes others to listen to your opinions and even to seek those
opinions. It will draw the opposite sex to you, where that person
is of the intellectual type. Rightly exerted it leads to POWER
among your friends and associates. This POWER will be limited
only by your knowledge of the reactions that you will arouse
through its use.

=--b--=CHOICE, the Second Principle, when applied to the MIND
PLANE of Life, enables you to choose the best reading matter; the
proper teachers for your education; the things you will accept in
matters of opinion in religion, art, science or politics. This
application gives you what is called good taste. It leads to
RICHES of knowledge and intellect.

=--c--=ORDER, the Third Principle, when applied to the MIND PLANE
of Life, makes you logical and direct. It gives you good
concentration, because it keeps you in ORDER in your thoughts and
brings you WISDOM in the minds of your friends. This application
makes a channel into your own mind of all the best thoughts that
have been or will be along the line to which you are applying
yourself. ORDER attracts big minds to you, because you and your
proposition seems logical to them. ORDER gives you better
expressive WISDOM, as to time, place and conditions to present
your ideas.

=--d--=COHESION, the Fourth Principle, when applied to the MIND
PLANE of Life, makes you more continuous in your application to
your beliefs and decisions. It gives you STRENGTH of mind and
power to make others want to be in your good graces, to do
largely as you do. In fact, you may know fairly well how much of
COHESION you are exerting on the Mind Plane by the ease with
which you hold friendships and the manner in which you are
referred to in matters of opinion. With this application strong
you will find that you exert a good influence over many and
become a tower of strength to a large number of friends.

=--e--=DISCARD, the Fifth Principle, when applied to the MIND
PLANE of Life, helps you to set aside "every weight which doth so
easily beset you." (Heb. 12:1). It enables you to refuse the
opinions of others, if you wish to. This application makes you
somewhat independent in mind and is often the chief Principle
needed to put you up among the leaders in your group. When it is
known that you can refuse opinions, in the right time and place,
it is generally assumed that you are strong minded. The mediocre
mass accepts all opinions and authority, but the outstanding
person is the one who questions thoughts, who "proves all things
and holds fast that which is good." (1 Thess. 5:21.) To DISCARD
the low or the lesser, leads to HONOR.

=--f--=TRANSMUTATION, the Sixth Principle, when applied to the
MIND PLANE, enables you to use your mind in higher lines and more
intellectually than before. Your whole life becomes "transformed
by the renewing of your mind." (Romans 12:1 and 2.) The
TRANSMUTATION Principle applied to the Mind, brings GLORY in its
right use to all the other faculties and thus the whole Life.

=--g--=SPIRITUALITY, the Seventh Principle, when applied to the
MIND PLANE, causes you to look into the religious and the moral
side of things. It makes you want to be sure as to the rightness
of anything before agreeing with it. SPIRITUALITY naturally
follows TRANSMUTATION. This application of the Principle of
SPIRITUALITY must have its outlet in every life, whether it be in
the line of religion, ethics or morals. You must not suppress
entirely this part of your nature. Let all parts of your mind
grow. Thus by applying SPIRITUALITY you will attain the inner

=SAGITTARIUS= [Symbol: Sagittarius] =SUB-LUMA Sign No. 9=

[Illustration: Symbol: Sagittarius]

=--h--=The Sagittarius [Symbol: Sagittarius] Sub-Luma influences
those born from November 22nd to December 20th inclusive, in any
year. The best forms of expression will be along the lines of
Exploration; Discernment of Wisdom and advice to others; Travel;
buying and selling Merchandise; Musicians; Judges; Bankers;
Lawyers; Sportmen and Managers of Sporting Clubs. The Sagittarius
[Symbol: Sagittarius] Sub-Luma indicates keen foresight and
Psychic ability.

[Sidenote: SAGITTARIUS [Symbol: Sagittarius] SUB-LUMA]


=--j--=The most satisfactory mating would be with Sub-Lumas in
Leo [Symbol: Leo], Gemini [Symbol: Gemini], Aquarius [Symbol:
Aquarius], Aries [Symbol: Aries], or Libra [Symbol: Libra].


=Principal Planet Jupiter= [Symbol: Jupiter]

=--k--=Jupiter [Symbol: Jupiter] tends to give a hopeful, buoyant
and cheerful disposition which should go far towards making you
popular and gaining you many friends. You can gain social esteem
and success and will be popular and generally liked. You are
benevolent, generous and humane, and are always ready to help
those who deserve it and to assist worthy causes. You have a
regard for law, order, and propriety and for the rules and
conventions of customs; you dislike incivility, awkwardness, or
bad taste in opinions or conduct as much as you do ugliness or
inharmony in your surroundings. You have a reverence for
beauty both in outward form and in ideas; you like beautiful
surroundings and comfort and elegance in all things. You have
energy, enthusiasm, ardour and faithfulness. You have a natural
respect for law and religion, and you take kindly to ritual,
ceremonial, and etiquette, and are a little too apt to be bound
by formalities. You have power to cultivate the higher faculties
of the mind in the direction of law, religion, or philosophy, if
you care to do so.

=--l--=Jupiter [Symbol: Jupiter] is a very favorable planet when
well placed. It governs social and general prosperity, religion,
law, benevolence and good will; and gives some appreciation of
beauty, harmony, imagination, and ideality. Jupiter [Symbol:
Jupiter] is the principal planet of Sagittarius [Symbol:
Sagittarius] Nov. 22 to Dec. 20--and the day planet of Pisces
[Symbol: Pisces], Feb. 20 to Mar. 20.

=Personal Classification=

  Preferable Jewel                                    Turquoise, Topaz
  Colors best to use and wear                        Dull Gold, Purple
  Biblical                                 Belongs to the Tribe of Gad
  Most Advantageous Day                                       Thursday
  Bible References                         Gen. 49:19; Deut. 33:20, 21

=--n--=According to the Planets of the Earth on this date, it
endows you with an ingenuous, strictly honest nature; it renders
your soul merciful and your heart affectionate and constant. The
ancient Magi claims that all persons born on this date, under
these planetary conditions will prove exceptionally good, or
radically bad. Your mind is versatile and easy going, but
quick to anger, yet quicker to quiet down. You are liberal
and impartial in your opinions, but with a gift of rapid
assimilation. Your aptitudes as well as your occupations, will be
of two different kinds, interfering greatly with each other, and
thus hindering your progress. You will have some long journeys,
in connection with your position and business. During one of
these trips you will hear of the death of a dear relative.

=--nn--=You should have good business judgment, and are rather
saving with your money--perhaps too much so, at times. Learn to
be a little more open-handed. You will be better liked, more
popular even in your own home. Not that you stint them in
anything--it is just that you never think of taking home any
little "surprises." It is rare to find anyone born on this day,
who lacks money; you are never completely out of it, though you
may never get rich. You are artistic, and musical, and should
excel as a performer, if you ever took up the study of music
seriously. You are inclined to worry a little too seriously. You
are inclined also to get moody. You should learn that worry has
never yet prevented anything bad from happening, but oft times
throws an atmosphere around yourself that prevents you from
believing anything worth while.

=--p--=This sign indicates that everything in life is a pretty
even struggle between good and bad, and that every action brings
in its wake a reaction, thus forcing you to be most cautious in
your thoughts and undertakings. Jupiter [Symbol: Jupiter], which
will be your guiding Planet for the ensuing year, endows you with
high mental qualities, gives you a virtuous and honorable nature.
You represent the Archer, whose aim is sure, and who seldom fails
to hit the mark. Your business instincts, are remarkably sure and
keen, but too close application to your work, is your besetting
sin, so do not be so reckless with your health, but remember that
there is a reckoning day and nature's books are justly kept. You
are probably emotional, and long for passionate love, which you
feel you could return fully if it were given you. You have a
great idea of duty and honor, and are unflinching in devotion to
them. You do not understand the opposite sex and their ways,
which are a sealed book to you. Cultivate the gentler side of
your nature, and you will be more popular.

=Relativity of Sagittarius= [Symbol: Sagittarius] =and Number 9=

[Sidenote: NINTH HOUSE]

=--q--=Sagittarius [Symbol: Sagittarius], the ninth Sub-Luma,
indirectly relates to the 9 space, the Law Luma. The Sagittarian
make the best and most just judges, counsellors and wise men of
the nation. They are frequently well known for their expert
knowledge of International Law.

=Ninth House or Cycle--Sagittarius= [Symbol: Sagittarius]

Age next birthday, 5-17-29-41-53-65-77-89.

[Illustration: Symbol: Sagittarius]

=--r--=Ninth House: Sagittarius influence; Spirit focusing
through the planet Jupiter [Symbol: Jupiter], the planet of
business, generosity and wisdom. This brings out the advantages
of religion and deeper thought and philosophy. Shows that these
years will bring occult tendencies to you and a desire to know
more about the psychic; or will bring a tendency to reform and
become religious. Good time for affection and fellowship. Affects
the following years: 5th, 17th, 29th, 41st, 53rd, 77th, 89th.

=--s--=The Ninth House is the house of Philosophy, and hence of
all that concern the scientific and religious attitude, and also
the safety and success of long distant voyages; also all affairs
that relate to kindred and relatives. The passage through this
house will not fail to bring some improvement in your general
affairs and bring about a favorable issue to all undertakings at
hand with proper care. The vibrations now operating will cause
you to take a more philosophical view of life, and will tend to
look upon all things from a more hopeful standpoint than

=--t--=A rather fortunate period is at hand which tends to
improve your whole conditions, also causing the mind to take
interest in all matters connected with either the occult life, or
philosophy and religion, and if the mind of you can aspire, you
will gain knowledge wherein all things are known. By awakening
the intellectual side of the nature you will be greatly benefited
by the passage through this house. But when living more in the
material and physical plane of life than the mental, it will give
a deep interest in sports of all kinds, outdoor exercise,
walking, driving, boating, gambling, etc.

Generally this influence will bring a rebellious spirit and a
disregard for established law and order with a tendency to be
indifferent and in consequence thereof may suffer through the
aforesaid mentioned, not only in pocket or health, but also by
scandal and loss of reputation.

[Illustration: Chart of the Lumanus]

  |        |                                |               |       |
  |        |             SPIRIT             |      SOUL     |  MIND |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  | SPIRIT |     1    |    2   |      3     |       4       |   5   |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |     A    |    B   |      C     |       D       |   E   |
  |  SOUL  |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        | Almighty | Bearer |   Christ   | Demonstration |  East |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |     J    |    K   |      L     |       M       |   N   |
  |  MIND  |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |  Judge   | King's | Luminosity |    Material   | North |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |     S    |    T   |      U     |       V       |   W   |
  |  BODY  |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |  Supreme | Tithes | Unknowable |    Vitality   |  West |
  |        |                                |               |       |
  |        |             SPIRIT             |      SOUL     |  MIND |

  |                                                           |        |
  |                            BODY                           |        |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        6       |       7      |     8     |       9       | SPIRIT |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        F       |       G      |     H     |       I       |        |
  |                |              |           |               |  SOUL  |
  |      First     |     God's    |  Highest  |   Immaculate  |        |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        O       |       P      |     Q     |       R       |        |
  |                |              |           |               |  MIND  |
  |   Omnipotent   |   Perpetual  | Quadratic | Righteousness |        |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        X       |       Y      |     Z     |       &       |        |
  |                |              |           |               |  BODY  |
  | Cross or Mark  | Youthfulness |   Zenith  |      Plus     |        |
  |                                                           |        |
  |                            BODY                           |        |
      =(Showing the values and inner meanings of the English Alphabet)=

[Illustration: Chart of the Alphabet]

[Sidenote: THE UNA LUMA]

[Illustration: THE UNA LUMA]

=--u--THE UNA LUMA.= (Circle or cipher, containing the Eye of Aum
and the 4, in the Chart of the Lumanus.) This is the Nothingness
that includes all things, and so it has no word or letter values.
It is the Una Luma or womb of the Universe, through which must
come all Life and all the joining of soul and body of animate

=--v--=It is the concealed circle or cipher, not at first
noticeable on the Lumanus, containing the Eye of Aum and the 4,
thus representing the concealed and hidden beginnings of life.
The Una Luma is that nothing, which, when added to anything else
will multiply it by ten (as the 1 beside the 0 makes 10). Thus
the body or temple of Man (1) coming thru the Una Luma, or
Nothingness, becomes the 10 or Man beside God.

[Illustration: CHART OF THE LUMANUS]

=--w--=The colors of the Una Luma are Blue in its upper half, for
Spiritual Truth and Green in the lower half for earthly growth
and gain. It is thus divided into an upper or Spiritual use and a
lower or material use. The life force in the body may also be
seen in a Spiritual way or in the grosser physical way, used for
the Godly ideals or for the physical gratification.


=--x--=When the Una Luma circle is combined with the cross
containing all the figures from 5 to 9, thus including all the
symbols from the Eye of Aum to the 9, we have the symbol for
Venus [Symbol: Venus], in astrology, the planet of Love, Art and

[Illustration: VENUS]

=--y--=Then all your world is balanced by the power of Love and
all is well in your life. The Soul is at the top, at its best,
and the world is secondary to the inner worship of the Most

=--z--=But sometimes we make the LAW first in our minds (the 9
space) and get it at the TOP of life (see Mars) so that the Soul
is at the bottom and the Law at the top. This is seen in some
religions and in marriages where force is used to continue the

[Illustration: MARS]

=--a--=In such cases we have the Cross on TOP of the mountain and
have made our Calvary. It is the symbol of Mars [Symbol: Mars],
the planet of Force, Combat, Energy and Sex. It is usually sex
and selfishness that brings this about and the remedy is to make
the deeper SOUL emotions FIRST in your life.

