Report on the Indian schools of Manitoba and the North-West Territories

By Bryce

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Title: Report on the Indian schools of Manitoba and the North-West Territories

Author: P. H. Bryce

Release date: September 21, 2024 [eBook #74454]

Language: English

Original publication: Ottawa: Government Printing Bureau

Credits: Andrew Sly and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive)



  P. H. BRYCE, M. A., M. D.

_Chief Medical Officer, Department of Indian Affairs._


                                    Department of Indian Affairs,
                                              Ottawa, June 19, 1907.
  Frank Pedley, Esq.,
      Deputy Supt. General of Indian Affairs,

     Sir,--I have the honour to submit my report on the Indian schools
  of Manitoba and the Northwest Territories.

                            Your obedient servant,
                                  P. H. BRYCE,
                                    _Chief Medical Officer_.


  Page  1–15--History of the Indian Schools.
  Page 15–17--Present condition of the Indian Schools.
  Page 17–19--Health of Pupils of the Indian Schools.


The story of the early explorations and of the trading adventures of
the French and English on the plains of the great Northwest has ever
been one of exceeding interest to the people of Canada; but while
filled with romance and important as illustrating how the great
domain has gradually been brought under the dominion of the British
Crown, it nevertheless is largely lacking as a record of the more
silent, yet more potent, influences which for over a century have
been at work transforming the Indian aborigines into members of a
civilized society and loyal subjects of the King. Restrained through
diplomacy, force and the interests of trade by the great fur-trading
companies, the widely distributed and wandering bands of Indians
would still have been savages, had it not been for the heroic
devotion of those missionaries who, attaching themselves to some
band, moved with it in its wanderings, or travelled from post to post
where the Indians were assembled while bartering their furs.

The evolution of schools amongst the Indian population of the
Northwest naturally begins with the efforts of the early missionaries
to obtain an influence over the Indians through the education and
guidance of the children. The Roman Catholic Church as early as 1817
sent its first missionary into this extensive region and its work
has been extended to far within the Arctic Circle, reaching even to
the Northern Ocean. Co-incident with its work has been that of the
Church of England, whose missionaries, locating near some Hudson’s
Bay Company’s trading post, have covered, through the work of the
Church of England Missionary Society, the entire Northwest to Fort
McPherson and the Yukon. To illustrate--the first Anglican mission
was established at Winnipeg in 1820, Dynevor in 1833, Cumberland in
1840, Lac la Ronge in 1840, Battleford in 1876, the Blood Mission
in 1880, Fort Simpson in 1858, Fort McPherson in 1874, and Rampart
House in 1882. The British Methodist Church began its labours by
establishing missions on Lake Winnipeg at Norway House and Berens
River in 1856, gradually extending westward as far as the Stony
reserve in the foothills of the Rockies. The Presbyterian Church,
latest in the field, started a mission at Prince Albert in 1867. The
stories of hardship and of danger endured by these missionaries of
the Cross have been but incidentally told, but the results are shown
in the list of missions and of day schools in existence when this
enormous territory passed into the hands of the Dominion of Canada
in 1870. The lists are very incomplete, but a published report shows
that 20 Roman Catholic schools and 5 Church of England schools
received in 1877 some financial aid from the Dominion government. The
following statement, taken from a report published in 1897, gives the
total grants made by the government to the schools of the different
churches in the years 1877, 1886, 1896 and 1906:--

Table I--Showing the Government grants to the Schools of Manitoba and
the Northwest Territories in 1877, 1886, 1896 and 1906.


    District.     |  Kind of   |                      |                      |                      |
                  |  School.   |        1877.         |        1886.         |        1896.         |      1905–6.
                  |            |Building.|Maintenance.|Building.|Maintenance.|Building.|Maintenance.|Building.|Maintenance.
                  |            | $ cts.  |   $ cts.   | $ cts.  |   $ cts.   | $ cts.  |   $ cts.   |  $ cts. |   $ cts.
Manitoba          |Day         |         |   268 45   |         |  2,711 87  |         |  3,145 13  |         |   1,800 00
   "              |Boarding    |         |            |         |            |         |  1,620 00  |         |  12,480 00
   "              |Industrial  |         |            |         |            |2,000 00 | 12,764 39  |         |
N. W. Territories |Day         | 150 00  |   300 00   |  236 00 |  1,077 39  |         |  3,969 05  |         |     900 00
   "     "        |Boarding    |         |            |         |    536 20  |2,938 15 | 14,762 57  | 2,152 50|  42,406 06
   "     "        |Industrial  |         |            |2,661 62 | 26,489 74  |         | 43,344 32  | 8,676 07|  35,761 16
                  |            +---------+------------+---------+------------+---------+------------+---------+------------
                  |            | 150 00  |   568 45   |2,897 62 | 30,815 20  |4,938 15 | 79,605 16  |10,828 57|  93,347 22


Manitoba         |Day       |   |274 50| 325 97  | 6,447 22|         | 9,634 68|         | 8,930 00
   "             |Boarding  |   |      |         |         |         |         |         |
   "             |Industrial|   |      |         |         |         |28,027 75|         |16,488 90
N. W. Territories|Day       |   |      | 130 00  | 1,761 41|         | 4,326 17|         | 4,500 00
   "     "       |Boarding  |   |      |         |         |         |15,336 55|   134 00|12,567 48
   "     "       |Industrial|---|      |         |10,179 57| 7,430 00|19,260 86| 1,369 20|17,102 09
                 |          |   +------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------
                 |          |   |274 50| 455 97  |18,488 50| 7,430 00|76,586 01| 1,503 20|59,588 47


Manitoba         |Day       |   |   |   |1,637 71|   | 1,902 22|        | 1,500 00
   "             |Boarding  |   |   |   |        |   |         |        | 5,500 00
   "             |Industrial|   |   |   |        |   |13,526 74|2,952 39|12,000 00
N. W. Territories|Day       |   |   |   |  407 87|   | 2,480 77|        | 1,800 00
   "     "       |Boarding  |   |   |   |  358 54|   | 1,725 60|        | 2,271 80
   "     "       |Industrial|   |   |   |        |   | 6,664 35|1,963 64| 9,648 16
                 |          +---+---+---+--------+---+---------+--------+---------
                 |          |   |   |   |2,404 12|   |26,299 68|4,916 03|32,719 96


Manitoba         |Day       |   |   |      |        |   |         |   |   600 00
   "             |Boarding  |   |   |      |        |   | 1,464 15|   | 6,720 60
   "             |Industrial|   |   |      |        |   |         |   |
N. W. Territories|Day       |   |   |457 60|1,270 47|   |   950 15|   |   900 00
   "     "       |Boarding  |   |   |      |        |   | 6,063 13|   | 6,261 65
   "     "       |Industrial|   |   |      |        |   |17,336 83|   | 7,525 72
                 |          +---+---+------+--------+---+---------+---+---------
                 |          |   |   |457 60|1,270 47|   |25,814 26|   |22,007 97


The following is a summary of the expenditures set forth in the former table:--

                    |                     |                      |                      |
                    |        1877.        |         1886.        |        1896.         |        1906.
  Class of School.  |----------+----------+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+----------
                    | Building | Maint’nce| Building | Maint’nce | Building | Maint’nce | Building | Maint’nce
                    |  $ cts.  |  $ cts.  |   $ cts. |   $ cts.  |   $ cts. |   $ cts.  |   $ cts. |  $ cts.
R. Catholic Schools |  150 00  |  568 45  | 2,897 62 | 30,815 20 |  4,938 15|  76,605 46| 10,828 59| 93,347 22
Church of England   |          |  274 50  |   455 97 | 18,488 50 |  7,430 00|  76,588 01|  1,503 30| 59,588 47
Methodist Church    |          |          |          |  2,404 12 |          |  26,299 68|  4,916 03| 32,719 96
Presbyterian        |          |          |   457 60 |  1,270 47 |          |  24,350 11|          | 22,007 97
Undenominational    |          |          |          |           |          |           |          |    600 00
                    |  150 00  |  842 95  | 3,811 19 | 52,978 29 | 12,368 15| 206,843 26| 17,247 92|208,263 62

Thus the connection of the Dominion government with the Indian
schools of the Northwest began in 1871, when on August 3, the first
treaty, extinguishing the Indians’ title to the lands within the
boundaries of southeastern Manitoba, was signed. The dates of the
several treaties were:--

    I Southeastern Manitoba     August 3, 1871.
   II Lake Manitoba (south)     August 21, 1871.
  III Northwest Angle           October 3, 1873.
   IV Qu’Appelle District       September 5, 1874.
    V Lake Winnipeg             September 24, 1875.
   VI Fort Pitt                 September 9, 1876.
  VII Blackfoot District        September 22, 1877.

