The Little Treasure of Prayers

By Anonymous

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Title: The Little Treasure of Prayers
       Being a Translation of the Epitome from the German Larger
       'Treasure of prayers' ['Gebets-Schatz']

Author: Anonymous

Release Date: April 1, 2011 [EBook #35737]

Language: English


Produced by Stephen Hutcheson, David Edwards, Peter Vachuska
and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at

                            LITTLE TREASURE
                              OF PRAYERS,

                             A TRANSLATION
                                 OF THE
                Epitome from the German larger "Treasure
            of Prayers" ["Gebets-Schatz"] of the Evangelical
                     Lutheran Church, published in
                            St. Louis, Mo.,

                            A NEW APPENDIX.

                           _FOURTH EDITION._

                            COLUMBUS, OHIO:
                       THE LUTHERAN BOOK CONCERN.
                         J. L. TRAUGER, Agent.


  1. Sunday Morning Prayer                                              7
  2. Prayer before going to church                                      8
  3. Sunday Evening Prayer                                              9
  4. Another Sunday Evening Prayer                                     10
  5. Monday Morning Prayer                                             12
  6. Monday Evening Prayer                                             13
  7. Tuesday Morning Prayer                                            14
  8. Tuesday Evening Prayer                                            14
  9. Wednesday Morning Prayer                                          16
  10. Wednesday Evening Prayer                                         17
  11. Thursday Morning Prayer                                          18
  12. Thursday Evening Prayer                                          19
  13. Friday Morning Prayer                                            20
  14. Friday Evening Prayer                                            20
  15. Saturday Morning Prayer                                          21
  16. Saturday Evening Prayer                                          22
  17. Prayer for daily renewal of the baptismal covenant               23
  18. Prayer on a birth day                                            25
  19. Prayer for children                                              29
  20. Prayer for young persons                                         31
  21. Prayer of a servant                                              32
  22. Prayer of a husband                                              35
  23. Prayer of a wife                                                 37
  24. Prayer of an aged person                                         39
  25. Prayer for a proper performance of one's duties                  40
  26. Prayer before labor                                              41
  27. Prayer for divine blessing upon the work of one's calling        42
  28. Luther's prayer based on the scriptural passage: "Casting all
          your care upon Him, for He careth for you"                   44
  29. Prayer before beginning any important work                       44
  30. Thanks returned after labor                                      46
  31. Prayer during a journey                                          46
  32. Prayer while beginning a journey at sea                          47
  33. Prayer of a seafarer during a storm                              49
      _A brief instruction in confession and absolution_               51
  34. Complaint of a poor sinner concerning the impenitence of his
          heart                                                        56
  35. Prayer for true conversion                                       57
  36. Prayer for the forgiveness of sin                                60
  37. Prayer for reconciliation with our neighbor                      64
      _Brief instruction concerning the Holy Supper_                   66
  38. Morning Prayer of a communicant                                  72
  39. Prayer for a worthy partaking of the Holy Supper                 74
  40. Thanksgiving after partaking of the Holy Supper                  76
  41. Prayer that God would hereafter keep us from sin, and if we sin
          that he would not reckon it to our account                   77
  42. Prayer in view of the sufferings of Christ                       79
  43. Prayer in time of drought                                        81
  44. Prayer for sunshine in a protracted season of wet and rain       83
  45. Prayer for the precious fruits of the field                      84
  46. Prayer during a storm                                            85
  47. Thanksgiving when the storm is over                              87
  48. Prayer in great weakness of faith                                88
  49. Prayer in great trouble and danger                               89
  50. Thanksgiving after a safe journey                                90
  51. Thanksgiving for deliverance out of tribulation                  91
  52. Morning prayer of a sick person                                  92
  53. Another morning prayer in sickness                               93
  54. Evening prayer of a sick person                                  95
  55. Another evening prayer of a sick person                          95
  56. Prayer in sickness                                               96
  57. Prayer of a penitent in sickness                                 99
  58. Short prayers in sickness for every hour of the day:
      1. At one o'clock                                               101
      2. At two o'clock                                               102
      3. At three o'clock                                             102
      4. At four o'clock                                              103
      5. At five o'clock                                              103
      6. At six o'clock                                               104
      7. At seven o'clock                                             104
      8. At eight o'clock                                             105
      9. At nine o'clock                                              106
      10. At ten o'clock                                              107
      11. At eleven o'clock                                           108
      12. At twelve o'clock                                           108
  59. Thanksgiving after recovery                                     109
  60. Three prayers in the hour of death:
      1. To God the Father                                            110
      2. To God the Son                                               111
      3. To God the Holy Ghost                                        112
  61. Prayer of the attendants upon a dying person                    113
  62. Another prayer                                                  114
  63. A short litany together with prayers for a dying person         114
  64. Prayer when the sick person has departed in the Lord            117

                              APPENDIX I.
                           FESTIVAL PRAYERS.

  1. Prayer for the beginning of a new church year                    118
  2. Prayer for the Advent season                                     122
  3. Christmas prayer                                                 124
  4. Prayer on New Year's day                                         127
  5. Prayer on Epiphany                                               131
  6. Prayer on the day of Purification                                133
  7. Prayer on the day of Annunciation                                135
  8. Prayer on Maundy-Thursday                                        137
  9. Prayer on Good-Friday                                            139
  10. Prayer on the festival of Easter                                141
  11. Prayer on Ascension day                                         142
  12. Prayer on Whitsunday                                            144
  13. Prayer on the festival of the Holy Trinity                      147
  14. Prayer on the day of John the Baptist                           149
  15. Prayer on the day of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary          151
  16. Prayer on St. Michael's day                                     152
  17. Prayer on the festival of the Reformation                       155
  18. Prayer on Church-Consecration day                               157
  19. Prayer on Harvest festival                                      158
  20. Prayer on Mission festival                                      160
  21. From Caspar Neuman's substance of all prayers                   163

                              APPENDIX II.

  Morning hymn                                                        172
  Evening hymn                                                        174
  Hymns of cross and consolation                                      175
  Hymn of christian life                                              181
  Hymn of hope in death                                               182
  Hymn of glad eternity                                               183

  Prayers before and after meat                                 185 & 186

                       1. Sunday Morning Prayer.

Eternal, almighty God and Father! I most heartily praise and thank Thee,
that Thou hast graciously, by Thy holy angels, preserved me from all harm
and danger both of body and soul, during the past night and all previous
time; and I most heartily pray Thee, forgive me all my sins wherewith I
have offended Thee, and enlighten my heart with Thy Holy Spirit, that I
may daily grow and increase in Thy knowledge. Grant me grace also, that I
may, during this day, avoid all sin and shame, and be found in Thy divine
will, in order that I may so walk as to be preserved from all evil, may
always and constantly keep Thee in my heart and thoughts, and when the
time of my departure approaches, grant that I may fall asleep in the true
knowledge of Thy dear Son Jesus Christ, unto a blessed and eternal life.

                       2. Before going to Church.

Merciful God and Father! Thou seest, that by reason of my depraved nature
I have no delight in Thy word, and that I so easily permit the devil, my
own flesh and blood, the children of the world, also false teachers and
preachers and other trivial causes keep me away from it, and that I am
too indolent and careless to hear and preserve Thy word. Therefore I now
pray Thee, O eternal God, forgive me this my inbred indolence, and do
Thou give me a heart willing and apt to hear and meditate upon Thy word.
Awake in me such an earnest longing that I may have a desire after the
sincere milk of the divine word, as new-born babes. Help me, that I may
find my chief delight in Thy word. May there be nothing in this world
dearer to me than Thy word; may I love it more than gold and all fine
gold, and always regard it as my best treasure. And as I, alas! have
lived to see the time which Thy dear Son Himself foretold, that false
Christs should arise and do wonders, so that, if it were possible, even
the elect should be deceived, I pray Thee that Thou wouldst graciously
defend and protect me from error and false doctrine. Keep me in Thy
truth, for Thy word is truth, that I may cling to the same as heavenly
truth, and remain steadfast in the same unto death. Grant this for the
sake of the honor of Thy most holy and blessed name. Amen.

                       3. Sunday Evening Prayer.

Lord, almighty God and heavenly Father, I most heartily thank Thee for
all Thy goodness and benefits which Thou hast this day so kindly shown
unto me, in that Thou hast defended me from evil and preserved my health.
And I, Thy dear child, further pray Thee that Thou wouldst mercifully
keep me in Thy alone saving word to my last breath, and enlighten my
heart with Thy Holy Spirit, that I may know what is good or evil. And
wouldst graciously wipe out the remembrance of all the sins which I this
day have knowingly done, also of my secret sins, and grant me this night
a christian rest, that I may arise again refreshed and in health, to Thy
praise. Help also, dear Father, that I may begin a new life, well
pleasing in Thy sight, to the salvation of my soul, in Jesus Christ, Thy
dear Son, our only Helper. Amen.

                   4. Another Sunday Evening Prayer.

We adore and praise Thee, Lord God, Father of heaven and earth, that Thou
hast so bountifully supplied us this day not only with our daily bread to
nourish the body, but also with the heavenly food of Thy word for our
souls. Grant, O faithful God, that it may remain in our hearts, and bring
forth much fruit to Thy honor and our salvation. We also pray Thy
fatherly goodness not to deprive us of Thy pure word and ministry; and
that Thou wouldst not visit upon us the sins wherewith we may have
desecrated this day, but forgive them according to Thy great goodness,
and for the sake of the bitter sufferings and death of Thy dear Son Jesus
Christ. And finally, let us this day, and all the remaining time of our
mortal life in this vale of tears, be commended to Thy fatherly blessing
and divine protection; and may Thy holy angels keep charge over us, that
the wicked one may have no power over us.

But as the evening of this world is now approaching, and the day is far
spent, grant us the grace of Thy Spirit, that we may constantly watch,
and, in living faith, ardent love, firm hope and a holy walk and
demeanor, wait for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the
great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ, when He shall come to judge the
quick and the dead, in order that we may then receive Him in a worthy
manner and with joy, enter with Him into eternal life, and celebrate with
all the elect the Sabbath without end. Have mercy, O Lord! upon Thy whole
Christian Church, and deliver Thy poor persecuted flock from all
oppression, mockery and tyranny, comfort all anxious and troubled
consciences by the true comforter, the Holy Spirit, and send us all Thy
peace through Jesus Christ, our Intercessor and only Mediator. Amen.

                       5. Monday Morning Prayer.

Holy and faithful God, heavenly Father! I most heartily praise, honor and
adore Thee, that during the past night Thou hast permitted me to rest and
sleep in safety, and by Thy fatherly love hast awakened me again
refreshed and in the enjoyment of health. I most heartily pray Thee that
Thou wouldst this day also and always graciously preserve me together
with (my dear parents, brothers and sisters, and) all true Christians
from all danger and harm both of body and soul, in order that I may
always be found in Thy will. For I commend myself, my body and soul,
heart, sense, mind and thoughts, all my strivings and aspirations, all I
do and all I leave undone, my going in and coming out, my life and death,
and everything that I am and can do, to Thy divine protection. May Thy
holy angel be and remain with me, that no misfortune may befall me either
in body or soul. Grant this for the sake of Jesus Christ, Thy dear Son.

                       6. Monday Evening Prayer.

Merciful God, gracious Father! I heartily thank Thee that during the past
day and up to the present hour Thou hast graciously protected me from all
danger and harm of body and soul, and pray Thee, that, for the sake of
Jesus Christ, Thy dear Son, Thou wouldst graciously forgive all the sins
which I have this day again committed against Thee in thoughts, words and
deeds, and let them be remembered against me no more. And as I am now
about to lie down to rest, I pray, Thou wouldst this night also protect
and defend me from all harm and danger of body and soul, so that, being
defended against the wiles and power of the devil, against evil, harmful
and wicked dreams, I may safely rest and sleep this night, and awake
again refreshed and in health to Thy honor. I now commend myself entirely
into Thy divine hand; Thou hast redeemed me, Thou faithful God. Amen.

                       7. Tuesday Morning Prayer.

Lord Jesus Christ, Thou only Saviour of the world! to Thee I lift my
heart and mind, and thank Thee again, that Thou hast by Thy boundless
mercy and love kept me safe and secure this night from the wiles and
power of the wicked one. Lord Jesus Christ, Thou art the portion of my
inheritance, my salvation is in Thy hands, and besides Thee I know of no
Helper in heaven or on earth. Therefore I pray Thee for the sake of Thy
unutterable suffering and anguish, of Thy most painful and bitter death,
which in great love Thou didst suffer for me, that Thou wouldst be
gracious and merciful unto me, and this day and through my whole life
bless, spare, preserve and keep me from all sin and evil in this world of
sorrow, until Thou shalt take me to eternal joy and blessedness, for Thy
most holy name's sake. Amen.

                       8. Tuesday Evening Prayer.

O eternal and merciful God, God of all riches, who art in heaven, I most
heartily thank Thee for Thy great mercy and paternal providence by which
Thou hast again permitted me to end this day in the enjoyment of health.
And since I, alas! have not spent this day to Thy praise and honor, and
the welfare of my neighbor, inasmuch as my depraved nature is always
inclined more to evil than to good, help, Thou faithful God, that I who
am conceived and born in sin, may recognize my infirmity and become a
partaker of Thy heavenly grace; and teach me to think much and often of
my end, that I may prepare myself for it in true repentance, and when it
approaches may depart from this world of trouble full of consolation and
blessedness, and with all believing Christians be translated into Thy
heavenly paradise. In the mean time, as long as I sojourn on earth, take
me into Thy almighty protection and mercifully keep and preserve me from
all harm and danger of body and soul, for the sake of Jesus Christ, Thy
dear Son. Amen.

                      9. Wednesday Morning Prayer.

O almighty, merciful God, gracious Father in heaven, since Thou hast
again kept me safe this night by Thy ministering spirits, the holy
angels, and permitted me to see this new day refreshed and in the
enjoyment of health, I most heartily give Thee praise, honor and eternal
thanks therefore, and pray Thee again, dear heavenly Father, to whose
will I subject all that I do and leave undone, my beginning and end, that
Thou wouldst henceforth graciously have mercy upon me, and govern all my
thoughts and aspirations, my heart, sense, mind and thoughts, all my
words and deeds by Thy Holy Spirit, so that I may understand what is good
or evil, and that I may this day so walk and live in this evil and
perverse world, that I above all things, free from my sins, may have a
heartfelt desire for that eternal home which Christ, my Saviour,
purchased and secured for me, and may not lose it by reason of my wicked,
sinful life. To this end wilt Thou graciously help me with Thy divine
love and the power of Thy Holy Spirit, for the sake of Thy dear Son,
Jesus Christ. Amen.

                     10. Wednesday Evening Prayer.

I thank Thee, O almighty God and kind Father, that Thou hast this day
again graciously kept me safe from harm both in body and soul. I pray
Thee, that Thou wouldst according to Thy great goodness blot out every
sin that I have this day committed against Thee and Thy holy commandments
with my heart, tongue, or in other ways, and not forsake me, Thy
creature, whom Thou hast redeemed with the precious blood of Thy dear Son
Jesus Christ, and protect me this night under Thy almighty wings, against
the wicked one, who goeth about as a roaring lion, seeking to devour me,
so that under the shadow of Thy goodness I may rest and sleep securely,
and the wicked one may not be able to approach me or do me any harm.

                      11. Thursday Morning Prayer.

God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, Thou ever blessed
Trinity! to Thee I resign myself with body and soul both now and forever,
and heartily thank Thee that Thou didst not permit the wicked one to harm
me during the past night, but didst, by the protection of Thy holy
angels, keep me safe to this day. What shall I render unto Thee,
wherewith shall I worthily praise Thee? I will give Thee a contrite and
broken heart, full of sins like scarlet, but sorrowing and penitent;
graciously accept of it, and wash it white as snow in the precious blood
of Thy dear Son, my Redeemer, bury it in His holy innocent wounds, and
thus do Thou graciously impart to me the forgiveness of all my sins. And
help me to hold myself in Christian readiness every day, inasmuch as I do
not know, when Thou wilt come, how and where Thou wilt call me hence, so
that I may by Thy blessing be conducted to eternal joy. Grant me this,
gracious Father, for the sake of Thy dear Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

                      12. Thursday Evening Prayer.

Gracious and most merciful God, eternal Father, what heartfelt love and
fatherly care Thou hast for me, a poor sinner, in that Thou hast so
graciously preserved me all the days and hours of my life, from my
earliest youth to the present time, against all the wiles of the devil,
and the danger and harm of the wicked world; and I humbly pray Thee,
that, according to Thy paternal love toward me, Thou wouldst to all
eternity not remember against me what I have done against Thee this day,
but mercifully forgive it, and be gracious unto me for the sake of Thy
dear Son, Jesus Christ, who became the Surety for all my sins, and keep
me and all who are near and dear to me safe this night from sudden death,
from danger by fire and water, pestilence and all harm. I therefore
commend myself, my body and soul and everything that I have to Thy
fatherly protection; may Thy holy angel be with me, that, I may fear no
danger. Amen.

                       13. Friday Morning Prayer.

I, a poor sinner, have now arisen in Thy name, Thou crucified Lord Jesus
Christ, who, as the truly patient Lamb for the slaughter, didst suffer
for me the most ignominious death on the cross, and with Thy precious
blood redeemed me from all my sins, from death, the devil and hell:
govern my heart with Thy Holy Spirit, refresh it with the heavenly dew of
Thy grace, preserve me with Thy divine love, and hide me this day, both
body and soul, in Thy holy wounds; wash me clean from all my sins, keep
me in all good works, and lead me from this world of sorrow to eternal
joy and glory, Thou most faithful Saviour, Jesus Christ, my only Comfort,
Hope and Life. Amen.

                       14. Friday Evening Prayer.

O Lord Jesus Christ, Thou patient Lamb for the slaughter and holy
sacrificial offering for all my sins, and not for mine alone, but for the
sins of the whole world! I most heartily thank Thee again that Thou hast
so graciously kept both my body and soul under Thy protecting care this
day, and pray Thee that Thou wouldst graciously pardon and forgive all my
sins which I have committed this day through the weakness of my depraved
nature and the enticement of the evil spirit, and which sorely trouble
and oppress my heart and conscience; and as I am now about to lie down to
rest and sleep, cover me with the wings of Thy grace, and help that I may
with my body sleep under them this night in peace and rest, but with my
soul may I always watch for Thee, wait for Thy glorious coming to
judgment, and with heartfelt longing keep myself in readiness to go with
Thee at last to Thy blessed kingdom.

Unto this help me, O faithful God! blessed forevermore with Thy dear Son
and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

                      15. Saturday Morning Prayer.

O thou faithful Father in heaven! Could I but sufficiently praise and
thank Thee for all the benefits Thou hast bestowed upon me during all the
days of my life! But this is beyond my power and ability. For I am flesh
and blood, which can do nothing but what is evil. But Thou doest daily
grant me blessings without number, and especially in the past night, if
Thou hadst not been my Shield and Defence, the devil would have injured
me greatly with his power, so that I could not have arisen in health. But
by Thy gracious protection I have been kept safe. I humbly pray Thee,
extend to me Thy grace this day, and mercifully keep me, who am Thine
through the blood of Christ, henceforth unto eternal life. Amen, Lord
Jesus, take my soul into Thy hands and let me be commended unto Thee.

                      16. Saturday Evening Prayer.

Merciful, gracious God and Father! Most heartily do I again give Thee
praise and thanks, that Thou hast during the whole period of my life
taken thought for me in such a fatherly manner, and hast so graciously
protected me from all harm and danger of soul and body during this day,
even during the whole week up to the present hour. And I further pray
Thee, that Thou wouldst through Thy grace, which all penitent sinners
have with Thee, blot out all my sins, which I have this day and through
the whole week committed knowingly or unknowingly against Thee and my
neighbor, and let them be remembered against me no more for ever. And
help me graciously that I may pass from the old week into a new Christian
life, well-pleasing to Thee, and to all the elect in heaven. May I be
commended to Thy gracious arms this night, that I may rest and sleep
safely, and arise again refreshed and in health further to praise Thee.
And when my last hour comes, take me to Thee, Lord Jesus Christ; for I am
Thine and Thou art mine, how gladly and willingly would I soon be with
Thee! Amen.