=Positions of the Naught 0=

=--b--=While the cipher or naught (0) cannot appear AS a final
number in the Four Phases of Soul Path, Personality, Predominant
or Destiny Numbers, it DOES appear IN those numbers sometimes, as
in a Number made up of 37, which adds to 10, which adds to 1.
Here we see the cipher in use and as it nearly always appears in
the second addition of the Number wanted, as 37-10-1, it has a
small influence in life. Therefore:

=--c--=0 IN a Soul Path Number shows that you intend to apply
your earth life this time to the widest or most universal
possible area. It shows a tendency to take in too much territory,
sometimes, but it makes for fine ideals and aims.

=--d--=0 IN a Personality Number means that you will have a wide
view, a broad mind, and some tendency to extended thought,
although not always deep thought. It adds generosity to your
personality and makes you more and more popular.

=--e--=0 IN a Predominant Name Number cannot occur.

=--f--=0 IN a Destiny Number shows that you will make your great
mark in the world through your widespread and universal
applications of ideas. These may be old ideas, but they will be
in a new style or garb. You will have the chance to become famous
through this tendency.


=--ff--=0 IN a Public Appearance Number shows that it would be
fairly easy for you to gather crowds or to select the managers
who could get them for you.

=--g--=WARNING. Do not use ANY number to LEAN on. Do your stuff.
Be yourself, regardless of how the numbers seem to fit or misfit
your hopes and ideals. Keep your ideals anyway and go on with
them, and you will find it possible to develop the numbers you DO
like in your readings, above those you do not like.

=Application of the Seven Principles to the=
=Monetary Plane=

=--h--=FORCE, the First Principle, when applied to the MONETARY
PLANE, enables you to make a little money and have plenty of
POWER. It makes you able to appear prosperous. Here you begin to
know the chief law of prosperity, "To him that hath shall be
given and from him that hath not shall be taken away even that
which he hath." (Matt. 25:29.) You appear prosperous and
prosperity follows you. You learn to spend with that certain
manner that makes you appear to have plenty. You recognize the
FORCE of money, but you are not a slave to it. You may know that
you are developing the FORCE you need on the Monetary Plane, when
people begin to seek your opinion on the wisdom of any purchase.

=--j--=CHOICE, the Second Principle, applied to the MONETARY
PLANE, causes you to choose carefully how and where you will
spend your money. This inclines you to RICHES in money matters.
You learn here that it is not the saving of money that makes you
rich but the wise SPENDING of money in the direction you are
going, in the direction of your great objective; this will make
you rich. To do this requires a good use of CHOICE, this Second
Principle of Creation.

=--k--=ORDER, the Third Principle, applied to the MONETARY PLANE,
tends to put all expenditures and receipts in ORDER. It makes
good bookkeepers and accountants. Sometimes this application may
enlarge caution and fear. ORDER may be carried too far, even on
the Monetary Plane and cause one to be too exact and mercenary
and too much bound to a plan. The right use of ORDER, however, in
money matters, will lead to WISDOM in both spending and
accounting money.

=--l--=COHESION, the Fourth Principle, applied to the MONETARY
PLANE, would incline you to put all your money into one thing, to
conserve your money, to invest it very securely. It would cause
your money to readily attract more money. By this means you may
know when you are really applying COHESION to your finances. It
always gives STRENGTH to your money matters to be known as a
conservative, careful type of spender.

=--m--=DISCARD, the Fifth Principle, applied to the MONETARY
PLANE, enables you to refuse yourself the present pleasure for
the future good. It enables you to spend your money on the thing
needed first and to DISCARD the thing you want for the thing you
need. It leads to the HONOR type of mind in you for both spending
and receiving, for you can even DISCARD the receipt of money when
you think it is not right for you to have it. This is one of the
difficult uses of the Principle of DISCARD, but frequently the
shortest road to HONOR.

=--n--=TRANSMUTATION, the Sixth Principle, applied to the
MONETARY PLANE, leads you to the benevolent and spiritual uses of
your money. It will help you to find the inner blessing through
the giving of your Tithes and offerings. TRANSMUTATION is
peculiarly applicable to this phase of money matters, for the
giving of the Tithe or Tenth of your income to a spiritual
ministry for the advancement of Truth is directly productive of
the deepest inner blessing. At the Head Office of the Enumeration
we have some amazing testimonials of the sudden increases and
other blessings that followed the giving of the Tithe. The
blessing to the world largely comes from the fact that the Tithes
sent in are used for the publication work of the Enumeration.
Thus it is not only the giver who is blessed, but thousands of
others. In this way money reaches GLORY.

=--o--=SPIRITUALITY, the Seventh Principle, applied to the
MONETARY PLANE, gives you a new perception of money. It brings
you a new idea of the great Source of all wealth, the Lord within
you. It leads you to know that spiritual peace can also be caused
by the possession of prosperity. It brings the BLESSING of money
in a deeper sense.

[Sidenote: CAPRICORN [Symbol: Capricorn] SUB-LUMA]

=Sign No. 10=

[Illustration: Symbol: Capricorn]

=--p--=The Capricorn [Symbol: Capricorn] Sub-Luma influences
those born from December 21st to January 19th inclusive, in any
year. The best forms of expression will be along the lines of
Teaching; Public Speaking; Commission Agents; Executives; Masons;
Plumbers; Land Dealers; Farmers; Undertakers; Philosophers and
Organizers of New Ideals or Cults.


=--q--=The most satisfactory mating would be in one of the
Sub-Lumas of Taurus [Symbol: Taurus], Virgo [Symbol: Virgo],
Cancer [Symbol: Cancer], Scorpio [Symbol: Scorpio], Pisces
[Symbol: Pisces].


=Principal Planet Saturn= [Symbol: Saturn]

=--r--=Saturn [Symbol: Saturn] tends to give you a disposition
that is sober, serious and thoughtful. It is the planet that
naturally rules old age, and its best influence is not usually
seen until youth is passed. It gives you self-control, reserve
and restraint, as well as some natural inclination to frugality,
prudence and cautiousness. You should also gain from it strength
of will and a patient, persevering disposition, with calmness,
fortitude and serenity. You may at times be a little lacking in
buoyancy and cheerfulness, and you do not unbend socially as
easily as some persons can, or produce so much mirth, fun and
jollity, although you can appreciate these when they come your
way. You have a good deal of practical ability and can manage
things and persons ably and economically. You are ambitious and
can form far-reaching plans and schemes and spend a long time in
carrying them out. The best lesson that Saturn [Symbol: Saturn]
teaches is self-control, prudence, patience, chastity, thrift and
the meditative mind, as well as to distinguish between real worth
and superficial pretentiousness.

=--s--=Saturn [Symbol: Saturn] is considered an unfortunate
planet owing to its power to limit and restrict, it therefore has
a binding and restraining influence. It is the bridge between the
emotions and the mind and governs them until self-control is

Personal Classification

  Preferable Jewel                       Moonstone, Garnet, White Onyx
  Colors best to use and wear               Green, Silver, Maroon, Tan
  Most Advantageous Day                                       Saturday
  Biblical                               Belongs to the Tribe of Asher
  Bible References                 Gen. 49:20. Deut. 33:24 to 27, inc.

=--u--=Persons born under this sign mainly belong to the
commercial world, in any vocation or profession mingling or
dealing with the public, as they wield a controlling influence
over others. Many fine writers, actresses, actors and orators
were born on this date. Saturn [Symbol: Saturn] influences in
this sign are very hard to overcome, as it governs the reflective
faculties and produces close reasoners, and persons born under
its rays usually have a steady, hard pull to gain success. You
are an earnest student of human nature, and are not easily
deceived by outside appearances. You will spend money freely for
personal gratification, but in all outlays you have a keen eye
for bargains; in whatever line of work you are engaged, you are
determined to succeed. You are controlled by your emotions and
influenced by your appetite, and dominated by a strong animal
nature, which makes you slow to anger, but like the symbol of
your sign, you are furious when aroused.

[Sidenote: TENTH HOUSE]

=--v--=Your life is pretty certain to be a continual fight
against worldly tendencies unless you choose to patch up a truce
with them, and let them have the rule and sway, which you are not
always willing to do. You have a good deal of self-control, but
are apt to fly into unreasonable tempers at times. Tuesdays and
Saturdays should be good days for you to begin any important
undertakings. You are inclined to be delicate and should take
good care of your health, particularly your lungs, which are
inclined to be weak. Live out of doors as much as possible and
practice deep breathing exercises. You are rather optimistic, and
inclined to look on the bright diverting side of things. You are
of a sociable nature and naturally crave company. You are always
at your best under these conditions. Hence, you should not live
in the country, which is not suited to your temperament. You are
fond of intellectual pursuits and studies, but remember, that
love and duty are higher human attributes than intellect, and
that these are the most important in the long run. You have great
natural abilities and powers, which if your health permits, and
you determine to exercise, should bring you into prominence. You
have great determination. You will be disappointed in love, when
young, but later in life you will regain faith in human nature,
and will marry happily beyond your expectations.

=--w--=During the day, you are bright and active, but restless at
night; this is more noticeable while the moon is waning. Then
your inclinations leads you to find diversion and excitement in
different forms; you always insist upon being treated with
respect, and the surest way to win your esteem, is to pay court
to your intelligence.

=Relativity of Capricorn= [Symbol: Capricorn] =and Number 10=

=--x--=Capricorn [Symbol: Capricorn], the tenth Subluma, and the
10th sign of the Zodiac, relates indirectly to the 1 space (1 and
0 equals 1), which is the God Luma. Capricorn [Symbol: Capricorn]
makes a good priest, organizer, advisor, and will readily set
himself up as a judge, being present in many affairs, but
suffering no interference in his own.

=Tenth House or Cycle. Capricorn= [Symbol: Capricorn] =Influence=

Age Next Birthday, 4-16-28-40-52-64-76-88

[Illustration: Symbol: Capricorn]

=--y--Tenth House=: Capricorn [Symbol: Capricorn] influence;
Spirit focusing through Saturn [Symbol: Saturn], planet of deep
thought, subtlety, cunning. Relates to honors and dignities that
may come to you during these years, but are likely to be more of
honors than money or profit to you. These will be honors that
will be according to the education and the preparation that you
have made, or how near ready you are, in other words, for these
honors. May get news of your mother, or, if she is passed on, may
get word from her on the other side. Affects the following years:
4th, 16th, 28th, 40th, 52nd, 64th, 76th, 88th.

=--z--=The Tenth House being the most elevated part of the
heavens, is the house of honor, reputation, profession and
worldly position. Therefore, it certainly will bring out all the
moral tendencies, for this house has much to do with an elevation
to a better position in life, always giving advantages for
progress, and makes you endeavor to improve surroundings, and
thus making this year a good time of raising yourself into a
higher phase of efficiency and service. All matters of a business
nature will now come to the fore, and everything connected with
work in which you are interested will tend to become prominent in
this year, so that many advantages may be gained at this time. It
also has something to do with the domestic arrangements,
affecting the maternal side of the home and bringing much
activity therein, either on account of a possible marriage or
family mourning.

=--a--=You will now be more ambitious than ever and if
progressive enough to take full advantage of this period or,
according to inherited ability, to fully respond to this new
beneficial influence, you are sure to gain advancement and
rise to a better position than before. You will become more
industrious and persevering and, with endurance and tact, may now
make great headway. If you wish to improve your conditions, now
is the time. Your stars will assist you to obtain a footing which
will make the whole of the future.

[Illustration: Chart of the Lumanus]

  |        |                                |               |       |
  |        |             SPIRIT             |      SOUL     |  MIND |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  | SPIRIT |     1    |    2   |      3     |       4       |   5   |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |     A    |    B   |      C     |       D       |   E   |
  |  SOUL  |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        | Almighty | Bearer |   Christ   | Demonstration |  East |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |     J    |    K   |      L     |       M       |   N   |
  |  MIND  |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |  Judge   | King's | Luminosity |    Material   | North |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |     S    |    T   |      U     |       V       |   W   |
  |  BODY  |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |  Supreme | Tithes | Unknowable |    Vitality   |  West |
  |        |                                |               |       |
  |        |             SPIRIT             |      SOUL     |  MIND |

  |                                                           |        |
  |                            BODY                           |        |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        6       |       7      |     8     |       9       | SPIRIT |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        F       |       G      |     H     |       I       |        |
  |                |              |           |               |  SOUL  |
  |      First     |     God's    |  Highest  |   Immaculate  |        |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        O       |       P      |     Q     |       R       |        |
  |                |              |           |               |  MIND  |
  |   Omnipotent   |   Perpetual  | Quadratic | Righteousness |        |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        X       |       Y      |     Z     |       &       |        |
  |                |              |           |               |  BODY  |
  | Cross or Mark  | Youthfulness |   Zenith  |      Plus     |        |
  |                                                           |        |
  |                            BODY                           |        |
      =(Showing the values and inner meanings of the English Alphabet)=

[Illustration: Chart of the Alphabet]

[Sidenote: THE NUMBER 11]

=(See also Number 2, Lesson 2)=

=--b--=11, being two 1's, is a seeming paradox. 1 is a positive
number, but adding the 1 and 1 gives us 2, which is a negative or
receptive number.

=--c--=11 has long been considered by numerologists a master
number. It is amusing, sometimes, to see the unlearned
numerologist raise his eyebrows in apparent astonishment, because
one may have an 11 in his name. What he does not see is that a
great majority of people who have the number 11 in their name or
birthdate, are not using it as 11 at all, but as its value, 2,
which is vastly different.

=--d--=This leads to the question as to when the 11 should be
reduced to its sum of 2 and when it should not be. When you are
dealing with a very spiritual subject or person, in whom the 11
is evident by the full addition of name or birthdate or of a
word, THEN you may leave the 11 and call it a master indication.