As the terms of all these treaties were much the same, some of the
particulars may be quoted;

They provided:--

  1st. That sufficient land be reserved to give 160 acres to each
       family of 5.
  2nd. For prohibiting the sale of intoxicants.
  3rd. A present of three dollars per capita to the Indians on the
  4th. That schools would be provided for the Indians.

At Confederation in 1867 it was agreed that the Indian Department
should contribute an amount equal to that contributed by the
Methodist Church for schools in Ontario and Quebec, provided the sum
did not exceed $1,000. Hence it was natural and easy, apart from
treaty engagements, for the government to extend this principle to
the schools of the newly acquired Northwest Territories. There
appears a memorandum of Sir John A. Macdonald, dated October 19,
1880, fixing the salary of $300 to be given each day school teacher
in Manitoba and the Territories. It also states that if the
attendance should fall short of 25 in any quarter, the teacher should
be paid at a per capita rate of $3 per quarter; in the case of
non-denominational schools, it was considered that teachers should be
paid a maximum salary of $504, or at the rate of $12 per annum for 42
pupils; if the attendance be short of this number, the teacher should
receive $3 per pupil for the quarter. The same memorandum provided
prizes or bonuses to the teachers of the five best conducted schools
in Manitoba and the Northwest.

In the annual report for 1881, Commissioner Dewdney states:--‘There
are now 20 schools and missions in the Northwest Territories, 12 of
which are receiving government aid; 9 are Church of England, 6 Roman
Catholic, 4 Canada Methodist, and 1 Presbyterian. There are now 11
school-houses under construction or completed, for which teachers
will be required during the coming season. We find considerable
difficulty in securing teachers for schools where the number of
children is small and is not likely to increase to an extent
sufficient to make the per capita remuneration attractive, and I
would recommend that in these cases a fixed sum be granted, say
two-thirds (⅔) of the maximum allowed by order in council of 19th
October, 1880.’ The same report shows that grants were paid to the
following additional schools, 10 of which were in Superintendent
Graham’s inspectorate:--

   1. Little Saskatchewan.
   2. Brokenhead.
   3. Ebb and Flow.
   4. Fairford.
   5. Lake St. Martin.
   6. Black River.
   7. Berens River.
   8. Fisher Lake.
   9. Eagle Hill.
  10. Isle à la Crosse.
  11. Onion Lake.

Inspector Graham says in the same report: ‘I find it very difficult
to secure the services of competent teachers for the schools in
Treaties 3 and 5 owing to the difficulty of getting there and the
high prices charged for provisions, &c., and being cut off from any
mail communication.’

The total amount paid by the government as salaries to teachers that
year in these 31 schools was $3,227.50, or roughly, $100 per school.

In the same appendix may be found items for building materials and
for erecting buildings at several points.

These quotations serve very well to indicate the embryonic condition
of the Indian school system, if it may be so called, in the
Northwest, and regarding which the adoption in 1884 of the industrial
school idea seems to have been a necessary growth.

Such was the general condition when in 1879 Mr. N. F. Davin was
appointed a commissioner to report on the establishment of industrial
schools in the Northwest. A comprehensive report, dated March 14,
1879, was the result of his investigations. In his conclusions he
says:--‘I should recommend at once an extensive application of the
principle of industrial boarding schools in the Northwest, were it
not that the population is so largely migratory that any great outlay
at present would be money thrown away.’ He also recommends--

1st. Wherever the missionaries have schools, those schools should be
utilized by the government if possible; that is to say, a contract
should be made with the religious body controlling the school to
board, educate and train industrially a certain number of pupils.

2nd. Not more than four industrial schools should be established at

3rd. That one be established at the junction of the north and south
Saskatchewan near Prince Albert, under the Episcopal Church.

4th. Advises one near Old Fort Bow, near the Stonies and Blackfeet.

5th. Advises that there be one at Qu’Appelle under the Roman
Catholic Church.

6th. Advises that there be one established on Riding Mountain, under
the Presbyterian Church.

The report says:--‘The importance of denominational schools at the
outset must be obvious.... Where, however, the poor Indian has been
brought face to face with polemics and settlements are divided, or
think they are divided, on metaphysical niceties, the school should
be, as at the White Earth Agency, Minnesota, undenominational.’
It further advises ‘that, as bands become more amenable to the
restraints of civilization, _education should be made compulsory_.’
Also that ‘the character of the teacher, morally and intellectually,
is a matter of vital importance; if he is morally weak, whatever his
intellectual qualifications may be, he is worse than no teacher at
all; if he is poorly instructed or feeble in brain, he only acts
every day an elaborate farce.’ The report also advises competent
inspection and that special advantages be given to boys and girls
showing special aptitudes, and finally that, ‘the salary of a teacher
must be such as will induce good men to offer themselves’ ... ‘in
the future when the manual labour boarding schools are established
institutions, these teachers, who manage these schools in a manner
toward self-support, should have a percentage in the reduction in the
cost of management.’

The report formed the basis, apparently, of the action taken
subsequently in 1883, when a grant of $44,000 was made by parliament
to establish three industrial schools.

In the annual report of 1881, Commissioner Dewdney states that he
hopes to have selections made of localities for the three proposed
industrial schools.

On July 19, 1883, an order in council was passed adopting the
recommendation of a report of the Superintendent General of Indian
Affairs by the Deputy, Mr. Vankoughnet, in which it was ordered:--

1st. That the Government buildings at Battleford be at once utilized
for the purpose of a Protestant institution, and that the Rev. T.
Clark be appointed principal at a salary of $1,200.

2nd. That the staff consist of an assistant to the principal, a
matron, a farmer and a cook, and that the assistant be a layman.

3rd. That the Commissioner determine whether the pupils be taken from
one tribe, or independently from all the bands in a given area.

4th. That the Commissioner be charged with the duty of seeing that
the buildings are fitted up.

5th. The minister recommends that a Roman Catholic industrial school
at or near Qu’Appelle be established with the same staff as at
Battleford, and that the selection of the principal be left with the
Archbishop of St. Boniface.

6th. The minister also recommends that a Roman Catholic industrial
school be established at some point in Treaty 7, and that the
selection of the principal be left to the Bishop of St. Albert.

7th. That the Commissioner’s attention be especially drawn to the
confidential report of Mr. N. F. Davin on the subject.

The maintenance of the industrial schools from the period of their
establishment in 1884 was assumed wholly by the department; while
on October 22, 1892, an order in council was passed, intended to
regulate the matter of their expenses. This document, which since
then has governed generally the management of the industrial schools,
is so important that it is inserted here:--

The following is a copy of the order in council of October 22, 1892,
providing for the carrying on of industrial schools in Manitoba and
the Northwest Territories:--

‘On a report dated 17th October, 1892, from the Superintendent
General of Indian Affairs stating that it is advisable to make a
change in the manner of carrying on those industrial schools in the
Northwest that are wholly supported by the government. The cost of
those institutions is larger, it is thought, than that for which they
might be conducted, and with a view to more economical management it
is advisable and necessary to adopt some method which would relieve
the pressure of the present expenditure and at the same time keep up
the schools to an equal standard of efficiency and usefulness.’

‘The minister considers that when the whole cost of an institution
is directly borne by the government the same economy by those in
immediate charge is not used as would be employed under other
conditions. Demands, under the present system, are frequently made
for articles and supplies, whereas if the amount to be expended were
to take the form more of an annual _per capita_ grant, more effort
in the way of economizing would be made.’

‘The minister states that the actual cost to the government, as shown
under the head of industrial schools, does not represent the total
expenditure which the present system entails, as there is a small
expense in the purchasing and inspection of supplies to be added.’

‘The accounts for the past year (1890–91) show that the _per capita_
cost of each child at the industrial schools under consideration

  Qu’Appelle      $134 67
  Battleford       175 45
  High River       185 55

‘The rate _per capita_, it is thought, is higher than it would be
if a forced system of economy were exercised, and that the best
way to effect the desired decrease would be to place the schools
under a _per capita_ grant system similar to that now in operation
at Elkhorn and St. Paul’s under Church of England authorities, St.
Boniface and Kootenay under Roman Catholic Church authorities. The
_per capita_ system under which these schools are operated by
religious bodies has been found to work satisfactorily.’

‘The minister therefore recommends that the following be applied to
the industrial schools in operation in the Northwest Territories,
and to such other similar institutions as may hereafter be
established, as soon as, in the opinion of the Indian Department,
said institutions are in proper running order, at rates to be fixed
upon as being fair and just, viz.:

(1) The buildings are to be kept in repair jointly by the government
and the management, the former to furnish the material and the latter
to perform the labour.