              17. Daily Renewal of the Baptismal Covenant.

I hereby renew the covenant of my holy baptism, and renounce, both now
and forever, the devil and all his works and all his ways, and this
ungodly and wicked world, together with my own sinful flesh and blood.
Into Thy hands, O Father, Son and Holy Ghost, I commend my body and soul.
Into Thy care I commend my temporal, spiritual and eternal welfare, and
the welfare of those dear and near to me. I commit myself entirely into
Thy care, mercy, love and faithfullness, O Thou my Father! I clothe
myself with Thy merits, with Thy precious blood and wounds and Thy
blessed communion, O Lord Jesus, my Redeemer! I commend myself entirely
to Thy merciful guidance, to Thy power, light and comfort, O Holy Spirit,
most blessed Comforter! O Triune God! Thou art mine, I am Thine; Thou art
my Father, I am Thy child; Thou art my shepherd, I am Thy lamb; Thou art
my Lord, I am Thine own. O my God! How can I sufficiently thank Thee!
Thou hast regarded me very highly and hast bestowed upon me, a poor
sinful being, salvation in Jesus Christ, through the blessed regeneration
in the sacrament of Holy Baptism. O do Thou preserve me in this Thy Grace
unto death. Grant, my God, that this my salvation may be my comfort at
all times against satan, sin and death, and that I may value it more
highly than all worldly honor and earthly fame, and diligently endeavor
to lead a holy and godly life in accordance with it until a happy death
in Christ Jesus. Do Thou, in mercy, grant this my prayer, O my Father,
for the sake of Thy dear Son Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy
Spirit. For all which, all honor, praise and thanksgiving be unto Thee,
the Triune God, forevermore. Amen.

                       18. Prayer on a Birthday.

My Lord and my God, in Thee I live, and move, and have my being, Thou art
my stay in life and in death. I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and
wonderfully made, marvelous are Thy works, and that my soul knoweth right
well. Thou hast covered me in my mother's womb; my substance was not hid
from Thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest
parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being imperfect,
and in Thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were
fashioned, when as yet there was none of them. To-day I will call to my
mind the day of my birth which is the beginning both of my temporal and
spiritual life, when I was brought unto Holy Baptism, and became
reconciled unto my God, and was cleansed by the Water in connection with
the Word, when my sins were taken away and the Holy Ghost bestowed upon
me; for all which I thank and praise Thee. I praise Thee, O God, my
Creator! that on this day Thou hast brought me forth from my mother's
womb, although in pain and sorrow. I thank Thee, that Thou hast brought
me to a place where Thy name is rightfully known, Thy holy Word taught in
all purity, and that I am thus enabled, under Thy guidance, to come unto
the true and living faith. I thank Thee, O Lord Jesus Christ! for all the
blessings, with which Thou in loving-kindness often hast remembered my
body and soul, from the hour of my birth until the present time, inasmuch
as Thou didst not only nourish and preserve my body, and in various ways
protect my temporal life through Thy holy angels, who always behold the
face of the Father in heaven, and daily provide me with abundant food and
raiment, but, above all things, Thou hast bestowed upon me through Thy
Word, spiritual and imperishable gifts, and hast assured me in Holy
Baptism, the bath of Regeneration, that I have been made a new creature
and have become the first-fruit of Christ Jesus; Thou hast pardoned all
my sins, and hast blessed me with the gift of the Holy Ghost and made me
heir of eternal Life; and though I have often, through the weakness of my
flesh, or wantonly, forsaken my God and forgotten His commandments, and
have even more than seventy times seven committed fearful sins against
God in Heaven and my fellow-men on earth, yet didst Thou not, O Lord
Jesus! enter into judgment with Thy servant, and visit him with immediate
and well-deserved punishment. O God, Holy Spirit! what a shameful life
have I thus far led! How often, and on how many occasions have I stumbled
in my Christian walk, and have become guilty of great and atrocious sins!
But Thou, O God, Holy Ghost! hast just as often sought the lost sheep,
and hast brought me again upon the path of rectitude, and hast
sanctified, comforted and guided me. Thou hast preserved me in my
station, and hast restrained the devil and averted a host of bodily and
spiritual dangers in which I should have perished long ago, if Thou hadst
not stood by me. O blessed Trinity! There is a time to be born; do Thou
graciously help all fruit of the womb and grant, a joyful birthday,
forgiveness of sins and life eternal. Grant that I may to-day spend my
birthday, as also all future days of my life, without committing mortal
sins, and that I may become conscious of my humble birth and wretchedness
by nature. Do Thou bestow upon me the blessings of health and life until
the goal is reached. Grant me patience to endure all afflictions and
sufferings. Comfort me in all misfortunes and distress. Forgive me daily
my sins and grant that I may thus continue firm unto my soul's salvation,
and that I may, in the true and saving faith and with a good conscience,
serve Thee even unto the end, through Jesus Christ. Amen.

                       19. A Prayer for Children.

Almighty God, Heavenly Father! since Thou hast so earnestly enjoined upon
me, in the fourth commandment, to honor my father and my mother, and hast
also promised, graciously to reward such service with long life and
prosperity: I would pray Thee from the depth of my heart, that Thou
wouldst bestow upon me an obedient heart, which, with due submission,
obeys my dear parents in all things, and also those who are my superiors
in the place of my parents; that I may honor them in deed, word and with
patience, and that I may not grieve, disregard or despise them as long as
I live, in order that Thy blessing may rest upon me. Grant that I may
well remember and firmly keep to heart their words, rules and precepts,
yea, that I may at all times be mindful of them, and that I may not
forget their instructions, in order that my days may be long upon earth.
Do Thou govern me through Thy good Spirit, that I may hear the
instruction of my father and not forsake the law of my mother, in order
that I may be a cause of joy and comfort unto them. Grant that I may, in
all my actions, diligently follow the example of my Lord and Saviour,
who, being a true model for all pious children, was subject unto the
virgin Mary, His blessed mother, and unto Joseph, His foster-father.
Bestow also upon me a grateful and humble heart, that I may recompense my
dear parents and again serve them, especially that I may administer unto
them in old age and bear with them when they have become childish and
simple, and that I may never forget that they are my parents. Do Thou
also graciously forgive me whenever I have offended them through childish
weakness and rashness. Do Thou preserve me from evil society and
frivolous people, and when sinners entice me, that I may not consent nor
walk in their way with them, but that I may refrain my foot from their
path and not bring disgrace and crime upon myself. O Lord! Thou hast thus
far chastened me as a man chasteneth his son; grant that I may bow down
mine ear and hear the words of the wise, and learn while I am young, that
I may acquire knowledge and discretion. Grant that I may increase in
wisdom and stature, and in favour before Thee and my fellow-men, for the
sake of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen!

                     20. Prayer for Young Persons.

O father of all Grace and Mercy, who art a God of Holiness, it is Thy
holy will that we also should be holy and lead a life without lust and
evil desires of our sinful flesh. I confess unto Thee my weakness and the
sinful infirmities of my nature; for, to will is present with me, but how
to perform that which, is good, I find not. The lust of the flesh, and
the lust of the eye, and the pride of life surround me like three
powerful enemies and threaten to entice me away from Thy Grace.
Therefore, O my Father, I pray Thee to create and preserve within me a
pure heart. Grant, that I may avoid, with all my heart, all places and
occasions where opportunity is given for impurities, and that I may be
afraid, lest I should take the members of Christ, and make them the
members of a harlot. Grant, that I may rather abide in fervent devotion
and at all times have a sincere desire and longing after true holiness,
that my body may, in truth, be the temple of the Holy Spirit, and that I
may not cease to love Jesus Christ, who was crucified and has given
Himself into death for my sake. Grant that I may love heavenly wisdom, in
order that I may never more enter upon the paths of deceivers. O Thou
just and holy God! who triest the hearts and reins, grant, that I may so
cling unto Thee in this world, as to remain unseparated from Thee in all
eternity. Amen!

                        21. Prayer of a Servant.

Merciful God! Thou who hast redeemed and liberated me, through the
precious suffering and death of Thy dear Son Jesus Christ, from
everlasting servitude, from the power of sin, from the power of darkness,
and from the cruel tyranny of the devil, and hast made me lord over death
and hell,--I pray Thou wouldst in mercy grant, that I may not conceive a
dislike to my calling of bodily service, into which Thou hast placed me
according to Thy will and good pleasure, and that I may not impatiently
rebel against Thy order, nor begrudge other people their higher station,
but that I may obey Thy will with a cheerful heart, and that I do not
regard it otherwise than that I were serving Thee, O God in Heaven, and
not men on earth. To this end, dear Father, do Thou assist me, that I
may, in true knowledge and fear, serve Thee, the highest Lord in Heaven
and on Earth; that I may love Thee above all things, placing in Thee all
my hope and salvation and walking unblamably according to Thy
commandments; and that I may also, in addition to this, be obedient in
all things which are not displeasing unto Thee, to my master and
mistress, according to the flesh, not only to them that are kind and
lenient, but also to them who are rude and froward, serving them with
patience, in all fear and simplicity of heart, just as I should serve
Christ, my Lord, not with mere visible works, as if to gain favor before
men, but with a sincere heart for the sake of Thy command and precept.
Grant in mercy, that I may be found faithful in every thing that is
enjoined upon and intrusted unto me, that I may neither neglect nor
destroy anything, nor cause any mishap or loss through my carelessness,
and that I may not defraud others, nor covet their property which is
entrusted to me and placed into my hands. Preserve unto me good health,
strengthen the members of my body and increase my powers; bestow upon me
knowledge and wisdom, that I may be able to perform the labor of my
master and mistress, to improve their property by Thy divine help, that
they may be blessed through my industry and increase abundantly, and
grant that all that I do may redound to Thy glory and be profitable unto
me to the blessed exercise unto godliness for the sake of Jesus Christ,
Thy dear Son who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit,
world-without-end. Amen!

                        22. Prayer of a Husband.

Almighty and Gracious God! Thou who Thyself hast instituted the holy
state of matrimony, and by the first miracle of Thy dear Son, Jesus
Christ, hast honored and adorned it as a state pleasing in Thy sight, in
which state also many sainted patriarchs and prophets have led a godly
life unto Thy good pleasure; and since Thou hast also helped me to enter
holy matrimony and hast placed me at the head of my household, and as
Thou art pleased with these three things, namely, when brethren dwell
together in unity, when neighbors love each other, and when husband and
wife dwell together in love and purity; I would therefore pray Thee with
all my heart, to grant unto me, that I may, in Christian love and harmony
and with reasonableness, live with my wife, giving honor unto her, as
unto the weaker vessel and as also being heir of the grace of life, and
that I may advise her, with the children and servants, into Thy knowledge
and Divine honor in all chastity and decency. Unto this end, do Thou
bestow Thy grace, that they may observe my instructions in that which is
good and which leads to all godliness, and that they may cheerfully abide
in them. Do Thou restrain satan, that he may not cause discord and strife
between us, and if we should, out of weakness, be at variance at any
time, do Thou help, that we may soon become reconciled again. Do Thou
give me grace, that I may not lust after another spouse or woman, or look
upon her with an evil eye to desire her. Protect me, my wife, my children
and servants against sickness, according to Thy divine will. Grant unto
me, Thy servant, that I may diligently attend to my calling, eating my
daily bread in the sweat of my brow, and that I may not grow impatient,
whenever my task becomes bitter, for thus Thou hast instituted it. Do
Thou prosper and bless my substance, that it may increase without injury
or disadvantage to others. Give me pious and faithful servants. Preserve
unto me my house and home, and all that Thou hast bestowed upon me. Help
us to bear the cross in our calling with patience, and after this life
gather us together with all Thy saints in Thy kingdom above. Amen.

                         23. Prayer of a Wife.

Gracious God, faithful Father! Since Thou hast, through Thy mercy, called
me into the holy state of matrimony to be the mistress of a house, in
which state I can also serve and please Thee, my God, do Thou bestow
grace upon me, Thy servant, that I may at all times sincerely fear Thee,
and trust in Thee above all things, O my Creator and Redeemer; and that I
may, next to Thee, fear, love and honor my husband, and desire none other
besides him. Help, that according to Thy command, my will be in
subjection to my husband, to obey him with all readiness, and that I, in
the innermost of my heart, may ever be adorned with a meek and quiet
spirit and many virtues, like unto the holy women of olden times who
trusted in God, being in subjection to their own husbands. Grant that I
may lead a chaste and pure life in fear and humility, that I may in all
godliness and with kind and modest words restrain and subdue the anger
and ill-humor of my husband, and be enabled to meet him with indulgence;
that I may, in meekness, train my children and servants unto the praise
and honor of Thy holy name, and that they may, with willing hearts, obey
me in those things which are good and righteous before Thee. Help that I
may be a faithful helpmeet unto my husband, that I may with care guard
over the blessings which Thou hast graciously bestowed upon us and not
squander them, but that I may work and assist, as is becoming me in this
my calling, that I may be able to give unto the needy and extend a
helping hand unto the poor. Protect us against unfaithful and wicked
servants, who neglect and waste our property. Give me grace that I may
patiently bear the cross in married life, and not so soon become
discouraged or intimidated whenever afflictions come upon us; for our
faith must be tested through trials and adversities. O Lord God! Into Thy
almighty power I commend myself, my dear husband, all my children and
servants, do Thou preserve us from sin, disgrace and all afflictions,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

                     24. Prayer of an aged Person.

Lord God, Thou our refuge forevermore, our life and length of years by
whose hands our days are numbered, behold, I have reached the years, of
which I can say that they are not pleasing to me. Since my strength has
perceptibly decreased in this my old age, and many troubles and
weaknesses come upon me, I humbly beseech Thee who hast so graciously and
fatherly guided me from the beginning of my life, and hast been my hope
from the days of youth until now, Thou wouldst not forsake me in old age,
when I am gray-headed and weak, but continue to bear and deliver me unto
a happy end of my life. But especially do I pray Thee, O merciful Father,
to guide and direct me by Thy holy and good Spirit, that I may spend the
rest of my life in a Christian walk with praying and sighing in true
devotion to Thee, and that I may more and more prepare myself like a true
Christian for a happy death, so that, if to-day or to-morrow my time
should come, I may depart in peace like the aged Simeon, and leaving this
world, may enter upon the joys of eternal life. Amen.

          25. Prayer for a proper Performance of One's Duties.

Merciful and faithful God! Thou hast commanded, that every man should
pursue a certain calling and be faithful in the same. Thou seest and
knowest, therefore, omniscient Lord, what my duties are, and that I can
do nothing without Thy grace, power and blessing, but that I can err in
various ways; therefore I sincerely pray Thee, to strengthen my reasoning
faculties, to bestow upon me bold and undaunted courage, that I may act
reasonably and overcome all rising difficulties, and thus accomplish
through Thy paternal guidance a desirable and blessed object. O my God, I
trust in Thee, let me not be ashamed, let not mine enemies triumph over
me, yea, let none that wait on Thee be ashamed. Show me Thy ways, O Lord,
teach me Thy paths; for Thou art the God of my salvation, on Thee do I
wait all the day. Preserve my soul, deliver me and sustain me in my
troubles. Let me not be ashamed, for I trust in Thee. O my God, be not
far from me, make haste to help me, O Lord, my salvation! Amen. Amen.

                        26. Prayer before Labor.

Eternal and Merciful God! I would now take up my work anew, and
cheerfully lay hold upon the task of my proper calling, into which Thou
hast placed me Thy servant, and thus labor according to my talents
received from Thee, that I might through them serve my neighbor and earn
my daily bread. I would therefore pray Thee with all my heart, to bestow
upon me knowledge, prudence, understanding and health for the performance
of my labor and work, according to Thy grace-abounding promise, and to
further and bless the same, that not only its beginning be well done, but
that I may also, through Thy paternal assistance and in Thy name,
profitably finish it, and at all times perform the duties of my calling
in Thy fear with a good conscience. Into Thy hands I commend my work;
grant that my undertakings be successful, and that I may accomplish the
work begun in Thy name, that the light may ever be shining upon my path,
unto Thy honor and praise and the welfare of myself and friends and
neighbors, through Thy dear Son Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. O Lord
Jesus, in Thy name and upon Thy Word I will let down my net. O Lord,
help, O Lord, let my work prosper. Amen.

     27. Prayer for Divine Blessing upon the Work of One's Calling.

Lord God! Thou hast assigned work to every man according to his
abilities, and it is Thy will, that we should eat our daily bread in the
sweat of our face, until we return again unto dust, and that we should
live by the work of our hands and prosper; behold, upon Thy word I will
begin anew the work of my calling, grant that my efforts and labors be
not in vain, but help that I may work with my hands the thing which is
good, that I may have to give to him that needeth. Bestow upon me Thy
favor and blessing at all times, for upon it depend all things, that I
may accomplish my work and do wrong to no one, so that I may honor the
Lord with my substance and provide for those near to me, especially for
my own household. Bless us more and more, bless our substance and all
that we have, for Thy blessing enriches us without the anxieties of the
busy hand. Lord, gladden my heart and make cheerful my countenance, give
me health, life and Thy blessing. All this, however, I ask of Thee in
submission to Thy holy will, Lord, hear my prayer. Into Thy hands I
commend my ways, in Thee I hope, Thou wilt do all things well. The Lord
be praised daily. Amen.

    28. Luther's Prayer based on the Scriptural Passage: Casting all
               your care upon Him, for He careth for you.

Heavenly Father! Thou art indeed my Lord and God, who hast made me out of
nothing and redeemed me through Thy Son. Thou hast commanded and
appointed me to perform these my duties and labors, which I, however,
cannot accomplish as I desire, and many troubles there be that frighten
and oppress me, so that I am, as to my own power, without help and
consolation; therefore I commend all things into Thy hands, do Thou help
and console me, and be Thou all in all. Amen.

            29. Prayer before beginning any Important Work.

Lord, Thou doest great things, which are unconceivable, and wonders
innumerable, Thou whose strength is mighty in weakness; I call upon Thee,
the Most High, to prosper the work of my hands and graciously help me to
accomplish this work, which I have undertaken with entire confidence in
Thee. Lord God, strengthen me in this hour, and depart not from Thy
servant, whose hope is in Thee, and without Thee can do nothing. Prepare
me with strength from on high, and give me the wisdom which is
continually about Thy throne, that it may be with me and direct my
labors. All depends upon Thy divine blessing; wherefore remember me, O
Lord, and bless all I do and all I leave undone, in order that I may
begin and accomplish my work prudently and successfully. May my actions
be pleasing unto Thee, assist me by Thy advice, in order that I may be
able most profitably to begin, continue and finish my work. For unto Thee
do I commit the beginning and the accomplishment of my labors, and unto
Thee will I thankfully ascribe all praise for prospering the work of my
hands. Amen. In Jesus name, Amen, Amen!

                    30. Thanks returned after Labor.

Almighty, eternal and gracious God! I praise and thank Thee for Thy most
holy presence and assistance, which Thou hast shown unto me this day, for
without Thee I certainly could have done nothing, hence Thou alone art
worthy to receive the praise. I beseech Thee, to permit these labors to
be pleasing unto Thee, and to redound to the well-being of myself and
neighbors, both bodily and spiritually, through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who with Thee and the Holy Ghost, true God, lives and reigns to all
eternity. Amen.

                      31. Prayer during a Journey.

O Lord Jesus Christ, Thou ever-gracious Lord and Saviour! Thou who hast
become a guest and stranger for us upon earth, I come unto Thee humbled
in heart, and beseech Thee, that Thou wouldst permit my whole life and
walk to be acceptable unto Thee. Preserve me also upon this my journey by
the protection of Thy beloved angels upon all my ways graciously from all
evil and accident, misfortune and danger of soul and body, so that I may
successfully accomplish my work and return again to my beloved ones, in
health and in vigor. Unto Thee alone, O Lord, do I commit my body and
soul, all that I have and possess, during my journey. Do Thou direct my
course and way to my welfare and blessedness. In the mean time do Thou
faithfully protect my loved ones at home, that we may meet each other
again in health and happiness. And when I have finally accomplished my
journey of life here in this world, receive me unto Thyself, into Thy
glory, by a peaceful and a blessed death. Amen.

