Boynton Bicycle Railway System

By Anonymous

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Title: Boynton Bicycle Railway System

Author: Anonymous

Release date: November 23, 2024 [eBook #74783]

Language: English

Original publication: United States: Boynton Bicycle Railway Company

Credits: deaurider, Chris Miceli and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive)



  Italic text is denoted by _underscores_.

  Some minor changes to the text are noted at the end of the book.



  EBEN MOODY BOYNTON, President and Treasurer.
  DR. JAMES B. BELL, Vice-President.
  D. C. REUSCH, Secretary.


[Illustration: _A Bicycle Electric Car in Practical Operation at
Bellport, L. I. Has been run 7,500 miles. Weight, complete, 6 tons.
Rate of speed attained on 1½ miles of track, 60 miles per hour. Highest
speed on 8° curve._]

[Illustration: _Interior of Electric Motor Car “Rocket,” at Bellport,
L. I., on Long Island Boynton Bicycle R. R._]



The thirty pound bicycle has safely carried ten times its weight. A
man has in one day propelled himself and his machine _five hundred
and fifteen miles_. The principle of the bicycle, saving enormously
in weight and friction, is here presented for application to existing
and to future steam and electric roads without change of gauge or
interference with existing trains.

Turn a plank up edge-wise and it will carry many-fold greater load than
it would flat-wise: so by constructing two-story cars, about four feet
wide and fourteen feet deep, greatly increased strength and lightness
may be secured.

The cellular construction of the bamboo makes it extremely light and
yet strong; so it is with the Bicycle car, constructed with veneer and
steel, and composed of eighteen separate compartments corresponding to
the cells of the bamboo.

It is the aim of this invention to reduce the undulations and friction
of a car in motion, thereby largely increasing safety and speed, and
saving wear and tear on both rolling stock and track.

Engines are now required to drive from four to eight wheels held in
line back of the cylinders. On rounding curves the framing is strained
by friction and wedging, entailing a large loss of power. The wheels,
rails, and cars throughout suffer proportionately from grinding and
shearing. The Bicycle engine, with its double-flanged wheels, follows
any curve with a small loss of power.

One or more driving-wheels running on a single rail is the simplest of
all means of transportation; so manifest is it that the U. S. Patent
Examiner, in charge of the railroad department, writing to the Hon. E.
M. Boynton, the inventor, calls it “a practical solution of the problem
of increased rate of speed—simple, inexpensive, practical.”

A driving-wheel six feet in diameter can doubtless be made to run a
Bicycle locomotive one hundred to one hundred and twenty miles an hour
with short stroke engines, and double the number of revolutions they
now make, its speed being limited only by friction and air pressure.
Ninety miles an hour, however, would probably for the present satisfy
all reasonable wants for express trains, and a proportionately lower
rate of speed for local and freight trains.

The overhead guiding beam is set inward, on curves, tipping the train
toward the center of the curve, thus counteracting the centrifugal
force, like a bicycle.

Practice has demonstrated that the twenty-two ton Bicycle locomotive is
so truly balanced, that when running on a tangent, the upper horizontal
bearing-wheels seldom touch the overhead guide beam, an inch space
being left between them; and it is found that even when running on
curves, at high rates of speed, as the train is made to lean inward
to balance the centrifugal force, the friction of the overhead or
guiding-wheels is but trifling.

The _Engineering News_ of March 2, 1889, says:

“That the motion of a train running on a single rail in this manner
might be very much smoother and safer, seems to us reasonable, or at
least a chance worth thorough investigation. It is a wholly different
matter from narrowing the gauge. So long as the reliance for stability
is on the support of a pair of rails (the center of gravity falling
between them), all narrowing of gauge must be a disadvantage; and as
it is impossible to maintain a pair of rails exactly horizontal, there
must inevitably be a jerking of the train from side to side, which,
at high speed, becomes exceedingly dangerous; because, whenever the
level is not perfect, there is a tendency created to lateral impact
against one rail or the other. In bicycle motion all this tendency
is eliminated. There is nothing but the forward motion to maintain
perpendicularity in the vehicles (except when the top guard-rail comes
by accident into action), nor is anything more needed. Hence there is
only the vertical irregularities of the rail to be taken into account;
and even if they should cause considerable bouncing at points, it is
directly up and down, without tendency to cause lateral motion, the
center of gravity being directly over the point of support tending,
unaided, to stay there.[1] Taking into account this great potential
advantage and the smaller cross-section of the train, it appears
reasonable that a much higher rate of speed may be safely maintained
than is either possible or safe with double-rail vehicles.”

[Illustration: _Cross Section of Bicycle Structure and Bicycle Electric

Comparing weight to work done, about one ton of train weight is
now required to convey a passenger, and the average freight train,
empty, weighs more than the paying freight carried by it; whereas
it is practicable for the Bicycle trains to be made to carry more
than five times their own weight without five-fold loss of wasteful
friction, thus affecting a saving of at least ten-fold in freight, and
twenty-fold on passenger trains. The Bicycle cars already built, seat
108 passengers, and weigh complete only five tons.


The peculiar construction of the two-story Bicycle cars, four feet
wide, fourteen feet deep, and forty-two feet long, shaped like a plank
turned edge-wise, makes them many fold lighter and stronger.

Speed and economy of transportation with reduced cost of construction.

A great saving of expense in grading and land damages.

A greater proportion of paying to non-paying load by the use of narrow
two-story deep cars.

A great reduction in cost and wear of rolling stock.

A large saving of friction in rounding curves by the substitution of
Bicycle spindles for ordinary car wheel axles, and consequent economy
of power in moving trains, and a rate of speed more than double that
heretofore obtained on railways, with comfort to passengers, and
economy in the conveyance of freight.

Greater safety; as a train grooved between an upper support and lower
rail renders any derailment impossible, and the train must run true,
smooth and safe.

Spreading of rails by this system will be entirely unknown, the weight
being centralized on the rail, both on a curve and a tangent.

A many-fold saving in the consumption of fuel, as the weight of cars
drawn would be about one-sixth the weight of the ordinary cars, and the
seating capacity double.