(2) All books and appliances, that is, maps, globes, &c., for
educational purposes, to be furnished by the government.

(3) All charges for maintenance, salaries and expenses to be paid by
the management, out of the _per capita_ grant.

(4) The management not in any event to charge children or their
parents for being allowed to attend such institutions.

(5) The government to pay to the management an annual grant for each
pupil up to the number authorized by the Indian Department, as
represented by the commissioner, at the following rates:--

  Qu’Appelle      $115 00
  Regina           120 00
  Battleford       140 00
  High River       130 00

(6) For this consideration the management shall agree to conform to
the rules of the Indian Department, as laid down from time to time,
and to keep the schools at a certain standard of instruction, dietary
and domestic comfort, and that the inspectors and officers of the
Indian Department may at any time inspect and report upon the

(7) Payment to be made only for children authorized by the
commissioner to be admitted, and in accordance with the scale now
governing payments to schools under the _per capita_ system,
which may be altered from time to time to suit circumstances, and no
children, white or Indian, are to be admitted save under authority of
the commissioner.

(8) The minister deems it desirable to put this system into
operation after a reasonable time is given to the Church authorities,
and he recommends that the first of July, 1893, be fixed as the date
upon which the _per capita_ allowances shall commence to be payable.

‘The committee submit the above for Your Excellency’s approval.’

In addition to the _per capita_ grant, the following concessions
have been made to schools established under the above order in

1. That account books, stationery and an allowance for postage will
be given those institutions.

2. That strict accounts of all expenditure incurred on behalf of each
school, supported by vouchers, will be required by the department to
be kept in each institution, and at the expiration of each year, a
revision of the rate of capitation may be made should it appear that
such a step is considered necessary.

3. In the event of pupils over and above the number already
authorized and estimated for on the capitation system, being admitted
into a school, and for whom no provision has been made, beds for
occupation by such additional pupils are to be given by the
department, if they cannot be made in the institution.

4. In the event of the erection of new buildings at the expense of
the department becoming necessary, the cost of the heating apparatus
to be included in such cost.

5. Agricultural and other implements, when considered by the
department as being unfit for further use, may be disposed of by the
officers of the institution in such manner as may be thought proper
by them.

6. The department will agree to provide sufficient grazing land for
use of each institution.

7. The department agrees to provide sufficient fencing material for
the first inclosure required, but the fences must be renewed at the
expense of the institution.

8. Medical attendance as directed by the commissioner for the pupils
of each institution will be provided and paid for by the department.

9. An advance of a sum to be agreed upon will, until further advice,
be made by the department to each institution at the commencement of
each quarter, to admit of the current expenses of that quarter being

Such then was the beginning of what may be called secondary school
education amongst the Indians of the Northwest, and this, as will be
noticed, was coincident with the construction of the Canadian Pacific
railway, which was completed across the prairie and which event the
commissioner states would facilitate the movement of pupils and

Table II.--Statement giving the Population, Indians of School
Age, and Schools and Attendance, within the different provincial
areas of the Northwest in 1905–6.

                               |  Report,  |Children|                         |  Average  |
            Agency.            |  1905–6.  |  from  |     Industrial and      |  Annual   |    Year
                               |Population.|6 to 15.|    Boarding Schools.    |Attendance.|Established.
Treaty I--                     |           |        |                         |           |
  Lower Lake Winnipeg Agency   |    2,504  |    471{| Brandon, (M.)           |      91   |    1895
                               |           |       {| Elkhorn, (C. E.)        |      71   |    1888
                               |           |        |                         |           |
Treaty II--                    |           |       {| Cecilia Jeffrey, (P.)   |      31   |    1902
  Lake Manitoba Agency         |      727  |    164{| Rat Portage, (R. C.)    |      28   |    1897
                               |           |       {| Fort Alexander, (R. C.) |      45   |
Treaty III--                   |           |        |                         |           |
  Buffalo Bay Agency           |       26  |      4 | Norway House, (M.)      |      51   |    1890
                               |           |        |                         |           |
Treaty IV--                    |           |       {| Portage la Prairie, (P.)|      23   |    1891
  Bull Agency                  |    1,217  |    274{| Sandy Bay, (R. C.)      |      35   |    1903
                               |           |       {| Pine Creek, (R. C.)     |      66   |    1890
Treaty V--                     |           |        |                         |           |
  Lake Winnipegosis Agency     |    3,479  |    796 | Birtle (P.)             |      44   |    1888
  Sioux near Portage la Prairie|      121  |     17 |                         +-----------+
                               +-----------+--------+                         |     479   |
                               |    8,074  |  1,726 |                         |           |
Treaty VI--                    |           |         |Industrial--            |           |
  Pelly Agency                 |      628  |    187  |  Qu’Appelle, (R. C.)   |     206   |    1884
  White Bear Agency            |      189  |     36  |  Regina, (P.)          |      56   |    1892
  Crooked Lake Agency          |      534  |    109  |  Battleford, (C. E.)   |      71   |    1884
                               |           |         |Boarding--              |           |
  Qu’Appelle Agency            |      860  |    140  |                        |           |
  Assiniboine Agency           |      313  |     26  |  Round Lake, (P.)      |      30   |    1887
  Touchwood Hills Agency       |      520  |     85  |  Cowessis, (R. C.)     |      44   |    1898
  Duck Lake Agency             |      945  |    228  |  File Hills, (P.)      |      16   |    1889
  Carlton Agency               |    1,608  |    413  |  Gordon’s, (C. E.)     |      24   |    1892
  Battleford Agency            |      886  |    139  |  Muscowequan, (R. C.)  |      31   |    1889
  Onion Lake Agency            |      942  |    141  |  Thunder Child, (R. C.)|      20   |    1895
                               |           |         |  Duck Lake, (R. C.)    |     100   |    1895
                               |           |         |  Prince Albert. (C. E.)|      48   |    1889
                               |           |         |  Isle à la Crosse,     |           |
                               |           |         |    (R. C.)             |      28   |    1897
                               |           |         |  Crowstand, (P.)       |      47   |    1889
                               |           |         |  Keesekoose, (R. C.)   |      22   |    1903
                               +-----------+---------+                        +-----------+
                               |    7,425  |  1,504  |                        |     735   |
Treaty VI--_Con._              |           |         |Industrial--            |           |
  Ermineskin’s Agency          |      694  |    123  |  High River, (R. C.)   |      77   |    1885
  Saddle Lake Agency           |      787  |    126  |  Calgary, (C. E.)      |      18   |    1896
  Hobbema Agency               |      691  |    113  |  Red Deer, (M.)        |      83   |    1893
                               |           |         |                        |           |
Treaty VII--                   |           |         |Boarding--              |           |
                               |           |         |  Peigan, (C. E.)       |      26   |    1893
  Blackfoot Agency             |      803  |    129  |  Sacred Heart, (R. C.) |      28   |    1895
  Sarcee Agency                |      203  |     29  |  St. Pauls, (C. E.)    |      36   |    1893
  Stony Agency                 |      660  |    156  |  Blood Reserve, (R. C.)|      38   |    1898
  Peigan Agency                |      493  |     87  |  Sarcee, (C. E.)       |      15   |    1895
  Blood Agency                 |    1,181  |    236  |  Morley, (M.)          |      33   |    1887
                               |           |         |  Blackfoot, (C. E.)    |      31   |    1884
                               |           |         |  Blackfoot, (R. C.)    |      30   |    1900
                               |           |         |  Hobbema (R. C.)       |      50   |    1895
                               |           |         |  St. Albert, (R. C.)   |      64   |    1889
                               |           |         |  Saddle Lake, (R. C.)  |      34   |    1893
                               |           |         |  Onion Lake, (C. E.)   |      11   |    1891
                               +-----------+---------+  Onion Lake, (R. C.)   |      33   |    1894
                               |    5,512  |    999  |                        +-----------+
                               +-----------+---------+                        |     612   |
             Grand total       |   21,011  |  4,212  |                        |           |

The total number in attendance at the industrial and boarding schools
visited by me is thus seen to have been 1,826 in 1905–6; while the
actual number of those present in all these in 1905–6 was 1,999. This
with the total number, 694, registered at the 74 day schools in
1905–6, gives the total school attendance in schools of every class
as 2,691.

Table III.--Statement showing Amount of School Grant and Number
of Pupils in attendance in 74 day schools in 1905–6.

             | Approp. for |        |
             |   Sal. or   |On Roll.|Attendance.
             |Annual Grant.|        |
Manitoba     | $ 13,430 00 |  1,071 |    476
Saskatchewan |    5,760 00 |    323 |    138
Alberta      |    2,700 00 |    186 |     80
             |   21,890 00 |  1,580 |    694

While the legal school age for admission is from 7 to 16 years, yet
children are admitted at 6 years, and are regularly graduated from
the industrial and boarding schools at 18 years, but the number
of persons between the ages of 7 to 17 inclusive in an average
population of 21,011 would be about 5,160, so that taking the average
attendance in all schools as 2,691, this amounts to but 52 per cent
of the Indian pupils of the ages between which children actually
attend school.