              32. Prayer while beginning a Journey at Sea.

Eternal God, behold, I now journey upon the deep, and commit myself to
the wild, rough sea; here on the waters I am tossed to and fro between
heaven and earth, how shall this little ship, small and weak in
structure, which cannot protect itself, protect me? On whom then shall I,
wretched man, put my trust? Alas, O God and Lord, alone upon Thee and Thy
fatherly power and care, for neither man nor any of Thy creatures can
save me. The wind bloweth whithersoever it will, the sea lifts up its
waves, beneath me I see neither ground nor foundation, and above the lone
heavens. The men who assist me are in like danger and care; wherefore, O
God, I lift my eyes alone unto Thee, from whom cometh my help, my help
cometh from the Lord, who hath made heaven and earth. To Thee do I commit
myself both body and soul, life and property. Unto Thee alone do I look,
in Thee alone do I put my trust, my hope is in Thee, there is no help in
man. Bear Thou this little ship on Thy wings, and preserve me within and
be with me in the ship, else, O Lord, we perish; but if I only have Thee,
I will ask nothing of heaven or earth! Yea, while I now depart from land
and leave the same behind me, help me, to forsake and deny all confidence
in worldly and human assistance, and to commit myself unto Thee alone.
Lord, behold, I have entirely submitted to Thy will, do unto me as may
seem good in Thy sight, that it may redound to the welfare and salvation
of my soul. I commit myself into Thy hands, for Thou hast drawn me into
Thy embrace, and no one shall pluck me out of Thy hand, because I am a
member of Christ's fold, and a sheep of his pastures, wherein I will
gladly live and die by the help of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

                33. Prayer of a Seafarer during a Storm.

Almighty God, Thou God of the righteous! Thou who hast made the sea and
the dry land, and upholdest all things by Thy hand, and raisest the
stormy wind, which lifteth up the waves, so that the ship is tossed now
to the heavens, and now down again to the depths, that a person is reeled
to and fro like a drunken man at his wit's end, as the Holy Spirit says.
We are now in great danger and distress in this our journey on the sea.
As Thou hast said: "Call upon me in the day of trouble, I will deliver
thee," we therefore in this our great need, from which no creature can
save us but Thou alone, hold out to Thee thy word with believing hearts,
and humbly ask Thee to manifest Thy power according to Thy great mercy,
and say unto the wind and the sea: Peace, be still! and graciously
protect us from shipwreck and danger, hold and preserve us by Thy
gracious hand, and redeem us graciously from this danger, and we will
praise Thy name as long as we live, never forget Thy deeds of mercy and
amend our lives so that henceforth they may conform to Thy holy Word.
Alas! Lord, be merciful unto us, and forgive us our sins for Jesus
Christ's sake. Alas! help us, lest we perish! Alas! Lord, redeem us for
Thy mercy's sake! But if it be Thy will here to end our lives, then give
unto us Christian patience, preserve us in the true faith and give us the
end of our faith, the salvation of our souls! Thou canst redeem from
death, Thou canst also redeem us out of this danger. Hear us, hear us,
hear us, Lord God Father, for Jesus Christ's sake! Lord Jesus, for the
sake of Thy five blessed wounds! Lord God, Holy Spirit for the sake of
Thy mercy and grace! Help us, Lord God, the Father! Help us, Lord God,
the Son! Help us, Lord God, the Holy Ghost, for Thy own sake, and for the
honor of Thy name, and for Thy infinite mercy's sake. Amen.

       A brief Instruction concerning Confession and Absolution.

My dear Christian, when you come to confession, you must not be satisfied
in repeating with the mouth a prayer which you have committed to memory,
or to permit a prayer of confession to be repeated to you by your
confessor, but you must yourself bring with you a penitent heart, out of
which your confession will then freely flow, for to confess without a
penitent heart is mocking God, and without it no forgiveness of sins can
take place.

To a penitent heart in the first place belongs, that you confess your
sins and experience sorrow and penitence on account of them. By nature no
man can know his sins, nor can he produce penitence in his heart
concerning them; this must above all be sought of God. We men are by
nature much too blind, too indifferent, too inconsiderate, too
selfrighteous, too much possessed with self-love and self-interest, than
to be inclined and capable penitently and uprightly to confess ourselves
guilty of all sins. Wherefore above all things bend your knees before God
and call upon him, that He might open your eyes that you may thoroughly
know the multitude and greatness of your sins. Pray with the blessed
David: "Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my
thoughts; and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the
way everlasting." Hereupon take the holy ten commandments and make a
careful examination of your whole life in accordance with them. Then you
will know that you are a sinner. For as a man cannot see a spot on his
face without a glass, neither can he know his sins without beholding
himself in the glass of the holy ten commandments. For sin is every work,
every word, yea, every thought, which is against God's commandments; for
sin consists in the performance of that which God has forbidden, or in
the omission of that which He has commanded to be done. But you must not
only regard the gross external sins, but also the internal secret sins,
departures from God's commandments, which have taken place in the heart
through evil thoughts and desires. If you will examine yourself thus in
constant prayer, you will discover that you have not feared, loved and
trusted God as He requires, that you have not so heartily and confidently
called upon God, prayed, praised and given thanks, that you have not kept
His Word so holy, heard and learned it, as you should have done. You will
find that you have not honored and loved your parents and superiors, but
have been disobedient and murmured against them; you will find that you
have sinned against your neighbor in anger, hatred, revenge and
irreconcilableness, with unchaste thoughts and desires, envy, illwill,
avarice, an earthly mind or with slanderous words, in short, you will
find that you have not so uprightly and heartily loved your neighbor as
yourself, that much more selfishness, the seeking of your own interests
or your own honor has been the motive to all your actions. With these and
other sins you have surely deserved the wrath of God, temporal and
eternal punishment, if God would deal with you according to His stern
righteousness. From these sins which you perceive in yourself you can
draw the conclusion how impure and depraved your heart is, from which
these sins flow, for as the water, so the spring, and by the fruits we
know the tree. Hence you will come to the knowledge of original sin.

If you now will perceive these and other sins in thyself, yea, if you
consider, that the sins you have committed in ignorance, are many more
than those you know and feel in your heart, which nevertheless the all
knowing God places in the light of His countenance, then you will tremble
in your conscience and experience sorrow and penitence on account of
them, that you have so grievously offended your God and have been so
unthankful for His blessings.

The second part of confession is faith, and indeed faith in Jesus Christ,
who hath made satisfaction for all thy sins and has also obtained
forgiveness of the same. Faith is as a hand which appropriates the
forgiveness of sins and receives it as an unmerited gift of divine grace.
Without this faith all knowledge and sorrow for sin is only the
confession of a Cain or a Judas, which ends in despair. But by faith in
Jesus Christ, the Saviour of all sinners, the heart is comforted and made
quiet. But this faith you cannot produce in your own heart, but it is the
work and gift of God the Holy Spirit. And if you experience that you are
wanting in this faith, and that you cannot believe but desire to believe,
then call upon God for this faith, and he will give it thee.

Thereupon the fruits of penitence must follow. These consist in this,
that you no more knowingly and intentionally will commit the sins which
have been forgiven you, but you much more will hate and forsake them, and
by the assistance of the Holy Spirit contend against them.

If now you bring such a penitent heart with you to confession, then you
are able to receive the absolution which your confessor gives you, by
virtue of which your sins are really and certainly forgiven thee by God
in heaven. Forgiveness of sins Christ has obtained for all sinners by his
death and the shedding of His blood and sealed it by His resurrection and
commanded it to be preached and delivered to all the world through the
Gospel. Now when the confessor absolves thee, he does nothing else than
declare unto you the Gospel of the forgiveness of sins; and yet this is
not merely an empty declaration, but such a one through which forgiveness
of sins is really presented and offered to penitent sinners. As often as
you hear the words of absolution from his mouth, do not doubt, but firmly
believe that your sins are forgiven thee before God in heaven, as
certainly as if Christ would immediately speak from heaven: "Be of good
cheer, my son (my daughter), thy sins be forgiven thee," for He says:
"Whosoever heareth you, heareth me, and whosesoever sins ye remit, they
are remitted unto them."

34. Complaint of a poor Sinner concerning the Impenitence of his Heart.

I, miserable afflicted sinner, come unto Thee, my heavenly Father, and
bring nothing with me but sin only. I can therefore not lift up my eyes
to Thy exalted and most holy majesty, but I am ashamed, that I have so
oft offended Thee and not hearkened unto Thy voice. Alas! there is
nothing good in me, I am conceived and born in sins, my nature is so
perverted and depraved, that I cannot feel and experience in me either a
desire or love for virtue and the heavenly gifts, but only for transitory
honor and joys and the inclination to all evil. I have lived in sin from
my youth up, and yet I live in sin, as long as I have this sinful flesh
of Adam on me. But, dear Lord, I comfort myself by Thy unbounded,
unfathomable, infinite and unspeakable grace and mercy, which Thou hast
promised to all penitent sinners in Thy word and confirmed by a sacred
oath. I comfort myself by the precious merit of Thy only begotten Son,
who was delivered for the sake of my sins and raised for my
justification. O heavenly Father, hide Thy face from my sins and behold
the face of Thy Son, who in himself never did commit sin, nor ever knew
of sin, but through His most holy obedience, blood and death hath made
satisfaction for all my sins and the sins of the whole world. Receive me,
O Father, for the sake of this Saviour again into grace, and do not
permit his bitter sufferings and death and his perfect precious ransom,
which he has paid Thee for my sins to be lost by me, poor sinner, but
that it may strengthen me. And I will then praise and bless Thee, here in
time and there in eternity. Amen.

                    35. Prayer for true Conversion.

Almighty God, merciful Father! Every day Thy voice calling me to
repentance and grace resounds in my ears, encouraging me and all sinful
souls unto conversion: Return, thou backsliding Israel, saith the Lord,
and I will not cause mine anger to fall upon you; for I am merciful,
saith the Lord, and I will not keep anger forever. Only acknowledge thine
iniquity, that thou hast transgressed against the Lord, thy God. But
alas! I am not sufficient of myself, as of myself to convert myself unto
Thee. As little as the Ethiopian can change his skin and as little as the
leopard can change its spots, so little can I cease to do evil and do
good by my natural powers, inasmuch as the thoughts and intents of my
heart are inclined to evil from my youth up continually. Has Thy grace
wrought so much in me that I have determined that I will arise and
reconcile myself with Thee on account of my sins, and offer unto Thee a
broken and contrite heart, yet, alas! satan, the accursed one, will cast
a thousandfold hinderances in the way. My own sinful flesh and blood
prevent me, that the good that I will I cannot accomplish, but remain in
sin and finally be destroyed therein. Wherefore, Abba, dear Father, I
bend and bow my knees in deep humility before Thee, and ask for the sake
of Thy infinite mercy: convert me, O Lord, and I shall be converted, help
me, and I shall be helped, let Thy grace, my God, not be in vain in me,
but as Thou hast given to will, so do Thou also give to accomplish it.
Destroy the wantonness of the infernal villain, prevent the suggestions
of my perverted heart, that my holy resolution may not be hindered or
entirely destroyed. Open my eyes that I may heartily know, painfully
lament, and bitterly bewail my sins. Give me a divine sorrow over my
transgressions, which will bring repentance unto salvation, which may
never be repented of. Do Thou not, O Lord, permit me to be destroyed
under the burden of sin, nor to despair with Cain and Judas, but do Thou
turn to me, and be merciful unto me, behold my misery and affliction, and
forgive all my sins. Show me Thy dear and merciful heart, Father, which
desireth not the death of a sinner, but that he may be converted and
live; speak gently to my soul, and say that mercy shall go for justice,
and that Thou wilt no more remember my transgressions. Show me with the
finger of Thy divine grace unto Jesus, the crucified one, how he died for
my sins and rose again for my justification. Open to me for a refuge his
bloody wounds, in which so many poor sinners have found comfort and
salvation. Create also a clean heart within me and renew a right spirit
within me; cast me not away from Thy countenance and take not Thy Holy
Spirit from me; comfort me again with Thy help, and the joyful Spirit
preserve me in a firm resolution to amend my sinful life, and as long as
I live to serve Thee in righteousness and holiness, as is pleasing in Thy
sight. O Lord, hear me, alas! Lord! be merciful, O Lord! hearken to
remember and do what I ask, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen!

                 36. Prayer for the Forgiveness of Sin.

Eternal, merciful God, I, a poor miserable afflicted sinner, come before
Thy divine Majesty bringing unto Thee nothing but sin, and on account of
this sin I dare not raise my eyes unto Thee, but am cast down with shame,
that I have so often and with great and manifold sins offended Thee, my
God, my Creator and Father, so that if Thou wouldst deal with me
according to my just dues, I would forever remain a child of wrath and
eternal damnation. But dear Lord God and Father, I comfort myself with
Thy great mercy, with Thy unmeasurable, unfathomable, endless and
unspeakable grace, which Thou thyself hast vouchsafed unto me and which
Thou, with a precious oath and affirmation, hast confirmed and given me
ample assurance with Thy Words: "As true as I live, I have no pleasure in
the death of a sinner, but that he might turn from his wickedness and
live." I comfort myself with Thine only begotten Son, my dear Redeemer,
Justifier, Mediator and Saviour, that He has, by His perfect obedience,
sufferings and death, obtained for me again Thy favor, and has given unto
me, one that believes in Him, power to become Thy child and to remain an
heir of Thy boundless mercy now and in eternity. Therefore, I will not
despair, but will confess my sins, both internal and external, secret and
manifest, unto Thee, and I will present myself before Thee guilty as an
evil-doer and malefactor, and I know nothing more to do than to come upon
the promise of Thy Word with an humble heart and dauntless spirit in true
faith and sincere confidence in Thy promised mercy and the bitter
sufferings of Thy dear Son, to the throne of grace, and from the depths
of my heart exclaim: Abba, dear Father, Lord! have mercy upon me! O God,
be gracious unto me, a poor, miserable sinner; forgive all my original
and actual sins, and all that I have at any time thought, spoken or done
against Thee, consciously or unconsciously. Lord, there is nothing good
in me. In sin was I conceived and born, in sin have I lived, in sin do I
yet live, so long as I carry with me this sinful flesh and blood, and my
sins are continually before Thee. Thou seest in me a thousand times more,
yea, and a thousand times greater sin than I myself am able to see, know
and feel. O Lord, enter not into judgment with Thy servant, for in Thy
sight shall no man living be justified. Have mercy upon me for the sake
of Jesus Christ, Thy dear Son, my Lord and Saviour, and through Thy great
mercy, which is greater than the sins of all men, blot out my
transgressions. Wash me clean with hysop and sprinkle me with the pure
blood of Thy Son, which was shed upon the cross. May I be and remain Thy
child and heir, a vessel of Thy mercy, a fountain and dwelling of the
Holy Spirit. O, Lord, redeem, comfort and quicken me! Grant unto me Thy
grace anew! Gladden my distressed spirit and my troubled and broken heart
with Thy holy, joyful and life-giving Spirit. The broken reed and smoking
flax Thou wilt not, O Lord, bruise and quench. Thou wilt not cast me away
from Thy countenance forever, this I know full well. Thou wilt not permit
me to despair, but wilt favor me with Thy true Spirit, who will enkindle
and confirm in me true faith and comfort. O, Lord! my God and Father,
Thou faithful God, hear my prayer, that I may continue to be and remain
Thy child and temple, now and eternally. Permit me not to fall into error
and vice against my conscience. Save me from blood guiltiness and from
all evil. May I ever rejoice in Thy Word, that I may willingly hear the
same, read and ponder over it and that I may therewith serve and benefit
others, that I may speak of it day and night, and proclaim Thy
righteousness and glory continually; and I will love, adore, praise,
thank and serve Thee, my God and Lord, and Thy dear Son, my Saviour Jesus
Christ, together with the Holy Ghost, now and in all eternity with all
angels and men. Amen.

            37. Prayer for Reconciliation with our Neighbor.

Gracious Jesus, through Thy grace I have prepared myself and am about to
seek the forgiveness of my sins in private confession; but I remember,
that Thou hast said and earnestly commanded: if thou bring thy gift
before the altar and there rememberest that thy brother hath aught
against thee: leave there thy gift before the altar and go thy way, first
be reconciled to thy brother and then come and offer thy gift. Now I have
unfortunately fallen into misunderstanding and variance with my neighbor,
hence do Thou so bestow upon me Thy grace and so overrule my heart, that
I may be willing to be reconciled with him. I acknowledge the hardness of
my heart and confess that it is hard for me to subdue my flesh and blood
and to banish all anger and revenge. But it is my hope, yea, my prayer,
that Thou, Lord, wilt take away my stony heart and grant unto me a heart
of flesh, that is: a loving, reconciled heart, and cause me to love my
enemy, to bless him that curses me, to do good unto those, that hate me,
and to pray for those who despitefully abuse and persecute me. O! may I
meditate upon that judgment and that terrible account which I must give
unto Thee, that I may renounce that enmity which designs death and
destruction, and according to Thy commandment become reconciled with my
adversary whilst I am in the way with him, and never more permit the sun
to go down upon my wrath. And as I, in Thy name, pardon and forgive all
those, who have offended me, so let me find all those, whom I have
grieved and irritated, ready with a willing heart, to pardon and forgive
my offences against them. O, Jesus! forgive all our sins, and govern our
hearts, that we may live with each other in a christian and peaceful
manner and that we may praise Thy name here in time, until in heaven we
shall glorify Thee forever. Amen.

             Brief Instruction concerning the Holy Supper.

Why do you desire to go to the Holy Supper? This question each one should
lay before his conscience before he approaches the Lord's table. For
there are not a few who are either altogether obtuse and thoughtless, or
they come to the Holy Supper with an entirely wrong intention. Some will
go from mere custom, others because they are admonished to do so by their
parents, others because they consider the partaking of the Lord's Supper
a work of merit, and still others because they wish to acquire and
preserve the appearance and name of pious Christians before men. It is no
wonder that such partakers of the Holy Supper receive no blessings from
it, and that they become the more wicked, the longer they so continue.

A communicant who desires to receive the Holy Supper unto his salvation,
must, in the first place, clearly understand what the Holy Supper is and
for what Christ has instituted it, and, in the second place, he must have
a penitent heart.

Such have an altogether false conception of the Holy Supper, who regard
it as a mere feast at which a person does but commemorate Christ's
sufferings and death. No, the Holy Supper is the exalted and holy
mystery, in which Christ with the consecrated bread gives us his body to
eat, and with the consecrated wine gives us his blood to drink, even the
same body which he took on himself from the virgin Mary and gave in death
for our sins, and the same blood which he shed upon the cross for the
remission of our sins. True, we cannot see this with our eyes, we cannot
taste it with our mouth, nor can we understand it with our reason, but
must believe it, for our Lord and Saviour says: "Take, eat, this _is_ my
body; take, drink, this _is_ my blood." Our Lord and Saviour is true, and
certainly he will fulfill what he says in the words of his testament; he
is of infinite wisdom, and knows of ways and means for the fulfillment of
his promises, even though it be beyond our comprehension; he is almighty,
with whom nothing is impossible, who can do infinitely more than we are
able to ask or think. If we believe with all earnestness, that it is not
mere bread and wine, but also the true body and blood of our Saviour, who
is God and man in one person, which we receive in the Holy Supper, then
we will not be thoughtless and indifferent, but we will approach the
table of the Lord with devotional and humble hearts and with the
centurion exclaim: Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shouldst come under my

The benefits derived from the Holy Supper are threefold: first, by a
worthy partaking of the Holy Supper we receive the forgiveness of sin and
are assured of the same. Our gracious God has given many and manifold
means to assure the poor sinner of the forgiveness of his sins; such
means are, the preaching of the Gospel, Holy Baptism, Absolution and the
Holy Supper. We should not ask the impertinent question, why God has
given us _four_ means of grace, instead of _one_, but rather thank him,
that he has so richly blessed us in making us partakers of the
forgiveness of our sins, and that he, through these means, gives unto us
a joyful heart and a certain assurance that we are acceptable unto him.
Whoever knows from own experience, how important it is for one whose
heart is terrified on account of his sins, to believe in the forgiveness
of such sins, will readily conceive the greatness of divine mercy and
care, in not providing only one, but many means, through which we have
the assurance of the forgiveness of our sins. Therefore, just as certain
as with your mouth you eat the body of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
which was given for you in death for the forgiveness of your sins, and
drink that blood which was shed for the remission of your sins, just so
certain also should you be that such forgiveness is your portion and
inheritance. Second, the Holy Supper also confers life. This is not a
temporal, natural life, which we have received through birth and which is
nourished through the ordinary food and drink, but it is that new,
spiritual life, which has been regenerated through the new birth in Holy
Baptism, and which subsists by virtue of faith in the Lord Jesus and in
love to God and our neighbor. But inasmuch as this life is yet weak and
imperfect and constant growth is necessary, the Lord has instituted the
Holy Supper as a spiritual means of nourishment, in order to strengthen
the new spiritual life. Luther says concerning this: The Holy Supper is
rightly regarded as food for the soul which nourishes and strengthens the
new man; for through Baptism we are first born again, but there still
remains the old Adam in our flesh and blood; there are so many
temptations and impediments thrown in the way by the world and the devil,
that we often grow weary and languid and sometimes fall. Hence the Holy
Supper is given us as a daily nourishment and food that our faith may
grow and be strengthened, and that in such contest it may not fall back,
but ever grow stronger and stronger; for the new life must be such as
always to increase and progress; it has on the other hand, to suffer
much; for the devil is such a wrathful enemy, when he sees that one
opposes him and assails the old man, and he is unable to prevail with his
power, then he will sneak and creep around on all sides, making use of
all kinds of artifice and keeps on until he finally has made us weary,
that a person either falls from the faith altogether, or gives way to
disgust and impatience. Thereto then this comfort is given, that the
heart, when it feels the temptations too great to bear, receives new
strength and solace from the Holy Supper. But, thirdly, the Holy Supper
also confers eternal salvation. Just as sin, as long as it is not
forgiven, deprives us of salvation, so sin which is forgiven opens unto
us the door of eternal salvation. Where there is forgiveness of sin,
there is also life and salvation.