The two-story cars of this system are 14 feet in depth, 42 feet
long, leaving 6½ feet in the clear for each series of compartments,
and are reached in loading and unloading by two-story platforms in
the depots and spiral staircases at the end of such cars as may be
thought desirable on through trains. The material of which the car is
constructed is wood veneer, held in place by steel bands and rods.
The cars now in use have nine compartments below and nine above, each
room having seating capacity for six people, face to face, seated
as in a hack, 108 seats in a car. This cellular construction, like
the bamboo, insures great strength and lightness. A triple band of
steel encircles the car lengthwise. At the top, center and bottom,
ten bands of steel encircle the car vertically opposite each division
wall of the compartment, which practically divides the car from top to
bottom. Eighty-eight steel rods run through between the seats across
the car, the ends being in the steel frame, and thus draw the whole
solidly together. The corners of the car, being covered with steel, are
protected, and the strength and lightness are unsurpassed. Thus one
hundred pounds is made to do the work which requires ten hundred to
thirty hundred pounds in the old-fashioned heavy two-rail car.

There are eighteen doors on each side of the car, making thirty-six in

The veneer of which the car is constructed is three thicknesses of
one-eighth of an inch each, with grain of inner layer running opposite
to that of outer layers. The seats are of thin veneer running across
the car, two in each compartment. This car will seat 108 persons and
weighs a little less than five tons.

At the top of the car, as shown in illustration on page 9, are the
bolsters holding the trolley wheels which support it in an upright
position. On each end, and supporting the car, are trucks which swivel
the same as ordinary car trucks, and are supplied with wheels forty
inches in diameter. These wheels are constructed of the best quality of
steel, light and yet very strong. Spiral springs are used in cushioning
the motion of the car, and are placed in the bolster directly under the
center of the car.


The spiral springs placed in the center of the Bicycle car allow only a
vertical motion, whereas the ordinary standard gauge cars, from their
width and the arrangement of their springs, allow an extreme swaying
motion, which in a long journey becomes very trying, and to a great
many persons is the cause of “sea-sickness.”

When a Bicycle car is rounding even very sharp curves, and at a rapid
rate of speed, the swaying motion or tendency to throw the occupant
laterally, is very slight and can scarcely be felt. The reason for this
is obvious, as the Bicycle car is held rigidly, so far as any lateral
motion is concerned, but tilts naturally to the right or left according
to the direction of the curve.

With these cars it has also been found, that the greater the speed
the smoother they run, providing the rail itself, upon which the cars
run, is true. But supposing for the sake of argument that the rail is
not smooth or true, even the uninitiated can readily see, that the
Bicycle car having only half the number of wheels, meets only one-half
the inequalities of the rail, and wherever these occur, cause only a
vertical motion, whereas the standard gauge cars have both the lateral
and vertical motion, in consequence of being let down first on one side
and then on the other.

As we have already shown, the Bicycle car is absolutely controlled
by the overhead structure, both from any tendency to bound or leave
the track in any possible manner; in fact by its momentum it is also
self supported, like the bicycle, causing only a slight strain on the
structure, even when maintaining a high rate of speed. This being a
fact it can readily be seen that the side motion of the car could not
in any case be great, and a speed of even 100 miles an hour could be
maintained without inconvenience to passengers.

It has frequently been asked, could a person breathe going at that
rate of speed? It is not necessary to say he could, as we are
constantly traveling over 1,000 miles per hour, without suffering any
inconvenience, as in either case the atmosphere is carried with us.

And again:—What would be the effect if a number of people were seated
on one side of the car? Would it not throw it out of balance?

These narrow cars bring the weight of the passengers on one side within
one foot of the center, the height being fifteen feet, the side strain
overhead would be one-fifteenth of the weight of the highest number of
passengers (36) possible to be seated on one side, and would only be
about 75 pounds on each of the four overhead trolley wheels. This would
only be a trifle, as they are constructed to carry from two to five
tons weight. This is an extreme case, however, as the cars ordinarily
would be about evenly balanced.


The illustration on the opposite page shows how this is accomplished.
On the side of the structure where the Bicycle trains are shown, we
have an ordinary standard gauge, four feet eight and one-half inches.
This gives us four feet and eleven inches from center to center of each
rail, and as shown, with cars four feet wide, we have eleven inches
between trains. This is ample.

On places were the curvature is considerable, cars could be made still
narrower to accommodate four in each compartment instead of six, and
to allow more space to clear one another in rounding curves where the
overhang is considerable.

On such a road as shown here, two rails could be used for through
express trains solely, with no possible interference, and every
opportunity would be given for a very high rate of speed.

The value of such a line to business men would be incalculable, giving
them a rapid, comfortable and safe transit, and at one-third the cost
to railroad companies of the present so-called express trains.

Any business man, to whom time is valuable, would pay almost any
price to reach the various places in order to facilitate his numerous
business transactions.

The other two lines could be used for local passenger traffic and the
carrying of freight.


[Illustration: _Bicycle Palace Car._]


The cost of changing an ordinary double-track road, with wooden
structure similar to that illustrated on page 9, would depend on the
price of timber in the locality where the change was to be made. A
wooden structure would in many cases be sufficient, provided it were
made of the proper strength, and would last a great many years with a
very slight cost for repairs.

On these structures could also be carried the numerous telegraph and
telephone wires, and with suitable wire on the sides would furnish
fencing, which is necessary to keep the track clear from cattle and
other obstructions.

It will be noticed that the cross timber, upon which the rail rests,
is bolted to and forms a part of the upper structure, so that from no
cause whatever could the rail settle, allowing the train to drop out,
but in any case the structure and track must settle together. In a
structure of this description, posts would be required to be set from
twenty to thirty feet apart, and the longitudinal guide-beams would be
trussed together, making them very stiff and strong.

It must always be borne in mind that the strain on these structures
would be but slight, either on tangent or on curves, and yet the
structure should have sufficient strength to keep the overhead
guide-beams true, so that the supporting and the upper guide-rail both
are in the same vertical plan.

According to the Bicycle principle, the Bicycle cars would be able
to keep themselves in an upright position, while in motion, without
any assistance of the upper guide-beam; but to quote the _Engineering
News_, “Of course as stability depends on the existence of rapid
forward motion, and that motion ceases at stations, and is liable to
have to cease at any moment from accidental causes, provision must be
continuously made by overhead rail and guide-wheels, or otherwise, for
support in case of need. Otherwise if the vehicles stop, they will
at once tip over. But a provision of this kind, which is only called
into action in case of stoppage or sudden casualty, is one thing: an
overhead rail which is continuously relied on for support is another
and quite a different thing. In the latter case, the conditions
might not be more favorable for smooth motion than on the ordinary
double-track rail. In the former case, the top guiding-wheels need not
be in contact with the overhead rail at all, except at stations, and
hence there is much less necessity for exact construction or great
strength or durability, and the evident possibility of maintaining
much higher speed with smooth motion, because, the faster the speed
the stronger should be the forces tending to maintain vertically, if
the Bicycle principle be, in fact, capable of such extension, and the
action of these forces is perfectly smooth and uniform.”