Reverting to the boarding and industrial school attendance, it is
found that a remarkable change has taken place in the relative
numbers, during the past six years.

Table IV.--Statement of Attendance at Industrial and Boarding
Schools in 1900 and in 1906.

                 | Industrial |  Boarding  |      Total
   Territory.    |  Schools.  |  Schools.  |School Attendance.
                 | 1900 |1906 | 1900 | 1906|  1900   |  1906
Manitoba         |  394 | 195 |  153 |  420|    547  |   615
N. W. Territories|  624 | 498 |  993 |1,319|  1,617  | 1,817
                 |1,018 | 693 |1,146 |1,739|  2,164  | 2,432

Thus while the total industrial and boarding school increase during
the six years was 268, the decrease in the industrial schools was
325. Where the falling off has been is seen in the following

Table V.--Statement giving Attendance at the various Industrial
Schools in 1900 and 1907, at time of visit.

Name of School.|1901|1907|Name of School.|1901|1907
Battleford     | 99 | 59 |Red Deer       | 59 |  57
Calgary        | 40 | 19 |High River     | 84 |  83
Elkhorn        | 63 | 90 |Qu’Appelle     |216 | 235
Regina         |104 | 56 |St. Boniface   | 95 |closed.
Brandon        |102 |115 |Rupert’s Land  |112 |closed.
               |408 |339 |               |566 | 375


According to instructions I visited the industrial and boarding
schools of Manitoba and the Territories, during the months of March,
April and May, inspecting 35 in all and omitting the Pine Creek and
Sandy Bay boarding schools in Manitoba, and those of Kenora and
Cecilia Jeffrey in Ontario, which could not be reached on account
of freshets and ice. Neither were the schools at Fort Chipewyan and
Wabiscow Lake visited. Summarized details with regard to the several
schools will be found in tables VII. and VIII. of this report, and in
yet more detail in the original notes herewith transmitted. As might
be expected from the history of the schools, very great differences
exist, first in the age and character of the buildings, and secondly
in the internal school and dormitory space and in their sanitary and
general equipment. But as regards the general efficiency and even
the health of the children, it has been found that the extent of
the buildings, and even the number of the staff, are by no means
necessarily the measure of the success of any particular school
either as regards the numbers in attendance, the health of the pupils
or the discipline and effectiveness of the schools.


The industrial schools now in operation, the details of the
inspection of which will be found in table VII., appended to this
report, are eight in number, and, as has been already pointed out,
have been carried on, some of them since 1884 at the cost of the
government, and with a large aggregate annual expenditure. The total
amount expended upon those in operation was $134,635.98 in 1905–6.
The original idea seems to have been to have them fairly convenient
to the railway, and yet at points about which there would be a group
of reserves, and from which their pupils were to be drawn.

As has been already statistically pointed out, there has been a very
notable falling off in the number of pupils since 1901, and this
tendency seems rather to increase than diminish. The reasons seem
chiefly to be:--

1. The distance of the schools from the reserves.

2. The ineffectiveness of the staff in several instances.

3. The lack in practical success of the pupils after graduation.

4. The dependence of the number of pupils upon the co-operation of
the staffs of the boarding schools and upon the canvassing activity
of the principals of the industrial schools.

5. The lack of interest of Indian agents in schools at great
distances from their particular reserves.

6. The dislike of the parents to have their children so far from

7. The great increase and enlargement of the boarding schools on or
near the reserves.

With, perhaps, the exception of that of Brandon school, every
principal expressed the same opinion regarding the difficulty of
obtaining and retaining pupils, and all seem to feel that the
obligation, in practice if not in theory, which is placed upon them
of gathering pupils is not only disagreeable, but is further one
which takes them from their proper duties as administrators of the
school. However much force there may be in this contention, the fact
yet remains that it is only in four instances, those of Qu’Appelle,
High River, Brandon and Elkhorn, that the schools as regards either
numbers or effectiveness can be said to have held their own, and that
it is only in these that efficient staffs, energetic principals and
good discipline are to be found. When so remarkable and successful a
principal as Rev. Father Naessens, of High River, has to say that he
finds it difficult to maintain the number of his pupils, although
situated within the area whence he can draw from three of the largest
reserves, the Blackfeet, Bloods and Peigans, on all of which there
are Roman Catholic boarding schools, and when he says he is now
convinced that his school in order to do the best for his pupils,
ought, contrary to his former view, to be situated on or adjoining
some reserve, it seems evident that with boarding schools increasing
in numbers and in efficiency, the successful continuation of the
industrial schools under the present form must become increasingly
difficult and expensive.


The origin and history of these schools, which have grown up as it
were between the two original types of schools, the day and the
industrial, is most interesting and instructive. The details of the
inspection of these schools will be found in table VIII., appended to
this report. A reference to table I will show that in 1886 scarcely a
single boarding school existed and that to-day we find their number
to be 38, with a total cost to the department of $98,688, and the
total pupils 1905–6, 1,739 as compared with (see tables III. and IV.)
694 in 74 day schools, and 693 in 8 industrial schools. It seems
evident, therefore, that there are in these boarding schools some
strong essentially vital forces which have enabled them to force
their way into their present dominant position. Summarized, these
seem to be:--

1. Their location on, or in immediate proximity to, some Indian

2. That with a few exceptions they have attached to them considerable
tracts of land, and are engaged in some instances even more
successfully than the industrial schools in agricultural operations
and practical outdoor work.

3. That their principals or some members of their establishment,
being usually missionaries, are more or less constantly and closely
in touch with the parents, whose children are to keep up the
supply of pupils, and who, if they be of the right spirit, are
constantly cultivating an interest in and sympathy for the school
amongst the members of the band, such as is impossible for the
principals of industrial schools unassociated with the reserves and
long distances from them.

4. The influence of a good master and spiritual adviser follows him,
the pupil, to the reserve, where he is encouraged and directed in
establishing himself in his future occupation on the reserve.

5. The usually smaller schools, less complex in their organization,
possess more of the elements of the family life of a home, and
necessarily the influence of the principal, matron and staff is
greater in the degree that their personality enters into the life of
the pupil.


When we know that it is only within the last ten years that what is
known as the ‘medical inspection of schools’ has been undertaken in
the largest urban populations of this continent, it might be said
that it is not to be wondered at that in our Indian schools but
little of this work could hitherto have been expected. But the
circumstances in the two cases are quite different. In the public
school everywhere the child returns to its parents at night and they
are naturally chiefly responsible for its health. On the other hand,
our industrial and boarding schools have been for the full term of
residence in them the home of the child, and for his health the staff
of the school is immediately responsible. Not only so, but this fact
has been recognized by the government, which has for many years
appointed and paid medical officers for supervising the health of the
children. Nevertheless, it was natural, under what may be termed the
accidental circumstances under which, especially the day and boarding
schools were begun, and owing to the lack of any system under which
they came under government inspection that those teachers accustomed
daily to mingling with the Indians in camp would not exercise any
fine discrimination as to the degree of health of those admitted to
school. When in addition, in almost every instance, it was found
difficult to maintain the school attendance up to the number allowed
upon which the per capita payment was made, it is not surprising that
cases of scrofula and other forms of constitutional disease were
admitted into the schools. Such cases, under the defective sanitary
condition of many schools, especially in the matter of ventilation,
have been the foci from which disease, especially tubercular, has
spread, whether through direct infection, from person to person, or
indirectly through the infected dust of floors, school-rooms and
dormitories. That the actual situation has not been fully realized,
either by the staffs of the schools or by the medical officers except
in a few instances is shown by the reports received from month to
month and year to year by the department. This fact was fully borne
out by my own experience during the recent inspection. Principals and
teachers and even physicians were at times inclined to question or
minimize the dangers of infection from scrofulous or consumptive
pupils and nothing less than peremptory instructions as to how to
deal with cases of disease existing in the schools will eliminate
this ever-present danger of infection.

One of my special instructions was to obtain a statistical statement
of the past history and present condition of the health of the
children who have been pupils at the different schools. A list of
questions was, therefore, left with each principal, requiring that
they be answered and sent directly to my address in Ottawa. It is to
be regretted that more have not, up to date, been received, but the
following table from fifteen schools supplies much valuable
information and food for thought.

Table VI.--Statement giving the Physical Condition of Present
and Discharged Pupils of Indian Industrial and Boarding Schools.