=--e--=For example, the word Jesus has a value of 11 and should
be left that way, that is, as 11. So with the words Lord Jesus
Christ, together, make 11, as well as the words Creative Christ
Consciousness, making 11.

=--f--=In all these cases to get their value they may be left as
11. But to prove the position of the Christ as the Son of God, in
the SECOND personality in the God Head, any of the above titles
may then be reduced to their sum, which is 2.

=--g--=Unless you know a person to be a master or very highly
developed in a spiritual way, you are usually safe in reducing
the 11 to 2, for that type of person has either attained the
heights that make him or her very obviously a master, or else has
reduced the splendid 11 to its digit 2, in his life and actions
and is consequently a common or mediocre type, quite frequently.
All indications point at least to a secondary position in life
for a number 2 person, though they may possibly get to the
position of chief attorney, chief adjuster, ambassador, or become
a great minister for some special thing or some great country or
people. This they would do by working upward through their
obstacles and restrictions to the top of the SECOND place, the
idealized number 2. The 11 disciples watched Jesus (11) ascend.
His life had been SECOND in the minds of His generation, but
after He ascended to become SECOND on the throne with the
Father-Mother God (1) He became FIRST on earth.

=--h--=Still you should keep in mind that all these things are
INFLUENCES only, not fates, and that other numbers may be strong
enough to offset the 2 in your case.


=(See also the Number 2, Lesson 2)=

=--j--=In cases where you feel reasonably sure, from observation
of the life and of your other numbers and indications of astral
and other characteristics, that the person really IS living the
life of the 11, a master life, then you may use the following
definitions of positions to apply. Remember, that "by their
fruits shall ye know them." (Matt. 7:16.)

=--k--11 as a Soul Path Number--=This would indicate that you
chose a path of deep idealism in the lines of religion and
philosophy. You desire to conquer the body and its passions and
may make the mistake of being too aesthetic. It will be well for
you to avoid the total suppression of your nature as you may get
a wrong impression that total suppression means a conquering,
when it may mean a killing out of fine qualities in you. Let your
MODERATION be known to all men, not too much nor too little.
(Phil. 4:5.)

=--l--11 as a Personality Number--=Here we see that you will need
to do whatever your Soul has mapped out, in a masterly way.
Nothing short of the finished way of going about your life work
will ever please you. See to it that you do each task thoroughly,
even when it is a small one. If you would have the bigger work
your mastery deserves, do the little work so well it will fade
out of the picture. Remember that when the 11 is reduced it makes
a 2, who easily becomes the idle dreamer, the sychophant. While
11 has a high vibration and indicates the master mind, the 2 can
be either high or low in its vibrations, can be either a master
or a slave.

=--m--11 as a Predominant Name Number--=Here the 11 means that
you are likely to attract to yourself those who are masters in
their line. It shows that it will be easy for you to attract very
spiritual people around you; that you will readily understand the
depth of their wisdom and be able in a fine way to imitate it.
You also make an excellent head for a campaign of lectures, being
very useful in assembling the public for the finer type of
spiritual teacher and lecturer.


=--n--11 as a Destiny Number--=This shows that the great
objective of your soul in coming to this earth plane was to
establish some new or deeper form of ethics or religion. You are
marking a soul path through the universe that will be noted on
earth for a great reform movement in which you will not appear
very much yourself. Your great work will probably be carried out
by some great speakers who will put it before the people. In this
line be very careful also that you do not lose all the monetary
reward that should be yours. You will need to make some very
careful arrangements and find the types of people to help you who
will work with you in the ideal side of the idea, rather than for
the monetary rewards alone.

=--nn--11 as a Public Appearance Number--=This shows that you
will best appeal to your public from the standpoint of the
mysterious and the psychic. You should draw them to you from a
religious standpoint from what they do NOT know about you, but
from what they think concerning you.

=--p--=Your writings are likely to have a more far reaching
effect than your speech. This place of the 11 also shows that you
will attract great ideas and minds from the other planes out
beyond this and that you will therefore need to be cautious that
your work shall not be destroyed through ridicule before it is
strong enough to stand alone.

=--q--Warning--=The mere fact that you have an 11 in your name or
birthdate does not make you a master, nor give you anything to
get superior over. You must pick UP that 11, keep it from
descending into a 2 and go ON to your success. Having the
qualities of a master does you no good till you USE them. It is
what you DO with what you know that makes you what you ARE.

=Application of the Seven Principles to the=
=Psychic Plane=

=--b--=FORCE, the First Principle, applied to the PSYCHIC PLANE,
inclines you to project the Soul out beyond the body in what are
sometimes called Astral journeys. It also enables you to cause
other people to do things when the desire of your Soul is in
harmony with the commanding ability of your sub-conscious mind.
This requires the application of FORCE to your Psychic nature and
leads to POWER with others. It was this application of FORCE that
the Christ used in driving the money-changers from the Temple.
(John 2, 14; 16.) It led them to fear His POWER. If you will let
your angry thoughts work themselves out in imaginary conversation
when you are alone, you can direct those thoughts to the person
at whom you are angry, and the FORCE will nearly always have the
effect of making them come around to your way of thinking, if you
KNOW just what you DO want them to DO.

=--c--=CHOICE, the Second Principle applied to the PSYCHIC PLANE,
will bring the companionship of other Souls to you in the silent
hours. It will help you to have the right kind of people around
you. You will attract those you can love by making a CHOICE of
the kind you want, while you are in the quiet times of your
meditations. You can make a CHOICE of the things you want, you
can acquire RICHES if you only will devote your sub-conscious or
soul mind to what you WANT, instead of worrying as to why you do
not attain.

=--d--=ORDER, the Third Principle, applied to the PSYCHIC PLANE,
will help you have the right time and the right place for your
meditations and for your other Psychic labors and efforts. You
will avoid "casting your pearls before swine," (Matt. 7; 6)
because you will tell your deeper experiences and emotions only
in the proper ORDER, that is, to those who will understand. You
will thus use WISDOM in the gaining of your psychic experiences
and in their telling.

=--e--=COHESION, the Fourth Principal, applied to the PSYCHIC
PLANE, helps you to hold on and be firm in your convictions and
not to be "turned about by every wind of doctrine," (Eph. 4:14.)
It helps you to know what you know and be firm about it. If you
have followed the instructions in the preceding paragraph on
Order, you will know by now the sweet peacefulness that comes
after a firm decision to stay by one thing. Here also you gain
STRENGTH in the application of COHESION for you attract around
you others who will have experienced things of the higher nature
like yourself.

=--f--=DISCARD, the Fifth Principle, applied to the PSYCHIC
PLANE, gives you the ability to "try the spirits, whether they
are of God," (1 John 4:1.) It gives you the gift of "discerning
spirits," oftentimes to a great degree. (1 Cor. 12:10.) You may
know that you are exercising DISCARD on the Psychic Plane when
your sleep is untroubled, yet pervaded by a sense of closeness of
the Lord in your Soul; when you seem able to send gloomy thoughts
away at will. Then you have DISCARDED the undesirable on the
Psychic Plane. You have come over into the sunshine and away from
the shadows.


=--g--=TRANSMUTATION, the Sixth Principle, applied to the PSYCHIC
PLANE, leads you to see the beautiful beyond. Sometimes this
develops so far that you cannot express it. Then you learn to
apply the other principles previous to this one, from the force
of being misunderstood. When you make this application you
voluntarily shut yourself out from much of the world, you cease
to care for many of the common things you once loved. This is the
true and deliberate conversion, the real conversion, for it does
not depend on the emotions of some great preacher or evangelist,
but takes place silently, quietly, but quickly within yourself,
when you apply TRANSMUTATION to your Psychic nature and partake
of the GLORY that is yours.

=--h--=Now you come to the first of the REAL BLESSINGS, the
BLESSING that comes from the application of SPIRITUALITY to THE

=--j--=SPIRITUALITY, the Seventh Principle, applied to the
PSYCHIC PLANE, leads you into a dream state of blissful
contemplation. It is a state to be attained only after you have
applied all seven of the Principles to all four of the Planes up
to this point. Now you begin to see the plan of all things, now
your life has advanced till you are almost beyond the earthly.
You may even be called "super-human" by some from your powers of
discernment. Your observation will be amazing, your memory

=--k--=The chief way to attain this is not only thru meditations
and many ventures into the Silences; it is also by the way of
service to others who are ready to advance a step to where YOU
are. You must be a faithful teacher to THAT one, to go on
yourself, IT IS THE TEST. You must be aloof only to those who
would oppose or spoil you. You must be HUMBLE to the seeker. You
must be humble WITHIN, yet bold without.

=AQUARIUS= [Symbol: Aquarius] =SUB-LUMA=

=Sign No. 11=

[Illustration: Symbol: Aquarius]

=--l--=The Aquarius [Symbol: Aquarius] Sub-Luma influences those
born from Jan. 20 to Feb. 19 inclusive, in any year. The best
forms of expression will be along the lines of Electricians;
Inventors; Cooks; Caterers; Literary Arts; Vocal Musicians; Art;
Aviation; Automobiles; Nurses for nervous and insane people;
general Healing and sometimes Surgery.


=--m--=The most satisfactory mating would be in one of the
Sub-Lumas of Gemini [Symbol: Gemini], Libra [Symbol: Libra],
Aries [Symbol: Aries], Leo [Symbol: Leo], or Sagittarius [Symbol:


=Principal Planets Saturn= [Symbol: Saturn] =and Uranus= [Symbol:

=--n--=Saturn [Symbol: Saturn] tends to give you a disposition
that is sober, serious, and thoughtful. It is the planet that
naturally rules old age, and its best influence is not usually
seen until youth is passed. It gives you self-control, reserve
and restraint, as well as some natural inclination to frugality,
prudence and cautiousness. You should also gain from it strength
of will and a patient, persevering disposition, with calmness,
fortitude and serenity. You may at times be a little lacking in
buoyancy and cheerfulness, and you do not unbend socially so
easily as some persons can, or produce so much mirth, fun and
jollity, although you can appreciate these when they come your
way. You have a good deal of practical ability and can manage
things and persons ably and economically. You are ambitious and
can form far-reaching plans and schemes and spend a long time in
carrying them out. The best lesson that Saturn [Symbol: Saturn]
teaches is self-control, prudence, patience, chastity, thrift and
the meditative mind, as well as to distinguish between real worth
and superficial pretentiousness.

Saturn [Symbol: Saturn] is considered an unfortunate planet owing
to its power to limit and restrict, it therefore has a binding
and restraining influence. It is the bridge between the emotions
and the mind and governs them until self-control is secured.

Uranus [Symbol: Uranus] has been called the eccentric planet. Its
influence is chiefly seen in new inventions and electrical
contrivances. You have more ability along these lines, no doubt,
than you know about. This planet causes you to love the mystic
and the occult. It leads you to great depths of thought and
sometimes to sophistries and arguments that depend entirely on
cleverness for their establishment.

[Sidenote: AQUARIUS [Symbol: Aquarius] SUB-LUMA]

=--nn--=Uranus [Symbol: Uranus] is rather an unsociable
influence. It is likely to make you somewhat of a hermit or
recluse, unless you offset its influences with something more
practical and human. It is the planet of aloofness and seclusion

=Personal Classification=

  Preferable Jewel                              Turquoise and Sapphire
  Colors Best to use and wear                     Blue and Salmon Pink
  Most Advantageous Day                                       Saturday
  Biblical                            Belongs to the Tribe of Naphtali
  Bible References                 Gen. 49:22 to 26, inc. Deut. 33:23.

=--q--=Those born on these dates, come under the sign of Aquarius
[Symbol: Aquarius]. You are cool, cautious, in some degree,
active, restless. Generally truthful, though you lack frankness.
You have a great many difficulties to encounter in life, but rise
triumphant above all of them. You have strong religious
tendencies at times, though the practical affairs of life make
them recede into the background of your mind and thoughts. You
are inclined to be reckless, and throw away good opportunities,
which are offered to you, simply because of this. You like
excitement and constant "go" and dislike more than anything else
to sit down and fold your hands and do nothing. Then you complain
to others about your bad luck, when the fault is really within
yourself to a great extent. You waste your energies, instead of
conserving them and using them for a definite purpose. You must
learn the truth of the saying, "To him that hath, shall be given;
and from him that hath not, shall be taken even that which he
hath." This is particularly true in your case. You have great
possibilities, make use of them.

=--r--=You have a sort of piquant good-nature, which makes it the
easiest matter in the world for you to make voluminous promises,
and still easier matter to break them, which you do with the most
charming naivete, which might be annoying if anyone knowing you
put much confidence in your word. You do not do this through any
base motive. Your shortdoings and peccadillos do not wear somber
hues, at least not often, but you can be very crooked and are apt
to be tricky, though not wishing for a moment to do anyone any
harm. But you are almost universally liked. You are very
generous, by spells. You are frequently original in ideas, and
you have organizing ability.

=Relativity of Aquarius= [Symbol: Aquarius] =and Number 11=

=--s--=As the number 11 often indicates the master, so the sign
of Aquarius [Symbol: Aquarius], among the signs indicates the
teacher, the master, the "one who giveth goodly words," (Gen.
49:21.) As the 1 and 1 of the 11 makes 2, so the often dual
nature of the Aquarian shows itself in a total inability to get
along with his own family, while seemingly remaining a great
favorite with a more or less extended group of the public.

