The Black Swan at Home and Abroad

By Anonymous

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Title: The Black Swan at Home and Abroad
       or, A Biographical Sketch of Miss Elizabeth Taylor
       Greenfield, the American Vocalist

Author: Anonymous

Release Date: August 7, 2014 [EBook #46526]

Language: English


Produced by Chuck Greif and the Online Distributed
Proofreading Team at (This file was
produced from images available at The Internet Archive)

  [Every attempt has been made to replicate the original as printed.
No attempt has been made to correct or normalize the spelling of non-English words.
Some typographical errors have been corrected; a list follows the text.
                     (note of etext transcriber.)]


                              BLACK SWAN

                          AT HOME AND ABROAD;


                         A Biographical Sketch



                        THE AMERICAN VOCALIST.


                          Biographical Sketch



    "Hope is a better companion than fear;
       Providence, ever benignant and kind,
     Gives with a smile what you take with a tear;
                            All will be right,
                            Look to the light.
       Morning was ever the daughter of night;
       All that was black will be all that is bright.
                  Cheerily, cheerily, then cheer up."

Miss Elizabeth Taylor Greenfield, or the "Black Swan," to adopt her
musical agnomen, was born at Natchez, Mississippi. She was born in
bondage. Her father was a full African; white and Indian blood flowed in
her mother's veins.

When but one year old her mistress, Mrs. Elizabeth Greenfield, removed
to Philadelphia, and joined the Society of Friends, manumitting the few
slaves whom she had not previously accompanied and comfortably settled
in Liberia. Several of these would not be separated from their beloved
and venerated mistress, and among them her especial favourite, the
gifted subject of these pages.

In 1844 her mistress died, at the advanced age of nearly one hundred
years, and in her will Elizabeth was remembered by a substantial legacy,
sufficient to make her comfortable for life; but the will was contested,
and yet remains the subject of judicial investigation.

Previous to the death of her mistress, Elizabeth had become
distinguished in the limited circle in which she was known for her
remarkable power of voice. Its tender and thrilling tones often
lightened the weight of age in one who was to her beloved as a mother.
How deeply she grieved that she could receive no culture from art.
Neither the remarkable compass of her voice, nor the wonder of her high
and low notes, nor the proffer of thirty dollars per quarter, when the
standard price was ten, could induce a Professor to include her among
his pupils. The admission of a coloured pupil would have jeopardized his

By indomitable perseverance she surmounted difficulties almost
invincible. At first she taught herself crude accompaniments to her
songs, and intuitively perceiving the agreement or disagreement of them,
improvvisared and repeated, until there was heard floating upon the air
a very "lovely song of one that had a pleasant voice, and could play
well upon a"--guitar.

There dwelt in the neighbourhood of Mrs. Greenfield a physician, humane
and courteous; capable, too, of distinguishing and appreciating merit
and genius, under whatever prejudices and disadvantages they were
presented. His daughter, herself an amateur in the science of harmonious
sounds, heard of Elizabeth's peculiar structure of mind. Miss Price
invited her to her house. She listened with delighted surprise to her
songs. She offered to accompany her upon the guitar. This was a
concurrence of circumstances which formed the era of her life. Her
pulses quickened as she stood and watched the fair Anglo-Saxon fingers
of her young patroness run over the key board of a full-toned
piano-forte, eliciting sweet, sad, sacred, solemn sounds. Emotion well
nigh overcame her; but the gentle encouragement of her fair young friend
dissipated her fears and increased her confidence. She sung; and before
she had finished she was surrounded by the astonished inmates of the
house, who, attracted by the remarkable compass and sweetness of her
voice, stealthily entered the room, and now, unperceived, stood gathered
behind her. The applause which followed the first trial before this
small, but intelligent audience, gratified as much as it embarrassed
her, from the unexpected and sudden surprise. She not only received an
invitation to repeat her visit, but Miss P., for a reasonable
compensation, undertook her instruction in the first rudiments of music.
The progress of genius is not like that of common minds. It is needless
to say that her improvement was very rapid.

Her kind mistress lived to see her become an object of musical interest
to the widening circle of her acquaintance.

She began to receive invitations to entertain private parties, by the
exhibition of the gift which the God of nature had bestowed upon her.
She proffered its aid to advance the cause of various charities, and on
benefit occasions.

Upon the death of her mistress, in consequence of the contested will,
she found herself thrown upon her own resources for a maintenance.
Remembering some friends in the western part of New York, she resolved
to visit them; while crossing Lake Seneca, en route to Buffalo, there
came sweetly stealing upon the senses of the passengers of the
steamer--her rich, full, round, clear voice, unmarred by any flaw. The
lady passengers, especially the noble Mrs. Gen. P., feeling that the
power and sweetness of her voice deserved attention, urged her to sing
again, and were not satisfied until five or six more songs were given to
them. Before reaching their destined port she had made many friends. The
philanthropic Mrs. Gen. P., became her friend and patroness. She at once
invited Elizabeth to her splendid mansion in Buffalo, and learning her
simple story, promptly advised her to devote herself entirely to the
science of music. During her visit a private party was given by this
lady, to which all the élite of the city were invited. Elizabeth
acquitted herself so admirably, that two days after a card of invitation
came to her through the public press, signed by the prominent gentlemen
of Buffalo, requesting her to give a series of concerts.

She sang before the Buffalo Musical Association, and her performances
were received with marks of approbation from the best musical talent in
the city, that established her reputation as a songstress. Give the
"Black Swan," said they, the cultivation and experience of the fair
Swede, or Md'lle Parodi, and she will rank favourably with those popular
singers, who have carried the nation into captivity by their rare
musical abilities. Her voice has a full round sound, and is of immense
compass and depth. She strikes every note in a clear and well defined
manner, and reaches the highest capacity of the human voice with
wonderful ease, and apparently an entire want of exertion. Beginning
with G in the _bass clef_ she runs up the scale to E in the _treble
clef_, and gives each note its full power and tone. She commences at the
highest note and runs down the scale with the same ease that she strikes
any other lower note. The fact that she accomplishes this with no
apparent exertion is surprising, and fixes at once the marvellous
strength of her vocal organs. Her voice is wholly natural, and, as might
be expected, lacks the training and exquisite cultivation that belongs
to the skilful Italian singer. But the _voice_ is there; and as a famous
mæstro once said, "It takes a hundred things to make a complete singer,
of which a good voice is ninety-nine." If this be so, Miss Greenfield
is on the verge of excellence, and it remains for the public to decide
whether she shall have the means to pursue her studies.

To several gentlemen in Buffalo belongs the credit of having first
brought out Miss Greenfield in the concert-room. The Buffalo papers took
the matter in hand, and assured the public they had much to expect from
a concert from this vocalist. The deep interest her first public efforts
elicited from them, gave occasion to the following certificate:--

Buffalo, Oct. 30th, 1851.


     DEAR SIR:--At your suggestion, for the purpose of enabling Miss
     Elizabeth T. Greenfield to show to her Philadelphia friends the
     popularity she has acquired in this city, I cheerfully certify as

     The concert got up for her was unsolicited on her part, and
     entirely the result of admiration of her vocal powers, by a number
     of our most respectable citizens, who had heard her at the
     residence of Gen. Potter, with whose family she had become somewhat
     familiar. The concert was attended by an audience not second in
     point of numbers, to any given here before, except by Jenny Lind;
     and not second to any in point of respectability and fashion. The
     performance of Miss Greenfield was received with great applause,
     and the expression since, among our citizens generally, is a strong
     desire to hear her again.

Respectfully yours, &c.,


Rochester next extended an invitation for her to visit that city. We
copy the invitation:--

"The undersigned having heard of the musical ability of Miss Elizabeth
T. Greenfield, of the city of Buffalo, and being desirous of having her
sing in Rochester, request that she will give a public concert in this
city at an early day, and feel confident that it will afford a
satisfactory entertainment to our citizens. Signed,

"Edwin Scrantom, Levi A. Ward, H. A. Brewster, W. H. Perkins, D. M.
Dewey, Geo. Hart, H. S. Allis, Freeman Clark, Isaac Butts, D. T.
Walbridge, E. Peshine Smith, L. Kelly, M. F. Reynolds, Alex. Grant, W.
A. Reynolds, L. B. Swan, Elias Paul, O. L. Sheldon, Alex. Mann, George
Dutton, jr., D. Perrin, James S. Bush, H. P. Stevens, John E. Morey, F.
S. Ren, C. P. Dewing, L. R. Jerome, L. P. Beey, James F. Bush."

Rochester, Dec. 6th, 1851.

This evening, in Corinthian Hall, the anticipated entertainment is to be
presented to our music-loving citizens. Curiosity will lead many to
attend, to whom the performance of a coloured _prima donna_ is a
phenomenon at once wonderful and rare. Miss Greenfield has received from
all who have heard her, the name of being a vocalist of extraordinary

Speaking of her concert in Buffalo, the "Express" says, "On Monday,
Parodi in all her splendour, sustained by Patti and Strakosh, sung at
Corinthian Hall to half a house. Last night Miss Greenfield sang at the
same place to a crowded house of the respectable, cultivated, and
fashionable people of the city. Jenny Lind has never drawn a better
house, as to character, than that which listened with evident
satisfaction to this unheralded, and almost unknown African Nightingale.
Curiosity did something for her, but not all. She has merit, very great
merit, and with cultivation (instruction) she will rank among the very
first vocalists of the age. She has a voice of great sweetness and
power, with a wider range from the lowest to the highest notes than we
have ever listened to; flexibility is not wanting, and her control of it
is beyond example, for a new and untaught vocalist. Her performance was
received with marked approbation and applause, from those who knew what
to applaud."

It remains now for the citizens of Rochester to give her the
commendation of their patronage, and then she is fully afloat. It will
not be the first time that the verdict of this city in matters musical,
has been responded to by the world. The price of tickets is one dollar;
and all must see the propriety of this charge, in a singer who has to
combat the most crushing and the common contempt of another race--the
race too, from whom she must receive her patronage and support. The
Black Swan must contend for the highest prize, and sing for the best
price, or she falls below even the second rank. It is first among the
foremost with her, or a direct consignment to a low level. The
consciousness of talent, moreover, will not allow her to put too low an
estimate upon her qualifications, and she makes her appeal, therefore,
to the generosity of a public who cannot fail to appreciate the peculiar
condition in which she is placed.

_Another city Paper says_,

Much has been said and written of this personage since she was
introduced to the public as a musical prodigy. All sorts of surmises and
conjectures have been indulged in, respecting the claim put forth of her
merit, and generally the impression seemed to prevail that the novelty
of "colour" and idle curiosity, accounted more for the excitement
raised, than her musical powers. Well, she has visited our place, and
given our citizens an opportunity of judging for themselves. We are
ignorant of music, and unqualified to criticise, but a large audience
were in attendance at Ringueberg Hall last evening--among those present
were our musical amateurs--and we heard but one expression in regard to
the new vocalist, and that was, wonder and astonishment at the
extraordinary power and compass of her voice, and the ease with which
she passed from the highest to the lowest notes seemed without an
effort. Her first notes of "Where are now the hopes?" startled the whole
audience, and the interchange of glances succeeded by thunders of
applause, at the end of the first verse, showed that her success was
complete. She was loudly encored, and in response sung the barytone,
"When stars are in the quiet sky," which took down the whole house.

We have neither time nor space to follow her through her different
pieces. Suffice it to say, that there never was a concert given in this
town, which appeared to give more general satisfaction, and every person
we met on leaving the hall, expressed their entire approbation of her
performance. No higher compliment could be paid to the "Swan," than the
enthusiastic applause which successfully greeted her appearance, and the
encore which followed her several pieces.

There was a very general expression among the audience, that the sable
vocalist should give another concert, and, at the earnest solicitation
of several of our citizens, Col. Wood, her gentlemanly manager, has
consented to give another entertainment to-morrow evening, when the
"Black Swan" will give a new programme, consisting of some of Jenny
Lind's most popular songs.

The concert on Thursday evening, was what in other cases would have been
called a triumph. The house was full--the audience a fashionable
one--the applause decided, and the impression made by the singer highly

We can safely say that Miss Greenfield possesses a voice of remarkable
qualities; singular for its power, softness and depth. Of all this she
gave ample evidence in the twelve or more pieces she sang--a feat in
itself giving evidence of great vocal resources. There is a lack of
training perceptible, although the Swan sings with great correctness,
and evident close regard of the notes upon the music sheet. No one can
hear her without acknowledging her talents--if that is the right
expression--but what is to come of this we are not advised. A couple of
years' severe training is indispensable, before she can safely be put
before the public on a sure footing.


_Rochester, Corinthian Hall_.

This astonishing songstress has made her appearance in Rochester, and
will sing this evening in Corinthian Hall, the most commodious building
in western New York. She ought to have as large a house, and as
brilliant, as any that thronged to hear the Swedish Nightingale. We
heard the "Black Swan" more than two years ago, in Philadelphia and New
York, in rooms little adapted to give effect to her performances; but we
were, even then, struck with the astonishing compass, power, and
clearness of her voice. We understand that since that time, she has
applied herself with praiseworthy perseverance and assiduity to the
cultivation of her extraordinary powers, and has attained great
proficiency in the art, which is evidently the bent of her genius. By
her own energy, and unassisted, she has made herself mistress of the
harp, guitar, and piano. We are informed that the proceeds of the
entertainment this evening, are to be wholly appropriated to the
completion of her musical education in Paris, under the world-famed
Garcia. We predict for Miss Greenfield a successful and brilliant

The _Rochester American_ writes:--

Corinthian Hall contained a large and fashionable audience on the
occasion of the concert by this new candidate for popular favour, on
Thursday evening. We have never seen an audience more curiously
expectant than this was, for the _début_ of this new vocalist. Hardly
had her first note fallen upon their ears, however, before their wonder
and astonishment were manifest in an interchange of glances and words of
approval, and the hearty applause that responded to the first verse she
sung, was good evidence of the satisfaction she afforded. The aria "Oh
Native Scenes," was loudly encored, and in response she gave the pretty
ballad "When Stars are in the Quiet Sky."

The "Salut a la France" was one of her most difficult pieces, but was
loudly encored, and in response, she astonished the audience, and called
down thunders of applause with the bass of "Old Hundred," and the
barytone of "When Stars, &c."

The gem of the evening, however, was, "Like the Gloom of Night
Retiring." It was a bold attempt for the Black Swan to sing "Do Not
Mingle," after Jenny Lind and Parodi; but she succeeded in rendering its
difficult passages with considerable taste, and a good degree of
justice. It is in pieces of this kind that her untaught powers come into
direct competition with the masterly training and careful cultivation of
the _artistes_ above named, and the difference is perceptible. But the
voice is there, and with that she is destined, if skilfully taught, to
achieve a fame that will be world-wide.


This extraordinary vocalist, whose performances at Buffalo and Rochester
have created so much excitement, will make her appearance before a
Lockport audience, on Thursday evening next. We cannot speak from
personal knowledge of her abilities as a vocalist, but she comes to us
with such high endorsements of popular favour, that we very cheerfully
commend her to our citizens as an _artiste_ of the very highest order of
talent, and can safely promise a rich entertainment.