                                      |            |            |Condition of Pupils now in Schools |  Present Condition of all Pupils.    |      Present Condition of Ex-Pupils.
          Boarding Schools.           |            |            |          or Discharged.           |                                      |
                                      |    When    |   Total    +------+-------------+--------------+------------+------------+------------+----------------+------------+------------
                                      |established.|Admissions. | Good.|    Sick.    |    Dead.     |    Good.   |    Sick.   |    Dead.   |     Good.      |    Sick.   |    Dead.
                                      |            |            |      |             |              |Number |p.c.|Number |p.c.|Number |p.c.|Number     |p.c.|Number |p.c.|Number |p.c.
                                      |            |            |      |             |              |of     |    |of     |    |of     |    |of         |    |of     |    |of     |
                                      |            |            |      |             |              |pupils.|    |pupils |    |pupils.|    |pupils.    |    |pupils.|    |pupils.|
                                      |            |            |      |             |              |       |    |       |    |       |    |           |    |       |    |       |
Birtle                                |    1888    |     187    | 42   |     6       |              |  112  | 60 |   58  |  9 |   57  | 30 |           |    |       |    |       |
File Hills                            |    1889    |31 Ex-pupils|      |             |              |       |    |       |    |       |    |          9| 29 |   1   |  3 |   21  | 69
Emmanuel College (Prince Albert)      |    1889    |     151    | 71   |    17       |    1         |   99  | 65 |   20  | 15 |   32  | 20 |           |    |       |    |       |
                                      |            |            |      |41 at school.|              |       |    |       |    |       |    |           |    |       |    |       |
                                      |            |            |      |22 unknown.  |              |       |    |       |    |       |    |           |    |       |    |       |
Church of England (Blood Reserve)     |    1891    |      82    | 54   |     7       |5 unknown.    |   48  | 58 |    8  |  9 |   26  | 30 |           |    |       |    |       |
    C. E.    (Peigan Reserve)         |    1892    |     119    |      |             |              |   32  | 16 |    7  |  5 |   48  | 30 |Unknown, 22| 19 |       |    |       |
    C. E.    (Sarcee)                 |    1892    |      57    | 22   |    12       |10 died within|   32  | 56 |    5  |  8 |   20  | 35 |           |    |       |    |       |
                                      |            |            |      |             |  few weeks of|       |    |       |    |       |    |           |    |       |    |       |
                                      |            |            |      |             |  leaving.    |       |    |       |    |       |    |           |    |       |    |       |
Onion Lake (Church of England)        |    1893    |      61    |      |             |              |   52  | 85 |    2  |  3 |    7  |5·11|           |    |       |    |       |
Blackfoot      (C. E.)                |    1889    |     129    | 54   |    18       |    11        |   70  | 54 |    8  |  7 |   51  | 40 |           |    |       |    |       |
Blood                (Roman Catholic) |    1898    |      71    |      |             |              |   54  | 76 |    2  |  2 |   14  | 20 | 1 unknown.|    |       |    |       |
Peigan                 (R. C.)        |    1896    |      56    |      |             |              |   36  | 62 |    4  |  7 |   16  | 30 |           |    |       |    |       |
Ermine Skin             (R. C.)       |    1895    |     124    |      |             |              |   72  | 57 |   28  | 20 |   14  | 11 | 7 unknown.|    |       |    |       |
St. Albert Orphanage    (R. C.)       |    1887    |     254    |208   |    46       |              |  195  | 76 |   18  |  7 |   38  | 15 | 8 unknown.|    |       |    |       |
Onion Lake              (R. C.)       |    1894    |     124    | 49·40|  20·16      |  10·80       |   84  | 67 |   11  |  9 |   25  | 20 |           |    |       |    |       |
Muscowequan             (R. C.)       |    1889    |      64    |      |             |              |   39  | 60 |    7  | 10 |   10  | 18 |           |    |       |    |       |
Keeseekoose             (R. C.)       |    1905    |      30    |      |             |              |   25  | 83 |    4  |  3 |    4  | 13 |           |    |       |    |       |

Allowing for the defective way in which the returns have been made,
some returning the present condition of all pupils in school and of
all discharged as far as ascertained, while others have returned only
the status of ex-pupils, it appears that of 1,537 pupils returned
from 15 schools which have been in operation on an average of
fourteen years, 7 per cent are sick or in poor health and 24 per cent
are reported dead. But a close analysis of some of the returns
reveals an intimate relationship between the health of the pupils
while in the school and that of their early death subsequent to
discharge. Thus, of a total of 31 discharged from the File Hills
school, 9 died at the school, of 6 others there is no record of
condition on discharge, but all are reported to be dead, 7 others
died from within a few months to three years after discharge and 9
are reported as in good health, 7 being farmers or their wives at
the File Hills Colony, 1 a student, and 1 at Coté’s reserve. It is
most interesting to note that but 7 have been discharged during the
past 5 years and that of these 5 are File Hills Colony farmers, and
2 are dead. In every instance where the cause of the 21 deaths was
known, it is given as consumption or tuberculosis. I have referred in
detail to this school because of the definiteness of statement made,
giving an accurate picture of a school probably no worse than many
others, and within the last 5 years, under its present management,
notably better than many others. Changes in the principal and staff
of a school and lack of interest in discharged pupils make many
school records defective, and nothing less than a carefully carried
out correspondence could give us absolute data regarding all the
discharged pupils of the schools. It suffices for us to know,
however, that of a total of 1,537 pupils reported upon nearly 25 per
cent are dead, of one school with an absolutely accurate statement,
69 per cent of ex-pupils are dead, and that everywhere the almost
invariable cause of death given is tuberculosis. Wherever an answer
is given to the question, ‘Condition of child on entry?’ it is
either not answered or given as ‘good’; so that we have during a
fifteen year period of school history, a study full of information
from the medical standpoint. A reference to the details contained in
tables VII. and VIII. shows that with but two or three exceptions no
serious attempt at the ventilation of dormitories or school-rooms has
hitherto been made; that the air-space of both is, in the absence of
regular and sufficient ventilation, extremely inadequate; that for at
least 7 months in the long winter of the west, double sashes are on
the windows in order to save fuel and maintain warmth and that for
some 10 continuous hours children are confined in dormitories, the
air of which, if pure to start with, has within 15 minutes become
polluted, so as to be capable of detection by ordinary chemical
tests. It is apparent that general ill health from the continued
inspiration of an air of increasing foulness is inevitable; but
when sometimes consumptive pupils and, very frequently, others with
discharging scrofulous glands, are present to add an infective
quality to the atmosphere, we have created a situation so dangerous
to health that I was often surprised that the results were not even
worse than they have been shown statistically to be. On the other
hand, there were two or three instances where the knowledge that
fresh air or oxygen is life has been positively realized, and where
fresh air is allowed to so pour into the dormitories that the air
breathed is that of the outer atmosphere. One principal in an
otherwise indifferent old school building said: ‘The medical officer
has not been here for eighteen months, for no one has been sick,
for when the wind is in the east we open the west windows and when
in the west we open the east and leave them open all night.’ But,
however far one particularly clear-headed man may push this modern
gospel of fresh air, it is apparent that it is everywhere the
old-fashioned buildings, their very varied and imperfect methods of
heating and an almost complete lack of a knowledge of the meaning
of ventilation and of methods for accomplishing it in the different
schools, that are responsible for this most serious condition which
has been demonstrated and which demands an immediate remedy.

What further was very noticeable was the almost complete absence of
any drill or manual exercises amongst the boys or calisthenics or
breathing exercises amongst the girls. One would suppose that in
boarding schools the need for such exercises would be looked upon as
an elementary necessity; but it was found that it was only in some
isolated cases that it had ever been heard of or put into practice.
And yet the disciplinary value of such exercises, apart wholly from
their health value, is so obvious that one was not surprised at the
remark of that remarkable woman the Mother Superior of the St. Albert
Orphanage, who said that the musical tambourine drill (which I had
the pleasure of witnessing) was the first means she had discovered
of making the Indian children stand erect and raise their eyes.
Perhaps however, remembering the very varied types of teachers, the
difficulty often experienced in obtaining permanent ones of high
quality, and the sources from which they are drawn, it may be
expecting too much to suppose that so elementary a necessity of
school hygiene as physical exercises should have been a regular
part of the course in these schools.

    _Chief Medical Officer_.