After a year’s constant use on the Coney Island road, with a wooden
structure which was only put up for temporary use, the effect on the
guide-beam was hardly perceptible. We have run on this road over
7,000 trips, or about 25,000 miles, and the rubber bands on the
trolley wheels of the cars are not worn at all. These facts will bear
investigation, and certainly ought to show conclusively the amount of
overhead strain on the structure, as the road is full of sharp curves,
and the effect of the strain should be apparent here if anywhere. Note
Mr. Pond’s letter.

  “HON. E. M. BOYNTON, President Bicycle Railway Co.,
  32 Nassau Street, N. Y.

  “DEAR SIR:—I wrote you on the allowance of patents on your Bicycle
  Railway System as follows:

  “‘It presents, I think, a practical solution of the problem of
  increased rate of speed, as also of the problem of an increase of
  the ratio of paying to non-paying load, whether in freight or in
  passenger traffic.

  “‘I think both these results are altogether feasible, and are
  rendered so by the system you propose, which is simple, inexpensive
  and practical.’

  “After my ride of Saturday last on your road, I will add, that
  I regard the predicted success as mechanically and practically
  accomplished. Upon careful examination, I believe the conditions to
  be more favorable to safety at a very high speed than in the standard

  “The whole catalogue of risks arising from ‘spreading’ of the track
  is eliminated from railroading by this system.

  “The freedom from lateral oscillation at high speed—at any speed—is
  remarkable, but very easily explained. Accustomed to write a great
  deal upon moving trains, I can write a steadier, smoother hand on
  this car than ever on any other. The evident capability of very high
  speed is surprising. Ride upon the tender and watch the guide-wheels
  aloft, and see for yourself how much the machine, when at high speed
  on a tangent, stands right up of itself, ‘bicycle fashion,’ and how
  little work is required of those same guide wheels; and, in short, to
  see the train pass is to see the ‘poetry of motion.’

  “It would seem that to run 100 trains, each of sufficient capacity
  to carry 100 persons a mile and three-quarters, all on half a ton of
  coal, should attract the sharp attention of railroad people. Such
  a fact admits of some astonishing deductions, but can probably be
  explained by the very great reduction of friction, and the reduction
  of non-paying weight per passenger to be hauled, from six to thirty
  fold, which are realized in your system. To be able withal to
  transform a single track standard road into a double track line,
  with more than a doubling of capacity, is another startling and very
  tempting fact. I see no reason why your system should not, and every
  reason why it should, be universally adopted by existing roads in the
  interest of speed, safety and economy.

                        “BENJ. W. POND, _Examiner U. S. Patent Office_.”

N. B.—Mr. Pond is and has been Chief Examiner in the Railway Department
of Patents for twenty years past.

[Illustration: _Bicycle Box Freight Car. 30 feet long. 5 feet wide.
Weight, 3½ tons. 9 feet high. Capacity, 7 tons._]

[Illustration: _Bicycle Coal Car. 24 feet long. 5 feet wide. Weight, 3½
tons. Capacity, 7 tons._]

[Illustration: _Bicycle Flat Car. Length, 30 feet. Width, 5 feet.
Weight, 3 tons. Capacity, 7 tons._]

[Illustration: _Elevated Railroad Station showing the two Express and
the two Local Trains of the Boynton Bicycle System and the manner of
getting in and out the trains from the lowest Stations. Where height is
sufficient the entrance to the Express trains is made directly in an
Elevator from the Street._]


In a recent scientific review, the writer, while admitting advantages
of the Bicycle System under ordinary circumstances, says: “A high gale
of wind striking against the sides of these two-story cars would press
them against the upper rail with a force which nothing could resist.”
Our present location should have given this matter the severest
possible test, located as we are in close proximity to the ocean and
exposed on a trestle over a mile long and high above the level of
the sea, where terrific gales of wind have swept against the sides
of the cars. We have as yet had no difficulty in keeping the track,
and have failed to perceive any signs of being carried away by this
“irresistible force” of which he speaks; on the other hand, we would
not answer for the safety of a standard gauge train passing over the
same place under like conditions, as instances of locomotives being
blown off the tracks and down embankments are authenticated. Certainly
a gale of wind which is strong enough to endanger Bicycle cars or
structures, would carry the heaviest standard gauge train off the track.

In the Bicycle System the trains as they pass along serve in a measure
to ballast the structure at the very point where the wind pressure
blowing against the sides of the cars would have any effect.



The possibilities of this system of railway construction are immense.
Small feeding roads may be built in sparsely settled districts, where
the farmer of moderate means may build his own roads, and transport his
grain and produce to town with but a trifling cost. A road sufficient
for this purpose could be built for probably about two thousand
dollars per mile, especially in districts where timber is readily
obtainable. This would be a great boon for farmers, as at present some
of their products scarcely pay for raising, and their only means of
transportation to the large towns is by horses and wagons.

A very light rail may be used in this description of railroad by
placing longitudinal timber underneath, which could be formed by a tree
hewn or sawed on one side for the rail to rest on. Passing underneath
is the cross-timber placed at right angles, to the side of which
supports for the upper structure are fastened. Bicycle locomotives may
be constructed weighing from two tons up to any weight according to the
load necessary to be drawn.

Where the surface is moderately level, longitudinal timbers may rest on
the ground. From their strength and stiffness the danger from washouts
would be very little. These structures may be composed of lighter
or heavier timber, as it all depends upon the weight which they are
required to carry.

[Illustration: _Elevated Double Track Georgia Pine Structure. Cost,
$20,000 per mile._]


There are numerous places where the Bicycle System will commend itself,
and where the necessity for the construction of a standard gauge
track becomes a very expensive operation, especially in mountainous
districts, where solid granite must be cut away in order to get
the required space. The actual space occupied on the surface for a
Bicycle road, need only be enough to rest the supporting rail, where
a standard gauge road would require a great deal of expensive work to
prepare a level surface the necessary width, upon which to rest the
ties. A longitudinal iron or wooden beam upon which to rest the rail
is all that would be required for the Bicycle line, thus bridging all
inequalities, and saving greatly in expense.