The _Buffalo Commercial Advertiser_ says:

Miss Greenfield is about twenty-five years of age, and has received what
musical education she has in the city of Philadelphia; she is, however,
eminently self-taught, possessing fine taste, and a nice appreciation,
with a voice of wonderful compass, clearness and flexibility; she
renders the compositions of some of the best masters in a style which
would be perfectly satisfactory to the authors themselves. Her low, or
properly _bass_ notes, are wonderful, especially for a female voice, and
in these she far excels any singing we have ever heard.

We learn that this singer, (soon to become celebrated we opine) will
give a concert in this city on Thursday next. There is no doubt that the
novelty of hearing a coloured woman perform the most difficult music
with extraordinary ability, will give éclat to the concert. All
representations unite in ascribing to Miss Greenfield the most
extraordinary talents, and a power and sweetness of vocalization that
is really unsurpassed. Such being the case, as we are bound to believe
upon good and abundant evidence, she deserves to receive the attention
which is given her.

Utica Daily Observer, January 13, 1852.

The Black Swan had a crowded house last evening, to enjoy her voice and
criticise her musical powers. The songs she gave, were in the main very
difficult of execution, and well calculated to test the qualities of the
Swan. The manner in which she gave "The Last Rose of Summer," elicited
an encore, when she gave a specimen of her notes, which were so
supernatural for a feminine, as to excite belief that a male biped was
usurping her prerogative. The deepest bass of the most wonderful
barytone could not surpass it, and the greatest wonder was excited.
"Kathleen Mavourneen," and "O, Native Scenes," were remarkably well
sung. The only failure we noticed was on some of the high notes, in
pieces requiring very rapid execution, where she seemed to want that
faculty of rapid and easy transition, so remarkable in Jenny Lind and
Kate Hayes.

We doubt not, that with proper cultivation, the Black Swan will win the
high reputation as a singer, which her remarkable powers should give

       *       *       *       *       *

Gratifying evidences of personal affection often found their way to her
in letters like the subjoined:

Utica, January 13, 1853.


     I am confident you will pardon the liberty taken in thus addressing
     you, when I tell you of my deep interest in you, and of my pleasure
     in listening to the great powers of voice which God has given you.
     My father is Gerrit Smith--being his daughter, how can I but hope
     that your efforts may be crowned with the most brilliant success.

     I have a few suggestions to make, respecting your dress. You were
     dressed with great modesty and with much simplicity; still there
     are some things it would be well for you to lay aside. Wear nothing
     in your hair, unless it be a cluster of white flowers in the back;
     never wear _coloured_ flowers, nor flowing ribbons. Let your dress
     be a plain black silk, high at the back of the neck, and open in
     front about half way to the waist: under this, wear a square of
     lace, tarltan, or muslin, doubled and laid in folds to cross over
     the breast. Wear muslin under sleeves, and _white kid
     gloves--always_. Dress very loosely. I would advise no whalebones,
     (but perhaps you are not prepared for that reform.) In case you
     should lay them aside, a sacque of the same material as the dress
     would be very pretty to conceal the figure. If you tire of the
     black silk, a steel colour would be a good change--but these two
     are preferable to all others. Your pocket handkerchief should be
     unfolded and somewhat tumbled, not held by a point in the centre;
     perhaps it would be better to have it in your pocket, quite out of
     sight--the piece of music is enough for the hands. I rejoice in the
     dignity of your deportment and in the good hours you keep. I have
     said this much in relation to your dress, because I know how
     important it is that, in the midst of all the prejudice against
     those of your colour, that your appearance should be _strikingly

     A word or two about your singing: "Native Scenes" was particularly
     sweet, because sung with feeling. Let it be your aim to enter with
     your whole soul into the spirit of your words. In the "Last Rose of
     Summer," you sang "_senseless_" for _scentless_--it may have been
     owing to a printer's mistake--"_scentless_" is the true word. With
     sincere desires for your highest good, believe me,

Your friend, E. S. M.

Albany, Jan. 19, 1852--Daily State Register.

THE BLACK SWAN'S CONCERT.--Miss Greenfield made her debut in this City
on Saturday evening, before a large and brilliant audience, in the
lecture room of the Young Men's Association. The concert was a complete
triumph for her; won, too, from a discriminating auditory, not likely to
be caught with chaff, and none too willing to suffer admiration to get
the better of prejudice. Her singing more than met the expectations of
her hearers, and elicited the heartiest applause, and frequent
_encores_. She possesses a truly wonderful voice, and considering the
poverty of her advantages, she uses it with surprising taste and effect.
In sweetness, power, compass and flexibility, it nearly equals any of
the foreign vocalists who have visited our country; and it needs only
the training and education theirs have received, to outstrip them all.

The compass of her marvellous voice embraces twenty-seven notes,
reaching from the sonorous bass of a barytone, to a few notes above even
Jenny Lind's highest. The defects which the critic cannot fail to detect
in her singing, are not from want of voice or power of lung, but want of
training alone. If her present tour proves successful, as it now bids
fair to, she will put herself under the charge of the best masters of
singing in Europe; and with her enthusiasm and perseverance, which
belong to genius, she cannot fail to ultimately triumph over all
obstacles, and even conquer the prejudice of colour--perhaps the most
formidable one in her path.

She plays with ability upon the piano, harp and guitar. In her
deportment she bears herself well, and we are told converses with much
intelligence. We noticed among the audience Gov. Hunt and his family,
both Houses of the Legislature, State officers, and a large number of
our leading citizens. All came away astonished and delighted.

Albany, Jan. 20.--(Albany Express.)

We predict for this lady a very brilliant career under the judicious
management of Col. J. H. Wood, the late efficient manager of the
Cincinnati Museum, which was recently destroyed by fire. The Colonel
possesses tact and talent of the highest order, which eminently qualify
him for the high and responsible position he now occupies, and we have
no hesitation in saying that Miss Greenfield will reap a golden harvest
while she remains in his charge. The Swan leaves here for Boston, and
thence to New York, where additional talent is expected to be added in
that wonderful pianist, Master Cook, who excited the astonishment and
admiration of all who had the pleasure of hearing him last fall in New
York. Col. Wood expects to make the tour of Europe next season with the
Swan, who will doubtless prove as attractive as any _cantatrice_ that
ever appeared before a European audience.

Albany Knickerbocker, Jan. 20, 1852. Tuesday.

The concerts of this warbler have been well attended and very
satisfactory. She comes before the public under many disadvantages, and
the fact, that nevertheless she pleases, is certainly an indication of
merit. Among these disadvantages, we note her colour; her undertaking to
execute alone a programme of ten or eleven pieces, and such of them as
the public see fit to encore; a certain want of tact in the conduct of
her concerts; and the barely tolerable support given her by her

Notwithstanding all these drawbacks, "the Swan" took everybody by
surprise. Her compass is extraordinary; her musical education,
evidently, very limited. But her execution certainly equalled that of
many white performers of pretensions, and in some pieces drew out a
hearty encore. She was dressed in very good taste, with only a slight
display of ribbon. On her next appearance before the public, she should
exert her feminine privilege, and insist on being led out like a lady,
by her accompanyist, and not like a ghost he was afraid of.

Troy Daily Budget, Saturday, Jan. 17, 1852.

We were not able to attend in season to hear the first part, and can
therefore only give our impressions of the second. The Swan's voice is
certainly one of great sweetness and power, especially in the lower
register, but in the upper notes it dwindles into a thinness that is
anything but agreeable. This was specially observable in her cadenzas,
of which, she is rather lavish. Her enunciation is not so good as we had
been led to suppose. There is a certain flatness at times in her
utterance which betrays her _origin_, which essentially mars her
performances. This we noticed particularly in "Sound the Trumpet," by
_Hamel_, the bill says--a composer we never have had the pleasure of
hearing of before. We suppose Handel was intended.

The next piece purports to be "_Saut a la France_" from the opera of the
"_File_ du Regiment." What kind of a file this was, we were rather
dubious--but it certainly suggested rat-tails and three corners. In
hearing it, however, we recognised the celebrated "_Salut a la France_,"
which the Swan gave with very good effect.

'Do not Mingle' was tamely rendered. That style of music is evidently
not her _rôle_, and we wonder at her attempting to execute that
exquisite _morçeau_. It is one of those gems to which none but a
finished artist can do justice.

The next piece, "O Native Scenes," was admirably done. We cannot say so
much of the "Banks of Guadalquiver." The time was too slow, thereby
destroying much of the spirit which should be infused into it. Perhaps
the delicious tones of Madam Bishop in this song, who has made it
peculiarly her own, and whose notes still linger in our memory, may have
instituted unfavourable comparisons.

On the whole, the concert was a good one, and exceeded our expectations.
By care and cultivation the Black Swan will become a vocalist of no mean
pretensions, and even now she excels many, who modestly herald
themselves as musical "stars."

Jan. 23. From the same.

We predict for this celebrated singer a brilliant audience to-night at
Harmony Hall, for it is to be undoubtedly the great Concert of the
season. We understand Lt. Gov. Church and Lady, together with large
numbers of both branches of the legislature, also large numbers from
Lansingburg and Waterford, are to be there to-night, and in order to
secure choice seats, it is necessary to go early, as this will be the
last opportunity of hearing a lady that can sing a higher and a lower
note than any other public singer that has ever visited us.

Col. Wood, her gentlemanly manager, informs us, that she goes hence to
Boston and New York, and will visit Europe in June.

Jan. 24th.

The concert was attended by the largest and most genteel audience we
have ever seen gathered in this city on a similar occasion. She sang
almost every piece with exquisite taste and extraordinary artistic
skill. The concert with a new bill will be repeated this evening at
Franklin Hall, at 7-1/2 o'clock.

       *       *       *       *       *

==> Go away, Northampton! who cares for Jenny Lind? The "Black Swan" is
in town, stopping at the Hampden House, and is going to favour us with
specimens of her extraordinary vocalization.

       *       *       *       *       *

MISS GREENFIELD'S SINGING.--"We yesterday had the pleasure of hearing
the singer who is advertised in our columns as the "Black Swan." She is
a person of lady-like manners, elegant form, and not unpleasing, though
decidedly African features. Of her marvellous powers, she owes none to
any tincture of European blood. Her voice is truly wonderful, both in
its compass and truth. A more correct intonation, so far as our ear can
decide, there could not be. She strikes every note on the exact centre,
with unhesitating decision, and unerring truth. There is obviously wide
room for cultivation, but her singing, apart from the marvel of its
ranging from a low bass to the highest treble, is exceedingly pleasing,
and we think will take the public, both musical and unmusical, by
surprise. We should not, to be sure, think of comparing her with Jenny
Lind, nor with any one else. She is a non-descript--an original. We
cannot think any common destiny awaits her."

Springfield Daily Post, Jan. 29, 1852.

The following testimonial of the success of the "Swan" in Troy, appears
in the Budget of Saturday evening.

"The concert was a most flattering triumph of genuine art over latent
or patent prejudice. She surprises every one by the wonderful compass
and power of her voice, and though in some pieces her execution is
somewhat faulty, full allowance is made for this, when it is remembered
that her teacher has been Nature alone, and that her opportunities of
cultivation have been very limited."

Evening Gazette, Boston, Jan. 31, 1852.

This new musical "Star of the West" has at last reached this city. If
all, or half, that is said of her musical powers be true, she is surely
a wonder of the nineteenth century. We have not had the pleasure of
hearing Miss Greenfield in rehearsal, but gentlemen of excellent musical
taste who have heard her, and whose word we have no reason to doubt,
assure us that she really possesses a compass of voice truly remarkable.

We are glad to perceive that no attempt has been made to represent Miss
Greenfield as a "celebrated artist," as is usually the case.

No such claim has been set up, but quite the contrary. The Swan is truly
a child of Nature. By reference to our advertising columns it will be
observed that Miss Greenfield will make her first appearance in concert,
in this city, on Tuesday evening next at the Melodeon. The programme is
named, and embraces some of the choicest gems warbled by Jenny Lind and
Miss Hayes. Several eminent musical performers will assist the Swan.

Daily Evening Traveller, Boston, Jan. 31, 1852.

The musical powers of Miss Greenfield are said to be of the most
wonderful character. The Press in every place where she has appeared, in
concert, are united in singing her praises. Those who have heard her,
assure us that the compass of her voice is truly remarkable. It is said
to embrace twenty-seven notes, reaching from the sonorous bass of a
barytone, to a few notes above even the highest of Jenny Lind's. With
such powers, and with enthusiasm and perseverance corresponding to them,
she is destined to take the highest rank in the divine science to which
she has devoted herself.

The Commonwealth, Boston, Jan. 30, 1852.

The Swan has arrived, and taken up her quarters at the Revere House. Her
first concert will be given at the Melodeon next Tuesday evening. Boston
will forfeit all right to the title of the "Athens of America," if it
does not look with keen curiosity after this "something new," under the
sun. Miss Greenfield is alleged to have a voice of greater compass than
any singer in this country has yet exhibited. That is one thing new.
Another is, that without special cultivation, she rivals some of the
greatest performers in reading and executing the most difficult music.
If this be so, Boston, we think, will not be slow to find out and reward
it as it deserves.

Evening Transcript, Boston, Jan. 30, 1852.

Miss Greenfield has arrived in the city, and will give her first concert
in Boston, at the Melodeon, on Tuesday evening next. She gave to a small
circle of musical people a specimen of the qualities of her voice
yesterday afternoon, at the room of Mr. Chickering. Her voice has great
power and compass, extending over four and a half octaves, from lower G
in bass to C octave in alt. She is self-taught, and has won quite a
reputation at the west.

Boston Herald, Jan. 30, 1852.

The 'Black Swan.' This new representative of the 'Divine Art,' arrived
in town yesterday, and took quarters at the Revere House. A gentleman of
good musical taste, who was yesterday admitted to a private rehearsal,
assures us that Miss Greenfield possesses a remarkable voice. It is
exceedingly musical and sweet. Its range and compass are truly
astonishing. She played the piano with great skill, and accompanied
herself. She will make her first appearance before a Boston audience on
Tuesday evening next, at the Melodeon.

The Black Swan sings some of the choicest operatic gems: "Scenes that
are Brightest," from the opera of Maritana, "Do not Mingle," from the
opera of "La Somnambula," &c. There is not a little curiosity to hear
this extraordinary woman.

Evening Transcript, Boston, Feb. 4, 1852.

Miss Greenfield, "The Black Swan," made her debut before a Boston
audience last evening at the Melodeon. In consequence of the price of
the tickets being put at a dollar, the house was not over two thirds
full. She was well received, and most vociferously applauded and encored
in every piece. She sings with great ease, and apparently without any
effort. Her pronunciation is very correct, and her intonation excellent.
Her voice has a wonderful compass, and in many notes remarkably sweet in
tone. Her voice needs equalizing, which can be done, when put under the
tuition of a competent instructor. Her second concert will be given on
Thursday evening, when the tickets will be put at 50 cents. At her next
concert she will be assisted by Professor Becht, of New York, and the
great juvenile pianist, Master Kook, ten years of age, who has no
superior in the country, of his years.

Boston Evening Traveller, February 5th, 1852.