=Eleventh House or Cycle Aquarius= [Symbol: Aquarius] =Influence=

Age Next Birthday--3-15-27-39-51-63-75-87

[Illustration: Symbol: Aquarius]

=--t--Eleventh House=: Aquarius [Symbol: Aquarius] influence;
Spirit focusing through the planet Uranus [Symbol: Uranus], the
planet of eccentric ideas, electrical invention, and strange
business; and the planet of deep thought, calm strength and some
mysticism and deep psychology. These years are related to wealth,
friends, unexpected outcomes, losses sometimes through misplaced
friendships, unexpected happenings to children, younger brothers,
and those younger persons that may be directly connected with
you. Affects the following years: 3rd, 15th, 27th, 39th, 51st,
63rd, 75th, 87th, 99th.

[Sidenote: AQUARIUS [Symbol: Aquarius] SUB-LUMA]

=--u--=The Eleventh House is concerned with friendship, friends,
hope, trust, expectance or desire. Therefore, in passing through
this house, such matters will be brought forward prominently.
Fresh experiences in connection with friends and acquaintances,
and some new friendships will be formed that will play a very
important part in your life's history. Hopes, wishes and desires
will now become much stronger and you will be inclined to acquire
or deal in matters of higher thought subjects. This will cause
you to take deeper interest in all intellectual pursuits. You
will now join groups or persons or associations, of some kind,
and will form attachments that will be idealistic in nature or of
a mental character rather than in any way emotional or sensual.
You will be much inclined towards all things of reform and will
investigate those things which are connected with aspirations
that are mental or spiritual rather than physical or material.
Its natural tendency is to lift you up towards good fortune,
prosperity, happiness and pleasures by friends and colleagues,
and benefits by them. The more hope you can cultivate, the more
successful you will become. You will now get on well with elderly
persons and will gain help and good counsel from them.

[Illustration: Chart of the Lumanus]

  |        |                                |               |       |
  |        |             SPIRIT             |      SOUL     |  MIND |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  | SPIRIT |     1    |    2   |      3     |       4       |   5   |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |     A    |    B   |      C     |       D       |   E   |
  |  SOUL  |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        | Almighty | Bearer |   Christ   | Demonstration |  East |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |     J    |    K   |      L     |       M       |   N   |
  |  MIND  |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |  Judge   | King's | Luminosity |    Material   | North |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |     S    |    T   |      U     |       V       |   W   |
  |  BODY  |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |  Supreme | Tithes | Unknowable |    Vitality   |  West |
  |        |                                |               |       |
  |        |             SPIRIT             |      SOUL     |  MIND |

  |                                                           |        |
  |                            BODY                           |        |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        6       |       7      |     8     |       9       | SPIRIT |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        F       |       G      |     H     |       I       |        |
  |                |              |           |               |  SOUL  |
  |      First     |     God's    |  Highest  |   Immaculate  |        |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        O       |       P      |     Q     |       R       |        |
  |                |              |           |               |  MIND  |
  |   Omnipotent   |   Perpetual  | Quadratic | Righteousness |        |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        X       |       Y      |     Z     |       &       |        |
  |                |              |           |               |  BODY  |
  | Cross or Mark  | Youthfulness |   Zenith  |      Plus     |        |
  |                                                           |        |
  |                            BODY                           |        |
    =(Showing the values and inner meanings of the English Alphabet)=

[Illustration: Chart of the Alphabet]

[Sidenote: THE NUMBER 12]

=--v--=12 is also a number of great power, especially in the
lines of rulership and authority. The word Dominion has a value
of 12.

=--w--=It is seen that the two figures used in making the 12,
that is the 1 and the 2, signify the Father-Mother God (1) and
the Creative Christ Consciousness (2). In this is seen the
dominion (12-3) from a spiritual standpoint.

=--x--=When 12 is reduced it makes a 3. 3 is the power of
expression. The words revealing and expounding come to 3. As a
general rule 12 should be reduced to its digit 3, unless you wish
to work out the spiritual value of the 12 exclusively.


=--y--12 as a Soul Path Number--=Shows that you chose the pathway
of expression through dominion, that you can be the leader in art
or drama or literature. In any of these you can be the head of a
great new movement, causing schools to spring up all over the
country. It is a steep grade to climb, but the 12 indicates that
you can climb it if you will persist.

=--z--12 as a Personality Number--=Shows that you will make your
attainments in life largely by showing your authority in the
question that may be before you. This, of course, you can only do
after you have attained to real knowledge in that line. But this
tendency of the 12 here is to make you inclined to assume
authority, to "bluff it through" in some cases. Watch this. It is
really easier to KNOW and BE the thing you profess and will not
take any more time than the making of excuses as to why you do
not know.

=--a--12 as a Predominant Name Number--=Here you will attract
those around you who will be authorities in their line. With this
12 as a Predominant Name Number you need never be much encumbered
with the companionship of the mediocre or lowly. You can ride
with the best and be acquainted with the big public characters,
for you will naturally attract that kind. Be prepared for this by
having studied deeply along the lines of the authorities you are
to meet. When you know in advance what great person you are going
to meet, if his line is in line with your own great ambition,
then read up heavily IN ADVANCE, then LISTEN to him. YOU can
learn faster from him by having studied to listen TO him.

=--b--12 as a Destiny Number--=This shows that you will be a
great success as the national head of some movement, more
particularly an art movement, or, in some cases a political
movement. Again much study is required, not only to attain the
coveted post, but to keep ahead of those who would deprive you of
it. This number often seems to be accompanied by jealousy and
envy on the part of others. These cannot be effective if you keep
your eye ONLY on the distant goal of success. Jealousy and envy
can only defeat you if YOU stop to regard them, or to resent

=--c--12 as a Public Appearance Number--=This shows you can best
reach the public for your great work through some use of the
voice, possibly public speaking. While this 12 gives you dominion
over many, it also makes you very likely to scatter your forces,
by reason of the 12 having a value of 3, when reduced to its
digit. 3 is the diffusive effect, the scattering of forces and
energies, possibly through stopping to argue with jealous or
envious opposition.

=--d--Warning--=Have one big objective and stay with it. Do not
be inclined to show off too much. Keep your energies for your big
job, your main appeal to your public. Do not allow personalities
or flattery to get inside of your mind. Keep yourself clean and
fine. Believe in yourself and your work, be enthusiastic but not
boastful. Put all your energies into the thing you are doing at
all times and you will come out ahead. But plan well and
thoroughly and for years ahead what you want to be doing.

=Application of the Seven Principles to the Spirit Plane=

=--e--=THE SPIRIT PLANE is peculiar, in that very few of the
Seven Principles have any application to it. Even where we can
detect some little application, it is but dim to us. It is for
the most part "beyond the veil." The SPIRIT PLANE is that
"mystery which the angels have desired to look into." (1 Pet. 1:

=--f--=FORCE, the First Principle, cannot be applied in any way
to the SPIRIT PLANE, for FORCE is the First Emanation of SPIRIT.
Since GOD is SPIRIT (John 4:24) it follows that He is the
Forceless center of all FORCE. FORCE being His First Expression,
His Word creates. HE does not NEED FORCE, even as an attribute.
Nor does He need any other attribute that we could name for Him.

=--g--=Likewise we cannot give GOD or SPIRIT the attribute of
POWER, for that is derived from FORCE.

[Sidenote: PISCES [Symbol: Pisces] SUB-LUMA]

=--h--=CHOICE, the Second Principle, cannot be applied to the
SPIRIT PLANE, for SPIRIT or GOD cannot be reduced to a CHOICE.
Neither could GOD be given RICHES, as being produced by the right
use of CHOICE.

=--j--=ORDER, the Third Principle, cannot be applied to the
SPIRIT PLANE, for "that which GOD (SPIRIT) doeth is perfect,
nothing can be put to it and nothing can be taken from it."
(Eccles. 3:14.) Nothing could be arranged or put in any more
perfect ORDER than is already IN SPIRIT.

=--k--=COHESION, the Fourth Principle, cannot be applied to SPIRIT,
for no STRENGTH can be added to SPIRIT.

=--l--=DISCARD, the Fifth Principle, cannot be added to the
SPIRIT PLANE, because there is nothing in SPIRIT to DISCARD and
therefore no HONOR to which SPIRIT may attain. How good it would
be if men could learn that, and not be pleading with SPIRIT to
send DOWN the POWER, when the HONOR and POWER would come OUT upon
them (Acts 2:3, 4) if they could but be "still and know that the
I AM is GOD." (Psalm 46:10.)

=--m--=TRANSMUTATION, the Sixth Principle, cannot be applied to
the SPIRIT PLANE, for there is nothing to TRANSMUTE on that
Plane. All is perfect.

=--n--=SPIRITUALITY, the Seventh Principle, cannot be applied to
therefore the top, the apex, of BLESSING.

=PISCES= [Symbol: Pisces] =SUB-LUMA=

=Sign No. 12=

[Illustration: Symbol: Pisces]

=--nn--=The Pisces [Symbol: Pisces] Sub-Luma influences those
born from February 20th to March 20th inclusive, in any year. The
best forms of expression will be along the lines of Art; various
kinds of Drawing; Sculpture; Mechanical repairing and operation;
Traveling Agents; Detectives; Submarine work; Authors; Actors;
Mystics and Ministry; make splendid Government employees.


=--p--=The most satisfactory mating would be with a Sub-Luma in
the Cancer [Symbol: Cancer], Scorpio [Symbol: Scorpio], Taurus
[Symbol: Taurus], Capricorn [Symbol: Capricorn] or Virgo [Symbol:
Virgo] Sub-Lumas.


=Principal Planets Jupiter= [Symbol: Jupiter] =and Neptune=
[Symbol: Neptune]

=--q--=Jupiter [Symbol: Jupiter] tends to give a hopeful,
buoyant and cheerful disposition which should go far towards
making you popular and gaining you many friends. You can gain
social esteem and success and will be popular and generally
liked. You are benevolent, generous and humane, and are always
ready to help those who deserve it and to assist worthy causes.
You have a regard for law, order, and propriety and for the rules
and conventions of customs; you dislike incivility, awkwardness,
or bad taste in opinions or conduct as much as you do ugliness or
inharmony in your surroundings. You have a reverence for
beauty both in outward form and in ideas; you like beautiful
surroundings and comfort and elegance in all things. You have
energy, enthusiasm, ardour and faithfulness. You have a natural
respect for law and religion, and you take kindly to ritual,
ceremonial, and etiquette, and are a little too likely to be
bound by formalities. You have power to cultivate the higher
faculties of the mind in the direction of law, religion, or
philosophy, if you care to do so.

=--r--=Jupiter [Symbol: Jupiter] is a very favorable planet when
well placed. It governs social and general prosperity, religion,
law, benevolence and good will; and gives some appreciation of
beauty, harmony, imagination, and ideality.

=--s--=The planet Neptune [Symbol: Neptune] furnishes an
influence toward the spiritual, the esthetic, the ethereal. It
makes you love the poetical and beautiful. It gives you somewhat
more of a freedom in your choice of the spiritual, however, than
might be implied by the presence of Jupiter [Symbol: Jupiter],
for Jupiter [Symbol: Jupiter] is a shade dogmatic on such things.

=--t--=But if Neptune [Symbol: Neptune] brings spirituality, it
also brings in a vagueness, an uncertainty of expression,
resulting quite often in silence where you should have spoken; in
enduring where you should have protested, because you would not
want a dispute. This should be watched not only for your own
sake, but for those who would impose upon you; for it is not
right to give people the impression that they can go on imposing
on others as they did upon you. It is a wrong to the very ones
who impose.

=Personal Classification=

  Preferable Jewel                                          Bloodstone
  Colors Best to use and wear                        Deep Blue, Purple
  Most Advantageous Day                                       Thursday
  Biblical                              Belongs to the Tribe of Joseph
  Bible References                 Gen. 49:27. Deut. 33:13 to 17, inc.

[Sidenote: PISCES [Symbol: Pisces] SUB-LUMA]

=--v--=The emblem of this sign is the "Fishes." It is a Watery
sign. The Sun [Symbol: Sun] is your guiding Planet, but was on
the edge of this sign, at your birth, hence, you will not receive
the full results of the Sun's [Symbol: Sun] influence. You are
fond of the beautiful things in nature and art. Persons born on
this date, under the conjunction and conditions of the Planets,
have a limpid purity of style, and among them are to be found
excellent art critics, artists and writers, and when busily
engaged, always have an eye towards the shimmering blue water,
which is their native element. You are careful in all your duties
and their fulfillment. If you start anything, you want to "see it
through." In this case, you are almost obstinate, and often, when
the case is lost, and seen to be so by everyone else, you
continue and hold on like a bulldog, refusing to let go.

=--w--=You have a rather happy nature--making light of trials and
troubles, which come to you, and in this way earning the
admiration of many who come into contact with you. You are very
much drawn to the opposite sex and will probably have a large
number of love affairs, but none of them will prove serious, and
you may never marry. Your characteristics are faithful devotion
to duty, careful attention to business, and loyal regard for
the interests of your employer. You do not skimp or shirk
performances of duty or contract, but rather go further and give
more than expected or asked. In social affairs, you are
good-naturedly careless. Unless there is some strong attraction
of love or friendship, you are careless of keeping your

=--x--=Being born under this sign, you should strive to develop
your natural trust in an infinite power. This will prevent you
from crossing the bridge before it is built, and from the many
imaginary things that worry you. You are far above the average
person with your gift of intuition and it seldom fails you; you
have a weak side to your nature, which it is hard to delineate;
perhaps you yourself do not know. You are quite affectionate, and
demand a good deal of this devotion in return from the object of
your adoration. You probably have symbolic dreams, which you
should take some pains to have interpreted by an expert. Pay
particular attention to any warnings given you in this way. You
might make a brilliant success, if you ever decide to go before
the footlights. Your natural ability as a mimic and being a good
entertainer would have a tendency to push you ahead to the front
ranks. You like lots of attention, but are by no means a flirt,
at least you won't acknowledge the fact. You can love very
deeply. Take care in your choice of a life partner, for one of
your nature can get in easily, but it is like pulling teeth to
get out. "Be careful."