  Ottawa, June 19, 1907.


                    |                          |        Elkhorn         |      Qu’Appelle        |        Regina          |        Battleford      |                                 |      Calgary Industrial       |         Red Deer
                    |        Brandon.          |    Industrial, Church  |   Industrial, Roman    |  Industrial School.    |  Industrial, Church of |     High River Industrial.      |            School.            |     Industrial School,
                    |                          |       of England.      |       Catholic.        |                        |         England.       |                                 |                               |         Methodist.
Material in         |                          |                        |                        |                        |                        | Brick ven. (girls), frame       | Stone, not in good condition, | Stone and brick well
  building.         | Brick and frame          | Brick                  | Brick                  | Brick                  | Frame                  |   (boys).                       |   floors mostly good.         |   constructed.
                    |                          |                        |                        |                        |                        |                                 |                               |
Heating             | Furnace                  | Hot water boilers and  | Steam                  | Furnaces               | Furnace and stoves     | Furnace and stoves              |                               | Smead Dowd in parts and
                    |                          |   some stoves.         |                        |                        |                        |                                 |                               |   stoves.
                    |                          |                        |                        |                        |                        |                                 |                               |
Water               | Wells and windmills.     | Well and gasoline      | Lake Qu’Appelle and    | Wells unsatisfactory.  | Wells pumped to tank.  | Well engine pumps to tanks.     | 2 Pease combined hot air      | H. P. pump from wells
                    |                          |   pumping engine,      |   well.                |   No soft water.       |                        |                                 |   and water. Had to close     |   to tank water to
                    |                          |   1½ h.p.              |                        |                        |                        |                                 |   up rooms. (Cold). Well      |   basins in kitchen.
                    |                          |                        |                        |                        |                        |                                 |   (good).                     |
                    |                          |                        |                        |                        |                        |                                 |                               |
Sewerage            | Outdoor earth closets    | Outdoor earth closets  | Water closets indoors, | Baths and sinks drain  | Outdoor privy vaults.  | Baths and basins indoors, w.    | W. C. sewer to river,         | Outdoor dry earth
                    |                          |                        |   separate             |   to cesspool. No      |                        |   c. in dormitories, outdoor    |   protected against reflex    |   closets.
                    |                          |                        |   tank.                |   indoor closets,      |                        |   earth closets.                |   in high water.              |
                    |                          |                        |                        |   outside box closets. |                        |                                 |                               |
                    |                          |                        |                        |                        |                        |                                 |                               |
Ventilation         |  Smead Dowd system       | Most windows vented    | Very inadequate        | No special attempt at  | Windows and openings   | Windows, 2 stoppers in chimneys | No special means but windows. | Smead Dowd in partial
                    |    on bluff.             |   in central shaft in  |   small vents in large |   ventilation.         |   in attic. Not good.  |   closed very inadequate.       |   Air space adequate          |   operation in many rooms
                    |                          |   part.                |   dormitories.         |                        |                        |                                 |   for number present.         |   very defective.
                    |                          |                        |                        |                        |                        |                                 |                               |
Location            | Overlooking Assiniboine  | Near Elkhorn town      | Beautiful location in  | Fine site near creek.  | ‘Beautiful’ on bluff   | In beautiful valley of High     | 4 miles from Calgary in       | Beautiful location on
                    |   at Brandon.            |                        |   Qu’Appelle valley.   |                        |   over Battle river.   |   River.                        |   valley of Bow river.        |   banks of Red Deer.
                    |                          |                        |                        |                        |                        |                                 |                               |
Land                | 320 acres                | 380 acres              | 5 acres in valley, ¾   | 920 acres two miles    |  640 acres             | 100 acres mostly in valley and  | 275 acres                     | 640 acres for hay, plus
                    |                          |                        |   section on bluff.    |   from Regina.         |                        |   balance of 1,550 is bluffs.   |                               |   500 acres.
                    |                          |                        |                        |                        |                        |                                 |                               |
Cultivation         | 166 acres                | 75 acres in addition   | 350 acres              | 131                    |  About 100             | 138 acres                       | About ¼ cultivated. No        | 325 acres.
                    |                          |   to grounds.          |                        |                        |                        |                                 |   school this year, all boys  |
                    |                          |                        |                        |                        |                        |                                 |   working.                    |
                    |                          |                        |                        |                        |                        |                                 |                               |
Products            | See annual report.       | 1,200 bush. wheat,     | 130 wheat, 125 oats,   | 2,300 oats, 80 barley, | 60 Acres, 6 acres of   | 14 acres wheat, 1,000 tons      | See annual report.            | 2,000 wheat, 2,000 oats,
                    | Wheat, barley, oats,     |   640 oats, 300 barley,|   barley, potatoes.    |   1,500 wheat, 300     |   garden and potatoes. |   hay, 20 acres turnips, 60     |                               |   1,000 barley, 1,500
                    |   &c.                    |   350 potatoes, and    |                        |   potatoes.            |                        |   acres of oats, 34 acres       |                               |   potatoes, 25 flax.
                    |                          |   vegetables.          |                        |                        |                        |   barley and large garden.      |                               |
                    |                          |                        |                        |                        |                        |                                 |                               |
Grant               |                          |                        |                        | Wholly by government.  |                        |                                 |                               |
                    |                          |                        |                        |                        |                        |                                 |                               |
Fire-escapes        | Pipe with hose           | McRobie’s, 2 babcocks  | McRobie, extra escapes | McRobie fire           | Tank fire hose, broad  | Tanks, pipes and hose,          | Standpipe and hose from tank, | None, except stairs and
                    |                          |   hose to all floors.  |   to verandahs.        |   extinguishers.       |   gallery. Good.       |   babcock extinguisher.         |   also fire extinguishers.    |   windows to balcony.
                    |                          |                        |                        |                        |                        |                                 |                               |
Established         | 1887                     | 1888                   | 1884                   | 1891                   | 1884                   | 1884, 1890 (boys)               | 1896                          | 1893
                    |                          |                        |                        |                        |                        |                                 |                               |
Founder             | By government. Staff     | By government. Staff   | By government.         | By government.         | Government. Staff (9). | Government. Staff (10)          | By government. Staff (6).     | By government (cost
                    |   (8).                   |   (10). Total salary,  |   Staff (16).          |   Staff (8).           |                        |                                 |                               |   $60,000). Staff (7).
                    |                          |   $5,818.              |                        |                        |                        |                                 |                               |
                    |                          |                        |                        |                        |                        |                                 |                               |
Accommodation       | 25                       | 100                    | 230                    | 100                    | 80                     | 125                             | 40 allowed, 45 in June,       | 80
                    |                          |                        |                        |                        |                        |                                 |   1898.                       |
                    |                          |                        |                        |                        |                        |                                 |                               |
Attendance          | 98                       | 97                     | 235                    | 56                     | 59                     | 45 (boys), 38 (girls)           | 19 boys                       | 78, July, 1906.
                    |                          |                        |                        |                        |                        |                                 |                               |
School population   | Not on reserve           | Not on reserve         | Near reserve           | Not on reserve         | Not on reserve 15      | Not on reserve. Difficult       | Not on reserve, nearest 13    | Not near any reserve.
                    |                          |                        |                        |                        |   miles from nearest.  |   to get. Pupils rather         |   miles.                      |
                    |                          |                        |                        |                        |                        |   decreasing in number.         |                               |
                    |                          |                        |                        |                        |                        |                                 |                               |
Age of pupils       | 4 to 18                  | 12 to 18               | 7 to 18                | 10–18                  | 6–18                   | 14–19                           | 13–18                         |
                    |                          |                        |                        |                        |                        |                                 |                               |
Number entered,     | 4                        | Two or three           |                        | 4                      | 4                      | Three (3)                       | None. Reduced from 27         |
1906–7.             |                          |                        |                        |                        |                        |                                 |   to 16.                      |
                    |                          |                        |                        |                        |                        |                                 |                               |
Discharged, 1906–7. | 3 to leave for colony.   | 7 discharged, none on  |                        | 5                      | Number grown up and    | 7 discharged                    | 11, 1 ran away, 1 stole       |
                    |   2 tubercular phthisis. |   account of sickness. |                        |                        |   left last year.      |                                 |   horses.                     |
                    |                          |                        |                        |                        |                        |                                 |                               |
No. tuberculized    | 2 with glands, 2 with    | Two (2)                | 15 sick with scrofula  | 4 scrofula             | None noticed, 10 with  | 7 girls, 4 boys                 | Two (2), (1 one sent to       | Four with scrofulous
                    |   eye trouble.           |                        |   and 1 consumptive.   |                        |   impetigo contagiosa. |                                 |   Morley Sanatorium).         |   glands (4).
                    |                          |                        |                        |                        |                        |                                 |                               |
Deaths, 1906–7      | None                     | One (1)                |                        | One (1)                |                        | No deaths in last two years.    | One died (1).                 | Six died (6).