The Black Swan's first Concert at the Melodeon.--The novelty of the
circumstances, and the curiosity which had been excited by the accounts
which had reached us of this coloured woman's remarkable vocal powers,
drew together a much larger audience than could ordinarily have been
collected at the high price at which the tickets were sold. As many as
five hundred, probably, were present; and influenced as they were by
various expectations and motives, it would be difficult to characterize
the marks of applause which were bestowed upon the performer. In respect
to the "Swan's" claims as a vocalist, we do not deem it worth while to
go into any criticism.

Boston Daily Times and Bay State Democrat, February 6th, 1852.

The Black Swan's second concert at the Melodeon, last evening, was
attended by a large and fashionable audience. Miss Greenfield was
evidently in better voice than on the night of her first concert, and,
it was generally admitted, sung better. She was enthusiastically encored
several times, and enthusiastically applauded in every piece. Professor
Becht and his pupil, Master Emile Kook, executed several pieces upon the
piano in excellent taste.

Daily Morning News, Lowell, February 7th, 1852.

We see by the Boston papers that this wonderful vocalist had the best
house of the season at the Melodeon, on Thursday evening. In fact, so
crowded was the hall, that a large number of ladies could not gain
admission on account of the immense number of people all eager to see
and hear the Swan. She had a perfect triumph over all prejudices. Master
Kook made his debut, and played the piano forte with a skill that would
have done credit to one of the old masters, calling down thunders of
applause. Professor Becht has no rival on the Piano.

The Mercury, New Bedford, February 10, 1852.

Rara Avis.--The Black Swan.--This wonderful vocalist, who seems to be
asserting for the African race a position in the musical world, a good
deal above the "Dandy Jim" and "Lucy Long" school, gives a concert
to-morrow evening. She is a remarkable instance of natural talent, and
her voice is said to be the most remarkable part of the whole matter,
possessing as it does a compass and quality in certain of its notes,
absolutely _unique_.

Taunton Daily Gazette, February 12, 1852.

This widely celebrated lady will favour the citizens of Taunton with an
entertainment at Temple Hall this evening. She will be assisted by
Professor Becht and by Master Kook, both unrivalled pianists,--the
latter a juvenile prodigy of the musical art.

The Swan is acknowledged to possess extraordinary vocal powers, and
considering the slight advantages she has enjoyed, she has acquired a
wonderful proficiency as an artist. Her history is itself a romance. She
is not pure African, but was the child of a Seminole woman. She was born
a slave, but manumitted at an early age, by her mistress, whose name she
bears. She has devoted her whole attention to musical study, until she
has raised herself to an enviable distinction in the profession.

Taunton Daily Gazette, February 13, 1852.

The Black Swan sung at the Temple Hall last evening. She was heartily
applauded at the close of every piece. Altogether we think it was the
best treat for the money that has been given here.

Salem Register, February 9, 1852.

Miss Greenfield, whose wonderful vocal powers have been astonishing the
musical world recently, is to give a concert at Mechanic Hall, in Salem,
this evening. Her programme will be found in another column. On her
first appearance in Boston, she was labouring under severe
indisposition, contracted at the burning of the Hampden House, in
Springfield, where she was boarding at the time of its destruction.

Salem Advertiser, February 10, 1852.

We heard the Black Swan, as she is called, at the City Hall last
Saturday evening. We have only three things to say of her performance:
The first is, that she had an excellent house, composed of the most
intelligent and enlightened of our citizens. The second, that all who
heard her seemed to be exceedingly well pleased with her efforts.
Although she does not claim to be, nor her friends on her behalf, that
she is an artistic singer, yet the compass of her voice and the
sweetness of her notes seemed to enchant every auditor. Our last
observation is, that we were ourselves very much pleased with what we
heard, and fully concurred in the justice of the loud applause so
frequently bestowed on the occasion.

Vox Populi, Lowell, February 13, 1852.

The concert of Miss E. T. Greenfield, under the direction of the
gentlemanly J. H. Wood, was one of the most successful that has been
given to this city for a long time. From the great fame which had
preceded the "Black Swan," had she not really proved herself what she
is, a most remarkable vocalist, there would have been a strong feeling
against all concerned; but there has not, within our knowledge, an
entertainment of the kind taken place in this city that received such
general applause. Her compass of voice is probably greater than that of
Parodi, Catharine Hayes, or Jenny Lind, even; but she lacks the artistic
power of either. Notwithstanding this deficiency, we presume to say that
the audience were better pleased with her singing than they would have
been with either of those named above, though perhaps some few would not
be willing to acknowledge it. The Black Swan sounds twenty-eight full
notes, a qualification accorded to no one before her; and one which most
successfully rivals the powers of ventriloquism which Jenny Lind so
successfully introduces in her echo song. Every piece she sung on
Saturday evening was rapturously encored. The song in barytone was
listened to with surprise and admiration, many of those present hardly
believing it to proceed from her, so much did her deep, sonorous voice
resemble that of a male. The second piece of the last part (sung instead
of the first, which was loudly encored) and also the last piece, neither
of which were on the programme, were enthusiastically applauded, and may
be regarded as the best pieces sung: at least such is our impression. As
we have already remarked, the concert may be pronounced the most
successful ever given in this city. The instrumental part, by Professor
Becht and Master Kook, was very able, but the effect was lost in the
prevailing enthusiasm for the Swan.

The Monitor, Saturday Morning, Feb. 14, 1852.

This celebrated vocalist, assisted by Prof. H. C. Becht, of Mentz, and
Mast. Se. Emile Kook, will give one of her charming concerts at the Town
Hall this (Sat.) evening, commencing at 8 o'clock. As this is the only
opportunity for hearing the Black Swan, of whom so much has been
written, the lovers of song will not fail to be present. The papers in
almost every part of New York and New England, are filled with encomiums
of the performances of this coloured Jenny Lind, (as she sings some of
the best pieces, as sung by Jenny Lind and Catharine Hayes.) Don't fail
of being present this evening.

The Carpet Bag, Boston, Feb. 14, 1852.

Some peoples' appetite for gammon is insatiable. Fancying they eat
brawn, they often find themselves devouring cats and dogs. This was our
thought on Tuesday night as we entered the Melodeon, with a fear that we
might retire in disgust, as we had done on the previous evening from the
exhibition of a clumsy mountebank who had undertaken to ape Macallister.
But it was not the case on this occasion of the _début_ of Miss
Greenfield, the 'Black Swan,' so absurdly cognominated. We say
_absurdly_--for swans are never black, neither do they sing. Their
modulations are any thing but melodious, and their inflections are
absolute inflictions. But _n'importe_,--after a flourish or two upon
that poorest of all _solo_ instruments, the piano-forte, by Mr.
Perabeau, a most pleasing performer upon such imperfect machinery, the
dark-faced girl presented herself, and was hailed with plaudits that
might have gratified the ambition of the whitest among the queens of
song. The auditors, who were brought thither mainly from a desire to
ascertain whether such things as had been told could actually be, were
at once satisfied on hearing but a few bars from Bishop's charming
cavatina, "Sweetly o'er my Senses Stealing,"--that the 'Black Swan' was
indeed a _rara avis in terris_.

At the close of her first song, the enthusiasm of the highly respectable
and very numerous assemblage seemed to know no bounds. It burst forth
with an unappeasable _furor_, resulting in the reappearance of the
songstress, who seated herself at the piano forte, and sang, to her own
somewhat simple accompaniment, a slow air, in a full, round bass voice,
that would have been envied by old Meredith himself--who used to sit
under London bridge of a foggy morning, that he might catch a cold, and
sing "deeper and deeper still." Her tones probably reached down to G. as
represented by the open third string of the violoncello. No male voice
could have given utterance to sounds more clearly and strikingly
masculine; and people gazed in wonder, as though dubious of the sex of
the performer--a doubt that was soon dispelled by the smooth sweetness
of the next vocal piece from Norma, and by the astonishing height to
which the "Swan" ascended, in surmounting and mastering the brilliant
and beautiful cantata, "Like the Gloom of Night retiring."--The Swan is
of good figure and form, with a full bust, containing organs more
completely adapted to the development of the vocal powers and qualities,
than those of any other human being, whose voice we ever listened to, or
tested. Her age is apparently about twenty-five; her complexion not
exactly ebony, but approaching it as nearly as the brownest black can
possibly do; her features, but slightly modified from the pure African
lineaments--retaining the low forehead, the depressed nose, and the
expansive mouth, without the bulbous labia. As the lady reader is
anxious on the subject of dress, we will say that her principal exterior
garment enclosed the whole person excepting the caput; whether composed
of printed de laine, or French chintz, we could not examine--but the
colour of its ground, as near as the gas-lights allowed us to determine,
was either light blue, or green-cerulean or emerald, rather profusely
covered with large white flowery figures; her gloves were of white kid,
from which depended a fine nine shilling linen handkerchief. She wore
what appeared to be heavy gold ear-rings; and her hair, jet black, with
the natural wiry curl, was arranged _a la_ Jenny Lind. Her manner and
carriage were exceedingly easy, and even graceful.

The voice of this sable phenomenon possesses most extraordinary
properties. Its compass and elasticity are immense, and its tone will
bear favourable comparison with that of most, if not all the public
vocalists of the day. She has evidently cultivated but little of the
ornamental portion of the art--giving us few or no shakes, nor any
chromatic flights, though occasionally a respectable cadenza.

Of the second concert, on Thursday evening, we are unable to speak, the
managers having seen fit to forget us in the distribution of their
complimentary tickets. Our editorial friends, in other places, may
receive similar attentions--that is to say, _tickets to the first
concert only_. They will, of course, in return for such great favours,
get their critical notices in type before the next concert takes place,
and then find that their services are no longer wanted. (_Mr. P.
Shillaber_, the author of Mrs. Partington's sayings.)

The Morning Mirror, Providence, R. I., Feb. 16, 1852.

This noted songstress who has evinced such an extraordinary musical
talent as to surprise and delight the most competent musical critics and
appreciating audiences in other cities, gives a grand musical
entertainment at Howard Hall this evening--vocal and instrumental--and
presents a programme which in point of character and rare
attractiveness, cannot fail of calling together a full, fashionable and
refined audience.--Besides the talent and the novelty which attaches to
Miss Greenfield, the entertainment is to be rendered still more
attractive by the presence of Prof. H. G. Becht, and his pupil, the
great musical prodigy, master Se. Emile Kook, only ten years of age,
considered as without a rival as a juvenile pianist. The concerts of
this trio, which have been so ably and successfully prepared by Col.
Wood in other cities, give the most unbounded satisfaction, and hundreds
of persons at the recent concerts in Boston had to content themselves
with only standing room. Miss Greenfield is highly commended by the
press throughout the West to the favourable consideration of the lovers
of good music. Our musical circles now have in their power to judge of
the merits and musical talents of Miss Greenfield, and we look to-night
for a general attendance of that class. That she will produce much
sensation to-day on her arrival is fully demonstrated by the general
feeling which pervades our community.

The Daily Transcript,--Worcester, Mass., Feb. 18th, 1852.

The Black Swan,--This noted songstress, whose extraordinary musical
talent has created so much interest and enthusiasm among distinguished
musical critics, and appreciating audiences, in various cities, will
give one of her attractive entertainments at Horticultural Hall, this
evening. The rare talent, and the novelty of her performances can hardly
fail to draw a large and fashionable audience. In addition to her own
efforts to please, she will be assisted by Prof. G. Becht and his pupil.
We might fill our paper with complimentary notices of her
entertainments, coming from the very highest sources. In Providence, on
Monday evening, her concert was very fully attended by a fashionable
audience, and she was welcomed with much enthusiasm, being loudly
encored at the end of every piece, and repeatedly called out. The
citizens of Providence were highly delighted with her musical powers,
and are desirous of a repetition of the concert. This is the only
opportunity our citizens will have of listening to Miss Greenfield.

The Daily Spy,--Worcester, Feb. 19th, 1852.

The Black Swan gave her long expected concert at Horticultural Hall last
evening, before a large and fashionable audience; and if we can judge of
her success by the manifestations of applause which were made by the
audience, and the opinions of the best judges, there can be no doubt
that the high expectations that had been raised by the prestige of her
capacities, were more than realized. Every piece was vehemently encored,
and as the Assemblage broke up, every face seemed to beam with
satisfaction and delight, as if its owner would say--"I feel it is good
to be here."

Springfield Daily Post,--Feb. 20th, 1852.

The skin of the Ethiopian may be changed, and the leopard's spots also,
but it can't be "rubbed out," that the Black Swan is a trump. She took
all the tricks last night, winning the game completely. The public,
before hearing her, had a very indefinite idea of what she was; but
after her first song, there was no longer any doubt. It was amusing to
behold the utter surprise and intense pleasure which was depicted upon
the faces of her listeners; they seemed to express, "Why, we see the
face of a black woman, but we hear the voice of an angel: what does it
mean?" It certainly is astonishing, and we were astonished with the
rest. Her voice is of extraordinary compass, the tone clear, rich and
full; and the execution very tasteful.

Even with the memory of Jenny Lind, Kate Hayes, and Parodi, fresh within
us, we cannot but record our opinion that Miss Greenfield is a singer of
extraordinary merit, who will yet win a fame scarcely second to any
cantatrice who has appeared before the world, and with every step she
takes in public, we shall look to see fresh laurels upon her ebon brow.

The Plain Dealer, Sat. Feb. 28th, 1852.

This songstress gives her second concert to-night. The programme
contains some admirable selections. Each of the pieces demands a variety
of skill--the whole offering a better opportunity to learn the musical
capacity of the Swan, than was heard at the first concert. That cunning
young violinist, Master Lewis, will perform some of his most pleasing
melodies. Mr. Becht will preside at the piano forte.

Daily Capital City Fact, Columbus, Ohio, March 3d, 1852.

Last evening proved that the Black Swan was all that the journals say of
her; and Miss Greenfield stands confessedly before the Columbus world, a
swan of excellence. She is indeed a remarkable swan. Although coloured
as dark as Ethiopia, she utters notes as pure as if uttered in the words
of the Adriatic.

Columbus, Ohio, March 7th.

The concert at Neil's New Hall, yesterday evening, was fully attended,
nearly all the seats being crowded. At the appointed hour the Black Swan
made her entrée, accompanied by Prof. Becht. The audience, quite alive
with curiosity before, were not favourably impressed with her personal
appearance, but from that fact they were anxious to hear the sound of
her voice, which had given her a repute in advance, inferior to that
only of many of the best artists.

The selections upon the programme were all familiar to the audience, and
thus, perhaps, enabled the sable cantatrice to challenge comparison with
others by the whole audience. The impression left by the first part of
the bill was, that her voice is one of great depth and reach, as she has
been usually described; but not that she possessed in a marked degree,
either sweetness, pathos, or delicacy--qualities which no cultivation
can give, by the way. Her exercises in deep bass developed a power quite
monstrous, compared with any other female voice we have ever heard.

After the interval she appeared more assured. Upon the suggestion of
another, we listened to her without looking toward her during the entire
performance of "the Last Rose of Summer," and were at once and
satisfactorily convinced that her voice is capable of producing sounds
right sweet, and not inferior in regard to any but Jenny Lind and
Bishop, neither of whom, we must believe, can ever be surpassed in that
quality. The whole of the second part produced effects more in favour of
the songstress upon the audience generally.