But if we would obtain this threefold blessed benefit from the Holy
Supper, we must receive it worthily and well prepared. This is however
not a worthiness brought about by the law, but by the Gospel, and does
not consist in a perfect life and entire purity of the soul from sin; but
much more in this, that we are conscious of our unworthiness and
sinfulness; that we have a heart poor in spirit and mournful, and long
heartily after the forgiveness of sin, that we also comfort ourselves
with it or wish to comfort; that we regard our sins to be very great, but
that we rejoice in the help which is found in none other than the Lord
Jesus Christ. On the other hand, all those communicants are unworthy and
unfit, who in their self-righteous conceit think it unnecessary to have
the forgiveness of sin, as was the case with the Pharisee, who stood and
prayed thus with himself: God, I thank Thee, that I am not as other men
are,--or who entirely doubt the forgiveness of sin, as did Cain, who said
unto the Lord: My punishment is greater than I can bear, and who will not
permit himself to be delivered from his despondent thoughts, or those who
continue in evil purpose and who knowingly go on and serve sin, or who
live in malicious hatred against their neighbor. When such unworthy
communicants receive the Holy Supper, it is true, they also receive the
body and blood of Christ, but they receive it unto judgment and unto the
increase of their own damnation. Hence, too, St. Paul gives the earnest
admonition: Let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread
and drink of that cup, for whoso eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth
and drinketh damnation to himself. Now, whoever recognizes in himself the
above named characteristics of an unworthy communicant, should not dare
to approach the table of the Lord in this condition; not that he should
remain away, but in the meanwhile he should examine himself, and instead
of being an impenitent, become a penitent sinner.

But are not also weak believers to be numbered among the unworthy
communicants? By no means. But much more those who are both weak in faith
and defective in godly life, and who are overtaken in this or that sin,
and who painfully feel their weakness and long to become stronger, are
Christ's right welcome guests at his table; such the Lord does not cast
away, but much more invites to come; for he instituted the Holy Supper
especially for the weak and infirm, that through this spiritual
nourishment they might become stronger. He extends unto all such the
gracious call: Come unto me all ye that are weary and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest, and whosoever comes, I will in no wise cast

                  38. Morning Prayer of a Communicant.

Lord Jesus, I this morning rejoice that I, with other pious Christians,
am permitted to receive Thy body and blood in, with and under the
consecrated bread and wine. O! how my soul longs for the courts of the
Lord and for the holy altar. As the hart panteth after the water brooks,
so panteth my soul after Thee, O my God. For Thou art my Shepherd, I
shall not want. O, Lord Jesus, as Thou hast begun the good work in me a
poor miserable man, so also accomplish the same in mercy, through the
gracious power of the Holy Spirit unto Thy name's glory and unto my own
welfare and eternal salvation. Dear Redeemer, I am, it is true, not
worthy that I should come under Thy roof, but Thy grace, which is
all-sufficient, make me worthy and amply qualify me, that the precious
food and drink of Thy true body and blood may quicken my soul in this
heavenly feast of joy and love. Clothe me with the garment of salvation
and with the robe of Thy righteousness by a true faith, that I may not be
found among the pretending guests and would-be-Christians, but may be a
worthy partaker at Thy table and receive all Thy gracious treasures which
Thou hast acquired for me. O Lord Jesus, may Thy grace be and remain with
me, as I ever put my trust in Thee. May Thy visitation preserve my
spirit, my life and walk. And whatever else is needful, grant Thou, O
Lord, unto me in this life and in the life hereafter. Give me true
repentance, renew my heart, deliver my body and soul. O Lord! hear this
my desire, and do not permit my prayer to remain unanswered, that I may
be acceptable unto Thee in time and in eternity. Amen, in Jesus' name,

         39. Prayer for a worthy Partaking of the Holy Supper.

Behold me, Dear Saviour, As I Come Relying on Thy Gracious Invitation.
May I find favor in Thine eyes, Thou Lover of Life. For who am I that
Thou shouldst so friendly call me? Were I even holier than the angels,
yet would I not be worthy of this repast; how then should I be worthy,
seeing that I am of impure lips, yea, an abomination and offensive, if
Thou doest not make me worthy? Therefore come Thou to my succor with Thy
grace, and prepare me. Thou hast said: Whosoever cometh to me, Thou wilt
in no wise cast out. Then take my soul into Thy favor, according to Thy
great mercies. Dear Jesus, remember that of myself I have indeed much
evil, but nothing good; so help me for Thy great goodness' sake. O see
how poor and miserable I am! Remember Thy faithfulness, O Saviour of the
world, and fill my heart with grace. O! how I long to appear at Thy table
with glowing devotion and becoming reverence in full faith, but where is
the power to do, if I do not receive it of Thee, thou Author and Finisher
of my faith? Therefore give Thou unto me whatsoever is pleasing to Thee.
Graciously take from me whatsoever displeases Thee, or cover it, at
least, I most humbly pray Thee, with the cloak of Thy righteousness. O!
blessed is the soul that finds favor with Thee! Open Thou mine eyes that
I may behold the wonders in Thy ordinances. Rouse my heart, and free me
of all strange thoughts, increase my hope, inflame my desire, make ardent
my devotion, purge me of all uncleanness, and sanctify me wholly, that I
may approach with joyful confidence, that I may receive with pure mouth
and holy heart, and with heartfelt desire eat and drink unto the life,
welfare and blessing of my soul. Amen.

          40. Thanksgiving after Partaking of the Holy Supper.

Lord Jesus Christ, I give Thee most hearty thanks and praise, that Thou
hast again washed me, a poor sinful being, of all my transgressions, and,
for the most certain assurance of such washing and forgiveness of all my
sins, hast permitted me to eat of Thy true body, and to drink of Thy true
blood, and, taking me as an impure child after such cleansing, hast again
received me into the fatherly arms of Thy grace and mercy, and doest thus
show and present me blameless, pure and without fault unto Thy heavenly

I pray Thee most heartily and from my whole soul, that, after Thy great
benefit, Thou wouldst yet add this in abundance, and graciously grant me
Thy grace through the working of the Holy Ghost, that I may be truly
sensible of Thy great goodness, thankfully receive it, and from my heart
magnify and praise Thee during my whole life. And do Thou further work in
me through Thy Holy Ghost, and effect that I also may heartily forgive my
neighbor anything he may have done against me, as Thou, O Lord, hast
pardoned and forgiven all my great and numerous transgressions, yea, and
hast entirely wiped them out of Thy remembrance; that I may also love my
neighbor, and from my heart show him all manner of good, even as Thou, O
Lord, hast shown unto me more than I am able to thank for; in order that
Thou, O good and faithful God, in us mayest be magnified and praised
together with the Father and Holy Ghost throughout all ages. Amen.

  41. Prayer that God would hereafter keep us from sin, and if we sin,
              that He would not reckon it to our account.

O thou kind and merciful God, Thou dear Father in heaven, Thou hast out
of grace and divine love, bestowed upon us Thy dear Son, and with Him all
grace, life and salvation. We pray Thee, dear Father, preserve unto us
this blessed treasure and heavenly gift, the gracious countenance of Thy
dear Son, Jesus Christ, that we may never lose Him through
unthankfulness, or otherwise be deprived of Him. We are indeed poor,
miserable and frail beings, who fall from one sin into another; we now
sin in thought, now in word and deed, and it is with difficulty that we
stand. Here we never find rest and peace; the devil watches our very
thoughts, stirs them up, and fans the passions into flame, the world
watches our words and deeds, walk and life, and gives us much offense and
occasion to sin, our own flesh also never rests, besides yet all the
occasional sins, vices and weaknesses which daily beset us, and which
terribly trouble our conscience, entirely destroy the joy of our heart
and turn it into sorrow and sadness. Therefore we pray Thee, Thou kind
and merciful God, that when, as it may happen, we have become negligent
and unthankful, and do not so walk as we should--O do Thou still remain
our gracious God; be Thou friendly towards us, comfort us in goodness and
mercy, do not hold us accountable or make us suffer for our manifold
sins, but purge our hearts and consciences by Thy word, in order that we
may serve Thee in sorrow and joy, magnify, honor and praise Thee in time
and in eternity. Amen.

            42. Prayer in view of the Sufferings of Christ.

Alas! my Lord Jesus Christ, when I behold Thee, as Thou wast in the
garden bowed down with heartfelt sorrow, and in great anguish didst sweat
drops of blood, as Thou wast afterwards taken prisoner, bound, and during
the whole night and hour of darkness mocked and insulted, in the morning
early as the innocent Lamb accused, whipped with scourges, and finally
sentenced to death, suspended on the cross, pierced in your hands and
feet with ruthless nails, and not a member of Thy most holy body
remaining without a wound:--Alas! when I see all this, I see nothing but
my sins, guilt and iniquities which brought Thee into this plight, and
for the sake of which Thou didst freely enter into such anguish and
distress, into such sadness, pain and suffering. Alas! my Lord, it is all
my guilt for which Thou didst suffer--I am the cause of it all. How
wonderful are the ways and purposes of God! The Innocent One must pay for
the guilt of the guilty, the Good One must suffer the punishments of the
wicked. The Lord must atone the guilt of the servant, and that which
sinful man has brought upon himself God must bear. O Thou Son of the
living God, how great is Thy love and favor towards us mortals! What hast
Thou not done and suffered to redeem me, a poor lost sinner, and to
deliver me from death and eternal damnation. I have done evil, and Thou
art punished; I have sinned, and Thou must atone. I have been
disobedient, and Thou must for my disobedience be overwhelmed with such
anguish and distress. Alas! Thou Lord of Glory, what can I give Thee in
return for this Thy great goodness and faithfulness which Thou hast shown
towards me! Wherewith shall I, poor needy mortal, requite such
unspeakable benefit? Alas! my Lord, it shall forever remain unrequited.
There is no service in heaven or on earth whereby to pay Thee
sufficiently for it. It is Thy pure grace and favor towards me, a poor
sinner, and that remains by me forever unrequited, forever unmerited. And
since I have nothing wherewithall to pay my debt, therefore my heart
shall evermore thank Thee for what Thou hast done to me, and I shall
magnify, glorify and praise Thy name now and forever. Amen.

                     43. Prayer in time of Drought.

O Faithful God, Thou God of truth and righteousness, who unto the most
comforting assurance hast shown us in Thy word of truth, how that an
earnest, zealous, faithful and persevering prayer, powerfully penetrates
the clouds of heaven, and not only most certainly comes into Thy
presence, but also that it avails and effects a great deal, we, Thy poor
children, now come, upon Thy comforting promise, in this extraordinarily
protracted season of heat and drought, with our faithful, hearty and
earnest prayer before the face of Thy lofty and divine majesty, and
humbly beseech Thee, that Thou wouldst graciously hear us according to
Thy promise, turn Thy great wrath in mercy from us, give unto the parched
earth again its needed moisture, and cause a propitious shower to fall in
quickening drops upon the earth, in order that it may again bring forth
the ordained fruits so necessary for the support of our temporal life,
which Thou in Thy paternal providence hast already ordained in the first
creation. As of old Thou didst unlock the windows of heaven in answer to
the faithful prayer of Thy servant and prophet Elias, and didst cause it
to rain upon the thirsty earth, so we also confide the same to Thee now,
that Thou wilt let Thy grace reign over us in this season of heat and
drought, and out of Thy fatherly care for us, grant us our earnest
petition and prayer, unto Thy honor and our salvation, through Jesus
Christ, Thy dear Son, our only Redeemer and Saviour. Amen.

    44. Prayer for Sunshine in a protracted Season of Wet and Rain.

Lord God almighty, Thou who doest clothe the heaven with darkness, and
makest their covering as a sack; Thou didst in thy wrath punish the
impenitent old world for their wickedness and vice, with the overflowing
waters of the flood, and didst destroy all the creatures of the earth,
that live and have their being on dry land. We also at this time,
according to Thy strict righteousness, on account of our manifold sins
which we have committed against Thee, are visited with unusual rain,
continued and protracted wet weather by which the land and the fruits
thereof are greatly injured. Merciful Father, Thou who didst close the
fountains of the deep as well as the windows of heaven at the time of the
deluge, and didst command the rain from heaven to cease, take away from
us all our sins and transgressions, and turn away from us the just
punishment of our iniquities, the destructive rain and great waters. For
the earth is sad, and the heavens are mourning. Behold the pledge in the
clouds--the rainbow--and remember Thy promise, give good and fruitful
weather, that the fruits in field and garden may prosper, and not be
destroyed by the abundant and superfluous rain, and thus bring upon us
famine and scarcity. Lord God of truth, Thou who canst not lie, Thou hast
said: There shall henceforth be no more deluge to destroy the earth.
Therefore be merciful, O Lord! and do not out of wrath close up the
bowels of Thy compassion, O do not take Thy favor and mercy from us! Do
Thou not give unto us idle teeth, and lack of bread, bless our bread,
that we may always have something to eat, and praise Thy holy name; thus
shall we know that we are Thy children indeed, for whom Thou dost most
faithfully care, and praise Thee as our heavenly Father all the days of
our lives. Amen.

            45. Prayer for the precious Fruits of the Field.

Dear Lord, do Thou graciously keep the blessed fruits of the field,
purify the air, give fruitful rain and good weather, that the fruits of
the land may prosper; let them not be poisoned, so that by eating them we
together with the cattle be not taken with pestilence, fever or other
plagues; for such plagues come when evil spirits poison the air, and
afterwards the fruits, wine and corn, so that we by Thy infliction eat
and drink sickness and death with our own daily bread. Therefore, dear
Lord, bless Thy gifts that they may redound to our health and prosperity,
and that we also may not abuse them to the injury of our souls or to
greater sinfulness, intemperance and idleness, out of which unchastity,
adultery, profanity, swearing, murder, wars and all manner of evils flow;
but give us grace to use Thy gifts to our souls' salvation, and the
amendment of our lives, and that the fruits of the Land be the means of
furthering and keeping the health of our bodies and souls. Amen.

                       46. Prayer during a Storm.

Great God of might and power in heaven and in earth, by Thy thunder and
lightening we are now reminded of Thy great wrath over us sinful mortals.
By such sound of Thy voice which makes all creatures to tremble and to
fear, Thou doest call us, as if it were with a bell of repentance, to the
knowledge of our sins and to true repentance, in order that we may not be
condemned with the wicked world. Thou art such a mighty and powerful
Lord, that if Thou wouldst deal with us according to Thy strict
righteousness, Thou couldst destroy the world with one clap of thunder
and lightening. But we bend our knees in prayer before Thee and humbly
beseech Thee, remit Thy great wrath enkindled against our sins. Have
mercy on us, spare us, lift up Thy gracious countenance upon us, and be
Thou merciful unto us. Preserve our bodies and lives, our homes and
property, our town and land, our goods and possessions, and all that we
have, also the fruits of the field from hail and sleet, from
conflagrations and floods, and from all danger. Guard us also against an
evil and sudden death, and mercifully grant that many sinners may by Thy
word, thunder and lightning, be roused out of their wicked walk and life,
and be truly and heartily converted to Thee. Let us every hour of our
lives think of Thy glorious appearing to judge the quick and the dead,
and be prepared to receive Thee with joy, and with Thee to enter into the
everlasting joys of Thy heavenly kingdom. Amen. O Lord, have mercy on us
poor sinners, our bodies and souls, here in this present life and in the
life to come. Amen.

                47. Thanksgiving when the Storm is over.

Almighty God, heavenly Father, Thou hast said: Call upon me in the day of
trouble, I will deliver thee and thou shalt glorify me: we praise and
thank Thee with our whole heart, that Thou hast, in mercy, heard our
prayer and caused the threatening storm to cease, without injury to body
or property. In this, Thou hast not dealt with us after our sins, nor
rewarded us according to our iniquities; but hast dealt with us as a
father with his children. Father of mercies, for the sake of Thine only
begotten Son, Jesus Christ, cause these Thy fearful warnings to move us
to constant amendment, that we may henceforth live in Thy fear and
prepare ourselves for the coming of Thy dear Son, that we may with joy go
forth to meet Him, and with shouts of joy enter heaven, in which dwelleth
righteousness, and possess it forever, even for ever and ever, through
Thy dear Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

                 48. Prayer in great Weakness of Faith.

O Lord, I know it now of a truth that all men have not faith. I believe,
dear Lord, help my unbelief! Do not break the bruised reed, nor quench
the smoking flax; O Jesus, Thou who sittest at the right hand of God,
make intercession for me, that my faith may not cease. Be the author and
finisher of my faith, wherewith I shall be able to quench all the fiery
darts of the wicked one. Grant me that I believe, although I do not see,
and thus be saved. Amen.

                49. Prayer in great Trouble and Danger.

O almighty God and Father, who art ever ready to help, Thou seest the
great trouble and danger in which we are living; we know of no counsel or
help, and have no strength of ourselves to come out of trouble, therefore
our eyes look unto Thee, who alone art our consolation, refuge and
helper, and hast said: Call upon me in the day of trouble, I will deliver
thee, and thou shalt glorify me. Our heart clings to Thy word of promise
and in childlike humility and confidence seeks Thy face. O Lord, hide not
Thy face, full of compassion, from us, and put not Thy children away in
anger. Leave us not, neither forsake us, O God of our salvation, who
workest salvation in the midst of the earth. Let Thy help also come unto
us and be merciful unto us. O Lord, our God, in Thee do we put our trust
and under the shadow of Thy wings do we make our refuge until these
calamities be overpast. Turn again unto us and satisfy us early with Thy
mercy and we will freely sacrifice unto Thee, we will praise Thy name, O
Lord, for it is good. Make us glad according to the days wherein Thou
hast afflicted us, and the years wherein we have seen evil. Give us help
from trouble and we will praise Thee, and rejoice in Thy salvation all
the days of our life. Amen.

                 50. Thanksgiving after a safe Journey.

Gracious God, heavenly Father, I thank Thee with my whole heart, that
Thou hast in safety brought me to my journey's end, and that to my joy,
Thy holy angels have led me back to my family. As a Father Thou hast also
kept me from all evil, prevented robbers and murderers from killing me,
wild beasts from tearing me to pieces, floods of water and other perils
from destroying or injuring me. Thou hast led me in safety as the angel
Raphael led the young Tobias. All this I owe to Thy paternal care and
almighty protection. In mercy keep me and mine, take us under Thy mighty
protection, and by Thy power preserve body and soul unto eternal life for
Jesus Christ's sake. Amen.