And in addition, the ease with which its cars and engines may turn,
render it especially applicable to such places where sharp curves
occur, in winding around mountain gorges. In such places the Bicycle
road requires a space only four and one-half feet in width for a single
line, and for a double line about nine. In putting up the structure the
rock may be drilled, and slight iron supports fastened to it. Another
advantage which is apparent in case heavy grades are to be mounted, is
that an arrangement could be constructed, which, by pressing against
the upper structure or overhead guiding-beam, would greatly increase

Numerous narrow gauge roads now in operation in the West prove their
advantage over the ordinary standard gauge, in the saving of friction
and the ease with which they turn sharp curves. No narrower gauge
road than the Bicycle can possibly be constructed, and, as narrowing
the gauge decreases friction, surely we have the greatest possible
advantage over anything yet constructed. Its economy and simplicity is
very superior. You can never get less than a single wheel, or line of
wheels, or less than a single rail to run upon.


Railroad statistics show that the cost of operating and maintaining
the present through express trains is very great, as all other trains
must be hurried through at a rate of speed that is neither wise nor
economical, in order to reach some particular point where these trains
may be sided to allow the passage of express trains. The result of all
this is soon apparent on trains and road beds, entailing additional
expense for repairs, to say nothing of the danger attending this system
of dodging. It is estimated that from fifty to sixty per cent. of the
accidents on railroads ensue from collisions, and this in spite of the
most improved system of signaling, numerous dispatching stations, and
facilities for sending messages by telegraph.

Collisions occur, not so much from the speed of express trains, but
from the various rates of speed of the different trains. It is readily
apparent that no collisions could occur where trains running in the
same direction maintain a uniform rate of speed. This cannot be,
however, and therefore, in order to facilitate transportation, more
lines must be accessible to perform this with safety and economy.

With the Bicycle System this can be accomplished much cheaper than
with any other, as we have shown. As certain as it is that it costs
ten times as much to move ten tons as it does one ton, it is just as
certain that a corresponding ratio of proportion between Bicycle and
standard gauge trains must reduce the cost of operation ten-fold, as
they are one-fifth the weight and twice the seating capacity. When this
is taken into consideration, with the additional factor of safety,
which is desirable above all else, surely the Bicycle System should be
entitled to great consideration.

Aside from the question of speed and safety, this system should commend
itself to all railway managers who have other than personal interests
to serve, from the fact of the important bearing the question of
economy has upon it.

It may be asked if it is really true that the trains may be run on this
system so much cheaper than any other, and supposing the weight of
trains are equal, could this high rate of speed be maintained? To this
we say emphatically, yes! Two things must be borne in mind, however;
first, that in order to carry weight at a high rate of speed, an
additional expense must necessarily ensue, as much from the damage done
on the road bed and wear on rolling stock, as the actual consumption
of fuel. Second, the amount of gain, providing the weight of trains
were equal, would be the actual friction saved by Bicycle trains, as
we have shown, from the action of the single wheels on the rail. That
this would be considerable will not be questioned, and yet this is not
all, _Light cars may be run on this system at very high rates of speed
with the greatest safety, and because they are light, with wonderful

May not cars of the same weight be run on standard gauge roads? It is
impossible; as in running at any considerable rate of speed, they would
inevitably leave the rail; and from the tendency to lateral motion,
and also from the inequalities of the rail, they would be tossed up
first on one side and then on the other. This danger would be greatly
increased from a light construction.

Not so with the Bicycle trains. Supposing from the inequalities of the
rail these cars should bound, from the fact of their having received
a direct impelling motion in a vertical direction, they would not be
thrown off, but would fall back squarely on the rail. This would be
the natural tendency, but in order to prevent any possible chance of
leaving the rail, the overhead structure is so gauged that the cars and
locomotives cannot rise far enough to clear the flanges of the wheels.

The present standard gauge cars must be constructed heavier in order
to stand the great strain resulting from their oscillating motion,
and also from the fact that they are supported only from the base or
platform of the car.

With the Bicycle cars it is entirely different, as they have two points
of support, top and bottom, and their structure may be much lighter
with safety.

So in summing up, we here present two all important factors which give
us the greatest economy in railroad transportation, viz.: saving of
friction with the Bicycle wheels and spindles, and the reduction of
dead weight. Certainly every additional pound of weight drawn means a
corresponding consumption of fuel.

The accompanying affidavit shows the coal consumption of the Bicycle
engine No. 2, it having a traction sufficient to move two hundred
persons in Bicycle cars, over a grade not exceeding one hundred feet to
the mile.

“From August 23d to September 23d inclusive, we have furnished
the entire coal consumed by the Boynton Bicycle Railway Company
in running their engine No. 2 with train attached, their schedule
including fifty trains daily, both ways, one hundred in all, over one
and three-quarter miles of road. They have kept steam continuously
and used some coal for other purposes, and the exact amount furnished
and paid for in the ordinary course of business, with no previous
notice to us, has been 31,000 pounds for as many days of continuous
steaming in running trains with capacity of from one to three hundred
passengers safely, successfully and at the highest rate of speed

                                “HENRY HENJES, Bath Beach, N. Y.

 “Sworn to before me this 30th day of September, 1890.
     “Notary Public, New York County.”

This proves that a train of similar capacity can be run from New York
to Boston and back with a coal consumption of but one ton, where from
fifteen to twenty tons are now consumed. A single Bicycle car has
usually been used, containing seats for one hundred and eight people,
and at short intervals on the middle of the road, this car has been
run ninety miles per hour, with passengers on board. Having run seven
thousand trains, connecting with other lines selling through tickets,
the safety, economy, and unquestioned success of this System has been
practically demonstrated. When we consider the enormous weight of a
Pullman Palace car (from eighty to ninety thousand pounds), which is
equivalent to the weight of seven hundred passengers, we question, why
not carry the seven hundred passengers instead of their equivalent in
unnecessary timber and iron.

The people of the United States have built and now sustain by their
labor an investment of ten thousand million dollars, on which an
average interest is paid of about double that of Government three per
cent. bonds, and yet they cannot travel on these highways, constructed
with such infinite toil and expense, unless they carry from ten to
twenty-fold the weight of each passenger when the seats are filled.

The rapid Bicycle trains will supersede this slow, wasteful system. An
average speed of sixty-five miles per hour will reach the Pacific coast
from New York in two days. A speed of one hundred miles per hour is
readily obtainable by steam or electricity on the Bicycle plan.