If she is as devoid of professional training as represented, she surely
has fine natural advantages as a vocalist. Her personal appearance is,
at first, very unfavourable for the stage, and not less so, of course,
on account of her colour, and the utterly inextinguishable prejudice
against colour and race which she must generally encounter in this
country, if not in those over the water. The instrumental part of the
performance is excellent; but of it, we have not room to-day to speak.

She sings to-morrow night a choice programme.

Columbus, March 6th, 1852.

We had the pleasure of listening to this celebrated cantatrice last
evening, at Neil's New Hall. We have only three things to say of her
performance. The first is, that she was honoured with a crowded house,
composed of the most intelligent and enlightened of our citizens:
second, that all who heard her were exceedingly well pleased with all
her efforts; and third, that notwithstanding it is not claimed, either
by herself or friends, that she is an artistic singer, yet the compass
of her voice has rarely been equalled, and the sweetness of her notes
seemed to enchant every auditor.

Philadelphia, March 16th.


     Thy letter from Columbus came safely to hand, and it gave me
     pleasure to hear thee is doing so well; and I hope it may continue
     until thy return to our city.

     In answer to thy inquiry about my parents, I am glad to say they
     are both enjoying good health. Father is still busy by times, with
     the old lady's estate, but it does not, as yet, seem to be near a
     final settlement.

     It is true that Mr. Richards has received her money, as it was for
     services rendered to aunt Betsey--not from having been left any
     thing in the will. But all the legatees, of which thee is one, will
     have to wait until the whole business is concluded. It has been
     very trying and tedious to all concerned; but I hope, ere long, the
     right thing will be brought about, and thee will then receive what
     is thy due. Judge Jones has been appointed in J. Bouvier's
     place--is an able and excellent man, and will no doubt do all he
     can to hasten the settlement of the whole affair.

Thy friend,


American House, March 5th, 1852.


     We have been favoured this afternoon, together with some ladies,
     with a private musical entertainment by Miss E. T. Greenfield,
     known as the "Black Swan"--and words would fail us to do her voice
     justice, even were she _white_.

     Never having heard the renowned Madame Goldschmidt, we can draw no
     comparison between the Swan and her fairer Swedish rival; but
     however she may compare with her, allow us to say she has the most
     varied and powerful voice it has yet been our fortune to hear. She
     gave us first the arietta, "Where are now the Hopes I've
     cherished?" accompanying her voice with the guitar--which, as well
     as the harp and piano, she uses very skilfully. This song, though
     easy of execution, is charmingly sweet and plaintive--and how it
     could be better performed than upon this occasion, it is difficult
     to imagine. Every heart present was thrilled with her tones, which
     flowed from her lips like gems.

     Next we were favoured with a song in bass, accompanied with the
     piano--in which a male voice was so closely imitated as to defy the
     most acute ear to make it anything else; a male voice, however,
     highly refined--deeper, stronger, sweeter--than ever before fell
     upon our ear. The feelings of all present were delightfully
     stirred,--even the atmosphere in which we sat seemed trembling
     with emotion.

     These were followed by other songs, enough to exhibit the vocal
     charms and operatic talent of this wonderful cantatrice, in all
     their strength and compass. And we feel it due to say (though
     without pretending to rigid musical criticism,) while the voice of
     the Swan is equal to the loftiest pitch of the soaring lark, and
     the lowest reach of bass tone, there seems no lack of sweetness and
     distinctness--so often wanting or underrated in musical

     A word as to the _personnel_ of the "Swan." She is robust and
     fleshy, with a full and healthy chest; but with very uncomely
     features. She is intelligent, however, and unassuming--is free
     without boldness--and kind and attentive to all who visit her. She
     was born in Mississippi. Her father was an African, her mother a
     Choctaw Indian woman, and she seems, both in features and
     disposition, to show her compound origin. When quite a child she
     fell into the hands of quite a wealthy Welsh lady, by whom she was
     raised in Philadelphia--with whom she ate and slept for twenty-one
     years, and who, dying, bequeathed her a handsome property, which is
     yet contested at law. Her family name is Taylor, but in honour of
     her mistress she takes the name of Greenfield.

     We are told it is her purpose to sail for Europe sometime in June
     or July next, to avail herself of the best instruction which can be
     obtained in cultivating her extraordinary vocal gifts.

     The statement that Miss Greenfield is the daughter of a man in
     Buffalo, who "formerly lived in Mississippi, and served as
     hostler," and that "Miss G. came north and married a fellow yclept
     Green," is all false.--If any person should have been led to
     believe otherwise, the following letters will be sufficient to
     undeceive them:

       N. W. corner of Mulberry and Tenth Street, Philadelphia,
                         11th month 5th, 1851.

     I have known Elizabeth Greenfield for more than fifteen years,
     during most of which time, she resided near to me with a worthy and
     benevolent friend of mine, the late Elizabeth Greenfield; through
     whose liberality she was kindly supported and educated.

     In the course of a professional attendance of some years on
     Elizabeth's family, I had reason to be convinced that she continued
     to stand well in the estimation of her aged friend. To the best of
     my information, her conduct and deportment since, have been such as
     to merit the esteem of those who know her in this city.



Philadelphia, 11th month 8th, 1852.

     I have known Eliza Greenfield many years; she came to this city
     from Mississippi with her late Mistress Elizabeth Greenfield, when
     a child; by whom she was much esteemed, and who has left her a
     legacy.--I know her to be a free woman, respectable and


Philadelphia, Nov. 17th, 1851.

     This is to certify, that I have known Elizabeth T. Greenfield for
     many years, and am happy to bear testimony to her worth as a woman,
     and her merits as a singer.

     She was brought up from a child by Mrs. Greenfield, a wealthy widow
     lady from Mississippi, with whom she remained until her death, and
     was ever treated by her with confidence and affection.

     From the will of Mrs. Greenfield, Elizabeth derives an income
     sufficient to enable her to resign all occupation, save that
     pertaining to her profession as a singer.

     Her associations in life have ever been with the most respectable,
     and most particularly in connexion with the families of Mrs.
     Greenfield's friends, who esteemed her as an unobtrusive and
     excellent person.

     She now seeks public favour as a singer, and, although almost
     entirely self-taught, possesses wonderful power of voice, and
     sweetness of tone--and is well worthy the patronage of all lovers
     of music. To such we heartily recommend her, trusting that her
     merits may meet their reward.


Philadelphia, Nov. 18th, 1851.

     From my long and personal acquaintance with the subject of the
     annexed short sketch I accord fully with all contained therein.


     I feel great pleasure in stating I have known Miss Greenfield since
     she was a year old; and knew Mrs. Elizabeth Greenfield, valued her
     as a truly deserving and good person--always correct in her
     deportment, and worthy of respect and confidence. All Mrs.
     Greenfield's friends can bear testimony to this truth. All my
     family wish her success wherever she goes, in this, her musical



Phil. Nov. 18, 1851.

No. 410 West Walnut Street.

The Plain Dealer, Cleveland, Ohio.

The Black Swan is to be in Cleveland on the 26th. The _Plain Dealer_
man, says an exchange, is so excited about it that he is turning all
sorts of _colours_. "O. S. Journal." Speaking of colours, we own up to
something of a mixture, having been born GRAY, but the "True Democrat"
says that _coloured_ people are a leetle ahead of white people.

Plain Dealer, March 26, 1852.

The advent of the Black Swan was the signal for prolonged applause. She
is a woman of graceful stature, with a face of intelligence and
gentleness, modest and tasteful in her dress, and an easy carriage. She
looks confidently to the audience, as if trusting to their unbiassed
judgment. Her first song, "Sweetly o'er my Senses Stealing," gives a
fair idea of her flexibility and tone. They are truly astonishing. She
glides from note to note with the utmost ease; as trippingly as most of
our _prima donnas_. But compass of voice, the most desirable quality in
vocal music, is the distinctive feature of her style. Here she is fully
at home--as evinced in that charming ballad where she accompanied
herself on the piano. Her voice here was masculine and rich--and at the
same time soft--devoid of that burr with which most _bona fide_ male
voices are encumbered. She sang in six pieces, was applauded in each,
and thrice triumphantly _encored_. We heard but one opinion of the
entertainment--that of unqualified delight.

Milwaukie Daily Sentinel, April 19, 1852.

The Telegraph and press, for some time past, have been busy in
chronicling the musical triumphs of the Black Swan, and in noting her
progress Westward. Last week she sang to crowded and delighted
audiences, in Detroit, Chicago, Kenosha, and Racine. To-night she sings
at Gardner's Hall, in this city. She comes here heralded by a reputation
which will of itself draw a full house. That those who attend will enjoy
the entertainment, will be readily inferred from the following notice in
Chicago, copied from the Journal of that city:

"To say they were gratified is not enough. If expression of countenance
and repeated applause, more than we ever witnessed upon a similar
occasion in this city, mean anything, they were surprised and delighted.
Not, perhaps, with the artistic skill she manifested, but the wonderful
power, sweetness, and compass of her voice. It was like a flute, a
clarion, an organ, and yet it was more--a splendid human voice.

"Her style is simple and unaffected. She is guiltless of all the
trickery of the professed and trained Vocalist; but sings as she feels
it; as she thinks it should be sung; and though not skilled in the
quibbles and nomenclature of "the art divine," we are satisfied she
thinks right. With a complexion not Circassian, and a figure not
altogether a model for sculptors, she has drawn together here an
audience--has charmed them, and all with the magic of a voice."

Milwaukie Sentinel, April, 1852.

What shall we say? That we were delighted and surprised? All who were
present know that, from their own feelings. We can only say, that we
have never heard a voice like hers,--one that, with such ease, and with
such absence of all effort, could range from the highest to the lowest
notes. After singing the first song, she was called back, when she sat
down to the piano, and commenced, "When Stars are in the Quiet Sky," we
almost imagined, at first, that Geo. Baker, with his heavy bass voice,
had broken forth somewhere in the vicinity. But what was our surprise to
discover that those low, yet heavy and powerful notes, proceeded from
the same person who just before had been singing with the highest,
clearest notes of a woman. Thus it was throughout. It seemed as though
to sing was as natural to her as to the bird; and she poured forth
melody and music without being obliged to use those desperate and
convulsive efforts that some do. She was received with the most
rapturous applause, which in some of the songs broke forth at the end of
every verse. This was especially the case when she sang "If a Body meet
a Body," &c., when it seemed as though they could not sufficiently
testify their pleasure.

Professor Becht is a most correct and finished player on the piano; and
we must say, that Mr. Schmittroth made more music than we ever heard
before in scientific fiddling.

Rochester, May 6, 1852.

All the lovers of music in Rochester will be glad to learn that Miss
Greenfield intends to give a concert in Corinthian Hall on Monday next.
This gifted songstress has been having a series of very successful
concerts in Ohio, and other States, and we predict for her a large
audience on Monday. The magnificent quality of her voice, its great
power, flexibility, and compass; her self-taught genius, energy, and
perseverance, combine to render Miss Greenfield an object of uncommon
interest to musicians.

We have been spell-bound by the ravishing tones of Patti, Sontag,
Malibran, and Grisi; we have heard the wondrous warblings of "_the
Nightingale_;" and we have listened with delight to the sweet melodies
of the fair daughter of Erin; but we hesitate not to assert that, with
one year's tuition from the world-famed Emanuel Garcia, Miss Greenfield
would not only compare favourably with any of the distinguished artists
above named, but incomparably excel them all.

We hoped, ere this, to hear of Miss Greenfield proceeding to England.
Queen Victoria is a thorough judge of music, and a kind and generous
patron to musicians,--Miss Greenfield's complexion would not bar her
entrance to Buckingham Palace, nor would it shock the nerves of the most
delicate lady of the court there. The _Black Swan should sail to

The Globe, Toronto, May 12-15th, 1852.

Any one who went to the concert of Miss Greenfield on Thursday last,
expecting to find that he had been deceived by the puffs of the American
newspapers, must have found himself most agreeably disappointed.

Mr. Becht, the pianist of the party, commenced the evening with a very
brilliant performance, which showed that his talents, if not of the very
first rank, nearly approached to that point. He has a very considerable
share of taste, but his _forte_ passages were the finest, and were
warmly applauded. After he had retired there was a general hush of
expectation to see the entrance of the vocalist of the evening, and
presently there appeared a lady of a decidedly dark colour, rather
inclined to an _embonpoint_, and with African formation of face. She
advanced calmly to the front of the platform, and curtised very
gracefully to the audience. There was a moment of pause, and the
assembly anxiously listened for the first notes. They were quite
sufficient. The amazing power of the voice, the flexibility and the ease
of execution took the hearers by surprise, and the singer was hardly
allowed to finish the verse ere she was greeted with the most
enthusiastic plaudits, which continued for some time. The higher
passages of the air were given with clearness and fulness, indicating a
soprano voice of great power. The song was encored, and Miss Greenfield
came back, took her seat at the piano, and began, to the astonishment of
the audience, a different air in a deep and very clear bass or barytone
voice, which she maintained throughout, without any very great
appearance of effort or without any breaking! She can, in fact, go as
low as Lablache, and as high as Jenny Lind, a power of voice perfectly
astonishing. It is said she can strike thirty-one full clear notes, and
we could readily believe it. After the surprise had subsided, there was
time to find out the errors and defects. It must be confessed that Miss
Greenfield has a very heedless way of throwing her beautiful notes
about, has far from perfect command over them, and wants the knowledge
of ornamental points, which can only be given by instruction from the
best masters. There were plenty evidences that it was not from lack of
ability to understand what was required, that these defects existed. The
introduction of the deeper voice in the treble songs was a singularity,
but was also an unpleasing offence against the ear.

Miss Greenfield is said to have great facility in acquiring the
knowledge of music, and will certainly under proper tuition become

The company to-night perform in Hamilton. We hope on their return we may
have another opportunity of listening to Miss Greenfield's wonderful
strains, and Messrs. Becht and Schmittroth's excellent instrumentalization.

Auburn, New York, May 21st, 1852.

This evening the citizens of Auburn are to have the pleasure of
witnessing the vocal powers of the Black Swan. It is not a year since
this candidate for public patronage made her appearance in the concert
room, but yet she has won a reputation that everywhere secures her
crowded houses. Her recent tour in the western States was eminently
successful, and her concerts were referred to in the papers, as being
equal in interest to those given by the most celebrated vocalists of the
day. The entertainment this evening will be given at Markham Hall.

Auburn, May 22d, 1852.

We have no hesitation in saying that, but for the prejudice which exists
against _caste_, she would attain great eminence. We trust she will
succeed. Mr. Schmittroth, the violinist, displays great musical capacity
and taste; but we are surprised that so perfect an artist should trust
his success to so imperfect an instrument. Mr. Becht, the pianist, is a
man of talent, and has great command of his instrument.

Syracuse, May 24th, 1852.

Notwithstanding the many distinguished, and justly celebrated
songstresses now in our country, the Black Swan continues to be heard
with great favour, by the musical portion of the community.

Utica, May 26th, 1852.