=Relativity of Pisces= [Symbol: Pisces] =and Number 12=

=--y--=As the number 12 signifies Dominion, so here in the Pisces
[Symbol: Pisces] nature we find dominion of events. Either the
Pisces [Symbol: Pisces] nature is dominated by events and has the
usual sad and depressing experiences, exile from home, lack of
understanding by his friends and all; or else the Pisces [Symbol:
Pisces] nature triumphs over the 12 and becomes a Washington.
(Born Febr. 22nd.) Which shall it be? Determination and
persistence supply the answer.

=Twelfth House or Cycle Pisces= [Symbol: Pisces] =Influence=

Age Next Birthday--2-14-26-38-50-62-74-86

[Illustration: Symbol: Pisces]

=--z--=Twelfth House: Pisces [Symbol: Pisces] influence; Spirit
focusing through Jupiter [Symbol: Jupiter], planet of business
and generosity; and through Neptune [Symbol: Neptune], the planet
of Spiritual awakening, occult perception. Neptune [Symbol:
Neptune] is usually most influential during this House. During
these years be careful of law, legal entanglements, treachery
from trusted friends and long journeys without purpose. Do not
take any long journeys, get married, or make any new agreements
for business. Poverty, exile and uncalled for hatred can be a
strong influence in these years, unless you have already
established yourself in a good way among many thru your extra
kindnesses. Affects the following years: 2nd, 14th, 26th, 38th,
50th, 62nd, 74th, 86th, 98th.

=--a--=The Twelfth House being the house of tribulations,
persecution, malice, secret enemies and treason, the passage
through this house is, therefore, uncertain in its operation, and
tends to produce experiences of a sorrowful nature, which will
make it possible that you may suffer from treachery from the
hidden enmity of supposed friends. Experiences will be had that
are far from pleasant. You will come in contact with persons
whose influence will not be beneficial.


=--b--=Domestic troubles will awaken the feelings and so cause
you to worry and have troubles which are difficult to overcome,
and it is more over now to be experienced and many strange events
effecting the emotional side of nature will take place. It is not
a good period on the whole, but some advantages will be gained
in connection with psychic affairs. There will be danger of
becoming somewhat jealous and resentful and one should,
therefore, endeavor to keep the lower nature well under control.

=--c--=As the year will prove a trying time all around, one
should do all he can to avoid giving way to any evil tendencies.
The starry-courses now in operation will cause you to be easily
influenced by others, and hence as easily effected by degraded
and impure conditions and surroundings as by the highest and most
spiritual psychic influences. A slack time in business is also
denoted. This will cause you to be easily inclined to fret and
worry; but this is wrong, as it will react upon the health.

=--d--=But in general it should be remembered that the influences
are such that nothing can come to one that is not his own, and
therefore, if you made no enemies in the past then there is
nothing to fear during this year.

[Illustration: Chart of the Lumanus]

  |        |                                |               |       |
  |        |             SPIRIT             |      SOUL     |  MIND |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  | SPIRIT |     1    |    2   |      3     |       4       |   5   |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |     A    |    B   |      C     |       D       |   E   |
  |  SOUL  |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        | Almighty | Bearer |   Christ   | Demonstration |  East |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |     J    |    K   |      L     |       M       |   N   |
  |  MIND  |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |  Judge   | King's | Luminosity |    Material   | North |
  |        |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |     S    |    T   |      U     |       V       |   W   |
  |  BODY  |          |        |            |               |       |
  |        |  Supreme | Tithes | Unknowable |    Vitality   |  West |
  |        |                                |               |       |
  |        |             SPIRIT             |      SOUL     |  MIND |

  |                                                           |        |
  |                            BODY                           |        |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        6       |       7      |     8     |       9       | SPIRIT |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        F       |       G      |     H     |       I       |        |
  |                |              |           |               |  SOUL  |
  |      First     |     God's    |  Highest  |   Immaculate  |        |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        O       |       P      |     Q     |       R       |        |
  |                |              |           |               |  MIND  |
  |   Omnipotent   |   Perpetual  | Quadratic | Righteousness |        |
  |                |              |           |               |        |
  |        X       |       Y      |     Z     |       &       |        |
  |                |              |           |               |  BODY  |
  | Cross or Mark  | Youthfulness |   Zenith  |      Plus     |        |
  |                                                           |        |
  |                            BODY                           |        |
    =(Showing the values and inner meanings of the English Alphabet)=

[Illustration: Chart of the Alphabet]

[Sidenote: THE NUMBER 22]

=--e--=22 indicates a master on the higher planes also, as does
11. The main difference being in degree, the 22 being the
greater. The words Lord, Master and Mind, each have a value of

=--f--=Like the 11 and the 12, we leave the number whole without
reducing it, only when we are delineating a deep spiritual
subject. In all ordinary cases and for worldly uses we reduce the
number of the 22 to 4 by adding the 2 and the 2 of the 22.


=--g--22 as a Soul Path Number--=This indicates a pathway of
mastery in the highest degree, or the common desire to be wealthy
and own property in a large way. When one's mind goes to
property, rather than the spiritual; when you plainly feel, in
your innermost heart, that wealth is more valuable than spiritual
things, there is no reason for leaving the 22 as a sign of
mastery. The 22 should be at once reduced to 4. Like the number
22 itself, its presence in your life is only assured by the USE
you make of it. That high use is mastery of self and all your

=--h--22 as a Personality Number--=This shows that you can make
your highest success only when your aim is on the high lines,
that is, on spiritual subjects. This position of the 22 gives you
the ability to make others want to put you in high places in
anything spiritual. If you deserve the 22 you will soon prove it
by the way you are asked to DO things, whether big or little. If
you are a master deserving of the 22 you will be asked IF
things can be done by the powers you will have brought to the
questioner's attention. If you are NOT a master, deserving of the
22 you bear, you will be asked to DO things; you will be reproved
for dreaminess and mooning about. Masters are always respected.

=--j--22 as a Predominant Name Number--=Will show an attraction
for real masters in you. You will naturally attract the masters
among the teachers without currying their favor. Oftentimes there
will come into your life those who will speak of strange and
peculiar things. Sometimes these will be things you partly
understand, sometimes they will be things beyond you, but if you
deserve the 22 in this position you will know the value of what
you hear even when not quite able to decipher its depth.

=--k--22 as a Destiny Number--=Shows that your great objective in
coming to this earth plane was to lead others to mastership.
This may mean a lifetime of preparation for a few short years of
work as in the case of the Lord (22) and Master (22) and Jesus
(2). The world might even misjudge your work and its meaning, but
the masters that you raise from the depths will know and the
masters you serve on another plane while still here will also

=--kk--22 as a Public Appearance Number.= When the values of the
initials added together make 22, it indicates an ability to come
before the public in a masterly vibration, as an organizer. The
admiration and applause of the crowd may take the form of many
gifts and the money almost too easily obtained. This may cause
you to degenerate your 22 into its sum, as 4, the material,
organizing and even mercenary type of mind. The possession of a
22, as the sum of your initials or your Public Appearance Number,
will not prevent this. Numbers only indicate the latent powers
possessed, the influences that can be used.

=--l--Warning--=The mere possession of a 22 in your name or
birthdate proves little, as we said of the 11. The way that you
will know whether you are a master (22) of a physical body, or
whether RULED BY your physical body (4) is the way that you will
react upon other physical bodies. You will know yourself by the
company you attract; by the way people respect you or speak to
you; by the difference between being asked YOUR opinion and
preference, or being asked to believe theirs. What reaction your
presence causes will tell. You will know you are attaining the
mastery, when you hear this said of you, "Whatsoever He saith
unto you, DO it." (John 2:5 and 14:12.) It is a notable fact that
11, 12, 22, when added together make 45, which is 9, a higher
demonstration of the law.




NOTE: The small letters following the numbers indicate paragraphs
on the pages mentioned


A--Meaning of in your name,               Table No. 2, Page VIII; 14 f
A, value of,                                                 1 a; 14 f
Above all, Same Spirit,                                           14 d
Absorb all possible in Number 1,                                  14 j
Action, Mars Planet of,                                           17 t
Activity indicated by Mars,                                       17 s
Adaptation to Large Business,                                     14 g
Advantageous Day:
  Aries,                                                            18
  Taurus,                                                           27
  Gemini,                                                         34 t
  Cancer,                                                         44 e
  Leo,                                                            53 d
  Virgo,                                                          61 e
  Libra,                                                          77 c
  Scorpio,                                                        87 f
  Sagittarius,                                                    95 t
  Capricorn,                                                     104 s
  Aquarius,                                                     115 nn
  Pisces,                                                        122 t
Adverse Aspects explained,                Table No. 6, page 10; 8 b, c
Almighty Judge Supreme,                   Table No. 2; page VIII; 13 e
Alphabetical Table of Enumeration No. 1,                           1 a
Application of Force Determines Power,                            15 n
Application of the Seven Principles To:
  Animal Plane,                                             85 v--86 b
  Mind Plane,                                               93 a--94 g
  Monetary Plane,                                         101 h--102 o
  Psychic Plane,                                          111 b--113 k
  Spirit Plane,                                           120 e--121 n
April 20 to May 19 (Taurus),                            Table No. 4--7
Aquarian Age indicated,                                           12 a
Aquarius,                                          Table No. 3; Page 2
                                                   Table No. 4; Page 7
Aquarius influences,                                      114 l; 116 t
Archer, the, sign Sagittarius,                                       7
Aries, Biblical references,                                       18 t
Aries, fiery sign,                                                18 u
Aries, 1st Zodiacal sign,                                         18 u
Aries, dates,                                                    17; 7
Aries, influences,                                    17 q; 19 y; 71 v
Aries influence, birth always takes place in,                    16 nn
Aries,                                             Table No. 3, Page 2
                                                   Table No. 4, Page 7
Aries Subluma, Dates, Occupations, Marriages, Planets, etc., 16 nn--20
Aries influenced by 1 space, God Luma,                            19 x
Aspects, better set indicated,                              Def. 19--6
Aspects of Planets explained,                             8 a; 9 i; 10
Aspects of Planets,                                    Table No. 6--10
Astral Classifications:
  Aries,                                                          17 s
  Taurus,                                                         26 q
  Gemini,                                                         34 s
  Cancer,                                                         43 d
  Leo,                                                            52 c
  Virgo,                                                       60 c, d
  Libra,                                                       77 c, d
  Scorpio,                                                     86 e, f
  Sagittarius,                                                 95 k, l
  Capricorn,                                                  103 r, s
  Aquarius,                                                      114 n
  Pisces,                                           121 q; 122 r, s, t
Astrological Table of Enumeration--No. 3,                       1 c; 2
Astrology, Percent of Powers of in life,                Def. 3, page 3
Attraction of Leaders through Number 1,                           14 j
August 23 to September 23 (Virgo),           Table No. 4, Page 7; 60 a
Authority over others justified in Number 1,                      14 j
Authorized Version of Bible Used,                                 12 b


B--meaning of in your name,               Table No. 2, page VIII; 24 f
Bearer King's Tithes,                     Table No. 2, page VIII; 23 d
Benjamin, Tribe of (Aries),                                         18
Bible References, Book 1 (see index pages),                   145, 146
Bible References for:
  Aries,                                                            18
  Taurus,                                                           27
  Gemini,                                                         34 t
  Cancer,                                                         44 e
  Leo,                                                            53 d
  Virgo,                                                          61 e
  Libra,                                                          77 c
  Scorpio,                                                        87 f
  Sagittarius,                                                    95 t
  Capricorn,                                                     104 s
  Aquarius,                                                     115 nn
  Pisces,                                                        122 t
Birthdates used in finding Soul Path Number,                  Def. 5-3
Birthday, brings in new house,                                Def. 5-8
Birth in the First House Always,                                 16 nn
Birth Requires Force,                                             15 n
Body Luma,                                                          39
Body, part effected by Zodiacal signs,                              11
Body, Temple of God,                                              72 y
Bull, The, sign Taurus,                                        7; 16-o