The illustration on the opposite page describes our locomotive No.
1. It was built in Portland, Me., and is probably the first Bicycle
locomotive ever constructed. At the first public trial, which took
place in September, 1888, at Gravesend, L. I., were present some of the
most prominent railroad men in the country. Its capabilities for speed
were satisfactorily demonstrated, but owing to the shortness of the
road, no especially high rate of speed was attained.

This machine weighs 23 tons. It has two 12 × 14 inch cylinders, and a
driving-wheel 8 feet in diameter. It has a traction of about 300 tons.
There is no doubt that this machine could easily maintain a speed of
100 miles an hour, drawing a train of Bicycle cars, with a seating
capacity more than equal to that of the longest standard gauge train.

The steaming capacity of the boiler has been found to be very great,
and entirely adequate to perform the work required of it. The
extraordinary height of the fire-box, 6 feet from grade to crown sheet,
forms a natural combustion chamber, causing great economy in the
consumption of fuel.

This machine was found to be heavier than was necessary for the Coney
Island road, and locomotive No. 2, a much lighter machine, is now used
in its place.

[Illustration: _Bicycle Locomotive No. 1._]


This locomotive was constructed at the same time as the No. 1, but not
as an improvement over that machine, its principal advantage being that
it was so much lighter in weight. This was particularly advantageous
from the fact that we were using an old unused road not designed for
heavy traffic, and with this light machine we could attain a much
greater speed with safety on this limited road than with the No. 1. It
weighs only nine tons, but by filling the tanks with coal and water the
traction may be greatly increased. The driver is 6 feet in diameter. It
has two cylinders 10 × 12 inches. The boiler is an upright containing
102 tubes.

This machine is capable of a speed of 90 miles an hour drawing three
Bicycle cars, with seating accommodation for 300 people, and an average
consumption of coal of one-half a ton per day.[2]

We have used this locomotive constantly since the 16th of August, 1890,
and have made the regular run of the road, one and three-quarter miles,
in three minutes regularly. On special time trips, the same distance,
in two and a quarter minutes, including starting and stopping.

[Illustration: _Bicycle Locomotive No. 2._]


This machine is the most perfect yet designed by us for a Bicycle
locomotive. Weight, 16 tons, traction, 400 tons. The cylinders are the
same size as those of No. 1, 12 × 14 inches. Diameter of drivers five
feet. The crank is only 7 inches in length, so that 600 revolutions per
minute may readily be obtained. There is no doubt that this locomotive
can easily maintain a speed of 100 miles per hour drawing ten Bicycle
cars, seating 1,000 passengers and weighing about 125 tons. This is
more than the longest train on the standard gauge now accommodates.
This machine is under construction, and we have full and complete
working drawings of every detail, and every improvement designed equal
to the most modern locomotives.

[Illustration: _Bicycle Locomotive No. 3._]


On page 31 we give an illustration of our switches. The standing
vertical bar reaches from the tie or roadbed to the top of upper
structure, with a crank top and bottom, thus operating top guide-beam
and lower rail simultaneously. When full throw of the switch is made,
the ends of the rail and guide-beam are brought directly opposite,
making the joints similar to the old stub switch. These switches
are thrown and locked the same as those now used. The length of the
shifting guide-beam and lower rail is thirty feet. The swing of the
guide-beam is eighteen inches, while that of the rail is about six.
The difference between the two, twelve inches, gives the tilt to the
car which facilitates the switching of cars or locomotives, leaning
them to the right or left, thus reducing friction. We have two in use
on our Coney Island road and have had no difficulty in switching our
heaviest locomotive. Indeed the matter of switching _only appears_
to be complicated, whereas, in fact, it is very simple and safe. No
contingency can possibly arise where these cars and locomotives could
not be switched.

[Illustration: _Bicycle Railway Switch._]


The illustration on page 33 describes the Bicycle sleeping and
accommodation coach. The upper story is furnished with upholstered
seats for thirty-six people. The lower floor has six sleeping
apartments containing berths thirty-six inches wide. There are also
three toilet rooms, one between each two compartments. The upper story
is furnished with a door at each end of the car, which is reached by
means of a spiral stair case from the lower car platform. In the lower
story the doors are arranged on the sides of the car opposite each
compartment and toilet room. The passengers may enter the compartment
directly from the sides or through the toilet room. Every arrangement
for comfort and convenience of passengers is designed for these cars.

[Illustration: _Bicycle Sleeping and Accommodation Coach._]


In addition to the apparent advantages of the Bicycle System over all
other surface roads, it is peculiarly adapted to elevated roads in
cities and suburbs. First, from the fact that a single line of rails is
used, it is not necessary to cover up a street entirely, thus blocking
it up from daylight, as is now done in a great many places, but Bicycle
structures may be built as shown on page 35, where posts are set at
curbs on each side of the street, forming little or no obstruction to

Anything which tends to darken streets in front of property tends in
a measure to depreciate the value of that property, as stores and
apartments will certainly not rent as readily as those which have the
full advantage of daylight. Of course the facilities of transportation
to the different localities make up in a degree for this deprivation,
but, if the same end can be reached, and even greater means of
transport, without this nuisance in our streets, can be attained with
the Bicycle System, it should certainly be entitled to an impartial

The Bicycle trains having one-third the weight of those now operated,
will make less noise in rolling on the rails, and as the power exerted
to move them will be two-thirds less, there will be a corresponding
reduction in the noise of the exhaust.

Two Bicycle trains can be run on one set of posts, leaving ample room
to pass each other, and they could also be run as shown on page 45, on
posts placed in the middle of the street with scarcely any obstruction
as far as light is concerned. Another enormous advantage is the economy
with which the Bicycle structures can be built. A Bicycle structure
sufficient to accommodate two lines can be built for one-fifth of the
cost of the present elevated structures in New York City and Brooklyn.
There should be something in the foregoing facts which should set our
railroad projectors thinking. The numerous advantages and tempting
possibilities of this system should cause its early adoption. Even the
present elevated cars, which are comparatively light, are entirely too
heavy, and only increase the cost of their operation. Bicycle cars
have been built weighing only five tons, with a seating capacity for
108 people, more than twice the number these cars will seat. One-story
Bicycle cars may be built weighing about three and one-half tons and
seating 54 people. These are facts, not theories. If we must use
elevated roads in our cities, why should we load them with unnecessary
weight, entailing an expenditure of enormous sums for iron structures
heavy enough to bear their weight, when this can largely be avoided.