Those who failed to hear this extraordinary vocalist on her previous
visit to Utica, will not fail to gratify their curiosity at this
time.--Miss Greenfield has now had the advantage of several months'
training and practice, and of appearing at concerts in most of the
principal northern cities. Her natural endowments surpass any thing in
the way of human voice we ever heard, and her singing is pleasing as
well as astonishing. She is now accompanied by Becht, the pianist, and
Schmittroth, the violinist, artists, as we hear, of talent and merit
from the city of New York, and occupying the first position in their

Watertown, May 28th, 1852.

This celebrated Cantatrice, on her return from a very successful tour in
the West, gives one concert in this city, in Malcolm Hall, this evening.
The Swan has sung in our city on a previous occasion, and her merits are
pretty generally known--though we are assured that she has made great
proficiency since that time. Malcolm Hall ought to be crowded this

Ogdensburg, June 2, 1852.

The "Swan's" second concert, which came off last evening, was quite as
largely attended as the first; and we noticed, particularly, that the
patronage of those who attended on the former evening was largely drawn

The same manifestations of delight at the performance of the several
_artists_, were apparent with the audience of last evening, and many who
had come to listen for the second time, were inspired with a more
accurate appreciation of the "Swan's" merits. The troupe proceed hence
to Burlington. She goes to Europe soon for the purpose of receiving
instruction from the best masters.

Burlington, June 4, 1852.

The concert at Concert Hall, last evening, delighted one of the largest
and most select audiences ever assembled in Burlington. Miss Greenfield
was received with much enthusiasm. It was, altogether, the best concert
ever given in this place. We learn that to-night is positively her last
in Burlington.

Greenfield, June 21, 1852.

Altogether the most artistic performance in the sphere of music, we
recollect ever having attended in this town, was given on Thursday
evening by Miss Elizabeth Greenfield, alias the "Black Swan." Her voice
possesses wonderful compass, is very rich, and is skilfully trained. She
is a most surprising vocalist, considered in whatever respect. The
violin performance, by Mr. Schmittroth, brought out tones more
astonishing than people in general supposed pine, catgut and rosin
capable of producing.

The whole entertainment was in the highest degree respectable, and
worthy of any audience in the world.

Brattleboro, Vt., June 23, 1852.

The "Black Swan," or Miss Elizabeth Greenfield, sang in Mr. Fisk's
beautiful new Hall on Wednesday evening last, to a large and intelligent

We had seen frequent notices in our exchanges, and were already
prepossessed in favour of the abilities and life purposes of our sable
sister; but after all we must say that our expectations of her success
are greater than before we had heard her sing, and conversed with her in
her own private room. She is not pretty, but plain for a coloured woman;
still she is gifted with a beauty of soul which makes her countenance
agreeable in conversation; and in singing, especially when her social
nature is called into activity, there is a grace and beauty in her
manner which soon make those unaccustomed to her race forget all but the
melody. We learned from her that she was trained by an old lady
belonging to the society of Friends. Her mistress, being a Friend,
Elizabeth took lessons in music privately. With only her wages to aid
her, she was rapidly acquiring knowledge in music in imitation of her
mistress' young relatives, when some one maliciously informed her
mistress, with the expectation of seeing an injunction laid upon her
self-culture. The old lady sent for Elizabeth, who came trembling into
her presence, expecting to be reprimanded for her pursuit of an art
forbidden by the Friends' discipline. "Elizabeth," said the old lady,
"is it true that thee is learning music, and can play upon the guitar?"
"It is true," she replied. "Go, bring thy guitar and let me hear thee
sing." Elizabeth did so, and when she had concluded her song was
astonished to hear her mistress say, "Elizabeth, whatever thee wants,
thee shall have." From that time her mistress was the patroness of her
earnest efforts for skill and knowledge in musical science.

Nature has done more for Miss Greenfield, than any musical prodigy we
have met, and art has marred her execution less.

From New England Miss Greenfield returned to Buffalo to enjoy a season
of rest and refreshment.

She remained here several months, during which time she received two
definite proposals to accept an engagement. One to travel for three
months in the United States,--the other, which she accepted, to proceed
directly to Europe.

Cleveland, Dec. 16, 1852.

     MISS GREENFIELD:--Dear Madam,--I take the liberty to address a few
     lines to you on the subject of giving concerts. I have understood
     you to have no engagement at present, and that you would be glad to
     make an engagement with a person competent to manage. I have had
     considerable experience in the business, and feel myself competent
     to take the management of business of this nature. I have travelled
     with Jenny Lind during her engagement with P. T. Barnum. I have
     also been connected with Mr. Barnum for several years; and if you
     feel disposed to engage with me I would refer you to Mr. Barnum. He
     is now at his residence in Bridgeport, Conn.

     I should propose to travel through such portions of the States as
     you have not visited, and should feel disposed to commence in New
     York. Mr. Barnum is a relation of mine, and I could give a series
     of concerts in New York in his name; at least I feel quite
     confident I could do so. I am a man of family, and am living in
     this city. I am acquainted with Major Dunn, Col. Wood, and slightly
     with Mr. Ladd, formerly of your troupe.

     Please let me hear from you by return of mail, and oblige,


E. T. N.

Cleveland, Feb. 23, 1853.

     MR. HOWARD:--Dear Sir,--If Miss Greenfield would accept an
     engagement for three months, to travel in the interior of this, and
     adjoining states, I should like to give it a trial.

     If we undertake it and are successful, I should like to give a
     series of concerts in New York, after the opening of the World's
     Fair--and probably make a second engagement. Please consult with
     Miss Greenfield, and let me know her mind. If she accepts, every
     thing will be done to make it pleasant for her. I will come to
     Buffalo and settle preliminaries on hearing from you.

     I have letters of recommendation from Mr. Barnum, which I do not
     deem necessary to send you, as you saw Mr. Barnum in New York so

Truly yours,

E. T. N.

The second overture she accepted, and the following agreement was drawn


     This agreement made the sixteenth day of Feb. 1853, between ----,
     of the city of New York, of the first part, and Miss Elizabeth T.
     Greenfield, now of the city of Buffalo, of the second part,

     That the said parties of the first and second parts, do hereby
     agree, each with the other, as follows.

     The party of the second part hereby agrees to perform a musical
     tour throughout England, Scotland, and Ireland, and upon the
     continent of Europe, and the free States of the United States, and
     deliver concerts, public and private, at such times and
     places--when her health will permit--as shall be directed by the
     party of the first part, not exceeding three times in any one week;
     and she agrees that she will, as far as possible, strive to give
     satisfaction in her concerts.

     The party of the first part is to have the management and direction
     of the business, and every thing relating thereto. He is to advance
     all the money which may be required in carrying on the enterprise.
     He is also to advance to the party of the second part such money as
     she may require for her own individual expenses. He is also to have
     the direction of the musical instruction of the party of the second
     part, and at all times to treat her respectfully, and provide
     suitable board, lodging, and travelling accommodations for herself
     and attendant.

     A competent secretary shall be employed by the party of the first
     part, whose business it shall be to keep true accounts of the
     receipts of money at such concerts, and of all the expenditures
     made on account of the enterprise, which accounts shall at all
     times be open to the inspection of both parties.

     No agents are to be employed in the said business except such as
     shall be specially attached to the troupe, and such as shall be
     necessary to promote the objects of the enterprise, unless it shall
     be considered for the interest of both parties to employ additional
     assistance, in which event the compensation of such additional
     assistance shall be paid as a general charge.

     The party of the second part is to have the privilege of selecting
     her own maid, whose services and expenses are to be paid out of the
     moneys received from such concerts, such wages not exceeding six
     dollars a month, in case she shall select her own maid.

     All the expenses incurred in the said business, including the
     furnishing of such wardrobes as shall be mutually agreed upon--the
     individual expenses of both the parties--the musical instruction of
     the party of the second part, and the expenses of the party of the
     second part back to New York, are to be paid out of the receipts of
     such concerts, and the overplus is to be divided between the
     parties as follows: to the party of the first part four fifths: to
     the party of the second part one fifth. The amount which shall at
     any time be due to the party of the second part for her share in
     the profits shall be paid to her on demand.

     In case of the death of the party of the first part before the
     expiration of the time herein limited, the party of the second part
     is to go on in the same manner under the direction and management
     of his legal representatives, but in all respects under the
     conditions of this agreement, and such legal representative is to
     perform all the acts and things which the party of the first part
     is to perform under the conditions of the agreement.

     In case of the death of the party of the second part, this
     agreement is then to terminate, and the party of the first part
     shall render a true and correct account of the receipts and
     expenditures relating to the said business, and pay over whatever
     money shall remain in his hands belonging to the party of the
     second part, to Hiram E. Howard, now of the city of Buffalo, whose
     receipt therefor shall be binding upon her heirs and personal

     And it is mutually agreed by and between the said parties that they
     will, during the time herein limited, unless prevented by illness,
     or other inevitable accident, diligently and faithfully devote
     himself and herself in and about the said business, and the
     management thereof, and the carrying on the same, and the affairs
     and business thereof, for the promoting the same for the best
     advantage and benefit of both the said parties.

     This agreement is to commence on the tenth day of March next, and
     terminate on the first of May one thousand eight hundred and
     fifty-five; and the said party of the second part agrees to be in
     the city of New York on the said tenth day of March next--health
     permitting--and subject to the direction of the said party of the
     first part, as before mentioned.

     In case the party of the first part shall for any reason wish at
     any time, after they shall arrive in Europe, to dissolve this
     agreement, he is at liberty to do so upon conditions that he shall
     pay her the balance that may then be due to her, and shall in
     addition thereto, pay her a sum of money sufficient to pay the
     expenses of herself and servant back to the city of New York in a
     respectable manner.

     Witness the hands and seals of the parties the day and year first
     above written.

(Signed)                            and executed by
GEO. DAVIS, } witness,           ------ ------ (L. S.)
Buffalo.    }                     ELIZABETH T. GREENFIELD (L. S.)

State of New York, Buffalo, Mayor's Office, April 1, 1853.

     I do hereby certify that a contract, of which the foregoing is a
     copy, is deposited for safe keeping with Hiram E. Howard, Esq., of
     this city, by Miss Greenfield.

     In witness thereof I have hereunto set my hand, and affixed the
     seal of the city of Buffalo the day and the year last above

_Mayor of the city of Buffalo_.

At this period she received the following communication:

Buffalo, February 23, 1853.

     Having learned that Miss Greenfield is about to visit Europe on a
     musical tour, as well as with a view to the artistic improvement of
     her vocal powers, the undersigned take this opportunity of
     tendering to her a complimentary benefit prior to her departure, as
     a testimonial in favour of her unprecedented natural powers of
     voice, and also as an earnest of the due appreciation by our fellow
     citizens, generally, of the liberal aid rendered by her on a former
     occasion, to one of the most worthy objects of charity in our city;
     and we trust that the announcement of a concert by Miss Greenfield,
     will be responded to by a full house on the occasion.

     H. E. Howard, James Hollister, Geo. Coit, M. J. Cadwallader, Henry
     W. Rogers, G. B. Rich, A. J. Rich, E. S. Skudding, E. P. Beals, Ira
     Osburi, Matthew Wilson, Nelson Randall, G. S. Hazard, H. B. Potter,
     A. Ramsey, S. S. Gawson, Jos. G. Mastra, Samuel F. Pratt, C. F. S.
     Thomas, Hiram Barton, H. J. Impsay, Geo. W. Houghton, James
     Wadsworth, William Webster, Geo. C. White, Wm. Fisk, Edwin Thomas,
     Wm. Carland, Geo. Davis, Cyrus P. Lee, G. W. Rounds, T. M.
     Parmalee, Lewis C. Hodges, H. N. Loomis, H. C. Walker, C. E. Young,
     L. R. Plimpton, Jas. L. Reynolds, Wm. A. Seaver.

The concert took place the 7th of March, 1853. The success of this
concert may be inferred from the following note:

Buffalo, March 8, 1853.


     I was at your concert last night, and cannot withhold my meed of
     praise, or refrain from mentioning to you the immense delight it
     afforded me to hear so truly a magnificent voice, as that which the
     good Creator has bestowed upon you. It did indeed come "sweetly
     o'er my senses stealing." If I was enchanted with your "Entreat me
     not," and enraptured with the aria from "Garcia," how perfectly
     amazed was I at the basso of the Rover's song! I trembled for you,
     thinking every moment that you should fail; while at the same time
     I knew that one of the chief charms of your voice, is the perfect
     ease and freedom from effort, which you appeared to possess.

     There is one thing which Miss Greenfield must allow a stranger to
     suggest--and it is on the subject of her dress. The dress itself
     was handsome, but why wear that _white lace bertha_? Some bright
     rich colour would suit so much better--or something darkly
     delicate; indeed, before a European audience, I think Miss
     Greenfield might adopt the _Oriental style_ of dress with the best

     Hoping, then, for Miss Greenfield the utmost success in her
     projected European tour, I remain her obedient well-wisher,


Laden with all these good wishes and hopes, Miss G. bade farewell to her
Buffalo friends and proceeded to New York city, preparatory to her
embarkation.--In New York Miss Greenfield had many apprehensions. At
Buffalo she had become acquainted with Madam Alboni, who greatly admired
her voice, and gave her many useful instructions. Upon her arrival in
this city she learned that Madam Alboni had an engagement at the "Niblo
Gardens." Some friends desired to procure for her a private box at the
Italian Opera, where she might have the pleasure and advantage of
hearing, undisturbed, this famous songstress. But it was refused her.

Nevertheless, her first concert took place at the Metropolitan Hall, on
Thursday, March 31st, 1853, in the presence of four thousand
people.--Subsequently the following publication was placed in her hand:

New York, April 2d, 1853.


     _Madam_,--By the suggestion of many enthusiastic admirers of your
     talents, I have been induced to address you on the subject of
     another and second concert, prior to your departure for Europe.

     Your advent musical in "Gotham" has not been idly heralded among
     the true lovers of song, and admirers of exalted genius; of which
     your unprecedented success on Wednesday evening must have
     sufficiently convinced you; while all are eloquent in the
     commendation of your superior powers, and engaging method.

     Confiding, Madam, in your reported magnanimity and generosity to
     oblige, I will divest myself of tedious circumlocution, and
     fervently exhort you to make a second exhibition of your skill;
     which, there can be no doubt, will be highly successful to you, and
     as interesting to your admirers.


Miss Greenfield embarked from New York in a British steamer, for
England, April 6th, 1853, and arrived at Liverpool the 16th of April,
1853; rested over the Sabbath, and proceeded Monday morning to London,
in which metropolis she became safely domiciled on the evening of the
same day.

But painful trials awaited her from a quarter the most unexpected. The
individual with whom she had drawn up the contract for this musical tour
was unfaithful to his promises, and she found herself abandoned, without
money and without friends, in a strange country.

She had been told Lord Shaftsbury was one of the great good men of
England, and she resolved to call upon him in person and entreat an
interview,--his lordship immediately granted her request, listened
patiently to her history, and directly gave her a letter of introduction
to his lawyer.

The following letter from one of her early friends in Buffalo, will
relate some of the incidents of her trial:

Buffalo, July 29th, 1853.