             Name.           |   Material in    |   How heated.  |  Source of Water Supply. |Method of Sewage Disposal. |   Quality of Ventilation.   |        Location.        |   Amount of Land.  |   Amount Cultivated.    |      Amount of Products      |      Fire Protection.   |  When begun.  |By whom built.|Accommodation. |     Present     |    Present School     | Age of  |Number entered |  Number discharged  |      How many Tuberculized.      | How many Died
                             |    building.     |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |               |              |               |   Attendance.   |Population on Reserve. | Pupils. |   1906–1907.  |      1906–1907.     |                                  |   1906–1907.
Morley.                      |Frame addn. 1900; |2 very old      |Spring; flows to building.|W. C. indoors drain to     |Very poor; 1 fresh air pipe, |On a hillside, 6 miles   |1,437 stony.        |Only 10 acres. Hopes to  |No statement; garden stuff.   |Pipe and hose.           |1887.          |Methodist Ch. |45 allowed.    |16 boys; 17      |100 pupils.            |6 to 18  |7 pupils.      |3 pupils.            |5 by exam. Dr. Lafferty reports   |None.
                             |very much out of  |furnaces.       |                          |ravine. Also outdoor W. C. |3-in., drawing foul air to   |from Morley Stn.         |                    |have 100 acres; green    |                              |                         |               |              |Boys’ ward now |girls.           |                       |years.   |               |                     |20 per cent.                      |
                             |repair; floors    |                |                          |Baths.                     |furnace to be reheated.      |                         |                    |fodder.                  |                              |                         |               |              |over-crowded   |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
                             |old.              |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |               |              |with 16.       |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
Sarcee Bdg. Schl.            |Old frame         |Stoves.         |Water by pipe to kitchen  |Buckets to carry away      |Old, small windows in low    |On Sarcee reserve in a   |Small garden.       |Only the garden.         |                              |                         |               |By C. E.      |25 allowed.    |5 boys; 6 girls. |12 on reserve not at   |6 to 14  |1 pupil.       |                     |1 died after being sent home.     |1 died. A
                             |building.         |                |from windmill; this out   |slops; outdoor earth       |dormitories.                 |valley of Elbow.         |                    |                         |                              |                         |               |              |               |                 |schl.                  |years.   |               |                     |                                  |number died in
                             |                  |                |of order.                 |closets.                   |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |1905-6 of T.B.
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
Blackfoot. (Old Suns) C. E.  |Frame.            |Stoves.         |Wells; all bad.           |Outdoor privies.           |Only windows; very           |On river bottom.         |On reserve, 7 acres.|2 acres.                 |Only garden stuff.            |                         |1884 old       |By C. E.      |50 allowed.    |17 boys; 18      |                       |6 to 15  |               |                     |Only 3 pupils not under care of   |1.
Bdg. Schl.                   |                  |                |                          |                           |defective; crowded           |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |bldg.; 1894    |              |               |girls.           |                       |years.   |               |                     |physician. Most are tuberculized. |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |dormitories.                 |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |boys’ bldg.    |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |So many were sick at hospital     |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |closed in 1901.|              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |that the classes were interrupted.|
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
Blackfoot. (Crowfoot) R. C.  |Frame.            |1 furnace; rest |1 well; not used; has     |Outdoor privy closets.     |Only windows; no evidence of |In valley of Bow river.  |5 acres.            |3 acres garden; 2        |Only garden produce.          |No fire-escapes, except  |1900.          |By R. C.;     |30 allowed.    |33 pupils.       |                       |6 to 16  |               |                     |Health fair; general health       |
Bdg. Schl.                   |                  |stoves.         |caved in; water brought 1 |                           |any attempt to ventilate.    |                         |                    |potatoes.                |                              |inside stairs.           |               |govt. gave    |               |                 |                       |years.   |               |                     |indifferent.                      |
                             |                  |                |mile from river.          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |               |$2,500.       |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
Blood (St. Pauls) C. E. Bdg. |Frame and logs.   |Stoves.         |Good driven well in       |Outdoor privies.           |Only windows; no attempt at  |In valley of Belly river |161 acres.          |25 ac.; 2,500 trees      |Garden products and oats.     |No fire-escapes, except  |1893.          |By the Ch. of |80 pupils.     |33 pupils.       |162 pupils.            |6 to 17  |               |                     |No sickness this year says Dr.    |None.
Schl.                        |                  |                |gravel.                   |                           |adequate ventilation.        |opposite Blood reserve.  |                    |planted; grounds graded. |                              |inside stairs; no        |               |England.      |               |                 |                       |years.   |               |                     |Edwards.                          |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |extinguishers.           |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
Blood (R. C.) Bdg. Schl.     |Frame.            |2 furnaces.     |Well with force pump to   |Outside privies.           |Windows; vents in attic      |In valley of Belly       |10 acres.           |8 acres.                 |2 acres of garden; 6 potatoes.|None except inside       |In 1885 a      |By R. C. Ch.  |42 pupils.     |42 pupils.       |162 pupils.            |6 to 17  |               |                     |Health good, according to Dr.     |None.
                             |                  |                |kitchen.                  |                           |closed.                      |river, on reserve.       |                    |                         |                              |stairs.                  |mission.       |              |               |                 |                       |years.   |               |                     |Edwards.                          |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |Present        |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |school, 1895.  |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
Peigan (C. E.) Bdg. Schl.    |Frame.            |Pease furnaces. |Good well.                |Outdoor privy vaults.      |Windows and vents into attic |On Powder creek, just    |40 acres.           |Only 2 ac. (garden)      |Garden produce.               |Only inside stairs.      |1898;          |By the Ch. of |30 pupils.     |31 pupils.       |                       |6 to 17  |               |                     |3 with scrofulous glands.         |2.
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |either end. Attic windows    |outside res’ve.          |                    |cultivated.              |                              |                         |previously a   |England.      |               |                 |                       |years.   |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |open; good attempt.          |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |mission and    |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |day school.    |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
Peigan (Sacred Heart) R. C.  |Frame.            |Stoves.         |Good well.                |Outdoor privies.           |No attempt at ventilation.   |In valley of Old Man’s   |2 acres.            |2 acres.                 |Garden products.              |Only inside stairs.      |1897;          |By R. C. Ch.  |30 pupils.     |34 pupils.       |                       |5 to 16  |               |                     |2 with scrofulous glands.         |1.
Bdg. Schl.                   |                  |                |                          |                           |Crowded dormitories.         |river on reserve.        |                    |                         |                              |                         |previously was |              |               |                 |                       |years    |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |a mission and  |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |day school.    |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
Hobbema (Ermineskin) R. C.   |Frame.            |Stoves.         |1 well; cistern in attic. |Outdoor privies.           |No ventilation save by one   |On the reserve.          |160 acres.          |40 acres.                |10 ac. potatoes; garden stuff.|2 canvas tubes; good.    |In 1881 was    |By R. C. Ch.  |50 pupils.     |54 pupils.       |                       |5 to 16  |               |                     |1 with T.B.; 2 with scrofulous    |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |6-in. duct.                  |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |a mission;     |              |               |                 |                       |years.   |               |                     |glands.                           |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |since 1895     |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |a boarding     |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |school.        |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
St. Albert Bdg. Schl. and    |Frame.            |Furnaces and    |Well. Engine to tanks;    |Outdoor privies; some      |No adequate ventilation;     |Beautiful site on bank   |320 acres.          |200 acres.               |Bushels:--1,250 barley; 4,520 |Outside verandah for     |1889.          |By R. C. Ch.  |230 in all.    |68 pupils.       |Not on res.            |5 to 18  |               |                     |A number.                         |
Orphanage.                   |                  |stoves.         |hot and cold water.       |indoor closets.            |some vents open in ceiling;  |of Sturgeon river near   |                    |                         |oats; 1,500 wheat; 2,035      |escapes; good.           |               |              |               |(Indians         |                       |years.   |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |dormitories all over-crowded.|village of St. Albert.   |                    |                         |potatoes. (4 men work here)   |                         |               |              |               |educated in part |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |               |              |               |with whites.)    |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
Saddle Lake, R. C. (Blue     |Frame.            |Stoves.         |3 wells, 1 with broken    |Outdoor privies.           |Windows; have opening into   |Good site on high ground |6 acres.            |3 acres; as garden.      |Garden stuff.                 |Outer stairway to lobby. |A mission      |By Ch.        |40.            |48.              |                       |5 to 16. |3.             |                     |6 with scrofulous glands.         |
Quill)                       |                  |                |windmill; not very        |                           |attic--closed, rooms close.  |on reserve.              |                    |                         |                              |                         |until 1891.    |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |satisfactory supply.      |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