[Illustration: _Single Bicycle Elevated Structure._]

[Illustration: END ELEVATION

_Bicycle System applied to N. Y. Elevated Railroad._]

What can be done with the present elevated structures in order to
secure rapid transit? Many schemes have been advocated, but none so
far which are practical, except through the expenditure of about
$50,000,000. The nearest approach to rapid transit we have yet attained
is an average speed of ten miles an hour, and there are some hours
in the morning, and at night, when not even half the people can be
seated, but the balance are packed in like sardines in a box, obliged
to stand up and hang on to straps for from one-half to three-quarters
of an hour, instead of receiving the accommodation for which they pay.
Real rapid transit can be obtained but in one way. Two more lines must
be accessible for express trains. The Bicycle System will give these
two extra lines without change of gauge, and give four trains to the
present two, with only the additional cost of the upper structure.
Illustration on page 36 shows how this may be accomplished. The
elevated structure would then have much less weight to carry, and this
change could be made without interfering with the operation of the
present trains. A great many people who ride on the elevated roads have
ridden in the Bicycle cars on the Sea Beach and Brighton Road at Coney
Island, and can testify to the advantages of this system.

[Illustration: _Combined Elevated and Surface Structure._]

[Illustration: _Side Elevation of Elevated Structure._]

Another decided advantage in the Bicycle cars is their convenience in
receiving and discharging passengers, the doors, 36 in all, allowing
instant exit. A car filled with 108 people can be emptied in a few
seconds. There is no need for argument to show that 36 doors will allow
emptying and filling more quickly than two. The difficulty of emptying
a car quickly, containing 80 or 90 people, and obliging them to file
through an aisle, is well understood, as we have all tried it, to say
nothing of the inconvenience of pushing one’s way through a car, packed
with standing crowds, in order to get out at the desired station. The
delay at stations to allow entrance and exit is no inconsiderable
obstacle to the desired rapid transit, as the time consumed is, on an
average, nearly what it takes to run from station to station.

The Bicycle cars will obviate this difficulty, giving every opportunity
for the saving of time at the stations, which in making 40 or 50 stops
is considerable. The income of the elevated railways may be greatly
increased and the expenses decreased, and at the same time give the
public the much talked of and desired rapid transit. There is every
reason to believe that the Bicycle express trains could average 40
miles per hour on the elevated railroad, making only the most important
stops, while local trains could more than double the present average
rate of speed.


In addition to the numerous advantages of the Bicycle System over all
others, the substitution of electricity for steam will greatly increase
these advantages, and will show beyond a possibility of doubt that this
system is especially adapted for the utilization of this motive force,
more than any other known.

[Illustration: _Bicycle Electric Car “Rocket,” at Bellport, L. I._]

The first, and perhaps the most important point in its favor, is the
use of the overhead guide in which to enclose the electric conductor.
The advantages of this combination need hardly be specified, as they
are evident to any one conversant with the transmission of electric
energy. One of the many difficulties inseparable from the present
overhead trolley system, is the proper insulation of the conductor, as
it must expose a metallic surface for the transmission of the current
from the conductor to the trolley, and must evidently be left without
any insulating cover whatever. It is therefore not only at the mercy
of anything that may come in contact with it, but is a constant menace
to the safety of the public, as many cases show, where accidents
have resulted from telegraph wires coming in contact with electric
power wires. The use of guard wires, to prevent these contacts, only
partially obviates the difficulty, and certainly does not tend to make
the overhead trolley system popular. As the conductor is bare, it is
exposed to all the evils arising from climatic changes, such as ice,
snow and rain, and the difficulties under such circumstances to insure
a proper insulation from points of support are very great, as at these
points the presence of ice or other substances often causes a leakage
of current.

Another difficult point is always to make contact with the conductor,
as the latter is only supported at points some distance apart and
between these points is loose and yielding, and therefore not always a
reliable medium for tapping the current; the contact is not continuous,
to say nothing of the liability of the trolley leaving it entirely. In
forming curves, as the wire can only be extended in a straight line
from point to point, it necessarily demands a large and unsightly
network of wires; but even with this additional help to form the
curves, it is impossible to pass these places at any rate of speed
except a comparatively slow one, on account of the tendency of the
trolley to leave the wire.

These are some of the evils attending the electric trolley system,
which are entirely obviated by the use of electricity with the Bicycle
System. Here the conductor is safely imbedded in the overhead guide,
surrounded on all sides, except the lower, with insulating material,
and leaving only a narrow slot at the bottom of the guide-beam, through
which the trolley enters and makes contact with the conductor. The
conductor of course conforms to the curves of the guide-beam, and is
therefore safely and rigidly supported, without any motion whatever in
any direction; it being encased on top and sides, is entirely protected
from climatic changes and must always remain dry and clean. It is also
evident that it is absolutely impossible to make any accidental contact
with any other conductor, or vice versa, or to imperil the lives of
the public in any possible manner. The conductor having a continuous
support, and always being parallel with the supporting rail, a safe
contact under high rates of speed is insured, and as the guide-beam
holding the conductor is readily bent to conform to the curves, all
difficulty in forming or rounding curves is eliminated. The slot in
the guide-beam forms a moderately deep groove, making it impossible
for the trolley to get out, or to leave the conductor.[3] Another
advantage of the Bicycle System is the proximity of the car top and
upper guide, which necessitates only a very short trolley arm instead
of the long and cumbersome one now in use, with its large momentum, and
consequent impossibility of running at any considerable rate of speed.
As the conductor is so safely insulated, it will certainly permit
the transmission of a much higher voltage, with its many advantages,
without the risks to which the present electric roads are subject.

[Illustration: _Single Electric Bicycle Structure._]

The foregoing are some of the many advantages which directly result
from the use of the Bicycle System, but there are others which result
indirectly, and are perhaps fully as important.