     Friend Elizabeth,--I have just received your letter of the 25th,
     and we are all pleased to hear of your good health and improvement
     in music. I have received two letters before from you, the first
     with your likeness, and the other with the box of presents for
     Julia Palmer, and the children, all of whom were much pleased with

     My health has not been good this summer, and when I have thought of
     writing to you, my mind has been so confused that I found it
     impossible to say on paper what I wanted to. I know you must think
     strange of it, but I know, too, that you will not think we have
     forgotten you, or that we have ceased to feel a deep interest in
     your welfare, and future success.

     I think Mr. ---- is not acting right by you, and I wish you had
     some disinterested friend to stand by you and make him do as he
     ought. I received a letter yesterday from Mr. Spooner. He says
     Antonio has returned to New York, and tells bad stories of ----

     If they are true, you ought to call him to account, ---- Antonio
     says ---- would not advance you money to pay your doctor's
     bill,--this he had no right to refuse, whether you have made money
     or not; and if he refuses to advance you any thing which you
     require for your health, comfort, or respectability, he breaks the
     contract, and you are at liberty to do better if you can.

     It would do no good for me to write to ----, and it might do you
     harm. When you left New York I expected Mrs. Howard's brothers
     would be in England when you arrived there, and I calculated upon
     their selecting for you some person to act as your friendly adviser
     in case of need; but they returned earlier than I expected, and
     arrived in New York about the time you landed at Liverpool. Under
     these circumstances I see no way for you but to do right yourself,
     and trust that some distinguished friend will be raised up to you,
     who has influence and discretion, and who will be willing to tell
     you what is best, and will stand up as your protector and defender
     in case of need; and it seems to me, that such a one can be found
     among your numerous patrons. I know well your honest heart, and I
     know too that you would rather suffer wrong than do wrong; but it
     is necessary to you that you be respected, and if ---- will not give
     you money for your necessary expenses he is cheating you; and if he
     cheats you now, he will continue to do so.

     Now, I would advise you to select some person in whom you have
     confidence--show him this letter, and then do just what he shall
     advise. You will see _by the contract_ that ---- is bound to let you
     have money, for all necessary expenses, whether you _make_ money or
     not; and he is bound to keep a secretary, whose business--among
     other things--is to show you at all times how your account with
     Mr. ---- stands, as regards receipts from concerts, &c., and
     expenses paid out for the same. If you cannot make ---- do this, I
     would advise you to leave him any way.

     In selecting a friend to advise you, be careful and not select one
     who has any interest in deceiving you, or who would advise you to
     do any dishonourable act towards Mr. ---- or any one else; for I
     would rather see you return a beggar than with the name of
     dishonour or meanness of any kind. If ---- acts fairly by you, do
     the same to him, whether you make money or not;--and this I know
     you will do, if you can determine what is right.

     My health is now improving, and I feel quite myself again. Mrs.
     Howard and the children have been quite well since you left, and
     your baby is growing finely. It begins to say pa, pa! and ma ma!
     and stands by the sofa and chairs; but you won't know it when you
     return, for its hair is losing its curl and becoming somewhat the
     colour of my own. We still call her Greenfield, although some of
     Mrs. Howard's would-be friends are much _shocked_ at it. However,
     Mrs. Howard says you took good care of it when she was not able to;
     and she thinks the name just as good as the care you gave it. Sarah
     is improving rapidly in her music, and both she and Mary are making
     good progress at school. Monsieur and Madame St. Kenney often ask
     about you, as well as many other of your old friends.

     You must keep yourself prudent and discreet, and you will find in
     England many who will not see you wronged. But I trust that ----
     will do right by you, and that you will not have occasion to tax
     the good offices of any kind friends, that may be made by you while
     away from your native land. Mrs. Howard and the children send their
     kindest remembrance and regards to yourself and Anna. Write to me
     every week, that I may know how you are getting along; and, as my
     health is improving, I will write to you as often as I think it
     will be of benefit to you. Truly, your friend,


     P. S. Should you have any trouble with ---- and need the original of
     your contract, I can send it to you by some of the steamers in a
     short time.

H. E. H.

It may, perhaps, be considered a providential concurrence that Mrs.
Harriet Beecher Stowe was in London this same time with Miss Greenfield.
We notice in her "Sunny Memories," under the date of May 6th, the
following remarks, "A good many calls this morning. Among others, came
Miss Greenfield, the (so-called) Black Swan. She appears to be a gentle,
amiable, and interesting young person. She was born the slave of a kind
mistress, who gave her every thing but education; and, dying, left her
free with a little property. The property she lost by some legal
quibble, but she had, like others of her race, a passion for music, and
could sing and play by ear. A young lady, discovering her taste, gave
her a few lessons. She has a most astonishing voice. C. sat down to the
piano and played while she sung. Her voice runs through a compass of
three octaves and a fourth. This is four notes more than Malibran's.
She sings a most magnificent tenor, with such a breadth and volume of
sound, that with your back turned, you could not imagine it to be a
woman. While she was there, Mrs. S. C. Hall, of the Irish Sketches, was
announced. I told her of Miss Greenfield, and she took great interest in
her and requested her to sing something for her. C. played the
accompaniment, and she sung Old Folks at Home, first in a soprano voice,
and then in a tenor or barytone. Mrs. Hall was amazed and delighted, and
entered at once into her cause. She said she would call with me and
present her to Sir George Smart, who is at the head of the Queen's
musical establishment, and, of course, the acknowledged leader of London
musical judgment."

In the course of the day I had a note from Mrs. Hall, saying, that as
Sir George Smart was about leaving town, she had not waited for me, but
had taken Miss Greenfield to him herself. She writes that he was really
astonished and charmed at the wonderful weight, compass, and power of
her voice. He was also as well pleased with the mind in her singing, and
her quickness in doing and catching all that he told her. Should she
have a public opportunity to perform, he offered to hear her rehearse
beforehand. Mrs. Hall says, "This is a great deal for him, whose hours
are all marked with gold."

Again, Mrs. Stowe says, "To-day the Duchess of Sutherland called with
the Duchess of Argyle. Miss Greenfield happened to be present, and I
begged leave to present her, giving a slight sketch of her history. I
was pleased with the kind and easy affability with which the Duchess of
Sutherland conversed with her, betraying by no inflection of voice, and
nothing in her air or manner, the great lady talking with the poor girl.
She asked all her questions with as much delicacy, and made her request
to hear her sing with as much consideration and politeness, as if she
had been addressing any one in her own circle. She seemed much pleased
with her singing, and remarked that she should be happy to give her an
opportunity of performing in Stafford House, as soon as she should be a
little relieved of a heavy cold which seemed to oppress her at present.
This, of course, will be decisive of her favour in London. The Duchess
is to let us know when the arrangement is completed.

"I never so fully realized," continues Mrs. Stowe, "that there really is
no natural prejudice against colour in the human mind. Miss Greenfield
is a dark mulattress, of a pleasing and gentle face, though by no means
handsome. She is short and thick-set, with a chest of great amplitude,
as one would think on hearing her tenor. I have never seen in any of the
persons to whom I have presented her, the least indications of
suppressed surprise or disgust, any more than we should exhibit on the
reception of a dark-complexioned Spaniard or Portuguese.

"Miss Greenfield bears her success with much quietness and good sense."

Her grace, the Duchess of Sutherland, afterward became her ever
unfailing supporter and adviser.

It became painfully necessary for Miss Greenfield to take the procedure
expressed in the following legal notice, (although the bare presentation
of the document did not take place until Jan. 12, 1854.)

     /* NIND To MR. ----, 29 George Street, Hanover Square, London: */

     Sir:--The salary of five pounds per week, payable by you to me
     under our agreement, bearing date the twenty-first day of October,
     one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, being in arrears and
     unpaid for more than five weeks last past, (though repeated
     applications have been made to you for payment thereof) and the
     amount now owing to me by you having been demanded, and default
     being made in payment of the same, and there being other breaches
     on your part, of the agreement made between us, I do hereby, in
     pursuance of the power or authority given to me by the said
     agreement, bearing date the twenty-first day of October, eighteen
     hundred and fifty-three, and of all other powers and authorities
     enabling me thereto, give you notice that I do hereby cancel the
     said agreement, bearing date as aforesaid, and also the agreement
     dated the sixteenth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and
     fifty-three, respectively made between you of the one part and
     myself of the other part, and do hereby declare that the said
     agreements, respectively, shall be, and become absolutely void on
     the giving of this notice to you; but without prejudice to my
     rights and remedies for the recovery of any money that may now be
     due to me, under or by virtue of the said agreement, or either of

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


The piano forte which previously had been furnished Miss G., to practise
upon, was taken from her. The Duchess of Sutherland, upon learning the
fact, immediately directed her to select one from Broadwood's. Her
grace, from whom good acts seem constantly to emanate, permitted her to
choose one valued at sixty guineas.

Arrangements being completed for a Concert at the Stafford House, the
following announcement at the same time was made to the British

     27 Margaret Street, Cavendish Square.

     The Black Swan, in appealing to the generosity of the British
     public, assures them that the primary object of her visit to Europe
     is, to accomplish herself in the science of music, which
     professional friends earnestly counsel her to pursue, and which she
     embraces _con amore_, with the confident hope that, by the exercise
     of her vocal faculties in a more cultured form, she may be able to
     achieve the great object of her life. She is sensible of the
     philanthropic spirit of the people of Great Britain, and feels
     confident that they will receive her appeal with that kindness and
     forbearance that ever characterizes them in the cause of true

     The Black Swan, therefore, has the honour of informing the
     nobility, gentry, and public, that she will shortly appear at a
     grand concert (the particulars of which will be announced) under
     distinguished patronage.


London, May, 1853.

We cannot refrain from quoting Mrs. Stowe's description of the concert,
after dinner at the Stafford house.

     "The concert room was the brilliant and picturesque hall I have
     before described to you. It looked more picture like and dreamy
     than ever. The piano was on the flat stairway just below the broad
     central landing. It was a grand piano, standing end outward, and
     perfectly banked up among hot house flowers, so that only its
     gilded top was visible. Sir George Smart presided. The choicest of
     the _élite_ were there. Ladies in demi-toilet and bonneted. Miss
     Greenfield stood among the singers on the staircase, and excited a
     pathetic murmur among the audience. She is not handsome, but looked
     very well. She has a pleasing dark face, wore a black velvet
     head-dress, and white cornelian ear-rings, a black moire antique
     silk, made high in the neck, with white lace falling sleeves, and
     white gloves. A certain gentleness of manner and self-possession,
     the result of the universal kindness shown her, sat well upon her.
     Chevalier Bunsen, the Prussian Ambassador, sat by me. He looked at
     her with much interest. "Are the race often as good looking?" he
     said. I said, "She is not handsome compared with many, though I
     confess she looks uncommonly well to-day." The singing was
     beautiful; six of the most cultivated glee singers of London sang,
     among other things, "Spring's delights are now returning," and
     "Where the bee sucks, there lurk I." The Duchess said, "These glees
     are peculiarly English." Miss Greenfield's turn for singing now
     came, and there was profound attention. Her voice, with its keen,
     searching fire, its penetrating vibrant quality, its "_timbre_," as
     the French have it, cut its way like a Damascus blade to the heart.
     It was the more touching from the occasional rusticities and
     artistic defects, which showed that she had received no culture
     from art. She sung the ballad, "Old folks at home," giving one
     verse in the soprano, and another in the tenor voice. As she stood
     partially concealed by the piano, Chevalier Bunsen thought that the
     tenor part was performed by one of the gentlemen. He was perfectly
     astonished when he discovered that it was by her. This was
     rapturously encored. Between the parts, Sir George took her to the
     piano, and tried her voice by skips, striking notes here and there
     at random, without connexion, from D in alto to A first space in
     bass clef; she followed with unerring precision, striking the sound
     nearly at the same instant his finger touched the key. This brought
     out a burst of applause."

     Lord Shaftsbury was there; he came and spoke to us after the
     concert. Speaking of Miss Greenfield, he said, "I consider the use
     of these halls for the encouragement of an outcast race, a
     consecration. This is the true use of wealth and splendour when
     they are employed to raise up and encourage the despised and

     When Mrs. Stowe's account of the concert was read to Miss
     Greenfield, she remarked--"I _should_ have looked well to the
     lady--for the black moire antique silk in which I was clad was the
     gift of Mrs. Stowe, and made under her own direction. It cost her
     seventy-five dollars." Mrs. Stowe's sympathy seemed ever to have
     followed her with a watchful care. We find this interesting letter
     among her papers of this date.

     MY DEAR MISS GREENFIELD:--I am sorry I cannot see you before I
     leave town, but I give you in parting my best wishes. Enclosed you
     will find the bill for your dress and other things _receipted_--the
     receipt you had better _keep_, lest by some mistake you be called
     upon to pay the bill bye and bye--such mistakes sometimes happen.

     And now, my dear friend, I hope that you will endeavour always,
     first of all things, to _do what is right_. Trust in your heavenly
     Father and Divine Saviour; read the Bible daily, and strive to know
     his will.

     Do not spend your Sundays in idleness or folly, but go regularly to
     church, and try to profit by what you hear.

     I trust that you will read in this little book the text for each
     day--and I pray God to bless you.

     There are a great many temptations in a life like yours, but if you
     pray to God, he will be your Father and help you always to do right
     and make your way plain before you.

     Let me beg of you to be careful as to your dress. Do not dress low
     in the neck--do not try for showy colours--but keep a _plain
     modest_ respectable style.

     It was for this purpose that I furnished you with a suit. These
     things are very important for one in your position, and if rightly
     managed will secure for you respect.

     In your manners be just as simple as you always have been.--Don't
     put on anything--don't try to pass for anything but what you really
     are, and you will keep the friends that you have made. I hope to
     hear good accounts of you when I return.

Your true and affectionate friend,

(Signed) H. B. Stowe.

     If you wish to write to me, carry the letter to Samson Lowe, 47
     Ludgate Hill, and he will send it to me. I shall be glad to hear
     from you.

H. B. S.

At the presentation of the Inkstand, by the ladies of Surrey Chapel to
Mrs. Stowe, Miss Greenfield was present and sang some songs. At the
Stafford House Mrs. Stowe showed to her grace a note which Miss
Greenfield had sent for her to correct. The Duchess said, "O, give it
me! it is a great deal better as it is. I like it just as she wrote it."
Mrs. Stowe thinks people always like simplicity and truth better than

Tuesday, May 31, 1853.

Miss Greenfield's first public morning concert took place at the Queen's
Concert Rooms, Hanover Square. She came out under the immediate
patronage of her grace the Duchess of Sutherland, her grace the Duchess
of Norfolk, and the Earl and Countess of Shaftsbury. It commenced at
three o'clock and terminated at five. Mrs. Stowe says, Miss Greenfield
did very well, and was heard with indulgence, though surrounded with
artists who had enjoyed what she had not--a life's training. I could not
but think, remarks Mrs. Stowe, what a loss to art is the enslaving of a
race which might produce so much musical talent. Had Miss Greenfield had
culture equal to her voice and ear, _no_ singer of any country could
have surpassed her. There could be even associations of poetry thrown
around the dusky hue of her brow were it associated with the triumphs of

The following is the bill of her second grand concert at the Queen's
Concert Rooms, Hanover Square. She was assisted by the following eminent


 _Overture in C Minor_,--"Peace and War," Duggan.