Onion Lake, (St. Barnabas)   |Frame.            |Stoves.         |Well in bakery; good      |Outdoor privies.           |Windows only; girls’         |Fine location, near      |10 acres on reserve.|2 in garden; 8 in oats.  |Garden stuff.                 |Fire-exting’rs.          |In 1891 a day  |By Ch.        |50.            |16; also 37      |                       |5 to 17. |               |                     |1 boy with scrofulous glands.     |
C. E. Schl.                  |                  |                |supply.                   |                           |school-room crowded; boys’   |agency on reserve.       |                    |                         |                              |Balconies.               |school bdg.    |              |               |whites and       |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |good.                        |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |schl. since    |              |               |half-breeds.     |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |1896.          |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
Onion Lake, (Sacred Heart)   |Frame.            |Stoves.         |Good well and cistern.    |Outdoor privies.           |Windows; some openings into  |Fine location, near      |4 acres.            |2 in garden; some oats.  |Garden stuff.                 |No fire-escapes; are     |1895.          |              |60.            |35 and 17        |                       |6 to 17  |3.             |1.                   |2.                                |1.
R. C. Schl.                  |                  |                |                          |                           |attic, closed.               |agency on reserve.       |                    |                         |                              |fire-extinguishers.      |               |              |               |half-breeds.     |                       |years.   |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
Thunderchild, (Delmas) R. C. |Frame.            |Stoves.         |Well.                     |Outdoor privies.           |Only windows; no attempt at  |On ¼ section adjoining   |100 acres.          |Good crops on the farm.  |Good crops.                   |2 exting. inside stairs, |1901, a        |By Ch.        |20.            |22.              |                       |6 to 16. |               |                     |1 with consumption, 1 with sc.    |
Schl.                        |                  |                |                          |                           |ventilation.                 |reserve.                 |                    |                         |                              |no escapes.              |bdg. school    |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |glds. (both boys.)                |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |originally     |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |started in     |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |1879.          |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
Emmanuel Col. (Prince        |Frame.            |Stoves.         |Wells.                    |Outdoor earth boxes.       |Windows; no special means.   |At suburb of town.       |200 acres in town;  |65 acres.                |Wheat, oats and vegetables.   |No special escapes; only |1895, a day    |By Ch.        |100.           |47.              |Not on reserve.        |6 to 18. |6 on acct. of  |6 on acct. of poor   |None present; had been sent away. |1 of T.B.
Albert) C. E. Schl.          |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |belongs to Ch.      |                         |                              |stairs.                  |school.        |              |               |                 |                       |         |poor health.   |health.              |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
Duck Lake (R. C. Schl.)      |Frame.            |3 furnaces.     |Wells.                    |Girls’ closets off         |Rooms crowded; air reheated  |Located 1 mile from Duck |100 acres. Govt.    |60 acres.                |300 bush. wheat, barley and   |Only inside stairs.      |1895.          |Was a mission |100.           |106.             |Not very far from      |7 to 18. |3.             |5 to leave this year.|No. scr., 1 with apparent T.B.    |1 died of T.B.
                             |                  |                |                          |dormitories but outside.   |by furnaces. Poor.           |Lake station.            |land; ½ sec. of Ch. |                         |oats.                         |                         |               |first, then   |               |                 |res., 2 or 3 whites.   |         |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |Outdoor privies for boys.  |                             |                         |land near by.       |                         |                              |                         |               |by Govt.      |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
Gordon’s C. E. Bdg. Schl.    |Frame and logs.   |Stoves.         |Wells.                    |Outdoor privies.           |Only windows; air space good.|On 3½ acres on reserve.  |½ sec. owned by     |5 acres.                 |Oats; potatoes and vegetables.|Only stairs.             |1890.          |Was a church  |35.            |29.              |                       |6 to 16. |8.             |1.                   |3 with scrf., 2 treated in        |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |scl. lying 1½ miles |                         |                              |                         |               |mission first.|               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |Touchwood Tent Hospital.          |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |distant.            |                         |                              |                         |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
Muscowequan (Touchwood) R.   |Stone and logs.   |Stoves.         |Wells; by windmill to     |Outdoor privies.           |Windows and attic openings;  |On Ch. land adjoining    |2½ sec.             |110 acres.               |Bushels. Wheat, 1,600. Oats   |Tank in attic with hose; |1895.          |By Ch.        |30.            |33.              |                       |7 to 18. |               |                     |3.                                |
C. Schl.                     |                  |                |tank.                     |                           |some attempt at ventilation. |reserve.                 |                    |                         |1,200. Barley 250. Hay 250    |no special protection.   |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |tons, potatoes and vegetables.|                         |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
Crooked Lake (Cowessess) R.  |Frame.            |Steam boiler.   |Wells and gas engine.     |Outdoor privies, drain to  |Mainly windows; some vents   |In valley of Qu’Appelle. |¼ sec.; 40 acres in |100 acres.               |Bushels. Wheat 2,000. Oats    |Tank in attic with hose; |1898.          |By Ch. asst.  |65.            |45.              |                       |6 to 16. |               |2 sent to Qu’Appelle |2.                                |
C. Schl.                     |                  |                |                          |river.                     |to attic.                    |                         |valley.             |                         |800. Potatoes 400.            |no outside escapes.      |               |by Gov’t.     |               |                 |                       |         |               |for operati’n.       |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
Round Lake, Pres. Scl.       |Frame.            |Furnace and     |Wells; also river.        |Outdoor closets.           |Windows only; but left open  |In valley of Qu’Appelle. |320 acres.          |100 acres.               |All in farm crops.            |No special escapes.      |1884.          |By Ch.        |80 (too many.) |36.              |                       |6 to 18. |               |None.                |None.                             |None.
                             |                  |stoves.         |                          |                           |systematically.              |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
Keesekoose (St. Philippe) R. |Frame and logs.   |Stoves.         |Wells; insufficient.      |Outdoor privies.           |Windows only.                |Adjoining Keesekoose     |160 acres.          |30 acres.                |Wheat, oats, barley and       |No special provision.    |1901.          |By Ch.        |30.            |25.              |                       |6 to 16. |               |None.                |None.                             |None.
C. Schl.                     |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |reserve.                 |                    |                         |potatoes.                     |                         |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
Crowstand (Pres.) Bdg. Scl.  |Frame.            |Furnace.        |Wells and windmill.       |Outdoor privies.           |Windows and vents shafts     |On brow of hill          |380 acres.          |75 acres.                |Bushels. Wheat 725, Oats      |No special provision.    |1889.          |By Ch.        |50.            |45.              |                       |6 to 17. |               |2.                   |3.                                |None.
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |from most rooms; fair.       |overlooking Assiniboine  |                    |                         |2,200. Barley, ----           |                         |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |river. On farm adjoining |                    |                         |                              |                         |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |reserve.                 |                    |                         |                              |                         |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
File Hills (Pres.) Bdg. Scl. |Frame and stone.  |Stoves.         |Wells; inadequate.        |Outdoor privies.           |No special ventilation.      |On File Hills’ reserve.  |250 acres.          |75 acres.                |Wheat, 300. Oats, 700.        |No special provision.    |1889.          |By Ch.        |25.            |22.              |A good number.         |4 to 18. |4.             |3; leave for colony. |2 Tub. 2 scrf. glands. 2 eye      |None.
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |trouble.                          |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
Portage la Prairie (Pres.)   |Frame and brick.  |Furnace.        |Wells.                    |Outdoor closets.           |Fair. Some air reheated and  |On suburbs of town.      |2 acres.            |Only garden plot.        |Vegetables.                   |2 exting. No other       |1895.          |By Ch.        |25.            |26.              |Not near reserve.      |6 to 17. |               |1.                   |2.                                |1.
Bdg. Scl.                    |                  |                |                          |                           |then breathed.               |                         |                    |                         |                              |provision.               |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |                          |                           |                             |                         |                    |                         |                              |                         |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
Birtle (Pres.) Bdg. Scl.     |Stone.            |Hot-air         |Spring, piped to Scl. But |Indoor closets, sewer and  |Ventilators in windows;      |On hillside overlooking  |300 acres. About 10 |Fodder, corn, oats and   |                              |Outside escapes; no      |1888.          |By Ch.        |50.            |49.              |Not near reserve.      |6 to 17. |2.             |3.                   |3 with scrf. glands.              |None.
                             |                  |furnaces.       |is on other premises;     |septic tank; dry earth     |partially successful.        |Bird Tail river.         |leased. Breaking 10 |roots.                   |                              |extinguishers.           |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |
                             |                  |                |looking for a new supply. |closets, outdoors.         |                             |                         |more.               |                         |                              |                         |               |              |               |                 |                       |         |               |                     |                                  |

Transcriber’s note:

Minor errors and inconsistencies of punctuation and list styling
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