[Illustration: _Sectional View of Bicycle Motor Car, showing Safety
Shoe at Bottom of Car. Also Method of Suspending Car from Springs at
top of Motor Frame._]

The difficulty with the present car motor is, that the power necessary
to round sharp curves must be so much greater at these curves than on a
straight line, due to the width of gauge, and consequent grinding and
wedging, as well as the large rolling friction, that the motor must be
constructed heavy and powerful enough to answer the purpose in either
case. The advantages of the Bicycle System in rounding curves, and
reduced rolling friction, have been described in former pages, and it
should be very evident that a much lighter motor can be constructed,
and with light Bicycle Needle cars, will give a speed greater than
anything yet attained. Another disadvantage of the present heavy
cars and motors, is the necessity of gearing the motor down to get
power enough to start the car without burning the armature out. The
motor of our new electric locomotive contains but a single stationary
shaft, with the armature and wheel revolving on same, and in addition
revolvable about a vertical axis enabling it to round curves. This
supersedes the intermediate shafts of the present gear motors, whose
friction and liability to breakdowns render high speed impossible.
The Bicycle cars running so much easier, permit the coupling of the
armature directly with the driving-shaft without the necessity of
intermediate gearing and all the evils connected with it. As the motor
is in the car itself, it is entirely free from all the dust and dirt to
which those now used are exposed, and every part is constantly in full
view, and within easy reach of the engineer. Anyone conversant with
the difficulties of supervising the present car motor and keeping them
clean and well regulated, will fully appreciate the benefits derived
from this alone. It is obvious that the outgoing and incoming currents
could be sent through separate conductors in the overhead guide-beams,
or if preferable, the return current can be sent through the supporting

Each car has its own motor, and is therefore entirely independent,
thus facilitating switching or changing from one track to another; it
will also be possible to have the trains of almost any length, as each
car furnishes its own traction and as a greater number of passengers
increases its traction, no adding of dead weight is necessary. With one
locomotive pulling a long train it is entirely different, as the adding
of a number of cars is counteracting the traction of the former, and
must be equalized by a corresponding weight of the locomotive, thus
furnishing a dead load of no benefit, and besides, necessitating an
increased motive force. In making up a train of these independent car
motors, flexible electric connections will enable the engineer in the
front car to control all the motors, and thus operate the whole train.

Illustration on page 45 describes the Bicycle electric car and the
structure for an electric elevated road. The weight of car and motor
combined will only be about six tons. With this combination it is
possible to maintain a very high rate of speed. Certainly, without
exceeding the number of revolutions already attained by electric
motors, one hundred and fifty miles an hour would be feasible. Experts
have expressed the opinion that electricity is the coming motive power.
If this be a fact, as some of the recent electrical experiments seem
to indicate, some system should be used which in all cases would be
entirely safe, as the public will certainly not patronize any which
would imperil their lives or property.

The cars are furnished with a grooved metal keel at each end, inside of
which the wheels are revolving, so that, if from any possible cause one
of the latter should break, the car would only drop far enough to allow
this groove to slide on the rail, but would not allow the guide-wheels
to leave the overhead guide-beam.

Now, in regard to collisions, which are apt to occur from many causes,
even where a separate line is furnished for outgoing and incoming
trains, unless some means are furnished to make such a contingency
impossible. There is an electric system at present in practical
operation in Austria, where in case trains approach one another too
near for safety, a bell is set ringing in the engineer’s cab of the
train following, which warns him of danger, and continues to ring until
a safe distance between the trains is established. A dial may also be
arranged in the engineer’s cab, which will show the position of every
train and their relative distance from one another. Either one of these
plans would remove all possibility of collision.

[Illustration: _Side View of Bicycle Motor Wheel, with Motor Enclosed,
Armature Being a Part of the Wheel. Also Detail of Trolley Shoes,
Showing Method of Taking Current from the Conductor._]

[Illustration: _Single Post, Double Track, Steel Elevated Bicycle
Structure, for Use in Streets in Villages and Cities. Cost, per mile,

[Illustration: _Front View of Motor Car “Rocket,” at Bellport, L. I.,
Showing Power Station and Structure of Railroad._]


                                    KINGS COUNTY ELEVATED RAILWAY CO., }
                                    346 FULTON STREET, BROOKLYN, N. Y. }

  _Hon. E. M. Boynton, Prest. Boynton Bicycle Railway Co.,
  32 Nassau Street, N. Y._

  DEAR SIR:—I have taken great pleasure in visiting and riding on your
  Electric Railway at Bellport, L. I. I was more than satisfied in
  regard to its feasibility and adaptability to quick transportation.
  By your single rail and narrow cars you have lightened many-fold the
  weight of trains, and enlarged proportionally the carrying capacity
  over steam roads, as at present existing, as you make a double-track
  road out of a single-standard gauge track.

  I am fully satisfied as to its economical construction and working,
  its quick and rapid means of transit, and its absolute safety in
  transporting passengers and freight.

  I see no reason why it should not be universally adopted, as the
  tests of both the steam and electric methods have proved its
  practical success.
                         Very respectfully yours,
                              O. F. BALSTON, _Chief Engr. K. C. El. Ry._

              (_Special despatch to the Associated Press._)

  NEW YORK, April 4, 1895.—A committee composed of members of the
  Senate and House of the Massachusetts Legislature to-day inspected
  the Boynton Bicycle Electric Road from Patchogue to Bellport, Long
  Island. The party entered a train at Patchogue at about noon,
  and shortly afterward were traveling around sharp curves and up
  steep grades at the rate of nearly a mile a minute, almost totally
  unconscious of the rapid rate at which they were going.

  The results of to-day’s examination are thus summarized by a member
  of the committee: First, they are satisfied the system saves half
  the weight per passenger carried; second, makes one rail do more
  work than two now do; third, gives double the speed possible by any
  other system; fourth, is about one-quarter the expense to build, as
  compared with elevated railroads; fifth, is perfectly safe, silent,
  dustless and doing double the work at half the usual cost.

  The committee seemed especially delighted with the capability of the
  road in giving a double track on a single post, thus solving the
  question of rapid transit in the narrow streets of Boston and its
  suburbs, where several charters are pending. The visitors agreed that
  the Bicycle System was safe and less injurious to property than the
  trolley system.

                   71 BROADWAY, NEW YORK.                              }

  DEAR SIR:—In regard to your request for an expression of opinion in
  relation to the practicability of the Boynton Bicycle Railway, I have
  to say, that I think the system is thoroughly practicable; that the
  rolling stock can be economically constructed, and much lighter per
  live load carried than the ordinary rolling stock of equal strength.

  By reason of the center of gravity coming directly over the single
  supporting rail, there will not be that disagreeable oscillation
  which takes place on the double-rail system, and which is so
  destructive to the rolling stock; and for this reason a high rate
  of speed can be maintained with greater safety than on the present
                               Yours truly,
                                        J. WATERHOUSE, _Chief Engineer_.