C--meaning of in your name,            Table No. 2, Page VIII; 31 b, e
Cancer Sub-Luma, Occupations, Marriages, Planets, Houses,
       Personal Classification, etc.,                       43 a; 45 j
Cancer,                            Table No. 3, Page 2; Table No. 4, 7
Cancer influence,                                           43 a; 45 k
Cancer Sign of home,                                              69 h
Capricorn,                    Table No. 3, Page 2; Table No. 4, Page 7
Capricorn Influences,                                     103 p; 105 y
Capricorn Sub-Luma, Occupations, Marriage, Dates,
          Planets, Houses, etc.,                          103 p; 105 x
Career indicated by Number 1,                                     15 k
Changes effected by First House,                                  19 z
Characteristics of Mars,                                          17 s
Chart of The Lumanus indicates "Finger of God",                   12 a
Chart of The Lumanus explained,                                     12
Christ Luminosity Unknowable,                 Table 2; Page VIII; 31 b
Christ knowing all Law,                                           72 a
Choice Second Principle,                              25 m; 68 f; 69 g
Choice applied to:
  Animal Plane,                                                   85 w
  Mind Plane,                                                     93 b
  Monetary Plane,                                                101 j
  Psychic,                                                       112 c
  Spirit,                                                        121 h
Cohesion, Fourth Principle,                        42 v; 43 w, x; 69 l
Cohesion Applied to:
  Animal Plane,                                                   85 y
  Mind Plane,                                                     93 y
  Monetary Plane,                                                101 l
  Psychic Plane,                                                 112 e
  Spirit Plane,                                                  121 k
Colors for:
  Aries,                                                            18
  Taurus,                                                           27
  Gemini,                                                         34 t
  Cancer,                                                         44 e
  Leo,                                                            53 d
  Virgo,                                                          61 e
  Libra,                                                          77 c
  Scorpio,                                                        87 f
  Sagittarius,                                                    95 t
  Capricorn,                                                     104 s
  Aquarius,                                                     115 nn
  Pisces,                                                        122 t
Color, Flame, indicates Father-Mother God,                          13
Colors for
  Number 1, God Luma,                                               13
  Number 2, Son Luma,                                             23 c
  Number 3, Spirit Luma,                                          31 a
  Number 4, Body Luma,                                            39 h
  Number 5, Moral Luma,                                           49 m
  Number 6, Parent Luma,                                          57 k
  Number 7, Mystic Luma,                                          65 n
  Number 8, Trade Luma,                                           83 m
  Number 9, Law Luma,                                             91 q
  Number 0, Una Luma,                                             99 w
Conception takes place in Second House,                          16 nn
Conscious Mind,                                                   40 l
Conspicuous numbers indicated,                                    13 c
Conspicuous Numbers:
  Number 1,                                                       14 e
  Number 2,                                                   15, 23 e
  Number 3,                                                       31 d
  Number 4,                                                       40 j
  Number 5,                                                       50 p
  Number 6,                                                       58 q
  Number 7,                                                      65 nn
  Number 8,                                                      83 nn
  Number 9,                                                       91 s
Cosmology indicated,                                                 3
Crab, the, sign Cancer,                                              7
Creation, Seven Principles of,                                   15 mm
  First, Force,                                                  15 mm
  Second, Choice,                                                 25 m
  Third, Order,                                                   33 l
  Fourth, Cohesion,                                               42 v
  Fifth, Discard,                                                 51 v
  Sixth, Transmutation,                                           59 x
  Seventh, Spirituality,                                          67 v
Creator a name for God,                                           13 d
Creative Christ Consciousness,                              23 a; 69 g
Creative Christ Consciousness, Manifest,                          74 k
Creative Christ Consciousness, contact, with                      75 v
Cross or Mark,                                  Table No. 2, Page VIII


D--meaning of in your name,               Table No. 2, Page VIII; 40 k
Dates of Sun Signs,                                                5 u
Dec. 21 to Jan. 19 (Capricorn),             Table No. 4, Page 7; 103 p
Definition No.
  1--Enumeration explained,                                          3
  2--Enumeration, principal sciences,                                3
  3--Percent of Powers indicated by sciences,                        3
  4--Numerology's Numbers named,                                     3
  5--Finding the Soul Path Number,                                   3
  6--Meaning of the Soul Path Number,                                3
  7--Finding the Personality Number,                                 4
  8--Meaning of the Personality Number,                              4
  9--Finding the Three Predominant Name Nos.,                        4
  10--Not Three repeated Name Numbers,                               4
  11--Meaning of the Three Predominant Name Nos.,                    5
  12--Finding the Destiny Number,                                    5
  13--Meaning of the Destiny Number,                                 5
  14--Finding the Public Appearance Number,                          5
  15--Meaning of the Public Appearance Number,                       6
  16--Four Principal Influences of Astrology,                        6
  17--Meaning of Sun Signs,                                          6
  18--Meaning of the Principal Planet,                               6
  19--Offsetting of the Principal Planet,                            6
  20--Table of Sun Signs, Symbols, Planets and Anatomy,              7
  21--Finding the Twelve Houses or Cycles,                           8
  22--Table of the Twelve Houses,                                    8
Definition 23,                                 Aspects of Planets, 8 a
Definition 24,                                 Aspects of Planets, 9 h
Degrees necessary for aspects of Planets,                     8 a to i
Demonstration of Material Vitality,             Table No. 2, Page VIII
Destiny Number,                                      Def. 12 and 13; 5
Destiny Numbers:
  Number 1,                                                       15 k
  Number 2,                                                       25 k
  Number 3,                                                       32 j
  Number 4,                                                       42 t
  Number 5,                                                       50 t
  Number 6,                                                       59 v
  Number 7,                                                       66 t
  Number 8,                                                       84 t
  Number 9,                                                       92 x
  Naught IN,                                                     100 f
  Number 11,                                                     110 n
  Number 12,                                                     120 b
  Number 22,                                                     127 k
Discard, Fifth Principle,                 52 v, w, x, y; 70 m, n, p, q
Discard brings Morality,                                          71 s
Discard Applied to:
  Animal Plane,                                                   85 z
  Mind Plane,                                                     94 e
  Monetary Plane,                                                102 m
  Psychic Plane,                                                 112 f
  Spirit Plane,                                                  121 l
Discordant life,                                                  74 n
Diplomacy of Number 2,                                      23 e; 24 g
Divinity of Parenthood,                               57 k; 71 u; 73 j
Divinity of Parenthood subject to law,                            75 s
Dominance of the Number 1,                                        13 e
Due Thought of the Number 1,                                      14 h


E--meaning of in your name,         Table No. 2, Page VIII; 49 m; 50 p
Earth Plane--Soul Path Number indicates purpose,                     3
East, North, West,                        Table No. 2, Page VIII; 49 m
Eight, the number,                                   beginning Page 83
Eighth House, years indicated,                 Table No. 5, Page 8; 88
Eleventh House, years indicated,              Table No. 5, Page 8; 116
Eleven, the Number,                                      beginning 109
Eleven, Master number,                                           109 c
Emotionless Center of Emotion,                                    13 d
Energy Mars Planet of,                                            17 t
Enumeration, Alphabetical Table of,                                1 a
Enumeration, Astrological Table of,                                  2
Enumeration, Brings forth Truth,                                  12 b
Enumeration, Numerological Table of,                              VIII
Enumeration, Principal Sciences indicated,                   Def. 2, 3
Executive indicated,                                           14 g, h
Exhibitive Powers indicated in Number 1,                          15 k
Eye Space,                                                          39


F--meaning of in your name,        Table No. 2, Page VIII; 57 nn; 58 r
Faithfulness indicated by Aries,                                  18 u
Fate not indicated by figures or signs,                           16 p
Father-Mother God, title of 1 space,                                14
Father-Mother God, Cause and Effect of Force,                     68 e
Father-Mother God, our Perception of,                             73 j
February 19 to March 19 (Pisces),          Table No. 4, Page 7; 121 nn
Female (6),                                                    73 f, g
Fifth House, years indicated,                  Table No. 5, Page 8; 54
Figures and signs not fates,                                      16 p
Finger of God, Chart of the Lumanus indicates,                    12 a
First Chapter Genesis, Force in Creation,                         15 n
First House, years indicated,                  Table No. 5, Page 8; 19
First Omnipotent Cross or Mark,          Table No. 2, Page VIII; 57 nn
First Principle of Creation, Force,                           15 mm, n
First Principle of Creation represented by Taurus,               16 nn
First Sub-Luma, Aries,                                            18 u
First Zodiacal sign, Aries,                                       18 u
Fishes, the Sign Pisces,                                             7
Five, Mars planet of,                                             17 t
Five, the number beginning,                                         49
Five Planes, God given powers on all,                             76 w
Flame color signifies Father-Mother God,                            14
Force applied to:
  Animal Plane,                                                   85 v
  Mind Plane,                                                     93 a
  Monetary Plane,                                                101 h
  Psychic Plane,                                                 111 b
  Spirit Plane,                                                  120 f
Force produces Power,                                             15 n
Force, First Principle,                                 15 mm, n; 68 e
Force, Genesis First Chapter,                                     15 n
Four signs of Zodiac apart, Triune Aspect, good,                   8 d
Four, the number, beginning,                                      39 g
Four Space,                                                       39 g
Fourth House, years indicated,            Table No. 5, Page 8; 45 k, l
Fox, F. O. Personality, Number all 6,               Def. 10, Page 4, 5
Friday influences, Venus,                                         26 q


G--meaning of in your name,               Table No. 2, Page VIII; 65 p
Gemini                                            Table, No. 3, Page 2
                                                   Table No. 4, Page 7
Gemini influences,                                          33 q; 36 z
Gemini represents changes,                                        68 f
Gemini Sub-Luma, Occupations, Marriage,
       Planets, Houses, etc.                              beginning 33
Gethsemane, garden of,                                            69 g
Giving side,                                                      73 e
Goat, the, Sign Capricorn,                                           7
God, known to Man variously,                                      13 d
God, a consuming Fire,                                              13
God Luma (the 1 space),                                             13
God's Perpetual Youthfulness,                   Table No. 2, Page VIII
Good aspects explained,                          8a f; Table No. 6, 10
Graphology percent of Powers of Life,                        Def. 3--3
Great Objective of the Soul,                                Def. 13--5
Great Truth, wherever found, brought by Enumeration,                12
Guidance of Man, chart of the Lumanus,                            12 a


H--meaning of in your name,                   Table, No. 2, VIII; 83 p
Head Air Sign,                                                     5 y
Headstrong, beware of indicated by Mars,                          17 s
Headstrong, indicated by Aries,                                   18 v
Health through Force,                                             15 n
Heartlessness shown in Number 1,                                  13 e
Highest Quadratic Zenith,                 Table No. 2, Page VIII; 83 n
Honor from within,                                                71 s
Honesty shown by Number 1,                                  13 e; 14 g
Hope indicated by Aries,                                          18 v
  First, Aries influence,                                           19
  Second, Taurus influence,                                         28
  Third, Gemini influence,                                          36
  Fourth, Cancer influence,                                         45
  Fifth, Leo influence,                                             54
  Sixth, Virgo influence,                                           63
  Seventh, Libra influence,                                         79
  Eighth, Scorpio influence,                                        88
  Ninth, Sagittarius influence,                                     97
  Tenth, Capricorn influence,                                      105
  Eleventh, Aquarius influence,                                    116
  Twelfth, Pisces influence,                                       124
How we will do, shown by Personality Number,                 Def. 8--4
How we will do, shown by Public Appearance Number,          Def. 15--6


I--meaning of in your name,            Table No. 2, Page VIII; 91 r, t
"I AM THAT I AM",                                              68 a, b
Immaculate Righteousness Plus,            Table No. 2, Page VIII; 91 r
Impulse, Mars planet of,                                          17 t
Influences are not fates,                                           11
Influences indicated by Seven Principal Numbers,             Def. 4--3
Influences of Houses:
  First, Aries,                                                     19
  Second, Taurus,                                                   28
  Third, Gemini,                                                    36
  Fourth, Cancer,                                                   45
  Fifth, Leo,                                                       54
  Sixth, Virgo,                                                     63
  Seventh, Libra,                                                   79
  Eighth, Scorpio,                                                  88
  Ninth, Sagittarius,                                               97
  Tenth, Capricorn,                                                105
  Eleventh, Aquarius,                                              116
  Twelfth, Pisces,                                                 124
Initials, husband's used and results,                       Def. 14--5
Initials show Public Appearance Number,                     Def. 14--5
Inventive Ability Indicated,                                      14 h
Israel, Tribe of Benjamin in (Aries),                             17 t


J--meaning of in your name,               Table No. 2, Page VIII; 14 f
J, value of,                                                      13 d
Jan. 20 to Febr. 18 (Aquarius),               Table No. 4, Page 7; 114
Jewel preferable for:
  Aries,                                                            18
  Taurus,                                                           27
  Gemini,                                                         34 t
  Cancer,                                                         44 e
  Leo,                                                            53 d
  Virgo,                                                          61 e
  Libra,                                                          77 c
  Scorpio,                                                        87 f
  Sagittarius,                                                    95 t
  Capricorn,                                                     104 s
  Aquarius,                                                     115 nn
  Pisces,                                                        122 t
Judge,                                    Table No. 2, Page VIII; 13 d
June 21 to July 21 (Cancer),                 Table No. 4, Page 7; 43 a
July 22 to August 22 (Leo),                  Table No. 4, Page 7; 52 a
Jupiter, Table No. 3, Page 2;                      Table No. 4, Page 7
Jupiter, principal planet,                                        95 k
Jupiter, influences,                                              95 k


K--meaning of in your name,               Table No. 2, Page VIII; 14 f
King James Version Used,                                            12
King's Tithes,                                  Table No. 2, Page VIII


L--meaning of in your name,               Table No. 2, Page VIII; 31 e
Law Luma,                                                           91
Leaders greater than you in Number 1,                             14 j
Leading sign--Aries,                                              18 u
Leo,                                               Table No. 3, Page 2
                                                   Table No. 4, Page 7
Leo, Sub-Luma, Occupations, Marriages, Planet, House, etc.,       52 a
Leo influence,                                              52 a; 54 h
Leo, sign of religion,                                            69 k
Lesser Leaders attracted by Number 1,                             14 j
Letters, Values of,                                Table No. 1, Page 1
Letters, show Personality Number,                            Def. 7--4
Libra influences,                                           77 a; 79 k
Libra,                                             Table No. 3, Page 2
                                                   Table No. 4, Page 7
Libra Sub-Luma, Occupations, Marriage,
      Dates, Planets, Houses, etc.,                                 77
Libra, symbol for Transmutation,                                  71 t
Life affected by Astrological Influences,                    Def. 3--3
Life of success uses Seven Principles,                           15 mm
Light for our Pathway,                                              13
Likes and Dislikes indicated,                               Def. 17--6
Lion, The, Sign Leo,                                                 7
  God Luma, (1 space),                                              13
  Son Luma, (2 space),                                              23
  Spirit Luma, (3 space),                                           31
  Soul Luma, (Eye space),                                           39
  Body Luma, (4 space),                                             39
  Moral Luma, (5 space),                                            49
  Parent Luma, (6 space),                                           57
  Mystic Luma, (7 space),                                           65
  Trade Luma, (8 space),                                            83
  Law Luma, (9 space),                                              91
  Una Luma,                                                         99