 _Duetto_,--"Dunque io son,"--(Barbiere) M'lle. Rita Favanti and Mr.
 Charles Cotton, Rosini.

 _Song_,--"I arise from dreams of thee,"--Miss Ursula Barclay, Alfred

 _Cavatina_,--"Adelaide"--Signor Gardoni, Beethoven. "The Cradle
 Song,"--Miss Greenfield, Wallace.

 _Grand Fantasia_,--Piano Forte--Miss Rosina Bentley, (pupil of Miss
 Kate Loder) (Prophiete) Lutz.

 _Aria_,--"Sorgete,"--Mr. Cotton (Maometto) Rosini.

 _Cavatina_,--(by desire) "Non Piu mesta"--Mdlle. Rita Favanti
 (Cenerentola) Rosini.

 _Song_,--"The Slave's Dream," Herr Brandt, Hatton.

 _Song_,--"When the thorn is white with blossom" Mrs. Wokie, (late Miss
 Fanny Russell, pupil of Mr. Henry Philips,) Weber.

 _Variations, Violin_,--"Hilli Milli Puniah," and East Indian air, M.
 de Valadares, Valadares.

 _Song_,--"The Vision of the Negro Slave," Miss Greenfield.

 _Aria_,--"Di pescatore ignobile,"--Mr. Sims Reeves, Donizetti.

 _Grand Concertante Duette_,--Violoncello and Contra Basso, Signori
 Piatti, and Bottesini, (I Puritani,) Bellini.

 _Air_,--"Diamans de le Couronne,"--Miss Louisa Pyne, Auber.

 _Solo Tenor Sax Tuba_,--Mr. Henry Distin, Distin.

 _Scena_,--"Joan of Arc in Prison," Miss Dolby, Lindsay Sloper.

 _Overture_,--"Fra Diavolo," Auber.


 _Grand Duett for Two Piano-fortes_,--Mrs. Henry Thompson, (late Miss
 Kate Loder) and her pupil Miss Rosina Bentley, (Huguenots,) Osborne.

 _German Song_,--"My heart's on the Rhine," Herr Pischek, Speyer.

 _Cavatina_,--"Bell raggio,"--(Semiramide) Mdlle. Rita Favanti, Rossini.

 _Duetto_,--"Tutto di te sollecitto,"--Miss Louisa Pyne and Signor
 Gardoni. (Adelia) Donizetti.

 _Ballad_,--"Sweet Home,"--Miss Stabbach, Wrighton.

 _Song_,--"Good bye, sweetheart,"--Mr. Sims Reeves, J. L. Hatton.

 _Fantaisie_,--Violoncello--Signor Piatti, Piatti.

 _Aria_,--"Ernani,"--Mrs. Wokie, Verdi.

 _A Fireside Song_,--(by desire)--Miss Greenfield, Wallace.

 _Solo_,--"Contra Basso," Signor Bottessini, Bottessini.

 _German Song_,--(by particular desire) "The Standard Bearer," Herr
 Pischek, Lindpainter.

 _Scotch Song_,--"Heigho, Janet,"--Miss Dolby, Dolby.

 _Song_,--(by desire) "When stars are in the quiet sky,"--Miss
 Greenfield, accompanied by herself on the piano-forte.

 _Finale_,--"Wedding March," Mendelssohn.

The London Morning Post says,--A large assemblage of fashionable and
distinguished personages, assembled by invitation at Stafford House, to
hear and decide upon the merits of a phenomenon, in the musical world.
Miss Elizabeth Greenfield, better known in America as the "Black Swan,"
under which sobriquet she is also about to be presented to the British
public. This lady is said to possess a voice embracing the extraordinary
compass of nearly three octaves; and her performances on this occasion
elicited the unmistakable evidence of gratification. She is, without
doubt, deficient in science and cultivation, but she displays remarkable
intelligence, and is gifted with feeling and the capacity of conveying
it to her auditors.

In the hackneyed song of "Home, sweet home," she produced, by the pathos
and expression she contrived to throw into the music, a very decided
impression; nor was she less successful in other music of a different

Again, the London Observer remarks--"A concert of vocal music was given
in the past week, at Stafford House, the residence of the Duke and
Duchess of Sutherland, to test and make known the powers and merits of
the American vocalist, Elizabeth Greenfield. She is now about
twenty-five years of age, and has come to England to perfect herself in
singing, in the hope of elevating the popular estimate of her
unfortunate race, by the development and display of any artistic talent
she may possess. Her _début_ was in the highest degree favourable; Her
voice was at once declared to be one of extraordinary compass. Both her
high and low notes were heard with wonder by the assembled amateurs, and
her ear was pronounced to be excellent."

London Advertiser, of June 16th, contained the following comments. "A
concert was given at Exeter Hall last evening by Miss Greenfield, the
American vocalist, better known in this country under the sobriquet of
the 'Black Swan.' Apart from the natural gifts with which this lady is
endowed, the great musical skill which she has acquired both as a singer
and an instrumentalist, are convincing arguments against the assertion
so often made, that the negro race are incapable of intellectual culture
of a high standard. Miss Greenfield, by birth as well as appearance, is
decidedly a negress, her father having been a full African, and her
mother of mixed extraction. She herself was born and brought up a slave
in the United States, although freed at an early age. On the death of
her mistress her vocal abilities, which were already known in a limited
circle, were, by the judicious assistance of some kind-hearted friends,
brought into public notice; and she was enabled to receive the necessary
training and instruction. She speedily became a proficient in the art of
vocalization; and, after giving a series of concerts in the United
States, she felt sufficient confidence in her abilities to resolve on
standing the test of an English audience. Her voice is a contralto, of
great clearness and mellow tone in the upper register, and full,
resonant, and powerful in the lower, though slightly masculine in its
_timbre_. It is peculiarly effective in ballad songs of the pathetic
cast, several of which Miss Greenfield sang last night in a very
expressive manner. She was encored in two, "The Cradle Song," a simple
melody by Wallace, and "Home, Sweet Home," which she gave in an
exceedingly pleasing manner. The programme of the concert was
bountifully drawn up; for, in addition to the attractions of the Black
Swan, there was a host of first-rate artists. Herr Brandt, a German
artist, with a remarkably sweet voice, sang Professor Longfellow's
'Slave's Dream,' set to very beautiful music by Hatton, in a way that
elicited warm applause. Miss Rosina Bentley played a fantasia by Lutz,
very brilliantly, and afterwards assisted by Miss Kate Loder, who,
however, must now be known as Mrs. Henry Thompson, in a grand duet for
two piano-fortes, by Osborne. M. Valadares executed a curious Indian
air, "Hilli Milli Puniah," on the violin, and Mr. Henry Distin a solo on
the sax tuba. The band was admirable, and performed a couple of
overtures in the best manner. Altogether, the concert, which we
understand was made under the distinguished patronage of the Duchess of
Sutherland, was highly successful, and went off to the perfect
gratification of a numerous and fashionable audience."

_Words of Miss Greenfield's Grand Concert._





    I arise from dreams of thee,
      In the first sweet sleep of night;
    When winds are breathing low,
      And the stars are shining bright;--
    I arise from dreams of thee,
      And a spirit in my feet
    Has led me, who knows how,
      To thy chamber window sweet.

    Oh take my last fond sigh,
      I die--I faint--I fall;
    The dews of night are chill
      On my lips and eyelids pale;
    My cheek is cold and white,
      And my heart beats loud and fast;
    Oh press it close to thine,
      Where it will break at last.



     Nel giardino solingo v' al tuo bene dolcemente di rose a luce
     sparso, che frà tremole frondi si diffonde Adelaida! Nel cristallo
     del rio, sù nell' alpi, nell' aurate del di cadente nubi, nelle
     stelle risplende il tuo sembiante, Adelaida! Nelle tenere frondi
     garron l'aure e sursurran del Maggio le violette, l'onde fremono, e
     canta l' usi gnuolo, Adelaida! Prodigioso! rinasce sulla tomba
     dalle cencri del mio cor un fiore, ve su foglie purpure e traluce,



    Sweet and low, sweet and low,
      Wind of the western sea,
    Over the rolling waters go,
      Come from the drooping moon--
    And blow him again to me
      While my little one sleeps.
    Sleep and rest, sleep and rest,
      Father will come to thee soon--
    Rest, rest on mother's breast,
      Father will come to thee soon--
    Father will come to the babe in his nest.
      Silver sails all out of the west,
    Under the moon, the silver moon:
      Sleep, my little one--
    Sleep, my pretty one, sleep.


    Sorgete e in si bel giorno
    O prodi mici guerrieri
    A Maometto intornuo
    Venite ad e sultar.

    Duce di tanti eroi
    Crollar faro' gl' Imperi
    E volero con voi
    Del mondo a trionfar.




    Non piu mesta accanto al fuoco staro
    Sola a gorgheggiar nò; Ah! for un 'lampo
    Un sogno un gioco il mio lungo palpitar
    Non più mesta, &c., &c.


    Nacqui all' affanno, al pianto.
    Soffri tacendo il core;
    Ma per soave incanto
    Dell' età mia fiore,
    Come un baleno rapido
    La sorte mia cangio.
    Nò, nò! tergete il ciglio,
    Perchè tremar, perchè?
    A questo sen volate
    Figlia, Sorella, Amica,
    Tutto trovate in me.


         HERR BRANDT.

    Beside the ungathered rice he lay,
      His sickle in his hand,
    His breast was bare--his matted hair
      Was buried in the sand;
    Again in the mist and shadow of sleep
      He saw his native land,
    Wide thro' the landscape of his dream,
      The Lordly Niger flowed,
    Beneath the palm trees on the plain
      Once more a king he strode;
    And heard the tinkling caravans
      Descend the mountain road.
    He saw once more his dark-eyed Queen
      Among her children stand;
    They clasped his neck, they kissed his cheeks,
      They held him by the hand;
    A tear burst from the sleeper's lids,
      And fell into the sand.
    At night he heard the lion roar,
      And the fierce hyena scream;
    And the river horse, as he crushed the reeds
      Beside some hidden stream,
    And it passed like a glorious roll of drums
      Through the triumph of his dream;
    He did not feel the driver's whip,
      Nor the burning heat of day,--
    For death hath illumined the land of sleep;
      And his lifeless body lay
    A worn out fetter, that the soul
      Had broken and thrown away.


          MRS. WOKIE.

    When the thorn is white with blossom,
      And the fountain flows again,
    Tell me, mother, must I fly him
      If he seek me on the plain;
    Or the meadow where the primrose first is found,
      And beneath the spreading beeches
    Many a violet decks the ground,
      When the thorn is white with blossom
    And the fountain flows again.

    Should I at the fall of twilight
      Hear afar his flute's soft lays,--
    Mother, must I close the lattice
      If I know for me he plays;
    On the willow where engrav'd I find my name,
      If I linger long to read it,
    Shall I hear my mother blame;
      When the thorn is white with blossom,
    And the fountain flows again.

    Tell me if a dewy garland
      Hang beside thy summer bower,
    Twin'd with leaves of fragrant myrtle,
      And each fairest early flower,
    Must it wither, if I know he placed it there?
      Mother, tell me, would you chide me,
    If I bound it round my hair?
      When the thorn is white with blossom,
    And the fountain flows again.

                         _Variations, Violin._

         "Hillì Milli Puniah," (an East Indian air,) VALDARES.



    Tortured to death by lash-inflicted wound;
    His head bowed down, and sunk upon the ground;
    Sad was his soul, oppress'd by heavy care.
    Far, far from his home, his heart--deep, dark despair:
    When lo! a vision broke before his sight,
    A vision holy, beautiful, and bright;
    The thorn-crown'd brow, with calm pale look resigned
    Of one who suffered for mankind.

    A voice, more sweet than earthly music's thrill,
    Spake to the captive's heart--be patient, still.
    Behold how meekly mercy's palm to win
    He suffered for thy sake, who had no sin,
    As on His Father's throne by suffering gained,
    At length He sitteth, so thy soul, unchained
    By patience and long faith, at last shall bound
    Into Eternal Life, and be with glory crown'd.



    Ah! je veux briser ma chaîne,
      Disait le bel Ivan!
    Tu causes trop de peine,
      Amour, va-t' en!
    Il s'envolait déjà,
      Ivan le rappela,
    Ah! ah! ah! ah! ah!
      Qui le maudit, toujours y reviendra.

_Solo Tenor Sax Tuba._--DISTIN.


            MISS DOLBY.

    'Tis midnight dark--all lonely in her sorrow,
      The warrior maiden in her dungeon lies;
    Not only visions of the fearful morrow
      Traced as by lightning gleams before her eyes,
    But dreams come round her of a day more golden,
      Fond memories of a happy peasant time,
    Sweet as the melody of ballad olden,
      The tune of birds, the cheerful hamlet-chime.

    Oh, mine own fountain! in the glade up-springing,
      For ever cool beneath the tender leaves,
    Amid the murmur of thy waters ringing,
      The fairies talked with me on summer eves;
    No more--no more to bathe my burning brow--
    How much I love thee now!

    O, mine old father, by my fortune saddened,
      Like autumn field destroyed by sudden blight;
    Well hath thy homely love my childhood gladdened
      On many an April morn and winter night!
    Farewell!--farewell!--thou canst not hear me vow
    How much I love thee now!

    No more of dreaming in the leafy forest--
      The scaffold and the pile are set for me;
    No more kind smiles, when my heart needs them sorest.
      The mocking crowd are all I now shall see;
    Can I not 'scape and hide me? Will no eye
    Pity my youth?--no ear receive my cry?--

    Hark! I am heard! Mine angel voices near me,
    With seraph-clarions through the darkness cheer me!
        They bid me once again the armour wear
        Of faith immortal, won by lowly prayer;
        And I will triumph o'er my great despair,
    And lift my eyes to Heaven, and nobly die!

    Thou gavest me the battle sword
      By which the foe did fall;
    Thou gavest me the crown, O Lord!
      To crown me King withal!
    And now Thou givest me the chain
      My feeble frame upon,
    Because the mortal was too vain
      Of deeds thine hand had done!
    But thou wilt give me, soon, the palm
      Of triumph o'er despair,
    That, safe in Thine eternal calm,
      Thy glorious angels wear!--
    Wilt stand beside me in the fire,
      Though keen its torture be;
    And, when the curling flames aspire,
      Take up my soul to Thee!



Grand Duett for two Pianofortes.--OSBORN.



         HERR PISCHEK.

    My heart's on the Rhine, near my youth's early home,
    My heart's on the Rhine wheresoever I roam;
    No river, no country, in all the wide world,
    Can match with the Rhine and the land of my birth.
    Amid the gay dance or when sparkles the wine,
    Still wherever I am, my heart's on the Rhine.

    I think with delight on thy broad golden stream,
    Thy vineyards that smile 'neath the sun's glowing beam;
    Thy castles that frown from the rock's dizzy height,
    Thy warriors so brave and thy maidens so bright.
    My dear native land, may all blessings be thine,
    Wheresoever I roam, my heart's on the Rhine.
    My heart's on the Rhine, near my youth's early home,
    My heart's on the Rhine wheresoever I roam.





    The dearest spot on earth to me
      Is home, sweet home;
    The fairy land I long to see
      Is home, sweet home.