  _Hon. E. Moody Boynton, President Boynton Bicycle Railway Company_:

  In the difficult road at Coney Island, and with its sharp grades and
  curves, where you have for two seasons passed one Bicycle steam train
  by another, thus making a double track of the standard gauge road,
  and wherein the running of ten thousand trains and the safe carriage
  of passengers, without accident, at high speed, with great smoothness
  and economy, have been accomplished, you have demonstrated your
  system to be perfectly feasible.

  I have no interest in your Company other than as an engineer, but am
  pleased to give my impression concerning your road at Coney Island,
  as your success there has been very remarkable.
                               Yours truly,
                                            F. S. PEARSON,
                          _Consulting Engineer, 81 Milk Street, Boston_.

Mr. F. S. Pearson was Chief and Electrical Engineer of the West End
Street Railway, Boston; of the Brooklyn City Railway; New York City,
Jersey City, and many other roads.

                                       PHILADELPHIA, PA., May 4th, 1895.

  _Hon. E. M. Boynton, Prest. Boynton Bicycle Railway Co.,
  New York, N. Y._

  DEAR SIR:—In reply to your letter of the 3d inst., requesting our
  opinion as to the merits of the Boynton Bicycle Railroad System, we
  beg leave to say that we believe the system possesses marked features
  of merit on the following grounds:

  _First_; that a Bicycle railroad car, loaded with passengers, is much
  lighter than a loaded car of the same passenger accommodation of the
  present type, and consequently possesses corresponding economy in the
  power required to drive it at a given rate of speed.

  _Second_; that owing to the lightness of construction, electric
  motive power, sufficient for the attainment of high speeds, can be
  applied to each car as an independent unit, instead of requiring a
  special electric or steam locomotive to haul one or more cars, thus
  obtaining for high speed railroads all the flexibility and advantages
  of the trolley system, as now employed in street passenger railroads.

  _Third_; cheapness in the construction of the car, the roadbed and
  track, particularly when electric locomotion is employed, requiring
  an overhead structure.

  _Fourth_; the advantage possessed by your system, in changing over
  from the present steam road to the Bicycle road, arising from the
  width of your car, which permits two cars to pass each other, on the
  ordinary 4′-8½″ track, thus providing a double track road in the
  space now occupied for a single track.
                           Yours respectfully,         EDWIN J. HOUSTON.
                                                       A. E. KENNELLY.

                                       HEADQUARTERS DEPT. OF THE EAST, }
                                       GOVERNOR’S ISLAND, N. Y.        }

  My attention was first called to the Bicycle Railroad System, as
  developed by E. Moody Boynton, some two or three years ago, and I
  have since, from a careful examination of its workings, satisfied
  myself of its superiority in several respects to other methods of
  transportation. Its simplicity of construction and cheapness of
  operation have commended it to my favorable consideration, and the
  running of the experimental trains at Coney Island, and Bellport,
  L. I., the former by steam and the latter by electricity, have
  convinced me that its advantages are many fold.

  The liability of accident appears to be at a minimum, and the
  questions connected with the cheapness of construction, the economy
  in operation, the great speed of trains, and the comfort and safety
  of travel, appear to be entirely solved by the employment of the
  Bicycle system.

                                O. O. HOWARD, _Major-General U.S. Army_.


The Boynton Bicycle Railway Company is incorporated to license the use
of its patents to all steam and electric railway companies, in the
United States and other countries, on the payment of a small royalty.

All stock of the Company is fully paid by patents and property, is
non-assessable, and it is not intended to incur any bonded indebtedness.

Any company organized for the purpose of using this system will pay
a royalty of one-twentieth of the stock, or, if bonds are issued,
one-twentieth of the bonds, as a full and final payment for the use of
all patents issued or to be issued.

The running of over 17,000 miles by steam on the Coney Island road,
and of over 8,000 miles by electricity on the Bellport road has
demonstrated the complete mechanical and practical success of this

A saving of from six to twenty-fold is made in train weight for
conveying passengers, and four-fold saving in conveying freight.

The Company will furnish on application any further information that
may be necessary, to such railroad companies, or others, who desire to
investigate this system, with a view to its adoption.

To those who may decide to use this system we will send full working
drawings, which will enable them to construct cars, locomotives and

                                    THE BOYNTON BICYCLE RAILWAY COMPANY,
                                    ROOM 615, 32 NASSAU STREET,
                                    NEW YORK CITY, N. Y.


  Dr. JAMES B. BELL,          Boston, Mass.
  Maj.-Gen. O. O. HOWARD,     New York.
  GEO. HASELTINE,              “    “
  GEO. H. GALE,                “    “
  EBEN M. BOYNTON,             “    “
  WILLIAM A. STEVENS,          “    “
  DAVID WALLACE,               “    “
  WILLIAM H. BOYNTON,          “    “
  FRANCIS W. BREED,           Lynn, Mass.
  D. C. REUSCH,               New York.
  GEO. A. BRUCE,              Summerville, Mass.
  H. H. MAWHINNEY,            Boston, Mass.
  E. L. SANBORN,                “       “
  WM. H. H. HART,             San Francisco, Cal.
  WILLIAM H. THURBER,         Providence, R. I.
  W. E. SCARRITT,             New York.


[1] The writer has had several opportunities of riding on the standard
gauge locomotives, and noticed, in rounding curves, even at the rate of
thirty-five miles per hour, the resulting zig-zag motion; the machine
would be running on the tread of the wheels as far as the flanges
allowed to one side, striking with terrible force, then bounding to the
other side and repeating the action again and again, until it seemed
impossible that the rails could be held in place with spikes firmly
enough to prevent their tipping over or spreading.

[2] Note on page 23 sworn statement of Henry Henjes, coal dealer.

[3] That these advantages have also been acknowledged by electricians
of repute, was shown at a recent meeting of “The Boston Society of
American Engineers.” In answer to a question of where to put the wires,
Capt. Griffin said: “There are several suggestions made in reference
to that. Mr. E. Moody Boynton’s Bicycle Railway is especially adapted
to electrical purposes.” He then goes on describing and explaining the
reasons for this.


  Obvious typographical errors and punctuation errors have been
  corrected after careful comparison with other occurrences within
  the text and consultation of external sources.

  Except for those changes noted below, all misspellings in the text,
  and inconsistent or archaic usage, have been retained.

  Page 26. “accomodation” replaced by “accommodation”.
  Page 38. “few seconds There” replaced by “few seconds. There”.



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