M--meaning of in your name,            Table No. 2, Page VIII; 40 h, k
Major aspects explained,                                      8 a; 9 g
Male (4),                                                      73 f, g
Man is Christ Consciousness,                                      23 b
Many aspects unusual,                                              9 i
March 20 to April 19th--(Aries),             Table No. 4, Page 7; 17 t
Mars characteristics of,                                          17 s
Mars, influence of,              7; 17 s; 86 e, f, h, j; 88 k; 71 v, w
Mars principal planet of,                                   17 s; 86 e
Mars warning of,                                                  17 s
Mating of:
  Aries Person,                                                   17 s
  Taurus,                                                         26 p
  Gemini,                                                         33 r
  Cancer,                                                         43 c
  Leo,                                                            52 b
  Virgo,                                                          60 b
  Libra,                                                          77 b
  Scorpio,                                                        86 d
  Sagittarius,                                                    95 j
  Capricorn,                                                     103 q
  Aquarius,                                                      114 m
  Pisces,                                                        121 p
Material,                                       Table No. 2, Page VIII
May 20 to June 20 (Gemini),                  Table No. 4, Page 7; 33 q
Mercury,                                           Table No. 3, Page 2
                                                   Table No. 4, Page 7
Mercury influences of,                                            33 s
Mercury represents changes,                                 68 f; 70 r
Mind and its reactions indicated,                           Def. 18--6
Mind Power produced by Force,                                     15 n
Money Power produced by Force,                                    15 n
Morality from within,                                             71 s
Morality in Subconscious,                                         74 k
Morality Manifests,                                               75 q
Motionless Center of all Motion,                                  13 d
Moon,                                              Table No. 3, Page 2
                                                   Table No. 4, Page 7
Moon influences of,                                  43 d, f, g.; 45 h
Moon characteristics,                                             69 h
Moral Luma 5 space,                                                 49
Mystic Luma,                                                        65
Mystic Trinities,                                                 73 h


N--meaning of in your name,         Table No. 2, Page VIII; 49 m; 50 p
Name Numbers, Three Predominant indicated,            Def. 9 and 10--4
Naught IN Numbers,                                               100 b
  Soul Path Number,                                              100 c
  Personality Number,                                            100 d
  Predominant Name Number,                                       100 e
  Destiny Number,                                                100 f
  Public Appearance Number,                                     100 ff
Negative Side,                                                    73 f
Neptune,                                           Table No. 4, Page 7
Neptune influences of,                                  121 q, r, s, t
Next Birthday signifies Present House,                 Def. 21, Page 8
Nine, the Number,                                         beginning 91
Ninety Degrees considered adverse aspect,                          8 c
Ninth House, years indicated,                  Table No. 5, Page 8; 97
North,                              Table No. 2, Page VIII; 49 m; 50 p
Nothing less than supremacy for Number 1,                         15 l
Nov. 22 to Dec. 20 (Sagittarius),            Table No. 4, Page 7; 94 h
Numerological Table of The Enumeration No. 2,                Page VIII
Numerology Indicated,                               Def. 2, 3 and 4--3
Numerology Percent Powers of in life,                        Def. 3--3
Numerology Seven Principal Numbers,                          Def. 4--3


O--meaning of in your name,        Table No. 2, Page VIII; 57 nn; 58 r
Objective of the Soul,                                      Def. 13--5
Obstructions to be ignored by Number 1,                           15 l
Occupation indicated for:
  Aries, Mar. 20-Apr. 19,                                         17 q
  Taurus, Apr. 20-May 19,                                        26 nn
  Gemini, May 20-June 20,                                         33 q
  Cancer, June 21-July 21,                                        43 a
  Leo, July 22-Aug. 22,                                           52 a
  Virgo, Aug. 23-Sept. 23,                                        60 a
  Libra, Sept. 24-Oct. 22,                                        77 b
  Scorpio, Oct. 23-Nov. 21,                                       86 c
  Sagittarius, Nov. 22-Dec. 20,                                   94 h
  Capricorn, Dec. 21-Jan. 19,                                    103 p
  Aquarius, Jan. 20-Feb. 18,                                     114 l
  Pisces, Feb. 19-Mar. 19,                                      121 nn
Oct. 23 to Nov. 21 (Scorpio),                Table No. 4, Page 7; 86 c
Offsetting Planets indicated,                               Def. 19--6
Omnipotent Table, No. 2,                                     Page VIII
One, the Number,                                     beginning page 13
One, Destiny Number,                                              15 k
One, indications of,                                                13
One, Personality Number,                                          14 h
One, Planet of the Sun,                                           14 f
One, Predominant Name Number,                                     14 j
One, sign of, Aries,                                              14 f
One, the Number beginning,                                          13
One-fourth of Zodiac, square aspect, considered adverse,           8 c
One, the Number indicating Father-Mother God,                       13
One, the Original is God,                                         13 d
One, Public Appearance Number,                                    15 l
One sign apart, Semi-Sextile aspect, good,                         9 f
One-sixth of Zodiac, Sextile aspect considered good,               9 e
One Source of all things, God,                                    13 d
One, Soul Path Number,                                            14 g
One Space in Chart of the Lumanus signifies Father-Mother God,      13
One-third around Zodiac, Triune Aspect, considered good,           8 d
One-twelfth around Zodiac, Semi-Sextiles considered good,          9 f
Opposition, aspect of the Planets explained,                       8 b
Originality recommended,                                          14 g
Original One is God Head,                                         13 d
Order, Third Principle,                              33 l, m, n, nn, p
Order applied to
  Animal Plane,                                                   85 x
  Mind Plane,                                                     93 c
  Monetary Plane,                                                101 k
  Psychic Plane,                                                 112 d
  Spirit Plane,                                                  121 j
Order of importance of Astrological Influences,             Def. 16--6
Order of importance of Numerological Influences,             Def. 4--3
Other tongues make own table,                                      1 b


P--meaning of in your name,            Table No. 2, Page VIII; 65 n, p
Parent Luma,                                                        57
Perpetual,                                Table No. 2, Page VIII; 65 n
Personality Numbers, finding,                                Def. 7--4
Personality Number shows,                               Def. 8, Page 4
Personality Numbers:
  Number 1,                                                       14 h
  Number 2,                                                       24 h
  Number 3,                                                       32 g
  Number 4,                                                       41 r
  Number 5,                                                       50 r
  Number 6,                                                       58 t
  Number 7,                                                       66 r
  Number 8,                                                       84 r
  Number 9,                                                       92 v
  Naught IN,                                                     100 d
  Number 11,                                                     110 l
  Number 12,                                                     119 z
  Number 22,                                                     127 h
Personality of God expressed in Male Gender,                      13 d
Physical-Astral Table,                                              11
Physical Body indicated,                                 39 g; 40 l, n
Physical Body a miniature universe,                               69 l
Physical Body submit to Spirit of God,                            74 p
Physical Body distinction between Soul and,                       76 v
Pisces,                                            Table No. 3, Page 2
                                                   Table No. 4, Page 7
Pisces Sub-Luma, Occupations, Marriage,
       Dates, Planet, Houses, etc.,                      121 nn--125 d
Pisces influences,                                       121 nn; 124 z
Place of Number important,                                        13 e
Planetary Aspects explained,                              8 a--9 i; 10
Planets, Signs, etc. Table of,                                       7
Planets and Signs, relation to
        Seven Principles,        68 c, d, f; 69 h, k; 70 m, r; 71 t, v
Planet of the:
  Number 1,                                                       14 f
  Number 2,                                                       24 f
  Number 3,                                                       31 e
  Number 4,                                                       40 k
  Number 5,                                                      49 nn
  Number 6,                                                       58 q
  Number 7,                                                      65 nn
  Number 8,                                                       83 p
  Number 9,                                                       91 t
Planetary Influences:
  Aries,                                                          17 s
  Taurus,                                                         26 q
  Gemini,                                                         33 s
  Cancer,                                                         43 d
  Leo,                                                            52 c
  Virgo,                                                          60 c
  Libra,                                                          77 c
  Scorpio,                                                        86 e
  Sagittarius,                                                    95 k
  Capricorn,                                                     103 r
  Aquarius,                                                      114 n
  Pisces,                                                        121 q
Planets and Signs on Astrological Table,                             2
Planetary Signs, being Superior to,                               72 b
Positive, right side,                                             73 e
Positions of the Numbers:
  Number 1,                                               14 g to 15 m
  Number 2,                                               24 g to 25 l
  Number 3,                                               31 f to 32 k
  Number 4,                                               41 q to 42 u
  Number 5,                                               50 q to 51 u
  Number 6,                                               58 s to 59 w
  Number 7,                                                    66 q, u
  Number 8,                                               83 q to 84 u
  Number 9,                                               91 u to 92 y
  Naught,                                                   100 b to g
  Number 11,                                            110 j to 111 q
  Number 12,                                            119 y to 120 d
  Number 22,                                            127 g to 128 l
Power always follows Choice,                                     15 mm
Power produced by Force,                                          15 n
Powerless Center of all Power,                                    13 d
Predominant Name Numbers,                      Definitions 9 and 10--4
Predominant Name Numbers:
  Number 1,                                                       14 j
  Number 2,                                                       24 j
  Number 3,                                                       32 h
  Number 4,                                                       42 s
  Number 5,                                                       50 s
  Number 6,                                                       58 u
  Number 7,                                                       66 s
  Number 8,                                                       84 s
  Number 9,                                                       92 w
  Naught IN,                                                     100 e
  Number 11,                                                     110 m
  Number 12,                                                     119 a
  Number 22,                                                     127 h
Principal Aspects of Planets,                                      9 i
Principles of Creation:
  First, Force,                                                  15 mm
  Second, Choice,                                                 25 m
  Third, Order,                                                   33 l
  Fourth, Cohesion,                                               42 v
  Fifth, Discard,                                                 51 v
  Sixth, Transmutation,                                           59 x
  Seventh, Spirituality,                                          67 v
Principles, Seven, Table of,                                        68
Principal Influences in Astrology,                          Def. 16--6
Principal Planets, offsetting indicated,             Def. 18 and 19--6
Principal Planet ruling:
  Aries,                                                          17 s
  Taurus,                                                         26 q
  Gemini,                                                         33 s
  Cancer,                                                         43 d
  Leo,                                                            52 c
  Virgo,                                                          60 c
  Libra,                                                          77 c
  Scorpio,                                                        86 e
  Sagittarius,                                                    95 k
  Capricorn,                                                     103 r
  Aquarius,                                                      114 n
  Pisces,                                                        121 q
Psychology indicated,                                        Def. 3--3
Public Appearance Number, finding of,                       Def. 14--5
Public Appearance Number indicated,           Def. 14 and 15, Page 5-6
Public Appearance Number,                                   Def. 15--6
Public Appearance Numbers:
  Number 1,                                                       15 l
  Number 2,                                                      25 kk
  Number 3,                                                      32 jj
  Number 4,                                                       42 t
  Number 5,                                                      51 tt
  Number 6,                                                      59 vv
  Number 7,                                                      66 tt
  Number 8,                                                      84 tt
  Number 9,                                                      92 xx
  Naught IN,                                                    100 ff
  Number 11,                                                     111 p
  Number 12,                                                     120 c
  Number 22,                                                    128 kk


Q--meaning of in your name,            Table No. 2, Page VIII; 83 n, p
Quadratic,                                      Table No. 2, Page VIII


R--meaning of in your name,               Table No. 2, Page VIII; 91 t
Ram the, sign Aries,                                          7; 16 nn
Receiving side,                                                   73 f
Rejection through Choice,                                         75 r
Relativity of
  Aries and Number 1,                                             19 x
  Taurus and Number 2,                                            28 v
  Gemini and Number 3,                                            35 y
  Cancer and Number 4,                                            45 j
  Leo and Number 5,                                               54 g
  Virgo and Number 6,                                             62 j
  Libra and Number 7,                                             79 j
  Scorpio and Number 8,                                           88 l
  Sagittarius and Number 9,                                       96 q
  Capricorn and Number 10,                                       105 x
  Aquarius and Number 11,                                        116 s
  Pisces and Number 12,                                          124 y
Repeated Numbers show Predominant Name Numbers,              Def. 9--4
Repeated Numbers not appearing,                             Def. 10--4
Reproduction represented by Taurus the Bull,                     16 nn
Right, what is,                                                   74 p
Right side, giving,                                               73 e
Righteousness,                                  Table No. 2, Page VIII