    There how charm'd the sense of hearing,
    There where love is so endearing,
    All the world is not so cheering
    As home, sweet home.

    I've taught my heart the way to prize
      My home, sweet home;
    I've learned to look with lover's eyes
      On home, sweet home.

    There where vows are truly plighted,
    There where hearts are so united,
    All the world besides I've slighted,
    For home, sweet home.



        MRS. WOKIE.

    Sortie è la notte, e Silva non ritorna!
    Ah, non tornasse ei piû!
    Questo odiato veglio,
    Che quale immon pospettro ognor m'insegu
    Col favellar d' amore,
    Più sempre Ernani mi configge in core.
    Ernani! Ernani, involami,
    All' abborrito amplesso.
    Fuggiam--se teco vivere
    Mi sia d' amor concesso.
    Per antri e lande inospite
    Ti seguirà il mio piè.
    Un Eden di delizia.
    Saran quegli antri a me.
    Tutto sprezzo che d' Ernani
    Non favella a questo core,
    Non v' ha gamma che in amore
    Possa l' odio tramotar,
    Vola, o tempo, e presto reca
    Di mia fuga il lieto istante
    Vola, o tempo, al core amante.



    When the children are asleep,
    And the early stars retire,
    What a pleasant world comes back
    In the toil of day forgot;
    And the shadows of the past
    How they gather round the fire
    With the friends beloved in years,
    When the fear of death was not.

    Then we see the haw thorn hedge
    Newly silvered o'er by May,
    And the ash tree lithe and tall,
    Where the mavis loved to sing;
    And the orchard on the slope,
    With its rosy apples gay;
    And the elder dark with fruit
    That was mirrored in the spring,
    When the children are asleep.

    And the angels of our youth,
    That so long in death are cold,
    They are calling us again
    With their voices mild and low,
    Till our minds refuse to dwell
    By the coffin in the mould,
    And arise with them to heaven,
    Where in glory they are now--
    And arise with them to heaven.

    Then with thoughts at rest at eve,
    Be so ever hard the day,
    On our spirits cometh down,
    A contentment calm and deep,
    A better than the joys
    Of the noisy and the gay,
    Is our quiet hour of dreams,
    When the children are asleep.



          HERR PISCHEK.

    Where floats the standard o'er the tented plain,
      His lonely watch the minstrel knight is keeping,
    And thus beguiles the time with tuneful strain,
      His silver lute with mailed finger sweeping,
    The lady of my love I do not name,
      I dare not hope my love can be requited;
    Yet I will fight for liberty and fame,
      Beneath the banner where my vows were plighted,
      Beneath the banner where my vows were plighted.

    The night is gone, the battle comes with day,--
      Behold the bard, surrounding foes defying;
    Red carnage marks his presence in the fray,
      While still he sings, amid the dead and dying,
    The lady of my love I may not name,
      I dare not hope my love can be requited;
    Then let me die for liberty and fame,
      Beneath the banner where my vows were plighted,
      Beneath the banner where my vows were plighted.

    The fight is won; death sated quits the field,--
      Yet still the faithful bard, while life is fleeting,
    Expiring, lies upon his gory shield,
      This dying note with feeble voice repeating,
    The lady of my love I do not name,
      In heaven above we yet may be united;
    I fought and fell for liberty and fame,
      Beneath the banner where my vows were plighted,
      Beneath the banner where my vows were plighted.


                 MISS DOLBY.

    They're wild with joy in Edinbro', they're feastin' in Dundee,
    And a' because my bonnie lad is coming hame to me;
    He's coming o'er the salt sea, with a' his noble train,
    And Royal Charlie sure shall hae the throne again.
                      Heigh ho! Janet go, pit your wheelie past;
                      The lad we dearly luve is coming hame at last.

    Oh! gin I had in Scotland's bank twalve hunderd thousand poun's,
    I gie it all to see my Charlie marching through the town;
    Wi' pibrochs loudly sounding, and banners waving high,
    All hearts resolved to conquer in his cause or die.
                Heigh ho! Janet go, spin na mair the day;
                He's coming that's mair welcome than the flowers in May.
                Heigh ho! Janet go, pit your wheelie past;
                The bonnie lad we luve is coming hame at last.



    When stars are in the quiet skies,
      Then must I pine for thee,
    Bend on me, then, thy tender eyes,
      As stars look on the sea,
    For thoughts like waves that glide by night
      Are stillest when they shine;
    Bend on me, then, thy tender eyes,
      As stars look on the seas.

    There is an hour, when angels keep
      Familiar watch o'er men,
    When scores of souls are wrapt in sleep;
      Sweet spirit, meet me then.
    There is an hour when holy dreams,
      Whose fairest spirit glide,
    And in that mystic hour it seems,
      Thou should'st be by my side.


       *       *       *       *       *

In July she gave two grand concerts in the Town Hall in Brighton, under
the patronage of her grace the Duchess of Sutherland, her grace the
Duchess of Norfolk, her grace the Duchess of Beaufort, her grace the
Duchess of Argyll, the most noble the Marchioness of Ailesbury, the most
noble the Marchioness of Kildare, the most noble the Marquis of
Lansdown, the Earl and Countess of Shaftesbury, the Earl of Carlisle,
the Countess of Jersey, the Countess of Granville, the countess of
Wilton, the Viscountess Palmerston, the lady Constance Grosvenor, and
Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe.

_Vocalists._--Miss E. T. Greenfield, (the Black Swan,) Madam Taccani,
Countess Tasca, Mr. Emanuel Roberts, (Queen's concerts.)

_Instrumentalists._--Piano-forte soloist, Miss Rosina Bentley, (Pupil of
Miss Kate Loder,) violin, M. de Valadares, (pupil of the conservatoire,
Paris.) Accompanist, Mons. Edouard Henri, conductor, Mr. F. Theseus

She gave a series of concerts at the Rotunda in Dublin, Ireland.

Programme of Miss GREENFIELD'S benefit concert, August 17th, 1853.

_Vocalists._--Miss Louisa Pyne, Miss Pyne, and Mr. W.
Harrison,--Pianist, Miss Rosina Bentley,--Violinist, M. de Valadares
from the East Indies,--Accompanyist, Mr. R. Thomas.


_Glee_,--"Ye spotted snakes,"--Miss Louisa Pyne, Miss Pyne,
Miss Greenfield, and Mr. Harrison.

_Cavatina_,--"Fra poco a me,"--(Lucia di Lammermoor,) Donizetti,--Mr.
W. Harrison.

_Grand Fantasia_,--Piano-forte, (Lucrezia)--Leopold de Meyer.
Miss Rosina Bentley.

_Song_,--"Sweetly o'er my senses stealing,"       Bishop.
Miss Greenfield.

_Air_,--"Io ti lascio,"                           Mozart.
Miss Louisa Pyne.

_Air Varie_,--violin, (Il passionata,)            Remy.
M. de Valadares.

_Ballad_,--(by desire,) "Old folks at home,"      ----
Miss Greenfield.


_Duett._--"Two merry Minstrels,"                  Glover.
The Misses Pyne.

_Ballad_,--"Oh! whisper what thou feelest,"       Richards.
Mr. W. Harrison.

_Ballad_,--"Holy beauty! child of nature,"        Donizetti.
Miss Greenfield.

_Serenade_,--(Don Pasquale,)                      Piano-forte.
Miss Rosina Bentley,                                   Thalberg.

_Duetto_.--"Da quel di,"--(Linda)                 Donizetti.
Miss Louisa Pyne and Mr. W. Harrison.

_Song_,--"Old love and the new,"                  Smart.
Miss Pyne.

_Variations_,--On an East India national air,-- "Hilli Milli
Puniah."--M. de Valadares.

_Ballad_,--"My heart is breaking,"                Templar.
Miss Louisa Pyne.

_Song_,--"Sound the Trumpet."--Miss Greenfield.

Pianist accompagnateur,--Mr. R. Thomas,--(Royal academy of

In October, 1853, we find her again at the Beaumont Institution,
Beaumont square, Mile-end, London,--at Mr. Cotton's Concert, supported
by Miss Greenfield, Miss Poole, the Misses M'Alpine, Miss Alleyne, Mr.
Augustus Braham, Mr. Suchet Champion, Mr. Charles Cotton, the German
Glee Union, and the East Indian Violinist, M. de Valadares.

_Conductor_, Herr Ganz.


_Glee_,--"Maying,"--(Glee Union,)                                   Müller.

_Song_,--"Cradle Song,"--(Miss E. T. Greenfield,)                  Wallace.

_Aria_,--"Gid d'insolito,"--(Mr. Charles Cotton,)                  Rossini.

_Ballad_,--"My pretty Jane,"--(Mr. Augustus Braham,)--Bishop.

_Scena_,--"Softly sighs,"--(Miss Alleyne,)                          Webber.

_Song_,--"She is not here,"--(Mr. Suchet Champion,)--M'Farren.

_Ballad_,--"Go bird of summer,"--(Miss Pool,)--Walter Maynard.

_Duett_,--"Two merry Minstrels,"--(the Misses M'Alpine,)--Glover.

_Cavatina_,--"Hear me, gentle Maratina,"--(Mr. Charles Cotton,)    Wallace.

_Song_,--"Home, sweet Home,"--(Miss E. T. Greenfield.)--Bishop.


_Glee_,--"Maiden, listen,"--(Glee Union,)                       C. F. Adam.

_Irish Melody_,--"Oft in the stilly night,"--(Mr. Augustus Braham.)

_Duett_,--"La ci darem,"--(Miss Poole and Mr. Charles Cotton,)

_Solo_,--violin--(M. de Valadares.)

_Spanish Song_,--"Riqui, Riqui,"--(Miss Alleyne,)--Garcia.

_Song_,--"Bay of Biscay,"--(Mr. Augustus Braham,)--Davy.

_Scotch Duet_,--(unaccompanied)--the Misses M'Alpine.

_Song_,--"Rocked in the cradle of the deep,"--(Mr. Charles Cotton,) Knight.

_Ballad_,--"I would not be forgotten,"--(Mr. Suchet Champion,)--Thirlwall.

_Duet_,--"I am free,"--(Miss E. T. Greenfield,)--C. W. Glover.

_Glee_,--"Beware,"--(Glee Union.)                                   Hatton.

October, 1853, at the hall of the Golden Lion Hotel, Stirling, under the
special patronage of Colonel Maxwell and the officers of her Majesty's
eighty-second regiment.

_Artists._--Miss Louisa Pyne, Miss Pyne, Miss E. T.
Greenfield.--_Pianist_, Miss Rosina Bentley,--_Violinist_, M. de


 _Grand duo Concertante_,--Piano-forte and violin,--(Gulielmo
 Tell.)--(Miss Rosina Bentley and M. De Valadares,) Osborne and Beriot.

 _Cradle song_,--"Sleep and rest,"--(Miss Greenfield,) Wallace.

 _Grand scena_,--"All is lost," "Still so gently,"--(La
 Somnambula,)--(Mr. W. Harrison,) Bellini.

 _Air and variations_,--"Cease your funning,"--(Miss Louisa Pyne,) Dr.

 _Grand variations_,--Piano-forte,--"The Cracovienne,"--(Miss Bentley,)

 _Duett_,--"I am free,"--(written expressly for Miss
 Greenfield,)--Stephen Glover.

 _Glee_,--"Ye spotted snakes,"--Miss Louisa Pyne, Miss Pyne, Miss
 Greenfield, and Mr. W. Harrison.


 _Duett_,--"O Maritina,"--(Miss Louisa Pyne, and Mr. W. Harrison,)

 _Scotch Ballad_,--"Annie Laurie,"--Miss Pyne.

 _Ballad_,--Home, sweet Home,--(Miss Greenfield,) Bishop.

 _Solo, Violin_,--"Carnival de Venice," M. de Valadares.

 _Ballad_,--"Remember Me,"--(Mr. W. Harrison.) Balfe.

 _Ballad_,--"The Summer Night,"--(Miss Louisa Pyne,) L. Philips.

 _Song_,--"When Stars are in the quiet Sky,"--(Miss Greenfield.)

 _Duett_,--"I know a bank,"--(The Misses Pyne,) Home.

Nov. 3. 1853,--at Albion Hall, Hammersmith, she made her appearance,
under the patronage of her grace, the Duchess of Sutherland, her grace
the Duchess of Norfolk, her grace the Duchess of Beaufort, her grace the
Duchess of Argyll, the most noble the Marchioness of Aylesbury, the most
noble the Marchioness of Kildare, the most noble the Marquis of
Lansdowne, Earl and Countess of Shaftsbury, Earl of Carlisle, Countess
of Jersey, Countess of Granville, Countess of Wilton, Viscountess
Palmerston, the Lady Constance Grosvenor, and Mrs. Harriet Beecher

_Artists_,--Miss E. T. Greenfield, Miss J. Brougham, Miss E. Brougham,
Mr. Charles Cotton, Mr. Augustus Braham, the eminent Tenor,--Piano-forte,
Miss Eliza Ward.

At the Theatre Royal, Lincoln, Dec. 23, 1853,--under the same
distinguished patronage as at Hammersmith.

_Artists_,--Mrs. Alexander Newton (of her Majesty's Grand National
Concerts,) Miss Ward, Miss E. T. Greenfield, Mr. Augustus Braham, Mr.
Charles Cotton (from Milan,) Mr. Distin.

Again to verify the fact of her having received the attention of very
distinguished personages, the following certificates are laid before the

     Sir George Smart has the pleasure to state that her Majesty, Queen
     Victoria, commanded Miss Greenfield to attend at Buckingham Palace,
     on May the 10, 1854, when she had the honour of singing several
     songs, which he accompanied on the piano forte.

     Sir George Smart has given Miss Greenfield some lessons in singing,
     which she received with much attention and evident improvement.

     To Miss Greenfield, from Sir George Smart, Kn't, Organist and
     Composer, to Her Majesty's Chapel Royal, June 24th, 1854, No. 91,
     Gr. Portland St. London.

     This is to certify that Miss Greenfield had the honour of singing
     before Her Majesty the Queen, at Buckingham Palace. By Her
     Majesty's command,

Buckingham Palace, Ju. 22, 1854, London.

     Col. Phipps has received the commands of Her Majesty, the Queen, to
     forward to Miss Greenfield the accompanying check for twenty
     pounds, as a remuneration for singing before Her Majesty this day.

Buckingham Palace, May 20, 1854.

In May, 1854, she received an invitation through the Rev. Mr. Geary, to
sing at a concert to be given for the benefit of the distressed
Needlewomen's Society; but declined being advised not to sing at public
concerts until her return to the United States. She, therefore, sang
only at private parties until July 1854, when that same noble
benefactress, the Duchess of Sutherland, secured for her two places in
the Indiana Steamer Packet for New York, and sent a note through her
Secretary, Mr. Jackson, requesting that the account which was then due
for her lodgings, up to the time of her leaving, should be made out to
await his call.

With a warm invitation to revisit England at some future period, she
embarked at Southampton to return to America.


Typographical errors corrected by the etext transcriber:

jeoparded his success=> jeopardized his success {pg 4}

countess of Wilton=> Countess of Wilton {pg 60}

End of Project Gutenberg's The Black Swan at Home and Abroad, by Anonymous


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