          51. Thanksgiving for Deliverance out of Tribulation.

I will praise Thee, O Lord my God, with all my heart, and I will glorify
Thy name forevermore. I will praise Thee for ever, because Thou canst do
all things well. Behold, instead of peace I had great bitterness, but
Thou hast in love to my soul delivered it from the pit of corruption. In
my distress I called unto Thee, and Thou hast heard my voice, and my cry
did enter into Thy ears, and Thou hast comforted me. Thou hast faithfully
helped me, in mercy upheld my soul, and finally delivered me out of my
great tribulation. My Lord and my God, what shall I render unto Thee for
all the benefits which Thou daily bestowest? I will praise Thy name all
the days of my life, I will magnify Thee among all Thy people, and Thy
glory shall continually be in my mouth. Thy Spirit, O faithful God,
enable me to pay my vows and never to forget the benefits Thou hast
bestowed upon my soul. Let me spread Thy praise in time, and also in
Eternity, together with the elect, sing everlasting Hallelujahs to the
honor of Thy name. Amen.

                  52. Morning Prayer of a sick Person.

O Thou faithful God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! I will thank and
praise Thee that Thou hast so mercifully kept, protected and strengthened
me in my weakness. In Jesus' name, turn unto me to-day and the remaining
days of my life, cleanse me from my sin, comfort me by Thy grace,
strengthen me by Thy power, lead me by Thy Holy Spirit, that I may live
and suffer in accordance with Thy will. I commit my sick body and my soul
into Thy holy hands, let Thy holy angel have charge concerning me that
the wicked one may have no power or influence over me, through Jesus
Christ, our only comfort and Redeemer, in the power of the Holy Ghost.

                53. Another Morning Prayer in Sickness.

I commit myself this morning and all the days of my life into Thy hands,
O God, the eternal Father who hast created me, O God, the eternal Son who
hast redeemed me, O God, the Holy Ghost who hast sanctified me in holy
baptism. O eternal Godhead, O perfect humanity, O holy Trinity, ever keep
me ready to enter into everlasting salvation. Amen.

Good and merciful God, affectionate Father, by Thy grace I have passed
another night and again behold the cheering light. Thanks be unto Thee,
that Thou hast been my keeper and protector, comforter and helper, that
Thou hast as a Father kept my sick body, together with my distressed
soul, by Thy power hast kept me from sudden death and dangerous
temptations, and that Thy holy angel has defended me against the devil,
the prince of darkness. By Thy grace and mercy I still live. Watch over
me Thy poor creature to-day also, and so lead and guide me that I may
neither think, speak, nor do evil. Lead me, the poor one of Thy flock, to
Thy holy Word, and cause me to lie down in its green pastures, for this
is my comfort in my distress. Preserve me, O God, for in Thee do I put my
trust, Thou, and Thou alone, art my strength, my God and my noblest
treasure. Fill my heart and mind with fear and love to Thee. Separate me
from all things not purely Thine. Hide me in Thyself, that in my trouble
and affliction I may submit to Thy will, and trust in Thee alone, for
besides Thee there is no other help in all the world. Thou art the true
physician of the sick, the true comforter in every distress, the true
helper in the hour of death. Beloved Father, heal me, comfort me, help
me. Keep me this day from sin and all evil, from the wiles of the devil,
from the temptations of the world and from the evil lusts of my own
sinful flesh. Give patience, hope and constancy. And when my life is at
an end give me an easy and blessed death through Jesus Christ, Thy dear
Son, my Redeemer. Amen.

                  54. Evening Prayer of a sick Person.

Thanks be unto Thee, my God and Father, that Thou hast this day so
mercifully succored me. Thy grace, Thy power, Thy comfort and Thy Spirit
be with me in my sickness and help me through this night also. I commit
my body and soul into Thy hands, Thy holy angels have charge concerning
me, that the wicked one may have no power over me, through Jesus Christ,
Thy dear Son, our Lord. Amen.

              55. Another Evening Prayer of a sick Person.

Almighty and merciful God, affectionate Father, Thou hast said: Call upon
me in the day of trouble, I will deliver thee; therefore I pray Thee,
have mercy on me and forgive all my sins with which I have offended Thee
this day. I commit myself this coming night into Thy keeping, and let my
soul be at rest, even if my body should be full of trouble. Let me not be
carried away by sudden death without knowing Thy dear Son. If it be Thy
gracious will, let me live till morning and pass this night without pain
of body or distress of soul. Should this be my last night on earth, and
Thou, in Thy unsearchable counsel, shouldst call me into Eternity, let me
awake in Heaven and make me the humblest servant in Thy kingdom. In Thy
name I fall asleep. Whether I shall awake on earth or in Heaven, I shall
love and praise Thee with my whole heart, my faithful God. Amen. In
Jesus' name. Amen.

                        56. Prayer in Sickness.

Gracious God and Father, I acknowledge and confess unto Thee that I have
done evil all the days of my life and have not lived to Thy honor. I have
fulfilled the lusts of the flesh and have served myself and the world
more than Thee. O Lord, I am very sorry that I have passed the few days
of my life in doing evil. I acknowledge that Thou art only visiting my
iniquities upon me in sending this sickness. By this Thou wouldst call me
to repentance. O Lord, Thou judgest me righteously and chastenest me that
I may not perish with the ungodly world. By this sickness Thou puttest me
in mind of my mortality and teachest me to know mine end and the measure
of my days, what it is. Verily, every man at his best state is altogether
vanity, surely every man walketh in a vain show, he heapeth up riches and
knoweth not who shall gather them. And now, Lord, what wait I for?
Deliver me from my transgressions. I know, Lord, that my times are in Thy
hand, Thou hast written all my members in Thy book, which in continuance
were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them. My substance was not
hid from Thee when I was curiously wrought in my mother's womb. Since it
is Thy will that I should be sick, may I cheerfully do this Thy will. O
Lord, Thine arrows stick fast in me, and Thy hand presseth me sore, there
is no soundness in my flesh because of Thine anger, neither is there any
rest in my bones because of my sins, as a heavy burden, they are too
heavy for me. O my God, preserve my soul in every temptation, let this
bodily sickness be a medicine for the healing of my soul. Keep Thou my
heart and mind, and through the peace of my Lord Jesus Christ protect me
with Thy shield and buckler against all the fiery darts of the devil.
Lord, Thou knowest it that I am the work of Thy hands, Thou hast formed
me out of the clay; we are the clay and Thou our potter. Alas! how I am
broken in pieces! Spare me, O Lord; Thou wilt surely not, in Thy wrath,
cast away nor break in pieces the work of Thy hands, Thou hast separated
me from my mother's womb, Thou didst make me hope, when I was upon my
mother's breasts. Thou art the Lord and giver of my life, and hast power
to take it again at Thine own appointed time. Should it be Thy will, deal
kindly with me, as Thou didst with king Hezekiah, to whose days Thou
didst add fifteen years. Behold, for peace I have great bitterness, in
love to my soul, deliver it from the pit of corruption and cast all my
sins behind Thy back. Should this sickness not be unto death, then, O
Lord, lift me up again and heal me, for I am very weak. O Lord Jesus,
Thou heavenly physician, take me under Thy treatment, alleviate my pains
and heal me by Thy wounds, and make Thy bitter sufferings and death my
medicine. Lord, let me touch the hem of Thy garment, that is, Thy Word
and sacraments, in which Thou art wrapped up, and make me whole by the
virtue which cometh out of Thee. Should it be Thy will however, that in
this sickness I shall go the way of all the earth, be it so, for I am no
better than my fathers, only let Thy servant depart in peace, according
to Thy Word, for mine eyes have seen Thy salvation which Thou hast
prepared before the face of all people, a light to lighten the Gentiles,
and the glory of Thy people Israel. Amen.

                 57. Prayer of a penitent in Sickness.

Almighty God and Father, because of sin Thou appointest over men all
manner of diseases, but in particular bodily sickness, that they may not
perish with the world. I come unto Thee with my load of sins and confess
that on account of these I have deserved not only this sickness, but also
eternal damnation, being a child of wrath by nature and sold under sin,
besides having, all the days of my life, transgressed all Thy
commandments a countless number of times. I take my refuge in Thy
boundless mercy. Enter not into judgment with me, for in Thy sight shall
no man living be justified. Remember not the sins of my youth, nor my
transgressions, but for Thy name's sake pardon mine iniquity, for it is
great. Remove Thy stroke away from me and hearken unto the voice of my
cry, hold not Thy peace at my tears. Spare me that I may recover
strength, before I go hence, and be no more. Affectionate Father, behold,
for peace I have great bitterness, in love deliver my soul from the pit
of corruption and cast all my sins behind Thy back. Consider also my
bodily affliction and take it away or alleviate it by Thy comfort. Give
me patience, help me to bear my cross, or save me under it. Thy will be
done. Do with me, O God, as it seemeth good unto Thee. I am Thine, in
Thee I would remain. Amen.

       58. Short Prayers in Sickness, for every Hour of the Day.

                           1. At One O'clock.

My Creator and Father, Thou true and only God, from whom cometh health
and sickness, prosperity and adversity, it being Thy will that I should
be afflicted so many days with this bodily sickness, give me Christian
patience and the full assurance of hope. In times of adversity as well as
in times of prosperity, Thou alone art my beloved Father. In this life,
it is but the common lot of every faithful member of the church to bear
the cross. Why should I make myself an exception? When even my Saviour,
Jesus Christ, the head of the church, had to suffer for me. Beloved God
and Father, who art upright in all Thy ways, keep me in Thy Word and let
it be my surest remedy and greatest delight. Amen.

                           2. At Two O'clock.

Beloved Lord Jesus, my faithful Advocate and Saviour, I well know that by
my sins I have deserved nothing less than this bodily infirmity, together
with every affliction. I am comforted, however, by Thine inexhaustable
grace and most precious atonement, through which Thou hast redeemed my
body and soul. Whatever may befall my body in this life, I am assured
that my body and soul are delivered from hell, and will eventually enter
into eternal life and be crowned with health and heavenly glory. To this
end help me, Lord Jesus. Amen.

                          3. At Three O'clock.

O Holy Ghost, most worthy and affectionate companion of my soul, and most
faithful witness of my heavenly birthright and happiness, continue to
abide in my heart during this protracted, bodily affliction, and quicken
me by Thy divine comfort and keep me steadfast in Thy pure Word and most
holy sacraments. Preserve in me faith, hope and charity, these three
pillars of my Christianity. Enable me rightly to understand God's
paternal will that I may in silence submit to it, live and die in
accordance with it. Amen.

                          4. At Four O'clock.

Beloved and faithful God, teach me to remember mine end, that I may not
sin. Give me a happy death; on the Judgment Day absolve me; keep me out
of hell; take me into Heaven. In the hour of death I will lay me down in
peace and sleep. On the Judgment Day let me escape hell and dwell safely
in Heaven. Let the seed of Thy word take root in my heart, abide in me
and quicken me, until Thou wilt come to take me to Thyself. Amen.

                          5. At Five O'clock.

In my affliction and pain, where, O dear Jesus, could I make my refuge,
but in Thy _five_ sacred wounds? In these I will be secure when I shall
have lost my mind and my senses. I will abide in Thee, abide Thou also in
me. Trim the lamp of my heart with the pure oil of faith, prepare me
thro' Christian penitence to go forth with joy to meet Thee at Thy second
coming, and in company with all the elect, forever to enjoy the wedding
feast. Amen.

                           6. At Six O'clock.

I thank Thee, dear Lord and Father, that Thou hast created me in Thine
image, with a human body and reasonable soul; and beseech Thee, that Thou
wouldst not forsake me, Thy creature, in my distress, but wouldst
exercise Thy paternal care over me, and powerfully deliver me. Many are
my afflictions, and every day hath its own evils; but I know that Thou
wilt finally deliver me from all afflictions and troubles; in Thee do I
put my trust; let me never be put to shame. Amen.

                          7. At Seven O'clock.

O God, heavenly Father, who didst rest on the seventh day of the
creation, do Thou also rest and keep Thy sabbath in my heart, Thou, who
art my soul's only rest and comfort. O Lord Jesus, let the seventh and
last word, that Thou didst utter upon the cross, also be my last word in
the hour of death, that I may commend my spirit into Thy hands. O God,
Holy Ghost, Thou heavenly teacher, Thou spirit of prayer, do Thou kindle
in me constant devotion to prayer, that in the Lord's prayer, in the
seven penitential Psalms, and other prayers and sighs, I may bring my
wants to God, and be graciously heard by Him. Amen.

                          8. At Eight O'clock.

Dearest Lord Jesus, who didst upon the eighth day begin to suffer pain
and to shed Thy blood: O, give me a willing spirit, patiently to bear my
bodily infirmities to Thy glory, and the hope, that Thou wouldst
graciously preserve me and my soul in the waters of tribulation, as Thou
didst preserve the eight souls in Noah's ark. Let me be among the eight
multitudes whom Thou callest blessed, that I may be poor in spirit,
patient in tribulation, meek toward my enemies, hunger and thirst after
righteousness, merciful toward suffering Christians, pure in heart,
peaceful toward my neighbor, steadfast in persecution. O, let me advance
in the school of patience through all its grades, until through
perseverance, I will be promoted to the joyful school of everlasting
life, where with the Father and the Holy Spirit, I will praise and love
Thee evermore. Amen.

                          9. At Nine O'clock.

O my dearest Lord Jesus, Thy great sufferings reached a desired end, in
that Thou wast delivered from them through a blessed death. O grant unto
me a blessed departure, and make an end to my wearisome afflictions.. For
this I will thank, praise, and glorify Thee with my whole heart. I know,
Thou wilt not forget me, and my hope will not be lost forever. Here upon
earth I am a member of Thy church militant, O let me be a member of Thy
church triumphant. Amen.

                          10. At Ten O'clock.

O righteous and gracious God, I heartily acknowledge, that I am not only
conceived and born in sin, but have on account of human weakness in
various ways transgressed Thy holy ten commandments in thoughts, words
and actions, so that I have not only deserved this my sickness and other
temporal affliction, but have also deserved everlasting punishment. But
since Thy dear Son, my faithful Saviour Jesus Christ, has made
satisfaction for all my sins, original and actual, with His precious
merits and holy blood; I beseech Thee, that Thou wouldst for His sake be
gracious unto me, and of Thy great mercy, forgive my temporal and eternal
punishment. Guide me by Thy Holy Spirit, that I may separate myself from
the great multitude of the ungodly, that I may strive after the true
faith showing itself in good works; but especially that I may be patient
under afflictions, fight a good fight, keep the faith and a good
conscience, and finally live in Thy tabernacle forever. Do Thou alleviate
my bodily pains according to Thy good will, and help me that I may bear
my afflictions, for Jesus' sake. Amen.

                         11. At Eleven O'clock.

O faithful Lord Jesus, who didst often and powerfully comfort Thy
disciples after Thy resurrection, and doest invite the weary and
heavy-laden to Thee, and doest promise to comfort them: O do Thou visit
me in my sickness, comfort and refresh me; Thou alone art my refuge, my
counsel and my help. I yearn for the evening time of a blessed death, and
long for the joyful resurrection of my body. O let me early experience
these my requests, then will I forever praise Thee with the Father and
the Holy Ghost. Amen.

                         12. At Twelve O'clock.

Dearest Lord Jesus, I heartily thank Thee, that Thou hast revealed
Thyself to me in the writings of the holy Prophets and Apostles, so that
I can believe in Thee, and through faith obtain everlasting life. I
beseech Thee, that Thou wouldst preserve me steadfast in true faith, that
I may attain the end thereof, everlasting salvation. Make me cheerful and
ready, so that when Thou, my dear bridegroom, doest come, that I may meet
Thee with joy; lead me to Thy heavenly wedding-feast, where I will love
and praise Thee. Amen.

                    59. Thanksgiving after Recovery.

I thank Thee, Lord, almighty God, that Thou hast so paternally visited
and chastised me on account of my sins. Yea, Lord, I am glad that Thou
hast humiliated me, that I might learn Thy ways. O my God, how often have
I, like Hezekiah, thought: Mine age is departed, and is removed from me
as a shepherd's tent; I have cut off like a weaver my life; he will cut
me off with pining sickness; from day even to night wilt Thou make an end
of me. But, my God, I see that my sickness was not unto death, but unto
the glory of God, that Thou, my Lord Jesus Christ, mightest thereby be
glorified. For Thou hast had mercy upon me, and hast cast all my sins
behind Thee, and hast prolonged my life. I heartily thank Thee, my God,
that Thou hast revived and strengthened me, that I can behold Thy holy
temple, and attend to my duties. Thy goodness it is, Lord, else I should
long since have perished. O, how often will I think of Thy chastening
rod, and will fear Thee all my life and guard against Thy wrath. Help
now, O Lord my God, that with renewed health I may also begin a new life.
Grant, that I may always glorify Thy name, and Thy praise be continually
found in my mouth. Guide me by Thy Holy Spirit, that I may live to Thy
honor, and not yield my members as instruments of unrighteousness to
serve sin, but as instruments of righteousness to serve Thee my God, that
I may sing Thy hymns, and praise and glorify Thee in Thy church. Amen.

                60. Three Prayers in the Hour of Death.

                      The First to God the Father.

Almighty God! Thou Father of mercies and God of all consolation! Have
mercy upon me, as a father hath mercy upon his children. Remember that
Thy dear Son, Jesus Christ, became man for my sake. Remember that Thou
didst so love the world, that Thou gavest Thine only-begotten Son, that
whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
In this faith my soul comes to Thee and brings with it Thy dear Son,
Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast given me; for His sake do Thou remember me
and receive me into Thy grace. To Thee I commend my soul. Let me, Thy
dear child, remain in Thy grace, and have mercy upon me while I live, and
when I die, for the sake of Thy dear Son, our Lord Jesus. Amen.

                       The Second to God the Son.

Lord Jesus Christ, my only consolation and help! Thou hast borne my
griefs and wast wounded for my transgressions. Thou Lamb of God that
takest away the sins of the world! be Thou my righteousness, my
sanctification and my salvation. Heal my pains through Thy wounds. Let
not Thy innocent blood be shed in vain for me; take not Thy Holy Spirit
from me. Forsake me not in my last agony, but help me on to life
everlasting. Remember that I am Thy poor sheep, and Thou art my faithful
Shepherd. Take me into Thy arms, and carry me into Thy blessed Paradise.
Let me behold Thy gracious countenance and Thy glory. Amen.

                    The Third to God the Holy Ghost.

O God Holy Spirit, Thou only consolation for the distressed! Strengthen
and comfort my faint and sorrowful heart. Preserve my faith, which Thou
hast wrought in me, and quench not the smoking flax. Protect me from the
temptations of the wicked enemy. Let not my heart be terrified at death
nor despair; restrain all impatience, make me willing to obey the Lord my
God. Help me to close my life joyfully and happily. Keep my heart and
mind in the peace of my Lord Jesus Christ. When I can no more speak, keep
and seal the memory of the holy name of Jesus Christ in my heart, and
with the same let me peacefully fall asleep. Amen.

           61. Prayer of the Attendants upon a Dying Person.

Almighty, gracious God, who doest preserve our life in death, we beseech
Thee, that Thou wouldst turn the eyes of Thy mercy to this sick person;
comfort him in body and in soul, and in mercy forgive him all sins.
Receive the offering of the innocent death of Jesus Christ, Thy dear Son,
for the payment of his transgressions, for he is baptized in His name,
and washed and purified by His blood. Deliver him from his bodily griefs,
preserve him against the accusations of conscience, and against all the
temptations of the wicked enemy, so that he may fight the good fight of
faith and obtain the victory. Grant him a blessed journey to everlasting
life, send Thy holy angels, that they may escort him to the assembly of
the elect, in Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

                              62. Another.

Lord, now lettest Thou thy servant depart in peace, according to Thy
word: for mine eyes have seen Thy salvation, which Thou hast prepared
before the face of all people; a light to lighten the Gentiles, and the
glory of Thy people Israel. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and
to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,
world without end. Amen.

      63. A short Litany together with Prayers for a Dying Person.

  Lord, have mercy, Christ, have mercy!
  Lord have mercy upon this sick person!

  Lord God, the Father in heaven,          }
  Lord God Son, Redeemer of the world,     }   Have mercy
  Lord God Holy Ghost,                     }   upon him!
  Holy Trinity, eternal God,               }

  Lord, be merciful and save this dying person!

  Against the wicked spirit,                       }
  Against the cunning and deception of the devil,  }  Protect him,
  Against all evil,                                }  dear Lord God!
  Against the torments of hell,                    }

  Through Thy holy incarnation and birth,        }
  Through Thy death-struggle and bloody sweat,   }
  Through Thy cross and bitter death,            }
  Through Thy holy resurrection and ascension,   }   Help him, dear
  Through the grace of the Holy Ghost,           }   Lord God!
  At his last end,                               }
  At the last day,                               }
  At the final judgment,                         }

  We poor sinners pray, that Thou wouldst hear us, dear Lord God!