S--meaning of in your name,               Table No. 2, Page VIII; 14 f
S, value of,                                                 1 a; 14 f
Sagittarius Sub-Luma, Occupations, Marriages,
            Dates, Planets, Houses, etc.,                   94 h--97 t
Sagittarius,                                       Table No. 3, Page 2
                                                   Table No. 4, Page 7
Sagittarius influence,                                      94 h; 97 r
Same Spirit in all,                                               13 d
Saturn, aspects of indicated,                                      9 i
Saturn,                                            Table No. 3, Page 2
                                                   Table No. 4, Page 7
Saturn influences of,                            103 r; 104 s, u, v, w
Scales, the sign Libra,                                              7
Sciences of Enumeration indicated,                     Def. 1 and 2--3
Sciences of Human Analysis indicated,                        Def. 1--3
Scorpio Influences,                          86 c; 87 h, j; 88 k, l, m
Scorpio Sub-Luma, Marriage, Dates,
        Occupations, Planets, Houses, etc.,                       86 c
Scorpio,                                           Table No. 3, Page 2
                                                   Table No. 4, Page 7
Scorpion, the sign Scorpio,                                          7
Second House, the time of conception,                            16 nn
Second House, years indicated,                 Table No. 5, Page 8; 28
Second or Numerological Table of Enumeration No. 2,          Page VIII
Semi-Sextile Aspect of Planets explained,    Table No. 6, Page 10; 9 f
Sept. 24 to Oct. 22 (Libra),                 Table No. 4, Page 7; 77 a
Seven Principles applied to:
  Animal Plane,                                             85 v--86 b
  Mind Plane,                                               93 a--94 g
  Monetary Plane,                                         101 h--102 o
  Psychic Plane,                                          111 b--113 k
  Spirit Plane,                                           120 e--121 n
Seven Principles, Table of,                                         68
Seven Principles rule creation and success,                      15 mm
Seven Principal Numbers in Numerology indicated,              Def. 4-3
Seven, the Number,                                   beginning Page 65
Seventh House, years indicated,                Table No. 5, Page 8; 79
Sex, a Divine institution,                                     71 x, y
Sextile Aspect of Planets explained, 9 e;             Table 6, Page 10
  Number 1, Aries,                                                  17
  Number 2, Taurus,                                                 26
  Number 3, Gemini,                                                 33
  Number 4, Cancer,                                                 43
  Number 5, Leo,                                                    52
  Number 6, Virgo,                                                  60
  Number 7, Libra,                                                  77
  Number 8, Scorpio,                                                86
  Number 9, Sagittarius,                                            94
  Number 10, Capricorn,                                            103
  Number 11, Aquarius,                                             114
  Number 12, Pisces,                                               121
Signing Name "Mrs.",                                         Def. 7--4
Signs and Planets,                                 Table No. 3, Page 2
                                                   Table No. 4, Page 7
Signs and Planets, relation to
      Seven Principles,          68 c, d, f; 69 h, k; 70 m, r; 71 v, t
Silences,                                                  113 k; 75 u
Singer indicated by Number 1,                                     15 k
Six Signs, Opposition Aspect considered adverse,                   8 b
Six the Number,                                           beginning 57
Sixth House,                                                63 k, l, m
Sixth House, years indicated,                  Table No. 5, Page 8; 63
Sixty Degrees apart, Sextile Aspect, good,                         9 e
Son Luma represents Soul,                                         23 c
Son Luma (2 space),                                               23 c
Soul Curve,                                               41 nn; 49 nn
Soul Curve perceived through Force,                               15 n
Soul, distinction between Physical Body and,                      76 v
Soul projects self,                                              41 nn
Soul Luma,                                                          39
Soul on Earth plane,                                             41 nn
Soul Path Number, finding of,                                Def. 5, 3
Soul Path Number, meaning of,                                Def. 6, 3
Soul Path Numbers:
  Number 1,                                                       14 g
  Number 2,                                                         24
  Number 3,                                                       31 f
  Number 4,                                                       41 q
  Number 5,                                                       50 q
  Number 6,                                                       58 s
  Number 7,                                                       66 q
  Number 8,                                                       83 q
  Number 9,                                                       91 u
  Naught IN,                                                     100 c
  Number 11,                                                     110 k
  Number 12,                                                     119 y
  Number 22,                                                     127 g
Spirit Luma,                                                        31
Spirit Luma of God,                                31 a, c; 69 j; 74 l
Spirit Luma in Man,                                               69 h
Spirit Luma same in all,                                          13 d
Spirituality, Seventh Principle,                      67 v, y; 71 w, x
Spirituality applied to
  Animal Plane,                                                   86 b
  Mind Plane,                                                     94 g
  Monetary Plane,                                                102 o
  Psychic Plane,                                                 113 j
  Spirit Plane,                                                  121 n
Square Aspects of Planets explained,                               8 c
Still Small Voice,                                                75 u
Struggle between male and female,                                 73 f
Subconscious, title of 7 space,                               65 n; 73
Subconscious, in attunement to,                                   72 z
Success must use Seven Principles,                               15 mm
Sub-Lumas, Numeral relationship,                                  19 x
Sub-Lumas, part of same window of Life as Lumas,                  19 x
  Aries,                                                            17
  Taurus,                                                           26
  Gemini,                                                           33
  Cancer,                                                           43
  Leo,                                                              52
  Virgo,                                                            60
  Libra,                                                            77
  Scorpio,                                                          86
  Sagittarius,                                                      94
  Capricorn,                                                       103
  Aquarius,                                                        114
  Pisces,                                                           21
Sun,                                               Table No. 3, Page 2
                                                   Table No. 4, Page 7
Sun, influence of,                                       52 c; 53 e, f
Sun Signs, Dates, Symbols, Planets and Anatomy,                      7
Superior to planetary influences,                                 72 b
Supreme,                                  Table No. 2, Page VIII; 13 d


T--meaning of in your name,               Table No. 2, Page VIII; 24 f
Tables of Enumeration,
  No. 1, Alphabetical,                                               1
  No. 2, Numerological,                                           VIII
  No. 3, Astrological,                                               2
  No. 4, Sun Signs, Symbols, Planets and Anatomy,                    7
  No. 5, The Twelve Houses,                                          8
  No. 6, Aspects of Planets,                                        10
  No. 7, Physical-Astral,                                           11
  No. 8, Of The Seven Principles,                                   68
Taking Charge of Leaders by Number 1,                             14 j
Taurus, Conception takes place in,                               16 nn
Taurus, sign of the Number 2,                                     24 f
Taurus,                                            Table No. 3, Page 2
                                                   Table No. 4, Page 7
Taurus Sub-Luma, Dates, Occupations,
       Marriages, Planets, etc.,                             26 nn--29
Taurus influence,                                          26 nn; 28 w
Taurus, First Earth Sign, Bull,                                     68
Tenth House, years indicated,                 Table No. 5, Page 8; 105
Temperament expressed by Aries,                                   18 u
Third House, years indicated,                  Table No. 5, Page 8; 36
Thirty Degrees apart, Semi-Sextile Aspect,                         9 f
Three Degrees necessary to aspect of a sign,                       9 h
Three Highest Numbers show Predominant Name Numbers,         Def. 9--4
Three Predominant Name Numbers indicated,                    Def. 9--4
Three Signs apart, Square Aspect,                                  8 c
Three, the Number,                                   beginning Page 31
Through all, same Spirit,                                         13 d
Tithes,                                   Table No. 2, Page VIII; 23 d
Titles of
  1, Father-Mother God,                                              1
  2, Creative Christ Consciousness,                                 23
  3, Spirit of God,                                                 31
  4, Physical Body,                                                 39
  5, Morality,                                                      49
  6, Divinity of Parenthood,                                      57 k
  7, Subconscious,                                                  65
  8, Success,                                                       83
  9, Law,                                                           91
Trade Luma,                                                         83
Transmutation Sixth Principle,                     59 x; 60 y, z; 75 t
Transmutation applied to
  Animal Plane,                                                   86 a
  Mind Plane,                                                     94 g
  Monetary Plane,                                                102 n
  Psychic Plane,                                                 113 g
  Spirit Plane,                                                  121 m
Tribes for Aries:
  Aries,                                                       page 18
  Taurus,                                                           27
  Gemini,                                                         34 t
  Cancer,                                                         44 e
  Leo,                                                            53 d
  Virgo,                                                          61 e
  Libra,                                                          77 c
  Scorpio,                                                        87 f
  Sagittarius,                                                    95 t
  Capricorn,                                                     104 s
  Aquarius,                                                     115 nn
  Pisces,                                                        122 t
Tribes, Twelve:
  Benjamin (Aries),                                                 18
  Reuben (Taurus),                                                  27
  Simeon (Gemini),                                                34 t
  Levi (Cancer),                                                  44 e
  Judah (Leo),                                                    53 d
  Zebulun (Virgo),                                                61 e
  Issachar (Libra),                                               77 c
  Dan (Scorpio),                                                  87 f
  Gad (Sagittarius),                                              95 t
  Asher (Capricorn),                                             104 s
  Naphtali (Aquarius),                                          115 nn
  Joseph (Pisces),                                               122 t
Trinity,                                                    39 b; 40 n
Thirty Degrees Apart, Semi-Sextile good,                           9 f
Triune Aspect of Planets explained,                                8 d
Triune Aspect of Planets explained,          Table No. 6, Page 10; 8 d
Triune Expression an Attribute of God,                            13 d
Twelfth House, years indicated,               Table No. 5, Page 8; 124
Twelve Houses indicated,        Table No. 5, 8; Def. 21, Page 8; 124 z
Twelve, the Number,                                    beginning 119 v
Twenty-two, the Number,                                beginning 127 e
Twins, Gemini sign of,                                         7; 34 v
Two, the Number,                                          beginning 23
Two Signs Apart, Sextile Aspect, good,                             9 e


U--meaning of in your name,               Table No. 2, Page VIII; 31 e
Una Luma,                                                           99
Unknowable,                                     Table No. 2, Page VIII
Unusual Number of Aspects indicated,                               9 i
Upper Half of Chart of the Lumanus is Lumas,                        13
Uranus,                             Table No. 4, Page 7; 114 n; 115 nn
Uranus, influence of,                     114 n; 115 nn, q, r, s, t, v


V--meaning of in your name,            Table No. 2, Page VIII; 40 h, k
Various Names for God indicated,                                  13 d
Venus,                                             Table No. 3, Page 2
                                                   Table No. 4, Page 7
Venus, Planet of love, beauty, marriage,                    26 q; 71 t
Venus influence of,                                26 q, r; 27 s, t, u
Virgin, the sign Virgo,                                              7
Virgo,                                             Table No. 3, Page 2
                                                   Table No. 4, Page 7
Virgo Influences,                                           60 a; 63 k
Virgo represents Motherhood,                                      70 m
Virgo Sub-Luma, Occupations, Marriage,
      Planets, Houses, Dates, etc.,                           60 a; 63
Vitality indicated by Aries,                                      18 v
Vitality,                                 Table No. 2, Page VIII; 40 h


W--meaning of in your name,         Table No. 2, Page VIII; 49 m; 50 p
Warning for:
  Number 1,                                                       15 m
  Number 2,                                                       25 l
  Number 3,                                                       32 j
  Number 4,                                                       42 u
  Number 5,                                                       50 u
  Number 6,                                                       59 w
  Number 7,                                                       66 u
  Number 8,                                                       84 u
  Number 9,                                                       92 y
  Naught IN,                                                     101 g
  Number 11,                                                     111 q
  Number 12,                                                     120 d
  Number 22,                                                     128 l
Water Bearer, The, Sign Aquarius,                                    7
West,                                           Table No. 2, Page VIII
Window or Light of Soul of Man,                                     12
Words express meanings of letters,                                1--b
Wrong or right,                                                   74 p


X--meaning of in your name,        Table No. 2, Page VIII; 57 nn; 58 r


Y--meaning of in your name,            Table No. 2, Page VIII; 65 n, p
Youthfulness,                                   Table No. 2, Page VIII


Z--meaning of in your name,            Table No. 2, Page VIII; 83 n, p
Zenith,                                Table No. 2, Page VIII; 83 n, p
Zodiac, Aries first sign,                                         18 u


&--meaning of in your name,            Table No. 2, Page VIII; 91 r, t
& (plus),                              Table No. 2, Page VIII; 91 r, t


  49:27,                                                            18
  49:3,4,                                                           27
  49:5, 7,                                                          34
  49:5, 7,                                                          44
  49:8-12,                                                          53
  49:13,                                                          61 e
  Chapter 2,                                                      67 x
  2:2,                                                            67 x
  49:14, 15,                                                      77 c
  49:1, 17, 18,                                                   87 f
  49:19,                                                          95 l
  49:20,                                                         104 s
  49:22-26,                                                     115 nn
  49:21,                                                         116 s
  49:27,                                                         122 t

  3:14,                                                           68 a

  33:12,                                                            18
  33:6,                                                             27
  33:8-11,                                                          44
  33:7,                                                             53
  33:18, 19,                                                        61
  33:18, 19,                                                      77 c
  33:22,                                                          87 f
  33:20, 21,                                                      95 l
  33:24-27,                                                      104 s
  33:13-17,                                                      122 t

  82:6,                                                             23
  82:6,                                                           41 p
  46:10,                                                         121 l

  11:24,                                                            32
  8:22-31,                                                        57 k

  3:14,                                                          121 j

  22:39,                                                          15 m
  19:16, 17,                                                      49 n
  25:29,                                                         101 h
  7:16,                                                          110 j
  7:6,                                                           112 d

  9:7,                                                            75 u

  10:33, 34,                                                        23
  10:33, 34,                                                      41 p
  14:26,                                                          69 j
  16:13,                                                          69 j
  4:24,                                                          120 f
  2:5,                                                           128 l
  14:12,                                                         128 l


  2:3, 4,                                                        121 l

  8:7, 8,                                                         31 c
  7:18-25,                                                        49 n
  12:21,                                                         59 vv
  14:5, 6,                                                        67 x
  12:1 & 2,                                                       94 e

1st Cor.--
  15:35-38,                                                       40 l
  3:16, 17,                                                       72 y
  6:19, 20,                                                       72 y
  7:34, 36,                                                       72 y
  14:40,                                                          75 t
  12:10,                                                         112 f

2nd Cor.--
  4:16, 5:4,                                                      57 m
  6:16,                                                           72 y

  4:4,                                                            13 d
  4:14,                                                          112 e

1 Thess.--
  5:23,                                                           41 n
  5:23,                                                           75 u

1 Timothy--
  4:1,                                                              40
  4:3,                                                            74 l

  4:5,                                                           110 k

  12:29,                                                            13
  12:29,                                                          31 c
  4:12,                                                           41 n
  4:1-5,                                                          67 x
  12:1,                                                           94 e

  2:8,                                                              15

1 Peter--
  1:12,                                                          120 e

1 John--
  4:1,                                                           112 f

End of Project Gutenberg's Manual of the Enumeration, by C. J. Coffman


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