  And comfort this sick person,                  }   Hear us, dear
  Pardon all his sins,                           }   Lord God!
  And after this misery give him eternal life.   }

  O Christ, hear us!

  O Thou Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy
    upon this dying person, and give him eternal peace!

  Lord, have mercy!
  Christ, have mercy!
  Lord, have mercy upon him!

Our Father, who art in heaven; hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come;
thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven; give us this day our daily
bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass
against us; and lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil;
for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever.


Almighty, eternal God, heavenly, faithful, dear Father! comfort and
strengthen this Thy poor creature, and spare it through Thy goodness;
help it out of all agony and distress, release it in Thy grace, and take
it to Thee, in Thy kingdom, through Jesus Christ, Thy dear Son, our only
Lord, Saviour and Redeemer. Amen.


Almighty, eternal God, have mercy upon the anxious sighings and
lamentations of this dying person; receive him into Thy kingdom, which
Thou hast in mercy prepared for him and all believers since the beginning
of the world. Release him graciously, O Lord, comfort him with the elect
eternally through Thy dear Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

       64. Prayer, when the sick Person has departed in the Lord.

To Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, and Prince of life, be praise and
thanks now and evermore, that He has so graciously helped and received
this blessed person into His holy hands. May He at the last day
graciously unite soul and body in heavenly brightness, and grant us all
together in His own appointed time a happy following and in the mean time
a godly walk; comfort all distressed persons with His sweet consolation,
and preserve us all in His eternal grace, according to His eternal
goodness and mercy. Amen, O thou holiest and most glorious Trinity. Amen!

                              APPENDIX I.
                           FESTIVAL PRAYERS.

           1. Prayer for the Beginning of a new Church-Year.

O Eternal God! faithful Father, at the beginning of our Church-year, we,
in deepest humility, thank Thee, first of all, for all Thy special
spiritual benefits shown us during the past Church-year. Thou hast thus
far granted unto us Thy holy Word and its public preaching, also the use
of the holy sacraments, although on account of our unthankfulness we have
indeed deserved that Thou shouldst have withheld such goodness. We are
indeed no better and have not sinned against Thee less than so many of
our brethren in the faith elsewhere, from whom Thou, through Thy just
judgment, hast either entirely or measurably withheld the word of Thy
gospel and its public preaching; and it appears that Thou, through Thy
judgment, wouldst yet at many more places take away the light of Thy
Word. O Lord! we are indeed too insignificant for all Thy mercies, which
Thou hast hitherto shown us unworthy servants, and that Thou doest still
deal with us so sparingly. Forgive us in mercy all our sins by which we,
whether by the neglect and incomplete performance of good or the
committing of evil, have offended Thee during the past Church-year. Grant
this to be our first blessing in this Church-year, that Thou wilt with
the blood of Thy dear Son blot out all our sins of the past year, and in
order that we may be worthy of such grace, do Thou work true repentance
in all our hearts, so that we may not bear into the new Church-year any
of our old sins unforgiven and which we do not by Thy power mean entirely
to abandon. Preserve unto us still further Thy holy word and sacraments
and thus the kingdom of Thy Son among us, and do not bestow such power
upon the enemy, that will enable him to rob us of such gifts and that the
kingdom of darkness be extended among us. In this however, dear Father,
look not upon that what we are deserving, but that the honor of Thy Son
be not blasphemed by the enemies who may imagine to have destroyed His
kingdom among us. Preserve all our faithful teachers and ministers, whom
Thou hast given us, and bestow upon them, at this beginning of the
Church-year, new light and strength in Thy Holy Spirit, that they may
present unto us, by Thy power and presence, Thy Word in its purity and
simplicity without the admixture of human wisdom; also may they at all
times have the wisdom and light rightly to conceive the most needful
things to be treated of before their christian congregations. Permit them
therefore not to speak what they desire, but do Thou alone rule their
tongues and hearts, that they may always speak what is pleasing unto
Thee. Give such efficacy to Thy Word and Thy holy Sacraments, that we may
also in this Church-year experience that they are still the blessed means
of our salvation, that they will save our souls. Seal anew the good Thou
hast already wrought in the hearts of Thy children during the past year,
and the Word Thou hast made effectual among them; and let it still
further manifest its power in teaching the ignorant, in converting the
unregenerate, in convicting the malicious, in strengthening the souls
that already know Thee, whose number Thou wilt also in the ways known to
Thee largely increase during this year. Grant also unto all hearers, that
they not only receive the Word out of the mouth of their pastors with
attention and meekness, but also at all times, whilst hearing, present
their hearts unto Thee in such stillness and resignation, that Thy Holy
Spirit may complete the work of faith in them, and by whose influence
they may during this Church-year lead a more holy life before Thee than
heretofore. Especially grant Thy grace that we make Thy Word the firm
foundation of our knowledge of the truth among us, in order that it may
become a living knowledge, which in its fruits will praise Thee, and we
indeed experience that, to know, here by faith and there by sight, that
Thou Father art the only true God and whom Thou hast sent is Jesus
Christ, is everlasting life. Amen.

                    2. Prayer for the Advent Season.

O Lord of glory and God over all, blessed forever! I heartily thank Thee
for all Thy great and inexpressible benefits, also that Thou out of
unspeakable love didst leave Thy throne of divine glory and condescend to
us poor creatures in this vale of tears, to release us lost and condemned
sinners from the prison of affliction. I praise Thee, Jesus! Thou King of
glory! with all my strength and powers, that Thou didst not appear upon
earth for any other purpose than to deliver us from the power of our
enemies, of sin, of death, hell and the devil; to effect by Thy precious
blood eternal reconciliation between us and Thy heavenly Father, and to
regain for us, through Thy precious merits, the lost righteousness.
Hosanna! Save now, I beseech Thee, O Lord, Lord, I beseech Thee, send now

I cast myself in deepest humility before Thee and ask Thee with all my
heart to gladden at this time also by Thy gracious advent Thy church
which is everywhere oppressed; always dwell and abide with and among us
in this land and place at all times, and in our hearts, with Thy pure
Word and most holy Sacraments, and let goodness and mercy come upon us.
Be gracious unto us, most beloved Saviour! and bless us, bestow upon us
temporal and eternal peace. Our enemies however cast into the prison
which they have prepared for us, change their counsels directed against
us into foolishness, for Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory
forever. Hosanna! Save now, I beseech Thee, O Lord, Lord, I beseech Thee,
send now prosperity!

Dear Jesus! grant unto me and all christians Thy Spirit, that He may
cleanse and purify our hearts of all impurity and sin, in order that Thou
mayest desire to enter in and dwell among us. Help us to receive Thee
with true faith, heartily to rejoice with Thy spiritual Zion for Thy
benefits, to follow Thee constantly with christian patience and humility
and confidently await Thy second coming with constant repentance and
believing hope, also at the same time serve Thee here in the kingdom of
grace with a holy walk, and finally in the kingdom of glory we shall with
glorified tongues everlastingly sing our Hosannas to Thy honor, together
with the Father and the Holy Ghost. Hosanna! Save now, I beseech Thee, O
Lord, Lord, I beseech Thee, send now prosperity! Amen.

                          3. Christmas Prayer.

Merciful and eternal God, heavenly Father! we Thy children thank Thee
from the depth of our hearts that Thou didst so faithfully keep Thy
promise and turn to us Thy kind and paternal heart, didst send unto us
Thine only-begotten Son, the highest Good, to be our Saviour, and to
assume our human nature, and thus didst render us acceptable through Thy
Beloved. O Lord Jesus! Thou eternal Son of God, we honor, praise and
glorify Thee, that Thou to-day didst become our brother and Emmanuel,
that is: God with us, didst out of unspeakable love befriend us and
clothe Thyself with our poor flesh and blood. Thou didst in nowise assume
the nature of angels, but didst honor the seed of Abraham, our human
nature, this poor earth, wretched ashes and worthless dust even so much
as to connect Thyself personally and inseparably with the same to all
eternity. Thou wast conceived holy and without sin, and born into this
world of a pure and chaste virgin; whereby Thou didst sanctify and
consecrate our Adamic, sinful and impure conception and birth, so that it
may not be harmful to us who by nature are children of wrath, conceived
in sin, and flesh born of flesh. Thou wast born in a stable, poor and
lowly; Thou in a manger didst lie, in poverty great, and of Thy crib,
though hard, no offence didst take, in order that Thou couldst enrich our
souls and make us lords in Thy heavenly mansion. Thou didst humble
Thyself, in order to exalt us; Thou didst appear upon earth, in order
that we in turn might come unto Thee in heaven. O God, Holy Spirit! our
most exalted teacher and comforter, we to-day offer unto Thee the
sacrifices of our lips and thank Thee with our hearts that Thou didst
reveal this exalted mystery of godliness; and as the angels proclaimed it
to the shepherds and chanted it on the plain, so let it still be preached
unto us through Thy Word and its servants. Glory be to Thee, O God the
Father, Son and Holy Ghost! in the highest, peace on earth and good will
towards men. Help, O faithful God and father! that we may be partakers of
the new birth of Thy dear Son, be relieved of our old sinful nature, and
be and remain new born children of Thy grace and heirs of Thy kingdom. My
Jesus, whom I count most dear, a clean soft bed prepare Thou here, to
take within my heart Thy rest, so shall I hold Thy memory best. Grant, O
God, Holy Spirit! that thus our Saviour be now and forevermore
spiritually born and developed within us. Help also, that by virtue of
this birth we may rejoice and be comforted amidst all temptations,
patiently endure and overcome all things, and with all the angels of God
praise, honor and glorify Thee, here in time and in heaven forever. Amen.

                      4. Prayer on New-Year's Day.

O triune God, Thus have we again by Thy grace brought a year of our
wretched life and weary pilgrimage upon earth to a close, and to-day in
Thy name begin another. Lord! how unspeakably great is Thy goodness, how
innumerable are Thy benefits which Thou hast shown unto me and mine in
the past, though on account of our sins we have deserved nothing at Thy
hands but wrath and punishment! Thou hast graciously preserved Thy
precious Word and holy sacraments in Thy holy congregation, peace and
unity in the government, prosperity and blessing in material comforts,
and didst richly bestow for our enjoyment all manner of blessings for
body and soul. Thou with paternal care didst protect Thy church from
false doctrine and persecution on account of the true faith, our land
from hostile invasion and evil contagion, our houses and property from
fire and water, and didst by Thy care faithfully avert from us all dire
calamities. How shall I find words to express the inestimable value of
these blessings? How can I according to my obligations be sufficiently
thankful? Behold, Lord, I offer to Thee, at the close of the old year,
the fruits of my lips, and glorify Thy grace and mercy with all my
strength and powers. My soul must honor Thee, my spirit must praise Thee,
my mouth shall thank Thee, and all that is within me must proclaim Thy
glory. I prostrate myself in heartfelt sorrow before Thy feet and confess
unto Thee with a penitent heart all my sins in which I was conceived and
born, and with which I have offended Thee during the past year, as well
as during the whole of my past life.

Most beloved Father! do not now reckon such past sins to my condemnation,
and do not remember in Thy wrath my past transgressions, but graciously
forgive and forget the same for the sake of the sufferings of Thy dearly
beloved Son. Jesus, my beloved Saviour, be merciful to me, a poor sinner,
blot out like a cloud and mist all my transgressions by Thy merit, cast
them into the sea of Thy innocent blood, that they may never more come to
light or before the judgment of God. O God, Holy Spirit! create within me
the new man, that I may not bring into the new year old sins and
impurities, but to-day begin a new life and partake anew of Thy grace.
Withhold from me, O Triune God! all long and well deserved punishment,
and continue to bless me and mine with all manner of bodily and
spiritual, temporal and eternal gifts. Let Thy grace rest upon us anew
every morning, and renew Thy good will to all who in this new year seek
their refuge with Thee and wait upon Thy goodness. Grant unto us still
further Thy precious Word, which is a joy and comfort to our hearts.
Enlighten our teachers and pastors, and grant unto their holy work the
blessing of heaven; strengthen our faithful rulers and prosper all their
good undertakings, which are pleasing to Thee. Bless our parents, and
prosper Thou the work of their hands. Fill our souls with true fear of
God, and our hearts with joy in the Holy Ghost. Bestow unto our bodies
health, and grant peace within our borders. Crown this year with Thy
goodness and grant unto us that which is necessary to the support of
life. Protect Thy church from error in the faith and from scandalous
living, our land from war, famine and pestilence, our homes from
consuming flames and all damage and danger, the products of the field
from hail and tempest. Curb the wrath and fury of satan, and send Thy
heavenly hosts that they may guard and protect us in all our ways.
Convert our enemies and check all our persecutors, help the oppressed,
provide for the poor, feed the hungry, give drink unto the thirsty,
clothe the naked, free the innocent captives, comfort the distressed,
gladden the sorrowing, strengthen the weak, care for the sick, be
merciful to the widows and orphans, deliver the oppressed, guide the
traveler and accompany the dying through death unto life.

Lord! teach us to act according to Thy good pleasure, and Thy good Spirit
direct our footsteps, that we may walk before Thee in faith, patience and
hope, in godliness and honesty, in meekness, humility and chastity, and
all Christian virtues. But when we sin, then chastise us gently; when our
sins trouble us, comfort us with Thy grace, and Thy joyful Spirit uphold
us. When satan assails us, do Thou support us, when the world persecutes
us, then protect us; when our flesh and blood would overpower us, then
strengthen our spirit; when we err, set us aright again. When we fall,
lift us up by Thy hand. When we become weak and weary in our calling,
refresh us. When we are in necessity and danger, relieve us. When we are
sick and weak, then be our physician. Should we according to Thy will
during this year depart from hence, grant that our spirits be commended
into Thy hands. O Lord! hear; Lord! be merciful; Lord! take heed and
grant it for Jesus' sake. Amen.

                         5. Prayer on Epiphany.

Most merciful Saviour! Thou didst indeed show Thyself to be the God of
the Jews and the Gentiles, and as the true light that desires to
enlighten all men who come into this world unto everlasting life, as Thou
didst not only by a bright and wonderful star lead unto Thyself the wise
men of the east, who were induced to honor and worship Thee as their
king, but didst also lead us poor heathen by the enlightening power of
Thy holy Word into Thy gracious kingdom and unto the saving knowledge of
Thee. O my Saviour! Thy faithfulness and mercy shown unto us are so
great, that we can never sufficiently praise Thee. We were without God
strangers and excluded from the commonwealth of Israel. But Thou hast
made us Thy people, fellow-citizens with the saints and a household of
God. On account of our blindness we were not enabled to know Thee and to
find the way to everlasting life; but Thou, Lord Jesus! didst enlighten
our minds and enrich us in all knowledge. We sat in darkness and in the
shadow of death; but Thou didst let Thy glory shine upon us, so that now
we walk in Thy light, and finally enter eternal blessedness in heaven.
For this we justly worship and praise Thee with thankful hearts and
tongues on this holy day, and will sing of Thy grace and goodness all the
days of our life. But we pray Thee, O most faithful Saviour! with our
whole soul, that Thou wouldst so multiply Thy grace unto us, as to
preserve us and our posterity to the end of time in a saving knowledge of
Thee, and by Thy Holy Spirit wouldst so lead and direct us as no more to
walk like the heathen in the vanity of our minds and our own fleshly
lusts, but rather live godly as children of light, and with humble
obedience serve Thee all our days as our King. As Thou, most beloved
Saviour, didst so gloriously deliver us from the kingdom of darkness and
mercifully received us into the kingdom of grace--into Thy Christian
church, grant us also to be blessed saints of heaven, and heirs of Thine
eternal glory, for the sake and honor of Thy great name. Amen.

                 6. Prayer on the Day of Purification.

Lord Jesus! Thou highly exalted and beloved Son of God! I thank Thee with
all my heart, that for my good Thou didst not only become true man, but
also for my sake didst become subject to the law, and at Thy presentation
didst participate in the offering of purification, in order that Thou
mightest redeem me from the curse of the law, and cleanse my soul from
its abominable impurities. I acknowledge myself therefore under
obligations also to present myself unto Thee, and offer myself a living
and acceptable sacrifice to God. But whilst I cannot do so of my own
self, I ask Thee, beloved Saviour, to sanctify me by Thy innocent blood
and holy Spirit, in order that I may henceforth earnestly guard myself
against all sins, keep my body and soul unpolluted and serve Thee during
my life in holiness and righteousness. Most beloved Saviour! Grant, that,
following the example of the devout Simeon, I may amidst all distress and
misery of this life, in all fear and anguish of conscience, with the arms
of true faith, embrace and press Thee to my heart, yea, enclose Thee in
my heart and never permit Thee to depart therefrom. May my eyes ever be
directed toward Thee, O desirable Light of the world! and behold in Thee
their only delight. Infuse into my heart a knowledge of Thy holy will and
a heartfelt confidence in Thy precious merit, and grant, that I may
manifest the same through good works before men. Banish from my heart, O
Thou Brightness of glory! all innate darkness and evil propensities, and
may I with Simeon believe aright, live holy and die happy. When the end
of my life draws nigh, then, O beloved Redeemer, bear me up in Thy strong
arm and merciful hands, that satan may nevermore separate me from Thee.
Grant unto me with Simeon a joyous departure from this world and bestow
unto me, Thy servant, such grace that I may depart in peace, and with all
the elect behold Thee, face to face, in eternal bliss. Amen, dear Jesus!

               7. Prayer on the Day of the Annunciation.

Awake, my soul, and rejoice in the Lord, thy Saviour, thank the Most
High, who so faithfully fulfilled his prophecy and sent his Son into the
world. Rejoice and be glad that God himself out of love to thee became
man and related to thee through blood. Who can sufficiently praise His
mercy and loving-kindness? O Lord! what is man that Thou art mindful of
him; and the son of man that Thou doest thus receive him unto Thyself? O
dear Jesus! I thank Thee with all my heart, that Thou in the blessed womb
of Thy mother Mary didst so intimately unite Thyself with our human
nature, and in the assumed humanity didst reconcile me with Thy heavenly
Father. Thou, my Saviour! didst humble Thyself so deeply in order that I
should be exalted; Thou didst become the son of man in order that I might
become a child of God, Thy brother (sister) and a beloved spouse. Thou
didst descend from Thy throne unto us, that Thou mightest render it
possible for me to partake of Thy great glory in heaven. How couldst Thou
indeed have shown greater love to me? Therefore, most beloved Saviour! do
I rejoice in my heart and know truly that I stand in Thy grace, for Thou
canst not despise nor be angry with Thy own flesh and blood. Though I am
sinful and unholy, yet do I comfort myself by Thy holiness and innocence.
Though I offended God with sins, yet I know that Thou art the Mediator
between God and me, and that Thou wilt appease His wrath and deliver me
from all evil, which I have to fear on account of my misdeeds. Jesus, my
brother, although I have deserved death and hell, Thou canst make me holy
and receive me unto eternal life. Where my flesh and blood reigns, there
I hope also to be and remain eternally. To this help me, most beloved
Saviour! for the sake of Thy blessed incarnation. Amen.

                     8. Prayer on Maundy-Thursday.

Most beloved Jesus! I thank Thee with all my heart, in the council of the
pious and congregation of the Lord, that Thou, before Thy entrance into
death, hast been so mindful of us, Thy christian people, and didst
prepare such a glorious feast for our souls. I praise Thee, O most
merciful Saviour! with all my powers and abilities, that Thou didst not
only present Thyself as an offering, that Thou wast sacrificed upon the
cross for my sins and those of the whole world, but also doest feed us
poor creatures in Thy Holy Supper with Thy body and blood, through which
Thou doest appropriate unto us all Thy purchased gifts of grace and
benefits. Lord! the bread we break is indeed the communion of Thy body
that died for us upon the cross, and the cup we drink at the holy altar,
is the communion of the most precious blood, which Thou in all Thy
painful sufferings hast shed for us. In what respects indeed are we
worthy that Thou doest manifest such grace unto us? Who are we that Thou
doest draw so nigh unto us and unite with us in such a manner as to be
and dwell within us, and also we, as members of Thy body, shall remain
with Thee forever! How can we compensate Thee that Thou doest so heartily
receive our souls unto Thyself and freest them from all transgression and
threatening condemnation; on the other hand doest bestow upon them Thy
perfect obedience, merit and righteousness, yea, doest give Thy own Self
as a pledge for their salvation! Most beloved Jesus! as Thou hast
instituted by Thy Holy Supper a memorial of Thy wonderful gifts of grace,
so it shall be a lasting memorial in my heart of Thy love and mercy. As
oft as I shall eat of this bread and drink of this cup, will I proclaim
Thy death and with a thankful heart praise what Thou hast done for us. O
help! my Saviour and Redeemer, that I may be confirmed more and more in
my faith by this blessed food and glorious cup, that I be forever united
with Thee and strengthened to lead a holy life upon earth and be
positively assured of the eternal life of joy in heaven, for the sake of
Thy holy merit. Amen.

                       9. Prayer on Good-Friday.

O Lord Jesus Christ, Thou innocent and spotless Lamb of God, who didst
suffer for us the ignominious death of the cross, which it is Thy will
that it never be forgotten by us. From the depth of our hearts we again
give Thee praise, honor and thanks for this Thy love and mercy, that Thou
didst so dearly purchase us poor sinners by Thy innocent sufferings and
death, and didst become obedient to Thy heavenly Father, unto death on
the cross. Thou didst also shed Thy precious blood to wash away and blot
out our sins, and didst lay down Thy life in order to rescue us from
eternal death. O faithful Saviour! how much didst Thou suffer in our
behalf; what unspeakable torture and pain didst Thou endure in body and
soul in order that we might be free from it forever. O Lord Jesus! Thou
patient Lamb of God, that taketh away the sins of the world, we confess,
that with our manifold and gross sins we have caused Thee such pains and
labors and brought about this Thy death. Be gracious and merciful unto us
and let this Thy bitter and painful suffering not be in vain for us.
Grant unto us Thy grace that daily we may think of Thy death, heartily
praise and thank Thee for the same, and by the contemplation of these Thy
sufferings and crucifixion we may crucify and mortify in us all lusts of
the flesh and evil passions of our corrupt nature, and since Thou didst
suffer for us, help therefore also, that we may obediently follow Thee
with the cross, which we daily deserve on account of our sins, and for
Thy sake, bear all things patiently, that, finally, we may, with all the
elect, be and forever remain with Thee in heavenly joy and bliss. Amen.

                 10. Prayer on the Festival of Easter.

We thank Thee, Lord Jesus Christ, Thou blessed Prince of life, that Thou
out of divine love, didst give Thyself into death for us, and didst offer
Thyself as a propitiation for our sins unto Thy heavenly Father; whereby
Thou didst deliver us from the power of death, of the devil and of
everlasting damnation, and in proof whereof Thou, as the Prince of life
and as the Conqueror of death, didst lift up Thy head on the third day,
didst rise again, and didst bring forth righteousness, innocence and
eternal life. We beseech Thee, give us grace, and so operate in us
through Thy Holy Spirit, that we may heartily rejoice and find comfort in
Thy death and resurrection, and thereby quiet our consciences and
overcome all fear of death. Do Thou also permit Thy resurrection to be a
cause and an incitement to us to do good works and to bring forth fruits
of righteousness, so that we, as Thy people, may be willing to worship
Thee in the beauty of holiness. Help that we may daily die unto sin,
crucify and slay the old Adam with his evil lusts and desires, and, on
the other hand, spiritually arise, begin to live in righteousness, to
walk in newness of life, to purge out the old leaven, and to become a new
unleavened bread. Help also that we may await with comfort and joyful
hope the resurrection of our deceased bodies, which shall come forth in
virtue of Thy resurrection, on the last day, and that we may enter into
Thy presence with body and soul in the kingdom of Thy everlasting
heavenly glory and excellence. Amen.

                      11. Prayer on Ascension Day.

Lord Jesus Christ, Thou eternal High Priest and King of all thrones,
after Thou hadst finished all things upon earth, which had been written
concerning Thee, Thou didst enter into the heaven of glory in and
according to Thy exalted humanity, and didst sit down at the right hand
of God upon the throne of majesty; yet Thou art everywhere and Thy
kingdom is over all. We, however, are still pilgrims here below, in the
valley of misery, in a world which lies in wickedness, and of which Thou
didst say, that Thou hast overcome it. Where now is the way which will
lead us safely through to Thee? O Lord, how shall we find the way, unless
Thou teachest us through Thy Spirit, and through Him leadest and
preservest us upon it?

Lord, the world passeth away, and the lust thereof, and all its best
glory is as perishable as the day that was yesterday. Our stay in it,
moreover, is of few days that pass away swiftly indeed, more swiftly than
water. O, lead us on the way to heaven, into Thy glory, where we can
remain with Thee forever. Behold, we die, one after the other, and pass
away as a shadow. But we ourselves with difficulty take it to heart: each
one travels the road that seems to him to be right. Do Thou therefore
make our heart certain, that we may not walk upon any other road than the
one that leads us to Thee and to Thy imperishable glory.

Lord, Thou sittest as our Redeemer and Mediator at the right hand of
Majesty in heaven, in order to save us eternally and to make us happy in
Thy kingdom. Be Thou therefore mindful of us even when we forget
ourselves, and save us mightily, and make us happy, not for our sake, but
for Thy sake. For the kingdom which we shall inherit, is Thine; Thine is
the power to lead us into it; and Thine shall be all the honor and glory
forever, when we, as Thy rescued children, shall be happy in Thy kingdom.
Amen. Hear us for the sake of Thy eternal love and mercy. Amen.

                       12. Prayer on Whitsunday.

O God, who didst visit and endow the hearts of Thy saints so graciously
and richly with Thy Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, O pour out this
Thy Spirit and merciful shower also upon our barren and drooping hearts,
refresh Thy inheritance and comfort the miserable. Come, O Holy Spirit,
and adorn us with Thy manifold gifts, that we may truly perceive and
praise the great deeds of God, which were accomplished through Jesus
Christ, and that we may speak, glorify and spread Thy Word with new
tongues; enkindle us with the fire of Thy wholesome fervor, burn out all
internal malice, together with all other fleshly lusts and desires; light
the lamp of Thy truth, so that we may serve our God fervently in spirit
and in faith, and with true earnestness and zeal.

O Thou God of peace, bind our hearts with the bonds of Thy peace, that we
may remain and live with each other in meekness and humility, in peace
and unity. O Thou God of patience, give us patience during the time of
our life, and firmness unto the end. O Thou Spirit of prayer, awaken our
hearts, that we may lift them together with holy hands up to God, and
call upon him in every time of need; and as we do not know what we should
pray for as we ought, O do Thou, as our faithful Interceder, make
intercession for us with groanings which can not be uttered. O Thou
gentle wind, cool and refresh our hearts in every fiery trial and
anguish, be our protection and shelter in time of need, our help in
affliction, our comfort in adversity.

Come, Thou mighty God, and comfort the weak, teach the miserable Thy way,
help those also who have fallen, put those aright who err, hold them with
Thy right hand. Come, O Thou eternal Light, Salvation and Comfort, be our
Light in darkness, be our Salvation in life, be our Comfort in death, and
lead us upon the straight path unto life everlasting, in order that we
may praise, extol and glorify Thee, O Holy Ghost, together with our
heavenly Father and His beloved Son, our only Saviour, with truly new
tongues on the true day of Pentecost in heaven for ever and ever. Amen.

            13. Prayer on the Festival of the Holy Trinity.

O Thou incomprehensible, eternal God, Thou King of kings, and Lord of
lords, Thou, who only hast immortality and dwellest in the light which no
man can approach unto, we thank Thee in humility of heart, that Thou
didst come forth out of Thy light and reveal Thyself as one God in three
persons. But because this exalted mystery of the holy Trinity transcends
all our conception and understanding, do Thou Thyself bring our reason,
which thinks itself to be wise, into captivity to Thy obedience, and do
not permit its foolishness to set itself against Thy wisdom. But do Thou
impress upon our hearts the living and believing knowledge, that Thou art
Three and One, in order that we may steadfastly preserve this truth as a
precious treasure against all error, and with the deepest humility may
worship Thee, O Triune God, with equal honor, according to Thy

Give us, O holy Father, a knowledge of Thee, that Thou comest from no
one, but didst beget Thy Son from eternity and together with Him lettest
the Holy Spirit proceed from Thee; but also how Thou didst give Thyself
to us as our Father, in order that we might, in childlike obedience and
confidence, consecrate unto Thee every thing in us that is Thy work.
Eternal Son of God, Lord Jesus Christ, reveal Thyself unto us also; how
Thou wast begotten from eternity by Thy heavenly Father as the brightness
of His glory and as the image of His essence, Light of Light, very God of
very God; how Thou out of love to us didst become our brother and didst
redeem us with Thy obedience, suffering and death, that we might in Thee
learn to know the Father aright, and through Thee come to Him, and also
enjoy the fruits of Thy salvation, here in righteousness and holiness,
hereafter in the communion of Thy glory. Lord God Holy Ghost, put Thy
light into our souls, in order that we may know how Thou proceedest as
the essential Breath from the Father and the Son from eternity, as the
true God and as a true person, also how Thou laborest faithfully at the
work of our sanctification. O continue the same in power, to enlighten,
purify, comfort and keep us, and to urge us to do all that is good, in
order that we may through Thy operation at last appear altogether holy
and pure before the throne of Thy glory.

To Thee, O Thou holy Trinity, be ascribed, by us and all creatures,
praise, honor, glory and thanks to all eternity, for Thy eternal majesty
and glory which Thou hast revealed unto us in Thy Word, and for all the
grace and benefits with which Thou hast blessed us. Amen.

               14. Prayer on the Day of John the Baptist.

Merciful God and Father in heaven, to Thee I give the humblest thanks
with heart and lips, that Thou didst so mercifully visit us poor human
beings through the giving of Thy dearest Son, and didst raise up our Lord
Jesus as a horn of salvation in Thy church, in order that we should lay
hold of the same in true faith, receive comfort, joy and salvation from
the same, and sustain ourselves by it in danger and in death. Equal
thanks do I owe Thee, Lord Jesus, Thou day-spring from on high, that Thou
didst so gloriously enlighten, through Thy appearing, us poor, blind
people who sat in darkness and in the shadow of death, and didst direct
our feet upon the way of divine peace. No less do I thank Thee, O God
Holy Ghost, that Thou didst raise up John as a prophet of the Highest,
and didst give through him the knowledge of salvation which consists in
the forgiveness of sins. O holy Trinity, give me Thy grace, that I may
worthily acknowledge such great benefits, and be thankful to Thee always
for the same, not only in words, but also in a Christian life, and serve
Thee all the days of my life in holiness and righteousness, which are
pleasing to Thee, until in the land of eternity I shall behold Thee face
to face, and sing, with the assembly of the chosen, the never-ending
hymns of praise and thanks. Amen.

      15. Prayer on the Day of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary.

Gracious God, heavenly Father, how great is Thy grace, how unsearchable
Thy mercy toward me, a poor sinner! Thou didst send Thy only Son and
permit Him to become a true man, in order that I might, through the
blessed fruit of the womb of a virgin, receive the divine blessing, and
be and remain one of the blessed of the Lord. For such Thy great kindness
I give Thee hearty thanks, and humbly beseech Thee at the same time, that
Thou wouldst be pleased to enkindle my heart with the fire of the Holy
Spirit, in order that my soul may also magnify Thee, and my spirit
rejoice at all times in my Saviour. O why should I not magnify Thee with
due praise, how could my spirit refrain from rejoicing? Thou, kind God,
hast done great things for me, not only in my creation and preservation,
but also in the salvation of my soul, which Thy dearest Son Jesus Christ
snatched from death, with which He united Himself, and which He has
promised to love eternally. O Lord, continue to look upon me with the
eyes of Thy mercy, as Thou didst look upon the Virgin Mary, and permit
Thy grace to be ever with me, and I shall glorify and praise Thee forever
and ever. Amen.

                    16. Prayer on St. Michael's Day.

O thou faithful God! Lover, Protector and Preserver of the human race,
Thou Lord of Hosts, unto whom thousand thousands minister, and before
whom ten thousand times ten thousand stand, by whom all things were
created, both the visible and the invisible, the thrones and dominions;
how great is Thy love to men, that from their infancy Thou hast ordered
to be with them Thy holy angels, these constant, humble, friendly,
God-loving, obedient, true, good spirits, these beautifully resplendent,
heavenly flaming fires, these strong heroes, these holy watchmen, who
encamp round about us that fear Thy name, who always behold the face of
our Father in heaven, and stand before Thy throne; by means of whom Thou
dost protect the three estates which Thou Thyself hast ordained on earth.
O God, what is man, that Thou art thus mindful of him! We render unto
Thee everlasting praise and thanks for Thy goodness, that Thou hast sent
forth the ministering spirits, to minister for them who shall be heirs of
salvation. We pray Thee, give Thy angels charge over us, to keep us in
all our ways, to bear us up in their hands, lest we dash our foot against
a stone; that we may tread upon the lion and adder, and trample under our
feet the young lion and the dragon. Drive away from us all evil spirits,
which are murderers and liars from the beginning. Protect us against
their anger and rage, their lies and blasphemies, their cunning and
deceit, that they may not sow their tares among the wheat in our hearts.
Restrain the lying spirits in the mouth of all false prophets, the
murderous spirit in all tyrants, the spirit of pride and avarice in the
family. Let Thy holy angels always accompany us like Jacob, protect us
like the prophet Elisha, bring us bread and water and furnish us with
fiery horse and chariot like Elias, let them give unto us wholesome
counsel and comfort. Let them be with us in our tribulation, as they were
with the three men in the fiery furnace and with Daniel in the lion's
den; let them deliver us, and lead us out, from all our troubles, as they
led out Lot from burning Sodom, Peter from the prison, Paul from the
shipwreck. Let our house and land, our children and all that we possess,
be protected by Thy holy angels, as was the house of Job, that the enemy
may not molest us. Let us live in Thy fear, love Thy Word and Gospel,
into which the angels desire to look. Work true repentance in our hearts,
that the angels in heaven may rejoice over us. Kindle in us fervent
prayer and praise of Thy name, that we may perform an angel's office and
sing with them: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Sabaoth. And finally let
also our souls be carried by angels into Abraham's bosom, and in the
resurrection on that day make us like unto the holy angels, that we may
be in their society. Amen.

             17. Prayer on the Festival of the Reformation.

Lord Jesus Christ, who didst come into the world to call sinners to
repentance and to enlighten all men unto life eternal, we praise Thee
with our whole heart, and extol Thy great goodness and mercy, that Thou
didst not only enter into this place and into this church and
congregation with Thy divine Word and holy Sacraments, and didst purge
out the leaven of papistic doctrine and idolatry, but that Thou hast also
redeemed us poor sinners from the kingdom of darkness, hast called us
into the light of Thy holy Gospel, and hast transplanted us into Thy
kingdom of grace.

O Lord Jesus, we are not worthy of all Thy goodness and faithfulness, yet
we pray Thee with humble hearts, that Thou wouldst continue among us Thy
grace, with Thy divine Word and holy Sacraments, that Thy holy name may
be known by us, that it alone may be feared and honored by us, and we all
may live, and serve Thee, according to Thy divine pleasure. And what we
have done amiss against Thee and Thy holy Word, by not having been
obedient to the Gospel, do Thou, Lord Jesus Christ, graciously pardon,
and do not on account of our sin take from us this saving treasure, but
preserve it unadulterated unto us and unto our posterity. Yea, Lord
Jesus, preserve unto us Thy Word, for it is the joy and comfort of our

Guard and defend us and Thy whole Christian, especially Thy Evangelical
Lutheran, Church against all error, unbelief, and the pernicious doctrine
of others. Restrain all enemies, persecutors and blasphemers, and be Thou
our refuge, our strength, our shield and buckler, that the gates of hell
may not prevail against us. Especially do we beseech Thee, O Lord our
Saviour, that Thou wouldst enter into the house of our heart, that Thou
wouldst enlighten us by Thy Holy Spirit, purify our hearts and graciously
grant, that we may walk worthy of the Gospel, and remain steadfast in the
truth once known and confessed, unto our end. O Lord Jesus, let our souls
obtain Thy salvation, that we may be saved through Thee and in Thy
kingdom behold Thee and Thy great glory forever and ever. Amen, Lord
Jesus, Amen.

                 18. Prayer on Church-Consecration Day.

Lord God, our heavenly Father, who dost through Thy Word and Thy Holy
Spirit gather for Thy dear Son, Jesus Christ, a church and holy
congregation in our midst, and hast hitherto preserved pure doctrine and
the true worship of God against the devil and all enemies, yea, against
the gates of hell: do Thou, O good and faithful God, continue to preserve
unto us this dear and precious treasure, do Thou also make our
descendants partakers of the same, so that we, instructed in saving
knowledge, may grow and increase, until we shall receive an everlasting
habitation in the kingdom of Thy Son, and be saved through Thy dear Son,
Jesus Christ, our Lord, to whom, with Thee and the Holy Ghost, be praise
and glory forever and ever. Amen.

                    19. Prayer on Harvest Festival.

O give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good: because His mercy and truth
endure forever. Let Israel now say, that His mercy endureth forever. Let
the house of Aaron now say, that His mercy endureth forever. Let them now
that fear the Lord say, that His mercy endureth forever. O, how we feared
the destruction of the precious grain in the fields! O, how we took
thought and troubled ourselves, lest the bread which God has yet given us
in these hard times might be snatched away before our eyes and out of our
hands! But it is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because
His compassions fail not; they are new every morning. Now all, to God
give thanks, who has everywhere done marvelous things, who has preserved
us alive from our birth, and has done countless favors. May He grant us a
joyful heart, and in these times continual peace in Israel, and that His
grace remain always with us, and uphold us, as long as we live. O God,
give peace to Thy land, prosperity and salvation to every estate. Lord
God, heavenly Father, who dost create holy courage, good counsel and good
works, give to Thy servants peace, which the world cannot give, so that
our hearts may cling to Thy commandment, and that we may, by Thy
protection, live through our days quietly and securely against our
enemies, through Jesus Christ, Thy dear Son, our Lord. Amen.

And now, O God, we know and confess with grateful hearts, that Thou hast
given us the early and the latter rain in due season, and hast faithfully
and annually protected our harvests. Thou hast watered our ridges
abundantly: Thou hast settled our furrows: Thou makest it soft with
showers: Thou blessest the springing thereof. Thou hast prospered our
grain, and tilled our land. Thanks, praise, glory and honor be unto God
the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now, and
ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

We also pray Thee, O our God and Father, from the depth of our hearts,
that Thou wouldst give unto us all Thy Holy Spirit, so that we may
receive with thanksgiving what Thou bestowest upon us, and may sanctify
it with Thy Word and prayer, that it may be employed and used to Thy
glory and for our temporal support, for the benefit of churches and
schools, and of our needy neighbor, and that thereby the shameful and
hurtful worship of mammon may be most diligently avoided. Protect this
place and also the entire country against war and danger, against
dangerous and hostile invasion and destruction. Give to our government
the spirit of wisdom, of counsel, of power and strength. Confirm and
preserve peace among us. Let us pass the days of our earthly life in true
knowledge of Thy holy name and in Thy fear, also in health, peace and
union, and finally grant to us all everlasting salvation, for the sake of
Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

                    20. Prayer on Mission Festival.

Almighty God, Thou who created the world and all that is therein, and
hast made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on the face of the
earth: Thou who art not far from every one of us; for in Thee we live and
move and have our being: Thou, who in times past didst suffer the
gentiles to walk in their own ways, but now commandest all men everywhere
to repent and with Thy grace doest visit their hearts.

Lift up the light of Thy countenance upon us, that Thy salvation may
everywhere abound, and the glory of Thy name extend itself unto the ends
of the earth. Look down from Thy height upon the misery of so many
nations, who yet sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, who are
ignorant of their divine origin, and lie under the cruel tyranny of
satan. The Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world,
hath not yet risen upon them. They walk in the vanity of their minds.
Their reason is clouded because of great darkness. They are estranged
from the life that is of God, through the ignorance that is in them and
through the blindness of their heart. The god of this world hath blinded
their understanding, and the common enemy of souls has taken them captive
according to his will.

Grant, merciful God, that by the misfortune of others we may realize our
own blessedness, and bewail the lamentable state of blindness, with which
Thou hast smitten the gentiles, and worthily apply the greater light so
graciously presented unto us to so much the greater holiness. O do Thou
finally suffer the light of the Gospel to rise unto those, who are yet
far from Christ, the true Sun, and who have hitherto altogether groped in
thick darkness of idolatry. Through the loving voice of the Gospel, bring
back these scattered sheep into Thy spiritual fold. Grant such shepherds,
who will not rule vigorously and harshly over the sheep, nor devour their
substance and clothe themselves with their wool; but who, in the spirit
of love and gentliness will wait upon the weak, heal the sick, bind up
the wounded, bring back the erring, seek the lost, and in walk and life
present themselves a living example to the gentiles. And inasmuch as the
word of the Gospel, concerning the love of God as revealed in Christ, is
the only means to reconcile man with God, and to gather the erring sheep
into the fold of Christ, do Thou grant, that all who go forth to proclaim
the Gospel unto the heathen, may, with divine wisdom, make known the word
of reconciliation, with boldness overcome all hinderances, and
disregarding all selfish motives in the discharge of so holy an office,
may seek nought but the glory of Thy name, and the extension of the
kingdom of heaven. Grant, that they themselves may plainly know and
acknowledge the mystery of the cross, as the central point of Evangelical
doctrine, may not pretend to know anything among the gentiles, save
Christ Jesus and Him crucified, and worthily extol Him to others as the
only hope of glory and fountain of salvation, through our Lord Jesus
Christ, the great Shepherd and Bishop of our souls. Amen.

           21. From Caspar Neuman's Substance of all Prayers.


Lord God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, Thou art the almighty God of heaven
and earth, and in Thee we live, move, and have our being. Thou, however,
doest desire that man should live by bread, and therefore didst, in the
beginning of the world, make the earth fruitful through Thy almighty
Word, and after the days of the flood, didst declare that while the earth
remaineth seed-time and harvest shall not cease. Behold, Lord, this Thy
order, once established, continueth yet, and Thou still doest ever crown
the year with Thy goodness. Thou doest cause grass to grow for the cattle
and herb for the service of man. Thus Thou bringest bread out of the
earth and doest fill our hearts with joy and gladness. Most loving God,
how wisely indeed hast Thou ordered all things! How great is Thy goodness
toward us, who are not worthy of Thy bread. And how wonderfully infinite
Thy omnipotence, when Thou doest increase the little grain which moulders
in the earth, into a hundredfold! It is Thy unsearchable wisdom, this
Thine unutterable goodness, mercy and omnipotence, which hath again this
year visited our land. Men had sowed their seed in hope, but Thou hast
hitherto blessed the seed in the fields, and hast moreover permitted us
to live to the time, when men everywhere reap and gather into barns what
Thou hast given. O Lord, Thou God of riches, all that men harvest is
indeed Thine; for we of ourselves can bring forth nothing out of the
earth, and be it little or much, it is still more than we have merited.
Thanks be also unto Thy holy name for each and every gift, which Thou
hast bestowed on our fields during this year. Thou alone art the God, who
doest sustain us from the day of our birth, and shower Thy blessings upon
us. Wherefore unto Thee alone be all the praise, honor and thanksgiving
now and in eternity.


We beseech Thee, O kind Father, that Thou wouldst not again take from us
in Thy wrath, what Thou in Thy grace hast given. Thou Thyself hast said
in Thy Word, that rain is not seemly in harvest. So do Thou not permit
that the blessings of the fields, which Thou hast hitherto spread out
before our eyes, may perish by unfavorable weather. Do Thou also
henceforth guard that which has been gathered into barns and garners,
against danger by fire and water, against thieves and unfaithful
stewards, against usurers and unscrupulous grain-speculators, and against
all else that might rob us, or destroy Thy gifts. Moreover let us not
forget that all we receive comes from Thee and is Thine. Do Thou likewise
help that because of this we may never be discontented with what Thou
givest, never uselessly squander aught of it through luxury and
wantonness, never lock up any of Thy gifts unmercifully against our needy
neighbor through avarice or envy; nor in mistrust against Thee brood over
it with cares, as though that which Thou hast given be not sufficient for
our wants. Inasmuch as we in future will have need of Thy providing care,
do Thou not in Thy wrath let our land remain uncultivated, lest it lie
waste and become unfruitful when forsaken. Prevent every thing which
might hinder the tilling of the fields after harvest. And, that no years
may come, in which man sows but does not reap, do Thou provide that
neither frost nor heat, neither floods nor drought, nor destructive
insects destroy the seed in the earth by which we in future are to live.


Be Thou with us, O gracious loving Father, and preserve unto us our daily
bread, which Thou during the present harvest doest everywhere distribute.
Above all grant favorable weather and constant sunshine, that the
ripening grain may all fully mature, so that which yet remains in the
fields may be stored away in good condition. Bless that which has been
gathered into barns, that it may be prepared for our daily use, increase
it while passing through our hands in preparing it, may it be blessed to
our nourishment; grant us life and health, peace and quietude, to enjoy
all that Thou hast given in such a manner, that it may not only give
strength to the body, but also be good and wholesome to the soul, so that
Thy temporal blessing may thus in manifold ways redound to our welfare.
When Thou hast heard these our petitions and prayers, then remind us also
of our obligations, and grant that we acknowledge all our substance to be
the gift of Thy goodness, that we heartily thank Thee for it, savingly
use it, serve our bodies with it, as is meet, willingly impart of it to
others, and finally devote and use all we have received of Thee alone
unto Thy honor. Do Thou continue in future to bless our land with Thy
gracious visitation, improve and enrich it with great fertility. Give
warmth to the dust of the earth. Refresh the fields with fruitful
showers, water their furrows, moisten the plowed ground, and do Thou
prosper the grain to be sown therein, that the land may continue to yield
forth its increase, the valleys be covered with corn, so that we may
shout for joy and sing Thy praise forevermore.


Yea, Thou art God, Who Daily Openest Thy liberal hand and satisfiest the
desire of every living thing. Therefore do Thou during this season of
harvest provide for all people, and let every one receive his proportion
of food. Remind each one of his duties, that the indolent may not sleep
in time of harvest and neglect the necessary interests of himself and his
household. But do Thou likewise grant strength to those, who in the sweat
of their face gather their daily bread; refresh them when they are weary,
and permit each one with his household to enjoy in good health what his
fields have produced, that we all may be truly glad because of Thy
benefits. But do Thou also help that the rich may not depend upon their
barn bursting with plenty, and thereby forget that their souls may be
taken from them unawares, and another obtain possession of that which
they have gathered. Remember the poor, who have nothing to harvest. Grant
that others may help gather also for them, and do Thou thyself recompense
those who permit them to glean ears in their fields, or who impart unto
them of their abundance. In short, where there is but little, do Thou
bless the small supply, that it may be sufficient for the wants to whom
it is given, and where Thou hast given a large supply, do Thou so control
it, that it may not be abused unto evil. Preserve tranquility and peace
in all lands, that strangers come not unto us and devour our harvests. Do
Thou everywhere guard against failures, hard times and famine. And do
Thou also ward off from us everything which might render it difficult for
us to obtain the necessary things for the support of temporal life. On
the other hand, do Thou permit every one to enjoy what Thou hast allotted
to him, that rich and poor alike may acknowledge and praise Thee for
evermore. Finally, O Thou Saviour of all men, we ourselves are the
spiritual stewards in Thy church, and Thou art the Lord of the harvest;
we therefore pray Thee to send laborers into Thy harvest, and let Thy
harvest among men likewise become great in all places. Grant that good
seed may everywhere be sown, and pure doctrine be preached among all
christians. Protect the world against the tares, which the devil is busy
in scattering forth. Convert those who sow in unrighteousness and reap in
sorrow, or sow unto the flesh and of the flesh reap destruction. Sanctify
us all together, that we may be of one mind in Christ, and may sow unto
the spirit, and of the spirit once reap eternal life. Yea, when once the
entire world shall be sufficiently ripe for the last harvest, then grant
that we all, as pure wheat, may be bound into sheaves and gathered into
Thy garners, and be preserved in heaven unto eternal joys. There shall we
as those whom Thou hast promised, reap without ceasing what we have sown
here, and rejoice as they that rejoice in harvest, with unspeakable joy.
Hear us, O God, and grant us all what we ask, for the sake of Thy dear
Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

                              APPENDIX II.

                             Morning Hymn.

                     Gott des Himmels und der Erden

  God who madest earth and heaven,
  Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
  Who the day and night hast given,
  Sun and moon and starry host,
  All things wake at thy command,
  Held in being by thy hand.

  2. God, I thank thee! In thy keeping
  Safely have I slumbered here;
  Thou hast guarded me while sleeping
  From all danger, pain, and fear:
  And the cunning of my foe
  Hath not wrought my overthrow.

  3. Let the night of sin that shrouded
  All my life, with this depart;
  Shine on me with beams unclouded,
  Jesus! In thy loving heart
  Is my help and hope alone,
  For the evil I have done.

  4. Help me as the morn is breaking,
  In the spirit to arise,
  So from careless sloth awaking,
  That when o'er the aged skies
  Shall the morn of Doom appear,
  I may see it free from fear.

  5. Lead me, and forsake me never,
  Guide my wandrings by thy Word;
  As thou hast been, be thou ever
  My defence, my refuge, Lord.
  Never safe except with thee,
  Thou my faithful Guardian be.

  6. O my God, I now commend me
  Wholly to thy mighty hand;
  All the powers that thou dost lend me
  Let me use at thy command;
  Thou my boast, my strength divine,
  Keep me with thee, I am thine.

  7. Thus afresh, with each new morning
  Save me from the power of sin,
  Hourly let me feel thy warning
  Ruling, prompting me within,
  Till my final rest be come,
  And thine Angel bear me home.

                             Evening Hymn.

                     Nun sich der Tag geendet hat.

  Since now the day hath reached its close,
  And sun-light shines no more,
  In sleep the toil-worn find repose,
  And all who wept before.

  2. But thou, my God, no rest doth know,
  No slumber locks thy sight,
  Thou hatest darkness as thy foe,
  Since thou, thyself, art Light.

  3. O Lord, I pray, remember me
  In this beclouded night,
  And grant to me most graciously
  The shield of thy great might.

  4. And foil thou satan's purpose fell
  Through thy swift angel-arm;
  Then free from care I'll rest me well
  And safe from every harm.

  5. I feel indeed through guilt undone,
  It cries aloud to thee;
  But, yet, the mercy of thy Son
  Hath full atoned for me.

  6. Him I present thee as my Bail,
  As suppliant at thy feet;
  With such Assurance I'll not fail
  Before thy Judgment-seat.

  7. And hereupon my eyes I close,
  And fall asleep heart-glad,
  My God doth watch o'er my repose,
  Why should my heart be sad?

  8. Depart vain thoughts and fancies, flee!
  Draw not my mind abroad,
  My heart, as temple, shall now be
  Devoted to my God.

  9. And thus I live and die to thee,
  Thou Sabaoth strong, indeed!
  In life and death thou helpest me
  From every fear and need!

  10. Should this night prove the last for me
  In this sad vale of tears,
  Then lead me, Lord, in heaven to thee
  And thy elect compeers.

                    Hymns of Cross and Consolation.

                 Wer nur den lieben Gott læsst walten.

  If thou but suffer God to guide thee,
  And hope in Him through all thy ways,
  He'll give thee strength whate'er betide thee,
  And bear thee through the evil days.
  Who trusts in God's unchanging love
  Builds on the Rock that naught can move.

  2. What can these anxious cares avail thee,
  These never-ceasing moans and sighs?
  What can it help, if thou bewail thee
  O'er each dark moment as it flies?
  Our cross and trials do but press
  The heavier for our bitterness.

  3. Only be still and wait His leisure
  In cheerful hope, with heart content
  To take whate'er thy Father's pleasure
  And all-deserving love hath sent,
  Nor doubt our inmost wants are known
  To Him who chose us for His own.

  4. He knows the time for joy, and truly
  Will send it when He sees it meet,
  When He has tried and purged thee throughly
  And finds thee free from all deceit,
  He comes to thee all unaware
  And makes thee own His loving care.

  5. Nor think amid the heat of trial
  That God hath cast thee off unheard,
  That he whose hopes meet no denial
  Must surely be of God preferred;
  Time passes and much change doth bring,
  And sets a bound to everything.

  6. All are alike before the Highest.
  'Tis easy to our God, we know,
  To raise thee up though low thou liest,
  To make the rich man poor and low;
  True wonders still by Him are wrought
  Who setteth up and brings to naught.

  7. Sing, pray, and keep His ways unswerving,
  So do thine own part faithfully,
  And trust His Word, though undeserving,
  Thou yet shalt find it true for thee;
  God never yet forsook at need
  The soul that trusted Him indeed.

                   Warum sollt ich mich denn græmen?

  Why should sorrow ever grieve me?
  Christ is near,
  What can here
  E'er of Him deprive me?
  Who can rob me of my heaven
  That God's Son,
  As mine own,
  To my faith hath given?

  2. Naked was I and unswathed
  When on earth
  At my birth
  My first breath I breathed.
  Naked hence shall I betake me,
  When I go
  From earth's woe,
  And my breath forsake me.

  3. Nought, not e'en the live I'm living,
  Is mine own,
  God alone
  All to me is giving.
  Must I then His own restore Him?
  Though bereft
  Of each gift,
  Still shall I adore Him.

  4. Though a heavy cross I'm bearing,
  And my heart
  Feels the smart,
  Shall I be despairing?
  God can help me, who doth send it,
  He doth know
  All my woe
  And how best to end it.

  5. God oft gives me days of gladness,
  Shall I grieve
  If He give
  Seasons too of sadness?
  God is good and tempers ever
  Every hurt,
  Me desert
  Wholly can He never.

  6. Though united world and devil
  All their power
  Can no more
  Do than mock and cavil.
  Let derision now employ them,
  Christ e'en here
  Will appear
  And 'fore all destroy them.

  7. True believers shrinking never,
  Where they dwell
  Should reveal
  Their true colors ever.
  When approaching death would scare them,
  Still should they
  Patient stay
  And with courage bear them.

  8. Death can never kill us even,
  But relief
  From all grief
  To us then is given.
  It doth close life's mournful story,
  Make a way
  That we may
  Pass to heavenly glory.

  9. There I'll reap enduring pleasure,
  After woe
  Here below
  Suffer'd in large measure.
  Lasting good we find here never,
  All the earth
  Deameth worth
  Vanisheth forever.

  10. What is all that life possesseth?
  But a hand
  Full of sand
  That the heart distresseth.
  Noble gifts that tire me never,
  Christ so free
  There gives me
  To enjoy forever.

  11. Shepherd! Lord! joy's fountain ever,
  Thou art mine,
  I am thine,
  No one can us sever.
  I am thine, because thou gavest
  Life and blood
  For my good,
  By thy death me savest.

  12. Thou'rt mine, for I love and own thee,
  Ne'er shall I,
  Light of joy,
  From my heart dethrone thee.
  Let me, let me soon behold thee
  Face to face,
  Thy embrace
  May it soon enfold me.

                 Hilf, Helfer, hilf in Angst und Noth.

  Help, helper, help in fear and need,
  Have mercy, faithful God, give heed!
  I know thou lov'st me still as thine,
  Though 'gainst me world and hell combine.

  2. I trust in thee--whom I adore;
  If I have thee, what need I more?
  And, my Lord Jesus, this I laud:
  That thou art mine, my Saviour-God.

  3. This blest assurance cheers my heart,
  To bide thy time--till clouds depart;
  I'll rest the while me on thee, then,
  Cry: Helper, help! and say: Amen!

                            Christian Life.

                Herr, wie du willt, so schicks mit mir.

  Lord, as thou wilt, be it with me,
  No other wish I cherish,
  I, living, dying, seek but thee,
  O Lord, let me not perish;
  Let but thy grace ne'er from me part,
  Else as thou wilt, grant patient heart,
  Thy will the best is ever.

  2. Grant honor, truth, and self-control,
  And love thy Word to ponder,
  From errors false preserve my soul;
  And grant, both here and yonder,
  What will but tend to blessed days,
  Keep far all wrong and crooked ways
  From all my life and doings.

  3. When once, according to thy will,
  I pass the bourne of sadness,
  Then let thy grace my bosom fill,
  That I may go with gladness;
  My body, soul, commend I thee,
  O Lord, a blessed end grant me
  Through Jesus Christ, yea, Amen.

                             Hope in Death.

                  Wenn mein Stuendlein vorhanden ist.

  When once in turn my hour is here,
  And I shall hence betake me,
  Then, O Lord Jesus, keep thou near,
  With help do not forsake me;
  My soul then at my final end
  Into thy hand I do commend:
  Thou wilt, Lord, safely guard it.

  2. My sins will press my heart with care,
  My conscience will accuse me,
  For they are many, yet despair
  With doubts shall not confuse me;
  I will remember, Lord, thy death,
  And wounds, and words of thy last breath:
  Yea, these will then sustain me.

  8. Lord, of thy body I am part:
  This membership doth cheer me,
  'Mid woe and throes of death, my heart
  Inseparate is near thee.
  And though I die, I die to thee,
  Eternal life hast thou for me,
  Lord, by thy dying purchased.

  4. Since thou art risen from the tomb,
  I shall not therein languish;
  Thy Ascent cheers me in the gloom,
  Doth even death-fear vanquish;
  For where thou art, there shall I be,
  That I may ever live with thee:
  Hence I depart rejoicing.

  5. 'Tis well! I part, by Jesus blest;
  To Him will I betake me:
  Thus fall asleep and gently rest,
  No mortal can awake me.
  And Christ, the Lord, to whom I flee,
  Will open heaven's door to me,
  Lead me to life eternal.

                             Glad Eternity.

                    Wachet auf! ruft uns die Stimme.

  Wake, awake, for night is flying,
  The watchmen on the heights are crying;
  Awake, Jerusalem, at last!
  Midnight hears the welcome voices,
  And at the thrilling cry rejoices:
  Come forth, ye virgins, night is past!
  The bridegroom comes, awake,
  Your lamps with gladness take;
  And for His marriage feast prepare,
  For you must go to meet Him there.

  2. Zion hears the watchmen singing,
  All her heart with joy is springing,
  She wakes, she rises from her gloom;
  For her Lord comes down all-glorious,
  The strong in grace, in truth victorious,
  Her star is risen, her light is come!
  Ah come, thou blessed Lord,
  O Jesus, Son of God,
  We follow till the halls we see
  Where thou hast bid us sup with thee.

  3. Now let all the heavens adore thee,
  And men and angels sing before thee,
  With harp and cymbal's clearest tone;
  Of one pearl each shining portal,
  Where we are with the choir immortal
  Of angels round thy dazzling throne;
  Nor eye hath seen, nor ear
  Hath yet attained to hear
  What there is ours,
  But we rejoice and sing to thee
  Our hymn of joy eternally.

                          Prayers before Meat.

The eyes of all wait upon Thee, O Lord: Thou givest them their meat in
due season, Thou openest Thy liberal hand, and satisfiest the desire of
every living thing. Amen.

  Come, Lord Jesus, be Thou our guest,
  And let all Thou giv'st us be blest. Amen.

We thank Thee, dear Son, that Thou hast again opened Thy bountiful hand
to supply our wants; grant that we may receive this food with
thanksgiving and gratitude and in Thy fear, and grant, O Lord! that
whatsoever we do, whether we eat or drink, all may be done to Thy name's
honor and glory, through Jesus Christ, our Saviour. Amen.

O Lord God, heavenly Father, bless unto us these Thy gifts, which of Thy
tender kindness Thou hast bestowed upon us, through Jesus Christ, our
Lord. Amen.

                          Prayers after Meat.

O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy endureth
forever. He giveth food to all flesh. His mercies are new unto us every
morning, for his faithfulness eudureth unto all generations. Amen.

We give thanks to Thee, O God our Father, for all Thy benefits, through
Jesus Christ our Lord, who with Thee liveth and reigneth forever and
ever. Amen.

We return thanks unto Thee, O Lord! that Thou hast again vouchsafed to
feed these perishable bodies, and we beseech Thee, that Thou wouldst also
feed our souls with the bread of eternal life. Amen.

End of Project Gutenberg's The Little Treasure of Prayers, by Anonymous


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